Curriculum Vitae Aylin GÜNEY, Ph.D. 1. ACADEMIC TITLE Associate Professor Doctor Head, Department of International Relations, Yasar University, Izmir 2. CORRESPONDENCE Postal Address: Yaşar University, Department of International Relations, Selçuk Yaşar Campus, Üniversite Caddesi No: 35-37, Ağaçlı Yol, Bornova, Izmir, TURKEY, 35100. Office: Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Room: O-107. Office Phone: +90-232-4115223 Fax: +90-232-3745474 E-mail: 3. EDUCATION AND DEGREES HELD Associate Professor – Higher Educational Council (YÖK) degree 2008. Assistant Professor- Bilkent University 2003. Instructor- Bilkent University 1999. Ph.D. Political Science and Public Administration – Bilkent University, Ankara, 1998. MA. Political Science – The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, USA, 1993. Graduate Diploma. European Studies and International Economics The Johns Hopkins University, Paul Nitze School of Advanced International Studies, Bologna, Italy, 1992. BSc. International Relations – Middle East Technical University, Ankara 1991. 4. MAJOR AREAS OF INTEREST Politics of the European Union, Enlargement of the EU and Turkey’s Accession, Civil-Military relations in Turkey, Politics and Society in Southern Europe, the Cyprus issue, Issues of Decentralization, Federalism and Ethnicity. 1 5. LANGUAGES Turkish (mother tongue) English (excellent) Italian (very good) French (good) 6. PUBLICATIONS 6.1. Ph.D. Dissertation Regionalism as a Failure of National Integration: A Case Study of Italy", December 1998, supervisors: Prof. Meltem-Müftüler-Baç, (Prof. Metin Heper, Prof. Luciano Vandelli-as second readers), Bilkent University, Ankara, Turkey. 6. 2. Articles in refereed journals 1. Güney, A ve Mandacı, N. “The Meta-Geography of the Middle East and North Africa in Turkey’s New Geopolitical Imagination” Security Dialogue, Vol., 44, No: 5-6, 2013. (SSCI Journal) 2. Başkan, F ve Güney, A. “Turkey’s June 2011 Parliamentary Elections” Journal of Balkan and Near Eastern Studies, Vol. 14, No:1, 165-174, 2012. (SSCI Journal) 3. Güney, A. and Gökcan F., “Greater Middle East as a ‘Modern’ Geopolitical Imagination in the American Foreign Policy” Geopolitics, Vol. 15, No: 1, 2010. (SSCI Journal). 4. Güney, A. and Celenk A., “Europeanization and the Dilemma of Decentralization: Centre-Local Relations in Turkey,” Journal of Balkan and Near Eastern Studies, Vol. 12, no.3, 241-257, 2010. (SSCI journal). 5. Güney, A., “Anti-Americanism in Turkey: Past and Present”, Middle Eastern Studies, Vol. 44, No: 3, pp. 471-487, 2008. (SSCI journal). 4. Güney, A. and Baskan F., “Party Dissolutions and Democratic Consolidation: The Turkish Case,” South European Society and Politics, Vol. 13, No: 3, pp. 263-281, 2008. (SSCI journal) (listed as the most cited article) 5. Güney, A. and Celenk A. “The European Union’s Democracy Promotion Policies in Algeria: Success or Failure?” Journal of North African Studies, Vol. 12, no: pp.109-128, 2007. 6. Güney, A., “The Future of Turkey in the European Union,” Futures, Vol. 37, no: 4, pp. 303-316, 2005.(SSCI journal). 7. Güney A. and Karatekelioğlu P., “Turkey’s EU Candidacy and Civil-Military Relations,” Armed Forces and Society, Vol. 31, no: 4, pp. 439-462, 2005. (SSCI journal) (among the 50 most read articles). 2 8. Müftüler-Baç, M. and Güney, A. “The European Union and the Cyprus Problem 1961-2003,” Middle Eastern Studies Vol. 41, No:, pp. 281-293, 2005. (SSCI journal). 9. Güney, A. “An Anatomy of the Transformation of the US-Turkish Alliance from ‘Cold War’ to ‘War on Iraq’,” Turkish Studies, Vol. 6, no: 3, 341-359, 2005. (SSCI journal). 10. Güney, A. “Justifying the EU’s Enlargement towards Turkey: An Asset or Liability?”, Perceptions: Journal of International Affairs, Vol.9, pp.135-155, 2004. 11. Güney, A. “The USA’s role in Mediating the Cyprus Conflict: A Story of Success or Failure?,” Security Dialogue Vol 35, pp.27-42, 2004. (SSCI journal). 12. Güney, A. “The People's Democracy Party,” Turkish Studies, Vol. 3, pp. 122-137, 2002. (reprinted version). 13. Heper M. and Güney, A “The Military and the Consolidation of Democracy: The Recent Turkish Experience”, Armed Forces and Society, Vol. 26, 635-657, 2000. (SSCI journal). 14. Heper M. and Güney, A. “The Military and Democracy in the Third Turkish Republic,” Armed Forces and Society, Vol. 22, 619-642, 1996. (SSCI journal). 6.3. Articles in non-refereed or general journals 1. Güney, A. “Turkey and the EU in the 21st Century: Reflections on Present Problems and Future Prospects,” Insight Turkey, Vol. 4, pp. 33-42, 2002. 2. Güney, A. “Politique interieure et politique exterieure dans la Turquie d’aujourd’hui,” Le Trimestre du Monde, Vol. 4, pp.79-89, 1996. 6.4. Chapters in books or monographs 1.Güney, A., “Sivil-Asker İlişkilerinin Dönüşümü,” in Yarım Asrın Ardından Türkiye-Avrupa Birliği İlişkileri (eds. Belgin Akçay and Sinem Akgül Açıkmeşe), Ankara: Turhan Kitabevi, 2013, 131-147. 2.Güney, A., ““Revisiting the Origins of the Cyprus Conflict: The Impact of the Cold War and Turkish-American Relations,” in American-Turkish Encounters: Politics and Culture, 1833 – 1989, (Edited by Bilge Nur Criss, Selçuk Esenbel, Tony Greenwood and Louis Mazzari), New Castle: Cambridge Scholars Press, 2011: 299-315. 3.Güney, A. “The Politics of Turkey’s Accession to the European Union” in Understanding, Interpreting and Evaluating the European Union in 2008: Theoretical and Empirical Approaches. (Edited by Stelios Stavridis) Nicosia:University of Nicosia Press, 2009: 269-291. 4. Güney, A. “Turkey and ‘New Europe’: Challenges and Opportunities during the Accession Negotiations”, in Turkey-European Union Relations. Dilemmas, Opportunities and Constraints, (Edited by Meltem Müftüler-Baç and Yannis A. Stivachtis) Lanham: Lexington Books, 2008: 133150. 3 5. Güney, A. “Turkey and Europe of 27: Policy Challenges and Opportunities for Engagement,” Prof. Dr. Ergun Özbudun’a Armağan, Essays in Honor of Ergun Özbudun. Vol. 1. pp. 181-197, Ankara: 2008. 6. Güney, A. “Küreselleşme, Avrupa Birliği ve Türkiye,” Küreselleşmenin Yüzleri, (Edited by Filiz Başkan. İstanbul: Everest Yayınları, 2005, pp. 79-102. 7. Güney, A. “AB, ABD ve Türkiye Üçgeninde Kıbrıs Meselesi,” Kıbrıs ve Geleceği. Ekonomi -Politik bir Tartışma, (Edited by İrfan Kalaycı). Ankara:Nobel Yayınları, 2004: 109-123. 8. Güney, A. “The Military, Politics, and Post-Cold War Dilemmas in Turkey,” in Political Armies: The Military and Nation-Building in the Age of Democracy,(Edited by Kees Koonings and Dirk Kruijt). London and New York: Zed Books, 2002: 162-178. 9. Güney, A. “People’s Democracy Party (HADEP)”,in Political Parties in Turkey. (Edited by Barry Rubin and Metin Heper). London: Frank Cass, 2002: 122-137. 10. Güney, A. “Turkey Beyond the Customs Union?,” in The Barcelona Process and EuroMediterranean Issues from Stuttgart to Marseille, (Edited by Fulvio Attina and Stelios Stavridis). Milano: Dott. A. Giuffre Editore, 2001: 201-225. 11. Heper M. And Güney, A. “Civil Military Relations, Political Islam and Security in Turkey” in Civil-Military Relations, Nation-Building and National Identity: Comparative Perspectives, (Edited by Constantine P. Danopoulos, Dhirendra Vajpeyi, and Amir Bar'or). Westport, Connecticut: Praeger, 2004: 183-198. (revised and reprinted version). 6.5. Reviews 1. Güney, A., Turkey and Atatürk's Legacy: Turkey's Political Evolution, Turkish-US Relations and Prospects for the 21st Century. By Paul Henze". Journal of American Studies of Turkey, Vol. 8, 1998, 85-86. 6.6. Other publications, including translations, research notes, limited-circulation reports, etc. 1. Güney, A. “The Impact of the Involvement of the European Union upon the Cyprus Dispute: A Litmus Test for the External Capabilities of the EU,” Proc. The Third International Congress for Cyprus Studies, Gazi Magusa, Vol. III, , Doğu Akdeniz Üniversitesi Kıbrıs Araştırmaları Merkezi Yayınları, Gazi Magusa, 2000: 11-29. 2. Kıbrıs Meselesi. Güncel bir Bakış (Cyprus Issue: A Current Perspective), Clement H. Dodd, Ankara: Turhan Kitabevi, 1996. Translated by Aylin Güney. 3. Güney A. and Başkan F., “Refah’tan Fazilet’e: Siyasal İslamın İkilemi” Sixth National Social Sciences Conference of the Turkish Social Science Association, Ankara, 17-19 November 1999. 4 7. SELECTED CONFERENCES, SEMINARS & WORKSHOPS 7.1. Conferences, Seminars by Invitation 1.Invited Speaker to the Jean Monnet Chair Meeting on “An Evolving EU Engaging a Changing Mediterranean Region”, University of Malta, 20 December 2012. 2.Invited Speaker to the Dokuz Eylul University, Department of International Relations, 24 April 2013. 3.Invited Keynote Speaker, Opening Lecture, Europe Week, Yasar University, 9 April 2012. 4. Invited Participant to the European Academies Meeting, Rome, Italy, 1-3 December 2010. 5. Invited Participant to the High Level Seminar on "Democratic Oversight of the Security Sector”, CES, Bilkent, Ankara, 12 October 2010. 6. Invited Lecturer, “Turkey as a Regional Power? Challenges and Prospects”, The Fondacion Getulio Vargas, 18-21 May 2009 Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. 7. Expert Discussant, The Bosphorus Conference 2008: Turkey and the EU: Building Ties of Mutual Benefit, British Council, Center for European Studies,TESEV, 10-11 October 2008, Istanbul, Turkey. 8. Invited Participant to the Workshop on “Turkey, the United States, and the European Union: Building Cooperation in the Broader Middle East,” Istanbul Policy Center, 10 July 2008. 9. Invited Speaker, “Türkiye-Avrupa Birliği İlişkilerinde Son Gelişmeler,” Izmir University of Economics, 27 February 2008, Izmir, Turkey. 10. Invited Speaker, “EU’s Enlargement towards Turkey: Challenges and Prospects”, The First Cyprus Spring School on the European Union on Understanding, Interpreting and Evaluating the European Union in 2007, European Consortium for Political Research, 15-22 April, 2007 Nicosia, Cyprus. 11.Invited Speaker, “Avrupa Birliği ve Türkiye: Müzakerelere Hazırlanırken,” Küreselleşme, Avrupa Birliği ve Türkiye Paneli, İzmir University of Economics, 19 October 2006, İzmir, Turkey. 12. Expert Discussant, Governance and the Military : Perspectives for Change in Turkey, Expert Meeting on Turkey, EU and Civil-Military Relations, Center for European Studies, 31 March 2006, Brussels. 13. Invited Speaker, “What awaits Turkey and the EU during the Negotiations? Challenges and Opportunities,” Sabancı University, Turkey, 8 May 2006, İstanbul. 14. Invited Speaker to the Roundtable on “Reflections on Europeanization in Turkey”, CES-METU Workshop on Experiencing Europeanization, 24 April 2004. 5 15. Invited Speaker, “Turkey and the EU into the 21st Century: Problems and Prospects,” Third Rotating Summer School of the European Consortium for Political Research, University of Crete, 15-22 September, 2002. Rethymno, Crete. 16. Invited Speaker, "Security Structures and Problems of Democratic Governance in Turkey", Workshop and Roundtable on Security Structures and Democratic Governance, Center for Defence and Security Management and Institute of Development Studies, 17-23 September, 2000. Johannesburg/Pretoria, South Africa. 17. Invited Speaker, "Challenge of Political Islam and the Military in Turkey", Conference on Political Armies, Utrecht University, 13-14 April 2000, Netherlands. 7. 2. Some Conferences Attended 1.November 8, 2013, Paper presented at the Workshop on “The Post-Lisbon European Union in Flux: Challenges and Opportunities”, Jean Monnet Center of Excellence, Dokuz Eylül University. Paper title: “The EU and Global Challenges: Future Prospects”. 2. April 24-25, 2013, Paper presented at the Conference on “Turkey’s Quest for the EU Membership Towards 2023,” Ege University, Ege Strategic Research Center. Paper title: “Understanding post-Lisbon Politics in the EU: The Implications upon Turkey’s Accession Process”. 3. December 14, 2012, Paper presented at the Conference on “Turkey’s Changing Foreign Policy Paradigm following the Arab Spring,” Okan University, Tuzla, Istanbul. Paper title: “The MetaGeography of the Broader Middle East and North Africa (BMENA) in Turkey’s New Geopolitical Imagination and Security Discourses: A Critical Appraisal”. 4. February 9-10, 2012, Paper presented (with Prof. Dr. Filiz Başkan) at the Workshop on Voting and Party System in Turkey’s June 2011 Parliamentary Elections,” Yaşar University, Izmir. Paper Title: “Party System Developments ıinTUrkey in the 2000s: Patterns of Change and Continuity.” 5. July 4-5, 2010, Paper presented at the Tenth CISS/ISA International Millenium Conference, Global Cooperation: Alliances, Institutions and International Relations, Venice, Italy. Paper Title: “Turkey in the ESDP Missions: A Catalyst for Turkey’s EU Accession? 6. June 24-26, 2010, Paper presented at the Fifth Pan-European Conference on EU Politics, ECPR Standing Group on the EU, Porto, Portugal. Paper title: “Turkey in the New Geopolitical Imaginations of Europe: Critical Geopolitics Approach”. 7. June 21-24, 2010, Paper presented at the 8th Annual International Conference on Politics and International Affairs, ATINER, Athens, Greece. Paper Title: “The History of European Integration and the Turkey-EU Relations from a Cultural Perspective”. 8. May 8-9, 2009, Paper presented at the International Conference on “Enlargement-Five Years After: The State of European Integration and New Challenges for the Discipline, CEU, Budapest, Hungary. Paper Title: “The Impact of the 2004 Enlargement upon Turkey’s Accession Process to the European Union: A Catalyst or an Obstacle?”. 6 9. September 10-12, 2009, Paper presented at the 5th ECPR General Conference, Potsdam, Germany. Paper Title: “The Modern Geopolitical Imagination of American Foreign Policy: The Case of the Greater Middle East Initiative”. 10. March 31, 2006, Expert Discussant, at the Governance and the Military : Perspectives for Change in Turkey, Expert Meeting on Turkey, EU and Civil-Military Relations, Brussels. 11.June 24-26, 2004, Paper presented at the 2nd Pan-European Conference on the European Union Politics, ECPR, Bologna, Italy, Paper Topic: “Turkey’s EU Candidacy and Civil-Military Relations: Challenges and Prospects”. 12.March 27-29, 2003, Paper presented at the EUSA 8th International Biennial Conference, Nashville, Tennessee, USA. Paper Topic: “EU-Turkey Relations into the 21st Century: Problems and Prospects at a Critical Juncture". 13.September 15-22, 2002, Paper presented at the Third Rotating Summer School of the European Consortium for Political Research, University of Crete, Rethymno, Crete. Paper Topic: “Turkey and the EU into the 21st Century: Problems and Prospects”. 14.March 20-24, 2002, Paper presented at the Third Mediterranean Social and Political Research Meeting, European University Institute, Montecatini-Florence, Italy. Paper Topic: "Challenging Geopolitical Images: Turkey as a Land Locked between East and West". 15.September 6-8, 2001, Paper presented at the ECPR General Conference, 4th pan-European International Relations Conference, University of Kent, Canterbury, England. Paper Topic: "Challenges to the Role of the Turkish Military in the 21st Century". 16.September 17-23, 2000, Workshop and Roundtable on Security Structures and Democratic Governance, Center for Defence and Security Management and Institute of Development Studies, Johannesburg/Pretoria, South Africa. Paper Topic: "Security Structures and Problems of Democratic Governance in Turkey". 17.April 13-14, 2000. Paper presented at the Conference on Political Armies, Utrecht University, the Netherlands. Paper Topic: "Challenge of Political Islam and the Military in Turkey". September 12-16, 1999 Roundtable at the Halki International Seminars, Eliamep, Halki, Greece. Paper Topic: “The Emerging Security Environment in the Mediterranean”. 18.July 13-17, 1999 Paper presented at the Conference of IPSA Armed Forces and Society, Sde Boker, Israel. Paper Topic: “The Impact of the Öcalan Affair upon Turco-Greek Relations”. 19.August 17-21, 1999 Paper presented at the Conference of the European Sociological Association, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Paper Topic: “The future of the Nation-state in Italy”. 20.November 24-27, 1998 Paper presented at the Second International Congress on Cyprus Studies, Eastern Mediterranean University, Gazimagusa, Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus. Paper topic: “An Assessment of the United States Involvement in the Cyprus Question in the PostCold War Era: New Bottle, Old Wine?”. 21. July 5-12, 1998 Paper presented at the summer school on The Mediterranean and the New International Order, University of Catania, Euromed Center, Italy. Paper topic: “The Impact of Supranational Integration upon Regionalism in the Euro-Mediterranean Area: The Italian Case”. 7 8. TOTAL NUMBER OF CITATIONS (LISTED IN GOOGLE SCHOLAR): 243 (See the annex) 9. RESEARCH (ONGOING) 1. Europeanization of Turkey: Polity, Politics and Policies. Book project. Edited by Ali Tekin and Aylin Güney. 2. Regionalism as a Failure of National Integration: The Case of Italy, Book Project. Manchester University Press (revised and to be resubmitted) Aylin Güney. 3. “Lega Nord and the Northern Question in Italy” South European Society and Politics (SSCI Journal)(to be submitted in 2013). Aylin Güney and Gökay Özerim. 4.“Critical Geopolitics and Turkey’s European Vocation”, Europe-Asia Studies, (SSCI Journal), (to be submitted in 2014). Aylin Güney. 10. COURSES THOUGHT Graduate Courses: POLS 633 Seminar on the European Union INRL 505 State and Society in European Union Member States Undergraduate Courses: POLS 101 Introduction to Political Science POLS 102 Introduction to Social Psychology POLS 304 Comparative Politics POLS 305 Turkish Political Development POLS 327 State and Society in the Mediterranean POLS 333 State and Society in Europe POLS 401 International Relations Theory I POLS 402 International Relations Theory II POLS 455 World Politics I POLS 476 World Politics II POLS 433 Politics of European Integration POLS 493 State and Society in the EU Member States ECO 475 EU, Turkey and the Customs Union INRL 203 European Integration Process INRL 360 EU-Turkey Relations 11. EMPLOYMENT 1.08/2010-present Associate Professor; Chair, Department of International Relations, Yasar University. 2.09/2012-09/2013- Vice-Dean, Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Yasar University. 3. 10/2003 –2010, Assistant Professor, Vice-Chair Bilkent University, Department of Political Science. 4. 1/1999 – 10/2003 Instructor Bilkent University, Department of Political Science. 8 5. 1993-1998: Graduate Research Assistant, Department of Political Science and Public Administration, Bilkent University. 6. 1993-1998: Research assistant to: Prof. Carter Findley (Ohio State University, U. S. A.) Prof. David Kushner (Haifa University, Israel) Prof. Clement Dodd (Retired Professor, London University and consultant to President Rauf Denktas of TRNC) in various research projects on topics as Turkish nationalism, Turkish education system, Cyprus problem. 7. 1995-1997: Translator for some private firms including Koç Holding (Italian, English, Turkish). 8. 1996-1997: Assistant General Manager, Umut Foundation, Dedeman Holding. 12. AWARDS, SCHOLARSHIPS and DUTIES 12.1. Professional Awards and Duties 1. Jean Monnet Chair (International Relations and European Studies), granted by the European Commission, 2011-2014. 2. Jean Monnet Project Expert, 2011-present, European Commission. 3. TÜBİTAK, Project Evaluator, 2013. 4. 2007-2012 Jean Monnet Chair (European Studies), granted by the European Commission. 5. 2006 Young Scientist Award (GEBİP), awarded by the Turkish Academy of Sciences (TÜBA). (Under the supervision of Prof. Şevket Pamuk). 12.2. Some Grants, Projects and Scholarships 1. Travel Grant, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Department of South America, 2009 (€2000). 2. Grant for Encouragement of International Publication in Social Sciences, Turkish Academy of Sciences, 2004. 3. Europe Horizons Project, European Commission, Project Manager, 2002-2003 (€80.000). 4. Travel Grant, Third Mediterranean Social and Political Research Meeting, European University Institute, 2002 (€400). 5. Doctoral Research Grant, Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 1995-1996. 6. The Johns Hopkins University Scholarship awarded for the completion of the Masters program in Baltimore, U. S. A., 1992-1993. 7. Jean Monnet Fellowship granted by the Commission of the European Union for the completion of the Diploma program at the Paul Nitze School of Advanced International Studies, Bologna, Italy. 1991-1992. 13. MEMBERSHIPS 1. International Political Science Association 2. International Studies Association 3. European Union Studies Association 4. Türk Sosyal Bilimler Derneği 5. Türk Siyasi İlimler Derneği 9 14. OTHER ACTIVITIES 14. 1. Article Refereeing for: Armed Forces and Society (SSCI) South European Society and Politics (SSCI) Journal of International Relations and Development (SSCI) Comparative Political Studies (SSCI) Journal of Peace Research (SSCI) International Relations (Uluslararası İlişkiler)(SSCI) Review of International Studies (SSCI) Perceptions: Journal of International Affairs Nationalism and Ethnic Politics Akdeniz Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi Journal of Southeast European and Black Sea Studies (SSCI) Journal of Yasar University 14.2. Graduate Student Supervision 1. Fatma Fulya Gökcan, Ph.D, , “Democracy Promotion and the Color Revolutions: The Impact of External Actors,” expected graduation 2014. 2 Esra Uslu Kutlukaya, Ph.D., “An Institutional Analysis to the EU’s Enlargement Policies: A Comparative Study of Polish and Turkish Accession Processes,” graduation 2013.. 3. Ayşe Aslıhan Çelenk, Ph.D Turkey”, 2008. “Europeanization and Devolution: Centre-Local Relations in 4. Petek Karatekelioğlu, Ph.D, “Europeanization,Domestic Political Change and Civil-Military Relations in Turkey”, 2008. 5. Ayşe Aslıhan Çelenk, M.A., “Military and Democracy in Algeria: The Success or Failure of EU’s Mediterranean Policy?” 2003. 6. Ercan Laçin, M.A., "The Minority Issue in the Context of EU-Turkey relations", 2002. 7. Halit Mustafa Emin Tagma, M.A. "The Impact of Globalisation on National Security: The Turkish Case”, 2002. 8. Asaf Çınar Gür, M.A. "The Problem of Northern Ireland as a Case Study of First World Nationalism", 2001. 9. A. Sydykov, M.A., “Fergana valley: The Potential Conflict Zone”, 2000. 10 14.3. Other Activities 1. Member of various Committees (Education Committee, Project Supervision Committee) at Yasar University 2. Member of the Committee on Rewarding the Translated Books to Turkish, Turkish Academy of Sciences, (2009- ) 3. Member of the Young Academy-GEBIP, Turkish Academy of Sciences, (2010- ) 4. Vice-Chair, Department of Political Science (2003-2009). 5. Jean Monnet Chair, Department of Political Science (2007-2012). 6. Erasmus Coordinator, Department of Political Science (2003-2005). 7. Acting Chair, Department of Political Science (2003-2004). 8. Academic Advisor, Bilkent University, Center for EU Affairs. (April 2002-2010). 9. Title Holder, Jean Monnet Project Permanent Course, `Politics of European Integration` 20022006. 10. Department of Political Science, PhD Comprehensive Examination Committee (2003-2010). 11. Department of Political Science, Graduate Studies Admission Committee (2003-2010). 12. Member of Bilkent University ECTS Label Committee (2004-2005). 13. Lecturer of various courses for the invited students by the Center for Regional Countries, Bilkent University (2003-2008). 14. Institutional coordinator of the Euro-Mediterranean Joint Master‘s Degree Program, Interinstitutional Colloquium run by the Robert Schumann Institute, Italy (2004-2005). Worked in the Education Fairs for the Bilkent University (2006). 15. Organizer of the "Works-in progress Seminar Series" designed to present the faculty the papers-in-progress by the faculty members or by the guest academics. (2001). 11
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