April 2015 - Mansfield U3A

Mansfield and District U3A
Art Group News: Pages 3 and 4
Established 1999
HMRC Charity Registration No.: XT30525
April 2015
Website: www.mansfield-u3a.org.uk
Noticeboard: http://mansfieldu3a.blogspot.com
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Welcome from your chairman
WELCOME to our April meeting, the traditional month for spring to start and when the
barnyard is busy, as a lyric from a song in 'Seven Brides for Seven Brothers', goes. Traditionally April starts with April Fool’s Day. How many times we were caught out with some
joke at our expense but harmless fun usually. I tried finding out when it started but no-one
knows, as a little poem says:The First of April, some do say,
Is set apart for All Fools Day;
But why the people call it so
Not I, nor they themselves, do know.
We also have Easter at this time, could be in March due to the strange way Easter
Sunday is calculated.
Please make use of our newsletter and the web site for information of events and group
activities. We are still hoping for a volunteer to service the notice boards but sadly no one
has stepped forward. Another position that will need filling after the AGM is the role of
Speaker Finder; please someone consider the above and if you would, step forward and
Our next event is the Coffee Morning on May 8th at the Towers, on the ground floor this
time, so please purchase a ticket and come along for a coffee and a biscuit to support
your U3A.
The Patron Saint of England, St George, has his day on April 23rd, the Thursday after our
general meeting. Nottingham City Council along with the Royal Society of St George has
arranged a Parade from the Forest Recreation Ground, down Mansfield Road to the Old
Market Square, details on Nottingham City Council web site. Also Ollerton will stage its
annual St. George’s Feast Day parade on the Sunday 26th April, where I think the Dragon
is slain!
Keep your eyes and ears open in the coming weeks to spot the first swallow or hear the
first cuckoo – a good sign spring is upon us. I spotted my first new born lambs some
weeks ago at Chatsworth but I am sure there are many more by now. I know gardeners
will be busy preparing for the good weather, making displays we can all enjoy, so I for one
am looking forward to the start of the warm weather and Summer just around the corner.
Our speaker today is Irene Dougan talking about Derbyshire Delights.
Bob Longden
In this issue
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Holiday Updates. Theatre Visits Updates. Book Table Report.
Groups News (Art Appreciation, Art, Bowls)
Interest Groups meetings diary
Groups News (Digital World, Local History)
Groups News (Luncheon Club, Garden Visits, Hikers)
Groups News (Read a Little Aloud, Afternoon Teas, International Dining)
Dates for your diary and Notices
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Holiday updates
Penrith, Lake District – 22nd - 26th June
All money is in now for this holiday – thank you!
Itineraries, luggage labels, coach plans etc. will be ready to pick up at the May meeting. I will need
to know, as for the cruise holiday, how many will choose to get on the coach at Redfern's Garage
and if you want to leave your car. Please let me know no later than the May meeting.
Margaret Burlinson (01623 632538, marburl@lineone.net)
Thoresby – 18th - 22nd January 2016 (£174 pp. based on standard accommodation.)
FOR the 11th year, the annual U3A Thoresby holiday offers four nights bed breakfast and evening
meal with plenty of daytime and evening entertainment provided. Room upgrades are available but
very few singles. Ask for details.
At the time of writing, there are 180 people in the party; I have rooms for up to 200 (but no singles
left). Bookings for this holiday cannot be guaranteed after the end of April unless I have a cheque
for £50pp deposit payable to Mansfield & District U3A.
I operate a waiting list so if you have to drop out I will charge you £5 pp IF I CAN FILL YOUR PLACE.
Terry Whitehead (01623 626991, 2015@whiteheaduk.plus.com)
37 Skegby Lane, Mansfield, Notts NG19 6QS
Updates on the website ...
Theatre Visits updates
London Spectacular – September 7th & 8th (Miss Saigon plus visit to the London Eye and
guided tour of The Houses of Parliament)
Costs summary
Full price with show & visits included: £220 (£46 S. Sup.); deposit £40 by 18th April,
balance by 19th May.
No show with visits only: £180; deposit £10 by 18th April, balance by 19th May.
No show & no visits: £145; deposit £10 by 18th April balance by 19th May.
(Pre-theatre meal extra, details TBA.)
The Classical Spectacular – November 19th & 20th (Popular classics with backstage tour of
Royal Albert Hall and visit to Bletchley Park)
Costs summary
Total cost: £221 (£45 S. Sup.); deposit £60 by 18th April, balance by 19th May.
(Pre-theatre meal extra, details TBA.)
Cheques payable to Mansfield and District U3A.
Shelia Whalley (01623 453908)
Details are on the website …
Book Table Report
SALE of books in March raised £38.70; thanks everyone who bought and brought – and everyone
who helps the book table to run smoothly and so profitably for everyone's benefit.
Keep it up!
Lilian Whitehead.
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Groups News
Art Appreciation
Anyone interested in looking at Art will be welcome to join us on Friday 22nd May to hear
Olwyn Hughes discussing how to read a picture and using illustrations from Michelangelo
and Leonardo de Vinci and the Modern Romantics.
Olwyn co-ordinates the Art Appreciation U3A national network and is an experienced
speaker so we hope this will be of interest to both newcomers to Art as well as those more
experienced members. The event will begin at 12.30pm and the £4 admission will include a
light sandwich lunch.
If you would like to join us or require any further information please me.
Pauline Boucher – 01623 644798 (pauline12boucher@yahoo.co.uk)
OUR MARCH meeting was the first to last for
three hours, a change made to give members
more time to complete their work. It also gave
more time for discussion and chat. There was
certainly more chat about the work being
produced under the title of Architecture.
The group now has the embryo of a group
library from which members are able to
borrow a book for a month. If you have any art
books that you wish to donate do let me know.
A computer was on hand showing paintings
made by members in the past months. This is
to continue so that we all can see the finished
There is a physical limitation placed upon us in the form of tables. At our present meeting place
there are only six tables. This is usually enough, due to holidays, etc., but it stops us from
expanding. We are starting a waiting list, which might only be for a short period because we could
move to premises with more tables but we don't want to move unless there is a demand.
The suggested subject for next meeting is Aspects of Insects.
Gordon Howlett
THE GROUP moves outdoors to The Mansfield Bowling Club Green commencing Thursday 14th
May for general roll-ups for the experienced players and coaching for beginners and those who feel
they need a little help at a cost of £3 per 2 hour session.
New members are very welcome to join the group for the outdoor season, for further information contact Don Wright or Pat Gunter (Joint Group Leaders).
I am very pleased to welcome Pat as joint group leader who I am sure will be a great asset
to the group.
Don Wright
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Key to Meetings details:
THIS TABLE SHOWS THE DAY of the month, time and frequency using the first two letters of the
day, followed by numbers 1 - 5 to represent the week number. The final letter M (or F, W or V) indicates that the group meets monthly, fortnightly, weekly or at variable intervals. So 'Tu2, 2.30 - V M'
would mean a group meeting on the 2nd Tuesday at 2.30pm Monthly but with Variable finish times.
The main Mansfield and District U3A meetings are on the 3rd Tuesday of each month (except August
and December) at the Oakham Suite, 155 Nottingham Road, Mansfield from 10 am - 12.30 pm.
All members are invited to contact the relevant Group Leader if they would like to participate in any
interest group or attend an event. NB: * indicates a waiting list.
Interest Group
Meeting Places
Afternoon Teas
Sa1, 3 - 5 M
Sheila Whalley
01623 453908
Next Meetings: May 2nd – Dobbies at Barlborough (£15 for 2); June 6th – Jacksdale Gdn Cent (£7)
Antiques and
Collectables *
Tu2, 10 - 12 M
Stanhope Centre,
Bridge Street
Pat Blackwell
01623 481745
Next Meetings: April 14th – Free Choice; 12th May – Birds
We3, 10 - 1.00 M
Big Barn Lane
Methodist Church,
Gordon Howlett
01623 627423
Next Meetings: April 15th – Aspects of Insects; May 20th – TBA
Art Appreciation
Mo1, 2.00 - 4.00 M
Stanhope Centre,
Bridge Street
Pauline Boucher
01623 644798
Next meetings: Fri. 22nd May (NB date) – Special event at The Towers (12.30 pm) – see page 4
Beginners' Bridge
(With Ashfield U3A)
Mo, Various
6.30 - 9.00
Enviro Centre,
Derby Rd College,
Maxine Rose/Glenis
Carr 01623
Next Meetings: TBA (Also ACOL sessions at the Mechanics Institute – Thurs 10 - 12.30 W)
Tu 2.30 - 4.00 W/
Th 1.30 - 3.30 W *
Lammas Sports
Centre, Sutton*
Don Wright/Pat
Gunter 01623
Next Meetings: *Returns to Mansfield Bowls Club on 14th May. Cost £3.00. All welcome, including
beginners, but flat / bowls shoes must be worn.
Caravan & M'home
Terry Lammas
01623 471963
Next Meeting: April 9th/13th – Bath Marina; May 21st/July 2nd – France
Chat and Stitch
Mo3, 2.00 - 4.00 M
St John's Centre,
Next Meetings: April 13th; May 18th
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Doreen Storer
01623 407731
Interest Group
Meeting Place
Current Affairs
Tu2, 2.00 - 4.00 M
St John's Centre,
Norma Shillinglaw
01623 466934
Forest Town
David Ling
01623 822994
Next Meetings: April 14th; May 12th
Digital World
Fri2 & 4, 2.00 - 4.00
Next Meetings: April 10th & 24th; May 8th (No meeting on 22nd)
Family History
Tu4, 10.00 - 12.00 M St John's Centre,
Max Clarke
01623 621744
Next Meetings: April 28th; May 26th – Coach trip the the National Memorial Arboretum *
Film Studies *
We1, 1.30 - V M
Joy's home
Joy Crowe
01623 645400
Next Meetings: May 6th
Garden Visits
During the Summer Various
Janet Whitlam
01623 635607
Next Visits: Tues 30th June – Tatton Park (£22); Wed 29th July – Arley Hall (£22)
Tu1, 10.00 - 12.00 M St Peter's Centre,
Avril McGee
01623 452688
Next Meetings: May 5th – Steve Lovell 'Planting to attract Wildlife'; June 2nd – Mike Davey
'Ambling Around Anglesey'
In abeyance
William Kaye Hall,
Ladybrook Lane
Linda Leivers
01623 471963
Th2, 2.00 - 4.00 M
William Kaye Hall,
Ladybrook Lane
Linda Spray
01623 795176
Margaret Burlinson
01623 632538
Next Meetings: TBA
Next Meetings: May 14th; June 11th
(Home & Abroad)
Next Holidays: Sat. 11th - Mon. 20th April – Danube Cruise; Mon. 22nd - Fri. 26th June – Lake
International Dining We2, 6.30 for 7.00 M
Jacqui Hampshire
01623 239210
Next Meetings: May 13th – Ania, Sherwood (Polish)
Local History
Fri1, 10.00 - 12.00 M Bridge Street
Methodist Church
Bob & Sue Longden
01623 486903
Next Meetings: May 1st – The Myth of Byron's Daughter Ada Lovelace, with Ralph Lloyd-Jones
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Interest Group
Meeting Place
Luncheon Club
Th after 3rd Tu,
12.00 - 2.00 M
David Ling
01623 822994
Next Meetings: April 23rd – Refined (West Notts College); May 21st – Oakmere Park Golf Club
Movement to Music W 10.30 - 11.30 W
St John's Church
Linda Leivers
01623 471963
Next Meetings: Weekly on Wednesdays. Cost £4.00 per session
Music Groups
Classical Music 2
Mo4, 2.00 - 4.00 M
Members' homes
Peter Hart
01623 620940
Next Meetings: April 27th – Ballet Music (Marie); 18th May – Bach JS, JC, CPE etc. (Mike)
Music 2 *
Mo4, 2.00 - 4.30 M
Members' homes
Eric Prescott
01623 631160
St John's School,
Peter Haynes
01623 610886
Tu1, 4.00 - 6.00 M
Members' homes
Sylvia Slack
01623 633981
Fri4, 2.00 - 4.00 M
St Peter's
Community Centre,
Bellamy Road
Sheila Haslam
01623 627764
Peter Dawson's
Peter Dawson
01623 882191
Ravenshead Library
Joan Hufton
01623 557488
Stanton Hill Baptist
Church, Skegby
Ian Boucher
01623 644798
Next Meeting: As per calendar
Popular Music
Appreciation *
Tu4, 2.00 - 4.00 M
Next Meetings: As per calendar
Pudding Club *
Next Meetings: TBA
Read a Little Aloud
Next Meetings: April 24th; May 22nd
Reading 1
Th3, 2.00 - 4.00 M
Next Meetings: As per calendar
Reading 2
Tu3, 2.00 - 4.00 M
Next Meetings: As per calendar
Science & Technical
Tu1, 2.00 - 4.00 M
Next Meetings: 5th May – GM Foods with Jill Pullan; 2rd June – London U'grnd with Phil Dennis
Scrabble *
Mo2, 2.00 - 4.00 M
Brenda Thurkettle's
Next Meetings: As per calendar
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Brenda Thurkettle
01623 628136
Interest Group
Meeting Place
Singing for Fun
Tu, 5.45 - 7.15 F
St Alban's Church,
Forest Town
June Fell
01623 623547
Next Meetings: April 14th & 28th; May 12th & 26th
Next Concert: TBA
Tai Chi
Mo, 9.30 - 10.30 W
St John's Centre,
Jean Kirk
01623 480207
Sheila Whalley
01623 45390
Next Meetings: Every Monday
Theatre Visits
Next Visits: April 30th mat. – Oklahoma (£32.40); Wed. 6th May mat. – Legally Blonde (£18.00);
Wed. 17th June mat. – Anything Goes (£36.00 before discount)
Walking Groups
(all-day, 6 - 8 miles)
Th1 & Mo3, 9.30 - V Tesco car park, off
Oak Tree Lane
Peter Thurkettle
01623 628136
Next Meetings: April 20th – Epperstone / Lowdham; Thurs. May 7th – Gratton & Bradford Dales;
Mon. May 18th – Southwell; Thurs. June 4th – Tansley; Mon. June 15th – Whaley Thorns
(short & gentle)
Th4, 12.00 - V M
Sylvia Slack
01623 633981
Next Meetings: April 23rd – Hardwick Hall; May 28th – TBA
(a leisurely 2 miles)
We2, 10.30 - V M
Barbara Massey /
Marion Thornton
01623 628357/ 651528
Next Meetings: May 13th – Rufford Abbey; June 19th – Cresswell Crags
(an easy 4 - 5 miles)
We4, 10.30 - V M
Joy & Nick Crowe
01623 645400
Next Meetings: April 22nd – Rufford Bluebells; May 27th – Hardwick
Wine Appreciation 2 * We3, 7.30 - V M
Members' homes
Mike Allen
01623 653345
Next Meetings: April 15th – Reds from Lidl at Bob & Sue's; May 20th – Chablis at Norma's
Wine Appreciation 3 * Tu4, 7.30 - V M
Members' homes
Graham Allin
01623 473662
Next Meetings: April 28th – Riesling at Colin's; May 26th – Fitou at Ron's
Writing for Pleasure * Mo2, 2.00 - 4.00 M
Stanhope Centre,
Bridge Street
Next Meetings: April 13th; May 11th
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Sue Ford / Hilary
Miller 01623
844286 / 620067
Digital World
HIGHLIGHTS of our March meetings
were discussions about simple ways
to add frames around digital photos to
add impact and reviews of members'
photos of the recent eclipse of the sun
and some holiday photos from
Australia – including options to
improve their composition.
Meetings are at the far end of the bar
at the Foxglove in Forest Town,
opposite ASDA, on any 2nd or 4th
Friday (2.00 - 4.00). They are free and
refreshments are available from the
We don't have an agenda so just come along and ask or show us whatever you want. It doesn't
matter how much or little you know, what camera you use or how basic or technical you want the
chat to be. But do please bring your camera and some pictures on a camera memory card, CD,
stick or laptop for us to discuss.
David Ling (01623 822994 or dlpruk@aol.com)
Local History
enthralled with a talk given by Ian
Morgan about Mansfield's real life
murder mystery on 3rd April.
The sad and tragic tale of one night's
events in 1895 that ended in the arrest
of one Henry Wright.
Using original archive material Ian
related the gripping and gruesome tale
of a house fire and murder that
shocked the Nation at the time and
posed the question, was Jack the
Ripper at large once again?
And, for those who missed the
meeting,:Following our talk in May about
Byron's daughter, we will be visiting Newstead Abbey on June 5th.
The cost is £7, which includes parking, a guided tour of the Abbey and access to the gardens all
We will be travelling by car, meeting up at the Odeon Cinema car park in the morning. Anyone
interested please contact Sue or Bob.
Payment in advance please either at the April meeting at the Oakham Suite or the May Local
History Group meeting.
Sue and Bob Longden (01623486903 or bob_longden@ntlworld.com)
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Luncheon Club
OUR March lunch, arranged by Norma and Ian Shillinglaw, was a return to the Lion at Farnsfield,
a long-time club favourite that reinforced its reputation. (Photos on the website.)
Next, on April 23rd, I've arranged a return to Refined at Vision (West Notts College, Derby Road) to
check if the college's catering and hospitality department's chefs of the future will reach the standards of those who displayed their skills to us a couple of years ago, when it was very popular with
members and is likely to sell-out again.
Their imaginative menu priced at just £7.50 for 2 courses and £8.95 for 3 courses includes
asparagus, tuna salad, tagliatelle, mackerel, Cajun chicken, pork steak and stuffed aubergine.
Then we'll be exploring two new venues. On May 21st, Mike Allen has arranged a visit to
Oakmere Park Golf Club and on June 18th Clive and Sandy Joll will be introducing us to the
refurbished White Lion at Selston.
Details are on the website; please pre-book at the Luncheon Club table or by email.
David Ling (01623 822994 or dlpruk@aol.com)
Garden Visits
THIS YEAR we are going to Tatton Park on the 30th June and Arley Hall on the 29th July.
The prices for both are £22 unless you are NT Members, when Tatton will only cost you £13, and
both coaches depart from the Odeon Complex, Mansfield, at 8.30am.
For more details and to put your names down see Janet or Karen.
Tatton Park is a large garden and includes herbaceous borders, glasshouses, topiary,
water gardens, an impressive fernery and perhaps one of the finest Japanese gardens in
the country to name just a few that make up this outstanding garden.
Arley Hall has impressive gardens developed over 250 years and has perhaps the oldest
established double herbaceous garden in the UK (1846) AND SHOULD BE STUNNING
WHEN WE VISIT. The Hall has elaborate ceilings, impressive stained glass and beautiful
contents that we will be able to see for ourselves on our private guided tour.
Janet Whitlam and Karen Troop
FOLLOWING a sunny, pleasant 7-mile walk in Derbyshire on 2nd April, members of Mansfield U3A Hiking Group presented their
leader, Peter Thurkettle, with a gift of a
decorative garden ornament in the shape
of a duck filled with daffodil plants to
celebrate his and Brenda’s Golden
Peter has been the leader of the Hiking
Group for 13 years with his very able
assistant Brenda and organises walks on
the first Thursday and third Monday each
They were married on 3rd April 1965 at St.
Paul’s church, Daybrook.
Ian Boucher
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Read a Little Aloud
THIS NEW Mansfield U3A interest group enables interested members to read aloud from a selection of poetry or prose. The topics could be: Friendship, Love and Marriage or anything that
members choose. The idea is to prompt discussion about the subject or our reaction to it. It is not
necessary for all members to read aloud if they prefer just to listen.
At the initial meeting, at the Community Centre, Bellamy Road, Mansfield, on Friday, 6 March the
reading was from Christy Brown's 'My Left Foot', where he relates the time when he first reached
out to pick up a piece of yellow chalk from the floor by using his foot. It was a breathtaking moment
for his family. and we all appreciated the effort it required from him to follow that up.
We read aloud approximately a paragraph each, so it wasn't too daunting, and then the poem's
verses were split. This was about a man watching a spider patiently spinning its web and realising
how his own spirit had to learn that achievement or dealing with problems demanded that same
application and commitment.
The discussion afterwards was extremely heartening, with members telling about their own friends
or relations (or indeed, themselves) and how disability affects – and often brings out the best – in
Future topics will vary and I hope we will enjoy swapping experiences prompted by the readings. I
would also like to see other groups developing from this; I can recommend the book I am using,
which gives all the prose excerpts and linking poems, together with reading notes, which just need
to be photocopied.
Do contact me if you are interested.
Sheila Haslam
Afternoon Teas
OUR TEA at Gossips, Southwell, on 7th March was a true traditional afternoon tea with finger sandwiches, delicious scones and scrumptious cakes.
Everything was home-made and accompanied by a copious amount of tea and coffee and friendly
excellent service.
Sheila Whalley
International Dining
YET AGAIN Jacqui Hampshire has found
another interesting local venue for International Dining.
Twenty four of us enjoyed a great meal in a
venue new to many of us. BBs Italian
Restaurant on Toot Hill Lane, Mansfield must
be a well kept secret, one that I would recommend. The menu was varied and each
course was delicious and great value. I for
one will be sampling the delights again!
Our thanks to Jacqui and the company of
good friends.
Linda Leivers
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Speakers' Corner
OUR SPEAKER today is Irene Dougan, whose illustrated talk 'Derbyshire's Delights' will tell us
about Derbyshire's wonderful NGS (National Gardens Schemes) gardens. This includes the history
and funding of NGS and photos of some of the gardens in the scheme.
Irene is the Derbyshire County organiser with many years of experience and she'll welcome questions.
Dates for your diary (Check the website for more information and updates.)
Fri. 8th May: COFFEE MORNING at The Towers. £2 each, including a hot drink and biscuit. Cake
& plant stalls, tombola, raffle, etc.
Fri. 22nd May: ART APPRECIATION OPEN MEETING with Olwyn Hughes. Now to be at The
Towers Function Suite (downstairs), Botany Avenue, from 12.30. £4. Details from Pauline
Wed. 1st July: NNNG PICNIC IN THE PARK at Rufford. 10.00 to whenever. Free, with entertainment but bring your own food, drink, picnic tables, chairs, etc. (In the marquee if it's wet!)
Tues. 18th Aug: ANNUAL SUMMER PICNIC at Q. Elizabeth's Academy. Details in due course
from Linda Leivers. (Indoors if it's wet!)
Mon. 11th to Fri. 15th Jan. 2016: WARNER'S THORESBY HALL. See page 3,
Event and Visit Payments
MEMBERS are reminded that deposits and payments for events and visits organised by Mansfield
U3A and its interest groups are non-refundable, but places so reserved may be offered to others.
Changes of address, etc.
PLEASE contact the membership secretary, Avril McGee (01623 452688), if you've changed your
address, phone number or email since joining Mansfield U3A so that she can update our records.
THE VIEWS expressed here are those of the contributors, only, and do not necessarily reflect those
of the editor, the committee of Mansfield U3A or the Third Age Trust. Nor can any responsibility be
accepted for members' announcements or any errors that may occur.
Next Issue
PLEASE SEND contributions for the May issue to mansfieldu3a@aol.com, or in typescript, to the
editor as soon as you can and by 1st May at the latest. Thanks!
Editor: David Ling (01623 822994)
Printed by: Portland Print (www.portlandprint.org.uk)
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