Kasia Wakarecy and Lola Slade TRANSITIONING to CiviCRM how to map your data into CiviCRM how to design custom fields and profiles to collect the data you want Transitioning to CiviCRM About Freeform Solutions ● ● ● ● ● Not-for-profit social enterprise Mission - provide IT consulting for not-for-profits Working with NFP for 10 years CiviCRM 5 years Open Source (Drupal, CiviCRM, Formulize) 2 of 31 Transitioning to CiviCRM 3 of 31 About this presentation 1. 2. 3. 4. Understanding your current data Understanding CiviCRM language and features Mapping Implementation – workshop part on custom fields and profiles to adjust CiviCRM Transitioning to CiviCRM 4 of 31 CONGRATULATIONS! ● Your presence here – first step to proper transition to ● ● ● ● CiviCRM Read the CiviCRM book on book.civicrm.org Inquiring mind Questioning the obvious Willingness to examine the answers Transitioning to CiviCRM 5 of 31 Transitioning to CiviCRM 6 of 31 Transitioning to CiviCRM 7 of 31 Successful transition to CiviCRM ● All important data is preserved (paper, electronic storage, staff’s memory) ● Collected from all sources - organization wide (shared databases, spreadsheet files) and individual staff (personal address books etc.) ● Re-organized to take advantage of CiviCRM features ● Proper access permissions Transitioning to CiviCRM 8 of 31 Why understanding of CiviCRM is important for this step ● Different “containers” to store data (contact record, membership record, custom field) ● If not done correctly, may not be able to take advantage of built-in CiviCRM functionality ● 60% of Freeform work – fixing existing CiviCRM installations Transitioning to CiviCRM 9 of 31 (bad) example ● Membership info was collected as a “state” of constituents ● Custom field was create to keep track of membership type and start/end dates ● Result: custom reports, manual membership reminders ● Correct way – use CiviMember module Transitioning to CiviCRM CiviCRM ● ● ● ● ● ● Contacts Relationships Groups/Tags/Custom fields Memberships Donations/Other contributions (payments) Event registrations (participants info) 10 of 31 Transitioning to CiviCRM Your data History of Contact 11 of 31 Membership details Regular Called to ask to purchase Basic details (Dec membership (Nov 1, membership Relationships info Kasia Wakarecy 1, 2012 - Dec 1, for Freeform 2012) Works 6 King St, Toronto, 2013) - $40Solutions Ontario, Canada Recorded membership Classification of sale (Regular forcontacts $40 (1 Volunteers for Habitat Donations/other phone: 613year), Dec 1, 2012) forpayments Humanity “Potential volunteer” 3377223 “Possible donor” Donated $100 on Jan email: Asked to volunteer at the Previous 1, 2013employer of kasia@freeform.ca “Mailing list event Dell Canada Christmas subscriber” Purchased Tree during fundraiser Transitioning to CiviCRM Basic details Kasia Wakarecy 6 King St, Toronto, Ontario, Canada 12 of 31 CiviCRM installation phone: 613-3377223 email: kasia@freeform.ca Contact record Transitioning to CiviCRM 13 of 31 Transitioning to CiviCRM 14 of 31 CiviCRM contact record ● Basic record information = basic contact (used to contact) information ● Basic means of communication: names, addresses, phones, emails etc. ● Info about individuals and organizations ● Built-in (NFP wide) and custom fields (specific to your organization) Transitioning to CiviCRM 15 of 31 CiviCRM built-in and custom contact fields BUILT-IN for all NFP CUSTOM to your organization ● Names (people and companies) ● Volunteer interest ● Addresses - many types ● Volunteer availability ● Phone/fax numbers ● Courses completed (CPR) ● Emails and websites BUT be aware of existing ● Prefixes, postfixes CiviCRM “containers” to ● Contact/privacy preferences store some of that data! (do not mail, do not call) etc. Transitioning to CiviCRM Relationships info Works for Freeform Solutions 16 of 31 CiviCRM installation Volunteer for Habitat for Humanity Relationships Previous employer of Dell Canada Contact record 2 of 31 Transitioning to CiviCRM 17 of 31 CiviCRM Relationships ● Always 2 sides: employee/employer, parent/child, ● ● ● board member of/for A change from one side affects the other – (example: terminated employment) Start and end date can be collected (also in the future) Can have custom fields for each type of relationship (Limitation: cannot export in the built-in export tool) Transitioning to CiviCRM Classification of contacts “Potential volunteer” “Possible donor” “Mailing list subscriber” 18 of 31 CiviCRM installation Tags & groups Relationships Contact record Transitioning to CiviCRM 19 of 31 CiviCRM Contacts - tags and groups ● Tags: more like a keyword, applicable to all contacts ● Groups: useful for mass-mailing, preserves the ● history Smart Groups – dynamically updated by CiviCRM based on provided criteria Transitioning to CiviCRM Exercises 20 of 31 Exercise Instructions We have existing information, the things about which we are collecting data. We can get these from the text of the problem. The solution consists of the pieces of the CiviCRM software we think we use to will store our information There is always more than one way to do it, sometimes even more than one good way to do it. Draw your solution on the back in a similar fashion to the sample (See next page), Connect Contacts with Relationships if necessary. Also, use extra space on the back to describe your solution if necessary. You don't need to use all the suggested entities, sometimes as in real life they are red herrings due to the wording used in the problem. You can use any other CiviCRM components you think fit. Existing Information PTA Member Committee Possible solution in CiviCRM CiviCRM Contact CiviCRM Membership Quality Goal: The data collection measurement we want to improve Describe your Solution: Did you use any custom contact subtypes or relationships? List of memberships, Do you think that your solution requires some custom work? PTA Exercise (solution next pg.) “In our PTA we want to know all the parents who have an interest in serving on committees or the board. Right now we track them in Outlook via email and address book. We want to keep a record of who was on each committee each year, who are the Board Members and to be able to send an email to them.” Committee PTA Member Board Board Member CiviCRM Contact CiviCRM Membershi p CiviCRM Relationshi p Quality Goal: _________________________________________________________________ Describe your Solution: ___________________________________________________________ PTA Exercise Solution Sample “In our PTA we want to know all the parents who have an interest in serving on committees or the board. Right now we track them in Outlook via email and address book. We want to keep a record of who was on each committee each year, who are the Board Members and to be able to send an email to them.” CiviCRM Relationshi p Committee Member of CiviCRM Contact Committee CiviCRM Membershi p CiviCRM Contact Individual Custom Fields for Committee Interest Quality Goal: __We have tracked everyone on each committee. Use smart groups to email them.__ Describe your Solution:____We could use the same structure for Board members or just make___ Microfinance Exercise “I have been looking for a solution for a small microfinance institution in Sierra Leone. It gives loans to small groups of traders. However it wants to ensure that all inviduals are registered and issued with mifare ID cards.” Trade Group Loan Mifare ID Card Trade Group Participant CiviCRM Custom Field Set CiviCRM Contact CiviCRM ________? Quality Goal: ___________________________________________________________________ Describe your Solution: ___________________________________________________________ Parish Exercise “Parish geography is key for our work, it's a small neighbourhood level administrative boundary. We need to be able to identify groups within a parish but also which groups are within a district (and county) the next highest administrative boundary (e.g. all parishes are within a district all districts are within a county). Groups using a hierarchy seems the most obvious and flexible. Two challenges: The parent group doesn’t show up on the organisation’s record ... and we would need to add an extra field to the groups table to contain a foreign key for reporting ... The other option would be to use a custom field set ... have the development officer select the parish from a dropdown and a custom hook would populate a district and county field” Parish Group District County CiviCRM Contact CiviCRM Custom Field Set CiviCRM Group CiviCRM Relationshi p Quality Goal: ___________________________________________________________________ Describe your Solution: ___________________________________________________________ Political Organizing Exercise “On our website we encourage our members to fill out forms by mass mailing them when an issue is before a political committee or up for a vote. These forms send email on behalf of the member to the member's representative in support of our cause. We want to know when the forms are filled out and a copy of the emails that the supporters send to the representative. We need to look up the supporter's representative by their postal code. We have some opponents of our cause who fill out forms with angry messages. We need to make sure these people do not get the mass mailing.” Member Representativ e Form Opponent CiviCRM Contact CiviCRM Custom Field Set CiviCRM Group CiviCRM Activity Quality Goal: ___________________________________________________________________ Describe your Solution: ___________________________________________________________ More Exercises “We are an Arts Collective. We handle licensing works for our members. Each member has a number of works that can be licensed by another type of member. We would like to track the contracts that we create for them in CiviCRM. There are about 5 types of licenses. The contracts have the following fields: (a list of about 40 fields including dates, tax statuses etc.)” “We charge tax on our memberships which varies from province to province. We want to track it separately from the base membership cost so that reporting and paying GST is possible.” Transitioning to CiviCRM 22 of 31 History of Contact Called to ask to purchase membership (Nov 1, 2012) Invited to a fundraising event (Dec 1, 2012) CiviCRM installation Tags & groups Activities Asked to volunteer at the event Contact record Rel Transitioning to CiviCRM 23 of 31 Activities ● History of contacts between your organization and ● ● ● ● your constituents Phone calls, email, letters to a contact (customizable) Date/time and who performed them May have follow up tasks (CiviCase) BUT – participation in event = use CiviEvent module Transitioning to CiviCRM Membership details Regular membership (Dec 1, 2012 Dec 1, 2013) $40 24 of 31 CiviCRM installation Tags & groups Membership Activities Contact record Rel Transitioning to CiviCRM CiviCRM Membership ● ● ● ● ● Has start and end date (but can be lifetime) Expectation of renewal Reminders Paid or free (honorary) May have benefits (access to additional site content, newsletters, discounts etc) ● When it expires, benefits may automatically expire ● May have discounts for renewing members ● May have fixed price or minimum price 25 of 31 Transitioning to CiviCRM Donations/other payments Donated $100 on Jan 1, 2013 Purchased Christmas Tree during fundraiser 26of 31 CiviCRM installation Membership Donations Activities Contact record Tags & groups Rel Transitioning to CiviCRM Donations/Other contributions ● Happens once or irregularly ● Amount and date is ● ● ● collected No expectation of repeating May have reminders but not in the same form as memberships (manual for selected donors, phone calls) Benefits on honorary basis (sponsorship logo) 27 of 31 Transitioning to CiviCRM 28 of 31 CiviCRM Events ● Event (meeting, webinar) has specific date and time ● People can register for it or registration can be used ● to keep track of who attended Free/paid Transitioning to CiviCRM 29 of 31 Mapping Workshop (10 min) 1. Environmental Organization: Memberships vs. 2. contributions Medical Association: Custom fields vs. Memberships vs. groups Transitioning to CiviCRM Hands on Workshop (25 min) ● Creating custom fields for contacts ● Creating custom fields for events 30 of 31 Transitioning to CiviCRM Time for questions? ● Questions? ● Case studies? 31 of 31 Transitioning to CiviCRM 31 of 31 Thank you! ● ● Kasia Wakarecy and Lola Slade info@freeform.ca and http://www.freeform.ca Resources: ● Data migration: http://book.civicrm.org - especially part "Organising your data" (http://book.civicrm.org/user/current/organising-yourdata/overview/) ● Custom fields excercises: http://wiki.civicrm. org/confluence/display/CRM/User+and+Administrator+Training+Exercis es+Day+1
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