„-V*#'^-» JouiwAt AND REPuancAH Mav24,2000 mm^trm&... MBa»(ttMMIIH)!l*|ISim<«ftBIMg*fl^^ Fullers Furniture Repair & Refinishing Shop Copenhagen Gentral School Concert Highlights ^img Musicians 7512 So, State St Lowville, NY 13367 (315) 376-2590 April Fuller ~ Owner : HOUSING €M\ t. 2168 State Route 5 , Utlca 733-2015 Over 20 AAodulars... Sectionals... Singles On Display!! OPEN 7 DAYS / L O W E S T PRICES GUARANTEED lirokouslii Seed' W Comer of Rt. 26 & West RcL, Constableville»397-2856 COME CHECK MEMORIAL WEEKEND IT O U T - I T S SPECIALS BEAUTIFUL • Window Boxes • Hanging Baskets • Cemetary Urns • Bedding Flowers • Planters •Herbs • Shrubs Ready made • Vegetable Plants or made to order • Rose Bushes ir. • Perennials Large or Small • Soils We fill them all! • Mulch • Fertilizers •Seed • Onion Sets Brightest Red • Seed Potatoes Geraniums Around • Union Tools • Landscape Perfect for your Timbers Memorial Planting • and so much more! H C i Open 7 days a week Mon. - Sat. 8-5, Sun. 9-4 ATTENTION; llK 0 Motorcycle Fans We Cam Your Insurance W e also carry all recreational vehicle insurance • Motorcycles • ATVS • Boats • Ski Jets COPENHAGEN - A fire completely destroyed a dairy bam located on the River Road in the Town of Denmark, just outside of Copenhagen at approximately 3 a.m. Tuesday, May 23. Owner David Petrus, who had been asleep, discovered the fire when he awoke to check on his children and saw flames in the upstairs portion of the bam. Firemen from Copenhagen responded to the scene, and finding the barn fully engulfed requested mutual aid from Lowville, Castorland, Rut- 1 "71 P R O F E S S I O N A L S B00NVILLE LOWVILLE 942-4434 376-6021 UTICA WATERTOWN 798-8071 782-6700 B U M a a Fire Destroys Dairy Barn How to Contact Us Compost Barrels Available land, Tylerville, Champion and West Carthage. Lost in the btoe was milking equipment, one cow and an undetermined number of calves. The remainder of the herd was outside at the time of the fire. The barn was approximately 160 ft. long by 40 ft. wide. There was some insurance on the structure. An investigation into the cause of thefireis ongoing, according to Copenhagen Fire Chief Jim Henry. Lewis County Fire Coordinator Mike Tabolt was also at the scene. Recycle your yard and food wastes. The compost barrel is a simple easy way to accomplish the task. To start the process, simply add wastes to the barrel as they become available. Spread a layer of soil or finished compost on lop and continue layering. As wastes are added, the material at the bottom will become compost in 6 months to 2 years. When you wish to use the compost, remove it from the bottom. Compost, barrels are available to Lewis C'ountv residents as a way to help recycle wastes and thereby reduce the requirements in Lewis County for landfill space. source Center Program is funded by Barrels are donated by Kraft, Inc. the DOD to help members of their supThe ARC of Oneida-Lewis Counties ply chain such as prime contractors, small to medium-sized businesses, Industries remove both ends and drill government agencies, etc, become ta- 16 two-inch holes into the sides. Cornell Cooperative Extension of Lewis pable in electronic commerce. County developed a pamphlet to show The seminar'will be held on June how to make compost in the barrels, 27 and 28. One can take the full two which is attached to each barrel. day seminar or pick and chose from The compost barrels are available the topics offered. A large participafrom the Lewis County Solid Waste tion is expected. Please call the LCIDA office at (315) 376-3014 for reser- Department's transfer stations in Lowville and Croghan for $15 each vations. during regular hours on a first-come first-served basis. June Electronic Commerce Program Offered by DOD v *WBPAYNE CO., INC I N S U R A N C E COPENHAGEN CENTRAL musicians entertained parents and others last Wednesday at the school. ^ - J ^ [HESIER Th'£' County of Lewis Industrial Development Agency, Economic Development Zone, and the Small Business Development Center are sponsoring 3J(tpg) day seminar, covering the following topics: Electronic Commerce, Internet Marketing, Electronic Data Interchange (EDI), Hardware and Software, Electronic Document Management, Technical Data Interchange, Internet Security and much, much more. The Electronic Commerce Re- 7556 South State Street, Lowville, N.Y., 13367 (315) 376-3525 (voice) 376-4136 (fax) Readers can utilize the following e-mail addresses depending on the category of what they are sending to the Journal: generalnews@lowvilfe.com - letters@iovwille.com (letters to the editor) -whatshappening @lowville.com (inclusions into the "What's Happening" feature which appears on page 2 of each edition) -classified@lowvilIe.com (classifieds must be prepaid and have to be in by 10 a.m. on the Friday before publication.) a n a1 (it is* Km tsa en I" l j t ! f I NTERPRISES K> %/CH MORE THAN P / ^ 493-3292 • Site Preparation • Sanitary & Water • New or Repair Construction • Foundation Slabs & Bunkers • Asphalt Paving & Seating • Grading • Excavating • Hauling jester* # • • • • • • • FREE ESTIMATES Residential I I t t l • t i I A l l Types Of H o m e Repairs Complete Remodeling Painting • D r y w i U * Plumbing D e c k s • Porches • Patios Sidewalks • S i d i n g • Electrical D o c k s • Ceramic Tile Window R e p a i r & Replacement We Do Those "JUST" Jobs Too DENNIS FOSTER 376-6145 Commerical "We'll Go A n y w h e r e " 493-3292 Rick Thosler Copenhagen - Carthage Rd. Fore-mailing us: • No attachments will be accepted. For best results, releases should be written in a word processing application, speil checked, saved, and then copied and pasted into email; * Messages must have a name, phone number, and valid e-mail return address included forthe Journal to verify the information; - Rememberto include all the pertinent information: the who, what, when, where, how, and why, It is the responsibility of the senderto ensure they include all necessary information. Carthage,, NY i l ( l l i» WW m P» wm m m m w mr, HOUSE AND HOME CONTRACTING SERVICE Fully Insured Specializing in Open For The Season ^ • F R E E Estimates • Finish Work (exterior/interior) • Complete Electrical Installations • Kitchen, Bath Design & Installation * New 8c Replacement Doors and Windows Custom Siding Ceramic Tile 'if • p \Gardeii Han Mite Mv> W* m M n •£.•/••<*•. *J We have a large selection of quality bedding plants, vegetable plants, herbs, "wave" petunias, Memorial Day urns, hanging baskets, geraniums, and perennials, all reasonably priced! Opei [onday * Saturday DO* 8:1 un. - 6:00 pm One mile <wt c>f Croghan on Belfort road Tim Lee M DENKYFEEBLES, 13, of Route 26 in Denmark* enjoys his trampoline during brief respite from rain last Friday, 16-6485
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