April 2015 - Coventry and Warwickshire Partnership NHS Trust

Trust News
The magazine for members of Coventry and Warwickshire Partnership NHS Trust
Issue 13 – April 2015
Read about the...
Integrated Neighbourhood Teams – page 8 and 9
Crishni reflects on the progress of the Trust – Page 4
New Learning Disabilities toolkit being rolled out – Page 6
Meet Kate Escolme, Children’s Specialist Services – Page 15
Latest news.......................................... 3
Members’ news ............................ 4 – 5
Service updates.............................. 6 – 7
Joining forces to improve care..... 8 – 9
Well, it doesn’t seem like five years since
I arrived here in Coventry and Warwickshire
to take up this post of Chief Executive!
News in brief..............................10 – 11
Now it is soon to end, as I am
choosing to retire in May. I will be
moving back to the East of England,
where most of my family are, and
where I worked for a lot of my career.
But I will be taking a little bit of
Coventry and Warwickshire with me.
Patient engagement..................12 – 13
Events................................................. 14
Five minutes with.............................. 15
Please contact the Communications
and Marketing Team if you have
any suggestions for articles for the
next edition.
Communications and Marketing Team
Telephone: 024 7658 8857
Email: communications@covwarkpt.nhs.uk
Communications and
Marketing Team,
Coventry and Warwickshire Partnership
NHS Trust,
Wayside House,
Wilsons Lane,
Coventry CV6 6NY
Deadline for articles for the next issue:
8 June 2015
This is a Coventry and Warwickshire
Partnership NHS Trust publication
and is distributed to all Foundation
Trust members, both public and staff.
Information contained in this
newsletter was correct at time of
going to press. Any queries regarding
this publication should be sent to the
Communications and Marketing Team
at the above address.
Front Cover image:
Integrated Neighbourhood Team
Rachel Newson
Chief Executive
One of the things I have enjoyed
the most in all my time here is
meeting the people who make
this organisation so special.
Staff have achieved some
extraordinary things caring for local people. The people in
our partner organisations too, work hard to do the best they
can for the people they serve.
I have learned so much listening to the experiences of people
who have used our services, and their carers, and hearing about
how they believe we can work with them to do an even better
job in the future.
In this edition of Trust News we describe more about Integrated
Neighbourhood Teams, where front line staff from partner
organisations including ours make sure they ‘join up’ care
wherever they can. The critical thing is the way these teams get
together to pool the resources they have to serve their patients.
You can read more about eating disorder care, about our work
to become Smokefree, about our acute hospital liaison teams for
people with a learning disability, and our work to recruit School
Nurse Champions in Coventry schools. There’s news about how
Coventry City footballers are supporting health screening in the city,
and about new non-executive directors who have joined our Trust.
Also, we put the excellent work of our community nurses in the
spotlight. Thanks to their work on Advance Care Planning, we are
making a huge difference to patients’ lives, by listening to their
views, and those of the people who care for them.
Finally, you can catch up on all our news for members – a big thank
you to all of you who are doing more to get involved in what we do.
I am sorry to be leaving this very strong organisation, but with
the dedicated people here I know you will continue to thrive in
the future!
Best wishes,
Latest news
Compassion the key
to eating disorder
care in Coventry
The Trust is making plans
for all its premises to be
Smokefree from summer
of this year. National rules
for commissioning health services require all premises
to be free from tobacco smoke, based on proven
health benefits to be gained for patients and staff.
Dr Ken Goss, Lead Psychologist for the Trust’s
specialist eating disorder service in Coventry,
is leading the way by developing a successful
new approach to treating eating disorders.
Dr Goss and his team have
pioneered the development of
‘compassion-focussed therapy
for eating disorders’ (CFT-E), a
group treatment programme
for adults, which has achieved
impressive results both nationally
and internationally. This therapy
helps patients manage the
thoughts and feelings they have
around eating, size and shape,
as well as their issues with shame
and self-criticism.
Dr Goss said: “This innovative
approach is delivering impressive
results for people with an
eating disorder, and adds
to the treatments that can
successfully help recovery.” Dr
Goss is currently working with
colleagues in Norway on the first
We are aiming to consult with our service users and staff
to see how best we implement this national change.
Ken Goss, Lead Psychologist
randomised clinical trial of CFT-E
for inpatients with an eating
disorder, and is also working
on a clinical audit of CFT-E with
several services in the UK. To
find out more about eating
disorder services in Coventry and
Warwickshire, please visit
you can also talk to your GP
or other health professional.
If you live, work or are registered with a GP in
Coventry, you can get free NHS support from the
Smokefree Coventry team by calling 0300 200 0011,
texting QUIT to 07768 867987 or emailing
More details can be found on the Trust website at
If you live in Warwickshire, free stop smoking
support is available by calling 0800 085 2917
or texting LIFE to 80800. More details about
the Warwickshire service can be found at
If you live in Solihull, the NHS Stop Smoking Service
can be contacted by calling 0121 713 8915 or
emailing Bhs-tr.SolihullStopSmoking@nhs.net.
More details will follow in future issues of Trust News.
Deborah wants to share in a novel way
World Book Night on 23 April is just one of The Reading Agency’s programme of events to
promote reading, that will help people become confident and enthusiastic readers.
Deborah Sumal, Manager at Fennell Acute Day
Treatment Service at the Caludon Centre in
Coventry, has been successful in becoming a
World Book Night 2015 volunteer. This means
that Deborah will be ensuring as many people
as possible gain access to a free supply of books,
whilst helping to support those who need that
extra help and motivation to get reading.
Deborah commented: “Many people who use our
services have little or no access to books or even
magazines. I am so excited to be able to share
these books with our patients in Fennell.
Trust to become
“Thousands of volunteers every year share
their love of reading by giving out books
to people in their communities who, for
whatever reason, don’t read for pleasure
or own books.
“Reading for pleasure is a globally
recognised indicator in a huge range
of social issues from poverty to mental
health issues. Anything we can provide
at Fennell to help our patients gain
more independence and life skills
can only be a good thing.”
Members’ news
Get involved!
We have lots to share with you in this issue, including
an introduction to our two new Non-Executive Directors,
Anna East and Professor Guy Daly.
Crishni Waring, Non-Executive Director and Senior
Independent Director of our Trust Board, informs us how
she and her Board colleagues are actively involved in
helping develop the Trust, with an aim of pushing higher
standards of practice by improving the understanding of
the Governors, via the newly formed sub-group.
I am looking forward to meeting more of you at future
local events, and would encourage more of you to
engage when and wherever possible. These are important
opportunities for me to meet the many communities
we provide services to. Events will be advertised in this
newsletter, on our website and across our services, and
of course you will be invited through the membership
team. So please make sure Ian Yates, Membership and
Engagement Manager,
has your latest contact
details. Contact Ian
Jagtar Singh, Chair
on 024 7658 8848 or
email membership@covwarkpt.nhs.uk and remember to
encourage your friends and neighbours to join the Trust –
it’s free!
As always, I encourage you to get in touch with your local
Governor, details can be found on the Governor pages on
the Trust website: www.covwarkpt.nhs.uk
Your Governors are people just like you – they care, and
want to help create the best services we can…together.
Jagtar Singh, Chair
Crishni Waring reflects on the progress the Trust has made…
Crishni Waring
joined the Trust as
a Non-Executive
Director in April
2011 and is Chair
of the Board’s
Safety and Quality
Reflecting on her first
four-year term, Crishni,
said: “Since joining
the Trust, it has been
great to see us pushing Crishni Waring,
Non-Executive Director.
forward a number of
quality improvement
initiatives, which others have commended, including our
clinical strategy, the Equal Active Partners Programme and
the observational visits that form part of our Early Warning
System. But we also recognise that quality is a journey not
a destination and, with the cost and demand pressures that
all NHS Trusts face, it is an ongoing challenge to make sure
that we consistently provide safe, effective, and responsive
services for everyone.”
Last year, Crishni was appointed to the role of Senior
Independent Director (SID). One of the responsibilities of
this role is being available to staff, members and governors
for any concerns for which contact through the normal
channels has failed to resolve or for which the normal
channels are inappropriate. This includes concerns raised
under the Trust’s recently re-launched Raising Issues of
Concern (Whistleblowing) Policy.
Crishni, said: “As a Board we want people to feel confident
they can raise concerns about the Trust’s services or
performance using established mechanisms. But where that’s
not possible, and the concerns are of a more serious nature,
it’s important that people have access to other means.”
Another aspect of Crishni’s role is to maintain regular
contact with Governors. In consultation with Governors,
the Trust has established three sub-groups: Membership;
Safety and Quality, and; Business Strategy.
Crishni, said: “I recently attended the inaugural Shadow
Council of Governors Safety and Quality Sub-Group.
”This was an excellent opportunity to hear from Governors
about their safety and quality priorities and discuss how
we might support them to address these. I’m confident
that with the commitment of the Trust and the Governors
involved, these forums will play a positive role in the
governance of the organisation.”
You can contact Crishni via raising.concerns@covwarkpt.nhs.uk
or by calling 024 7653 6660.
Young and old…all are welcome
Ian Yates, Membership Manager, explains about plans
for this year’s recruitment drive.
“The newly installed
Membership sub-group
has identified a need to
recruit more new members
to our Foundation Trust
membership scheme, from
right across Coventry and
“Clearly all our communities
matter to us as a provider
of key health services,
but in some of these areas
Ian Yates,
we are under-represented
Membership Manager
in our membership,
meaning we need to attract, engage and retain new
members to become the conscience of our Governors,
Trust Board and Commissioners, as our existing members
do. Therefore this year we will be focusing on two key
demographic areas: the 16-21 age range; and our older
retired male population.
“We are currently planning a new recruitment campaign,
including a whole series of events engaging the regions’
young adults and, of course, our ‘slightly older’ community
of retired men. By virtue of joining, their collective
voices help increase their visibility, and increase their
understanding of the work of our Trust.
“So please keep an eye on local media, future Trust News
newsletters, our website www.covwarkpt.nhs.uk and our
twitter account: @CWPT_members for details on how we
are progressing and how you can become actively involved
in the work of the Trust once you become a member.
“There are number of ways people can join:
application forms are available at many of the buildings
where we deliver services or an electronic application
form can be found on our website:
You can also contact me on 024 7658 8848 or email
membership@covwarkpt.nhs.uk or send a direct Tweet
via Twitter @CWPT_members
CQC inspection – moving closer
In the past we have outlined
the various steps the Trust has to
undertake in order to become
a licensed Foundation Trust
(FT), and we continue to move
forward towards that day.
A crucial part in order for this
to happen is the Care Quality
Commission’s (CQC) audit of
our services.
Invite your family
and friends to
join your Trust
We have recently been informed
that we are waiting to be reinspected towards the end of this
year. The Care Quality Commission’s
Chief Inspector of Hospitals will
Become a member
then conduct a thorough inspection
of Coventry and
of the Trust, with at least 50+
your Tru
inspectors dispersing once more
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24 7658 024 7658 8848 for further details
Become a member of our Trust to make a difference
in the fight against stigma, and to help make a
difference to the services we provide.
Help to shape your services locally
Since last year’s pilot, we have gone
through an intensive period of
activity in relation to action plans
and implementing a number of new
operating processes to improve on
the recommendations from the
CQC’s initial visit.
or call 0
Service updates
Health Professionals get support
with new toolkit
Your Choice
in Our Care
A new toolkit has been
produced to help health
professionals support people
who are living with a learning
disability. The toolkit entitled
‘Making A Difference
Together: A Health Toolkit’
is divided into three themes:
access to healthcare; safer
healthcare, and; end of life
care. It consists of a range of
booklets, leaflets, films and
a new app (picTTalk) to aid
communication around health
issues, loss and death.
Advance Care Planning (ACP) is a national
programme, designed to ensure that discussions
between you, your partner, family or carers and
health professionals are able to take place so the
care you receive, during the last stages of your
life, is aligned to your wishes.
“My District Nurse began the process and explained that my
future care could be discussed and captured in an Advance
Care Plan, which could be shared with anyone. This would
ensure how, when and where I would like to receive my care
as my condition deteriorates, were taken into consideration.
Yvonne Brown, Interim Head of Community Nursing at the
Trust, said: “Some people find it very hard to discuss the
options that are available to them at the end of life and the
care they would like to receive, but there are trained health
professionals who have the skills to provide support and
assistance to capture these wishes and develop them into an
advance care plan.”
“I have spoken to my family about my wishes and the
decisions I have made to date have been supported by
everyone involved.”
L to R: Claire Geary, Learning Disability Nurse, Warwickshire team, Barbara Lewis,
Learning Disability Nurse, Solihull team and Sandy O’Brien, Assistant Practitioner UHCW
Working closely with people living with a learning disability,
parents and carers, and organisations including our Trust,
a project group at Keele University developed the toolkit to
support health professionals working in a range of hospital
and community settings.
The Toolkit can be accessed via Keele University: www.aldhc.
co.uk/wttk and www.learningdisabilitymadeclear.nhs.uk
Acute Liaison Services are in a unique
position to support staff in acute
hospital settings and GP practices
The Trust’s Learning Disability Acute Liaison Service and our
Learning Disability Community Teams are in a unique position
to support staff in acute hospital settings and GP practices to
use the toolkit effectively to support the needs of patients
who have a learning disability. These staff already support
health care professionals to understand the needs of people
with a learning disability and this toolkit will enhance their
work using a variety of new resources.
Cathy Watt, Health Specialist
Nurse in Coventry, said,
“The teams are keen to extend
the learning opportunities this
new toolkit provides to as
many health professionals and
GP practices across Coventry,
Warwickshire and Solihull. All
Cathy Watt, Health
of our local acute hospitals have
Specialist Nurse
received the toolkit and the Acute
Liaison Nurses are looking at ways
of raising the awareness of these within their local hospitals,
for example at senior nurses meetings or face to face ward
training events.”
Our Acute Liaison Teams are based in University Hospital
Coventry and Warwickshire, Rugby St Cross, George Eliot
Hospital, Warwick Hospital, Solihull Hospital, Heart of
England Hospital and Good Hope Hospital.
Information on the Trust’s Community Learning
Disability Services can be found on our website:
Individuals who have an ACP are provided with a wallet
to hold all the documentation associated with the individually
tailored ACP, which can be easily accessed by all healthcare
professions, including GPs and community and hospital staff,
when needed.
Arthur Quinney lives in Coventry and is receiving community
care from the District Nurses and Community Matrons.
Arthur said: “After a discussion with a hospital consultant,
I decided that it was time to think about my future care.
L to R: Angela Wall (Community Matron), Mr Arthur Quinney,
and Jane Talbot (District Nurse)
“Having an Advance Care Plan at the early stages of my
condition means I can update and amend its contents.”
Angela Wall, Community Matron, said: “ACP is about offering
patients the choice to express their future care preferences and
it is important to document this in a timely manner.
“As the patient’s health deteriorates and they may be less able
to communicate, written documentation can support health
care professionals and families to follow the patient’s wishes.”
For further details on Advance Care Planning in
Coventry, please ask your GP or other health professional.
Further information is available by downloading a copy
of NHS Improving Quality’s booklet ‘Planning for your
future care – A GUIDE’, which can be downloaded at:
School Nursing recruit their new Champions!
School Nurses met with young volunteers from
schools across Coventry to train them in their new
role of School Nurse Champions.
The training morning included lots of interactive activities to
provide these young volunteers with the knowledge and skills
that they need to get the most out of their new responsibilities
within their own school. Once trained, the School Nurse
Champions will be able to confidently signpost their peers to
the correct service and support with details on how to access
the help that they may need, through a variety of communication
channels and events – all supported by the School Nurses.
For more information on School Nurse Champions, please contact Elsa Chadaway,
Service Manager, School and Youth IPU, at elsa.chadaway@covwarkpt.nhs.uk
L to R: Mary Heron, Liz Little, Cally Lawrie,
Lisa Atkinson, Nicci Marston, Anne Marie
Kennedy, Kelly Lawrence, Hannah Smart,
School Nurses, Coventry.
forces to improve care
Mental health
Sharing information in new Integrated
Neighbourhood Teams (INTs), care
professionals including social workers,
district nurses, community matrons, health
visitors, mental health nurses and doctors
are all working with GPs to strengthen the
way they treat patients.
It means patients only have to tell their
story once, rather than a number of times to
different health and social care professionals.
The project has begun by targeting people
aged over 75 who might be at risk of being
admitted to hospital in a crisis.
By sharing information better, acting sooner
and in a more proactive manner, the teams
believe they can help stop frail elderly patients
ending up with a spell of hospital care.
The teams work in two of Coventry’s GP
surgeries, Broad Street and Forum Health
Centres, covering approximately 30,000
patients. In future they hope this way of
working can be adopted across the whole city.
It’s all part of a new initiative called Better
Care Coventry, which aims to ‘join up’ care
resources in the city.
Health and
social care
in Coventry
and Rugby are
joining forces
in a new way
to improve
patient care
Integrated Neighbourhood
Team (INT) case study
Mrs JT is an elderly lady with her two daughters and
granddaughter caring for her. In recent years their
relationship has been strained due to the growing
care requirements as she has become more frail.
The community matron was concerned about them,
and advised a referral to INT. Whilst awaiting that
referral, one of the daughters developed cancer.
Review by INT revealed previous assessments by a social
worker had offered help, but she would need to pay.
The daughter also reported that ‘out of hours’ help
would not enable a fast response service and were
set up simply to admit patients to hospital. The family
were not consulted on the best approach to dealing
with admission to hospital.
Thanks to INT, the family were offered a carers’
assessment which might entitle them to small
amounts of free care, helping to support the daughters,
while they consider options available to them.
We meet each fortnight and discuss cases of patients
who we feel we could do more for, if we were able to
work together better. We are able to share information
about patients much more effectively, continuing to
ensure we only share information
in an appropriate way.
L to R: Dr Surinder Chaggar with a patient
Mental Health
I often find the views of different professionals around
the table really helpful. The experience we can bring
together is tremendously valuable and we believe we
can already show benefits for patients.
The next step would be to include more patients in this
project, something we are really hoping we will be able
to do in the next few months.
Dr Surinder Chaggar, GP,
Forum Health Centre.
The idea came about after care professionals from a range of organisations
joined forces to share ideas. They came up with a plan for urgent action to
strengthen services in the city for patients in most critical need, as part of a
drive to help make better use of care resources across Coventry.
Find out more by visiting Coventry City Council’s website:
www.coventry.gov.uk searching Better Care Coventry.
Dionne Trevedi, Community Development Worker
Angela Ward, Community Matron
Dionne Trevedi, Community Development Worker,
Coventry City Council, explained: “We have been able to
achieve a more holistic approach to caring for the person.
It can be difficult to keep up to date with the information that
is available to each of the professionals without doing this.
We also believe there is more we could do to involve
voluntary sector organisations who can access funding
not available to the NHS or local authority.”
Angela Wall, Community Matron, Coventry
and Warwickshire Partnership NHS Trust
commented: “It has been excellent, being
able to share information about patients to
understand more about what is best for them.”
News in brief
National recognition for Trust Psychologists
Dr Wendy Coetzee and Dr Imogen Spurling, Clinical Psychologists
working in the CAMHS Team based in Stratford upon Avon, have
received awards from the Division of Clinical Psychology – Children and
Young People Faculty (DCP-CYPF) for ‘Innovation in Practice’ and the
‘Early Career Award’ respectively. Dr Helen Peckett, Clinical Psychologist
in Learning Disabilities, nominated both colleagues. This is the first year
that these awards have been made and the awards were presented
towards the end of 2014 at the DCP-CYPF National Conference.
This allowed Imogen
the possibility of
specialising early
in her career in
L to R: Dr Imogen Spurling and Dr Wendy
this new model of
Coetzee, Clinical Psychologists, CAMHS
working and has
enabled her to work closely with her more senior colleagues
in this specialism. The ‘Early Career Award’ acknowledges
an outstanding contribution to service development and
delivery within a few years of professional qualification.
Congratulations to both for their awards.
Wendy received her award for the work she has undertaken
with her colleague Dr Claire Forsyth, Clinical Psychologist, to
develop Attachment Focused Parenting Groups.
The framework for these groups has drawn on the research
conducted by Dr Kim Golding, Clinical Psychologist.
Attachment Focus Parenting Groups have been run in both
North and South Warwickshire by local CAMHS clinicians.
They have been highly effective and extremely well received.
Imogen was fortunate enough to have the opportunity, soon
after qualifying, to be part of the Eating Disorders Special
Interest Group that had developed a new pathway.
New Non-Executive Directors join our Trust
Our Trust now has two new Non-Executive Directors.
Professor Guy Daly and Anna East
joined the Trust Board in February
2015, for a two year term.
Their role as Non-Executive
Directors means they are not
full time NHS employees.
Along with the Chair and the other
Non-Executive Directors, they are
Prof Guy Daly
people who live or work in the area
and have shown a keen interest in helping to improve the
health of local people.
Professor Daly is Executive Dean of the Faculty
of Health and Life Sciences at Coventry University.
The Faculty is responsible for the education and training
of a variety of health and social care professionals
including: clinical psychology, dietetics, midwifery,
nursing, occupational therapy, operating department
practice, paramedic science, physiotherapy, social work
and youth work.
He comes from a health and social
care background professionally and is a
social policy academic. His own research
focuses on social care, housing policy,
local government, and the governance
of public services generally.
Anna East qualified as a solicitor,
and spent her early career with law
Anna East
firm Eversheds, before moving to the
financial services company Britannic Group
plc where she became Head of Group Legal.
Anna is currently Chairman of Dudley Building Society,
Vice Chair of Midland Heart Housing Association and
a Non-Executive Director of Entrust. She was formerly
Vice Chair of Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust.
Trust Chair, Jagtar Singh, said: “We are very fortunate to
have a strong group of Non-Executive Directors. They are
here to hold the Trust Board to account, and I am delighted
that Anna and Guy have agreed to join our team.”
Coventry City FC support Trust staff to kick
off new screening campaign
Coventry City Football Club, the Trust and
Coventry City Council promoted the NHS Health
Check, a national risk assessment and prevention
programme for people aged 40 - 74, at their recent
home match on 28 February 2015.
The programme aims to keep people well for longer by
a screening process which identifies people at risk of
developing heart disease, stroke, diabetes, kidney disease
or certain types of dementia.
The health checks take about 30 minutes to complete and are
delivered by the Trust’s Coventry Healthy Lifestyles Service.
Generally take up across Coventry has seen an increase, but
evidence suggests men are still not accessing these services.
Veronica Ford, Associate Director of Operations, Community
Health and Wellbeing Services, said: “Raising awareness and
highlighting the benefits of free NHS Health Checks among
Coventry City Football Club’s supporters is a great way of
encouraging people to undergo a free health MOT.
“Reducing the risk of developing certain health conditions
can be achieved through making adjustments to the way
Karen Wagstaff, Lifestyle Services Manager and
Mark Wilson, NHS Health Screener
we live our lives, such as cutting down on alcohol, quitting
smoking or increasing physical activity.
“We do understand that it’s not easy to make certain lifestyle
changes, but free NHS support is available to help people
achieve their lifestyle goals that can improve their overall
health and wellbeing.”
For more information about NHS Health Checks visit www.coventry.gov.uk/nhshealthcheck
Community Action
Face 2 Face offers befriending support to families
You’ve learned your child has support needs, so talking
to someone who understands what you are going
through, and who can offer emotional and practical
support, can be very reassuring. Face 2 Face schemes
operate across the UK. For more information please
see contact details below.
Face 2 Face Coventry is recruiting parents and carers of
children with additional needs or disabilities to become
volunteer parent befrienders. Training will offer an
opportunity to make new friends and make links with
the wider local community.
Please contact:
Cherry Bourton Smith on 07436 792933 cherry.bourtonsmith@scope.org.uk www.scope.org.uk/face2face
Patient engagement
Mental Health care
has changed
Patient Advice and
Liaison Service (PALS)
A series of events about mental health care
have now been completed.
Celine McCrea, Lead Nurse for Community Mental
Health Services, said: ”These and similar events are
developed to improve engagement with service users
and carers who are accessing secondary care mental
health services. It’s clear the events have helped clarify
how services have been developed to improve access to
those services and target the care and treatment to meet
an individual’s needs.
Please look out for further opportunities to
become involved in the Trust through our website
www.covwarkpt.nhs.uk or Trust News magazine or
through many of our services directly.
•advises and supports patients, families
and carers;
• provides information on NHS services;
•listens to concerns, suggestions or queries;
•helps to sort issues quickly on behalf of patients,
families and carers;
•provides a timely and effective response to any
complaint received;
•is open, fair and flexible in the handling of issues
raised by service users, their families or carers or
member of the public.
You can contact PALS via
Post: Engagement Team
Patient Advice and
Liaison Service
Wayside House,
Wilsons Lane,
Coventry, CV6 6NY
Email: pals@covwarkpt.nhs.uk
Telephone: 024 7653 6804
L to R: Lucy Radford Engagement Officer
and Letticia Branlon, PALS Officer
Patient Groups – A focus on opportunity
The Engagement Team is looking to obtain a wide variety of experiences and viewpoints, on as
many services as possible, to help the Trust have a clearer understanding on the performance and
quality of its services.
Jaspreet Singh, Engagement
Involvement Coordinator, is
targeting a number of Trust
services and teams to get an idea
of the number of opportunities
our members and volunteers have
available to get involved, and to
support the formation of further
patient focus groups.
The Trust’s Estates and Facilities team plan and organise
the PLACE visits for the Trust which this year started in
late February and will be finished by early June.
The assessment team includes a number of Public
Governors, local Healthwatch members and our Trust staff.
The Trust’s PALS service:
These events gave communities the chance to hear
how the Integrated Practice Units, implemented last
year to provide community mental health services,
are progressing. More importantly, it allowed patients
and carers the chance to tell their experiences and to
feedback on where further improvements can be made.
“The feedback has been honest and challenging and
is currently being collated. This will be used to inform
service evaluation and service delivery. Feedback will
also be given to the patient and carer groups.”
Governors in the right PLACE at the right time
If you are interested in being part
of a patient group in your area, or
would like to share information
about an existing group you
belong to, please email Jaspreet at
or phone her on 024 7636 8920.
Governors and staff during a PLACE visit at
Brooklands Hospital
Patient-Led Assessments of the Care Environment
(PLACE) take place on an annual basis across all
hospitals and inpatient units in England. These
audits give organisations a clear picture of how
their patient environments are seen by those using
them and which areas can be improved upon.
PLACE assessments only look at the buildings and
any non-clinical services like catering.
Chris Bottomley, Public Governor for Coventry and Chair
of the Quality and Safety Governor Sub-Group, welcomed
the opportunity for Governors to take an active role in
these audits. Chris commented, “Our role as a Governing
body is to have assurance our patients are receiving the
best possible care and in the most appropriate environment
to aid recovery. A significant aspect of recovery is the
environment in which our patients stay. A clean, safe
environment is the foundation for lower infection rates.
Good food promotes recovery and improves the patient
experience, whilst privacy promotes patient dignity.”
Once the feedback from the visits is collated, NHS England
will then use the information to report how well a site or
organisation is performing, in terms of national standards
and against other similar sites or organisations.
For further information on PLACE visits,
visit www.england.nhs.uk/place
Become a Patient Story Champion!
The Trust is proud of its record on involving patients and carers
in various activities and programmes; we are hoping to gain your
support once more. We are seeking keen members to help us by
becoming a Patient Story Champion.
We are inviting you to work with us on this exciting project,
which includes looking for and collecting.
patient stories;
patient experiences;
how patients and carers feel about our services;
the challenges we sometimes face in order to improve services.
If you’d like to become a Patient Story Champion, or would like
further information on this project, please contact
Jaspreet Singh, Engagement Involvement Coordinator,
on 024 7636 8920 or email Jaspreet.singh@covwarkpt.nhs.uk
Jaspreet Singh, Engagement
Involvement Coordinator
Trust supports
Eating Disorder
Awareness week
Dr Kate Herbert and Dr Vanessa Holbrook
with the framed patients’ knitted artwork
The Trust helped support the annual
week of campaigning devoted to
talking about eating disorders and
recovery strategies (23 February
to 1 March 2015). Residents in our
specialist inpatient support service
based at the Aspen Unit in Warwick
produced individual coloured
knitted squares, as part of their
recovery therapy programme, with
each square representing their own
feelings towards the condition.
The work has been framed and is on
display in the patients’ dining room.
Dr Vanessa Holbrook, Counselling
Psychologist, Eating Disorders Service,
commented: “This is a wonderful
project, celebrating success in such a
creative and colourful way. This work
will act as a constant reminder and
source of inspiration to others who
find themselves needing support on
their own road to recovery.
“It is very important people
understand and recognise how any
one of a number of eating disorders
can take control of people’s lives,
in what can be quite a short time.
Eating Disorders Awareness Week
was a great opportunity for us to get
people talking, sharing stories about
recovery and creating a supportive
environment where we can make
time to look after ourselves.”
Five minutes with...
Ex-Armed Forces support in Coventry
and Warwickshire
L to R: Colin Foot, Regional Welfare Officer,
Combat Stress; Dr Dan Barnard, Head of
Psychological Services, CWPT, and;
Liz Jordan, Community Outreach Manager,
Combat Stress
On Thursday 5 March, national
and local partners across Coventry
and Warwickshire, including
MPs, Councillors, Ex-Armed Forces
personnel, charities, local authorities
and NHS services came together
to raise awareness and strengthen
partnership working to ensure that
the right care at the right time,
is delivered to Ex-Armed Forces
personnel and their families.
It is estimated that over 2,500
Ex-Armed Forces personnel live
in Coventry and Warwickshire.
Serving in HM Forces for the majority
is rewarding and does not create
health difficulties, but for some it can
and adjusting to the change of living
and social environments once back in
“civvy street” can be difficult, causing
a range of psychological, emotional
and social problems. Across Coventry
and Warwickshire, there is specialist
advice, support and care, from a
variety of organisations including
NHS, social care and charities,
designed towards addressing the
specific, individual needs of ex-service
men and women.
For further information on the
support and advice that is available
for Ex-Armed Forces personnel and
their families across Coventry and
Warwickshire, please visit the Trust’s
website at www.covwarkpt.nhs.uk
and search for Veterans Project.
Additional support and
information is available from
Active Patient and Public Involvement
at the Centre of eHealth Innovation
The West Midlands Health Informatics
Network (WIN) held the above event on
18 March 2015 at the International Digital
Laboratory, University of Warwick. Dr Andrew
Entwistle, one of our Public Governors
delivered the opening presentation.
Andrew Entwistle, Public Governor
Attendees included patients, clinicians,
academics and private sector representatives.
The aim was to highlight and explore
patient/public involvement, participation
and engagement across the public sector,
academia and industry, highlighting best
practice for WIN members to take forward
in the region. More information about the
speakers and the event can be found on the
WIN website at www.wmhin.org/news
…Kate Escolme, Service Manager
for Children’s Specialist Services
Kate Escolme
The Trust provides specialist services for children with a learning disability who also have complex
physical health needs, or complex behaviours. Services are provided by a combination of short break
facilities and community based teams. These services work with partner agencies to ensure a full
range of appropriate support is available to families.
Where do you work?
I am based in Coventry, but my role
means I am out and about working
within all the services I am responsible
for. I also work with local schools,
education authorities and our
all-age disability team to support local
authority and social care provision.
In an average day I could be at any
number of places, doing home visits,
or supporting staff in a clinical setting.
Describe your main duties
Leadership and maintaining a quality
service for all children with a range of
needs. I am also involved in the planning
of services to meet future needs.
Describe the team of which
you are a member
Our respite units are a nurse-led
service, supported by healthcare staff.
They work together to support the
children’s educational provision and
provide respite care to children and
their families.
Our community teams are a mixture
of psychiatrists, psychologists and
specialist nurses. The community
team in Coventry also has other health
professionals in its team, such as
occupational therapists and dieticians.
What’s the first thing you
do when you get to work
each morning?
When I’m at my base I check
on my team and answer emails.
Managers from other departments
are based in the same building,
and we can discuss services and
be supportive of each other.
Following my chats with everyone
I can then make a cup of tea!
What’s your favourite TV show?
What other jobs have you had
in your career?
What’s your favourite pastime?
I have worked in Coventry since 1982
in a range of roles, predominantly
in speech and language therapy
until recently. My first contact with
learning disability services was as
the first specialist for children with a
speech and language problem. I built
on that role over a number of years
to establish the all-age Speech and
Language Therapy Service.
I was also one of the clinicians
operating and developing the
children’s Dysphagia service and
I managed the Speech and Language
service until recently when the teams
were reorganised around Integrated
Practice Units (different services
grouped together to support
people’s needs).
What’s the strangest job/task you
had and why?
My strangest job was working at
the Elida Gibbs factory, trying to put
toothpaste into tubes!
If you could change places
with someone for the day
who would that be?
Mother Theresa – I would love to be
able to really focus on the needs of
others and not be distracted by all the
busy things in todays’ modern world.
What’s your favourite food?
I have to say scones and jam.
They remind me of afternoon tea –
which to me means peace and calm!
I love Silent Witness and Morse.
I have a passion for ballroom dancing.
I’ve supported my son throughout his
career as a ballroom dancer.
What’s your favourite film?
It’s got to be Benjamin Button.
It throws into strong relief the variety
of life and how people react. I never
seem to be in the right place, doing
the right things at the right time!
What’s your favourite book?
The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas.
The storyline reflects some of
my family heritage.
I love my job because…
There is never a chance of me being
bored! I love the fact that every day
presents me with challenges. My role
brings me into contact with a wide
range of professional environments
and a whole mosaic of children,
their families and their needs.
Further information about
the learning disability
services the Trust provides,
along with information on
our Child and Adolescent
Mental Health Service
(CAMHS) can be
found on our website:
Key contacts
Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS)
PALS offers confidential advice, support and information
on health-related matters. The service provides a point
of contact for patients, their families and their carers.
Wayside House, Wilsons Lane
Coventry CV6 6NY
Tel: 024 7653 6804
Tel: 0800 212 445 (Freephone)
Email: pals@covwarkpt.nhs.uk
Compliments and Feedback
The Customer Service team welcomes compliments
and feedback on Trust services. Please write to them
at the following address.
Wayside House, Wilsons Lane
Coventry CV6 6NY
Alternately you can email:
Improving Access to Psychological
Therapies (IAPT)
The IAPT service is for people who are feeling stressed,
anxious, low in mood or depressed. Staff work across
locality teams based in Coventry, Rugby, Solihull, north
and south Warwickshire to provide help close to home.
Please visit www.covwarkpt.nhs.uk/iapt for
further information.
Tel: 024 7667 1090 to book an initial appointment
(Monday to Friday 9am – 4.30pm, excluding Bank Holidays)
Coventry Stop Smoking Service can be contacted
for an appointment on 0300 200 0011 or text QUIT to 07768 867 987
or email: smokefree.coventry@covwarkpt.nhs.uk
Urgent and Out of
Hours contacts
Mental Health Helpline
The helpline provides a 24-hour telephone,
online and text service to people living in
Coventry and Warwickshire.
Tel: 0800 616 171
The Samaritan telephone service is available
24 hours a day to provide confidential emotional
support for people who are experiencing feelings
of distress, despair or suicidal thoughts.
Tel: 08457 90 90 90
This service provides access to medical help,
advice or reassurance, when it is not urgent
enough to call 999. NHS111 operates 24 hours
a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year and
is free to use from a landline and mobile.
Tel: 111
(search for Emergency and Urgent Care Services)
NHS Choices
The NHS Choices website offers a wide range
of health-related resource, including information
and advice on: health conditions; healthy living;
care and support; latest health news and local
health care services.
Central Booking Service can be contacted on the
following number: 0300 200 0011 (charged at local call rate).
Don’t Panic
NEW! A series of self-help guides are now
available to download from
A Directory of Trust services is
available online at:
Or visit: www.tryaudioselfhelp.com
(for Internet Explorer 9 and above)
Coventry and Warwickshire Partnership NHS Trust
Headquarters, Wayside House, Wilsons Lane, Coventry CV6 6NY
Tel 024 7636 2100 Email enquiries@covwarkpt.nhs.uk www.covwarkpt.nhs.uk