ki o TEXTILE SECTOR and the TURKISH ECONOMY Turkey has entered a new economic era with the implementation of the Stabilization Programme on January 24th, 1980. The aim of the Programme has been the exploitation of foreign markets with an "export drive" which, in turn, would sustain the export led growth process. In order to reach the export targets sectors and industries that have export potential have been enjoyed government support in the form of various incentives for investment and exports. The textiles industry with its great role in the export success of Turkey and the important share in the manufacturing industry, has been granted due assistance. Textiles sector plays an important role in the Turkish Economy. The big domestic market, the abundant raw materials, and the existence of the qualified labour have been the main factors in the development of the textile industry. The table: 1 shows the production values of the manufacturing sub sectors and of the textiles industry in the years 1981-1983. Today, the level attained by the textile industry in our country and in the world is a know fact, However, it can never be clained that this industry reached this stage of development very easily. As a matter of fact, the manual weaving stage which is considered as the primitive stage which existed before the industrialization, existed in our country in a relatively developed form before 18 th: century. However, while a variety of adverse effects prevented it from developing, the European countries were going through a period of leap in the textile industry. Despite this situation, the Turkish textile industry entered a period of great development after 1960. Although the domestic factors played a big role in this development, the fact that the already developed countries allowed the spreading of this industry which is considered a labori intense industry throughout the developing countries had a significant role as well. While the fact that the textile industry carried the caharacteristics of the industrialization during 18 th century, a decline in the Turkish textile industry became unavoidable when the pressures of capitula tions (concessions) were added to the effects of the decline of the Turkish industry and economy as a whole. A more interesting point was that the products of textile industry were started to be imported during the period. However, we witness the efforts for reviving the textile industry towards the end of the 19 th century. As a result, mechanized production came into existence and public plants were established with the purpose of meeting the needs of the army. When we can say that this industry was established with the initiation and supervision of the state. Private sector began to be interested in this sector only after the public sector made a certain headway in the field. Important advantage enjoyed by the privata sector which was to show an interest in the textile industry, was the fact that the administrative and technical personnel who acquired their skills in the facilities of the public sector, were transferred over to the private sector and took part in their management and operation. As a result of the combination of these advantages and developments the private sector put its hall mark on the Turkish,textile industry and acquired an outstanding position in it. When the point reached by the textile industry today is taken into consideration and when textile industry during the beginning years of the Republic and the textile industry of today is compared, today's textile industry can be said to be at a relatively good position from standpoints of both production and capacity usage. As compared with the first year of the Republic during which we had 8 factories having a total capacity of 8200 spindles and 762 looms, the Turkey of today have o total number of nearly 3,5 million spindles (3 million in cotton and 450.000 in woolen textile industries). Further, we observe that the total number of 50 thousand looms, of which 45.000 used in cotton textile sector and 5000 used in woolen textile sector. In the course of this development the share of the state in the sector kept decreasing while that of the private sector has grown as the time went by. Despite the fact that the public sector made up the biggest portion of the sector at the begginning the share of this sector in the existing total capacity dropped to 16% in the cotton yarn sector, 8% in the woolen yarn sector and 3% in the cotton texttle and 12% in the woolen textile sectors As the result of its serious efforts, the private sector acquired the majority of market and investment in the field. While the private sector acquired the majority of the textile industry sector, it was also confronted with very grave problems as well without a doubt the most important one of problems was the efforts of placing the agricultural structure with in the structure of industrial complex. The private sector had in itiated the actions necessary to bring the cultuvation of cotton to a level which is competible with the growing industrial effort and stillcontinues to do so. As it is seen trom the table, the share of the textiles industry in the consumer goods industry is around 16%, its share in the manufacturing industry is, however, around 7,8%.When we see that the share of the investment goods industry is nearly 11%. the importance and the relative weight of the textiles industry becomes more apparent. Turkey's exports increased between 1980 — 81 61,6% and 22.2%, respectively. However, the incrcasements in the manufacturing industry exports were 118.6 % and 49.7 %, and in the textiles exports 89.2 % and 31.6 %, respectively, in the same period. The analysis of the table reveals that the share of the manufacturing industry was 48.7 % and 59.7 % in the years 1981 and 1982, respectively. The share of the textiles industry in these two years was 17.1 % and 18.4%. When both tables, i.e. the production and the export figures are compared it is understood that a fourth or a third of the production was exported in those years. Therefore, it is obvious that the textiles industry is strongly export oriented. The role played by the textiles in the ever increasing exports of Turkey has been substantial. In addition to the factors mentioned before, the geographic proximity of Turkey to Europe and the Middle East has also become an important advantage for the exporters. The export achievement of Turkey, and the value of the manufactured goods in general and that of the textiles in particular is shown in the table: 2 In order to achieve high production and the exports figures which are targeted important incentives for investments and premiums for exports have been granted. The investment incentives that would be given in a particular year, are published at the official Gazette and granted to the projects submitted and obtained approval in that years. The incentives given to the textiles sector, as of industries, placed in the general incentive are in Table 3. Customs duty exemption means that investor docs not pay any customs duty for the goods imported in order to be installed in the production facility. In the 5 year period of installment, case, the customs duties will be paid up in five years. Investment reduction rate is 30% for the investment realized (the rate is 60% if the investment made in underdeveloped provinces). In that case, the investor would not pay corporation tax until that percentage cited above of the invesment cost covered by the operation profits. Pay back of interest differential in medium term credit enables investors to obtain credit from banks below the market rate. The differential is paid by the central Bank of Turkey to banks from a special fund set up for this purpose. Export incentives, on-the other hand, are regulated by the Decree of Tax Return in Exportation, according to which tax returns applied in exchange for the various taxes, charges, and duties levied on industrial goods. The rates of return given to the textile industry goods, as of particular goods, are as follows: 20 % returns Woven or/and knitted outer and inner wear made up of cotton, woolen, silk, synthetic, artificial, or their mixture. Hand knotted carpets, rugs, prayer carpets (made up of silk, woolen, cotton, synthetic or their mixture); 17,5 % returns Other goods manufactured from yarns of cotton, woolen, silk, artificial, synthetic or mixture (dinner and bed sets, tulle, lace, embroidery, label, wall clothing, sacks, etc.); Woven or knitted clothes made up of cotton, wool, silk, synthetic or mixture of them, Machine knotted carpets, rugs, prayer carpets (made up of silk, wool.cotton, synthetic or mixture of them); Blankets (made up of silk, wool, cotton, synthetic or mixture of them); Goods used to complement or to adorn the costume (apron, neck tie, stockings, waistcoat, showl, stole, scraf, bonet, hats, etc.); 15 % returns Woven or knitted clothes of cotton, wool, synthetic fibres or their mixture; Woolen and mohair yarn; Synthetic yarn; Horsehair stiffening; Cord cloth; Sewing yarn (made of cotton); 12.5 % returns plastic sacks and canvas; Mohair tops; Tafting type carpets and others (including astrakhan type carpets and others); 10 % returns Artificial and synthetic fibres, tow tops; Wicks of lanterns; Mat hats; Goods made of elastic textiles; Cotton yarn {yarns contain more than 50% cotton regarded as cotton yarn); Mixed yarn; Ink tape; Sling; 5 % returns All types of wicks, ropes; Wool tops Foreign capital comings in Turkey are regulated by the Framework Decree in Foreign Capital (No.8/168 of January 24th, 1980) which was amanded by the Decrees 8/875 of May 16th, 1980, 8/1725 of October 8th, 1980 and 8/4319 of February 23rd, 1982. According to the Decree, foreign capital participa tion permits must be in accordance with the following principles: a) Investments in which foreign capital participate must have a total fixed investment of maximum 50 million dollars. b) The foreign capital participation ratio can be neither less than 10 % nor more than 49 %. c) Foreign capital can participate in the following fields of investment (in our case textile clothing); Clothing and knitting installations on the condition that at least 50 % will be exported. Auxiliary clothing industry. d) Investments with the participation of foreign capital from Saudi Arabia, Libya, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, UAE, Bahrain and Qatar having export potential toward these countries and other Middle East countries shall be issued permits by the Foreign Investment Department without considering the limitations in paragraphs (a) and (b) of this Article. e) Investments of any kind that complement each other with respect to products of existing establish ments or of those to be founded between Saudi Arabia, Libya, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, UAE, Bahrain, Qatar and Turkey shall be issued permits by the Foreign Investment Department without considering the limitations stated in pragraphs (a) an (b) of this Article. For the European Economic Community, the controversy concerning Turkish T shirt is just an economic clash. But the issue is crucial for Turkey's export flow and consequently for her economic recovery. In 1982, textiles and clothing contributed with US $ 1,1 bn to the U$ S 5,7 bn Turkey's total exports. Actually, Turkey exports to the EEC about 60 per cent of her overseas textile trade. According to semi official estimates, 95 per cent of Turkey's cotton and 65 per cent of her ready made garments go equally to the EEC. In fact, Turkish foreign trade figures show that, evolution was too rapid in textile and clothing. In this field of activity, Turkey's penetration into the EEC market gained considerable importance during the last 3-4 years. But the precursory signs of an impending trade conflict already emerged in 1978 when the European Commission proposed a ceiling on Turkish cotton yarn exports to the EEC. In four years between 1978 and 1982, textile exports increased by 342 per cent and rose from 13,5 per cent in 1978 to 18,4 per cent share in total exports volume in 1982. Obviously, these achievements were prejudicial to the European textile industry and contributed to a certain extent to its economic degradation. The EEC reacted with a total ban on imports. The Turkish retaliation consisted of the 15 per cent tariff on EEC iron and steel. After the expiration of the import ban in January 1983, Turkish exports "invaded" again the European market. The EEC reacted once more with 16 per cent tariff on Turkish textile imports. Negotiations take place now; but Turks are continuously denouncing the "discriminating" charac ter and the "unfair" nature of the measure that was adopted by the EEC. In many respects Turkish complaints can be considered as justified. The EEC's attitude against Turkish textile exporters is undeniably inspired by a protectionist and discriminating conception of international trade. Turkey was enjoying some success exporting cotton T shirts to the United Kingdom in worth of 3,2 million for the first eleven months of 1982. For the same period, Great Britain imported 18 million worth of T shirts from the nonEEC Portugal and about 7 million worth from non associate Israel. Turkey which is an associate member of the EEC had to negotiate, because her 3 million worth exports were too much. Consequently, Turks feel frustrated and point out that the attitude of the EEC violates the Association Agreement. Actually, according to the Art 47 of the Additional Protocol to the Association Agreement, the competent authority for the dumping cases is the Council of the Association between the EEC and Turkey. This means that, issues about dumping problems arising from conflicting situations depend on the decision, of the Council, in which Turkey is directly represented as associate member. In contradiction with this jurisdiction, the Rome Treaty stipulates that, dumping concerns existing between two members of the EEC have to be examined by the European Commission. Turks object that, the EEC applies the procedure that was foreseen by the Rome Treaty for members of the Community in its trade relations with Turkey, although this country is an associate member, for which the association Agreement jurisdiction is applicable. The EEC replies that the Art 60 of the Additional Protocol entitles the member countries to take action if their economies face a crisis. Thus, by an unilateral decision, the EEC imposed 16 per cent provisional tariff, transformed later to 12 per cent permanent tariff on Turkish textile exports. Measures that Turkey can adopt as retaliation against these tariffs would certainly not contribute to harmonious development of relations between herself and the Community. The solution lies rather in mutual comprehension. . Interests of an economic sector and temporary difficulties shouldn't screen the aim of the association: permanent membership and durable partnership. M A N U F A C T U R I N G SECTOR PRODUCTION {TL million) 1981 Manufacturing 5.544.960 (Consumer goods) (2.764.710) Textiles 442.147 (Intermediary goods) 2.209.650 (Investment goods) 570.600 % 100.0 (49.9) 16.0 39.8 10.3 1982 5.842.237 (2.818.060) 455.738 2.408.107 616.070 % % 1983 100.0 (48.28 16.2 41.2 10.6 6.200.954 2.964.676) 476.150 2.550.619 685.659 100.0 (47.8) 16.1 41.1 11.1 TABLE: 2 M A N U F A C T U R I N G INDUSTRY EXPORTS i ( U S $ '000) 1981 1982 TOTAL E X P O R T S 4.702.934 5.745.974 Manufacturing Industry Total 2.290.120 3.429.438 Agriculture based processed products industry. Processed petroleum products Other industrial products Textile Industry Products 411.667 106.972 1.771.482 802.814 568.224 343.909 2.517.305 1.056.302 Synthetic and artificial yarns Cotton yams Synthetic and artificial fabrics Crude fabrics Other cotton textiles Carpets Other textile products Knit works Ready wear Others 33.435 230.559 22.878 9.331 20.733 155.493 23.258 33.675 201.106 72.346 93.828 218.278 23.297 25.589 62.569 228.804 " 30.351 259.667 113.919 TABLE: 3 I N C E N T I V E S O F TEXTILE S E C T O R 42 c "S Textiles and Dressing: 1. Cotton textiles: Yarn, clothes, treatment facilities oriented toward exports OQ.S CD A o a 3 + 2. Woolen textiles: a) Faclities of wool and mohair b) Yarn, clothes and treatment facilities oriented toward exports (O İ:T m a, O T3 + + c) Handknottcd carpeting (including silk) 3. Silk textiles: a) Facilities of raw silk yarn (filature) from natural silk b) Facilities of natural silk clothing oriented toward exports j ti 3 3 >: OQuj to c: c + + + + + + + + 4. Knitting and treatment 4- 5. Confectionary (including bed sheet, etc.) and embroidery oriented toward exports 6. Auxiliary confectionary industry (Goods take place in confectionary production such as sewing thread, zipper, lining, etc.) 4^ 7. Variçus filters and felts used in industry 4- 8. Production of fishing nets + +• -a ' .S O) HOW TO USE THIS BOOKLET ? This booklet has 4 parts. First, second and third parts are for ready to wear, forth is for the textile items other than mentioned in the previous sections. In order to find out the exporting firms of a spesific item, refer to "Index section" of the booklet by the guidance of the item code numbers. The numbers grouped in this section indicate companies who export these products. For example, for "Ladies T - shirts", first find out the item code number for this item from index section, which is 1.3. The code number under this heading ranging from 001 to 471 will give name and address information of the ladies T - shirt exporting firms, PARTS PARTI :READYWEAR PART II : OTHER TEXTILE ITEMS PAGES 17 55 INDEX l.WOMEN 1.1 Underwear S . 010 - O i l -016 -029-041-050 -059-064 -072 -073 -078 -091 -097 -102 -123 -127 -129 -132 -144 147 -149 -169 -194 - 207 - 209 - 238 - 242 - 248 - 251 - 258 - 266 - 270 - 271 - 286 - 324 - 326 - 370 - 375 382 - 396 - 404 - 430 - 431 - 443 -447 - 451 - 455 - 470 - 1.2 Pyjmas, nightdresses, dressing gowns. 008-Oil-016"-041-054-056-Ö59-072-078-091-097-102-109-123-127-137-143 -144- 149 151-169-174-181-195-200-207-209-213-215-219-230-230-238-248-251-267-270-286 290-31-324-326-329-338-347-365-369-375-378q 382-392-396-424-433-443-447-451 1.3 Blouses, sweat-shirts, T-shirts, polo-shirts, shirts. 002 -007 - 008 -010 -013 -016 -02Ö -026 -027 -031 -034 -035 -037 -038 - 039 -040 - 041 - 045 - 051 052 - 053 -056 - '57 - 058 - 059 - 060 - 066 -067 - 069 - 071 - 074 - 076 - 077 - 078 - 079 - 082 - 086 - 087 090-093-094-096-104-110-111-112-116-118-119-121-125-127-128-129-131-136 -137 143 -144 -145 -146 -147 -148 -151 -152 -154 -159 -160 -61 -165 -168 - 170 -171 -173 -174 -175 176 -177 -180 -181 -182 -185 -186 -187 -188 -191 -192 -194 -195 -197 -199 - 200 - 201 - 204 - 207 209-213-215-217-219-220-223-224-229-230-231-234-238-239-243-245-248-249-250 251-252-253-254-258-259-260-266-273-275-276-277-279-280-285-288-290-292-293 294-299-301-303-305-308-311-313-314-316-317-319-322-323-324-325-326-327-329 331 - 335 - 337 - 338 - 339 - 341 - 342 - 346 - 349 - 350 - 353 - 353 - 360 - 363 - 364 - 365 - 366 - 367 - 369 371 - 376 - 378 - 382 - 385 - 386 - 391 - 392 - 393 - 395 - 400 - 401 - 406 - 408 - 412 - 415 - 418 - 419 - 423 425-426-427-429-43-1-433-436-437-440-442-445-446-447-448-455-456-459-462-469 470-471 1.4 Garments of chile cloths. 079 - 098 - 203 - 272 - 339 - 400 - 409 - 464 - 1.5 Knitwear, hand knitting garments, hand knitting ghoves. 010 - 019 - 024 - 027 - 039 - 042 - 043 - 044 - 059 - 066 - 079 - 080 - 088 - 099 -129 -142 -157 -161 -190 192-201 -208-210-211 -215 -229-232-241 -244-258-260-265-272 -276 -280-289 - 304 - 320 322 -325-331 -338-347 -350 -359 -361 -365-371 -374-376 -379 -393 -417 -418 -425-427 - 446 451-458-466- 1.6 Costumes. 002 -007 -015 060 -065 -068 138 -145 -147 192 -195 -197 250 -251 -253 310 -312 -314 390 -391 -393 446 ^456 -459 -018 -020 -021 -027 -028 -031 -038 -039 -040 -045 -051 -052 -056 -057 -071 -076 -081 -082 -087 -090 -104 -109 -111 -112 -116 -121 -124 -125 -148 -151 -152 -158 -161 -162 -165 -168 -171 -173 -174 -177 -180 -181 -201 -206 -209 -211 -217 -223 -224 -226 -231 -233 -234 -238 -239 -243 -275 -276 -277 -278 -284 -285 -286 -287 -288 -291 -293 -294 -296 -298 -319 -325 -330 -335 -339 -345 -349 -352 -353 -362 -363 -367 -376 -382 -401 -406 -412 -415 -419 -424 -426 -427 -429 -433 -434 -436 -437 -440 -461 -467 -471 058-128 -182 245 302 385 442 059 -131 -185 249 307 386 445 1.7 Trousers, jac ket S , c]art S. 002 -007 -015 058 -060 -068 128 -129 -131 177 181 -182 234 238 -239 293 294 -296 354 359 -363 434 436 -437 -018 -020 -021 -026 -071 -076 -081 -082 -138 -145 -147 -148 -185 -186 -187 -192 243 -245 -249 -250 298 -302 -307 -308 376 -382 -386 -391 437 -440 -442 445 -027 -028 -087 -088 -151 -152 -195 -197 251 -253 312 -313 395 -401 446 -456 -028 -090 -154 -199 -273 -314 408 459 -031 -038 -091 -096 -155 -156 -201 -206 -275 -276 319 -330 412 -415 461 -463 -039 -103 -158 -211 -277 -335 -418 -467 -040 -104 -161 -217 -276 -339 419 -468 -045 -051 -052 -111 - 1 8 - 121 -165 -168 -171 -220 -223 -224 -279 -283 -287 342 345 -349 425 426 -429 471 056 057 124- 125 173 174 231 - 233 288- 291 351 -352 432 - 433 1.8 Sportswears, jeans, leisure wears. 002 - 010 - 038 - 039 - 058 - 063 - 068 - 076 -103 -129 -131 -141 -147 -156 -197 - 225 - 238 - 245 - 251 293-294-313-329-341-353-358-391-412-418-453-471- 1.9 Raincoats, coats, monds 015 -018 -020 -028 -038 -058 -060 -124 -131 -138 -147 -148 -152 -156 -165 -171 -177 -182 - 185 186-197-206-211-226-238-251-276-277-283-284-286-287-291-293-307-312-314-319 335 - 342 - 349 - 351 - 352 - 359 - 362 - 390 - 391 - 408 - 429 - 437 - 459 - 461 -467 -471 - 1.10 Leather and suede garments 001-003-005-011-023 100-101-105-106-107 178-179-183-184-198 269-272-274-278-306 357-368-372-377-381 416-420-421-434-435 -025 -036 -039 -047 -108 -113 -114 -115 -202 -212 -216 -236 -306 -309 -315 -318 -383 -384 -387 -388 -436 -441 -449 -450 -048 -049 -062 -117 -120 -126 -240 -246 -247 -321 -332 -333 -389 -394 -397 -454 -458 -460 -064 -070 -075 -083 -084 -130 -133 -139 -140 -153 -252 -255 -257 -261 -262 -334 -340 -343 -344 -346 -398 -399 4 0 3 - 405- 407 -465 -472 -092 -157 -265 348 413 -095 -163 -268 -356 -414 1.11 Fur coats 089-108-198-236-247 •315 -336 -340 -405 -414 -439 -444 -450 -454 1.12 Track suits 056 - 077 -134 - 295 - 366 - 447 - 1.13 Accessories and stockings. 004 - 017 - 049 -122 -132 -172 -190 -196 - 211 - 237 - 244 - 264 - 273 - 285 - 329 - 252 - 373 - 402 - 410 457- 2.MEN 2.1 Underwears. 010 - 016 - 041 - 050 - 057 - 064 - 073 - 078 - 091 -129 -132 -137 -144 -147 -149 -189 -194 -195 - 207 209 -248-256-258 -263-266-271-347 -370-375 -430-431-447 -455 -470 - 2.2 Pyjamas. 008-011-016-040-078-091-102-137-143-144-149-195-207-209-213-219-230-238-256 267 - 286 - 288 - 302 - 313 - 347 - 338 - 354 - 369 - 382 - 392 - 431 - 470 - 2.3 T-shirts, sweat shirts, polo shirts, shirts and vests. 007 -008 -010 - O i l -013 -016-020 -026 -029-031 -033 -034 -035 -037 -038-039 -040 -041 - 041 045-051 -052 -053 -055 -056 -057 -059 -060-061 -067 -068-069 -074-076 -077-086 - 087 - 091 093-094-096-109-11Û-112-116-119-125-127-128-129-131-136-137-143-144-146-147 150 -159 -160 -161 -165 -166 -167 -170 - 73 -176 -180 -182 -185 -186 -187 -188 -189 -191 - 194 195 - 200 - 204 - 205 - 207 - 209 - 213 - 218 - 219 - 223 - 228 - 229 - 230 - 238 - 239 - 242 - 243 - 244 - 248 251 - 252 - 253 - 254 - 56 - 258 - 259 - 260 - 263 - 266 - 277 - 279 - 279 - 280 - 286 - 288 - 290 - 292 - 293 294-299-301-302-303-305-308-311-313-314-316-317-323-325-327-329-331-333-338 339 - 341 - 342 - 346 - 347 - 350 - 352 - 354 - 355 - 360 - 364 - 365 - 366 - 367 - 369 - 372 - 378 - 382 - 392 393 -400 -406 -408 -409-411 -415 -419 -423 -425 -426 -427 -428 -429 -431 -432-433 -439 - 446 447 - 448 - 452 - 462 - 469 - 470 - 2.4 Garments of shile clothes. 098 - 203 - 379 - 400 - 409 - 461 - 2.5 Hand knitting garments, knitwears, 010 - 019 - 024 - 038 - 043 - 044 - 080 - 096 - 099 -157 -161 -190 - 210 - 223 - 229 - 232 - 241 - 256 - 258 260 - 265 - 281 - 289 - 304 - 310 - 320 - 325 - 331 - 338 - 339 - 350 - 359 - 361 - 371 - 374 - 393 - 415 - 417 425 - 427 - 446 - 453 - 459 - 466 007-015-018-020-026-028-031-033-038-039-040-042-045-046-051-052-055-057-060 068-076-085-087-088-089-112-116-119-121-124-125-128-129-131-135-145-147- 150 155 -156 -158 -161 -165 -173 -180 -182 -185 -186 -187 -193 -218 -223 -228-234 -239 - 243 - 251 253-263-275-277-278-279-283-284-287-291-293-296-301-307-308-312-313-314-330 342-345-351-359-367-389-390-400-408-419-426-427-429-432-433-434-437-445-446 467-452-459- 010-028-038-055-061-063-068-085-088-112-124-125-129-131-141-145-147-156-225 238 - 239 - 251 - 263 - 293 - 294 - 302 - 341 - 354 - 358 - 408 - 433 453 - 015-018-020-028-031-033-038-039-040-042-045-051-055-060-068-085-087-116-129130-147-150-156-158-161-165-173-182-185-186-228-251-263-277-278-279-283-284 287-291-293-296-302-307-312-313-314-328-342-351-359-389-390-408-419-429-437 450-467 025 -036 108 -113 202 -212 309 -318 389 -394 454 -458 -039 -047 -048 -114 -115 -117 -216 -236 -240 -321 -333 -334 -397 -398 -399 -460 -465 -472 -055 -120 -246 -340 -403 -062 -126 -247 -343 -405 -064 -070 -130 -133 -252 -255 -344 -348 -407 -413 -075-083 -084 -092 140 -147 -153 -157 257-261- 262 265 356-357 -368 -372 414-416 -420 -421 -095 -163 -268 -377 -422 340 -346 -405 -414 -439 056-057 -577 -134-295 -366-447 100 030-069-128-190-235- 004-014-017-039-049-122-132-147-172-196-235-237-256-264-310-329-402-410-451 457- 011-041-054-073-091-127-137-144-147-149-194-195-209-214-227-248-258-266-282 347 - 354 - 380 - 382 - 431 470 - 008 -009-011 -041 -054-056 -059 -061 -078 -091 -137 -144-149 -195 -207 - 209 - 213 - 214 - 219 222-219-222-227-238-248-249-282-286-300 -354-365-380-382-392-431-433-447-470 006-008-009-039-195-208-214-222-227-249-282-297-300-326-380-431 3.4 Skirts, blouses, polo shirts, shirts, T-shirts, sweat shirts. 006 • 008 - 009 - 034 -035 - 037 - 039 - 041 - 056 - 057 - 059 - 060 - 077 - 078 - 086 - 087 - 091 - 093 -102 109 -110 -112 -119 -124 -127 -128 -129 -136 -137 -143 -144 -146 - 091 - 093 -102 -109 -110 -112 119 -124 -127 -128 -129 -136 -137 -143 -144 -146 -152 -159 -176 -180 -185 -186 -191 -194 -195 207-209-211-213-219-222-223-227 -229-234-238-248-251-258-259-266-277-280-282 286-293-299-300-303-311-314-317-325-326-329-335-347-352-354-360-364-365-367 380-382 -392 -406 -408 411 -431 -433 -437 -447 -470 - 3.5 Knitwears, hand knitting wear and hand knitting socks. 006 -019 -043 -066-161 -211 -222-227-258 -281 -282-293 - 300 - 310 - 325 - 326 - 359 - 365 - 380 3.6 Trousers, shorts, suits. 009 - 028 - 039 - 057 - 059 -060 - 076 - 085 - 087 - 088 -109 -112 -119 -124 - 127 -128 -129 -152 -156 161 -180 -185 -186 -208 - 211 - 223 - 227 - 234 - 249 - 251 - 277 - 282 - 283 - 286 - 293 - 298 - 300 - 307 314 - 335 - 342 - 352 - 359 - 380 - 390 - 408 - 437 - 3.7 Monds, blue-jeans, sports wears. 006-009-010-028-039-085-088-124-129-152-156-161 -185-186-211 -225-227-249-251 282 - 283 - 293 - 298 - 300 - 307 - 314 - 335 - 352 - 354 - 358 - 359 - 380 - 408 - 433 - 437 -453 - 3.8 Anoraks, overcoats, coats. 006-009-028-039-060-087-129-152-156-185-186-208-211-227-234-251-282-283-293 298 - 300 - 307 - 314 - 335 - 342 - 352 - 359 - 365 - 380 - 390 - 408 - 3.9 Leather and suede garments. 198-255-343-357 3.10 Fur coats. 198 3.11 Track suits. 056 - 059 - 077 -134 - 144 - 229 - 295 - 447 3.12 Blankets. 225-296 3.13 School uniforms. 032-385 3.14 Accessories and socks. 004 - 057 -122 -196 - 208 - 237 - 329 003-004-011-015-014-019-031-032-034-038-040-040-045-045-051-065-070-072-076-076-078 084-088-092-093 001-002-004-005-008-014-016-017-020-021-023-024-025-026-027-029-030-033-036-001 -002 040 - 046 - 053 - 054 - 056 - 059 - 060 - 062 - 064 - 066 - 067 - 068 - 071 - 071 - 072 - 074 - 077 - 078 - 079 - 080 - 081 082 - 085 - 086 - 087 - 090 - 091 - 094 - 095 - 097 - 098 - 099 -103 007 - 010 - 022 - 026 - 055 - 061 - 063 - 067 - 069 - 073 - 080 - 084 -100 -101 014-048-049-101 4.5 Hand r 0.41-052-076- 034 - 035 - 036 - 041 - 050 - 089 - 096 006 - 035 - 041 - 058 - 064 - 067 -100 0.12-075 028-057-105 081-104 009 - 018 - 039 - 042 - 043 - 044 - 047 -067 - 073 - 084 -102 0.13-106 FOUR GREAT HOTELS IN T H R E E B I G C I T I E S O F T U R K E Y ETAP MOU (Ankara). Mola Resfâurant. Terrace R^urant. Mola Bar. ETAP İSTANBUL Le France Restaurant. Topkapi Disco Bar, Gime Bar. Coffee-Shop Swimming Pool. ETAP İZMİR Baküs Restaurant. Veranda. Bekri Bar, Solarium. ETAP MARMARA (İstanbul) Restaurant Orient Express. Tepe Bar. Night Club. Etap Cafe. Merhaba Bar, Rotisserie Panorama. Swimming Pool. Escalator Bar Turkish Bath and Sauna. Patisserie Opera. PUM-ETAP ETAP MOLA-Phone: 18 31 40 Telex: 42 294 / ETAP İSTAN BUL-Phone: 144 88 80 Telex; 24 345 ETAP İZMİR-Phone: 14 42 90 Telex: 52 463 / ETAP MARMARA-Phone: 144 86 50 Telex: 24 137 READYWEAR PART: 1 001 Name Address Tel 002 Name Address Tel 003 Name Address Tel 004 Name Address Tel 005 Name Address Tel Telex 006 Name Address Tel 007 Name Address 008 Name Address Tel 009 Name Address Abdullah Açık Ordu Cad. N. 245 Laleli - ISTANBUL. 52266 66 1.10/2.9 010 Name Address Tel Telex Abdullah Yazgan HalaskargaziCad. N.198K.5D.14 Osmanbey-ISTANBUL. 147 94 89 1.3/1.6/1.7/1.8 Adakale - Leder Fabrik Tiyatro Cad. Aydın Saray işhanı N. 912 İSTANBUL 527 24 95 1.10/2.9 Adakim Tic. Serdar Soykon ve Ort. Adi Kom. Şti. Feridiye Cad. Cambasoğlu Sok. N.22/3 Taksim-İSTANBUL. 150 54 06 1.13/2.14/3.14 Ahmet Dalgıç Halefleri Adi Kom.Şti. İMÇ 2. Blok N. 2506 Unkapanı İSTANBUL. 527 84 28 23124 lya TR 1.10/2.9 Ak Konfeksiyon Koli.Şti. İMÇ5.BlokN.5307-5325 Unkapanı-İSTANBUL. 522 15 98-526 40 54 3.3/3.4/3.5/2.6/3.7/3.8 Ak Teks Mensucat A. Ş. Atatürk Bulvarı N. 134/1 Aksaray-İSTANBUL. 1.3/1.6/1.7/2.3/2.6 Ak Triko Tekstil San. ve Tic. A.Ş. Büyaroğlu Sok. Köseoglu Apt. N . 17/B Merter-İSTANBUL. 575 00 35-575 24 33 1.2/1.3/2.2/2.3/2.3/3.2/3.4 Akım Çocuk Giyim San. Hüseyin Yancı Şair Nigar Sok. Plak Apt. N.71 D. 1 Osmanbey-İSTANBUL. 147 06 13 3.2/3.6/3.4/3.8/3.7 Cable Oil Name Address Tel 012 Name Address Tel 013 Name Address Tel Telex 014 Name Address Tel 015 Name Address Tel 016 Name Address Tel Telex 017 Name Address Tel A K - P A Tekstil ihr. Paz. A.Ş. Perşembe Pazarı Cad. Banka Commercial Han N.4/7 Karaköy İSTANBUL. 145 05 36 -149 47 28 26494 akcx - 24782 akex - 26396 akdi tr Akexim-İSTANBUL. 1.1/1.3/1.8/1.5/2.1/2.3/2.7/2.5/ 3.7 Aksan Bayan Çamaşır San.veTic.A.Ş. Türkocağ] Cad. Süreyya Bey Çar. Zemin Kat İSTANBUL. 526 45 74-5229238 1.1/1.2/2.1/2.2/2.3/3.1/3.2 Albatros Deri San. KoU.Şti. Mithatpaşa Cad. İşbaşı Sok. N.9 Kat 2-3 Beyazıt-İSTANBUL. 522 3666 1.10/2.9 Albatros San. ve Tic. Ltd.Şti. Abidei Hürriyet Cad. Temel Kardeş Apt. N.125D.2ŞİŞİİ-ISTANBUL. 147 14 75-140 1891 22685 DevTR. 1.3/2.3 Aldo Mordikay Dolman Hoca Alaaddin Mah, Saka Çeşme Sok, Emek Han N.10/11 Eminönü ISTANBUL! 527 26 66 2.14 Aletiş Makina San. ve Tic. A.Ş. Kürekçiler Cad. Evranos Han N.8 Karaköy-ISTANBUL. 149 47 68 1.6/1.7/1.9/2.6/2.8 Alfo San. Tic. A.Ş. Setüstü Mezarlık Çıkmazı Saadet Han N. 1/3 K.3 D.4Kabataş -İSTANBUL. 144 8812-13 24240 1.3/1.2/1.1/2.1/2.2/2.3 Ali Ekber Fahrat Tahtakale Cad. N.20K.2İSTANBUL, 522 58 86 1.13/2.14 018 Name Address Tel Telex 019 Name Address Alka İnşaat Taahhüt San. ve Tic. A.Ş. Fetih Cad. Göktaş Sok. N.3 Şirinevler-ISTANBUL. 584 38 26 22608 1.6/1.7/1.9/2.6/2.8 Alker İhr. İth. ve Paz.A.Ş. Feridiye Cad. N.83 Taksim İSTANBUL. 150 03 93-150 03 99 23793 Air tr 1.5/2.5/3.5 Alp Giyim San. ve Tic. A.Ş. Gümüşsüyü Cad. Işık San. Sitesi N.21 Topkapı-İSTANBUL. 57607 66 1.3/1.6/1.7/1.9/2.3/2.6/2.8 Altmyıldız Mensucat ve Konf. Fab. A.Ş. Yenibosna Köyü -Köyaltı Mevkii Bakırköy-İSTANBUL. 584 26 00-584 2611 22315 alın tr 1.6/1.7 Ana Deri ve Kösele Fab. Akif Geçtem ve Kard.KoIl.Şti. İskele Sok. N.5 Kazlıçeşme -İSTANBUL. 582 52 79 1.10/2.9 Aktuna A.Ş. Türkocağı Cad. N.5 Cagaloğlu - 1ST. 522 40 23 22627 istg tr 1.5/2.5 Apeks Sanayi Tic. Ltd. Şti. Prevenos Han N.416 Tahtakale İSTANBUL. 527 66 18 1.10/2.9/ Name Address Tel 029 Name Address Tel 030 Name Address Tel 031 Name Address Tel 032 Name Address Tel 033 Name Address Tel 034 Name Address Tei Telex APS Tekstil ve Tic. A.Ş. Samanyolu Sok. N.42/7 Osmanbey - İSTANBUL. 23303 from 26531 148 65 22 -148 56 69 1.3/1.7/2.6/2.3/2.6 035 Name Address Arda Export Konf. İhr. San. ve Paz. A.Ş. İstiklal Cad. Tokathyan Han Kat 1N. 11 Beyoğlu-İSTANBUL. 145 6182-149 0884 1.3/1.5/1.6/1.7 036 Name Address Tel Tel Arı Konfeksiyon İth. ve Müm. Ltd.Şti. İstasyon Cad. Tınaztepe Han N.6 Bakırköy-İSTANBUL. 583 0451 1.6/1.7/1.9/2.6/2.7/2.8/3.6/3.7/ 3.8 Arkadaş Gömlekleri Celal Ferdi Gökçay Sok. Anadolu Pasajı Mahmutpaşa - İSTANBUL. 522 75 65 1.3/2.3 Ark Ticaret Emlak Cad. N.20/5 Nişantaşı-İSTANBUL. 140 63 98 2.13 Ark Ticaret - Ary Kuyumcuyan Tünel Cad. Teğmen Hüseyin Sofu Sok. Yakut Han Karaköy - İSTANBUL, 144 02 99 1.3/1.6/1.7/2.3/2.6/2.8 Ar -Teks Ticaret -Sırrı Gültekin İstiklal Cad. N.317 Beyoğlu -İSTANBUL 144 17 04 3.13 Aslı Konfeksiyon San. ve Tic. Ltd.Şti. Tarlabaşı Turan Sok. N.38/3 Beyoğlu-İSTANBUL. 150 60 00-150 30 16 2.3/2.6/2.8 Ata Dış Tic. Ltd.Şti, Kemeraltı Cad. Tophane işhanıN.601 Karaköy-İSTANBUL. 145 92 94 -149 04 50 22704 rata tr 1.3/2.3/3.4 Ata Koli.Şti. Rıhtım Cad. Veli Alemdar HanK.4 N.40 A Karaköy-İSTANBUL. 149 80 97 1.3/2.3/3.4 Adam Leder Tic.Ltd^Şti. Ordu Cad. N. 17/1 Beyazıt - İSTANBUL. 528 34 71 1.10/2.9 037 Name Address Tel 038 Name Address Tel 039 Name Address Tel Telex 040 Name Address Tel 041 Name Address Tel Telex 042 Name Address Tel 043 Name Address Tel 044 Name Address Tel 045 Name Address Ataer Dış Tic. Ltd. Kemeralti Cad. Tophane îşhanı N.601 karaköy -ISTANBUL. 1436139 1.3/2.3/3.4 Atalar Giyim Sanayi ve Paz. A.Ş. Ekemen Han K.5 Kabataş -İSTANBUL. 149 54 57 -144 30 53 1.3/1.6/1.7/1.8/1.9/2.3/2.5/2.7/ 2.8/2.6 Atasever Uluslararası İth. İhr. Merkezi Halk Cad. N . 33/33 334 02 86 22801 Att. Atasever trm 1.3/1.6/1.8/1.5/1.7/1.10/2.3/2.6/ 2.8/2.14/2.9/3.4/3.3/3.6/3.8/3.9 ATK Atilla Türkmen ve Kardeşleri Tekstil San. ve Tic. A.Ş. Şafak Sok. N.57/1 Osmanbey-Şişli ISTANBUL. 148 71 58 1.3/1.7/1.6/2.3/2.8/2.6 At-KoYapıSan. veTic. A.Ş. Büyükdere Cad. N.49 Mecidiyeköy ISTANBUL. 172 29 90 -172 29 92 26440 KotiTR 1:1/1.2/1.3/2.1/2.2/2.3/3.1/3.2/3.4 Aybaş Tekstil Ürünleri İhr. Ltd. Ştt. Abdulhakhamit Cad. N. 15/17 Taksim ISTANBUL. 155 33 81 2.3/2.6/2.8 Aydınlar Ticaret KoU.Şti. Cumhuriyet Cad. N.245/8 Harbiye-ISTANBUL. 146 70 06 -148 82 87 3.5/1.5/2.5 Aykam Uluslararası Tic. ve Paz. A . S . Cumhuriyet Cad. 245/8 Harbiye - 1ST,. 146 70 06 -148 83 87 3.5/1.5/2.5 Aykar Tekstil Dış Tic. Ltd.Şti. Abide Sitesi, A Blok K.3 N.23 Mecidiyeköy - İSTANBUL. 167 2641 1.3/1.6/1.7/2.3/2.6/2.8 046 Name Address Tel 047 Name Address Tel 048 Name Address 049 Name Address Tel Telex 050 Name Address Tel 051 Name Address Tel 052 Name Address Tel 053 Name Address Tel Telex Aysan Giyim San. ve Tic. Ltd.Şti. Turnacıbaşı Sok. N.8 Beyoğlu İSTANBUL. 144 66 60 2.6 Aytek İnşaat ve San. Tic. A.Ş. Kemeraltı Cad. Adıyaman Han 30/2 Karaköy-İSTANBUL. 145 76 72 1,10/2.9 Aytekin İhracat - Şahin Aytekin Gedikpaşa Cad. Ömür Past. K.2 N.215/216 Gedikpaşa -İSTANBUL. 1.10/2.9 Ayyıldız Deri San. Koll.Şti. Mithatpaşa Cad. Abuhayat Sok. Beyazıt-İSTANBUL. 522 94 35 22627 ıstg tr 1.10/1.13/2.9/2.13 Ayyıldız Tekktil ve Konf. Hidayet Erdoğan Nispetiye Cad. N.80 4. Levent İSTANBUL. 527 3440 1.1/2.1 Aziz Hazır Giyim San. ve Tic. A.Ş. Samanyolu Sok. N.44/46 Şişli Şişli-İSTANBUL. 1484486-14059 60 1.3/1.6/1.7/2.3/2.6/2.8/ Aziz Turan Akmal Sanayi Sitesi B Blok N.23 Topkapı-İSTANBUL. 576 06 12 1.3/1.6/1.7/2.3/2.6 Bahtiyar Kardeş İplikçi Fırın Sok. N.66 Kasımpaşa İSTANBUL. 150 19 77 24670 EMTTR 1.3/2.3 054 Name Address Tel Telex 055 Name Address Tel 056 Name Address Tel Telex 057 Name Address Tel Telex 058 Name Address Tel 059 Name Address Tel Telex 060 Name Address Tel Telex Barış Dış Tic. A.Ş. Kemeralti Cad. Altm Han N.42/1 Karaköy-ISTANBUL. 149 84 14 -144 10 56 24318 CM tr 1.1/1.2/3.1/3.2 Basmacı Pazarlama İth. îhr. San. ve Tic. Ltd. Şti. Yeni Gıda Çarşısı 17. Sokak N.234 Unkapanı-ISTANBUL. 522 1460 2.3/2.6/2.7/2.8/2.9 Başak Dış Ticaret ve Paz. A.Ş. Büyükdere Cad. Polat İşhanı N.87/5 Mecidiyeköy - İSTANBUL. 167 76 50 (4 Hat) 22726 Jaktr-26207 Bşak tr 1.2/1.3/1.6/1.7/1.12/2.3/2.11/3.4/ 3.2/3.11 Başak Tekstil Dış Yatırım ve Paz. A.Ş. Büyükdere Cad. Bengün Han N. 107/1 Gayrettepe - İSTANBUL. 167 23 06-167 26 19 26322 bake tr 1.3/1.6/1.7/2.1/2.3/2.6/2.11/3.4/ 3.6 Batı Giyim San. ve Tic.Koli.Şti. Oktay Cebeci Sok. Arda işhanı K. 1 Şişli-İSTANBUL. 141 28 80 1.3/1.6/1.7/1.8/1.9 Batı Pazarlama İth. İhrc. A.Ş. Büyükdere Cad. Polat İş Hanı 37/34 Mecidiyeköy - İSTANBUL. 167 77 50 (3 lines) 24129-24130 1.2/1.3/1.5/1.1/1.6/2.3/3.4/3.2/3.6 Batılılar Giyim San. ve Tic. A.Ş. Büyükdere Cad. Levent - İSTANBUL. 164 64 05 (3 lines} -520 58 95 (5 lines) 26278 sesa tr -22041 okna tr 1.3/1.6/1.7/1.9/2.3/2.6/2.8/3.4/ 3.6/3.8 Bapçum Mümessillik ve Tic. Ltd. Şti. Prof. Nurettin Öktel Sok. Kazaz Han Kat 1 Şişli-İSTANBUL. 146 34 99 -147 85 70 -166 86 74 22644 Beyg tr-203 Bapcum-İSTANBUL 2.3/2.7/3.2 062 Name Address Tel 063 Name Address Tel 064 Name Address Tel 065 Name Address Tel 066 Name Address Tel 067 Name Address Tel Telex 068 Name Address Tel Telex 069 Name Address Tel Telex Bayraktar Deri San. ve Tic. A.Ş. Demirhane Cad. N. 93 Kazlıçeşme ISTANBUL. 582 34 57 1.10/2.9 Be - Ba Konfeksiyon Sultanmektebi Sok. Murat Pasajı 26 - 27 Yeşildirek-ISTANBUL. 526 64 63 1.8/2.7 Bedesten - Erdal Kılıç Bileyciler Sok. Coşanoğlu Han N.7 Çarşıkapı-İSTANBUL. 522 9940 1.1/1.10/2.1/2.9 Bella Butik - Ayşe Evin Büyükaltınay Sahne Sok. Ali Han N.203 -204 Galatasaray - İSTANBUL. 14464 01 1.6 Bekem İplikçilik -Vural Erdem Bekem Tasvir Sok. N.27 Turan Han Cağaloğlu -İSTANBUL. 527 34 65 1.3/1.5/3.5 Best Tekstil San. A.Ş. Büyükdere Cad. N.393 Kat 1 Maslak Üçyol mevkii -İSTANBUL. 169 24 10-11 26436 Bgur tr 1,3/2.3 Beymen Konfeksiyon San. ve Tic. A.Ş. Yeni Bosna Köyaltı Mevkii Bakırköy ISTANBUL. 584 26 00-584 2611 22315 alın tr 1.6/1.7/1.8/2.3/2.6/2.7/2.8/ Bıçakçılar Tıbbi Cihazlar San. ve Tic. A.Ş. Yeniçeriler Cad. N.44 Çarşıkapı-İSTANBUL. 526 76 24 22928 1.3/1.4/2.3/2.13 ^^Perfection not onfyoMisists in doing extraoi^aiythings,butalsoindoing ordinary things exfiuordinarily well... w Here is your guide to trade fairs of 1984 all of \^ch are organised widi ultimate care to satisfy your needs: iir»i Tirsti 2 nd INTERNATIONAL HOSPITAL EQUIPMENT AND MEDICAL INSTRUMENTS FAIR 25-29 January 1984 Istanbul Sheraton Hotel mutfak/banyo ^ BüKoMa 5 t h INTERNATIONAL OFFICE EQUIPMENT, COMPUTER, COMMUNICATION AND PRINTING FAIR 22-26 February 1984 Istanbul Sheraton Hotel and Hilton International Istanbul 3 r d ISTANBUL SEA, SPORT, TOURISM AND HOBBY FAIR 7-11 March 1984 Istanbul Sheraton Hotel M 4 t h ISTANBUL HANDICRAFT AND GIFTWARE FAIR 14-18 November 1984 Istanbul Sheraton Hotel MO 3 1^ TURKISH EXPORT PRODUCTS FAIR 8-14 May 1984 Jeddah International Expo Center-Saudi Arabia 1 St ANKARA INDUSTRL^L CHEMISTRY TECHNIQUES AND CHEMICAL PRODUCTS FAIR 6-10 June 1984 Grand Hotel Ankara Nişantaşı-İstanbul TURKİYE84 3 rd TURKISH EXPORT PRODUCTS FAIR 20-28 December 1984 Sharjah World Trade and Expo Center United Arab Emirates KİMV^'84 42/6 HA'84 8 t h TURKISH FURNHURE, D E C O R A T I O N AND CARPET FAIR 5-9 December 1984 Istanbul Sheraton Hotel TÜRKİYE 84 Abdi İpekçi Caddesi BüKoMa'§^ ARMAĞAN 84 KİMVV84 I St ISTANBUL INDUSTRUL CHEMISTRY TECHNIQUES AND CHEMICAL PRODUCTS FAIR 4-8 AprU 1984 Istanbul Sheraton Hoiel m 3 r d ISTANBUL KTTCHEN, B A T H R O O M AND ACCESSORIES FAIR 17-21 October 1984 istanbul Sheraton Hotel 6 t h INTERNATIONAL OFFICE EQUIPMENT, COMPUTER, C O M M U N I C A T I O N S AND PRINTING FAIR 31 October - 4 November 1984 Grand Hotel Ankara 84 it 3 r d INTERNATIONAL HOSPITAL EQUIPMENT AND MEDICAL INSTRUMENTS FAIR 19-23 September İ984 Grand Hotel Ankara Tel: 140 19 76 - 140 19 77 Telex: İNTERTEKS ULUSLARARASI 22377 FUARCiUKA^. İnas tr... 070 Name Address 071 Name Address Tel 072 Name Address Tei 073 Name Address Tel Telex 074 Name Address Tel 075 Name Address Tel 076 Name Address Tel Telex Cable 077 Name Address Tel : Biçmen Hah ve Gıda Mad. !hr, San. Ltd. Şti. Perşembe Pazarı N. 17/1 Karaköy-ISTANBUL. 1,10/2.9 Bikem Giyim İhr, San. A,Ş. Şair NigarSok, N.42/18 Nişantaşı-İSTANBUL, 146 62 58 1.3/1.6/1.7 Biliktan Örme San. ve Tic. A.Ş. Hobyar Mah. Aşirefendi Cad. K.4 Eminönü-İSTANBUL. 528 50 68 1.1/1.2 Bilimlİ Çamaşır San. Tic. A.Ş, Yeşildirek Sultan Mektep Sok, Özkaya Han N, 10/2 İSTANBUL, 522 82 70 -522 68 88 -149 71 39 24509 Hwftrfor ineks 1.1/2.1/3.1 Bilir Gömlek-Abdullah Bilir Hürriyet Çarşısı N.406-421 Mahmutpaşa -İSTANBUL, 522 18 42 1,3/2.3 079 Name Address Tel 080 Name Address Tel 081 Name Address Tel 082 Name Address Tel Telex' 083 Name Address Tel Name Address Tel Boutik Seniye Valikonağı Cad. N.32 Nişantaşı İSTANBUL, 1401242 1.10/2.9 Bozkurt Mensucat San. A.Ş. Koşuyolu Zeytinburnu - İSTANBUL. 582 70 07 22770 Batex tr. Bozkurmen -istanbul -Turkey 1,3/1,7/1,6/1,8/2,3/2.6/3.6 : Brandi Triko - Mayer Nae Osmanbey, Samanyolu Sok. N.7/2 İSTANBUL. 1501148 1,3/1.12/2.3/2.11/3.4/3,11 Buket Giyim San. ve Tic. A.Ş. Halaskargazi Cad, N.230/6 Osmanbey - İSTANBUL, 22644 Beyg/221tr-Bukat 1.2/1,1/2.1/2.2/3.2/3.4/2,3/1.3 Name Address Tel 086 Name Address Tel Telex Cable 087 Name Address Tel Bukle Örme San, Tic. A.Ş. :ŞairNigarSok. 47/3 Osmanbey-İSTANBUL. : 148 86 07-141 17 73 1.3./1.5 : Bulgu Dış Tic. Ltd,Şti. : Ömer Avni Mah, Beytülmalci Sok, N, 14/1 Kabataş -İSTANBUL. : 149 14 38 1,5/2.5 Butik Dem - Emer Gökçe Rumeli Cad. Itır Sok. 314 Nişantaşı -İSTANBUL. : 146 5211-1416170 1.6/1.7 Butik Telli Tekstil San. ve Tic, Ltd. Şti. Rumeli Cad. Efe Sok. 17/2 Osmanbey-İSTANBUL. 146 5543 26017 1.3/1.6/1,7 Butik Universal Rıhtım Cad, N.209 Karaköy - İSTANBUL. 1.10/2.9 Butik Bike Moda ve Giyim San. Ltd.Şti, Mehmet Akif Cad. Kocasinan iş merkezi B.BlokK,5 584 49 10 - 584 56 35 - 584 58 20 1.10/2.9 Canel Giyim San. Cevat Aytuğ Mercan Çakmakçılar Yokuşu N.5 İSTANBUL. 526 27 74/528 5361 2.6/2.8/2.7/3,6 Cemal Triko Giyim San. ve Tic. A.Ş. Güvenç Sok. Bomontİ iş merkezi N . l K . l Şişli-İSTANBUL. 148 15 72 22897 Elce tr Cemal-İstanbul 1.3/2.3/3.4 Ceman ticaret İth. ihr. Mehmet Rıfat Kuzu Rumeli Cad. Nushet Han 51/6 3 Osmanbey-İSTANBUL. 147 46 30 1.2/1.3/1.6/1.7/2.3/2.6/2.8/3.4/ 3.6/3.8 088 Name Address Tel Telex 089 Name Address Tel Telex 090 Name Address Tel 091 NAME Address Tel Telex 092 Name Address Tel Telex 093 Name Address Tel 094 Name Address Tel Telex 095 Name Address Tel ;Cenpa Paz. Ltd. Şti. Osmanlı Sok. N.21 Birlik Apt. K.3 Taksim-ISTANBUL. 145 07 66 24713 cnpr tr 1.11 Ceritİer Tekstil San. ve Tic. A . Ş . Çakmakçılar Yokuşu, Sümbüllü Han N.23Sultanhamam-İSTANBUL. 522 42 42-522 58 69 C/c 24877 bomatr 1.5/1.7/2.6/2.7/3.6/3.7 Cankat Tic. Sami Cankat. Geçit iş hanı C. Blok N.31 Tünel Beyoğlu-İSTANBUL. 143 69 92 1.3/1.6/1.7 Civaz Konfeksiyon San. ve Tic. A.Ş, SağhkSok. Opera Han N,41/43 K.2 Taksim-İSTANBUL. 144 47 94-143 06 27 22644 beyg tr (att. civaz) 1.3/1.7/1.2/1,1/2.1/2.2/2.3/3.4/3.1 3.2 : Çağdaş Hayvansal Ürünler ve Tüketim Mad.Paz. Dış Tic. A.Ş. : Çapraz Sok. N. 12 Kazlıçeşme İSTANBUL. :582 52 52-582 54 53 • 22539 mucetr. 1.10/2.9 Çağlan Triko - Abdullah Emik Celal Ferdi Sok. Özkahır işhanı N.55 Eminönü-İSTANBUL. 526 42 20 1.3/2.3/3.4 Çatkal Ticaret - Musat Çatkal Aksaray Cad. Murat Han N.3/23 - 24 İSTANBUL 522 2217 22627 Eistg-tr 1.3/2.3 096 Name Address Tel 097 Name Address Tel 098 Name Address Tel Cable 099 Name Address Tel Cable 100 Name Address Tel 101 Name Address Tel Telex 102 Name Address Tel 103 Name Çelikoğlu Dericilik San. ve Tic. Ltd.Şti. Beşkardeşler Sok. N.21 Kazlıçeşme İSTANBUL. 582 38 34-582 34 37 1.10/2.9 Address Tel Çer Triko Ltd. Nuruosmaniye Alibaba Türbe Sok. Nurhan N.6 K . l Cağaloğlu -İSTANBUL. 526 63 31 1.3/1.7/2.3/2.5 Çevre Çamaşır San.Koli.Şti. Kazasker Şakacı Sok.N.25/1 Gülistan Apt. Kadıköy - İSTANBUL. 358 78 21 1.2/1.2 Çoban Export - Melih Başak Beytülmalci Sok. 16-2 Kabataş -İSTANBUL, 143 02 36 Birkakol -İSTANBUL 1.4/2.4 Damla Örme Sanayi ve Tic. A.Ş. Şehremini Mimar Kasım Sok. N.34 İSTANBUL 585 60 76-585 60 77 Damla-İSTANBUL. 1.5/2.5 : Değirmencioğlu Koli.Şti. : Yeniçeriler Cad. 42/2 Çarşıkapı İSTANBUL. : 23435 d tr 1.10/2.9 Delta Deri Giyim San. A.Ş. Levent Cad. 4/6 1 .Levent - İSTANBUL. 16415 50-168 13 91 26473 Delttr 1.10/2.9 Demir Konfeksiyon - Tahsin Karademir Sultanmektep Sok. Arkadaş Han N. 301 Yeşildirek-İSTANBUL. 1.1/1.2/2.2/3.4 Demtaş Demir Hırdavat Elek. Mak. Tic. A.Ş. Necatibey Cad. Aynalı Lokanta Sok. N. 23/25 Karaköy - İSTANBUL. 1434353 1.8/1.7 104 Name Address Tel Telex 105 Name Address Tel 106 Name Address Tel 107 Name Address Tel 108 Name Address Tel 109 Name Address Tel 110 Name Address Tel 111 Name Address : Derby Konfeksiyon -Levün Kalostyan ve Ort. Koli.Şti. : Sıracevizler Mah. İyiniyet Sok. N.33 K.4 Şişli-ISTANBUL. : 140 15 57 : 23547 Derby tr 1.3/1:6/1.7 Derimko Deri İmali Konf. İth. İhr. Dahili Tic. Ltd.Şti. Tabakhane Sok. N.8 Kazlıçeşme İSTANBUL. 582 53 30 1.10/2.9 Deri Moda Hızır Fazlı oğlu Divaneli Sok. Belgin Han 9/3 Çarşıkapı-İSTANBUL. 522 08 63 1.10/2.9 Derimod Konfeksiyon San. ve Tic. A.Ş. Beşkardeşler Durağı - Yol Sok. N.28 Zeytinburnu - İSTANBUL. 582 71 10/582 34 20 1.10/2.9 Derkon Deri ve Konf. San Tic. A . Ş . KapıkarşıSok.N.15-17 Kazlıçeşme-ISTANBUL. 582 73 08-09 1.11/1.10/2.9/2.10 Desen Mensucat San. ve Tic. A.Ş. Sultan hamam Cad. N.8 Sultanhamam -İSTANBUL. 5221106-522 39 43 1.6/1.2/2.3/3.4/3.6 Dilek Tekstil Örme San. Muhamet İpekçi Kışla Cad. Yeşil Zümrüt Sok. Dilek Han N.61/1 İSTANBUL. 5781150-578 95 25 1.3/2.3/3.4 Diva Giyim San. ve Tic. A.Ş. Matbaacı Osmanbey Sok. 30/B -C Osmanbey - İSTANBUL. 146 28 71 1.3/1.6/1.7 112 Name Address Tel Telex 113 Name Address Tel 114 Name Address Tel 115 Name Address Tel 116 Name Address Tel 117 Name Address Tel 118 Name Address Tel 119 Name Address Tel Telex : Dofan İhr. Rinaldo Marmara ve Stefan Kasapoğlu Koli.Şti. : Halaskargazi Cad. No.87 Zemin Kat Harbiye-ISTANBUL. : 140 77 00 : 24683 txk tr for Doğan 222 1.3/1.6/2.3/2.6/2.7/3.4/3.6 Derke Deri Konfeksiyon San. ve Tic. Ltd. Şti. Güderici Sok. N.23 Kazlıçeşme İSTANBUL. 582 53 82 1.10/2.9 Dermoteks -Selahattin Ölmez Demirhane Cad. Beşkardeşler Üst Sok. N. 18 Kazlıçeşme - İSTANBUL. 582 05 20 1.10/2.9 Divina Valikonağı Cad. N. 103 Nişantaşı İSTANBUL. 147 77 87 1.10/2.9 Doğa Giyim San. Âdi Kom.Ştİ. Vasıf Çınar Cad. Suadiye Han 14/1 Sultanhamam - İSTANBUL. 527 38 79 1.3/1.6/1.7/2.V2.6/2:8 Doğan Ticaret - Hikmet Nebi Paşagil Tersane Cad. Samur Sok. N.7/1 Karaköy-İSTANBUL. 149 06 47 1.10/2.9 Doğu Sanayi Ürünleri Paz. A.Ş. Tahtakale Sok. Asri Han N. 503 İST. İSTANBUL. 522 08 12 1.3/1.7 Doğutür Dış Tic. Ltd.Şti. İstiklal Cad. 86/5 Beyoğlu -İSTANBUL. 146 60 70-14447 48 22644 Beygtr att. Yeşiltepe 1.3/2.7/2.3/2.6/3.4/3.6 120 Name Address Tel 121 Name Address Tel 122 Name Address 123 Name Adress Tel Telex Cable 124 Name Address Tel Doğruyol Giyim Tic. A.Ş. İstiklal Cad. N.303 Beyoğlu -ISTANBUL 145 72 87 1.3/1.6/1.7/2.6 Dostlar Petrol Tic.San. ve Paz. A.Ş. AbideiHün-iyetCad. 191/2 Şişli-ISTANBUL. 140 05 31-147 20 20 1.10/2.9 Dursun Karabiber Molla Fenari Sok. Birol işhanı N. 1 - 2 K.2 Cağaloğlu İSTANBUL. 1.13/2.14/3.14 128 Name Address Tel Telex 129 Name Address Tel Telex Cable 130 Name Address Duru Dış Tie. ve Paz. Ltd.Şti. Gülaçara Sok. N. 11/ 53 Gayrettepe ISTANBUL. 166 35 22 22420 Bait TR. Duru-ISTANBUL. 1.1/1.2 Tel Telex 131 Name Address Tel Efa Tekstil San. ve Tic. A.Ş. Aşirefendi Cad. Keskin Han N.912 -913 Sirkeci-İSTANBUL. 528 65 7 5 / 141 39 21 1.6/1.7/1.9/2.6/2.7/3.6/3:7/3.4 132 Name Address Tel 125 Name Address Telex 126 Name Address Tel EfeksDışTic. A.Ş. Büyükdere Cad. Yeniyol Sok. N. 1/2,9 Mecidiyeköy -İSTANBUL. 24892 Efke tr 1.3/1.6/1.7/2.3/2.6/2.7 Efes Giyim İhr. A.Ş. Emlak Cad. N.36 Deniz Apt. D.3 Nişantaşı-İSTANBUL. 14844 27 1.10/2.9 133 Name Address Tel Telex 134 Name Address EİİŞ Ltd.Şti. Mecidiyeköy, SivritaşSok. 14/4 ISTANBUL. 169 09 68 23889 Exse tr 1.3/1.6/1.7/2.3/2.6/2.13/3.4/3.6 Elteks Dış Tic. ve Yatırım A.Ş. Yildizposta Cad. Dedeman Han N.48/12 Gayrettepe-ISTANBUL. 166 44 34 -166 12 78 -167 54 70 24724 ntex tr Enteks-ISTANBUL 1.3/1.1/1.5/1.7/1.8/2.1/2.3/2.6/2.7 2.8/3.4/3.6/3.7/3.8 Emin çelik ve San. Ürünleri İhr.İth. ve Tic. A.Ş. Yemeniciler Cad. Nohut Çıkmazı Leyla Han K.2 -3 Karaköy -İSTANBUL. 143 58 75 -143 12 83 24182 Emti-tr 1.10/2.9 Eminteks Sultan hamam Rızapaşa Yokuşu Emin Han-İSTANBUL. 522 6941-528 02 71 1.3/1.6/1.7/1.8/1.9/2.3/2.6/2.7/2. Emin Tic. Fikret Sandoğan Çakmakçılar Yokuşu, Tarakçılar Sok. Küçük Yeni Han İSTANBUL. 527 15 22 1.1/1.13/2.1/2.14 Ender Deri Sanayi -M. Kemal Özkozacı Demirhane Cad. N. 141/143 Kazlıçeşme-İSTANBUL. 582 35 02 22627 1.10/2.9 Engin Spor Alayköşkü Cad. N.25/2 Cağaloğlu-İSTANBUL. 1.12/2.11/3.11 127 Name Address Tel Telex Eksen Dış Tic. A.Ş. Abdulhakhamit Cad. N.306 Taksim İSTANBUL. 150 87 99 22644 beyg tr / abone 204 1.2/1.3/1.1/2.3/3.1/3.4/3.6/ 135 Name Address Tel Era Pazarlama Ltd.Şti. Abdulhakhamit Cad. N.2/4 Taksim-İSTANBUL. 1441114 2.6 BEYOĞLU, İSTİKLÂL CAD. POSTACILAR SOKAK, 12 İSTANBUL - TURKEY TEL. : 149 93 92 - 149 23 64 EARLY BRONZE AGE MODEL. END OF 3RD. CENT. B.C. ESKİYAPAR - TURKEY 'be most disfioct İÜ creative bijouX aod io in)itafioo of apfiqae jewell* Usually ^orls^d oi? copper, sonje njodels are also İGİ^eî or 24 l^araf gold plated. 136 Name Address Tel 137 Name Address Tel 138 Name Address Tel 139 Name Address Tel 140 Name Address Tel 141 Name Address Tel 142 Name Address Tel 143 Name Address Eraydm îth. İhr. Koll.Şti. Ünal Er - Sıtkı Er Abdülhakhamit Cad. Tüfekçioğlu Apt. 16/5 Taksim -İSTANBUL. 155 30 29 1.3/2.3/3.4 Erenteks Tekstil San. ve Tic. A.Ş. Hürriyet Cad. Güngören Sok. N. 16/1 Şirinevler-İSTANBUL. 166 92 41 1.2/1.3/2.1/2.2/2.3/3.1/3.2/3.4 Eren Triko - Ahmet Eren ve Hasan Memişoğlu Koll.Şti. Galatasaray - Meşrutiyet Cad. N. 12 -14 Beyoğlu-İSTANBUL. 144 64 75 1.6/1.7/1.9 Epan Export Giyim San. Tic. Ltd. Şti. Kırtasiyeci Sok. N.32/1 Kadıköy İSTANBUL. 133 32 75 1.10 Erkanlar San. ve Tic. Cezmi Erkan Oto Sanayi Sitesi Şakir Han N.9 Topkapı İSTANBUL. 576 41 69 1.10/2.9 Erko Tekstil Kimya San. ve Dış Tic. A.Ş. Güzelbahçe Sezai Selek Sok. N. 10 D. 1 Nişantaşı-İSTANBUL. 146 0196 1.8/2.7 144 Name Address Tel Telex 145 Name Address Tel 146 Name Address Tel Telex 147 Name Address Tel Telex 148 Name Address Tel 149 Name Address Tel Telex Cable Erme örme San. Türkocağ! Cad. Sürcyyabey Çarşısı N.32 Cağaloğlu-İSTANBUL. 526 2343 1.5 150 Name Address Ermiş Giyim San. A.Ş. Sıracevizler İyiniyet Sok. N. 16 Şişli İSTANBUL. 148 78 79 -147 66 98 1.2/1.3/2.2/2.3/3.4 151 Name Address Tel Tel ER - OS Çamaşırları A.Ş. Fazhpaşa Cad. N . 2 / 1 Topkapı-ISTANBUL. 576 09 71-74 23655 1.1/1.2/1.3/2.1/2.2/2.3/3.1/3.2/3.4 3.11/2.11 Erpa Pazarlama - Ayhan Erseven Ycşiltulumba Sok. N.18/14 Aksaray -İSTANBUL. 528 14 47 1.3/1.6/1.7/2.6/2.7 Esin San. ve Tarım Ürünleri Dış Tic. A.Ş. Cumhuriyet Cad. N. 143/2 Harbiye İSTANBUL. 150 76 49 22811 1.3/2.3/3.4 Etaş Ege Tekstil San. ve Tic. A.Ş. Millet Cad. 5/608 Aksaray - İSTANBUL 52121 02-521 0266 23481 3.1/1.1/1.3/1.6/1.7/1.8/1.9/2.1/2.3 2.6/2.7/2.8/2.9/2.14 Etiler Konfeksiyon îth. İhr. Ltd.Şti. Caferağa Mah. Kadife Sok, N . 20 Kadıköy-İSTANBUL. 338 25 00 1.3/1.6/1.7/1.9 Evrimteks Dış Tic. Ltd.Şti. Lamartin Cad. 22/4Taksim ISTANBUL. 150 7105 24927 Empetr Empeltd-ISTANBUL. 1.1/1.2/2.1/2.2/3.1/3.2 Fadıl Giyim Sanayi İstiklal Cad. Sekban Apt. N.73/75 Beyoğlu - İSTANBUL. 1453120 2.3/2.6/2.8 Faize Sevim Moda Evi Halaskargazi Cad. Sadıklar Pasajı N. 1 Şişli-İSTANBUL. 14782 14 1.2/1.3/1.6/1.7 152 Name Address Tel Telex 153 Name Address Tel Telex 154 Name Address Telex 155 Name Address Tel 156 Name Address Tel Telex 157 Name Address Tel 158 Name Address Tel 159 Name Address Tel : Fam Hazır Giyim San. Ltd. Şti. : Rumeli Cad. Kırağı Sok. N.26 ISTANBUL. : 140 40 20 -146 64 89 : 22644 Beyg 196 1.3/1.6/1.7/1.9/3.4/3.6/3.7/3.8 : Farma San. Tic. A.Ş. : Mecidiyeköy, 1. Taşocağı Nilüfer Apt. N.23/B K . l ISTANBUL. :166 97 63-16830 82 23359 Both - tr : 1.10/2.9 : Fateks -Genç San ve Tic. İşletmeleri Ltd. Şti. : Rumeli Cad. Kaya Apt. 9/8 Nişantaşı -ISTANBUL. : c/c 2351 getatr 1.3/1.7 Fehmi Aslaner - Efes Giyim San. Hürriyet Çarşısı N. 189 Mahmutpaşa İSTANBUL. 522 9177 1.7/2.6 Feray Giyİm San. ve Tic. A.Ş. Gümüşsüyü Fazlıpaşa Cad. N.10/3 Topkapı-İSTANBUL. 577 15 78-577 15 79 23404 katx-24683 txk tr 1.7/1.8/1.9/2.6/2.8/2.7/3.6/3.7/3.8 Ferman Triko - Ferman Toroslar Mahmutpaşa Yokuşu Hürriyet Çarşısı No. 85/136 İSTANBUL. 522 0166 1.5/1.10/2.5/2.9 Fermod Giyim San ve Tic. A.Ş. Meşrutiyet Mah. Samanyolu Sok. N . l l Şişli-İSTANBUL. 140 30 10 1.6/1.7/2.6/2.8 Femur Tic. Koli.Şti. Sıyavuşpaşa Sok. Esen Han N.25/3 Kat -1 Süleymaniye -İSTANBUL. 528 23 32 1.3/2.3/3.4 160 Name Address Tel 161 Name Address Tel Teiex 162 Name Address Tei 163 Name Address Tel 164 Name Address Tel 165 Name Address Tel Telex 166 Name Address Tel 167 Name Address Tel Fertex Endüstir Mam.Paz.San. ve Tic. A.Ş. Necatibey Cad. N.46 K. 1 -3 Keçeli Han Karaköy-İSTANBUL. 145 26 85-14149 72 2.3/2.3 Fiba Adi Kom.Şti.- Fikri Barut ve Ort. Yerebatan Cad. Salkım Söğüt Sok.20/1 Cağaloğlu -İSTANBUL. 527 16 88 22615 Motetr 1.3/1.5/1.6/1.7/2.3/2.5/2.6/2.8/ 3.5/3.6 Foto Grafik - Mustafa Tabakçı Etap Marmara Çarşısı N.2 Taksim -İSTANBUL. 14488 50/762 1.6 Findeş Ticaret - Halil Esmerdalı Yahya Paşa Sok. Kayseri Apt. N.55 Gedtkpaşa-İSTANBUL. 523 74 68 1.10/2.9 Fors Giyim San. ve Tic. A.Ş. Şair Nigar Sok. N.70 Şişli -İSTANBUL. 1405560 2.6/2.8 Füsun Oto Lamartin Cad. N.33-1 A Taksim-İSTANBUL. 15056 77-1505304 24111 gepatr 1.3/1.6/1.7/1.9/2.3/2.6/2. Galeri Taylan Koli. Şti. Sakaçeşme Sok. N.38 Sultanhamam -İSTANBUL. 522 4342 2.3 Galeri Kupmen Marputçular Alacak havası Cad. Emiroğlu Han K. 112 52827 76 2.3 /VIENTBOĞLU Exportation et Negociation S A. Pr@d"ü1ts CQton'n©:O'0s Chemise, linge fin masculin, T-Shorî, Echauffement, Cosaque tres Châle, Uşeuse, Gqnt iresse, Chaussette T-Shirts, Sweat suits, Hand-lmitted sweaters. Shawls, Hand-knitted gloves, Hond-knitted stockings, Hand-IOiitted breeches, Address: Rıhtım caddesi. Velialemdar Han No: 429-430 Phone: 143 80 S8-143 80 89 Tlx: 22 461 Karaköy/İst. Name Address Tel 169 Name Address Tel Telex 170 Name Address Tel 171 Name Address Tel 172 Name Address Tel 173 Name Address Tel Telex 174 Name Address Tel 175 Name Address ; Gençler Giyim San. A.Ş. : Bomonti Birahane Sok. N.3Ünhan İşhanı K.4 Şişli - İSTANBUL. : 14088 34 1.3/1.6/1.7 : Genhem GenelKimyeviEmtea veMak. Tic. Ltd.Şti. : Cumhuriyet Cad. N.261 HarbiyeİSTANBUL. : 148 47 40 :22336 1.1/1.2 Gisi Giyim San. Yılmaz Türler 2. Taşocağı Cad. N. 11 Mecidiyeköy - İSTANBUL. 166 56 16/167 58 42 1.3/2.3 Gigi -Giyim ve Gıda San. Tic. A.Ş. Sıracevizler Cad. 116 Sişii-ISTANBUL. 14115 46 1.3/1.6/1.7/1.9 Giysan Koll.Şti. Öztaş Pasajı N.224/226 Mahmutpaşa - İSTANBUL. 527 48 26 1.13/2.14 Golf Uluslararası Dış Tic. Paz.A.Ş. İnönü Cad. N.47/2 Gümüşsüyü -İSTANBUL. 145 16 37 -145 03 37 -149 27 34 26339 mex tr 1.3/1.6/1.7/2.3/2.6/2.8 Gönül Besen Eski Büyükdere Cad. N.27/1 4. Levent-İSTANBUL. 164 3043 1.2/1.3/1.6/1.7 Gözde Triko - Mustafa Akgüm Samanyolu Sok. N. 15 Kat 1 Osmanbey İSTANBUL 146 98 67 1.3 Name Address Tel 177 Name Address Tel Cable 178 Name Address Tel 179 Name Address Tel 180 Name Address Tel Telex 181 Name Address Tel Telex Name Address Tel 183 Name Address Tel Göztaş A.Ş. İ.M.Ç. B.Blok 5750 Unkapam ISTANBUL. 522 80 75 1.3/2.3/5.4 Gusto Giyim San. ve Tic. A.Ş. Bahariye Cad. N.29 Kadıköy-İSTANBUL. 337 33 45 / 338 25 76 / 336 4 Gusto - Kadıköy 1.3/1.6/1.7/1.9 Güdesan, Dericilik ve Tic. Recep Ersavaş Sakızağacı Cad. N.7/6 Beyoğlu-İSTANBUL. 144 83 07 1.10/2.9 Güllü oğlu Ticaret Aşirefendi Cad. Piyasa Han N.306 Sirkeci-İSTANBUL. 527 44 90 1.10/2.9 Gülören Tekstil San. ve Tic. A.Ş. Osmanbey, Kırağı Sok. N.20 İSTANBUL. 148 35 39 22644 Beyg tr/138 1.3/1.6/2.3/2.6/3.4/3.6 Güney Batı İth. İhr -İbrahim Uğurlu Güneşlibahçe Sok. Işık Han N.52/2 Kadıköy-İSTANBUL. 337 49 23 24850 aırtr-23449 asiptr 1.2/1.3/1.6/1.7 Günmar MakinaTic. A.Ş. Osmanlı Sok. N.6 Sigorta işhanı D.2 Taksim-İSTANBUL. 145 86 82 1.3/1.6/1.7/1.9/2.3/2.3/2.6/2.8 Güvendik Deri ve Konf. San. ve Tic. Ltd.Şti. Kireçli Sok. N.2 Kazlıçeşme -İSTANBUL 582 35 30 1.10/2.9 184 Name Address Tel Telex 185 Name Address Tel 186 Name Address Tel Telex 187 Name Address Tel 188 Name Address Tel 189 Name Address Tel 190 Name Address Tel 191 Name ADdress Güzel Çiftçi İç ve Dış Ticaret - Baki Güzelçiftçi Tersane Cad . Kuthan Kat 1 N. 105 -106 Karaköy-ISTANBUL. 144 03 36 24457 Ömeb TR 1.10/2.9 Hak Pazarlama ve Yatırım A.Ş. Ankara Cad. N. 147 Cağaloğlu -İSTANBUL. 520 58 95 (5 lines) 50 66 04 (2 lines) 1.3/1.7/1.9/1.6/2.3/2:6/2:8/3.4/ 3.6/3.8/3.7 Hak Dış Ticaret A.Ş. Ankara Cad. N.47 Cağaloğlu İSTANBUL. 520 58 95 (5 lines) 520 66 04 (2 lines) 22041 Okna TR -22942 Gıy tr 1.3/1.7/1.9/2.3/2.6/2.8/3.4/3.6/ 3.7/3.8 Halıcı Konfeksiyon San. ve Tic. A.Ş. Ambararkası Sok. N.81 Kasımpaşa -İSTANBUL. 150 0301-141 62 89 1.3/1.7/2.3/2.6 HalıfaksA.Ş. Samanyolu Cad.N.5/2 Osmanbey -İSTANBUL. 146 55 38 1.3/2.3 Halil İbrahim Tanrıverdi Bezciler Sok. Merkez Han N.77 Mahmutpaşa - İSTANBUL. 5209286 2.1/2.3 Halit Harbi Dereboyu Cad. N.78 Ortaköy-İSTANBUL. 1619123 1.5/1.13/2.5/2.14 Hancıoğlu Tekstil A.Ş. Selvili Mescit Sök. Kurt işhanı N. 145 Cağaloğlu-İSTANBUL. 52858 12 1.3/2.3/3.4 192 Name Address Tel 193 Name Address Tel 194 Name Address Tel Telex 195 Name Address Tel Telex 196 Name Address Tel 197 Name Address Tel 198 Name Address Tel Telex 199 Name Address Tel Handan Baran Giyim San. ve Tic. A.Ş. Çalıkuşu Sok. N.9 Levent -İSTANBUL. 164 09 86 1.3/1.5/1.6/1.7 Hasan Soy Celâl Bey Sok. Arhan Kat 1 No: 120 124 Bahçekapı -İSTANBUL. 527 82 24 2.6 Hapaş Halk Girişimleri Paz. A.Ş. 2. Taşocağı Cad. Urfalı işhanı N.4 K. 1 Mecidiyeköy - İSTANBUL. 166 76 66 -167 59 94 -166 11 55 26160 -Tise -TR 1.1/1.3/2.1/2.V3.1/3.4 Has Giyim San. Nuri Has VeliefendiMah. 75/3 Sok. N.30 Zeytinburnu - İSTANBUL. 582 16 28-527 84 28 Att. Nuri Has 23124 İata tr 1.2/1.3/1.6/1.7/2.1/2.2/2,3/3.1/ 3.2/3.3/3.4 Hasan Karagül - Akseki Plastik San. Namtkkemal Cad. Langa Bostan Sok. N.52 Aksaray -İSTANBUL. 52142 80 1.13/2.14/3.13 Hatemoğlu Koll.Şti. İstiklal Cad. N. 122 Beyoğlu -İSTANBUL 149 35 22 1.6/1.3/1.7/1.8/1.9 Hazaş Hazır Giyim San. ve Tic. A.Ş. Güvenç Sok. Bomonti iş merkezi K.3 Şişli-İSTANBUL. 141 68 78 -14102 38 23736 haze tr 1.10/1.11/2.9/2.10/3.9/3.10 Haznedar Giyim San. ve İhr. A.Ş. Fevzipaşa Cad. N. 127 Fatih-İSTANBUL. 525 96 19 1.3/1.7 Herboy Çamaşırları San. ve Tic. A.Ş. Sakaçeşme Sok. Mesadet Han N.4 Sultanhamam - İSTANBUL. 527 24 59 1.2/1,3/2.3 İbrahim Bora Türer İ.M.Ç. 5. BlokN.5652 Unkapam-İSTANBUL. 526 68 52 1.3/1.5/1.6/1.7 Name Address Tel 203 Name Address Tel 204 Name Address Tel 205 Name Address 206 Name Address Tel 207 Name Address Tel Telex Cable 208 Name Address Tel 209 Name Address Tel Telex : İhriç İhr. ve İŞİ.Ltd.Şti. : Demirhane Cad. N.93/95 Kazlıçeşme-İSTANBUL. : 582 33 86 1.10/2.9 210 Name Address : İlhan Inceoğlu : Cumhuriyet Cad. BabilSok. N.2/8 Harbiye-İSTANBUL. : 140 18 78 1.4/2.4 211 Name : İlker Kimya San. ve Tic. Ltd.Şti. : Yavaşça Şahin Sok. Kristal Han N.1/3Ö3Tahtakale -İSTANBUL. : 528 65 25 1.3/2.3 : İkbale Gömlek Dikim San. KoU.Şü. : İkbaliye - Çayırönü Yolu Taşocağı Sok. N.27/56 Kadıköy-İSTANBUL. 2.3 : İstanbul Giyim Sanayi Tic. A.Ş. : Cihangir Mah. Avcılar Köyü Londra Asfaltı Üzeri Avcılar - İSTANBUL. : 574 09 00-57409 02 1.6/1.7/1.9 Tel Cable Address Tel 212 Name Address Tel Telex 213 Name Address Tel Telex Cable 214 Name Address Tel : İmpeksİth. İhr. A.Ş. : Rıhtım Cad. Yuva Sok. Yuva Han N. 10/2 Karaköy -İSTANBUL. : 145 82 07 -145 44 83 : 23404kabc -24683txtk -tr : Telimpeks 1.1/1.2/1.3/2.1/2.2/2.3/3.2/3.4 215 Name Address Tel Telex : ilka Saç Ticaret ve San.Ltd.Şti. : Tersane Cad. Sanzeybek Sok. Kardeşler Han 15/2 Karaköy - İSTANBUL, : 143 28 72 1,5/1,6/3,6/3.8/3.3/3,14 : İnteks Uluslararası Tekstil Tic. ve İhr. A.Ş. : İnönü Cad. Tülin Apt. N,47/6 Taksim-İSTANBUL, : 149 7139-522 68 88 : 24922 (23303 Att. to) 1.1/1,2/1.3/2.1/2.2/2,3/3.1/3.2/3.^ : inallar Giyim San. ve Tic, A.Ş. : Rumeli Cad. 70/1 Osmanbey - İSTANBUL. : 148 62 38 ; İnallar-İSTANBUL. 1,5/2,5 İntersal Endüstri Ürünleri İhr. ve Paz. A.Ş. P.K. 142 Levent-ISTANBUL. 164 38 76-169 43 94 1,5/1.6/1,7/1,9/1.13/3,4/3.5/3.6/ 3.7/3.8/ intra Dış Tic. A.Ş. Marmara Etap C Blok K. 1 Taksim-İSTANBUL. 143 17 58 -144 89 52 -149 80 07 22327 1,10/2,9 İpaş İplik Sanayi ve Tic. İhr.A.Ş. TürkocağıCad. N.19/B Cağaloğlu -İSTANBUL. 522 73 29 - 527 64 61 - 522 75 64 23313İpastr-23449 Sıp tr Asipler -İSTANBUL. 1.2/1.3/2,2/2.3/3.2/3.4 İris Giyim San. Koll.Şti. Î.M.Ç.4,Blok4417 Unkapam-İSTANBUL. 528 08 74 3.1/3.2/3.3 İskon Giyim San. ve îhrc. A.Ş. Mehmet Akif Cad. Kocasinan İş merkezi B, BlokK.SŞirinevler-İSTANBUL. 575 80 75-575 99 77 22214 1.2/1.3/1.5 216 Name Address Tel Telex 217 Name Address Tel 218 Name Address Tel 219 Name Address Tel 220 Name Address Tel 221 Name Address 222 Name Address Tel Istanbul Tarım ve Sanayi Ürünleri îhr.İth.Tic.A.Ş. İstiklâl Cad. Elhamra Pasajı Kat 3 N.301 Beyoğlu-İSTANBUL. 143 35 42 24434 vast-tr, 1.10/2,9 İsmet Konfeksiyon Halaskargazi Cad. Hüseyin Hilmi Paşa Han N.309/24 147 78 88 1.3/1.6/1.7 Jest Giyim San. ve Tic. A.Ş. İstiklal Cad. N.61/1 Beyoğlu İSTANBUL. 144 80 77 2.3/2.6 Kadeks Sanayi Ürünleri Gayrettepe Saatcibayın Sok. Osmanlı Blokları Kent Apt. İSTANBUL. 167 43 28 1.2/1.3/2.2/2.3/3.2/3.4 Kadınca Giyim Merkezi Osmanbey Rumeli Cad. N.55/5 İSTANBUL 146 55 27 1.3/1.7 Kadıköy Gömlek Dikim San.Koll.Şti. Acıbadem Sarayardı Cad. Fatih Sok. Alkan Han N.25 Kadıköy -İSTANBUL, 2.3 Kadir Bebe Triko ve Konfeksiyon Türkocağı Cad, Ersoy Han K. 1 N. 1 Cağaloğlu-İSTANBUL. 520 86 53 3.2/3.3/3.5/3.4 224 Name Address Tel 225 Name Address Tel Cable 226 Name Address Tel 227 Name Address Tel 228 Name Address Tel Telex 229 Name Address Tel Telex Cable 230 Name Address Tel 223 Name Address Tel Telex Cable Kaftan Eksport Konfeksiyon San. ve TicA.Ş. Topkapı 10. yıl Cad. 12/3 Belgratkapı-İSTANBUL. 582 15 02-582 33 37 23250 Kaex tr Kaftan export 1.3/1.7/1,6/2.3/2.5/2.6/3.4/3.6 231 Name Address Telex Kahraman Giyim San. Koll.Şti. Rumeli Cad, N.55/1 Osmanbey-İSTANBUL 146 73 91-147 32 91 1.3/1.6/1.7 Kalesan Tekstil San. ve Tic, Paz. A.Ş. Çakmakçılar Yokuşu N.43 Sulfanhamam - İSTANBUL 522 02 59-520 9110 Kaltaks-İSTANBUL. 1.8/2.7/3.7 Kalkancı Konf, San. ve Tic. AŞ. Halaskargazi Cad. N.225/1 Şişli-İSTANBUL. 147 73 70 1.6/1.9 Kamil Konfeksiyon - Kamil Savran Celal Ferdi Gökçay Sokak Anadolu Pasajı N8 Cağaloğlu - İSTANBUL. 527 85 56 3.2/3.3/3.4/3.5/3.6/3.7/3.8 Kaplanteks Örme San, ve Tic. A . Ş . Aşirefendi Cad. Aşirefendi Han N.115/116Sultanhamam-İSTANBUL. 526 3188-526 3197 22598 Kap-tr 2.3/2.6/2.8 : Karaca Örme San, ve Tic. A.Ş : Topkapı, Davutpaşa Kışla Cad N . l l İSTANBUL. : 576 30 80 (4 lines) : 22167 Gaytr. : Çorapçı ISTANBUL, 1.3/1.5/2.3/2.5/3.4/3.11 : Karabasan Örme Tekstil San. Türkocağı Cad. Süreyya Han Çarşısı N.2 Cağaloğlu-İSTANBUL, 522 92 38 1.2/1.3/2.2/2.3/ Karat tekstil ve Dış Tic. A.Ş, Yıldız Posta C addesi Dedeman işhanı N.48K.7 -8 Gayrettepe -İSTANBUL. 26327 Nastr 1.3/1.6/1,7 Kasar Kardeşler Otomotiv Tic. San. A.Ş. Tiryaki Hasan Paşa Cad. N. 45/1 İSTANBUL. 525 97 62 1.5/2.5 Kasım Hcper Hürriyet Çarşısı, N.264 Mahmutpaşa - İSTANBUL. 526 45 55 1.6/1.7 Karteks Karadeniz Tekstil ve Konfeksiyon San. ve Tic. Ltd.Şti. Eski Londra Asfaltı San. Mah. Özden Sok. N.2/2 Güngören-Bakırköy İSTANBUL. 575 69 68 - 584 49 35 - 584 49 37 22627 istg Box 117 tr 1.3/1.6/1.7/2.6/3.4/3.6/3.8 Kazan Ticaret, Yümnü Dalkılıç Fuat Paşa Cad. Üç Kapılı Suhulet Han N.305 Mercan - İSTANBUL. 527 0189 2.13/2.14/ Kazlı Deri ve Tic. A.Ş. Mithatpaşa Cad. Büyük Haydar Efendi Sok. N.29 Beyazıt-İSTANBUL. 528 24 82 1.10/1.11/2.9/2.10/ 240 Name Address Tel 241 Name Address Tel 242 Name Address Tel 243 Name Address Tel Telex 244 Name Address Tel Keban Koll.Şti. Rıza Kubley ve Ort. Bezciler Sok. Güzin Han N.6/7 Mahmutpaşa -İSTANBUL. 527 36 06 1.13/2.14/3.14 245 Name Address Tel KcmoteksSan. Mam. Paz. A.Ş. Büyükdere Cad. Hürmet Keçeli Han 49/1K. 3 - 4 Mecidiyeköy - İSTANBUL. 167 73 30-33 26149 KemoTR Kemoteks - Mecidiyeköy - İSTANBUL. 1.1/1.2/1.3/1.6/1.7/1.8/1.9/2.2/ 2.3/2.7/3.2/3.4 Kıran Ticaret - Hüseyin Kıran Demirkapı Cad. Emre Han N.17/9 Bayrampaşa - İSTANBUL. 576 83 82 Bayrampaşa - İSTANBUL. 1.3/1.6/1.7/2.3/2:6/2.7 246 Name Address Kısmet Koll.Şti. Benjamen Mızrati ve Ort. Şehit Muhtar Cad. Mimoza Apt. N.58/B Taksim -İSTANBUL. 150 75 77 1.10/2.9 Koç Trikotaj Giyim San. A.Ş. Nuh Kuyusa Cad. N.18 Üsküdar-İSTANBUL. 333 19 83 1.5/2.5 Kom Tekstil ve Konfeksiyon Fab. A.Ş. Sıracevizler Cad. YeniyolSok. 12 ŞişÜ-İSTANBUL. 146 06 10 1.1/2.3 Konteks Difisyon Giyim San. ve Tic. A.Ş. Büyükdere Cad. N.49/1 Kat 5 Mecidiyeköy - İSTANBUL. 575 1949-575 0176 26149 Kemotr 1.3/1.6/1.7/2.3/2.6 Konteks Konfeksiyon ve Tekstil San. İhr. A.Ş. Samanyolu Sok. N. 17/3 Şişli İSTANBUL. 141 77 23 1.5/1.13/2.3 Koral Dış Ticaret İzzetpaşa Sok. N. 65 Osmanbey ISTANBUL. 141 32 05-147 07 41 1.3/1.6/1.7/1.8 Koşar Deri San. A.Ş. Meydan Sok. N.8 Kazlıçeşme-İSTANBUL. Tel 1.10/2.9 247 Name Address Te! Kotap Konf. ve Tarımsal Ürün. İhr. İth. ve Paz. Ltd. Şti. İstasyon Cad. Yolcu iş hanı Zeytinburnu - İSTANBUL. 5825195-585 51 18 1.10/2.9/1.11 Cemal Triko of 100% cotton tShirts, PoloShiıîs w/out collor w/out stripes, Sweat Shirts inside brushed in solid colours. All articles are for women, men and children. KNITTING WEAR MFG.&TRADING CO. INC. Address : CEMAL TRİKO ŞişÜ - Güvenç Sokak. Bomonti İş Merkezi No: 1 Kat: 1 İSTANBUL / TURKEY Phones : 148 15 72 - 141 21 98 Tele-1 22897 ELCE TR. Name Address Teiex 249 Name Address Tel 250 Name Address Tel Telex 251 Name Koteks Tekstil San. Ltd.Şti. Sultanhamam Kullukzade Han N.1/6 ISTANBUL. 522 94 17-522 96 21 22627 istg tr Box 125 Attz Zadeks 1.1/1.2/1,3/2.1/2.3/3.1/3.2/3.4 Köylüm Giyim San. Ibrahim Yumuşak Bezciler Sok. Adalılar Pasajı N.211 Mahmutpaşa -İSTANBUL. 520 13 48 1.3/1.6/1.7/3.2/3.3/3.6/3.7 256 Name Address Tel 257 Name Address Name Kumbaracı Konfeksiyon Pazarlama San. ve Tic. Ltd.Şti. Rıhtım Cad. Veli Alemdar Han Kat 4 No.410 Karaköy -İSTANBUL. 149 2851 23539 Sev tr 1.3/1.6/1.7 Kurt Mensucat Paz. A.Ş. Aşirefendi Cad. Hoca Kasım Köprüsü Sok. Şeker Han K. 1 Sirkeci - İSTANBUL 1.2/1.1/1.3/1.6/1.7/1.8/1.9/2.3/ 2.6/2.7/2.8/3.4/3.6/3.7/3.8 LaktelSan. ve Tic. AdiKom. Şti. Aşirefendi Cad. Piyasa Han N.11/13 Sirkeci-İSTANBUL. 5274498 1.3/1.10/2.3/2.9 Lale Dört Kardeşler Koli.Şti. Kemal Ökkeş Abdürrezzak Polat Ordu Cad. Camialtı Çarşısı No. 50 -3 Laleli-İSTANBUL. 526 57 96 1.3/1.6/1,7/2.3/2.6 Landon Muhasebe ve Pazarlama Büyük Reşit Paşa Cad. N.44/2 Vardar Han Laleli-İSTANBUL. 527 59 23 1.3/2.3 Lapis Hediyelik Eşya Ticaret A.Ş. Nuruosmaniye Cad. No.79 Cağaloğlu-İSTANBUL. 523 18 70 -528 00 78 - 522 13 96 1.10/2.9/3.9 Address Tel 259 Name Address Tel 260 Name Address Tel 261 Name Address Tel 262 Name Address 263 Name Address Tel Telex Leon Boncuk Marputçular Cad. N,42 Sultanhamam -İSTANBUL. 522 2154 2.1/2.2/2.3/2.5/2.14 Lider Deri ve Giyim San. A.Ş. İstiklal Cad. Elhamra Pasajı K.2 No. ISTANBUL. 1.10/2.9 Lüks Egetür Tuhafiye Koli.Şti. Sadık Çınar ve Ort. Mahmutpaşa, Hürriyet Çarşısı N,353 362 ISTANBUL. 528 49 57 - 528 51 74 - 584 29 05 1.1/1.3/1.5/2.1/2.3/2.5/3.1/3.4/3. M.Sabri Haktan İstiklal Cad. Santral Han Beyoğlu -İSTANBUL. K. 3 N o . 302 14512 42-43 1.3/2.3/3.4 Maneks Giyim ve Tekstil Sanayi Piyerloti Cad. Anadolu işhanı N. 39 D. 15 Cağaloğlu - İSTANBUL. 522 14 38 1.3/1.5/2.3/2.5 Maral Export Deri ve Konf. İthi. İhr. Tic. ve Paz. A.Ş. Fırın Sok. Bomonti İşhanı N.83/4 Şişli-İSTANBUL. 148 14 96 -1415137 1.10/2.9 Marmara Tekstil Ürünleri Tic. A.Ş. İrfaniye Çarşısı Sok. Bursa Han K.2 N . l l 12 Sultanhamam - İSTANBUL. 522 72 96 1.10/2.9/ Martexport A.Ş. İnönü Cad. Park Palas Apt. 1.31/7 Ayazpaşa-İSTANBUL. 149 12 80-1455246 24437 zatu tr. 2.1/2.3/2.6/2.7/2.8 264 Name Address Tel 265 Name Address Tel Telex 266 Name Address Tel Telex 267 Name Address Tel 268 Name Address Tel 269 Name Address Tel 270 Name Address 271 Name Address Mateks Tekstil Ürünleri Pazarlama Fırıncılar Cad. N.25 Sultanhamam -İSTANBUL. 520 96 13 1.13/2.14 Mahmut Kamil Ellialtioğlu Bankalar Cad. Şair Eşref Sok. N.7 Beyaz Han K.4 Karaköy -İSTANBUL. 14581 13-143 07 13 24624 fırrtr 1.10/2.9/1.5/2.5 Mecan Dış Ticaret ve İnşaat Ltd.Şti. Moda Cad. Özgür İşhanı N.46/503 Kadıköy-İSTANBUL. 338 70 24 22301 ktktr (Att Mecan) 1.1/1.3/2.1/2.3/3.1/3.4 Meder Tıbbi Malz. İth. İhr. Müm. San. ve Paz. A.Ş. İnönüCad. N.53D. 5 Gümüşsüyü -İSTANBUL. 143 02 04 -145 59 35 1.2/2.2 Mehmet Kemal Erdivan Demirhane Cad. N. 189 K.2 Kazlıçeşme - İSTANBUL. 582 77 08 1.10/2.9 Mehmet Erel Demirhane Cad. N. 189 Kat 2 Kazlıçeşme - İSTANBUL. 582 33 86-582 50 75 1.10/2.9 Meltem Konfeksiyon - Ahmet Türkmen Tarakçı Cafer Sokak Emek Han 1 Yeşildirek-İSTANBUL. 1.1/1.2 Meltem Konfeksiyon - Erdoğan Yıldırım Bomonti Silahşor Sok. N.27 Şişli-İSTANBUL. 146 88 82 1.1/2.1 272 Name ADdress Tel 273 Name Address Tel 274 Name Address Tel 275 Name Address Tel Telex 276 Name Adress Tel 277 Name Address Tel Telex 278 Name Address Mentan Dış Ticaret Ltd.Şti. Samanyolu Sok. 39/4 Şişli İSTANBUL. 140 20 6 7 / 141 22 43 1.4/1.10/1.5 Menteşoğlu İhr. ve Paz. A . Ş . Rıhtım Cad. Veli alemdar Han N.314 Karaköy-ISTANBUL. 1438088-148 80 89 1.3/1.7/1.13/ Meral Binat Abdi İpekçi Cad. Maltepe Apt. N.45/7 Teşvikiye-ISTANBUL. , 148 3692 1.10/2.9 Meral Konfeksiyon Serasker Cad. Rıza Paşa Çıkmazı N. 15 Kadıköy-ISTANBUL. 337 62 30 22801 ktk-tr 1.3/1.6/1.7/2.6 Mesture Giyim İ.M.Ç. 5.BlokN.5716 Unkapam-ISTANBUL. 522 17 39 1.3/1.5/1.6/1.7/1.9 Mesilde, Giyim Eşyaları İhr. ve İth. Paz. Ltd. Şti. Kocaragıp Cad. No: 11 K.3 Laleli-ISTANBUL. 527 8384 24788 Tlin Tr. 1.3/1.6/1.7/1.9/2.3/2.6/2.8/3.4/3.6 Tel Metal A.Ş. Osmanlı Sok. No: 14/2-1 Taksim İSTANBUL 149 85 03 Telex 1.6/1.7/1.10/2.6/2.8/2.9 279 Name Address Metap Konf. Tic. Müm. Ltd.Şti. Bahariye Serasker Cd. Ziyabey Sok. N : 4 Kadıköy-ISTANBUL. 1.3/1.6/1.7/2.3/2.6/2.8 280 Name Address Tel 281 Name Address Tel 282 Name ADdress Tel 283 Name Address Tel Telex 284 Name Address Tel Telex Cable 285 Name Address Tel Telex Name Address Tel Telex 287 Name Mirdir Deri Konfeksiyon Mithatpaşa Cad. No: 13/2 Beyazıt-ISTANBUL. 5209513 1.3/2.3/3.4 Midi Triko Konfeksiyon Tic. ve San. Şair Nigar Sok. 88/1 Osmanbey-ISTANBUL. 1489195/147 27 73 2.5/3.5 288 Name Address Tel Telex 289 Name Address Tel Model Giyim San. A.Ş. İnönü Cad. 30/A Taksim -İSTANBUL. 144 47 87 24802 Unex Trm. 1.3/1.5/1.6/1.7/2.2/2.3 Modsan Turizm ve Giyim San. İth. ihrc. Ltd. Şti. Moda Cad. No: 256 Kadıköy-İSTANBUL. 1.5/2.5 Minikan Konfeksiyon San. ve Tic. Ltd.Şti. Rumeli Cad. Zafer Sok. N.89 Nişantaşı-İSTANBUL . 14118 64 3.1/3.2/3.3/3.5/3.6/3.7 Mirabbo Kumaş ve Konf. Ma§. A . Ş . Turan Cad. No: 126 TaksimISTANBUL. 150 81 10 23470 mirab tr 1.7/1.9/2.6/2.8/3.6/3.7/3.8 Mithat Giyim San. ve Tic. A.Ş. Sultanhamam Hacopulo Han N.42 ISTANBUL 520 53 37 22484 Mgm tr. Mithat 1.6/1.9/2.6/2.8 : Modakon Konfeksiyon İhr. Paz. A.Ş : Türkocağ] Cd. 19/3 Cağaloğlu -ISTANBUL. : 522 75 64-522 73 29-527 64 61 : 23313 IpaşTr. 1.3/1.6/1.13 Mode Tekstil San. ve Tic. A.Ş. Çcliktepe, Emniyet Mah. Yeniçeri Sok. No: 19 ISTANBUL 164 92 98 -169 43 48 26378 beli tr. 1.1/1.2/1.6/1.9/2.2/3.2/3.4/3.6/2.3 Mode -Gool, Muammer Çalışkaner FevzipaşaCad. No: 13/A Fatih-ISTANBUL. 525 33 38 1.6/1.7/1.9/2.6/2.8 290 Name Address Tel 291 Name ADdress Tel Name Address Tel 293 Name Address Tel Telex 294 Name Address Tel 295 Name Address Tel Mona Model Koli. Şü. Yamaç Sok. N.113 Levent -İSTANBUL 1641147 1.2/1.3/2.3 Mona Lisa Moda Evi -Saim Öziç Akmescit, Olivo Geçidi, Merko Oliva Apt. N.6/9Beyoğlu-ISTANBUL. 145 16 97-145 56 87 1.6/1.7/1.9/2.6/2.8 Merde Mizrahi ŞairnigarSok. 91/1 Osmanbey-ISTANBUL. 147 73 49 1.3/3. Mudo Hazır Giyim İmalat ve Paz. A.Ş. Ortaklar Cd. Bahçeler Sk. No: 10 Mecidiyeköy -İSTANBUL. 173 08 30 - (4 Lines) 26407 Dumo tr -26079 otmu tr 1.3/1.6/1,7/1.8/1,19/2.3/2.6/2.7/ 2.8/3.4/3.5/3.6/3.7/3.8 Muhtesen Kot Halefleri, Konf. Ltd. Şti. Gümüşsüyü Cad, Naşirin Mehmet Efendi Sok. N: 1/6 Topkapı-İSTANBUL. 576 16 4 1 - 5 7 6 47 66 1.8/1.3/1.6/17/2.3/2.7 Musa Şenbahar Örücüler, İbnül Emin Han N.57 İSTANBUL. 526 69 34 1.12/2.11/3.11 GEMSAN Telfötil Yaıtlımcı Maddeleri/Auxiliaries For Textile Anîista tikler Antistatics Akrilik / Acryi Preparasyon Yağları Preparation Lubricants Yumuşatıcılar Tekstil ve buna ek olarak deh, kauçuk, kozmetik sanayilerinin imalat sırasında gereksinim duyaoaklan her türlü yardımcı maddeler ile tüm sanayicilerimizin hizmetindeyiz. Eğer konunuztekstil, deri, kauçuk ve kozmetik sanayinde imalat ise, bizi aramakta gecikmemelisiniz. We provide the best service to textile and also to leather, rubber, cosmetics industries for their needs of ali kinds of auxiliary materials. Don't be late for calling us if your working lines are the manufacturing of everthing related to textile, leather, rubber and cosmetics. GEMSAN Genel Endüstri Maddeleri Sanayi veTicaret A.Ş. Adalar Sok. No.11-13 Haznedar, Bahçelievler-İstanbul Tehd)5750330-5757803Telex:24816 H B A R T R lû 296 Name Address Tel 297 Name Address Tel 298 Name Address Tel 299 Name Address Tel Telex 300 Name Address Tel 301 Name Address Tel 302 Name Address Tel 303 Name Address Tel 304 Name Address Mustafa Doganalp MumhaneCd. HasanpaşaHanN.MK.l Karaköy-ISTANBUL. 144 33 04 1.6/1.7/2.6/2.8 Mutlu Triko Bebe Gürün Han No; 660 K.6 Yeşildirek-İSTANBUL. 526 62 65 3.3 Nakış ue Brode San. ve Tic. A.Ş. Halaskargazi Cd. No: 295 Şişli İSTANBUL. 140 62 24 1.6/1.7/3.6/3.7/3.8 Necati Konfeksiyon Koll.Şti. Yeşildirek Gümüş Han K.2 N. 207-208 İSTANBUL 527 7138-526 33 53 22627 İs t tr. 1.3/2.3/3.4 Nedim Konfeksiyon Perihan Sok. No:118 Şişli -İSTANBUL. 148 45 52 3.2/3.3/3.5/3.6/3:7/3.8 305 Name Address Tel 306 Name Address Tel 307 Name Address Tel Telex 308 Name Address Tel 309 Name Address Tel Nedim Sadi Büyük Postane Cd. Banka Han N. 15 Sirkeci-İSTANBUL. 527 72517 1.3/2.3/2.6 Neşem Giyim San. ve Ttc. A.Ş. Gümüşsüyü Cad. Fazhpaşa Sok. No: 10/4Topkapı -İSTANBUL. 577 39 68 1.6/1.1.7/2.2/2:V2.8/2.7 Neteks Tekstil San. ve Tic. Necati Cenikli Sıracevizler Cd. Güvenç Sok. N.27/29 K.4 Şişli-İSTANBUL. 14117 76 1.3/2.3/3.4 Nevzat Triko Teşvikiye Cad. No: 143 Nişantaşı-İSTANBUL. 1410211 1.5/2.5 310 Name Address Tel Telex Nil Giyim San. Ltd. Şti. İ.M.Ç.5.BlokNo:5305 Unkapanı-İSTANBUL. 527 27 23 1.3/2.3 Nil Leder Fabrik - Niyazi Dereli Bileyciler Cad. Çavuş işhanı No: 46/8 Çarşıkapı-ISTANBUL. 528 63 61 1.10/2.9 Nilsan Giyim San. ve Tic. Hastane Yolu N.8 Zeytinburnu - İSTANBUL. 582 69 46-47 22158 AtırTr. 1.6/1.7/1.9/2.6/2.8/3.6/3.7/3. Nova Dış Tic. A.Ş. Vişnezade Camii Meydanı Efe Apt. N.2/8 Beşiktaş -İSTANBUL. 161 0711 2.3/2.6/1.3/1.7 Nur Deri San. Tic. Ltd. Şti. Ocak Sok. No: 18 Kazlıçeşme İSTANBUL. 582 51 18 1.: Nuteks Tekstil San. ve Tic. A.Ş. l.BlokN.1238 Unkapanı-İSTANBUL. 527 48 54-522 57 60 1.6/2.5/2.14/3.5 311 Name Address Tel 312 Name Addnebb Oğuz Tekstil ve Kumaşçılık Abidei-i Hürriyet Cad. N. 131 Osmanbey - İSTANBUL. 141 76 0 4 - İ 4 7 1 1 1 9 1.3/2.3/3.4- Oğuz Ticaret Millet Cad. Samipaşa Sok. Tüten N. 12 D.3 Fındıkzade -İSTANBUL 1.6/1.7/1.9/2.6/2.8 313 Name Address Tel Telex 314 Name Address Tel Telex 315 Name Address Tel 316 Name Address Tel 317 Name Address Tel 318 Name Address Tel 319 Name Address 320 Name Address Tel Okay İç ve Dış Ticaret A.Ş. Hürriyeti Ebediye Cad. Gökfiliz işhanı K. 5 - 6 Mecidiyeköy - İSTANBUL. 169 52 53 23177 Okay Tr. 1.2/1.3/1.7/1.8/2.2/2.3/2.6/2.8/ 2.12 Okumuş Yatırım ve Sınai Ürünler Paz. A.Ş. Ankara Cad. No: 47 Cağaloğlu-ISTANBUL. 520 58 95 - (5 lines) -520 66 04 (2 lines) 22041 Okna Tr, 22942 Gıy tr. 1.3/1.6/1.7/1.9/2.3/2.6/2.8/3.4/ 3.6/3.7/3.8 Omurtak Deri ve Konfeksiyon San. Tic. A.Ş. : Yeni Tabakhane Sok. No; 14 Kazlıçeşme-İSTANBUL. : 582 52 94 1.10/1.11/2.9/2.10 321 Name Address Tel Telex 322 Name Address Tel Telex 323 Name Address Tel 324 Name Address Tel : Opsan Otomotiv Parçaları ve Tic. A.Ş. : Orhaniye Cd. No: 10 Sirkeci İSTANBUL. : 528 35 87 1.3/2.3 : Orteks Gömlekleri -M. Ali Savcı : Aşirefendi Cad. Keskin Han No: 601 Sirkeci-ISTANBUL. :528 65 76-523 75 09 1.3/2.3/3.4 : Oto Marmara, Murat İskon Altunman :Tarlabaşı Cad. No:36 Taksim-ISTANBUL. : 150 12 77 1.10/2.9 : Ozan Konfeksiyon, İmalat ve Pazarlama Koll.Şti. :: Postacılar Sok. No: 22 Galatasaray -İSTANBUL. 1.3/1.6/1.7/1.9 : Ozan Örme Sanayii, Ahmet Şaner : Birahane Sok. No: 10, Bomonti -Şişli ISTANBUL. : 147 09 14 1.5/2.5 325 Name Address Tel Telex 326 Name Address Tel 327 Name Address Tel Telex 328 Name Address Tel Önderin, Beynelmilel İth. ve İhr. Mües. Abidei Hürriyet Cad. Polat Celil Ağa İşhanı K.2 N.8 Mecidiyeköy - İSTANBUL 16665 70 22883 İmta tr. 1.10/2.9 Örme İş Tekstil San. ve Tic. A.Ş. Yılanlı yazma Sok. No: 6 Davutpaşa - İSTANBUL. 576 05 60 23132 Örmetr. 1.3/1.5 Örmen, Örme San. A.Ş. Gümüşsüyü Cad. N.21 Bayrampaşa -Topkapı - İSTANBUL. 576 67 64 1.3/2.3 : Örnit Örme ve Giyim San. A.Ş. : Aşirefendi Cad. Bornovalı Han N. 107 Sultanhamam - İSTANBUL. : 527 5365-522 5200 1.1/1.2/1.3 : Örsa Örme Sanayii ve Tic. Koll.Şti. : Çeşnici Sok. Aziz Han K.2 N.7 Yeşildirek-İSTANBUL. :522 2449-526 78 15 : 22637 İstg tr. 1.3/1.5/1.6/2.3/2.5/3.4/3.5 : Orsan Giyim San. Koli. Şti. : Mahmutpaşa Cd. Hürriyet Çarşısı N. 248 -249-252-283 Mahmutpaşa - ISTANBUL. : 526 89 14 1.1/1.2/1.3/3.3/3.4/3.5 : Örtaş Örme İş Trikotaj San. ve Tic.A.Ş. : Yılanlı Ayazma Sok. No: 6 :576 05 60 (4 hat) : 23132Örmetr. 1.3/2.3 : Özbağ Kumaş Konf. Tic. San. A.Ş. : Büyük Postahane Cad. No:50-52 Sirkeci-ISTANBUL : 522 58 26-527 18 78 2.8 329 Name Address Tel Telex 330 Name Address Tel 331 Name Address 332 Name Address Tel Telex 333 Name Address Tel Telex 334 Name Address Tel 335 Name Address Tel 336 Name Address Özber Koll.Şti. Beyoğlu Ahududu Cad. No: 22 İSTANBUL 149 58 52 22644 Beyg tr.abo: 125 1.2/1.3/1.13/1.18/2.3/2.14/3.14/3.4 337 Name Address Tel 338 Name Özdemirci Konfeksiyorı - Abdülkerim Özdemir Kefeli Han N. 48-49 Mahmutpaşa - İSTANBUL. 522 98 80 1.6/1.7/2.6 Özel Tekstil San. ve Tic. Ltd. Şti. Keresteciler Sitesi 961 Ada 8. Parsel Üst Kat Merter-İSTANBUL. 1.3/1.5/2.3/2.5 Öz Er Giyim San. Koli. Şti. Aşir Efendi Mah.^Alyanak Han N.307 Eminönü-ISTANBUL. 527 51 98 22627-47 İst. 110 Özkan Pamuklu ve Deri Konf. Tic. ve San.A.Ş. Millet Cad. No: 30 Aksaray - İSTANBUL 577 03 58-525 4123 23751 1.10/2.9 Özkaramürsel Giyim Gıda ve İhtiyaç Mad. Tic. A.Ş. İstanbul Cad. No: 65 Bakırköy -İSTANBUL. 57157 75 1.10/2.9 Pabet Giyim San. ve Tic. A.Ş. Büyükdere Cad. Paşabahçe Mağ. Arkası Maslak-İSTANBUL. 16427 61-1643417 1.9/1.3/1.6/1.7/3.4/3.6/3.7/3.8 Pak Anülop Sepetçi Han No: 11 Çarşıkapı-İSTANBUL. 527 03 09 1.11/2.10 Address Tel 339 Name Address Tel 340 Name Address Tel Cable 341 Name Address Tel 342 Name Address Tel Telex 343 Name Address Tel Telex 344 Name Address Tel Telex Palmiye Konf. San. ve Tic. A.Ş. Oktay Cebeci Sok. No: 26 Şişli-İSTANBUL. 14619 81 1.3/2.3 Pamuk Tekstil Konf. İmalat İhr. İth. Paz. Ltd. Şti. İ.M.Ç. 5. Blok No: 5412 Unkapam-İSTANBUL. 1.2/1.3/1.5/2.2/2.3/2.5 Pamuklu Dokuma Tekstil San. İ.M.Ç. 2. Blok No: 2340 Unkapam-İSTANBUL. 1.3/1.6/1.7/2.3/2.5 Panda Kürk ve Deri San. - M. Emin Azıklı Rumeli Cad. No: 64/5 Osmanbey-İSTANBUL. 146 65 59 -148 05 72 Azıklı-İSTANBUL. 1.10/1.11/2.9/2.10 Panteks Giyim San. ve Tic. Ltd. Şti. Sarı Beyazıt Cad. 14/2 Vefa-İSTANBUL 52838 78 1.3/1.8/2.3/2.7 Panter Dış Ticaret Ltd.Şti. İstiklal Cad. Tütüncü Çıkmazı 1/3 Galatasaray - İSTANBUL. 144 03 25-143 19 58 22644 Beyg tr. (att. abona) 1.3/1.7/1.9/2.6/2.3/2.8/2.6/3:7/3. Parol Deri Konfeksiyon San. ve Tic. A.Ş. Aksu Han N. 307/310 Karaköy Meydanı İSTANBUL. 143 6088-577 4449 23472 Mili Tr. 1.10/2.9/3.9 Pars Deri San. A . Ş . Gümüşsüyü Cad. No: 19/17 ISTANBUL. 576 21 12 23405 1.10/2.9 345 Name Address Tel 346 Name Address Tel Telex 347 Name Address Tel Telex 348 Name Address Tel 349 Name Address Tel 350 Name Address Tel 351 Name Address Tel Telex Cable 352 Name Address Tel Telex Cable Pars Tekstil Tic. veSan.A.Ş Aşirefendi Cad. No: 11/5 Eminönü-ISTANBUL. 527 75 32 1.6/1.7/2.6 Paşaoğlu Dış Tic. Müm. Bah. Tic. Paz, Koll.Şti. Maraşal Çakmak Cad. No: 14 Şirinevler-ISTANBUL. 584 52 92-584 48 47 23126 1.3/1.10/2.3/2.10 Penyelüks, Hasan Gürel Kombine Tekstil İŞİ. A.Ş. Sefaköy, Mezbaha Yolu No: 24 İSTANBUL. 579 50 50-4 23338 Pen 1.2/1.5/2.3/2.2/2.1/3.1/3.4 Pepko Paz, Etüd Proje A.Ş. Topçular Kışla Cad. 100/A Rami-İSTANBUL. 577 41 24 1.10/2.9 Petra Giyim San. Semra Keskiner Şafak Sok. Sayman Apt 6 -8 Nişantaşı-İSTANBUL 147 61 11 1.3/1.6/1.7/1,9 Polat Triko Ali Polat ve Kardeşleri • Koll.Şti. Tarakçı Cafer Ağa Sok. Hamarat Aykm HanN. 139 Yeşildirek-İSTANBUL. 526 3144-526 36 94 1.3/1.5/2.3/2,5 353 Name Address Tel 354 Name Address Telex 355 Name Address Tel 356 Name Address Tel 357 Name Address Tel 358 Name Address Tel Portaş Dış Paz. Organizasyon ve Tanıtım A,Ş, 359 Kazım Orbay Cad. No:89/5 Name Şişli-İSTANBUL Address 140 74 56-1410173 26204 Prts. Tel înter Market, 1.7/1,9/2.6/2.8 Poyraz Dış Tic. A.Ş. Halaskargazi Cad, N . 309/7 Şişli-İSTANBUL 148 87 20-148 4315 23754 Poyr tr. Poyraz 1.6/1.7/1.9/1.13/2.3/3.4/3.6/3.7/ 3.8 360 Name Address Tel Telex Raca Etek Sanayi Samanyolu Sok. No: 190 İSTANBUL, 146 08 40 1.3/1.6/1.8 Ram Dış Tic. A.Ş. Büyükdere Cad. No: 121/12 Ercan Han Gayrettepe - İSTANBUL, 166 3120-167 53 73-173 11 00 25485 Ram Tr. -26486 MartTr. -23634 Razs Tr. 11.3/1.7/2,2/2.3/2.7/31,73,2/3.4/ 3.7 Regol Spor Giyim - Niyazi Kahraman Hacı Kadri Mah. Meyvel Bashan Sok, No: 16 -1 - 2 Unkapam - İSTANBUL. 520 96 16-146 0124 2.3 Reyon Deri Giyim San, Tiyatro Cad. Yahya Paşa Sok. Soten Kardeşler Han N. 16 Beyazıt-İSTANBUL. 528 3313 1.10/2.9 Rimodeks Export - Import Nispetiye Cad, Nispetiye Apt. No: 18 B Blokl, Levent-İSTANBUL. 169 15 37 1.10/2.9/3.9 Rimax Matbaacı Osmanbey Sok. No, 30 D.8 İSTANBUL. 148 86 62-146 73 58 1.8/2.7/3.7 Roal Örme San. ve Tic. A.Ş. Osmanbey Abidei Hürriyet Cad. N.9 Şişli İSTANBUL. 146 46 92 -148 95 47 1.5/1,7/1.9/2.5/2.6/2.8/3,5/3.6/ 3.7/3:8 Roniier Kağıt Basım San, ve Tic. A.Ş. Balkapan Han Sok. No: 24 Tahtakale-İSTANBUL. 522 69 91 22 627 1,3/2.3/3.4 yOUiZ CAPACITY you WJIL BB w/ilbe^ CAPT/OU: IN QuAury. ÖINCE 1979, FOKS FAe>HiO HAS OP 17 BEEN CA/^T/OU^ Şişli - Istanbul -Turkey Phone :146 62 0 1 - 1 4 7 6 5 Telex : 24830 F O K S Tr 22-141 6 5 PROUO JN COAL/TV 361 Name Address Tel Telex 362 Name Address Tel Telex 363 Name Address Tel : Roseteks Giyim San. A.Ş. : Abdi İpekçi Cad. Emintaş San. Sit. No: 165 : 577 03 70-577 22 29 : 22608 Rose Tr. 1 1.5/2.5 : Rozet Konfeksiyon San. ve Tic. A.Ş. : Abdi İpekçi Cad. Emintaş San. Sit. No: 165 : 577 03 70-577 22 29 : 22608 Rose Tr. 1.6/1.9 : Rönesans Giyim San. ve İhr. Ltd. Şti. : 1. Taşocağı Cad. Kıbç pasajı N.29 Mecidiyeköy - İSTANBUL. : 166 75 77-167 97 97 1.3/1.6/1.7 369 Name Address Tel Telex 370 Name Address Tel 371 Name Address - Tel 364 Name Address Tel Telex 365 Name Address Tel Telex 366 Name Address Tel 367 Name Address Tel Telex 368 Name Address Tel : Rubi Kombine Tekstil ve Konfeksiyon San. Tic. A.Ş. Beşkardeşler Sok. No: 12 Kazlıçeşme-İSTANBUL. 582 54 59 23645 1.3/2.3/3.4 Samko Tekstil İth. İhr. San. Tic. A.Ş. Samanyolu Sok. No: 71 Osmanbey - İSTANBUL. 14114 33 -141 24 65 -141 39 96 22056 Nel sTr. 1.2/1.3/1.5/ 2.3/2.2/3.4/3.5/3. 372 Name Address Tel Telex 373 Name Address Tel Samteks Giyim San. Ali Boyacı Örücüler Köşe Han K. 2 N. 208 Eminönü-İSTANBUL. 52642 68 1.3/1.12/2.3/2.11 374 Name Address Sandaş Sanayi Ürünleri Dağıtım A.Ş. Abidei Hürriyet Cad. 281/13 Şişli-İSTANBUL. 146 64 65 26507 Suna Tr. 1.3/1.6/2.3/2.6/3.4 375 Name Address Sanfa Hazır Giyim Ltd. Ştİ. Sezai Selek'Sok. Selek Apt. no: 15/13 Nişantaşı-ISTANBUL. 146 2187 1.10/2.9 Tel Tel 376 Name Address Tel : Saray Örme Tic. A.Ş. : İnönü Cad. No: 26/6 Taksim-İSTANBUL. : 143 5181 : 22719 SryTr. 1.2/1.3/2.2/2.3 •' Saray Örme ve Konfeksiyon San. Tic. A.Ş. : Rıhtım Cad. Yuva Sok. Yuva Han N.10/2 Karaköy-İSTANBUL. : 145 07 45-145 44 83 1.1/2.1 : Saray Triko-Yaşar Erciyes : Mengene Çıkmazı Bezciler Sok.N.45 Merkez Han Mahmutpaşa - İSTANBUL : 520 79 78 • 1.3/1.5/2.3/2.5 Sartaş İhr. İth. Tic. Paz. A.Ş. Bağdat Cad. No: 419 Sudaiye-İSTANBUL. 356 30 76 22675 1.10/2.9 Selim Eşara KoIİ.Şti. Sakaçeşme Sok. Çobansu Han N.8/1 Marputçular Eminönü - İSTANBUL 5217112 1.1/1.3 Selim Triko Sn. ve Tic. A.Ş. Rumeli Cad. No: 84 K.4 D.9 Osmanbey-ISTANBUL. 147 17 77-14017 77 1.5/2.5 Selo Tuhafiye Koli.Şti. Sabuncuhan Cad. Başar Han N. 13 Sultanhamam -İSTANBUL. 528 28 00-527 13 93 1.1/1.2/2.1 Selvi Konfeksiyon San. ve Tic. İstiklal Cad. N . 113 Beyoğlu İSTANBUL. 14444 75 1.3/1.5/1.6/1.7 zil Name Address Tel 378 Name Address Tel Telex 379 Name Address Tel 380 Name Address 381 Name Address Tei 382 Name Address Tel Telex 382 Name Address Tel 384 Name Address Tel 385 Name Address Sera Koll.Şti. Hürriyet Mah. Güngören Sok. N.2/3 Şirinevler-ISTANBUL. 5845843 1.10/2.9 386 Name Address Tel Telex Telg. : : : : : Silva Eksport - Silva Çav Atiye Sok. N.7/4Teşvikiye-IS 146 5583-147 32 06 24123 Ann Tr. Darkel-İSTANBUL. 1.3/1.6/1.7 Sesa Müh. San. ve Tic. Ltd. Şti. Büyükdere Cad. Lale işhanı N. 62/38 Mecidiyeköy - İSTANBUL. 167 74 56 26278 Sesa Tr. -26151 Nam Tr. 1.2/1.3/2.3 387 Name Address Ses Reklam Pazarlama ve Tic. Ltd.Şti. Turnacıbaşı Sok. 19 Beyoğlu -İSTANBUL 149 23 90 1.4/2.4 Name Address Sipahi Elekft-ik Proje Söğütçü Çeşme Cad. Elbak Han N.82/D K.6No:604 1.10/2.9 Name Address Som er Eksport Nişantaşı Rumeli Cad. N.22 Aylar Apt. Tel 167 86 20-147 5681 1.10/2.8/2.9 Sevil Çocuk ihtiyaçları Pazarlama A.Ş. Eşref Efendi Sok. No: 23 Pangaltı-İSTANBUL 140 44 33 3.1/3.2/3.3/3.4/3.5/3.6/3.7/3.8 Seya Gümrükçülük ve Tic. Ltd. Şti. Yemeniciler Cd. Koçak Han N.83/10 155 36 81 1.10/2.9 Sır Kadın Çamaşırları Dikim San. Seyfi Dukul - Vefa Dukul ve Ort. Koll.Şti. Halkçı Sok. Yavuz işhanı N.34 K.4 Bakırköy-İSTANBUL. 5719449-570 1096 23852 Hokt Attn. Sır 1.1/1.2/1.3/1.6/1.7/2.2/2.3/3.1/ 3.2/3.4 Sıtkı Üstün Cumhuriyet Cad. Dörtler Apt. N.IO Elmadağ-İSTANBUL. 146 92 03 1.10/2.9 Side Triko Hocahan Sok. Sultan Han N.2/3 Şirinevler-ISTANBUL. 584 5843 1.10/2.9 Silson Tic. Tanju Korel Madalyon Sok. Dilek Apt. N.512 Nişantaşı-İSTANBUL. 140 55 54 1.6/1.3/3.13 Tel 390 Name Address Tel Telex 391 Name Address Tel 392 Name Address Tel Telex 393 Name Address 394 Name Address Tel : Simkol Deri Ticaret Ltd. Şti. : Divaneli Sok. Kalaycıoğlu Han Çarşıkapı-İSTANBUL. : 522 12 50 1.10/2.9 Soydan Giyim San. ve Tic. A . Ş . Samanyolu Sok. Polat Apt. N. 26-28/5 Osmanbey - İSTANBUL. 146 0170-146 0171 23425 Ramo Tr. 1.6/1.9/2.6/2.8/3.6/3.8/3.9 Soymen Moda San. ve Tic. A.Ş. Ağaçeşme Sok. No. 15/5 -8 Laleli-İSTANBUL 52780 35 1.3/1.6/1.7/1.8/.19 Sör Tekstil Mam. San. ve Tic. A . Ş . Kemeraltı Cad. N:95 Kemer Han K.2 Karaköy-ISTANBUL. 143 8174-75 24756 1.2/1.3/2.2/2.3/3.2/3.4 Step Ajam, Memiş Rauf Çavuşoğlu Gümüşsüyü Miralay Şefik Bey Sok. N. 19/2 Beyoğlu - ISTANBUL: 1.3/1.5/1.6/2.3/2.5 Stil Deri Giyim San. ve Tic. Koll.Şti. Mehmet Akif Cad. Birinci Sok. N.41 Kocasinan îş Merkezi A Blok K.7 Şirinevler-ISTANBUL. 5843285 1.10/2.5 395 Name Address Tel 369 Name Address Tel 397 Name Address Tel Sümer Giyim Zafer Sok. No: 60/5 Rumeli Cad. Nişantaşı-ISTANBUL. 146 63 03 1.3/1.7 404 Name Address Tel Şahnur Konfeksiyon Koli. Şti. KatırcıogluSok. No; 36 Sultanhamam - İSTANBUL. 527 55 44-522 93 03 1.1/1.2 405 Name Address Şener Ticaret - Turhan Şener Bağdat Cad. 242/5 Kadıköy-İSTANBUL. 358 70 63 1.10/2.9 406 Name Address Tel Tel 398 Name Address Tel 399 Name Address Tel 400 Name Address Tel 401 Name Address Tel 402 Name Address Tei 403 Name Address Şen Çelikoğlu Paz. San. ve Tic. Ltd.Şti. Beş Kardeşler Sok. N.14 Kazlıçeşme-İSTANBUL. 582 34 34-37 1.10/2.9 Şenler Deri ve Tekstil San. A.Ş. Davutpaşa Cad. Merkezefendİ Sok. Ömer İşit. K.2 Topkapı -İSTANBUL. 57723 77 1.10/2.9 Şile Bezi San. Tic. Koll.Şti. İnkiiap Cad. Bulgurlu Mescit Sok. N . 19 Üsküdar-İSTANBUL. 333 43 50 1.3/2.3/2.6/1.4/2.4 Şirin Giyim Sanayii Mahmutpaşa Cad. N . 37 526 6266 1.3/1.6/1.7 Şükrü Terzioğlu Rıhtım Cad. Kozluca Han K.4 Karaköy-ISTANBUL. 145 38 31 1.13/2.14 Tabaklan San. ve Tic. Koli. Şti. -Mithat Uğur ve Ort. Demirhane Cad. N. 147 Kazlıçeşme İSTANBUL. 582 35 01 1.10/2.9 407 Name Address Tel Telex 408 Name Address Tel Telex 'Cable 409 Name Address Tel 410 Name Address Tel 411 Name Address Tel Tampaş Tarım Ürünleri Yatırım ve Paz A.Ş. Büyükdere Cad. Polat işhanı 87/6 Mecidiyeköy - İSTANBUL. 14507 45-1454483 1.1/2.1 Tanatar Konfeksiyon San. ve Tic. A.Ş. Bayrampaşa, Gümüşsüyü Cad. N.63 Zeytinburnu - İSTANBUL. 57649 12 1.10/1.11/2.9/2.10 Taner Triko, Memik Altemür İstanbul Cad. No: 152 Bayrampaşa -İSTANBUL. 576 57 57 1.3/2.3/3.4 Tasan Taahhüt ve Yapı San. A.Ş. Bestekar Şevki Bey Mah. İtü Sok. N.2 Balmumcu -Beşiktaş -İSTANBUL. 167 02 60-167 0261 26182 Ord Tr. 1.10/2.9 Tavşanlı Konfeksiyon Aşirefendi Cad. N.47 İSTANBUL 52850 70-71 23124 LataTr. Tavşanlı Tr. 1.3/1.6/1.7/1,9/2.3/2.6/2.7/2.8/ 3.4/3.6/3.7/3.8 Tekel Turistik Giyim Sanayii Beyazıt - Beyaz Saray N. 89 İSTANBUL. 528 84 92 1.4/2.3/2.4 Tekstüre Çorap San. ve Tic. A.Ş. Yeni Londra Asfaltı, Cevizlibağ, Yılanlı Ayazma Sok. Topkapı -İSTANBUL. 577 00 22 1.13/2.14 Telvi Tic. San. Sinan Telvi Büyükpostane Cad. Yeni Valde Han K.4 N.76 Sirkeci-ISTANBUL. 526 82 43 1.3/2.3/3.4 Y Y Turkey offers the world lozelnuts, tobacco, figs, carpets, citrus fruit, chrome ore, and MUDO. », the leading leisure wear manufacturer in Turkey, adorns the most distinguished boutiques and stores in the world. IV s/— "art in DC . fashion ORTAKLAR CAD. BAHÇELER SOK. NO: 10, M E C İ D İ Y E K Ö Y , ISTANBUL, TURKEY TEL; 173 08 30 (4 LINES) TELEX: 26079 ODMU TR. J 412 Name Address Tel 413 Name Address Tel Telex 414 Name Address Tel 415 Name Address Tel 416 Name Address Tei Telex 417 Name Address Tel Telex 418 Name Address Tel 419 Name Address Temir Ticaret Halaskargazi Cad. N.289/1 Osmanbey-ISTANBUL. 146 14 06-07 1.3/1.6/1.7/1.8 Tempo Dış Ticaret - Fuarcılık, Turizm ve Reklam Hizmetleri A.Ş. Şehit Muhtar Cad. No: 4/2 Taksim-İSTANBUL 155 32 74 24683 Tuk Tr. 1.10/2.9 Teodem Deri San. ve Tic. A.Ş. Kazitçeşme Demirhane Cad. Hacı Mehmet Paşa Sok: N. 14 Zeytinburnu - İSTANBUL. 140 57 16 1.10/1.11/2.9/2.10 Tesel Türte Altın İğne Giyim San. İ.M.Ç. 5. Blok 5555 Unkapanı-İSTANBUL. 522 35 34 1.3/1.6/1.7/2.3/2.5 Timeks Tüketim Maddeleri Paz. A.Ş. Büyükdere Cad. N.77/7 D.15 İSTANBUL. 146 58 67 25430 1.10/2.9 420 Name Address Tel 421 Name Address Tel 422 Name Address Tel 423 Name Address Tel 424 Name Address Tel 425 Name Address Tel Tim Mühendislik Taahhüt, Mümessillik Ltd.Şti. İnönü Cad. Üçler Apt. N,20D.1/A Gümüşsüyü - İSTANBUL. 149 22 01-144 47 37 24 617 Erg tr. 1.5/2.5 426 Name Address Tel Titiz Giyim San. ve Tic. A.Ş. Osmanlı Sok. N.14-16 Taksim-İSTANBUL. 14502 20-14502 22 1.3/1.8/1,6/1.7 427 Name Address To -Ba, Tekstil İth. İhr. Ltd. Şti. Keresteciler Sitesi 974 Ada 7. Parsel K . l Merter-İSTANBUL, 575 58 30 1.3/1.6/1.7/2.6/2.8 428 Name Address Tel Tel Toper Deri Mam. San. Tic. Ltd. Şti. Cumhuriyet Cad. N.233/5 Harbiye İSTANBUL. 147 05 86-1480357 1.10/2.9 Trakya Deri San. A.Ş. Kotra Sok. N.15/17 Kazhçeşme - İSTANBUL. 582 3445 1.10/2.9 Tuncer Giyim San. Fehmi Tuncer İstanbul Cad. Belediye Pasajı No: 16 Bayrampaşa -İSTANBUL. 576 57 57 2.3/2.9 Turgutoğlu Ticaret Çavuşoğlu Han K, 1 No; 109 'Tahtakale-İSTANBUL 576 74 24 1.3/2.3 Tuğ Butik Kent Pasajı K.2 N.316 Şişli -İSTANBUL 146 06 78 1.2/1.6 Turhan Doğruol İ.M.Ç. 5. Blok N.5106 Unkapanı-İSTANBUL. 522 14 82 1.3/1,5/1.7/2.3/2.5 Türksever Ticaret Mumhane Cad. Nimet Han N.79 K.5 Karaköy-İSTANBUL 144 6811 1,3/1.6/1.7/2.3/2.6 Turteks Tekstil San. ve Tic. A.Ş. Davutpaşa Cad. Askeri Fırın Sok. Erdinç San. Sitesi N. 116 Topkapı-İSTANBUL. 576 30 12 1.3/1.5/1.6/2.3/2.5/2.6 Türkmen Giyim San. Koll.Şti. Tasvir Sok. N . l l Cağaloğlu - İSTANBUL 527 5046 2.3 429 Name Address Tel 430 Name Address Ufi Erkek Giyim M.Akif Derek Namık Kemal Cad. No: 2 Aksaray-ISTANBUL. 525 93 85 1.6/1.7/1.9/2.6/2.8/1.3/2.3 Uğraş Koll.Şti. Münir Uğraş ve Ortakları Ergenekon Cad. N.25-27 Pangaltı-ISTANBUL. 1.1/2.1 437 Name Address Tel 438 Name Address 431 Name Address Tel 432 Name Address Tel 433 Name Address Tel Telex 434 Name Address Tel Telex 435 Name Address Tel 436 Name Address Tel Ulaşteks Tekstil San. ve Dış Tic. Ltd.Şti. Rıhtım Cad. Misaki Milli Sok. Rıhtım Apt. N. 5/3 Kadıköy - İSTANBUL. 337 62 34-575 64 77 24656 Us ay Tr. 1.1/1.3/2.1/2.2/2.3/3.1/3.2/3.3/3.4 Ulaştır İth. İhr. ve Tic. Ltd. Şti. Balmumcu Barbaros Bulvarı Ganize Apt. 46/5 Beşiktaş -İSTANBUL. 1601105-166 05 49 2.3/2.6/3.1/1.7 Tei 439 Name Address 440 Name Address Tel Ulpa Uluslararası Tic. Paz. ve Tekstil San. A.Ş. Londra Asfaltı Hisar Sok. N . l Sefaköy-İSTANBUL. P.O.B. 16 Havaalanı Yeşilköy-ISTANBUL. 579 27 60-61 22608 Tr. Att Abo 30 1.2/1.3/1.6/1.7/2.3/2.6/2.7/32/3.4 3.7 Unik Dış Ticaret Ltd. Şti. Şehit Muhtar Cad. 26/5 Taksim-ISTANBUL. 150 54 27 24657 nik Tr. 1.6/1.7/1.10/2.6/2.9 Universal Bin o Yeniçeriler Cad. Baysal Saray Han N.77/A Beyazıt -ISTANBUL. 522 53 33 1.10/2.9 Ural Dış Tic. Koll.Şti. Hürriyet Çarşısı No: 223 Mahmutpaşa - İSTANBUL. 522 09 21 1.3/1.6/1.7 441 Name Address Tel Telex 442 Name Address Tel 443 Name Address Tel 444 Name Address Tel Utaş Uluslararası inşaat Ticaret ve Sanayi A.Ş. İstiklal Cad". Kantlar HanN.113K.5 Beyoğlu-İSTANBUL. 145 25 01 1.3/1.6/1.7/1.9/2.3/2.6/2.8/3.4/3 3.6/3.7 Uteksport Uluslararası Sınai Mamulleri İhr. A.Ş. Kemeraltı Cad. Doğan işhanı 34/6 -7 Karaköy-İSTANBUL 1451134-36 1.10/2.9 Uyar Kürk Sanayi Bahariye Cad. Opera Onur Han N.33 Kadıköy - İSTANBUL. 1.11/2.10 Uygun Giyim Sanayi Bezciler Sok. Adalar Pasajı N. 401 -403 Mahmutpaşa -İSTANBUL. 527 96 82 1.3/1.6/1.7 Uygun San. Mam. Dış Tic. Ve Paz. A.Ş. l'Esentepe Tevfikerdönmez Paşa Cad. Gül Apt. K.9 D.48 4 9 Mecidiyeköy -İSTANBUL. 166 79 92-167 14 13 23722 Sauy 1.10/2,9 Uysal Ticaret - İbrahim Uysal Şair NigarSok. N. 30 Nişantaşı-İSTANBUL. 147 08 28 1.3/1.6/1.7 Uyum Çamaşır San. Necdet Özdayı Nuri Ziya Sok. N. 15 Galatasaray İSTANBUL. 143 43 16 1.1/1.2 Ümit Kürkçülük Tic. ve San. A.Ş. İstiklal Cad. Müeyyel ok. N . 6 Galatasaray - İSTANBUL. 144 54 29 1.11 445 Name Address Tel 446 Name Address Tel 447 Name Address Tel 448 Name Address Tel Telex 449 Name Address Tel 450 Name Address Tel 451 Name Address Tel Telex 452 Name Address Tel Telex 453 Ümit Konfeksiyon - Mustafa Demircigil Öztaş Pasajı No. 141; Mahmutpaşa -ISTANBUL. 52780 70 1.3/1.6/1.7/2.6 Üniteks Tekstil ve Tic. A.Ş. Bomonti Birahane Sok. N . 28 Şişli-İSTANBUL. 14826 50-1414405 1.3/1.5/1.6/1.7/2.3/2.5/2.6 Ünlüsoylar Tuhafiye San. ve Tic. A.Ş. Marputçular Alacahamam Cad. N . 32 Eminönü-İSTANBUL. 526 43 59-527 0541 1.1/1.2/1.3/1.12/2.1/2.3/2.11/23.2/ 3.4*3.11 Name Address Tel 454 Name Address Tel 455 Name Address Tel 456 Name Vakko Tekstil ve Heızır Giyim Sanayi îşl. A.Ş. Londra Asfaltı Çırpıcı Çayırı Topkapı-İSTANBUL. 575 15 90 1.3/2.3 Vander Deri ve Konf. San. ve Tic. A.Ş. Kofra Sok. N . 5 Kazhçeşme -İSTANBUL 528 02 74-75 1.10/2.9 Varsal Kürk evi Sedat Ateş Sönmez İstiklal Cad. Emir Nevruz Sok. G Galatasaray -İSTANBUL. 14455 50 1.10/1.11 Dr. Vedat Özsezen İthalat İhracat Şişli, Büyükdere Cad. N 124 Zemin Kat Zincirlikuyu-İSTANBUL. 167 75 18-167 75 19 24515 utx 11 1.1/1.2/1.5/2.14 Verdi Tic. ve San. A . Ş . Cumhuriyet Cad. No. 26 - A Harbiye-İSTANBUL. 146 66 62 22940 2.3/2.6/2.8 Address Tel Telex 457 Name Address 458 Name Address Tel Telex 459 Name Address Tel 460 Name Address Tel Telex Vural Giyim Sanayi İlim Yayma Vakıf iş hanı No. 8 Bakırcılar Beyazıt-İSTANBUL. 526 56 93-527 98 15 1.8/2.7/3.7 Yaba Kürk Tic. ve San. Ltd. Şti. Halaskargazi Cad. No. 265/2 Harbiye-İSTANBUL. 14767 21 1.10/1.11/2.9 Yakup Murat ve Ort. Koll.Şti. Tahtakale Cad. Çamaşırcılar Sok. N . 12 Tahtakale-İSTANBUL. 522 2167 1.1/1.3/2.1/2.3 Yavuz Konfeksiyon Giyim San. ve Paz. Tic. A.Ş. Sultanhamam Meydanı No. 21/1 İSTANBUL. 527 61 75 23493 retu tr 1.3/1.6/1.7 YavuzaslanTic. Selvili Mescit Sok. Kurt İşhanı No. 404/408 Cağaloğlu - İSTANBUL. 1.13/2.14 Yavuzlar Gıda ve Hayvancılık A.Ş. Büyükdere Cad. 26/18 Kat. 9 Mecidiyeköy -İSTANBUL. 167 12 26-166 87 64 26136 1.5/1.10/2.5/2.9 Yavuzlar Kon. Koli. Şti. Necmettin Hacıbaloğlu ve Ort. Aşirefendi Cad. Alyanak Han K.2 No. 206-208 Sultanhamam - İSTANBUL. 5264542-528 5341 1.3/1.6/1.7/1.9/2.6 Yedikule Deri San. A.Ş. Demirhane Cad. No. 3 K Kazhçeşme-İSTANBUL. 582 69 40-41 23804 yd 1.10/2.9 461 Name Address Te! 462 Name Address Tel 463 Name Address Tel 464 Name Address Tel 465 Name Address Tel 466 Name Address Tel Telex 467 Name Address Tel Name Address Yeni Karamürsel Konfeksiyon Tic. A.Ş. 17-4 Yenilevent 164 71 17 1.6/1.7/1. . ve Yeprem Çetinyürür Bezciler Sok. No. 41 Tel 522 14 ı 470 Name Address 527 70 09 1.3/2.3 522 9417-522 9621 Yıldız Manifatura Koli. Şti. Rıza Paşa Yokuşu Zemin Kat No. 3 Fincancılar Çıkmazı Sultanhamam İSTANBUL. 5280992 1.7 Yonca Reklam - Fatma Yücel Kocatüri-, Su Terazisi Sok. No. 19/5 Neşe Apt. Galatasaray - İSTANBUL. 14923 90 1.4/2.4 Yunus Deri Konfeksiyon Yunus Değirmenci Mimar Hayrettin mah. Divan Ali Sok. KalaycıoğluİşHamNo. 12/3.7 Eminönü-İSTANBUL 527 8262 1.10/2.9 Yurdagül Otomotiv Tic. ve San. Ltd.Şti. Namık Kemal Cad. Göktap Iş Hanı No. 301 Aksaray-İSTANBUL. 524 60 62-524 56 98 22627 Istgtrbox212 1.5/2.5 Yusuf Bahar, Çelik ve Masif Büro Eş Tersane Cad. Kardeşim Sok. Griffin No. 36 -37 Karaköy -İSTANBUL. 145 25 29 1.6/1.7/1.9/2.6/2.8 Yücel Tanrtyar Korsan Çıkmazı Saadet Apt. No.4/2D.5 Galatasaray -1 144 71 99 1.7 Address Zeynar Takıcı Çarşıkapı Cad. Tel 520 95 15 1 - MEHMET PIR TRANSPORTS INTERNATIONAUX S.A. INTERNATIONAL TRANSPORT CO. Un tout petit coli ou bien mille grands paquets Rien ne change pour TURKSPED Est-ce que vous avez 2 5 0 0 tonnes â faire transporter? Doit ce transport s'etfectuer en un seul ooup En voici nos 120 camions o vos ordres, Saut bien-sûr ceux qui sont dejâ engages Quelques-uns produisent des autos les a u î r e s du pain Nous ne vous offrons q u e d u service Mais il est extraordinaire Pourquoi ne pas profiter de cet exceptionei' service? Nous possedons une experience de plus de 30 annees Et I ' expertise dans le domaine du textile. Nous vous proposons Transport Intercontinental pour vos vetements, sans les chifonner, meme sans gâter leur repassage. Nous s o m m e s capables d e charger et d'acheminer immediaternent nos camions complets et partiels de touts les points de la Turquie specialement d'Istanbul, Izmir et A n k a r a Ou sont situes nos 4 bureaux Et de toutes les villes d'Europe. Colloborons avec les meilleurs repesentants de transport dans tous les Centres Europeens. TURKSPED, agent d'lATA, est aussi expert pour le Transport Aerien c o m m e pour le Transport Routier. Pour votre contort Laissez tout aux bons coeurs de votre expert. DIRECTION/CENTRAL OFFİCE Değirmenbahçe Sokak 19 Yeni'bosna-Bakırköy-İstanbul Tel: 1/584.55.60-64 [5 llgnes) Telex: 23460 asu tr- 22946 îsp tr22475 pir tr, Boite postale : 1100 Karokoy/lstdnbui-Turquie One pack and thousand packs; not different for TURKSPED Do you have a load of 2 5 0 0 tons? Should they be carried at one effort? Would that all our 120 trucks were empty We could then convey that load with a trailer covoy. Some produce cars, others bread W e only offer you SERVICE But an extraordinary one. Why don't you make use of that magnificent SERVICE? We have 30 years of forwarding experience and expertise on the textile field, We provide intercontiental, conveying for dresses without creasing them, even without d a m a g i n g their iron. We have possibility to load and take the way immediately with our groupage and complete trailers from Istanbul, İzmir and A n k a r a v/here we have 4 offices,and from all cities of Europe. First class transport correspondents work with us from all european centers, In the field of airway transportation too, TURKSPED, agent of lATA, is specialist as in T r a n s p o r t Routier' let everything to ITS expert, this for your Ease, TURKSPED Ankara Tunus Caddesi 40/5 Kavok lidere-An kara .Tel: 41/282046 -41/272527 TURKSPED İzmir 1460 Sokak 20b Aisancok-izmir Tel: 51/220494- 51/220356-51/216132 Telex: 52244 spd tr. 001 Name Address Tel 002 Name Address Tel Telex Cable Akçalar Mensucat Malazgirt Cad. N . l Sefaköy-İSTANBUL. 579 14 69-579 09 42 4.2 Akın Tekstil A.Ş. Veliefendi Yolu N.49 Bakırköy - 1ST. 5711111 22802 Akın tr Akınteks-İSTANBUL. 4.2 003 Name Address Tel 004 Name Address Tel Akınal Yünlü San. ve Tic. A.Ş. Davutpaşa Cad. N.105 Topkapı-İSTANBUL. 576 3133 4.1 Ali Gerger Yeni Gıda Sitesi 2. Sok. N.28 Unkapanı-İSTANBUL. 527 82 07 4.1/34.2 005 Name Address Tel 006 Name Address Tel 007 Name Address Tel 008 Name Address Tel 009 Name Address Tel 010 Name Address Tel Altm Tekstil A.Ş. Aşirefendi Cad. Fındıkçı Remzi Sok. Liman Han K.3 N.3 Eminönü İSTANBUL. 520 92 40 4.2 Altun Tekstil Pazarlama Hamdibey Geçidi N.6 Sultanhamam -İSTANBUL. 522 89 23 4.7 AltınmekikTic. San. A.Ş. Halkalı şosesi No,2 Mahmutbeyköyü - İSTANBUL. 575 15 43 - (2 Lines) 520 58 95 (5 lines) 52066 04 (2 Lines)) 4.3 Amltaş İth. İhr. Paz. ve Amb. San. A.Ş. Büyükdere Cad. N. 157/89 ş Şişli-İSTANBUL. 167 09 83 4.2 013 Name Address Telex Cable 014 Name Address Tel Telex Cable 015 Name Address Tel 016 Name Address Tel Telex Argunteks Koll.Şti. Beşkardeşler Sok. N.4/2 Zeytinburnu - İSTANBUL. 522 82 99 4.11 017 Name Address Tei Atayteks Mefruşat Tekstil San. ve Tic. A.Ş. İ.M.Ç. l.BlokN.1220 Unkapanı-İSTANBUL. 520 97 54-527 87 88 4.3 018 Name Address Tel Oil Name Address Tel 012 Name Address Tel Telex Aydın İplik - İsmail Aydın ve Ort. Koll.Şti. Mercan Yokuşu N.57 Eminönü -İSTANBUL. 527 52 21 4.1 Ayplast Plastik ve Kimyasal Mad. San. ve Tic. A.Ş. Bahariye Cad. N.46/3 Kadıköy-ISTANBUL. 336 34 00-330 68 82 22800 KTK -TR REF No. 106 4.8 019 Name Address Tel Telex 020 Name Address Tel Arslan İşletmesi - Osman Arslan Lüleci Hendek Cad. N.47 T Tophane-ISTANBUL. 23404 Katx 24683 Txk - TR Arslan - Istanbul. 4.12 Bahariye Mensucat Sanayi ve Tic. A.Ş. Bahariye Cad. N.20-24 Eyüp -İSTANBUL. 582 26 10-13 23779 baftr Topbaşlar 4.1/4.2/4.4/ Bekem İplikçilik - Vural Erden Bekem Cağaloğlu, Tasvir Sok. N.22 Turan Han N. 2 Bodrum Kat İSTANBUL. 527 34 65 4.1 Beton Asfalt İnşaat Ltd.Şti. Şehit Muhtar Cad. Bisturi Apt. N.40/3 Taksim-İSTANBUL. 150 3446-150 76 88 24582 asfa tr 4.2 Baygun İth.İhr.Güm.Ltd.Şti. Necatibey Cad. Gür Han N.42 Oda 15 İSTANBUL. 143 05 67 4.2 Birlik Şerif Sanayi A.Ş. Gümüşsüyü Cad. 29/3 Topkapı-İSTANBUL. 576 07 43 4.11 Boyner Sanayi Mensucat Fab. A.Ş. Fazlı paşa Sok. N,2/2 Topkapı-ISTANBUL. 576 32 73 22080 4.1 Bucak Tekstil San. ve Tic. A.Ş. Aşirefendi Cad. Hoca Kasım Sok. N.3 K. 1 /12 Sirkeci - İSTANBUL. 526 86 47 4.2 Fabübus o u c h of velvet With Türkmen velvet, a fabulous touch .smooth andsoft, isat yourflngertip.s. FE "VELVET" Merkezi Gümüşsüyü Iröni] Cad. Teknik Har No: 76/2 TAKSİM İSTANBUL Tel: 143 BB 9 9 - 1 4 4 B2 63 Telex: 24 402 ISDO TR Türkmen velvets are woven in Turkey's largest integrated textile plant, where only the most modern technology is used. Besides meeting home market needs, Türkmen production exports all kinds of top quality velvets, including Jaquard, plain, pure cotton, synthetics and patterned velvets, for clothing, curtains and furniture upholstering. Velvet for upliolstery, curtains and clothes... A wide variety of material in jaquard, cotton, plain, silk and printed velvet. Türkmen Kadife recreates velvet in i t ' s modern and integrated factory that is equipped with the latest textile equipment. Türkmen Kadife continues Turkish traditional good taste in velvet. 021 Name Address Tel 022 Name Address 023 Name Address Tel 024 Name Address Tel 025 Name Address Tel 026 Name Address Tel Telex Cable 027 Name Address Tel Büyüksaray Ticaret -Nusret Büyüksaray Sekerci Sok. Yalçın Han N. 10 K.5 Aksaray-İSTANBUL'. 524-26 47-524 4519 4.2 Bulgu Dış Tic. Ltd. Sti. Ömer Avni Mah. Beytülmalci Sok. N.14/1 Kabataş -İSTANBUL. 4.3 Can Emprimecilik Tic. ve San. A.Ş. Alacahamam Cad. N.28-30 İSTANBUL. 522 20 12-527 02 91 4.2 029 Name Address Tel 030 Name Address Tel Telex 031 Name Address Tel Canlılar Tekstil Tic. ve San . A . Ş . Finacancılar Cad. N.28 Eminönü-İSTANBUL. 520 52 50-522 52 51 4.2 Çiğ Gümrükleme ve Nakliyat Tic. Ltd.Şti. Rıhtım Cad. Veli Alemdar Han N.506/1 Karaköy-İSTANBUL. 14315 06-144 08 33 4.2 : Çimeks Tekstil San. ve Tic. A.Ş. : Çakmakçılar YokuuşN. 70 Sultanhamam - İSTANBUL. : 527 2412-520 53 29-28 : 22627 istg-tr 128 : Cimilkardeş 4.2/4.3 : Dekor Tekstil ürünleri San. ve Tic. Ltd.Şti. : İstiklal Cad. N.238 Beyoğlu - İSTANBUL : 144 04 51 4.2 032 Name Address Tel Telex P.O.B 033 Name Address Tel Telex 034 Name Address Tel Telex 035 Namee Address Telex 028 Name Address Tel Cable Dinçerler Tekstil San. ve Tic. A.Ş. Atatürk Bulvarı İ.M.Ç. 2. Blok N.2423 Unkapanı-İSTANBUL. 52640 71-527 85 33 Dinçerler 4.9 036 Name Address Tel Dodanlı Tekstil İhr. İth. San. ve Tic. A.Ş, Aşirefendi Cad. Küçük Tic. Han N.32/2 İSTANBUL. 522 14 48 4.2 Dormeks Kumaş San. ve Tic. A.Ş. Aşirefendi Cad. Şeker Han N.4 Sirkeci İSTANBUL. 528 26 47-48 22785 4.2 Dursunoğulları İplikçilik Tekstil Tic.San. A.Ş. Kastel Altın Han K.3 N. 101 Sirkeci-İSTANBUL. 520 12 20-520 77 61 4.1 Edip İplik San. ve Tic. A.Ş. İ.M.Ç. S.Blok 5402 Unkapanı-İSTANBUL. 575 57 41-44 22001 Edipteks-P.K. 34 Unkapanı -İSTANBUL. 4.1 Edpa Paz. A.Ş. Hüsrev Gerede Cad. N. 126 Teşvikiye-İSTANBUL. 141 6510-11-12-13 22006 Edip tr 4.2 Elis Ltd.Şti. Mecidiyeköy, Sivritaş Sok. N.14/4 166 09 68 23889 arse-tr 4.1/4.6 Emeks Sanayi Mamulleri İthi İhr. ve Paz.A.Ş. Tünel Geçidi işhanı Kat 2 No. 206 - 207 A Blok 23656 Suit tr. 4.6/4.7 Eminteks A.Ş. Rızapaşa Yok. Fincancılar Çıkmazı Emin Han Sultanhamam -İSTANBUL. 528 02 71 4.2/4.6 037 Name Name Address Tel Telex 038 Name Address Tel Telex 039 Name Address Tel Telex 040 Name Address Tel 041 Name Address Tel Telex Cable 042 Name Address Tel Telex 043 Name Address Tel Cable Emper Tekstil San. ve Tic. A.Ş. Hacı Küçük Cad. N.47 Sultanhamam -ISTANBUL. 522 72 95 - 527 04 22 -140 77 44 -147 1196 22627 Gise tr -Box 28 4.2 Fan teks Örme San. ve Tic. A.Ş. Koşuyolu Aksu Cad. N.3 Bakırköy-ISTANBUL. 571 99 54 22571 Nmftr 4.1/4.2 Fikon Fermuar San. veTic. A.Ş. Ipİikçi Fırın Durağı N.7 Kasımpaşa -ISTANBUL. 150 32 65 -150 29 20 22644 Beyg tr 4.11 Fisteks Bağ ve Lastik Örme San. A.Ş. Gümüşsüyü Cad. N.29 Topkapı-İSTANBUL. 576 66 93 4.2/4.1 Genar İTh. İHr. İnş. Tic. ve San. A.Ş. Rıhtım Cad. N.64/1 Kadıköy-İSTANBUL. 3388183-32385106 22801 KTK TR Genar 4.5/4.6/4.7 Gamsan Genel Endüstri Madd. ve Tic. A.Ş. Adalar Cad. N. 11 -13 Haznedar Bahçelievler ISTANBUL. 575 03 30-575 78 03 24816 Hbar tr 4.11 Gilateks Dokuma San. ve Tic. A.Ş. Numunebağ Cad. Öziç Han K.3 B Blok N.30 Topkapı -Maltepe -İSTANBUL! 576 58 85 Gilateks 4:11 044 Name Address Tel Cable 045 Name Address 046 Name Address Tel 047 Name Address Tel 048 Name Güler San. A.Ş. Cağaloğlu Şerefendi Sok. Yazar Han N.35 İSTANBUL. 528 54 52 Lateks-İSTANBUL. 4.11 Göztaş A.Ş. İ.M.Ç. 5. Blok N.5750 Unkapanı - İST. 4.1 Güngör Cerit Sultanhamam Mahmutpaşa Cad. N.242 522 20 77-528 01 21 -14142 35 -141 2712 4.2 Gülen Ticaret Yakut Sok. Üstün pasajı Kat 1 N.70 Bakırköy-İSTANBUL. 572 76 24-579 9121 4.11 Tel Telex Hahser Halı ve Yer Döşemeleri San. ve Tic. A.Ş. İnönü Cad. N . 2 2 / 2 Gümüşsüyü -İSTANBUL. (317) Bozüyük (1) 143 18 05-09 35184 hasf tr - 24270 hgm tr 049 Name Address Tel Telex HahflexSan. ve Tic. A.Ş. Organize Sanayi Bölges P.K. 324 Bursa (241) 31220-22Bursa (1} 143 18 05 -09 32130 Hffb tr -24270 hgfm tr Address 050 Name Address Tel 051 Name Address Tel Telex Cable 052 Name Address Tel Hatex Havlu Tekstil San. ve Tic. A.Ş. Tersane Cad. İlyasoğlu Han N.51-53 Kat, Karaköy-İSTANBUL. 145 50 94 -149 35 05 4.6 İnsa istanbul Naylon San. A.Ş. Bakırköy - Avcılar - İSTANBUL 57312 2 1 / 2 2 - 5 7 3 7413 22608 Y seg tr (att.insag) Tekslon istanbul 4,1 : İnterkim Ltd.Şti. : Halaskargazi Cad. Yapıl Han N.360 Şişli-İSTANBUL. : 1412 56 85 -1414811 4.5 053 Name Address Tel Telex 054 Name Address Tel 055 Name Address Tel 056 Name Address Tei Telex 057 Name Address Tel Cable 058 Name Address Tel Cable 059 Name Address Tel 060 Name Address ipsan A.Ş. İ.M.Ç. 5. Biok 5520 Unkapam-ISTANBUL. 528 48 86 23409 4.2 Jerse Örme San. ve Tic. A.Ş. SelviliMescitSok.N.16/18 Cağaloğlu-ISTANBUL. 527 80 44 4.2 KadifeteksA.Ş. İ.M.Ç. l.Blok 1252 Unkapam-ISTANBUL. 526 53 77 4.3 : Kapudağ Koli. Şti. - Viran S. Kapudağ ve SK Kapudağ : Hüsrev Gerede Cad. Baran Apt. N.5860 Teşvikiye - İSTANBUL. : 16116 83 : 26142 4.2 : Kartal Branda San. ve Tic. A.Ş. -. Yakacık Asf.N.214 Kartal-ISTANBUL. : 3533153-3533154-3536552 : 4.9 Kemal Şenmenek Konfor Yatak Fab. A.Ş. Halkah Cad.N.213 Sefaköy-ISTANBUL. 579 00 42 4.7 Koral Dış Tic. İzzetpaşa Sok. N.65 Osmanbey-ISTANBUL. 141 3205-147 7441 4.2 Kurt Mensucat A.Ş. Aşirefendi Hoca Kasım Sok. Şeker Han 4/1 Cağaloğlu - İSTANBUL. 527 47 43 4.2 061 Name Address Tel 062 Name Address Tel 063 Name Address Tel 064 Name Adress Tel Telex Cable 065 Name Address 066 Name Address Tel Telex 067 Name Address Tel Cable 068 Name Address Tel Telex Küçükçahk Tekstil A.Ş. Hacopulo Han N.2 Sultanhamam -İSTANBUL. 528 47 33 4.3 Ligiteks Koll.Şti. Rızapaşa yokuşu N.57 Kat 1 Sultanhamam - İSTANBUL. 522 15 80 4.2 Mensen Tekstil Paz. Tic. Vve San. A.Ş. Yeni Manifaturacılar Çarşısı 2. Blok 2529 Unkapanı-İSTANBUL 522 80 20 4.3 : Mensucat Santral T. A.Ş. : Demirhane Cad. N.90 Kazhçeşme-İSTANBUL. : 582 33 84 -582 26 34 : 22364-22821 : Mensalit 4.7/4.2 : Merselüks Merserize İplik San. ve Tic A.Ş. : Büyükdere Cad. Keçeh Han N.49/1 Mecidiyeköy -İSTANBUL. 4.1 Mikeksko-Mideksko End. ve Tarım Ürünleri Dış Tic. A.Ş. Kasap Sok. Esentepe - İSTANBUL. 166 98 28-166 24 40 26257 Aybe tr 4.2 Modern Mensucat San. ve Tic. A.Ş. Aşirefendi Cad. Murat Han N.7/4 Sirkeci-İSTANBUL. 528 88 38-527 38 18 Mod Mensucat - İSTANBUL. 4.2/34.7/4.3/4.11 Nil Tekstil San. ve T i c A . Ş . Rızapaşa Yokuşu N.55 Sultanhamam -İSTANBUL. 528 48 66-67 22619 Nlt Er 4.2 069 Name Address Tel 070 Name Address Tel Telex 071 Name Address Tel 072 Name Address 073 Name Address Tel 074 Name Address Tel 075 Name Address Tel Telex Cable Oba Mefruşat Paz. A.Ş. Valikonağı Cad. N.51 Nişantaşı İSTANBUL. 146 90 73 4.3 Okumuş Suni Sentetik Elyaf ve Tekstil San. ve Tic. A.Ş. Gökfiliz işhanı Kat 8 Mecidiyeköy -İSTANBUL: 169 52 53 {4 lines) 520 58 95 (5 lines) 520 66 04 (2 lines) 23117 Okay tr -22041 okna tr -22942 gıy tr 4.1 Opsan Otomotiv Parçaları Tic. A.Ş. Orhaniye Cad. N. 10 Sirkeci-ISTANBUL. 528 35 87 4.2 Ormİteks Tekstil Ürünleri Tic. ve San. A.Ş. Gümüşsüyü Cad. N.54 Topkapı İSTANBUL. 4.1/4.2 Öz-İş Tekstil Paz. A.Ş. Eminönü Marputçular, Abu Efendi Han 4-5 İSTANBUL: 522 97 18 -522 50 64 -528 45 17 4.11/4.3 Özhaburkâr Mensucat Ticaret ve Yatırım A.Ş. Çakmakçılar Cad. Sabır Sefa Han Altı N.80-ISTANBUL. 520 92 62 4.2 Panda Plastik San. veTic. A.Ş. Demirhane Cad. N.217 Zeytinburnu - İSTANBUL. 582 0146-582 0147 22608-34 Panda Plastik 4.8 P76 Mame Address Tel Telex Panter Dış Ticaret Ltd. Şti, İstiklal Cad. Tütüncü Çıkmazı 1/3 Galatasaray -İSTANBUL. 144 09 29-143 1959 22644 beyg tr (attn abone) 4.1/4.5 077 Name Address Tel 078 Name Address Tel Telex 079 Name Address Tel 080 Name Address Tel 081 Name Address Tel 082 Name Address Tel 083 Name Address Tel 084 Name Address Tel Telex Cable JPerican Tekstil Tic. ve San. A.Ş. Cemal Nadir Sok. Büyük Milas Han K.3 N.180 Sirkeci-İSTANBUL. 522 9211 4.2 Komiler Kağıt Basım San. ve Tic. A.Ş. Balkapan Han Sok. N.24 Tahtakale İSTANBUL: 522 6991 22627 ıstg tr 4.1/4.2 Rahmi Aytun Kömürcü Bekir Sok. İnce Han N.75 Bahçekapı-İSTANBUL. 522 67 58-527 86 66 4.2 Renkal Ticaret - Nafiz Ademoğlu İ.M.Ç. 2.Blok2322 Unkapam-ISTANBUL. 527 9123 4.2/4.3 Salteks Emprime ve Boya San. ve Tic. A.Ş. Maltepe -Çiftehavuzlar Sok. N. 17 Topkapı-ISTANBUL. 576 59 04 4.2/4.10 Selsa Dış Tic. A.Ş. Millet Cad. Akyıldız Han N.47/1 Fındıkzade-ISTANBUL. 586 24 55-56 4.2 Seyfetün Yiğit İstiklal Cad. Küçük Parmakkapı Sok. Şükrüpaşa Apt. 4/2 Beyoğlu ISTANBUL. 145 73 64 4.2 Simta Tekstil San. ve Tic. A.Ş. Gümüşsüyü Cad. Karacabey Sok. N.IO B.Blok Topkapı-İSTANBUL. 576 00 97-526 45 91 24222 Obıb tr (att Simta) Simtateks - istanbul 4.1/4.3/4.11 085 Name Address Tel 086 Name Address Tel Telex 087 Name Address Tel 088 Name Address Tel 089 Name Address Tel 090 Name Address Tel Telex 091 Name Address Tel Telex 092 Name Address Tel Süper Hayati Kumaş ve Konfeksiyon San. Hocahan Sok. N.27 Sultanhamam -İSTANBUL. 527 60 78 4.2 Taşer Turizm Tic. Ltd. Şti. Meclisi Mebusan Cad. Deniz Apt. 115 Kabataş-İSTANBUL. 145 02 68-69 24606 4.2 Tepe Tekstil A.Ş. Türkocağı Cad. Ersoy Han N.29 Cağaloğlu - İSTANBUL 520 76 56 4.2 Tekstil San. ve Tic. Koll.Şti. Maltepe -Fatihşehitleri Sok. Litros Yolu N.3 Topkapı-İSTANBUL: 576 68 06 4.1 Teri Gümrük Komisyonculuğu Dış Tic. A.Ş. Kemankeşman Rıhtım Cad. Kozluca Han K.1N.2 Karaköy-İSTANBUL. 1431820 -14485 53 4.6 Tetaş Tekstil İmalat İhr. Dahili Tic. A.Ş. Rıhtım Cad. Funda Han N.221/6 Karaköy-İSTANBUL. 143 22 47 24681 test tr 4.2 Torosan Demir Tic. Ltd.Şti. Meclisi Mebusan Cad. Deniz Apt. N.115 Kabataş-İSTANBUL. 145 02 69 24646 4.2 Topkapı Mensucat San. ve Tic. A.Ş. Eski Londra Asf Fazlı Paşa Cad. N.6 Topkapı-İSTANBUL. 576 32 08-09 4.1 093 Name Address Tei 094 Name Address Tel 095 Name Address Tel 096 Name Address Tel Telex 097 Name Address Tel 098 Name Address Tel 099 Name Address Tei 100 Name Address Tel Turgut Uzcan Marputçular Alacahamam Sok. N.52 Eminönü-İSTANBUL. 527 07 01 4.1 Tümer Ticaret, Tümer Kazak Halaskargaci Cad. Polat Pasajı N.274 K. 1.N.62 Şişli -İSTANBUL. 148 89 22 4.2 Tüten Tekstil Ltd. Şti. İstiklal Cad. No.465K.4 Beyoğlu-İSTANBUL. 144 05 47 4.2 Türkol Ticaret Ltd.Şti. Cumhuriyet Cad. N.161 Harbiye-ISTANBUL. 148 17 14 33106 Thultr 4,6 Uğur Hırdavatçılık Üretim ve Paz. A.Ş. UzunçarşıCad. N.301 -304 Tahtakale-ISTANBUL. 526 78 56 4.2 Uğur Mensucat San. ve Tic. Koll.Şti. Çakmakçılar Yokuşu N.59/1 Sultanhamam -İSTANBUL. 527 55 02 4.2 Uğur Örme İş Koll.Şti. Avram Aranya ve Ort. Yeşildirek Çeşnici Sok. N.7 Aziz Han İSTANBUL. 527 26 59-528 08 29 4.2 Ümit Manifatura Tic. A . Ş . Aşirefendi Cad. N.58 Sultanhamam -İSTANBUL. 527 10 99-522 46 89 4.3/4.7 Vefateks Kadife San. ve Tic. A.Ş. İ.M.Ç. 1. Blok N. 1305 Unkapam-ISTANBUL. 520 63 26-526 67 33 4.3/4.4 Tel Name Address Tel Vizateks Mensucat San. ve Tic. A.Ş. Ambarlı, Tesisler Yolu N.27 Avcılar-İSTANBUL. 9 1881 1277 4.11 loa Yarargümeli Tekstil San. ve Tic. A.Ş. Vasıf Çınar Cad. N . 118 Sultanhamam - İSTANBUL. 522 87 14-527 95 17 / 146 34 56 4.2 Tel 104 Name Yeni Tekstil San . A . Ş , Cendere, Ayazağa Köyü Pırnalkece Mevkii, Levent - İSTANBUL. 1690420-16904 21 4.10 105 Name Address Tel - 106 Name Address Yün Pamuk Tic. A.Ş. Sultanhamam Vasıf Çınar C^d. Ula Han N. 104 Eminönü -İSTANBUL 522 14 00 4.9 Yür San Tekstil Makİna Parçalan ve Davutpaşa Cad. Tim N. 159 Topkapı-İSTANBUL. 4.12 Ür. EMİIMTEKS tekstil ticaret v e sanayii a.ş SMOK the "rubberized smocked Cloth" Is produced for you by EMİNTEKS. SMOK Is a joyful tiding for those who follow up mode turned toward the economic, comfortable and elegant attire. By means of sewing only an etge of the skirt you can have a dellcake skirt or a fine dress. SMOK has reached the peak of quality and beauty with Its designs and matchless colours and has become the symbol of the contemporary attire. Modern clothing has chosen comfort with SMOK which Is a product of EMIIMTEKS. SMOK Is a proud name within the exportation of the Turkish clothing industry. Now the whole world knows the Turkish taste with SMOK. EMIIMTEKS Rızapaşa y o k u ş u E m i n han n o : 2 S u l t a n h a m a m - İ s t a n b u l
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