ULUSLARARASI KİTAP / INTERNATIONAL BOOK Bilgin, N., Copur, H., Balci, C., 2014. “Mechanical Excavation in Mining and Civil Industries”. CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, ISBN-13: 978-1466584747, 388 p. ULUSAL KİTAP (KİTAP İÇİNDE BÖLÜM) / NATIONAL BOOK (CHAPTER IN A BOOK) Çopur, H., Uzunoğlu, K., Kural, O., 1991. “İngilizce-Türkçe-Almanca Kömür Sözlüğü”. Kömür, Editör: Kural, O., Bölüm 28, Kurtiş Yayınevi, İstanbul, ss. 873-943. ULUSLARARASI MAKALELER / INTERNATIONAL ARTICLES 1) Copur, H., Aydin, H., Bilgin, N., Balci, C., Tumac, D., Dayanc, C., 2014. “Predicting performance of EPB TBMs by using a stochastic model implemented into a deterministic model”. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 42:1–14. 2) Bilgin, N., Balci, C., Copur, H., Tumac, D., Avunduk, E., 2014. “Cuttability of coal from the Soma coal field in Turkey.” Int J Rock Mech & Min Sci, 73:123-129. 3) Ates, U., Bilgin, N., Copur, H., 2014. “Estimating torque, thrust and other design parameters of different type TBMs with some criticism to TBMs used in Turkish tunneling projects”. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 40:46–63. 4) Copur, H., Okten, G., Bilgin, N., Cinar, M., 2012. “A methane explosion during EPBM tunnelling”. Tunnelling Journal, Feb-March, pp. 40-43. 5) Copur, H., Cinar, M., Okten, G., Bilgin, N., 2012. “A case study on the methane explosion in the excavation chamber of an EPB-TBM and lessons learnt including some recent accidents”. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 27:1:159-167. (Technical Note). 6) Bilgin, N., Copur, H., Balci, C., 2012. “Effect of replacing disc cutters with chisel tools on performance of a TBM in difficult ground conditions”. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 27:1:41-51. 7) Copur, H., Balci, C., Tumac, D., Bilgin, N., 2011. “Field and laboratory studies on natural stones leading to empirical performance prediction of chain saw machines”. Int J Rock Mech & Min Sci, 48:2:269-282. 8) Ercelebi, S.G., Copur, H., Ocak, I., 2011. “Surface settlement predictions for Istanbul Metro Tunnels excavated by EPB-TBM”. Environmental Earth Sciences, 62:2:357-365. 9) Copur, H., 2010. “Linear stone cutting tests with chisel tools for identification of cutting principles and predicting performance of chain saw machines”. Int J Rock Mech & Min Sci, 47:1:104-120. 10) Tuncdemir, H., Bilgin, N., Copur, H., Balci, C., 2008. “Control of rock cutting efficiency by muck size”. Int J Rock Mech & Min Sci, 45:2:278-288. 11) Bilgin, N., Demircin, M.A., Copur, H., Balci, C., Tuncdemir, H., Akcin, N., 2006. “Dominant rock properties affecting the performance of conical cutters and the comparison of some experimental and theoretical results”. Int J Rock Mech & Min Sci, 43:1:139–156. 12) Bilgin, N., Dincer, T., Copur, H., Erdogan, M., 2004. “Some geological and geotechnical factors affecting the performance of a roadheader in an inclined tunnel”. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, Nov, 19:6:629-636. 13) Balci, C., Demircin, M.A., Copur, H., Tuncdemir, H., 2004. “Estimation of optimum specific energy based on rock properties for assessment of roadheader performance”. Journal of South African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, Dec., 104:11:633-642. 14) Copur, H., Bilgin, N., Tuncdemir, H., Balci, C., 2003. “A set of indices based on indentation tests for assessment of rock cutting performance and rock properties”. Journal of South African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, Nov., 103:9:589-600. 15) Bilgin, N., Dincer, T., Copur, H., 2002. “The performance prediction of impact hammers from Schmidt hammer rebound values in Istanbul metro tunnel drivages”. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 17:3:237-247. 16) Çopur, H., Tunçdemir, H., Bilgin, N., Dinçer, T., 2001. “Specific energy as a criterion for the use of rapid excavation systems in Turkish mines”. The Institution of Mining and Metallurgy, Transactions Section-A Mining Technology, Sept.-Dec., Vol. 110, pp. A149-157. 17) Copur, H., Ozdemir, L., Rostami, J., 1998. “Roadheader applications in mining and tunneling”. Mining Engineering, 50:3:38-42. ULUSAL MAKALELER / NATIONAL ARTICLES 1) Ökten, G., Çınar, M., Çopur, H., Bilgin, N., 2014. “İstanbul-Selimpaşa Atıksu Tüneli’nin kazısı sırasında EPB TBM’in kazı odasında meydana gelen grizu patlamasının nedenleri, sonuçları ve alınan önlemler”. Tünel, Sayı: 2 (Ocak-Şubat), Sayfa: 14-19. 2) Çopur, H., 2012. “Mikrotünelcilik: Altyapılar için kazısız teknolojiler”. Altyapı Kazısız Teknolojiler ve Tünelcilik Dergisi, Cilt:1, Sayı:1, ss. 38-44. EDİTÖRLÜKLER / EDITORSHIPS 1) Bilgin, N., Çopur, H., Balcı, C., 2013. “3. Uluslararası Ulaşımda Yeraltı Kazıları Sempozyumu”. Editörler: Bilgin, N., Çopur, H., Balcı, C., Haliç Kongre Merkezi, İstanbul, 29-30 Kasım, TMMOB Maden Mühendisleri Odası, ISBN 978-605-01-0547-6, 653 s. 2) Bilgin, N., Çopur, H., Balcı, C., Yüce, A.E., 2007. “Türkiye 2. Ulaşımda Yeraltı Kazıları Sempozyumu”. Editörler: Bilgin, N., Çopur, H., Balcı, C., Yüce, A.E., İTÜ, SDKM, İstanbul, 1517 Kasım, TMMOB Maden Mühendisleri Odası, YayınNo:138. ISBN 978-9944-89-400-5, 603 s.
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