2015 Girls Basketball Camp June 8-11 Monday

Travers Aviation has been developing special
relationships with Beech customers for the past 47 years.
Our ability to provide personal service and attention sets
us apart from the rest of the field . We realize that our
customers' time is valuable, so we make our aircraft
insurance simple. Our friendly and efficient staff is
always available to answer your questions.
Traverst.:;>t'fT ssoclates
Successfully Combining Business and Pleasure
Glen Travers
SINCE 1950
Darla Sanford
"Not for one single tenth of a tach hour has there been any regrets with buying NIYR. The
Bonanza is the most superior all-around aircraft ill its class that I've flown." -Bill Lavellder
of the
1975 V35B
eneral aviation can often spur a
young person to greater heights.
In the case of our son, Graham,
it has done just that. He was raised in an
aviation community. Shortly after birth,
I took him spraying in my Ayres Turbo
Thrush, a large agricu ltural aircraft powered by a single PT6A-II turboprop.
It was only natural for Graham to solo
on his sixteenth birthday. The aircraft was
a 150HP Citabria that we had flown crosscountry from northern California six
months before.
Six years ago, our company, AgAir
Update , an intern ational agricultural
aviation publication, established an annual event called "AgAir Update's Annual Excursion." Each year, Graham and
I have spent a week to I0 days journeying across America writing ag aviation
1975 V35B Bonanza (SI N 0-9797)
articles using various forms of transportation, including a C-1 82 and a Citabria.
Graham received his Pri vate Pilot 's
licen e shortly after his eventeenth birthday. In the summer of 1996, we bought
IYR, a 1975 V35 B Bonanza with 3161
IT and 700 SFRM. Graham "officially"
had logged about 75 hours , mos tl y
tailwheel time. The checkout in the Bonanza went smoothly and within a few
hours, Graham soloed N I YR. Today, at
19, Graham has more than 100 hours
logged in NI YR, including two 25-hour
cross-country excursions west from
Georgia to Colorado, north to Canada,
east through North and South Dakota,
Minnesota and back to Georgia.
Wi thin a week of bringing N I YR
home from Memphis, Tennessee, the aircraft was put in the paint shop. The ugly
chocolate and taD colors were changed
to today's Air Tech Coaling 100 percent
polyurethane Glare Whi te paint. In the
summer of 1997, th e accents were
painted over by AeroPaint Il with metallic Winfield Bronze and Harvest Gold.
The metall ic accents add a nice touch to
Comilllled 011 page 5535
Cover: Th is 1975 V35B belongs to Bi ll Lavender of Perry, Georgia. ""
55 20
(lSSN 01 61 -35 45)
Publ;shed by
Orga nized Ja n uary 1967
By Steve YOllng, Raytheon Aircraft Company . ............•......... 5522
By Charlie Gibbs . ...................•...... _ ... . .. .. ... . ..... 5523
By Geo rge Wilh elmsen ....... . ..... , ........... . ........ . ..... 553 1
By Jack Hastings, M.D.
By Itzhak Jacoby
Nancy Jo hnson
192 2 M;df;eld Road
P.O. Box 1288B
Wichita, KS 67277
316-945- 1700
В° Fax 316-945- 17 10
ABS web si te: http://www, bo na nza.org
ABS e-mai l : bonanza2@bonanza.org
Send articles/letters to the
above address/fax/e-mail.
Betty Rowley
Tom Hutchinson
.... , ' . . . . . .... 5536
By David Davidson ...
. ......... . .... . . . .. .. . ... . ... . " .... 5542
COLVIN'S CORNER .. . . . ... 5525
by Neil Pobanz alld Arl.В·J FOlllk
INSU RANCE , .. , .. ,., .... 5537
Illduslry calls/or cautioll
by John Allen, Falcon Illsurallce
by Lynn Jenkins
AVION ICS, ..... , ...
Autopilots, comilllled
"E" engine repairs
by Lew Gage
55 4 7
555 0
by Nancy Johnson
CALENDAR . .... .
by Jim Hughes
Ji m Simpson
BPPP SCHEDULE ....• 5534
John Shoemaker
2779 Aero Park Drive, P.O. Box 968
Traverse Ci ty, M I 49664
Support the American Bonanza Society
WIth a Life Membership for $1,000
1-800-773-7798, ext. 3317
Vil lage Press, Traverse Ci ty, Michigan
AMERICA'I aO'lA"IZA SOCIETY MAGAZl'I[ is published monthly by the AmeriCan !kInanziI Society at the
Wichita MidВ·Conlln('nt Ailporl. 1922 Mtdiicld ~oad ,
Wichita, KS 67209. The price of iI yearly w~rip'iorl is
U'lcluded in the annl4l1 dues IS45) of Soclcty mem~.
Periodical postage paid ,11 WIChita, Kansas, and addiВ·
\ionallTldiling onices
The Society and Publisher CAnnot .accept responSIbility
for the corredroess or accuracy of the mailers printed
herein Of for .my opiniOflS ('xpres~. Opinions of the
EditOf" o r contribulOO do nol necessarily rC'Presenl the
flO5ition of the Society. Publisher reserves tnc righl to
rej("(t any malerial submitted (Of" publication. Copy submilled for publicJtioo shnll become Ihe property of Ihe
SOclt!1y Jnd sha ll not be return(."CI. Arlicles submitted with
accompanying pictures roc;t>i\'e publication prdereoce.
Pictures will be returned whene-.Ct" possible.
AN"UA l DUES: US--S45,
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Ufe mcmbership-$ 1,000.
Contact ASS Ileadquarten for delOlils.
POSTMASTER, send Jddu~ss chanl:es 10: American
Bonanza Sociely, P.O. Box 128811. Wichita, KS 67277
o Copyrigl1\ 1999
Page 5521
Term e~pires
WIL LI AM C. CARTER, PRES ID ENT (AR EA 2) ...... 2001
7131 Driftwood Drive, SE, Grand Rnpids, M149546
P.O. 801' 1047. Sutler Cl"C('k. CA 95685
760 Bin"dJle Drive, FayeltC\ille, GA 302 15
.. 2000
1548 W. Sextant, Roseville. MN 55 11 3
MICHAE L HOE FfLER (AREA 1 ) .•....•.
43 Old SUSilr Road , Bolton, "IA 0 1540
9200 Chicol ROdd. little Rock , AR 72209
2& 1 Vine Slreet, Dem'ef, CO 80206
WI LLIS M. HAWKI NS, (Area. 8)................ 2000
21931 Bum.ank Blvd .. • 35, \-Voodland Hills. CA 91367
2084 Coun1ry Club Dr., Dnytona BeJch, rL 32124
e- rll.lil : rvick rt'y@nВ·jcenlcr.com
8.J . McC(an<lhlln, MD . .
Fra nk G. Ross .
Ru ssell W. Rink.
Hypolite T. Landry. JI.
Catvin R. E,l,ly. "ID, PhD .
Capt. Jesse F. Adams. USN(REn .
DJvld P. Barton .
Alden C. Barrios.
rred A. Drisc:;oU, Jr.
E.M. Anderwn, Jr..
Donald l. Mo nday .............. , .
Harry G. Hadler.
}Ohn E. Pixton .
Charles R. Gibbs .
Ioseph McC lai n, 111 .
lee larson.
\o\'illiam H. Bush ..
R.lY L. Lea dabr.md
IJMeS C. Cassell, III.
Warren E. HorfllCt" ..
lohn 11. Kil bourne.
Barrie Hiern
Rcm Vickrey.
Willis Hawkins.
1973- 1975
1975-1 976
1977- 1978
1978--1 979
1980- 1981
1985- 1986
198h-- 1987
1987- 1988
1990- 1991
1991 -1 992
1994- 1996
1997- 1998
A BS January 1999
I feel pril'i1eged 10 imrodllce Steve
Young 10 Ihe ABS orgmli:.orion. Stel'e
has given generollsly of his time and
knowledge concerning the BOllan:.a,
issues thm concern slIpporting older
aircraft, mId whar Raytheon's real SlipВ·
POrt o/Ihe lIew piston aircraft business
I first mel STel'e when he g(ll'e tlte
ABS Board of DireClOrs a IOlIr of the
RaYlheml Aircraft facilities in lVichira.
We were impressed willi Stel'e 's energy,
commitment and knowledge of Ihe airВ·
aafl bllsi,leSJ. I lI'as especially imВ·
pressed with his cam/or. We expecl 10
hear more from him as changes take
place. This is the best way 10 be prepared fo r the fut ure.
- Bill Carter, president
Business Units consist of representatives from across the company. The members of this team include Manufacturing,
Engineering, Sales and Marketing, Quality Assurance. Supply Management,
Prod uct Support and Business Managemenl. Our teams plan a product 's entire
life cycle from Engineering Development
through Sales and aU the way 10 Product
The two most immediate responsibilities of the Piston Business Unit are 10
identify and resolve key Baron and Bonanza issues and to represel1l the voice
and interest of the cuslOmer.
As a team, we measure our business
health, delennine priorities and then track
progress as issues are resolved. This same
team manages our program resources.
There are limits to program budgets requiring tough choices. At a minimum,
Steve Young
Guest Editorial
GreetingsABS members. My name is
Steve Young. Before you get me confused
with the San Francisco Forty-Niner quarterback, let me tell you that I am the Pi ston Airplane Business Unit Director for
Raytheon Aircraft Company. In the next
few paragraphs, I will explain what our
Business Unit is about and the opportunities we have in supporting your piston
airplanes and building new ones.
Business Units (sometimes referred to
as Integrated Product Teams) were created to focus our company on our customers' by-product line. There are similar business uni ts representing al l
Raytheon products, such as Premier [,
Hawker 800XP, Beechjet and King Air.
ABS January 1999
every program must be responsi ve to
regulatory requirem en ts . Thi s has
changed over the years from the original
CAR-3 certification basis to the current
FAR Part 23 . The recent upgrade of the
fifth- and sixth-seat attachments (as announced in Service Bulletin 25-3 159) is
an example of responding to Lhese changing requirements.
The Piston Business Unit is also focused on cost reduction. We work closely
with our suppliers to improve production
costs and importantly for you. cost of
operation. One such example is close
work with our supplier of Bonanza landing lights to increase service life. This
light is in a high-vibration environment
and we have tested several iterations of
bulbs and mounting techniques.
Our team works to improve the quality of the Beech Bonanza and Beech
Baron ai rcraft. Here at the factory, we are
continually working on riveting, aircraft
sealing, sheet metal assembly and system install ation. Today we are experi meming with improved paint formula-
tions such as base coat and clear coat like
the automotive industry. Alternate windshield sea lers and adhesives are being
tested to find improved temperature stabi lity and ease of application.
We are also working on several out-
standing customer issues. These include
Baron heated windshield leaks, Bonanza
vibration and noi se, the Bonanza landing light service life I mentioned earlier,
standby generator reliability, air and water leaks, cabin door locks and others.
Many times the resolut ion of these issues is not as straightforward as we wou ld
all like it to be. Frankly, a challenge we
face is that we are working with a 50year-old airplane design. It is fantastic in
its longevity; however, it 's not real easy
to build. The Bonanza has many detail
parts and assemblies Lhat require handfitting . We depend on skilled mechanics
and as you know, they are in demand
throughout our industry.
[n the area of spare parts support, we
have endeavored to provide the level of
service that our Bonanza owners should
rightfully expecl. We are currently undergoing several management changes and
initiatives within Raytheon Aircraft Parts
Inventory Distribution (RAPID) 10 improve service. You wi ll soon find higher
stock ing levels at Authorized Service
Centers and quicker response to your direct inquiries. We fully intend to regain
your confidence in our spares activities,
providing world-class customer support.
Along with the Bonanza heritage
comes the task of supporting a myriad of
differing airplane models. As a company,
we are committed to continue to support
Beech 18s, Travel Airs and all of the
Bonanza and Baron vari ants. We are
working V-tail Bonanza issues and Model
18 spar corrosion concerns. These ta ks
are focused on supporting customers but
do not result in needed product improvements. Product improvements are vital if
the Bonanza is to survive into the future.
[n the coming months, you' ll be hearing about some important improvements
to the new Bonanzas that will soon begi n rolling off the assembly line. ['m excited about the changes, and when they
are successful in the marketplace, they' ll
give Raytheon sound business reasons to
continue the great Bonanza tradition .
-Steve Young
DirectOl; PislOn Business Unit
Raytheon Aircraft Company
Page 5522
Charfie Gibbs flying over Beaver Creek, Colorado.
n all my years of flying-and that goes back to 1961- I' ve
always had a desire to make special trips and go special
places in my airplane. Just flying tn new places makes it so
exciting! Now that Donna and 1are new owners of a condominium in Beaver Creek, Colorado, I was challenged with the
desire to fly my Bonanza to our new mountain home. The April
1998 ABS Magazine announcement of a Mountain Flying Course
offered by the BPPP, Inc. was just what I needed.
I opted to leave my home in Jacksonville, Florida, on Thursday, June 18. After researching the chans, I found what I hoped
would be an interesting overnight stop in Dodge City, Kansas.
Fortunately, the weather was great all the way out except for a
brief period of thunderstorm avoidance in central Arkansas.
I was up bright and early Friday and left in time for an 8 a.m.
arrival at Colorado Springs (COS) to begin the course right after lunch. This was my first opportunity in many years to land
at a relatively high altitude airport. The curiosity of why I had a
sputtering engine whi le taxiing to a tiedown led me to believe 1
had a whole lotto learn in the course.
The classroom program was well administered by John and
Agnes Porter and the Friday afternoon lecture programs proved f
excellent. The classroom work included topics such as mountain weather, mountain flying wisdom, engine operation, and
the ever-present concern of "What do I do if the engine quits?"
As with all BPPP courses, the material is well prepared and
specific to Bonanzas and Barons. Our final hour of classroom
work involved flight planning for the next day's trip. At that
time, you are assigned an instructor with whom you meet and
discuss the flight plan.
My assigned instructor was Bill Hale, president of the BPPP,
Inc., a true Bonanza wizard! Bill met me Saturday morning at
the airport around 7 o'clock, I preflighted the plane and away
we went. The training began immediately upon start-up. We
flatlanders are just not used to leaning the mi xture during taxi
"Expect 30 minute delay " Aspen tower
Page 5523
ABS January 1999
After depaning Leadville, we turned nonh, made a U-turn
and even more nervous about leaning during takeoff. I became
SQuth and finally turned west to gain enough altitude to clear
comfonable with both procedures very quickly because engines
Hagerman Pass (approximately II ,SOO feet) after passing over
indeed do work bener when properly leaned.
Turquoise Lake. After clearing
As we depaned COS to the
southwest, I learned a technique
Hagerman Pass you arrive over
for telling in advance whether
the Ruedi (pronounced Rude
Eye) Reservoir with an absothe ridge ahead was going 10 be
cleared. You just view the terlutely breathtaking view of the
rain beyond the ridge, and if it
valley and mountains surroundgrows as you approach the ridge,
ing Snowmass and Aspen.
clearance is assured. If it
After calling Aspen apdoesn ' t, turn around, c limb
proach with our intentions, a
higher and try again. Now, this
relatively abrupt descent was
is an obvious geometric piece of
necessary to make sure that the
Aspen Airport (7,SI5 MSL)
information, but it's one of those
was attainable. Aspen has airthings you just don't appreciate
port survei llance radar and
until you see it up close (200 feet
they' re already looking at you
AGL) and personal.
Charlie Gibbs and Bill Hale at Leadville, Colorado
We next new over NORAD
by the time you call. Aspen is
and then the Royal Gorge, followed by a swing around the tip
also a one-way airpon with a landing on their 7,004-foot runof the Sangre De CrislO mountains, and a turn nonh up the Arway 10 the southeast and a depanure 10 the nonhwest. Even
kansas River valley for our first landing at Salida, Colorado. It
though June is not a particularly busy time there, the BPPP
has a si ngle runway (7,350 feet) with a 1.9 percent grade to the
weekend made it mighty busy.
southwest (Runway 24). You actually climb 141 feet from the
After about 30 minutes waiting for a takeoff clearance, we
east to the west end of their runway. The purpose in landing at this
depaned northwest IOward Glenwood Springs with a right tum
airpon is to become acquainted with "one-way" airpons that reeastbound at Interstate 70 to land at Eagle Airpon, which is the
quire a landing in one direction and a departing from the other.
closest airpon to both Vail and Beaver Creek. Eagle's S,OOODuring the landing ponion, we had a headwind of IS knots
foot runway is easy to navigate, but some relatively high mounds
and subsequently went 10 the end of the runway, turned around.
close to the approach end of Runway 25 would make it unacand took off downhill with that same IS-knot tailwind. We
ceptable in marginal weather.
headed nonh along the gorgeous Arkansas River valley past
We depaned Eagle to the east, followed Interstate 70 to BeaTwin Lakes and Mt. Eiben (Colorado's highest mountain at
ver Creek through Vail Valley, south at Minturn following Route
14,433 feet) to Leadville.
24 past Ski Cooper (again over Leadville), and a tum east across
Unfonunately, the IS-knot tailwind at Salida turned into an
the Tarryall Mountains using Pike's Peak as our landmark for the
IS-knot crosswind for our landing at Leadville. Leadville is
return to COS.
advenised as "Nonh America's Highest Airpon" at 9,927 MSL
During the ground school portion, one of the "no go" admonitions was to not ny if the winds aloft in the mountains exceed
which can equate to a density altitude of 13,000 feet on a hot
day. For our trip, Leadville was the only point where we shut
30 knots. Well, the forecast winds were right at30 knots. So the
down and that's nO! 10 be missed since the people who run the
final leg from Leadvi lle back to Colorado Springs included
airpon are always happy to provide a "Cenificate of Pilotage" for
enough bumps to make you appreciate how imponant that wind
speed restriction is.
your accomplishment.
Depanure from Leadvilie is a
Upon our return at COS,
there wasn't an unhappy face
"by the book" exerc ise in that
in the group. We all shared
after you've developed max
simi lar stories and we were
power (about 40 percent), rehappy to tell each other just
leased the brakes, you drive forhow much fun we had. It was
ever before your Bonanza is fithe "Joy of Flying" all over
nally airborne. It's critical to keep
the Bonanza within ground effect
until best rate of climb speed is
Charlie Gibbs was president of
obtained which in our case, with
the American Bonanza Society in
the IS knot direct crosswind, was
interesting to achieve.
ABS January 1999
Page 5524
Clen "Arky" Foulk
Neil Pobanz
A36 heater problem
Joseph Bates
Sewickley, Pennsylvania
We fly a 1995 A36 and are having
getting heat to seats three and
four. I pulled the elliptical panel under
the copilot seat and found the hose securely attached to th e outlet gri ll. The aft
cabin control pulls out fouror five inches
and st ill no heat. I would very much appreciate your suggestions.
Success in heating depends on several factors. These can include the absence of leaks allowing cold air into the
cabin; the absence of leaks over and above
the designed exhaust air vent flowage.
which can result in heated airflow passing
through the cabin too quickly: the collapse
or blockage of hoses or ducting, which prevents heated air from reaching the complete distribution system; and the sticking
or improper operation of valves, causing
improper distribution.
The problem ca n also be inadequate
heat transfer at the mumer. which acts
as a heat exchanger providing heated
clean air to the cabin. This can result if
the volume of cold air mo vement is too
high for the available mumer heat generated by the engine. When the outside
air is very cold, higher engine power settings may be required to generate a high
enough exhaust temperature to obtain
sufficient cabin heat. System distribution
leaks or missing mumer barnes also decrease efficiency.
If you have hot air available somewhere, but not where you need it, look
at the distribution system valves, hoses
Page 5525
and ducts. If you don ' t have hot air anywhere, check the muffler and firewall
sh utoff valve.- NP
Zeftronics (903-758-6661 ) may have a
less expensive replacement.-NP
H35 shoulder harness
Tom Stewart
Morro Bay, California
Robin Malim
Hereford, United Kingdom
Q: My aircraft is fitted with what I
think are the original seat belts: a full
harness and no inertia reels. Awful and
pretty useless! J want to equip it with
inertia-reeled diagonal lap straps. Does
anyone do an STC'd conversion kit?
What is my best bet to upgrade this installation?
A: Raytheon doesn't have a kit per my
kit catalog for your model. Wag Aero
(800-558-6868) does have a kit, but with
no inertia reel. Safety Limited (630-5849366) has a field-approval design. These
are your current choices on an H35.
Check with the UK authorities for approval before proceeding as they may
have differing requiremen ts.- NP
F33A voltage regulator
Dale Walker
New Wilmington, Pennsylvania
1 have a spare voltage regulator
made by OECO, Beech PIN 35-3800933. I have called OECO abou t rebuilding
or repairing thi s unit and they advise me
that they no longer support this part. Do
you know of another company that may
be able to repair it?
A: Try Aircraft Accessories of Okla-
homa (800-255-9924) and EMI (800851-4392) as good sta rting points.
D55 leather yokes
Can you suggest where I might get
so me leather covers for the dual ram's
hom yoke?
Warren Gregoire and Associates
(800-634-0094) has been confirmed as
a provider of leather covering for ram's
horn wheels on both the Baron and Bonanza yokes.- P.
Cracks in Osborne tip tanks
Bill Olson
Nokomis, Florida
law n a Beechcraft Debonair.
Model 35-A33 , 425T, SI CD-28 I
with 20-gallon tip tanks. The original installation was accomplished in April
1965 in accordance with Beech Kit 33688-1. At that time, the tanks were called
Brittain tip tanks.
The tanks are of aluminum construction with some sort of fiberg lass or epoxy covering. The left tank is from the
original installation while the right one
has been replaced. This tank has some
cracks in the area where the tank meets
the wing section. These cracks run chordwise and are in th e curved area adjacent
to where the airfoil section meets the
body of th e tank. While there are cracks
on both the upper and lower areas, there
seem to be more cracks on the upper side.
Without removing the outer covering, it
ABS January 1999
is not easil y possible to determine if the
aluminum is also cracked.
This was one of several discrepancies
pointed out to us during an ABS Service
Clinic inspection at the Palm Beach LantanaAirport in October 1998. The cracks
have been evident for a number of years,
but no mechanic has squawked them in
recent annual inspections.
Do you have any previous history of
such crac ks in these tip tanks? What do
you suggest we do to determine the extent of the cracks? Can you tell us how to
safely remove and replace the outer covering or whether we should send the tanks to
o borne for evaluation and repair?
4542) do this type of modification. In
add ition to the seat modification. structuce change is required. Aviation Enter-
prises, Inc., 3900 E. Spring Street, Long
Beach, CA 90806 had an STC th at may
be avai lable.- ' P
A36 cabin insulation
Michael H eaton
Indianapolis, Indiana
I would bet the cracks are in the
filler covering the aiuminulll , but one
can' t tell without looking. I wou ld call
Osborne (800-963-8477) and ask for
wrillen guidance. I' ve seen cracks that I
I am considering adding some insulati on to the ca bin of my A36TC.
Would you consider thi s a worthwhile
exercise? A product by th e name of
''Thinsulator'' has been recommended to
me. Could you provide me with advice
on this product or any other insulation
products you know about? I would also
ap preciate having any installation tips
regarding th ese types of material, such
as placement of the material, adhesives
was reasonably sure were just surface
cracks in the filler material. but they are
the experts on the continuous airworthiness of their product.-N P
A35 stall warning
F.H. "Cash " Copeland
Oakland, California
Q: Does Beech have an ap proved
drawing or has anyone obtai ned a field
approval or STC to replace the top of the
wing stall warning switch assembly with
a leading edge stall warning switch such
as is used on th e Model G35 and up?
A: Raytheon had a kit which is no
longer listed. We 're sure people have
used a home-made template made from
a later wing and. using later factory parts,
ha ve gOllen field approvals. Sources for
parts include salvage ya rd s such as
Dodson (800-255-0034), White (80082 1-7733). Dave Monti (702-782-5282)
and Atlanta (800-237-8831 ).-N P
F35 new seats
Greg Kahrs
Quincy, Illinois
Q: Can you tell me if it is possible
(legal) to put a newer style front seat in
my plane? I would very much like seats
th at adjust backward and forwa rd . I
would also settle for a new fixed-position seat. but with a few more inches of
leo room using the original seat.
Both Air Mod (51 3-732-6688) and
Aviation Research Systems (503-668-
ABS January 1999
use, etc.
While I have no perso nal experience with ''Thinsul ator ' as such. I un derstand the need to redo the soundproofing ar various times throughout the life
of an aircraft. One has to be careful to
replace insul ation. not add, if you don' t
want to suffer penalties in useful load.
Also, be certain to use onl y aircraft approved materials to prevent fire and airframe corrosion hazards.
I will say it 's hard to beat the professionals at this and Air Mod (5 13-7326688), Cameron Interiors (630-5849366) and Kalamazoo Aircraft (6 16-38 10790) are all near you. A variety of FAA
certified so undproofi ng material and adhesives are available from Aircraft
Spruce (800-83 1-2949). Wag Aero (800558-6868) and Chief Aircraft (800-4473408).
Some adhesi ves can cause corrosion
and, over lime. some "new improved"
materials have been determined to hold
moisture, crumble into dust or otherwise
P35 leaking fuel caps
Robert Tigani
New Castle, Delaware
I am losing fuel out of my rig ht
t;;;;'k . The ca p is very ti ght filling compared to the left tank. Could the problem
be the cap is too tight to seal properly or
is the fuel going back into the tank filling the tank to overflow? This does not
always happen but usually just when the
tanks are full. I have looked for leaks in
the fuel cells but have not fou nd any.
The P35 Bonanza excess fuel return from the engi ne is directed to the
tank being used- thu s prohibiting an
overflow co ndition. Since you don ' t
mention finding any fuel on the ground
under the aircraft or fuel stains under the
wing along the main spar, I assume you
are losing fuel from arou nd the fuel cap
in flight.
This should be visible to the pi lot or
passenger. If so, I suspect you may need
new O-ring seals for the cap. There is a
small O-ring around the cap's center
shaft plus a large outer O-ring that you
can readily see when removing the cap.
Check for cracks in the rubber. I suggest
you change both of the seals on each of
you r two fuel caps if they show deterioration. Performance Aero (800-2003141) and American Aero (800-3596673) both offer these seals at reaso nable prices.-NP
A36 flucuating fuel pressure
Dr. Winfried Wilcke
San Jose, California
I recently departed in my 1978 A36
(10-520) from Palm Springs, California.
The OAT was 115 F. During climbout.
the fuel flow needle vi brated noticeabl y.
The vibration stopped once we reached
higher, cooler altitudes. I assume this was
a sign of fuel vapor forming in the fuel
lines. Is it acceptable andlor recommended to turn on the electric auxiliary
boost pump when this happens? Or is
there a dan ge r of completely flooding
and killing the engine?
The various Bonanza, Baron and
Travel Air fue l-injected models have different auxi liary fuel pump installations.
Some have just "on/off' positi ons while
others have "high/offllow" positions. The
Pilots Operating Handbook for so me
models states that "in hi gh ambient temperatures, low press ure boost may be
required to preve nt excessive fuel flow
flucuation s."
Check your POH fo r recommended
operation in your aircraft. Whether you
have a single- or two-speed pump, you
may have to operate it in these extremely
hot conditions if fuel press ure flu ctuation is experienced. Be aware that you
may have to lean the mi xture more when
the pump is operating to prevent f1ood-
Page 5526
ing-especially with the single-speed
pumps. Basically, with the pump operating, you should lean, if necessary. to
attain the same fuel flow you would expect to see for any given power setting
with the pump not operating. The POH
calls this "lean as required."
Note that as you change throttle setlings the amount of leaning will also
change when the boost pump is opera!ing. Unfortunately, we don't always explain this situation well enough for pilots to know what to expect should they
have to fly with the pump operating.- P
855 burning odor on takeoff
Steve Dean
Gilmer, TeX~lS
control instruction, yo ur local FSDO is
the place to apply.
On your Baron, it sounds like it could
be the gear mOlar. It could be engine
exhaust or oil breather fumes brought in
by ai r turbulence through the vent system. Also, check your nose wheel and
nose gear retract rod "boot" at the rear
of the wheel well for signs of the tire
rubbing. One member reports using one
of the products used to make your tires
nice and shiny created an odor when the
nose tire rubbed against the boot.-NP
F33C leaking cabin door
Hansen Mogens
Watford, United Kingdom
cabin door is leaking quite a
Q: I read in the magazine something bitQ:at theMy lower
right comer. This door
about a requirement for waiver for giv-
ing biennial flight reviews and dual in-
struction in Bonanzas with single control wheels. Can you clarify? How do I
get a waiver? I've been flying as a eFT
in single-wheel Bonanzas si nce 1963.
Regarding my B55 Baron, on every
takeoff since the beginning of summer I
have detected the faint odor of burning
or overcooking. I thought at first it was
the extreme heat we were having this
summer with so many days in excess of
105 F. After the weather cooled off. I
could still smell it. It happens when I
retract the gear on takeoff. I have not
tried it to see if it smells on takeoff if I
leave the gear down.
When I got the AD on the electric door
seal, I thought that must be the problem.
However, the last two flights have been
without the door seal pump turned on and
the odor is still there. Next flight I'll leave
the gear down and see if the ooor occurs.
In all cases, the odor clears up within a
minute or so after takeoff. Any ideas?
A: The Flight Instructor's waivers ap-
ply to FAR 91.109a requiring dual controIs for flight instruction except in some
situations. FAR 61.56 flight review (biennial) also calls for one hour of fli ght
instruction. There is inconsistency
among the FSDO regions as to how the
ruling is to be interpreted. We are aware
of Flight Instructors being violated for
conducting BFRs with a single wheel.
Check your local FSDO for their interpretation. If they say it is OK to use single
wheel, get it in writing and send us a
copy. If you want a wa iver for si ngle-
Page 5527
does not have a pin in this position. The
door has some movement when lifted at
(he lower right, and pins seem worn in
hinges. Please advise how I should correct this problem.
If the trai ling edge of the open door
can be lifted with visible forward motion of the upper hinge where it attaches
to the fuse lage, then I would think you
need a repair of the door hinge pins.
There may be a noticeable difference in
the amount of wear, depending on
whether the door is completely open or
only open an inch or so.
You may also have evidence of wear
on the upper cabin door frame and the
door trailing edge where the door is rubbing on the door frame due to excessive
saggi ng. This type of wear is becoming
more evident as the fleet ages and varies
in degree. The result is an ill-fitting door
with air and water leaks.
One case of in-flight upper door hinge
failure was recently reported. Fortunately, the door remained on the aircraft
despite pulling away from the door several inches at the top. Hinge andior hinge
pin replacement is a quite involved and
time consuming procedure that should be
accomplished by an experienced shop
familiar with the process.-NP
855 propeller overhaul
Douglas James
Edina, Minnesota
Q :I have three-blade Hartzell props
on my Baron and am having them overhauled. I have noticed that when the engi nes stop the props stop 180 degrees
apart. One engine stops with one blade
straight up and the other engine stops with
one blade straight down. Is this normal or
should I have the props reinstalled differenlly? Also, they informed me that it was
probably no more expensive to exchange
the Woodward governors than to rebuild
them. Any advice would be appreciated.
The props may be improperly installed. The shop manual gi ves guidance
on installatio n. The No. I blade should
be over the TC mark (top center) on the
crankshaft flange. This resul ts in one
blade stopping in the "vertically up" posi tion. Sometimes in trying to resolve
persistent vibration problems, some mechanics will reposition a propeller in an
effort to achieve a smoother running engine. This results in the engine stopping
with one blade "vertically down." I have
seen the governors cost from $300 10
$1,300 to rebuild. The number of parts
and the technica l updates required
greatly affect the overhaul costs.-NP
Locking gas caps
Daniel). Neal
Maracaibo, Venezuela
Many years ago I became a member of the ABS. Through your periodical I was able to locate a manufacturer
of locking gas caps for my BE-58. Do
you have the address of a current manufacturer of locking gas caps for aircraft?
Locking fuel cap sets are available
from Performance Aero (800-200-3 141 )
or Email (Performance @KCTERA.net).
In addition to their ad in the ABS Maga:ille, you may visit their website at http:/
833 water in the fuel tank
Cary Goodwin
Brewster, Massachusetts
Perhaps you might shed some light
on a "water at the bottom of the fuel
tester" problem. My B33 (1963, SN CD66 1, N50WL) provides me with approx imately one-half inch of water (and on
occasion, sediment) in the first fuel
sample drawn from the left wi ng tank.
The airplane is hangared and the tanks
are kept at least three-fourths full at all
times. The most puzzling aspect of thi s
problem is that it's not only happening
at the flfst fuel test of the day, but water
wi ll also appea r after an hour-long flight
to a nearby ai rport when a sam pl e is
ABS January 1999
taken before the next takeoff.
Once the first sample is drawn, discarded and a second sample taken, the
water is no longer present and we get a
clean test. Upon landing a short time
later, when another sample is drawn, the
water re-appears. Always the same
amount, always only the left tank. Do
you have any suggesti ons? The airplane
is going in soon for an annual and I just
thought I'd run it by you first.
Condensation can cause water in
the fuel sample even in a hangared airplane. Otherwise. we suspect leaking fuel
cap seals. The aircraft moving in fUght
or on the ground can move water to the
sump drain that you couldn't reach before. This can be due to wrinkles in the
fuel cell. Some Cessnas require rocking
the aircraft after the first sample and then
resampling. Check the condition of the
outer fuel cap O-ring seal plus the small
seal on the center shaft of the cap locking mechanism. If these are cracked and
worn, you have probably found the
source of the contamination. Also, check
the cap adjustment to assure it is tight
enough to seat properly.-NP
M35 nose tire inflation
Mike Link
Simpsonville, South Carolina
A placard located on the right nose
wheel well door of my M35 (Serial D6192) indicates the nose wheel tire
should be inflated to 30 psi. However,
the latest revi sion of the Pilot 's Operating Handbook for the M35 indicates the
nose tire inflation pressure on Serials D5986 and after should be 40 psi. What is
the correct pressure for a 5.00 x 5 nose
wheel tire installed on an M35 ?
A36 annual inspection
Bud Kamman
Atlanta, Georgia
I am looking for someone to do an
annual on my 1985 A36. I would like to
locate someone within abo ut 50-100
miles of Atlanta, Georgia. to alleviate
ferry problems. Any suggest ions?
Members have spoken well of
Wayne Parks at WHP Aviation, in Monroe, Georgia (770-267-2343). Also mentioned were Bob Ripley, Southern Aero
Services, Inc., Griffin , Georgia, (770229-2563), Lowe Aviation in Macon,
Georgia (9 12-78-3491) and, in Mobile,
Alabama, John Wimpee, Gulf Coast
Aviation (334-433-0831 ).-NP
M35 annual in Seattle
Bruce Burris
Enumclaw, Washington
I recently purchased a 1960 M35
an am looking for a local Seattle area
mechanic or FBO to perform the annual.
I would appreciate any recommendation
or information you could provide.
A: We have heard good reports co n-
cerning Galvin Flying Service (206 7627242). Ask for John Dominick.-NP
A33 starter problems
Ron Miller
Monticello, Illinois
Q: I am ha vi ng problems starting the
engIne. it doesn't seem to want to turn
over even after replacing the battery and
ground strap and checking for current
draw when the airplane is completely
shut down . The original generator is still
in place. I thought I would rebuild the
generator or replace with an STC alter-
lay that isn ' t corroded, one would suspect the starter.
Looking for a big voltage drop while
attempting to start the engine is also a
good indication the starter may be bad.
The alternator STCs available for your
aircraft are 60 amp. from lnterav (210344-2785) and 70 amp. from National
(800-713- 1111 ).-NP
Life jacket and raft rental
John Hinshaw
Frankfort, Indiana
A: Several Florida FBOs
Is there some place in Florida that
rents approved life vests and rafts?
at international airports offer these and other services. Some wi ll also help you fill out
your international night plans and customsJimmigration paper work. ABS
member Ron Vickrey recommends Ft.
Pierce Air Center (800-446-7830) at the
Fort Pierce, St. Lucie County Airport.
They are experts on providing information for nights to the Bahamas. U.S .
Customs and a restaurant are located
adjacen t to the FBO and air traffic is usually much lighter than at some other 10calions. Another option is FBO, Banyan
Air Service (954-491 -3170) at Ft. Lauderdale Executive Airport. Survival
Products (954-966-7329) sells and rents
equipment and is located near the Hollywood North Perry Airport.-NP
G35 electric propeller
Paul Daniels
Ashland, Kentucky
( ) : I am considering purchasing a
on the STC or any other suggestion on
my starting problem?
1~6 Bonanza. This plane is equipped
with an electric fixed-pitch prop. I would
like to know your feelings on this. I have
heard good and bad on the electric props
and would like to ask someone who
knows what they are talking about.
How well does the engine crank
when the battery is charged and what is
the current draw when cranking? Mac,
Snap-On and APA have little current
induction ammeters that are good for
troub leshooting these problems. What
Over the years, this has proved to
be a very reliable and rugged propeller
with very few service problems. More
than 4,800 were installed as standard
eq ui pment on Bonanzas between 19471956 with many still in use today. As long
two weeks or so. Aircraft tires do not
sys tem voltage do you maintain with the
as it's operating smooth ly and main-
maintain pressure as well as your auto-
engine running ? It should be 13.75 to
14.25 volts at a 1500 - 2000 rpm, while
carrying a normal electrical load. If it
doesn 't crank normally with a battery
that is in good condition and full y
charged, a good ground and a starter re-
A: My reference shows 30 pounds on
the mains and 40 pounds on the nose tire
for the M35. Other models may vary.
This same tire carries 48-52 Ibs. on some
Barons. These recommendations have
changed for many models since they
were built or from the values shown in
earlier versions of the POH.
All of us should check tire press ures
against the POH recommendation every
mobile tires and thus require frequent
checks. It is not uncommon lO see aircraft preparing for takeoff with grossly
underinflated tires--especially the nose
tire. This leads to unnecesary wear.- NP
ABS January 1999
nator. Do you have a recommendation
tained properly (250-hour pitCh change
bearing lubrication and overhaul as re-
quired), it 's a good prop.
However, as with many other devices
that have been out of production
for many years, it is becoming more
Page 5528
difficult to locate parts and propeller
shops with the experience to properl y
service these propellers.
The ABS CD-ROM contai ns many
lengthy articles addressing the care and
operation of the electric propeller.-NP
A36 navcom antenna
joseph Fischetti
Southold, New York
Q: [
wi ll be painting my aircraft in
the coming months. I would like to remove the "boomerang" naveom antenna
from the top of the aircraft and replace it
with a less obtrusive type. I have been
told by some radio shops that I cannot
use the new fi n-type antennas without
reskinning the vertical stabili zer. One
radio shop says they can use the Cessna
"cat's whiskers"-type antenna on my aircrafl, while yet another shop says these
will not work. They recomm end the
"towel bar" type. I do not want to compromise the current quality of reception
for cost, but I still have a budget.
The "towel bar" antenna is better
than the "cat's whiskers." The fi n types
are very good, but do need more reinforcement to support the installation. A
reputable avionics shop wi th Beech experience would be able to successfully
install any of the three and still ensure
good reception . Raytheon (5 16-7530500) or Jet Aviation (617-274-0030)
should be able to provide additional information .-NP
Model 33 panel lights
james Wright
Howell, Michigan
My Debonair on ly has the overhead panel lights. 1 am looking for options to install some more direct panel
lights. One option is a new product called
FibreLite, which is a fiber optic ribbon
installed in a bezel that fits between the
instrument and the panel.
Each instrument is connected to a
si ngl e shared 12124 volt light source
through a fiber optic cable. A kit to light
eight instruments costs $2 15. The problem is that both the product and the company marketing it are new.
The owner has installed the product
on his C-I72 and is working with hi s
A&P and the local FSDO to get a 337
approved. He has no plan s to pursue
STCs for other makes at this time bePage 5529
cause of the cost. My A&P says that the
337 route with no STC to base it on is a
tough row to hoe with the FAA . What
wo uld you advise?
1 agree with your mechanic that
some FSDOs are reluctant to approve
337s without more data. Of course, using TSO' d eyebrow lights wi th the appropriate wiring and circuit breaker are
an option but can be expensive. Sporty's
(800-543-8633) has a little Swivelite,
item #9833 A for $24.95 that uses a
lithium battery. It requires no paper work
and works well.-NP
B58 Baron seat belts
Daniel Dunn
Scott City, Kansas
Q: 1 am searching for suppliers of
shoulder harnesses for my 1970, B5 8
Baron. If you have that info, I would sure
a~preciate it.
Safety Ltd. (630-584-9366) offers
one option but the installation req uires
field approval. It's best to discuss in advance wi th your IA and local FSDO to
assure they will issue an appro val. The
Raytheon factory sells approved kits,
PIN 58-5009-9P, Service Bulletin 203 1,
Revision II, 58-5009-3P and 58-5005-1 P
dependent upon which seats the installation is to be made.-NP
B55 ignition noise
Keith Knowlton
Brooklyn, Connecticut
1 have been plagued for years with
igrution noise getting into the radio stack
th rough the tachometer generator wiring.
1t has happened on both engines, and
onl y when the electrical connectors and
mouming screws are absolutely tight
does the problem go away. We have replaced both the Cannon plug connectors
on the tach generators and the ones on
the cables. We have also contri ved ways
to enhance the safety wiring to help keep
them tigh t but , with vibration, th ey
loosen ever so sl ightl y and the noise is
back. If they are just a bit looser, the noise
gets so bad that you cannot receive anything and all the marker beacon lights
light up!
On a trip to Florida, [had to transmit
blind to NY center on 12 1.5 and tell them
1 had radio failure and where 1 was going to land . 1 then landed, removed the
tach generator electrical cable and con-
tinued to Florida without incident. We
have al so replaced the generators, but the
problem is the normal staccato of ignition wi ring and changes with the mag
selected as well as the manifold pressure
and mi xture on the engi ne. Any thought
would be welcome as well as hearing that
someone else has seen this happen.
We' ll publish to see if anyone has
better ideas but it sounds like plain and
simpl e shielding problems to me.
Grounds and bonding may not be good
throughout the airplane.-NP
V35B chrome parts
joe Kremp
Washington, Indiana
Could you help me locate a source
for a new or remanufactured chrome pitot
tube as well as for the chrome masts,
front and rear, for the ADF antenna? This
is for a 1970 V35B.
American Aero, 800-359-6673, is
one source offering rechroming service
on pi tot tubes, masts, steps and various
other items.-NP
G35 E-series engine overhaul f
Steve Espolt
Kingfisher. Oklahoma
I live in central Oklahoma and I
am quickl y approaching a major on engi ne and electric prop. 1 have talked to a
few shops in the Tulsa, Oklahoma, area.
My concern stems from reading your
colunm and the emphasis you place on
the correct rebui Id of the accessory case.
When talking to the local shops, they tell
me "It 's only an engine. They are all the
same." This concerns me in that they
don't share your veiwpoint.1 am requesting any shops that you wo uld recommend in my area or otherwise to perform
the major on my E-series engine. Also,
any propeller shops in my area that you
would recommend for major on the
Beech electric propeller. 1 was told a
couple years ago that [ would need to
rplace the blades.
For propeller overhaul, 1 suggest
you contact U.S. Propeller Service (800749-7767) and Ottosen Propeller (602275-85 14). For E-series engine overhaul,
check out Poplar Grove Airmotive (800397-8 181 ), Cal Aero West (818-9977390) and Mont y Barrett (9 18-8351089). -NP
ABS Ja nuary 1999
Model 36 wing tip strobes
David Pendleton
Rockdale, Texas
( ) : I recently installed wi ngt ips from
a~91 A36 with an STC. The wingtips
have a strobe, position light and a halogen recognition light that are 24 volts.
However, my 1968 BE36 is 12 volt. We
found a 12-volt position light but have
had problems fi nding a 12-volt halogen
lamp to substitute in the Grimes recognitionlamp. Additionally, what is needed
to connect the strobes (G rimes)?
The 24-volt recognition light was
probably a I982175W and was considered a logo light. A type 1940 may be
similar in shape and rating in 12 volt. but
less wattage. The strobes generally need
separate cables, power suppl y and power
ci rcuitry. You may be able to find components at salvage yards such as Dodson
(800-255-0034) or White (800-8217733). That wo uld entail a separate approval process on a 337.
A36 inspections
Neel Hipp
Greenville, South Carolina
Thanks for your ideas about our
plane. 2327 A. We just had the annual
in pection done by Dave Rowl at
Raytheon ICT. We have had good luck
with his work, and I believe he did a
good job again. In future planning, we
will probably fly no more than several
hundred hours per year. This first year we
did 100-hour inspections plus the annual.
Do you think that doing 1000hour inspections are critical for a plane we do not fly
commercially as long as we get a really
good and thorough annual inspection?
A: I believe that 300 to 500 hours is
too long to go wi thout inspection and
servici ng on a complex airplane. Thi s
much fl ying activity is considerably
more than most general aviation aircraft
and would warrant consideration of an
informal phased inspection. Some items
may still be accomplished once a year
while others. such as the landing gear,
fuel injectors, spark pl ugs, filters, battery, brakes, etc. shou ld be done at recommended intervals. Al so, some ADs
need to be complied with on an operating Lime basis which could occur prior
to your next annual. Raytheon does have
an alternate inspection plan with sheets
and schedu le available through their
dealers. You should discuss this with
Dave and determine if it would serve
your needs.-NP
Oil in Model 36 alternator
Michael Bland
Overland, Missouri
Painting magnesium surfaces
John Omelia,
AVOIl, Massachusetts
What is the procedure for treating
a magnesi um surface after it has been
stripped of all the paint? I am aware of a
recipe for mixing chemicals, but I'm sure
that in this high-tech world there is an
easier method.
Some years ago Norm Colvin recommended Dow 19, which has since
been classified as a hazardous material.
Magnadyne is an approved prod uct and is
easier and cheaper to use. It is available
from Aircraft Spruce (800-824-1930) and
other paint suppl y sources.-NP
( ) : I ha ve an IO-520-BA engine with
t~restolite alternator. The inside of the
fabric alternator cooling exhaust duct is
covered wi th engine oil. My mechanic
does not seen concerned about this, but I
worry about oil getting on the brushes
and possible alternator failu re. Do I need
to replace the alternator to eliminate thi s
problem , or can a seal be replaced? Can
any certified mechanic replace th is seal?
[really appreciate your help on previous
A: I agree with you and wou ld want to
know if engine oil is coming through the
alternator. If it is the alternator dri ve seal.
Beech 215 prop pitch
change bearing failures
We've had recent occurrences of Beech 215 prop pitch
change bearing failures. These have been from lack of attention to lubrication. While the 250-hour greasing requirement
is val id. flight hour-wise. if you are not flying a lot, it will be
worthwh ile to have it greased ann ually or biannually.
Grease is a filler material with a lubricating oil in it. That
oil can dry out or separate over time and leave you with just
the filler. which isn' t a good lubricant. This also happens when
yo u store grease guns hanging up. We need to preserve the
old parts through care as there are few replacements of the
old systems.
ABS Jan uary 1999
1 would exchange the alternator or have
it rebuilt. I wouldn ' t try changing the seal
in the field. Aircraft Systems (815-3990225) B&S (3 16-264-2397), Aircraft
Accessories (800-255-9924) and EMI
(800-851-4392) are all sources for alternator repair.-NP
Neil Pobanz, ABS technica l co nsu ltant, is a
retired U.S. Army civilian pilot and maintenance manager. Neil has been an A&P and
IA for 40 years.
Glen "Arky" Foulk, whose business is Delta
Strut, is an A8S assistant technical consultant who has served as a part-time A8S Service Clinic inspector since 1988.
Please send your questions
and/or tips and techniques to:
American Bonanza Society
Attn: Neil Pobanz
P.O. Box 12888
Wichita, KS 67277
Fax 316-945-1710 or
e-mail at bonanza2@bonanza.org
When are Airworthiness Directives issued?
We've received some correspondence with concerns about how
many occurrences are required before the FAA issues an Airworthiness Directive. Usually the writer has operated a like item without problems.
Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) 39 says that an Airworthiness Directi ve will be issued when an unsafe condition exists in a
product and that condition is likely to ex ist or develop in other
products of the same type design.
Of course, there is a significantl y more detailed process to
implement this CFR. (It used to be FAR but was changed to CFR
because Federal Aviatioll Regulation confl icted wi th Federal Acquisirioll Regulation when abbreviated.) We will research both
common practice and implementing orders and present the results in future issues.
Page 5530
Sealing the Gaps
fyou look at the wings of your Bonanza, you will see smooth
skin, interrupted by the heads of rivets or the occasional,
flush-mounted screw, which all dim in comparison to the tie
down lug on each wing. That appearance is maintained until
you reach the control surfaces where large gaps (relatively
speaking) exist between the ailerons and wing and the flap and
wing areas.
These gaps are designed to allow the controls to move freely,
but this feature comes at a price. Since the gap exists, small
amounts of air can slip through the gaps, causing a loss of airspeed. In low speed operations, these gaps result in mushy controls, which pilots compensate for by maintaining higher approach speeds.
With this in mind, doing something like seal ing these gaps
could result in better low speed performance, reduced drag for
improved cruise speed, and even better control in turns. Naturally, Beech originally designed and tested gap seals on the
Bonanza line in the early years, but abandoned their springloaded versions due to a number of technical issues, which included ice-binding of the controls.
Since that time, other companies have gone on to improve
the Bonanza airframe. Beryl D'Shannon, largely considered the
pre-eminent modification expert on the Bonanza and Baron line,
went away from the original spring-loaded concept, and instead
used space age materials such as Teflon to line their gap seals
and prevent icing.
New stinger-style tailcone with wings
Page 5531
Pieces and strips
Looking at the Beryl D'Shannon gap seal system, it is simple
to understand how it works. From the top of the wing, a small
fairing is added to each side, just above the point where the nap
ends at the fuselage. This keeps air from slipping through the
slot between the nap and the fuselage during cruise night, and
by doing so, reduces drag.
From the bottom of the wing, there are thin, formed strips of
aluminum, with their contact surfaces lined with Teflon. These
strips close the gap on the underside of the wing between the
trailing edge of the wing and the leading edge of the control
surface. The net result of these changes is less bypass air flow
in cruise and notably more at slow speeds, which improves cruise
and low speed controllability.
A short scallop of aluminum, and another strip along the
edge of the flap as it meets the fu selage complete the gap seal
installation. These pieces act to keep air from slipping through
the gap between the edge of the flap and the fuselage.
Since this work was performed on a Debonair, a fiberglass
Mike Smith stinger-style tail cone was installed. This taileone,
the design and STC of which had been recently purchased and
placed back into production by D'Shannon, had short, winglike extensions that matched the cutout of the elevator well.
This mod is available for the V-tail and Baron models, along
with other straight-tail Bonanza and Debonair models.
Installation Notes
Installation of gap seals isn't hard to do, but will require that
the ailerons on the plane be removed. While you have the ailerons off, it is always a good time to check their condition and replace, if warranted, the various rod ends in the
aileron system.
Another important point of note is rigging. It
would be an excellent idea to have your plane
rigged prior to installing the gap seals. One
key reason lies in how the upper flap seal is
installed on the fuselage. The component is
not slotted, so any changes in rig will require
that the piece be removed and re-installed in a
slightly different orientation in order to maintai n the slight pressure on the seal.
In the case of the optional taileone, the weight
of the cone must be considered. This taileone
is 1.5 pounds heavier than the original, and as
a result, may result in aft CG problems on
planes that do not have sufficient envelope.
As such, it is important to check CG and the
impact the taileone change will have on the
airframe CG.
Apart from these points, installation is simple,
and can be accomplished by just about any
shop with a decent A&P on staff. The
ABS January 1999
D'Shannon gap seals are STC'd,
which makes the paperwork fairly
simple as well. The gap seals in
themselves weigh very little. and
since they are oriented at the trailing
edge of the wing for the most pan,
they have almost no impact on the
aircraft CG apan from the tailcone
installation mentioned above.
Flight testing results
After flying with D'Shannon
gap seals for nearly two years, I
have noted a number of interesting points. The typical cruise airspeed of my Debonair has increased by arou nd two knots,
whi ch is certainly a welcome
change in a plane that burns 17 1..._--':::..._ _ _ _ _...;
Underside view of flap to fuselage seal
Aileron and flap sea ls
gallons per hour with the 10-550
cranking out 75 percent power.
D'Shannon does nOl claim any speed increases for their gap
seal kit, so thi s was a pleasant surprise.
In the low speed arena, the Debonair, which had previously
been a real challenge, has become more docile and controllable.
At points where a wing might have dipped on a stall in the past,
the plane drops straight and true. that is, when I can get it to
stall. The gap seal s. which are installed on my Debonair in conjunction with D' Shannon vortex generators, made power-on
stalls pretty much non-existent.
One of my favorite biannual flight review rituals is 10 spend
around 10 minutes trolling around at minimum controllable airFlap to
speed. In any plane. this can be a challenge, but with the gap
seal equipped Debonair, the only fatigue I felt was in my legs
Glow and AlumiGrip, as all have a hard, high luster surface
from maintaining full right rudder to offset the prop P factor.
that should work well with the Teflon edges of the gap seals.
The plane remai ned controllable at speeds below stall, and the
Overall, the results of the flight testing show improved low
aileron authority was excellent throughout the range of slow
speed performance, a slight improvement in cruise speed, and a
general improvement in stability for the Debonair that was
flight. which included left and right 360-degree turns.
In the area of lFR fli ghts, there was little change that was
tested. It was clear that the biggest benefit in terms of flight
cost reduction would be in the cruise speed. Over the course of
noted. No control sticking has been encountered after two years
of service, which included several trips through clouds and at
an ave rage Ioo-hour-year of flying , thi s would be expected to
save about 1.4 hours of fli ght time, which translates to around
least two trips where ici ng conditions were encountered and
immediately exited. If anything, the plane seemed to be less
$50 in Avgas at a fuel consumption rate of 17 gallons per hour.
While this ignores the second, more difficult to quantify value
jumpy in turbulence, and slightly more responsive to control
in improved safety, it was demonstrated that gap seals improve
inputs during flight.
the low speed performance capability of the Bonanza. Gi ven
these facts, gap seals are something that should be considered
Two- year inspection and review
if you are looking for increased economy and improved low
After two years time in service, there is one small abrasion
speed performance.For more information , con tact Beryl
point on the existing lacquer enamel paint on one aileron . It
D'Shannon at 800-328-4629.
should be noted that the paint on my Debonair rates a Bille
Book 3 score, which means that it is thin, and if you are closer
ASS member George Wilhelmsen is a Senior System Engineer with
an SRO license with ComEdo He has more than 700 hours, is a comthan 100 feet away, it looks pretty bad. I would expect better
mercial instrument rated pilot, and is a con tributing editor for Plane
performance from the latest paint types, including Imron, Jet
& Pilot magazine and Avionics News.
ASS January 1999
Page 5532
A common source of worry for pilots,
parti cularl y as we grow older, is loss
of airman medical certification. Pilots,
though by and large healthy, are not immune to illness and, like our airplanes,
the ravages of time. Most who fly do so
with a passion, and the threat of medical
disqualification is no small mailer. Fortunately for pilots in the United States,
allowing aeromedical certification is emphasized and fi nal denials are rare.
The FAA processed some 437.457 airman medical certificate applications in
1997. Of these, there were 3,059 denials
by the FAA (0.7 percent). Of these 3,059
applicants, 2,714 did not provide information requested by the FAA for further
consideration. The remaining 345 were
final denials (0. 1 percent). Denial of certification in the United States is far less
common than in other countries. where
flying is treated more as a privilege than
an individual right.
Many airmen who once were disqualified can now obtain airman medical cer-
Out of 437,457 airman medical certificate applications in 1997,
there were 3,059 denials (0.7 percent). 2,714 applicants did not
provide information requested by the FAA. The remaining 345 were
final denia ls (0. 1 percent). Denial of certification in the United States
is far less common than in other countries .
tification. Myocardial infarction (hean attack) once was permanently disqualifying. In 1997, there were well over 2,000
airmen flying who have had hean attacks.
In that same year, there were more than
2,300 flying with a history of coronary
artery bypass surgery and more than
1,400 who have had an angioplasty (a
balloon procedure to dilate the arteries
to the heart).
More than 100 insulin-dependent diabetics are now fl ying in the United States,
the onl y country in the world allowing
certification of insulin-dependent diabet-
Suggestions for efficient and painless renewal of airman medical certificate
All/icipate Ihe quesTiolls the FAA might ask if your medical
status has changed. Obtain the records of your condition. Di scuss the situation with your aviation medical examiner (AME)
before you go in for an exam. Obtain assistance and advice
so that you can carry all necessary records when you visit
your AME for your flight physical.
Take persollal charge of gathering your records and following up. YOli have the greatest illferest in your cenification.
You want to fly tomorrow, and your specialist or other physician may not share your degree of enthusiasm. Don' t assume
that others will share your sense of urgency and concern.
• Document YOllr medical condition and its treatment. The
single greatest obstacle to a certification decision by the FAA
is lack of documentation. Try to provide as complete a record
as possible so that endless cycles of correspondence (each
Page 5533
consuming one or more months) are not required to tease out
sufficient information for a certification decision.
GaTher YOllr records. This is pan of documentation. Always
read carefu lly what the FAA wants when they send you a
letter. Provide all information requested and make sure it is
within the propertime frame. (A stress test done to years ago
may not be relevan!.)
• Aeromedical cerTificarioll is The respollsibility of The FM. Your
specialist or primary care physician may render an opinion, but
is not the final authority regarding aeromedical certification.
Sillgle package plallllillg. If at all possible, assemble all needed
medical data in one package. If your AME can send the records
along with your certification application, all the better. If
records are sent piecemeal. delays may occur while each piece
of information finds its way to your medical record.
ABS January 1999
Aeromedical assistance program
On another note, other aviation organizations have developed aeromedical assistance programs. The AOPA has an
aeromedical department headed by Gary
Crump. The EAA has an Aeromedical Advisory Program. a medical advisory council and a cadre of volunteer EAA aeromedical advisors. Medical forums have been
popular at our annual ABS meetings in reics. There are more than 1.400 airmen
with a history of alcoholism who have
been rehabil itated and are now flying .
And there are more than 3,000 monocular (one-eyed) pilots now flying .
If an airman has a disqualifying condition, he or she may be able to fly under
a "Special Issuance" provision, which allows fl ight despite the condition as long
as it can be monitored. In 1997, there
were 6,23 I special issuances, representing about 1.4 percent of all applicants.
As expected, the most common reason for denial of aeromedical certification involves cardiovascular disease, including hypertension, a disease of the
coronary arteries supplying the heart and
hean valve disorders. Neurologic disorders, including seizures, fa inting and
strokes rank second, with numerous other
general medical conditions ranking third.
It is estimated that approximately fi ve
aviation accidents per year are related to
medical factors, most commonly cardiac
conditions and most commonl y involving general aviation ai rmen. If an airman
has a condi tion that causes a snag in the
certificati on process, frustrating delays
may be encountered whi le things are
sorted out.
Much of the problem is logistical. The
FAA Aeromedical Certification Branch
in Oklahoma City receives about 39,000
applications per month or roughl y 2,000
a day. Some 50-55 percent are rejected
by the computer for defi ciencies of one
sort or another, and require "hand working" by FAA personnel. Some erro rs are
common omissions on the form, others
unnecessary deferrals by tbe aviati on
medical examiner and still others incor-
cent years.
I would like to invite comment from
the readership as to their interest in aeromedical activities within the ABS. Would
a medical column with questions and answers be of interest? Are periodic articles
desired? Should the ABS explore an advisory program enl isting the support of
ABS members who are AMEs and might
be will ing to support an advisory program
for its members? Should we contin ue the
medical forum at the annual meetings or
add other acti vities?
Please give these mailers your consideration and send your tho ughts to ABS
Headquarters. Your interest will provide
guidance for ABS aeromedical activities.
Let us hear from you.
feet issuance.
This paperwork burden on FAA personnel limited by budgetary constraints
can result in lengthy and frustrating delays for the airman while his or her case
is be ing deci ded. Delays of several
months or more are not uncommon.
Hopefull y, by stayi ng healthy we can
avoid problems with aeromedical certification. evertheless, some of us wi ll
develop medical conditions which will
arouse the interest of the FAA at the time
of our next medical examination.
Although the process sounds rather
form idable. in reality, it is not diffic ult.
Just ask yourself what any prudent physician wou ld want to know about your
condition in determini ng your
fitn ess to fl y,
gather that informati on, wo rk
with your AME in
assembling a package that will provide sufficient infonnation to the FAA and send it off. As
you can see by the statistics, most decisions
are favorable.
Jack Hastings, M.D., is a senior consultant
to the Federal Air Surgeon. He has been an
aviation medical examiner since 1976 and
has taught neurological aspects of aviation
medicine for the FAA since 7978. He is chairman of the EAA Aeromedical Advisory CounВ·
cil and president of the Civil Aviation MediВ·
BPPP Inc. Schedule for 1999
Bonanzas/Barons/Travel Airs at all locations. Subject to change.
Jan. 22-24
Feb. 19-21
Mar. 5-7
Apr. 9- 11
Apr. 23-25
June 4-6
June 25-27
Sept. 17-19
Oct. 1-3
Oct. 22-24
Nov. 5-7
Phoenix (Deer Valley) Ariz.
Orlando, Fla.
Initial/Recu rrent
Austin, Texas
Initial/Rec urrent
Dec. 21, 1998
Jan. 29
Feb. 5
Mar. 25
Mar. 22
Apr. 12
May 13
May 18
Aug. 26
Sept. 14
Oct. 14
Oct. 14
Fresno, Calif.
Columbus, Ohio
St. Paul, Minn.
Spokane, Wash.
Colorado Springs, Colo.
little Rock, Ark.
Nashua, N.H.
Fresno, Calif.
Mountain flying
Cockpit Companion Course available at all locations
except Colorado Springs.
Call ABS Headquarters to make arran!bements to attend: 316 -9451700. Or sign up via the ABS we site: ww.bonanza.org.
cal Associatiofl.
ABS January 1999
Page 5534
BOM, continued from page 5520
the aircraft, changing colors with the direction of the sunlight.
When we painted IYR, we had an
opportunity to change the UN" number.
However, Graham and I decided the number was very appropriate, meaning to us
our first year in a Bonanza. The interior
was complete ly refurbi shed by James
Anderson, owner of Georgia Aircraft Interiors. The refurbishment included removing the cloth seat covering and replacing the foam and covering with
glove-soft taupe-colored leather. James
constructed and covered the headrest
He recommended covering the plastic trim pieces in leather as opposed to
replacing them, something that could be
done for less money. This included covering the ram's horn yoke, which is an
especiaUy nice feature. The headliner was
replaced in ultra leather. James took the
time to polish the old paint from the interior door frames of both the cabin door
and large baggage door, again adding hjs
custom interior touch.
Wanting to eliminate the need for heavy
headsets, l had James remove all of the old
insulation. He adhered a special soundproofing dampening made of dense foam
with aluminum backing (EAR's C320 125ALPSA) to the inner sidewalls of the
cabin. The factory insulation was replaced
with two-inch-thick plastic-bagged insulation. I highly recommend this procedure.
With new door and window seals. sound-
proofing and insulation, passengers on
N IYR don't need headsets. While talking
with ATC, I use the Telex Airman 750 that
is feather light.
The plastic sealed insulation was a
good idea. To my dismay, 1 discovered
the cabin leaked when left overnight in
the rain. I have to pressure-silicon seal
the windows from the outside to prevent
any more leaking. At least 1 know my insulation wasn't ruined. I can' t say enough
good things about the "show stopper" interior job by Georgia Aircraft Interiors.
Not for one single tenth of a tach hour
has there been any regrets with buying
N I YR. The Bonanza is the most superior all-around aircraft in its class that
I' ve flown.
During the time we have had N I YR,
an effort has been put forth to squeeze
out the most knots possible. Operating
the aircraft at 2400 rpm and at 7,OOO-feet
density altitude, our GPS claims we have
a TAS of 176 knots (calm day, two 10mile flights in opposite directions added
and divided by two).
NI YR has a speed kit that seals the
ai lerons and flaps gap. The rotating beacon (replaced with a three-poi nt strobe)
and flying wing antenna have been replaced. We also have spent extensive time
on wing jacks adjusting the cowl flaps and
main and nose wheel doors fit. The prop
has been dynamically balanced and the injectors replaced with GAMls. Also, the rigging of the ai rcraft is close to perfect.
Although no one single modification
for speed was exceptionally noticeable,
together there must have been a synergistic effect for what I believe is a respectable cruise speed. In my quest, [
even removed the step, but later decided
it wasn 't worth it and re-installed it.
N IYR was purchased from Jack Wall
Aviation at Memphis International. Jack
is an old ag pilot. My fust flight was a
solo departure from Memphis' Class B
airspace. I flew directly to a friend's ag
strip to make my first landing. As all
Bonanza pilots should know, it was a
piece of cake.
Since June 1996, Graham and I have
logged more than 600 hours in NI YR.
The aircraft has flown to Jamaica, the Cayman Islands, the Bahamas, Canada, west
to the Rockies, Mexico, through all the
states in the Southeast and parts of the
Although I' ve been fl ying ag for 25
years, l' ve never owned an aircraft with
enough equipment to fly IFR. In April of
last year, I earned an IFR rating after all
these years of fl ying coast-to-coast VFR.
With more than 300 hours since that rating
and NIYR, the joy in flying has returned.
Although my job requires me to perform solo evaluation fli ghts in single-seat
agricultural aircraft, rangi ng from small
235 HP to 16,000 pounds-plus gross
weight aircraft powered by a single 1,300
shp turboprop, there is sti ll a great deal
of satisfaction in flying-and watching
Graham fly-N I YR.
- Bill Lavender, Perry, Georgia
1975 V35B N1 YR
Century IV autopi lol/flight director
NSD-360 slaved HSI
S-Tec yaw dampener coupled with
Carmin 300 CPS
G&D Aero windows
WX900 BFG stormscope
KMA-20 audio panel
KT76 transponder
Davtron Mall B chronograph
$igtronics SPA-400 four-place intercom
Six-probe EGT
Speed Kit
Rosen sunvisors
Page 5535
ABS January 1999
Oxygen alert: Evidence suggests need to revise
FAA regulations on use of oxygen
hile FAA standards now require pilots to use supplemental oxygen above 12.500 feet,
recent evidence I and others have gathered suggests that the maximum altitude
level pilots should fly without supplemental oxygen should be lowered. This
preliminary evidence was acquired by
monitoring oxygen levels in fl ight at various altitudes while testing pilot response
time, accuracy, and memory in the cockpit. The results indicate a sharp decline
in blood oxygen levels beginning at about
9.000 feet with significant impact on pilot decision-making and performance. In
this era, as pilots perform more as information managers than just manipulators
of flight controls, the need 10 prevent
oxygen deprivation has become a critical component of flight planning.
The study I am carrying out i documenting cognitive deficits found at
10,000 to 12,500 feet without use of
supplemental oxygen. The research uses
standardized tests developed for monitoring astronauts on the space shuttle.
One test, known as SCAT (Spaceflight
Cognitive Assessment Tool), identifies
cognitive deficits relevant to programming with a GPS, managing the function s
of an autopilot, or dealing with a complex ATC environment.
We are also measuring blood oxygen
levels using a modern pul se oximetry
device, which can be worn on a pilot's
finger while flying . So far, most pilots'
percent blood oxygen levels at 12,500
feet have been in the low 80s or high 70s,
a very low level that can significantly
impair cognitive abilities, as well as pose
other health risks. Using supplemental
oxygen restores the blood oxygen saturation 10 ap proxi mately 100 percent
within 20 seconds, with concomitant dramatic improvement in SCAT scores and
cognitive functions.
Mike Busch, editor-in-chief of AVlVeb,
ASS Janu ary 1999
Sample Profile
All (feel)
a web-based publication, has also documented blood-oxygen levels low enough
10 impair cogniti ve functioning at altitudes that, according to FAA rules. do not
require use of supplemental oxygen.
Whi le I commend his work, I disagree
with his publi shed recommendation that
all pilots should fl y with a pulse oximeter. That action would be as nonsensical
as advising all hypenensive pilots to fl y
with a blood pressure monitor.
While our studies are just beginning,
I strongly urge pilots to adopt immediately a more conservative standard than
the FAA recommends for oxygen use at
high altitudes. Emerging scientific ev i-
dence as well as ample anecdotal data
document pilot difficulties in performing
at altitudes just above 10,000 feet without using supplemental oxygen. I suggest
that pilots use supplemental oxygen
whenever the cabin pressure exceeds
10.000 feet during the day and 6,000 feet
at night.
Itzhak jacoby, Ph.D,
is a professor of
preventive medicine/aerospace
medicine at the
USUHS, and an instruc tor for the
BPPp, Inc.
1999 Service Clinics-Partial Schedule
March 5-8
Island Aviation
Fernandena Beach, Florida
April 16-19
Piedmont-Hawthorne Aviation , Inc.
Leesburg, Virginia
May 14-17
All America n Avia tion
Addison , Texas
June 4-7
Aviation Classics, Inc.
Reno, Nevada
June 25-28
Select Aircraft Service
Batavia, Ohio
July 16-19
Western Aircraft
Boise, Idaho
Additional dates and locations pending
Page 5536
Aviation insurance
industry calls for caution
Most aviation safety experts, as well
as insurance claims adjusters, agree that
the hurry to get home pUISpilots and their
passengers at a higher risk during the
winter months.
Many accidents occur on a Sunday
while flying back home in bad weather
after a beautiful weekend. All severe accidents are disturbing, but those that happen during the winter holidays can be
especially difficult for the investigators.
It is in these accidents the investigators
and insurance adjusters find the remnants
of Christmas packages along with bodies of crash victims.
These accidents often are caused by
poor judgment brought on by "get-homeitis." It can happen to any of us who are
away from home and feel the urgent need
to return. This can cause a pilot to press
on into poor weather conditions when
better judgment tells the pilot to wait a
day or even a few hours.
Federal officials, pilot groups and the
aviation insurance industry are making
Page 5537
every effort to both educate and remind
pilots to think twice before flying into
bad weather. Safety advocates hope this
will help continue the downward trend
in fatal accidents for general aviation.
In 1997, there were 110 people killed
in 57 fatal accidents attributed to weather.
That compares to 290 deaths and 136 fatal accidents in 1992.
Altho ugh each accident is different, a
common theme is the limited amount of
instrument training and experience of the
pilot. Studies show the survival time for
non-instrument rated pilots in instrument
conditions is under three minutes.
It seems that before the GPS came
along, most pilots would turn around
when they could not see their checkpoints along the route. Many pilots will
now press on during the flight until they
get into trouble. The GPS is a great tool,
but it will not tell the pilot which way is
Most pilots have made the same mistake more than once without having an
accident because they were just plain
lucky. At some point in their fUlUre, they
may run out of airspeed, altitude, ideas
and luck.
Falcon Insurance is the agency (or the official ABS insurance program. John Allen may
be reached at 7-800-259-4A85 (4227).
Be familiar with your aircrafl.lf you
are renting or borrowing an aircraft, do
not wait until the day of the flight to
read or refre h yourself on the Pilots
Operating Handbook and logs. Make
sure all instruments work properly.
• Use as many weather forecasting
sources as poss ibl e. Get a weather
briefing that includes regional conditions in addition to your specific route.
Know where the fronts are.
• Have a Plan B for weather and the
common sense to use it. It is better to
arrive late than not
arrive at all,
Listen to all weather information
during your flight. Ask Flight Watch [or
reports from pil ots who have been
where you are flying . If there are no
reports, that can be a big hint about the
Be conservative. Do not fly extremely long legs between airports just
because your aircraft has the range. Final approach is the worst place to be
overly tired.
• If you are the passenger, do not be
afraid to challenge the pilot who wants
to press on. Don 't let someone make a
bad decision that affects you, too.
• File a !light plan and update your
position with Flight Watch throughout
the flight.
• If you should fl y into heavy
weatber. do not hesitate to do a 180
and get out of the situation quickly.
There is no disgrace in turning back
and finding a safe place to wait out the
ABS January 1999
TheABS Company Store Order Form
...................... ................ ..... S 20.00
Instrument flying Video, Flying by 'he Numbers
by John Eckalbar .......... ....................... ................. ........ 48.50
8.,PI) Highlights Video (Approx. 80 min.)
Sen'ice Clinic Highlights Video by Nann Colvin.
Owner Performed Maint enance .........................
C heckMate C heck Lists 0 Bonanza 15.00 : 0 Baron 17.00
Scrial# _ _ _ _ _ __
C D-ROM Reference Library. Thiny years of the ABS
Maga:ine, with search access to all words and numbers! .
A DS Magazine Sets Black & white reprints since 1967.
includes onc three ri ng binder to hold back issues.....
11 5.00
Magazine 3-Ring Binder 0 White: 0 Grey:
Col\'i n's Clinic by Norm Colvin. A unique collection of
solutions to maintenance problems. ..............................
Flying the Beech Bonanza, 2 Ed. by John C. Eckalbar...
Flying High Perrormance Singles and Twins
by John C. Eckalbar ................ ..
The Immortal Twin Beech by Larry A. Ball ....
From Tra,'el Air To Baron .. .
How Beech C reated A C lassic! by Larry A. Ball .. .
Those Incomparable Bonanzas by Larry Ball ...... ..
They Called Me Mr. Bonanza by Larry Ball .......... .
Lapel Pins: 0 V-Tail: 0 Straight Tail: 0 Baron.
AS S Patch .... ........... ........ ..............................................
Official Luggllgc Tags ..
.. ........... 1.50 each (3/$4.00)
ABS Watch: 0 Ladies: 0 Men ..
Ball Caps. Navy wi th leather bill
White with navy biJI ..............
Sianketfrote. brown/beige waterproof polarfleece. ...
Umbrellas. w/ ASS logo; 0 blue: 0 blue/whi te striped. 20.00
ASS Logo
ASF Logo 0
o White. red. blue; 0
Dark Blue. Gold: 0 Black. Gold
Addition of N number. model of airplane, plus your name
Denim Short Slee\'e Shirts
Blue Denim: 0 Forest Green; 0 Rhubarb Red:
OS: 0 M; 0 L: 0 XL; 0 XXL .......................
Denim Long Slee\'c Shirts
Lt. Stone; 0 Blue Denim: 0 Forest Green; 0 Rhubarb Red:
O S; 0 M; 0 L: 0 XL; 0 XX L ...............................
Two-Toned Shirts: 0 M ; 0 L; 0 XL: 0 XXL.... 48.50
o Lt. Stone; 0
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3 Color Polo Shirts: 0 M: 0 L; 0 XL ..
Golr Sh;'Is: 0 S: 0 M: 0 L: 0 XL: 0 XXL
o White: 0
LI. Blue: 0 Navy: 0 Red; 0 Green
ARS T-Shirts: indica te size (M. L, XL, XXL)
o "Old is Gold" logo, maroon w/gold design
size_ 18.00
o "Fly Straight" logo. purple w/silver design
size _ 18.00
size_ 15.00
• V -tail nose. cream w/navy design
• " Barons are a Blast!" logo. denim blue
wired/white design
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• Whitc w/small navy ABS logo left front
sizc_ 10.00
NEW! • Youth Wh;te Tee: 0 2-4: 0 6·8: 0 10·12: 0 14·16 8.00
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U.S. PO'lage & handling $5.00 $_ __ __
Foreign postage as required $_ _ _ __
TOTAL $,= =======
PlroJr moil or FAX ,hiJ form .,..В·ith chВ«1:. or <redi, cord numlN, m В·
American Bonanza Society. P.O. 80x 12888 • Wichita. KS 67277
PH: 316·945·1700 • FAX : 316·945·1710
Please bill :
MasterCard or
Check enclosed for
$ _ _ _ __
I I I I I-I I I I I-I I I I I-I I I I IExpdate __
(RequIred irUi'llJ ~1I card) _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __
Name: ______________________________ ABS# _ _ __
C it y: _ _ _ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ State: _ _ Z ip _ _ _ __
Shop Talk
Ruddervator thrust bearings
and mise. service items
Other problems found on
recently delivered Bonanzas
Is AVBLfN[JВ® snake oil or
does it do what they claim?
Correction: In the ovember issue, I
stated that the direction to turn the
manual gear extension handle was clockwise. That was incorrect. You need to
rotate the manual gear extension crank
in the counterclockwise direction. Sorry.
Ruddervator thrust bearings and
miscellaneous service items
One of the things that I frequently
have found defective in the few annuals
I do is defective elevator/ruddervator
thrust bearings.
This seems to be an area not familiar
to many mechanics and owners. On the
in side of the elevator or ruddervator (the
area nearest to the tail cone) is a small
ball bearing thrust bearing. Over time, the
bearing becomes rusted and or worn resulting in failure of the bearing.
Page 5538
The way to test whether or not this
bearing is serviceable is to move the elevator/ruddervator laterally. If you have
any lateral motion, replacement of this
bearing should be accomplished.
If you do not replace the bearing, excessive wear will occur on the sides of
the remaining elevator/ruddervator
hinges which could cause premature
hinge bracket failure. Failure ofthis bearing could also cause the elevatorl
ruddervator to seize up or possibly induce
flutter characteristics.
This thrust bearing is much more critical on V-tails than on conventional empennage aircraft. Due to the angle of the
V-tail, a downward load is exened during ruddervator travel that is not present
on aircraft with conventional tails (F33,
A36, etc.).
Last year I told a friend of mine to
replace this bearing on his F33. I usually
get some flack about changing the bearing since it requires removing the tail
feathers (elevator) to do so. After moaning and groaning, my friend removed the
elevator at which time the bearing feU
apart in his hand. He is now a believer.
Another item that you might want to
inspect is the scat tubing that goes from
the air inlet vent located just forward of
the forward ruddervator spar on V-tails
(V35s etc.) to the rear bulkhead area. In
several cases, I have noticed the elevator
trim tension spring has rubbed through
the scat tubing requiring replacement of
the tubing. Since the scat tubing has a
wire spring cage in it, wear could and has
also occurred to the trim tension spring
and required its replacement as well.
On the 10-520 and 550 engines, I have
seen several cases where the cooling blast
tube is missing off the front of the alternator. This tube is about four inches long
and picks up ram air from below the horizontal front baffle keeping the alternator
cool. If this tube is missing or deteriorated, it should be replaced. Heat is the
biggest si ngle cause of electrical equipment failures.
Another area that seems to get neglected is the placement of rubber insulator boots on exposed electrical connec-
tions. For example, on the alternator, you
have two hot terminals, the field contact
and the rotor or armature output. If any
conductive material contacts ei ther of
those terminals, imminent failure of the
alternator would occur.
Other locations to inspect for missing
insulator boots are the relays located on
the fire wall which support the starter,
master switch, etc.
Other problems found on recently
delivered Bonanzas
Several ABS members have sent me
letlers outlining problems they found
with their new Bonanzas after reading
about the problems we found with
One gentleman I talked to had purchased a new A36 in 1996. He said aluminum shav ings had come out of his
static vents located on each side of the
aircraft just aft of the baggage doors.
Apparently this happened twice and was
detected during his pre-flight check. One
wonders just how metal shavings could
get into the static system.
Another gentleman who purchased
and took delivery of a new A36 in 1994
found oil leaking from around the oi l
temp probe. Upon examination, it was
determined that the probe had onl y been
installed finger tight. He also noted that
the throttle backlash spring was brokenthe same spring that was found broken
on the A36 that we inspected. By the way,
this is a Continental pan, not Raytheon.
In his closing comment to me he said
he is planning to purchase another new
Raytheon A36 but is concerned about
their quality control. He want to be assured they are not just resting on their
past reputation before going ahead with
a new purchase.
AVBLEND'": Is it snake oil or does
it do what they claim?
While at Oshkosh this year, and then
again at theABS convention in St. Louis,
I stopped by the AVBLENDВ®booth and
struck up a conversation with the local
sales representative.
After listening to what they were saying about their product, I hinted that I
ABS January 1999
would be interested in trying it in my Baron
since I have an engine that is chrome and
bums more oil than I would like.
As a resul t oftbat meeting in St. Louis,
Ron Smith , directo r of sales for
AVBLEND sent me a literature package
and a four-pack of AVBLEND fo r me to
evaluate. The literature pac kage they
have is very comprehensive and warrants
your review should you be considering
using AVBLEND.
After I have had an opportunity to use
AVBLEND in my left engine and evaluate my findin gs, I will present my con-
elusions in this column.
There are a couple of areas however
that I need to investigate before I release
my findings. AVBLEND states they are
FAA-approved. What does that really
mean? I asked their sales representative
that question while at Oshkosh but did
not feel I got a satisfactory answer. Do
the engine manufacturers (Teledyne Conti nental and Lycom ing) approve thi s
product fo r use in their engines? If they
do not, will the use of AVBLEND jeopardize the engine warranty? Obviously,
if the engine is out of warranty, the risk
then becomes minimal.
SilOUld you wish to comact me regarding this article or any other article 1have
written, or have a subject you would like
me to address, YOLl may send me an. email: LynnJenkins@att.netorsendaJax
at 702-33 1-4911. To cOlllaet Jenkins Air
Service, call 702-33 1-4905.
Lynn Jenkins (ATP, M ufti and Single Engine,
Commercial Seaplane, A&P and IA ratings)
is an avid ASS member, supporter and
speaker at the A8S Convention seminars. He
was a/50 a pioneer in seNing up an aircraFt
mail-order parts business for general aviation aircraft owners. His company, Jenkins
Air Service, sells engines, propellers, parts,
accessories, avionics, etc. wholesale to the
aviation community. All ABS members will
receive significant discounts.
Tornado Alley Turbo, Inc.
Tornado Alley Turbo. Inc. has acquired the rights to multiple Supplemental Type Ce rti ficates for
turbonormali zing Teledyne Comi nental lO-520- and 10-550-powered
Bonanzas and the 1O-520-powered
Cessna 185. These STCs were previously the basis for the popular
Tu rbo 2000 and TurboFl ite Hf
turbonormalizing systems installed
in more th an 250 Bonanzas and
Tornado Alley Turbo will use existing approved data from the earlier
turbonormal izing STCs as a fou ndation for the development of
turbonormalizing systems that will, in addition to the traditional
high-altitude night-level capabi lities, offer superior speed, range
and engine cooling to "flat land" pilots operating their aircraft
below altitudes req uiring the use of supplemental oxygen.
Initial plans include supporting the existing 10-520- and 10550-powered Bonanzas as well as the Cessna 185 aircraft. A
program to obtai n a new STC for the Beech Baron will commence soon.
Tornado Alley Turbo's breakthro ugh technology allows efficient hig h power co ntinuous operation of th ese
turbonormal ized engines at brake specific fuel consumption
numbers that are more than 20 percent better than identical
normall y aspirated engi nes operated at similar high power output.
Thi s teChnology, while prov iding major improvements in
range and speed, accomplishes this task with significantly cooler
overall engine cyli nder head temperatures than ex isting normally aspirated engines operated under similar high horsepower
Tornado Alley Turbo, Inc. is not a successor to Turbo 2000,
TurboFlite"" or any other aviation organization. Rather, Tornado Alley Turbo, Inc. is a recently organi zed company that
intends to apply new engineering modifications developed from
ABS January 1999
intensive research conducted by
General Aviation Modifications, Inc.
(GAM I) of Ada, Oklahoma, to deLi ver new systems with substantial
improve ments in the design and operation of the previous turbonormalizing systems.
GAMI is the manu fac turer of
GAMljector fuel injector nozzle systems approved for mo re than 300
ex isting Teledyne Continental and
Textron Lycoming fuel injected engine models. The GAMljector fuel
injectors were named the 1997 Aviation Consumer "Product of the Year"
and have been enthusiastically praised by the more than 4,000
pilots who have installed them duri ng the past 24 months.
GAMI has extensive expe rie nce with the 10-520/550
turbonormalized engines in connection with earlier night testing of other products for FAA certi fication, using the state-ofthe-art data acquisition equipment and proprietary software developed by GAMI.
GAM I chief engineer, George Braly, said he has "always
bee n impressed with th e qu al it y of th e Tu rboF lite H f
turbonorrnalizing installation and have fl own that system on
my personal aircraft for the last five years. That system is universally regarded as the very fin est and most reliable
turbocharging or turbonormal izing system you can fly in gen eral aviation.
"We, at GAMI , are extremely pleased to have the opponunity to use the knowledge about that system that we have learned
duri ng multi ple FAA flight tests involving other products to
now help Tornado Alley Turbo produce a still better product.
We expect to make significant improvements (Q the existing
system that will benefit pi lots who prefer to fl y below 12,500
feet. "
For more information, contact Mack Smith or Bill Bai ley at
580-332-35 10. Fax 580-332-4577.
Page 5539
Autopilots, continued
When we left off last month, we were
discussing the slaved compass card component in the Horizontal Situation Indicator hereafter referred to as the HSI.
(,'Slaved," as used in this context. is an
engineering term, not a sociological
condition .)
The compass portion oftbe unit is stabilized by a directional gyroscope, either
air-driven or electrical. It is important to
know whether yo u have an air-powered
gyro in your airplane.
To further confuse the issue, Beech
switched from vacuum-driven gyros to
pressure-driven gyros in the '70s. All that
means is that if your directional gyro is
air-powered. it takes its air input (which
spins the gyroscope at very high rpm)
from either the vacuum side of your engine-driven vacuum pump or from the
pressure side of the same (or similar)
pump. In either case, if your vacuum
pressure pump fails , usually by shearing
its drive-shaft, the directional gyro portion of your HSI wi ll not work
If your HSI directional gyro heading
Page 5540
indicator is electrically driven, you can
continue to rely on it, unless you're having a very bad hair day and you also lose
your alternator and do not notice it until
your aircraft bauery runs down.
It is very important to know what you
lose when yo ur vacuum/pressure system
fails , versus what goes away when your
electrical system gives up. Please do IIOt
fly ill clouds ulltil ),011 kllolV tlris fact cold!
Now, continuing on with our building
blocks concept in explaining the HSI, the
directional gyro card mayor may not be
slaved to a compass located elsewhere
in the airplane. In Bonanzas and Barons,
this is usually out in the right wingtip. In
all airplanes, the remote compass is
mounted in the quietest (electronically
speaking) place in the airplane, so that
other electric equi pment will not affect
its accuracy.
So that the remote compass can automatically feed correct compass headings
to the directional gyro card, the remote
compass feeds minute voltage values via
wires to a synchronous motor or slave
located in the cockpit, which then feeds
left/right compass corrections to the DG.
In the KFC 1501200 system, as well
as in most other systems, there is a small
panel with left/right momentary-contact
buuons and a small needle which moves
left or right to let the pilot know when
the remote compass is "synced" or
matched with the compass values out in
the wingtip. Still with me?
Remote Magnetic Indicator
If your airplane is not equipped with
a slaved DG or Remote Magnetic Indicator (RMI), then you, the pilot, are the
slave, that is, you look at the magnetic
compass on the windshield and twist the
Directional Gyro card until it matches the
heading in the compass. Some slaved directional indicators also have a "free'
position on the control head. When
placed in Free. you take the automatic
compass slaving function away from the
DG and set the heading yourself. This
feature is particularly useful when flying near the magnetic North Pole. where
magnetic compasses point in every direction. When flying at latitudes above
60 degrees north, most pilots use the Free
DG and True North versus Magnetic
North as a headi ng reference.
Question: When you're at the (magnetic) North Pole, which direction is it
back to your home? Answer: South, no
mauer where in the world you live.
We've now got a magnetically stabilized heading card to stare at. If we add a
heading "bug" (indicator, usually orange,
and sets with a knob) , we can use the
autopi lot to hold the heading we select
by pushing the "heading" switch on the
autopilot control head. In most general
aviation autopilots, there is no direct correlation between the heading bug and the
remote compass. The autopilot will gleefully fly the airplane left and right to keep
the heading bug centered.
What if the gyroscope (whether air or
electric) fails ? If the heading indicator
begins to spin or wander, it will normally
take the heading bug with it, and the poor
autopilot will try to correct the heading
bug back to the top of the instrument. Our
first indication of a directional gyro failure when our autopilot is engaged in the
HDG mode is that the airplane is making a lot of turns! A crosscheck with the
magnetic compass will reveal that we're
no longer on the heading that we thought
we were on!
Can we sti ll use the autopilot with a
failed directional gyro? Depends on how
well we know our autopi lot. If we deselect HDG, center up our VOR needle and
press NAV, the autopilot controller will
follow the left/right indications of the
VOR/LOCALIZER needle. However.
since the VOR/LOC needle will now 1101
be pointed at the top of the HSI, this may
look Vel), cOllfllsillg.
Yes. we can execute a dandy ILSILOC
or VOR or GPS (if properly equipped)
approach using either the NAV mode or
the APP (approach) mode of our autopilot. Since the left/right needle of the nav
indicator will probably 1I0t be pointed at
the top of the HSI indicator, we should
practice this a couple of times in clear
air to get the hang of it before we do it
for real.
ABS January 1999
What about Altitude select?
Here, I'm going to assume that most
of us do nOl have the sophisticated modes
that allow LIS to select a rate of climb in
feetlminute or select an airspeed to maintain in the climb/descent. I've flown wi th
some proud owners of P-Baron s and
Dukes who have the KFC-250 or higher
autopi lots. but I' m not going to discuss
how those features work in this article.
Forthe rest of LI S, were talking abollt the
ALT mode on the autopilot control and
the up/down rocker switch to the left of
all the bultons.
The ALT mode on the autopi lOl controller engages a pressure transducer that
works just like the inside of yo ur altimeter. Depending upon which autopilot
model or brand yo u have. the tra nsducer
may be independent of the altimeter, as
in the S-Tees or may take its pick off the
airplane'Saltimeter. Whichever, the transducer tries to feed an equalizer signal to
the autopilot. As long as the ai rplane is
not changing alti tude, nothing is hap pening. If the transducer senses a change, say
down, or loss of altitude, it feeds the information to the autopiiOl computer to put
in an "up" command to return the airplane
to the selected altitude. When the selected
al titude is reached, eq uilibrium is restored and the command signal to the
autopi lot computer is canceled.
I recentl y began flying a KFC-200
autopilot-equipped airplane after a long
stint behind a Century model. I discovered when r first began to descend from
alti tude that r must fi rst disengage the altitude hold mode before the up/down rocker
switch would work. In the Altimatic X that
I used to fly, when r commanded a descent
with the rocker switch (actually a thumb
wheel in this model). the ALT mode was
automatically disengaged.
Not much different. except that it took
me a little head-scratching to keep from
being stuck at 8,000 feet until I either ran
out of fuel or figured it out' So what's
my point?
Know yo ur autopilot cold before you
go blasting off through clouds and dark
of night. Like I keep saying: Not aI/ aviollics lVork Ihe same. So learn how they
do work before you bet your li fe on them.
cursion from the selected altitude. The
pi lot altempted to correct it with the yoke
without di sengaging the altitude hold.
The autopi lot responded with more down
trim. The pilot pulled harder on the yoke.
The autopi lot rolled in more down. The
pilot pulled up harder.
At this point, the pilot probably disengaged the autopilot, but by then the
autopilot had put in almost full down
trim , so the airplane augured almost
straight into the ground before the pilot
could recover'
Yes, I kllow I' ve told this story too
many times, but it bears repeating until
all of us are convinced that \Vhat you dOli 't
kno\V about autopilots can hurt you!
Automatic trim following
Future stuff
Most autopilots whi ch are in stalled
along with electric pitch trim have automatic trim following. If you do not have
electric pitch trim, then there's nothing
to adjust the trim position the autopilot
has put the airplane into.
The S-Tec-50 series autopilot has
lighted up/down lights to tell you how to
match the ai rplane's pitch trim to what
the autopilot is doing. If you do not fol low the cues and trim until the lights go
out, then disengage the autopi lot, you
may be in for a wild ride!
On those airplanes lVith electric pitch
trim and automatic trim following, you are
not necessarily safe from a wild ride either.
Remember my story last month about the
Bonanza with the runaway trim?
The altitude hold allowed a small ex-
I spent an interesting couple of hours
with Kitty and Michael Greene the Friday after Thanksgiving. The Greenes
were on their way south in their pristine
V35 Bonanza and were kind enough to
stop in Sanford. Florida, to show me their
custom instrument panel with the Archangel display as the centerpiece. I tried
not to salivate on their airplane. r have
previously promised to do some product
reviews for the magazine so this product
is a good place to start. I'm worki ng on
it for a future article.
See you next month '
I'd like to say something we maybe don't think about enough
in Ollr busy lives: Thank goodness for the ABS !
The company I ny for just bought a large cabin-class twi n
for enough bucks to make it our largest capi tal class asset. Naturally, before making such a large business decision, 1 was tasked
to find out "everything possible" about this breed of airplane in
general, and this airplane serial number in particular. To simplify my task, my ti rst question was, "Do the people who fl y
and mai ntain this airplane have an affinit y group similar to the
ABS?" The answer turned out to be "Well, sort of."
In Trade-A-?Iane I found an ad that said if I was buying this
brand of airplane I should call a number for information about an
operator's group. I called the number. got the publisher of the
operator's group newslener which is available for $125 per year.
But other than sending me a sample newsletter and an apABS lanuary 1999
ABS member jim Hughes holds a
as degree
in Aero Engineering. He is a CFIf and an A&P
mechan ic. Jim heads Marketing & Profes-
sional Services, a consulting and flight-test
firm involved in both military and civil avionics applications.
plication to join the group, the person on the phone could not
offer me any other information . I persisted with a subsequent
call , whereupon I reached a different person. I asked if there is
a li st of Airworthiness Directives, Service Bulletins, Service
Letters, or even maybe a compilation of "helpful hints" about
maintaining and operating this airplane.
The answer given was that there are companies that advelt ise
in Trade-A-?Ialle that sell that kind of information. And no, there
is no such person I could talk to (such as an Arky Foulk or a Neil
Pobanz), not in their organization or anywhere else.
"Since you' re not in our database as either a member or
current owner," the voice said, "there is nothing we can offer
you except an infol1nation kit and an application." And a rather
abrupt hang-up, it seemed to me.
- Jim Hughes
Page 55 41
BY DAVID DAVIDSON, Colts Neck, New Jersey
N JULY OF 1998, I had the opportunity to fly with two of
feet to get around clouds that seemed to follow our every turn
my airport buddies. Billy Gibson and Bill Utynok, to Alaska
on our way to Peace Ri ver, Alberta, where we settled in for the
and the Northwest Territories in my 1992 BE36. Bi lly, our
night. We experienced some culture shock in thi s place along
copilot and navigator, is the opthe ri ver where the fl at, barren
erator of Gibson Air Academy at
land was populated with exAllaire, New Jersey.
tremely polite and friendly
people. From Peace Ri ver, we
We made no reservations for
places to stay on the trip, decidfollowed the MacKenzie Highing instead to stay flexible. But
way for some sense of comfort
we did scrupulously follow the
to Hay River, then to Fort
guidelines for survival equipment
Simpson where we stayed at a
required for an extensive trip of
B&B cal led Ban nockland.
this kind, not wanting to tind ourBannock is a local bread that
selves in desperate need of a
is baked biscuit style and tastes
missing provision.
fabulous. The owner of the
In addition to sectionals covB&B explained that the native
ering most of the areas we were
groups like to be called by their
Ilying to, I ordered ..- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . tribal name, Dene,
rather than as Eskithe Jepp Trip Charts
mos or Indians.
for both of the major
Along the coastal
areas. induding low
regions, including
altitude charts and
Alaska, the owner
approach plates.
We departed VFR
said that the local
from Allaire (B LM)
natives prefer to be
and landed in Flying
called Inuit, again a
Cloud , Minnesota,
reference to their
for the fi rst night.
Our second day took
We had an interus to Bi smarc k,
esting day walking
North Dakota, and
around th e town .
from there to Great
meeting the local
Falls, Montana. We
people and observca ll ed CAN PASS
ing a pre-wedding
prior to leaving Moncelebration called a
tana to expedite cusDrum Dance in the
toms clea rance in Kluane Lake - Northway Alaska to Whitehorse, Yukon Territory via Alcan Highway.
evening. We arrived
Canada. When we arback at Bannockrived in Lethbridge (CYOL), Alberta. we called CAN PASS
land just before midnight in daylight. It is not easy to go to
again, and answered some questions regarding our plans and
sleep in bright sunshine.
our cargo. We were given clearance and sent on our way.
After a wonderful breakfast in Bannockland of Caribou sauVFR flight plans are required in Canada. Flight Service was
sage and eggs, we flew to Norman Wells over a lot of smoke
thorough and very detailed and helped us prepare the flight plan
from fires all over the countryside, and on to Inuvik. The last
and guided us through the details. This service was repeated in
part of the flig ht was over terrain I had never seen before. We
every airport in Canada in a very courteous and efficient manner.
were heading for a north latitude of better than 69 degrees, well
After leaving Lethbridge, we filed IFR in the air at 8,000
above the Arctic Circle.
Page 55 42
ABS January 1999
The ground is muskeg, a spongy material that covers the
permafrost. Allhough the temperatures were still about 80 degrees, the thought of an emergency landing and trying to survive was a bit disconcening. The next time I am concerned about
flying a few mi les over water, I'll remember the hundreds of
miles we flew over absolutely barren land with no hope of a
convenient landi ng site.
Our KLN88 Loran that backs up my KL 90B GPS lost signal at this point and we had to rely primarily on Billy's copiloting
ski ll s. The GPS remained handy for accurate Lat/Lon positions.
which kept everything in perspective. This ground probably has
never known the step of a human foot. Beautiful, stark and humbling, it was definitely not a good place to get lost'
Inuvik (CYEV) is the capital of Northwest Territories. It is a
simple town, with native Inuits,
local convenience stores, a few
tourist sites like the igloo church
bu ilt in a domed style and decorated inside with native art.
The sun was out all the time
and would remain so until the
middle of August. I was told that
locals sleep very little in the
summer and fo r long periods in
fonable. When the clouds began to get a little lower, we descended to 4,500 feet and sometimes we were only a few hundred feet over the highway. Seeing a highway beneath your
wings is very comforti ng.
We were in touch with Dawson radio about 40 miles out.
The runway was not visible until we were literally on fi nal with
naps and gear down and ready for landing. Then there it was,
another gravel strip.
Our accommodations for the night were at the Fifth Ave.
B&B, but don't let the name fool you. Three of us shared a
room. The bath was in the hall. When the rollaway was in the
room, it was not possible to open the door to get into the hall.
The roo m was not avai lable for another night so we moved on
to a lovely B&B just two blocks away with nice rooms, a balcony, etc.
Allhough Dawson City is a
tourist destination, it retai ns an
authenticity as a true picture of
life as it must have been in 1896
when gold was discovered in
the Klondike. Thi s was the only
day of the trip that we did not
ny. We wandered around town,
panned for gold with other tourwinter.
ists. We go t about 10 cen ts
wonh, which they happily put
in a water-fi lled vial for a few
On the sixth day of our trip,
we arranged a tour of an island
We visited the dredge, a moncalled Tuktoyaktuk, just north
strous 3.000-ton machine with
of Inu vik. It borders on the
which they dug, scoured for gold
Beaufon Sea which feeds to the
dumped the residue out the
Arctic Ocean , and is inhabited
II stood eight stories high
95 percent by natives who rely
and moved by floating in its own
on trapping and fishing for their
water pool.
li ving. In the winter that takes
The next morning we emplace in temperatures averaging
on almost six hours of
about minus 50 degrees down
We took off from
to minus 80 degrees.
Dawson City to Northway and
It was the only place we were
there to Fairbanks where
bothered by mosquitoes! Some
Mon strous gold dredge at Dawson City
to get a glimpse of Mt.
people on the tour dipped their
toes into the sea and reported it was actually quite warm. With
We new at 8,000 feet and found the mountain still shrouded in
24-hour sunshine, it doesn't get a chance 10 cool.
clouds. We may have been able to get a closer look but at 20,000The gravel strip at Tuk is 5,000 feet. II was my first trip in and
plus feet the mountain top was likely to be obscured and I didn't
out of a gravel strip, but it presented no problem. N8055R was
want to be in a range of 17,OOO-foot peaks in the clouds.
already covered in insects, dusty and pretty mangy looking. And
so were we.
Fairbanks and beyond
a large and modem city in the cenOn to Dawson City
ter of Alaska, well below the Arctic Circle. I now think that if
The next day we followed the Demster highway, an unpaved
really wants to enjoy Alaska, it is necessary to go south and
road through the mountains to Dawson City (CYDA). This was
to areas like King Salmon and Kodiak Island. Since we
our firsl ride through the mountains. The valleys are quite broad
to go north, we didn' t have time to go west as well.
and present no real problems in decent weather. The roule narCOlltilllled 011 page 5546
rows through the passes and at 6,500 feet, we were quite comABS Jan uary 1999
Page 5543
Flying with GAMljectors
I have enjoyed readi ng the three-pan
series on engine management and leaning techniques written by George Braly
over the last three issues.
GAMI is leading the way toward returning us to long-forgotten methods of
successful engine management that are
su re to improv e the health of o ur
powerplants and improve our already
wonderful Bonanzas.
On the way to the AOPA meeting in Palm Springs, I had the pleasure of flying with George in hi s
Turbo' d V35 with GAMljectors. It
was quite an experience for this flatland
pilot. I flew my E33C (equipped with
_ _... GAMljector set #3) to Ada, Oklahoma, from Baton Rouge, Louisiana, and climbed into the left seat of
Nil RT with George for the trek westward. I am no neophite to GAMljectors
and being able to run LOP. What I was
about to witness was indeed an eye-opener.
The weather was beautiful and we left
Ada on a heading of 265. After takeoff,
we simply pulled the rpms back to 2500
and left the MP at redline, wide open
Thanks to ABS for help
throttle (WOT). The only thing we did
I called last week concerning the rudin the climb was maintain a rich TIT of
der AD on my F33A, N7958P. At my
1300dF by tweeking the mixture control.
annual inspection, we found a subtly hidWe leveled off at 12,500 feet and my
den crack in the rudder spar at the top
re-education began. I've always resisted
hinge. It was not vis ible to the naked eye,
the urge to turbo-normalize my Bonanza
and even the dye penetration did not rebecause I live in Baron Rouge and selveal the crack until it had set for awhile.
dom fly above 12,500 feet. Also, I have
With much fear for my financial statenot been one who enjoys "sucking oxyment, I called RAPID Beech Parts: 5700
gen." I figured the 176 KTAS I enjoyed in
and three weeks backorder. None of my
my Aerobatic Bo was as good as it gets.
fellow Bonanza owners were able to
Overcoming one's education can take
help. Even before the call to Glen and
some convincing.
Neil, I finally decided to order the ABS
Level at 12,500 we set our cruise
Magazine CD-ROM so I could read the
power. We changed nothing. Yes, full
AD and know the history. You guys
power. No. we didn ' t pull the MP back
called back the next day, gave me the
at all. We were burning about 27 gph in
name of General Forming (right down
the climb, about 250dF ROP. I pushed
the street in Torrance, California) and we
the button in 011 the mixture vern ier and
picked up an STC'd hinge the same day
smoothly pulled the mixture back (in
for 5250. I read all the articles on the AD
about 2 seconds) to 16 gph!
and forwarded them to the mechanics.
We pulled the mixture back in one
Considering the fact that you saved
fe lled swoop from 27 gph to 16 gphme $450 and three weeks of downtime,
right through peak EGT to about 70dF
I encourage every member to check those
LOP. What happened next stunned me. I
ABS back issues on CD and, if needed,
was not prepared. It was terrible. Nothmake a call (0 yo u guys. I' ve just saved
ing happened! All that education I'd gotenough money to pay for the CD and
ten in my training ~ all those CFlIs
several years of ABS membership!
couldn't have been wrong--<:ould they?
Thanks to my heroes, Glen and Neil.
I sat slack-jawed while a perfectly
- Rick Rellgel
smoothly operating engine purred along
Orange COl/ll ty, Cali/umia
at 12,500 feet, burning 16.1 gph wh ile
Page 5544
the TAS increased to a whopping 194
knots! All this was accomplished at a
power setting of 86 percent whi le the hottest C HT of the six cylinders was a cool
357dF. I was overcoming my education
pretty quickly. George was silent; but he
had a big grin on his face.
We played a bit with mixture settings
anywhere from 50 LOP to as much as
120 LOP. The TAS va ri ed between 196
and 189 at these mixtures on fuel burns
between 16.5 and 13.8 gph. We settled
on 70 LOP because it was the best compromise between cool CHTs and bucking the 30 to 43 knot headwinds. We
landed at Palm Springs, California, 5+30
after leavi ng eastern Oklahoma! Had we
been running on the rich side of peak. as
the Old Wives wou ld demand, we would
have been filling up the tanks in Albuquerque. As it was, running 70 LOP, at
194 ktas, we landed in Palm Springs with
a fuel reserve of 1+20. Remember, we did
this below oxygen-requiring altitudes.
On the return, we had weather problems all over Arizona. We climbed to
Flight Level 230 to get over the mess.
After leaving our weather concerns under and behind the V-tail, we eased all
the way down to 17,000. At this altitude
we were sti ll getting 29 inches MP. We
settled on 2350 rpms (to increase prop
efficiency in the thinner air) WOT at 29
inches MP and leaned to 70 LOP-228
hp or76 percent power on an 10-550. This
gave us a true airspeed of 198 knots, and a
no-wind range of 1,338 nm with IFR reserves, and an edurance of 6.75 hours.
At the higher altitude than we flew
going westbound, the CHTs ranged from
a low of 347 to a high of 389dF-more
than 35dF cooler than the CHTs would
have been running 50 ROP-and George
hasn't yet installed the new GAMI baffle
on this machine.
What I learned is simple: I've been
taught wrong. Old wives tales should be
shot like snakes. Running lean of peak
doesn't toast the engine- it cools it. The
mixture knob could easily be renamed the
"horsepower" knob. And turbos are norjust
for high altitude any more. Rats. What's
my banker's phone number again?
- Dr. Walter Atkinson
Baron Rouge. Loui.'iianll
Happy lean of peak
I am very grateful to George Braly for
finally putting to rest the old and much
fJaunled misconceptions regarding runASS January 1999
ni ng lean of peak. Credit goes also to the
ABS which has allowed publication of
this series of anicles on a subject of great
interest to all members.
I have been running my 10-520-BB
for more than 200 hours now at approximately 40 degrees on the lean side with
GAM!,s. It burns cleaner, cooler and
with much less waste of fuel. For me.
GAM I has been a real breakthrough and
I ca n high ly recommend the folks who
run that company as friendly, helpful and,
above all , knowledgeable.
I can also say that I have had to withstand some ridicule from other pilots who
would rather repeat what they hear at the
hangar than bother to learn about their
engines. Perhaps ma ny pilots will still
The gear retraction time went from 20
seconds to 6 seconds. Thanks again!
- Mark Steele
Decatur. Georgia
Fuel cap O-rings stop leak
1 just read yo ur letter concerning
"CoUapsed Fuel Bladder" (November
I 998, page 5449) and came to similar
concl usions on my F33A , N7958P. At
first, the fuel gauge on the right tank
method. I'm certainly not trying to con-
would act up. For the first hour, the gauge
read OK. but mysteriou s ly the tank
would fill up as the gauge went from
about half full to three-fourths full, and
stayed there.
Second, I noticed dirt particles and a
sma ll amount of clogging at th e fuel
strainer. Also, about a teaspoon of water
when I strained the tank (in Southern
vince anyone who would rather stay on
California weather, any water strained is
the rich side. These comments are just
to give you one pilot's opinion and one
pilot who will keep flying cleaner, cooler
and saving money to boot!
- Randy Smith
unusual). Lastly. the story is almost identical: line personnel had overfilled the
tank, and I saw drops of fuel coming out
around the cap at altitude.
This last event steered my though ts
from a possible fuel gauge problem to
the O-ring. Sure enough, as soon as the
rings were replaced. everything was back
to normal. I have not checked the bladder for damage. but I have not had any
leak problems, and the tab seems to already have a rounded edge.
Considering water, dirt, misread fuel
gauges, and possible bladder damage, the
replacement of the O-rings for $9 each
(ABS advertisers "American Aero" and
"Performance Aero") is a no-brainer.
- Rick Rengel
Orange County, California
disagree or be reluctant to try thi s
Miami, Florida
ABS CD-ROM saves the day!
Thanks so much for (he useful information packed into ABS Reference Library. I recently became the proud owner
of a 1975 A36, E-794. Duri ng the prepurchase, I noted fr0111 the logs that the
gear motor had been replaced five times
with only 2800 hours total time on the
aircraft. Excessi ve. to say the least. The
life span of each gear motor was approximately one-half the previous unit.
The problem had been associated with
inc luding a GPS moving map o nce
li nked to your GPS with an upload facility to a Garmin . Check it out'
-Sandy Ord
Johannesburg, Sowh Africa
a long retraction cycle time and subse-
quent tripping of the landing gear circuit
breaker. Raytheo n Service and my local
ABS Service Clinic person had multiple
head-scratching solutions. So I bought
the CD-ROM, queried the database. and
there it was like magic. Colvin's Comer
from 1/83 referenced Beech Service Instruction 0943 Rev. I: "Landing Gear Installation of a relay in the landi ng gear
retract circuit."
This SI applies to airplanes with the
"Magic Hand" landing gear safety switch
for A36s with serial numbers E-7 10, E763 through E-90 I. The original design
created to a high voltage drop to the landing gear motor. Beech sent me the blueprints and parts list for the relay and my
local Raytheon Service, with 15 hours
of labor and a $600 parts list, did the rest.
ABS January 1999
Editor's Note: The slIlall particles of dirt
mentioned ill the article may actually be
slIlall particles of the fuel cell lining. This
occurs frequelllly lVith aging fuel cells
and should be checked /0 {/I'oid possible
fllel screen clogging.
Palmtop navigation software
111 response to an ea rli er query, I can
offer the following information on navigation software for the PSION palmtop/
handheld computer. The software detail
is available from www.avne1.co.uk/
avtech and they have a facility to down-
load it via e-mail. I have used it extensively and find it a most useful program
which is useful on a really small and con-
venient machine. It has a great deal of
from the ABS Company Store
Preflight .................... S 20.00
Instrument Flying
FI)ling by the Numbers
by John Eckalbar ...........
. .48.50
BPPP Highl ights
(Approx. 80 min.) ...
Service Clinic Highlights
by Norm Colvin
.. .62.50
Owner Performed Maintenance . .. .62.50
the facil ities you wou ld get on a laptop,
Page 5545
ALASKA, continued from page 5543
Perhaps another time ...
Following the Alaskan Highway to Whitehorse (CYXY)
about 500 nm away, strong headwinds allowed us to make only
about 130 knots, sometimes dropping to 120. We were using
both time and fuel , and since [ like to
have plenty of both, my adrenaline flow
moved up a notch.
We followed the road, enjoying
spectacular views of mountains, glaciers
and one particularly beautiful turquoisecolored glacial lake. The mountains range
from 7,000 to 13,000 feet, and we were
following the highway at about 4,500 feet.
At Haines Junction, we made a mistake and instead of a 90-degree turn to
the east, we continued straight ahead on
the Haines Highway. We soon discovered our mistake and made a 180 back
to Haines Junction. Had we continued merrily on our way with
diminishing fuel, we might have been able to test our survival
skills. Every book cautions about the 90 degree turn at Haines
J unction, but it's easy to miss.
While the sheer beauty of the mountains and lakes would certainly qualify the Alaskan Highway route as the most scenic, it
was the emptiness of the entire area that struck me the most.
After almost four hours in the air, we arrived at Whitehorse,
the capital of the Yukon Territory. Then our tenth day was spent
flying over spectacular views of snow-covered peaks and lush
greenery. The landscape is so vast as to overwhelm any detail. We
saw nothing resembling moose, bear or elk.
Heading back
We had planned to spend the next day on the Alaskan Highway to Dawson Creek. But clouds over the mountains and the
fact that we were tired caused us to change our plans and fly to
Rocky Mountain House, a very nice, although basically unattended, facility. Most of the Canadian facilities are very comfortable with many pilot amenities.
Our plan was to go east in Canada with a stop in Regina. We
recalculated the distance in the air and determined thar we might
be better off going directly to Great Falls (GTF). Since we had
It is difficult to reach inside oneself
to recapture the moments experienced on
such a trip, the grandeur of the landscape,
the excitement of the travel, the adrenaline rush when, between peaks, you negotiate a 90-degree turn and sweep into
a broad, deep valley. The danger is palpable, despite the option in some cases
of attempting a landing on the highway.
Page 55 46
filed a VFR flight plan in Canada, however, we had to change
the flight plan to go to the USA and clear customs in Great
Falls. It took about a half-hour before we could raise Edmonton
Center. They were extremely helpful, refiled our flight plan and
cleared us to Montana.
In retrospect and after re-examining
our charts, it probably would have been
shorter to go to Regina as originally
planned. Hindsight advice is that it is
best 10 do your planning on the ground
and double-check the details. It's not
easy once you're flying. We did have
to be vectored around a restricted area
though, which would have been difficult without contacting Center. We went
into Great Falls, cleared customs and
settled down for the night.
The next day we made a fuel stop in
Pierre. It has a large municipal airport
with one person at the FBO and we pumped our own gas. It was
hard for us to grasp the notion that so few people live in such a vast
area. We were forced south by thunderstorms and ended up in
Aurora, lIIinois. The flight was made in hazy conditions with poor
visibility. If you haven' t got a Stormscope or Strikefinder, take
out a second mortgage and get one.
On our last leg of the trip, we encountered a lot of thunderstorms, and really hazy conditions. Poor visibility caused us to be
routed south of Cincinnati to and get back home.
The wonderful Bonanza used a linle more oil than usual due to
the temperatures, but performed flawlessly. What an aircraft'
A note on equipment
GPS in NWT and Alaska is priceless. It is rel iable and provides accurate LatlLon for checking sectionals. We have an
Argus 7000 in the panel which provides marvelous airspace
and nearby airport information. My major complaint is that while
wearing sunglasses, the screen cannot be seen, whereas the other
instruments, such as GPS, etc., can be.
rr you are flying at gross weight, with temperatures above
80, and in some cases over 100 degrees, be sure to have plenty
of runway. The shortest runway we had was 3,500 feet- and
we used it all.
Frankly. I would not like to try that.
The isolation of the villages and the
aimlessness of the native populations in
Canada are disturbing. The vast emptiness of Montana, Wyoming and the Dakotas is difficult to grasp. The southwest
corner of South Dakota-Mt. Rushmore,
the Black Hill s and Sturgis- is completely opposite from the other side of
the state
The challenge, the adventure and the
camaraderie enjoyed on the trip cannot
be measured or clearly set down on paper. [n my mind's eye, I can see it clearly.
so I hope l' ve conveyed some of the adventure we had.
In this remote part of our continent, I
was able to observe people living in a way
more completely foreign than anything I
experienced while traveling in Europe. ---@ABS January 1999
if a Hartzell propeller is to be installed
on the engine. They are:
"E" engine repairs
Here we go some more! As I've expressed in several articles over the years,
it is important that owners of early Bonanzas (G35 and earlier) become as familiar as possible with their airplanes,
especially things forward of the fire wall.
By doing a lillie math, I estimate there
are probably 150 to 200 "E" engines being given a major overhaul every year. I
cannot estimate how many "repair" type
jobs forward of the fire wall are being
done, but there are surely more than a
few. A "repair" would be cylinders (1-6)
being removed and fixed, propellers removed and fixed, carburetors or magnetos and so on .
I receive calls on a regular basis regarding engines that are overhauled or
repaired and, because either the local
mechanic involved or the aircraft owner
is not familiar with the airplane or does
not have the reference material needed,
has problems. The most common source
of these errors revolves around the
Hartzell propeller installation. However,
there are many others as well.
There are three items that are contrary
to normal overhaul procedures, as specified in the "E" engine overhaul manual,
ABS January 1999
I. Normal crallkshaJt oil seal is 1I0t 10
be illstalled. The function of this seal is
accomplished by the seals in the front of
the oil transfer unit (OTU).If the normal
seal was installed, the interior of the OTU
would be pressurized to 225+/- psi and
could force the seals in the front of the
OTU out of place, resulting in total loss
of engine lube oil in a very short time
(5 +/- minutes).
A check that can be made if it is suspected the normal crankshaft seal is mistakenly installed is to remove the 1I4-inch
NPT plug in the bOllom of the OTU housing and allach a length of hose to a suitable filling installed in the threaded housing hole. There i a spring and special
washer held in place by the plug that wili
or may drop out when the plug is removed. When re-installing the spring and
washer, the raised "key" on the washer
goes up and left-to-right (not fore-andaft).
After installing the hose to this bole
in the bOllom of the OTU, blow (by
mouth air pressure) on the hose, and if
you can blow through the hose, the normal crankcase seal is not installed, which
is correct.
If the seal is installed, it is necessary
to remove the OTU, remove the offending
seal and re-install the OTU and propeller.
Be certain that the person doing this routine knows what they are doing for much
grief can result from a botched operation.
See the listed ABS articles for details .
2. The shaJt seal ill the lower leJt accessory drive shaJt gear adapter must be
left 0111. This is the seal that is installed
at the fuel pump pad location on a nonHartzell-equipped engine. This seal function is now transferred to the seal installed
at the rear of the governor T-drive where
the fuel pump is now installed.
Failure to omit thi s seal will result in
sluggish or no movement of the propeller toward low rpm (coarse pitch) and
possible IOtalloss of engine oil. If this
seal is in place, the T-drive becomes pressurized to 200+/- psi (should have only
crankcase pressure of3/4 psi), which may
force the rear shaft seal out of its housing, resulting in engine oil loss through
the fuel pump cavity drain tube.
3. Failure 10 provide the lIecessG/)'
(IIl/llIlus ill the from bearillg bushillg of
the 10lVer left accessOl)' drive will result
ill illability 10 obtaill full take off rpm,
especially when the oil is above 120+/В·
F. Th is annulus is necessary on dry sump
Bonanza engi nes and mayor may not be
necessary on the "wet" sump Navion
engines. A slightly different arrangement
is used on some wet sump engines, depending on the oil transfer hole configuration of the shaft gear.
The way to check if the required annulus is in place is to remove the T-drive
from the engine. Remove one of three
pipe plugs (see drawing) from the right
side of the engine. Insert a length of hose
(2 to 3 feet long) into the oil supply hole
located at the II o'c lock position on the
face of the shaft gear adapter where the
T-drive was mounted. This hole is specified as 3116 inch diameter, but since it is
a field modification at the time of the
Hartzell conversion, it may be of some
size other than 3116 inch .
Using mouth air pressure, blow on the
hose as the engine is slowly rotated by
hand. Thi s shaft gear turns 1.67 times
engine speed. If you can blow a steady
stream of air, the annulus is in place. If
the blowing effort results in pulses that
match the rotation of the shaft gear, the
annulus is not in place.
The only fix for th is is to remove the
engine from the airplane, remove the accessory case from the engine and redo
the installation of the bearing bushing.
Overhaul of the "E" accessory case is
sort of a lost an. I will overhaul one occasionally (I'm not in that business nor
looking for work) and have yet to spend
less than 30 hours from start to finish (that
is as-removed to ready-to-bolt-back on
the crankcase). That involves doing all
the machine work (not sending anything
out). much hand-fitting, painting. assembly, everything. By the time the "whim,
wham. thank you ma'am" type overhaul
Page 5547
is fixed right, I'd be willing to bet the
time gets to be more than doing it right
in the first place.
Another area that has proven to be a
problem is the local mechanic's failure
to properly survey the crankcase for
needed re-machining, if necessary, and
then if the case is sent out for rework,
not re-measuring all of the places that
require specified fits. The facility that does
the case work does not always get it right.
Usually, but not always. Refer to the listed
articles for the steps I feel are necessary in
addition to those spelled out in the overhaul manual and Service Bulletins.
Remove anyone of these plugs to do the test to
confirm existence of the bearing annulus.
Articles on repairing or overhauling "E" engines
may be found in these issues of the ABS Magazine:
August 1988
Jul y 1989
March 1990
February 1991
July 1991
January 1992
March 1992
April 1992
June 1992
September 1992
December 1992
February 1993
August 1994
September 1994
November 1994
February 1995
May 1995
October 1995
March 1996
October 1996
November 1996
March 1997
June 1997
Jul y 1997
September 1997
February 1998
September 1998
October 1998
December 1998
A CD-ROM with all issues of ABS Magazille may be ordered from
ABS Headquarters. Also available in hard copies.
Page 5548
If new cylinder kits are ordered, be
certain to order a "BP" (balanced piston)
set of six. If you order just six cylinder
kits. the piston weights will be all over
the place. "BP" gets you a set that meets
specs for weight sp read. The piston
weight is marked on the individual boxes
(abou t 1,205 +1- grams). All pistons
should be within seven grams of the other
pistons and opposing pistons should be
matched as closely as possible.
If a cylinder repair job needs to be
done on an engine that is in service, it is
my opinjon there is no advantage in installing a brand new cylinder when the
other five are not new. In other words.
bring the defective cylinder up to airworthiness requirements by fixing it or obtain a repaired substitute cylinder re-using parts that are acceptable fro m the broken cylinder. This is not to say that we
are installing "junk" parts, but return the
engine to an airworthy condition using
airworthy parts, hopefully ones you already own'
Rocker arm
Another very important, actually vital , area of concern is covered in theABS
Magazine. March 1992 and August 1993.
This takes up the subject of rocker arm
tip-to-valve stem-tip fit. If this concern
is not met. the valve guides may need replacing in a velY siron (20 hours or so)
ASS January 1999
To save space in this issue, I reference
you to these anicles. However, that is not
to diminish the necessity of complying
with this item, but rather simply to save
space here!
Sealant material
The last item we will take up in this
missive, but not the last that could be
covered, is the use of the sealant material used in assembly of the engine. Misuse of sealants (Permatex. Silicone, etc.)
is common, both in type and quantity.
Although there are many new and exOIic sealants available, there are actually
few places that require application of any
sealant. My opinion is that no gasket that
wi ll be removed during the service life
of the engine should have sealant applied.
Example: any accessory, rocker covers,
OTU gasket, etc.
The secret to having a leak-free installation is staning out with nat. defect-free
surfaces and new defect-free gaskets and
install the component using the correct
torque on the attaching fasteners.
When using sealers. only the absolute
minimum amount should be applied.
When making up a joint to which sealer
has been applied, if some of the sealer is
noted to have been squeezed outside of
the joint. you can be sure that an equal or
greater amount is also squeezed out toward the inside of the engine. Over-application of sealer. especially the red sil icone types, leads to this condition and
has caused engine failure by blocking
lube oil flow.
To see just how little sealer is required
to make up a joint, obtain two pieces of
glass 3/8 inch (average gasket width +1-)
wide and three to four inches long and
114 inch or thicker. Lay a small bead of
sealer on the glass as you would do on a
gasket surface. Squeeze the pieces together and observe how even the smallest amount will ex trude over the surface
and out the edges of the joint. If the surfaces are not flat, even the gasket with sealer
will not prevent lealks for the long run, and
when the gasket is eventually removed, the
job of removing the old gasket and sealer
may be next to impossible.
ASS Jan uary 1999
When using a boom mike, if
when puckering the lips you
do not touch the mike with
your lips, the mike is out of
position. A hand mike should
be held with the lip bar resting on the upper lip. Any
other position of either will
degrade the transmission.
Radio problems
Recently, a mid-air collision occurred
near Reno that took the lives of three
people. Both pilots were very experienced airmen and familiar with the local
area of the uncontrolled airport. It appears
that one of the pi lOIS made no announcement of his intentions while operating in
the airport traffic area and may not have
been monitoring the other aircraft's operation. on-existent or poor quality
communications may result in the consequences cited above.
TheABS members I've flown with in
the BPPP have demonstrated both good
radio usage and that the airplanes are
equipped with good quality radio gear.
However, I find a high percentage of
transmissions at uncontrolled airports are
of such poor quality (ei ther or both the
radio output or the pilot's output) that
there is no useful information exchanged.
I find this situation exists most often
in airplanes that have high cabin noise
levels. Nearly everyone is using some
form of boom mike these days. When the
transmitter is keyed with the mike button, the transmitter side of the radio is
lOOking for sound to send out. If the boom
mike or a hand mike is properly positioned,
the mike transmits, through the magic of
the noise canceling feature, only the pilot's
voice with little or no other sounds. If the
mike is not close enough, engine noise, air
noise, etc., will be transmitted, blocking
most or all of the message, thereby degrading the degree of safety the message was
intended to create.
When using a boom mike, if when
puckering the lips you do nOl touch the
mike with your lips, the mike is out of
position. Ahand mike should be held with
the lip bar resting on the upper lip. Any
other position of either wi ll degrade the
Whi le operating our airplanes, if we
hear an aircraft making a transmission
that is dependent to safety of night and
the transmission is unreadable, it is incumbent upon us to so advise that aircraft. Many times I have advised other
aircraft, and they have responded immediately with a crystal clear transmission
which makes me think they either just
spoke up or cupped the hand over the
boom mike and mouth. The response
time was just too shan to have been anything else.
Pucker up once in a while. Your life
may depend on it.
Lewis C.
Gage, ABS member, ATP
mu/tiengine land with Boeing 707/720/747/
A-J 10 ratings. Commercial single engine
land; flight instructor MEUSEL airplanes and
instruments; ground instructor advanced and
instrument; flight navigator; flight engineer;
mechanic-airplane and engine; and FAA
parts manufacturing authorization. Flight
time: 15,DOO-plus hrs. Lew may be contacted
at Sunrise Filters, Inc. , 2255 Sunrise, Reno,
NV 89509. Phone/Fax: 775-826-7184.
from the ABS Company Store
CD-ROM Reference library
Thirty years of the A8S Magazine, with
search access to all words and numbers!
An invaluable source of information and
expertise. . . . ...... ... . . .. .569.00
Separate postage and handling:
u.S/Canada/Mexico . .
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Page 5549
The ABS Board of Directors is happy to report another success in our efforts to bring the ABS out closer to you
through our fly-in activity held in conjunction with the regional groups. Hopefully, we will be able to schedule
one in your area during 1999. If you would like to help in organizing a fly-in, please contact me at 770-7190638, fax: 770-964-7534, e-mail: HBost@ESTEXMfg.com. -Harold Bost, ABS Director/Fly-in Coordinator
The Southeastern Bonanza Society and
American Bonanza Society joi nt fly-in to
Salisbury, North Carolina, the weekend of October 30 to November I turned out to be everything as advertised-and more.
[n addition to SEBS members. we had other
ABS members from as far away as Texas. Arkansas, Connecticut, New York, Pennsy lvania
and Kentucky, making an attendance of 84
people for the weekend. Twenty-seven more
came in Saturday for lunch and semi nars.
Part of our group is shown here waiting for others to arrive. Seems th e convoy
The week-end kicked off Friday afternoon leader drove too fast for others to keep up. There were 11 vehicles in all.
with a "rare" tour of Fieldcrest Cannon Mills. ormally only an occasional customer is given this
tour. The general public is not offered an opportunity to see inside the mill. A special connection
with a relative in management made this possible
for us.
We were split into two groups. One group
toured sheet manufacturing and the other group
toured towel manufacturing. On the towel tour,
we saw cotton andlor polyester taken from the
bale through the many steps to making thread,
to weaving, to bleaching, to dyeing, 10 cuning This picture was taken Troy
was told UNo
right (left end of the picture) is
and finishing. Who would dream a towel would pictures. Note: The loom to George
weaving four rolls of towels at a time. Check the size of that spool of thread in the
travel so far before it even leaves the manufac- top center of the picture.
turing plant?
After the tours were over, part of the group went a few blocks
away to Cannon Vi llage, a unique shopping area of factory outlet stores. Of course, the Fieldcrest Cannon Outlet Store was
the main attraction where Bonanza and Baron loads of towels
and sheets were purchased.
An extended hospitality time was enjoyed at the hotel prior
to dinner at the Blue Bay Restaurant where we feasted on some
of the very best seafood in the Carolinas.
Saturday started out with a tour of the North Carolina TransOur lunch was an old-fashioned cook-out at the airport. We enportation Museum. This museum has more than 150,000 square
joyed all the hamburgers hot dogs, grilled chicken breast, etc.
feet of visual exhibits on many acres formerly occupied by
that we could eat. Houston White (in the foreground wearing the
striped shirt) was heard to remark: "I can't believe Jate that much. "
Southern Railway's maintenance shops. The 37-bay roundhouse,
His wife, Vera, across from him, responded, "I sure hope you
one of the largest ever built, is one of the few roundhouses rebrought your own Rolaids.
Page 5550
ABS January 1999
George johnson, the Bonanza M an, and his sidekick, Ed Lucia,
super Bonanza mechanic, presen ts HWhat to look (or when purchasing a used Bonanza or Baron. H
Dr. Dave Rogers, professor of aeronautical engineering at the
U.S. Naval Academy, presents "Flight Testing with an A36. "
maining in the Uni ted States. It houses more than 25 restored
locomotives and rail cars.
Two seminars were held after lunch. Dr. Dave Rogers. professor of aeronautical engineering at the U.S . Naval Academy,
Our tour
Perry M cCollum,
leave the station.
presented "Fl ight Testing with an A36." Thi s was some real
college level stuff. George Johnson, the Bonanza Man, and his
sidekick, Ed Lucia, super Bonanza mechanic, presented "What
to look for when purchasing a used Bonanza or Baron." George
presented this seminar at
the SI. Louis Convention.
Hopefully, he will be available to do it again in San
Diego in October. George
has a prepurchase checklist
that can save you dollars
and heartache. Call him at
Carolina Aircraft (704633-5021 ) to obtain one.
Saturday evening we
enjoyed more hospitality
time prior to dinner at the
Wren House. A buffet of
with a 3D-minute train ~~.~~~;:k,'~::'~
rib , Mexica n
Patricia Howe, Vera White, jim
Re ,me,tds
chicken and seafood
alfredo plus the best sweet
potato casserole, veggies
and desserts put everyone
in an overstuffed, relaxed,
lazy mood for a good
night's rest.
Most everyone left for
home Sunday morning after two days jam-packed
with fun, food, fellowship
and education. A few
stayed over a day or two
for more sightseeing.
The general consensus
of the group was one of
great approval of our new
joint ABSlRegional Group
activities such as this one.
Part of the group that stopped long enough for this photo beside old No. 6900.
ASS January 1999
continued on next page
Page 5551
Due to the success of our joint ABSlRegional group fly-ins, several more are in the planning stages for Spring of '99.
Mobile, Alabama, in May - The ABS, in conjunction with the Southeastern and Southwestern Bonanza Societies, is working
toward a tour of the Teledyne Continental Motors factory and engine-care seminars in May. In addition. a Saturday night river boat
dinner cruise-plus more-will be on the schedule.
Leesburg, Virginia, April 16-18 - The ABS, in conjunction with the reactivation of the Mid-Atlantic Bonanza Society, is working
toward a fly-in. Full details will be published in the February ABS Ma gazine.
If you have suggestions for locations, attractions, activities, etc., for a combination ABS/Regional group fly in for your
area, please contact me at 770-719-0638, fax 770-964-7534 or e-mail HBost @ESTEXmfg.com. - HaroldBost
Rocky Mountain Bonanza Society
Serving Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska, North Dakota, South
Dakota, Montana, Utah and Wyoming.
Contact: Jack Cronin, 261 Vine St., Denver, CO 80206, 303333-3000, fax 303-333-2000.
Mid-Atlantic Bonanza Society Inc.
Serving Washington, D.C., West Virginia, Maryland, Delaware, Pennsylvania and Virginia.
Contact: Harold Bast, 760 Birkdale Drive, Fayettevi lle, GA
30215,770-7 19-0638, fax 770-964-7534 or e-mail
Southwest Bonanza Society, Inc.
Serving Arka nsas, louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma and
Contact: Marvin Polzien, 819-N-Creek, Ardmore, OK 73401,
580-223-3910, fax 580-223,1234.
Midwest Bonanza Society
Serving Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Michigan, Min nesota, Missouri, Wisconsin, Ohio and Kentucky.
Contact: Bob Siegfried, 628 W. 86th St., Downers Grove, IL
60516,630-985-8502, fax 630-985-0340 or e-mail
bobsv35b@aol.com .
Northeast Bonanza Group
Serving Maine, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Vermont,
Massachusetts, Maryland, Co nnecticut, New York, New Jersey,
Pennsylvania, Delaware and West Vi rgini a.
Contact: Dick Endres, 35 Oriole Way, Moorestown, NJ 08057,
609-778-8690, e-mail: roendres@aol.com
Southeastern Bonanza Society
Serving Alabama, Florida, Georgia, South Caroli na, Nort h
Carol ina, Virginia, Mississippi and Tennessee.
Contact: Troy Branning, 2262 Old Cherokee Rd. , Lexington, SC
29072 ,803-359-2148, fax 803-359-5852 or e-mail
dtbran ning@worldnet.att.net.
Pacific Bonanza Society
Serving Arizona, California, Idaho, Nevada, Oregon, Washington
and Alaska.
Contact: Paul Baum, Box 667, Atascadera, CA 9342 3,805-461 3643, fax 805-466-4581.
Australian Bonanza Society
Serving Australia
Contact : Peter Gordon, PO Box 150, Torq uay, Victoria 3228,
Australia, e-mail pgord@ozmail.Ju
African Bonanza Society
Serving Africa
Contact: Wendy Smyth, Secretary, PO Box 550, Morni ngs ide
2057 , R.5 .A., +27-11-883-2378, mobi le +2 7-82 -467-7928, fax
+27-11-784-9660 or e-mai l pennyinv@global.co.za.
Pen and ink drawing of a 855 Baron by ABS member Ray Walker.
Page 5552
ABS January 1999
the word about the wonders of flying
these great machines.
ABS. too. has become well-known
through its 30+ years, due in large pan
to the pride its members take in it. The
Society's solid reputation is imponant for
a lot of reasons, not the least of them being the need to retain existing members
and recruit new ones.
ABS Executive Director
Attracting the
next generation
!t's always a pleasure to come in contact with people not familiar with the
American Bonanza Society whose first
question isn't, "So how are Hoss and
Little Joe?" More than once I've wished
that popular old television show didn't
share our middle name.
Besides that silly query, it's not uncommon to overhear ABS staff explaining to uninformed callers, "No, that 's
BOllanza Society, not Ballalla Society."
Fortunately, there are hundreds of
thousands who do know what a Bonanza
is. A good number also know about Barons, Travel Airs, Debonairs, T-34s and
their permutations. That isn't only because of the aircrafts' longevity, but also
because their proud owners have spread
ABS Jan uary' 999
For the past several years, ABS has
grown by about 150 members per year;
this past year we grew by more than 250
and are closing in on the 10,000 mark.
!t's interesting that last yearthere also
was a higher member turnover. Normally
it's about 15-17 percent annually, while
1998 saw membership cancellations at
more than 20 percent. The reasons for that
increased turnover were decidedly market driven: escalating aircraft values, attractive interest rates and heavy competition in the aircraft finance community.
One might think that as long as there
continue to be new owners of ABS-represented Beech models. the supply of
new members will remain strong. That 's
a dangerous belief. however, and isn' t
one subscribed to by theABS leadership.
Given the increased turnover, the Soci ety must work even harder to grow rather
than just offset the lost members.
Despite our reputation. many new
Beech owners don ' t know about the Society because they have just bought their
first airplane or their first ABS-type
model. Those prospects also are increasingly in the Baby Boom generation, so
are in their prime career and family-raising years. As a result, their airplanes have
to vie for their attention with myriad interests and responsibilities.
So how do we attract the next generation of ABS members, given what appears to be some formidable competition
for their time and attention?
First, we need to know what potential
members want and need in an organization. A survey, such as discussed by ABS
President Bill Carter in his December
column, will be wonhwhile in that regard. By identifying strengths on which
to capitali ze and weaknesses to address.
there will be benefits for existing mem-
There's one
marketing tool
that can be
used to better
you, the members.
bers alld opportunities to draw in others.
Second, we need to continue using
input from members who offer their suggestions and criticisms to improve their
Society. In my two years with ABS, I've
seen many positive results from those
Finally, we need to bener market the
Society. In the last three or four years
we've become more aggressive in get-
ting the word out to prospects - quarterly
mailings to new aircraft regislrants~ insens in the magazine for members to pass
along or provide information about potential members; special recruitment solicitations. These efforts have been fruitful, as evidenced by our co ntinuing
There's one marketing vehicle though,
that the ABS Board recognizes can be
used to better advantage: YOll, Ihe members. A significant share of new recruits
are those who've purchased their aircraft
from members who encourage membership in ABS. But that encouragement has
often been informal rather than aided by
the Society.
That's an issue being addressed by the
entire Board, but specifically the Membership Committee, headed by Director
Jack Cronin. His committee is developing plans and marketing tools to "sell"
the Society. You'll hear more about this
as the year progresses and these tools are
In the meantime, keep talking up the
American Bonanza Society. With your
help, the ABS staff may someday be able
to quit explaining that wedon't represent
an edible fruit.
Page 5553
1922 Midfield Rd./P.O. Box 12BBR/Wichila, KS 672 77
Phone: 316-94 5-1700 - Fax: 316-945-1710
Web Site: http://\\\Vw.bonanza.org - (.-mail: bonanza2@bonanza.org
5-7 - Southeastern Bonanza Society Fl y-in. River Ranch
4-6 - BPPP, Inc. (In itial/Recurrent) Spokane, Washington.
Resort, Kissimmee, Florida. Contact Harvey Kriegsman ,
Cutoff date: 5-13-99. Contact ABS Headquarters.
6 - Pacific Bonanza Society Day Fly-in. Chino, California
(CHO). Contact Paul Baum, 805-461 -3643 .
4-7 - ABS Service Clinic. Aviation Classic, Inc., Reno,
Nevada. Contact ASS Headqu arters.
19-21 - BPPP, Inc. (Initial/Recurrent) Orlando, Florida.
Cutoff date: 1-29 -99. Contact ABS Headquarters.
25-27 - BPPP, Inc. (Mountain Fl ying) Colorado Springs,
Colorado. Cutoff date : 5- 18-99. Con ta ct ABS H eadqua rters.
TRA - Southwest Bonanza Society Fly-in. Baja, California,
Norte. Contact Bill Embury, 918-298-9982 or e-mail
emjt@prodigy.com .
25-28 - ABS Service Clinic. Select Ai rcraft Service, Batav ia,
Oh io. Contact ABS Headquarters.
l8A - ADS/Rocky Mountain/Southwest Bonanza Societies
Fly-in. Somewhere in Colorado. Con tact Harold BasI, 770-
719-0638 ; jack Cronin, 303-333-3000; or joe Dimock,
940-322-2024, e-mail jdimock@msn.com.
5-7 - BPPP, Inc. (Initia l/Recurrent) Austin, Texas. Cutoff date:
2-5-99. Contact ABS Headquarters.
5-8 - ABS Service Clinic. Island Aviation , Fernandena
Beach, Florida . Contact ABS Headquarters .
19-2 1 - Southeastern Bonanza Society Fl y- in. Wilmington,
North Carolina. Contact Paul Howe, 910-270-4172
26-28 - Pacific Bonanza Society Weekend Fly-in. Albuquerque, New Mexico (ABQ). Contact Paul Baum, 805 -4613643.
9-11 - BPPP, Inc. (Init ial/Recurrent) Fresno, California.
Cutoff date: 3-25-99. Contact ABS Headquarters.
16-18 - ABS/Mid-Atlantic Bonanza Society Rea ctivation
Fly-in. Leesburg, Virgin ia. Contact Harold Bost, 770-719-
0638 or e -mail hbost@estexmfg.com.
16-19 - ASS Service Clinic. Piedmont-Hawthorne Aviation,
Inc., leesburg, Virgi nia. Contact ASS Headquarters.
23-25 - BPPP, Inc. (InitiaIIRecurrent) Columbus, Ohio.
Cutoff date: 3-22-99. Contact ABS Headquarters.
24 - Pacific Bonanza Society Day Fly-in. Catalina Island,
Cal ifo rni a (AVX). Contact Paul Baum, 805-461-3643.
lBA - Southwest Bonanza Society Fl y-in. Branson, Missouri. Contact Marvin Polzien, 580-223-3910.
16-19 - ASS Service Clinic. Western Aircraft, Baise, Idaho.
Contact ABS Headquarters.
23-25 - Pacific Bonanza Society Weekend Fly-in. Harbor,
Washington (FHR). Contact Paul Baum, 805-46 1-3643.
lBA - Northeast Bonanza Society Fly-in. Great Barrington,
Massachusetts. Contact Dick Endres, 609-778-8690 or e-
mail roendres@aol.com.
17-19 - BPPP, Inc. (In itia l/Recurrent) Little Rock, Arkansas.
Cutoff date: 8-26-99. Contact ABS Headquarters.
17-19 - Pacific Bonanza Society Weekend Fly-in. Durango,
Colorado. Contact Paul Baum, 805-461-3643.
17-19 - Southeastern Bonanza Society Fl y- in. Jefferson
(As he County), North Carolina . Contact john Sell mer, 770487-8386.
lRA - Northeast Bonanza Society Fly-in. Portland, Maine.
Contact Dick Endres, 609- 77 8-8690 or e-mai l
1-3 - BPPP, Inc. (Initial/Recurrent) Nashua, New Hampsh ire. Cutoff date: 9- 14-99 . Contact ABS Headquarters.
7-9 - Midwest Bonanza Society Fly-in. Rough River State
Park, Kentucky. Contact john Whitehead, 90 1-756- 11 66.
14-16 - BPPP, Inc. (Initial/Recurren t) St. Paul , Minnesota.
Cutoff date: 4-12-99. Contact ABS Headquarters.
14-16 - Pacific Bonanza Society Weekend Fly-in. Monterey,
6-10 - ABS Conve ntion. San Diego, Ca li fornia. Contact
ABS Headquarters.
22-24 - BPPP, Inc. (In itial/Recurrent) Fresno, Ca li fo rnia .
Cutoff date: 10-14-99. Contact ABS Headquarters.
Cali fornia (MRY). Contact Paul Baum, 805-461 -3643.
14-16 - Southeastern Bonanza Society Fly-in. Nashville,
5-7 - BPPP, Inc. (Initial/Recurrent) Greensboro, North
Tennessee. Contact Troy Banning, 803-359-2148.
14-17 - ASS Service Clinic. All American Aviation, Addison,
Texas. Contact ABS Headquarters.
lBA - ABS/ Southeastern/Southwest Bonanza Societies Flyin. Teledyne Continental Motors, Mobile, Alabama. Contact
Carolina. Cutoff date: 10-14-99. Contact ABS Headquar-
6 - Southwest Bonanza Society Fly-in. Weslaco, Texas.
Contact joe Barbee, 210-968-7502.
Harold Bost. 770-719-0638 or e-mail hbost@estexmfg.com;
Troy Banning, 803-359-2148; or Marvin Polzien, 850-2233910.
The ABS Convention in 1999 will be held in San Diego, California, October 6-10.
Page 5554
ABS January ' 999
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-Factory Warranty, 240 hr. 40 pro rata
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and calculated can red uce fuel flow.
<$4,134> ( loss of value )
( 501 ) 394-5422
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106 Elk Drive
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