- St Therese`s Primary School

St Therese’s Parish
Incorporating St Therese’s Kennington, St Mary’s Axedale, St Joseph’s Axe Creek,
& Poor Clares’ Monastery, Strathdale.
We believe that community and worship are at the heart of Christian experience.
25 Albion St, Kennington 3550 ~ T 5443 3337 ~ F 5441 6075
E: kennington@sandhurst.catholic.org.au ~ W: www.stkennington.catholic.edu.au/parish
Fourth Sunday of Lent
Sunday 15 March 2015
2 Chronicles 36:14-16,19-23
Readings for Ephesians 2:4-10
this week:
John 3:14-21
Jeremiah 31:31-34
Readings for Hebrews 5:7-9
next week
John 12:20-33
Focus on the Gospel
Each reading provides us with an example of divine mercy. God’s use of
Cyrus to deliver the Israelites, even though he was not a believer, shows
that every circumstance and any person can demonstrate the scope of
God’s love. In fact, it is often the situation or the individual that we least
expect that has been chosen to manifest God’s mercy to us. This same
mercy is seen as God brings us to life with Christ even when we were
dead in sin.
Mercy means that strict justice is set aside in favour of compassion.
Dispossessed people are raised out of defeat and given another chance.
Sinners condemned to severe punishment are raised out of despair and
offered a reprieve. The whole world is raised up out of darkness when
God’s own Son is sent into that world as saviour rather than as judge.
God’s mercy raises us out of loss and hopelessness, out of darkness and
Year of Consecrated Life sin, so that we might enjoy the blessings of life.
We too have been raised up so that we might live in truth and might
During this year, a founder of a
religious order or congregation will become the visible sign of God’s mercy in the world. We have been
made a new people, free from the restraints of the past. Joined with
be featured on this page.
Christ we become God’s handiwork, creations that bear the seal of the
Nano Nagle (1718-1784) was born
great creator. We are the very sacrament of God’s mercy. The
in Ballygriffin, Ireland, during the forgiveness that we have experienced and the new life within us shine
persecution of Irish Catholics. forth as witness to the mercy of God.
Nano’s life of prayer, her concern
for her people, her courage and Did You Know?
perseverance inspired and enabled The bronze serpent on the standard mentioned in today’s Gospel
her to establish schools and (3:14) refers to when Moses raised it in the desert during the
support other works of charity for Exodus (Numbers 21:4-9) to heal those bitten by the deadly
those who were poor and oppress- serpents. The same bronze serpent pops up again in 2 Kings 18
ed by unjust social structures. To but in a different context. A modern replica exists near Mt Nebo,
give stability to her works, she Jordan where on a clear day one can just make out Jerusalem. It
arranged for the Ursuline Sisters to remains a symbol of the medical and allied professions.
come to Ireland. When Nano Feasts of the Week
realised that their rule did not Very few feasts are celebrated during Lent. This week we have
allow the sisters to leave the two: St Patrick (17 March) Apostle of Ireland where he preached
cloister and thus to serve the poor to the pagans and firmly established the Catholic faith and St
in their own environment, she Joseph (19 March) husband to Mary and foster father to Jesus.
established, in 1775 at the age of
57, a religious community, later to On the Lighter Side
become the Sisters of the Q: What do you get when you cross poison ivy with a
Presentation of the Blessed Virgin four-leaf clover? A: A rash of good luck.
Mary. In Sandhurst convents were Q: How is a best friend like a 4-leaf clover? A: Because they
established in Rutherglen, Chiltern, are hard to find and lucky to have.
Myrtleford and Heathcote.
© 2015 Diocese of Sandhurst
Weekend Mass Times
Parish Personnel
Parish Priest: Fr Andrew Fewings
Pastoral Associate: Joe Van Dillen
Office Administrator: Robyn Abbott
Pastoral Care Visitor: Margaret Flavell
Census Coordinator: Marianne Faulkner
School Principals: St Therese’s Mr Matthew Mann
St Francis of the Fields Mr Tim Moloney
Planned Giving Coordinator: Maureen Connelly
Hall Bookings: St Therese’s School Office
5443 3337
5443 3337
5443 3337
5443 3337
5443 3337
5443 3200
5439 3191
5443 3337
5443 3200
Parish Pastoral Council: Frances Browne, Bill Edwards, John Power,
Marcia Seymour, Karli Toman, Ex officio: Fr Andrew, Joe Van Dillen, Tim
Moloney, Matthew Mann.
St Therese’s Church
Poor Clares’ Monastery
St Joseph’s, Axe Creek
St Mary’s, Axedale
Sat 6.00pm
& Sun 10.30am
Sun 7.30am
Sun 9.00am
Sun 10.30am
Weekday Worship Times
Mass: St Therese’s
Tues & Wed 9am
Thursday 9.15am
St Joseph’s, Axe Creek
Fri 9.30am
Poor Clares’ Monastery
Mon - Sat 8am
Rosary St Therese’s Thu 1.30pm, Sat 9.00am
Poor Clares’ Monastery Sun 4.00pm
Benediction: Poor Clares’
Sun 5.30pm
Reconciliation: St Therese’s
Sat 9.30am
AXE CREEK MASS on Wednesdays at Parish Diary
7am during Lent.
WEEKDAY MASS CHANGES there 19 Parish Pastoral Council
22 St Francis of the Fields Fete
will be a Class Mass at St Therese’s on 24 First Reconciliation
Thursday 12 March at 9.15am. On 26 Mass of Anointing of the Sick
Friday 20 March Mass will be held at 26 First Reconciliation
9.30am at St Joseph’s, Axe Creek.
29 Youth Mass Axe Creek
meet Thursday 19 March at 7.30pm Parish Pastoral Centre.
CHILDREN’S MASS BOOKS will be presented to the
children making their First Reconciliation soon. Prayer
Partners and Parishioners are invited to donate these books
by inscribing theirs names in a book for a child after all
Masses next weekend. Donation of $5 per book.
ANOINTING MASS for the sick and elderly will be
celebrated at St Therese’s on Thursday 26 March at 10am
with a morning tea to follow.
YOUTH MASS with Fr Rob Galea at St Joseph’s, Axe
Creek 9am on Palm Sunday, 29 March. We had a few
enthusiastic volunteers turn up to our meeting after mass
on Sunday. Sincere thanks to Brigit and Quentin for getting
things rolling. More volunteers are needed for readings and
other roles such as offertory procession and collections.
We would welcome any youth to assist even if you do not
attend mass at Axe Creek. Contact Leanne Mooney
54393456 if you can help. Next meeting to finalise will be
on Sunday22 March after 9am Mass.
will be distributing prayer cards to Parishioners this
weekend inviting Parishioners to pray for them
during this special time. Our next Child/Parent
sessions are on Thursday 19 March at St Francis of the
Fields and at St Therese’s 7pm. For further information
please contact Parish Office  5443 3337.
 Celebration of the Sacrament of Reconciliation Tuesday
24 & Thursday 26 March at 7.00pm.
Enquiries please email – pa.kennington@gmail.com
CHRISM MASS will be held Tuesday 24 March 11am at
the Sacred Heart Cathedral. Parish representatives will
present oils to be blessed by the Bishop for use during the
coming year. All are most welcome to attend this
significant Mass for our Diocese.
MORNING TEA on St Patrick’s Day Tuesday 17 March
10.30am St Liborius Centre, Eaglehawk. All welcome ($5)
to enjoy the entertainment. Wear something GREEN.
ANZAC GRAVES a number of
Bendigo based residents are joining the
civil pilgrimage from Albany WA to
commemorations. Ian Dyett and
Monsignor Frank Marriott are part of
that group. They have obtained lapel
badges of the City of Greater Bendigo
and the RSL have made available
Bendigo-made Red Poppies. It is our
intention to place a badge and poppy and
offer a prayer at the grave (known and
unknown) of relatives of local citizens. If
you have a relative known to have died at
Gallipoli or on the Western Front, we
would try to find the appropriate site and remember the
dead known to us – and also those known only to God.
Names and location of grave, if known, ought to be sent to
Margaret Watson at the Chancery by 31 March.
ANNUAL REUNION - Marists Brothers Old Boys
Association Easter Sunday 5 April, between 11.00am and
1.00pm at the former school yard of the Marist Brothers
College (McCrae Street Bendigo) admission $20.00.
Please come and enjoy the day.
JOSEPHITE ASSOCIATES meeting Wednesday 18
March 10.30am in the St Liborius Parish Centre, 50 Panton
St, Eaglehawk. All welcome.
DAYBREAK  54411814 daybreak@bendigo.net.au
Nurturing Resilience within The Carer Journey this
Sunday 15 March 1.00pm to 3.30pm with Kaye Twining.
This contemplative workshop will introduce participants to
the nature of resilience and practices which nurture it.
Suggested cost $30, members $20.
Craft - Operation Christmas Child (Samaritan’s Purse)
Monday 16 March 10:30am. A valuable way to help
children receive joy at Christmas. Morning tea supplied.
Enneagram Awakening – Know Who You Are Saturday
21 and Sunday 22 March. 9:30am to 5.00pm on both days.
Mary Amohanga. Our hearts yearn to know who we are
and why we are here. The Enneagram enables us to have
more insights into ourselves and others. Bring a notebook,
pen and lunch. Suggested cost (includes booklet) $170,
members $150.
Life’s Journeys: Conversation Hour (fourth Thursday of
the month) 26 March 6.30pm – 7.30pm. Central Goldfields
Library Activity room 1.Over some light refreshments
come and enjoy, listen and converse. Cost: $ 5.00.
PROGRAM Have you listened live to the Diocese of
Wollongong’s weekly Catholic Program called the journey
yet? Tune into LIFE 105.1 FM Sat 4pm or you can listen in
anytime it suits you, by going to www.radio.dow.org.au
where you can listen in or even subscribe to the show and
have it sent to you automatically each week. Each week,
there is a reflection on the Sunday Gospel reading. Add to
that some great music and interviews with people doing
amazing things right around the globe and you’ve got a
show that is all about faith, hope love and life. This week
we have all our favourites including Marilyn Rodrigues
who reflects on Jealousy the enemy of Peace and Trish
McCarthy who shares with us some of her exciting stories
from her trip to Fiji.
15 March 4 pm, Bendigo South East
College Theatre, Ellis Street. The
Central Victorian Irish Association
(CVIA) will present a rich tapestry of
Irish music, drama, dance, and song a directed by John
Clancy, Tickets available at the door $15 adult, $12
concession and $8 children under 16. Information contact
Dan O'Riordan 54421903. Give yourself an evening of
true Irish culture to remember!
TRIVIA NIGHT to Support Chaplaincy in Bendigo
Schools, Monday 23 March, Eaglehawk Town Hall, 7 pm
for 7.30 pm start. Tables of six or less $15 per person.
Major and minor prizes, mystery lollypops $5 and silent
auction. BYO nibbles, non-alcoholic drinks & glasses, tea
& coffee available during the evening. Book by 20 March
Phone 5442 1732 or email rayandro@bigpond.com
MORNING COFFEE Saturday March 21 10am Rising
Sun Hotel to support St John of God Hospital Auxiliary.
Trading Table, Lucky Door prize and Raffle. All welcome.
Enquiries from Alison  5439 7401.
evenings 7.30pm St. Joseph's Church Hall, Russell St.,
Quarry Hill. All are most welcome. Contact: Denise Ilott
 5441 1087 and Elaine McGrath  0400 820 239.
Sunday 29 March – St Joseph’s, Axe Creek
Friday 22 May - Bendigo
Friday 24 July - Shepparton
(new initiative for Young Adults 18+)
Wednesday 15 April
- Bendigo
Wednesday 14 October - Shepparton
Friday – Sunday 25-27 September
Friday – Sunday 3 -5 December
DEBUTANTE BALLS will be run over the weekends of
14/15 and 21/22 August. Application forms available from
Deb Ball Secretary, Daryl Hubbard. Contact: email
kscdebball@gmail.com or text  0429 837 607.
Fourth Sunday of Lent
In Nepal, many farmers in rural communities struggle to grow enough food to feed their families.
However, a highly successful fish raising program has changed life for one Nepalese community.
Mother of three, Sarita, could barely grow enough food for her family on her tiny farm plot. In 2007, she
joined a program, run by Caritas Nepal, that gave a community group the training and support they
needed to start a fish-raising business. Thanks to their hard work, Sarita and the group now have a
thriving enterprise and a life-long source of food and income.
Please donate to Project Compassion 2015 and help people in rural Nepal
create a life-long source of food and income to benefit entire communities.
You can donate through Parish boxes and envelopes,
www.caritas.org.au/projectcompassion or phoning 1800 024 413.
THE WAY OF THE CROSS: Today many people in our world continue to carry the cross of Christ, whether it is the
lack of respect for basic human rights such as access to food, shelter or education, or the fear of living in a world where
there is no hope for the future. Caritas Australia has produced a PowerPoint presentation to support the Way of the Cross.
Download from www.caritas.org.au/projectcompassion/resources.
CARITAS Ks FUN RUN – Kilometres for Compassion! Everyone is invited to join the 5Km RUN or 3Km WALK
Wednesday 18 March 4-6pm. $15 Entry includes Fun Run Drink Bottle & BBQ Dinner. Event begins at View St end of
Rosalind Park. Organised by Catholic College Bendigo for Project Compassion. Register at www.trybooking.com/GOQD
PRAYING WITH ICONS RETREAT DAY - Finding God – Light in the Darkness: Michael Crowe & Lyn Breen,
Sunday 22 March 11.30am – 4.00pm, St Kilian’s Presbytery, McCrae St. Donation if / as you can afford. BYO Lunch.
RSVP: adultfaith@sandhurst.catholic.org.au, 5441 2544.
CONTEMPARY WORLD IN THE LIGHT OF TRADITION a free public lecture by Dr. Harry Oldmeadow, an
inspiring speaker with a passion for the study of religion and spirituality. Saturday 28 March 10am – 12 noon and 1.00 pm
– 3.00 pm (two sessions) Visual Arts Centre, 121 View St. Enquiries Daybreak  5441 1814 daybreak@bendigo.net.au
Fourth Sunday of Lent - Year B
Entrance Antiphon
Rejoice, Jerusalem, and all who love her.
Be joyful, all who were in mourning;
exult and be satisfied at her consoling breast.
Responsorial Psalm
Let my tongue be silenced, if ever I forget you!
Gospel Acclamation
Glory and praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ! God loved the world so much,
he gave us his only Son, that all who believe in him might have eternal life.
Glory and praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ!
Excerpts from the English translation Roman Missal © ICEL 2011 and the Lectionary © ICEL 1982 All rights reserved .
Exploring the Word
Nicodemus comes in search of truth but has difficulty in accepting who Jesus is. He struggles to reach beyond
the understandings of his upbringing with Judaism. In a sense, Jesus’ words to him are a reassurance that if he
publicly embraces faith in Jesus, his life will be saved. Condemnation only comes to those who have had the
opportunity to embrace faith but have refused it.
In John’s Gospel, the greatest moment in Jesus’ life is the moment of his death on the cross. This is not simply
a moment of suffering and death but a spiritual exultation, because it is at that moment that God’s love for the
world is made manifest. “God loved the world so much that he gave his only Son” so that we could have life.
The only proper response to this great love and gift of life is to choose light and not darkness.
 What have been some of the moments of exultation in your life?
 What have been the periods of darkness?
 Is there a struggle in coming into the light?
PRAYERS FOR THE SICK: Maria McClellan, Casey Swanson, Leonie Hudson, Sean DeAraugo, Joe Van Dillen,
Lucinda Barty, John Brasier, Carol Nally and Kevin Bowe.
PRAYERS FOR RECENTLY DECEASED: Freda Lochner and Veila Coote.
PRAYERS FOR ANNIVERSARIES OF DEATH: Leo Hartney, Jack Svanosio, Rita & Arch Spark.
CONGRATULATIONS to Henry Harrington (son of Helen & Michael) who is baptised this weekend.
Rosters for 21/22 March 2015 4 Weekend
R & C Hatfield
F Ring, T Perera
Communion Ministers
6.00pm S Phan, M Brady
I Bell, R Dam
7.30am D Mellington
9.00am M Connelly, M O’Donohue G Mills Family
J & K McMillan & J & N Self
J & M VanDillen, K Nankervis
10.30am M Hopkinson, K Lawlor
K Lunney Family Volunteer needed.
A Turner, J & C Halpin
Data Projector Altar Servers Children’s Liturgy Piety Stall Welcomers
6.00pm J Spark
H Perera
S Phan
M Harrison D Thomas
10.30am L Conforti
M Mann
D Fee
M Minster’s Zone (2.6)
Counting Teams Team 1
Environment Kennington:
P McCarthy & M Holmes
Church Linen
A O’Connor
Environment Axe Creek:
C & R Lindrea
Crypt (March)
M Minster
Children’s Liturgy Axe Creek
K Murphy
J McMahon
P Curtin, J McLoughlin
SUNDAY MUNCHERS will be held at the Bendigo Club each Sunday from 12 noon. All welcome.
PARISH SOCIAL GROUP (Strathfieldsaye) meet on first Thursday: odd months at Strathfieldsaye Bakery 10.30am
coffee, even months at Braidie’s Tavern 12midday. All welcome.
PLAYGROUP Come for a coffee with interactive craft activities for parents and children aged from babies through to
kinder. All welcome Monday Mornings 9-11 am St Therese’s Hall. For more information call Amanda 0429 921 980.
MENALIVE meet third Saturday each month at 7.30am for breakfast and prayer. Len Fitzgerald  54396235.
FORTNIGHTLY SCRIPTURE GROUP (3/3Park Street, Strathdale) next meet Monday 16 March 6pm for an hour of
home-based prayer and discussion followed by dinner at the Bendigo Club at 7pm, for people from all walks of life (not
just for young adults!) Contact Daniel  0439 562 286 or gilesdannyg@gmail.com to confirm attendance.
ST VINCENT DE PAUL SOCIETY, St Therese’s Conference meet first & third Monday of the month, St V de P
Village 5.30pm contact Mary  5443 3460 or Pat  5443 8540.
KNIGHTS OF THE SOUTHERN CROSS meet on second Thursday of each month. Len Fitzgerald  5439 6235.
CATECHESIS ADORATION AND DINNER (CAD) with youth meet third Wednesday of the month at St Kilian’s
Church 18 March 6.30pm. Contact Fr Junjun Amaya 0459 356 917 or junix_ting_28@yahoo.com.ph