Evaluation - Centro Salute Globale

"Valutazione degli interventi di cooperazione sanitaria internazionale"
- Esempi ed esperienze di valutazione di progetti, punti di forza e criticitàFirenze, 18 Settembre 2015
Gianfranco Morino, World Friends Kenya
Thanks to previous projects and many years of experience in the slums of Nairobi, World Friends came
to realize that, despite the presence of many dispensaries and health centers in the slums offering
Primary Health Care, there is a huge gap when it comes to referrals of patients for more advanced
care, especially in emergency situations. In fact more than half (56%) of the emergencies received at
referral hospitals, such as RUNH, arrive on foot or by public transport.
This is why and how the idea of creating a referral network, inclusive of ambulance service, between
lower level facilities and RUNH started. Since 2013 the project aims at enhancing the integration and
the referral system across different level healthcare facilities.
Where: Korogocho, Mathare, Baba Dogo,
Dandora, Huruma ( slums of Nairobi
Beneficiaries: 5 lower-level mother-andchild healthcare facilities, operating in
the slums, and their patients, particularly
mothers and children < 5
Empowerment of 5 lower lever MCH facilities located in the
- infrastructural renovation of the facility
- purchase and installation of MCH equipment
- training for Health Personnel
Creation of a referral network with the 5 lower level facilities
and Ruaraka Uhai Neema Hospital:
- free referrals to RUNH for mothers during pregnancy,
delivery, post natal (1,071 in 15 months)
- free referrals to RUNH for children (236 in 15 months)
- general referrals and referrals for specialized care
Setting up of a 24/7 ambulance service (475 transports in 16
Extension of RUNH Maternity Department (11 more beds) and
constructions of a second operating theatre
Research, development and piloting of a health microinsurance package
1) IMCI – Integrated Management of Childhood Illnesses – MoH and KPA (3
2) IMAM – Integrated Management of Acute Malnutrition – MoH
3) EmONC – Emergency Obstetric and Newborn Care – MoH and LSTM
4) Sustainable infections prevention and waste management within hospital
environments – NEMA
5) Support of Women in Labour, Use of Partograph and Helping Babies
Breathe - ACNM
6) Post Partum Hemorrhage, Dating Pregnancy, Essential Care for Every Baby,
Shoulder Dystocia – ACNM
7) ETAT – Emergency Triage Assessment and Treatment - KPA
1) Baseline data collection was carried out before the beginning of the project
2) Indicators and Targets were set to reach through the project
3) A training in M&E was conducted for all the partners
4) A specific monitoring tool was developed to keep records of outputs vis-àvis the provision of “priority services” (i.e. RH, MAT, PAED, HIV/AIDS).
T.A. by an M&E expert from Abt Associates contributed to refining the tool
and avoiding (or isolating) double-counting.
Data were collected and inserted in the tool on a quarterly basis.
Evaluation (1) – External, Overall
Evaluator: Ipsos Synovate
Objective: to assess the impact of the intervention among direct beneficiaries,
i.e. mothers from the target communities accessing services at the partner
facilities and/or at RUNH
Methodology: Focus Group Discussions (FGDs).
Evaluation (2) – External, Specific
Evaluator: the Healthcare Network Abt Associates
Objective: to evaluate the specific and challenging components of the intervention
Methodology: Key Informants Interviews (KIIs)
IPSOS is an International Research Agency who carried out an overall
evaluation of our project targeting our direct beneficiaries: pregnant mothers or
mothers with children from the slums. They organized Focus Group
Discussions in which patients who benefitted from our services could openly
give a feedback.
The response was good and the feedback was positive: women were happy
with the services received, appreciated the care received at RUNH and they
said if it was not for our ambulance and our hospital they would have been in a
very unsafe situation with no other means to reach or afford another hospital.
Negative: they also said that they didn’t know RUNH was a hospital for people
coming from the slums; it looks too nice and clean so they thought it was a
private expensive hospital. This helped us in planning interventions to improve
our visibility and communication strategy to reach our real target population.
Evaluation (3) – Internal, Specific
Evaluator: Dr.Luca Scali, Centro di Salute Globale, Regione
Objective: to evaluate the effectiveness and efficiency of
the referral mechanisms within the network, with focus on
the ambulance service
Methodology: Assessment Tool and Key Informants
Interviews (KIIs)
The results of its assessment show that the ambulance service works
smoothly and with very minimal hiccups, for example when the
ambulance is needed in more than one facility at the same time, but
this is something we are already working on, in fact we added
another ambulance vehicle and we are planning to have in future two
complete ambulance teams to be on duty 24/7.
Negative: all the project partners agreed on the gap which is still
present at the community level. Some women still do not attend ANC,
or do not want to deliver in a health facility, instead they prefer
delivering in the house. This leads to delays in actions when a
complication arises and poor outcomes. We need to identify new
interventions to address this aspect.
Evaluation (4) – Internal, Overall
Evaluators: RUNH, WF Project Managers and Project Partners.
Objective: to carry out joint, endogenous and qualitative assessments of the project,
to provide/receive updates, seek /provide clarifications, exchange feedback and
agree on action plans to address emergent challenges on clinical and management
Methodology: monthly meetings
1) Having a continuous M&E activity is crucial for the organization to be conscious
of the project, of its strengths but also the weaknesses to address. Besides being
accountable to the donors and to the beneficiaries, this is critical for the follow up
and sustainability of the project in the long run once the project period is over
2) Continuous overall and specific, internal and external evaluations greatly helped
to rectify problems in time and/or plan for and eventually take additional
necessary actions (implementing recommendations) within the project period
Sigmund Freud: in fuga dall’Austria, dove
viveva, annessa al Terzo Reich nel 1938.
Trova rifugio politico a Londra.
Miriam Makeba: Sudafricana, anti-apartheid,
perseguitata dal regime sudafricano, dal
1959 vive come cittadina del mondo
Albert Einstein: Dalla Germania, si rifugia in
Belgio dopo la salita al potere di Hitler nel
1933. Si rifugia poi in Gran Bretagna e Stati
Isabel Allende: nipote del Presidente cileno
Salvador Allende. Dopo il colpo di stato di
Pinochet nel 1973 dal Cile si rifugia in esilio in
Venezuela. Ora vive negli Stati Uniti.
“La paura dei barbari e’ cio’ che rischia di renderci
barbari. Ed il male che ci faremo sara’ maggiore di
quello che temevamo di subire”.