March/April 2015 Witness - First Church of Christ, Congregational

The First Church of Christ, Congregational
United Church of Christ
81 High St.
Suffield, CT 06078
Non-Profit Org.
Permit No. 328
Enfield, CT 06082
As disciples of Jesus and stewards of God’s creation,
we joyfully worship, faithfully serve, and generously give
so lives may be transformed
Address Correction Requested
In This Issue
March/April 2015
Pastor’s Message
Call to Special Congregational Mtg.
Associate Pastor’s Message
Heifer Project for Lent
Silver Lake 2015
Worship at First Church
Women’s Fellowship News
Book DiscussionL “Love Wins”
Martin Luther King Observance
Quiet Day: Steps Along the Way
Holy Week Service Schedule
Super Saturday
Lost & Found in Concert
Jazz Sunday
Lenten Services
Library News
Folks & Friends
Mission/Outreach News
2015 CROP Walk
Phone: (860) 668-7223;Fax: (860) 668-1429
E-Mail: office
Senior Pastor: The Rev. Bridget Fidler
Minister of Music: Brian Parks
Office hours: 9 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Associate Pastor: The Rev. Diann H. Bailey
Director of Sonotori Handbell Choir: Janet Banks
Administrative Secretary: Bonnie Yosky
More great news throughout!
Calendar pull-out page.
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Suffield 2015 CROP Hunger Walk
A Note from the Pastor
“The world is more complex and runs at a faster pace than ever before.
How does the church with its ancient and deep roots continue to thrive in
a world where change is the norm? This is the essential leadership task in
these times.”
~ Notes from Growing a Mainline Church, Hartford Seminary, June 2014
Two years ago, I had a gut feeling that change was in the air and that First Church needed to be
proactive in embracing this change. The only problem was that I couldn’t articulate what the
“change” was supposed to be. If someone asked me, I would put my arms out to create a circle
and say, “It looks like this.”
Our work with Ministry Architects over the past two years has created a greater sense of clarity
and although the work sometimes feels overwhelming, it doesn’t create as much anxiety about the
future as it used to. The work that we have engaged in as a congregation and the work and study
that I have done over the past two years has created some language to articulate what I had no
words for before.
I realize now that much of our work is structural and some quite mundane, something akin to inspecting a house before you buy it. It requires a skilled eye and looking closely at what is in good
condition and what needs updating or replacement. The mission statement and values
created during our weekend in January with Ministry Architect consultants, Nate Stukey and Melissa Rau, gave us a focus and a lens through which we can discern the ways we determine how
to move forward in our ministry together. That weekend also gave us time and space to dream
large and plan together and we came to realize that our education building built in 1956 presents
us with myriad challenges that must be addressed – accessibility and long overdue repairs being a
major ones. The building right in the center of Suffield is a means to a much greater end –
serving our community, providing sacred and community space, and a vessel through which we
seek to serve God by serving those in need.
Thank you to all those who participated in the September assessment and the January retreat.
Thank you to Tom Wardell, Paul Davidson, Robin Zatony, and Laura Randall for their willingness to serve on the Renovation Team charged with leading us through the process and helping us
to make the vision a reality.
Suffield has participated in CROP Hunger Walks for over 25 years and we had the 9th highest percentage increase in funds raised in the New England Region in 2012. We would like to beat that
increase this year and we know we can do it with your help.
In the last 20 years, CROP Hunger Walks have raised more than $294 million to help people struggling to feed their families. They have an impact both locally and globally. In fact, 25% of the
funds raised, will benefit the Suffield community.
Participating is Easy
Participants can choose to walk a 5K (3.2 mile) loop up and down Main Street to show their support, or they can walk any portion of the 3.2 mile loop. You can choose whichever option best suits
your fitness and health abilities.
And of course, whether you walk or are just interested in helping support hunger relief, you can
easily reach friends and relatives to ask for their financial support with a click of the mouse! Online
giving makes it easy. Just go to and you can register to walk or just
to donate.
Sunday, May 3rd, 2 PM, The Gazebo on the Suffield Town Green.
Music on High Concert
Handbell Choirs of First Church
In Christ,
The Witness
Ending Hunger One Step at a Time. That’s what you’ll do when you join us on Sunday, May 3rd,
at 2 PM on the town green, for Suffield’s Annual CROP Walk for Hunger, sponsored by the Greater
Suffield Interfaith Council. What’s a CROP Walk? CROP Walks are neighbors, people just like
you and me, who come together to take a stand against hunger in our world. People of different
ages, faiths and backgrounds working together to raise awareness and funds for both local and international hunger relief.
Sunday, May 17, 2015 - 4 PM
The long-loved handbell choirs of First Church will return for a spring concert, including the veteran
Sonotori Choir, whose members have over 300 years of ringing experience, our highly skilled youth
Campanelli Choir, and our youngest - and most enthusiastic - Whipper Clapper Choir.
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Cathedral in the Night
Sunday, April 19, 2015
First Church of Christ, Congregational, UCC
Mission Statement and Values
Your help is needed!
On Sunday, April 19, 2015, First Church has the opportunity to help our
brothers and sisters in need by preparing and bringing a meal to Cathedral
in the Night in downtown Northampton, Massachusetts. The need during
these cold winter months is overwhelming! Please consider helping in
any way you can!
As disciples of Jesus and stewards of God’s creation,
we joyfully worship, faithfully serve, and generously give
so lives may be transformed.
There are several ways you can help:
You may provide any of the items listed below (see items needed below)
You may help prepare food at First Church, Suffield (2 p.m. Sunday, April 19)
You may serve food at Cathedral in the Night
We are looking for enough food and supplies to feed at least 100 people. Below is a list of items
needed to serve a substantial meal.
Loaves of bread (white, wheat, gluten free) (at least 4 loaves)
Deli meat (ham, turkey or roast beef) (at least 4 pounds)
Sliced cheese (American) (at least 4 pounds)
Peanut butter and jelly
Hot dishes: Three disposable aluminum trays of some sort of baked pasta or chili dish
Brownies, cookies or other finger treats (individual serving sizes of crackers or granola
bars are welcome also). Any prepackaged snacks are welcome.
One large can of lemonade mix
Plates, bowls, napkins, plastic utensils, cups and sandwich bags
We need 3 - 4 people on Sunday afternoon April 19th to help prepare the food for travel (making
sandwiches and packing snacks). We will gather at the church at 2 p.m. for prep work.
In addition, we need 5 -7 people to travel to Northampton to take part in the serving process. We
will leave the church by 4 p.m.
Finally, monetary donations are always welcome to purchase some of the above mentioned items.
We joyfully and freely offer hospitality by opening our
hearts, hands, and doors to all.
We affirm that we are enriched and strengthened by our differences.
We challenge and support our faith community
to develop a deeper relationship with God and Jesus Christ.
We follow Jesus’s example by ministering to and caring for all.
A sign-up sheet will be in the lobby for items and participation. Please contact Amy Bosco if you
would like to travel to Northampton with us at or 860-310-9867.
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March/April 2015
Work Day
at the
Second Chance Ranch!
So many volunteers came out last year that we planned another day of helping out at the ranch!
Call to a Special Congregational Meeting
To the Officers and Members of the First Church of Christ, Suffield, Con-
Notice is hereby given of the Special Congregational Meeting of the First
Church of Christ, Congregational, Suffield, Connecticut to be held on
Sunday, March 1, 2015 in the Church Sanctuary immediately following
the worship service to conduct the following business:
To consider and vote on Amendments to the Constitution of The First
Church of Christ, Congregational, Suffield. The majority of the amendments
address the change in the Church’s governance from a Standing Committee
and Board model to the Church’s current Ministry Team model.
Visit our table in the Ebenezer Gay Room and put a “buck in the bucket” All the dollars in
the bucket will purchase salt licks to help the horses maintain nutrients during the winter.
Come volunteer your time! Our church will be working at the ranch from 1-4 PM on April
26th. Muck stalls, groom horses, sweep the barn! Whatever we can do to help ☺ Rubber/
waterproof boots are strongly suggested!
Other great donations!
• shavings
• fly spray and masks
• halters (break-away or safety halters preferably)
• lead ropes
• blankets
• old towels
• unused tack
• Listerine
Address of The Second Chance Ranch is 85 East St, East Granby CT
Contact Stephanie Parnin at or anyone on Missions/Outreach Ministry Team
with any questions! Thanks!
To conduct other such business as is proper to come before such a meeting.
Thank You for the Gift of Warmth
Dated at Suffield, Connecticut, February 22, 2015
We thank you for your kindness in donating the many cozy hats and mittens for the Suffield
Emergency Aid Association. These bitterly cold and snowy days require warm outdoor accessories. Your generosity has provided comfort to many people in need of these items. The collection
also received over $100 in cash that will buy small Target gift cards: Emergency Aid gives these
to people who need to purchase underwear and socks.
Lisa Kucia, Clerk of the Church
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March/April 2015
April’s Second Mile
Offering for 2015
Helping tornado victims to Rebuild in
Baxter Springs, Kansas
One Great Hour of Sharing
Give and change the world
It has been a tradition at First Church to support the
United Church of Christ’s special mission offering “One Great Hour of Sharing” during the Easter
month. One Great Hour of Sharing provides support to health, education, refugee, agricultural, and
emergency relief initiatives.
Let us know, let us press on to know the Lord; his appearing is as sure as the dawn; he will come
to us like the showers, like the spring rains that water the earth.”
Hosea 6.3
In 2015, the One Great Hour of Sharing theme is
“Give and change the world”. The focus is on sharing with our brothers and sisters in need around the
world because we are connected with them through
Christ Jesus. It suggests that as long as anyone has
an un-met need, we all have un-met needs. This
idea is easy to understand when the person in need
is a family member or neighbor in our community.
As I write this, we are in the midst of another extreme cold snap; negative numbers that don’t
even tell of the wind chill. It is hard to think about Easter, never mind the many tulip and daffodil
bulbs I planted last fall. I am a bit fearful the bulbs might never see the light of spring.
It is not as easy when the person in need is someone
we don’t know, who lives far away. Yet, we are
Helping earthquake victims in Haiti
called to care for those near and far, alike. From
disaster relief, to training programs, and healthcare, our gift is making a major impact in the lives
of real people. Together we are showing the world,
God’s love and compassion through acts of kindness, making the United Church of Christ a vehicle
through which lives are transformed.
During the month of April we ask that you support
the 2nd Mile Offering of One Great Hour of Sharing. Monies may be placed in the offering plate on
Sundays or mailed to the church office, noting April
2nd Mile Offering (or OGHS), any time during the
month of April.
However, I know that spring is coming, just as we know that after Lent comes Easter. If we did
not understand the connection between Lent and the coming of Easter, we might bypass Lent and
go straight to the light and beauty of Easter. As much as we like to forget, we know that this time
of darkness and dormancy brings the spring bulbs into their glorious beauty. We also know that
to fully understand and experience joy, we must also understand the emotions of grief and sadness.
Easter does not conquer Lent, just as spring does not conquer winter. Lent is a time for us to reflect on those places in our lives that are cold, dark and lacking in love. Easter brings to light our
God given gifts, a beautiful creation.
Many of our winter challenges are melted away by the warm sunshine of spring. We are resurrected from the darkness, just as Jesus was resurrected from the darkness of death into new life.
Just as we know that winter will change into spring, we know that Lent is limited and leads us
into Easter. We are, after all, Easter people. May we make it through winter and Lent with the vision and hope of new life and resurrection!
Pastor Diann
Thank you, in advance, for your gift.
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March/April 2015
First Church Supports Heifer Project for Lent
This Lenten season, as an intergenerational activity, we will be delving deeper into the meaning,
purpose and goals of Heifer International. How is it intergenerational? Our Sunday School students will be learning about Heifer in their classrooms and at home. We also have a daily reflection calendar that is focusing on the work of Heifer. If you haven’t picked up a calendar, they are
available in the church lobby.
Formerly Rebuilding Together
There will be a Living Auction after worship on threes Sundays in March and all ages are encouraged to follow the Lenten Heifer calendar that helps us to reflect on the work that Heifer is doing
world-wide. Soon you will receive your annual Lenten Offering letter in the mail explaining this
mission project and we ask that you prayerfully consider a donation to Heifer International. You
can find more information at
Heifer International is committed to ending hunger and poverty while caring for the Earth. Heifer
has programs that provide different kinds of food- and income-producing animals in dozens of
countries on five continents. Since its founding in 1944, they have supplied animals and the
opportunity to become self-reliant to families in more than 125 countries, including the United
States. They have helped 18.5 million families directly and indirectly through passing on the gift.
85 EastaaaaaaaaaaA Living Auction? Well, not really a living auction, with real animals, but we
will be raising money to support the Heifer Project. In addition to purchasing daffodils, you can
make a donation to Heifer and receive a card that explains the gift. It is a great gift for Easter,
Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, Birthdays, or Teacher gifts; gifts for those who already have what
they need. For example, you can “purchase” a flock of chicks for $20
or a Heifer for $500. There are a variety of animals for “purchase” between $20 and $500. The Sunday School youth are setting a high goal
of filling an ark with animals, which means raising $5000 in donations.
Wanna learn more about Heifer? You can go to or just
ask one of our young people….they will likely be able to tell you more
then you could ever imagine about animals and fighting poverty!
Colonial Block Building
1145 Main Street, Suite 107
Springfield, MA 01103
Tel: 413-788-0014
23rd Annual National Rebuilding Day
GreenNFit Neighborhood Cluster Rebuild 2015
Saturday, April 25, 2015
8AM – 3PM
ONE Block on ONE Street all on ONE Day with 1,200 Volunteers!
Over 1,200 volunteers will help repair and renovate more than 20 homes on King Street from
Hancock Street to Eastern Avenue on Saturday, April 25, 2015. Revitalize CDC is focused
on making homes energy-efficient, safe and healthy. The scope of work include:
New roofs
“Age in Place” modifications
Deadbolt locks
Energy-efficient windows & doors
Planting of shrubs and flowers
Conversions from oil to natural gas
Smoke/CO detectors
Yard cleanups
Pest control
Exterior painting
Proper ventilation
Interior painting
Vinyl siding
Mold remediation
About Us:
Rebuilding Together Springfield is now Revitalize
Community Development Corporation or Revitalize
CDC. Since 1992 we have repaired over 500 homes
with 10,000 volunteers investing $28 million into the
city of Springfield.
Revitalize CDC performs free critical repairs,
modifications and rehabilitation to the homes of
low- income families with children, military veterans,
elderly and people with disabilities.
Keep Heifer and its mission in your Lenten reflections and who
knows, perhaps you will consider “purchasing” a Lenten Llama for
your mamma!?!
We leverage the investments of Springfield-area
donors, grantors and volunteers to make significant
home repairs that stabilize neighborhoods, maintain
the tax base, and allow elderly homeowners to age
in place.
Sign up for our E-Newsletter for Updates & Registration at:
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March/April 2015
Mission/Outreach News
March’s Second Mile Offering for 2015
23rd Annual National Rebuilding Day
GreenNFitNeighborhood Cluster Rebuild 2015
Silver Lake 2015
Volunteers Needed to
Help with the
Stations of the Cross
on Palm Sunday
It Is Not Too Early to Think About
Summer Camp at Silver Lake
Even though it is cold, windy with a “little”
snow, the staff at Silver Lake are already
working on 2015 Summer Camp.
“I tell you, no one has done for me what these people have done for me. God heard my prayers
and he sent ALL THE ANGELS here for me.” - Mrs. Shirley Lemoine - Elderly widow of a WWII
US Army Veteran
Our March 2nd Mile Offering will be used to support the efforts of the Revitalize Community
Development Corporation (Revitalize CDC) in Springfield.
Founded in 1992, Revitalize Community Development Corporation (formerly Rebuilding Together) performs critical repairs, modifications and rehabilitation to the homes and non-profit facilities
of low-income families with children, the elderly, military veterans and people with disabilities.
Revitalize CDC leverage the investments of donors, grantors and volunteers to make significant
home repairs that stabilize neighborhoods, strengthen the tax base, and allow elderly homeowners
to “age in place”.
In the last year they’ve rebuilt 48 homes across Springfield, including 25 homes, 1 playground
and 1 community garden at the 2nd Annual GreenNFit Neighborhood Block Rebuild 2014 on
Pendleton Avenue and Pickett Place. 80+ sponsors, and 1,200 volunteers made neighborhood
revitalization a reality. Scope of work included painting, landscaping, new energy-efficient windows, new roofs, solar, yard cleanups, fencing, flooring, repaired furnaces, handicap ramps and so
much more!
During the month of March, we ask that you support the 2nd Mile Offering of the 23rd Annual
National Rebuilding Day. Monies may be placed in the offering plate on Sundays or mailed to
the church office, noting March 2nd Mile Offering (or Revitalize CDC), any time during the month
of March. Thank you, in advance, for your gift.
Remember the Stations of the Cross from
previous years?
They were fun, interactive, educational. We
are changing things around this year and hope
to have 6 - 10 adult volunteers to host a station
for our Sunday School classes on Palm Sunday,
March 29th.
We will have one planning meeting to reflect
on the scriptures and brainstorm creative ways
to make interactive stations for our students.
This is an easy, minimal time commitment, and
a fun way to participate in our intergenerational
Lenten activities.
If interested or if you would like more information, contact Jean Barnes at vjbarnes86@ or Pastor Diann at pastordiann@
Silver Lake also offers a scholarship program
to help defray the cost of summer camp. We
are fortunate that our Women’s Fellowship
also offers a campership of $125.00 to every
child who is attending camp during the 2015
summer season.
Registration forms and health forms are
available at the Church Office or they can be
downloaded from the Silver Lake website
( along with the Parent
Manual. You can also pick up a Silver Lake
brochure in the Lobby.
We hope that you will encourage your child
to take “the plunge”, have fun and begin a
lifetime faith journey, and think about attending summer camp at Silver Lake.
Please see the flyer on Page 23.
The Witness
Silver Lake offers young people (ages 8 to 18)
a wonderful chance to experience a week-long
Christian-camp community with “real” faceto-face new friendships, memory-making fun,
the creation of spiritual worship, service to
one another and the development of sustainable connections with our environment, each
other and God. Attendees also get a chance
to participate in exciting waterfront elements,
the high and low ropes challenge courses, and
the new basketball court. Check out Silver
Lake’s website ( to see
the many different opportunities and activities
that they offer.
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March/April 2015
Our Folks & Friends
Our thoughts, sympathy, and
prayers are with those mourning
the loss of family or friends and
with those recovering from illness
or injury.
Happy Birthday!
We want to wish everyone who is celebrating a birthday in
January and February, a very Happy Birthday. May your
special day be full of fun and happiness and everything that
you enjoy.
Happy Anniversary!
We want to wish everyone who is celebrating an anniversary
in January and February a very Happy Anniversary. May
this special day in your lives be blessed with love and
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March/April 2015
Mid-Week Communion
Our March Mid-Week Communion service
and luncheon will be held on Wednesday,
March 4, 2015, in the Ebenezer Gay Room
at noon. Our April Mid-Week Communion
service and luncheon will be held on April
Our service and luncheon are held at 12
PM in the Ebenezer Gay Room. If you are
in need of transportation, please call the
Church Office at 860-668-7223 and we will
try to make arrangements for a ride.
The Witness
It was back last September that many friends of
Rick and Susan Huleatt signed a book for them as
a retirement gift.
Alice Dahms and I met Rick for lunch. We caught
up on our lives, children and of course church and
members. He was very curious about the parsonage restoration, as the family lived there when in
Suffield. We coordinated a tour there and he was
so pleased to see the house renovated and being
used for the church.
Words cannot express how touched he was to
receive the book you all signed and the personal
messages of good wishes.
Many thanks,
Anita Wardell
Prayer Shawl Ministry
Come join us, as we gather
to knit/crochet prayer
shawls. We meet on the First
Tuesdays of each month at
10 a.m. and 7 p.m. in the
Chapel. Our March gathering will be on March 3rd and our gathering will
be April 7th. Don’t forget to bring your knitting
needles, crochet hook and yarn.
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March/April 2015
Caregivers Group Update
Worship at First Church
The next meetings for the Caregivers Group are
as follows:
All services are at 10:00 a.m. unless otherwise noted.
Thursday, March 5 at 10 AM. This meeting
will be an open chat along with group discussion
and continuation of our book-share discussion.
The first of two new books added to the shelves
of the First Church Library is Small Victories:
Spotting Improbable Moments of Grace by
Anne Lamott. This collection of essays is held
together by an underlying theme of finding the
sacred in the ordinary. Additionally, some of life’s harshest moments
can become pathways to fulfillment, light and
a stronger bond with the Creator. This author
blends these ideas and produces memorable
stories of how to live a better life on earth. Our
library contains several examples of Anne Lamott’s engaging and uplifting work. Each one is a
fairly quick read that will inspire your spirit and
cast warmth into any gloomy day.
The second addition is Prayer: Experiencing
Awe and Intimacy with God by Timothy Keller. This easy-to-read book explores the questions
of why and how to pray in order that prayer be
genuinely meaningful. It goes through references and examples of prayer in the Bible, and
guides the reader to apply the Biblical principles
to one’s own prayer life. The result of this
educational journey in prayer is a closer relationship with God, which will manifest itself in
remarkable ways.
Please stop by the First Church Library to take
out these, as well as many other great books,
that address Christian topics. There is a signout sheet on the small table to record your selection.
The Witness
Friday, April 17 at 10 AM. Special guest,
David Engelbrecht from Lifeline, will be returning to First Church to present a short program on
“FALLS: Prevention and How to Get up from a
Fall!” th
This program is open to everyone worried about
falling, or anyone wanting to prevent a loved one
from falling and how to help if they do. Light
refreshments will be served. Questions? Contact Celeste Cannon for details at lewcannon4@ or 860-668-5943.
Thursday, May 21st at 10 AM will be an open
chat along with group discussion
All meetings will be held in the Ebenezer Gay
Room. The public is invited to attend these
Interested in
Becoming a Member
A new member class will be held on Sunday,
March 22nd at 11:30 a.m.. in the Chapel. New
members will be received on Sunday, April
12, 2015 during the morning worship service.
Anyone interested in becoming a member or
would like to learn more about First Church,
please e-mail Pastor Bridget at pastorbridget@ or call the Church Office
(860-668-7223) or sign up on the clipboard in
the lobby.
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March/April 2015
Sun., Mar. 1
2nd Sunday of Lent
Intergenerational Worship
Service with Communion. Sun., Mar. 8
3rd Sunday of Lent
Worship Service and
Church School
Sun., Mar. 15 4th Sunday of Lent
Worship Service and
Church School
Sun., Mar. 22 5th Sunday of Lent
Worship Service and
Church School
Sun., Mar. 29 Palm Sunday
Worship Service and
Church School Stations of the
Sun., Apr. 5
Easter Sunday
Sunrise Service - 6 a.m. - at Sunrise Park
Intergenerational Worship
Service - Sanctuary
(No Coffee Hour)
Sun., Apr. 12
2nd Sunday of Easter
Worship Service with
Communion and
Church School
Sun., Apr. 19
3rd Sunday of Easter
Worship Service and
Church School
Sun., Apr. 26
4th Sunday of Lent
Worship Service and
Church School
(Please join us for Coffee Hour immediately following the morning services in the
Ebenezer Gay Room for fellowship and conversation.)
Lent and the Season of Easter Offerings
During Lent and Easter seasons, it is encouraging to see both new and familiar faces at our worship services. Throughout the year, many of you already support the congregation with your time,
talent and financial contributions, but greater participation is always welcome. We encourage you
to look into our electronic giving program. It takes just a few minutes to setup a recurring giving
plan. Visit the church website ( and locate the donation link (located
in the upper right hand corner) or complete a paper authorization form.
Electronic Giving Cards are now available in the pews for those who pay their pledge electronically. They may be used during the offertory in place of offering envelopes.
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March/April 2015
Lenten Services
Women’s Fellowship News
Game Night - Thursday, March 19th - Fellowship Hall
Hosted by Women’s Fellowship
On Thursday evening, March 19th Women’s Fellowship will be hosting
a game night. We will be playing the popular game of BINGO. All
are invited to attend.
Lunchtime Reflections on Lent
Bingo, named Beano originally, came to the United States in 1929 and
was first played at a carnival in Atlanta, Georgia. Shortly, a Catholic
priest began offering the game as a money maker for his parish. The
game’s popularity increased when it started being played in churches!
Every Monday, March 2 - March 30
12 - 12:45 p.m.
Smith Chapel
We will gather for a time of prayer, scripture, and silence; offering a safe space allowing the sacred to move amidst the busyness of today’s world. Attend one or attend all.
In 2015, at First Church we are welcoming all, women, children, and
men, to join us for a free hour of Bingo. Bingo is a game of chance, no
skill is required! Refreshments will be served.
To help with the amount of refreshments and Bingo cards needed,
please sign up on the Bingo Night sheet located in the Narthex.
We hope to see you for Bingo on March 19th!
Family Movie Night in April
Friday, April 24th
6:30 PM
Stages on the Way
A Community Lenten Worship Experience
Fellowship Hall
On April 24th, the Women’s Fellowship is inviting families to
Movie Night. Plans are still being made as of the printing of
this edition of the Witness. Watch the bulletin and look for
emails as we get closer to the date. In the meantime, mark your
calendar and plan to come to Movie Night.
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March/April 2015
Wednesday evenings from March 4 – March 25
6:00-6:45pm – Smith Chapel
Led by Revs. Diann Bailey, Tom Carr, Bridget Fidler & Eric Fistler
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March/April 2015
Jazz Sunday
More Women’s Fellowship News
Gifts of the Heart - Extended for 2 more weeks
Sunday, March 8th - 10 AM
Due to the snow and cold weather, the Health Kit drive
is being extended for 2 more weeks.
Featuring the The Hot Cat Jazz Band
If you would like to donate items for the Health Kits, please see the list below. A complete kit
- 1 full size hand towel (16”x28”) - (No finger or bath towels)
- 1 full-size wash cloth
- 1 wrapped bath-size bar of soap
- 1 toothbrush in original package
- 1 wide-tooth comb
- 1 nail clipper (No metal files or emery boards)
- 6 regular-size band-aids
All items to be put in a gallon- size zip-lock bag.
(We appreciate generous intentions, but request that only components listed be included.)
On March 8th, First Church will be adding a different element to its worship
service - Jazz. The Hot Cat Jazz Band will be providing the music during
our service.
It should be a service filled with inspirational words and profound music
grounded in the jazz tradition. Plan on attending this inspiring worship service.
The Hot Cats can be found playing their infectious music for libraries,
churches and summer gazebo concerts across the state. Since their inception, the Hot Cat Jazz Band has performed hundreds of “jazz worship services” while accompanying church choirs and the congregation hymns.
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March/April 2015
Heaven, Hell and Everything In-Between —
Let’s continue the discussion!
I received a lot of feedback on my recent sermon about Hell. People are
intrigued, curious and have many questions. Many want to continue this
Please join us in reading and discussing the book, Love Wins: A Book
About Heaven, Hell and the Fate of Every Person Who Ever Lived, by
Rob Bell.
Beginning May 7th, we will meet on Thursdays at 10 a.m. and 7 p,m. with
the hope that these two times might meet the needs of most people interested in this discussion.
Interested in joining the discussion? Please contact Bonnie by April 15th
to order a book. Questions? Contact Pastor Diann.
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March/April 2015
Suffield 2015 Holiday Observance
Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
Sunday, March 29, 2015 - 4:00 p.m.
Third Baptist Church, 188 Kent St., Suffield
2015 will be the 23rd consecutive year that the Suffield Interfaith Council has sponsored a community event to observe the birthday of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. This year marks the 86th
birthday of Dr. King and the 30th national holiday in his honor. It is celebrated in over 100 countries around the world.
The speaker will be William H. Smith, Ed. D., founding
Executive Director, National Center for Race Amity, based
at Wheelock College in Boston, Massachusetts. His prior
higher education assignment was as Executive Director of
the Center for Diversity in the Communications Industries at
Emerson College in Boston, Massachusetts.
The event will feature the Third Baptist Church Chorus and
Suffield’s special interracial, interfaith, intergenerational
The day marks the importance of remembering Dr. King’s work and legacy, celebrating his birthday as a national holiday, and acting on his teachings and principles of nonviolence and human
rights. It is also a day on which community service initiatives should take place.
The King Holiday Observance brings together diverse segments of Suffield’s population and religious communities. We hope that you will join your neighbors and friends as we remember the
importance of Dr. King’s work and legacy.
Please note: Confirmands are required to attend this service; mentors are encouraged to attend
also. We will meet at Third Baptist Church at 3:15 p.m. We will sit together as a group. If you
have any questions about this event, please speak to Pastor Bridget or Pastor Diann.
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March/April 2015
From the Deacons’ Bench
Change …
Growth …
Transformation …
We are in the season of change.
There is change in the natural world. The wood frogs are stirring from their hibernation in burrows under the forest floor and will soon lay their eggs in vernal ponds. There is change in our
lives. A tricycle is suddenly replaced by a bicycle. Teenagers prepare for high school or college.
For some of us, our health is improving; for others, we face new struggles. New life is born into
families and loved ones are lost. Our church is changing. Some families are sadly leaving us,
new ones are happily arriving. Some of us are ending several years of dedication to a ministry,
others are trying out new ministries. We are undergoing a renovation to find new ways for us to
joyfully share new experiences with each other, our friends and our communities.
And on Easter, we celebrate the change and transformation of Jesus that forever changed the
The only way that we can live is if we grow.
The only way that we can change is if we learn.
Quiet Day: Awakening the Spirit Self-directed, drop in anytime
Explore ways to engage your heart and mind
The only way we can learn is if we are exposed.
And the only way that we can become exposed is if we throw ourselves out into the open.
Do it. Throw yourself.
C. JoyBell C.
May God Bless the changes in us all!
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March 6th 3 - 7 PM
The only way that we can grow is if we change.
The Witness
March/April 2015
All Ages Welcome to Participate
Ecumenical worship service at 6:30 – 7:00 p.m.
First Church of Christ, Congregational, UCC
81 High Street, Suffield, CT 06078
Tel.: 860-668-7223
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March/April 2015
Holy Week/Easter Service Schedule
Palm Sunday - March 29th
Our 10 a.m. worship service will begin with the traditional Procession of the
Palms with our church school children. The Campanelli Handbell Choir and the
Premier Brass Quintet will join the Chancel and Pilgrim Choirs to provide special
music. Minister of Music, Brian Parks, will be at the Gress-Miles pipe organ.
Traditional service of Communion and Tenebrae in commemoration of
the Last Supper. For this special and moving service, the congregation
receives Communion by coming forward. The sanctuary is progressively darkened during the Gospel readings of the passion of Christ,
preparing us spiritually for Good Friday and for the coming of Easter.
The Chancel Choir will sing Handel’s haunting “Surely He Hath Borne
Our Griefs” from Messiah, and the Sonotori Handbell Choir will present a wrenching new arrangement of “When Jesus Wept”.
March 21, 2015
8:00 AM - 3:45 PM
The Massachusetts and Connecticut conferences of the United Church of Christ are presenting Super Saturday, a day of worship, workshops and networking for lay and clergy
leaders. Super Saturdays have been held twice a year since fall, 2009, making this the tenth
Super Saturday. This spring’s event will be the biggest yet, with more workshops than have ever
been offered. Register early to reserve your spot.
Good Friday, - 12 p.m. - April 3rd
A Good Friday Service will be held at 12 p.m. in the Sanctuary followed by a
light luncheon in the Ebenezer Gay Room.
Easter Sunday - April 5th
6:00 a.m. - The annual Ecumenical Sunrise Service will be held at Sunrise Park.
Breakfast will be served at the West Suffield Congregational Church afterwards.
10:00 a.m. - Festival Service of Worship. The Choir of First Church will
sing coronation music from Handel and will feature Susan Hastings, soprano.
Additionally, trumpeter Thomas Gotwals will accompany the organ and choir,
and join the Sonotori Handbell Choir (Janet Banks, director) for a rousing
rendition of A Mighty Fortress is Our God. Join us for this celebration of life
and renewal!
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Super Saturday!
Ludlow High School, 500 Chapin St., Ludlow, MA
Maundy Thursday, - 7 p.m. - April 2nd
The Witness
The Connecticut and Massachusetts Conferences
of the United Church of Christ present:
March/April 2015
The day will feature The Rev. Ruben Duran, Program Director for New
Congregations for the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, who will
speak in the morning on Church for the Life of the World. He is responsible for promoting the development of area strategies, local initiatives and
emerging models for the multiplication of new communities of faith in the
USA and the Caribbean.
Workshops - Participants will be able to attend two 90 minute workshops related to various aspects of church life, mission and ministries, one in the morning and one in the afternoon.
In addition, participants can attend a 30-minute workshop, forum or discussion group during one
of the mid-day lunch periods.
Marketplace - A marketplace will give participants a chance to learn about a variety of ministry
opportunities and to shop their favorite vendors.
We encourage attendees to carpool and to bring their own reusable water bottles and/or travel
Cost: $54 per person or $44 per person in church groups of 5 or more
who register at the same time.
Registration deadline is March 6, 2015.
We encourage online registration at
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March/April 2015