Џжъ?ыќ?ќ њжЕжждЛжЕж њж ПжжУжњпЕж ?ж?ждЛж OFFICIAL JOURNAL OF THE PATENT OFFICE з?жждДж?ж Ужг. ISSUE NO. 46/2008 46/2008 ПжуЮњОжжИќ FRIDAY зЄќ?жжгњ: 14/11/2008 DATE: 14/11/2008 Џжъ?ыќ?ќ њжЕжждЛжЕж њж ?њ ЏжЯњжПж?ж PUBLICATION OF THE PATENT OFFICE The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27370 INTRODUCTION In view of the recent amendment made in the Patents Act, 1970 by the Patents (Amendment) Act, 2005 effective from 01st January 2005, the Official Journal of The Patent Office is required to be published under the Statute. This Journal is being published on weekly basis on every Friday covering the various proceedings on Patents as required according to the provision of Section 145 of the Patents Act 1970. All the enquiries on this Official Journal and other information as required by the public should be addressed to the Controller General of Patents, Designs & Trade Marks. Suggestions and comments are requested from all quarters so that the content can be enriched. (V.RAVI) Controller General of Patents, Designs & Trade Marks 14th November, 2008 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27371 CONTENTS SUBJECT PAGE NUMBER JURISDICTION : 27373-27374 SPECIAL NOTICE : 27375-27376 CORRIGENDUM (KOLKATA) : 27377 EARLY PUBLICATION (DELHI) : 27378-27384 EARLY PUBLICATION (MUMBAI) : 27385-27391 : 27392-27531 PUBLICATION AFTER 18 MONTHS (MUMBAI) : 27532-27586 PUBLICATION AFTER 18 MONTHS (KOLKATA) : 27587-27712 CESSATION OF PATENTS (MUMBAI) : 27713 OPPOSITION U/S 25(2) (KOLKATA) : 27713 PUBLICATION U/R 84(3) IN RESPECT OF APPLICATION FOR RESTORATION OF PATENTS (MUMBAI) : 27714 PUBLICATION UNDER SECTION 43(2) IN RESPECT OF THE GRANT (DELHI) : 27715-27719 PUBLICATION UNDER SECTION 43(2) IN RESPECT OF THE GRANT (KOLKATA) : 27720-27727 SPECIAL NOTICE RELATED TO DESIGNS : 27728 CANCELLATION PROCEEDINGS (DESIGNS) : 27729 PUBLICATION OF REGISTRATION OF DESIGNS UNDER RULE 22 : 27730-27750 PUBLICATION AFTER 18 MONTHS (DELHI) The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27372 THE PATENT OFFICE KOLKATA, 14/11/2008 Address of the Patent Offices/Jurisdictions The following are addresses of all the Patent Offices located at different places having their Territorial Jurisdiction on a Zonal basis as shown below:1 Office of the Controller General of Patents, Designs & Trade Marks, Boudhik Sampada Bhavan, Near Antop Hill Post Office,S.M.Road,Antop Hill, Mumbai ? 400 037 4 Phone: (91)(22) 24123311, Fax : (91)(22) 24123322 E-mail: cgpdtm@nic.in 2 The Patent Office, Government of India, Intellectual Property Rights Building, G.S.T. Road, Guindy, Chennai ? 600 032. Phone: (91)(44) 2250 2081-84 Fax : (91)(44) 2250 2066 E-mail: chennai-patent@nic.in The States of Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Kerala, Tamil Nadu and the Union Territories of Puducherry and Lakshadweep. The Patent Office, Government of India, Boudhik Sampada Bhavan, Near Antop Hill Post Office,S.M.Road,Antop Hill, Mumbai ? 400 037 Phone: (91)(22) 24137701 Fax: (91)(22) 24130387 E-mail: mumbai-patent@nic.in The States of Gujarat, Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, Goa and Chhattisgarh and the Union Territories of Daman and Diu & Dadra and Nagar Haveli 5 The Patent Office (Head Office), Government of India, Boudhik Sampada Bhavan, CP-2, Sector ?V, Salt Lake City, Kolkata- 700 091 Phone: (91)(33) 2367 1943/44/45/46/87 Fax: (91)(33) 2367 1988 E-Mail: kolkata-patent@nic.in Rest of India 3 The Patent Office, Government of India, Boudhik Sampada Bhavan, Plot No. 32., Sector-14, Dwarka, New Delhi ? 110075 Phone: (91)(11) 2808 1921 ? 25 Fax: (91)(11) 2808 1920 & 2808 1940 E.mail: delhi-patent@nic.in The States of Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu and Kashmir, Punjab, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh, Uttaranchal, Delhi and the Union Territory of Chandigarh. Website: www.ipindia.nic.in www.patentoffice.nic.in All applications, notices, statements or other documents or any fees required by the Patents Act, 1970 and The Patents (Amendment) Act, 2005 or by the Patents (Amendment) Rules, 2006 will be received only at the appropriate offices of the Patent Office. Fees: The Fees may either be paid in cash or may be sent by Bank Draft or Cheques payable to the Controller of Patents drawn on a scheduled Bank at the place where the appropriate office is situated. The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27373 Џжъ?ыќ?ќ њжЕжждЛжЕж њжъЛжњж?жж, зЄќ?жжг 14/11/2008 њжЕжждЛжЕжжы ъњ жъЁжжзЌжњжИќ ъњ Џж?жъ 1 2 3 зОжзГжЎж ?жжЦќжы ЏжИќ лУЃж?ж Џжъ?ъќ??ќ њжЕжждЛжЕж ъњ Џж?жъ ?жг?жзЛжњ ?жЌжжИќ ЏжИќ ЄќйПж?ж ??жњъ ЏжЯжЄъќзПжњ ?зЌжњжИќ жъЁж ъњ УжжЃж ?жп?жъ зЄќ? ж? Цяќ :њжЕжждЛжЕж: ДжЦќжз?жЕжгЁжњ, ?њУОж, ?зГжњЛЏж Џжъ?ыќ?ќ њжЕжждЛжЕж ?жъЎж?д, 4 ?жЃжж ОЕжжЏжжИќ з?жХ?ж, ?г?ъќЛжъ??жу?Лж ЏжЯжЏъ ж?ќс Иќж??ЫќУж зВжмЛ?ќж ??ж?ќжЏђ ж зЦќЛж ?ќќжњ?жИ ъњ УжДжпЏжќ, ?г?ќлУ?вќЕжЛж ?У?ъќ?ќ ?Уж. ?Дж. Иќж?ъ ќ, ?Уж?ж?д?ќпУжп?жъ ?жИќ?Дж?ќп жжъ?ќж??ж ?зИќЕжж ??ж?ќжЏђ ж зЦќЛж, ДжуДВж?д -400 037, ГжжИќ?ж. ??ќ?жУжъ??ќ ?уќ ?джЛж АЛжжУњ Бњжъ?ж: (91)(22) 24123311 ?жп.?Уж.?ќп. Иќж?ъ ќ, жжЕж??ќп, Бюњ?Уж: (91)(22) 24123322 ?жъЎж?д - 600 032. Бњжъ?ж: (91)(44) 2250 2081-84 ?д.ДжъЛж: cgpdtm@nic.in Бюњ?Уж: (91)(44) 2250-2066 ?д.ДжъЛж: chennai-patent@nic.in ?ж?Ќж? ЏжЯЄъќПж, њ?жжд?ќњ, ъњИќЛж, ?жзДжЛж?жж?уќ ?жЃжж Џжу?уќ?жъИќп Иќж?Еж жъЁж ?Ожг Ужг?ж ПжжзУж?ж жъЁж, ЛжжЋќпЏж Џжъ?ыќ?ќ њжЕжждЛжЕж, ГжжИќ?ж УжИќњжИ 5 ВжжюзЈќњ УжгЏжЄќж ГжОж?ж, Џжъ?ыќ?ќ њжЕжждЛжЕж њжъЛжњж?жж (ЏжЯЌжж?ж њжЕжждЛжЕж), ??ж?ќжЏђ ж зЦќЛж ?ќќжњ?жИ ъњ УжДжпЏжќ, ВжжюзЈќњ УжгЏжЄќж ГжОж?ж, ?Уж. ?Дж. Иќж?ъ ќ, УжпЏжп-2, Ужъ??ќИќ-V, УжжЛ?ќ Лжъњ зУж?ќп, ??ж?ќжЏђ ж зЦќЛж, ДжуДВж?д - 400 037, њжъЛжњж?жж- 700 091, ГжжИќ?ж. Бњжъ?ж: (91)(22) 2413 7701, Бњжъ?ж: (91)(33) 2367 1943/44/45/46/87 Бюњ?Уж: (91)(22) 2413 0387 Бюњ?Уж/Fax: (91)(33) 2367 1988 ?д.ДжъЛж: mumbai-patent@nic.in ?д.ДжъЛж: kolkata-patent@nic.in жу?жИќж?ж, ДжЦќжИќжТ?вќ, ДжЌЕж ЏжЯЄъќПж, жжъ?ж ?жЃжж ?ћЂжпУжж?Эќ Иќж?Еж жъЁж ?Ожг Ужг?ж ПжжзУж?ж жъЁж, ЄќДж?ж ?жЃжж ЄќпОж, ЄќжЄќИќ ГжжИќ?ж њж ?ОжПжъТж жъЁж ?жюИќ ?жжИќ ЦќОжъЛжп. Џжъ?ыќ?ќ њжЕжждЛжЕж зЄќЛЛжп, ВжжюзЈќњ УжгЏжЄќж ГжОж?ж, ЏЛжжђ?ќ Ужг. 32, Ужъ??ќИќ - 14, ЋќжИќњж, ?ж?д зЄќЛЛжп - 110 075. Бњжъ?ж: (91)(11) 2808 1921-25 Бюњ?Уж: (91)(11) 2808 1920, 2808 1940 ?д.ДжъЛж: delhi-patent@nic.in ЦќзИќЕжжжж, зЦќДжж?жЛж ЏжЯЄъќПж, ?жДДжц ?жЃжж њПДжпИќ, Џжг?жжВж, Иќж?жУЃжж?ж, ?ЂжИќ ЏжЯЄъќПж, зЄќЛЛжп ?жЃжж ?ЂжИќж?г жЛж Иќж?Еж жъЁжжы, ?Ожг Ужг?ж ПжжзУж?ж жъЁж ?жг?ќпж?Эќ ОжъВжУжж??ќ: http://www.ipindia.nic.in www.patentoffice.nic.in Џжъ?ыќ?ќ ?зЌжз?жЕжДж, 1970 ?жЃжж Џжъ?ыќ?ќ (УжгПжжъЌж?ж) ?зЌжз?жЕжДж, 2005 ?ЃжОжж Џжъ?ыќ?ќ (УжгПжжъЌж?ж) з?жЕжДж, 2006 ЋќжИќж Ожжгз?ћ?ж УжГжп ?жОжъЄќ?ж, Ужц?ж?жж?б, зОжОжИќж Ежж ??Еж ЄќУ?жжОжъ?ж Ежж њжъ?д ПжуЛњ Џжъ?ыќ?ќ њжЕжждЛжЕж ъњ ъњОжЛж ?ЏжЕжу??ж њжЕжждЛжЕж Джы УОжпщњ?ж Цќжы жъ ? ПжуЛњ: ПжуЛњ Ежж ?жжъ ?жњЄќ К?Џж Джы Ежж "Controller of Patents" ъњ ?жжДж Джы ЄъќЕж Вжяњ ?вќжА?ќ Ежж ?жъњ ъњ ЋќжИќж Гжъ?жп ?жж Ужњ?жп Цюќ ?жжъ ?Ужп УЃжж?ж ъњ зњУжп ??жуУжцз?ж?ж Вжяњ Джы ЏжЯЄќЂж Цќжъ ?жЦќжб ?ЏжЕжу??ж њжЕжждЛжЕж лУЃж?ж Цяќ? The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27374 SPECIAL NOTICE 18 Months publication as required under Section 11A of the Patents Act, 1970 as amended by the Patents (Amendment) Act, 2005. Notice is hereby given that any person at any time before the grant of Patent may give representation by way of opposition to the Controller of Patents at appropriate office on the ground and in a manner specified under section 25(1) of the Patents (Amendment) Act, 2005 read with Rule 55 of the Patents (Amendment) Rules, 2006. Notice is also given that if any interested person requests for copies of the complete specification, drawing and abstract of any application already published, the photocopy of the same can be supplied by the Patent Office as per the jurisdiction on payment of prescribed fees of Rs.4/- per page. If any further details are required to be obtained, the same can be provided by the respective Patent Offices on request. (V. RAVI ) CONTROLLER GENERAL OF PATENTS, DESIGNS & TRADE MARKS The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27375 Special Notice Under the new provision of the Patents Act, 1970 as amended by the Patents (Amendment) Act, 2005 and Rules thereunder, Publication of the matter relating to Patents in the Official Gazette of India Part III, Section 2 has been discontinued and instead ?The Official Journal of the Patent Office? is being published containing all the activities of The Patent Office such as publication of all the patent applications after 18th months , grant of patents & all other information in respect of the proceedings as required under the provisions of the Patents (Amendment) Act, 2005 and Rules thereunder on weekly basis on every Friday. The price of each copy of the journal is Rs. 400/- (Postal charge included if within India) in paper form and Rs. 250/-(Postal charge included if within India) in CD-ROM form, while annual subscription of the journal for a calendar year 2008 is Rs. 20,000/- (Postal charge included if within India) in paper form and that is Rs. 12,000/(Postal charge included if within India) in CD-ROM form. There will be 52 issues in a calendar year. The annual subscription for the Year 2008 is required to be paid in advance in any of the Patent Offices located at Kolkata, New Delhi, Mumbai and Chennai. A request on plain paper addressed to the Controller of Patents should be made for supply of the Journals accompanied by payment for annual subscription/Single copy either in cash or cheque(at par)/Demand Draft drawn in favour of the Controller of Patents, payable at the respective Office. Other mode of payment i.e. M.O/I.P.O. or any out station cheque will not be accepted. The request for annual subscription (CD-ROM/paper form)or subscription of single copy in paper form should be made before 30 TH NOVEMBER, 2008. SPECIAL NOTICE Every effort is being taken to publish all the patent applications under section 11(A) of the Patents Act. However, if duplication of publication of any application is found, then earlier date of publication will be taken for the purpose of provisional protection for applicant and Patent Office will grant Patent not before six months from the date of second publication, provided that there is there is no third party representation. The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27376 CORRIGENDUM Under the headings ?Publication under Sec. 43(2) in respect of the Grant?, please delete the number 224968 (01586/KOLNP/2005) from the list which was inadvertently published in the Journal No.44/2008 dated 31st October, 2008. The Letters Patent issued in this respect stands withdrawn. Please also read the patent No. 224968 (1585/KOLNP/2005) published under Sec. 43(2) on 14th November, 2008. The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27377 Early Publication: The following patent applications have been published under section 11A (2) of The Patents (Amendment) Act 2005 and rule 24A of The Patents (Amendment) Rules, 2006. Any person may file representation by way of opposition to the Controller of Patents at the appropriate office against the grant of the patent in the prescribed manner under section 25(1) of the Patents (Amendment) Act 2005 read with the rule 55 of The Patents (Amendment) Rules, 2006: (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.1653/DEL/2008 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :10/07/2008 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : "CHUTE OPENER IN A MOBILE CARRIAGE" (51) International classification :B23P23/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :NA 1)AJAYA KUMAR (32) Priority Date :NA Address of Applicant :A-45, FREEDOM (33) Name of priority country :NA FIGHTERS'COLONY, NEW DELHI-110068, INDIA. Delhi (86) International Application No :NA India Filing Date :NA (72)Name of Inventor : (87) International Publication No :NA 1)AJAYA KUMAR (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A chute opener in a mobile carriage comprising a chute, a hollow base seat coupled to the bottom of said chute, a movable lid having a free end and a fixed end, said fixed end being hinged to said one end of hollow base seat, said free end of movable lid being fastened to at least one string, said string being in operable relation with a parasol, said parasol is actuated by draught of air. The movable lid is made up of nylon, Teflon, abs, plastic or alloyed metal. The parasols are different for different actuating speeds of the carriage. The parasol is made up of impervious woven cloth material with thin ribs of plastic or metal. The parasol is made up of durable moulded PVC or ABS or plastic. The parasol is of cup shape. The string is attached to a winch mechanism which can also be actuated by hand in case the device malfunctions. The chute opener is provided within a cage with perforated grills to allow draught of air. The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27378 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.1867/DEL/2008 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :06/08/2008 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : "WATER TREATED CATALYST TO PRODUCE LIGHT OLEFINS" (51) International classification :C08F10/00; (71)Name of Applicant : C07C4/06; 1)UOP LLC C10G11/00 Address of Applicant :25 EAST ALGONQUIN ROAD, :11/848,271 P.O.BOX 5017, DES PLAINES, ILLINOIS 60017-5017, U.S.A :31/08/2007 (72)Name of Inventor : :U.S.A. 1)MILLER, RAELYNN, MCKAY :NA 2)CHEN, JOHN, QIANJUN :NA 3)WILSON, STEPHEN, THOMAS :NA :NA :NA :NA :NA (31) Priority Document No (32) Priority Date (33) Name of priority country (86) International Application No Filing Date (87) International Publication No (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number Filing Date (57) Abstract : A process is presented for the formation of a SAPO-34 catalyst product. The process, that involves treatment with water or optionally at least one dissolved solid selected from the group consisting of ammonium chloride, ammonium phosphate, ammonium sulfate, ammonium acetate, ammonium carbonate, ammonium nitrate and mixtures thereof creates a SAPO-34 catalyst that has an increased selectivity for production of ethylene and propylene. The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27379 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.1993/DEL/2007 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :20/09/2007 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : IMPROVED HAMMER MILL :B02C13/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (51) International classification (31) Priority Document No :NA 1)SH. SATBIR SINGH (32) Priority Date :NA Address of Applicant :H.NO 245, EAST BHATIA NAGAR, (33) Name of priority country :NA NEAR MOHAN BAKERI, YAMUNANAGAR-135 002 (86) International Application No :NA Rajasthan India Filing Date :NA (72)Name of Inventor : (87) International Publication No :NA 1)SH. SATBIR SINGH (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The present invention relates to gap adjustment between hammer tip to screen. Gap adjustment with fixtures on both screens wherein clampings are welded on both screens for gap adjustment. The clampings are shifted from inside to outside depending whether coarse or fine particles are required. The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27380 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.2157/DEL/2008 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :12/09/2008 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : "AN IMPROVED COIN PAYPHONE" :H04M17/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (51) International classification (31) Priority Document No :NA 1)PEP INFOTECH LIMITED (32) Priority Date :NA Address of Applicant :SHANKER CHOWK, OPP.OLD (33) Name of priority country :NA OCTROI POST, DELHI ROAD, MEERUT-250 002 (U.P), (86) International Application No :NA INDIA Uttar Pradesh India Filing Date :NA (72)Name of Inventor : (87) International Publication No :NA 1)YOGESH GARG (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : This invention relates to an improved coin payphone comprising of an inclined chute with LED and sensor attached thereto wherein a stepped slide bar is disposed inside the chute. The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27381 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.2163/DEL/2008 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :15/09/2008 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : TIME MYSTRERY UNFOLD :G08B1/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (51) International classification (31) Priority Document No :NA 1)SHYAM SUNDER SINGH (32) Priority Date :NA Address of Applicant :G-186, SECTOR -23, SANJAY (33) Name of priority country :NA NAGAR, GHAZIABAD-201002, U.P.INDIA Uttar Pradesh India (86) International Application No :NA (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :NA 1)SHYAM SUNDER SINGH (87) International Publication No :NA (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : Three hundred sixty four (364) degrees or angles form a Zero (0) degree/angle which has neither less nor more than three hundred sixty four (364) degrees or angles. Therefore a right angle is an angle whose measure is exactly ninety one (91) degrees or angles and a straight angle is an angle that measures exactly one hundred eighty two (182) degrees or angles. 360 degrees/angles being deficient incorrect or erroneous can never be that degree/angle or number, which forms a circle. Therefore this new annual calendar supported by time measurements based on three hundred sixty four (364) degrees/angles is a true global calendar for universal acceptance. The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27382 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.2300/DEL/2008 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :03/10/2008 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : "A SYSTEM WHICH ENHANCES THE ENVIRONMENT PROTECTION AND POWER SAVING" :F24F3/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (51) International classification (31) Priority Document No :NA 1)MR. DEVENDAR SINGH (32) Priority Date :NA Address of Applicant :203, THE PARADISE APARTMENT, (33) Name of priority country :NA OPP. AGARWAL DHARAMSHALA ALOK SCHOOL ROAD, (86) International Application No :NA SECTOR:-11 HIRAN NAGRI:-313002 UDAIPUR RAJASTHAN Filing Date :NA INDIA (87) International Publication No :NA (72)Name of Inventor : (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number :NA 1)MR. DEVENDAR SINGH Filing Date :NA (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : This invention is based on improved air conditioning system. Which can reduce running hours of the compressor use only useful area and no wastage? Enhances the environment protection less utilization of air conditioner operation, saves electricity, reduced CO2 addition into atmosphere, reduced green house effect. The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27383 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.2238/DEL/2008 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :24/09/2008 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : "CONTINUOUS PRODUCTION OF NANO-CRYSTALLINE ZINC OXIDE PARTICLES" :C07C (71)Name of Applicant : (51) International classification (31) Priority Document No :NA 1)AKHTER HUSAIN ANSARI (32) Priority Date :NA Address of Applicant :UNIVERSITY POLYTECHNIC, (33) Name of priority country :NA ALIGARH MUSLIM UNIVERSITY, ALIGARH-202002, Uttar (86) International Application No :NA Pradesh, India Filing Date :NA (72)Name of Inventor : (87) International Publication No :NA 1)AKHTER HUSAIN ANSARI (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The present invention relates to a processing method /set-up for the "Continuous production of nano-crystalline zinc oxide particles" wherein a reaction/processing chamber is maintained at a predetermined temperature (below boiling point of water) with the help of a known method (for example, water bath). Initially, a predetermined volume of aqueous solution of a predetermined concentration of zinc salt, a predetermined volume of a predetermined basic solution, a predetermined volume of a predetermined concentration of any known surfactant and a predetermined volume of distilled (doubled) water are injected in the reaction/processing chamber. There is a continuous injection of these chemicals in the reaction/processing chamber. The mixture flows through various reaction/processing chambers arranged in a systematic order. Valves provided are provided to help the flow as well as monitor the mixture during the flow through the reaction/processing chambers. The flow of the mixture is maintained with the help of a flow-meter. The reaction in completed in the reaction/processing chamber in a few tens of minutes. The status of the reaction in the reaction/processing chamber can be monitored with the help of an indicator. After the completion of the reaction in the reaction/processing chamber, nanocrystalline zinc oxide particles are formed as colloidal solution in the reaction/processing chamber. The colloidal solution from the reaction/processing chamber is tapped with the respective valve. Nano-crystalline zinc oxide particles present in the colloidal solution are separated through any known standard method of separation. The separated nano-crystalline zinc oxide particles obtained is allowed to pass through distilled water then through acetone. Finally it is dried in an oven. The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27384 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.1818/MUM/2008 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :29/08/2008 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : AN EXTRUDER WITH A SINGLE OR A TWIN CONE MESH FOR GRANULATION OF PHARMACEUTICAL PREPARATION (51) International classification :B29C47/08 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :NA 1)RAJKUMAR BUDHRAJA (32) Priority Date :NA Address of Applicant :2B, FLAT NO 34, WINDERMERE, (33) Name of priority country :NA OFF VERSOVA LINK ROAD, ANDHERI (W), MUMBAI400053, Maharashtra, India (86) International Application No :NA Filing Date :NA (72)Name of Inventor : (87) International Publication No :NA 1)RAJKUMAR BUDHRAJA (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : This invention relates to a vehicle steering system testing apparatus comprising of an anchoring unit fixed rigidly to a flat surface to anchor front end of a vehicle, a hydraulic motor powered with hydraulic source, a steering wheel adapter, a shaft for connecting said hydraulic motor with said steering wheel adaptor, said assembly of hydraulic motor and steering wheel adaptor with shaft being connected to a steering wheel of said vehicle under test, and an encoder mounted on said hydraulic motor to sense and control the number of steering input turns and method of testing thereof. The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27385 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.1865/MUM/2008 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :02/09/2008 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : MACHINE TOOL ATTACHMENT (51) International classification :B23Q3/157 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :NA 1)TATA MOTORS LIMITED (32) Priority Date :NA Address of Applicant :BOMBAY HOUSE, 24 HOMI MODY (33) Name of priority country :NA STREET, HUTATMA CHOWK, MUMBAI-400001, Maharashtra (86) International Application No :NA India (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :NA (87) International Publication No :NA 1)SURENDRA DATAR (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : This invention relates to a machine tool attachment comprising a drive unit and a cutter mounting unit mounted on a housing; a stopper attached to said housing; said drive unit and said cutter mounting unit are connected to each other to transfer the drive power; and said housing provided with a taper angle to enable the cutter unit to be tilted during operation. The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27386 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.1939/MUM/2008 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :12/09/2008 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : A MOUNTING STRUCTURE FOR MOUNTING STEERING TANK AND EMERGENCY STEERING SYSTEM (51) International classification :B62D5/065 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :NA 1)TATA MOTORS LIMITED (32) Priority Date :NA Address of Applicant :BOMBAY HOUSE, 24 HOMI MODY (33) Name of priority country :NA STREET, HUTATMA CHOWK, MUMBAI-400001, Maharashtra (86) International Application No :NA India Filing Date :NA (72)Name of Inventor : (87) International Publication No :NA 1)MAHENDRA A. PETALE (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number :NA 2)CHANDRAKANT P. MAHAJAN Filing Date :NA (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The invention relates to a mounting structure for mounting steering tank and emergency steering system in a vehicle comprising an Lshaped body one side of which is connected to the long member of a vehicle, said structure having at least three mounting faces, the first mounting face being relatively larger than the other two, said first mounting face having upward flange on its end, said second mounting face being a flange forming face of said structure on which emergency steering system is connected said structure having fastening means to mount the steering tanks thereon. The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27387 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.22/MUM/2008 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :02/01/2008 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : DEVICE FOR REMOVING WATER FROM A SOLID MATERIAL OR SOIL :B01D21/01 (71)Name of Applicant : (51) International classification (31) Priority Document No :NA 1)HITESH PANCHAL (32) Priority Date :NA Address of Applicant :GEELI MACHINARY WORKS, PLOT (33) Name of priority country :NA NO.-3A, MONA ESTATE, ANIL STARCH MILLS, ANIL (86) International Application No :NA ROAD, AHMEDABAD-380025, Gujarat India (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :NA (87) International Publication No :NA 1)HITESH PANCHAL (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The present invention relates to dewatering of material in form of sludge, sediment, suspension and the like such as paper pulp, peat etc. More particularly it relates to dewatering device for dewatering by squeezing the material. The dewatering device of present invention comprises feeder for feeding material from which water is to be removed; an inlet for allowing the forward movement of said material for water removal purpose; a screw conveyor being mounted over a shaft for receiving said material from inlet and moving said material in forward direction; a screen for removing water from said material, the said screen surrounds said screw conveyor; an outlet for facilitating collection of the material from which water is removed; characterized in that a conical valve being movably fitted over said shaft and followed by said outlet for the purpose of maintaining predetermined pressure over the material from which water is to removed; a pneumatic system being connected to said conical valve; wherein said screen is conical in shape, the material is squeezed between said screen and screw conveyor while traveling from inlet to outlet as the distance between screw conveyor and screen decreases longitudinally and said pneumatic system moves conical valve towards or away from outlet for ensuring the predetermined pressure over the material The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27388 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.2314/MUM/2008 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :27/10/2008 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : HOSPITAL BED WITH SLIDING BACK ARRANGEMENT :A61G7/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (51) International classification (31) Priority Document No :NA 1)BHASKAR VITTHAL PATWARDHAN (32) Priority Date :NA Address of Applicant :3RD FLOOR, SANJIVANI SANKUL, (33) Name of priority country :NA GOLE COLONEY, NASHIK-422002, Maharashtra India (86) International Application No :NA (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :NA 1)BHASKAR VITTHAL PATWARDHAN (87) International Publication No :NA (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The present invention relates to a hospital bed having back portion, seat portion and legs portion. The novelty of the invention lies in the fact that hospital bed is provided with unique sliding back arrangement. The sliding back arrangement of present invention comprises: one steel frame with cushion on which the upper body of the patient actually rests; a cable that pulls this sliding back arrangement upward when the back portion of the hospital bed is moved in a chair position and one or more springs that pulls this sliding back arrangement to its original position on the bed so as to maintain the position of the patient on the bed. This newly invented bed prevents the sliding forward of the patient on a bed so as to maintain his position on the bed. The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27389 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.2316/MUM/2008 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :29/10/2008 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : "THE BRAIN REVIVER" REGENERATES THE BRAIN CELLS (NEURONS) AND ULTIMATELY ALL THE BRAIN FUNCTIONS (51) International classification :A61K49/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :NA 1)ABOOBAKAR HINGORA (32) Priority Date :NA Address of Applicant :GULMARG BHAVAN, NEAR (33) Name of priority country :NA SIDDHARTH CHOWK, PACHPEDI NAKA ROAD, TIKRAPARA, RAIPUR, C.G. 492001, Chattisgarh India (86) International Application No :NA Filing Date :NA (72)Name of Inventor : (87) International Publication No :NA 1)ABOOBAKAR HINGORA (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : On the basis of the principles ?Doctrine of Signature? and ?Simila Similibus Curantour? a new homeopathic medicine from the rotten kernel of ripened dry fruit of walnut (Juglans regia), just resembling to the brain, is invented to repair, regenerate, revive, and tone up the rotten brain [brain cells and tissues (Neurons)] to prevent and radically cure the brain diseases such as mental retardation, cerebellar & cerebral degeneration, cerebellar & cerebral hypoplasia, cerebellar & cerebral atrophy, cerebellar & cerebral anoxia and / or hypoxia, cerebral palsy, encephalopathy and all of it?s signs, symptoms, concomitants and associated diseases. The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27390 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.452/MUM/2007 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :09/03/2007 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : AN IMPROVED AIR VENT ASSEMBLY FOR VEHICLES :B62D25/02 (71)Name of Applicant : (51) International classification (31) Priority Document No :NA 1)TATA MOTORS LIMITED (32) Priority Date :NA Address of Applicant :BOBAY HOUSE, 24 HOMI MODY (33) Name of priority country :NA STREET, HUTATMA CHOWK, MUMBAI-400001, Maharashtra (86) International Application No :NA India (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :NA (87) International Publication No :NA 1)RANGANATH KUMAR S.V. (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number :NA 2)BALAJI K. Filing Date :NA 3)SANGEET H. KAPOOR (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : This invention relates to an improved air vent comprises inner vent assembly and outer vent housing, said inner vent assembly consists of horizontal vane (1), vertical vane (2) and circular vane (3). Vertical vanes are rigidly fixed to the inner vent housing (6), horizontal and circular vanes are adjustably fitted to the inner vent housing. A knob (4) is provided on the extreme end of inner vent housing for adjusting the horizontal and circular vanes (1,3) for closing and opening depends on the passenger requirement. The inner vent housing (6) is extended up to the outer vent housing (9) to guide the ram air which captured. Outer vent housing (9) consists of fixed vanes (5) to guide the ram air in to the vehicle. The fixed vanes (5) are oriented in such a way that the water from outside will not enter inside the vents and into the vehicle. Inner vent assembly is located between the top end of dashboard and bottom of the windshield (8) and outer vent housing (9) is located at the outside of the vehicle between the bottom end of the wind shield (8) and the front upper panel (10). The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27391 Publication After 18 Months : The following Patent Applications have been published under Section 11A (3) of The Patents (Amendment) Act, 2005. Any Person may file representation by way of opposition to the Controller of Patents at the appropriate office against the grant of the patent in the prescribed manner under section 25(1) of the Patents (Amendment) Act, 2005 read with the rule 55 of The Patents (Amendment) Rules, 2006: (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.1006/DEL/2008 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :21/04/2008 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : "RENDERER FOR PRESENTING AN IMAGE FRAME BY HELP OF A SET OF DISPLAYING COMMANDS" (51) International classification :H04N5/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :07108035.2 1)THOMSON LICENSING (32) Priority Date :11/05/2007 Address of Applicant :46, QUAI A.LE GALLO, 92100 (33) Name of priority country :EPO BOULOGNE-BILLANCOURT, FRANCE France (86) International Application No :NA (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :NA 1)JOBST HOERENTRUP (87) International Publication No :NA 2)RALF OSTERMANN (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number :NA 3)DIRK GANDOLPH Filing Date :NA 4)ANDREJ SCHEWZOW (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA 5)MARCO WINTER Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The invention is related to a renderer for presenting, an image frame by help of a set of displaying commands wherein a displaying command comprises a displaying area (R1...R15) and a displaying content (CLR, 01, 02). The renderer comprises means for adapting a first and/or a second displaying command set such that an adapted displaying command sets comprises displaying areas (R1...R15) which do not intersect with any displaying area (R1...R15) of the same set. Furthermore, the displaying areas (R1...R15) of an adapted set cover a display area the image frames are displayed on. The reindeer further determines displaying commands of the adapted second set (C_NEXT) not comprised in the adapted first set (C_CURRENT). Then, the determined displaying commands are executed. Adaptation makes comparison of displaying commands suitable for excluding areas from displaying/blitting/clearing. No. of Pages : 34 No. of Claims : 10 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27392 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.1029/DELNP/2005 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :16/03/2005 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : "A PHARMACEUTICAL COMPOSITION CONPRISING A HUMAN INTERLAEUKIN-11("IL11')POLPEPTIDE" (51) International classification :A61K 9/36 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :60/411,040 1)WYETH Address of Applicant :87 CAMBRIDGE PARK (32) Priority Date :16/09/2002 DRIVE,CAMBRIDGE,01810,U.S.A U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. (86) International Application No :PCT/US2003/029272 (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :16/09/2003 1)NICHOLAS W. WARNE (87) International Publication No :WO 2004/024125 2)REBECCA KOVAL (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)ARWINDER S. NAGI :NA Number 4)RAMARAO S. CHATLAPALLI :NA Filing Date 5)ERIC J. BANJAMIN (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A pharmaceutical composition comprising a human interleukin-11 ("IL- 11") polypeptide, wherein said composition comprises: a therapeutically effective amount of a polypeptide as herein described with the amino acid sequence of a human IL-11 polypeptide; at least one binder, as described herein, at a concentration of 3%-7%; at least one plasticizer, as described herein, at a concentration of 0.0 15%-5% wt/wt; at least one glidant, as described herein, at a concentration of 5% to 10%; and a methacrylic acid copolymer, as described herein at a concentration of 10% to 20% wt/wt. No. of Pages : 41 No. of Claims : 17 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27393 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.1056/DEL/2008 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :24/04/2008 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : "ROCKER ARM OF A VALVE OF AN INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINE" (51) International classification (31) Priority Document No :F01L1/18 ; (71)Name of Applicant : F01L1/18 1)SCHAEFFLER KG :A2007Address of Applicant :INDUSTRIESTRASSE 1-3, 91074 00296 HERZOGENAURACH, ANR 16 13 20 84, GERMANY Germany :27/04/2007 (72)Name of Inventor : :Germany 1)CIPRIAN IOAN DANET :NA :NA :NA :NA :NA :NA :NA (32) Priority Date (33) Name of priority country (86) International Application No Filing Date (87) International Publication No (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number Filing Date (57) Abstract : Proposed is a rocker arm (1), having a lever body (2) which is shaped from sheet metal material and which is formed so as to be cranked in the longitudinal direction, having a contact surface (6), which is arranged at a first end section (3) of the lever body (2), for the lift actuation of a gas exchange valve, having a lift pick-off surface (8) which is arranged at a second end section (4) of the lever body (2), and having a bearing point (12), which is arranged at a central section (5) of the lever body (2), for the mounting of the rocker arm (1) on a rocker arm axle. Here, the lever body (2) should have, in the region of its central section (5), a profile which is double-U-shaped in cross section with two profile sections which are situated adjacent to one another in the axial direction of the bearing point (12) and which are open in opposite directions, which profile sections comprise a first side wall (13), a second side wall (14) and a common intermediate wall (15). No. of Pages : 18 No. of Claims : 9 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27394 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.1323/DEL/2004 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :19/07/2004 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : "OIL SUPPLY DEVICE IN CENTRIFUGAL CLUTCH OF INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINE" (51) International classification (31) Priority Document No :F16D (71)Name of Applicant : 13/72 1)HONDA MOTOR CO., LTD., :2003Address of Applicant :1-1, MINAMIAOYAMA 2-CHOME, 301920 MINATO-KU, TOKYO, JAPAN. Japan :26/08/2003 (72)Name of Inventor : :Japan 1)YOSHINOBU SAWAMURA, :NA 2)HITOSHI KONDO :NA 3)YASUYUKI KUROIWA :NA :NA :NA :NA :NA (32) Priority Date (33) Name of priority country (86) International Application No Filing Date (87) International Publication No (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number Filing Date (57) Abstract : An oil supply device in a centrifugal clutch of an internal combustion engine wherein a torque converter [8] and the centrifugal clutch [3] are mounted on a crankshaft [1] and the torque converter [8] is supplied with working oil through an oil passage [Ib] in the crankshaft [1], characterized in that a working oil supply passage [21c] is defined in an end wall [21] of a clutch cover [2] covering the centrifugal clutch [3] in communication with the oil passage [Ib] in the crankshaft [1], an ejection port [21e] for ejecting lubricating oil is open in said flowing through said working oil supply passage [21c] into the oil passage [Ib] in the crankshaft [1] is ejected from said ejection port and introduced through a lubricating oil passage hole [31h] defined in an inner plate [31] of said clutch [31] into the clutch [31] to lubricate the clutch [31]. No. of Pages : 22 No. of Claims : 3 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27395 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.1020/DEL/2007 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :10/05/2007 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : DRILLING MACHINE. :E21B3/02 (71)Name of Applicant : (51) International classification (31) Priority Document No :NA 1)CHAN, YAO-PANG (32) Priority Date :NA Address of Applicant :NO.5, ALLEY 100, GUANGYUN (33) Name of priority country :NA LANE, GUANGYUN VILLAGE, YONGJING TOWNSHIP, (86) International Application No :NA CHANGHUA COUNTY 512, TAIWAN (R.O.C) Taiwan Filing Date :NA (72)Name of Inventor : (87) International Publication No :NA 1)CHAN, YAO-PANG (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A drilling machine comprises a power motor unit coupled with a spiral rod and a drill bit shaft and assembled in a mounting frame using a positioning disc. The arbor of power motor mounted on the mounting frame directly drives the drill bit shaft. The spiral rod is disposed at the periphery of drill bit shaft. A plurality of cutters are arranged between the drill bit and spiral rod at the outer perimeter of drill bit with a hollow guide notch above the cutters. The spiral rod is mounted in the positioning disc and engage a plurality of planet gears. When the arbor of power motor turns, it directly drives the drill bit shaft, drives the fast turning of drive gear at the periphery of drill bit shaft, resulting in different turning speeds with the drill bit shaft turning slowly and the spiral rod turning fast. No. of Pages : 17 No. of Claims : 5 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27396 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.1021/DEL/2007 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :10/05/2007 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : "SYNTHESIS OF NANOCRYSTALLINE IRON CARBIDES BY REACTION MILLING IN A DUALDRIVE PLANTARY MILL" (51) International classification :B22F1/007 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :NA 1)INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY KANPUR (32) Priority Date :NA Address of Applicant :INDIAN INSTITUTE OF (33) Name of priority country :NA TECHNOLOGY KANPUR, KANPUR-208016, INDIA Uttar Pradesh India (86) International Application No :NA Filing Date :NA (72)Name of Inventor : (87) International Publication No :NA 1)MISHRA, BARADA KANTA (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number :NA 2)SANGAL, SANDEEP Filing Date :NA 3)CHAIRA, DEBASIS (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The present disclosure provides a method of preparation of nanocrystalline iron carbides by reaction milling in a specially designed dual drive planetary mill. The disclosed process comprising of reaction milling a mixture of iron powder and graphite powder in a dual drive planetary ball mill; separating iron carbide from un-reacted graphite; and annealing the iron carbide. The powder sample is characterized by XRD (Cuk?), laser particle size analyzer, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). No. of Pages : 15 No. of Claims : 6 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27397 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.1043/DEL/2008 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :23/04/2008 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : "COMMUNICATION DATA" (51) International classification :H04L12/56 ; H04Q7/38 :11/741,649 :27/04/2007 :U.S.A. :NA :NA :NA :NA :NA :NA :NA (71)Name of Applicant : 1)TECHNOLOGY PROPERTIES LIMITED Address of Applicant :20400 STEVENS CREEK BOULEVARD, SUITE 500, CUPERTINO, CALIFORNIA 95014, U.S.A. U.S.A. (72)Name of Inventor : 1)JOHN W RIBLE (31) Priority Document No (32) Priority Date (33) Name of priority country (86) International Application No Filing Date (87) International Publication No (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number Filing Date (57) Abstract : A computer (12) having multiple data paths (38a-d) connecting to other devices, which may be similar computers. A register (40d) is provided that has bits (110) programmatically settable to address each of the data paths such that the computer can communicate via multiple of the data paths based on which bits are concurrently set in the register. Optionally, multiple of the computers can be connected in series (termed a pipeline") or to form an array (10). No. of Pages : 33 No. of Claims : 16 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27398 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.181/DELNP/2005 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :18/01/2005 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : " SIGNAL TRANSMITTING CABLE" (51) International classification :G02B 6/44 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :0218624.5 1)EMTELLE UK LIMITED (32) Priority Date :10/08/2002 Address of Applicant :HAUGHHEAD, HAWICK TD9 8LF, GREAT BRITAIN. U.K. (33) Name of priority country :U.K. :PCT/GB2003/002749 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :26/06/2003 1)GEORGE HENRY PLATT BROWN (87) International Publication No :WO 2004/015465 2)DAVID JOHN STOCKTON (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)KEVIN THOMAS COCKBURN :NA Number 4)GREIG IAIN MCILWREATH :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The present invention relates to a signal transmitting cable comprising a first signal transmitting portion including a plurality of elongate, flexible first signal transmitting members, wherein the first signal transmitting members are surrounded by a first layer of resin material curable by means of radiation such that only the outermost signal transmitting members are in contact with said first layer, and said first signal transmitting members are arranged to form at least three rows, wherein for each said row containing a plurality of said members, said members are arranged such that neighboring members of a row are in touching contact with each other, and each recess formed by neighboring members of a first said row facing towards a second said row accommodates a respective member of said second row, characterized in that said first layer is in touching contact with all of the outward facing surface of the first signal transmitting portion. No. of Pages : 22 No. of Claims : 18 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27399 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.265/DEL/2008 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :30/01/2008 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : "FUEL INJECTOR WITH BALANCED METERING SERVOVALVE, FOR AN INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINE" (51) International classification :F02M61/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :07425242.0 1)C.R.F. SOCIETA CONSORTILE PER AZIONI (32) Priority Date :23/04/2007 Address of Applicant :50, STRADA TORINO, ORBASSANO (33) Name of priority country :EPO ITALY. Italy (86) International Application No :NA (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :NA 1)MR. RICCO MARIO (87) International Publication No :NA 2)MR. RICCO RAFFAELE (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number :NA 3)MR. GRAVINA ANTONIO Filing Date :NA 4)MR GARGANO MARCELLO (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA 5)MR. STUCCHI SERGIO Filing Date :NA 6)MR. DE MICHELE ONOFRIO (57) Abstract : The injector (1) comprises a balanced metering servovalve (5) to control a rod (10) for the opening/closing of a nozzle. La servovalve (5) has a valve body (7) with a control chamber (26) radially delimited by a tubular portion (8) and fitted with an outlet passage (42) that is opened/closed by an axially movable shutter (47). The servovalve (7) is also integral with an axial stem (38), provided with a lateral surface (39), through which the outlet channel (42) exits. The shutter (47) is coupled to the stem (38) in an axially sliding manner and, when it closes the outlet passage (42) , it is subjected to substantially null axial fuel pressure. The outlet passage (42) has a calibrated segment (53) distanced from the shutter (47) and close to a bottom wall (27) of the control chamber (26) . The calibrated segment (53) :.s carried by an element (54) fixed to the valve body (7) in correspondence to an axial segment (43) of the outlet passage (42) . No. of Pages : 28 No. of Claims : 19 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27400 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.1353/DEL/2004 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :22/07/2004 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : " DIRECT INJECTION TYPE INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGIME" (51) International classification (31) Priority Document No :F02D 41/30 (71)Name of Applicant : :20031)HONDA MOTOR CO., LTD. 305834 Address of Applicant :1-1, MINAMIAOYAMA 2:29/08/2003 CHOME,MINATO-KU,TOKYO,JAPAN. Japan (72)Name of Inventor : :Japan :NA 1)MASATOSHI SUZUKI :NA 2)SUZUKI KAORU HANAWA :NA 3)NATSUE OGAWA, :NA :NA :NA :NA (32) Priority Date (33) Name of priority country (86) International Application No Filing Date (87) International Publication No (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number Filing Date (57) Abstract : [Object] To provide a direct injection type internal combustion engine which can be improved in combustion efficiency with excellent ignitability and also improved in fuel economy without enlargement of a cavity, by locating a spark generating portion of a spark plug near the center line of the cavity so as not to interfere with an injection flow injected from a fuel injector. [Solving Means] A direct injection type internal combustion engine including a piston 5 having a top surface formed with a cavity 51, a cylinder head 3 having a lower wall surface opposed to the top surface of the combustion chamber 8, a combustion chamber 8 formed between the top surface of the piston 5 and the lower wall surface of the cylinder head 3 as a ceiling surface, a plurality of intake and exhaust valves exposed to the combustion chamber 8, a fuel injector 60 exposed to the combustion chamber 8, and a spark plug 70 exposed to the combustion chamber 8. The spark plug 70 is inserted from a side surface of the cylinder head 3 toward the combustion chamber 8 so as to be inclined with respect to a cylinder axis L1. The spark plug 70 has a spark generating portion 71 located near the center line LI of the cavity 51. The fuel injector 60 is inserted from an upper surface of the cylinder head 3 toward the combustion chamber 8 so as to be inclined opposite to the spark plug 70 with respect to the cylinder axis L1. The fuel injector 60 has a nozzle 62a spaced apart from the center line L1 of the cavity 51 in a direction of inclination of the fuel injector 60. No. of Pages : 34 No. of Claims : 4 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27401 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.1685/DELNP/2005 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :26/04/2005 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : "A TOUCH PANEL ASSEMBLY FOR A BEVERAGE DISPENSER" (51) International classification :B65D 5/56 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :60/416,024 1)LANCER PARTNERSHIP LTD. (32) Priority Date :04/10/2002 Address of Applicant :6655, LANCER BOULEVARD SAN ANTONIO TX 78219 U.S.A. U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/IB2003/005093 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :02/10/2003 1)ROMANYSZYN, ADRIAN, M. (87) International Publication No :WO 2004/030438 2)SCHROEDER, ALFRED, A. (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)SUDOLCAN, PAUL, S. :NA Number 4)ROSALES, ROBERTO :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A beverage dispenser for dispensing beverages includes a touch panel assembly, removable fittings in a carbonator, a carbonator probe, and a carbonator pump assembly removable from a front of the beverage dispenser. The touch panel assembly includes a light source for backlighting a user interface and providing the dispenser with a visual presence. Electrode traces in the touch panel assembly detect interruptions in electrode fields and are accepted as user inputs for dispensing a beverage. A controller conducts the lighting, dispensing, and reconfiguring operations for the flavor selection areas on the user interface. The touch panel assembly further includes provisions for increasing a user interface area to increase visibility of a particular flavor, as well as bonus flavors on a beverage dispenser. The removable fittings each include an orifice for entry of water to be carbonated into the carbonator. The carbonator probe is a single wire probe with timed refill. No. of Pages : 52 No. of Claims : 8 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27402 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.209/DELNP/2005 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :19/01/2005 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : "METHOD FOR THE PRODUCTION OF A GAS STREAM COMPRISING H2 & CO" (51) International classification :C01B 3/10 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :10/178,889 1)ALCHEMIX CORPORATION (32) Priority Date :24/06/2002 Address of Applicant :8 SUNDIAL CIRCLE, CAREFREE, ARIZONA 85377, USA U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/US2003/019778 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :23/06/2003 1)KINDIG, JAMES KELLY (87) International Publication No :WO 2004/000723 2)WEYAND, THOMAS EDWARD (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)DAVIS, BOYD ROBERT :NA Number 4)ODLE, ROBERT, R. :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : method for the production of hydrogen-containing gas composition such as a synthesis gas including hydrogen and carbon monoxide. The method is carried out in reactor (500), which includes refractory sidewalls (502) that are adapted to contain the molten metal (504). A side-penetrating lance (518) penetrates the furnace near the bottom of the reactor and is provided for the optional introduction of oxygen for the purpose of heating the reactor (500). A top-submerged lace (508) terminates and injects steam and coal below the surface of the slag layer (506) and near the interface of the molten metal (504) and the slag layer (506). No. of Pages : 57 No. of Claims : 22 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27403 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.184/DELNP/2005 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :18/01/2005 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : A COMMUNICATION SYSTEM FOR OPTIMIZATION OF SYSTEM QUALITY BY IMPROVING FREQUENCEY REUSE IN A MOBILE NETWORK INFRASTRUCTURE (51) International classification :H04Q 7/30 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :60/410,265 1)TELEFONAKTIEBOLAGET LM ERICSSON (PUBL) Address of Applicant :S-164 83 STOCKHOLM (SE). Sweden (32) Priority Date :13/09/2002 (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No :PCT/SE2003/001431 1)NASCIMBENE, ANDREA Filing Date :15/09/2003 2)BOLLE, ALDO (87) International Publication No :WO 2004/025978 (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The present invention describes a network planning mechanism for the optimization of system quality associated with frequency reuse for a mobile network infrastructure and business access applications, by using an intelligent combination of microwave point-to-point and point-to-multipoint links in Broadband Wireless Access Systems or LMDS, for example. In an embodiment of the invention, Radio Base Stations (RBSs) sites can be connected to the Switch site by a combination of fiber optics, leased lines, or preferably microwave radio links. The embodiment enables traffic from several end sites to be concentrated at selected hub sites (hub site 1-4). The system is optimized by minimizing the quality degradation that can be experienced due to excessive interference inside a certain portion of the point-to-multipoint covered sector by means of the combined point-to-multipoint and point-to point solutions. The RBS, which on the planning phase will experience excessive interference in the direction to the hub, is not directly connected to the pointto~multipoint hub, but through a point-to-point link connecting to an access terminal, co-located with a different RBS or business user, in line of sight with the previous one. The access terminal in turn connects the point-to-multipoint hub allowing a frequency reuse factor of one to be deployed. No. of Pages : 20 No. of Claims : 5 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27404 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.2118/DEL/2004 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :27/10/2004 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : "ICE SUPPLY SYSTEM OF REFRIGERATOR" (51) International classification :F25C 5/00 :NA :NA :NA :NA :NA :NA :NA :NA :NA :NA (71)Name of Applicant : 1)LG ELECTRONICS INC. Address of Applicant :20, YOIDO-DONG, YOUNGDUNGPO-GU, SEOUL, KOREA. Republic of Korea (72)Name of Inventor : 1)LEE, MYUNG RYUL 2)LEE, WOOK YONG 3)OH, SEUNG HWAN 4)CHUNG, EUI YEOP (31) Priority Document No (32) Priority Date (33) Name of priority country (86) International Application No Filing Date (87) International Publication No (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number Filing Date (57) Abstract : Disclosed is an ice supply system provided at a door and freezer in a refrigerator. The ice supply system of the refrigerator of the present invention includes an icemaker, a container, a crusher and an ice discharger. The icemaker produces the ice by using cool air of the freezer and drops the ice to a lower part of thereof. The container is provided at a lower part of the icemaker, enabling to be inserted into and withdrawn from the door. In this case, the container includes an open top, a first opening provided at a side thereof, a transfer device rotating and transferring the ice to the first opening, and an outlet for discharging the ice. The crusher crushes the ice transferred by the transfer device and the ice discharger is provided for discharging the ice to an ice chute provided at the door by controlling an opening and closing amount of the outlet. No. of Pages : 27 No. of Claims : 16 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27405 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.225/DELNP/2005 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :20/01/2005 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : "A WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS UNIT" (51) International classification :H04L 12/56 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :10/212,942 1)MOTOROLA INC., (32) Priority Date :06/08/2002 Address of Applicant :1303 EAST ALGONQUIN ROAD,SCHAUMBURG,LLLINOIS 60196,U.S.A U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCTUS/03/23627 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :29/07/2003 1)JHEROEN PIETER DORENBOSCH :WO2004/014007 2)RICHARD L. BENNETT (87) International Publication No (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number :NA 3)DAVID L. RAYMER Filing Date :NA (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A method (900) of and apparatus for effecting a handoff" from a first Internet Protocol (IP) connection (221) to a second IP connection (331) is disclosed. The method includes: communicating a packet data communication between a first station and a gateway using the first IP connection and a first IP address for the first station, the gateway relaying the packet data communication with a second station; setting up the second IP connection with a second IP address for the first station, the first IP connection being a primary connection and the second IP connection being a secondary connection between the first station and the gateway, determining that the second IP connection should be the primary connection between the first station and the gateway; and changing the second IP connection to the primary connection by informing the gateway that the second IP address is the primary address using stream control transmission protocol (SCTP) messages. No. of Pages : 47 No. of Claims : 14 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27406 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.131/DEL/2008 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :15/01/2008 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : "RELATED RELIABILITY METHOD FOR SEARCHING PATENTS RESULTS" :G06F17/30 (71)Name of Applicant : (51) International classification (31) Priority Document No :96108593 1)SUNONWEALTH ELECTRIC MACHINE INDUSTRY (32) Priority Date :13/03/2007 CO., LTD. (33) Name of priority country :Taiwan Address of Applicant :12TH FLOOR, 120 CHUNG CHENG (86) International Application No :NA 1ST ROAD, LING YA DT., KAOHSIUNG CITY, TAIWAN, REPUBLIC OF CHINA. China Filing Date :NA (87) International Publication No :NA (72)Name of Inventor : (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number :NA 1)ALEX HORNG Filing Date :NA 2)CHUNG- JEN, HUANG (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A technical classification method for searching patents includes the steps of: entering a technical term to determine a user-defined search, and to obtain a set of patents of search results; classifying the patents according to codes of a patent classification system, so as to build a plurality of patent classification groups of the patents; and generating the patent classification groups depending on the classified patents. Furthermore, the technical classification method further includes the step of comparing the percentage distributions of the patents with a predetermined threshold value. No. of Pages : 28 No. of Claims : 19 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27407 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.137/DELNP/2005 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :14/01/2005 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : "A PROCESS FOR PRODUCING MICROCRYSTALLINE CELLULOSE" (51) International classification :C08B 16/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :60/398,803 1)EMC CORPORATION (32) Priority Date :26/07/2002 Address of Applicant :1735 MARKET STREET, PHILADELPHIA, PENNSYLVANIA 19103, U.S.A. U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/US2003/022988 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :24/07/2003 1)ROBERT KOPESKY (87) International Publication No :WO 2004/011501 2)ALBERT G. TSAI (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)THOMAS A. RUSZKAY :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A process for producing microcrystalline cellulose, comprising subjecting to a high shear treatment in an extruder system including a barrel and a product outlet at an elevated temperature of from 40 degrees Celsius to 160 degrees Celsius, as measured on the barrel, a reaction mixture comprising 25% to 60% by weight of a cellulose material, 0.1% to 10% by weight of hydrogen peroxide, on a 100% active basis of hydrogen peroxide, optionally with conventional additives of the kind herein described and water for a time effective to depolymerize the cellulose material, all weight percentages being based on the weight of the reaction mixture. No. of Pages : 22 No. of Claims : 23 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27408 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.1942/DELNP/2005 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :06/05/2005 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : "A METHOD OF DETERMINING EXTRACTION OF MATERIAL" (51) International classification :E21C 41/26 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :2002951893 1)BHP BILLITON INNOVATION PTY LTD. (32) Priority Date :09/10/2002 Address of Applicant :180 LONSDALE STREET, MELBOURNE, VICTORIA 3000, AUSTRALIA. Australia (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/AU2003/001298 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :02/10/2003 1)FROYLAND, GARY, ALLAN (87) International Publication No :WO 2004/033853 2)MENABDE, MERAB (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The present invention relates to the field of extracting resource(s) from a particular location. In particular, the present invention relates to the planning, design and processing related to a mine location in a manner based on enhancing the extraction of material considered of value, relative to the effort and/or time in extracting the material. The present discloses amongst other things, a method for determining slope constraints, determining a cluster of material, determining characteristics of selected portion of material, analyzing a selected volume of material, propagating clusters, forming clusters, mine design, aggregation of blocks into collections or clusters, splitting of waste and ore in clumps, determining a selected group of blocks to be mined, clump ordering and identifying clusters for pushback design. No. of Pages : 54 No. of Claims : 3 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27409 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.1974/DEL/2005 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :26/07/2005 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : SENSOR HAVING INTEGRATED LIGHT DETECTOR AND/OR LIGHT SOURCE :G02F 1/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (51) International classification (31) Priority Document No :11/013373 1)AGILENT TECHNOLOGIES, INC. (32) Priority Date :17/12/2004 Address of Applicant :395 PAGE MILL ROAD, PALO ALTO (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. CALIFORNIA 94306, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. U.S.A. (86) International Application No :NA (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :NA 1)HELBING RENE (87) International Publication No :NA (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A sensor, such as a lateral flow sensor, which includes a chemical layer and a detector on a flexible substrate. An optical signal is produced in response to an analyte placed on the chemical layer. The detector detects the signal, to thereby detect the presence, absence or concentration of the analyte. The detector is on the substrate. The chemical layer and the substrate are laminated together, to thereby form an integrated sensor. The sensor can include a light source. The light source can be on the substrate, or on an opposite side of the chemical layer than the detector. No. of Pages : 15 No. of Claims : 22 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27410 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.206/DELNP/2005 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :19/01/2005 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : "A MECHANICAL PART AND A METHOD OF MANUFACTURING THE SAME" (51) International classification :C22C 32/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :02/09444 1)SNECMA MOTEURS (32) Priority Date :25/07/2002 Address of Applicant :2 BOULEVARD DU GENERAL MARTIAL VALIN, 75015 PARIS, FRANCE France (33) Name of priority country :France :PCT/FR2003/002350 2)FROGES DE BOLOGNE (86) International Application No Filing Date :25/07/2003 (72)Name of Inventor : (87) International Publication No :WO 2004/011687 1)PESLERBE, ISABELLE (61) Patent of Addition to Application 2)TSCHOFEN, JACQUES :NA Number 3)THENAISIE, ANNE :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The mechanical part (50) of the invention presents a main direction along which there extend a central zone forming a core (52) and a peripheral zone forming a casing (54) which surrounds said core (52), said core (52) and said casing (54) presenting a metallurgical bond between each other, said core (52) being made of a first material presenting at least a metal matrix, and said casing (54) being made of a second material presenting at least a metal matrix. In characteristic manner, said metal matrices of the first and second materials are based on the same metal, and at least one of said first and second materials is made of a metal matrix composite containing reinforcing elements dispersed in said metal matrix. The mechanical part is preferably used as a blade for a fan or a low pressure compressor. No. of Pages : 22 No. of Claims : 18 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27411 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.213/DELNP/2005 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :19/01/2005 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : "AN IN-SITU METHOD FOR SAMPLING AND MEASURING PARTICLES IN A PARTICLE CONTAINING STREAM" (51) International classification :G01N 21/27 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :60/397,428 1)COLUMBIAN CHEMICALS COMPANY Address of Applicant :1800 WEST OAK COMMONS (32) Priority Date :19/07/2002 COURT, MARIETTA,GA 30062-2253, USA U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. (86) International Application No :PCT/US2003/022532 (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :18/07/2003 1)STAGG BARRY JAMES (87) International Publication No :WO 2004/010123 (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : Method for in-situ sampling and measuring particulate (e.g., carbon black) fineness in a process stream, such as in a carbon black reactor, comprising (a) sampling particles in-situ from a process stream, (b) adjusting the sample to conditions suitable for 1,11, (c) measuring the fineness using Lll, and (d) correlating the Lll fineness measurement with actual particle fineness. Method for in-situ sampling a particle-containing stream and measuring particle fineness using laser induced incandescence (Lll) comprising (a) sampling particles in-situ, (b) adjusting the sample to conditions suitable for Lll, (c) measuring the adjusted sample using Lll, and (d) correlating the Lll measurements with actual particle fineness. Also included is a method of sampling and controlling a process based on the real-time, on-line, in-situ methods for sampling and measuring particles. Sampling can comprise drawing a sidestream from a source of the particles. Adjusting the sample to conditions suitable for Lll can comprise diluting the sample or bringing the temperature of the sample to ambient conditions. Correlating may comprise using a correlation function determined by comparing Lll measurements and laboratory fineness measurements for particle samples drawn at the same time No. of Pages : 44 No. of Claims : 22 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27412 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.2594/DEL/2005 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :27/09/2005 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : IMPEDANCE-MATCHED EXTERNAL COMPONENT CONNECTIONS WITH UNCOMOPENSATED LEADS (51) International classification :G01R (71)Name of Applicant : 27/02 1)AGILENT TECHNOLOGIES, INC. :11/076601 Address of Applicant :395 PAGE MILL ROAD, PALO ALTO :10/03/2005 CALIFORNIA 94306, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. U.S.A. :U.S.A. (72)Name of Inventor : :NA 1)SCHWIEBERT, MATHEW K. :NA 2)WILKS, JOHN :NA 3)ENGEL, ANDREW :NA :NA :NA :NA (31) Priority Document No (32) Priority Date (33) Name of priority country (86) International Application No Filing Date (87) International Publication No (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number Filing Date (57) Abstract : In one aspect, an electronic assembly includes an interconnection substrate, a component, and a discontinuity compensator. The interconnection substrate includes a signal conductor and a ground conductor. The component includes a device having a signal line and a ground conductor, a package, and a signal lead. The signal lead is electrically coupled to an internal signal path of the package and has an external portion extending from the package to the signal conductor of the interconnection substrate. The discontinuity compensator electrically couples a ground path of the package to the ground conductor of the interconnection substrate. The discontinuity compensator includes an electrically conducting planar surface that is oriented in a plane intersecting the interconnection substrate and forms with at least a substantial part of the external portion of the signal lead a transmission line structure having an impedance substantially matching the nominal impedance over the specified bandwidth. No. of Pages : 16 No. of Claims : 21 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27413 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.267/DELNP/2005 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :24/01/2005 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : "4-(SUBSTITUTED ARYL)-5-HYDROXYISOQUINOLINONE DERIVATIVE" (51) International classification (31) Priority Document No (32) Priority Date (33) Name of priority country (86) International Application No Filing Date (87) International Publication No (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number Filing Date (71)Name of Applicant : :C07D 217/24 1)KYORIN PHARMACEUTICAL CO.,LTD :2002-214673 Address of Applicant :5,KANDA SURUGADAI 2:24/07/2002 CHOME,CHIYODA-KU,KOKYO 101-062,JAPAN Japan :Japan (72)Name of Inventor : :PCT/JP2003/009332 1)SHIGA FUTOSHI :23/07/2003 2)KANDA, TAKAHIRO :WO 2004/009556 3)KIMURA TETSUYA :NA 4)TAKOANO YASUO :NA 5)ISHIYAMA,JYUNICHI 6)KAWAI,TOMOYUKI :NA 7)ANRAKU,TSUYOSHI :NA 8)ISHIKAWA,KUME (57) Abstract : The present invention directed to a relates to a 4-substituted aryl-5-hydroxyisoquinolinone derivatives having excellent poly(ADPribose) polymerase inhibitory activity: and a pharmacologically acceptable addition salt thereof. The 4-substituted aryl-5hydroxyisoquinolinone derivative is represented by the general formula (1). No. of Pages : 148 No. of Claims : 11 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27414 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.291/DELNP/2005 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :25/01/2005 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : "A COMPOSITION COMPRISING A SYNERGISTIC RATIO OF AN ALPHA-2-DELTA LIGANG AND A PDEV INHIBITOR" (51) International classification :A61K 31/195 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :0219024.7 1)PFIZER INC. (32) Priority Date :15/08/2002 Address of Applicant :235 EAST 42ND STREET, NEW (33) Name of priority country :U.K. YORK, NEW YORK 10017, USA U.S.A. (86) International Application No :PCT/IB03/003476 (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :04/08/2003 1)MARK JOHN FIELD (87) International Publication No :WO 2004/016259 2)RICHARD GRIFFITH WILLIAMS (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A combination comprising a synergistic ratio of an alpha-2-delta ligand and a PDEV inhibitor, or a pharmaceutically acceptable salt or solvate of any thereof. No. of Pages : 90 No. of Claims : 9 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27415 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.296/DELNP/2005 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :25/01/2005 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : "NOVEL PHYSIOLOGICALLY ACTIVE SUBSTANCES" (71)Name of Applicant : 1)EISAI R & D MANAGEMENT CO. LTD. (51) International classification :C07D 07/06 Address of Applicant :6-10, KOISHIKAWA 4-CHOME, (31) Priority Document No :2002-224105 BUNKYO-KU, TOKYO JAPAN (32) Priority Date :31/07/2002 2)MERICAN CORPORATION (33) Name of priority country :Japan (72)Name of Inventor : :PCT/JP03/009753 1)YOSHIHIKO KOTAKE (86) International Application No Filing Date :31/07/2003 2)JUN NIIJIMA (87) International Publication No : WO2004/011661 3)YOSHIO FUKUDA (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number :NA 4)MITSUO NAGAI Filing Date :NA 5)REGINA MIKIE KANADA (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA 6)TAKASHI NAKASHIMA Filing Date :NA 7)MASASHI YOSHIDA 8)TOSHIO TSUCHIDA 9)TOMOHIRO SAMESHIMA (57) Abstract : Compounds represented by the following general formula (I), pharmacologically acceptable salts thereof or hydrates of the same: (I) wherein W represents (1) , (2) or (3) ; and R3, R7, R16, R17, R20 R21 and R21 are the same or different and each represents hydrogen, etc. Because of inhibiting angiogene-sis and inhibiting the production of VEGF particularly in hypoxia, the compounds (I) are useful as remedies for solid cancer. No. of Pages : 289 No. of Claims : 26 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27416 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.1092/DELNP/2005 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :21/03/2005 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : "METHOD OF RECORDING INFORMATION ON AND/OR REPRODUCING INFORMATION FROM THE OPTICAL INFORMATION STORAGE MEDIUM" (51) International classification (31) Priority Document No (32) Priority Date (33) Name of priority country (86) International Application No Filing Date (87) International Publication No (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number Filing Date (71)Name of Applicant : :G11B 7/007 1)SAMSUNG ELECTRONICS CO., LTD :10-2002-0053953 Address of Applicant :416, MAETAN-DONG, :06/09/2002 YEONGTONG-GU, SUWON-SI, GYEONGGI-DO 442-742, KOREA. Republic of Korea :Republic of Korea :PCT/KR2003/001803 (72)Name of Inventor : :03/09/2003 1)LEE, KYUNG-GEUN :WO 2004/023463 2)PARK, IN-SIK 3)RO, MYONG-DO :NA 4)CHUNG, CHONG-SAM :NA 5)SHIM, JAE-SEONG :NA 6)PARK, CHANG-MIN :NA 7)PARK, HYUN-SOO 8)YOON, DU-SEOP (57) Abstract : An optical information storage medium includes a lead-in area (10), a user data area (13), and a lead-out area (15). Data is recorded as a pit wobble (8) in all, or a portion, of the lead-in area and data is recorded as pits (9) in the remaining area of the optical information storage medium. A method records data on, and/or reproduces data from the optical information storage medium. No. of Pages : 21 No. of Claims : 15 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27417 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.128/DELNP/2005 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :13/01/2005 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : "METHOD OF MANUFACTURING A METAL OXIDE,METAL OXIDHYDROXIDE OR METAL HYDROXIDE PRODUCT" (51) International classification :C01G 23/04 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :PA 2002 00975 1)AALBORG UNIVERSITET Address of Applicant :FREDRIK BAJERS VEJ 5,DK-9220 (32) Priority Date :25/06/2002 AALBORG O,DENMARK Denmark (33) Name of priority country :Denmark (86) International Application No :PCT/DK2003/000439 (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :25/06/2003 1)JENSEN HENRIK (87) International Publication No :WO 2004001278 2)SOGAARD ERIK GYDESEN (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The invention relates to a method of manufacturing a product having a sub-micron primary particle such as metal oxide, metal oxidhydroxide or metal hydroxide product, said method comprising the steps of: introducing a solid reactor filling material in a reactor, introducing a metal-containing precursor in said reactor, introducing a co-solvent into the said reactor, introducing a supercritical solvent in the said reactor. By these steps a contact between the metal-containing a precursor and the co-solvent is established, thus resulting in the formation of said product in the proximity of the said solid reactor filling material. The present invention offers the astonishing possibility of producing anatase phase of TiO2 at temperature as low as between 50АC and 100АC and at concurrent pressures of 100-200 bar. The invention also relates to a product such as anatase TiO2 produced by the method and also relates to an apparatus utilizing the method. No. of Pages : 38 No. of Claims : 63 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27418 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.2568/DEL/2005 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :23/09/2005 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : OBTAINING DATA FROM A UTILITY METER USING IMAGE-BASED MOVEMENT TRACKING (51) International classification (71)Name of Applicant : :G01B 11/00 1)AGILENT TECHNOLOGIES, INC. :11/078,831 Address of Applicant :395 PAGE MILL ROAD, PALO ALTO :11/03/2005 CALIFORNIA 94306, UNITED STATE OF AMERICA. U.S.A. :U.S.A. (72)Name of Inventor : :NA 1)BURCH, JEFFERSON B. :NA 2)GORDON, GARY :NA :NA :NA :NA :NA (31) Priority Document No (32) Priority Date (33) Name of priority country (86) International Application No Filing Date (87) International Publication No (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number Filing Date (57) Abstract : Power data is obtained from a power meter (100) that utilizes a rotatable element (108) (e.g., a disk) by illuminating a spot on the rotatable element, capturing (200) image information from the surface of the rotatable element, processing (202) the image information to track movement of the rotatable element, and converting (204) the movement information to digital power data. Movement of the rotatable element is tracked by capturing successive frames of image information and correlating common features in the image frames to determine the magnitude of movement of the common features. No. of Pages : 13 No. of Claims : 11 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27419 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.2688/DEL/2005 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :06/10/2005 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : LIGHT EMITTING PANEL :F21V 7/04 (71)Name of Applicant : (51) International classification (31) Priority Document No :11/103172 1)AGILENT TECHNOLOGIES, INC. (32) Priority Date :11/05/2005 Address of Applicant :395 PAGE MILL ROAD, PALO ALTO (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. CALIFORNIA 94306, UNITED STATE OF AMERICA. U.S.A. (86) International Application No :NA (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :NA 1)MOK, THYE LINN (87) International Publication No :NA 2)TAN, SIEW KIM (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number :NA 3)NG, SHIN WEN Filing Date :NA (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : In one embodiment, a light emitting panel (10) includes a base panel (12) and a plurality of light emitting elements (14) mounted to the base panel (12). Each of the light emitting elements (14) produces an illumination pattern (46) having a region of substantially uniform intensity (28) that extends over a radiation angle of at least about 60 . One or more light conditioners (16, 18) are positioned adjacent the base panel (12) to receive and condition light produced by the light emitting elements (14). No. of Pages : 13 No. of Claims : 21 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27420 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.366/DELNP/2005 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :01/02/2005 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : "A CIRCULATION BLOWING METHOD AND SYSTEM OF A STEAM DRIVEN COKE DRY QUENCHER (CDQ)" (51) International classification :C10B 39/02 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :2002-234824 1)NIPPON STEEL CORPORATION Address of Applicant :6-3, OTEMACHI 2-CHOME, (32) Priority Date :12/08/2002 CHIYODA-KU, TOKYO 100-8071 JAPAN. Japan (33) Name of priority country :Japan (86) International Application No :PCT/JP2003/008502 2)NITTETSU PLANT DESIGNING CORPORATION Filing Date :03/07/2003 (72)Name of Inventor : (87) International Publication No :WO 2004/016713 1)YUKIMASA TANAKA (61) Patent of Addition to Application 2)HITOSHI ARITAKA :NA Number 3)NAOTO IGAWA :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A coke dry quencher (CDQ) circulation blowing method able to start up without using an electrically driven small sized circulation blower at the time of startup, but using a circulation blower driven by a steam turbine used in steady operation, and a circulation blowing system simplified in facilities are provided, that is, a CDQ circulation blowing method performing heat exchange between red hot coke charged into a CDQ body 1 and an inert gas introduced from below said CDQ body 1, recovering the latent heat of the inert gas after heat exchange in a boiler 4, and introducing the inert gas cooled by recovery of its latent heat in the boiler 4 into the CDQ body 1 again for circulation, which makes steam the drive source for driving said circulation blower 5, introduces steam from a separately provided steam supply source 18 when starting up the CDQ, and introduces steam from a bypass pipe 17 branched off from a steam pipe 13 from the boiler 4 after the CDQ finishes starting up. No. of Pages : 8 No. of Claims : 2 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27421 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.1134/DEL/2008 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :05/05/2008 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : "IN GLASS TOUCH SCREEN" (51) International classification :G06F3/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :07251889.7 1)RESEARCH IN MOTION LIMITED (32) Priority Date :04/05/2007 Address of Applicant :295 PHILLIP STREET, WATERLOO, (33) Name of priority country :EPO ONTARIO, CANADA, N2L 3W8, CANADA. Canada (86) International Application No :NA (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :NA 1)ROBERT LOWLES (87) International Publication No :NA 2)JAMES ALEXANDER ROBINSON (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : These needs, and others, are met by at least one embodiment of the disclosed invention which provides for a touch sensitive screen for an electronic device wherein there is a sparse pattern of sensors disposed within the active area and a dense pattern of sensors disposed within the viewing area. In this configuration, the pixels in the active area may have a larger aspect ratio and provide a more pleasing image while the dense sensors disposed within the viewing area provide more accurate touch sensitivity. Further, the software, or other electronics, used to create the image, may be structured to position menus or other selectable images adjacent to the viewing area. Similarly, certain images, such as icons, can be programmed to be displayed directly under the sensors in the active area. Generally, this configuration provides for the best of both worlds; a bright, clear image with some touches sensitivity in the active area and a sensitive sensor grid in the viewing area where there are no pixels. No. of Pages : 27 No. of Claims : 21 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27422 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.2200/DEL/2007 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :22/10/2007 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : "STABILIZED, COLLOIDAL AQUEOUS SUSPENSION CONTAINING A COMPLEX OF HYALURONIC ACID AND A PROTEIN DRUG, A PHARMACEUTICAL COMPOSITION, AND A METHOD OF PRODUCING THE SAME" (51) International classification :A61K31/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :60/924,257 1)JEDERSTROM PHARMACEUTICALS AB (32) Priority Date :07/05/2007 Address of Applicant :ALBANOVA (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. UNIVERSITETSCENTRUM, S-106 91 STOCKHOLM, (86) International Application No :NA SWEDEN. Sweden Filing Date :NA (72)Name of Inventor : (87) International Publication No :NA 1)GUSTAF JEDERSTROM (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A stabilized, colloidal aqueous suspension containing a complex of amorphous Hyaluronic acid (HA) with a mean molecular weight (mean MW) in the range of 80 to 400 kDa and amorphous protein drug, such as insulin, glucagon-like peptide 1 (GLP1), human growth hormone (hGH), erythropoietin (EPO) and super oxide dismutase (SOD), and an excess amount of HA, for example a HA with a mean MW of 6 - 15 kDa, to minimize the water-content, is described. The composition may additionally comprise HA with a mean MW in the range between 1 and 8 kDa when it is in lyophilized free-flowing powder form. Further, a pharmaceutical composition comprising the suspension and a method of producing the suspension including production of amorphous hyaluronic acid and amorphous protein, are disclosed. The pharmaceutical composition is intended for oral as well as parenteral administration. No. of Pages : 30 No. of Claims : 20 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27423 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.253/DELNP/2005 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :24/01/2005 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : "PYRIMIDYL SULPHONE AMIDE DERIVATIVES AS CHEMOKINE RECEPTOR MODULATORS" (51) International classification :C07D 239/48 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :0217431.6 1)ASTRAZENECA AB (32) Priority Date :27/07/2002 Address of Applicant :S-151 85 SODERTALJI,SWEDEN Sweden (33) Name of priority country :U.K. :PCT/GB2003/003175 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :23/07/2003 1)MARK RICHARD EBDEN (87) International Publication No :WO 2004/011443 2)PREMJI MEGHANI (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)COLIN BENNION :NA Number 4)ANTONY RONALD COOK :NA Filing Date 5)ROGER VICTOR BONNERT (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A compound of formula (I), pharmaceutically acceptable salt, solvate or in vivo hydrolysable ester thereof for the treatment of asthma, allergic rhinitis, COPD, inflammatory bowel disease, irritable bowel syndrome, osteoarthritis, osteoporosis, rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis or cancer. No. of Pages : 149 No. of Claims : 21 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27424 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.365/DELNP/2005 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :01/02/2005 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : " A COMPOUND 2-(3-AMINOARYL) AMINO-4-ARYL-THIAZOLES OF FORMULA I." (51) International classification :C07D 417/04 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :60/400,064 1)AB SCIENCE (32) Priority Date :02/08/2002 Address of Applicant :16 RUE DE CREQUI, 69006 LYON, FRANCE. France (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/IB2003/3685 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :31/07/2003 1)MARCO CIUFOLINI :WO 2004/014903 2)CAMILLE WERMUTH (87) International Publication No (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number :NA 3)BRUNO GIETHLEN Filing Date :NA 4)ALAIN MOUSSY (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The present invention relates to novel compounds selected from 2-(3-aminoaryl)amino-4-aryl-thiazoles of formula (I) that selectively modulate, regulate, and/or inhibit signal transductions mediated by certain native and/or mutant tyrosine kinases implicated in a variety of human and animal diseases such as cell proliferative, metabolic, allergic, and degenerative disorders. More particularly, these compounds are potent and selective c-kit inhibitors. No. of Pages : 117 No. of Claims : 19 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27425 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.157/DELNP/2005 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :17/01/2005 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : " A BIOLOGICALLY PURE BACTERIAL CULTURE OF MEGASPHAERA ELSDENII USEFUL TO PREPARE FEED ADDITIVES FOR RUMINANTS" (51) International classification :A61K 35/74 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :02/5742 1)AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH COUNCIL Address of Applicant :OLD SOUTPAN ROAD, (32) Priority Date :18/07/2002 ONDERSTEPOORT VATERINARY INSTITUTE, (33) Name of priority country :South Africa (86) International Application No :PCT/ZA2003/000093 ONDERSTEPOORT, 0110 PRETORIA, SOUTH AFRICA. South Filing Date :15/07/2003 Africa (87) International Publication No :WO 2004/009104 2)KEMIRA PHOSPHATES OY (61) Patent of Addition to Application (72)Name of Inventor : :NA Number 1)HORN, CHARLES, HENRY :NA Filing Date 2)KISTNER, ALBRECHT (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA 3)GREYLING, BAREND, JACOBUS Filing Date :NA 4)SMITH, ALEXANDRA, HELENA (57) Abstract : The present invention discloses a biologically pure bacterial culture of Meghasphera elsdenii useful to prepare feed additives for ruminants. Said culture has a 16S ribosomal RNA sequence displaying at least 97.0% similarity to a 16S ribosomal RNA sequence of the M. elsdenii strain deposited at NCIMB, Aberdeen, Scotland, UK under number NCIMB 41125; and a growth rate of at least 0.7 h1 No. of Pages : 74 No. of Claims : 7 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27426 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.183/DELNP/2005 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :18/01/2005 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : "A TURBINE APPARATUS FOR CAPTURING ENERGY FROM A FLUID STREAM" (51) International classification :F03D 3/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :10/217,722 1)JAMES D. NOBLE (32) Priority Date :13/08/2002 Address of Applicant :2104 ROCKY CREEK LANE, PEARLAND, TX 77581, USA U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/US03/025472 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :13/08/2003 1)JAMES D. NOBLE (87) International Publication No :WO 2004/015266 (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A turbine system (10) for capturing energy from a fluid stream includes a torque arm (12) and at least a pair of turbine blades (14) with the upper (16) and lower (18) halves are oppositely connected to the torque arm (12). A coordinating system (46) is connected to the turbine blades (14), which coordinating system (46) comprises a first system (48) and second system (52). The first system (48) is connected to control and regulate opening and closing of the upper (16) and lower (18) halves of each individual turbine blade (14). The second system (52) is connected between each pair of the turbine blades (14) so that as one clam shell turbine blade (14) closes the opposite blade (14) is forced open. No. of Pages : 20 No. of Claims : 7 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27427 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.1928/DEL/2005 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :22/07/2005 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : PVT VARIATION DETECTION AND COMPENSATION CIRCUIT (51) International classification :G06K 9/36 :NA :NA :NA :NA :NA :NA :NA :NA :NA :NA (71)Name of Applicant : 1)FREESCALE SEMICONDUCTOR, INC. Address of Applicant :7700 WEST PARMER LANE, AUSTIN, TEXAS 78729 UNITED STATE OF AMERICA. U.S.A. (72)Name of Inventor : 1)TRIPATHI DIVYA 2)GK SIDDHARTHA 3)KHAN QADEER A. 4)MISRI KULBHUSHAN 5)WADHWA SANJAY KUMAR (31) Priority Document No (32) Priority Date (33) Name of priority country (86) International Application No Filing Date (87) International Publication No (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number Filing Date (57) Abstract : A compensation circuit and a method for detecting and compensating for process, voltage, and temperature (PVT) variations in an integrated circuit. The integrated circuit includes plural logic modules that include PMOS transistors and NMOS transistors. The compensation circuit includes first and second functional modules, which generate first and second calibration signals. The first and the second calibration signals are used to compensate for the PVT variations in PMOS and NMOS transistors. No. of Pages : 18 No. of Claims : 10 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27428 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.214/DELNP/2005 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :19/01/2005 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : "AN ORALLY CONSUMABLE FILM COMPOSITION FOR DELIVERING BREATH FRESHENING AGENTS TO THE ORAL CAVITY" (51) International classification :A61K 7/16 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :10/200,939 1)COLGATE-PALMOLIVE COMPANY (32) Priority Date :23/07/2002 Address of Applicant :300 PARK AVENUE, NEW YORK, (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. NY 10022, USA U.S.A. (86) International Application No :PCT/US03/022530 (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :18/07/2003 1)SZELES LORI H. (87) International Publication No :WO 2004/009050 2)MOHSENI SONYA (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)XU GUOFENG :NA Number 4)WILLIAMS MALCOLM :NA Filing Date 5)VISCIO DAVID B. (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA 6)MASTERS JAMES Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : An orally consumable film composition for delivering breath freshening agents to the oral cavity which rapidly dissolves or disintegrates when applied in the oral cavity, the composition being comprised of a homogeneous mixture of an enzyme and a water soluble or dispersible film forming polymer. No. of Pages : 13 No. of Claims : 8 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27429 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.357/DELNP/2005 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :31/01/2005 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : "TERMINATED COAXIAL CONNECTOR" (51) International classification :H01R 13/646 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :10/201,621 1)ADC TELECOMMUNICATIONS, INC. (32) Priority Date :22/07/2002 Address of Applicant :13625 TECHNOLOGY DRIVE, EDEN PRAIRIE, MINNESOTA 55344-2252, U.S.A. U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/US2003/015327 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :07/05/2003 1)KHEMAKHEM, MOHAMED, ANIS (87) International Publication No :WO 2004/010543 2)PETERS. JEFFREY, LOUIS (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)SCHMIDT, JOHN, D. :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A terminated coaxial connector having a mating end for mating with a coaxial jack, the connector including an axially aligned resistor mounted within a conductive outer shell. The resistor electrically links the outer shell with a center conductor which is connected to a first end of the resistor through a conductive rear plug which is connected to a second end of the resistor. The center conductor and the rear plug hold the resistor axially aligned within the outer shell. Further, a method of assembling a terminated coaxial connector having a mating end for mating with a coaxial jack so that a resistor within the connector is held axially aligned within an outer shell by rear plug. The resistor is physically and electrically linked to the center conductor and the outer shell through the conductive rear plug and provides a level of impedance within the coaxial connector. No. of Pages : 19 No. of Claims : 15 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27430 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.282/DEL/2008 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :01/02/2008 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : METHOD, TERMINAL AND MEDIA-RELAY FOR ESTABLISHING A MULTIMEDIA CONNECTION (51) International classification :G06F15/16 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :EP07005931 1)SIEMENS ENTERPRISE COMMUNICATIONS GMBH (32) Priority Date :22/03/2007 & CO. KG (33) Name of priority country :EPO Address of Applicant :HOFMANNSTR. 51, 81379 (86) International Application No :NA MUNCHEN, GERMANY. Germany (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :NA (87) International Publication No :NA 1)ELWELL; JOHN (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The invention relates to a method for establishing a multi-media connection in a communications system based on packet oriented communication with at least a first station only supporting IPv6 data-packets, at least a first station only supporting IPv4 data-packets and at least a media relay station, comprising the step whereby a communication between the first station and the second station is at least partially established by means of the media relay station. The invention furthermore relates to terminal and a media relay comprising means for realization of method. No. of Pages : 16 No. of Claims : 14 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27431 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.294/DEL/2008 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :01/02/2008 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : "ROTOR DRUM FOR MULTIPLE ROTOR WIND TURBINE" (51) International classification :F03D7/02; (71)Name of Applicant : F03D11/00 1)WIND SIMPLICITY INC., :60/911,605 Address of Applicant :642 SHEPPARD AVE., EAST SUITE :13/04/2007 617, NORTH YORK, ONTARIO M2K 1B9 CANADA. Canada :U.S.A. (72)Name of Inventor : :NA 1)SHAROLYN VETTESE :NA 2)ALFRED MATHIEU :NA :NA :NA :NA :NA (31) Priority Document No (32) Priority Date (33) Name of priority country (86) International Application No Filing Date (87) International Publication No (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number Filing Date (57) Abstract : According to embodiments described in the specification, provided is a rotor drum for use with a multiple-rotor wind turbine, the rotor drum being mountable on a generator-shaft of a generator. The rotor drum comprises a plurality of rotors, each rotor being configured to permit a mounting of a plurality of blades. The rotor drum further comprises a plurality of cross straps affixed to the plurality of rotors for maintaining each of the plurality of rotors in a predetermined spaced-apart relationship. The rotor drum is provided with a mounting coupler provided on at least one of the plurality of rotors for affixing the rotor drum on the generator shaft. No. of Pages : 23 No. of Claims : 23 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27432 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.3202/DEL/2005 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :29/11/2005 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : METHOD FOR FASTER ACCESS TO COLOR TABLE DATA USED IN COLOR SPACE CONVERSION (51) International classification :G09G5/02 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :NA 1)AGILENT TECHNOLOGIES, INC. (32) Priority Date :NA Address of Applicant :395 PAGE MILL ROAD, PALO ALTO (33) Name of priority country :NA CALIFORNIA 94306, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. U.S.A. (86) International Application No :NA (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :NA 1)WALI SIDHARTH (87) International Publication No :NA (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A color space conversion apparatus includes an acquisition device for acquiring color values of a pixel described in a first color space and a processor for converting the color values into indices for indexing into a chunky-format color table and reading from the color table color values described in a second color space. The first color space can be Red, Green, Blue and the second color space can be Cyan, Yellow, Magenta, Black. The processor can read 32-bit words from the color table, wherein the words are comprised of an 8-bit Cyan color value, an 8-bit Yellow color value, an 8-bit Magenta color value, and an 8-bit Black color value. No. of Pages : 11 No. of Claims : 7 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27433 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.339/DELNP/2005 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :28/01/2005 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : "A RESISTANCE-TYPE OXYGEN SENSOR" (51) International classification :G01N 27/12 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :2002-188650 1)NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF ADVANCED (32) Priority Date :27/06/2002 INDUSTRIAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Address of Applicant :3-1, KASUMIGASEKI 1(33) Name of priority country :Japan :PCT/JP03/008052 CHOME,CHIYODA-KU, TOKYO 100-8921, JAPAN (86) International Application No (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :25/06/2003 :WO 2004/003536 1)IZU NORIYA (87) International Publication No (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number :NA 2)SHIN WOOSUCK Filing Date :NA 3)MURAYAMA NORIMITSU (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A resistance type oxygen sensor, an oxygen sensor device using it, and an air/fuel ratio control device. A resistance type oxygen sensor restricted in temperature dependency, characterized in that (1) a gas detection unit consisting of an oxide semiconductor that varies in resistance according to temperature and the oxygen partial pressure of an atmospheric gas is connected in series with a temperature compensation unit consisting of a conductor restricted in the oxygen-partial-pressure dependency of a resistance, (2) the temperature compensation unit is composed of an oxygen ion conductor, and (3) an electrode for electrically contacting the temperature compensation unit faces an atmospheric gas and is porous; an oxygen sensor device; and an air/fuel ratio control device. No. of Pages : 63 No. of Claims : 22 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27434 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.413/DELNP/2005 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :03/02/2005 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : "POT SHAPED VESSEL" (51) International classification :B65D 3/02 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :202 11 866.5 1)JOKEY PLASTIC WIPPERFURTH GMBH (32) Priority Date :26/07/2002 Address of Applicant :AUG-MITTELSTEN-SCHEID-STR. 23, 51668 WIPPERFURTH, GERMANY (33) Name of priority country :Germany :PCT/EP03/07847 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :18/07/2003 1)RONALD FISCHER :WO2004/013013 (87) International Publication No (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : There is described a bucket (10) with a lid (12) whose circumferential rim (33) formed thereon can be latchingly connected to an outwardly projecting circumferential flange (16) formed on the edge of the vessel body (11), and with a tab (36) which serves for unlatching lighting of the lid (12) in a partial circumferential region. The tab (35) is connected pivotably about a pivot axis (45) which is approximately perpendicular to the horizontal plane of the lid to a circumferential end edge of the vessel circumferential flange (16) and that the tab (36) is provided at an inner longitudinal edge which is partially covered by the circumferential lid rim (33) with a cam tract (40) which comes into operative relationship with the free end edge (34) of the circumferential lid rim (33) upon pivotal movement of the tab (36). No. of Pages : 36 No. of Claims : 30 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27435 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.383/DELNP/2005 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :02/02/2005 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : "A PROCESS FOR THE PREPARATION OF CALCIUM SALT OF ROSUVASTATIN" (51) International classification :C07D 239/42 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :0218781.3 1)ASTRAZENECA UK LIMITED (32) Priority Date :13/08/2002 Address of Applicant :15 STANHOPE GATE, LONDON, GREATER LONDON W1K 1LN, GREAT BRITAIN U.K. (33) Name of priority country :U.K. :PCT/GB2003/003463 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :07/08/2003 1)JOHN HORBURY (87) International Publication No :WO 2004/014872 2)NIGEL PHILIP TAYLOR (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A process for the preparation of calcium salt of rosuvastatin ((E)-7-[4-(4- fluorophenyl)-6-isopropyl-2[methyl(methylsulfonyl)amino]pyrimidin-5- yl](3R,5S)-3,5-dihydroxyhept-6-enoic acid calcium salt) which comprises addition of a solution of calcium chloride to a solution of a water-soluble salt of (E)-7-[4-(4-fluorophenyl)-6-isopropyl-2[methyl(methylsulfonyl)amino]pyrimidin-5-yl](3R,5S)-3,5-dihydroxyhept-6-enoic acid over 5 to 60 minutes at a temperature of 30 to 45АC, holding the mixture at a temperature of 30 to 45АC for at least 10 minutes, filtering, optionally washing, and drying of the resultant product. No. of Pages : 27 No. of Claims : 11 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27436 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.436/DELNP/2005 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :04/02/2005 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : " A NOZZLE DEVICE FOR A PRESSURIZED VESSEL OR CONTAINER" (51) International classification :B05B 11/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :0219641.8 1)INCRO LIMITED (32) Priority Date :23/08/2002 Address of Applicant :35 FAIRFIELD RISE, WOLLASTON, STOURBRIDGE,WEST MIDLANDS Y8 3PQ, GREAT (33) Name of priority country :U.K. :PCT/GB2003/003762 BRITAIN U.K. (86) International Application No Filing Date :22/08/2003 (72)Name of Inventor : (87) International Publication No :W 2004/018111 1)KEITH LAIDLER (61) Patent of Addition to Application 2)TIMOTHY RODD :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The present invention relates to an outlet device and nozzle arrangement adapted to be fitted to a pressurized and non-pressurized vessels or containers respectively and to permit fluid present in said vessels or containers to be dispensed under pressure. Both the outlet device and the nozzle arrangement have bodies which define an inlet, an outlet and an internal fluid flow passageway through which fluid can flow from said inlet to said outlet. In addition, the bodies of the outlet device and the nozzle arrangement of the present invention additionally comprises a resiliently deformable wall member which defines an internal surface of fluid flow passageway and which is configured such that, when fluid is caused to flow through the outlet device/nozzle arrangement under pressure, the resiliently deformable wall undergoes a resilient deformation from an initial resiliently-biased configuration in which the passageway is closed to a distended configuration whereby fluid can flow through the passageway and be dispensed through the outlet. Furthermore, the resiliently deformable wall is configured to revert to the initial resiliently biased configuration when the operation of the actuator means is ceased and thereby cause any fluid remaining in said portion of the passageway to be expelled. No. of Pages : 40 No. of Claims : 26 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27437 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.533/DELNP/2004 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :04/03/2004 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR PROVIDING MULTING-MODAL BOOKMARKS. (51) International classification :H04M 3/42 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :60/310,610 1)KIRUSA, INC. (32) Priority Date :07/08/2001 Address of Applicant :571 CENTRAL AVENUE, SUITE 108, NEW PROVINDENCE, NJ 07974, U.S.A. Suite 322 Edison, NJ (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/US02/24885 U.S.A. (86) International Application No (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :05/08/2002 :WO2004/014053 1)MUMICK, INDERPAL SINGH (87) International Publication No (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number :NA 2)SIBAL, SANDEEP Filing Date :NA (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A system for enabling multi-modal bookmarks comprises a bookmark repository (120) coupled to two browsers. A user bookmarks content using a first browser, and a bookmark is stored in the bookmark repository (120). The user subsequently uses a second browser and requests that the bookmark be de-referenced to point the second browser to the bookmarked content. The second browser accesses the bookmark in the content repository and is directed to the bookmarked content. The first and second browsers may be visual and voice browsers (118) that render Wireless Markup Language (WML) and Voice Extensible Markup Language (VXML) content, respectively, wherein a mapping is provided that links a given piece of visual content to an equivalent piece of voice content. No. of Pages : 18 No. of Claims : 24 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27438 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.658/DELNP/2005 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :18/02/2005 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : "A PROCESS FOR THE HYDROMETALLURGICAL PROCESSING OF MANGANESE CONTAINING MATERIALS" (51) International classification :C22B 003/06 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :2002952042 1)HITEC ENERGY LIMITED Address of Applicant :1/1 WALKER AVENUE, WEST (32) Priority Date :10/10/2002 PERTH, WESTERN AUSTRALIA, AUSTRALIA 6005. (33) Name of priority country :Australia (86) International Application No :PCT/AU2003/001295 Australia Filing Date :01/10/2003 (72)Name of Inventor : (87) International Publication No :WO 2004/033738 1)WARD, CHRISTOPHER, BRETT (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A process for the hydrometallurgical processing of manganese containing materials, the process characterised by the combination of a manganese dioxide containing feedstock and an acidic solution to form a leach solution, and passing a volume of sulphur dioxide gas through that leach solution, wherein the leach solution comprises a slurry of manganese dioxide containing material at a slurry density of less than about 10%w/v, less than about 120g/l manganese sulphate, a temperature of greater than about 95АC, and a pH of less than about 1.5, whereby the levels of dithionate ion generated in the leach solution are less than about 5g/l. No. of Pages : 15 No. of Claims : 14 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27439 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.281/DELNP/2005 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :25/01/2005 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : " A PHARMACEUTICAL COMPOSITION FOR INHIBITING GROWTH OF CANCER CELLS" (51) International classification :A61K 38/50 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :60/397,244 1)HELIX BIOPHARMA CORP. (32) Priority Date :18/07/2002 Address of Applicant :3-305, INDUSTRIAL PARKWAY SOUTH, AURORA, ONTARIO L4G 6X7, CANADA. Canada (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. (86) International Application No :PCT/CA2003/001061 (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :16/07/2003 1)CHAO, HEMAN (87) International Publication No :WO 2004/009112 2)WONG WAH (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)SEGAL DONALD :NA Number 4)MCELROY JERRY :NA Filing Date 5)DOCHERTY JOHN (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA 6)DICKSTEIN JODI Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The present invention relates to a pharmaceutical composition for inhibiting growth of cancer cells, said composition comprising; i) a urease enzyme; ii) a targeting moiety directly conjugated to said urease enzyme and selected from the group consisting from the group consisting of an anti-tumor antigen antibody, anti-hCG antibody, and a ligand capable of binding specifically to cancer cell surface receptors, said targeting moiety being effective to enhance the delivery of the enzyme to cancer cells when the composition is administered to the subject; and iii) optionally, a weakly basic anti-tumor compound whose effectiveness is reduced by a higher intracellular/lower extracellular pH gradient in a solid tumor. No. of Pages : 8 No. of Claims : 10 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27440 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.362/DEL/2008 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :12/02/2008 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : "HYDROGEN GENERATING APPARATUS AND FUEL CELL POWER GENERATION SYSTEM CONTROLLING AMOUNT OF HYDROGEN GENERATION" (51) International classification :F03D9/00;F24D15/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :10-2007-0025872 1)SAMSUNG ELETRO-MECHANICS CO., LTD. (32) Priority Date :16/03/2007 Address of Applicant :314, MAETAN 3-DONG, (33) Name of priority country :Republic of Korea YEONGTONG-GU, SUWON GYUNGGI-DO, KOREA. 443/743. Republic of Korea (86) International Application No :NA (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :NA (87) International Publication No :NA 1)JAE-HYOUNG GIL (61) Patent of Addition to Application 2)JAE-HYUK JANG :NA Number 3)ARUNABHA KUNDU :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : Hydrogen generating apparatus that is capable of controlling the amount of hydrogen generation. The hydrogen generating apparatus in accordance with an embodiment of the present invention has an electrolyzer, a first electrode, a second electrode, a variable resistance, which is located between the first electrode and the second electrode, a flow rate meter, which measures an amount of hydrogen generation in the second electrode, and a variable resistance controller, which receives a set value, compares the amount of hydrogen generation measured by the flow rate meter with the set value, and controls a resistance value of the variable resistance. The amount of hydrogen generation can be controlled by use of variable resistance. No. of Pages : 55 No. of Claims : 23 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27441 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.601/DEL/2007 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :20/03/2007 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : ENHANCED RESISTANCE HEATING (ERH) TECHNOLOGY (LINEAR CONFIGURATION) :H05B3/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (51) International classification (31) Priority Document No :NA 1)MAHADEVAN, UPAMANYU (32) Priority Date :NA Address of Applicant :D-122, SECTOR ALPHA IST, (33) Name of priority country :NA GREATER NOIDA-201 308, GAUTAM BUDH NAGAR, (86) International Application No :NA UTTAR PRADESH, INDIA. Uttar Pradesh India Filing Date :NA (72)Name of Inventor : (87) International Publication No :NA 1)MAHADEVAN, UPAMANYU (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The ERH device is useful in converting electrical or electromagnetic wave energy into thermal energy. The device comparising of a signal carrier, shaped or formed to flow in a geometric configuration such that a minimum of 4 parallel lengths are made to lie parallel to each other with a clear gap between them. This arrangement of signal carriers so arranged and held in place with sufficiently necessary rigidity bya mechanical support that ensures that the signal carriers maintain the required geometric configuration is termed as the signal exchange. No. of Pages : 20 No. of Claims : 9 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27442 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.611/DELNP/2005 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :17/02/2005 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : "SURFACE TREATING APPLIANCE" (51) International classification :A47L 5/28 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :0218426.5 1)DYSON TECHNOLOGY LIMITED (32) Priority Date :09/08/2002 Address of Applicant :TETBURY HILL MALMESBURY WILTSHIRE SN 16 0RP U.K. U.K. (33) Name of priority country :U.K. :PCT/GB2003/003135 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :18/07/2003 1)COURTNEY, STEPHEN, BENJAMIN (87) International Publication No :WO 2004/014210 (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A surface treating appliance (200), such as a vacuum cleaner, comprises a main body (210), a surface treating head (230) and a support assembly (220). The support assembly is rollably mounted to the main body (210) for allowing the main body (210) to be rolled along a surface. The support assembly comprises a substantially continuous rolling support surface that extends in a direction perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the main body. The support surface is also symmetrical about the longitudinal axis. The arrangement of the support surface and support assembly assists manoeuvrability of the appliance. The support assembly (220) may house a component of the appliance, such as a motor, and may accommodate a fluid inlet (531) for receiving fluid flow and a fluid outlet (535) for exhausting fluid. No. of Pages : 40 No. of Claims : 24 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27443 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.712/DEL/2007 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :30/03/2007 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : A PROCESS FOR OBTAINING WATER DISPERSIBLE ASTAXANTHIN COMPOSITION :C12N (71)Name of Applicant : (51) International classification (31) Priority Document No :NA 1)COUNCIL OF SCIENTIFIC AND INDUSTRIAL (32) Priority Date :NA RESARCH (33) Name of priority country :NA Address of Applicant :ANUSANDHAN BHAWAN, RAFI (86) International Application No :NA MARG, NEW DELHI-110001, INDIA. Delhi India Filing Date :NA (72)Name of Inventor : (87) International Publication No :NA 1)SANDESH KAMATH BURDE (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number :NA 2)RAVI SARADA Filing Date :NA 3)VIDHYAVATHI RAMAN (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA 4)GOKARE ASWATHANARAYANA RAVISHANKAR Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The present invention relates to a process for obtaining water Astaxanthin composition. Astaxanthin is a red ketocarotenoid from green aiga Haematococcus. Astaxanthin is extensively used in farmed salmon, trout and poultry as pigmentation source. However, in recent years its nutraceutical and pharmaceutical applications gained importance due to its high antioxidant activity. Astaxanthin in food grade solvent and edible matrix dissolved in aqueous solvent, were homogenised and evaporated to get water dispersible astaxanthin composition. This astaxanthin containing composition could be used as nutraceutical as well as colourant in the aqueous medium. No. of Pages : 17 No. of Claims : 7 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27444 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.376/DELNP/2005 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :01/02/2005 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : METHOD TO ENHANCE AN IMMUNE RESPONSE OF NUCLEIC ACID VACCINATION (51) International classification (31) Priority Document No (32) Priority Date (33) Name of priority country (71)Name of Applicant : :A61K 39/00 :02254733.5 1)LIPOXEN TECHNOLOGIES LIMITED Address of Applicant :SUITE 303, HAMILTON HOUSE, :05/07/2002 MABLEDON PLACE, LONDON WC1H 9BB, U.K. U.K. :EUROPEAN (72)Name of Inventor : UNION :PCT/GB2003/002935 1)BACON, ANDREW DAVID :07/07/2003 2)LAING, PETER :WO 2004/004758 3)OREGORIADIS, OREGORY 4)CAPARROS-WANDERLEY :NA 5)WILSON ROMERO :NA (86) International Application No Filing Date (87) International Publication No (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A composition for the co-delivery to a cell of a nucleic acid and an assistor protein, comprising vesicles, nucleic acid and protein, wherein the nucleic acid operatively encodes an antigenic protein or portion thereof which shares at least one epitope with the assistor protein, the composition comprising said nucleic acid and said assistor protein associated with the same vesicles as one another. A preferred embodiment is a composition comprising liposomes formed from liposome forming materials and, associated with the liposomes, nucleic acid operatively encoding an antigenic protein and an assistor protein, wherein the assistor protein shares at least one epitope with the antigenic protein. The composition is for use as a vaccine and provides improved immune response compared to non-vesicular compositions, or mixtures of liposomes some of which are associated with nucleic acid and some of which are associated with assistor protein. No. of Pages : 71 No. of Claims : 10 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27445 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.646/DEL/2007 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :23/03/2007 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : ANTI-ARTHRITIC HERBAL COMPOSITION AND METHOD THEREOF (51) International classification (31) Priority Document No (32) Priority Date (33) Name of priority country (86) International Application No Filing Date (87) International Publication No (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number Filing Date (71)Name of Applicant : :A61K36/716; 1)COUNCIL OF SCIENTIFIC AND INDUSTRIAL A61K36/232 RESEARCH :NA Address of Applicant :ANUSANDHAN BHAWAN, RAFI :NA MARG, NEW DELHI-110 001,INDIA Delhi India :NA (72)Name of Inventor : :NA 1)PALPU PUSHPANGADAN :NA 2)AJAY KUMAR SINGH RAWAT :NA 3)CHANDRA VENKATESWARA RAO :NA 4)SRI KIRISHNA TIWARI :NA 5)KRISHNAN RAJENDRAN :NA 6)PARAMESWARAM RADHA KRISHNAN NAIR :NA 7)KAMALESWARAN INDIRA ANITHA 8)THOMAS MATHEW (57) Abstract : The invention provides a herbal preparation used in treatment of arthritis. Composition(s) comprises of Streblus asper parts or plant extracts together with the conventional additives to form the oral dosage forms, which include tablets, capsules, and ointmentused for reducing nociception, inflammation and in treatment of acute and chronic arthritis. No. of Pages : 16 No. of Claims : 19 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27446 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.710/DEL/2007 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :30/03/2007 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : SHELF LIFE EXTENDER FOR WHEAT FLOUR FLAT BREAD :A23L (71)Name of Applicant : (51) International classification (31) Priority Document No :NA 1)COUNCIL OF SCIENTIFIC AND INDUSTRIAL (32) Priority Date :NA RESEARCH (33) Name of priority country :NA Address of Applicant :ANUSANDHAN BHAWAN, RAFI (86) International Application No :NA MARG, NEW DELHI-110 001,INDIA Delhi India Filing Date :NA (72)Name of Inventor : (87) International Publication No :NA 1)DASAPPA INDRANI (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number :NA 2)JYOTSNA RAJIV Filing Date :NA 3)PICHAN PRABHASANKAR (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA 4)GANDHAM VENKATESWARA RAO Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The invention relates to a shelf life extender for improving textural characteristics and for extension of shelf life of unleavened, packed, refined wheat flour f lat bread and a process for making shelf stable parotta. The process involves combination of anti microbial agents, an enzyme, emulsifier and a gum. The shelf life extender prevents appearance of mould growth in parotta upto one week and improves the textural quality with respect to softness and chewiness of parotta during storage upto one week. No. of Pages : 20 No. of Claims : 6 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27447 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.710/DEL/2008 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :20/03/2008 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : "METHOD FOR PROCESSING CELLULOSE IN IONIC LIQUIDS AND FIBERS THEREFROM" :A61L26/00; (71)Name of Applicant : (51) International classification (31) Priority Document No :11/693,062 1)WEYERHAEUSER COMPANY (32) Priority Date :29/03/2007 Address of Applicant :POST OFFICE BOX 9777 FEDERAL (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. WAY, WASHINGTON 98063-9777, U.S.A. U.S.A. (86) International Application No :NA (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :NA 1)MENGKUI LUO (87) International Publication No :NA 2)AMAR NEOGI (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number :NA 3)HUGH WEST Filing Date :NA (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The present application is directed to a process of dissolving cellulose in an ionic liquid, regenerating the fibers and forming a nonwoven web. In particular it is directed to fibers produced from cellulose dissolved in ionic solvents and extruded by the melt blowing process. Bonded non-woven webs can be obtained in the process. No. of Pages : 27 No. of Claims : 26 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27448 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.729/DEL/2008 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :24/03/2008 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : "CASSETTE-STYLE FILTRATION APPARATUS" :B01D33/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (51) International classification (31) Priority Document No :60/920,085 1)MILLIPORE CORPORATION (32) Priority Date :26/03/2007 Address of Applicant :290 CONCORD ROAD, BILLERICA, (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. MASSACHUSETTS 01821, U.S.A. U.S.A. (86) International Application No :NA (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :NA 1)STEPHEN P. PROULX (87) International Publication No :NA 2)DAVID DECOSTE (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number :NA 3)JOSEPH WILLIAM MULDOON Filing Date :NA (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A filtration apparatus is provided wherein a filtration membrane is positioned by gaskets on feed plates and filtrate plates rather than being bonded thereto. No. of Pages : 20 No. of Claims : 8 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27449 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.750/DEL/2008 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :25/03/2008 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : "AN IMPROVED BARREL TYPE PLUNGER FOR USE WITH A NEEDLE-RETRACTABLE SAFETY SYRINGE AND THE SYRINGE USING THE SAME" (51) International classification :A61M5/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :200710090989.X 1)WENJIE LIU (32) Priority Date :30/03/2007 Address of Applicant :BEIJING WAN TE FU MEDICAL (33) Name of priority country :China APPARATUS CO.,LTD, NIANTOU INDUSTRIAL ZONE, (86) International Application No :NA MACHIKOU TOWN, CHANGPING DISTRICT, BEIJING, Filing Date :NA P.R.102200, CHINA. China (87) International Publication No :NA (72)Name of Inventor : (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number :NA 1)WENJIE LIU Filing Date :NA (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The present invention provides an improved barrel type plunger for use with a needle-retractable safety syringe, comprising a barrel, a needle retracted trigger and a supporting member. A front portion of said barrel is fitted over a sealing rubber pad, a slotted hole is provided at a wall of the front portion of said barrel, a bearing piece is provided hi said slotted hole, and one end of said bearing piece is connected to the front side wall of said slotted hole. Said barrel and said supporting member are provided with a snap-in structure, respectively, which make supporting member releasably engaged in said barrel. After having released from said barrel, said supporting member is able to translate backwards under the action of a needle retraction force so that said bearing piece can be returned to such a position that said needle can be retracted backwards to the interior of said barrel. The present invention further provides a syringe comprising the above-mentioned barrel type plunger. The barrel type plunger and syringe according to the present invention have relatively simple and reasonable structures, are easy to produce and make the controllable retraction of the needle more convenient. Because of more compact structures, the barrel type plunger and syringe according to the present invention are suitable for a minor volume syringe with a thinner syringe barrel. No. of Pages : 46 No. of Claims : 22 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27450 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.313/DEL/2003 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :18/03/2003 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : "INK CARTRIDGE AND INK CARTRIDGE HOLDER" :B41J2/175 (71)Name of Applicant : (51) International classification (31) Priority Document No :2002-9760 1)SEIKO EPSON CORPORATION (32) Priority Date :20/03/2002 Address of Applicant :4-1, NISHI-NISHI-SHINJUKU 2(33) Name of priority country :Japan CHOME, SHINJUKU-KU, TOKYO, JAPAN. Japan (86) International Application No :NA (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :NA 1)TAKEO SEINO (87) International Publication No :NA 2)SATOSHI FUJIOKA (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : An ink cartridge and an ink cartridge holder for maintaining the relative position between the information reading section of the ink cartridge holder and the information storing unit of the ink cartridge, which should be aligned accurately, even if the ink cartridge has instability to the ink cartridge holder due to the variation in each products. The ink cartridge which supplies ink to a recording apparatus includes : a substantially rectangular parallelepiped ink cartridge main body holding the ink; a connection electrode section provided on a part of a first side of the ink cartridge main body and including a connection terminal ; an ink supply unit provided in a front surface which intersects the first wall; and a positioning section guiding a positioning member of the recording apparatus to the vicinity of the connection electrode on the front surface so that the positioning member opposes to the connection electrode section in the direction parallel with the connection electrode section. No. of Pages : 41 No. of Claims : 52 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27451 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.323/DELNP/2005 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :28/01/2005 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : "METHOD FOR RECORDING AND BILLING SERVICES DURING ROAMING OF A MOBILE IP NODE" (51) International classification :H04L 12/28 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :PCT/CH02/00452 1)TOGEWA HOLDING AG (32) Priority Date :16/08/2002 Address of Applicant :NUSSBAUMSTRASSE 25, 3000 (33) Name of priority country :PCT BERN 32, SWITZERLAND. Switzerland (86) International Application No :PCT/US2003/003935 (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :08/10/2002 1)TONI STADELMANN (87) International Publication No :WO 2004/017565 2)MICHAEL KAUZ (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)JEREMY RICHARD CONN :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A method for recording and billing services during the roaming of a mobile IP node (20) in heterogeneous WLANs wherein the first call detail records are transmitted from an access server (23/1001) to a billing module (1003) and second call detail records are transmitted from the access server to a proxy module (1002). The service requested from a provider (1008) of a fixed network (1007) is billed (1016) by means of a clearly module (1004) and/or the TAP files (1017) are transmitted to a GSM (1005) service provider (1006) for billing. No. of Pages : 38 No. of Claims : 7 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27452 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.41/DELNP/2005 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :05/01/2005 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : "DEVICE AND METHOD FOR GENERATING PISTON OUTLINE MACHINING DATA AND COMPUTER-REDABLE RECORDING MEDIUM ON WHICH MACHININGDATA GENERATION PROGRAM IS RECORDED" (51) International classification :G05B 19/4097 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :2002-206355 1)HOWA MACHINERY,LTD., (32) Priority Date :16/07/2002 Address of Applicant :1900-1,OAZA(33) Name of priority country :Japan SUKAGUCHI,SHINKAWA-CHO,NISHI-KASUGAI:PCT/JP03/08849 GUN,AICHI-KEN,JAPAN Japan (86) International Application No Filing Date :11/07/2003 (72)Name of Inventor : (87) International Publication No :WO2004/008262 1)KAZUAKI SERIZAWA (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A machining data generator for generating machining data for shaping an external shape of a piston, said machining data generator comprising: a spreadsheet software unit that describes noncircular part shape data defined by a longitudinal coordinate on an axis of a workpiece, an angular coordinate corresponding to the longitudinal coordinate, and a radial coordinate corresponding to the angular coordinate in a form of matrix data in a machining data sheet, and describes shape-data-describing-are-specifying data that specifies a cell region in which the matrix data is entered, and machining condition data that specifies machining conditions for shaping the noncircular part of the piston, after directives in the machining data sheet; a noncircular part shape data fetching unit that recognizes the cell region specified by the shape-data-describing-area- specifying data in reading the machining data sheet and fetching the noncircular part shape data; and a NC machining data calculating unit that recognizes the machining condition data described in the machining data sheet and that calculates NC machining data on the basis of the recognized machining condition data and the noncircular part shape data fetched by the noncircular part shape data fetching unit. No. of Pages : 17 No. of Claims : 20 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27453 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.528/DELNP/2004 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :03/03/2004 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : "A METHOD AND DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSOR FOR PROCESSING A DIGITAL SIGNAL" (51) International classification :H04L 27/26 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :0129114.5 1)MATSUSHITA ELECTRIC INDUSTRIAL CO. LTD. (32) Priority Date :07/12/2001 Address of Applicant :1006, OAZA KADOMA, OSAKA 5718501, JAPAN. Oaza Kadoma Osaka Japan (33) Name of priority country :U.K. :PCT/GB02/05376 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :29/11/2002 1)ADNAN AL-ADNANI (87) International Publication No :WO 03/049395 (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A multirate digital transceiver in which, on reception, signals are simultaneously decimated and coarsely down converted in an iterative process to narrow down a received wideband to a desired channel and, on transmission, signals are interpolated iteratively to achieve a desired sample rate/band width. No. of Pages : 24 No. of Claims : 7 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27454 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.760/DEL/2008 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :25/03/2008 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : "COSMETIC AND DERMATOLOGICAL FORMULATIONS WITH NATURAL PIGMENTS AND METHODS OF USE" (51) International classification :A61K31/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :11/693,615 1)VELVETEEN BUNNI, LLC (32) Priority Date :29/03/2007 Address of Applicant :330 BRUSH STREET, OAKLAND, (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. CALIFORNIA 94607, U.S.A. U.S.A. (86) International Application No :NA (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :NA 1)RICHARD HUGHES KOSTICK (87) International Publication No :NA 2)SUSIE PEI HWA WANG (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number :NA 3)JAMES PEI FUNG WANG Filing Date :NA (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : Pigments from plant products can be combined with a cosmetic carrier formulation to create a cosmetic and/or dermatological product for transferring color to the skin of the person. A plant product extract or reformulation, such as a concentrate, flake or powder of the plant, can be combined with a cosmetic carrier formulation to create a cosmetic and/or dermatological product for transferring color to the skin of the person. In some embodiments, fruits, vegetables, seeds and legumes can be used to extract natural pigment or reformulate a plant product into a concentrate, flake or powder. Resultant cosmetic products can include lipstick, lip gloss, lip stain, lip liner, blush, face tint, cheek stain, cheek gel, cheek butter, eye shadow, eyebrow powder, eyeliner, mascara, foundation, sheer foundation, bronzer, facial illuminator, facial highlighter, face powder, lotion and tinted moisturizer. No. of Pages : 17 No. of Claims : 16 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27455 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.7810/DELNP/2008 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :17/09/2008 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : STABLE AQUEOUS SUSPENSION CONCENTRATE FOR DELIVERY OF UV-LABILE WATERINSOLUBLE BIOCIDES (51) International classification :A61K 8/27 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :11/388,553 1)ISP INVESTMENTS INC. Address of Applicant :300 Delaware Avenue Wilmington (32) Priority Date :24/03/2006 Delaware U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. (86) International Application No :PCT/US2007/007432 (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :26/03/2007 1)KOLAZI S. NARAYANAN (87) International Publication No : WO2007/112091 2)KAREN WINKOWSKI (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)XIANBIN LIU :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A stable, aqueous suspension concentrate which includes a solid polymeric dispersant comprising one or more anionic polymeric dispersing agents, optionally a co-dispersant which preferably is a homopolymer and/or a copolymer of a heterocyclic vinyl lactam, preferably in a wt. ratio of 0.1:1 to 1 :0.1 , a UV-labile, water-insoluble biocide active, and a UV-blocker or UV-absorber to stabilize said active upon storage and/or exposure to sunlight or UV radiation. No. of Pages : 22 No. of Claims : 20 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27456 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.7811/DELNP/2008 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :17/09/2008 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : MULTIPLE-METAL COMPLEX-CONTAINING COMPOUND AND METAL COMPLEX, AND MANUFACTURE METHODS THEREFOR, AND EXHAUST GAS PURIFICATION CATALYST MANUFACTURE METHOD USING THE SAME (51) International classification :C07C 51/41 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :2006-055607 1)TOYOTA JIDOSHA KABUSHIKI KAISHA (32) Priority Date :01/03/2006 Address of Applicant :1 Toyota-cho Toyota-shi Aichi-ken (33) Name of priority country :Japan 471-8571 Japan Japan :PCT/IB2007/000533 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :28/02/2007 1)MASHIMA Kazushi (87) International Publication No : WO2007/105052 2)OHASHI, Masato (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)YAGYU, Akihiro :NA Number 4)HIRATA, Hirohito :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A multiple-metal complex-containing compound in accordance with an embodiment has a plurality of metal complexes in each of which a ligand is coordinated to one metal atom or a plurality of metal atoms of the same kind. The plurality of metal complexes are bound to each other via a polydentate ligand that substitutes partially the ligands of the two or more metal complexes, and have 2 to 1000 metal atoms. No. of Pages : 40 No. of Claims : 38 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27457 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.7812/DELNP/2008 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :17/09/2008 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : METAL COMPLEXES FOR USE IN THE CARBONYLATION OF ETHYLENICALLY UNSATURATED COMPOUNDS (51) International classification :C07C 51/14 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :0607494.2 1)LUCITE INTERNATIONAL UK LIMITED Address of Applicant :Queens Gate 15-17 Queens Terrace (32) Priority Date :13/04/2006 Southampton Hampshire SO14 3BP (GB); U.K. (33) Name of priority country :U.K. (86) International Application No :PCT/GB2007/050189 (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :10/04/2007 1)EASTHAM, Graham, Ronald (87) International Publication No : WO2007/119079 2)TINDALE, Neil (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The invention concerns metal complexes and their preparation, in particular a metal complex MLnXm, where M is a metal of group 8, 9 or 10 and X is a halide, HCO3-, NO3-, CO32- or carboxylate. n is a number equal to or less than the coordination number of the metal and m is 1 or 2 and is equal to the oxidation state of the metal. The ligand L may be a bidentate phosphine of formula (I), (II), (III) or (IV) as set out herein. The process of production comprises reacting an ammine compound of metal M with a complexing compound, which is preferably a phosphine. No. of Pages : 167 No. of Claims : 11 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27458 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.7818/DELNP/2008 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :17/09/2008 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : "PROCESSES FOR THE SYNTHESIS OF 3-ISOBUTYLGLUTARIC ACID" (51) International classification :C07D 407/06 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :60/794,818 1)TEVA PHARMACEUTICAL INDUSTRIES LTD (32) Priority Date :24/04/2006 Address of Applicant :5 BASEL STREET, P.O.BOX 3190, PETAH TIQVA 49131, ISRAEL Israel (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/US2007/010143 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :24/04/2007 1)VINOD KUMAR KANSAL (87) International Publication No :WO 2007/127309 2)BRIJNATH P. CHAURASIA (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)HITESH K.PATEL :NA Number 4)SHIVAJI HARIBHAU SHELKE :NA Filing Date 5)YOGESH P. MORE (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : Provided are processes for the synthesis of 3-isobutylglutaric acid, an intermediate in the synthesis of (S)-Pregabalin. No. of Pages : 44 No. of Claims : 74 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27459 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.7820/DELNP/2008 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :17/09/2008 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : "NOVEL ISOLATED AND PURIFIED STRAINS OF CHIKUNGUNYA VIRUS AND POLYNUCLEOTIDES AND POLYPEPTIDES SEQUENCES, DIAGNOSTIC AND IMMUNOGENICAL USES THEREOF" (51) International classification :C07K 14/18 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :2,538,898 1)INSTITUT PASTEUR Address of Applicant :28, RUE DU DOCTEUR ROUX, (32) Priority Date :15/03/2006 75015 PARIS, FRANCE France (33) Name of priority country :Canada (86) International Application No :PCT/IB2007/001716 (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :15/03/2007 1)PHILIPPE DESPRES (87) International Publication No :WO 2007/105111 2)ANNE-CLAIRE BREHIN (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)VALERIE MARECHAL :NA Number 4)PIERRE CHARNEAU :NA Filing Date 5)PHILIPPE SOUQUE (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The present invention concerns wild-strains of Chikungunya virus isolated from patients exhibiting severe forms of infection and stemming from a human arbovirosis epidemy. The present invention also concerns polypeptide sequences and fragment thereof derived from their genome, the polynucleotide encoding same and their use as diagnostic products, as vaccine and/or as immunogenic compositions. No. of Pages : 296 No. of Claims : 49 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27460 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.312/DELNP/2005 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :27/01/2005 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : "COMPOSITION CONTAINING AN ANDROGENIC 11?-HALOGEN STEROID AND A GESTAGEN AS WELL AS A MALE CONTRACEPTIVE AGENT BASED ON THIS COMPOSITION" (51) International classification :A61K 31/565 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :102 34 525.2 1)SCHERING AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT Address of Applicant :MULLERSTRASSE 178, D-13353 (32) Priority Date :25/07/2002 BERLIN, GERMANY. Germany (33) Name of priority country :Germany (86) International Application No :PCT/EP2003/008192 (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :25/07/2002 1)REINHARD NUBBEMEYER (87) International Publication No :WO 2004/011008 2)URSULA-FRIEDERIKE HABENICHT (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)ROLF BOHLMANN :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : Composition containing an androgenic 11?-halogen steroid, selected from the group of compounds of general formula I and the gestagen of the formula below, and pharmacologically compatible vehicle and / or adjuvant of the kind such as herein described. No. of Pages : 22 No. of Claims : 35 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27461 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.3308/DEL/2005 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :08/12/2005 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : "A TRIAZOLE COMPOUND OF FORMULA (I) AND PROCESS FOR PREPARING THE SAME" (51) International classification (71)Name of Applicant : :B01F 17/00 1)PFIZER INC :0302852.8 Address of Applicant :235 EAST 42ND STREET, NEW :19/02/2003 YORK, NEW YORK 10017, U.S.A. U.S.A. :U.K. (72)Name of Inventor : :NA 1)JUSTIN STEPHEN BRYANS :NA 2)PATRICK STEPHEN JOHNSON :NA 3)RACHEL JANE RUSSELL :NA 4)THOMAS RYCKMANS :NA 5)ALAN STOBIE :NA 6)CHRISTOPHER PETER WAYMAN :NA (31) Priority Document No (32) Priority Date (33) Name of priority country (86) International Application No Filing Date (87) International Publication No (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number Filing Date (57) Abstract : A triazole compound of formula (I) or a pharmaceutically acceptable derivativ there of . No. of Pages : 157 No. of Claims : 20 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27462 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.361/DELNP/2005 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :01/02/2005 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : "CATALYST BED COMBINATION" (51) International classification :B01J 20/06 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :0218785.4 1)JOHNSON MATTHEY PLC (32) Priority Date :13/08/2002 Address of Applicant :2-4 COCKSPUR STREET, TRAFALGAR SQUARE, LONDON SW1Y 5BQ, U.K. U.K. (33) Name of priority country :U.K. :PCT/GB2003/003193 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :28/07/2003 1)GORDON JAMES KELLY (87) International Publication No :WO 2004/014546 (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A catalyst bed combination comprising a bed of a particulate copper-containing catalyst and, upstream of the catalyst bed, a guard bed in the form of shaped units formed from lead oxide particles and a particulate support material. The guard bed extends the life of the copper catalyst by absorbing halide contaminants in the process stream. No. of Pages : 12 No. of Claims : 7 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27463 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.372/DELNP/2005 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :01/02/2005 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : "POLYOXYMETHYLENE COMPOSITION FOR COLORED ZIPPER, COLORED ZIPPER USING POLYOXYMETHYLENE COMPOSITION AND METHOD FOR PREPARING COLORED ZIPPER" (51) International classification :A44B 19/42 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :10-2002-0038240 1)KOREA ENGINEERING PLASTICS CO., LTD Address of Applicant :450 GONGDUK-2DONG, MAPO-GU, (32) Priority Date :03/07/2002 (33) Name of priority country :Republic of Korea SEOUL 121-805, REPUBLIC OF KOREA. Republic of Korea (86) International Application No :PCT/KR2003/001313 (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :03/07/2003 1)KIM, TAK-KYU (87) International Publication No :WO 2004/004508 2)JEONG, CHUNG-RYOL (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)SHIN, KI-CHUL :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The present invention relates to a polyoxymethylene composition for dyed zippers, a dyed zipper using the polyoxymethylene composition and a method for manufacturing the dyed zipper. The polyoxymethylene composition contains 0.3 through 1.5 parts by weight of one of TiO2, ZnS and ZnO based upon 100 parts by weight of polyoxymethylene. The dyed zipper is manufactured by preparing an undyed zipper tape from polyethylene terephthalate; dissolving and injecting; the polyoxymethylene composition to an edge of the zipper tape in the form of tfeth to obtain a zipper; piece-dyeing the zipper with disperse dye; and post-treating the piecedyed zipper with caustic soda and drying the post-treated zipper. The polyoxymethylene composition containing 0.3 through 1.5 parts by weight of one to TiO2, ZnS and ZnO based upon 100 parts by weight of polyoxymethylene is injected to the undyed zipper tape and then the whole zipper is piece-dyed so that the difference is color between the zipper tape and the zipper teeth can be adjusted substantially same via a simple and cost-saving process. No. of Pages : 15 No. of Claims : 8 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27464 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.758/DEL/2007 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :04/04/2007 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : "PHASE CHANGE MATERIAL" (51) International classification :H01L27/115; (71)Name of Applicant : C08L25/00 1)DEVENDRA JAIN :NA Address of Applicant :F-213/B,FIRST,LADO SARAI, NEW :NA DELHI-110030,INDIA Delhi India :NA 2)P.MEENATCHI SUNDARAM :NA (72)Name of Inventor : :NA 1)DEVENDRA JAIN :NA 2)P.MEENATCHI SUNDARAM :NA :NA :NA :NA (31) Priority Document No (32) Priority Date (33) Name of priority country (86) International Application No Filing Date (87) International Publication No (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number Filing Date (57) Abstract : The present invention discloses a phase change material of temperature in the range of 20-29degree C which does not show super cooling and stratification property. No. of Pages : 11 No. of Claims : 6 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27465 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.7807/DELNP/2008 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :16/09/2008 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : PROCESS TO PREPARE SULFONYL CHLORIDE DERIVATIVES (51) International classification :C07D 233/76 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :60/782,892 1)ASTRAZENECA AB (32) Priority Date :16/03/2006 Address of Applicant :S-151 85 SУЖdertУЄlje Sweden Sweden (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/SE2007/000255 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :15/03/2007 1)CORNWALL, Philip (87) International Publication No : WO2007/106021 2)HORNER, Daniel (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A novel process for the preparation of hydantoin sulfonyl chlorides of general formula (I) wherein R and n are as specified in the description, and certain novel intermediates thereto, are disclosed. No. of Pages : 20 No. of Claims : 11 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27466 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.7808/DELNP/2008 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :16/09/2008 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : ORAL FAST-DISINTEGRATING TABLET (51) International classification :A61K 35/74 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :2006-083857 1)KOWA COMPANY, LTD. (32) Priority Date :24/03/2006 Address of Applicant :6-29 Nishiki 3-chome Naka-ku Nagoya-shi Aichi 460-8625 Japan Japan (33) Name of priority country :Japan :PCT/JP2007/057007 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :23/03/2007 1)NOZAKI, Masatsugu (87) International Publication No : WO2007/111375 2)MOTEGI, Sachio (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)MATSUMOTO, Kana :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : By compression-molding a mixed powder of a useful bacterium, crystalline cellulose/light anhydrous silicic acid (an excipient that is produced by mixing crystalline cellulose and a small amount of light anhydrous silicic acid in the slurry form and then by spraydrying it) and a starch-containing saccharide (a starch powder, a granulated starch, a granulated mixture of starch and lactose) in the dry form to obtain a tablet with a tablet hardness of about 30N-EON, a moisture content of 3.2% by weight or less, an oral fast disintegrating tablet of a useful bacterium such as a Bifidobacterium or a lactic acid bacterium having a high stability in tablet making and storage stability can be obtained. No. of Pages : 20 No. of Claims : 8 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27467 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.734/DEL/2007 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :30/03/2007 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : NEUROTOXIN ANTAGONISTS COMPOSITIONS (51) International classification (31) Priority Document No (32) Priority Date (33) Name of priority country (86) International Application No Filing Date (87) International Publication No (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number Filing Date (71)Name of Applicant : 1)DIRECTOR GENERAL DEFENCE RESEARCH & :A61K9/00 DEVELOPMENT ORGANISATION :NA Address of Applicant :MINISTRY OF DEFENCE, :NA GOVERNMENT OF INDIA, ROOM NO.348, B-WING, DRDO :NA BHAWAN, RAJAJI MARG, NEW DELHI-110 011 Delhi India :NA (72)Name of Inventor : :NA 1)BHATNAGAR, ASEEM :NA 2)RAJPAL, SHEETAL :NA 3)GULATI, MOHIT :NA 4)SACHDEVA, RUCHI :NA 5)PUSHPA MISHRA :NA 6)SINGH, THAKURI 7)AGRAWAL, SHYAM SUNDER 8)TRIPATHI, RAJENDRA PRASAD (57) Abstract : The present invention relates to atropie-chitosan based neurotoxin antagonist composition having enhanced bio-absorption having a pharmaceutical composition for enhanced absorption of a neurotoxin antagonist comprising atropine or its salt (120% w/\v), chitosan or its derivatives (0.1-5% w/w) and suitable excipient. No. of Pages : 24 No. of Claims : 7 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27468 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.775/DEL/2007 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :05/04/2007 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : A METHOD FOR DEFECT PROGNOSIS IN EMBEDDED MEMORIES AND ITS SYSTEM THEREOF (51) International classification :G11C29/56 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :NA 1)STMICROELECTRONICS PVT.LTD., (32) Priority Date :NA Address of Applicant :PLOT NO.1, KNOWLEDGE PARK (33) Name of priority country :NA III, GREATER NOIDA-201308, UP,INDIA Uttar Pradesh India (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No :NA Filing Date :NA 1)PRASHANT DUBEY (87) International Publication No :NA 2)AKHIL GARG (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number :NA 3)SRAVAN KUMAR BHASKARANI Filing Date :NA (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The present invention discloses a methodology and system for monitoring and failure patterns in embedded memories in an integrated circuit during production process. The present invention introduces a novel method of fault classification through image based prognosis of predefined fail signature dictionary. The method predicts the compressed failure map without generating and transferring complete bitmap to the tester. The system includes a controller, a comparator module, a diagnostic module, a test pattern generator, and a memory array. The controller is operatively coupled to the test pattern generator for generating and storing test data in the memory array. The comparator module identifies failed cycles by comparing retrieved data with the test data. The diagnostic module executes at least one test algorithm for analyzing a distribution of failures and for recognizing whether the failures are in accordance with at least one failure patterns. The diagnostic module further stores failure specifications corresponding to failures in accordance with the at least one failure pattern. No. of Pages : 26 No. of Claims : 9 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27469 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.7857/DELNP/2008 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :18/09/2008 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : "PROCESS FOR PRODUCING STEEL MATERIAL" (51) International classification :C21D 9/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :2008-108174 1)HITACHI METALS, LTD (32) Priority Date :11/04/2006 Address of Applicant :2-1, SHIBAURA-1-CHOME, MINATO-KU, TOKYO, JAPAN Japan (33) Name of priority country :Japan :PCT/JP2007/057910 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :10/04/2007 1)KATAOKA HITOSHI (87) International Publication No :WO 2007/119722 2)EGUCHI HIROTAKA (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A process for producing a steel material which includes 30-minute or longer holding at the pearlite nose transformation completion point. In the process for steel material production, process annealing (3) is conducted between preceding-step hot working (1) and subsequent-step hot working. In the process annealing (3), a semi-product steel material (4) after completion of the preceding-step hot working is introduced into a heat-maintaining tank (7) to cause the steel material to recuperate heat and the semiproduct steel material is kept for- 3 0 minutes or longer at a temperature in the range of (pearlite nose transformation completion point) +20КC by means of the transformation latent heat thereof to thereby transform the semi-product steel material into pearlite. Preferably, the semi-product steel material introduced into the heat-maintaining tank is kept for 2 hours or longer at a temperature in the range of (pearlite nose transformation completion point) +20КC. The steel material can be regulated so as to have a hardness after the process annealing of 30 0 HB or lower. No. of Pages : 46 No. of Claims : 7 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27470 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.7966/DELNP/2008 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :22/09/2008 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : "CATALYST FOR PURIFYING EXHAUST GAS, METHOD OF REGENERATING THE SAME, EXHAUST GAS PURIFICATION APPARATUS USING THE SAME AND METHOD OF PURIFYING EXHAUST GAS" (51) International classification (31) Priority Document No (32) Priority Date (33) Name of priority country (86) International Application No Filing Date (87) International Publication No (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number Filing Date (71)Name of Applicant : :B01J 23/63 1)TOYOTA JIDOSHA KABUSHIKI KAISHA :2006-089186 Address of Applicant :1, TOYOTA-CHO, TOYOTA-SHI, :28/03/2006 AICHI 471-8571 JAPAN Japan :Japan (72)Name of Inventor : :PCT/JP2006/324068 1)HATANAKA MIHO :01/12/2006 2)TANABE TOSHITAKA :WO 2007/111004 3)NAGAI YASUTAKA :NA 4)YAMAMOTO TOSHIO :NA 5)DOHMAE KAZUHIKO 6)TAKAGI NOBUYUKI :NA 7)MIURA MASAHIDE :NA 8)IKEDA YASUO (57) Abstract : A catalyst for purification of exhaust gas in which a noble metal is supported on a metal-oxide support wherein, in a oxidation atmosphere, the, noble metal exists on the surface of the support in high oxidation state, and the noble metal binds with a cation of the support via an oxygen atom on the surface of the support to form a Surface oxide layer and, in a reduction atmosphere, the noble metal exists on the surface of the support in a metal state, and an amount of noble metal exposed at the surface of the support, measured by CO chemisorption, is 10% or more in atomic ratio to a whole amount of the noble metal supported on the support. No. of Pages : 138 No. of Claims : 21 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27471 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.350/DELNP/2005 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :31/01/2005 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : " OXINDOLE SULFONAMIDE COMPOUND HAVING THE FORMULA (I)" (51) International classification (31) Priority Document No (32) Priority Date (33) Name of priority country (71)Name of Applicant : :C07D 493/04 :02078384.1 1)TIBOTEC PHARMACEUTICALS LTD., Address of Applicant :LITTLE,ISLAND, CO CORK, :14/08/2002 IRELAND. Ireland :EUROPEAN (72)Name of Inventor : UNION :PCT/EP2003/050379 1)ABELLAH TAHRI :14/08/2003 2)PIET TOM BERT WIGERINCK :WO 2004/016619 (86) International Application No Filing Date (87) International Publication No (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A compound having the formula (I): wherein R1, L, N, R2, R3, OH, R4, SO2, Q, O and R6 as described in the description, No. of Pages : 51 No. of Claims : 8 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27472 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.36/DEL/2003 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :13/01/2003 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : "A MOTHOD OF MAKING A BIOCIDAL PLASTIC MATERIAL" (51) International classification :A01N 40/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :PP 0605 1)NOVAPHARM RESEARCH (AUSTRALIA)aaaa ATY (32) Priority Date :27/11/1997 LTD. (33) Name of priority country :Australia Address of Applicant :3-11 PRIMROSE AVENUE, (86) International Application No :NA ROSEBERY, NEW SOUTH WALES 2018, AUSTRALIA. Filing Date :NA Australia (87) International Publication No :NA (72)Name of Inventor : (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number :NA 1)STEVEN KRITZLER Filing Date :NA 2)HYO SANG KWON (62) Divisional to Application Number :3546/DEL/1998 Filed on :26/11/1998 (57) Abstract : The invention provides a biocidal concentrate including zinc pyridinethione; and a second biocide selected to be biocidally effective in apH range complementary to zinc pyridinethione. The second biocide may be an aromatic halogenated phenol such as triclosan, dichlorophen and trichlorcarban. The invention also provides biocidal cleaning devices and plastic materials and methods of manufacture thereof. No. of Pages : 18 No. of Claims : 7 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27473 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.380/DELNP/2005 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :02/02/2005 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : "A METHOD FOR PRODUCING A ROTOR BLADE AND A ROTOR BLADE FOR A WIND POWER SYSTEM" (51) International classification :F03D 1/06 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :102 35 496.0 1)GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY Address of Applicant :1 RIVER ROAD,SCHENECTADY,NY (32) Priority Date :02/08/2002 (33) Name of priority country :Germany 12345,U.S.A U.S.A. (86) International Application No :PCT/EP2003/008618 (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :04/08/2003 1)RAINER ARELT (87) International Publication No :WO 2004015265 (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The present invention relates to a process for producing a rotor blade for a wind power system, wherein at least two rotor blade elements are arranged one behind the other in a longitudinal direction of the rotor blade and are glued together via at least one, preferably at least two connecting elements bridging a, partition line between the rotor blade elements, characterized in that at least one connecting element is aligned with said rotor blade elements, wherein a hollow space is formed between an outer delimitation surface of at least one of the rotor blade elements and at least one fixing segment of the inner delimitation surface of said connecting element, and subsequently the hollow space is flooded with an adhesive (resin). No. of Pages : 24 No. of Claims : 26 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27474 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.591/DEL/2007 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :19/03/2007 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : "A NOVEL VISCOELASTIC MEDIA USED FOR NANO-FINISHING OF MATERIALS THROUGH ABRASIVE FLOW MACHINING PROCESS AND A METHOD OF MANUFACTURE THEREOF" (51) International classification :B24B1/00; (71)Name of Applicant : B24B21/00; 1)INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY B24B1/00 Address of Applicant :KANPUR-208016, (U.P) AN INDIAN :NA INSTITUTE Delhi India :NA (72)Name of Inventor : :NA 1)KAMAL KRISHNA KAR :NA 2)JANAKARAJAN RAMKUMAR :NA 3)PIYUSHKUMAR BIPINCHANDRA TAILOR :NA :NA :NA :NA :NA (31) Priority Document No (32) Priority Date (33) Name of priority country (86) International Application No Filing Date (87) International Publication No (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number Filing Date (57) Abstract : This invention relates to a novel viscoelastic media for nano-finishing of materials through abrasive flow machining process comprising of viscoelastic material, 1 -90% by weight of abrasive particles (with respect to the said viscoelastic material) and 1-50% by weight of processing oil (with respect to the said viscoelastic material). Further, a process for preparation of viscoelastic media comprising steps of: mixing of 1-90% by weight of abrasive particles and 1-50% by weight of processing oil in viscoelastic material in a two-roll mill such as herein described. No. of Pages : 29 No. of Claims : 9 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27475 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.704/DEL/2007 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :30/03/2007 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : A PROCESS FOR THE PRODUCTION OF READY-TO-EAT LOW FAT POTATO SNACK :A23L (71)Name of Applicant : (51) International classification (31) Priority Document No :NA 1)COUNCIL OF SCIENTIFIC AND INDUSTRIAL (32) Priority Date :NA RESEARCH (33) Name of priority country :NA Address of Applicant :ANUSANDHAN BHAWAN, RAFI (86) International Application No :NA MARG, NEW DELHI-110 001,INDIA Delhi India Filing Date :NA (72)Name of Inventor : (87) International Publication No :NA 1)HUNGALORE UMESH HEBBAR (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number :NA 2)SUKUMAR DEBNATH Filing Date :NA 3)KODANGALA KESHAVA BHAT (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The present invention relates to a process for the production of low fat ready to eat potato snack without involving frying operation. The process produces the snack having fat content less than 20%, preferably in the range of 10-18%. The potato pieces of desired thickness are soaked a solution of known composition (salt and other ingredients) for a short duration. The treated pieces are then applied with a coat of oil on either surface and subjected to intermittent infrared (IR) treatment for an efficient heat and mass transfer. Further, the IR treated pieces are held at high temperature to develop the desirable texture (2-3% moisture), flavor and color. The method developed is suitable for the continuous production of low fat snack and could be conveniently scaled up. No. of Pages : 16 No. of Claims : 7 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27476 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.7834/DELNP/2008 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :18/09/2008 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : FOULING RELEASE COMPOSITION (51) International classification :C09D 127/12 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :20061075 1)JOTUN AS (32) Priority Date :06/03/2006 Address of Applicant :Hystadveien 167 Sandefjord Norway (72)Name of Inventor : (33) Name of priority country :Norway :PCT/NO2007/000082 1)MARIT DAHLING (86) International Application No Filing Date :28/02/2007 2)EINAR MAGNE LIEN (87) International Publication No : WO2007/102741 3)LORENZO MARIA ORSINI (61) Patent of Addition to Application 4)GIANCARLO GALLI :NA Number 5)EMO CHIELLINI :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The present invention relates to a fouling release composition comprising a cured or crosslinked polysiloxane and a fluorinated polymer or oligomer. The present invention also relates to the use of the said fouling release composition in fouling release coatings for application to articles submerged in seawater. No. of Pages : 22 No. of Claims : 12 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27477 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.5/DELNP/2005 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :03/01/2005 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : "A STONE SLICER" (51) International classification :B28D 1/02 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :10-2002-0043137 1)CHOI, KUEI TAI (32) Priority Date :23/07/2002 Address of Applicant :530-37, MASAN-RI, YEONMU-EUP, NONSAN-SI, CHUNGCHEONGNAM-DO, 320-384, (33) Name of priority country :Republic of Korea :PCT/KR2003/001440 REPUBLIC OF KOREA Republic of Korea (86) International Application No Filing Date :21/07/2003 (72)Name of Inventor : (87) International Publication No :WO 2004/009310 1)CHOI, KUEI TAI (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A stone slicer of slicing rough stone into stone plates having a predetermined thickness, which can improve productivity by reducing consumption of the rough stone by minimizing the thickness of a cut portion cut by a saw blade, and can reduce the treatment cost of sludge generated when the stone is sliced and prevent pollution due to the generated sludge. The stone slicer includes a base (10) on which stone is placed, four columns (22, 24, 26, 28) vertically installed at four edges of the base (10), a pair of a pair of platforms (30, 30") installed left and right so as to be capable of simultaneously elevating along either side of the columns (22, 24, 26, 28), platform driving means (40, 40") for elevating the platforms (30, 30"), one or mare endless track type belt saws (70) each having opposite ends mounted in parallel with driving pulleys (50) and driven pulleys (60) provided at the platforms (30, 30"), and belt saw driving means (80) for driving the belt saws (70) to slice the stone placed On the base (10) to a predetermined thickness while rotating along an endless track by rotating the driving pulleys (50). No. of Pages : 16 No. of Claims : 4 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27478 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.535/DELNP/2004 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :04/03/2004 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : "A PROCESS OF SOLUTION GRAFTING A HYDROCARBON POLYMER" (51) International classification :C08F 255/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :PCT/US01/28606 1)CROMPTON CORPORATION (32) Priority Date :14/09/2001 Address of Applicant :LOCATED AT BENSON ROAD, (33) Name of priority country :PCT MIDDLEBURY, CONNECTICUT 06749, U.S.A. Middlebury (86) International Application No :PCT/US01/28606 Connecticut 06749 U.S.A. (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :14/09/2001 (87) International Publication No :WO 03/025034 1)KARL J. DUYCK (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number :NA 2)THEODORE E. NALESNIK Filing Date :NA 3)UYEN THANH TRAN (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A process is disclosed that comprises solution grafting a hydrocarbon polymer prepared from at least C2 to C28 polymerizable hydrocarbon, said polymer having a number average molecular weight in the range of from about 5,000 to about 500,000, with an ethylenically unsaturated C3 to C10 carboxylic acid material, using a free radical initiator, in the presence of an aromatic ester oil of the formula (I) wherein R1, R2, R3, R4, R5, and R6 are independently selected from the group consisting of hydrogen, -COOR7, COOR8, -COOR9, -COOR10, -COOR11, and -COOR12, provided that no more than 5 of R1, R2, R3, R4, R5 and R6 are hydrogen, and R7, R8, R9, R10, R11, and R12 are independently selected from the group consisting of alkyl and alkylesters. No. of Pages : 23 No. of Claims : 6 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27479 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.693/DELNP/2005 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :21/02/2005 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : "VERTICAL AXIS WIND TURBINE" (51) International classification :F03D 3/04 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :10/224,463 1)ZEPHYR ALTERNATIVE POWER INC., (32) Priority Date :21/08/2002 Address of Applicant :80 EAST HUMBER DRIVE, KING CITY, ONTARIO L7B 1B6, CANADA, Canada (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. (86) International Application No :PCT/CA2003/001223 (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :20/08/2003 1)JOHN ROWE, (87) International Publication No :WO 2004/018872 (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A vertical axis wind turbine comprising: a turbine rotor with rotor blades disposed for rotation about a substantially vertical axis; a plurality or vertically extending stator vanes circurnferentially spaced apart about the rotor in an annular array, each vane having: a radially inward facing surface: a radially outward facing surface characterized in that, each vane has a flange on an outer edge. No. of Pages : 21 No. of Claims : 13 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27480 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.761/DEL/2008 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :25/03/2008 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : "HOLE-PIERCING PUNCH" (51) International classification (31) Priority Document No :B26F1/32 (71)Name of Applicant : :20071)PLUS STATIONERY CORPORATION 094027 Address of Applicant :"1-28, TORANOMON 4-CHOME, :30/03/2007 MINATO-KU, TOKYO JAPAN" Japan :Japan (72)Name of Inventor : :NA 1)WU, XIAO DONG :NA :NA :NA :NA :NA :NA (32) Priority Date (33) Name of priority country (86) International Application No Filing Date (87) International Publication No (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number Filing Date (57) Abstract : The pivoting shaft of a handle member has an axial center position in a support platform that is substantially fixed, and the position with respect to the handle member is to be displaceable. Furthermore, as for a support shaft, the position in the handle member is fixed, and the axial center of the pivoting shaft is positioned near a perpendicular bisector of a segment connecting both ends of a support shaft-guiding hole. No. of Pages : 55 No. of Claims : 9 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27481 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.7852/DELNP/2008 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :18/09/2008 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : "POWER SUPPLY SYSTEM AND VEHICLE INCLUDING THE SAME" (51) International classification :B60L 11/18 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :2006-182124 1)TOYOTA JIDOSHA KABUSHIKI KAISHA (32) Priority Date :30/03/2006 Address of Applicant :1, TOYOTO-CHO, TOYOTA-SHI, AICHI-KEN 471-8571 JAPNA Japan (33) Name of priority country :Japan :PCT/JP2007/053343 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :16/02/2007 1)ICHIKAWA SHINJI (87) International Publication No :WO 2007/125676 2)ISHIKAWA TETSUHIRO (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)SAWADA HIROKI :NA Number 4)OYOBE HICHIROSAI :NA Filing Date 5)ANG WANLENG (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA 6)YOSHIDA HIROSHI Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A converter ECU (2) obtains allowable power total value including at least one of discharge allowable power total value ?Wout of discharge allowable power Wout l, Wout 2 and charge allowable power total value ?Win of charge allowable power Winl, Win2. Then, the converter ECU (2) determines which of the allowable power total value and an actual power value is greater. If the actual power value is smaller than the allowable power total value, the converter ECU (2) controls a converter (8-1) such that an input/output voltage value Vh attains a prescribed target voltage value, and at the same time controls a converter (8-2) such that a battery current value Ib2 attains a prescribed target current value. No. of Pages : 90 No. of Claims : 28 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27482 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.7755/DELNP/2008 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :15/09/2008 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : AN EFFLUENT TREATMENT PROCESS (51) International classification :C02F 1/42 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :2006/01313 1)HOWARD, DARRYL (32) Priority Date :14/02/2006 Address of Applicant :13 WESTCLIFF DRIVE, PARKVIEW, 2193, JOHANNESBURG South Africa (33) Name of priority country :South Africa :PCT/IB2007/000335 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :14/02/2007 1)ROBINSON, ROBIN EDMUND GUTHRIE (87) International Publication No :WO 2007/116247 (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A process for the treatment of effluent, particularly acid mine drainage, is provided which includes the steps of a. neutralising acid; b. removing cations by ion exchange using a cation resin; c. regenerating the cation resin; d. treating the eluates of the cation ion exchange step; e. adsorbing anions from the effluent of the cation removal step using an anion exchange resin; and f. regenerating the anion exchange resin. No. of Pages : 13 No. of Claims : 15 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27483 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.776/DEL/2007 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :05/04/2007 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : "METHOD AND SYSTEM FOR TRANSMITTING DATA-PACKETS" :H04B7/26 (71)Name of Applicant : (51) International classification (31) Priority Document No :NA 1)MOTOROLA INC (32) Priority Date :NA Address of Applicant :1303 E.ALGONQUIN ROAD, (33) Name of priority country :NA SCHAUMBURG, IL 60196, USA U.S.A. (86) International Application No :NA (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :NA 1)RAVI KANT RAO (87) International Publication No :NA 2)ANKUR MEHROTRA (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number :NA 3)MURALIDHARAN S.S. Filing Date :NA (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A method and a processor (202) for transmitting data-packets is provided. The method includes receiving (304) a last sub-packet of a data-packet from a source. The data-packet includes a sequence of sub-packets that includes the last sub-packet and the data-packet starts with a header. Further, the method includes appending (306) an appended header, which is a copy of the header, after the last sub-packet. Furthermore, the method includes removing (308) the header that starts the data-packet. Moreover, the method includes transmitting (310) the last sub-packet and the appended header. No. of Pages : 27 No. of Claims : 17 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27484 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.7762/DELNP/2008 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :15/09/2008 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : "SERVO-ASSISTED SCANNING BEAM DISPLAY SYSTEM USING FLUORESCENT SCREENS" (51) International classification :G09G 03/34 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :60/776,553 1)SPUDNIK, INC (32) Priority Date :24/02/2006 Address of Applicant :2890 ZANKER ROAD, SUITE 101, SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA 95134 U.S.A U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/US2007/004004 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :15/02/2007 1)HAJJAR ROGER A (87) International Publication No :WO 2007/095329 2)BURROUGHS ALAN C (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)PAJDOWSKI MARK A :NA Number 4)KENT DAVID L :NA Filing Date 5)UEBBING JOHN (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA 6)MALYAK PHILLIP H Filing Date :NA 7)KRALL DONALD (57) Abstract : Scanning beam display systems using various servo reed rack control mechanisms to control display imaging qualities on fluorescent screens that emit fluorescent light to form images. No. of Pages : 158 No. of Claims : 84 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27485 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.7764/DELNP/2008 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :15/09/2008 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : CUTTING MEMBERS FOR SHAVING RAZORS (51) International classification :B21D 53/64 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :11/401,131 1)THE GILLETTE COMPANY (32) Priority Date :10/04/2006 Address of Applicant :PRUDENTIAL TOWER BUILDING, BOSTON, MA 02199, U.S.A U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/IB2007/051237 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :05/04/2007 1)MASEK, WILLIAM (87) International Publication No :WO 2007/116358 2)SMITH, ROBERT (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)MAZIARZ, JOHN, L :NA Number 4)DEPUYDT, JOSEPH,A :NA Filing Date 5)XU, MING, LAURA (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA 6)VICKERY, CRAIG, STEPHEN Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : Cutting members for razors are provided that have been subjected to a localized heat-treating process, e.g., application of laser energy. In some cases, the cutting members include end portion, and the localized heat-treating process is used to enhance ductility and thereby facilitate formation of the bent portion. No. of Pages : 14 No. of Claims : 11 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27486 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.788/DEL/2007 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :10/04/2007 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : "A PROCESS FOR THE PREPARATION OF READY MADE GULABJAMUN" :A23C19/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (51) International classification (31) Priority Document No :NA 1)INDIAN COUNCIL OF AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH (32) Priority Date :NA Address of Applicant :KRISHI BHAVAN, DR., RAJENDRA (33) Name of priority country :NA PRASAD ROAD, NEW DELHI-110 001,INDIA Delhi India (86) International Application No :NA (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :NA 1)GIRDHRI RAMDAS PATIL (87) International Publication No :NA 2)RAM RAN BIJOY (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number :NA 3)ASHISH KUMAR SINGH Filing Date :NA 4)ASHOK AMBALAL PATEL (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA 5)ANURADHA SINGH Filing Date :NA 6)REKHA DAHIYA (57) Abstract : "A process for the preparation of ready to made gulabjamun". This invention relates to a process for the preparation of ready to made gulabjamun which comprises in the steps of preparing a gulabjamun mix powder (GMP) by dry blending milk powder, fat refined wheat flour, semolina, edible fat, baking powder and cake improver, reconstituting GMP into dough, forming balls from the dough, and baking the balls at a temperature of 100-300АC. No. of Pages : 10 No. of Claims : 6 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27487 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.7882/DELNP/2008 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :19/09/2008 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : "ALKOXYLATED ALKYLAMINES/ALKYL ETHER AMINES WITH PEAKED DISTRIBUTION" (51) International classification (31) Priority Document No (32) Priority Date (33) Name of priority country (86) International Application No Filing Date (87) International Publication No (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number Filing Date (71)Name of Applicant : :C07C 213/04 1)AKZO NOBEL N.V :60/743,715 Address of Applicant :VELPERWEG 76, NL-6824 BM :23/03/2006 ARNHEM, NETHERLANDS Netherlands :U.S.A. 2)MONSANTO TECHNOLOGY LLC :PCT/US2007/064809 (72)Name of Inventor : :23/03/2007 1)SHAWN ZHU :WO 2007/109791 2)GIAO NGUYEN 3)KHA NGUYEN :NA 4)ALBERTO SLIKTA :NA 5)DAVID R.EATON :NA 6)DAVID Z.BECHER :NA 7)HENRY E.AGBAJE 8)MICHAEL SEITZ (57) Abstract : The present invention relates to processes for preparation of alkoxylated alkyl amines or alkoxylated alkyl ether amines with peaked distribution, surfactants comprising alkoxylated alkyl amines or alkoxylated alkyl ether amines with peaked distribution, and stable herbicidal formulations comprising alkoxylated alkyl amines or alkoxylated alkyl ether amines with peaked distribution. No. of Pages : 168 No. of Claims : 80 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27488 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.7893/DELNP/2008 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :16/09/2008 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : OPTICAL TRANSMISSOMETER AND LIGHT SOURCE AND LIGHT DETECTOR FOR SUCH OPTICAL TRANSMISSOMETER (51) International classification :G01N 21/53 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :0604990.2 1)UNIVERSITY OF DURHAM Address of Applicant :Old Shire Hall Old Elvet Durham DH1 (32) Priority Date :11/03/2006 (33) Name of priority country :U.K. 3HP Great Britain U.K. (86) International Application No :PCT/GB2007/000796 (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :07/03/2007 1)LE GALLOU, Rolandn (87) International Publication No : WO2007/104925 (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A transmissometer for determining of a light beam (2) in the atmosphere is disclosed. The transmissometer comprises a light source (4) including light emitting diodes (LED) controlled by a printed circuit board, and a light detector (6) for providing output signals representing an input optical signal. No. of Pages : 20 No. of Claims : 34 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27489 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.599/DELNP/2004 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :09/03/2004 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : "SYSTEM FOR MANAGING ACCESS TO A RESTRICTED TRANSMITTED EVENT" (51) International classification :H04N 5/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :PCT/US01/29818 1)THOMSON LICENSING S.A. (32) Priority Date :25/09/2001 Address of Applicant :46, QUAI A. LE GALLO, 92648 (33) Name of priority country :PCT BOULOGNE CEDEX (FR) 92648 Boulogne Cedex Boulogne (86) International Application No :PCT/US01/29818 Cedex France (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :25/09/2001 (87) International Publication No :WO 03/043310 1)ESKICIOGLU, AHMET, MURSIT (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number :NA 2)DUFFIELD, DAVID, JAY Filing Date :NA 3)BEYERS, BILLY, WESLEY, JR (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA 4)DEISS, MICHAEL, SCOTT Filing Date :NA 5)VIRAG, DAVID, EMERY (57) Abstract : A method for managing access to scrambled broadcast or transmitted events received from a variety of service providers (including broadcast televison networks, cable television networks, digital satellite systems). In one preferred embodiment, each service provider employs a different public key for encrypting the access information message, and each smart card includes the corresponding private keys for the public keys, thereby permitting a user to access events from various service providers without changing the smart card. No. of Pages : 22 No. of Claims : 5 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27490 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.671/DEL/2007 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :28/03/2007 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : AN INTRINSICALLY SAFE UNINTERRUPTED POWER SUPPLY FOR USE IN HAZARDOUS GASSY UNDERGROUND MINE ENVIRONMENT (51) International classification :H02J9/06; H02J9/06 :NA :NA :NA :NA :NA :NA :NA :NA :NA :NA (71)Name of Applicant : 1)COUNCIL OF SCIENTIFIC AND INDUSTRIAL RESEARCH Address of Applicant :ANUSANDHAN BHAWAN, RAFI MARG, NEW DELHI-110 001,INDIA Delhi India (72)Name of Inventor : 1)LAKSHMI KANTA BANDYOPADHYAY 2)SUDHIR KUMAR 3)SWADES KUMAR CHAULYA 4)PANKAJ KUMAR MISHRA 5)PARMANAND THAKUR (31) Priority Document No (32) Priority Date (33) Name of priority country (86) International Application No Filing Date (87) International Publication No (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number Filing Date (57) Abstract : The intrinsically safe uninterrupted power supply of the present invention for use in hazardous gassy underground mine environment, particularly for underground environmental monitoring system is capable of providing intrinsically safe power supply and also intrinsically safe uninterrupted power backup in case of failure of normal power supply in underground mines, particularly for operating instrument/sensors working for the environmental monitoring system. The intrinsically safe uninterrupted power supply converts available 110 V AC to the required low voltages: 6 V and 18 V DC and also provides power backup via batteries in underground mines in case of normal power failure by which the instrument/sensors are operating. The system is capable of protecting instrument/sensors from high current/short circuit which enables to prevent explosion in an underground mine. No. of Pages : 30 No. of Claims : 10 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27491 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.671/DEL/2008 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :17/03/2008 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : "HYDRAULIC MACHINE AND PROCESS FOR PREVENTION OF WEAR TO SUCH A MACHINE" (51) International classification :F03B3/00 ; A01B63/00 (71)Name of Applicant : :07 02001 1)ALSTOM HYDRO FRANCE :20/03/2007 Address of Applicant :3 AVENUE ANDRE MALRAUX, F:France 92309 LEVALLOIS PERRET CEDEX, FRANCE France :NA (72)Name of Inventor : :NA 1)MONIQUE TRAVERSAZ :NA 2)ROBERT PAVILLET :NA 3)FARID MAZZOUJI :NA 4)MICHEL COUSTON :NA :NA (31) Priority Document No (32) Priority Date (33) Name of priority country (86) International Application No Filing Date (87) International Publication No (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number Filing Date (57) Abstract : This hydraulic machine has a main flow of water (E1) passing through it and includes at least one component (2; 7) of which a surface (71; 211) is wetted by the main flow (E1) and means (74; 216) of injection, at the wetted surface (71), of a secondary flow of water. This machine also includes means (9) of decreasing the abrasive particle content of a portion (E"o) of a flow (Eo) constituting the source of the main flow (E1) and means (8; 74; 216) to bring the secondary flow from the decreasing means (9) towards the wetted surface (71; 211), said secondary flow having an abrasive particle content which is lower than the main flow (E1). This protects the wetted surface (71; 211) from the abrasive particles contained in the main flow (E1) No. of Pages : 18 No. of Claims : 14 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27492 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.7867/DELNP/2008 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :18/09/2008 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : LOW SURFACE ROUGHNESS CAST STRIP AND METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR MAKING THE SAME (51) International classification :B21B 1/26 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :11/362,682 1)NUCOR CORPORATION Address of Applicant :1915 Rexford Road Charlotte NC (32) Priority Date :27/02/2006 28211 United States of America U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. (86) International Application No :PCT/AU2007/000227 (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :27/02/2007 1)Jay Jon Ondrovic (87) International Publication No : WO2007/095695 2)Walter Blejde (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A thin cast strip is formed having at least one microstructure selected from the group consisting of polygonal ferrite, acicular ferrite, Widmanstatten, bainite and martinsite, a surface roughness of less than 1.5 microns Ra and a scale thickness of less than about 10 microns by applying a mixture of water and oil on the work rolls of the hot rolling mill, passing the thin cast strip at a temperature of less than 1100А C through the hot rolling mill while the mixture of oil and water is applied to the work rolls, and shrouding the thin cast strip from the casting rolls through the hot rolling mill in an atmosphere of less than 5 % oxygen to form the thin cast strip. No. of Pages : 31 No. of Claims : 28 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27493 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.7875/DELNP/2008 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :19/09/2008 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : "RIGID POLYVINYL CHLORIDE POLYMER COMPOSITIONS HAVING IMPROVED IMPACT PROPERTIES" (51) International classification :C08K 5/103 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :11/416,533 1)EASTMAN CHEMICAL COMPANY Address of Applicant :200 SOUTH WILCOX DRIVE, (32) Priority Date :03/05/2006 KINGSPORT, TENNESSEE 37660, U.S.A U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. (86) International Application No :PCT/US2007/010372 (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :27/04/2007 1)RUSSELL LYNN WHITSON (87) International Publication No :WO 2007/130318 2)SAMUEL LEROY GOTT (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : Rigid polyvinyl chloride compositions are disclosed that are suitable for use in applications such as window profiles, doorframes, siding, fences, gutters, pipes, electrical junction boxes, automobile interiors and exteriors, appliances, office equipment or medical devices. The disclosed compositions include polyvinyl chloride polymers or copolymers having incorporated therein 2,2,4-trimethyl1,3-pentanediol diisobutyrate in amounts so as to improve the impact properties of the compositions. Processes for making such compositions are also disclosed. No. of Pages : 22 No. of Claims : 14 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27494 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.743/DEL/2007 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :02/04/2007 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : PROCESS FOR REMOVING RBCS FROM BLOOD CULTURE MEDIUM (51) International classification :A01N1/02; (71)Name of Applicant : A01N1/02 1)ALL INDIA INSTITUTE OF MEDICAL SCIENCES :NA Address of Applicant :ANSARI NAGAR NEW DELHI-110 :NA 029 INDIA Delhi India :NA (72)Name of Inventor : :NA 1)SARMAN SINGH :NA 2)KRISHNAMOORTHY GOPINATH :NA :NA :NA :NA :NA (31) Priority Document No (32) Priority Date (33) Name of priority country (86) International Application No Filing Date (87) International Publication No (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number Filing Date (57) Abstract : The present invention provides a process for detection of a microorganism in a blood sample, said process comparising, including said sample with the lysis buffer comparising NH4, KHCO3 And traction X-100;pelleting the lysed sample to obtain a pallet; re-suspending said pellet in phosphate buffer and detecting the a pellet; resuspending said pellet in phosphate buffer and detecting the microorganism by conventional method No. of Pages : 21 No. of Claims : 4 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27495 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.7672/DELNP/2008 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :11/09/2008 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : HYBRID TRANSMISSION FOR HYBRID VEHICLES (51) International classification (71)Name of Applicant : :B60K 17/04;F16H 1/36 1)TM4 INC. Address of Applicant :J.-Armand Bombardier Bureau 25 :60/782,300 Boucherville Quebec J4B8P1 Canada :15/03/2006 (72)Name of Inventor : :U.S.A. :PCT/CA2007/000424 1)MARTIN HOULE :14/03/2007 : WO2007/095695 (31) Priority Document No (32) Priority Date (33) Name of priority country (86) International Application No Filing Date (87) International Publication No (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A hybrid transmission described herein comprises a planetary gear arrangement and a clutch including two electromagnetic clutch portions used to interconnect an internal combustion engine, an electric traction motor, an electric motor/generator and driving wheels of a hybrid vehicle. The hybrid transmission described herein allows various modes of operation. No. of Pages : 26 No. of Claims : 19 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27496 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.7895/DELNP/2008 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :19/09/2008 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : "AN AUTOMATED BANKING MACHINE APPARATUS" (51) International classification (31) Priority Document No (32) Priority Date (33) Name of priority country (86) International Application No Filing Date (87) International Publication No (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number Filed on (71)Name of Applicant : 1)DIEBOLD INCORPORATED :G06F 17/60 Address of Applicant :5995 MAYFAIR ROAD, NORTH :60/453,397 CANTON, OH 44720, U.S.A U.S.A. :10/03/2003 (72)Name of Inventor : :U.S.A. 1)JEFREY M.ENRIGHT :PCT/US2004/007212 2)FRANKLIN M. THERIAULT :09/03/2004 3)R.MATTHEW DUNLAP :WO 2004/007212 4)WILLIAM D. BESKITT 5)SEAN HANEY :NA 6)COLIN FIRZPATRICK :NA 7)EDWARD L.LASKOWSKI :IP 8)MIKE RYAN 3699/DELNP/2005 9)BILL LAVELLE :22/08/2005 10)DAVID SHULTZ 11)MATTHEW FORCE 12)JEFFREY EASTMAN (57) Abstract : An automated banking machine (10) apparatus comprising: a housing (12); at least one input device (20, 22) in supporting connection with the housing (12) and adapted to receive at least one input associated with each user of the machine; a cash dispenser mechanism in supporting connection with the housing (12); a deposit envelope holding container (52) in supporting connection with the housing (12), the deposit envelope holding container (52) adapted to hold a stack of empty deposit envelopes and having a floor support adapted to engage an end envelope bounding a lower end of the stack; at least one movable picker member adjacent the floor support and adapted to engage and move the end envelope from the stack in a first direction from the deposit envelope holding container; at least one stripper member adapted to generally prevent envelopes in the stack other than the end envelope from moving from the deposit envelope holding container; at least one transport adapted to move the end envelope that has nioveci in the first direction from the stack to a deposit opening (244, 44)that extends through the housing (12), wherein an envelope in the deposit opening (244, 44)is accessible from outside the housing (12). No. of Pages : 187 No. of Claims : 212 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27497 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.852/DELNP/2004 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :02/04/2004 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : "MOBILITY CONTROL SYSTEM IN A PACKET TELECOMMUNICATION NETWORK" (51) International classification :H 04 L 12/56 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :P2001-306650 1)NTT DOCOMO, INC (32) Priority Date :02/10/2001 Address of Applicant :11-1, NAGATACHO 2-CHOME, CHIYODA-KU, TOKYO 100-6150, JAPAN. Chiyoda-ku Tokyo (33) Name of priority country :Japan :PCT/JP02/10091 Japan (86) International Application No (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :27/09/2002 (87) International Publication No :WO 03/032588 1)KOJI OMAE (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number :NA 2)ICHIRO OKAJIMA Filing Date :NA 3)NARUMI UMEDA (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : After a mobile node (MN) sends a multi-binding request to a mobility agent (MA1), the mobile node (MN) moves from an access router (AR3) to an access router (AR4) (1). The mobility agent (MA1) that has received the multi-binding request creates a future CoA (estimated CoA) by itself, thurns the M bit of the mobile node MN entry on a binding cache, and adds the estimated CoA to the transfer destination address (2). Upon receiving an encapsulated packet addressed to the mobile node (MN), the mobility agent (MA1) obeys the binding cache and tunnel-transfers the packet to a CoA3, an estimated CoA2, and an estimated CoA4 (3). No. of Pages : 69 No. of Claims : 5 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27498 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.8530/DELNP/2007 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :05/11/2007 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : PESTICIDAL SUBSTITUTED PHENYLETHERS (51) International classification (31) Priority Document No (32) Priority Date (33) Name of priority country (71)Name of Applicant : :A01N 35/04 :05009999.3 1)MERIAL LTD. Address of Applicant :3239 SATELLITE BLVD. DULUTH, :07/05/2007 GA 30096-4640 USA. U.S.A. :EUROPEAN (72)Name of Inventor : UNION :PCT/EP2006/003968 1)SCHNATTERER, STEFAN :28/04/2006 2)MAIER, MICHAEL :WO 2006/119876 3)LOCHHAAS, FRIEDERIKE 4)KNAUF, WERNER :NA 5)SEEGER, KARL :NA (86) International Application No Filing Date (87) International Publication No (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The invention relates to the use of phenylether derivatives of formula (I), to compositions thereof for the control of pests, including arthropods and helminths. No. of Pages : 96 No. of Claims : 10 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27499 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.856/DEL/2008 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :01/04/2008 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : CONVERTER ASSEMBLY AGAINST HIGH ELECTRIC OR MAGNETIC FIELD (51) International classification :H01F 27/36 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :200720119631.0 1)SHENZHEN KAIFA TECHNOLOGY CO. (32) Priority Date :18/04/2007 Address of Applicant :7006, CAITAN RD., FUTAIN DIST., (33) Name of priority country :China SHENZHEN, GUANGDONG PROVINCE, PR CHINA China (86) International Application No :NA (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :NA 1)ZHANG, SENHUI (87) International Publication No :NA 2)ZENG, CHANGYUN (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number :NA 3)DING, YANGHI Filing Date :NA (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The present invention relates to a converter assembly against high electric or magnetic field, including a shielding casing and a converter, at least two converters being positioned in one shielding casing, the converter being led out of the shielding casing through a group of converter input lines and a group of converter output lines. The shielding casing is hollow with a shape of cylinder, sphere or taper, or an irregular shape from the combination of cylinder, sphere and/or taper. On one end or periphery of the shielding casing is a hole or slit to facilitate connection of the input and output lines with the converter. In order to protect against high electric or magnetic field, one or more shielding casings can further be nested in the shielding casing, or a reinforced shielding plate be positioned on inner wall of the shielding casing. To facilitate mounting of the entire assembly, a base plate can be positioned separately on entire or part mounting surface of the shielding casing to facilitate mounting. No. of Pages : 11 No. of Claims : 10 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27500 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.7824/DELNP/2008 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :17/09/2008 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : "TRANSDERMAL PATCH CONTAINING RASAGILINE FOR TREATMENT OR PROPHYLAXIS OF NERVOUS SYSTEM DISEASE AND ITS PREPARATION PROCESS" (51) International classification :A61K 9/70 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :200610054110.1 1)CHONGQING PHARMACEUTICAL RESEARCH (32) Priority Date :06/03/2006 INSTITUE CO.,LTD (33) Name of priority country :China Address of Applicant :NO.565, TUSHAN RD., NAN'AN (86) International Application No :PCT/CN2007/000713 DISTRICT, CHONGQING 400061, P.R.CHINA China Filing Date :06/03/2007 2)SHANGHAI FOSUN PHARMACEUTICAL (GROUP) (87) International Publication No :WO 2007/101400 CO.,LTD (61) Patent of Addition to Application (72)Name of Inventor : :NA Number 1)LIN, JIALIANG :NA Filing Date 2)XIAO, JINMAI (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA 3)DENG, JIE Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The present invention relates to a rasagiline transdermal patch for treatment or prophylaxis of nervous system diseases, in which the patch comprises an inert backing layer chemically inert to substrate ingredients, a substrate layer comprising rasagiline or a pharmaceutically acceptable salt thereof, and a protective layer to be peeled off before use The substrate layer is an adhesive system comprising an organic polymer material as basis and an inorganic or organic material as filler, and a plurality of micro-reservoirs containing rasagiline. The substrate further comprises one or more substances for enhancing the transdermal absorption of rasagiline, in which the above organic polymer material in the substrate is used for the reservoir of rasagiline and as adhesive. No. of Pages : 54 No. of Claims : 14 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27501 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.8050/DELNP/2008 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :25/09/2008 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : CUTTING INSERT AND METHOD OF MACHINING ROTATED WORKPIECES (51) International classification :B23B 5/18 , B23B 27/14 :10 2006 016 626.4 :06/04/2006 :Germany :PCT/DE2007/000598 :03/04/2007 : WO2007/112734 (71)Name of Applicant : 1)KENNAMETAL WIDIA PRODUKTIONS GMBH& CO. KG Address of Applicant :Munchener Strasse 125-127 Essen Germany (72)Name of Inventor : 1)KLAUS SERWUSCHOK (31) Priority Document No (32) Priority Date (33) Name of priority country (86) International Application No Filing Date (87) International Publication No (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The invention relates to a cutting insert with a prismatic base form, with an upper and a lower surface (11), arranged parallel to each other and connected by four lateral surfaces perpendicular thereto, of which two opposing lateral surfaces (14) have projecting and recessed sections, which, together with the upper and lower surfaces form corrugated cutting edges and of which the two remaining opposing lateral surfaces (13) are arranged planar and parallel to each other. According to the invention, at least one cutting corner (18) formed by two adjacent lateral surfaces (13, 14) has an embodiment as a cutting edge. The invention further relates to a method with application of the disclosed cutting insert which firstly, for facing a central bearing, is radially displaced on a rotated workpiece and then, for finishing a bearing surface, is axially displaced. No. of Pages : 15 No. of Claims : 9 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27502 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.8059/DELNP/2008 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :25/09/2008 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : "VARIABLE DISPLACEMENT SLIDING VANE PUMP" (51) International classification :F04C 14/22 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :11/389,687 1)THE GATES CORPORATION (32) Priority Date :27/03/2006 Address of Applicant :1551 WEWATTA STREET, DENVER, CO 80202, U.S.A U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/US2007/006328 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :12/03/2007 1)MANFRED ARNOLD (87) International Publication No :WO 2007/123607 2)ROBERT H.MOOY (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)PAUL M. MORTON :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A variable displacement sliding vane pump comprising a pump body, inlet and outlet ports formed in said pump body, a drive shaft rotatably mounted in said pump body, a rotor driven by said drive shaft and co-axially aligned therewith, a plurality of radially extending vanes slidably disposed in said rotor, a pivot disposed in said pump body, a slide pivotally disposed on said pivot in said pump body and having a central axis eccentric to the axis of said rotor, a plurality of fluid chambers defined by said rotor, said vanes, and said slide that are successively connected to said inlet and outlet ports, a spring acting on said slide to urge said slide in one direction, a first chamber and a second chamber, each suitable for receiving a fluid pressure and each disposed between said pump body and an outer surface of said slide, the first chamber in fluid communication with a pump outlet discharge pressure, and a valve operable to selectively pressurize and depressurize the second chamber. No. of Pages : 27 No. of Claims : 10 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27503 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.813/DEL/2007 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :12/04/2007 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : EXTENDED RELEASE PHARMACEUTICAL FORMULATION OF PROPRANOLOL HYDROCHLORIDE (51) International classification :C07C27/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :NA 1)JUBILANT ORGANOSYS LTD (32) Priority Date :NA Address of Applicant :PLOT NO.1A, SECTOR 16A, NOIDA(33) Name of priority country :NA 201 301 UTTAR PRADESH, INDIA Uttar Pradesh India (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No :NA Filing Date :NA 1)NAGARAJU, NAGESH (87) International Publication No :NA 2)SAHOO, SATYA SANKAR (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number :NA 3)MONDAL, BALARAN Filing Date :NA 4)MUKHERJI, GOUR (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : Disclosed herein an extended release pharmaceutical formulation of the propranolol hydrochloride comprising a core and an extended release coating on said core wherein said core comprising said propranolol hydrochloride and one ore more pharmaceutically acceptable excipients and coating comprising extended release polymers in an amount of about 1 to about 5% by weight based on the total weight of the core. No. of Pages : 22 No. of Claims : 16 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27504 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.823/DEL/2008 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :28/03/2008 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : "CAMERA WITH MULTIPLE VIEWFINDERS" (51) International classification (31) Priority Document No (32) Priority Date (33) Name of priority country (71)Name of Applicant : H04N :07105464.7 1)RESEARCH IN MOTION LIMITED Address of Applicant :295 PHILLIP STREET, WATERLOO, :02/04/2007 :EUROPEAN ONTARIO N2L 3W8 CANANDA. Canada UNION (72)Name of Inventor : :NA 1)BOCKING ANDREW :NA 2)ANDRADE RUSSELL :NA :NA :NA :NA :NA (86) International Application No Filing Date (87) International Publication No (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number Filing Date (57) Abstract : A novel method and apparatus for controlling the display of a portable electronic device having a user input device and a camera function; the portable electronic device including a photosensor chip having a sensor array of a predetermined number of rows and columns of pixels for converting radiant energy into electronic signals representing an image for display via a viewfinder. The method comprises selecting via the user input a zoom level and viewfinder resolution for the camera application, and in the event the zoom level is 1x then scaling the predetermined number of rows and columns of pixels to the selected viewfinder resolution and generating an image corresponding thereto; and in the event the zoom level is greater than 1x then cropping a. region of interest of the predetermined number of rows and columns of pixels in accordance with the zoom level and then scaling the cropped region of interest in accordance with the viewfinder resolution and generating an image corresponding thereto. No. of Pages : 21 No. of Claims : 13 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27505 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.7979/DELNP/2008 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :23/09/2008 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : PYRAZOLES AS 11-BETA-HSD-1 (51) International classification (31) Priority Document No (32) Priority Date (33) Name of priority country (86) International Application No Filing Date (87) International Publication No (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number Filing Date (71)Name of Applicant : 1)F.HOFFMANN-LA ROCHE AG Address of Applicant :GRENZACHERSTRASSE 124, CH4070 BASEL SWITZERLAND Switzerland :C07D 403/04 (72)Name of Inventor : :60/784,831 1)ANDERSON, KEVIN WILLIAM :22/03/2006 2)FOTOUHI, NADER :U.S.A. 3)GILLESPIE, PAUL :PCT/EP2007/052269 4)GOODNOW, ROBERT ALAN JR :12/03/2007 5)HAYNES, NANCY-ELLEN :WO 2007/107470 6)MYERS, MICHAEL PAUL :NA 7)PIETRANICO-COLE, SHERRIE LYNN :NA 8)QI, LIDA 9)ROSSMAN, PAMELA LOREEN :NA 10)SCOTT, NATHAN ROBERT :NA 11)THAKKAR, KSHITIJ CHHABILBHAI 12)TILLEY, JEFFERSON WRIGHT 13)ZHANG, QIANG 14)GUERTIN, KEVIN, RICHARD (57) Abstract : Provided herein are compounds of the formula (I): as well as pharmaceutically acceptable salts thereof, wherein the substituents are as those disclosed in the specification. These compounds, and the pharmaceutical compositions containing them, are useful for the treatment of diseases such as, for example, type II diabetes mellitus and metabolic syndrome. No. of Pages : 199 No. of Claims : 20 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27506 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.916/DEL/2007 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :25/04/2007 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : "SINGLE SIGN-ON FUNCTIONALITY FOR SECURE COMMUNICATIONS OVER INSECURE NETWORKS" (51) International classification :H04L29/06 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :NA 1)NOVELL, INC (32) Priority Date :NA Address of Applicant :1800 SOUTH NOVELL PLACE, (33) Name of priority country :NA PROVO, UTAH 84606, USA U.S.A. (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No :NA Filing Date :NA 1)MUKKARA, PRAKASH UMASANKAR (87) International Publication No :NA (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : Techniques for identity techniques for single sign-on functionality for secure communications over insecure networks are provided. A principal achieves single sign-on access to a server via a client by initially authenticating to third-party authentication service. Next, a credentialing service supplies a randomly generated credential to the client and the server unbeknownst to the principal. The principal is then equipped to engage in secure communicates over an insecure network using the credential that is managed by services of the client to authenticate to services of the server in a fashion that the principal is unaware of. No. of Pages : 30 No. of Claims : 10 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27507 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.951/DEL/2007 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :03/05/2007 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : 'A PROCESS FOR PRODUCING SPHERICAL CRYSTALS OF MEBENDAZOLE' :A61K (71)Name of Applicant : (51) International classification (31) Priority Document No :NA 1)NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF PHARMACEUTICAL (32) Priority Date :NA EDUCATION AND RESEARCH (NIPER) (33) Name of priority country :NA Address of Applicant :SECTOR-67, S.A.S. NAGAR, (86) International Application No :NA PUNJAB-160 062,INDIA Punjab India Filing Date :NA (72)Name of Inventor : (87) International Publication No :NA 1)ARVIND K.BANSAL (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number :NA 2)SMITI KUMAR Filing Date :NA 3)GARIMA CHAWLA (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : Mebendazole is an antihelminthic medicinal compound. The present invention relates to a process for producing spherical Mebendazole agglomerates having improved processability in terms of better flow due to improved aspect ratio (=1) and improved compressibility. The technique of spherical agglomeration is considered pharmaceutically useful as crystallization and aggregation occurs simultaneously, thereby minimizing the processing steps. No. of Pages : 17 No. of Claims : 12 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27508 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.959/DEL/2008 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :15/04/2008 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : "CONTACT FRAME FOR A MOTORCYCLE WITH AIR INTAKE FOR THE INTEGRATED AIRBOX" :B60R21/00; (71)Name of Applicant : B62J17/00; 1)PIAGGIO & C. S.P.A. B62J27/00 Address of Applicant :VIALE RINALDO PIAGGIO 25, (31) Priority Document No :MI2007A000846 PONTEDERA, PISA, ITALY Italy (32) Priority Date :23/04/2007 (72)Name of Inventor : (33) Name of priority country :Italy 1)ANDREA RAFFAELLI (86) International Application No :NA Filing Date :NA (87) International Publication No :NA (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The present invention refers to a frame for a motorcycle that comprises two beams (11,111^211) connected to a steering tube (20,120,220) at the front end (14,114,214) of the frame (10,110,210) and is characterised in that the steering tube (20,120,220) is located in a box-shaped body (18,118,218) having opposite openings (16a,16b,116a,116b,216a,216b) and with its substantially longitudinal to the main extension of the frame, the beams (11,111,211) being fixedly connected to the box-shaped body (18,118,218). The frame for a motorcycle (10,110,210) according to the invention in this way integrates the air intake for the airbox whilst still being compact. (51) International classification No. of Pages : 24 No. of Claims : 17 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27509 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.960/DEL/2007 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :03/05/2007 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : A PORTABLE DEVICE FOR IN-SITU SUB-SAMPLING OF AQUEOUS SEDIMENTS (51) International classification :B01D 24/00 :NA :NA :NA :NA :NA :NA :NA :NA :NA :NA (71)Name of Applicant : 1)COUNCIL OF SCIENTIFIC & INDUSTRIAL RESEARCH Address of Applicant :ANUSANDHAN BHAWAN, RAFI MARG, NEW DELHI-110 001,INDIA Delhi India (72)Name of Inventor : 1)ANIL BHIMRAO VALSANGKAR (31) Priority Document No (32) Priority Date (33) Name of priority country (86) International Application No Filing Date (87) International Publication No (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number Filing Date (57) Abstract : In the present invention there is provided a portable device for in-situ sub-sampling of aqueous sediments, which is direct and easy method enabling of close interval in-situ sub-sampling / sectioning of unconsolidated aqueous sediments up to millimeters level using a novel core liner which comprises of series of ring sections required sediment thickness or assorted thickness, aligned and joined together to form a tubular core liner. The said device is made to work mechanically to have full control over precise sub-sampling or sectioning of the in-situ aqueous sediments in real time at the required interval up to millimeters level and also preventing the sediment in the sections from mixing or contamination at the same time. No. of Pages : 27 No. of Claims : 8 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27510 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.7919/DELNP/2008 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :19/09/2008 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : "PROTECTIVE DEVICE FOR A HYPODERMIC NEEDLE" (51) International classification :A61M 5/32 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :201 03 363 1)B.BRAUN MELSUNGEN AG (32) Priority Date :26/02/2001 Address of Applicant :CARL-BRAUN-STR.,1,34212 (33) Name of priority country :Germany MELSUNGEN; GERMANY Germany :PCT/EP2002/02042 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :26/02/2002 1)WOEHR KEVIN (87) International Publication No :WO 2002/068022 2)FUCHS JURGEN (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :01243/DELNP/2003 Filed on :06/08/2003 (57) Abstract : The invention relates to a protective device for a hypodermic or infusion needle (2), comprising a needle holder (1) at the proximal end of the needle. A protective element (3) is mounted in a displaceable manner on the needle shaft. Said element is prevented from being displaced beyond the needle tip by an engagement device (4, 18) between the needle (2) and the protective element (31, a grip (6) for displacing or holding the protective element (3) being provided between the protective element (3) and the needle holder (11. No. of Pages : 28 No. of Claims : 25 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27511 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.889/DEL/2008 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :04/04/2008 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : "WATER TREATMENT PROCESS" (51) International classification :C02F1/44; (71)Name of Applicant : B01D15/04; 1)ROHM AND HAAS COMPANY Address of Applicant :100 INDEPENDENCE MALL WEST, B01J39/04 C02F3/06 PHILADELPHIA, PENNSYLVANIA, 19106-2399,U.S.A U.S.A. :60/912,015 (72)Name of Inventor : :16/04/2007 1)GARTH R. PARKER :U.S.A. :NA :NA :NA :NA :NA :NA :NA (31) Priority Document No (32) Priority Date (33) Name of priority country (86) International Application No Filing Date (87) International Publication No (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number Filing Date (57) Abstract : A process for removing target ion(s) from a for-treatment water containing the target ion(s) is provided. Also provided is a method for improving the efficiency of an electrochemical cell for target ion(s) destruction. No. of Pages : 44 No. of Claims : 10 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27512 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.890/DEL/2003 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :11/07/2003 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : "AN INFRARED SENSOR WITH A MOVABLY FIXED DEVICE FOR MAINTAINING THE TEMPERATUREOF A PREMATURE BABY" (51) International classification :A61G 11/00 :NA :NA :NA :NA :NA :NA :NA :NA :NA :NA (71)Name of Applicant : 1)JACOB PULIYEL Address of Applicant :4.1 OLD ADMIN BLOCK, ST. STEPHENS HOSPITAL,TIS-HAZARI,NEW DELHI-110054, INDIA. Delhi India 2)I MATTHEW PULIYEL (72)Name of Inventor : 1)JACOB POLIYEL 2) MATTHEW PULIYEL (31) Priority Document No (32) Priority Date (33) Name of priority country (86) International Application No Filing Date (87) International Publication No (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number Filing Date (57) Abstract : A device with a temperature sensor module of the sensitivity range such as herein described for maintaining the temperature of an animate and inanimate object which comprises at least two sensors located in an incubator, rotating chopper positioned between the said sensor and the baby, said chopper having at least one window for access between the sensors and the baby, the said sensors being connected to preamplifier, ADC (analog to digital converter), computer, servo- controller and the means such as herein described, capable of reading, receiving, sending the signals and maintaining the temperature of the baby, interpreting the obtained value with the standard value, calibrating the temperature to desired optimum levels. No. of Pages : 17 No. of Claims : 8 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27513 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.935/DEL/2008 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :10/04/2008 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : "ELEVATOR CAGE" (51) International classification : B66B 7/12 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :2007/106029 1)HITACHI, LTD. (32) Priority Date :13/04/2007 Address of Applicant :6-6 MARUNOUCHI 1-CHOME, (33) Name of priority country :Japan CHIYODA-KU, TOKYO, JAPAN. Japan (86) International Application No :NA 2)HITACHI MITO ENGINEERING CO. LTD (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :NA (87) International Publication No :NA 1)HASEGAWA YUKO (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number :NA 2)NISHIBORT TAKAUKI Filing Date :NA (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : Provided is an elevator cage capable of reducing a height dimension of a cage frame to reduce a head clearance without restricting mounting and dismounting of a guide unit mounted on an upper portion of the cage frame and maintenance thereof. An elevator cage includes a cage chamber 6 supported on a cage frame 10 provided with guide units 12 on upper and lower portions thereof, and a vibration isolation unit 11 is interposed between a peripheral edge 3E of a hat-shaped ceiling 3 of the cage chamber 6 and the cage frame 10, wherein the ceiling 3 is reduced in height dimension, and the cage frame 10 is reduced in height dimension, and wherein the vibration isolation unit 11 is positioned below the ceiling 3. No. of Pages : 21 No. of Claims : 5 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27514 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.949/DEL/2008 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :11/04/2008 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : "ADJUSTABLE IRONING BOARD COVER" (51) International classification :D06F81/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :2007901890 1)VICKY VIDOVIC (32) Priority Date :11/04/2007 Address of Applicant :129 COOMBE ROAD, ALLENBY (33) Name of priority country :Australia GARDENS ADELAIDE, SOUTH AUSTRALIA 5009, (86) International Application No :NA AUSTRALIA Australia Filing Date :NA (72)Name of Inventor : (87) International Publication No :NA 1)VICKY VIDOVIC (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The present invention relates to an adjustable ironing board cover and in particular to an ironing board cover including a tensioning means to assist in keeping the cover taut over an ironing board and adjusting means so that the cover may accommodate ironing boards of different sizes. No. of Pages : 16 No. of Claims : 13 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27515 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.97/DELNP/2005 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :11/01/2005 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : "ISOLATED DNA OBTAINABLE FROM METHYLOPHILUS METHYLOTROPHUS CODING FOR AN MMEL-LIKE ENDONCLEASE AND A METHOD FOR PRODUCING THE SAME" (51) International classification :C12N 1/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :60/395,431 1)NEW ENGLAND BIOLABS, INC. Address of Applicant :240 COUNTY ROAD IPSWICH, MA (32) Priority Date :12/07/2002 01938, U.S.A U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. (86) International Application No :PCT/US2003/021570 (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :10/07/2003 1)MORGAN RICHARD D (87) International Publication No :WO 2004/007670 2)BHATIA TANYA (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)DAVIS THEODORE :NA Number 4)LOVASCO LINDSAY :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : Isolated DNA coding for an Mmel like endonuclease that expresses a protein having an amino acid sequence with an expectation value score (e) of less than E=e-30 when compared to SEQ ID 2 and further contains a (D/E) x 8-X12(D/E) XK motif. No. of Pages : 61 No. of Claims : 6 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27516 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.8048/DELNP/2008 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :25/09/2008 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : A METHOD FOR CLEANING A CONTACT TUBE OF A WELDING TORCH, AS WELL AS A WELDING TORCH AND A CONTACT TUBE (51) International classification :B23K 9/29 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :A 573/2006 1)FRONIUS INTERNATIONAL GMBH Address of Applicant :Vorchdorfer Strasse 40 Pettenbach (32) Priority Date :04/04/2006 Austria (33) Name of priority country :Austria (86) International Application No :PCT/AT2007/000037 (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :29/01/2007 1)MANFRED RUHRNOSSL (87) International Publication No : WO2007/112461 2)HERBERT STAUFER (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The invention relates to a method of cleaning a contact tube (20) of a welding torch (10), via which contact tube (20) a welding wire (13) moved to the welding torch (10) from a wire reel (14) or a wire drum via a wire delivery device (11) is supplied with electrical energy, and to a welding unit (1) and a contact tube (20) for the welding torch (10) of such a welding unit (1). To prolong the service life of a contact tube (20) of a welding torch (10), provision is made according to the invention for the welding wire (13) to be moved back at least once in the direction of the wire reel (14) or wire drum until the end (27) of the welding wire (13) lies at least within the length (36) of the contact tube (20), and for the welding wire (13) to then be moved forward again, in particular into the initial position again. No. of Pages : 24 No. of Claims : 30 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27517 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.8049/DELNP/2008 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :25/09/2008 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : ISOLATION VALVE SEAL (51) International classification :G01F 1/42 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :11/278,441 1)DANIEL MEASUREMENT AND CONTROL INC. (32) Priority Date :03/04/2006 Address of Applicant :11100 Brittmoore Park Drive Houston Texas U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/US2007/064939 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :26/03/2007 1)GARY ALLEN TATUM (87) International Publication No : WO2007/117976 2)THOMAS HENRY LOGA (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : Methods and apparatus for sealing an aperture that provides fluid communication between a second and first chamber of a dual chamber orifice fitting. A sealing assembly comprises a closure member that is rotatably moveable between an open and closed position relative to the aperture. A secondary seal is disposed within a recessed portion on a sealing face of the closure member. The recessed portion has a perimeter defined by a shoulder. A primary seal is disposed within a groove formed between the shoulder and the secondary seal. No. of Pages : 15 No. of Claims : 20 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27518 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.810/DEL/2007 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :12/04/2007 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : A PROCESS FOR PREPARATION OF SLOW CARBOHYDRATE DIGESTIBILITY RICE SUITABLE FOR DIABETICS (51) International classification :A61K35/78 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :NA 1)COUNCIL OF SCIENTIFIC AND INDUSTRIAL (32) Priority Date :NA RESEARCH (33) Name of priority country :NA Address of Applicant :ANUSANDHAN BHAWAN, RAFI MARG, NEW DELHI-110 001, INDIA. Delhi India (86) International Application No :NA Filing Date :NA (72)Name of Inventor : (87) International Publication No :NA 1)MANISHA GUHA (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number :NA 2)N G MALLESHI Filing Date :NA (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : This invention deals with a process for preparation of slow carbohydrate digestibility rice suitable for diabetics. Any kind of rough rice (Paddy) or husked (brown) rice irrespective of its nature, region and variety can be used. The process consists of steeping of rough or brown rice in excess water to 20 - 35% moisture content, steaming at atmospheric or higher pressures, exposing to cold or sub-zero temperature, drying and milling to about 3 to 6% degree of polish. The rice thus prepared is ready-to-cook and the cooked rice will have the texture comparable to normal rice. The innovative step of the process is that, exposing the steamed rice to cold/ subzero temperature, induces micro-structure level reorganization of starch leading to slow digestibility of its carbohydrates. The novelty of the process is that, it does not involve any chemical treatment and only involves physical treatment and it also improves the nutritional quality of rice. The process permits use of any type of rice including freshly harvested, high moisture rice and also the rice that is highly susceptible to breakage during milling. It can be adopted at household to industrial level. Although the rice is more suitable for consumption as staple food by the diabetics and population at risk, it can be readily consumed by any healthy human also. No. of Pages : 20 No. of Claims : 1 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27519 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.997/DEL/2007 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :08/05/2007 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : AN IMPROVED DOMESTIC LEVEL DOUGH SHAPING AND FORMING APPARATUS (51) International classification (31) Priority Document No (32) Priority Date (33) Name of priority country (86) International Application No Filing Date (87) International Publication No (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number Filing Date (71)Name of Applicant : :A23L 1)COUNCIL OF SCIENTIFIC AND INDUSTRIAL :NA RESEARCH :NA Address of Applicant :ANUSANDHAN BHAWAN, RAFI :NA MARG, NEW DELHI-110 001, INDIA Delhi India :NA (72)Name of Inventor : :NA 1)BHADRAVATHI SHIVARAMAIAH SRIDHAR :NA 2)CHANNAPPA NARAYAN :NA 3)PREMAKUMAR DEVARAJ :NA 4)MUNISWAMY KAGATI JAGANNATH :NA 5)NANJUNDAIAH KUMAR :NA 6)KODIHALLI PRADESHI GOWDA RANGASWAMY (57) Abstract : The present invention relates to an improved domestic level dough shaping and forming apparatus that are used in making foods such as chapatis, rotis, pappads and similar food products. The device which helps in processing a pre-mixed dough into uniform disc shaped pieces and forming them into circular or spherical dough bodies of predetermined size and thickness in a single machine frame prior to baking or cooking. A set of top die coupled with a bottom shaping block of semi elliptical in shape is provided with a pressing handle, fastened with hinges and attached with a magnetic latch to the bottom shaping block. The dough pressing as well as quick return of the top die takes place through springs, followed by forming operation through the feeding of the dough discs on the lower circular plate compressed by the upper circular plate, attached through a sliding shaft to a cam linked through gear assemblies to a horizontal shaft to give motion to the cam through the sliding shaft by the rotation of the handle wherein the variation of the thickness of the circular disc is controlled through the lever mechanism provided at the bottom plate with all components rigidly mounted on a frame . No. of Pages : 22 No. of Claims : 6 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27520 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.980/DEL/2008 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :16/04/2008 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : ARRANGEMENT WITH A SOLENOID COIL AND METHOD FOR THE PRODUCTION THEREOF (51) International classification (31) Priority Document No :H01F7/12; (71)Name of Applicant : H01H50/46; 1)TYCO ELECTRONICS BELGIUM EC N.V Address of Applicant :SIEMENSLAAN 14, 8200 H01F7/08 OOSTKAMP,BELGIUM Belgium :10 2007 019 800.2 (72)Name of Inventor : :26/04/2007 1)DEPOORTERE, BJORN :Germany 2)BAERTSOEN, PETER :NA 3)VAN CAUWENBERGE, JAN :NA :NA :NA :NA :NA :NA (32) Priority Date (33) Name of priority country (86) International Application No Filing Date (87) International Publication No (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number Filing Date (57) Abstract : An arrangement with a housing (1) , with a solenoid coil (9), with a yoke housing (12, 13, 14, 15, 16) in which the solenoid coil (9) is arranged, wherein the solenoid coil (9) is arranged between a first and second yoke base (13, 16) of the yoke housing, a resilient member (23) being provided on an outer face of the second yoke base (16) remote from the solenoid coil (9), the resilient member (23) being provided so as to rest on a contact surface (26). No. of Pages : 17 No. of Claims : 13 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27521 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.888/DEL/2007 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :23/04/2007 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : DEVELOPMENT OF LOW COST LIQUID FORMULATION OF NATIVE STRAINS OF BACILLUS THURINGIENSIS AGAINST HELICOVERPA ARMIGERA (51) International classification :C07H (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :NA 1)CCS HARYANA AGRICULTURAL UNIVERSITY (32) Priority Date :NA Address of Applicant :HISAR-125 004, AN INDIAN (33) Name of priority country :NA INSTITUTION Haryana India (86) International Application No :NA (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :NA 1)KAMLA CHAUDHARY,HARISH DHINGRA & (87) International Publication No :NA K.S.BOORA (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : This invention relates to a low cost liquid formulation of native strains of Bacillus thuringiensis BtIII and Se against Helicoverpa armigera, the stabilizing agent used being sterile mustard oil preferably 100 ml and non food grade starch @ of 0.01% as a spreading material before spraying wherein the Bacillus thuringiensis strains are grown on production media containing 2-14 ml/litre potato extract as carbon source, 2-14 gm/litre cotton seed meal as nitrogen source, 0.5 g/1 -2.5 g/1, preferably 2.0 gm peptone, 0.5 g/1 - 2.5 g/1 preferably 1.5 g Dextrose, 0.5 g/1 - 2.5 g/1 preferably 2.0 gm yeast extract, 0.03 gm MgSO4, 7H2O, .02g FeSO4, 7H2O, .02g ZnSO4, 7H2O, 5.0g Nacl, 1ml Tween 60 and distilled water to make volume to 1 litre for 48 hrs at 30-40АC preferably at 30АC and harvested cells are poured into the bottle containing mustard oil, so that each bottle has got ~1012 cells/100 ml of liquid. No. of Pages : 18 No. of Claims : 3 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27522 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.963/DEL/2007 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :03/05/2007 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : "HIGH STRENGTH AND LOW DIELECTRIC GLASS FOR BARRIER RIBS IN PLASMA DISPLAY PANEL" (51) International classification :H05B37/02; H05B41/24; H05B41/28 :NA :NA :NA :NA :NA :NA :NA :NA :NA :NA (71)Name of Applicant : 1)SAMTEL COLOR LIMITED Address of Applicant :52 COMMUNITY CENTER, NEW FRIENDS COLONY, NEW DELHI,INDIA 110 065, INDIA Delhi India (72)Name of Inventor : 1)JEETENDRA SEHGAL 2)AVIK MITRA 3)MAHARSHI SAMANTHA (31) Priority Document No (32) Priority Date (33) Name of priority country (86) International Application No Filing Date (87) International Publication No (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number Filing Date (57) Abstract : The present invention relates to a glass and a process for producing the glass which is for use in formation of barrier ribs of plasma display panel, said glass comprises, as represented by weight percentage based on the oxides, like PbO, B203, SiO2, Ti02 and ceramic filler, AI203 or SiO2. The present invention also relates to various processes like screen printing method or sand blasting or photolithography for formation of barrier ribs in Plasma display panel and to the use of glass composition so produced in the manufacture of barrier ribs of Plasma display panel, In particular the present invention relates to a novel glass composition wherein various said constituents are used to form Barrier ribs of Plasma display panels by screen printing method or sand blasting or photolithography. No. of Pages : 12 No. of Claims : 27 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27523 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.963/DEL/2008 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :15/04/2008 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : DIAPHRAGM FACILITY FOR AN X-RAY APPARATUS PROVIDED TO SCAN AN OBJECT AND A PROCESS THEREOF (51) International classification (31) Priority Document No :A61B6/03 (71)Name of Applicant : :10 2007 1)SIEMENS AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT 019 334.5 Address of Applicant :WITTELSBACHERPLATZ 2, 80333 :24/04/2007 MUNCHEN, GERMANY Germany :Germany (72)Name of Inventor : :NA 1)WEDEL; MATTHIAS :NA :NA :NA :NA :NA :NA (32) Priority Date (33) Name of priority country (86) International Application No Filing Date (87) International Publication No (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number Filing Date (57) Abstract : Diaphragm facility for an x-ray apparatus provided to scan an object, x-ray apparatus for scanning an object and method for generating an item of image information relating to an object by means of an x-ray apparatus The invention relates to a diaphragm facility (32) for an x-ray apparatus provided to scan an object, in particular for an x-ray diagnosis device (12) including an x-ray source (18) and an .x-ray detector (20), having a diaphragm support (36) arranged within a radiation path (30) of an x-ray beam, said diaphragm support having at least two different individual diaphragms (40) . These can be controlled as a function of a definable radiation intensity and/or the size of a surface of the object to be irradiated and can be introduced into the radiation path (30). The invention also relates to an x-ray apparatus (10) with a diaphragm facility (32) of this type. The invention finally relates to a method for generating an item of image information (22) of an object by means of an x-ray apparatus (10), which has a diaphragm facility (32). Provision is made here to select a sequence of individual diaphragm settings in order to realize a definable overall intensity of the x-ray radiation (30) acting on the object and that each individual diaphragm (40) is irradiated by a radiation pulse or several radiation pulses after its selection. No. of Pages : 22 No. of Claims : 32 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27524 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.878/DEL/2008 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :03/04/2008 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : "IMAGE PROCESSING APPARATUS, IMAGE PROCESSING METHOD AND PROGRAM" (51) International classification (31) Priority Document No : G06K (71)Name of Applicant : 9/36 1)SONY CORPORATION :P2007Address of Applicant :1-7-1 KONAN, MINATO-KU, 105541 TOKYO, 108-0075, JAPAN. Japan :13/04/2007 (72)Name of Inventor : :Japan 1)MASAYUKI SUEMATSU :NA 2)TAKAYUKI OHE :NA 3)MASATO USUKI, :NA 4)MASANARI YAMAMOTO :NA 5)KENKICHI KOBAYASHI :NA :NA :NA (32) Priority Date (33) Name of priority country (86) International Application No Filing Date (87) International Publication No (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number Filing Date (57) Abstract : An image processing apparatus includes: a detecting unit configured to detect a motion vector from an input image signal acting as the image signal for each of chronologically input pixels; a determining unit configured to determine whether the input image signal in terms of a level meets a predetermined condition; and an interpolating unit configured such that if the input image signal is not found to meet the predetermined condition, then the interpolating unit interpolates and outputs an input image signal intermediate signal interposed at a predetermined point in time between the input image signal and a preceding input image signal Q that precedes the input image signal, in accordance with the motion vector, and if the input image signal is found to meet the predetermined condition, then the interpolating unit allows the input image signal to be output unchanged as the input image signal intermediate signal. No. of Pages : 63 No. of Claims : 6 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27525 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.879/DEL/2008 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :03/04/2008 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : "LASER MACHINING APPARATUS" (51) International classification (31) Priority Document No (32) Priority Date (33) Name of priority country :B23K26/08 :10-20070042752 :02/05/2007 :Republic of Korea :NA :NA :NA :NA :NA :NA :NA (71)Name of Applicant : 1)EO TECHNICS CO., LTD. Address of Applicant :864-4 GWANYANG2-DONG, DONGAN-GU, ANYANG-CITY, KYUNGKI-DO, 431-062, REPUBLIC OF KOREA. Republic of Korea (72)Name of Inventor : 1)SUNG, KYU DONG (86) International Application No Filing Date (87) International Publication No (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number Filing Date (57) Abstract : Provided is a laser machining apparatus. The laser machining apparatus includes: a laser oscillator emitting laser beams; a first dividing means on which the laser beams emitted from the laser oscillator are incident to be selectively divided so that the incident laser beams progress along at least one path from among a pair of first paths; a second dividing means on which the laser beams that passed through any one of the first paths are incident to be selectively divided so that the incident laser beams progress along at least one path from among a pair of second paths; a third dividing means on which the laser beams that passed through the other one of the first paths are incident to be selectively divided so that the incident laser beams progress along at least one path from among a pair of third paths; four pairs of scanners on which the laser beams that passed through the first, second, and third dividing means are incident to each be deflected onto desired positions on a substrate so as to be processed; and a scan lens on which the laser beams that passed through the four pairs of scanners are incident to be collected on a spot having a predetermined diameter and irradiated onto the substrate. No. of Pages : 26 No. of Claims : 8 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27526 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.87/DELNP/2005 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :10/01/2005 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : "METHOD AND DEVICE FOR RECYCLING METAL PICKLING BATHS" (51) International classification :C23G 1/36 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :102 31 308.3 1)UVK ENGINEERING GMBH (32) Priority Date :10/07/2002 Address of Applicant :ROBERT-BOSCH-STR. 10, 56410 MONTABAUR, GERMANY. Germany (33) Name of priority country :Germany (86) International Application No :PCT/EP2003/007417 (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :09/07/2003 1)KLAUS KLEIN, (87) International Publication No :WO 2004/007801 (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The invention relates to a method for recycling metal pickling baths, including rinsing baths and air washers. Said method is characterized in that a) before the recycling process, free acids in the liquid waste flows to be treated are converted into a metallic salt form, b) water is separated from the largely acid-free metallic salt solution produced in order to obtain a concentrated metal salt solution, and c) the concentrated metal salt solution is subjected to a thermal method in order to obtain metal oxides and free acids. The invention also relates to a corresponding device. The inventive method and device enable the degree of acid recovery and also the production of metal oxides to be significantly increased, with lower operating costs. No. of Pages : 28 No. of Claims : 23 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27527 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.871/DEL/2008 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :03/04/2008 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : "CHANNEL ELECTRIC INDUCTOR ASSEMBLY" (51) International classification :F27B14/06 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :11/735,771 1)INDUCTOTHERM CORP. (32) Priority Date :16/04/2007 Address of Applicant :10 INDEL AVENUE P.O.BOX 157 (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. RANCOCAS, NEW JERSEY 08073-0157, USA. U.S.A. (86) International Application No :NA (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :NA 1)RAFFMER. BERMARD ,M (87) International Publication No :NA 2)SARKISSIAN, KAREN (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The present invention relates to an electric channel inductor assembly and method of forming an electric channel inductor assembly. A nonremovable, hollow, nonmagnetic channel mold is used to form the one or more flow channels of the assembly. A heated fluid medium is circulated in the hollow interior of the mold after the mold is situated in the assembly to heat treat the refractory surrounding the exterior walls of the mold. After heat treatment a liquid is supplied to the hollow interior of the mold to chemically dissolve the mold. No. of Pages : 20 No. of Claims : 19 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27528 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.8026/DELNP/2008 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :24/09/2008 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : CONTROLLED RELEASE FORMULATION OF TOLTERODINE (51) International classification :A61K 9/50 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :60/784,573 1)TEVA PHARMACEUTICAL INDUSTRIES LTD. (32) Priority Date :21/03/2006 Address of Applicant :5 Basel Street P.O. Box 3190 Petah Tiqva U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/US2007/007176 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :21/03/2007 1)DAFNA ARIELI (87) International Publication No : WO/2007/109357 2)TOMER GOLD (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The invention encompasses stable multiparticulate pharmaceutical compositions of tolterodine having at least one pharmaceutically acceptable excipient and at least two populations of multiparticulates each population having tolterodine or a salt thereof and the ratio of the populations is from 90:10 to 10:90 by weight, wherein after storage for 1 month at 40 АC and 75 % relative humidity the difference between the dissolution profile at 4 hours is no more than about 5 % when compared to the dissolution profile at the time of manufacture. No. of Pages : 39 No. of Claims : 39 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27529 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.8589/DELNP/2008 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :14/10/2008 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : POROUS BIOABSORBABLE MATERIAL AND METHOD OF PRODUCING THE SAME (51) International classification :A61L 27/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :2006-076177 1)JMS CO., LTD (32) Priority Date :20/03/2006 Address of Applicant :12-17 KAKOMACHI, NAKA-KU HIROSHIMA-SHI, HIROSHIMA 730-8652 JAPAN. Japan (33) Name of priority country :Japan :PCT/JP2007/055771 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :20/03/2007 1)SAJIKI, TOSHINOBU (87) International Publication No :WO 2007/111205 2)HANAKI, NAOYUKI (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)IDE, JUNICHI :NA Number 4)HIRAYAMA, FUMIKO :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : To provide a thin film-shaped porous bioabsorbable material that is a dense structure in which the pore sio2 average is small and the pore size is uniform and which further has a large maximum stress, in particular, a porous bioabsorbable material extremely useful as an adhesion preventing material, A porous bioabsorbable material characterized by being formed of a porosified bioabsorbable polymer which is obtained in a manner that a bioabsorbable polymer is gelled with a good solvent, and a poor solvent, compatible with each other, for the bioabsorbable polymer and the gelled bioabsorbable polymex is subjected to freeze-drying to be porosified; and a method of producing the porous bioabsorbable material, the method being characterized in that a bioabsorbable polymer is gelled with a mixed solvent composed of a good solvent and a poor solvent, compatible with each other, for the bioabsorbable polymer and the gelled bioabsorbable polymer is subjected to freeze-drying to be porosified. The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27530 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.1628/DELNP/2003 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :09/10/2003 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : "A METHOD OF ORGANIZING ACCESS TO PACKET DATA TRANSMISSION NETWORKS" (51) International classification :H04B 10/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :2001106820 1)ADZHALOV, VLADIMIR ISFANDEYAROVICH Address of Applicant :UL. LESNAYA, D. 63/43, KV. 139, (32) Priority Date :15/03/2001 MOSCOW 10335, RUSSIA Russia (33) Name of priority country :Russia (86) International Application No :PCT/RU01/0150 (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :16/04/2001 1)ADZHALOV, VLADIMIR ISFANDEYAROVICH (87) International Publication No :WO 02/075964 2)PHILIP J. ANGEVINE (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : This invention relates to a method of organizing access to packet data transmission networks. Data packets addressed to the subscribers of a subscriber access point are extracted from the network and transmitted by a directional electromagnetic radiation beam. The beam is directed at the receiving devices of subscribers. Information is transmitted to subscribers by optical-range electromagnetic radiation while dynamically controlling the spatial characteristics of the electromagnetic radiation beam is directed to the corresponding receiving device. An electromagnetic radiation beam of narrow angular divergence is used and the direction of its propagation is varied dynamically. The spatial characteristics of the beam may be controlled by a dynamic hologram that is, for each registered subscriber address, an optical match of the aforesaid electromagnetic radiation source and the receiver of the subscriber at that address. No. of Pages : 11 No. of Claims : 4 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27531 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.1047/MUM/2006 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :30/06/2006 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : IMPROVED PRESSURE PAINT TANK STRUCTURE (51) International classification :B05C5/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :NA 1)YE YUAN HSIN ENTERPRISE CO., LTD. (32) Priority Date :NA Address of Applicant :NO.68, RENYI RD., WUFONG (33) Name of priority country :NA TOWNSHIP, TAICHUNG COUNTY, TAIWAN, R.O.C., Taiwan (86) International Application No :NA (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :NA 1)YANG LI-CHIN (87) International Publication No :NA (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : An improved pressure paint tank structure comprises an integrally formed paint tank (10) and a lid (20); the paint tank (10) is made of stainless steel plate, opened upward and having its periphery around the opening furbished; wheels (11) and a fixing base (12) are installed to constitute the integral seamless paint tank (10) to improve the safety of resisting pressure inside the tank (10). A diversion member (23) is disposed at the bottom of the lid (20), and a hollow protruded pillar (231) is disposed on the top of the diversion member (23), such that the hollow protruded pillar (231) connects to the air hole (232) on both sides of the diversion member (23). An air valve (24) is connected to the top of the hollow protruded pillar (231) to form a pressure group during mixing the paint. No. of Pages : 13 No. of Claims : 6 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27532 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.1336/MUMNP/2007 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :05/09/2007 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : HIGH REBAUDIOSIDE-A PLANT (51) International classification :A01H5/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :2005-060930 1)MORITA KAGAKU KOGYO CO., LTD. (32) Priority Date :04/03/2005 Address of Applicant :2-24, IMAFUKUMINAMI 1-CHOME, JOTO-KU, OSAKA-SHI, OSAKA 5360003, Japan (33) Name of priority country :Japan :PCT/JP2006/303992 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :02/03/2006 1)MORITA, TOYOSHIGE :WO2006/093229A1 2)MORITA, KOJI (87) International Publication No (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)KOMAL, KOICHIRO :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : It is intended to provide a novel plant belonging to the variety of Stevia rebaudiana bertoni which contains 4 parts by weight or more of rebaudioside per part by weight of stevioside. A sweetener having excellent qualities can be easily produced from this plant or dry leaves thereof. No. of Pages : 25 No. of Claims : 10 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27533 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.1705/MUM/2006 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :16/12/2006 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : A FLUID DISPENSING MASSAGE DEVICE HAVING ROLL ON CAP :B05C17/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (51) International classification (31) Priority Document No :NA 1)TROIKAA PHARMACEUTICALS LTD. (32) Priority Date :NA Address of Applicant :COMMERCE HOUSE, OFF: JUDGES (33) Name of priority country :NA BUNGLOWS ROAD, AHMEDABAD-380054, Gujarat India (86) International Application No :NA (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :NA 1)PATEL, KETAN R. (87) International Publication No :NA 2)PATEL, MILAN R. (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number :NA 3)PATEL, ASHEEL K. Filing Date :NA (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : Disclosed herein a fluid dispensing massage device capable of being dispense desired fluid and massaging the concerned area using said device without dispensing additional fluid. The device comprising an upstanding body with hollow interior defining a central vertical axis, a neck portion having an open mouth, a holder having a roll on head cap covering said open mouth and a flow impeding disc just below the roll on head, wherein said device is titled at an appropriate angle to enable dispense of the fluid and subsequently, either titled at another appropriate angle, or flipped, to massage the concerned area using said device without dispense of additional fluids. No. of Pages : 21 No. of Claims : 18 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27534 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.1735/MUM/2006 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :19/10/2006 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : AN ENHANCED ELECTRICAL SWITCHING DEVICE WITH INSULATION SHEATH FOR ARC SHEARING AND A METHOD OF ACHIEVING SUPERIOR ARC QUENCHING THEREOF (51) International classification :H01H1/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :NA 1)LARSEN & TOUBRO LIMITED (32) Priority Date :NA Address of Applicant :L & T HOUSE, BALLARD ESTATE, (33) Name of priority country :NA MUMBAI-400001, Maharashtra India (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No :NA Filing Date :NA 1)ANDHARE, VISHNU (87) International Publication No :NA (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The present invention relates to an enhanced switching device having improved performance and switching potentiality. The device comprises housing (1,3), plurality of electrical contacts comprising moving contact system (6). Moving contact system (6) is spring assisted operatively connected to a movable bridge means (5) being slidable so as to accommodate fluid adapted to provide insulation in the device and comprises plurality of ergonomical projections (7) to obviate any possibility of striking or stagnation of the arc. Invention also relates to a method of achieving improved quenching of the arc where ionized fluid is replaced with an unionized fluid and path of arc striking the terminals is blocked. No. of Pages : 18 No. of Claims : 7 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27535 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.1935/MUMNP/2008 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :08/09/2008 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : PROCESS AND DEVICE FOR SEPARATING FRACTIONS OF A MIXTURE (51) International classification :B01D15/18 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :0602076 1)NOVASEP (32) Priority Date :08/03/2006 Address of Applicant :SITE EIFFEL, BOULEVARD DE LA MOSELLE 54340 POMPEY, France (33) Name of priority country :France :PCT/FR2007/000406 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :07/03/2007 1)VALERY ERIC (87) International Publication No :WO2007/101944A3 2)MOREY CELINE (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The invention concerns a method for separating fractions of a mixture using a chromatography device. The method includes the following steps: controlling in one node of the device, the history of a specific variable of the fractions of the mixture to be separated; detecting one characteristic point of the history, the characteristic point being between two successive steps of fraction collecting; comparing the position of the characteristic point relative to a target position; adjusting the amount of mobile phase modifying the position of the characteristic point to cause the position of the characteristic point to coincide with the target position. The invention also concerns a device for implementing the method. The method enables the operation of the device to be automatically set. No. of Pages : 97 No. of Claims : 18 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27536 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.1952/MUMNP/2008 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :10/09/2008 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : ELECTRONIC VIDEO IMAGE STABILIZATION (51) International classification :H04N5/232 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :60/790,514 1)QUALCOMM INCORPORATED (32) Priority Date :06/04/2006 Address of Applicant :5775 MOREHOUSE DRIVE, SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92121-1714, U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/US2007/066152 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :06/04/2007 1)NAGARAJ, RAGHAVENDRA, C. (87) International Publication No :WO2007/118197A3 2)MALAYATH, NARENDRANATH (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : This disclosure describes electronic video image stabilization techniques for imaging and video devices. The techniques involve determining motion and spatial statistics for individual macroblocks of a frame, and determining a global motion vector for the frame based on the statistics of each of the macroblocks. In one embodiment, a method of performing electronic image stabilization includes performing spatial estimation on each of a plurality of macroblocks within a frame of an image to obtain spatial statistics for each of the macroblocks, performing motion estimation on each of the plurality of macroblocks to obtain motion statistics for each of the macroblocks, integrating the spatial statistics and the motion statistics of each of the macroblocks to determine a global motion vector for the frame, and offsetting the image with respect to a reference window according to the global motion vector. No. of Pages : 39 No. of Claims : 35 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27537 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.1990/MUMNP/2008 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :16/09/2008 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR INCREASING SPECTRUM USE EFFICIENCY IN A MESH NETWORK (51) International classification :H04L12/56 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :60/778,747 1)QUALCOMM INCORPORATED (32) Priority Date :03/03/2006 Address of Applicant :5775 MOREHOUSE DRIVE SAN (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. DIEGO CALIFORNIA 92121-1714, U.S.A. (86) International Application No :PCT/US2007/063340 (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :05/03/2007 1)WALTON, JAY, RODNEY (87) International Publication No :WO2007/103893A2 2)NANDA, SANJIV (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : Mesh Network Access Points (APs) points, including gateways and routers, are deployed over a geographic area. The APs monitor the communication channel for other carriers and transmit accordingly. The APs selectively co-transmit when other carriers are sensed, if the efficiency of the mesh network will improve. APs select a transmission rate based on observed carrier-to-interference ratios. APs use directional antennas to increase carrier-to-interference ratios and spectral efficiency. AP transmit schedules are adaptable and adjusted according to observed carrier-to-interference measurements. No. of Pages : 31 No. of Claims : 29 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27538 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.2024/MUMNP/2008 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :22/09/2008 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : VENTILATORY CONTROL SYSTEM (51) International classification :A61M15/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :60/784,127 1)RIC INVESTMENTS, LLC (32) Priority Date :20/03/2006 Address of Applicant :801 WEST STREET, 2ND FLOOR, WILMINGTON, DE 19801-1545, U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/US2007/063737 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :09/03/2007 1)PITTMAN, STEPHEN, D (87) International Publication No :WO2007/109443A2 2)WITT, ERIK, K (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)BLAKE, STEFANIDA, K :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A system (50) is provided for delivering a flow of breathing gas to an airway of a patient. The system includes a pressurizing flow module that generates a pressurized flow of breathing gas and a patient circuit (56) coupled to the pressurizing flow module configured to communicate the flow of breathing gas to an airway of a patient. The system includes a sensor (61, 62) for monitoring a characteristic of a breathing pattern of the patient a controller that communicates with the sensor configured to increase a fraction of inspired carbon dioxide if the characteristic exceeds an upper threshold value and to provide servo-ventilation if the characteristic is less than a lower threshold value. The upper threshold value and the lower threshold value are changed based on the monitored characteristic of the breathing pattern of the patient. No. of Pages : 37 No. of Claims : 13 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27539 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.2061/MUMNP/2008 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :25/09/2008 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : SELECTIVE VIDEO FRAME RATE UPCONVERSION (51) International classification :H04N7/01 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :60/792,147 1)QUALCOMM INCORPORATED (32) Priority Date :13/04/2006 Address of Applicant :5775 MOREHOUSE DRIVE, SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92121-1714, U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/US2007/066609 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :13/04/2007 1)MAHADEVAN, VIJAY (87) International Publication No :WO2007/121342A2 2)PILLAI, BRIJESH (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)EL-MALEH, KHALED HELMI :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : This disclosure is directed to techniques for selective video frame rate upconversion (FRUC) in a video decoder. A video decoder selectively enables or disables FRUC based on one or more adaptive criteria. The adaptive criteria may be selected to indicate whether FRUC is likely to introduce spatial artifacts. Adaptive criteria may include a motion activity threshold, a mode decision threshold, or both. The criteria are adaptive, rather than fixed. When the criteria indicate that a frame includes excessive motion or new content, the decoder disables FRUC. No. of Pages : 43 No. of Claims : 45 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27540 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.2075/MUMNP/2008 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :26/09/2008 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : UPLINK AND BI-DIRECTIONAL TRAFFIC CLASSIFICATION FOR WIRELESS COMMUNICATION (51) International classification :H04L12/56 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :60,792,001 1)QUALCOMM INCORPORATED (32) Priority Date :12/04/2006 Address of Applicant :5775 MOREHOUSE DRIVE, SAN (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92121-1714, U.S.A. (86) International Application No :PCT/US2007/066488 (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :12/04/2007 1)THAI, KHAC (87) International Publication No :WO2007/121283A2 2)CHAO, JOHN Y. (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)FU, QIANG :NA Number 4)KUMAR, RAVI :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : Techniques for performing traffic classification for uplink and bi-directional traffic streams are described. A station receives packets for transmission on the uplink to an access point. The station identifies packets for each uplink traffic stream and packets for each bidirectional traffic stream based on at least one classification parameter for each traffic stream. The station sends packets for each traffic stream in accordance with at least one QoS parameter for the traffic stream. The access point receives packets for transmission on the downlink to at least one station. The access point identifies packets for each downlink traffic stream and packets for each bidirectional traffic stream based on at least one classification parameter for each traffic stream. The access point sends packets for each traffic stream in accordance with at least one QoS parameter for the traffic stream. No. of Pages : 35 No. of Claims : 26 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27541 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.2077/MUMNP/2008 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :29/09/2008 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : SPECIFIC AMPLIFICATION OF FETAL DNA SEQUENCES FROM A MIXED FETAL MATERNAL SOURCE (51) International classification :C12P19/34 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :60/778, 911 1)THE TRUSTIES OF COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY IN THE (32) Priority Date :06/03/2006 CITY OF NEW YORK (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. Address of Applicant :535 WEST 116TH STREET, NEW (86) International Application No :PCT/US2007/063366 YORK, NY 10027, U.S.A. Filing Date :06/03/2007 (72)Name of Inventor : (87) International Publication No :WO2007/103910A2 1)STEPHEN BROWN (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The present invention provides a method of selectively amplifying fetal DNA sequences from a mixed, fetal-maternal source. This method utilizes differential methylation to allow for the selective amplification of trophoblast/fetal specific sequences from DNA mixtures that contain a high proportion of non- trophoblast/fetal DNA. The invention also provides methods of using the amplified fetal DNA sequences for aneuploidy detection. No. of Pages : 53 No. of Claims : 15 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27542 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.2092/MUMNP/2008 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :30/09/2008 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : SYNTHESIS OF 4-[1-(4-CYANO PHENYL)-(1,2,4-TR1AZOL-1-YL)METHYL] BENZONITRILE AND 4-[1-(1H-1,2,4-TRIAZOL-1-YL)METHYLENE BENZONITRILE INTERMEDIATE (51) International classification :C07D249/08 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :376/MUM/2006 1)CIPLA LIMITED (32) Priority Date :17/03/2006 Address of Applicant :289 BELLASIS ROAD, MUMBAI (33) Name of priority country :India CENTRAL, MUMBAI_CENTRAL, MUMBAI 400 008, (86) International Application No :PCT/GB2007/000967 Maharashtra India Filing Date :19/03/2007 (72)Name of Inventor : (87) International Publication No :WO2007/118947A1 1)SRINIVAS, PATHI, LAXMINARAYAN (61) Patent of Addition to Application 2)KANKAN, RAJENDRA, NARAYANRAO :NA Number 3)RAO, DHARMARAJ, RAMACHANADRA :NA Filing Date 4)VASANT, CHIKHALIKAR, SANDIP (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The present invention relates to a process for the preparation of 4-[1-(4-cyano phenyl)-1- (1 ,2,4-triazol-1-yl) methyl] benzonitrile (letrozole), substantially free from its isomeric impurity. The preparation involves reaction of 4-[1-(1 H-1 ,2,4-triazol-1-yl)methylene benzonitrile with 4-fluorobenzonitrile in the presence of an organic solvent and a silicon amine. The present invention also relates to a process for the preparation of 4-[1-(1 H- 1 ,2,4-triazol-1-yl)methylene benzonitrile which involves: (a) the reaction of a 4-halomethyl benzonitrile with 1 ,2,4-triazole in the presence of cesium carbonate and an organic solvent to obtain a reaction mass comprising 4-[1(1 ,2,4-triazole-1-yl)methyl] benzonitrile of formula II; and (b) precipitation of 4-[1-(1 ,2,4-triazole-1-yl)methyl]benzonitrile (II) from the reaction mass using a suitable organic solvent. No. of Pages : 24 No. of Claims : 26 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27543 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.2094/MUMNP/2008 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :30/09/2008 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : CARDIOPLEGIC SOLUTION (51) International classification :A61K31/245 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :PCT/IB06/050815 1)UNIVERSITAT BERN (32) Priority Date :15/03/2006 Address of Applicant :VERWALTUNGSDIREKTION, HOCHSCHULSTRASSE 4, 3012 BERN, Switzerland (33) Name of priority country :PCT :PCT/IB2007/050878 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :14/03/2007 1)GYGAX, ERICH :WO2007/105179A1 2)CARREL, THIERRY (87) International Publication No (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)TEVAEARAI, HENDRIK :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The present invention relates to a new cardioplegic solution to arrest and protect the heart muscle during surgery. The cardioplegic solution according to the invention offers several significant advantages as compared to standard available solutions, and contains magnesium sulfate heptahydrate, potassium chloride, procaine hydrochloride and xylitol. No. of Pages : 8 No. of Claims : 4 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27544 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.2097/MUMNP/2008 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :30/09/2008 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : METHODS AND APPARATUS FOR TRACKING WIRELESS TERMINAL POWER INFORMATION (51) International classification :H04B7/005 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :60/792,253 1)QUALCOMM INCORPORATED (32) Priority Date :14/04/2006 Address of Applicant :5775 MOREHOUSE DRIVE, SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92121-1714, U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/US2007/066725 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :16/04/2007 1)DAS, ARNAB (87) International Publication No :WO2007/121408A1 2)RANGAN, SUNDEEP (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)CELEBI, SAMEL :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : Power control reports are communicated less frequently than the power control commands. The base station tracks the commands sent to the wireless terminal and estimates the wireless terminal's control channel transmit power. Received power control channel reports are utilized to compare the base station's estimated wireless terminal control channel transmit power to the actual wireless terminal control channel transmit power. An estimate of the error rate of transmitted power control signals is generated based using the tracked power command information and received power report information. Adjustments are performed in the power control command signaling to compensate for estimated error rates. No. of Pages : 52 No. of Claims : 56 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27545 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.2098/MUMNP/2008 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :30/09/2008 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : DYNAMIC CARRIER SENSING THRESHOLDS (51) International classification :H04L12/40 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :60/792,141 1)QUALCOMM INCORPORATED (32) Priority Date :13/04/2006 Address of Applicant :5775 MOREHOUSE DRIVE, SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92121-1714, U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/US2007/066606 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :13/04/2007 1)NANDAGOPALAN, SAI (87) International Publication No :WO2007/121340A1 2)ABRAHAM, SANTOSH (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : Systems and methodologies are described that facilitate communication in a wireless network environment. In particular, access points can dynamically adjust transmit power and/or carrier-sensing thresholds to allow multiple access points to communicate concurrently. In aspects, access points exchange node information, including RSSI and node addresses, of nearby nodes. The node information can be utilized to detect hidden nodes and estimate interference levels. Transmit power and/or carrier-sensing thresholds can be modified as a function of distance between source and destination access points, interference from hidden nodes, transmission rates, and/or path loss. No. of Pages : 62 No. of Claims : 25 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27546 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.2107/MUMNP/2008 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :01/10/2008 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : SUBSTITUTED PYRROLIDINONES AS INHIBITORS OF 11-BETA-HYDROXYSTEROID DEHYDROGENASE 1 (51) International classification :C07D207/27 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :60/745,467 1)ELI LILLY AND COMPANY (32) Priority Date :20/04/2006 Address of Applicant :LILLY CORPORATE CENTER, CITY (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. OF INDIANAPOLIS, STATE OF INDIANA 46285, U.S.A. (86) International Application No :PCT/US2007/067200 (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :23/04/2007 1)ALLEN, JOHN, GORDON (87) International Publication No :WO2007/127693A1 2)KRASUTSKY, ALEXEI, PAVLOVYCH (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)WALLACE, OWEN, BRENDAN :NA Number 4)XU, YANPING :NA Filing Date 5)YORK, JEREMY, SCHULENBURG (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The present invention discloses novel compounds of Formula I: ( I ) possessing 11? -HSD type 1 antagonist activity, as well as methods for preparing such compounds. In another embodiment, the invention discloses pharmaceutical compositions comprising compounds of Formula I, as well as methods of using the compounds and compositions to treat diabetes, hyperglycemia, obesity, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, metabolic syndrome, cognitive disorders, and other conditions associated with 11 ? -HSD type 1 activity. No. of Pages : 59 No. of Claims : 15 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27547 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.2115/MUMNP/2008 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :03/10/2008 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : WEIGHT ADJUSTMENT IN COLOR CORRECTION (51) International classification :H04N9/67 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :11/414,043 1)QUALCOMM INCORPORATED (32) Priority Date :27/04/2006 Address of Applicant :5775 MOREHOUSE DRIVE, SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92121, U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. (86) International Application No :PCT/US2007/067557 (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :26/04/2007 1)QUAN, SHUXUE (87) International Publication No :WO2007/127876A3 2)CHIU, CHINCHUAN ANDREW (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)JIANG, XIAOYUN :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : Automatic weight adjustment (AWA) to derive an optimal color correction matrix may address unbalanced color reproduction performance among different illuminations and/or unbalanced color reproduction performance for specific memory colors. AWA may emphasize particular colors and equalize color performance. AWA may be implemented in an automatic process with optional manual operation. No. of Pages : 22 No. of Claims : 21 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27548 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.2116/MUMNP/2008 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :03/10/2008 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : PROGRAMMABLE MICROMIRROR MOTION CONTROL SYSTEM (51) International classification :G02B26/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :11/369,797 1)STEREO DISPLAY, INC (32) Priority Date :06/03/2006 Address of Applicant :SUITE F, 980 E. ORANGETHORPE AVENUE, ANAHEIM, CALIFORNIA 92801, U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/US2007/063331 2)ANGSTROM, INC. (86) International Application No (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :05/03/2007 (87) International Publication No :WO2007/117793A2 1)SEO, CHEONG SOO (61) Patent of Addition to Application 2)CHO, GYOUNG IL :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A multi-motion programmable micromirror control method is provided with the multiple supports in a stepper plate to upholding the micromirror structure. The control system has advantages such that multiple motion can be applied to a micromirror and that the micromirror can be controlled in a low driving voltage and that simple motion control is applied by digital controlling and that the degrees of freedom in motion of the micromirror can be chosen by the number of the stepper plate and that only single voltage is needed for driving the micromirror motion. With many advantages, the multi-motion programmable micromirror control system provides a solution to overcome the difficulties in controlling micromirror motion. No. of Pages : 23 No. of Claims : 45 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27549 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.2120/MUMNP/2008 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :03/10/2008 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : PARKING ASSIST APPARATUS AND METHOD (51) International classification :B60R21/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :2006-120975 1)TOYOTA JIDOSHA KABUSHIKI KAISHA (32) Priority Date :25/04/2006 Address of Applicant :1, TOYOTA-CHO, TOYOTA-SHI, AICHI 471-8571, Japan (33) Name of priority country :Japan :PCT/JP2007/053824 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :28/02/2007 1)TOMOHIKO ENDO :WO2007/122862A1 2)YASUSHI MAKINO (87) International Publication No (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)YUICHI KUBOTA :NA Number 4)YUKIKO KAWABATA :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : It is an object of the present invention to provide a parking assisting apparatus which can selectively determine an appropriate target parking position, which can be used for parking assisting, with an appropriate priority, by appropriately using obstacle detecting means and parking space detecting means in a coordinated fashion. The present invention is a parking assisting apparatus for assisting parking a vehicle, comprising the obstacle detecting means for detecting an obstacle near the vehicle; and parking section line detecting means for detecting a parking section line painted on the ground; wherein if the parking section line is detected by the parking section line detecting means, the apparatus calculates the target parking position based on the detected parking section line. No. of Pages : 50 No. of Claims : 8 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27550 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.2124/MUMNP/2008 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :06/10/2008 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : VITERBI PACK INSTRUCTION (51) International classification :H03M13/41 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :11/389,443 1)QUALCOMM INCORPORATED (32) Priority Date :23/03/2006 Address of Applicant :5775 MOREHOUSE DRIVE, SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92121-1714, U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/US2007/064816 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :23/03/2007 1)ZENG, MAO (87) International Publication No :WO2007/109793A3 2)CODRESCU, LUCIAN (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A Viterbi pack instruction is disclosed that masks the contents of a first predicate register with a first masking value and masks the contents of a second predicate register with a second masking value. The resulting masked data is written to a destination register. The Viterbi pack instruction may be implemented in hardware, firmware, software, or any combination thereof. No. of Pages : 17 No. of Claims : 24 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27551 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.225/MUMNP/2004 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :15/04/2004 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : UNDERWATER DUCTED TURBINE (51) International classification :F03B13/26 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :60/322,443 1)CLEAN CURRENT POWER SYSTEMS (32) Priority Date :17/09/2001 INCORPORATED Address of Applicant :1025 BELMONT AVENUE, NORTH (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/CA2002/001413 VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA V7RR 1K3, Canada (86) International Application No (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :16/09/2002 (87) International Publication No :WO/2003/025385A2 1)DAVIS, BARRY V. (61) Patent of Addition to Application 2)GRILLOS, EMMANUAL :NA Number 3)ALLISON, STEPHEN :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : An apparatus is disclosed for a turbine for generating electrical power from water or air flow comprising at least one rotor disk having a plurality of hydrofoil blades, a guide vanes, a cylindrical housing, and a generator means. A rim generator comprising a magnet race rotor rim and fixed stator coils in the housing is used. The apparatus is fitted with a screen to stop the ingress of debris and marine life, and a skirt augmenter device to reduce the Betz effect. The apparatus is preferably for sub?sea deployment and driven by tidal currents, but may be powered by river current or wave driven air or by wind. The apparatus may be deployed on at least one telescoping pole, tethered to the sea?bed and kept buoyant by buoyant concrete in the housing, inserted in a dam, under a barge or in a tidal power array. No. of Pages : 49 No. of Claims : 41 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27552 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.401/MUM/2007 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :01/03/2007 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : UPHILL MULTILANE SLIDE :A63C5/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (51) International classification (31) Priority Document No :NA 1)ARIHANT INDUSTRIAL CORPORATION LIMITED (32) Priority Date :NA Address of Applicant :ARIHANT COMPLEX, NH-8,OPP (33) Name of priority country :NA SAGAR PETROL PUMP, SATIVALI, VASAI (EAST), THANE(86) International Application No :NA 401208, Maharashtra India Filing Date :NA (72)Name of Inventor : (87) International Publication No :NA 1)ARIHANT INDUSTRIAL CORPORATION LIMITED (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The present invention relates to an uphill multilane slide. More particularly the invention relates to uphill multilane slide consist of multiple lanes of slide wherein the slide profile descends from a higher elevation to a lower elevation then again ascends to higher elevation and descends to a lower elevation subsequently terminating in long run out. This sequence of descends and ascends are repeated multiple times. No. of Pages : 10 No. of Claims : 6 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27553 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.408/MUM/2007 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :02/03/2007 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : PROCESS FOR FABRICATING A MONOLAYER OR MULTIPLAYER METAL STRUCTURE IN LIGA TECHNOLOGY, AND STRUCTURE OBTAINED (51) International classification (31) Priority Document No (32) Priority Date (33) Name of priority country :C25D1/00 (71)Name of Applicant : :06405114.7 1)DONIAR S. A. :15/03/2006 Address of Applicant :19 RUE-DE ZURICH, 2504 BIENNE, :EUROPEAN Switzerland UNION (72)Name of Inventor : :NA 1)SAUCY, CLEMENT :NA :NA :NA :NA :NA :NA (86) International Application No Filing Date (87) International Publication No (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number Filing Date (57) Abstract : The invention relates to a process for fabricating a monolayer or multilayer metal structure in LIGA technology, in which a photoresist layer is deposited on a flat metal substrate, a photoresist mold is created by irradiation or electron or ion bombardment, a metal or alloy is electroplated in this mold, the electroformed metal structure is detached from the substrate and the photoresist is separated from this metal structure, wherein the metal substrate is used as an agent involved in the forming of at least one surface of the metal structure other than that formed by the plane surface of the substrate. No. of Pages : 36 No. of Claims : 15 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27554 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.411/MUM/2007 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :05/03/2007 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : A NOVEL PROCESS TO PREPARE ROSIGLITAZONE MALEATE :A61K31/4439 (71)Name of Applicant : (51) International classification (31) Priority Document No :NA 1)CADILA HEALTHCARE LIMITED (32) Priority Date :NA Address of Applicant :ZYDUS TOWER, SATELLITE (33) Name of priority country :NA CROSS ROADS, AHMEDABAD-380015, Gujarat India (86) International Application No :NA (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :NA 1)PANDEY BIPIN (87) International Publication No :NA 2)LOHRAY, BRAJ, BHUSHAN (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number :NA 3)LOHRAY, VIDYA, BHUSHAN Filing Date :NA (62) Divisional to Application Number :4/MUM/2004 Filed on :02/01/2004 (57) Abstract : The present invention relates to a novel process for the preparation of 5-[4-2[-2-(N- methyl-N-(2-pyridyl)amino)ethoxy}benzyl thiazolidine-2, 4-dione, maleate namely Rosiglitazone maleate through novel intermediates. No. of Pages : 23 No. of Claims : 13 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27555 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.412/MUM/2007 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :05/03/2007 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : NOVEL LYOPHILIZED AND STABILIZED FORMULATIONS OF PEG-INTERFERON ALPHA CONJUGATES (51) International classification :A61K9/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :NA 1)CADILA HEALTHCARE LIMITED (32) Priority Date :NA Address of Applicant :ZYDUS TOWER, SATELLITE (33) Name of priority country :NA CROSS ROAD, AHMEDABAD 380015, Gujarat India (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No :NA Filing Date :NA 1)MENDIRATTA, SANJEEV KUMAR (87) International Publication No :NA 2)PATEL PANKAJ RAMANBHAI (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The present invention relates to novel lyophilized and stabilized formulations of PEG-interferon alpha conjugates and the process for their preparation. The novel formulation of PEG-interferon alpha conjugates reported by the inventors of this application require shorter lyophilization cycle and are more cost competitive. No. of Pages : 16 No. of Claims : 25 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27556 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.422/MUM/2007 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :06/03/2007 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : IMPROVED METHOD FOR THE PREPARATION OF DESLORATADINE WITH REDUCED LEVELS OF ORGANIC SOLVENTS (51) International classification (31) Priority Document No (32) Priority Date (33) Name of priority country (86) International Application No Filing Date (87) International Publication No (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number Filing Date (71)Name of Applicant : :A61K9/00 1)CADILA PHARMACEUTICALS LTD :NA Address of Applicant :"CADILA CORPORATE CAMPUS", :NA SARKHEJ-DHOLKA ROAD, BHAT, AHMEDABAD 382210, :NA Gujarat India :NA (72)Name of Inventor : :NA 1)INDRAVADAN AMBALAL MODI :NA 2)SANJAY MUKTAWAT :NA 3)SANJAY LAXAMANBHAI PATEL :NA 4)UDAI PRATAP SINGH :NA 5)PONNAIAH RAVI :NA 6)BAKULESH MAFATLAL KHAMAR (57) Abstract : The present invention relates to an improved method for the preparation of Desloratadine with reduced levels of organic solvents. Further the invention also relates to a process for the preparation of Desloratadine containing reduced level of chloroform and hexane in Desloratadine to meet ICH specifications. The invention also relates to provide Desloratadine in mixture of polymorphic form 1 and form 2. No. of Pages : 11 No. of Claims : 10 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27557 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.440/MUM/2007 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :07/03/2007 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : CEILING FAN MOTOR AND METHOD OF MAKING THE SAME :H02K9/02 (71)Name of Applicant : (51) International classification (31) Priority Document No :NA 1)CROMPTON GREAVES LTD (32) Priority Date :NA Address of Applicant :CG HOUSE, DR ANNIE BESANT (33) Name of priority country :NA ROAD, WORLI, MUMBAI-400025, Maharashtra India (86) International Application No :NA (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :NA 1)BILUR RAJANISH NAYAK (87) International Publication No :NA (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A ceiling fan motor and a method of making the same. A rotor ring (1) is made with magnetic material laminations by stacking the laminations one above another and riveting or stitching them together. The rotor ring is die casted onto aluminium (2) and integrated into the top end shield (3) during pressure die casting of the top end shield with aluminium alloy No. of Pages : 11 No. of Claims : 4 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27558 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.441/MUM/2007 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :07/03/2007 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : A MULTI CONTACT MULTI CHAMBER VACUUM INTERRUPTER FOR RING MAIN UNIT :H01H33/66 (71)Name of Applicant : (51) International classification (31) Priority Document No :NA 1)CROMPTON GREAVES LTD (32) Priority Date :NA Address of Applicant :CG HOUSE, DR ANNIE BESANT (33) Name of priority country :NA ROAD, WORLI, MUMBAI-400025, Maharashtra India (86) International Application No :NA (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :NA 1)RAGHAVAN VENKATESH (87) International Publication No : NA 2)RAJHANS RUPESH SUBHASHRAO (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number :NA 3)RAJAGOPAL RATHEESH Filing Date :NA (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A switching unit of a ring main unit. The switching unit (1A) comprises a main vacuum interrupter (2) and a pair of auxiliary vacuum interrupters (3 and 4). The main vacuum interrupter is without the fixed side end plate. The fixed electrode (7) and fixed side seal cup (6) of the main vacuum interrupter are hermetically sealed to a common terminal block (18) adapted to fix the switching unit. The auxiliary vacuum interrupters each is without the fixed electrode and fixed side end plate. The fixed side seal cup (20, 32), center shield (25, 37) and fixed contact (21, 33) of each of the auxiliary vacuum interrupters (3, 4) are hermetically sealed to the common terminal block. The movable electrode (12) of the main vacuum interrupter is adapted to be connected to the power circuit. The movable electrodes (22, 34) of the auxiliary vacuum interrupters (3, 4) are adapted to be connected to an earth point and to a connection and disconnection circuit which makes and breaks contact under normal load condition and makes contact under fault condition. All the vacuum interrupters are encapsulated with an electric insulating material and are connected to the control unit of the main unit. No. of Pages : 16 No. of Claims : 8 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27559 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.449/MUM/2007 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :09/03/2007 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : A TELEVISION REMOTE CONTROL WITH CHANNEL JUMPING BUTTONS :H04B1/06 (71)Name of Applicant : (51) International classification (31) Priority Document No :NA 1)PATEL NIKUL VINODBHAI (32) Priority Date :NA Address of Applicant :58/A, SWI PARK, SWATANTRA (33) Name of priority country :NA PLOTS, MADHUWRUND, GHATLODIA, AHMEDABAD(86) International Application No :NA 380061, Gujarat India Filing Date :NA (72)Name of Inventor : (87) International Publication No :NA 1)PATEL NIKUL VINODBHAI (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : This invention is a television remote control having two buttons that can be used to jump from any given channel to 10 channels forward or backward. Simlarly, two more buttons can also be incorporated that can be used to move from any given channel to 5 (or any other number, other than 1) channels forward or backward. These buttons will make the channel changing activity easier. No. of Pages : 5 No. of Claims : 2 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27560 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.489/MUM/2007 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :15/03/2007 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : AN IMPROVED EXTERNAL ROTOR BLDC MOTOR :H02K7/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (51) International classification (31) Priority Document No :NA 1)CROMPTON GREAVES LTD (32) Priority Date :NA Address of Applicant :CG HOUSE, DR ANNIE BESANT (33) Name of priority country :NA ROAD, WORLI MUMBAI 400 025, Maharashtra India (86) International Application No :NA (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :NA 1)JOSHI ASHISH KASHINATH (87) International Publication No :NA 2)KAMBLE DEEPAK GAJANAN (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number :NA 3)EKRAM SAMSUL Filing Date :NA (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : An improved external rotor BLDC motor (1) comprising a rotor formed by four sets of rotor magnets. The first set of rotor magnets (17) are located around the inner circumference of the cylindrical stator core (11) of the motor and describe an air gap with the inner circumference of the stator core and are parallel to the motor shaft (8). The second set of rotor magnets (19) are located around the outer circumference of the stator core (17) and describe an air gap with the outer circumference of the stator core and are parallel to the motor shaft (8). The third set of rotor magnets (20) are located around one end face (5) of the stator core and describe an air gap with the respective end face of the stator and windings (15) and are perpendicular to the axis of rotation of the motor shaft (8). The fourth set of rotor magnets (22) are located around the other end face (9) of the stator core and describe an air gap with the respective end face of the stator and windings (15) and are perpendicular to the axis of rotation of the motor shaft (8).The first and second sets of rotor magnets are disposed in the long or straight sections of the elliptical path (22) of the magnetic field of flux created by the stator windings during flow of current therethrough and the third and fourth sets of rotor magnets are disposed in the short or conical sections of the elliptical path (22) so as to increase the torque and power out of the motor. No. of Pages : 16 No. of Claims : 5 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27561 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.500/MUM/2007 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :16/03/2007 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : INTERLOCKING ASSEMBLY FOR MECHANICAL SWITCHING DEVICE :E05B65/48 (71)Name of Applicant : (51) International classification (31) Priority Document No :NA 1)LARSEN & TOUBRO LIMITED (32) Priority Date :NA Address of Applicant :L & T HOUSE, BALLARD ESTATE, (33) Name of priority country :NA P.O.BOX NO. 278, MUMBAI-400001, Maharashtra India (86) International Application No :NA (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :NA 1)SHUBHO SANYAL (87) International Publication No :NA 2)CHANDRAKANT ANKUSH PATIL (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The present invention provides a switching device with a lock assembly. An operating means is provided at one end of a shaft in the shaft assembly attached to a switching unit to move the switching unit to an ON or OFF condition. The operating means is provided at the outer surface of an enclosure housing the shaft assembly and the switching unit. A lock assembly mounted along with the operating means at the outer surface of the enclosure has a fork which is moved up or down to hold or release the shaft to prevent or permit rotation of shaft to hold switching unit in any desired operating condition or to move switching unit to ON /OFF condition. In another embodiment of the invention, an interlocking key assembly for the switching device is provided. No. of Pages : 25 No. of Claims : 14 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27562 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.501/MUM/2007 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :16/03/2007 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : NOVEL ORAL CONTROLLED RELEASE COMPOSITION OF CARVEDILOL :A61K9/50 (71)Name of Applicant : (51) International classification (31) Priority Document No :NA 1)LUPIN LIMITED (32) Priority Date :NA Address of Applicant :LUPIN LIMITED, 159, CST ROAD, (33) Name of priority country :NA KALINA SANTACRUZ (EAST) MUMBAI 400 098, (86) International Application No :NA Maharashtra India Filing Date :NA (72)Name of Inventor : (87) International Publication No :NA 1)GUHA, ASHISH (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number :NA 2)METKAR, BHARAT Filing Date :NA 3)AVACHAT, MAKRAND, KRISHNAKUMAR (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A novel oral controlled release pharmaceutical composition comprising a therapeutically effective amount of carvedilol or a pharmaceutically acceptable salt thereof, one or more controlled release agents(s) selected from pH independent polymers, water insoluble substances and combination thereof, and pharmaceutically acceptable excipient(s). A process for preparing an oral controlled release composition of carvedilol or a pharmaceutically acceptable salt thereof comprising blending therapeutically effective amount of the active with other pharmaceutically acceptable excipient(s) and are granulated with controlled release agent comprising pH independent polymers or water insoluble substances or combinations thereof, or by dissolving the controlled release agent(s) in purified water and compressed into tablets or mini tablets. No. of Pages : 12 No. of Claims : 12 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27563 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.508/MUM/2007 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :16/03/2007 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : FIXTURE FOR FITTING A COVER ON A CYLINDER OF A ROTARY WEB PRINTING MACHINE (51) International classification :B41F27/12 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :102006012760.9 1)MAN ROLAND DRUCKMASCHINEN AG (32) Priority Date :17/03/2006 Address of Applicant :MUHLHEIMER STRASSE 341, 63075 (33) Name of priority country :Germany OFFENBACH, Germany (86) International Application No :NA (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :NA 1)REINHARD NAUMANN (87) International Publication No :NA 2)FRANK OERTEL (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The invention relates to a fixture for fixing a cover (1) on a cylinder (2) of a rotary web printing machine with at least one axis parallel channel (3) in the cylinder (2), which forms a slot (4) for push-in and pull-out of ends of a cover (1) and a clamp (5) arranged in the channel (3), the clamp is pressed radial in the direction of the slot (4) by means of several compression springs (6) for fixing cover (1), wherein at the ends of the cylinder (2) adjusting elements (7) are arranged, through which the clamp (5) is guided as being radialy push able, to enable push-in and pull-out of the ends of the cover (1). According to the invention inside of the channel (3) near the clamp (5) at least one support element (8) is arranged, which grabs in at least one cavity (9) in the clamp (5), wherein through a movement of adjusting elements (7) a relative movement is caused between support element (8) and clamp (5). No. of Pages : 16 No. of Claims : 10 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27564 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.518/MUM/2007 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :21/03/2007 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : AGITATION-TYPE WET PROCESS MACHINE :C23F1/08 (71)Name of Applicant : (51) International classification (31) Priority Document No :NA 1)UNITED BENEFIT INC. (32) Priority Date :NA Address of Applicant :NO.29, LANE 796, SEC.1, ING-FU (33) Name of priority country :NA ROAD, YANG-MEI COUNTRY, TAO-YUAN HSIEN, Taiwan (86) International Application No :NA (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :NA 1)SHIH-CHANG CHANG (87) International Publication No :NA (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : An agitation-type wet process machine is disclosed herein. The machine includes a delivery system including a plurality of roller located on an upper side and a lower side of a delivery path of the delivery path of the delivery system for delivering a sheet object to be processed, and a plurality of nozzles located above and below the delivery path and spraying a chemical agent onto a surface of the object. Each roller has a plurality of blades disposed on both ends of the roller for agitating the chemical agent on the object. No. of Pages : 24 No. of Claims : 11 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27565 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.525/MUM/2007 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :22/03/2007 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : POSITION INDICATOR :H01H9/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (51) International classification (31) Priority Document No :NA 1)LARSEN & TOUBRO LIMITED (32) Priority Date :NA Address of Applicant :L & T HOUSE, BALLARD ESTATE, (33) Name of priority country :NA MUMBAI-400001, Maharashtra India (86) International Application No :NA (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :NA 1)KHOKRALE, JANARDAN D. (87) International Publication No :NA 2)KADAM, RAVINDRA, M. (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The present invention relates to a device for indicating different position of contacts in switchboard or switchgear modules. The device comprises displaying unit, a racking mechanism which includes racking screw means (9). The displaying unit comprises gear means (6) located on a shaft means (17). The device comprises indicator assembly (13) located along the shaft means (17) such that there is no interference between the gear means and the indicator means (13) and comprising worm wheel means (18), driver means (20) journalled to the screw means (9) to transform movement of the screw means to the shaft. The driver means is meshed with the gear means providing for accurate indication of the position of the contacts. No. of Pages : 15 No. of Claims : 9 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27566 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.536/MUM/2007 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :22/03/2007 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : A FOLDABLE AND/OR DISPOSABLE LUGGAGE :B65D5/46 (71)Name of Applicant : (51) International classification (31) Priority Document No :NA 1)VINAY K. MEHTA (32) Priority Date :NA Address of Applicant :F/9,TRIVENI, 66, WALKESHWAR (33) Name of priority country :NA ROAD, MUMBAI-400006, Maharashtra India (86) International Application No :NA (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :NA 1)VINAY K. MEHTA (87) International Publication No :NA (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The present invention provides a luggage, which is mainly foldable and/or disposable. In preference terms, the present invention provides said foldable and/or disposable luggage made of corrugated board having wheels adapted detachably to the luggage, which makes the luggage easy to handle, store and stackable. Said foldable and/or disposable luggage comprises two main panels, namely top main panel and a bottom main panel, and a plurality of side panels of the luggage formed by folding atleast one scored die-cut flat blank, an extended panel, and a ply having wheels aligning with the holes of the said panel. No. of Pages : 23 No. of Claims : 22 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27567 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.556/MUM/2007 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :26/03/2007 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : SUSTAINED RELEASE MULTI-COMPONENT MICROPARTICULATE BI-LAYERED TABLET COMPOSITION AND PROCESS OF PREPARING SAME (51) International classification :A61K9/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :NA 1)SWARNLATA SARAF (32) Priority Date :NA Address of Applicant :C-4,UNIVERSITY CAMPUS, PT. (33) Name of priority country :NA RAVISHANKAR SHUKLA UNIVERSITY RAIPUR, 492010, Chattisgarh India (86) International Application No :NA Filing Date :NA 2)SHAILENDRA SARAF (87) International Publication No :NA 3)KAMLESH DASHORA (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number :NA (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :NA 1)SWARNLATA SARAF (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA 2)SHAILENDRA SARAF Filing Date :NA 3)KAMLESH DASHORA (57) Abstract : The invention relates to a novel sustained release multi-component microparticulate bi-layered tablet containing one layer of loading dose comprising aceclofenac with the second layer containing microparticles of aceclofenac and tizanidine hydrochloride with polymer cellulose acetate. The composition and the process according to the invention is useful for preparing sustained release tablet used for the relief of inflammations and spasticity associated with multiple sclerosis, stroke, spinal cord injury. The invention contributes to reduce the administration time of the active ingredients as compared to their conventional dosage form. The invention furthermore relates to a process for the preparation of the above composition. No. of Pages : 13 No. of Claims : 7 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27568 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.572/MUM/2007 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :28/03/2007 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : AN EFFICIENT AND RAPID PROCEDURE FOR SCREENING 1,3-PROPANEDIOL PRODUCERS ON TLC (51) International classification :C07H21/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :NA 1)TATA CHEMICALS PVT. LIMITED (32) Priority Date :NA Address of Applicant :LEELA BUSINESS PARK, ANDHERI (33) Name of priority country :NA KHURLA ROAD, ANDHERI(E), MUMBAI, Maharashtra India (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No :NA Filing Date :NA 1)SAXENA R. K. (87) International Publication No :NA 2)ISAR JASMINE (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number :NA 3)GUPTA PRITESH Filing Date :NA (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The present invention relates to a method for optimizing the estimation of glycols in a biological system using chromatography technique with high Rf values in the range of 0.40 to 0.60, using a solvent system comprising a mixture of at least one hydrocarbon and /or non hydrocarbon solvent in the ratio of about 50-90 : 10-50 v/v. No. of Pages : 14 No. of Claims : 17 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27569 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.577/MUM/2007 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :28/03/2007 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : COMPOSITION HAVING IMPROVED THERMAL CONDUCTIVITY :C10G3/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (51) International classification (31) Priority Document No :NA 1)CROMPTON GREAVES LTD (32) Priority Date :NA Address of Applicant :CG HOUSE, DR ANNIE BESANT (33) Name of priority country :NA ROAD, WORLI, MUMBAI 400025, Maharashtra India (86) International Application No :NA (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :NA 1)KESHAWATKAR BABU RAO (87) International Publication No :NA 2)GHOSH SUSMITA (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number :NA 3)BHATIA ANILKUMAR BRIJLAL Filing Date :NA (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A composition having improved thermal conductivity and room temperature curing with methyl ethyl ketone peroxide. The composition comprises 20% by weight of preaccelerated unsaturated polyesterimide resin including 0.2 - 0.5% by weight of methyl ethyl ketone peroxide and UV additive and 80% by weight of a filler system comprising 50 to 60 % by weight of silica, 25 to 35% by weight of calcined alumina and 15% by weight of aluminium trihydrate and colouring agent. No. of Pages : 8 No. of Claims : 4 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27570 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.578/MUM/2007 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :28/03/2007 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : A SINTERING PROCESS FOR THE MANUFACTURE OF VACCUM INTERRUPTER CONTACTS :H01H33/66 (71)Name of Applicant : (51) International classification (31) Priority Document No :NA 1)CROMPTON GREAVES LTD (32) Priority Date :NA Address of Applicant :DR. ANNIE BESANT ROAD, (33) Name of priority country :NA WORLI, MUMBAI-400025, Maharashtra India (86) International Application No :NA (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :NA 1)TANDEL KEYUR (87) International Publication No :NA (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A sintering process for the manufacture of vacuum interrupter contacts. The process comprises blending 75% by weight of copper powder and 25% by weight of chromium powder. The chromium powder contains impurities less than 0.7% and oxygen content of 500 ppm - 7000 ppm. The blend is compacted at 600-900 MPa. The compacted mass is sintered at eutectic temperature of 1070 1080АC followed by machining the cooled sintered mass into contacts. No. of Pages : 10 No. of Claims : 6 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27571 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.579/MUM/2007 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :28/03/2007 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : A DRIVE MECHANISM FOR A SWITCHING DEVICE :H01H5/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (51) International classification (31) Priority Document No :NA 1)CROMPTON GREAVES LTD (32) Priority Date :NA Address of Applicant :DR ANNIE BESANT ROAD, WORLI, (33) Name of priority country :NA MUMBAI 400025, Maharashtra India (86) International Application No :NA (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :NA 1)MASSIMILIANO LISSANDRIN (87) International Publication No :NA 2)SRINIVAS GOPA (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The drive mechanism comprises a closing spring (2a) and a tripping spring (2b) disposed in an enclosure (not shown) with their one ends pressed against a retainer plate (3) extending across the enclosure. A closing spring connecting rod (4) and a tripping spring connecting rod (5) pass through openings (6a, 6b) in the retainer plate and through the closing spring and tripping spring, respectively. One end of the closing spring connecting rod is releasably latched to a closing spring latch assembly (15) through a crank (14) and a cam (23) mounted on a cam shaft (12). One end of the tripping spring connecting rod is releasably latched to a tripping spring latch assembly (38) through a main lever (39) mounted on a main lever shaft (40). The cam is operatively in contact with the main lever. A hydraulic charging and shock absorbing means (25) is connected to the other end of the closing spring connecting rod and is operated by the control unit (35) of the switching device. No. of Pages : 17 No. of Claims : 2 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27572 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.582/MUM/2007 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :28/03/2007 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : AN IMPROVED KITCHENWARE :A47F5/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (51) International classification (31) Priority Document No :NA 1)TASAGAONKAR GHANASHYAM SHANKAR (32) Priority Date :NA Address of Applicant :D-9 VATSALYAPURAM, (33) Name of priority country :NA KUMBARE TOWNSHIP, NEW D P ROAD, KOTHRUD, (86) International Application No :NA PUNE-411029, Maharashtra India Filing Date :NA 2)TASGAONKAR PRAVA GHANASHYAM (87) International Publication No :NA (72)Name of Inventor : (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number :NA 1)TASAGAONKAR GHANASHYAM SHANKAR Filing Date :NA 2)TASGAONKAR PRAVA GHANASHYAM (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : An improved kitchenware having an extended external surface to offer increased heat transfer area at the base to create turbulence at the edge of said kitchenware. The said kitchenware comprises substantially a flat external surface provided with plurality of serrations or grooves. No. of Pages : 12 No. of Claims : 17 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27573 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.601/MUM/2007 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :29/03/2007 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : SAFETY LOCKING MECHANISM FOR SWITCHING DEVICE :H01H9/28 (71)Name of Applicant : (51) International classification (31) Priority Document No :NA 1)LARSEN & TOUBRO LIMITED (32) Priority Date :NA Address of Applicant :L & T HOUSE, BALLARD ESTATE, (33) Name of priority country :NA MUMBAI 400001, Maharashtra India (86) International Application No :NA (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :NA 1)DAS, ANWESH (87) International Publication No :NA 2)KANNADKAR, DINESH R. (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number :NA 3)BAHETI, VISHAL K. Filing Date :NA (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The present invention relates to a locking mechanism for a switching device comprising multi-pole circuit breakers. The mechanism comprises base plate (3), bar means (6) substantially fixed at its middle portion with the base plate (3) in a manner to rotate in a plane having perpendicular relation to axis to which the bar (6) is fixed to the base plate (3). Plurality of actuating means (7&8) are operatively connected to the bar means (6). Bar means (6) comprises an extended portion operatively fixed to a lock plate/bracket means (4). Lock plate means (4) comprises plural slots accommodating the extended portion of the bar means in a manner that rotation of bar means provides a curved motion of the lock plates means. No. of Pages : 16 No. of Claims : 9 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27574 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.605/MUM/2007 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :30/03/2007 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : A PILLOW TABLET DOSAGE FORM OF DICLOFENAC AND MISOPROSTOL :A61K9/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (51) International classification (31) Priority Document No :NA 1)WOCKHARDT LIMITED (32) Priority Date :NA Address of Applicant :WOCKHARDT TOWERS BANDRA(33) Name of priority country :NA KURLA COMPLEX BANDRA (EAST) MUMBAI-400051, (86) International Application No :NA Maharashtra India Filing Date :NA (72)Name of Inventor : (87) International Publication No :NA 1)JAIN, GIRISH KUMAR (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number :NA 2)GUNDU, RAMAKANT KASHINATH Filing Date :NA (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The present invention provides a pillow tablet dosage form comprising a) an inner pillowed tablet comprising of misoprostol or pharmaceutically acceptable salts thereof along with other pharmaceutically acceptable excipients b) an outer tablet comprising of coated beads of diclofenac or pharmaceutically acceptable salts thereof along with other pharmaceutically acceptable excipients. No. of Pages : 16 No. of Claims : 10 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27575 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.607/MUM/2007 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :30/03/2007 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : NOVEL POLYMORPHIC FORM OF VENLAFAXINE HYDROCHLORIDE AND PROCESS FOR THE PREPARATION THEREOF (51) International classification :C07C213/10 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :NA 1)WOCKHARDT LIMITED (32) Priority Date :NA Address of Applicant :WOCKHARDT TOWERS, BANDRA(33) Name of priority country :NA KURLA COMPLEX, BANDRA (EAST), MUMBAI 400051, Maharashtra India (86) International Application No :NA Filing Date :NA (72)Name of Inventor : (87) International Publication No :NA 1)MERWADE, ARVIND YEKANATHSA (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number :NA 2)SOLANKI PAWANKUMAR VRAJLAL Filing Date :NA (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The present invention provides a novel polymorphic form of venlafaxine hydrochloride and a process for the preparation thereof. Venlafaxine hydrochloride of the formula I is chemically known as (Б)-1-[a-[(dimethylamino) methyl]-p-methoxybenzyl] cyclohexanol. Venlafaxine is indicated in the treatment of major depressive disorder. No. of Pages : 7 No. of Claims : 8 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27576 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.610/MUM/2007 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :30/03/2007 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : EFFICIENT PROCESS FOR PREPARATION OF ANASTROZOLE :C07D249/08 (71)Name of Applicant : (51) International classification (31) Priority Document No :NA 1)WOCKHARDT LIMITED (32) Priority Date :NA Address of Applicant :WOCKHARDT TOWERS, BANDRA(33) Name of priority country :NA KURLA COMPLEX, BANDRA (EAST), MUMBAI 400 051, (86) International Application No :NA Maharashtra India Filing Date :NA (72)Name of Inventor : (87) International Publication No :NA 1)SRIVASTAVA, ALKA (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number :NA 2)NEELAKANDAN, KALIAPERUMAL Filing Date :NA 3)SIDDIQUI MOHAMMED JAWEED MUKARRAM (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The present invention relates to aprocess for the preparation of 3,5-bis (2-cyanoprop-2-yl) toluene intermediate, useful in the preparation of anastrozole. The process comprising: a) reacting 3,5-bis (cyanomethyl) toluene with dimethyl sulfate in presence of alkali metal base, b) isolating 3,5-bis (2-cyanoprop-2-yl) toluene from the reaction mass thereof. No. of Pages : 5 No. of Claims : 6 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27577 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.612/MUM/2007 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :30/03/2007 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : DICLOFENAC AND MISOPROSTOL COMPOSITIONS :A61K9/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (51) International classification (31) Priority Document No :NA 1)WOCKHARDT LIMITED (32) Priority Date :NA Address of Applicant :WOCKHARDT TOWERS, BANDRA(33) Name of priority country :NA KURLA COMPLEX, BANDRA (EAST), MUMBAI 400051, (86) International Application No :NA Maharashtra India Filing Date :NA (72)Name of Inventor : (87) International Publication No :NA 1)DABRE, RAHUL SUDHAKAR (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number :NA 2)GUNDU, RAMAKANT KASHINATH Filing Date :NA 3)JAIN, GIRISH KUMAR (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The present invention provides a pharmaceutical composition comprising of coated minitablets of diclofenac or salts thereof along with other pharmaceutically acceptable excipients and beads of misoprostol or salts thereof along with other pharmaceutically acceptable excipients. No. of Pages : 14 No. of Claims : 10 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27578 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.622/MUM/2007 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :30/03/2007 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : ROOF COOLING PANEL FOR COOLING SYSTEM :E04C2/52 (71)Name of Applicant : (51) International classification (31) Priority Document No :NA 1)WORLD BESTECH INC. (32) Priority Date :NA Address of Applicant :# 304, WOORIM E-BIZ CENTER II, (33) Name of priority country :NA 184-1, GURO3-DONG, GURO-GU, SEOUL Republic of Korea (86) International Application No :NA (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :NA 1)CHO JI CHAN (87) International Publication No :NA (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The present invention relates to the roof cooling panel for cooling system. This invention is specifically concerned of the cooling panels installed on the roof. Especially, the water from the pump can be directly fed through the water supply pipe and is installed in the top portion of the building with multiple main panels and the connecting panels and are able to spray the water through the panel surface. The panels are combined with a spray head with a nozzle and are connected with the connecting panels at the top portion of the building, completing a rooftop. The closing panels that, does not supply the water any further, sprays the water on the panel surface which was supplied from the connecting panels and thereby providing a roof cooling panel for cooling system that, acts as the roof of the building and a cooling system to cool the roof at the same time. No. of Pages : 26 No. of Claims : 4 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27579 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.638/MUM/2007 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :30/03/2007 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : SELF VENTILATING FAN FOR AUTOMOBILE :B60J1/20 (71)Name of Applicant : (51) International classification (31) Priority Document No :NA 1)CROMPTON GREAVES LTD (32) Priority Date :NA Address of Applicant :DR ANNIE BESANT ROAD, WORLI, (33) Name of priority country :NA MUMBAI-400030, Maharashtra India (86) International Application No :NA (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :NA 1)QUTBUDDIN SIDDIQUEE (87) International Publication No :NA 2)OBLA KRISHNAMOORTHY AMAR BABU (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A self propelled ventilator (1) for an automobile. The ventilator comprises a hollow body (2) having a front wall (2a), a rear wall (2b), a bottom wall (2c), a top wall (2d) and end walls (2e, 2f). The front wall and rear wall of the hollow body are provided with windows (2g, 2g1). A shutter (6) is slidably located in the hollow body and it comprises a front wall (6a), a rear wall (6b), an open end (6c) and a closed end (6d) opposite to the open end thereof. The front wall of the shutter is provided with a slitted portion (6e) corresponding to the size of the windows in the front wall and rear wall of the hollow body. The rear wall of the shutter is smaller than the front wall of the hollow body. The rear wall of the shutter is smaller than the front wall thereof corresponding to the size of the slitted portion in the front wall thereof. The front wall and the rear wall of the shutter each is provided with a hand grip (6h, 6i). The front wall of the shutter is adapted to slide out through a slot (6j) in the corresponding end wall (6f) of the hollow body. Retainer means (7, 9) are provided for holding the shutter in position. An axial fan (10) is vertically rotatably held in the hollow body between the front wall and rear wall of the shutter. The fan comprises a shaft (11) and a plurality of spaced apart blades (13) along the length of the shaft. The axial fan is slidable across the shutter. Position changing means (14a, 14b) are provided for aligning the fan with the widows in the front and rear walls of the hollow body and the slitted portion in the front wall of the shutter and for misaligning the fan with the windows in the front and rear walls of the hollow body and the slitted portion in the front wall of the shutter. No. of Pages : 19 No. of Claims : 4 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27580 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.639/MUM/2007 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :30/03/2007 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : AN IMPROVED AXIAL FLUX EXTERNAL ROTOR BLDC MOTOR :H02K1/22 (71)Name of Applicant : (51) International classification (31) Priority Document No :NA 1)CROMPTON GREAVES LTD (32) Priority Date :NA Address of Applicant :DR ANNIE BESANT ROAD, WORLI, (33) Name of priority country :NA MUMBAI-400030, Maharashtra India (86) International Application No :NA (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :NA 1)PATWARDHAN VINAY SATISH (87) International Publication No :NA (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : An improved axial flux external rotor BLDC motor (1) comprises a housing (2) rotatably held around a stationary motor shaft (3) extending into the housing. 4 is a locator sleeve fitted on the motor shaft and comprising a locator rim (5) around it at one end thereof. A stator (6) is fitted over the sleeve with one face thereof resting against the rim which acts as a reference for perpendicularity and coaxiality of the stator on the motor shaft and (7) is a rotor comprising a plurality of permanent magnets fixed to the housing and disposed around the stator core describing sufficient air gap with the stator core and rotor magnets. No. of Pages : 10 No. of Claims : 2 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27581 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.654/MUM/2007 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :30/03/2007 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : AN INTEGRATED PROCESS FOR THE PREPARATION OF FATTY ACID METHYL ESTER (BIODIESEL) (51) International classification :C11B1/04 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :NA 1)RELIANCE LIFE SCIENCES PRIVATE LIMITED (32) Priority Date :NA Address of Applicant :CHITRAKOOT,2ND FLOOR, SHREE (33) Name of priority country :NA RAM MILLS COUMPOUND, GANPATRAO KADAM MARG, WORLI, MUMBAI-400013, Maharashtra India (86) International Application No :NA Filing Date :NA (72)Name of Inventor : (87) International Publication No :NA 1)SWAROOP SARANGAN (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number :NA 2)VIDHYA RANGASWAMY Filing Date :NA (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The disclosure provides methods and systems for the production of biodiesel from biological feedstocks such as vegetable oils or animal fats. In particular, the disclosure is directed to the product of biodiesel from seeds such as non-edible oil seeds. Methods for maximizing oil recovery from the feedstocks are provided, as well as methods to convert free fatty acids in the feedstocks into glycerides amenable to transesterification. Thus the methods and systems provide for efficient biodiesel production. No. of Pages : 35 No. of Claims : 39 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27582 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.733/MUM/2007 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :13/04/2007 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : RE-ENFORCING BREAK SYSTEM :F16D65/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (51) International classification (31) Priority Document No :NA 1)PRAKASH GANPAT GOVINDWAR (32) Priority Date :NA Address of Applicant :PLOT N.96, MILIND NAGAR, (33) Name of priority country :NA NAGPUR-440017, Maharashtra India (86) International Application No :NA (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :NA 1)PRAKASH GANPAT GOVINDWAR (87) International Publication No :NA (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The Re-enforcing break - system drop the drawbacks of shoes break and also re-enforce the vehicle to push forward again. No. of Pages : 8 No. of Claims : 1 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27583 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.734/MUM/2007 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :13/04/2007 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : ROAD RESILIENCE ELECTRIC POWER GENERATING MACHINE :B60G5/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (51) International classification (31) Priority Document No :NA 1)PRAKASH GANPAT GOVINDWAR (32) Priority Date :NA Address of Applicant :PLOT N.96, MILIND NAGAR, (33) Name of priority country :NA NAGPUR-440017, Maharashtra India (86) International Application No :NA (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :NA 1)PRAKASH GANPAT GOVINDWAR (87) International Publication No :NA (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The long runnining machine fitted along the road on both side offer road resistance to the descending heavy vehicle on the downwind side of the road. And also transfer the same resistance into mechanical energy & transfer into electric energy subsequently. Thus the machine is design to produce the electric power. No. of Pages : 10 No. of Claims : 1 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27584 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.810/MUMNP/2007 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :31/05/2007 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : TRICYCLIC GUANIDINE DERIVATIVES AS SODIUM-PROTON EXCHANGE INHIBITORS (51) International classification (31) Priority Document No (32) Priority Date (33) Name of priority country (86) International Application No Filing Date (87) International Publication No (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number Filing Date (71)Name of Applicant : :C07D327/08 1)NICHOLAS PIRAMAL INDIA LIMITED :1225/MUM/2004 Address of Applicant :NICHOLAS PIRAMAL TOWER, :10/11/2004 PENINSULA CORPORATE PARK, GANPATRAO KADAM :India MARG, LOWER PAREL, MUMBAI-400013, Maharashtra India :PCT/IB2005/053653 (72)Name of Inventor : :08/11/2005 1)LAL, BANSI :WO2006/051476A1 2)BAL-TEMBE, SWATI 3)GHOSH, USHA :NA 4)JAIN, ARUN KUMAR :NA 5)MORE, TULSIDAS :NA 6)GHATE, ANIL :NA 7)TRIVEDI, JACQUELINE 8)PARIKH, SAPANA (57) Abstract : Guanidine derivatives having a condensed tricyclic ring of formula 1: are disclosed, wherein U is C(O), CRaRb, O, NRa or S(0)m; V is CRaRb or NRa ; W is S(0)m; wherein Ra is H, alkyl, cycloalkyl, alkenyl or aralkyl; Rb is H, alkyl, OH, ORaor OCORa, and m is the integer 0, 1 or 2; Rl, R2, R3, R4, R5, R6, R7 and R8 are as defined herein with the proviso that at least one of Rl, R2, R3, R4, R5, R6, R7 or R8 is guanidino or guanidino carbonyl. These derivatives are sodium-proton exchange inhibitors and are useful as medicaments for the treatment of, for example, organ disorders associated with ischemia and reperfusion, cardiac arrhythmia, cardiac hypertrophy, hypertension, cell proliferative disorders and diabetes. No. of Pages : 294 No. of Claims : 24 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27585 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.973/MUMNP/2007 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :27/06/2007 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : MECHANICAL AIR FUEL RATIO REGULATING CARBURETTOR WITH FUEL PRESSURE REGULATION (51) International classification :F02M7/22 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :1027853 1)WILLIAMS, ANTHONY, JOHN (32) Priority Date :22/12/2004 Address of Applicant :EERSTE ZIJWEG 1, NL-3641 PD (33) Name of priority country :Netherlands MIJDRECHT, Netherlands (86) International Application No :PCT/NL2005/000598 (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :18/08/2005 1)WILLIAMS, ANTHONY, JOHN (87) International Publication No :WO2006/025727A1 (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : Described is a carburettor (8), comprising an air (2) inlet with a mechanically adjustable air valve (3), an into the air inlet coming mechanically adjustable atomiser, and a mechanical metering device connected with the air valve and the atomiser, maintaining a stoichiometric ratio between amounts of air and fuel. Furthermore the carburettor has fuel pressure regulating means/devices (13) that are equipped to influence the fuel pressure, in dependence of one or more dynamic engine load parameters, under which the vacuum signal in the air inlet, which is obtained via a vacuum intake conduit (12) coming into the air inlet (2). By regulating the fuel pressure also in dependence of the measured vacuum signal, the emission of unburned fuel is reduced under certain dynamic conditions of the combustion engine. No. of Pages : 17 No. of Claims : 22 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27586 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No. IN/PCT/2001/01015 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application : 01/10/2001 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : ?A DISC BRAKE CALIPER? (51) International classification :F16D 65/092, 65/02 :PP9950 :26.04.1999 :AUSTRALIA :PCT/AU00/00368 26.04.2000 : WO 00/65247 (71)Name of Applicant : PBR AUSTRALIA PTY LTD. (31) Priority Document No Address of Applicant :264 EAST BOUNDARY ROAD, EAST (32) Priority Date BENTLEIGH, VIC 3165, AUSTRALIA (33) Name of priority country (72)Name of Inventor : REEVES KEITH CLARKSON (86) International Application No Filing Date Filed U/S 5(2) before The (87) International Publication No Patents (Amendment) (61) Patent of Addition to Application Act, 2005: NO :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A disc brake caliper has a cast metal housing (100) and an anchor bracket which are connected for relative movement during brake actuation. The housing (100) has a bridge section (114) for bridging in use, a disc brake rotor and first and second axially spaced brake pad mounting faces (M) extending substantially perpendicular to the bridge section (114) for disposal in use, on either side of a disc brake rotor and for axial mounting of brake pads there against. First and second inner finger radiuses (120) extend respectively at the junction between the bridge section (114) and each of the first and second brake pads mounting faces (M) for radially supporting a portion of the periphery of a brake pad. Piston actuating means are provided for axially displacing the first brake pad away from the first brake pad mounting face (M) into engagement with a disc brake rotor. Each of the first and second brake pad mounting faces (M) and said inner finger radiuses (120) are machined over the surfaces of contact with the brake pads. The second inner finger radius (120) between the bridge section (114) and the second brake pad mounting face (M) includes raised sections (102) at each end thereof relative to the section extending therebetween. No. of Pages : 22 No. of Claims : 11 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27587 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No. 00897/KOLNP/2004 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application : 28/06/2004 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : ?CARBOXYLIC ACID COMPOUNDS FOR USE AS SURFACTANTS? (51) International classification (31) Priority Document No (32) Priority Date (33) Name of priority country (86) International Application No Filing Date (87) International Publication No :C07C 69/63, 59/135, A61K 9/12 :0203363.7 :0203369.4 :13.02.2002 13.02.2002 :GREAT BRITAIN :PCT/GB03/00547 12.02.2003 : WO 03/068722 A1 (71)Name of Applicant : GLAXO GROUP LIMITED, Address of Applicant : GLAXO WELLCOME HOUSE, BERKELEY AVENUE, GREENFORD, MIDDLESEX, UB60NN, GREAT BRITAIN, (72)Name of Inventor : 1. LOOKER BRIAN EDGAR 2. LUNNISS CHRISTOPHER JAMES 3. REDGRAVE ALISON Filed U/S 5(2) before The Patents (Amendment) Act, 2005: NO (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The invention relates to compounds of formula (I) or a salt or solvate thereof, wherein: x represents 0 or 1; y represents 0 or 1; R1 and R2 independently represent -C1-9 alkyleneC1-6 fluoroalkyl, which fluoroalkyl moiety contains at least 1 fluorine atom and not more than 3 consecutive perfluorocarbon atoms and wherein said R1 and/or R2 moiety is optionally interrupted by an ether link, processes for their preparation, use of said compounds in the preparation of pharmaceutical aerosol formulations and said formulations. No. of Pages : 23 No. of Claims : 12 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27588 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No:00206/KOLNP/2005 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application : 16/02/2005 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : ?GUIDING DEVICE FOR A SLIDING DOOR? (51) International classification : EO5D 15/06 (71)Name of Applicant: DORMA GMBH+CO.KG (31) Priority Document No :103 29 518.6 (32) Priority Date : 30.06.2003 Address of Applicant : BRECKERFELDER STRASSE 42-48, (33) Name of priority country : GERMANY 58256, ENNEPETAL, GERMANY (86) International Application No :PCT/EP2004/006983 (72)Name of Inventor : ELMER, HUBERT Filing Date :28/06/2004 (87) International Publication No : WO/2005/001226 Filed U/S 5(2) before The (61) Patent of Addition to Application Patents (Amendment) :NA Number Act, 2005: NO :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The invention relates to a guiding device for a sliding door, where the sliding door is guided on a guide rail by means of a carriage. To produce a guiding device of the type, as explained at the outset, which makes available a technically and visually attractive construction of the guiding device, it has been provided for in the invention that the guide rail has channel inside, in which the carriage is guided and the guide rail is made up of two detachable profiled parts, connected with each other. No. of Pages : 29 No. of Claims : 13 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27589 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No: 00218/KOLNP/20005 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application : 18/02/2005 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : ?COMMUNICATION OF PACKET DATA UNITS OVER SIGNALLING AND DATA TRAFFIC CHANNELS? (51) International classification : H04L 12/28, 12/56 (71)Name of Applicant : MOTOROLA, INC. (31) Priority Document No :02291923.7 Address of Applicant : 1303 EAST ALGONQUIN ROAD, (32) Priority Date :27.07.2002 SCHAUMBURG, IL 60196, U.S.A (33) Name of priority country :EUROPE (86) International Application No :PCT/EP2003/008260 (72)Name of Inventor : 1. JANNETEAU CHRISTOPHER Filing Date :23/07/2003 2. PETRESCU ALEXUNDRU (87) International Publication No : WO 2004/014026 3. CATALINA MIGUEL GALLEGO (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number Filed U/S 5(2) before The :NA Patents (Amendment) Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Act, 2005: NO Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A method of communication of packet data units, especially IPv4 or IPv6 PDUs, over signalling channels (3) and data traffic channels (4) between a terminal (1) and a gateway (2). The signalling channels (3) offer a default level of Quality of Service and availability and the data traffic channels (4) are available on demand and subject to authorisation with a variable level of Quality of Service. Signalling channel profiles corresponding to respective one of the signalling channels (3) and a plurality of data traffic channel profiles corresponding to respective ones of the data traffic channels (4) are established defining characteristics of packet data units that are suitable for transmission over the corresponding channel. The characteristics of a packet data unit are compared with the signalling channel profile, the packet data unit being transmitted over that signalling channel if its characteristics are in conformity with the signalling channel profile. If they are not in conformity therewith, the characteristics of the packet data unit are compared with at least one of the data traffic channel profiles, the packet data unit being transmitted over that data traffic channel if its characteristics are in conformity with the data traffic channel profile. Preferably, the signalling channel profiles are downloaded to the terminal from the gateway by pushing or pulling. No. of Pages : 23 No. of Claims : 22 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27590 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No: 00791/KOLNP./2005 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application : 03/05/2005 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : ?ULTRALIGHT TRIM COMPOSITE? (51) International classification (31) Priority Document No (32) Priority Date (33) Name of priority country : 02027437.9 : 09.12.2002 : EUROPE :PCT/EP2003/013870 08.12.2003 :NA :NA : WO2004/053833 (71)Name of Applicant : RIETER TECHNOLOGIES AG Address of Applicant : SCHLOSSTAL STRASSE 43, CH-8406 WINTERTHUR, SWITZERLAND (72)Name of Inventor : 1.KHAN HAMEED 2. FISHER JAMES 3. TESSENDORE STEVEN 4. EHRLER PETER (86) International Application No Filing Date (87) International Publication No (61) Patent of Addition to Application Filed U/S 5(2) before The :NA Number Patents (Amendment) :NA Filing Date Act, 2005: NO (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : An ultra light, noise reducing composite (1) comprises an acoustically transparent, light weight film (6) between an underlay layer (5) and an air flow resistance layer (4). This composite allows to easily tune the acoustic properties by balancing the absorption and sound transmission behaviour of the composite (1). This air flow resistance layer (4) has an air flow resistance of between 500N s/m3 and 10'000Ns/m3 and an area mass between 200 g/m2 and 3'000 g/m2. The underlay layer (5) has a stiffness value in the range between 100 Pa and 100'000 Pa. The light weight film (6) may consist of a synthetic foil and preferably has a thickness of 0.01 mm. No. of Pages : No. of Claims :11 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27591 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No: 01246/KOLNP/2005 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application : 28/06/2005 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : ?ANTIBIOTICS CONTAINING BORINIC ACID COMPLEXES AND METHODS OF USE? :C07D 215/02, (71)Name of Applicant :ANACOR PHARMACEUTICAL, 215/20, INC. :60/434,375 Address of Applicant : 1060 EAST MEADOW CIRCLE, (31) Priority Document No 60/436,095AND PALOALTO, 60/437,849 (72)Name of Inventor : 1. LEE VING : 18.12.2002 2. BENKOVIC STEPHEN J (32) Priority Date 23.12.2002AND Filed U/S 5(2) before The 03/01/2003 Patents (Amendment) (33) Name of priority country : U.S.A Act, 2005: NO (86) International Application No :PCT/US2003/040982 :18/12/2003 Filing Date : WO 2004/056322 (87) International Publication No A3 (61) Patent of Addition to Application No. :NA Filing Date :NA (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The structure and preparation of antibiotics incorporating borinic acid complexes are disclosed, especially hydroxyquinoline, imidazole and picolinic acid derivatives, along with compositions of these antibiotics and methods of using the antibiotics and compositions as bactericidal and fungicidal agents as well as therapeutic agents for the treatment of diseases caused by bacteria and fungi. (51) International classification No. of Pages : 54 No. of Claims :50 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27592 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No. 01057/KOLNP/2006 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application : 24/04/2006 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : APPARATUS AND METHOD FOR TRANSMITTING AND RECEIVING COMMON CONTROL INFORMATION IN A WIRELESS COMMUNICATION SYSTEM (51) International classification (31) Priority Document No (32) Priority Date (33) Name of priority country (86) International Application No Filing Date (87) International Publication No : H04 7/26 (71)Name of Applicant : SAMSUNG ELECTRONICS CO., LTD., : 10-2003-0082234 AND Address of Applicant : 416, MAETAN-DONG, YEONGTONG10-2004-0015212 GU, SUWON-SI , GYEONGGI-DO KOREA : 19.11.2003 AND (72)Name of Inventor : 1. BONG-GEE-SONG 05.03.2004 2. YUN-SANG PARK : KOREA 3. KWANG-SEOP EOM :PCT/KR2004/003006 4. SEUNG-EUN HONG 19.11.2004 5. MIN-HEE CHO : WO 2005/050875 6. HYEONG-JONG JU A1 7. JAE-HEE CHO (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number Filed U/S 5(2) before The :NA Filing Date Patents (Amendment) (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Act, 2005: NO Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A method for transmitting common control information from a base station to a plurality of subscriber stations in a wireless communication. The common control information includes first information transmitted in common to all of the subscriber stations and second information separately transmitted to the subscriber stations according to channel states of the subscriber stations. The first information is transmitted using an MCS (Modulation and Coding Scheme) level having a modulation scheme with a lowest order and a coding scheme with a lowest coding rate among all MCS levels available in the base station. The second information is transmitted using MCS levels that are adjusted by a predetermined level against MCS levels corresponding to channel states of the subscriber stations. No. of Pages : 52 No. of Claims : 38 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27593 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.447/KOL/2008 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :05/03/2008 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : MULTIPLE WINDING ELECTRIC MACHINE (51) International classification :H02P9/00; (71)Name of Applicant : H02K1;H02K19/00 1)GM GLOBAL TECHNOLOGY OPERATIONS, INC. :11/743990 Address of Applicant :300 GM RENAISSANCE CENTER :03/05/2007 DETROIT, MICHIGAN 48265-3000 U.S.A. :U.S.A. (72)Name of Inventor : :NA 1)ERKAN MESE :NA :NA (31) Priority Document No (32) Priority Date (33) Name of priority country (86) International Application No Filing Date (87) International Publication No (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : An exemplary embodiment provides an electrical machine apparatus that includes a rotor coupled to an armature and a stator surrounding the rotor. The stator has a series of coils; the series of coils configured into a first group of coils and a second group of coils, the first group of coils electrically and magnetically isolated from the second group of coils. The electric machine is capable of simultaneously acting as an electric motor and generating electricity as an alternator. No. of Pages : 15 No. of Claims : 20 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27594 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.448/KOL/2008 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :05/03/2008 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : METHOD AND APPARATUS TO DETERMINE ROTATIONAL POSITION OF AN INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINE (51) International classification :B60W20/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :11/743945 1)GM GLOBAL TECHNOLOGY OPERATIONS, INC. (32) Priority Date :03/05/2007 Address of Applicant :300 GM RENAISSANCE CENTER (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. DETROIT, MICHIGAN 48265-3000 U.S.A. (86) International Application No :NA (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :NA 1)BRYAN R. SNYDER (87) International Publication No :NA (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A control system for a hybrid powertrain which determines engine crank angle position based upon signal inputs from electric machines of the powertrain is provided. The hybrid powertrain comprises an internal combustion engine and electric machines and an electro-mechanical transmission selectively operative to transmit torque therebetween. The electric machines are rotatably fixedly coupled to the internal combustion engine via a transmission input shaft. Control modules are adapted to execute a control scheme to determine engine crank angle position. The control scheme comprises code to determine an input shaft angle based upon rotational positions of the electric machines. An offset angle of the input shaft and an angular twist between the engine and the transmission are determined. An engine crank angle offset is determined based upon the offset angle and the angular twist of the input shaft. No. of Pages : 24 No. of Claims : 19 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27595 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.561/KOLNP/2008 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :07/02/2008 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : MULTI-BAND ANTENNA (51) International classification :H01Q 5/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :11/235283 1)MOTOROLA, INC. (32) Priority Date :26/09/2005 Address of Applicant :1303 EAST ALGONQUIN ROAD, SCHAUMBURG, IL 60196 U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/US2006/035835 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :14/09/2006 1)KENOUN ROBERT (87) International Publication No :WO 2007/037999 2)CANTRELL DONALD L JR. (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A multi band antenna system (100) and a wireless communication device are disclosed. The multi band antenna system provides coverage over multiple frequency bands. The multi band antenna system comprises a ground surface, a first conductor (102), a second conductor (104), a common feed conductor (106) coupled to the first conductor and the second conductor, and a ground conductor (108) coupled to the first conductor and the second conductor. The first conductor has a first physical length operationally equal to a half wavelength in a first RF band and operationally equal to a full wavelength in a second RF band. The second conductor has a second physical length operationally equal to a half wavelength in a third RF band. No. of Pages : 29 No. of Claims : 20 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27596 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.562/KOLNP/2008 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :07/02/2008 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : POROUS PTFE MATERIALS AND ARTICLES PRODUCED THEREFROM (51) International classification :B01D 71/36 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :11/184706 1)GORE ENTERPRISE HOLDING, INC. (32) Priority Date :18/07/2005 Address of Applicant :551 PAPER MILL ROAD P.O. BOX 9206, NEWARK, DE 19714-9206 U.S.A (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/US2006/024331 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :21/06/2006 1)BACINO JOHN E (87) International Publication No :WO 2007/011492 2)HOBSON ALEX R (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)STRID JASON J :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : Novel porous PTFE membranes are described possessing a unique combination of high strength, low flow resistance, and small pore size. Additionally, unique constructions with superior filtration and venting properties incorporating porous PTFE membranes are described. No. of Pages : 35 No. of Claims : 22 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27597 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.563/KOLNP/2008 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :07/02/2008 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : COATING AGENT FOR HYDRAULIC TRANSFER FILE, METHOD OF HYDRAULIC TRANSFER AND HYDRAULIC TRANSFER PRODUCT (51) International classification :B44C 1/175 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :PCT/JP2005/015238 1)TAICA CORPORATION Address of Applicant :13-40, KONAN 2-CHOME MINATO(32) Priority Date :23/08/2005 KU, TOKYO 108-0075 JAPAN (33) Name of priority country :JAPAN (86) International Application No :PCT/JP2005/020076 2)CUBIC CO., LTD. :01/11/2005 Address of Applicant : 13-40, KONAN 2-CHOME MINATOFiling Date (87) International Publication No :WO 2007/023577 KU, TOKYO 108-0075 JAPAN (61) Patent of Addition to Application (72)Name of Inventor : :NA Number 1)OTAKI NOBUYUKI :NA Filing Date 2)IKEDA WATARU (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA 3)KIYOTAKI TMOMI Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A coating agent (60) comprising an ultraviolet ray hardening resin composite (62) to be applied on a water pressure transfer film (20) contains no organic solvent, but contains at least photo-polymerization pre-polymer, photo-polymerization monomer and photopolymerization initiator and having a viscosity of 10 to 100 CPS (25АC) and an ink solubility of 10 or more at an SP value. This can positively and effectively perform the operation of recovering the adhesion of the dried print pattern of the water pressure transfer film and also imparting the ultraviolet ray hardenability to the print pattern. No. of Pages : 36 No. of Claims : 10 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27598 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.564/KOLNP/2008 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :07/02/2008 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : OLEFIN PRODUCTION UTILIZING WHOLE CRUDE OIL FEEDSTOCK (51) International classification :C10G 9/14 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :11/219166 1)EQUISTAR CHEMICALS, LP (32) Priority Date :02/09/2005 Address of Applicant :ONE HOUSTON CENTER, 1221 MCKINNEY STREET HOUSTON, TEXAS 77010 U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/US2006/031616 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :14/08/2006 1)POWERS, DONALD, H (87) International Publication No :WO 2007/030276 (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A method for utilizing whole crude oil as a feedstock for the pyrolysis furnace of an olefin production plant wherein the feedstock is subjected to vaporization conditions until substantially vaporized with minimal mild cracking but leaving some remaining liquid from the feedstock, the vapors thus formed being subjected to severe cracking in the radiant section of the furnace, and the remaining liquid from the feedstock being mixed with at least one quenching oil. No. of Pages : 26 No. of Claims : 15 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27599 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.565/KOLNP/2008 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :07/02/2008 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : PRESSURE PIPE COMPRISING A MULTIMODAL POLYETHYLENE COMPOSITION WITH AN INORGANIC FILLER (51) International classification (31) Priority Document No (32) Priority Date (33) Name of priority country :C08K 3/00 (71)Name of Applicant : :05 020 167.2 1)BOREALIS TECHNOLOGY OY :15/09/2005 Address of Applicant :P. O. BOX 330, FIN-06101 , PORVOO :EUROPEAN FINLAND UNION (72)Name of Inventor : :PCT/EP2006/007667 1)EK, CARL-GUSTAF :02/08/2008 2)BACKMAN, MATS :WO 2007/031156 (86) International Application No Filing Date (87) International Publication No (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The present invention relates to a pipe or a supplementary pipe article comprising a polyethylene composition comprising a base resin which comprises (A) a first ethylene homopolymer fraction, and (B) a second ethylene homo or copolymer fraction, wherein fraction (A) has a lower average molecular weight than fraction (B), and the composition further comprises (C) an inorganic mineral filler, wherein inorganic mineral filler (C) is present in the composition in an amount of 1 to 70 wt.%, and to the use of said composition for the production of a pipe or a supplementary pipe article. No. of Pages : 33 No. of Claims : 18 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27600 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.566/KOLNP/2008 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :07/02/2008 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : PRESSURELESS PIPE COMPRISING A MULTIMODAL POLYETHYLENE COMPOSITION WITH AN INORGANIC FILLER (51) International classification (31) Priority Document No (32) Priority Date (33) Name of priority country :C08L 23/04 (71)Name of Applicant : :05 020 166.4 1)BOREALIS TECHNOLOGY OY :15/09/2005 Address of Applicant :P. O. BOX 330, FIN-06101, PORVOO :EUROPEAN FINLAND UNION (72)Name of Inventor : :PCT/EP2006/007666 1)EK, CARL-GUSTAF :02/08/2006 2)BACKMAN, MATS :WO 2007/031155 (86) International Application No Filing Date (87) International Publication No (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The present invention relates to a pipe or a supplementary pipe article comprising a polyethylene composition comprising a base resin which comprises (A) a first ethylene homo- or copolymer fraction, and (B) a second ethylene homo- or copolymer fraction, wherein fraction (A) has a lower average molecular weight than fraction (B), the base resin has a flexural modulus determined according to ISO 178 of 1000 MPa or higher, and the composition further comprises (C) an inorganic mineral filler, wherein inorganic mineral filler (C) is present in the composition in an amount of 1 to 70 wt.%, and to the use of said composition for the production of a pipe or a supplementary pipe article. No. of Pages : 32 No. of Claims : 16 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27601 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.567/KOLNP/2008 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :07/02/2008 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : COMPOUNDS AND THEIR SALT SPECIFIC TO THE PPAR RECEPTORS AND THE EGF RECEPTORS AND THEIR USE IN THE MEDICAL FIELD (51) International classification :C07C 229/42 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :RM2005A000389 1)GIULIANI INTERNATIONAL LIMITED (32) Priority Date :22/07/2005 Address of Applicant :33 SIR ROGERSONS QUAY DUBLIN (33) Name of priority country :ITALY 2 IRELAND :PCT/IE2006/000078 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :24/07/2006 1)NACCARI GIANCARLO (87) International Publication No :WO 2007/010516 2)BARONI SERGIO (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The present invention relates to compounds comprising the general formula (I), in which R1and R2, which may be identical or different, are selected from the group comprising -H or a linear or branched alkyl group having from 1 to 6 carbon atoms or together form an aromatic or aliphatic ring with 5 or 6 atoms; Y and Z, which may be identical or different, are selected from the group comprising -H, -OH, -COOH, -OR3, -CH(OR3)COOH, in which R3 is selected from H, phenyl, benzyl, -CF3 or -CF2CF3, vinyl, allyl and a linear or branched alkyl group having from 1 to 6 carbon atoms. No. of Pages : 51 No. of Claims : 35 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27602 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.568/KOLNP/2008 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :07/02/2008 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : PREPARATION OF MULTIMODAL POLYETHYLENE (51) International classification (31) Priority Document No (32) Priority Date (33) Name of priority country (86) International Application No Filing Date (87) International Publication No (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number Filing Date (71)Name of Applicant : :C08F 10/02 1)EQUISTAR CHEMICALS, LP :11/218888 Address of Applicant :ONE HOUSTON CENTER, 1221 :02/09/2005 MCKINNEY STREET HOUSTON, TEXAS 77010 U.S.A. :U.S.A. (72)Name of Inventor : :PCT/US2006/031656 1)CHANDRASHEKAR VENKI :14/08/2006 2)MACK MARK P :WO 2007/030278 3)GATES JR. CHARLES H :NA 4)HOLLAND CHARLES S :NA 5)NAGY NATALIA 6)NAGY SANDOR M :NA 7)VARGAS EDWARD S :NA 8)MERRICK-MACK JEAN A (57) Abstract : Disclosed is a polyethylene composition. The composition comprises single-site multimodal resin A and single- site multimodal resin B, wherein resin A differs from resin B in molecular weight, in monomeric composition, in density, in long chain branch concentration or distribution, or in combinations thereof. Disclosed is also a method for making the polyethylene composition. The method comprises polymerizing, in the presence of two or more single-site catalysts, ethylene or its mixture with a C3-C10 ?-olefin to form a first multimodal resin and continuing the polymerization in the presence of the same catalysis but in a different hydrogen concentration, in a different monomer composition, or at a different temperature to form a second multimodal resin. No. of Pages : 21 No. of Claims : 14 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27603 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.569/KOLNP/2008 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :07/02/2008 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : METHOD AND SYSTEM FOR SHARING BROADCAST SERVICE INFORMATION IN A COMMUNICATION NETWORK (51) International classification (31) Priority Document No (32) Priority Date (33) Name of priority country :H04H 1/00 (71)Name of Applicant : :05292039.4 1)MOTOROLA, INC. :30/09/2005 Address of Applicant :1303 EAST ALGONQUIN ROAD, :EUROPEAN SCHAUMBURG, ILLINOIS U.S.A. UNION (72)Name of Inventor : :PCT/US2006/035068 1)ALBORNA KARINE :08/09/2006 2)MARTINIE CELIA :WO 2007/040910 3)SMITH DWIGHT R 4)SOILIHI FAOUZY :NA :NA (86) International Application No Filing Date (87) International Publication No (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A method and system for sharing broadcast service information in a communication network (106) is disclosed. The communication network includes a plurality of electronic devices. The method includes retrieving metadata (304) corresponding to a broadcast service. The metadata contains broadcast service information pertaining to the broadcast service. The method also includes formatting the metadata (306) into a service description file. Moreover, the method includes sharing (308) the service description file with at least one of the plurality of electronic devices. No. of Pages : 26 No. of Claims : 21 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27604 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.570/KOLNP/2008 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :07/02/2008 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : KIT OR SET COMPRISING AT LEAST TWO DIFFERENTLY DIMENSIONED TYPES CABLE GLANDS (51) International classification :H02G 3/06 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :202005014138.0 1)ANTON HUMMEL VERWALTUNGS GMBH Address of Applicant :MOZARTSTRASSE 2 79183 (32) Priority Date :07/09/2005 WALDKIRCH GERMANY (33) Name of priority country :GERMANY (86) International Application No :PCT/EP2006/008378 (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :26/08/2006 1)BARTHOLOMA MARIO (87) International Publication No :WO 2007/028516 2)ZUGEL FRITZ (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)GERBER PHILIPP :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A kit or set made up of a number of differently dimensioned types of cable glands, which can each be used to hold and fix cables of different diameters or dimensions, respectively including two differently dimensioned clamping or sealing inserts so that the cable can be clamped at an outer sheath on the one hand and at an inner sheath on the other hand, wherein a shielding braid is provided between the two sheaths and emerges from the larger sheath at a point where the latter ends, with the result that it can come into touching contact with the respective cable gland. In this case, a smaller clamping or sealing insert of a larger cable gland type also has the same dimensions with regard to its support in the respective screw sleeve as the larger clamping or sealing insert of a further cable gland type of smaller dimensions; in other words, two differently dimensioned cable glands nevertheless each contain a structurally identical clamping and sealing insert, thereby improving the mass production and stocking of the sealing inserts. No. of Pages : 15 No. of Claims : 5 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27605 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.571/KOLNP/2008 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :07/02/2008 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : RING SEAL FOR SPHERICAL EXHAUST-PIPE JOINT AND PROCESS FOR PRODUCING THE SAME (51) International classification :F16J 15/10 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :2005-231346 1)BEST CORPORATION Address of Applicant :1-35, IMAZUNAKA 5-CHOME, (32) Priority Date :09/08/2005 TSURUMI-KU OSAKA-SHI, OSAKA 538-0042 JAPAN (33) Name of priority country :JAPAN (86) International Application No :PCT/JP2006/315590 (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :07/08/2006 1)MIYAMOTO MAMORU (87) International Publication No :WO 2007/018173 2)NODA MASARU (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : An annular seal member for use in a spherical exhaust pipe joint is provided with, on an inner peripheral surface and an outer peripheral surface thereof, a sliding surface for slidably moving the spherical exhaust pipe joint. The annular seal member includes an annular mesh structural body having a compressed wire mesh; and a heat-resistant sheet member which is compressed to be integrally formed with the compressed wire mesh. At least a part of the compressed wire mesh which is exposed from the sliding surface has a dispersive plating layer in which at least one kind of particles selected from the group consisting of fluorine resin particles, boron nitride particles, molybdenum disulfide particles, and silicon carbide particles are dispersed. No. of Pages : 67 No. of Claims : 9 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27606 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.572/KOLNP/2008 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :08/02/2008 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR PROVIDING PUBLIC TRAFFIC INFORMATION (51) International classification :G06Q 50/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :60/706770 1)LG ELECTRONICS INC. (32) Priority Date :10/08/2005 Address of Applicant :20, YOIDO-DONG, YOUNGDUNGPO-GU, SEOUL 150-010 REPUBLIC OF (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/KR2006/002935 KOREA (86) International Application No Filing Date :26/07/2006 (72)Name of Inventor : (87) International Publication No :WO 2007/018354 1)LEE JOON HWI (61) Patent of Addition to Application 2)SEO CHU HYUN :NA Number 3)JUNG MUN HO :NA Filing Date 4)KIM SEUNG WON (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : Disclosed herein are a method and apparatus for providing traffic information for a public transportation means, such as a bus, and utilizing the provided information. A method of encoding traffic information according to the present invention creates information about a bus route, creates identification information for the route, identification information for respective stops belonging to the route and information about travel time, creates identification information indicating that the type of traffic information to be encoded is route-based public traffic information, and constructs a message segment including the created information. A sequence of multiple message segments constructed as described above is wirelessly transmitted. No. of Pages : 54 No. of Claims : 35 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27607 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.575/KOLNP/2008 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :08/02/2008 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : HETEROARYL-SUBSTITUTED DIAZATRICYCLOALKANES, METHODS FOR ITS PREPARATION AND USE THEREOF (51) International classification :C07D 471/18 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :60/710130 1)TARGACEPT INC. (32) Priority Date :22/08/2005 Address of Applicant :200 EAST FIRST STREET, SUITE (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. 300 WINSTON-SALEM, NORTH CAROLINA 27101 U.S.A. (86) International Application No :PCT/US06/032685 (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :21/08/2006 1)MAZUROV ANATOLY (87) International Publication No :WO/2007/024814 2)MIAO LAN (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)KLUCIK JOZEF :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The present invention relates to amide and urea derivatives of heteroaryl- substituted diazatricycloalkanes, of the Formula (I) with the definition as set out in the description pharmaceutical compositions including the compounds, methods of preparing the compounds, and methods of treatment using the compounds. More specifically, the methods of treatment involve modulating the activity of the ?7 nAChR subtype by administering one or more of the compounds to treat or prevent disorders mediated by the ?7 nAChR subtype. The diazatricycloalkanes typically consist of a 1-azabicyclooctane fused to pyrrolidine ring. The substituent heteroaryl groups are 5- or 6membered ring heteroaromatics, such as 3-pyridinyl and 5-pyrimidinyl moieties, which are attached directly to the diazatricycloalkane. The secondary nitrogen of the pyrrolidine moiety is substituted with an arylcarbonyl (amide type derivative) or an arylaminocarbonyl (N- arylcarbamoyl) (urea type derivative) group. The compounds are beneficial in therapeutic applications requiring a selective interaction at certain nAChR subtypes. That is, the compounds modulate the activity of certain nAChR subtypes, particularly the ?7 nAChR subtype, and do not have appreciable activity toward muscarinic receptors. Radiolabeled versions of the compounds can be used in diagnostic methods. No. of Pages : 56 No. of Claims : 28 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27608 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.576/KOLNP/2008 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :08/02/2008 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : SLIDE VALVE (51) International classification (71)Name of Applicant : :F03C 2/00, F16L 7/00 1)CARRIER CORPORATION Address of Applicant :ONE CARRIER PLACE, P.O. BOX :NA 4015 FARMINGTON, CT 06034-4015 U.S.A. :NA (72)Name of Inventor : :NA :PCT/US2005/031992 1)BUSH JAMES W :07/09/2005 :WO 2007/030114 (31) Priority Document No (32) Priority Date (33) Name of priority country (86) International Application No Filing Date (87) International Publication No (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A compressor (20) has at least a first rotor (26; 28) at least partially within a bore (276; 278) of a housing. A slide valve element (102; 300) is positioned at least partially within a channel (200; 301) in the housing and has a first surface facing the first rotor. The slide valve element includes a body (268; 302) and a coating (270; 306) on the body. The coating forms the first surface. No. of Pages : 18 No. of Claims : 20 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27609 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.577/KOLNP/2008 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :08/02/2008 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : SMART VIDEO MONITORING SYSTEM AND METHOD COMMUNICATION WITH AUTOTRACKING RAPID SYSTEM (51) International classification (31) Priority Document No (32) Priority Date (33) Name of priority country (86) International Application No Filing Date (87) International Publication No (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number Filing Date (71)Name of Applicant : 1)ISENTECK ENC CO., LTD. :G01S 13/00 Address of Applicant :#911, YOUNGDONG TECHNO :102005-0071447 TOWER, 300-4, SEONGSU-DONG 2-GA SEONGDONG-GU, :04/08/2005 SEOUL 133-834 REPUBLIC OF KOREA :REPUBLIC OF 2)KOREA ELECTRIC POWER CORPORATION KOREA Address of Applicant :167, SAMSUNG-DONG, GANGNAM:PCT/KR2006/003067 GU SEOUL 135-791, SOUTH KOREA :04/08/2006 (72)Name of Inventor : :WO 2007/015631 1)PARK CHANG-HO 2)LEE KYOUNG-JAE :NA 3)OH SANG-HWAN :NA 4)YOO JAE-SIK :NA 5)LEE DO-HAN :NA 6)JEONG IK-JUNG 7)LEE DONG-MOON 8)AN YONG-HO (57) Abstract : A smart video monitoring system interacting with an auto-tracking radar system and a method for controlling the same are disclosed. The smart video monitoring system converts radar data received from a management server via a radar signal processor into a twodimensional image, removes images of fixed objects (i.e. GIS data) using a mask map, acquires target information using a linearmotion prediction algorithm, and tracks the target object, records information of the target object in a database (DB), manages the recorded information, and provides a plurality of users the target information over a network. The smart video monitoring system communicates with an auto-tracking radar system, adds a high-quality image captured by a camera to two- dimensional position data acquired by a radar system, allows a user or operator to easily recognize a target object displayed on a display, and tracks/monitors the target object located at a monitoring area at a remote site. No. of Pages : 48 No. of Claims : 27 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27610 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.578/KOLNP/2008 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :08/02/2008 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : ENGINEERED ANTIBODIES WITH NEW WORL PRIMATE FRAMEWORK REGIONS (51) International classification :C07K 16/18 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :2005904406 1)ARANA THERAPEUTICS LIMITED (32) Priority Date :15/08/2005 Address of Applicant :19-25 KHARTOUM ROAD MACQUARIE PARK, NEW SOUTH WALES 2113 (33) Name of priority country :AUSTRALIA :PCT/AU2006/001165 AUSTRALIA (86) International Application No Filing Date :15/08/2006 (72)Name of Inventor : (87) International Publication No :WO 2007/019620 1)JENNINGS PHILIP ANTHONY (61) Patent of Addition to Application 2)DOYLE ANTHONY GERARD :NA Number 3)CLARKE ADAM WILLIAM :NA Filing Date 4)GAY ROBERT DANIEL (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The present invention provides an antibody or antigen-binding portion thereof having a variable region comprising at least two complementarity determining regions (CDRs) and at least three framework regions. The framework regions are, or are derived from New World primate framework regions, and at least one of the CDRs is a non-New World primate CDR. No. of Pages : 56 No. of Claims : 33 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27611 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.579/KOLNP/2008 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :08/02/2008 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : OLEFIN POLYMERIZATION CATALYST SYSTEM (51) International classification (71)Name of Applicant : :C08F 10/00,C08F 4/02 1)EQUISTAR CHEMICALS, LP Address of Applicant :ONE HOUSTON CENTER, 1221 :11/221287 MCKINNEY STREET HOUSTON, TEXAS 77010 U.S.A. :07/09/2005 (72)Name of Inventor : :U.S.A. :PCT/US2006/031513 1)NAGY SANDOR :11/08/2006 2)TSUIE BARBARA M :WO 2007/030273 (31) Priority Document No (32) Priority Date (33) Name of priority country (86) International Application No Filing Date (87) International Publication No (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A catalyst system useful for polymerizing olefins is disclosed. The catalyst system comprises a cocatalyst and a supported transition metal prepared from a halogen-containing Group 4-6 transition metal compound and an organoaluminum-siloxane containing mixture. The latter mixture, which is prepared from an organoaluminum compound and an organomagnesium-siloxane reaction product, incorporates a chelating ligand. The invention includes a method for making the catalyst system and a process for polymerizing olefins using the catalyst system. The process is convenient and avoids expensive catalyst components used in known olefin polymerization processes. No. of Pages : 17 No. of Claims : 13 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27612 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.580/KOLNP/2008 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :08/02/2008 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : WOUND-HEALING COMPOSITION (51) International classification :A61K 31/728 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :MI2005A001569 1)BIOKOSMES S.R.L. (32) Priority Date :11/08/2005 Address of Applicant :VIA BELVEDERE, 48 I-23900 LECCO ITALY (33) Name of priority country :ITALY :PCT/EP2006/007683 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :03/08/2006 1)BRAGUTI GIANLUCA (87) International Publication No :WO 2007/017176 2)DELSIGNORE GIORGIO (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)BORGONOVO MARGHERITA :NA Number 4)INTROINI CARIO :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : Disclosed are topical formulations containing hyaluronic acid, hydrogen peroxide or other antiseptic agents and optionally adenosine, aminoacids and plant extracts. No. of Pages : 13 No. of Claims : 12 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27613 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.581/KOLNP/2008 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :08/02/2008 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : BRIDGED N-BICYCLIC SULFONAMIDO INHIBITORS OF GAMMA SECRETASE (51) International classification :C07D 451/02 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :60/709961 1)ELAN PHARMACEUTICALS, INC. (32) Priority Date :19/08/2005 Address of Applicant :800 GATEWAY BLVD. SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA 94080 U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/US2006/032261 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :18/08/2006 1)KONRADI ANDREI W (87) International Publication No :WO 2007/024651 2)MATTSON MATTHEW N (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)SEMKO CHRISTOPHER M :NA Number 4)YE XIAOCONG MICHAEL :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The invention provides N-bicyclic sulfonamide compounds of Formula (I) wherein A is as described in the specification and R1 and R2 combine to form a [3.3.1] or a [3.2.1] ring system. Compounds of Formula I are useful in treating or preventing cognitive disorders, such as Alzheimer's Disease. The invention also encompasses pharmaceutical compositions comprising compounds of Formula (I) as well as methods of treating cognitive disorders, such as Alzheimer's disease. No. of Pages : 102 No. of Claims : 37 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27614 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.582/KOLNP/2008 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :08/02/2008 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : FUNGICIDAL MIXTURES COMPRISING SUBSTITUTED 1-METHYLPYRAZOL-4YLCARBOXANILIDES (51) International classification :A01N 43/56,A01P (71)Name of Applicant : 3/00 1)BASF AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT :102005037677.0 Address of Applicant :67056 LUDWIGSHAFEN GERMANY :05/08/2005 (72)Name of Inventor : :GERMANY 1)DIETZ JOCHEN :PCT/EP2006/064907 2)GEWEHR MARKUS :01/08/2006 3)STRATHMANN SIEGFRIED :WO/2007/017416 4)STIERL REINHARD 5)WERNER FRANK :NA 6)SCHERER MARIA :NA (31) Priority Document No (32) Priority Date (33) Name of priority country (86) International Application No Filing Date (87) International Publication No (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : Fungicidal mixtures, comprising as active components 1) at least one 1-methylpyrazol-4-ylcarboxanilides of the formula 1 where X = O or S, R1 = C1-C4-alkyl or C1-C4-haloalkyl, R2 = hydrogen or halogen, R3, R4 and R5 = independently of one another cyano, nitro, halogen, C1-C4-alkyl, C1-C4-haloalkyl, C1-C4-alkoxy, C1-C4-haloalkoxy or C1-C4-alkylthio; and 2) at least one active compound II, selected from the active compound groups A) to F): A) azoles; B) strobilurins; C) carboxamides; D) heterocyclic compounds; E) carbamates; F) other fungicides; in a synergistically effective amount, methods for controlling harmful fungi using mixtures of at least one compound I and at least one active compound II and the use of the compound(s) I with active compounds II for preparing such mixtures, and also compositions and seed comprising such mixtures. No. of Pages : 130 No. of Claims : 11 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27615 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.583/KOLNP/2008 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :08/02/2008 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR PROVIDING PUBLIC TRAFFIC INFORMATION (51) International classification :G06Q 50/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :60/706770 1)LG ELECTRONICS INC. (32) Priority Date :10/08/2005 Address of Applicant :20, YOIDO-DONG, YOUNGDUNGPO-GU, SEOUL 150-010 REPUBLIC OF (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. (86) International Application No :PCT/KR2006/002934 KOREA Filing Date :26/07/2006 (72)Name of Inventor : (87) International Publication No :WO 2007/018353 1)LEE JOON HWI (61) Patent of Addition to Application 2)SEO CHU HYUN :NA Number 3)JUNG MUN HO :NA Filing Date 4)KIM SEUNG WON (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : Disclosed herein are a method and apparatus for providing traffic information for a public transportation means, such as a bus, and utilizing the provided information. A method of encoding traffic information according to the present invention creates information about a bus stop, creates identification information for respective bus routes passing through the bus route and information about arrival time, creates identification information indicating that the type of traffic information to be encoded is stop-based public traffic information, and constructs a message segment including the created information. A sequence of multiple message segments constructed as described above are wirelessly transmitted. No. of Pages : 56 No. of Claims : 39 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27616 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.584/KOLNP/2008 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :08/02/2008 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : BLUETOOTH WIRELESS HEADSET FOR HAVING EARPHONE (51) International classification (31) Priority Document No (32) Priority Date (33) Name of priority country :H04R 1/10 :102005-0082933 :06/09/2005 :REPUBLIC OF KOREA :PCT/KR2006/003494 :04/09/2006 :WO 2007/029946 (71)Name of Applicant : 1)WISE & BLUE CO., LTD. Address of Applicant :803, NAMSUNG PLAZA, 345-30, GASAN-DONG, GEUMCHEON-GU, SEOUL 153-802 REPUBLIC OF KOREA 2)LEE YOUNG-SOON Address of Applicant :506 HEIGHTS-VILLAGE 352-33 GEOJEONG-DONG, SAHA-GU BUSAN 604-801 SOUTH KOREA (72)Name of Inventor : 1)LEE YOUNG-SOON (86) International Application No Filing Date (87) International Publication No (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The invention relates to Bluetooth wireless headset The headset includes an earphone having a speaker, a telescopic part, to which the earphone is attached, and a body including a built-in Bluetooth chip. The body is bar- shaped and has a space for receiving the telescopic part The telescopic part is movable through the space outward to and inward from the earphone. The earphone moves inward in response to a single push and moves outward in response to a second push. A user can use the headset conveniently. No. of Pages : 46 No. of Claims : 16 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27617 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.585/KOLNP/2008 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :08/02/2008 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : CARBON BRUSH ARRANGEMENT (51) International classification :H01R 39/38 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :10 2005 034 584.0 1)SCHUNK KOHLENSTOFFTECHNIK GMBH (32) Priority Date :25/07/2005 Address of Applicant :RODHEIMER STRASSE 59 35452 HEUCHELHEIM GERMANY (33) Name of priority country :GERMANY :PCT/EP2006/007302 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :25/07/2006 1)GUNTER SCHARDT (87) International Publication No :WO 2007/012453 2)DIETHARD SCHAUT (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The invention relates to a carbon brush arrangement comprising a layered carbon brush (14) having at least two functional layers, which are separated by an insulating layer, and a helical compression spring (102), which is made from metal and acts on the layered carbon brush in the axial direction and within which a braided wire (109), which emerges from the layered carbon brush, extends and a carbon brush guide (100), which accommodates the layered carbon brush and emerges from a support plate (104), which is electrically insulated at least in its region which comes into contact with the carbon brush guide. In order firstly to achieve god running properties or results of the layered carbon brush at the same time as a reduction in the carbon brush temperature and secondly for the layered carbon brush to be safely insulated from the carbon brush guide and the carbon brush support and, in particular, for short circuits between the functional layers of the layered carbon brush to be suppressed, it is proposed that the layered carbon brush (14) is provided on its circumferential surface, at least in regions, with an electrically insulating material, and that the helical compression spring (102) has a coating (112), which is made from an electrically insulating material, at least in its region surrounding the braided wire (109). No. of Pages : 20 No. of Claims : 23 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27618 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.590/KOLNP/2008 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :08/02/2008 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : CONTINUOUSLY VARIABLE TRANSMISSION (51) International classification :F16H 47/04 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :11/203,706 1)BORGWARNER INC. (32) Priority Date :15/08/2005 Address of Applicant :3850 HAMLIN ROAD, AUBURN HILLS, MI 48326 U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/US2006/031885 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :15/08/2006 1)MCCRARY, PAUL, T. (87) International Publication No :WO 2007/022209 (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The present invention is a continuously variable transmission having a dual sun planetary gearset (14), which includes a first sun gear (22) coupled to a source of power (16), the first sun gear (22) in mesh with at least one planetary gear (24), a second sun gear (34) in mesh with at least one second planetary gear (26), and a common carrier (28) connecting and supporting the first planetary gear (24), the second planetary gear (26), and a first forward gear (30). The present invention also includes a hydrostatic unit (12), having a second forward gear (32) and an output gear (36), the second forward gear (32) driven by the first forward gear (30), where the hydrostatic unit (12) supplies reaction torque to the planetary gearset (14), and a shift mechanism (40) slidably disposed on an output shaft (42), selectively engageable with either the first forward gear (30), or the second sun gear (34) for operating a vehicle in a forward direction, a reverse direction, and for creating a mechanical neutral, where the shift mechanism (40) is not connected to either the first forward gear (30) or the second sun gear (34). No. of Pages : 14 No. of Claims : 21 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27619 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.591/KOLNP/2008 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :08/02/2008 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : METHOD AND ARRANGEMENT FOR CONTROLLING AND CHARGING FOR PEER-TO-PEER SERVICES IN AN IP-BASED COMMUNICATION NETWORK (51) International classification :H04L 29/08 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :102005037874.9 1)NOKIA SIEMENS NETWORKS GMBH & CO. KG. Address of Applicant :ST.MARTIN STR. 76, 81541 (32) Priority Date :10/08/2005 MUNCHEN GERMANY (33) Name of priority country :GERMANY (86) International Application No :PCT/EP2006/064336 (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :17/07/2006 1)FRANK-UWE ANDERSEN (87) International Publication No :WO 2007/017345 2)WOLFGANG HAHN (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The aim of the invention is to configure a method and a system, which permit P2P services in an IP -based communications network and also permit direct IP-traffic between subscribers in a controlled manner solely for specific P2P applications that are predetermined by the system provider. Other aims are to provide options for carrying out a special billing method for subscribers of P2P services and to enable the detection of the termination of a P2P session of a subscriber in order to withdraw the authorisation for the corresponding P2P service in the network of the system provider. Said aims are achieved by software comprising logic P2P service-specific communication channels (V) in the terminals (C1, C2), each terminal (C1, C2) communicating with an index server (IS) prior to establishing direct logic communication connections (V) to other terminals (C1, C2) in the communications system. The index server (IS) then carries out a P2P service-specific access check for each terminal (C1, C2) in conjunction with the billing and access check control function (CRF). No. of Pages : 27 No. of Claims : 17 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27620 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.592/KOLNP/2008 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :08/02/2008 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : COMBINED ETCHING AND DOPING MEDIA FOR SILICON DIOXIDE LAYERS AND UNDERLYING SILICON (51) International classification :C03C 15/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :102005032807.5 1)MERCK PATENT GMBH Address of Applicant :FRANKFURTER STRASSE 250 (32) Priority Date :12/07/2005 64293 DARMSTADT GERMANY (33) Name of priority country :GERMANY (86) International Application No :PCT/EP2006/005628 (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :13/06/2006 1)KUEBELBECK, ARMIN (87) International Publication No :WO 2007/006381 2)STOCKUM, WERNER (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The present invention relates firstly to HF/ fluoride-free etching and doping media which are suitable both for the etching of silicon dioxide layers and also for the doping of underlying silicon layers. The present invention also relates secondly to a process in which these media are employed. No. of Pages : 19 No. of Claims : 14 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27621 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.593/KOLNP/2008 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :08/02/2008 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : DATA EXCHANGING DEVICE (51) International classification :G07C 5/08 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :102005038872.8 1)VDO AUTOMOTIVE AG (32) Priority Date :17/08/2005 Address of Applicant :SIEMENSSTRASSE 12, 93055 REGENSBURG GERMANY (33) Name of priority country :GERMANY :PCT/EP2006/064639 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :25/07/2006 1)HORST NATHER (87) International Publication No :WO 2007/020157 (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The invention relates to a data exchanging device (1), particularly of a tachograph (DTCO), for exchanging data in a manipulationproof manner between a card (3) and the data exchanging device (1). Said data exchanging device (1) comprises a logic unit (4) which monitors data exchange between the card (3) and the data exchanging device (1). The aim of the invention is to secure especially the also legally sensitive recorded data of a tachograph from being manipulated during data exchange while reliably recognizing and registering manipulation attempts. Said aim is achieved by configuring the logic unit (4) such that a manipulation incident is recorded in a memory (5) of the data exchanging device (1) and/or the card (3) when the card (3) is not physically or logically present. No. of Pages : 14 No. of Claims : 9 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27622 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.594/KOLNP/2008 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :12/02/2008 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : DRYING APPARATUS (51) International classification :A47K 10/48 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :0515750.8 1)DYSON TECHNOLOGY LIMITED (32) Priority Date :30/07/2005 Address of Applicant :TETBURY HILL MALMESBURY WILTSHIRE SN16 0RP U.K. (33) Name of priority country :U.K. :PCT/GB2006/002093 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :07/06/2006 1)CHURCHILL, JOHN (87) International Publication No :WO 2007/015040 2)DYSON, JAMES (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)GAMMACK, PETER DAVID :NA Number 4)HACKWELL, PAUL CEDRIC CAMPBELL :NA Filing Date 5)NICOLAS, FREDERIC (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA 6)MACNAUGHTON, ROY Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The invention provides drying apparatus (10) having a casing (12), a cavity (30) formed in the casing (12) for receiving an object, a fan (40) located in the casing (12) and capable of creating an airflow, and at least one slot-like opening (60, 62) communicating with the fan (40) and arranged in the casing (12) so as to direct an airflow transversely across the cavity (30). According to the invention, the slot-like opening (60, 62) has a maximum width which is no greater than 0.8 mm. This produces a very narrow, high velocity, high pressure airflow which is capable of drying an object efficiently and quickly. The invention is suitable for use in a hand dryer. No. of Pages : 18 No. of Claims : 21 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27623 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.595/KOLNP/2008 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :12/02/2008 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : DRYING APPARATUS (51) International classification :A47K 10/48 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :0515749.0 1)DYSON TECHNOLOGY LIMITED (32) Priority Date :30/07/2005 Address of Applicant :TETBURY HILL MALMESBURY WILTSHIRE SN16 0RP U.K. (33) Name of priority country :U.K. :PCT/GB2006/002347 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :26/06/2006 1)DYSON, JAMES (87) International Publication No :WO 2007/015046 2)GAMMACK, PETER DAVID (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : Drying apparatus (10) has a casing (12), a cavity (30) formed in the casing (12) for receiving an object, a fan (40) located in the casing (12) and capable of creating an airflow, a motor (39) arranged to drive the fan (40). At least one opening (60, 62) communicates with the fan (40) and is arranged in the casing (12) so as to direct an airflow transversely across the cavity (30). According to the invention, the motor (39) and fan arrangement generate an airflow across the cavity, wherein, in use, the pressure of the airflow emitted through the opening is at least 8 kPa. In one arrangement the motor has a rotor which, in use, is capable of rotating at a speed of at least 80,000 rpm. The high velocity, high pressure airflow provided by the apparatus is capable of drying an object efficiently and quickly. The invention is suitable for use in a hand dryer. No. of Pages : 22 No. of Claims : 13 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27624 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.601/KOLNP/2008 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :12/02/2008 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : BIOLOGICALLY ACTIVE COMPOUNDS OBTAINABLE FROM SORANGIUM CELLULOSUM (51) International classification (31) Priority Document No (32) Priority Date (33) Name of priority country :C07D 498/18 :05106539.9 :15/07/2005 :EUROPEAN UNION :PCT/EP2006/064047 :10/07/2006 :WO 2007/009897 (71)Name of Applicant : 1)HELMHOLTZ-ZENTRUM FмR INFEKTIONSFORSCHUNG GMBH Address of Applicant :INHOFFENSTR., 7, 38124 BRAUNSCHWEIG GERMANY (72)Name of Inventor : 1)IRSCHIK, HERBERT 2)JANSEN, ROLF 3)SASSE, FLORENZ (86) International Application No Filing Date (87) International Publication No (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The present invention relates to a novel group of compounds having antibiotic, antifungal and/or cytostatic properties, which are obtainable from myxobacteria, especially of the genus Sorangium, preferably Sorangium cellulosum. One representative of this group of compoundsis currently named Disorazole Z and Disorazole Z-epoxide, respectively, with specific substituents and specific unsaturated bonds to its cyclic core structure: No. of Pages : 40 No. of Claims : 18 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27625 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.602/KOLNP/2008 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :12/02/2008 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : METHANOL FUEL CELLS (51) International classification :H01M 8/10, H01M (71)Name of Applicant : 4/88 1)GEN-X POWER CORP Address of Applicant :FIRST FLOOR, BCI HOUSE, P.O. :0514581.8 BOX 141, RAROTONGA, COOK ISLANDS U.K. :15/07/2005 (72)Name of Inventor : :U.K. :PCT/GB2006/002613 1)CHRISTENSEN, PAUL, ANDREW :16/07/2006 2)WRIGHT, NICHOLAS, GEORGE :WO 2007/010207 3)EGERTON TERRENCE, ARTHUR (31) Priority Document No (32) Priority Date (33) Name of priority country (86) International Application No Filing Date (87) International Publication No (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The present invention relates to direct and reformate methanol fuel cells containing an anode comprising semiconductor layers. A semiconductor layer, preferably silicon or silicon carbide, is overlaid with a TiO2 layer. An open metal over-layer, preferably platinum optionally applied over a layer of inert metal such as gold, is deposited on the TiO2 layer, optionally in the form of a grid. It has been found that the active OH species generated in the presence and absence of light irradiation at the TiO2 surface in this device eliminates the need for ruthenium to be present. Furthermore, studies have unexpectedly shown that an electric field applied via an electrode on the surface of the TiO2 appears not to be required for the benefits to occur. This invention is thought to be particularly applicable to micro fuel cells. No. of Pages : 18 No. of Claims : 14 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27626 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.603/KOLNP/2008 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :12/02/2008 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : CARBAMATE COMPOUNDS FOR USE IN TREATING NEURODEGENERATIVE DISORDERS (51) International classification :A61K 31/27 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :60/698,403 1)JANSSEN PHARMACEUTICA N.V. (32) Priority Date :12/07/2005 Address of Applicant :TURNHOUTSEWEG 30, B-2340, BEERSE BELGIUM (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/US2006/026291 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :07/07/2006 1)ROY E. TWYMAN (87) International Publication No :WO 2007/008562 2)BOYU ZHAO (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : This invention is directed to methods for providing neuroprotection comprising administering to a subject in need thereof a therapeutically effective amount of a compound selected from the group consisting of Formula (I) and Formula (II), or a pharmaceutically acceptable salt or ester thereof; wherein phenyl is substituted at X with one to five halogen atoms selected from the group consisting of fluorine, chlorine, bromine and iodine; and R1, R2, R3, R4, R5 and R6 a re independently selected from the group consisting of hydrogen and C1C4 alkyl; wherein C1-C4 alkyl is optionally substituted with phenyl(wherein phenyl is optionally substituted with substituents independently selected from the group consisting of halogen, C1-C4 alkyl, C1-C4 alkoxy, amino, nitro and cyano). No. of Pages : 84 No. of Claims : 34 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27627 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.605/KOLNP/2008 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :12/02/2008 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : FIRE-FIGHTING IN RAILWAY VEHICLES (51) International classification (71)Name of Applicant : :A62C 3/07,A62C 37/50 1)FOGTEC BRANDSCHUTZ GMBH & CO. KG Address of Applicant :SCHANZENSTR.19A, 51063 KOLN :20 2005 013 281.0 GERMANY :22/08/2005 (72)Name of Inventor : :GERMANY :PCT/EP2006/065516 1)SPRAKEL, DIRK :21/08/2006 2)DIRKSMEIER, ROGER :WO 2007/023150 3)LAKKONEN, MAX (31) Priority Document No (32) Priority Date (33) Name of priority country (86) International Application No Filing Date (87) International Publication No (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The invention relates to a railway Vehicle comprising a fire-fighting system having a supply container for extinguishing agent, a system of pipes, means for dispensing extinguishing agent, and a pressure-generating means. To improve the reliability of this system, it is proposed that the pressure-generating means be coupled to a compressed-air supply belonging to the railway vehicle, that a quiescent pressure can be generated in the system of pipes with the help of the pressure-generating means, and that a case of fire can be detected by means of a pressure drop in the system of pipes. No. of Pages : 11 No. of Claims : 12 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27628 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.611/KOLNP/2008 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :12/02/2008 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : AN APPARATUS FOR MODIFYING THE CONTENT OF A GASEOUS FUEL (51) International classification :F23D 21/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :0517552.6 1)SIEMENS AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT (32) Priority Date :27/08/2005 Address of Applicant :WITTELSBACHERPLATZ 2, 80333 MUNCHEN GERMANY (33) Name of priority country :U.K. :PCT/EP2006/064863 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :31/07/2006 1)ULF NILSSON (87) International Publication No :WO 2007/025822 2)PETER SENIOR (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)NIGEL WILBRAHAM :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The invention relates to an apparatus for modifying the content of a gaseous fuel comprising a supply of the gaseous fuel (2), a supply of an oxidant (3), and a combustion device (1,9,10) for utilising the oxidant to partially combust a first proportion of the fuel thereby to produce products of the partial combustion including intermediate combustion products, the products of the partial combustion mixing with the remaining proportion of fuel not partially combusted thereby to provide the modified fuel, wherein the partial combustion is controlled so as to provide the intermediate combustion products required to produce a predetermined modified fuel. No. of Pages : 20 No. of Claims : 16 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27629 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.612/KOLNP/2008 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :12/02/2008 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : METHOD AND ARRANGEMENT FOR DETERMINATION OF THE RADIO COVERAGE IN A MULTICELL MOBILE RADIO SYSTEM (51) International classification :H04Q 7/36, H04Q (71)Name of Applicant : 7/34 1)SIEMENS AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT :102005039863.4 Address of Applicant :WITTELSBACHERPLATZ 2, 80333 :23/08/2005 MUNCHEN GERMANY :GERMANY (72)Name of Inventor : :PCT/EP2006/065022 1)ROBERT NIENTIEDT :03/08/2006 :WO 2007/023074 (31) Priority Document No (32) Priority Date (33) Name of priority country (86) International Application No Filing Date (87) International Publication No (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The invention relates to a method for determination of a radio coverage and a method for positional determination of a mobile terminal in a multi-cellular mobile radio system in which the actual received field strength for several or all base stations (AP1. ...AP 9) is measured at a number of measuring points in differing locations. The measured values for the actual received field strengths are entered in a databank as actual local values. Interpolated values (Ap7.1...Ap 7.4) are calculated from the actual received field strengths for virtual measuring points lying between the measuring points and the base stations (AP1...AP9) and entered in the databank. Substitute values for the received field strengths are calculated for geographical positions at which neither measured nor interpolated values for the received field strengths are available, the substitute values being calculated from the relevant transmitter power, the distance from the relevant base station (AP1...AP9) to said geographical point and a propagation model and entered in the databank. No. of Pages : 36 No. of Claims : 10 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27630 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.613/KOLNP/2008 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :12/02/2008 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR PERFORMING ENCRYPTION OF DATA AT REST AT A PORT OF A NETWORK DEVICE (51) International classification :H04L 9/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :11/264191 1)CISCO TECHNOLOGY, INC. Address of Applicant :170 WEST TASMAN DRIVE SAN (32) Priority Date :31/10/2005 JOSE, CA 95134 U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. (86) International Application No :PCT/US2006/042477 (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :30/10/2006 1)PARLAN JONATHAN (87) International Publication No :WO 2007/053623 2)KLOTH RAYMOND J (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)HUANG YING :NA Number 4)MAINO FABIO R :NA Filing Date 5)AGRAWAL PAWAN (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : Methods and apparatus for performing encryption for data at rest at a port of a network device such as a switch are disclosed. Specifically, when data is received from a host during a write to a storage medium such as a disk, the data is encrypted by the port prior to transmitting the encrypted data to the storage medium. Similarly, when a host attempts to read data from the storage medium, the port of the network device receives the encrypted data from the storage medium, decrypts the data, and transmits the decrypted data to the host. In this manner, encryption and decryption of data at rest are supported by the port of the network device. No. of Pages : 38 No. of Claims : 31 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27631 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.614/KOLNP/2008 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :12/02/2008 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : SEMICONDUCTOR CERAMIC, MONOLITHIC SEMICONDUCTOR CERAMIC CAPACITOR, METHOD FOR MANUFACTURING SEMICONDUCTOR CERAMIC, AND METHOD FOR MANUFACTURING MONOLITHIC SEMICONDUCTOR CERAMIC CAPACITOR (51) International classification :C04B 35/47 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :2006-152812 1)MURATA MANUFACTURING CO., LTD. (32) Priority Date :31/05/2006 Address of Applicant :10-1, HIGASHIKOTARI 1-CHOME, (33) Name of priority country :JAPAN NAGAOKAKYO-SHI, KYOTO-FU 617-8555 JAPAN :PCT/JP2007/060816 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :28/05/2007 1)KAWAMOTO MITSUTOSHI (87) International Publication No :WO/2007/139061 (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : In a semiconductor ceramic according to the present invention, a donor element within the range of 0.8 to 2.0 mol relative to 100 mol of Ti element is contained as a solid solution with crystal grains, an acceptor element in an amount less than the amount of the donor element is contained as a solid solution with the crystal grains, an acceptor element within the range of 0.3 to 1.0 mol relative to 100 mol of Ti element is present in crystal grain boundaries, and the average grain size of the crystal grains is 1.0 Еm or less. A monolithic semiconductor ceramic capacitor is obtained by using this semiconductor ceramic. At that time, in a first firing treatment to conduct reduction firing, a cooling treatment is conducted while the oxygen partial pressure at the time of starting the cooling is set at 1.0 x 104 times or more the oxygen partial pressure in the firing process. In this manner, a SrTiO3 based grain boundary insulation type semiconductor ceramic having a large apparent relative dielectric constant ?rAPP of 5,000 or more and a large resistivity log? (?: ?.cm) of 10 or more even when crystal grains are made fine to have an average grain size of 1.0 Еm or less, a monolithic semiconductor ceramic capacitor including the semiconductor ceramic, and methods for manufacturing them are realized. No. of Pages : 58 No. of Claims : 10 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27632 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.615/KOLNP/2008 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :12/02/2008 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : DRUM FOR A CREASING DEVICE (51) International classification :B31F 1/10 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :0517115.2 1)TECH-NI-FOLD LTD. (32) Priority Date :20/08/2005 Address of Applicant :7 ELLIOT CLOSE WHETSTONE, LEICESTER LE8 6QX U.K. (33) Name of priority country :U.K. :PCT/GB2006/003057 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :16/08/2006 1)HARRIS GRAHAM (87) International Publication No :WO 2007/023258 2)BARRETT PAUL GRAHAM (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A drum (2) for mounting the resilient creasing ring (8) of a creasing device is formed in two parts (14, 15), each having a cylindrical outer surface (12) and a bore for mounting the drum part about a shaft (4). The first and second drum parts (14, 15) are shaped such that they may abut one another to define between them the base (18) and two side walls (20, 21) of a channel (6) for receiving the resilient creasing ring (8). At least one side wall (20, 21) of the channel (6) is recessed so that a resilient creasing ring (8) located in the channel (6) and projecting laterally into the recess cannot be withdrawn radially from the channel (6). As a result, it is no longer required that the ring (8) be under tension to hold it in place so a split ring (8) can be used and replacement rings can be added to the device without removing the shaft (4) from the machine in which it is mounted. No. of Pages : 14 No. of Claims : 11 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27633 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.616/KOLNP/2008 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :12/02/2008 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : NOVEL COMPOSITION (51) International classification :A21D 2/16 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :807/KOL/2005 1)GLAXOSMITHKLINE CONSUMER HEALTHCARE (32) Priority Date :02/09/2005 LTD. Address of Applicant :PATIALA ROAD NABHA 147201 (33) Name of priority country :INDIA :PCT/IB2006/002536 PUNJAB INDIA (86) International Application No Filing Date :30/08/2006 (72)Name of Inventor : (87) International Publication No :WO 2007/026245 1)CHAUDHRY PRADEEP KUMAR (61) Patent of Addition to Application 2)NAGARAJAN RAMA SUBRAMANIAM :NA Number 3)MEHRA RUCHIKA :NA Filing Date 4)MAZUMDER ARIJIT GUHA (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The present invention relates to a palatable baked nutritional composition comprising fructose which has a low glycaemic index and low glycaemic load and improved sensory characteristics such as crispiness and mouthfeel. No. of Pages : 11 No. of Claims : 11 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27634 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.617/KOLNP/2008 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :12/02/2008 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : HIGH STRESS STABILIZER FOR VEHICLE (51) International classification :B60G 21/055 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :2003-301402 1)MITSUBISHI STEEL MFG. CO., LTD. (32) Priority Date :26/08/2003 Address of Applicant :HARUMI PARK BLDG., 2-22, (33) Name of priority country :JAPAN HARUMI, 3-CHOME, CHUO-KU, TOKYO 104-8550 JAPAN :PCT/JP2004/012011 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :20/08/2004 1)HANAMURA, TERUHISA (87) International Publication No :WO 2005/018966 2)NARISHIMA, HIDETAKA (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)YAJIMA, TAKASHI :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :465/KOLNP/2006 Filed on :28/02/2006 (57) Abstract : To provide a vehicle stabilizer for high stress in which fatigue life of a bending portion can be prolonged and which can exhibit excellent durability. A configuration of a bending portion 16, to which a maximum stress is applied and which is the most fragile part, of a vehicle stabilizer for high stress 10 is formed in a state which satisfies conditions: 0<??4 and (?xd/R)?2, wherein d represents a material diameter before bending process, R represents a radius of bending of the bending portion 16, d1 represents a short radius of a cross section of the bending portion 16, d2 represents a long radius of a cross section of the bending portion 16, and a flat rate ? of a cross section of the bending portion 16 is represented by the following equation: ? = (d2-d1)/d2x100. Accordingly, concentration of shearing stress on the bending portion 16 during a load input can be suppressed to prevent the vehicle stabilizer for high stress 10 from being broken due to the concentration of stress on the bending portion 16. No. of Pages : 27 No. of Claims : 2 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27635 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.618/KOLNP/2008 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :12/02/2008 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : CATHETER TYPE IONTOPHORESIS APPARATUS (51) International classification :A31N 1/30,A61M 25/00 :2005-270862 :16/09/2005 :JAPAN :PCT/JP2006/318239 :14/09/2006 :WO 2007/032423 (71)Name of Applicant : 1)TTI ELLEBEAU, INC. Address of Applicant :SHINKAN BUILDING, 4-8-8, HIGASHI- SHINAGAWA SHINAGAWA-KU, TOKYO 1400002 JAPAN (72)Name of Inventor : 1)AKIYAMA HIDERO 2)KAWAKAMI HIROYOSHI 3)NAKAYAMA MIZUO 4)MATSUMURA TAKEHIKO 5)MATSUMURA AKIHIKO (31) Priority Document No (32) Priority Date (33) Name of priority country (86) International Application No Filing Date (87) International Publication No (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A catheter-type iontophoresis device (10) includes a small working side electrode assembly (12) and a small non-working side electrode assembly (14) each arranged at the tip of a flexible cable 18 of an endoscopic device (20). A first ion exchange membrane 44 and a fourth ion exchange membrane (54) at the tips of the assemblies are brought into close contact with, for example, a cancer site of a digestive organ so that a drug solution is caused to permeate on a pinpoint basis by means of iontophoresis. Each of the working side electrode assembly (12) and the non-working side electrode assembly (14) is attached to the tip of a rod-like member (16). The rodlike member 16 is detachable from the tip of the flexible cable 18, and is hence exchangeable integrally with the cable. No. of Pages : 28 No. of Claims : 9 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27636 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.619/KOLNP/2008 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :12/02/2008 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : ROD TYPE IONTOPHORESIS DEVICE (51) International classification :A61N 1/30 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :2005-268318 1)TTI ELLEBEAU, INC. (32) Priority Date :15/09/2005 Address of Applicant :SHINKAN BUILDING, 4-8-8, HIGASHI-SHINAGAWA SHINAGAWA-KU, TOKYO 140(33) Name of priority country :JAPAN :PCT/JP2006/318295 0002 JAPAN (86) International Application No Filing Date :14/09/2006 (72)Name of Inventor : (87) International Publication No :WO 2007/032446 1)AKIYAMA HIDERO (61) Patent of Addition to Application 2)NAKAYAMA MIZUO :NA Number 3)MATSUMURA TAKEHIKO :NA Filing Date 4)MATSUMURA AKIHIKO (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A rod-type iontophoresis device 10 includes a small working side electrode assembly 12 and a small non-working side electrode assembly 14 at the tip of a holding portion 20, wherein a first ion exchange membrane 44 and a fourth ion exchange membrane 54 at the tips of the assemblies are brought into close contact with, for example, the site of a skin cancer so that a drug solution is permeated by iontophoresis in a pinpoint manner, the working side electrode assembly 12 and the non-working side electrode assembly 14 are attached to the tip of a rod-like member 16, the rod-like member 16 is detachable from the tip of the holding portion 20, and is exchangeable integrally with the portion. No. of Pages : 32 No. of Claims : 9 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27637 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.620/KOLNP/2008 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :12/02/2008 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : IONTOPHORESIS DEVICE AND POWER SUPPLY DEVICE FOR IONTOPHORESIS DEVICE (51) International classification :A61N 1/30 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :2005-267588 1)TTI ELLEBEAU, INC. (32) Priority Date :14/09/2005 Address of Applicant :SHINKAN BUILDING, 4-8-8, HIGASHI-SHINAGAWA SHINAGAWA-KU, TOKYO 140(33) Name of priority country :JAPAN :PCT/JP2006/318174 0002 JAPAN (86) International Application No Filing Date :13/09/2006 (72)Name of Inventor : (87) International Publication No :WO 2007/032398 1)NAKAYAMA MIZUO (61) Patent of Addition to Application 2)MATSUMURA TAKEHIKO :NA Number 3)AKIYAMA HIDERO :NA Filing Date 4)MATSUMURA AKIHIKO (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : An iontophoresis device includes : an electric power source device; a drug administrating means including a working electrode assembly holding an ionic drug, the working electrode assembly being connected to the electric power source device, and a nonworking electrode assembly holding an ionic drug, the non-working electrode assembly serving as a counter electrode of the working electrode assembly; and a current control unit for controlling a current flowing in each of the electrode assemblies by means of a program in accordance with a preset pattern. The ionic drug is released from each of the electrode assemblies in accordance with a current flowing in each of the electrode assemblies to be transdermally administered to an organism. Thereby, the drug can be administered in accordance with the living pattern of a patient and the circadian rhythm of the drug. No. of Pages : 30 No. of Claims : 10 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27638 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.621/KOLNP/2008 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :12/02/2008 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : CHIMERIC ANTIBODIES WITH NEW WORLD PRIMATE REGIONS (51) International classification :C07K 16/18 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :2005904406 1)ARANA THERAPEUTICS LIMITED (32) Priority Date :15/08/2005 Address of Applicant :19-25 KHARTOUM ROAD MACQUARIE PARK, NEW SOUTH WALES 2113 (33) Name of priority country :AUSTRALIA :PCT/AU2006/001166 AUSTRALIA (86) International Application No Filing Date :15/08/2006 (72)Name of Inventor : (87) International Publication No :WO 2007/019621 1)JENNINGS PHILIP ANTHONY (61) Patent of Addition to Application 2)DOYLE ANTHONY GERARD :NA Number 3)CLARKE ADAM WILLIAM :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The present, invention provides a chimeric antibody or an antigen-binding portion thereof. The antigen-binding portion comprises at least two complementarity determining regions (CDR) and at least three framework regions, wherein at least one CDR is a New World primate CDR. No. of Pages : 38 No. of Claims : 30 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27639 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.622/KOLNP/2008 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :12/02/2008 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : HEALTH MONITORING DEVICE, DEVICE MODULES AND METHOD (51) International classification :A61B 5/151,A61B (71)Name of Applicant : 5/00 1)IHQ INNOVATION HEADQUARTERS OY Address of Applicant :BIOMEDICUM II, :20050768 TUKHOLMANKATU 8 B FI-00290 HELSINKI FINLAND :19/07/2005 (72)Name of Inventor : :FINLAND :PCT/FI2006/000261 1)PLANMAN, JUKKA :19/07/2006 2)PLAMAN, TUOMAS :WO 2007/010087 (31) Priority Document No (32) Priority Date (33) Name of priority country (86) International Application No Filing Date (87) International Publication No (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The present invention relates to a health-monitoring device for measuring blood or tissue indicators and a strip cassette suitable for use in connection with the device. The device comprises a body (6) having a first opening (3) and a second opening (4), s piercing means (7) having a piercing head and connected to the body, the piercing means being arranged to extend from tie first opening of the body and being cockable and further releasable for piercing the skin with the piercing head, and a space (17) arranged in connection with the body, into which space a number of sensor strips (12) can be arranged so That the strips can be brought out from the body one at a time. According to the invention the device comprises a shutter (1) functionally connected to the body, the shutter being arranged to tightly close the first and second openings of the body in its first position and which can be moved to the second position for allowing one sensor strip to be pushed from the first opening of the body into sampling position and for exposing the first and second openings of the body. With the invention an easy to use, easily portable and small device for repeated measurement of blood indicators can be produced. No. of Pages : 50 No. of Claims : 38 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27640 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.623/KOLNP/2008 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :12/02/2008 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : OPTICAL RECORDING MEDIUM, AZO-TYPE IRON CHELATE COLORING MATTER, AND AZOTYPE METAL CHELATE COLORING MATTER ADDITIVE (51) International classification :B41M 5/26,G11B (71)Name of Applicant : 7/244 1)MITSUBISHI KAGAKU MEDIA CO. LTD. :2005-231901 Address of Applicant :31-19, SHIBA 5-CHOME, MINATO:10/08/2005 KU, TOKYO 108-0014 JAPAN :JAPAN (72)Name of Inventor : :PCT/JP2006/315828 1)SHODA HISASHI :10/08/2006 2)SATAKE KENICHI :WO 2007/018263 3)NAITO YUKO (31) Priority Document No (32) Priority Date (33) Name of priority country (86) International Application No Filing Date (87) International Publication No (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : An optical recording medium, which makes information be recorded and read with light having wavelength of 700 nm or shorter, with excellent light resistance, high-speed recording and high-density recording is provided. The optical recording medium comprises a substrate, a recording layer formed on the substrate and containing a host dye, which can make information be recorded or read by being irradiated with light having wavelength of 700 nm or shorter, and a reflective layer. The recording layer contains at least an azo metal-chelate dye additive, of which central metal ion is any one of Cu2+, Fe2+ and Co2+. No. of Pages : 139 No. of Claims : 10 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27641 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.624/KOLNP/2008 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :12/02/2008 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : LOW-EMISSIVITY (LOW-E) THIN-FILM MULTILAYER COATING WITH INTERMEDIATE ANTISCATTERING LAYERS (51) International classification :C03C 17/36 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :102005039707.7 1)SAINT-GOBAIN GLASS FRANCE Address of Applicant :18, AVENUE D'ALSACE, F-92400 (32) Priority Date :23/08/2005 COURBEVOIE FRANCE (33) Name of priority country :GERMANY (86) International Application No :PCT/FR2006/050797 (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :10/08/2006 1)IHLO, LARS (87) International Publication No :WO 2007/042688 2)SCHMIDT, UWE (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)COMTESSE, RALF :NA Number 4)SCHICHT, HEINZ :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : In a heat-resistant low-emissivity (low-E) multilayer system that includes a silver layer as functional layer, for transparent substrates, in particular for window panes, which has, between the surface of the substrate and the silver layer, a high-refringence layer, in particular made of TiO2, Nb2O5 or TiNbOx, and, immediately below the silver layer, a layer essentially consisting of ZnO, a mixed oxide layer with a thickness of at least 0.5 nm, made of NiCrOx or InSnOx (ITO) that serves as antiscattering layer is placed between the high-refringence layer and the ZnO layer. No. of Pages : 14 No. of Claims : 8 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27642 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.625/KOLNP/2008 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :13/02/2008 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR USER SELECTION OF FRAUD DETECTION RULES (51) International classification :G06K 5/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :60/700,049 1)REVOLUTION MONEY, INC. (32) Priority Date :15/07/2005 Address of Applicant :200 CENTRAL AVENUE, 11TH FLOOR, ST. PETERSBURG, FLORIDA 33701 U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/US2006/027309 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :14/07/2006 1)HOGG, JASON, JUDE (87) International Publication No :WO 2007/011695 2)GRAF, PATRICK (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A system and method for establishing fraud detection rules system includes a first transaction card through which access to monetary funds is extended and a database associating said transaction card with one or more fraud detection rules governing access to said monetary funds by said transaction card. The system also includes a computing system programmed to permit an individual owning said transaction card to specify said fraud detection rules governing access to said monetary funds by said transaction card. No. of Pages : 67 No. of Claims : 27 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27643 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.626/KOLNP/2008 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :13/02/2008 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR NEW EXECUTION AND MANAGEMENT OF FINANCIAL AND DATA TRANSACTIONS (51) International classification :G06K 5/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :60/700,049 1)REVOLUTION MONEY, INC. Address of Applicant :200 CENTRAL AVENUE, 11TH (32) Priority Date :15/07/2005 FLOOR, ST. PETERSBURG, FLORIDA 33701 U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. (86) International Application No :PCT/US2006/027610 (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :14/07/2006 1)HOGG, JASON, JUDE (87) International Publication No :WO 2007/011840 2)GRAF, PATRICK (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A system and method for execution of financial and data transactions includes a point-of-sale device configured to execute a transaction in which at least one good or service is sold to an individual having a card with a storage medium encoding a card number. The transaction is completed after said point-of-sale device receives a data transmission authorizing said transaction. The point-of-sale device is configured to communicate via the Internet with a first computing system. The first computing system stores a set of instructions that cause the first computing system to evaluate the transaction to determine whether the transaction is to be authorized, and to send a transmission authorizing the transaction via the open network to said point-of-sale device. No. of Pages : 69 No. of Claims : 28 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27644 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.627/KOLNP/2008 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :13/02/2008 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR IMMEDIATE ISSUANCE OF TRANSACTION CARDS (51) International classification :H06K 5/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :60/700,049 1)REVOLUTION MONEY, INC. (32) Priority Date :15/07/2005 Address of Applicant :200 CENTRAL AVENUE, 11TH FLOOR, ST. PETERSBURG, FLORIDA 33701 U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/US2006/027501 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :14/07/2006 1)GRAF, PATRICK (87) International Publication No :WO 2007/011787 2)HOGG, JASON, JUDE (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A system and method for substantially immediate issuance of transaction cards includes at least one unassigned transaction card including a storage medium having a card number encoded thereupon. The system also includes a computing system configured to receive application information from an applicant that has been provided said unassigned transaction card, and to activate the unassigned transaction card so that access to monetary funds is extended to the applicant through said unassigned transaction card, upon an evaluation of said application information indicating that the applicant has been approved for access to the monetary funds. The unassigned transaction card bears no visible marking presenting information concerning the applicant and encodes no information concerning said applicant upon the storage medium of said unassigned transaction card. No. of Pages : 68 No. of Claims : 22 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27645 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.628/KOLNP/2008 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :13/02/2008 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR ESTABLISHMENT OF RULES GOVERNING CHILD ACCOUNTS (51) International classification :G06K 5/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :60/700,049 1)REVOLUTION MONEY, INC. (32) Priority Date :15/07/2005 Address of Applicant :200 CENTRAL AVENUE, FLOOR 11, ST. PETERSBURG, FLORIDA U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/US2006/027500 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :14/07/2006 1)HOGG, JASON JUDE (87) International Publication No :WO 2007/011786 2)GRAF, PATRICK (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A system and method for establishment of rules governing child accounts may include associating, in a database, a first transaction card through which access to monetary funds is extended with a second transaction card through which access to said monetary funds is extended. Also, in said database, said second transaction card is associated with one or more rules governing access to said monetary funds by said second transaction card. Finally, an individual owning said first transaction card is permitted to specify said rules governing access to said monetary funds by said second transaction card. No. of Pages : 69 No. of Claims : 34 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27646 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.629/KOLNP/2008 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :13/02/2008 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR DISPUTING INDIVIDUAL ITEMS THAT ARE THE SUBJECT OF A TRANSACTION (51) International classification :G06K 5/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :60/700,049 1)REVOLUTION MONEY, INC. (32) Priority Date :15/07/2005 Address of Applicant :200 CENTRAL AVENUE, FLOOR 11, (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. ST. PETERSBURG, FLORIDA 33701 U.S.A. (86) International Application No :PCT/US2006/027493 (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :14/07/2006 1)HOGG, JASON JUDE (87) International Publication No :WO 2007/011782 2)GRAF, PATRICK (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A system and method for disputing individual items that are the subject of a transaction includes storing, in a database, a record of a transaction in which a plurality of goods or services were sold to an individual that owns a transaction card through which access to monetary funds may be obtained, so that the transaction is identified by a transaction identifier. Also, information identifying each good or service that is a subject of the transaction is associated with said transaction identifier. A cost associated with one of the goods or services associated with the transaction identifier is disputed, without subjecting costs of all goods or services that are associated with said transaction identifier to dispute. No. of Pages : 68 No. of Claims : 24 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27647 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.630/KOLNP/2008 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :13/02/2008 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : PACKAGING SYSTEM FOR MODULAR POWER CELLS (51) International classification :H02M 7/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :60/713,197 1)SIEMENS ENERGY & AUTOMATION, INC. (32) Priority Date :31/08/2005 Address of Applicant :3333 OLD MILTON PARKWAY, ALPHARETTA GEORGIA 30005-4437 U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/US2006/034027 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :30/08/2006 1)AIELLO, MARC F. (87) International Publication No :WO 2007/027889 2)CHEESMAN, EDWARD ALAN (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)JORDAN, WAYNE SHELDON :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A power delivery system including a group of removable power cells. Each power cell includes a water cooled heat sink, an air intake, and an air output. The system also includes a heat exchanger. The heat exchanger draws air from the cells, cools it, and recirculates the cooled air to the cells via each cell's air intake. The cell may be designed so that components that are not near the heat sink are cooled by air from the intake before that air reaches the heat sink. No. of Pages : 27 No. of Claims : 20 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27648 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.632/KOLNP/2008 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :13/02/2008 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : FIBER OPTIC ADAPTER MODULE (51) International classification (71)Name of Applicant : :G02B 6/38, G02B 6/44 1)ADC TELECOMMUNICATIONS, INC. Address of Applicant :13625 TECHNOLOGY DRIVE EDEN :11/191,153 PRAIRIE, MINNESOTA 55344-2252 U.S.A. :27/07/2005 (72)Name of Inventor : :U.S.A. :PCT/US2006/027866 1)KRAMER, ANNE :19/07/2006 :WO 2007/015868 (31) Priority Document No (32) Priority Date (33) Name of priority country (86) International Application No Filing Date (87) International Publication No (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A fiber optic adapter module (316) is disclosed. The fiber optic adapter module (316) includes a molded one-piece housing (500) including a first end and a second end, the housing including at least three openings (502) extending from the first end to the second end, each opening defining a separate fiber optic adapter (315) for interconnecting two cable terminated with fiber optic connectors (318). The housing is movably mounted on a fixture (400), wherein the module is movable relative to the fixture along a line of travel that is non-parallel to longitudinal axes of the openings. The fiber optic adapter also includes a sleeve mount (506) mounted within each of the openings (502) of the housing the sleeve mount (506) configured to be inserted into the opening in a direction extending from the first end to the second end, generally parallel to the longitudinal axis of the opening. No. of Pages : 27 No. of Claims : 20 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27649 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.633/KOLNP/2008 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :13/02/2008 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : FIBER OPTIC CONNECTOR HOLDER (51) International classification :G02B 6/38 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :11/190,511 1)ADC TELECOMMUNICATIONS, INC. (32) Priority Date :26/07/2005 Address of Applicant :13625 TECHNOLOGY DRIVE EDEN PRAIRIE, MINNESOTA 55344-2252 U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/US2006/028243 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :20/07/2006 1)KOWALCZYK, SCOTT C. (87) International Publication No :WO 2007/015949 2)MCKNIGHT, JOY K (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A fiber optic connector holder including a housing with at least one cavity for receiving a fiber optic connector with a dust cap in place about a terminal end of the connector. The housing may be integrally molded with retaining structures for releasably engaging the fiber optic connector and releasable catches for mounting the housing at a mount location. The presence of a fiber optic connector with a cavity of the housing may prevent the removal of the housing from a mounting location. No. of Pages : 23 No. of Claims : 20 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27650 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.634/KOLNP/2008 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :13/02/2008 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : METHOD OF PURIFYING CYTIDINE DIPHOSPHATE CHOLINE (51) International classification :C07H 19/10 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :2005-231958 1)KYOWA HAKKO KOGYO CO., LTD (32) Priority Date :10/08/2005 Address of Applicant :6-1, OHTEMACHI 1-CHOME, CHITODA-KU, TOKYO 100-8185 JAPAN (33) Name of priority country :JAPAN :PCT/JP2006/315802 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :10/08/2006 1)HIDEKI MURATA (87) International Publication No :WO 2007/018259 2)TSUYOSHI MOKUDAI (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)MICHIO SHIOMI :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A method of purifying cytidine diphosphate choline, which comprises contacting a cytidine diphosphate choline solution containing a nucleic acid analogue and having a pH of not less than 0.5 and not more than 5.0 with an H-type strongly acidic cation exchange resin, and eluting cytidine diphosphate choline adsorbed onto the resin with water or an aqueous solution having an ion concentration of not more than 0.1 mol/L to separate and purify the cytidine diphosphate choline. No. of Pages : 32 No. of Claims : 6 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27651 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.635/KOLNP/2008 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :13/02/2008 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : PROCESS FOR PREPARING ENANTIOMERICALLY ENRICHED BETA-AMINO ACID DERIVATIVES (51) International classification :C07C 231/20 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :10 2005 040 155.4 1)EVONIK DEGUSSA GMBH Address of Applicant :RELLINGHAUSER STRASSE 1-11, (32) Priority Date :25/08/2005 45128 ESSEN GERMANY (33) Name of priority country :GERMANY (86) International Application No :PCT/EP2006/064615 (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :25/07/2006 1)PROF. ALBRECHT BERKESSEL (87) International Publication No :WO 2007/023056 2)FELIX CLEEMANN (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)SANTANU MUKHERJEE :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The present invention relates to a process for the organocatalysed kinetic racemate resolution of compounds of the general formula (II). It is thus possible through the action of catalytic amounts of enantiomerically enriched compounds of the general formula (Ia) or (Ib) to obtain on the one hand enantiomerically enriched optionally N-acylated p-amino acid esters and on the other hand enantiomerically enriched 4,5- dihydroozazin-6-ones (oxazinones). The corresponding enantiomerically enriched p-amino acids can be formed from both easily separable classes of compounds by simple hydrolysis. No. of Pages : 18 No. of Claims : 7 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27652 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.641/KOLNP/2008 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :13/02/2008 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : CONTROL SYSTEM AND CONTROL METHOD OF GAS TURBINE (51) International classification :F02C 9/28 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :2005-305813 1)KAWASAKI PLANT SYSTEMS KABUSHIKI KAISHA (32) Priority Date :20/10/2005 Address of Applicant :1-1, HIGASHIKA WASAKI-CHO 3CHOME, CHUO-KU KOBE-SHI, HYOGO 650-8670 JAPAN (33) Name of priority country :JAPAN :PCT/JP2006/319842 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :04/10/2006 1)SAKO MASAKI (87) International Publication No :WO 2007/046235 2)OTA HIDEAKI (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A gas turbine control system is provided which is capable of easily suppressing a rise in the revolution speed of a gas turbine at the time of an occurrence of an abrupt load drop in the gas turbine of a power generation system even though the power generation system is of the type using a low-calorie gas as a fuel. The gas turbine control system includes: a fuel flow control valve (9), provided on a fuel gas supply passage (3) configured to supply a gas turbine (2) with a fuel gas, for regulating a flow rate of the fuel gas; a calorie reducing gas supply device (5) for supplying the fuel gas supply passage (3) with a calorie reducing gas; and a system control device (10) configured such that in response to detection of an abrupt load drop in the gas turbine (2), the system control device (10) performs a control of a calorie reducing gas supply operation of the calorie reducing gas supply device (5), in addition to a control of an opening of the fuel flow control valve (9), so as to lower a calorie carried into the gas turbine (9). No. of Pages : 39 No. of Claims : 7 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27653 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.642/KOLNP/2008 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :13/02/2008 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : AMINODIAZEPINES AS TOLL-LIKE RECEPTOR MODULATORS (51) International classification :C07D 243/20 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :60/709667 1)ARRAY BIOPHARMA, INC. (32) Priority Date :19/08/2005 Address of Applicant :3200 WALNNUTS STREET BOULDER, CO 80301 U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/US2006/032099 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :17/08/2006 1)DOHERTY, GEORGE A (87) International Publication No :WO 2007/040840 2)JONES, ZACHARY (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : Provided are compositions and methods useful for modulation signaling through the Toll-like receptor TLRS. The compositions and methods have use in the treatment of autoimmunity, inflammation allergy, asthma, graft rejection, graft versus host disease, infection, sepsis, cancer and immunodeficiency. No. of Pages : 43 No. of Claims : 35 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27654 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.644/KOLNP/2008 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :13/02/2008 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : METHODS FOR PREPARING O-DESMETHYLVENLAFAXINE (51) International classification :C07C 213/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :60/334953 1)WYETH (32) Priority Date :04/12/2001 Address of Applicant :FIVE GIRALDA FARMS, MADISON (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. NJ U.S.A. :PCT/US2002/38403 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :03/12/2002 1)WEBER BEAT THEODOR (87) International Publication No :WO/2003/048104 (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :782/KOLNP/2004 Filed on :08/06/2004 (57) Abstract : The instant invention discloses a method of preparing O-desmethylvenlafaxine which comprises reacting venlafaxine with a high molecular weight alkane, arylalkyl or arene thiolate anion in a hydroxylic or ethereal solvent, or mixture thereof, to provide Odesmethylvenlafaxine. No. of Pages : 9 No. of Claims : 20 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27655 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.645/KOLNP/2008 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :13/02/2008 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : IMMUNOSTIMULATORY G,U.-CONTAINING OLIGORIBONUCLEOTIDES (51) International classification :A61K 31/205 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :60/370515 1)COLEY PHARMACEUTICAL GMBH (32) Priority Date :04/04/2002 Address of Applicant :MEROWINGERPLATZ 1A, 40225 (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. DUSSELDORF GERMANY :PCT/US2003/10406 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :04/04/2003 1)LIPFORD GRAYSON B (87) International Publication No :WO/2003/086280 2)BAUER STEFAN (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)WAGNER HERMANN :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :1467/KOLNP/2004 Filed on :04/01/2004 (57) Abstract : Compositions and methods relating to immunostimulatory RNA oligomers are provided. The immunostimulatory RNA molecules are believed to represent natural ligands of one or more Toll-like receptors, including Toll-like receptor 7 (TLR7) and Toll-like receptor 8 (TLR8). The compositions and methods are useful for stimulating immune activation. Methods useful for screening candidate immunostimulatory compounds are also provided. No. of Pages : 150 No. of Claims : 128 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27656 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.646/KOLNP/2008 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :13/02/2008 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : COMPOSITION AND METHOD FOR DETERMINATION OF CK19 EXPRESSION (51) International classification :C12Q 1/68 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :20050100430 1)MEDEXIS S.A. (32) Priority Date :17/08/2005 Address of Applicant :4, ASKLIPIOU STR., KRYONERI, GR-145 68 ATHENS GREECE (33) Name of priority country :GREECE :PCT/EP2006/008097 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :16/08/2006 1)LIANIDOU EVRIKLIA (87) International Publication No :WO 2007/020081 2)STATHOPOULOU ALIKI (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)MAVROUDIS DIMITRIOS :NA Number 4)GEORGOULIAS VASILEIOS :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : Disclosed is a method for quantitative determination of CK-19 mRNA positive cells in a biological sample. The method can be used, for instance, with peripheral blood to detect cancer in a patient. In one embodiment, the method can be used to detect the cancer before initiation of adjuvant treatment, thereby providing information about therapeutic efficacy. Practice of the invention method is sensitive, reliable, and easy to perform. No. of Pages : 79 No. of Claims : 33 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27657 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.647/KOLNP/2008 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :13/02/2008 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : MOLECULAR DETECTION SYSTEMS UTLIZING REITERATIVE OLIGONUCLEOTIDE SYNTHESIS (51) International classification :C07H 21/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :10/425037 1)RIBOMED BIOTECHNOLOGIES INC (32) Priority Date :29/04/2003 Address of Applicant :714 EAST VAN BUREN, SUITE 1000, (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. PHOENIX AZ U.S.A. (86) International Application No :PCT/US2004/013031 (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :29/04/2004 1)HANNA MICHELLE M (87) International Publication No :WO/2004/096997 (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :2167/KOLNP/2005 Filed on :02/11/2005 (57) Abstract : The present invention provides methods for detecting the presence of a target molecule by the use of nucleotide analogs containing moieties that enable detection. Such analogs may be incorporated into nucleic acids. In one embodiment, nucleotide analogs are used in a process generating multiple detectable oligonucleotides through reiterative enzymatic oligonucleotide synthesis events on a defined polynucleotide sequence. The methods generally comprise using a nucleoside, a mononucleotide, an oligonucleotide, or a polynucleotide, or analog thereof, to initiate synthesis of an oligonucleotide product that is substantially complementary to a target site on the defined polynucleotide sequence; optionally using nucleotides or nucleotide analogs as oligonucleotide chain elongators or chain terminators to terminate the polymerization reaction; and detecting multiple oligonucleotide products that have been synthesized by the polymerase. No. of Pages : 229 No. of Claims : 38 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27658 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.648/KOLNP/2008 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :13/02/2008 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : CASPASE INHIBITOR PRODRUGS (51) International classification :C07D 498/04 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :60/703375 1)VERTEX PHARMACEUTICALS INCORPORATED (32) Priority Date :28/07/2005 Address of Applicant :130 WAVERLY STREET, CAMBRIDGE, MA U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/US2006/028174 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :20/07/2006 1)DURRANT STEVEN (87) International Publication No :WO 2007/015931 2)CHARRIER JEAN-DAMIEN (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)STUDLEY JOHN :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : This invention relates to prodrugs of caspase inhibitors comprising of a furo [3, 2-d] oxazolin-5-one moiety which, under specific conditions, can convert into biologically active compounds, particularly caspase inhibitors. This invention also relates to the processes for preparing these prodrugs of caspase inhibitors. This invention further relates to pharmaceutical compositions comprising said prodrugs and to the use thereof for the treatment of diseases related to inflammatory or degenerative conditions. No. of Pages : 49 No. of Claims : 28 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27659 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.649/KOLNP/2008 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :13/02/2008 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : ADJUSTMENT DEVICE FOR A CONTROL CABLE (51) International classification :F16C 1/22 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :102005040861.3 1)FICO CABLES, LDA (32) Priority Date :29/08/2005 Address of Applicant :RUA DO CAVACO, 115 APTDO, 1075, VERMOIM P-4471 MAIA PORTUGAL (33) Name of priority country :GERMANY :PCT/EP2006/006272 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :28/06/2006 1)DA SILVA LOPES, PEDRO, JOУO (87) International Publication No :WO 2007/025590 (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The present invention relates to an adjustment device 1 for a control cable 50, 60, 70 comprising of a sheath 60, 70 and a cable 50, comprising a first threaded sleeve 10, comprising an outer thread 12 in a first sense of rotation, a second threaded sleeve 20, comprising an outer thread 22 in a second sense of rotation and an adjustment sleeve 30 comprising a first inner thread 31 in the first sense of rotation, which engages the outer thread 12 of the first threaded sleeve 10 and a second inner thread 32 in the second sense of rotation, which engages the outer thread 22 of the second threaded sleeve 20, wherein the first threaded sleeve 10 is held rotatably fixed by means of a first part 60 of the sheath 60, 70 of the control cable 50, 60, 70 and the second threaded sleeve 20 is held rotatably fixed by means of a second part 70 of the sheath 60, 70 of the control cable 50, 60, 70. No. of Pages : 23 No. of Claims : 12 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27660 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.650/KOLNP/2008 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :13/02/2008 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : TELECOMMUNICATION DIAGNOSTIC INFORMATION MANAGEMENT (51) International classification :H04B 17/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :60/470,106 1)AWARE, INC. (32) Priority Date :12/05/2003 Address of Applicant :40 MIDDLESEX TURNPIKE (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. BEDFORD, MA U.S.A. :PCT/US2004/14771 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :12/05/2004 1)WAHL JIM (87) International Publication No :WO/2004/102349 2)LUND MICHAEL (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :2122/KOLNP/2005 Filed on :26/10/2005 (57) Abstract : A diagnostic tool is adapted to include the capability of initiating one or more diagnostic tests, collecting the raw data from the diagnostic test(s) and transporting the raw diagnostic data to an OSS. The OSS interprets the raw diagnostic data and stores the results in a database. The stored results can be searched, sorted, manipulated, analyzed, and the like. The results of any of these operations can then be, for example, displayed to one or more entities such as customer support, network operators, network planners, or the like. No. of Pages : 30 No. of Claims : 19 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27661 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.652/KOLNP/2008 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :14/02/2008 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : ANALYTE ASSAYING BY MEANS OF IMMUNOCHROMATOGRAPHY WITH LATERAL MIGRATION (51) International classification :G01N 33/558 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :05.08685 1)VEDALAB Address of Applicant :ZAT DU LONDEAU RUE DE (32) Priority Date :23/08/2005 1'EXPANSION-CERISE 61000 ALENCON FRANCE (33) Name of priority country :FRANCE (86) International Application No :PCT/IB2006/002308 (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :23/08/2006 1)DONATI RAPHAЫL (87) International Publication No :WO 2007/023372 (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The invention relates to a device for determining an analyte in a liquid sample. The inventive device consists of: a capillary action means (1), involving lateral migration, defining a reference capillary action direction and comprising a liquid sample deposit area (3) and an analyte-detection area (5) which is disposed downstream of the deposit area; a first analyte-specific binding reagent (4) which is conjugated to a visible and/or measurable marker and which is free to migrate when wet by means of capillary action in the abovementioned capillary action means (1) along the reference direction; and a second analyte-specific binding reagent (6) which is immobilised in the detection area. The invention is characterised in that the detection area (5) comprises the analyte (7) or an analogue of the analyte, which is immobilised and disposed at a distance from the second specific binding reagent (6). No. of Pages : 30 No. of Claims : 11 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27662 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.653/KOLNP/2008 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :14/02/2008 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : FUEL INJECTION UNIT (51) International classification (71)Name of Applicant : :F02D 41/34,F02D 1/08 1)SCION-SPRAYS LIMITED Address of Applicant :HETHEL ENGINEERING CENTRE :0516235.9 HETHEL, NORWICH NORFOLK NR 14 8FB U.K. :05/08/2005 (72)Name of Inventor : :U.K. :PCT/GB2006/002858 1)ALLEN, JEFFREY :31/07/2006 :WO 2007/017630 (31) Priority Document No (32) Priority Date (33) Name of priority country (86) International Application No Filing Date (87) International Publication No (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The present invention provides an apparatus for controlling, a fuel injection period during which a fuel is injected into charge air to form a fuel/air mixture for combustion. The apparatus comprises: a pressure sensor (204) operable to detect a pressure of the charge air; a control unit (206) operable to detect a change in the pressure and to control the fuel injection period in dependence upon the time at which one or more of the detected pressure changes occurs. The pressure sensor (204), the control unit (206) and the fuel injector (116) are formed as a unitary fuel injection controller. The time at which the fuel injection period starts is controlled solely in dependence upon the time at which the pressure sensor (204) detects a pressure change. Other components, such as a throttle motor, an oxygen sensor or a throttle position sensor can also be part of the single integrated fuel injection unit. No. of Pages : 58 No. of Claims : 44 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27663 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.654/KOLNP/2008 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :14/02/2008 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : A RELAY-TO-RELAY DIRECT COMMUNICATION SYSTEM AND METHOD IN AN ELECTRIC POWER SYSTEM (51) International classification :H02H 3/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :11/211,816 1)SCHWEITZER ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, (32) Priority Date :25/08/2005 INC. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. Address of Applicant :2350 N.E. HOPKINS COURT (86) International Application No :PCT/US2006/033578 PULLMAN, WASHINGTON U.S.A. Filing Date :25/08/2006 (72)Name of Inventor : (87) International Publication No :WO 2007/025257 1)LEE, TONY, J. (61) Patent of Addition to Application 2)DOLEZILEK, DAVID :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : Provided is a system relay-to-relay direct communication system and method in a power system. The relay-to-relay direct communication system includes a first protective relay having a first transmit module where the first transmit module includes a first microcontroller adapted to provide a plurality of data channels. Each of the plurality of data channels is associated with channel data having a variety of bit-lengths. The relay-to-relay direct communication system also includes a second protective relay directly coupled to the first protective relay via a communication link. The second protective relay includes a first receive module where the first receive module including a second microcontroller adapted to provide the plurality of data channels A speed of receipt of the channel data by the first receive module is adjustable based on an assignment of the channel data to the plurality of data channels of the first transmit module. No. of Pages : 42 No. of Claims : 29 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27664 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.655/KOLNP/2008 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :14/02/2008 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : INSULATING BODY FOR A MEDIUM-VOLTAGE SWITCHGEAR ASSEMBLY (51) International classification :H01H 33/66 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :10 2005 040 298.4 1)SIEMENS AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT (32) Priority Date :22/08/2005 Address of Applicant :WITTELSBACHERPLATZ 2, 80333 MUNCHEN GERMANY (33) Name of priority country :GERMANY :PCT/EP2006/065333 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :16/08/2006 1)MARTIN BOTTCHER (87) International Publication No :WO 2007/023113 2)STEFAN HOHMANN (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)MARCUS KAMPF :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : Disclosed is an insulating element for a medium-voltage switchgear comprising a terminal at the busbar end and an outgoing cable. A circuit-breaker is embedded in said insulating element. The insulating element supports a first contact point that is connected to the circuit- breaker and is used as a bearing point for a movable switching contact of a disconnected as well as an additional contact point for the movable switching contact. In order to embody an insulating element which makes it possible a create a favorable structure for producing medium-voltage switchgears in general for primary and secondary power supply while reducing expenses, the additional contact point is also configured as a bearing point is also configured as a bearing point for the movable switching contact, the movable switching contact is alternatively mounted on the additional contact point rather than on the first contact point, and the additional contact point is alternatively connected to the outgoing cable rather than to the terminal at the busbar end. No. of Pages : 12 No. of Claims : 2 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27665 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.656/KOLNP/2008 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :14/02/2008 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : PRINTABLE ETCHING MEDIA FOR SILICON DIOXIDE AND SILICON NITRIDE LAYERS (51) International classification :C03C 15/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :102005033724.4 1)MERCK PATENT GMBH (32) Priority Date :15/07/2005 Address of Applicant :FRANKFURTER STRASSE 250 64293 DARMSTADT GERMANY (33) Name of priority country :GERMANY :PCT/EP2006/005937 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :21/06/2006 1)STOCKUM, WERNER (87) International Publication No :WO 2007/009546 2)KUEBELBECK, ARMIN (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)NAKANOWATARI, JUN :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The present invention relates to a novel printable etching medium having non-Newtonian flow behaviour for the etching of surfaces in the production of solar cells, and to the use thereof. The present invention furthermore also relates to etching and doping media which are suitable both for the etching of inorganic layers and also for the doping of underlying layers. In particular, they are corresponding particle containing compositions by means of which extremely fine structures can be etched very selectively without damaging or attacking adjacent areas. No. of Pages : 38 No. of Claims : 30 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27666 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.657/KOLNP/2008 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :14/02/2008 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : SILVER-FREE LOW-E SOLAR CONTROL COATING (51) International classification :C03C 17/34 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :60/702,537 1)PILKINGTON NORTH AMERICA, INC. (32) Priority Date :26/07/2005 Address of Applicant :811 MADISON AVENUE, TOLEDO, OH U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/US2006/028777 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :25/07/2006 1)STRICKLER, DAVID, A. (87) International Publication No :WO 2007/016069 2)VARANASI SRIKANTH (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A multi-layer, low-emissivity, solar control article comprises a dielectric substrate, a first dielectric metal oxide layer deposited on the substrate, a first highly conductive, silver-free metal oxide layer deposited on the first dielectric metal oxide, and a second dielectric metal oxide deposited on the first highly conductive, silver-free metal oxide layer. The aforementioned coating layer sequence may be repeated as necessary to achieve the desired properties. An iridescence suppressing interlayer may, optionally, be utilized in connection with the low-emissivity, solar control coating. No. of Pages : 10 No. of Claims : 10 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27667 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.658/KOLNP/2008 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :14/02/2008 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : MILLING HEAD (51) International classification :B23C 5/24 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :20 2005 013 360.4 1)KENNAMETAL WIDIA PRODUKTIONS GMBH & (32) Priority Date :23/08/2005 CO.KG Address of Applicant :MUNCHENER STRASSE 125-127 (33) Name of priority country :GERMANY :PCT/DE2006/001281 45145 ESSEN GERMANY (86) International Application No Filing Date :26/07/2006 (72)Name of Inventor : (87) International Publication No :WO 2007/022743 1)HEINLOTH, MARKUS (61) Patent of Addition to Application 2)KLOTZER, RALF :NA Number 3)BAUER MANFRED :NA Filing Date 4)GNIBL, GUNTHER (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA 5)KLEIN, HELMUT Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The invention relates to a milling cutter head having a number of blade supports (11) which are inserted in recesses of a base body (10) and have blades (12), wherein each blade support can be axially displaced by means of a wedge (14) and be fixed in the milling cutter head by means of clamping elements. According to the invention, the blade supports each have a shank which is arranged in a receiving bore of the base body and can be fixed via a centrally (13) located clamping piece (13). No. of Pages : 16 No. of Claims : 8 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27668 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.659/KOLNP/2008 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :14/02/2008 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : METHOD FOR PRODUCTION OF MIXED BUNDLES, AS WELL AS DEVICE FOR IMPLEMENTATION OF THE METHOD (51) International classification :B65B 35/36 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :10 2005 039 842.1 1)KHS AG. Address of Applicant :JUCHOSTRASSE 20 44143 (32) Priority Date :23/08/2005 DORTMUND GERMANY (33) Name of priority country :GERMANY (86) International Application No :PCT/EP2006/008270 (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :23/08/2006 1)HAGENBROCK, WERNER (87) International Publication No :WO 2007/022963 2)JUNGHANS, JOACHIM (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : Presented is a method for formation of mixed bundles from pure sort bundles with in each case in one repackaging received containers or similar packing units, whereby the pure sort bundle with the help of at least one transporter are led to one un-packer and whereby on each transporter preferably such bundles are arranged, which contain exclusively the one and the same product and whereby the container after the unpacking on at least one buffer stretch are arranged, and subsequently are composed together for mixed bundles, thereby is provided with, that the container of various sorts, which a mixed bundle form (build), either in several working steps are compiled together, whereby each covered buffer stretch follows one working step and whereby in case of a working step only buffer stretches follows a working step and whereby in case of working step only of a buffer stretch (1) are derived or in one working step are compiled together, whereby for one mixed bundle building container at the same time of several buffer stretches are removed. No. of Pages : 20 No. of Claims : 10 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27669 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.66/KOL/2008 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :09/01/2008 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : VEHICLE JACK ASSEMBLY (51) International classification :B60R11/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :60/927,654 1)YAREMA DIE & ENGINEERING (32) Priority Date :04/05/2007 Address of Applicant :300 MINNESOTA TROY, (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. MICHIGAN U.S.A. (86) International Application No :NA (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :NA 1)RAJU ALLURU (87) International Publication No :NA 2)LESTER M. FISHER. JR. (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number :NA 3)GEORGE W. LUKOWSKI Filing Date :NA (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The present invention is a jack assembly having a first and second upper bracket pivotally connected to a support member and each having at least one strengthening bead and at least one rolled edge. A first lower bracket is pivotally connected to the first upper bracket using a non-threaded trunnion and a bearing through which a threaded rod extends. A second lower bracket is pivotally connected to the second upper bracket using a threaded trunnion through which the threaded rod also extends. The brackets are tapered for strength. The first and second lower brackets are pivotally connected to a base having an enclosed keyhole orifice for storage of the jack assembly. At least one strengthening flange is formed in both the first and second lower bracket. No. of Pages : 24 No. of Claims : 19 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27670 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.660/KOLNP/2008 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :14/02/2008 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : MORPHOUS SOLID DISPERSIONS OF 7-CHLORO-N,N, 5-TRIMETHYL-4-OXO-3-PHENYL-3, 5,DIHYDRO-4H-PYRIDAZINO [4,5-B] INDOLE-1-ACETAMIDE (51) International classification :A61K 9/14,A61K (71)Name of Applicant : 9/26 1)SNOFI-AVENTIS U.S. LLC :60/712150 Address of Applicant :300 SOMERSET CORPORATE :29/08/2005 BOULEVARD BRIDGEWATER, NEW JERSEY U.S.A. :U.S.A. (72)Name of Inventor : :PCT/US2006/033022 1)JACOBS, IRWIN C :24/08/2006 2)HIGGINS, JOHN D :WO 2007/027494 3)GUILLOT MICAEL 4)FRANSON, NANCY M :NA 5)ROCCO WILLIAM L :NA 6)ABU-IZZA KHAWLA ABDULLAH :NA :NA (31) Priority Document No (32) Priority Date (33) Name of priority country (86) International Application No Filing Date (87) International Publication No (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number Filing Date (57) Abstract : Disclosed are amorphous solid dispersion formulations comprising 7-chloro-N,N,5-trimethyl-4-oxo-3-phenyl-3,5- dihydro-4Hpyridazino[4,5-b]indole-l-acetamide. No. of Pages : 30 No. of Claims : 33 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27671 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.661/KOLNP/2008 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :14/02/2008 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : SPLITTING DEVICES (51) International classification :B28D 1/22 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :0516580.8 1)SNELL, THOMAS, BARTLETT (32) Priority Date :12/08/2005 Address of Applicant :GABLE COTTAGES, CHARLTON HORETHORNE SHERBORNE, DORSET, DT9 4NS U.K. (33) Name of priority country :U.K. :PCT/GB2006/003026 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :14/08/2006 1)SNELL, THOMAS, BARTLETT (87) International Publication No :WO 2007/020414 (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : An apparatus for splitting stones and blocks comprises means (5A, 6A) for supporting a stone or block while it is subject to a splitting operation, a unit which includes an upper blade (1) for engaging an upper surface of the stone or block and a lower blade (10) for engaging a lower surface of the stone or block, means (5) for effecting movement of the upper blade (1) downwardly towards the lower blade (10), a base (1A, 3A), and resilient support means (11) acting between the base (1A, 3A) and the unit. No. of Pages : 15 No. of Claims : 8 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27672 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.662/KOLNP/2008 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :14/02/2008 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : PROGRAMMABLE RADIO TRANSCEIVER (51) International classification (71)Name of Applicant : :H04B 1/38, H04B 1/28 1)BITWAVE SEMICONDUCTOR, INC. Address of Applicant :900 CHELMSFORD STREET, :11/202626 TOWER 3, FLOOR 7 LOWELL, MA U.S.A. :11/08/2005 (72)Name of Inventor : :U.S.A. :PCT/US2006/031578 1)CYR, RUSSELL J :11/08/2006 2)DAWE, GEOGGREY C :WO 2007/022051 3)BOHORQUEZ, JOSE, L (31) Priority Document No (32) Priority Date (33) Name of priority country (86) International Application No Filing Date (87) International Publication No (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A fully integrated, programmable mixed-signal transceiver comprising a radio frequency integrated circuit (RFIQ which is frequency and protocol agnostic with digital inputs and outputs, the transceiver being programmable and configurable for multiple radio frequency bands and standards and being capable of connecting to many networks and service providers. The RFIC does not use spiral inductors and instead includes transmission line inductors allowing for improved scalability. Components of the transceiver are programmable to allow the transceiver to switch between different frequency bands of operating. Frequency switching can be accomplished though the content of digital registers coupled to the components, No. of Pages : 95 No. of Claims : 18 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27673 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.663/KOLNP/2008 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :14/02/2008 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : THERMAL GENERATOR HAVING A MAGNETOCALORIC MATERIAL (51) International classification :F25B 21/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :05/08963 1)COOLTECH APPLICATIONS SOCIЩTЩ PAR (32) Priority Date :01/09/2005 ACTIONS SIMPLIFIЩE Address of Applicant :IMPASSE ANTOINE IMBS, 67810 (33) Name of priority country :FRANCE (86) International Application No :PCT/FR2006/001948 HOLTZHEIM FRANCE Filing Date :16/08/2006 (72)Name of Inventor : (87) International Publication No :WO 2007/026062 1)DUPIN JEAN-LOUIS (61) Patent of Addition to Application 2)HEITZLER JEAN-CLAUDE :NA Number 3)MULLER CHRISTIAN :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The present invention proposes a thermal generator which is non-polluting, has very good energy efficiency, is of simple and economical design and uses little energy, at the same time as being capable of further development, flexible and modular. In this thermal generator (1), the thermal elements (3) composed of magneto-calorific material each comprises two separate collector circuits (31 and 32), a "hot" collector circuit connected to a hot heat transfer fluid circuit (51) and a "cold" collector circuit (32) linked to a cold heat transfer fluid circuit (52). The heat transfer fluid is made to move alternately in one or the other of the collector circuits (31 and 32) depending on whether or not the thermal elements (3) are subjected to the magnetic field generated by the magnets (40) moving in rotation around a central axis (B) with respect to the thermal elements (3). The heat transfer fluid circuits (51 and 52) are partly incorporated in a plate (2) carrying the said thermal elements (3) and connected to external circuits which have heat exchangers (55 and 56) using the calories and frigories generated by those thermal elements (3). Applications: Heating, tempering, air conditioning or refrigeration in any industrial installation or any domestic application. No. of Pages : 25 No. of Claims : 20 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27674 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.664/KOLNP/2008 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :14/02/2008 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : WIRELESS DEVICE WITH DISTRIBUTED LOAD (51) International classification (71)Name of Applicant : :H04M 1/02, H01Q 9/00 1)MOTOROLA, INC. Address of Applicant :1303 EAST ALGONQUIN ROAD, :11/210324 SCHAUMBURG, ILLINOIS U.S.A. :24/08/2005 (72)Name of Inventor : :U.S.A. :PCT/US2006/029443 1)LIU HONGWEI :27/07/2006 2)NAPOLES ADRIAN :WO 2007/024409 3)WHITE BENJAMIN O. (31) Priority Document No (32) Priority Date (33) Name of priority country (86) International Application No Filing Date (87) International Publication No (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A wireless device (100) includes a first circuit board (102), a second circuit board (104), and a distributed load (106) having an inductive coupling (112) and a capacitive coupling (114). The inductive coupling (112) and the capacitive coupling (114) form a parallel resonance at predefined frequencies of interest. The second circuit board (104) includes an antenna (116) for receiving and transmitting radio waves. No. of Pages : 25 No. of Claims : 20 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27675 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.665/KOLNP/2008 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :14/02/2008 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : LIGHTWEIGHT PANEL (51) International classification :B32B 3/26 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :11/210581 1)USG INTERIORS, INC. (32) Priority Date :24/08/2005 Address of Applicant :550 WEST ADAMS STREET, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/US2006/029790 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :01/08/2006 1)BAIG MIRZA A. (87) International Publication No :WO 2007/024421 (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A composite board comprising a core and a paper facer sheet adhesively laminated to one face of the core, the core including a mixture of perlite, binder, and cellulose fiber, the core being formed as a water slurry with said perlite, binder and cellulose fiber being uniformly distributed therein, the perlite being in an expanded state such that its particles include internal voids and exhibit a density of about 5 to about 15 pounds per cubic foot and being present in sufficient quantity to occupy in bulk at least 50% of the volume of the core, on a weight basis, the perlite and cellulose fiber combined forming at least 25% of the weight of the core. The paper facer being laminated to the core with a water-based adhesive applied across substantially the full area of the facer, both the compressive strength of the perlite and tensile strength of the cellulose fiber being utilized by operation of the binder such that a relatively high nail-pull capacity in comparison to the weight of the composite board is achieved and sag resistance is imparted to the composite board when it is used for ceiling tile. No. of Pages : 13 No. of Claims : 6 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27676 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.666/KOLNP/2008 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :14/02/2008 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : METHOD TO DECOMPOSE THE NATURAL STRUCTURE OF BIOMASS (51) International classification :D21C 3/20 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :20050811 1)JVS-POLYMERS OY (32) Priority Date :10/08/2005 Address of Applicant :INNOPOLI B5, TEKNIIKANTIE 12 FI-02150, ESPOO FINLAND (33) Name of priority country :FINLAND :PCT/FI2006/000271 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :07/08/2006 1)SEPPФLФ JUKKA (87) International Publication No :WO/2007/017553 (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The invention refers to a method where lactic acid, its water solution, lactide, lactic acid oligomer, polylactic acid or mixture thereof is used for the degradation of cellulose based biomass, such as natural structure of wood, and transformation into plasticized or partly liquefied state so that the cellulose fibers and other components of the biomass can be separated, recovered, modified chemically or recycled by further treatments. No. of Pages : 19 No. of Claims : 14 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27677 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.667/KOL/2007 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :01/05/2007 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : STABLE PHARMACEUTICAL COMPOSITIONS OF RAMIPRIL (51) International classification :A61K31/00; C07D209/00 :NA :NA :NA :NA :NA :NA :NA :NA :NA :NA (71)Name of Applicant : 1)LUPIN LIMITED Address of Applicant :LUPIN LIMITED, 159 CST ROAD KALINA, SANTACRUZ (EAST) MUMBAI-400 098, STATE OF MAHARASHTRA, 1/1, SASHI SHEKHAR BOSE ROAD, KOLKATA- 700 025, STATE OF WEST BENGAL MAHARASHTRA INDIA (72)Name of Inventor : 1)DUDHANI, MANISH, MEGHSHYAM 2)KOLE, SHRENIK, ANNASAHIB 3)AVACHAT, MAKRAND, KRISHNAKUMAR (31) Priority Document No (32) Priority Date (33) Name of priority country (86) International Application No Filing Date (87) International Publication No (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number Filing Date (57) Abstract : A pharmaceutical composition comprising ramipril or pharmaceutically acceptable salts thereof and magnesium salts and lactic acid in a stabilizing effective amount to prevent cyclization and hydrolysis of ramipril or other related ACE inhibitors. A process for stabilizing ramipril pharmaceutically acceptable salts thereof against cyclization, which comprises the step of contacting the drug with: (a) a stabilizing effective amount magnesium oxide and/or, (b) stabilizing effective amount of lactic acid. No. of Pages : 15 No. of Claims : 14 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27678 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.667/KOLNP/2008 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :14/02/2008 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : USE OF APROTININ POLYPEPTIDES AS CARRIERS IN PHARMACEUTICAL CONJUGATES (51) International classification :A61K 47/48 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :60/699375 1)ANGIOCHEM, INC. (32) Priority Date :15/07/2005 Address of Applicant :201 PRESIDENT KENNEDY AVENUE, SUITE PK-R210 MONTREAL, QUEBEC H2X 3Y7 (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/CA2006/001165 CANADA (86) International Application No Filing Date :14/07/2006 (72)Name of Inventor : (87) International Publication No :WO 2007/009229 1)BELIVEAU RICHARD (61) Patent of Addition to Application 2)DEMEULE MICHEL :NA Number 3)CHE CHRISTIAN :NA Filing Date 4)REGINA ANTHONY (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : Conjugates comprising carriers selected from the group consisting of aprotinin, a biologically active aprotinin fragment, Angiopep-1, Angiopep-2 and biologically active analogs, derivatives or fragments thereof and a label or drug are disclosed Said conjugates increase the potency of the drug and modify the pharmacokinetics of the drug or label. The use of these conjugates in the treatment and diagnosis of cancer is described No. of Pages : 95 No. of Claims : 99 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27679 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.668/KOLNP/2008 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :14/02/2008 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : A RECORDING/READING METHOD FOR AN OPTICAL RECORDING MEDIUM; AN OPTICAL RECORDING MEDIUM (51) International classification :H01L 31/032 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :2003-109486 1)MITSUBISHI KAGAKU MEDIA CO. LTD. (32) Priority Date :14/04/2003 Address of Applicant :31-19, SHIBA 5-CHOME, MINATO(33) Name of priority country :JAPAN KU, TOKYO JAPAN (86) International Application No :PCT/JP2004/005125 (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :12/04/2004 1)NODA YOSHIHIRO (87) International Publication No :WO/2004/090995 2)FUROMOTO SHIGEYUKI (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :1285/KOLNP/2005 Filed on :01/07/2005 (57) Abstract : In a single-sided incident type optical recording medium having a plurality of recording layers containing dye, sufficient reflectance and excellent recording characteristics necessary to record or read information in or from a recording layer containing dye positioning farther from a side from which a light beam comes in can be obtained. The optical recording medium has a first substrate (21) having a guide groove, a first recording layer containing dye (22), a semitransparent reflective layer (23), an intermediate layer (24), a second recording layer containing dye (25), a reflective layer (26) and a second substrate (27) having a guide groove. Information is recorded or read in or from the first recording layer containing dye (22) and the second recording layer containing dye (25) by irradiating the light beam from the first substrate's side. The depth of the guide groove on the second substrate is within a range from 1/100x ? to 1/6 x ? where ? represents the recording/reading wavelength. No. of Pages : 66 No. of Claims : 8 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27680 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.669/KOLNP/2008 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :14/02/2008 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : DIARYL AND ARYLHETEROARYL UREA DERIVATIVES AS MODULATORS OF THE 5-HT2A SEROTONIN RECEPTOR USEFUL FOR THE PROPHYLAXIS AND TREATMENT OF DISORDERS RELATED THERETO (51) International classification :C07D 231/12 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :60/489572 1)ARENA PHARMACEUTICALS, INC. (32) Priority Date :22/07/2003 Address of Applicant :6166 NANCY RIDGE DRIVE, SAN (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. DIEGO, CA U.S.A. (86) International Application No :PCT/US2004/023488 (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :21/07/2004 1)TEEGARDEN BRADLEY (87) International Publication No :WO/2005/012254 2)JAYAKUMAR HONNAPPA (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)LI HONGMEI :NA Number 4)STRAH-PLEYNET SONJA :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :2588/KOLNP/2005 Filed on :13/12/2005 (57) Abstract : The present invention relates to certain pyrazole derivatives or Formula (I) and pharmaceutical compositions thereof that modulate the activity of the 5-HT2A serotonin receptor. Compounds and pharmaceutical compositions thereof are directed to methods useful in the prophylaxis or treatment of platelet aggreagation, coronary artery disease, myocardial infarction, transient ischemic attack, angina, stroke, atrial fibrillation, reducing the risk of blood clot formation, asthma or symptoms thereof, agitation or a symptom, behavioral disorders, drug induced psychosis, excitative psychosis, Gilles de la Tourette's syndrome, manic disorder, organic or NOS psychosis, psychotic disorder, psychosis, acute schizophrenia, chronic schizophrenia, NOS schizophrenia and related disorders, and sleep disorders, sleep disorders, diabetic-related disorders and the like. The present invention also relates to the method of prophylaxis or treatment of 5-HT2A serotonin receptor mediated disorders in combination with a dopamine D2 receptor antagonist such as haloperidol, administered separately or together. No. of Pages : 238 No. of Claims : 77 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27681 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.670/KOLNP/2008 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :14/02/2008 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : ROTAVIRUS VACCINE INDUCING HETEROTYPIC CROSS PROTECTION (51) International classification :A61K 39/15 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :0516944.6 1)GLAXOSMITHKLINE BIOLOGICALS S.A. (32) Priority Date :17/08/2005 Address of Applicant :RUE DE LINSTITUT 89, B-1330 RIXENSART BELGIUM (33) Name of priority country :U.K. :PCT/EP2006/008094 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :15/08/2006 1)COLAU BRIGITTE DESIREE ALBERTE (87) International Publication No :WO 2007/020078 2)DE VOS BEATRICE ARSENE VIRGINIE (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The invention provides a method of inducing an immune response against rotavirus strain, the method comprising administering to a subject a composition comprising an attenuated rotavirus strain of a GxPy type, said composition generating an immune response against a rotavirus strain which is neither a Gx nor a Py type. No. of Pages : 79 No. of Claims : 20 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27682 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.672/KOLNP/2008 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :14/02/2008 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : PROCESS FOR THE PREPARATION OF COPOLYMER-1 (51) International classification :C08F 283/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :60/708218 1)CHAN, WAI HONG (32) Priority Date :15/08/2005 Address of Applicant :708 VISTA DEL SOL MATEO, CA U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/US2006/031860 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :15/08/2006 1)CHAN, WAI HONG (87) International Publication No :WO 2007/022193 2)DING, JINGUO (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)XU, LAIGEN :NA Number 4)WANG, HAOYUE :NA Filing Date 5)JI, MINGFANG (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA 6)SHI, JIAHAO Filing Date :NA 7)JU, CAIE (57) Abstract : Copolymer-l is a mixture of synthetic polypeptides composed of alanine, glutamic acid, lysine, and tyrosine. The invention relates to an improved process for the preparation of copolymer-l characterized by the deblocking of the protected copolymer-1 that is carried out in one reaction. The process of the present invention has the advantage of high yield and ease of production. Copolymer-l is a useful drug in treating multiple sclerosis. No. of Pages : 16 No. of Claims : 20 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27683 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.673/KOLNP/2008 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :15/02/2008 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : STAGE APPARATUS AMD EXPOSURE APPRATUS (51) International classification :H01L 21/027 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :2005-227666 1)NIKON CORPORATION (32) Priority Date :05/08/2005 Address of Applicant :2-3, MARUNOUCHI 3-CHOME CHIYODA-KU TOKYO JAPAN (33) Name of priority country :JAPAN :PCT/JP2006/315422 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :03/08/2006 1)YUICHI SHIBAZAKI (87) International Publication No :WO 2007/018127 (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A wafer stage (WST) and a measurement stage (MST) are configured so that they are movable along an upper surface of a base plate (21), and water (Lq) is transferred therebetween by bringing the stages proximate to one another and moving them integrally in the Y directions. An alignment system (45) measures mutually proximate edge parts of the wafer stage (WST) and the measurement stage (MST), and a focus leveling detection system (64) measures a step in the Z directions in a state wherein the wafer stage (WST) and the measurement stage (MST) are proximate to one another. When both stages are brought proximate to one another, the relative position between the wafer stage (WST) and the measurement stage (MST) is adjusted based on the measurement results. No. of Pages : 67 No. of Claims : 27 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27684 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.674/KOLNP/2008 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :15/02/2008 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : ORGAN ASSIST SYSTEM AND METHOD (51) International classification :A61B 17/02 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :60/700,311 1)BEN SHALOM, ZVI (32) Priority Date :19/07/2005 Address of Applicant :BAT HADAR, NO. 206, D.N. HOF ASHKELON ISRAEL (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/IL2006/000838 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :19/07/2006 1)BEN SHALOM, ZVI (87) International Publication No :WO 2007/010535 (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : An organ assist system having a closed fluid system having a ring-shaped prosthetic contactively surrounding at least a portion of a body part, including bladders adapted for selectable dilation and contraction in response to varying fluid pressure therewithin, a fluid pump, and apparatus for pressurizing the bladders; and a control unit for controlling operation of at least the fluid pump; pressure sensors within the fluid system; a power source, and shut off valves. The pressurization apparatus includes pressure cells arranged in an array, each pressure cell having a shut-off valve at its inlet, and a shut-off valve at its outlet, the shut-off valves being controlled by the control unit such that the pressurization apparatus is operable to provide a range of pressurizations to the bladders of the prosthetic for applying a controlled variable pressurizing effect to the body part thereby. No. of Pages : 47 No. of Claims : 39 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27685 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.675/KOLNP/2008 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :15/02/2008 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : MINIMIZING PADDING FOR VOICE OVER INTERNET PROTOCOL-TYPE TRAFFIC OVER RADIO LINK CONTROL (51) International classification :H04L 12/56 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :60/700,327 1)TELEFONAKTIEBOLAGET LM ERICSSON (PUBL) Address of Applicant :S-164 83 STOCKHOLM SWEDEN (32) Priority Date :19/07/2005 (72)Name of Inventor : (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. (86) International Application No :PCT/SE2006/050220 1)SХGFORS, MATS Filing Date :27/06/2006 2)TORSNER, JOHAN (87) International Publication No :WO 2007/011298 3)WAGER, STEFAN (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A radio access network node (24) comprises protocol data unit (PDU) formation logic (36); a PDU buffer (38): a concatenation timer (40): and a buffer readout mechanism (39). The protocol data unit (PDU) formation logic (36) serves, e.g.. for segmenting incoming service data units (SDUs) to form protocol data unit (PDUs). The PDU buffer (38) stores one or more PDUs. The buffer readout mechanism (39) controls readout of contents of the PDU buffer (38). For example, when contents of a PDU in the PDU buffer (38) has not reach a predetermined fill level, the buffer readout mechanism (39) uses the concatenation timer for determining a delay for readout of the PDU from the PDU buffer (38). The delay provides opportunity for at least a portion of a yet-arrived SDU to be included in the PDU prior to readout of the PDU from the PDU buffer (38), and thereby reduce padding in an outgoing PDU. No. of Pages : 17 No. of Claims : 16 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27686 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.676/KOL/2007 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :03/05/2007 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : METHOD OF MANUFACTURE FOR A COMPONENT INCLUDING AT LEAST ONE SINGLECRYSTAL LAYER ON A SUBSTRATE (51) International classification :H01L21/20; (71)Name of Applicant : H01L21/02 1)MHS INDUSTRIES :NA Address of Applicant :49 BOULEVARD MORTIER, 75020 :NA PARIS FRANCE :NA (72)Name of Inventor : :NA 1)ANCILOTI MICHEL :NA 2)TAUZINAT PIERRE :NA 3)LAINAT FRЩDЩRIC :NA 4)BRIERE OLIVIER :NA :NA :NA (31) Priority Document No (32) Priority Date (33) Name of priority country (86) International Application No Filing Date (87) International Publication No (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number Filing Date (57) Abstract : The invention refers to a method of manufacture for a component including a single-crystal substrate on which is deposed at least one single-crystal layer, the method including one or several steps for single-crystal layers" deposit by pulverisation of a metal or of semiconductors inside a plasma of gas, and the method being characterised in that the rate of atom deposit is lower than the homogenisation rate of such atoms among themselves. No. of Pages : 23 No. of Claims : 22 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27687 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.676/KOLNP/2008 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :15/02/2008 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : COILED TUBING DRILLING SYSTEM (51) International classification :E21B 7/04, E21B 7/08 :2005903855 :20/07/2005 :AUSTRALIA :PCT/AU2006/001030 :20/07/2006 :WO 2007/009189 (71)Name of Applicant : 1)CMTE DEVELOPMENT LIMITED Address of Applicant :BUILDING 101, UQ PINJARRA HILLS CAMPUS, 2436 MOGGILL ROAD, PINJARA HILLS, QUEENSLAND AUSTRALIA 2)AJ LUCAS COAL TECHNOLOGIES PTY LIMITED (72)Name of Inventor : 1)MEYER, TIMOTHY GREGORY HAMILTON 2)MACDONALD, DUNCAN (31) Priority Document No (32) Priority Date (33) Name of priority country (86) International Application No Filing Date (87) International Publication No (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A drilling rig for drilling an underground borehole 5 into a seam 4 uses coiled metal tubing 8 fed by a tractor unit 11 from a drum 7 to provide a thrust force to a drilling head. The drilling head has a bent-sub assembly giving an angle of deviation which is controlled by rotating the coiled metal tubing in the borehole by way of rotation of the drum 7 in the frame 12 about the axis of the tube in the borehole 5. No. of Pages : 12 No. of Claims : 10 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27688 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.677/KOLNP/2008 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :15/02/2008 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : LIQUID CONTAINER (51) International classification (31) Priority Document No (32) Priority Date (33) Name of priority country :B65D 23/04 :KR 10-20050064725 :18/07/2005 :REPUBLIC OF KOREA :PCT/KR2006/002802 :18/07/2006 :WO 2007/011146 (71)Name of Applicant : 1)JUNG, WOO YOUNG Address of Applicant :SAMSUNG REMIAN 4CHA APT. 420-1101, DANGSAN-DONG 5 GA, YOUNGDEUNPO-GU, SEOUL REPUBLIC OF KOREA 2)CHUNG, JAE UN 3)LEE, SANG KUN (72)Name of Inventor : 1)JO, KYUNG HEE (86) International Application No Filing Date (87) International Publication No (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : Disclosed is a liquid container for containing liquid contents. The liquid container comprises a body with a desired volume for containing liquid contents; a narrow neck formed at an upper side of the body; an opening formed at an inside of the neck so as to be communicated with an inside of the body; and an air path extended from the upper side of the body to an upper side of the neck so as to be opened at upper and lower end thereof so that an entrance of the opening is communicated with an inside of the body, wherein a lower opening of the air path has an inclined section which is inclined upward at a desired angle relative to a reference surface of the liquid contents in the body. And, the air path has a length so that the lower opening thereof is not contacted with the reference surface of the contents. According to the present invention, when a user tilts the container after removing the cap so as to pour out the contents, since the external air can be smoothly entered through the air path extended, a sudden pressure change in the container is prevented. Thus, the contents can be smoothly and quietly discharged without sputtering and splashing about inside. No. of Pages : 19 No. of Claims : 14 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27689 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.679/KOL/2007 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :03/05/2007 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : HIGH-BIOAVAILABILITY PARTICLE COATED WITH FUNGICIDE AND POLYMER (51) International classification :C09J11/04; (71)Name of Applicant : C08C1/02; 1)EVEREST PHARM INDUSTRIAL CO., LTD. C08F6/14 Address of Applicant :NO. 6-3, GONG YEH 3. RD., TOUR :NA CHYAN IND DIST., CHIA YI HSIE, TAIWAN CHINA :NA (72)Name of Inventor : :NA 1)LIAO TA-PING :NA :NA :NA :NA :NA :NA :NA (31) Priority Document No (32) Priority Date (33) Name of priority country (86) International Application No Filing Date (87) International Publication No (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number Filing Date (57) Abstract : The present invention discloses a high-bioavailability particle coated with fungicide and polymer, which mainly comprises: (a) a coating layer including fungicide, a polymer, an acidic substance, talc, a bonding agent, ethanol and dichloromethane; (b) an anticoagulant layer including talc, hydroxypropyl methylcellulose (HPMC) and a plasticizer; and (c) a particulate core having a diameter ranging from 300Еm to 500Еm (30~50 mesh). In the present invention, the talc is added to prevent the particulate cores from aggregating. In addition, the particulate cores are small-sized enough and the polymer and the acidic substance are added to the coating layer, so that solubility is increased and bioavailability is thus improved. No. of Pages : 21 No. of Claims : 6 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27690 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.679/KOLNP/2008 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :15/02/2008 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : LABELED CONTAINERS, METHODS AND DEVICES FOR MAKING SAME (51) International classification :B29C 44/12 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :60/710,135 1)NOVA CHEMICALS INC. (32) Priority Date :22/08/2005 Address of Applicant :WESTPOINTE CENTER, 1550 CORAOPOLIS HEIGHTS ROAD, MOON TOWNSHIP PA (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/US2006/032496 U.S.A. (86) International Application No Filing Date :18/08/2006 (72)Name of Inventor : (87) International Publication No :WO 2007/024751 1)WILLIAMS, MICHAEL, T (61) Patent of Addition to Application 2)PIISPANEN, DENNIS, H. :NA Number 3)GUEVARA, TRICIA :NA Filing Date 4)TANG, JIANSHENG (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA 5)TEENSMA, WIJNAND, J. Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A device and method for producing labeled expanded resin containers; the method including applying a label sheet, formed from a label material capable of maintaining an electrostatic charge, to an inner wall of female portions of two-part molds, positioning one or more male portions of the two-part molds in contact with the corresponding female portions to form one or more mold cavities; adding expandable resin beads or pre-expanded resin beads to the mold cavities; applying a sufficient amount of heat for a sufficient length of time to the mold cavities to effect expansion of the expandable resin beads or pre-expanded resin beads to form labeled containers; cooling the labeled containers; and removing the labeled containers from the mold cavities. The labels on the external wall of the labeled containers present a smooth circumferential surface. No. of Pages : 84 No. of Claims : 72 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27691 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.680/KOLNP/2008 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :15/02/2008 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR MILLING HOT AND WET RAW MATERIALS (51) International classification :B02C 15/04 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :10 2005 040 519.3 1)LOESCHE GMBH (32) Priority Date :26/08/2005 Address of Applicant :HANSAALLEE 243 40549 DUSSELDORF GERMANY (33) Name of priority country :GERMANY :PCT/EP2006/007122 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :19/07/2006 1)LOHLE, WILLY (87) International Publication No :WO 2007/022837 2)BONK, HANS (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)HEUKEN, FRANZ-JOSEF :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The invention is particularly suitable for the cement industry and the grinding and simultaneous drying of cement clinker, slag and aggregates. In order to achieve a throughput increase and energy saving, as well as an improvement in the product quality, particularly with mixed cements, there is a simultaneous grinding and drying through a controlled supply of a cooling gas in the upper mill part with a relatively high hot gas inlet temperature in the lower mill part. The cooling gas supplies ensures a predetermined gas-product temperature downstream of the classifier and replaces or significantly reduces the disadvantageous cooling water injection. No. of Pages : 20 No. of Claims : 23 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27692 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.681/KOLNP/2008 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :15/02/2008 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : APPARATUS AND METHOD FOR FEEDING BACK CHANNEL QUALITY INFORMATION AND SCHEDULING APPARATUS AND METHOD USING THE SAME IN A WIRELESS COMMUNICATION SYSTEM (51) International classification (31) Priority Document No (32) Priority Date (33) Name of priority country :H04B 7/26 :10-2005-079688 :29/08/2005 :REPUBLIC OF KOREA :PCT/KR2006/003411 :29/08/2006 :WO 2007/064074 (71)Name of Applicant : 1)SAMSUNG ELECTRONICS CO., LTD. Address of Applicant :416, MAETAN-DONG, YEONGTONG-GU, SUWON-SI, GYEONGGI-DO REPUBLIC OF KOREA (72)Name of Inventor : 1)HWAN-JOON KWON 2)KYEONG-IN JEONG 3)JIN-KYU HAN 4)DONG-HEE KIM (86) International Application No Filing Date (87) International Publication No (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : An apparatus and method are provided for feeding back channel quality information and performing scheduling using the fed-back channel quality information in a wireless communication system based on Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiple Access (OFDMA). In the OFDMA wireless communication system, forward performance degradation due to a decrease in an amount of reverse channel quality information is reduced, and also an increase in the reverse bad due to channel quality information feedback is suppressed. A base station controls power of a physical channel using information fed back from a mobile station. In a method for feeding back channel quality information from the mobile station, sub-band-by-sub-band channel quality information is measured and channel-by-channel quality information of a number of channels is transmitted in order of sub-bands of better channel quality information. Average channel quality information for a total band is measured and transmitted. No. of Pages : 30 No. of Claims : 20 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27693 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.684/KOLNP/2008 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :15/02/2008 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR MANAGING A COMMUNICATION LINK (51) International classification :G01R 31/08 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :11/210031 1)MOTOROLA, INC. (32) Priority Date :22/08/2005 Address of Applicant :1303 EAST ALGONQUIN ROAD, SCHAUMBURG, ILLINOIS U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/US2006/016561 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :01/05/2006 1)GANESAN ESHWAR PRASAD (87) International Publication No :WO 2007/024291 2)RANGANATHAN MURALI (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)BORNEMAN JEFFREY L :NA Number 4)KUNWER MOID M :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A method and apparatus of managing a communication link may include monitoring at least one of a plurality of physical links and a plurality of communication links associated with a plurality of data communications, calculating a statistical quantity of a noise element of a selected one or more of at least one of the plurality of physical links and the plurality of communication links at a plurality of first time intervals, measuring the noise clement of the selected one or more of at least one of the plurality of physical links and the plurality of communication links at a second time interval, determining whether the noise element measured at the second time interval has exceeded a first noise threshold, and communicating an alert notification when the first noise threshold is exceeded. No. of Pages : 37 No. of Claims : 10 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27694 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.685/KOLNP/2008 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :15/02/2008 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : METHOD FOR PRODUCING KETIMINE STRUCTURE-CONTAINING ALKOXYSILANE (51) International classification :C07F 7/18 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :2005-276915 1)DOW CORNING TORAY CO., LTD (32) Priority Date :22/09/2005 Address of Applicant :1-3, MARUNOUCHI 1-CHOME, CHIYODA-KU, TOKYO JAPAN (33) Name of priority country :JAPAN :PCT/JP2006/319230 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :21/09/2006 1)TANIGUCHI, YOSHINORI (87) International Publication No :WO 2007/034987 2)IWAI, MAKATO (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)WAKITA, KEIJI :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A method for producing ketimine structure containing alkoxysilane comprising reacting amino-functional alkoxysilane with a monocarbonyl compound by heating and azeotropically distilling off the produced water together with the monocarbonyl compound to yield ketimine structure-containing alkoxysilane, characterized by introducing additional monocarbonyl compound at the time of the azeotropic distillation of the produced water together with the monocarbonyl compound. No. of Pages : 30 No. of Claims : 6 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27695 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.686/KOLNP/2008 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :15/02/2008 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : TOOTHPICK DEVICE (51) International classification :A61C 15/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :11/234780 1)WONG, THOMAS, K (32) Priority Date :23/09/2005 Address of Applicant :795 PANORAMA DRIVE, SAN FRANCISCO, CA U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/US2006/036787 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :21/09/2006 1)WONG, THOMAS, K (87) International Publication No :WO 2007/038190 (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A toothpick device in the form of an elongated, hollow member having a readily deformable central portion and readily deformable spaced end portions formed by two attached, convexly curved, flexible walls having an elastic memory. No. of Pages : 15 No. of Claims : 17 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27696 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.687/KOLNP/2008 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :15/02/2008 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : ARTICLE PROVIDED WITH ELECTROMAGNETICALLY COUPLED MODULE (51) International classification :C06K 19/077 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :2006-122487 1)MURATA MANUFACTURING CO., LTD. (32) Priority Date :26/04/2006 Address of Applicant :10-1, HIGASHIKOTARI 1-CHOME NAGAOKAKYO-SHI, KYOTO JAPAN (33) Name of priority country :JAPAN :PCT/JP2007/054243 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :06/03/2007 1)KATO NOBORU (87) International Publication No :WO 2007/125683 2)KIMURA IKUHEI (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)IWASAKI KIMIKAZU :NA Number 4)ISHINO SATOSHI :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : An article with an electromagnetic-coupling module, including an electromagnetic-coupling module incorporating a wireless IC chip and having stable frequency characteristics, is obtained. An electromagnetic-coupling module (1a), which includes a wireless IC chip (5), and a feeder circuit board (10) on which the wireless IC chip (5) is mounted and in which a feeder circuit (16) including a resonance circuit having a predetermined resonance frequency is provided, is attached to an article. The article includes a radiation plate (20) for radiating a transmission signal supplied from the feeder circuit (16) of the electromagnetic-coupling module (1a) via electromagnetic coupling and for supplying a received reception signal to the feeder circuit (16) via electromagnetic coupling. No. of Pages : 117 No. of Claims : 21 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27697 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.688/KOLNP/2008 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :15/02/2008 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : 8-SUBSTITUTED BENZOAZEPINES AS TOLL-LIKE RECEPTOR MODULATORS (51) International classification :C07D 223/16 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :60/710004 1)ARRAY BIOPHARMA INC. (32) Priority Date :19/08/2005 Address of Applicant :3200 WALNUT STREET, BOULDER, CO U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/US2006/032098 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :17/08/2006 1)DOHERTY, GEORGE A (87) International Publication No :WO 2007/024612 2)EARY, TODD C (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)GRONEBERG, ROBERT D :NA Number 4)JONES ZACHARY :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : Provided are compositions and methods useful for modulation of signaling through the Toll-like receptors TLR7 and/or TLR8. The compositions and methods have use in the treatment of autoimmunity, inflammation allergy, asthma, graft rejection, graft versus host disease, infection, sepsis, cancer and immunodeficiency. No. of Pages : 47 No. of Claims : 23 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27698 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.689/KOLNP/2008 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :15/02/2008 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : A REMOTE MONITOR SYSTEM FOR A LONGITUDINALLY POSITIONABLE CONTROL BAR (51) International classification :F01B 31/12 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :11/213467 1)TDW DELAWARE, INC. (32) Priority Date :26/08/2005 Address of Applicant :1100 MARKET STREET, SUITE 780 WILMINGTON, DALAWARE U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/US2006/033144 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :24/08/2006 1)DUNN, JERRY LEE (87) International Publication No :WO 2007/025083 2)RICE, MICHAEL LYNN (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A remote monitor system for a control bar 18 having position indicating indicia 20 thereon includes a housing 12 having an aperture 34 in a sidewall communicating between the control bar 18 and an exterior housing surface 36. An explosion proof enclosure 42 is mounted exteriorly of the housing 12 and has a transparent window 44 in alignment with the aperture 34. A video camera 50 positioned within the enclosure 42 has a lens 52 with a visual path through the window 44 and aperture 34. A radio transmitter 54 is positioned within the enclosure 42, is connected to the camera 50 and is configured to transmit a video images. A battery power source 52A within the explosion proof enclosure 42 provides energy to the camera 50 and transmitter for providing remotely receivable control bar position indicating images. No. of Pages : 18 No. of Claims : 10 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27699 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.690/KOL/2007 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :04/05/2007 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : A METHOD OF PRODUCING ULTRA HIGH STRENGTH STEEL WITH MINIMAL DUCTILITY FROM FERRITE-BAINITE STARTING DUAL PHASE STEEL (51) International classification :C21D1/19; (71)Name of Applicant : C21D8/02; 1)TATA STEEL LIMITED. C22C38/00 Address of Applicant :JAMSHEDPUR JHARKHAND INDIA :NA (72)Name of Inventor : :NA 1)GHOSH, CHIRADEEP :NA 2)HALDAR, ARUNANSU :NA :NA :NA :NA :NA :NA :NA (31) Priority Document No (32) Priority Date (33) Name of priority country (86) International Application No Filing Date (87) International Publication No (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number Filing Date (57) Abstract : This invention relates to a method of producing an ultra high strength steel with minimal ductility from ferrite-bainite dual phase steel comprising the steps of: producing C-Mn-Si based steel having composition in weight % of C - 0.1-0.3, Mn - 1.1 - 1.7, Si - 0.2 - 0.6, S - ? 0.015, P - ? 0.02, Ti - ? 0.01, V - 0.1 - 0.3, Cr - 0.05 - 0.1, 1 in an air induction furnace, forging a bloom of said steel at 9001100АC with different amount of deformation at each stroke to achieve a homogenized structure and conveying the same to hot rolling mill, and hot rolling the bloom at just above Ar3 temperature and normalising to obtain slab of ferrite-bainite steel slab, cold rolling the said hot rolled slab to 20-85 % deformation and annealing the cold reduced steel sheet / strip at 200-700АC for 20 - 60 minutes to result ultra high strength steel with minimal ductility. No. of Pages : 10 No. of Claims : 4 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27700 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.691/KOLNP/2008 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :15/02/2008 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : COMMUNICATING MASSAGE IN MOBILE COMMUNICATION SYSTEM (51) International classification (31) Priority Document No (32) Priority Date (33) Name of priority country :H04Q 7/38,G06F (71)Name of Applicant : 13/42 1)LG ELECTRONICS INC. :10-2005-0077515 Address of Applicant :20, YOIDO-DONG, YOUNGDUNGPO-GU SEOUL REPUBLIC OF KOREA :23/08/2005 (72)Name of Inventor : :REPUBLIC OF KOREA 1)LEE YOUNG DAE :PCT/KR2006/003313 2)CHUN SUNG DUCK :23/08/2006 3)JUNG MYUNG CHEUL :WO 2007/024098 4)FISCHER PATRICK 5)PARK SEONG JUN :NA :NA (86) International Application No Filing Date (87) International Publication No (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The present invention relates to communicating a message in a mobile communication system. Preferably, the present invention comprises requesting radio resources or transmitting at least one message, receiving a response to the request for radio resources, transmitting a first message for requesting a first layer connection to a first node, and transmitting a second message for requesting a second layer connection with a second node prior to establishing the first layer connection. No. of Pages : 49 No. of Claims : 46 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27701 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.692/KOLNP/2008 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :15/02/2008 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : TENSIONING DEVICE (51) International classification :B25B 5/06 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :102005033468.7 1)HOFMANN KLAUS (32) Priority Date :18/07/2005 Address of Applicant :BIRKENWEG 10 , 85567 BRUCK GERMANY (33) Name of priority country :GERMANY :PCT/DE2006/001226 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :17/07/2006 1)HOFMANN KLAUS (87) International Publication No :WO 2007/009439 (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The invention relates to a clamping device, especially for machine tools, in which a deforming clamping element acts on a clamping part with a clamping force which results from the deformation in order to fix or release a fixing element. No. of Pages : 21 No. of Claims : 16 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27702 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.693/KOLNP/2008 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :15/02/2008 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : PLY-GBS MUTANT LYSINS (51) International classification :C12N 9/78 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :60/710936 1)THE ROCKEFELLER UNIVERSITY (32) Priority Date :24/08/2005 Address of Applicant :1230 YORK AVENUE, BOX 81, NEW YORK, NY U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/US2006/032176 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :17/08/2006 1)FISCHETTI, VINCENT A (87) International Publication No :WO 2007/024628 2)CHENG, QI (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : Methods, compositions and articles of manufacture useful for the treatment of various Group B streptococci (GBS) bacteria are provided. Various bacterial lysins, including certain PlyGBS mutant lysins, are provided. In particular, PlyGBS mutant lysins having lytic killing activity against Group B streptococci (GBS) bacteria are provided, including PlyGBS mutant lysins with greater killing activity against Group B streptococci (GBS) bacteria than the non- mutated PlyGBS bacterial lysin. No. of Pages : 90 No. of Claims : 23 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27703 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.694/KOLNP/2008 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :18/02/2008 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : FITTING FOR A VEHICLE SEAT (51) International classification :B60N 2/225 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :10 2005 054 489.4 1)KEIPER GMBH & CO. KG (32) Priority Date :16/11/2005 Address of Applicant :HERTELSBRUNENRING 2, 67657 KEISERSLAUTERN GERMANY (33) Name of priority country :GERMANY :PCT/EP2006/010551 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :03/11/2006 1)VOSS, HEINZ (87) International Publication No :WO 2007/057105 2)LEHMANN, ULRICH (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)SCHOLZ, GRIT :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The invention relates to a fitting (10) for a vehicle seat, especially for a motor vehicle seat, comprising a first fitting part (11), a second fitting part (12) which is connected to the first fitting part (11) by transmission, and a multi-part eccentric which is rotatably mounted in the first fitting part (11) and is used to drive a rolling movement between the first fitting part (11) and the second fitting part (12). The eccentric comprises at least one driving element (21) and wedge segments (27) as components (21,27) thereof. In order to mount said eccentric, the components (21,27) are at least respectively indirectly arranged, with the inner side (27a) thereof and/or the outer side (27b) thereof, on one of the fitting parts (11 or 12). At least one component (27) of the eccentric is mounted on the first fitting part (11) with the inner side (27a) thereof and/or on the second fitting part (12) with the outer side (27b) thereof, co-operating directly with the corresponding fitting part(11,12). According to the invention, said component (27) of the eccentric or the associated fitting part (11 or 12) is coated, in the co-operating region, with a thin layer having a friction co-efficient which is lower than that of the material of the component (27). No. of Pages : 21 No. of Claims : 11 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27704 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.695/KOLNP/2008 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :18/02/2008 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : MOTOR-DRIVEN ACTUATOR FOR A VEHICLE SEAT (51) International classification (71)Name of Applicant : :B60N 2/02,H02K 15/02 1)KEIPER GMBH & CO. KG Address of Applicant :HERTELSBRUNNENRING 2, 67657 :10 2006 023 536.3 KAISERSLAUTERN GERMANY :19/05/2006 (72)Name of Inventor : :GERMANY :PCT/EP2007/003884 1)SCHULER, ROLF :03/05/2007 :WO 2007/134704 (31) Priority Document No (32) Priority Date (33) Name of priority country (86) International Application No Filing Date (87) International Publication No (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The invention relates to a motor-driven actuator (1) for a vehicle, in particular for a vehicle seat (2), situated between two components (58,59) of the vehicle or vehicle seat (2) that can be displaced in relation to one another. Said drive comprises a motor (11) that is in particular electronically commutated , at least one first gear train (21) that is located on the output side of the motor (11) and a second gear train (31) that acts as a load-bearing gear and is located on the output side of the first gear train (21), said motor and trains combining to form the motor-driven actuator (1) and being integrated into the latter, in particular into a common housing (45) of the motor-driven actuato (1). During production, the combined motor-driven actuator (1) has sealing elements (19,29,30,56) for protecting the motor (11) and/or its electrical contacts (17) and/or at least one of the gear trains (21,31) said elements being removed in the assembled, motor-drive actuator (1) that is ready for service. No. of Pages : 19 No. of Claims : 13 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27705 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.696/KOLNP/2008 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :18/02/2008 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : ELASTOMERIC FILMS AND GLOVES (51) International classification (71)Name of Applicant : :C08L 9/02, C08K 3/22 1)DIPTECH PTE. LIMITED Address of Applicant :137, CECIL STREET #06-01 :PI 20053343 SINGAPORE 069537SINGAPORE :20/07/2005 (72)Name of Inventor : :MALAYSIA :PCT/SG2005/000358 1)FOO KHON PU :18/10/2005 :WO 2007/011309 (31) Priority Document No (32) Priority Date (33) Name of priority country (86) International Application No Filing Date (87) International Publication No (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : There is disclosed a composition for producing an elastomeric film comprising: a synthetic polymer, sulphur, and a metal-oxide crosslinking agent. The concentration of the total solids in the composition is between 5-20% by weight of the composition. Also disclosed is a multiple-coating method of manufacturing an elastomeric film comprising the steps of: (i) providing a composition comprising a synthetic polymer, a metal-oxide cross linking agent, wherein the concentration of the total solids in the composition is between 520% by weight of the composition, (ii) contacting the composition with a mould to form a layer of composition on the mould, (iii) contacting the layer of composition on the mould with a further amount of the composition to form a further layer, (iv) drying the composition, and (v) curing the composition. No. of Pages : 37 No. of Claims : 24 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27706 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.697/KOL/2007 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :07/05/2007 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : A METHOD OF SEPARATION OF PECTIN DURING MEMBRANE CLARIFICATION OF FRUIT JUICE FOR PRODUCTIVITY IMPROVEMENT (51) International classification :A23N1/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :NA 1)INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY (32) Priority Date :NA Address of Applicant :INDIAN INSTITUTE OF (33) Name of priority country :NA TECHNOLOGY, KHARAGPUR WEST BENGAL INDIA (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No :NA Filing Date :NA 1)DASGUPTA, SUNANDO (87) International Publication No :NA 2)DE, SIRSHENDU (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number :NA 3)SARKAR, BISWAJIT Filing Date :NA 4)RAI, PRAMOD (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The present invention relates to a process of pectin separation during membrane clarification of citrus fruit juice by advantageous application of the electric field assisted Ultra filtration system operated at variable trans-membrane pressure difference, to effect significant cross-flow velocity and thereby achieving substantial improvement in the filtration speed and time. The negatively charged pectin in fruit juices, higher at higher pH value. Application of external electrical field during membrane separation in the present invention advantageously utilizes the charged nature of pectin. Moreover, pectin and its derivatives being gel forming materials, it has tendency to decrease the filtration rate and the throughput of the filtration process. A suitable electric field utilized to assist migration of the pectin molecules away from the membrane surface, reducing gel layer resistance and consequent increase in productivity of the filtration process. The removal of pectin by the present process increases the shelf life of the clarified fruit juice and thus having wide application in allied industries. No. of Pages : 26 No. of Claims : 12 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27707 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.697/KOLNP/2008 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :18/02/2008 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : CONNECTOR ISOLATION STATION SYSTEM (51) International classification :H01R 13/60 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :60/705,414 1)LEVITON MANUFACTURING CO., INC. (32) Priority Date :03/08/2005 Address of Applicant :59-25 LITTLE NECK PARKWAY LITTLE NECK, NEW YORK U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/US2006/030307 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :02/08/2006 1)FRANK CHIN-HWAN KIM (87) International Publication No :WO 2007/019238 2)JEFFREY P. SEEFRIED (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)JOHN M. REDFIELD :NA Number 4)DARRELL W. ZIELKE :NA Filing Date 5)PATRICK STEPHEN MCNUTT (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA 6)PHILLIP PHUNG Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A connector isolation station (100) system affords protection of transmissions through individual connectors (122) from interference caused by transmissions through other individual connectors in close proximity therewith and/or from interference due to other environmental factors. The connector isolation station is particularly helpful in situations where relatively high-speed transmissions are involved. Protection from interference facilitates high-speed transmissions through the individual connectors. No. of Pages : 48 No. of Claims : 49 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27708 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.698/KOLNP/2008 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :18/02/2008 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : CHIMERIC THERAPEUTIC AGENTS (51) International classification :A61K 38/22 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :60/703,950 1)AMPROTEIN CORPORATION (32) Priority Date :29/07/2005 Address of Applicant :355 N. LANTANA STREET, #220 CAMARILLO, CA U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country :U.S.A. :PCT/US2006/011276 (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No Filing Date :28/03/2006 1)MIZHOU HUI (87) International Publication No :WO 2007/018619 (61) Patent of Addition to Application :NA Number :NA Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : A fusion protein including (i) a first segment that is located at the amino terminus of the fusion protein and contains the sequence of a first biological active peptide or protein; and (ii) a second segment that is located at the carboxyl terminus of the fusion protein and contains the sequence of a second biological active peptide or protein. The first and second segments are operably and covalently linked. Also disclosed are nucleic acids encoding the fusion protein, vectors and host cells having the nucleic acids, and related composition and methods of treating diabetes or/and obesity. No. of Pages : 51 No. of Claims : 39 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27709 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.699/KOLNP/2008 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :18/02/2008 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : NOVEL CERCOSPORAMIDE DERIVATIVE (51) International classification (31) Priority Document No (32) Priority Date (33) Name of priority country (86) International Application No Filing Date (87) International Publication No (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number Filing Date (62) Divisional to Application Number Filing Date (71)Name of Applicant : 1)DAIICHI SANKYO COMPANY, LIMITED :C07D 307/91 Address of Applicant :3-5-1, NIHONBASHI-HONCHO, :2005-230558 CHUO-KU, TOKUO JAPAN :09/08/2005 (72)Name of Inventor : :JAPAN 1)FURUKAWA, AKIHIRO :PCT/JP2006/315621 2)OHSUMI, JUN :08/08/2006 3)ARITA, TSUYOSHI :WO 2007/018193 4)FUKUZAKI, TAKEHIRO 5)ARAKI, KAZUSHI :NA 6)MORI, MAKOTO :NA 7)MOMOSE, TAKAYUKI :NA 8)HONDA, TAKESHI :NA 9)KUROHA, MASANORI 10)OKUYAMA, RYO 11)SATOH, SUSUMU (57) Abstract : The present invention relates to a novel cercosporamide derivative, a pharmacologically acceptable salt thereof or an ester thereof which has an excellent hypoglycemic effect and is useful as a therapeutic and/or prophylactic agent for diabetes. A cercosporamide derivative having the general formula (I): [wherein X represents an oxygen atom or the like, R1 represents a hydrogen atom or a C1-C6 alkyl group, R2 represents a hydrogen atom, a C1-C6 alkyl group or a C1-C6 halogenated alkyl group, R3 represents a hydrogen atom or a C1-C6 alkyl group, R4 represents a C6-C10 aryl group which may be substituted with one to five group(s) independently selected from Substituent Group a, or the like, n represents 1, 2 or 3, and Substituent Group a represents a halogen atom, a C1-C6 alkyl group, a C1C6 halogenated alkyl group, a C2-C6 alkenyl group, a C2-C6 alkynyl group, a C1-C6 alkoxy group, a C1-C6 halogenated alkoxy group, a C2-C6 alkenyloxy group, a C2-C6 alkynyloxy group and the like], a pharmacologically acceptable salt thereof or an ester thereof. No. of Pages : 446 No. of Claims : 31 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27710 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.700/KOLNP/2008 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :18/02/2008 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : 3-[2-(DIMETHYLAMINO)METHYL-(CYCLOHEX-1-YL)]- PHENOL MALEATE AND THE CRYSTALINE FORMS THEREOF (51) International classification :C07C 215/64 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :10 2005 034 974.9 1)GRUNENTHAL GMBH Address of Applicant :ZIEGLERSTRASSE 6, 52078 (32) Priority Date :22/07/2005 AACHEN GERMANY (33) Name of priority country :GERMANY (86) International Application No :PCT/EP2006/007160 (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :20/07/2006 1)GRUSS, MICHAEL (87) International Publication No :WO 2007/009792 2)HELL, WOLFGANG (61) Patent of Addition to Application 3)SZELAGIEWICZ, MARTIN :NA Number 4)BERGHAUSEN, JORG :NA Filing Date 5)DE PAUL, SUSAN, MARGARET (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA 6)VON RAUMER, MARKUS Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : 3-[2-(Dimethylamino)methyl(cyclohex-1-yl)]phenol maleate is an analgesic with a very good action. The crystalline form A has proven to be very stable both chemically and physically and is particularly suitable for the production of the active principle and of pharmaceutical compositions. No. of Pages : 60 No. of Claims : 28 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27711 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (21) Application No.704/KOL/2007 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application :07/05/2007 (43) Publication Date : 14/11/2008 (54) Title of the invention : SPRAY PRETREATMENT SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR PRE-TREATING WORKPIECES BY SPRAYING (51) International classification :B05B7/14 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :NA 1)GERD WURSTER (32) Priority Date :NA Address of Applicant :BIRKENDOERFLE 15 70191 (33) Name of priority country :NA STUTTGART GERMANY (72)Name of Inventor : (86) International Application No :NA Filing Date :NA 1)GERD WURSTER (87) International Publication No :NA (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The invention discloses a spray pretreatment system and a method for pre-treating workpieces by spraying in a spraying tunnel (12), where the workpieces (16) are fed into a treating station (18) through an entry station (32). The inlet opening (34) of the entry station (32) is located below the level of the treating installations (20) of the treating station (18). In this way, partial condensation of the vapors escaping from the treating station (18) occurs in the entry station (32) so that one can do without an extraction system in the area of the roof surface (46) of the spraying tunnel (12). If desired, an extraction system (50) with relatively low capacity may be provided in the area of the inlet opening (34). No. of Pages : 16 No. of Claims : 12 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27712 CESSATION OF PATENTS, MUMBAI S No. Patent Number 1 205093 2 202860 3 209060 4 187281 OPPOSITION U/S. 25(2) An opposition u/s 25(2) has been filed by M/s. Hindustan Unilever Ltd., India on 31st Oct. 2008 in respect of Patent No 211693(268/KOL/2005) in the name of M/s. Eureka Forbes Limited Ltd. The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27713 PUBLICATION U/R 84(3) IN RESPECT OF APPLICATION FOR RESTORATION OF PATENTS Notice is hereby given that any person interested in opposing the following application for restoration of patents under Section 60 of the Patent Act, 1970, may at any time within 2 months from the date of publication of this notice, give notice to the Controller of Patents at the appropriate office on the prescribed form ? 14 under Rule 85 of the Patents (Amendment) Rules, 2006. PATENT APPLICANTS TITLE DATE OF CESSATION APP. OFFICE 205093 Reliance Life Sciences Private Limited A kit for the amplifying and detecting nucleic acid of Cytomegalovirus. 28/01/2007 Mumbai 2 202860 Reliance Industries Limited 10/10/2007 Mumbai 3 209060 28/11/2007 Mumbai 4 187281 09/04/2008 Mumbai SN 1 NOS. Microsoft Corporation EPC Industrie Limited A process and device for selective recovery of cobalt and manganese catalysts from purge stream in the manufacture of polycarboxylic acid A method of adjusting image data for rasterizing an image on a display device A locking means for coupling device for attaching and detaching of pipes or the like The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27714 Publication Under Section 43(2) in Respect of the Grant Patents have been granted and any ?person interested? in opposing these patents under Section 25(2) may at any time within one year from the date of this issue, give notice to the Controller of Patents at the appropriate office, on the prescribed form-7 along with written statement and evidence, if any. Se ria l N u m be r 1 Patent Numbe r 222765 Application Number 1434/DELNP/2004 Date of Applicatio n 21/02/2002 Date of Priority 29/10/2001 2 223945 01418/DELNP/2003 09/03/2001 15/03/2001 3 224125 2703/DELNP/2004 25/03/2003 27/03/2002 4 224127 1531/DELNP/2004 03/12/2002 07/12/2001 5 6 224380 224382 4279/DELNP/2005 134/DEL/2003 08/02/1995 24/02/2003 18/02/2003 7 224460 5443/DELNP/2005 24/05/2004 23/05/2003 8 224585 1026/DEL/2003 19/08/2003 16/10/2002 9 224586 182/DEL/2002 28/02/2002 Title of Invention "A METHOD AND SYSTEM FOR TRANSMITTING MULTIMEDIA DATA" A DEVICE FOR BIOLOGICAL TREATMENT OF WASTE WATER AND A PROCESS THEREFOR "A 3PHENYLSULFON YL-8 PIPERAZIN1-YL-QUINOLINE COMPOUND" "POT-HERB PREPARATION" "DEVICE FOR ELECTROCHEMI CAL DISINFECTION OF WATER AND A METHOD FOR USING THE SAME" A LOW TEMPERATURE CONTINUOUS PROCESS FOR THE PRODUCTION OF HYDROGEN "WATER TREATMENT DEVICES AND CARTRIDGES THEREFOR" "A SURGICAL FOOTSWITCH" "AN ELECTRONIC CIRCUIT FOR EFFICIENT The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 Name of Patentee Date of Publication of Abstract u/s 11(A) Approp riate Office MPnet INTERNATIO NAL, INC. 09/02/2007 DELHI COUNCIL OF SCIENTIFIC & INDUSTRIAL RESEARCH 16/03/2007 DELHI GLAXO GROUP LIMITED 02/03/2007 DELHI Fuchs GmbH & Co. 09/02/2007 DELHI EUROPEENN E DE TRAITEMEN T DES EAUX SA., 27/04/2007 DELHI COUNCIL OF SCIENTIFIC AND INDUSTRIAL RESEARCH 16/03/2007 DELHI PUR WATER PURIFICATIO N PRODUCTS INC 27/04/2007 DELHI ALCON, INC. 27/05/2005 DELHI STMicroelectro nics Pvt. 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Ser ial Patent Date of Date of Application Number Nu Number Application Priority mb er Title of Invention Name of Patentee Date of Publication Appropriate of Abstract Office u/s 11(A) 1 224968 1585/KOLNP/2005 16/04/2004 18/04/2003 RIGID-FLEX WIRING BOARD IBIDEN CO., LTD. 13/04/2007 KOLKATA 225401 00062/KOLNP/2006 04/08/2005 06/09/2004 METHOD FOR MANIPULATION IDENTIFICATION ON A SENSOR SIEMENS AKTIENGESELLSC 16/03/2007 KOLKATA HAFT 225402 00163/KOLNP/2004 29/08/2002 05/09/2001 A SECOND SERVICE PROVIDER COUPLED TO A FIRST SERVICE PROVIDER OVER A SPRINT PEER-TO-PEER COMMUNICATION 31/03/2006 KOLKATA INTERNET PROTOCOL S COMPANY CONNECTION AND A METHOD OF OPERATING THE SAME. 225403 00403/KOLNP/2004 05/07/2002 31/08/2001 AN EXPRESSION CASSETTE COMPRISING A POLYNUCLEOTIDE SEQUENCE ENCODING A POLYPEPTIDE. 225404 00491/KOLNP/2004 22/01/2002 18/12/2001 A CONTINOUS PROCESS FOR MAKING TRANSPARENT FOOD INVISTA GRADE POLYESTER TECHNOLOGIES S. 14/04/2006 KOLKATA CONTAINING A. R. A. TRANSPARENT WASTE POLYESTER 2 3 4 5 CHIRON CORPORATION 07/04/2006 KOLKATA 6 225405 00691/KOLNP/2004 02/12/2002 30/11/2001 ENGINE CONTROLLER YAMAHA HATSUDOKI KABUSHIKI KAISHA 7 225406 00098/KOLNP/2004 31/07/2002 31/07/2001 QUINOLINE -OXYPHENOXY-PROPIONIL ACID WAYNE STATE UNIVERSITY 27/01/2006 KOLKATA 8 225407 00339/KOLNP/2004 16/05/2002 22/08/2001 METHOD OF THERMAL PRINTING AND POLAROID THERMAL PRINTER CORPORATION THEREFOR 17/03/2006 KOLKATA 9 225408 00845/KOLNP/2004 20/11/2002 20/11/2001 ELECTRODE FOR BIOMEDICAL MEASUREMENTS BOHM, STEPHAN,AMATO, 21/04/2006 KOLKATA MARCELO, B.P. OXYFLUORINATION SOUTH AFRICAN NUCLEAR 10 225409 00898/KOLNP/2005 23/10/2003 25/10/2002 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 16/06/2006 KOLKATA 11/08/2006 KOLKATA 27720 ENERGY CORPORATION LIMITED 11 225410 00906/KOLNP/2005 18/03/1999 23/03/1998 PREPOLYMERISED CATALYST BASELL COMPONENTS FOR THE TECHNOLOGY POLYMERIZATION OF COMPANY B. V OLIFINS 08/12/2006 KOLKATA 12 225411 01026/KOLNP/2005 06/11/2002 06/11/2002 COMBINATION THERAPY FOR THE TREATMENT OF ACUTE WYETH LEUKEMIA AND MYELODYSPLASTIC SYNDROME 11/08/2006 KOLKATA 13 225412 00766/KOLNP/2004 27/11/2002 12/12/2001 A MAT AND METHODS FOR THE MANUFACTURE OF GLASS FIBER FIBERTEX A/S REINFORCED PLASTICS OR CARBON FIBER REINFORCED PLASTICS 14/04/2006 KOLKATA 14 225413 00872/KOLNP/2005 21/10/2002 21/10/2002 EQUIPMENT, SYSTEM AND METHODS FOR IMAX CONTROL OF COLOR IN CORPORATION PROJECTION DISPLAYS 07/07/2006 KOLKATA 15 225414 01120/KOLNP/2005 09/12/2003 11/12/2002 KNORR-BREMSE PRESSURESYSTEME FUR 30/06/2006 KOLKATA REGULATED FRICTION NUTZ-FAHRZEUGE CLUTCH GMBH 16 225415 01160/KOLNP/2004 14/02/2003 15/02/2002 A METAL FLOW SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR HIGH PRESSURE DIE CASTING OF ALLOYS COMMONWEALTH SCIENTIFIC AND 12/05/2006 KOLKATA INDUSTRIAL RESEARCH ORGANISATION 17 225416 01213/KOLNP/2003 03/04/2002 05/04/2001 BENZAMIDINE DERIVATIVES SANKYO COMPANY, LIMITED 30/09/2005 KOLKATA 18 225418 01431/KOLNP/2003 21/05/2002 22/05/2001 INTERLABIAL PAD INDIVIDUAL PACKAGING VESSEL UNI-CHARM CORPORATION 10/03/2006 KOLKATA 19 225419 01089/KOLNP/2004 26/02/2003 01/03/2002 DIAPHRAGM ELECTROLYTIC CELL DE NORA 21/04/2006 KOLKATA ELETRODI S. P. .A. 20 225420 01648/KOLNP/2005 06/02/2004 25/03/2003 A METHOD OF ORDERING DATA WRITES EMC CORPOTRATION 27/10/2006 KOLKATA 21 225421 01651/KOLNP/2004 25/06/2002 25/06/2002 PROCESS FOR ELECTROPLATING METALLIC AND METALL MATRIX COMPOSITE FOILS, COATINGS AND MICROCOMPONENTS INTEGRAN TECHNOLOGIES, INC. 21/07/2006 KOLKATA 22 225422 01657/KOLNP/2005 27/01/2004 27/01/2003 METHODS FOR DETECTION OF AN ENCEPHALOTOXIN IN A SUBJECT. BAYLOR COLLEGE OF MEDICINE 22/09/2006 KOLKATA The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27721 23 225423 01708/KOLNP/2004 19/05/2003 17/05/2002 MUTEINS OF PLACENTAL GROWTH FACTOR TYPE 1, PREPARATION METHOD AND APPLICATION THEREOF 24 225424 01855/KOLNP/2005 16/03/2004 17/03/2003 A MILLING TOOL WITH COOPERATING PROJECTIONS AND SECO TOOLS AB RECESSESS BETWEEN THE CUTTING INSERT AND THE HOLDER. 22/09/2006 KOLKATA 25 225425 01967/KOLNP/2004 22/05/2003 29/05/2002 PHENYL-THIOPHENE TYPE VITAMIN D RECEPTOR MODULATORS ELI LILLY AND COMPANY 03/11/2006 KOLKATA 26 225426 01969/KOLNP/2005 16/03/2004 17/03/2003 DOUBLE-SIDED SLIDING BUTTON FOR USE IN A REVERSIBLE DRIVEN PULLEY CVTECH R & D INC. 10/11/2006 KOLKATA 27 225427 02094/KOLNP/2005 19/08/2004 20/08/2003 COMPOUNDS AS INHIBITORS HISTONE DEACETYLASE PHARMACYCLICS, 29/09/2006 KOLKATA INC. 28 225428 02461/KOLNP/2005 24/06/2004 25/07/2003 CONDUCTOR CONNECTING MODULE ADC GMBH FOR PRINTED CIRCUIT BOARDS 13/10/2006 KOLKATA 29 225429 110/KOLNP/2005 27/06/2003 02/07/2002 A METHOD FOR FABRICATING AN OPTICAL DEVICE AND AN OPTICAL DEVICE HAVING LIGHTABSORBING MASK IDC, LLC 24/02/2006 KOLKATA 28/08/2003 29/08/2002 A METHOD FOR CHARGING A MATERIAL IN A BELLLESS BLAST FURNACE JFE STEEL CORPORATION 26/05/2006 KOLKATA 31 225431 02118/KOLNP/2005 25/03/2004 26/03/2003 AIR SEPARATOR AIR WATER INC 01/09/2006 KOLKATA 32 225432 1403/CAL/1995 MELT-EXTRUDED ORALLY ADMINISTRABLE OPIOID FORMULATIONS EURO-CELTIQUE, S.A. 30/09/2005 KOLKATA 33 225433 1260/KOLNP/2005 02/01/2004 03/01/2003 PROLYL OLIGOPEPTIDASE INHIBITOR COMPOUNDS AND PHARMACEUTICAL COMPOSITION COMPRISING THEM ORION CORPORATION 10/11/2006 KOLKATA 34 225434 152/KOLNP/2003 ANTI-TNF ANTIBODIES, COMPOSITIONS, CENTOCOR, INC., METHODS AND USES. 11/03/2005 KOLKATA A METHOD FOR GRANULATION OF 10/03/2006 KOLKATA 30 225430 121/KOLNP/2005 06/11/1995 07/08/2001 07/08/2000 35 225435 1669/KOLNP/2003 27/07/2002 16/08/2001 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 GEYMONAT S. P. A. 12/05/2006 KOLKATA UHDE GMBH 27722 CONCENTRATED SOLUTIONS 09/10/2001 06/10/2000 INFORMATION RECORDING APPARATUS, INFORMATION REPRODUCING APPARATUS, INFORMATION RECORDING METHOD AND INFORMATION REPRODUCING METHOD. PIONEER CORPORATION 11/03/2005 KOLKATA 37 225437 379/KOLNP/2003 10/10/2001 10/10/2000 A DAIRY PRODUCT AND A MEHTOD FOR MANUFACTURING THEREOF BOPA IRELAND LIMITED 09/03/2007 KOLKATA 38 225438 174/KOLNP/2005 03/07/2003 12/07/2002 START-UP CONTROL OF INTERNAL CUMMINS INC COMBUSTION ENGINES 14/09/2001 15/09/2000 PYRAZOLE COMPOUNDS USEFUL AS PROTEIN KINASE INHIBITORS 05/10/2001 06/10/2000 A CYANOPYRROLIDINE OR TANABE SEIYAKU 11/03/2005 KOLKATA CYANOTHIAZOLIDINE CO. LTD. DERIVATIVE 15/08/2003 16/08/2002 PIPERIDINYL COMPOUNDS THAT SELECTIVELY BIND INTEGRINS JANSSEN PHARMACEUTICA 03/03/2006 KOLKATA N.V. 42 225442 702/KOLNP/2005 25/09/2003 27/09/2002 A VIDEOPHONE INTERPRETATION SYSTEM AND A VIDEOPHONE INTERPRETATION METHOD. GINGANET CORPORATION 43 225443 719/KOL/2004 16/11/2004 17/11/2003 A SUPPORTING APPARATUS FOR WASHING MACHINE. LG ELECTRONICS 28/07/2006 KOLKATA INC. 44 225444 411/KOLNP/2003 15/10/2001 13/10/2000 A SYSTEM FOR SCREENING THE BREAST TISSUE. SONOCINE, INC. , 07/10/2005 KOLKATA 16/10/2001 30/10/2000 NON-YELOWING ORTHO-DIALKYI, ARYL, SUBSTITUTED TRIAZINE ULTRAVIOLET LIGHT ABSORBERS CYREC TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION 11/03/2005 KOLKATA 12/01/2002 09/02/2001 A DEVICE AND METHOD FOR CONFIGURING AN ELECTRICAL CABINET IN PARTICULAR FOR OUTDOOR USE . KRONE GMBH. 08/07/2005 KOLKATA 36 225436 354/KOLNP/2003 39 225439 295/KOLNP/2003 40 225440 303/KOLNP/2003 41 225441 434/KOLNP/2005 45 225445 439/KOLNP/2003 46 225446 983/KOLNP/2003 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 15/09/2006 KOLKATA VERTEX PHARMACEUTICA 22/09/2006 KOLKATA LS INCORPORATED 25/08/2006 KOLKATA 27723 13/11/2003 13/11/2002 NOVEL INTERMEDIATE FOR CARBAPENEM COMPOUND FOR ORAL KANEKA ADMINISTRATION AND CORPORATION PROCESS FOR PRODUCING THE SAME 30/06/2006 KOLKATA IN/PCT/1999/00002 48 225448 06/01/1999 06/02/1998 /KOL VSB ENCODER AND RF ZENITH MODULATOR FOR ELECTRONICS DIGITAL TELEVISION CORPORATION RECEIVER 30/12/2005 KOLKATA METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR ORDERING A PRODUCT ECHARGE OVER AN CORPORATION , INTERNETWORK OF COMPUTER SYSTEMS. 18/03/2005 KOLKATA PROCESS FOR PREPARING 10, 11ELI LILLY AND METHANOBENZOSUBE COMPANY RANE DERIVATIVES 11/03/2005 KOLKATA A MATHOD OF DETERMINING CAPACITANCES OF ELECTRICAL COMPONENTS 25/11/2005 KOLKATA 47 225447 831/KOLNP/2005 49 225449 IN/PCT/2000/404/K 22/04/1999 22/04/1998 OL IN/PCT/2001/00125 50 225450 26/05/2000 03/06/1999 4/KOL 51 225451 IN/PCT/2001/00141 01/07/1999 23/07/1998 /KOL IN/PCT/2000/150/K 52 225452 27/01/1999 27/01/1998 OL 53 225453 IN/PCT/2001/01147 03/05/2000 04/05/1999 /KOL IN/PCT/2001/00936 54 225454 02/02/2001 04/02/2000 /KOL 55 225455 56 225456 57 225457 INFINEON TECHNOLOGIES AG SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR PROVIDING THOMAS IP/INTERNET LICENSING S.A. TELEPHONY. 13/01/2006 KOLKATA PRODUCTS AND METHODS FOR SINGLE PARAMETER AND PANKOWSKY, DAN 30/12/2005 KOLKATA MULTIPARAMETER A PHENOTYPING OF CELLS HIGH-PURITY 1, 3BUTYLENE GLYCOL AND A PROCESS FOR PRODUCING THE SAME. DAICEL CHEMICAL 03/02/2006 KOLKATA INDUSTRIES, LTD . , IN/PCT/2001/01040 07/04/2000 13/04/1999 /KOL A DEVICE FOR COOLING AN ELECTRIC SIEMENS MODULE AND A AKTIENGESELLSC 10/02/2006 KOLKATA TECHNICAL HAFT APPLIANCE IN/PCT/2001/1211/ 05/05/2000 05/05/2000 KOL CARBOXYLIC ACID DERIVATIVES THAT INHIBIT THE BINDING OF INTEGRINS TO THEIR RECEPTORS IN/PCT/2001/29/K OL A SUBSTRATE HAVING A BACKGROUND PATTERN FORMED DIGIMARC OVER AT LEAST A CORPORATION PORTION THEREOF AND SECURITY 24/06/1999 31/07/1998 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 TEXAS BIOTECHNOLOGY 11/03/2005 KOLKATA CORPORATION 30/12/2005 KOLKATA 27724 DOCUMENTS FORMED THEREON 58 225458 IN/PCT/2001/644/K 22/12/1999 28/12/1998 OL IN/PCT/2001/1241/ 59 225459 14/03/2001 31/03/2000 KOL A DIGITAL VIDEO RECEPTION DEVICE AND PROCESS. THOMSON MULTIMEDIA , 16/12/2005 KOLKATA JAPAN AS AN APPARATUS FOR REPRESENTED BY 16/12/2005 KOLKATA DIAGNOSING MASTITIS PRESIDENT OF OF COWS KOBE UNIVERSITY 60 225460 IN/PCT/2001/188/K 23/09/2006 18/07/1998 OL A MIRROR ARRANGEMENT FOR A REAR VIEW MIRROR SYSTEM IN AN REEVA LIMITED ARTICLE OF HEADGEAR AND A MOUNTING SYSTEM THEREFOR 61 225461 IN/PCT/2002/00125 11/08/2000 20/08/1999 /KOL NOVEL SPIRO COMPOUNDS BANYU PHARMACEUTICA 11/03/2005 KOLKATA L CO. LTD IN/PCT/2002/00033 62 225462 11/06/1999 11/06/1999 /KOL A METHOD FOR PRODUCING A TRANSGENIC COTTON PLANT TAMASEK LIFE SCIENCES LABORATORY LIMITED 10/02/2006 KOLKATA IN/PCT/2002/00486 63 225463 26/10/2000 27/10/1999 /KOL METHODS AND COMPOSITIONS UTILIZING QUINAZOLINONES CYTOKINETICS INC. 11/03/2005 KOLKATA 64 225464 65 225465 66 225466 IN/PCT/2002/00925 24/01/2001 24/01/2000 /KOL PAYMENT SERVICE EQUIPMENT DEVICE AND A METHOD FOR TRANSMITTING SMARTTRUST INFORMATION SYSTEMS OY , SECURELY IN A TELECOMMUNICATION SYSTEM. IN/PCT/2002/00141 02/08/2000 12/08/1999 /KOL ANTIBACTERIAL HETEROBICYCLIC ORTHO-MCNEIL SUBSTITUTED PHENYL PHARMACEUTICA 11/03/2005 KOLKATA OXAZOLIDINONES L, INC COMPOUNDS IN/PCT/2002/00142 31/07/2000 30/07/1999 /KOL APPARATUS AND PROCESS FOR ANNEALING A MULTILAYER BODY, AND MULTILAYER BODY OF THIS TYPE. SHELL SOLAR GMBH , 22/09/2006 KOLKATA A DEVICE AND METHOD FOR PRODUCTING SILK YARNS SILKTECH LTD 11/03/2005 KOLKATA IN/PCT/2002/00668 67 225467 17/05/2002 21/11/1999 /KOL 68 225468 23/09/2005 KOLKATA IN/PCT/2002/01238 26/04/2001 28/04/2000 /KOL A MODIFIED RELEASE BI-LAYER TABLET AND ADAMS A MODIFIED RELEASE LABORATORIES TABLET, CAPSULE AND INC. PHARMACEUTICAL The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 02/12/2005 KOLKATA 16/09/2005 KOLKATA 27725 PRODUCT 69 225469 70 225470 71 225471 72 225472 ELI LILLY AND COMPANY IN/PCT/2002/01273 12/06/2001 12/06/2001 /KOL A SERINE PROTEASE INHIBITORS IN/PCT/2002/01416 03/05/2001 17/05/2000 /KOL SUBSTITUTED PYRROLOPYRIDINONE ORTHO-MCNEIL DERIVATIVES USEFUL PHARMACEUTICA 26/08/2005 KOLKATA AS L, INC. PHOSPHODIESTERASE INHIBITORS IN/PCT/2002/1041/ 08/02/2001 18/02/2000 KOL A PROCESS FOR RETRANSMITTING SINGLE FREQUENCY SIGNALS AND A SINGLE FREQUENCY SIGNAL REPEATER IN/PCT/2002/1069/ 28/03/2001 28/03/2000 KOL A DISPOSABLE ELECTRO-CHEMICAL DIABETES SENSOR AND A METER DIAGNOSTICS, COMPRISING THE INC. SENSOR AND A TIMING CIRCUIT IN/PCT/2002/1239/ 73 225473 16/03/2001 21/03/2000 KOL 11/03/2005 KOLKATA MIER COMMUNICACION 02/12/2005 KOLKATA ES, S.A. 26/08/2005 KOLKATA SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR VOICE ACCESS TO AMERICA ONLINE 11/03/2005 KOLKATA INTERNET-BASED INCORPORATED INFORMATION 74 225474 IN/PCT/2002/1386/ 16/05/2001 23/05/2000 KOL REACTIVE AZO DYES DYSTAR TEXTILFARBEN GMBH & CO. DEUTSCHLAND KG. 75 225475 IN/PCT/2002/01463 25/05/2001 23/03/2001 /KOL RECIPROCATING COMPRESSOR . LG ELECTRONICS 11/03/2005 KOLKATA INC. , 76 225476 IN/PCT/2002/01477 12/01/2001 13/06/2000 /KOL FLOOR COVERING FLOORING INDUSTRIES LTD IN/PCT/2002/1405/ 29/05/2001 26/05/2000 KOL A METHOD OF EFFICIENTLY REDUCING THE AMOUNT OF GRAPHICAL DATA CITRIX SYSTEMS, TRANSMITTED FROM A INC. SERVER TO A CLIENT VIA A COMMUNICATIONS NETWORK, AND A SYSTEM THEREFOR 11/03/2005 KOLKATA A BASE STATION APPARATUS AND A METHOD FOR RADIO COMMUNICATIONS USING AN ORTHOGONAL FREQUENCY DIVISION MULTIPLEXING SYSTEM MATSUSHITA ELECTRIC INDUSTRIAL CO.LTD. 11/03/2005 KOLKATA A METHOD AND A DATA PROCESSING OXFORD BIOSIGNALS 02/12/2005 KOLKATA 77 225477 IN/PCT/2002/1432/ 78 225478 16/04/2002 19/04/2001 KOL 79 225479 IN/PCT/2002/1540/ 05/07/2001 05/07/2000 KOL The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 11/03/2005 KOLKATA 11/03/2005 KOLKATA 27726 SYSTEM FOR MONITORING THE HEALTH OF A PLANT. IN/PCT/2002/1544/ 80 225480 28/06/2001 05/07/2000 KOL 81 225481 IN/PCT/2002/1563/ 10/07/2001 14/07/2000 KOL IN/PCT/2002/1441/ 82 225482 23/03/2001 28/04/2000 KOL CELLULOSE POWDER AND A PROCESS FOR PRODUCING THE SAME. LIMITED , ASAHI KASEI KABUSHIKI KAISHA 11/03/2005 KOLKATA A PUMPING STATION KSB WITH A LIQUID AKTIENGESELLSC 02/12/2005 KOLKATA CONDUCTING DEVICE. HAFT PRINTABLE HOMOGENOUS, PARTICLE-FREE ETCHING MEDIUM MERCK PATENT GMBH 11/03/2005 KOLKATA IN/PCT/2002/1487/ 23/05/2001 26/05/2000 KOL A PEPTIDE FOR TREATING A PATIENT HAVING A CONDITION ORTHO MCNEIL MEDIATED BY PHARMACEUTICA 11/03/2005 KOLKATA NEUROTOXICITY, L INC NEURODEGENERATION OR NEUROLOGICAL DAMAGE IN/PCT/2002/1529/ 84 225484 18/07/2001 21/07/2000 KOL ACRIDINE COMPOUNDS A ZENTARIS GMBH . 11/03/2005 KOLKATA PROCESS OF , PREPARING THE SAME. 83 225483 85 225485 IN/PCT/2002/290/K 11/09/2000 11/09/1999 OL THE PROCTER AND GAMBLE COMPANY , 04/11/2005 KOLKATA 13/06/2000 29/06/1999 A STEAM GENERATOR SIEMENS WITH A NITROGEN AKTIENGESELLSC 30/12/2005 KOLKATA REMOVAL DEVICE FOR HAFT FUEL GAS IN/PCT/2002/506/K 16/10/2000 29/10/1999 OL SIEMENS AN IMPROVED BURNER AKTIENGESELLSC 27/01/2006 KOLKATA HAFT IN/PCT/2002/43/K 86 225486 OL 87 225487 POURABLE LIQUID VEHICLES. IN/PCT/2002/628/K 88 225488 13/11/2000 12/11/1999 OL POLYCYCLOALKYLPU RINES AS ADENOSINE RECEPTOR ANTAGONISTS BIOGEN IDEC MA INC. 11/03/2005 KOLKATA IN/PCT/2002/236/K 89 225489 24/08/2000 27/08/1999 OL A CIRCUIT INTERRUPTER WITH IMPROVED PIVOT PIN CONNECTION. EATON CORPORATION , 08/12/2006 KOLKATA AQUEOUS PRINTING INKS FOR USE IN INJET PRINTING, PREPARATION THEREOF AND USE THEREOF ON TEXTILE FIBER MATERIALS DYSTAR TEXTILFARBEN GMBH & CO. DEUTSCHLAND KG. 02/12/2005 KOLKATA WATER-SOLUBLE TRIAZOLE FUNGICIDE SANKYO COMPANY, LIMITED 08/07/2005 KOLKATA 90 225490 IN/PCT/2002/816/K 27/01/2001 04/02/2000 OL 91 225491 1061/KOLNP/2003 20/02/2001 22/02/2001 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27727 Special Notice Under the new provision of the Designs (Amendment) Rules, 2008 with effect from 17/06/2008, Publication of the matter relating to Designs now shall be published in the ?The Official Journal of the Patent Office? instead of Official Gazette of India under Rule 22, 25, 27 and 39 of the Design (Amendment) Rules, 2008. However any publication relating to Designs published after 17/06/2008 in the Official Gazette of India Part III, Section 2 shall also be republished in the Official Journal shortly and date of publication of those accepted Designs will be the date of the Official Gazette in which a particular accepted Design has been published. The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27728 CANCELLATION PROCEEDINGS UNDER SECTION 19(1) OF THE DESIGNS ACT, 2000 & DESIGNS (AMENDMENT) ACT, 2008 (1) ?M/s. S.A. Safiullah & Co., of T.S.No.9610, Rajagopalapuram Main Road, Pudukkottai 622003, State of Tamil Nadu, India filed an application on 11/8/2008 for cancellation of registration of registered Design No. 195169 under class 07-01 in the name of Supreme Paper Cups.? (2) ?M/s. S.A. Safiullah & Co., of T.S.No.9610, Rajagopalapuram Main Road, Pudukkottai 622003, State of Tamil Nadu, India filed an application on 11/8/2008 for cancellation of registration of registered Design No. 195170 under class 07-01 in the name of Supreme Paper Cups.? (3) ?The Ld. Asstt. Controller of Patents & Designs passed an order on 22/10/2008 to dismiss the petition filed by Luso Iberia S.A., for cancellation of the registration of registered Design No. 204030 dated 1/5/2006 under class 09-03 titled ?Box? in the name of ?Sarathi Perfumery Works?. The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27729 REGISTRATION OF DESIGNS The following designs have been registered. They are now open for public inspection. The date shown in the following each entry is the date of registration. No. Class. 211075 07-04 MA DESIGN INDIA PVT. LTD., AT C-109, OKHLA INDUSTRIAL AREA, PHASE-I, NEW DELHI: -110020, INDIA Date of Registration 6TH JULY 2007 Title ?CUTTING BOARD? No. Class. 211090 07-01 MA DESIGN INDIA PVT. LTD., AT C-109, OKHLA INDUSTRIAL AREA, PHASE-I, NEW DELHI: -110020, INDIA Date of Registration Title ?DISH? No. Class. 6TH JULY 2007 211098 07-01 MA DESIGN INDIA PVT. LTD., AT C-109, OKHLA INDUSTRIAL AREA, PHASE-I, NEW DELHI: -110020, INDIA Date of Registration Title ?BOWL? 6TH JULY 2007 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27730 No. Class. 211097 07-01 MA DESIGN INDIA PVT. LTD., AT C-109, OKHLA INDUSTRIAL AREA, PHASE-I, NEW DELHI: -110020, INDIA Date of Registration Title ?DISH? No. Class. 6TH JULY 2007 211065 07-01 MA DESIGN INDIA PVT. LTD., AT C-109, OKHLA INDUSTRIAL AREA, PHASE-I, NEW DELHI: -110020, INDIA Date of Registration Title ?BOWL? No. Class. 6TH JULY 2007 211080 11-02 MA DESIGN INDIA PVT. LTD., AT C-109, OKHLA INDUSTRIAL AREA, PHASE-I, NEW DELHI: -110020, INDIA Date of Registration 6TH JULY 2007 Title ?DECORATIVE ARTICLE? (TABLE PIECE) The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27731 No. Class. 206286 19-02 WORLD WIDE STATIONERY MANUFACTURING CO. LTD., OF 19/F, KOON WAH MIRRORS FACTORY, 3RD INDUSTRIAL BUILDING, 5-9 KA HING RD., KWAI CHUNG, NEW TERRITORY, HONG KONG, A COMPANY INCORPORATED IN HONGKONG. 15TH MARCH 2006 [PRIO. CHINA] ?RING BINDER? Date of Registration Title No. Class. 211076 07-06 MA DESIGN INDIA PVT. LTD., AT C-109, OKHLA INDUSTRIAL AREA, PHASE-I, NEW DELHI: -110020, INDIA Date of Registration 6TH JULY 2007 Title ?PICK SET? No. Class. 211073 07-04 MA DESIGN INDIA PVT. LTD., AT C-109, OKHLA INDUSTRIAL AREA, PHASE-I, NEW DELHI: -110020, INDIA Date of Registration 6TH JULY 2007 Title ?TEA STRAINER? The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27732 No. Class. 211068 07-03 MA DESIGN INDIA PVT. LTD., AT C-109, OKHLA INDUSTRIAL AREA, PHASE-I, NEW DELHI: -110020, INDIA. Date of Registration 6TH JULY 2007 Title ?SERVING SPOON? No. Class. 208155 12-11 HONDA MOTOR CO. LTD. OF 1-1, MINAMI- AOYAMA 2-CHOME, MINATO-KU, TOKYO, JAPAN. Date of Registration 31ST JULY 2006 [PRIO. U.S.] Title ?FRONT SIDE COWL OF MOTORCYCLES? No. Class. 209425 06-06 FORMWAY FURNITURE LIMITED, 176 GRACEFIELD ROAD, PETONE, WELLINGTON, NEW ZEALAND, Date of Registration 6TH OCT. 2006 [PRIO. U.S.] Title ?DESKTOP? The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27733 No. Class. 209424 06-06 FORMWAY FURNITURE LIMITED, 176 GRACEFIELD ROAD, PETONE, WELLINGTON, NEW ZEALAND, Date of Registration 6TH OCT. 2006 [PRIO. U.S.] Title ?DESKTOP? No. Class. 209431 06-06 FORMWAY FURNITURE LIMITED, 176 GRACEFIELD ROAD, PETONE, WELLINGTON, NEW ZEALAND, Date of Registration 12TH MARCH 2007 [ PRIO. U.S.] Title ?DESKTOP? No. Class. 211195 06-01 HYGIENIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE, AT CRYSTAL PLAZA, UNIT NO.406-409, ?D? WING, 4TH FLOOR, NEW LINK ROAD, ANDHERI (W), MUMBAI:-400 053, MAHARASHTRA, INDIA, Date of Registration Title ?BOTTLE? 13TH JULY 2007 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27734 No. Class. 211219 24-04 CIPLA LIMITED, AT 289, BELLASIS ROAD, MUMBAI CENTRAL, MUMBAI-400 008, MAHARASHTRA, INDIA. Date of Registration 13TH JULY 2007 Title ?ROLLER FOR SPIKE? No. Class. 209423 06-06 FORMWAY FURNITURE LIMITED, 176 GRACEFIELD ROAD, PETONE, WELLINGTON, NEW ZEALAND, Date of Registration 6TH OCT. 2007 [PRIO. U.S.] Title ?DESKTOP? No. Class. 209427 06-06 FORMWAY FURNITURE LIMITED, 176 GRACEFIELD ROAD, PETONE, WELLINGTON, NEW ZEALAND, Date of Registration 6TH OCT. 2007 [PRIO. U.S.] Title ?DESKTOP? The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27735 No. Class. 208893 02-04 AAR AAY PRODUCTS (P) LTD., OF C-1, S.M.A. INDUSTRIAL ESTATE, G.T. KARNAL ROAD, DELHI: -110 033 (INDIA). Date of Registration 14TH MARCH 2007 Title ?SOLE FOR FOOTWEAR? No. Class. 207200 09-01 FOGGERS INDIA PVT. LTD OF 20/D, I, VASUDEV SADAN, DR. AMBEDKAR ROAD, MATUNGA (E), MUMBAI-400019, MAHARASHTRA, INDIA. Date of Registration 27TH NOV. 2006 Title ?AEROSOL NOZZLE? No. Class. 211347 14-03 LG ELECTRONICS INC., 20 YOIDO-DONG, YOUNGDUNGPO-GU, SEOUL, 150-721, KOREA, Date of Registration 15TH FEB. 2007 [PRIO. KOREA] Title ?MOBILE PHONE? The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27736 No. Class. 211310 07-01 CARL-LOUIS PTY. LTD., OF 4 STRAITS AVENUE, GRANVILLE, NEW SOUTH WALES 2142, AUSTRALIA. 25TH JAN. 2007 [PRIO. AUSTRALIA] ?BEVERAGE CONTAINER? Date of Registration Title No. Class. 209426 06-06 FORMWAY FURNITURE LIMITED, 176 GRACEFIELD ROAD, PETONE, WELLINGTON, NEW ZEALAND, Date of Registration 6TH OCT. 2007 [PRIO. U.S.] Title ?DESKTOP? No. Class. 209432 06-06 FORMWAY FURNITURE LIMITED, 176 GRACEFIELD ROAD, PETONE, WELLINGTON, NEW ZEALAND, Date of Registration 12TH MARCH 2007 [PRIO. U.S.] Title ?DESKTOP? The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27737 No. Class. 211145 99-00 MALLIKARJUNA MACHNOOR, OF NO:12-11-07, OPP: SNT THEATRE, SATH KACHERI ROAD, RAICHUR-584 101, KARNATAKA, INDIA. Date of Registration 10TH JULY 2007 Title ?WATER FILTER CANDLE HOLDER? No. Class. 209433 12-11 YAMAHA HATSUDOKI KABUSHIKI KAISHA, 2500 SHINGAI, IWATA-SHI, SHIZUOKA-KEN, JAPAN, A JAPANESE CORPORATION. Date of Registration 9TH APRIL 2007 Title ?MOTOR CYCLE? No. Class. 209429 06-06 FORMWAY FURNITURE LIMITED, 176 GRACEFIELD ROAD, PETONE, WELLINGTON, NEW ZEALAND, Date of Registration 12TH MARCH 2007 [PRIO. U.S.] Title ?DESKTOP? The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27738 No. Class. 209430 06-06 FORMWAY FURNITURE LIMITED, 176 GRACEFIELD ROAD, PETONE, WELLINGTON, NEW ZEALAND, Date of Registration 12TH MARCH 2007 [PRIO. U.S.] Title ?DESKTOP? No. Class. 211796 07-04 KAKARLA ELECTRICS AND ELECTRONICS PVT. LTD., (AT PLOT NO.11, H. NO.5-33/23, KUKATPALLY, INDL. ESTATE, HYDERABAD 500 072 (A.P.), INDIA. Date of Registration 13TH AUG. 2007 Title GRINDING STONE No. Class. 209428 06-06 FORMWAY FURNITURE LIMITED, 176 GRACEFIELD ROAD, PETONE, WELLINGTON, NEW ZEALAND, Date of Registration 6TH OCT. 2006 [PRIO. U.S.] Title ?DESKTOP? The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27739 No. Class. 211416 07-02 KONINKLIJKE PHILIPS ELECTRONICS N.V., AT EINDHOVEN, WHOSE POST OFFICE ADDRESS IS GROENEWOUDSEWEG 1, 5621 BA EINDHOVEN, THE NETHERLANDS. Date of Registration Title ?STOVE? No. Class. 31ST JAN. 2007 [PRIO. OHIM] 211417 09-03 LION DATES (IMPEX) PVT. LTD., AT NO: 02, FLAT NO: 08, WHEAT CRAFTS ROAD, GOLDEN PERCH APARTMENT, NUNGAMBAKKAM, CHENNAI; -600 034, TAMILNAUD, INDIA. Date of Registration 27TH JULY 2007 Title ?CONTAINER? No. Class. 211418 09-01 HINDUSTAN UNILEVER LTD., AT HINDUSTAN LEVER HOUSE 165/166 BACKBAY RECLAMATION, MUMBAI: -400 020, STATE OF MAHARASHTRA, INDIA. Date of Registration 17TH AUG. 2007 Title ?BOTTLE? The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27740 No. Class. 211915 09-01 HINDUSTAN UNILEVER LTD., AT HINDUSTAN LEVER HOUSE 165/166 BACKBAY RECLAMATION, MUMBAI: -400 020, STATE OF MAHARASHTRA, INDIA. Date of Registration 17TH AUG. 2007 Title ?BOTTLE? No. Class. 211785 02-04 WELCOME SHOES PVT. LTD., H-24, UDYOG NAGR, INDUSTRIAL AREA, ROHTAK ROAD, DELHI: -110 041, DELHI STATE, INDIA, Date of Registration 10TH AUG. 2007 Title ?FOOTWEAR? No. Class. 211916 09-01 HINDUSTAN UNILEVER LTD., AT HINDUSTAN LEVER HOUSE 165/166 BACKBAY RECLAMATION, MUMBAI: -400 020, STATE OF MAHARASHTRA, INDIA. Date of Registration Title ?JAR? 17TH AUG. 2007 The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27741 No. Class. 211548 14-03 SONY ERICSSON MOBILE COMMUNICATIONS AB, SE-221 88, LUND, SWEDEN. Date of Registration 8TH FEB. 2007 [PRIO. OHIM] Title ?MOBILE PHONE? No. Class. 211784 09-01 ALLIED BLENDERS AND DISTILLERS PVT. LTD., AT 12, EVERGREEN INDUSTRIAL ESTATE, SHAKTI MILLS LANE, MAHALAKSHMI, MUMBAI:-400 011, MAHARASHTRA, INDIA, Date of Registration Title ?BOTTLE? No. Class. 10TH AUG. 2007 211936 02-03 ABACUS PERIPHERALS PVT. LTD., OF 29, APURVA INDUSTRIAL ESTATE, MAKWANA ROAD, MAROL, ANDHERI (E), MUMBAI:-400 059, MAHARASHTRA, (INDIA). Date of Registration 20TH AUG. 2007 Title ?BOX FOR COMPUTER CHIP? The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27742 No. Class. 208540 13-02 BMC ELECTROPLAST PVT. LTD., AT B-14/1, MIDC WALUJ, AURANGABAD 431136, MAHARASHTRA, INDIA. Date of Registration 21ST FEB. 2007 Title ?TRANSFORMER? No. Class. 209438 24-04 TROIKAA PHAMACEUTICALS LIMITED, AT ?OM TOWERS?, SATELLITE ROAD, AHMEDABAD: -380 015, GUJARAT, INDIA. Date of Registration 9TH APRIL 2007 Title ?ROLL ON CONTAINER CUM MASSAGER? No. Class. 208894 02-04 AAR AAY PRODUCTS (P) LTD., OF C-1, S.M.A. INDUSTRIAL ESTATE, G.T. KARNAL ROAD, DELHI: -110 033 (INDIA). Date of Registration 14TH MARCH 2007 Title ?SOLE FOR FOOTWEAR? The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27743 No. Class. 208896 02-04 AAR AAY PRODUCTS (P) LTD., OF C-1, S.M.A. INDUSTRIAL ESTATE, G.T. KARNAL ROAD, DELHI: -110 033 (INDIA). Date of Registration 14TH MARCH 2007 Title ?SOLE FOR FOOTWEAR? No. Class. 208897 02-04 AAR AAY PRODUCTS (P) LTD., OF C-1, S.M.A. INDUSTRIAL ESTATE, G.T. KARNAL ROAD, DELHI: -110 033 (INDIA). Date of Registration 14TH MARCH 2007 Title ?SOLE FOR FOOTWEAR? No. Class. 208154 12-11 HONDA MOTOR CO. LTD. A CORPORATION OF JAPAN, OF 1-1, MINAMI- AOYAMA 2-CHOME, MINATO-KU, TOKYO, JAPAN. Date of Registration 31ST JULY 2006 [PRIO. U.S.] Title ?MOTORCYCLE? The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27744 No. Class. 208895 02-04 AAR AAY PRODUCTS (P) LTD., OF C-1, S.M.A. INDUSTRIAL ESTATE, G.T. KARNAL ROAD, DELHI: -110 033 (INDIA). Date of Registration 14TH MARCH 2007 Title ?SOLE FOR FOOTWEAR? No. Class. 206122 28-03 OSIM INTERNATIONAL LTD., 65 UBI AVENUE 1, OSIM HEADQUARTERS, SINGAPORE 408 939, A SINGAPORE COMPANY. Date of Registration 11TH AUG. 2006 Title ?TAPPING MASSAGER? No. Class. 208156 10-04 USTER TECHNOLOGIES AG., A WILSTRASSE 11, CH-8610 USTER, SWITZERLAND Date of Registration 31ST JAN. 2007 Title ?YARN TESTER? The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27745 No. Class. 208164 12-08 DAIMLERCHRYSLER CORPORATION, A U.S. COMPANY, OF 1000 CHRYSLER DR. AUBURN HILLS, MI 48326-2766, U.S.A. Date of Registration 3RD AUG. 2006 [PRIO. US] Title ?MOTOR CAR BODY? No. Class. 211305 09-01 HINDUSTAN LEVER LIMITED, AT HINDUSTAN LEVER HOUSE, 165/166, BACKBAY RECLAMATION, MUMBAI:-400 020, STATE OF MAHARASHTRA, INDIA. Date of Registration 2ND FEB. 2007 [PRIO. U.K.] Title ?CONTAINER? No. Class. 211639 09-07 DINESH PATEL SOLE PROPRIETOR OF E SEALS TECHNOLOGIES OF 2ND FLOOR, 13 NEW MARKET, SURENDRANAGAR-363 001, GUJARAT, INDIA, Date of Registration 7TH AUG. 2007 Title ?SEAL FOR PACKAGING? The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27746 No. Class. 211795 31-00 KAKARLA ELECTRICS AND ELECTRONICS PVT. LTD., (AT PLOT NO.11, H. NO.5-33/23, KUKATPALLY, INDL. ESTATE, HYDERABAD 500 072 (A.P.), INDIA. Date of Registration 13TH AUG. 2007 Title ?EXTERNAL BODY OF WET GRINDER? No. Class. 209439 24-04 TROIKAA PHAMACEUTICALS LIMITED, AT ?OM TOWERS?, SATELLITE ROAD, AHMEDABAD: -380 015, GUJARAT, INDIA. Date of Registration 9TH APRIL 2007 Title ?ROLL ON CONTAINER CUM MASSAGER? No. Class. 208142 10-06 STERLITE OPTICAL TECHNOLOGIES LTD OF EI/E2/E3, MIDC, WALUJ, AURANGABAD 431136, MAHARASHTRA, INDIA. Date of Registration 31ST JAN. 2007 Title ?MODEM, ADSL MODEM, MODEM BOXES, MODEM CASES? The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27747 No. Class. 211282 07-05 HINDUSTAN LEVER LIMITED, AT HINDUSTAN LEVER HOUSE, 165/166, BACKBAY RECLAMATION, MUMBAI:-400 020, STATE OF MAHARASHTRA, INDIA. Date of Registration 1ST FEB. 2007 [PRIO. USA] Title ?CLEANSING ARTICLE? No. Class. 211079 11-02 MA DESIGN INDIA PVT. LTD., AT C-109, OKHLA INDUSTRIAL AREA, PHASE-I, NEW DELHI: -110020, INDIA. Date of Registration Title 6TH JULY 2007 ?DECORATIVE BOWL? No. Class. 211081 11-02 MA DESIGN INDIA PVT. LTD., AT C-109, OKHLA INDUSTRIAL AREA, PHASE-I, NEW DELHI: -110020, INDIA. Date of Registration 6TH JULY 2007 Title ?DECORATIVE BOWL? The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27748 No. Class. 211493 05-05 ABHISHEK INDUSTRIES LTD., AN INDIAN COMPANY, 212-E, KITCHLU NAGAR, LUDHIANA-141 001, PUNJAB. Date of Registration 1ST AUG. 2007 Title ?TEXTILE FABRIC? No. Class. 211484 09-01 PEARL POLYMERS LTD., B-59, GREATER KAILASH, PART-I, NEW DELHI:-110 048, INDIA, Date of Registration Title ?JAR? No. Class. 1ST AUG. 2007 211456 26-01 DESIGNWISE INDIA PVT. LTD., PLOT NO.400, PACE CITY II, SECTOR 37, GURGAON 122 001, HARYANA. Date of Registration 31ST JULY 2007 Title ?FLIGHT LIGHT HOLDER? The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27749 No. Class. 211455 08-05 DESIGNWISE INDIA PVT. LTD., PLOT NO.400, PACE CITY II, SECTOR 37, GURGAON 122 001, HARYANA. Date of Registration 31ST JULY 2007 Title ?MULTI UTILITY CARD? No. Class. 211498 05-05 ABHISHEK INDUSTRIES LTD., AN INDIAN COMPANY, 212-E, KITCHLU NAGAR, LUDHIANA-141 001, PUNJAB. Date of Registration 1ST AUG. 2007 Title ?TEXTILE FABRIC? No. Class. 211499 05-05 ABHISHEK INDUSTRIES LTD., AN INDIAN COMPANY, 212-E, KITCHLU NAGAR, LUDHIANA-141 001, PUNJAB. Date of Registration 1ST AUG. 2007 Title ?TEXTILE FABRIC? The Patent Office Journal 14/11/2008 27750
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