Newsletter 2015-03 - Towson Presbyterian Church

March 2015
Towson Presbyterian Church
400 W. Chesapeake Avenue
Towson, Maryland 21204
The TPC Staff
Joel Strom
Associate Pastor
Stephen Harouff
Director of Music/Organist
Susan J. Thompson
Director of Christian Education
Tara Flynn Runge
Administrative Coordinator
Kathryn Bojanowski
Business Administrator
Lenore Koehler
Director, Towson Presbyterian
Susan Redpath
Childcare Coordinator
Walter Austin
“But God”
The first Sunday of Lent was February 22 and upon reading this newsletter, we
will be in the midst of our Lenten journey together as a congregation. We have
some exciting activities planned for the TPC congregation, and you can read
about them in this newsletter. All of these programs are meant to provide a safe
place to discuss faith, to worship our God, and to enjoy getting to know friends
and neighbors.
Lent has always meant becoming a bit more vulnerable, at least for me it has. In
order to understand a little bit of what Jesus was going through in His time, we
have to intentionally go deep inside to places that may be heartbreaking and that
may create inner turmoil for us in this day and time. Mixed with the heartache
and introspection we may be feeling, though, are wonderful stories in our Lenten
Lectionary of healings, truth telling, a mysterious conversation with Nicodemus,
the prodigal son welcomed home….stories of acceptance that beg for spirited
responses from hearers.
The duality of Lent and then Easter, puts me in mind of two words often used in
the Bible – in fact, they show up almost 4,000 times. The two words are “But
God!” When everything looks solemn and when it appears there’s no hope – the
“But God!” words start appearing. God does something, turns things around,
and provides the help or inspiration needed at the moment. The “But God!”
words signal that a transition is about to happen or something is going to change.
Lent is a lot like that for me, personally.
On a congregational level, I can think of many instances at TPC this past year
where we experienced “But God!” moments. As we changed the way we
governed ourselves, as we developed new ministries and made some staffing
changes, and as we developed our budget and conducted our stewardship
campaign, we were experiencing “But God!” moments.
The staff and congregational leaders of TPC are working together to bring
meaningful worship and learning events to you and your family this Lenten
season. Inside this newsletter you will find small groups, a Lenten Retreat, a mid
-day Hymn Study, mission opportunities, a family fun event, and weekly worship
to move you. May there be many “But God!” moments. We welcome Rev.
MaryAnn McKibben Dana, Dr. Tracy Radosevic, and Dr. George Gray Toole to
the pulpit this month, along with Rev. Joel Strom. We will celebrate the
beginning of Holy Week with our Palm Sunday processional, Lenten Festival,
and Egg Hunt. As we worship and learn together this month, we’ll experience a
God who teaches, heals, prays, weeps, argues, eats with sinners, and becomes
vulnerable…many “But God!” moments meant just for us.
Sue Thompson, Director of Christian Education
Children’s Ministries
Our Church School Observes Lent
Grade 4 and 5 First Friday Fellowship
Games and Team Building at TPC
We have several unique programs to help our children
grow in their faith during the upcoming Lenten season.
Look for Mason Prayer Jars, Lenten Dish Gardens, and
a Jesus Figure to be sent home with each student.
Families will be challenged to place Jesus in a spot
where he will remind you of the Lenten journey and to
think of a place you saw Jesus that day. A weekly story
sheet and family devotion page can also be used with
this project. Perhaps your family will discover that
Jesus is with you each day of the Lenten season.
Elementary students will make dish gardens on the first
Sunday of Lent, and Jesus could be placed in the center,
too. As the words of the transfiguration story echo
“Listen to Him,” we can listen by taking the Gospel
stories to heart, praying together, and responding to the
needs of others all around us. Refer to the Lenten insert,
which was mailed to all homes, to guide you, too.
Friday, March 6 – 6:30 p.m.
Grade 4 and 5 youth will meet at TPC for a fun evening of
food and games. Wear comfortable shoes and clothing, as
we will be engaging in fast-paced games and discovering
how to work together to get things done! RSVP to
( to reserve a spot for the
evening. Bring $5 to cover pizza and dessert. Friends are
welcome to attend as long as we have a firm RSVP by
March 5.
Lenten Festival and Egg Hunt
TPC has a wonderful tradition of blending fun crafts with
observing the beginning of Holy Week in a meaningful
manner. We will gather on the front steps of the church
for our traditional Palm Processional on Sunday, March
29 and dismiss from the worship service to Thompson
Hall to experience some Lenten Learning Stations that
will help our children understand the events of Holy
Week. Our Lenten Festival always features fun crafts and
symbols of the faith for Holy Week.
March 8 Classes for pre-schoolers will meet in Room
212 for a lesson and movie. The nursery school art
show takes place later in the afternoon, and some of our
classes are displaced. Our nursery school is highly
respected for the art and learning in which pre-schoolers
engage and if you come back to view the show at 2:00
p.m., you are sure to be impressed by the creative preschool art. Upon dismissal from the worship service,
elementary and middle school youth join in Thompson
Hall to view a movie.
March 22 Elementary and Middle School Youth are
invited to remain in worship to hear storyteller Tracy
Radosevic inspire us with a Bible story.
At 11:30 a.m., we will move to the Presbyterian Home
lawn for our annual Egg Hunt. Children are asked to
bring baskets in which to collect the almost 1,000 eggs
which will be hidden in various places on the lawn. This
“egg-venture” is an experiment in making our Egg Hunt
less competitive. All of the eggs found will be returned to
a large container and expertly counted by our teens. There
will be three golden eggs hidden somewhere on the lawn
which will yield a “special” prize. We have successfully
offered this type of Egg Hunt for several years now,
equalizing the “rewards” of the hunt – all children will
receive a grab bag filled with great prizes. We have a lot
of plastic eggs recycled from last year but could use some
“cash” ($5) so we may purchase prizes for our prize bags.
All students will receive fish coin banks
to support the One Great Hour of Sharing
offering. We are sure that your family
will find many creative ways to use the
calendar that accompanies the fish banks. Please return
your banks on Palm Sunday.
During our Lenten Festival, we will launch a striking
“cross project” (pictures embedded in a stunning visual)
and we will need everyone’s help to make this modern
banner come to life in Thompson Hall. It will be used
during our Maundy Thursday program in Thompson Hall
on April 2, too.
March15 Children will continue circulating through
special learning stations in church school designed to
help them understand the events of Holy Week.
MARCH 2015
Children’s Ministries—continued
2015 Camp BeeTree for Children:
In fact, you are wished rainbows, butterflies, doves, stars,
(and lots of fish) the week of Camp BeeTree (and so
much more!) as we learn together about symbols of faith,
how God speaks to us through them, and how they, in
turn, point us to God.
Kindergarten through Grade 5
Signs, Signs, Everywhere a Sign!
(Teens to serve as Counselors in Training)
What is your 21st Century symbol, pointing you to God?
By the end of the week, you’ll be saying “Signs, signs,
everywhere a sign!”
Please reserve July 13 - 17 for a great week of fun and
learning at our facility in Parkton, MD.
Registration packets will be mailed early in March. We
have moved our registration deadline up one month.
Please note that registration for Camp BeeTree will end
on May 3. You will need to make your commitment to
our camp much earlier this year.
We’re fascinated these days with symbols, codes, and
shortened messages with hidden meanings. Did you
know that everything around us – nature, school, work,
and home environment, even free time – connects us
with God? Come to Camp BeeTree, and you will look
up, look out, and look inside of yourself to discover all
of the awesome ways God communicates with us,
offering us signs to help us explain who and what God
is all about.
Don’t forget that this innovative program is held at our
BeeTree property, which is a delightful environment in
which to play and learn. All teens (current Grade 6 and
above) will apply via a Counselor in Training application
and will receive notification of acceptance as a counselor
by April 15. We continue the teen “Code of Conduct” as
part of the registration process. We have supportive
teachers, great crafts, and many traditions—snowballs,
waterslide, stream walking, and hikes. Make sure your
child or grandchild has a chance to relax and to play in
the great outdoors. We will need many volunteers to
make our camp a success, so please fill out our Volunteer
As we hike the paths, listen to the sounds, and explore
the flora and fauna of Camp BeeTree, we’ll experience
the secret and meaningful ways God is revealed. Using
symbols in nature, signs of weather, and animals we’ve
come to love, we’ll unravel the themes of peace, hope,
joy and love.
Youth Group in March
March 22 – Tonight we combine both groups and
join the rest of the church in our annual trip to The
Baltimore Station from 5:00-8:00 p.m. Baltimore
Station is a ministry that helps veterans whose lives
have become unmanageable due to PTSD, poverty,
addiction and homelessness. A bus will transport us
to and from their South Baltimore Shelter on Baker
Street. Our night will consist of eating with the residents and hearing their stories.
This is an all-church intergenerational event – our
teens and their parents are invited to join us! Sign
up in Thompson Hall to reserve your spot on the
bus and please consider making a casserole to
March 1 – NO Middle School or High School
Youth Group
March 8 – Middle School at 4:00 p.m. and High
School at 5:30 p.m.
March 15 – Middle School at 4:00 p.m. and High
School at 5:30 p.m.
March 29 – Middle School at 4:00 p.m. and High
School at 5:30 p.m.
MARCH 2015
Tending the Flock
New Member Open House
Sunday, March 22
Phyllis Marta, on January 31
Maureen Mason, on February 13
Interested in becoming a member of TPC? All are invited
to an informal open house on Sunday, March 22 in the
Library at 11:15 a.m. Pastor Joel Strom and other
members from TPC will be available for questions and
fellowship. Childcare is provided. If you ar ready to join ,
you may do so at this time.
The Rev. Dr. Lindley G DeGarmo Sanctuary
Stained Glass Window
Restoration Fund
Many thanks go to the
congregation for such a great
farewell reception for
Lindley! The majority of
your generous donations in
honor of his ministry at TPC
established the fund to restore the stained glass
windows in the sanctuary. This fund has reached $4800
which is a good start toward the costly restoration of
these beautiful windows. Please keep this fund in mind
for future memorial donations. And check out Lindley’s
farewell photo book on the church website!
Easter Flowers
Complete the order form below, place it in the offering
plate or return it to the Church Office. Cost is $12.00 for
each flower. Orders are due March 31 for inclusion in
the Easter bulletin. You may take flowers home after the
10:30 service.
Your Name:
The Property Committee is actively assessing both security and structural needs of our facility. Temporary solutions for each are being implemented allowing us much
needed time to complete our assessment and implement
meaningful, properly scoped solutions. With regard to
security, we ask all members to make sure doors remain
locked, locks not in working condition are reported, and
that visitors to our building are were they need to be and
for. Please pay particular attention to future updates as we
do anticipate some level of changes related off-hours
movement within the Church as a result of implementing
new security measures. Thank you for your support and
understanding as we work to make TPC a stronger and
safer community. As always, we welcome new members
to both the Property and BeeTree committees.
Quantity: _____
___ In Honor of
___ In Memory of
Andy Evans, Elder/Property Committee Chairperson
Pre-School Art Show on March 8
at 2:00 p.m.
Amount Enclosed in Payment: $______________
___ Share my flower with someone in the hospital or
Our pre-school is well known for its creative art
projects and child-centered learning. Pre-school art
will be on display in the afternoon. Look for signs
today to direct you to proper locations. Stop by in
the afternoon for a visual treat and see what great
things are happening in TPC’s week-day pre-school.
MARCH 2015
Please place form and payment in Tara’s mailbox.
Adult Ministries
Family Fellowship Fun Night
March Plumbline
Awesome Miracles & Mystery Night!
We offer a Sunday morning education option right after
church at 11:15 a.m. in the Library. In March, Plumbline
will feature some excellent discussions as we enter into
the spirit of the Lenten season, engaging new issues and
wrestling with appropriate responses:
Friday the 13th (March 13)
from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m.
Come join us in Thompson Hall for fellowship, messy
fun, and dinner (lasagna, salad, and dessert). After
dinner, our fun activities will prove that miracles can
happen (science experiments with a few supporting Bible
stories). Dinner will cost $7 per person and $20 for
families of any size. We have invited hammered
dulcimer player Rick Hill to lead us in music, and we will
gather ‘round the dulcimer and sing songs that all ages
will enjoy.
March 8: Retreat with Heidi Schreiber-Pan (see
description on next page).
March 15: TPC member Cara Achterberg will discuss
her newly published book entitled, Live Intentionally: 65
Challenges for a Healthier, Happier Life. It is full of
stories, recipes, and challenges to help you live a more
intentional life and covers a wide variety of topics. This
is a re-scheduled presentation from our Feb. 22 “snow
day.” Attend this exciting Plumbline presentation,
purchase a book, and support talented writer, blogger,
and entrepreneur Cara Achterberg.
This program is appropriate for families and those young
at heart! The Children’s Ministries Team sponsors this
outreach activity for the TPC congregation, our
neighborhood, and friends. RSVP to the church office if
you plan to attend.
Dessert & Dulcimer:
March 22: New Member Orientation in the Library
Refreshments served, with a Snapshot of TPC Church
Life. Learn about the many wonderful programs TPC
offers for spiritual growth and outreach to our
community. Those who are contemplating joining our
faith community should RSVP to the church office so
that we have adequate food and handouts for all. Invite
friends and neighbors to our spring orientation for an
overview of TPC ministries.
6:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.
7:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Grow some snow!
Make some slime!
Explode some foam!
8:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
Third Thursday Lunch – March 19
No Plumbline on March 29 or April 5 so that we may
participate in other all-church activities those days.
Help us welcome spring with a visit to the Valley Inn on
Falls Road in Lutherville. We’ll meet at TPC to carpool
at 11:30 a.m., or just meet us there at noon. Please RSVP
your attendance to Lois Leuba at 410.296.0407 so we are
assured of adequate seating at this popular lunch spot.
Lenten Book Study
Carol Appleby is hosting a book group at her home.
The book for study is: "Inhabiting Eden: Christians,
the Bible and the Ecological Crisis"by Patricia K.
Tull, Professor Emerita of Old Testament at
Louisville Presbyterian Seminary. "The Bible speaks
in many ways about God's commitment to creation
and our calling to be good stewards. Rev. Tull lifts
up these biblical voices with passion, humor and real
sensitivity, and helps us hear God's word in a new
Sunday Morning Opportunities
9:00 a.m. – Sunday Morning Book Group
(formerly Seeking Discipleship)…The group explores a
wide range of topics relating to religion and spirituality,
and is currently finishing "Can You Drink the Cup?"by
Henri J. M. Nouwen. Other authors the group has read
include N. T. Wright, Bernard Christiansen, Stephen
Prothero and Anne Lamott. The new book for March will
be announced in the weekly Sunday bulletin. All are
Meetings are on March 2, 16, and 30 and a Monday in
April from 7 – 9 p.m. Carol invites all those who are
concerned about our environment to join her in
studying the issues and to help change the way we
relate to the earth.
MARCH 2015
Adult Ministries—continued
Mini Retreat at TPC
Music and Meditation
“Will You Come and Follow Me?”
Wednesdays in Lent
Noon - 12:45 p.m.
Hymn Study, Prayer, Music
“The Search for Meaning: Living Life with Purpose”
Sunday, March 8 from
11:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. - Cost $15
This topic touches on the importance of discovering
one’s purpose in life and living a life true to one’s
personal values and God’s goal for one’s life. A handson workshop that encourages the discovery of one’s
mission regardless of current circumstances…you will
use such tools as reflection, scriptural contemplation,
quiet prayer, and identification of personal values.
Emerge with a greater awareness of your “calling.”
March 4
Karen Gilliss, Discussion Leader
Vocalist accompanied by Stephen Harouff, Piano
Will You Come and Follow Me?
March 11
Susan Thompson, Discussion Leader
Betsy Farrell, Mandolin, Stephen Harouff, Piano
I Danced in the Morning
PRESENTER: Dr. Heidi Schreiber-Pan, Licensed
Psychotherapist, Ph.D Spiritual Integrated Psychotherapy
March 18
Stephen Harouff, Discussion Leader
Dr. Diana Curtis, Cello accompanied by Stephen Harouff,
When I Survey the Wondrous Cross
March 25
Stephen Harouff, Discussion Leader
Greg Small, Trumpet and LaBerge Family, Bells
All Glory, Laud, and Honor
Second Monday Circle 13 Small Group
A newly organized group of women meet on the second
Monday of each month for fellowship and Bible Study.
The focus book for this spring is Falling Upward by
Richard Rohr – a great read for the Lenten season!. The
group gathers at the Burkett home at 613 Yarmouth Road
on Monday, March 9 from 7-9 p.m. Please read Part I –
Simplicity: The Season of Spiritual Awakening. RSVP
to Dotsie Bregel if you plan to attend.
You’re invited to sing and read your way through Lent
this year. Join us in the Chapel at noon as we explore
a different hymn each week, reflecting on the text,
learning about the hymn writers, and discovering how
the text relates to all of us in this time. These
“meditations” will consist of discussion, pauses for
prayer and singing, quiet meditation with guest
musicians, and insights to carry us through the Lenten
season. Booklets containing readings and background
information on hymns are available in Thompson Hall.
South Baltimore Shelter Trip
Sunday, March 22, 2015
5:00 – 8:00 p. m.
TPC returns to the South Baltimore Shelter at Baker Street to enjoy dinner and hear testimony from clients. We
are in need of casseroles, bread, salad, and dessert to be provided for 60 people. Our bus will leave the TPC parking
lot promptly at 5:00 p.m. (arrive promptly at 4:45 p.m.). A separate vehicle to transport our casseroles is needed. If
you can volunteer to take down our casseroles, it would be greatly appreciated.
Youth group members, families, and all others are warmly welcomed to help us work with clients at the shelter to
set the table and get the food that we bring organized for a group meal at around 6:00 p.m. We will eat together and
then hear the powerful stories of how various men are changing their lives after dealing with various addictions. We
will return to TPC by 8:00 p.m. (on our bus). A sign-up sheet will be in Thompson Hall early in March to solicit your
help with food and favors. We are interested in re-establishing our connection with the Baltimore Station and offer
MARCH 2015
Peace & Justice / Mission
A Call from Peace & Justice Committee
Last fall, members of TPC began a serious conversation about racial justice—a Plumbline series on the
Christian response to the events in Ferguson, Missouri. We were a small but highly engaged group, and our
discussion leaders were dynamic. We knew we had only made a start—but it was reassuring to have made
that start together.
Then in January, with Professor Art Sutherland, we studied the “Letter from Birmingham Jail” by Martin
Luther King, Jr.
Going forward, we’ve been considering how TPC might participate in the dialog about racial justice right
here in Baltimore. There are so many creative programs for all ages that we could tap into—involving theater, film, music, story-telling, mural art. There are other congregations we could join, other neighborhoods.
We’re open to the Spirit working among us. We want to put our faith into action. But first we need to know
if there is sufficient interest, here at TPC, to support such an initiative.
And so we’re asking for a show of hands (actually, a show of emails). Please let us know if you can make a
short-term commitment to join our planning team.
Contact Madeleine Mysko:
Lenten Carbon Fast
Consider joining the Interfaith Power & Light Lenten Carbon Fast. 40 days, 40 tips. Lent is a time to repent,
reflect, sacrifice and listen for God. This year consider joining with many other people of faith in taking on a
Lenten Carbon "Fast". May this season serve as a wake-up call to be mindful of the ways that our daily
choices impact everyone, especially our neighbors in poverty. Each of these actions will reduce our
production of climate pollution and help to preserve God's great gift of Creation. Go to to
download the calendar.
2015 Honduras Mission Trip
2015 Honduras Mission Trip: We are again soliciting donations to take to Honduras on our Medical/Dental/
Community Building mission trip! So let us help you clean out your closets, sewing boxes and junk
drawers!! We are in need of sewing supplies, cotton or polyblend fabrics in 1+ yard sizes, needles, thread and
buttons, seam binding and OH YES-cording, shoe laces, and elastic! We will use these things to make
aprons, oven mitts, tote bags, handbags, hair-ties, barettes, place mats and rugs!! We also will take any
spring/summer clothes and shoes that your family has outgrown or wants to make room for new! Men's and
women's shoes no larger than sizes 9 (men) or 7.All kids sizes of everything! And how about those freebies
you've gotten from Clinque or Estee Lauder? We'll take those! The hotel sized shampoos and body
creams? We'll take those, too!!We need lightweight large suitcases for all of the donations we receive. 25
folks are going on the trip and that means we could fill 40+ suitcases and deliver them to the Honduran
people! Please pass this to ANYONE who wants help with de-cluttering! And finally we need your prayers
to go with us on the trip! Thanks for everything and especially for those prayers!
MARCH 2015
DATED MATERIAL: Mailed February 26, 2014
March Worship Schedule
Sunday worship at 8:30 and 10:00 a.m.
Sunday, March 1
2nd Sunday in Lent
Psalm 36:5-10; John 2:1-11
“The Hour Has Come”
Preaching: Rev. MaryAnn McKibbon Dana
Sunday, March 8
3rd Sunday in Lent
Psalm 25:1-10; Mark 1:9-15
“Mountain Top Peaks and Wilderness Valleys”
Preaching: The Rev. Joel Strom
Sunday, March 15
4th Sunday in Lent
Ecclesiastes 2:1-10; John 3:14-21
“Darkness and Light”
Guest Preaching: The Rev. Joel Strom
Sunday, March 22
5th Sunday in Lent
Guest Preaching: Dr. Tracy Radosevic
Sunday, March 29
Palm Sunday
Psalm 118:1-2,19-29; Mark 11:1-11
“ And Then A Parade Broke Out!”
Guest Preaching: The Rev. Dr. George G. Toole