ADM 5224 - Political Science And Public Administration

(ADM 5224)
Professor Dr. Örsan Ö. Akbulut
231 27 19
Course Objective. The course is designed to put forward the place of epistemology and
methodology within social sciences and humanities, which are dominant explanatory types of
social reality, in the context of the social/economic and political. This place will be determined
both internally via the paradigms concerned and externally from the perspectives of critical
theory and historical materialism. Methodological difference of this course is that, social
sciences and humanities are not considered general abstract theories, but they are handled within
the framework of the historical conditions from which they emerged. In this regard, general
epistemology debate will be made on historical-economic ground. The place of epistemology
will be analyzed historically in the context of social reality as a dependent variable of capitalist
social reality (or formation). Furthermore, the place of the epistemology and methodology, will
be problematised in the context of material bases (or substance) of the theory of science in
Course Evaluation.
Annotations to be submitted by biweekly with in-class discussions.
Week 1
General Epistemology
Recommended Readings
Matthias Steup and Ernest Sosa (ed.) (2008), Contemporary Debates in Epistemology,
Giuseppe Primiero(2008), Information and Knowledge-A Constructive Type-Theoretical
Approach-, Springer.
Ernest Sosa (2007), A Virtue Epistemology- Apt Belief and Reflective Knowledge-, Oxford.
Richard Feldman (2003), Epistemology, Prentice-Hall.
David Marsh and Gerry Stoker (ed.) (2002), Theory and Methods in Political Science,
Michael Williams (2001), Problems of Knowledge- A Critical Introduction to Epistemology,
Babette E. Babich, D. Bergoffen, S. Glynn (eds.)(1997), Continental and Postmodern
Perspectives in the Philosophy of Science, Aveburry.
Christopher Norris (1997), Against Relativism- Philosophy of Science, Deconstruction and
Critical Theory, Blackwell.
Steve Fuller(1991), Social Epistemology, Indiana University Press.
Must Readings(1-2).
Michael Williams (2001), “Introduction: The Very Idea of a Theory of Knowledge”,[1-13],
Problems of Knowledge- A Critical Introduction to Epistemology, Oxford.
Örsan Ö. Akbulut, “Temel Sosyal Bilimler Olabilir mi?”, Cumhuriyet Bilim Teknoloji, 137019, 21 Haziran 2013.
o Bozkurt Güvenç, “Temel Sosyal Bilimler Önerisi”, Cumhuriyet Bilim Teknoloji,
1371-19, 28 Haziran 2013.
o Örsan Ö. Akbulut, “Temel Sosyal Bilimler Tartışması”, Cumhuriyet Bilim Teknoloji,
1373-19, 12 Temmuz 2013.
o Örsan Ö. Akbulut, “Orta Sınıf Fetişizmi Olarak Eğitim”, Milliyet, 31 Ağustos 2013.
Economic/Social Foundations of Politics (Political Thought)
Week 2
Recommended Readings
Ellen Meiksins Wood (2012), Liberty and Property: A Social History of Western Political
Thought from the Renaissance to Enlightenment, Verso.
Ellen Meiksins Wood (2008), Citizens to Lords: A Social History of Western Political
Thought from Antiquity to the Middle Ages, Verso.
Ellen Meiksins Wood (1997), Peasant-Citizen and Slave: The Foundations of Athenian
Democracy, Verso.
Ellen Meiksins Wood and Neal Wood (1997), A Trumpet of Sedition-Political Theory and the
Rise of Capitalism-, New York University.
Ellen Meiksins Wood (1991), The Pristine Culture of Capitalism: A Historical Essay on Old
Regimes and Modern States, Verso.
Neal Wood (1988), Cicero's Social and Political Thought, University of California Press.
Neal Wood (1983), The Politics of Locke's Philosophy : A Social Study of 'An Essay
Concerning Human Understanding', University of California Press.
Neal Wood (1984), John Locke and Agrarian Capitalism, University of California Press.
Ellen Meiksins Wood and Neal Wood (1978), Class Ideology and Ancient Political Theory:
Socrates, Plato and Aristotle in Social Context, Oxford University Press.
Quentin Skinner (1998), The Foundations of Modern Political Thought, MelCambridge
C.B. MacPherson (1962), The Political Theory of Possessive Individualism: Hobbes to Locke,
J.G.A. Pocock (2009), Political Thought and History- Essays on Theory and Method-,
Jean Blonbel (1976), Thinking Politically, Westview.
Charles A. Beard (1972), The Economic Basis of Politics, Books For Libraries Press.
Alvin I. Goldman (2009), Social Epistemology: Theory and Applications, Royal Institute of
Philosophy Supplement.
Must Readings (3-4-5-6-7-8).
Örsan Ö. Akbulut (2011), “The Politics of Political Science”, Review of Public
Administration, Vol. 44, I.4, December, p. 1-32.
(Örsan Ö. Akbulut (2011), “Siyaset Biliminin Siyaseti”, Amme İdaresi Dergisi, C.44, S. 4,
Aralık, s. 1-32. )
Örsan Ö. Akbulut (2014), “Kapitalizm ve Uluslaşma”, Amme İdaresi Dergisi, Cilt 47, Sayı 3,
Neal Wood (2002), Reflections on Political Theory - A Voice of Reason from the Past- ,
“Meaning of Politics (p. 25-32)”, “Symbolic Forms and Politics (p. 32-39)”, “Studying
Political Theory (p. 89-133)”.
Alain Touraine (2003), “Sociology without Societies”, Current Sociology, March, Vol. 51(2),
Larry Patriquin (ed.) (2012), The Ellen Meiksins Wood Reader, Brill, Leiden, [“The Social
History of Political Theory”, p. 141-149]
J.G.A. Pocock (2009), Political Thought and History- Essays on Theory and Method-,
“Political Ideas as Historical Events: Political Philosophers as Historical Actors”, Cambridge.
Discussion Session (1) on the Economic/Social Foundations of Politics.
Week 3
Discussion Text (1).
Neal Wood (1984), “A Question of Method”, [1-14], John Locke and Agrarian Capitalism,
University of California Press.
Steve Fuller(1991), “An Overwiew of Social Epistemology”, [3-30], Social Epistemology,
Indiana University Press.
Social Sciences as a Paradigm
(Economical and Political Sphere in the Context of the Formal Seperation in
Capitalist Society)
Week 4
Recommended Readings
Gulbenkian Commission (1996), Open the Social Sciences: Report of the Gulbenkian
Commission on the Restructuring of the Social Sciences, Stanford University.
Martin Hollis (1994), The Philosophy of Social Science: An Introduction, Cambridge
Russel Keat and John Urry (1975), Social Theory as Science, Routledge & Paul.
Max Weber (1949), Max Weber on the Methodology of the Social Sciences, (Ed. E. Shils and
H. Finch), Free.
I. Wallerstein (1991), Unthinking Social Sciences: The Limits of Nineteenth -Century
Paradigms, Polity and Blackwell.
Toplum-Bilim ve Defter Ortak Çalışma Grubu (2001), Sosyal Bilimleri Yeniden DüşünmekYeni Bir Kavrayışa Doğru-, Sempozyum Bildirileri, Metis.
Empricism and Rationalism in the Context of Origin of Capitalism
Örsan Ö. Akbulut (2007), Küreselleşme Ulus-Devlet ve Kamu yönetimi, TODAİE Yayınları,
Örsan Ö. Akbulut (2009), Siyaset ve Yönetim İlişkisi-Kuramsal ve Eleştirel Bir Yaklaşım,
Turhan Kitabevi Yayını, 2. Baskı, Ankara.
John Cottingham (1997), Rationalism, Thoemmes Press.
Bruce Aune (1970), Rationalism, Empricism and Pragmatism: An Introduction, Random
Michael J. Oakeshott (1962), Rationalism in Politics: and other Essays, Methuen.
Michael Ayers –ed- (2007), Rationalism, Platonism and God, Oxford.
Fraser Cowley (1968), Critique of Brtitish Empricism, Macmillan.
Wilfrid Sellars (1997), Empricism and the Philosophy of Mind, Harvard.
Stephen Davies (2003), Empricism and History, Macmillan.
Janice Thomas (2009), The Minds of the Moderns: Rationalism, Empricism and Philosophy of
Mind, McGill.
Ellen Meiksins Wood (1999), The Origin of Capitalism, Monthly Review Press.
Maurice Dobb (1947), Studies in the Development of Capitalism, International Publishers.
Ellen Meiksins Wood and Neal Wood (1997), A Trumpet of Sedition-Political Theory and the
Rise of Capitalism-, New York University.
Thomas Hobbes (1969), The Elements of Law, Naturel and Politic, Barnes Noble.
John Locke (1990), Drafts for the Essay Concerning Human Understanding, Clarendon Press.
Neal Wood (1983), The Politics of Locke's Philosophy: A Social Study of 'An Essay
Concerning Human Understanding', University of California Press.
Neal Wood (1984), John Locke and Agrarian Capitalism, University of California Press.
Örsan Ö. Akbulut (2006), “Türkiye’de Kamu Yönetimi İncelemesini Tanımlayıcı Bir Kavram
Önerisi: Ölçücülük-Ideametric”, Amme İdaresi Dergisi, Cilt 39, Sayı 4, Aralık.
Must Readings (9-10-11).
David Marsh and Paul Furlong (2002), “A Skin not a Sweater: Ontology and Epistemology in
Political Science”, Theory and Methods in Political Science, Palgrave-MacMillan.
Ellen Meiksins Wood (1998), “The Agrarian Origins of Capitalism”, Monthly Review, JulyAugust.
Örsan Ö. Akbulut (2012), “Kapitalizmde Siyasetin Siyasal Halleri” Memleket Siyaset ve
Yönetim (MSY),Cilt 7, Sayı 17, s. 178-199.
(Emergence or Construction of Positivism and Political Accumulation in France)
Week 5
Recommended Readings
Auguste Comte (1880), A General View of Positivism, (translate. J. H. Bridges), Reeves and
Auguste Comte (1856), Social Physics, C. Blanchard.
Auguste Comte (1979), Introduction to Positive Philosophy, (translate. F. Fere), Bobbs
J. Gillis Harp (1995), Positivist Republic: Auguste Comte and Reconstruction of American
Liberalim, Pennsylvania State University.
Martin Hollis and Edward J. Nell (1975), Rational Economic Man: A Philosophical Critique
of Neo-Classical Economics, Cambridge University.
Anthony Giddens (1979), in A History of Sociological Analysis, T. Bottomore and R. Nisbet
(eds.), Heinemann.
Anthony Giddens (1984), The Constitution of Society: Outline of the Theory of Structıration,
Logical Positivism (Fascism and Knowledge)
Karl Popper (2002), The Poverty of Historicism, Routledge.
Karl Popper (2002), Conjectures and Refutations: the Growth of Scientific
Knowledge, Routledge.
Karl Popper (1965), The Logic of Scientific Discovery, Harper and Row.
Karl Popper (1996), The Myth of the Framework: in Defence of Science and
Rationality, Routledge.
Karl Popper (1972), Objective Knowledge: An Evolutionary Approach, Clarendon.
Karl Popper (1999), Realism and the Aim of Science, Routledge.
Karl Popper (2006), Hayat Problem Çözmektir: Bilgi, Tarih ve Politika Üzerine, (Çev.
A. Nalbant), Yapı Kredi.
Herbert Simon (1982), Models of Bounded Rationality, MIT.
Must Readings (12-13-14).
Ellen Meiksins Wood (1972), Mind and Politics-An Approach to the Meaning of Liberal and
Socialist Indivudialism, University of California Press, Berkeley, [“The Epistemological
Dimension: Subject and Object”, 19-46]
Larry Patriquin (ed.) (2012), The Ellen Meiksins Wood Reader, Brill, Leiden, [“Contrasting
States: France vs. England”, p. 136-140, “Modernity vs. Capitalism: France vs. England”, p.
Martin Hollis and Edward J. Nell (1975), Rational Economic Man: A Philosophical Critique
of Neo-Classical Economics, “Introduction” [1-21], Cambridge University.
Discussion Session (2) on the Nomotetic Epistemology of Social Reality.
Week 6
Discussion Text (2).
Geoff Stokes (1997), “Karl Popper’s Political Philosophy of Social Science”,
Philosophy of the Social Sciences, 27, 56.
Geoff Stokes (1995), “Politics, Epistemology and Method: Karl Popper’s Conception
of Human Nature”, Political Studies, XLIII.
Humanities as a Paradigm
(Symbolic “Society” and “Social” Change in Prussia)
Week 7
Recommended Readings
Jürgen Habermas (1988), On the Logic of the Social Sciences, (translated by. S. W. Nicholsen
and J. A. Stark), MIT.
Josef Bleicher (1980), Contemporary Hermeneutics: Hermeneutics as Method, Philosophy
and Critique, Routledge&Kegan Paul.
Paul Ricoeur (1998), Hermeneutics and the Human Sciences, ( J. B. Thompson),
Hans- Georg Gadamer (2008), Philosophical Hermeneutics, ( D.E. Linge), University of
California Press.
Gianni Vattimo (1991), The End of Modernity: Nihilism and Hermeneutics in Post-modern
Culture, .
Michael Devitt and Laurence BonJour (2008), Contemporary Debates in Epistemology,
Matthias Steup and Ernest Sosa (ed.), Blackwell.
Richard J, Bernstein (1983), Beyond Objectivism and Relativism-Science, Hermeneutics and
Praxis, University of Pennsylvania Press.
William Outhwaite (1987), New Philosophies of Social Sciences: Realism, Hermeneutics, and
Critical Theory, St. Martin’s Press.
Gianni Vattimo (1997), Beyond Interpretation: The Meaning of Hermeneutics for Philosophy.
Zygmunt Bauman (1978), Hermeneutics and Social Science-Approaches to Understanding-,
I. Wallerstein (2004), The Uncertainities of Knowledge, Temple University.
Brian Fay (1996), Contemporary Philosophy of Social Science: A Multicultural Approach,
Richard E. Lee and I. Wallerstein (2004), Overcoming the Two Cultures: Science versus the
Humanities in the Modern World-System, Paradigm.
İlkay Sunar (1986), Düşün ve Toplum, Birey ve Toplum.
Week 8
Unification of the Cultural and Social Science: Max Weber or Rise of the
Capitalism in Germany
Max Weber (1978), Economy and Society: An Outline of Interpretive Sociology,
University of California Press.
Max Weber (1958), The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism, (trans. T.
Parsons), Scribner.
Randall Collins (1986), Max Weber -A Skeleton Key-, Sage.
Doğan Özlem (1999), Max Weber’de Bilim ve Sosyoloji, Küyerel.
Ralph Schroeder, Max Weber ve Kültür Sosyolojisi, (Çev. Mehmet Küçük), Bilim ve
Arthur Warmoth (2000), Social Constructionist Epistemology, Sonoma State Uni.
Must Readings (15-16).
Ellen Meiksins Wood (1990), “Uses and Abuses of Civil Society”, Socialist Register.
Christopher Norris (1997), “Hermeneutics, Anti-Realism and Philosophy of Science” [133166], Against Relativism- Philosophy of Science, Deconstruction and Critical Theory,
Discussion Session (3) on the Idiographic Epistemology of Social Reality.
Week 9
Discussion Text (3)
Julien Freund (1968), The Sociology of Max Weber, ( M. Liford), “Weber’s
Methodology”, Pantheon Books, [37-86].
Fritz Ringer (2000), Max Weber’s Methodology: The Unification of the Cultural and
Social Science, “Interpretation and Explanation” [92-122], Harvard University Press.
Historical Materialism (Nature, Human and Society)
Week 10
Recommended Readings
Karl Marx ([1867] 2011), Capital-A Crituque of Political Economy-, Dover.1
Karl Marx (1977), Critigue of Hegel’s Philosophy of Rights, Cambridge.
Karl Marx ([1859] 2008), A Contribution to the Critigue of Political Economy, Book
Karl Marx ([1857]1993), Grundrisse-Foundations of the Critigue of Political
Economy-, Penguin.
Karl Marx ([1845] 1998), German Ideology including Theses on Feurbach-,
Friedrich Engels ([1884] 2010), The Origin of the Family, Private Property and the
State, Penguin.
Friedrich Engels (1979), Dialectics of Nature, International Publishers.
Friedrich Engels (2011), Ludwig Feuerbach and the Outcome of Classical German
Philosophy, International Publishers.
V.I. Lenin (1988), Materyalizm ve Ampiryo Kristisizm, Sol.
E.M. Wood (1995), Democracy Against Capitalism:Renewing Historical Materialism,
Cambridge University.
Istvan Mezsaros (2010), Social Structure and Form of Consciousness, Volume I The
Social Determination of Method , Monthly Review Press.
Istvan Mezsaros (2011), Social Structure and Form of Consciousness, Volume II The
Dialectic of Structure and History, Monthly Review Press.
Ronald Aranson (1985), “Historical Materialism Answer to Marxism’s Crisis”, New
Left Review, I/152, July-August.
John Bellamy Foster, Brett Clark and Richard York (2008), Critugue of Intelligent
Desing: Materialism versus Creationism from Antiquity to the Present, Monthly
Review Press.
Karl Korsch (1986), Marxism and Philosophy, Monthly Review Press.
Ernest Mandel (1971), Formation of the Economic Thought of Karl Marx, Monthly
Review Press.
Wolfgang Fritz Haug (2001), “From Marx to Gramsci, From Gramsci to Marx:
Historical Materialism and the Philosophy of Praxis”, Rethinking Marxism, Vol. 13,
No.1, Spring.
Christopher Pawling (2010), “Rethinking Heideggerian Marxism”, Rethinking
Marxism, Vol. 22, No.4, Spring.
Antonio Callari and David F. Ruccio (2012), “Marxism, Materialism and the
Subjectification: A Rejoinder”, Rethinking Marxism.
Must Reading (17-18).
Guglielmo Carchedi (2011), Behind the Crisis-Marx’s Dialectics of Value and Knowledge,
Brill, Leiden, [“The Need for Dialectics”, “Dialectical Logic and Social Phenomena”, p. 1-22]
Henri Lefebre (2009), Dialectical Materialism, ( J. Sturrock), University of Minnesota
Press. “The Production of Man-Analysis of the Product, Physical Determinism, Social
Determinism” [102-112, 129-154).
Almancadan Türkçe çeviri: Karl Marx (2012), Kapital, (Çev. N. Satlıgan, M.Selik), Yordam Kitap, İstanbul.
Historical Materialism and Marxism
Week 11
Recommended Readings
Ira Gerstein (1989), “(Re)Structuring Structural Marxism”, Rethinking Marxism, Vol.
2, No.1
Erik K. Olsen (2009), “Social Ontology and the Origins of Mode of Production
Theory”, Rethinking Marxism, Vol. 21, No.2.
Alberto Toscano (2008), “The Open Secret of Real Abstraction”, Rethinking Marxism,
Vol. 20, No.2.
G. Therborn (1976), Science, Class and Society: on the Formation of Sociology and
Historical Materialism, Verso.
Stanley Aronowitz (1990), The Crisis in Historical Materialism: Class, Politics and
Culture in Marxist Theory, Universty of Minnesota Press.
Jürgen Habermas (1975), “Towards a Reconstruction of Historical Materialism”,
Theory and Society, Vol. 2, Nu.1.
James D. White (1996), Karl Marx and the Intellectual Origins of Dialectical
Materialism, Macmillan.
Maurice Cornforth (1978), Materialism and the Dialectical Method, International
J.V. Stalin (1938), “Dialectical and Historical Materialism”, September.
Roger S. Gottlieb (1984), “Feudalism and Historical Materialism: A Crituque and A
Synthesis”, Science & Society, Vol. 48, Nu. 1, Spring.
Alan Carling (1993), “Analytical Marxism and Historical Materialism: The Debate on
Social Evolution”, Science & Society, Vol. 57, Nu. 1, Spring.
Z.A. Jordan (1967), The Evolution of Dialectical Materialism: A Philosophical and
Sociological Analysis, Macmillan.
Maurice Cornforth (1967), Marxism and the Linguistic Philosophy, Lawrence &
Andrew Cross (2011), “The Crisis in Physics: Dialectical Materialism and Quantum
Theory”, Social Studies of Science, June, 1.
Bertell Olman (2006), Diyalektiğin Dansı-Marx’ın Yönteminde Adımlar-, Yordam.
Anthony Giddens (1981), A Contemporary Critique of Historical Materialism,
Michael Löwy (2006), “Marx, Weber and the Critique of Capitalism”, News and
Analysis from the Fourth International,
James Martin (2008), The Poulantzas Reader: Marxism, Law and the State, Verso.
Evgeny Pasukanis (2002), Genel Hukuk Teorisi ve Marksizm, (Çev. O.
Karahanoğulları), Birikim.
Gülnur A. Savran (2004), Özne-Yapı Gerilimi –Maddeci Bir Bakış-, Kanat.
Bob Jessop (1990), State Theory-Putting Capitalist States in their Place-, Polity.
Must Readings (19-20).
Maurice Dobb (2001), “Marxism and the Social Sciences”, Monthly Review, Vol. 53, No. 4
(first published. The Modern Quarterly, Winter 1947-48, 3:4.
Örsan Ö. Akbulut (2009), “İktisadi Zorunluluk ve Politik Bir İnşa Olarak Mekan:
Merkezin ve Yerelin Yerselliği”, Toplum ve Hekim, Cilt 24, Sayı 4-5, Türk Tabipler
Birliği Yayını, Ankara.
Discussion Session (4) on the Historical Materialism.
Week 12
Discussion Text (4)
Derek Sayer (1987), “Productive Forces”, The Violence of Abstraction-The Analytical
Foundations of Historical Materialism- ,Blackwell.
Derek Sayer (1987), “Relations of Production”, The Violence of Abstraction-The Analytical
Foundations of Historical Materialism- ,Blackwell.
Critical Theory and Critical Realism
(Economical and Political Crises in Germany)
Week 13
Recommended Readings
Max Horkheimer (1982), Critical Theory: Selected Essays, Continuum.
Rolf Wiggershaus (1994), The Frankfurt School: its Histories, Theories and Political
Significance, Polity.
Martin Jay (1973), The Dialectical Imagination: A History of the Frankfurt School
and the Institute of Social Research, Brown.
Tom Bottomore (1984), The Frankfurt School, Routledge.
Tom Bottomore (2002), The Frankfurt School and its Critics, Routledge.
David Held (1980), Introduction to Critical Theory: Horkheimer to Habermas,
University of California.
Jürgen Habermas (2001), İdeoloji Olarak Teknik ve Bilim, (Çev. Mustafa Tüzel),
Andrew Sayer (2000), Realism and Social Science, Sage.
Roy Bhaskar (2000), The Possibility of Naturalism-A Philosophical Critique of the
Contemporary Human Sciences-, Routledge.
Roy Bhaskar (1975), A Realist Theory of Science, Harvester.
Discussion Session (5) on the Critical Theory of Social Reality.
Discussion Text (5)
Richard Wolin (1987), “Critical Theory and the Dialectic of Rationalism”, New
German Critique, March,1, [23-52].
Roy Bhaskar(2000), “Transcendental Realism and the Problem of Naturalism” [1-24]
The Possibility of Naturalism-A Philosophical Critique of the Contemporary Human
Sciences-, Routledge.
Post-Structualist, Post-Modern, Post-Marxist Epistemology and Politics
(Results of New Imperialism or Globalisation)
Week 14
Recommended Readings
M. Foucault (1972), The Archaeology of Knowledge, (translated by. A. M. S. Smith),
Michel Foucault (1973), The Order of Things: An Archaeology of the Human Science, Vintage
Michel Foucault (1980), Power/Knowledge, Harvester Press.
Michel Foucault (2002), Ethics: Subjectivity and Truth, New Press
Jacques Derrida (1976), Of Grammatology, (trans. G. Spivak), John Hopkins University Press.
Jacques Derrida (1998), Yapıbozum ve Pragmatizm, (Çev. T. Birkan), Sarmal Yayınları.
Chantal Mouffe (ed.) (1996), Deconstruction and Pragmatism, Routledge.
Chantal Mouffe (2000), Democratic Paradox, Verso.
Chantal Mouffe and Ernesto Laclau (1985), Hegemony and Socialist Strategy: Towards a
Radical Democratic Politics, Verso.
Chantal Mouffe (2005), On the Political, Routledge.
Madan Sarup (1997), Post-Yapısalcılık ve Post-Modernizm, (Çev. B. Güçlü), Bilim ve Sanat
Gencay Şaylan (2002), Postmodernizm, İmge.
Jean François Lyotard (1984), The Post-Modern Condition: A Report on Knowledge,
University of Minnesota Press.
David Harvey (1989), The Condition of Postmodernity: An Enquiry into the Orgins of
Cultural Changes, Blackwell.
Fredric Jameson (2008), The Ideologies of Theory, Verso.
Jean François Lyotard (1993), Political Writings, University of Minnesota Press.
Jean Baudrillard (1981), For a Critique of the Political Economy of the Sign, (trans. C. Levin),
Telos Press.
Jean Baudrillard (1996), The System of Objects, Verso.
Charles Harvey (1997), “Natural Science is Human Science. Human Science is Natural
Science: Never the Twain Shall Meet”.
Babette E. Babich, D. Bergoffen, S. Glynn (eds.), Continental and Postmodern Perspectives
in the Philosophy of Science, Aveburry.
Chantal Mouffe (1996), “Deconstruction, Pragmatism and the Politics of Democracy”,
Deconstruction and Pragmatism, Ed. Chantal Mouffe, Routledge.
Örsan Ö. Akbulut (2013), “Küresel Kapitalizm ve Devlet”, Toplum ve Hekim, Türk Tabipler
Birliği Yayını.
Discussion Session (6) on the Post-Structualist/Post-Marxist and Post-Modern
Epistemology of Social Reality.
Discussion Text (6).
Jean Baudrillard (1981), For a Critique of the Political Economy of the Sign, “Toward
a Critique of the Political Economy of the Sign”, (translated by. C. Lewin), Telos
Press, [143-163].
Michel Foucault (1991), “Governmentality”, (trans. R. Broidotti), (G. Burchell, C. Gordon
and P. Miller eds.), The Foucault Effect: Studies in Governmentality, University of Chicago.
Supplementary Readings.
Örsan Ö. Akbulut (2013), “Küresel Kapitalizm ve Devlet”, Toplum ve Hekim, Türk Tabipler
Birliği Yayını.
Örsan Ö. Akbulut (2007), “Kamu Yönetiminde Kuramın Yokluğu ya da Yapılabilirliği
Üzerine Yöntemsel Bir Tartışma”, Kamu Yönetimi-Yöntem ve Sorunlar, Ş. Aksoy ve Y.
Üstüner (ed.), Nobel Yayıncılık.