L00 - Introduction - Engineering Department

ENGIN 341 – Advanced Digital Design
University of Massachusetts Boston
Department of Engineering
Dr. Filip Cuckov
1. Administrative
• Professor
Dr. Filip Čučkov (Dr. Phillip CHOOCH-kohv, OR Dr. C)
Office: Science Center, 3rd floor, room 111
Office Hours: Regular weekly and by appointment
E-mail: Filip.Cuckov@umb.edu
Phone: (617) 287-3539
• Catalog Description:
The course will cover topics including tools and methodologies for top-down design of complex
digital systems. Important topics include minimization, mixed logic, algorithmic state machines,
microprogrammed controllers, creating and using a gold model, data and control path design,
and data movement and routing via buses. Design methodologies covered include managing
the design process from concept to implementation, gold model validation, and introduction to
design flow. A hardware description language is used extensively to demonstrate models and
methodologies, and is also used in design exercises and projects.
1. Administrative
• Prerequisites: ENGIN 241 – Digital Systems with Lab
• Textbooks:
• Charles H. Roth Jr. and Lizzy K. John, Digital Systems Design Using VHDL, 2008
ISBN-13: 9780534384623 (Publisher Link) (Amazon)
• Reference:
B. Mealy, F. Tappero, Free Range VDHL, freerangefactory.org, 2013
Complementary download at http://freerangefactory.org/books_tuts.html
• Website(s):
http://umb.umassonline.net/ (BlackBoard)
1. Administrative - Honor Code
• All work is individual.
• Give credit where credit is due.
• Cheating will not be tolerated.
• There will be no second chances.
I pledge to uphold the governing principles of the Code of Student Conduct of
the University of Massachusetts Boston. I will refrain from any form of
academic dishonesty or deception, cheating, and plagiarism. I pledge that all
the work submitted here is my own, and that I have clearly acknowledged
and referenced other people’s work. I am aware that it is my responsibility to
turn in other students who have committed an act of academic dishonesty;
and if I do not, then I am in violation of the Code. I will report to formal
proceedings if summoned.
2. Objectives
Course Learning Objectives:
• Develop proficiency in modeling and digital systems with VHDL
• Understand mixed logic design, flip-flop design, SOP and POS forms, and state
• Design using algorithmic state machine methods
• Controller design using structured design approaches including one-hot and
microcoded controllers
• Modeling datapath components including registers, counters, ALUs
• Create datapath to model complex digital systems
• Control path design
• Introduction to FPGA design flow
• Introduction to system modeling flow and tools
2. Objectives - Topics Covered
Review of Logic Design Fundamentals
Introduction to VHDL
Introduction to Programmable Logic Devices
Design Examples
State Machine Charts and Microprogramming
Designing with FPGAs
Floating-Point Arithmetic
Additional Topics in VHDL
Design of a RISC Microprocessor
3. Grading
• 10 % Homework Assignments
• 2 Homeworks
• Each worth 5%
• 90 % Labs
• Labs 1-7
• Each worth 10%
• Labs 8 and 9
• Worth 20% but require only one lab report
• Demo required during final exam time
• Each lab graded on the following scale:
• 60% Lab Completion
• May include preliminary work or demonstration
• 40% Lab Report
• Must follow required format
4. Schedule
Class Lecture
Assignment Due Reading Assigned
9/8/2015 1
9/15/2015 2
9/22/2015 3
9/29/2015 4
10/6/2015 5
10/13/2015 6
10/20/2015 7
10/27/2015 8
11/3/2015 9
11/10/2015 10
11/17/2015 11
Introduction and Digital Systems Design Overview
VHDL - Dataflow and Structural Modeling, Testbenches
VHDL - Processes, Data Types and Operators, Synthesis
VHDL - Behavioral Modeling and Registered Elements
ASM Charts, Minimization and Microporgramming
Floating Point Arithmetic
Standard System Interfacing and Comm. Protocols
VHDL - Functions, Procedures and Libraries
VHDL - System and Memory Modeling
VHDL - Advanced Tesbenches
Hardware Testing and Design for Testability
11/24/2015 12
12/1/2015 13
12/8/2015 14
RISC Microprocessor Design - ISA
L7 Report
RISC Microprocessor Design - Datapath and Controller
RISC Microprocessor Design - Testing and Validation
Final Exam
Demonstrations of MIPS Processor
HW 1
L1 Report
L2 Report
L3 Report
L4 Report
HW 2
RJ: (3,6), 2.3, 2.4
FR: 2, 3
RJ 2.5-2.7, 2.10-2.13
RJ 2.8, 2.9, 2.14-2.19
RJ 1.9, 5
RJ 7
RJ 11.3
RJ 8
RJ 11.2
L5 Report
RJ 10
L6 Report
Final (L8+L9) Rep.
Map: RJ - Roth and John Textbook, FR - Free Range VHDL Textbook, (Light Reading)
Lab Concepts Practiced
FPGA Design Flow
L0 - Design Flow
VHDL Structural Modeling and Functional Simulation L1 - Modular Design and Testbenches
Simple combinational circuit design
L2 - ALU Design
Simple sequential circuit design
L3 - Hexadecimal Counter
Algorithmic State Machines
L4 - Traffic Light Controller
Datapath/Controller Design and SPI Communication L5 - Standard Peripheral Interfacing
Using Block RAM in FPGAs
L6 - Stack Calculator
Understanding BIST and JTAG
L7 - Memory Built-In Self Test
13 Text I/O in VHDL
14 Microprocessor Design
L8 - MIPS Processor 1
L8 - MIPS Processor 1
L9 - MIPS Processor 2