The new megA wisebUYs is broUghT To YoU bY Andrew pAge January/March 2015 AmAzing de deAls on big nAme brAnds for cAr & cV workshops EXCLUSIVE TO ANDREW PAGE! inTrodUcing… megAmoUnT eliTe TYre eQUipmenT see pAge 24 for deAls see pAge 27 for deAls FEEL THE HEAT fUll rAnge of heATing from Thermobile see pAges 06 To 10 for besT deAls & spAres see pAge 18 To 20 for deAls ContaCt your loCal andrew page branCh or Call us on 0845 602 3436 January/March 2015 Mike of MG Motors, Elgin, Scotland.  MG MOTORS IN ELGIN RACE TO MOT APPROVAL When Mike Grant of MG Motors in Elgin decided to enter into MOT testing he needed a distributor of MOT equipment and a quality manufacturer to support his plans. After carefully researching the market he teamed up with Niall Farmer from Andrew Page and Richard Blunt from Crypton. Mike commented that he really liked their professional combined approach and were on hand from the initial planning stage to the completed installation. Mike also said “They covered everything from assistance with the VT01 MOT application form to site meetings with all the tradesman” Mike opted for the scissor lift ATL bay and loves the fact there are no columns and that the lift has a lovely diamond chequer plate finish. Mike is certainly used to the chequred flag in his favourite pass time of racing. We would like to offer our very best wishes to Mike for putting his faith in Andrew Page and Crypton for his MOT venture. YOU CAN CONTACT MIkE ON 01343 544 855 The Crypton scissor lift with chequer plated platforms for durability Mike and Richard discuss the civil works 2 Turn To page 46-47 To find your local branch January/March 2015 regionAl mAp ScoTland region niall farmer amimi GE SPECiALiST TEL 07860 393494 norThern region CALL 0845 602 3436 midlandS CALL 0845 602 3436 SouTh eaSTern region John ducker GE SPECiALiST TEL 07774 958385 SouTh weST John baron GE SPECiALiST TEL 07771 506539 london & home counTieS andy goldup GE SPECiALiST TEL 07889 810073 conTAcT YoUr locAl gArAge eQUipmenT speciAlisT now 0845 602 3436 3 January/March 2015 contents 6/9 waSTe oil heaTer offerS from Thermobile 23 lighT up your winTer wiTh elwiS 10 Thermobile waSTe oil heaTer SpareS, be ready for winTer 24 hofmann megaplan premium Tyre equipmenT 11 new range of german Two poST and mid riSe SciSSor lifTS from crypTon 12 new ccp800 crypTon emiSSionS analySer dealS 13 crypTon aTl packageS wiTh emiSSionS analySer and 3 year warranTy 14 fabricaTed JaS STeel workbencheS 14 maJorlifT Jacking beam offerS wiTh 5 year warranTy 15 fpS piSTon & Screw compreSSor range 16/17 karcher winTer cleaning offerS 18 bradbury Two poST hydraulic lifTS 19 bradbury aTl & opTl wiTh 3 year warranTy 38 greaSe The wheelS wiTh lumaTic lubricaTion equipmenT give yourSelf a lifT wiTh caScoS 26 ring auTomoTive lighTing and charging offerS 39 air Tool offerS from chicago pneumaTic 40 JbT excluSive andrew page budgeT Tyre changer and balancer offerS a greaT deal on our faSTeST moving oil drainer from lumaTic 41 feel The impacT of aircaT air ToolS alba diagnoSTicS uSeful workShop ToolS 43 our range of imi approved Training courSeS 44 end of SeaSon air con clearance grab a bargain 45 rock boTTom priceS on clearance lineS - when They’re gone, They’re gone 27 27 28 omega Space heaTing and power ToolS 29 Sip workShop equipmenT offerS 30 new range of forTron Service and fluShing equipmenT from SykeS pickavanT 31 STrike a good deal wiTh wilkinSon STar welding and air equipmenT bradbury Tyre changer balancer offer lifTing offerS from TecalemiT 33 wheel and Tyre SpecialS from TecalemiT 21 geT a Spray booTh from dalby 34/35 laTeST aTl offerS from TecalemiT 22 launch diagnoSTicS available now 36 4 fund you equipmenT purchaSe wiTh kenneT, The �loan arranger’ 25 32 20 37 46/47 find an andrew page branch near you 48 auTo inSider live - don’T miSS ouT on The Trade evenT near you! new vdo diagnoSTic range from conTinenTal Turn To page 46-47 To find your local branch January/March 2015 AmAzing deAls on big nAme brAnds for cAr & cV workshops 11 06/09 need a lifT? The heaT iS on NEW 2 POST RANGE FROM CRYPTON THERMOBiLE 22 launch inTo diagnoSTicS NEW RANGE OF FLUSHiNG EQUiPMENT 38 feeling drained? LUBRiCATiON EQUiPMENT FROM LUMATiC 0845 602 3436 pump iT up! AiR COMPRESSORS FROM FPS 30 clean up! WiTH THE X431PRO3 15 44 grab a bargain END OF SEASON AiR CON CLEARANCE 34/35 TeSTing TimeS WiTH THE ATL FROM TECALEMiT 46/47 find your local branch Uk MAP OF ANDREW PAGE BRANCHES 5 January/March 2015 Thermobile oil fired cAbineT heATers no spAc e A bUlk for f Uel TAnk? proheA …Then T is Y solUTio oUr n BSO Models for use with 28 or 35 second heating oil • Complete with thermostat and time control • Complete with oil filter & fire valve • Combustion air inlet kit supplied as standard • Main fan filter kits available for use in dusty and hazardous applications • Four pass combustion chamber/ heat exchanger assembly provides improved thermal efficiency • Stainless steel chamber is combined with a high efficiency cross flow tubular heat exchanger to achieve thermal efficiency in excess of 91% • 13 Models available with heat outputs up to 381Kw (1,300,000 Bthu/hr.) proheAT cAbineT oil fired wiTh flUe connecTion And bUilT-in fUel TAnk • Low-noise radial fan • Large air volumes guarantee quick heating • Equipped with thermostat • Capacities of 42, 64 and 84kW net, with an efficiency of 91% • Four-sided adjustable outlet opening guarantees equal air distribution PART NO. MAX. OUTPUT (Btu/hr) OFFER PRICE 5YR LEASE PW BSO30 BSO40 BSO60 BSO85 BSO120 109,000 146,440 203,330 280,530 418,000 £2050 £2150 £2450 £2650 £3199 £10.88 £11.41 £13.00 £14.07 £16.98 PART NO. • Combustion chamber and heat exchanger of heat resistant steel • Control panel fitted with switches and warning lights • Equipped with summer/winter circuit for heating or ventilation • For use with 28 or 35 second heating oil • Electric supply 230 volt 50Hz. HEAT MAX. APPROX. FUEL HEATED TANK 5YR OUTPUT APROX. CONSUMPTION AIR FLOW CAPACITY OFFER LEASE PRICE (Btu/hr) kW (Ltrs/Hr) M3/Hr (ltrs) PW PrOHeat40 145,200 PrOHeat60 221,600 PrOHeat80 290,850 42 64 84 4.7 7.2 9.5 55 75 105 £2099 £11.14 £2399 £12.73 £2699 £14.33 sTAinless sTeel flUe kiTs for proheAT models sTAinless sTeel flUe kiTs for cAbineT heATers The STD flue kit provides for approximately 4.6 metres (15ft) ground clearance The STD flue kit provides for approximately 5.2 metres (17ft) ground clearance • 3 x 1 Metre flue pipes • 1 x Terminal • 1 x Storm collar • 2 x Adjustable wall fixing brackets • 1 x Silicone rubber pipe flashing & fixing kit for profiled or corrugated roof & cladding • Minimum flue requirement is 3 metres • 4 x 1 Metre flue pipes • 1 x Terminal • 2 x Adjustable wall fixing brackets • 1 x High temperature silicone rubber roof seal & fixing kit for profiled or corrugated roof & cladding. • 1 Tee-Piece (flue to heater) 6 2,800 4,500 5.300 PART NO. MAX. OUTPUT (Btu/hr) OFFER PRICE PART NO. MAX. OUTPUT (Btu/hr) OFFER PRICE FK5 FK6 FK7 Flue kit for BSO30 & BSO40 Flue kit for BSO60 Flue kit for BSO85 & BSO120 £279 £289 £299 FKPH40 FKPH60 FKPH80 Flue kit for PrOHeat40 Flue kit for PrOHeat60 Flue kit for PrOHeat80 £259 £279 £299 Turn To page 46-47 To find your local branch January/March 2015 Thermobile direcT oil fired spAce heATers • Very mobile, economic and highly reliable • Robust, compact design • High efficiency combustion • Stainless steel combustion chamber • Use with paraffin or diesel • Fast temperature rise • Room ventilation is required PART NO. MAX. HEAT HEATED APPROXIMATE TANK ELECTRIC OUTPUT AIR FLOW CONSUMPTION CAPACITY SUPPLY (Btu/hr) (m³/hr) (Ltrs/Hr) (ltrs) (Volts) OFFER PRICE tC25 tC40 92,000 122,000 £299 £339 400 900 2.51 3.30 34 41 heAVY dUTY propAne gAs fired heATers NETT HEAT OUTPUT (Btu/hr) PART NO. G17 G29 G57 G81 60,000 65 - 100,000 135 - 200,000 180 - 270,000 HEATED AIR FLOW (m³/hr) 500 800 2100 2100 APPROXIMATE CONSUMPTION (Kg/Hr) 1.25 1.4 - 2.0 2.9 - 4.1 3.9 - 5.6 230 230 • Piezo push button ignition • Thermo couple flame protection • Safety shutdown on gas/flame/fan failure & overheat • Complete with gas hose & regulator • Room ventilation is required ELECTRIC SUPPLY (Volts) 230 230 230 230 OFFER PRICE £115 £169 £249 £299 rAdiAnT hAlogen elecTric heATer • 3Kw = 10,236 Bthu/hr. • Heavy duty construction • Quick to heat and fully portable • 2 Heat settings • Tip over safety cut out • Overheat safety cut out • Carry handle & cord storage • Castors for easy mobility • 220-240 volt • Weight 16Kg • Dimensions: H=89cm,W=55cm,D=49cm speciAl offer £179.00 Part No: eh0208 elecTric fAn heATer • 3Kw = 10,236 Btu/hr. • Robust metal design. • 2 Fan Speeds. • Adjustable thermostat • 230 Volt. • Weight 5Kg • Dimensions: L=270mm, W=260mm, H=360mm speciAl offer £79.00 Part No: eh1366 infrA-red rAdiAnT oil fired heATers HEAT MAX. APPROX. FUEL TANK PART NO. OUTPUT APROX. CONSUMPTION CAPACITY (Btu/hr) kW (Ltrs/Hr) (ltrs) VaL 6 140,000 40 1SteP VaL MIDI 112,000 33 IFt 21 70,000 20 DIMENSIONS LxWxH (mm) 5YR OFFER LEASE PRICE PW 3.7 40 1200x620x930 £1199 £6.29 3.3 1.5 35 15 710x660x810 £1099 £5.77 530x360x560 £375 - Features: Applications: Motor trade • Photocell flame control • High pressure burner • Spot heating with no airflow • Fuel Gauge • Room ventilation is required • Workshop personnel heating • Drying and curing in body shops Industry • Spot heating in workshops, transit depots and warehouses • Warming up and defrosting machines 0845 602 3436 Part No: ifT 21 Part No: val 6 1STep Part No: val midi 7 January/March 2015 Thermobile defra is conducting a review of the guidance on the implementation of the waste incineration directive (wid) and it’s application to small waste oil burners (swobs). This is ongoing and no time scale has been set. IMPORT ANT: In order to burn waste oil, you will need to register with your local authority, there is an initial cost to do this followed by a chargeable annual update license. model sb80 & sb110 model sb40 & sb60 • Clean combustion and high efficiency • High capacity air distribution fans • Supplied with manual dial type remote thermostat and 5 metres of cable • Optional extra is a digital thermostat and time control • Summer ventilation facility • Models SB80 and SB110-package includes motor and pump kit for connection to bulk fuel tank with bottom outlet and a maximum distance of 15 metres (pipework and electric cable not included). For top outlet bulk tanks and/or distances above 15 metres, a pneumatic pump kit is available at an extra cost • Complete flue kit provides for approximately 6 metres (19 feet) ground clearance AND NOW includes Roof Seal & Fitting Kit plus two Wall Bands • Compressed air supply required for burner • Burners adjustable to use heating oil/diesel All prices on This pAge Are sUpplY onlY Uk mAinlAnd – insTAllATion AVAilAble AT AddiTionAl cosT AUTomATic igniTion wAsTe oil heATers part no. SB40Package SB60Package SB80Package SB110Package oFFer prICe £3895 £4295 £6195 £6795 5yr lease prICe £20.67pw £22.80pw £32.88pw £36.07pw TechnicAl dATA PART NO. HEAT CAPACITY (Btu/hr) AIR MOVEMENT (m³/hr) FUEL TANK (ltrs) FUEL CONSUMPTION (ltrs/hr) COMPRESSED AIR DISPLACEMENT ELECTRIC SUPPLY (volts) SB40Package SB60Package SB80Package SB110Package 153,000 204,000 306,000 436,000 3200 4100 6200 8100 80 80 130 130 4.6 6.0 9.0 12.8 230 230 400 + N 400 + N 1 - 1.3 CFM 1.5 - 1.8 CFM 2 - 2.6 CFM 3 - 3.6 CFM The above packages include a complete flue kit and for models sb80 & 110 a standard motor & pump kit.. Additional flue, fire valves, magnetic valves and high pressure filters are available at an additional cost Also AVAilAble oil & gAs fired sUspended UniT heATers 8 Turn To page 46-47 To find your local branch January/March 2015 Thermobile mAnUAl igniTion wAsTe oil heATers • High/Low manual heat regulation • Efficient, clean, virtually soot-free combustion using: used (waste) oil, diesel, heating oil or any combination of these • All models complete with built-in fuel tank, filters & fuel pump • Equipped with overflow, overheat and flame failure systems • AT400 & AT500 incorporate a burner drawer system for easier lighting and cleaning plus a heat exchanger for higher efficiency • Heaters that have a perforated combustion chamber (models AT306 & AT306THERMO) are not recommended for use in workshops where there are explosive vapours present (i.e. petrol vapour) • Combustion air intake kits are available for extra safety in garage workshops, either horizontally through an outside wall or vertically taking air into the combustion chamber from two metres above ground level. Except models AT306 and AT306THERMO • Complete flue kit provides for approximately 6 metres (19 feet) ground clearance AND is legislation compliant PG1/1(04) includes roof seal & fitting kit plus two wall bands. All prices on This pAge Are sUpplY onlY Uk mAinlAnd – insTAllATion AVAilAble AT AddiTionAl cosT • Heat capacity: 85,000 Btu/hr min. to 146,000 Btu/hr max. • Fuel consumption: 2,5 Litres/hr min. to 4,3 Litres/hr max. • Fuel tank capacity: 55 Litres • Fan capacity: 3000 m3/hr • Heat exchanger for higher efficiency • Burner drawer system for ease of lighting & maintenance AT306Thermo pAckAge AT306 pAckAge speciAl offer speciAl offer speciAl offer £2195.00 5 year lease from £11.65pw Part No: aT400package AT500 pAckAge • Heat capacity: 130,000 Btu/hr min. to 210,000 Btu/hr max. • Fuel consumption: 3,8 Litres/hr min. to 6,2 Litres/hr max. • Fuel tank capacity: 55 Litres • Fan capacity: 3000 m3/hr • Heat exchanger for higher efficiency • Burner drawer system for ease of lighting & maintenance £2595.00 Part No: aT500package sUper bUY! £1095.00 AT307 pAckAge 5 year lease from £5.81pw Part No: aT306Thermopackage Part No: aT306package • Minimum heat capacity: 68,000 Btu/hr • Maximum heat capacity: 102,000 Btu/hr • Minimum fuel consumption: 2 Litres/hr • Maximum fuel consumption: 3 Litres/hr • Fuel tank capacity: 50 Litres • Fan capacity: 1000 m3/hr • Minimum heat capacity: 68,000 Btu/hr • Maximum heat capacity: 102,000 Btu/hr • Minimum fuel consumption: 2 Litres/hr • Maximum fuel consumption: 3 Litres/hr • Fuel tank capacity: 50 Litres • Radiant heat only AT400 & AT500 AT307 Fan assisted air distribution Closed combustion chamber Closed combustion chamber Built-in fuel tank Built-in fuel tank Separate combustion air intake fan - can be connected to outside supply Separate combustion air intake fan - can be connected to outside supply 0845 602 3436 speciAl offer AT306Thermo & AT306 High capacity axial fan for heat distribution AT307 es inclUdk iT fl U e 5 year lease from £13.77pw 5 year lease from £6.61pw AT400 & AT500 es inclUdk iT fl U e speciAl offer cAll 0845 602 3436 or YoUr locAl Andrew pAge brAnch £1245.00 AT400 pAckAge �Thermo’ (Standard on AT306THERMO, optional extra on AT306) Fan assisted air distribution Perforated combustion chamber (not suitable near explosive vapours) Built-in fuel tank £1499.00 5 year lease from £7.96pw Part No: aT307package • Minimum heat capacity: 68,000 Btu/hr • Maximum heat capacity: 102,000 Btu/hr • Minimum fuel consumption: 2 Litres/hr • Maximum fuel consumption: 3 Litres/hr • Fuel tank capacity: 50 Litres • Fan capacity: 1000 m3/hr AT306/AT306THERMO 9 January/March 2015 Thermobile HEAtEr spArEs TemperATUre sensor speciAl offer £12.50* speciAl offer All AT Models Part No: 40000167 speciAl offer AT302/303/305/306 & 307 bUrner ring £33.00* speciAl offer Models AT303/307/400 & 500 Part No: 41910145 seAling cord for Top of combUsTion chAmber £6.38* Models AT303/307/400 & 500 Part No: 41900805 combUsTion dish £75.00* Models AT303/ AT306THERMO/ AT307/AT400/AT500 speciAl offer speciAl offer AT306/307 £16.00* Part No: 41000206 Part No: 41900784 oil inleT TUbe Part No: 41906010 All AT and SB Models speciAl offer Part No: 41900521 £5.95* £32.50* limiT ThermosTAT wiTh reseT speciAl offer Part No: 40000238 combUsTion dish £28.50* drAUghT sTAbiliser for flUe seAling cord for combUsTion dish holder speciAl offer Models AT400/AT500 £12.95* AT400/500 Part No: 41910196 *THERMOBILE SPARES PRICES MAY BE SUBJECT TO A CARRIAGE CHARGE PLEASE CHECK WHEN ORDERING 10 Turn To page 46-47 To find your local branch January/March 2015 crYpTon crYpTon - TAking YoU To new heighTs • Made in Germany - Rely on quality, strength and reliability • The lifts achieve quality and strength by thoughtful design and applying the latest manufacturing techniques, such as folded steel beams, resulting in increased strength and eliminating potential corrosion found in conventional welded structures • 2-Post lifts manufactured with hard chrome cylinders and galvanised covers • Low maintenance costs • Long service life electro-mechanical 2 post lift - 3 tonne • Suitable for lifting passenger cars, car derived vans and many light commercial vehicles • Telescopic asymmetric arms provide optimal door clearance to access the vehicle interior • Two synchronised motors ensure perfect balance of both lifting columns • Adjustable height and width structure • Baseless frame • Low lifting point OUR SPECIAL OFFER! 3 £2795 LEASE FROM £14.84 PER WEEK 3 YEAR WARRANTY! part no: c2l3000e YEAR WARRANTY! hydraulic 2 post lift - 4.5 tonne • A top quality hydraulic two-post lift • Suitable for lifting cars and light commercial vehicles • Overhead gantry with an automatic shut off sensor • Electro-magnetic locking system • Adjustable lowering speed for safe lifting and lowering • Telescopic asymmetric arms provide optimal door clearance to access the vehicle interior • Low lifting point OUR SPECIAL OFFER! £3295 3 YEAR WARRANTY! LEASE FROM £17.49 PER WEEK part no: c2l4500h portable mid rise lift - 3 tonne • For underbody servicing, painting and bodywork repair • Lifts vehicles to a comfortable 1 metre lifting height • Covers a large range of activities • Portable lift with the optional �Mobile-Set’ • Suitable for garages that need the ability to shift their work areas around • Can be installed without permanent mounting on most flat surfaces • Easy and quick set-up Crypton • a Brand of the Contnental Corporation OUR SPECIAL OFFER! £2695 LEASE FROM £14.30 PER WEEK part no: cml3000 0845 602 3436 11 January/March 2015 crYpTon r A e 3Y rAnTY wAr MARkET LEADER AS USED bY NATIONAL FAST FITS The Crypton 800 series emission analyser is DVSA approved for MOT testing. The CCP800 series is an integrated gas and smoke analyser combining state of the art digital technology. The unit comes complete with the following as standard: • Oil temperature probe • Battery RPM measurement (petrol & diesel) • Colour A4 printer • 23” IBA Widescreen monitor • All housed in a high quality roll-around cabinet • Ergonomic, space-saving design • Integral keyboard cover for dust/grease protection PART NO. 12 DESCRIPTION PRICE PRICE PW A2C95212000 800 SERIES EMISSIONS ANALYSER CABLED VERSION £4250.00 £22.56 A2C95214000 800 SERIES EMISSIONS ANALYSER BLUETOOTH VERSION £4850.00 £25.74 A2C87760800 5 YR TOTAL CARE PACKAGE INCLUDING VOSA UPDATES £2950.00 £15.15 Crypton • a Brand of the Contnental Corporation Turn To page 46-47 To find your local branch January/March 2015 crYpTon 3 YeAr include all our aTl packageS wArrAnTY a combined emiSSionS analySer Choose your lift Take your pick between a class iV or class Vii package and select the lift that is most suited to your needs. 4 Post OR scissor. f r ee br Ake Tes frAme! Ter Once you’ve selected our emissions analyser, this will be the heart of your ATL bay, then go ahead and pick your brake tester, headlamp aligner, mirrors and jacking beam. If you can’t find what you are looking for, call us on 0113 397 0210 and our specialist team will assist. ATV Class IV – NEW LOWER PRICES Description Part No. Offer price 5 year lease *Class IV Pit Package (excl pit) CPL740-C-EN560 £17,999 £95.53 *Class iV 4 Post ATL PkG 4t, 4.5m C4L741-C-EN560 £22,999 £122.07 *Class iV Scissor ATL PkG 4t, 4.6m CTL740-C-EN56 0 £23,999 £127.38 ATV Class VII – NEW LOWER PRICES Description Part No. Offer price 5 year lease *Class VII Pit Package (excl pit) CPL770-C-EN560 £21,999 £116.76 *Class Vii 4 Post ATL PkG 5t, 5.7m C4L773-C-EN560 £24,999 £132.69 *Class Vii Scissor STL PkG 5t, 5.5m CTL773-C-EN560 £28,195 £151.26 ALL ThE ABOVE LISTEd ARE AVAILABLE wITh OPTIONAL ExTRA BRAkE TESTER RECESS STEEL FRAME - ENABLES EASIER ANd MORE ACCuRATE RECESS FABRICATION - £399 FOR CLASS IV, £449 FOR CLASS VII * wIRELESS EMiSSiONS AVAiLABLE FOR ADDiTiONAL £500 free on siT sUrVe e Y Crypton • a Brand of the Contnental Corporation 0845 602 3436 13 January/March 2015 JAs STEEL TOP WORkbENCHES Heavy duty workbenches are fully welded (not flat pack) • Constructed from steel angle with braced galvanized tops or 45mm timber top. Super heavy duty with galvanized steel on top of 45mm timber also available • All benches come with bottom shelf and cupboard with vice plate welded underneath proUd To be Uk designed And mAnUfAcTUred sTATic workbenches – sTeel workTops PART NO. LENGTH X WIDTH DESCRIPTION PRICE 1260SC 1200mm x 600mm Steel top £269 1575SC 1500mm x 750mm Steel top £299 2090SC 2000mm x 900mm Steel top £349 Other sizes available, normal height 840mm. MObILE STEEL bENCHES mobile workbenches PART NO. LENGTH X WIDTH DESCRIPTION PRICE 1260SCP 1200mm x 600mm Steel top with Cupboard £359 1575SCP 1500mm x 750mm Steel top with Cupboard £379 Other sizes available, normal height 840mm. Wood/steel worktops also available at additional cost! mAJorlifT JAcking beAms 5Yr wArrAnTY higher And wider AT no eXTrA cosT! 2.0 TONNE FOR CLASS 4 MOT TESTiNG 2.8 TONNE FOR CLASS 7 MOT TESTiNG • Choice of manual or air/hydraulic operation • All Majorlift products are manufactured in our high tech factory in Gloucestershire with 95% of the product made in house • We are a BS EN ISO 9001;2008 registered company • 5 YEAR WARRANTY (Subject to 3 year servicing intervals to comply with H&S regulations) feaTureS raiSer blockS £749.00 Part No: hpJ2 (2T) • Top beam now a massive 1700m/m wide fitted as standard • Pressure relief valve [prevents overloading] • Hose burst valves [avoids accidental lowering] • Support arms tailor made to suit all makes of lift • Easy glide rollers, permits smooth running along lift platform • Range of extra accessories to fit onto top beam, which will increase lifting safety 14 • Universal fitting suitable for all makes of jacking beam • Rubber non slip exterior which moulds to your customer’s vehicle underbody allowing you to work in total confidence • Light, strong and easy to use £1099.00 5 year lease from £5.84pw Part No: hpJ28 (2.8T) part no. 1590l 1590M 1590s 1590 description 120x230x140mm (hxwxd) 70x200x100mm (hxwxd) 40x200x100mm (hxwxd) Full set price per pair £63.00 £33.00 £25.00 £98.00 Turn To page 46-47 To find your local branch January/March 2015 fini nUAir belt driven lubricated – Tech & blue star series Professional and heavy duty, low speed workshop compressors. belt driven lubricated – pulsar concept silenced Higher output 3 phase professional silenced compressors offering capacity from 17 Cfm (disp.) Features • 13 Amp, single & 3 phase models • 230 and 400 Volts • Fully automatic operation on all Tech series • 3-10HP • 50, 100, 150, 200 & 270 Ltr receivers • Tandem models available • Higher capacities • Reduced RPM • 2 Year warranty (T & Cs apply) • Star Delta starting on 10 HP model Features • Three phase models • 270 & 500 Litre receivers • Floor mounted version available • Noise levels as low as 69 dB(A) • 4 to 10HP • Star Delta starting available • 2 Year warranty (T & Cs apply) Part No. Model CFM (disp.) Receiver ltr Phase HP Bar Offer Price Per week S-28Da504FPS032 NB2800B/50/3M tech 12.5 50 Single 2.2 10 £375.00 - S-28Fa504FPS009 NB2800B/100/3M tech 12.5 100 Single 2.2 10 £375.00 - S-28Ha504FPS051 NB2800B/150/3M tech 12.5 150 Single 2.2 10 £435.00 - S-36HN504FPS012 NB38C/150 FM3 13.95 150 Single 3.0 10 £475.00 - • Refrigerated dryer options available CFM (disp.) Receiver ltr Phase HP Bar Offer Price Per week Pulsar Concept Se BK114-270F-4 17.0 270 three 4 10 £1,895.00 £10.06 Pulsar Concept Se BrNt701FPS031 BK119-270F-5.5 23.8 270 three 5.5 10 £2,095.00 £11.12 Pulsar Concept Se BK119-270F-7.5 29.7 270 three 7.5 10 £2,295.00 £12.19 38.2 500 three 10 10 £3,395.00 £18.03 Part No. Model BZNt601FNN040 S-36LN504FPS014 NB38C/200 FM3 13.95 200 Single 3.0 10 £495.00 - S-36NW505FPS038 NB38/270 tD tandem 27.9 270 Single 2 x 3.0 10 £1,395.00 £7.41 S-36HN541FPS013 NB38C/150 Ft3 13.95 150 three 3.0 10 £475.00 - S-36LN541FPS015 NB38C/200 Ft3 13.95 200 three 3.0 10 £495.00 - S-N7LN701FPS044 NB7/200 Ft 5 26.7 200 three 5.5 10 £695.00 - BrNt701FNN224 S-N7NN801FPS018 NB7/270 Ft 7 29.7 270 three 7.5 10 £895.00 - S-N1NN905FPS019 NB10/270 Ft 10 38.1 270 three 10.0 10 £1,395.00 £7.40 Pulsar Concept Bttt905FNM953 BK120-500F-10 SD micro & Quadro series - rotary screw compressors Vision series - rotary screw compressors Belt driven screw compressor from 2.2 to 15 kW Belt driven screw compressors free on-siTe commissioning free on-siTe commissioning from 7.5 to 22 kW Features • Noise levels as low as 58 dB(A Features • Noise levels as low as 62 dB(A) • 12,000 Hour Poly-V belts • Modular design – floor, receiver mounted and receiver mounted with dryer • Higher capacities • Floor, tank mounted & tank mounted with dryer options. • Fixed speed drive • Star Delta starting from 5.5 kW • 12,000 Hour Poly-V belts • Electronic controller from 5.5 kW • 8, 10 & 13 Bar options • 8 & 10 Bar as standard • Lower service costs • 13 Bar available on floor mounted • EasyTronic IV electronic controller • 2 Year warranty (T & Cs apply) • Star Delta starting on all models • Refrigerated dryer option Part No. Model CFM (FAD) Receiver ltr Phase HP Bar Offer Price • Lower noise Levels • Refrigerated dryer option Per week F-V77Jt60FNM301 MICrO Se 310 M -200 10.2 200 Single 3 10 £2,395.00 £12.72 F-V77JQ72FNM001 MICrO Se 410-200 13.6 200 three 4 10 £2,495.00 £13.25 F-V77JP72FNM301 MICrO Se 510-200 17.1 200 three 5.5 10 £2,595.00 £13.78 F-V77JO92FNM301 MICrO ta 710-200 Part No. Model CFM (FAD) Receiver ltr Phase HP Bar Offer Price Per week 22.9 200 three 7.5 10 £2,695.00 £14.31 F-V91SH92FNM001 VISION 1010-270F 35 270 three 10 10 £3,995.00 £21.21 F-V91NH92FNM001 QUaDrO 1010-270F 35.3 270 three 10 10 £3,495.00 £18.56 F-V91SP92FNM001 VISION 1510-270F 53 270 three 15 10 £4,195.00 £22.28 F-V91NM92FNM001 QUaDrO 1510-270F 53.0 270 three 15 10 £3,695.00 £19.62 F-V83SS92FNM001 VISION 2010-500F 65 500 three 20 10 £4,695.00 £24.93 F-V83NQ92FNM001 QUaDrO 2010-500F 65.3 500 three 20 10 £4,395.00 £23.34 F-V83SV92FNM001 VISION 2510-500F 88 500 three 25 10 £5,695.00 £30.24 F-V83NY92FNM001 QUaDrO 2110-500F 72.4 500 three 20 10 £4,695.00 £24.93 F-V83SY92FNM001 VISION 3010-500F 106 500 three 30 10 £5,995.00 £31.83 0845 602 3436 15 January/March 2015 kÄrcher COLD WATER PRESSURE WASHER COLD WATER PRESSURE WASHER Kärcher’s entry level professional pressure washer offers a new level of performance and durability compared to domestic machines. With stainless steel lance, three-piston axial pump, brass water inlet and cylinder head for long service life. Features triple nozzle (0°/25°/40°) as standard. Kärcher’s HD 6/13 C Plus is a compact and powerful high pressure cleaner designed for the demanding cleaning requirements of the automotive industry. High water flow and pressure ensure thorough cleaning results even when tackling the most stubborn dirt. With variable water pressure, triple nozzle and Dirtblaster nozzle as standard, this machine offers high performance cleaning producing fantastic results and quick turnarounds. MODEL hd5/11C PRESSURE 130 bar WATER FLOW 500 litres/hour POWER 2.2kw (240V) UsUAl price £339.95 MODEL hdS6/12C PRESSURE 30-120 bar WATER FLOW 240-560 litres/hour POWER 16 3.0kw (240V) mAnce Includes foam spray bottle & 2.5L Active Vehicle Wash detergent (worth £99) £319.00 MODEL hd6/13 C Plus PRESSURE 170 bar £459.00 Part No: 15201180 WATER FLOW 230-560 litres/hour Part No: 15201620 POWER 2.9kw (240V) HOT WATER & STEAM CLEANER Kärcher’s HDS 6/12 C is a powerful hot water high-pressure cleaner with steam function, ideal for medium duty cleaning of vehicles, machinery and yards. Featuring eco!efficiency mode for up to 20% fuel savings compared with previous models. The HDS 6/12 C delivers detergent at high pressure for a more powerful clean and features a servo-control on the gun for convenient water pressure/flow adjustment. high perfor HOT WATER & STEAM CLEANER Kärcher’s heavy-duty hot water high-pressure cleaner with steam function provides high levels of performance, reliability and economy. Featuring eco!efficiency mode for up to 20% fuel savings, 4-pole motor and machine protector system for prolonged service life. Ideal for cleaning commercial vehicles, machinery and yards. besT selling mAchine MACHINE TRAINING AND SERvICE CONTRACTS AvAILABLE. ASk FOR DETAILS. £1399.00 leAse from £7.43pw Part No: 11692190 heAVY dUTY MODEL hdS7/10-4M PRESSURE 30-100 bar WATER FLOW 350-700 litres/hour POWER 3.1kw (240V) MACHINE TRAINING AND SERvICE CONTRACTS AvAILABLE. ASk FOR DETAILS. £1899.00 leAse from £10.08pw Part No: 10774110 Turn To page 46-47 To find your local branch January/March 2015 kÄrcher HEAVY DUTY FLOOR CLEANER ADV DRY VACUUM CLEANER kärcher’s BR 40/10 heavy duty scrubber drier makes cleaning small to medium hard floors easy, delivering outstanding results and helping to keep your workshop safe and compliant with VOSA regulations. Featuring twin counter-rotating brushes and twin rubber squeegees, the BR 40/10 cleans and dries hard floors in a single pass. By turning the vacuum system off, the machine can be used for deep cleaning of heavily soiled areas. Designed for professional use, the T 10/1 vacuum cleaner is equally at home cleaning carpeted areas, hard surfaces or vehicle interiors. This high performance dry vacuum cleaner can be used with or without a bag thanks to its high suction power. Features include an anti-static suction tube bend and an easy replacement 12m mains cable. MODEL BR 40/10 C Adv MODEL T10/1 Adv WORKING WIDTH 400 mm CAPACITY 10 litres FRESH/DIRTY TANK 10/10 litres AIR VOLUME 61 litres/sec POWER 1400w (240V) POWER 1100w (240V) £1299.00 leAse from £6.89pw Part No: 96217920 PRO VALETING MACHINE UsUAl price £89.95 £79.95 Part No: 15274110 MULTIPURPOSE VACUUM CLEANER kärcher’s Puzzi 10/1 spray extraction machine is designed for easy and efficient deep cleaning of upholstery, carpets and textile flooring and ideal for vehicle valeting. With a powerful 1 bar spray rate, the water and detergent solution is applied to the area being cleaned and picked up immediately by the flexible suction nozzle leaving only minimal residual moisture. Also includes hand tool for vehicle interiors and spot cleaning. Unlike many wet or dry vacuum cleaners, kärcher’s xpert Vac features a superior filtration system allowing the operator to switch between wet or dry pick up without changing or damaging the filter. ideal for cleaning vehicle interiors or workshop spills. The perfect solution to quickly and easily remove the rain or melted snow and ice that can create a safety hazard in your workshop during the winter months. UsUAl price £159.95 MODEL Puzzi 10/1 VACUUM 220 mbar AIR FLOW 54 litres/sec FRESH DIRTY/TANK 10/9 litres 0845 602 3436 MODEL Xpert NT 360 £399.00 CAPACITY 35 litres WATER FLOW 200 mbar Part No: 11001320 POWER 1380w (240V) UsUAl price £419.00 £149.95 Part No: 95321990 17 January/March 2015 brAdbUrY 18 HyDRAuLIC BASELESS DESCRIPTION WEIGHT HEIGHT PHASE OFFER PRICE 5 yEAR LEASE H2403G 2 POSt LIFt WItH GaNtrY 4 tONNe 4000MM 3 PHaSe £2995 £15.90 H2401G 2 POSt LIFt WItH GaNtrY 4 tONNe 4000MM 1 PHaSe £3095 £16.43 H2403HG 2 POSt LIFt WItH HIGH GaNtrY 4 tONNe 4400MM 3 PHaSe £3295 £17.50 H2401HG 2 POSt LIFt WItH HIGH GaNtrY 4 tONNe 4400MM 1 PHaSe £3395 £18.03 H2603G 2 POSt LIFt WItH GaNtrY 6 tONNe 4450MM 3 PHaSe £4495 £23.87 H2603HG 2 POSt LIFt WItH HIGH GaNtrY 6 tONNe 5450MM 3 PHaSe £4995 £26.52 aH100 100MM HIGH LIFt PaDS - - - £259 - aH187 180MM HIGH LIFt PaDS - - - £279 - aH200 200MM HIGH LIFt PaDS - - - £329 - Turn To page 46-47 To find your local branch January/March 2015 brAdbUrY CLASS 4 ATL BAy PART NO: DESCRIPTION 4 TONNE PLATFORM LENGTH BRAkE TESTER # JACkING BEAM OFFER PRICE 5 yEAR LEASE FROM atL4H4403atLXL LONGeSt CLaSS 4 atL LIFt ON MarKet YeS 4780 Or 5280MM 1040atL 2 tONNe £22995 £122.85 atL4H4403atLSr FItS INtO 99% OF eXIStING reCeSSeS YeS 4345 Or 4845MM 1040atL 2 tONNe £21895 £116.21 atL4H4403atLSL FItS INtO MaNY eXIStING reCeSSeS YeS 4354 Or 4845MM 1040atL 2 tONNe £21895 £116.21 CLASS 4 & 7 ATL BAy PART NO: DESCRIPTION WEIGHT PLATFORM LENGTH BRAkE TESTER# JACkING BEAM OFFER PRICE 5 yEAR LEASE FROM atL7H4653atLLWB HeaVIeSt & LONGeSt atL LIFt ON MarKet 6.5 tONNe 6185 Or 6685MM 1070atL 2.8 tONNe £30995 £164.51 atL7H4523atLLWB LONGeSt atL LIFt ON MarKet 5.2 tONNe 6185 Or 6685MM 1070atL 2.8 tONNe £28795 £152.84 atL7H4483atLLWB FItS INtO MaNY eXIStING reCeSSeS 4 tONNe 5600 Or 6100MM 1070atL 2.8 tONNe £25995 £137.97 atL7H4483atL SPaCe SaVING CLaSS 7 LIFt Or eXtra LONG CLaSS 4 4.8 tONNe 5450/5950MM 1070atL 2.8 tONNe £24495 £130.01 OPTL OFFER PART NO: DESCRIPTION WEIGHT PLATFORM LENGTH BRAkE TESTER JACkING BEAM OFFER PRICE 5 yEAR LEASE FROM H4403atLSL - OPtLUP OPtL UPGraDe (NO BraKe teSter) 4 tONNe 4360MM NO 2 tONNe £12499 £66.34 *Warranty is subject to the equipment being serviced at the recommended intervals and the equipment is used in accordance with manufacturers guidelines. 0845 602 3436 19 January/March 2015 brAdbUrY PACKAGE INCLUDES WC5301AA - Fully Automatic Tyre Changer with Assist Arm • Allows independents/MOT workshops to change low profile tyres) • 12” - 23” Outside diameter clamping. • 14” - 26” Inside diameter clamping. • Operating pressure: 8-10 bar (116-145 psi) sAVing £650! WC5521 - Electronic Wheel Balancer • Motorised machine designed for budget tyre workshops. • Rim width measuring caliper • Wheel weight pliers/hammer • 4 x Standard cones Both pieces of equipment are single phase. M2903/CD 3.0 Tonne Two Post Electro-Mechanical Lift Features • M2903 - Shaft drive • M2903CD - Chain drive • Safety nut • Automatic arm locking device • Dead man controls, 24 volt • Buzzer on last portion of descent stroke • Electro-mechanical safety device • Automatic lubrication • Complete with 60mm and 100mm pad height adaptors • Suitable for workshops with a low ceiling or roof • Reliable tried and tested quality design • Good all round purpose lift suitable for lifting small and large cars and up to car derived vans • Hydraulically synchronised platforms. • Easy to handle run on/run off ramps. • Pneumatic mechanical safety locking system M2933 3.0 tonne two post electro-mechanical lift Features • Twin motor • Nut breakage system • Cold-rolled spindle for very long life • Digitally controlled safety features • Anti-trap toe protection alarm when lowering • Posts are made of strong, hot rolled profiled steel • Electronic synchronisation system • Mechanical safety device • Automatic arm locking system • Double telescopic arms • Large adjustable screw lifting pads • Optional extras include a large range of high lift pads 20 • Hydraulic parachute safety valve • 3 Phase & single phase options • Includes delivery & installation TyRE EquIPMENT DESCRIPTION WEIGHT OFFER PRICE 5 yEAR LEASE FROM WC5301aa + WC5521 tYre CHaNGer & WHeeL BaLaNCer PaCKaGe - £2595 £13.78 WC55301aa tYre CHaNGer WItH aSSISt arM - £1850 £9.82 WC5521 eLeCtrONIC WHeeL BaLaNCer - £1395 £7.41 MECHANICAL 2 POST LIFTS DESCRIPTION WEIGHT OFFER PRICE 5 yEAR LEASE FROM M2903CD 2 POSt LIFt WItH BaSe 3 tONNe £2395 £12.72 M2933 2 POSt LIFt WItH GaNtrY 3 tONNe £3095 £16.43 SCISSOR LIFTS DESCRIPTION WEIGHT OFFER PRICE 5 yEAR LEASE FROM H8603e reCeSSeD LIFt, 3 PHaSe 3.6 tONNe £3495 £18.56 H8601e reCeSSeD LIFt, SINGLe PHaSe 3.6 tONNe £3595 £19.09 H8903e LOW PrOFILe SUrFaCe MOUNteD, 3 PHaSe 3.2 tONNe £3495 £18.56 H8901e LOW PrOFILe SUrFaCe MOUNteD, SINGLe PHaSe 3.2 tONNe £3595 £19.09 Turn To page 46-47 To find your local branch January/March 2015 dAlbY AVAilAble from sTock for QUick & eAsY self-bUild INSTALLATION • FULLY DETAILED INSTRUCTION BOOKLET PROVIDED • DEDICATED INSTALLATION HELPLINE a revoluTionary deSign concepT from The uk’S leading name in Spray booThS from £10,495.00 +VAT whY bUY A cheAp booTh when YoU cAn bUY A QUAliTY low cosT booTh from The nAme YoU cAn TrUsT? • Perfect finishing environment • Quick & easy installation • Will fit into almost any workshop • Quality Assured BS EN 9001 • Running costs of less than £2.50/hr EASYbOOTH • 7M long x 3.9M wide x 2.4M high cabin, fits into almost any workshop • Spray & bake with full re-circulation facility to 80°C • Surface mounted with rear extraction chest (no pits required) • Fully assembled extraction system & heating plant for quick & easy installation • Plug & socket wiring system – 2 hour total wiring time • Double skin front & doors with durable precoated polyester white finish • Running costs of less than £2.50/hr (natural gas) • Ducting package included • Suitable for use with water based paints • Booths available from stock for quick & easy self-build installation • Detailed installation instructions provided • Dedicated installation helpline • Fully certificated and compliant with all current Health & Safety & Environment Protection Act requirements proUd To be Uk designed And mAnUfAcTUred finAnce pAckAges AVAilAble from £55.70 pw (sUbJecT To sTATUs) fUllY insTAlled pAckAges from £13,495+VAT 0845 602 3436 yes you really can install your own quality spray booth IN LESS THAN 2 DAYS! TALK TO THE EXPERTS–TALK TO DALBY 21 January/March 2015 lAUnch LAUNCH Uk OUR SPECIAL OFFER! £269 OUR SPECIAL OFFER! £1695 LEASE FROM £9.09 PER WEEK Part No: crp 129 CRP 129 The CReader Pro CRP129 is the most up-todate vehicle fault diagnosis tool in Launch’s line of handheld diagnostic tools. don’t let its size mislead you, the CReader Pro is a state-of-theart tool and with innovative new designs in both its hardware and software it is one of the most reliable and accessible diagnosis tools on the market today. key feaTureS: • MIL Indicator • Multiple car models (Over 40 prevalent models from Asia, America & Europe) • Record, save and playback up to 8 hours of live data • I/M Readiness test • Enhanced data stream for ABS, SRS, transmission & engine. • Malfunction lamp status • Read vehicle information • O2 (Lambda) sensor test • Auto-vehicle ID, auto module search & ultra-fast protocol ID • EVAP System test • View live diagnostic data in graph or data format • View multiple data streams at the same time • View freeze frame data • Read current, pending and permanent DTC’s • Clear DTC’s • Support DTCs help, data stream wave display Free internet updates Enhanced help function Print data via PC Part No: x431 pro iii X431 PRO III X431 PRO Part No: x431 pro The Launch X431 Pro iii has been designed to connect vehicles and workshops, using wireless and bluetooth connectivity. A builtin social network service enables users to connect to a community for help with diagnosis, while remote diagnosis is possible with golo option. Users also have access to a car database and repair tips, allowing for faster and more efficient performance. As with all Launch diagnostic tools, the Pro covers a wide range of car models including European, Asian, American and Chinese. it also has a range of powerful test functions and provides extremely accurate test data. oTher feaTureS of The pro 3 include: • High configuration software that allows for high operating speeds • A multi-touch, tablet-style capacitor screen for quick, smooth use • Portable size makes it easy to use and transport • Brand new interface that’s much more user friendly • Users can install any Android software • Also has photo, video and multimedia functions, as well as other software applications • Can graph live data when in use • Module coding, resets, relearns and bi-directional capabilities also possible • Full system diagnosis • Data stream storage and re-display • Coding, reset and programming functions • Online technical support and advice • Real time diagnosis for golo users • Special functions for specific manufacturers X431 Pro III technical specifications: • 10.1 Inch, 1280x800 resolution touch screen • Quad core processor running at 1.2Ghz. • 1 GB Of RAM • 8 GB On board storage. • 16 Core GPU • 3.7v Ultra-long life battery 6600 mAh. • 0.3 Megapixel front camera, 3.2 Megapixel rear camera • Android 4.0 OS oTher feaTureS of ThiS Tool include: now onlY! £1195 leAse from £6.34pw for YoUr on siTe demo, cAll 0845 602 3436 now 22 Turn To page 46-47 To find your local branch January/March 2015 elwis ELWIS C SERIES PROFESSIONAL COb LED HAND LAMPS • Innovative danish design hand lamps that set new standards for the durability of a high specification COB LED lamp. • designed to provide a powerful and bright light output offering the professional a very convenient working light. • The use of a wide beam angle makes C Series lamps capable of lighting up a large work area. • New design with stronger magnet. 14020B "C1" 14025B “C2” 14026B “C3” • Professional, cordless, hand lamp • 3W COB LED Offering 300 lumens. • 3.5 Hour burn time / 4 hour charge • 230V UK charger belt clip • Gift box • Rubberized ABS • Rear magnet • IP 54 • Professional, cordless, hand lamp • 3W COB LED Offering 300 lumens • 4 Hour burn time / 4 hour charge • Flex function • Rubberized ABS base magnet • 12V Cigar charger • 230V UK Charger • Durable hook • Gift box • IP 54 • Professional, cordless, mini hand lamp • 1.2W COB LED offering 120 lumens. • Rubberized ABS rear & base magnet • 3 our burn time / 4 hour charge. • 230V UK Charger • USB Charger • Belt clip • Gift box • IP 54 RRP £34.99 RRP £42.99 speciAl offer price speciAl offer price RRP £24.99 speciAl offer price £29.95 £34.99 £19.99 Part No: 14020b Part No: 14025b Part No: 14026b 14027B “C4” • Professional, cordless, hand lamp • 3W COB LED Offering 300 lumens • 4 Hour burn time / 4 hour charge • Flex function • Docking station • Rubberized ABS • Base magnet • 230V UK Charger • Durable hook • Gift box • IP 54 RRP £51.49 18310B “PF4” • Cordless SMD LED handlamp • 3 x SMD LEDs Offering 160 lumens • 3.5 Hours burn time. 2.5 hours charge • FLEX function for multi-position use • Mini USB charging cable included • Base magnet • Metal hook • IP20 RRP £27.99 speciAl offer price speciAl offer price £39.99 £21.99 Part No: 14027b Part No: 18310b 700S7 ”S7” • Slim flashlight. • 2 x Duracell AAA batteries. • 2W CREE LED offering 110 lumens. • Pocket size. • Lanyard & clip. speciAl • Gift box. offer price • IP65 RRP £17.99 £14.99 Part No: 700S7 60100 ”PF9” 700H1 “H1” • High performance headlamp with battery holder at front. • Compact and lightweight. Fits easily into a pocket. • Adjustable beam angle up to 90 degrees. • 3W CREE LED offering 120 lumens. • 2 Light output settings – 50% & 100%. • Beam distance up to 150m. speciAl offer price • Fitted with zoom function. • 3 x AAA (included). • IP44 • High specification headlamp • Optimized beam for large working area • 3 x Duracell AAA batteries • 3W LED with 2 light output modes • Unique fingerscrew tightens tilt • Super-lightweight, only 129g speciAl offer price • 260 lumens • IP44 RRP £18.99 0845 602 3436 £15.99 Part No: 60100 RRP £29.99 £24.99 Part No: 700h1 23 January/March 2015 hofmAnn megAplAn UlTimATe TYre eQUipmenT designed for those garages and tyre shops where, quite simply, only the best will do. A traditional build quality and focus on being �future-proof’ make these an excellent investment for those looking for reliability and performance long term. megamount elite megaspin 420 • Super automatic 3d operation using Sonar • world’s first balancer with �NO ChECkSPIN’ technology • Easier 6 O’clock position for weight application • Laser-guided weight placement • Automatic locking into position for weight application • handles rims up to 30” in diameter • The simplest and fastest balancer ever produced • 3 Year PCB warranty £3,395 Exceptional build quality and suitable for high volume use. megaspin 200-2 megamount elite Standard lever 5 Year lease from £28.65pw 5 Year lease from £21.21pw megamount 503 racing • 2d/3d Automatic operation • Compact yet capable in any environment • handles rims up to 30” in diameter • Simple and speedy operation • 3 Year PCB warranty £1,995 megamount elite Super (leverless) £5,395 £3,995 5 Year lease from £18.03pw premiUm TYre eQUipmenT • Premium quality, high performance tyre changer • 12” to 26” Clamping (24” external) • unique (patented) bead breaker with Run-Flat/standard settings • �megafit 2 xL’ assist arm for handling Run Flats etc • Industrial design with tapered column for max strength • Tool/valve storage box with built-in air gauge • Available in conventional lever or leverless versions • Premium quality, high performance tyre changer • 10” to 24” Clamping (22” external) • �megafit 2 xL’ assist arm for handling Run-Flats etc £2,995 5 Year lease from £10.59pw 5 Year lease from £15.90pw BuY ANY ChANGER & BALANCER PACkAGE ANd geT a niTrogen inflaTion SySTem half price NG90 Fully Auto - only £495 OR NG90-4 Fully Auto with 4 Outlets - only £595 wheel AlignmenT ecoline Series • Autodata database for comprehensive vehicle coverage • Customer printout • 19” Colour monitor • Call for a demonstration ecoline 58 with ith traditional 4-point clamps only £3,495 5 Year lease from £21.21pw ecoline 88 with ith 3-point �GrabClamps’ and even faster operation only £5,495 24 5 Year lease from £29.18pw megaline Ssence Series • Autodata database for comprehensive vehicle coverage • Customer printout • unrivalled software for speed and simplicity megaline Ssence 400 Semi-automatic operation and 19” colour monitor only £7,995 5 Year lease from £42.45pw megaline Ssence 600 Fully-automatic camera operation and 32” colour monitor only £9,995 5 Year lease from £53.07pw Turn To page 46-47 To find your local branch January/March 2015 hofmAnn megAplAn cAscos Vehicle lifTs do you want a lift that lasts like your old one did? cascos have been manufacturing lifts in Spain since 1965. in all that time, very little has changed about the way a Cascos is made, because Cascos have resisted the temptation to reduce costs by cutting corners. Essentially, a Cascos is the closest thing you will find to the lifts of the past that seemed to last forever! To celebrate 50 Years, we are pleased to offer a model that we consider to be the most traditionally built and versatile lift on the market today. Just compare these features... Storage device for an impact gun and sockets Solid steel profiles for the columns offer up to 60% more strength than those made from folded sheet steel, allowing us to use a much slimmer column, thus reducing footprint of the lift and increasing working area between the columns Quick release or telescopic (double screw) extensions eliminate the need for costly and time-consuming optional extra pads Unique arm locks use a spindle rod rather than a typical cog-style, giving universal positioning for the pick-up points and longer life Rubber buffers on inside of column ensure safe door opening Useful tool trays located in all 4 arms Triple-stage arms maximise minimum and maximum capacity for pick-up points Symmetric Arms enable bi-directional loading of the vehicle, drive-on or reverse on c3.5xl �50 Series’ - Two post lift, with base, 3500kg capacity - £3,995 5 Year lease from £21.21pw c3.5xl �50 Series Synchro’ - Two post lift, baseless, 3500kg capacity - £4,295 5 Year lease from £22.81pw BaSeLeSS VerSION aLSO aVaILaBLe WItH OVerHeaD GaNtrY Or UNDerFLOOr CaBLe ALL CASCOS LIFTS COME WITH AN UNRIVALLED 5 YeAr WARRANTY *CONDITIONS APPLY oTher modelS available c2.32 - Two post lift, with base, 3200kg capacity - £2,995 5 Year lease from £15.90pw c2.32 Synchro - Two post lift, baseless, 3200kg capacity - £3,295 5 Year lease from £17.50pw prices include delivery by two engineers on company-owned transport, and installation to a prepared site, plus free courtesy check within 3 months of installation. unbeatable �alignment bay’ packages We can offer a huge selection of lift and alignment options using the Cascos and Hofmann Megaplan range. • One supplier installs the whole package, eliminating any compatability issues • Industry leading alignment technology combined with one of the world’s longest serving lift manufacturers • Expert engineers see through whole installation from delivery to comprehensive on-site training example priceS c443 + ecoline 58 computerised aligner Flat-platform, 4.8m, 4000kg, four post lift and fully computerised aligner, ideal step up from laser alignment capacity £9,995 5 Year lease from £53.07pw c445 + megaline Ssence 400 3d aligner Flat-platform, 4.8m, 4000kg, four post lift and fully computerised aligner, ideal step up from laser alignment capacity £13,995 0845 602 3436 c125 Single post lift • Solid steel column profile • Industrial strength spindle & nut mechanism • Ideal for small garages or areas unable to accomodate a 2 post • 2500kg Lifting capacity • Exceeds Eu specifications & directives £3,495 (3ph) 5 Year lease from £18.56pw £3,695 (1ph) 5 Year lease from £19.62pw 5 Year lease from £74.31pw 25 January/March 2015 ring oUr speciAl offers RIL4000 – Ultra Bright Magnetic Flexible Inspection Lamp RT5185 – Hazard Safe ATEX LED Inspection Torch • Rechargeable and cordless • New technology Strip LED provides a light output 4x brighter than the equivalent standard LED lamp • Provides a wide angle, uniform illumination LED torch function • Magnets for hands free use • Multi-positioning for directional lighting • 2 x Integral hanging hooks • Lithium ion battery for faster OUR consistent recharging SPECIAL OFFER! • Anti slip comfortable grip • Intrinsically safe for use in hazardous locations • Waterproof construction • Virtually unbreakable polycarbonate lens • Includes AC mains charger and 12v DC charging lead Part No: rT5185 OUR SPECIAL OFFER! £23.95 £42.95 Part No: ril4000 RPPM3000 – 3000A Metal TradeStart Power Pack RT5197 - Ring Slimline LED Torch • 70 Lumens, beam distance 65m, white LED • High-low-off • Slim line design with clip • Spot to flood beam • 12/24V, 3000A Professional metal cased power pack for car & commercial retailers, fleet operators and service engineers • Jump starts up to 5.5 litre truck engines • Heavy duty sealed lead acid batteries with up to 4 year service life • Battery status indicators OUR • Reverse polarity warning SPECIAL OFFER! buzzer and indicator Part No: rT5197 OUR SPECIAL OFFER! £6.50 Part No: rppm3000 RSCPR50 - 12v, 2-50A SmartChargePro RCBT35 – TradeCharge 35 • 12v, 2-50A Programmable 8 stage battery smart charger with multiple charge rate settings • Multi-chemistry function to set the specific charge required for different battery types • Power supply function maintains the battery voltage when appliances connected and drawing power • Includes LCD display • Professional 35A metal cased bench charger with 180A jump starter • Selectable outputs for 12V and 24V vehicles • Dual charge rate settings with analogue ammeter • Rugged metal casing with high capacity cable and battery clamps • Suitable for intensive use in garages, workshops and commercial vehicle depots Part No: rScpr50 OUR SPECIAL OFFER! £249.95 £229.95 Part No: rcbT35 OUR SPECIAL OFFER! £89.95 26 Turn To page 46-47 To find your local branch January/March 2015 JbT This incredible �JBT’ package has been created exclusively for Andrew Page by market leaders in tyre equipment, hofmann Megaplan. The JBT range is designed to meet the budgets of those looking for an economical route into tyres, without the risk associated with buying �budget’ brands. Expert training and long term support from an established and well respected supplier are examples of the assurances you have when you invest in this very well spec’d, uk-assembled equipment. Motorised Wheel Balancer Fully-Automatic Tyre Changer with Assist Arm • Smooth, quiet motorised operation • Italian design & traditional build quality • Premium quality 40mm balancing hardware • 2 Year warranty (1 year full, 1 year parts) • 10” to 24” Clamping range (22” external) • Includes robotic assist arm for handling run-flat etc • Traditional European design and build quality • 2 Year warranty (1 year full, 1 year parts) Part No: JbT1500 Part No: JbT201 OUR SPECIAL OFFER! OUR SPECIAL OFFER! LEASE FROM £6.35 PER WEEK LEASE FROM £10.06 PER WEEK £1195 £1895 £2695 SAVING £395 1,400 (ft-lb) Loosening torque. Best suited for bus/ large automotive use, large agricultural service vehicles,large bolt assembly work 4,500 RPM (Free speed) 85 dBa. (Decibels) 7.9 Lbs. (Net weight) “Super clutch mechanism” 2 Year parts & labor warranty Part No: AC1600-Th £399.00 NITROCAT® “Mini” Composite 3/8” “Xtreme Torque” Twin Hammer Impact Wrench 700 (ft-lb) Loosening torque. Patented quiet tuned exhaust. Great for brake calipers,transmission work. patented easy operation flip lever forward & reverse.10,000 RPM (Free speed), 1,750 BPM (Under load) 85 dBa. (Decibels) 2.7 Lbs. 2 Year parts & labor warranty Part No: AC1355-xl £199.00 0845 602 3436 VERSA NI L UniVersAl Air Tools AIRCAT® Composite 3/4” Twin Hammer Impact Wrench By… U pAckAge bUY boTh for JUsT 5 YeAr leAse from £14.31 deAl! AI R TOOLS AIRCAT® Composite Super Clutch 1/2” Twin Hammer Impact Wrench 1,000 (ft-lb) Loosening torque. Great for general maintenance work. 85 dBa. (Decibels) 4.3 lbs. (Net Weight) 8,000 RPM (Free speed), 1,300 BPM (Under load) 2 Year parts & labor warranty Part No: AC1000-Th £179.00 NITROCAT® “Mini” Composite 1/2” “Xtreme Torque” Twin Hammer Impact Wrench 900 (ft-lb) Loosening torque. 1,750 blows per minute. Great for brake calipers,transmission work. 85 dBa. (Decibels) 2.9 lbs. (Net weight) Dark grey body, ergonomic handle design 2 Year parts & labor warranty Part No: AC1375-xl £199.00 27 January/March 2015 omegA INDUSTRIAL HEATERS DIESEL / kEROSENE HRD70 Heater output = 70,000 BtU ( 20.52KW) Fuel consumption = 1.7kg/h tank size = 24Ltr air output = 600m3/h HRD100 Heater output = 100,000 BtU ( 29.31KW) Fuel consumption = 2.5kg/h tank size = 24Ltr air output = 720 m3/h INDUSTRIAL GAS HEATERS / LPG speciAl offer speciAl offer £229.00 £89.00 Part No: hrd70 Part No: hrp42 speciAl offer speciAl offer £249.00 £129.00 Part No: hrd100 Part No: hrp100 Features:• Mobile air heater • Fuel type diesel or kerosene • Stainless steel combustion chamber with fan cooling • Built in flame sensor • Automatic heater cut off when fuel is low • Oil display unit • Cut off safety protection HRP42 Heater output = 42,000 BtU (12.31KW) Fuel consumption = 0.74kg/h air output = 320 m3/h HRP100 Heater output = 100,000 BtU (29.31KW) Fuel consumption = 2.18kg/h air output = 650 m3/h Features:• Portable air heater • Fuel type propane gas ( LPG ) • Fitted with over heating protection • Safety cut off against gas leakage • Electric ignition ( Piezo ) • Includes regulator & 1.5m hose IMPACT WRENCHES Cordless Impact Wrench • 18V Interchangeable li-ion battery • No-load speed 0-2000/r.p.m • Max.torque 2450kg-cm/240 N.m/177ft-lb • Tool weight (with battery) 2kg (battery 0.53kg) • Capacity 3/8” (10mm) • Charging time 60-70 minutes auto cut off 28 speciAl offer £289.00 Part No: m2038 Cordless Impact Wrench • 18V Interchangeable li-ion battery • No-load speed 0-1800/r.p.m • Max. torque 6000kg-cm/588 N.m/430ft-lb • Tool weight (with battery) 3kg (battery 0.53kg) • Capacity 1/2” (13mm) • Charging time 1 hour auto cut off • Inc. 2 batteries speciAl offer £379.00 Part No: m2033 Turn To page 46-47 To find your local branch January/March 2015 sip NEW! NEW! OUR SPECIAL OFFER! £435.95 part no: 05175 OUR SPECIAL OFFER! OUR SPECIAL OFFER! £399.98 £469.98 part no: 05718 part no: 05720 AUToplUs 180sT mig welder • 230v (25amp) Supply • Dual purpose for welding with or without gas • 6 Power settings • Very high duty cycle: 145amp @ 15% • 30amp Low current performance for easy welding on thin bodywork • Variable wire spool size capability to accept 5kg and 15kg spools • Turbo fan cooled for increased duty cycle • Wheel mounted for excellent manoeuvrability sTAr bUY! onlY £135.00 AUToplUs 210sT mig welder • 230v (35amp) Supply • Dual purpose for welding with or without gas • 6 Power settings • Very high duty cycle: 175amp @ 15% • 30amp Low current performance for easy welding on thin bodywork • Variable wire spool size capability to accept 5kg and 15kg spools • Turbo fan cooled for increased duty cycle • Wheel mounted for excellent manoeuvrability rescUe pAc 1600 • Output voltage/s 12v • Battery capacity 22Ah • Boost peak rate 1600amp • Cranking rate 700amp • 12v DC output socket • LED Charge indicators • Cable length 800mm Part No: 03936mw1 onlY £99.00 500kg TrAnsmission JAck • Lifting capacity 500kg • Min. Height 1175mm • Max. Height 1995mm • Oversized foot pedal for easy lifting • Knurled air release valve • Spring loaded pressure released valve • Convenient foot pedal lifting Part No: 03871mw1 AirmATe Tn3/100-d • 230v (13amp) Supply onlY • 100 Litres air receiver size £320.00 • 3.0hp (2.2kW) Motor • 14.0 CFM (397 litres/min) Piston displacement • 9.5 CFM (269 litres/min) Max. free air delivery (F.A.D.) • Cast iron barrel • Smooth �V-Twin’ aluminium pump • Wheel mounted for improved manoeuvrability Part No: 05299mw1 0845 602 3436 hi-Tech plAsmA cUTTer - 230 VolT Plasma 46 is ideal for fast and accurate clean cutting. Lightweight with a superb duty cycle the Plasma 46 is great for cutting a variety of materials such as steel, stainless steel, copper, bronze and aluminium. Average air consumption - 150 l/min. Accessories included; Regulator and 4 meter air cooled torch. 05502 Precision engineered replacement torch. • Euro MIG Torch (EP15) • Rating: 180amp @ 60% duty cycle • Cable/connection: 3 metres/Euro pro boosTer 800li NEW ! mUlTi-fUncTionAl boosTer And power pAck • • • • • • • • • • • Lithium ion (LiFePO4) 20Ah battery with 800amp peak rate onlY - superior stability £179.00 and higher cycle life than conventional batteries or most other Lithium batteries Super powerful yet compact and lightweight - can be stored in a glovebox Suitable for up to 5 litre petrol and 3.5 litre diesel engines Laptop charging function 2x USB (5v) Outputs - Safely charge a variety of electronic equipment 12v DC Output style socket for use with a range of 12v equipment LCD Status display shows battery charge level and mode functions Test function for testing alternator and battery status Integrated LED work lights Complete with laptop adaptor set, AC charger, in-car charger, jump cable with heavy duty connector, test input cable, and high quality carry case with adjustable strap Lightweight - just over 1kg Part No: 03972mw1 29 January/March 2015 sYkes pickAVAnT serVice pro eQUipmenT rAnge a new range of professional service stations to provide a quick and efficient way of servicing fluid systems Fortron Coolant Flush Machine • Suitable for all types of coolants and vehicles • Includes a set of multi-application adaptor fittings • Effective way of flushing and exchanging the complete cooling system fluid • Air operated and portable Part No: 53401500 OUR SPECIAL OFFER! £1995 LEASE FROM £10.59 PER WEEK SCAN THE qR CODE TO SEE THIS IN ACTION Fortron Automatic Transmission Fluid Flush Machine – Fully Auto • Can replace up to 100% of transmission fluid • Ability to specify exact amount of fluid to change • Fully automatic and user friendly • Includes comprehensive adaptor set and Flush Service Kit • Safely cleans up and extends OUR the service life of automatic SPECIAL OFFER! transmissions £3495 Part No: 53402500 LEASE FROM £18.56 PER WEEK ATF Flush Service Kit • Includes bottle of Automatic Transmission Flush and tube of Auto Trans & Power Steering Concentrate Fortron Injector Max Machine • Suitable for petrol and diesel engines • Cleans the complete fluid systems without disturbing/removing any key components • Includes comprehensive adaptor set and Injector Max fluids petrol & diesel • Air operated OUR Part No: 53403500 SPECIAL OFFER! £1749 LEASE FROM £9.29 PER WEEK inclUdes comprehensiVe AdApTor seT 30 SCAN THE qR CODE TO SEE THIS IN ACTION Fortron Power Steering Flush Machine • Replaces 100% of steering fluid • Takes on average 10 minutes per service • Extends the service life of (often overlooked) system • Revitalises and conditions �o’ rings and seals OUR • Portable, sturdy design SPECIAL OFFER! • Includes power steering flush service kit £995 Part No: 53404500 Power Steering Flush Service Kit SCAN THE qR CODE TO SEE THIS IN ACTION • Includes bottle of Power Steering Flush and 50ml tube of Auto Trans & Power Steering Concentrate Injector Max Premix Solvent – Petrol Injector Max Premix Solvent – Diesel £17.99 £17.99 Part No: 53403600 No: 53402600 £11.49 Part Part No: 53403700 No: 53404600 £11.49 Part SCAN THE qR CODE TO SEE THIS IN ACTION Turn To page 46-47 To find your local branch January/March 2015 wilkinson sTAr WELDING eUrosTAr 200 Excellent weld performance • Easy to use • Euro torch connection • Suitable for steel, stainless, aluminium and MIG brazing • Includes 3mtr Euro connect torch, gas regulator • Current range 30-200A eUrosTAr 318 • • • • • • • onlY £495.00 Part No: Zxeuro 200 Easy to use 10 Voltage settings High power 4 roll drive Suitable for steel, stainless, aluminium Torch trigger latching, spot timer, burn back control Includes 3mtr Euro connect torch, gas regulator Current range 30-340A £895.00 Part No: Zxeuro 318 sTArpArTs AUTo dArkening welding helmeTs onlY • • • • £49.95 onlY £34.95 Part No: wh04fl AIR Delay – Variable 0.1 to 0.8 secs Lightweight nylon shell Large viewing area 2 Arc sensors Part No: wh04b workhorse belT driVe compressors fiAc rUbber Air hose Workhorse Compressors provide more than just air – it’s dependable air delivery, designed and built to the highest European standards for heavy use • • • • • onlY • BS5118/2 • 20 bar Working pressure • 60 bar Burst pressure, 290 psi Cast iron cylinder blocks on all models Slow running pump speeds giving lower noise levels & longer life expectancy Air receivers built to latest European standards 09/105 CE Heavy duty industrial motors c/w overload protection Twin cylinder pumps • Fitted after coolers • 2 Year warranty model hp Air receiVer liTres displAcemenT cfm fAd cfm elecTricAl phAse dimensions lxwxh price fiAc workhorse belT driVe 230V (model picTUred wr3hp-50p) wr3hp-50p 3 50 wr3hp-100p 3 100 13 9 1 1010x360x730 £425 13 9 1 1100x400x830 £455 3 1520x480x940 £875 1 1750x480x1100 £995 fiAc workhorse belT driVe 400V wr5.5hp-200s 5.5 200 wrT28-250s* 2X3 250 21 17 10 Mtr x 5/16” hose c/w ¼” bsp fittings 20 Mtr x 5/16” hose c/w ¼” bsp fittings onlY onlY £12.95 £19.95 Part No: ahr10m516 Part No: ahr20m516 fiAc TAndem belT driVe 230V 26 18 All models maximum pressure 145 PSI/10 bar 0845 602 3436 31 January/March 2015 TecAlemiT 4 posT lifTs • General purpose service lift • Suitable for cars and car derived vans up to long wheelbase vans (6T) PART NO. • Low access height • Mechanical and hydraulic safety systems • Audible warning on descent DESCRIPTION PRICE PER WEEk SF9436/Sr FOUr POSt LIFt 3PH 3.5 tONNe £4,495.00 £23.87 SF9004 FOUr POSt LIFt 3PH 4.0 tONNe £4,995.00 £26.52 SF9084 FOUr POSt LIFt 3PH 4.0 tONNe £5,295.00 £28.12 SF9250 FOUr POSt LIFt 3PH 5.0 tONNe (5.2M) £6,995.00 £37.14 SF8976 FOUr POSt LIFt 3PH 6.0 tONNe (6.0M) £8,195.00 £43.52 SF9265/N FOUr POSt LIFt 3PH 5.0 tONNe MOt - NON atL (6.5M) £8,995.00 £47.76 SF9250 SuPPLIED WITH 300kG TRANSMISSION JACk (WHILE STOCkS LAST) 2 posT lifTs Ts • Suitable for lifting most passenger cars and car derived vans • Automatic arm locking • 5 Year warranty on self-lubricating Nylatron operating and safety nuts • Low minimum lifting pad height of just 95mm • Foot/toe protection device fitted to lifting arms 2.8 TONNE sUper deA de deAl! l! OUR SPECIAL OFFER! £2395 ALSO AVAILABLE LEASE FROM £12.72 PER WEEK part no: Sf8909 3.2 TONNE OUR SPECIAL OFFER! geT This keepower bATTerY chArger £2695 LEASE FROM £14.31PER WEEK part no: Sf9010/32 free! emissions TecalemiT emiSSionS analySerS, only one calibraTion per year on boTh peTrol & dieSel Combined Smoke Meter & 4 Gas Analyser 3.0t Short Platform low riSe SciSSor lift - Sf 9130/Si key features • 3.0t Lifting capacity • Low profile access of 95mm • Maximum working height of platforms 930mm • Electro-hydraulic operation • Fast lifting time of 30 seconds • Suitable for use in fast fits & tyre shops • Extendable lifting platforms • 1 Phase power supply deliVered for cUsTomer insTAllATion 32 TROLLEY MOUNTED OUR SPECIAL OFFER! £2245 LEASE FROM £11.92 PER WEEK part no: Sf9130/Si • VOSA Approved for all classes of MOT testing • 1 Year manufacturers warranty • Mobile cabinet • A4 Printer • 1 Single annual calibration for both smoke and 4 gas • integral DiSpeed 492 engine RPM measurement • PC Operating platform • Large 19” flat screen monitor • Options include diagnostic modules 1 year Service & calibraTion package OUR SPECIAL OFFER! £5095 LEASE FROM £27.05 PER WEEK part no: Tgd/mdS/1 Emission Analyser with 5 Year Total Care Package from £43.52 per week Turn To page 46-47 To find your local branch January/March 2015 TecAlemiT wheel & TYre eQUipmenT Electronic Wheel Balancer Automatic Tyre Changer PACkAGE DEAL 1 • Suitable for balancing most types of car and car derived van wheels • Simple control panel for ease of use • LED Display • Foot brake part no: Tbm/Tiro/2500 PROFESSIONAL RANGE BUY BOTH TBM/TIRO/2500 & TTC/TIRO/1 TOGETHER FOR ONLY £14.31 per week £2695 SAVE £395 OUR SPECIAL OFFER! • Pneumatic high pressure bead breaker • Pneumatic locking system for operating arm • 2 Direction turntable • Pneumatically controlled tilting column for improved accessibility • Extended clamping jaws for improved operation • ideal for working with run flats part no: TTc/Tiro/1 OUR SPECIAL OFFER! £1095 £1995 LEASE FROM £5.81 PER WEEK LEASE FROM £10.59 PER WEEK Automatic Wheel Balancer • Automatic wheel balancer with data entry • Split weight system • Double LED display • Wheel width measurement gauge • Self diagnosis and user calibration for simple maintenance • 5 ALU Programs plus static and standard programs • Foot brake for locking the wheel part no: Tbm200 Automatic Tyre Changer PACkAGE DEAL 2 PROFESSIONAL RANGE BUY BOTH TTC200/TH & TBM200 TOGETHER FOR ONLY £21.74 per week £4095 SAVE £595 • Extra height column to accommodate wheels up to 16” wide • Re-designed chassis allows increased overall wheel diameter of 46” • increased internal rim clamping of up to 23” • Re-designed double acting bead breaker blade for working on wider / larger wheels • improved roller design for run flat tyres • Technohelp arm fitted to make tyre changing even easier and minimise risk of damage to tyres part no: TTc200/Th OUR SPECIAL OFFER! OUR SPECIAL OFFER! LEASE FROM £9.00 PER WEEK LEASE FROM £15.90 PER WEEK £1695 £2995 OUR SPECIAL OFFER! Wheel Alignment £425 • 4 Wheel laser alignment • Low ground clearance avoids fouling of front spoilers • Wall mounted or trolley mounted versions available • Rapid operation with �hang on’ heads • wheels from 12-23” CASTOR CAMBER GAUGE WALL MOUNTED OUR SPECIAL OFFER! £1695 LEASE FROM £9.00 PER WEEK part no: gTr400w 0845 602 3436 PACkAGE DEAL 3 PROFESSIONAL RANGE BUY BOTH GTR400W & GTR400CTD TOGETHER FOR ONLY £10.59 per week £1995 SAVE £125 • Built in turn disc for caster swing measurement (digital turn disc in CTd version) • Simultaneous dual axis measurements • Plus & minus 45 degree measurement • Magnetic adaptor for easy hub mounting • 0.1 Degree resolution • Auto power off part no: gTr400cTd 33 January/March 2015 TecAlemiT ATl pAckAges free r A e Y 2 AnTY wArr NEED EMISSIONS? clAss iV from , insTAlledd e T A r ib l cA d & cerTifie iT m e l A c bY Te rAined fAcTorY T ers e engin £103.52 emiSSion upgrade clAss Vii pw from £122.10 pw SPECIAL OFFER £19,495 SPECIAL OFFER £22,995 Part No: aTl/iv/poST Part No: aTl/vii/poST5 cAll 0845 602 3436 now for deTAils inclUdes A free siTe sUrVeY And drAwing To AssisT YoU wiTh YoUr VosA ApplicATion £3899 when purchaSed wiTh an aTl package 5yr leaSe form £20.70pw. 2yr warranTy. Part No: mdS/2 UTILISING BRAKE TESTER DISPLAY 34 Turn To page 46-47 To find your local branch January/March 2015 TecAlemiT JUsT look AT whAT YoU geT… CLASS IV CLASS VII Part No: aTl/iv/poST Part No: aTl/vii/poST5 4 Post, 4 Tonne vehicle lift complete with turning plates, play detectors, 2000kg jacking beam, 4500mm platform length, 3 phase, roller brake tester with intergrated weighing and ATL functionality, single bed, 3 phase, rail mounted headlamp aligner 4 Post, 5 Tonne vehicle lift complete with turning plates, play detectors, 3000kg jacking beam, 5700mm platform length, 3 phase roller brake tester with intergrated weighing and ATL functionality, single bed, 3 phase, rail mounted headlamp aligner WITH 2 YEAR WARRANTY WITH 2 YEAR WARRANTY key Features: • Cable tidy system (lift) • robust steel workstation containing PC, printer & screen • electronic brake tester LeD display • Flush fitting hydraulic play detectors • electronic decelerometer • towing socket tester • MOT Ancillary & sign pack LUbRICATION STATION EASY SELF ASSEMBLY FRAME 1800mm HEIGHT 10m 1/2” HOSE STEEL RECOIL REEL SUPPLIED WITH 2m AIR INLET HOSE COMPLETE WITH AIR COUPLER 3:1 PNEUMATIC PUMP 2” BUNG ADAPTER HOLSTER STEEL RISER TUBE FOR 205L DRUMS DIGITAL HOSE END METER NON RETURN VALVE DRIP TRAY FILTER 2 drUm reel sTAnd OUR SPECIAL OFFER! £1395 LEASE FROM £7.40 PER WEEK Part No: LA738/COMP 2 DRUM STAND STEEL GRILL MOVEABLE WITH PALLET TRUCK OR FORK LIFT HEAVY DUTY STEEL BUND 2100mm x 2100mm BASE 0845 602 3436 35 January/March 2015 Vdo diAgnosTics 3 Y W EA AR R AUTodiAgnos Vci The all-rounder for every workshop offers solutions for every conceivable variant of vehicle diagnostics. This multifunctional diagnostics solution was developed to satisfy the extensive demands placed in the service area. in combination with the simple, intuitively operated Autodiagnos DSi computer software, the vehicle interface is capable of turning your PC into a powerful diagnostic tool by communicating with any Windows PC via a modern, secure WLAN connection. NEW Y! Basic functions: • Automatic identification of control units • Read and delete fault memory • Read/record/reproduce current data and measured values • Address components • EOBd Modes • Guided troubleshooting (haynesPro VESA) • Technical bulletins (haynesPro SmartFix) WiTH iNTEGRATED GUiDED DiAGNOSTiCS Also, remain up-to-date with the ContiSys Update Plus software updating service. R ANT Complete with: • Carry case • One year of free ContiSys data software updates • Online updates • Extended software updates (optional) • Large vehicle coverage • 3 Year warranty • Touchpad (optional) ! MuLTI-FuNCTIONAL dIAGNOSTICS SOLuTION wITh AuTOdIAGNOS VCI haynespro SmartfixTm • Diagnose and repair common faults • Covers a wide range of vehicles • Technical service bulletins and recall data haynespro veSa (vehicle electronics Smart assistant) • Intelligent, step-by-step diagnostics • helps mechanics to diagnose fault codes and component errors • Generates component diagrams • Automatically generates diagnostic solutions VDO • a Brand of the Contnental Corporation 36 Vdo AUTodiAgnos Vci (UniT onlY) £ 1995 Only £10.47pw on a 5 year lease Part No: a2c93600500 Vdo AUTodiAgnos Vci + pAnAsonic ToUghbook £ 3750 Only £19.91pw on a 5 year lease Part No: a2c95588500 Turn To page 46-47 To find your local branch January/March 2015 kenneT leAsing do YoU need To inVesT in new gArAge eQUipmenT? if so, hAVe YoU considered leAsing iT? Lease repayments are fixed for the full duration of the term (excl VAT). All lease payments are subject to tax relief - see samples below. Increase your cash flow to use for other profitable activities. 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 year lease packages available to suit your business needs. Let the equipment pay for itself, as it earns for itself. Minimum or nil deposit packages available. eQUipmenT VAlUe (eX VAT) £1,999.00 2 YeAr leAse 3 YeAr leAse leAse Term weeklY pAYmenT firsT pAYmenT 23 monThlY pAYmenTs ToTAl cosT 2 YeArs £23.30 £100.95 £100.95 £2,422.79 leAse Term weeklY pAYmenT firsT pAYmenT 35 monThlY pAYmenTs ToTAl cosT 3 YeArs £15.80 £68.47 £68.47 £2,464.77 TAX relief @ 20% neT cosT of finAnce £484.56 £1,938.23 TAX relief @ 20% neT cosT of finAnce £492.95 £1,971.81 4 YeAr leAse 5 YeAr leAse leAse Term weeklY pAYmenT firsT pAYmenT 47 monThlY pAYmenTs ToTAl cosT 4 YeArs £12.92 £55.97 £55.97 £2,686.66 leAse Term weeklY pAYmenT firsT pAYmenT 59 monThlY pAYmenTs ToTAl cosT 5 YeArs £10.61 £45.98 £45.98 £2,758.62 TAX relief @ 20% neT cosT of finAnce £537.33 £2,149.32 TAX relief @ 20% neT cosT of finAnce £551.72 £2,206.90 All payments shown are subject to businesses trading in excess of 3 years, status and Vat. New start businesses may require a higher rate. The tax relief shown is for illustration purposes only. For further information regarding leasing options please contact Tony Devenney on 01675 469 208. Andrew Page are regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) reference number 496906. 0845 602 3436 37 January/March 2015 lUmATic for all purchases of the grease or oil kits we will supply free 1 x 5 litre measure with screw cap Standard waste oil drainer air operated grease pump kits • High pressure air operated • 50:1 Ratio grease pump • 800 grams per minute delivery • Drum cover • Follower plate • 4 metre high pressure • Delivery hose • Control valve with Z-swivel To suit 12.5kg grease kegs To suit 50kg grease kegs This model comes with a carrying handle only part no: ge13020 This model comes with a trolley as per the picture part no: ge13050 OUR SPECIAL OFFER! £249 oil dispensing kits for engine, gear and hydraulic oils The kit includes: • 01 x 3;1 Ratio air operated pump 27 l/p/m • 01 x Cased hose reel c/w 9m x ½” hose • 01 x Standard oil gun c/w anti drip nozzle kit for 205 litre drums kit for 4’ high Tanks OUR SPECIAL OFFER! OUR SPECIAL OFFER! OUR SPECIAL OFFER! £249 part no: ge82009 £349 part no: ge2125kTank £349 • 76 Litre capacity • Low pressure compressed air discharge 0.5 bar • Large capacity 20 litre drain bowl • Oversize anti splash funnel and filter • Drain bowl height adjustment • Vacuum facility for dip stick tube evacuation • Set of six extraction probes • Adaptors for BMW, Mercedes, Vw & Citroen • Graduated oil inspection chamber • Oil resistant wheels • Removable tool tray • Level gauge with shroud protection • discharge hose c/w hooked nozzle • Comfy grip handle part no: ge24176 OUR SPECIAL OFFER! £199 chicAgo pneUmATic Y b b U T s ” 2 / 1 h c n e r w T impAc oUr speciAl offer £109.95 Part No: cp7732 38 UlTrA compAcT feaTureS Max torque 610Nm (450 ft-lbs) Working torque 138-420Nm (102-310 ft-lbs) Best power to weight ratio 450 ft-lbs. / 610 Nm Ultra compact 4.4 in. / 112 mm long Easy to use One hand operation trigger by either left or right handed users, 3 settings in both directions Durable impact mechanism housing made of steel and aluminium Rugged and lightweight Steel front cover and aluminium body, 1.3kg (2.86 lbs) Turn To page 46-47 To find your local branch January/March 2015 chicAgo pneUmATic impAcT besT prices! s e h c n e wr 1/2” impAcT wrench Features • One handed push button forward/ reverse with 4 positive power settings • Full power in reverse • Compact and ergonomic with rubber handle cover Benefits • Smoothest operating tool with unmatched durability OUR SPECIAL OFFER! max Torque reverse: 576nm 1/2” impAcT wrench part no: cp734h £99.95 Features • Handle in composite material • universal & durable twin hammer mechanism • Full teasing ergonomically developed trigger o • 360 Air inlet swivel 3/4” impAcT wrench Features Benefits • insulating and lightweight composite handle • Side to side easy forward/reverse • Full teasing trigger • Low air consumption motor • Reduced operator fatigue • Extremely fast rundown for quick work max Torque reverse: 1250nm part no: cp7748 OUR SPECIAL OFFER! £149.95 Benefits • Productive and lightweight tool • Low air consumption results in energy savings OUR SPECIAL OFFER! max Torque reverse: 1950nm £299.95 part no: cp7769 3/4” impAcT wrench 1” impAcT wrench Features • dYNA-PACT Oil bath clutch • One handed push button forward/ reverse with 4 positive power settings • Full power in reverse • Comfortable contoured handle grip Features • Pinless closed reinforced rocking dog impact mechanism • Socket retainer ring combined with hole retainer • Regulator with integrated forward reverse with 3 position power settings in both directions Benefits • Smoothest operating tool with unmatched durability max Torque reverse: 1356nm part no: cp772h OUR SPECIAL OFFER! £319.95 0845 602 3436 Benefits • High efficiency motor • High power for the toughest of jobs max Torque reverse: 2600nm part no: cp7782-6 OUR SPECIAL OFFER! £389.95 39 January/March 2015 lUmATic combinATion wAsTe oil drAiner onlY £229.00 Oversized Funnel and Anti-Splash Filter Large Capacity 20 Litre Drain Bowl with Swivel Adjustable Funnel Height Adjuster on Lockable Tube New Design Low Noise Vacuum Pump Compressed Air Connection Point with Shut Off Valve & Pressure Gauge. Only 0.5 Bar required to discharge the oil Part No: ge25076 Comfort Grip Handle Removable Tool Tray complete with three Dipstick Tube Adaptors to suit Merc, BMW, VW & Citroen Models 5 x 700mm & 1 x 1000mm Dipstick Probes Dipstick Waste Oil Suction Facility Dipstick Probes Holster Large 76 Litre Capacity Tank Pressure Discharge Safety Valve Set at 1bar Level Gauge with Shroud Protection Discharge Hose with Handle and Hooked End Strengthened Oil Resistant Wheels & Casters When using the Vacuum Suction facility you do not need a permanent Compressed Air Connection. Once the Vacuum has been created, the drainer will work autonomously anywhere. One charge of Vacuum will allow you to suck the oil from several vehicles or until the tank is approximately 66% Full. 40 greAT! deAl Turn To page 46-47 To find your local branch January/March 2015 AlbA HUb & bEARING REMOVER / INSTALLER SET PRESSURE bRAkE bLEEDER • For the safe and quick removal & installation of GEN2 type Hub Bearings • Reduces risk of damage to ABS sensor rings • Specially designed centre alignment adaptor to ensure perfect alignment when re-fitting bearings • Hydraulic upgrade option available • Full fluid change can be completed by a single operator in approx. 15 minutes • Portable: operates off 12v supply (vehicle battery) • Capacity 1.25Ltrs • Supplied with ALB30564B multi vehicle cap adaptor kit • Suitable for clutch bleed as well as brake bleed • Includes FREE ALB30630 10PCS Pro Brake Service Kit Applications: • VAG ( 72mm ) - Audi A1, Audi A2, Seat Cordoba, Seat Ibiza, Skoda Fabia, Skoda Roomster, VW Polo, VW Touran • Ford / Volvo ( 78mm ) - Ford Focus II, Ford C-Max, Mazda 3, Volvo C30, Volvo C70, S40, V50 • Ford / LR / Volvo ( 82mm ) - Mondeo 2007 on, Galaxy, S-Max 2006 on, Land Rover Freelander 2 2006 on, Volvo S80, V70, XC60, XC70 2006 on HEAVY DUTY SUSPENSION WORkSTATION kIT • Auto levelling upper arms allow the machine to work easily on both conical & misaligned springs • Cylinder made from light alloy & nylon resin with fiberglass to avoid corrosion & oxidation • Foot-pedal works only when the safety valve is closed • Supplied with small & large jaws & strut vice • Working pressure: Min 6 bar - max 10 bar • Cylinder stroke: 330 mm • Ideal for working on conical, side load & heavy duty springs £1495.00 £749.00 £335.00 Part No: alb40215 Part No: alb560Tk bEARING PRESS bUSH REMOVAL kIT A workshop kit of bush removal sleeves, and press support block for use on workshop press consists of: Bearing Press Support – ALB40097 • Press bearings easily on a variety of different suspension arms • The three point contact will guarantee a perfect, safe support Bush Sleeve kit – ALB40045S • Universal set of sleeves for removing & installing bushes, bearings etc. • For use in conjunction with Bearing Press Support block and Workshop Press • Standard universal applications: Car, HGV, LCV • 20 Bush Sleeves – ID range: 34 - 72mm, OD Range: 44 - 82mm • Adaptor plate for use with Press Block £249.00 kiT inclUdes : Alb40175 speciAl mercedes JAw seT Alb30956 shock Absorber mAsTer Tool kiT Part No: alb40045pk 5 Year lease from £7.94pw FUEL RETRIEVER 40LTR FUEL RETRIEVER 90LTR • Stainless steel construction with venturi type suction system • Suitable for petrol or diesel • Fume extraction system for added safety • CE Certified for fuel handling • Supplied with: suction hose with valve 3x flexible suction probes, earthing connections, set of 8 fittings & hose for extraction via fuel supply lines • Stainless steel construction with venturi type suction system • Suitable for petrol or diesel • Fume extraction system for added safety • CE Certified for fuel handling • Supplied with: suction hose with valve 3x flexible suction probes, earthing connections, set of 8 fittings & hose for extraction via fuel supply lines £399.00 £795.00 Part No: alb30914kiT Part No: alb30634kiT Comes with FREE ALB30951 Fuel Tank Sender Removal Tool Comes with FREE ALB30951 Fuel Tank Sender Removal Tool 0845 602 3436 bATTERY TESTER • Tests – Starter, grounding contact & alternator • Tests a wide range of batteries including: AGM, VRLA, SMF, GEL etc • Print & save own branded results to PC via USB link, ideal for giving to customers • Reports easily customised • Extremely fast, accurate & consistent results • Illuminated LED display • Includes FREE ALB30719 Maxi Current Tester 30amp £198.00 Part No: alb40034cT 41 January/March 2015 POWERED FOR MOT GROWTH IN THE HIGHLANDS When Sandy Mackenzie of Goodtread Tyre & Motor Factors in Alness Ross-shire decided to upgrade his existing MOT bay he knew immediately where to turn. He called in Niall Farmer of Andrew Page and Richard Blunt of Continental owned Crypton to design and project manage an upgrade to OPTL Testing. Sandy commented “We had a professional, efficient and competitive response from Niall and Richard” he then went on to say “installation changes went smoothly without disruption and i would recommend Andrew Page and Crypton” Andrew Page and Crypton would like to wish Sandy the very best with his new OPTL venture. YOU CAN CONTACT GOODTREAD ON 01349 882 206 or visit: 42 Turn To page 46-47 To find your local branch  January/March 2015 TechnicAl TrAining ANDREW PAGE NOW AN IMI AWARDS APPROVED ASSESSMENT CENTRE! All Andrew Page one-day technical courses are now quality assured by IMI Awards! IMI Awards are the market leader for automotive qualifications and accreditations, their approved courses are the industry standard for automotive training and are widely recognised by employers. IMI Awards provides expert guidance for training providers within the UK retail motor industry. We are the market leader for automotive qualifications and accreditations; offering the widest range of courses, reliable and fast certificate delivery and dedicated customer support. Start your journey with iMi Awards by visiting Start your journey with IMI Awards by visiting tel: 01992 519038 or or on 01992 519038 NEW! ANDREW PAGE ONE-DAY TECHNICAL TRAINING COURSES HAVE ARRIVED! Our new courses are a truly cost effective and convenient way to get up to speed on the latest automotive systems! Covering a wide range of subjects, these courses have been written and developed by our own fully qualified technical trainers and are all now quality assured by iMi Awards. Each course includes both practical and theory sessions and culminates with a written test paper where technicians will receive a pass certificate upon successful completion. With venues available at many Uk locations and course durations of just one day, we aim to minimise the impact on your business but feel sure that the benefits of the skills gained will far outweigh the short time out of the workshop. courses available: APB1 Basic Brake Theory QUALITY ASSURED APB2 Advanced Braking bY IMI APB3 Fast Fit Braking Course AWARDS APFE3 Fundamental Electronics APCD4 Common Rail Diesel APiS5 ignition Systems APEM6 Engine Management APDPF7 Catalytic Converters and DPF APSC10 Diagnosis Using an Oscilloscope APGDi11 Gasoline Direct injection APCRD12 Common Rail Diagnosis now available! Find dates and details at: 0845 602 3436 43 January/March 2015 cleArAnce iTems, limiTed sTock end of seAson Air con cleArAnce! BOSCh ACS611 & 511 The unit automatically controls every phase of maintenance, including oil and refrigerant recovery, recycling and refilling, without needing direct intervention from a technician. However, the manual mode allows the user to control all aspects individually if so desired. The powerful two-phase vacuum pump of the ACS611 assures quick and effective evacuation of the system and, as with all Bosch units, it comes equipped with a database to provide the necessary oil and refrigerant quantities for the specific vehicle’s air con system. The ACS611 also has an integrated printer to provide detailed reports. As an alternative, for garages with low service levels, we also offer the ACS511, which has a less powerful compressor yet still meets the requirements for a professional A/C service, without compromising on the quality expected from Bosch. Dual operational mode: • Quick access or detail mode possible • Automated management of recovery and recycling • Manual or automated use • Multi-phase recycling • Programmable vacuum phase • Automated re-filling • Integrated, guided pressure test for the system • Automated oil recovery and filling • Automated UV dye injection • Automated removal of non-condensable gasses • Programmable maintenance • Multi-lingual software • Intelligent filling quantity control • Integrated flushing program • Data transfer with Smart Key ACS511 MACHINE ONLY £1695.00 LEASE FROM £9.00 PER WEEK part no: Sp00000001 ACS611 MACHINE ONLY £1895.00 pAckAges AVAilAble. Ask for deTAils LEASE FROM £10.06 PER WEEK part no: Sp00000002 44 Turn To page 46-47 To find your local branch cleArAnce iTems, limiTed sTock limiTed sTock! ROLSON MINI PLASTIC VICE CLARkE 20 PIECE WIRE bRUSH SET • • • • • 6” Extension allows rapid changing of brushes when used with power tools. • Soft grip handle with quick release chuck. • Includes steel, brass and nylon brushes with 1/4” hex shanks • Brush sizes: 9mm,11mm,13mm,15mm, • Supplied with a handy storage wallet Manufactured from PP and rubber Plastic vacuum base with 25mm maximum jaw opening Simply pull locking lever down to fasten on most smooth surfaces • Jaw width 35mm cleArAnce offer cleArAnce offer £1.95 £8.50 UsUAl TrAde price £3.62 UsUAl TrAde price £16.95 Part No: 59148 Part No: chT741 bLUE PRINT FUEL FILTER REMOVAL TOOL cleArAnce offer CLARkE 20 PIECE DRILL & DRIVER SET A useful 20 piece drill and driver set containing: • 1/4in (6.35mm) Quick change chuck • 8 Hex shank drill bits ( 2x 1.5mm, 2 x 2.5mm, 3mm, 4mm, 5mm & 6mm) • 8 x 50mm Long screwdriver bits (Slotted: 5mm & 6mm, Philips: #1, 2x #2 & #3, Torx T15 and Square #2) • 3 x Hex shank nut drivers (5, 6 and 8mm) • Tough plastic storage case cleArAnce offer £5.95 UsUAl TrAde price £10.95 Part No: chT760 0845 602 3436 £21.95 UsUAl TrAde price £48.95 Part No: adk85502 An OE developed tool that makes replacement of the fuel filter element on vehicles fitted with the JTD type engine a much quicker and easier job and, most importantly, greatly reduces the risk of damage to the intricate and expensive plastic filter housing or fastening ring. • Fits multiple makes/models fitted with a JTD style diesel fuel filter • Chevrolet, Fiat, Peugeot, Saab, Suzuki and Vauxhall applications OMEGA 3 PIECE MINI RATCHET SET cleArAnce offer OMEGA 12” HACkSAW £32.50 UsUAl TrAde price £47.50 Part No: m0003 cleArAnce offer £3.95 UsUAl TrAde price £5.50 Part No: 313 45 January/March 2015 brAnch locATions aldershot Andover Barnsley Basingstoke Beverley Birmingham Blackburn Bolton Boston Bradford Bramley Bournemouth Bristol Bury Bury St. Edmunds Byfleet Cambridge Carlisle Castleford Chelmsford Chesterfield Chichester Chippenham Colchester Coventry Crawley Croydon CV Spares Darlington Derby Doncaster Durham eastleigh ellesmere Port Fareham Farnborough Felixstowe 01252 328 088 01264 363 344 01226 241 127 01256 469 521 01482 887 766 01213 287 611 01254 278 078 01204 396 105 01205 358 350 01274 723 156 01132 362 122 01202 651 100 01179 350 022 01617 631 515 01284 753 170 01932 353 222 01223 425 481 01228 524 161 01977 511 000 01245 491 150 01246 237 207 01243 780 072 01249 460 111 01206 752 038 02476 637 181 01293 428 208 02086 847 464 01753 680 404 01325 488 777 01332 343 999 01302 886 611 01913 757 577 02380 610 061 01513 563 882 01329 235 182 01252 518 222 01394 277 917 Gloucester Great Yarmouth Grimsby Guildford Halifax Harrogate Heeley Hove Huddersfield Hull Ipswich Isle of Wight Keighley Kettering King’s Lynn Kings Norton Kingston Leatherhead Leeds Leicester Lincoln Liphook Loughborough Louth Luton Lytham Malton Manchester Mansfield Midsomer Norton Milton Keynes Morley Newburn Newcastle Northallerton Northampton Norwich 01452 386 177 01493 653 653 01472 346 777 01483 579 383 01422 355 366 01423 568 181 01142 554 405 01273 775 488 01484 420 077 01482 586 155 01473 463 621 01983 528 866 01535 610 999 01536 513 967 01553 782 950 01214 862 144 02085 461 244 01372 373 595 01132 001 000 01162 854 371 01522 539 444 01428 724 801 01509 264 509 01507 605 226 01582 402 722 01253 722 772 01653 690 990 01618 487 557 01623 648 555 01761 417 570 01908 372 358 01132 526 600 01912 678 999 01912 242 345 01609 776 441 01604 721 770 01603 301 346 Nottingham Oldbury Oldham Oxford Peterborough Portsmouth Preston rawdon reading Salisbury Scarborough Scunthorpe Selby Sheffield Shrewsbury Southampton Stafford Staines Sth Manchester Stockport Stoke-on-trent Sunderland Swindon teesside thirsk Wakefield Wallsall Warrington Wigan Wisbech Wolverhampton Worcester Worthing Yeovil York 01159 700 444 01215 527 555 01616 336 331 01865 749 996 01733 340 177 023 9266 9745 01772 258 326 01132 506 644 01189 873 333 01722 333 321 01723 341 122 01724 865 458 01757 290 290 0114 243 0301 01743 467 536 023 8078 7142 01785 223 451 01784 459 071 0161 477 2662 01614 806 914 01782 209 938 01915 484 484 01793 532 891 01642 677 413 01845 526 688 01924 365 727 01922 632 233 01925 635 352 01942 231 231 01945 461 285 01902 738 878 01905 611 023 01903 200 200 01935 474 447 01904 414 466 CONTACT YOUR LOCAL ANdRew pAge BRANCH NOw OR CALL Ap-TeCH ON 0845 602 3436. 46 Turn To page 03 To See our regional map January/March 2015 0845 602 3436 47 DON’T MISS OUT ON OUR 2015 EVENTS! 19th March 22nd october 14th May 26th noveMber Stoneleigh Park, WarWickShire SandoWn Park, Surrey 18th June Metro arena, neWcaStle iMPerial War MuSeuM, duxford doncaSter race courSe, yorkShire Free entry & Free parking. Food & refreshments available all day. PluS: the great britiSh brake off! EntEr our national sEriEs of challEngEs to Win a Mini! Andrew Page Ltd Apson House, Colton Mill, Bullerthorpe Lane, Leeds LS15 9JN Tel: +44 (0) 113 3970210 Fax: +44 (0) 113 3970298 Email: Company Registration No. 1502616 Part NO: MWB2015-1 • Lease example: KARHDS601CECO Steam Cleaner – Offer Price £1399 5 Year Lease Plan: Advance Rental £32.18+VAT, followed by 59 rentals of £32.18+VAT. Set up and document fees apply, please ask for details • All lease rental prices shown assume advance rental equivalent to 1 months rental and all subsequent rentals payable monthly • All prices shown are subject to VAT and subject to status • All offers are subject to availability and applicable to UK mainland only • All offers available until 31st March 2015 • All pictures shown are for illustration purposes only • Lease figures may vary according to status and are for illustration purposes only. • All lease transactions are subject to a documentation fee • Any additional costs incurred concerning LOLER, PUWER and BS7980 regulations are the customers responsibility • Please make sure your site meets the relevant requirements for the equipment purchased. If in doubt please contact your area GE Specialist • Prices and specifications subject to change without notice • E and OE
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