1 April, 2014 VITA A. Erinç Yeldan Office Address

 April, 2014
A. Erinç Yeldan
Office Address:
Bilkent University
Department of Economics
06800 Ankara
Ph.D. 1988 Economics
University of Minnesota
Minneapolis-St. Paul, USA
B.A. 1982 Economics
Bogazici University, Istanbul
Research Interests
Contemporary issues in international trade and macro economic policy; development
macroeconomics; financial liberalization; balance of payments disequilibria; issues of macro
Use of quantitative methods in macro economic models; computable general equilibrium
modeling for policy analysis;
The Turkish economy.
1 Professional and Social Activities
Professor, Department of Economics, Bilkent University, November 1998- present
Professor and Dean, Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Yasar
University, 2012, September – 2014, June. (on leave from Bilkent University)
Scientific Programme Member, World Congress of Environmental and Resource
Economists, 28 June – 2 July, 2014. Istanbul
Organizer, World Economic Association online conference “Neoliberalism in Turkey:
A Balance Sheet of Three Decades”, November 2013.
Visiting Professor, Amherst College, Massachusetts, September 2007 – June 2008.
(on leave from Bilkent University)
Fulbright Scholar and Barber Sheridan Visiting Professor,
University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Sept 2006 – June 2007
(on leave from Bilkent University)
Executive Committee member, International Development Economics Associates
(IDEAs), New Delhi. (http://www.networkideas.org)
Executive Secretary, Independent Social Scientists Alliance-The Economics Group
(Bağımsız Sosyal Bilimciler-İktisat Grubu), Ankara
Pınar Group Science Council, member, 2013 – present.
Weekly Columnist, Cumhuriyet, December 2004 – present. Articles available in
Chairman, Department of Economics, Bilkent University, June 1998-July 2003
Associate Professor, Department of Economics, Bilkent University, 1991-1998.
Visiting Associate Professor, Department of Applied Economics,
University of Minnesota, October 1994-August 1995.
(On leave from Bilkent University)
Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, Bilkent University, 1988-1991.
Lecturer, Statistics Education Programme, State Institute of Statistics, Ankara, 1988-1990
Research Associate, Department of Agricultural and Applied Economics, University
of Minnesota, 1987-1988.
Research Associate, Department of Agriculture and Resource Economics, University
of California, Berkeley, April 1988.
2 Adjunct Assistant professor, Hamline University, Spring 1988.
Lecturer, Master of Arts in Organizational Leadership Program, College of St.
Catherine’s, 1987/1988.
American Economic Association, member
Turkish Social Scientists Association, member
Turkish Economics Foundation, member
Turkish-American Association of Minnesota, President, 1983-1985.
Academic Awards, Fellowships and Grants
TÜBİTAK, University Text Books Excellence Award, 2013
University of Minnesota Distinguished Leadership Award for Internationals, 2012
Cited among the list of Top 500 Economists according to number of pages criterion in SSCI
Journals by a research conducted by Tom Coupe, University of Bruxelles (Revealed
Performances: Worldwide Rankings of Economists and Economics Departments) and
sponsored by the European Economic Association, 2001.
Best paper on macroeconomics award: ERF 18th meetings, Cairo March 2012 for the paper,
“An Applied Endogenous Growth Model with Human and Knowledge Capital
Accumulation for the Turkish Economy” (With Ebru Voyvoda).
Tübitak Grant No 110K057 “Türkiye Ekonomisi İçin Beşeri Sermaye ve Bilgi Sermayesi
Birikimine Dayalı Bir İçsel Büyüme Modeli”, 2011.
Fulbright Research Scholarship, September 2006 – June 2007
“Distinguished Recognition Award” Agriculturers’ Association of Turkey, June, 2003
Distinguished Teaching Award, Bilkent University, 2002.
Was granted the Peoples' Honorary Award (Halkın Onur Ödülü) by the Local Televisions
Association (Yerel Televizyonlar Birligi-Alternatif Medya), 2001.
Iktisat, Isletme ve Finans Award for the best article on the Turkish economy, IV. Annual
METU Conference on Economics, Ankara, 2000. With the paper: “On the Patterns of
Trade Liberalization, Oligopolistic Concentration and Profitability: Reflections from
Post-1980 Turkish Manufacturing” (with K. Metin-Ozcan and E. Voyvoda).
TÜBA (Turkish Academy of Sciences) Young Social Scientist Promotion Award, 1998
3 Ihsan Dogramaci Foundation Award, 1991
Derinleşen Küresel Kriz ve Türkiye Ekonomisine Yansımaları: Ücretli Emek ve Sermaye
(Edited with Ebru Voyvoda) Yordam Press, 2011
İktisadi Büyüme ve Bölüşüm Teorileri, Efil Yayınevi, 2010.
The Economics of Growth and Distribution, Efil Press, 2009.
Beyond Inflation Targeting: Central Bank Policy For Employment: Creation, Poverty
Reduction and Sustainable Growth (Edited with Gerald Epstein). Edward Elgar Pub.
Küreselleşme, Kim İçin? Dünyada ve Türkiye’de, İstanbul: Yordam Kitap, 2008.
Neoliberal Globalization as New Imperialism: Case Studies on Reconstruction of the
Periphery, (Edited with Ahmet Köse and Fikret Şenses). Nova Science Press. 2007.
Türkiye Ekonomisi, Anadolu Üniversitesi Yay. No 1579, 2004. (Reprint 2008). (with
Nurhan Yentürk, Ahmet Köse, Cem Somel and Gökhan Günaydın)
İktisat Üzerine yazılar I: Küresel Düzen, Birikim Devlet ve Sınıflar (Korkut Boratav’a
Armağan) Edited. İstanbul: İletişim Yayınları, 2003. (with A.H. Köse and F. Şenses)
İktisat Üzerine yazılar II: İktisadi Kalkınma, Kriz ve İstikrar (Oktar Türel’e Armağan)
Edited. İstanbul: İletişim Yayınları, 2003. (with A.H. Köse and F. Şenses)
Küreselleşme Sürecinde Türkiye Ekonomisi: Bölüşüm. Birikim. Büyüme, Istanbul: Iletişim
Yay. 2001.
Publications in Refereed Journals
Yeldan, A. Erinç and Aziz Bouzaher and Şebnem Şahin (2014) “How to Go Green? A
General Equilibrium Investigation of Environmental policies for Sustained Growth
with an Application To Turkey”. Letters in Spatial and Resource Sciences,
Yeldan, A. Erinç and Güneş Kolsuz (2014) “1980-Sonrası Türkiye Ekonomisinde
Büyümenin Kaynaklarının Ayrıştırılması” Çalışma ve Toplum, 40(1): 49-66.
Akın, Gökçe and A. Erinç Yeldan (2013) “Economic Impact Assessment of Turkey's PostKyoto Vision on Emission Trading” Energy Policy, Vol 60, Issue C, pp. 764-774.
4 Yeldan, A. Erinç (2012) “Türkiye Ekonomisi İçin Beşeri Sermaye ve Bilgi Sermayesi
Birikimine Dayalı Bir İçsel Büyüme Modeli” Ekonomi-TEK, 1(1): 21-60.
Yeldan, A. Erinç, Emin Özsan and Kamil Taşçı (2012) “Türkiye’de İstihdam - Büyüme
İlişkisi Üzerine Bölgesel Hesaplanabilir Genel Denge Modeli Uygulaması” Çalışma
ve Toplum, 32(1): 11-50.
Cömert, Hasan, A. Erinç Yeldan and Gökçe Akın (2011) “Interest Rate Smoothing and
Macroeconomic Instability under Post-Capital Account Liberalization Turkey”,
Canadian Journal of Development Studies, 31(3-4): 459-482.
Yeldan, A. Erinç (2009) “On the Nature and Causes of the Collapse of the Wealth of
Nations, 2007/2008”, Journal of World Economy Review.
Yeldan, A. Erinç (2009) “Kapitalizmin Yeniden Finansallaşması ve 2007-2008 Krizi:
Türkiye Krizin Neresinde?” Çalışma ve Toplum, No1, pp. 11-28.
Yeldan, A. Erinç (2008) "Prospects for Inflation Targeting in the MENA Region:
Feasibility, Desirability and Alternatives," Review of Middle East Economics and
Finance: Vol. 4: No. 3.
Epstein, Gerald and Yeldan, A. Erinç (2008) “Inflation Targeting, Employment Creation and
Economic Development: Assessing the Impacts and Policy Alternatives”
International Review of Applied Economics, 22(8), pp. 131-144.
Telli, Cagatay, Ebru Voyvoda and Yeldan, A. Erinç (2008) “Macroeconomics of TwinTargeting in Turkey: Analytics of a Financial CGE Model” International Review of
Applied Economics, 22(8), pp.227-242..
Telli, Cagatay, Ebru Voyvoda and Yeldan, A. Erinç (2008) “Economics of Environmental
Policy in Turkey: A General Equilibrium Investigation of the Economic Evaluation of
Sectoral Emission Reduction Policies for Climate Change”. Journal of Policy
Modeling, 30(1), pp. 321-340.
Telli, Cagatay, Ebru Voyvoda and Yeldan, A. Erinç (2006) “Modeling General Equilibrium
for Socially Responsible Macroeconomics: Seeking For the Alternatives to Fight
Jobless Growth in Turkey” METU Studies in Development, 33(2): 255-293.
Yeldan, A. Erinç (2006) “Neo-Liberal Global Remedies: From Speculative-led Growth to
IMF-led Crisis in Turkey” Review of Radical Political Economics, 38(2), pp.193-213,
“Managing Turkish Debt: An OLG Investigation of the IMF’s Fiscal Programming Model for
Turkey” Journal of Policy Modeling, 27(6): 743-765, 2005. (with Ebru Voyvoda).
“The Turkish Encounter with Neo-Liberalism: Economics and Politics in the 2000/2001
Crises” Review of International Political Economy, 12(3): 387-408, August 2005. (with
Ümit Cizre).
5 “Real Wages, Profit Margins And Inflation In Turkish Manufacturing Under Post
Liberalization” Applied Economics, 37: 1899-1905, September, 2005. (with Asli Gunay
and Kivilcim Metin-Ozcan)
“IMF Programs, Fiscal Policy and Growth: Investigation of Macroeconomic Alternatives in
an OLG Model of Growth for Turkey” Comparative Economic Systems, vol 47, pp. 4179, 2005. (with Ebru Voyvoda).
“Analyzing Macro-Poverty Links of External Liberalization: Gaps, Achievements, and
Alternatives” Development Policy Review, vol 23, No 3, pp. 285-298, May 2005. (with
Bernhard G. Gunter and Lance Taylor).
“Türkiye Ekonomisi’nde Dış Açık Sorunu ve Yapısal Nedenleri” Çalışma ve Toplum,
4(4):47-60. 2005.
“Measuring Exchange Rate Mis-alignment in Turkey” Applied Economics, 36: 1839-1849.
2004. (with Ümit Özlale).
“Türkiye Ekonomisi’nde Dış Borç Sorunu Ve Kalkınma Stratejileri Açısından Analizi”
Çalışma ve Toplum, 1(1):1-30. 2004.
"Macroeconomics of Turkey’s Agricultural Reforms: An Intertemporal Computable General
Equilibrium Analysis", Journal of Policy Modeling, 25: 617-637, 2003. (with Fatma
Dogruel and Suut Dogruel).
“Introduction: The Rising hegemony of Global Finance and the Demise of Development”
Canadian Journal of Development Studies, 24(2): 211-213, June, 2003
“Patterns of Financial Capital Flows and accumulation in the Post-1990 Turkish Economy”
Canadian Journal of Development Studies, 24(2): 250-265, June, 2003. (with Gül
“On The Structural Weaknesses Of The Post-1999 Turkish Dis-Inflation Program” Turkish
Studies Quarterly, 4(2): 53-66, Summer, 2003. (with Ahmet Ertugrul)
“On the Differential Impact of the Asian Crisis on the World Economy: A General
Equilibrium Perspective”, Pacific Economic Review, 7(3): 519-543, 2002. (with
Xinshen Diao and Wenli Li).
"The Impact of the Liberalization Program on the Price-Cost Margin and Investment of
Turkey’s Manufacturing Sector after 1980" Emerging Markets Finance and Trade,
September-October, 38(5): 72-101, 2002. (with K. Metin-Ozcan and E. Voyvoda).
“Türkiye Ekonomisi İçin Kriz-Sonrası Alternatif Uyum Stratejileri” İktisat, İşletme ve
Finans, October, 2002. (with Ebru Voyvoda)
“Patterns of Productivity Growth and the Wage Cycle in Turkish Manufacturing”,
International Review of Applied Economics, 15(4):375-396, 2001. (with E. Voyvoda).
6 “On the Macroeconomic Impact of the August, 1999 Earthquake in Turkey: A First
Assessment” Applied Economics Letters, 8:483-488, 2001. (with Faruk Selcuk)
“Dynamics of Macroeconomic Adjustment in A Globalized Developing Economy: Growth,
Accumulation and Distribution, Turkey 1969-1998” Canadian Journal of
Development Studies, 22(1): 217-253, 2001. (with K. Metin-Ozcan and E. Voyvoda).
“Is This the End of Economic Development?” Structural Change and Economic Dynamics
11: 95-109, 2000. (with Irma Adelman).
“Minimum Conditions for a Financial Crisis: A Computable General Equilibrium Analysis
with a Multiregional Intertemporal Model” World Development, 28(6): 1087-1100,
2000. (with Irma Adelman).
“Politics, Society and Financial Liberalization: Turkey in the 1990s” Development and
Change, 31(2): 481-508, 2000. (with Umit Cizre-Sakallioglu).
“How the Asian Crisis Affected the World Economy: A General Equilibrium Perspective”
Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond Economic Quarterly 86(2): 35-59, 2000. (With X.
Diao and W. Li).
“A Plea for Greater Attention to Data in Policy Analysis” Journal of Policy Modeling, 21(7):
851-873, 1999. (with Jean Mercenier).
“Strategic Policies and Growth: An Applied Model of R&D-Driven Endogenous Growth”,
Journal of Development Economics, Vol 60: 343-380, 1999. (with Xinshen Diao and
Terry Roe).
“How Fiscal Mis-Management May Impede Trade Reform: Lessons from An Intertemporal,
Multi-Sector General Equilibrium Model for Turkey”, The Developing Economies,
1999, 37(1): 59-88. (with Xinshen Diao and Terry Roe).
“Fiscal Debt Management, Accumulation and Transitional Dynamics in a CGE Model for
Turkey” Canadian Journal of Development Studies, vol XIX, No 2, PP.343-375,
1998. (with Xinshen Diao and Terry Roe)
“An Endogenous Growth CGE Model of the Japanese Economy: The Implications of Trade
Policy and R&D Promoting Policy” METU Studies in Development, 25(1): 13-46,
1998. (with Xinshen Diao and Terry Roe).
“On Structural Sources of the 1994 Turkish Crisis: A CGE Modeling Analysis” The
International Review of Applied Economics, 12(3): 397-414. 1998.
“A Simple Dynamic Applied General Equilibrium Model of A Small Open Economy:
Transitional Dynamics and Trade Policy”, Journal of Economic Development, 23(1):
77-101. 1998. (With Xinshen Diao and Terry Roe).
“Turkish Economy in the 1990’s: An Assessment of Fiscal Policies, Labor Markets and
Foreign Trade” New Perspectives on Turkey, 18: 51-78, Spring 1998. (with Ahmet
7 “On Turkey’s Trade Policy: Is a Customs Union with Europe Enough?” European Economic
Review, 41(3-5): 871-880. 1997. (with Jean Mercenier).
“Financial Liberalization and Fiscal Repression in Turkey: Policy Analysis in a CGE Model
with Financial Markets” Journal of Policy Modeling, 19(1):79-117.1997.
“On The Construction of an Intertemporal World Model of Growth, Accumulation and
Trade: Transitional Dynamics, Calibration Strategy and Simulation Analysis” METU
Studies in Development, 1997, 24(4): 447-482. (with Xinshen Diao).
“The Rural Economy under Turkish Structural Adjustment and Financial Liberalization:
Results of a Computable Household Model for Turkey” Canadian Journal of
Development Studies. 27(3): 427-447. 1996. (With Erol Çakmak and Osman Zaim).
“How the Doctor’s Prescriptions May Fail: Environmental Policy under Alternative Market
Structures” METU Studies in Development 23(4):577-600. 1996. (with Terry Roe).
“Türk Ekonomisinde Krizin Olusumu, 1990-1993: Bir Genel Denge Analizi”, METU Studies
in Development 23(3):427-476. 1996.
“The Macroeconomic Adjustment in Turkey, 1981-1992: A Decomposition Exercise” Yapı
Kredi Economic Review, 7(1):3-19. 1996. (With Korkut Boratav and Oktar Türel).
“Çok Sektörlü Hesaplanabilir Genel Denge Modellerinin Veri Tabaný Üzerine Notlar:
Türkiye 1990 Sosyal Hesaplar Matrisi” METU Studies in Development, 23(1): 59-83.
1996. (With Ahmet Köse).
“Dilemmas of Structural Adjustment and Environmental Policies under Instability: Post-1980
Turkey” World Development, 24(2): 373-393, 1996. (With Korkut Boratav and Oktar
“Surplus Creation and Extraction under Structural Adjustment: Turkey, 1980-1992” Review
of Radical Political Economics, 27(2): 38-72, June, 1995.
“The Turkish Economy in 1981-92: A Balance Sheet, Problems and Prospects” METU
Studies in Development 22(1): 1-36, 1995 (With Korkut Boratav and Oktar Türel).
“The Role of Agriculture in the Structural Adjustment Experience of Turkey” Cahiers
d’Economie et Sociologie Rurales, No 33: 33-54, 1994 (With Erol Çakmak).
“Distributional Dynamics in Turkey under ‘Structural Adjustment’ of the 1980’s” New
Perspectives on Turkey, 11:43-70, Fall, 1994. (With Korkut Boratav and Oktar Türel).
“The Role of Agriculture in the Structural Adjustment Experience of Turkey: A General
Equilibrium Analysis” pp. 221-276 in “Food and Agricultural Policies in The Middle
East and North Africa” Cahiers Options Mediteraneennes, vol. 7. 1994 (with Erol
8 “Conflicting Interests and Structural Inflation: Turkey, 1980-1991” Pakistan Development
Review, Autumn, 32(3): 303-327, 1993.
“Reflections on Asset-Backed Securitization in Turkey: Results of A Financial CGE Model”
METU Studies in Development, 20(3): 325-356, 1993. (with Güven Sak).
“The Pure Theory of Trade in A Dynamic Open Economy with Sluggish Physical Capital”
METU Studies In Development, 18(3): 283-305, 1991.
“Why Do Private Agents Rent-Seek? Political Economy as a Case in Prisoner’s Dilemma”
METU Studies in Development, 18(3): 237-254, 1991. (with Terry Roe).
“Political Economy of Rent-Seeking under Alternative Trade Regimes” International Review
of Economics (Weltwirtschaftliches Archives), 127(3): 563-583, 1991. (with Terry
“Growth Oriented Adjustment to External Shocks: An Application to Turkey” The
Developing Economies, March 29(1): 54-74, 1991.
“Ihracata Yönelik Sanayileşme ve Bölüşüm-Uyumsuz Büyüme: Türkiye, 1980-1989”
Boğaziçi University Journal of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Summer 4(2):
323-333, 1990.
“A General Equilibrium Investigation of The Optimality of Turkish Structural Adjustment to
the 1979-Oil Shock” METU Studies in Development, January 1(2): 25-72, 1990.
“Constructing A Computable General Equilibrium Model for Policy Analysis: Calibration
and Applications for Turkey, 1981” Bogaziçi University Journal Of Economics and
Administrative Sciences, Summer 3(2): 161-187, 1989.
“Optimal Adjustment to Trade Shocks under Alternative Development Strategies” Journal of
Policy Modeling, 11(4): 451-505, 1989. (with Irma Adelman, D. Roland-Holst &
Alexander Harris).
“Structural Adjustment and trade in Turkey: Investigating the Alternatives ‘Beyond Exportled Growth’” Journal of Policy Modeling, 11(2): 273-296, 1989.
Chapters in Edited Books
Yeldan, A. Erinc, Kamil Taşçı, Ebru Voyvoda and Emin Özsan (2014), “Planning for
Regional Development: A General Equilibrium Analysis for Turkey” in Yülek, M.
(ed) Advances in general Equilibrium Modeling, Springer, in press.
Yeldan, A. Erinc (2013) “The Turkish Experience with work-sharing policy during the
global economic crisis, 2008-2011” chp 5, pp. 119-150 in Messenger, J. C and N
Ghosheh (eds) Work Sharing During the Great Recession: New Developments and
Beyond, Edward Elgar and ILO.
9 Yeldan, A. Erinc (2013) “Kapitalizmin Yeniden Finansallaşması ve Kriz: Öğrenilenler,
Unutturulmak İstenenler” pp 95-108 in H Balseven and F Ercan (Eds) Kriz ve
Türkiye, Aşınan Teoriler, Phoenix Yay.
Yeldan, A. Erinc (2012) “The General Theory and the Principle of the Multiplier After 75
Years: An Application to Turkey” pp. 259-269 in Jürgen Kromphardt (ed) General
Theory At 75, Marburg: Metropolis Verlag Pub. Yeldan, A. Erinc (2012) “Sermaye Birikimi ve Efektif Talep: Türkiye Ekonomisi İçin Bir
Uygulama” in S. Şahinkaya ve İlter Turan (ed.) İktisat Yazıları: Bilsay Kuruç’a
Armağan” Mülkiyeliler Birliği yay. Ankara.
“Ekonomide İkiz-Hedefleme Dönemi: Enflasyon Hedeflemesi ve Mali Kuralın Sınıfsal
Kökenleri” in A. Pınar, A. H. Köse, N. Falay (ed.s) Kriz ve Maliye Düşüncesinde
Değişim: İzzet Önder’e Armağan pp.129-136. Sav Yay. 2011
“Global Crisis and Turkey: A Macroeconomic Assessment of The Effects of Fiscal Stimulus
Measures” in U. Efendioğlu (ed) Crisis and Turkey: Impact Analysis of Crisis
Response Measures ILO-Ankara 2010, December 2010.
“Türkiye Ekonomisinde Dış Açık Sorunu ve Yapısal Nedenleri” in Subaşat, Turan and Hakan
Yetkiner (eds) Küresel Kriz Çerçevesinde Türkiye’nin Cari Açık Sorunsalı, Efil Yay.
“Patterns of Adjustment under the Age of Finance: The Case of Turkey as a Peripheral Agent
of Neoliberal Globalization” In After Crisis Edited by C.P. Chandrasekhar and Jayati
Ghosh, Tulika Press. 2009.
“Beyond Inflation Targeting: Assessing the Impacts and Policy Alternatives” Chapter 1 in
Beyond Inflation Targeting: Central Bank Policy For Employment: Creation, Poverty
Reduction and Sustainable Growth (Edited Gerald Epstein and Erinc Yeldan).
Edward Elgar Pub. 2009 (with Gerald Epstein).
“A General Equilibrium Assessment of Twin-Targeting in Turkey” Chapter 8 in Beyond
Inflation Targeting: Central Bank Policy For Employment: Creation, Poverty
Reduction and Sustainable Growth (Edited Gerald Epstein and Erinc Yeldan).
Edward Elgar Pub. 2009 (with Cagatay Telli and Ebru Voyvoda)
“Finans Çağında Eklemlenme Kalıpları: Neoliberal Küreselleşmenin Çevresel Bir Ekonomisi
Olarak Türkiye Örneği” in Mütevellioglu, Nergis and Sinan Sönmez (eds)
Küreselleşme, Kriz ve Türkiye’de Neoliberal Dönüşüm, Istanbul Bilgi Universitesi
yay., 2009
“Kriz ve Ekonomi” in Ahmet Dikmen and İlker Ertuğrul (eds) Kriz ve Toplum, İnsan,
İdeoloji, Ekonomi, Tan Yay, 2009
“Disinflation, Fiscal Sustainability, and Labor Market Adjustment in Turkey” in Adjustment
Policies, Poverty and Unemployment: The IMMPA Framework, ed. Pierre-Richard
Agénor, Alejandro Izquierdo and Henning Tarp-Jensen. Basil Blackwell: Oxford
10 University Press. 2007.
Matthew Verghis)
(with Pierre-Richard Agénor, Henning Tarp-Jensen, and
“Globalization As The Hegemonic Concept Of Neoliberal Ideology” Chapter 3 (pp.43-56) in
Neoliberal Globalization as New Imperialism: Case Studies on Reconstruction of the
Periphery, (eds. Ahmet Köse, Fikret Şenses, Erinç Yeldan). Nova Science Press. 2007.
“Turkey, 1980-2000: Financial Liberalization, Macroeconomic (In)-Stability, And Patterns of
Distribution” Chp14 (pp. 417-455) in Lance Taylor (ed.) External Liberalization in
Asia, Post-Socialist Europe and Brazil, Oxford University Press. 2006. (With Korkut
“The Political Economy of Reform Failure and Macroeconomic Mis-management: Turkey,
1980-2002” Chapter 5 (pages 89-114) in Mats Lundahl and Michael Wyzan (ed.s)
The Political Economy of Reform Failure. New York: Routledge. 2006. (with Sabit
“The Middle East and North Africa: The Peripheral Agents of the Global Casino
Capitalism” in Real World Economic Outlook, 2004. Ed. Ann Pettifor, 2004, New
York: Palgrave Macmillan.
“On the Structural Weaknesses of the post-1999 Turkish Disinflation Program” in The
Turkish economy in Crisis (ed Ziya Onis and Barry Rubin), pp.53-66, 2003. London:
Frank Cass. (with Ahmet Ertugrul).
“Outlook for the Middle East: Unfulfilled Promises and Devastation” in Real World
Economic Outlook: The Legacy of Globalization debt and deflation ed. Ann Pettifor,
pp.75-83, 2003. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
“Neoliberalizmin İdeolojik Bir Söylemi Olarak Küreselleşme” in A.H. Köse, F. Şenses and
E. Yeldan) (editors) İktisat Üzerine yazılar I: Küresel Düzen, Birikim Devlet ve Sınıflar
(Korkut Boratav’a Armağan) İstanbul: İletişim Yayınları, 2003.
Eğitim Yönlü Bir Endojen Büyüme Modelinde Türkiye Ekonomisi İçin Borç İdaresi
Alternatiflerinin Analizi in A.H. Köse, F. Şenses and E. Yeldan (editors) İktisat
Üzerine yazılar II: İktisadi Kalkınma, Kriz ve İstikrar (Oktar Türel’e Armağan) .
İstanbul: İletişim Yayınları, 2003. (with Ebru Voyvoda).
“Küreselleşmenin Neresindeyiz? Türkiye Ekonomisinde Borç Sorunu ve IMF Politikaları”
Petrol-Is 2000-2003 Yıllığı pp. 105-113, 2003. Istanbul.
“Küreselleşmenin Ekonomik Boyutları ve Güvenlik Stratejilerine Etkileri” T.C.
GenelKurmay Başkanlığı, Birinci Uluslararası Sempozyum Bildirileri, 29-3o Mayıs
2003, Istanbul, sf.5-15
“On the IMF-Directed Disinflation Program in Turkey: A Program for Stabilization and
Austerity or a Recipe for Impoverishment and Financial Chaos?” in N. Balkan and S.
Savran (ed) The Ravages of Neo-Liberalism: Economy, Society and Gender in Turkey,
New York: Nova Science Pub., 2002.
11 “Peripheral Development under Financial Liberalization: The Turkish experience”, in N. Balkan
and S. Savran (ed) The Ravages of Neo-Liberalism: Economy, Society and Gender in Turkey,
New York: Nova Science Pub. 2002 (with Erol Balkan)
“Globalization, Distribution and Social Policy: Turkey, 1980-1998” in L. Taylor (ed)
External Liberalization and Social Policy, London and New York: Oxford University
Press, 2002. (with Korkut Boratav and Ahmet Köse)
“Turkey’s Strategic Trade Policy Alternatives in a World of Multi-Polar Trade Blocs:
Lessons from an Intertemporal, Multi-Region General Equilibrium Model” J. von
Hagen and M. Widgren (ed). Regionalism in Europe: Geometries and Strategies after
2000. Praeger. 2001. (with Xinshen Diao).
“Financial Liberalization in the Developing Countries: The Turkish Experience” in J. Fanelli
and R. Medhore (ed.s) Financial Reform in Developing Countries, Houndmills, UK:
MacMillan Press. 1998. (with Erol Balkan)
“Interface of Export Expansion, Capital Accumulation and Distribution in Turkish
Manufacturing, 1980-1988” in Togan & Balasubramanyan (eds) Turkey in the
Process of Liberalization, Houndmills, UK: MacMillan Press. 1996. (with Fatma
“The Economic Structure of Power in Turkey, 1980-1990: Prices, Growth and
Accumulation” in Senses (Ed.) Industrialization Experience of Turkey in the 1980’s”
Greenwood Press, 1994.
Research in Progress, Discussion Papers and Technical Reports
“Turkish Monetary Policy Under Turbulent Times” mimeo 2014. Submited to Review of
Middle East Economics and Finance (with Güneş Kolsuz and Burcu Ünüvar).
“Türkiye’de ve Dünyada Demokrasi Açığı: Küreselleşme, Sanayisizleşme ve Orta Sınıfların
Çözülüşü” Submitted to Uluslararası İlişkiler Dergisi 2014. (with Deniz Yıldırım).
“Türkiye’de Devlet, Demokrasi ve Toplumda Vasatlıkla Yüzleşme ve Bundan Çıkış Yolları”
Report prepared for the Istanbul Chamber of Industry (ISO), 2014. (with Deniz
“Dynamic Linkages of Current Account Deficits and Unemployment: Evidence from
Turkey” Submitted to Cnadian Journal of Development Studiess, 2014. (with Mustafa
“Macroeconomics of Domestic Resource Mobilization in Turkey: The Role of the Public
Sector” Paper prepared for the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for
Asia and the Pacific, 2013. (With Güneş Kolsuz).
12 “Hangi Türkiye Cilt II? Orta Gelir ve Yoksulluk Tuzaklarından Çıkış Stratejileri” Report
Prepared for TURKONFED, Istanbul. (with Kamil Taşçı, Ebru Voyvoda and Emin
Özsan), November, 2013.
Radio Interview with the UNDP Ankara Office, 2013. (Middle Income and Poverty Traps in
Turkey –In Turkish)
“Escape from the Middle Income Trap: Which Turkey?” Report Prepared for TURKONFED,
Istanbul. (with Kamil Taşçı, Ebru Voyvoda and Emin Özsan), March, 2013.
“Orta Gelir Tuzağından Çıkış: Hangi Türkiye?” Report Prepared for TURKONFED, Istanbul.
(with Kamil Taşçı, Ebru Voyvoda and Emin Özsan), December, 2012.
“Growth and Employment in Turkey” Report prepared for the ILO Turkey Office, December,
“Greening Turkish Economy: A General Equilibrium Investigation of Environmental Policies
for Sustained Growth” Report prepared for the Ministry of Development, mimeo.
2012. (with Aziz Bouzaher and Şebnem Şahin).
“Sütaş Grubu Aksaray yatırımının İktisadi Etki Analizi” Report prepared for SÜTAŞ Group,
mimeo, January 2012. (With Emin Özsan and Kamil Taşçı).
“An Applied Endogenous Growth Model with Human and Knowledge Capital Accumulation
for the Turkish Economy”, paper prepared for the Economic Research Forum (ERF)
Meetings, Cairo, March 2012. (With Ebru Voyvoda).
“Public Policy and Growth In Canada: An Applied Endogenous Growth Model with Human
and Knowledge Capital Accumulation” Research Paper prepared for Human Resources
And Skills Development Canada. Paper submitted to Economic Modelling. 2012.
(With Ebru Voyvoda).
“Macroeconomics of Growth and Employment: The Case Turkey” Employment Working
Paper No 108, ILO: Geneva, November 2011.
“Küresel Isınma Alanında Ulusal Düzeyde Rasyonel Adımların Tespiti: Alternatif Politika
Seçeneklerinin Makro Ekonomik Analizi” Report Prepared for the Ministry of
Development (SPO), mimeo, November, 2010. With Ebru Voyvoda.
“Interest Rate Smoothing and Macroeconomic Instability under Post-Capital Account
Liberalization Turkey: 1990-2006”, May 2008, PERI Working Paper No 173,
University of Massachusetts, Amherst. (with Hasan Cömert).
“After The Istanbul Meetings: Has the IMF Changed? If So, how Relevant Is That Change?”
IDEAs www.networkideas.org, 2009 September.
“Turkey After The Crisis” United Nations, G-24 Policy Brief, 2007.
13 “Inflation Targeting, Employment Creation and Economic Development: Assessing the
Impacts and Policy Alternatives” United Nations, G-24 Policy Brief, 2007. (with
Gerald Epstein).
“Patterns of Adjustment under the Age of Finance: The Case of Turkey as a Peripheral Agent
of Neoliberal Globalization”, February, 2007. PERI Working Paper No 126,
University of Massachusetts, Amherst.
“Enabling Activities For The Preparation Of Turkey’s Initial National Communication To
The UNFCCC”, Report, United Nations Development Program on Economic
Evaluation for Policy Making:, June 2006. (with Cagatay Telli and Ebru Voyvoda).
An Alternative Look At the Balance-of-Payments Puzzle: Structural Decomposition of
Accounts of 16 Emerging Markets (June 2006, with Ussal Şahbaz)
“Premature Financial Liberalization, Volatile Growth And Deepening Social Exclusion: The
Turkish Experience” Paper prepared for the International Development Economics
Associates Network (www.networkideas.org), March, 2006.
Turkish Macroeconomics under The IMF Program: Strangulation by the Twin-Targets,
Lopsided Growth and Persistent Difficulties, December 2005 (with Ebru Voyvoda).
“A Macroeconomic General Equilibrium Model for Turkey: Disinflation, Fiscal Austerity
and Labor Markets” Paper prepared for the Economic Research Forum meetings,
Cairo, December, 2005. (with Cagatay Telli and Ebru Voyvoda).
“Assessing the Privatization Experience in Turkey: Implementation, Politics and Performance
Results” Report Prepared for the Economic Policy Institute.
“SPO’s Standard CGE Model” (Background paper for the SPO-State Planning Organization
General Equilibrium Model)
“Country Profile: Turkey, Public Sector and Fiscal Policy Issues” Report prepared for the
Economic Research Forum, 2005. (with Teoman Pamukçu)
http://www.bilkent.edu.tr/~yeldane/FEMISE_Fiscal2005.pdf 14 “Country Profile: Turkey, Macroeconomic Policy and Recent Economic Performance”
Report prepared for the Economic Research Forum, 2005. (with Teoman Pamukçu)
http://www.bilkent.edu.tr/~yeldane/FEMISE_Macro2005.pdf “Notes on the Data Base for the IMMPA Modeling Framework for Turkey” Policy modeling
background paper. (with Pierre-Richard Agenor, Henning Tarp Jensen and Mathew
"Türkiye Ekonomisi’nde İstikrar Ve Büyümenin Ön Koşulları" Project paper prepared for the
Young Businessmen's Association of Turkey (TUGIAD), 2001. (with Korkut Boratav
and Oguz Oyan).
“The Impact of Financial Liberalization and the Rise of the Financial Rent on Income
Inequality: The Case of Turkey”, UNU/WIDER Working paper No 206, November
"Euro-Mediterranean Integration and Its Impacts on Trade, Accumulation and Growth in the
South Mediterranean NICs", IFPRI, Trade and Macroeconomics Division Discussion
Paper no 56. (With X. Diao and A. Bayar).
“Dynamics of Macroeconomic Disequilibrium and Inflation in Turkey: The State, Politics,
and the Markets Under A Globalized Developing Economy”, Paper prepared for the
World Bank Study on “Disinflation in Turkey”. 1999. (with U. Cizre-Sakallioglu).
“An Assessment of The Turkish Labor Market Against its Macroeconomic Policies”, in The
Burdens Related with Turkish Labor Markets and Policies, ed. T. Bulutay, 1999, State
Institute of Statistics, Ankara. (with A. Kose).
“Turkiye Sosyal Guvenlik Sisteminin Sorunlari ve Buyume, Birikim ve Kamu Maliyesi
Uzerine Etkileri” Ebert Foundation, Istanbul, 1999. (with A. Kose).
“Dynamics of Growth, Accumulation and Distribution in the post-1980 Turkish Economy: A
Kaldorian General Equilibrium Interpretation”, Bilkent University, Department of
Economics Discussion Paper, No: 98-22, November, 1998. (with Bilkent Graduate
Students, class of 1998).
“An Assessment of the Turkish Labor Market Against its Macroeconomic Policies”
Proceedings of the SIS and ILO Conference on Turkish Labor Markets, 1998. (With
Ahmet Kose).
“A Dynamic CGE Model: An Application of R&D-Based Endogenous Growth Model
Theory”, University Of Minnesota Economic Development Center Bulletin No. 96-1.
May, 1996. (With Xinshen Diao, Elamin Elbasha and Terry Roe).
“How Prescribed Policy Can Mislead when Data Are Defective: A Follow Up to Srinivasan
(1994) Using General Equilibrium” Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis, Staff
Report No 207 1996. (With Jean Mercenier).
15 “Gümrük Birliği Sürecinde Türkiye Ekonomisinin Gelişme Perspektifleri” Proceedings of the
1995 Congress of the Industry, by TMMOB, 1-2 December, 1995, Ankara. (With
Ahmet Köse).
“Turkish Economy Towards the Next Millennium: A Balance Sheet, Problems and
Prospects” Report prepared for the UNU/WIDER Project on “Medium Development
Strategies, Phase II”, May, 1994. (With Korkut Boratav and Oktar Türel).
“Energy Use and Environmental Pollution in Turkish Industry: A General Equilibrium
Analysis of Carbon Emission Restrictions” Report prepared for the UNU/WIDER
Project on “Medium Term Development Strategies, Phase II”, May, 1994. (With
Korkut Boratav and Oktar Türel).
“The Interface of Industrialization and Environmental Policies in a CGE Model for Turkey”
Bilkent University Department of Economics Discussion Paper, No 93-11, 1993.
(With Terry Roe).
“Türk Yapısal Uyum Politikalarının Tarım Sektörüne Etkileri: Fiyatlar, Bölüsüm ve Tarımsal
Kalkinma” Project Report prepared for the Chamber of Agricultural Unions, Ankara,
1993. (With Erol Çakmak and Osman Zaim).
“An Economic Analysis of the Turkish Feed Grain Industry” Project Report prepared for the
Development Alternatives, Inc. Minneapolis, MN, USA, 1992. (With Erol Çakmak).
“Financial Liberalization and Fiscal Repression in Turkey: Policy Analysis in a CGE Model
with Financial Markets” Project Report prepared for the Capital Market Board .
Bilkent University, Department of Economics Discussion Paper, No: 92-7 April,
“The Role of Agriculture in the Structural Adjustment Experience of Turkey: A General
Equilibrium Analysis” Project Report prepared for the Ford Foundation Office of the
Middle East and North Africa, 1991. (With Erol Çakmak).
“A General Equilibrium Investigation of Financial Liberalization in Turkey” Bilkent
University, Department of Economics Discussion Paper, No: 91-13, December, 1991.
“Export-Led Industrialization and Socially Disarticulated Growth: Turkey, 1980-1989”
Bilkent University, Department of Economics Discussion Paper, No: 91-1, January,
“Türk Kağıt Sanayiinde Üretim ve Ücretler”, Project Report prepared for the Paper and Pulp
Workers’ Trade Union. 1990.
“Mikro Ekonomi Teorisi” Lecture Notes prepared for the State Institute of Statistics, “Expert
License Program”, Ankara. 1989.
“An Open Economy Model of Political Influence and Competition among Rent-Seeking
Groups” University of Minnesota, Economic Development Center Bulletin, No: 88-1,
February, 1988. (With Terry Roe).
16 “Structural Adjustment and Trade in Turkey: A General Equilibrium Analysis of the ExportLed versus Domestic Demand-Led Strategies of Development” University of
Minnesota Economic Development Center Bulletin, No: 87-7, March, 1987.
“A Computable General Equilibrium Model for Development Policy Analysis” University of
Minnesota Economic Development Center Bulletin, No: 86-1, March, 1986.
Publications in Non-Refereed, General Journals
“Don’t Call Turkey Mining Disaster and accident – privatization made it inevitable” The
Conversation, 2014.
“Üretkenlik Yorgunluğu İçinde Türkiye” (2014) İktisat ve Toplum, 42(2): 13-17, April.
“Türkiye’de Büyüme ve Orta Gelir Tuzağı” (2014) İşveren, 52(2): 64-68.
“Mysteries of the Middle-Income Trap” Triple Crisis Blog April 2014
“Üretkenlik Yorgunluğu İçinde Türkiye” İktisat ve Toplum, No 42: 13-20, Nisan, 2014.
“Observing the Centennial of 1914” Triple Crisis Blog February 2014
“Türkiye Ekonomisinde Büyüme Dinamikleri” Atatürk Organize Haber, Ocak 2014.
“Emperyalist Savaşın 100. Yılında” İktisat ve Toplum, 4(40): 21-26, Ocak 2014.
“QE Kim İçin?” İktisat ve Toplum, 3(36): 5-11, Kasım 2013.
“Türkiye’de Bütüncül Kamu ve Özel Sektör Kalkınma Modeli” EGİAD, Yarın, No 39, Ekim:
72-78, 2013.
“Türkiye Ekonomisi’nde Büyüme Serüveni Üzerine”, İktisat ve Toplum, 3(36): 5-9, Ekim
“Türkiye Ekonomisi’nde Büyüme” İSO Sanayi Dergisi, 48: 76-77, Ekim 2013.
“The Façade of “Turkey Ended Its Debt to the IMF” World Economic Association Newsletter
No 3(3), June, pp3-4, 2013.
“The Party Is Over: Kids Clean Up the House, Lessons from #OccupyGezi inTurkey”
Triplecrisis Blog; June.
“Inflation Dog That Didn’t Bark: But What About the Others?” Triple Crisis Blog May 2013.
17 “Küresel Krizin Avrupa Durağı: Yapısal Nedenleri, Öncesi ve Sonrası” MÜSİAD Çerçeve
21(6): 10-18, 2014.
“2013 ‘Deneme Yanılmanın’ Yılı Olacak” ODD Dergi No 49: 28, 2013
“14 Mayıs Tarihi Ne Kadar Gerçek?” İktisat ve Toplum, Mayıs, 2013.
“Türkiye’yi Emlak Krizi Bekliyor” Interview, Ekonomist Dergisi, April, 2013.
“Two Tales in Post Crisis Adjustment: Argentina versus Turkey” Research Turkey, April
2013. http://researchturkey.org/wp/wordpress/?p=3048
“Turkey’s Debt Ridden Growth” Social Europe Journal, April, 2013.
“Büyüme Balonu Sönerken” İktisat ve Toplum, Nisan, 2013.
“TCMB’nin “Yeni” Politika Arayışları 2013’te de Sürecek” İktisat ve Toplum, Ocak, 2013.
“2012’den 2013’e Türkiye Ekonomisi” İşveren, 51(1) Ocak – Şubat: 63-66, 2013.
“Geçmişten Günümüze Türkiye Ekonomisi”, İktisat ve Toplum, Aralık, 2012.
Kapitalizmin Büyük Durgunluğu Aşılamıyor, İktisat ve Toplum, Kasım 2012
“Yerçekimi Yasalarının Yadsınması: Finansallaşma ve Köpük Kapitalizmi” İktisat ve
Toplum, Ekim 2012.
“Türkiye Orta Gelir Tuzağına Yaklaşırken” İktisat ve Toplum, Temmuz-Ağustos, 2012.
Sömürgeleri Olmadan Avrupa Sanayileşebilir miydi?, İktisat ve Toplum, Mayıs 2012.
“Ulusal İstihdam Stratejisi” Belgesi Üzerine”, İktisat ve Toplum, Nisan 2012.
“Avrupa’nın ve Türkiye’nin Dönemeçleri”, İktisat ve Toplum, Mart 2012
“Kapitalizmin 1980 Dönüşümü ve Sonrası” TÜSİAD Görüş, No 72, Şubat, sf. 8-15, 2012.
“Kayıt Dışı Akımların Beslediği Büyüme Süreci Sürdürülemez ve Kırılgan Niteliktedir”
TISK: İşveren 49(6) : 86-88, Eylül-Ekim 2011.
“Türkiye Ekonomisinin Büyüme Gerçekleri” Kocaeli Yüksek Öğrenim Dergisi, May 2011.
“Tarihin Sonundan Jackson Deliği’ne” Maden-İş Dergisi, Ekim 2011
“Sermaye tsunami gibi aktı ve yıktı”, Interview at Sendika.org, Mart 2011.
“Büyüme” Söylemleri ve Gerçekler” Maden-İş Dergisi, Haziran, 2011
18 “Mahşerin Yedi Atlısı, Ya Da IMF’den Kriz Dersleri” Maden-İş Dergisi, Mart 2011
“Sanayileşmenin Neresindeyiz?” Maden-İş Dergisi, Ocak 2011.
“Büyük Durgunluk ve Türkiye” EkoForm, 1(6): 14-34, Ocak 2011
“Büyük Durgunluk Altında İstikrar Meselesi” İktisat ve Toplum, 1(4) Ocak 2011.
“Cancun Sonrası İklim Değişikliği İle Mücadele: “gezegenimiz alınıp satılan ticari bir mal
değildir” İktisat ve Toplum, 1(3) Aralık 2010.
“Kur Savaşları ve Döviz Kurunda Denge Sorunu” TÜSİAD Görüş, Aralık 2010.
“Hollanda Hastalığı Yayılırken...” İktisat ve Toplum, 1(2) Kasım 2010.
“Büyük Durgunluğun Öğrettikleri” İktisat ve Toplum, 1(1) Ekim 2010, pp. 16-26.
“Özelleştirme, Serbestleştirme, Esnekleştirme...” Kocaeli Yüksek Öğrenim Dergisi, Haziran
“Kriz Sonrası Yaşam Var mı?” Maden-İş Dergisi, Temmuz, 2010.
İstihdamsız Büyüme, İstihdamsız Toparlanma, Esnek İşgücü, Maden-İş Dergisi, Ağustos,
“Şu “Mali Kural” Dedikleri” Maden-İş Dergisi, Eylül, 2010.
“12 Eylül 1980’i Anlamak” Maden-İş Dergisi, Kasım, 2010.
“Küresel Kriz ve Dünya Ekonomisi Üzerindeki Etkileri” İşveren, 48(10-11): 57-62, Temmuz,
“Türkiye Ekonomisi’nde Kur Sorunu ve Spekülatif-Yönlü Büyüme” USİAD Bildiren, 10(42):
54-57, Temmuz, 2010.
“Küresel Kriz ve Türkiye Ekonomisine Etkileri” Havan, Sayı 61, Mart, 2010.
“Ekonomik Kriz Sürüyor, Dünya Bu Gegrinlikleri Kaldıramayabilir” Milliyet Gazetesi İçin
yapılan söyleşi, Haziran 2010.
“Küresel Kriz: Yapısal Nedenleri ve Sonrası” Mercek, Türkiye Metal Sanayicileri Sendikası
Dergisi, 14(54): 61-68, 2009.
“Küresel krizin Üçüncü Yılına Girerken” İşveren, 48(1), 48-52, 2009.
19 “Bu krizden sonra savaş gelebilir” Milliyet Gazetesi için yapılan söyleşi, Ekim 2008
Nail Satlıgan’la Söyleşi: “Küreselleşme Kim İçin” Yordam Kitap
“Yeni Emperyalizmin Ekonomisi” İktisat, İşletme ve Finans, No 231:13-23. June 2005 (with
Korkut Boratav and Ali Bilge).
“Is Turkey the next Argentina?” OP-Ed International Herald Tribune, 4 December 2004
(with Mark Weisbrot).
“IMF’s Theories Fail to See How Turkey’s Hopes are on a Knife Edge” Letter to the Editor,
Financial Times, 3 November 2004.
“Türkiye Ekonomisi ve IMF Politikalari” İktisat, İşletme ve Finans, 18 (207): 5-37 October,
“İstikrar, Kim İçin? Kriz İdaresi Üzerine Değerlendirmeler”, Birikim, November, 2002.
“Türkiye Ekonomisi, 2002” Birleşik Metal-İş Sendikası Dergisi. 2002
“İktisat ve İktisatçı Nereye?” Toplum ve Bilim, 2002.
“Neoliberal Küreselleşme Karşisinda Kalkınma Stratejisinin Gündemi” Praksis, September,
“Dünya Sosyal Forumu’nun Ardindan” Birikim, March, 2002.
“Neoliberalizmin Gözde Ekonomisi Arjantin Çökerken” Birikim, February, 2002.
Interview on the Turkish Economy, with Derya Sazak, Milliyet, 19 March 2002.
Round Table on the Turkish Economy” Cumhuriyet, July 20-24, 2002. (with Korkut Boratav,
Oktar Türel, and Ahmet Köse).
"1980-Sonrası Türkiye'sinde Makroekonomik Uyum Süreçleri" Birikim, December, 2001
"Türkiye Ekonomisinde 2000-2001 Krizinin Yapısal Kaynakları Üzerine" Doğu Batı,
November, 2001.
"2002 Yılı Bütçesi ve Kamu Kesimi Borçlanma Gereği Üzerine Bazı Teknik Gözlemler",
Yeni Türkiye Dergisi, December, 2001.
“2002 Yılı Bütçesinin Değerlendirilmesi” Toplum ve Hekim, December, 2001.
"Güçlü Ekonomiye Geçiş Programı Üzerine Değerlendirmeler" Ileri, June, 2001.
20 "Bir Takas İşleminin Ardından" Birikim, July, 2001.
"Birinci Yılında 2000-Enflasyonu Dusurme Programının Değerlendirilmesi" Birikim, April,
"Comments on the Turkish Economy" Tes-Is Sendikasi, June, 2001.
“Küreselleşen Türkiye Ekonomisinde Devlet, Sermaye ve Ücretli Emek Açisindan Bölüşüm
ve Birikim İlişkileri” Birikim, August, 2000.
“Küresellesme Sürecinde Türkiye Ekonomisinde Üretim, Birikim Ve Bölüşüm İlişkilerine
Toplu Bir Bakış”, Petrol İş Sendikası, 1997/99 Yıllığı, 2000.
“Kapitalizmin Son İki Küreselleşme Evresi Üzerine Gözlemler” Iktisat Dergisi, December,
“1980-Sonrasi Türk Ekonomisinde Büyüme Ve Bölüşüm Dinamikleri” Toplum ve Hekim,
August, 2000.
“1980-Sonrasi Türk İmalat Sanayinin Gelişme Dinamikleri Üzerine Gözlemler” İktisat,
İşletme ve Finans, December, 2000. (with K. Metin-Ozcan and E. Voyvoda).
“İstikrar Programi Ve Türk Ekonomisinin Geleceği” İktisat, İşletme ve Finans, May, 2000.
(Round Table with E. Erkul, G. Sak, F. Ozatay, and N. Ekinci).
“Türk Imalat Sanayiinde Işgücü Üretkenliği ve Ücretlerin Gelişimi” Türk-Is 1999 Yıllığı,
1999. (with E. Voyvoda).
“Türkiye Ekonomisinde Kriz ve Kamu Maliyesi” Mülkiyeliler Birliği Dergisi, May 1999.
(Round Table with O. Turel, O. Oyan, E. Dedeoglu, F. Emil, and S. Sonmez).
“Doğu Asya Krizinin Etkileri Üzerine Bir Makroekonomik Genel Denge Modelinin
Sonuçları” İktisat, İşletme ve Finans, May, 1998.
“Disa Açılma Sürecinde Türkiye Ekonomisinin Dinamikleri, 1980-1997” Toplum ve Bilim,
77: 45-67, Yaz, 1998. (with Ahmet Kose).
“Asya ve Latin Amerika Ekonomilerine Yönelik Kisa Vadeli Sermaye Akýmlarýnýn Etkileri
Üzerine Gözlemler” Ekonomide Durum, Spring-Summer, (3-4):155-165. 1997
“Input-Output Tablosu Sektör Tasnifine Göre Türkiye Imalat Sanayiinde Yoğunlaşma
Eğilimleri: 1985-1993” Gazi Üniversitesi Iktisat Dergisi. (with Merih Günes and
Ahmet Köse).
“Devletin Iktisadi Hayattaki Rolü” Iktisat Dergisi, Haziran, Proceedings of the 22nd National
Conference on Turkish Economy in 1997, Istanbul.
“Türkiye Finansal Serbestlestirme Deneyimi” Petrol-İş 1995-97 Yıllığı, Istanbul, 1997.
21 “Kısa Vadeli Sermaye Akımları” Ekonomide Durum Fall, No 1:41-48. 1996.
“Kamu Kesimi Açığının Kaynakları Üzerine” Cumhuriyet Ekonomi No 9, 23 December
“Azgelişmiş Ülkelere Yönelik Kısa Vadeli Sermaye Akımlarının Makroekonomik Etkileri
Üzerine Gözlemler” Iktisat Dergisi, October-November, No 360&361:49-57. 1996.
“Türkiye Ekonomisinde 1980-Sonrasında Gelir Bölüşümünü Belirleyen Makroekonomik
Süreçler” Iktisat Dergisi, September, No 359: 26-29. 1996.
“Türkiye’de Istikrar Paketleri, Çözümsüzlük ve Arayışlar” Iktisat Dergisi, Ağustos,
Proceedings of the 21st National Conference on Turkish Economy in 1996, Istanbul.
“Istikrar Önünde Kısa Vadeli Spekülatif Sermaye Engeli” Cumhuriyet, July 30-August 2,
1996. (With Erol Balkan)
“Türkiye Için Dinamik Bir Makroekonomik Genel Denge Modeline Doğru” Iktisat, Işletme
ve Finans, 11(121): 5-15, April, 1996
“Tekila Etkisi Sürerken Arjantin’de Son Tango” Cumhuriyet, March 1996. (With Erol
“Türkiye Ekonomisinde Sektörel İşgücü İstihdamı ve Ücret Yapısı Üzerine Bir Deneme”
İktisat, İşletme ve Finans, 11(118): 11-25, January, 1996. (with Ahmet Köse).
“Gümrük Birliği Sürecinde Türkiye Ekonomisinin Gelişme Perspektifleri” Mülkiyeliler
Birliği Dergisi, 20(187): 7-23, January, 1996. (with Ahmet Köse).
“Meksika Krizinin Öğrettikleri Ya Da Hades Cehenneminde Azgelişmişlik” Mülkiyeliler
Birliği Dergisi, 19(186): 36-40, December, 1995.
“Gümrük Birliği Sürecinde Türkiye Ekonomisinin Gelişme Perspektifleri Üzerine Bir Not”
Madenci, 24 (300-301): 25-27, 1995. (with Ahmet Köse).
“1994 Krizinin Yapısal Kaynakları” Cumhuriyet, 17-20 Ekim, 1995.
“Gümrük Birliğinin Dinamik Sonuçları” Cumhuriyet, 13 May 1995.
“Yeni Bir Meksika Krizi mi Geliyor?” Yeni Yüzyıl, 3 March 1995.
“Türk Ekonomisinde Krizin Oluşumu, 1990-1993: Bir Genel Denge Analizi” Harb-Iş
Sendikası Yayınları, 1994, Ankara.
“Kamu Finansman Krizinin Ardındaki Etkenlerin Bölüşüm Göstergeleri Açısından
İrdelenmesi “ İktisat, İşletme ve Finans, Temmuz, 9(100); 56-73, 1994.
“Çevre Ekonomisinin Uluslararası Platformda Uygulamalarının Türkiye Açısından Önemi”
İktisat, İşletme ve Finans, Ocak, 1994.
22 “Türkiye Ekonomisinde 5 Nisan Kararları: Öncesi ve Muhtemel Sonuçları” Mülkiyeliler
Birliği Dergisi, Temmuz 18(169): 2-19, 1994. (with K. Boratav, H. Uluğbay and E.
“Varlığa Dayalı Menkul Kıymet Uygulamalarında Türkiye Deneyimi Üzerine Bazı
Gözlemler” İktisat, İşletme ve Finans, 8(87): 5-10, 1993. (with G. Sak).
“Türk Yapısal Uyum Sürecinde İktisadi Artığın Yaratılması ve Kaynak Aktarımı” İktisat,
İşletme ve Finans, Eylül 78(3): 32-44, 1992.
“Çevre ve Ekonomi” İktisat, İşletme ve Finans, Aralık 81(7): 31-46, 1992.
Book Review on “İstikrar Politikaları” by S. Özmucur, Istanbul: Avcılar Basım. Boğaziçi
Journal of Economics and Administrative Sciences, 5(2): 154-156, 1992.
“Türk Yapısal Uyum Programının En Uygunluğunun Bir Genel Denge Modelinde Analizi”
Toplum ve Bilim, 46&47: 57-82, 1989.
“Türkiye’nin Alternatif Kalkınma Sorunu Üzerine Bir Genel Denge Çalışması” İktisat
Dergisi, Ocak 290:49-55, 1989.
“Makro Ekonomi Politikalar ve Reagan’ın Çıkmazı” Bilim ve Sanat, May 29:12-15, 1983.
Papers Presented at Professional Conferences and Panels
“The Post-2015 Development Agenda” paper presented at the Mediterranean Studies Centre,
Yasar University, April 2014.
“2002-2012 Döneminde Türk İşgücü Piyasaları” Paper presented at the TMMOB Congress of
the Industry” Ankara, December 20-21, 2013.
“Breaking the Duality Trap” paper presented at the UNDP-Ministry of Development
Regional Consultation on the Post-2015 Development Agenda, November 6-8, 2013,
“Sürdürülebilir Ve Yeşil Büyüme” Paper Presented at the Vth İzmir Economics Congress,
Oct 30-Nov1, 2013, Izmir
“Geleceğin Meslekleri” paper presented at the 9th Kalder Conference on Excellence, June 5,
2013, Izmir.
“The “Great Recession” And Labour: The Faltering Relations Of Growth And Jobs In
Turkey”, paper presented at the 39th Annual Conference of the Eastern Economic
Association, New York, May 2013.
“A General Equilibrium Analysis Of Alternative Exit Strategies From Expansionary Fiscal
Policies” Paper presented at the Turkish Economics Association Conference, Izmir,
November, 2012. (with Gökçe Karasoy).
23 “Türkiye Ekonomisinin Büyüme Dinamikleri” Key Note presented at the Ege University
Annual Student Conference, April, 2013.
“Türkiye Ekonomisinde Büyüme ve İstikrar Arayışları” IFMC İktisat Fakültesi Mezunları
Cemiyeti, Annual Conference, March 2013.
“Türkiye Ekonomisinde Dönüşüm, 2013 ve Sonrası” 8. İzmir İktisat Günleri, Dokuz Eylül
Üniversitesi, March 2013.
“Geçmişten Günümüze Türkiye Ekonomisinin Yapısal Dönüşüm Dinamikleri” Paper
presented at the İktisadi Araştırmalar Vakfı Conference, November 2012.
“Alternatives to Inflation Targeting Monetary Policy” Paper presented at the Annual
Conference of the Central Bank of Argentina on Economic Crisis, Financial Systems
and Developing Countries, Buenos Aires, October 2012.
“Ulusal İstihdam Stratejisi Taslağına Makro Bakış” Ulusal İstihdam Stratejisi Kongresi,
Ankara Üniversitesi, April 2012.
“Social Contract: Building Equity and Sustainability” paper presented at the Global Human
Development Meetings, UNDP and Ministry of Development, Turkey, Istanbul, March,
“The Great Recession and Lessons for the Mainstream” Paper presented at the 10th Annual
Congress of the International Development Economics Associates –IDEAs”,
Muttukadu, India, January 2012.
“Dünyada ve Türkiye’de Ekonomik Durum ve Sendikal Hareket” Birleşik Metal İş General
Assembly, December, 2011.
“Dynamics of the Turkish Economy” Paper presented at the 10th Industry Congress of the
Istanbul Chamber of Industry, Istanbul, 14-15 December 2011.
“Effects of Inflation Target Misses on Inflation Expectations Formation: A Comparative
Analysis”, paper Presented at the Anadolu University Conference on Economics, June,
2011. (paper with Destan Kırımhan).
“And Keynes Said It All: Let Finance Be A National Matter” Paper presented at the Keynes
Society Annual meetings, Izmir, February 2011.
“Sermaye Hareketleri ve Döviz Kuru Politikaları” paper presented at the Turkish Economic
Association Annual Conference, December 2010, Ankara
“GLOBAL CRISIS and TURKEY: A Macroeconomic Assessment of the Effects of Fiscal
Stimulus Measures on Employment and Labour Markets” ILO Conference on “Impact
Analysis of Fiscal Stimulus Measures on Labour Markets” Ankara, September, 2010
24 “Has the IMF Changed?” Paper presented at the Heinrich Böll Foundation – IMF/World
Bank meetings, Istanbul, October, 2009.
“Growth and Unemployment Nexus in Post-2000 Turkey” paper presented at the XV. Annual
Workshop of the Euromemorandum, Berlin September 25-26, 2009.
“Küresel Kriz: Yapısal Nedenleri ve Türkiye Ekonomisine Etkileri” Paper presented at the
Kocaeli University Conference on “Küresel Kriz Koşullarında Feshe Karşı Korunma”,
Izmit, May 9, 2009.
“On the Nature and Causes of the Collapse of the Wealth of Nations” paper presented at the
IDEAs Conference, Re-Regulating Global Finance in the Light of the Global Crisis,
Tsinghua University, Beijing, April 9-12, 2009.
“Kapitalizmin Yenden Finansallaşması ve 2007/2008 Krizi” Presentation at the Turkish
Economics Association (TEK) Conference, Küresel Bunalım ve Türkiye Ekonomisi”,
Ankara December 2008.
The Crisis of Capitalism, Seminar given at Working Lives Institute, London Metropolitan
University and Cardiff University, December 2008.
For audio archive of the seminar, see:
“The End of A Façade named Globalization: Good Bye Financial Repression, Hello Financial
Crash –Revisited” Middle East Technical University Conference on “Neoliberalism,
Crisis and Latin America”, November 14, 2008, Ankara
“Küresel Kriz ve Ekonomi” AÜ SBF Conference Presentation, Ankara, November 21, 2008.
“Küresel Kriz ve Ekonomiye Yansımaları” Ulusal Ekonomi Kurultayı, İzmir, November 15,
“Alternatives to Inflation Targeting for the MENA Region” ERF/FEMISE Conference on
“Monetary Policy and Inflation Targeting”, Tunisia, October, 2008.
“Modeling General Equilibrium for Socially Responsible Macroeconomics” Keynote
Address at the 16th International Input-Output Conference , Istanbul, Turkey, July 26, 2007.
“Financialization of the World Economy, ‘Credible Governance’, Lopsided Growth and
Vanishing Jobs” Paper presented at the University of Nairobi, International Conference
in memory of Guy Mahone on “Sustainable Employment Generation in Developing
Countries: Current Constraints and Alternative Strategies”, 25-27 January, 2007,
Nairobi, Kenya.
“Patterns of Adjustment under the Age of Finance: The Case of Turkey as a Peripheral Agent
of Neo-Globalization”. Paper presented at the URPE Conference, Chicago, Jan 4-7,
25 2007 and at Rethinking Marxism Conference, University of Massachusetts, Amherst,
October, 2006.
“2001 Krizi Sonrasında Türkiye: Dış Borçlanma ve Spekülasyona Dayalı Büyüme
Çözülürken” Paper presented at Malatya İnönü University Conference on “Ulusal
Bağımsızlık İçin İktisat Politikaları”, June 2006.
“Türkiye Ekonomisinin Orta-Uzun Dönem Büyüme Perspektifleri Ve Alternatif Arayışları”
Paper presented the VAKIF2000 Conference on “2006 Başında Türkiye Ekonomisi,
Fırsatlar Riskler”, TOBB Economics and Technology University Ankara, April 18,
“2001 Krizi Sonrasında Türkiye Ekonomisi'nde Makroekonomik Uyum Süreçleri:
Değişenler, Değişmeyenler” Paper presented at the Socialist Economics Conference, 18
December 2005, Istanbul.
“A Macroeconomic General Equilibrium Model For Turkey: Disinflation, Fiscal Austerity
and Labor Markets” Paper presented at the Economic Research Forum Annual
Conference, 18-21 December, 2005, Cairo, Egypt. (Paper with Ebru Voyvoda and
Cagatay Telli).
“Türkiye Ekonomisinin Orta Uzun Dönem Büyüme Perspektifleri: Genel Denge Modelleri ve
Bölüşüm” Paper presented at the 9.th Congress of the Turkish Social Sciences
Association 7-9 December 2005, Ankara.
“A Financial CGE Model to Investigate the Realism of “Expansionary” Fiscal Austerity in
Turkey” paper Presented at the ECOMode Conference, 29 July, 2005, Istanbul
“Search for Alternatives to Neoliberal Policies: The Case of Turkey” paper presented at the
Conference on “Acts Of Resistance” Against Globalisation From The South”, Turkish
Social Sciences Association, 5-7 September 2005, Ankara.
“Uluslararası İktisadi Gelişmeler ve Türkiye Ekonomisine Yansımaları”, Paper presented at
the Foreign Ministry, May, 2005, Ankara.
“Turkish Monetary Policy under the IMF Program” paper presented at the workshop on
“Alternatives to Inflation Targeting” Buenos Aires, May 2005. (with Ebru Voyvoda).
“2005 Başında Türkiye Ekonomisi Üzerine Gözlemler” Gazi University Conference pof
Turkish Economics, April 2005, Ankara.
“Assessing The Privatization Experience In Turkey: Implementation, Politics And
Performance Results” Paper presented at the Institute of Economic Studies Conference
February, 2005, Istanbul.
“Türkiye Ekonomisi’nde İşsiz-Büyüme: Gözlemler, Çözüm Önerileri” Paper presented at the
“SHP İstihdam kurultayı”, February, 2005, Ankara.
“Küresel Mali Kuruluşların Kıskacı Altında Türkiye’de Emek Hareketinin Durumu Paper
presented at the DİSK Symposium on Turkish Labor Movement, February, 2005,
Ankara.“Turkey 2001-2004: IMF Strangulation, Tightening Debt Trap, and Lopsided
26 Recovery” paper presented at the IDEAs workshop on “Liberalization, Macroeconomic
Policy and Development options in Asia” 27 Sept-1 Oct, 2004, Manila, Philippines.
“Beyond the Washington Consensus: Seeking Socially Relevant Alternatives for the South”
paper presented at the Carnegie Foundation workshop on Globalization and Ethics,
New York, 12-13, September 2004.
“Turkey: Striving for Stabilization and Credibility” Paper presented at the Institute of
Economic Studies, September 16, 2004.
“Financial Liberalization and Financial Crisis Episodes of the 1990s” paper presented at the
IDEAs session on “Globalization as Imperialism” at the IVth World Social Forum,
Mumbai, India, January, 2004.
“Targeting ‘Inflation Targeting’: Turkish Monetary Policy under the IMF Program” paper
presented at the workshop on “Alternatives to Inflation Targeting” University of
Massachusetts, Amherst, 16-17 April, 2004.
“On The Analysis Of Macro-Poverty Links: Achievements And Gaps” paper presented in the
IFPRI-EURODAD-OXFAM-and the New Ruled for Global Finance Coalition
Conference Tools for the Exante Poverty Impact assessment of macroeconomic
Policies (EPIAM)” Washington DC, October 14-15, 2003
“Capital’s Response To Globalization: A Comparative Analysis Of The Adjustment Patterns
Of Mark-Ups In Post-Liberalization Developing Countries” Paper presented at the VII.
METU International Conference on Economics, September 2003. (with Gokhan
“Küresellesme ve Türkiye’ye Yansimalari” Paper presented at the 8. National Conference of
the Turkish Social Sciences Association, December 5, 2003, Ankara.
“Neoliberal Iktisadi Mali Politikalar ve Büyüme” Paper presented at the 28th Annual
Conference of the Association of the Alumni of Istanbul University Economics’
Faculty (IFMC), December 2003, Istanbul.
“Türkiye Ekonomisi ve IMF Politikalari” Paper presented at the Baskent University
Conference, 30 April 2003.
“Küresellesmenin Ekonomi Politiginin Sürdürülebirligi” Paper presented at the IV. Energy
Symposium, Chamber of Electrical Engineers’ Association (TMMOB), December,
2003. Ankara
“The Rising Hegemony of Global Finance and the Demise of Development” Paper presented
at the 6th Annual EAALC Conference on Globalization and Development Problems,
Havana, Cuba, February, 2003
“Lessons of the Turkish Economic and Political Crisis” paper presented at the IIIrd World
Social Forum, Porto Alegre, Brazil, January, 2003
27 “Behind The 2000/2001 Turkish Crisis: Stability, Credibility, And Governance, For Whom?”
IDEAs Conference on International Money and Developing Countries: Theoretical and
Policy Issues in the Current Context” 16-19 December, 2002, Chennai, India.
“Beyond Crisis Adjustment: Investigation of Fiscal Policy Alternatives in an OLG Model
Model Of Endogenous Growth for Turkey” Paper presented at the VI. METU
Conference on Economics, September 11-15, 2002, Ankara. (with Ebru Voyvoda).
“Patterns Of Financial Capital Flows And Accumulation In The Post-1990 Turkish
Economy” Paper presented at the VI. METU Conference on Economics, September
11-15, 2002, Ankara
“On The Structural Weaknesses Of The Post-1999 Turkish Dis-Inflation Program” Koç
University, International Workshop on The Turkish Crisis”, September 27, 2002.
Live panel debate on the Turkish economy with Kemal Derviş, Minister of State, TV8,
September, 5 2002.
“Globalization” Conference organized by The Union of Petroleum Products and Chemicals
Workers, Aliağa, August 30, 2002.
Live panel debate on the Turkish economy, Kanal E, May 19, 2002.
Live panel debate on globalization, Soru-Cevap CNN-Turk, March 12, 2002.
“Effects of the Crisis on Labor Incomes” Conference organized by the Labour Platform,
Izmit, 30 March, 2002.
“Anniversary of The February Crisis” Conference organized by İktisat, İşletme ve Finans,
February 27, 2002.
“Rethinking Development Economics: Active Growth and Social Policies under
Globalization” The World Social Forum II, Porto Alegre, Brazil, February 1-6, 2002.
“The Turkish Crisis in a Comparative Framework” IDEAs Conference on Development
Economics, Growth and Distribution Under Financial Globalization”, Rio de Janerio,
January, 2002.
“External Liberalization and Crisis: The Turkish Case” Conference organizaed by CEPA,
January, 7-10, 2002, Hanoi, Vietnam. (paper with Korkut Boratav)
"Küreselleşme Süreci Üzerine Gözlemler" Paper presented at the TR Central Bank
Conference on Bilgi Teknolojileri, Yeni Ekonomi ve Küreselleşme, December, 2001,
“Türkiye Ekonomisi Bunalıma Mahkum mu” Panel presentation, VIIth Annual Congress of
The Turkish Social Sciences Association, November, 2001, Ankara.
“Küreselleşme Sürecinde Türkiye Ekonomisi” Conference presentation, TESAV, November,
2001, Ankara.
28 “Güçlü Ekonomiye Geçiş Programının Ardından Türkiye” Panel presentation, Vth Annual
METU Conference on Economics, September, 2001, Ankara.
“The Developmental Agenda in the Age of Neo-Liberal Globalization” Paper presented at the
UNRISD (United Nations Research Institute for Social Development) Conference,
Capetown, September, 2001.
“Türkiye Ekonomisinde Bunalım ve Istikrar Arayışları” Panel presentation organized by the
Chamber of Electrical Engineers, May, 2001, Istanbul.
“Türkiye’de Ekonomik Bunalım ve Çıkış Yolları” panel presentation organized by the
Economics Journalists Association (EMD), April, 2001, Ankara.
“Türkiye Ekonomisi” Conference presentation Eskişehir Anadolu University, March 2001.
“Türkiye Ekonomisinde Sermaye Hareketleri ve Finansal Sistem” panel presentation
organized by Ankara University, Department of Public Finance, March, 2001,
“Türkiye Ekonomisinde Bunalım ve Istikrar Arayışları” Panel presentation organized by the
Turkish Medical Doctors’ Association (Türk Tabipler Birliği), March, 2001, Ankara.
“A Political Economy Approach to the Turkish Disinflation Programme” paper presented at
the Annual ASSA Meetings, New Orleans, January 5-7, 2001; and IV. Annual METU
Conference on Economics, September 11-15, 2000, Ankara. (with S. Khakimzhanov).
“On the Patterns of Trade Liberalization, Oligopolistic Concentration and Profitability:
Reflections from Post-1980 Turkish Manufacturing” Paper presented at the Annual
Conference of the Economic Research FORUM, Amman, November, 2000. (paper
with K. Metin-Ozcan and E. Voyvoda).
“Agricultural Trade, Accumulation and Growth in the South Meditterenean NICs and Turkey
and Their Interface with the European Union.” Paper presented at the V. Annual
GTAP Conference, Monash University, Melbourne, June, 2000. (with A. Bayar)
“The Political Economy Of Reform Failure And Macroeconomic Mis-Management: Turkey,
1980-2000” Paper presented at the Conference, The Diverse Experience with
Economic Reform Failure and Poor Economic Performance: A Political-Economic
Approach, Stockholm School of Economics, 17-18 March 2000. (with S.
“Turk Imalat Sanayiinde Isgucu Uretkenligi ve Ucretlerin Gelisimi” Third METU Conference
on Economics, Ankara, September, 1999. (with E. Voyvoda).
“The End of The Developmental State? A General Equilibrium Investigation on the Sources
of the Asian Crisis within a Multi-Region, Inter-temporal CGE Model”, paper
presented at the 4th GTAP Conference, Gl. Averneas, Denmark, June, 1999; and at the
Third METU Conference on Economics, Ankara, September, 1999. (paper with I.
29 “How Trade and R&D Promotion Policies Affect Growth: An Applied General Equilibrium
Analysis with Endogenous Growth” Paper presented at the 12th World Congress of the
International Economic Association, Buenos Aires, August, 1999. (with X. Diao and
T. Roe).
“Dynamics of Macroeconomic Adjustment in A Globalized Developing Economy: Growth,
Accumulation and Distribution, Turkey 1969-1998” paper presented at the Gazi
University Conference The Anatomy of the Crisis, May, 1999. (paper with K. MetinOzcan and E. Voyvoda).
“Globalization, Distribution And Social Policy: Turkey: 1980-1998” paper presented at the
CEPA and New School for Social Research Conference on Globalization and Social
Policy, New York, January, 1999. (with K. Boratav,and A. Köse )
“Dynamics of Growth, Accumulation and Distribution in the post-1980 Turkish Economy: A
Kaldorian General Equilibrium Interpretation” Paper accepted for presentation at the
URPE at ASSA Meetings, New York, January, 1999. (with Bilkent Graduate
Students, class of 1998).
“Challenges and Choices in Post-Crisis East-Asia: Simulations of Investment Policy Reform
in an Intertemporal, Global Model”, Paper presented at the FIES at ASSA Meetings,
New York, January, 1999 (with Xinshen Diao and Wenli Li).
“Interface of Trade Liberalization, Accumulation and Growth in A World of Multi-Polar
trade Blocs: Lessons from a Multi-Regional Global General Equilibrium Model”,
Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the FORUM for Research in the Middle
East and North Africa, Tunisia, August, 1998. (paper with Xinshen Diao).
“How Trade and R&D Promotion Policies Affect Economic Development: A General
Equilibrium Analysis with Endogenous Growth” paper presented at the International
Conference “Using Dynamic Computable General Equilibrium Models for Policy
Analysis”, Gl. Avernaes, Denmark, June 1998. (Paper with Xinshen Diao and Terry
“Makro Ekonomik Politikalar Açısından Türk Emek Piyasasının Çözümlenmesi” paper
presented at the Conference on “Turkish Labor Markets” Jointly held by State
Institute of Statistics and The International labor Organization, Ankara, March, 1998.
(Paper with Ahmet Kose).
“Türkiye Sosyal Güvenlik Sisteminin Sorunlar ve Çözüm Önerileri Üzerine Eleştirel Bir
Deneme” paper presented at the Second METU Conference on Economics, Ankara,
September, 1998. (paper with Ahmet Kose).
“Dunya Krizi Uzerine Gozlemler” Paper presented at the Turkish Economic Foundation
Panel, Ankara, November, 1998.
“AR-GE Yönlü Bir Endojen Büyüme Modeli’nden Kalkınma Stratejisi Üzerine Dersler”
paper presented at the Prof. Demir Demirgil Memorial Seminar in Bogazici
University, March, 1998.
30 “Türkiye’de Kamu Finansmanı ve Para Politikaları” paper presented at the Fifth National
Conference of the Turkish Social Sciences Association, Ankara, November, 1997.
(paper with Erdal Ozmen).
“Trade Liberalization and Fiscal Debt Management in A Dynamic CGE Model for Turkey”,
Paper presented at the First METU Conference on Economics, Ankara, September,
18-20, 1997. (Paper with Xinshen Diao and Terry Roe).
“Devletin İktisadi Hayattaki Rolü”, Panel Discussion in the 22nd Annual Conference of the
İktisat Fakültesi Mezunları Cemiyeti, Istanbul, April 10-12. 1997.
“Gümrük Birliği’nin Birinci Yılı, Değerlendirmeler” Panel presentation at the TMMOB
Conference on Customs Union, Istanbul, 12 March 1997.
“Türkiye Ekonomisinde İstikrar Arayışları” Panel presentation at the Gazi University,
Ankara, 27 March, 1997.
“Fiscal Debt Management, Accumulation and Transitional Dynamics in a CGE Model for
Turkey”, Paper presented at the Annual Meetings of the Middle East Economic
Association, January, 3-5, 1997, New Orleans. (Paper with Xinshen Diao and Terry
“On Structural Sources of the 1994 Turkish Crisis: A CGE Modeling Analysis” Paper
presented at the Annual Meetings of the Union for Radical Political Economics,
January, 3-5, 1997, New Orleans.
“Implications of the Uruguay Round for Technology Transfer to Developing CountriesComment” Paper presented at the Conference on Technology and Employment, State
Institute of Statistics, Ankara, 10 December 1996.
“On Turkey’s Trade Policy: Is a Customs Union with Europe Enough?” Paper presented at
the 11th Annual Congress of the European Economic Association, Istanbul, August
21-24. 1996. (Paper with Jean Mercenier).
“Financial Liberalization, Fiscal Deficits and Hot Capital Inflows in Turkey” Paper presented
at the IDRC International Workshop on Financial Liberalization in Developing
Countries, Ankara, June 15-16, 1996. (Paper with Erol Balkan).
“Türkiye’de Istikrar Paketleri, Çözümsüzlük ve Arayislar” Panel Discussion in the 21st.
Annual Conference of the İktisat Fakültesi Mezunları Cemiyeti, Istanbul, April 18-21.
“Financial Liberalization in Developing Countries: The Turkish Case” Paper presented at the
IDRC Interim workshop on Financial Liberalization in Developing Countries, Indira
Gandhi Institute of Development Research, Bombay, India, February 28- March 1,
1996. (Paper with Erol Balkan).
“Developments in the Turkish Economy” Panel Discussion on TRT-1, Ankara, September
28, 1995.
31 “Environmental Policy under Alternative Market Structures: Lessons From Turkey as A
NIC”. Paper presented at the Annual Meetings of the Vth International CGE
Modeling Conference, Waterloo, Canada, October 27-29, 1994. (Paper with Terry
“The Interface of Industrialization and Environmental Policies in a CGE Model for Turkey”.
Paper presented at the Annual Metings of the Allied Social Sciences Associations,
Boston, USA, January 3-5, 1994. (Paper with Terry Roe).
“The Agricultural Structural Adjustment Program”. Paper presented at the Ford Foundation
Workshop on “Food and Agricultural Policy Network-III for the Middle East and
North Africa”, Tunis, Tunisia, July 5-8, 1993.
Financial Liberalization and Fiscal Repression in Turkey: Policy Analysis in a CGE Model
with Financial Markets” Paper presented at the Annual Meetings of the Southern
European Association for Economic Theory, Toulouse, France, November 19-21,
“Export Performance and Growth in the Turkish Manufacturing Industry” Paper presented at
the Bilkent -Lancaster Joint Conference on the Turkish Economy, Ankara, September
28, 1992. (Paper with Fatma Taskin).
“Turkiye’de Yapisal Enflasyon, 1980-1990” Paper presented at the 3rd Izmir Congress on the
Turkish Economy, Izmir, June 5-7, 1992.
“A General Equilibrium Investigation of Financial Liberalization in Turkey” Paper presented
at the Annual Meetings of The Allied Social Sciences Associations, New Orleans,
January 2-5, 1992.
“The Effects of the Turkish Structural Adjustment Programme on the Functional Distribution
of Income: Understanding the Econometric Evidence” Paper presented at the
Australian Meetings of the Econometric Society, Sydney, Australia, July 10-13, 1991.
“The Role of Agriculture in the Structural Adjustment Experience of Turkey: A General
Equilibrium Analysis” Paper presented at the Ford Foundation Workshop on “Food
and Agricultural Policy Network-II for the Middle East and North Africa”, Cairo,
Egypt, July 2-5, 1991. (Paper with Erol Çakmak).
“İhracata Yönelik Sanayileşme ve Bölüşüm-Uyumsuz Büyüme: Türkiye, 1980-1989”. Paper
presented at the National Productivity Center Workshop on “Productivity in Relation
to Economic Variables”, Ankara, October 24, 1990.
“Why Do Private Agents Rent-Seek? Political Economy as a Case in Prisoners’ Dilemma”.
Paper presented at the Vth Annual Congress of The European Economic Association,
Lisbon, Portugal, August 31-Sept 2, 1990. (Paper with Terry Roe).
“A General Equilibrium Investigation of the Optimality of Turkish Structural Adjustment to
the 1979-Oil Shock”. Paper presented at the 27th Annual Conference of the Applied
Econometrics Association, Montreal, Canada, September 28-29, 1989.
32 “Political Economy of Rent-Seeking under Alternative Trade Regimes” Paper presented at
the IVth Annual Congress of The European Economic Association, Augsburg,
Germany, September 2-4, 1989. (Paper with Terry Roe).
“Optimal Adjustment to Trade Shocks under Alternative Development Strategies”. Paper
presented at the First Bilkent-Carnegie Mellon Joint Conference, Ankara, May 29-30,
1989. (Paper with Irma Adelman).
“Constructing a Computable General Equilibrium Model for Policy Analysis, Calibration,
and Application for Turkey, 1981”. Paper presented at the Ford Foundation
Workshop on “Food and Agricultural Policy Network-I for the Middle East and North
Africa”, Cairo, Egypt, March 13-15, 1989.
“An Open Economic Modeling of Political Influence and Competition among Rent-Seeking
Groups”. Paper presented at the Annual Meetings of The Minnesota Academy of
Sciences, Minneapolis, USA, April 29-30, 1988. (Paper with Terry Roe).
Graduate Student Supervision
Gökhan Yilmaz, (PhD Committee member) “Productivity Growth in Turkish Economy”
METU, in progress.
Filiz Erataş, (PhD Co-Superwiser) “Structural Change and Duality”, Celal Bayar University,
in progress.
Caner Erhan, (PhD Committee member) “Dynamics of Growth in Turkey” Ege University, in
Tuğrul Göver, (PhD Committee member) “Gelişmekte Olan Ülkelerde Finansal Sermaye
Hareketleri Üzerindeki Kontrollerin Analizi” Gazi University, in progress.
Ilker Arslan, “How Does Behavior of Banks Affect Financial Instability? An Agent Based
Modeling Approach”, Izmir Ekonomi Üniversitesi, 2013.
Gökçe Akın, (PhD Supervisor) “Market-Based Environmental Regulation in the Post-Kyoto
World: Analysis of Turkey's Action Plan in a General Equilibrium Framework” Bilkent
University, 2012.
Aslı Yılmaz (PhD Supervisor) “Türkiye’de Planlama Politikası ve Yönetimi”, Ankara
University, 2012.
Özge Filiz Yağcıbaşı (MA Supervisor) “Implications of the Global Finnacial Crisi on
Inflation targeting Framework” Bilkent University, July, 2012
Yasemin Kara (MA Supervisor) “R&D and Human Capital Driven Endogenous Growth in
The EU versus USA” Bilkent University, July 2012
33 Burcu Afyonoğlu (PhD Committee member) “Four essays on OverLapping generations
Resource Economies: Optimality, Sustainability and Dynamics” Bilkent University, 2012
Zeynep Kızıltekin (MA Supervisor) “Central Banking post-2008 crisis” Bilkent University,
Kerem Yüksel (PhD Committee Member) “Complex Dynamics in Optimal Growth Models”
Bilkent University, in progress
Mehmet Özer (MA Committee member) “Institutional Quality and Endogenous Growth”
Bilkent University, in progress
Cüneyt Sevim (PhD Committee member) “Öncü Göstergeler Yaklaşımına Göre Finansal
Krizler ve Türkye Örneği”, Gazi University, 2012.
Tugba Zeydanlı (MA, supervisor) “The Impacts of the Partial Labor Market Reforms”,
Bilkent University, August, 2011.
Eda Erdoğan (MA Committee member) “Multi Regional Social Accounting Matrix and
Multiplier Analysis: An Application For Turkish Economy”, Middle East Technical
University, August 2011.
Çağaçan Değer (PhD Committee member) “An Overlapping Generations Analysis of Social
Security Reform in Turkey” Middle East Technical University, July 2011.
Mutlu, İnan, (MA, Committee member) “Crises of Capitalism” Middle East Technical
University, 2010.
Özgür Ererdem (PhD Committee Member) “La Croissance Economique: Son Financement et
ses Instabilites (International Capital Flows, Credit Constraints and Growth Cycles)”
Dauphine University, Paris. 2010.
Bengisu Vural, (MA, Supervisor) “General Equilibrium Modeling of Turkish Environmental
Policy and the Kyoto Protocol” Bilkent University, February 2009.
Koray Alper, (PhD Co-supervisor) “The Monetary Transmission Mechanism in Emerging
Market Economies: The Turkish Case” Manchester University, 2008.
Demet Kaya, (MA, supervisor) “Turkish Central Bank Monetary Policy” Bilkent University,
February, 2006.
Raif Can, (MA, supervisor), “Role of Macroeconomic Developments on Total Factor
Productivity in The Turkish Economy” (1972-2003)” Bilkent University, January 2006.
Ussal Şahbaz, (MA, supervisor), “An Alternative Look at the Balance-of-Payments Puzzle:
Structural Decomposition of Post - Liberalization Accounts of 16 Emerging Markets” Bilkent
University, January 2006
Hülya Salt (Committee member) “Sermaye Hareketleri Üzeindeki kontroller ve Türkiye İçin
Öneriler” Central Bank Research Thesis, December 2005
34 Tevfik Koldaş PhD, (Committee member) “Direct Foreign Investment in turkish
Manufacturing Industry” Middle East Technical University, July, 2005.
Servet Aya (MA, supervisor) “The Effects of Military Expendiutres on Turkish Economy: A
General Equilibrium Model Analysis” Bilkent University, July 2005
Kerem Ozan Kalkan (MA Supervisor) “A Study on Political Economy of Peripheral and
Advanced Capitalism” Bilkent University, June 2005.
Murat Taşdemir, PhD, (Committee member) “Dinamik Stokastik Genel Denge Modellerinde
Döngüsel Fayda Fonksiyonları: Makro Ekonomik Sonuçlar”, Anadolu University, January
Baran Siyahhan, M.A., “Privatization of Forests: A Real Options Approach”, Bilkent
University, January 2005.
Zeynep Okyay, (Committee member) “Türkiye-IMF İliskilerinin Maliye Politikaları
Açısından Değerlendirilmesi” Central Bank Research Thesis, July 2004
Mehdi Jelassi, PhD (Committee member) “Investigation of Population Dynamics on Growth
and Trade within an OLG General Equilibrium Model”, Bilkent University, November 2004.
Müslim Sari, (Supervisor) “Dış Borç Yönetimi ve Türkiye Uygulamaları” Central Bank
Research Thesis, November 2004
Gökhan Buturak, M.A. (Supervisor) “Capital’s Response to Globalization” Bilkent
University, October, 2004.
Sebnem Sahin (PhD committee member) “An Economic Policy Discussion of the GHG
Emission Problem in Turkey from a Sustainable Development Perspective within a Regional
General Equilibrium Model: TURCO”, Université Paris I Panthéon - Sorbonne, February,
Elif Açikportalli (committee member) “Uluslararası Sermaye Hareketlerinin Kurumsal
Düzenlemesi” Central Bank Research Thesis, October, 2003.
Ebru Voyvoda, Ph.D. (Superviser) “Alternatives in Debt Management: Investigation of
Turkish Debt in an Overlapping generations General Equilibrium Framework”, Bilkent
University, July, 2003.
Gül Biçer, M.A. (Superwiser) “Effects of Financial Liberalization on the Turkish Economy”
Bilkent University, July, 2003.
Vuslat Us PhD (committee member) “Three Essays on Inflation and Monetary Policy in
Turkey” Bilkent University, October, 2003.
Nil Demet Ozgur PhD (committee member) “Brain Drain and Education Spillovers in
Turkey” Middle East Technical University, 2003.
35 Gozde Gürgün PhD (committee member) “1990’li Yillarda Sermaye Hareketleri ve Krizler”
Central Bank Research Thesis, July 2003
Hakan Toprak (Supervisor) “Türkiye Ekonomisi’nde Kisa Vadeli Sermaye Hareketleri ve
Etkileri” Central Bank Research Thesis, December, 2003
Nilgun Erdem, Ph. D. (committee member) “Üç Finansal Krizin karşılaştırmalı Bir Analizi:
Türkiye, Meksika ve Güney Kore” Ankara University, 2002.
Engin San, M.A. (Committee member) “Sustainability of Fiscal Debt in Turkey” Middle East
Technical University, 2002.
Anıl Çağlayan, Ph.D. (committee member) “Para Krizleri ve Türkiye Örneği”, Ankara
University, 2002.
Ibrahim Hakki Yetkiner Ph.D. (committee member) "Health and Growth: A Dynamic
General Equilibrium Framework Towards Understanding the Implications of Health in the
Long Run Performance of an Economy" Middle East Technical University, 2002.
Bahar Bayraktar M.A. (superviser) "Investigation on Sources of Growth For Turkey: 19681998" Bilkent University, 2001.
Gorkemli Demirel, M.A. (committee member) "Modelling the Relationship Between
Productivity' Employment and Wages in Turkish Small and Medium Sized Enterprises, 19811998" Bilkent University, 2001.
Burca Uckaya, Ph. D. (committee member) “Buyume ve Gelir Dagilimi Iliskisi” Ankara
University, 2001.
Bulent Ulasan M.A. (committee member) "Belirsizlik Olgusunun Yatırımlar Üzerindeki
Etkisi: Türkiye Örneği" Ankara University, 2001.
Umut Pasin, M.A. (Superviser) “Decomposition of Technical Growth in Turkey” Bilkent
University, 2000
Necdet Kenar, Ph.D. (committee member) “Kamu Harcamalarının Ekonomiye Etkileri:
Türkiye Üzerine Ampirik Bir Çalışma” Ankara Unıversity, 2000
Ozlem Onaran Ph.D. (committee member) "Türkiye'de Yapısal Uyum Politikalarının Emek
Piyasası ve Gelir Dağılımına Etkileri" Istanbul Technical University, 1999,
Sevinc Mihci, Ph.D. (committee member) “Turkiye’de Finansal Serbestlesme ve Buyume”,
Hacettepe University, 1999.
Ebru Voyvoda, M.A. (committee member) “Consumption Bliss and Growth” Bilkent
University, 1998.
G. İpek Tunç Ph.D. (committee member) “A Financial Computable General Equılıbrıum
Model for Turkey: Policy Analysis with 1990 Data” Middle East Technical University
36 Ahmet H. Köse, Ph.D. (committee member) “The Effects of the Customs Union on the
Turkish Economy: A Computable General Equilibrium Analysis” Hacettepe University
Ahmet Tiktik, Ph.D.(committee member) Liberalization under imperfect Competition: A
CGE Analysis on Turkey” August 1996.
Katarina Y. Zaim Ph.D. “Environmental-Economic Accounting and Enviromental-Policy
Design: The Turkish Experience” , June 1996.
Alper Yılmaz, M.A. (committee member) “An Econometric Investigation of International
Capital Movements for the Turkish Economy” May, 1994.
Muzaffer Gülleroğlu, M.A.(Superviser) “Relaionship Between Interest and Employment in
Manifacturing Industry in Turkey” July, 1993.
Gökhan Tekin, M.A. (Superviser) “The Unemployment Problem in Turkey”
Ufuk Demiroğlu, M.A (Superviser). “An Inflation Model for the Turkish Economy, 19501990” June, 1992
Murat Yülek, M.A. (committee member) “Estimation of Velocity Function for Turkey Using
Engle-Granger Two Step Method” , November, 1990.
Refereeing for Scholarly and Professional Journals
Guest co-Editor, International Review of Applied Economics, Special issue on “Alternatives
of Inflation Targeting”, February 1998 issue.
Guest Editorial:
International Review of Applied Economics, Special Section of Alternatives to Inflation
targeting, March 2009 issue; Canadian Journal of Development Economics , Special Section
on Financial Liberalization. June 2003 issue.
Refereed for World Development; European Economic Review; Journal of Policy Modeling;
Journal of Economic Growth; International Review of Applied Economics; Applied
Economics; Emerging Markets, Finance and Trade; Canadian Journal of Development
Economics; Review of International Political Economy; Journal of Public Economics; METU
Studies in Development; Journal of Economic Integration; Journal of Economic
Development; Review of Political Economy, Review of Radical Political Economics, Iktisat,
Isletme ve Finans; Calısma ve Toplum