Turkish Studies - International Periodical For The Languages, Literature and History of Turkish or Turkic
Volume 9/3 Winter 2014, p. 1085-1092, ANKARA-TURKEY
Emine OZEL**
Mehmet GOKÇE****
Ali OZEL*****
Cartoons are globally used to address many issues, ideas and
thoughts. They have different way of approaching and perceptions
because they bear the features of their own culture. In this study it is
aimed to reveal how preservice teachers perceive the educational issues
that are caricatured, to know recognizing their sense of humour and to
determine caricaturing the status of any educational issue. The aim is
to try to make the problems felt as humorous, not by heart, and to
configure the problems by using high-level thinking skills and by
commenting on them. Cartoons are effective in showing their perception
of the problems. 20 students participated in the study. 20 of article of 9
of the problems of our education system has been requested to be
matched with comics in this study. As a result of the study, it was
determined that a large majority of candidates matched the problem
related to the exam anxiety with the correct comics and the comics
about expecting everything from teachers, respectively. When asked to
draw another cartoon about educational issues except 20 ones from
preservice teachers, it has been observed that none of them caricatured
any cartoons about any educational issue. Those who caricatured drew
something within the scope of 20 educational issues.
Key Words: Primary school teaching, educational issues, comics
makale Crosscheck sistemi tarafından taranmış ve bu sistem sonuçlarına göre orijinal bir makale olduğu
tespit edilmiştir.
Phd, Dumlupinar University, Kutahya,
Assoc.Prof. Dr, Dumlupinar University, Kutahya,
Lecturer, Dumlupinar University, Kutahya,
Assoc.Prof. Dr, Dumlupinar University, Kutahya,
Emine ÖZEL – Nida BAYINDIR – Mehmet GÖKÇE – Ali ÖZEL
Araştırmada, sınıf öğretmeni adaylarının eğitim sorunlarını
karikatürize edilmiş bir şekilde nasıl algıladıklarını ortaya koymak,
öğretmen adaylarının sorunlara mizahi bakış açılarını tanımak ve
herhangi bir eğitim sorununu karikatürize etme durumlarını belirlemek
amaç edinilmiştir. Eğitim sürecinde karşılaşılan sorunların mizahi
olarak hissettirilmeye çalışılması öğretmen adaylarının ezbere değil, üst
düzey düşünme becerilerini kullanarak yorumlar yapma biçiminde
sorunları yapılandırmaları için gereklidir. Karikatürler adayların
sorunları algılayış biçimlerini ortaya koymada etkilidir. Bu araştırma
eğitim fakültesinde öğrenim görmekte olan sınıf öğretmenliği son sınıf
öğrencilerinden 20 kişiye uygulanmıştır. Araştırmada tarama modeli ve
görsellere dayalı betimsel analiz tekniği kullanılmıştır. Verilerin
toplanması için yarı yapılandırılmış orijinal bir veri toplama aracı
geliştirilmiş ve uygulanmıştır. Araştırmada eğitim sistemimizin
sorunlarını içeren 20 maddenin 9 karikatürle eşleştirilmesi istenmiştir.
İlişkilendirilen ifadelerle karikatürlerin incelemesi yapılmış ve adayların
doğru eşleştirmeyi yapıp yapmadıkları kontrol edilmiştir. Kullanılan
karikatürler anlam bakımından sorunları mizahi olarak ele almış bir
anlam içermektedir. Karikatürler çizimlerden çok, anlatmak istediği
soruna yönelik olarak yapılandırılmıştır. Araştırma sonucunda,
adayların büyük bir çoğunluğunun sınav kaygısı ile ilgili sorunu doğru
karikatürle eşleştirdikleri, bunu sırasıyla öğretmen yetiştirme
felsefesinin yokluğu, öğretmenin model olması ve her şeyi öğretmenden
bekleme karikatürlerinin izlediği saptanmıştır. Adaylardan kendilerine
sunulan 20 eğitim sorunu haricinde herhangi bir eğitim sorununu
karikatürize etmeleri istendiğinde ise hiçbirinin herhangi bir eğitim
sorununu karikatürize etmediği görülmüştür.
Anahtar Kelimeler: Sınıf öğretmenliği, eğitim sorunları, karikatür
Turkish educational structure which is more than the total population of many countries
on the number of students and teachers has been in existence. Normally, it is possible that such a
large number of people may have problems. Whether centralisation or philosophy of education, and
even technical infrastructure, as a result, those problems affect both teachers and students
adversely. It is expected that the preservice teachers should know the educational issues as an input
of the system and develop strategies according to this. Training and professional knowledge
acquired by the preservice teachers requires readiness to deal with the educational issues.
Preservice teachers should know general culture, subject area knowledge, and professional
knowledge before being a teacher in addition to professional qualifications and strategic knowledge
about the system they will get. Attitudes developed by preservice teachers towards their professions
can closely affect their future performances (Çeliköz and Çetin, 2004, Seferoğlu, 2001, Pehlivan,
2008, Kartal, 2009, Özbek, 2007, Aksoy, 2010, Kılıç, 2006).
Turkish Studies
International Periodical For the Languages, Literature and History of Turkish or Turkic
Volume 9/3 Winter 2014
Perception Levels Of Educationional Problems Of Preservice Teachers: With Cartoons 1087
How well the educational objectives in the faculties have been determined, it can’t be
obtained the expected results due to having no awareness of preservice teachers about real
functioning of the system and inability to grasp the system adequately and when the preservice
teachers start their profession they are lost in the operation of the present system.
Therefore, preservice ones must be able follow the profession of teaching in updated way
and understand the structure and variables of the system better and identify the point where they are
about the problem and determine their level of contributions to the profession. In terms of seeing
this structure, taking measures against the problem they may encounter and producing alternative
solutions before getting their profession is of importance. Because individuals who will be teachers
have also such a mission about improving the system and fixing failing aspects (Üstüner, 2006,
Gürbüztürk and Genç, 2004, Genç and Kalafat, 2007, Aydın, 2006).
To increase the attention towards the teaching profession again, to reach the desired level
and to be preferable again, preservice teachers need to aware of the problems that they experience
and education system. This awareness is valuable because new teachers that will enter the system
will know the system and have opportunity to develop appropriate strategies beforehand. However,
both the dominance of the problems in the system and superficial knowledge – discourse – level
before the system cause not to describe the problem in the true sense. At this point, the use of
humour can provide to see and understand the real problem by secluding from possible tension. In
this respect using the comics a branch of the humour in formal content is important. Because
comics adds wider meanings to the expression and they also improve interpreting and higher-level
thinking skills. Comics is an art of converting the nature of events, thoughts, feelings and problems
into laughable shape by an exaggerated drawing (Stephenson ve Warwick, 2002, Özer, 2007, Arık,
1998, Durualp, 2006, Kete at al, 2009, Balım et al, 2008, Ekici et al, 2007).
Comics reveals specific insights to one who gives meaning to them and enable him/her to
narrate his/her thoughts and feelings in written and oral by developing his/her critical, creative and
problem-solving skills. Comics develops perspectives on events without any thought of anxiety.
Therefore, comics are also an effective tool in criticizing the social problems (Ersoy and Türkan,
2010, Örs, 2007, Kılınç, 2008, Göker, 2007, Uslu, 2007, Keogh et al, 1998, Long and Marson,
To present the perception levels of educational issues of preservice teachers, comics
allow them to have an interest about the issues and focus and generate solutions. Even the most
boring subjects can be grasped easily by means of comics containing humour and it can be a good
way for activities such as prominent thinking, interpretation of problems and achieve results. The
purpose of the research is to present how students perceive the educational issues in a real sense,
how they look widely to the problems and how they can express themselves well with the help of
the comics.
In this study, screening model was used to describe the existing perception. In particular,
image based descriptive analysis technique which is one of the qualitative research methods was
used in order to clarify the perceptions in a holistic way. The study was applied to primary school
senior students who are studying in the faculty of education at DPÜ.
In this study, an original semi-structured data collection tool was developed in order to
collect the data. 9 of 20 educational problems were asked to associate one comics in this tool. The
comics have a meaning considering the problems humorously in a semantic way. It was structured
to address the problems rather than drawings. Asking the issues related to the education to the
preservice teachers is also a method. Memorization allows to think with our thoughts except
Turkish Studies
International Periodical For the Languages, Literature and History of Turkish or Turkic
Volume 9/3 Winter 2014
Emine ÖZEL – Nida BAYINDIR – Mehmet GÖKÇE – Ali ÖZEL
routing, clichés and rhetoric. But, humour is to show how we mastered, how we interpret and
evaluate and how we think in a probabilistic way about the present situation at the level of
analysing. Comics which are semi-structured and clear with simple drawings lead to comment and
show depth-knowledge of the preservice teachers about the subject due their flexibility. Within the
scope of this study, 20 education problem was determined and it was asked for matching 9 drawn
comics with these problems from preservice teachers. Expressions associated with comics were
examined and it was checked whether the preservice teachers did the accurate matching or not.
After that it was asked for caricaturing another comics about educational issues except 20 ones
from preservice teachers. In the analysis of data it was identified to what extent preservice teachers
could do matching, whether they wrote different educational issues and expressed this issue with
drawing. The study is limited with the capacity of telling the educational issues exactly of comics
and sense of humour of students.
The situations of finding and matching the comics meant from the problems expressed
from the preservice teachers are given in the following table.
and evaluation
Continuation of test anxiety
The lack of teacher training
Teachers can not be the best model
g of education
and evaluation
Ignoring the world of children
Be a model
The problem expressed
Student recognition
The comics expressed and its frequency
To lose the importance of teacher
leadership (9)
Everything is to be expected from teacher
The absence of a philosophy teacher
training (1)
Technology in education is not correctly
detected (2)
Not created the need for lifelong learning
Confusion in measurement and evaluation
system (1)
Not created the need for lifelong learning
Everything is to be expected from teacher
Teachers can not be the best model (1)
To lose the importance of teacher
leadership (1)
Reference to the stereotype of Education
Future concern (7)
Students left to themselves (1)
To lose the importance of teacher
leadership (2)
Ignoring children of the world (1)
The lack of teacher training philosophy (2)
Inability to communicate effectively (1)
Memorization (1)
Turkish Studies
International Periodical For the Languages, Literature and History of Turkish or Turkic
Volume 9/3 Winter 2014
Teaching skills
Perception Levels Of Educationional Problems Of Preservice Teachers: With Cartoons 1089
Everything is to be expected from
Being scientific
The decisions taken lacks of
scientific data
Inadequate teaching
The need of lifelong learning not
able to be formed
The perception of
Lack of analytical thinking
Lifelong learning
Life long
Inadequate teaching
communication (4)
Teachers can not be the best model (1)
Confusion in measurement and evaluation
system (1)
Memorization (2)
The decision, taken devoid of scientific
data (1)
Students left to themselves (1)
Lack of analytical thinking (1)
Inadequate education (2)
The need of lifelong learning not able to be
formed (3)
Inability to communicate effectively (1)
Ignoring children of the world (2)
The absence of a philosophy teacher
training (1)
Inability to communicate effectively (2)
Students left to themselves (1)
To lose the importance of teacher
leadership (1)
Inadequate education (3)
Ignoring children of the world (2)
Lack of analytical thinking (1)
Everything to be expected from the teacher
The absence of a philosophy teacher
training (1)
To lose the importance of teacher
leadership (1)
Technology in education is not correctly
detected (5)
Lack of analytical thinking (4
Objective takes place means (2)
Confusion in measurement and evaluation
system (1)
Increase in unfair competition in education
According to the results of the study, the problem expressed in the 1 st comics is about
ignoring the world of children. None of the preservice teachers who participated in the study made
direct matching, but they mostly perceived the loss importance of teacher leadership (9 people). It
was seen that there were small number of preservice teachers who matched the intended problem in
other problems perceived from other comics. Some of them leave some comics blank. Another
educational issue was asked to be written and caricatured. It was seen that the problem mentioned
and caricatured was mostly related to the testing system and future anxiety.
Conclusions and Suggestions
Although caricaturing the educational issues or associating the comics with education is
sympathetic, nowadays it is not a widely studied subject. However, it is a fact that comics as a
teaching tool is interesting and is a tool that is striking to the problems. Visually, it attracts,
motivates, is noticed, enable to be discussed and interpret. It also enables us to deal with abstract
Turkish Studies
International Periodical For the Languages, Literature and History of Turkish or Turkic
Volume 9/3 Winter 2014
Emine ÖZEL – Nida BAYINDIR – Mehmet GÖKÇE – Ali ÖZEL
and complex issues from different perspective. In particular, free questioning aspect of comics
provide people to confront the problems, critical thinking and ensure them to have an idea easily.
In this study, the association of ideas of preservice teachers about educational issues with
caricatured drawings was used in order to measure how the preservice teachers could think deep
and wide. Comics was used as an original communication tool for perception and interpretation of
the problems. Comics are ideal for perceiving better and interpreting freely of system problems.
According to the findings preservice teachers couldn’t see the meant problem, but it was seen that
the problems they associated related to the comics in an indirect way. Comics correctly detected by
many of the preservice teachers is test anxiety. Its absence of a philosophy teacher training and
teacher as a model and everything is expected from the teacher, respectively. The study can be an
inspiration in order to achieve original findings. It can lead to new studies related to sense of
humours of preservice teachers. It has been advised to preservice teachers to use comics during
prevocational training and also to caricature simple drawings. Abstract, metaphor, spatial skills of
preservice teachers can be improved.
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Turkish Studies
International Periodical For the Languages, Literature and History of Turkish or Turkic
Volume 9/3 Winter 2014
Perception Levels Of Educationional Problems Of Preservice Teachers: With Cartoons 1091
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Turkish Studies
International Periodical For the Languages, Literature and History of Turkish or Turkic
Volume 9/3 Winter 2014
Emine ÖZEL – Nida BAYINDIR – Mehmet GÖKÇE – Ali ÖZEL
Appendix 1 Dear students, match the caricatures with the items containing 20 educational issues that
are relevant to those. Write the number of the item in the box of the caricatures that you matched.
Please in the part others write an educational issue except followings and simple caricaturize it.
1- Everything to be expected from teachers 2- To lose the importance of teacher leadership
3-Teachers cannot be the best model 4- Students left to their own 5- Reception of the reference the
stereotype of education 6- Memorization 7- Ignoring the world of children 8- Continuation of test
anxiety 9- Inadequate teaching 10- Crowded classrooms 11- Inability to communicate effectively
12- Confusion in measurement and evaluation system 13- The decisions taken lack of scientific
data 14- Future concern 15- Increase in unfair competition in education 16- The instrument takes
the place of the purpose 17- Not understand the technology in education correctly 18- The lack of
teacher training philosophy 19- Failure to establish the need for lifelong learning 20- Lack of
analytical thinking
Ek 1-
Turkish Studies
International Periodical For the Languages, Literature and History of Turkish or Turkic
Volume 9/3 Winter 2014