Jan. 25 - Saint Christopher Parish

St. Christopher Parish
January 25, 2015
St. Christopher Church
Fr. Richard Kelley, Pastor
62 Manchester St.
Nashua, New Hampshire 03064
(603) 882-0632
(603)881-8728 fax
St. Christopher School
Mrs. Cindy Clarke, Principal
Grades PreK - 6
20 Cushing Ave.
Nashua, New Hampshire 03064
(603) 882-7442
(603)594-9253 fax
Worship Schedule
Morning Prayer
Daily Mass
Saturday Vigil
Sunday Mass
Vietnamese Mass
7:00 AM Weekdays
7:15 AM Weekdays
4:00 PM
8:00 & 10:00 AM
1:00 PM Sunday
3:00-3:30 PM Saturday
7:00 PM Tuesday
Eucharistic Adoration
1:00-4:00 PM
1st Friday of the Month
September - June
Third Sunday in Ordinary Time
In the reading from Jonah, God told him to preach repentance to the people
of Nineveh. When the whole city repented the very first day, they showed it by
wearing sackcloth and fasting from food. Sometimes we might think that way: That
repenting means punishing ourselves or feeling sorry. Jesus sees things differently.
He preached repentance that was a change of heart, a new way of looking at things,
a new way of acting. In the gospel today, we see an example. The first people he
calls to be disciples were fisherman. They would have considered their family, their
partners, and their boat as the most important things in their lives. You need all
of them to be a successful fisherman. One man sitting on a dock with a pole could
barely keep himself fed, much less support a family.
Yet the disciples don’t even hesitate when called by Jesus. They leave behind
their boats, their nets, even their father, to follow Jesus. They don’t worry about
what they will do, or look back at what they are leaving behind. Now they are fishers
of men. Their “repentance” was more than just giving up sins. They were beginning
a new life and a new way of looking at the world.
Saint Paul refers to this as a new world. By following Jesus, we put the values
of the present world behind us and look forward to a new one. His examples could
apply today as much as in his time. Marriages, joy, sadness, buying property are
still considered important to worldly people. Paul doesn’t expect everyone to
stop doing those things. When he talks about not using the world fully, he means
not fully engaged in the world, but looking to a better one, where God is more
important than any passing pleasure or pain. Is your marriage an example of God’s
love for your friends and relatives? When you are rejoicing, do you give thanks to
God? When weeping, do you ask for his help? When you are shopping, do you buy
what you really need, or what you think will make you happy? Jesus calls us all to
this new way of living. With Jesus, we can make a new world.
Our Parish Prayer
Heavenly Father, we pray for all of the people and programs of St. Christopher Parish. Unite us as a
community of believers and grant us the wisdom, grace, and strength to do your will. We ask this
through Christ Our Lord. AMEN.
Our Mission
We are a Roman Catholic parish whose members live and proclaim the saving message of Jesus Christ.
Our Vision
Welcome New Parishioners! If you
would like to register or you have
changed your address, please fill out
the form on page 5. Those moving
from the parish are also asked to
contact the rectory. Thank you!
St. Christopher Church serves as a spiritual home where all are welcome to share in its ongoing
commitment to providing opportunities for
• Worship
through the celebration of the Sacraments,
• Service through active and compassionate participation in the community,
• Education
in God’s Word and the Catholic faith, and
• Fellowship
through parish events that nurture and support family life.
January 25, 2015
Mass Intentions
Saturday, January 24
4:00 PM Robert Farina, 1st Annivsary
by His Wife & Family
Sunday, January 25
8:00 AM For Parish Intentions
10:00 AM Stanley Koperniak
by Shari, Bob, Grace, Joe
& Trabucchi
1:00 PM Vietnamese Mass
Monday, January 26
7:15 AM For Parish Intentions
Tuesday, January 27
7:15 AM For Parish Intentions
Wednesday, January 28
7:15 AM For Parish Intentions
Thursday, January 29
7:15 AM For Parish Intentions
Friday, January 30
7:15 AM For Parish Intentions
Saturday, January 31
4:00 PM Paul Currier
by Doris Houls
Sunday, February 1
8:00 AM Carrol Theriault
by Andrew & Deanna
10:00 AM Rita Mercurio
by The Trabucchi Family
1:00 PM Vietnamese Mass
The Sanctuary Lamp Burns This Week:
Fo Parish Intentions
Altar Bread and Wine:
The Altar Bread and Wine, which
will become the Body and Blood of
Our Lord Jesus Christ at all Masses
celebrated during the month
of January 2015, is offered for
deceased members of the Cadwell
and Carroll families by Peter and Jane
Christmas Flower Donations
Thank you to the following families
for donating to the Christmas Flower
fund: David St. Onge; Mr. and Mrs.
Brandon Nguyen; and Margaret
Lavoie. In memory of Albert R.
Bertrand and Deborah B. McNally by
Mrs. Lucille Bertrand; In memory of
Toohig and Zollo Families by Dr. and
Mrs. Warren Toohig; In Memory of
Ashley Rose Xiggores by Mr. and Mrs.
David Taylor.
WELCOME - We welcome Fr. Gerry Dion and Fr. Jack Finnegan who are here to celebrate
our weekend Masses. I will be away from the parish, officiating at the marriage of a relative.
POPE FRANCIS – As we know, our Holy Father, Pope Francis, was recently on a pastoral visit
to Asia. It was estimated that 6 million people came to his closing Mass in the Philippines.
This was the largest papal gathering of people in history. It surpassed the crowds that
greeted Saint John Paul II in 1995 in the same place.
Pope Francis will be coming to the United States this coming September in order to
be at the world conference on families which will take place in Philadelphia. It has also
been announced that he will visit both Washington, DC and New York. The Diocese of
Manchester is planning to organize a pilgrimage to one of these places. More information
about it will be given in time.
CATHOLIC SCHOOLS WEEK – This week here at Saint Christopher’s and throughout the
country, we celebrate Catholic Schools Week. This year’s theme is “Catholic Schools –
Communities of Faith, Knowledge and Service”. We are very fortunate to have a school
here at Saint Christopher Parish. It adds life to the parish and it does a fabulous job in
evangelizing our young people and families. We need to continue to promote our school,
plus other Catholic schools. During the week, there will be a number of school activities to
which all of our parishioners are welcome to attend.
For your interest, I publish these statistics. They are from the NCEA’s document of
United States Catholic Schools (2013-2014) and the statistics of the Diocese of Manchester
US Catholic Schools
NH Catholic Schools
Total Catholic school enrollment 1,974,578
Elementary school enrollment
Secondary School enrollment
Minority students
Hispanic/Latino Ethnicity
Non-Catholic students
Total number of schools
Elementary schools
Secondary schools
6 ( 1 PreK-12)
1 (1 Gr.7-12)
New Schools
Schools with waiting lists for admission 1,986
Full-time professional staff
High School Graduation Rate 99% 100%
SEMINARIAN COLLECTION – Last weekend, at all of the parishes throughout the Diocese
of Manchester, there was a second collection for the education of our seminarians. These
men (God-willing) will be our future priests. This is an investment since we will be relying on
these men to serve in our parishes in the future.
From the Pastor, continued on
page 4
January 25, 2015
K of C Free Throw Contest
The St. Patrick’ Knights of Columbus Council
#11907 will hold its annual Free Throw
Contest on Sunday, Jan. 25 at St. Patrick’s
Gymnasium (29 Spring St., Nashua) at 1:30
PM. Boys and girls who were ages 9-14 as of
Jan. 1, 2015 are eligible to participate. If you
have any questions, please contact Grand
Knight Jim Lockwood at jamestlockwood@
Corpus Christi Corner
Thank you to all the generous parishioners
who donated to Corpus Christi Food Pantry
during the month of December. Special
thanks to the CYO Basketball teams who
gave the Pantry 65 pounds of food. The donations in the Church baskets came to 404.5
pounds, bringing the total to 469.5 pounds
of food. Blessings to you all!
Weather forecasts are predicting very
cold temperatures for the month of January.
This time of year we need hearty meals and
hot drinks to keep warm. Please consider
donating canned stews, soups, coffee, tea
and hot chocolate. There are baskets
located at each of the Church entrances for
your donations.
Yoga for Seniors
If you are you looking to be more active and
improve your overall health and well being
in 2015, consider joining the St. Christopher
Yoga for Seniors class weekly on Wednesday
mornings at 8:00 AM in the Church Hall.
Yoga for Seniors is a class that moves the
whole body through a series of seated and
standing yoga poses to increase flexibility
and range of motion, improve balance and
core strength, and help promote stress
reduction and mental clarity. Classes are
provided free of charge to St. Christopher’s
seniors. All are welcome to stop by and give
it a try. Please take note of our upcoming
class schedule:
January 28 -- Regular Class @ 8:00 AM
February 4 -- NO CLASS
February 11-- Regular Class @ 8:00 AM
February 18 -- Regular Class @ 8:00 AM
February 25 -- Regular Class @ 8:00 AM
Nashua Catholic Jr. High
Open House
We’re Here for YOU at
St. Christopher Parish!
Rectory Hours:
Monday - Friday
Rectory Phone:882-0632
Parish Email:
Vietnamese Ministry:
Rev. Thien Nguyen
Parish Life Coordinator
Linda Sanborn
Religious Education
Alana Kocsis
Deacon Jim Daly
This Week’s Parish Activities
Jean Dickson
Saturday, January 24, 2015
Music Director
Confessions @3:00pm
Carol Ann Skabo
Vigil Mass @4:00pm
Sunday, January 25, 2015
Parish Council Chair
Sunday Mass @8:00am
Re.Ed. Pre-K to 6 @8:30am
Elizabeth Cote
Sunday Mass and Youth Choir @10:00am
Knights of Columbus Coffee Hour after the Right to Life Coordinator
10 am Mass @11:00am
Youth Choir Rehearsal @11:10am
Dan Hogan
Sacrament of Baptism @2:30pm
Confirmation Class @7:00pm
Monday, January 26, 2015
Marta Nissen
7:15 am Morning Mass
Rel. Ed. Grades 7 & 8 @6:30pm
Nashua Catholic Regional Junior High
School will hold an Open House Tuesday,
February 3, 2015 from 6:30 - 8:00 P.M. Nashua Catholic is a vibrant Christ-centered 7th
and 8th grade junior high school, challenging students to raise their personal expectations from classroom to playing field each
day. Interscholastic athletics provide a wide
variety of opportunity for our student athletes. A broad spectrum of extra-curricular
activities includes rounds out each student’s
education. Nashua busing is available. NC is
accredited by the New England Association
of Schools and Colleges. Call NC Admissions
at 882-7011 for more information.
RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults) @7:00pm
Tuesday, January 27, 2015
7:15 am Morning Mass
Rosary @7:00pm
Wednesday, January 28, 2015
7:15 am Morning Mass
Senior Yoga @8:00am
Adult Choir Rehearsal @7:00pm
Thursday, January 29, 2015
7:15 am Morning Mass
Boy Scout #773 @7:00pm
Friday, January 30, 2015
7:15 am Morning Mass
Saturday, January 31, 2015
Confessions @3:00pm
Vigil Mass @4:00pm
Sunday, February 1, 2015
Sunday Mass @8:00am
Re.Ed. Pre-K to 6 @8:30am
Sunday Mass @10:00am
Youth Choir Rehearsal @11:10am
Confirmation Class @7:00pm
Bulletin submissions are due one week
before publication. Thanks!
Visitation of the Sick
Please call the Rectory, 882-0632,
if a loved one is hospitalized, in
the care of a nursing facility, or
confined at home, and would like
to receive the Sacraments.
Overwhelmed by life, by care?
May we help with our prayer?
St. Christopher’s Prayer Line -24/7 from us to Heaven!
Call the Prayer Line
(Coordinator Maureen Brown) at
Go online to
Send email to
January 25, 2015
End of Year Tax Statements
January 18, 2015 Offertory
Children’s Envelopes
Faith Direct
Under Budget
(total to date $27,380.79)
(total to date $3,553.00)
(total to date $1,669.42)
Christmas Flowers
(total to date $2,062.00)
Finance Year to Date as of Jan. 2014
Diocesan Catholic Schools
www. NashuaDiocesanSchools.org
St. Christopher School
Grades Pre-Kindergarten - 6
Infant Jesus School
Grades Pre-Kindergarten - 6
Nashua Catholic Regional
Junior High School
Grades 7 & 8
I also ask that you take home the
brochure that was inserted into the bulletin.
You can read about our seminarians and I
also ask that you faithfully pray the Prayer
for Vocations which is enclosed in the
insert. You will notice that there is an
envelope as well. Please use this envelope
for your contribution. If you are unable to
contribute this weekend, you can do so in
the following weeks. I ask that you be as
generous as possible and please continue to
pray for more vocations to the Priesthood
and Religious Life. They are needed.
PARISH RETREAT – Fr. Richard McAlear, an
Oblate priest, will be giving a parish retreat
here beginning on the weekend of March
7-8. It will continue for the next three days
(March 9, 10, 11). Fr. McAlear gave a retreat
here several years ago and I am looking
forward to his return to the parish. Although
the retreat is a few months away, it is good
to put it on your calendar, now. More
information will be given in due time.
End of year tax statements for 2014 will be
automatically sent to anyone that received a
statement from the parish for tax year 2013.
If you did not receive a statement for 2013
and would like to receive a 2014 statement
from the parish, please contact the rectory
at 882-0632.
To save the parish the cost of postage
and paper, you may opt to receive your 2014
statement via email. If you received your
last year’s statement via email, you will automatically receive your 2014 statement via
email. If you have not received your statement via email in the past, or if your email
address has changed, please contact the
rectory with an up to date email address.
The statements will be mailed/emailed
by the end of January. If there are any discrepancies between your personal records
and the year end statement sent by the parish, please contact the rectory at 882-0632.
Discerning a Vocation?
“Follow Me and I will make you fishers of
men.” Are you considering a vocation as
to the priesthood or consecrated life? Call
Father Jason Jalbert (603) 663-0132, or write:
Knights of Columbus
Coffee Hour
January 25
following 10:00 AM Mass
Have you bought your commemorative brick yet?
Now is the chance to have your special message engraved on a paver brick that
becomes a permanent part of St. Christopher Parish!
Each brick costs $50 and is a great way to honor loved ones and celebrate special
occasions like anniversaries, First Communion or Confimation. Bricks will be placed
around the statue of St. Francis in the spring.
Order forms are available in the alcove
at the front of the church.
All bricks must be ordered by March 1.
For more information, contact Helen Blais
at 603-889-1059
January 25, 2015
Faith Formation News
Classes for Faith Formation are underway.
Register now for Sunday morning, Junior
High or Home Study Program. Forms are
available on our parish website, on the bulletin board in the church hall and by calling
the parish office.
Sunday Morning classes meet in the
school. Parents and children are to gather in
the parish hall at 8:30 AM January 25– Regular Class
February 1– Regular Class
Junior High meets on Monday evening for
Grades 7 and 8 at 6:30 PM in the church hall. January 26 – Regular Class
February 2– Regular Class
First Communion Classes
Preparation classes for the children making First Communion this spring begin on
Sunday, February 8 at 5:30 PM in the church
hall. Pre-registration is required.
Home Study Program
Our parish offers a Home Study Program
for families who wish to teach our Catholic
Faith to their children. This option is open to
children in Grades Pre-K to 8. Registration is
Parish Nurse Notes
Obesity in both adults and children in the
United States has been recognized as a significant health/unhealthy issue and continues to be a challenge to overcome. Various
factors have been identified as contributors
to this problem, including too much fat,
too many sweets, inactivity, super-sized
food portions, and eating on the run. The
food industry is making some inroads into
modifying the ingredients in their products
and health care workers are reinforcing the
importance of healthy eating and exercise.
But, the ingrained habit of between meal
snacks is difficult to overcome. Offering
healthy snacks in between meals can be a
good starting point to a healthier generation.
Parish Nurse has office hours at the
Pennell Center the FIRST and THIRD Tuesday of each month between 8 and 10:00
AM. Please note that if school is cancelled
on that day due to weather issues, the nurse
will opt for safety and will not be available.
St. Chris Book Club
The Book Club will resume on Tuesday,
January 27, 2015 at 7:00 PM at Panera Bread
on Amherst Street. For the January meeting we will read two books. “Sing in the
Morning, Cry at Night” by Barbara J. Taylor
is a novel set in a coal mining town in 1913
that depicts how an unexpected event can
alter lives. “Behind the Beautiful Forevers:
Life, Death, and Hope in a Mumbai Under
City” by Katherine Boo is the dramatic story
of families striving toward a better life in Annawadi. Both novels are sure to provide for
fascinating conversation. All are welcome to
join us!
Families of Nazareth
Repent and Believe in the Gospel
“The way of contrition begins with short acts
of contrition and gratitude. For example,
when you realize some unfaithfulness, something that you discover as pain inflicted upon
Jesus, you may try, perhaps clumsily, to tell
Him that you are sorry. You can thank Him for
forgiving you, even though you constantly
forget about Him.” S.C. Biela, The Two Pillars,
p. 55.
… WOULD YOU LIKE TO GIVE IT A TRY? Come to 27 Biscayne Pkwy in Nashua
this coming THURSDAY, January 29th.
Luminous Mysteries of the Holy Rosary
begin at 7:15. Meeting concludes approximately 8:30 PM.
Lord, hold our troops in your loving
Protect them as they protect us.
Bless them and their families,
For the selfless acts they perform,
For us in our time of need.
And give us peace.
We ask this in the name of Jesus, Our
Lord and Savior. Amen.
Please pray for the following service
people from our parish:
Children of William and Yvette
Maj. Joseph Berthelotte (Army);
Maj. Brian Berthelotte (Army);
Maj. Mark Berthelotte (Air Force);
Lt. Brad Berthelotte (Navy)
Son of John and Alana Kocsis:
Pfc. John Kocsis III, (Army)
Son of Joseph and Sue Strob:
Maj. Rob Strob
Husband/Father of Lynn, Thomas
and Jack:
Sgt. Francis Hyland (Army)
Grandson of Pat and Kaye
Eamonn Garber, Corporal (USMC)
Son of David and Patricia Taylor:
SFC James Taylor (Army)
To add names to our weekly military
prayer list, please call Linda at the
rectory at 882-0632.
St. Christopher Parish welcomes all visitors to our Spiritual Home! If you are interested in
joining the parish, please complete the form below and either drop it in the Offertory Basket or mail it to the Rectory. One of our Parish staff members will be in touch. Registration
forms are also available online at www.StChrisParishNH.org.
Name ____________________________
Phone _________________
Address __________________________
Email __________________
January 25, 2015
Prayer to Saint Michael
With so many challenges
confronting us these days, we
need help and strength to meet
them head on. Please join us in
praying daily that through the
intercession of Saint Michael,
we will remain faithful and
strong in the Lord’s service and
in defending the Truth which
resides in the Church!
St. Michael the Archangel defend
us in battle; be our protection
against the wickedness and
snares of the devil. May God
rebuke him, we humbly pray; and
do Thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Host, by the power of God,
thrust into hell, Satan and all the
evil spirits who prowl around the
world seeking the ruin of souls.
January 27
St. Angela Merici
(1470 - 1540)
Angela has the double distinction of founding the first teaching congregation of women in
the Church and what is now called a “secular institute” of religious women.
As a young woman she became a member of the Third Order of St. Francis (now known as
the Secular Franciscan Order), and lived a life of great austerity, wishing, like St. Francis, to
own nothing, not even a bed. Early in life she was appalled at the ignorance among poorer
children, whose parents could not or would not teach them the elements of religion. Angela’s charming manner and good looks complemented her natural qualities of leadership.
Others joined her in giving regular instruction to the little girls of their neighborhood.
She was invited to live with a family in Brescia (where, she had been told in a vision, she
would one day found a religious community). Her work continued and became well known.
She became the center of a group of people with similar ideals.
She eagerly took the opportunity for a trip to the Holy Land. When they had gotten as far
as Crete, she was struck with blindness. Her friends wanted to return home, but she insisted on going through with the pilgrimage, and visited the sacred shrines with as much
devotion and enthusiasm as if she had her sight. On the way back, while praying before a
crucifix, her sight was restored at the same place where it had been lost.
At 57, she organized a group of 12 girls to help her in catechetical work. Four years later
the group had increased to 28. She formed them into the Company of St. Ursula (patroness
of medieval universities and venerated as a leader of women) for the purpose of re-Christianizing family life through solid Christian education of future wives and mothers. The
members continued to live at home, had no special habit and took no formal vows, though
the early Rule prescribed the practice of virginity, poverty and obedience. The idea of a
teaching congregation of women was new and took time to develop. The community thus
existed as a “secular institute” until some years after Angela’s death.
Corpus Christi
Adoration Chapel
Monday, Tuesday & Thursday
12:00 —8:00 PM
43 Franklin Street
Nashua , NH
Volunteers are needed to commit to one hour of adoration
each week. Adoration provides
a wonderful time of grace-filled
peace in the presence of our
Lord. Please contact Sr. Elizabeth Castro, H.M.S.P. at 8820893 or 882-2262 to sign up.
Readings for the Week
Monday: 2 Tm 1:1-8 or Ti 1:1-5; Ps 96:1-3,
7-8a, 10; Mk 3:22-30
Tuesday: Heb 10:1-10; Ps 40:2, 4ab, 7-8a, 10,
11; Mk 3:31-35
Wednesday: Heb 10:11-18; Ps 110:1-4; Mk
Thursday: Heb 10:19-25; Ps 24:1-6; Mk 4:21-25
Friday: Heb 10:32-39; Ps 37:3-6, 23-24, 39-40;
Mk 4:26-34
Saturday: Heb 11:1-2, 8-19; Lk 1:69-75; Mk
Sunday: Dt 18:15-20; Ps 95:1-2, 6-9; 1 Cor
7:32-35; Mk1:21-28
“How often we forget to dedicate ourselves to that which truly matters! We
forget that we are children of God.”
Pope Francis I @ Pontifex
January 18, 2015
January 25, 2015
Family Connection to this Week’s Gospel
Gospel Reading: Mark 1:14-20
Jesus calls the fishermen, Simon and Andrew, James and John, to be his
Today’s Gospel describes how Jesus called his first disciples and the immediacy with
which these men dropped everything to follow him. We can only begin to imagine
what Jesus’ presence must have been like to invoke such a response in these first disciples. While a few of us might relate to such a radical conversion, many of us would
find such a sudden change in ourselves or in another person unsettling. There are few
things for which we would willingly drop everything. And yet this is the immediacy
with which these first disciples responded to Jesus. These first disciples were willing to drop everything in order to make Jesus
and the Kingdom of God the most important things in their lives.
Gather as a family and talk about circumstances in which you have had to “drop everything.” (the call to pick up a sick child
from school, the cry of a hurt or angry child) How did you feel about having to change your plans in each of these situations?
How do we feel when someone asks us to drop everything to help him or her? For many of us, it is not easy to drop everything
to respond to the needs of another.
Read today’s Gospel, Mark 1:14–20. Invite your family to imagine what Jesus’ presence and invitation to these first followers
must have been like that they responded by leaving their livelihood to become his disciples. How might our life change if we
understood the Kingdom of God to be as important and immediate in our lives? Ask God to help you experience the Kingdom of
Reprinted from http://www.loyolapress.com/
God with such immediacy. Pray together the Lord’s Prayer.