Knight Life Sept/October 2014 - Windsor Council 1453

Volume 87
Knights of Columbus Council 1453 WINDSOR ONTARIO
c/o 1711 Walker Road Windsor ON N8W 3P2
Number 1
104 years of Charity, Unity, Fraternity and Patriotism to our community!
Chaplain’s Corner:
Grand Knight’s Column:
Deacon Jeremy Tyrrell
GK Robert D. Bezaire PGK FDD
My brothers in Christ,
Being men of the world, we are often buffeted by the
prevailing winds, both good and bad. As Peter and the
disciples were, we can find ourselves alone in a boat,
in the dark, in turmoil and sometimes in fear. There
are times when we may forget that Christ is as close
as reaching out through prayer, personal reflection,
the Mass and scriptural reading.
Well the summer is almost over. That means a
return to the old grind. During the summer we had
a D.D. meeting and an Installation of officers. Now
we get back to the same old stuff. I imagine that
you get as tired hearing it as I do saying it. State
and Supreme never get tired of telling us that we
need more members what we need from them is
some new ideas to get them. Going to the parish
will not work- they have their own council. We
have tried our families and got the ones we could.
Co-workers have also been covered. What else????
On September 19th we will host a fish-fry. The
annual Coats for Kids drive is ongoing. We will soon
have basketball free-throw and raffle tickets to
deal with. The drive to help food banks and the
Christmas season are also coming up. Try for at
least one new member. See you at the fish-fry.
The paper is no longer mailed, except by request. It
is available on our web site.
We must never forget that we are followers of Christ
first, and members of his church. When we are torn
this way and that, by requests for charity or the winds
of societal change, we do well to step back from the
cares of the world for just a moment and ask
ourselves, "where is Christ in all of this?"
A simple rule for me and many others is to give to
Catholic charities first, and if not exclusively, then
preferably. Did you know that the current ALS Ice
Bucket Challenge is raising money towards a cause
that uses embryonic stem cell research? That isn't OK
with us as Catholic men, though many of us know
people who have been affected by this disease. These
are the storms of conscience in which we find
ourselves as men of good faith.
God be with you gentlemen. Take a few moments
from your day and spend it with Christ. The decisions
may not get any easier, but the peace of a calmed and
well formed conscience will.
Vivat Jesus!
Deacon Jeremy
Robert D. Bezaire p.g.k / f.d.d.
Grand knight
Beginning with the first post summer KnightLife,
in an attempt to reduce the postage costs, there
will only be a printed hard copy mailed to those
subscribers who specifically request mail delivery
of their copy. If for any reason you need it mailed
to you, let the GK or the Financial Secretary, or the
editor know before August 24th. KnightLife will still
be emailed to any one requesting an e-mail copy.
Also, KnightLife is available for reading on our
Page 2
Deputy G. K. Notes:
DGK Michael Harrigan
I would like to thank the members of Windsor
Council 1453 for allowing me to serve as your Deputy
Grand Knight.
It is my hope that we can find a way to increase our
membership and bring Council 1453 back to the active,
vibrant Council it once was.
I think a good starting point might be getting
more members out to the functions we hold now.
Attendance at meetings has been disappointing to say
the least.
Whenever I meet a member and ask about attending
meetings they say they mean to but something always
comes up preventing them from attending.
I would ask every member to mark the third
Wednesday night of every month on their calendars
and make a concentrated effort to be at the Walker
Road Council for 7 pm.
Also it has been somewhat discouraging to see
the poor attendance at prayers for some of our deceased
members. As a Catholic organization I feel prayers for
a past Brother Knight
to be one of the cores to our Brotherhood so please, if
you see in the paper, that a brother has past try to come
out to the pray service.
Enough pleading for one month. I hope all of
you and your families had a great summer and I am
looking forward to working with everyone in the fall.
Yours in Christ
Brother Michael Harrigan DGK
Along with Labour Day comes school
openings and children walking and playing
and using the streets.. PLEASE drive carefully
and responsibly. The little ones are our future.
September - October �14
From the Chancellor:
Chancellor Bob Burns PGK
Greetings Brothers:
Welcome back to the normal (?) world of
I thank the Council for allowing me to serve
as Chancellor again. As I assume this office, I have
ideas which hopefully the executive will consider
seriously to progress our beloved historic Council into
the future.
First we must consider our annual memorial
Mass. A few weeks ago the Holy Family Council GK
invited me to consider joining them at Corpus Christi
on Nov. 2. I polled the entire executive by email, but
received one response. I guess we will keep them
waiting for our answer until after our meeting.
This was again another bad summer for our
membership. During our absence 3 of our senior
members passed away. In their day SKs John Sala,
Charlie Sadi and PGK Bill Churchill all were active
and involved members. Always responsive and
willing to serve. We remember their dedication, and
pray for their eternal peace and love. RIP.
Give some thought and time to think about the
future of this Council, and how to create interest
again, then come out to the next meeting and share.
Thanks, God Bless.
Bob Chanc. pgk
You shall obtain all you ask
of Me by the recitation
of The Rosary.
Page 3
September - October �14
District Report:
Our Ladies Corner:
John P. Semaan PGK DD District 10
Hi Ladies
Dear Brother Knights,
Happy Labour Day to our Members and their
families and friends.
Welcome back from our Summer Break (or
Semi-Break). This is my first Newsletter Report to
you during our new Fraternal Year, and I look forward
to seeing all of you soon at your September Council
General Meeting.
The July 4,5,6-2014 DD Meeting in Toronto
went well, and we had a chance to bring to our
Councils a lot of good info during our subsequent July
26-2014 DD-GK Tri-Dist (#10,#39 and #76) Meeting.
I hope everyone has enjoyed this nice cool summer
( sorry we could not get together) but it’s sad to think
that it soon will be over, however I'm looking forward
in resuming our fall activities. So far I have nothing to
report therefore I leave you with these inspiring
words from our Holy Father, Pope Francis.
"I believe in God-- not in a Catholic God; there is no
Catholic God. There is God,
and I believe in Jesus , His incarnation .Jesus is my
teacher and my pastor, but God the Father, Abba,is the
light and the Creator . This is my Being”.
Looking forward to see you at our Sept. meeting.
I remain. Your Pres.
Marcy Ieraci
As a Reminder, please ensure that your
has filed
#185 pope.
State Deputy
election of Pope Francis signals to Catholics around the world that we are
Due in
Form #365
moving forward
a positive
Francis is well known
his emphasis
on charity
- the first .principle
At our
meeting the
same executive
was elected
our Order. We Aug
need 1-2014)
to emphasize
to our#1295
and Form
(Semi-that weback
into office.
our Aug
Holy 15-2014).
President Marcy Ieraci
Vice pres. Celeste Gibala
As to Youth Programs, you should already
Treasurer Rose Levis
have ordered and received your Soccer Challenge
Rec. Secr. Elsie Blak
Competition Kit (SC-KIT), and ensure that your
Social Secr. Lin Burns
Council Level Soccer Competition occurs before Oct
1-2014, since District Level Competition will occur
Thank you Ladies for once again accepting !
during October 2014 and Regional Level Competition
will occur shortly after District Level Competition as
well. Also, if you have not already done so, please
order your Essay Contest Kit (EA-Kit) and Substance
pm. Doors locked at 1:15 pm and Degrees Starting at
Abuse Poster Contest Kit (SAA-Kit) in order to have
1:30 pm. As a reminder, please ensure that your
those on track as well.
Council sends its 2 cheques to cover the Cost of all 4 of
I am writing this Report a few days before the
these Degrees, one to Council #9671 and the other to
Installation of all District #10 Executive Officers
Council #8919, each for $25, with a Notation on the
scheduled for Aug 28-2014 at Fr Lionel Belanger
cheque of “For 1st and 2nd Degrees during 2014-2015
Council #11090 (Thank You in advance to Council
Fraternal Year”.
#11090), and I am certain that this will be a nice
As always, kindly remember to automatically
DD as to all Forms submitted by your Council
District #10-District #76 1 and 2 Degree
to ON State or to Supreme.
will occur on Sun October 19, 2014 and on Sun Dec
14-2014 at Fr Victor Cote Council #9671 with
Vivat Jesus,
Candidates 1 pm, Doors Locked at 1:30 pm and
Degrees Starting at 1:45 pm., and then, on Sun Feb
John P. Semaan, District Deputy #10
15-2015 and Sun May 17-2015 at Our Lady of
(519) 977-8764.
Atonement Council #8919 with Candidates 12:45
pm, Doors locked at 1:15 pm and Degrees Starting at
Page 4
September - October �14
Congratulations and Best Wishes to ALL
September Birthdays
September Anniversaries
Lin Burns
Kay Sadi
Maureen Haggith
Chris Lesperance
Chick Grant
Roger & Charlene Stone
Peter & Lynne Delisle
Walker & Chick Grant
Ronald & Diane Tousignant
Al & Joan Zakoor
Richard Bennett
Linda Dupuis
Leonard Marentette
Rudy Carter
Lorraine Williams
October Birthdays
October Anniversaries
Joseph Farah
Walker Grant
Jean Guy Dupuis Robert Burns
William Klingbile Carolyn Marentette
Cecilia Bannon
Robert Wallis
Bill Major
Frank Ieraci
Bernard Chevalier
Doug & Lou Canzi
Joseph & Delores Farah
Earl & Elanor Doe
Knights of Columbus International Bowling Tournament
This coming year the 2015 Central division bowling
tournament will be held in Peoria, Illinois. A date on
when will be going has yet to be decided. A date will be
in the next Knight Life. Anyone interested in going to
the tournament can contact Ray Dupuis 519-739-0034 or
Roy Renaud 519-825-8078.
Remembering Our Ill and recovering Brothers
Please pray for Bros. Ernie Walker, Stanley Wojcik, Otto Valvasori
and Peter Blak and all who are in need. God help us all. Remember
also PGK Bill Churchill, Bros. John Sala and Charles Sadi who died
since we last published. God Bless them with Eternal joy and peace.
Page 5
Council 1453 Meetings
Windsor Council 1453
Charity Pickerel Fish Fry
September - October �14
September 17th
October 15th
Executive meeting at 6:00pm
4:30 to 7:30, $14. Per ticket
General Meeting at 7:00 pm
St. Cyril’s Slovak Centre,
Seminole Street at Chandler
Cardinal Stepinac Council,
Walker Rd.
Proceeds to Ss. Cyril and Methodius Church and Knights of
Columbus Council 1453 Charities
All Members are welcomed!
Contact G.K. Bob Bezaire @ 519-254-8431
to reserve tickets.
Hope to see you all there !!
Please attend !!
billion Catholics worldwide.
KADEC Windsor Inc.
Building Corporation of the Knights of Columbus
Windsor Council 1453
The annual board meeting of KADEC Windsor
Inc. will take place on Wednesday September
17th, 2014 right after our general meeting.
Financial report of KADEC Windsor Inc. will be
given at this time. There will also be election of
two directors to the board at this meeting.
Refreshments will follow after the meeting.
You can receive Knight
Life in full colour via e-mail and save the Council the
cost of postage. It’s easy, let the editor know or email me at Or
phone me at (519) 253-5465. You would also receive it sooner and on your pc. Or
read it online at our website
Page 6
September - October �14
November 2013 at Corpus Christi Church,
hosted by Holy Family Council 4386
2014 - 2015 Executive Officers Council 1453
Deacon Jeremy Tyrrell
Grand Knight
Robert Bezaire FDD PGK
Deputy G K
Michael Harrigan
Bob Burns PGK
Otto Valvasori
Financial Secretary
Ray Dupuis
Larry Trembley
Roy Renaud, PGK
Rene Trudell, PGK
J. P. Rivard
Edwin Kornacki
Fredrick Littlejohns
Michael O’Brien PGK
to be appointed by GK
Page 7
September - October �14
Andrew J. Despins, Field Agent
LTC Is an Important Piece of the Puzzle
There are many financial consultants and retirement authorities who emphasize the need for a
long-term care (LTC) product for estate preservation and family protection. While many
commercial life insurance companies have gotten out of the long-term care business, the
Knights of Columbus considers LTC a very important piece of the family protection puzzle.
The Order has been actively offering our members this product for nearly 15 years without a
premium increase on current policyholders. Members who wisely purchased an LTC plan from
the Knights in 2000 are still paying the same premiums today. Even better, our LTC coverage is
backed by the full strength of the Order, which remains rooted in our strong Catholic values.
Talk about stability when it counts.
If we have not spoken about your need for LTC coverage in your family portfolio, please take
some time out of your schedule to meet with me.
Remember, long-term care policies are underwritten based on your health, and you most likely
will never be any healthier than you are today.
Let’s talk. Call or email me today for your complementary, no obligation consultation.
Page 8
September - October �14
ORLANDO, Fla. (CNS) -- As an international fraternal organization, the Knights of Columbus is wellpositioned to follow Pope Francis' witness of "love for the sick, the suffering and the poor," said Supreme
Knight Carl A. Anderson.
That "extraordinary witness" and the pope's admonition to all to cast aside indifference have "captured the
imagination of the world," he said Aug. 5 at the opening business session of the Knights' 132nd Supreme
Convention in Orlando.
"As Knights of Columbus, we are well-positioned to respond," said Anderson.
He made the remarks in a lengthy annual report detailing the organization's accomplishments and
initiatives in 2013.
The Aug. 5-7 convention celebrated a year in which the organization reported an all-time record for
charitable giving: more than $170 million and more than 70.5 million hours of service to charitable causes
in the United States and elsewhere the Knights are active.
Response to unexpected tragedies played a large role in members' activities last year, according to
Anderson, while the Knights continued their support within their communities for the Knights of Columbus
Coats for Kids and Food for Families initiatives; programs for those with intellectual disabilities; blood
drives; and partnerships with Habitat for Humanity, Special Olympics and the American Wheelchair
Knights were part of relief efforts following two natural disasters in the Philippines; tornadoes in Moore,
Oklahoma; floods in Alberta, Canada; the factory explosion in West, Texas; and the Boston Marathon
Anderson noted the year also saw the Knights continue their support for the victims of Hurricane Sandy,
the October 2012 super storm, and for the people of Newtown, Connecticut, as they recovered from the
late 2012 school shooting that left 20 children and seven adults dead.
"Charity has been at the heart of the Knights' mission for the past 132 years," said Anderson. "Whether
with funds or service, and whether quietly helping someone overcome a personal tragedy or assisting in
the aftermath of a widely known humanitarian disaster, the outpouring of charity by our members
produces meaningful results, especially by helping to bring peace of mind to those who find themselves in
incredibly difficult situations."
Anderson also noted:
-- Quebec led all Knights of Columbus jurisdictions with charitable donations of more than $11 million.
-- Record membership overall, including a new state benchmark of more than 100,000 members, in
-- Growth of membership and volunteer hours in the United States, Canada, Mexico, Central Europe and
-- A new family program in advance of next year's World Meeting of Families in Philadelphia.
Anderson made special mention of the establishment of the first Knights of Columbus council in South
Korea, a nation with 5.5 million Catholics and which he described as the fastest growing Catholic
community in the world.
He noted Pope Francis' trip to South Korea Aug. 14-18, saying that visit and a papal trip to the Philippines
Jan. 15-19 "will play a significant role in the future of the Knights of Columbus."