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To cite this article: Sakine Serap Avgın, İrem Dertli & Arvīds Barševskis (2014): A review of Turkish saproxylic beetles from the European Red List, Annales de la Société entomologique de France (N.S.): International Journal of Entomology To link to this article: PLEASE SCROLL DOWN FOR ARTICLE Taylor & Francis makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the “Content”) contained in the publications on our platform. However, Taylor & Francis, our agents, and our licensors make no representations or warranties whatsoever as to the accuracy, completeness, or suitability for any purpose of the Content. Any opinions and views expressed in this publication are the opinions and views of the authors, and are not the views of or endorsed by Taylor & Francis. The accuracy of the Content should not be relied upon and should be independently verified with primary sources of information. 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Terms & Conditions of access and use can be found at http:// Annales de la Société entomologique de France (N.S.), 2014 A review of Turkish saproxylic beetles from the European Red List Sakine Serap Avgına*, İrem Dertlia & Arvīds Barševskisb Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam University, Faculty of Education, Division of Science Education, Avşar Campus, 46100 Kahramanmaraş, Turkey; bDaugavpils University, Institute of Systematic Biology, Vienības Str., 13, Daugavpils, LV-5401, Latvia a Downloaded by [] at 10:21 26 June 2014 (Accepté le 13 février 2014) Summary. The conservation of beetles that depend on dying or dead wood (i.e. saproxylic), has received a great deal of attention in many parts of the world in recent years. Human activities such as urbanization and logging, and their results, e.g. global warming, destroy natural ecosystems and threaten unusual species such as Lucanus cervus (L. 1758), Rosalia alpina (L. 1758), Limoniscus violaceus (Müller 1821) and Osmoderma eremita (Scopoli 1763). Attempts have been made to conserve the habitats upon which these species depend. Although represented by a large number of species, saproxylic beetles in Turkey have not received much attention. Although some Turkish studies have acknowledged their value, comprehensive investigations of these species are very limited. The aim of this study is to make a list, from the literature, of the species that are endangered in Europe and found in Turkey, to highlight the importance of these species. The research includes 151 saproxylic beetle species belonging to the families Bostrichidae, Cerambycidae, Elateridae, Eucnemidae, Scarabaeidae, Euchiridae, Lucanidae and Mycetophagidae. The list of Turkish saproxylic beetles was prepared using the European Red List of Saproxylic Beetles. Information is provided about the IUCN Red List category in Europe, the locations of the species in Turkey, and their global geographic range. We gathered all data about these species from the international literature. Furthermore, we also include in the list certain species whose locations are not specified, but which inhabit Turkey. We obtained their records from some catalogs in Turkey. In addition to the list, we prepared three distribution maps for Turkey. The maps show distribution in Turkey of some species in the Endangered, Vulnerable and Near Threatened categories in the European Red List. It is expected that this study will lead to comprehensive studies on saproxylic beetles from Turkey. Résumé. Revue des coléoptèrs saproxyliques turques de la Liste Rouge Européenne. La conservation des coléoptères qui dépendent du bois mort ou pourrissant (dits saproxyliques) a reçu beaucoup d'attention depuis quelques années. Ls activités humaines comme l'urbanisation, l'exploitation forestière et le réchauffement global, en détruisant des écosystèmes naturels, menacent ainsi jours après jours des espèces uniques telles que Lucanus cervus (L. 1758), Rosalia alpina (L. 1759), Limoniscus violaceus (Müller 1821), Osmoderma eremita (Scopoli 1763). De nombreux chercheurs d'Europe se sont réunis afin de proposer des mesures de conservation des habitats dont ces espèces dépendent. Malgré qu'ils soient représentés par un grand nombre d'espèces, les coléoptères saproxyliques de Turquie n'ont pas reçu beaucoup d'attention. Même si des chercheurs turcs ont mentionné leur valeur dans plusieurs études, les recherches détaillées sont encore très limitées. Le but de ce travail est de constituer, à partir de la littérature, une liste des espèces qui sont à la fois menacées en Europe et présentes en Turquie. La recherche inclut 151 espèces de coléoptères saproxyliques de Turquie qui appartiennent aux familles Bostrichidae, Cerambycidae, Elateridae, Eucnemidae, Scarabaeidae, Euchiridae, Lucanidae et Mycetophagidae. La liste des coléoptères saproxyliques de Turquie a été préparée au départ de la Liste Rouge des espèces d'Europe. Dans cette liste, nous avons donné pour chaque espèce des informations sur les catégories de menace en Europe, les localisations en Turquie et dans le reste du monde. Nous avons rassemblé les données de ces espèces à partir de la littérature internationale. Par ailleurs, certaines espèces dont les localisations ne sont pas précisées mais qui existent en Turquie sont seulement énumérées. Nous présentons aussi trois cartes de distributions en Turquie, pour les espèces en Danger, Vulnérables et Presque Menacées de la Liste Rouge des espèces d'Europe. Nous espérons que cette étude va conduire à des recherches plus complètes des coléoptères saproxyliques de Turquie. Keywords: European Red List of saproxylic beetles; forest biodiversity; diversity; Coleoptera; Middle Asia Low-lying and fallen trunks play important roles in forest ecosystems. Many animals depend on dead wood to some extent. Thus, dead wood is important in maintaining forest biodiversity (Ünal & Küçük 2007). Dead wood also serves as an important store of carbon (Mackensen et al. 2003) and plays an important role in nutrient cycling (Laiho & Prescott 1999). Therefore, dead plant materials represent a *Corresponding author. Email: © 2014 Société entomologique de France valuable resource in forest ecosystems and removal of those materials may cause depletion of soil nutrients and decrease in biodiversity (Lachat et al. 2006). Due to their abundance and diversity, saproxylic beetles may play important roles in wood decay and nutrient cycling in natural ecosystems. Saproxylic beetles are associated with both living plants and dead plant materials (Alexander 2008). Downloaded by [] at 10:21 26 June 2014 2 S.S. Avgın et al. Kaila et al. (1994) state that saproxylic beetles often exhibit a high degree of habitat specificity, and that variables including tree species, diversity and types of fungus species decaying the wood, degree of decay, and quality and structure of the surrounding biotope may affect the occurrence of saproxylic insect species. Because rotten wood is inhabited by the larvae of saproxylic beetles, it is difficult to examine their conditions of microhabitat in detail without destroying them. Therefore, often the adults of saproxylic beetles are studied. Knowledge about the habitat requirements of saproxylic beetles is less detailed than for other insects such as butterflies (Ranius 2002). Saproxylic beetles have important interactions with other organisms, e.g. mites, nematodes, bacteria and fungi, that are significant for ecosystem and economy. The beetles act as vectors, helping to disperse these organisms by carrying them on or within their bodies. Another important role performed by some kinds of saproxylic beetles is pollination (Nieto & Alexander 2010). Studies on saproxylic arthropods in Canada provide insight into factors influencing the abundance and diversity of these organisms. It is known that besides urban sprawl, logging, enlargement of farm fields, and global warming, many factors have a negative influence on saproxylic beetles (Nieto & Alexander 2010). Fremlin (2009) observed Lucanus cervus (L. 1758) in urban parks and gardens, and found that human activities affect their behaviour and populations. Ranius et al. (2005) mentions the threat to Osmoderma eremita (Scopoli 1763) in their study. Some research has been done on other species too, such as Rosalia alpina (Linnaeus 1758), L. cervus (Linnaeus 1758) and Elater ferrugineus (Linnaeus 1758) in Europe (Nieto & Alexander 2010). Recent research suggests that 10.7% of saproxylic beetle species are under the risk of extinction in Europe (Nieto & Alexander 2010). While the diversity, ecology and conservation of saproxylic beetles have received a great deal of attention in Europe, few such efforts have been made in Turkey. Avcı et al. (2010) cited some studies of saproxylic beetles. Turkey has rich fauna including many saproxylic beetle species. However, some of these species are under threat of extinction, for example Lucanus cervus (L. 1758) (Atay & Oğur 2011). Several species such as Ampedus cardinalis (Schiödte 1865) (Abacıgil et al. 2012), Rosalia alpina (L. 1758) (Özdikmen 2012; Özdikmen et al. 2012), Limoniscus violaceus (Müller 1821) (Jansson & Coşkun 2008), that are very rare globally, can be found in Turkey. Although some species are indicated living in Turkey, such as Osmoderma eremita (Scopoli 1763), Podeonius acuticornis (Germar 1824) and Xylomedes cornifrons (Baudi 1874) (Ranius et al. 2005; Sama et al. 2011; Mertlik & Platia 2008; Hallan 2008), their locations in Turkey are not known. The first step in protecting these species is knowing which species are of greatest conservation concern. The aim of this paper is to identify saproxylic species native to Turkey that appear on the European Red List. Material and method The material of this work is the European Red List of Saproxylic Beetles published by International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN 2012). A lot of saproxylic beetle species are classified in different threatened categories in the European Red List. These categories are presented in Figure 1. When the categorization was made, assessment protocols were used taking into account geographic range, data of population, habitat preferences, etc. (Nieto & Alexander 2010; IUCN 2012). The research on saproxylic beetles is very limited; therefore the threat status of these beetles is unknown in Turkey. During this study, no specimens were collected from any locations and no statistical processing for threatened status has been used. First, we examined the European Red List of Saproxylic Beetles and we determined saproxylic beetle species living in Turkey from the list. For detecting these species we benefited from many books, articles, catalogues, Master theses and documents from symposia on saproxylic beetles. After this we obtained information about their distribution in Turkey and the world from books, catalogues, articles, Master theses and websites. Finally, we prepared the sections for each species. We have prepared maps for some species using these data. The first map (Figure 2) shows the distribution in Turkey of species in the Endangered category in the European Red List. The second map (Figure 3) shows the distribution in Turkey of species in the Vulnerable category in the European Red List. The last map (Figure 4) shows the distribution in Turkey of species in the Near Threatened category in the European Red List. We used Google Maps (2013) and Adobe Photoshop CS5 (Adobe Systems Incorporated, San Jose, CA) for these maps. The list of Turkish saproxylic beetles has four sections for each species, as follows. Red List categories in Europe This section gives the threat category of the saproxylic beetle species in Europe. Figure 1 shows the threat categories published by IUCN (2012). The categories are: Extinct (EX); Extinct in the Wild (EW); Regionally Extinct (RE); Critically Endangered (CR); Endangered (EN); Vulnerable (VU); Near Threatened (NT); Least Concern (LC); Data Deficient (DD); Not Applicable (NA) and Not Evaluated (NE). Distribution in Turkey This section gives information about locations of the saproxylic beetle species in Turkey. Global distribution This section indicates the global geographic range for each species. Status and conservation of threatened species and remarks This section provides the threat status and conservation planning for the species in different countries. Moreover it stresses the importance of the species. Downloaded by [] at 10:21 26 June 2014 Annales de la Société entomologique de France (N.S.) 3 Figure 1. Red List categories after International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) (from Nieto & Alexander 2010, with authorization). Figure 2. Map showing distribution of species in Turkey in the Endangered category in the European Red List of Saproxylic Beetles. 1, Adelocera pygmaea (Baudi 1871); 2, Tetrigus cyprius Baudi 1871; 3, Callergates gaillardoti (Chevrolat 1854); 4, Limoniscus violaceus (Müller 1821); 5, Osmoderma lassallei (Baraud & Tauzin 1991). Results According to this list, 151 species of threatened saproxylic beetles live in Turkey. The list of Turkish saproxylic beetles contains eight families of Coleoptera: Bostrichidae (four species), Cerambycidae (77 species), Scarabaeidae (seven species), Elateridae (46 species), Euchiridae (one species), Eucnemidae (nine species), Lucanidae (five species), and Mycetophagidae (two species). Turkish saproxylic beetles from the European Red List Family Bostrichidae Apate monachus (Fabricus 1775) Red List category in Europe. LC. Distribution in Turkey. Antalya province: central, Kumluca, Serik (Öztop et al. 2010). 4 S.S. Avgın et al. Downloaded by [] at 10:21 26 June 2014 Figure 3. Map showing distribution of species in Turkey in the Vulnerable category in the European Red List of Saproxylic Beetles. 1, Delagrangeus angustissimus Pic 1892; 2, Proetia mirifica (Mulsant 1842); 3, Stenopterus atricornis Pic 1891; 4, Ischnodes sanguinicollis (Panzer 1793). Figure 4. Map showing distribution of some species in Turkey in the Near Threatened category in the European Red List of Saproxylic Beetles. 1, Osmoderma eremita (Scopoli 1763); 2, Ampedus cardinalis (Schiödte 1865); 3, Ampedus elongatulus (Fabricius 1787); 4, Calais parreysii (Steven 1830); 5, Ectamenogonus montandoni (Buysson 1888); 6, Elater ferrugineus (L. 1758); 7, Megapenthes lugens (Redtenbacher 1842); 8, Epiphanis cornutus (Eschscholtz 1829); 9, Lacon lepidopterus (Panzer 1801); 10, Saperda punctata (L. 1767); 11, Propomacrus bimucronatus (Pallas 1781); 12, Lucanus cervus (L. 1758); 13, Farsus dubius (Piller & Mitterbacher 1783); 14, Rhaesus serricollis (Motschulsky 1838); 15, Cerambyx welensii (Küster 1846); 16, Cerambyx nodulosus Germar 1817; 17, Cerambyx miles Bonelli 1812; 18, Cerambyx dux (Faldermann 1837); 19, Cerambyx cerdo L. 1758 (19). Global distribution. Widespread in large parts of southern tropical areas in Tunisia (Sadok & Gerini 1988), Tanzania (Kilambo et al. 2005), the Mediterranean area (Avidov & Harpaz 1969; Halperin & Damoiseau 1980) and in southern Italy (Bonsignore 2012). Global distribution. Mediterranean, and up to Hungary, the Caspian Sea and Iran. Reported from all over Italy and islands (Nardi & Ratti 1995). This species is probably found on Ficus carica L. or Laurus nobilis L. in Venice (Ratti 2004). Xylomedes cornifrons (Baudi 1874) Scobicia chevrieri (Villa & Villa 1835) Red List category in Europe. LC. Distribution in Turkey. Aydın province: Germencik, Buharkent, İncirliova, Köşk, Nazilli, Bozdoğan (Akşit et al. 2005). Red List category in Europe. VU. Distribution in Turkey. No information was found about locations in Turkey. Global distribution. Cyprus, Israel, Lebanon, Turkey, Syria (Hallan 2008). Annales de la Société entomologique de France (N.S.) Xyloperthella picea Olivier 1790 Red List category in Europe. LC. Distribution in Turkey. Aydın province: Germencik, Buharkent, Nazilli, Bozdoğan (Akşit et al. 2005). Global distribution. Angola (Danielson 2003), South Africa, Egypt, Madagascar, Mediterranean region, Palestine, Sardinia, Seychelles, Syria, Cameroon, Sicily (Caillol 1954), Italy, Sardinia (Taglianti 2003) and Turkey (Akşit et al. 2005). Family Cerambycidae Aegosoma scabricorne (Scopoli 1763) Downloaded by [] at 10:21 26 June 2014 Red List category in Europe. LC. Distribution in Turkey. Antalya province: Taşkent; Konya province: Taşkent–Alanya road, Afşar town: Kayadibi Akçapınar district (Turgut & Özdikmen 2010); Ankara province: Kayaş, Bayındır dam env.; Kahramanmaraş province: Andırın as Megopis scabricornis (Scopoli 1763) (Adlbauer 1992); Isparta province: Eğirdir (Ağıl) (Tozlu et al. 2002); Osmaniye province: Bahçe road and Zorkun road (Özdikmen & Turgut 2009c; Özdikmen et al. 2009, 2010; Özdikmen 2011b); Kirklareli province: Kanli Dere, Koprusu (Maican & Serafim 2009); Samsun province: Çarşamba (Özdikmen & Demir 2006). Global distribution. Europe (Albania, Austria, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Corsica, Crete, Croatia, Czech Republic, Turkey, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Macedonia, Romania, southern Russia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Switzerland, Ukraine), Near East (Maican & Serafim 2009). Aromia moschata (L. 1758) Red List category in Europe. LC. Distribution in Turkey. Antalya province: (Erdem & Çanakçıoğlu 1977; Çanakçıoğlu 1983), Central Arapsuyu, Manavgat, Korkuteli, Serik (Tozlu et al. 2002), Elmalı (near Çalpınar) (Özdikmen & Çağlar 2004); Kahramanmaraş province: (Kanat 1998), Pazarcık (Bağdınısağır), Başkonuş forest area, Andırın (Haştırın village); Mediterranean Region (Lodos 1998); Burdur province: Bucak (Çamlık); Osmaniye province: Düziçi (between Böcekli–Hıdırlı) (Özdikmen et al. 2010). Ankara province (Özdikmen et al. 2005, 2009; Özdikmen 2011b). This species has two subspecies in Turkey. Firstly A. moschata ambrosiaca (Steven 1809) is recorded in Antalya (Elmalı) (Adlbauer 1992), Adana (Villiers 1967; Gül-Zümreoğlu 1972), Kahramanmaras (Tozlu et al. 2002) 5 and Nurhak (Tatlar) (Özdikmen & Okutaner 2006). Variety A. moschata var. thoracica Fischer von Waldheim 1824 is recorded in Isparta (Tauzin 2000), Mersin (Malmusi & Saltini 2005) central Antalya as A. moschata var. thoracica Fischer von Waldheim 1824 (Demelt & Alkan 1962; Demelt 1963) (Özdikmen 2011a, 2011b). This variety is currently considered a synonym of Aromia moschata ambrosiaca (Steven 1809). The second subspecies found in Turkey is nominative Aromia moschata moschata (L. 1758) (Sama & Lobl 2010). Global distribution. A. moschata moschata (L. 1758) occupies most of Europe including Britain, France, Germany (Althoff & Danilevsky 1997), Poland, Scandinavian and Baltic States (Silfverberg 2010), Czech Republic, Austria, Slovakia (Adlbauer 2001), Ukraine (Zahaykevych 1991; Bartenev 2004; Zamoroka 2007), Hungary (Csóka & Kovács 1999), Moldova (Baban 2006), Byelorussia, Russia, Romania, Bulgaria, Albany (Althoff & Danilevsky 1997), Serbia (Pil 2005), Slovenia, northern Italy (Brelih et al. 2006), and northern Spain (Pena 2002). It is also found in Caucasus, Kazakhstan and Turkey. A. moschata ambrosiaca (Steven 1809) occupies countries of the Mediterranean basin including Portugal, Spain (Pena 2002), Italy, Greece (Althoff & Danilevsky 1997) and southern France (Brustel et al. 2002; Zamoroka & Panin 2011). Axinopalpis gracilis (Krynicki 1832) Red List category in Europe. LC. Distribution in Turkey. Isparta province: Yukarıgökdere, Eğirdir. (Sama et al. 2011), Şarkikaraağaç (Sama 1982); İçel province: Erdemli (Adlbauer 1988) (Özdikmen 2011a, 2011b). Global distribution. Northern Europe to Latvia (Barševskis 2009), Asia Minor, Caucasus, Syria, Lebanon, Israel (Sama et al. 2010). Brachypteroma ottomanum Heyden 1863 Red List category in Europe. LC. Distribution in Turkey. İçel province: Namrun (Demelt 1963); Aydın province: Bozdoğan (Villiers 1967); Turkey (Danilevsky & Miroshnikov 1985; Lodos 1998; Alkan 2000); Bursa province: Umurbey cemetery (Öymen 1987; Özdikmen 2008). Global distribution. Europe (France, Italy, Sicily, Switzerland, Croatia & Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Albania, Greece) Caucasus, Turkey (Özdikmen 2008). 6 S.S. Avgın et al. Callergates gaillardoti (Chevrolat 1854) Downloaded by [] at 10:21 26 June 2014 Red List category in Europe. EN. Distribution in Turkey. Antalya province: (Öymen 1987); Bey Dağları, Kumköy, Alanya (Güzelbağ) (Adlbauer 1988), Alanya (Cırlasun bridge, Çayarası plateau, Sarımut bridge) (Özdikmen & Çağlar 2004), Manavgat (Demirciler village) (Özdikmen & Demir 2006), Çayarası–Alanya Sarımut bridge environment (Özdikmen & Turgut 2009c); Adana province: Karataş (Demelt 1963; Öymen 1987), Kozan (Feke) (Adlbauer 1988), Çukurova University Campus of Balcalı; İçel province: Namrun (Svacha & Danilevsky 1986); Turkey (Lodos 1998; Sama & Rapuzzi 2000); Aydın province: Yenihisar; Muğla province: Köyceğiz (Özdikmen 2006, 2008; Özdikmen & Turgut 2009c). Hatay province: Akbez as the type loc. of Ergates akbesianus Pic 1900 (Pic 1900); Konya province: Beyreli; Osmaniye province: Zorkun (Özdikmen & Turgut 2009c; Özdikmen et al. 2010; Özdikmen 2011a). Global distribution. Turkey, Syria, Lebanon (Özdikmen 2008). Callidium aeneum (Degeer 1775) Red List category in Europe. LC. Distribution in Turkey. Rize province: Çamlıhemşin (Alkan & Eroğlu 2001). Global distribution. Europe, Caucasus with Transcaucasia, Middle East, Turkey, Syria, northern Iran, Siberia, Mongolia, Far East, Japan, northern China (Sama & Lobl 2010). This species has two subspecies. In Turkey is distributed the nominative subspecies Callidium aeneum aeneum (Degeer 1775). The second subspecies Callidium aeneum longipenne Villiers 1978 is distributed in Azerbaijan, Georgia and southern Russia (Sama & Lobl 2010) and it is possible in Turkey. Callimoxys gracilis (Brullé 1832) Red List category in Europe. LC. Distribution in Turkey. İzmir province: Çamlık pass (Adlbauer 1988; Özdikmen 2008). Global distribution. Yugoslavia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Slovenia, Greece (without Crete), Macedonia, Bulgaria, Romania, Hungary, Crimea, Slovakia (Danilevsky 2007). Callimus angulatus (Schrank 1789) Red List category in Europe. LC. Distribution in Turkey. Turkey, Isparta province: Yukarıgökdere 30 km S. Egirdir: Kasnak Forest National Park. Burdur province: Gölhisar; Antalya province: Termessos, Altınyayla (Sama et al. 2011); İçel province: Erdemli (Adlbauer 1988; Özdikmen 2011b). Global distribution. Spain, France (without Corsica), Italy (without Sardinia and Sicily), Sicilia, Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Yugoslavia, Macedonia, Albania, Greece, Crete, Bulgaria, Turkey, Romania, Hungary, Austria, Switzerland, Germany, Czechia, Slovakia, Poland, Ukraine (without Crimea) (Danilevsky 2007). Cerambyx carinatus (Küster 1846) Red List category in Europe. LC. Distribution in Turkey. Denizli province (Schimitschek 1944), Sarayköy (Gül-Zümreoğlu 1975); Aydın province: Germencik (Demelt 1963; Gül-Zümreoğlu 1972); Turkey (Lodos 1998; Alkan 2000; Özdikmen et al. 2005); Manisa province: Muradiye; İzmir province: Kemalpaşa (Armutlu) (Tezcan & Rejzek 2002); Ankara province: Güdül, Beytepe (Özdikmen 2007, 2008; Özdikmen et al. 2009). Global distribution. Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Yugoslavia, Macedonia, Crete, Bulgaria, Malta (Danilevsky 2007), Turkey (Özdikmen 2008; Özdikmen et al. 2009). Cerambyx cerdo L. 1758 Red List category in Europe. NT. Distribution in Turkey. Muğla province: Milas (GülZümreoğlu 1972); İzmir province: Bergama, Bornova (Gül-Zümreoğlu 1975); Denizli province (Özdikmen & Şahin 2006); İçel province: Bolkar Mountains (Bodemeyer 1906); Adana province: Pozantı (Ulusoy et al. 1999); Osmaniye province: Mitis’s plateau (Özdikmen & Demir 2006); Kahramanmaraş province: Pazarcık (Bağdınısağır) (Özdikmen & Okutaner 2006); Ankara province: Hacıkadın (Özdikmen et al. 2005); Kayaş (Bayındır dam env.) (Özdikmen & Demir 2006); Sinop province: Ayancık (Schimitschek 1944); Bursa province: near Soğukpınar (Çanakçıoğlu 1956); Sakarya province: Sapanca (Nizamlıoğlu 1957); Kocaeli province: İzmit (Sapanca) (İren & Ahmed 1973); Artvin province: Ardanuç (Tepedüzü village) (Alkan & Eroğlu 2001); Kırklareli province: Demirköy, İslambeyli, Şırnak province: Central (Özdikmen 2007); Manisa province: Kırkağaç (Tezcan & Can 2009; Özdikmen 2008, 2011b; Özdikmen et al. 2009; Özdikmen & Turgut 2009a); Annales de la Société entomologique de France (N.S.) Mersin province: 30 km NW Gülnar: Köseçobanli, Tasdüstü, Kizilen (Sama et al. 2011). It is also recorded as C. cerdo acuminatus (Motschulsky 1852) by Turkish researchers. Distribution of C. cerdo acuminatus (Motschulsky 1852) in Turkey: İzmir province: Kemalpaşa (Armutlu) (Tezcan & Rejzek 2002); Hatay province: Akbez (Fairmaire 1884); Antalya province: Aspendos (Demelt 1963); İstanbul province: Üsküdar (Adlbauer 1988); Tunceli province: (Tauzin 2000; Özdikmen 2008, 2011b; Özdikmen & Turgut 2009a). 7 Aktaş villages (Özdikmen 2006); Erzincan province: Kemaliye; Muğla province: Marmaris and Fethiye (Özdikmen 2007, 2008, 2011b; Özdikmen et al. 2009; Özdikmen & Turgut 2009a). Global distribution. East Mediterranean: Macedonia, Bulgaria, Ukraine, central and south-east, Turkey, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Israel (Sama et al. 2010), Macedonia, Bulgaria, Crimea (Danilevsky 2007). Downloaded by [] at 10:21 26 June 2014 Cerambyx miles Bonelli 1812 Global distribution. Europe, North Africa, Caucasus, Turkey, Iran, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, Israel (Sama et al. 2010); Portugal, Spain, France (without Corsica), Italy, Sardinia, Sicilia, Malta, Latvia Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Yugoslavia, Macedonia, Greece (without Crete), Bulgaria, Romania, Hungary, Austria, Switzerland, Germany, Luxembourg, Belgium, Netherlands, Denmark, Czechia, Slovakia, Poland, Sweden, Lithuania, Belorussiya, Moldova, Ukraine, Crimea, south and middle of European Russia (Danilevsky 2007). Cerambyx dux (Faldermann 1837) Red List category in Europe. NT. Distribution in Turkey. İzmir province: Bornova (Demelt 1963), Kemalpaşa (Tozlu et al. 2002); Denizli province: Sarayköy (Tuatay et al. 1972); Aegean Region (Lodos 1998); Hatay province: Akbez (Fairmaire 1884), Dörtyol (Bodenheimer 1958; Nizamlıoğlu & Gökmen 1964), Antakya (Tauzin 2001), Cırtıman, İskenderun (Denizciler); Antalya province: Toros Mountains (Bodemeyer 1900), Central, Gazipaşa (Tozlu et al. 2002); İçel province: Bolkar Mountains (Bodemeyer 1906) Kahramanmaraş province: Pazarcık (Bağdınısağır, Sakarkaya village, Kısık, Botaş), Çağlayancerit (Bozlar), Nurhak (Nurhak–Malatya road, Tatlar) (Özdikmen & Okutaner 2006); Mediterranean Region (Lodos 1998); Adana province: Pozantı (Ulusoy et al. 1999); Burdur province: Central; Osmaniye province: Çiftmazı, Olukbaşı (Tozlu et al. 2002); Ankara province (Özdikmen et al. 2005); İstanbul province: Belgrad Forest (Acatay 1943); Turkey (Alkan 1946; Erdem 1968; Avidov & Harpaz 1969; Çanakçıoğlu 1983; Danilevsky & Miroshnikov 1985; Önder et al. 1987; Sama & Rapuzzi 2000; Özdikmen & Şahin 2006);Van province: Tatvan; Bingöl province: Kuruca pass (Adlbauer 1988); Adıyaman province: Karadut village (Rejzek & Hoskovec 1999); Tunceli province: Pülümür; Gaziantep province: Kuşçubeli pass, Islahiye (Kabaklar village, Köklü village); Kırklareli province: İğneada (Özdikmen & Demir 2006); Niğde province: between Balcı and Red List category in Europe. NT. Distribution in Turkey. Denizli province: (GülZümreoğlu 1975); Uşak province: Ulubey (Ovacık village) (Özdikmen & Çağlar 2004); Afyon province: Akkale hill (Özdikmen 2006). İçel province: Bolkar Mts. (Bodemeyer 1906), Güzeloluk (Malmusi & Saltini 2005); Adana province: Pozantı (Ulusoy et al. 1999); Kahramanmaraş province: Pazarcık (Özdikmen & Okutaner 2006); Antalya province: Alanya (Sarımut– Karapınar) (Turgut & Özdikmen 2010); Osmaniye province: Düziçi (between Böcekli and Hıdırlı) (Özdikmen et al. 2010). Diyarbakır province: (GülZümreoğlu 1975); Edirne province: Yerlisu (Sama 1982); Turkey (Danilevsky & Miroshnikov 1985; Lodos 1998; Sama 2002); İstanbul province: Belgrad forest (Öymen 1987); European Turkey (Althoff & Danilevsky 1997); Niğde province: Ulukışla; Adıyaman province: Karadut village env. (Rejzek & Hoskovec 1999); Uşak province: Ulubey (Ovacık village), Konya province: Taşkent (Özdikmen & Çağlar 2004); Bitlis province: Güroymak; Afyon province: Akkale hill (Özdikmen 2006), Reşadiye (Özdikmen & Demir 2006; Özdikmen 2008, 2011b; Özdikmen & Turgut 2009a). Global distribution. Poland, Spain, France (without Corsica), Italy (without Sardinia and Sicily), Sicilia, Malta, Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Yugoslavia, Macedonia, Albania, Greece (without Crete), Bulgaria, Romania, Hungary, Austria, Slovakia, Switzerland, Crimea (Danilevsky 2007), Turkey (Özdikmen & Turgut 2009a). Cerambyx nodulosus Germar 1817 Red List category in Europe. NT. Distribution in Turkey. Manisa province: Demirci (GülZümreoğlu 1972), İzmir province: Bornova (GülZümreoğlu 1975); Uşak province: Ulubey (Ovacık village, Gökgöz hill), Muğla province: Kemer (Ceylan village) (Özdikmen & Çağlar 2004); İçel province: Namrun (Demelt 1967), Gözne (Özdikmen & Çağlar Downloaded by [] at 10:21 26 June 2014 8 S.S. Avgın et al. 2004), Tarsus (Bağlarbaşı) (Tozlu et al. 2002); Osmaniye province: Nurdağı pass (Adlbauer 1992); Isparta province: Eğirdir (Tauzin 2000); Adana province: Seyhan; Antalya province: Manavgat, Alanya (Çayarası plateau–Sarımut bridge); Kahramanmaraş province: Pazarcık (Botaş) (Özdikmen & Okutaner 2006); İstanbul province: Bosphorus region (Bahçeköy) (Schimitschek 1944); Erzurum province: (Özbek 1978); Bingöl province: Central; Mardin province: Hop pass (Adlbauer 1992); Adıyaman province: Karadut village env. (Rejzek & Hoskovec 1999); Uşak province: Ulubey (Ovacık village, Gökgöz hill); Muğla province: Kemer (Ceylan village); Konya province: Taşkent (İshaklı village, Gevne valley); Bitlis province: Nemrut Mountain (Özdikmen 2007, 2008, 2011b; Özdikmen & Turgut 2009a). It is also recorded as C. nodulosus nodicornis Küster 1846 by Özdikmen & Turgut (2009c). Distribution of C. nodulosus nodicornis Küster 1846 in Turkey: Asia Minor (Winkler 1924–1932); İstanbul province: Belgrad Forest (Acatay 1943; Özdikmen & Turgut 2009a). Çamlıca (Özdikmen & Demir 2006); Adıyaman province: Karadut village env. (Rejzek & Hoskovec 1999); Turkey (Sama & Rapuzzi 2000; Sama 2002; Özdikmen 2011b; Özdikmen & Turgut 2009a). It is also recorded as C. velutinus Brullé 1832 in İçel province: Bolkar Mts. (Bodemeyer 1906); Turkey (Erdem 1968; Çanakçıoğlu 1983; Lodos 1998); İstanbul province: Polonez village, Alem Mountain (Demelt 1963), Belgrad forest (Öymen 1987; Özdikmen 2011a; Özdikmen & Turgut 2009a). Global distribution. Italy (without Sardinia and Sicily), Malta, Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Yugoslavia, Macedonia, Albania, Greece (without Crete), Bulgaria, Turkey, Romania, Crimea (Danilevsky 2007). Red List category in Europe. DD. Cerambyx scopolii Fusslins 1775 Red List category in Europe. LC. Distribution in Turkey. Ankara province: Keçiören (Özdikmen 2006; Özdikmen et al. 2009). Global distribution. Portugal, Spain, France (without Corsica), Italy, Sardinia, Sicily, Malta, Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Yugoslavia, Macedonia, Albania, Greece, Crete, Bulgaria, Turkey, Romania, Hungary, Austria, Switzerland, Germany, Luxembourg, Belgium, Netherlands, Denmark, Great Britain, Czechia, Slovakia, Poland, Norway, Sweden, Estonia, Lithuania, Belorussiya, Moldova, Ukraina, Crimea, Russia (Danilevsky 2007). Cerambyx welensii (Küster 1846) Red List category in Europe. NT. Distribution in Turkey. İçel province: Ortagören–Mut (Malmusi & Saltini 2005); Antalya province: (Tozlu et al. 2002), Alanya (Çayarası plateau–Sarımut bridge) (Özdikmen & Çağlar 2004), Alanya (Sarımut env.), Akseki (Yarpuz env.) (Turgut & Özdikmen 2010); Karaman (Tozlu et al. 2002); Kahramanmaraş province: Pazarcık; Osmaniye province: Düziçi (between Böcekli and Hıdırlı) (Özdikmen et al. 2010). İstanbul province: Global distribution. Europe, southern Turkey, Near East (Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, Israel) (Sama et al. 2010); Portugal, Spain, France (without Corsica), Italy (without Sardinia and Sicily), Sicilia, Malta, Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Yugoslavia, Greece, Crete, Bulgaria, Romania, Hungary, Ukraine, Crimea (Danilevsky 2007). Chlorophorus aegyptiacus (Fabricius 1775) Distribution in Turkey. Denizli province: Buldan (GülZümreoğlu 1972), Buldan; İzmir province: Bodrum (Gümbet), Çeşmealtı; Muğla province: Central (Tozlu et al. 2002); Ankara province: Central (Bodenheimer 1958; Özdikmen 2008; Özdikmen et al. 2009). It is also recorded as C. nigripes Brullé 1832 in İzmir province (Sama 1982): Manisa province: Beydere (GülZümreoğlu 1975); Muğla province: Marmaris (Adlbauer 1992; Özdikmen 2008). Global distribution. Balkan Peninsula (Bulgaria, Greece, Macedonia), Crete, Near East (Maican & Serafim 2009). Chlorophorus figuratus (Scopoli 1763) Red List category in Europe. LC. Distribution in Turkey. Antalya province: Alanya, Kuşkayası place; Konya province: Taşkent, Beyreli village, Gevne valley; İçel province: Gözne; Gümüşhane province: Kelkit, Günyurdu village; İstanbul province: Polonez village (Demelt & Alkan 1962; Demelt 1963); Trabzon province: Zigana Mountains (Villiers 1967), Maçka (Öymen 1987); Tokat province: Yakacık–Gökdere; Kastamonu province: Masruf passage–Küre (Adlbauer 1992); European Turkey (Althoff & Danilevsky 1997); Turkey (Danilevsky 2002; Özdikmen & Çağlar 2004). Global distribution. Portugal, Spain, France (without Corsica), Italy, Sardinia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Yugoslavia, Macedonia, Albania, Greece (without Crete), Bulgaria, Turkey, Romania, Hungary, Austria, Switzerland, Luxembourg, Germany, Czechia Annales de la Société entomologique de France (N.S.) Slovakia, Poland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Belorussiya, Ukraine Crimea, Moldova, Russia, European Kazakhstan (Danilevsky 2007). Chlorophorus sartor (Müller 1766) Downloaded by [] at 10:21 26 June 2014 Red List category in Europe. LC. Distribution in Turkey. Muğla province: Bodrum (Gümbet), İzmir province: Kemalpaşa, Tire, Çeşmealtı (Gül-Zümreoğlu 1975), Selçuk (Adlbauer 1988); Manisa, Aydın, Muğla, Denizli (Lodos 1998); Kahramanmaraş province: Pazarcık, Bağdınısağır, Göksun road, entry of Tekir, Sakarkaya village, Andırın road, Çuhadırlı village (Özdikmen 2006; Özdikmen 2008; Özdikmen & Okutaner 2006). Mersin province: 30 km NW Gülnar: Köseçobanli, Tasdüstü (Sama et al. 2011). Gaziantep province: Fevzipaşa (Sama 1982); Osmaniye province: Nurdağı pass (Adlbauer 1988), Yarpuz road forest store env., Zorkun road (Karacalar village), Arslantaş–Osmaniye road (Kazmaca village), Cebel road (Çürükarmut plateau), Yarpuz road (Yukarı Haraz plateau), Yarpuz road, 8th km, Düziçi (Böcekli village) (Özdikmen et al. 2010); Hatay province: Antakya (Lodos 1998), Hassa (Akbez, Geneluşağı village, Zeytinoba village, Aktepe) Kırıkhan (Taşoluk village), Belen (Güzelyayla road) (Özdikmen & Demirel 2005); Antalya province: Arapsuyu (Tozlu et al. 2002), Isparta province: Yenişarbademli–Gedikli (near Beyşehir lake) (Özdikmen & Çağlar 2004). Ankara province: Kızılcahamam (Soğuksu National Park) (Özdikmen et al. 2005); Kızılcahamam, Beypazarı (Dereli) (Özdikmen 2006, 2011a, 2011b; Özdikmen et al. 2009). Konya province: Taşkent–Alanya, Ilıcapınar town, Hadim–Alanya road, Bozkır–Hadim road, Beyşehir: Üstünler env. (Turgut & Özdikmen 2010). Global distribution. Europe, Caucasus, Transcaucasia, Asia Minor, northern Iran, Middle East (Sama et al. 2010). Chlorophorus varius (Müller 1766) Red List category in Europe. LC. Distribution in Turkey. Ankara province: Beytepe, Campus of ODTÜ, Şereflikoçhisar, Central (Tozlu et al. 2002), Gölbaşı, Çubuk (Özdikmen et al. 2005, 2009; Özdikmen 2007); Antalya province: Akseki–Manavgat road: Gündoğmuş return; Konya province: Taşkent– Alanya road, Alanya: Sarımut–Karapınar (Turgut & Özdikmen 2010); Isparta province: Atabey (İslamköy) (Gül-Zümreoğlu 1975); Osmaniye province: (Kazmaca village), Bahçe road (Çona village), Düziçi (Böcekli village); Gaziantep province: Nurdağı (plateau of Kazdere village), Islahiye (Esenli village); Hatay 9 province: Belen (Güzelyayla road) (Özdikmen & Demirel 2005); İçel province: exit of Atakent, Mut– Silifke road, Erdemli–Güzeloluk road Mersin–Gözne road (Çukurkeklik), Silifke–Mut road (Göksu bridge) (Özdikmen 2006); Kahramanmaraş province: Pazarcık (Bağdınısağır), Aksu bridge, Sakarkaya village (Kısık), Çağlayancerit (Bozlar), Kahramanmaraş–Andırın road (Körsülü bridge env.), Afşin (Çardak–Afşin road), Nurhak (Nurhak–Malatya road, Tatlar), Andırın (Andırın–Çokak road, Çınar place, Parmaksız plateau); Denizli province: Menderes Valley (Schimitschek 1944); İzmir province: Torbalı (Tuatay et al. 1972), Bornova, Turgutlu (İren & Ahmed 1973), Kemalpaşa, Urla (Çıtlık village) Bornova, Menemen, Çeşmealtı (Gül-Zümreoğlu 1975); Manisa province: Demirci (Gül-Zümreoğlu 1972), Demirci, Turgutlu (Gül-Zümreoğlu 1975); Muğla province: Köyceğiz, Fethiye (Kesikkapı) Dalaman (Karaçalı), Marmaris (Gökova); Denizli province: Sarayköy, Central, Çivril; Aydın province: Çine (GülZümreoğlu 1975; Özdikmen 2008, 2011a, 2011b); Mersin province: Devrent (Sama et al. 2011). It is also recorded as C. varius damascenus Chevrolat 1854 in Antalya province: Alanya (Demelt & Alkan 1962; Demelt 1963; Turgut & Özdikmen 2010). Toprakkale (Antakya road 1st km) (Özdikmen et al. 2010); Çağlayancerit (Ç. cerit–Düzbay road, Ç. cerit–Bozlar road) (Özdikmen & Okutaner 2006) ; İzmir province: Bornova (Demelt & Alkan 1962; Demelt 1963; Özdikmen 2008). Global distribution. Europe, south-western Siberia (Urals), Asia Minor, Caucasus, Transcaucasia, northern Iran, Middle East (Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Israel), western part of North Africa (Egypt), Cyprus as C. varius damascenus Chevrolat 1854 (Sama et al. 2010). Clytus arietis (L. 1758) Red List category in Europe. LC. Distribution in Turkey. Ankara province: Kızılcahamam (Yenimahalle village) (Özdikmen 2006). İstanbul province: Alem Mt. (Bodemeyer 1906; Demelt 1963); Turkey (Acatay 1948, 1961, 1968; Danilevsky & Miroshnikov 1985; Lodos 1998; Sama 2002); Trabzon province: Hamsiköy; Zonguldak province: Safranbolu (Villiers 1967); Gümüşhane province: Torul (Gfeller 1972); Amasya province: Turhal (Gül-Zümreoğlu 1972); Erzurum province: Tercan (Öymen 1987), İspir (Malmusi & Saltini 2005); Kocaeli province: İzmit (Adlbauer 1988); European Turkey (Althoff & Danilevsky 1997); Artvin province: Ardanuç (Tosunlu) (Alkan 2000); İzmit province: Beşkayalar Natural Park (Özdikmen & Demirel 2005); Bolu province: Abant; Çanakkale province: Kirazlı; Çankırı province: Ilgaz; Samsun province: 10 S.S. Avgın et al. Kavak (Hacılar pass) (Malmusi & Saltini 2005); Düzce province: Yığılca; Kastamonu province: Küre; Bolu province: Pazarköy env. (Özdikmen 2007; Özdikmen et al. 2009; Özdikmen &Turgut 2009b). Red List category in Europe. LC. Global distribution. Portugal, Spain, France, Corsica, Italy (without Sardinia and Sicily), Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Yugoslavia, Macedonia, Greece (without Crete), Bulgaria, Turkey, Romania, Hungary, Austria, Switzerland, Luxembourg, Belgium, Netherlands, Denmark, Germany, Great Britain, Czechia, Slovakia, Poland, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania Belorussiya, Ukraine, Crimea, Moldova, Russia, European Kazakhstan (Danilevsky 2007). Global distribution. Spain, France (without Corsica), Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Yugoslavia, Macedonia, Greece (without Crete), Bulgaria, Turkey, Romania, Hungary, Austria, Germany, Czechia, Slovakia, Poland, Belorussiya, Ukraine (without Crimea), Moldova, Middle of European Russia (Danilevsky 2007). Clytus tropicus Panzer 1795 Distribution in Turkey. European Turkey (Althoff & Danilevsky 1997); Turkey (Lodos 1998) (Özdikmen & Turgut 2009b). Deilus fugax (Olivier 1790) Downloaded by [] at 10:21 26 June 2014 Clytus rhamni Germar 1817 Red List category in Europe. LC. Distribution in Turkey. Konya province: Hadim: Korualan town env. (Turgut & Özdikmen 2010); Ankara province: Kızılcahamam (Işık Mountain, Yukarı Çanlı) (Özdikmen & Demir 2006); Kızılcahamam (south of Dam, Güvem, Yasin village, Yukarı Çanlı), Beypazarı (Dereli village) (Özdikmen 2006); İzmir province: near Central, Kemalpaşa, Efes, Bergama (Demelt & Alkan 1962); Antalya province: near Central, Belkıs (Aspendos, Cumali), Antitoros Mountains (Bey Mountains, Korkuteli), Alanya (Güzelbağ) and nearby, Kemer, Arapsuyu (Tozlu et al. 2002) Alanya (Mahmutlar), Kemer (Olimpos Mt.) (Özdikmen & Çağlar 2004), Akseki: Murtiçi–Güzelsu, İbradı; Isparta province: Eğirdir and near (Demelt & Alkan 1962); İçel province: Silifke (Tuatay et al. 1972), Anamur, Silifke (Central, Gülnar), Kuzucubelen, Tarsus (Çamlıyayla), Kanlıdivane; Hatay province: Amanos Mountains (near Dörtyol) (Öymen 1987), Erzin (Tozlu et al. 2002); Osmaniye province: Nurdağı pass, Zorkun plateau road (Ürün plateau, Olukbaşı place), Yarpuz road (Karataş place) (Özdikmen & Demirel 2005), Kahramanmaraş province: Andırın; İçel province: Silifke (Özdikmen et al. 2005), Erdemli– Güzeloluk, Güzeloluk, from Tarsus to Çamlıyayla, from Ortagören to Mut (Malmusi & Saltini 2005), Uzuncaburç, Mersin–Gözne road (entry of Yeniköy) (Özdikmen 2006, 2008, 2011a, 2011b; Özdikmen & Turgut 2009b), Mersin, Devrent 30 km N Erdemli (Sama et al. 2011). It is also recorded as C. rhamni temesiensis Germar 1824 in İzmir (Adlbauer 1988); Gaziantep province: Fevzipaşa (Sama 1982); Adana province: Kozan (Adlbauer 1988) (Özdikmen 2008, 2011b). Global distribution. Central and southern Europe, Caucasus, Transcaucasia, Asia Minor, Cyprus, Syria, Lebanon, Israel (Sama et al. 2010). Red List category in Europe. LC. Distribution in Turkey. Antalya province: Termessos (Adlbauer 1992); Hatay province: Kırıkhan (Malmusi & Saltini 2005); İzmir province: Kemalpaşa (Demelt & Alkan 1962), Efes (Adlbauer 1992); Denizli province: Pamukkale; Manisa province: Turgutlu Çardağı (Domunludeve valley) (Özdikmen & Demirel 2005; Özdikmen 2008, 2011b). Global distribution. Europe eastward to the Urals and Ukraine, North Africa, Asia Minor, Caucasus, Cyprus, Near East (Sama et al. 2010). Delagrangeus angustissimus Pic 1892 Red List category in Europe. VU. Distribution in Turkey. İçel province: Namrun (Demelt 1963; Holzschuh 1975), Silifke (Olba, Gülnar) (Adlbauer 1988); Turkey (Sama & Rapuzzi 1999, 2000). Hatay province: Akbez (Özdikmen 2011b; Özdikmen et al. 2012); Mersin province: Çamlıyayla /Kizilen (Sama et al. 2011, 2012). Global distribution. Europe (Greece: Rodos), Turkey, Cyprus, Lebanon (Özdikmen 2011b). Ergates faber (L. 1760) Red List category in Europe. LC. Distribution in Turkey. Antalya province: Sarısu Forest, Kaş (Sütleğen) (Alkan 2000), Central (Tosun 1975; Alkan 2000); Mediterranean Region (Çanakçıoğlu 1983; Çanakçıoğlu 1993); Kahramanmaraş province: Başkonuş (Kanat 1998); Kızılcahamam (Çamkoru) (Özdikmen & Şahin 2006; Turkey (Bodenheimer 1958; Acatay 1948, 1961, 1963, 1968; Danilevsky & Miroshnikov 1985; Downloaded by [] at 10:21 26 June 2014 Annales de la Société entomologique de France (N.S.) Svacha & Danilevsky 1986; Önder et al. 1987); Düzce province: Çiçekli plateau; Sinop province: Ayancık (Kepez forests); Bolu province: Abant (Sakarca plateau); Bursa province: western Black Sea region (Defne 1954), Orhaneli (Karıncalı forest) (Çanakçıoğlu 1956); Antalya province: Sarısu Forest, Kaş (Sütleğen), Central (Tosun 1975); Kocaeli province: İzmit (Işıktepe) (Öymen 1987); Kastamonu province: Yaralıgöz pass as Ergates faber alkani Demelt 1968 (Adlbauer 1992); Trabzon province: Maçka (Meryemana, Aksu); Artvin province: Şavşat (Veliköy, Karagöl Forests) (Yüksel 1996); European Turkey (Althoff & Danilevsky 1997); western Black Sea region, Mediterranean Region; Kahramanmaraş province: Başkonuş (Kanat 1998); Artvin province: Şavşat, Ardanuç (Tosunlu), Trabzon province: Maçka; Sinop province: Ayancık, (Malmusi & Saltini 2005); Bolu province: Abant, Orhaneli, Düzce (Central); Antalya province: Central, Kaş; Kocaeli province: İzmit (Alkan 2000; Özdikmen 2011a, 2011b; Özdikmen et al. 2009; Özdikmen & Turgut 2009c). Global distribution. Europe: Portugal, Spain, France, Corsica, Italy, Sicily, Albania, Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Greece, Bulgaria, European Turkey, Hungary, Austria, Switzerland, Netherlands, Germany, Czechia, Slovakia, Poland, Sweden, Latvia, Lithuania, Belorussia, Ukraine, Crimea, European Russia, North Africa (Algeria, Morocco), Caucasus, Transcaucasia, Near East, Turkey, Syria (Özdikmen & Turgut 2009c). 11 Turkey. Distribution of G. marmottani frischi Sama 1995: Osmaniye province: Zorkun plateau (Adlbauer 1992), Zorkun plateau (Sama 1995; Tauzin 2000); Turkey (Sama 1995; Lodos 1998; Sama & Löbl 2010); south-eastern Turkey (Sama 2002; Özdikmen 2011b). Global distribution. Spain, France (without Corsica), Italy (without Sardinia and Sicily), Poland, Switzerland, Bulgaria, Austria, Germany, Czechia, Russia (south and central) (Danilevsky 2007), Turkey (Özdikmen 2011b). Glaphyra umbellatarum (Schreber 1759) Red List category in Europe. LC. Distribution in Turkey. İzmir province: Çamlık pass (Adlbauer 1992; Özdikmen 2008). Global distribution. Spain, France (without Corsica), Italy (without Sardinia and Sicily), Sicilia, Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Yugoslavia, Macedonia, Greece (without Crete), Bulgaria, Turkey, Romania, Hungary, Austria, Germany, Luxembourg, Belgium, Netherlands, Denmark, Great Britain, Czechia, Slovakia, Norway, Poland, Sweden, Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia, Belorussiya, Moldova, Ukraine, Crimea, Russia (Danilevsky 2007). Hesperophanes sericeus (Fabricius 1787) Red List category in Europe. LC. Glaphyra kiesenwetteri (Mulsant & Rey 1861) Red List category in Europe. DD. Distribution in Turkey. İçel province: Erdemli, Namrun (Central, Çamlıyayla) as Molorchus kiesenwetteri anatolicus Adlbauer 1988 (Adlbauer 1988); Antalya province: Akseki (Yarpuz, Cevizli) as M. kiesenwetteri anatolicus Adlbauer 1988 (Adlbauer 1992); İçel province: Namrun (Erdemli) as M. kiesenwetteri hircus (Abeille de Perin 1881) (Tauzin 2000). İzmir province: Kemalpaşa (Armutlu) as M. kiesenwetteri hircus (Abeille de Perin 1881) (Tezcan & Rejzek 2002; Özdikmen 2008, 2011b). Distribution in Turkey. Isparta province: (Tozlu et al. 2002); Turkey (İyriboz 1940; Sama 2002; Özdikmen & Şahin 2006); İzmir province: Dikili, Makaron (Demelt 1963); Aydın province: Kuyucak (Öymen 1987); Denizli, Erzincan (Özdikmen 2008, 2011b). Global distribution. Mediterranean area from North Africa (including Egypt) and Iberian Peninsula to southern France, Caucasus, Iran, southern Turkey, Iraq, Jordan, Israel, Cyprus (Sama et al. 2010). Hylotrupes bajulus (L. 1758) Global distribution. Turkey, Armenia, Azerbajdzhan, northern Iran, Israel, Syria, Lebanon (Sama 1995) as G. kiesenwetteri hircus (Abeille de Perin 1881; Sama et al. 2010). Glaphyra marmottani Brisout de Barneville 1863 Red List category in Europe. DD. Distribution in Turkey. This species has a subspecies which is named G. marmottani frischi Sama 1995 in Red List category in Europe. LC. Distribution in Turkey. Hatay province: Akbez (Fairmaire 1884); Antalya province: Antitoros Mountains (Demelt & Alkan 1962), Toros Mountains, on beach, Central, Sarısu place (Erdem & Çanakçıoğlu 1977; Çanakçıoğlu 1983), Alanya (Adlbauer 1988), Kumluca, Serik; İçel province: Silifke (Tuatay et al. 1972; Demelt 1963), Erdemli, Tarsus (Tozlu et al. 2002), Silifke, Fındıkpınarı (Özdikmen et al. 2005); Isparta province: (Tosun 1975), Central, Senirkent, Sütçüler (Özdikmen et al. 2005); Kahramanmaraş, Downloaded by [] at 10:21 26 June 2014 12 S.S. Avgın et al. Mediterranean Region (Kanat 1998), Pazarcık (Bağdınısağır) (Özdikmen & Okutaner 2006); Adana province: Kozan (Bağtepe), Yumurtalık (Özdikmen et al. 2005); Hatay province: Central; Osmaniye province: Zorkun road (Fenk plateau) (Özdikmen et al. 2010); İzmir province (Acatay 1943): Bornova, Karşıyaka (GülZümreoğlu 1972), Söke (Gül-Zümreoğlu 1975); Denizli province (Acatay 1943): Menderes valley (Schimitschek 1944), Çamlık forest (Tosun 1975), Central (GülZümreoğlu 1975); Uşak province: (Acatay 1943), Mollamusa village; Aydın province: Ortaklar (GülZümreoğlu 1975; Özdikmen et al. 2005); Denizli, İzmir, Aydın Uşak (Erdem & Çanakçıoğlu 1977; Çanakçıoğlu 1983); Aegean Region (Kanat 1998). Ankara province: (Özdikmen et al. 2005), Elmadağ (Villiers 1967; Öymen 1987); Elmadağ, Çamlıdere (Tozlu et al. 2002); Kızılcahamam (Çileklitepe) (Özdikmen 2006, 2008, 2011a, 2011b; Özdikmen et al. 2009). Global distribution. Europe, North Africa, Canary Islands, Madeira, Asia Minor, Middle East (Syria, Lebanon, Israel), Caucasus, Siberia, China. Introduced in several countries in the world such as North America, South Africa, Madagascar and Japan (Sama et al. 2010). Icosium tomentosum Lucas 1854 Red List category in Europe. LC. Distribution in Turkey. İzmir province: Bornova (Demelt & Alkan 1962; Demelt 1963); Antalya province: on beach (Demelt 1963), Central (Öymen 1987), Manavgat, Side (Adlbauer 1992), (Tozlu et al. 2002); Turkey (Özdikmen & Demir 2006; Sama & Löbl 2010). This species has a sub-species which is named I. tomentosum atticum Ganglbauer 1881. Distribution of I. tomentosum atticum Ganglbauer 1881 in İzmir province: Bornova (Demelt & Alkan 1962); Antalya province (Demelt 1963): Central (Öymen 1987), Manavgat, Side (Adlbauer 1992), Antalya province (Tozlu et al. 2002), Manavgat (Demirciler) (Özdikmen & Demir 2006; Özdikmen 2008, 2011b). Global distribution. Spain, Corsica, Italy Sardinia, Malta, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Yugoslavia, Greece, Crete, Bulgaria (Danilevsky 2007), Turkey (Özdikmen & Demir 2006; Sama & Löbl 2010). Lampropterus femoratus (Germar 1824) Red List category in Europe. LC. Distribution in Turkey. Muğla province: Ula (GülZümreoğlu 1975), Aegean Region as Callimellum adonis (Sama 1982) (Lodos 1998), Marmaris (Özdikmen et al. 2005), Turgutlu Çardağı (Domunludeve valley) (Özdikmen & Demirel 2005); İzmir province: Agamemnun, Bergama (Kozak), Kemalpaşa (GülZümreoğlu 1975), as Callimellum adonis (Sama 1982), Selçuk (Meryemana) (Malmusi & Saltini 2005); Samsun Mt. (Adlbauer 1988); Manisa province: Akhisar; Hatay province: Akbez (Fairmaire 1884), Amanos Mts. (Nurdağı pass) (Villiers 1967), İskenderun (Güzelyayla road, entry of Kurtbağı village, Kozaklı village), Hassa (Akbez, Zeytinoba village) (Özdikmen & Demirel 2005); İçel province: Burna, Toros Mts. (Bolkar Mts.) as Callimus adonis (Sama 1982) (Villiers 1959), Alata (Villiers 1967), Erdemli (Öymen 1987), Anamur, Silifke (Gülnar), Erdemli, Kuzucubelen, Tarsus (Çamlıyayla) Adlbauer 1988; Antalya province: Toros Mts. (Bodemeyer 1900), Central as Callimellum adonis (Sama 1982) (Demelt & Alkan 1962; Demelt 1963), Kemer, Yeni Karaman, Termessos, Alanya (Güzelbağ) (Adlbauer 1988), as Callimellum adonis (Sama 1982) (Lodos 1998), Arapsuyu (Tozlu et al. 2002), Kalkan, Alanya (Çayarası village) (Özdikmen & Çağlar 2004), Alanya– Taşkent (exit of Karapınar village), Akseki–Manavgat road (Gündoğmuş return 5th km), Seydişehir–Antalya road, Akseki–Manavgat road (Gündoğmuş return), Akseki (Murtiçi–Güzelsu), Güzelsu, Akseki (Mahmutlu village env., Çukurköy–Mahmutlu) (Turgut & Özdikmen 2010); Adana province: as Callimellum narcissus Villiers 1967 (Demelt 1963), Nur Mt. (Öymen 1987), Kozan (Adlbauer 1988), (Özdikmen et al. 2005); Burdur province: Sagalassos, Bucak (Çamlık village) (Özdikmen & Çağlar 2004); Osmaniye province: Nurdağı pass (Adlbauer 1988), Zorkun plateau road (Ürün plateau), Düziçi (Çamiçi village), Kurtlar village (Özdikmen & Demirel 2005), Akyar village, Yarpuz road forest store env., Bahçe–Önderesi road, Kalecik–Hasanbeyli road, Bahçe, Haraz plateau, Karaçay, Entry of Yarpuz, Hasanbeyli (Kalecikli village), Yarpuz road, 8th km, Yarpuz road (Yukarı Haraz plateau) (Özdikmen et al. 2010); Kahramanmaraş province: (Adlbauer 1988), Sumaklı village Türkoğlu (Doluca village, Kaledibi village) (Özdikmen & Demirel 2005), Pazarcık (Büyük Nacar Kocalar village, Sakarkaya village (Pekmez stream district, Kısık env.), Central, Bağdınısağır Kahramanmaraş–Andırın road (Karbasan village env., Yenicekale env.), Andırın (Çınar pass, Andırın–Geben road) (Özdikmen & Okutaner 2006); Gaziantep province: Nurdağı (plateau of Kazdere village) (Özdikmen & Demirel 2005; Özdikmen 2008, 2011b). Global distribution. Eastern Mediterranean from southern Balkans to Bulgaria, Caucasus, Israel, Cyprus, Lebanon, (Sama et al. 2010), Turkey (Özdikmen 2008, 2011b). Annales de la Société entomologique de France (N.S.) Molorchus minor (L. 1758) Red List category in Europe. LC. Downloaded by [] at 10:21 26 June 2014 Distribution in Turkey. Antalya province: Toros Mountains (Bodemeyer 1900), Elmalı (Avlanbeli forest) (Tosun 1975), Akseki (Central, Yarpuz, Irmasan pass) (Adlbauer 1992); İçel province: Namrun (Demelt 1967); Burdur province: Bucak (Kavacık, Kızılgöl forest) (Tosun 1975; Özdikmen 2011b). Global distribution. France (without Corsica), Italy (without Sardinia and Sicily), Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Yugoslavia, Greece (without Crete), Bulgaria, Romania, Hungary, Austria, Germany, Luxembourg, Belgium, Netherlands, Denmark, Great Britain, Czechia, Slovakia, Poland, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia, Belorussiya, Moldova, Ukraine, Crimea, Russia (Danilevsky 2007), Turkey (Özdikmen 2011b). Monochamus galloprovincialis (Olivier 1795) Red List category in Europe. LC. Distribution in Turkey. Denizli province: Çameli (Karabayır place) (Tosun 1975), (Erdem & Çanakçıoğlu 1977; Çanakçıoğlu 1983), (Lodos 1998); Muğla province: (Lodos 1998); Aydın province: Söke (Davutlar) (Özdikmen et al. 2005). Antalya province: Central as M. galloprovincialis v. tauricola Pic 1912 (Demelt & Alkan 1962), Central Bey Mountain as M. galloprovincialis ssp. pistor v. tauricola Pic 1912 (Demelt 1963), Akseki–Cevizli (Urlupelit place), Dağbucağı place (Tosun 1975), Akseki, Kumluca (Adlbauer 1992), Central (Tozlu et al. 2003), Akseki (Yarpuz env.) as M. galloprovincialis tauricola Pic 1912 (Turgut & Özdikmen 2010); Isparta province: Eğirdir, Mediterranean Region (Erdem & Çanakçıoğlu 1977; Çanakçıoğlu 1983) Eğridir (Çamyol forest) (Tosun 1975); İçel province: Anamur (Özdikmen 2008, 2011a, 2011b); Kahramanmaraş (Maican & Serafim 2009). Global distribution. Europe, north Africa (Maican & Serafim 2009), Kazakhstan, Siberia, Mongolia, Far East, Nepal (Sama & Lobl 2010), Turkey (Özdikmen 2008). 13 Global distribution. Holomediterranean, subcosmopolitan. Europe, Asia Minor, Near East (including Cyprus, Lebanon and Israel), Caucasus, Transcaucasia, northern Iran, North Africa; introduced in China, North and South America (Sama et al. 2010). Obrium brunneum (Fabricius 1792) Red List category in Europe. LC. Distribution in Turkey. Bolu province: Atyaylası (Özdikmen 2011b); Trabzon province: Akçaabat (Alkan & Eroğlu 2001); Kastamonu province: Küre, Masruf Gecidi, Devrekani, Yaraligöz (Adlbauer 1992). Global distribution. Spain, France (without Corsica), Italy (without Sardinia and Sicily), Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Greece (without Crete), Bulgaria, Romania, Hungary Austria, Germany, Luxembourg, Belgium, Netherlands, Denmark, Great Britain, Czechia, Slovakia, Poland, Sweden, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Belorussiya, Moldova, Ukraine, Crimea, Russia (Danilevsky 2007), Turkey (Adlbauer 1992). Obrium cantharinum (L. 1767) Red List category in Europe. LC. Distribution in Turkey. Antalya province: Elmalı (Avlanbeli), Isparta province: Şarkikaraağaç (Kızıldağ forest) (Tosun 1975; Özdikmen 2011b). Global distribution. Spain, France (without Corsica), Italy (without Sardinia and Sicily), Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Romania, Hungary, Austria, Germany, Luxembourg, Belgium, Netherlands, Great Britain, Czechia, Slovakia, Poland, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Belorussiya, Moldova, Ukraine, Crimea, Russia, European Kazakhstan (Danilevsky 2007), Turkey (Özdikmen 2011b). Penichroa fasciata (Stephens 1831) Red List category in Europe. LC. Nathrius brevipennis (Mulsant 1839) Red List category in Europe. DD. Distribution in Turkey. İzmir province: Çeşme (Malmusi & Saltini 2005); İçel province: Erdemli, Kızkalesi, Tarsus–Çamlıyayla (Malmusi & Saltini 2005); Antalya province: Alanya (Adlbauer 1988); Hatay province: Yayladağı, Harbiye–Yayladağı (Malmusi & Saltini 2005; Özdikmen 2008, 2011b). Distribution in Turkey. Antalya province: Manavgat (Sorgun forest) (Tosun 1975), Alanya (Adlbauer 1988); Central, Finike (Turunçova) (Tozlu et al. 2002); İçel province: Erdemli; Ankara province: Ayaş, Başbereket village, Etimesgut, Mamak; Samsun province: Havza, Kocapınar; Kırıkkale province: Border of Kırıkkale– Ankara (Özdikmen 2006, 2011b; Özdikmen et al. 2009). Global distribution. Europe, Caucasus, Azerbaidzhan, northern Iran, Asia Minor, Near East including Cyprus 14 S.S. Avgın et al. and Israel, North Africa, occasionally imported in North America (Sama et al. 2010). Sweden, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Belorussia, Ukraine, Crimea, Moldavia, European Russia, European Kazakhstan), Siberia, Caucasus, Transcaucasia, Turkey, Iran, Syria (Özdikmen & Turgut 2009d). Phymatodes testaceus (L. 1758) Red List category in Europe. LC. Downloaded by [] at 10:21 26 June 2014 Distribution in Turkey. İçel province: Bolkar Mts. as P. testaceus var. analis (Bodemeyer 1906); Hatay province: Dörtyol (Öymen 1987); Osmaniye province: Nurdağı pass (Adlbauer 1988); Antalya province: Central (Tozlu et al. 2002); Ankara province: Kızılcahamam (Soğuksu National Park), Beypazarı (Dereli village) (Özdikmen 2006, 2011b; Özdikmen et al. 2009); Isparta province: Yukarıgökdere; Burdur province: Gölhisar (Sama et al 2011). Global distribution. Europe, North Africa, Turkey, Caucasus, Middle East (Syria, Israel), Japan, Siberia, introduced in North America (Sama et al. 2010). Plagionotus arcuatus (L. 1758) Poecilium alni (L. 1767) Red List category in Europe. LC. Distribution in Turkey. Osmaniye province: Nurdağı pass (Adlbauer 1988), Kuşçubeli pass (Gaziantep border) (Özdikmen et al. 2010; Özdikmen 2011b). Global distribution. Portugal, Spain, France (without Corsica), Italy, Sicilia, Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Yugoslavia, Greece (without Crete) Bulgaria, Turkey, Romania, Hungary, Austria, Switzerland, Luxembourg, Belgium, Netherlands, Denmark, Germany, Great Britain, Czechia, Slovakia, Poland, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Belorussiya, Ukraine, Crimea, Moldova, Russia, European Kazakhstan (Danilevsky 2007). Red List category in Europe. LC. Distribution in Turkey. Isparta province: Eğirdir (Tuatay et al. 1972), Eğirdir (Özdikmen et al. 2005), Yukarıgökdere (Sama et al. 2011); Osmaniye province: Central (Tozlu et al. 2002; Özdikmen 2011b). Global distribution. Europe (Portugal, Spain, France, Italy, Sicily, Sardinia, Albania, Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Greece, Crete, Bulgaria, European Turkey, Romania, Hungary, Austria, Switzerland, Belgium, Netherlands, Denmark, Germany, Luxembourg, Great Britain, Czechia Slovakia, Norway, Poland, Sweden, Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Belorussia, Ukraine, Crimea, Moldavia, European Russia, European Kazakhstan), North Africa (Algeria, Morocco), Caucasus, Iran, Transcaucasia, Turkey, Syria (Özdikmen & Turgut 2009d). Plagionotus detritus (L. 1758) Red List category in Europe. LC. Distribution in Turkey. Manisa province: Muradiye (Tezcan & Rejzek 2002); Adana, Hatay, Antalya (Lodos 1998); Kahramanmaraş province: Central (Tozlu et al. 2002; Özdikmen 2008, 2011b). Global distribution. Europe (Portugal, Spain, France, Corsica, Italy, Albania, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Greece, Crete, Bulgaria, European Turkey, Romania, Hungary, Austria, Switzerland, Belgium, Netherlands, Germany, Czechia, Slovakia, Poland, Poecilium lividum (Rossi 1794) Red List category in Europe. DD. Distribution in Turkey. İçel province: Erdemli (Adlbauer 1988; Özdikmen 2011b); Mersin province: 30 km NW Gülnar: Köseçobanli, Tasdüstü, Devrent (Sama et al. 2011). Global distribution. Europe, North Africa, Caucasus, Transcaucasia, Turkey, Syria, Lebanon, Israel (Sama et al. 2010). Poecilium fasciatum (Villers 1789) Red List category in Europe. LC. Distribution in Turkey. P. fasciatum (Villers 1789) has not been recorded from Turkey from any exact locality, although Sama (2002) and Sama and Löbl (2010) mentioned that the species occurs in southern Turkey (Cebeci et al. 2011). Global distribution. Central and southern Europe, southern Turkey, Cyprus (Sama 2002; Sama et al. 2010). Poecilium pusillum (Fabricius 1787) Red List category in Europe. LC. Distribution in Turkey. Istanbul and Konya provinces (Cebeci et al. 2011), Tunceli province: 15 km N of Pülümür (Sama et al. 2012). Annales de la Société entomologique de France (N.S.) Global distribution. Northern and central Europe, P. pusillum barbipes (Küster 1847) known from Czeck Republic (Moravia), Slovakia and Greece, P. pusillum (Villers 1789) was also recorded from NW Turkey (Rapuzzi & Sama 2009). Poecilium rufipes (Fabricius 1776) Red List category in Europe. LC. Downloaded by [] at 10:21 26 June 2014 Distribution in Turkey. The nominotypical subspecies is known from Bolu and Samsun, the subspecies syriacum from Antalya, Hatay (type locality), Icel (Mersin), Niğde and Osmaniye (Özdikmen 2011a); Hatay province: 4 km south of Şenköy (Sama et al. 2012). Global distribution. The nominotypical subspecies is distributed from Europe to northern Turkey; P. r. syriacum (Pic 1891) in known in south-eastern Turkey, Syria, Lebanon and Israel (Sama et al. 2010). Prinobius myardi Mulsant 1842 Red List category in Europe. LC. Distribution in Turkey. İzmir province: Kuşadası as Macrotoma scutellaris (Germar 1817) (Demelt 1963; Öymen 1987), Bornova (Gül-Zümreoğlu 1972); Aydın province: Kuşadası as Macrotoma scutellaris (Germar 1817) (Gül-Zümreoğlu 1972), Dilek (Alkan 2000); Muğla province: Marmaris as Prinobius scutellaris (Germar 1817) (Adlbauer 1992), Central (Tozlu et al. 2002), Marmaris, Aktur (Malmusi & Saltini 2005); Adana province: Dörtyol as Macrotoma scutellaris (Germar 1817) (Bodenheimer 1958; Gül-Zümreoğlu 1975; Öymen 1987), Karataş as Prinobius scutellaris (Germar 1817) (Adlbauer 1992; Lodos 1998); Burdur province: Bucak; Antalya province: Kemer, Kaş–Gürsu, Çakırlar (Ekici 1971; Öymen 1987; Tosun 1975; Yüksel 1996; Alkan 2000), Beldibi, Manavgat, Serik, Alanya (Çayarası plateau–Sarımut bridge) (Özdikmen & Çağlar 2004); İçel province: Erdemli (Tozlu et al. 2002; Özdikmen 2008; Özdikmen 2011b); Isparta: Yukarıgökdere, Mersin: 30 km NW Gülnar: Köseçobanli, Tasdüstü (Sama et al. 2011). Global distribution. Europe (Portugal, Spain, France, Corsica, Italy, Sardinia, Sicily, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Greece, Crete, Crimea), North Africa (Algeria, Morocco, Libya, Iran, Tunisia), Caucasus, Near East, Turkey, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan (Özdikmen & Turgut 2009c). Mesoprionus besicanus (Fairmaire 1855) Red List category in Europe. DD. 15 Original combination. Prionus besicanus Fairmaire 1855. Distribution in Turkey. Hatay province: Akbez as Prionus besicanus (Pic 1897); Asia Minor as Prionus besicanus (Semenov 1900); European Turkey and Asia Minor (Winkler 1924–1932); Turkey (İyriboz 1938, 1940; Bodenheimer 1958; Svacha & Danilevsky 1986; Sama & Rapuzzi 2000); İstanbul province: Polonez village, İzmir province: Dikili, Makaron (Demelt 1963), Ödemiş (Bozdağ), Bornova, Dikili (Gül-Zümreoğlu 1972), Bergama, Makaron, Urla, Bornova, Çeşme (GülZümreoğlu 1975); Uşak, Antalya province: Kaş (Demelt 1963), Manavgat (Demirciler village); western Anatolia (İren & Ahmed 1973); Denizli province: Çal, Hançalar (Gül-Zümreoğlu 1975); Kütahya province: Simav; Çanakkale province: İntepe (Sama 1982); Nevşehir province: Göreme as Prionus besicanus (Adlbauer 1988); European Turkey (Althoff & Danilevsky 1997); Aegean Region (Lodos 1998); Adana, Antalya, İçel, Bilecik, Burdur, Çanakkale, Erzurum, Kayseri, Kilis, Konya, Muğla, İstanbul, İzmir, Kütahya, Nevşehir (Tozlu et al. 2002); Burdur province: Bucak (Özdikmen & Şahin 2006), Uludağ (Malmusi & Saltini 2005); Erzincan province: Kemaliye; Bursa province: Çalı village (Özdikmen 2006); Kırıkkale province: Sulakyurt (Özdere); Ankara province: Kalecik (Yeşildere) (Özdikmen & Demir 2006; Özdikmen et al. 2009; Özdikmen & Turgut 2009c). Global distribution. Europe (Albania, Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Macedonia, Greece, Bulgaria, European Turkey), Cyprus, Middle East (Syria, Lebanon, Jordan), Turkey (Özdikmen & Turgut 2009c). Prionus coriarius (L. 1758) Red List category in Europe. LC. Distribution in Turkey. Aydın province: Dilek Peninsula National Forest (Öymen 1987; Çanakçıoğlu & Mol 1998); Burdur province: Bucak (Ekici 1971); Antalya province: Kemer (Beldibi), Kaş (Gürsu), Çakırlar forest (Tosun 1975; Erdem & Çanakçıoğlu 1977; Çanakçıoğlu 1983), Kaş (Sinekçi village, Sinekçi Beli) (Özdikmen & Çağlar 2004), Akseki (Turgut & Özdikmen 2010); Kahramanmaraş province: (Kanat 1998), Pazarcık (Bağdınısağır Mahallesi) (Özdikmen & Okutaner 2006); Hatay province: Hassa (Söğütler) (Özdikmen & Demirel 2005); Konya province: Çayarası–Alanya (Özdikmen & Turgut 2010); Osmaniye province: Çiftmazı, Zorkun road and Mitisin plateau (Özdikmen et al. 2010); Ankara province: Kızılcahamam (Çamkoru) (Özdikmen & Şahin 2006); Artvin province: Hopa, Şavşat (Yayla, Kocabeyplace), Şavşat (Veliköy, Karagöl Forests) (Yüksel 1996); Balıkesir province: Erdek, Kocaeli 16 S.S. Avgın et al. province: Kerpe, İzmit (Özdikmen & Şahin 2006); Rize province: Central, Fındıklı, Pazar; Trabzon province: Yeşilova (Tozlu et al. 2002); Kırıkkale province: Sulakyurt (Özdere) (Özdikmen & Demir 2006; Özdikmen 2008, 2011a, 2011b; Özdikmen & Turgut 2009c; Özdikmen et al. 2009). Çanakkale province: west of Küçükkuyu (Maican & Serafim 2009). Global distribution. Europe, Near East, North Africa (Maican & Serafim 2009). Procallimus egregius (Mulsant & Rey 1863) Downloaded by [] at 10:21 26 June 2014 Red List category in Europe. DD. Distribution in Turkey. Anatolia (Winkler 1924–1932); Antalya, İçel province: Namrun (Demelt 1963), Tarsus (Çamlıyayla) (Adlbauer 1988); Hatay province: Antakya (İskenderun) (Villiers 1967); Turkey (Danilevsky & Miroshnikov 1985; Lodos 1998; Sama & Löbl 2010; Özdikmen 2011b). Global distribution. Macedonia, Greece (without Crete), Crimea (Danilevsky 2007), Turkey (Özdikmen 2011b). Central (Kavaklı), Kahramanmaraş–Andırın road (Körsülü bridge env.), Pazarcık (Sakarkaya–Çağlayancerit road, Sakarkaya village, Kısık), Çağlayancerit (Bozlar), Andırın (Kahramanmaraş–Andırın road, Çuhadırlı village) (Özdikmen & Okutaner 2006); Ankara province: (Lodos 1998); Kazan (Orhaniye village) (Özdikmen & Çağlar 2004), (Özdikmen et al. 2005; Özdikmen 2008; Özdikmen 2011a; Özdikmen 2011b; Özdikmen et al. 2009); Antalya province: Akseki–Manavgat road, Akseki–Güzelsu, İbradı; Alanya: Karapınar village, Karapınar–Sarımut, Akseki: Mahmutlu village, Murtiçi–Güzelsu, Güçlüköy Bademli beli–Tekebeli, Alanya: 6 km to Dikmetaş plateau; Konya province: Beyşehir–Akseki road: Tepearası return Hadim: Beyreli village (Turgut & Özdikmen 2010). It is also recorded as P. budensis m. bitlisiensis ab. affinis and P. budensis productus Plavilstshikov 1940 by researchers (Gül-Zümreoğlu 1975; Adlbauer 1992). Distribution of P. budensis m. bitlisiensis ab. affinis in Turkey: İzmir province: Karaburun–Balıklıova (Gül-Zümreoğlu 1975). Distribution of P. budensis productus Plavilstshikov 1940 in Turkey: Osmaniye province: Nurdağı (Adlbauer 1992). Global distribution. Europe, Turkey, Caucasus, Transcaucasia, Middle East, Cyprus, Syria, Lebanon, Israel (Sama et al. 2010). Purpuricenus budensis (Götz 1783) Red List category in Europe. LC. Distribution in Turkey. Muğla province: Milas (GülZümreoğlu 1972), Bodrum (Gümbet), Milas (GülZümreoğlu 1975); İzmir province: Ödemiş (Bozdağ) – (Gül-Zümreoğlu 1975), Torbalı (Ayrancı), (Lodos 1998), Selçuk (Meryemana) (Malmusi & Saltini 2005); Denizli province: Central (Gül-Zümreoğlu 1975); Manisa province: Akhisar (Sama 1982), (Lodos 1998); Afyon province Sultandağı (Sultan Mountains) (Özdikmen & Çağlar 2004), (Lodos 1998), Aydın province: Kuşadası; Hatay province: Akbez (Fairmaire 1884), Belen (Çerçikaya village, Madenli) (Özdikmen & Demirel 2005); Adana province: Pozantı (Bodemeyer 1900); İçel province: Bolkar Mountains (Villiers 1959), Anamur, Erdemli, Silifke, Kuzucubelen (Adlbauer 1988); Antalya province: Toros Mountains, Yeni Karaman, Alanya (Akseki, Güzelbağ) (Adlbauer 1988), İbradı–plateau road, Kumluca (Gölcük village), Akseki (Geylan plateau road), Alanya (Mahmutlar), Kemer (Olimpos Mountain (Özdikmen & Çağlar 2004); Isparta province: Eğirdir (Demelt 1963); Gaziantep province: Fevzipaşa (Sama 1982); Adana province: Kozan (Himmetli) (Adlbauer 1988), Bahçe (Tauzin 2000), Çiftmazı (Tozlu et al. 2002); Burdur province: Ağlasun, Bucak (Çamlık), Ağlasun (Özdikmen et al. 2005); Isparta province: Sütçüler (Kasımlı, incidere) (Özdikmen & Çağlar 2004), Eğridir (Özdikmen et al. 2005); Kahramanmaraş province: Sumaklı village, Türkoğlu (Doluca village), Purpuricenus caucasicus Pic 1902 Red List category in Europe. DD. Distribution in Turkey. Muğla province: Datça as P. caucasicus Pic 1902 (Özdikmen & Çağlar 2004; Özdikmen 2008). Global distribution. Greece (without Crete), Bulgaria, Romania, Crimea (Danilevsky 2007). Purpuricenus dalmatinus Sturm 1843 Red List category in Europe. DD. Distribution in Turkey. Hatay province: Akbez (Fairmaire 1884); Antalya province: Central of Antalya and Manavgat (Demelt & Alkan 1962), Central of Antalya and Kumköy (Demelt 1963), Termessos (Tauzin 2000) Akseki–Güzelsu (Turgut & Özdikmen 2010); Muğla province: Milas; İzmir province: Bornova (Gül-Zümreoğlu 1972) Ödemiş (Bozdağ) (Fairmaire 1884; Gül-Zümreoğlu 1975), Bornova (Gül-Zümreoğlu 1975); Manisa province: Akhisar (Sama 1982), Turgutlu Çardağı (Domunludeve valley) (Özdikmen & Demirel 2005) Muş, Siirt province: Eruh; Osmaniye province: Nurdağı pass, Olukbaşı plateau (Özdikmen & Çağlar 2004); Kahramanmaraş province: Andırın; İçel province: Erdemli (Adlbauer 1988), Kocavilayet (Emirler village) (Özdikmen & Çağlar 2004), Annales de la Société entomologique de France (N.S.) Erdemli–Güzeloluk road (Özdikmen 2007); Turkey (Lodos 1998; Sama & Rapuzzi 2000; Jenis 2001); Adıyaman province: Karadut village (Rejzek & Hoskovec 1999) Nemrut Mt.; Bingöl province (Tauzin 2000); Muş province: Buğlan pass (Malmusi & Saltini 2005); Aydın, Mardin (Özdikmen et al. 2005; Özdikmen 2008, 2011b). It is also recorded as P. dalmatinus apicalis Pic 1905 in Siirt (Central and Baykan) (Fuchs & Breuning 1971; Özdikmen 2008, 2011b). Global distribution. Eastern Mediterranean from Balkans to the Near East, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, Israel (Sama et al. 2010). Purpuricenus (Purpuricenus) kaehleri (L. 1758) Downloaded by [] at 10:21 26 June 2014 Red List category in Europe. LC. Distribution in Turkey. Rize province: Pazar (Sekendiz 1976) (Alkan & Eroğlu 2001); Ordu province: Akkuş (Sama et al. 2011); Artvin, Istanbul, Kırıkkale, Rize, Trabzon (Özdikmen 2007, 2008). 17 province: Alanya (Demelt 1963), Toros Mountains (Elmalı) (Villiers 1967), Alanya (Erdem & Çanakçıoğlu 1977; Çanakçıoğlu 1983; Çanakçıoğlu & Mol 1998; Svacha & Danilevsky 1986), Bambus Camp (Adlbauer 1988); Kahramanmaraş (Kanat 1998); Adana province: Balcalı, Karataş; Burdur province: Central; Hatay province: Central, İskenderun (Cırtıman); İçel province: Erdemli, Tarsus, Erdemli (Karahasanlı village); Osmaniye province: Kadirli (Kabayar) (Tozlu et al. 2002), Bahçe road (Özdikmen et al. 2010; Özdikmen 2008; Özdikmen 2011b; Özdikmen & Turgut 2009c). Global distribution. Balkan peninsula from Dalmatia to the southern Greece, Bulgaria Turkey, Caucasus, Iran, Syria, Israel, Cyprus (Heyrovský 1948; Sama 1993; Althoff & Danilevsky 1997; Sama et al. 2010), Albania, Yugoslavia, Macedonia (Danilevsky 2007). Europe (Albania, Serbia, Macedonia, European Turkey), Georgia, Transcaucasia, Near East, Turkey (Özdikmen & Turgut 2009c). Rhaphuma gracilipes (Faldermann 1835) Global distribution. Portugal, Spain, France, Corsica, Italy, Sicilia, Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Yugoslavia, Macedonia, Albania, Greece (without Crete) Bulgaria, European Turkey, Romania, Hungary, Austria, Belgium, Germany, Czechia, Slovakia, Poland, Belorussiya, Ukraine, Crimea, Moldova, Russia (southern and central region) (Danilevsky 2007). Global distribution. Poland, Belorussiya, Russia (northern and central region) (Danilevsky 2007). Pyrrhidium sanguineum (L. 1758) Ropalopus clavipes (Fabricius 1775) Red List category in Europe. DD. Distribution in Turkey. Hatay (Fairmaire 1884; Özdikmen 2011b). province: Akbez Red List category in Europe. LC. Red List category in Europe. LC. Distribution in Turkey. Gümüşhane province: Zigana mountain (Alkan & Eroğlu 2001). Distribution in Turkey. İzmir province: Gümüşsu (GülZümreoğlu 1972), Bornova (Gül-Zümreoğlu, 1975), Kemalpaşa (Ören, Armutlu) (Tezcan & Rejzek 2002); Denizli province: Buldan (Gül-Zümreoğlu 1975; Erdem & Çanakçıoğlu 1977); Kütahya, Uşak, Manisa (Lodos 1998); Osmaniye province: Nurdağı pass, Adana province: Kozan (Himmetli) (Adlbauer 1988), Pozantı (Ulusoy et al. 1999); Hatay province: Antakya (Lodos 1998); İçel province: from Tarsus to Çamlıyayla (Malmusi & Saltini 2005); Ankara (Özdikmen et al. 2005, 2009; Özdikmen 2008, 2011a, 2011b). Global distribution. Portugal, Spain, France (without Corsica), Italy, Sardinia and Sicily, Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Yugoslavia, Albania, Greece, Crete, Bulgaria, Turkey, Romania, Hungary, Austria, Luxembourg, Belgium, Netherlands, Denmark, Germany, Great Britain, Czechia, Slovakia, Poland, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Belorussiya, Ukraine (without Crimea), Moldova, Russia (Danilevsky 2007). Rhaesus serricollis (Motschulsky 1838) Red List category in Europe. NT. Distribution in Turkey. Muğla province: Fethiye (Acatay 1971), (Lodos 1998), Marmaris (Öymen 1987); İzmir province: Bornova (Gül-Zümreoğlu 1972), Kemalpaşa; Denizli province: Tavas (Gül-Zümreoğlu 1975); Antalya Global distribution. Spain, France (without Corsica), Italy (without Sardinia and Sicily), Malta, Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Yugoslavia, Macedonia, Albania, Greece, Crete, Bulgaria, Romania, Hungary, Austria, Switzerland, Germany, Belgium, Netherlands, Denmark, Czechia, Slovakia, Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Belorussiya, Ukraine, Crimea, Moldova, Russia, European Kazakhstan (Danilevsky 2007). 18 S.S. Avgın et al. Ropalopus insubricus (Germar 1824) Red List category in Europe. NT. 2011). Whereas it is widely seen in Europe, it disappeared in some regions in Europe and it was first recorded by Sama et al. (2012) in Turkey. Distribution in Turkey. Aegean region (Özdikmen 2008). Global distribution. Spain, France (without Corsica), Italy (without Sardinia and Sicily), Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Yugoslavia, Albania, Greece (without Crete), Bulgaria, Romania, Ukraine (without Crimea), Russia (central and southern region) (Danilevsky 2007). Ropalopus macropus (Germar 1824) Saperda octopunctata (Scopoli 1772) Red List category in Europe. LC. Distribution in Turkey. Trabzon (Öymen 1987; Alkan & Eroğlu 2001). Global distribution. Central European species reaching the Caucasus, Russia and North Africa and Iberian Peninsula (Gutièrrez et al. 2004). Downloaded by [] at 10:21 26 June 2014 Red List category in Europe. LC. Distribution in Turkey. Giresun; Trabzon province: Meryemana, Artvin province: Saçinka (Sekendiz 1976; Alkan & Eroğlu 2001). Red List category in Europe. NT. Global distribution. Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Yugoslavia, Bulgaria, Romania, Hungary, Austria, Switzerland, Germany, Czechia, Slovakia, Poland, Latvia, Belorussiya, Ukraine Crimea, Moldova, Russia (central and southern region) (Danilevsky 2007). Distribution in Turkey. İzmir province: Efes (Demelt & Alkan 1962), Bayındır (Öymen 1987); Antalya province: Manavgat (Demelt 1963; Özdikmen 2008, 2011b); Artvin province: Saçinka; Trabzon province: Akçaabat (Alkan & Eroğlu 2001). Rosalia alpina (L. 1758) Red List category in Europe. LC. Distribution in Turkey. This species has a subspecies which is Rosalia alpina syriaca Pic 1895. Distribution of this subspecies: Hatay province: Nurdağları, east of Dörtyol (Sama et al. 2012), Akbez (Özdikmen et al. 2012). Global distribution. R. alpina is widespread in Europe, Caucasus, Asia Minor (Özdikmen 2007), the Near East (Bartenev 2004; Özdikmen 2007) and North Africa. In Europe it is found in Spain (Pena 2002; Pena et al. 2007), France (Brustel et al. 2002; Dutto 2005), Switzerland (Althoff & Danilevsky 1997), Austria (Adlbauer 2001), Hungary (Csóka & Kovács 1999), Poland (Pawłowski et al. 2002), Czech Republic, Slovakia (Sláma 1998; Brelih et al. 2006), Ukraine (Zahaykevych 1974; Bartenev 2004), Romania, Bulgaria, Greece, Albany (Althoff & Danilevsky 1997), Slovenia (Jurc et al. 2008), Serbia (Pil 2005), Italy (Vitali 1999; Dutto 2005), Moldova (Baban 2006), and western Russia (Althoff & Danilevsky 1997; Bartenev 2004; Zamoroka & Panin 2011). Remarks. Its original range covers southern and central Europe, where the species has disappeared from a large part of its range. Only a single population survives north of the Alps and west of the Carpathians. Despite its significance, detailed knowledge on the Rosalia longicorn ecology and biology is still missing (Drag et al Saperda punctata (L. 1767) Global distribution. Spain, France, Corsica, Italy (without Sardinia and Sicily), Sicilia, Sardinia, Malta, Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Yugoslavia, Macedonia, Albania, Greece (without Crete), Bulgaria, Turkey, Romania, Hungary, Austria, Switzerland, Germany, Czechia, Slovakia, Poland, Latvia, Belorussiya, Ukraine, Crimea, Moldova, Russia (Danilevsky 2007). Saperda quercus Charpentier 1825 Red List category in Europe. LC. Distribution in Turkey. Adana province: Tekir; Osmaniye province: Nurdağı pass. It is also recorded as S. quercus ocellata Abeille de Perrin, 1895 in İçel province: Namrun (Demelt 1967); Kahramanmaraş province: Andırın (Adlbauer 1988); Antalya province: Akseki–Manavgat road (Gündoğmus return 5th km) (Turgut & Özdikmen 2010; Özdikmen 2011b). Global distribution. Bosnia and Herzegovina, Greece, Bulgaria and Serbia and Montenegro (Sama & Löbl 2010). as S. quercus quercus Charpentier 1825; Turkey, Syria, Jordan and Israel as S. quercus ocellata Abeille de Perrin 1895 (Adlbauer 1988; Sama et al. 2010; Plewa et al. 2011). Semanotus russicus (Fabricius 1777) Red List category in Europe. LC. Annales de la Société entomologique de France (N.S.) Distribution in Turkey. Antalya province: Elmalı (Adlbauer 1992; Özdikmen 2011b). Global distribution. Italy (without Sardinia and Sicily), Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Yugoslavia, Greece (without Crete), Romania, Hungary, Bulgaria, Austria, Slovakia, Ukraine, Crimea (Danilevsky 2007). Stenhomalus (Obriopsis) bicolor (Kraatz 1862) Downloaded by [] at 10:21 26 June 2014 Red List category in Europe. LC. Distribution in Turkey. Antalya province: Toros Mts (Bodemeyer 1900), Korkuteli (Demelt & Alkan 1962; Demelt 1963; İren & Ahmed 1973), Kaş (Adlbauer 1988); Niğde province: Çamardı (Bodemeyer 1900); İçel province: Silifke (Gülnar), Erdemli; Osmaniye province: Nurdağı pass (Adlbauer 1988); Turkey (Lodos 1998; Sama 2002; Sama & Löbl 2010); Nevşehir province: Uçhisar (Özdikmen 2006, 2011b). Global distribution. South-eastern Mediterranean; from central and south-eastern Europe to Asia Minor and Near East, including Cyprus, Syria and Israel (Sama et al. 2010). Stenopterus atricornis Pic 1891 Red List category in Europe. VU. Distribution in Turkey. Antalya province: Termessos, Alanya (Karapınar village), Akseki (Çukurköy–Mahmutlu, Güçlüköy env.) (Turgut & Özdikmen 2010), İçel province: Erdemli (Adlbauer 1988); Turkey (Sama & Löbl 2010); Konya province: Hadim–Bozkır road (Yazdamı village env.) (Özdikmen & Turgut 2010; Özdikmen 2011b; Turgut & Özdikmen 2010) Tunceli province: Pülümür; Kastamonu province: Boyabat (Sama et al. 2012). Global distribution. Greece (Sláma & Slámová 1996) Turkey (Adlbauer 1988; Plewa et al. 2011). Stenopterus flavicornis Küster 1846 Red List category in Europe. LC. Distribution in Turkey. İzmir province: Selçuk (Meryemana) (Malmusi & Saltini 2005); Hatay province: Akbez (Fairmaire 1884); Antalya province: Bey Mts., Alanya (Demelt 1963; Alkan 2000; Özdikmen 2008, 2011b). Hakkari province: Ciglisuyu Tal, Asagi, Dereli SW (Adlbauer 1992). Global distribution. Italy, south-east Europe, Syria, Lebanon, Israel (Sama 1995; Sama et al. 2010). S. flavicornis Küster 1846 is widely distributed in central and south-east Europe. It occupies south-east France (Brustel 19 et al. 2002), south Germany, Austria (Adlbauer 2001), lowlands of Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, Balkans and north-east Italy (Althoff & Danilevsky 1997). Some locations of S. flavicornis Küster 1846 in Turkey and Israel were misidentified and belong to S. kraatzi (Brustel et al. 2002; Zamoroka & Panin 2011). Stenopterus rufus (L. 1767) Red List category in Europe. LC. Distribution in Turkey. İzmir province: Kemalpaşa, Bergama (Şakran, Kozak) (Gül-Zümreoğlu 1975); Manisa province: Turgutlu Çardağı (Domunludeve valley) (Özdikmen & Demirel 2005); Antalya province: Antitoros (Demelt & Alkan 1962), Taşağıl, Alanya (Central, Güzelbağ) (Adlbauer 1988), Alanya (between Çayarası and Cırlasun, Mahmutlar), Kalkan, Kemer (Olimpos Mt.) (Özdikmen & Çağlar 2004); İçel province: Namrun (Demelt 1963), Anamur, Silifke (Gülnar), Kuzucubelen, Erdemli; Osmaniye province: Nurdağı pass (Adlbauer 1988), Zorkun plateau road (Ürün plateau), Yarpuz road (Karataş place), Düziçi (Karasi village); Kahramanmaraş province: Türkoğlu (Doluca village, Kaledibi village), Andırın (Andırın–Geben road) (Özdikmen & Okutaner 2006); Hatay province: Hassa (Akbez, Geneluşağı village), Antakya (Seldiren village) (Özdikmen & Demirel 2005); Ankara province: Kızılcahamam (Yukarı Çanlı) (Özdikmen 2006, 2008, 2011a, 2011b; Özdikmen et al. 2009); Konya province: Taşkent: Ilıcapınar town/Hadim: Beyreli (Turgut & Özdikmen 2010). This species has a subspecies which is Stenepterus rufus syriacus (Villiers 1967); its location: Antalya (Tauzin 2000); İçel province: Alata (Villiers 1967); Osmaniye province: Hasanbeyli (Özdikmen et al. 2010; Özdikmen 2011a, 2011b). Global distribution. Eastern Mediterranean: Turkey, Syria, Lebanon, Israel, Cyprus (Sama 1995) as S. rufus syriacus (Villiers 1967; Sama et al. 2010). Stromatium unicolor (Olivier 1795) Red List category in Europe. LC. Distribution in Turkey. Denizli province (Schimitschek 1944): Buldan (Gül-Zümreoğlu 1972); Central (Alkan 2000); Manisa province: Salihli as Stromatium fulvum (Villers 1789) (Tuatay et al. 1972); İzmir province: Bornova, Karşıyaka (Gül-Zümreoğlu 1972), Güzelyalı, Bornova as Stromatium fulvum (Villers 1789) (GülZümreoğlu 1975; Lodos 1998), Karşıyaka, Bornova (Alkan 2000); Muğla province: as Stromatium fulvum (Villers 1789) (Gül-Zümreoğlu 1975), as Stromatium fulvum (Villers 1789) (Erdem & Çanakçıoğlu 1977; Lodos 1998), Marmaris, Aktur 20 S.S. Avgın et al. Downloaded by [] at 10:21 26 June 2014 (Malmusi & Saltini 2005); Afyon (Tozlu et al. 2002); Manisa province: Salihli (Özdikmen et al. 2005); Adana province: Karataş as Stromatium fulvum (Villers 1789) (Adlbauer 1992), Central, Ceyhan (Tozlu et al. 2002); İçel, Antalya as Stromatium fulvum (Villers 1789) (Lodos 1998), Central, Lara, Finike, Turunçova, Kumluca, Manavgat, Serik (Tozlu et al. 2002), Ataş road (Karaduvar) (Özdikmen & Çağlar 2004), Manavgat (Demirciler village, Sülek village) (Özdikmen & Demir 2006); Hatay province: Central, Erzin, İskenderun (Denizciler); Osmaniye province: Central (Tozlu et al. 2002); Kahramanmaraş province: Pazarcık (Bağdınısağır) (Özdikmen & Okutaner 2006), Pazarcık (Bağdınısağır) (Özdikmen et al. 2010); Ankara (Özdikmen & Şahin 2006; Özdikmen 2008, 2011b; Özdikmen et al. 2009); Mersin province: 30 km NW Gülnar: Köseçobanli, Tasdüstü (Sama et al. 2011). Global distribution. Mediterranean: Europe, North Africa, Caucasus, northern Iran, Middle East (Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Israel), Cyprus, Middle Asia; imported in USA, Cuba, Brazil, Jamaica (Sama et al. 2010). Muradiye (Tezcan & Rejzek 2002); İçel province: Mut (Özdikmen & Şahin 2006); Gaziantep province (Özdikmen et al. 2005); Antalya province: Manavgat (Central, Titreyengöl, Bucak) (Özdikmen & Demir 2006; Özdikmen 2008, 2011b). Global distribution. Circum-Mediterranean species: southern Europe, North Africa, Egypt, Cyprus, southern Turkey, Iraq, Jordan, Israel (Sama et al. 2010). Trichoferus holosericeus (Rossi 1790) Red List category in Europe. LC. Distribution in Turkey. Aydın as cinereus Villers 1789 (Tuatay et al. 1972), (Özdikmen et al. 2005); İzmir province: Bornova, Kuşadası as cinereus Villers 1789 (Gül-Zümreoğlu 1972; Özdikmen 2008). Global distribution. South-west Europe, the Caucasus with Transcaucasia, Turkey, Iran, North Africa, Ukraine (Bartenev 2004). Trichoferus fasciculatus (Faldermann 1837) Red List category in Europe. LC. Distribution in Turkey. İzmir province: (İren & Ahmed 1973), Kemalpaşa (Ören) (Tezcan & Rejzek 2002); Manisa province: Muradiye (Tezcan & Rejzek 2002); Muğla province: Marmaris, Aktur (Malmusi & Saltini 2005); Mediterranean Region as Hesperophanes fasciculatus (Falderman, 1837) (İyriboz 1940); Antalya province: Perge (Adlbauer 1992); Ankara province: Etlik (Özdikmen 2008, 2011b; Özdikmen et al. 2009). Trichoferus pallidus (Olivier 1790) Red List category in Europe. LC. Distribution in Turkey. Isparta province: Yukarıgökdere 30 km S. Egirdir: Kasnak Forest National Park (Sama et al. 2011). Global distribution. Circum-Mediterranean species, distribution similar to T. griseus, but more widespread in the east as far as Azerbaijan and northern Iran; also occurring in Canary Islands and Madeira (Sama et al. 2010). Global distribution. In Europe T. pallidus is found in Portugal (Grosso-Silva 2007), Spain (Pena et al. 2007), France (Brustel et al 2002), Austria (Adlbauer & Holzer 2002), south of Germany, south of Poland (Gutowski 1986), Czech Republic, Slovakia (Sláma 1998), Hungary (Kovács et al. 2001), Slovenia (Brelih et al. 2006), Bulgaria, Greece, Romania, and Caucasian coast of Russia (Althoff & Danilevsky 1997; Zamoroka & Panin 2011). Trichoferus griseus (Fabricius 1792) Xylotrechus antilope (Schönherr 1817) Red List category in Europe. LC. Distribution in Turkey. İzmir province: Ödemiş and Tire as Hesperophanus griseus (İyriboz 1940) Bornova (Demelt & Alkan 1962), Bornova (Demelt 1963), Ödemiş and Dikili (Gül-Zümreoğlu 1972), Bornova, Güzelyalı, Ödemiş (Gül-Zümreoğlu 1975); Turkey (Bodenheimer 1958; Alkan 1946; Danilevsky & Miroshnikov 1985; Kadlec & Rejzek 2001; Sama 2002); Antalya province (Gül-Zümreoğlu 1975): Kaş as Hesperophanes griseus (Öymen 1987); Mediterranean Region (Lodos 1998); Adana, Aydın, Hatay, Konya, Osmaniye (Tozlu et al. 2002); Manisa province: Red List category in Europe. LC. Distribution in Turkey. Manisa province: Muradiye (Tezcan & Rejzek 2002; Özdikmen 2008). Isparta province: Yukarıgökdere, Burdur: Gölhisar as Xylotrechus antilope antilope (Schoenherr, 1817) (Sama et al. 2011). Global distribution. Poland, Spain, France, Corsica, Italy (without Sardinia), Sicilia, Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Yugoslavia, Albania, Greece (without Crete), Bulgaria, European Turkey, Romania, Hungary, Austria, Germany, Czechia, Slovakia, Poland, Norway, Annales de la Société entomologique de France (N.S.) Sweden, Belorussiya, Ukraine, Crimea, Moldova, Russia (central and southern region) (Danilevsky 2007). Xylotrechus arvicola (Olivier 1795) Red List category in Europe. LC. Downloaded by [] at 10:21 26 June 2014 Distribution in Turkey. Hatay province: Iskenderun (Amanos Mountains) (Öymen 1987); Adana province: Kozan (Feke) (Adlbauer 1992; Özdikmen 2011b). Global distribution. Poland, Spain, France, Corsica, Italy, Sardinia, Sicilia, Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Yugoslavia, Macedonia, Albania, Greece (without Crete), Bulgaria, European Turkey, Romania, Hungary, Austria, Luxembourg, Belgium, Netherlands, Germany, Czechia, Slovakia, Poland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Belorussiya, Ukraine (without Crimea), Moldova, Russia, European Kazakhstan (Danilevsky 2007). Xylotrechus rusticus (L. 1758) Red List category in Europe. LC. Distribution in Turkey. İzmir province: Bergama (Dikili) (Adlbauer 1992; Özdikmen 2008). Global distribution. Poland, Spain, France (without Corsica), Italy (without Sicily), Sardinia, Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Yugoslavia, Macedonia, Albania, Greece (without Crete), Bulgaria, Romania, Hungary, Austria, Denmark, Germany, Czechia, Slovakia, Poland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Belorussiya, Ukraine, Crimea, Moldova, Russia, European Kazakhstan (Danilevsky 2007). 21 Global distribution. The Osmoderma eremita ( complex includes in Europe at least two distinct clades (Audisio et al. 2007). The first clade includes the West European O. eremita Scopoli 1763, and the two Italian endemic taxa O. italicum Sparacio 2000 and O. cristinae Sparacio 1994, from southern peninsular Italy and Sicily. O. eremita Scopoli 1763 (s.str.) distributed in western Europe (northern Spain, France, Belgium, the Netherlands, Denmark, southern Sweden, southern Norway, Italy, Switzerland, western Austria, western Slovenia, most of western and northern Germany). The second clade includes the widespread East European O. barnabita Motschulsky 1845 (most of Germany, eastern Austria, Slovenia, Czech Republic, Poland, Hungary, Rumania, Bulgaria, Ukraine, Belarus, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, southern Finland, European Russia, Slovakia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Albania, Serbia, Montenegro, Macedonia) and the southern Balcanic O. lassallei Baraud & Tauzin 1991 from Greece and European Turkey (Audisio et al. 2007). Remarks. It is very widely distributed in Europe and it is frequently mentioned in several studies recently since it is supposed to be an indicator species. Audisio et al. (2008) stated in his study that some different European species and subspecies take place in O. eremita complex. This complex is divided into two clades at least, one of them contains a taxon that is widespread in western Europe; the other one contains a taxon in middle and eastern Europe. These species are affected by several negative environmental factors, especially destruction of their habitat, and so they have been conserved in many European countries. Osmoderma lassallei (Baraud & Tauzin 1991) Red List category in Europe. EN. Family Scarabaeidae, Subfamily Cetoniinae Gnorimus variabilis (L. 1758) Distribution in Turkey. European Turkey (Audisio et al. 2007). Red List category in Europe. NT. Distribution in Turkey. No information was found about locations in Turkey. Global distribution. Palaearctic (Europe, W Turkey, Estonia) (Global Species 2011). Osmoderma eremita (Scopoli 1763) (s. lat.) Red List category in Europe. NT. Distribution in Turkey. We only know one record of O. eremita from Turkey in 1994: Dr Sobotan found the beetle in Keşan, in the European part of Turkey (Ranius et al. 2005). Global distribution. Southern Balcanic (Greece and European Turkey) (Audisio et al. 2007). Osmoderma brevipenne Pic 1904 Red List category in Europe. Due to the fact that the species is not present in the European fauna, it is not included in the European list of saproxylic beetles. We propose to categorise this species as Red List category EN in the Asian section of Turkey's rare and endangered species. Distribution in Turkey. Asiatic part of Turkey (Audisio et al. 2007). 22 S.S. Avgın et al. Global distribution. Endemic of the Asiatic part of Turkey) (Audisio et al. 2007). Distribution in Turkey. Edremit Bay area and Ida Mountain of western Turkey (Ayıderesi, Yedikardeşler) (Abacıgil et al. 2012). Protaetia (Cetonischema) aeruginosa aeruginosa (L. 1767) Global distribution. Albania, Austria, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Germany, Great Britain, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Latvia (Barševskis 2005a, 2005b), Norway, Poland, Russia, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, Ukraine (Pedroni & Platia 2010). Red List category in Europe. NT. Distribution in Turkey. Aegean region (İren & Ahmed 1973; Krell et al. 2012). Global distribution. Palaearctic (Europe, Mediterranean, Balkan, Croatia, Dalmatia, Poland) (Global Species 2011). Protaetia (Eupotosia) mirifica (Mulsant 1842) Downloaded by [] at 10:21 26 June 2014 Red List category in Europe. VU. Distribution in Turkey. Mersin province: Erdemli– Derbent, Kızılen (Jansson & Coşkun 2008), Devrent (Rùžièka et al. 2006); Isparta province: Kasnak oak forest (Avcı et al. 2010). Global distribution. Spain, France, Balkans, Turkey, Syria, Lebanon (Aberlenc 2010). Valgus hemipterus (L. 1758) Red List category in Europe. LC. Distribution in Turkey. Düzce province:(Akbulut et al. 2008); Kahramanmaraş province: Kazma bağ (Bahadıroğlu 2007). Global distribution. Europe, North Africa, Central Asia, North & West Asia (Ghahari et al. 2011). Family Elateridae Remarks. This species, which was first recorded by Abacıgil et al. (2012) from Turkey, is in the Near Threatened category of the European Red List. According to a search made in Skoklaster parks in Sweden, this species has been identified as vulnerable (Jonsell 2004). Similar to this study in Sweden, in another study in Cowdray Park in England, this species has been marked with red (Telfer 2012). Considering these data, this species is among the species that need conservation. Ampedus cinnaberinus (Eschscholtz 1829) Red List category in Europe. LC. Distribution in Turkey. Aksaray province: Gülaşaç; Eskişehir province: Sivrihisar; Karaman province: Central County; Kırıkkale province: Çelebi; Konya province: Ilgın; Yozgat province: Akdaşmadeni (Kabalak & Sert 2011); Artvin province: Genya Mountain, Madenler; Erzurum province: Oltu, Sütkans; Gümüşhane (Kesdek et al. 2006) Global distribution. Azerbaijan, Armenia, Austria, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Belarus, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Great Britain, Germany, Georgia, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Latvia (Barševskis 2005a, 2005b), Luxembourg, Moldova, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Ukraine, Iran, Kazakhstan, Turkey, Siberia (Pedroni & Platia 2010). Adelocera pygmaea (Baudi 1871) Red List category in Europe. EN. Ampedus elegantulus (Schönherr 1817) Red List category in Europe. LC. Distribution in Turkey. Isparta province: Kasnak oak forest (Avcı et al. 2010); Mersin province: Gülnar (Coşkun et al. 2010), Kızılen and Derbent (Jansson & Coşkun 2008). Global distribution. Levantine (Lebanon, Syria, Israel) (Finkel et al. 2002); Turkey (Avcı et al. 2010; Jansson & Coşkun 2008). Ampedus cardinalis (Schiödte 1865) Red List category in Europe. NT. Distribution in Turkey. İzmir province: Ödemiş–Bozdağ. First record for İzmir fauna (Gülperçin & Tezcan 2009); Aksaray province: Güzelyurt; Çankırı province: Central County; Karaman province: Central County; Konya province: Derbent (Kabalak & Sert 2011); Ankara province: Hacıkadın; Yozgat (Kesdek et al. 2006). Global distribution. Azerbaijan, Austria, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Belarus, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Latvia (Barševskis 2005a, 2005b), Moldova, Poland, Annales de la Société entomologique de France (N.S.) Romania, Russia, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Ukraine, Iran, Turkey (Pedroni & Platia 2010). 23 Global distribution. Europe: Azerbaijan, Armenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Georgia, Greece, Russia (southern territory of European Russia), Ukraine; Asia: Turkey (Cate 2007). Ampedus elongatulus (Fabricius 1787) Red List category in Europe. NT. Distribution in Turkey. İzmir province: Kemalpaşa, Kemalpaşa–Kurudere, Ödemiş–Bozdağ (Gülperçin & Tezcan 2009). Global distribution. Western, southern, central and eastern Europe, northern to Latvia (Barševskis 2005a, 2005b), Estonia (Silfverberg 2010), Siberia (Gülperçin 2006). Downloaded by [] at 10:21 26 June 2014 Ampedus (Ampedus) nigerrimus (Lacordaire in Boisduval & Lacordaire 1835) Red List category in Europe. NT. Distribution in Turkey. It is stated by Mertlik & Platia (2008) and CesaNews (centre for entomological studies Ankara) that this species lives in Turkey but its location is not known (Mertlik & Platia 2008; Cate 2007; Gülperçin & Tezcan 2009). Global distribution. Europe: Austria, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Russia (central and southern territories of European Russia), Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Great Britain, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Moldova, Netherlands, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Ukraine, “Caucasia” Asia: Turkey (Cate 2007). Ampedus nigroflavus (Goeze 1777) Red List category in Europe. LC. Distribution in Turkey. Yozgat province: Şefaatli (Kabalak & Sert 2011). Global distribution. Albania, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Belarus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Latvia (Barševskis 2005a, 2005b), Luxembourg, Moldova, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Romania, Russia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Ukraine (Pedroni & Platia 2010). Ampedus (Ampedus) ochropterus (Germar 1844) Red List category in Europe. LC. Distribution in Turkey. Çankırı province: Ilgaz (Kabalak & Sert 2011); Artvin province: Atilla valley, Genya Mountain; Kars province: Sarıkamış (Kesdek et al. 2006). Ampedus (Ampedus) pomonae (Stephens 1830) Red List category in Europe. LC. Distribution in Turkey. Yozgat province: Çekerek (Kabalak & Sert 2011). Global distribution. Azerbaijan, Armenia, Austria, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Belarus, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Georgia, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia (Barševskis 2005a, 2005b), Luxembourg, Moldova, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Ukraine, Serbia and Montenegro, Iran, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, Turkey, Siberia (Pedroni & Platia 2010). Ampedus pomorum (Herbst 1784) Red List category in Europe. LC. Distribution in Turkey. Ankara province: Çubuk as A. pomorum pomorum (Herbst 1784) (Kabalak & Sert 2005). Global distribution. Azerbaijan, Albania, Armenia, Austria, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Belarus, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Great Britain, Germany, Georgia, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Latvia (Barševskis 2005a, 2005b), Luxembourg, Moldova, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Romania, Russia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Ukraine, Serbia, Montenegro, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, Siberia, China (Pedroni & Platia 2010). Ampedus praeustus (Fabricius 1792) Red List category in Europe. LC. Distribution in Turkey. Sinop province: Boyabat (Kabalak & Sert 2011). Global distribution. Azerbaijan, Armenia, Austria, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Belarus, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia (Barševskis 2005a, 2005b), Luxembourg, Moldova, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Ukraine, Serbia and Montenegro, Kazakhstan, Turkey, Morocco (Pedroni & Platia 2010). 24 S.S. Avgın et al. Ampedus rufipennis (Stephens 1830) Ampedus sinuatus (Germar 1844) Red List category in Europe. LC. Red List category in Europe. LC. Distribution in Turkey. Bursa province: Uludağ; Antalya province: Termessos (Mertlik & Platia 2008) Distribution in Turkey. Artvin province: Atilla valley (Kesdek et al. 2006). Global distribution. Azerbaijan, Armenia, Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Great Britain, Germany, Georgia, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Moldavia, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Russia: southern European territory. Sweden, Ukraine, Serbia and Montenegro, Algeria, Morocco, Iran (Cate 2007; Mertlik & Platia 2008). Global distribution. Azerbaijan, Armenia, Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Georgia, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Moldova, Poland, Romania, Russia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Switzerland, Ukraine, Serbia and Montenegro, Iran, Turkey (Pedroni & Platia 2010). Brachygonus gratiosus Platia & Schimmel 1991 Downloaded by [] at 10:21 26 June 2014 Ampedus sanguineus (L. 1758) Red List category in Europe. LC. Distribution in Turkey. Kars province: Sarıkamış (Tozlu 2001; Tozlu et al. 2010). Global distribution. Azerbaijan, Albania, Austria, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Belarus, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Georgia, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Latvia (Barševskis 2005a, 2005b), Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Moldova, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Romania, Russia Leone, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Ukraine, Iran, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, Turkey, eastern region, Siberia, Morocco, Algeria (Pedroni & Platia 2010). Ampedus sanguinolentus (Schrank 1776) Red List category in Europe. DD. Distribution in Turkey. Mersin, Erdemli (Platia & Schimmel 1991). Global distribution. Europe: Greece; Asia: Turkey (Cate 2007). Brachygonus megerlei (Lacordaire 1835) Red List category in Europe. NT. Distribution in Turkey. It is stated by Mertlik (2008a) and Pedroni & Platia (2010) that this species lives in Turkey but its location is not known. Global distribution. Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Poland, Romania, Russia, Slovakia, Spain, Switzerland, Ukraine, Turkey (Pedroni & Platia 2010). Red List category in Europe. LC. Calais parreysii (Steven 1830) Distribution in Turkey. Aksaray province: Ortaköy; Eskişehir province: Mahmudiye; Karaman province: Central County; Kayseri province: Tomarza, Özvatan; Konya: Ilgın, Sarayönü; Niğde province: Çamardı; Sivas province: Central County, Yıldızeli; Yozgat province: Şefaatli, Çandır (Kabalak & Sert 2011); Ankara province: Elmadağ (Kabalak & Sert 2005). Global distribution. Azerbaijan, Albania, Armenia, Austria, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Belarus, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Great Britain, Germany, Georgia, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Latvia (Barševskis 2005a, 2005b), Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Macedonia, Moldova, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia Leone, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Ukraine, Serbia and Montenegro, Iran, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, Turkey, Siberia, China, Morocco (Pedroni & Platia 2010). Red List category in Europe. NT. Distribution in Turkey. İzmir province: Balçova, Balçova–Teleferik, Bornova–Çiçekli, Kemalpaşa–Çambel, Kemalpaşa–Kurudere, first record for İzmir fauna (Gülperçin & Tezcan 2009). Global distribution. Southern Russia, Iran, Turkey, Syria, Ukraine, Greece and Turkey (Gülperçin 2006). Cardiophorus gramineus (Scopoli 1763) Red List category in Europe. NT. Distribution in Turkey. It is stated by Mertlik & Platia (2008) and Pedroni & Platia (2010) that this species lives in Turkey but its location is not known. Annales de la Société entomologique de France (N.S.) Global distribution. Azerbaijan, Armenia, Austria, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Georgia, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Latvia (Barševskis 2005a), Luxembourg, Moldova, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Ukraine, Serbia–Montenegro, Israel, Turkey (Pedroni & Platia 2010). Cardiophorus ruficollis (L. 1758) Red List category in Europe. LC. Downloaded by [] at 10:21 26 June 2014 Distribution in Turkey. İzmir province: Ödemiş–Bozdağ (Gülperçin & Tezcan 2009) Global distribution. Southern and middle Tayga (the forest zone of Europe and Siberia) (Меdvedev 2005). 25 Denticollis rubens Piller & Mitterpacher 1783 Red List category in Europe. LC. Distribution in Turkey. Artvin province: Cankurtaran pass (Hopa) (Mertlik & Platia 2008). Global distribution. Austria, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Belarus, Croatia, Russia: central European territory, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, France, Germany, Georgia, Hungary, Italy, Latvia (Barševskis 2005a), Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Moldavia, Norway, Poland, Romania, Serbia and Montenegro, Slovakia, Slovenia, Russia: southern European territory, Sweden, Switzerland, Ukraine (Cate 2007), Spain (MolinoOlmedo 2005; Mertlik & Platia 2008). Ectamenogonus montandoni (Buysson 1888) Red List category in Europe. NT. Danosoma fasciata (L. 1758) Red List category in Europe. LC. Distribution in Turkey. It is stated by Mertlik & Platia (2008), Cate (2007) and Gülperçin & Tezcan (2009) that this species lives in Turkey but its location is not known. Global distribution. Europe: Austria, Bulgaria, Byelorussia, Russia (northern and central territories of European Russia), Czech Republic, Estonia, Finland, France, Georgia, Italy, Latvia (Barševskis 2005a), Lithuania, Norway, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Ukraine, Yugoslavia, Asia: Russia (Eastern Siberia), North China and Korea (Cate 2007). Distribution in Turkey. Mersin province: Derbent– Kızılen (Jansson & Coşkun 2008), Gülnar (Sama et al. 2010). Global distribution. Iberian Peninsula, Romania, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Greece, Turkey, French mainland and Corsica (Buysson 1888; Chassain 1992; Platia 1994; Laibner 2000; Sánchez & Vega 2003). Elater ferrugineus ferrugineus (L. 1758) Red List category in Europe. NT. Distribution in Turkey. Mersin province: Gülnar– Kuseçobali, Tasdustu (Mertlik & Platia 2008). Distribution in Turkey. It is stated by Winkler (1924– 1932), Schenkling (1925) and Horion (1953) that this species lives in Turkey but its location is not known. Global distribution. Albania, Armenia, Austria, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Russia (central European territory), Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Great Britain, Germany, Georgia, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Latvia (Barševskis & Nitcis 2011), Moldavia, the Netherlands, Romania, Slovakia, Spain, Russia (southern European territory), Sweden, Switzerland, Ukraine (Cate 2007; Mertlik & Platia 2008; Barševskis & Nitcis 2011). Global distribution. Austria, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Belarus, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Great Britain, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iran, Ireland, Italy, Kazakhstan, Latvia (Barševskis 2005a), Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxemburg, Moldavia, Mongolia, Montenegro, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Romania, Russia (central and northern European territory, East and West Siberia, Far East), Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, Ukraine, (Cate 2007), new to Macedonia (Platia & Németh 2011). Remarks. Sex pheromone R-(+)-γ decalactone, emitted by male O. eremita, is used as kairomone by adults of this species. This pheromone–kairomone system describes the strong relation between two species. Furthermore, Elater ferrugineus larva are known to be predators of Osmoderma eremita larvae (Barševskis & Nitcis 2011; Larsson & Svensson 2011; Andersson 2012). Andersson (2012) claims that E. ferrugineus species also are to be conserved because of this relation. While it is widely seen in some countries such as Sweden it is rare in other parts of the world. Denticollis linearis (L. 1758) Red List category in Europe. LC. 26 S.S. Avgın et al. Haterumelater fulvago (Marseul 1868) Red List category in Europe. DD. Distribution in Turkey. Mersin province: Kızılen (Jansson & Coşkun 2008; Winkler 1924–1932; Schenkling 1925, Guglielmi & Platia 1985; Preiss & Platia 2003). Global distribution. Europe: Bulgaria, Greece, Italy; Asia: Cyprus, Israel, Lebanon, Turkey (Cate 2007). Haterumelater languidus (Buysson 1891) Downloaded by [] at 10:21 26 June 2014 Red List category in Europe. DD. Distribution in Turkey. It is stated by Mertlik & Platia (2008), Winkler (1924–1932), Schenkling (1925) and Preiss & Platia (2003) that this species lives in Turkey but its location is not known. Global distribution. Europe: Greece; Asia: Turkey (Cate 2007). Hypoganus inunctus (Panzer 1795) Sweden, Switzerland, Ukraine, Iran, Japan, Syria (Cate 2007) Turkey (Platia 1994; Mertlik & Platia 2008). Isidus moreli Mulsant & Rye 1874 Red List category in Europe. NT. Distribution in Turkey. It is stated by Mertlik (2008a), Cate (2007), Gülperçin & Tezcan (2009), Preiss & Platia (2003) and Winkler (1924–1932) that this species lives in Turkey but its location is not known. Global distribution. Europe: France, Italy, Macedonia, Spain, Russia (southern territories of European Russia); North Africa: Algeria, Egypt, Morocco; Asia: Cyprus, Turkey (Cate 2007). Lacon gillerforsi Platia & Schimmel 1994 Red List category in Europe. DD. Distribution in Turkey. Antalya (Termessos), Mersin (Yanışlı) (Platia & Schimmel 1994). Global distribution. Europe: Greece; Asia: Cyprus, Turkey (Cate 2007). Red List category in Europe. LC. Distribution in Turkey. It is stated by Mertlik & Platia (2008) and Pedroni & Platia (2010) that this species lives in Turkey but its location is not known. Global distribution. Azerbaijan, Austria, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Germany, Georgia, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Moldova, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Romania, Russia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Sweden, Switzerland, Ukraine, Turkey (Pedroni & Platia 2010). Lacon graecus Candeze 1857 Red List category in Europe. DD. Distribution in Turkey. It is stated by Mertlik (2008a), Cate (2007), Gülperçin & Tezcan (2009) and Winkler (1924–1932) that this species lives in Turkey but its location is not known. Global distribution. Europe: Greece; Asia: Turkey (Cate 2007). Lacon kapleri Platia & Schimmel 1994 Ischnodes sanguinicollis (Panzer 1793) Red List category in Europe. VU Distribution in Turkey. Içel province: Erdemli–Aslanlı; Gaziantep province: Nurdağı pass; Muş–Buğlan pass; Manisa; Balıkesir (south); Isparta province: Davraz mountain–Yukarıgökdere env. (Mertlik & Platia 2008); Mersin province: Derbent (Růžička et al. 2006), Kızılen (Jansson & Coşkun 2008); Çanakkale; Balıkesir (Varlı et al. 2010). Global distribution. Azerbaijan, Austria, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Great Britain, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Moldavia, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Red List category in Europe. DD. Distribution in Turkey. Mersin (Erdemli) (Platia & Gudenzi 1998). Global distribution. Europe: Greece; Asia: Turkey (Cate 2007). Lacon lepidopterus (Panzer 1801) Red List category in Europe. NT. Distribution in Turkey. Middle Black Sea region, eastern Black Sea region (Kabalak & Sert 2011); Artvin province: Genya Mountain (Kesdek et al. 2006). Annales de la Société entomologique de France (N.S.) Global distribution. Austria, Bulgaria, Croatia, Russia (northern, central and southern territories of European Russia), Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Georgia, Greece, Italy, Latvia (Barševskis 2005a), Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Sweden, Switzerland, Ukraine Asia: Iran, Russia (Western Siberia of Russia) (Cate 2007). Lacon punctatus (Herbst 1779) 27 Distribution in Turkey. Mersin province: Gülnar (Sama et al. 2010). Global distribution. Azerbaijan, Albania, Armenia, Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Belarus, Czech Republic, France, Great Britain, Germany, Georgia, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Macedonia, Moldova, Romania, Russia Leone, Slovakia, Spain, Switzerland, Ukraine, Serbia and Montenegro, Algeria, Turkey (Pedroni & Platia 2010). Red List category in Europe. LC. Downloaded by [] at 10:21 26 June 2014 Distribution in Turkey. İzmir province: Bergama–Kozak, Beydağ, Bornova, Bornova–Çiçekli Kemalpaşa, Kemalpaşa–Armutlu, Kemalpaşa–Kurudere, Kemalpaşa– Nif Mountain, Ödemiş–Bozdağ Seferihisar first record for İzmir fauna (Gülperçin & Tezcan 2009). Melanotus castanipes (Paykull 1800) Red List category in Europe. LC. Distribution in Turkey. İzmir province: Çeşme first record for İzmir fauna (Gülperçin & Tezcan 2009). Global distribution. Azerbaijan, Albania, Armenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Georgia, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Malta, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Ukraine, Serbia and Montenegro, Cyprus, Jordan, Syria, Turkey, North Africa (Morocco) (Pedroni & Platia 2010). Global distribution. North America, Sweden, Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, Czeck Republic, China, Georgia, Caucasus, Canada, Latvia (Barševskis 2005a), Mexico, Pakistan, Siberian, Slovakia and Turkey (Winkler 1924–1932; Schenkling 1925, 1927; Mardzhanyan 1976; Tarnawski 1984; Guglielmi & Platia 1985; Penev & Tarnawski 1987; Laibner 1988, 2000; Gülperçin 2006). Limoniscus violaceus (Müller 1821) Melanotus villosus (Fourcroy 1785) Red List category in Europe. EN. Red List category in Europe. LC. Distribution in Turkey. Mersin province: Kızılen and Derbent (Jansson & Coşkun 2008). Distribution in Turkey. İzmir province: Çeşme, Selçuk– Şirince, first record for İzmir fauna (Gülperçin & Tezcan 2009). Global distribution. Austria, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, France, Great Britain, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Spain, Turkey (Cate 2007); Slovenia (Brancsik 1871; Drovenik & Pirnat 2003); Ukraine (Mertlik & Samek 2009). Remarks. The violet click beetle L. violaceus is an endangered saproxylic species (Nieto & Alexander 2010) and a high priority in biodiversity conservation of European woodland. It is considered a flagship species amongst saproxylic fauna of basal hollow trees. Despite its habitat requirements being still poorly known, studies agree that the type of the substrate is necessary for the species conservation (Mendel & Owen 1990; Whitehead 2003; Zach 2003; Gouix et al. 2009; Gouix & Brustel 2012). L. violaceus Müller 1821, which is rare in Europe, has been found in a study made by Sama et al. (2011) in Turkey. Megapenthes lugens (Redtenbacher 1842) Red List category in Europe. NT. Global distribution. Azerbaijan, Albania, Armenia, Austria, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Belarus, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Great Britain, Germany, Georgia, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia (Barševskis 2005a), Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Moldova, Norway, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Ukraine, Serbia and Montenegro, Iran, Turkey, China Leone, Algeria, Morocco (Silfverberg 2010; Pedroni & Platia 2010). Podeonius acuticornis (Germar 1824) Red List category in Europe. EN. Distribution in Turkey. It is stated by Mertlik & Platia (2008) and Pedroni & Platia (2010) that this species lives in Turkey but its location is not known. Global distribution. Albania, Austria, Croatia, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, 28 S.S. Avgın et al. Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Spain, Switzerland, Ukraine, Serbia and Montenegro, Turkey (Pedroni & Platia 2010). Procraerus carinifrons (Desbrochers des Loges 1875) Stenagostus zuercheri (Reitter 1905) Red List category in Europe. DD. Distribution in Turkey. Adana (Kesdek et al. 2006); Mersin (Platia & Gudenzi 1998). Red List category in Europe. DD. Distribution in Turkey. Antalya province: Gazipaşa; Artvin province: Yusufeli, Altıparmak Mountain, Erzurum province: Oltu, Pasinler; Konya province: south of city, Gürağaç (Kesdek et al. 2006). Downloaded by [] at 10:21 26 June 2014 Global distribution. Azerbaijan, Armenia, Bulgaria, Georgia, Russia (central, southern territories of European Russia), Ukraine, Turkey (Cate 2007). Global distribution. Europe: Greece; Asia: Turkey, Syria (Cate 2007). Tetrigus cyprius Baudi 1871 Red List category in Europe. EN. Distribution in Turkey. Isparta province: Davraz Dağı, Yukarigökdere; İçel province: Gülnar env. (Mertlik & Dusánek 2006). Procraerus tibialis (Lacordaire 1835) Red List category in Europe. LC. Global distribution. Greece, Cyprus, Turkey, Lebanon, Syria (Cate 2007), Israel (Platia 2010). Global distribution. Edirne (Mertlik & Platia 2008). Distribution in Turkey. Austria, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Russia (central European territory), Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Great Britain, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Latvia (Barševskis 2005a), Lithuania, Luxembourg, Moldavia, Norway, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Ukraine, Serbia and Montenegro (Cate 2007; Mertlik & Platia 2008; Silfverberg 2010). Reitterelater dubius (Platia & Cate 1990) Red List category in Europe. DD. Distribution in Turkey. Mersin province: Derbent, Kızılen (Jansson & Coşkun 2008). Global distribution. Austria, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Slovakia, Slovenia, Sweden, Turkey, Ukraine (Cate 2007), Spain (Recalde Irurzun & Sanchez-Ruiz 2006), Israel (Platia 2010), new to Syria (Platia & Németh 2011). Stenagostus rhombeus (Olivier 1790) Red List category in Europe. LC. Distribution in Turkey. Samsun (Kabalak & Sert 2011). Global distribution. Austria, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Belarus, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Germany, Georgia, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Liechtenstein, Moldova, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Ukraine, Turkey (Pedroni & Platia 2010). Family Euchiridae Propomacrus bimucronatus (Pallas 1781) Red List category in Europe. NT. Distribution in Turkey. İzmir province: Tire, Ödemiş, Ören; Manisa province: Muradiye (Tezcan & Pehlivan 2001), Mersin province: Kızılen (Jansson & Coşkun 2008). Global distribution. Bulgaria, Cyprus(?), European Turkey, Greek mainland, Macedonia, Near East (Fauna Europaea 2012). Family Eucnemidae Dromaeolus barnabita (Villa 1837) Red List category in Europe. LC. Distribution in Turkey. Zonguldak; Amasra env.; Rize province: Üsküt dağı; Giresun (Mertlik 2007). Global distribution. Algeria, Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Poland, Romania, Russia: central European territory, Slovakia, Sweden (Mouna 2007); Caucasus (Burakowski 1991; Lucht & Merkl 1993); Turkey and Ukraine (Mertlik et al. 2007); Georgia (Mertlik et al. 2009). Dromaeolus maronita (Bonvouloir 1871) Red List category in Europe. DD. Annales de la Société entomologique de France (N.S.) Distribution in Turkey. It is stated by Mertlik & Platia (2008), Mertlik (2007) that this species lives in Turkey but its location is not known. Global distribution. Russia: central European territory, Caucasus (Muona 2007); Turkey: Taurus (Reitter 1921), Greece (Mertlik 2007). 29 Global distribution. Croatia, Bosnia, Slovenia, Romania, Bulgaria, southern Russia, Turkey and countries in the Caucasus region (Mouna 1995, 2007; Lucht 1996) and Iran (Van Meer 1999; Irurzun 2008). Melasis buprestoides (L. 1761) Red List category in Europe. LC. Epiphanis cornutus (Eschscholtz 1829) Red List category in Europe. NT. Downloaded by [] at 10:21 26 June 2014 Distribution in Turkey. Rize province: Ovitdaği geçidi, between Dereköy and Sivrikaya villages, Hotel Çamlık env. (Mertlik 2007). Global distribution. Algeria, Bulgaria, France, China, Russia, Japan, Nearctic region (Mouna 2007), Turkey (Mertlik 2007). Farsus dubius (Piller & Mitterbacher 1783) Distribution in Turkey. It is stated by Mertlik (2008a, 2008b) that this species lives in Turkey but its location is not known. Global distribution. Algiers, England, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Belarus, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Croatia, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Macedonia, Hungary, Germany, Norway, Poland, Romania, Russia (central European and southern regions and Siberia), Slovakia, Slovenia, Serbia and Montenegro, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, Ukraine (Mertlik 2008a). Red List category in Europe. NT. Distribution in Turkey. Isparta province: Yukarıgökdere env.–Davraz mountain; Adana province: Kozan; Içel province: Erdemli–Aslanlı (Mertlik 2008a). Global distribution. Austria, Czech Republic, France, Hungary, Italy, Romania, Spain, Russia (south European territory), Yugoslavia (Muona 2007, Mertlik 2008a; Mertlik & Platia 2008); Syria, Caucasus (Burakowski 1991); Turkey (Mertlik & Platia 2008), Greece (Muona 2004); Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria (Mertlik et al. 2009). Microrhagus emyi (Rouget 1856) Red List category in Europe. LC. Distribution in Turkey. Zonguldak province: Karabük (Mertlik 2008a; Mertlik & Platia 2008). Global distribution. Austria, Croatia, Russia (central European territory), Czech Republic, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Ukraine Yugoslavia (Mouna 2007); Greece, Bulgaria, Russia (southern European territory (Mertlik et al. 2007; Mertlik 2008a; Mertlik & Platia 2008). Isoriphis melasoides (Laporte de Castelnau 1835) Red List category in Europe. LC. Distribution in Turkey. It is stated by Mertlik (2008a, 2008b) that this species lives in Turkey but its location is not known. Global distribution. Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Poland, Romania, Russia: central European territory, Slovakia, Sweden, Turkey (Muona 2007), Greece (Mertlik & Samek 2009). Rhacopus sahlbergi (Mannerheim 1823) Red List category in Europe. LC. Distribution in Turkey. Bolu province: Mengen– Eskiçağa (Mertlik 2007). Global distribution. Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Belarus, Croatia, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Latvia, Poland, Romania, Russia: central and northern European territory, Slovakia, Sweden, Russia: west, Siberia, Mongolia (Muona 2007; Mertlik 2007; Silfverberg 2010). Isoriphis nigriceps (Mannerheim 1823) Red List category in Europe. DD. Distribution in Turkey. It is stated by Mertlik (2008a, 2008b) that this species lives in Turkey but its location is not known. Family Lucanidae Dorcus parallelipipedus (L. 1785) Red List category in Europe. LC. 30 S.S. Avgın et al. Distribution in Turkey. Artvin province: Cankurtaran; Isparta province: 15 km from Sütcüler, Sipahiler (Rozner & Rozner 2009); Mersin province: Derbent (Jansson & Coşkun 2008). Global distribution. Austria, Belarus, Belgium, Britain, Bulgaria, Corsica, Croatia, Czech Republic, Danish mainland, Estonia, European Turkey, French mainland, Germany, Greek mainland, Hungary, Ireland, Italian mainland, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Poland, Russia, Sicily, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spanish, Sweden, Switzerland, Ukraine, Near East, North Africa (Silfverberg 2010; Fauna Europaea 2012). Dorcus peyroni (Reiche & Saulcy 1856) Downloaded by [] at 10:21 26 June 2014 Red List category in Europe. DD. Distribution in Turkey. Mersin province: Derbent (Jansson & Coşkun 2008). Lucanus ibericus (Motschulsky 1845) Red List category in Europe. DD. Distribution in Turkey. It is stated by Harvey et al. (2011) that this species lives in Turkey but its location is not known. Global distribution. South-eastern Europe (Albania, Greece, Turkey, Ukraine) (Harvey et al. 2011). Lucanus laticornis Deyrolle 1864 Red List category in Europe. Due to the fact that the species is not presented in the European fauna, it is not included in the European Red List of Saproxylic Beetles. We propose to categorize this species as Red List category EN in the Asian section of Turkey's rare and endangered species. We propose to include this species in the European Red List of Saproxylic Beetles. Distribution in Turkey. Asiatic part of Turkey. Global distribution. Greece, Araxestal, Syria, Turkey (Mitter & Steyr 1987). Lucanus cervus cervus (L. 1758) Red List category in Europe. NT. Distribution in Turkey. Kahramanmaraş province: Andırın (Kanat & Akbulut 2005); Hatay province: Yayladağı, Hassa Antakya, Dörtyol; Adana province: Kozan, Feke, Saimbeyli; Osmaniye province: Yarpuz (Atay & Oğur 2011); Isparta province: Sütçüler (Karaca et al. 2006). It is also recorded as Lucanus cervus akbesianus Planet 1896 in Kahramanmaraş–Göksun; Hatay–Yayladağı; Adana–Feke; as Lucanus cervus judaicus Planet 1902 Kahramanmaraş–Göksun (Atay & Oğur 2011) and as Lucanus cervus turcicus (Sturm 1843) in Turkey (Harvey et al. 2011). Global distribution. Europe, Central Asia, Crimea, Caucasus and North Africa (Maican & Munteanu 2008). Remarks. This species is easily noticed with its mandibula and it is rare in Europe. In the study of Hawes (2008) in England, this species was considered to need conservation. Fremlin (2009) observed behaviours of this species in urban parks and gardens in Colchester, UK. He stated that human activities affect their behaviour and threaten their population. Studies near Kahramanmaraş in Turkey give the same information about its population. Atay & Oğur (2011) carried out field work in 2009–2010 and identified a 30% decline in its population. Whereas they claim that this is caused by negative environmental conditions, there has not yet been a serious study on this issue. Global distribution. Endemic to the Asiatic part of Turkey. Lucanus laticornis Deyrolle has been known for a long time but is not mentioned in most recent publications or placed as a synonym or subspecies of Lucanus cervus L. Since there are significant differences between Lucanus laticornis Deyrolle and Lucanus cervus L. in external features as well in ecology and distribution, Lucanus laticornis Deyrolle should have the rank of a species (Schenk 2012). Family Mycetophagidae Mycetophagus (Parilendus) quadriguttatus (Müller 1821) Red List category in Europe. LC. Distribution in Turkey. Mersin province: Derbent and Kızılen (Jansson & Coşkun 2008) Global distribution. Europe, having been reported throughout the continent except for Corsica, Crete, Cyprus, Estonia, Ireland, Norway, Portugal, and Sicily (Nikitsky 2010), and is also found across North Africa, in the eastern Palaearctic, Asia, Australia (Nikitsky 2010; Majka 2010). Mycetophagus (Mycetophagus) quadripustulatus (L. 1761) Red List category in Europe. LC. Distribution in Turkey. Mersin province: Kızılen (Jansson & Coşkun 2008). Annales de la Société entomologique de France (N.S.) Global distribution. Albania, Austria, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Britain, Corsica, Croatia, Czech Republic, Danish mainland, Estonia, European Turkey, Finland, French, Germany, Greek mainland, Hungary, Italian mainland, Latvia, Lithuania, Macedonia, Moldova, Poland, Romania, Russia, Sicily, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spanish, Sweden, Switzerland, Ukraine, Yugoslavia, Near East, east Palaearctic (Silfverberg 2010; Fauna Europaea 2012). Downloaded by [] at 10:21 26 June 2014 Discussion The countries in Europe and EU countries have signed in several agreements that aim conservation of biodiversity. The 1979 Bern Convention on the Conservation of European Wildlife and Natural Habitats and the 1992 Convention on Biological Diversity are most important. The Bern Convention mentions saproxylic beetles in five lists (Nieto & Alexander 2010). The first Symposium and Workshop on Saproxylic Beetles in Hollow Trees was arranged in Sweden in 1999. It was followed by other symposia in UK (2002), Latvia (2004), France (2006), Germany (2008), Slovenia (2010) and Spain (2012). In these works, different conservation methods were developed in addition to identifying key habitats. Ranius et al. (2009) prepared some boxes mimicking tree hollows and located 48 of them in Brokind, Bjӓrka Sӓby and Grebo regions in Sweden. He tried to make life-like tree hollows by putting some materials in them. The goal of his work was to develop new methods for providing artificial habitats to saproxylic beetle species associated with tree hollows. It worked mostly but some species, such as Allecula morio (Fabricius 1787), Ampedus cardinalis (Schiödte 1865), Chrytohagus quercinus Kraatz 1852, Procraerus tibialis (Lacordaire 1835) and Osmoderma eremita (Scopoli 1763), did not settle on these artificial habitats. The studies show that the importance of saproxylic beetle species for the biodiversity of Europe is understood. Turkey is located at the intersection of Europe, the Middle East, Central Asia and Africa. Turkey is covered by parts of biodiversity hotspots: Caucasus, IranoAnatolian, and Mediterranean. Furthermore, Turkey's geographical features have resulted in high terrestrial, freshwater, and marine biodiversity (Şekercioğlu et al. 2011). When the biodiversity of Turkey is taken into account, the number of saproxylic beetle species should be higher than the number of indicated species in this study. During this study a few important works about these species in Turkey were identified. In one, Atalay & Oğur (2011) investigated the distribution of stag beetle populations in the Taurus and Amanos mountain. They detected the effect of changing environment conditions on this population. Avcı et al (2010) recorded saproxylic beetles living on Turkish old 31 oaks from different regions in Turkey. For instance, Ectamenogonus montandoni (Buysson 1888), Ischnodes sanguinicollis (Panzer 1793) and Megapenthes lugens (Redtenbacher 1842) are found in the Kasnak Forests in Turkey. According to this study, Osmoderma lassallei (Baraud & Tauzin 1991) is recorded in European Turkey but we estimate that this species may also occupy in different locations in Turkey. Moreover, Callergates gaillardoti (Chevrolat 1854) is recorded from more than two locations in Turkey (Figure 2). Although the population density is not known for these species, it could be inferred that these are rare in Turkey. Locations where Xylomedes cornifrons (Baudi 1874) can be found are not known in Turkey but Proetia mirifica (Mulsant 1842) and Ischnodes sanguinicollis (Panzer 1793) are recorded from more than one location in Turkey (Figure 3). In particular, Stenopterus atricornis Pic 1891 is found in several regions with different climatic features in Turkey. Although Megapenthes lugens (Redtenbacher 1842) and Epiphanis cornutus (Eschscholtz 1829) are recorded in only one location in Turkey, some saproxylic species such as Cerambyx cerdo L. 1758, Cerambyx dux (Faldermann 1837) and Cerambyx miles Bonelli 1812 are widespread in Turkey (Figures 4, 5). Approximately 35% of the beetle species assessed by the European Red List are present in Turkey. Some species have limited distribution in Turkey. Although a lot of the literature has been checked, there is not enough knowledge about the population density of these species from localities in Turkey. Data show that threatened categories of saproxylic beetles can show similarities with the European Red List for some species, although it is uncertain. The European Red List of Saproxylic Beetles provides information about the general threat status, but the regional threat status of these beetles is very different. Some studies show that the threat categories of these beetles can change because of geographic range and population density. For example, Elater ferrugineus (L. 1758), which is listed as Near Threatened in the European Red List, is classified as Critically Endangered (CR) in Norway. Similarly, Melasis buprestoides (L. 1761) and Procraerus tibialis (Lacordaire 1835) are classified differently in Norway to the European Red List (SverdrupThygeson et al. 2012). In Italy, 59% of the beetle species in the European Red List are present and the percentage of threat categories are indicated differently for Italy’s saproxylic beetles (IUCN 2012). As a result, the threat categories of saproxylic beetles in the European Red List may be unsuitable for the status of these species in Turkey. Research should be done on saproxylic beetle species in Turkey to determine their actual Red List threatened categories and criteria as published by IUCN (2012). 32 S.S. Avgın et al. Downloaded by [] at 10:21 26 June 2014 Acknowledgement We thank Editor in Chief Pierre Rasmont, Dr Michael D. Ulyshen (USA) and an anonymous reviewer who highly improved the original version of this manuscript. We also thank Dr Ana Nieto who provided Figure 1. References Abacıgil TÖ, Varlı SV, Tezcan S, Gülperçin G. 2012. Contributions to the Elateridae (Coleoptera) fauna of Edremit Bay Area and Ida Mountain of Western Turkey. Munis Entomology & Zoology. 7(1):626–628. 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