Newsletter - Trinity Lutheran Church

Bi-weekly Publication March 20, 2015 Vol. 30 Issue 6
Trinity Lutheran Church
One Church...Two Campuses
Mission Campus: 5601 West 62nd Street / Mission, KS 66202
Shawnee Campus: 21320 Midland Dr/Shawnee, KS 66218
The Messenger
Please join us as we celebrate Trinity’s 75th Anniversary
with a Festival Service on Saturday, April 11 at 3pm!
The Trinity Choir and Brass will lead the congregation in
vibrant singing of timeless hymns as well as offer newly
commissioned hymn texts and anthems.
Reception to follow
Pastor Vern and Debbie Oestman will be our special guests.
Historical Displays
Sunday, April 12 | All Morning Services
Mission and Shawnee Campuses
Special Message and Music
Special 75th Anniversary Video
Historical Displays
Lenten Worship Schedule
Midweek Lenten Services
March 25
Mission | 12pm and 7pm | Lenten Service
Shawnee | 7pm | Lenten Service preceded by
dinner at 5:30pm
Palm Sunday | March 28-29
5pm, Saturday | Mission
BWV 12 — Weinen, Klagen, Sorgen
Weeping, wailing, fretting, fearing
Normal Sunday service schedule
Maundy Thursday | April 2
Mission | 12pm and 7pm with communion
Shawnee | 7pm with communion
Traditional Mediterranean meal will precede each
Good Friday | April 3
Mission | 12pm and 7pm
(Communion and Tenebrae at 7pm)
Shawnee | 7pm with communion
Holy Saturday | April 4
Mission | 5pm
BWV 4 — Christ lag in Todesbanden
Christ lay in the Bonds of Death
Mission | 5:30pm — Vigil of Easter with
Festival of Easter | April 5
Trinity Choir and Brass | Mission
Normal service schedule
Communion at 11am at Mission and 8:30 and
11am at Shawnee
Mid-Week Worship in Lent
Mission Campus | Noon and 7pm
Shawnee Campus | 7pm
This year for the five Wednesday Lenten services following Ash Wednesday we will be using dialog
sermons titled “Interviews with Passion People.” A “reporter” will interview Simon of Cyrene, Joseph
of Arimathea, Mary Magdalene, Pontius Pilate’s wife, and James the Just to get their perspectives on
the Passion of Jesus Christ. Join us as we look at these familiar events from a fresh perspective each
Lenten Bach Cantata Series
Saturday evenings at 5:00 pm | Mission Campus
March 28 (Palm/Passion Sunday)
BWV 12 - Weinen, Klagen, Sorgen
(Weeping, wailing, fretting, fearing)
Apr. 4 (Holy Saturday)
BWV 4 - Christ lag in Todesbanden
(Christ lay in the Bonds of Death)
New Worship Service: Easter Vigil
Early Communion Class
We at Trinity encourage early communion for our
youth and families. We help our students and
families prepare for this with an Early
Communion Experience.
Please join us on Saturday, March 28, from 9:00
am until noon at the Mission Campus. It is for
any students currently in the 5th - 8th grade. To
make it work, at least one parent must come
The experience is much more than a class or
lecture. Come learn to live into this! To register
for this event, please email Rhonda Synovec
( and say, “I’m in!”
On Holy Saturday, April 4, the typical Saturday
worship service will be replaced by an Easter
Vigil service. The Vigil service hearkens back to
the time when catechumens were brought into
the Christian church on the evening of the
Saturday before Easter by being baptized and
then receiving Holy Communion for the first
time. Although the version of the Vigil service we
will be using is greatly streamlined, it includes
the four traditional parts: Service of Light,
Service of the Word, Service of Baptism, and
Service of Holy Communion. Join us for this
service that bridges between the solemnity of
Good Friday and the unrestrained joy of Easter
morning. The Vigil service begins at 5:30pm on
Holy Saturday and is preceded by a Bach
Cantata at 5:00pm.
Maundy Thursday Meals
Shawnee Campus
Join us for a special time of worship at the Shawnee Campus on Maundy
Thursday as we gather as a community of faith around a Middle Eastern
potluck meal beginning at 6:00 pm. We will sample foods commonly
served during the Passover celebration. Each family is asked to bring a
dish (we have some recipes if you would like to try one) or other items for
the meal. A time of worship will follow our meal together. Please contact
Gloria Garrelts if you would like to help with the meal.
Mission Campus
Please plan to join us for Middle Eastern style food before worship on
Maundy Thursday. We will gather at 11:00 am and 6:00 pm in the foyer.
The Youth Easter Breakfast!
Our youth will be serving Easter Breakfast at both campuses again this year. This little event (not
really so little) is a fundraiser that enables us to do some of our retreat experiences that really help
our youth grow in their walk with Jesus. The breakfast time will go from 9:30 am until 11:00 am.
More details will come later for this event! We sure appreciate everyone’s involvement with this
(either in service or in coming to enjoy a meal).
Easter Egg Hunt (Shawnee)
Come one, come all! Our tradition of hunting for Easter Eggs continues on Easter Sunday, launching
around 10:00 am - be sure to be there. This is a fun little pastime that intends to weave play and
Christian spirituality together (as they should be).
Family Experiential Easter Egg Hunt (Mission)
Families journey through the Easter Story as they journey through the educational hallway of
Trinity’s Mission campus. This is a neat tradition and a visual / hands on experience as families
travel along though a re-telling of Jesus’ last week.
VBS 2015
Save the Dates
Shawnee campus – June 22 – 26
Mission campus – July 13 – 17
Registration opens in April.
Guatemala Mission Interest Form —July 4-12, 2015
We need 4-8 more people to join us!
Are you interested in Trinity's summer mission to Panajachel, Guatemala,
July 4-12, 2015? Fill out the form at this link to receive more details: Or, email
Check the eNews for a great photo slideshow and some basics about the
mission from John and Jenny Peimann.
Ben Vineyard, Vicar and Minister of Disciple Formation
You've asked for it —
now it's here!
A Financial Peace University class will be
hosted at Trinity's Shawnee campus
beginning March 26 at 6:30pm. For more
information, email Rex Garrelts at
You are invited to join the Four
Fathers for a concert on April 26
at 7pm at the Mission campus.
This concert is a benefit for
Camp MITIOG (Made In The
Image Of God), which is for children from eight
to sixteen that have spina bifida. The camp is a
chance for those kids to have a camping
experience like other kids do. Each child has a
counselor/guide and there is no charge to either
camper or counselor, so they rely solely on
volunteers and contributions. For more
information on the camp, visit
LUMA Spring Dinner
The LUMA Annual Dinner will be held Thursday, April 16, 2015, 6:30pm at The Pavilions on Hwy 40
in KCMO. The Pavilions is located just 10 minutes east of the Sports Complex off Noland Rd. Please
join us for a complimentary dinner, ministry update and opportunity to financially support the
ministry of LUMA. Contact us in the LUMA office to sign up at 913-948-9700
x140 or
The Shawnee Campus TRINITY FAMILY
GARAGE SALE is rapidly approaching and in
order to make it a success we need your help!
There are 3 ways you can contribute… DONATE
your gently used goods, VOLUNTEER your
time and SHOP the sale.
We need help before, during and after the sale…
and there is a task for every age and attention
span! If you know some kids who need volunteer
hours, please encourage them to check out our
Sign-Up Genius.
April 17-19:
April 19:
April 19-23:
April 24-25:
April 25:
Presale prep/set up
Donation drop off
Sort and Organize
Garage sale
Click on the following link for volunteer opportunities…
If you prefer to not use the Sign-Up Genius please contact the Garage Sale Team at, or look for a hard copy of our sign-up list posted at both Mission
and Shawnee campuses.
Drop off your items that are just too good to throw away!
Donation drop off is SUNDAY, APRIL 19TH FROM 2-6 PM at the Shawnee Campus.
Trinity Lutheran Church—21320 Midland Drive. Shawnee, KS 66218.
Please note, we will not be accepting computers, outdated electronics (tube TVs etc.), mattresses or
large appliances. If you wouldn’t put it on your own garage sale, please don’t give it to us.
For a complete list of items that we will be accepting please visit
The hours of the Shawnee Campus sale are as follows:
Friday, April 24th - Hours: 8 am-5 pm
Saturday, April 25th - Hours: 8 am-12 pm
Trinity Lutheran Church - 21320 Midland Drive Shawnee, KS 66218
Just east of the intersection of Monticello and Shawnee Mission Parkway.
Thank you for supporting the TRINITY FAMILY GARAGE SALE!
All of the proceeds from this sale will support organizations that
benefit children & families in the Shawnee community!
Visit our webpage for additional information.
Noisy Collection this Sunday!
Monteverdi Vespers of 1610
Spire Chamber Ensemble
Spire Baroque Orchestra
With this sacred choral masterpiece,
Monteverdi forged a dramatic and vivid new
musical style, blending the revolutionary
baroque practice with the musical styles of the
Renaissance to set the Psalms, Litany and
Magnificat of the evening Vespers service. This
inspirational piece of Classical music will be
offered under beautiful candlelight.
Saturday, March 21 at 7:30pm
Visitation Catholic Church
5141 Main St. Kansas City, MO
Sunday, March 22 at 5:00pm
Grace Episcopal Cathedral
701 SW 8th Ave Topeka, KS 66603
Mission Campus Education
Wing Gets Ceiling Update
As part of the 2014/2015 maintenance budget,
the upper level hallway of the education wing
at the Mission campus has received a ceiling
and lighting upgrade. In addition to the
aesthetic improvement, the lighting was
upgraded to more energy efficient fixtures. The
lighting improvement alone will pay for the
cost of the light fixtures in saved energy
expenses over the next near. This project was
completed Saturday, February 14, by Trinity
members Chris Henson, Ray Fessler, Joel
Shifflett and Bill Guerry. Give Joel and Bill a
big thank you the next time you see them.
They have done an outstanding job. We also
want to thank our congregation for the
continued financial support of the church.
Your contributions have made this upgrade
The children will be collecting your spare change
during the children’s sermon this Sunday, March
22. The funds collected will support Trinity’s
Vacation Bible School.
Thank you Trinity Members for your prayers and
concern after my mother’s death. I truly
appreciate your thoughts and prayers. My Father
died on Good Friday and Mom died on Christmas
Day. Both are most precious days in my life and
theirs. Both of my parents were taken to our
glorious heaven with many angels welcoming
them because of Jesus’ birth and His death on the
cross for all of us. Death is a celebration of
faith. Peace be with all of you!
Connie Hansen
Faith Inspirations
“Trust in the LORD with all your heart,
and do not rely on your own insight.”
Proverbs 3:5 (NRSV)
We want to hear about your
Faith Inspirations stories. Please
send them to us in the church office.
Gardeners Wanted!
Ushers Wanted!
Gardeners are needed to maintain all gardens at
Trinity’s Mission campus! The financial reward
is nil — the “feel good” is gigantic! We would
like to start spring clean-up in March, weather
permitting. Skill requirements are:
Usher groups, a time-honored service
organization, are in need of more members at
the Mission campus. All of the Sunday services
(8:30, 9:45 and 11am) could use more team
members. The usher teams for each service are
divided into two groups, A and B. Each group is
assigned in a pattern of two weeks "on" and two
weeks "off" throughout the year. Both men and
women can be valued members of an usher
team. If interested, please see or call Randy
Fassold, Head Usher, 913-764-5543.
1. Willing to work very hard.
2. Willing to work very hard.
3. Willing to work very hard.
No one possessing this “skill” requirement will
be denied a position! The chances for
advancement are excellent! Please send your
resume to Jean Schlesselman, 913-888-9076,
913-221-1234, or
Childcare Workers
We are looking for qualified childcare workers
for our Mission campus. Candidates must be
sixteen years of age or older. Must be available
for Sunday mornings, some evenings and
special events. This is a paid position. If
interested please contact Rhonda Synovec
Audio Visual
Volunteers Wanted!
The Audio Visual team at the Mission campus is
in need of volunteers to assist with running the
equipment for worship services. Training will be
provided. If you are interested, contact Doug
Wilkinson,, or
Hank Hanusch,
Spiffy Up the Church Day
Thursday, April 9
9am - noon
Mission Campus
We could use some extra hands to complete some needed projects
around the Mission Campus before the church anniversary weekend.
We apologize for this being a Thursday, but weekends are delightfully
busy around Trinity lately! Contact Bill Guerry with questions.
Happy Birthday!
March 25 - Mark Glad, Michael Keith, Laura Pace
March 26 – Abbie Barker, Shelby Moore,
Joshua Wampler, Natalie Williams
March 27 - Mike Billings, Nathan Jaime,
John Sullivan, Aidan Veal, Mayumi Wagner
March 28 - Blake Aerni, Tyler Harvey,
Keerstin McNeely, Dawn Wilson
March 29 - Kenda Arendt, Pat Chapman,
Samantha Haugen, Mary O’Connell
March 30 - Phil Bollinger, Curt Katterhenry,
Don Littell, Kaitlyn Miner
March 31 - Julie Clobes, Hilda Finkemeier,
Ezra Pastine, Marianna Schulte
April 1 - Mary Everhart, Doug Wilkinson
April 2 – Brandon Burdick, Vicki Dorsch,
Chris Henson, Suman Konidana, Ethan Pilchard,
Ken Porter, Ralph Tinnin, George Vetter
April 3 - Rachel Miller, Kristen Schau,
Carol Schwartz
April 4 - Jenni Hall, Quintyn Hendrich,
Robert Pearson, Peggy Schildberg, Debra Strohm
April 5 - August Rice, Brandi Wilson
April 6 - Mary Haas, Shantelle Jackson, Dee Quick,
Chris Wagner, Myrna Wells
April 7 - Amy Andrejack, Daniel Domsch,
Bryce Kohl, Chris Shifflett, Carol Shreve
Happy Anniversary!
Mansour & Fay Alifekr, March 28 (26th)
Mark & Kimberly Harvey, March 28 (17th)
Larry & Ruth Hanusch, March 29 (46th)
Steven & Diana Alexander, March 31 (15th)
Greg & Chelsea McBride, April 2 (4th)
Paul & Becky Stephens, April 6 (24th)
Bill & Krista Rittmann, April 7 (32nd)
Anniversaries / Birthdays are listed from
March 25th to April 7th
Don’t see your anniversary / birthday listed?
Please contact the church office. Thank you.
For we know that our old self
was crucified with him
so that the body of sin might be
done away with,
that we should no longer be slaves
to sin.
Romans 6: 6
Member Prayers-Shawnee
Bill Birchfield, 3/8/2015
Larry Hill, 3/4/2015
Carol Schmidt, 3/14/2015, sister-in-law of Les and
Helen Schmidt
Patt Alft
Ron Flentgen
Bill Kuehn
John Kuhn
Josh Pasley
Gary Robinson
Jean Schanefelt
Jerry Shreve
Members in Hospital
Marvin Brockschmidt
Jerry Lewis
Jane Tinnin
Member Prayers-Mission
Amy Adams
Kenda Arendt
Bob Becker
Bob Behrens
Norma Brock
Eileen Coleman
Bert Corpeny
Hilda Finkemeier
Scott Fruehling
Dennis Grady
Jack Haden
Larry Hare
Ona Jean Harvey
Dale Kesl
Angela Jeppesen
Doug Lewallen
Charlene Millsap
Carol Ohlde
Gary Owens
Nancy Parks
Betty Peppers
Carol Schwartz
Mary Ellen Stephenson
Jeanne Stevenson
Louise Tilghman
Ralph Tinnin
Retirement Facility/Homebound
Rita Bartlett, Good Samaritan
Barbara Brown, Delmar Gardens
Maxine Bruner, Aberdeen Village
Ted Dahl, at home
Bob Ebel, Bickford Place
Allene Gantz, Benton House
Ona Jean Harvey, at home
Lois Haubein, Overland Park Place
Phyllis Henderson, Aberdeen Village
Lois Klausen, Delmar Gardens
Jean Klemp, McCrites Plaza
Lucy Krieger, Brookdale-College Square
Ruth Kroenke, at home
Bertha Lefebvre, at home
Mildred Liemen, at home
Dave Lindquist, at home
Bob Mann, at home
Florence Meyer, Park Meadows
Hilde Miller, Sweet Life
Art Nelson, Park Meadows
Helen Wendlandt, at home
Sylvia Wendt, Bartels Lutheran
George Zschoche, at home
The Messenger
Published by Trinity Lutheran Church
5601 West 62nd Street
Mission, KS 66202
Email Messenger Articles to:
Messenger articles are needed by 5pm on Tuesday during the week of
publication. The Messenger is printed on the first and third Thursdays of each
Trinity Staff:
Mark Schulz, Senior Pastor:
Ron Flentgen, Vacancy Associate Pastor:
Benjamin Vineyard, Vicar and Minister of Disciple Formation:
Rhonda Synovec, Director of Family Life Ministry:
Jo Ann Emerson, Acting Preschool Director:
Ben Spalding, Director of Music:
Anna Myeong, Organist:
Larry Conrad, Administrator:
Gretchen Hollman, Office Supervisor:
Pastoral Emergency Contacts:
Pastor Mark Schulz - 913-231-9726
Pastor Ron Flentgen - 913-748-6670
Learn more about us.
Visit our web site:
Mission Campus
5601 West 62nd Street, Mission, Kansas 66202
Saturday 5:30 p.m.
Communion Service
Sunday Mornings
8:30am Family-focused Worship
9:45am Praise Service with Communion
9:45am Sunday School
11am Family-focused Worship
with Communion
Shawnee Campus
21320 Midland Drive, Shawnee, Kansas 66218
Sunday Mornings
8:30am Family-focused Worship
9:45am Sunday School
11am Family-focused Worship
with Communion
A professionally staffed nursery for ages six
months to three years is available during all
worship services and the Sunday School hour.