jan 7tutku guıde semınars

15:00-15:45 (Turkce) “Eski Smyrna (Bayraklı/Tepekule). Smyrna'nın kuruluşu ve bir şehir devleti olurken katettiği aşamalar”
Lecturer: Prof.Dr.Cumhur Tanrıverdi
1964 yılında İstanbul’da dünyaya gelen Prof. Dr. Tanrıver, 1982-1986 yılları arasında Ege Üniversitesi, Edebiyat Fakültesi, Klasik Arkeoloji
Anabilim Dalı’nda lisans eğitimini tamamladıktan sonra, aynı yerde yüksek lisans ve doktorasını yaptı. Tanrıver, 1988 yılından itibaren Ege
Üniversitesi, Edebiyat Fakültesinde önce Arkeoloji Bölümü’nde, 2001 yılından beri de Eski Çağ Dilleri ve Kültürleri Bölümü’nde, görev
yapmaktadır. Batı Anadolu Epigrafisi, Eski Çağ Tarihi üzerine makaleleri ve bir kitabı bulunan Prof. Dr. Tanrıver, evli ve bir çocuk babasıdır.
16:00-16:45 (English) “Ephesos – Archaeology of an ancient Metropolis”
Lecturer: Mag. Helmut Schwaiger
Research assistant at the Austrian Archaeological Institute. He was involved in several excavations in Austria, Italy and Egypt and started
working in Turkey in 2002. Since then he participated in archaeological missions in Limyra, Andriake, Antiochia and at the Dülük Baba
Tepesi in Gaziantep. However, the main focus of his work lies in Ephesos where he took part in different field activities. Since 2012 he is
responsible for the archaeological investigation of the Late Antique Residence in the Halls of Verulanus.
17:00-17:45 (English) “The Lukan Periplus within Paul’s Third Journey and a Possible New Biblical Site in Agean Turkey”
Lecturer: Dr.Mark Wilson
Dr. Mark Wilson is the founder and director of the Asia Minor Research Center in Antalya, Turkey, a country in which he and his wife
Dindy have lived since 2004. He received a D.Litt. et Phil. from the University of South Africa (Pretoria) where he serves as a Research
Fellow in Biblical Archaeology. He is a Visiting Professor of Early Christianity at Regent University and also Associate Professor Extraordinary of New Testament at Stellenbosch University. He is the author and editor of numerous books, articles, and reviews including Biblical
Turkey: A Guide to the Jewish and Christian Sites of Asia Minor (Ege Yayinlari). His particular research interest is the ancient Jewish
communities, Roman roads, and Biblical routes in Turkey.
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