Curriculum Vitae M. Hadi Zareie Mailing Address: Izmir Institute of

 Curriculum Vitae M. Hadi Zareie Mailing Address: Izmir Institute of Technology, Department of Materials Science and Engineering Gulbahce Kampusu, Fen Fakultesi A Blok, 225 35430 Urla, Izmir, Turkey Phone: +90 232 750 7602 Tel (office): (90) (232) 7507602 Lab: (90) (232) 7507626 Fax (shared): (90) (232) 750 E-­‐mail: Professional Experience 2013-­‐ continuing Assistant Professor, Department of Material Science and Engineering, İzmir İnstitute of Technology 2010-­‐ 2013. Head of Nanotechnology Graduate Program, Gediz University, Turkey 2010-­‐ cont. Assistant Professor, Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Gediz University, Turkey 2003-­‐ 2010 Senior Research Fellow, Institute for Nano-­‐Scale Technology, University of Technology, Sydney, NSW, Sydney, Australia 2001-­‐2003 Postdoctoral Research Associate, Department of Material Science and Engineering, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA 2000-­‐2001 Research Scientist, School of Physics, University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia. 1996-­‐2000 Lecturer, Bioengineering, Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey. 1991-­‐1995 Research Assistant, Bioengineering, Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey. Education Ph.D. Bioengineering, Hacettepe University, July 1995. M.Sc. Electric & Electronic Engineering, Middle East Technical University, February 1989. B.E. Electronic Engineering, NED University, October 1985. Teaching Experience Thin film, graduate course (Gediz University, 2010-­‐present) Scanning probe and electron microscopy, graduate course (Gediz University, 2010-­‐present) Circuit theory, undergraduate course (Gediz University, 2010-­‐present) Physics, undergraduate course (Gediz University, 2010-­‐present) Scanning probe and electron microscopy, 2nd year course, (UTS, 2003-­‐ 2010) Bioinstrumentation, graduate course (Hacettepe University, 1995-­‐1999) Research Interest 1. Scanning probe microscopy (STM/STS/AFM). 2. Nanomaterials. 3. Self-­‐assembled monolayers. 4. Nanolithography. 5. Molecular electronics and nanodevices. 6. Optoelectronics. 7. Surface plasmon resonance spectroscopy and microscopy. 8. Microarray technology. 9. Nanosensors and Nano-­‐Biosensors. Referee for Scientific Journals Langmuir Journal of Physical Chemistry C and B List of Scientific Publications Thesis 1. Zareie M. H., Free Electron Laser An Interaction of a Relativistic Electron Beam with a Static Helical Magnetic Field, M.Sc. Thesis, Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey, 1989. 2. Zareie M. H., “Scanning Tunneling Microscopy” Design, Construction and Application, Ph.D. Thesis, Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey, 1995. Refereed International Journal Articles: (Zareie is the corresponding author of the publications indicated by an asterisk *) 1. Sencer Ayas1, Goksu Cinar1, Alper Devrim Ozkan1, Zeliha Soran, Oner Ekiz, Deniz Kocaay, Aysel Tomak, Pelin Toren, Yasin Kaya, Ilknur Tunc4, Hadi Zareie, Turgay Tekinay, Ayse Begum Tekinay, Mustafa Ozgur Guler & Aykutlu Dana, Label-­‐Free Nanometer-­‐Resolution Imaging of Biological Architectures through Surface Enhanced Raman Scattering, Scientific Reports, 2013, 3, 1. 2. Sema Sevimli, Fatih Inci, Hadi M. Zareie, Volga Bulmus, Well defined cholesterol polymers with pH controlled membrane switching activity, Biomacromolecules, 2012. 13, 3064−3075. 3. Minoo J. Moghaddam, Wenrong Yang, Barbara Bojarski, Thomas Gengenbach, Mei Gao, Hadi M. Zareie and Maxine J. McCall, Use of Azide Photochemistry to Make DNA-­‐coated Carbon Nanotubes for Biosensing, 2012, Nanotechnology 23, 425503. 4. Michael J. Coutts, Hadi M. Zareie, Michael B. Cortie, Matthew R. Phillips, Richard Wuhrer and Andrew M. McDonagh, Exploiting Zinc Oxide Re-­‐Emission to Fabricate Periodic Arrays, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2010, 2, 6, 1774-­‐1779. 5. Wong, LingJiun, Sevimli, Sema, Zareie, Hadi M, Davis, Thomas P., Bulmus, Volga, PEGylated Functional Nanoparticles from a Reactive Homopolymer Scaffold Modified by Thiol Addition Chemistry, Macromlecules, 2010, 43, 12, 5365-­‐5375. 6. Tristan Rawling, Christine E. Austin, Hadi M. Zareie, Andrew M. McDonagh, Thin films of a dimeric ruthenium phthalocyanine complex on gold, Inorganic Chemistry Communications, 2010, 13, 208–210. 7. Tristan Rawling, Christine E. Austin, Dominic Hare, Philip A. Doble, Hadi M. Zareie and Andrew M. McDonagh, Ruthenium Phthalocyanine Thin Films on Gold Surfaces, Nanoresearch, 2009, 2: 678-­‐687. 8. Paul K. Eggers, Hadi M. Zareie, Michael N. Paddon-­‐Row and J. Justin Gooding, Structure and Properties of Redox Active Self-­‐Assembled Monolayers Formed from Norbornylogous Bridges, Langmuir, 2009, 25 (18), 11090-­‐11096. 9. Christopher R. So, John L. Kulp, Ersin Emre Oren, Hadi M. Zareie, Candan Tamerler, John Spencer Evans and Mehmet Sarikaya, Molecular Recognition and Supramolecular Self-­‐
Assembly of a Genetically Engineered Gold Binding Peptide on Au{111}, ACS Nano, 2009, 3, (6), pp 1525-­‐1531. 10. H. K. Shon, S. Vigneswaran, J. Kandasamy, Hadi M. Zareie, J. B. Kim, D. L. Cho, and J.-­‐H. Kim, Separation Science and Technology, 2009, 44: 1525–1543. 11. Liu J, Davis T, Gooding J, Yang W, Zareie HM. “pH-­‐Detachable Polymer Brushes Formed Using Titanium-­‐diol Coordination Chemistry and Living Radical Polymerization (RAFT)”, Macromolecules, 2009 20, 42 (8), pp 2931–2939 12. H.K. Shon, S. Vigneswaran, M.H. Zareie, R. Ben Aim, E. Lee, J. Lee, J. Cho, In S. Kim, Physico-­‐
chemical pretreatment to seawater reverse osmosis (SWRO): organic characterization and membrane autopsy, Desalination, 2009, 236, 1-­‐3, pp 282-­‐290 13. Zareie H. M*, Morgan S. W, Moghaddam M, Maaroof A. I, Cortie M. B, Phillips R. M. Nano-­‐
capacitve circuit elements. ACS Nano, 2008, 2, 8, 16 14. Lingjiun Wong, Cyrille Boyer, Zhongfan Jia, Hadi M. Zareie, Thomas P. Davis, and Volga Bulmus. Synthesis of Versatile Thiol-­‐Reactive Polymer Scaffolds via RAFT Polymerization, Biomacromolecules, 2008, 9, 1934-­‐1944. 15. Zareie H. M*, Boyer C. ; Bulmus V, Nateghi E., Davis T. P. Temperature-­‐Responsive Self-­‐
Assembled Monolayers of Oligo(ethylene glycol): Control of Biomolecular Recognition. ACS Nano, 2008, 2(4); 757-­‐765. 16. Patrick J. West, Hadi M. Zareie* and Andrew M. McDongah. Synthesis and characterization of anthracene-­‐2,6-­‐dithioacetate: a rigid, conjugated molecule for the formation of monolayers on gold. Aust. J. Chem, 2008, 61, 1-­‐ 4. 17. Edgar, J.A., Hadi M. Zareie,. Blaber, M., Dowd, A., Cortie, M.B. Synthesis of hollow gold nanoparticles and rings using silver templates, Proceedings of the 2008 International Conference on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, ICONN, 2008, art. no. 4639239, pp. 36-­‐39v 18. Nigel T. Lucas, Hadi M. Zareie* and Andrew M. McDonagh, Self-­‐organization of a Discotic Coordination Complex. ACS Nano, 2007, Vol. 1, No4, 348. 19. Hong Ma, Melvin T. Zin, Hadi M. Zareie, Mun-­‐Sik Kang, Seok-­‐Ho Kang, Kyoung-­‐Soo Kim, Bryan W. Reed, Candan Tamerler Behar, Mehmet Sarikaya, and Alex K.-­‐Y. Jen, Assembly of nanomaterials through highly ordered self-­‐assembled monolayers and peptide-­‐organic hybrid conjugates as templates. Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (Review), 2007, Vol. 7, 2549-­‐2566. 20. Andrew M. McDonagh, Hadi M. Zareie*, Michael J. Ford, Chris Barton, Milena Ginic-­‐
Markovic, Janis G. Matison, Ethynylbenzene Monolayers on Gold: A metal-­‐molecule binding motif derived from a hydrocarbon. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2007, 129, 3533-­‐3538. 21. T. D. Veal, L. F. J. Piper, M. R. Phillips, M. H. Zareie, Hai Lu, W. J. Schaff, and C. F. McConville, Doping-­‐dependence of subband energies in quantized electron accumulation at InN surfaces. Physica Status Solidi A-­‐Applications and Materials Science. 2007,2, 536-­‐542. 22. M. Hadi Zareie, Xiaoda Xu and Michael B. Cortie, In Situ self-­‐organized gold nanorods on functionalized substrates, Small, 2007, 3, 1, 139-­‐145. 23. Yannie Chan, Volga Bulmus, M. Hadi Zareie, Frances L. Byrne, Leonie Barner, Maria Kavallaris, Acid-­‐cleavable polymeric core-­‐shell particles for delivery of hydrophobic drugs, Journal of Controlled Release, 2006, 115, 197-­‐207. 24. Hadi M. Zareie*,Jeffrey Barber, Andrew M. McDonagh, Structural changes in self-­‐assembled monolayers initiated by ultra-­‐violet light, The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 2006, 110, 15951-­‐15954. 25. Hadi M. Zareie,* Andrew M. McDonagh, Jonathan Edgar, Michael B. Cortie, , Mike J. Ford, Matthew R. Phillips, Controlled assembly of 1,4-­‐phenylenedimethanethiol molecular nanostructures, Chemistry of Materials, 2006, 18, 2376-­‐2380. 26. Veal TD, Piper LFJ, Phillips MR, Zareie MH, Lu H, Schaff WJ, McConville CF, Scanning tunnelling spectroscopy of quantized electron accumulation at InxGa1-­‐xN surfaces, Physica Status Solidi A-­‐Applications and Materials Science 2006, 203 (1): 85-­‐92. 27. Michael Cortie, Hadi Zareie, Jingquan Liu, Karl-­‐Heinz Muller and Michael Ford, Modelling and verification of the electrical properties of organic dielectric monolayers in capacitive configurations, Smart Structures, Devices and Systems II, Proc. SPIE, 2005, 5649, 316. 28. M. Cortie, X. Xu, H. Zareie, H. Chowdhury and G. Smith, Plasmonic heating of gold nanoparticles and its exploitation, , Smart Structures, Devices and SystemsII, Proc. SPIE, 2005, 5649, 565. 29. K. Drozdowicz-­‐Tomsia, E.M. Goldys, M. Motlan, H. Zareie, M. R. Phillips, Growth temperature dependant cathodoluminescence properties of GaSb/GaAs quantum dot multilayer structure, Applied Physics Letters 2005, 86 (17) 173113 APR 25. 30. M.Cortie, M. H. Zareie, R. Ekanayake and M. Ford, Conduction, storage and leakage in particle-­‐on-­‐SAM nano-­‐capacitors, IEEE Transaction on Nanotechnology 2005, 4 (4) 406-­‐414. 31. Jennifer L Wacker, M. Hadi Zareie, Hanson Fong, Mehmet Sarikaya & Paul J Muchowski, Hsp70 and Hsp40 attenuate formation of spherical and annular polyglutamine oligomers by partitioning monomer, Nature Structural & Molecular Biology 2004, 11 (12), 1215. 32. M.R. Phillips, M. H. Zareie, O. Gelhausen, M. Drago, T.Schmidtling and W. Richter, Scanning tunneling and cathodoluminescence spectroscopy of indium nitride, Journal of Crystal Growth 2004, 269, 106. 33. S.H. Kang, H. Ma, M. Kang, K. Kim, A. K.-­‐Y. Jen, M. H. Zareie, M. Sarikaya, “Ordered self-­‐
assembly and electronic behavior of C60-­‐antrocene hybrid for molecular electronics,” Angewandte. Chemie 2004, 43, 1512. 34. Nan Xia, Jennifer Shumaker-­‐Parry, M. Hadi Zareie, Charles T. Campbell, David G. Castner, The loss of streptavidin-­‐biotin binding affinity due to drying, Langmuir 2004, 20(9), 3710. 35. Jennifer Shumaker-­‐Parry, M. Hadi Zareie, Ruedi Aebersold and C. T. Campbell Microspotting streptavidin and double-­‐stranded DNA arrays on gold for high-­‐throughput studies of protein – DNA interactions by SPR microscopy, Analytical Chemistry 2004, 76(4), 918. 36. H. Ma, K. S. Kim, H. Li, J. S. Horwitz, M. T. Zin, M. H. Zareie, M. Sarikaya, A. K-­‐Y. Jen, Effects of Molecular Architecture, omega-­‐Functional Groups and Hydrogen-­‐Bonding on the Nanoscopic Features of Highly-­‐Ordered Self-­‐Assemblies, Polymer Preprints, 2003, 44, 239. 37. M. H. Zareie, V. Gökmen, I. Javidipour, Investigating of network, branching, gelation and enzymatic degradation in pectin by atomic force microscopy, J Food Sci Technology 2003, 40(2), 169. 38. M. Hadi Zareie, Hong Ma, Bryan W. Reed, Alex K-­‐Y. Jen and Mehmet Sarikaya, Single molecular conductivity of ordered nanowires, Nanoletters 2003, 3 (2), 139. 39. C. Tamerler, S. Dincer, D. Heidel, M. H. Zareie and M. Sarikaya, Biomimetic multifunctional molecular coatings using engineered proteins, Progress in Organic Coatings 2003, 47, 267. 40. Mandana Veiseh, M. Hadi Zareie, and Miqin Zhang, High selective protein patterning on gold-­‐silicon substrates for biosensor applications, Langmuir 2002, 18, 6671. 41. M. H. Zareie, P.B. Lukins, Atomic-­‐resolution STM structure of tow turn DNA and localization of the retionic acid binding site, Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 2003, 303, 153. 42. M. Hadi Zareie, Sevil Dinçer and Erhan Pişkin, Observation of phase transition of thermo-­‐
responsive poly(NIPA)-­‐PEI block copolymers by STM, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 2002, 251, 424. 43. G. David, F. Özer, B. C. Simionescu, M. Hadi Zareie, and E. Piskin, Microemulsion photopolymerization of methacrylates stabilized with sodium dodecyl sulfate and poly(N-­‐
acetylthylenimine) macromonomers, European Polymer Journal 2001, 38, 73. 44. F. Özer, M. O. Beskardes, M. H. Zareie, and E. Piskin, Nanoparticles carrying hydroxyl groups produced by microemulsion, J. Applied Polymer Science 2001, 19, 237. 45. P.B. Lukins, M. H. Zareie, J. Khachan. Atomic resolution structure of growth and etching patterns at the surface of microwave plasma CVD diamond films, Applied Physics Letters 2001, 78(11), 1520. 46. M. Hadi Zareie, Bahadir Körbahti, Abdurrahman Tanyolaç, Observation of polymeric structures in electrochemical decomposition of phenol in the presence of NaCl by scanning tunnelling microscopy, Journal of Hazardous Materials-­‐B 2001, 87, 199. 47. M. Hadi Zareie, E. Volga Bulmus, Patrick. A. Gunning, Allan. S. Hoffman, Erhan. Piskin and Victor J. Morris, Investigation of a stimuli-­‐responsive copolymer by atomic force microscopy, Polymer 2000, 41, 6723. 48. C. Koçum, M. H. Zareie, F. Özer and E. Piskin, Observation of nanoparticles and film formation by scanning tunnelling microscopy: methyl methacrylate/buthylmethacrylate nanoparticles prepared by microemulsion, Colloid and Polymer Science 2000, 278, 587. 49. M. R. Mozaferi., M. H. Zareie., E.Piskin and V. Hasirci, Formation complex supramolecular by negatively charge liposomes in the presence of nucleic acids and divalent cations, Drug Delivery 1998, 5, 141. 50. M. H. Zareie., F. Y. Sahin., M.A. Ergun, C. Koçum, S. Menevse, A. Menevse, E. Piskin Interactions of DNA with fluorescent dyes: by scanning tunnelling microscopy, International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 1998, 23, 7. 51. C. Tas, A. Kozluca, M. A. Onur, A. Tumer, H. Vahaboglu, M. H. Zareie, P. A. Gunning, E. Piskin., Chloramphenicol loaded poly (D,L-­‐Lactide) sponges: in-­‐ vivo use, Journal of Tissue Engineering 1998, 4(4), 353. 52. M. H. Zareie., Y. Zencir., C. Ünaleroglu., B. Zümreoglu-­‐Karan and E. Piskin, pH-­‐ independent decomposition reactions of L-­‐ascorbic acid in aqueous metal solution: 2. Imaging by scanning tunnelling microscopy 1998, Polyhedron, 17, 13. 53. M. H. Zareie., A. Atalay., A. Ögüs and E. Piskin, Scanning tunnelling microscopy images of the human eye lens gB and gS-­‐crystallins, Probe Microscopy 1998, 1, 163. 54. M. H. Zareie., M. R. Mozaferi., V. Hasirci and E. Piskin, Scanning tunnelling microscopy investigation of liposome-­‐DNA~Ca2+ complexes, Liposomes Research 1997, 7(4), 491. 55. M. H. Zareie., N. Oztas, M. Gündoan, E. Piskin and Y. Yürüm, Images of demineralized coal surfaces by scanning tunnelling microscopy, Fuel 1996, 75(7), 855. 56. M. H. Zareie., G. Erdem, R. Oner., C. Oner., A. Ögüs and E. Piskin, Ascorbate-­‐Cu (II) induced cleavage of DNA by scanning tunnelling microscopy, International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 1996, 19, 69. 57. M. H. Zareie., C. Kavakli., B. Salih and E. Piskin, Scanning tunnelling microscopy for characterization of metathesis catalysts based on photogenerated W(CO)6/CC14, J. Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical 1996, 118, 195. 58. M. H. Zareie., K, Piskin and E. Piskin, Imaging of macromolecules on surfaces by STM, Iranian. J. Polym. Sci. & Technol 1995, 4, 118. 59. M. H. Zareie., X. Kaitian and E. Piskin, STM images of PDLLA/PEG copolymer micelles, Colloids and Surfaces 1996, 112, 19. 60. M. H. Zareie., K. Piskin, R. Venimli and E. Piskin, Imaging of tRNA by scanning tunnelling microscopy, Nanobiology 1996, 4, 101. 61. M. H. Zareie., A. Borucu, M.Y. Ozden, V. Hasirci and E. Piskin, Imaging of Liposomes by Scanning Tunnelling Microscopy, Biomat. Cells & Organs 1996, 24(5), 525. Invited Talks: 1. Nanostructures for Plasmonic Biosensors Advanced Materials World Congress, Izmir, Cesme, Turkey, Sep. 16-­‐19 2013. 2. Decorating Surfaces using Organic and Biological Molecules, 8th Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Congress, Ankara, Turkey, 25-­‐29 June, 2012. 3. Bottom-­‐Up and Top-­‐Dawn Nanofabrication for Molecular Electronics and Biosensors, 2nd International Advances in Applied Physics and Materials Science Congress, Antalya Turkey, April, 26-­‐29, 2012,. 4. Patterning Nanostructures for Nanodevice and Biosensor Applications, 6th Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Conference, Izmir, Turkey, 15-­‐18 June 2010. 5. 5.Temperature-­‐Responsive Nanostructures for Biomolecular Recognitions, 16th.International Conference on Bioengineering, İstanbul, Turkey. 29 September – 2 October, 2010. 6. 6.Scanning Probe Microscopy and Hand-­‐On Workshop, Wollongong’ 08, University of Wollongong,Wollongong, Australia, 28-­‐30th August, 2008. 7. 7.Scanning Probe Microscopy of Organic, Biological and Polymeric Materials, ACMM-­‐20 & IUMAS-­‐IV, Perth, Western Australia, Australia, 10-­‐15 February, 2008. 8. 8.Surface patterning by organic and biological macromolecules, 3rd Polymer Electronics Research Centre Symposium, Auckland, New Zealand, 4-­‐5 December, 2007. 9. 9.Analysis of micro-­‐ and nano-­‐patterned surfaces by scanning probe microscopy and surface plasmon resonance, Department of Chemistry, The University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia, 5 May 2005 10. Analysis of micro-­‐ and nano-­‐patterned surfaces by scanning probe microscopy and surface plasmon resonance, 11th International Biomedical Science and Technology Days, Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey, 6-­‐10 September 2004 11. Scanning tunneling microscopy/spectroscopy studies of Au particle and C60 molecule adsorption onto organosulfur molecular monolayers. ACMM 18, The 18th Australian Conference on Microscopy and Microanalysis, Deakin University Waterfront Campus, Geelong, Victoria, Australia, 2–6 February 2004 12. Scanning probe microscopy and surface plasmon resonance of biological macromolecules, Institute for the Biotechnology of Infectious Diseases (IBID), UTS, Sydney, Australia, 19th August 2003 13. Ordered self-­‐assemblies with controlled patterns and conduction for molecular electronics, Frontiers of Science & Technology Workshop on Soft Condensed Matter and Nanoscale Physics and 13th Gordon Godfrey Workshop on Recent Advances in Condensed Matter Theory, Sydney, Australia, 1-­‐4 December 2003 14. Highly-­‐ordered self-­‐assemblies with adjustable patterns and conduction for molecular electronics, Physics Department, Newcastle University, Sydney, Australia, 2nd September 2003 15. Atomic force microscopy images of biological and polymeric biomaterials, 4th International Biomedical Science and Technology Symposium, Istanbul, Turkey, 15-­‐17 September 1997 16. Images of biomolecules by scanning tunneling microscopy, 3rd National Biomedical Science and Technology Symposium, Bursa, Turkey, February 1996 17. Images of biomolecules by scanning tunneling microscopy, 2nd National Biomedical Science and Technology Symposium, METU, Ankara, Turkey, 21-­‐23 May 1995 18. Imaging of macromolecules on surfaces by STM, International Symposium of Polymer Science, Shiraz, Iran, 2-­‐4 May 1994 Refereed Conference Abstracts: 1. Hadi Zareie, Mehmet Sarikaya, Andrew M. McDonagh, Jeffery Barber, Michael Cortie and Matthew Phillips, Self-­‐Organized Materials: From Organic Molecules to Genetically Engineered Gold-­‐Binding Proteins, ICCON, Brisbane, Australia, 3-­‐7 July 2006 (Oral presentation by M. H. Zareie) 2. Michael J Ford, Les Kirkup, Angus gentle, M. Hadi Zareie, Michael Cortie, How reliable are scanning tunnelling microscopy measurements of electron transport in molecules? SPIE, 2005. 3. M.H. Zareie, M. Cortie, M. Ford, Analysis of micro-­‐ and nano-­‐patterned surfaces by scanning probe microscopy and surface plasmon resonance, 11th International Biomedical Science and Technology Days, Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey, 6-­‐10 September 2004 [Oral presentation by M.H. Zareie] 4. M.H. Zareie, M. Cortie, M. Ford, Scanning tunneling microscopy/spectroscopy studies of Au particle and C60 molecule adsorption onto organosulfur molecular monolayers. ACMM 18, The 18th Australian Conference on Microscopy and Microanalysis, Deakin University Waterfront Campus, Geelong, Victoria, Australia, 2–6 February 2004 [Oral presentation by M.H. Zareie] 5. M.R. Phillips, D. Drouin, H. Zareie and O. Gelhausen, Low Voltage Cathodoluminescence Microscopy Study of Carrier Recombination in Gallium Nitride, Australian Conference on Microscopy and Microanalysis, Geelong, Australia, 2-­‐6 February 2004 6. O. Gelhausen, M.H. Zareie, M.R. Phillips, A. Hoffmann, F. Guffarth, T. Warming, W. Gelhoff, E.M. Goldys, Isolated Fe3+ centres and Fe related complexes in GaN:Fe substrates, International Workshop on Nitride Semiconductors, Pittsburg, USA, July 2004 7. M.R. Phillips, H. Zareie and O. Gelhausen, Scanning Tunneling and Cathodoluminescence Spectroscopy of Indium Nitride, Australian Conference on Microscopy and Microanalysis, Geelong, Australia 2-­‐6 February 2004 8. Michael Ford , M. Hadi Zareie, Jingquan Liu, Karl Muller and Michael Cortie, Modelling and verification of the electrical properties of organic dielectric monolayers in capacitive configurations, The International Society for Optical Engineering SPIE Conference, Sydney, Australia, December 2004 9. Michael Cortie, Xiaoda Xu, M. Hadi Zareie, Michael Ford and Geoffrey Smith, Plasmonic heating of gold nanoparticles and its exploitation, The International Society for Optical Engineering SPIE Conference, Sydney, Australia, December 2004 10. M. R. Phillips, M.H. Zareie and O. Gelhausen, Cathodoluminescence and scanning tunnelling spectroscopy characterization of Indium Nitride, International Indium Nitride Workshop, U.S. Office of Naval Research, Fremantle, Australia, 2003 11. M.H. Zareie, H. Ma, A. Jen, M. Sarikaya, Ordered self-­‐assemblies with controlled patterns and conduction for molecular electronics, Frontiers of Science & Technology Workshop on Soft Condensed Matter and Nanoscale Physics and 13th Gordon Godfrey Workshop on Recent Advances in Condensed Matter Theory, Sydney, Australia, 1-­‐4 December 2003 [Oral presentation by M.H. Zareie] 12. Ma H, Kim KS, Li HX, Horwitz JS, Zin MT, Zareie MH, Sarikaya M, Jen AKY, Effects of molecular architecture, W-­‐functional groups and hydrogen-­‐bonding on the nanoscopic features of highly-­‐ordered self-­‐assemblies. Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society, 226: U395-­‐U396 266-­‐Poly Part 2, September 2003 13. Alex K.-­‐Y. Jen, Hong Ma, Kyoung-­‐Soo Kim, Mun-­‐Sik Kang, Seok-­‐Ho Kang, Melvin T Zin, Hadi Zareie and Mehmet Sarikaya, Self-­‐assemblies with nanoscale ordering for molecular electronics, : Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society, 226: U389-­‐U389 224-­‐
Poly Part 2, September 2003 14. M. Sarikaya, D. A. Heidel, F. Baneyx, H. Zareie, F. Ohuchi, D. T. Schwartz, Assembly of nanoparticles via genetically engineered polypeptides as molecular linkers, Proceedings of SPIE, The International Society for Optical Engineering, Seattle, WA, USA, 10-­‐11 July 2002 15. M. H. Zareie and E. Piskin, Atomic force microscopy images of biological and polymeric biomaterials, 4th International Biomedical Science and Technology Symposium, Istanbul, Turkey, 15-­‐17 September 1997 [Oral presentation by M.H. Zareie] 16. M. H. Zareie and E. Piskin, Images of biomolecules by scanning tunneling microscopy, 3rd National Biomedical Science and Technology Symposium, Bursa, Turkey, February 1996 [Oral presentation by M.H. Zareie] 17. M. H. Zareie and E. Piskin, Images of biomolecules by scanning tunneling microscopy, 2nd National Biomedical Science and Technology Symposium, METU, Ankara, Turkey, 21-­‐23 May 1995 [Oral presentation by M.H. Zareie] 18. M. H. Zareie, K. Piskin and E. Piskin Imaging of macromolecules on surfaces by STM, International Symposium of Polymer Science, Shiraz, Iran, 2-­‐4 May 1994 [Oral presentation by M.H. Zareie] 19. Workshops, Scientific Visits and Other Meetings: 20. Biomaterials in 2001: State of the Art, University of Washington, 19-­‐21 August 2001, Seattle, WA, USA 21. Nanoscale Science and Technology Workshop, University of Washington, 16-­‐17 August 2001, Seattle, WA, USA 22. AMAS VI-­‐ The Sixth Biennial Symposium, SPM III-­‐ The Third Scanned Probe Microscopy Conference, University of Sydney 12th-­‐16th February 2001, Sydney, Australia 23. Environmentally Degradable Polymers, ICS-­‐UNIDO Workshop, 12-­‐19 September 1998, Turkey 24. Scientific Visit to Institute of Food Research, University of East Anglia, May-­‐August, 1997, Norwich, UK 25. 5th European School on Biomaterials, Siena, Ban, Arco Felice (Naples), April 20th-­‐30th 1993, Italy 26. Scientific Visit to Study Atomic Force Microscope for Biomaterial Surface Characterization, Department of Physics & Measurement Technology, Linkoping University, October 7-­‐21, 1991, Linköping, Sweden 27. Laser System for Photobiology and Photomedicine, NATO ASI Workshop, 11-­‐20 May, 1990, Erice, Italy Research Grants: 1. Smart Nanostructure Arrays for Detection of Multiplex Biomolecules, Hadi M. Zareie, Volga Bulmus, TUBITAK 1001 Project, 2011-­‐2013. 2. New metal-­‐molecule binding motifs for self-­‐assembled monolayers and nanodevices, Hadi M. Zareie, Andrew M. McDonagh, University of Technology, Sydney. Australian Research Council Discovery Project, 2008-­‐2010. 3. Self-­‐assembled surface arrays of mesoscale plasmonic devices for switchable control of coloured surfaces, Michael B. Cortie, Michael J. Ford, Stella Venzuela, Hadi M Zareie, Xiaoda Xu, Geoffrey B. Smith, University of Technology, Sydney. Australian Research Council Discovery Project, 2006-­‐2008. 4. Exploiting the properties of gold nanoparticles for nanolithography using visible wavelengths, Michael J. Ford, Prof Michael B. Cortie, Hadi M. Zareie, Julian D. Gale, Cuong T.That, University of Technology, Sydney. Research Council Discovery Project, 2005-­‐2007. 5. Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) Design and Construction, Turkish Scientific and Technical Research Council, Turkey, Hadi M Zareie, 1999. 6. Scanning Tunnelling Microscopy, Hacettepe University, Research Fund, Turkey, Hadi M Zareie, 1998. POSTGRADUATE RESEARCH SUPERVISION Master Thesis. 1. Hakan Inan, Synthesis and Application of Gold Nanorods, Nanotechnology Graduate Program, Gediz University, 2011-­‐ 2013. 2. Aysel Tomak, Nanostructures for plasmonic biosensors, Nanotechnology Graduate Program, Gediz University, 2013 3. Sumeyra Karakaya, Nanostructure Arrays for Detection of Biomolecules, Gediz University, 2011-­‐ continuing. 4. Şule Yeşim Yildiz, Synthesis of Temperature Responsive Polymer with Binding Affinity to Metal Oxides, Nanotechnology Graduate Program, Gediz University, 2011-­‐ continuing. 5. Dominic Gohary, “Scanning Tunnelling Microscopy Investigations into Phosphine–bound Self Assembled Monolayers on Gold, Institute for Nano-­‐Scale and Technology, UTS, completed 2007. 6. Ebrahim Nateghi, “Investigation of Stimuli-­‐Responsive Polymers on Gold Surfaces 7. ”, Institute for Nano-­‐Scale and Technology, UTS, completed 2007. 8. Patrick West, “Photoswitchable Nanostructures using Anthracene Compounds”, Institute for Nano-­‐Scale and Technology, UTS, completed 2007. 9. Jeffrey Barber, “Synthesis and Characterisation of Light Switchable Self-­‐Assembled Monolayers”, Institute for Nano-­‐Scale and Technology, UTS, completed 2005. PhD Thesis 1. Aysel Tomak, Molecular Motors for Plasmonic sensor, Materials Science and Engineering Graduate Program, Izmir Institute of Technology, 2013. 2. Saliha Zeyneb Akıncı, Biosensors Based on Capacitor Measurement, Bioengineering Graduate Program, Izmir Institute of Technology, 2013. 3. Jonathan Andrew Edgar, “Development of New Methods for the Synthesis of Plasmonically-­‐
Active Precious Metal Rods and Shells”, Institute for Nano-­‐Scale and Technology, UTS, 2007-­‐ 2010. 4. Matthew Moghaddam , “An Introduction to Functional Oxide Nanostructures and their Applications ”, Institute for Nano-­‐Scale and Technology, UTS, 2004-­‐ continuing. (part time student)