MAMARONECK PUBLIC SCHOOLS 2014-2015 CALENDAR Annabelle Sharenow, tempera paint Alexy Lefebvre, stoneware Dori Jacobson, photograph WELCOME TO THE MAMARONECK UNION FREE SCHOOL DISTRICT DISTRICT MISSION STATEMENT: It is the mission of the Mamaroneck School District to promote intellectual engagement and an appreciation of learning as an inherently rewarding activity, to prepare students to function as responsible citizens, and to prepare students to live in a multi-cultural world. DISTRICT DIRECTORY Main District Number 220-3000 If an extension in the district begins with a “3” it may be dialed directly from the outside using the 220 exchange. Visit the Mamaroneck Schools on the web at To email staff members use CENTRAL ADMINISTRATION in the Post Road building of the High School. Superintendent of Schools Robert I. Shaps, Ed.D. 220-3005 Assistant Superintendent for Student Support Services Anthony T. Minotti, Ed.D. 220-3060 Assistant Superintendent for Business Operations Meryl Rubinstein 220-3040 Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum & Instruction Annie Ward 220-3032 BOARD OF EDUCATION 220-3100 220-3300 220-3400 220-3500 220-3601 220-3700 220-3471 Elementary Schools ................. 8:40 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. Kindergarten dismissal on half days .............11:40 a.m. Hommocks Middle School ....... 7:54 a.m. – 2:57 p.m. Mamaroneck High School............. 8 a.m. – 2:30 p.m. (days 1 - 4) 8 a.m. – 2:34 p.m. (day 5) BOARD OF EDUCATION 220-3007 The district is governed by a seven-member Board of Education. Board members are district residents, each elected to serve a three-year term without pay. The Board’s primary responsibility is to establish policies for the educational program and the management of the school district. The Superintendent and the administration are responsible for the execution of these policies. SCHOOLS Mamaroneck High School Hommocks Middle School Central School Chatsworth Avenue School Mamaroneck Avenue School Murray Avenue School Pre K (Guidance Center) SCHOOL HOURS BOARD MEMBERS 2014-2015: Carol Priore George McNally Ann LoBue, President........................................... 833-1216 Melany Gray, Vice President ................................ 834-5732 Roger Martin ......................................................... 777-1644 James Needham, Secretary ................................. 834-5278 Robin Nichinsky ..........................................834-7317 220-3020 Nancy Pierson..............................................834-2449 220-3080 Steve Warner ........................................................ 924-2795 Bari Suman 220-3160 Dr. Michael Kollmer Debbie Manetta Lori Freeman Dina Madden Lauren Leone 220-3076 220-3070 220-3062 220-3140 220-3035 Transportation Department Tammi Godbee District Clerk Joanne Rice District Treasurer Philip Silano District Translator Maria Elena Carullo Instructional Coaches/District-Wide Services: Lisa Ramos-Hillegers – Hommocks Literacy Coach Andrew Hess – Assistive Technology (district-wide) Mariana Ivanov – Elementary Math Coach 220-3390 220-3007 220-3049 220-3069 DISTRICT SERVICES Administrator for Personnel Director of Facilities Director of Health, Physical Education & Athletics Director of Research, Assessment & Accountability Director of Public Information Director of Special Education K-12 Coordinator of Music, K-12 Temporary Purchasing Agent AVISO: Este año, hemos traducido el calendario al español. Quien quiera recibir la versión en español, escuela de su niño/a. ¡Gracias! SCHOOL CLOSINGS-DELAYED OPENINGSOR EMERGENCIES In an emergency, school closing or delayed opening, the District will contact you through e-mail and our automated phone messaging system and post information on the website at Please do not call the local schools or the police. 2-2 blasts at 7:30am. Local radio stations including WVOX (1460AM), WFAS (1230FM) and cable TV carry cancellation notices. When weather is uncertain, the opening of school may be delayed by one or two hours. cable TV will carry this information and you should receive an automated phone message. Please make contingency plans for your children, as they cannot be left at school. Teachers and administrators will not be arriving until the delayed opening time. SCHOOL NOTICES STUDENT RECORDS/INFORMATION 2014-2015 Board of Education Members featured above Left to right, bottom: Melany Gray (Vice President), Ann LoBue (President), James Needham (Secretary) Top: Trustees Robin Nichinsky, Steve Warner, Nancy Pierson and Roger Martin WEBSITE Visit regularly for information about Mamaroneck School District, including News & Announcements, our calendar, special events and up-to-date information on school closings in inclement weather. The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) affords parents and students over 18 years of age (“eligible student”) certain rights with respect to the student’s education records. It covers the following: 1. The right to inspect and review the student’s education records within 45 days of the day the school receives a request for access in writing to the Superintendent of Schools. 2. The right to request the amendment of the student’s education records that the parent or eligible student believes are inaccurate or misleading. 3. released or made available to persons other than parent(s) or guardian(s) or students without the written consent of such parent(s) or guardian(s) or student. FERPA authorizes the disclosure of personal information without consent in limited circumstances, such as criminal investigations. 4. Please be advised that the School District designates the following items as Directory Information, and may disclose any ONE CALL NOW Mamaroneck Schools works with a company called One Call Now, which gives us the capability to communicate important District information through an automated phone message, as well as through mass e-mail and texting. This is our primary source of communication in the event of emergency and/or upon unanticipated school closure or early dismissal. PARENT PORTAL To verify your emergency contact information, please use the Parent Portal. Each family has a Parent Portal log-on/password. If you are new to the District or need support in using the Parent Portal, please call Mike Kollmer, Director of Research, Assessment & Accountability, at 220-3076. STUDENT ABSENCE CALL-IN PROCEDURES If your child is absent, please call the nurse at your child’s school or: 220-3250 for Hommocks, 220-3350 for MHS, 220-3150 CAFETERIA SERVICES The Mamaroneck schools are pleased to offer a breakfast program for students at Mamaroneck Avenue School, Hommocks Middle School and Mamaroneck High School. The full price will be $1.20. Children entitled to free lunch are also entitled to free breakfast. Children entitled to reduced-price lunch will be charged 25 cents for breakfast. The Mamaroneck schools are proud to offer a healthful and nutritious lunch program in cooperation with Aramark. These choices are printed on the monthly menu, which is on our website: 2014-2015 lunch prices are $2.70 for elementary and $2.95 for MHS & Hommocks. Reduced price: $.25. All students are entitled to apply to participate in our free and reduced-price lunch programs. Eligibility is based on family income. Applications and information will be distributed over the summer and will be posted on the website. Applications are due 5. 6. the contrary, in writing, to the Superintendent of Schools, by the parent/guardian or eligible student by Friday, September 12, 2014. student’s name, address, telephone number, date and place of birth, major course of study, participation in school activities or sports, weight and height if a member of an athletic team, dates of attendance, degrees and awards received, most recent school attended, photographs and e-mail address. The following additional information will only be provided to the PTA and other school-related organizations: the parent/guardian name, student/ parent/guardian address, email address, and telephone number. The District publishes a “student directory” for each school building which contains the student and parent names, addresses, and telephone numbers, grade levels, and home room of each student enrolled in the District. Such directories shall be used solely by students, parents, and District employees. Directories shall not be given to anyone outside the District or be used for promotion of any activities unrelated to the District. Please advise the Superintendent of Schools in writing by September 12, 2014, if you do not wish your child’s information to be included in the student directory. Parents have the opportunity to prohibit their child’s participation in any survey that reveals personal information or political beliefs. A parent/guardian can also exclude a child from any activities in which information will be gathered for marketing purposes. In accordance with No Child Left Behind, upon request, the Mamaroneck School District must disclose a high school student’s name, address and telephone number to military recruiters and institutions of higher learning unless the parent/guardian or student 18 years of age or older prohibits release of this information. If you wish to exercise your option to withhold the release of this information, contact Gina Tarascio at 220-3102. or parochial schools within certain limits: For children in grades K-8, the distance between the child’s residence and the school of choice grades 9-12, the distance between the child’s residence and the miles. State law requires that applications for transportation for the 2015-16 school year to private and parochial schools be received by the Transportation Department by 4:00 p.m. on Wednesday, April 1, 2015. Call the Transportation Department at 914-220-3390 for more information. NONDISCRIMINATION POLICY educational and employment opportunities in all of its decisions, programs and activities to ensure the following: 1. Residents of legal school age have equal access to educational programs, classes, extracurricular activities and services without regard to race, color, creed, sex, national origin, religion or handicapping conditions. 2. Equal employment opportunities are extended to all persons without regard to race, sex, age, color, creed, a disability unrelated to performing tasks of the position, national origin, religious or The Board of Education of the Mamaroneck School District is committed to providing to its students and employees an environment free from all forms of unlawful harassment, including sexual harassment. Any student or employee who believes that he or she has been subjected to unlawful harassment should report the alleged misconduct so that appropriate corrective action may be taken. The Board of Education’s of Human Resources, Dr. Paul Arilotta, and Staff Assistant to Personnel, Janet Childs, serve as District Compliance Coordinators for this policy. PROHIBITION OF SMOKING ON SCHOOL PROPERTY In accordance with state and federal laws, smoking is prohibited in all school buildings and on school property during school hours, including all school-sponsored events. The law bans smoking, not only during regular school hours and in all school buildings, but also during times when school-sponsored events take place anywhere on school property. This includes outdoor as well as indoor sporting events, PTA functions, school concerts, etc. The law pertains to everyone, not just students. PESTICIDE APPLICATION NOTICE New York State Education Law, Section 409-H, requires all public and nonto all persons in parental relation, faculty and staff regarding the potential use of pesticides periodically throughout the school year. Individuals may register to receive a written notice at least 48 hours prior to any pesticide application. Additionally, you may request information about the products that are applied, including any warnings that may appear on TRANSPORTATION For Information on the latest Mamaroneck Schools happenings, visit The District provides transportation by public carrier or yellow bus to students residing within the district who are attending public, private SCHOOL NOTICES CHILD FIND Child Find refers to activities undertaken by public education agencies to identify, locate, and evaluate children residing in the State, including children attending private schools, who are suspected of having disabilities, regardless of the severity of their disability, and determine the child's need for special education and related services. The purpose is to locate these children so that a free appropriate public education can be made available. The types of disabilities that, if found, may cause a child to need services are: autism, deaf-blindness, deafness, emotional disturbance, hearing impairment, mental retardation, multiple disabilities, orthopedic impairment, other health impairment due to chronic or acute health problems, traumatic brain injury and visual impairment including blindness. Parents who believe their child has a disability may request in writing, that an evaluation be conducted to determine if the child is eligible to receive special education services. Written Services. Children placed by their parents in private schools located within the geographic boundaries of other public school districts should refer their children to the special education located. Children enrolled in private kindergarten and/or 220-3060. Children ages birth to 3 can access a variety of services to meet their individual needs through Westchester County Department of Health’s Early Intervention Program. Call 914-813-5094 for further information. RADAR Larchmont-Mamaroneck RADAR (Responsible Action: A Drug and Alcohol Resource) is a community coalition devoted to reducing underage drinking and drug use. RADAR initiatives are designed around helping youth make safe and healthy choices; they are built on the premise that it is the collective responsibility of our entire community to help reduce substance use/abuse among our youth. The Mamaroneck School District works as a partner with RADAR in its efforts to educate our children and parents on the issues surrounding drug and alcohol use. For more information, visit or call 834-6041. SCHOOL BUDGET VOTE INFORMATION THE BUDGET PROCESS The development of the school budget begins in the fall with the formulation of goals and objectives by the Board of Education. These goals provide the parameters for the instructional staff that determine classroom needs for the following year. The Superintendent reviews their requests and works to make sure the requests support the goals of the district. The superintendent will also seek input from parents and members of the community. By spring, the Superintendent will present a proposed budget to the Board of Education. At public study sessions, the Board of quality educational programs for students while recognizing the by the New York State Education Department to be submitted to the community for its approval on the third Tuesday in May. Community residents are urged to attend budget study sessions and share their ideas and concerns with the Board of FOR INFORMATION ABOUT THE BUDGET: The District strives to provide residents with information about the proposed and on the District website calendar. included on the District website, in e-mail announcements put out by the District and in a budget newsletter mailed to all District residents. VOTER REGISTRATION: To vote on the budget and in the school board election, you must be: A United States citizen; A resident of the district for 30 days or more At least 18 years old; You are registered if you have voted at least once during the past four years or if you have personally registered with the District Clerk of the School District. budget is distributed through a mailing to all residents before the vote day and on the district website. is one district wide registration day in May. Board of Education elections take place at the same time as the All primary residence owners are eligible for the Basic STAR Program that provides savings on school property taxes. New 30 days prior to the vote. older may be eligible for additional savings depending upon their income. For more information about school board elections or voting, call the District Clerk at 220-3007. TAX SAVINGS FOR HOMEOWNERS ABSENTEE BALLOTS September SUNDAY MONDAY PTA Council Mtgs Held Monthly Mtgs are open to the public and held in a variety of locations throughout the six district schools. Check the PT Council website,, for scheduled locations or for more info. TUESDAY 1 WEDNESDAY Conference Day STUDENTS DO ONT ATTEND First Day of School 2 8:40-11:30 am All Elem dismissal) 7:30pm Schl Bd Mtg/ MHS Tiered Clsm 7 8 ALL MODIFIED SPORTS BEGIN-HOM MUR – Back-to-Schl Night 6pm - Gr 2 6:45pm - Gr 1 7:30pm – Gr K 15 MAS Back-to-Schl Night 6pm Gr 3 6:45pm Gr 4 6:45 5th Grade Mandatory Parent 7:15 Gr. 5 21 9 9am MAS Gr Level Rep Mtg 9:15 am Orntn/Lunchroom MUR – Back to School Night 6pm – Gr 5 6:45pm - Gr 4 7:30pm - Gr 3 22 CEN Back-to-Schl Night 6 pm Kdgn & Pre-K morning session 6:45pm Grade 1 7:30pm Grade 2 23 2:30-3:30pm MAS Class/Parent Teacher Mtg CHAT Back-to-Schl Night 6:00pm - Gr 2 6:45pm - Gr K 7:30pm - Gr 1 6:30-7:30pm - CHAT Info Fair 7 pm MHS 9th grade parents meet with counselors./McLain 7:54 am- 2:57 pm HOM Gr 7 & 8 First Day of Schl MHS Gr 10, 11 & 12 First Day of Schl 9am, 3pm & 7pm MAS Mandatory 10 MAS Back To Schl Night 6pm Gr. K 6:45 Gr. 1 7:30pm Gr. 2 29 5 6 12 13 6:30pm HOM Gr 6 Meet Your Counselor Night 7pm HOM Gr 6 Back-to-Schl Night/ Clsms 17 18 FULL DAY KINDERGARTEN BEGINS 8:45 am - 10:15 am Back Bkfst/HOM Caf 7 pm MHS Gr 12 Parents Meet w/Counselors /MHS Palmer Gallery (Open schl hours through 10/17) 9:15 am PTA Council 1:30-2:45pm /MHS N101 3 pm CEN Slice of Summer/First Grade Playground 6:30pm HOM Gr 7 Sharpe Orntn/Aud 7pm HOM Gr 7 & 8 Back-to-Schl Night/Clsms 24 9:15am CHAT PTA membership 9:15am MUR Room Reps Gr K-5 mtg/Lunchroom 3-4 pm HOM Summer Clearance- 11 SCHOOLS CLOSED 25 HOM Gr 6 Fun Day MAS Fruity Friday 3:15pm MUR Ice Cream Social for Families & Teachers (raindate 9/19)/ Large Playground Dusk HOM Drive In Movie/Lawn 19 9:15am MUR PTA General Membership Mtg/Lunchroom MHS Seniors meet w/counselors at lunch 5:30 - 7:30 pm Mamaroneck Schls 20 Mamaroneck Schls Triathlon 6:30 am Arrive 6:30pm Movie (Rain date 9/20) SCHOOLS CLOSED 26 27 CEN Back-to-Schl Night 6 pm Grade 3 6:45pm Grade 4 7:30pm Grade 5 ROSH HASHANAH 28 SATURDAY 3 Children's Corner and KEEPS Begin4 9 am 9 am 9 am MAS K/New Parent Breakfast 9 & 10:45 am Lib 10 am 7 pm HOM Fall Sports Parent Info Night/Aud 16 CHAT Back-to-Schl Night 6 pm - Gr 5 6:45pm - Gr 3 7:30pm - Gr 4 6:30-7:30pm - CHAT Info Fair 7:30 pm Schl Bd Study Session/MHS Lib Clsm FRIDAY (Kdgn --10:30 am Orntn (Gr 9 only) 1-3 pm HOM Summer Clearance 14 THURSDAY 7:54 am - 12 Noon HOM (Gr 6 only) 8:00 am - MHS Freshman 8:30 am-12 Noon SCHOOLS CLOSED LABOR DAY HOM Summer Clearance - All Sports 9/8: 11am-4pm 9/9: 3-3;30pm 2014 ROSH HASHANAH 30 HOM Padres Unidos Mtg/Lib 7 pm Charlie Saez, pencil , ink 2014 October SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY 1 2 5pm & 6:45pm MUR School Photos 9:15 am SEPTA Diner Networking 7 pm SATURDAY 3 - 6:15pm MHS Pre-Mtg Back-to. /MHS Lib 7 pm MHS Back-to-Schl Night All Grades MAS Fruity Friday YOM KIPPUR Courtney Sawyer, watercolor 5 6 7 pm MHS Intro to Science Research Parent/Mtg/MHS Tiered Classrom 10/6 - 10/10 12 13 7 9:15am Central Perks w/SEPTA 1:30-2:45pm HABLEMOS CEN (PreK-5) 6:45pm HOM Gr 6 Community Dinner/Lib 7pm Padres Unidos Bds Mtg/ HOM Lib 7:30 pm Schl Bd Study Session/MHS Lib Clsm 14 9:15 am 7:30 pm SEPTA Speaker/HOM Lib SCHOOLS CLOSED 8 MHS Photos 9:15am 10:15 am & 6 pm MAS PTA Open Mtg 1:30-2:45pm HABLEMOS MAS/MAS 7:30 pm MHS Music Parents /MHS Choir Rm 9 HOM Progress Reports Posted CEN School Photo Day MHS Photos 6 - 7:15pm CEN Kindergarten Square Dance 7:30 pm MHS Info Session on /Tiered Clsm 15 10 MAS Spirit Day 9:15am 16 20 17 26 MAS Book Fair 10/28 - 10/30 27 HOM PHOTO DAY MAS Summer Reading Challenge Party 7 pm Tiered Clsm PSAT Tests/MHS 12 Noon- 5 pm HOM Gr 7 Sharpe Overnight /MHS 7 pm 21 28 7pm Elem Padres Unidos Mtg/ MAS APR 18 7:30 pm MHS PACE Fall Play/PACE Theatre (10/15-10/18) 22 -------MAS School Pictures-----9 am & 7:30 pm MHS Parent 7:30 pm CHAT Strings Learn to /Lib Clsm Play Night 4 pm CEN Gr 3 Bring Your Parents to String Class/LGI 7:30 pm Schl Bd Mtg/MHS Tiered Clsm 9:15 am PTA Council 4 pm MAS Gr 3 Bring Your CHAT Fall Book Fair Parents to String Class/Lower 10/20-10-23 Lunchroom 6:30pm CHAT Fall Book Fair Opening Night Event 7 pm SEPTA Road to College Lib 11 SAT Test/MHS CHAT Schl Photos 1:30-2:45pm Mtg/MHS N101 CHAT Schl Photos CEN Scare Fair 7:30 pm PACE Fall Play COLUMBUS DAY 19 4 23 6pm MAS Pizza & Bingo Gr K 6:30pm MHS Financial Aid Night for /Lib Clsm 7:30 pm HOM General PTA Mtg/Lib 7:30 pm MUR Strings Learn to Play Night 29 6-8pm MAS Book Fair Family Night 30 7 pm District Music Faculty Recital/ HOM aud 7 pm MHS Financial Aid Night/ Tiered Classroom EMERGENCY DRILL 24 25 All Elem Schls Dismissed at 2:30 pm ACT Test/MHS 9:15am 6:30 pm Mamaroneck Schls 7:30-9pm HOM Six Mix/Gym 31 1:45pm MAS Halloween Parade 2pm CHAT Halloween Parade November SUNDAY MONDAY 2014 TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY 1 9 am Mock SAT/MHS Post 2 Sports ClearanceIce Hockey & Fencing/MHS 11/3 - 11/7 9 11 am & 2:30 pm CEN Central School Musical Sports Clearance-All Sports/MHS Nurses 11/10 - 11/14 MUR Parents as Reading Partners 11/10 - 11/21 16 Clearance/Nurses 11/18 11am - 3pm 11/19 & 11/20 3-3:30 3 MAS Halloween Candy Exchange 7 pm McLain Auditorium 30 Conference Day STUDENTS DO ONT ATTEND 5 MAS Halloween Candy Exchange MHS Day of Service 7:30 pm Schl Bd Study Session/ MHS Lib Clsm 10 11 12 17 18 MUR Book Fair Small Gym 8 am – 4 pm & 6 – 8 pm 11 am -3 pm / 7pm HOM Padres Unidos Mtg/Lib 7:30 pm Schl Bd Mtg/MHS Tiered Clsm 25 6 9:15 am 9:15am & 7:30pm HOM Gr 6 /Lib 8 pm Area All-State Concert/SUNY Purchase 8:05 am - 10:50 am Gr 6 8:05 am - 11:36 am Gr 7 & 8 11:09am-1:17pm HOM ParentTeacher Brunch/Lib 6:30 - 8 pm CHAT Kdgn Square Dance 13 9:15 am 3-3:30 pm HOM Clearance-Ice Hockey Only 7-8:30 pm CHAT Gr5 Square Dance/ HOM 7:30 pm SEPTA/District Evening /MHS Tiered Clsm 14 8 11 am & 2:30 pm CEN School Musical SAT Test/MHS 15 8:30 - 11:30 am Elem All-County 7pm MAS Parent Night Out 9 am Mock ACT Test/MHS Post Entrance 19 20 21 22 26 27 28 29 MHS Photo Retakes MUR Book Fair 11:30 am All Elem Dismissal 8:30 - 11:30 am Small Gym 8 am – 1 pm Parent-Teacher Conferences Elem All-County 11:30am HOM Senior Luncheon/Lib MUR Book Fair 1:30-2:45pm / Small Gym 8 am – 4 pm & 6 – 8 pm MHS N101 2 pm & 7:30 pm MHS PACE 9:15 am 2pm & 7:30 pm MHS PACE 2 pm & 7:30 pm MHS PACE 6:45pm HOM Gr 8 Community Dinner/Lib 7:30pm MHS PACE Kinesthesia 40th Anniversary/PACE Theatre (11/19-11/22) Plus 2pm on 11/22 Partners 3-3:30 pm HOM Sports 7 pm HOM Variety Show/Aud 7:30 pm SEPTA Road to College Series/MHS Lib 7 MAS Fruity Friday 2 pm All Elem Dismissal 7:30 am MHS Parent/Faculty Bkfst/ 2:30-5:15 pm Elem Parent-Teacher Conferences Concourse 9am 9:15 am HABLEMOS MAS/MAS 1:30-2:45pm HOM Clearance-Ice Hockey Only/ 3 pm HOM Ice Hockey Student /TBD 23 MUR Parents as Reading 24 9:45 am SEPTA Community Event – Village of Mamaroneck Turkey Trot/Harbor Island Park 4 HOM End of 1st Quarter 9:15 am PTA Council 1:30-2:45pm HABLEMOS CEN (PreK-5) 1-3 pm MHS Sports Physicals- MHS First Quarter ends MUR Book Fair Small Gym 8 am-4 pm 3 pm /HOM Gym 7 pm Info Night/Auditorium Jacqueline Devore, watercolor Wade Steely, watercolor ink THANKSGIVING RECESS -- SCHOOLS CLOSED December SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY 1 11 am -4 pm Clearance 1-3 pm 6:30pm-7:30pm Show/Commons 7 2014 -HOM 8 WEDNESDAY 2 9 am - 4 pm CEN Book Fair 9:15am Central Perks 6:30 & 7:30 pm HOM Gr 6, 7, 8 Chorus Concert/Aud 7 pm MHS Gr 11 Parents & Students Meet w/Counselors/McLain 7pm Padres Unidos Bds Mtg/ HOM Lib 7:30 pm Schl Bd Study Session/MHS Lib Clsm 9 1:30-2:45pm HABLEMOS CEN (PreK-5) 2:30 pm & 7pm Mandatory Parent Mtg. 7 pm HOM Gr 6, 7 & 8 Orch Concert/ Aud 14 15 3 11:30 am All Elem Dismissal Parent-Teacher Conferences 9 am-12:30 pm & 6-8 pm CEN Book Fair 9:30 am 7:30 pm MHS Vocal/String Ensemble Concert/McLain Aud 10 9:15 am SEPTA Diner Networking/ 9:30 am 10 am CEN Concert Rhsl 1:30:2:45pm HABLEMOS MAS/ MAS 7:30 pm MHS Band Ensemble Concert/McLain Aud 16 22 23 FRIDAY 4 9 am – 3 pm CEN Book Fair 9:30 am & 7 pm Concert 6:30pm MAS Musical SATURDAY 5 MAS Fruity Friday 7pm MAS Musical 7:30 pm-9:30 pm HOM Gr7 Dance/Gym 1pm & 7pm MAS Musical SAT Test/MHS 11 12 13 18 19 20 25 26 27 10 am CEN Gr 5 Band & Chorus/Gr 4 & 5 Orch Concert Assembly 12 Noon MHS, HOM Choirs Sing at Met Life 6:30 pm 9:30 am & 7 pm 6-8 pm MHS Fall Student Art Show /Palmer Gallery (Open schl hours through 1/15) 7 pm MHS Video Show/PACE Theatre HOM Progress Reports Posted 12:30 pm MHS Homecoming Brunch for Class of 2014/Cafe 7:30 pm / McLain Aud 24 –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– CHRISTMAS 28 29 30 6 HANUKKAH BEGINS 17 10 am & 1:45 pm Concert 6:30 & 7:30 pm HOM Gr 6, 7, 8 Band 9:15 am & 6:30 pm Concert/Aud Concert 7:30 pm Schl Bd Mtg/MHS Tiered Clsm 9:15 am PTA Council 7pm Padres Unidos Holiday /HOM Lib 21 THURSDAY 31 Tori Ilardo,tempera January SUNDAY 2015 MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY Zoe Berg, pencil 4 THURSDAY FRIDAY 1 2 3 8 9 10 16 17 Laura Arike, charcoal 5 SCHOOLS REOPEN 6 7 6:45pm HOM Gr7 Community Dinner/Lib 7:30 pm MHS Honors Recital/Emelin Theatre 11 12 9:15 am PTA Council 7 pm MHS Financial Aid Tiered Classroom SATURDAY / 18 13 9:15am Central Perks 1:30-2:45PM HABLEMOS CEN (PreK-5) 7pm Elem Padres Unidos Mtg/ CEN Gym 7:30 pm Schl Bd Study Session/MHS Lib Clsm 19 SCHOOLS CLOSED BIRTHDAY OBSERVED 14 9:15 am SEPTA Diner Networking 1:30-2:45pm HABLEMOS MAS/ MAS 7 pm /McLain Aud & Caf 20 7pm MHS Padres Unidos Mtg/ Lib Clsm 7:30 pm Schl Bd Mtg/MHS Tiered Clsm 15 7:30 pm MHS PACE Soundscapes/PACE Theatre (1/15-1/17) 1:30-2:45pm Mtg/MHS N101 6pm MAS Pizza & Bingo Gr 1 & 2 21 7:30 pm Sp Ed/CEN MAS Fruity Friday 22 7:30 pm McLain / 23 9:15am 9:15 am MUR PTA Mtg / ParentFaculty Program/Lunchroom MLK DAY OF SERVICE FOR MHS STUDENTS 25 11 am & 2 pm MUR Musical/ Aud 26 27 – – – – – – – –– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – MHS Midterms 7:30 pm Gr 9 Sp Ed/MHS Lib 28 – – – – – – – – – – – – –– – – – – – – –– – – – – – – – MHS Second Quarter ends 6:15pm MHS Financial Aid 7:30 pm SEPTA Speaker /HOM Lib Part II/Post Computer Lab 7:30pm HOM General PTA Mtg/Lib 29 30 HOM End of 2nd Quarter 6:30pm CHAT Family Fun Night 24 [Learn(in)] MHS Faculty Showcase 11 am & 2 pm MUR Musical/ Aud 31 February SUNDAY 2015 MONDAY 1 TUESDAY WEDNESDAY 2 7 pm 8 3 7 pm Padres Unidos Bds Mtg/ HOM Lib 7:30 pm Schl Bd Study Session/ MHS Lib Clsm /HOM Lib 9 15 16 23 5 6-8 pm MHS AP Student Art Show Opening/Palmer Gallery (Open shl hours through 3/9) 7 pm HOM Musical 2 pm 6 pm MAS Pizza & Bingo Gr 3-5 7:30 pm T Gr 6 Sp Ed/HOM Lib 11 SATURDAY 6 MAS Fruity Friday 8:07am-11:05am HOM Real (Snow Date 2/12) 2 & 7 pm HOM Musical 7 pm HOM Musical 12 13 14 18 24 19 20 21 27 28 ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 25 26 7:30 pm MHS Musical/McLain Aud (2/26-2/28) Joyce Xu, watercolor 7 1:30-2:45pm HABLEMOS MAS/MAS 17 7pm HOM Padres Unidos Mtg/Lib 9 am Mock SAT Test/MHS Post Entrance 11am-4pm MAS 7 pm for Parents & Students/McLain (snow date 3/2) 9:15 am PTA Council 9:15 am SEPTA Diner Networking/ – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – SCHOOLS CLOSED — R 22 FRIDAY 4 10 1:30-2:45pm HABLEMOS CEN (PreK-5) 7:30 pm MHS PACE 1 Show 7:30 pm Schl Bd Mtg/MHS Tiered Clsm CEN Building Bridges 2/9 -2/13 THURSDAY 7 pm Info Night-McLain Aud , conte crayon 9:15am CEN 2nd Grade African American History / LGI 1:30-2:45pm PATHS /MHS N101 7:30pm HOM Heritage Dinner/Gym stoneware 2015 March SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY 1 MUR Building WEDNESDAY 2 3 THURSDAY FRIDAY 4 5 9:15 am Superintendent's 3/2 -3/6 6 pm Gr. 3-5 7 pm MAS Open PTA Mtg 7:30pm Central Perks 7:30 pm Schl Bd Study Session/MHS Lib Clsm Spring Sports Clearance ALL SPORTS 8 HOM Spring Sports Clearance/Nurse’s 3/10 11 am -3 pm 3/11 3-3:30pm 9 MAS Snack Monday Gr. K & 1 9:15 am PTA Council 1-3 pm MHS Sports Physicals-MHS 3 pm & 7 pm HOM Spring Sports Student Info Mtg/HOM Gym 15 10 am - 5 pm Mamaroneck Schls Show/MHS Post Rd. Gym 11 am All-County Orchestra Concert/SUNY Purchase HOM Spring Clearance/ 10 1:30-2:45pm HABLEMOS CEN (PreK-5) 7 pm Elem Padres Unidos Mtg/ MAS APR 7:30 pm HOM Parent Network Mtg 11 9:15 am SEPTA Diner Networking/ School/HOM Lib 16 17 18 7:30 pm MHS Freshmen Spring Sports 7pm MHS Padres Unidos Mtg/ Lib Clsm 7:30 pm Schl Bd Mtg/MHS Tiered Clsm MAS Snack Monday Gr. 2 & 3 7 pm McLain Aud Conference Day STUDENTS DO ONT ATTEND 2 pm Shakespeare - 23 HOM MAS Snack Monday Gr. 4 & 5 1-3 pm HOM Sports Physicals/ 9 am & 7:30 pm MHS Parent / Lib Clsm 10 am MAS Gr 3 Strings Concert 1:30-2:45pm HABLEMOS MAS/MAS 24 HOM Progress Reports Posted 3-3:30 pm HOM Spring Sports Clearance 6:30 pm Gr. 1 & 2 7pm CHAT Parents Night Out / 6 MAS Fruity Friday CHAT Musical 1:30pm - Students only 7:00pm - Family & Friends 7 pm 12 CEN Parents Night Out 11 am CHAT Musical 13 7:30 - 9:30 pm MUR Gr 5 Square Dance/MHS Palmer Gym 19 7 14 SAT Test/MHS 10 am - 5 pm Mamaroneck Schls Show/MHS Post Rd. Gym All-County Concert/ SUNY Purchase Band Concert 11 am Choral Concert 4 pm 20 21 /HOM Aud (3/17 -3/22; performance on 3/22 is at 2 pm ) 3/16 & 3/18 3-3:30pm 3/19 11am - 3pm 22 SATURDAY 25 9 am Mock ACT Test/MHS Post Entrance 9 am Schl Bd Mtg/MHS Tiered Clsm -Budget Review 10 am CEN Gr 3 Strings Concert 1:30-2:45pm Mtg/MHS N101 6pm MAS Crunchy Carnival 7pm HOM Entering Gr 6 Orntn/ Tour/in Spanish/Lib 26 27 28 11:30 am All Elem Dismissal Parent-Teacher Conferences 6 pm CEN Crunchy Carnival HOM Spring Sports Clearance/ 3/23 3-3:30 pm 29 30 31 ---------------- Spring Recess -- SCHOOLS CLOSED Kara Dougherty, pencil Heather Gardiner, photograph 2015 April SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY 1 2 – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – SCHOOLS CLOSED — R SATURDAY 3 4 ––––––––––––––– GOOD FRIDAY PASSOVER BEGINS Alex Corbin, watercolor 5 6 Snow Make Up Or School Holiday If there have been 3 school closings, then school is in session EASTER 12 13 7 1:30-2:45pm HABLEMOS CEN (PreK-5) 7pm Padres Unidos Bds Mtg/ HOM Lib 7:30 pm Schl Bd Study Session/MHS Lib Clsm 8 2pm All Elem Dismissal 2:30-5:15 pm Elem Parent-Teacher Conferences 9:15 am 1:30-2:45pm HABLEMOS MAS/MAS 6 - 7:30 pm MUR Fit Night/Crunchy Carnival 14 ACT Test/MHS 26 4/27-5/1 27 9:15am CHAT PTA Mtg/Elctns, Bdgt Disc & Vote 7:30 pm District Budget Disc & Vote/MHS Lib 21 9:15 am Central Perks 7pm HOM Padres Unidos Mtg/Lib 7:30 pm Schl Bd Mtg/MHS Tiered Clsm 28 9:15 am District Budget Discussion & Vote/ Lib 6:30 pm & 7:30 pm HOM Gr 6, 7, 8 Band Concert/Aud 7 pm CEN General PTA/Budget 11 17 18 24 25 HOM End of 3rd Quarter MHS End of 3rd Quarter 6 & 7 pm MHS PACE 3 Presents 20 10 MAS Fruity Friday 7:30 pm-9:30pm HOM Gr 6 Student Council Event/Gym 16 ELAs Grades 3-8 9:15 am SEPTA Diner Networking/ 9:15am & 7:30pm HOM Gr 8 Con/Lib 9:15 am PTA Council 6:30pm CHAT Crunchy Carnival 7:30 pm MHS Symphony & Chamber Orch Ensemble Concert/McLain Aud 15 7 pm Building Bridges Evening Speaker/HOM Aud 19 9 22 7:30pm HOM Incoming Gr 6 Parent Info Night & Tour/Aud 23 State Math Assessments Gr 3-8 7:30 pm PACE Musical Revue/PACE Theatre (4/23 - 4/25) 1:30-2:45pm / MHS N101 6:30 pm Panel/Lib 7:30 pm HOM PTA Elctns-Budget Mtg/Lib 7 pm 11:30 am All Elem Dismissal Parent-Teacher Conferences 29 7:30 pm MHS Vocal/Band Ensemble Concert/McLain Aud 30 MAS Bike Rally 9:15 am & 7:30 pm HOM Gr 6 /Lib 6:30 & 8 pm MHS PACE Senior One-Act Play Steven Rome, colored pencil May SUNDAY 2015 MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY 1 MAS Fruity Friday MAS Spirit Day 7:30 pm MHS PACE Senior Dance Night Greer Thelander, photograph 3 HOM Reading Makes Cents 5/4 -5/9 CHAT Spring Book Fair 5/4 - 5/7 8 am - 3 pm MHS 4 MHS AP Chemistry in am 9:15 am PTA Council 6:30pm CHAT Everybody Reads/ Evening Book Fair Hrs 6:30pm-7:30pm HOM Spring Art Show/Commons / Concourse 5/6-5/8 10 HOM Reading Makes Cents MHS AP Biology in am MHS AP Physics C in pm 17 All Elem Screen 5/18 - 5/22 CEN Spring Book Fair 5/18 9am - 4pm 5/19 9am - 4pm & 6-8pm 5/20 9am - 3pm 24 18 2:45 pm - 5 pm Science Book Fair Sponsored by SEPTA/MUR 7 pm MHS Original Science Research Symposium/Lib 5 25 6 MHS AP English Literature in am MHS AP Physics 1 in pm 9:15 am MAS PTA Open Mtg, Budget Disc & Vote 9:30 am & 7 pm CHAT Band/ Chorus Concert 9:30 am & 7 pm MUR Orch Concert 10 am CEN Concert Rhsl 12 MHS AP French in pm MHS AP U.S. Government in am 1:30-2:45pm HABLEMOS CEN (PreK-5) 10 am & 1:45 pm MAS Spring Concert 7 pm Elem Padres Unidos Mtg/ CEN Gym 7:30 pm Schl Bd Study Session/ MHS Lib Clsm SCHOOL BUDGET VOTE (at your elementary school) 7am-9pm 13 MHS AP English Language and Culture in am 9:15 am SEPTA Diner Networking/ 9:15 am & 6:30 pm MAS Spring Concert 1:30-2:45pm HABLEMOS MAS/MAS 19 6-8 pm MHS Spring Art Show Opening/ Palmer Gallery (Open schl hours through 5/30) 6:30 – 8pm MUR Science Fair/Science Book Fair sponsored by SEPTA/Small & Large Gym 7pm (except MAS, 6:30 pm) Incoming Kdgn Parent Orntn at all Elem Schls 7pm MHS Video Show/PACE Theatre 7pm Padres Unidos Mtg 7:30 pm Schl Bd Mtg/MHS Tiered Clsm 26 20 7:30 pm MHS Spring Concert/ McLain Aud 27 9:30 am CHAT Orch Concert 9:30 am MUR Band/Chorus Concert 7:30 pm /McLain Aud 31 Memorial Day -- Schools Closed SAT Test/MHS 6:30 pm Mamaroneck Grace Whittemore, mixed media MHS AP Calculus AB & BC in am 7:30 -10 am /Lib 9:30 am CHAT Band/Chorus Concert 9:30 am MUR Orch Concert 7 pm HOM Orch Concert Gr 6, 7 & 8/Aud 7:30 pm Schl Bd Mtg/MHS Tiered Clsm 11 2 School Holiday -- Schools Closed MHS AP Art History in pm MHS AP Computer Science in am MHS AP Physics 2 in pm MHS AP Spanish in am 9:15am & 7:30pm HOM Gr7 /Lib 10 am CEN Spring Concert School Assembly 6:30 pm CEN Spring Concert 7:30 pm MHS PACE 2 Show 7 14 MHS AP Macroeconomics in pm 9:15am & 7:30pm HOM Incoming MAS Mother's Day Plant Sales MHS AP European History in pm MHS AP U.S. History in am 8 15 MHS AP Microeconomics in am 9:15 am PTA Council 9 11 am – 4 pm MUR Spring Fair/ Large Playground 16 Saturday/HOM Principal/Lib HOM Late Start for All Gr8 Students 10:05am-Students report to period 3 7:30 pm MHS Awards Assembly/ McLain Aud 21 HOM Progress Reports Posted HOM Band Memorial Day Parade 1:30-2:45pm / MHS N101 6:30pm for Spanish-speaking parents/MHS Lib Clsm 28 9:30 am & 7 pm CHAT Orch Concert 9:30 am & 7 pm MUR Band/ Chorus Concert 3-4:30pm Vistazos Red Carpet /MHS Japanese Garden 7 pm 22 23 Snow Make Up Or School Holiday If there have been 4 school closings, then school is in session 29 9:15 am PTA Council Calendar Mtg 30 June SUNDAY 2015 MONDAY TUESDAY 1 WEDNESDAY 2 9:15am CEN General PTA 6:30 & 7:30 pm HOM Gr 6, 7, 8 Chorus Concert/Aud 7pm Padres Unidos Bds Mtg/ HOM Lib 7:30 pm Schl Bd Study Session/ MHS Lib Clsm 7 8 6 pm MHS Caf 14 Regents Exams 6/16-6/23 / 21 22 9:15 am /Aud 1-3 pm MHS Physicals-MHS Nurses 6 pm 6-8pm 7 pm MHS Senior Student Dinner/Caf 28 29 3 FRIDAY 1:30-2:45pm HABLEMOS CEN (PreK-5) 7:30 pm MHS PACE Senior Recital 16 7 pm Padres Unidos Bds Mtg/ HOM Lib 7:30 pm Schl Bd Mtg/MHS Tiered Clsm 23 8:30 am MHS Senior Seminar Day 2:30 pm CHAT Recorder Concert 11:45am Lunch 6 pm (rain date 6/25) 6:30pm Picnic 7:30 -10 pm Party/Gym /Lunchroom SAT Test/MHS 9 am CEN Flag Day Assembly 9:15am CHAT PTA Vols Bkfst, Annual State of the Schl Addr, Board Instl MHS Senior Prom 13 ACT Test/MHS 11am-4pm CHAT Carnival 19 HOM End of 4th Quater MAS Grade 5 Trip 9-11am HOM Final Exams 25 9:15 am All Elem Dismissal -Last Day of School MAS 5th Gr. Clap Out 10 am / MHS McLain Aud 26 11:30 am All Elementary Dismissal 30 , pencil 20 9-11am HOM Final Exams Children's Corner and KEEPS last day of all programs MHS 4th Quarter Ends 9 -11 am HOM Finals Review/ Last Day of Schl for Students - 6 12 18 9:30am MAS 5th Gr. Awards Breakfast 6 - 8:30pm CEN 5th Grade 24 9-11am HOM Final Exams 9 am 10 am 11:30 am Lunch/Lunchroom 11 17 7pm MAS PTA Social Night 5 MAS Fruity Friday 9:15 am 10 1:30-2:45pm HABLEMOS MAS/ MAS Noon PTA Council Annual Mtg & Lunch SATURDAY 4 7:30 pm 9:15 am CEN Gr 3 Recorder Concert 9 15 MHS - Last day of classes 6 pm MHS Fall Sports /McLain Aud 7:30 pm Mamk Student Aid Fund Annual Awards Ceremony THURSDAY Amy Pfeffer, stroneware 27 July SUNDAY 2015 MONDAY 5 TUESDAY 6 WEDNESDAY 7 THURSDAY FRIDAY 1 2 8 9 SATURDAY 3 4 10 11 Rachel Berman, digital video 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 stoneware August SUNDAY 2015 MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Olivia Mohlo, acrylic paint 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 30 24 25 26 27 28 29 watercolor MAMARONECK-LARCHMONT COUNCIL OF PARENT-TEACHER ASSOCIATIONS 2014-2015 Special Education PTA (SEPTA) ■Executive Board President Jayne Lipman President-elect Pam Buchmueller Past President Sherri Rozansky Secretary Alissa Wilson Treasurer Laurie Girsky 698-8601 630-2330 720-3598 522-6956 381-7479 ■Unit Co-Presidents MHS President Rina Bider President-elect Joan Capaldi 833-9837 834-2142 President Kim Tucker 630-4516 President-elect Tina Maresca 602-1614 Hommocks Central President Romy Kirwin President-elect Krista Williams 630-2409 649-3103 Chatsworth President Kerry Sneyd President-elect April Lewis 314-686-1366 813-523-7566 646-734-5637 Mamk Ave. President Lynn Petruzzo President-elect Lisa Sommella 216-8076 Murray President Anne Randall President-elect 917-670-4578 SEPTA President Liz Paras 834-0787 ■Special Reps Communications David Siegerman Laurie Shapiro Curriculum Liaison Jean Meyerowitz Diversity Lia Oliveria Legislation Gail Julie Technology Lisa Samson The PTA Council acts as the coordinating body to promote communication and cooperation among the schools. 834-3261 834-4409 834-5813 960-6158 833-9848 715-2125 ■Executive Board and Chairs President Liz Paras 834-0787 Secretary Tamara Elias 834-5969 Treasurer Patty Wolff 698-8882 VP Programs Sandy Wu 834-3102 Programs Barbara Lambert 834-3726 Diner Networking Suzanne Prigoda 833-1950 Amy Lieberman 552-1568 VP Ways & Means Gail Cutler 630-0931 Grants Amanda Lapides 630-0630 Membership Cordelia Derhammer-Hill 325-8132 Turkey Trot Patty Wolff 698-8882 Catherine Hunt 630-7176 Science Book Fair Donna Hyams 630-2326 Sandy Wu 834-3102 Lord & Taylor Fundraiser Jodi Jamieson 833-5059 Lisa Collins 834-4562 Hospitality Sandy Wu 834-3102 VP Communications Jill Gressin 834-1054 Newsletter Pam Kernie 834-8184 Law & Policy Cecilia Absher 833-3109 Website Coordinator/Manager Jeremy Burr Parent Member Coordinator Karina FitzPatrick 833-2615 ■School Reps Pre-K Phyllis Raja 834-8467 Central Krista Williams 777-8252 Emma Rooney 834-4170 Chatsworth Avenue Jodi Jamieson 833-5059 Lisa Collins 834-4562 Mamaroneck Avenue Daniela Behpour 263-4752 Catherine Hunt 630-7176 Murray Avenue Donna Hyams 630-2326 Sandy Wu 834-3102 Hommocks Cordelia Derhammer-Hill 325-8132 Debbie Trepanier 834-9666 MHS Cecilia Absher 834-3109 Michelle Gavens 833-3908 ■Teacher Reps Central Jaime Perrotta 220-3401 Chatsworth Lisa Kmetz 220-3500 Mary Kate Glennon 220-3500 Mamaroneck Avenue Dorene Hoyt 220-3601 Kerri Fay 220-3601 Murray Kelly Brennan 220-3700 Cathy Mangieri 220-3700 Hommocks Tracy Coulson 220-3350 Katie Nagrotsky 220-3350 MHS Jeff Queen 220-3100 ■Padres Unidos Reps Elementary President, Yolanda Linares; VP, Teresa De León Contact, Hommocks President, Giovanni Zapata; VP, Argelia Rivera Contact, MHS President, Javier Guzman 914-263-5556; VP, Blanca Prieto Contact, CENTRAL 1100 Palmer Avenue, Larchmont, NY 10538 Central School Staff 220-3401 fax 220-3415 ■PTA Executive Committee & Chairs President Romy Kirwin 630-2409 President Elect Krista Williams 777-8252 Secretary JoAnna Rodriguez 834-0159 Treasurer Melissa Perez VP Communications Liz Leifert 834-6633 Communications Chairperson Cathy Bizzard 630-4596 VP Parent Services Anne Cox 630-2640 Parent Services Chairperson Mary Brennan 834-1064 VP School Services Kristen Carpenter 381-3210 School Services Chairperson Raquel Estus 834-1668 VP Faculty/Community Outreach Frankie Lanausse 630-1985 Faculty/Community Outreach Chairperson Martha Friedland 698-2952 VP Programs Liam Robb-O’Hagan 310-435-1943 Programs Chairperson Bonnie Lin 835-5478 VP Fundraising Maria Franzese 698-2167 Fundraising Chairperson Lisa Silva 843-2764 SEPTA Emma Rooney 834-4170 Teacher Representatives Susan Dinelli Ellen Wollner To report absence: 220-3250 or on website Principal, 220-3401 Assistant Principal Joanne Hindley Karen Ruzzo ■Central School Faculty Pre-K Kathy Rie TBD Kindergarten Gloria Casiano Jeannette Riccobono Donna Russell Kelly Ann Trombley Grade 1 Maria Catalano Jaime Perrotta/Suzanne Rich Johanna Rosenberg Mary Ann Walkin/Mary Conroy Grade 2 Susan Dinelli Stefan Kuczinski Ellen Wollner Grade 3 Jean James Lucille Plati Marilu Ragno Grade 4 Eliabazeth Johnson/ Alexis Pirone Anna Newman Michele Seda Grade 5 Cathy Gabel Lauren Scharfstein/ Christine Sullivan Ed Urso ■Support Services Art Michelle Burton Computer Arnold Bencosme ESL Julia Gayduk Healey Library/Media Anne Corsetti Jaclyn Povella Math Tammy Fisch - Math AIS Mariana Ivanov - Math Coach Music Matthew Hilgenberg (band) Kayo Matsushita (choir) Katherine Sinsabaugh (orch) Nurse, 220-3410 Vicky Ruggiero Physical Education Trevor Dimmie Erika Krokus John Savage Psychologist Jacqueline Fonseca-Elias Frank LoCurto Reading Dana Forman Maggie Hoddinott Michele Marciano Resource Room TBD Social Worker Suehay Gonzalez Speech Susanna Franco Lisa Kovac Christine Riordan Robin Prete Rosemary Westermann Custodians Leam McEvoy, Head Custodian David LaRusso Patrick Leonard Victor Quinones CHATSWORTH Forest Park Avenue, Larchmont, NY 10538 Chatsworth School Staff 220-3500 ■PTA Executive Committee & Chairs President Kerry Roberts Sneyd 314-686-1366 President Elect April Lewis 813-523-7566 Secretary Moira O'Connell 693-4319 VP Finance Colleen Baucom 917-733-3889 Treasurer Dingdi Thomas 917-913-7201 SEPTA Representatives Jodi Jamieson 450-4192 Lisa Collins 917-880-9565 VP Enrichment Jill Breen 917-575-9713 VP Fundraising Events Jackie Shurslep 650-468-3885 VP Fundraising Activities Vivian Greenblatt 917-414-7587 VP Parent/School Services Juliet Bailey 707-9777 VP Reps/Communication Tiffany Smith 917-804-0304 VP School/Community Karen Hall 206-890-4395 fax 220-3515 To report absence: 220-3250 or on website Principal, 220-3501 Assistant Principal Katie Andersen Emily Macias-Capellan ■Chatsworth School Faculty Kindergarten Noreen Borom Bina Shevin Liz Slade Jennifer Solomon Tara Turner Grade 1 Sima Friedman Francine Gerace Mary Kate Glennon Nell Plunkett Bernadette Tyler Grade 2 Renee Coscia Genine DiFalco Dana Hill Stacy Howryletz Kate Walsh Grade 3 Janet Acobes Jan Clery Kimberly England Tara Flahive Kristin Ryan/ Mary Lou Ventarola Grade 4 Anthony Forcinito Alex Glass Janna Masella Maggie Nolan Grade 5 Julia Aiello/Rachel Morse Melissa Arena Carolyn Clyne Andrew Figueroa Jodie Scozzafava ■Support Services Art Chelly Vestal ESL Ana Vidal-Montes Computer Lab Henry Smith Library Laura Brune Music MaryAnn Raph (orch) Denise Ruchala (band) Amy Rosen (orch) Erica Zimmerman (choir/gen. music) Nurse: 220-3510 Joy Overzat Physical Education Scott Gilberti Renee Glickman Pat Romano TBD Psychologist Venessa Green-Davis ACADEMIC SUPPORT SERVICES Reading Denise Gleason Cara Pezzo Math Stephanie Feinberg AIS Lisa Kmetz Rachel Morse Speech Alice Cohen Teaching Assistants Diana Barbieri Haydee Colon Clerical Lorraine Herman - Principal's Sec. Donna Williams - Typist Jackie Pavella - Library Custodians Kevin Kittle, Head Custodian Mike Cotroneo Steve DiPalma Ney Garcia MAMARONECK AVENUE Mamaroneck Avenue, Mamaroneck, NY 10543 220-3601 fax 220-3615 Mamaroneck Avenue School Staff To report absence: 220-3250 or on website Principal, 220-3601 Assistant Principal Carrie Amon Alice Borsella ■Mamaroneck Avenue School Faculty ■PTA Executive Committee & Chairs PTA President Lynn Petruzzo PTA President-Elect Lisa Sommella Secretary Laurette Costa Treasurer Daniella Behpour VP Communications 646-734-5637 216-8076 575-8314 263-4752 VP Student Services Ana Alegre 917-733-4917 VP of Cultural Arts Jeanne Spano 224-4846 VP International Fair Kathleen Gallaher 552-7249 VP Parent Services Sarah Coady 588-2279 VP Fundraising Flora Casterella 906-0914 VP Safety and Wellness Ann Goode 917-860-0134 Grade 3 Kindergarten Jennifer Cereola/ Audrey Bruno Jennifer Wiesner Mindy Friedman/ Juliana Sage - Dos Caminos K Kerri Fay Iris Hernandez Janet Knight Mickey Mariash/ Juliana Sage Lori Dressler Bess Rathbone Brett Sussman Grade 1 Ken Taylor Danielle Beshar/ Jeanette Jimenez - Dos Caminos 1 Lena Wicker Carolyn Day Grade 4 Meryl Elkin Alison Ivler/ Jeannine Horan Amanda Franco Grade 2 Matthew Porricelli Michelle Desjardin/ Debra Schrank Christine Kenny Ali Siotkas Francesa Lilien Barbara Wang Shannon O'Donnell Grade 5 Januari Pakrul Alison Kelly/ Sabra Rivel Stacey Magrone Gloria Rodriquez Christine Luciano Colleen Melnyk Donna Schore TBD Special Education Janice Lancia Antonia Sgueglia ■Support Services Art Kirsten Porto ESL Ann Mosquera Natalia Ortega-Brown Ali Ramos Library/Media Madeline Gilbert Math Ronit Eliav-Siles Music Steph Chinn (choir/ Matthew Hilgenberg (band) Katherine Sinsabaugh (orch) Nurse, 220-3610 Madeline Lukas Physical Education Kari Cooke Chris Kumrow Jim Monaco Psychologist Julie Marconi Reading Dorene Hoyt Susan MacMurdy Sandra Sanzo Jennifer Saul Social Worker Dina Reynoso Speech Amy Strekas Angela Fazzolari Alyssa Ternullo Clerical Patricia Campbell Carmela Greaney Carol Santini Custodians Mark Iannarelli, Head Custodian Valentine Allen Nick Fiorino Richard Mingoia MURRAY Murray Avenue School Staff Murray Avenue, Larchmont, NY 10538 220-3700 fax 220-3715 ■PTA Executive Committee & Chairs President Anne Randall President Elect 630-1729 Treasurer Courtney Steinberg 917-673-2033 Secretary Elene Weis 834-0603 SEPTA Reps Donna Hyams 630-2326 Sandy Wu 834-3102 Teacher Representatives Carol Moroney Tina Dolan VP Communictions Laura Perry 630-1858 VP Faculty Relations Julie Rogoff 833-8870 VP Fundraising Ann Shin 834-0722 VP Parent Services Melanie Kraut 630-4111 VP Student Programs Anne McCarthy 834-2212 Chrystal Chambers 834-1121 To report absence: 220-3250 or on website Principal, 220-3701 Assistant Principal Jennifer Monaco Rebecca Mintiens ■Murray Avenue School Faculty Kindergarten Allyse Bader Linda Finn Denise Geertgens Christine Mozian Rebekah Spano Grade 1 Danielle DeLaurentis Ann Marie Cerbone Christine Dizenzo Betsy Nolan Jennifer Opas Laura Santavicca Grade 2 Tira Cirolia Lauren Geertgens/ Kim Hickey Joan Mazo Jackie Scotto Arelys Vieira Grade 3 Audrey Goldenberg/ Gina Loughran Anna Grippo Bernadette Mannion Maureen Montone Grade 4 Sue Alexander Melany Arminion/ Maryalice Pietropaolo Kelly Brennan Karin Harris Carol Moroney Grade 5 Tina Dolan Colleen Melnyk Michelle O'Connell Leigh-Ann Pieragostini Ethan Rivel ■Support Services Art Aaron Stone ESL Reading Linda DeLasho Doreen Hoyt Special Education Cathy Mangieri Eileen Murray Library/Media Pam Tanenbaum Math Stephanie Feinberg Speech Nurse: 220-3710 Michelle Pinkas Storey West Clerical Music Joseph Brady (gen. music/chorus) Denise Ruchala (band) Custodians MaryAnn Raph (orch) Luigi Liotta, Head Custodian Amy Rosen (orch) Donald Micalizzi Physical Education Rajmond Sejko Craig Butler Phil Smith Kathleen Dwyer Karl Zenie Psychologist Dara Lepofsky HOMMOCKS 130 Hommocks Road, Larchmont, NY 10538 Hommocks Middle School Staff 220-3300 fax 220-3315 To report absence: 220-3350 ■PTA Executive Committee and Chairs President Kim Tucker President Elect Tina Maresca Secretary Cheryl Brause Treasurer Sally Willert Assistant Treasurer 630-4516 602-1614 654-0216 834-1012 VP Programming and Outreach Molly Broaddus 834-7378 Programming and Outreach Chairperson Alex Leach 588-1448 Communications Co-Chairperson Lisa Samson 834-8658 Communications Co-Chairperson Jackie Emmet 834-4711 Cultural Arts Co-Chairperson Barrie Sacks 381-0212 Cultural Arts Co-Chairperson Susanne Vasquez Sheindlin834-2089 Diversity Co-Chairperson Valentina Soto-Pinto 201-792-5329 Diversity Co-Chairperson Lynne Murphy Rivera 917-862-1260 VP Ways and Means Karen Loga 327-1589 Ways and Means Chairperson Kathleen Gallaher 552-7249 VP Events and Services Sherry Thaler 834-8602 Parent Events Co-Chairperson Susan Chu 834-1892 Parent Events Co-Chairperson Debbie Trepanier 834-9666 Student Services Co-Chairperson Erin Fuller 834-1495 Student Services Co-Chairperson SEPTA Representative Debbie Trepanier 834-9666 SEPTA Representative Cordelia Derhamer-Hill325-8132 Faculty Representative Samantha Gutterman Principal, 220-3301 Assistant Principal, 220-3305 Assistant Principal Seth Weitzman, PhD Nora Mazzone, PhD Mark Barnett ■Hommocks Middle School Faculty ■Special and Support Services Reading Nicholas LaRosa Kim Armogida Kristina Martin Nancy Capparelli Jennifer Martinez Courtney Jukic Barbara Montalto Stacey Peebles Maura Morello Linkowski Guidance, x 3320 Betsy Nunez Ava Laera Robyn Occhiogrosso Timothy Nelson Kathleen O’Rourke Daneen Payne Jane Piscitelli Evan Stern Colleen Sheridan Stacie Tramontozzi Haley Weber Librarian Clerical Kelsey Cohen Pattie Forte Literacy Coach/Teacher Suzanne Glavan Lisa Ramos-Hillegers Kathleen Gryzlo Nurse: 220-3310 Barbara Paonessa Jacqueline Sheppard Teresa Silver Lori Toppi Carline Smith Psychologist Ellen Thompson Celia Anon, x 3364 Margaret Vivolo Kristen Arita x 3316 Custodians Sandra Twomey x 4335 Michael Gajda, Head Custodian Social Worker Bernardino Caquis Adonis Calderon, x3325 Hector Cornier Speech Ermengildo Daniele Nancy Albertson Alban Dreni Special Education Thomas Fazzino Kathleen Pilla, Dept Co-Chair Jerry Gelardo Maria Albano, Dept Co-Chair John McDermott Jeff Barnard Max Pena Tracy Coulson Carlito Rivera Kathryn Heyde José Sanchez Jr. Music Art Amanda Gundling Maria Barajas Janine de Nigris (orch) Nancy Revich Tom Jordan (band) ESL James Mullen (band) Ann Mosquera Andrew Sussman (orch) Foreign Languages Leon Whyte Lori Perretto, Dept Chair Physical Education/Health Patricia Ball Rich Becker Gloria Chuang William Byron Denise DeSimone Kathleen Degnan Paula Jacoby Cathleen Ferguson Anne Kimball Scott Gilberti Tereza Mancuso Nicholas Mangan Chia Wei Satriano Lauren Meyer Family and Consumer Science Julie Santoiemma Betty Comerford Science Diane Nelson Pauline Cardillo, Dept Chair Language Arts Carollyn Becker Zandra Llanos, Dept Co-Chair Debby Sampayo, Dept Co-Chair Stefan Birek Erin Gajda Tracie Castaldo Steven Goldstein Tara Chillemi Shea MacDonald Emily Craig Deirdre McManus Amy Estersohn Lawrence Perretto Susan Hein Michael Sammartano Loraine McCurdy-Little Deanna Smyers Sarah Malgioglio Anthony Vitti Lisa Manheim Michael Wing Bob Morrissey Social Studies Laura Murphy Susan Chester, Dept Chair Katie Nagrotsky Richard Darcy Mathematics Susan Douglas Lisa Gluckson, Dept Chair Brian Duignan Jeffrey Bahr Joshua Kirsch Carly Byrne Kim Leary Barbara Dean Alyssa Mascaretti Julie Duignan John McCormick Samantha Gutterman Ann Savage Blake Jacoby Lea Schnetzer Judith Keneally Andrew Scopp Joanne Mellia Pedro Vega Paul Swiatocha Technology Education Eric Werner Grace Iarocci-Brew Kristen Zirkel Ronald Nobles Media Pedro Johnson To report absence: 220-3150 MHS MAMARONECK HIGH SCHOOL 1000 W. Boston Post Road, Mamaroneck, NY 10543 220-3100 ■Mamaroneck High School Faculty Art, x 3225 Kevin Klein, Dept Chair Gwynne Bettencourt (photo) Michael Dollar Emily Dombroff Don Keene Adam Rizzuti Rob Rainaldi Joe Toombs Science, x 3170 Jerome Schmidt, PhD, Dept Chair Sophia Andrews Karina Fabbie Elena Filippova, PhD English, x 3175 Guido Garbarino Margaret Groninger, Dept Chair Gina Garraffo Darren Bosch Doron Markus Kate Devlin Miriam Murphy Elena Elmoznino Edmundo Nunes Maria Fairbairn Shannon O'Donnel Justin Gray Cathy O’Reilly Mary Beth Jordan Vibha Palekar Benjamin Levy Barbara Paonessa Waldina Pineda Amary Seck Jeffrey Queen Alejandro Victoria Aaron Shansky Carmen Yonkler James Short Social Studies, x 3180 Juliana Zalon Craig Goldberg, Dept Chair ESL Jill Ammerata Mary Cronin Ruth Layne Jesse Dancy Foreign Languages, x 3145 Holly Filardi Carolina AcevedoPeter Green Rackoff, Dept Chair Melissa Katz John Antosca Caren Lee Olivia Bridges Joseph Liberti Andrew Chabot David Lindeman Leslie Cruz Caroline Scudder Antoinette Diaz Adam Sobel Michelle Liu Shannon Turner-Porter Doly Lugo TV & Video Production, x 3220 Ana Maria Rua Kahn Emily Dombroff Monica Silva-Lisa Family and Consumer Science, x Yuan Zhao 3220 Health Samantha Billig Kathleen Degnan Diane Nelson Vincent Minotti Technology Education Mathematics, x 3155 Christopher Brady Maria Michelsson, Dept Chair Jigar Jadav Matthew Alonge Craig Romanek Taryn Delaney Special Education, x 3185 Anthony DeRosa Lindsay Fleming, Dept Chair Kevin Farrell Ron Blain Isabel Fullon Danielle Cimaglia Kathleen Henry Danielle DeLeo Tiffany Murnan Kristen DeRienzo Kathryn O'Donoghue Allison Faziio Heather Rinaldi Susanne Flatley Therese Valdez Alexa Gosin Heather Whalen Mara Hesh James T. Zervas Carmen Marriello Music, x 3140 Sara McGuiness Dina Madden, K-12 Director & Choir Marni Ross Elyse Gellert (orch) Ann Rushe Tim Hooker (band) Jessica Swart PACE (Performing Arts Curriculum Cara Viggiano Experience) Michele Viviano Zachary Moore (drama), x 3235 APPLE (A Place People Learn Allison Parsley (dance), x 3235 Excellence), x 3240 William Derby (music), x 3235 Linda Sherwood, Coordinator Physical Education, x 3160 Kimberly Caporaso, Science Erin Byron Theodore J. Hild, Math Michael Chiapparelli Erin Ramirez, English Danielle Panaro Cody Blume, Social Studies Mamaroneck High School Staff Principal, x 3105 Assistant Principal, x 3215 Assistant Principal, x 3211 Assistant Principal, x 3213 fax 220-3115 Elizabeth Clain Stephen J. Frasene Mario Washington Michael Joseph Mercanti-Anthony If an extension begins with a "3" you may call it directly using "220" exchange. Otherwise call 220-3100. ■Special and Support Services ■PTSA Executive Committee & Chairs Drug and Alcohol/Social Worker Helene Fremder, x 3189 Zoe Ruiz, x 3036 Financial Aid Marcia Burkett, x 3200 Guidance Counselors Cathy Quackenbush, x 3125 Coordinator Laura Mascoli, x 3039 (transition counselor) Robert Adams, x 3123 Anne Bates, x 3132 Gregory Cuddy, x 3130 Marcia Genwright, x 3136 Jaime Holzer, x 3133 Laura Kearon, x 3126 Lainie Lichtenstein, x 3131 Robert Schwartz, x 3127 College Info Center, x 3201 Library/Media, x 3195 Kristina Pantginis Nurses, x 3110 Maureen Crean Psychologists Kelly Carrillo, x 3245 Jolita Gudaitis, x 3205 Lilia Ramos-Dries, x 3164 Reading Waldina Pineda, x 5054 Coordinator of Student Activities President Rina Beder 833-9837 President-elect Joan Capaldi 834-2142 Secretary Sally Cantwell 834-0133 Treasurer Lisa Sommer 834-7618 Student Representatives Ben Morris and Emma Dillon Teacher Representatives Allison Parsley Sophia Andrews SEPTA Representatives Cecilia Absher 833-3109 Michelle Gavens 833-3908 VP Diversity Senia Eugenio 575-7170 VP Events Coordinator Jenny Ransom 698-4960 VP Fundraising Chris Hofstedt 834-7212 VP Merchandise Karen Regan 834-2756 VP Communications (Tiger Bytes) Robin Golden 833-0542 VP Publicity Laurie Lee 833-1277 Website Lori Herbsman 833-5831 Barrie Sacks 381-0212 VP Student Services (SAT/ACT Prep and Mock Tests, Days of Service, Senior Option) Beth Mullaney VP Programs Kathy Helms Directory Andrea Barbalich Janine Steely 833-0453 834-1916 834-2360 834-2301 ■Other School Organizations/Committees College Info Center R.A.D.A.R. Youth Employment Service (YES) APPLE Program Nancy Gardiner Janet Buchbinder 833-2261 834-6041 Sudeshna Banks Dorothy Dalbon Carmen Martinez 220-3188 834-0960 630-2461 Youth Services Keith Yizar, x 4107 Custodians Michael Turturro, Head, Palmer Danny Genova, Head, Post Richard Aloise Joey Bonito Ruben Gonzalez Antonio Hernandez Rachel Hilgert Robert Ludwiczak Mauricio Mauricio Matthew Micalizzi Renford McIntosh Michael Micalizzi Dominick Palermiti Khayyam Ponticello Fred Reale Michael Sacerdoteo Clerical APPLE: Virginia Petrillo ATHLETIC OFFICE: Daniela Gerardi ATTENDANCE: Linda Bouchard COUNSELING DEPT: Lisa Ferraro ENGLISH: Rosemarie Sheridan LIBRARY: Maria Phillips MATH/SCIENCE: Carol Carbone SOCIAL STUDIES: Rosemarie Sheridan SPECIAL ED: Caterina Di Benedetto PRINCIPAL: Christine Coppola Gina Tarascio ASST PRINCIPALS: Joanne Casterella Giovanna Mascoli BOARD MEETINGS Board of Education meetings, with the exception of executive sessions, are open to the public. The Board the month is usually a work session. The second monthly Tuesday of the month. The community is invited to sign are posted on the website or available from the district clerk at 220-3007. All meetings begin at 7:30pm and are in the high school’s Tiered Classroom (N104). Regularly scheduled meetings are listed in this calendar. Individuals may make an appointment to talk informally Board meetings by appointment. Just call the district clerk, 220-3007, for an appointment. Additionally feel free to write or call any board member. OTHER IMPORTANT NUMBERS Food Service Company Center for Continuing Education KEEPS The Children’s Corner YES (Youth Employment Service) Mamaroneck Schools Foundation R.A.D.A.R. 220-4390 698-9126 698-5632 834-0022 220-3188 698-9079 834-6041 COMMUNICATION BETWEEN HOME AND SCHOOL Ongoing communication between parent and the schools often helps to solve problems before they become serious, and to validate or dispel rumors. Please do not hesitate to to the situation. If unable to help you, that person will refer you to the correct individual. If you have a general question and don’t know who to ask: If your child has a problem in class: As much as possible, let your child handle it. 2. If necessary, in high school, speak to the department chair, then guidance counselor. If the problem is not resolved, speak to the administrator (principal or assistant principal), who oversees the subject area. In elementary and middle school, speak to the principal. 3. Speak to the Assistant Superintendent most directly involved in overseeing the particular issue. 4. As a last step, contact the Superintendent. If you wonder about instruction, materials, program, operations: 1. Speak to the teacher. 2. If unresolved, speak to the principal. 3. If necessary, write to the superintendent. If you have a question about transportation, call the bus garage at 220-3390. 2014-2015 CALENDAR KEY These abbreviations have been used in the calendar: Central School CEN Chatsworth School CHAT Mamaroneck Avenue School MAS Murray Avenue School MUR Hommocks School HOM Mamaroneck High School MHS Post Road Building Post Palmer Avenue Building Palmer Tiered Classroom in New Addition N104 & N204 Auditorium Aud Breakfast Bkfst Cafeteria Caf Classroom Clsm Discussion Disc Elections Elctns Elementary Elem Grade Gr Installation Instl International Int’l Junior Jun Kindergarten Kdgn Library Lib Meeting Mtg Nominations Noms Orchestra Orch Orientation Orntn Parent Teacher Association PTA Registration Reg Rehearsal Rhsl Room Rm School Schl School Board Bd Session Sess Superintendent Supt Special Education Sp Ed Special Education Parent Teacher Association SEPTA Volunteers Vols MAKE-UP DAYS If one or two snow days/emergency closings occur during the school year, there will be no school on the two designated make-up days. If three snow days/emergency closings occur during the school year, school will be in session on April 6, 2015. If four snow days/emergency closings occur, school will emergency closings occur during the school year, vacation/ holiday periods will be rescheduled. Calendar published and mailed in partnership with Mamaroneck School District and all school PTA’s. Mamaroneck Public Schools Board of Education Office Post Road Building of High School Mamaroneck, New York 10543 NON-PROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE PAID WHITE PLAINS, NY PERMIT NO. 4352 ECRWSS Winnifer Conce, conte crayon Thamara Gomez, tempera paint Kelsey Kalish, stoneware Danielle Feitler, photograph Ariana Velez, mixed media
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