G E R M A N Y I N M A D E UMETA products are available from MARYLAND METRICS P.O. Box 261 Owings Mills, MD 21117 USA L U B R I C A T I O N E Q U I P M E N T · ph: (410)358-3130 (800)638-1830 fx: (410)358-3142 (800)872-9329 web: http://mdmetric.com email: sales@mdmetric.com RFQ form: http://mdmetric.com/rfq.htm How to order: Please prefix the UMETA part number with ‘R331-’ example: R331-5241007 LUBRICATION EQUIPMENT Quality since 1926 copyright 2012 Maryland Metrics/UMETA Hermann Ulrichskötter Metallwarenfabrik GmbH & Co. KG E D I TO R I A L If you ever see a grease nipple anywhere, it’s most probably one of ours. After all, since 1926 UMETA has been the address for high-quality manual grease technology, which, unlike many other companies, we are still producing in Germany. And we plan to carry on doing so. Our manufacturing plant is in Bielefeld because we owe everything to this region and to the people who live here! This is where we at UMETA live and work. This is where we create quality, with expertise, experience, and highly up-to-date production plants. It’s no coincidence that grease nipples and grease guns from UMETA are known throughout the world for their durability and functional safety. One of our special strengths is our enormous flexibility when it comes to customer wishes. If someone needs a custom-made solution for his special design requirements, then he gets it - without any ifs or buts. We place a high priority on first-class advice and customer care. This is why we were the first company in the industry to not only be certified by TÜV in accordance with DIN ISO 9001:2000 but also for “customer satisfaction and quality of service”. As a modern, family-run company with tradition, we aim to represent dependability and reliability and remain a trustworthy partner well into the future. Why not check us out yourself! Yours UMETA AccEpTs rEspOnsiBiliTy! We are fortunate enough to be able to live in an affluent society, but we also have an obligation to help people who do not share this luck. UMETA supports social institutions in Germany, for example the Children‘s Cancer Clinic in Bielefeld, sports clubs, charitable organisations etc. Since 2007, UMETA has also given considerable commitment to Tanzania, one of the 10 poorest countries in the world. For us at UMETA it is intolerable that one side of the world has plenty, and that on the other side of the world abandoned orphans are starving or dying of AIDS. Anyone who has personally experienced this will never be able to banish the images as long as they live. To fight this appalling situation, we founded the Good Hope Centre funding association in September 2007 together with some good friends. Since then, our work at the foot of Mount Kilimanjaro has been producing a home for orphans as well as a primary school. This Happy Watoto Homes & Schools in Ngorika provides “our” 120 orphans, in addition to 160 needy children from the local area, optimum future prospects through a protected childhood and good education. This “village” has been opened since May 2011. We are receiving considerable support from various directions such as business partners, personal friends, visitors to our funding events, well-known people or politicians. Despite this, we need to be able to permanently safeguard the operating costs for our home. I therefore ask you: Please help us! “Our children in Tanzania” depend on your help! Fotos: Willibald A. Bernert C H A R I T Y- P R OJ E C T » G O O D H O P E « Please visit our homepage www.good-hope-centre.de and inform yourself about the various ways you can help us. Why don‘t you join our funding association? Unfortunately we can‘t save the whole world, but everyone here at UMETA is doing their very best to do what is possible within our means. Please help us to achieve this! I would like to thank you wholeheartedly in the name of “our children“ and all the committed staff at UMETA for your help! Best regards, Peter Maffay Uli Stein "I rEAllY WOUlD lIKE TO PrAISE THE GOOD HOPE CENTrE FUNDrAISING ASSOCIATION FOr ITS ExCEllENT WOrK! I WIll SUPPOrT YOU HOWEVEr I CAN!" "IT IS A rEAl ACHIEVEMENT TO SUPPOrT SUCH A FANTASTIC ACTION NOT jUST PASSIVElY, BUT TO ACTIVElY PArTICIPATE AS WEll. I rEAllY HOPE WE WIll BE ABlE TO ACHIEVE A lOT WITH OUr ASSOCIATION" Udo lindenberG Werner SchUlze-erdel "I AM ExTrEMElY PlEASED THAT I CAN SUPPOrT YOUr WOrK WITH THE “UDO lINDENBErG FOUNDATION”. KEEP UP THE GOOD WOrK! AHOI, UDO" "IT IS rEAllY NICE TO BE ABlE TO WOrK WITH YOU. I‘M rEAllY lOOKING FOrWArD TO THE MANY FUTUrE ACTIONS AND EVENTS WHErE I CAN HElP YOU." alfonS SchUhbeck axel SchUlz Frank Maser "THErE rEAllY SHOUlDN‘T BE ANY CHIlDrEN IN NEED! THAT IS WHY I AM rEAllY PlEASED TO HElP." "NO MATTEr HOW, YOUr CHIlDrEN IN TANzANIA CAN AlWAYS COUNT ON ME!" UMETA prOdUc Ts Quality – safety – flexibility UMETA keeps your machines moving For more than 80 years, UMETA lubrication products have been guaranteeing reliable maintenance and upkeep of high-quality machines and equipment. Even nowadays, breakdowns caused by non-lubricated or incorrectly lubricated equipment can cost millions. To keep your equipment permanently moving, we can offer the largest range of lubricating nipples available the whole world over in addition to grease guns and accessories for all application areas. We know exactly how important good tools are for effective work, and would be pleased to advise you at any time. Our aim is to find an optimum solution for every lubrication problem, whether direct by using our huge standard range, or even using products which we develop together with your company. Speed counts! This is why a large part of our program is permanently available to you from stock. We produce our high-quality lubrication technology exclusively in Germany. The established UMETA quality is guaranteed here by highly-modern production facilities, certified quality management and innovative product management. Turned parts to customer specifications are now playing an increasing part within our company. In this case, we can fall back on decades of experience and the knowledge gained from lubricating technology. Our customers value the flexibility and reliability of our automatic devices and CNC lathes. Combination of this department with the assembly sector allows us to process complex components and to produce in variable dimensions, materials and batch sizes. Order from MARYLAND METRICS P.O. Box 261 Owings Mills, MD 21117 USA web: http://mdmetric.com email: sales@mdmetric.com ph: (410)358-3130 (800)638-1830 fx: (410)358-3142 (800)872-9329 RFQ form: http://mdmetric.com/rfq.htm CO nTEnT GrE AsE G U ns UM E TA T W IN - l O CK © SYS T E M UM E TA E V Er- Fl OW -SYS T E M UM E TA Gr E A SE GUN K I T S H A ND l E V Er Gr E A SE GUNS O NE - H A ND Gr E A SE GUNS A Ir- OP Er AT ED Gr E A SE GUNS P USH -T Y P E A ND S Cr E W -T Y P E Gr E A SE GUNS O Il GUNS 6 7 7 7 8 13 14 15 18 AccEssO riEs fO r GrE AsE GUns 19 N Oz z l E T UBES 20 N Oz z l E A ND H Y D r A Ul I C CO UP l Er S 21 O Il- P r O O F H Y D r A Ul I C CO UP l Er S 22 HI G H P r ESS Ur E H O S ES 23 q UI C K- A D A P T Er S 24 WA l l Br A C K E T S 25 G r E A S E C A r T r ID G ES 25 GA r AGE Eq U ipM EnT SUC T ION GUNS ACCESS Or IES FOr SUC T ION GUNS OT HEr G A r A GE EqUIPM EN T 26 27 29 30 injEc Ti O n G U ns 34 GrE AsE nipplEs TO d in H Y Dr A Ul IC-T Y P E Gr E A SE NIP P l ES … W I T H SEl F - FOr M ING T Hr E A D … D r I V E - IN V Er SION … SP ECI A l D ESI GNS B A l l-T Y P E Gr E A SE NIP P l ES … Dr I V E - IN V Er SIONS Fl USH -T Y P E Gr E A SE NIP P l ES … W I T H SEl F - FOr M ING T Hr E A D … Dr I V E - IN V Er SIONS … SP ECI A l D ESI GNS BU T TON - HE A D Gr E A SE NIP P l ES … SP ECI A l D ESI GNS B A jONE T Gr E A SE NIP P l ES Gr E A SE NIP P l ES A SS Or TM EN T S ACCESS Or IES FOr Gr E A SE NIP P l ES 36 37 44 46 48 50 52 54 56 57 59 60 66 68 69 70 GrE AsE nipplEs TO sA E-j534 H Y D r A Ul IC-T Y P E Gr E A SE NIP P l ES … W I T H SEl F - FO r M ING T Hr E A D … D r I V E - IN V Er SION … r I V E T FI T T ING S Fl USH -T Y P E Gr E A SE NIP P l ES BU T TON - HE A D Gr E A SE NIP P l ES … W I T H CHE CK VA lV E A D A P T Er S/ El B OW B OD IES Gr E A SE NIP P l ES A SS Or TM EN T S l O CK ING P l U G S … W I T H SEl F - FO r M ING T Hr E A D IN T Er N AT ION A l T Y P E CH A r T 71 71 73 74 75 75 76 77 77 77 78 78 78 TU rnEd pA rT s E x A M P l ES OF M ACHINING FACIl I T IES A Ir Bl EED VA lV ES lO CK ING P l U G S 79 79 80 81 i M p O rTAnT infO rM ATi O n UM E TA - HIS TO rY S A FE T Y INFOr M AT ION GENEr A l INFOr M AT ION 82 82 82 82 UME TA rEfErEncE ind E x 83 Order from MARYLAND METRICS P.O. Box 261 Owings Mills, MD 21117 USA web: http://mdmetric.com email: sales@mdmetric.com ph: (410)358-3130 (800)638-1830 fx: (410)358-3142 (800)872-9329 RFQ form: http://mdmetric.com/rfq.htm grEAsE gUns 4 years worldwide guarantee* on the function of all UMETA TWIN-LOCK * Subject to our guarantee terms and conditions which can be found at www.umeta.com ® grease guns UMETA grease guns stand for highest quality and reliability. We are certain of the quality of UMETA products and have a guaranty of four years for all UMETA TWINLOCK® grease guns with respect to function. Accurate manufacturing, high quality materials and intelligent product features turn our guns into effective precision tools that effortlessly reach high lubricating pressures. UMETA TWIN-LOCK® grease guns will be delivered with a user's manual, either in a polybag, or in a coloured cardboard box. All UMETA TWIN-LOCK® grease guns for 400g (14.0 oz.) grease cartridges comply with DIN 1283 as regards physical dimensions and performance and are suitable for grease cartridges according to DIN 1284. Our grease guns 75/PK und 75/PL are DLg-certified Of course, our quality management is IsO 9001-2008-certified UMETA grE AsE gUns – A DvA N TAgEs AT A gL A NCE · UMETA TWIN-LOCK® system · rolled coarse thread for high stability and easy dissassembly · special pressure stability by cast aluminium head and thick-walled barrel · easy insertion of the plunger into the cartridge by a bulge in the barrel · inner cartridge stopper · stable hand lever with security handle · ergonomic T-grip with jam protection · knurled barrel for better hold and grip · separate air release valve or filler valve · special constructions available · colours and imprints as per customer's request · individual packaging · high wearing security · even after 30,000 strokes no wear is detectable · available according to DIN 1283 · wide range of accessories 6 Order from MARYLAND METRICS P.O. Box 261 Owings Mills, MD 21117 USA web: http://mdmetric.com email: sales@mdmetric.com ph: (410)358-3130 (800)638-1830 fx: (410)358-3142 (800)872-9329 RFQ form: http://mdmetric.com/rfq.htm grease guns UMETA T WIn - LO CK ® -sysTEM – T hE L IFE INsUR A NCE FOR YOUR M AChINEs A ND EqUIPMEN T When maintaining your high quality machines and equipment, you should absolutely avoid quasi-lubrication! What does quasi-lubrication mean? Upon continuous operation, abrasion can easily take place between the metal piston and the metal cylinder of the grease gun. For this reason, the grease at the top of the piston can be pressed back into the cartridge at a low operating pressure without being noticed. In spite of all efforts, no grease will be transported to the lubrication spot. In order not to expose your machines to this risk, we developed the UMETA TWIN-LOCK® system. In connection with two special sealing elements, it protects the precision piston from wear upon continuous operation. By the special arrangement of the sealing elements, the UMETA TWIN-LOCK® system avoids quasi- without UMETA TWIN-LOCK® system with UMETA TWIN-LOCK® system lubrication and grease escaping the piston. The sealing elements are designed in a way that they adjust themselves to the corresponding operating pressure with respect to their sealing effect. For this unique advantage UMETA grease guns are worldwide renowned. UMETA EvEr- FLOW sysTEM The patented EvER-FLOW system invented by UMETA ensures perfect functioning of the UMETA TWIN-LOCK® gun, even with thick grease and at the lowest temperatures. This is ensured by an outlet valve equipped with a special ball stopper. Even semifluid biological grease will easily be transported by the vacuum developing during the pumping process. This is another advantage of UMETA's, where many other competitors' products fail. UMETA grE AsE gUn KITs The well-established UMETA accessories for grease guns offer you the optimal solution for any application. We assembled the most common grease gun kits, which consist of the UMETA grease gun of your choice and the following standard accessory parts. Basically, you can equip any grease gun with the accessory parts of your choice. You will find our complete accessories list in our chapter ”UMETA Accessories for grease guns“. Our most common standard kits: 110/g – nozzle tube with hydraulic coupling grease gun equipped with standard air release valve 340/gLN – hose 300 mm (12") with hydraulic coupling grease gun equipped with standard filler valve grease gun equipped with standard filler valve and nozzle tube Order from MARYLAND METRICS P.O. Box 261 Owings Mills, MD 21117 USA web: http://mdmetric.com email: sales@mdmetric.com ph: (410)358-3130 (800)638-1830 fx: (410)358-3142 (800)872-9329 RFQ form: http://mdmetric.com/rfq.htm 7 HAnd LEvEr grE AsE gUns 75/PK silver Hand Lever grease gun with high quality silver painted steel barrel · for 400 g (14.0 oz.) grease cartridges or 500 ccm (16.0 oz.) bulk grease · with UMETA TWIN-LOCK® system and patented EvER-Flow system · standard air release valve, alternatively with filler valve according to DIN 1283 barrel version silver painted steel barrel – DIN 1283 special colours available Ø 56 mm (2.2") 296 mm (11.6") grease up to NLgI 3 400 g (14.0 oz.) grease cartridge / 500 ccm (16.0 oz.) bulk grease M 10 x 1 oder g 1/8 upon request 1/8 NPT barrel length suitable for filling capacity connection thread Connection M 10 x 1 M 10 x 1 M 10 x 1 M 10 x 1 M 10 x 1 M 10 x 1 M 10 x 1 M 10 x 1 M 10 x 1 M 10 x 1 Packed in polybag polybag polybag polybag polybag cardboard box cardboard box cardboard box cardboard box cardboard box Scope of delivery without accessories with 340/gLN with 110/g with 110/g + 340/gLN with filler valve without accessories with 340/gLN with 110/g with 110/g + 340/gLN with filler valve Ref. No.: v000286 v000281 v000333 v000524 v000342 v000306 v000308 v000378 v000717 v000319 operating pressure output testing pressure gun dimension packed in weight 400 bar / 5,800 PsI approx. 1.9 ccm (0.06 oz.)/stroke 800 bar / 11,600 PsI 400 x 128 x 60 mm (15.7 x 5.0 x 2.36") printed UMETA polybag or printed UMETA cardboard box net 1,250 g (44.1 oz.) + accessories and packaging * special version USA Connection g 1/8 g 1/8 g 1/8 g 1/8 g 1/8 g 1/8 g 1/8 g 1/8 g 1/8 g 1/8 1/8 NPT 1/8 NPT 1/8 NPT Packed in polybag polybag polybag polybag polybag cardboard box cardboard box cardboard box cardboard box cardboard box polybag polybag cardboard box Scope of delivery without accessories with 340/gLN with 110/g with 110/g + 340/gLN with filler valve without accessories with 340/gLN with 110/g with 110/g + 340/gLN with filler valve with 95/g with filler valve* and 95/g with filler valve* and 95/g Ref. No.: v000287 v000276 v000456 v001174 v001045 v000402 v000449 v000535 v001176 v000495 v000667 v000616 v000403 75/PK Zinc Hand Lever grease gun with high quality zinc-plated steel barrel · for 400 g (14.0 oz.) grease cartridges or 500 ccm (16.0 oz.) bulk grease · with UMETA TWIN-LOCK® system and patented EvER-Flow-system · standard air release valve, alternatively with filler valve according to DIN 1283 barrel version barrel length suitable for filling capacity connection thread Connection M 10 x 1 M 10 x 1 M 10 x 1 M 10 x 1 M 10 x 1 M 10 x 1 M 10 x 1 M 10 x 1 M 10 x 1 M 10 x 1 8 made of zinc-plated steel – DIN 1283 special colours available Ø 56 mm (2.2") 296 mm (11.6") grease up to NLgI 3 400 g (14.0 oz.) grease cartridge / 500 ccm (16.0 oz.) bulk grease M 10 x 1 or g 1/8 upon request 1/8 NPT Packed in polybag polybag polybag polybag polybag cardboard box cardboard box cardboard box cardboard box cardboard box Scope of delivery without accessories with 340/gLN with 110/g with 110/g + 340/gLN with filler valve without accessories with 340/gLN with 110/g with 110/g + 340/gLN with filler valve Ref. No.: v000301 v000309 v000860 v001167 v000432 v000310 v000573 v000567 v001166 v000358 operating pressure output testing pressure gun dimension packed in weight Connection g 1/8 g 1/8 g 1/8 g 1/8 g 1/8 g 1/8 g 1/8 g 1/8 g 1/8 g 1/8 400 bar / 5,800 PsI approx. 1.9 ccm (0.06 oz.)/stroke 800 bar / 11,600 PsI 400 x 128 x 60 mm (15.7 x 5.0 x 2.36") printed UMETA polybag or printed UMETA cardboard box net 1,250 g (44.1 oz.) + accessories and packaging Packed in polybag polybag polybag polybag polybag cardboard box cardboard box cardboard box cardboard box cardboard box Scope of delivery without accessories with 340/gLN with 110/g with 110/g + 340/gLN with filler valve without accessories with 340/gLN with 110/g with 110/g + 340/gLN with filler valve Ref. No.: v000349 v001408 v001182 v001181 v001249 v001172 v001409 v001185 v001184 v001250 Order from MARYLAND METRICS P.O. Box 261 Owings Mills, MD 21117 USA web: http://mdmetric.com email: sales@mdmetric.com ph: (410)358-3130 (800)638-1830 fx: (410)358-3142 (800)872-9329 RFQ form: http://mdmetric.com/rfq.htm grease guns 75/PL Zinc Hand Lever grease gun with extended zinc-plated steel barrel · for 500 g (17.5 oz.) grease cartridges or 600 ccm (20 oz.) bulk grease · with UMETA TWIN-LOCK® system and patented EvER-Flow system · standard air release valve, alternatively with filler valve according to DIN 1283 barrel version made of zinc-plated steel Ø 56 mm (2.2") 370 mm (14.6") grease up to NLgI 3 500 g (17.5 oz.) grease cartridge/600 ccm (20 oz.) bulk grease M 10 x 1 or g 1/8 upon request 1/8 NPT barrel length suitable for filling capacity connection thread Connection M 10 x 1 M 10 x 1 M 10 x 1 M 10 x 1 M 10 x 1 M 10 x 1 M 10 x 1 M 10 x 1 M 10 x 1 M 10 x 1 Packed in polybag polybag polybag polybag polybag cardboard box cardboard box cardboard box cardboard box cardboard box Scope of delivery without accessories with 340/gLN with 110/g with 110/g + 340/gLN with filler valve without accessories with 340/gLN with 110/g with 110/g + 340/gLN with filler valve Ref. No.: v000662 v000810 v000803 v001199 v001197 v000439 v001422 v001460 v000525 v000486 75/LL Zinc operating pressure output testing pressure gun dimension packed in 400 bar / 5,800 PsI approx. 1.9 ccm (0.06 oz.)/stroke 800 bar / 11,600 PsI 475 x 128 x 60 mm (18.7 x 5.0 x 2.36") printed UMETA polybag or printed UMETA cardboard box net 1,450 g (51.5 oz.) + accessories and packaging weight Connection g 1/8 g 1/8 g 1/8 g 1/8 g 1/8 g 1/8 g 1/8 g 1/8 g 1/8 g 1/8 Packed in polybag polybag polybag polybag polybag cardboard box cardboard box cardboard box cardboard box cardboard box Scope of delivery without accessories with 340/gLN with 110/g with 110/g + 340/gLN with filler valve without accessories with 340/gLN with 110/g with 110/g + 340/gLN with filler valve Ref. No.: v001093 v001201 v001129 v001200 v001198 v001461 v001462 v001463 v001464 v001465 Hand Lever grease gun with extra long zinc-plated steel barrel · for 1,000 ccm (32.0 oz.) bulk grease · with UMETA TWIN-LOCK® system and patented EvER-Flow system · standard air release valve, alternatively with filler valve according to DIN 1283 barrel version barrel length suitable for filling capacity connection thread Connection M 10 x 1 M 10 x 1 M 10 x 1 M 10 x 1 M 10 x 1 operating pressure output testing pressure gun dimension packed in weight made of zinc-plated steel Ø 56 mm (2.2") 445 mm (17.5") grease up to NLgI 3 1,000 ccm (32 oz.) bulk grease M 10 x 1 or g 1/8 upon request 1/8 NPT Packed in polybag polybag polybag polybag polybag Scope of delivery without accessories with 340/gLN with 110/g with 110/g + 340/gLN with filler valve Ref. No.: v000647 v000941 v001213 v001212 v000938 Connection g 1/8 g 1/8 g 1/8 g 1/8 g 1/8 400 bar / 5,800 PsI approx. 1.9 ccm (0.06 oz.)/stroke 800 bar / 11,600 PsI 552 x 128 x 60 mm (21.7 x 5.0 x 2.36") printed UMETA polybag net 1,660 g (58.5 oz.) + accessories and packaging Packed in polybag polybag polybag polybag polybag Scope of delivery without accessories with 340/gLN with 110/g with 110/g + 340/gLN with filler valve Ref. No.: v000648 v001233 v001232 v001229 v001214 Order from MARYLAND METRICS P.O. Box 261 Owings Mills, MD 21117 USA web: http://mdmetric.com email: sales@mdmetric.com ph: (410)358-3130 (800)638-1830 fx: (410)358-3142 (800)872-9329 RFQ form: http://mdmetric.com/rfq.htm 9 75/PKU UMETA TWIn-LOCK® Ultra gun top model, which combines quality, function and design · for 400 g (14.0 oz.) grease cartridges or 500 ccm (16.0 oz.) bulk grease · ergonomic grips made of anti-slip material · with UMETA TWIN-LOCK® system and patented EvER-Flow system · filler valve, DIN 1283 included · UMETA multi colour cardboard box barrel version barrel length suitable for filling capacity connection thread Connection M 10 x 1 M 10 x 1 M 10 x 1 M 10 x 1 made of zinc-plated steel Ø 56 mm (2.2") 295 mm (11.6") grease up to NLgI 3 400 g (14.0 oz.) grease cartridge / 500 ccm (16.0 oz.) bulk grease M 10 x 1 or g 1/8 upon request 1/8 NPT Packed in cardboard box cardboard box cardboard box cardboard box Scope of delivery without accessories with 340/gLN with 110/g with 110/g + 340/gLN Ref. No.: 7021312 6800130 7751511 6800140 operating pressure output testing pressure gun dimension packed in 400 bar / 5,800 PsI approx. 1.9 ccm (0.06 oz.)/stroke 800 bar / 11,600 PsI 400 x 135 x 75 mm (15.7 x 5.3 x 3.0") printed UMETA cardboard box portable carrying case 1,300 g (45.8 oz.) + accessories and packaging weight Connection g 1/8 g 1/8 g 1/8 g 1/8 Packed in cardboard box cardboard box cardboard box cardboard box Scope of delivery without accessories with 340/gLN with 110/g with 110/g + 340/gLN Ref. No.: 7021411 7752611 7751611 7759611 UMETA TWIn-LOCK® Ultra Case Kit The complete lubricating equipment in a handy carrying case. The carrying case contains everything you need for lubricating anything, especially our UMETA TWIn-LOCK® Ultra grease gun 75/PKU according to dIn 1283. The carrying case kit comes with the practical UMETA hose parking unit. The grease gun can be hung up on the wall by the provided wall bracket, and is thus always at hand. With the many accessories, you will be prepared for any needed application. Accessories kit, consisting of: · hydraulic hose 340/gLN · nozzle tube 110/g · hydraulic coupling 515/g-4 · quick-adapter, short version 200/M 4, 200/M 1, 200/M 22, 200/s, 200/Xs · grease nipple assortment 60s, each 5 pcs. h1/h2/h3 6 x 1, 8 x 1, 10 x 1, R 1/8 · grease cartridge 400 g (14.0 oz.) · hose parking unit at hand lever · wall bracket Connection M 10 x 1 g 1/8 10 Packaging carrying case carrying case Scope of delivery complete accessories complete accessories Ref. No.: 6900096 6900098 case without content Ref. No.: 6900095 Order from MARYLAND METRICS P.O. Box 261 Owings Mills, MD 21117 USA web: http://mdmetric.com email: sales@mdmetric.com ph: (410)358-3130 (800)638-1830 fx: (410)358-3142 (800)872-9329 RFQ form: http://mdmetric.com/rfq.htm grease guns 70/PK Hand Lever grease gun with shock-resistant polyamide barrel · for 400 g (14.0 oz.) grease cartridges or 500 ccm (16.0 oz.) bulk grease · with UMETA TWIN-LOCK® system and patented EvER-Flow system · standard air release valve, alternatively with filler valve according to DIN 1283 The extremely light polyamide barrel with the extra band knurls ensures optimal and comfortable handling, even with cold temperatures. The robust material combines the advantages of rust-resistancy and form stability, even with crashes and other impacts. barrel version barrel length suitable for filling capacity connection thread Connection M 10 x 1 M 10 x 1 M 10 x 1 M 10 x 1 M 10 x 1 M 10 x 1 M 10 x 1 M 10 x 1 M 10 x 1 M 10 x 1 shock-resistand polyamide barrel Ø 60 mm (2 1/3") 292 mm (11 ½") grease up to NLgI 3 400 g (14.0 oz.) grease cartridge/500 ccm (16.0 oz.) bulk grease M 10 x 1 or g 1/8 upon request 1/8 NPT Packed in polybag polybag polybag polybag polybag cardboard box cardboard box cardboard box cardboard box cardboard box Scope of delivery without accessories with 340/gLN with 110/g with 110/g + 340/gLN with filler valve without accessories with 340/gLN with 110/g with 110/g + 340/gLN with filler valve Ref. No.: v000354 v000472 v000550 v001002 v000790 v000350 v000952 v000881 v001118 v001466 73/PK operating pressure delivery capacity testing pressure gun dimension packed in weight Connection g 1/8 g 1/8 g 1/8 g 1/8 g 1/8 g 1/8 g 1/8 g 1/8 g 1/8 g 1/8 400 bar / 5,800 PsI approx. 1.9 ccm (0.06 oz.)/stroke 800 bar / 11,600 PsI 400 x 128 x 60 mm (15.7 x 5.0 x 2.36") printed UMETA polybag or printed UMETA cardboard box 1,000 g (35.3 oz.) + accessories and packaging Packed in polybag polybag polybag polybag polybag cardboard box cardboard box cardboard box cardboard box cardboard box Scope of delivery without accessories with 340/gLN with 110/g with 110/g + 340/gLN with filler valve without accessories with 340/gLN with 110/g with 110/g + 340/gLN with filler valve Ref. No.: v000443 v000637 v001095 v001211 v001251 v000645 v000842 v001094 v001467 v001468 Hand Lever grease gun wirth shortened zinc-plated steel barrel · for 300 ccm (10.0 oz.) bulk grease · with UMETA TWIN-LOCK® system and patented EvER-Flow system · standard air release valve, alternatively with filler valve according to DIN 1283 barrel version barrel length suitable for filling capacity connection thread Connection M 10 x 1 M 10 x 1 M 10 x 1 M 10 x 1 M 10 x 1 M 10 x 1 M 10 x 1 M 10 x 1 M 10 x 1 M 10 x 1 operating pressure delivery capacity testing pressure gun dimension packed in made of zinc-plated steel Ø 56 mm (2.2") 200 mm (7.87") grease up to NLgI 3 300 ccm (10.0 oz.) bulk grease M 10 x 1 or g 1/8 upon request 1/8 NPT Packed in polybag polybag polybag polybag polybag cardboard box cardboard box cardboard box cardboard box cardboard box Scope of delivery without accessories with 340/gLN with 110/g with 110/g + 340/gLN with filler valve without accessories with 340/gLN with 110/g with 110/g + 340/gLN with filler valve weight Ref. No.: v000211 v000549 v000773 v001220 v001218 v000479 v001479 v001096 v001480 v000457 Connection g 1/8 g 1/8 g 1/8 g 1/8 g 1/8 g 1/8 g 1/8 g 1/8 g 1/8 g 1/8 400 bar / 5,800 PsI approx. 1.9 ccm (0.06 oz.)/stroke 400 bar / 5,800 PsI 345 x 128 x 60 mm (13.6 x 5.0 x 2.36") printed UMETA polybag or cardboard box 1,075 g (37.9 oz.) + accessories and packaging Packed in polybag polybag polybag polybag polybag cardboard box cardboard box cardboard box cardboard box cardboard box Scope of delivery without accessories with 340/gLN with 110/g with 110/g + 340/gLN with filler valve without accessories with 340/gLN with 110/g with 110/g + 340/gLN with filler valve Ref. No.: v000993 v001227 v001054 v001224 v001219 v001481 v001024 v001097 v001482 v000458 Order from MARYLAND METRICS P.O. Box 261 Owings Mills, MD 21117 USA web: http://mdmetric.com email: sales@mdmetric.com ph: (410)358-3130 (800)638-1830 fx: (410)358-3142 (800)872-9329 RFQ form: http://mdmetric.com/rfq.htm 11 75/PKM Hand Lever grease gun with pressure gauge · pressure gauge grease gun for the exact control of the lubricating pressure in order to protect pressure-sensitive components, bearings and gaskets · for 400 g (14.0 oz.) grease cartridges or 500 ccm (16.0 oz.) bulk grease · with high quality zinc-plated steel barrel · with UMETA TWIN-LOCK® system und patented EvER-Flow system · standard air release valve, alternatively with filler valve according to DIN 1283 optionally available: gun head with pressure release pressure gauge barrel length suitable for filling capacity connection thread pressure range up to 400 bar / 5,800 PsI alternatively with pressure range up to 1,000 bar / 14,500 PsI available with or without pressure release device made of zinc-plated steel special colours available Ø 56 mm (2.2") barrel version pressure gauge up to 400 bar Connection M 10 x 1 M 10 x 1 g 1/8 g 1/8 Packed in polybag polybag polybag polybag 296 mm (11.6") grease up to NLgI 3 400 g (14.0 oz.) grease cartridge / 500 ccm (16.0 oz.) bulk grease M 10 x 1 or g 1/8 upon request 1/8 NPT 400 bar / 5,800 PsI approx. 1.9 ccm (0.06 oz.)/stroke 800 bar / 11,600 PsI 480 x 130 x 60 mm (18.9 x 5.1 x 2.36") printed UMETA polybag 1,555 g (54.8 oz.) + accessories and packaging operating pressure output testing pressure gun dimension packed in weight pressure gauge up to 1,000 bar Pressure release without with without with Ref. No.: v000485 v000712 v000859 v000391 EcoLube Connection M 10 x 1 M 10 x 1 g 1/8 g 1/8 Packed in polybag polybag polybag polybag Pressure release without with without with Ref. No.: v000978 v000545 v000499 v000392 Hand Lever grease gun · for 400 g (14.0 oz.) grease cartridges or 500 ccm (16.0 oz.) bulk grease · according to DIN 1283 · comes with filler valve The light steel body, the ergonomically formed hand lever, and extra band knurls on the barrel ensure optimal handling. barrel version blue painted steel barrel RAL 5026 Ø 56 mm (2.2") 287 mm (11.3") grease up to NLgI 3 400 g (14.0 oz.) grease cartridge / 500 ccm (16.0 oz.) bulk grease M 10 x 1 or g 1/8 barrel length suitable for filling capacity connection thread Connection M 10 x 1 M 10 x 1 12 Packed in polybag polybag Scope of delivery without accessories with extension tube and hydraulic coupler Ref. No.: 7000000 7000002 opperating pressure output testing pressure gun dimension packed in weight Connection g 1/8 g 1/8 Packed in polybag polybag 400 bar / 5,800 PsI approx. 1.4 ccm/stroke 600 bar / 8,700 PsI 390 x 120 x 55 mm (15.3 x 4.7 x 2.2") polybag 1,200 g (42.3 oz.) + accessories and packaging Scope of delivery without accessories with extension tube and hydraulic coupler Ref. No.: 7000003 7000005 Order from MARYLAND METRICS P.O. Box 261 Owings Mills, MD 21117 USA web: http://mdmetric.com email: sales@mdmetric.com ph: (410)358-3130 (800)638-1830 fx: (410)358-3142 (800)872-9329 RFQ form: http://mdmetric.com/rfq.htm grease guns OnE- HAnd grE AsE gUns 85/PK Zinc One-Hand grease gun with high quality zinc-plated steel barrel · for 400 g (14.0 oz.) grease cartridges or 500 ccm (16.0 oz.) bulk grease · with UMETA TWIN-LOCK® system und patented EvER-Flow system · standard air release valve, alternatively with filler valve according to DIN 1283 This UMETA TWIN-LOCK® One-hand grease gun offers you many possibilities. The one-hand operation allows for lubricating even hard to reach spots. Our proven powerswitch system provides the opportunity to adjust the grease supply from high volume to high pressure. Just press the button on the handle, and you will obtain optimal performance. barrel version barrel length suitable for filling capacity connection thread made of zinc-plated steel, special colours available Ø 56 mm (2.2") 296 mm (11.6") grease up to NLgI 3 400 g (14.0 oz.) grease cartridge / 500 ccm (16.0 oz.) bulk grease M 10 x 1 or g 1/8, upon request 1/8 NPT upon adjustment to: operating pressure output volume approx. 150 bar / 2,175 PsI approc. 1.1 ccm/stroke Connection M 10 x 1 M 10 x 1 M 10 x 1 M 10 x 1 M 10 x 1 M 10 x 1 M 10 x 1 M 10 x 1 M 10 x 1 M 10 x 1 Packed in polybag polybag polybag polybag polybag cardboard box cardboard box cardboard box cardboard box cardboard box testing pressure gun dimension packed in weight dimensions (L x W x h) 200 bar / 2,900 PsI 403 x 170 x 60 mm (15.8 x 6.7 x 2.36") polybag or printed UMETA cardboard box 1,220 g (43.0 oz.) + accessories and packaging 405 x 172 x 77 mm pressure approx. 180 bar / 2,600 PsI approx. 0.7 ccm/stroke Scope of delivery without accessories with 340/gLN with 110/g with 110/g + 340/gLN with filler valve without accessories with 340/gLN with 110/g with 110/g + 340/gLN with filler valve Ref. No.: v000715 v000676 v001190 v001189 v000721 v000730 v000431 v001028 v001192 v000961 85/PK silver Connection g 1/8 g 1/8 g 1/8 g 1/8 g 1/8 g 1/8 g 1/8 g 1/8 g 1/8 g 1/8 Packed in polybag polybag polybag polybag polybag cardboard box cardboard box cardboard box cardboard box cardboard box Scope of delivery without accessories with 340/gLN with 110/g with 110/g + 340/gLN with filler valve without accessories with 340/gLN with 110/g with 110/g + 340/gLN with filler valve Ref. No.: v000369 v000809 v001195 v001194 v001187 v000548 v000858 v001157 v001196 v001188 One-Hand grease gun with high quality silver painted steel barrel · for 400 g (14.0 oz.) grease cartridges or 500 ccm (16.0 oz.) bulk grease · with UMETA TWIN-LOCK® system und patented EvER-Flow system · standard air release valve, alternatively with filler valve according to DIN 1283 Technical details above. Connection M 10 x 1 M 10 x 1 M 10 x 1 M 10 x 1 M 10 x 1 M 10 x 1 M 10 x 1 M 10 x 1 M 10 x 1 M 10 x 1 Packed in polybag polybag polybag polybag polybag cardboard box cardboard box cardboard box cardboard box cardboard box * special version USA Scope of delivery without accessories with 340/gLN with 110/g with 110/g + 340/gLN with filler valve without accessories with 340/gLN with 110/g with 110/g + 340/gLN with filler valve Ref. No.: v000382 v000538 v000997 v001469 v000772 v000210 v000507 v001136 v001470 v000454 Connection g 1/8 g 1/8 g 1/8 g 1/8 g 1/8 g 1/8 g 1/8 g 1/8 g 1/8 g 1/8 1/8 NPT 1/8 NPT Packed in polybag polybag polybag polybag polybag cardboard box cardboard box cardboard box cardboard box cardboard box polybag cardboard box Scope of delivery without accessories with 340/gLN with 110/g with 110/g + 340/gLN with filler valve without accessories with 340/gLN with 110/g with 110/g + 340/gLN with filler valve without accessories with filler valve* Ref. No.: v000371 v001471 v000768 v001472 v000704 v000420 v001473 v000771 v001474 v000421 v000617 v000640 Order from MARYLAND METRICS P.O. Box 261 Owings Mills, MD 21117 USA web: http://mdmetric.com email: sales@mdmetric.com ph: (410)358-3130 (800)638-1830 fx: (410)358-3142 (800)872-9329 RFQ form: http://mdmetric.com/rfq.htm 13 AIr- OPEr ATEd grE AsE gUns drP 30 Air-operated grease gun · for 400 g (14.0 oz.) grease cartridges or 500 ccm (16.0 oz.) bulk grease · continuous grease flow · extra light and handy due to aluminium body with ergonomic handle · compressed air connection for quick coupling · comes with nozzle tube and hP hose according to DIN 1283 · comes with air release valve and separate filler valve (DIN standard) Inclusive extension tube and hose with hydraulic coupler barrel version barrel length suitable for filling capacity standard valve connection thread pressure ratio air pressure Connection g 1/8 14 made of zinc-plated steel DIN 1283 special colours available Ø 56 mm (2.2") 296 mm (11.6") grease up to NLgI 3 400 g (14.0 oz.) grease cartridge / 500 ccm (16.0 oz.) bulk grease air release valve and separate filler valve (DIN standard) g 1/8 40:1 3 – 7 bar, 43.5 – 100 PsI; recommended air pressure 6 bar/90 PsI Packed in cardboard box Scope of delievery complete with accessories: - hP hose Ø 13 (½") mm, 300 mm (12") length - nozzle tube 110/g each with hydraulic coupler operating pressure output testing pressure gun dimension packed in weight dimensions (L x Wx h) 280 bar / 4,060 PsI max. approx. 500 ccm/3 min. or 160 ccm (5.1 oz.)/min. 320 bar (4,640 PsI) 405 x 260 x 60 mm (15.9 x 10.2 x 2.36") printed UMETA multi colour cardboard box 1,385 g (48.8 oz.) + packaging 425 x 185 x 80 mm (16.7 x 7.3 x 3.15") Ref. No.: 7437505 Order from MARYLAND METRICS P.O. Box 261 Owings Mills, MD 21117 USA web: http://mdmetric.com email: sales@mdmetric.com ph: (410)358-3130 (800)638-1830 fx: (410)358-3142 (800)872-9329 RFQ form: http://mdmetric.com/rfq.htm p u s h -t y p e a n d s c r e w-t y p e grease guns PUsH -T yPE And sCrEW-T yPE grE AsE gUns The UMETA programme offers the optimal solution for all lubricating needs. Either with shock-resistant polyamide bodies, or made of high quality zinc-plated steel, with or without telescopic tube: you will find the right push-type grease guns for all sizes and requirements. Push-type grease guns stand out for their handiness and easy operability. Light pressure suffices to allow for the effective lubrication of hydraulic nipples, ball-type and flush-type nipples. The UMETA telescopic push-type grease guns are equipped with a telescopic tube and are therefore suitable for harder to reach applications. With our nozzles, you will find the optimal connection to any lubricating nipple according to DIN. UMETA push-type grease guns are equipped with special nozzles M 9 x 1. Just choose the desired push-type grease gun with the suitable nozzle for your lubricating nipple type from the list! 500 500/s 500/h 500/Ns 500/K Model 30 – 34 Push-Type grease gun made of shock-resistant polyamide · form B according to DIN 1282 · suitable for hydraulic, ball-type, and flush-type nipples barrel version suitable for connection thread packaging shock-resistant polyamide gun body grease up to NLgI2 M9x1 bulk filling capacity operating pressure (approx.) output per stroke total length tube measurements (Ø x L) weight Type 30 30/s 30/h 30/Ns 30/K Connection M 9 x 1 hollow-type nozzle 500 pointed nozzle 500/s hydraulic nozzle 500/h pin pointed nozzle 500/Ns combi nozzle 500/K Ref. No.: 7130433 7130133 7130233 7130533 7133933 Type 34 34/s 34/h 34/Ns 34/K Type 30 60 ccm (2.0 oz.) 80 – 120 bar 0.6 ccm (0.02 oz.) 165 mm (6 1/2“) 30 x 105 mm (1.18“ x 4.13“) 62 g (2.2 oz.) Connection M 9 x 1 hollow-type nozzle 500 pointed nozzle 500/s hydraulic nozzle 500/h pin pointed nozzle 500/Ns combi nozzle 500/K Type 34 150 ccm (4.8 oz.) 80 – 120 bar 0,6 ccm (0.02 oz.) 200 mm (7 7/8“) 42 x 140 mm (1.66“ x 5.5“) 100 g (3.5 oz.) Ref. No.: 7134433 7134133 7134233 7134533 7135933 Order from MARYLAND METRICS P.O. Box 261 Owings Mills, MD 21117 USA web: http://mdmetric.com email: sales@mdmetric.com ph: (410)358-3130 (800)638-1830 fx: (410)358-3142 (800)872-9329 RFQ form: http://mdmetric.com/rfq.htm 15 Model 36 Push-Type grease gun made of zinc-plated steel · form B according to DIN 1282 · suitable for hydraulic, ball-type, and flush-type nipples barrel version suitable for filling capacity connection thread opperating pressure Type 36 36/s 36/h output tube measurements barrel length packaging weight zinc-plated body grease up to NLgI2 300 ccm (10.0 oz.) bulk grease M9x1 approx. 120 – 200 bar / 1,740 – 2,900 PsI Connection M 9 x 1 hollow-type nozzle 500 pointed nozzle 500/s hydraulic nozzle 500/h Ref. No.: 7136413 7136113 7136213 Model 40 – 44 Type 36/Ns 36/K 0.7 ccm (0.02 oz.)/stroke Ø 50 mm x L 155 mm (Ø 1.97" x L 6.1") 240 mm (9 ½") bulk 300 g (10.5 oz.) Connection M 9 x 1 pin pointed nozzle 500/Ns combi nozzle 500/K Ref. No.: 7136313 7136513 Telescopic Push-Type grease gun made of polyamide · form A according to DIN 1282 · with telescopic tube · suitable for hydraulic, ball-type, and flush-type nipples barrel version suitable for connection thread packaging filling capacity bulk grease operating pressure (approx.) output per stroke shock-resistant polyamide gun body grease up to NLgI2 M9x1 bulk total length tube measurements (Ø x L) weight 16 Type 40 40/s 40/h 40/Ns 40/K Connection M 9 x 1 hollow-type nozzle 500 pointed nozzle 500/s hydraulic nozzle 500/h pin pointed nozzle 500/Ns combi nozzle 500/K Ref. No.: 7140433 7140133 7140233 7140333 7140533 Type 42 42/s 42/h 42/Ns 42/K Connection M 9 x 1 hollow-type nozzle 500 pointed nozzle 500/s hydraulic nozzle 500/h pin pointed nozzle 500/Ns combi nozzle 500/K Ref. No.: 7142433 7142133 7142233 7142533 7142733 Type 44 44/s 44/h 44/Ns 44/K Type 40 70 ccm (2.4 oz.) 140 bar / 2,030 PsI 0.8 – 1.2 ccm (0.03 – 0.04 oz.) 240 mm (9 1/2“) 36 x 100 mm (0.42“ x 3.94“) 100 g (3.5 oz.) Connection M 9 x 1 hollow-type nozzle 500 pointed nozzle 500/s hydraulic nozzle 500/h pin pointed nozzle 500/Ns combi nozzle 500/K Type 42 110 ccm (3.5 oz.) 180 bar / 2,610 PsI 0.8 – 1.2 ccm (0.03 – 0.04 oz.) 270 mm (10 1/2“) 41 x 110 mm (1.62“ x 4.33“) 120 g (4.25 oz.) Type 44 180 ccm (5.8 oz.) 200 bar / 2,900 PsI 0.8 – 1.2 ccm (0.03 – 0.04 oz.) 335 mm (13 1/2“) 45 x 135 mm (1.78“ x 5.31“) 150 g (5.3 oz.) Ref. No.: 7144433 7144133 7144233 7144533 7144753 Order from MARYLAND METRICS P.O. Box 261 Owings Mills, MD 21117 USA web: http://mdmetric.com email: sales@mdmetric.com ph: (410)358-3130 (800)638-1830 fx: (410)358-3142 (800)872-9329 RFQ form: http://mdmetric.com/rfq.htm p u s h -t y p e a n d s c r e w-t y p e grease guns Model 46 Telescopic Push-Type grease gun made of zinc-plated steel · form A according to DIN 1282 · with telescopic tube · suitable for hydraulic, ball-type, and flush type nipples barrel version suitable for filling capacity connection thread operating pressure Type 46 46/s 46/h output tube measurements total length packaging weight zinc-plated body grease up to NLgI2 335 ccm (10.7 oz.) bulk grease M9x1 approx. 200 bar / 2,900 PsI Connection M 9 x 1 hollow-type nozzle 500 pointed nozzle 500/s hydraulic nozzle 500/h Ref. No.: 7146413 7146113 7146213 Model 21 Type 46/Ns 46/K approx. 1.2 ccm (0.04 oz.)/stroke Ø 45 mm x L 250 mm (Ø 1.8" x L 9.8") 565 mm (22 ¼") bulk 600 g (21 oz.) Connection M 9 x 1 pin pointed nozzle 500/Ns combi nozzle 500/K Ref. No.: 7146313 7146753 screw-Type grease gun made of zinc-plated steel · metering gun for greases barrel version suitable for filling capacity connection thread operating pressure Connection M 10 x 1 output tube measurements total length packaging weight zinc-plated body grease up to NLgI2 150 ccm (4.8 oz.) M 10 x 1 or R 1/8 approx. 8 – 20 bar / 116 – 290 PsI Scope of delivery without accessories Ref. No.: 7611113 Connection R 1/8 approx. 1.8 ccm (0.06 oz.)/turn Ø 40 mm x L 130 mm (Ø 1.6" x L 5.1") 180 mm (7") bulk 365 g (12.9 oz.) Scope of delivery without accessories Ref. No.: 7611213 Order from MARYLAND METRICS P.O. Box 261 Owings Mills, MD 21117 USA web: http://mdmetric.com email: sales@mdmetric.com ph: (410)358-3130 (800)638-1830 fx: (410)358-3142 (800)872-9329 RFQ form: http://mdmetric.com/rfq.htm 17 OIL gUns UMETA oil guns are specially designed for operation with oils and high-viscosity grease, and they are manufactured with the same high quality as the well-established UMETA grease guns. sealing elements and accessory parts specially desgined for this purpose allow for optimal leakproof oil fittings. 70/PKO Hand Lever Oil guns with shock-resistant polyamide barrel · for 500 ccm (16.0 oz.) oil barrel version shock-resistant polyamide barrel Ø 60 mm (2 1/3") 292 mm (11 ½") oils and high-viscosity grease 500 ccm (16.0 oz.) bulk grease and oil M 10 x 1 or g 1/8 upon request 1/8 NPT 400 bar / 5,800 PsI barrel length suitable for filling capacity connection thread operating pressure Connection M 10 x 1 M 10 x 1 Packed in polybag polybag M 10 x 1 M 10 x 1 M 10 x 1 polybag cardboard box cardboard box M 10 x 1 cardboard box Scope of delivery without accessories with 340/gLN, incl. oil hydraulic coupling with 110/gO without accessories with 340/gLN, incl. oil hydraulic coupling with 110/gO output testing pressure packed in weight Ref. No.: v001549 v001502 Connection R 1/8 R 1/8 Packed in polybag polybag v001550 v001554 v001555 R 1/8 R 1/8 R 1/8 polybag cardboard box cardboard box v001557 R 1/8 cardboard box 43/s and 43/H Ref. No.: v001551 v001553 v001552 v001558 v001559 v001560 · form A according to DIN 1282 · suitable for oils and high-viscosity grease · comes with pointed nozzle or hydraulic nozzle The UMETA telescopic push-type oil guns are equipped with a telescopic tube and are therefore suitable for a precise lubrication. Light pressure suffices to allow for the effective lubrication of hydraulic nipples, ball-type and flush-type nipples. 43/H barrel version tube measurements (Ø x L) total length suitable for filling capacity connection thread 18 Scope of delivery without accessories with 340/gLN, incl. oil hydraulic coupling with 110/gO without accessories with 340/gLN, incl. oil hydraulic coupling with 110/gO Telescopic Push Type Oil guns 43/s Type 43/s approx. 1.9 ccm (0.06 oz.)/stroke 800 bar / 11,600 PsI printed UMETA polybag or printed UMETA cardboard box 1,075 g (37.9 oz.) + accessories and packaging operating pressure output packaging weight shock-resistant polyamide barrel 41 x 110 mm (1 5/8" x 4 1/3") 270 mm (10 5/8") oils and high-viscosity grease 110 ccm (3.5 oz.) M9x1 Scope of delivery pointed nozzle 500/s Ref. No.: 7143133 Type 43/h 180 bar (2,610 PsI) 0.6 ccm (0.02 oz.)/stroke bulk 120 g (4.2 oz.) + accessories and packaging Scope of delivery hydraulic nozzle 500/h Ref. No.: 7143233 Order from MARYLAND METRICS P.O. Box 261 Owings Mills, MD 21117 USA web: http://mdmetric.com email: sales@mdmetric.com ph: (410)358-3130 (800)638-1830 fx: (410)358-3142 (800)872-9329 RFQ form: http://mdmetric.com/rfq.htm ac c e s s o r i e s f o r g r e a s e g u n s accessories for grease guns UMETA original accessories for grease guns offer a wide range of application possibilities. Therefore, you will be able to solve any lubricating needs with our accessories. If not, we as an experienced manufacturer, will find a solution together with you. Order from MARYLAND METRICS P.O. Box 261 Owings Mills, MD 21117 USA web: http://mdmetric.com email: sales@mdmetric.com ph: (410)358-3130 (800)638-1830 fx: (410)358-3142 (800)872-9329 RFQ form: http://mdmetric.com/rfq.htm 19 nozzle tubes UMETA nozzle tubes in a straight or bent version allow for most simple, tool-free assembly by a polyamide butterfly nut, which guarantees an optimal sealing effect and which makes it possible to stabilize the bent nozzle in any desired position. nozzle tubes with connection G 1/8 are marked by a blue butterfly nut nozzle tubes with connection thread 1/8-NPT upon request 110/g 100/g 110/s 100/s 110/H 100/H · nozzle tube, bent · with hydraulic coupler · length 170 mm Type 110/G 110/G Connection M 10 x 1 G 1/8 Ref. No.: V000279 V000337 · nozzle tube, straight · with hydraulic coupler · length 170 mm Type 100/G 100/G Connection M 10 x 1 G 1/8 Ref. No.: V000044 V000155 · nozzle tube, bent · with pointed nozzle · length 154 mm Type 110/S 110/S Connection M 10 x 1 G 1/8 Ref. No.: V000316 V000285 · nozzle tube, straight · with pointed nozzle · length 154 mm Type 100/S 100/S Connection M 10 x 1 G 1/8 Ref. No.: V000247 V000253 · nozzle tube, bent · with hydraulic nozzle · length 150 mm Type 110/H 110/H Connection M 10 x 1 G 1/8 Ref. No.: V000103 V000375 · nozzle tube, straight · with hydraulic nozzle · length 150 mm Type 100/H 100/H Connection M 10 x 1 G 1/8 Ref. No.: V000076 V000055 · nozzle tube, bent · with hydraulic coupler · without butterfly nut · length 170 mm (6 ½") Type 95/G 95/G 95/G Connection M 10 x 1 G 1/8 1/8 NPT Ref. No.: V000398 V000154 V000101 · nozzle tube, straight · with hydraulic coupler · without butterfly nut · length 170 mm (6 ½") Type 90/G 90/G 90/G Connection M 10 x 1 G 1/8 1/8 NPT Ref. No.: V000074 V000054 V000072 95/g 90/g 20 Order from MARYLAND METRICS P.O. Box 261 Owings Mills, MD 21117 USA web: http://mdmetric.com email: sales@mdmetric.com ph: (410)358-3130 (800)638-1830 fx: (410)358-3142 (800)872-9329 RFQ form: http://mdmetric.com/rfq.htm ac c e s s o r i e s f o r g r e a s e g u n s nozzles and Hydr aulic couPlers Hollow-type nozzle · suitable for ball-type and hydraulic-type nipples acc. to DIN 71412 outer Ø height 12 mm 8.5 mm Type 500 501 502 Connection M9x1 M 10 x 1 G 1/8 Ref. No.: 7351461 V000100 V000227 Pointed nozzle · suitable for flush-type nipples acc. to DIN 3405 outer Ø height 12 mm 18 mm Type 500/S 501/S 502/S Connection M9x1 M 10 x 1 G 1/8 Ref. No.: 7351161 V000248 V000254 Pin pointed nozzle · suitable for flush-type nipples acc. to DIN 3405 height spanner size 16 mm 11 Type 500/NS 501/NS 502/NS Connection M9x1 M 10 x 1 G 1/8 Ref. No.: 7351561 V000246 V000252 Hydraulic nozzle · suitable for ball-type and hydraulic-type nipples acc. to DIN 71412 outer Ø height 12 mm 15 mm Type 500/H 501/H 502/H Connection M9x1 M 10 x 1 G 1/8 Ref. No.: 7351261 V000104 V000250 combo-nozzle hollow/pointed · suitable for two different applications by just unscrewing/ screwing the desired nozzle outer Ø height spanner size 12 mm 28 mm 11 Type 500/K 501/K 502/K Connection M9x1 M 10 x 1 G 1/8 Ref. No.: 7351061 7351031 7351041 Hydraulic coupler · standard with 4 punched jaws · suitable for hydraulictype nipples acc. to DIN 71412 outer Ø height spanner size 15 mm 36 mm 13 Type 515/G 515/G 515/G 515/G Connection M9x1 M 10 x 1 G 1/8 1/8 NPT Ref. No.: 7353361 V000077 V000106 V000102 angled hydraulic coupler · standard with 4 punched jaws · suitable for hydraulic-type nipples acc. to DIN 71412 outer Ø height width spanner size 15 mm 36 mm 27 mm 14 Type 515/G-S 515/G-S 515/G-S Connection M 10 x 1 G 1/8 1/8 NPT Ref. No.: 7351314 7351315 7351317 Hydraulic coupler, heavy-duty hexagon · standard with 4 punched jaws · suitable for hydraulic-type nipples acc. to DIN 71412 · with ball valve outer Ø height spanner size 15 mm 48 mm 17 Type 512/G 512/G 512/G Connection M 10 x 1 G 1/8 1/8 NPT Ref. No.: 7351316 7351326 7351376 bayonet coupler · suitable for bayonet nipples outer Ø height spanner size 16.5 mm 37 mm 17 Type 517/B 517/B 517/B Connection M 10 x 1 G 1/8 1/8 NPT Ref. No.: 9140215 9140216 9140217 also available with turned jaws upon request Order from MARYLAND METRICS P.O. Box 261 Owings Mills, MD 21117 USA web: http://mdmetric.com email: sales@mdmetric.com ph: (410)358-3130 (800)638-1830 fx: (410)358-3142 (800)872-9329 RFQ form: http://mdmetric.com/rfq.htm 21 button-head coupler The UMETA slide coupler is equipped with the hose connection either at the top, or at the side – and it is made of aluminium or steel for optimal handling – according to each application. You achieve additional flexibility by using a swivel joint. · according to DIN 1283 sidewise connection Type 520 521 522 520 521 522 520 521 522 Connection M 10 x 1 M 10 x 1 M 10 x 1 G 1/8 G 1/8 G 1/8 1/8 NPT 1/8 NPT 1/8 NPT Dimensions outer Ø height width M4 18.0 mm 28.5 mm 31.0 mm Sidewise M 4, Ø 10 mm M 1 + T 1, Ø 16 mm M 22, Ø 22 mm M 4, Ø 10 mm M 1 + T 1, Ø 16 mm M 22, Ø 22 mm M 4, Ø 10 mm M 1 + T 1, Ø 16 mm M 22, Ø 22 mm M1+T1 24.0 mm 28.0 mm 36.0 mm Aluminium — V000097 V000095 — V000331 V000098 — V000325 V000666 M 22 32.0 mm 38.5 mm 42.0 mm Steel V000088 V000084 V000096 V000085 V000224 V000321 V001625 V001425 V001426 top connection Type 520 521 522 520 521 522 Dimensions outer Ø height Connection M 10 x 1 M 10 x 1 M 10 x 1 G 1/8 G 1/8 G 1/8 M1+T1 24.0 mm 28.0 mm Top M 4, Ø 10 mm M 1 + T 1, Ø 16 mm M 22, Ø 22 mm M 4, Ø 10 mm M 1 + T 1, Ø 16 mm M 22, Ø 22 mm M 22 32.0 mm 38.5 mm Aluminium — — — — — 7368011 Steel — 7368015 — — — 7368012 Sealing kits for slide coupler, consisting of sealing, spring, and metal ring, are available in different versions and sizes. Further special versions upon request, e. g. those for using resins. Button-head coupler with connection possibility on both sides upon request. swivel joint For a flexible assembly between hose and coupler, we recommend using a UMETA swivel joint. With a UMETA swivel joint, the coupler can be turned to any desired position without having to hold the grease gun in an inappropriate position. length weight outer Ø spanner size 30 mm 11 g 14 mm 14 Type 140/G20 140/G20 140/G20 140/G20 Connection M 10 x 1 G 1/8 G 1/4 1/8 NPT Ref. No.: 7331911 7331921 7331941 7331925 Type 515/GO 515/GO 515/GO Connection M 10 x 1 G 1/8 1/8 NPT Ref. No.: V000330 V000361 V000239 Type 512/G 512/G 512/G Connection M 10 x 1 G 1/8 1/8 NPT Ref. No.: 7351316 7351326 7351376 oil- Proof Hydr aulic couPler Hydraulic coupler Hydraulic coupler, heavy-duty hexagon 22 · with ball valve – therefore, absolutely oil-proof · suitable for hydraulictype nipples acc. to DIN 71412 · standard with 4 punched jaws · with ball valve – therefore, absolutely oil-proof · suitable for hydraulictype nipples acc. to DIN 71412 · standard with 4 punched jaws outer Ø height spanner size outer Ø height spanner size 15 mm 36 mm 13 15 mm 48 mm 17 Order from MARYLAND METRICS P.O. Box 261 Owings Mills, MD 21117 USA web: http://mdmetric.com email: sales@mdmetric.com ph: (410)358-3130 (800)638-1830 fx: (410)358-3142 (800)872-9329 RFQ form: http://mdmetric.com/rfq.htm ac c e s s o r i e s f o r g r e a s e g u n s HigH Pressure Hoses With UMETA‘s hoses, you establish an optimal connection between your grease gun and the lubricating spot. Available in two versions and lengths, either without nozzle, or already assembled with the UMETA nozzle of your choice. Please be aware of smallest allowable bending radius. 360/ln High pressure hose Ø 11 mm (0.43") attention: neVer fold! · DIN 1283 inner Ø outer Ø burst pressure testing pressure operating pressure max. Type 360/LN 340/GLN 330/LN 350/LN 354/LN 360/LN 340/GLN 330/LN 350/LN 354/LN 360/LN 340/GLN 330/LN 350/LN 354/LN Connection M 10 x 1 M 10 x 1 M 10 x 1 M 10 x 1 M 10 x 1 G 1/8 G 1/8 G 1/8 G 1/8 G 1/8 1/8" NPT 1/8" NPT 1/8" NPT 1/8" NPT 1/8" NPT temperature range allowed bending radius max. inner layer reinforcement outer layer 4.0 mm (0.16") 10.2 mm (0.4") 1,000 bar / 14,500 PSI 800 bar / 11,600 PSI 400 bar / 5,800 PSI Connector without nozzle hydraulic coupler H button head coupler M 4 button head coupler M 1 + T 1 button head coupler M 22 without nozzle hydraulic coupler H button head coupler M 4 button head coupler M 1 + T 1 button head coupler M 22 without nozzle hydraulic coupler H button head coupler M 4 button head coupler M 1 + T 1 button head coupler M 22 Length 300 mm (12") 300 mm (12") 300 mm (12") 300 mm (12") 300 mm (12") 300 mm (12") 300 mm (12") 300 mm (12") 300 mm (12") 300 mm (12") 300 mm (12") 300 mm (12") 300 mm (12") 300 mm (12") 300 mm (12") Ref. No.: V000145 V000039 V000366 V000283 V000318 V000130 V000108 V001048 V000223 V000650 V000109 V000326 V001662 V000682 V000683 360/l Type 362/LN 342/GLN 332/LN 352/LN 356/LN 362/LN 342/GLN 332/LN 352/LN 356/LN 362/LN 342/GLN 332/LN 352/LN 356/LN Connection M 10 x 1 M 10 x 1 M 10 x 1 M 10 x 1 M 10 x 1 G 1/8 G 1/8 G 1/8 G 1/8 G 1/8 1/8" NPT 1/8" NPT 1/8" NPT 1/8" NPT 1/8" NPT -20°C – +60°C (-4 °F - +140 °F) 35 mm (1.37") polyethylene 1 polyester insert polyamide Connector without nozzle hydraulic coupler H button head coupler M 4 button head coupler M 1 + T 1 button head coupler M 22 without nozzle hydraulic coupler H button head coupler M 4 button head coupler M 1 + T 1 button head coupler M 22 without nozzle hydraulic coupler H button head coupler M4 button head coupler M 1 + T 1 button head coupler M 22 Length 500 mm (20") 500 mm (20") 500 mm (20") 500 mm (20") 500 mm (20") 500 mm (20") 500 mm (20") 500 mm (20") 500 mm (20") 500 mm (20") 500 mm (20") 500 mm (20") 500 mm (20") 500 mm (20") 500 mm (20") Ref. No.: V000312 V000041 V000940 V000298 V000394 V000323 V000288 V001049 V000651 V000652 V000328 V000327 V001663 V000684 V000685 high pressure hose 2 sn Ø 13 mm (½") · DIN 1283 inner Ø outer Ø burst pressure testing pressure operating pressure max. Type 360/L 340/GL 330/L 350/L 354/L 360/L 340/GL 330/L 350/L 354/L 360/L 340/GL 330/L 350/L 354/L Connection M 10 x 1 M 10 x 1 M 10 x 1 M 10 x 1 M 10 x 1 G 1/8 G 1/8 G 1/8 G 1/8 G 1/8 1/8" NPT 1/8" NPT 1/8" NPT 1/8" NPT 1/8" NPT temperature range: allowed bending radius max.: inner layer reinforcement outer layer 4.8 mm (0.19") 12.5 mm (0.5") 1,650 bar / 23,925 PSI 800 bar / 11,600 PSI 415 bar / 6,000 PSI Connector without nozzle hydraulic coupler H slide coupler M 4 slide coupler M 1 + T 1 slide coupler M 22 without nozzle hydraulic coupler H slide coupler M 4 slide coupler M 1 + T 1 slide coupler M 22 without nozzle hydraulic coupler H slide coupler M 4 slide coupler M 1 + T 1 slide coupler M 22 Length 300 mm (12") 300 mm (12") 300 mm (12") 300 mm (12") 300 mm (12") 300 mm (12") 300 mm (12") 300 mm (12") 300 mm (12") 300 mm (12") 300 mm (12") 300 mm (12") 300 mm (12") 300 mm (12") 300 mm (12") Ref. No.: V000282 V000200 V001206 V000311 V000653 V000410 V000042 V001208 V000741 V000761 V000521 V000686 V001672 V000687 V000688 Type 362/L 342/GL 332/L 352/L 356/L 362/L 342/GL 332/L 352/L 356/L 362/L 342/GL 332/L 352/L 356/L Connection M 10 x 1 M 10 x 1 M 10 x 1 M 10 x 1 M 10 x 1 G 1/8 G 1/8 G 1/8 G 1/8 G 1/8 1/8" NPT 1/8" NPT 1/8" NPT 1/8" NPT 1/8" NPT -40°C – +100°C (-40 °F - +212 °F) 90 mm (3.5") polyethylene double steel wire braid synth. rubber Connector without nozzle hydraulic coupler H slide coupler M 4 slide coupler M 1 + T 1 slide coupler M 22 without nozzle hydraulic coupler H slide coupler M 4 slide coupler M 1 + T 1 slide coupler M 22 without nozzle hydraulic coupler H slide coupler M 4 slide coupler M 1 + T 1 slide coupler M 22 Length 500 mm (20") 500 mm (20") 500 mm (20") 500 mm (20") 500 mm (20") 500 mm (20") 500 mm (20") 500 mm (20") 500 mm (20") 500 mm (20") 500 mm (20") 500 mm (20") 500 mm (20") 500 mm (20") 500 mm (20") Ref. No.: V000297 V000294 V001207 V000475 V000332 V000471 V000496 V001209 V001210 V001020 V000465 V000689 V001673 V000490 V000691 Order from MARYLAND METRICS P.O. Box 261 Owings Mills, MD 21117 USA web: http://mdmetric.com email: sales@mdmetric.com ph: (410)358-3130 (800)638-1830 fx: (410)358-3142 (800)872-9329 RFQ form: http://mdmetric.com/rfq.htm 23 QuicK-adaP ters - for high pressure hoses and nozzle tubes with hydraulic coupler Quick-adapter, short · allows for the flexible combination with various UMETA accessory parts length weight outer Ø 32 mm 45 g 20 mm Connection M8x1 M 10 x 1 R 1/8 Ref. No.: 9907126 9907127 9907128 200/M 1 · for button-head nipples M 1 (Ø 16) acc. to DIN 3404 · button-head coupler made of aluminium length height weight outer Ø 105 mm 28 mm 110 g 24 mm Type 200/M 1 Ref. No.: 7321651 200/M 4 · for button-head nipples M 4 (Ø 10) acc. to DIN 3404 · button-head coupler made of steel length height weight outer Ø 107 mm 28.5 mm 100 g 18 mm Type 200/M 4 Ref. No.: 7321851 200/M 22 · for button-head nipples M 22 (Ø 22) acc. to DIN 3404 · button-head coupler made of aluminium length height weight outer Ø 114 mm 38.5 mm 160 g 32 mm Type 200/M 22 Ref. No.: 7321751 200/K · for cardan shafts, with hollow nozzle length weight 133 mm 80 g Type 200/K Ref. No.: 7322451 200/s · for flush-type nipples acc. to DIN 3405 length weight 92 mm 65 g Type 200/S Ref. No.: 7321151 200/Xs · hard to reach areas, for cardan shafts and smallest nipples of any kind length weight 95 mm 60 g Type 200/XS Ref. No.: 7321551 Quick-adapters in a handy carrying case 24 pin point tube outer Ø 4 mm inner Ø 0.8 mm length 55 mm consisting of: each 1 x 200/M 1 200/M 4 200/M 22 200/K 200/S 200/XS swivel joint Ref. No.: 9230004 Order from MARYLAND METRICS P.O. Box 261 Owings Mills, MD 21117 USA web: http://mdmetric.com email: sales@mdmetric.com ph: (410)358-3130 (800)638-1830 fx: (410)358-3142 (800)872-9329 RFQ form: http://mdmetric.com/rfq.htm ac c e s s o r i e s f o r g r e a s e g u n s Wall br acKets - Wall bracket for UMETA TWIN-LOCK® Grease Guns open version closed version clamping collar wall hook With the robust wall bracket made of zinc plated steel you obtain a steady-state greasing station for your UMETA grease gun. After having mounted the bracket to the wall, the grease gun will be fixed with the clamping collar. Now, the grease nipple has to be connected with hose and nozzle and can be lubricated very comfortable directly from the wall station. For changing the grease cartridge the gun tube can be removed while the grease gun remains in the bracket. Type Wall bracket (open version), cpl. set Wall bracket (closed version), cpl. set Wall hook gre ase c artridges Ref. No.: 7092100 7092110 6900099 super lithium multipurpose grease uMeta grease cartridges according to din 1284 · cartridge according to DIN 1284 · suitable for lubricating normally strained bearings · suitable for all grease guns according to DIN 1283 · universally applicable filling quantity thaw point NLGI class packing unit Packing unit 24 pcs. application temperature upon permanent operation 400 g (14.0 oz.) 180 °C/356 °F 2 24 pcs. temporarily -30 °C/ -22 °F up to +120 °C/ 248 °F up to +130 °C/266 °F Ref. No.: 7371953 Order from MARYLAND METRICS P.O. Box 261 Owings Mills, MD 21117 USA web: http://mdmetric.com email: sales@mdmetric.com ph: (410)358-3130 (800)638-1830 fx: (410)358-3142 (800)872-9329 RFQ form: http://mdmetric.com/rfq.htm 25 GaraGe equipment Get the practical devices for daily works in the garage from UMETA as well! We offer you the complete programme of handling systems, such as suction and filling devices, or fully equipped grease gun carrying cases, e. g. 26 Order from MARYLAND METRICS P.O. Box 261 Owings Mills, MD 21117 USA web: http://mdmetric.com email: sales@mdmetric.com ph: (410)358-3130 (800)638-1830 fx: (410)358-3142 (800)872-9329 RFQ form: http://mdmetric.com/rfq.htm Ga r aG e eq u i pm en t Suc tion GunS Suction Guns are practical and reliable devices for suction and delivery of oils and highviscosity grease. They stand out by their ergonomic handle, robust design, and they are easy to operate. For an optimal sealing effect, they are always equipped with a double sleeve. Here, too, we carry a complete accessories programme, e. g. connection nozzle tubes and flexible hoses. type 2 Suction Gun · for a 250 ccm content barrel version barrel length suitable filling capacity connection thread packed in made of zinc-plated steel Ø 42 mm (1.65“) 260 mm (10.2“) for oil and high-viscosity grease 250 ccm (8.75 oz.) M 10 x 1 Connection M 10 x 1 weight dimensions polybag or bulk 440 g (15.5 oz.) + accessories and packaging 42 x 290 mm (1.65“ x 11.4“) Ref. No.: 7222143 type 3 Suction Gun · for a 500 ccm content barrel version barrel length suitable filling capacity connection thread Connection M 10 x 1 packed in zinc-plated steel, yellow passivated Ø 50 mm (2.0“) 295 mm (11.6“) for oil and high-viscosity grease 500 ccm (17.5 oz.) M 10 x 1 weight dimensions polybag or bulk 560 g (19.8 oz.) + accessories and packaging 56 x 350 mm (2.2“ x 13.8“) Ref. No.: 7233113 Order from MARYLAND METRICS P.O. Box 261 Owings Mills, MD 21117 USA web: http://mdmetric.com email: sales@mdmetric.com ph: (410)358-3130 (800)638-1830 fx: (410)358-3142 (800)872-9329 RFQ form: http://mdmetric.com/rfq.htm 27 type 4 Suction Gun · for a 1,000 ccm content barrel version barrel length suitable filling capacity connection thread packed in zinc-plated steel, yellow passivated Ø 56 mm (2.2“) 446 mm (17.6“) for oil and high-viscosity grease 1,000 ccm (35.0 oz.) M 13 x 1 Connection M 13 x 1 weight dimensions polybag or bulk 1,065 g (37.6 oz.) + accessories and packaging 61 x 530 mm (2.4“ x 20.9“) Ref. No.: 7244313 Suction Gun with reversing valve type 2/V · for a 250 ccm content The reversing valve of type 2/V allows for most simple transfer of liquids from one container to another. barrel version barrel length suitable filling capacity packed in made of zinc-plated steel Ø 42 mm (1.65“) 270 mm (10.6“) for oil and high-viscosity grease 250 ccm (8.75 oz.) weight dimensions polybag or bulk 580 g (20.5 oz.) + packaging 42 x 360 mm (1.65“ x 14.2“) Ref. No.: 7212443 Filling cylinder for central lubrication systems · for fast filling of central lubrication systems with grease and high-viscosity grease · suitable for bulk grease and for grease cartridges of 400 g barrel version barrel length suitable filling capacity made of zinc-plated steel Ø 56 mm (2.2“) 370 mm (14.6“) for grease and high-viscosity grease 400 g (14.0 oz.) grease cartridge / 500 ccm (17.5 oz.) bulk grease packed in weight dimensions polybag or bulk 960 g (33.9 oz.) + packaging 64 x 460 mm (2.5“ x 18.1“) Ref. No.: 5556010 28 Order from MARYLAND METRICS P.O. Box 261 Owings Mills, MD 21117 USA web: http://mdmetric.com email: sales@mdmetric.com ph: (410)358-3130 (800)638-1830 fx: (410)358-3142 (800)872-9329 RFQ form: http://mdmetric.com/rfq.htm Ga r aG e eq u i pm en t acceSSorieS For Suc tion GunS UMETA's high quality suction gun accessories let you handle any job easily! SDF transparent, flexible hose SDF 10 · for decanting fluid contents SDF 13 Type SDF 10 Connection M 10 x 1 Total length 300 mm (11.8“) Ref. No.: 7277113 Type SDF 13 SDK nozzle tube SDK 10 · bent Connection M 13 x 1 Total length 300 mm (11.8“) Ref. No.: 7277313 Connection M 13 x 1 Total length 250 mm (9.8“) Ref. No.: 7266313 Connection M 13 x 1 Total length 250 mm (9.8“) Ref. No.: 7256313 SDK 13 Type SDK 10 Connection M 10 x 1 Total length 190 mm (7.5“) Ref. No.: 7265113 Type SDK 13 nozzle tube SDG · straight SDG 10 SDG 13 Type SDG 10 Connection M 10 x 1 Total length 190 mm (7.5“) Ref. No.: 7255113 Type SDG 13 Order from MARYLAND METRICS P.O. Box 261 Owings Mills, MD 21117 USA web: http://mdmetric.com email: sales@mdmetric.com ph: (410)358-3130 (800)638-1830 fx: (410)358-3142 (800)872-9329 RFQ form: http://mdmetric.com/rfq.htm 29 other Gar aGe equipment umeta tWin-LocK® ultra case Kit The complete lubricating equipment in a handy carrying case, which contains everything you need for any application, especially our umeta tWin-LocK® ultra Grease Gun 75/pKu according to Din 1283. The carrying case kit comes with the practical UMETA hose parking unit. The grease gun can be hung up by the provided wall bracket, and is thus always at hand. umeta tWin-LocK® ultra Grease Gun 75/pKu top model, which combines quality, function and design. · for 400 g (14.0 oz.) grease cartridge / 500 ccm (17.5 oz.) bulk grease · ergonomic grips made of anti-slip material · filler valve, DIN 1283 included · with TWIN-LOCK system and patented EVER-Flow system accessories kit, consisting of: · high pressure hose 340/GLN · nozzle tube 110/G · hydraulic coupler 515/G-4 · quick-adapter, as short version 200/M 4, 200/M 1, 200/M 22, 200/S, 200/XS · grease nipple assortment 60s, each 5 pcs. H1/H2/H3 6 x 1, 8 x 1, 10 x 1, R 1/8 · grease cartridge 400 g · hose parking unit at hand lever · wall bracket Connection M 10 x 1 G 1/8 Packaging carrying case carrying case Scope of delivery complete accessories complete accessories portable Lubrication System carrY-LuBe Ref. No.: 6900096 6900098 · hand- or foot operated high pressure equipment · for 2.5 kg grease bucket (diameter 160 mm) · adjustable for greasing with high volume or high pressure · with high-pressure grease gun up to 690 bar / 10,000 PSI · connected with 1.5 m hose · capable for approx. 30 high pressure shots suitable for length of suction tube output operating pressure Packaging cardboard box 30 Ref. No.: 6900095 case without content grease up to NLGI 2 150 mm (5.9“) max. 1.25 g (0.044 oz.) per shot (approximately 30 shots per loading) max. 690 bar (10,000 PSI) packed in gross weight net weight dimensions (L x W x H) single carton box 4,330 g 4,030 g 200 x 215 x 460 mm Ref. No.: 9626825 Order from MARYLAND METRICS P.O. Box 261 Owings Mills, MD 21117 USA web: http://mdmetric.com email: sales@mdmetric.com ph: (410)358-3130 (800)638-1830 fx: (410)358-3142 (800)872-9329 RFQ form: http://mdmetric.com/rfq.htm Ga r aG e eq u i pm en t umeta Filling Device for Grease Guns All grease guns with a DIN filler valve can be filled from the bucket easily and safely by the inclined filling coupler. With variable screw-on features, the filling devices work with all common bucket sizes. The loose lid protects against dirt and grime and serves for simple control of filling height at the same time. delivery capacity operating pressure Content grease bucket 5 kg 10 kg 15 kg 20 kg 25 kg 50 kg 30 ccm (1.1 oz.)/stroke 8 bar / 1.2 PSI Grease Bucket Ø 180 – 210 mm 210 – 240 mm 240 – 270 mm 270 – 310 mm 310 – 335 mm 335 – 385 mm packed in weight Bucket height max. in mm (inches) 510 (20“) 510 (20“) 510 (20“) 510 (20“) 680 (26.8“) 680 (26.8“) Weight in kgs 3.8 3.9 4.3 4.8 5.4 6.5 cardboard box in kgs, incl. packaging Dimensions (L x W x H) in mm 670 x 420 x 100 670 x 420 x 100 670 x 420 x 100 670 x 420 x 100 670 x 420 x 100 800 x 420 x 100 Ref. No.: 7591783 7591883 7591483 7591983 7591583 7591683 umeta handlever oil Barrel pump (steel tube) · with telescopic tube and steel discharge elbow · for 60/200/220 ltr. drums · suitable for motor, hydraulic, and gear oil, diesel, petroleum, heating oil, waste oil suitable for tube type length/dip depth tube Ø drum thread delivery capacity motor, hydraulic, and gear oils up to SAE 50 made of zinc-plated steel 440 – 860 mm (17.3“ - 33.9“) 25 – 35 mm (1.0“ x 1.4“) 2" 16 ltr. (541 oz.)/min. 300 ccm (10.1 oz.)/stroke total height total width net weight packed in gross weight dimensions (L x W x H) 1,250 mm (49.2“) 520 mm (20.5“) 1,800 g (63.5 oz.) cardboard box 1,900 g (67 oz.) 460 x 140 x 70 mm (18.1 x 5.5 x 2.75“) Packaging cardboard box Ref. No.: 9626830 umeta rotary oil Barrel pump · with steel tube and steel discharge elbow · for 60/200/220 ltr. drums · comes with: 1 m PVC hose with fold protection spring, 2 hose clamps tube type length/dip depth tube Ø drum thread delivery capacity total heigth Packaging cardboard box made of zinc-plated steel 980 mm (38.6“) 25 – 35 mm (1.0“ x 1.4“) 2" 35 ltr. (1,183 oz.)/min. 1,250 mm (49.2“) total width net weight packed in weight dimensions (L x W x H) 210 mm (8.3“) 4,800 g (169 oz.) cardboard box 4,900 g (173 oz.) 360 x 160 x 130 mm (14.2 x 6.3 x 5.1“) Ref. No.: 9626820 Order from MARYLAND METRICS P.O. Box 261 Owings Mills, MD 21117 USA web: http://mdmetric.com email: sales@mdmetric.com ph: (410)358-3130 (800)638-1830 fx: (410)358-3142 (800)872-9329 RFQ form: http://mdmetric.com/rfq.htm 31 umeta oil cans * Stand out for the following advantages: · precision double-pumping system made of brass · high pressure performance · large filling hole · red stove enamelling · easy to disassemble, therefore, easy to clean · enormously stable due to large bottom · packed: 12 pcs. per size in cardboard box Type K 200 flex K 300 flex K 500 flex Nominal content 200 ml 300 ml 500 ml Connection flexible hose flexible hose flexible hose Net weight 195 g 215 g 235 g Ref. No.: 7522224 7523224 7525224 oil measuring cans * · made of especially stable red/ecru polyamide · available in different sizes Please note our packing units! Size 0.5 ltr. 1.0 ltr. 2.0 ltr. 5.0 ltr. Packing unit 15 pcs. 15 pcs. 10 pcs. 4 pcs. Ref. No.: 9626700 9626701 9626702 9626705 The flexible spout is available for all different can sizes and facilitates filling without additional funnel use. Size 0.5, 1.0 + 2.0 ltr. Packing unit loose packaging Ref. No.: 9626706 measuring cups * · made of transparent polyamide · available in different sizes · embossed labelling Please note our packing units! Size 0.25 ltr. 0.5 ltr. 1.0 ltr. 2.0 ltr. 3.0 ltr. 5.0 ltr. Packing unit 25 pcs. 16 pcs. 12 pcs. 12 pcs. 10 pcs. 5 pcs. Ref. No.: 9626725 9626800 9626801 9626802 9626803 9626805 * We reserve to modify colour and form. 32 Order from MARYLAND METRICS P.O. Box 261 Owings Mills, MD 21117 USA web: http://mdmetric.com email: sales@mdmetric.com ph: (410)358-3130 (800)638-1830 fx: (410)358-3142 (800)872-9329 RFQ form: http://mdmetric.com/rfq.htm Ga r aG e eq u i pm en t Funnels * Funnels made of especially stable red polyamide, available in different sizes and kits. The funnels are available both with and without filter screen, partially equipped with flexible plastics or brass hose, or a bent plastics tube, respectively. Please note our packing units! Type kit of 4 one size one size Size (in mm) Ø 60/80/100/120 Ø 100 Ø 140 Packing unit 6 pcs. 12 pcs. 12 pcs. Ref. No.: 9626103 9626109 9626140 Type Size (in mm) with filter and flex hose, polyamide Ø 210 Packing unit 12 pcs. Ref. No.: 9626396 Other versions upon request. Washing tub, 6.0 ltr. * · made of especially stable red polyamide Packing unit 6 pcs. Ref. No.: 9626810 umeta grease cartridges according to Din 1284 * Super lithium multipurpose grease · cartridge according to DIN 1284 · suitable for lubricating normally strained bearings · suitable for all grease guns according to DIN 1283 · universally applicable filling quantity thaw point NLGI class packing unit Packing unit 24 pcs. application temperature upon permanent operation 400 g/14.0 oz. 180 °C/356 °F 2 24 pcs. temporarily -30 °C/ -22 °F up to +120 °C/ 248 °F up to +130 °C/266 °F Ref. No.: 7371953 * We reserve to modify colour and form. Order from MARYLAND METRICS P.O. Box 261 Owings Mills, MD 21117 USA web: http://mdmetric.com email: sales@mdmetric.com ph: (410)358-3130 (800)638-1830 fx: (410)358-3142 (800)872-9329 RFQ form: http://mdmetric.com/rfq.htm 33 Injec tIon guns UMETA Hand lever injection guns for sealing and pressing works, specially well for building reconstruction. Viton-sealings allow for cleaning with solvents and for multi-use. The different tube lengths make the filling volume up to 1,100 ccm (35.0 oz.) possible. 75/PKI Zinc Injection gun · for 550 ccm (17.5 oz.) filling material · with rolled, zinc-plated steel cap barrel version barrel length suitable filling capacity connection thread Connection M 10 x 1 34 operating pressure output testing pressure packed in weight made of zinc-plated steel Ø 56 mm (2.2") 295 mm for resin 550 ccm (17.5 Oz.) bulk grease M 10 x 1 or G 1/8 upon request 1/8 NPT Packed in polybag Scope of delivery without accessories dimensions (L x W x H) Ref. No.: 7091156 Connection G 1/8 Packed in polybag 400 bar / 5,800 PSI approx. 1.9 ccm (0.06 oz.)/stroke 800 bar / 11,600 PSI polybag 960 g (33.9 oz.) + accessories and packaging 356 x 125 x 67.5 mm (14.0 x 4.9 x 2.6") Scope of delivery without accessories Ref. No.: 7091157 Order from MARYLAND METRICS P.O. Box 261 Owings Mills, MD 21117 USA web: http://mdmetric.com email: sales@mdmetric.com ph: (410)358-3130 (800)638-1830 fx: (410)358-3142 (800)872-9329 RFQ form: http://mdmetric.com/rfq.htm injection guns 75/PKI Zinc Injection gun · für 550 ccm (17.5 oz.) filling material · with orange polyamide cap barrel version barrel length suitable filling capacity connection thread Connection M 10 x 1 operating pressure output testing pressure packed in weight dimensions (L x W x H) made of zinc-plated steel Ø 56 mm (2.2") 296 mm for resin 550 ccm (17.5 Oz.) bulk grease M 10 x 1 or G 1/8, upon request 1/8 NPT Packed in polybag Scope of delivery without accessories Ref. No.: V000334 75/LLI Zinc Connection G 1/8 Packed in polybag 400 bar / 5,800 PSI approx. 1.9 ccm (0.06 Oz.)/stroke 800 bar / 11,600 PSI polybag 960 g (33.9 oz.) + accessories and packaging 356 x 125 x 67.5 mm (14.0 x 4.9 x 2.6") Scope of delivery without accessories Ref. No.: V001440 Injection gun · long version for 1,100 ccm (35 oz.) filling material · with orange polyamide cap barrel version barrel length suitable filling capacity connection thread Connection M 10 x 1 operating pressure output testing pressure packed in weight dimensions (L x W x H) made of zinc-plated steel Ø 56 mm (2.2") 485 mm for resin 1,100 ccm (35 oz.) bulk material M 10 x 1 or G 1/8, upon request 1/8 NPT Packed in polybag Scope of delivery without accessories Ref. No.: V000340 75/LLI Zinc Connection G 1/8 Packed in polybag 400 bar / 5,800 PSI approx. 1.9 ccm (0.06 Oz.)/stroke 800 bar / 11,600 PSI polybag 1,230 g (43.4 oz.) + accessories and packaging 545 x 125 x 67.5 mm (21.5 x 4.9 x 2.6") Scope of delivery without accessories Ref. No.: V001478 Injection gun · long version for 1,000 ccm (32 oz.) filling material · with zinc-plated steel screw cap barrel version barrel length suitable filling capacity connection thread Connection M 10 x 1 operating pressure output testing pressure packed in weight dimensions (L x W x H) made of zinc-plated steel Ø 56 mm (2.2") 453 mm for resin 1,000 ccm (32 oz.) bulk grease M 10 x 1 or G 1/8, upon request 1/8 NPT Packed in polybag Scope of delivery without accessories Ref. No.: 7091312 Connection G 1/8 Packed in polybag 400 bar / 5,800 PSI approx. 1.9 ccm (0.06 Oz.)/stroke 800 bar / 11,600 PSI polybag 1,260 g (44.4 oz.) + accessories and packaging 513 x 125 x 67.5 mm (20.2 x 4.9 x 2.6") Scope of delivery without accessories Ref. No.: upon request Order from MARYLAND METRICS P.O. Box 261 Owings Mills, MD 21117 USA web: http://mdmetric.com email: sales@mdmetric.com ph: (410)358-3130 (800)638-1830 fx: (410)358-3142 (800)872-9329 RFQ form: http://mdmetric.com/rfq.htm 35 GREASE NIPPLES Maintaining permanent motion! They are small and inconspicuous, but responsible for keeping machines and all kinds of equipment in motion - whether in a harvester in Russia, a pipeline in Alaska, or a brewery in Australia. There is a UMETA Grease Nipple for every application purpose in most sizes, types and composition. With a range of more than 1,500 different types of nipples with about 70 different thread forms, we offer the largest product line worldwide. Depending on the application and the installation sites, we can manufacture grease nipple according to international standards. Other than a standard version made of steel, zinc-plated and passivated, we offer many other types, made of brass or stainless steel. You will always find a solution in our range of products - even for the most challenging application. Rely on us since we are manufacturer and not a dealer - for about 80 years! UMETA GREASE NIPPLES - ADVANTAGES AT A GLANCE · 1,500 available types · hydraulic-type-, ball-type-, flush-type-, bayonet-, and button-head nipples · standard versions made of zinc-plated steel, stainless steel, or brass · case-hardened according to DIN · international product standards (e. g. DIN, ISO, SAE, BS, JIS) · individual, custom-designed solutions · individual packaging according to customers requirements 36 FUNCTION OF A GREASE NIPPLE TASKS OF A GREASE NIPPLE · protection of the lubrication point against dirt and humidity – no sealing against internal pressure · standardized connection to the grease gun · essential for maintenance and repairs RANGE OF APPLICATIONS · bearings · hinges for machines, vehicles, industry · cardan shafts · drive shafts · linear guides · hydraulic cylinders · drives · chains · axels GREASE NIPPLES ARE MANUFACTURED OF · steel: 1.0718 (11SMnPb30+C) SAE 12L13 · stainless steel: 1.4305 ~ ASTM303 (SST303); 1.4401, 1.4404 ~ ASTM316, 316L (SST316L) · brass: CuZn39 Pb3 (CW614N) Order from MARYLAND METRICS P.O. Box 261 Owings Mills, MD 21117 USA web: http://mdmetric.com email: sales@mdmetric.com ph: (410)358-3130 (800)638-1830 fx: (410)358-3142 (800)872-9329 RFQ form: http://mdmetric.com/rfq.htm G r e a s e N i p p e l s a c c o r d i N G to d i N UMETA HYDR AULIC-T YPE GRE ASE NIPPLES ACCOR DING TO DIN 71412 VERSIONS In general, our hydraulic-type grease nipples according to DIN are made of steel, case-hardened, zinc-plated and passivated, and they are featured with a tapered thread. The head diameter is 6.5 (-0.2) mm / 0.256" (- 0.008"). For safety reasons and in order to avoid abrasion wear, the standard demands 550 HV as a minimum for a surface hardness. Therefore, we operate this decisive process in our own curing oven. We offer various standard types also in brass or stainless steel 1.4305 ~ ASTM 303 and 1.4404 ~ ASTM 316L (V2A/V4A). Of course, our hydraulictype nipples are also available in different angle versions, with a self-forming thread, or as drive-in type. MOUNTING INSTRUCTIONS In order to allow for a proper lubrication with all common grease guns, the head space, which is necessary for installation, should be considered (please see table with dimensions). OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS As suitable lubricating nozzle, we recommend our hydraulic couplers. SPECIAL VERSIONS Upon request, UMETA manufactures hydraulic-type nipples in other versions, with respect to the following: · dimension · material Head space · thread size A = 50 mm (1.97") D = 25 mm (0.98" - 63/64") · thread form (e. g. with cylindrical thread) B = 16.5 mm (0.65") E = 75 mm (3") · opening pressure C = 19 mm (0,75" - ¾") F = 55 mm (2.16" - 2 1/8") · surface colour (e. g. yellow passivated) · further surface treatment · unhardened · etc. A B C D E F APPLICATION AREA UMETA hydraulic-type nipples are suitable for all standard lubrication points, which have to be frequently lubricated in a reliably way. Due to their multi-purpose field of application, they are the most commonly used types of grease nipples. Order from MARYLAND METRICS P.O. Box 261 Owings Mills, MD 21117 USA web: http://mdmetric.com email: sales@mdmetric.com ph: (410)358-3130 (800)638-1830 fx: (410)358-3142 (800)872-9329 RFQ form: http://mdmetric.com/rfq.htm 37 Type H1 Hydraulic-Type Grease Nipples · according to DIN 71412 · straight version A/180° · standard versions according to DIN are made of steel, case-hardened, zinc-plated and passivated · made of steel, zinc-plated and passivated · for other types and materials, please see table, or upon request GW L1 15 GW L1 15 24 29 GW M 5 x 0.8 L2 5.5 L3 7mmHEX Ref.- No.: Steel Brass SST303 SST316L 1100701 1110701 1120701 7mmHEX 7mm HEX 7mm HEX Ref.- No.: Steel Brass SST303 SST316L 1100703 1110703 1120703 5241056 5241059 SW M 6 x 0.75 L2 5.5 6 8.3 L3 SW 14 19 M 6 x 1.0 L1 L2 13.5 15 17.3 24 29 41 15 4 5.5 5.6 6 8.3 6 5.5 L3 SW 7mmHEX 7mm HEX 7mm HEX 7mm HEX 7mm HEX 7mm HEX 11mm HEX 8.5 14 19 31 GW M 7 x 1.0 L1SW 9 L2 L3 SW 15 GW L1 15 GW 5.5 M 8 x 0.75 L2 5.5 L1 15 L3 SW 9mm HEX M 8 x 1.0 L1 L2 15 5.5 18.5 8.5 GW 9mm HEX L3 L3 Ref.- No.: Steel Brass 1100905 Ref.- No.: Steel Brass 1100906 SST303 SST316L 5241102 1120704 1140704 1121104 M 10 x 1.0 L1 L2 15 5.5 17.5 7.5 GW L1 15 L1 15 GW SST303 GW SST316L SST303 SST316L 9mm HEX Ref.- No.: Steel Brass SST303 SST316L 1101111 1111111 1121111 1141111 M 12 x 1.0 Ref.- No.: Steel Brass 1101412 SST303 SST316L Ref.- No.: Steel Brass 1101413 SST303 SST316L GW L3 L3 SW 11mm HEX SW 11mm HEX SW 14mm HEX L3 SW 14mm HEX M 12 x 1.5 L3 SW 14mm HEX M 12 x 1.75 L3 SW 14mm HEX M 14 x 1.5 L3 SW 14mm HEX M 14 x 2.0 L1 L2 17.5 6.5 L1 18 L3 M 12 x 1.25 L1 L2 17.5 6.5 GW Ref.- No.: Steel Brass SST303 SST316L 1101109 1111109 1121109 1141109 5241074 M 10 x 1.5 L2 5.5 L1 L2 17.5 6.5 GW SW 11mm HEX 11mm HEX Ref.- No.: Steel Brass 1101110 L1 L2 17.5 6.5 GW L3 M 10 x 1.25 L2 5.5 L1 L2 17.5 6.5 GW Ref.- No.: Steel Brass SST303 SST316L 1100908 1110908 1120908 1140908 SW GW L1 L2 17.5 6.5 9mm HEX 9mm HEX SW (all measures in mm, thread metric or in inches) GW Ref.- No.: Steel Brass SST303 SST316L 1100907 1110907 1120907 1140907 5241009 M 8 x 1.25 L2 5.5 Ref.- No.: Steel Brass 5241007 5241101 1100704 1110704 5241038 5241057 *5241060 5313742 1101104 GW = thread L1 = overall length L2 = thread length L3 = shank length SW = HEX size L3 SW 14mm HEX M 16 x 1.5 L2 7 L3 SW 17mm HEX SST303 SST316L Ref.- No.: Steel Brass SST303 SST316L 1101414 1111414 1121414 Ref.- No.: Steel Brass 1101415 SST303 SST316L 1121415 Ref.- No.: Steel Brass 1101417 SST303 SST316L Ref.- No.: Steel Brass 1101418 SST303 SST316L Ref.- No.: Steel Brass 1101719 SST303 SST316L *unhardened 38 Order from MARYLAND METRICS P.O. Box 261 Owings Mills, MD 21117 USA web: http://mdmetric.com email: sales@mdmetric.com ph: (410)358-3130 (800)638-1830 fx: (410)358-3142 (800)872-9329 RFQ form: http://mdmetric.com/rfq.htm G r e a s e N i p p e l s a c c o r d i N G to d i N GW L1 43 15 GW R 1/8, 1/8 - 28 BSP L2 6 5.5 R 1/4, 1/4 - 19 BSP L1 L2 17.5 6.5 19 8 GW L1 18 GW L1 45 65 15 17 17.5 31 L3 SW 33** 9mmHE X 11mmHE X L3 SW 14mmHE X 14mmHE X R 3/8, 3/8 - 19 BSP L2 7 L3 SW 17mmHE X 1/8" - 27 NPT/PTF L2 6.5 8 5.5 6.5 6.5 6 L3 SW 35** 9mmHE X 55** 9mm HEX 11mm HEX 11mm HEX 7.5 11mm HEX 21 11mm HEX Ref.- No.: Steel Brass SST303 SST316L 5241070 1101156 1111156 1121156 1141156 GW L1 15 GW Ref.- No.: Steel Brass SST303 SST316L 1101457 1111457 1121457 1141457 5241071 L1 14 15 GW Ref.- No.: Steel Brass 1101758 SST303 SST316L 1121758 L1 15 GW Ref.- No.: Steel Brass SST303 5241076 5241077 1101167 1111167 SST316L L1 15 GW 1141167 5241024 5241105 5241106 5241075 L1 18 GW GW L1 17.5 19 21 GW L1 13.5 15 17.3 24 29 41 GW L1 15 29 1/4" - 18 NPT/PTF L2 6.5 8 9 L3 SW 14mmHE X 14mm HEX 14mm HEX Ref.- No.: Steel Brass 1101468 5241072 SST303 SST316L 1141468 L1 15 GW L1 15 1/4" BSW L2 5.5 L3 SW 7mm HEX Ref.- No.: Steel Brass 1100750 SST303 SST316L 5/16" - 24 NF/UNF/SAE Ref.- No.: L2 4 5.5 L3 SW 9mm HEX 9mm HEX 5/16" - 22 BSF L2 5.5 L3 SST303 SST316L 9mm HEX Ref.- No.: Steel Brass 1100945 SST303 SST316L 9mm HEX Ref.- No.: Steel Brass 1100951 Ref.- No.: Steel Brass 1101769 SST303 SST316L Ref.- No.: Steel Brass 1101146 SST303 SST316L SW 5/16" BSW L2 5.5 L3 SW 3/8" - 18 NPT/PTF L2 7 L3 SW 17mm HEX 3/8" - 20 BSF L2 5.5 L3 Steel Brass SST303 SST316L 5241068 1100938 1110938 1120938 SW 11mm HEX 3/8" - 24 NF/UNF/SAE Ref.- No.: L2 5.5 L3 SW 11mm HEX Steel Brass SST303 SST316L 1101139 1111139 1121139 1/4" - 28 NF/UNF/SAE Ref.- No.: L2 4 5.5 5.6 6 8.3 6 L3 SW 7mmHE X 7mm HEX 7mm HEX 7mm HEX 7mm HEX 7mm HEX 8.5 14 19 31 1/4" - 26 BSF L2 5.5 8.3 L3 19 SW 7mmHE X 7mm HEX Steel Brass SST303 SST316L 5241054 5241103 1100737 1110737 1120737 5241055 5241058 5241061 5241080 GW L1 15 GW 3/8" BSW L2 5.5 L3 SW 11mm HEX Ref.- No.: Steel Brass 1101152 SST303 SST316L SST303 SST316L 1/2" - 20 UNF/NF/SAE Ref.- No.: L1 L2 17.5 6.5 L3 SW 14mm HEX Steel Brass 1101440 Ref.- No.: Steel Brass SST303 SST316L 1100744 1110744 1120744 5241062 ** 2-parts Order from MARYLAND METRICS P.O. Box 261 Owings Mills, MD 21117 USA web: http://mdmetric.com email: sales@mdmetric.com ph: (410)358-3130 (800)638-1830 fx: (410)358-3142 (800)872-9329 RFQ form: http://mdmetric.com/rfq.htm 39 Hydraulic-Type Grease Nipples Type H2 · according to DIN 71412 · angled version B/45° /67° · optionally available with square or hexagonal body · standard versions according to DIN are made of steel, zinc-plated and passivated, head case-hardened · with tapered thread · for other types and materials, please see table, or upon request GW M 5 x 0.8 L1 L2 23.5 5.5 GW M 6 x 0.75 L1 L2 20.5 5.5 23.5 5.5 GW L1 20.5 23.5 17.5 20.5 GW L2 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 L1 20.5 23.5 17.5 20.5 GW L1 20.5 23.5 20.5 40 WL 10.5 10.5 12.3 12.2 W SW 45° 9mm SQ. 45° 9mm HEX 67° 9mm SQ. 67° 9mm HEX M 7 x 1.0 Ref.- No.: Steel Brass 1200901 Ref.- No.: Steel Brass 1204503 1200903 SST316L SST303 SST316L SST316L M 8 x 0.75 Ref.- No.: Steel Brass 1200906 SST303 SST316L M 8 x 1.0 Ref.- No.: Steel Brass SST303 SST316L 1204507 1200907 1210907 1220907 1240907 1404507 1400907 L2 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 WL W SW 10.5 45° 9mm HEX WL 10.5 10.5 12.3 12.2 W SW 45° 9mm SQ. 45° 9mm HEX 67° 9mm SQ. 67° 9mm HEX M 8 x 1.25 L2 5.5 5.5 5.5 WL 10.5 10.5 12.2 W SW 45° 9mm SQ. 45° 9mm HEX 67° 9mm HEX L2 L1 20.5 25 26 47 25 L1 25 GW L1 25 Ref.- No.: Steel Brass SST303 SST316L 1204709 1201109 1211109 1221109 1241109 5242085 5242088 1401109 M 10 x 1.5 Ref.- No.: Steel Brass 1201111 L2 5.5 WL W SW 11.5 45° 11mm HEX WL W SW 11.5 45° 11mm HEX SST303 SST316L SST303 SST316L 1221111 M 12 x 1.0 Ref.- No.: Steel Brass 1201412 SST303 SST316L M 12 x 1.5 Ref.- No.: Steel Brass 1201414 SST303 SST316L M 12 x 1.75 Ref.- No.: Steel Brass 1201415 SST303 SST316L Ref.- No.: Steel Brass 1201417 SST303 SST316L Ref.- No.: Steel Brass 1201719 SST303 SST316L WL 12 WL 12 WL 12 W SW 45° 14mm HEX W SW 45° 14mm HEX W SW 45° 14mm HEX M 14 x 1.5 L1 L2 22.5 6.5 GW W SW 45° 11mm SQ. 45° 11mm HEX 45° 11mm HEX 45° 11mm SQ. 67° 11mm HEX Ref.- No.: Steel Brass 1201110 L1 L2 22.5 6.5 GW WL 11 11.5 11.5 11 11.5 (all measures in mm, thread metric or in inches) M 10 x 1.25 L2 5.5 L1 L2 22.5 6.5 GW GW M 10 x 1.0 L2 5.5 5.5 7 7 5.5 L1 L2 22.5 6.5 GW Ref.- No.: Steel Brass SST303 SST316L 1204508 1200908 1210908 1220908 1400908 SW L2 GW GW SST303 WL W SW 10.5 45° 9mm HEX L1 SW GW Ref.- No.: Steel Brass SST303 SST316L 1204504 1200904 1210904 1220904 1240904 1404504 1400904 WL L1 GW SST303 Ref.- No.: Steel Brass 1200905 L1 L2 23.5 5.5 GW WL W SW 10.5 45° 9mm SQ. 10.5 45° 9mm HEX M 6 x 1.0 L1 L2 23.5 5.5 GW WL W SW 10.5 45° 9mm HEX GW = thread L1 = overall length L2 = thread length WL = angle length W = angle SW = HEX size W W WL WL 12 W SW 45° 14mm HEX M 16 x 1.5 L1 L2 25.5 7 WL W SW 13.5 45° 17mm HEX Order from MARYLAND METRICS P.O. Box 261 Owings Mills, MD 21117 USA web: http://mdmetric.com email: sales@mdmetric.com ph: (410)358-3130 (800)638-1830 fx: (410)358-3142 (800)872-9329 RFQ form: http://mdmetric.com/rfq.htm G r e a s e N i p p e l s a c c o r d i N G to d i N GW L1 20.5 25 28.5 36 25 GW R 1/8, 1/8 - 28 BSP L2 5.5 5.5 9 5.5 5.5 L1 20.5 27 24 GW WL 12 W SW 45° 14mm HEX R 3/8, 3/8 - 19 BSP L1 L2 25.5 7 GW W SW 45° 11mm SQ. 45° 11mm HEX 45° 11mm HEX 45° 11mm SQ. 67° 11mm HEX R 1/4, 1/4 - 19 BSP L1 L2 22.5 6.5 GW WL 11 11.5 11.5 11 11.5 WL W SW 13.5 45° 17mm HEX 1/8" - 27 NPT/PTF L2 5.5 7 7 WL 11 11.5 14 W SW 45° 11mm SQ. 45° 11mm HEX 67° 11mm HEX 1/4" - 18 NPT/PTF Ref.- No.: Steel Brass SST303 SST316L 1204756 1201156 1211156 1221156 1241156 5241236 5242087 1401156 Ref.- No.: Steel Brass SST303 SST316L 1201457 1211457 1221457 1241457 Ref.- No.: Steel Brass 1201758 Ref.- No.: Steel Brass 1204767 5242104 5242105 SST303 SST316L Ref.- No.: Steel Brass 1200944 1400944 SST303 SST316L 1220944 1/4" - 28 NF/UNF/SAE Ref.- No.: Steel Brass SST303 SST316L 1200937 1210937 1220937 1400937 GW 1/4" - BSW Ref.- No.: Steel Brass 1200950 GW 5/16" - 22 BSF Ref.- No.: Steel Brass 1200945 1400945 GW 5/16" - 24 NF/UNF/SAE Ref.- No.: Steel Brass SST303 SST316L 1200938 1210938 1220938 1400938 L1 L2 23.5 5.5 20.5 5.5 GW L1 L2 23.5 5.5 20.5 5.5 L1 L2 23.5 5.5 L1 L2 23.5 5.5 20.5 5.5 L1 L2 23.5 5.5 20.5 5.5 WL W SW 10.5 45° 9mm HEX 12.2 67° 9mm HEX WL W SW 10.5 45° 9mm HEX 12.2 67° 9mm HEX WL W SW 10.5 45° 9mm HEX WL W SW 10.5 45° 9mm HEX 12.2 67° 9mm HEX WL W SW 10.5 45° 9mm HEX 12.2 67° 9mm HEX GW L1 25 25 L1 25 25 L1 25 1/4" - 26 BSF GW W SW 45° 14mm HEX Ref.- No.: Steel Brass 1200951 SST303 SST316L 3/8" - NPT/PTF Ref.- No.: Steel Brass 1201769 SST303 SST316L 3/8" - 20 BSF Ref.- No.: Steel Brass 1201146 1401140 SST303 SST316L 3/8" - 24 NF/UNF/SAE Ref.- No.: Steel Brass 1201139 1401139 SST303 SST316L 3/8" BSW Ref.- No.: Steel Brass 1201152 SST303 SST316L 1/2" - 20 UNF/NF/SAE Ref.- No.: Steel Brass 1201440 SST303 SST316L L1 L2 25.5 7 GW SST303 WL 12 GW GW SST303 5/16" - BSW L1 L2 23.5 5.5 L2 5.5 5.5 WL W SW 10.5 45° 9mm HEX WL W SW 13.5 45° 17mm HEX WL W SW 11.5 45° 11mm HEX 11.5 67° 11mm HEX SST316L Ref.- No.: Steel Brass 1201468 L1 L2 22.5 6.5 GW SST316L GW L2 5.5 5.5 L2 5.5 L1 L2 22.5 6.5 SST303 SST316L SST303 SST316L WL W SW 11.5 45° 11mm HEX 11.5 67° 11mm HEX WL W SW 11.5 45° 11mm HEX WL 12 W SW 45° 14mm HEX Order from MARYLAND METRICS P.O. Box 261 Owings Mills, MD 21117 USA web: http://mdmetric.com email: sales@mdmetric.com ph: (410)358-3130 (800)638-1830 fx: (410)358-3142 (800)872-9329 RFQ form: http://mdmetric.com/rfq.htm 41 Type H3 Hydraulic-Type Grease Nipples · according to DIN 71412 · angled version C/90° · standard versions according to DIN are made of steel, zinc-plated and passivated, head case-hardened · with tapered thread · for other types and materials, please see table, or upon request W WL WL L1 L1 SW L1 18 GW L1 18 18 GW L1 18 18 GW L1 18 GW L1 18 GW L1 18 18 M 5 x 0.8 Ref.- No.: Steel Brass 1300901 M 6 x 0.75 Ref.- No.: Steel Brass 1304503 1300903 L2 5.5 L2 5.5 5.5 WL 13 WL 14 13 W SW 90° 9mmHEX W SW 90° 9mmS Q. 90° 9mm HEX M 6 x 1.0 L2 5.5 5.5 WL 14 13 W SW 90° 9mmS Q. 90° 9mm HEX M 7 x 1.0 L2 5.5 WL 13 W SW 90° 9mmHEX M 8 x 0.75 L2 5.5 WL 13 W SW 90° 9mmHEX M 8 x 1.0 L2 5.5 5.5 WL 13 14 W SW 90° 9mmHEX 90° 9mm SQ. GW SST303 SST316L SST303 SST316L L1 18 20 42 GW L1 20 Ref.- No.: Steel Brass SST303 SST316L 1304504 1300904 1310904 1320904 1341630 GW L1 20 GW Ref.- No.: Steel Brass 1300905 SST303 SST316L Ref.- No.: Steel Brass 1300906 SST303 SST316L L1 22 GW Ref.- No.: Steel Brass SST303 SST316L 1300907 1310907 1320907 1340907 1304507 L1 22 GW L1 22 GW GW L1 18 18 M 8 x 1.25 L2 5.5 5.5 WL 14 13 W SW 90° 9mmS Q. 90° 9mm HEX Ref.- No.: Steel Brass SST303 SST316L 1304508 1300908 1310908 1320908 L1 22 GW L1 22 42 SW L2 L2 GW GW GW GW = thread L1 = overall length L2 = thread length WL = angle length W = angle SW = HEX size M 10 x 1.0 L2 5.5 5.5 7 WL 15 14 15 W SW 90° 11mm SQ. 90° 11mm HEX 90° 11mm SQ. M 10 x 1.25 L2 5.5 WL 14 W SW 90° 11mm HEX M 10 x 1.5 L2 5.5 WL 14 W SW 90° 11mm HEX M 12 x 1.0 L2 6.5 WL 14 W SW 90° 14mm HEX M 12 x 1.5 L2 6.5 WL 14 W SW 90° 14mm HEX M 12 x 1.75 L2 6.5 WL 14 W SW 90° 14mm HEX M 14 x 1.5 L2 6.5 WL 14 W SW 90° 14mm HEX M 14 x 2.0 L2 6.5 WL 14 W SW 90° 14mm HEX (all measures in mm, thread metric or in inches) Ref.- No.: Steel Brass SST303 SST316L 1304709 1301109 1311109 1321109 1341109 5242092 Ref.- No.: Steel Brass 1301110 Ref.- No.: Steel Brass 1301111 SST303 SST316L SST303 SST316L 1321111 Ref.- No.: Steel Brass 1301412 SST303 SST316L Ref.- No.: Steel Brass 1301414 SST303 SST316L Ref.- No.: Steel Brass 1301415 SST303 SST316L 1341415 Ref.- No.: Steel Brass 1301417 SST303 SST316L Ref.- No.: Steel Brass 1301419 SST303 SST316L Order from MARYLAND METRICS P.O. Box 261 Owings Mills, MD 21117 USA web: http://mdmetric.com email: sales@mdmetric.com ph: (410)358-3130 (800)638-1830 fx: (410)358-3142 (800)872-9329 RFQ form: http://mdmetric.com/rfq.htm G r e a s e N i p p e l s a c c o r d i N G to d i N GW L1 18 20 42 R 1/8, 1/8 - 28 BSP L2 5.5 5.5 7 WL 15 14 15 W SW 90° 11mmS Q. 90° 11mm HEX 90° 11mm SQ. Ref.- No.: Steel Brass SST303 SST316L 1304756 1301156 1311156 1321156 1341156 5242093 GW L1 18 GW GW L1 22 R 1/4, 1/4 - 19 BSP L2 6.5 WL 14 W SW 90° 14mmHEX Ref.- No.: Steel Brass SST303 SST316L 1301457 1311457 1321457 1341457 L1 20 GW GW L1 20 R 3/8, 3/8 - 19 BSP L2 7 WL 19 W SW 90° 17mmHEX Ref.- No.: Steel Brass 1301758 SST303 SST316L L1 20 GW GW L1 18 1/8" - 27 NPT/PTF L2 5.5 WL 15 W 90 SW 11mmS Q. Ref.- No.: Steel Brass 1304767 SST303 SST316L L1 20 GW GW L1 22 1/4" - 18 NPT/PTF L2 6.5 WL 14 W 90 SW 14mmHEX Ref.- No.: Steel Brass 1301468 SST303 SST316L L1 20 GW GW L1 18 GW L1 18 GW L1 18 GW L1 18 GW L1 18 1/4" - 26 BSF Ref.- No.: Steel Brass SST303 SST316L 1300944 1310944 1320944 1/4" - 28 NF/UNF/SAE Ref.- No.: Steel Brass SST303 SST316L 1300937 1310937 1320937 L2 5.5 L2 5.5 WL 13 WL 13 W SW 90° 9mmHEX W SW 90° 9mmHEX 1/4" BSW Ref.- No.: Steel Brass 1300950 5/16" - 22 BSF Ref.- No.: Steel Brass 1300945 SST303 SST316L 5/16" - 24 NF/UNF/SAE Ref.- No.: Steel Brass 1300938 SST303 SST316L L2 5.5 L2 5.5 L2 5.5 WL 13 WL 13 WL 13 W SW 90° 9mmHEX W SW 90° 9mmHEX W SW 90° 9mmHEX L1 22 5/16" BSW Ref.- No.: Steel Brass 1300951 SST303 SST316L 3/8" - 18 NPT/PTF Ref.- No.: Steel Brass 1301760 SST303 SST316L 3/8" - 20 BSF Ref.- No.: Steel Brass 1301146 SST303 SST316L 3/8" - 24 NF/UNF/SAE Ref.- No.: Steel Brass 1301139 SST303 SST316L Ref.- No.: Steel Brass 1301152 SST303 SST316L Ref.- No.: Steel Brass 1301440 SST303 SST316L L2 5.5 L2 7 L2 5.5 L2 5.5 WL 13 WL 19 WL 14 WL 14 W SW 90° 9mm HEX W SW 90° 17mm HEX W SW 90° 11mm HEX W SW 90° 11mm HEX 3/8" BSW L2 5.5 WL 14 W SW 90° 11mm HEX 1/2" - 20 UNF/NF/SAE L2 6.5 WL 14 W SW 90° 14mm HEX SST303 SST316L 1320945 Order from MARYLAND METRICS P.O. Box 261 Owings Mills, MD 21117 USA web: http://mdmetric.com email: sales@mdmetric.com ph: (410)358-3130 (800)638-1830 fx: (410)358-3142 (800)872-9329 RFQ form: http://mdmetric.com/rfq.htm 43 UMETA HYDR AULIC GRE ASE NIPPLES WITH SELF- FORMING THRE AD OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS As suitable lubricating nozzle, we recommend our hydraulic couplers. VERSIONS For safety reasons and in order to avoid abrasion wear, the DIN standard for grease nipple with self-forming thread demands a specific surface hardness of 650 HV minimum as well as a particularly wide flank angle of 105° at the thread. For a better visual distinction, UMETA self-forming grease nipples are yellow passivated. Upon request, they are also available in another surface colour, e.g. blue passivated = silver coloured. flank angle 105° APPLICATION AREA By using UMETA grease nipples with self-forming thread (SFT / SFG) you effectively save the thread-cutting process in the borehole. 7,5° MOUNTING INSTRUCTIONS The special thread angle and the specific hardness level allow these grease nipples to be driven and screwed into holes without prior thread cutting. Thus, the thread of the grease nipple forms its counter thread. Later, the grease nipple can easily be screwed out and be replaced by a standard grease nipple. The exact size of the core hole depends on the material and must be determined by mounting tests. The consistency of the receiving material is decisive. The standard gauge for the installation bore diameter of 0.4-0.5 mm (0.02") below nominal width have proved in daily use. Type H1/S Hydraulic-Type Grease Nipples with Self-Forming Thread · according to DIN 71412 · straight version A/180° · with self-forming thread, tapered · standard version made of steel, case-hardened according to DIN (650HV) and yellow passivated SW L1 SFG = self-forming thread (SFT) L1 = overall length L2 = thread length SW = HEX size L2 (all measures in mm) SFG SFG L1 13.5 15 17.5 SFG L1 15 17 44 S6x1 L2 4 5.5 5.5 SW 7mmHEX 7mmHEX 7mm HEX S8x1 L2 5.5 7 SW 9mmHEX 9mmHEX Ref.- No.: Steel not available in other materials 5317443 1100774 5241135 Ref.- No.: Steel not available in other materials 1100975 5317541 SFG L1 15 18 S 10 x 1 L2 5.5 8 SW 11mm HEX 11mm HEX Ref.- No.: Steel not available in other materials 1101176 5241014 Order from MARYLAND METRICS P.O. Box 261 Owings Mills, MD 21117 USA web: http://mdmetric.com email: sales@mdmetric.com ph: (410)358-3130 (800)638-1830 fx: (410)358-3142 (800)872-9329 RFQ form: http://mdmetric.com/rfq.htm G r e a s e N i p p e l s a c c o r d i N G to d i N Type H2/S Hydraulic-Type Grease Nipples with Self-Forming Thread · according to DIN 71412 · angled version B/45° · with self-forming thread, tapered · standard version made of steel, case-hardened according to DIN (head 550 HV/body 650 HV) and yellow passivated W WL L1 SW L2 (all measures in mm) SFG SFG S6x1 L1 L2 20.5 5.5 WL W SW 10.5 45° 9mm SQ. SFG S8x1 SFG S 10 x 1 L1 L2 20.5 5.5 L1 L2 20.5 5.5 SFG WL W SW 10.5 45° 9mm SQ. WL 11 W SW 45° 11mm SQ. S 1/4" - 28 L1 L2 20.5 5.5 WL 11 W SW 45° 9mm HEX Type H3/S Ref.- No.: Steel not available in other materials 1204574 Ref.- No.: Steel not available in other materials 1204575 Ref.- No.: Steel not available in other materials 1204776 Ref.- No.: Steel not available in other materials 1200977 Hydraulic-Type Grease Nipples with Self-Forming Thread · according to DIN 71412 · angled version C/90° · with self-forming thread, tapered · standard version made of steel, case-hardened according to DIN (head 550 HV/body 650 HV) and yellow passivated WL L1 SW S6x1 L1 L2 18 5.5 21.5 5.5 SFG L1 18 SFG L1 18 WL 14 14 W SW 90° 9mm SQ. 90° 9mm SQ. Ref.- No.: Steel not available in other materials 1304574 1304578 W SW 90° 9mm SQ. Ref.- No.: Steel not available in other materials 1304575 S8x1 L2 5.5 WL 14 S 10 x 1 L2 5.5 WL 15 W SW 90° 11mm SQ. SFG = self-forming thread (SFT) L1 = overall length L2 = thread length WL = angle length W = angle SW = HEX size L2 SFG SFG SFG = self-forming thread(SFT) L1 = overall length L2 = thread length WL = angle length W = angle SW = HEX size (all measures in mm) Ref.- No.: Steel not available in other materials 1304776 Order from MARYLAND METRICS P.O. Box 261 Owings Mills, MD 21117 USA web: http://mdmetric.com email: sales@mdmetric.com ph: (410)358-3130 (800)638-1830 fx: (410)358-3142 (800)872-9329 RFQ form: http://mdmetric.com/rfq.htm 45 UMETA HYDR AULIC-T YPE GRE ASE NIPPLES - DRIVE- IN VERSION APPLICATION AREA By using UMETA grease nipples with drive-in shank, you effectively save the thread-cutting process in the borehole. VERSIONS Drive-in nipples as standard version are with plain shank, made of steel, case-hardened, zinc-plated and passivated. Upon request, UMETA manufactures drive-in grease nipples in other versions, with respect to the following: · dimension · material OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS Since this type of grease nipple is only driven in, it may get loose by · strong vibrations · high back-pressure when greasing with auto-matic guns · pulling off the hydraulic coupler Drive-in type hydraulic grease nipples should only be lubricated by a hydraulic nozzle. MOUNTING INSTRUCTIONS For straight-type grease nipples, we recommend using the drive-in tool, with which the nipple can be driven-in effectively and with care. The exact size of the core hole depends on the material and must be determined by mounting tests. The standard gauge for the installation bore diameter corresponds to the nominal width of the shank Ø. RECOMMENDATION Drive-in type grease nipples are only suitable for low pressures. Please check whether they can be replaced by self-forming nipples for a better fit. · shank length · shank type (e.g. serrated ridge) · shank diameter · surface colour · further surface treatment Drive-in tool Type H1a Hydraulic-Type Grease Nipples - Drive-in Version · according to DIN 71412 · straight version A/180° · drive-in-type with plain shank · standard versions according to DIN are made of steel, case-hardened, zinc-plated and passivated · for other types and materials, please see table, or upon request Z L1 15 Z L1 14 15 21 Z L1 15 46 5mm Ø L2 5.5 B 8 6mm Ø L2 4 5.5 11 B 8 8 10 Ref.- No.: Steel Brass 1100185 SST316L Ref.- No.: Steel Brass SST303 SST316L 5241040 5241097 1100186 1110186 1120186 1140186 5241029 B 8 Steel Brass 1100187 B SST303 SST316L (all measures in mm, shank Ø metric or in inches) L2 Z L1 15 30 Z L1 15 Z 6.35mm, 1/4" Ø Ref.- No.: L2 5.5 L1 Z SST303 Z = shank Ø L1 = overall length L2 = shank length B = collar Ø L1 15 8mm Ø L2 5.5 5.5 B 10 10 10mm Ø L2 5.5 B 12 5/16" Ø L2 5.5 B 10 Ref.- No.: Steel Brass SST303 SST316L 1100288 1110288 1120288 1100289 Ref.- No.: Steel Brass 1100389 SST303 SST316L Ref.- No.: Steel Brass 1100290 SST303 SST316L Order from MARYLAND METRICS P.O. Box 261 Owings Mills, MD 21117 USA web: http://mdmetric.com email: sales@mdmetric.com ph: (410)358-3130 (800)638-1830 fx: (410)358-3142 (800)872-9329 RFQ form: http://mdmetric.com/rfq.htm G r e a s e N i p p e l s a c c o r d i N G to d i N Type H2a Hydraulic-Type Grease Nipples - Drive-in Version · according to DIN 71412 · angled version B/45° · drive-in-type with plain shank · standard versions according to DIN are made of steel, zinc-plated and passivated, head case-hardened W WL L1 SW L2 (all measures in mm) Z Z 6mm Ø L1 L2 20.5 5.5 Z WL W SW 10.5 45° 9mm SQ. 8mm Ø L1 L2 20.5 5.5 WL W SW 10.5 45° 9mm SQ. Type H3a 10mm Ø Z Ref.- No.: Steel Brass 1204586 SST303 SST316L Ref.- No.: Steel Brass 1204588 SST303 SST316L L1 L2 20.5 5.5 Z = shank Ø L1 = overall length L2 = shank length WL = angle length W = angle SW = HEX size WL W SW 10.7 45° 11mm SQ. Ref.- No.: Steel Brass 1204789 SST303 SST316L Hydraulic-Type Grease Nipples - Drive-in Version · according to DIN 71412 · angled version C/90° · drive-in-type with plain shank · standard versions according to DIN are made of steel, zinc-plated and passivated, head case-hardened WL L1 SW Z = shank Ø ⍉ L1 = overall length L2 = shank length WL = angle length W = angle SW = HEX size L2 (all measures in mm) Z Z L1 18 Z L1 18 6mm Ø L2 5.5 WL 14 Ref.- No.: Steel Brass 1304586 SST303 SST316L W SW 90° 9mm SQ. Ref.- No.: Steel Brass 1304588 SST303 SST316L 8mm Ø L2 5.5 WL 14 Z W SW 90° 9mm SQ. L1 18 10mm Ø L2 5.5 WL 15 W SW 90° 11mm SQ. Ref.- No.: Steel Brass 1304789 SST303 SST316L Order from MARYLAND METRICS P.O. Box 261 Owings Mills, MD 21117 USA web: http://mdmetric.com email: sales@mdmetric.com ph: (410)358-3130 (800)638-1830 fx: (410)358-3142 (800)872-9329 RFQ form: http://mdmetric.com/rfq.htm 47 UMETA HYDR AULIC-T YPE GRE ASE NIPPLES - SPECIAL DESIGNS The following types are representing only the most commonly used special-type nipples. For individual applications, UMETA manufactures hydraulic-type grease nipples with special equipment in other versions, with respect to the following: · dimension · material · thread size · thread form (e. g. with tapered thread) · length High-pressure hydraulic-type nipple with pin valve · straight version A/180° · made of steel, zinc-plated and passivated · with special pin valve L1 SW L2 Due to the special pin valve, the lubrication point will be sealed hermetically after the greasing operation. As a result, internal impulse-like pressures up to 400 bar (5,800 PSI) can be attained, depending on the respective application. APPLICATION AREA Heavy Industry, Heavy Vehicle Industry. GW L1 21 21 M 10 x 1.0 L2 7.5 9 SW 11mm HEX 11mm HEX L1 21 21 R 1/8, 1/8 - 28 BSP L2 7.5 9 SW 11mm HEX 11mm HEX ((all measures in mm, thread metric or in inches) GW OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS ATTENTION! During dismantling, utmost caution is required because of the possible pressure load. Dismantling should be done by experienced personnel only! Ref.- No.: Steel Brass 5800049 5800052 SST303 SST316L GW L1 21 Ref.- No.: Steel Brass 5800054 5800053 G 1/8, 1/8 - 28 BSPP Ref.- No.: L2 7 SW 13mm HEX Steel Brass 5800056 SST303 SST316L 5800050 GW GW GW = thread L1 = overall length L2 = thread length SW = HEX size SST303 SST316L 5800051 L1 21 GW L1 21 21 G 1/4, 1/4 - 19 BSPP Ref.- No.: L2 7 SW 13mm HEX 1/8" - 27 NPT/PTF L2 7.5 9 SW 11mm HEX 11mm HEX Steel Brass Ref.- No.: Steel Brass 5800048 SST303 SST316L 5800057 SST303 SST316L 5800040 Hydraulic-type nipple with sealing element · angled version B/45° · made of steel, zinc-plated and passivated · head hardened according to DIN · with cylindrical thread · with sintered sealing element under the collar GW = thread L1 = overall length L2 = thread length WL = angle length W = angle SW = HEX size (all measures in mm) APPLICATION AREA Heavy Industry, Heavy Vehicle Industry. 48 GW M 14 x 2.0 L1 L2 26.6 7 WL 14 W SW 45° 19 mm HEX Ref.- No.: Steel Brass 5242042 SST303 SST316L Order from MARYLAND METRICS P.O. Box 261 Owings Mills, MD 21117 USA web: http://mdmetric.com email: sales@mdmetric.com ph: (410)358-3130 (800)638-1830 fx: (410)358-3142 (800)872-9329 RFQ form: http://mdmetric.com/rfq.htm G r e a s e N i p p e l s a c c o r d i N G to d i N Hydraulic-type nipple, double headed · made of steel, zinc-plated and passivated · heads hardened according to DIN · optionally available as: · H2-double head with 67° angle / hexagon body · H3-double head with 90° angle / square body GW = thread, L1 = overall length, L2 = thread length, WL = angle length, SW = HEX size (all measures in mm, thread metric or in inches) APPLICATION AREA Option of alternative greasing by means of two heads. GW L1 18 GW L1 18 18 20 GW L1 18 20 24 M 6 x 1.0 L2 5.5 WL W SW 14.5 90° 9mm SQ. M 8 x 1.0 L2 5.5 5.5 5.5 WL 14.5 14.5 13.5 W SW 90° 9mm SQ. 90° 11mm SQ. 67° 11mm HEX M 8 x 1.25 L2 5.5 5.5 5.5 WL 14.5 13.5 14.5 W SW 90° 9mm SQ. 67° 11mm HEX 90° 9mm SQ. Ref.- No.: Steel Brass 5244179 Ref.- No.: Steel Brass 5244178 5244181 5244159 Ref.- No.: Steel Brass 5244096 5244160 5244033 GW SST303 SST316L SST303 SST316L L1 18 20 22 GW L1 18 20 SST303 M 10 x 1.0 L2 5.5 5.5 7 WL 15 13.5 13.5 W SW 90° 11mm SQ. 67° 11mm HEX 67° 11mm HEX R 1/8, 1/8 - 28 BSP L2 5.5 5.5 WL W SW 15 90° 11mm SQ. 13.5 67° 11mm HEX Ref.- No.: Steel Brass 5244094 5244161 5244163 Ref.- No.: Steel Brass 5244095 5244162 SST303 SST316L 5244134 SST303 SST316L SST316L Hydraulic-type nipple with extension · straight version A/180° · made of steel, zinc-plated and passivated · head hardened according to DIN · with tapered thread · with press-fitted extension for exact grease flow GW = thread L1 = overall length L2 = installation depth SW = HEX size (all measures in mm, thread metric or in inches) APPLICATION AREA For deep seated lubrication points, which can be serviced sufficiently through the extension, e.g. for drive shafts. GW L1 75 130 GW L1 32 M 8 x 1.0 L2 65 120 9mm HEX 9mm HEX Ref.- No.: Steel Brass 5241130 5241133 9mm HEX Ref.- No.: Steel Brass 5241213 SW M 8 x 1.25 L2 22 SW SST303 SST316L SST303 SST316L GW L1 59 75 GW L1 75 M 10 x 1.0 L2 49 65 SW 11mm HEX 11mm HEX Ref.- No.: Steel Brass 5241140 5241132 5/16" - 24 NF/UNF/SAE Ref.- No.: L2 65 SW 9mm HEX Steel Brass 5241131 SST303 SST316L SST303 SST316L Order from MARYLAND METRICS P.O. Box 261 Owings Mills, MD 21117 USA web: http://mdmetric.com email: sales@mdmetric.com ph: (410)358-3130 (800)638-1830 fx: (410)358-3142 (800)872-9329 RFQ form: http://mdmetric.com/rfq.htm 49 UMETA BALL-T YPE GRE ASE NIPPLES ACCOR DING TO FOR MER DIN 3402 APPLICATION AREA UMETA ball-type nipples are suitable for all standard lubrication points, which have to be frequently lubricated in a reliably way. They are more and more often replaced by hydraulic-type grease nipples according to DIN 71412 due to their manifold application purposes. VERSIONS In general, our ball-type grease nipples according to DIN are made of steel, zinc-plated and passivated, and they are featured with a tapered thread. The head diameter is 6.5 (-0.2) mm / 0.256" (0.008"). We offer various standard types also in brass or stainless steel 1.4305 ~ ASTM 303 and 1.4404 ~ ASTM 316L (V2A/V4A). Of course, our ball-type grease nipples are also available in different angle versions, or as drive-in type. On request, UMETA manufactures ball-type nipples in other versions, with respect to the following: · dimension · material · thread size · thread form (e. g. with cylindrical thread) · opening pressure · surface colour (e. g. yellow passivated) · further surface treatment · etc. Ball-Type Grease Nipples Type K1 · according to former DIN 3402 · straight version A/180° · standard versions according to DIN are made of steel, zinc-plated and passivated, with tapered thread · for other types and materials, please see table, or upon request GW L1 14 GW L1 14 GW L1 14 GW L1 14 GW L1 14 GW L1 14 50 M 5 x 0.8 L2 5.5 SW 7mmHEX M 6 x 0.75 L2 5.5 SW 7mmHEX M 6 x 1.0 L2 5.5 SW 7mmHEX M 7 x 1.0 L2 5.5 SW 9mmHEX M 8 x 1.0 L2 5.5 SW 9mmHEX M 8 x 1.25 L2 5.5 OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS As suitable lubricating nozzle, we recommend our hollow-type nozzles or hydraulic nozzles by using our push-type grease guns type A+B. SW 9mmHEX SW L1 L2 (all measures in mm, thread metric or in inches) GW GW Ref.- No.: Steel Brass SST303 2100701 2110702 SST316L L1 14 Ref.- No.: Steel Brass SST303 2100703 2110703 SST316L GW Ref.- No.: Steel Brass SST303 SST316L 2100704 2110704 2120704 Ref.- No.: Steel Brass 2100905 SST303 SST316L L1 14 GW L1 14 GW Ref.- No.: Steel Brass SST303 SST316L 2100907 2110907 2120907 L1 16 Ref.- No.: Steel Brass 2100908 GW SST303 SST316L GW = thread L1 = overall length L2 = thread length SW = HEX size M 10 x 1.0 L2 5.5 SW 11mm HEX M 10 x 1.5 L2 5.5 SW 11mm HEX Ref.- No.: Steel Brass 2101109 SST303 SST316L Ref.- No.: Steel Brass 2101111 SST303 SST316L Steel Brass SST303 2101156 2111156 SST316L R 1/8, 1/8 - 28 BSP Ref.- No.: L2 5.5 SW 11mm HEX R 1/4, 1/4 - 19 BSP Ref.- No.: L2 6.5 SW 14mm HEX Steel Brass SST303 2101457 2111457 SST316L R 3/8, 3/8 - 19 BSP Ref.- No.: L1 L2 17.5 8 SW 17mm HEX Steel Brass 2101758 SST303 SST316L Order from MARYLAND METRICS P.O. Box 261 Owings Mills, MD 21117 USA web: http://mdmetric.com email: sales@mdmetric.com ph: (410)358-3130 (800)638-1830 fx: (410)358-3142 (800)872-9329 RFQ form: http://mdmetric.com/rfq.htm G r e a s e N i p p e l s a c c o r d i N G to d i N Type K2 Ball-Type Grease Nipples · according to former DIN 3402 · angled version B/45° · standard versions according to DIN are made of steel, zinc-plated and passivated, with tapered thread W W WL L1 L1 SW SW L2 L3 L2 GW GW L1 19 GW L1 19 GW L1 19 19 20 M 6 x 1.0 L2 5.5 L3 WL 9 M 8 x 1.0 L2 5.5 L3 WL 9 W SW 45° 9 mm SQ. Ref.- No.: Steel Brass 2204504 SST303 SST316L W SW 45° 9 mm SQ. Ref.- No.: Steel Brass 2204507 SST303 SST316L M 8 x 1.25 L2 5.5 5.5 5.5 L3 6 WL 9 9 9.5 W SW 45° 9mm SQ. 45° 11mm HEX 45° 11mm HEX L1 14 GW L1 20 27 GW Ref.- No.: Steel Brass SST303 SST316L 2204508 2111458 2111470 L1 14 14 GW L1 22 M 10 x 1.0 L2 5.5 L3 WL 9.5 W SW 45° 11mm SQ. Ref.- No.: Steel Brass 2204709 W SW 45° 11mm HEX 45° 11mm HEX Ref.- No.: Steel Brass SST303 2111471 2204711 M 10 x 1.5 L2 5.5 5.5 L3 6 9.5 WL 9.5 9.5 R 1/8, 1/8 - 28 BSP L2 5.5 5.5 L3 WL 9.5 9.5 L3 WL L1 SW L2 GW GW L1 18 GW L1 18 18 19 M 6 x 1.0 L2 5.5 WL 13 W SW 90° 9 mm SQ. M 8 x 1.0 L2 5.5 WL 13 W SW 90° 9 mm SQ. M 8 x 1.25 L2 5.5 5.5 5.5 Ref.- No.: Steel Brass 2201457 WL W SW 11.5 45° 14mm HEX · according to former DIN 3402 · elbow version C/90° · standard versions according to DIN are made of steel, zinc-plated and passivated, with tapered thread L1 18 SST316L SST316L Ref.- No.: Steel Brass SST303 2204756 2111460 W SW 45° 11mm SQ. 45° 11mm HEX R 1/4, 1/4 - 19 BSP L2 6.5 SST303 SST316L SST303 SST316L Ball-Type Grease Nipples Typ K3 GW (all measures in mm, thread metric or in inches) GW GW GW = thread L1 = overall length L2 = thread length L3 = shank length WL = angle length W = angle SW = HEX size WL 13 13 13 W SW 90° 9mm SQ. 90° 9mm HEX 90° 11mm HEX GW Ref.- No.: Steel Brass 2304504 SST303 SST316L Ref.- No.: Steel Brass 2304507 SST303 SST316L L1 18 GW Ref.- No.: Steel Brass SST303 2304508 2111461* 2111468* L1 19 GW SST316L L1 18 GW M 10 x 1.0 L2 5.5 WL 14 W SW 90° 11mm SQ. M 10 x 1.5 (cyl.) L2 5.5 WL 13 W SW 90° 11mm HEX R 1/8, 1/8 - 28 BSP L2 5.5 WL 14 W SW 90° 11mm SQ. R 1/4, 1/4 - 19 BSP L1 L2 22.5 6.5 WL 15 W SW 90° 14mm HEX GW = thread L1 = overall length L2 = thread length WL = angle length W = angle SW = HEX size (all measures in mm, thread metric or in inches) Ref.- No.: Steel Brass 2304709 SST303 Ref.- No.: Steel Brass SST303 2111469* SST316L SST316L Ref.- No.: Steel Brass 2304756 SST303 SST316L Ref.- No.: Steel Brass 2301457 SST303 SST316L * cylindric Order from MARYLAND METRICS P.O. Box 261 Owings Mills, MD 21117 USA web: http://mdmetric.com email: sales@mdmetric.com ph: (410)358-3130 (800)638-1830 fx: (410)358-3142 (800)872-9329 RFQ form: http://mdmetric.com/rfq.htm 51 UMETA BALL-T YPE GRE ASE NIPPLES - DRIVE- IN VERSION APPLICATION AREA By using UMETA grease nipples with drive-in shank, you effectively save the thread-cutting process in the borehole. VERSIONS Drive-in nipples as standard version are with plain shank, made of steel, zinc-plated and passivated. Upon request, UMETA manufactures drive-in grease nipples in other versions, with respect to the following: · dimension · material · shank length · shank type (e. g. serrated ridge) · shank diamter · surface colour · further surface treatment MOUNTING INSTRUCTIONS For straight-type grease nipples, we recommend using the drive-in tool, with which the nipple can Type K1a L1 14 15 Z L1 14 52 6mm Ø L2 5.5 6.5 B 8 8 8mm Ø L2 5.5 B 10 RECOMMENDATION Drive-in type grease nipples are only suitable for low pressures. Please check whether they can be replaced by self-forming nipples for a better fit. Drive-in tool OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS Since this type of grease nipple is only driven in, it may get loose by · strong vibrations · high back-pressure when greasing with automatic guns · pulling off the hydraulic coupler. Ball-Type Grease Nipples - Drive-in Version · according to former DIN 3402 · straight version A/180° · drive-in-type with plain shank · standard versions according to DIN are made of steel, zinc-plated and passivated · for other types and materials, please see table, or upon request Z Drive-in type hydraulic grease nipples should only be lubricated by a hydraulic nozzle. be driven-in effectively and with care. The exact size of the core hole depends on the material and must be determined by mounting tests. The standard gauge for the installation bore diameter corresponds to the nominal width of the shank Ø. Ref.- No.: Steel Brass SST303 SST316L 2100186 2110186 2120186 2110187 B Z = shank Ø L1 = overall length L2 = shank length B = collar Ø L1 (all measures in mm) L2 Z Z L1 14 10mm Ø L2 5.5 B 12 Ref.- No.: Steel Brass 2100389 SST303 SST316L Ref.- No.: Steel Brass SST303 SST316L 2100288 2110288 2120288 Order from MARYLAND METRICS P.O. Box 261 Owings Mills, MD 21117 USA web: http://mdmetric.com email: sales@mdmetric.com ph: (410)358-3130 (800)638-1830 fx: (410)358-3142 (800)872-9329 RFQ form: http://mdmetric.com/rfq.htm G r e a s e N i p p e l s a c c o r d i N G to d i N Type K2a Ball-Type Grease Nipples - Drive-in Version · according to former DIN 3402 · angled version B/45° · drive-in-type with plain shank · made of steel, zinc-plated and passivated · standard versions according to DIN are made of steel, zinc-plated and passivated W Z = shank Ø L1 = overall length L2 = shank length WL = angle length W = angle SW = HEX size WL L1 SW L2 (all measures in mm) Z Z L1 19 21 Z L1 19 21 6mm Ø L2 5.5 7 WL 9 9 8mm Ø L2 5.5 7 WL 9 9 W SW 45° 9mm SQ. 45° 9mm HEX Ref.- No.: Steel Brass SST303 2204586 2111467 W SW 45° 9mm SQ. 45° 9mm HEX Ref.- No.: Steel Brass SST303 2204588 2111466 Type K3a Z SST316L L1 19 10mm Ø L2 5.5 WL 9.5 Ref.- No.: Steel Brass 2204789 W SW 45° 11mm SQ. Ball-Type Grease Nipples - Drive-in Version WL L1 SW L2 Z L1 18 18 19 Z L1 18 19 6mm Ø L2 5.5 5.5 5.5 WL 13 13 13 W SW 90° 9mm SQ. 90° 9mm HEX 90° 11mm HEX Ref.- No.: Steel Brass SST303 2304586 2111462 2111463 W SW 90° 9mm SQ. 90° 11mm HEX Ref.- No.: Steel Brass SST303 2304588 2111464 8mm Ø L2 5.5 5.5 WL 13 13 SST316L SST316L · according to former DIN 3402 · angled version C/90° · drive-in-type with plain shank · standard versions according to DIN are made of steel, zinc-plated and passivated Z SST303 Z = shank Ø L1 = overall length L2 = shank length WL = angle length W = angle SW = HEX size (all measures in mm) SST316L SST316L Order from MARYLAND METRICS P.O. Box 261 Owings Mills, MD 21117 USA web: http://mdmetric.com email: sales@mdmetric.com ph: (410)358-3130 (800)638-1830 fx: (410)358-3142 (800)872-9329 RFQ form: http://mdmetric.com/rfq.htm 53 UMETA FLUSH -T YPE GRE ASE NIPPLES ACCOR DING TO DIN 3405 APPLICATION AREA Flush-type grease nipples are particularly suitable for installations where extending or protruding nipples cannot be used. VERSIONS In general, our flush-type grease nipples according to DIN are made of steel, zinc-plated and passivated, and they are featured with a cylindrical thread. Of course, our flush-type nipples are also available in different angle versions, with a self-forming thread, or as drive-in type. We offer various standard types also in brass or stainless steel 1.4305 ~ ASTM 303 (V2A). Type D1 Upon request, UMETA manufactures flush-type grease nipples in other versions, with respect to the following: · dimension · material · thread size · thread form (e. g. with tapered thread) · opening pressure · surface colour (e. g. yellow passivated) · further surface treatment · etc. Flush-Type Grease Nipples · according to DIN 3405 · straight version A/180° · standard versions according to DIN are made of steel, zinc-plated and passivated, with cylindrical thread · for other types and materials, please see table, or upon request GW L1 9 GW L1 9 GW L1 9 GW L1 9.5 GW L1 9.5 GW L1 9.5 54 M 5 x 0.8 L2 6 SW 7mmHEX M 6 x 0.75 L2 6 SW 7mmHEX M 6 x 1.0 L2 6 SW 7mmHEX M 8 x 1.0 L2 6.5 SW 9mmHEX M 8 x 1.25 L2 6.5 SW 9mmHEX M 10 x 1.0 L2 6.5 OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS Flush-type nipples are only suitable for pressgreasing by means of a UMETA extension tube or a UMETA push-type grease gun with pin-pointed, pointed, or combi-nozzle. SW 11mmHEX L1 SST303 SST316L Ref.- No.: Steel Brass 3100723 SST303 SST316L Ref.- No.: Steel Brass SST303 SST316L 3100925 3110925 3120925 Ref.- No.: Steel Brass SST303 SST316L 3100926 3110926 3120926 Ref.- No.: Steel Brass SST303 SST316L 3101127 3111127 3121127 (all measures in mm, thread metric or in inches) GW L1 9.5 GW Ref.- No.: Steel Brass SST303 SST316L 3100724 3110724 3120724 SW L2 GW Ref.- No.: Steel Brass 3100720 GW = thread L1 = overall length L2 = thread length SW = HEX size 60° L1 14 GW L1 9.5 GW L1 14 GW M 10 x 1.5 L2 6.5 M 12 x 1.5 L2 9.5 L1 9 SW 14mm HEX G 1/8, 1/8 - 28 BSPP L2 6.5 SW 11mm HEX G 1/4, 1/4 - 19 BSPP L2 9.5 SW 14mm HEX G 3/8, 3/8 - 19 BSPP L1 L2 14.5 9 GW SW 11mm HEX SW 17mm HEX Ref.- No.: Steel Brass 3101128 SST303 SST316L Ref.- No.: Steel Brass 3101431 SST303 SST316L Ref.- No.: Steel Brass SST303 SST316L 3101161 3111161 3121161 Ref.- No.: Steel Brass SST303 SST316L 3101462 3111462 3121462 Ref.- No.: Steel Brass 3101763 SST303 SST316L SST303 SST316L 1/4" - 28 NF/UNF/SAE Ref.- No.: L2 6 SW 7mm HEX Steel Brass 3100742 Order from MARYLAND METRICS P.O. Box 261 Owings Mills, MD 21117 USA web: http://mdmetric.com email: sales@mdmetric.com ph: (410)358-3130 (800)638-1830 fx: (410)358-3142 (800)872-9329 RFQ form: http://mdmetric.com/rfq.htm G r e a s e N i p p e l s a c c o r d i N G to d i N Type D2 Flush-Type Grease Nipples · according to DIN 3405 · angled version B/45° · standard versions according to DIN are made of steel, zinc-plated and passivated, with tapered thread 45º GW =thread L1 = overall length L2 = thread length SW = HEX size L1 SW (all measures in mm, thread metric or in inches) L2 GW GW L1 15 GW L1 15 GW L1 15 GW M 6 x 1.0 Ref.- No.: Steel Brass SST303 3204504 3214504 SST316L M 8 x 1.0 Ref.- No.: Steel Brass 3204507 SST303 SST316L M 8 x 1.25 Ref.- No.: Steel Brass 3204508 SST303 SST316L L2 5.5 L2 5.5 L2 5.5 W SW 45° 9mm SQ. W SW 45° 9mm SQ. W SW 45° 9mm SQ. Type D3 L1 15 GW L1 15 M 10 x 1.0 L2 5.5 W SW 45° 11mm SQ. Ref.- No.: Steel Brass 3204709 R 1/8, 1/8 - 28 BSP Ref.- No.: L2 5.5 W SW 45° 11mm SQ. Steel Brass 3204756 SST303 SST316L SST303 SST316L Flush-Type Grease Nipples · according to DIN 3405 · angled version C/90° · standard versions according to DIN are made of steel, zinc-plated and passivated, with tapered thread GW = thread L1 = overall length L2 = thread length SW = HEX size (all measures in mm, thread metric or in inches) GW L1 18 GW L1 18 GW L1 18 M 6 x 1.0 L2 5.5 W SW 90° 9mm SQ. M 8 x 1.0 L2 5.5 W SW 90° 9mm SQ. M 8 x 1.25 L2 5.5 W SW 90° 9mm SQ. GW Ref.- No.: Steel Brass 3304504 SST303 SST316L Ref.- No.: Steel Brass 3304507 SST303 SST316L Ref.- No.: Steel Brass 3304508 SST303 SST316L L1 18 GW L1 18 M 10 x 1.0 L2 5.5 W SW 90° 11mm SQ. Ref.- No.: Steel Brass 3304709 SST303 SST316L SST303 SST316L R 1/8, 1/8 - 28 BSP Ref.- No.: L2 5.5 W SW 90° 11mm SQ. Steel Brass 3304756 Order from MARYLAND METRICS P.O. Box 261 Owings Mills, MD 21117 USA web: http://mdmetric.com email: sales@mdmetric.com ph: (410)358-3130 (800)638-1830 fx: (410)358-3142 (800)872-9329 RFQ form: http://mdmetric.com/rfq.htm 55 FLUSH -T YPE GRE ASE NIPPLES WITH SELF- FORMING THRE AD APPLICATION AREA By using UMETA grease nipples with self-forming thread (SFT / SFG) you effectively save the thread-cutting process in the borehole. OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS As suitable lubricating nozzle, we recommend our pointed nozzles. 105° VERSIONS For safety reasons and in order to avoid abrasion wear, the DIN standard for grease nipples with self-forming thread demands a specific surface hardness of 650 HV minimum as well as a particularly wide flank angle of 105° at the thread. Therefore, we operate this decisive process in our own curing oven. For a better visual distinction, UMETA self-forming grease nipples are yellow passivated. Upon request, they are also available in another surface colour, e. g. blue passivated = silver coloured. MOUNTING INSTRUCTIONS The special thread angle and the specific hardness level allow these grease nipples to be driven and screwed into holes without prior thread cutting. Thus, the thread of the grease nipple forms its counter thread. Later, the grease nipple can easily be screwed out and be replaced by a standard grease nipple. The exact size of the core hole depends on the material and must be determined by mounting tests. The consistency of the receiving material is decisive.The standard gauge for the installation bore diameter of 0.4-0.5 mm (0.02") below nominal width have proved in daily use. flank angle Flankenwinkel 7,5° Type D1/S Flush-Type Grease Nipples with Self-Forming Thread · according to DIN 3405 · straight version A/180° · with self-forming thread, tapered · standard version made of steel, case-hardened according to DIN (650HV) and yellow passivated º 60 L1 SW X L2 SFG = self-forming thread (SFT) L1 = overall length L2 = thread length SW = HEX size (all measures in mm) SFG SFG L1 8.5 SFG L1 8.5 56 S6x1 L2 5.5 SW 7mmHEX S8x1 L2 5.5 SW 9mmHEX Ref.- No.: Steel not available in other materials 3100774 SFG L1 8.5 S 10 x 1 L2 5.5 SW 11mm HEX Ref.- No.: Steel not available in other materials 3101176 Ref.- No.: Steel not available in other materials 3100975 Order from MARYLAND METRICS P.O. Box 261 Owings Mills, MD 21117 USA web: http://mdmetric.com email: sales@mdmetric.com ph: (410)358-3130 (800)638-1830 fx: (410)358-3142 (800)872-9329 RFQ form: http://mdmetric.com/rfq.htm G r e a s e N i p p e l s a c c o r d i N G to d i N FLUSH -T YPE GRE ASE NIPPLES - DRIVE- IN VERSION APPLICATION AREA By using UMETA grease nipples with drive-in shank, you effectively save the thread-cutting process in the borehole. VERSIONS Drive-in nipples as standard version are with plain shank, made of steel, zinc-plated and passivated. Upon request, UMETA manufactures drive-in grease nipples in other versions, with respect to the following: · dimension · material · shank length · shank type (e. g. serrated ridge) · shank diamter · surface colour · further surface treatment RECOMMENDATION Drive-in type grease nipples are only suitable for low pressures. Please check whether they can be replaced by self-forming nipples for a better fit. MOUNTING INSTRUCTIONS The exact size of the core hole depends on the material and must be determined by mounting tests. The standard gauge for the installation bore diameter corresponds to the nominal width of the shank Ø. OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS Since this type of grease nipple is only driven in, it may get loose by · strong vibrations · high back-pressure when greasing with automatic guns Drive-in type grease nipples, flush-type, should only be lubricated by a pointed nozzle. Type D1a Flush-Type Grease Nipples - Drive-in Version · according to DIN 3405 · straight version A/180° · drive-in-type with plain shank · standard versions according to DIN are made of steel, zinc-plated and passivated · for other types and materials, please see table, or upon request Z L1 7.5 Z L1 7.5 Z L1 7.5 5mm Ø Ref.- No.: Steel Brass 3100185 6mm Ø Ref.- No.: Steel Brass SST303 SST316L 3100186 3110186 3120186 L2 5.5 L2 5.5 B 8 B 8 Z = shank Ø L1 = overall length L2 = shank length B = collar Ø (all measures in mm) Z SST303 SST316L L1 9.5 Z L1 9.5 8mm Ø Ref.- No.: Steel Brass SST303 SST316L 3100288 3110288 3120288 10mm Ø Ref.- No.: Steel Brass SST303 3100389 3110389 L2 6.5 L2 6.5 B 10 B 12 SST316L 6.35mm, 1/4" Ø Ref.- No.: L2 5.5 B 8 Steel Brass 3100187 SST303 SST316L Order from MARYLAND METRICS P.O. Box 261 Owings Mills, MD 21117 USA web: http://mdmetric.com email: sales@mdmetric.com ph: (410)358-3130 (800)638-1830 fx: (410)358-3142 (800)872-9329 RFQ form: http://mdmetric.com/rfq.htm 57 Type D2a Flush-Type Grease Nipples - Drive-in Version · according to DIN 3405 · angled version B/45° · drive-in-type with plain shank · standard versions according to DIN are made of steel, zinc-plated and passivated Z L1 15 Z L1 15 6mm Ø L2 5.5 W SW 45° 9mm SQ. 8mm Ø L2 5.5 W SW 45° 9mm SQ. Type D3a Z = shank Ø L1 = overall length L2 = shank length SW = HEX size (all measures in mm) Z Ref.- No.: Steel Brass 3204586 SST303 SST316L Ref.- No.: Steel Brass 3204588 SST303 SST316L L1 15 10mm Ø L2 5.5 W SW 45° 11mm SQ. Ref.- No.: Steel Brass 3204789 L1 18 Z L1 18 58 6mm Ø L2 5.5 W SW 90° 9mm SQ. 8mm Ø L2 5.5 W SW 90° 9mm SQ. SST316L Flush-Type Grease Nipples - Drive-in Version · according to DIN 3405 · angled version C/90° · drive-in-type with plain shank · standard versions according to DIN are made of steel, zinc-plated and passivated Z SST303 Z = shank Ø L1 = overall length L2 = shank length SW = HEX size (all measures in mm) Z Ref.- No.: Steel Brass 3304586 SST303 SST316L Ref.- No.: Steel Brass 3304588 SST303 SST316L L1 18 10mm Ø L2 5.5 W SW 90° 11mm SQ. Ref.- No.: Steel Brass 3304789 SST303 SST316L Order from MARYLAND METRICS P.O. Box 261 Owings Mills, MD 21117 USA web: http://mdmetric.com email: sales@mdmetric.com ph: (410)358-3130 (800)638-1830 fx: (410)358-3142 (800)872-9329 RFQ form: http://mdmetric.com/rfq.htm G r e a s e N i p p e l s a c c o r d i N G to d i N FLUSH -T YPE GRE ASE NIPPLES - SPECIAL DESIGNS VERSIONS The following types are representing only the most commonly used special-type nipples. For individual applications, UMETA manufactures flush-type grease nipples with special equipment in other versions, with respect to the following: Type DV1 · dimension · material · thread size · thread form (e. g. with tapered thread) · length Flush-Type Grease Nipples GW = thread L1 = overall length 45 º · without collar, with slot for screwdriver · for even mounting without projection · straight version A/180° · made of steel, zinc-plated and passivated, with tapered thread 1,2 L1 L1 GW (all measures in mm, thread metric or in inches) GW GW M 8 x 1.0 L1 10 GW M 10 x 1.0 L1 10 GW Ref.- No.: Steel Brass 5243010 SST303 SST316L 5243069 5243021 L1 10 Ref.- No.: Steel Brass 5243018 SST303 SST316L 5243067 L1 13 Type D3 quattro 90° GW G 1/8, 1/8 - 28 BSPP Ref.- No.: G 1/4 Steel Brass 5243019 SST303 SST316L 5243068 Ref.- No.: Steel Brass 5243020 SST303 SST316L Flush-Type Grease Nipples · made of steel, zinc-plated and passivated, with tapered thread GW = thread L1 = overall length L2 = thread length WL = angle length SW = HEX size (all measures in mm) GW M 6 x 1.0 L1 L2 15.5 5.5 WL 33 W SW 90° 11mm SQ. Ref.- No.: Steel Brass 5244185 SST303 SST316L Order from MARYLAND METRICS P.O. Box 261 Owings Mills, MD 21117 USA web: http://mdmetric.com email: sales@mdmetric.com ph: (410)358-3130 (800)638-1830 fx: (410)358-3142 (800)872-9329 RFQ form: http://mdmetric.com/rfq.htm 59 UMETA BUT TON - HE AD GRE ASE NIPPLES ACCOR DING TO DIN 3404 APPLICATION AREA UMETA button-head grease nipples are particularly suitable for lubricating points with a big grease volume because of their specific high flow-rate of grease. As another result of the robust construction, these grease nipples are preferably used in the construction machinery. VERSIONS The UMETA button-head grease nipples are available in four different sizes: · head Ø 10 mm = M4 · head Ø 16 mm = M1 · head Ø 22 mm = M22 · head hexagon-type, Hex size 15 mm = T1 In general, our button-head grease nipples according to DIN are made of steel, zinc-plated and passivated, and they are featured with a cylindrical thread. We offer various standard types also in brass or stainless steel 1.4305 ~ ASTM 303 and 1.4404 ~ ASTM 316L (V2A/V4A). 60 Upon request, UMETA manufactures button-head grease nipples in other versions, with respect to the following: · dimension · material · thread size · thread form (e. g. with tapered thread) · opening pressure · surface colour (e. g. yellow passivated) · further surface treatment · etc. MOUNTING INSTRUCTIONS In order to allow for a proper lubrication with all common grease guns, the head space, which is necessary for installation, should be considered (please see table with dimensions). OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS As suitable lubricating nozzle, we recommend our button-head coupler. Order from MARYLAND METRICS P.O. Box 261 Owings Mills, MD 21117 USA web: http://mdmetric.com email: sales@mdmetric.com ph: (410)358-3130 (800)638-1830 fx: (410)358-3142 (800)872-9329 RFQ form: http://mdmetric.com/rfq.htm G r e a s e N i p p e l s a c c o r d i N G to d i N Type M4 Button-Head Grease Nipples GW = thread L1 = overall length L2 = thread length SW = HEX size · head Ø 10 mm · according to DIN 3404 · straight version A/180° · standard versions according to DIN are made of steel, zinc-plated and passivated, with cylindrical thread · for other types and materials, please see table, or upon request M 6 x 1.0 L1 L2 13.5 6 GW SW 11mm HEX M 8 x 1.0 L1 L2 13.5 6 SW 11mm HEX Ref.- No.: Steel Brass 4201104 SST303 SST316L Ref.- No.: Steel Brass 4201107 SST303 SST316L e GW (all measures in mm, thread metric or in inches) Instructions for installation: necessary space GW M 10 x 1.0 L1 L2 13.5 6 GW SW 11mm HEX Ref.- No.: Steel Brass 4201109 e= SST303 SST316L 50 mm/2-11/64" r= 14 mm/41/64" m = 26 mm/1-17/64" g= 30 mm/1-25/64" G 1/8, 1/8 - 28 BSPP Ref.- No.: L1 L2 13.5 6 SW 11mm HEX Steel Brass 4201161 SST303 SST316L 4221161 Order from MARYLAND METRICS P.O. Box 261 Owings Mills, MD 21117 USA web: http://mdmetric.com email: sales@mdmetric.com ph: (410)358-3130 (800)638-1830 fx: (410)358-3142 (800)872-9329 RFQ form: http://mdmetric.com/rfq.htm 61 Type M1 Button-Head Grease Nipples GW = thread L1 = overall length L2 = thread length SW = HEX size · head Ø 16 mm · according to DIN 3404 · straight version A/180° · standard versions according to DIN are made of steel, zinc-plated and passivated, with cylindrical thread · for other types and materials, please see table, or upon request e (all measures in mm, thread metric or in inches) GW L1 17 GW L1 17 GW L1 17 GW L1 17 20 M 6 x 1.0 Ref.- No.: Steel Brass SST303 SST316L 4101704 4111704 4121704 4141704 M 8 x 1.0 Ref.- No.: Steel Brass SST303 SST316L 4101707 4111707 4121707 4141707 L2 6 L2 6 SW 17mm HEX SW 17mm HEX M 8 x 1.25 L2 6 SW 17mm HEX M 10 x 1.0 L2 6 9 SW 17mm HEX 17mm HEX Instructions for installation: necessary space Ref.- No.: Steel Brass SST303 SST316L 4101708 4111708 4121708 Ref.- No.: Steel Brass SST303 SST316L 4101709 4111709 4121709 4141709 4101713 e= 55 mm/2-11/64" r= 16 mm/41/64" m = 32 mm/1-17/64" g= 35 mm/1-25/64" GW L1 17 GW L1 18 GW GW L1 17 GW L1 17 GW L1 17 GW L1 17 62 M 10 x 1.5 L2 6 SW 17mm HEX M 12 x 1.0 L2 6 SW 17mm HEX M 12 x 1.5 L2 6 SW 17mm HEX M 12 x 1.75 L2 6 SW 17mm HEX Ref.- No.: Steel Brass SST303 SST316L 4101711 4111711 4121711 Ref.- No.: Steel Brass 4101732 GW L1 17 SST303 SST316L GW L1 18 Ref.- No.: Steel Brass SST303 SST316L 4101714 4111714 4121714 Ref.- No.: Steel Brass 4101715 L1 17 GW M 14 x 1.5 L2 6 SW 17mm HEX M 16 x 1.5 L2 7 SW 17mm HEX Ref.- No.: Steel Brass 4101717 SST303 SST316L 4121716 Ref.- No.: Steel Brass SST303 4101719 4111715 SST316L G 1/8, 1/8 - 28 BSPP Ref.- No.: L2 6 SW 17mm HEX Steel Brass SST303 SST316L 4101761 4111761 4121761 4141761 G 1/4, 1/4 - 19 BSPP Ref.- No.: L2 6 SW 17mm HEX Steel Brass SST303 SST316L 4101762 4111762 4121762 4141762 G 3/8, 3/8 - 19 BSPP Ref.- No.: L2 7 SW 17mm HEX 1/4" - 18 NPT/PTF L1 L2 21 10 21.5 11 SW 17mm HEX 17mm HEX Steel Brass SST303 SST316L 4101763 4111763 4121763 4141763 Ref.- No.: Steel Brass 4101768 SST303 SST316L 4141768 SST303 SST316L 4121715 Order from MARYLAND METRICS P.O. Box 261 Owings Mills, MD 21117 USA web: http://mdmetric.com email: sales@mdmetric.com ph: (410)358-3130 (800)638-1830 fx: (410)358-3142 (800)872-9329 RFQ form: http://mdmetric.com/rfq.htm G r e a s e N i p p e l s a c c o r d i N G to d i N Type M22 Button-Head Grease Nipples · head Ø 22 mm · according to DIN 3404 · straight version A/180° · standard versions according to DIN are made of steel, zinc-plated and passivated, with cylindrical thread · for other types and materials, please see table, or upon request M 10 x 1.0 L1 L2 23.5 9.5 GW SST303 SST316L Ref.- No.: Steel Brass SST303 SST316L 4302219 4312219 4322219 SW 22mm HEX Steel Brass SST303 SST316L 4302262 4312262 4322262 G 3/8, 3/8 - 19 BSPP Ref.- No.: L1 L2 21.5 8 GW SW 22mm HEX Ref.- No.: Steel Brass 4302210 G 1/4, 1/4 - 19 BSPP Ref.- No.: L1 L2 21.5 8 GW 22mm HEX M 16 x 1.5 L1 L2 21.5 8 GW SW (all measures in mm, thread metric or in inches) e GW GW = thread L1 = overall length L2 = thread length SW = HEX size SW 22mm HEX Steel Brass SST303 SST316L 4302263 4312263 4322263 Instructions for installation: necessary space e= 60 mm/2-3/8" m = 36 mm/1-27/64" r= 18 mm/23/32" g= 45 mm/1-25/32" G 1/2, 1/2 - 14 BSPP Ref.- No.: L1 L2 21.5 8 SW 22mm HEX Type M22/L Steel Brass 4302264 SST303 SST316L Button-Head Grease Nipples · head Ø 22 mm · with extended neck · according to DIN 3404 · straight version A/180° · standard versions according to DIN are made of steel, zinc-plated and passivated, with cylindrical thread · for other types and materials, please see table, or upon request GW G 1/4, 1/4 - 19 BSPP Ref.- No.: L2 L3 11.5 11 SW 22mm HEX Steel Brass 4402262 SST303 SST316L SST303 SST316L (all measures in mm, thread metric or in inches) e L1 28 GW = thread L1 = overall length L2 = thread length L3 = neck length SW = HEX size GW L1 28 GW L1 28 G 3/8, 3/8 - 19 BSPP Ref.- No.: L2 L3 11.5 11 SW 22mm HEX Steel Brass 4402263 G 1/2, 1/2 - 14 BSPP Ref.- No.: L2 L3 11.5 11 SW 22mm HEX Steel Brass 4402264 Instructions for installation: necessary space SST303 SST316L e= 66 mm/2-39/64" r= 18 mm/23/32" m = 36 mm/1-27/64" g= 45 mm/1-25/32" Order from MARYLAND METRICS P.O. Box 261 Owings Mills, MD 21117 USA web: http://mdmetric.com email: sales@mdmetric.com ph: (410)358-3130 (800)638-1830 fx: (410)358-3142 (800)872-9329 RFQ form: http://mdmetric.com/rfq.htm 63 Type T1 Button-Head Grease Nipples · hexagonal head form, Hex size 15 mm · round collar, Ø 14.5 mm · straight version A/180° · standard version made of steel, zinc-plated and passivated, with cylindrical thread · for other types and materials, please see table, or upon request L1 16 GW L1 16 GW L1 16 GW L1 16 M 6 x 1.0 L2 6 L3 6.2 SW 15mm HEX M 8 x 1.0 L2 6 L3 6.2 SW 15mm HEX M 8 x 1.25 L2 6 L3 6.2 SW 15mm HEX M 10 x 1.0 L2 6 L3 6.2 SW 15mm HEX Ref.- No.: Steel Brass 4501504 SST303 SST316L Ref.- No.: Steel Brass 4501507 SST303 SST316L Ref.- No.: Steel Brass 4501508 Ref.- No.: Steel Brass 4501509 (all measures in mm, thread metric or in inches) e GW GW = thread L1 = overall length L2 = thread length L3 = neck length SW = HEX size Instructions for installation: Instructions necessary space for installation: necessary space e= SST303 55 mm/2-11/64" r= 16 mm/41/64" m = 32 mm/1-17/64" g= 35 mm/1-25/64" SST316L GW L1 16 SST303 L1 16 GW L1 16 64 M 10 x 1.5 L2 6 L3 6.2 SW 15mm HEX G 1/8, 1/8 - 28 BSPP L2 6 L3 6.2 SW 15mm HEX Ref.- No.: Steel Brass 4501511 L3 6.2 SW 15mm HEX Ref.- No.: Steel Brass 4501562 SST303 SST316L SST303 SST316L SST316L GW GW G 1/4, 1/4 - 19 BSPP L2 6 L1 16 SST303 SST316L Ref.- No.: Steel Brass SST303 4501561 4611560 SST316L 1/4" -28 NF/UNF/SAE Ref.- No.: L2 6 L3 6.2 SW 15mm HEX Steel Brass 4501537 Order from MARYLAND METRICS P.O. Box 261 Owings Mills, MD 21117 USA web: http://mdmetric.com email: sales@mdmetric.com ph: (410)358-3130 (800)638-1830 fx: (410)358-3142 (800)872-9329 RFQ form: http://mdmetric.com/rfq.htm G r e a s e N i p p e l s a c c o r d i N G to d i N Type T1B Button-Head Grease Nipples GW = thread L1 = overall length L2 = thread length L3 = neck length SW = HEX size · hexagonal head and collar, Hex size 15 mm · straight version A/180° · standard versions according to DIN are made of steel, zinc-plated and passivated, with cylindrical thread · for other types and materials, please see table, or upon request L1 16 GW L1 16 GW L1 16 GW L1 16 GW L1 16 GW L1 16 GW L1 16 GW L1 16 M 6 x 1.0 L2 6 L3 6 SW 15mm HEX M 8 x 1.0 Ref.- No.: Steel Brass SST303 4601504 4611504 e GW SST316L Instructions for installation: necessary space Ref.- No.: Steel Brass SST303 4601507 4611507 SST316L M 8 x 1.25 Ref.- No.: Steel Brass SST303 4601508 4611508 SST316L M 10 x 1.0 Ref.- No.: Steel Brass SST303 SST316L 4601509 4611509 4621509 M 10 x 1.25 Ref.- No.: Steel Brass SST303 4601511 4611511 L2 6 L2 6 L2 6 L2 6 L3 6 L3 6 L3 6 L3 6 SW 15mm HEX SW 15mm HEX SW 15mm HEX SW 15mm HEX M 12 x 1.5 L2 6 L3 6 SW 15mm HEX M 12 x 1.75 L2 6 L3 6 SW 15mm HEX G 1/8, 1/8 - 28 BSPP L2 6 L3 6 SW 15mm HEX SST303 e= 55 mm/2-11/64" r= 16 mm/41/64" m = 32 mm/1-17/64" g= 35 mm/1-25/64" GW SST316L Ref.- No.: Steel Brass SST303 SST316L 4601514 4611514 4621514 Ref.- No.: Steel Brass 4601516 (all measures in mm, thread metric or in inches) SST316L L1 16 GW L1 16 GW L1 16 GW L1 16 GW L1 16 G 1/4, 1/4 - 19 BSPP L2 6 L3 6 SW 15mm HEX G 3/8, 3/8 - 19 BSPP L2 6 L3 6 SW 15mm HEX 1/8" - 27 NPT/PTF L2 6 L3 6 SW 15mm HEX Ref.- No.: Steel Brass SST303 SST316L 4601562 4611562 4621562 4641562 Ref.- No.: Steel Brass 5372717 Ref.- No.: Steel Brass 1/4" - 28 NF/UNF/SAE Ref.- No.: L2 6 L3 6 SW 15mm HEX Steel Brass 4601537 3/8" - 24 NF/UNF/SAE Ref.- No.: L2 6 L3 6 SW 15mm HEX Steel Brass 4601539 SST303 SST316L SST303 SST316L 4641567 SST303 SST316L SST303 SST316L Ref.- No.: Steel Brass SST303 SST316L 4601561 4611561 4621561 4641561 Order from MARYLAND METRICS P.O. Box 261 Owings Mills, MD 21117 USA web: http://mdmetric.com email: sales@mdmetric.com ph: (410)358-3130 (800)638-1830 fx: (410)358-3142 (800)872-9329 RFQ form: http://mdmetric.com/rfq.htm 65 BUT TON - HE AD GRE ASE NIPPLES - SPECIAL DESIGNS The following types are representing only the most commonly used special-type nipples. For individual applications, UMETA manufactures button-head grease nipples with special equipment in other versions, with respect to the following: · dimension · material · thread size · thread form (e. g. with tapered thread) · length · etc. Button head grease nipple with check valve Type M1 or Type M22 · Type M1, head-Ø 16 mm or Type M22, head-Ø 22 mm · straight version A/180° · made of steel, zinc-plated and passivated, with tapered thread · as high-pressure version with pin valve upon request Kopf Ø SW L1 w L2 GW GW = thread, L1 = overall length, L2 = thread length, W = angle, SW = HEX size (all measures in mm, thread metric or in inches) APPLICATION AREA Due to the special check valve, the lubricating point will be sealed hermetically after the greasing operation. As a result, internal impulse-like pressures up to 1.000 bar (14,500 PSI) can be attained, depending on the respective application. Particularly suitable for the Heavy Industry, Heavy Vehicle Industry. GW L1 32 70 GW L1 22 GW L1 23 33 66 M 16 x 1.5 L2 12 20 W Typ SW M 22 22mm HEX M1 22mm HEX Ref.- No.: Steel Brass 5240013 5240020 R 1/4, 1/4 - 19 BSP Ref.- No.: Steel Brass 5376214 G 3/8, 3/8 - 19 BSPP Ref.- No.: Steel Brass 5376314 5240048 L2 W 11.5 L2 13 13 W Typ M1 SW 17mm HEX Typ SW M1 17mm HEX 60° M 22 22mm HEX OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS ATTENTION! During dismantling, utmost caution is required because of the possible pressure load. Dismantling should be done by experienced personnel only! GW SST303 L1 21 35 GW SST303 L1 33 GW SST303 1/4" - 18 NPTF L2 W Typ SW 10.7 M1 17mm HEX 15 30° M 22 22mm HEX 3/8" - 18 NPT/PTF L2 14 W Typ SW 60° M 22 22mm HEX 1/2" -14 NPT L1 L2 29 13 41.5 19 W Typ SW M 22 22mm HEX 60° M 22 22mm HEX Ref.- No.: Steel Brass 5240046 5240061 Ref.- No.: Steel Brass 5240062 Ref.- No.: Steel Brass 5240063 5240009 SST303 SST303 SST303 Order from MARYLAND METRICS P.O. Box 261 Owings Mills, MD 21117 USA web: http://mdmetric.com email: sales@mdmetric.com ph: (410)358-3130 (800)638-1830 fx: (410)358-3142 (800)872-9329 RFQ form: http://mdmetric.com/rfq.htm G r e a s e N i p p e l s a c c o r d i N G to d i N Button-head grease nipple with screwable protection cap Type M1 · head Ø 16 mm · straight version A/180° · with o-ring for sealing against dust and humidity · with cylindrical thread cap female thread GW = thread, L1 = overall length, L2 = thread length, W = angle, SW = HEX size (all measures in mm, thread metric or in inches) APPLICATION AREA For additional locking against internal pressure and as protection against contamination. Particularly suitable for plant engineering valves and for exposed lubricating points. GW L1 31 GW L1 31 M 10 x 1.0 L2 11.5 SW 22mm HEX M 12 x 1.5 L2 11.5 SW 22mm HEX Ref.- No.: Steel Brass 5544057 Ref.- No.: Steel Brass 5544056 GW SST303 SST316L 5544053 SST303 L1 31 R 1/4, 1/4 - 19 BSP L2 11.5 SW 22mm HEX Ref.- No.: Steel Brass 5544054 SST303 SST316L SST316L Button head grease nipple with extension Type M1 · head Ø 16 mm · straight version A/180° · made of steel, zinc-plated and passivated · head hardened according to DIN with cylindrical thread · with press-fitted extension for exact grease flow GW = thread L1 = overall length L2 = thread length L3 = installation depth SW = HEX size 2 (all measures in mm, thread metric or in inches) 4 APPLICATION AREA For deep seated lubrication points, which can be serviced sufficiently through the extension, e. g. for drive shafts. GW L1 40 M 8 x 1.0 L2 6 L3 23 SW 17mm HEX Ref.- No.: Steel Brass 5240067 SST303 SST316L Order from MARYLAND METRICS P.O. Box 261 Owings Mills, MD 21117 USA web: http://mdmetric.com email: sales@mdmetric.com ph: (410)358-3130 (800)638-1830 fx: (410)358-3142 (800)872-9329 RFQ form: http://mdmetric.com/rfq.htm 67 UMETA BAYONET GRE ASE NIPPLES APPLICATION AREA An especially strong and reliable connection with the grease nipple will be achieved by using the bayonet coupler. The construction design also results in a specific high flow-rate of grease. Particularly suitable for the Heavy Industry, for example Ship Building. OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS As suitable lubricating nozzle, we recommend our bayonet coupler. VERSIONS In general, our bayonet nipples are made of steel, zinc-plated and passivated, and they are featured with a tapered thread. We offer various standard types also in brass or stainless steel 1.4305 ~ ASTM 303 (V2A). Upon request, UMETA manufactures bayonet grease nipples in other versions, with respect to the following: · dimension · material · thread size · thread form (e. g. with cylindrical thread) · opening pressure · etc. Type B1 Bayonet Grease Nipples · head Ø 9.9 mm · straight version A/180° · standard version made of steel, zinc-plated and passivated, with tapered thread · for other types and materials, please see table, or upon request GW L1 25 GW L1 24 GW L1 25 68 M 16 x 1.5 L2 6.5 SW 17mm HEX Ref.- No.: Steel Brass 9149418 SST303 SST316L R 1/8, 1/8 - 28 BSP Ref.- No.: L2 5.5 SW 11mm HEX Steel Brass SST303 SST316L 9149415 9155416 9157420 R 1/4, 1/4 - 19 BSP Ref.- No.: L2 6.5 SW 14mm HEX Steel Brass SST303 SST316L 9149416 9156416 9157421 GW = thread L1 = overall length L2 = thread length SW = HEX size (all measures in mm, thread metric or in inches) GW L1 25 GW L1 24 GW L1 25 R 3/8, 3/8 - 19 BSP L2 6.5 SW 17mm HEX Ref.- No.: Steel Brass SST303 9149417 9157416 SST316L 1/8" - 27 NPT/PTF Ref.- No.: Steel Brass 9149414 SST303 SST316L 1/4" - 18 NPT/PTF Ref.- No.: Steel Brass SST303 9109416 SST316L L2 5.5 L2 6.5 SW 11mm HEX SW 14mm HEX Order from MARYLAND METRICS P.O. Box 261 Owings Mills, MD 21117 USA web: http://mdmetric.com email: sales@mdmetric.com ph: (410)358-3130 (800)638-1830 fx: (410)358-3142 (800)872-9329 RFQ form: http://mdmetric.com/rfq.htm G r e a s e N i p p e l s a c c o r d i N G to d i N UMETA GRE ASE NIPPLE ASSORTMENTS UMETA's variety of grease nipple attachments can be trusted to always have the right one available. The kits carry an assortment that should cover all application purposes. In case you require a different assortment, UMETA will be happy to handle this on a case to case basis requiring a minimum order. Sort 80 Sort 350 Sort 170 Steel, zinc-plated and passivated consisting of: Ref.- No.: UMETA-Type 1100704 H 1, M 6 x 1.0 1100907 H 1, M 8 x 1.0 1101109 H 1, M 10 x 1.0 1101156 H 1, R 1/8" 1101457 H 1, R 1/4" 1204504 H 2, M 6 x 1.0 1204507 H 2, M 8 x 1.0 1204709 H 2, M 10 x 1.0 1204756 H 2, R 1/8" 1201457 H 2, R 1/4" 1304504 H 3, M 6 x 1.0 1304507 H 3, M 8 x 1.0 1304709 H 3, M 10 x 1.0 1304756 H 3, R 1/8" 1301457 H 3, R 1/4" 4101709 M 1, M 10 x 1.0 4101761 M 1, G 1/8" 4101762 M 1, G 1/4" 4302262 M 22, G 1/4" 7351311 515/G, M 10 x 1.0 Total number of pieces Sort 80 6008100 15 15 10 10 — 5 5 5 — — 5 5 5 — — — — — — — 80 Sort 170 6017140 40 30 20 15 10 5 5 5 5 — 5 5 5 5 — 5 5 5 — — 170 Stainless steel SST303 (V2A) Sort 350 6035140 50 40 35 30 15 25 20 15 15 10 20 15 15 15 15 5 — — 5 2 350 consisting of: Ref.- No.: UMETA-Type 1120704 H 1, M 6 x 1.0 1120907 H 1, M 8 x 1.0 1121109 H 1, M 10 x 1.0 1121156 H 1, R 1/8" 1121457 H 1, R 1/4" 1220904 H 2, M 6 x 1.0 1220907 H 2, M 8 x 1.0 1221109 H 2, M 10 x 1.0 1221156 H 2, R 1/8" 1320904 H 3, M 6 x 1.0 1320907 H 3, M 8 x 1.0 1321109 H 3, M 10 x 1.0 1321156 H 3, R 1/8" 4121709 M 1, M 10 x 1.0 4121761 M 1, G 1/8" 4121762 M 1, G 1/4" Total number of pieces Sort 80 6008102 15 15 10 10 — 5 5 5 — 5 5 5 — — — — 80 Sort 170 6017141 40 30 20 15 10 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 170 Sort 350 upon request dimension (L x W x H) in cm: Sort 80 = 17.0 x 11,5 x 3.0 Sort 170 = 21.0 x 13,0 x 3.5 Sort 350 = 25.0 x 18,0 x 4.5 Order from MARYLAND METRICS P.O. Box 261 Owings Mills, MD 21117 USA web: http://mdmetric.com email: sales@mdmetric.com ph: (410)358-3130 (800)638-1830 fx: (410)358-3142 (800)872-9329 RFQ form: http://mdmetric.com/rfq.htm 69 UMETA ACCESSORIES FOR GRE ASE NIPPLES UMETA Plastic Protection Caps · suitable for grease nipples with hydraulic head according to DIN 71412 · suitable for a temperatur of approx. - 70°C up to + 85°C The protection caps are available with or without straps and in various colours. They are used for protecting the lubricating point against contamination and for indicating the lubricating intervals by colour coding. Type Ref.- No.: Type Ref.- No.: SK-R 9500110 SK-G 9500130 SK-RL 9500111 SK-GL 9500131 SK-V 9500120 SK-B 9500140 SK-VL 9500121 SK-BL 9500141 UMETA Rubber Protection Caps · suitable for grease nipples with button head M1 according to DIN 3404 suitable for grease nipples with button head M1 according to DIN 3404 Ref.- No.: 9500210 UMETA Alu Protection Caps · suitable for grease nipples with hydraulic-type or button-head according to DIN 71412 and DIN 3404 · suitable for a temperatur of - 30°C up to + 120°C For an especially easy clip-on and take-off. Optionally our aluminium protection caps can be anodised in colours for indicating the lubricating intervals. suitable for grease nipples with hydraulic head according to DIN 71412 button head M1 according to DIN 3404 Ref.- No.: 9500200 9500201 UMETA Drive-in Tool · for safe drive-in of straight drive-in or serrated ridge nipples suitable for grease nipples with ball-type or hydraulic head according to DIN ball-type or hydraulic head according to SAE 70 Ref.- No.: 5800058 5800059 Order from MARYLAND METRICS P.O. Box 261 Owings Mills, MD 21117 USA web: http://mdmetric.com email: sales@mdmetric.com ph: (410)358-3130 (800)638-1830 fx: (410)358-3142 (800)872-9329 RFQ form: http://mdmetric.com/rfq.htm GRE ASE FIT TINGS ACCOR DING TO S A E J - 534 ■ Umeta gre ase Fit tings ACCOR DING TO S A E J - 534 SPECIAL INFORMATION For a better overview we added the international Alemite-reference numbers to our grease fittings. A general comparison of the relevant types you will find on page 78. VERSIONS In general, our grease fittings according to SAE are made of steel, case hardened, zinc-plated, passivated and featured with a special surface treatment. For safety reasons and in order to avoid abrasion wear, the standard for SAE-grease fittings demands a specific surface hardness of 83 HR15 N minimum according to Rockwell hardness test procedure. OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS As suitable lubricating nozzle for our hydraulic-type fittings, we recommend our hydraulic couplers. Umeta HYDr aULiC-t YPe gre ase Fit tings ACCOR DING TO S A E J - 534 The SAE-standard for hydraulic-type grease fittings requires a tapered thread. The standard head-Ø is 6.6 (+/- 0.3) mm / 0.26" (+/- 0.012"). Hydraulic-type grease Fittings Type H1 GW = thread L1 = overall length L2 = thread length L3 = shank length SW = HEX size · according to SAE J-534 · straight version A/180° · standard versions according to SAE are made of steel, hardened, zinc plated, passivated and top coated · salt spray resistance > 72 hours 1/8" PtF GW L1 11/16" 9/16" 1 1/4" 1 3/4" 2 5/8" 3/4" 1" L2 5/32" 5/32" 5/16" 5/16" 5/16" 3/16" 9/32" L3 SW 19/64" 7/16"HEX 15/64" 7/16"HEX 25/32" 7/16"HEX 1 17/64" 7/16"HEX 2 3/16" 3/8"HEX 5/16" 7/16"HEX 5/16" 1/2"HEX Ref.- No.: Steel 5546006 5546008 5546010 5546012 5546014 *1) 5546016 GW SST303 Alemite 1610-BL 1644-B 1607-B 1669-B 1684-B 5546086 1961-S 1618-B L1 33/64" GW L1 20 mm GW GW 1/4" PtF L1 7/8" 7/8" L2 15/64" 25/64" L3 27/64" 27/64" SW 9/16"HEX 15 mm HEX 1/4" - 28 sae-Lt GW L1 35/64" 11/16" 31/32" 1 1/8" 1 5/8" 17/32" L2 7/64" 13/64" 13/64" 13/64 13/64" 7/64" L3 3/16" 23/64" 5/8" 25/32" 1 9/32" 3/16" SW 5/16"HEX 5/16"HEX 5/16"HEX 5/16"HEX 5/16"HEX 5/16"HEX Ref.- No.: Steel SST303 Alemite 5546028 1627-B 5546154 Ref.- No.: Steel SST303 5546030 5546032 5546034 5546036 5546038 5546087 L1 1/2" GW L1 1/2" Alemite 1641-B 1652-B 1680-B 1698-B 3014-B 1966-S 1/4" - 28 UnF-2a L2 5/64" L3 5/32" SW 9/32"HEX 3/8" - 18 nPtF L2 8 mm L3 SW 17 mm HEX L3 1/8" SW 1/4"HEX L3 1/8" SST303 Alemite Steel *3) 5546507 SST303 Alemite 3018 SST303 Alemite 3016 Ref.- No.: 10/32" UnF-2a L2 7/64" Ref.- No.: Steel *2) 5547001 Alemite 1792-B Ref.- No.: 6/40" UnF-2a L2 7/64" Ref.- No.: Steel SST303 5546106 SW 1/4"HEX Steel *3) 5546503 type H1 Hydraulic-type grease Fitting with pin valve, leakproof GW 1/8" PtF Ref.- No.: L1 3/4" L2 17/64" L3 5/16" SW 7/16"HEX Steel 5546110 SST303 Alemite 1650 *1) female thread *2) molybdenum-surface finish *3) no ball check Order from MARYLAND METRICS P.O. Box 261 Owings Mills, MD 21117 USA web: http://mdmetric.com email: sales@mdmetric.com ph: (410)358-3130 (800)638-1830 fx: (410)358-3142 (800)872-9329 RFQ form: http://mdmetric.com/rfq.htm 71 Hydraulic-type grease Fittings Type H2 · according to SAE J-534 · elbow version B - 30°/45°/65°/67° · optionally available with square or hexagonal body · standard versions according to SAE are made of steel, zinc-plated, passivated and top coated, head hardened · salt spray resistance > 72 hours 1/8" PtF GW L1 29/32" 29/32" 57/64" 27/32" 1 7/32" 2 3/4" 61/64" GW L1 13/16" 25/32" 13/16" GW L2 19/64" 19/64" 3/16" 3/16" 3/16" 11/32" 7/32" L3 19/64" 19/64" 19/64" 19/64" 9/16" 2 1/4" 11/32" WL 11/32" 11/32" 29/46" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 1/4" - 28 sae-Lt L2 7/64" 13/64" 13/64" L3 13/64" 19/64" 13/64" WL 13/32" 15/32" 19/32" W SW 30° 7/16" HEX 30° 7/16" HEX 45° 7/16" HEX 65° 7/16" HEX 65° 7/16" HEX 65° 3/8" HEX 67° 7/16" HEX W SW 45° 3/8" HEX 65° 3/8" HEX 45° 3/8" HEX 1/4" - 28 UnF-2a L1 L2 39/64" 5/64" L3 1/8" WL W SW 13/32" 45° *9 mm SQ ■ Ref.- No.: Steel 5546152 5546017 5546018 5546020 5546022 Ref.- No.: Steel 5546040 5546042 Ref.- No.: Steel 5546108 WL L1 L1 L3 SW 1/8" PtF GW L1 3/4" 3/4" L2 3/16" 5/16" 7/32" L3 19/64" 1 1/4" 11/32" WL 17/32" 17/32" 17/32" W SW 90° 7/16" HEX 90° 7/16" HEX 90° 7/16" HEX 1/4" - 28 sae-Lt L2 7/64" 7/64" SW L3 L2 L2 GW = thread L1 = overall length L2 = thread length L3 = shank length WL = angle length W = angle SW = HEX size GW GW SST303 Alemite 1611-B 5546153 1921-S 1688-B 1612-B 1623-B 1649-B 5546090 1922-S SST303 Alemite 1637-B1 3010-B1 5546085 1968-S SST303 Alemite 1770-B1 · according to SAE J-534 · elbow version C/90° · standard versions according to SAE are made of steel, zinc-plated, passivated and top coated, head hardened · salt spray resistance > 72 hours L1 27/32" 1 13/16" 7/8" WL Hydraulic-type grease Fittings Type H3 GW W W L3 13/64" 13/64" WL 1/2" 1/2" W SW 90° 3/8" HEX 90° 3/8" HEX Ref.- No.: Steel 5546024 5546026 Ref.- No.: Steel 5546044 90º WL L1 L3 L2 SW GW = thread L1 = overall length L2 = thread length L3 = shank length WL = angle length W = angle SW = HEX size GW SST303 Alemite 1613-B 1606-B 5546088 1923-S SST303 Alemite 1911-B1 5546089 1969-S *cylindrical 72 Order from MARYLAND METRICS P.O. Box 261 Owings Mills, MD 21117 USA web: http://mdmetric.com email: sales@mdmetric.com ph: (410)358-3130 (800)638-1830 fx: (410)358-3142 (800)872-9329 RFQ form: http://mdmetric.com/rfq.htm GRE ASE FIT TINGS ACCOR DING TO S A E J - 534 ■ HYDr aULiC gre ase Fit tings WitH seLF- FOrming tHre aD ACCOR DING TO S A E J - 534 VERSIONS For safety reasons and in order to avoid abrasion wear, the standard for SAE-grease fittings demands a specific surface hardness of 83 HR15 N minimum according to Rockwell hardness test procedure. Furthermore, a particularly wide flank angle of 90° at the thread is stipulated therein. For a better visual distinction, UMETA self-forming grease fittings are yellow passivated. Upon request, they are also available in another surface colour, e. g. blue passivated = silver coloured. MOUNTING INSTRUCTIONS The exact size of the core hole depends on the material and must be determined by mounting tests. The consistency of the receiving material is decisive. The standard gauge for the installation bore diameter of 0.4-0.5 mm (0.02") below nominal width have proved in daily use. The recommended borehole Ø is listed with the part number. OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS As suitable lubricating nozzle, we recommend our hydraulic couplers. 90º flank angle (X) 5º Hydraulic-type grease Fittings with self-Forming thread Type H1/S · according to SAE J-534 · straight version A/180° · with self-forming thread, tapered · standard version made of steel, according to SAE hardened, yellow passivated and top coated · salt spray resistance > 72 hours SFG L1 5/8" 1/8" special taper Pipe thread L2 15/16" for bore-Ø SW 0.373-0.380" 7/16" HEX Ref.- No.: Steel 5546052 SW L1 X L2 SFG L1 37/64" 1/8" special taper Pipe thread L2 WL 13/64" 1/2" W 65° for bore-Ø SW 0.373-0.380" 7/16" HEX Ref.- No.: Steel Alemite 5546054 1722-B Ref.- No.: Steel 5546046 for bore-Ø SW 0.230"-0.235" 5/16" HEX w L1 SW L2 Alemite 3038-B SFG = self-forming thread (SFT) L1 = overall length L2 = thread length WL = angle length W = angle SW = HEX size X = flank angle WL · according to SAE J-534 · elbow version B - 45°/65° · with self-forming thread, tapered · standard version made of steel, according to SAE hardened, yellow passivated and top coated · salt spray resistance > 72 hours L1 3/4" L2 13/64" Hydraulic-type grease Fittings with self-Forming thread Type H2/S SFG 1/4" - 28 special taper thread SFG Alemite 1720-B SFG = self-forming thread (SFT) L1 = overall length L2 = thread length SW = HEX size X = flank angle X SFG SFG 1/4" - 28 special taper thread L1 L2 WL W 13/16" 13/64" 25/64" 45° for bore-Ø SW 0.230"-0.235" 3/8" HEX Ref.- No.: Steel Alemite 5546048 3053-B Order from MARYLAND METRICS P.O. Box 261 Owings Mills, MD 21117 USA web: http://mdmetric.com email: sales@mdmetric.com ph: (410)358-3130 (800)638-1830 fx: (410)358-3142 (800)872-9329 RFQ form: http://mdmetric.com/rfq.htm 73 Hydraulic-type grease Fittings with self-Forming thread Type H3/S SFG = self-forming thread (SFT) L1 = overall length L2 = thread length WL = angle length W = angle SW = HEX size X = flank angle 90º WL · according to SAE J-534 · elbow version C/90° · with self-forming thread, tapered · standard version made of steel, according to SAE hardened, yellow passivated and top coated · salt spray resistance > 72 hours 1/8" special taper Pipe thread SFG L1 L2 WL W 49/64" 13/64" 17/32" 90° for bore-Ø SW 0.373-0.380" 7/16" HEX Ref.- No.: Steel Alemite 5546056 1723-B L1 SW L2 SFG SFG L1 3/4" 1/4" - 28 special taper thread L2 WL 13/64" 1/2" W 90° Ref.- No.: Steel Alemite 5546050 3054-B for bore-Ø SW 0.230"-0.235" 3/8" HEX ■ Umeta HYDr aULiC-t YPe gre ase Fit tings - DriVe- in VersiOn (US A V ER SION) VERSIONS Drive-in fittings as standard version are made of steel, case-hardened, zinc-plated, passivated and top coated. MOUNTING INSTRUCTIONS The exact size of the core hole depends on the material and must be determined by mounting tests. The standard gauge for the installation bore diameter corresponds to the nominal width of the serrated ridge-Ø. OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS Since this type of grease fitting is only driven in, it may get loose by · strong vibrations · high back-pressure when greasing with automatic guns · pulling off the hydraulic coupler. Drive-in type hydraulic grease fittings should only be lubricated by a hydraulic nozzle. Hydraulic-type grease Fittings - Drive-in type Type H1a SZ = drill size L1 = overall length L2 = shank length B = collar Ø · straight version A/180° · with serrated ridge · standard version made of steel, according to SAE hardened, zinc plated, passivated and top coated · salt spray resistance > 72 hours SZ SZ L1 15/32" 31/64" 33/64" 5/8" L2 11/64" 7/32" 1/4" 1/4" SZ B 3/16" 5/16" Ø ■ 3/16" 9/32" Ø ■ 3/16" 5/16" Ø ■ 3/16" 5/16" Ø ■ Ref.- No.: Steel *5546060 *5546062 5546064 *5546066 Alemite 3005 3006 1728-B 1633 SZ B 1/4" 11/32" Ø ■ 1/4" 11/32" Ø ■ 1/4" 11/32" Ø ■ Ref.- No.: Steel 5546068 *5546070 *5546072 Alemite 1743-B 321381 1952 1/4" SZ L1 35/64" 9/16" 15/32" 74 3/16" L2 1/4" 17/64" 1/8" 5/16" L1 L2 35/64" 1/4" 5/8" 7/32" SZ SZ B 5/16" 3/8" Ø ■ 5/16" 3/8" Ø ■ 6.35 mm, 1/4" Ø L1 L2 SZ B 15 mm 6.3 mm 6.35 mm, 1/4" Ø 8 mm Ø ■ SZ 3/8" L1 L2 37/64" 7/32" SZ B 3/8" 7/16" Ø ■ Ref.- No.: Steel 5546074 *5546076 Alemite 1608-B 1699 Ref.- No.: Steel 5241043 Alemite 1666 Ref.- No.: Steel *5546078 Alemite 1666 *no ball check Order from MARYLAND METRICS P.O. Box 261 Owings Mills, MD 21117 USA web: http://mdmetric.com email: sales@mdmetric.com ph: (410)358-3130 (800)638-1830 fx: (410)358-3142 (800)872-9329 RFQ form: http://mdmetric.com/rfq.htm GRE ASE FIT TINGS ACCOR DING TO S A E J - 534 Hydraulic-type grease Fittings - Drive-in type Type H2a w WL · elbow version B/45°/67° · with serrated ridge · standard version made of steel, according to SAE zinc plated, passivated and top coated, head hardened · salt spray resistance > 72 hours 3/16" SZ L1 53/64" 45/64" L2 7/32" 7/32" WL 13/32" 1/2" W 45° 65° SZ 3/16" 3/16" SW 3/8" HEX 3/8" HEX L1 SW L2 SZ Ref.- No.: Steel Alemite 5546080 1992-B1 5546082 1646-B1 Hydraulic-type grease Fittings - rivet type · designed for mounting on the back side of thin-walled sheet metal · standard version made of steel, according to SAE hardened, zinc plated, passivated and top coated · salt spray resistance > 72 hours BØ 5/16" L1 1/2" L2 5/128" L3 15/64" for bore Ø B 5/16" 3/8" Ø ■ SZ = drill size L1 = overall length L2 = shank length WL = angle length W = angle SW = HEX size .318“ L1 B = collar Ø L1 = overall length L2 = collar height L3 = installation depth B Ø = recommended hole size L3 L2 B Ref.- No.: Steel Alemite 5546122 1675-B ■ Umeta FLUsH -t YPe gre ase Fit tings (US A V ER SION) Flush-type grease Fittings Type D1 · straight version A/180° · made of steel, zinc plated, passivated and top coated · salt spray resistance > 72 hours 1/4" - 28 nF GW L1 13/32" L2 3/16" L3 19/64" SW 5/16" HEX GW = thread L1 = overall length L2 = thread length L3 = shank length SW = HEX size Ref.- No.: Steel Alemite 5546130 1851 Order from MARYLAND METRICS P.O. Box 261 Owings Mills, MD 21117 USA web: http://mdmetric.com email: sales@mdmetric.com ph: (410)358-3130 (800)638-1830 fx: (410)358-3142 (800)872-9329 RFQ form: http://mdmetric.com/rfq.htm 75 Flush-type grease Fittings Type DV1 · without collar, with slot for screwdriver · for even mounting without projection · straight version A/180° · made of steel, zinc-plated, passivated and top coated · salt spray resistance > 72 hours 1/8" nPtF Ref.- No.: GW L1 L2 23/64" 19/64" 17/32" GW Steel Alemite 5546124 1815 5546126 1452 L1 9/16" 5546124 5546128 GW = thread L1 = overall length L2 = thread length 1/4" nPtF Ref.- No.: L2 Steel Alemite 5546128 Z741-A 5546126 ■ Umeta BUt tOn - He aD gre ase Fit tings ACCOR DING TO S A E J - 534 Type M1 Button-Head grease Fittings GW = thread L1 = overall length L2 = thread length L3 = shank length SW = HEX size · head Ø 15.5 mm (5/8") · according to SAE J-534 · straight version A/180° · standard versions according to SAE are made of steel, hardened, zinc plated, passivated and top coated · salt spray resistance > 72 hours GW L1 3/4" 1/8" PtF L2 3/16" L3 11/32" SW 5/8" HEX Type M1 Ref.- No.: Steel SST303 5546112 GW Alemite 1184-B L1 53/64" 53/64" 1/4" nPtF L2 17/64" 17/64" L3 27/64" 27/64" SW 5/8" HEX 5/8" HEX - stainless steel L1 18 mm GW L1 21 mm 76 17 mm HEX Ref.- No.: Steel SST303 Alemite 5547020 - L2 L3 SW 6.75 mm 10.7 mm 17 mm HEX Ref.- No.: Steel SST303 Alemite 5547021 - L3 7.5 mm SW 1/4" - 18 nPtF GW = thread L1 = overall length L2 = thread length L3 = shank length SW = HEX size SW · head Ø 15.5 mm (5/8") · according to ISO 2768 - m · straight version A/180° · made of stainless steel 1.4305 ~ ASTM 303 (V2A) 1/8" PtF L2 4.8 mm Alemite A1186 1186-B Button-Head grease Fittings according to ISO 2768-m GW Ref.- No.: Steel SST303 *5546114 5546116 L1 L3 L2 GW GW 3/8" nPtF L1 L2 23.5 mm 13 mm L3 13 mm Ref.- No.: Steel SW 19 mm HEX SST303 Alemite 5547022 *with plunger check Order from MARYLAND METRICS P.O. Box 261 Owings Mills, MD 21117 USA web: http://mdmetric.com email: sales@mdmetric.com ph: (410)358-3130 (800)638-1830 fx: (410)358-3142 (800)872-9329 RFQ form: http://mdmetric.com/rfq.htm GRE ASE FIT TINGS ACCOR DING TO S A E J - 534 Umeta Button-Head grease Fittings with plunger check Type M22 · head Ø 21.9 mm (7/8") · according to SAE J-534 · straight version A/180° · standard versions according to SAE are made of steel, hardened, zinc plated, passivated and top coated · salt spray resistance > 72 hours 1/2" n.PtF GW L1 1 1/6" L2 25/64" L3 1/2" Ref.- No.: Steel SST303 *5546120 SW 7/8" HEX GW = thread L1 = overall length L2 = thread length L3 = shank length SW = HEX size Alemite 1820-1 *with plunger check ■ Umeta aDaP ter (US A V ER SION) adapters / elbow bodies GW 2 · elbow version 180°/45°/90° · optionally available with square or hexagonal body · standard version made of steel, according to SAE zinc plated, passivated and top coated · salt spray resistance > 72 hours L2 7/32" 17/64" W GW2 (F) SW 45° 1/8" - 27 NPT/PTF 1/2" SQ 90° 1/8" - 27 NPT/PTF 1/2" SQ GW1 (M) 1/4" - 28 nF/UnF/sae L1 3/4" 13/16" 1 1/32" L2 13/64" 13/64" 7/32" W 180° 45° 90° GW2 (F) 1/8"-NPTF 1/8"-NPTF 1/8"-NPTF SW L1 L2 GW 1 SW GW1 (M) 1/8" - 27 nPt/PtF L1 1" 1 1/8" GW1 = thread (M) L1 = overall length L2 = thread length W = angle SW = HEX size GW2 = adapter thread (F) SW 1/2" HEX 1/2" HEX 1/2" SQ Ref.- No.: Steel 5546134 5546132 Ref.- No.: Steel 5546135 5546157 5546159 Alemite 43716 43706 W GW 2 L1 L2 Alemite 51942 310912 51943 GW 1 ■ Umeta gre ase Fit ting assOrtments ACCOR DING TO S A E J - 534 UMETA's grease fitting assortments ensure you always have the right one available. The kits carry an assortment that should cover all application purposes. sort 110 · standard version according to SAE, made of steel, hardened, zinc plated, passivated and top coated · salt spray resistance > 72 hours Sort 110 consisting of: Ref.- No.: UMETA-Type 5546006 H1, 1/8" PTF, 11/16" 5546040 H2, 1/4" - 28 SAE-LT, 13/16" 5546024 H3, 1/8" PTF, 27/32" 5546030 H1, 1/4" - 28 SAE-LT, 35/64" 5546017 H2, 1/8" PTF, 57/64" 5546044 H3, 1/4" - 28 SAE-LT, 3/4" Total number of pieces Alemite-Type 1610-BL 1637-B1 1613-B 1641-B 1688-B 1911-B1 6110100 Steel Quantity 25 15 15 25 15 15 110 Order from MARYLAND METRICS P.O. Box 261 Owings Mills, MD 21117 USA web: http://mdmetric.com email: sales@mdmetric.com ph: (410)358-3130 (800)638-1830 fx: (410)358-3142 (800)872-9329 RFQ form: http://mdmetric.com/rfq.htm 77 ■ Umeta tUrneD Parts ACCOR DING TO S A E J - 534 Plugs · according to SAE J-534 · for subsequent closing of boreholes · made of steel, zinc-plated, passivated and top coated · salt spray resistance > 72 hours 1/4" - 28 UnF-2a GW L1 1/4" L2 3/16" Thread 5/16" HEX Ref.- No.: Steel 5546138 SW L1 GW = thread L1 = overall length L2 = thread length SW = HEX size L2 GW Alemite 328224 Plugs with self-Forming thread · according to SAE J-534 · with self-forming thread, tapered · standard version made of steel, hardened according to SAE (650HV) and yellow passivated · salt spray resistance > 72 hours · recommanded hole size = 0.02" below nominal width 1/4" - 28 special taper thread SFG L1 21/64" L2 3/16" Ref.- No.: Steel 5546140 for bore-Ø SW 0.230"-0.235" 5/16" HEX SFG = thread L1 = overall length L2 = thread length SW = HEX size X = flank angle B Ø = recommended hole size Alemite 328435 International Reference Chart ref.- no.: UMETA Alemite 5241043 5546006 1610-BL 5546008 1644-B 5546010 1607-B 5546012 1669-B 5546014 1684-B 5546016 1618-B 5546017 1688-B 5546018 1612-B 5546020 1623-B 5546022 1649-B 5546024 1613-B 5546026 1606-B 5546028 1627-B 5546030 1641-B 5546032 1652-B 5546034 1680-B 5546036 1698-B 5546038 3014-B 5546040 1637-B1 5546042 3010-B1 5546044 1911-B1 5546046 3038-B 5546048 3053-B 5546050 3054-B 78 Page 74 71 71 71 71 71 71 72 72 72 72 72 72 71 71 71 71 71 71 72 72 72 73 73 74 5546052 5546054 5546056 5546060 5546062 5546064 5546066 5546068 5546070 5546072 5546074 5546076 5546078 5546080 5546082 5546085 5546086 5546087 5546088 5546089 5546090 5546106 5546108 5546110 5546112 5546114 5546116 1720-B 1722-B 1723-B 3005 3006 1728-B 1633 1743-B 321381 1952 1608-B 1699 1666 1992-B1 1646-B1 1968-S 1961-S 1966-S 1923-S 1969-S 1922-S 1792-B 1770-B1 1650 1184-B A1186 1186-B 73 73 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 75 75 72 71 71 72 72 72 71 72 71 76 76 76 5546120 5546122 5546124 5546126 5546128 5546130 5546132 5546134 5546135 5546138 5546140 5546152 5546153 5546154 5546157 5546159 5546503 5546507 5547001 5547020 5547021 5547022 6110100 1820-1 1675-B 1815 1452 Z741-A 1851 43706 43716 51942 328224 328435 1611-B 1921-S 310912 51943 3016 3018 77 75 76 76 76 75 77 77 77 78 78 72 72 71 77 77 71 71 71 76 76 76 77 ref.- no.: Page Alemite UMETA 1452 5546126 76 1633 5546066 74 1650 5546110 71 1666 5546078 74 1699 5546076 74 1815 5546124 76 1851 5546130 75 1952 5546072 74 3005 5546060 74 3006 5546062 74 3016 5546503 71 3018 5546507 71 43706 5546132 77 43716 5546134 77 51942 5546135 77 51943 5546159 77 1184-B 5546112 76 1186-B 5546116 76 1606-B 5546026 72 1607-B 5546010 71 1608-B 5546074 74 1610-BL 5546006 71 1611-B 5546152 72 1612-B 5546018 72 1613-B 5546024 72 1618-B 1623-B 1627-B 1637-B1 1641-B 1644-B 1646-B1 1649-B 1652-B 1669-B 1675-B 1680-B 1684-B 1688-B 1698-B 1720-B 1722-B 1723-B 1728-B 1743-B 1770-B1 1792-B 1820-1 1911-B1 1921-S 1922-S 1923-S 5546016 5546020 5546028 5546040 5546030 5546008 5546082 5546022 5546032 5546012 5546122 5546034 5546014 5546017 5546036 5546052 5546054 5546056 5546064 5546068 5546108 5546106 5546120 5546044 5546153 5546090 5546088 71 72 71 72 71 71 75 72 71 71 75 71 71 72 71 73 73 74 74 74 72 71 77 72 72 72 72 1961-S 1966-S 1968-S 1969-S 1992-B1 3010-B1 3014-B 3038-B 3053-B 3054-B A1186 Z741-A 310912 321381 328224 328435 5546086 5546087 5546085 5546089 5546080 5546042 5546038 5546046 5546048 5546050 5546114 5546128 5546157 5546070 5546138 5546140 5241043 5546154 5547001 5547020 5547021 5547022 6110100 Order from MARYLAND METRICS P.O. Box 261 Owings Mills, MD 21117 USA web: http://mdmetric.com email: sales@mdmetric.com ph: (410)358-3130 (800)638-1830 fx: (410)358-3142 (800)872-9329 RFQ form: http://mdmetric.com/rfq.htm 71 71 72 72 75 72 71 73 73 74 76 76 77 74 78 78 74 71 71 76 76 76 77 T u r n e d Pa r T s Turned parTs From prototype to series production-readiness! Umeta is the right partner for you and your turned parts projects. We support you from the very first development stage through initial sampling right up to series production-readiness. Manufacturing special turned parts is one of our strengths, whether in small or large series. Our machinery consists of long CNC-controlled lathes and capstan lathes. We also provide assembly services and the manufacture of complete component groups as an option. This means we can offer complex machining facilities. You will find locking plugs and air release valves in the standard programme of our turned parts division, and we would like to show you a few samples of further production facilities below. uMeTa Turned parTs aT a gl ance - production batches from 1 piece - axial and radial milling / drilling with lathing of bars - raw material measurements from Ø 3 mm to Ø 42 mm - eccentric drilling with axial machining - turning lengths up to 600 mm - extensive machining of front and back sides with lathing of bars - machining of all removable materials - changes in machining contours can be realised quickly and economically by programming the parameters - high-precision production of complex contours(tolerance ranges of 0.02 mm and a surface roughness Rz of 1.0 µm are possible) ex a Mples of M achining faciliTies chain tensioner (machining of front, back, air release goove) bayonet top (radial milling of shell) clamping hydraulic body (radial two-step drilling/apply to spanner flat) injection nozzle (axial/radial machining, long turned parts, assembling) Order from MARYLAND METRICS P.O. Box 261 Owings Mills, MD 21117 USA web: http://mdmetric.com email: sales@mdmetric.com ph: (410)358-3130 (800)638-1830 fx: (410)358-3142 (800)872-9329 RFQ form: http://mdmetric.com/rfq.htm 79 air bleed valves The standard air bleed valves for venting and avoidance of undesirable pressure increases are zinc-plated and passivated, and they are featured with a tapered thread. The following types are representing a selection of the most commonly used air bleed valves. Upon request, UMETA manufactures air bleed valves in other versions, with respect to the following: · opening pressure · dimension · material · thread size · thread form (e. g. with cylindrical thread) · further surface treatment · etc. air bleed valves · for venting gears · for the avoidance of undesirable pressure increases in universal joints · made of steel, zinc-plated and passivated, with tapered thread · for other types and materials, please see table, or upon request GW M 6 x 1.0 L1 11 11 L2 7 7 sW 11 GW L1 11.6 SW 7 mm HEX 7 mm HEX M 8 x 1.0 L2 6 SW 11 mm HEX Opening pressure approx. 3 bar approx. 8-12 bar Opening pressure approx. 2.5 bar Ref.- No.: Steel 5270020 5270022 Ref.- No.: Steel 5244082 SW = HEX size L1 = overall length L2 = thread length GW = thread (all measures in mm) GW SST303 SST316L M 10 x 1.0 L1 L2 SW 11.6 4 11 mm HEX 11.6 6 11 mm HEX 11.6 6 11 mm HEX * with BUNA ball 11.6 6 11 mm HEX Opening pressure approx. 2.5 bar approx. 5 bar approx. 5 bar approx. 7.5 bar Ref.- No.: Steel 5244084 SST303 SST316L 5244083 5244088 * 5244080 5244085 5244089 SST303 SST316L GW r 1/8, 1/8 - 28 bsp L1 11.6 11.6 L2 6 6 SW 11 mm HEX 11 mm HEX Opening pressure approx. 2.5 bar approx. 5 bar Ref.- No.: Steel 5800017 5244086 SST303 SST316L 5244087 *with BUNA ball 80 Order from MARYLAND METRICS P.O. Box 261 Owings Mills, MD 21117 USA web: http://mdmetric.com email: sales@mdmetric.com ph: (410)358-3130 (800)638-1830 fx: (410)358-3142 (800)872-9329 RFQ form: http://mdmetric.com/rfq.htm T u r n e d Pa r T s locking plugs The standard locking plugs for closure of bore-holes are made of steel, zinc-plated and passivated, and they are featured with a tapered thread. The following types are representing a selection of the most commonly used locking plugs. Upon request, UMETA manufactures locking plugs in further versions, with respect to the following: · dimension · material · thread size · thread form (e. g. with cylindrical thread) · length · etc. locking plugs · for subsequent closing of boreholes · made of steel, zinc-plated and passivated, with tapered thread · for other types and materials, please see table, or upon request GW = thread L1 = overall length L2 = thread length SW = HEX size (all measures in mm) GW L1 8.5 GW L1 8.5 GW L1 9 8 M 6 x 1.0 L2 5.5 SW 7 mm HEX M 8 x 1.0 L2 5.5 SW 9 mm HEX M 10 x 1.0 L2 5.5 4.5 SW 11 mm HEX 11 mm HEX Ref.- No.: Steel 5180142 SST303 SST316L Ref.- No.: Steel 5180117 SST303 SST316L Ref.- No.: Steel 5581133 5180125 SST303 SST316L GW L1 12 GW L1 8.5 GW L1 8.5 M 12 x 1.5 L2 8 SW 14 mm HEX Ref.- No.: Steel 5581136 r 1/8, 1/8 - 28 bsp Ref.- No.: L2 5.5 SW 11 mm HEX Steel 5180122 1/4“-28 unf-2a Ref.- No.: Steel 5180143 L2 5.5 SW 7 mm HEX SST303 SST316L SST303 SST316L SST303 SST316L locking plugs with self-forming Thread · for subsequent closing of boreholes · standard version made of steel, casehardened according to DIN (650 HV) and yellow passivated · with self-forming thread SFG = self-forming thread (SFT) L1 = overall length L2 = thread length SW = HEX size X = flank angle (all measures in mm) appLicaTiON aRea By using UMETA locking plugs with self-forming thread (SFT/SFG) you effectively save the thread-cutting process in the borehole. mOuNTiNG iNSTRucTiONS The special thread angle and the specific hardness level allow these plugs to be driven and screwed into boreholes without prior thread cutting. SFG L1 8.5 s6x1 L2 5.5 SW 7 mm HEX Ref.- No.: Steel not available in other materials 5180146 Thus, the thread of the plug forms its counterhead. Later, the plug can easily be screwed out and be replaced by a standard locking plug. The exact size of the core hole depends on the material and must be determined by mounting tests. The consistency of the receiving material is decisive. The standard gauge for the installation bore diameter of 0.4-0.5 mm (= 0.02“) below nominal width have proved in daily use. SFG L1 8.5 s8x1 L2 5.5 SW 9 mm HEX Ref.- No.: Steel not available in other materials 5180116 Order from MARYLAND METRICS P.O. Box 261 Owings Mills, MD 21117 USA web: http://mdmetric.com email: sales@mdmetric.com ph: (410)358-3130 (800)638-1830 fx: (410)358-3142 (800)872-9329 RFQ form: http://mdmetric.com/rfq.htm 81 UMETA History Hermann Ulrichskötter Margarete MaserUlrichskötter Frank Maser Administration Site 1926 Company founded by Hermann Ulrichskötter 1994 Certification to DIN EN ISO 9001 as first company in the sector 1953 Relocation of the company to current location in Ummeln, Bielefeld 2004 UMETA is awarded the „Bielefelder-Ökoprofit-Betrieb 2004“ prize 1965 General management takeover by Margarete Maser-Ulrichskötter, daughter of Hermann Ulrichskötter 2006 Extensive upgrade of machinery in the CNC machine sector to extend special turned part range 1993 Mr. Frank Maser enters the third generation of company general management 2007 TÜV certification to „customer satisfaction and service quality“ 1993 Founding of a subsidiary in the USA 2011 Re-certification of our quality management to ISO 9001:2008 Caution! Safety Information It is imperative that you observe the following information: UMETA grease guns can achieve a lubrication pressure of over 800 bar / 11,600 PSI. For this reason, please ensure that all components are designed for this high pressure. Service your UMETA products regularly! Before using them first, check all connections for tight fit and only use components which do not show any signs of damage. Never point the discharge opening at yourself or at other people. Never hold onto hoses under pressure and never loosen connections which are under pressure. UMETA compressed air guns may never be operated under more than 10 bar / 145 PSI air pressure. Special lubricating nipples may be required for lubrication using automatic lubricating equipment. Always inform yourself in advance about the maximum permissible pressure! Only use UMETA products with original UMETA accessories which are intended for this purpose. Modifications to UMETA Products can lead to severe damage or injuries. If you are injured, consult a doctor immediately! UMETA products may never be brought into contact with hazardous or aggressive materials. Hoses are subject to a severe ageing process! For this reason you should always replace hoses after three years at the latest. Hoses may never be buckled or bent with force. The smallest bending radius is 100 mm. General Information We reserve the right to make changes to products with regard to technical properties, dimensions and materials, and to remove products from our range. Furthermore our General Conditions of Sale, which are on the back of our business paper and on our Internet site, apply to all deliveries. Products may deviate from catalogue illustrations in their design, colour and size. Our 4 years guarantee is subject to our guarantee terms and conditions which can be found at www.umeta.com Supply of turned parts takes place in accordance with our „Technical terms of delivery for turned parts“, which you can find in the download area of our Internet site. We accept no liability for any errors or omissions. 82 www.umeta.com Order from MARYLAND METRICS P.O. Box 261 Owings Mills, MD 21117 USA web: http://mdmetric.com email: sales@mdmetric.com ph: (410)358-3130 (800)638-1830 fx: (410)358-3142 (800)872-9329 RFQ form: http://mdmetric.com/rfq.htm INDEX UMETA REFERENCE INDEX On which page do I find the requested UMETA reference number? Ref.- No.: Page UMETA-Type 1100185 46 H1a 1100186 46 H1a 1100187 46 H1a 1100288 46 H1a 1100289 46 H1a 1100290 46 H1a 1100389 46 H1a 1100701 38 H1 1100703 38 H1 1100704 38 H1 1100737 39 H1 1100744 39 H1 1100750 39 H1 1100774 44 H1/S 1100905 38 H1 1100906 38 H1 1100907 38 H1 1100908 38 H1 1100938 39 H1 1100945 39 H1 1100951 39 H1 1100975 44 H1/S 1101104 38 H1 1101109 38 H1 1101110 38 H1 1101111 38 H1 1101139 39 H1 1101146 39 H1 1101152 39 H1 1101156 39 H1 1101167 39 H1 1101176 44 H1/S 1101412 38 H1 1101413 38 H1 1101414 38 H1 1101415 38 H1 1101417 38 H1 1101418 39 H1 1101440 39 H1 1101457 39 H1 1101468 39 H1 1101719 39 H1 1101758 39 H1 1101769 39 H1 1110186 46 H1a 1110288 46 H1a 1110701 38 H1 1110703 38 H1 1110704 38 H1 1110737 39 H1 1110744 39 H1 1110907 38 H1 1110908 38 H1 1110938 39 H1 1111109 38 H1 1111111 38 H1 1111139 39 H1 1111156 39 H1 1111167 39 H1 1111414 38 H1 1111457 39 H1 1120186 46 H1a 1120288 1120701 1120703 1120704 1120737 1120744 1120907 1120908 1120938 1121104 1121109 1121111 1121139 1121156 1121414 1121415 1121457 1121758 1140186 1140704 1140907 1140908 1141109 1141111 1141156 1141167 1141457 1141468 1200901 1200903 1200904 1200905 1200906 1200907 1200908 1200937 1200938 1200944 1200945 1200950 1200951 1200977 1201109 1201110 1201111 1201139 1201146 1201152 1201156 1201412 1201414 1201415 1201417 1201440 1201457 1201468 1201719 1201758 1201769 1204503 1204504 1204507 1204508 46 38 38 38 39 39 38 38 39 38 38 38 39 39 38 38 39 39 46 38 38 38 38 38 39 39 39 39 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 41 41 41 41 41 41 45 40 40 40 41 41 41 41 40 40 40 40 41 41 41 40 41 41 40 40 40 40 H1a H1 H1 H1 H1 H1 H1 H1 H1 H1 H1 H1 H1 H1 H1 H1 H1 H1 H1a H1 H1 H1 H1 H1 H1 H1 H1 H1 H2 H2 H2 H2 H2 H2 H2 H2 H2 H2 H2 H2 H2 H2/S H2 H2 H2 H2 H2 H2 H2 H2 H2 H2 H2 H2 H2 H2 H2 H2 H2 H2 H2 H2 H2 Ref.- No.: Page UMETA-Type 1204574 45 H2/S 1204575 45 H2/S 1204586 47 H2a 1204588 47 H2a 1204709 40 H2 1204756 41 H2 1204767 41 H2 1204776 45 H2/S 1204789 47 H2a 1210904 40 H2 1210907 40 H2 1210908 40 H2 1210937 41 H2 1210938 41 H2 1211109 40 H2 1211156 41 H2 1211457 41 H2 1220904 40 H2 1220907 40 H2 1220908 40 H2 1220937 41 H2 1220938 41 H2 1220944 41 H2 1221109 40 H2 1221111 40 H2 1221156 41 H2 1221457 41 H2 1240904 40 H2 1240907 40 H2 1241109 40 H2 1241156 41 H2 1241457 41 H2 1300901 42 H3 1300903 42 H3 1300904 42 H3 1300905 42 H3 1300906 42 H3 1300907 42 H3 1300908 42 H3 1300937 43 H3 1300938 43 H3 1300944 43 H3 1300945 43 H3 1300950 43 H3 1300951 43 H3 1301109 42 H3 1301110 42 H3 1301111 42 H3 1301139 43 H3 1301146 43 H3 1301152 43 H3 1301156 43 H3 1301412 42 H3 1301414 42 H3 1301415 42 H3 1301417 42 H3 1301419 42 H3 1301440 43 H3 1301457 43 H3 1301468 43 H3 1301758 43 H3 1301760 43 H3 1304503 1304504 1304507 1304508 1304574 1304575 1304578 1304586 1304588 1304709 1304756 1304767 1304776 1304789 1310904 1310907 1310908 1310937 1310944 1311109 1311156 1311457 1320904 1320907 1320908 1320937 1320944 1320945 1321109 1321111 1321156 1321457 1340907 1341109 1341156 1341415 1341457 1341630 1400904 1400907 1400908 1400937 1400938 1400944 1400945 1401109 1401139 1401140 1401156 1404504 1404507 2100186 2100288 2100389 2100701 2100703 2100704 2100905 2100907 2100908 2101109 2101111 2101156 42 42 42 42 45 45 45 47 47 42 43 43 45 47 42 42 42 43 43 42 43 43 42 42 42 43 43 43 42 42 43 43 42 42 43 42 43 42 40 40 40 41 41 41 41 40 41 41 41 40 40 52 52 52 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 H3 H3 H3 H3 H3/S H3/S H3/S H3a H3a H3 H3 H3 H3/S H3a H3 H3 H3 H3 H3 H3 H3 H3 H3 H3 H3 H3 H3 H3 H3 H3 H3 H3 H3 H3 H3 H3 H3 H3 H2 H2 H2 H2 H2 H2 H2 H2 H2 H2 H2 H2 H2 K1a K1a K1a K1 K1 K1 K1 K1 K1 K1 K1 K1 Ref.- No.: Page UMETA-Type 2101457 50 K1 2110186 52 K1a 2110187 52 K1a 2110288 52 K1a 2110702 50 K1 2110703 50 K1 2110704 50 K1 2110907 50 K1 2111156 50 K1 2111457 50 K1 2111458 51 K2 2111460 51 K2 2111461 51 K3 2111462 53 K3a 2111463 53 K3a 2111464 53 K3a 2111466 53 K2a 2111467 53 K2a 2111468 51 K3 2111469 51 K3 2111470 51 K2 2111471 51 K2 2120186 52 K1a 2120288 52 K1a 2120704 50 K1 2120907 50 K1 2201457 51 K2 2204504 51 K2 2204507 51 K2 2204508 51 K2 2204586 53 K2a 2204588 53 K2a 2204709 51 K2 2204711 51 K2 2204756 51 K2 2204789 53 K2a 2301457 51 K3 2304504 51 K3 2304507 51 K3 2304508 51 K3 2304586 53 K3a 2304588 53 K3a 2304709 51 K3 2304756 51 K3 3100185 57 D1a 3100186 57 D1a 3100187 57 D1a 3100288 57 D1a 3100389 57 D1a 3100720 54 D1 3100723 54 D1 3100724 54 D1 3100742 54 D1 3100774 56 D1/S 3100925 54 D1 3100926 54 D1 3100975 56 D1/S 3101127 54 D1 3101128 54 D1 3101161 54 D1 3101176 56 D1/S 3101431 54 D1 3101462 3101763 3110186 3110288 3110389 3110724 3110925 3110926 3111127 3111161 3111462 3120186 3120288 3120724 3120925 3120926 3121127 3121161 3121462 3204504 3204507 3204508 3204586 3204588 3204709 3204756 3204789 3214504 3304504 3304507 3304508 3304586 3304588 3304709 3304756 3304789 4101704 4101707 4101708 4101709 4101711 4101714 4101715 4101717 4101719 4101732 4101761 4101762 4101763 4101768 4111704 4111707 4111708 4111709 4111711 4111714 4111715 4111761 4111762 4111763 4121704 4121707 4121708 54 54 57 57 57 54 54 54 54 54 54 57 57 54 54 54 54 54 54 55 55 55 58 58 55 55 58 55 55 55 55 58 58 55 55 58 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 Order from MARYLAND METRICS P.O. Box 261 Owings Mills, MD 21117 USA web: http://mdmetric.com email: sales@mdmetric.com ph: (410)358-3130 (800)638-1830 fx: (410)358-3142 (800)872-9329 RFQ form: http://mdmetric.com/rfq.htm D1 D1 D1a D1a D1a D1 D1 D1 D1 D1 D1 D1a D1a D1 D1 D1 D1 D1 D1 D2 D2 D2 D2a D2a D2 D2 D2a D2 D3 D3 D3 D3a D3a D3 D3 D3a M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 83 Ref.- No.: 4121709 4121711 4121714 4121715 4121761 4121762 4121763 4141704 4141707 4141709 4141761 4141762 4141763 4141768 4201104 4201107 4201109 4201161 4221161 4302210 4302219 4302262 4302263 4302264 4312219 4312262 4312263 4322219 4322262 4322263 4402262 4402263 4402264 4501504 4501507 4501508 4501509 4501511 4501537 4501561 4501562 4601504 4601507 4601508 4601509 4601511 4601514 4601516 4601537 4601539 4601561 4601562 4611504 4611507 4611508 4611509 4611511 4611514 4611560 4611561 4611562 4621509 4621514 4621561 4621562 4641561 84 Page UMETA-Type 62 M1 62 M1 62 M1 62 M1 62 M1 62 M1 62 M1 62 M1 62 M1 62 M1 62 M1 62 M1 62 M1 62 M1 61 M4 61 M4 61 M4 61 M4 61 M4 63 M22 63 M22 63 M22 63 M22 63 M22 63 M22 63 M22 63 M22 63 M22 63 M22 63 M22 63 M22/L 63 M22/L 63 M22/L 64 T1 64 T1 64 T1 64 T1 64 T1 64 T1 64 T1 64 T1 65 T1B 65 T1B 65 T1B 65 T1B 65 T1B 65 T1B 65 T1B 65 T1B 65 T1B 65 T1B 65 T1B 65 T1B 65 T1B 65 T1B 65 T1B 65 T1B 65 T1B 64 T1 65 T1B 65 T1B 65 T1B 65 T1B 65 T1B 65 T1B 65 T1B 4641562 4641567 5180117 5180122 5180125 5180142 5180143 5240009 5240013 5240020 5240046 5240048 5240061 5240062 5240063 5240067 5241007 5241009 5241014 5241024 5241029 5241038 5241040 5241043 5241054 5241055 5241056 5241057 5241058 5241059 5241060 5241061 5241062 5241068 5241070 5241071 5241072 5241074 5241075 5241076 5241077 5241080 5241097 5241101 5241102 5241103 5241105 5241106 5241130 5241131 5241132 5241133 5241135 5241140 5241213 5241236 5242042 5242085 5242087 5242088 5242092 5242093 5242104 5242105 5243010 5243018 5243019 65 65 81 81 81 81 81 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 67 38 38 44 39 46 38 46 74 39 39 38 38 39 38 38 39 39 39 39 39 39 38 39 39 39 39 46 38 38 39 39 39 49 49 49 49 44 49 49 41 48 40 41 40 42 43 41 41 59 59 59 T1B T1B Plug Plug Plug Plug Plug M/Special M/Special M/Special M/Special M/Special M/Special M/Special M/Special M/Special H1 H1 H1/S H1 H1a H1 H1a H1a/SAE H1 H1 H1 H1 H1 H1 H1 H1 H1 H1 H1 H1 H1 H1 H1 H1 H1 H1 H1a H1 H1 H1 H1 H1 H/Special H/Special H/Special H/Special H1/S H/Special H/Special H2 H/Special H2 H2 H2 H3 H3 H2 H2 DV1 DV1 DV1 Ref.- No.: 5243020 5243021 5243067 5243068 5243069 5244033 5244080 5244082 5244083 5244084 5244085 5244086 5244087 5244088 5244089 5244094 5244095 5244096 5244134 5244159 5244160 5244161 5244162 5244163 5244178 5244179 5244181 5244185 5270020 5270022 5313742 5313742 5317443 5317541 5372717 5376214 5376314 5544053 5544054 5544056 5544057 5546006 5546008 5546010 5546012 5546014 5546016 5546017 5546018 5546020 5546022 5546024 5546026 5546028 5546030 5546032 5546034 5546036 5546038 5546040 5546042 5546044 5546046 5546048 5546050 5546052 Page UMETA-Type 59 DV1 59 DV1 59 DV1 59 DV1 59 DV1 49 H/Special 80 Valves 80 Valves 80 Valves 80 Valves 80 Valves 80 Valves 80 Valves 80 Valves 80 Valves 49 H/Special 49 H/Special 49 H/Special 49 H/Special 49 H/Special 49 H/Special 49 H/Special 49 H/Special 49 H/Special 49 H/Special 49 H/Special 49 H/Special 59 D3 quattro 80 Valves 80 Valves 38 H1 71 H1/SAE 44 H1/S 44 H1/S 65 T1B 66 M/Special 66 M/Special 67 M/Special 67 M/Special 67 M/Special 67 M/Special 71 H1/SAE 71 H1/SAE 71 H1/SAE 71 H1/SAE 71 H1/SAE 71 H1/SAE 72 H2/SAE 72 H2/SAE 72 H2/SAE 72 H2/SAE 72 H3/SAE 72 H3/SAE 71 H1/SAE 71 H1/SAE 71 H1/SAE 71 H1/SAE 71 H1/SAE 71 H1/SAE 72 H2/SAE 72 H2/SAE 72 H3/SAE 73 H1/S/SAE 73 H2/S/SAE 74 H3/S/SAE 73 H1/S/SAE 5546054 5546056 5546060 5546062 5546064 5546066 5546068 5546070 5546072 5546074 5546076 5546078 5546080 5546082 5546085 5546086 5546087 5546088 5546089 5546090 5546106 5546108 5546110 5546112 5546114 5546116 5546120 5546122 5546124 5546126 5546128 5546130 5546132 5546134 5546135 5546138 5546140 5546152 5546153 5546154 5546157 5546159 5546503 5546507 5547001 5547020 5547021 5547022 5556010 5581133 5581136 5800017 5800040 5800048 5800049 5800050 5800051 5800052 5800053 5800054 5800056 5800057 5800058 5800059 6008100 6008102 6017140 73 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 75 75 72 71 71 72 72 72 71 72 71 76 76 76 77 75 76 76 76 75 77 77 77 78 78 72 72 71 77 77 71 71 71 76 76 76 28 81 81 80 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 70 70 69 69 69 H2/S/SAE H3/S/SAE H1a/SAE H1a/SAE H1a/SAE H1a/SAE H1a/SAE H1a/SAE H1a/SAE H1a/SAE H1a/SAE H1a/SAE H2a/SAE H2a/SAE H2/SAE H1/SAE H1/SAE H3/SAE H3/SAE H2/SAE H1/SAE H2/SAE H1/SAE M1/SAE M1/SAE M1/SAE M22/SAE H/SAE DV1/SAE DV1/SAE DV1/SAE D1/SAE Adapter/SAE Adapter/SAE Adapter/SAE Plug/SAE Plug/SAE H2/SAE H2/SAE H1/SAE Adapter/SAE Adapter/SAE H1/SAE H1/SAE H1/SAE M1/Iso M1/Iso M1/Iso Filling cyl. Plug Plug Valves H/Special H/Special H/Special H/Special H/Special H/Special H/Special H/Special H/Special H/Special Garage equ. Garage equ. Assortment Assortment Assortment Ref.- No.: 6017141 6035140 6110100 6800130 6800140 6900095 6900096 6900098 6900099 7000000 7000002 7000003 7000005 7021312 7021411 7091156 7091157 7091312 7092100 7092110 7130133 7130233 7130433 7130533 7133933 7134133 7134233 7134433 7134533 7135933 7136113 7136213 7136313 7136413 7136513 7140133 7140233 7140333 7140433 7140533 7142133 7142233 7142433 7142533 7142733 7143133 7143233 7144133 7144233 7144433 7144533 7144753 7146113 7146213 7146313 7146413 7146753 7212443 7222143 7233113 7244313 7255113 7256313 Page UMETA-Type 69 Assortment 69 Assortment 77 Assort./SAE 10 75/PKU 10 75/PKU 10; Case kit 30 10; 75/PKU 30 10; 75/PKU 30 25 Wall bracket 12 EcoLube 12 EcoLube 12 EcoLube 12 EcoLube 10 75/PKU 10 75/PKU 34 75/PKI zinc 34 75/PKI zinc 35 75/LLI zinc 25 Wall bracket 25 Wall bracket 15 30/S 15 30/H 15 30 15 30/NS 15 30/K 15 34/S 15 34/H 15 34 15 34/NS 15 34/K 16 36/S 16 36/H 16 36/NS 16 36 16 36/K 16 40/S 16 40/H 16 40/NS 16 40 16 40/K 16 42/S 16 42/H 16 42 16 42/NS 16 42/K 18 43/S 18 43/H 16 44/S 16 44/H 16 44 16 44/NS 16 44/K 17 46/S 17 46/H 17 46/NS 17 46 17 46/K 28 Type 2/V 27 Type 2 27 Type 3 28 Type 4 29 SDG 10 29 SDG 13 7265113 7266313 7277113 7277313 7321151 7321551 7321651 7321751 7321851 7322451 7323911 7331911 7331921 7331925 7331941 7351031 7351041 7351061 7351161 7351261 7351314 7351315 7351316 7351317 7351326 7351376 7351461 7351561 7353361 7368011 7368012 7368015 7371953 7437505 7522224 7523224 7525224 7591483 7591583 7591683 7591783 7591883 7591983 7611113 7611213 7751511 7751611 7752611 7759611 9109416 9140215 9140216 9140217 9149414 9149415 9149416 9149417 9149418 9155416 9156416 9157416 9157420 9157421 29 29 29 29 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 22 22 22 22 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 22 21 21 22 21 22 21 21 21 22 22 22 25; 33 14 32 32 32 31 31 31 31 31 31 17 17 10 10 10 10 68 21 21 21 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 SDK 10 SDK 13 SDF 10 SDF 13 Coupler Coupler Coupler Coupler Coupler Coupler Coupler Joint Joint Joint Joint Nozzle Nozzle Nozzle Nozzle Nozzle Nozzle Nozzle Nozzle (oil) Nozzle Nozzle (oil) Nozzle (oil) Nozzle Nozzle Nozzle Coupler Coupler Coupler Grease DRP 30 Accessories Accessories Accessories Filling dev. Filling dev. Filling dev. Filling dev. Filling dev. Filling dev. Model 21 Model 21 75/PKU 75/PKU 75/PKU 75/PKU B1 Nozzle Nozzle Nozzle B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 Order from MARYLAND METRICS P.O. Box 261 Owings Mills, MD 21117 USA web: http://mdmetric.com email: sales@mdmetric.com ph: (410)358-3130 (800)638-1830 fx: (410)358-3142 (800)872-9329 RFQ form: http://mdmetric.com/rfq.htm INDEX Ref.- No.: 9230004 9500110 9500111 9500120 9500121 9500130 9500131 9500140 9500141 9500200 9500201 9500210 9626100 9626102 9626105 9626107 9626109 9626115 9626150 9626160 9626195 9626235 9626300 9626360 9626395 9626560 9626660 9626700 9626701 9626702 9626705 9626706 9626707 9626725 9626800 9626801 9626802 9626803 9626805 9626810 9626820 9626830 V000039 V000041 V000042 V000044 V000054 V000055 V000072 V000074 V000076 V000077 V000084 V000085 V000088 V000095 V000096 V000097 V000098 V000100 V000101 V000102 V000103 V000104 V000106 V000108 Page UMETA-Type 24 Coupler 70 Cap 70 Cap 70 Cap 70 Cap 70 Cap 70 Cap 70 Cap 70 Cap 70 Cap 70 Cap 70 Cap 33 Accessories 33 Accessories 33 Accessories 33 Accessories 33 Accessories 33 Accessories 33 Accessories 33 Accessories 33 Accessories 33 Accessories 33 Accessories 33 Accessories 33 Accessories 33 Accessories 33 Accessories 32 Accessories 32 Accessories 32 Accessories 32 Accessories 32 Accessories 32 Accessories 32 Accessories 32 Accessories 32 Accessories 32 Accessories 32 Accessories 32 Accessories 33 Accessories 31 Oil pump 31 Oil pump 23 360/LN 23 360/LN 23 360/L 20 Nozzle tube 20 Nozzle tube 20 Nozzle tube 20 Nozzle tube 20 Nozzle tube 20 Nozzle tube 21 Nozzle 22 Coupler 22 Coupler 22 Coupler 22 Coupler 22 Coupler 22 Coupler 22 Coupler 21 Nozzle 20 Nozzle tube 21 Nozzle 20 Nozzle tube 21 Nozzle 21 Nozzle 23 360/LN V000109 V000145 V000154 V000155 V000200 V000210 V000211 V000223 V000224 V000227 V000239 V000246 V000247 V000248 V000250 V000252 V000253 V000254 V000276 V000279 V000281 V000282 V000283 V000285 V000286 V000287 V000288 V000294 V000297 V000298 V000301 V000306 V000308 V000309 V000310 V000311 V000312 V000316 V000318 V000319 V000321 V000323 V000325 V000326 V000327 V000328 V000330 V000331 V000332 V000333 V000334 V000337 V000340 V000342 V000349 V000350 V000354 V000358 V000361 V000366 V000369 V000371 V000375 V000378 V000382 V000391 V000392 23 23 20 20 23 13 11 23 22 21 22 21 20 21 21 21 20 21 8 20 8 23 23 20 8 8 23 23 23 23 8 8 8 8 8 23 23 20 23 8 22 23 22 23 23 23 22 22 23 8 35 20 35 8 8 11 11 8 22 23 13 13 20 8 13 12 12 360/LN 360/LN Nozzle tube Nozzle tube 360/L 85/PK silver 73/PK 360/LN Coupler Nozzle Oil coupler Nozzle Nozzle tube Nozzle Nozzle Nozzle Nozzle tube Nozzle 75/PK silver Nozzle tube 75/PK silver 360/L 360/LN Nozzle tube 75/PK silver 75/PK silver 360/LN 360/L 360/L 360/LN 75/PK zinc 75/PK silver 75/PK silver 75/PK zinc 75/PK zinc 360/L 360/LN Nozzle tube 360/LN 75/PK silver coupler 360/LN coupler 360/LN 360/LN 360/LN Oil coupler coupler 360/L 75/PK silver 75/PKI zinc Nozzle tube 75/LLI zinc 75/PK silver 75/PK zinc 70/PK 70/PK 75/PK zinc Oil coupler 360/LN 85/PK zinc 85/PK silver Nozzle tube 75/PK silver 85/PK silver 75/PKM 75/PKM Ref.- No.: V000394 V000398 V000402 V000403 V000410 V000420 V000421 V000431 V000432 V000439 V000443 V000449 V000454 V000456 V000457 V000458 V000465 V000471 V000472 V000475 V000476 V000479 V000485 V000486 V000490 V000495 V000496 V000499 V000507 V000521 V000524 V000525 V000535 V000538 V000545 V000548 V000549 V000550 V000567 V000573 V000616 V000617 V000637 V000640 V000645 V000647 V000648 V000650 V000651 V000652 V000653 V000662 V000666 V000667 V000676 V000682 V000683 V000684 V000685 V000686 V000687 V000688 V000689 V000691 V000704 V000712 Page UMETA-Type 23 360/LN 20 Nozzle tube 8 75/PK silver 8 75/PK silver 23 360/L 13 85/PK silver 13 85/PK silver 13 85/PK zinc 8 75/PK zinc 9 75/PL zinc 11 70/PK 8 75/PK silver 13 85/PK silver 8 75/PK silver 11 73/PK 11 73/PK 23 360/L 23 360/L 11 70/PK 23 360/L 23 360/LN 11 73/PK 12 75/PKM 9 75/PL zinc 23 360/L 8 75/PK silver 23 360/L 12 75/PKM 13 85/PK silver 23 360/L 8 75/PK silver 9 75/PL zinc 8 75/PK silver 13 85/PK silver 12 75/PKM 13 85/PK zinc 11 73/PK 11 70/PK 8 75/PK zinc 8 75/PK zinc 8 75/PK silver 13 85/PK silver 11 70/PK 13 85/PK silver 11 70/PK 9 75/LL zinc 9 75/LL zinc 23 360/LN 23 360/LN 23 360/LN 23 360/L 9 75/PL zinc 22 coupler 8 75/PK silver 13 85/PK zinc 23 360/LN 23 360/LN 23 360/LN 23 360/LN 23 360/L 23 360/L 23 360/L 23 360/L 23 360/L 13 85/PK silver 12 75/PKM V000715 V000717 V000721 V000730 V000741 V000761 V000768 V000771 V000772 V000773 V000790 V000803 V000809 V000810 V000842 V000858 V000859 V000860 V000881 V000938 V000940 V000941 V000952 V000961 V000978 V000993 V000997 V001002 V001020 V001024 V001028 V001045 V001048 V001049 V001054 V001093 V001094 V001095 V001096 V001097 V001118 V001129 V001136 V001157 V001167 V001172 V001174 V001176 V001181 V001182 V001184 V001185 V001187 V001188 V001189 V001190 V001192 V001194 V001195 V001196 V001197 V001198 V001199 V001200 V001201 V001206 V001207 13 8 13 13 23 23 13 13 13 11 11 9 13 9 11 13 12 8 11 9 23 9 11 13 12 11 13 11 23 11 13 8 23 23 11 9 11 11 11 11 11 9 13 13 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 9 9 9 9 9 23 23 85/PK zinc 75/PK 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V001549 V001550 V001551 V001552 V001553 V001554 V001555 V001557 V001558 V001559 V001560 V001625 V001662 V001663 V001672 V001673 Page UMETA-Type 23 360/L 23 360/L 23 360/L 11 70/PK 9 75/LL zinc 9 75/LL zinc 9 75/LL zinc 11 73/PK 11 73/PK 11 73/PK 11 73/PK 11 73/PK 9 75/LL zinc 9 75/LL zinc 9 75/LL zinc 8 75/PK zinc 8 75/PK zinc 11 70/PK 8 75/PK zinc 8 75/PK zinc 9 75/PL zinc 22 Coupler 22 Coupler 35 75/PKI zinc 9 75/PL zinc 9 75/PL zinc 9 75/PL zinc 9 75/PL zinc 9 75/PL zinc 9 75/PL zinc 11 70/PK 11 70/PK 11 70/PK 13 85/PK silver 13 85/PK silver 13 85/PK silver 13 85/PK silver 13 85/PK silver 13 85/PK silver 35 75/LLI zinc 11 73/PK 11 73/PK 11 73/PK 11 73/PK 18 70/PKO 18 70/PKO 18 70/PKO 18 70/PKO 18 70/PKO 18 70/PKO 18 70/PKO 18 70/PKO 18 70/PKO 18 70/PKO 18 70/PKO 18 70/PKO 22 Coupler 23 360/LN 23 360/LN 23 360/L 23 360/L Order from MARYLAND METRICS P.O. Box 261 Owings Mills, MD 21117 USA web: http://mdmetric.com email: sales@mdmetric.com ph: (410)358-3130 (800)638-1830 fx: (410)358-3142 (800)872-9329 RFQ form: http://mdmetric.com/rfq.htm 85 UMETA products are available from MARYLAND METRICS P.O. Box 261 Owings Mills, MD 21117 USA ph: (410)358-3130 (800)638-1830 fx: (410)358-3142 (800)872-9329 web: http://mdmetric.com email: sales@mdmetric.com RFQ form: http://mdmetric.com/rfq.htm How to order: Please prefix the UMETA part number with ‘R331-’ example: R331-5241007 UMETA Hermann Ulrichskötter Metallwarenfabrik GmbH & Co. KG Almestraße 1-3 · 33649 Bielefeld · Germany Fon: +49 (0)521.948-0 · Fax: +49 (0)521.948-111 LUBRICATION EQUIPMENT Quality since 1926 GK84-E 04/2012
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