April 12, 2015 - St. John Neumann Catholic Church

PHONE: (865) 966-4540 • FAX: (865) 675-6815 • www.sjnknox.org
The mission of St. John Neumann parish is to build up the Kingdom of God in the name
of Jesus Christ through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit by the proclamation of the Good
News and in the evangelical service that flows from it.
Rev. Monsignor G. Patrick Garrity, V.E.
Rev. Michael Maples
Rev. Christopher Manning
Donald Amelse, MPS (865) 719-9660
Marquis Syler (865) 986-8132
Jim Lawson (865) 363-3779
Sister Restituta Nyinoweitu
(865) 777-4319
We extend a special welcome to our visitors and guests. If you are new to
the parish and have questions about our parish community, the SJN
Welcoming Committee invites you to contact Jane at 675675-3930 or
welcometosjn@gmail.com. Registration packets are available in the parish
office. Registered parishioners are asked to notify the office of any changes
in contact information.
4:30 pm
8:30 am, 10:30 am (choir), 6:00 pm
See inside for Daily and/or Holy Day Mass Schedule
9:40 - 10:20 am (Grades K - 5)
7:00 - 8:15 pm (Grades 6 - 10)
RCIA: Wednesday 7:00 - 8:15 pm
5:00 - 5:50 pm
1:30 - 4:30 pm
3:00 - 4:20 pm
Tuesdays - Fridays
8:30 am - 4:30 pm
And by appointment
Office E-mail: sjnccoffice@sjnknox.org
Announcement Deadlines
Bulletin: Mondays, 8:00 am (Flyers may be submitted for the 2nd
weekend of the month.) All submissions must be via e-mail.
Ambo: Fridays, 8:00 am
Prayer Chain: Renee Hamilton, sjnprayerchain@yahoo.com
High School Youth Ministry meets every Sunday evening after
the 6 pm Mass until 9:30 pm in Seton Hall. All youth in grades 8
-12 are invited to attend!
Coming into the Catholic Church
Are you interested in learning about the Catholic faith? Questions or
concerns? Wondering how to become a Catholic? If so, please contact
Sr. Elizabeth, Adult Faith Formation Coordinator.
Altar Flowers
If you are interested in donating flowers on the altar for the
weekend Masses, please see the sign-up book in the narthex.
Once you have decided on a weekend, please contact
Myra Fancher, 660-6964, to discuss arrangement and payment.
Financial Stewardship
St John Neumann Fiscal Year
July 1, 2014 to June 30, 2015
Last Week Offertory
Weekly Offertory Budget
Year to Date Actual
Year to Date Budget
YTD Surplus (Deficit)
(43,744) $
Home Campaign Results
Total Pledged(Final Adjusted Total): $
Amount Received to Date: $
Serve God With Loving Hearts,
Joyfully Embrace Our Christian
Faith, Nurture Individual and
Academic Excellence
Saint John Neumann Catholic School
625 St. John Court
Knoxville, TN 37934
Phone: (865) 777-0077
Fax: (865) 777-0087
Saturday, April 11
4:30 pm
Apostles of Jesus
Sunday, April 12
8:30 am
Living & deceased members of the Knights
of Columbus Council 8781 and their families
10:30 am
People of St. John Neumann
6:00 pm
Prayer Blanket Recipients
Monday, April 13
8:10 am
Donald Nicholson
Tuesday, April 14
7:00 am
† Marge Brown & the living & deceased
members of her family
8:10 am
† Deceased members of the Milek Family
Wednesday, April 15
† John Hurley
6:00 pm
Maria Arena
Thursday, April 16
7:00 am
† Linda Swift
8:10 am
† Deceased members of the Baile Family
Friday, April 17
8:10 am
† Emily Byrkit
April 5, 2015
Mass Intentions
Bill Derbyshire
Assistant Principal
Mary Sue Kosky
Our parish school enrolls students from Pre-school to
the 8th grade. Before and after care is available for
students. Please contact the school office for further
Saturday, April 18
4:30 pm
† Rickie Amelse
Sunday, April 19
8:30 am
Prayer Blanket Recipients
10:30 am
People of St. John Neumann
6:00 pm
† Mary & Henry Schmidt
† Repose of the soul
“Let us confidently approach the throne of grace
for mercy and to find help and favor in time of
need.” (Hebrews 4:16)
Packets explaining Eucharistic Adoration are available. Contact Anita
Gouge (966-9504 or gouge1416@tds.net) or Sue Conway, Evening
Division Leader (966-1736) for more information.
Midnight - 1:00 am
1:00 - 2:00 am
3:00-4:00 pm
2:00 - 3:00 am
7:00-8:00 pm
2:00 - 3:00 am
12:00 - 1:00 pm
7:00 - 8:00 pm
11:00 - 12:00 pm
4:00 - 5:00 am
Sponsor of the Week
Please Pray for
the Sick in Our
Listed are the names of
the parishioners we are
praying for at Mass.
Please continue to keep
them in your prayers.
Deacon Don Amelse
Larry Edwards
Sarah Holmes
Vann Johnston, Sr.
Deacon Jim Lawson
Candy LeMay
Gay Riley
Family & Parish Life
Grades K-12 Faith Formation
Marilyn Derbyshire
Adult Faith Formation
Sr. Elizabeth Wanyoike
Business Manager
Ellie Sanchez-Valencia
Mary Hearnsberger
Administrative Assistant
Lilia Walker, 777-4316
Music Coordinator
Choir Director
Jonathan Leichman
Contemporary Ensemble
Kay Marie Hodge, 712-1707
Youth Ministry
Al Forsythe
Facilities Manager
Harry Schukman
Doug Varga,
Varga Grand Knight
Don Schreyer,
Schreyer Deputy Grand Knight
Stuart Lewis,
Lewis Financial Secretary
Please visit us at: www.kofc8781.org
You'll never be a leader if you see others only as stepping stones to get ahead. You'll be a leader if you
are ambitious for the salvation of all souls. You can't live with your back turned on everyone; you have
to be eager to make others happy. (St. Josemaría Escrivá)
Mondays from 8:00 – 10:00 pm in the SJN School Gym. All men 18 and over are invited to
participate. Enter the gym through the rear door. For more information contact: Peter McKenzie
at (865) 680-2116.
Save the Date!
Please join us for the St. Gerard Ministry Social THIS SUNDAY, April 12th from
4:00-6:00p.m. in Seton Hall. We will have refreshments and fellowship, along
with a talk on The Vocation of Motherhood by Sr. Restituta that you won't want to
miss! RSVP to Bri at briarrowood@bellsouth.net or 843-469-3552.
St. Gerard is the patron saint of expectant mothers and motherhood. If you
are an expectant mother and would like to have a member of our parish pray
for you and your baby, or if you are having difficulty conceiving a child and
would like prayers, you are invited to be part of the St. Gerard Prayer
Ministry. Parishioners who are willing to pray for these women are invited
to be a part of this ministry also. Please contact Bri at (843) 469-3552 or
briarrowood@bellsouth.net if you would like to receive prayers or if you will
volunteer to pray.
The time to celebrate God's Divine Mercy is here! THIS SUNDAY, April
12 please bring your family to SJN and join us to
celebrate Divine Mercy Sunday in the church from 3:00 - 4:00 pm.
We will begin with an outdoor Eucharistic Procession.
Procession After the
procession, we will go into the church for prayers, Eucharistic
Exposition, the Chaplet of Divine Mercy, Benediction, and Veneration
of our solemnly blessed Divine Mercy Image.
Colombia Mission Trip 2015 – One Heart, One Mission
We are soliciting any Rosaries and holy medals you may
want to donate. St. John Neumann parishioners once
again will be participating in the Colombia Mission Trip
2015, June 8-June 24, which will consist of youth and
adults from throughout our Diocese, as well as Arizona,
Indiana, and Texas. The purpose of the mission trip is to
serve as “the Hands and Feet of Christ” in Marsella, a
small village in the Andes Mountains, located westnorthwest of Bogota, the capital of Colombia. Please see
the basket in the narthex. We deeply thank you!
Mother’s Day Pro-life Opportunity. Volunteers will be available after each Mass this weekend and next so families and
individuals may sign up to be a part of a community billboard campaign during the month of May. St. John Neumann parish will
have their Mother's Day pro-life message on a billboard in Farragut. Along with the billboard, two denominational publications have
agreed to run pro-life ads listing the names of the supporters: The Baptist and Reflector and The East Tennessee Catholic, which
have statewide and regional circulation. To have your name or your family's name included in the ad, please fill out the forms available after each Mass
($15 per person and $20 per family). If you have any questions, please call the TRL office at 689-1339. Thank you for your support!
Activities & Events for the Ladies of St. John Neumann
All Ladies of St. John Neumann are automatic members of the Women’s Club! Please note in your Smartphone, iPad,
iPod, or Datebook these upcoming SJN Women’s Club events and activities. Hope to see you at an event soon!
Blessed are they who have not seen, but still believe. John 20:29
Save these Dates!
Divas! Join us April 18th under the dogwoods for the Women’s Club 4th Annual Luncheon & Fashion Show!
TICKETS ON SALE NOW and a*er all Masses. Just as last year you can expect beauful clothes, a delicious
lunch, great fashion ps, and SHOPPING!! Fashions this year will be presented by Veronica G Bouque.
S.tch? Knit? Crochet? Needlework? JOIN us at 1 pm in Seton Hall and bring whatever you’re working on.
Coffee & tea will be provided. Don’t do needle & thread cra7ing? Come anyway. All are welcome. For more
info email Andrea Russell at russellsonthego@yahoo.com.
The Knoxville Council of Catholic Women Conven.on is April 23-25 at the Holiday Inn West on Cedar Bluff.
Register to a'end all or part of the convenon. Bishop Ska will celebrate opening Mass, April 23rd, 4:30 pm at
St. John Neumann. Visit kdccw.org for full details and registraon.
Silent Aucon at the Fashion/Luncheon Show on April 18th
Proceeds will benefit the Women’s Club.
This has been made possible due to the generosity of Monsignor Garrity. We will have
over 50 pieces worn by his grandmother, parents, and aunts. These are a few of the
pieces being auconed.
A note from our St. Vincent de Paul Society:
Believe it or not, it is time to start planning for
VBS 2015! This summer our Parish will be hosting
Totus Tuus a Catholic summer program for
youth from Pre-K to 12th grade that is sure to be
fun and exciting! Two separate programs are
Pre-K—6th grade
June 22-26, 9 am-2:30 pm
7th—12th grade
June 21-25, 7-9 pm
Volunteers Needed!!
ADULTS needed for:
• classroom supervision
(daytime & evening)
• snack help
TEENS (7-12th grade)
needed June 22-26 from
8:45 am to 2:45 pm
Positions are limited!
We are in need of 2 host families for the Missionary Team to
provide sleeping arrangements for two college-age men or
two college-age women, as well as breakfast to help get their
day started. With their own transportation, the team
members will leave early and return in the evening, and will
have dinner with various parishioners throughout the week.
The teams will arrive on Saturday evening, June 20, and
depart Friday evening, June 26.
Who's Coming to Dinner? During the week of Totus Tuus,
families of the parish have the opportunity to have the
Missionary Team over for dinner or, if preferred, out to a
restaurant. This is a great way to get to know these wonderful
young men and women. You do not have to have a child
attend Totus Tuus to extend an invitation for the team to share
a meal with you. The four-person team will be at SJN on June
15 - 20.
If you are interested in more Totus Tuus info or participating in
any of these great volunteer opportunities, please contact
Lydia Donahue at lydonahue@hotmail.com or (865) 643-1960.
A heartfelt thank you goes out to all who donated in any
way to the Lenten Food Drive to benefit the clients at
Ladies of Charity. The food and money collected over the
two weeks totaled 2,730 pounds and $3,230. What a
generous parish we have!
A special thank you is sent to all those who helped to
collect, sort and deliver the food, especially the young
people who volunteered. Some of them are: Elizabeth,
Riley, Sara, Matthew, Patrick, Aleck, Steve, Alex, Gloria,
Carol, Ethan, Mary, Landis, Angela, Jerrica and others
whose names we may have missed. We are extremely
grateful to the Shurina family for the generous loan of
their van, used to collect and deliver the food.
The St. Vincent de Paul conference at SJN sponsors a
food drive twice a year, and we look forward to seeing a
good turnout in the fall for the next collection. God
bless you for all you do for those in need.
SJN hosts a conference of the Society of St.
Vincent de Paul. Our SVDP conference is a principal
element of social action within our parish. You can turn
your prayer and faith into action and be the face of Jesus
to others. Please come and join us! We meet on the 2nd
and 4th Saturdays of the month in the school library at
10:00 am. Anyone interested in serving or learning
more about SVDP is welcome to attend.
We serve the poor in the greater Knoxville community with the
use of a hotline number (865) 963-6867. We convey the love of Christ
and offer hope to callers of all races and creeds. We provide
confidential assistance to SJN families, as well as stranded travelers,
people facing eviction or utility cut-off, or those in need of food. We refer
callers to local agencies and other organizations available to help them
with their needs, and we provide direct financial assistance in many
Much of our funding comes through the
generous support of the parish, but we receive taxdeductible donations, and we raise money through our
poor boxes and through the grocery certificate program.
Thank you for your support and prayers!
Diocese of Knoxville Chancery Office • 805 S. Northshore Dr., Knoxville, TN 37919 • (865) 584-3307 • www.dioknox.org
Ladies of Charity Golf Tournament
You can help the Ladies of Charity continue to assist those in need by supporting their 7th
Annual Golf Tourney. Sign up as a team, individual player, sponsor a hole, or donate a team
or individual prize.
Friday, May 1, at Egwani Farms Golf Course
Check-in/Breakfast at 7:30 am
Shotgun Start at 8:30 am
$125 per player -- Includes Mulligans
Four Person Teams - Select Shot (scramble format)
For details, contact Joe Fuhr: jfuhr4221@aol.com or (865) 693-1810
National Collection for Catholic Home
Missions Appeal. Please be generous
in supporting the Catholic Home Missions
Appeal on April 26. This collection helps
to strengthen the Catholic Church in the
United States in its 87 mission territories.
As the Diocese of Knoxville is one of the
smallest dioceses in the nation, it is a
direct beneficiary of Catholic Home
Missions assistance. Your generosity in
support of this appeal is greatly
appreciated for the additional blessings it
brings to the Diocese of Knoxville. Thank
St. John Neumann Catholic Church
Easter Flowers and Decorations
In Memory Of:
Donated By:
Margaret & Kenneth Jamison
Isabella & Fernando Angelelli
Jamison, Angelelli, Billings & Scoleri Grandparents
Helen Smithson
Andy Johnson…………………………..Joy & Tony Angelleli
Frederic Dean Wells, Sr………………..Joy & Tony Angelleli
Alice Longabard
Fred M. Longabard
Tim Ansink
Ted Ansink, Sr…………………………..Clare & Ted Ansink
In Memory Of:
Donated By:
Ted & Clara Denning, Sr.
Edward & Johanna Braun
Andrew Denning
Bill & Evelyn Braun
Jack & Delores Weaver
Olive Braun
Judy Weaver
Johnny Weaver
Bob Miley
Mark LaGrange……………………Ted & Phyllis Denning
The Witkowski & Embrose Families
…………...Ken & Kathy Embrose
Antonucci & Ventura Families…...Dario & Annette Antonucci
Laura Mileto, our loving mother and grandmother, always in our
hearts………..Robert, Laurette, Colin & Samantha Beekman
Deceased members of the Castro & Gibson Families
………………The Gibson Family
Winnifred Reed……………………………….Karen Golden
John Kuzmick
J. Walter Beeler
Angeline & Dominic Zingrone
Stephen Killian, Jr.
Stephen Killian, Sr…………………Mr. & Mrs. James Beeler
Dylan Clay Boswell
Carolyn Clay…………………………...Dionne Clay Boswell
James & Geraldine Willingham
David Lawrence Hamilton………Steven & Renee Hamilton
Frank & Theresa Pessolano
John Hodak, Jr.
Alfons & Helen Mamrowich…………Ken & Theresa Hodak
William & Joy Holston……………………….Mary Holston
James Alm
Anthony Alm
Ida Balulis……………………….Ms. Patricia A. Cochonour
Crowe Family
Lucero Family…………………………………..Steve Crowe
Henry Blanc
Phyllis Ellison
Edward Fallon, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. William Dalton
Jim Blanc…………………………….Mr. & Mrs. Jay Dalton
Edward & Johanna Braun
Ted & Clara Denning, Sr.
Members of the military……………………...Susan Denning
James DeBerardinis
Thomas Huggins
Jean Huggins……………………...Scott & Teresa Huggins
Bob Hughes………………………………….Lucille Hughes
Tom & Brenda Pekarchick
Charlotte Boyd
Steele Johnson
Rembert & Mary Johnson
Alice & Oscar Dozier
Leland & Virgie England
John & Helen Pekarchick…………..Jeff & Michelle Johnson
Jean & Pasquale Locurto
Evelyn & Victor Frederickson……….Christine & Jason Kear
In Memory Of:
Donated By:
Robert M. Hempstead
Emily K. Hempstead
James F. Kearney
Robert J. Hando
Robert F. Hempstead…………………..Dan & Joan Kearney
Deceased members of the John & Emma Brown Family, and the
Marshal & Frances Brothers Family
Ken Kerbyson
Susan Kerbyson
Stan Kerbyson
John Russel Davies………………...Patricia Kerbyson-Davies
Nita & John Gore
Josephine & Jack Layland
Helen Triolo……………………….Laura & Michael Layland
In Memory Of:
Donated By:
James F. Smith, Jr.
Deceased members of the Smith & Kaczmarek Families
…...…..………………….Mrs. Kathy Smith
Dennis Collins
Joan Tomasello
Herbert & Etta Eastwood
Jim & Marie Smith…………………….Jim & Barbara Smith
Grace & Joseph Stafford
Anna & Andy Gross
James D. Gross
“Little Charlie”
Kathleen & Pete Toth
……....Mary Stafford & Kay & Drew Gross
Frank Lijana………………………………...Charlene Lijana
Tony Licata
Tom Stokes………………………Sally Stokes & Nina Licata
Jim & Sue Crotteau
Joe & Margaret Lisson………..The Lisson & Kelley Families
Louis & Mary Saikley
Bernard & Stephen Stratman………...Phillip & Edy Stratman
Dr. Jim Madigan………………………The Madigan Family
The Cieciwa Family……………………………...Susan Suter
Milton & Regina Paape………..Mr. & Mrs. Charles J. Meyer
Elizabeth & Theodore Luther
Albert Szajkowski
Dorothy Degga
Bettye Russo
Edith Wimbler…………………….John & Lynne Szajkowski
Margaret, James & John Francis, mother & brothers of Peggy
Margaret & Edwin Phares, parents of Robert
…………………….Peggy & Robert Phares
The Poczobut Family………………...Bernet & Fay Poczobut
Thomas James & Helen Bristow
Ben, Sr. & Mary Ragusa…………..Peter & Elizabeth Ragusa
Clarabelle Remeta
Deceased members of the Walter & Kassel Families
………...John & Gail-Marie Walter
Ramon Wilson…………....Dennis Wilson & Marilyn Snyder
All family and friends who donated for our Easter flowers
Please notify the church office if someone wants to be visited in the hospital, nursing home or at home. Our pastoral staff and Eucharistic
Ministers will gladly minister to those in need. For the ANOINTING OF THE SICK, the priest should be notified as soon as serious illness
is diagnosed or serious injury is indicated; please do not wait until the end is near before notifying us.
Parents planning to have their child baptized are to attend a Parents’ Preparation class, unless they have attended a class within the past
three years. Call Quent or Diane Below at (865) 675-3623 to register for the class. The class may be attended at another parish.
Baptisms are scheduled by appointment with one of our priests or deacons. Please call the parish office for any other information.
Confirmation is celebrated at St. John Neumann during the junior or senior year of high school. The Confirmation process is formation
and education. The initial meetings for each cycle are held in the fall, around the time that school starts. Preparation for the Sacrament of
Confirmation is separate from regular Religious Education at SJN and Catholic High School.
The Catholic Church requires a preparation period for marriage. In this diocese, the preparation period is four months and includes at
least four working meetings with one of the priests or deacons, plus a marriage preparation weekend (more information can be found at
dioknox.org). Prior to setting the date for your wedding, you are required to plan an initial meeting with a parish priest.
We welcome all who feel interested in the Catholic Faith or have been going to Mass but are not Catholics to learn more through our
RCIA program. Please call us or see our website for more information.
The church teaches that married persons must be in a valid marriage recognized by the church in order to receive the Eucharist worthily.
If you want help pursuing a case with the Tribunal, we will be happy to assist you.