Scandinavian shipowners & MPLE Ship ManageSA E ment D A TR 2012 76. edition Published by: Instituttet for Merkantil Informasjon as Ranviksvingen 7c, 3212 Sandefjord, Norway Tel.: +47 33 61 24 14 e-mail: / Copyright 2012 by IMI AS. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without the prior permission in writing from the publishers. ISBN 978-82-90109-31-3 1_8_Contents.indd 1 04.05.2012 13:29:12 CONTENTS Preface............................................................................................3 Alphabetical list of all companies....................................................9 Companies by Shipping Sector.....................................................17 Denmark Danish companies................................... 23 Faroe Island Faroese companies............................... 155 Finland Finnish companies................................ 161 Iceland Icelandic companies.............................. 191 Norway Norwegian companies........................... 195 Sweden Swedish companies.............................. 457 Details of Vessels .............................................................. 511 Details of Newbuildings.............................................................. 789 Index to Advertisers.....................................................................805 Abbreviations and Explanations..................................................806 7 1_8_Contents.indd 7 04.05.2012 13:29:50 ALFABETICAL LIST OF SHIPPING COMPANIES Alfabetical List of Shipping Companies A2Sea AS.................................................. 29 Aasen Shipping AS.................................... 203 Agder Ocean Shipping AS......................... 203 Ahlmark Lines AB...................................... 461 Aker Drilling ASA....................................... 204 Aker Floating Production ASA................... 205 Aker Seafoods ASA................................... 205 All-Transport AS........................................ 206 Alpina Ship Management ApS................... 30 Andersen & Co. A/S, Janus....................... 30 Arctia Shipping Oy..................................... 165 Arctic Umiaq Line A/S................................ 30 Arnesen Shipbrokers AS........................... 207 Artic Shipping AS....................................... 207 ASP-SM Scandinavia................................ 166 Atlantic Container Line AB......................... 462 Awilco AS................................................... 208 Awilco LNG ASA........................................ 209 Baltimar A/S Ltd......................................... 31 Bastø Fosen AS........................................ 210 Belships ASA............................................. 210 Bergen Shipping Chartering AS................ 211 Bergen Tankers AS.................................... 211 Bergshav Management AS........................ 213 Bidsted & Co A/S....................................... 32 Birka Cargo Ab Ltd.................................... 166 Birka Cruises............................................. 463 Bjørklids Ferjerederi AS............................. 215 Blue Star Line AS...................................... 33 Blystad AS, Arne........................................ 215 Boa Offshore AS / Taubåtkompaniet AS.... 217 Bonheur ASA............................................. 219 Bore Ltd..................................................... 167 Boskalis Sweden AB................................. 463 Bourbon Offshore Norway AS................... 220 Brax Shipholding Rederi AB...................... 463 Broström Tankers Sweden AB................... 464 BRP Rederi AB.......................................... 467 Bryggen Shipping International................. 222 Brøvigtank AS............................................ 222 Buksér og Berging AS............................... 223 Bulls Tankrederi AS................................... 225 Bunker & Trading AS, O.W........................ 34 Bunkertell Rederi AB................................. 468 BW Fleet Managment AS.......................... 225 BW Gas ASA............................................. 228 BW Maritime AS........................................ 231 BW Offshore Norway AS........................... 232 Champion Tankers AS............................... 233 Charterfrakt Baltic Carrier AB.................... 468 Chriship A/S............................................... 234 Clipper Bulk A/S........................................ 35 Clipper Projects A/S.................................. 38 Color Line Marine AS................................ 235 Concordia Maritime AB (publ)................... 469 Container Shipping AS.............................. 40 Containerships Ltd. Oy.............................. 168 Continental Ship Management AS (CSM). 236 Copenship AS............................................ 40 Corral Line ApS......................................... 42 Crystal Pool Ltd......................................... 169 CT Offshore............................................... 42 Dahl Management AS, Thor...................... 237 Dania Marine............................................. 43 Danielsen, Rederiet Otto........................... 44 Danish Pilot Servoce P/S.......................... 45 Dannebrog Rederi AS............................... 45 Dansk Bjergning og Bugsering A/S........... 46 Dansk Færgen AS..................................... 47 Dansk Rederi A/S - Danish Shipping Co... 48 Dan-Tug AS............................................... 49 Deep Sea Supply Management AS........... 237 DeepOcean AS.......................................... 239 Dennis Maritime Oy Ltd............................. 170 Destination Gotland AB............................. 470 DFDS Seaways A/S.................................. 49 DFDS Seaways AB................................... 470 DOF Management AS............................... 240 DOF Subsea Norway AS........................... 243 Dolphin Drilling AS..................................... 244 Donsötank, Rederi AB .............................. 471 DSD Shipping AS...................................... 245 Eastern Bulk Carriers................................ 246 Echoship ApS............................................ 50 Eckerö, Rederiaktiebolaget....................... 170 Eidesvik Offshore ASA............................... 246 Eidshaug Rederi AS.................................. 248 Eidsvaag.................................................... 248 Eimskip...................................................... 249 Eimskip-CTG............................................. 250 Eitzen & Co. ASA, Camillo........................ 251 Eitzen Chemical A/S.................................. 252 Eitzen Gas A/S.......................................... 52 Eitzen Tank................................................ 256 Ektank Ab.................................................. 472 Erikson, Rederiaktiebolaget Gustaf........... 171 Erria A/S.................................................... 53 ESL Shipping Ltd....................................... 171 Esvagt A/S................................................. 55 Euro Container Line AS............................. 256 9_16.indd 9 9 04.05.2012 13:31:24 ALFABETICAL LIST OF SHIPPING COMPANIES Lundström AB, Rederi Helmer................... 179 Læsø, Færgeselskabet............................. 80 Madsen Rederi A/S, Peter......................... 80 Maersk Drilling........................................... 81 Maersk FPSOs.......................................... 83 Maersk Line............................................... 84 Maersk LNG.............................................. 92 Maersk Supply Service.............................. 92 Maersk Tankers......................................... 96 Marcussen-Fjeld & Co ANS....................... 324 Marine Carrier AB...................................... 478 Marine Supply AS...................................... 324 Marinvest AB............................................. 479 Maritime Management AS......................... 325 Maritime Supply AS................................... 105 Master Marine AS...................................... 326 Meling & Co AS, O.H................................. 326 Meriaura Ltd.............................................. 179 Milestone Maritime AS............................... 106 Misje Rederi AS......................................... 327 MMT.......................................................... 480 Mols-Linien AS.......................................... 107 Monjasa AS............................................... 107 Montana Shipholding AS........................... 328 Mosvold Shipping AS................................ 328 Mowinckel Ship Management AS.............. 329 Mowinckels Rederi AS, J. Ludwig............. 329 Myklebusthaug Management AS............... 330 Møkster Shipping AS, Simon..................... 331 Møller, A.P. - Maersk A/S (APM)................ 108 Navig8....................................................... 332 Neptune Hef.............................................. 193 Neptune Offshore AS................................. 336 Nes HF...................................................... 193 Nes Ltd...................................................... 194 Neste Shipping Oy.................................... 180 Nielsen og Bresling A/S, Rederiet............. 108 Nolsö Shipping, Sp/f.................................. 158 Nomadic Short Sea................................... 337 Nor Lines AS............................................. 338 Norbroker Shipping & Trading AS............. 338 Nordane Shipping AS................................ 109 Norden A/S, Dampskibsselskabet............. 110 Nordgrens Rederi AB................................ 480 Nordic American Tanker Shipping Ltd....... 339 Nordic Bulk Carriers AS............................. 118 Nordic Maritime Services AS..................... 341 Nordic Tankers A/S.................................... 119 Nordic Tankers Marine A/S........................ 122 Nordland Havfiske AS............................... 342 Nord-Marine DK ApS................................. 122 Nordnorsk Shipping AS............................. 342 Nordö-Link, Rederi AB............................... 181 Norfield Offshore AS.................................. 342 Norgas Carriers AS................................... 343 Norient Product Pool A/S........................... 122 Norlat Shipping Ltd. AS............................. 345 North Sea Shipping AS.............................. 345 Northern Offshore Services....................... 481 Northern Tanker Company Oy................... 182 Norwegian Car Carriers ASA..................... 346 Nygaard Shipping A/S............................... 347 NYKCool AB.............................................. 482 Nørresundby Shipping AS......................... 125 Oceangoing AS......................................... 348 Oceanlink Management AS....................... 348 Oceanteam Shipping ASA......................... 349 Odfjell Offshore AS.................................... 350 Odfjell SE.................................................. 351 ODR - Oliudrefing...................................... 194 Offshore Heavy Transport AS.................... 354 Olj Ola AB.................................................. 483 Olsen & Co., Fred...................................... 355 Olsen Energy ASA, Fred........................... 356 Olsen Marine Services as, Fred................ 357 Olsen Production ASA, Fred..................... 358 Olympic Shipping A/S................................ 358 Onarheim Management AS....................... 360 Opstad Shipping AS.................................. 360 OSM Ship Management AS...................... 360 Othello Shipping Company........................ 126 PGS Geophysical AS................................ 361 Polyar Tankers AS..................................... 362 Polycrest A/S............................................. 362 Poulsen Shipping A/S, J............................ 128 Prima Shipping Group............................... 182 RaumaCata............................................... 183 Rederi AB Vidar Vidar Shipping Company Ltd.................. 184 Rederi AB Väderötank............................... 484 Rem Offshore ASA / Rem Maritime AS..... 363 Remøy Management AS........................... 364 Remøy Shipping AS.................................. 365 Rieber Shipping ASA, G.C........................ 365 Rohde Nielsen A/S (RN Group)................. 129 Rostein A/S................................................ 367 Royal Arctic Line A/S................................. 130 Rødne & Sønner AS, L.............................. 367 Saga Forest Carriers................................. 368 Saga Tankers ASA..................................... 369 9_16.indd 13 13 04.05.2012 13:31:27 COMPANIES BY SHIPPING SECTOR Companies by Shipping Sector Tank: Ahlmark Lines AB, SWEDEN...........................461 Alpina Ship Management ApS, DENMARK...... 30 ASP-SM Scandinavia, FINLAND......................166 Awilco AS, NORWAY........................................208 Awilco LNG ASA, NORWAY.............................209 Bergen Tankers AS, NORWAY.........................211 Bergshav Management AS, NORWAY.............213 Blystad AS, Arne, NORWAY.............................215 Bonheur ASA, NORWAY..................................219 Broström Tankers Sweden AB, SWEDEN........464 BRP Rederi AB, SWEDEN...............................467 Bryggen Shipping International, NORWAY.......222 Brøvigtank AS, NORWAY.................................222 Bulls Tankrederi AS, NORWAY.........................225 Bunker & Trading AS, O.W., DENMARK.......... 34 Bunkertell Rederi AB, SWEDEN......................468 BW Fleet Managment AS, NORWAY...............225 BW Gas ASA, NORWAY..................................228 BW Maritime AS, NORWAY..............................231 BW Offshore Norway AS, NORWAY................232 Champion Tankers AS, NORWAY....................233 Concordia Maritime AB (publ), SWEDEN.........469 Crystal Pool Ltd., FINLAND..............................169 Dahl Management AS, Thor, NORWAY............237 Dannebrog Rederi AS, DENMARK.................. 45 Donsötank, Rederi AB , SWEDEN...................471 DSD Shipping AS, NORWAY............................245 Eitzen & Co. ASA, Camillo, NORWAY..............251 Eitzen Chemical A/S, NORWAY.......................252 Eitzen Gas A/S, DENMARK............................. 52 Eitzen Tank, NORWAY.....................................256 Ektank Ab, SWEDEN.......................................472 Erria A/S, DENMARK....................................... 53 Falck Management AS, NORWAY....................257 First Olsen AS, NORWAY.................................260 Fjord Shipping AS, NORWAY...........................262 Frontline Management AS, NORWAY..............270 Furetank Rederi AB, SWEDEN........................473 Ganger Rolf ASA, NORWAY............................274 Gotland, Rederi AB, SWEDEN.........................474 Gram & Co AS, P.D., NORWAY........................281 Hafnia Managment AS, DENMARK................. 60 Herning Shipping a.s., DENMARK................... 62 Höegh LNG, NORWAY.....................................301 Jebsen Skipsrederi AS, Kristian Gerhard, NORWAY...........................305 JO Tankers AS, NORWAY................................308 Karmøy Skipsconsult Management AS, NORWAY..........................310 Klaveness Group, The Torvald TK Group, NORWAY.....................................314 Klaveness Maritime Logistics, NORWAY.........315 Klovnings Shipping A.S, Brødrene, NORWAY.. 317 Knutsen OAS Shipping AS, NORWAY.............317 Laurin Maritime AB, SWEDEN.........................476 Lauritzen A/S, J., DENMARK........................... 71 Lauritzen Kosan A/S, DENMARK..................... 76 Lauritzen Offshore Services A/S, DENMARK... 78 Lauritzen Tankers A/S, DENMARK................... 79 Lorentzens Skibs AS, NORWAY.......................323 Lundh & Co AB, Ivar, SWEDEN.......................478 Lundqvist Rederierna, FINLAND......................178 Maersk FPSOs, DENMARK............................. 83 Maersk LNG, DENMARK................................. 92 Maersk Tankers, DENMARK............................ 96 Marine Supply AS, NORWAY...........................324 Marinvest AB, SWEDEN..................................479 Milestone Maritime AS, DENMARK..................106 Monjasa AS, DENMARK..................................107 Montana Shipholding AS, NORWAY................328 Mosvold Shipping AS, NORWAY......................328 Mowinckel Ship Management AS, NORWAY...329 Mowinckels Rederi AS, J. Ludwig, NORWAY...329 Møller, A.P. - Maersk A/S (APM), DENMARK...108 Navig8, NORWAY.............................................332 Neste Shipping Oy, FINLAND..........................180 Nolsö Shipping, Sp/f, FAROE ISLANDS..........158 Norden A/S, Dampskibsselskabet, DENMARK.................110 Nordic American Tanker Shipping Ltd., NORWAY....................339 Nordic Maritime Services AS, NORWAY..........341 Nordic Tankers A/S, DENMARK.......................119 Nordic Tankers Marine A/S, DENMARK...........122 Norgas Carriers AS, NORWAY.........................343 Norient Product Pool A/S, DENMARK..............122 Northern Tanker Company Oy, FINLAND.........182 Odfjell SE, NORWAY........................................351 ODR - Oliudrefing, ICELAND...........................194 Olj Ola AB, SWEDEN.......................................483 Olsen & Co., Fred., NORWAY..........................355 Olsen Marine Services as, Fred., NORWAY....357 Onarheim Management AS, NORWAY............360 Othello Shipping Company, DENMARK...........126 Polyar Tankers AS, NORWAY..........................362 Rederi AB Väderötank, SWEDEN....................484 Saga Tankers ASA, NORWAY..........................369 Seatrans AS, NORWAY....................................377 Seatrans Chemical Tankers AS, NORWAY......379 Sigba AS, NORWAY.........................................383 Simonsen ApS, Rederiet M.H., DENMARK......135 Sirius Shipping AB, SWEDEN..........................485 Sirius Shipping ApS, DENMARK......................135 Skaugen SE, I.M., NORWAY............................385 SKS Tankers Ltd., NORWAY............................387 Solvang ASA, NORWAY...................................391 SRAB Shipping AB (publ), SWEDEN...............486 17_22.indd 17 17 04.05.2012 13:32:18 COMPANIES BY SHIPPING SECTOR Stena Bulk AB, SWEDEN.................................486 Stenersen AS, Rederiet, NORWAY..................397 STOC Tankers AB, SWEDEN...........................492 Stolt-Nielsen Gas / Avance Gas, NORWAY.....399 Stolt-Nielsen Norway AS (SNL), NORWAY......400 Swedia Rederi AB, SWEDEN...........................493 Tailwind (Europe) AS, NORWAY......................406 Tarbit Shipping AB, SWEDEN..........................496 Teekay Shipping Norway AS, NORWAY...........407 Thun AB, Erik, SWEDEN..................................496 TORM, A/S Dampskibsselskabet, DENMARK.140 Transmarine Management ApS, DENMARK....145 Transpetrol TM AS, NORWAY..........................417 TSA Tanker Shipping AB, SWEDEN.................501 Tärntank Rederi AB, DENMARK......................145 Tärntank Ship Management AB, SWEDEN......503 Uglands Rederi, A/S, NORWAY.......................421 Uni-Tankers ApS, DENMARK...........................147 Utkilen AS, NORWAY.......................................424 V.Ships Norway AS, NORWAY.........................425 Veritas Tankers, Rederi AB, SWEDEN.............504 Viken Shipping AS, NORWAY..........................427 Wallem Shipmanagement Norway AS, NORWAY...................................433 Westchart AS, NORWAY..................................435 Westfal-Larsen Management AS, NORWAY....437 Wilhelmsen Marine Services AS (WMS), NORWAY..........................................442 Wilhelmsen Ship Management, NORWAY.......442 Wisby Tankers AB Wisby Ship Management AB, SWEDEN.......509 Älvtank, Rederi AB, SWEDEN..........................510 Bulk: Ahlmark Lines AB, SWEDEN...........................461 Alpina Ship Management ApS, DENMARK...... 30 Belships ASA, NORWAY..................................210 Bergen Shipping Chartering AS, NORWAY......211 Bidsted & Co A/S, DENMARK.......................... 32 Blystad AS, Arne, NORWAY.............................215 BW Fleet Managment AS, NORWAY...............225 Clipper Bulk A/S, DENMARK........................... 35 Copenship AS, DENMARK............................... 40 Dansk Rederi A/S Danish Shipping Co., DENMARK.................. 48 Donsötank, Rederi AB , SWEDEN...................471 Eastern Bulk Carriers, NORWAY......................246 Echoship ApS, DENMARK............................... 50 Eitzen & Co. ASA, Camillo, NORWAY..............251 Erria A/S, DENMARK....................................... 53 ESL Shipping Ltd., FINLAND...........................171 Falcon Maritime AS, DENMARK...................... 57 Falcon Rederi AS, DENMARK......................... 58 Fjordbulk Rederi AS, NORWAY........................267 Gearbulk Norway AS, NORWAY......................276 Golden Ocean Management AS, NORWAY.....278 Grieg Star Shipping AS, NORWAY...................289 Hagland Shipping AS, NORWAY......................290 ID Shipping A/S, DENMARK............................ 65 Jebsen Management AS, NORWAY.................305 Jebsen Skipsrederi AS, Kristian Gerhard, NORWAY...........................305 Jönsson Nova Logistics, SWEDEN..................476 Karmøy Skipsconsult Management AS, NORWAY..........................310 Klaveness Commercial Management, NORWAY................................313 Klaveness Group, The Torvald TK Group, NORWAY.....................................314 Klaveness Maritime Logistics, NORWAY.........315 Kromann I/S, Rederiet Erik B., DENMARK...... 71 Lauritzen A/S, J., DENMARK........................... 71 Lauritzen Bulkers A/S, DENMARK................... 72 Lorentzens Skibs AS, NORWAY.......................323 Mosvold Shipping AS, NORWAY......................328 Myklebusthaug Management AS, NORWAY....330 Møller, A.P. - Maersk A/S (APM), DENMARK...108 Norbroker Shipping & Trading AS, NORWAY...338 Norden A/S, Dampskibsselskabet, DENMARK.................110 Nordgrens Rederi AB, SWEDEN......................480 Nordic Bulk Carriers AS, DENMARK................118 Nordic Maritime Services AS, NORWAY..........341 Nordic Tankers Marine A/S, DENMARK...........119 NYKCool AB, SWEDEN...................................482 Saga Forest Carriers, NORWAY......................368 Sandfrakt Rederi AS, NORWAY.......................370 Seven Seas Carriers AS, NORWAY.................381 Sole Shipping AS, NORWAY............................388 Spar Shipping AS, NORWAY............................393 Storesletten Rederi AS, NORWAY...................400 Swedish Bulk, Red. AB, SWEDEN...................494 T.K.B. Shipping A/S, DENMARK......................138 Thun AB, Erik, SWEDEN..................................496 TORM, A/S Dampskibsselskabet, DENMARK.................140 Transatlantic, Rederi AB, SWEDEN.................498 Uglands Rederi, A/S, NORWAY.......................421 U-SEA Bulk Shipping A/S, DENMARK.............148 V.Ships Norway AS, NORWAY.........................425 Viken Shipping AS, NORWAY..........................427 Wagle Chartering AS, NORWAY......................432 Wallem Shipmanagement Norway AS, NORWAY...................................433 Western Bulk, NORWAY..................................436 Westfal-Larsen Management AS, NORWAY....437 18 17_22.indd 18 04.05.2012 13:32:18 A2Sea AS............................................ Alpina Ship Management ApS............. Andersen & Co. A/S, Janus................. Arctic Umiaq Line A/S.......................... Baltimar A/S Ltd................................... Bidsted & Co A/S................................. Blue Star Line AS................................ Bunker & Trading AS, O.W.................. Clipper Bulk A/S.................................. Clipper Projects A/S............................ Container Shipping AS........................ Copenship AS...................................... Corral Line ApS................................... CT Offshore......................................... Dania Marine....................................... Danielsen, Rederiet Otto..................... Danish Pilot Servoce P/S.................... Dannebrog Rederi AS......................... Dansk Bjergning og Bugsering A/S..... Dansk Færgen AS............................... Dansk Rederi A/S Danish Shipping Co.......................... Dan-Tug AS......................................... DFDS Seaways A/S............................ Echoship ApS...................................... Eitzen Gas A/S.................................... Erria A/S.............................................. Esvagt A/S........................................... Express Shipping A/S.......................... Falcon Maritime AS............................. Falcon Rederi AS................................ Fjord Line Danmark AS....................... Folmer & Co, H.................................... Hafnia Managment AS........................ Hansen & Lange I/S, Rederiet............. Hanstholm Bugserservice AS.............. Herning Shipping a.s........................... Høj Aps, Rederiet................................ ID Shipping A/S................................... Ikonship AS......................................... J.A. Rederiet........................................ JD-Contractor AS................................ JMB Bjerrum & Jensen ApS................ Kem-Offshore ApS............................... 29 30 30 30 31 32 33 34 35 38 40 40 42 42 43 44 45 45 46 47 48 49 49 50 52 53 55 57 57 58 58 59 60 61 62 62 65 65 67 67 68 69 70 Kromann I/S, Rederiet Erik B.............. 71 Lauritzen A/S, J................................... 71 Lauritzen Bulkers A/S.......................... 72 Lauritzen Kosan A/S............................ 76 Lauritzen Offshore Services A/S.......... 78 Lauritzen Tankers A/S.......................... 79 Læsø, Færgeselskabet....................... 80 Madsen Rederi A/S, Peter................... 80 Maersk Drilling..................................... 81 Maersk FPSOs.................................... 83 Maersk Line......................................... 84 Maersk LNG........................................ 92 Maersk Supply Service........................ 92 Maersk Tankers................................... 96 Maritime Supply AS.............................105 Milestone Maritime AS.........................106 Mols-Linien AS....................................107 Monjasa AS.........................................107 Møller, A.P. - Maersk A/S (APM)..........108 Nielsen og Bresling A/S, Rederiet.......108 Nordane Shipping AS..........................109 Norden A/S, Dampskibsselskabet.......110 Nordic Bulk Carriers AS.......................118 Nordic Tankers A/S..............................119 Nordic Tankers Marine A/S..................122 Nord-Marine DK ApS...........................122 Norient Product Pool A/S.....................122 Nørresundby Shipping AS...................125 Othello Shipping Company..................126 Poulsen Shipping A/S, J......................128 Rohde Nielsen A/S (RN Group)...........129 Royal Arctic Line A/S...........................130 Scandlines Danmark A/S.....................131 Scan-Trans Chartering ApS.................132 Shipcraft A/S........................................134 Simonsen ApS, Rederiet M.H..............135 Sirius Shipping ApS.............................135 Svendborg Bugser A/S........................136 Svitzer A/S...........................................137 Sørensen, P.U.....................................137 T.H.H. Shipping ApS............................138 T.K.B. Shipping A/S.............................138 Thor Rederi A/S...................................139 TORM, A/S Dampskibsselskabet........140 23_28 Denmark - start.indd 25 DENMARK SHIPPING COMPANIES List of DanishDANISH shipping companies 25 04.05.2012 13:33:22 DENMARK DANISH SHIPPING COMPANIES Transmarine Management ApS...........145 Tärntank Rederi AB.............................145 Unifeeder A/S......................................146 Uni-Tankers ApS..................................147 U-SEA Bulk Shipping A/S....................148 Venus Shipping (Rederiet Venus).......151 VT Shipping AS...................................151 West Coast Towing ApS......................152 Ærøfærgerne A/S................................152 �rssleff’s Eftf. A/S, A.C........................153 26 23_28 Denmark - start.indd 26 04.05.2012 13:33:22 Brønshøj Copenship AS....................................... 40 Dragør Nord-Marine DK ApS............................122 Copenhagen Bidsted & Co A/S.................................. 32 Clipper Bulk A/S................................... 35 Clipper Projects A/S............................. 38 Dania Marine........................................ 43 Dansk Rederi A/S Danish Shipping Co............................ 48 DFDS Seaways A/S............................. 49 Eitzen Gas A/S..................................... 52 Erria A/S............................................... 53 Falcon Maritime AS.............................. 57 Falcon Rederi AS................................. 58 Folmer & Co, H..................................... 59 Hafnia Managment AS......................... 60 Hansen & Lange I/S, Rederiet.............. 61 ID Shipping A/S.................................... 65 Lauritzen A/S, J.................................... 71 Lauritzen Bulkers A/S........................... 72 Lauritzen Kosan A/S............................. 76 Lauritzen Offshore Services A/S........... 78 Lauritzen Tankers A/S........................... 79 Maersk Drilling...................................... 81 Maersk FPSOs..................................... 83 Maersk LNG......................................... 92 Maersk Supply Service......................... 92 Maersk Tankers.................................... 96 Møller, A.P. - Maersk A/S (APM)...........108 Norden A/S, Dampskibsselskabet........110 Nordic Bulk Carriers AS........................118 Nordic Tankers A/S...............................119 Nordic Tankers Marine A/S...................122 Norient Product Pool A/S......................122 Othello Shipping Company...................126 Rohde Nielsen A/S (RN Group)............129 Scandlines Danmark A/S......................131 Svitzer A/S............................................137 T.K.B. Shipping A/S..............................138 TORM, A/S Dampskibsselskabet.........140 Transmarine Management ApS............145 U-SEA Bulk Shipping A/S.....................148 VT Shipping AS....................................151 Ebeltoft Mols-Linien AS.....................................107 Egernsund Corral Line ApS.................................... 42 Esbjerg Esvagt A/S............................................ 55 Kem-Offshore ApS................................ 70 Faaborg Blue Star Line AS................................. 33 Nielsen og Bresling A/S, Rederiet........108 Fredericia A2Sea AS............................................. 29 Danish Pilot Servoce P/S..................... 45 Dan-Tug AS.......................................... 49 Monjasa AS..........................................107 Frederiksværk Maritime Supply AS..............................105 Hanstholm Hanstholm Bugserservice AS............... 62 Herning Herning Shipping a.s............................ 62 Hirtshals Fjord Line Danmark AS........................ 58 Holbaek Milestone Maritime AS..........................106 Holstebro JD-Contractor AS................................. 68 Horsens Høj Aps, Rederiet................................. 65 23_28 Denmark - start.indd 27 DENMARK DANISH SHIPPING COMPANIES city by city Danish shipping companies 27 04.05.2012 13:33:22 DANISH SHIPPING COMPANIES DENMARK Humlebaek Stenderup Baltimar A/S Ltd.................................... 31 J.A. Rederiet......................................... 67 Hørsholm Svendborg Shipcraft A/S.........................................134 Echoship ApS....................................... 50 �rssleff’s Eftf. A/S, A.C.........................153 Ikonship AS.......................................... 67 JMB Bjerrum & Jensen ApS................. 69 Kgs. Lyngby Nordane Shipping AS...........................109 Container Shipping AS......................... 40 Simonsen ApS, Rederiet M.H...............135 Svendborg Bugser A/S.........................136 Korsør Sørensen, P.U......................................137 Poulsen Shipping A/S, J.......................128 T.H.H. Shipping ApS.............................138 Thor Rederi A/S....................................139 Læsø West Coast Towing ApS.......................152 Læsø, Færgeselskabet........................ 80 Sæby Marstal Express Shipping A/S........................... 57 Kromann I/S, Rederiet Erik B............... 71 Vestbjerg Middelfart Venus Shipping (Rederiet Venus)........151 Uni-Tankers ApS...................................147 Virum Munkebo Danielsen, Rederiet Otto...................... 44 Sirius Shipping ApS..............................135 Ærøskøbing Naestved Ærøfærgerne A/S.................................152 Alpina Ship Management ApS.............. 30 Scan-Trans Chartering ApS..................132 Ålborg Andersen & Co. A/S, Janus.................. 30 Noerresundby Nørresundby Shipping AS....................125 Bunker & Trading AS, O.W................... 34 Århus Nuuk, Greenland Dansk Bjergning og Bugsering A/S...... 46 Arctic Umiaq Line A/S........................... 30 Madsen Rederi A/S, Peter.................... 80 Royal Arctic Line A/S............................130 Maersk Line.......................................... 84 Unifeeder A/S.......................................146 Odense CT Offshore.......................................... 42 Rungsted Kyst Dannebrog Rederi AS.......................... 45 Rønne Dansk Færgen AS................................ 47 Skagen Tärntank Rederi AB..............................145 28 23_28 Denmark - start.indd 28 04.05.2012 13:33:22 DANISH SHIPPING COMPANIES A2Sea AS DENMARK Company Category: Shipowner Tel.: +45 7592 8211 Fax: +45 7592 6375 E-mail: Web: Visiting address: Kongens Kvarter 51,, 7000 Fredericia Postal address: Kongens Kvarter 51,, 7000 Fredericia, DENMARK Managing Dir.: Jens Frederik Hansen Operation Mngr.: Hans Schneider Other relevant information: A2SEA maintains and operates its own fleet of specially designed vessels and equipment. This gives us the flexibility to carry out many types of offshore wind installations and operations. We currently have the greatest capacity of any company in the offshore wind industry and continue to make significant investments in larger and more flexible vessels for the future. In doing so we can remain at the cutting edge of the wind industry and our customers’ projects can continue to be carried out on time and on budget with excellence in safety. A2SEA develops and manages vessel pools for service of offshore wind turbines. Each pool consists of one or more vessels which are shared between different sites and/or wind farm owners. By sharing the vessel between different sites and owners, A2SEA can optimise the usage and thereby lower the cost for the clients. Park owners or maintenance providers can also guarantee the availability of vessels at short notice, which is often difficult to do on the spot market. Different types of vessel are covered by the pool agreement including crane vessels, jack-up barges, cable repair vessels, crew boats or accommodation vessels. As the market develops, we are developing more vessel pools with capacity for new sites/owners and even 3rd party vessels for management. Since July 2009 A2SEA has been 100% owned by DONG Energy Power but in November 2010 Siemens Wind Power entered as part-owner. DONG Energy Power remains principal shareholder. Vessels: IMO No Name Type Capacity Unit Built Class Flag Ownership 8902046 Sea Energy OTHER 3332 GT 1990 BV DIS OWNER Sea Installer OTHER Cbm OWNER 8767264 Sea Jack BARGE Cbm OWNER 9002049 Sea Power OTHER 8769705 Sea Worker BARGE 1487 GT DIS OWNER Cbm DMA OWNER Updated information on For more information on each vessel at the Vessel Index. 29_154 Denmark.indd 29 29 04.05.2012 13:34:26 DANISH SHIPPING COMPANIES DENMARK Alpina Ship Management ApS Company Category: Operation Mngr. Tel.: +45 5577 7777 Fax: +45 5577 7778 E-mail: Web: Visiting address: Ramsherred 19, DK-4700 Naestved Postal address: Ramsherred 19, DK-4700 Naestved, DENMARK Chairman: B. B. Kampmann Managing Dir.: P. Kampmann Operation Mngr.: H. Jorgensen Founded: 1984 Other relevant information: Alpina Ship Management ApS was established to provide commercial ship management services to the smaller owner/investor who requires a bespoke service with high level of personal contact. Andersen & Co. A/S, Janus Company Category: Shipowner, Technical Mngr., Operation Mngr. Tel.: +45 9817 1455 Fax: +45 9817 1569 E-mail: Web: Visiting address: Rendsburggade 6, 2 sal th.,, 9000 AALBORG Postal address: Rendsburggade 6, 2 sal th.,, 9000 AALBORG, DENMARK Managing Dir.: Henning Lanng Operation Mngr.: Henrik Birkemose Christensen Founded: 1918 Other relevant information: Janus Andersen & Co. A/S. operates within all segments of shipping. Janus Andersen & Co. A/S. is a fully integrated shipping company with world wide in-house and competitive chartering, operation, agency, stevedoring, technical, crewing management and accounting management. The group around Janus Andersen & Co. A/S. do primary contents of Nørresundby Rederi A/S. and several shipowning- and operational companies. Vessels: IMO No Name Type Capacity Unit Built Class Flag Ownership 6604690 Saturn GEN. CARGO 800 dwt 1966 GL DMA OWNER Updated information on For more information on each vessel at the Vessel Index. Arctic Umiaq Line A/S Company Category: Shipowner Tel.: +299 349190 Fax: +299 322450 E-mail: Web: Visiting address: Aqqusinersuaq 52, 3900 Nuuk Postal address: P.O. Box 1580 DK-3900 Nuuk, Greenland, DENMARK Chairman: Flemming Knudsen Managing Dir.: Jette Larsen Bankers: Grønlandsbanken 30 29_154 Denmark.indd 30 04.05.2012 13:34:26 DANISH SHIPPING COMPANIES Vessels: IMO No Name Type Capacity Unit Built Class Flag Ownership 8913899 Sarfaq Ittuk CRUISE/FERR 2118 GT 1992 DNV GRL OWNER Updated information on For more information on each vessel at the Vessel Index. DENMARK Founded: 2006 ISM/ISO-certification: DOC issued 2007 Other relevant information: The company provides passenger boat service in the territorial waters of Greenland. Arctic Umiaq Line is jointly owned by Air Greenland and Royal Arctic Line Baltimar A/S Ltd. Company Category: Shipowner, Technical Mngr., Operation Mngr. Tel.: +45 4916 1600 Fax: +45 4916 1665 E-mail: Web: Visiting address: Gl. Strandvej 45, DK-3050 Humlebaek Postal address: Gl. Strandvej 45, DK-3050 Humlebaek, DENMARK Managing Dir.: Stig Anders Jensen Operation Mngr.: Tom Ovlisen Technical Mngr: Carl C. Moller and Jan A. Jensen Chief Acc.: Ms. M. Lund Founded: 1982 Other relevant information: The BALTIMAR SUPERCOASTER MARK II was built in series of 20 sister vessels at Chinese yards Donghai and Zhonghua from 1987 - 1991 and today 8 vessels remains in the BALTIMAR fleet. Vessels: IMO No Name Type Capacity Unit Built Class Flag 8807349 Baltimar Boreas GEN. CARGO 2854 GT 1989 LR BHS 8812942 Baltimar Euros GEN. CARGO 2854 GT 1991 LR BHS 8607672 Baltimar Neptune GEN. CARGO 2854 GT 1988 LR BHS 8607658 Baltimar Notos GEN. CARGO 2854 GT 1988 LR BHS 8812875 Baltimar Orion GEN. CARGO 2854 GT 1990 LR BHS 8812954 Baltimar Saturn GEN. CARGO 2854 GT 1991 LR BHS 8812930 Baltimar Sirius GEN. CARGO 2854 GT 1991 LR BHS 8807375 Baltimar Venus GEN. CARGO 2854 GT 1990 LR BHS Ownership Updated information on For more information on each vessel at the Vessel Index. 29_154 Denmark.indd 31 31 04.05.2012 13:34:26 DANISH SHIPPING COMPANIES DENMARK Bidsted & Co A/S Company Category: Technical Mngr., Operation Mngr. Tel.: +45 3929 6622 Fax: +45 3929 8899 E-mail: Web: Visiting address: Tuborg Havnevej 18, DK-2900 Hellerup Postal address: Tuborg Havnevej 18, DK-2900 Hellerup, DENMARK Managing Dir.: Carsten Munk Jensen Operation Mngr.: Jesper Hansen Founded: 1940 Other relevant information: The company’s activities include chartering, affreightment contracts, sale and purchase, management of clients’ and own tonnage, financial advice, shipping investment, long-term deals and projects. The company’s core activities with tonnage are dry cargo, Panamax, Handymax and Handysize. Vessels: IMO No Name Type Capacity Unit Built Class Flag 9044023 Adriatic ID BULK 13712 GT 1994 LR HKG 9125918 Arctic ID BULK 17209 GT 1996 NKK PAN 9180011 Baltic ID BULK 16764 GT 1997 NKK HKG 9146807 Bering ID BULK 17879 GT 1997 NKK HKG 9228992 Bianco Bulker BULK 30008 GT 2001 BV PAN 9284489 Bianco Dan BULK 30619 GT 2004 NKK PAN 9170286 Bianco ID BULK 36356 GT 1998 NKK PAN 9278739 Bianco Venture BULK 19828 GT 2004 BV PAN 9124146 Caribbean ID BULK 18108 GT 1996 NKK HKG 9520998 ID Black Sea BULK 28367 dwt 2009 NKK HKG 8812631 ID Bulker BULK 17126 GT 1989 NKK PAN 9114610 ID Harbour BULK 17879 GT 1995 NKK PAN 9132923 ID Integrity BULK 26070 GT 1996 9223825 ID Mermaid BULK 17944 GT 2001 NKK HKG 9194385 ID Nord BULK 27011 GT 1999 NKK HKG 9519195 ID North Sea BULK 28367 dwt 2009 NKK PAN 9014406 ID Pioneer BULK 15884 GT 1991 NKK PAN 9052604 ID Red Sea BULK 38267 GT 1994 RINA PAN ID Tide BULK 45408 dwt 1995 9111369 Idas Bulker BULK 16418 GT 1995 NKK PAN 9085572 Ideal Bulker BULK 16721 GT 1994 NKK PHL 9464546 Idship Bulker BULK 17018 GT 2008 NKK HKG 9139971 Marine Bulker BULK 17542 GT 1996 NKK PAN 9104196 Mediterranean ID BULK 17429 GT 1994 NKK HKG 9079169 Nordic Barents BULK 27078 GT 1995 NKK HKG Ownership 32 29_154 Denmark.indd 32 04.05.2012 13:34:27 9079157 Nordic Bothnia BULK 27078 GT 1995 NKK HKG 9170298 Obelix Bulker BULK 36356 GT 1998 NKK HKG 9109964 Ocean ID BULK 16712 GT 1994 NKK HKG 9106704 Pacific ID BULK 17075 GT 1995 NKK HKG 9057458 Pioneer Atlantic BULK 37978 GT 1998 ABS PAN 9055620 Pioneer Pacific BULK 38267 GT 1994 NKK PAN 9105396 Scan Bulker BULK 16446 GT 1995 NKK PAN 9111357 Spring Bulker BULK 16418 GT 1995 NKK SGP 9044035 Tasman ID BULK 13712 GT 1994 LR LBR Country Category Capacity Unit JNS TBN BULK 32500 dwt JNS TBN BULK 32500 dwt Imabari TBN BULK 28050 dwt Danship Bulker BULK 28291 dwt DENMARK DANISH SHIPPING COMPANIES Newbuildings: Name Hull No Yard Delivery Updated information on For more information on each vessel at the Vessel Index. Blue Star Line AS Company Category: Shipowner Tel.: +45 63 60 00 52 Fax: +45 63 60 01 09 E-mail: Web: Visiting address: Kanalvej 17,, DK-5600 Faaborg Postal address: Kanalvej 17,, DK-5600 Faaborg, DENMARK Managing Dir.: Tom Hald Technical Mngr: Jens-Henning jarly Founded: 2004 Other relevant information: The company now offers a wide range of services to the clients, such as Pipe and Cable Laying Route Clearance, Geotechnical investigations, Anchor Handling, Rig moves, Oil Pollution Fighting, Diving Support, Survey/ROV, Biological Examinations, Guard Vessels etc. In order to comply with the increasing demands from the offshore industry and further develop the business, the number of vessels owned and managed by the company has simultaneously increased. All vessels owned by Blue Star line Ltd., except for the smaller vessels, are classified by DNV (Det Norske Veritas) or RINA and the Danish Maritime Authorities. The vessels are accepted for world wide trade, and are ISM/ISPS certified. All vessels are equipped with the latest navigational and safety equipment. 29_154 Denmark.indd 33 33 04.05.2012 13:34:27 DANISH SHIPPING COMPANIES DENMARK Vessels: IMO No Name Type Capacity Unit Built Class Flag 7921007 Blue Alfa AHTS 1887 GT 1981 RINA DMA 8112665 Blue Beta PSV 2099 GT 1983 DNV DMA 7607613 Blue Capella MULTIP. 662 GT 1978 DNV DMA 6403424 Blue Castor MULTIP. 720 GT 1963 DNV DMA Blue Mira SURVEY 15 GT 1989 DMA Blue Vega MULTIP. 105 GT 1969 PAN 9547491 Ownership Updated information on For more information on each vessel at the Vessel Index. Bunker & Trading AS, O.W. Company Category: Shipowner Tel.: +45 98 12 72 77 Fax: +45 98 16 72 77 E-mail: Web: Visiting address: Stigsborgvej 60,, DK-9400 Noerresundby Postal address: Stigsborgvej 60,, DK-9400 Noerresundby, DENMARK Managing Dir.: Jim Pedersen Operation Mngr.: Helle Vilmar Founded: 1980 Other relevant information: OW Bunker is part of the Wrist Group, one of the world’s largest ship services companies. Wrist provides a one-stop shop and single point of contact for all bunker fuel, ship supply and shipping products and services for vessels. Vessels: IMO No Name Type Capacity Unit Built 9211119 Ares-T BARGE 1250 dwt 1999 TUR 9442914 Besiktas Halland TANKER 7692 dwt 2008 MLT Chardonnay BARGE 1700 dwt 2009 Conquest BARGE 4000 dwt 2005 Feyzanur BARGE 1150 dwt 1973 TUR Gundeniz 1 BARGE 730 dwt 1987 TUR Havva Ana OILCHEMICAL 7667 dwt 2009 MHL Ikizler E BARGE 265 dwt 1985 TUR Kalkanlar 3 BARGE 333 dwt 1997 TUR Kalkanlar 4 BARGE 350 dwt 1985 TUR 9511442 Leonore BARGE 1644 dwt 2010 9431056 Mainland TANKER 7750 dwt 2008 8966509 Neris BARGE 950 GT 1973 Class Flag Ownership MLT 34 29_154 Denmark.indd 34 04.05.2012 13:34:27 DANISH SHIPPING COMPANIES BARGE 250 dwt 1962 Ola BARGE 1400 dwt 1972 Ondina BARGE 750 dwt 1974 8813697 Otilia OIL TANK 5525 GT 1989 GL DIS 9327475 OW Aalborg CHEMICAL 3520 dwt 2005 LR DMA 9268186 OW Atlantic TANKER 4342 GT 2002 GL DMA 9326677 OW Baltic TANKER 3814 dwt 2005 9327487 OW Copenhagen CHEMICAL 3000 GT 2006 9341419 OW Scandinavia CHEMICAL 3814 dwt 2006 Oxana BARGE 2828 dwt 2003 9217319 Tena TANKER 5500 dwt 2001 9254977 Vadero Highlander OILCHEMICAL 1300 GT 2003 Valsinni BARGE 3150 dwt 2009 Virage BARGE 3150 dwt 2009 Volante BARGE 3180 dwt 2009 Wappen von Bayern OILCHEMICAL 8234 dwt 2003 9255828 TUR DENMARK Odin 1 URY ABS DMA DMA TUR BV CYP LBR Updated information on For more information on each vessel at the Vessel Index. Clipper Bulk A/S Company Category: Shipowner, Technical Mngr., Operation Mngr. Tel.: +45 4911 8000 Fax: +45 4911 8001 E-mail: Web: Visiting address: Harbour House, Sundkrogsgade 21, DK-2100 Copenhagen Postal address: Harbour House, Sundkrogsgade 21, DK-2100 Copenhagen, DENMARK Founded: 2002 Partners/Related companies/Subsidiaries: Nordic Tankers Marine A/S, Clipper Projects A/S, Clipper Tankers A/S, Other relevant information: Clipper Bulk operates approx 100 bulkcarriers, including trip charters, from handysize to handymax and panamax, making Clipper Bulk one of the largest global bulkcarrier owners, and operators. Clipper Bulk’s modern fleet is specially designed to handle a variety of cargo types. Just as cargo is fundamental to your business, being proactive is a prerequisite to ours. 29_154 Denmark.indd 35 35 04.05.2012 13:34:27 DANISH SHIPPING COMPANIES DENMARK Vessels: IMO No Name Type Capacity Unit Built Class Flag 9320336 Aloe BULK 19918 GT 2007 ABS BHS 9320324 Anemone BULK 19918 GT 2007 ABS BHS 9300855 Assimina II BULK 19971 GT 2007 ABS JAM 9246841 Citrus Venus BULK 32165 dwt Clipper BariStar BULK 38243 dwt 2011 9221798 Clipper Emperor BULK 38878 GT 2000 GL MHL 9300843 Clipper Glory BULK 19971 GT 2006 ABS HKG 9300867 Clipper Grace BULK 19971 GT 2007 ABS HKG 9397236 Clipper Harmony BULK 19831 GT 2009 9397248 Clipper Hope CARGO 31883 dwt 2010 9550266 Clipper Ichiban BULK 17070 GT 2009 9445136 Clipper Imabari BULK 16960 GT 2008 PAN 9573799 Clipper Iwagi CARGO 28338 dwt 2010 PAN 9470818 Clipper Iyo BULK 16960 GT 2008 PAN 9550163 Clipper Izumo CARGO 28319 dwt 2010 PAN 9400899 Clipper Kamoshio CARGO 20236 GT 2009 9370135 Clipper Kasashio CARGO 20236 GT 2008 9283837 Clipper Lasco BULK 16954 GT 2004 9551375 Clipper Lotus CARGO 28321 dwt 2010 9274355 Clipper Mercury BULK 17944 GT 2004 ABS BHS 9231030 Clipper Monarch BULK 38878 GT 2000 GL MHL 9255191 Clipper Morning BULK 17944 GT 2002 BHS 9478743 Clipper Phoenix CARGO 55690 dwt 2011 PAN 9524542 Clipper Polaris BULK 31236 GT 2009 9406075 Clipper Talent BULK 19972 GT 2009 9320300 Clipper Target BULK 19918 GT 2006 9406099 Clipper Tarpon BULK 19972 GT 2010 9320348 Clipper Tenacious BULK 19918 GT 2008 9406116 Clipper Terminus CARGO 30486 dwt 2010 BHS 9406037 Clipper Titan BULK 19972 GT 2009 BHS Ownership SGP PAN BHS PAN ABS SGP BHS ABS BHS 36 29_154 Denmark.indd 36 04.05.2012 13:34:27 DANISH SHIPPING COMPANIES 9375953 Clipper Trader BULK 19972 GT 2008 9406025 Clipper Triumph BULK 19972 GT 2009 9320312 Clipper Trust BULK 19918 GT 2007 ABS BHS 9285407 Clipper Valour BULK 22072 GT 2003 ABS BHS 9542520 CS Calla BULK 37482 dwt 2011 BHS 9542532 CS Calvina 38243 dwt 2011 BHS 9406104 CS Caprice CARGO 30487 dwt 2010 BHS 9406087 CS Caroline BULK 19972 GT 2010 9320295 CS Chara BULK 19918 GT 2006 BHS 9406128 CS Crystal CARGO 30477 dwt 2010 BHS 9255189 CS Manatee BULK 17944 GT 2002 9237395 CS Sacha CARGO 28378 dwt 2001 BHS 9221360 CS Savannah CARGO 28685 dwt 2000 BHS 9252058 CS Solaris CARGO 28492 dwt 2001 BHS 9285419 CS Vanguard BULK 22072 GT 2004 9509425 Doris BULK 34467 dwt 2011 9188623 Eilhard Schulte BULK 28073 GT 1999 9385099 Gloriosa I BULK 32285 dwt 2009 PAN 9235957 Hibernia BULK 17784 GT 2001 LBR 9223825 ID Mermaid BULK 17944 GT 2001 NKK HKG 9316189 Josco Yangzhou BULK 30962 GT 2004 CCRS HKG Jurgen Schulte BULK Cbm 1996 LBR 95140429 K. Ruby BULK 55688 dwt 2011 PAN 9406063 Lilly Bolten BULK 19972 GT 2009 9450818 Lisa J CARGO 34426 dwt 2010 9406049 Louisa Bolten BULK 19972 GT 2009 9473391 Maritec BULK 33266 dwt 2009 HKG 9580120 Matisse BULK 34416 dwt 2011 MHL 9300831 Miltiades II BULK 19971 GT 2006 9385166 Orient Hope BULK 32165 dwt 2008 9159426 Robert Schulte BULK 26586 GT 1997 NKK PHL 9185786 Salandi BULK 38852 GT 1999 LR PAN 9588407 Sam Phoenix BULK 33859 dwt 2011 HKG 9170652 Sanaga CARGO 17784 GT 1998 LBR 9580118 Sea Melody CARGO 34467 dwt 2010 MLT 9237199 Skua BULK 29862 GT 2003 MHL 9169330 Stella Fomalhaut BULK 26862 GT 1999 9233428 Tai Harvest CARGO 51008 dwt 2002 ABS ABS DENMARK BHS BHS BHS MLT MHL ABS HKG PAN ABS SGP PAN 29_154 Denmark.indd 37 37 04.05.2012 13:34:27 DENMARK DANISH SHIPPING COMPANIES 9304370 Tai Honesty BULK 30669 GT 2007 PAN 9440966 Tennei Maru BULK 58743 dwt 2009 PAN 9078335 Theomitor BULK 17428 GT 1994 9450820 Thomas C BULK 34372 dwt 2011 MHL 9235969 Tremonia CARGO 17784 GT 2001 LBR 9154555 Voc Daisy BULK 25807 GT 1998 PAN 9154567 Voc Rose BULK 25807 GT 1998 PAN NKK MHL Updated information on For more information on each vessel at the Vessel Index. Clipper Projects A/S Company Category: Technical Mngr., Operation Mngr. Tel.: +45 4911 8000 Fax: +45 4911 8001 Web: Visiting address: Harbour House, Sundkrogsgade 21, DK-2100 Copenhagen Postal address: Harbour House, Sundkrogsgade 21, DK-2100 Copenhagen, DENMARK Managing Dir.: Kristian V. Morch Operation Mngr.: Lars L. Erichsen Founded: 1999 Partners/Related companies/Subsidiaries: Clipper Bulk A/S, Nordic Tankers Marine A/S, Clipper Tankers A/S, Other relevant information: Clipper Projects is one of the world’s leading carriers of project cargo with special expertise in logistic solutions and cargoes others consider impossible. Vessels: IMO No Name Type Capacity Unit Built Class Flag Ownership 9252826 CEC Century GEN. CARGO 6714 GT 2001 BV BHS MGMT CEC Champion CONTAINER 8734 dwt 1999 9169859 CEC Commander GEN. CARGO 6714 GT 1998 DNV BHS MGMT 9235127 CEC Copenhagen GEN. CARGO 6714 GT 2001 BV BHS MGMT 9076337 CEC Faith GEN. CARGO 7120 dwt 1994 BV DIS MGMT 9076349 CEC Fantasy GEN. CARGO 7120 dwt 1994 BV DIS MGMT 9076325 CEC Fighter GEN. CARGO 7120 dwt 1994 BV DIS MGMT 9088433 CEC Force GEN. CARGO 7120 dwt 1995 BV DIS MGMT 9076351 CEC Future GEN. CARGO 7120 dwt 1994 BV DIS MGMT BHS 38 29_154 Denmark.indd 38 04.05.2012 13:34:28 DANISH SHIPPING COMPANIES 9141730 CEC Mirage GEN. CARGO 8900 dwt 1999 BV DIS 9488047 Clipper Angela MULTIP. 9611 GT 2011 GL SGP 9570620 Clipper Antje MULTIP. 7950 dwt 2010 9232319 Clipper Concord GEN. CARGO 6714 GT 2000 LR BHS 9169873 Clipper Cristobal GEN. CARGO 6714 GT 1999 DNV BHS 9557795 Clipper Galaxy MULTIP. 9100 dwt 2011 BHS 9557783 Clipper Grand MULTIP. 9100 dwt 2011 BHS 9114921 Clipper Hunter GEN. CARGO 5400 dwt 1995 BV IOM 9114347 Clipper Mandarin GEN. CARGO 8900 dwt 1996 BV BHS 9103362 Clipper Mariner GEN. CARGO 8970 dwt 1996 BV DIS 9103350 Clipper Mayflower GEN. CARGO 8900 dwt 1996 BV BHS 9103374 Clipper Meadow GEN. CARGO 8970 dwt 1995 BV BHS 9129445 Clipper Meridian GEN. CARGO 8900 dwt 1996 BV BHS 9103386 Clipper Merlin GEN. CARGO 8900 dwt 1995 BV BHS 9141742 Clipper Mistral GEN. CARGO 8900 dwt 1999 BV DIS 9473224 Clipper Nassau MULTIP. 13000 GT 2011 BHS 9473236 Clipper Newark MULTIP. 13000 GT 2011 BHS 9473248 Clipper Newhaven MULTIP. 13000 GT 2011 BHS 9232462 Magdalena Green MULTIP. 11894 GT 2001 LR NLD 9187045 Makiri Green MULTIP. 11894 GT 1999 LR NLD 9208198 Marinus Green MULTIP. 11894 GT 2000 LR NLD 9208203 Marissa Green MULTIP. 11894 GT 2000 LR NLD 9247405 Marlene Green MULTIP. 11894 GT 2001 LR NLD 9225146 MPP Arrow GEN. CARGO 6714 GT 2000 BV MHL 9169847 MPP Shield GEN. CARGO 6714 GT 1998 BV MHL MGMT DENMARK ANT MGMT MGMT MGMT MGMT 29_154 Denmark.indd 39 39 04.05.2012 13:34:28 DENMARK DANISH SHIPPING COMPANIES 9235139 MPP Triumph GEN. CARGO 6714 GT 2001 BV MHL 9252034 MV Hamra GEN. CARGO 6714 GT 2001 BV PAN 9363534 Rosaire Desgagnes MULTIP. 12840 dwt 2007 BRB 9402093 Sedna Desgagnes MULTIP. 12612 dwt 2008 BRB Zelada Desgagnes MULTIP. 12612 dwt 2009 BRB Updated information on For more information on each vessel at the Vessel Index. Container Shipping AS Company Category: Technical Mngr. Tel.: +45 33 15 15 30 Fax: +45 33 15 05 20 Web: Visiting address: Dyrehavegårdsvej 18,, DK-2800 Kgs. Lyngby Postal address: Dyrehavegårdsvej 18,, DK-2800 Kgs. Lyngby, DENMARK Other relevant information: Container Shipping A/S operates and manages a fleet of container vessels owned by the group of companies within Container Leasing A/S. We also provide expert third party commercial ship management services. Vessels: IMO No Name Type Capacity Unit Built Class Flag Ownership 9031466 CS Christine CONTAINER 14858 GT 1992 RINA MLT MGMT 8820248 CS Gitte CABLE 8777 GT 1990 RINA PAN MGMT 9157131 CS Setubal CARGO 11153 GT 1997 RINA PAN MGMT 9117650 CS Tina CARGO 11987 GT 1995 RINA PAN MGMT Updated information on For more information on each vessel at the Vessel Index. Copenship AS Company Category: Shipowner Tel.: (+45) 3826 2700 Fax: (+45) 3860 6403 E-mail: Web: Visiting address: Haabets Allé 26B,, DK-2700 Brønshøj Postal address: Haabets Allé 26B,, DK-2700 Brønshøj, DENMARK Managing Dir.: Michael Fenger Operation Mngr.: Michael Steenfeldt 40 29_154 Denmark.indd 40 04.05.2012 13:34:28 Acergy Harrier Acergy Hawk Acergy Legend Acergy Orion Acergy Osprey Acergy Petrel Acergy Polaris 8322662 7725336 8502925 8758500 8213392 9268629 8756772 Acergy Antares Acergy Eagle Ace Bulker 9289855 9015905 Acavus 9308754 Acergy Discovery Acacia Rubra 9468530 8813910 Abo 7374046 Acergy Condor CONSTR Ability 7610048 8111879 BULK Aberdeen 9125736 511_788 Vessels.indd 512 512 BARGE SURVEY SERVICE BARGE SURVEY SERVICE SERVICE CONSTR SERVICE CONSTR CHEMICAL OIL TANK FPSO GEN.CARGO OIL TANK CONTAINER A.P. Moller 9214898 Type Name IMO no. VESSELS PAN LBR LBR PAN PAN PAN LBR LBR IOM LBR PAN PAN MHL PAN NIS BHS DIS 16455 3371 6254 4134 2022 3860 4782 9556 8248 8506 11039 16966 8351 6065 80025 2822 47274 91560 Flag Cap. GT GT GT GT GT GT GT GT GT GT GT GT GT dwt GT GT GT GT Beam 14,2 27,0 18,9 18,8 19,5 15,0 137,0 39,0 76,5 101,7 19,6 84,5 64,8 97,5 83,4 142,4 19,5 124,7 19,5 145,0 20,0 119,0 31,7 169,3 27,2 107,0 17,6 91,1 220,8 36,8 347,0 43,0 Unit Loa Built 5,8 7,4 5,8 3,3 4,1 4,4 5,8 6,8 6,5 6,0 4,5 9,8 6,5 6,4 1979 2002 1984 1977 1985 1978 1985 1997 1990 1982 2009 2003 2005 2011 1976 1978 15,6 1996 14,5 2000 Dr. MITSUBISHI GM DAIHATSU BERGEN WÄRTSILÄ WÄRTSILÄ WÄRTSILÄ MAN/B&W -- ALPHA B&W MAN/B&W Motors 04.05.2012 13:35:19 Subsea 7 Contracting (Norway) AS Uksnøy & Co. AS OWNER MGMT Subsea 7 Contracting (Norway) AS Subsea 7 Contracting (Norway) AS Subsea 7 Contracting (Norway) AS Subsea 7 Contracting (Norway) AS Subsea 7 Contracting (Norway) AS Subsea 7 Contracting (Norway) AS Subsea 7 Contracting (Norway) AS Subsea 7 Contracting (Norway) AS Subsea 7 Contracting (Norway) AS Subsea 7 Contracting (Norway) AS Lauritzen Bulkers A/S Viken Shipping AS Wisby Tankers AB - Wisby Ship Management AB BW Offshore Norway AS Sunbay Management AS Teekay Shipping Norway AS MGMT MGMT MGMT MGMT MGMT MGMT MGMT MGMT MGMT OWNER MGMT T/C Maersk Line Ownersh. Owner DETAILS OF VESSELS OIL-CHEMICAL MLT BARGE Acor Adam 9376945 OFFSHORE IMR Advance II Adventurer Aegean Breeze Aegean Falcon Affinity Afric Star African Caribe African Fjord 9289788 8400206 8202367 9227792 9289776 8713562 513 511_788 Vessels.indd 513 VESSELS African Spirit OFFSHORE IMR Adriatic ID 9044023 9250737 REEFER Adriatic 9076272 OIL TANK OIL TANK BULK PCTC BULK OIL TANK BULK REEFER CONTAINER Adrian Maersk 9260457 BULK Admiral Bulker 9470820 CATAMARAN CYP CYM LBR SGP SGP SGP CYP SGP HKG PAN DIS PAN DMA Achiever 9634127 CHEMICAL Achatina NOR 79668 11590 42661 27986 27876 16605 30032 13712 6964 93496 17023 127 23248 101 8351 6436 Flag Cap. 9308766 SURVEY Type Acergy Viking Name 9378149 IMO no. GT Cbm Cbm GT GT GT GT GT GT GT GT GT GT GT GT GT GT GT 6,7 7,6 19,6 Beam 158,5 23,5 228,0 32,2 164,0 28,3 168,3 26,0 183,0 32,2 157,5 25,0 134,0 18,0 352,6 42,8 169,5 27,2 30,5 20,0 95,2 Unit Loa 2008 1973 2007 2011 2005 2007 Built 1994 1995 2000 1983 1984 2003 2008 2008 12,7 1990 12,2 2005 8,4 9,8 11,0 2006 9,1 7,3 15,0 2004 0,6 1,3 9,6 Dr. OWNER OWNER OWNER MGMT/ OW OWNER 20% C-MGMT MGMT MGMT Teekay Shipping Norway AS Bergshav Management AS Bergshav Management AS Star Reefers AS Transpetrol TM AS 04.05.2012 13:35:19 Norden A/S, Dampskibsselskabet United European Car Carriers (Norway) AS Wallenius Marine AB Wallenius Lines AB Lorentzens Skibs AS Transpetrol TM AS Bidsted & Co A/S ID Shipping A/S Gram & Co AS, P.D. Maersk Line Lauritzen Bulkers A/S Terramare Oy Norient Product Pool A/S MGMT OWNER Norden A/S, Dampskibsselskabet Northern Offshore Services Viken Shipping AS OWNER OWNER OWNER Subsea 7 Contracting (Norway) AS Eidesvik Offshore ASA Ownersh. Owner MAN/B&W OWNER B&W MITSUBISHI B&W B&W MITSUBISHI B&W SULZER MAK Motors DETAILS OF VESSELS TANKER RESEARCH Agelic Peace Agnes Scan Agria Ahtela Ahti Aida Aila Aila Ainazi Airisto 9250177 9375862 9584140 8911736 9230256 9316139 9354337 3954337 9323405 Aktea R Al Areesh 9325697 TUG Akilles 9554171 DRILLING Aker Spitsbergen GAS TANK BULK OIL TANK OIL TANK Aker SMART 2 Akri DRILLING Aker Barents 9520261 TANKER Akaki DREDGER Ajax R 9040869 TUG Ajax 5330668 TUG Ajax CONTAINER CONTAINER PCTC TUG RORO CARGO GEN.CARGO CARGO 9210983 511_788 Vessels.indd 514 514 CATAMARAN Agdenes 9018804 Type Name IMO no. VESSELS MLT PAN PAN BHS NLD FIN NOR FIN MHL FIN FIN SWE FIN FIN MLT ATG GRC NOR Cbm Cbm GT GT GT GT dwt dwt GT GT GT GT dwt GT dwt GT 99106 28372 6137 54 GT dwt dwt GT Cbm 8,0 Beam 13,0 12,8 8,3 16,0 8,9 6,1 169,0 27,0 104,8 16,3 19,7 282,0 51,0 242,0 42,0 28,0 42,0 30,5 196,0 32,0 141,2 21,3 199,0 32,3 33,5 132,3 19,0 190,0 32,0 88,6 225,0 32,3 28,8 Unit Loa 188679 dwt 587 200 1032 288 52620 11497 9131 57000 560 7959 56805 2540 74750 100 Flag Cap. 1991 Built 2011 2006 2009 1950 2000 1972 2008 2007 2006 2002 6,6 2,5 2007 2011 2008 1958 2009 24,0 1980 4,2 7,0 3,0 8,6 9,5 5,5 12,4 1991 5,5 14,3 2001 3,2 Dr. SCANIA ABB STAL WICHMANN CATERPILLAR WÄRTSILÄ B&W WÄRTSILÄ WÄRTSILÄ MAK MWM Motors OWNER OWNER OWNER OWNER MGMT OWNER MGMT OWNER OWNER B/B MGMT OWNER Teekay Shipping Norway AS Copenship AS Herning Shipping a.s. Håkans Oy Ab, Alfons Aker Drilling ASA 04.05.2012 13:35:19 Aker Floating Production ASA Aker Drilling ASA Polyar Tankers AS Rohde Nielsen A/S (RN Group) Håkans Oy Ab, Alfons �stensjø Rederi A/S VG-Shipping Ltd. Navig8 Containerships Ltd. Oy Langh Ship Ab, Oy Wallenius Lines AB Wallenius Marine AB Neste Shipping Oy Sea-Cargo AS Erikson, Rederiaktiebolaget Gustaf U-SEA Bulk Shipping A/S Scan-Trans Chartering ApS Norden A/S, Dampskibsselskabet Kystekspressen ANS, Partsrederiet FosenNamsos Sjø AS Ownersh. Owner DETAILS OF VESSELS BULK/OIL BULK Al Huwailla Al Jabirah Al Kharsaah Al Khuwair Al Mahboobah Al Mansour Al Mansour 9360879 9332042 9360881 9360908 9555084 9228057 Al Shamal Al Zarandi Aladdin Rainbow Albert Maersk Albinoni Albion Bay Alcem Lugait Ale Alesia Alex Alexander Maersk CONTAINER Alexander Spirit Alexandra Kosan 9360893 9325958 9196307 9260469 9133757 9496989 8300614 7347639 9433339 9112741 9164237 9326524 9342413 DMA MHL MHL GAS TANK OIL-CHEMICAL TUG GEN.CARGO ICEBR CEMENT CARGO CARGO CONTAINER BULK IOM DIS IRL ANT SWE SGP PAN MLT DIS PAN OIL-CHEMICAL DMA GAS TANK CHEMICAL Al Marwah 9123362 GAS TANK Al Marrouna 9325685 511_788 Vessels.indd 515 515 VESSELS BHS BHS GT GT GT GT GT GT GT dwt 8000 17375 397 4732 971 18284 58755 9371 93496 20319 7000 GT Cbm dwt GT GT GT GT dwt dwt GT GT dwt 135848 GT 9544 99106 24400 38889 7000 135848 GT 135848 GT 23999 Beam 11,1 13,0 115,0 18,9 155,0 25,0 30,8 49,2 170,0 27,5 197,0 32,0 126,0 20,0 352,6 42,8 177,0 28,4 101,0 19,0 138,6 21,8 225,0 32,3 225,0 32,3 100,0 40,0 178,0 28,0 178,0 28,0 Unit Loa 135848 GT 99106 23999 Flag Cap. OIL-CHEMICAL MLT GAS TANK GAS TANK GAS TANK GAS TANK GAS TANK Al Daayen 9325702 GAS TANK Type Al Barrah Name 9332030 IMO no. 2008 2007 2006 Built 1999 2008 1995 8,7 8,4 4,8 5,2 2008 2007 1998 1995 2008 1973 10,0 1984 2011 1997 15,0 2004 8,8 2006 18,9 2002 13,9 2002 2008 2008 10,2 2006 9,2 Dr. T-MGMT MGMT Lauritzen Kosan A/S Teekay Shipping Norway AS Maersk Line �stensjø Rederi A/S Echoship ApS 04.05.2012 13:35:20 Swedish Maritime Administration (Sjöfartsverket) KGJ Cement AS OPERATOR OWNER Jebsen Skipsrederi AS, Kristian Gerhard U-SEA Bulk Shipping A/S T.K.B. Shipping A/S Maersk Line Lauritzen Bulkers A/S Nordic Maritime Services AS Teekay Shipping Norway AS Nordic Maritime Services AS Teekay Shipping Norway AS Klaveness Commercial Management Klaveness Group, The Torvald TK Group Klaveness Maritime Logistics Nordic Maritime Services AS OWNER MGMT T-MGMT T-MGMT MAN/B&W OWNER B&W CATERPILLAR VASA SULZER B&W B&W MGMT Teekay Shipping Norway AS Teekay Shipping Norway AS Nordic Maritime Services AS Teekay Shipping Norway AS Teekay Shipping Norway AS Nordic Maritime Services AS Ownersh. Owner MAN/B&W T-MGMT Motors DETAILS OF VESSELS TUG Alfa Italia Alfågeln Algeciras Spirit Algot Johansson 9255880 8915770 9207027 Alicudi Allegra Alliance Beaumont Alliance Charleston Alliance Norfolk Alliance Spirit Alliance St. Louis Almeda Star Almi Almi Star Aloe 9253777 9436707 9285483 9342205 9332547 9342619 9285500 8816156 8902474 9291250 9320336 ITA FIN BHS BHS BHS CYP BHS USA SGP USA USA USA ITA BULK BHS OIL-CHEMICAL LBR CARGO REEFER PCTC BULK/OIL PCTC PCTC PCTC TANKER GT GT GT GT GT GT 19918 62877 42263 11912 57000 7511 57280 57000 57000 40438 40083 5706 37320 21 GT GT dwt GT GT dwt GT GT GT dwt dwt GT dwt GT Beam 12,0 3,8 178,7 28,0 250,0 44,0 183,0 30,0 158,5 23,5 199,9 32,3 101,0 18,0 199,9 32,3 228,7 32,3 228,7 32,3 180,0 32,0 101,4 94,9 180,0 32,0 13,5 248,0 44,0 52,8 249,0 43,0 248,0 43,0 248,0 43,0 Unit Loa 115000 dwt 96 83724 1469 59719 56115 56115 Flag Cap. OIL-CHEMICAL ITA Alice Theresa M/T CHEMICAL 9478303 TANKER TUG Ali Alice BULK Alhami FERRY OIL TANK OIL TANK 9323792 9331153 OIL TANK Alfa Germania 9158551 511_788 Vessels.indd 516 516 OIL TANK Alfa Britannia 9154232 Type Name IMO no. VESSELS Built 1951 2007 2000 1990 2008 2004 2005 10,0 2007 2005 1991 12,8 1991 9,5 2007 10,0 2007 9,0 9,5 2004 19,1 2010 10,0 2007 1,7 4,2 14,3 2002 13,5 1998 13,5 1998 Dr. Höegh Autoliners AS OWNER MAN/B&W B&W B&W Clipper Bulk A/S Navig8 U-SEA Bulk Shipping A/S Star Reefers AS Höegh Fleet Services AS MGMT/ OW OWNER Höegh Autoliners AS Navig8 Höegh Autoliners AS Höegh Fleet Services AS Höegh Fleet Services AS OWNER OWNER MAN/B&W MGMT/ OW MGMT/ OW Höegh Autoliners AS Höegh Fleet Services AS Maersk Tankers Bergshav Management AS Herning Shipping a.s. Maersk Tankers RaumaCata Stena Bulk AB Håkans Oy Ab, Alfons Teekay Shipping Norway AS Ålandstrafiken Lundqvist Rederierna Lundqvist Rederierna Lundqvist Rederierna MGMT/ OW MGMT OWNER OWNER MGMT MGMT MGMT Ownersh. Owner MAN/B&W OWNER B&W ROLLS ROYCE WÄRTSILÄ B&W B&W B&W Motors 04.05.2012 13:35:20 DETAILS OF VESSELS
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