March 1 2015 - Ss Gregory & Barnabas Parish

Welcome to Ss. Gregory & Barnabas Parish
United In Christ
Rev. Robert L. Ruston
Daily Mass:
(See inside for locations)
MARCH 1, 2015
As Catholic Christians, we will live to serve God and each other. And do His
will as one family united in Faith. We will teach, serve, and be an example to the youth of
the parish that they will come to a full understanding of Christ and His plan for their lives.
We will nurture the gifts and talents of all parish members and use them wisely for the
glory of God. We will compassionately implement the Spiritual and Corporal works of
Mercy for those in our Parish, Diocese and throughout the world. Through the celebration
of the Sacraments, especially the Eucharist, we affirm our Communion with Christ and
each other. All are welcome.
8:00AM Monday
6:30PM Thursday
Weekend Liturgy:
Saturday: 4:00PM (Daisytown)
5:30PM (Bon Air)
Sunday: 8:00AM (Bon Air)
11:00AM (Daisytown)
120 Boltz Street
408 Luzon Avenue
Johnstown, PA 15902
Jesus took Peter, James, and John and led them up a high mountain apart by
themselves. And he was transfigured before them, and his clothes became dazzling white, such as no fuller on earth could bleach them. - Mk 9:2-3
Reconciliation: Saturday: Noon—12:30PM (Daisytown)
Saturday: 3:15—3:45PM (Daisytown) & 6:30PM (Bon Air)
Phone: 814-536-6818
Office Hours:
Monday - Friday
8:00AM - 2:00PM
Visit us on the WEB! Join us on Facebook!
groups/SSGregoryBarnabas/ Sacrament of Baptism: Parents are to be examples to their children by being registered,
active members of the Parish. Please call the rectory office to make arrangements.
Sacrament of Marriage: Couples planning to marry are to make arrangements at least
nine months prior to their wedding date. Diocesan Guidelines regarding Marriage Preparation must be followed. The Catholic party/parties is/are to be registered, active members in the parish.
Anointing of the Sick: Please call the church office if you have a family member or
friend in the hospital who would like to receive the Sacraments. The homebound and parishioners in nursing homes should also receive the Sacrament of the Sick and Holy Communion.
Parish Membership: New members are always welcome! If you are moving into, within, or out of the Parish, please call the Rectory Office and let us know.
Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA): All who would like more information
about membership in the Roman Catholic Church are invited to call the Church Office.
March 1, 2015
Welcome to SS. Gregory & Barnabas Parish
Sunday, March 1st
No CCD - Family Day
Wednesday, Adult Choir
Thursday, Youth Choir
Friday - FISH FRY D / BA
Saturday, March 7th
Cash Bash 7-9PM
Must have ticket to enter
Next Sunday, March 8th
Daylight Savings Time
(SG) 8:00AM
(SB) 8:00AM
(SG) 6:30PM
Wednesday (SG) 8:00AM
Thursday (SB) 6:30PM
(SG) 8:00AM
Saturday (SG) 4:00PM
(SB) 5:30PM
(SB) 8:00AM
(SG) 1:00AM
Family members are asked to present Offertory Gifts at
weekend masses being offered for their loved ones.
The Kreamer Family by Rosemarie Honchar & Family
Angie Sedlmyer by Francis Kudel
Stations of the Cross (Incense)
Irene Goller–Birthday Remembrance by Sister
Christopher Nanna by Pap & Gram
Members of Purgatorial Society
Vera Brunetto–Anniversary by Family
Edward, Sophie & James Utnik by Frank & Shirley Killian
For the People
Betty Lou Kopach by Brothers & Sisters
Liturgical Reflection…
The General Instruction of the Roman Missal makes specific references to the
Season of Lent. The Glory to God is not prayed during the Sundays of Lent.
During Lent, instead of the Alleluia, the Verse before the Gospel is sung. During
March 1st: No Class Family Day
Lent it is forbidden for the altar to be decorated with flowers (exceptions are the
March 8th: K-11
Fourth Sunday of Lent, solemnities and feasts). The playing of the organ and
March 15th: K-11; Confirmation
musical instruments is allowed only in order to support the singing. The color
Sessions 9th grade & 10-11 grade
March 21st:K-11; 9th Grade Bapviolet or purple reflects the seriousness of the season. The Sundays of Lent are
tism Retreat from 8:30AM-Noon prayed without exception; no other choice of Mass is permitted. A Funeral Mass
at St. Johns - Be there by 8:15AM
may not be celebrated on Sundays of Lent, Holy Thursday, and the Paschal
11 Grade Retreat 7AM-7PM/BA
2015 Diocese of A-J, Liturgy Office.
Triduum (Good Friday, Holy Saturday, and Easter).
Confirmation & 1st Eucharist
Retreat /9AM-11AM Bon Air
Youth Choir Practice
Thursdays, Daisytown
March 5, 12, 19 Sings Mar. 22
April 16, 23, Sings Apr. 26th
Adult Choir Practice
Wednesdays, Bon Air
March 4, 11, 18, 25
April 1, 8, 15, 22, 29
Feb. 27th: Fish Fries both loca ons every Friday through Lent Feb 28th 9th Grade Bap sm Retreat Mar. 2nd: Gertrude Hawk Orders Due Mar. 7th: Cash Bash Mar. 19th Parish Council Mtg. WELCOME
We would like to
welcome the
to our parish:
Michael & Whitney
and sons, Brewer & Brooks
9th Grade Baptism Retreat was CANCELLED
for this Saturday, Feb. 28th, but has been
from 8:30AM-Noon at St. Johns.
Sponsor required, if unavailable parent must attend.
Save the date: May 6 ‐ 8, 2015 When: 7PM each night For: John Michael Talbot Where: St. Benedict at 2310 Bedford Street Cost: Love offering of $15/per person For more informa on call the St. Benedict parish office at 814‐266‐9718. Cash Bash
Daisytown Hall
March 7th - Doors open at 6PM for dinner. Drawings from 7PM-9PM
Must have ticket to enter!
We have approximately 25 tickets available at the Rectory 536-6818. Office hours
are Mon.-Fri. from 8AM-2PM. Please return all ticket stubs by this weekend.
Get your ticket today!!!
IT IS WINTER!! We need help on the weekends to clear snow from the side‐
walks at both worship sites. High school stu‐
dents could use this opportunity for service hours for the religious educa on program or we would be willing to financially com‐
pensate them for the work (without service hours). Preferably the individuals would live in either Daisytown or Bon Air and would be available on weekends prior to the evening Masses on Saturday and the morning Mass‐
es on Sunday. It is also Fish Fry Season, and it would be helpful to our ladies who wrap silverware on Tuesdays if they had be er access to the hall, as well as Thursday & Friday for the ones who prep. We appreci‐
ate any help. If you might be interested, please call the parish office. FROM THE DESK OF FATHER BOB
I think we all will be happy to flip the calendar to March this weekend. It has been a winter to remember, or perhaps to forget. I really can’t place all the blame on weather condi ons but I have not been very successful in comple ng my visits to the homebound/hospitals as of late. They say that hope springs eternal so don’t give up on me just yet. I pray that March will be a kinder month to all of us. While I enjoy gree ng everyone in the ves bule a er weekend Masses, I am ge ng very forge ul as of late, so if you tell me something I need to remember I would appreciate if you would call the rectory where I could write myself a note. I admit that is no guarantee but it would be much be er than my trying to remem‐
ber who told me what I needed to do. The aging process is not always fun but I’m not quite ready for the alterna ve yet. Thank you for your coopera on in this ma er. March is going to be a very busy month with fish fries at both worship sites, area penance services, our Cash Bash, Lenten devo on of Sta ons of the Cross, and who knows what Mother Nature will do to complicate ma ers. I ex‐
press sincere thanks to all who volunteer their me and donate gi baskets for our socials, buy Easter candy that enable our children to a end the diocesan summer camps, or the Sweepstakes ckets for the month of May. All of these events bring us together as a parish family despite the sacrifice and effort involved which has given us a very good reputa on for quality and hospitality. We are not a large par‐
ish but we do things in a big way. I am proud and happy to be your pastor! On a more spiritual note we are in the midst of a peniten al sea‐
son. There is no Gloria, no alleluias, the more somber shades of purple are the colors of Lent, and no flowers decorate our sanctuaries. This being said, the Sun‐
days of Lent are not Lenten days at all. The beginning of Lent was pushed back to the Wednesday before the first Sunday of Lent so that there would be forty fas ng days. Hence, the period of Lent is actually longer than forty days. The Sundays of Lent are s ll days on which we celebrate the Lord’s resurrec on. Lent is a me to prac ce the discipline of dying to self, yet we s ll have one day a week on which we always celebrate the new Life promised by the resurrec on of Jesus. MembersofPurgatorialSociety
Elizabeth Stuart
Joan McMahon
Pauline Milavec
Do you know someone who needs prayers?
Please contact Debbie Washington at 536-3616
or to place a name on the
parish Prayer Chain! Boxes for requests are also
located in the vestibules of our worship sites.
If you have a loved one admitted to the hospital or nursing home please contact the
office. The hospital sometimes fails to call
and notify us, then Fr. Bob does not know
to visit. Thanks for your help.
Prayerful remembrance for all
serving in the military:
Ryan Wood, Army; Nathan Brezovic; Fr.
Frantisek Halka, Army; Major
Dietz, Army; Petty Officer Tony Pinkas,
Please contact the parish office
(536-6818) if we need to add or remove
any of our military personnel from this
list. Thank you.
Lenten Fish Fry Dates For Bon Air & Daisytown Mar 6th, 13th, 20th 27th Good Friday April 3rd, Daisytown Only It’s that me of year. April2014‐March2015
Teo iliaWysocki
The 2015 Annual Catholic Appeal (ACA) begins at our parish March 1st. Lenten sacrificial gi that reflects your gra tude for the many blessings that God has entrusted to you is a blessing for our parish and the 32 Dioce‐
san ministries the ACA supports. The Diocese will be sending out parishioners pledge cards soon ‐ do not return to the Diocese. Several of you have already been giving throughout the year towards your 2015 ACA with your weekly offering. We will have your ACA Giving Statements in the back of the church within the next couple of weeks along with a sample Giving Statement & sample pledge card to aid in filling out your card. If you are una‐
ble to make a financial gi , please return your pledge card indica ng such. All contribu ons over our parish goal will be returned to the parish for our use. This year we received $895 over goal! Please note as of March 1 all dona ons ACA Do‐
na ons will go toward the 2016 ACA. If you have any ques ons please call the office at 536‐6818 ‐ I’ll be happy to help! Thank you! ~ Kristen Families & the Gospel
March 1
Mk 9:2-10
The apostles thought they knew Jesus, but when
he changed in front of them at the Transfiguration, they were “afraid.” In families we cannot
freeze relationships because change and growth
are inevitable. Children grow up, parents grow
old and spouses change. Transfigurations are
all around us and within us. Relationships can
only grow when we embrace the new and let go
of the old.
Fund Raiser for Camp Z. Orders need to be
turned in by March 5th. We will not be able
to accept any forms after Thursday March
5th. Candy Orders will come in the week of
March 16th and will be placed in back of the
church of your choice to be delivered. Please
keep the yellow portion of the order form
(church gets the rest) and keep it in a safe
place until the candy is delivered. Please
make checks payable to SS Gregory and
Barnabas Parish; (Do NOT make payable
to Gertrude Hawk). You can pay now or
when the candy order comes in. Please support this fundraiser; we will make 50% of the
profit! We all purchase Easter candy for our
baskets, this would be for a good cause!
Please do not hesitate to contact Andi at 2662806 with any questions.
Fiscal Year July 1, 2014 - June 30, 2015
Offertory Totals for the week of February 22, 2015
$2,497 Weekly Offertory
Misc. Income
Votive Candles
1st Offering-Envelopes
Easter Flowers
Weekly Needs
YTD surplus/
$3,051 Total
Ash Wednesday $216.50 Black & Indian $90 Catholic Relief $35 TV Ministry $20 ACA 2015
Feb 28/Mar 1
March 7/8
March 14/15
4:00 pm Lector: Alan Hiner
EM: Sherri Slavick
Servers: Slavicks
Lector: Cathy Kessler
EM: _____________
Servers: __________
Lector: Todd Roberts
EM: _____________
Servers: Roberts
5:30 pm Lector: T. Sorchilla
EM: T. Sorchilla
Servers: Sorchillas
Lector: ___________
EM: Janet Pribish
Servers: __________
Lector: ___________
EM: _____________
Servers: __________
8:00 am Lector: Moot
EM: MB Rykala
Server: S. Rykala
Lector: MB Rykala
EM: Moot
Server: S. Rykala
Lector: Moot
EM: MB Rykala
Server: C. Wysocki
Lector: Jacki Allison
EM: Jackie Allison
Lector: S. Rosenbaum
EM: R. RosenbaumServers:___________
Lector: Claire Kessler
EM: Claire Kessler
Servers: H. Chandler
BASKET PARTY - RELAY FOR LIFE: Church of Transfiguration Sat, March 1st Doors open 1PM, drawing starts 2:30PM. $8 1st ticket additional tickets $5.
Annual Basket Party: St. Benedict PTO on Sunday, March 8,2015. Doors open at 1:00 pm and drawings start 2:30pm. Tickets are $10.00
each. This include a light lunch, coffee, tea or orange drink, 25 tickets stubs to win baskets and a door prize ticket. Tickets available at the St
Benedict rectory or call Denise at 241-2520. COME HAVE FUN AND HELP SUPPORT THE KIDS!!!!
A Night at the Race: Sponsored by Cover Hill Volunteer Fire Saturday, March 14th Doors open at 6:30PM. First Race at 7PM. Purchase a
Horse or Jockey for $15, includes admission for 1, food and beverages. $25 payout if your horse or jockey wins. Call 243-2987 or 539-3473 for
Eucharistic Adoration Make this Lent more meaningful with Bishop Mark Bartchak ~ Come and join us. For all high school students in
Grades 9-12. On Saturday, March 15th, 1:00 PM at St. Michael, St. Michael (Gathering is ½ hour prior to start time) PRE-REGISTRATION IS
REQUIRED TO ATTEND! For a registration form, contact your Parish Director of Religious Education, your high school principal, or the
Youth Ministry Office at (814)693-1401. Information is also online at
Turn to the Infant of Prague NOVENA, March 8-16, 2015 St. Andrew’s Church 1621 Ferndale Ave., Johnstown Devotions (Mass) Each
Evening at 7:00 P.M. Confessions Each Evening After Devotion Ask the Infant For The Favor You Need!
St Joseph Triduum -A triduum in honor of St Joseph will be held March 17-19 at St John Gualbert Cathedral, 117 Clinton Street, Johnstown.
Mass and devotions will be held at 7pm each evening with confessions following mass on Tuesday and Wednesday. On Thursday, everyone is
invited following the final liturgy to the St Joseph Table at the parish activity center .
Trivia Night: at Mom’s House, Inc. of Johnstown, Wed. Mar. 18, at Visitation Church Cafeteria. Doors open @ 5:30 – First question is @ 6:30
Admission includes food, drinks, dessert, and Beer. Teams of up to 8 people - $20/person. Prizes for the top 3 teams. Call Rita Casker @ 5354848 for information.
West End Pickers/Trash to Treasures Indoor Yard Sale: sponsored by the West End Improvement Group, Saturday March 21st from 8 am to 1
pm, Lower Yoder Fire Dept Social Hall, 515 Fairfield Ave. Get your Spring cleaning going and donate your items. Every little bit helps
(would prefer no clothing, large appliances or large furniture). Call 535-2499 or 539-0181 for pick up of your items or drop off on Friday
March 20 (evening). Every little bit helps. Proceeds from this sale go towards our projects. This year's particular project is to obtain surveillance cameras in the West End.
St. Benedict School Second Annual Wine Tasting Event, Saturday, March 21st, 7-10PM at the St. Benedict Gym. Wines by B&L Winery,
Happy Valley Winery, Starr Hill Winery, and Germantown Winery. Tickets are $20 per person which includes a complimentary wine glass,
light appetizers, and music. For tickets please call 266-3837 or email Must be 21 to attend.
Worldwide Marriage Encounters—Let Christ into your marriage so it can be a great marriage. Restore and renew your marriage to a unity of heart by attending a weekend to be held Feb. 27-28-March 1 (Friday evening to Sunday afternoon) at the Atherton Hotel, State College. For information, call: (814) 495-4854 or visit
2015 Engaged Couples Marriage Preparation Weekends Fulfills diocesan marriage preparation requirement. Can attend Feb. 6-7-8,
March 27-28-29, May 8-9-10 or Nov. 6-7-8. Begins Fri. 8:00 pm and ends Sun. 3:00 pm. Held at the Sacred Heart Spirituality Center on
Munster Road, Portage. For more information, call Diocesan Family Life Office 814-886-5551 or go to Gift certificates available.
Is Your Marriage Hurting? MARRIAGE CARE is a new, free, diocesan couple-to-couple ministry for couples or individuals in stressed
marriages who don’t know where to turn or what to do. Find hope, help, and healing, as a MARRIAGE CARE couple walks with you,
offering confidential guidance and faith-filled support, through prayer (if you wish), discernment., resources and referrals you can trust.
This is not counseling. (Professional counseling is available through Catholic Charities on a sliding-fee scale.) You are not alone! MARRIAGE CARE couples are available throughout the diocese. Contact; 814-886-5551.
Natural Family Planning…Heard about this Family Planning Method? Husband and wife share the responsibility; no health risks; costs
nothing; works with your fertility, not against it; scientifically researched; can improve marital communication; 98-99% success rate.
NFP is an updated, scientific, Church approved method. For information/instruction, call the Family Life office 814-886-5551; Certified instructors available throughout the diocese.
Faith & Light – Sharing Faith & Friendship with Intellectual Disabled Persons A faith sharing group which also includes family members, caregivers, friends. Meets monthly, Sundays, 1:00-4:00 pm at a handicap accessible location. Call Gaye (814) 472-7317 or Family
Life Office (814) 886-5551.;
Is your marriage tearing you apart? There is hope through Retrouvaille, a Christian peer ministry. Retrouvaille (French for “rediscovery”)
is Catholic, but open to all couples. See; for brochure or to talk to couples in our diocese who have used
Retrouvaille contact diocesan Family Life Office (814) 886-5551 or Your marriage is meant to be a Sacrament—a source of life and energy. You owe it to yourself to heal.
Know someone married 5 or 10 years? A son or daughter, sibling, niece or nephew, or you yourselves...Bishop Mark has a message for
you! To receive this letter, send the couple’s name, mailing address, email and whether married 5 or 10 years to the Family Life Office,
5379 Portage St., Lilly, PA 15938; 814-886-5551; Be sure to indicate it is for the anniversary letter from Bishop Mark.
Consider giving a gift now that will enrich the life of a young camper in the Summer of 2015!
Camp Zacchaeus Grades 4-9 and Camp Timothy Grades 10-12 (and newly graduated seniors 2015)
We are looking for people, groups, parishes or organizations to sponsor a child to attend
Camp Zacchaeus 2015 or Camp Timothy 2015 through the Angel Fund.
We will accept full or partial sponsorships of any amount to help cover the cost of camp. If you are interested in sponsoring a child,
or for more information, please contact Francine Swope at the Diocesan Youth Ministry Office (814)693-9605, or mail your contribution
directly to Camp Zacchaeus or Camp Timothy Angel Fund, 933 S. Logan Boulevard, Hollidaysburg, PA 16648.
Become an Angel Fund sponsor and help send a needy child to camp to experience a wonderful
week of Faith, Fun and Friendship in the great outdoors
Featuring keynotes by Will Smith. Through music, humor and fatih sharing,
will is able to help young peole have a great day and a real faith connection!
The day will consist of uplifting keynotes, challenging games, and Liturgy with Bishop mark. There will be
lots of faith, fun and friendship for all! To register, contact your pastor, parish Director of Religious
Education/ Youth Ministry or Catholic Elementary School Principal. Deadline to register is march 6th!
Young adults aged 18-35 who are interested in attending World Youth Day 2016 are invited
to join the Diocese of Altoona-Johnstown on its pilgrimage to Krakow, Poland.
Dates: July 24 to August 3, 2016.
An all inclusive package with Proximo Travel is available.
For more information and registration packet,
contact Francine Swope in the Youth Ministry Office (814) 693-9605.