District Newsletter - United Methodist Church of Wappingers

A publication of
The New York/Connecticut District, of the
New York Annual Conference, of the
United Methodist Church
Rev. Elizabeth J Ott, District Superintendent
Chan Gillham, Administrative Assistant
P.O. Box 3007 Stamford, CT 06905
203 348-9181 nyctdistrict@nyac-umc.com
Marilyn McCarter, editor
34 Kelly Lane Pine Island, NY 10969
845 258-4361 mccarte@optonline.net
Februarys 2015 Edition
TThhee TTrraavveelliinngg P
Prreeaacchheerr...... A
Woorrdd ffrroom
m tthhee D
Blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. (Matthew 5:3)
The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field. When a man found it, he hid
it again, and then in his joy went and sold all that he had and bought that field. (Matthew 13:44)
Last week I did something I haven’t done in a really long time. I stopped by the supermarket to pick
up a few things I needed for the week. That doesn’t sound too bad, right? So, let me be clear. I did this on
Super Bowl weekend with a snowstorm on the way. And there you have it! I did something I avoid every
year and every time it snows. And I hadn’t even put a foot in the store when I remembered why. First,
there wasn’t a free shopping cart anywhere in sight! I had to chase after the employee assigned to keep the
parking lot clear and grab a cart from him before anyone else could. Then, once inside I found the quiet
neighborhood grocery located just down the street from home was full to overflowing with people I’d never
seen before. By this I mean, the shoppers weren’t the usual retired shoppers poking through bins and
cruising aisles for their favorite items. Instead, there were teenagers and students and groups of men (from
the local firehouse, I overheard) who were obviously shopping for Super Bowl parties – carts stacked full of
snacks, frozen pizzas and beverages of every kind. Then there were the other shoppers, families and
couples and elderly people on their own. The store was so full there was no way to get anywhere without
shifting through the mobs at the deli, bakery, meat, frozen food and dairy sections. The fruit and veggies
aisles were impassable. So, ok, you make your way to the places you need to go and get out – right? Sure –
as soon as you get through the next obstacle. Checking out. Of course, the checkout lines were something
else – weaving up and down food aisles and around displays all the way to the back of the store! Glancing
in my cart I quickly counted – more than ten items so no quick run through the short line for me! I headed
to the end of the line starting near the rear of the store where the waiting began. Slowly the line moved
forward, pausing each time as the checkers did their work and groceries were bagged. Next! And next!
And next again! And as I waited and crept along I watched as people added more items to their carts from
shelves we passed on the way to the check out. Impulse buying it’s called. So easy to do. Hummmmm –
never saw those before! Wonder what those cookies taste like? Would that soup be good for lunch?
Continued next page
TThhee TTrraavveelliinngg P
Prreeaacchheerr ccoonnttiinnuueedd...... Pickled beets – haven’t had those in a while! And so carts that were semi-filled were soon overfilled. Even
the strong and determined bought things that weren’t on their lists. I know because it happened to me – and
it was the same for everyone around me. One man said he even bought cleaning products he was sure he
didn’t need just because he thought they looked useful! See the storm was coming and everyone was
afraid they might run out of things they needed.
And as we talked we realized that there was no reason we couldn’t weather the storm – or the Super
Bowl for that matter – without going to the store at all. Even if there was a “ton” of snow overnight, the
roads were sure to be clear by the day after. None of us had shelves or fridges that were “bare”. So what
brought us to the store? It had to be the fear that we might need something and not have it. The fear that
we’d have to do without it. The fear that maybe it was going to be something really important – an essential
– a necessity. The fear that we’d be deprived without having this item. The fear that we might suffer
without it. We didn’t talk about that, of course. We don’t admit fear at times like this because we know it’s
silly. The storm will pass and the world will go back to normal. We know this in our heads but at the gut
level it’s different. We have worries about not having enough and so we’re afraid to let things run out. On
the shelf – and in other parts of life.
In Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount he told the people what it takes to have the Kingdom of God.
Blessed are the poor he said. The poor in spirit. Poor in spirit? What does that mean? Well I’m thinking it
means not being afraid of scarcity – of not worrying about having to do without. People who are poor in
spirit are those who have learned to live each day, trusting that God will provide all their spiritual needs for
that day – without worrying about the next day or the next….or the next. Maybe it comes from knowing, at
the deepest level, that each day is a gift, and that nothing we have – not even our spirits – belong to us.
Being poor in spirit means being so unafraid of being empty that we feel absolutely safe and secure – no
matter what happens – because we trust God to fill and refill us again and again – each and every day. And
so the Kingdom of God is like a man who gives up everything he has to invest in a treasure. He empties
everything out of his life – trusting that the treasure he will have will fill the empty place that selling all he
owns will leave. He has to become a “pauper” before he can receive the “treasure”. And that’s what
trusting in God is. Living in the place between the letting go – and the having it all – every day. It’s living
in spiritual poverty – trusting that God will fill our emptiness with treasure beyond imagining. And when
we live this way – we have the Kingdom of God – right here, right now, wherever we are!
Lent is a time when we talk about “giving things up” and “fasting”. This Lent, what if we adopt a
spirit of poverty? Real spiritual poverty? The kind of poverty that means we must depend on God to give
us what we need to live each day. Believing in our hearts and
souls that God will fill our
spirits abundantly – to full and overflowing – with all that we
could ever
want or need for a richly blessed life? In the example of Jesus
– who
trusted God all-ways.
Be safe and well in the storms.
Lenten blessings,
For where your treasure is, there your heart
will be also.
(Matthew 13:44)
NY/CT Connector February 2015
BISHOP MIDDLETON on the DISTRICT — Thursday February 19, 2-5pm
Clergy, 6-8pm Laity, Yorktown Heights UMC
NY/CT Leader-to-Leader Training — Second opportunity:
Saturday February 21, 9:30am, Fishkill UMC
Basic Lay Servant Course, February 21 & 28 8:30am – 2:30pm Grace
UMC, Putnam Valley NY
2015 Lenten School of Discipleship, Sundays February 22 – March 22
4-7pm, Grace UMC, Newburgh NY
The DS is in the office, schedule permitting, on Monday through Thursday.
Cabinet Meetings change from week to week. Friday is her customary day off.
To reach Betsy, you may email her at nyctdistrict@nyac-umc.com or call the district
office at 203-348-9181. Emails and phone messages
are answered at the earliest opportunity.
NYAC upcoming events of note:
VIM TRAINING/WORKSHOP at the Conference Center Saturday February 28 10am
PASTORS'/SPOUSES' HEALTH CLINIC at NY Methodist Hospital Monday, April 13 –
Friday, April 17
IGNITE 2015 at Quinipet, March 27-29
The New York Annual Conference through the grace of God embodies a
beloved community of hope, building up a healthy Body of Christ, with heart-warmed
United Methodists in mission for the transformation of the world.
NY/CT Connector February 2015
A Day on the
New York/Connecticut District
Thursday, February 19
6-8pm LAITY
2-5pm CLERGY
(clergy welcome at the laity session)
Yorktown UMC 2300 Crompond Road Yorktown Heights NY Clergy have the opportunity to join Bishop Middleton
as she turns her focus to leadership. How can pastors
remain faithful and vibrant year after year? Bishop
Middleton will engage clergy in a conversation including
resources for building on the gifts we’ve been given
Light supper provided
District Office
by 2/17 During her time with Laity Bishop Middleton will
discuss leadership and the role of the laity in the
vitality of congregations.
The New York/Connecticut District, N ew York Annual Conference, of the United Methodist Church Rev. Elizabeth J Ott, District Superintendent 203 348-­‐9181 nyctdistrict@nyac-­‐umc.com N e w Y o r k /C o n n e c t ic u t
Second opportunity:
Saturday February 21, 9:30am @ Fishkill UMC
38 Broad Street Fishkill, NY
(breakfast snacks before, light lunch to follow)
Workshops will include:
✰ SPRC I — Who Cares for the Pastor?
✰ SPRC II — Employee relationships and conflict prevention
✰ Parish Development grant writing and process for application
✰ Trustees
✰ Church Finance
✰ Children’s Ministries
✰ Youth Ministries
✰ Young Adult Ministries
✰ Senior Adult Ministries
✰ Evangelism
✰ Basic Skills & Meeting Fundamentals
Do you serve in a new position in your church this
year? Are you serving on a committee that you've
never been on before? Are you curious about the
workings of some of the committees in the United
Methodist church and do you want to know more
about how we do the business of being church?
Then don't miss this year's District Lay Training
Events! Choose between two dates/locations.
Rev. Dr. Derrick Noble
Bring a carload or two from your congregation!
HELP US PLAN -- REGISTER at the district office at least the week before the event you'll attend.
There is no charge for this training.
NY/CT Connector February 2015
District Board’s Mission Clarified
One of the District’s committees has recently been given more clearly defined
direction by District Superintendent Betsy Ott. The NY/CT District Board of
Church Location and Property has been asked to provide more proactive
support to UMCs in our district. In addition to its core duties (defined in paragraphs
2520-21 of the Book of Discipline) of evaluating proposed new church sites and
reviewing plans for new construction and major renovations, the “Board” will
provide input and guidance to local churches and help assess the future viability of
existing structures via on-site inspections.
The Board needs more resources to accomplish its redefined mission and will
warmly welcome additional clergy and laity who have an interest in growing
ministries by improving church property and locations; construction, renovation and
property management know-how are especially needed. Please contact Parker
Prout, Board Chair, via email: phprout@optonline.net if you are willing to serve as
a Board member or field inspector.
The Board is now formulating its calendar of inspections. Pastors and/or
Presidents of Boards of Trustees may add their church or parsonage to the
inspection list by emailing Parker at the above address.
Parker Prout
Chairman, NY/CT District Board of Church Location and Property
Wanted… NY/CT Children's Ministry Team
NY/CT District is seeking people to participate in an exciting new district ministry
for children 12 and under. We are working to plan for a program called "Kids Night
Out!". This program will provide large district wide events to be run on Saturday
evenings. Children will participate in praise, activities, games, and service during these
multi-hour events. Parents will be able to drop kids off and have a night out of their own!
You don't need any experience to help, just a heart for
children's ministry and willingness to jump into something new!
For more information, contact
Elizabeth Langan Lizzyj0184@gmail.com
or 845-835-8320.
NY/CT Connector February 2015
Sundays February 22 – March 22
4 – 7pm
The 2015 Lenten School of Discipleship will be held on 5 Sunday afternoons,
February 22 through March 22, at Grace United Methodist Church in
Newburgh, NY from 4:00 to 7:00pm. Each session will
begin at 4pm with a light supper, and conclude
at 7pm.
Courses offered this year:
Basic Lay Servant
Devotional Life in the Wesleyan
From Your Heart to Theirs:
Delivering an Effective Sermon
Leading in Prayer
Leading Worship.
The basic course is prerequisite to all other courses. The four advanced
courses are all part of the requirements for becoming a Certified Lay Speaker.
The cost for the five-week event is $20 in advance and $25 at the door.
Please see the next pages for registration forms
NY/CT Connector February 2015
Course Title: Lay Servant Ministries BASIC Course Dates: Sundays: February 22, 2014 – March 22, 2015 Time: 4:00 – 7:00 PM NY/CT District of the United Methodist Church Class Location: Lenten School of Religion, Grace UMC, 468 Broadway, Newburgh, NY 12550 Mail Form and Application fee to: Ross Topliff, 30 Algonquin Drive, Newburgh, NY 12550 Cost: $20 in advance or $25 at the door, payable to NY/CT Lay Speaking Ministries plus cost of the book. PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY Name __________________________________________________________________________ Home Phone #________________________Cell Phone___________________________________ Email Address: ____________________________________________________________________ Street Address: ___________________________________________________________________ City/Town: _________________________________State__________Zip_____________________ Church Membership: _______________________________________District_________________ Course Description: This course is foundational for all courses in Lay Servant Ministries. Participants are encouraged to discover and employ personal spiritual gifts as God intended and to consider the importance of exercising servant leadership, developing future leaders, remaining rooted in consistent spiritual practices, and being part of a group that holds members accountable in their discipleship. _________________________________________ ______________ Signature of Applicant Date IMPORTANT INFORMATION: •
Book: Lay Servant Ministries, Jackson & Jackson, $11 Book may be purchased from Upper Room Bookstore www.upperroom.org or 1-­‐800-­‐972-­‐0433. Also available through Barnes & Noble and Amazon. Read Chapter 1 prior to the first class on February 22 Deadline for Application is February 15 A light meal (soup, sandwiches and beverage) will be provided. NY/CT Connector February 2015 Course Title: Devotional Life in the Wesleyan Tradition Dates: Sundays: February 22, 2014 – March 22, 2015 Time: 4:00 – 7:00 PM NY/CT District of the United Methodist Church Class Location: Lenten School of Religion, Grace UMC, 468 Broadway, Newburgh, NY 12550 Mail Form and Application fee to: Ross Topliff, 30 Algonquin Drive, Newburgh, NY 12550 Cost: $20 in advance or $25 at the door, payable to NY/CT Lay Speaking Ministries plus cost of the book. PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY Name __________________________________________________________________________ Home Phone #________________________Cell Phone___________________________________ Email Address: ____________________________________________________________________ Street Address: ___________________________________________________________________ City/Town: _________________________________State__________Zip_____________________ Church Membership: _______________________________________District_________________ Course Description: Structured around Wesley’s “Means of Grace,” this study covers, among other topics, prayer, scripture, the Lord’s Supper, and fasting – major features in John Wesley’s devotional life. Participants will learn how they can apply Wesley’s ministry to their own life. Advanced course in United Methodist Heritage and Polity (limited to 10 participants). _________________________________________ ______________ Signature of Applicant Date IMPORTANT INFORMATION: •
Book: Devotional Life in the Wesleyan Tradition, Harper, $12. Book may be purchased from Upper Room Bookstore www.upperroom.org or 1-­‐800-­‐972-­‐0433. Also available through Barnes & Noble and Amazon. Read Chapter 1 prior to the first class on February 22 Deadline for Application is February 15 A light meal (soup, sandwiches and beverage) will be provided. NY/CT Connector February 2015 Course Title: From Your Heart to Theirs: Delivering an Effective Sermon Dates: Sundays: February 22, 2014 – March 22, 2015 Time: 4:00 – 7:00 PM NY/CT District of the United Methodist Church Class Location: Lenten School of Religion, Grace UMC, 468 Broadway, Newburgh, NY 12550 Mail Form and Application fee to: Ross Topliff, 30 Algonquin Drive, Newburgh, NY 12550 Cost: $20 in advance or $25 at the door, payable to NY/CT Lay Speaking Ministries plus cost of the book. PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY Name __________________________________________________________________________ Home Phone #________________________Cell Phone___________________________________ Email Address: ____________________________________________________________________ Street Address: ___________________________________________________________________ City/Town: _________________________________State__________Zip_____________________ Church Membership: _______________________________________District_________________ Course Description: Moving beyond the basics of public speaking and the foundations necessary for preparing an engaging sermon, this course also includes types of sermons – from exegetical to topical to children’s sermons – as well as how to find a story, use the hymnal, and how to move from communication on paper to beyond the paper. Advanced course in (limited to 10 participants). _________________________________________ ______________ Signature of Applicant Date IMPORTANT INFORMATION: •
Book: From Your Heart to Theirs: Delivering an Effective Sermon, Franks & Carroll, $6. Book may be purchased from Upper Room Bookstore www.upperroom.org or 1-­‐800-­‐972-­‐0433. Also available through Barnes & Noble and Amazon. Read Chapter 1 prior to the first class on February 22 Deadline for Application is February 15 A light meal (soup, sandwiches and beverage) will be provided. NY/CT Connector February 2015 Course Title: Leading in Prayer Dates: Sundays: February 22, 2014 – March 22, 2015 Time: 4:00 – 7:00 PM NY/CT District of the United Methodist Church Class Location: Lenten School of Religion, Grace UMC, 468 Broadway, Newburgh, NY 12550 Mail Form and Application fee to: Ross Topliff, 30 Algonquin Drive, Newburgh, NY 12550 Cost: $20 in advance or $25 at the door, payable to NY/CT Lay Speaking Ministries plus cost of the book. PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY Name __________________________________________________________________________ Home Phone #________________________Cell Phone___________________________________ Email Address: ____________________________________________________________________ Street Address: ___________________________________________________________________ City/Town: _________________________________State__________Zip_____________________ Church Membership: _______________________________________District_________________ Course Description: For many people, prayer remains a mystery, and praying in public is a test of faith left to the “professionals” of the church. This course on praying in public will help the participant grow in confidence and skill in prayer, both public and private. Advanced Course in Leading Prayer (limited to 15 participants). _________________________________________ ______________ Signature of Applicant Date IMPORTANT INFORMATION: •
Book: Let the Whole Church Say Amen!, Stookey, $14.98 Book may be purchased from Cokesbury. Also available through Barnes & Noble and Amazon. Read Chapter 1 prior to the first class on February 22 Deadline for Application is February 15 A light meal (soup, sandwiches and beverage) will be provided. NY/CT Connector February 2015 Course Title: Leading Worship Dates: Sundays: February 22, 2014 – March 22, 2015 Time: 4:00 – 7:00 PM NY/CT District of the United Methodist Church Class Location: Lenten School of Religion, Grace UMC, 468 Broadway, Newburgh, NY 12550 Mail Form and Application fee to: Ross Topliff, 30 Algonquin Drive, Newburgh, NY 12550 Cost: $20 in advance or $25 at the door, payable to NY/CT Lay Speaking Ministries plus cost of the book. PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY Name __________________________________________________________________________ Home Phone #________________________Cell Phone___________________________________ Email Address: ____________________________________________________________________ Street Address: ___________________________________________________________________ City/Town: _________________________________State__________Zip_____________________ Church Membership: _______________________________________District_________________ Course Description: This course will focus on basic worship leadership skills with particular attention paid to understanding your leadership role, reading scripture, leading prayer, and basic do’s and don’ts of effective worship leadership. Advanced course in Leading Worship (limited to 15 participants). _________________________________________ ______________ Signature of Applicant Date IMPORTANT INFORMATION: •
Book: Worshiping with United Methodists (REVISED), Hickman, $11.33. Book may be purchased from Cokesbury. Also available through Barnes & Noble and Amazon. Read Chapter 1 prior to the first class on February 22 Deadline for Application is February 15 A light meal (soup, sandwiches and beverage) will be provided. NY/CT Connector February 2015 Course Title: Lay Servant Ministries BASIC Course Dates: February 21 & February 28, 2015 Time: 8:30 AM – 2:30 PM NY/CT District of the United Methodist Church Class Location: Grace United Methodist Church, 337 Peekskill Hollow Road, Putnam Valley, NY 10579-­‐9801 Mail Form and Application fee to: The Rev. Jessica Anschutz, 337 Peekskill Hollow Road, Putnam Valley, NY 10579-­‐9801 Cost: $15, payable to NY/CT Lay Servant Ministries plus cost of the book. Questions? Contact Steve Allen, Education Chair at sjallen@optonline.net PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY Name __________________________________________________________________________ Home Phone #________________________Cell Phone___________________________________ Email Address: ____________________________________________________________________ Street Address: ___________________________________________________________________ City/Town: _________________________________State__________Zip_____________________ Church Membership: _______________________________________District_________________ Course Description: This course is foundational for all courses in Lay Servant Ministries. Participants are encouraged to discover and employ personal spiritual gifts as God intended and to consider the importance of exercising servant leadership, developing future leaders, remaining rooted in consistent spiritual practices, and being part of a group that holds members accountable in their discipleship. _________________________________________ ______________ Signature of Applicant Date IMPORTANT INFORMATION: •
Book: Lay Servant Ministries, Jackson & Jackson, $11 Book may be purchased from Upper Room Bookstore www.upperroom.org or 1-­‐800-­‐972-­‐0433. Also available through Barnes & Noble and Amazon. Read Chapters 1-­‐3 prior to the first class on February 21, 2015. Deadline for Application is February 14, 2015 Some snacks, coffee, tea, and water will be provided; please bring your own lunch. NY/CT Connector February 2015
Labyrinth walking in an ancient practice used by many different faiths for spiritual
centering, contemplation and prayer. Entering the serpentine path of a labyrinth,
the walker walks slowly while quieting their mind and focusing on a spiritual
question or prayer.
A labyrinth is not a maze. It has only one path to the center and back out, which is
the meaning of the term unicursal (one line). It has no blind alleys or dead ends. The
path twists and turns back on itself many times before reaching the center. Once at
the center, there is only one way back out. In this way, it symbolizes a journey to a
predetermined destination (such as a pilgrimage to a holy site), or the journey
through life.
Times: Arrive anytime for your walk between 7-9PM
Instruction will be provided
FEBRUARY 20, 2015 - Drew United Methodist Church
MARCH 20, 2015 - Lake Mahopac UMC (Spring Equinox)
APRIL 17, 2015 - Drew United Methodist Church
MAY 15, 2015 - Lake Mahopac UMC
JUNE 19, 2015 - Drew UMC (Summer Solstice)
For More Information Contact the 4UMCS cooperative parish 845-225-2019
NY/CT Connector February 2015
Guest Speaker
Pastor Debbi Mygatt
Nominations are being accepted for the NYAC Mission “Glocal” Awards that will be presented during the
Annual Conference in June. Churches may apply for one of three levels: G
R, and B
E for
their mission responses in 2014. The requirements are:
✞ Paid in full the 2014 shared ministry apportionment.
✞ Supported at least one local mission project.
✞ Received 50 percent of Special Sunday offerings.
R Paid in full the 2014 shared ministry apportionment.
✞ Supported at least one local mission project.
✞ Received 75 percent of Special Sunday offerings.
✞ Fulfilled a covenant relationship with a missionary and/or Advance project.
✞ Paid in full the 2014 shared ministry apportionment.
✞ Supported at least one local mission project.
✞ Received 100 percent of Special Sunday offerings.
✞ Fulfilled a covenant relationship with a missionary and/or Advance project.
✞ Participated in Volunteers in Mission, Early Response Team, or Disaster Recovery
Send the following information to:
Rev. Joseph Ewoodzie, Conference Mission
Coordinator, 20 Soundview Ave., White Plains,
NY 10606; or email, jewoodzie@nyac.com .
Deadline is May 8.
1. Your local church name, address, phone number.
2. Contact person for the application, including name, email address, and phone number.
3. Category of Glocal Award for which you are applying: gold, silver, bronze
4. For each mission project, event, or relationship provide the project or missionary name, a brief
description, dates or frequency of participation, and your financial contributions.
5. Send a copy of your application to your district mission coordinator.covery@NYAC-UMC.com.
From The Vision January 2015
Send articles and pictures for publication in the Connector to:
and add to your newsletter distribution list.
Deadline for submissions for next issue: February 23rd
NY/CT Connector February 2015
NYAC Volunteers
in Mission
Mission Volunteers 2015-2016 Scheduled Trips
Mission Country
Antigua* (Youth
Costa Rica
Mission Dates
February 14-22
April 25-May 4
Oct 31 – Nov 9
June 25-July 10
June 16-23
June 25-July 7
To participate in any of the mission journeys offered above please see
www.nyac.com/volunteersinmission *Please note that mission volunteers to Antigua and
Jamaica are fully booked.
Attend the VIM training/workshop on Saturday February 28, 2015 at the Conference
Center, 20 Soundview Ave, White Plains, NY. https://ny-reg.brtapp.com/2015VIMTraining
Please bring $10 payment for your background check.
Learn about continuing Hurricane Sandy disaster recovery at
http://www.nyac.com/recovery and check out
Feb 7 & Mar 7 Sandy Recovery Work
Though the winter may slow down the recovery work, two “Done
In A Day” dates have been scheduled and await your team or individual
volunteers. The DIAD concept remains a simple one: start early and end late—
done in a day! Simple projects will be completed in one day; more complicated
projects can be done in one-day segments.To volunteer, contact Peggy Racine at
516-795-1322, or LI-SandyRecovery@NYAC-UMC.com .
NY/CT Connector February 2015
Registration for
is now Open!
New York Annual Conference Youth Rally, IGNITE,
IGNITE will be held at Camp Quinipet
on the weekend of March 27-29, 2015. The event's theme is Who I AM, and it will
be a Holy Spirit-filled, fun-packed event!
Youth Speakers
Dynamic Praise Band
Engaging Workshops
and this year, we are proud to
The Conference Council on Youth Ministry (CCYM),
a group of teenagers from around the Conference,
is responsible for planning and presenting IGNITE.
Visit www.nyac.com/youth (required release forms will be posted soon)
The Early-bird registration fee of $169.00 includes admission, lodging, dinner
Friday, all 3 meals Saturday, breakfast and lunch Sunday, an event T-shirt, and a
donation to the Youth Service Fund. (Early-bird pricing expires March 11. Regular
rate is $199.00.)
NY/CT Connector February 2015
Are your church’s historical records deteriorating?
Wondering what you can do?
The Commission on Archives and History can help...
Local Church Grant Program
The NYAC Commission on Archives
and History is offering a grant
program to assist local churches with
the preservation of their historical
The Commission is making available
a total of $1000 for this grant program
and expects to distribute this amount
through several smaller grants.
The amount of the grant must be
matched 1:1 by the local church.
Activities such as purchase of storage
furniture, enclosures, and
environmental control equipment
may be eligible.
The application deadline is February 27, 2015.
More information and an application form can be found at
C. Wesley Christman Archives, 20 Soundview Avenue, White Plains, NY 10606
telephone 914-615-2241 — email: archives@nyac.com
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Budget Fastbreak
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Sign up for Budget Fastbreak® to ensure expedited services by completing a brief on-line application available by
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For more information or questions, contact Kellye Norcross at Kellye.Norcross@avisbudget.com or 615-330-2088.
HealtH CliniCs for
United MetHodist Ministers
and/or spoUses
President & Chief Executive Officer
You are cordially invited to participate in a health clinic
at New York Methodist Hospital. Each year twenty-four
United Methodist ministers and/or their spouses come
from the New York Annual Conference to enjoy this
experience with us.
In the four days you are here you will receive a thorough
physical examination and any follow-up tests that may
be indicated. There will also be time to tour the Hospital
and participate in seminars on recent developments in
health care. You will get a penetrating view of your
mission hospital at work. In addition, you will be
performing a unique function for us, for your presence
here will remind the entire Hospital family of our ties
to the “People called Methodist,” which go back over
130 years.
We are proud of the support the churches provide us,
and, in turn, these clinics are our “thank you”...our
contribution to the health of parsonage families.
I look forward to greeting you personally at one of these
Mark J. Mundy
President & CEO
Coordinator, Pastors’ Clinics
Historical Sketch
New York Methodist Hospital, the “Mother Hospital of
Methodism,” was chartered in 1881. Today New York
Methodist is a modern, 651-bed acute care teaching
hospital serving a constituency that includes Brooklyn
and far beyond.
While most patients have private or public insurance,
the Hospital gives tens of millions of dollars in charity
care each year. The Red Stocking Christmas Appeal in
our churches, as well as generous wills and legacies,
enable us to extend healing to the needy. We believe
this is the ministry you want us to perform, an outreach
mission of the church, fulfilling Christ’s command to
heal the sick.
We invite you to come and share in this heritage of our
vital ministry. Join us for our next health care clinic.
Clinic Objectives
Clinic Dates
1. To protect the health of the participant through
proper diagnosis and treatment.
2. To inform the participant about healthcare trends,
new technology, facilities and developments.
3. To provide an intimate look at your New York
Methodist Hospital.
4. To encourage personal and fiscal concern in the
supporting parishes.
New York Conference - I
All Districts
New York Conference - II
All Districts
April 13-17,
Who is Invited?
Clergy and/or their spouses from the New York Annual
Conference are invited to participate. Preference is
given to active clergy serving pastoral appointments, as
well as their spouses. Preference is also given to those
who have not participated in the clinic in the past
five years. Clergy and spouses may attend together or
separately. Registrations are accepted on a first-come,
first-served basis, so respond promptly.
What to Expect
A stay of four days and nights (Monday evening until
Friday afternoon). You will room at the Hospital and
eat most meals in the cafeteria, courtesy of New York
A thorough physical examination with routine and
special laboratory and radiographic tests. If you are
referred for certain advanced procedures, it may not be
possible to schedule all of them during your stay.
A consultation with your doctor, projecting your
immediate and future health concerns.
How to Register
The registration form is available through the
conference email communications. Please enclose the
completed application form with the $50 registration
fee via postal mail to Rev. Elizabeth A. Braddon, the
Coordinator of the Pastors and Spouses’ Clinics, at 9B
Lanphiers Cove Rd., Branford, CT 06405. Rev. Braddon
may be reached by telephone at her home office by
calling 203.481.2789. Make your check payable to New
York Methodist Hospital.
Each participant will pay a registration fee of $50.00.
Room, board, lab fees, examinations, x-rays and
consultations are covered by the Hospital. The Hospital
will bill your insurance and waive any copayment
costs. Doctors, nurses and staff members of New York
Methodist Hospital are happy to provide this clinic for
to register go to
Talks by physicians, nurses, administrators, social
workers, chaplains and other Hospital personnel
participating in seminars.
Tours and explanations of modern medical facilities
such as the Radiology Department, Division of
Nuclear Medicine, Sleep Disorders Laboratory, clinical
laboratories, pediatrics unit, and Rehabilitation Medicine
Department, as well as discussion of future plans.
PO Box 221 ~ 8 Oratory Lane, Gaylordsville, CT 06755 ~ PH: 860.354.8294
Wednesday, February 4th & 18th, 10:00 a.m.
Soaking Prayer
Come and "soak" in the love of Jesus. Let go of the secular world and allow yourself to
just "be" in the present moment. Fill yourself with the Holy Spirit while listening to
beautiful-gentle music, scripture, and prayer. Very healing!
Saturday, February 14th, 10:00 a.m.
Healing Prayer Service
Please join Reverend Toby Gbeh for songs of praise, Holy Communion, personal
testimonies, and intercessory prayer. Lunch and fellowship following the service.
Tuesday, February 24th, 10:00 a.m.
Healing Prayer Service
Please join Reverend Jack Gilpin of St. John's Episcopal, New Milford for songs of
praise, Holy Communion, personal testimonies, and intercessory prayer. Lunch and
fellowship following the service.
Looking for a place to pray?
Our chapel is open M-F 8:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Weekends by appointment only.
In need of rest?
Consider an overnight personal retreat.
Call for pricing
For more information, please contact us:
PH: 860.354.8294 Email: oratory1@sbcglobal.net
Note: The Oratory of the Little Way is not affiliated with the United Methodist Church, NYAC or NY/CT District NY/CT Connector February 2015