ME 473 WELDING TECHNOLOGY INTRODUCTION Lecturer: Dr. Oğuzhan Yılmaz (Asst.Prof.) Room: 319 Welding Technology WELDING TECHNOLOGY Welding Technology is an integral part of all industries that require the fabrication, maintenance and repair of metal structures. The Welding Technology course is designed to provide fundamental understanding of welding technologies and an awareness of recent technical developments in welding and fabrication related industries, which include construction, manufacturing, aerospace, marine technology, and transportation. Interested students can pursue Skills Certificate options, educations/retraining and qualifications supplied by institutes/ universities/ companies. Dr. Oğuzhan Yılmaz Welding Technology INTRODUCTION Content of the course Critical dates Examinations format Reference books, web sites etc. Qualifications Job opportunities Future plans Dr. Oğuzhan Yılmaz Welding Technology COURSE CONTENT 1. Welding Metallurgy (2 weeks) 2. Welding processes, characteristics and applications (3 weeks) 3. Testing & Inspection of welds (2 weeks) 4. Electode materials and electrode selection (1 week) 5. Braze welding, Brazing and Soldering (1 week) 6. Design of weld joints (1 week) 7. Industrial trip (1 week) 8. Robotic and automated welding systems (1 week) Dr. Oğuzhan Yılmaz Welding Technology Critical dates Mid-Term Exam I: On paper Mid-Term Exam II: Work-shop appl. & report Final Exam: On paper Dr. Oğuzhan Yılmaz Welding Technology Examinations format Question-answer Descriptions Interpretations 90 minutes duration Closed books and notes Dr. Oğuzhan Yılmaz Welding Technology References (books and web-sites) 47 related books in the university library International institute of welding The Welding Institute Edison welding Institute European Federation for welding, joining and cutting American Welding Society Makine Mühendisleri Odası ODTÜ kaynak teknolojisi ve tahribatsız muayene araştırma merkezi Askaynak Kaynak teknolojisi ve iletişim platformu Oerlikon kaynak elektrodları Dr. Oğuzhan Yılmaz Welding Technology Qualifications Fundemental knowledge about the welding, its processes, characteristics and applications. What are the challenges for a mechanical engineer? Dr. Oğuzhan Yılmaz Welding Technology Career oppurtunities Management of welding, manufacturing operations, and management of design and fabrication of welded structures. Pipe-line construction firms Power plant construction firms Many others… Dr. Oğuzhan Yılmaz Welding Technology Future plans Register to International welding societies Europian and American welding societies ODTÜ Kaynak kontrol uzmanlık kursu (Approved by IIW, EW and TWI and German welding society) GEDİK kaynak tekniği seminerleri ve Kaynak Müh. Kursu (Int. Welding Society, IWS) OERLIKON kaynak elektrodları ve sanayi a.ş. Mühendisler ve Kaynakçılar için Kaynak Eğitimi KAYNAKNET kaynak teknolojisi ve iletişim platformu Askaynak kaynak seminerleri ve eğitimleri Dr. Oğuzhan Yılmaz
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