WAKE ASTERN - JULY 2014 - Tacoma Power Squadron

Wake Astern
July 2014
Vol. 75
Page 1
JULY 2014
he weather is getting
warmer and we see more
activity while looking out
on Commencement Bay. We
have seen several people on paddle boards with no shirts and no
PFDs. This is a dangerous activCdr Jackie Mattox, AP
ity. The Sheriff’s boat was late
getting to Dock Street on National Marina Day because they stopped to ticket a person on a
paddle board for not wearing or even having a PFD. I can’t
say enough about the PFD issue. Please remind people the
importance of wearing a PFD even if they don’t pay attention to you (like our son-in-law).
In 2013, The number of boating fatalities in Washington
was down from the previous year and below the five-year
average. Despite the decline, Washington ranks number 14
in the nation for boating accidents and number 8 for boating
fatalities. In Washington, alcohol was a contributing factor
in accidents that led to five deaths. The use of lifejackets is
another key issue. The Coast Guard reminds all boaters to
General Meetings
Executive Board Meetings
boat responsibly, wear a life jacket, take a boating safety
course, get a free vessel safety check and avoid alcohol
consumption while operating a vessel.
We have several new members in Tacoma Power Squadron
Steve, Kerry and Sarah Kurpius. Al and Mickey Allen are
former sailors looking for a power boat. Ben & Mary Ann
Dahle have a sail boat. Geoff and Nancy Ringstad are new
to boating and looking for a boat. Please make them feel
welcome. They will have a “smiley face sticker” on their
name tags so you can easily identify them. I’m sure that
those still looking for a boat will be looking for advice??
Boating terms: Life Preserver :
A Personal Flotation Device (PFD) designed to assist a
wearer, either conscious or unconscious, to keep afloat until
help arrives.
Any PFD that will keep an individual, who has fallen off a
vessel, above water long enough to be run over by it or
another rescue craft.
XO Report–––––––––––––––-–––––––––Page 2
SEO Report––––––––––––––––––––––––Page 3
Environmental Report–––––––––––––––-Page 4
Merit Mark Report Samples–––––––––––Page 5
Port Orchard/Bell Harbor Rendvs––––––-Page 6
2014 TPS Rendezvous Schedule–––––––-Page 7
Dock Street/National Marina Day Photos-Page 8
From the Galley––––––––––––––––––––-Page 9
Page 2
Wake Astern
July 2014
Cdr Jackie Mattox, AP
(253) 732-2264
Executive Officer
Lt/C Lance Williamson, P
(253) 312-1371
Administrative Officer
Educational Officer
Lt/C Stan Wolfe, AP
(253) 536-3309
P/C Larry Warren, AP
(360) 897-8692
Lt/C Evelyn Bartells, S
(253) 852-7492
P/C Tim Craig, P (Chairman)
Lt Ray Maleike, P
Lt Leah Hafterson, S
Lt Constance Thompson, AP
Lt Kay Hafterson, P
P/D/C Otto Rasmussen, SN
Lt Richard Mattox, AP
Lt Becky Arrington, S
253-564-4011 Home
253-381-6226 Cell
Co-Chm Lt Cindy Warren, AP
360-897-8692 Home
The Wake Astern
Editor: Lt Richard Mattox, AP
(253) 581-1732
P/C Tim Craig, P, Stores
Linda Craig, S, Clothing
(253) 536-1222
Building Bridges
The Executive Officer of the Power Squadron is tasked with
those areas that build bridges with individuals and groups
that are “external” to the local squadron. Two big events
have happened in the recent past that have been “bridge
building” successes!
The National Marina Day event was very successful. The
Sea Scouts were a huge hit on Dock “G”. The Dragon Boats Lt/C Lance Williamson, P
Executive Officer
took a group of brave individuals out for an adventure in
their boat. Destiny Harbor Tours took several groups of
people on their tour of the Foss waterway. The Pierce County Sherriff’s Department
officers were there on their vessel and gave a good presentation on what we should do
if a law enforcement vessel should approach our vessel for an inspection. The Tacoma
Police Department officers were there on their vessel to interact with the public. Craig
Perry of Dock Street Marina/Delin Docks/Foss Landing Marina cooked hotdogs for
most of the afternoon. Kayaks departed the docks at regular intervals as the public took
advantage of the free rentals. NY Yachtnet was in attendance and had several of their
vessels open for inspection. Mike and Otto conducted Vessel Safety Checks at the three
marinas. TPS members led seminars and kid’s events. All in all, many, many people
learned about the U.S. Power Squadron and the Tacoma Power Squadron that had never
heard of us before! Way to go everyone!
The second event was the District 16 rendezvous at Poulsbo. As usual, Becky and her
team did a fabulous job of getting all of the vessels to their assigned dock locations.
One of these years Becky will either have to “retire” or purposely do a horrible job at
the docking so that a different Squadron will receive the “pleasure” of the docking task.
Way to go everyone!
One way to “get the word out” about the Tacoma Power Squadron is to wear your TPS
shirt or hat (or both) while you are out-and-about on land or on water. People just might
ask you about the Power Squadron.
Remember to keep building those bridges!
Closing date for articles is the twelfth (12th) day of each month. Please direct all articles to the Editor. E-mail to: ricque0602@comcast.net, Mail
to: 5005 Main Street, Apt # 714, 98407. Telephone: (253) 581-1732. Please submit member address and other data changes to the Squadron
Wake Astern
July 2014
Page 3
he Education Department is wrapping up the training year with the completion of three courses.
First, I'd like to thank all of those responsible for organizing and participating in our Basic Boating and
Advanced Grades courses.
Many thanks to Lt Brenda Williamson, P for coordinating with Tacoma Metro Parks to host a two-day
ABC8 on Saturday, May 31st and June 8th;and her instructors: Lt/C Lance Williamson, P; P/C Gerry
Lawrence, AP; and Tom Ferree, S. The course had seven students, six of which took the exam. The
six students were:Mike and Kari Neff, and David Crawford, all from Tacoma; Daniel Wood and Jeffrey
Hubert of Fircrest; and Gordon Serwold of Mountlake Terrace.
Lt/C Stan Wolfe, AP
Educational Officer
Our advanced grades efforts include a seamanship course with five students successfully passing the
exam. Many thanks to P/C Kevin Kennedy, SN-IN for his efforts in coordinating the course and
teaching one of the sessions. I'd like to thank the primary instructor, Lt/C Lance Williamson, P for his
energy and enthusiasm. Our newest advanced grade graduates are: Al Allen, S; Mickey Allen, S; Ben Dahle, S; Kerry Kurpius, S;
and Steve Kurpius, S. I'd also like to thank Craig Perry, Manager of Delin Docks for the use of his meeting room. He also cooks up
a mean "dog" as many of us experienced at National Marina Day down at Dock Street June 14th.
Advanced Piloting tested two students: P/Lt/C Jenna Ashbrook, P and P/C Mike Ashbrook, P. I'm looking forward to citing an "AP"
after their names very shortly.
Our very own P/C Kevin Kennedy, SN-IN organized and taught the course. I'd like to point out that we are a volunteer organization
and I'm very proud of the efforts and results Kevin and Lance produce on a routine basis. Seems like a full-time job, duties as our
Executive Officer, Basic Boating Instructor and Seamanship Instructor certainly speak well of Lance's commitment to all of us and
the Squadron. Kevin is also a full-time worker, commuting to Seattle daily, serves as our Advanced Grades Local Chairman, and
serves as an instructor for Seamanship, Piloting, and Advanced Piloting. I get exhausted just thinking about all the time it takes to
plan, prepare, execute and administer all these classes. This Squadron is very fortunate to have this caliber of volunteers in our ranks.
Boat Operator Certification at the District 16 Rendezvous yielded three new ratings, Gary and Barbara Dildine received their Inland
Navigator (IN) certification on June 21st. Yours truly received the Coastal Navigator certification on June 20th. After taking all those
courses, seminars and demonstration of skills, it's easy to apply for and receive an additional qualification that may reduce your
insurance rates, allow you to charter boats in distant locations (to include Europe) and provide increased confidence in your boat
handling skills. Take an opportunity to ask any of the Boat Operator certified folks about the program: P/D/C Otto Rasmussen,
SN-CN; P/C Kevin Kennedy, SN-IN and Lt Beverly Kennedy, AP-IN; Gary Dildine, AP-IN and Barbara Dildine, AP-IN; or me, Lt/C
Stan Wolfe, AP-CN.
Please note that we are already planning for the next educational year. We have announced the next ABC12 will run Thursday
evenings 7-9 PM at the Tacoma Yacht Club starting September 18th, running through October 23rd. Please tell your friends and
neighbors; and maybe pass this information on to those folks you help dock during one of your upcoming trips. They will appreciate
the tip.
In closing, as always, contact me if you want a particular course or seminar or would like to join the educational department.
Wake Astern
Page 4
July 2014
Environmental Report
Asthma, Respiratory Allergies, and Airway Diseases
Impacts on Risk
P/C Larry Warren, AP
Climate change will affect air quality through several pathways including production and
allergenicity of aeroallergens such as pollen and mold spores and increases in regional ambient
concentrations of ozone, fine particles, and dust. Some of these pollutants can directly cause
respiratory disease or exacerbate respiratory disease in susceptible individuals.
Earlier flower blooming resulting from temperature increases and increased carbon dioxide (CO2) concentrations affects
timing of distribution of aeroallergens such as pollen through plant photosynthesis and metabolism. There is also a
possibility that certain aeroallergens may become more allergenic as temperatures and CO2 concentrations increase.
Precipitation-affected aeroallergens such as mold spores also are of concern, as 5% of individuals are predicted to have
some respiratory allergic airway symptoms from molds over their lifetime.
In the presence of certain air emissions, the rate of ozone formation increases with higher temperatures and increased
sunlight, and can also be affected by changes in storm tracks, humidity, and stability of the boundary layer (lowest part of
the atmosphere) Humidity and temperature also partly determine the formation of PM2.5. Research studies associate fine
particles with negative cardiovascular outcomes such as heart attacks, formation of deep vein blood clots, and increased
mortality from several other causes. These adverse health impacts intensify as temperatures rise.
Studies also link elevated exposure to ground-level ozone, PM2.5, coarse thoracic PM, and aeroallergens to decreased lung
function, aggravation of asthma, rhinitis, exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, hospitalizations for
respiratory and cardiovascular diseases, and premature mortality. Air pollution overcomes the mucosal barrier in lungs by
inducing airway inflammation, which results in allergen-induced respiratory responses. In addition, air pollutants such as
PM2.5 and ozone may alter the allergenicity of aeroallergens like pollen, thereby promoting further airway sensitization.
The triggers for such adverse respiratory responses vary and include climatic factors (meteorological events, rainfall
patterns, and temperature anomalies), high levels of vehicle emissions, land-use patterns, variables in the built environment, geography, and distance from roadways. Physiology also plays a significant role, as individuals with existing
respiratory conditions are most vulnerable to disease exacerbations triggered by the environment. The populations most
vulnerable to the increased disease risks include children, pregnant women, persons of low socioeconomic status, persons
situated near high traffic zones within urban centers, and those with preexisting respiratory and cardiovascular diseases.
Other airborne exposures are also likely to worsen with climate variability and change. Changes in the hydrologic cycle
with increasingly variable precipitation and more frequent drought may also lead to a global increase of airborne dust,
which, when coupled with anticipated stagnant air masses and increasingly strong inversion layers, will trap ozone and
other airborne pollutants near the ground causing exacerbations of respiratory disease.
Coarse thoracic PM (between 2.5 and 10 micrometers in diameter) is associated with increased risk of emergency
department visits and hospitalizations for cardiovascular outcomes, especially among adults over 65 years of age. Increased
incidence of wildfires in some areas can also contribute to PM concentrations. In certain areas airborne dust serves as a
carrier of specific diseases, such as coccidioidomycosis, or “valley fever,” in the desert Southwest, the incidence of which
has increased in recent years. Prolonged drought will lead to more dust and particulate pollution while increased rainfall
will cleanse the air but may create more mold and microbial pollution. In addition, drought, declining water quality, and
increased temperatures contribute to the growth of harmful algal blooms that produce toxins that can be aerosolized and
exacerbate asthma and respiratory diseases. Despite strong evidence of associations between a wide range of environmental
variables impacted by climate and respiratory disease, the direct impacts of climate change on asthma, respiratory allergies,
and airway diseases need further study to evaluate the fraction of respiratory disease risk that can be attributed to climate
change and potentially mitigated or avoided.
Credit: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
July 2014
Wake Astern
Page 5
Merit Mark Reports Samples:
By P/R/C Christine Rasmussen, SN
I do not need membership numbers. Just a good idea of work & hours completed. A member needs to do at least
8-12 hours work during the year. Small jobs add up.
Donating a dessert for the potluck does not count. Making or going to the store for dessert for an ABC class does.
(One’s for you-one’s for others) Cleaning up adds up over time and is a big help to the group.
Sample 1
Fair Harbor Hosts: Jackie & Richard Mattox, & Cindy & Larry Warren (joint rendezvous with Day Island, over
70 people)
Jackie: Coordinated events with Day Island Yacht Club
Assisted in planning menu
Participated in shopping for food
Planned boat layout in marina for rafting
Docked & helped raft boats
Answered calls for channel 72
Prepared agenda for rendezvous
Cooked breakfast on Saturday
Participated in Memorial Service in uniform on Monday
Richard: Planned boat layout in marina for rafting
Docked & helped raft boats
Cooked breakfast on Saturday & cleanup
Assisted in unrafting boats & line handling
Cindy: Made trips to Costco in Federal Way & Fife to price food items
Planned meal items per allowed budget
Made trips to Costco & Winco to purchase food items
Cooked breakfast on Saturday & cleanup
Larry: Cracked all eggs & prepared scrambled egg mixture
Cooked Breakfast on Saturday & cleanup
Docked & helped raft boats
Assistants with breakfast & cleanup:
Kay Hafterson 3 ВЅ hour
Becky Arrington 1 hour
Mike Arrington 1 hour
Mark Hafterson 1 hour
Tom Ferree 3 ВЅ hour
Connie Thompson 1 hour
Breakfast consisted of: Ham, sausage, scrambled eggs, pancakes w/blueberries, fruit, juice, & coffee
Sample 2
ABC Class Oct-Nov 2013
Teachers - two hours prep for each hour teaching
Lance Williamson-6 Gerald Lawrence-6 Gary Dildine-6 Tom Ferree-6
Otto Rasmussen-6
Richard Mattox-3 Host one night
Brenda Williamson-8 Class administration and assisting at each class
(Continued on Page 6)
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Wake Astern
July 2014
(Cont” from Page 5)
Leah Hafterson-4 Public Relations for the two classes
Sample 3
I worked on the Daffodil float 4/12/14 for 4 hours. Cindy Warren
Port Orchard Rendezvous
July 4th - 6th, 2014
We will be co-hosting the 4th of July rendezvous with Bremerton Sail & Power Squadron. There will be lots of fun and,
of course, lots of food and socializing.
We will collect $5 registration fee when you sign up or when you arrive at Port Orchard.
Friday, 4 July: There will be a fireworks display later in the evening.
Saturday, 5 July: Breakfast served by Bremerton and Tacoma (Pancakes, eggs, sausage)
Bremerton is setting up a predicted log race. If you want to participate, please let us know, or you could ride on a boat
and help with the navigation.
We will have the plastic boat race with the water guns.
Root beer floats on the dock in the afternoon.
Potluck dinner: BBQ hamburgers & brats will be furnished. Please bring a side dish to share.
Please sign up with Jackie & Richard Mattox, 253 581 1732 jrgeezers@comcast.net or Karen & Jim Jackson, 253 537
1308 commodorejrj99@yahoo.com
Bell Harbor Rendezvous
August 1-3, 2014
Hosts Mike & Jenna Ashbrook
253-307-2665 or 971-998-7000
Friday, August 1, 2014 – Arrive and call Channel 72 for docking and slip
Assignments. Dinner on Own.
Saturday, August 2, 2014 – 830am Potluck Breakfast (Hosts will provide Scrambled Eggs in a Bag). Dinner on
Sunday, August 3, 2014 – Coffee and Muffins on Dock. Have a safe trip home.
July 2014
Wake Astern
Page 7
4-6 July
Port Orchard
(Joint w/Bremerton)
Reservation fee $5 to hosts,
(15 boats) Tarped canopy area reserved
slips 13-27
Karen & Jim Jackson (253)537-1308
Richard & Jackie Mattox
(253)581-1732 or (253)732-2264
1-3 Aug
Bell Harbor
$5 to host & call Marina to pay 1st
night’s moorage w/credit card
(15 boats) Mike & Jenna Ashbrook
29 August-1 Sept
$5 fee to marina & 1st night’s, call
marina w/credit card (15 boats)
payment due July 10th
Tom & Rebecca Ferree
17-19 Oct
Adopt a Marina
Work Party
Pat & Lynne Lemagie,
Todd & Melinda Mackey
Any Marina with a phone # means you must call the marina and the host or fleet captain to reserve for the weekend. Please
call host if attending a rendezvous for planning purposes. Please consider hosting a rendezvous or helping to host.
Cindy Warren 360-897-8692 c.m.warren-7@hotmail.com
Becky Arrington 253-381-6226 beckyarrington@cbbain.com
Page 8
Wake Astern
Dock Street Rendezvous & National Marina Day
June 13th - 15th, 2014
(Pictures provided by Lt Cindy Warren, AP)
July 2014
July 2014
Wake Astern
Page 9
It’s time for summer entertaining, whether on your boat or your backyard deck! Here are a couple of recipes I think you will enjoy. The first is a super easy strawberry and blueberry parfait,
great for this time of year. The other is a chicken pasta salad with Asian flavors that can be
served year around.
P/Lt/C Michael Nathanson, P
(4 servings)
8 oz. fresh strawberries (about 1 cup chopped)
1/4 cup sugar (or to taste)
Store-bought pecan sandies cookies (about 8 cookies for 1 cup crumbs)
1 cup Cool Whip
1 container vanilla yogurt
8 oz. fresh blueberries (about 1 cup)
--Cap strawberries, cut into bite-size pieces and place them in a small mixing bowl. Sprinkle sugar over berries and stir.
Use a spoon to crush berries slightly to release juices. Set aside.
--Place cookies in a zipper-top plastic bag and use rolling pin to crush them coarsely. Set aside.
--In a small bowl, stir together whipped topping and yogurt until well blended. Set aside.
--Layer the dessert: Place about 1/4 cup of cookie crumbs in bottom of each of 4 parfait glasses or other dessert dishes.
Spoon strawberries evenly over crumbs. Spoon yogurt mixture over strawberries. Scatter blueberries over yogurt mixture in each dish. Top with a dollop of Cool Whip or extra yogurt mixture and sprinkle with remaining cookie crumbs
just before serving.
--Note: Plain shortbread cookies, vanilla wafers or granola may be substituted for the pecan sandies.
(Recipe from Food.com)
1 tsp. finely chopped, peeled fresh ginger
1/2 cucumber—scored, halved lengthwise,
1/3 cup rice vinegar
seeded and sliced
1/4 cup orange juice
1/2 cup diced red bell pepper
1/4 cup vegetable or olive oil
1/2 cup coarsely chopped red onion
1 tsp. toasted sesame oil (Trader Joe’s)
2 diced Roma tomatoes
1 (1 oz.) package dry onion soup mix
1 carrot, shredded
2 tsp white sugar
1 (6 oz.) bag fresh spinach
1 clove garlic, chopped
1 (11 oz.) can mandarin oranges, drained
2 cups diced cooked chicken
1 (8 oz.) package bow tie (farfalle) pasta
1/2 cup sliced almonds, toasted
--To make dressing, whisk together the ginger root, rice vinegar, orange juice, vegetable oil, sesame oil, soup mix, sugar
and garlic until well blended. Cover and refrigerate until needed.
--Bring a large pot of lightly salted water to a boil. Add the bow tie pasta and cook according to package directions.
Drain, rinse under cold water. Stir a little oil with pasta to prevent sticking. Place pasta in large bowl.
--To make the salad, toss the cucumber, bell pepper, onion, tomatoes, carrot, spinach, mandarin oranges, chicken and almonds with the pasta. Pour dressing over the salad mixture and toss again to coat evenly. Serve immediately.
(Recipe from Allrecipes.com)
The Wake Astern is the official monthly publication of the Tacoma Power Squadron, PO Box 45121, Tacoma, WA 98448-0121.
Articles, opinions and advertisements expressed herein do not necessarily reflect policies of The Tacoma Power Squadron or United
States Power SquadronsВ® unless so designated. The editor reserves the right to edit and modify materials submitted for publication
and to publish such materials in a style which best serves the needs of USPS, TPS and The Wake Astern.
Port Orchard Rendezvous
Ex. Bd. Mtg.
till Sept.
Port Orchard
Wake Astern
No Gen. Mtgs
June thru
Bell Harbor Rendezvous
Bell Harbor
Ex. Bd. Mtg.
till Sept.
Wake Astern
No Gen. Mtgs
June tru
P.O. BOX 45121
TACOMA WA 98448-0121
JULY 2014