November 2014 Newsletter - Dudley-Charlton Regional School District

“...committed to excellence with pride and unity.”
Core Values: “ Committed to Excellence” Shepherd Hill Regional High School is dedicated to educate, challenge and empower students to
succeed in the 21st century. With “Pride and Unity”, we foster intellectual achievement, civic responsibility and personal growth.
Beliefs about Student Learning: Through quality instruction in a safe and stimulating learning environment, we encourage students to be
inquisitive, resourceful, and responsible learners. By cultivating respect and a strong work ethic, we are confident that our students will excel in the present
and meet the demands of the future.
Principal’s Message—Mary A. Pierangeli
The weather is getting colder; the leaves are producing a colorful
display; and fall is well underway in New England. Here at Shepherd
Upcoming Events
Hill, term 1 concluded on Friday, October 31 marking the
Food Drive
completion of one-fourth of the 2014-2015 school year. Report cards
Cards Issued
will be issued on Friday, November 7. I encour age students to
reflect upon the progress made and to resolve to strive for academic  Nov. 11—No School (Veter ans Day)
 Nov. 12 —Booster Club Meeting (7 p.m.)
 Nov. 16—Cheer Regionals (Times TBD)
Speaking of excellence, I am pleased to report that three grade 12  Nov. 18—Flu Clinic (11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.)
students have been named Commended Students in the 2015  Nov. 20—Mr. Shepherd Hill (7 p.m.)
National Merit Scholarship Program. Although they ar e not  Nov. 22—Craft Fair (9 a.m.—4 p.m.)
eligible to continue in the competition for National Merit  Nov. 26—Early Release @ 11:15 a.m.
Scholarship awards, the accomplishment is certainly noteworthy.  Nov. 27-28—No School (Thanksgiving Recess)
Congratulations are extended to grade 12 students, Darien Gaudet,  Dec. 1—Hearing & Vision Screenings Begin
Abigail Howard and Nicholas Seagrave. These students placed  Dec. 1—NHS Toys for Tots Drive Begins
 Dec. 5—2nd Term Progress Grades Close
among the top five percent of the more than 1.5 million students who
 Dec. 6—Lion’s Club Pancake Breakfast
took the 2013 Preliminary Scholastic Aptitude Test which serves as  Dec. 12—2nd Term Progress Reports Issued
the National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test. Nationally, there are  Dec. 12—Holiday Spectacular (7 p.m.)
34,000 students who have been named Commended Students and  Dec. 13—Holiday Spectacular (7 p.m.)
they are representative of some of the most academically talented  Dec. 13—AP Math Saturday Session
 Dec. 16—Winter Concert (6:30 p.m.)
students in the country.
I would also like to commend the members of the Student  Dec. 24-Jan. 2—No School (Chr istmas Br eak)
Council and advisors Ms. Swidrak and Mrs. Piehl for a very
successful Homecoming Dance on Saturday October 25. Members of the Student Council approached me at the
start of the school year suggesting that our customary Victory Dance on the Friday after Thanksgiving be moved to
earlier in the fall, due to its declining attendance. I am very pleased to report that the dance was well-attended and
students were well-behaved. The cafeteria was beautifully decorated with a fall theme by the Student Council and
the event was deemed a success by those in attendance. All are excited to begin preparations for a full Homecoming
weekend next year with other events, including athletic contests on our new field. This is the beginning of a new
tradition at Shepherd Hill!
The month of November is highlighted by “Spirit Week” prior to
the Thanksgiving break to pay tribute to all of our fall athletes. The
activities will begin with the Student Council sponsored “Mr. Shepherd
Hill” selection and conclude with a pep rally assembly in the gym with
Nov. 11
the entire student body wearing “maroon and gold” to promote our
Veteran’s Day
pride and unity as a school. This year’s school calendar provides for a
half-day on the Wednesday prior to Thanksgiving and no school on the
Friday after Thanksgiving.
Nov. 27-28
Thanksgiving Recess
Happy Thanksgiving to all Shepherd Hill families!
Page 2
Harrington Hospital Preventive
Health will be offering a flu
clinic at Shepherd Hill on
Tuesday, November 18, 2014
during lunch time (11:00 a.m.12:30 p.m.).
Forms are required to participate. These for ms can
be located on the district website or students can
pick them up in the nurse's office. Please complete
and return promptly. We will need a count for
vaccines. Flu mist is available for ages 2-18 years.
Any questions, please call the school
nurse, Mary Gould, at 508-943-6700 x164.
Vision & Hearing
Vision and hearing tests will begin
December 1st and will continue
until all students are tested. Notice
of failure will be given to students
to take home. Feel free to contact
the school nurse with any
On November 16, six Shepherd Hill
students, and their advisors, will join
over 400 students from 120 schools
across the state of Massachusetts at
WGBH studios in Boston to
participate in the High School Quiz
Show Super Sunday. Only the top 16 teams in this
round of qualifications will participate in the show set to air
early in 2015. The qualifying quiz includes questions in
math, science, literature, history, the arts, current events as
well as pop culture. The Shepherd Hill team consists of 12th
graders, Brian Mayville, Justyna Sudyka, Daniel Vangos
and Lance Harms and 11th gr ader s Michaela White and
John David Raucci . The team is coached by Mr . Boyd
and Mr. Foley. Results from this qualifying round will be
announced to all schools in a few weeks. Be sure to visit the
WGBH homepage for results and photos. Just click on
television programs and then High School Quiz Show.
Shepherd Hill Ski Club
Shepherd Hill Ski Club will be starting
again in January and will take 6 trips to
Wachusett Mountain. Signups have to be done
online. The website is
schoolgroup. Our program code is SHPRD.
See Mr. Cormier (room 204) with any
Whether you are a beginner signing
up for ski or snowboard lessons or an
experienced skier/rider, you are sure to
enjoy some outdoor fun!
November 2014
National Honor Society News
The National Honor Society is collecting
donations from November 3-24, for its annual
Holiday Food Drive. In an effort to help local
families in need, especially around the holidays,
we would truly appreciate everyone’s
participation. From non-perishable foods to monetary
donations, every little bit counts! All of these contributions
will be collected in block A before announcements by NHS
students. NHS hopes to make this year’s food drive more
successful than ever before and we are extremely grateful for
the participation and support of students, parents, faculty and
In addition, to the annual
Holiday Food Drive,
NHS will also be kicking off the Toys for Tots
drive, on Monday, December 1st, in an effort to
provide underprivileged children with toys
during the holiday season.
The Dudley-Charlton Regional School District
is collaborating with
“Assist Special Kids Parent Advisory Council of Tantasqua
Regional School District”
to provide the following informational workshop for
Wednesday, November 12, 2014 7-9pm
Basic Rights of Special Education
The speaker is Sharon Faucher, an Educational Consultant.
The Special Education Directors of Tantasqua Regional
School District, Brenda Looney and Dudley-Charlton
Regional School District, Jody O’Brien will be available to
answer any questions you have.
The workshop will be held at
Rehabilitative Resources, Inc.
1 Picker Road, Sturbridge, MA
Page 3
November 2014
written by Victoria Kelleher (�15)
Fri., Jan. 9 & Sat., Jan. 10
7:00 p.m.
Tickets: $10 Adults, $5 Students/Seniors
Children 5 and under FREE
Parents of the Class
of 2015
Create a Senior Ad for your child.
Show them how proud you are of their accomplishments!
Go to the Shepherd Hill website and click on the Yearbook
link for more information.
It’s easy, fun & students love it.
Please turn in your Entertainment
book fundraising money to Ms.
Incutto in Guidance!
Page 4
November 2014
News from the Guidance Department
Report Cards
The first marking term of the 2014-2015
school year will close on Friday, October
31. Report cards will be issued on
Friday, November 7. Please
review these carefully with
your child.
A copy of the first quarter Honor Roll will be
posted in the front office and guidance office
shortly after grades are issued. Please check
the lists to verify your honor roll status.
DAR (Daughters of the American
Good Citizen Award
Peer Tutoring
Peer Tutoring Services are now available. If you or
your student are looking for peer tutoring services,
please talk to their guidance counselor to begin this
process. Peer Tutoring will begin after your son/
daughter has stayed after with their teacher twice.
Michael Foss!
Michael was nominated by the faculty
and voted by the senior class to be the
recipient of the DAR Good Citizen
Award. Michael now enters the competition for
state and possibly national honors.
Congratulations and Good Luck, Michael!
SAT Registration
Students may register online to take the
SAT at Shepherd
Hill’s school code is 220698. A credit card is
required to register. You will get an immediate
confirmation and admission ticket. You can take either the SAT or up
to three Subject Tests during a given test administration, but do not
register separately for each test administered. The next local test is
December 6 at Tantasqua Regional High School. Deadline to
register is November 6 (or by November 24 with a late fee).
November is
Enrollment Figures
October 1, 2014
MCAS Retest Schedule
for November:
ELA—November 5, 6 & 7
Math —November 12 & 13
Grade 9
Grade 10
Grade 11
Grade 12
November is college application month. Finish
your essays; network for your letters of
recommendation; and complete your online
applications. See your guidance counselor for
Page 5
On November 2nd we will be changing our clocks back
to standard time. We also urge you to use the “extra” hour
to replace batteries in your smoke and carbon monoxide
alarms. If a fire starts in your home you may have less than
a minute to escape. A properly operating smoke alarm is
the only effective way to cut the risk of dying in a home
fire nearly in half by providing the early warning and
critical extra seconds needed to escape. Statistics show that
home fires kill an average of seven people every day. We
can reduce this number by maintaining smoke and carbon
monoxide alarms.
At this time of year we must be reminded of our
heating system maintenance. Most heating
systems produce carbon monoxide and if it is
not working properly can produce lethal
amounts. Remember, carbon monoxide is a
colorless, odorless and tasteless gas
that is extremely toxic. It displaces the
oxygen in the bloodstream which can
lead to unconsciousness, brain damage or
even death. You can reduce this risk by having your
heating system serviced including the chimney and vent
pipes. Direct vent systems need to be checked following
snowstorms to make sure falling or drifting snow has not
blocked the vent which can lead to high amounts of carbon
monoxide backing up into your home.
Also clothes dryers will be used more often in the
colder weather. Be sure to keep the filter screens and vents
to the outside clean from excess lint. When accumulated
lint clogs the vent, the dryer can overheat and a fire could
Captain David J. Konieczny
Fire Prevention Officer
Bowling Club will be starting soon! Please see
Mr. Dembkowski about information regarding the
actual start date. Bowling Club is open to all High
School students whether you are a bowler or
not. Practices run on Mondays and
league matches are on Fridays.
Times will be announced and
students are responsible for
finding their own rides.
Hope to see you there!
November 2014
competed on Wednesday, October 8th,
at Shrewsbury High School placing
third. Special congratulations go to
our high scorer senior Brian Mayville.
Brian was the second overall high
scorer for our entire division!
Second place for the Shepherd Hill team went to
sophomore Matthew Spahl, and third place was a tie
between senior Lance Harms and senior co-captain Justyna
Competing also at this meet were seniors co-captain
Mike Foss, Gabby Ray and Fay Wang. J unior
competitors were Alex Tkachenko, Julianne Holby,
Jasmine Inim, Jeff Morrissey, and Meghan Pratt. Also
competing were sophomore Katherine Weinberg and
freshmen Scott McKinstry. The team is looking forward to
competing on November 12th at Shrewsbury High School.
New classes are always starting. Student must be 15 yrs. 9
months prior to class start date. To secure a spot in a class,
submit the following to the Principal’s Office (or mail to
SHRHS Drivers Education, 68 Dudley-Oxford Rd., Dudley,
MA 01571) :
п‚· Check payable to Dudley-Charlton Regional School
District for $265—which is 50% of the course fee. (Total
cost is $530 to be paid in full prior to the conclusion of
classroom sessions). The fee covers the classroom portion
and all driving instruction.
п‚· PRINT Full name including middle initial, address,
telephone number, date of birth and student I.D.#
Classes limited to 40 students determined on a “first to signup” basis. All classroom and monetary requirements must be
fulfilled before student is allowed to participate in the onroad instruction.
New Class starting in December.
Check the school website (under the Driver’s Education
quick link) for complete dates.
Page 6
October has been a very busy month for the
Student Council! The Student Council hosted
Homecoming, the Freshman BBQ and a Student
Teacher Trivia night. Committees are also hard at work
planning for upcoming events including, a second
Student Teacher Trivia, Pep Rally and the well-known
Mr. Shepherd Hill.
In the beginning of the month, the Student Council
hosted a Freshman BBQ. The Freshmen BBQ is a
social event planned for freshmen so they can be
included in school events and meet new people in their
grade. All freshmen were invited to attend a fun social
outing with games and a cookout. It took place on
October 3, before a home football game, and it was
once again a success.
The student council also hosts a monthly StudentTeacher Trivia after school in the library, typically on
Friday afternoons. The past Student Teacher Trivia
held in the month of October was the very first trivia
that the teachers have won. Congratulations team Ram
Squad! We will be hosting our next Student Teacher
Trivia on Friday November 7 at 3:30 in the library.
On November 5, thirty student council members
will be traveling to Blackstone Valley Tech in Mendon,
MA. for the CDMASC fall conference. During this
leadership conference students will hear from a guest
speaker, Kyle Scheele, a youth speaker who shows
students how to overcome the difficulties in their lives
by telling amazing, incredible, world-changing stories.
After the keynote speaker, students will also attend
various workshops. This is a wonderful opportunity for
our students to build upon their leadership skills.
Tues., Nov. 4—Ram Tryouts (After School)
Nov. 20-26—Spirit Week
 Thurs., Nov. 20—Tie Dye Day
 Fri., Nov. 21—Boston Day
 Mon., Nov. 24—Twin Day
 Tues., Nov. 25—Class Color Day (White—
Freshmen; Red—Sophomores; Blue—Juniors;
 Wed., Nov. 26—Maroon & Gold Day
Mr. Shepherd Hill
Thursday, November 20 (7:00 p.m.)
Tickets: $5 Students; $10 Adults
The boys have been selected and have been
rehearsing and preparing for the show. Mr.
Shepherd Hill is one of the school’s most
well-known events and always sells out.
Purchase your ticket early!
November 2014
This year, the Student Council replaced the V-Dance with a
homecoming. On Saturday October 25, decorations transformed the
cafeteria into a “fall fantasy.” Students from all grades danced the
night away for our celebratory homecoming dance. Congratulations
to our appointed court: Amber Boraccini, Zachary Magdis, Oktawia
Prussman, Sean McKeon and to our
queen Samantha Therrien and king Daniel
Gilligan. A big thanks to the student
council committee members who spent
many hours planning and organizing this
successful event. A special thanks to
Kylie Chupka and Sally Cederberg,
the chairmen of the event. We can’t wait
to plan the future homecomings and see
what they will bring!
Page 7
November 2014
MIAA 18th Annual Wellness Summit
On October 24th Jay Dahlstrom, Emily Sprague, and Olivia Kiritsis attended the
MIAA 18th Annual Wellness Summit held at the Doubletree hotel in Westborough.
The aforementioned students are currently on the Superintendents Advisory Council
and were very excited to attend the informative conference sessions and ecstatic to
support/observe former Superintendent Mr. Gilrein receiving the Michael J. Kane
Wellness Award. The day was filled with knowledgeable sessions encompassing
various health topics:
Substance Abuse Prevention
Hazing and Bullying Prevention
Healthy Relationships and Teen Sexuality
Sports Injury Prevention
Team Building and Leadership
The Female Athlete
Healthy Life Choices
Jay, Emily, Olivia, Ms. Incutto and Ms. Gustafson attended the following sessions:
A Mother’s Journey Through Faith Hope and Courage—Presented by Lisa Brodeur
Through a mother’s eyes, experience the tragic loss of life, a coma, the loss of
independence, hardship, pain and suffering. You will also feel the faith, hope, and courage
the presenter has that helped her survive. Participants will be inspired to make good
decisions, have the courage to “say no” to impaired driving of any kind, and to never give
up no matter where life’s journey takes you.
I Got Lucky—Presented by Scott Maloney
A 2004 night of drinking, led to a tragic fall and life threatening injuries. Through a
traumatic brain injury survivor’s eyes, learn about the destructive and life-changing
consequences and decisions that were made under the influence of alcohol.
GeekSox—Presented by Aaron Polansky
Transforming Cultures, Changing Lives Ballroom Baldwin To wear your “GeekSox” is to
be passionate and undeterred. Believe in yourself because your decisions are kind, honest,
and improve situations. Wear your hypothetical “GeekSox” and focus on the little things
that make the biggest difference. People who are comfortable in their “GeekSox” have an easier time focusing on what is truly
important while building meaningful connections with those around them.
Social Media Safety Ballroom Autumn—Presented by Jay Campbell, Strategic Social Consulting
This program is designed to educate participants about social media safety and the long term effects that poor choices can have.
Through studies and experiences, this interactive workshop demonstrates the power of social media; both positive and negative.
Attendees will gain a better understanding about social media. A highlight of the workshop will feature how we can safely participate
in social media platforms and “stay connected” while at the same time protecting private information.
Unique Challenges Facing Female Athletes: A Model For Success—Presented by Dr. Jeff LaCure
Not only do female athletes have to worry about making the team, playing and succeeding, they face many other important challenges
such as; building healthy relationships with friends and dating partners;
overcoming body image issues and maintaining a healthy lifestyle.
Lad in a Battle—Presented by James Orrigo
Lad in a Battle is a positive movement created to encourage people to
go beyond themselves to help others. This inspirational workshop
presentation motivates all through story and song.
Finding Your Voice—Presented by Jeff Levin
Through music and discussion, this workshop helps participants “find
their voice”. Participants are inspired to live in a soulful way, choose
courage even in the face of fear, and follow their passions. Tools to
build community are discussed leading to personal, team, and
community greatness.
Page 8
November 2014
Shepherd Hill photography students participated in the
2014 Massachusetts High School Photography Exhibit
The Massachusetts Art Education Association, in cooperation with the New England Art Education Conference, is continuing a
series of art education exhibitions in the second floor atrium/gallery space at the State Transportation Building in Boston. In past
years, photography teachers for grades 9-12 have submitted student work for a “first” exhibit of each school year. The
past photography exhibits were very successful and the founders received a lot of positive feedback from students, parents and
teachers as well as the general public and employees in the State Transportation Building. The exhibit will be open Monday Friday, 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. The exhibit will not be open on weekends and holidays.
Student photographers are: Nicole Burke, Kaitlin Gevry, Angela Jeffers, Chloe Jolin, Madison Prunier, Emily Quinn, Katie
Romano, Brenna Sweeney and Erin Wilbur.
Angela Jeffers
Brenna Sweeney
Erin Wilbur
Page 9
November 2014
Katie Romano
Kaitlin Gevry
Nicole Burke
Chloe Jolin
Madison Prunier
Emily Quinn
Page 10
November 2014
Foreign Language Department—Mrs. Robidoux
The Foreign Language Department has had many activities throughout October. It is
amazing to see the progress of our students within the first few months of the school year. They
seem to enthusiastically welcome the challenges of developing their ability to use the target
language and even extend their excitement to find opportunities outside of the classroom to use
the language.
On the day of parent conferences I was visited by three of my Mandarin 1 students who
could not wait until we had class again after Columbus Day weekend to tell me of their exciting
experience using Mandarin in Jasmine’s Restaurant. They even allowed me to video tape
themselves expressing what they said and how thrilled the Chinese employees were to converse
with them in Mandarin. It was truly a win-win situation. Breaking the barriers of communication
and developing friendships is so rewarding to one studying foreign languages. Just imagine the
global connections which can be made, if there is a better means of communication and a better
understanding of diverse cultures.
Studying a language means tasting various foods and drinks. Some of the French students
have tasted Brie cheese, Ratatouille, and Quiche Lorraine. The Mandarin students have tasted
Longevity Noodles, Mooncakes, and will soon be trying a variety of teas. Spanish classes are
working on video projects which involve preparing a dish at home and presenting it in class. A
hands on approach is exciting and fun for all.
The foreign language teachers have put the ceiling mount projectors and the availability of
internet access to learning programs to great use over the last several months. The access to
popular music and lyrics, games, and resources to festivals, museums, historical sites, etc. has been readily used by our teachers to enhance
the program. We are all grateful for the projectors in our department.
Some of Mrs. Lenter’s French students have made commercials in French to advertise products. Others have done power point
presentations on French designers. How useful it will be to those students who wish to pursue a career in advertising and fashion design to
have actually had prior experience beginning in high school.
We are hoping to have a session this year for our students to learn Latin dance. This is something we have done in the past and hope to
offer to our students in the near future. Foreign language study entails all aspects of life.
Our department also intends to make connections with the Peace Corps correspondents in a variety of Spanish, French, and Mandarin
speaking countries. Making connections and developing an understanding of how others live their lives is truly a 21 st century skill to be
Mrs. Andersen and I had the great experience of attending the Massachusetts Foreign
Language Conference in Sturbridge. There were workshops given by foreign language
professionals from abroad and through the U.S. including Rhodes Scholars. It was interesting
to Mrs. Andersen to attend workshops conducted in Latin. This is a current trend.
Our department has a common goal to conduct classes primarily in the target language, even
at the beginning levels. We aim for the target language to be used 90% of the time. This may
sound daunting to some parents or guardians, but envision the heightened proficiency of our
students. Please understand that clarifications are given in English, when needed or stress
levels of students need to be alleviated. Communicating is our goal and if students begin to
accept the language as a tool it will come more naturally. Our teachers believe that students
will become stronger in ability and be less apt to forget the language after high school, like
some adults now feel happened to them.
It is an ambition of mine to create an advocacy program for the study of foreign languages at
an earlier age in our district. Just imagine how useful it would be, if our students could
develop proficiency in a second or even third language. Their career opportunities would
multiply and their sense of value to employers would increase tremendously. Please support
the growth of this program to prepare our students for the challenges that await our everchanging world. We are seeking native guest speakers to come to our classrooms to tell of
their experiences and open our students’ eyes to the adventures and opportunities that will
come their way as they strengthen their skills in foreign language acquisition.
Page 11
November 2014
News from the Athletic Department
Winter Athletics Registration
Winter Sports
Registration will run from November 3rd –November 14th
All registrations will be done on line. Please visit dcr sd.or g
Shepher d Hill
Athletics to r egister .
1. Login to your account at the bottom of the page. Your saved information from a previous season will be
available to edit. Select your child and register him/her for the appropriate sport. If you don't have an
account, proceed to step 2 and you can create an account as part of your registration.
2. Athletes must have a current qualifying sports physical exam form on file in the Nurse's Office.
Physicals are good for 13 months from exact date of your last physical. Parents must also complete a Pre-Participation
(Concussion) form prior to EACH season. You can find a copy of the concussion form linked to the registration page. You
must submit hard copies of these forms to the Nurse's office or scan and submit them here.
3. Fill out and submit the Online Registration Form here.
Team Orientation
Monday, November 24 (6:30 p.m.)
Athlete and parent (or adult sponsor) must attend TeamOrientation Night. Monday, November 24th at 6:30 p.m.
in the Shepherd Hill Gymnasium.
If you have not played a sport this year you and a parent
must attend the general session at 6:30 in the gymnasium
and then proceed to the team meetings listed below. If
you attended the general session for Fall Sports, then you
and a parent only have to attend the individual team meetings starting at 7 pm in the following locations:
 Boys' Basketball—Main Gym
 Girls' Basketball—Library
 Boys' & Girls' Indoor Track—Auditorium Side of
пЃЇ Wrestling - Gym Side of Cafe
First Day
Winter try-outs / practice begin Monday December 1st. Tryout schedules will be posted on the athletics page by
November 24th.
All candidates must have a physical on file in the nurse’s
office dated within the last 13 months. Candidates will not be
able to try-out / practice unless this requirement is fulfilled.
Athletics Fees
The $150.00 winter athletic fee will be due Tuesday,
November 25th. In order for a student to begin practice or try
-out this requirement must be satisfied. To fulfill this
requirement the fee, or a written request for an extension or
payment plan must be submitted. Waivers are granted to
those students who qualify for the Free & Reduced Lunch
Online Fee Payment!!!
We are very excited to introduce an online option to pay your athletic fees. You will see the link on the Athletics page along
with the link to register.
You have two (2) options for paying online; either by electronic check or by credit card.
1. Electronic Check—You will need one of your checks with you when you pay online in order to get your account number
and the bank’s routing number from it. You will be shown where this information is on your check. There will be a $0.25
processing fee assessed for all electronic check payments.
2. Credit Card—We accept MasterCard and Discover for credit card payments. There will be a convenience fee for each
online payment. The credit card service provider charges the fee to your credit card. When paying by credit card, the fee
amount will appear in a separate box and will be totaled with the amount of the tax.
Page 12
November 2014
News from the Music Department
Shepherd Hill
21st Annual Fall Invitational
Cheerleading Tournament
Cheerleading Tryouts!
Cheerleading Tryouts Winter Season will be held on
Monday, November 24, & Tuesday, November 25,
from 3:00-4:30 p.m. at Shepher d Hill in the White
Gym. It is very important that each individual has an
updated physical in the Nurse’s Office! Please read the
“Physicals” section for updated information. A preparticipation head injury form is also required for each
season. Information packets are available in the
cheerleading. If you have any questions
regarding cheerleading tryouts please contact Loretta
Andre at or Maddie Zabka at
Sun., Nov. 2nd (1:00 p.m.)
Admission: $7 adults/$4 students/senior
This tournament is hosted by the Shepherd Hill Varsity and Junior
Varsity Cheerleaders. The Shepherd Hill JV and Varsity
cheerleaders will perform an exhibition at 1:00 p.m.
MSSAA Central Massachusetts Regional
Sun., Nov. 16th (Time TBD by the MSSAA)
Shepherd Hill Regional High School
Admission: $10 adults/$7 students/senior citizens
We Need Your Talent in the Kitchen!
Do you have a favorite recipe for cookies….
The best banana bread around….
Cake, pies, squares, jam, relish?
Please help us by making your specialty and
sending it to school with your child on
Friday, November 21. All proceeds from
the craft fair support the Music Department.
The Shepherd Hill Varsity Cheerleaders would love to
our school support and come cheer them on at the
Central Mass Regional Championship. The top two
teams in the Central Massachusetts Championship
will move on to the State Cheerleading
Championship the following week. Please come
support the Lady Rams!
Please include a list of all ingredients, or a copy of the recipe
(per order of the Board of Health)
Interested in helping out on Craft Fair Day? Just let
us know what times are convenient for you!
Contact the Music Department at 508-9436700 x 182 or
It’s That Time Again!
Shepherd Hill Regional High School
Music Parents Association
Festival of Crafts
Join the Shepherd Hill Choirs for
Saturday, November 22, 2014
9:00 am - 4:00 pm
100's of Crafters!
Holiday Shopping at it's Finest!
A “Holiday Spectacular”
Friday, December 12, & Saturday, December 13, 2014
7:00 PM
The Shepherd Hill Auditorium will be transformed into a Christmas
Village as we celebrate in song and dance with Rudolph, Frosty and
friends. This Rockin’ Radio City Music Hall style show will get the
whole family into a holiday mood. And Santa is sure to make a
surprise visit!
Tickets go fast—don’t miss out! Tickets are reserved seating and are
available online at For your
convenience, we have added a new online payment
option. Or you can contact Connie Galli at 508-9436700 x182 or
$1.00 off regular Admission
Present This
Coupon at
the Door to
save $1.00
on Admission
Shepherd Hill Regional High School
68 Dudley-Oxford Road
Dudley, MA 01571
Phone: 508-943-6700
Fax: 508-943-5956
“...committed to
with pride and unity.”
We’re on the web!
The Shepherd Hill Music Parents Association
Presents the 23rd Annual
Saturday, November 22, 2014
9:00 a.m.—4:00 p.m. at Shepherd Hill
в–є Over 125 Top-Quality Crafters and Artisans
в–є Hand-Made Holiday Gifts at reasonable prices
Save $1 off our
► Crafters’ Raffle
$5 Admission
в–є Home-Baked Desserts in Our Country
with coupon
on Page 12
в–є Package Carry-Out Service
в–є Free Shuttle Service from Dudley Middle School
в–є Delicious Breakfast and Lunch Items available at the Concession Stand