Ders Adı/Course Name Multimedia Design and Development Serious Games and Simulations: Theories and Applications Mekanizma Tekniği Academic Speaking Skills Theories of Instruction Design, Development& Evaluation of Educational Software General Chemistry Laboratory Experiments (English) Applied Time Series Analysis Introduction to Bioinformatics Probability And Random Variables Data Structures Teaching English to Young Learners Advanced Readings in Instructional Technology Analog Electronics Fundamentals of Electrical and Electronics Engineering Java ile Nesne Yönelimli Programlama I Genel Kimya Laboratuvarı Deneyleri (Türkçe) Mechanisms Web Tabanlı Eğitim: Tasarım ve Uygulama İlkeleri I History of Art and Architecture I English for Academic Purposes II Human Computer Interaction (Spring 2008-2009) Genel Fizik Laboratuvarı Deneyleri [Türkçe] Mechanics I Systems Engineering Electricity Trading Engineering Economy And Cost Analysis II Advanced Elasticity General Physics Laboratory Experiments Advanced Communication Skills Instructional Design Statistical Thermodynamics Computational Geometry Total Quality Management Klasik Elektrodinamik High-tech Entrepreneurship Programming Language Concepts Web Tabanlı Eğitim: Tasarım ve Uygulama İlkeleri II Quantum Mechanics II Understanding Social Behavior Introduction to Computational Methods for Physicists Electromagnetic Theory II Affective Neuroscience and Computing Coğrafi Bilgi Sistemlerine Giriş Systems Thinking Pattern Classification For Bio-Medical Applications Financial and Management Accounting Computer Graphics (Fall 2007) Physics for Students of Science II Oral Communication Skills Advanced Topics in Bioinformatics (Fall 2008-2009) Physics for Students of Science I Visual programming for Android Akademik Görüş [ODTÜTV - Video] Electromagnetic Theory Synthetic Biology Numerical Methods Game Aesthetics Systems Thinking [2010 - 2011 Spring] Uzaktan Algılamaya Giriş Cognitive Psychology Experimental Aerodynamics Ders Kodu/Course Code CEIT323-EN CEIT506-EN ME301-TR ENG211-EN EDS544-EN CEIT420-EN CHEMISTRY-EN STAT497-EN CENG465-EN EE230-EN CENG213-EN FLE308-EN CEIT626-EN EE311-EN EE209-EN ION510(1)-TR KİMYAD-TR ME301-EN WTE(1)-TR ARCH221 ENG102(SA)-EN SE705-EN PHYS101-V MechanicsI II111-EN EE710-EN IE347-EN AE361-EN PHYS101-EN ENG311 CEIT225(S02)-EN PHYS430-EN CENG773 EM507-EN PHYS334-TR WBLS547-EN CENG242-EN WTE(2)-TR PHYS508-EN PSY150-EN PHYS343-EN PHYS506-EN COGS595-EN CBS-TR IE398-EN MI720-EN EM501-EN CENG477(2)-EN PHYS114-EN FLE138-EN CENG734-EN PHYS113-EN CEIT440 AG101-TR PHYS334-EN SynBio-EN ME310-EN GATE511-TR IE398-EN-2011 UA-TR PSY284-EN AE547-EN Toplam Ziyaretçi Toplam Ziyaret Erişimi Sayısı/ Sayısı/ Total Total Guest Access Access 23979 23994 12985 12985 7520 7520 6434 6434 5176 5176 4996 4996 3949 3949 3820 3820 3504 3504 3334 3334 3090 3090 2891 2891 2881 2881 2880 2880 2863 2863 2779 2779 2525 2525 2356 2356 1971 1971 1912 1912 1898 1898 1872 1872 1809 1809 1719 1719 1677 1677 1640 1640 1562 1562 1535 1535 1501 1501 1497 1497 1325 1325 1325 1325 1323 1323 1263 1263 1211 1211 1210 1210 1191 1191 1184 1184 1172 1172 1141 1141 1091 1091 1083 1114 1058 1058 1053 1053 1004 1004 968 968 952 952 878 878 871 871 866 866 861 861 842 842 786 786 777 777 776 776 776 776 767 767 764 764 745 745 736 736 710 710 705 705 Computational Models of Mind COGS511-EN Design and Use of Instructional Material CEIT207-EN Ar-Ge ve Yenilik ARGEYEN Object Oriented Programming with Java I ION510(1)-EN E-business Environment and Architecture WBLS542-EN Bilim ve Teknoloji [ODTÜTV - Video] BT101-TR Java ile Nesne Yönelimli Programlama II ION510(2)-TR Introduction to Geographic Information Systems (GIS) CE413-EN Herkes İçin İnternet [Kitap] Hİİ-TR Computer Animation CENG732-EN Computer Graphics (2004) CENG477-EN Programlama Dili Kavramları CENG242-TR Reclamation And Mine Closure MINE425-EN Elements of Probability and Statistics IAM530-EN Materials Laboratory METE206-TR Spatial Data Analysis GGIT538-EN Using Corpora For Language Research COGS523-EN C Homework Collection CHC-EN Verinin Korunması ve Veri Güvenliği I CENG559(1)-TR Particle Physics I PHYS545-EN Statistics In Psychology PSY116-EN Data Protection and Security I CENG559(1)-EN Microsoft Word 2010 Eğitimi Destek Materyalleri MSWord_TR Web-Based Training: Design and Implementation Issues HRDE558-EN İleri Diferansiyel Denklemler MIT18.034 Technology Enhanced Learning-Theory into Practice CEIT708-EN Web Erişilebilirliği: Standartlar, Kılavuzlar ve Değerlendirme TeknikleriWebErisilebilirligi E-business Environment and Architecture II WBLS542(2)-EN English for Academic Purposes II ENG102(BT)-EN Orientation Graduate Seminars FBE799 Cebir II MIT18.702 Principles of Remote Sensing GGIT560-EN Object Oriented Programming with Java II ION510(2)-EN Introduction to Computer Assisted Language Learning Tools FLE361-EN Web-Based Training: Design and Implementation Issues - II WBT(2)-EN English for Academic Purposes II ENG102(OK)-EN Fonksiyon Analize Giriş MIT18.102 Felsefeye Giriş PHIL100-TR The Business Case For E-learning CEIT471-EN Educational Psychology EDS220-EN İktidar: Kişiler-arası, Organizasyonal ve Global Boyutları MIT21A.245J-TR Data Protection and Security II CENG559(2)-EN Ekonomide İstatistiksel Yöntemlere Giriş MIT14.30-TR Adobe Flash CS3 Yazılımı ile Öğretim Materyali Geliştirme FLS101_TR Verinin Korunması ve Veri Güvenliği II CENG559(2)-TR Knowledge Management in Education and Research CEIT472-EN İşletme Kararları İçin İktisadi Analiz MIT15.010-15.011 İstatistiksel Mekanik II: Alanların İstatistiksel Fiziği MIT8.334 -TR Parçacık Fiziği Hesaplama Teknikleri PHYS1-TR Finansal Yönetim MIT15.414 Batı Felsefesi Klasikleri MIT24.01-TR Education of Exceptional Children and Youth EDS226-EN Gaming and Virtual Environment II101-EN ODTÜ Araştırma Bilgi Günleri ABG Avrupa Uygarlığı, 1648-1945 YALE-HIST202-TR Finans Teorisi II MIT15.402-TR KRD Toplam Kuralları PHYS2-TR Particle Physics II PHYS546-EN Seminar In Instructional Technology CEIT522/622-EN Etik Seminerleri ETHICS-W Bilim ve Teknoloji Politikaları Çalışmaları STPS-TR 695 675 668 668 657 636 635 621 613 610 603 593 565 564 529 526 498 478 473 468 457 426 422 421 415 379 361 331 330 323 320 315 313 308 308 295 293 290 288 284 284 281 250 240 237 230 217 216 212 211 202 191 183 176 172 155 144 129 103 101 91 695 675 668 668 657 636 635 621 613 610 603 593 565 564 529 526 498 478 473 468 457 426 422 421 415 379 361 331 330 323 320 315 313 308 308 295 293 290 288 284 284 281 250 240 237 230 217 216 212 211 202 191 183 176 172 155 144 129 103 101 91
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