Serve the Lord with Gladness... Psalm 100:2
EVENT CHAIRMAN (Retreat & Convention)
Table of Contents
DISTRICT PRESIDENT those reporting to and list of forms............................................................................ 7
DISTRICT PRESIDENT ..................................................................................................................................... 8
Detailed Duties.......................................................................................................................................... 9
District President – Timeline ................................................................................................................... 13
BANNER and QUILT BANNER GUIDELINES .......................................................................................... 18
CRISIS MANAGEMENT GUIDELINES ............................................................................................................ 19
CRISIS MANAGEMENT TEAM .................................................................................................................. 21
CRISIS MANAGEMENT DOCUMENTATION.............................................................................................. 22
ARCHIVIST ................................................................................................................................................... 23
EVENT CHAIRMEN ....................................................................................................................................... 24
CONVENION HOST COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN .......................................................................................... 24
Convention Host Committee Chairman Timeline ................................................................................... 26
EVENT CHAIRMAN-RETREAT ................................................................................................................... 37
Retreat Host Committee Chairman Guidelines ...................................................................................... 38
Retreat Host Committee Chairman - Timeline ....................................................................................... 39
DISTRICT EVENT INVENTORY ...................................................................................................................... 50
MEETING MANAGER ................................................................................................................................... 51
Detailed Duties........................................................................................................................................ 51
Meeting Manager – Timeline .................................................................................................................. 53
PARTICIPANT INFORMATION, ACKNOWLEDGMENT AND RELEASE FORM ........................................ 58
HEALTH AND EMERGENCY INFORMATION FORM .............................................................................. 59
STRUCTURE CHAIRMAN – PARLIAMENTARIAN .......................................................................................... 60
Detailed Duties of the Structure Committee .......................................................................................... 60
Detailed Duties of Chairman ................................................................................................................... 61
Structure Chairman – Timeline ............................................................................................................... 62
SEQUENTIAL ORDER FOR DISTRICT BYLAWS CHANGES .......................................................................... 64
COUNTING BALLOTS ........................................................................................................................... 65
TALLYING THE VOTES .......................................................................................................................... 65
TELLER CHAIRMAN GUIDELINES ......................................................................................................... 66
REPORTING TELLER COUNT ................................................................................................................ 67
TELLER GUIDELINES ................................................................................................................................. 68
ZONE PRESIDENTS ....................................................................................................................................... 69
Detailed duties ........................................................................................................................................ 69
Zone President – Timeline ...................................................................................................................... 71
BANNER and QUILT BANNER GUIDELINES .......................................................................................... 72
Zone President’s Report...................................................................................................................... 73
Zone Rally Financial Report .................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
VICE PRESIDENT COMMUNICATIONS DEPARTMENT/FORMS .................................................................... 75
VICE PRESIDENT FOR COMMUNICATION.................................................................................................... 76
The Communication Department ........................................................................................................... 77
The Communication Committee ............................................................................................................. 77
Detailed Duties VP Communication ........................................................................................................ 77
Vice President for Communication – Timeline ....................................................................................... 79
EVANGEL EDITOR ........................................................................................................................................ 81
Detailed Duties........................................................................................................................................ 81
Evangel Editor – Timeline ....................................................................................................................... 83
WEB MASTER .............................................................................................................................................. 84
MEMBERSHIP RESOURCES CHAIRMAN....................................................................................................... 86
Detailed Duties of Membership Resources Committee ......................................................................... 86
Detailed Duties of Chairman ................................................................................................................... 87
Membership Resources Chairman – Timeline ........................................................................................ 88
APPLICATION FOR MEMBERSHIP ........................................................................................................ 89
APPLICATION FOR REINSTATEMENT ................................................................................................... 91
LWML SOCIETY DISBANDMENT FORM ............................................................................................... 92
LWML MEMBER PROFILE .................................................................................................................... 93
MEMBERSHIP SURVEY ........................................................................................................................ 94
SOCIETY/UNIT OFFICERS ..................................................................................................................... 97
SUBSCRIPTION / RENEWAL FORM ...................................................................................................... 98
VICE PRESIDENT MISSION GRANTS DEPARTMENT/FORMS ........................................................................ 99
VICE PRESIDENT FOR MISSION GRANTS ................................................................................................... 100
The Mission Grants Department........................................................................................................... 101
The Mission Grants Committee ............................................................................................................ 101
Detailed Duties VP Mission Grants ....................................................................................................... 101
Vice President for Mission Grants – Timeline ....................................................................................... 103
SUBMITTING MISSION GRANT PROPOSALS FOR BALLOT GUIDELINES................................................. 105
SUBMITTING MISSION GRANT PROPOSAL APPLICATION ..................................................................... 106
MISSION GRANT APPLICATION/INFORMATION FORM..................................................................... 108
INSTRUCTIONS FOR MISSION GRANT RECIPIENTS ............................................................. 109
SCHOLARSHIP CHAIRMAN......................................................................................................................... 111
SCHOLARSHIP COMMITTEE................................................................................................................... 111
SCHOLARSHIP GRANTS.......................................................................................................................... 111
Detailed Duties – Scholarship Chairman and Committee ..................................................................... 112
Scholarship Chairman – Timeline.......................................................................................................... 113
SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATION GUIDELINES ......................................................................................... 115
FL – GA District Financial Aid Application Guidelines ....................................................................... 117
APPLICATION FOR STUDENT AID – FL – GA DISTRICT – pg 3 ............................................................ 118
APPLICATION FOR STUDENT AID – FL – GA DISTRICT – pg 4 ............................................................ 119
VICE PRESIDENT MISSION SERVICE DEPARTMENT ................................................................................... 120
V P MISSION SERVICE ............................................................................................................................ 121
MISSION SERVICE DEPARTMENT and COMMITTEE .............................................................................. 122
Detailed Duties – Vice President for Mission Service ........................................................................... 122
Vice President for Mission Service – Timeline ...................................................................................... 123
VICE PRESIDENT SPIRITUAL GROWTH DEPARTMENT/FORMS.................................................................. 125
VICE PRESIDENT SPIRITUAL GROWTH....................................................................................................... 126
SPIRITUAL GROWTH DEPARTMENT ...................................................................................................... 126
SPIRITUAL GROWTH COMMITTEE ........................................................................................................ 127
Detailed Duties – V P Spiritual Growth: ................................................................................................ 127
V P Spiritual Growth – Timeline ............................................................................................................ 128
ZONE SPIRITUAL GROWTH EVENT REPORT ...................................................................................... 130
MISSION TRIP COORDINATOR................................................................................................................... 131
YOUNG WOMAN DEVELOPER ................................................................................................................... 132
YOUNG WOMAN DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE .................................................................................... 132
Detailed Duties – Young Woman Developer: ....................................................................................... 133
Young Woman Developer – Timeline ................................................................................................... 133
QUALIFICATIONS for YOUNG WOMEN REPRESENTATIVES .................................................................. 136
YOUNG WOMAN REPRESENTATIVE APPLICATION ........................................................................... 137
RECORDING SECRETARY............................................................................................................................ 138
FINANCE COMMITTEE ........................................................................................................................... 138
Detailed Duties of Recording Secretary ................................................................................................ 139
Recording Secretary – Timeline ............................................................................................................ 140
TREASURER ............................................................................................................................................... 141
Detailed Duties of the Treasurer........................................................................................................... 142
District Treasurer – Timeline................................................................................................................. 142
FINANCIAL SECRETARY .............................................................................................................................. 146
Detailed Duties of Financial Secretary .................................................................................................. 146
Financial Secretary – Timeline .............................................................................................................. 147
LWML FL – GA District Remittance Slip............................................................................................. 150
PASTORAL COUNSELORS........................................................................................................................... 151
Detailed Duties...................................................................................................................................... 151
Pastoral Counselors – Timeline ............................................................................................................. 152
NOMINATING COMMITTEE AND CHAIRMAN ........................................................................................... 153
Detailed Duties of Nominating Committee Chairman .......................................................................... 153
Positions to be Elected Each Biennium ................................................................................................. 154
Nominating Committee Chairman – Timeline ...................................................................................... 155
Summary of deadline dates .................................................................................................................. 157
NOMINATION RECOMMENDATION FORM-Biennium A ........................................................ 158
NOMINATION RECOMMENDATION FORM-Biennium B ........................................................ 159
Nomination Consent and Information Form ..................................................................................... 160
Nomination Consent and Information Form for Pastoral Counselor ................................................ 162
Congregation Consent for Pastoral Counselor.................................................................................. 164
DISTRICT PRESIDENT those reporting to and list of forms
Banner Guidelines-district for LWML Convention
Crisis Management Guidelines
Crisis Management Team Duties
Convention Host Committee Chairman
Retreat Host Committee Chairman
Event Inventory Record
Acknowledgement and Release Form
Medical Form
(Forms to be completed by each Board Member)
Sequential Order for Bylaw Changes
Guidelines for Counting Ballots/Tallying the Vote
Teller Chairmen Guidelines
Report by Teller Chairmen
Teller Guidelines
Zone Banner Guidelines for District Convention
Zone President’s Report
Zone Rally Financial Report
The officers shall be elected by ballot at the District LWML Convention to serve for a term of
four (4) years or until their successors are elected, and shall not be eligible for re-election to the
same office.
Bylaws, Article VI, Section 2
The President shall:
A. attend all LWML Board of Directors meetings and conventions and present a report of
these meetings to the District Board of Directors;
B. preside at the District LWML Convention and all meetings of the Executive Committee
(“EC”) and Board of Directors (“BOD”) meetings;
C. be responsible for the execution of resolutions passed by the convention body,
Executive Committee and Board of Directors;
D. be an ex-officio member of all committees, except the Nominating Committee;
E. appoint chairmen of standing committees, special appointed personnel, and special
committees, as needed, subject to approval by the Executive Committee;
F. be responsible for supervising the Archivist, Meeting Manager, Structure Chairman,
Event Chairmen, and Zone Chairmen;
G. assist the District LWML, Zones, and Societies to encourage people of culture and/or
ethnic diversity to join the programs and activities of the LWML, value their uniqueness,
and to build Christ-centered relationships with them;
H. provide materials and training to enable each member to increase her skills for
leadership in the LWML and to provide ideas, techniques and resources which will
enrich and stimulate growth in individuals, societies and zones;
I. receive and approve vouchers for payment of legitimately incurred expenditures and
forward approved vouchers to the Treasurer for issuance of checks;
J. insure that the District insurance policy is current and active, and includes required
bonding coverage;
K. present an oral and written report to the convention including a report of activities of
the District LWML Executive Committee;
L. provide a report for the convention manual;
M. approve the contents of the convention manual;
N. perform other duties as set forth in the Leaders Manual.
Bylaws, Article VIII, Section 1
Regularly share the President’s vision for the organization as it relates to the mission statement
with the:
A. Executive Committee, Board of Directors, committees, and personnel;
B. Women of the LCMS;
C. LCMS and related entities.
Detailed Duties
A. District Meetings / Conventions / Retreats:
1. Preside at conventions and all meetings of the Board of Directors and Executive
2. Set dates for Executive Committee and Board of Directors meetings for the biennium
according to the time line;
3. Prepare official call letter and agenda for meetings and mail according to time line:
a. Make assignments for conventions, Board of Directors, and Executive Committee
meetings (devotions, prayers, etc.);
b. Assign a Minutes Review Committee for Board of Directors meetings and District
c. Provide a written report to the Board of Directors and Executive Committee of
activities since the last meeting;
d. Bring before the Board of Directors and Executive Committee any items
requiring action;
4. Prepare convention agenda and assignments and execute same with approval by the
Executive Committee;
5. Prepare written and oral reports for the convention including activities of the Board of
6. With recommendations from host zones, appoint District Convention and Retreat
Chairmen and obtain approval of the Executive Committee;
7. Commission the writing of an �Officers’ Skit’ as a unified report at the retreat.
B. Administration:
1. Be responsible for appointing standing committee chairmen, appointed officers and
special appointed personnel, special committees, and other personnel; present
appointees and proposed standing committee members to the Executive Committee for
2. Inform LWML Office so that official and committee lists may be kept current;
3. Resolutions - be responsible for the execution of resolutions passed by the convention
assembly, Board of Directors, and Executive Committee;
4. Sign all contracts, legal documents, and other official papers for the District LWML;
5. Solicit designs for the creation of convention banners according to Timeline.
C. Finance:
1. Receive and approve vouchers for payment of legitimately incurred expenditures;
forward vouchers to the Treasurer for issuance of checks;
2. Receive vouchers for mission grants from Vice President for Mission Grants and forward
official authorization to the Treasurer for payment;
3. Approve proposed budget for the biennium prior to presentation to the Executive
Committee and Board of Directors;
4. Approve convention and retreat budgets for presentation to the EC/BOD;
5. Review the District Insurance Policy to insure that it is current and contains required
bonding coverage;
6. Sign checks in absence of Treasurer;
7. Maintain a supply of Mite Boxes for resale; fill mail orders upon request, provide an
adequate supply at Zone Rallies and District Events for purchase.
D. Ex Officio:
1. Be an ex officio member of all departments and committees except the Nominating
2. Be informed of all meetings and invited to attend;
3. Attend selection meetings of the Mission Grants Committee;
4. Be kept informed of department and committee activities through the Vice Presidents.
E. Presidential Office:
The following positions report directly to the President:
1. Archivist,
2. Meeting Manager,
3. Structure Chairman,
4. Event Host Committee Chairmen, and
5. Mission Trip Coordinator
6. Zone Presidents
F. Official Publication / Communication:
1. Prepare an article for the Evangel and e-mail to the Evangel Editor before the deadline
each quarter;
2. Submit other notices or articles as deemed necessary for District publications i.e.
(Lutheran Life);
3. Regularly communicate with all Board of Directors members;
4. Receive copies of all important correspondence of departments and committees;
5. Respond to all communication as quickly as possible; keep a file of outgoing and
incoming correspondence to the District.
G. Official Spokesman:
1. Serve as the official spokesman for the District Lutheran Women's Missionary League;
2. Serve as the liaison with the Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod:
a. represent the LWML when invited to attend LCMS District Conventions and other
meetings of the District. If unable to attend, appoint a representative, preferably
one of the Vice Presidents;
b. as requested, prepare a report of the organization's activities for the LCMS District
Convention manual; and
c. invite LCMS officers and LWML officers to attend District conventions.
3. Invite official guests to the District conventions as determined by the Executive
4. Invite all speakers for District conventions as determined by the Executive Committee;
5. Represent the LWML at meetings of other church bodies or organizations when invited,
as deemed appropriate;
6. Represent the District LWML at Zone rallies visiting each Zone at least once during each
7. Prepare a report of District goals, planned events, and / or news from LWML; mail
report to each Zone President prior to the first Zone rally. The Zone President shall copy
the report for each Zone attendee. If the District President attends the rally, she may
personally present her report to the assembly.
District President – Timeline
September/October: Following election:
Chair EC meeting.
Obtain transition information from outgoing president.
Read through files.
Review plans for District Assembly of Leaders Workshops.
Appoint committee chairmen with approval of EC.
Register LWML AOLW attendees; follow up on attendee's travel plans.
Following convention, thank host zone, host committee, speakers, retiring officers and
standing committee chairmen.
Send LWML office, President, and VP Communication an updated list of District officers,
standing committee chairmen, and other District appointees as requested.
September/October: Odd years:
Chair EC and BOD meetings prior to retreat at retreat site.
Select convention speakers (keynote, mission, LWML Representative).
Approve convention budget and registration fee schedule.
Select District convention logo and banner design.
Sign voucher for retreat speaker (prepared by VP for Spiritual Growth).
Verify transportation for speaker with Meeting Manager.
Select site of next retreat, host zone, and solicit suggestions for retreat chairman/men.
Finalize convention publicity for Evangel Spring issue with VP Communications,
Convention Host Committee Chairman and Meeting Manager.
Following retreat, thank host Zone, host Committee and Chairman, and Speaker.
September/October: Even years:
Chair EC and BOD meetings prior to convention at convention site.
Select retreat speaker, approve retreat budget and registration fee schedule.
Select retreat logo.
Prepare vouchers for convention speakers. Verify transportation for speakers with
Meeting Manager.
Select site of next District convention, host zone, solicit suggestions for convention
Finalize retreat publicity with VP Communication, Retreat Host Committee Chairman,
and Meeting Manager for the Spring issue of the Evangel.
September/October: 2nd year only:
Chair EC meeting following convention.
Review plans for Zone Officers Workshop.
Appoint Committee Chairmen as need with approval of EC.
Send the LWML office, President, and VP Communication an up-dated list of District
officers, standing committee chairmen, and other District appointees as requested.
September/October/November: All 4 years:
Attend zone rallies as able.
November: 1st year:
Attend LWML Assembly of Leaders Workshop with other District representatives.
Continue plans for District regional AOL Workshops.
November: Odd years:
Issue invitations to convention speakers, LWML Representative, District LCMS
President and Minister of Outreach, District LLL President.
Solicit Thrivent donation.
November: Even years:
Issue invitation to retreat speaker (may be done by the VP for Spiritual Growth).
November: All 4 years:
Attend zone rallies as able.
Obtain dates and location of spring rallies; forward to Evangel Editor and
Communications Chairman.
Prepare article for Winter issue of Evangel.
December: 1st year only:
Follow up on plans for regional Assembly of Leaders Workshops for District.
Plan President’s workshop for District AOLW.
December: Odd years:
Include with call letters to BOD Meeting a request to bring names and addresses of
District convention delegates and alternates, and be prepared to register for
Solicit design suggestions for District convention banner.
December: 3rd year only:
Follow up on plans for zone officer’s workshop.
December: All 4 years:
Prepare and mail call letters, agendas, and assignments for February EC and BOD
meetings 6 weeks prior to meeting dates.
January: All 4 years:
Attend LWML Board of Director's meeting, St. Louis; prepare report if requested.
Prepare President's Spring Zone Rally message for copying and distribution.
Prepare President's written report for February BOD meeting.
February: Odd years:
Chair EC and BOD meetings (usually 1st or 2nd weekend of February).
Gather information for LWML Convention delegate / alternate credentials.
Select LWML Convention hotel.
Coordinate delegate registration and transportation with Meeting Manager.
Select LWML Convention banner design.
Solicit banner maker (provide District banner guidelines).
February: Even years:
Chair EC and BOD meetings.
Solicit banner maker for District convention banner now if was not acquired in October.
Remind zones of need for zone banners for convention (provide guidelines).
Review convention delegate and credential procedure (Recording Secretary).
Register EC and BOD for District convention (Meeting Manager).
Distribute preliminary convention agenda and assignments.
Finalize District convention host committee chairman/men.
Review job description and submit changes to the Structure Chairman.
February: All 4 years:
Prepare article for Spring issue of the Evangel.
Attend zone rallies as able.
March: Odd years:
Follow up on LWML Convention delegate registration / transportation with Meeting
March: All 4 years:
Attend zone rallies as able.
April: Even years:
Attend Mission Grant Committee Meeting for selection of District Mission Grant
proposals for the ballot.
April: All 4 years:
Attend zone rallies as able.
Prepare & mail EC call letter, agenda, and assignments 6 weeks prior to May / June
May: Year varies:
Represent district at LCMS District Convention which meets every third year.
Arrange for an exhibit at LCMS District Pastor's and Teacher's Conference every third
May: All 4 years:
Attend zone rallies as able.
Represent district at LLL conventions or arrange for representation.
Prepare article for Summer issue of the Evangel – Deadline June 5.
May/June: Odd years:
Chair EC meetings at Retreat site.
Tour facilities.
Select retreat offering recipient.
Discuss potential District convention speakers.
Obtain information from potential convention speakers re: availability, honorarium, etc.
Prepare report for LWML BOD meeting prior to LWML Convention.
May/June: Even years:
Finalize President's Report for convention manual.
Finalize District convention agenda, assignments, standing rules.
Prepare District board credential report for Recording Secretary (voting members).
Chair EC meeting at convention site.
Tour facilities.
Select convention offering recipients.
Approve Mission Grant Committee recommendations.
Approve proposed biennial budget.
Approve proposed LWML Mission Grant Resolutions.
Coordinate with VP Communications every unit mailing of proposed bylaws
amendments and proposed mission grant resolutions.
Discuss potential retreat speakers; obtain information from potential retreat speakers,
re: availability, honorarium, etc. (VP Spiritual Growth may obtain this information).
June: Odd years:
Attend LWML Board of Directors Meeting prior to LWML Convention.
Lead District delegation to LWML Convention.
Conduct caucus; distribute district identifier (collar, etc).
June: Even years:
Final additions and/or corrections to convention manual.
June: All 4 years:
Attend Scholarship Committee meeting for selection of recipients.
July: Even years:
Approve final draft of District convention manual.
Begin President's report to convention.
Begin scripting convention.
August: All 4 years:
Prepare President's Fall Zone Rally message for copying and distribution.
Prepare Evangel article for the Fall issue – Deadline Sept. 5
Prepare and mail call letters, agenda, and assignments 6 weeks prior to EC and BOD
August: 4th year:
Begin preparing files for transfer to new President.
September: Odd years:
Final check of Retreat readiness.
See: September/October.
September: Even years:
Final check of District convention readiness.
Finalize President's oral report to convention.
Finalize convention scripting.
See: September/October.
September: All 4 years:
Attend zone rallies as able.
DISTRICT BANNER: (for LWML Conventions)
The District Banner should measure 42” x 72” finished. This includes fringe, if any, and a
2” rod pocket at the top.
It should be centered on a dowel that is at least 7/8” in diameter and 45” long.
The cord should be at least 1/2” in diameter and attached to the dowel one inch from
either end and have a space of no more than 44” between places of attachment. The
cord will stretch when hung.
A loop should be attached to the center back at the bottom for the convenience of the
person carrying it in a processional.
The banner will hang well if a heavier fabric is used or it is lined.
ZONE BANNERS: (for LWML District Conventions)
Zone banners should measure 36” x 60” and be centered on a dowel that is 40” long.
The cord when attached one inch from either end, should measure 38” between
Please follow additional guidelines regarding loop and fabric as stated above.
The design should follow the theme of the event as interpreted by the Zone unless
otherwise instructed by the District. It may NOT be the same design as the event logo
or District Banner.
Quilt Banners
As above except for District Conventions they should measure 36X60 inches and have a
hanging sleeve.
Hanging Sleeve: Cut a strip 5 inches wide by as long as your quilt banner is wide.
Make a half-inch hem on each short end. Fold and press in a half-inch along each long
edge. Hand baste the long edges to the top back of the quilt, using long stitches, so
they can be easily removed.
A Crisis Management Team shall be appointed for each meeting and event, announced in
writing when the Call for the meeting goes out, and should appear in the printed event
programs. The team shall consist of: President
Vice President
Meeting Manager
Qualified Medical Personnel
Pastoral Counselor
Emergency Plan
The Meeting Manager shall maintain and have available, if needed, Health and Emergency
Information forms for all members of the Board of Directors. In the absence of the Meeting
Manager, the President shall maintain said forms and delegate their safe keeping to a member
of the EC while the group is in session. A list of qualified medical personnel in attendance shall
also be maintained. Depending on the size of the assembly, two to four medical personnel
should be identified and appointed to the Crisis Management Team.
If a medical emergency occurs, the Crisis Management Team, with the exception of the
President shall GO TO the person(s) involved immediately. The Medical Personnel shall
evaluate the situation. The Vice President assumes crowd control and protects the privacy of
the injured person. If necessary, she may advise the President to move the meeting to another
If Emergency Medical Care is indicated, the Pastoral Counselor shall locate the person’s
roommate for purposes of locating medications, if any. The Meeting Manager shall notify the
hotel manager of the emergency and request EMS care per 911. The Meeting Manager shall
provide the insured/ill persons Health and Emergency form for reference. The Meeting
Manager meets the EMS personnel on site and directs them to the patient. The Medical
Personnel and Pastoral Counselor stay with the person until qualified EMS personnel are on site
and in charge of the emergency.
If transportation to the hospital is required, one RM and perhaps the Pastoral Counselor shall
accompany the patient to the hospital. They may or may not be able to directly accompany the
patient in the ambulance. After diagnosis/care at the hospital, the Medical Personnel and
Counselor shall notify the President of the situation. The President or her designee shall notify
the patient’s family. The President shall also keep the group informed as to the patient’s
progress, especially coworkers and friends. The Meeting Manager shall provide complete
written documentation of the emergency, including the implementation of the emergency plan.
All supporting data-medical reports, consent forms, etc. shall be included with the
documentation. Copies of this documentation shall go to the District President.
No statements or identification of the person involved shall be released until the next of
kin/family member has been notified.
Assess the situation:
A. Confirm all facts: Who is involved?
What happened?
When did it happen?
Where did it happen?
How did it happen?
Obtain the names of person(s) involved and witnesses.
List all injuries to person or property.
8. Record everything in writing.
9. Locate and talk to witnesses, if available.
A Health and Emergency Information Form and an Acknowledgment and Release Form shall be
completed by the District Executive Committee and Board of Directors and kept on file for their
term of office. Members shall be responsible for updating the information as necessary. Forms
shall also be required for anyone attending a District Event in an official capacity such as a
substitute for a zone president and/or district committee member. ALL forms shall be sealed
and opened ONLY in case of an emergency. ALL forms shall be destroyed when the person is no
longer serving on the EC or Board of Directors or in any official capacity.
• Appoint a Crisis Management Team prior to each district meeting and/or special event. Include two to four
qualified medical personnel from the list supplied by the Meeting Planner.
• Maintain the completed Health and Emergency information Forms in the absence of the Meeting Planner – give
to the appointed EC member during business sessions.
• If an emergency occurs: Notify the next of kin, if applicable, or delegate this responsibility to another.
• No statements or identification of the person involved should be released until the next of kin has been notified.
• Keep the assembly informed as to the individual’s progress, especially co-workers and friends.
• Except for the District Board of Directors and Executive Committee, destroy all other Health and Emergency
Forms after the meeting has concluded.
• Maintain the Board and EC forms for the duration of each member’s term of office.
• Maintain the completed Health and Emergency Information Forms.
• Maintain a list of qualified medical personnel in attendance. Supply a copy to the President for appointment to
the team.
• If an emergency occurs: GO TO the person(s) involved immediately.
• If so directed, notify the hotel manager of the emergency and request EMS care per 911.
• Provide the individual’s Health and Emergency Information Form for reference.
• Meet the EMS personnel and direct them to the one in need.
• Provide complete written documentation of the emergency, including the implementation of the emergency
plan. Include all supporting data: medical reports, consent forms, etc.
• Supply a copy of this documentation to the President.
• If an emergency occurs: assume crowd control.
• Protect the individual’s privacy.
• Inform the group whether to proceed with the meeting. Direct the group to another room if necessary.
If an emergency occurs: GO TO the person(s) involved immediately. Assist as indicated.
Notify the meeting planner if 911 assistance is indicated.
Stay with the individual until EMS personnel arrive and take charge.
If transportation to the hospital is indicated, one of the medical personnel should accompany the patient (may
require personal transportation).
• After diagnosis/care at the hospital, notify the President of the situation.
• If an emergency occurs: Locate the individual’s roommate for purposes of locating medications, etc.
• Stay with the individual until EMS personnel arrive and take charge.
• If transportation to the hospital is indicated, depending on the situation, may need to accompany the patient
along with the CMT medical personnel.
• After diagnosis/care at the hospital, notify the President of the situation.
To be completed by the Meeting Planner
Who is involved?
What happened?
When did it happen?
Where did it happen?
How did it happen?
Names of person(s) involved and of witnesses:
List injuries to person or property:
The Archivist, appointed by the District President, serves an indefinite term of office, and may
attend meetings of the District LWML Board of Directors and the District convention, at the
discretion of the President, without a vote.
Bylaws, Article X, Section 1
The Archivist shall:
A. be responsible to the President;
B. gather and preserve records and other materials of historical significance in LWML;
C. provide a report for the convention manual;
D. perform other duties as set forth in the Leaders Manual.
Bylaws, Article X, Section 2
Detailed Duties
1. Prepare written reports as requested by District President;
2. Maintain files provided by Recording Secretary, including biennial history, and store
in acid free boxes, folders and containers; (catalogs for these products are available
from University Products, Inc., Holyoke, MA)
3. Copy newsprint articles, such as LWML news in Lutheran Life, onto acid free paper
for storage, if possible;
4. Maintain records of contents, which are numbered on the covers and cartons;
stored at the FL/GA District headquarters;
5. Update photo albums from materials submitted by the Recording Secretary;
6. Receive statistical records, zone and society reports from the Recording Secretary;
7. Display historical items as requested by District President;
8. Attend BOD meetings and convention upon request of the District President.
Archivist – Timeline
Throughout the year: File, mark, and store all materials immediately upon receipt.
Event Chairmen (Convention Host Committee Chairman and Retreat Host Committee
Chairman) are appointed by the President to serve from appointment through the conclusion of
the event, attending District LWML Board of Directors meetings beginning with the Winter
meeting prior to the event through the Winter meeting following the event without a vote.
Article X, Section 1
Be responsible to the President and the Meeting Manager, provide a written report for the
convention manual, and perform other duties as set forth in the Leaders Manual.
Article X, Section 4
The primary responsibility for the LWML District Convention lies with the District Executive
Committee. This committee selects the theme, speaker, and plans the program with the
approval of the District Board of Directors.
The District President and Board of Directors solicit invitations from the zones to host the
convention. The District Meeting Manager seeks locations and dates and brings the selections
before the Board of Directors for approval at least two years prior to the convention. The District
Treasurer pays all convention expenses from district funds. Upon receipt of a completed
voucher from the Convention Host Committee Chairman, the District President will authorize
an advance for petty cash to be sent to the Convention Host Committee Chairman for seed
money. As this amount is used, receipts are sent to the District President for approval. Any
money left in petty cash after the convention is sent to the District Financial Secretary.
The District VP Communications and the Editor of the Evangel handle all publicity and mailings
for the convention.
The District Meeting Manager negotiates the cost of housing and food, also the use of meeting
rooms, breakout rooms, display area, audio/visual equipment, and dining rooms for the
Fees paid by the district for the Convention Host Committee Chairman and Registration
Chairman are: registration, housing, and meals for Friday through Sunday.
It is the responsibility of the Convention Host Committee Chairman to collect the district items
for the convention (candlesticks, communion ware, zone standards, banner poles, etc) at the
convention and / or retreat preceding the convention. Following convention, transport and
store those items that are not needed for retreat. Plan to bring vehicles large enough to
transport these items from the convention to the next convention host zone. The Convention
Host Committee Chairman takes inventory of these items received and sends the inventory list,
including where they will be stored, to the Meeting Manager and Financial Secretary. Following
retreat transport and store district items that were used at retreat, sending a list to the
Meeting Manager and Financial Secretary. Plan to bring vehicles large enough to transport
these items from the retreat to the next convention host zone. At the close of the convention, it
is the Convention Host Committee Chairman’s responsibility to see that the district properties
are picked up by the next convention and retreat chairmen.
Appoint committee chairmen from different churches of the zone. Copy guidelines for each
committee; give appropriate section to committee chairman.
Set committee meetings as needed (at least three: one year or more prior to convention; six
months prior to convention, and one month prior to convention). Check with committee
chairmen periodically to assess their progress and address any needs. Email is invaluable for
this purpose.
Check with the District Meeting Manager to set a date at the convention site to tour facilities
with committee chairman. Do not contact convention site directly.
A summary of each meeting and pertinent correspondence should be filed for reference.
Worship: Depending on the site, check with the District Meeting Manager about set up and
aisle arrangements for worship. Check with District Pastoral Counselor in charge of worship for
any needs he may have for the Friday evening or Sunday morning worship as scheduled.
Check with the District Meeting Manager about available organ/piano/keyboard. Work with
Music Chairman and District Meeting Manager to specify choir area, microphone needs, music
stands, and special set up for entertainment, etc.
See that the American Flag and Christian flag, poles and base, and two banner poles and bases
are transported to the convention site and placed on the stage Friday. The District Meeting
Manager will provide a diagram for their placement.
Arrange to have a gift basket delivered to the speaker(s) room(s).
Take the Board of Directors’ registration folders to the meeting on Friday for distribution at the
appropriate time on the agenda.
Remain available to the District Meeting Manager and Convention Committees during the
1. Obtain answers to questions and supply help as needed;
2. Make all necessary announcements;
3. Set up a lost and found area for misplaced items.
The Convention Host Committee Chairman is responsible for checking and submitting all
receipts for reimbursement to committees.
Convention Host Committee Chairman Timeline
In the Year of the Convention:
Become familiar with convention site; the District Meeting Manager will arrange visit;
Note instructions to site from all directions to make sure they are accurate;
Note the need for directional and identifying signs;
Consult with District Meeting Manager:
a. Adequate space for registration-availability of tables and chairs;
b. Locate breakout rooms and place for 'Gifts From the Heart' collection;
c. Check for worship set up: skirted tables; music and choir area; etc.
d. Note any restrictions of the facilities;
e. Check on provisions to aid handicapped: accessibility, transportation, parking;
f. Note the description of the area and restaurants available
g. Note decorations needed, banners and signs.
Attend BOD meeting, prepare an oral report with two written copies, and promote the
Submit a publicity piece to the VP Communications and Evangel Editor, provide as much
information about the site, housing and meals as space will allow;
Meet with Finance Committee to receive Convention Budget guidelines for committee
Meet with Convention Host Committees;
Review responsibilities of each Committee from the Guidelines;
Answer questions and provide support;
Field ideas for banquet decorations, ideas for entertainment, and materials to insert in
convention folders;
Encourage donations to keep expenses at a minimum;
Review information from previous convention;
Request publicity for the convention to be published in both the Evangel and Lutheran
Life at least two (2) times.
Attend EC meeting at the Convention site, submit an updated report;
Gain permission for the Registration Chairman (men) and other convention committee
chairmen to attend the meeting if possible;
Finalize any needs;
Request that the Hostess Committee arrive late in the afternoon for training, and to
locate the various rooms to be used, the restrooms, and display areas;
Meet with convention committees and/or chairmen as needed.
Make final determination where directional signs need to be placed;
Receive progress report on decorations, favors, and entertainment;
Provide a committee picture for the convention manual.
Final count down:
1. Provide a check off list for each committee;
2. Make an item by item check with registration of what will be included in the
Convention folders.
3. Appoint convention personnel responsible to assist with inventory, packing, and
assigning to the next convention and retreat personnel.
Immediately following the close of convention:
District supplies to be turned over to the next Retreat Host Committee Chairman:
Name tag sleeves
Name tag forms
Two (2) Communion Pitchers
Two (2) Communion Goblets
Two (2) Communion Wafer Trays
Fourteen (14) Communion Napkins
Five (5) other Communion Linens
Baskets for Communion Cups
Remaining disposable Plastic Communion Cups
Wooden Altar Cross
Two (2) Wooden Altar Candleholders and candles
Three (3) Standards (for Flags and Banner)
American and Christian Flags and Poles
One (1) banner pole
Buckets for Offering
Hostess Sashes
Reusable signs which can be used at Retreat
Any other district supplies used at retreat.
District supplies to be turned over to the next Convention Host Committee Chairman:
Twenty-five (25) banner poles and bases
Twenty-three (23) zone signs and standards
President’s candle and stand
Reusable signs which can only be used at Convention
Any other district supplies used only at convention.
Complete District Inventory found on page 49
Give Evaluations to Meeting Manager.
Following Convention:
1. Send inventory lists to Meeting Manager and Financial Secretary with list of who has
2. Collect all expense receipts and vouchers from committee chairmen, review, sign,
and submit them to the District President for approval;
3. Send suggestions for up-dating these guidelines to the Structure Chairman;
4. Provide a final report to the Board of Directors.
The Executive Committee determines registration fees, late fees, cancellation fees, housing
fees, food costs and dates.
The District VP Communications develops the registration form and provides all publicity. The
Registration Chairman may submit suggestions for the registration form to the Convention Host
Committee Chairman and/or District VP Communications.
Record checks as they are received, stamp with LWML imprint, deposit weekly and send copy to
the District Financial Secretary with bank deposit form showing totals for registration.
Make special luncheon and banquet tickets. Keep an ongoing total of meal reservations to give
final report to the District Meeting Manager by the deadline date.
For cancellations, send a copy of registration with a completed voucher to the District
Make badges as reservations are received. As nametags are made, note which are voting and
non-voting board members, special guests, and delegates. Delegates and voting board
members name tags are to be in GOLD for easy identification. A list of these names and voting
positions will be provided by the District Meeting Manager.
For each registration, make an envelope with individual’s name/zone, file alphabetically, and
include meal tickets and badge. When the folders are stuffed, the envelope can be stapled to
the folder, kept in alphabetical order, and ready for distribution.
The District Meeting Manager will forward registration forms for the Board of Directors. The
Young Women Development Chairman will forward registration forms for the Young Women
Representatives. The Recording Secretary will forward a list of delegates and alternates. The
Recording Secretary’s list is considered the official list of delegates - consult the delegate list
upon receipt of a registration form marked “delegate” or “alternate.” Alternates are not
separated and are not in GOLD unless transferred to delegate status by the zone president
and/or Credentials Chairman (recording secretary).
Keep the following separate: Board of Directors’ folders to be picked up by Convention Host
Chairman on Friday and taken to the Board of Directors meeting.
Delegates’ folders and YWR folders separate.
Be prepared with boxes for filing and transportation to the site.
Keep a record of: communion registration and guests for Worship Chairman; names of choir
members for Music Chairman; a record of “special needs” (large print materials, handicapped,
vegetarian meals, etc) for Hostess Chairman and District Meeting Manager.
When a late registration is received without the late fee, send a postcard or email stating that the
postmark was after the deadline date, and the late fee will be collected at the registration table upon
arrival. Have those folders marked with an identifying notice, and do not give them out until the late fee
is collected.
Send confirmation of registration if registrant has included a self-addressed, stamped envelope or email
Create a “registration manifest” to keep an accurate record of those attending and meals.
Set up two separate registration areas: One for delegates, and one for general registration. Assign two
people each shift to the delegate registration table and four people each shift to the general registration
table. Each person should be assigned a section of the alphabet. For the general registration table,
provide an identification sign for each section: (A-G, H-M, N-S, T-Z). As people register, have them sign
next to their name to keep an accurate record of attendance - this is especially important for delegates.
Delegates must also sign the Credentials Book.
Set schedule for registration and establish shifts for workers. On Friday, the registration tables should
be open from 10:00 am until 15 minutes before the start of the evening session. Reopen following the
evening session at least one hour or as allowed by the facility. Delegate registration must remain
separate throughout registration. On Saturday morning, the registration tables should be open from
7:00 am until 15 minutes before the start of the morning session.
Obtain a supply (500-525) of folders, note pads, pencils, etc from Thrivent Financial.
Suggested items for convention folders:
Convention Manual
Information Sheets
Bio(s) of Speaker(s) if not in manual
Song Sheets
Evaluation Sheet
Map of area including convention facilities
Area activities and points of interest
Brochures about Gifts from the Heart recipient
Information from LLL Ministries, ABS, etc.
Note Pads, Pencils
Visit the site as scheduled by the District Meeting Manager.
Save all receipts of expenses to turn in with a voucher to Convention Host Committee
Receipts must be attached for reimbursement.
Trained Hostesses are needed from 9:00 am Friday to noon Sunday. They should wear a visual
distinction to be spotted.
Hostesses should carry a few Band-aids, safety pins, paper clips, a large flashlight for the after
sundown hours, and a map of the facilities clearly marked with the main meeting room,
cafeteria, housing rooms, restrooms, display rooms, etc.
Hostesses should be prepared for any emergency and be able to contact the Crisis Management
Team, and other leaders when necessary. (A copy of the Crisis Management Plan is attached.
You will be notified of the crisis management personnel assigned for the convention). Copy and
complete room number and cell phone list below and give to each hostess.
Check the agenda for registration times, and make sure enough hostesses are available at those
times. Be alert for late arrivals.
The largest number of hostesses is needed during the times when leaguers are arriving.
Schedule shifts for hostesses at entrance to registration to give directions, for hostesses in the
registration area to welcome leaguers and give any necessary information about their stay; to
help with reading maps and directing to housing, parking, etc., and to provide assistance as
needed with transportation and luggage.
People bringing displays may need assistance. Know where they are to set up and be ready to
Save all receipts and expenses and turn in with voucher to Convention Host Committee
Chairman. Receipts must be attached for reimbursement.
Visit the site as scheduled by the District Meeting Manager.
Room Numbers and Cell Phone Numbers:
Convention Host Committee Chairman: _____________________________________
Members of Crisis Management Team:
Meeting Manager: _________________
President: _________________________
Pastoral Counselor: __________________ Vice President: _____________________
Medical Personnel: Name: _________________________ NO. ___________________
Name: _________________________ NO. _______________________________
Purchase wine and wafers according to an estimated count from the Registration Chairman.
Note: one 3-liter bottle serves 363 communicants.
District LWML has communion ware, altar cross, and candle holders (you will need to provide
candles and matches), three communion pitchers, goblets, and wafer trays, and seven
communion napkins.
Set up worship altar at least two hours prior to the start of service. Light candles before
Provide twelve communion helpers (two for each table) to help supply communion elements.
Provide ushers to distribute bulletins, to collect the offering, and to direct communicants.
Provide large baskets or buckets for offering if none are available from the district.
Provide a prayer room, prayer box, or prayer notebook and information for use.
Visit the site early as scheduled by the District Meeting Manager to become familiar with the
Save all receipts and expenses and turn in with voucher to Convention Host Chairman. Receipts
must be attached for reimbursement.
Badges may be a sub-committee under Registration Committee
Signs may be a sub-committee under Hostess Committee
Banners maybe a sub-committee under Worship Committee
Design a badge (nametag) using the convention logo/theme. Use gold color for delegates and
voting board members.
Receive names of registered members from registration chairman; complete each badge
accurately, paying close attention to spelling.
Provide receptacles to retrieve nametag sleeves and evaluations at close of convention.
Add to signs from previous conventions and retreats, if any, signs identifying registration,
exhibit rooms, breakout rooms, main meeting room, and directional signs as needed.
Post a large LWML sign at the entrance to the convention.
Obtain a diagram from the Meeting Manager to hang or position the banners for the worship
Visit the site as scheduled by the District Meeting Manager
Save all receipts and expenses and turn in with voucher to Convention Host Committee
Chairman. Receipts must be attached for reimbursement.
Visit the site as scheduled by the District Meeting Manager to determine the type and size of
decorations that can be used.
Using the convention theme, create table favors, table and wall decorations as facilities allow.
Centerpiece decorations are needed for the luncheon tables as well as the banquet tables. A
simple centerpiece can be made for the luncheon that can be added to for a more elaborate
centerpiece for the banquet.
If possible, create an item to be inserted in each folder.
Save all receipts and expenses and turn in with voucher to Convention Host Committee
Chairman. Receipts must be attached for reimbursement.
Visit the site as scheduled by the District Meeting Manager.
Work with the District President and EC to produce a program of music in keeping with the
theme of the convention.
Secure a song leader and organist/pianist for the sessions with approval of the EC.
Check with the District Meeting Manager concerning the instruments available at the site.
Provide for a keyboard if there are no instruments. Also check with the District Meeting
Manager concerning the audio systems, speakers, lighting, extension cords, outlets and
Work with the District Pastoral Counselor in charge of worship service to coordinate music of
the choir. Provide an organist/pianist for the worship service. Other instruments or bell choir
are optional.
Provide local Christian entertainment for the Saturday banquet. If there is a fee, check with the
Convention Host Committee Chairman for amount budgeted. Total entertainment, including
any district skits should be limited to 1 hour (plan on ВЅ hour for scheduled entertainment).
Save all receipts and expenses and turn in with voucher to Convention Host Committee
Chairman. Receipts must be attached for reimbursement.
Coordinate with Registration Chairman and District Meeting Manager for list of those traveling
to/from the airport. Get flight times.
Plan to meet incoming flights at the baggage claim area. Hold up signs with “LWML” on them
for arrivals to find you.
Visit the site as scheduled by the District Meeting Manager.
Plan trips to/from airport and convention site to determine amount of time required.
Coordinate transportation vehicles to allow room for all arrivals plus luggage.
Save all receipts and expenses and turn in with voucher to Convention Host Committee
Chairman. Receipts must be attached for reimbursement.
Convention Host Chairman: Name: ___________________________________
Phone: __________________ email: _________________________
Registration Chairman: Name: _______________________________________
Phone: __________________ email: __________________________
Hostess Chairman:
Name: _______________________________________
Phone: __________________ email: __________________________
Worship Chairman:
Name: _______________________________________
Phone: __________________ email: __________________________
Badges & Sign Chairman: Name: _____________________________________
Phone: __________________ email: __________________________
Decorations Chairman: Name: _______________________________________
Phone: __________________ email: _________________________
Music & Entertainment Chairman: Name: _____________________________
Phone: __________________ email: _________________________
Transportation Chairman: Name: ___________________________________
Phone: __________________ email: _________________________
Meeting Manager: Name___________________________________________
Phone: __________________ email: ___________________________
Event Chairmen (Convention Host Committee Chairman and Retreat Host Committee
Chairman) are appointed by the President to serve from appointment through the conclusion of
the event, attending District LWML Board of Directors meetings beginning with the Winter
meeting prior to the event through the Winter meeting following the event without a vote.
Article X, Section 1
Be responsible to the President and the Meeting Manager, provide a report for the convention
manual, and perform other duties as set forth in the Leaders Manual.
Article X, Section 4
The primary responsibility for the LWML District Retreat lies with the District VP Spiritual
Growth and the Spiritual Growth Committee. This committee selects the theme, speaker, and
plans the program with the approval of the District Executive Committee.
The District President and Board of Directors solicit invitations from the Zones to host the
retreat. The District Meeting Manager negotiates for the site and date well in advance.
All retreat expenses are paid from the district funds by the District Treasurer. Upon receipt of a
completed voucher from the Retreat Host Committee Chairman, the District President will
authorize an advance for petty cash to be sent to the Retreat Host Committee Chairman for
seed money. As this amount is used, receipts are sent to the District President for approval. Any
money left in petty cash after the retreat is sent to the Financial Secretary.
All publicity and mailings for the retreat are handled by the District VP Communications and the
Editor of the Evangel.
The District Meeting Manager negotiates the cost of housing and food, also the use of meeting,
breakout, display, and dining rooms for the retreat; she secures the use of needed equipment.
The District Meeting Manager schedules all visits to the site prior to the retreat.
Fees paid by the district are: registration, housing, and meals for Friday through Sunday
breakfast for the Retreat Host Committee Chairman, Registration Chairman, and Spiritual
Growth Committee.
Retreat Host Committee Chairman Guidelines
It is the responsibility of the Retreat Host Committee Chairman to collect the district items for
the retreat at the convention preceding the retreat (communion and altar ware, banner poles,
etc.). Plan to engage vehicles large enough to transport these items. The Retreat Host
Committee Chairman takes inventory of items received, and sends inventory list to the Meeting
Manager and Financial Secretary with the storage location. At the close of the retreat, the
Retreat Host Committee Chairman is responsible to see that all district items are picked up by
the next convention chairman.
Appoint committee chairmen from different churches of the Zone. Involve other members in
subcommittees if possible. Copy guidelines for each committee; give appropriate section to
committee chairman.
Set committee meetings as needed. At least three are suggested. Check with committee
chairmen periodically to assess their progress, and address any needs. Email is invaluable for
this purpose.
A summary of each meeting and pertinent correspondence should be filed for reference.
Check with the District Meeting Manager to set a date at the retreat site to tour facilities with
committee chairmen. Do not contact retreat site directly.
Sunday Worship: Depending on the site, check with the District Meeting Manager about set up
and aisle arrangements for worship. Notify the worship chairman of any needs: i.e. Prayer
Room, Prayer Box or Prayer Notebook as desired by the Spiritual Growth Committee.
Check with District Pastoral Counselor in charge of worship for any needs he may have for
Sunday Morning worship (number of tables, etc.).
Check with Meeting Manager about available organ/piano/keyboard. Work with Music
Chairman and District VP Spiritual Growth to specify choir area, microphone needs, music
stands, special set up for entertainment, etc. and notify District Meeting Manager.
Check with the worship committee to make certain the American and Christian flags, poles, and
bases are placed on the stage for Friday night. Two banners are usually displayed, the retreat
banner and the past LWML Convention banner.
Retreat Host Committee Chairman is responsible for checking and submitting all receipts for
reimbursement to committees.
Retreat Host Committee Chairman - Timeline
The Retreat Host Committee Chairman remains available to District Meeting Manager & retreat
committees during the retreat:
1. A welcoming song and/or skit by the host Zone is suggested;
2. Obtain answers to questions and supply help as needed;
3. Make all necessary announcements;
4. Set up a lost and found area for misplaced items.
In the year of the Retreat:
Become familiar with retreat site; Contact District Meeting Manager to schedule a visit;
Note directions to site from all district areas;
Note the need for directional and identifying signs with Hostess Chairman;
Survey the dining area with the Decorations Committee;
Consult with District Meeting Manager:
a. Adequate space for registration; availability of tables and chairs;
b. Locate breakout rooms and "Gifts of the Heart" collection area;
c. Worship area: skirted table for communion, piano/organ, and sound equipment;
d. Drinks available at breaks; morning coffee area;
e. Note any restrictions of facility;
f. Check on provisions to aid handicapped, visually handicapped, transportation,
accessibility, etc.;
g. Check housing; make sure instructions and information provided is clear;
h. Note description of area and housing for publicity;
Attend BOD meeting; prepare an oral report with two written copies; promote the
retreat and display pictures of the site;
Submit a publicity piece to the VP Communications and Evangel Editor; provide as much
information about the site, housing and meals as space will allow.
Urge the District Spiritual Growth Chairman to publish the agenda with details as soon
possible; time of opening and closing each day are important;
Review directions to site to make sure they are accurate from every direction;
Meet with Finance Committee to receive Retreat Budget.
Meet with retreat host committee chairmen:
Review responsibilities of each retreat committee from the guidelines;
Note any changes;
Answer questions and provide support;
Field ideas for decorations and favors;
Encourage donations to keep retreat expenses at a minimum;
Review information from previous retreat;
Request that directions to the retreat and any restrictions for the facility be published at
least, two (2) times in the Evangel and Lutheran Life.
Attend EC meeting at the retreat site; submit an updated report;
Gain permission for the Committee Chairmen to attend if possible;
Finalize any needs;
Request that the hostess committee attend for training, and to locate areas where
directional or informational signs need to be posted: Entrance, Registration, Break Out
Rooms, Gifts of the Heart, Prayer Room, etc.
Review map of facilities; make sure there is a copy of the map for each packet;
Receive progress reports on favors, decorations, registration and entertainment plans.
Final count down:
1. provide a check off list for each committee;
2. make an item by item check with registration of what is to be included in the retreat
folders including any policies by the facility forbidding the use of alcohol or tobacco.
3. Help set up Sunday morning worship service.
4. Appoint a representative to pack all district items following the retreat and send
with the next convention host committee chairman or her representative. Record
what items are packed and to whom they were given.
Enjoy the retreat!
Following Retreat:
1. Collect all expense receipts and vouchers from committee chairmen, review, sign,
and send them to District President for payment;
2. Submit suggestions for up-dating these guidelines to the Structure Chairman;
3. Write an article for the convention manual; include a picture of Retreat Committee.
All District supplies are turned over to the District Convention Host Committee Chairman:
• Name tag sleeves
• Name tag forms
• 3 Communion Pitchers
• 3 Communion Goblets
• 3 Communion Wafer Trays
14 Communion Napkins
5 Other Communion Linens
Baskets for cups
Wooden Altar Cross
2 Wooden Altar Candleholders
Disposable Plastic Communion Cups
4 Standards (for Flags and Banners)
American and Christian Flags and Poles
2 banner poles
Buckets for Offering
Hostess Sashes
Reusable signs
Give evaluations to Meeting Manager.
Following Convention:
1. Send inventory lists to Meeting Manager and Financial Secretary with list of who has
2. Collect all expense receipts and vouchers from committee chairmen, review, sign,
and submit them to the District President for approval;
3. Send suggestions for up-dating these guidelines to the Structure Chairman;
4. Provide a final report to the Board of Directors.
The Executive Committee determines registration fees, late fees, cancellation fees, housing
fees, food costs and dates.
The District Communications Chairman develops the Registration form and provides all
publicity. The Registration Chairman may submit suggestions for the registration form to the
Retreat Host Chairman and/or the District Communications Chairman.
Record checks as they are received, stamp with LWML imprint, deposit weekly and send copy to
the District Financial Secretary with bank deposit form showing totals for registration.
Make meal tickets if required. Keep an on-going total of meal reservations to give final report to
the District Meeting Manager by the deadline date.
Make badges as registrations are received, and establish an alphabetical file of envelopes with
individual’s name/zone to include name tags and meal reservations. When the folders are
stuffed, the envelope can be stapled to the folder, kept in alphabetical order, and ready for
For cancellations, send a copy of registration with a voucher to the District President.
Keep Board of Director’s folders separate to be picked up by Retreat Host Chairman Friday and
taken to the Board meeting.
Be prepared with boxes for filing and transportation to the site. There will be lots of materials.
Keep a count of Communion Registration and guests for Worship Chairman
Keep a record of names of Choir members for Music Chairman
Keep a record of �special needs’: large print materials, handicapped, meals, etc. alert Hostess
Chairman and Meeting Manager.
When a late registration is received without the late fee; send a post card or e-mail stating that
the post mark was after the deadline date, and the late fee will be collected at the registration
table upon arrival. Have those folders marked with an identifying notice, and do not give them
out until the late fee is collected.
Send confirmation of registration if registrant has sent a self-addressed, stamped envelope or
an e-mail address.
Create a �registration manifest’ to keep an accurate record of those attending, housing, and
Divide up registration so there are four people working four sections of the alphabet.
Provide an identification sign for each section: A-G, H-M, N-S, T-Z.
As people register, have them sign next to their name to keep an accurate record of
Set schedule for Registration and establish shifts for workers:
Begin on Friday at least one hour before housing availability through 1/4 hour before evening
program begins. Open registration following the Friday program until all guests are registered.
Saturday morning open 1 1/2 hours before first session through 1/4 hour before the morning
program begins.
Post a sign to indicate the next time registration will open.
Obtain a supply of folders, note pads, pencils, etc. from Thrivent Financial for Lutherans.
Suggested items for retreat folders:
• Retreat Agenda
• Spiritual Growth Materials
• Information Sheets including any facility policy forbidding the use of alcohol or tobacco
• Song Sheets
• Bio of Speaker(s)
• Evaluation Sheet
• Map of area including retreat facilities
• Area activities and points of interest
• Brochures about Gifts From the Heart
• Information from LLL Ministries, ABS, etc.
• Note pad and pencil
Visit the site early as scheduled by the District Meeting Manager.
Provide boxes for Name Tag sleeves and for Evaluations. Have in place following the Saturday
and Sunday sessions.
Save all receipts of expenses to turn in with a voucher to Retreat Host Committee Chairman.
Receipts must be attached for reimbursement.
Trained Hostesses are needed from noon Friday to noon Sunday. They should wear a visual
distinction to be spotted.
Hostesses should carry a few Band-aids, safety pins, paper clips, a large flashlight for the after
sundown hours, and a map of the facilities clearly marked with the main meeting room,
cafeteria, housing rooms, restrooms, display rooms, Gifts from the Heart, etc.
Hostesses should be prepared for any emergency and be able to contact the Crisis Management
Team and other leaders when necessary.
A Crisis Management Team will be assigned for the retreat. Complete and copy the list below
and give to each hostess for reference.
Check the agenda for registration times, and make sure enough hostesses are available at those
times. Be alert for late arrivals.
The largest number of hostesses is needed during the times when leaguers are arriving.
Schedule shifts for:
Hostesses at entrance to registration to give directions,
Hostesses in the registration area to welcome leaguers and give any necessary
information about their stay; to help with reading maps, and directions to housing,
parking, etc.
Provide assistance as needed with transportation and luggage.
People bringing displays may need assistance. Know where they are to set up and be
ready to assist.
Hostesses should be visible between sessions to help with directions.
Save all receipts and expenses and turn in with voucher to Retreat Host Committee Chairman.
Receipts must be attached for reimbursement.
Room Numbers and Cell Phone Numbers:
Retreat Host Committee Chairman: _________________________________________
Crisis Management Team:
Meeting Manager:
Counselor: ______________________________V President:_______________________
Medical Personnel:
Name: _________________________ NO. _________________________
Name: _________________________NO. _________________________
Purchase wine and wafers according to an estimated count from the Registration Chairman.
Note: one 3-liter bottle serves 363 communicants.
District LWML has communion ware, altar cross, and candle holders (you will need to provide
candles and matches), three communion pitchers, goblets, and wafer trays, and seven
communion napkins.
Set up worship altar at least two hours prior to the start of service. Light candles before
Provide four communion helpers (two for each table) to help supply communion elements.
Provide ushers to distribute bulletins, to collect the offering, and to direct communicants.
Provide large baskets or buckets for offering if none are available from the district.
Provide a prayer room, prayer box, or prayer notebook and information for use.
Visit the site early as scheduled by the District Meeting Manager to become familiar with the
Save all receipts and expenses and turn in with voucher to Retreat Host Committee Chairman.
Receipts must be attached for reimbursement.
Badges may be a sub-committee under Registration Committee
Signs may be a sub-committee under Hostess Committee
Banners maybe a sub-committee under Worship Committee
Design a badge (nametag) using the retreat logo/theme.
Receive names of registered members from registration chairman; complete each badge
accurately, paying close attention to spelling. Color coding may be used to identify host
committee, board of directors, etc.
Using reusable signs from convention, if any, make signs identifying registration, exhibit rooms,
breakout rooms, main meeting room, and directional signs as needed.
Post a large LWML sign at the entrance to the convention.
Creation of a retreat banner is assigned by the District President and approved by the Board of
Work with the Worship Committee to position and hang banners.
Visit the site as scheduled by the District Meeting Manager.
Save all receipts and expenses and turn in with voucher to Retreat Host Committee Chairman.
Receipts must be attached for reimbursement.
Visit the site as scheduled by the District Meeting Manager to determine the type and size of
decorations that can be used.
Using the retreat theme, create table favors, table and wall decorations as facilities allow.
Centerpiece decorations are needed for the luncheon tables as well as the banquet tables. A
simple centerpiece can be made for the luncheon that can be added to for a more elaborate
centerpiece for the banquet.
If possible, create an item to be inserted in each folder.
Save all receipts and expenses and turn in with voucher to Retreat Host Committee Chairman.
Receipts must be attached for reimbursement.
Visit the site as scheduled by the District Meeting Manager.
Work with the District VP Spiritual Growth to produce a program of music in keeping with the
theme of the convention.
Secure a song leader and organist/pianist for the sessions with approval of the EC.
Check with the District Meeting Manager concerning the instruments available at the site.
Provide for a keyboard if there are no instruments. Also check with the District Meeting
Manager concerning the audio systems, speakers, lighting, extension cords, outlets and
Work with the District Pastoral Counselor in charge of worship service to coordinate music of
the choir. Provide an organist/pianist for the worship service. Other instruments or bell choir
are optional.
Provide local Christian entertainment for the Saturday banquet if requested. If there is a fee,
check with the Retreat Host Committee Chairman for amount budgeted. Total entertainment,
including any district skits should be limited to 1 hour (plan on ВЅ hour for scheduled
Save all receipts and expenses and turn in with voucher to Retreat Host Committee Chairman.
Receipts must be attached for reimbursement.
Coordinate with Registration Chairman and District Meeting Manager for list of those traveling
to/from the airport. Get flight times.
Plan to meet incoming flights at the baggage claim area. Hold up signs with “LWML” on them
for arrivals to find you.
Visit the site as scheduled by the District Meeting Manager.
Plan trips to/from airport and convention site to determine amount of time required.
Coordinate transportation vehicles to allow room for all arrivals plus luggage.
Save all receipts and expenses and turn in with voucher to Retreat Host Committee Chairman.
Receipts must be attached for reimbursement.
Retreat Host Chairman: Name: _______________________________________
Phone: __________________
email: ___________________________
Registration Chairman: Name: _______________________________________
Phone: __________________
Hostess Chairman:
Name: _______________________________________
Phone: __________________
Worship Chairman:
email: ___________________________
email: ___________________________
Name: _______________________________________
Phone: __________________
email: ___________________________
Badges & Sign Chairman: Name: _____________________________________
Phone: __________________
email: ___________________________
Decorations Chairman: Name: _______________________________________
Phone: __________________
email: ___________________________
Music & Entertainment Chairman: Name: ______________________________
Phone: __________________
email: ___________________________
Transportation Chairman: Name: ____________________________________
Phone: __________________
email: ___________________________
Meeting Manager: Name: ____________________________________________
Phone: __________________
email: _____________________________
V P Spiritual Growth: Name: _________________________________________
Phone: __________________
email: _____________________________
Altar Candles-2
Banner Poles-23 (plus 3 after retreat)
Altar Cross-1
Banner Stands-23 (plus 3 after retreat)
“INRI” plaque-1
Brackets, 8 brass
Banner Poles-3
Convention candle/stand 1 each
Banner Stands-3
Poles, wood-32
Candles-2 white
Candle holders-2-wood
Zone Signs-23
Cash box with hand calculator
Zone Sign holders-27
Communion Candle stands with tops-2 wood
Storage boxes-3
Communion ware-3 chalices & patens, 2 flagons, Zone ID signs for banners
1 wicker tray
Communion napkins-14
Communion Linens, other-5
Communion cups-750 plastic (number may vary)
Flag, Christian with stand
Flag, USA with stand
Hostess sashes-9
Name Badges (number may vary)
Offering buckets-16
Registration box, date & check endorse. stamp
Reusable laminated signs
Sign/welcome-sandwich style
Prior to CONVENTION the next Retreat Chairman and next Convention Chairman should make
arrangements to pick up, transport, and store the event items needed for their event
immediately following the current Convention. The current Convention Chairman or her
designee shall see that all Event items are packed and ready to transport. The Retreat
Chairman will take most items. The Convention Chairman will take those few items not needed
for the Retreat. Following the RETREAT the Convention Chairman will pick up, transport and
store all remaining items in the Event Inventory.
Following each event, the Meeting Manager and Financial Secretary are to be notified of where
the event inventory items are being stored until the next event. They should also be notified of
any missing or damaged items that need replacing.
Suggestions for updates to this information should be given to the Structure Chairman.
The appointed officers shall serve a term of two (2) years and be eligible for one (1)
reappointment, and report to each regular meeting of the Board of Directors as a voting
member and to the convention as a non-voting member.
Article IX, Section 1
The Meeting Manager shall:
A. be responsible to the President;
B. serve as an advisory member of the Executive Committee;
C. coordinate registration and housing for District Delegates to the LWML
Convention and attend the convention, at district expense, in the capacity of
Meeting Manager.
coordinate housing for the Executive Committee and Board of Directors at their
respective meetings and arrange for airport pick-up when necessary;
review potential convention and retreat sites and report to the Executive
Committee and Board of Directors;
serve as liaison with appointed Convention Host Committee and Retreat Host
Committee Chairman, with approved convention and retreat sites, and with
program planning for each;
G. provide a report for the convention manual;
H. perform other duties as set forth in the Leaders Manual.
Bylaws, Article IX, Section 2
Detailed Duties
1. Recommend meeting sites for EC and BOD meetings for the District LWML:
a. arrange for meeting rooms;
b. arrange for A / V and other equipment set up;
c. act as liaison between the meeting site and needs of the board members.
2. Contract for housing and meals for board members:
a. assign rooms and issue keys as necessary;
b. arrange for meals: times, special dietary restrictions, and other
3. Coordinate travel, including airport pick up to meetings;
4. Coordinate registration and housing for District delegates to LWML Conventions;
5. Coordinate registration and housing for EC and BOD to District LWML conventions;
6. Work with Treasurer for an accurate accounting of meeting / travel charges;
7. Submit a proposal of meeting sites with adequate meeting space for Conventions
and Retreats:
choose varied geographical areas through out the District;
seek a retreat center or a "retreat setting” appropriate for a retreat
make an on site visit to each suggested location;
prepare a comparison recommendation for the BOD to vote a selection;
negotiate a best price contract;
per contract, prepare a voucher for any down payment and/or interim
payments required and forward to President in sufficient time to allow
her to forward to the Treasurer and for the check to reach the host
facility prior to the deadline;
serve as liaison between Convention Host Committee / Retreat Host
Committee Chairmen and site personnel;
work with Treasurer for an accurate accounting of charges and budgeted
8. Six weeks before BOD meetings:
send letters / e-mail to BOD members to register for meetings, rooms
and meals;
provide a deadline, travel maps and / or directions;
maintain a file of Crisis Management information and copies of form;
9. Distribute materials for BOD meetings one hour before sessions begin;
10. Be responsible to the President, and assist with other duties upon request;
11. Submit an article for the convention manual.
Meeting Manager – Timeline
Timeline begins with the even year of appointment and runs through term of office:
October: Even year:
Reconcile all convention accounts for report to Treasurer;
Send out bills to members of Board of Directors for share of room, etc.;
Update request for proposal - meeting requirements and convention guidelines; Begin
search for convention site four (4) years in advance; (select area based on geographical
and zone lists); contact area Convention and Visitors Bureau search on line, from files,
and other sources.
November: Even year:
Obtain list of new members of Board of Directors from President;
Send 'General Information Letter' regarding meetings to BOD members;
Schedule retreat site visit with Retreat Host Committee and VP for Spiritual
Receive and compare bids of convention sites four (4) years in advance.
December: Even year:
Send letter of information for LWML Convention to delegation:
(President, two (2) newly elected Vice Presidents, newly elected Pastoral Counselor and
all Zone Presidents) Include YWD Chair for 2 YWR’s.
Include details about costs paid by District, and request housing needs:
(roommates, smoking, hot/cold, early/late, etc.)
Send information letter with instructions and directions, etc. for the February
meeting to all BOD members.
January: Odd year:
Make convention site visits four years in advance; prepare a comparison report; copy
for BOD meeting;
Verify housing / meal plans with host for February BOD meeting / workshop:
Inform host of meeting site of set up requirements;
Complete housing assignments;
Notify site of final count.
Meet with Retreat Host committee and VP for Spiritual Growth at retreat site for
tour of facility.
February: Odd year:
EC / BOD meeting:
Arrive one (1) hour prior to meeting time;
Set up registration / check in;
Distribute medical forms for BOD members to complete and return during the
Designate an area to receive BOD written reports;
Attend to Executive Committee's comfort in meeting room;
Check in BOD members, issue keys, etc.
Set up room, refreshments, etc.;
Place name tents and reports;
Attend to BOD's comfort;
Submit convention site comparison report to BOD to designate the convention site
four years in advance.
Distribute registration forms for LWML Convention, and retrieve at close of
Complete housing assignments for LWML Convention delegation;
Review job description; submit any changes to Structure Chairman;
Notify facility selected for convention site; request a contract.
March: Odd year:
Review convention contract (+ four (4) years); mail to President for signature.
April: Odd year:
Send EC meeting information letter: instructions for meeting, directions, etc.
Receive housing confirmation for LWML Convention; check for accuracy, send
confirmation numbers to delegation.
May: Odd year:
Verify plans for June EC meeting for housing / meals;
Inform meeting site of requirements for set up;
Complete housing assignments.
Notify LWML Convention delegation of expected housing costs at convention site.
June: Odd year:
Arrive 1/2 hour (30 minutes) in advance of meeting EC Meeting;
Set up meeting room and check in;
Attend to EC's comfort in meeting room;
Begin search for Retreat sites two (2) years in advance:
Select area based on geographical and zone lists, search on line, information from files,
and other sources;
Send September / October BOD meeting information letter with instructions for
meeting, directions, etc.;
Prepare LWML Convention housing expense reconciliation report for Treasurer.
July/August: Odd year:
Secure final count for retreat housing / meals from Registration Chairman
including BOD members thirty (30) - sixty (60) days prior to retreat date;
Notify Retreat Center;
Complete Retreat housing assignments for BOD members;
Send names for housing assignments to Retreat Center;
Finalize set up and equipment needs with Retreat Host Committee Chairman and
Retreat Center;
Obtain details from retreat sites two (2) years in advance:
Date availability, prices, etc.;
Visit retreat sites;
August: Odd year:
Prepare a retreat site report for the BOD meeting;
Arrange a visit to convention site with the Convention Host Committee and EC
members as needed.
September/October: Odd year:
Arrive one (1) hour prior to EC & BOD meeting time;
Set up registration / check-in;
Designate area to receive BOD written reports;
Attend to EC's comfort in meeting room;
Check in BOD members, issue keys, etc.
September/October: Odd year:
Set up meeting room refreshments;
Place name tents and reports;
Attend to BOD's comfort in meeting room;
Submit retreat site report for approval two (2) years in advance;
Distribute registration forms for LWML Convention; retrieve at close of meeting;
Help current Retreat Host Committee as needed; using cell phones to communicate
with Retreat Host Committee Chairman / Registration / Retreat site personnel;
Remain "on call" throughout retreat;
Settle bill with Treasurer and retreat site contact before leaving; (If the facility will be
sending a bill, verify all event orders for accuracy)
Notify retreat site (+ two (2) years in advance) of selection; request contract.
Reconcile all retreat accounts for report to Treasurer;
Update retreat meeting needs;
Review retreat contract (+ two (2) years in advance); send to President for
November: Odd year:
Obtain new list of BOD members from President;
Send information letter regarding meetings to new BOD members;
December: Odd year:
Send information letter with instructions, directions, etc. for February BOD
meeting to all BOD members.
January: Even year:
Affirm housing / meal plans for February BOD meeting;
Send set up requirements to meeting site;
Complete housing assignments;
Notify meeting site of final count;
Prepare report to BOD.
February: Even year:
Board of Directors meeting:
Arrive one (1) hour in advance of meeting time;
Set up registration / check in;
Distribute medical forms for BOD members to complete and return during
Arrange area for BOD written reports;
Attend to EC's comfort in meeting room;
Check in BOD members, issue keys, etc.;
Set up room / refreshments;
Place name tents and reports;
Attend to comfort of BOD in meeting room.
April: Even year:
Send EC meeting information letter with instructions for meeting, directions, etc.
May: Even Years:
Confirm housing / meal plans for EC meeting;
Provide set up requirements to meeting site;
Complete housing assignments.
June: Even year:
EC meeting:
Arrive 1/2 hour prior to meeting time;
Set up meeting room and check in area;
Attend to EC's comfort in meeting room;
Send information letter for September / October BOD meeting; include instructions for
meeting, directions, etc.
August: Even year:
Obtain final count for registration and meals from convention Registration;
Chairman including BOD members; notify convention center thirty (30) days prior to
convention date;
Complete convention housing assignments for BOD members;
Finalize set up and equipment needs with Convention Host Committee Chairman
and convention center.
September/October: Even year:
Arrive one (1) hour in advance of meeting time for Convention EC and BOD meetings;
Set up registration / check in;
Arrange area to place BOD's written reports;
Attend to EC's comfort in meeting room;
Set up meeting room / refreshments;
Place name tents and reports;
Attend to comfort of BOD during meeting;
Assist convention committee as needed;
Using cell phones to communicate with Convention Host Committee Chairman and
Convention Center personnel;
Remain "on call" throughout convention;
Settle bill with Treasurer and convention site before leaving. (If the facility is sending a
bill, verify all event orders for accuracy.)
The purpose of this Participant Information Form, Acknowledgment and Release is to identify
each person (a “Participant”) who wishes to volunteer with the Florida-Georgia District
Lutheran Women’s Missionary League (“LWML”) or participate in LWML-sponsored activities.
As a condition to becoming a Participant, LWML requires each person to release LWML from
any responsibility for his or her safety and well-being when volunteering for LWML and while
participating in LWML-sponsored activities.
Name and Position:
I understand that to become a Participant, LWML requires me to acknowledge and
agree that LWML assumes no, and disclaims all, responsibility for my safety and well-being
while acting as a Participant. In consideration of LWML permitting me to be a Participant:
I acknowledge that the information set forth above is complete and accurate;
I acknowledge and agree that LWML is an auxiliary agency of The Lutheran
Church (Missouri Synod) and cannot and does not accept any (and expressly disclaims all)
responsibility for my safety and well-being while being a Participant;
I release LWML, its directors, officers, employees and agents from all claims,
demands actions or causes of action that I may have, now or in the future, relating to or
resulting from any illness or injuries (including death) suffered by me or my possessions while
being a Participant; and
I consent to any medical treatment that LWML (or any of its authorized
representatives) deems to be necessary or appropriate in the event of my illness, accident or
other medical emergency, and I accept full financial responsibility for any fees or expenses
relating to this treatment.
Return to Meeting Manager
Please complete this form and return to the Meeting Manager
--------------FOLD towards back------------------------------------FOLD towards back------------------------EMERGENCY INFORMATION
Who should be notified in case of an accident or medical emergency? List someone who will not be
attending an LWML event with you.
Policy #:
Medicare #, if applicable:
Social Security #:
---------------------FOLD together------------------------------------FOLD together------------------------------Primary Physician: Name:
Your date of birth:
Health conditions, allergies, special circumstances, or medications that should be known prior to
emergency treatment:
--------------FOLD towards back------------------------------------FOLD towards back------------------------MEDICAL / COUNSELING TRAINING (if applicable)
Field of current medical competency (Dr., RN, EMT, etc.)
. If you have training, would
you accept appointment to the Crisis Management Team for any event, if needed? YES ____ NO ____
Your Signature:
Fold top line and bottom line down, and then bring both fold lines together so that medical information
is within the folds, and only the personal information and Medical training are showing. If folded
properly and sealed, your medical information is kept private, to be opened in case of emergency only.
The appointed officers shall serve a term of two (2) years and be eligible for one (1)
reappointment and report to each regular meeting of the Board of Directors as a voting
member and to the convention as a non-voting member.
Article IX, Section 1
The Structure Chairman shall:
A. be responsible to the President;
B. serve as chairman of the Structure Committee which duties include to:
1. approve zone and society bylaws;
2. submit the required number of copies of the proposed District LWML bylaws
amendments to the LWML Structure Chairman prior to presenting them to the
District LWML Board of Directors for approval;
3. coordinate, update and publish District LWML bylaws, job descriptions, guidelines
and procedures each biennium.
C. serve as advisor on parliamentary procedure to the President, officers, and LWML
members upon request.
D. prepare ballots for the election of mission grants and officers at the District LWML
convention and supervises the Tellers for each election;
E. provide a report for the convention manual;
F. perform additional duties as set forth in the Leaders Manual.
Bylaws, Article IX, Section 5
Detailed Duties of the Structure Committee
The Structure Committee, composed of the Structure Chairman and as many members as
deemed necessary by the chairman, shall:
1. serve for a term of two (2) years and be eligible for one (1) consecutive
2. study the bylaws of the District LWML, and submit to the Board of Directors for
approval proposed amendments as deemed advisable;
3. send the required number of copies of the proposed amendments to the LWML
Structure Committee Chairman prior to presentation for adoption;
4. present District bylaw revisions and amendments to the convention for adoption;
5. distribute copies of updated District LWML bylaws following the convention in which
changes are adopted; and send required number of updated copies to LWML
Structure Committee Chairman;
6. distribute updated copies of District LWML Leaders Manual following each District
LWML convention;
7. receive and examine zone and society bylaws and proposed amendments and
approve those not in conflict with the bylaws of the District LWML;
Article XV, Section 2D
Detailed Duties of Chairman
1. Serve as chairman of the Structure Committee;
2. Report to the President;
3. Keep the District bylaws current;
4. Attend Board of Directors meetings and submit a report;
5. Review job descriptions and update Leaders Manual each biennium;
6. Attend District conventions as a voting member and retreats as able;
7. Supervise elections of both the mission grants and officers at convention;
a. follow procedures for counting and reporting results of elections;
b. provide copies of Teller Guidelines;
8. Provide resource material pertaining to bylaws and parliamentary procedure
upon request;
9. Send a sample form for zone or society bylaws upon request.
Structure Chairman – Timeline
October/November/December: Even years:
Soon after convention, recruit two (2) or more committee members to serve on the
Structure Committee and submit their names to the District President;
Become familiar with the basics of parliamentary procedure;
Review any bylaw amendments adopted at convention.
Review job descriptions and procedures; make sure there is no conflict with the bylaws;
consult with committee members, officers, and chairmen;
Prepare to submit any proposed changes to the Board of Directors in February;
January: Odd year:
Prepare presentation for Zone Officers' Workshop as requested;
Write and copy report for BOD meeting;
Provide a report of suggested changes to bylaws as necessary;
All Years:
Review bylaws of zones and societies as received; check for conflicts with District
Attend BOD meeting; submit copies of written report;
Submit report of proposed changes/additions to bylaws to the BOD;
Participate in Zone Officers' Workshop as requested. (even years)
Submit required number of copies of proposed bylaw changes to LWML
Committee Chairman for approval, if applicable.
Meet with committee to go over bylaw changes following approval;
Prepare report for convention manual in year of convention;
Provide a copy of approved amendments and changes to the VP Communications.
Prepare ballots for election of officers in the year of convention;
Prepare ballots for mission grants.
September: Even Years:
Review procedures for election; prepare to supervise the Tellers;
Become familiar with methods of counting and reporting results of election of officers
and grants.
Attend BOD meeting and submit a report;
Send required number of complete bylaws to the LWML Structure Committee
Chairman following adoption of bylaw amendments at convention.
Extensive amendments or revisions of bylaws should not be rushed. The Structure (bylaws)
Committee should expect major changes to take about one year from start to finish. (Of
course, minor changes can be implemented within a shorter time frame.) The committee,
working with the district officers, should give members plenty of time to get used to the idea
that changes are coming and involve the membership as much as possible. The following steps
should be taken when making major, substantive changes to the bylaws:
i) The District bylaws committee (Structure) drafts revisions or amendments.
ii) The bylaws committee presents proposed changes to the District Board of Directors
for input and preliminary approval.
iii) The Structure (bylaws) Chairman sends the required number of copies of each:
a. proposed changes;
b) cover letter indicating a response date and rational for the changes; and
c) current bylaws to the Chairman of the LWML Structure Committee. (Allow two
months for the LWML Structure Committee members to complete their review
and report.)
4. Structure Committee members review changes:
a. to make sure that articles on Object, Members, Representation (at LWML
Conventions), and Parliamentary Authority conform with the respective articles
in the national Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws;
b. to offer suggestions for changes to enhance the finished product.
5. Structure Chairman sends Committee’s comments to District bylaws Chairman.
6. District bylaws committee makes necessary changes.
7. District Board of Directors gives final approval to proposed bylaws changes.
8. Delegates to District Convention vote to adopt, not to adopt, or amend proposed
bylaws changes (in their entirety or in part).
9. District bylaws chairman sends the required number of copies of the adopted bylaws
to the LWML Structure Committee Chairman. (If the convention does not approve
the changes, the District Structure Chairman sends a letter to the LWML Structure
Chairman apprising her of this fact.)
1. Separate ballots and place in stacks of twenty-five.
A. Ignore blank and do not count as a vote.
B. If two or more completed ballots are folded together, they are set aside and
counted as one illegal vote.
C. If one or more blank ballots are folded with one completed ballot, the blanks
ignored and the completed ballot is counted as one vote.
2. A ballot with less than the maximum number of choices selected is considered a legal vote.
3. A ballot with more than the maximum number of choices selected is considered an
illegal vote. (for that office, only)
4. Illegal votes are taken into account in determining the number of votes cast.
5. When ballots have been reviewed for the above variables, they are then totaled to be
compared with the number of votes eligible to be cast. If in agreement or with fewer ballots
than the number eligible to be cast, the tally may proceed.
6. If the total number of ballots exceeds the number eligible to vote, as reported by theCredentials
Chairman immediately prior to the balloting, notify the Teller Chairman andParliamentarian
immediately. Do not proceed with tally.
1. Work in teams of three; one reading and two recording on separate tally
2. After each stack of twenty-five, compare tallies. If in agreement, sign tally
sheets, attach to ballots, set aside, and proceed to another stack. If not in
agreement, repeat step one with a different teller reading.
3. When all ballots have been counted and verified, record total number of votes cast foreach
officer/project on the Tellers’ Report Form, including illegal votes. Reconcile totals to verify the
totals are correct and do not exceed the total number of votes eligible
to be cast.
4. The Teller Chairman and All Tellers MUST sign the report form, signifying that
they are in agreement with the report. Four copies are needed.
5. The Teller Chairman retains three copies of the Tellers Report Form, one to be given
the President following her report to the convention body, and one for the Secretary. A fourth
copy is placed with the ballots (including illegal ballots) and tally sheets, in the designated
envelope marked “Tellers Report, Tally Sheets and Ballots, Election of (Officers/Mission Grants),
Date ______” to be given to the Parliamentarian.
PRIOR TO BUSINESS SESSION when balloting will occur:
1. Meet with Parliamentarian prior to Convention to receive instructions on
balloting procedure.
2. Meet with Tellers prior to balloting to explain their duties.
3. Be knowledgeable of the mechanics of the voting procedure so as to prevent
errors and to make the process go as smoothly as possible.
4. Be sure that Convention Chairman has suitable containers available for collecting
5. Check out, in advance, room to be used for counting. Be sure to have a room key. Check
that tables and chairs are available.
6. If counting will take place during lunch or dinner, arrange to have meals and beverages
delivered, if possible, or for Tellers to bring a meal with them.
DURING BUSINESS SESSION when balloting will occur:
1. Take note of the number of delegates present and eligible to vote, as
announced by the Credential Chairman, immediately prior to balloting.
2. Obtain ballots from Parliamentarian following credentials report.
3. Deliver ballots to appointed Tellers and have them proceed to their designated area to
begin distributing ballots.
4. Oversee the disbursement of ballots; be available to assist as needed.
5. After completing their own ballot, Tellers should collect designated containers and
await further instructions.
6. When balloting is complete and the polls are declared closed, direct Tellers to proceed
to their assigned area, collect all completed ballots, and return same to the Teller
7. Secure ballots and deliver to Parliamentarian.
8. Meet Parliamentarian and Teller at specified time and place to proceed with counting.
9. Review counting instructions and proceed to supervise tellers.
10. When counting is completed, sign all Teller Report forms and assure that all Tellers have
signed, also.
11. Return completed paperwork and ballots to Parliamentarian.
12. When dismissing Tellers, remind them of the “confidentiality” of this service.
13. Deliver report to the convention body, when designated, with copy to President and to
For Officers
1. Check agenda for time of report. Be in position 5 minutes (or more) before the
designated time.
2. Begin “Madam President” and wait to be recognized. Then continue “The tally of votes
for election of officers is as follows:
President, number of votes cast____, needed for election ____, number of illegal
votes ____, Jane Doe received ____ votes, Jane Snow received ____ votes” then
proceed to next position.
3. The President will repeat your report and say “by your vote you have elected…”
4. When the President has declared those elected you say “Madam President, I move that
the ballots be destroyed”. She will call the question and then you are excused.
For Mission Grants
1. Check agenda for time of report. Be in position 5 minutes (or more) before the
designated time.
2. Begin “Madam President” and wait to be recognized. Then continue “The tally of votes
for election of Mission Grants is as follows:
“number of ballots cast ____, needed for election – majority, number of illegal ballots
____.” Then list projects and number of votes received.
3. The President will repeat your report and say “by your vote you have elected…”
4. When the President has declared those elected you say “Madam President, I move that
the ballots be destroyed”. She will call the question and then you are excused.
1. Meet with Teller Chairman for instructions.
1. Meet with Teller Chairman at designated time and place.
2. Following report by Credential Chairman, the Parliamentarian will provide the Teller
Chairman with the required number of ballots. The Teller Chairman will distribute
these to the Tellers.
3. Proceed to your designated area. After instructions have been given to the delegates,
distribution of ballots may begin to those eligible to vote.
4. After completing your own ballot, proceed to the designated area to obtain a ballot
collection receptacle.
5. When the polls are declared closed, the Teller Chairman will give the signal to begin
collecting completed ballots from your designated area. Return all completed ballots
collected to the Teller Chairman.
6. Meet Parliamentarian and Teller Chairman at specified time and place for counting.
7. When counting completed and you are dismissed, remember that everything seen and
heard during the counting procedure is confidential and is not to be discussed with
The district LWML Board of Directors shall be the elected officers, appointed officers, Zone
Presidents, and the Chairman of the Nominating Committee. No voting member shall vote in
more than one (1) capacity. When a Zone President is unable to attend a Board of Directors
meeting or convention, the Zone Vice President or any other elected Zone officer may be
authorized by the Zone President or Zone officers to attend as the Zone alternate. She shall
have the privilege of voice and vote.
Article XIII Section 1
Detailed duties
The Zone President shall:
1. Serve at the discretion of their respective zone:
2. Attend all meetings of the District Board of Directors, and if unable to attend, she, or
her zone officers, may appoint any zone officer to attend as an alternate with voice
and vote;
3. Be responsible to the President;
4. Provide zone rally minutes and zone rally report forms to the President and
Secretary by completing the report and bringing these to the next Board of Directors
5. Serve as liaison between the District and Zone, disseminating information provided
by the District to the zone and unit officers and including informing the President
and Evangel editor of rally dates and locations as early as possible.
6. Ensure that zone officers and/or host units complete required Zone Rally Financial
Statements and remit to the Financial Secretary along with a check made payable to
the FL-GA District LWML. (Rally registration overage plus ninety (90) percent of the
rally offering is to be remitted to District for the LWML convention fund);
7. Attend the LWML Convention, at district expense, as a voting delegate representing
their respective Zone and provide a convention report to the zone and to each
8. Provide the District President with the name and addresses of the Zone Alternate
Delegate to the LWML Convention in the event that the Zone President/Chairman is
unable to attend;
9. Assist Zones and Societies to encourage people of cultural and/or ethnic diversity to
join in the programs and activities of the LWML, value their uniqueness, and build
Christ-centered relationships with them;
10. Provide materials and training to enable each member to increase her skills for
leadership in Zones and Societies and to provide ideas, techniques and resources
which will enrich and stimulate growth in individuals, societies and zones;
11. Perform other duties as set forth in the Leaders Manual:
12. Preside at all meetings and rallies of the zone;
13. Call meetings of the zone officers and counselor to plan zone rallies and objectives
of the zone and other activities as needed;
14. Invite the host society President and Pastor to a planning meeting for the next rally;
15. Appoint standing committee chairmen with approval of the zone officers;
16. Attend the District conventions as a voting BOD member;
17. Complete the District delegate credentialing form listing two (2) delegates and two
(2) alternates from each society in the zone to the District convention and send to
the District Recording Secretary;
18. Submit articles interesting Zone or Society activities to the Evangel Editor for
19. Submit a report of Zone activities for the District convention manual;
20. Request from zone congregations names of candidates for YWR to District
conventions and retreats; poll zone officers to select a representative;
21. Encourage all zone members to attend retreats and the District and LWML
22. Attend District Workshops / Assembly of Leaders Workshops;
23. Maintain a supply of mite boxes for sale to societies within the zone (available at
board meetings from the District President).
Zone President – Timeline
January/February: Odd years:
Attend the District BOD meeting and Zone Officers Workshop; submit required reports;
Submit name and address of alternate to LWML Convention.
March/April/May: All years:
Notify President and Communication Chairman of rally date and location;
Plan spring Zone Rally with zone officers; establish a theme with Spiritual Growth
Chairman and Zone Pastoral Counselor; set meeting with host society;
Meet with host society President and Pastor to establish agenda and worship;
Preside over the business session of the rally; recognize and introduce District officers
and guests; welcome new society members to the zone;
Solicit candidates from the zone for a Young Woman Representative. With approval of
the zone officers, select a zone YWR to convention or retreat by the set deadline;
Appoint or elect a nominating committee according to zone Bylaws;
Encourage zone members to register for District convention or retreat.
June/July: Even years:
Obtain delegate names and addresses to District convention from each society;
Encourage zone members to register for District convention;
Submit a report for the District convention manual;
Select a YWR to convention from the zone.
June/July: Odd years:
Attend LWML Convention;
Encourage zone members to attend District retreat;
Select a YWR to the retreat.
August/September/October/November: All years:
Remind society presidents of LWML Sunday;
Call a meeting of the zone officers, Pastoral Counselor, host Society President, and
Pastor to plan fall rally; (see information for spring rally);
Preside at rally; (see March)
Attend BOD meeting; submit two (2) copies of rally report and minutes;
Attend convention or retreat.
Odd years:
Visit societies to present LWML Convention report.
DISTRICT BANNER: (for LWML Conventions)
The District Banner should measure 42” x 72” finished. This includes fringe, if any, and a
2” rod pocket at the top.
It should be centered on a dowel that is at least 7/8” in diameter and 45” long.
The cord should be at least 1/2” in diameter and attached to the dowel one inch from
either end and have a space of no more than 44” between places of attachment. The
cord will stretch when hung.
A loop should be attached to the center back at the bottom for the convenience of the
person carrying it in a processional.
The banner will hang well if a heavier fabric is used or it is lined.
ZONE BANNERS: (for LWML District Conventions)
Zone banners should measure 36” x 60” and be centered on a dowel that is 40” long.
The cord when attached one inch from either end, should measure 38” between
Please follow additional guidelines regarding loop and fabric as stated above.
The design should follow the theme of the event as interpreted by the Zone unless
otherwise instructed by the District. It may NOT be the same design as the event logo
or District Banner.
Quilt Banners
As above except for District Conventions they should measure 36X60 inches and have a
hanging sleeve.
Hanging Sleeve: Cut a strip 5 inches wide by as long as your quilt banner is wide.
Make a half-inch hem on each short end. Fold and press in a half-inch along each long
edge. Hand baste the long edges to the top back of the quilt, using long stitches, so
they can be easily removed.
LWML FL – GA District
Zone President’s Report
(Four copies needed for President, Recording Secretary, Vice President of Mission Service, and
Vice President of Spiritual Growth. Please attach a copy of your last zone rally minutes to each
Zone President:
Rally Date:
Offering (90%):
Overage from Rally sent to District:
Theme for Rally:
Spiritual Growth:
Gifts from the Heart:
Highlights of Rally:
Next Rally Date:
Place of Rally:
Date of rally: ______________________
Zone: _______________
Location: __________________
Registration total dollar amount
Less rally expenses
- $_____________
Total overage (100% to District)
Offering total
$_______________ (1)
Less 10% retained in Zone - $_____________
90% to District
+ $_______________ (2)
Total to remit to LWML FL-GA District: (1)+(2)
= $_____________*
(*This amount will be credited to the LWML Convention Fund, which supports the Zone
Delegate and other Board members required by District Bylaws to attend the LWML
Make all checks payable to LWML FL-GA District Check #___________
Send this form and remittance no later than 30 days after the rally to:
Nancy Hughes, Financial Secretary
LWML FL-GA District
6540 Scott Street
Hollywood, FL 33024
home 954-966-6154
e-mail nhugs50@yahoo.com
2012-2014 Biennium
Application for Membership in District LWML
Application for Reinstatement into Membership
Notification of Disbandment
LWML Member Profile
Membership Survey
Society/Unit Officers
Subscription/Renewal Form – Quarterly
The officers shall be elected by ballot at the District LWML Convention to serve for a term of
four (4) years or until their successors are elected, and shall not be eligible for re-election to the
same office.
Bylaws, Article VI, Section 2
The Vice President for Communication may perform the duties of the office of the President
in the absence or at the request of the President, and shall:
A. be coordinator of the Communication Department;
B. serve as chairman of the Communication Committee whose duties include:
To disseminate information;
To coordinate convention and retreat publicity;
To prepare the convention manual;
To coordinate participation by outside exhibitors and bookstores for convention;
To coordinate participation by outside resource providers for retreats as
permitted by the retreat facility;
6. To be responsible for displays at LCMS Conventions and other events with the
approval of the Executive Committee;
C. appoint members of the Communication Committee, subject to approval by the
Executive Committee;
D. perform other duties as directed by the President with the approval of the District
LWML Executive Committee;
E. assist the District LWML, Zones, and Societies to encourage people of culture and/or
ethnic diversity to join the programs and activities of the LWML, value their uniqueness,
and to build Christ-centered relationships with them;
F. provide materials and training to enable each member to increase her skills for
leadership in the LWML and to provide ideas, techniques and resources which will
enrich and stimulate growth in individuals, societies and zones;
G. attend the LWML Convention at the District LWML expense, in the capacity of Vice
President for Communications in the year immediately following election to office;
H. provide a report for the District Convention manual;
I. perform other duties as set forth in the Leaders Manual.
Bylaws, Article VIII, Section 2
The Communication Department
The Communication Department shall include the Communication Committee and Membership
Resources Committee. The Vice President for Communication shall be coordinator of the
The Communication Committee
The Communication Committee is composed of the Vice President for Communication as
Chairman, Evangel Editor, Web Master, and as many members as deemed necessary by the
The committee shall:
1. have its members serve for a term of two (2) years and be eligible for one (1)
consecutive reappointment;
2. assist with duties assigned to the Vice President for Communication as requested;
3. assist with duties assigned to the Evangel Editor as requested;
4. obtain copyright permission for the District LWML;
5. oversee the maintenance and usage of the District LWML Website;
6. oversee maintenance and usage of display board;
7. arrange for and coordinate exhibitors at district conventions;
8. prepare, edit and publish the District Convention Manual.
Article XVI Section 2
Detailed Duties VP Communication
1. Attend all Executive Committee meetings and Board of Directors meetings.
A. Present an oral report for the EC meetings.
B. Present a written report for the BOD meetings.
2. Select members to serve on the Communication Committee for a term of two years.
3. Serve as Chairman of the Communication Committee and coordinator of the
Communication Department.
4. Coordinate the dissemination of information via Evangel, District Website, and mailings.
5. Attend LWML Convention in the year following election.
6. Attend LWML Leaders Workshop pertaining to Communication (Assembly of Leaders) if
7. Participate in District Leaders Workshops.
8. Prepare a written biennial report for the convention manual summarizing the work of
the committee over a two year period.
9. Coordinate publicity for conventions, retreat, workshops, etc.
10. Prepare, edit, and publish the convention manual (submit 3 bids for printing to the EC).
11. Prepare and mail the pre-convention mailing to each congregation as directed by the EC.
12. Coordinate participation by outside resource providers for retreats as permitted by the
retreat facility.
13. Coordinate participation by outside exhibitors and book stores for convention.
14. Be responsible for displays at LCMS conventions and other events at the direction of the
15. Prepare and submit articles for Lutheran Life per publishing schedule.
16. Coordinate obtaining copyrights for the district including music for convention and
17. Coordinate the mailing of LWML district materials to all pastors new to the district.
18. Maintain a standard registration form for conventions and retreats, with relative
information to be updated as needed.
19. Maintain files of reports, correspondence, LWML newsletters, etc. for two years during
term of office.
20. Submit vouchers and receipts for incurred expenses of committee and chairman.
Vice President for Communication – Timeline
Monthly: During term:
Per the publication schedule for Lutheran Life, mail or fax material to publisher of by the
fifteenth (15th) of the month; include photos, logos, or any other appropriate graphics.
(Not published on a regular schedule)
September/October: During term:
Attend and submit a report to the Executive Committee and Board of Directors
November/December: During term:
Check articles for accuracy that are submitted for Evangel publication; make
modifications or corrections to the editor as soon as possible.
January: Even years:
Contact previous convention exhibitors and any other interested parties with full
details about the upcoming convention including exhibit registration fee, inviting
them to participate. Set a deadline for exhibit registrations.
January: During term:
Contact LVS (or other Resource Center if LVS is no longer in business) inviting their
participation at the convention/retreat. Include charges for tables, if applicable.
February: During term:
Attend and submit a report to the Executive Committee and Board of Directors
meetings. Prepare packets for zone presidents containing convention or retreat
information sheets, registration forms and posters.
March/April: During term:
Publish updated convention/retreat information in the Summer and Fall Evangel;
Check articles for accuracy that are submitted for publication.
March/April: Even years:
Solicit material for the convention manual from the LWML President, all members of the
District Executive Committee, Board of Directors, and any special guests, profiles of
candidates for office, and proposed mission grants.
June: During term:
Attend and report to the EC meeting.
June: Even year:
Submit a committee report for the convention manual. Coordinate and plan
displays and outside book stores for convention and retreat. Submit plans to the
Executive Committee for approval.
June: 1st year:
Attend LWML Convention in the year following election.
July: Even year:
Meet with Communication Committee to assemble data and materials for the
convention manual. Arrange for publication.
Send copies of Mission Grant proposal resolutions to zone presidents to share with their
units. Include a copy of any proposed bylaw amendments.
July: During term:
Send convention or retreat information sheet and registration form to each unit and
Zone President. In even years include with the Mission Grant mailing.
August: During term:
Before convention, retreat, or other District event contact the host committee
chairman, and /or Vice President for Spiritual Growth to obtain titles of songs to be used
at the event; call authors and publishers to obtain copyright permission; prepare
voucher for CCLI license and send to the President for approval.
Submit voucher for charges for individual use copyrights to President for approval. Plan
convention display. Check articles for accuracy that are submitted for publication.
September: Even years:
Finalize Display for convention. Arrange to welcome Exhibitors, LWML Resource Store
and the Outside Resource Provider. Prepare a floor plan indicating their exhibit
location. Prepare a welcome letter and evaluation form.
September: Odd years:
Finalize plans for the LWML Resource Store and the outside Resource Provider. Prepare
a welcome letter and evaluation form.
The Evangel Editor shall:
A. be responsible to the VP Communication;
B. provide for publication and distribution of the Evangel;
C. have editorial privileges;
D. provide a report for the convention manual;
E. perform other duties as set for in the Leaders Manual.
Bylaws, Article X, Sections 3
The Evangel Editor
is responsible for soliciting articles and gathering information pertinent to the district
membership for inclusion in the Evangel;
is responsible for publishing the Evangel via e-mail four times yearly in a timely manner;
is responsible for keeping all subscribers in the FL/GA District informed and updated on
LWML matters;
serves on the Communication Committee.
Detailed Duties
1. Establishes deadlines for submitting articles for publication;
2. Appoint proof readers (this can be accomplished electronically)
3. Works with the Communication Chairman on submitted articles;
4. Edits copy of articles submitted to fit space in newsletter;
5. Encourages submission of articles from committee chairmen, zone news, societies,
6. Articles by the officers and a counselor are mandatory;
7. Returns photos to those who send photos with articles;
8. Review newsletters from other Districts and other sources for potential material;
9. Corresponds quarterly with subscription chairman to verify current subscribers;
10. Set up mailing schedule for the year to provide information that is timely;
12. Prepare and submit paper work with voucher for reimbursement of expenses;
13. Attend and prepare Evangel report for the BOD meeting upon request;
14. Keep an accurate record and updates of Evangel procedures to pass on to the next
15. Assist the new editor with the first Evangel issue of her term;
16. Gathers news and pictures at retreats and conventions for publication.
Evangel Editor – Timeline
November: During term:
Send reminders to signify December 5 deadline for Evangel articles.
December: During term:
Finalize editing and formatting articles and pictures for publication;
Send thank you notes and return any pictures submitted.
February: During term:
Attend BOD meeting and submit report upon request;
Send reminders to signify March 5 deadline for Evangel articles;
Review job description and timeline; submit any changes to Structure Chairman.
March: During term:
Finalize editing and formatting articles and pictures for publication;
Send thank you notes and return any pictures submitted.
May: During term:
Send reminders to signify June 5 deadline for Evangel articles.
June: During term:
Finalize editing and formatting of articles and pictures for publication;
Send thank you notes and return any pictures submitted;
June: Even year:
Submit article for convention manual;
Work with Communication Chairman on convention manual.
August: During term:
Send reminders to signify September 5 deadline for Evangel articles.
September: During term:
Finalize editing and formatting articles and pictures for publication;
Send thank you notes and return any pictures submitted.
October: During term:
Attend BOD meeting and submit report upon request.
October: End of term:
Acquaint new Evangel Editor with procedures and materials.
The Web Master is appointed for a term of two (2) years, and shall be eligible for one (1)
consecutive reappointment, and may attend meetings of the District LWML Board of Directors
and the District convention at the discretion of the President, without a vote.
Bylaws, Article X, Section 1
The Web Master shall:
A. be responsible to the VP Communication;
B. provide for the design and maintenance of the Website;
C. have editorial privileges;
D. provide a report for the convention manual;
E. perform other duties as set for in the Leaders Manual.
Bylaws, Article X, Sections 3
The Web Master
is responsible for assimilating, formatting and updating information on the website;
is responsible for notifying the VP Communications and the President when information is
added to the website;
is responsible for forwarding material to the District Counselor for doctrinal review, when
is responsible for preventing duplication of current Evangel information with the exception
of Zone Rally dates;
is responsible for posting past Evangel issues once new issues have been received by
is responsible for updating mite contributions monthly as received from the Financial
is responsible for updating paid Mission Grants as received from the VP Mission Grants;
serves on the Communication Committee.
\Detailed Duties
1. Establishes deadlines for submitting data for posting;
2. Work with the Communication Chairman and Evangel Editor;
3. Attend and prepare report for the BOD meeting upon request;
4. Keep an accurate record and updates of Web Master procedures to pass on to the
next Web Master;
5. Review other Districts websites and other sources for potential material;
Web Master – Timeline
Update information on the website monthly and as needed
The Membership Resources Chairman shall:
A. serve a term of two (2) years and be eligible for one (1) reappointment.
B. report to each regular meeting of the Board of Directors as a voting member and to the
convention as a non-voting member.
Article IX, Section 1
The Membership Resources Chairman shall:
A. be responsible to the Vice President for Communication;
B. serve as Chairman of the Membership Resources Committee which duties include:
1. preparation of a directory of societies, society officers and members of the Board of
2. to provide mailing labels for officers or chairmen as requested;
3. to coordinate subscription orders, billing, and receipt of payments for the Lutheran
Woman’s Quarterly;
4. to encourage churches with no LWML affiliation to form women's organizations for
the purpose of district LWML affiliation and to facilitate the application process;
5. to collect required society statistics each biennium;
6. to prepare a report for the convention manual;
7. to perform additional duties as set forth in the Leaders Manual.
Bylaws, Article IX, Section 4
Detailed Duties of Membership Resources Committee
The Membership Resources Committee is a committee composed of the Membership
Resources Chairman whose members are chosen by the chairman and approved by the
Executive Committee; the committee shall:
1. serve for a term of two (2) years and be eligible for one (1) consecutive
2. keep a current list of all District LWML Societies and names and addresses of Society
3. keep a current list of all members of the Board of Directors and their addresses;
4. prepare a directory to be made available to the Board of Directors that includes
names and addresses of Society officers and members of the Board of Directors;
5. provide mailing labels for officers or chairman as requested;
6. receive orders from Societies and prepare the subscription orders for the Lutheran
Woman’s Quarterly; forward e-mail subscriptions for the Evangel to the Editor;
7. send bills and receive payment from Societies for Lutheran Woman’s Quarterly
8. forward payments received for subscriptions to the District LWML Financial
9. forward vouchers to District President for Lutheran Woman’s Quarterly
10. encourage churches with no LWML affiliation, with the help of the Zone President,
to form women’s organizations for the purpose of District affiliation;
11. forward applications from women’s organizations desiring District LWML affiliation
to the Executive Committee;
12. collect statistics from each society each biennium. These statistics shall be
forwarded to LWML or the District LWML upon request.
Bylaws, Article XV, Section 2C
Detailed Duties of Chairman
1. Serve as a member of the Communication Department;
2. Attend District Board of Directors meetings, workshops, conventions and retreats;
submit a report to the BOD meetings; participate in District workshops as requested;
3. Upon receipt of request for membership into LWML, send a letter and application to
the society and notify the District President, Zone President and the Structure
4. Present the new application at the next BOD meeting for acceptance;
5. Following approval by the BOD, send a letter of welcome to the new society and
inform them that a certificate of membership will be presented to them at the next
District convention; request names, addresses and terms of officers; when received,
copies of these are sent to the Financial Secretary, VP Communications, District
President and Zone President;
6. Send New Member Form to LWML President and request resource materials to be
sent to the new society;
7. Prepare a membership survey form to be sent to zones for distribution to societies;
include a date for return before the February BOD meeting;
8. Prepare an article for the Evangel upon request.
Membership Resources Chairman – Timeline
Monthly and/or ongoing:
Deposit checks within 3 weeks of receipt;
Send copies of deposit slips and bank deposit report to Financial Secretary;
Forward vouchers to District President for Lutheran Woman’s Quarterly subscriptions;
Upon receipt of request for membership into LWML, send a letter and application to the
Society with copies to District President, Zone President, Vice President for
Communication and Structure Chairman;
Following approval by the BOD, send a letter of welcome to the new society, and inform
them that a certificate of membership will be presented to them at the next District
convention; request names, addresses, and terms of officers; copies of these are sent to
the Financial Secretary and VP Communication , District President and Zone President.
Forward Evangel e-mail requests to Editor as received.
September/October: following election:
Meet with previous Membership Resources Chairman as soon as possible to receive
materials and information;
Verify the publication of a renewal notice for the Lutheran Woman’s Quarterly in the
winter issue;
Submit subscription changes to St. Louis by established deadlines - October 25.
December: Send a mailing of the renewal notice signifying the deadline date - February 1.
Attend BOD meetings and submit written report;
Participate in District Workshops and Seminars as requested;
Submit subscription changes to St. Louis by established deadlines - January 25;
Compile a list of units that have not renewed by February 15;
Send a list of non-participating units to their respective Zone President;
Send a copy of the list to the Vice President for Communication and the District
Submit subscription changes to St. Louis by the deadline - April 25.
Prepare a membership survey form for distribution by Zone Presidents to societies;
include a due date for return before the February BOD meeting;
Collect statistics from each Society each biennium. These statistics shall be forwarded to
LWML and/ or the District LWML upon request.
September/October: Attend BOD meetings and submit a written report.
We, the
Society of
Church in
have resolved to apply for membership in the
Lutheran Women’s Missionary League in the Florida-Georgia District in order to carry out the
purposes of the League together with other societies of the Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod.
Our Society has
City, State, Zip:
Approved by Congregation:
Signature of Pastor
We, the
Society of
Church in
have resolved to apply for reinstatement of our
membership in the Lutheran Women’s Missionary League in the Florida-Georgia District in
order to carry out the purposes of the League together with other societies of the Lutheran
Church – Missouri Synod.
Our Society has
City, State, Zip:
Approved by Congregation:
Signature of Pastor
(LWML President)
FROM: (District President)
(Street Address)
(City, State, Zip)
Listed below is a Society that has notified the Florida-Georgia District that it disbanded on
. (date)
Society Name
Street Address
City, State, Zip
Reason for disbandment, if known: (Please click in the box to enter text).
District efforts to work with the society before disbandment: (Please click in the box to enter
Name: ________________________________________________________________________
Address: ______________________________________________________________________
Zip Code
Phone #: ______________________________________________________________________
Years Active in LWML: __________
Society Positions/Years: __________________________________________________________
Zone Positions/Years: ____________________________________________________________
District Positions/Years: __________________________________________________________
National Positions/Years: _________________________________________________________
Church Positions/Years: __________________________________________________________
Business Experience/Years: _______________________________________________________
Positions Held in Other Organizations/Years:
Return to: District Membership Resources Chairman
Do you have more than one society or group? Yes No
If so, please give the names of each:
(circle one)
total # of members in LWML
total # of active members in LWML
Preparer of Survey:
(Please Print Name of Preparer)
Address of Preparer:
City, State, Zip:
Phone or e-mail:
Signature of Preparer:
Please return by ____________________
Membership Resources Chairman
Each Biennium the National LWML asks the Districts to report their membership
totals. In order to give an accurate count of our membership, a Membership
Survey is conducted. Please help us by supplying the information on the survey
and returning it by ____________________.
A Member is any LCMS individual or church group, which contributes Mites or
subscribes to the Quarterly or Evangel.
An Active Member is anyone who attends meetings and/or participates in
Unit/Society activities.
There are usually more members than there are active members.
If you have any comments or questions, please e-mail or call me.
God’s Blessings to you and your Society!
Thanks for your help!!
Term Expires: ______________
Mail to:
Name of Church:
Church Address:
Zip Code:
Church Phone Number:
Zone President:
Society Name (very important if more than one):
Contact Person:
Contact Person’s Address:
Zip Code:
Contact’s e-mail and/or Phone Number:
Quarterlies at $5 per subscriptions, 10 or more = $______________
____________ Quarterly individual at $6.50 per subscription =$______________
Check Number:
Make checks* payable to FL/GA District LWML and return to:
Membership Resources Chairman
* Any charge incurred by the district on NSF checks will be the responsibility of the payer until
the amount is settled (check amount plus back fees). No further checks will be accepted from
the payer.
Grant Guidelines
Grant Application Form
Instructions Mission Grant Recipients
Scholarship Chairman
Scholarship Application and Guidelines (4 pages)
The officers shall be elected by ballot at the District LWML Convention to serve for a term of
four (4) years or until their successors are elected, and shall not be eligible for re-election to the
same office.
Bylaws, Article VI, Section3
The Vice President for Mission Grants may perform the duties of the office of the President in
the absence or at the request of the President, and shall:
A. be coordinator of the Mission Grants Department;
B. serve as chairman of the Mission Grants Committee;
C. appoint members of the Mission Grants Committee, subject to approval by the
Executive Committee;
D. assist the District LWML, Zones, and Societies to encourage people of culture and/or
ethnic diversity to join the programs and activities of the LWML, value their uniqueness,
and to build Christ-centered relationships with them;
E. provide materials and training to enable each member to increase her skills for
leadership in the LWML and to provide ideas, techniques and resources which will
enrich and stimulate growth in individuals, societies and zones;
F. perform other duties as directed by the President with the approval of the District
LWML Executive Committee;
G. attend the LWML Convention at the District LWML expense, in the capacity of Vice
President for Mission Grants in the year immediately following election to office;
H. provide a report for the District Convention manual;
I. perform other duties as set forth in the Leaders Manual.
Bylaws, Article VIII, Section 3
The Mission Grants Department
The Mission Grants Department shall include the Mission Grants Committee and Scholarship
Committee. The Vice President for Mission Grants shall be coordinator of the department.
The Mission Grants Committee
The Mission Grants Committee is composed of the Vice President for Mission Grants as
Chairman and as many members as deemed necessary by the chairman.
The committee shall:
1. have its members serve for a term of two (2) years and be eligible for one (1)
consecutive reappointment;
2. assist with duties assigned to the Vice President for Mission Grants as requested;
3. investigate, evaluate, select, and submit proposed mission grants to the ....Executive
Committee for inclusion on the District LWML Convention ballot;
4. prepare and send a report of the proposed mission grants to each Society in
coordination with the VP Communication prior to the District LWML Convention;
5. keep the District LWML informed of the progress of adopted grants through the
Evangel, the district website, and the Mission Grant Display Board.
Article XVI Section 3
Detailed Duties VP Mission Grants
1. Attend all Executive Committee meetings and Board of Directors meetings.
A. Present an oral report for the EC meetings.
B. Present a written report for the BOD meetings.
2. Select members to serve on the Mission Grants Committee for a term of two years.
3. Serve as Chairman of the Mission Grants Committee and coordinator of the Mission
Grants Department.
4. Attend LWML Convention in the year following election.
5. Attend LWML Leaders Workshop pertaining to Mission Grants (Assembly of Leaders) if
6. Participate in District Leaders Workshops.
7. Prepare an article for each Evangel per publishing schedule.
8. Prepare a written biennial report for the convention manual summarizing the work of
the committee over a two year period.
9. Solicit Proposals for Mission Grants per timetable.
10. Meet with committee to investigate and evaluate each proposal received and to select
proposed Mission Grants to be submitted to the EC for final approval.
11. Send approved list of Mission Grants to VP Communication for inclusion in the
convention manual.
12. Send approved list of Mission Grants to the Structure Chairman for preparing ballots.
13. Prepare and send a report of the proposed Mission Grants to each society in
coordination with the VP Communication prior to the District LWML Convention.
14. Communicate with everyone who submitted a proposal, informing them if they will or
will not be on the ballot and why.
15. Prepare a Power Point presentation of the proposed Mission Grants for convention.
16. Communicate with everyone who had a proposal on the ballot, informing them if their
request was approved by the voting body or if not.
17. Voucher funds for Mission Grants, upon request, and forward to the recipient. Keep in
communication as to the progress of the grant, etc.
18. Maintain files of reports, correspondence, LWML newsletters, etc. for two years during
term of office.
19. Submit vouchers and receipts for incurred expenses of committee and chairman.
Vice President for Mission Grants – Timeline
September/October: Even Years:
Following election and District Convention
1. Submit two or more committee members for approval by EC (after election);
2. Send letters of Joy to the recipients of Grants voted to receive funding for the next
biennium. Include a copy of the guidelines on how to request funds;
3. Send letters of regret to those not receiving Grant money.
4. Attend LWML Assembly of Leaders Workshop - training new District Officers – if
President assigns (after election)
September/October: Odd years: Retreat:
1. Attend Executive Committee meeting - prepare an oral report.
2. Attend Board of Directors meeting - prepare a written report.
3. Attend Retreat as member of the Executive Committee.
November: All four years:
Prepare an article for the Winter issue of the Evangel - December 5 deadline.
December: Even years:
First installment of checks.
Checks are sent in response to the need from Grant recipients and according to the
availability of funds.
February: All four years:
1. Prepare an oral report for EC meeting usually held in early February;
2. Prepare a written report for the Board of Directors meeting held in February;
3. Prepare an article for the Spring issue of the Evangel - March 5 deadline.
February: Odd years:
Prepare and lead a workshop for zone officers to include:
1. How to apply the criteria for mission grants
2. How to write a proposal for mission grants
3. How to submit a proposal
February: Even years:
Review Job Description and submit any changes to the Structure Chairman.
March: Even years:
1. Mission Grants proposal deadline - March 15;
2. Send copies of proposed Mission Grants to Committee members, Pastoral
Counselor, and Director of Missions for FL-GA District for review.
3. Confirm meeting date.
April: Even years:
Mission Grants Committee Meeting at the District Office:
1. Meet with Mission Grants Committee, Pastoral Counselor, and the Director of
Missions for FL-GA District;
2. Select the grants that are to appear on the convention ballot;
3. Notify those who submitted grant proposals that will appear on the ballot the need
for pictures for the convention video;
4. Send letters of regret to those submitting grant proposals that were not placed on
the ballot.
May: Odd years:
Executive Committee meeting held at the Retreat site - prepare- oral report.
May: Even years:
1. Executive Committee meeting held at the Convention site - prepare- oral report.
2. Submit Mission Grant proposal resolutions to the EC, submit for publication in the
convention manual and inclusion with the all-congregational mailing.
3. Prepare an article for the convention manual.
4. Send a copy of the mission grants to the Structure Chairman for the convention
All 4 years:
Prepare an article for the Summer Evangel- deadline June 5
June: All 4 years:
Meet with Scholarship Committee to select Scholarship recipients.
June/July: 1st year:
Attend LWML Convention in the year following election.
August: Odd years:
Meet with Mission Grants Committee to plan for the District Retreat display, etc.
All 4 years:
Prepare an article for the Fall Evangel - September 5 deadline.
August: Even years:
Write a dialog and assemble pictures for convention video.
Have video made.
Plan convention display.
September: Even years:
Finalize Video and Display for convention.
1. Individual LWML (LWM) members
2. LWML Societies
3. LWML Zones
4. District and Synodical boards
1. Be “mission” in emphasis, extending the ministry of the Word.
2. Fit into plans and projections of the Florida-Georgia District Lutheran Church
Missouri Synod.
3. Be limited to projects where no adequate funding has been provided for in District
or Synodical budgets.
4. Be current and ready for implementation.
5. Be well documented.
1. Agencies, organizations and programs that help LWML members to serve, to grow
and to spread God’s word.
2. Special ministries that meet specific needs of the under-privileged, aged, mentally
challenged families, youth, etc.
3. Educational institutions of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod, such as seminaries,
schools, etc.
4. Facilities that serve as an instrument in extending the Kingdom of God, such as day
care facilities, preschools etc.
5. “LCMS World Mission Project/Opportunities” (available from the LC-MS Board for
Mission Services) and the International LWML Projects Bank provide a list of projects
which have appropriate approvals and are ready for funding.
1. Study requirements in District Bylaws. Additional information is available by ordering
the Mission Projects Handbook from the LWML Catalog.
2. Contact the person in charge of the agency, organization, program, etc that you
propose to help and get their input.
3. Get written approval from contact person.
4. Gather necessary facts and assemble supportive materials to submit with the
Mission Grant Proposal.
1. Complete the LWML Mission Grant Information Form
2. The Proposal itself must be written in resolution form. A sample is available in the
Mission Project Handbook.
3. LWML Mission Grant Information Form must be signed by person submitting
proposal and by either local pastor or Zone counselor.
4. Resolution should be concise and specific, accurate, complete and current
information and should include the following:
Project Goal
Needs-both spiritual
and monetary.
Purpose for which requested funds
will be used.
D. Dollar amount of funds requested.
Maximum for any request is $10,000.
5. Submit eight (8) hard copies of the LWML FL-GA Mission Grant Information Form
and proposed resolution plus a reformat-able word document sent by electronic
mail to the to the VP for Mission Grants by March 15th of even numbered year for
which the proposal is being submitted.
6. Mission grant proposals must include ten to twelve (10-12) photographs sent by
electronic mail in the JPEG format, with detailed explanations, for use in convention
presentation. Send to the FL-GA District V P Mission Grants.
7. This date will be strictly observed and any incomplete Mission Grant proposals will
not be considered.
1. Mission Grant VP sends the completed file of grant proposals to the Executive
Director for Outreach of the Florida-Georgia District Lutheran Church-Missouri
Synod for his evaluation and approval to assure that the grant proposals are truly
mission in character and merit the consideration of the Florida-Georgia District
2. The Mission Grant Committee investigates and evaluates each Mission Grant
proposal presented for consideration and selects those grants to be considered for
placement on the ballot.
3. VP for Mission Grants submits selected grant proposals to the Florida-Georgia
Executive committee for review and approval.
4. Mission Grants in resolution form, approved by the Executive Committee, will be
sent to the V P for Communications to be included in convention manual.
6. VP for Mission Grants compiles a list of mission grant proposals For the V P for
Communications and the Parliamentarian.
1. Following District Convention, all individuals who submitted Mission Grant Proposals
will be contacted and advised of the status of their Mission Grant.
2. Those whose Mission Grants were selected will be sent instructions on how to
request funds and their future reporting responsibilities.
1. NAME OF MISSION GRANT:______________________________________________
2. FUNDS REQUESTED (Maximum $10,000):__________________________________
Prepare proposal in Resolution form on a separate paper and attach to this form.
Attach a description of proposed project, along with any other information helpful
in evaluating the project.
5. PROJECT ADMINISTRATOR:______________________________________________
PHONE: ( )__________E-MAIL ________________________________________
6. FUNDS TO BE SENT TO:__________________________________________________
PHONE: ( )__________E-MAIL_________________________________________
7. SUBMITTED BY:________________________________________________________
PHONE: ( )__________E-MAIL_________________________________________
VICE PRESIDENT FOR MISSION GRANTS by March 15th of even numbered years
A. Request for funds should be made in writing to:
FL-GA District VP Mission Grants
B. Copy to:
FL-GA District President
C. Your letter should include the following information:
1. Amount of funds needed to initiate (or continue) the project.
2. Purpose for which the funds will be used. Please be specific and detailed.
3. Name of person or organization to whom the check is to be made payable.
4. Name of person or organization to which the check is sent.
A. Upon receipt of your request, the Vice President for Mission Grants confers with
the District Treasurer about:
1. Dollar amount of your request
2. The availability of LWML funds to fulfill the request.
B. If an LWML project is under synodical jurisdiction, the Vice President for Mission
Grants may also confer with the Executive Secretary of the LCMS Board for
Missions or the Florida-Georgia District Mission Executive.
C. The Vice President for Mission Grants submits a request to the LWML
District President for funding. If she concurs, she signs the request voucher.
D. The signed voucher is forwarded to the Treasurer who sends the check to the Vice
President for Mission Grants; she will send the check to the recipient.
A. It is essential that you acknowledge checks received to the Vice President for
Mission Grants.
B. Grant funds must be used for the purpose(s) stated in the Mission Grant Proposal.
We realize that sometimes changes occur when implementing proposals; therefore, if a
change is necessary, advise the Vice President for Mission Grants (with a copy to the LWML
District President) as soon as possible of the proposed change. Changes are subject to the
approval of the LWML District Executive Committee.
C. If unavoidable delays in the project occur after funding has taken place, the funds
should be returned to the LWML district until the Project can be continued. Project
funds must be put into use in the biennium in which they are voted. If not used in
that time, the funds will be returned to the treasury, unless arrangements are made
by the LWML District Board of Directors.
A. Please send regular progress reports to the LWML District Vice President for Mission
Grants (every few months if possible). Reports need not be lengthy, but we would
appreciate being kept up-to-date. Please send Photos to be included in the FloridaGeorgia District newsletter, the EVANGEL. The reports and photos may
be sent electronically. This would be of great interest to the LWML membership.
B. Upon completion of the project, please send a final evaluation and report, including
photos to the Vice President for Mission Grants. The report and photos should be
sent no later than August 15 of even numbered years, whether or not it is complete at that
time, so that information may be included in the LWML Florida-Georgia District
The Scholarship Chairman shall:
A. serve for a term of four (4) years and be eligible for one (1) consecutive reappointment;
B. report to each regular meeting of the Board of Directors as a voting member and to the
convention as a nonvoting member;
Bylaws, Article IX, Section 1
A. be responsible to the VP Mission Grants and serve as a member of the Mission Grants
B. serve as Chairman of the Scholarship Committee which duties include:
1. to solicit applications for scholarships,
2. to oversee selection of recipients,
3. to monitor compliance;
4. to generate all necessary correspondence;
C. provide a report for the convention manual;
D. perform other duties as set forth in the Leaders Manual.
Bylaws, Article IX, Section 4
The Scholarship Committee, composed of an appointed chairman who has been a prior
Scholarship Committee member, the Vice President for Mission Grants, a district pastor, and
two (2) additional committee members, shall:
1. have its members serve for a term of four (4) years and are eligible for one (1)
consecutive reappointment with the exception of the Vice President for Mission
2. follow the Standing Rules of the Scholarship Committee for notifying, choosing,
encouraging, monitoring, corresponding, and congratulating scholarship recipients;
3. adhere to all deadlines and other guidelines.
Bylaws, Article XVI, Section 3 C
Scholarship Grants shall:
A. Be an on-going grant, included in the budget for grants each biennium, until such time
that the adoption of a resolution ending the scholarship assistance is supported by the
majority of the delegates at any convention.
B. Scholarship grants shall include scholarships for pastoral students and other rostered
church workers.
C. Scholarship grants shall be subject to the following stipulations:
1. The Mission Grants Committee shall recommend the amount of funding for each
scholarship group, up to the cap set by the District Board of Directors.
2. Recommendations of the Scholarship Committee shall be submitted with the other
proposed grants to the District LWML Executive Committee for approval in
accordance with the time limits of Section 2.
Bylaws, Article XVII, Section 3
Detailed Duties – Scholarship Chairman and Committee
1. Serve as a member of the Mission Grants Department;
2. Follow the standing rules of the Scholarship Committee to notify, select, encourage,
monitor, and congratulate scholarship recipients;
3. Adhere to all deadlines and guidelines;
4. Attend all District Board of Directors meetings and submit a written report;
5. Respond to calls about the Scholarship program, and other available aid in the
6. Inform members of the District about Scholarship eligibility and other pertinent facts;
7. Write letters of encouragement to recipient students, and share the letters from the
8. Serve on the FL-GA District Student Aid Committee;
9. Maintain a permanent substitute to serve at the evaluation meeting;
10. Cooperate with the Vice President for Mission Grants as needed;
11. Adhere strictly to the scholarship eligibility requirements for funds; (Love Gifts and
the Kuiper Endowment funds do not need to meet all scholarship requirements)
12. Send a thank you when a student is a recipient of a major Love Gift or Kuiper
Endowment funds, with information about the student to the donors;
13. Work closely with the District Student Aid Chairman. To facilitate applicants, a
common application form is shared between the LWML and the FL-GA District
Student Aid. Close cooperation with the District Student Aid Chairman and the use
of a common mailing is essential and effective.
Scholarship Chairman – Timeline
February: All years:
Review application forms and rules with committee members;
Revise guidelines and applicant forms if needed;
Contact the Chairman of FL IGA District Student Aid to review application and
make any changes needed for the year; the same form is used by both LWML and
District Student Aid;
Attend LWML District Board of Directors meeting; submit a report;
Review job description and submit any changes to the Structure Chairman.
March: All years:
Check with the District Student Aid Chairman to review the mailing procedure and
Obtain lists from FL-GA District, SELC District, and the English District of congregations in
Florida and Georgia;
Print updated applications, scholarship guidelines, scholarship posters and a cover letter
to the pastors.
File thirty (30) copies of the application and guidelines for later requests; Mail to meet
the April 1 deadline.
April: All years:
Mail applications to those requesting them;
Answer calls from congregations who did not receive applications;
Schedule with committee members meeting dates for evaluating applications; notify
Vice President for Mission Grants, the President, and Pastoral Counselor.
May: All years:
Verify the documents enclosed in student applications;
Remind pastors as needed of the letter of recommendation that is requested.
June: All years:
Confirm the completed applications by the deadline date for evaluation.
Arrange housing and meals as needed by committee members for evaluation meeting;
Provide a substitute for any member unable to attend the meeting;
Assist the committee with information needed to clarify applications; chairman votes
only to break a tie;
Inform recipients of Scholarship grants, Love Gifts, and Kuiper Endowment Fund
awards, and request a letter of intent from recipients;
Send a letter of encouragement to the applicants not selected to receive funds;
Request checks from Treasurer made out to the school to the specific student’s account;
funds shall be used only for tuition and room and board;
After receiving letters of intent, mail the first semester checks;
Reassign funds not accepted or hold them over for next year;
Prepare news releases for Lutheran Life and the Evangel, include pictures; send to the
VP Communications;
Send Certificates Awards to the recipient’s Zone President for presentation and request
a photo of the event;
Submit an article for the convention manual (even years only).
August: All years:
Assist the Mission Grants Committee, prepare a display for the convention or retreat
featuring scholarship recipients and/or information about the funds.
November: All years:
Contact the students to remind them that transcripts reflecting a GPA of 3.0 must be
received before the second semester checks can be sent;
Request second semester checks from the Treasurer when appropriate.
December/January: All Year:
Call schools for verification of GPA if report is not available to students whose accounts
are not current.
A valid application for an LWML scholarship will include all of the information listed on page 2
of these guidelines.
Send the original application to the LWML Scholarship Chairman.
Send a copy of the application to the District Student Aid Task Force.
Materials must be received by JUNE 1 by the Scholarship Chairman
Prayerfully given Mites from members of the Florida-Georgia LWML are designated for
specific projects by action of the LWML in convention. One of these projects is Scholarships.
The LWML seeks to enable qualified and dedicated men and women to train for service to the
Lord as fulltime church workers through these scholarships.
1. The Scholarship Funds are administered by the Scholarship Committee appointed by the
LWML Executive Board and are granted to students preparing for fulltime church work in
Missouri Synod schools and churches.
2. Applicants must have been a member of a congregation of the Fl-GA, SELC or English District
of the LC-MS in the states of Florida or Georgia for the eighteen (18) months prior to filing an
application, and be enrolled fulltime in a rostered church worker program.
3. Scholarships of $1,000 each will be awarded for the school year ______________
depending on maintenance of GPA, and will be given in installments of $500 each at the
beginning and mid-point of the school year. Mid-term installments will depend upon receipt of
an academic transcript reflecting the 3.0 GPA to the Scholarship Committee.
4. Applications for an LWML Scholarship must be made on the form provided, completed and
in the hands of the committee chairman by the deadline of June 1.
5. The Scholarship Committee shall process all applications received by the chairman and
select the recipients. A GPA of 3.0 is necessary to qualify for a scholarship and financial need
must be shown.
6. Students who are qualified and desire a scholarship another year must reapply each year.
Only one scholarship per family per year will be awarded.
7. Contact the scholarship chairman for further information or additional applications.
In fairness and courtesy, recipients should notify the committee chairman of any
intention to withdraw from school. In accepting an LWML Scholarship, should a recipient leave
the Lutheran Church or not accept placement within the synodical system, he/she agrees to be
obligated to repay all scholarship money received. Thank you.
FL – GA District Financial Aid Application Guidelines
Professional Church Work Students
Note: This Application is due each year in which financial aid is desired.
A completed application packet for an LWML Scholarship and/or District Student Aid will
A completed application form, pages 3 & 4.
A recent photo, suitable for publication.
An official transcript from the school last attended.
A statement of financial need from a dependent student’s parents.
OR – A personal statement of financial need from independent student.
6. A signed letter outlining your: a) vocational calling; b) goals; c) previously attended schools;
d) activities; and e) plans for educational financing.
7. Three (3) letters of recommendation as noted on the application.
8. A copy of your and/or your parents’ _______ Income Tax returns.
9. Signatures on the application and outline letter.
10. A completed District Financial Aid Application from the college or seminary.
Please obtain a “District Financial Aid Application” from your school’s financial aid office.
Fill out “Section I: Student.” Ask the financial aid officer to fill out “Section II: College or
Seminary,” and forward it to the Financial Aid Task Force.
Completed application packets must be in the hands of the Student Aid Task Force by June 1.
We will be unable to consider incomplete applications. Please for all application materials to:
Rev. Peter Kolb, Chairman
FL-GA District Financial Aide Task Force
1123 Louisiana Avenue
St. Cloud, FL 34769
Students desiring to enter church work in the LC-MS, but who are unable to consider out-ofstate tuition and fees, will want to contact The LCMS FL-GA District about attending the
Concordia House of Studies here in FL, 407-857-5556.
Financial Aid is available to members of the FL-GA district Congregations training for
fulltime service in the LC-MS, and attending one of our colleges or seminaries.
Financial Aid awards are based on need, scholastic progress, and aptitude.
The following are additional sources of financial assistance: your parents, your parent’s
congregation, your home or vicarage congregation. Requests may be made through the
Pastor of the congregation.
Ministerial scholarships are also available from the Munderloh Foundation, St. James
Lutheran Church, 170 McMilan Road, Grosse Pointe Farms, MI 48236.
Inquiries may be made to Rev. Peter Kolb: Office 407-892-4653 Home 407-957-4473
E-mail: pmkolb@netzero.net
FAX 407-892-4373
Lutheran Women’s Missionary League & District Student Aid
How many years have you received aid from these scholarship programs?
Total amount of Student Loans which you have received so far.
List the institution’s estimated cost of your education for the ___________ year.
Room & Board
Books & Supplies
Other Expenses
List the applicant’s estimated support and income for this year’s education.
Applicant’s Earnings
Spouse’s Earnings
Parental Support
Support from your home congregation,
Friends, relatives, Etc.
Scholarships / Grants
Confirmed for this year
Scholarships/Grants/Other Support Pending – Total Amt.
Note: This application is for _______ only. Applications must be re-submitted each year.
To the best of my knowledge, the above statements are full, complete, and true.
Dependent Student’s Signature
Dependent Student Parent’s Signature
Independent Student’s Signature
Independent Student Parent’s Signature
Date ____/____/____
Lutheran Women’s Missionary League & District Student Aid
Please read and follow exactly the guidelines and instructions below.
Return a completed application packet to each organization by June 1.
Applicant’s Name:
Date of Birth ____/____/____
Number of Children
How long have you been a member of the LC-MS in Florida or Georgia?
Attending Concordia:
Class Level: (Circle One)
Seminary I
Fulltime church work in the LC-MS for which you are preparing:
On a separate sheet outline:
Your basis for choosing this career.
Your educational plans and goals.
Previously attended schools and degrees granted.
Your extracurricular activities, past and present.
How you are assisting in financing your education.
Three Letters of Recommendation are required and should be sent directly to the chairperson of each respective
scholarship program.
i) From the Pastor of the applicant’s home church affirming church membership and recommendation for
ii) From the student’s previous school’s principal, administrator, or other authorized person. Second career
students – from your employer.
iii) From a mature, responsible person other than the pastor, a relative, employer, or school representative.
State in which capacity the writer knows the applicant.
Income Tax Return
Dependent Students, submit copies of both parents’ and your own income tax return.
Independent Students, submit copies of your spouse’s and your own income tax return.
Father’s Name
Mother’s Name
Number of persons dependent on these two incomes
Names and grade levels of siblings
Number in college
Applicant’s Name
Spouse’s Name
Names and Ages of Children
The officers shall be elected by ballot at the District LWML Convention to serve for a term of
four (4) years or until their successors are elected, and shall not be eligible for re-election to the
same office.
Bylaws, Article VI, Section 2
The Vice President for Mission Service may perform the duties of the office of the President
in the absence or at the request of the President and shall:
A. be coordinator of the Mission Service Department;
B. serve as chairman of the Mission Service Committee;
C. appoint her own committee subject to approval by the Executive Committee;
D. perform other duties as directed by the President with the approval of the District
LWML Executive Committee;
E. in the event of a vacancy in the office of President where there is no regular meeting of
the Board of Directors scheduled within thirty (30) days of the vacancy, call a special
meeting of the Board of Directors within thirty (30) days of such vacancy for the express
purposed of electing a new President pursuant to Article VI, Section 4;
F. assist the District LWML, Zones and Societies to encourage people of cultural and/or
ethnic diversity to join in the programs and activities of the LWML, value their
uniqueness, and to build Christ-centered relationships with them;
G. provide materials and training to enable each member to increase her skills for
leadership in the LWML and to provide ideas, techniques and resources which will
enrich and stimulate growth in individuals, societies and zones;
H. attend the LWML Convention, at District LWML expense, in the capacity of Vice
President for Mission Service in the year immediately following election to office;
I. provide a report for the convention manual;
J. perform other duties as set forth in the Leaders Manual.
Bylaws, Article VIII, Section 4
A. The Mission Service Department shall include the Mission Service Committee. The Vice
President for Mission Service shall be the coordinator of the department.
B. The Mission Service Committee, composed of the Vice President for Mission Service as
chairman and as many members as deemed necessary by the chairman, shall:
1. serve for a term of two (2) years and be eligible for one (1) consecutive
2. alert members to opportunities and challenges for mission service in the church,
community, and world;
3. encourage active participation and provide materials and suggestions for mission
service programs.
Bylaws, Article XVI, Section 4
Detailed Duties – Vice President for Mission Service
1. Attend all Executive Committee meetings and Board of Directors meetings;
a. Present a verbal report at Executive Committee meetings
b. Present a written report at Board of Directors meetings.
2. Write an article quarterly for the Evangel and emphasize mission service opportunities;
3. Prepare a written biennial report for the convention manual summarizing the work of
the committee over a two year period;
4. Serve as chairman of the Mission Service Committee;
5. Maintain a supply of Mission Service materials to provide leaguers with assistance upon
6. Attend LWML Workshops (Assembly of Leaders) pertaining to the office at the request
of the Board of Directors. Present information and materials received at the District or
regional workshops at the direction of the Board of Directors;
7. Request “Gifts From the Heart” suggestions prior to the February BOD meeting for the
convention or retreat to be held in the fall; plan and coordinate reception of gifts, and
prepare a dedication service for these events;
8. Present a plan for a Servant Event to take place prior to the District Convention;
9. Periodically prepare a report for submission to LWML;
10. Send name and address of successor to LWML Chairman;
11. Pastoral Counselor serves as advisor on the committee (a local Pastor may substitute).
Vice President for Mission Service – Timeline
September I October: Following election:
Submit two or more committee members for approval by EC
Attend LWML Assembly of Leaders Workshop held every four years if asked
Call a meeting of the Mission Service Committee to coordinate plans as soon as
November: Even years:
Begin work on “Gifts From the Heart” recipient and items for the retreat held in fall of
odd numbered years; (“Gifts of the Heart” items are usually collected for agencies in the
area where the retreat or convention is held)
Solicit help from the Zone Mission Service Chairman.
Prepare a service of dedication with committee members and Zone Mission Service
November: Odd years:
Begin work on “Gifts From the Heart” recipient and items for convention held in fall of
even numbered years;
Discuss with committee members potential Servant Events; use the host zone President
as a resource person.
November: All 4 years:
Prepare article for the Spring issue of the Evangel- Deadline Dec. 5;
Send to Evangel Editor with a copy to the V P Communication.
February: Odd years:
Present workshop sessions as directed by the EC.
February: All years:
Review job description and submit any changes to the Structure Chairman.
Attend the EC and BOD meetings.
Present the Mission Service Committee’s recommendations for approval.
Prepare an oral report for the EC meeting and a written report for the BOD.
Prepare an article for the Summer issue of the Evangel-Deadline March 5.
Publicize Gift from the Heart Recipients.
April: Odd years:
Confirm “Gifts from the Heart” recipient for retreat; complete plans with the Mission
Service Committee to receive and dedicate the gifts.
April: Even years:
Complete plans with committee for convention Servant Event; confirm �Gifts from the
Heart” recipient for convention and the reception and dedication of gifts.
June: Odd year following election to office:
Attend the LWML Convention; gather information from the Mission Service/Human
Care sessions, meetings/luncheons.
June: Even years:
Submit a report of the Mission Service Committee for the Convention manual.
June: All four years:
Attend EC meeting at retreat site in odd years;
Attend EC meeting at convention site in even years.
Prepare an oral report for all EC meetings.
Tour retreat or convention facilities.
Submit an article for Fall issue of the Evangel- deadline June 5;
August: All four years
Prepare an article for Winter issue of the Evangel - deadline September 5
Zone Spiritual Growth Event Report Form
YWR Application Form
YWR Qualifications
The officers shall be elected by ballot at the District LWML Convention to serve for a term of
four (4) years, or until their successors are elected, and shall not be eligible for re-election to
the same office.
Bylaws, Article VI, Section 2
The Vice President for Spiritual Growth may perform the duties of the office of the President
in the absence or at the request of the President and shall:
A. be coordinator of the Spiritual Growth Department;
B. serve as chairman of the Spiritual Growth Committee;
C. appoint her own committee subject to approval by the Executive Committee;
D. perform other duties as directed by the President with the approval of the District
LWML Executive Committee;
E. assist the District LWML, Zones and Societies to encourage people of cultural and/or
ethnic diversity to join in the programs and activities of the LWML, value their
uniqueness, and to build Christ-centered relationships with them;
F. provide materials and training to enable each member to increase her skills for
leadership in the LWML and to provide ideas, techniques and resources which will
enrich and stimulate growth in individuals, societies and zones;
G. attend the LWML Convention, at District LWML expense, in the capacity of Vice
President for Spiritual Growth in the year immediately following election to office;
H. provide a report for the convention manual;
I. perform other duties as set forth in the Leaders Manual.
Bylaws, Article VII, Section 5
The Spiritual Growth Department shall include the Spiritual Growth Committee and the Young
Woman Development Committee. The Vice President for Spiritual Growth shall be coordinator
of the department.
The Spiritual Growth Committee, composed of the Vice President for Spiritual Growth as
chairman and as many members as deemed necessary by the chairman, shall:
1. serve for a term of two (2) years and be eligible for one (1) consecutive
2. plan programs and provide materials to enable women of the church to grow
3. encourage active participation in spiritual development programs;
4. be responsible for the planning and carrying out of the program for the District
LWML Retreat subject to approval by the Executive Committee;
5. over see LWML District resource center for conventions and retreats.
Bylaws, Article XVII, Section 5
Detailed Duties – V P Spiritual Growth:
Attend all Executive Committee meetings and Board of Directors meetings;
prepare an oral report for the EC meetings and a written report for the BOD meetings.
Select members to serve on the Spiritual Growth Committee for a term of two
Serve as coordinator of the Spiritual Growth Department.
Be responsible for the planning and implementing of the District Retreat
Program, subject to approval by the Executive Committee:
provide a theme, logo, and keynote speaker;
develop a plan and retreat agenda with help of Spiritual Growth
Committee and Pastoral Counselor.
coordinate plans with the Meeting Manager.
communicate plans and needs to the Host Retreat Committee Chairman.
Plan programs and provide materials to enable women of the church to grow
6. Provide an article for the Evangel on a quarterly basis to meet the deadlines.
7. Attend LWML Convention in the year following election.
8. Attend LWML Leaders Workshop pertaining to Spiritual Growth if assigned.
9. Communicate with the Zone Spiritual Growth Chairmen in the spring and fall prior
to the rallies.
Participate in the District Assembly of Leaders Workshops.
Provide for an LWML resource center at conventions and retreats.
Maintain files of skits, devotions, Bible studies, and LWML resources.
Maintain files of reports, correspondence, LWML newsletters, etc. for two years
during term of office.
14. Submit vouchers and expense receipts for incurred expenses.
V P Spiritual Growth – Timeline
October/November: Even years:
As soon after election as possible, appoint committee members;
Plans for the next retreat should have been formulated; inform the keynote speaker
of your election to VP as the new contact person for the retreat;
Meet with committee members to continue retreat planning;
Attend LWML Assembly of Leaders Workshop held every four years if assigned;
October/November: All years:
Prepare an article for Evangel to meet the December 5 deadline.
January/February: All years:
Attend EC meeting; submit an oral report;
Attend BOD meeting; submit a written report;
Participate in workshops or Seminars as requested.
January/February: Odd years:
Coordinate retreat plans with the Meeting Manager and Host Retreat Committee
Arrange to tour the retreat site.
January/February: Even years:
Suggest a theme, logo, and keynote speaker for the next retreat;
Review job description and submit any changes to the Structure Chairman.
March/April: All years:
Prepare an article for the Evangel to meet the March 5 deadline;
Send letter to Zone Spiritual Growth Chairmen.
March/April: Odd years:
Continue to work on retreat plans with committee members;
Work with Host Retreat Committee to secure a song leader and music.
Send list of music to be used at retreat to VP Communications for copyright.
May/June/July: All years:
Attend EC meeting; submit an oral report;
Coordinate and complete any assignments for convention and/or retreat.
Submit a list and cost of materials needed for the resource center for approval; order
approved materials, verify the order, and update inventory list.
Prepare an article for Evangel to meet the June 5 deadline.
May/June/July: Odd years:
Finalize all needs of the SG committee with the Meeting Manager and Host Retreat
Committee Chairman;
May/June/July: Even years:
Attend LWML Convention as VP Spiritual Growth (First year following election).
August/September: All years:
Prepare an article for Evangel to meet the September 5 deadline;
Attend Executive Committee and Board of Directors meetings;
Submit an oral report to the EC and a written report to BOD;
Arrange for set up LWML resource center for conventions and retreats; display and price
items; maintain a current inventory list;
Following the event any items which were ordered and not sold may be returned for
August/September: Odd years:
The Spiritual Growth Committee is responsible for the program of the District Retreat;
Finalize Retreat responsibilities with committee and Pastoral Counselor.
August/September: Even years:
Prior to the end of term, prepare to turn over files to the next VP and send name
and address of new VP Spiritual Growth to LWML.
Rally Date:
Your Name:
City, State, Zip:
Phone Number:
Email address:
I would like suggestions for the next rally or event:
Date of next rally:
Please outline the Spiritual Growth portion of our Rally using titles of written materials, author
and source. Tell who presented the Bible study and/or other parts of the Spiritual Growth
Send to:
VP for Spiritual Growth
The Mission Trip Coordinato, appointed by the President, and shall:
A. serve a term of two (2) years and be eligible for one (1) consecutive reappointment;
B . attend meetings of the District LWML Board of Directors and the District Convention , at
the discretion of the President, without a vote.
Bylaws Article X-Special Section 1
The Mission Trip Coordinator shall:
A. be responsible to the VP of Spiritual Growth
B. seek out mission opportunities both domestic and foreign
C. recruit mission minded individuals
D. be a resource for procurement of financial support and supplies
E. perform other duties as set forth in the Leaders Manual.
Bylaws Article X-Special Section61
The Young Women Developer shall:
A. serve a term of two (2) years and be eligible for one (1) reappointment;
B. report to each regular meeting of the Board of Directors as a voting member, and to the
convention as a non-voting member.
Bylaws, Article IX, Section 1
A. be responsible to the Vice President for Spiritual Growth;
B. serve as Chairman of the Young Women Development Committee, whose duties include
1. assist the District LWML, Zones, and Societies to identify and meet the needs of
young women;
2. assist the District LWML, Zones, and Societies to build Christ-centered relationships
with young women;
3. encourage young women to participate in the programs and activities of LWML;
C. provide a report for the convention manual;
D. perform other duties as set forth in the Leaders Manual.
Bylaws, Article IX, Section 6
The Young Woman Development Committee, composed of the Young Woman Developer as
chairman and as many members as deemed necessary by the chairman, shall:
1. have its members serve for a term of two (2) years and be eligible for one (1)
consecutive reappointment;
2. be responsible for preparing an application form for young women who desire to
become Young Women Representatives;
3. distribute applications, guidelines, and determine timely deadline dates for
applications and selections;
4. select and submit to the District President, two (2) young women as District
Representatives for the LWML Convention;
5. organize, plan, and implement all Young Women Representative programs for
District LWML events;
6. assist the District LWML, Zones, and Societies to plan and implement programs
meet the special needs of young women and to encourage their participation in the
Bylaws, Article XVI, Section 5 C
Detailed Duties – Young Woman Developer:
1. Serve on the District Board of Directors; submit a written report;
2. Solicit and encourage zones to select a Young Woman Representative from their
zone to attend District conventions and retreats; send application forms with
deadline date;
3. Receive YWR applications and funding needs from zone Presidents; send letters of
congratulations to selected young women;
4. Organize and plan YWR program activities to execute during District conventions and
retreats; maintain records of YWRs, and the collars for convention;
5. Send guidelines to each YWR; review costs and notify zones of scholarship funding
6. Receive YWR registrations and coordinate housing;
7. Send information letter to Zone Presidents and YWR;
8. Following conventions and retreats send letters of encouragement and inquire
about experiences of YWRs;
9. Receive YWR applications for LWML Convention and assist recipients as needed;
10. Remind YWRs to send photo and brief article to Evangel upon return from LWML
11. Submit article for Evangel when appropriate;
12. Submit report of YWD Committee for the convention manual.
Young Woman Developer – Timeline
October: Even years:
Immediately following appointment, if applications for YWR for LWML convention, held
in odd numbered years, were not distributed to Zone Presidents at the fall Board of
Director’s meeting, mail immediately with a deadline appropriate for meeting the LWML
YWR deadline.
Appoint at least two committee members and submit for approval by the EC.
Review guidelines and applications for district YWR and update as needed.
November: All years:
Follow up with YWRs about their experience at retreat/convention. Encourage them to
share their experiences with others and to support LWML activities.
Submit an article for the Evangel, December 5 deadline.
January: Odd years:
Choose two YWR from applicants to attend the LWML Convention, 1 FL, and 1 GA.
February: All years:
Attend February Board of Directors meeting with written report. Distribute YWR
applications and guidelines to Zone Presidents to select a YWR from their zone to attend
the District Convention-even years; Retreat-odd years, with May 1 deadline.
Submit an article for the Evangel, March 5 deadline.
February: Odd years:
Mail YWR applications and housing to LWML Young Women Developer Committee or as
directed by BOD.
Send acceptance letters and regret letters to LWML convention applicants.
February: Even years:
Review job description and submit changes to the Structure Chairman.
April: All years:
Remind Zone Presidents to distribute YWR applications and the May 1 deadline.
May: Odd years:
Communicate with YWRs to LWML Convention; answer questions, and provide any
information received from District or LWML; assist with travel plans if needed.
Receive YWR applications for retreat representative.
Begin planning YWR program and activities for the representatives at Retreat.
May: Even years:
Receive YWR applications for convention representative.
Begin planning YWR program and activities for the representatives at convention.
Write a report for the convention manual and send to VP Communications by deadline.
May: All years:
Submit article for Evangel, deadline June 5.
June/July: Even years:
Receive YWR applications and funding needs from Zones; send letters of congratulation
to chosen recipients.
Review costs for convention with Zone Presidents, send guidelines to YWRs, and notify
zones of scholarship awards.
Inform President of the number of YWR pins needed for convention.
June/July: Odd years:
Send letters to YWRs that have been selected by their zone to attend the retreat.
Inform President of the number of YWR pins needed for retreat.
Contact the YWRs who attended the LWML Convention to remind them to send a photo
and short article for the Evangel.
August/September: Even years:
Receive registrations and checks for YWRs; coordinate housing and finalize programs.
At least four (4) weeks prior to convention, send letter to zones and YWRs that includes:
agenda, room schedule, and any other pertinent information.
August/September: Odd years:
Send letters of encouragement to representatives attending retreat.
Prepare agenda, gifts, evaluations, skit or devotional material for YWRs for retreat.
August/September: All years:
Submit article for Evangel, deadline September 5.
September/October: All years:
Attend BOD meeting; submit a written report.
Welcome YWRs and counsel them in plans and activities for the retreat/convention.
Any mature young woman who is preferably 22-40 years of age and a member of the LCMS
may become a Young woman Representative at District Events and/or LWML Convention.
She shall have a deep love and devotion to her Lord Jesus Christ and be willing to
participate in all aspects of this program of the LWML.
She shall be able to be away from home and/or work for the convention and travel time.
She will be willing to attend all sessions of the convention, sitting in assigned seating,
though she will not be eligible to vote.
She shall fill out application form and return it to her Zone President by May 1 for District
events (convention and/or retreat) and by Jan. 15 of odd years for the LWML Convention.
She may be asked to give a report of her impressions and account of experiences at the
convention to the zone or society that nominated her.
She shall commit herself to be active in her LWML society and to encourage other young
women to be a part of her excitement.
She may be invited to attend zone and society functions and be open to take part in the
programs upon request.
Young Woman Representative Application
Convention: (circle one) National
Date ________________
Theme: ______________________________________________________
Name ______________________________________________________Age __________________
Address __________________________________________________________________________
City _________________________________________ State _____________ Zip ______________
Occupation _______________________________________________________________________
Home Congregation ________________________________________________________________
Phone _________________________ email ______________________________________________
Please answer the following questions on a separate sheet of paper or type:
1) The LWML motto is “Serve the Lord with gladness” (Psalm 100:2). How do you do this in your
2) What groups and activities are you involved in or have you been involved in at your church?
3) What do you know about the LWML? Have you been involved at any level?
4) Why do you desire to be a Young Woman Representative for the district?
5) What do you feel your special interests, talents, and gifts are?
6) Will you commit to serve in some capacity in your district after the convention?
7) Your district is making a financial commitment to send you to the LWML convention. It will be an
exciting and spiritually inspiring event with very little free time. Do you intend to participate in the
full scope of the convention?
Please have someone who knows you well, perhaps the person who encouraged you to apply,
answer the following question, “Why do you feel this woman would make a good Young Woman
Representative?” Have them attach this answer on a separate sheet of paper along with their name
and relationship to you.
The officers shall be elected by ballot at the District LWML Convention to serve for a term of
four (4) years or until their successors are elected, and shall not be eligible for re-election to the
same office.
Bylaws, Article V7 Section 2
The Recording Secretary shall:
A. keep an accurate record of the proceedings of District LWML conventions, Board of
Directors and Executive Committee meetings;
B. provide the LWML President and each member of the District LWML Board of Directors
with a copy of all minutes of District LWML Board of Directors meetings and
C. provide the LWML President and each member of the Executive Committee with a copy
of all minutes of the District LWML Executive Committee meetings;
D. prepare and file in the minutes book a record of current regulations, listing all motions
of continuing action adopted at conventions;
E. serve as Credentials Chairman for the District;
F. receive credentials from delegates prior to the District LWML Convention;
G. write a history of activities of the District LWML for the biennium;
H. provide a report for the District Convention manual;
I. perform other duties as set forth in the Leaders Manual.
Bylaws, Article VIII, Section 6
The Finance Committee is composed of the Financial Secretary, Treasurer, and the Recording
Secretary shall:
1. consider all financial matters that may arise in the District LWML and present any
recommendations to the Board of Directors;
2. examine the proposed budgets, which have been prepared by the Treasurer, before
submission to the Board of Directors for approval;
3. count all convention and retreat offerings;
4. maintain and keep current an inventory of District assets.
5. meet as often as necessary by phone, mail, e-mail, or in person, to resolve financial
issues that arise.
Bylaws Article IX, Section 6
Detailed Duties of Recording Secretary
1. Serve on the Executive Committee and Board of Directors, attending all meetings;
2. Keep an accurate record of the proceedings of meetings and conventions;
3. Submit minutes of Board Meetings and conventions for review to the Minutes
Review Committee;
4. Provide a copy of the proceedings of the Executive Committee meetings to the
President and members of the Executive Committee; provide a copy of the
proceedings of the Board of Directors and conventions to the President, members of
the Board of Directors, and to the LWML President;
5. Prepare and file a list of motions and standing rules adopted by the Board of
Directors, and provide a copy to members of the Board of Directors; keep a file of all
written reports;
6. Serve as credential chairman and receive delegate/alternate information;
7. Serve as a member of the Finance Committee; meetings called as needed.
8. Write history of biennium to distribute to members of the Board of Directors;
9. Order LWML stationery and pre-stamped envelopes.
10. Submit copies to the District Archivist of the following:
Convention Manual;
Retreat records of registration, speaker, packet inserts, date and place;
Spiritual Growth materials from conventions, retreats, workshops, etc.;
Minutes of the EC and BOD meetings;
Copies of the Evangel and Lutheran Life;
Zone Presidents Rally reports and minutes, rally invitations, handouts, booklets, etc.;
Reports of workshops, seminars and other LWML functions;
News articles of LWML interest;
Photos from all LWML events; labeled with names of people, place, date, and event.
Recording Secretary – Timeline
January/February: All four years:
Attend all Executive Committee and Board of Directors meetings.
Record proceedings: type and send minutes to EC members as soon as possible
following the meetings.
Send BOD minutes to Minutes Review Committee for any additions or corrections; send
minutes to BOD members as soon as possible following their review.
Send a copy of EC and BOD minutes to the LWML President.
January/February: Even years:
Prepare delegate information for convention.
January/February: Odd years:
Review Job Description of the Recording Secretary, and submit any changes to the
Structure Chairman.
June: All four years:
Attend Executive Committee meeting at convention or retreat site;
Record proceedings; type and send minutes to EC members.
Send a copy of EC minutes to the LWML President.
June: Even years:
Prepare a report for the Convention Manual.
September/October: All years:
Attend Executive Committee and Board of Directors meetings at convention or retreat
Record proceedings: type and send minutes to EC members following the event.
Send BOD minutes to Minutes Review Committee for any additions or corrections;
send minutes to BOD members as soon as possible following their review.
Send a copy of EC and BOD minutes to the LWML President.
September/October: Even years:
Direct Convention Registration regarding the credentialing of delegates.
Record Convention Proceedings: type and send minutes to the Convention Minutes
Review Committee for any additions or corrections; send minutes to BOD members as
soon as possible following their review.
Send a copy of Convention minutes to the LWML President.
Prepare an accurate history of the previous biennium.
The officers shall be elected by ballot at the District LWML Convention to serve for a term of
four (4) years or until their successors are elected, and shall not be eligible for re-election to the
same office.
Bylaws, Article V7 Section 2
The Treasurer shall:
A. make authorized payment for expenses;
B. prepare a report to be filed with the President and Recording Secretary at all meetings;
C. submit books for financial review at the close of each biennium or upon request of the
District LWML Executive Committee;
D. be bonded through the District insurance policy;
E. prepare an operating budget for approval by the District LWML Board of Directors, to be
submitted to the District LWML Convention;
F. prepare a retreat and convention budget;
G. provide a report for the convention manual;
H. perform other duties as set forth in the Leaders Manual.
Bylaws, Article VIII, Section 7
The Finance Committee
The Finance Committee, composed of the Financial Secretary, Treasurer, Recording Secretary,
and Meeting Manager shall:
1. consider all financial matters that may arise in the District LWML and present any
recommendations to the Board of Directors;
2. examine the proposed budgets, which have been prepared by the Treasurer, before
submission to the Board of Directors for approval;
3. count all convention and retreat offerings;
4. maintain and keep current an inventory of District assets.
5. meet as often as necessary by phone, mail, e-mail, or in person, to
resolve financial issues that arise.
Bylaws, Article IX, Section 6
Detailed Duties of the Treasurer
1. Serve on the Finance Committee;
a. prepare a biennial budget for presentation at the February meeting of Executive
Committee and Board of Directors, even years;
b. prepare budgets for conventions and retreats for presentation at the
September/October meeting of the EC and BOD one (1) year prior to the event;
2. Serve on the EC and BOD; present a written report to coordinate with Financial
Secretary’s report; provide copies for each member of the BOD;
3. Analyze financial data and prepare financial reports as requested by the President
and other members of the Executive Committee;
4. Make timely disbursements upon authorization by the President or the EC;
5. Keep an accurate ledger of all receipts and disbursements for future reference;
6. Submit books and associated data for financial review at the close of the biennium
or upon request of the EC;
7. Coordinate a financial report with the Financial Secretary for the convention manual;
8. Act as Treasurer for all District LWML conventions and retreats;
9. At conclusion of term, prepare to present all files and back up materials to new
District Treasurer – Timeline
Monthly Duties:
Verify and pay voucher/bills promptly upon receipt and record in quick books.
Record deposits received from Financial Secretary in quick books.
Calculate and send in mites to LWML’S national office with copy to Treasurer. (Mites
must be paid to national at least once every three months.)
Reconcile bank statements. Promptly handle correspondence received.
Additional Duties per Biennium
September/October: Even Years (following election):
Sign bank and LCEF signature cards. (Former Treasurer will submit along with
convention minutes)
Meet with former Treasurer as soon as possible to transfer records and learn fiscal
November: Even Years:
Prepare Treasurer’s Report for the First Period (July-October).
Send copy to President and Financial Secretary.
January: Odd Years:
Prepare Treasurer’s Interim Report for November - December and verify figures with
Financial Secretary.
February: Odd Years:
Meet with Finance Committee, if necessary, to discuss and resolve any matters that
have arisen.
Attend Executive Committee and Board of Directors meetings and present Treasurer’s
Report and Convention financial report.
March: Odd years:
Prepare Treasurer’s Report for Second Period November—February (biennium to date)
and send copy to President and Financial Secretary.
May: Odd Years:
Prepare Treasurer’s Interim Report for March-April (biennium to date) and verify figures
with Financial Secretary.
June: Odd Years:
Meet with Finance Committee, if necessary, to discuss and resolve any matters that
have arisen.
Attend Executive Committee meeting and present Treasurer’s Report.
July: Odd Years:
Prepare Treasurer’s Report for Third Period March-June (biennium to date) and send
copy to President and Financial Secretary.
August: Odd Years:
With assistance from the Financial Committee, prepare Convention budget and
proposed registration fee structure.
September: Odd Years:
Prepare Treasure’s Interim Report for July-August (biennium to date) and verify figures
with Financial Secretary.
Meet with Finance Committee to discuss and resolve any matters that have arisen and
to finalize proposed Convention budget.
Attend Executive Committee and Board of Directors meetings and present Treasurer’s
Report and Convention budget and registration fee structure for approval
Assist Financial Secretary in counting offerings and other receipts at Retreat.
November: Odd Years:
Prepare Treasurer’s Report for Fourth Period July-October (biennium to date) and send
copy to President and Financial Secretary.
January: Even Years:
Prepare Treasurer’s Interim Report for November – December (biennium to date) and
send copy to President and Financial Secretary.
Prepare Retreat financial report.
Prepare proposed budget for next biennium with the aid of Finance Committee.
Review Treasure’s Duties description and timeline and submit any changes to Structure
February: Even Years:
Meet with Finance Committee, if necessary, to discuss and resolve any matters that
have arisen.
Attend Executive Committee and Board of Directors meetings and present Treasurer’s
Report, proposed biennium budget, and Retreat financial report.
March: Even Years:
Prepare Treasurer’s Report for Fifth Period November — February (biennium to date)
and send copy to President and Financial Secretary.
May: Even Years:
Prepare Treasurer’s Interim Report for March — April (biennium to date) and verify
figures with Financial Secretary.
June: Even Years:
Meet with Finance Committee to discuss and resolve any matters that have arisen.
Attend Executive Committee meeting and present Treasurer’s Report.
Submit Treasurer’s article for Convention manual and final proposed budget for next
biennium to VP Communications.
With assistance of Finance Committee, prepare Retreat budget and proposed
registration fee structure.
Make all final entries as book close June 30th.
July: Even Years:
Prepare final Treasurer’s Report for previous biennium and verify figures with Financial
Have records reviewed by an accountant and get a letter prepared.
September: Even Years:
Meet with Finance Committee, if necessary, to discuss and resolve any matters that
have arisen and to finalize Retreat budget.
Attend Executive Committee and Board of Directors meetings and present final
Treasurer’s Report of previous biennium, Retreat budget, and registration fee structure
for approval.
At Convention
Present Treasurer’s Report, Proposed Budget for the biennium, and the review letter to
the Convention.
Assist Financial Secretary in counting offerings and other receipts at Convention.
After Convention
Submit Minutes of election and new signature cards as soon as possible to bank and
LCEF to change signatures on accounts.
When a new Treasurer is Elected
The former and new Treasurer should meet as soon as possible to turn over the records
and train the incoming officer. Outgoing Treasurer may have to pay bills until new
Treasurer is signed onto the bank account.
The officers shall be elected by ballot at the District LWML Convention to serve for a term of
four (4) years or until their successors are elected, and shall not be eligible for re-election to the
same office.
Bylaws, Article V7 Section 2
The Financial Secretary shall:
A. receive all funds, keep a record of them, and deposit them in a bank approved by the
District LWML Executive Committee;
B. prepare a report to be filed with the President and Recording Secretary at all meetings;
C. submit books for financial review at the close of each biennium or upon request of the
District LWML Executive Committee;
D. be bonded through the District insurance policy;
E. provide a report for the District Convention manual;
F. perform other duties as set forth in the Leaders Manual.
Bylaws, Article VIII, Section 6
The Financial Committee
The Finance Committee, composed of the Financial Secretary, Treasurer, Recording Secretary,
and Meeting Manager shall:
1. consider all financial matters that may arise in the District LWML and present any
recommendations to the Board of Directors;
2. examine the proposed budgets, which have been prepared by the Treasurer, before
submission to the Board of Directors for approval;
3. count all convention and retreat offerings;
4. maintain and keep current an inventory of District assets;
5. meet as often as necessary by phone, mail, e-mail, or in person, to resolve financial
issues that arise.
Bylaws, Article IX, Section 6
Detailed Duties of Financial Secretary
1. Attend all Executive Committee and Board of Directors meetings; submit a written
report for both meetings;
2. Coordinate with Treasurer for banking and signature card;
3. Deposit all finances due and payable to the LWML Florida/Georgia District bimonthly
or as necessary;
4. Keep an accurate record of all receipts; post monthly to the general ledger from
remittance slips accompanying checks;
Match ledgers with Treasurer quarterly;
Publish remittance slips to be copied by unit Treasurers in the Evangel;
Mail copies of all deposits with breakdown to Treasurer at end of the month;
Inform District President and VP Communication of the Mite deposit at the end of
each month;
9. Serve on the Finance Committee:
a. determine fiscal policies to submit to the Executive Committee;
b. prepare biennial operating budget, convention budget, and retreat budget;
10. Coordinate deposits with convention chairman and retreat chairman; furnish deposit
slips and endorsement stamp for their registration chairman;
11. Count, record, and deposit offerings and other receipts at conventions and retreats;
12. Send acknowledgments and thank you notes for all special gifts and memorials;
13. Keep the master inventory sheet for District assets;
14. Submit books for financial review at the end of biennium or upon request by the
Executive Committee; present copy of the review at convention;
15. Submit a report for the convention manual;
16. Following conclusion of term of office, present all files and back up data to the new
Financial Secretary.
Financial Secretary – Timeline
Make deposits bi-monthly, or as deemed necessary;
As deposits are made, record in general ledger;
Send bank deposit report to Treasurer at end of month;
Inform District President and VP Communication of the monthly Mite deposits at the
end of the month.
September/October: following convention:
Meet with former Financial Secretary as soon as possible.
Verify that updated remittance slips have been sent to Zone Presidents to distribute.
Send an updated remittance slip to the Evangel Editor.
November: Even Years:
Prepare financial report for the First Period (July-October).
Send copy to President and Treasurer.
November: Odd Years:
Prepare financial report for Fourth Period (July-October). Send copy to President and
January: Odd Years:
Prepare interim financial report for November-December and verify figures with
January: Even Years:
Prepare interim financial report for November-December (biennium to date) and verify
figures with Treasurer.
Meet with Finance Committee re proposed budget for next biennium.
February: All Years:
Attend EC and BOD meetings, present financial report. Give Event Host Committee
Chairman bank stamp, deposit slips, bank deposit report, and instructions on
procedures for depositing: Odd years-Retreat; Even years-Convention.
February: Even Years:
Review job description and submit any changes to Structure Chairman.
March: Odd Years:
Prepare Financial Report for Second Period November-February (biennium to date) and
send copy to President and Treasurer.
March: Even Years:
Prepare Financial Report for Fifth Period November-February (biennium to date) and
send copy to President and Treasurer.
May: Odd Years:
Prepare interim Financial Report for March-April (biennium to date) and verify figures
with Treasurer.
May: Even Years:
Prepare interim Financial Report for March-April (biennium to date) and verify figures
with Treasurer.
June: Odd Years:
Attend EC meeting and present Financial Secretary’s Report.
June: Even Years:
Attend EC meeting and present Financial Secretary’s Report.
Submit Financial Secretary’s article for Convention manual.
Make all final entries as books close June 30th.
July: Odd Years:
Prepare Financial report for Third Period March-June (biennium to date) and send copy
to President and Treasurer.
Meet with Finance Committee to prepare Convention budget and proposed registration
fee structure.
July: Even Years:
Prepare final financial report for previous biennium and verify figures with Treasurer.
Have records reviewed by an accountant and get a letter prepared.
Submit Financial Secretary’s Report and review letter for inclusion in Convention
August: Odd Years:
Meet with Finance Committee to prepare convention budget and proposed registration
fee structure.
August: Even Years:
Meet with Finance Committee to prepare retreat budget and proposed registration fee
September: Odd Years:
Prepare interim Financial Report for July-August (biennium to date) and verify figures
with Treasurer.
Attend EC and BOD meetings and present Financial Report.
Count offerings and other receipts at Retreat with Finance Committee.
Collect all materials given to Host Retreat Committee Chairman.
September: Even Years:
Prepare interim Financial Report for July-August (biennium to date) and verify figures
with Treasurer.
Attend EC and BOD meetings and present Financial Report.
Count offerings and other receipts at Convention with Finance Committee.
Collect all materials given to Host Convention Committee Chairman.
In an election year:
Provide remittance slips for Society and Zone Treasurers with new officer’s name.
Meet with new Financial Secretary as soon as possible following election to transfer
LWML FL – GA District Remittance Slip
Make all checks payable to LWML FL – GA District
$ ________
Prayer Service
$ ________
Scholarship Fund
Check #__________
LWML Sunday
Convention Fund
Endowment Fund
$ ________
$ ________
$ ________
Name of Church Unit
State Zip
Your Name
Your Address
State Zip
Mail to:
Financial Secretary
LWML FL/GA District
LWML FL – GA District Remittance Slip
Make all checks payable to LWML FL – GA District
$ ________
Prayer Service
$ ________
Scholarship Fund
Check #__________
LWML Sunday
Convention Fund
Endowment Fund
$ ________
$ ________
$ ________
Name of Church Unit
State Zip
Your Name
Your Address
State Zip
Mail to:
Financial Secretary
LWML FL/GA District
A. The Counselors of the District LWML shall be two (2) pastors of the LCMS.
B. The District LWML shall elect one (1) Pastoral Counselor at each biennial Convention
from a list of names approved by the President of the Florida-Georgia District LCMS. A
nominee’s permission shall be obtained prior to the election. Each Pastoral Counselor
shall serve for a term of four (4) years and shall not be eligible to succeed himself.
Bylaws, Article XV Section 1
The Pastoral Counselors shall:
A. serve the District LWML in an advisory capacity;
B. attend all District LWML Conventions and meetings of the Board of Directors and
Executive Committee at the expense of the District LWML;
C. attend the LWML Convention, at District expense, in the capacity of Pastoral Counselor,
in the year immediately following election to office;
D. provide a report for the convention manual;
E. perform other duties as set for in the Leaders Manual.
Bylaws, Article XIV, Section 2
The newly elect Counselor shall:
A. attend the next LWML Convention at the expense of the District LWML;
B. serve as the Junior Counselor.
Detailed Duties
1. Attend and serve as advisor at all EC and BOD meetings:
a. offer counsel on LWML matters, applying Law and Gospel where appropriate;
b. pray regularly for the LWML ministry.
2. Develop and lead devotions and worship services as requested;
3. Create and lead Bible studies as requested;
4. Prepare articles for the Evangel on a rotating basis;
5. Be able to serve Sundays off for meetings, retreats, and conventions;
6. Provide Pastoral counseling as requested for members in need;
7. Assist in promoting peace and harmony in the District as requested;
8. Provide liaison for Zone Counselors and congregational pastors;
9. Submit reports for the convention manual;
10. Serve as advisory to Mission Grants, Mission Service, and Spiritual Growth, and
Leadership Development Committees as needed:
a. Senior Counselor works with the Spiritual Growth Committee;
b. Junior Counselor attends Scholarship and Mission Grants Committee meetings;
11. Encourage all unit, zone, and District leaders to be faithful servants to our Lord.
Pastoral Counselors – Timeline
October: Even years:
As Nominee: Assist with Holy Communion distribution at convention.
At Convention: Senior Counselor may deliver sermon;
Junior Counselor may serve as Bible study leader;
Both assist with communion distribution.
Attend District Convention, EC and BOD meetings as advisor leading devotions or Bible
Study as assigned by President.
October: Odd years:
Attend Retreat, EC, and BOD meetings; assist with Holy Communion.
Lead devotions and worship services as requested.
Junior Counselor serves as advisor to Spiritual Growth Committee developing Retreat
themes and material for Bible studies and programs;
November: All Years:
Prepare articles for the Evangel on a rotating basis: deadline December 5.
February: All Years:
Attend Leaders Workshop or Officers’ Workshop if requested.
Attend EC and BOD meetings as advisor leading devotions or Bible Study as assigned by
the President.
Prepare articles for the Evangel on a rotating basis: deadline March 5.
May: All Years:
Prepare articles for the Evangel on a rotating basis: deadline June 5.
June: 1st year following election:
Serve as advisory delegate to LWML Convention.
June: All Years:
Attend EC meetings at convention or retreat sites as advisor leading devotions or Bible
Study as assigned by the President.
August: All Years:
Prepare articles for the Evangel on a rotating basis: deadline September 5.
A. The Nominating Committee of three (3) members is elected from a slate of five (5)
B. The candidate receiving the highest number of votes shall be chairman, and shall:
1. report to each regular meeting of the Board of Directors as a voting member, and to
the convention as a non-voting member;
2. prepare a report for the convention manual;
3. perform other duties as set forth in the Leaders Manual.
C. The candidate receiving the next highest number of votes shall fill a vacancy on the
Bylaws, Article VII, Section 1
The Nominating Committee shall:
A. submit a slate of at least two (2) candidates for each elected office;
B. submit two (2) candidates for Pastoral Counselor from the four (4) nominees selected by
the Executive Committee (with the approval of the FL-GA District President);
C. obtain written consent of all nominees to serve, if elected;
D. submit to the Evangel a report to be published prior to the convention.
Bylaws, Article VII, Section 2
Detailed Duties of Nominating Committee Chairman
1. Inform the Zones of offices to be filled at the next election.
2. Provide a list of qualifications and job description for each office.
3. Set the deadline for nominations.
4. Review the qualifications of the names submitted for nomination.
5. Solicit names for nomination of Pastoral Counselor.
6. Submit names of pastoral nominees to the FL- GA District President for approval.
7. Check the LCMS directory to see that nominees are in the FL-GA District (not English
or SELC).
8. Obtain permission from all nominees to place their name on the ballot; a consent
form must be signed and returned to the Nominating Committee Chairman.
9. Keep names of nominees confidential until the list is published in the Evangel with
the exception of the EC at their June meeting.
10. Submit a report of the ballot to the Executive Committee; attends upon request.
11. Inform all nominees who are chosen to be placed on the ballot.
12. Submit articles for the Evangel as needed.
13. Submit list of nominees, biographical information and picture to Evangel Editor by
Aug. 5 deadline.
14. Send copy of ballot to the Structure Chairman for printing of ballots.
15. Provide a report for the convention manual.
16. Submit list of nominees, biographical information and picture to VP Communications
for Convention Manual.
17. Present the Nominating Committee Report at convention and introduce nominees.
Positions to be Elected Each Biennium
Biennium A:
V P Mission Grants
V P Spiritual Growth
Financial Secretary
Nominating Committee (3)
Pastoral Counselor
Biennium B:
VP Communication
VP Mission Service
Recording Secretary
Nominating Committee (3)
Pastoral Counselor
Needed for the ballot: Two nominees for an office, five nominees for Nominating Committee, and two nominees
for Pastoral Counselor. If more than four pastors are nominated and approved by the LCMS District President, the
EC selects four finalists and the Nominating Committee selects the final two nominees for the ballot.
Nominating Committee Chairman – Timeline
October: Following Convention:
Review guidelines, timelines, and past reports to become familiar with forms and
Following convention, gather a list of nominees that were not placed on ballot in the
past two (2) years;
Revise and send committee members guidelines, forms, and phone numbers of
For the next year:
Keep the need for nominees for office before the Zone Presidents, publish in the
Evangel, and communicate with committee members frequently.
Attend BOD meetings each February and September/October.
February Odd year:
Attend BOD meeting. Supply Zone Presidents with offices to be filled on nomination
recommendation forms;
September/October Odd year:
Make copies of guidelines for each office to be filled; bring to BOD meeting and Retreat
to make available to prospective nominees.
Put deadline information in the Retreat packets. Stress deadline for Pastoral
Counselor nominations
Meet with Nominating Committee at Retreat. Committee should be available to
encourage possible nominees, distribute referral forms and applications as needed.
November Odd year:
Disperse any additional information to Nominating Committee members.
Send letters to prospective candidates on nominating list, include job descriptions and
all forms; state deadline for replies – Dec. 1 for Counselor; Feb.15 for other nominees.
December Odd year:
Send list of suggested pastoral candidates to LCMS FL-GA District President for approval.
Request additional names, if needed. Deadline to respond Jan. 10.
January Even year:
Remind LCMS District President of Jan. 10 deadline.
Upon approval, send letters and forms to prospective Pastoral Counselors, with
Feb. 15 deadline.
February Even year
Send final reminder to zone presidents of the LWML office nominee deadline (Feb 15)
Feb 5 – may need to send reminder to pastors who have not yet returned
consent/information forms.
Feb 10 – Consent/information forms from Pastoral Counselor nominees due
Feb 15 – Deadline to receive nominees for officers
February board meeting – In the event that more than four nominees for pastoral
counselor have been received, provide information forms for all pastoral counselor
nominees to the executive committee which will narrow the field to four.
March: Even year:
Nominating Committee selects two pastoral counselors for the ballot.
Send consent/information form to nominees for LWML office with deadline to return by
April 1.
Notify Pastoral Counselor nominees of status...whether they are on ballot. For those
approved by Nominating Committee to be on ballot, include dates of convention.
April Even year:
Consent/information form due April 1.
May/June: Even years:
Send letters to candidates approved by the Nominating Committee;
Send a report to the President for presentation to the Executive Committee: attend
upon request.
Publish candidates for election with biographical information and pictures in the
Evangel, deadline Aug. 5.
Submit ballot, biographical information and pictures to VP Communication for the
Convention Manual and every congregation mailing.
Send copy of the nominees to the Structure Chairman to prepare ballots for Convention.
August: Even years:
Publish candidates for election with biographical information and pictures in the Evangel
deadline Aug. 5.
Send letters with convention information and instructions to candidates;
A. When and where Meet the Candidates will be held.
B. When they will be introduced during the convention.
C. Where they should be seated.
D. Pastoral Counselor nominees assist with communion during the opening worship
E. Pastoral Counselor nominees have expenses covered during convention, if
F. If an EC meeting is planned to be held following convention, notify all candidates
that they will be expected to attend, if elected. (Except Nominating Committee).
September/October: Even years:
Attend BOD meeting and present slate of Officers.
Greet nominees as they arrive at convention and assist them as needed.
Introduce the nominees to the convention body, as assigned.
Present the Nominating Committee Report to the convention body, as assigned.
Following Convention:
Meet with the new Nominating Committee Chairman to turn over materials.
Send letters of thanks to those nominees who were not elected, thanking them for their
willingness to serve.
Summary of deadline dates
Timeline for Officers:
Feb 15 – Nomination recommendation forms due
March 1 - Send Consent & Information form
April 1 - Consent & Information form due
Timeline for Pastoral Counselors:
Dec 1 – Nomination recommendation forms due
Dec 10 – Send list of names to District President for approval
Jan 10 – Receive approval from District President
Jan 15 – Send Consent & Information form to approved nominees
Feb 10 – Consent & Information form due
Feb 15 (approx) - at Feb EC meeting, EC narrows list to 4 (if necessary)
March 1 - Nom Committee narrows list to 2
March 10 - Notify all nominees of status
For all nominees:
June 1 – Send final list to EC
July 1 – Send final list to VP Communication and to Structure Chairman
August 5 – Send list to Evangel
August – Send letters with convention information and instructions to candidates
Post Convention-Thank those nominees who were not elected to office.
Nominations will be received for the following elected officers: Deadline – Feb 15, 20____
Deadline for pastors – Dec 1, 20_____
President 4 years
VP Mission Grants 4 years
VP Spiritual Growth 4 years
Financial Secretary 4 years
Nominating Committee 2 years
Pastoral Counselor 4 years
Candidates for President require at least four years experience on the Executive
Committee. All other offices need at least two years of leadership experience in their zones
or societies.
Your name ________________________________________ Telephone__________________________
Your email: __________________________________________
Your address__________________________________________________________________________
Number Street
Zip Code
I recommend the following person for consideration as a nominee
For the office of ___________________________
Telephone______________________________ E-mail ______________________________
Home Church_________________________________Church Address _____________________
I have informed my recommended nominee. Yes______
Return to the FL-GA District Nominating Committee Chairman:
Nominations will be received for the following elected officers: Deadline – Feb 15, 20____
VP Communications 4 years
VP Mission Service 4 years
Recording Secretary 4 years
Treasurer 4 years
Nominating Committee 2 years Pastoral Counselor 4 years Deadline for
pastors – Dec1, 20____
Candidates for all offices need at least two years of leadership experience in their zones or
Your name _________________________________________ Telephone _____________________
Your email: ________________________________________
Your address_______________________________________________________________________
Zip Code
I recommend the following person for consideration as a nominee
For the office of _______________________________________
Telephone______________________________ E-mail ______________________________
Home Church_________________________________Church Address _____________________
I have informed my recommended nominee. Yes______
Return to the FL-GA District Nominating Committee Chairman:
Florida-Georgia District Lutheran Women’s Missionary League
Nomination Consent and Information Form
I, _______________________________________, hereby consent to have my name submitted for
(print name)
consideration as a nominee for the office of __________________________________________
at the 2012 LWML Convention of the Florida– Georgia District and agree to serve if elected.
Signed ___________________________________ Address _________________________________
City __________________ State _____ Zip _______Phone (_____) ________________________ Email ________________________________________Zone
Home Church _______________________________ Pastor ___________________________________
Church Address ______________________________ City ______________ State _____ Zip ______
Present Occupation ______________________________________________________________
Educational Background _________________________________________________________
3. Past and/or Present LWML Service - Please list committee/office and date.
4. Other Church-related activities, office or committees for the past 10 years, beginning with
. the most recent.
5. Employment Experience – include name of company
6. Community Service:
7. Additional information you would like to include:
8. Please include a vision statement for the Florida–Georgia District LWML (75 words or less)
This information will be printed in the convention manual if you are a nominee for office.
Return completed form to FL-GA District Nominating Committee Chairman:
Lutheran Women’s Missionary League Florida-Georgia District
Nomination Consent and Information Form for Pastoral Counselor
I, _______________________________________, hereby consent to have my name submitted for
(print name)
consideration as a nominee for Pastoral Counselor at the 20___ LWML Convention of the Florida–
Georgia District and agree to serve if elected.
Signed ___________________________________ Address _________________________________
City __________________ State _____ Zip _______Phone (_____) ________________________
E-mail ________________________________________Zone _____________________________
Name of Church _________________________Church Address _____________________________
City ________________ State _____ Zip ______
Number of years of LWML service and special areas service:
Educational Background
Other Church-related activities, office or committees.
Community Service:
Additional information you would like to include:
Please include a vision statement for the Florida–Georgia District LWML (75 words or less)
This information will be printed in the convention manual if you are a nominee for office.
Return completed forms to FL-GA District Nominating Committee Chairman:
Lutheran Women’s Missionary League Florida-Georgia District
Congregation Consent for Pastoral Counselor
TO: President/Chairman of the Congregation
The work of the LWML is exciting and we appreciate the support that the counselors willingly give
in support of the mission to spread the Good News of salvation to all the world.
Thank you for your part in joining together with Lutheran Women in Mission. May God bless you
and your congregation as you continue to tell the joy of Jesus, our Lord and Savior.
Your pastor has been nominated as a possible candidate for counselor of the FL-GA District LWML.
We are pleased that he is willing to give of his time and talents to this important position.
If he should be elected to this four-year term, it would necessitate time spent away from the parish,
approximately one or two Sundays, and some additional days during the year. He would prepare devotions
and Bible studies, be assigned to various committees, as well act as advisor to the executive committee
and board of directors. .
Please consider the above information as you and your congregation pray about this important decision.
Should you decide to consent to have your pastor nominated please complete this approval form.
Name of Nominee __________________________________________
Your Signature
Congregational Office Held
Please Print Your Name
Return completed form to LWML FL-GA District Nominating Committee Chairman: