SEPTEMBER 28 - OCTOBER 25, 2014 BINGO SCENE FREE Please Take One Ad Info: 1-440-639-0057 Cuyahoga, Lorain, Lake, Geauga, Medina, Stark, Summit, Portage & Near By Counties NEW BINGO A.L. Post 601 Madison pg. 15 Oakwood Plaza Lorain pg. 5 32 Years of Bingo Service Chinese Auction pg. 20 Bingo Shootout pg. 27 Ellet Amateur Athletic 2204 East Market St. • Phone: 330-733-6677 • Lic. #0025-31 SUNDAY AFTERNOONS Doors Open 11:15 am • Games Start 1:00 p.m . NEW RAM PROG WEDNESDAY EVENING Doors Open 5: 15 p.m. • Games Start 6:45 p.m. $6,000 Payout depending on attendance-under 100 or less payout will be reduced 2 - $1, 000 Jackpots Nightly plus New Games Come & join us and win as ne or e! nevver bef befor ore! 1Pkg. is Only $15 2 Pkgs. $22 All Add’l Packs $3 each Lar ge Number s Availa ble Larg Numbers ailab All Games Pla yed on P aper Play Pa No Computer s Computers Variety of Instants y Ca$h Door Priz es Nightl Prizes Nightly Monthly Specials ATM Availa ble ailab Free coffee & ice for on premises comsumption only TV Monitors & Verifiers No Checks Accepted SAY YOU SAW IT IN BINGO SCENE - 2 Win a lit tle - Win alot! little JCMF BINGO Eastlake Comm. Ctr. w We no now edit ccep aaccep Credit cceptt Cr & Debit Cards 600 East 349th Street, Eastlake (Off of Roberts Rd.) Hall Phone: (440) 942-5234 Inclement Weather call (440) 942-5234 for Information Wednesday & Friday Evenings Doors Open 5:00 p.m. Early Birds 6:45 p.m. Reg. Games Starts 7:00 p.m. M onth of Oc tober: Month October: Small Comput er $26 Computer LLar ar ge Comput er $30 arge Computer NEW PR OGRAM PROGRAM NO WP AYING NOW PA “2” $1 ,000 FILL UPS $1,000 PLUS Bonus on Large Computer • 4-8 PPaper aper aperss $20 Extra Paper $2 each EX TRA W O WIN EXTRA WAAYS TTO Instant Loser Drawing-End of Month 1 FREE Month Bingo Wednesday & Friday ther Hi-L ckpo Hi-Loow, Ja Jackpo ckpott Joe & oother therss Drawing on 1st Wed., & Fri., of the Door Prize Dr ch night following Draawing ea each month, winner must be present “4” $1 0 Ca$h Prizes $10 $$$$$$$$$$$$ Hor se Ra ce Game pla Horse Race playyed nightly nightly.. se! Come pla our ffaavorit playy yyour oritee hor horse! Half F ast Bingo pa to Fa payys up upto $500 Progressiv Progressivee Come Early to play Hi-Low before bingo starts! $$$$$$$$$$$$ Ho th W ednesda rida Hott Ball bo both Wednesda ednesdayy & F Frida ridayy $$$$$$$$$$$$ $10 Off Week of B’Day on large computer pkg. Our payouts are based paid attendance Big Bonus played with 110 players or more paid attendance No Steps *Ample Parking *Security In & Out * Color Monitor * Smoking Break*, Free Coffee until Kitchen Closes* , Concessions CHECK OUT OUR LARGE SELEC TION OF SELECTION IN$T ANT S and PROGRESSIVE$ IN$TANT ANTS INF ORM ATION A VAIL ABLE INFORM ORMA AV AILABLE AT THE HALL SAY YOU SAW IT IN BINGO SCENE - 3 St. Rita Church RAINBOWCHARTERANDTOURS.COM 32820 Baldwin Rd., Solon (Near Solon Blvd. & Aurora Rd.) 440-248-1350 Friday Doors Open 5 p.m. • Early Birds 6:45 p.m. Flashboard Jackpot $4,400 $1,199 Fill-Up (as of print) in 52 nos. or less • Otherwise 4 pots of $300 “4” Early Birds $40 each Smoke Breaks • Birthday Club (Sign up in Office) Packages start at $14 (9-ons) Early Birds: $1 pkg. or $2/3 pkg. Every Week: Seal Tickets, Big 5, Lucky Losers, King/Queen, Door Prizes, Refreshments, Free Coffee Ground Floor (No Steps) • Ample Parking • Telecheck • Monitors & Verifier • License #0082-4 • Must be 18 years old to enter hall Ledgemont Booster Club Bingo Ledgemont School Cafeteria 16700 Thompson Rd. (E. of Square)Thompson, OH Monday Bingo Doors Open 5 p.m. • Games 6:30 p.m. If Ledgemont Schools are closed due to weather, so is bingo!! Package Prices: • 1 Pkg. - $10 • 2 Pkgs. - $15 • 3 pkgs. - $18 • 4 pkgs. - $20 • Add’l pkgs. $2 each Weekly Bonanza Split Pot 18 Games played on 6 ons Free Warm-up with Canned Good - 2 Games on 1 sheet • Variety of Instant Bingo • Weekly Door Prizes • License 0034-38 Must be 18 yrs or older to play SAY YOU SAW IT IN BINGO SCENE - 4 SAY YOU SAW IT IN BINGO SCENE - 5 St. Michael’s 5025 East Mill Rd. Broadview Heights (off Sunday I-77 & Wallings Rd.) Phone: 440-526-9696 Doors Open at 3:30 p.m. • Early Birds 5 p.m. Wild Horses $3,400 & growing (as of print) Flashboard $15,000 (as of print) Bingo Bonuses Over $37,600 (as of print) October 12: $500 in Ca$h Door Prizes Given Away October 19: Double Door Prize Night October 26: Happy Halloween, treat for all players $1,400 Guaranteed Fill-Up First complete card pays $1,000...No matter howmany nos. it takes, then play for 2 add’l pots: $200 & $200 Be one of our lucky 10 players to Spin the Wheel of Fortune for a Special Prize which might be money, gift certificates or Free Bingo. Door Prize Jackpot is Presently worth or t Do s e B es Priz n! ow in T $1,400 9 on Paper Packages: One 9on $13 * Two 9 ons $16 * add’l 9 on $3 Onsite ATM Now Available SAY YOU SAW IT IN BINGO SCENE - 6 St. John of the Cross Church (formerly St. Felicitas)140 Richmond Road • Euclid • Phone: 216-261-1203 Every Thursday & Saturday, October 11 (2nd Saturday only) Doors Open 5:00 P.M. • Early Birds 6:30 P.M. Bonanza Game “2” 1, 000 Fill -Ups Early Birds Included in Packages 6on package prices: 2 - 3 $15 • 4 - 8 $20 JUG GAME • King or Queen Nightly • • License #0115-45 • Securifier System • Mistake Proof Bingo Video Monitors• Free Coffee • Lighted & Secured Parking • Door Prizes • Varieties of Instants & Pull Tabs Weird Words 1. venireman 2. finnimbrum 3. funambulist 5. bloviate B. an unwell feeling C. to speak in a pompous manner D. a trinket or knick-knack E. a tightrope w alker walker Answer Key: 1A, 2D, 3E, 4B, 5C 4. woofits A. Person summoned as a prospective juror SAY YOU SAW IT IN BINGO SCENE - 7 SAY YOU SAW IT IN BINGO SCENE - 8 St. Demetrius 3106 Ridgewood Road, Akron, OH Copley Fairlawn Area•(330) 666-7852 I-77 to Ridgewood/Miller Rd.Go West at the light-1 mile on the left Thursday Evenings Doors Open 4:00 pm • Bingo starts at 6:30 pm Progressive Flashboard #1 $5,100 & growing (as of print) Win up to $6,000 every bingo session with NO price increase * Progressive bingo jackpot builds on EACH regular game!! * Bingo on any of THREE bonus ball numbers to win the BONUS * Once progressive jackpot is hit, it starts building again on the very next game!! * Now featuring a new PROGRESSIVE Bonanza game paying up to $1,500. * Win up to $1,120 on almost EVERYgame in the program!! * All games pay at least $120 plus progressive bonus ball amount Progressive Bonus Ball Bingo End of Month Drawing Birthday Special (must be week of b-day) All your favorite Instants • FREE Coffee No Stairs • License #0009-33 • Full Kitchen • Color Verifiers & Monitors SAY YOU SAW IT IN BINGO SCENE - 9 $1,0 00 Full Car d $500 nza Bona e Gam Champion Event Center 330-526-6585 340 Mississippi St. SE, North Canton, OH 44720 (Formerly the North Canton Knights of Columbus Hall) Presented by the Bluecoats MONDAY & THURSDAY Doors Open 4:00 pm Bingo Starts 6:25 pm Come early to play Mini Flash, Pot O’Gold, 50¢ 4 Corners Starburst Early Bird Pays $100/$200/$300 DOUBLE your money on Starburst plus chance at $1,000 Thurs., Oct. 30: End of Month Drawing: 5,000/ 2,500/1,000 VIP POINTS + Halloween Party w/Free Gift to all Players Flashboard Jackpot 4 @ $5,000 Miniflash Jackpot $500 (as of print) Progressive Lucky Jar Gowing Text CHAMPBINGO to 77948 to receive text alerts with updates, special offers & weather closings Great Selection of Instants!! $599 Progressive Flash, Jockeys, 50¢ Free Space, Jumpin’ Joes, Freedom Flash, Get the Rest & more !! Featuring: FULL SERVICE CONCESSION STAND UPGRADED INTERIOR, NEW TABLES & PADDED CHAIRS PLAYERS CLUB, NO STAIRS-ATM-CHECKS CASHED SAY YOU SAW IT IN BINGO SCENE - 10 Stow Youth Baseball Bingo 4157 Hudson Drive • Stow • 330-322-8599 ATM e Availabl Monday & Tuesday Doors Open 4:30p.m. Game Starts 6:30 p.m. Mini Flashboard 5 @ $500 (as of print) - Wild Ball # Once a Month - End of Month Drawing: FREE Month of Bingo (same package you are playing-must be present to win) - Birthday Special: 2 FREE Packages for your B-Day must buy our progressive & pig games (both Monday & Tuesday, must be week of Birthday,Sunday thru Saturday I.D. Required) Package Deals: 1st Package: $15 2nd Package: FREE 3rd Package: $5 ($3 each add’l package) * 12 Games pay $120 each * $300 Game* $1,000 Coverall * $2,500 Progressive Jackpot Consolation $300 Take Route 8 to Steels Corners Road Go East on Steels Corners Road Steels Corners Road becomes Hudson Drive • No Computers Bingo Information: 330-322-8599 Security • Wheelchair Accessible • Food AvailableHall Rental 330-920-8536 No Checks Accepted -Lic. # 0533-45 SAY YOU SAW IT IN BINGO SCENE - 11 SAY YOU SAW IT IN BINGO SCENE - 12 SAY YOU SAW IT IN BINGO SCENE - 13 Madison High School Burns Road, Madison Monday Bingo Doors Open 4:30 pm - Early Birds 6:15 pm Pig Pr ogressi ve-Me ga Ball Pro essiv e-Meg 6 ons - 18 Game F or ma ger P ayouts For orma matt - Lar Larg Pa Fill Up Format: “4” Winners @ $250 each Speedball Monday, Oct. 20 On all Speedball Games: Birthday Special Free Night of Bingo (details at game) If you bingo 55 # or less we pay double! End of Month Drawing - Lucky Loser Drawing: “3” $50 Prizes Free Token w/Paid Admission - Free Coffee - Free Popcorn - Extra Door Prizes - License #0047-39 Coupon Coupon 1st Early Bird FREE w/Coupon Limit 1 per player-Madison High School 1st Early Bird FREE w/Coupon Limit 1 per player-Madison High School Monday, October 13 Monday, October 27 St. Barbara’s Bingo 2813 Lincoln Way N.W. Massillon 330-833-6898 Wednesday Doors Open 4:30 pm-Games Start 6:30 pm 90 Card Computer + 2-9 ons= $25 . Paper Packs: 1 pack-$15, 2 or 3 packs-$20 Extra Packs $3 each, $1 for pig jar Seniors (65 & older w/i.d.) 2 Paper Packs for $15 $5 Off your Computer Package 5” $ 20 Door Prizes given away each bingo session Lucky Jar $500 (as of print) $300 Flashboard “3” @ $2, 500 (as of print) $250 Flashboard #1@ $1,850 & growing (as of print) “3” Progressive Mini @ $499 (as of print) End of Month Drawing for Free Month of Bingo-Progressive Lucky Jar-Door Prizes Wide Variety of your Favorite Instants-Handicap Accessible - Great Kitchen-Securty-License #0141-45 SAY YOU SAW IT IN BINGO SCENE - 14 WE ARE BACK!! American Legion 601 Bingo 1725 Hubbard Road • Madison OH • Ph: 440-428-6936 Next Door to North Madison Fire Station EVERY THURSDAY Doors Open 5:15 p.m. • Early Birds 6:00 p.m. Bingo Starts 6:15 p.m. Coming Soon Speedball All Paper Games 6 ons Jug - Queen Lots of Instants The Ladies Auxiliary will offer Food & Refreshemnts at reasonable prices! Free Coffee - Must be 18 Yrs. or Older SAY YOU SAW IT IN BINGO SCENE - 15 Barberton Band Boosters 795 W. Hopocan Avenue • Barberton, OH 44203 Phone: 330-745-8588 Tuesday & Wednesday Bingo Doors Open 4:00 pm • Games Begin 6:30 pm • All Games Pay at least $75 • 50/50 Drawing Each Session • Early Bird Game both Nights • Find a sticker get a FREE Package next session All Paper • No Computers 12ons ~ Adm. Pkg. $12 • 2nd Pkg. $8.00 • Extra pkg. $5 Instants and Door Prizes Birthday Package - Buy 1st pkg., get 2nd pkg. Free or a Free Lunch Register at Bingo, Calendar week of your Birthday, must have I.D. Free Cof er yT uesda y! Cofffee Ev Ever ery Tuesda uesday! Security • Food • Lighted Parking • Lic. #0137-28 •Handicapp Accessible SAY YOU SAW IT IN BINGO SCENE - 16 SPARTAN BINGO 1220 Main Street, Lakemore Phone 330-733-7755 Supports Springfield Band and Athletic Booster Clubs MONDAY & THURSDAY Doors Open 5:00pm ~ Game Begins 6:30pm Only game in town with 3–$1000 GAMES (Game 1 & 7 $1000 with 12 $1100 Jackpot) Computer Pack Special $30 Includes Computer & 1 Paper COMPUTER BL OW OUT ~ ONLY $25 BLOW Monday, Oct. 13 & Thursday, Oct. 30 Nightly Door Prizes * Concession * ATM Flashboard Progressive Jackpot “2” @ $5,000 $2,100 “1” @ & Growing (as of print) Birthday Specials the week of your B-Day $5 Coupons given out to all paid tallies on the last 2 sessions of the month SAY YOU SAW IT IN BINGO SCENE - 17 Our Lady of the Cedars 507 South Cleveland - Massillon Rd. • Fairlawn, OH (330) 666-3798 sunday bingo PIG NO. Doors Open 3:00 p.m. • Bingo Starts 5:45 p.m. October 19: $20 Computer Special $25 Computer EVERY SUNDAY Progressive Fill Up $5 for 6 on $2,500 starts at 48 nos. or less (pays $200 until hit, as of print) All Games Pay $175 Full Card $1,000 Early Bird Mini Flash Progressive $$ “2” $500 & #3 growing (as of print) $$ Progressive 599 Flashboard 1 @ $10,000 3@ $5,000 #4 growing (as of print) Shamrocks Played before game begins & intermission $5 Off Week of your Birthday & Choose lucky # as your free # Refreshments • Plenty of Lighted Parking • Security • Snacks & Sandwiches Available• FREE Coffee • Lic #0052-41 • Handicap Accessible-End of Month Drawings Visit our website: NEXT ADVERTISING DEADLINE: MONDAY, OCTOBER 13, 2014 PETER R. JANES, PUBLISHER 440-639-0057 THE BINGO SCENE MAGAZINE (AKRON EDITION) IS PUBLISHED EVERY FOUR WEEKS. ADDRESS INQUIRIES TO 9930 JOHNNYCAKE RIDGE ROAD, MENTOR, OH 44060. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. COPYRIGHT 2014. REPRODUCTION IN WHOLE OR PART WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION FROM, THE PUBLISHER IS PROHIBITED. THIS PUBLICATION OR ITS AGENTS ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE OR LIABLE FOR ERRORS OR MISINFORMATION. ALL SUBMISSIONS BECOME THE PROPERTY OF THE BINGO SCENE MAGAZINE . PRINTED IN U.S.A. email us: SAY YOU SAW IT IN BINGO SCENE - 18 SAY YOU SAW IT IN BINGO SCENE - 19 Lake Catholic Chinese Auction Sponsored by Lake Catholic Soccer Boosters’ Saturday, October 25th at Lake Catholic High School 6733 Reynolds Rd. Mentor, Ohio Doors Open 6:30 p.m. Drawing begins at 8:00 p.m. Donation $7 Ticket Tickets available at School Office (440)578-1020 Large number of valuable prizes including: $500 Cash & other valuable Prizes All proceeds benefit LCHS boys and girls soccer teams Sad because you can’t attend, but you’d like to help our teams? Donations for the raffle are gratefully accepted. Don’t miss this great event...our ticket callers keep the action moving once the drawing begins. The kitchen will be open to purchase select items. SAY YOU SAW IT IN BINGO SCENE - 20 Kirtland Boosters Kirtland Middle School Gym • 991140 Chillico the Rd., Kirtland Chillicothe (1 mile South ooff LLak ak eland College, Rout akeland Routee 306 South) Saturday Doors Open - 5:00 p.m. • Game St art Start artss - 6:30 p.m. October Special-Large Computer $35 End o off Month Drawing 1st Saturday ooff eevery very month “4” prizes ooff $50 Flashboard Bonus $3,600 & growing (as ooff print) Losing Pull TTab ab Drawing: “2” Winners ooff $50 each W eek Week Fill Up $1 $1,,199 (in 52 nos. or less) or split “4” $300 $3,500 PPay ay out ayout • $250 K Game • $250 X Game • $150 Crazy T • $150 Letter H• All Regular Games Pay $99 Pac ka ges: 2 - 6ons $15 • 3 - 6 ons $18 acka kag • 4 to 9 - 6ons $20 • No Extr a Games to pur chase Extra purc Computers: 54 Faces - $26 • 96 Faces - $35 up to 4 - 6 ons to daub inc. w/computer pkgs. Birthday Special - $10 Off (will honor calendar W eek ooff Birthday Week Birthday,, I.D. Required) Hall Phone 440-256-3358 e xt. 3800 ext. (Must have TToucht oucht one Phone ttoo call this#) ouchtone Checks AAccept ccept ed • Inst ant ree Co arking • ccepted Instant antss • FFree Cofffee • Camera fforor TTV•V• • Ample PParking Ref reshment Refreshment reshmentss • License #0050-37 SAY YOU SAW IT IN BINGO SCENE - 21 Trinity High Sa tur da Satur turda dayy Early Bird 6:45 p.m. including 12425 Granger Rd 216-475-2266 Paying out over $4,000 per session “2” $1,000 Fill-ups! 10/20/30 October Special $10 Package: “2” 12 ons or a Silver Computer plus 2 Lightning Games $20 Package: Gold Computer, plus a paper to daub and 2 Lightning Games $30 Super Package: Super sized Gold Computer, a paper to daub, 1 Early Bird Game, 4 Lightning Games, 3 Lucky 7’s and $5 in INSTANT MONEY October 25 & 26: FREE Halloween Treat for all Players $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ TRIPLE THREAT returns, chance to win $10,000 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ • Fresh Bak er y • Hot Meals & Muc h Mor e! FREE Cof .#0001-46 Baker ery Much More! Cofffee • Lic Lic.#0001-46 SAY YOU SAW IT IN BINGO SCENE - 22 School Bingo Garfield Heights, I-480 & Rt. 17 Players Reward Program Sunda Sundayy Early Bird 545 p.m. Progressive “JACKPOT” Game B-4 Jackpot Bingo Game “Lucky Ball” (details at hall) October 25 & 26: End of Month Drawing $1,000 Ca$h Giveaway each night!! •Instants Available: Lucky Day • The King • Queen of the Mountain SAY YOU SAW IT IN BINGO SCENE - 23 VFW#4738 s e Pot v i s s e r Prog owing Gr r i n t ) p (as of Bingo Club 3733 Fishcreek Rd. • Stow, Ohio 44224 Hall # 330-677-8920 “God Bless America & Our Armed Forces” ALL PROCEEDS GO TO VETERANS IN NEED Wednesday & Thursday Bingo Doors Open at 4:30 • Bingo Starts 6:15 p.m. Get “2” Free Packs the week of your Birthday (Picture I.D. Required) ble ailab ATM Availa Food Cook ed to Or der g e Variety of Instants Cooked Order der,, Lar Larg ve Computer s b le ailab le,, We Do Not Ha Hav Computers Av aila hall email: SPEED BUMP Dave Coverly SAY YOU SAW IT IN BINGO SCENE - 24 THANK YOU! Your play helps support IHM parish and school! n e e w o l l a H e m u t s Co Contest Saturday November 1, 2014 1st Prize: $100 • 2nd Prize: $50 3rd Prize: $25 Winner selected by attendance applause. ! n w o t n i e m a The BEST g JACKPOTS TOTALING* $44,800! Super Flashboards: $15,000, $15,000 & $13,800 Freedom Flashboard: Red $800, White $100, Blue $100 Two Smoke Breaks nightly! • Birthday Special: $10 off for two nights! Monthly and Nightly drawings • Heated Smoking area! • e-Cigs prohibited WEDNESDAY & SATURDAY DOORS OPEN 4:00 PM BINGO BEGINS 6:30 PM ALL U CAN PLAY Wednesday NO COUPON REQUIRED. (Regular packets $20 and under will be normal price) $100 in Nightly Door Prizes! “LIKE US” on Facebook search: IHM Bingo 20 .00 $ Drawn from Tally tickets. Check our Facebook page for WINNING opportunities and SPECIALS. *Jackpots amounts as of print. Specials cannot be combined with any other discount or offer. Good thru 10-25-14. Games, promotions, and payouts subject to change or cancellation without notice. For promos, hours, and location, call 330-923-5960 after 4PM on days of bingo or email Immaculate Heart of Mary - 1905 Portage Trail, Cuyahoga Falls IHM_Bingo_610-77a.indd 1 9/9/14 12:36 PM HI ROLLER BINGO FRIDAY, OCTOBER 3 St. Nikola Bingo 5305 Massillon Road Green, OH (Coming South on I 77-get off at Massillon Rd. or Rt. 241 241,, turn right, 3 miles down on left hand side) “Best paying (330) 896-2323 game around!!” SUNDAY & FRIDAY DOORS OPEN 4:00 PM * GAMES BEGIN 6:30 PM Sunda rida w Maxim um PPaayout up to $6,000 Sundayy & FFrida ridayy No Now Maximum Pr in upto $2,500 Proogressi essivve Fill Up-W Up-Win Pla h, star ts @ 47 #, no w aatt 57 # (as of print) if not hit pa ys $200 Playyed on 6 ons ons,, $5 eac each, starts now pays Play Paper, Computer or BOTH y “ver r la popu at “ form All You Can Play Paper 9 ons $22 Computer w/9 on paper $32 add’l paper $3 Flashboard Jackpot at $20,000 (as of print) if jackpot not won, add’l “2” Winners will win $100 each, with each add’l box sold $40,000 Flashboard 7/20/14 Last 4 months we paid out $99,000 Flashboard 1 PLAYER WON $$$ Check ! this out FEATURING “NEW” INSTANT GAME Win $5,000 or $2,500 Instantly $200 MINIMUM PRIZE on ALL Regular Games $$$ $$$ $700 Bonanza Game w/Progressive Jackpot (as of print) Mini Flashboard “5” Door Prizes given away nightly $500 MAXIMUM PRIZE on ALL Regular Games $1,000 COVERALL JACKPOT GAME NEXT HI R OLLER BINGO ROLLER SUND AY, NO VEMBER 23RD SUNDA NOVEMBER Guar anteed P ayout $6,000 uaranteed Pa 4 Games a att $1,000 SAY YOU SAW IT IN BINGO SCENE - 26 St. Nikola Bingo 5305 Massillon Road Green, OH (Coming South on I 77-get off at Massillon Rd. or Rt. 241, turn right, 3 miles down on left hand side) (330) 896-2323 Try your luck to win the Flashboard!!! HI ROLLER BINGO SHOOT OUT Friday, October 3rd Flashboard Plus $20,000 (as of print) If nobody wins Jackpot, additional “2” winners will receive $100 each for each box sold! NEXT HI R OLLER BINGO SUND AY, NO V. 23RD ROLLER SUNDA NOV Our next FRIDAY High Roller date will be announced in the next issue of the Bingo Scene. We will alternate Sundays & Fridays on our High Roller Bingo 120 players only must purchase ticket in advance purchase at St. Nikola Hall Sun., or Fri., 4-9 pm or call number below purchase at the door night of game if available (if event cancelled, money will be fully refunded) $6,000 Guaranteed Payout $55 per person includes Dinner (choice 90 face computer w/”1” 9 on or all the paper you can play), Extra Paper Available “4” $1,000 Games Come check out our New Hall Available for Rent for all your party needs For more information call: 330-896-2323 CHECK THIS OUT!!!!!! Our Kitchen has new items, fish sandwhiches, chicken sandwhiches, french fries, onion rings, try our homemade chicken noodle soup Free coffee-Instant games w/prizes up to $1,000-Verification-ATM Avaialble-Easy Access, no steps-Refreshments-Plenty of Parking-All your favorite instants!! $15 credit towards your bingo purchase on your Birthday-must be week of B-day/I.D. required SAY YOU SAW IT IN BINGO SCENE - 27 SAY YOU SAW IT IN BINGO SCENE - 28 OAKWOOD PLAZA BOYS & GIRLS CLUB 4111 PEARL RD. BEGINS SEPT. 7 LORAIN pg. 5 1:30 P.M. TRINITY HIGH SCHOOL 12425 GRANGER RD. GARFIELD HEIGHTS pgs. 22 & 23 5:45 P.M. AMERICAN LEGION 496 1945 MOGADORE RD. KENT 6:00 P.M. pg. 35 BARBER CIVIC CENTER 1066 EAST STATE STREET NEWCOMERSTOWN 2:00 P.M. pg. 33 ST. MICHAELS 5025 EAST MILL ROAD BROADVIEW HTS. (I-77 & WALLINGS) 5:00 P.M. pg. 6 WILLOUGHBY SOUTH BOOSTERS SHANKLAND BLVD. WILLOUGHBY 6:45 P.M. pg. 41 STOW YOUTH BASEBALL 4157 HUDSON AVE. STOW 6:30 P.M. pg. 11 CANTON BLUECOATS CHAMPION EVENT CENTER 340 MISSISSIPPI AVENUE NORTH CANTON 6:25 P.M. pg. 10 SPRINGFIELD BAND BOOSTERS 1220 MAIN ST. LAKEMORE 6:30 P.M. pg. 17 ST. THOMAS AQUINAS H.S. AFTERNOON BINGO 2121 RENO DRIVE, N.E. LOUISVILLE 1:30 P.M. pg. 32 OUR LADY OF CEDARS 507 S. CLEVE-MASS. RD. FAIRLAWN 5:45 P.M. pg. 18 MONDAY SUNDAY ST. MARK CHURCH 1434 LAKE BREEZE RD. SHEFFILED 6:30 P.M pg. 12 AMERICAN LEGION #166 141 WEST MAIN STREET ALLIANCE 7:00 P.M. pg. 44 pg. 24 SPRINGFIELD BAND 1220 MAIN ST. LAKEMORE 6:30 P.M. pg. 17 VFW #4738 3733 FISHCREEK STOW 6:15 P.M. pg. 45 GREENTOWN ATHLETIC CLUB, INC. 9944 CLEVELAND AVE. GREENTOWN 6:30 P.M. pg. 34 pg. 24 ST. DEMETRIUS 3106 RIDGEWOOD ST. THOMAS AQUINAS H.S. FAIRLAWN 6:30 P.M. pg. 9 2121 RENO DRIVE, N.E. LOUISVILLE 6:30 P.M. pg. 32 CANTON BLUECOATS CHAMPION EVENT CENTER BARBERTON BAND 340 MISSISSIPPI AVE. SE 795 W. HOPOCAN NORTH CANTON BARBERTON 6:25 P.M. pg. 10 6:30 P.M. pg. 16 AMERICAN LEGION #601 1725 HUBBARD RD. MADISON ELLET AMATEUR BEGINS SEPT. 4 2204 EAST MARKET ST. 6:15 P.M. pg. 15 AKRON 6:45 P.M. pg. 2 NORTH HIGH SCHOOL STEVENS BLVD. JCMF EASTLAKE EASTLAKE COMM. CTR 6:50 P.M pg. 40 600 EAST 349TH ST. EASTLAKE ST. JOHN OF THE CROSS 6:45 P.M. pg. 3 140 RICHMOND RD. EUCLID 6:30 P.M. pg. 7 IMMACULATE HEART OF MARY (I.H.M.) 1905 PORTAGE TRAIL CUYAHOGA FALLS 6:30 P.M. pg. 47 IMMACULATE CONCEPTION 16TH & BATTLES AKRON 11:00 A.M. STOW YOUTH BASEBALL 4157 HUDSON AVE. STOW 6:30 P.M. pg. 11 BARBER CIVIC CENTER 1066 EAST STATE STREET NEWCOMERSTOWN 6:30 P.M. pg. 33 VFW #4738 3733 FISHCREEK STOW 6:15 P.M. BARBERTON BAND 795 W. HOPOCAN BARBERTON 6:30 P.M. pg. 16 TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY JCMF EASTLAKE COMM. CTR. 600 EAST 349TH ST. EASTLAKE 6:45 P.M. pg. 3 ST. RITA CHURCH 32820 BALDWIN RD. SOLON 6:45 P.M. pg. 4 STARK COUNTY BASEBALL BINGO 340 MISSISSIPPI AVENUE NORTH CANTON 6:25 P.M. pg. 31 ST. NIKOLA 5305 MASSILLON RD. GREEN 6:30 P.M. pg. 26 & 27 GREENTOWN ATHLETIC CLUB INC. 9944 CLEVELAND AVE. GREENTOWN 6:30 P.M. pg. 34 FRIDAY PHILIP AND JAMES SCHOOL ALL PAPER SS. 532 High Street • Canal Fulton • 330-854-2823 Saturday Night Bingo BINGO Doors Open at 5:00 p.m. • Early Bird Game at 6:50 p.m. INDICATES MORNING BINGO TRINITY HIGH SCHOOL 12425 GRANGER RD. GARFIELD HTS. 6:45 P.M. pgs. 22 & 23 DISABLED VETERANS OF AMERICA CHAPTER 50 9540 MCCALLUM AVE. NE ALLIANCE pg. 44 6:25 P.M. IMMACULATE HEART OF MARY (I.H.M.) 1905 PORTAGE TRAIL CYAHOGA FALLS pg. 47 6:30 P.M. CHILDRENS TOY FUND 2401 SWISS AVE. SW CANTON pg. 48 6:30 PM SATURDAY based on attendance Payout $3,375 SAY YOU SAW IT IN BINGO SCENE - 29 ST. VINCENT DEPAUL 41295 NORTH RIDGE RD ELYRIA 6:30 P.M. pg. 19 ST. NIKOLA 5305 MASSILLON RD. GREEN 6:30 P.M. pg. 26 & 27 BARBERTON MOOSE 272 31ST STREET BARBERTON 6:00 P.M. CHAPPARELLS 2418 S.ARLINGTON RD. AKRON 6:45 P.M. ST. HELEN CHURCH 12060 KINSMAN RD. (RT. 87 3/4 MI., WEST OF RT. 44) NEWBURY 6:30 P.M. pg. 39 MAYFIELD SR. CENTER 3825 13TH ST., SW CANTON 6:00 P.M. pg. 43 ST. BARBARA’S BINGO 2813 LINCOLN WAY N.W. MASSILLON 6:30 P.M. pg. 14 pg. 45 AMERICAN LEGION 601 1725 HUBBARD RD. MADISON 6:00 PM pg. 15 WEST BRANCH 26701 RT. 62 BELOIT 7:00 P.M. ELYRIA CATHOLIC 725 GULF ROAD ELYRIA 7:00 P.M. pg. 13 CHILDRENS TOY FUND 2401 SWISS AVE. SW CANTON 6:30 PM pg. 48 Love Sisters Travel CHAPPARELLS 2418 S.ARLINGTON RD. AKRON 6:45 P.M. CHILDRENS TOY FUND 2401 SWISS AVE. SW CANTON 6:30 PM pg. 48 ST. PAULS CHURCH 969 E. STATE ST. SALEM 6:50 P.M. pg. 38 ST. FRANCIS XAVIER 606 E. WASHINGTON ST. MEDINA 6:30 P.M. pg. 42 TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY INDICATES MORNING BINGO CHAPPARELLS 2418 S.ARLINGTON RD. AKRON 6:45 P.M. PARADISE BINGO 1710 FRONT ST. CUYAHOGA FALLS pg. 8 6:30 P.M. SACRED HEART OF MARY 8900 COLUMBUS ROAD HARRISBURG pg. 47 6:30 P.M. FRIDAY $45 pp incl bus & pkg. Pick ups: 10210 Woodland Ave., 1:30 am Return to 10210 Woodland Ave. & keep on celebrating!!! Come & celebrate Flo, Barbara & Angies B-day on Nov. 8 Postal Money Orders only made payable to Flo asap 3598 Lud Gate Shaker Heights, OH 44120 Over $200,000 Guaranteed Bingo & Raffle Payouts, “2” $10,000 Coveralls “30” $1,000 Games“25” $500 EZ Moneys “20” $500 Early Birds $110 Value Pack Sats., Oct. 4 & Nov. 8 Louise K. 216-618- 4581 Angie 440-715- 0927 Flo 216-855- 1154 BIG BUCKS BINGO, Clarksburg, WV LEDGEMONT H.S. 16700 THOMPSON RD. THOMPSON pg. 4 6:30 P.M. MADISON HIGH SCHOOL BURNS RD. MADISON pg. 14 6:30 P.M. ELLET AMATEUR 2204 EAST MARKET ST. AKRON 1:00 P.M. pg. 2 pg. 8 BARBERTON MOOSE 272 31ST STREET BARBERTON 6:30 P.M. PARADISE BINGO 1710 FRONT ST. CUYAHOGA FALLS 6:30 P.M. MONDAY SACRED HEART OF MARY 8900 COLUMBUS ROAD HARRISBURG 6:00 P.M. pg. 47 ST. FRANCIS XAVIER 606 E. WASHINGTON ST. MEDINA 5:00 P.M. pg. 42 SUNDAY WILLOUGHBY SOUTH BOOSTERS V5th SATURDAY OF MONTH SHANKLAND BLVD. WILLOUGHBY 6:45 P.M. pg. 41 ST. JOHN OF THE CROSS V2nd SATURDAY ONLY OF THE MONTH FOR SUMMER 140 RICHMOND RD. EUCLID 6:30 P.M. pg. 7 NORTH H.S. V1st & 3rd SATURDAYS OF THE MONTH STEVENS BLVD. EASTLAKE 6:50 P.M. pg. 40 KIRTLAND BOOSTERS 9140 CHILLICOTHE RD. KIRTLAND 6:30 P.M. pg. 21 SS. PHILIP & JAMES 532 HIGH STREET CANAL FULTON 6:50 P.M. pg. 28 MAYFIELD SR. CENTER 3825 13TH ST., SW CANTON 1:00 P.M. pg. 43 SATURDAY BINGO SCHEDULE SAY YOU SAW IT IN BINGO SCENE - 30 During the months of September & October there will be NO BINGO ON TUESDAYS FRIDAYS Progressive Flashboard #1$300 & growing Progressive Bonanza - $3,500 & growing Grand Slam Ball $750 & growing (as of print) All your favorite instant games-Free coffee-Full kitchen-No stairs-Color verifier & monitors Hall Phone (330)526-6585 - License No No.. 0880-45 SAY YOU SAW IT IN BINGO SCENE - 31 ST. THOMAS AQUINAS 2121 Reno Drive N.E., Louisville (5 miles E. of Canton on Rt. 62) Call for Additional Information: (330) 875-4517 Wednesda y Doors Open 4 p.m. • Game Starts 6:30 p.m. ednesday Sunday Doors Open 10:30 a.m. • Game Starts 1:30 p.m. “2” Bonus Door Prizes: Find a sticker on your pkg. & receive 2 pkgs. Free for the next session! $599 Pr ogressi ve J ac kpot: Pro essiv Jac ackpot: “1” J ac kpot @ $20,000 Jac ackpot “3” J ac kpot @ $10,000 Jac ackpot “3” J ac kpots @ $5,000 Jac ackpots “1” J ac kpot @ $600 Jac ackpot (as of print) Fea turing: $599 & $1,199 F lashboar eaturing: lashboardd Instant Games lash Games,, F Frr ee Space F Flash & W ildball F la$hboar d Fla$hboar la$hboard Dail y Cash Door Priz es Daily Prizes Instant P ayouts up to $1,199 Pa “2” End of the Month Drawings the Last Sunday & Wednesday of the Month. Win “Up to4 Packages Free for Entire Month” (Winner must be present to Win) Free Coffee • Security • Variety of Food• Plenty of Parking • Verifier & Monitors • License #0536-45 SAY YOU SAW IT IN BINGO SCENE - 32 Newcomerstown Emergency Rescue Squad, Inc. at the David Barber Civic Center 1066 East State Street, Newcomerstown, OH 43832 For Information call (740)498-4383 or (740)498-8808 Sunday Bingo Doors Open 11 am Instant Ticket Sales begin at 11:00 am Bingo Game Starts at 2 pm Tuesday Bingo Bingo Game Starts at 6:30 pm Doors Open 4:30 pm Instant Ticket Sales begin at 4:30 pm Bring your Family, Friends & even Enemies!!!! With over 225 people in attendance we can pay out Maximum of $6,000 Package Prices start at $10 Bonanza Bingo sold separately Coverall Jackpot grows every session Event Games such as Flashboard and Shamrocks will begin to be played approximately one hour prior to the start of the regular bingo games. Please be ready!! Great Food in our kitchen! Daily Specials and a full kitchen menu Checks, Debit Cards and Credit Cards accepted. ATM on premises. Color Monitors and Verifiers Join us us for fun and exciting games while supporting the Newcomerstown Fire Department Huge Variety of Instant games such as Jumpin’ Joe plus, $50 Joes, $1,199 Flashboard, Mega Flashboard, Three Way Flashboard, Little Star Flashboard, Shamrocks,, American Firefighters, Quick 100, Kickers & Snappys just to name a few! License #0020-40No one under the age of 18 is permitted in the bingo hall during bingo operation hours SAY YOU SAW IT IN BINGO SCENE - 33 Greentown Athletic Club, Inc. 9944 Cleveland Avenue NW, Greentown, OH 44630 330-494-3928 Lic. #0025-33 THURSDAY & FRIDAY Doors Open 4:45 pm Early Birds Start at 6:30 pm “2” $2,500 Flashboard (as of print) Thursday, Sept. 25: 1st 20 People in the door get $5 off coupon Friday, Sept. 26: Free Food Giveaway October Specials October 2, 10, 16, 24 & 30: FREE Food Giveaway October 30 & 31 Save tickets all month for Special $$$ Drawing Free Coffee, Two Non-Smokers Games,All Paper, No Computers, Video Ball Monitor System, Smaller Crowds, Better Chance to Win Hall Rental available for all occasions!! Contact us at visit our website Check Cashing Policy requires photo ID* You must be registered to Cash Checks. Management reserves the right to limit or refuse any check. SAY YOU SAW IT IN BINGO SCENE - 34 EVERY SUNDAY Mini Flash “8” Jackpots @ $500 Full Flashboard $9,300 Super Cover All Jackpot $1,800 (all jac kpots as of print) jackpots A portion of the Proceeds benefit Kent Parks and Recreation ATM Available Air Conditioning Security on Site Free Parking Variety of Instants Amazing food Items Plenty fo Handicap Parking TV Monitors & Verifiers * No Checks Accepted SAY YOU SAW IT IN BINGO SCENE - 35 SAY YOU SAW IT IN BINGO SCENE - 36 ################ Rainbow Tours 440-946-8638 ################# RAINBOWCHARTERANDTOURS.COM ########### SENECA NIAGARA, PRESQUE ISLE, SENECA ALLEGANY CASINO $260.00 PER PERSON DOUBLE OCCUPANCY $388.00 SINGLE OCCUPANCY WED.-FRI. OCT. 8-10, 2014 Receive $25.00 slot play from Presque Isle, $100.00 slot play and $40.00 food from Niagara, and $15.00 slot play and $5.00 food from Allegany Pick ups: Medina - 8:00 AM, Willoughby - 9:00 AM SOARING EAGLE, FIREKEEPERS, & HOLLYWOOD TOLEDO CASINO $226.00 PER PERSON DOUBLE OCCUPANCY $326.00 SINGLE OCCUPANCY WED-FRI. NOV. 12-14, 2014 Receive $60.00 slot play and $40.00 food from Soaring Eagle, $20.00 slot play and $5.00 food from Firekeepers, and $10.00 slot play from Hollywood Casino ########### SAY YOU SAW IT IN BINGO SCENE - 37 St. Paul Church 929 E. State Street • Salem, OH 44460 Phone 330-337-3451• License #0125-45 Every Tuesday Doors Open 5:00 p.m. • Early Birds 6:50 p.m. $3,500 Bingo Format 1 - FREE Early Bird w/purchase of $10 Master Set The Latest in Pull-Tabs! End of Month Progressive Drawing $500 (as of date of print - Winner must be present) 1st, 2nd & 3rd Week of Month: “4” $25 gift Cards given away $1 25 - $200 Special Games $125 $50 - $99 Regular Games FREE Birthday Week Master Set SAY YOU SAW IT IN BINGO SCENE - 38 (I.D. Required) d St. Helen’s 12060 Kinsman Rd. Newbury (Rt. 87, 3/4 Mile West of Rt. 44) Wednesdays Doors Open 5:00 P.M. • Early Birds 6:30 P.M. $3,500 Payout Guaranteed W/125 or More attending Two $750 Jackpots First Wednesday of each Month W/125 or More attending FREE Bingo on Your Birthday! Ask About it! Get on our Mailing List Padded Chairs • Ramp for Disabled • Great Food ~Come for Dinner • Best Door Prizes in the Area Special Early & Speedy Fill-Up Games Need to be reached at Bingo? Before 4 pm 440-564-5805 After 4 pm emergency number: 440-796-6438 Bingo Computers • Variety of Instants • Lic. #0012-29 • End of Month Cash & Gifts • Cash Prizes for King OR Queen • Free Coffee & Free Popcorn• No one under 18 yrs. SAY YOU SAW IT IN BINGO SCENE - 39 NO BINGO THURS., OCT. 30 due to North - South Football Game The North High Boosters Club NORTH HIGH 34041 Stevens Blvd., Eastlake • Phone: 440-487-7874 Bingo Every Thursday Saturdays, Oct. 4 & 18 (1st & 3rd Saturdays) Doors Open 5:00 P.M. • Instants Start 5:00 P.M. • Early Birds 6:50 P.M. • Regular Games 7:00 P.M. $3,500 Maximum Payout End of Month Drawing to be drawn on first Bingo of the following month, 1 Free Month for Thursday & 1 Free Month for Saturday. Winner must be present. Progressive Flashboard: Jackpot if hit within 15 nos. If it’s not hit within 15 numbers there are 5 Winners at $300 each Bir thda y Pk g - Coupon (V alue up to $20) Birthda thday Pkg (Value Good for your next visit (with I.D.) No change given on free bingo passes. Early Birds not included with coupons. $1 000 Fill Up $1000 (52 nos or less) Otherwise.... $250-$250-$250-$250 2 - $1,000 Fill-Up’s Pk g. Prices: 1 - 2 - $1 6 • 3 - 4 - $1 8 • 5 - 6 - $20 Pkg. $16 $18 $2 for each pk g. ov er 6 sets. pkg. over Special Games: 2 Speedballs @ $75 each • Free Coffee • Security • Plenty of Parking Door Prizes every Session • Refreshments • ATM Available ~ Pull Tabs: Flash Cash & King of the Mountain • License #0007-40 SAY YOU SAW IT IN BINGO SCENE - 40 WILLOUGHBY SOUTH HIGH BOOSTERS CLUB Willoughby South High School, 5000 Shankland Rd., Willoughby Doors Open 5 p.m. • Games Start 6:45 p.m. EVERY MONDAY Bingo Information Line: 440-283-4227 contact us by email at: We are adding the 5th Saturday of the Month Join us November 29 for more nights at South Bingo Doors Open 5 p.m. • Games Start 6:45 p.m. MATCH OHIO $$ AND MATCH MAKER $4,700 & GROWING (as of print) $$ Alaska Criss-Cross, King of the Mountain, Variety of Instants Available “2” $1,000 (in 52 nos. or less Fill-Ups or 4 payouts of $250 Flashboard Game $1,500 Play our updated program including: Optional Jug at the door Intermission & Hourly Drawings New Monthly Drawing for $50 Cash The winner will be drawn from losing pull tabs collected on the last bingo night of the month Birthdays- Present your ID when buying your paper bingo sets &receive up to 2 sets ($16) FREE, if your birthday falls within the next 7 days Refreshments • Free Coffee • Plenty of Lighted Parking • Onsite ATM Available • Clean Facilities • License #0008-49 SAY YOU SAW IT IN BINGO SCENE - 41 St. Francis XavIer 606 E. Washington St. • Medina • 330-725-1349 Sunday Doors Open 3:30 p.m. • Game Starts 5 p.m. Tuesday Doors Open 5 p.m. • Game Starts 6:30 p.m. Progressive Jackpot $5,000 #2 $1,200 & growing Little Flashboard $3,900 & growing (all jackpots are as of print) 4 Early Bird Games pay $50 each Fill-Up (52 nos. or less) $1,000 On-Out: “2” @ $300 • “2” @ $200 Small Frame pays $50•Large Frame pays $100 $125 in Door Prizes $150 End of Month Drawing on Sundays Door Pass Drawing (for following month) on Tues. $50 Single Bingo continue on a Double @ $100 on same game sheet Free Dauber w/package purchase Senior Citizen Discount All Paper 6-on pkgs. Admisssion $15 each “2” 6 on pkgs. •add’l pkgs., 1 for $3/2 for $5/3 for $8/4 for $10 etc • TV Monitors & Verifier • • 2nd Chance Drawing on Losers Tickets SAY YOU SAW IT IN BINGO SCENE - 42 Mayfield Senior Center Bingo 3825 13th Street SW, Canton • Ph: 330-477-9982 Wednesday Doors Open 4:00 p.m. • Bingo 6:00 p.m. Saturday Doors Open 11 a.m. • Bingo 1 p.m. Saturday, October 4: $5000 Special Giveaway Pay upto $4,300 Nightly Payout!! Upto (payout based on attendance) 2 -$1,000 Jackpots, Bonanza Games Plus - Special Early Bird 18-on Game Play your stants Favorite In Here! w/Chance to win $1,900! Early Bird Special 1 @ $7 & 2 for $10 $80 in Door Prizes given Each Session off Tallies! ng Morni y a d Tues has been Bingo d until fall! nde suspe Sign up to join our NEW VIP Program to earn points to win great prizes! Hall Rentals available for all occasions, contact us at Playing Mini Flashboards Mini Flashboard Progressive is $50 + 50 Tickets per game plus chance at jackpot up to $500 Sales Start Wed. @4:00 p.m. & Sat. @ 11:00 a.m. WILDBALL FLASH PROGRESSIVE JACKPOT JACKPOT #1 $5,000 JACKPOT #2 $5,000 JACKPOT #3 $5,000 JACKPOT #4 $5,000 JACKPOT #5 still growing (Jackpots as of print) Telecheck & ATM Service Available Free Coffee + Plenty of Good Refreshments Available Police Protected-Wheel Chair Access * Cleanest Bingo in the Area! Monitors in Each Room-License #0041-40 SAY YOU SAW IT IN BINGO SCENE - 43 ALLIANCE AMERICAN LEGION POST 166 141 W. Main St., Alliance Alliance,, OH EVERY TUESDAY EVENING Doors Open 5 p.m. • Bingo Starts 7 p.m Every Tuesday Cabin Fever Bingo Fall into Ca$h $12 - All the 9 ons you can play! Special Bingo Night Tues., Oct. 14 $2 MASTER CARD PAYS BONUS $50can EVERY $30 includes all the 9 ons you play GAME NEW EARLY BIRD -Fill $2 each 3 for $5 $1,000 Jackpot Up OR Guaranteed Pays $100Letter Bonus on Star! $500 “X” DOOR PRIZES, DOOR PRIZES Presale Tickets available & encouraged $5000 FLASHBOARD JACKPOT$-$500 MINI FLASH JACKPOT$-$500 SINGLE BINGO TAGALONG GAME payouts determined by attendance Hall Rental Available for all occassions, please call 330-821-0433 Saturday Evening Doors Open 5 p.m. Early Bird Game: 6:25 p.m. Disabled American Veterans Chapter 50 Bingo 9540 McCallum Aven ue NE Alliance•330-823-0868 enue “Veterans Helping Veterans” ALL PAPERBINGO Buy “2” 9 ons get “1” FREE $750 Pr ogressi ve Co ver all Pro essiv Cov erall Last Saturday of Each Month: Drawing for FREE Bingo (1st Pack) for following month Birthday Gift $5 off 1st Pack (must be week of Birthday) (as of print) Variety of Instants - Nightl y Door Priz e Nightly Prize Kitc hen open w/snac k -R efr eshments - F Kitchen w/snack -Refr efreshments Frree Cof Cofffee Support local Veterans by playing BINGO w/the Disabled American Veterans Chapter 50 Payouts Based on Attendance SAY YOU SAW IT IN BINGO SCENE - 44 Immaculate Conception Bingo • Kenmore 2124 16th St. SW (16th & Battles Ave. Across from Kenmore High School) Phone 330-848-2803 er ev We n ots!!! cut p Wednesday Morning Doors Open 9:30 a.m. • Start Time 11:00 a.m. “5” Progressive Flashboard $4,500 “1” growing (as of print) Paper Packages: $10 - $15 - $20 - $25 Computers $30 + (1) 9 on to Dab Bonanza Pays $200 Weekly Drawing for Computer Package Regular Games pay $120 Guaranteed - Coverall Pays $1,000 Guaranteed Follow us on Facebook at West Branch Athletic Booster Club Bingo West Branch Bingo (by Athletic Boosters)26701 Rt. 62 Beloit - Formerly Westville Roller Rink Located on Rt. 62 (Halfway between Alliance & Salem) For Information call: 330-938-9221 or 330-537-2146 Every Thursday Surprise Bingo Every Night at 6:50 pm Games begin at 7:00 p.m. $1,000 Coverall Mini Flash Progressive $500 Freedom Flash $800 Pig Progressive $900 (as of print) Free 3 on - 5 up w/old Registration Ticket each week Birthday Special-1 Free pack for your Birthday (week of Birthday - I.D. required) Color Computers-End of Month Drawing-Debit & Credit Cards now accepted No one under 18-Door Prizes- Free Coffee-Lic #119-49 SAY YOU SAW IT IN BINGO SCENE - 45 SAY YOU SAW IT IN BINGO SCENE - 46 Sacred Heart of Mary Bingo 8900 Columbus Road, Harrisburg, Ohio (Parish Hall) 330-875-5882 • (Rectory) 330-875-2827 Friday Sunday Doors Open @5:00 pm • Game Begins 6:30 pm Doors Open @5:00 pm • Game Begins 6:00 pm Flashboard Jackpot 7 @ $5,000 1 @ $400 (as of print) Mini Flash Board 2 @ $575 1 @ $375 (as of print) Wild Ball Flashboard “1” @ $1,000 “7” @ $700 (as of print) “1” @ $100 Lucky Balls (as of print) 4 @ $300 Lower Package Prices : 1st Package $15 2nd Package $5 3rd package FREE Add’l Pkgs. $5 Each $80 CA$H DOOR PRIZES NIGHTLY! W e Sell 3 ons We Hall A our w eddings, bir thda ys, etc. Avvailable for Rent for yyour weddings, birthda thdays, call 330-87 5-5882 330-875-5882 Birthday Package New Bingo Machine & Verifier, We now have Telecheck We will accept Master Card, Visa, Discover Free Coffee • Well Lit Parking Lot • Great Food & Desserts SAY YOU SAW IT IN BINGO SCENE - 47 Bingo • License #0179-2 2401 Swiss Ave., SW, Canton Hall Phone: 330-479-5393 Tuesda ys sda ys & Sa tur da ys uesdays ys,, Thur hursda sdays Satur turda days Doors Open 4:30 p.m.; Early Bird (Mini/Tic-Tacs) 4:30 p.m. Game Starts 6:30 p.m. Thursday Special Saturday Specials 9 ons-ONLY $10 9 ons - $10 ONLY ON THE FOLLOWING DATES: Every Oct. 4 Thursday in October & Oct. 11 Over $6,500 in Derby Jackpot Bonuses Mini Flashboard Bonus 2 @ $1,000 $599 Flashboard Bonus 1 @ $10,000 (as of print) Regular Prices: All You Can Play (limit 4) 9 ons $15 - 12 ons $20 - 18 ons $40 Visit us on the web at: ATM/Telecheck Available 2 Jackpot Games-Variety of Instants-Free Coffee -2 Smoke Breaks-Comfortable SeatsNo Computers-TV Monitors w/Verifier
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