MUSTAFA KARACA Degree University Bachelor‘s 100.Yıl Ünivercity Bachelor‘s Niğde Üni verci ty Master’s Ga zi Üni verci ty Doctoral Ege Üni verci ty EDUCATION Programme-Department-Institute Fa culty of ArtsDepartment of History Fa culty of ArtsDepartment of History Insti tute of SocialSciences , Department of His tory, Department of Modern History Years 1993-1994 1994-1997 1997-2000 Insti tute of SocialSciences , Department of His tory, Department of His tory of theRepublic of Turkey 2000- … COMMUNICATION Celal Ba ya r Üni versitesi Turgutlu Meslek Yüksekokulu Address Bele diye Fidanlık Tesisle ri 45400 Turgutl u MANİSA Telephone (0 505 4911536 Fax (236) 314 45 66 E-mail Kara camusta fa 51@yahoo.comand kara ca WorkingPlace Minis try of Educa tion Ankara ProvincialDirectora te of Na ti onalEduca tionTea cher Celal Ba ya r Uni versityFa culty of ArtsandSciences Ga zi Üni verci tyInsti tute of SocialSciences , Department of His tory, Department of Modern History Ege Üni verci tyIns ti tute of SocialSciences , Department of His tory, Department of DUTIES DutyTitle Years Tea cher 1997-1998 Resea rchAssistant 1998-1999 Resea rchAssistant 1999-2000 Resea rchAssistant 2000-2003 History of theRepubli c of Turkey Celal Ba ya r Uni versity Turgutlu Voca tional Schools Lecturer THESIS Master’s 68 Number of Muhi mme Defteri Doctoral Turgutlu Social, CulturalandEconomi cHistory 1923-1950 Fields of Interest Language 2006-… HistoryandGeographya ndLi tera ture English ORIGINAL PUBLICATIONS PapersPublished in SCI Expanded Journals 1 2 3 PapersPublished in NationalJournals 1 PapersPresentedandPublished in PaperBooks at International ScientificCongresses 1 2 PapersPresentedandPublished in PaperBooks at NationalScientificCongresses 1 2 3 4 Number of SCI-ExpandedPapers 3 Number of SCI-ExpandedReferences MEMBERSHIP Organization 3 Year 1 REWARDS AND SCHOLARSHIPS Organization 1 2 3 Year 4 TeachingFocus 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Lessons HistoryAta türk's PrinciplesandRevolutions Last Update of CV Years 8 Currentl ys till at theVoca tional School of Celal Ba ya r Uni versi ty Turgutlu I am working as a lecturer. I havebeengivinglessonsHistoryAta türk'sprinci plesandref orms
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