March 2013 - IITAP

Recovery Starts with Knowledge
International Institute for Trauma and Addiction Professionals
Contact Us: (866) 575-6853 • P.O. Box 2112 • Carefree, AZ 85377 • Email: •
Making Advances
Treating Female Sex & Love Addicts
Finally, a new focus is now targeting the experience of females regarding
addictive sexual and relational behaviors. Beginning with a gathering of
female clinicians from IITAP and SASH who met to brainstorm about women
and sexual addiction, the group eventually developed the Women’s Sexuality
Survey, which gathered responses from almost 500 women.
Module 1 Training April 17–21, Scarborough, Ontario, CANADA
Module 1 Training May 29-June 2, Santa Fe, NM
Module 1 Training Sept 30 - Oct 4,В Voorthuizen, NetherlandsВ
Module 2 Training June 26-30, Searcy, AR
Module 3 Training April 10-14, Hasbrouck, NJ
Module 3 Training June 19-23, Bellevue, WA
Module 4 Training in Dickson, TN (TBA)
Spring into the
Gentle Path Press Bookstore
Sale with Free Shipping
Inside this issue
• From My Desk - Tami VerHelst, Vice President
• From the Gentle Path Press Editor’s Desk
• The SDI 4.0 Has Arrived!
• 8th Annual IITAP Symposium
Making Advances - Treating Female Sex & Love Addicts
by Marnie C. Ferree, MA, LMFT, CSAT
The field of sex addiction treatment is ever evolving. Those evolutions have followed a predictable
path beginning with a suspicion that there was some addictive malady at work in problematic
sexual and relationship behavior. As a result, we gained a better understanding about the struggle
and its processes. We then attempted to define and name the struggle which eventually led to
determining effective treatment approaches. These developments in sex addiction treatment,
though, have had a decidedly masculine face. Similar to the advancement in understanding
alcoholism, the focus in our field has been on male sex addicts. The prevailing perspective, certainly
among the general public and sadly, among many in our own field, has been that women rarely
struggle with sexual addiction.
Finally, a new focus is now targeting the experience of females regarding
addictive sexual and relational behaviors. Beginning with a gathering of female
clinicians from IITAP and SASH who met to brainstorm about women and
sexual addiction, the group eventually developed the Women’s Sexuality
Survey, which gathered responses from almost 500 women. The responses
were about evenly divided between those who self-identified as sex addicts/
sex and love addicts and those who identified as non-addicts. The survey
clearly illuminated the impact of sex and love addiction on the addict group.
Results have been published in peer review journals.
The Women’s Summit Group also explored the differences, if any, between
female sex and love addicts and their male counterparts. Interestingly, we
found few significant distinctions between the presentation of sex and love
addiction in women as compared to men. Women are increasingly more active
in Internet sexual behaviors and other forms traditionally viewed as male types
of acting out. Women are no longer “just” the so-called love or relationship
addicts, which was the prevailing presentation when I first began treating
women in the mid-1990s. The Women’s Summit Group chose to use the name
“sex and love addicts” to include the various forms of women’s experience. We
believe the dynamics of these presentations are quite similar.
Asking the right questions is key to identifying sex and love addiction in
women. Females will often deny having “anonymous sex,” for example.
However, if you ask a woman if she has ever had sex with someone she just met
in a bar, she’s much more likely to admit that behavior. Diagnostically, the SDI
and the Women’s Sexual Addiction Screen Test are both helpful tools, along
with taking a thorough sexual and relationship history.
Treating female sex and love addicts (FSLAs), however, is quite different from
treating male sex addicts. Women need a more relational and slower approach, and the clinician
must take extra care regarding the therapeutic container. A clinician’s setting, energy, wardrobe,
touch, and environment require special consideration. Transference, countertransference and
enactments must be handled with skill and empathy. The timing of using the thirty recovery tasks is
important, as many FLSAs feel dismissed or misunderstood if the tasks are introduced prematurely
or in the absence of a well-established therapeutic relationship.
Women face significant challenges in their healing process that men are spared. The shame of
struggling with sex and love addiction is still greater in most cultures than the shame associated
with the same addiction in men. Finding support within a Twelve Step community is also
challenging. That’s because fewer women seek treatment for sex and love addiction (which is a
pattern also evident in recovery from chemical dependency) and therefore few women are present
at most recovery meetings. It’s not unusual for a woman to be the only person of her gender in a
room of men at an S meeting, and that environment can be difficult.
FSLAs also find it hard to develop authentic relationships with other women, which is crucial for
addressing their impaired attachment patterns. Most FSLAs have a deep distrust and dislike for
continued next page
Making Advances - Treating Female Sex & Love Addicts
- continued
other women, and the dynamics among women are challenging. This double bind - women both
need and have difficulty relating to other women - makes a gender specific therapy group and
treatment setting especially helpful, especially early in an FSLA’s process.
Understanding an FSLA’s experience and the nuances of her unique treatment needs allows a
clinician to better assist her in arresting her addictive behaviors and developing into a woman of
grace and integrity. An excellent new resource outlines this process: Making Advances - A
Comprehensive Guide for Treating Female Sex and Love Addicts. This book was written by a group of
experienced female clinicians and edited by Marnie Ferree.
Marnie C. Ferree, MA, LMFT, CSAT is founder of Bethesda Workshops and is a frequent
lecturer at professional and recovery conferences, churches, and schools. She also consults
with Christian organizations and churches about sexual integrity, especially in cases where a
leader has fallen into sexual sin. Her book about female sexual addiction, No Stones: Women
Redeemed from Sexual Addiction, (Intervarsity Press) is the first Christian book on the subject
by a woman personally in recovery. She recently edited Making Advances – A Comprehensive
Guide for Treating Female Sex and Love Addicts, which is the first book to address this
population. Making Advances was written by 10
female leaders in the clinical community and Ms. Ferree shaped the volume and edited the
entire project.
from my Desk
Tami VerHelst, Vice President
Let me begin with a THANK YOU to all of you who attended the 8th Annual IITAP Symposium! Thank
you to the presenters who did an amazing job of making the content relevant and valuable. Thank
you to the sponsors and exhibitors who help make this event and all our events a reality. A special
thank you to the hosts of the rooftop reception Pine Grove, SRI/The Ranch, and Prescott House- what
a lovely evening! We also appreciate the Pine Grove co-hosting with IITAP the cupcake reception in
celebration of the 30th anniversary of Dr. Patrick Carnes’ book that started it all, Out of the Shadows:
understanding sexual addiction. Last but not least, thank you to the dedicated IITAP staff who
welcomed this record breaking (by a significant number) group!
For those of you who missed the Symposium, the DVDs are now available for purchase. You may
place an order by completing the order form . Save the date for the 9th Annual IITAP Symposium
which will be held February 20-22, 2014. We have officially outgrown the Hotel Valley Ho in
Scottsdale, AZ, but have identified a venue in the area which will work well for us next year.
The sweetie event was a winner. The feedback was positive and it sounds like the events were
transformational for many. We will, therefore, be offering this opportunity again next year. Because of
your feedback, we will offer the sweeties and their significant others more opportunities to be with
both Stefanie and Patrick Carnes.
We are pleased to have two offerings of the Module 1 training coming up soon. The first offering will
be April 17-21st in Scarborough, Ontario hosted by Bellwood Treatment Center. We have obtained
CEUs from CACCF for this training series so this will directly benefit our Canadian participants. The
second offering for Module 1 training will take place May 29-June 2nd in Santa Fe, NM hosted by Life
Healing Center. Training space is limited. So, if you or a colleague are interested, we’d encourage
you to submit your paperwork soon. The information is available on
sex-addiction-workshops/98-csat-module-1-training .
We are also excited to announce that we will be offering a full training series in The Netherlands
hosted by SolutionS beginning September 30, 2013 with Module 2 offered most likely in March of
U.S. Journal Training, Inc. is hosting The 1st International Conference on Sex & Love Addiction April
4-6th in Brooklyn, NY This is a collaborative effort to:
provide a stage for the exchange of ideas about how the international community is
providing education and treatment for sexual addiction
begin an international dialogue on the impact of cybersex
disseminate information on the most up to date tools and research on the assessment and
treatment of sex addiction
provide collaboration across associations and professional organizations to further the
knowledge and reduce the stigma of sex addiction
Be part of the inaugural event by registering at
We are planning to offer again the Financial and Work Disorder CMAT training later this year. Bonnie
DenDooven did a great job with this in September 2012 and we’ve had a number of requests for
another training like this. When we have details, we’ll definitely let everyone know.
At the Symposium, I was hearing so many “somebody said” statements and made the
“announcement” not to listen to “somebody” as they may not have been well informed. Just to clarify
a few of the things “somebody said” during the Symposium:
We do not require attendance at the CSAT Refresher. We highly encourage it for those who
went through the training two or more years ago as the materials change rapidly. Those
from my Desk Tami VerHelst, Vice President
attending find the information valuable and it counts towards the 15 IITAP CEUs. Dr. Patrick
Carnes mentioned that he has learned more in the past six months than the previous six
years. We want our CSAT community to be at the cutting edge.
You are not required to attend the IITAP Symposium. You are required to have 15 IITAP
CEUs during your two year certification period. This can be achieved by attending the CSAT
Refresher, IITAP Symposium, CMAT trainings or any of the CSAT modules – using them as a
refresher. Feel free to visit the IITAP listserv archives for more clarification on this.
The balance of the CEUs can be from any legitimate CEU provider (NAADAC, NASW, APA,
NBCC, etc.) and SASH is definitely part of this.
If you hear something that doesn’t sound quite right, please ask. We are happy to clarify and clear up
any confusion.
As always, if we can be of assistance, don’t hesitate to call our office at 480-575-6853 or e-mail me at
With gratitude,
Updates & Reminders
CSAT 12 step meeting - There is a 12-Step Phone Meeting held Tuesdays at 11:00am
PST. The only requirements for attending this meeting are 1) you are an ASAT/CSAT or
CSAT-Candidate and 2) you are in recovery from sex addiction or the partner of a sex
addict. For more information about this meeting or to receive the phone number and
access code, contact Tim at or Samantha at
Host a Training Workshop - If your organization is in interested in hosting an IITAP
training or workshop, or having a private training for yourselves please contact Tami
VerHelst at or call 480-575-6853 for details.
If you are an ASAT/CSAT or Candidate and offer group sessions for clients, you may
list those by logging into and adding the information to post on This is a great way for potential clients to find group opportunities.
Remember to Renew - We send email reminders about your renewal beginning
approximately 60 days prior to the expiration date. Beginning two weeks after the
expiration we will remove your name from the websites for referral. Don’t lose your
opportunities for new clients - keep your certification current! The renewal form on under “Resources” or the combined CSAT and Supervisor renewal is
under “Forms and Materials”.
Spring Into the Gentle Path Press Bookstore
for Incredible Savings
Spring is fast approaching and time to showcase some of our favorite Gentle Path Press
non-workbook titles. Visit our website at for specific deals! Here’s a
sampling of what we have to offer. And being a CSAT/ASAT or CSAT/ASAT Candidate
gives you even deeper discounts when you log in to receive the special CSAT pricing
using your account. Also, get FREE shipping and handling on orders over $100 (if shipped
within the United States)!
Ready to Heal: Breaking Free of Addictive Relationships http:// (Gentle
Path Press, 2012) helps women break free from the chains of addictive
relationships that sabotage happiness and self-respect. Regularly $18.95,
now $12.95; bundle up, buy 4, get one free, that’s $10.36 per book!
The Problem Was Me: How to End Negative Self-Talk and Take Your Life
to a New Level
productid=2&cat=15&page=1 (Gentle Path Press, 2011) is a motivational
can-do guide to putting aside negative self-talk and taking one’s life to the
next level. Learn more about the author and his unique approach to
recovery at: Regularly $16.95, now
$9.95, bundle up, buy 4, get one free, that’s $7.96! Pairs well with Patrick
Carnes’ Facing the Shadow
A House Interrupted: A Wife’s Story of Recovering from Her Husband’s Sex
Addiction is a can’t put it down read about a wife’s devastating discovery
that her physician husband is a sex addict. Regularly $16.95, now $13.56,
bundle up, buy 4, get one free, that’s $10.84 per book! http://
Clergy Sexual Misconduct: A Systems Approach to Prevention,
Intervention, and Oversight (Gentle Path Press, 2011) After years of
research into the dynamics of faith communities and the devastation
created by sexual misconduct, authors John Thoburn and Rob Baker have
written and compiled a seminal work teaming with 14 contributing, expert
authors in this area; intended not only to treat devastated communities, but
more importantly prevent the occurrence of sexual misconduct. Regularly
$24.95, now $14.97; bundle up, buy 4, get one free, that’s $10.37 per book!
Our Classic Carnes Resources are Also On Sale!
Free shipping and handling on all U.S. orders over $100!
Cruise Control: Understanding Sex Addiction in Gay Men, second edition http:// (Gentle Path Press, 2013)
shows how gay men can recover from sex addiction in a technological world with more and
more temptations. Regularly $18.95, now $15.16, bundle up, buy 4, get one free, that’s
$12.12 per book!
Connection and Healing: A 200-Day Journey into Recovery
product.php?productid=5&cat=15&page=1 is a great companion to Recovery Zone, volume
1. Regularly 24.95, now $7.00; bundle up, buy 4, get 4 more free, that’s $3.50 per book!
Disclosing Secrets: When, to Whom, and How Much to Reveal. First edition http:// (Gentle Path Press, 2002)
is a book that exclusively discusses the essential steps sex addicts need to take for a proper
disclosure. Regularly $23.95, now $8.00; bundle up, buy 4, get 1 more free, that’s $6.40 per
In Search of Recovery: A Christian Man’s Guide
productid=10&page=1 and In Search of Recovery Workbook: A Christian Man’s Guide (Gentle Path Press 2010)
provide step-by-step guidance to end destructive thinking and habits that fuel sex addiction.
Originally priced at $19.95 each, now purchase together as a bundle for $9.95 for BOTH;
purchase 4 bundles and receive 4 more bundles free, that’s $7.96 per bundle!
Mending A Shattered Heart: A Guide for Partners of Sex Addicts http:// (Gentle Path Press, 2011)
is an essential resource for partners of sex addicts, whether they decide to stay in the
relationship or leave. It’s a perfect companion to the workbook, Facing Heartbreak: Steps
to Recovery for Partners of Sex Addicts
productid=66&cat=15&page=2 (Gentle Path Press, 2012). Regularly $19.95, now $17.95;
bundle up, buy 4, get 1 more free, that’s $14.36 per book!
Thirty Days to Hope & Freedom: the Essential Guide to Beginning Recovery and
Preventing Relapse
productid=21&cat=15&page=4 (Gentle Path Press, 2011) is a 30 day approach to long-term
recovery both men and women struggling with sexual sobriety. Regularly $21.95, now $9.00;
bundle up, buy 4, get 1 more free, that’s $7.20!
Sale ends when
Spring begins
April 1st
so get ready to
spring into savings
Order all your favorite recovery books at!
The prices listed here and on are BEFORE your 25%
CSAT discount! You will see your savings reflected at checkout. Don’t forget FREE shipping and handling on ALL orders over $100 if shipped within the
United States. You don’t need a code for this. If you are a CSAT/ASAT, log in the
bookstore before placing your order to get your additional discount.
From the Gentle Path Press Editor’s Desk
It was so great meeting many of you at the 8th annual IITAP Symposium in
February. It was nice to put names to faces. And I got to talk about some of my
favorite things – our Gentle Path Press books and some of your book ideas for
future publications. This is truly when I’m in my glory—surrounded by books and
people who love them. Crawling under tables, hauling boxes of books, and
tripping on cardboard boxes, not so much!
We just had a recap meeting about the IITAP Symposium. Be ready for some great
improvements in 2014 starting with a new venue with plenty of room for perusing our books
and leisurely author book signings. Something new we would definitely like to implement is a
plan for CSAT authors to be able to showcase their books at the bookstore. Gentle Path Press
only has the resources to publish three to four books per year. We receive an abundance of
fantastic proposals that we’re simply not able to publish. It’s nice to see when CSATs with really
great book ideas either self-publish or find
another publisher home. It is my hope that
you’ll be successful no matter who you
publish with. Stay tuned. We’ll start
advertising for published authors on the
IITAP Listserv this summer for people who are
interested in doing this and roll out a process
for doing so.
At the IITAP Symposium we had our newest
“hot off the press” book: Cruise Control:
understanding sex addiction in gay men
productid=64 written by Robert Weiss. It is
available as an e-book too: https://
Cruise-Control-Understanding-SexAddiction-in-Gay-Men.html . It’s been fun
reconnecting with Rob since I was his editor
on his first book that he co-authored with
Jennifer Schneider, “Cybersex Exposed:
Simple Fantasy or Obsession?” (Hazelden,
2001). Back in 2001, we had no idea where
technology would take is in the future and
how that would specifically impact sex
addiction. Cruise Control does a great job of
showing how recovery is possible in this
digital age.
Being relatively new to the CSAT community,
I wanted to comment about the sense of community I felt during the IITAP Symposium. You
could see the camaraderie among the participants and their passion for recovery. The books
and other resources we provide at Gentle Path Press are just one way to contribute to this
amazing group of CSATs and their clients.
Corrine Casanova
Senior Editor
Gentle Path Press
The SDI 4.0 Has Arrived!
Short Video Tutorial Available Now
We are pleased to announce the release of the Sexual Dependency Inventory (SDI) 4.0. It
is now available for you to use with yourclients. There is a 27 minute tutorial uploaded
onto our website that discusses the new changes. If you were at Stefanie’s presentation at
the IITAP Symposium in February, this tutorial will be redundant, but can be used as a
refresher. Go to:
The password to the video is in all capital letters and case sensitive: IITAP
Right next to the link is the new SDI manual and two fully endorsed reports (one female
client, one male client - the new report scoring is gender specific based on population
means for males vs females). You may choose to print up one of the reports and the
powerpoints in the presentation to follow along.
All CSATS have been given two free tokens for the SDI 4.0. Our plan is to give you two
weeks to view the tutorial and use your free tokens. Then, we will migrate your SDI 3.0
tokens to version 4.0 on Monday, March 25th. If you need additional 4.0 tokens, you may
purchase one or two to tide you over or, if
you prefer, we can help you migrate your tokens earlier. If you do not want your tokens
migrated, you can email the office staff at
If you have any questions or concerns about the SDI 4.0 please contact Andy Cline, MA,
If you are comfortable reading the SDI 3.0 you will most likely find it very easy to transition
to the new assessment. There are some really neat added features, so we anticipate most
of you will want to transition to the new version as soon as possible. Thank you! We hope
you enjoy the new version of the instrument!
Useful Resource - the IITAP Bulletin Board
The IITAP bulletin board was developed specifically to
advertise and locate:
Supervisor group postings
Roommate/rideshare for events
Job postings
Job requests
Visit to view or
create a post.
2013 IITAP Symposium
The 8th Annual IITAP Symposium, “Facing Changes,
Facing Challenges and Facing Our Future” took place
February 14-16, 2013 in Scottsdale, AZ at the Hotel
Valley Ho. Enjoy these photos from the event!
2013 IITAP Symposium
2013 IITAP Symposium
2013 IITAP Symposium
Scottsdale, Arizona
Great News for Our International Friends and
Gentle Path Press just signed a contract for international distribution of most of our
Gentle Path Press books. If you are located outside the United States or Canada,
you can now order through
We now send to over 165 countries worldwide!
Because Eurospan has a warehouse in the UK, shipping costs are likely to be a lot
less than if you ordered from the United States. In fact, the shipping and handling
from Eurospan is often FREE if you are located in the UK. The books are discounted
on the website, but an extra bonus is if you use the code auth at checkout in the
discount code box, you get an additional 15% off. Because of our agreement with
Eurospan, most of our books can also be found on amazon at: http:// Canadian friends and colleagues can purchase our books on .
We welcome the following new members to the community...
Allan Katz
Sam Ammann
Jane Braun
Dean Fazekas
Sylva Frock
Gregory Futral
Linda Goldsmith
Janie Lacy
Jes Montgomery
Christina Ryan
Carol Siebert
Taruno Steffensen
Steve Tryling
Mark White
Earning IITAP Bucks
You may earn $100 in IITAP Bucks for each person you refer into the CSAT
Training Program. Simply ask the applicant to fill in your name on their CSAT
Training Application where it asks “How did you learn of the CSAT Training
Program? Upon their completion of Module 1 Training you will receive a credit
memo that can be used towards event and training registrations and IITAP audio/
video, Recovery Zone Tokens as well as Gentle Path Book purchases. Contact us
prior to ordering when using your IITAP Bucks to ensure your credit. Contact us
for more details.
Copyright Infringement is a Crime
Did you know that it is a copyright infringement to photocopy copyrighted
content without permission from the Publisher? If you are copying materials from
Gentle Path Press Publication (Recovery Start Kit, Facing the Shadow, Recovery
Zone, etc.) to use without written permission, it is not only illegal, it is unethical
and prosecutable by law. Please make sure you are not violating your ethics
requirements by doing this. Thank you.
Check out this list of
networking groups
for ASAT/CSAT and
Candidates. If you
are interested in
helping form a group
in your area please
email Tami VerHeist
at or call 480-575-6853. This is
a great opportunity to network, support each
other and share information.
Northern California
Southern CaliforniaВ Illinois
Nashville, TN
Sandy Weiser В and
Marty Simpson-Revell
Hedy Tan, 312-335-1428
Tom Knowles-Bagwell, 615-972-7652
Phoenix, AZ
Marcus Earle, 480-947-5739
Tucson, AZ
Sherry Simon-Heldt,
Northeast US
Jim Bresnahan,
Washington, DC
Patricia Fahey,
Roger Northway,
Jenny Dew,
Michael Barta,
Portland, OR
Catherine Cooney,
Dallas, TX
North Carolina
Cole Adams,
Patricia Catanio,
quick response call 919-260-1243
New York, NY
Bart Mandell,
Atlanta, GA
Michael Dunn,
The IITAP Professional Listserv - A Valuable Resource!
The IITAP Listserv is a private place where a focused group of professionals who treat sex addiction can freely share,
support and recommend. There is a wealth of knowledge and practice experience from an informed base of talented
We are very pleasedВ with the level of professionalism displayed overall and appreciate the valuable information and
support it is providing. Once you are an ASAT/CSAT or Candidate, you qualify to be part of our Listserv. If you already
areВ an ASAT/CSAT or Candidate and are not currently receiving theВ listserv e-mails, please e-mail tami@iitap.comВ to
request to beВ added.В A digest version which provides one e-mail per day is availableВ as a choice, permitting you to scan through a single email eachВ day to see what you find relevant for you and your practice.
AВ reminder that what is posted on this Listserv is deemed privateВ for the Listserv.В Please do not forward or repost on
anotherВ Listserv without seeking and obtaining permission from the person who originally posted it on the IITAP Listserv.В Contact IITAP
P.O. Box 2112
Carefree, Arizona
• office: (866) 575-6853
• fax: (480) 595-4753
• email:
Tami VerHelst
Vice President
Administrative Staff
Jody Leaf
Crystal Evans
If you would like to unsubscribe from this newsletter, please send a message with “do not subscribe” in the subject area of the e-mail to