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If you want to find out more about the RFK Children’s Action Corps, visit one of our
programs, or learn how you can help, please contact:
Robert F. Kennedy Children’s Action Corps
Tel 617.227.4183 / 877.735.3500
11 Beacon Street
Fax 617.227.2069
Suite 200
Boston, MA 02108
2 T
0 0 260 0 6
O u r c o r e va l u e s
We believe:
In the legacy of Robert F. Kennedy —
that society has a responsibility to the
poor and disadvantaged
In respecting the dignity and individuality
of every human being
That all children have the right to grow
up in a safe and nurturing environment
R o b e r t F. K e n N e d y C H i l d r e n ’ s
a c t i o n c o r p s Pr o g r a m S i t e s
We have served Children From the following communities:
Martha’s Vineyard
West Springfield
Killingworth, CT
Kingston, NH
Lewiston, ME
Lincoln, RI
Lisbon, ME
Littleton, NH
Machias, ME
Manchester, VT
Mendon, VT
Merrimack, NH
Morrisville, VT
Nashua, NH
Newport, NH
Northwood, NH
Old Town, ME
Lancaster Campus residential
and education program for
boys & girls ages 7 to 17
North Chelmsford
Fay A. Rotenberg School,
A secure treatment facility
for girls ages 13 to 18
Eliot Community re-entry
center for ages 12 to 18
Lawrence Community Re-entry
Center for ages 12 to 18
That every person has a right to reach
his or her full potential
Community programs for
adolescents: Youth Leadership
R o b e r t F. K e n n e d y
C h i l d r e n ’ s Ac t i o n C o r p s
Founded: June 25, 1969, as a memorial to the late
Senator Robert F. Kennedy
Type of organization: Private non-profit 501(c)(3)
licensed child welfare agency and approved private schools
Structure: Oversight by volunteer board of directors;
operational management led by president and CEO
Annual budget: $20.6 million (FY2006)
Employees: 450
Locations: 10 across Massachusetts
Programs: 18—including residential treatment,
secure treatment, special education schools, group home,
community-based, and adventure education
Children served annually: More than 800
Buzzards Bay
East Brookfield
East Freetown
Fall River
Feeding Hills
New Bedford
North Adams
North Attleboro
South Hadley
South Weymouth
Program for Girls; Island
of Hope; DDAP; COASA
South Yarmouth
West Yarmouth
Amherst, NH
Ansonia, CT
Branchburg, NJ
Broad Brook, CT
Charlestown, NH
Concord, NH
Danville, NH
Eliot, ME
Embden, ME
Epsom, NH
Exeter, NH
Francestown, NH
Gilford, NH
Gorham, ME
Gray, ME
Hartford, CT
Hartland, ME
Hartland, VT
Holden, ME
Hollis Ctr, ME
Jaffrey, NH
Jericho, VT
Kennebunk, ME
Cape cod adolescent Treatment
Orange, CT
Pembroke, ME
Portland, ME
Queensbury, NY
Ridgefield, CT
Sanford, ME
Scarborough, ME
Skowhegan, ME
Somers, CT
Springvale, ME
Stamford, CT
Steep Falls, ME
Trumball, CT
Turner, ME
Warner, NH
Warwick, RI
Washington, ME
Waterbury Center, VT
Waterbury, CT
West Haven, CT
Williston, VT
Windham, ME
Wiscasset, ME
York Harbor, ME
center for ages 12 to 18
Robert F. Kennedy School,
a secure treatment facility
for boys ages 13 to 18
South Hadley
South Hadley Girls Treatment
Program for ages 13 to 18
White Street Group Home for
boys ages 6 to 12; Springfield
Secure Treatment services
for boys ages 13 to 18
Experiment with Travel School
for ages 13 to 18
To our Friends
and Supporters
For many of us associated with the
Our board and staff leadership have worked
None of these goals would be attainable
Robert F. Kennedy Children’s Action Corps,
together in new and exciting ways to define and
were it not for the dedication, commitment,
the most significant event of the past year
lead this new direction, and in establishing a
and vision of our extraordinary staff members.
was the opening of the new residence and
number of ambitious objectives for the agency.
Through the ongoing activities associated
family center on our Lancaster Campus.
These include:
with our Leadership Institute, we continue to
While one could view this milestone as
identify new avenues by which our staff can
the conclusion of a proud chapter in the
• Engaging in strategic planning efforts
organization’s history, we see it as a bridge
focused on building the agency’s capacity
that will help position the RFK Children’s
to the future.
and strengthening its infrastructure.
Action Corps as a nationally recognized leader
Lancaster symbolizes not only one of the
• Working with agency staff to implement
help us discover new methods and solutions
in compassionate and effective child care.
agency’s greatest achievements, but the
policies and procedures that exceed
Everything we do and achieve is about building
endless possibilities that lie ahead. For
state-mandated standards and define
the one bridge that matters more than any other
most of RFK Children’s Action Corps’ existence,
best practices.
our work has been defined to a large degree
by the state contracts that have comprised the
majority of our operating budget. In support
of our efforts to position ourselves as a premier
to us: the bridge to a brighter future that we
• Enhancing our position as a “thought leader”
through participation in forums on juvenile
justice and other relevant topics.
create for the children and families we serve.
All of the activities that occupy us throughout
the year—from fundraising and advocacy to
planning and professional development—are
child welfare agency, we have expanded our
• Instituting a more family-oriented approach
inextricably linked to our mission of providing
efforts to enlist a greater degree of financial
to service delivery that reflects similar
compassionate care for at-risk children. We
support from the community. This increased
initiatives underway at the Department of
thank everyone—board members, staff, donors,
Social Services (DSS).
and volunteers—for their support of the Robert
emphasis on private-sector involvement
complements the excellent relationship we
continue to maintain with the Commonwealth.
As part of that strategy, we will be embarking
F. Kennedy Children’s Action Corps, and their
• Developing programs that position us not
commitment to help keep alive our mission and
only as caretakers, but as true advocates for
vision for the future.
children and their families.
on an initiative that will provide another critical
bridge to the future over the next several years:
our first major capital campaign. In addition to
funding a new building on the Lancaster campus,
the campaign will provide us with the means to
achieve greater fiscal autonomy through privatesector donations that will significantly enhance
our financial strength.
Robert F. Kennedy Children’s Action Corps
E d w a r d P. K e l l e y 
President & CEO
Annual Report   2006
Bridges of Hope
and Opportunity
Much of the RFK Children’s Action Corps’ strength and success
is rooted in our innovative programming, and in our belief that all
Children of Alcoholism and Substance Abuse (COASA)
children deserve the chance to lead fulfilling, productive lives. Our
efforts to bring hope and opportunity to at-risk youth and their
The Children of Alcoholism and Substance Abuse (COASA) program
families throughout the Commonwealth were bolstered this year
also made significant strides during its second year, earning a 2006
through many programs and projects.
Meritorious Service Award from the National Association of Children of
Alcoholics (NACOA). The COASA program is part of a national effort to
Detention Diversion Advocacy Project (DDAP)
support children affected by alcoholism and substance abuse, who often
In only its second year, the Detention Diversion Advocacy Project
available to these children non-traditional services—including access
(DDAP) achieved an 89% success rate. DDAP strives to reduce the
to appropriate support and educational groups—providing assistance
disproportionate number of minorities held, or likely to be held, in
whether or not their parents are in treatment.
face severe emotional, physical, and social difficulties. COASA makes
juvenile detention while awaiting trial. The first program of its kind in
Massachusetts, DDAP offers intensive case management and counseling
At the Boys and Girls Club in Charlestown, where we first launched
services, primarily to high-risk youth in the Dorchester area of Boston.
COASA, children in the program have been learning to discuss their
Approximately 80% of the youth held in detention are ultimately found
improving their ability to trust others. In FY06, the
not guilty once their case goes to trial. DDAP demonstrates that forging
program also provided training for health
and maintaining positive connections between these young people and
educators in Roxbury, Allston, and
their communities—whether through school, employment, or recreational
Brighton schools, and advocated
activities—helps divert them from future trouble with the law. The pro-
at the State House for the needs
gram also saves the Commonwealth approximately $133 per youth per day
of COASA children.
feelings and experiences, building confidence in themselves and
in funds that would otherwise be required to support detention. During
FY06, DDAP’s accomplishments were recognized with a Meritorious
Achievement Award from the Massachusetts Executive Office of Public
Safety as part of its Excellence in Public Safety initiative.
Robert F. Kennedy Children’s Action Corps
Annual Report   2006
Defining Moments
At RFK Children’s Action Corps, we believe that the children in our care should have the same opportunities as
other children in the community. Here are some of the wonderful moments children experienced this year:
• A production of Hamlet was performed by boys
at the Springfield Secure Treatment Services for
other residents, their families, and staff.
• 35 youth from programs throughout the
agency received their GED certificates or high
school diplomas.
• More than 300 youth attended a talent show put
on by girls in the Youth Leadership Program for Girls
(YLPG) that helped raise awareness of gun violence.
Clowns, vampires, and ballerinas competed in
pie-eating contests and braved a haunted house
created by staff at the Lancaster Campus’ annual
Halloween party.
Boys from the White Street Group Home visited
with the elderly at nursing homes, and prepared
and served food at the Loaves and Fishes Soup
Kitchen in Springfield.
Residents at the Lawrence Community
Re-entry Center received valuable job training
through a 40-hour apprenticeship program, which
culminated in a Lead Abatement and Asbestos
Removal Training Certificate and an entry-level job
that pays $14 per hour.
Adventure education
An increasingly important component of our programming, Adventure
This past year, we redesigned our services to better support
Education was expanded in FY06 to include our secure treatment
youth’s stabilization and rapid re-integration into the community
facilities. Boys at the Springfield Secure Treatment Services now have
by minimizing disruption to their lives and working more closely with
opportunities for year-round recreation using the facility’s new challenge
their families. Children with a range of short-term needs, such as
course, which was built with equipment purchased through a grant from
stabilization, assessment, and respite, are offered shelter and care
the Community Foundation of Western Massachusetts. A climbing wall
for up to one month. During that time, the children remain in school
was also built in the enclosed yard at our Robert F. Kennedy School in
and our staff provide counseling services, job and life skills training,
Westborough. Children in our non-secure facilities have benefited from
and housing support for their families. From teaching parents how to
a partnership with Trips for Kids, a California-based organization that
balance a checkbook to helping them find suitable homes, RFK Children’s
gives disadvantaged children access to bicycles and biking accessories,
Action Corps helps to ensure that the children in our short-term care
enabling them to discover the joys
of mountain biking.
return to a healthier and more stable home environment.
We’re also increasing children’s chances for successful
Since we began our Adventure
re-integration through expanded outreach and follow-up
services by staff at the Lancaster campus. Following discharge
Education programming, the
children at RFK Children’s Action Corps
have been able to experience other recreational
from Lancaster, children remain connected to the campus and our
staff, returning often for special outings and events. We also stay
connected to the children’s families, providing ongoing support for
activities—such as canoeing, kayaking, cross-country
skiing, snowshoeing, hiking, and camping—that other children
often take for granted. The program is an innovative and effec-
every family member, and helping to ease the youth’s transition
back into their homes and communities.
tive way for our children to learn the importance of teamwork and
tenacity while developing self-confidence and trust in others.
Robert F. Kennedy Children’s Action Corps
Annual Report   2006
Brian Hancock
Kayla Benware
At 14, Brian Hancock found himself facing 20 years in
The biggest burden in the life of an 8-year-old should
Personal Success
prison. Raised by an alcoholic single mother, Brian found a
be having to do homework. Kayla Benware was forced to
family on the streets. “A gang was the only family that was
carry a much heavier burden at that age—for that was
available to me,” says the 30-year-old attorney, husband,
when she was diagnosed with leukemia. Shy and afraid, she
and father of two today, “and the �family business’ was theft,
Just as we seek to bring success into the lives of our
dutifully endured her treatments at the Children’s Hospital
violence, and drugs.”
at Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center in New Hampshire.
“A cause worth fighting for”
One day, a student volunteer named Kim Alexander was
A Path to
students, the youth who have left our programs provide
inspiring examples of the value and impact of the RFK
Children’s Action Corps experience.
visiting the hospital, which maintains a wish list of gifts
for its patients. Kim arrived at Kayla’s room with drums
When Brian was arrested for his involvement in a
and a white stuffed bunny. “From that moment we clicked,”
gang-related homicide, the prosecutor originally
says Kayla. “She would visit me all the time and we would
planned to try him as an adult. An attorney took his case
watch movies and eat popcorn together. She really helped
and ensured that he would be tried as a juvenile. Instead
me feel better.”
of 20 years in prison, Brian spent two years at the Stephen
B. Delaney School, a unit of the RFK Children’s Action
Corps’ Springfield Secure Treatment Services, which
“It changed my life for the better”
helps troubled young men redirect themselves toward
a more positive future.
Three years ago, when Kayla was 14 and about three
“The fact that my attorney believed in me made me begin
to believe in myself,” says Brian. “The staff at the Delaney
years out of treatment, she decided she was ready to try
Island of Hope, a year-round program for teens with cancer
School took that spark and fanned it into a flame. They
and their families, of which Kim recently became director.
looked past my presentation and saw my potential. Most
“This was my first time away from home,” she says about
important, they helped me to see my potential as well.”
her participation in the program, “and I found it to be an
amazing experience. I made wonderful friends and realized
After Brian was released from the Delaney School, he was
that I was stronger than I thought I was.”
placed in the care of foster parents. He attended high school
and received full scholarships to Wheaton College and
The agency’s Island of Hope program incorporates an
Seton Hall Law School, graduating with honors from both
Outward Bound component, which provides participants
programs. Today, in addition to his work as an attorney, he
with a number of challenges. “While climbing a 60-foot
is involved with New Jersey’s Division of Child Behavioral
tower, I was nearing the top when I got stuck,” says Kayla.
Health Services. In June, Brian received the Embracing the
“I was scared. But another participant told me I could do
Legacy award from the RFK Children’s Action Corps for
it, and she helped me make it to the top. The next day, on
embodying the values and vision of the late Senator Robert
another high ropes course, I did the same for someone else
F. Kennedy. “Fifteen years ago, I sat in a detention center,”
who was having trouble. Island of Hope taught me a lot
says Brian. “Now I help to make policy that affects the lives
about myself. It changed my life for the better.”
of children who come from that background.”
“I’m very grateful,” Brian continues. “Many kids who have
been in trouble see themselves as a lost cause. The Delaney
staff saw me as a cause worth fighting for.”
Robert F. Kennedy Children’s Action Corps
Annual Report   2006
Niyyah Asim
All children rebel to some extent. But for Niyyah Asim,
being rebellious was a way of life. “When I was younger,
I would throw tantrums to get what I wanted. When I
was 12, I had detention every day. By the time I was 15,
I was having fights and hanging out with kids who were
doing all the wrong things.”
A turning point came when she was involved in an accident while driving a stolen truck, and her mother turned
her in to the police. “We went to court the next day and
the judge put me on probation,” Niyyah remembers.
“But I wouldn’t do anything my probation officers said.
Whenever I would get called back for breaking probation,
my lawyer would get me out of it.”
Eventually, Niyyah was sent to a residential treatment
program. When she continued to break the rules, she
was sent to the RFK Children’s Action Corps’ Fay A.
Rotenberg School in North Chelmsford, the only secure
treatment program for girls in Massachusetts. The
Rotenberg School was the one system Niyyah couldn’t
manipulate. The staff was strict yet caring. Privileges
were earned and rules and responsibilities enforced.
A New Chapter
“I refuse to give up”
In June of 2006, the opening of our new residence
live, learn, and heal in Lancaster, and with dedicated
and family center on the Lancaster Campus marked an
family meeting space, is more conducive to maintaining
important milestone in the physical revitalization of our
family relationships. It is a place they can take care of
programs. The facility is divided into four wings, each
and take pride in—a place that feels like home.
“I met girls from horrible backgrounds,” she says.
“Rape victims, prostitutes, girls who were abandoned
by their parents. These were girls with real issues and
I was playing games. I realized that if I wanted a future,
I needed to stop fighting and apply myself in therapy.
I was discharged within three months.”
Niyyah went on to work at the Department of Youth
Services (DYS) and sometimes goes back to the
Rotenberg School to talk with the girls there. “No one
knows the importance of freedom until they lose it,”
says Niyyah, who is now a student at Pine Manor
College. “The struggle for improving is a never-ending
battle—a battle that I refuse to give up.”
containing six double and six single bedrooms, with
dedicated recreational, study, and family meeting spaces,
At the ribbon-cutting ceremony this summer, the
as well as small dining rooms for family-style meals.
residence was filled with happy children, staff, friends,
The homelike building design and comfortable
Senator John Kerry.
atmosphere are an important aspect of the agency’s
overall therapeutic philosophy. The old residences,
which were appropriate when built in the 1860s, did
not offer the level of privacy, modern systems, and
warm environment that are so important to our children’s
treatment today. The new residence and family center
will greatly enhance quality of life for the children who
Robert F. Kennedy Children’s Action Corps
Annual Report   2006
neighbors, and dignitaries, including Massachusetts
Plans for Phase II of the Lancaster project involve
the construction of a 29,000-square-foot Campus
Center/School, with new classrooms, library, computer
lab, vocational education space, gymnasium and
conference rooms.
We are pleased to
acknowledge those who
made contributions to
RFK Children’s Action
Corps in FY2006.
Joseph Furey
500 to 999
Barbara T. Harrell
Susan Allen
Merril and Sharon Pyes
Mary Harte
Frederick D. Ballou
Cecelia Catherine Rappaport
James B. Harvey
Anthony Basile
Ellen Rogers
Randolph G. Hawthorne and
Carliss Baldwin
Ann Bissell
Sarah A. Rothermel
Thomas Hogan
Letitia L. Howland
George H. Hutt, III
Marc Jones and Sharon
Simpson Jones
Robert F. Kennedy’s
Silverio Basile
David and Betty Jones
Richard and Maureen Bolger
Steve and Michelle Karol
Michael and Monica Connolly
John R. Keilty
Michael and Kristen Croke
Honorable Edward M. Kennedy
W. Albert Ellis
Patricia Kennedy
Chris Farias
Alan and Liz Klein
Christopher and Hilary Gabrieli
Doug and Ilana Leighton
Patricia M. Hillman
Robert F. Kennedy believed that
Dave and Gina McClellan
society bears a responsibility to care
Betsy Munzer
for its members who have no voice.
At a time when our nation struggled
with numerous conflicts, Robert
Kennedy dared to envision a better
David and Cydney Martel
Maureen S. McGlame
Paul and Carol McNally
Peter Nessen
Sean and Shayne O’Brien
Stephen H. Peck
Christopher Perry and Diane Lewis
Dennis D. Pedra
Beth K. Pfeiffer
Michael and Liz Perik
Matthew C. Procino
zeal, he reached out to people in need
Raymond and Marilyn Ruddy
Donald Rodman
while challenging the more fortunate
Cindy Schlessinger and
Jeff Ellowitz
world. With eloquence, energy and
to do the same. Since 1969, the
Peter Rosenberg
Mary Ann Ryan
Robert F. Kennedy Children’s Action
Betty Stump
Corps has responded to RFK’s call to
Michael and Marissa Summersgill
action by working tirelessly to improve
the lives of children and families. The
1000 to 2499
children we serve are challenged by
Michael J. Cheverie
a variety of emotional, psychological,
biological, environmental, and social
issues. Whatever the obstacles, the
RFK Children’s Action Corps is com-
R. Ann Constable
John Cullinane
Kenneth Demay
mitted to providing every child with
William P. DiSalvatore
the opportunity to heal, learn, grow,
Armond M. Enos
Pamela Boll
James and Ninfa Saunders
John J. Boyle, III
Ron Shaich
Sarah N. Burke
Terence J. Shanley
Ronald and Elizabeth Campbell
Edward Shaw
Keith P. Carroll
Barry S. Snyder
Clayton Cheek
Christine E. Tavares
Michael Clisham
Robert Walkingshaw
Kevin and Stella Coogan
Jeffrey Weinstein
Joseph and Carolyn Curtin
Matthew Whelton
Matthew and Toni Deis
Jeffrey Yelle
Phil Dowd
Ali S. Mandalinci
Ed and Ginnie Kelley
Michael and Kitty Dukakis
250 to 499
Brian L.P. Fallon
Cheryl Alexander
David R. Fraley
Richard W. Barnum
Andrea C. Goode
William Barton, Jr.
Christine Gosselin
Meredith A. Becker
Jacqueline Gosselin
Peter Biagetti
Irwin and Sheila Heller
Alden J. Bianchi
William Hill
Charles and Carolyn Billikas
Carol Roy Howland
Jim D. Blue, II
George H. Hutt, Jr.
Paul Bolger
Christopher L. Johnson and
Kenneth A. Repp
Gregory Boyle
David King
Katherine Ryan
Carol Kirchick
Carole Schlessinger
Paul G. Kirk, Jr.
Beth Segers
John MacDonald
Gertrude F. Shelley
Jack McEnaney
Gregory Speiser
Robert and Abby Summersgill
Romie Tagliente
Alan and Bobbie Weiler
Paul and Dawn Woods
Kevin and Fran McNeeley
Richard Mintz
Scott A. Murray
Theodore A. Oatis
Monica O’Neil
and reach for a healthy, happy future.
Robert F. Kennedy Children’s Action Corps
Anthony S. Owens
Annual Report   2006
Kerry P. Brennan
David and Gloria Brewster
Richard E. Byrd
Stephen J. Carroll
William Coffman
Brian and Suzanne Coughlin
William M. Cowan
Darrell W. Crate
Donald M. Deng
Fred Di Spirito
Francis Dooher
Vincent P. McCarthy
Alex K. Treves
Sally R. Bond
Elizabeth Collins
Deborah Ecker
Kevin McGinty
Benjamin B. Tymann
Dean Graham Bostock
Luann Collins
Edward M. Ellison
William and Linda McLaughlin
Julie Tzipori
Michael Botthof
Michael V. Collins
Mark Fisher
A. Richard Metzger
Andrew R. Urban
Erin and Meaghan Bottino
Madeline A. Coluntino
Marie E. Fitzgerald
Michele Mittelman
Rick Veitch
Robert and Marlo Brevetti
Dawn E. Frazer
Steve Morrissey
Alden Wells
Philip J. Brooks
Peter Condakes and Pamela
Paul Galvin
Ernest A. Nwanagu
Meghan E. Welter-Stahovish
Stephen F. Brown
William J. Gerace
Richard O’Dwyer
Susan Whitehead
Matthew Bucci
Jason and Alison Gerlach
Jonathon and Katherine Owsley
James M. Wodarski
William and Mary Burke
Richard B. Granahan
Jeen Pae
Walter A. Wright, III
Diane O. Burke
Patricia Gray
Val and Genaro Paen
Tom J. Yacovone
Neil Burns
Edward E. Hale, Jr.
Catherine Page-Helgoe
Michael and Joan Yogg
Thomas R. Burton, III
H. Joseph Hameline
Jeannette Parker
James Yourk
Cathy Byrd
Phil Helmes
Velura F. Perry
Thomas Hogan
Allison W. Phinney, III
100 to 249
Dort Cameron, III
Thomas Isaac
Robert Popeo
John Abdelahad
Kelly M. Camp
David Jones
Deborah Posin
Babak and Elizabeth Alizadeh
Mary Joyce
Christopher Power
Robert Almond
David H. Campbell and
Jennifer Faulkner Campbell
Dennis and Carol Kanin
Frank and Rhonda Prokos
Richard D. Anderson
Patrick M. Callahan
William R. Keezer
David and Victoria Register
Kenneth and Cynthia Anderson
Cheryl Kennedy
Jeffrey Robbins
Christine Antonellis
Donna Kim
Robert and Cheryl Ross
William and Ellen Apfel
Suzanne M. King
Edward and Nancy Salerno
Georgeanne D’Agrosa Aquino
John S. Kleshinski
Carol A. Sanzone
Jacquelyne Arrington
Linda J. Kline
Larry A. Schoen
Chip Ashwell
Barbara Lambert
Eric and Cindy Schofield
Gary Balady
Brian Lawlor
Kathleen Schultz
David and Wendy Ballinger
Gail M. Leftwich
Neil P. Shanley
Byron and Kathleen Barnett
Gerard and Catherine Lennon
Sherry Shulman
Ellen L. Bassuk
Carol Gant Leventhal
Johnathan A. Simpson
James Bean
Karen Lieberman-Daly
Nancy Simpson-Banker
Ian Beatty
Larry and Stacey Lucchino
Edwin E. Smith
Eric and Gina Behr
Marcia K. Manning
Ray B. Stiver
Adam Bennett
Kathleen Manning
Ken Sullivan
Karen Benson-Lewis
James and Angela Margolis
Henry A. Sullivan
William and Stacey Bentley
Polly Maroni
Kirk Sykes
Guy T. Blaylock
Gary Maslow
Wendell C. Taylor
Edward Curtis Boeschenstein
Robert F. Kennedy Children’s Action Corps
Brian Conners
John E. Connolly
Justin Connolly
Joseph Conway
Patrick Corbett
Paul F. Coughlin
Jason Cox
Andrew Crain
Judith Cranna
Linda Criniti
David and Susan Currie
Andrew D. Cutler
Barbara E. Campbell
Richard and Christine Dalton
Rosamond J. Campbell
Glen Darby
Walter Campbell
Ryan Darrah
Donald E. Carey
A. E. De Haan
Arni B. Casareale
William and Donna Dec
Geoff Chapin
James E. Deitzer
Carlos Charry
Alison Dejordy
Neil L. Chayet
John W. Delaney
Joseph and Dorre Cherry
Christian N. Delaney
Lu S. Chin
Emily Delaney
Ernest A. Cimino
Peter Delli Colli
Therese A. Clark
Stacey Rae Delvecchio
Patrick T. Clendenen
Paula DeMore
Patrick Clisham
Christine M. Desmond
Theodore and Linda Cocca
Marie S. Devellis
Bret A. Cohen
Lawrence S. DiCara
Michael Cohen
Erik Diekmann, Sr.
Warren and Barbara Cohen
Fernando J. Domenech, Jr.
Brian and Gretchen Colleran
John S. Driscoll
Steve Collins
Diane Droste
Annual Report   2006
William and Amy Drucker
Peter Glick
Gregory Ingrassia
Jane C. Lindley
Stephen M. Muller
Magdalena Duchnowska
Robert Glovsky
Margaret Isaacs
George and Sandra Lipsey
Ann Murphy
Ann L. Dunphy
Andrew B. Gluck
Alice Jelin Isenberg
Nick Littlefield
Patricia A. Murphy
Joseph M. Muscolino
John Durand and Peggi Stallings
Kim Edward
John Eirich
David Ekberg
Greg Eliasen
Daniel and Amy Ellison
Howard and Charlotte Ellowitz
Carol Engel
Dawn Ericson Woods
Bruce and Bridgitt Evans
Chris R. Farnham
Elizabeth Farrell
Winifred D. Faust
Anthony Feeherry
Dan H. Fenn, Jr.
Kathleen Sullivan Ferguson
Salina Ferguson
Sue Finegan
Lorraine B. Finnegan
Patricia C. Flaherty
Amy Fleming
Jeffrey Folan
Gerard J. Foley
Scott and Jacqueline Ford
Laura Foresta
Thomas and Kirsten Forrest
Charles M. Fowler
Samuel I. Frank
Churchill G. Franklin
David Freeland
Mark S. Furman
E.N. Gadsby, Jr.
Michael S. Gardener
William Gillis
Paul and Patrice Goldman
Anne Jacobs
Michael and Deborah Longchamps
Stanford N. Goldman, Jr.
F. Washington Jarvis
Peter Lukacic
Michelle Myerson
Alycia Goody
Candi R. Jenkins
Robert Luss
Ashish and Shuba Nanda
Martin H. Gordon
Matthew Johnson
Anne Lynch
Thomas and Janice Neely
Kimberly M. Gori
Curtis and Betty Jones
Paul and Jennifer Lyons
Diane M. Newark
Clifford Gorman
Chris Jones
Nancy F. Madden
Jeanne Ng
Beverly T. Gottlieb
Joseph Kane
Marie E. Maggioni
Nancy Nichols
Jamie L. Gravelle
Anne D. Kavin
Lori Markell
George and Susan Niden
Paul Greco
Matthew and Christine Kay
Hugh W. Marlow
Mike Nolan
Layne Gregory
Justin F.X. Kennedy
Robert A. Marsolini
Michael and Carolyn Obel-Omia
Monica Grewal
Jerry Kennedy
Lee Ann Martelle
Vincent and Sarah O’Connor
John and Jennifer Grogan
Francis Keough
Ralph C. Martin
Linda O’Leary
Mary Ellen O’Leary
Robert Guyer
Cameron F. Kerry
Kristin Matthews
Joseph F. Haag
Nathaniel and Catherine Kessler
Shane R. Mayhew
Robert J. O’Malley, Jr.
Jason B. Haberman
Edward Kim
Ted Mayo
Adam and Karen Ondricek
Wendy Haller Verlander
James and Lisa Kirchner
Irene M. O’Toole
Barbara A. Harrington
Gillian Kohli
Brian L. Mazmanian and Carol
Greenwald Mazmanian
Pamela Harris
Leslie Kolterman
David J. Hatem
Dale Kopel
Maura T. Healey
Richard Koslowsky
Christopher A. Hebert
Sean Krause
David and Elizabeth Hennessey
James Kresberg
John Henry
Carl T. Kunkel
James and Lora Hillis
Jane E. Lane
Scott S. Mazur
Victoria McCarthy
Michael and Elisabeth McCord
Michael W. McCord
Scarlett McCrae
Brendan and Elizabeth McWade
Carol Jane Meharg
Lisa Melas-Kyriazi
Benjamin L. Hincks
Craig Latham, Ph.D.
Lee Holland
John F. X. Lawler
Michael F. Holland
Frederick Jackson Lawrence
Steven and Deborah Horgan
Lisa Lebovitz
Jenifer A. Howe
Tun-Hou and Chwen-Ching Lee
Mark Hughes and Delia Sang
William and Leslie Lee
Patti Huminski
Roxanne M. Leighton
William W. Huthnance
Thomas and Karen Leonard
Richard A. Hylan
Booker T. Lester
Lester S. Hyman
John Ligums
Robert F. Kennedy Children’s Action Corps
Joseph P. Messina
Tracy A. Miner
Therese M. Mirisola
Barbara B. Monsler
Sean and Anne Lynn Moran
Siobhan Manning Morden
Tom Morrissey
Alan and Cecile Morse
Alexandra Moses
Joseph L. Mullen
Annual Report   2006
John Packowski
Hardin A. Pantle
Gregory J. Pappas
Vera Paretti
Michael Parker
David and Nancy Patteson
Cynthia Peavoy
Donald Peck
Robert Pederson
Peter Pedro
Ann B. Perham
Thomas L. Perlstein
Kathleen J. Peterson
Gregory L. Petrini
Eric Philippi
Phillip and Carrie Pichie
Alex Pitkin
Philip J. Poinelli
Stephen Pope
Frank Sidoti
James M. Thompson
Coleman D. Power
Paul J. Simeone
Michael and Ann-Marie Thompson
Michael K. Powers
Jane A. Simmons
Carl and Maureen Thompson
Catherine Ann Powers
Mark and Deirdre Simpson
Ana V. Timmins
Gonzalo J. Puigbo and
Veranira Ochea
Avrom Smith
David M. Tivnan
Darin P. Smith
Nathan G. Torch
Patricia L. Ramsay
Janet Smith-Flaherty and
Thomas Flaherty
Eduardo Torres
Daniel J. Rea, Jr.
John G. Spanbauer
David Regan
Lawrence O. Spaulding, Jr.
John J. Regan
John Spinney
John R. Regier
David K. Stadtherr
Jane M. Quercia
Patrick T. Renna
James and Marjorie Stam
William L. Renzi
Samuel M. Starr
John Rhee
Francis and Elizabeth Steel
Matthew Drew Rice
Peter Steffian
Sarah Ritch
Donald Steinberg
William H. Ritchie
Morton and Helen Sternheim
Robert S. Robbins
Richard L. Stimpson
Mitchell Roberts
Donna Stone
Mark Rockwal
James M. Stone
Dorothy K. Rogers
Ralph F. Stonebraker
Angelo and Janet Romano
Wayne L. Stoner
Michael E. Rosen
Faye G. Stoutenburgh
Jon F. Rotenberg
John and Leslie Strachan
Harold Rotenberg
David N. Strong
Brett and Margot Rutledge
Joseph and Sheila Sullivan
Ellen Ryan
Jean F. Summersgill
Nichelle D. Sadler
Robert D. Sutherland
Julie L. Salinger
David A. Swann
William P. Salmon
James and Carolyn Swenson
Karl S. Sandberg, Jr.
Christopher Swigart
Douglas B. Sawyer
James and Suzanne Swigart
Bennet and Susan Scauzzo
Darelene Swinamer
Gregory Schmutte
John Tangney
Donald W. Schroeder
Sam Thayer
Richard Shults
Jermaine Thomas
Medb Mahony Sichko
Cullen L. Thomason
AAA Southern New England
Abbot & Dorothy H. Stevens
David J. Trerice
Nello and Holly Trevisan
Michael Unger
Joseph C. Verga
Ed Vilandrie
Amy Warner
Leonard Weiser Varon
Russell Werner
Joyce West
James and Louise Whelton
Linda Whitton
Mary Wick
Citizens Energy
AEW Capital Management
Cleary Schultz Insurance
American Century Investments
Clements & Clements
American International College
Clinton Savings Bank
Andrea Management Corp.
Coldwell Banker Residential
Atlas Watersystems
Australis Aquaculture, LLC
Avalon Bay
Copley Harris Company
Bank of New York
Cotting School
Benchmark Plus Partners
CPM Contracting, Inc.
Benjamin Franklin Savings Bank
Crowninshield Management Corp
BigBad, Inc.
D & L Media for Print, Inc.
Boston Company Asset
Ronald Wilson
Patricia L. Wimmers
Boston Foundation for Sight
Stephen K. Withers
College Search
Community Foundation of
Western MA/Eugene A. Dexter
Charitable Trust
Blue Cross Blue Shield of
Michael and Kelly Wilk
Cherry Tree Restaurant
Aegis Associates, Inc.
Arlington Liquors, Inc.
Paul R. Vincellette
Charles M. Moran Plumbing
& Heating
Citizens Bank—Healthcare
& Non-Profit Group
Arbella Insurance
Regina M. Villa
Central Seaway Company
ACT Leasing
Aon Risk Services, Inc.
Thomas Vilhauer
Celebration for Kids
David Mahoney and Associates
db Associates
Deloitte & Touche, LLP
Demeo & Associates, PC
Development Guild
Kenneth Wunderlich
Boston Fruit Slice
& Confectionery Corp.
John and Cheryl Yacovone
Boston Red Sox Foundation
Donovan Hatem
James W.M. Yameen
Boston Trust & Investment
Management Co.
Dunn & Haney, Inc.
Margaret A. Yorganjian
Mark J. Zarrillo
Bridgewater Associates, Inc.
Mark and Darcy Zbinovec
Burner & Boiler Controls
and Maintenance
* This list includes donors to the agency
through the 2005 Rodman Ride for Kids.
Robert F. Kennedy Children’s Action Corps
California Community Foundation
Cambridge Savings
Charitable Foundation
Dixon Salo Architects, Inc
EAN Corporation
Eastern Land Associates
Eaton Vance Management
Epsilon Associates
Fidelity Investments
Finale Dessert Company
CANAM Consultants, Inc.
Fish & Richardson
Capobianco Associates
Francis Harvey & Sons
Annual Report   2006
Franklin Career Group, Inc.
Metropolitan Credit Union
The Wyatt Group
Franklin Portfolio Associates
Miller Engineering & Testing
Tufts Health Plan
Friendly’s Ice Cream Corporation
Mintz Levin Cohn Ferris
Glovsky and Popeo PC
Youth Activities Fund
Gardiner Howland
Shaw Foundation
Celebrating the opening of the new residence and family center at the
Lancaster Campus are (L to R) Philip W. Johnston (agency founder and chair
of the Massachusetts Democratic Party), Cleve L. Killingsworth, Jr. (President
and CEO of Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts), President and CEO
Edward P. Kelley, and Darrell W. Crate (Executive Vice President and CFO,
Affiliated Managers Group, and chair of the Massachusetts Republican Party).
Vintage Inc.
Network for Good
Greenman-Pedersen, Inc.
New Balance Athletic Shoe, Inc.
Gutierrez Company
New England Pension Consultants
Hampton Capital
Harlyn Foundation, Inc.
OFI Institutional
Hayes Engineering
O’Neill and Associates
Holyoke Pizza, Inc.
Open Arms Family Church
Wilmer, Cutler, Pickering,
Hale & Dorr
ING Clarion
Panera Bread
Worcester Athletic Club
Interconnect Computer Cabling
Panera Foundation
Interior Resources
Partners Mortgage, Inc.
Investors Bank & Trust
Payton Construction
Italian Home
PepsiCo Foundation
The following donors
contributed goods
or services in FY2006.
Ivy Asset Management
Pine Grove Associates, Inc.
K & S of Attleboro
Plastic Design, Inc.
ACT Leasing
Keigan Chevrolet-Oldsmobile, Inc.
Plymouth Rock Foundation
Kim Alexander
Key Program
Post Advisory Group
American Repertory Theatre
Project D.E.E.P. Association Inc
Landworks Collaborative
Redwood Brokerage, LLC
Back Bay Hair Design
Liberty Mutual
Reebok Foundation
Back Bay Restaurant Group
Lazard Asset Management, LLC
Relish Foods, Inc.
Ballymeade Country Club
Lena New Boston
Bella Sante
Light Insight Design Studio
Rodman Ride For Kids
Ken and Rose Berry
Lightlife Foods
Seix Advisors
Bethany Assembly of God
Littler Mendelson Foundation, Inc.
Service Point USA, Inc.
Bierner Hat Company
Loomis Sayles & Company, LP
South Hadley Chamber
of Commerce
Charles and Carolyn Billikas
MAR Charitable and
Education Foundation
“My brother Bobby would be inspired by all you’re doing to carry on
his unfinished work, and to help all those living in even the deepest
shadows, about whom he cared so much. I’m proud that this organization
is carrying on his legacy and his ideals. You make a real difference in the
lives of children in Massachusetts. No one does it better, and I congratulate
you on your success.”
—US Senator Edward M. Kennedy
Van Stry Design, Inc.
Glenview Pub & Grill
Lurie and Krup
President and CEO Edward P. Kelley with US Senator Edward M. Kennedy
Morgan Stanley
Marketing Associates
Insurance Agency
Stafflink Limited
Visions Personnel
Waters Corporation
WB56 Family First
Webster Bank
White Street Group Home
Boston Cannons
State Street Bank
Boston University Fitness
& Recreation Center
State Street Global Advisors
Brookline Booksmith
McGladrey & Pullen
Symmes, Maini
& McKee Associates
McWade Associates, Inc.
Teak Media Communications
Merrill Lynch
The Children’s Study Home
Ms. Maureen Burke
Sarah N. Burke
Cady House Bed & Breakfast
Kelly M. Camp
Canson Products, Inc.
Holy Cross Church
Middlesex Magic
Spirit of Springfield
John W. Delaney
Casa de Pedro
Hotel Marlowe
John and Leslie Strachan
Sandy and David Ekberg
Centre Cuts Corporation
Carol Roy Howland
Mintz Levin Cohn Ferris Glovsky
and Popeo PC
Studio Elle
Foundation to be Named Later
Charles Hotel
Letitia L. Howland
Sweet Basil
Andrea C. Goode
Chili’s Providence Regional Office
Huntington Theatre Company
George H. Hutt, III
Betsy Munzer
Corey and Deirdre Griffin
Chiofaro Company
Symmes, Maini
& McKee Associates
City Sports
Indian Meadows Country Club
Museum of Fine Arts
Christine E. Tavares
Cold Stone Creamery
Institute of Contemporary Art
New Balance Athletic Shoe, Inc.
Teak Media Communications
College Search
Jillian’s Boston
New England Patriots
Charitable Foundation
Marisa Timmins
Commerford & Sons
Christopher L. Johnson and
Kenneth A. Repp
Diane M. Newark
R. Ann Constable
Ann Cox
Johnson Paint Company
Therese M. Mirisola
Nicholas Mitropoulos
Today Show
Theodore A. Oatis
Michael Obel-Omia
Marc Jones and Sharon
Simpson Jones
Ocean Cuisine International
Steve and Michelle Karol
Old Sturbridge Village
Edward P. Kelley
Old Town Trolley Tours
Vince and Rita Kelly
Anthony S. Owens
Kennedy Brothers
Physical Therapy
Stephen H. Peck
Dwyer Photography
David Ekberg
Patricia Kennedy
Elizabeth Massa Photography
Becky King
Finale Dessert Company
Alan J. Klein
Stanton L Kurzman
Flames Restaurant
Landry’s Bicycles
Fleming’s Prime Steakhouse
& Wine Bar
Cynthia Leigh
Realtor Association of
Pioneer Valley
Doug and Ilana Leighton
Red Wagon
Light Insight Design Studio
Reeds Landing
Retirement Community
Michael F. Croke
Ed and Tracey Davis
Descenza Diamonds
Ed Doyle
Michael and Kitty Dukakis
Fornax Bread Company
Bamby Forrest
Foxwoods Resort & Casino
Frank and Sons Landscaping
Franklin School
Jodie Friot
James E. Hannagen
Barbara Harrell
Harvard Art & Frame
Harvard University Athletics
Health New England
William Hogan
Holly Ridge Golf Club
Lyric Stage Company of Boston
Magic Beans Toy Store
Maple Hill Bed and Breakfast
Marathon Sports
Margaret Grace Collection
Massachusetts Premier Soccer
Marise L. Masterpole
Matt Murphy’s
Dave and Gina McClellan
Paul D. McNally, Esq.
Vivian McNeeley
Trader Joe’s
Ed and Ginnie Kelley
US Fish & Wildlife Service, CGS
Patricia Kennedy
Donna and Jim Vitale
Alan and Liz Klein
WBOS 92.9
John R. MacDonald
and Susan F. Baker
Paul and Dawn Woods
World Gym Somerville
Portland Glassblowing Studio
Quilts and Needlework That Go
The Wyatt Group
XV Beacon Street, LLC
Irene Yachimski
Matthew J. Roche
Jackie Roux
Mark and Kathy Alperin
Mary Salois
American Honda Motor Co., Inc.
Cindy Schlessinger
Jill Sergeant
Terence J. Shanley
Anna Shpigel
Robert F. Kennedy Children’s Action Corps
Betsy Munzer
Patricia A. Murphy
Nellie Mae Education Foundation
Nancy Newark
Anthony S. Owens
Stephen H. Peck
Dennis and Christi Pedra
Christopher Perry and Diane Lewis
Gonzalo Puigbo and
Veranira Ochea
Alden Raine
Mary Ann Ryan
Michael and Marissa Summersgill
Michael and Kristen Croke
Paul and Carol McNally
Blue Cross Blue Shield
of Massachusetts
Linzee and Beth Coolidge
Sola Collections
John W. McKean
Silverio Basile
R. Ann Constable
Janet Smith-Flaherty
and Thomas Flaherty
Dave and Gina McClellan
Cindy Schlessinger and
Jeffrey Ellowitz
Michael and Monica Connolly
Simon Pearce
Phil and Beverly Johnston
Marc Jones and Sharon
Simpson Jones
Jennifer Williams
Christopher J. Perry
George H. Hutt, III
Town of Lancaster
Alden Wells
Dennis D. Pedra
Patricia M. Hillman
Thomas Hogan
Annual Report   2006
Paul and Dawn Woods
Jeffrey Yelle
Accounts Receivable
Prepaid Expenses
Other Current Assets
Total Current Assets
Net Land & Building
Long-Term Investments
Other Assets
Total Assets
R e v e n u e : $20,604,074
Department of
Youth Services (DYS)
Department of
Social Services (DSS)
Cities &
& Gifts
Accounts Payable
Accrued Expenses
Current Long-Term Debt
Deferred Revenue
Other Current Liabilities
Total Current Liabilities
Long-Term Liability
Other Liabilities
Total Liabilities
(Investment, Dept of
Education, Misc.)
Temporarily Restricted
Total Net Assets
Total Liabilities & Net Assets
A copy of the complete audited financial statements prepared
E x p e n s e s : $19,828,202
DYS Residential
Residential Special
Net Assets
DSS Residential
Special Education
Day Services
by McGladrey & Pullen, LLP is available upon request.
*For Fiscal Year 2006: July 1, 2005 - June 30, 2006
robert F . K ennedy C hildren ’ s A ction C orps
B oa r d o f Di r e c t o r s
Mary Ann Ryan
University of Massachusetts
George H. Hutt, III
Vice Chair
Pershing LLC
R. Ann Constable
Paul Woods
Investors Bank & Trust
Keith P. Carroll*
Mintz Levin Cohn Ferris Glovsky
and Popeo PC
Michael F. Connolly
Mintz Levin Cohn Ferris Glovsky
and Popeo PC
Michael Croke
Deloitte and Touche, LLC
David C. Ekberg
E. & L. Realty Corporation
Robert P. Gittens
Northeastern University
Andrea C. Goode
A dv i s o ry C o u n c i l
Leade rs hip staff
Patricia M. Hillman
Fidelity Investments
Stephen H. Peck
United Benefit Services
Philip W. Johnston
Founding Member
Edward P. Kelley
President & CEO
Marc J. Jones
Office of the Attorney General
Dennis D. Pedra
Venture Capitalist
Vincent P. McCarthy
Founding Member
Alan J. Klein
Sr. Vice President & COO
Patricia Kennedy
Patricia Kennedy
Christopher J. Perry
Cambridge Health Alliance
Susan Allen
Terence J. Shanley
Vice President & Director
of Human Resources
John R. MacDonald
Dave McClellan
Boston Scientific Oncology
Paul D. McNally
Donald Anastasia
Gonzalo J. Puigbo
Eastern Bank
James T. Brett
Alden S. Wells
Chief Financial Officer
Donald E. Carey
Cindy Schlessinger
Epsilon Associates
Elizabeth Coolidge
Michael J. Summersgill
Wilmer Cutler Pickering
Hale and Dorr LLP
Linzee Coolidge
Christopher L. Johnson
Director of Administration
Barbara T. Harrell
Director of Development
John W. Delaney
Therese M. Mirisola
Maine Children’s
Cancer Program
Robert H. Summersgill
Lawrence S. DiCara
Wendell C. Taylor
Wilmer Cutler Pickering
Hale and Dorr LLP
W. Albert Ellis
Christine R. Moynihan*
The Bostonian Group
Betsy Munzer
Munzer and Company
J. Jeffrey Yelle
John W. McKean
Brian L. P. Fallon
Peter Nessen
Theodore A. Oatis
The Chiofaro Company
*Became members in FY2007
Michael C. Obel-Omia
Don Rodman
Anthony S. Owens
Boston Municipal Court
Robert F. Kennedy Children’s Action Corps
Annual Report   2006
Letitia L. Howland
Director of Organizational
Development & Planning
Diane M. Newark
Campaign Director