Upravljanje konfliktima

Kad i gdje?
12.-13. maj 2014.
PwC, Fra Anđela Zvizdovića 1
71000 Sarajevo
Upravljanje konfliktima
Konflikti su neizbježni i na poslu i u životu. Nekada su
konflikti normalna i očekivana faza u procesu, kao što
je to slučaj sa formiranjem timova (faze formiranja,
konflikata, stvaranja normi i produktivnosti). Ljudi
često nisu svjesni pozitivne strane konflikta, na primjer
da on pomaže da se problem iznese na vidjelo i da se
započne njegovo rješavanje. Konflikt sam za sebe nije
problem, međutim on postaje problem ako se njime
dobro ne upravlja. Ova obuka daje učesnicima okvir i
smjernice za dobro upravljanje konfliktima.
Šta polaznici mogu da očekuju?
Visok nivo interakcije tokom obuke stvoriće uslove za
iskustveno učenje. Pored teorijskih uvoda i vođenih
diskusija, tokom obuke ćemo koristiti igranje uloga,
individualne i grupne vježbe. Mali broj učesnika na
obuci omogućava da sve teme koje budemo obradili
stavimo u kontekst njihovog svakodnevnog iskustva.
Teme koje će biti pokrivene su sljedeće:
Šta je konflikt?
Uzroci i tipovi konflikata
*Lični stil i konflikt – kako se različiti tipovi ljudi
ponašaju u konfliktu
Percepcija i realnost – da li se podudaraju?
Asertivna komunikacija – ključ za prevenciju i mirno
rješavanje konflikata
Psihološke prepreke za konstruktivno rješavanje
problema i kako ih prevazići.
* Učesnici popunjavaju instrument za procjenu
SDI® – Strength Deployment Inventory®
Trajanje obuke:
Jezik obuke:
Dva dana
400€ + PDV
Šta je SDI?
SDI je instrument baziran na tridesetogodišnjem
istraživanju “Relationship Awareness Theory” od strane
dr. Elias H. Portera. Ovaj instrument je interaktivan,
vizuelan i izuzetno zanimljiv i pruža informacije o tome
zašto se ljudi ponašaju na određeni način. Definiše
zašto se sa određenim ljudima lakše razumijemo i šta je
to što nas motiviše.
SDI upitnik je baziran na specifičnim pitanjima koja
posmatraju dvije situacije:
Situacija kada sve ide dobro i kada se osjećate dobro
Situacija kada stvari ne idu po planu i kada ste u
konfliktu sa drugima.
SDI ima edukativnu ulogu i ne postoje „tačni“ i
„pogrešni“ odgovori, već samo dvije pozicije u
jedinstvenom „trouglu“. Jednostavan je za
popunjavanje, a otvara velike mogućnosti za povećanje
samosvjesnosti, samopoštovanja i samopouzdanja.
SDI daje odgovor na dva ključna pitanja:
Zašto se pojedinci ponašaju na određeni način?
Zašto je ovo bitno?
Ova saznanja pomažu učesnicima da:
Razumiju šta motiviše članove njihovog tima
Prepoznaju „okidače“ koji dovode do konflikata, i kako
da ih izbjegavaju
Identifikuju i daju najproduktivnije odgovore kako bi se
osigurao originalni fokus diskusije.
Za više informacija o ovom kursu, molimo vas da
PwC Akademija
Tel: +387 33 295 234 e-mail:
When and where?
May 12th-13th 2014
PwC, Fra Anđela Zvizdovića 1
71000 Sarajevo
Conflict management
Conflicts are inevitable in business and in everyday
life. Sometimes conflicts are normal and expected
phase in a process as it is the case with forming of
teams (phases of forming, norming, storming and
performing). People are often not aware of positive
side of a conflict, for example that it helps in getting
the problem out in the open and in starting to solve it.
Conflict itself is not a problem, however it becomes a
problem if it is not well managed. This training gives
participants a framework and guidelines for a good
conflict management.
What participants can expect?
High level of interaction during the training will create
conditions for a learning trough experience. Besides of
theoretical introductions and debates, we will use role
plays during the training, individual and group
exercises. Small groups on training allow us to make
connections of all the topics that we cover with
participants`everyday experience.
Topics that will be covered
What is a conflict?
Causes and types of conflict
*Personal style and conflict – how different types of
people behave in a conflict
Perception and reality – do they coincide?
Assertive communication – key to prevention and
peaceful conflict resolution
Psychological obstacles for constructive problem
solving and how to overcome them
Participants will fill in an assessment
instrument SDI® - Strength Deployment
Two days
400€ + VAT
What is the SDI?
The SDI is based on over 30 years of research by Elias
H. Porter into Relationship Awareness Theory ™.
It is highly enjoyable, interactive and visual and it
provides information and understanding into the
reasons people behave as they do and why they feel in
tune with certain individuals and not with others - it is a
development tool that helps us to understand what
really makes people tick.
You complete the questionnaire by answering specific
questions that look at the following two situations:
When things are going well and you feel good about
When things are going wrong and you are in conflict
with others
It is a learning resource with no “right” or “wrong”
answers, just two positions on a unique, coloured
triangle. It is easy to complete but opens up a host of
opportunities to increase self-awareness, self-esteem
and self-confidence.
SDI answers two crucial questions:
Why do people do what they do?
Why is this important?
It helps participants:
Understand what motivates every member of their team
Recognize the triggers that will get them into conflict,
how to avoid this happening, and
Identify and deliver the most productive response to
maintain the original focus.
For more information on this course, please do not
hesitate to contact us:
PwC’s Academy
Tel: +387 33 295 234
e-mail: svjetlana.kurtes@ba.pwc.com