WELCOME POZDRAVI POZDRAVI / WELCOME IVANA BOŠKOVIĆ IVIČIĆ Direktorica Centra za kulturu, Bol Director of Centre for Culture, Bol 4 It is with great anticipation and joy that we await to host with all our hearts ‘Supertoon’ International Animation Festival which will be held this year for the first time in Bol. We do hope that the city of Bol will remain a great host in the future as well. Uistinu smo ponosni da našem bogatom kulturnom programu, 22. Bolskom litu, koje svake godine uz stalnu ponudu kazališnih predstava, koncerata klasične i zabavne glazbe, tradicionalnih pjesama i plesova i brojnih događanja iznova poboljšamo nekim novitetom, ove godine možemo dodati i nešto novo, moderno i zanimljivo kao što je Festival animacije. We indeed pride ourselves with our cultural summer programme titled 22nd Bolsko lito to which, in addition to the permanent offer of theatre performances, concerts of classical and popular music, traditional songs and dances, and numerous other events, we continuously add novelties. This year we’ve decided to enrich it with a fresh, modern and interesting event such as an animation festival. Program koji ćemo predstaviti u Bolu u danima od 31. 7. do 4.8. i to zajedničkim snagama Centra za kulturu općine Bol i mlade, ambiciozne i maštovite organizacijske ekipe Supertoon festivala nudi uistinu brojna događanja i ponešto za svakoga, od istinskih zaljubljenika u animaciju ili onih koji će uživati u glazbenim spotovima, retrospektivama, radionicama ili jednostavno druženju.Vjerujem da će naš Bol na samom vrhuncu svoga ljeta oduševiti sve svoje goste, ponajprije svojom nadaleko poznatom ljepotom i posebnošću koja mu je priskrbila brojne titule poput one šampiona turizma, najboljeg ljetovališta ili turističkog središta. Mislim da je Supertoon dobro izabrao kad je izabrao Bol za svoje rođenje, a iskreno vjerujem da neće ni Bol ni Bolsko kulturno lito požaliti što nam se pridružio Supertoon.Stoga ne propustite ni jedno ni drugo. The programme we are about to present in Bol between 31. 7. and 4. 8., thanks to the Centre for Culture of the Bol municipality in collaboration with the young, ambitious and imaginative organizing team of Supertoon festival, offers numerous events with something for everyone, from true animation enthusiasts to those who will appreciate music videos, retrospectives, workshops or simply hanging around. I am convinced that our Bol will, in the peak of its summer, thrill all its guests, first and foremost with its far and wide famed beauty and uniqueness that earned it many titles, such as the Champion of Tourism, best summer resort or best tourist centre. I think Supertoon was wise in choosing Bol for its birthplace, and I am confident that Bol and the Bol cultural summer will not regret having Supertoon on board. So, be sure not to miss out on any of it. Vidimo se u Bolu na Supertoon festivalu – Dobrodošli! I am looking forward to seeing you in Bol at Supertoon festival - Welcome! Ivana Bošković Ivičić Ivana Bošković Ivičić POZDRAVI / WELCOME S velikim iščekivanjem i radošću čekamo i od srca ugošćujemo Međunarodni festival animacije "Supertoon" koji se ove godine održava prvi put i to upravo u Bolu koji će mu postati, a nadamo se i dalje ostati dobar domaćin. 5 POZDRAVI / WELCOME VESNA DOVNIKOVIĆ Gen. sekretar ASIFA-e, Međunarodne asocijacije animiranog filma, i predsjednica Hrvatskog ogranka ASIFA-e Secretary General to ASIFA, International Association of Animated Film and Chairperson of the Croatian branch of ASIFA 6 Dragi kolege, dragi gosti, dragi domaćini, It is nice to know that our animated film got richer by another manifestation – International festival of animation in Bol, Brač. Croatian art of animation holds a significant place in the world’s animation almost from the very beginning, and this year it celebrates its sixtieth year of existence. Zagreb World Festival of Animated Films started in 1972 as one of a few manifestations of that kind in the world (Annecy, Mamaya, Varna, Ottava, Hiroshima…) and next year marks its 40th anniversary. Lijepo je znati da se naš animirani film obogaćuje još jednom manifestacijom – međunarodnim festivalom animacije u Bolu na Braču. Hrvatska umjetnost animacije zauzima značajno mjesto u svjetskoj animaciji gotovo od samih svojih početaka, a ove godine slavi šezdeset godina postojanja. Zagrebački Svjetski festival animiranih filmova počeo je 1972. kao jedna od nekoliko takvih manifestacija u svijetu (Annecy, Mamaya, Varna, Ottawa, Hiroshima…) i iduće godine bilježi svoju četrdesetgodišnjicu. After that, new and new festivals of animation started to appear, showing a remarkable blossom of the film animation all around the Globe, especially with the development of the digital technique which in the new millennium made animation creative endeavor democratized and also made it accessible to all strata of society. Croatia has followed the same trend with an increase of animation events tending to all aspects of creativity – professional, children’s, student’s…. Nakon toga počeli su se pojavljivati novi i novi festivali animacije, što dokazuje značajan procvat filmske animacije širom globusa, pogotovo razvojem digitalne tehnike koja je u novom mileniju demokratizirala animacijsko stvaralaštvo i učinila je dostupnom svim slojevima društva. Hrvatska nije zaostala za ovim trendom, pa je sve više raznih animacijskih manifestacija, koje pokrivaju sve vidove stvaralaštva – profesionalne, dječje, studentske… Bol is our first festival of animated films on the Adriatic. It brings us back in time to the late sixties when the international reputation of Zagreb School of Animated Film initiated launch of an International festival in our country and immediately, the Adriatic was put into the limelight being a precious tourist part of the country. Unfortunately, due to the unfavourable conditions at the time (festival spaces, unpractical road connection with Europe…) and the name the Zagreb school, Zagreb was chosen. Bol je prvi naš festival animiranog filma na Jadranskom moru. To nas vraća u kasne šezdesete godine kad je međunarodni ugled Zagrebačke škole animiranog filma podstaknuo inicijativu za pokretanjem međunarodnog festivala kod nas, i odmah je u prvi plan došao Jadran, kao dragocjeni turistički dio zemlje. Na žalost, tadašnji uvjeti nisu tome išli u prilog (festivalski prostori, nepraktična prometna povezanost sa Europom…), pa je, već i zbog naziva Zagrebačke škole, odabran Zagreb. Today, a time has finally come for our Cote d’Azur Danas je konačno došao čas da i naša azurna obala postane domaćin međunarodnom susretu POZDRAVI / WELCOME Dear colleagues, dear guests, dear hosts, 7 POZDRAVI / WELCOME to host the international meeting place of animators and animation enthusiasts! BOL has the honour to be placed on the world’s film map. The value of such an event doesn’t lie solely in its greatness but in its quality. With great hopes I wish the Supertoon International Animation Festival in Bol this kind of development! Vesna Dovniković, Secretary General to ASIFA, International Association of Animated Film and Chairperson of the Croatian branch of ASIFA 8 animatora i ljubitelja animacije! BOL ima tu čast da se uvrsti u svjetsku filmsku kartu. Vrijednost jedne takve manifestacije nije uvijek njegova veličina, nego njegova kvaliteta. A to u budućnosti ovisi o podršci društva te stručnosti i entuzijazmu ljudi koji ga vode. S velikim nadama želim upravo takav razvitak Međunarodnog festivala animiranog filma u Bolu! Vesna Dovniković, gen. sekretar ASIFA-e, Međunarodne asocijacije animiranog filma, i predsjednica Hrvatskog ogranka ASIFA-e 9 POZDRAVI / WELCOME INTRO UVOD 10 Hi filmmakers and film lovers, Dobrodošli filmaši i ljubitelji filma, We are extending a warm welcome to all of you who have decided to take part in the first SUPERTOON festival and have some fun. What we've prepared for you is an opportunity to enjoy viewing some of the best animated films and music videos from all around the world, from emerging young talents to award-winning masters. Swinging between the desire to show everything and only the best, we've come up with our three selections. toplo pozdravljamo sve Vas koji ste odlučili biti dio prvog SUPERTOON festivala i pritom se dobro zabaviti. Ono što smo Vam pripremili je mogućnost da uživate u nekim od najboljih animiranih filmova i glazbenih spotova sa svih strana svijeta, od nadolazećih mladih talenata do nagrađivanih majstora. Balansirajući između želje da prikažemo sve i samo najbolje, odlučili smo se za tri selekcije. In the selection of the animation for children and youth we have recognized the diversity of our viewers and planned our programme to address everyone equaly, from early schoolers to teenagers. We'll start with unhatched chickens and dance our way up to comic book readers. U selekciji animiranih filmova za djecu i mladež prepoznali smo različitost naših gledatelja i isplanirali program obraćajući se ravnomjerno, od malih školaraca do tinejđera. Počet ćemo sa neizlegnutim pilićima i nastaviti prema čitačima stripova. Everyone else can enjoy the fighters, artists and storytellers, mixed with the jokers, poets and soulsearchers. In our shorts selection, we've got visual clash, rollercoaster of Svi ostali mogu uživati gledajući borce, umjetnike i pripovjedače, izmiješane sa zabavljačima, pjesnicima i tražiteljima duša. U kratkoj selekciji imamo sudar vizuala, vrtuljak emocija, trenutke tišine i neke prokleto dobre prljave šale. I seks. I ubojstva. Šou. The Animated Music video selection is as yet unprecedented. For the first time, you will be able to see an overview of this segment of animation art. Selekcija animiranih glazbenih spotova je bez presedana. Po prvi put moći ćete vidjeti pregled ovog segmenta umjetnosti animacije. We have managed to gather some old Croatian masters, the stuff of legend Inspector Mask, Professor Balthazar and the rarely seen Croatian animated commercials from the 1960s. In the exhibition the original drawings and cells of Zagreb school of animation can be seen. And this is just the part of the side programme. Uspjeli smo okupiti neke stare hrvatske majstore, legendarne stvari - Inspektora Masku, Profesora Baltazara i rijetko viđene hrvatske animirane reklame iz šezdesetih godina. Izložba će prikazati originalne crteže i celove Zagrebačke škole animacije. A to je tek dio bogatog popratnog programa. So, basically, our plan for everybody to do on this first Supertoon festival is to have loads of fun: swim, surf, and enjoy watching tons of superb animated artworks! Dakle, u osnovi, plan nam je da se na prvom Supertoonu svi dobro zabave: kupaju, surfaju i uživaju u moru sjajnih animiranih umjetničkih djela! Cheers! Živjeli! POPRATNI PROGRAM / SIDE PROGRAMME emotions, moments of silence and some damn fine dirty jokes. And sex. And murders. The Show. 11 JURY ŽIRI ŽIRI / JURI 14 BORIVOJ DOVNIKOVIĆ BORDO Born in 1930, Osijek. Attended high school in Belgrade and moved to Zagreb in 1949, to study at the Academy of Fine Arts while working as a newspaper cartoonist and illustrator. In the early 1950s, he joined a group of cartoonists who were trying to produce the first Croatian artistic cartoon film, "The Big Meeting" (1950-51), which marked the beginning of the internationally renowned Zagreb School of Animated Films. Rođen 1930. u osijeku. Pohađao je srednju školu u Beogradu te se potom preselio u Zagreb 1949., kako bi studirao na Akademiji likovnih umjetnosti u isto vrijeme radeći kao animator i ilustrator. Za vrijeme ranih 1950-ih pridružio se skupini animatora koji su pokušavali proizvesti prvi hrvatski animirani film, "Veliki Sastanak" (1950.-'51.), koji je označio početak međunarodno priznate zagrebačke škole animiranog filma. He also participated in efforts to produce new animated film as a designer & animator. In 1958, he joined the newly founded Animation Studio at Zagreb film as a designer and animator and in 1961 he began to make his own films. Over the next thirty years, his films won awards at numerous international film festivals. Since 1995, he has received a series of local and international awards for his contribution to Croatian/Yugoslav films and animation. Radeći kao animator i dizajner je pokušavao doprinjeti nastojanjima za produkcijom novih animiranih filmova. 1958. pridružio se novoosnovanom Animacijskom Studiju pri Zagreb Filmu kao dizajner i animator, te 1961. počinje raditi vlastite filmove. Kroz idućih 30 godina dobitnik je mnogih nagrada na brojnim svjetskim festivalima. On 1995. dobiva seriju lokalnih i međunarodnih priznanja za doprinos Hrvatskom/Jugoslavenskom filmu i animaciji. Retrospektivne projekcije njegovih filmova prikazivane su na mnogim festivalima, uključujući i retrospektive zagrebačke škole. 1983. izdaje knjigu naslovljenu "Kako napraviti crtani film" koja je bila prevedena na francuski 2000. Od samih početaka je uključen u organizaciju svjetskog festivala animiranog filma u Zagrebu, prvo kao član festivalskog vijeća i upravnog odbora, a od 1979. kao predsjednik upravnog odbora. U razdoblju od 1985. do 1991. bio je direktor festivala, a na festivalu Zagreb 2000. bio je umjetnički direktor. Od 1977. do 1982. bio je aktivni član odbora ASIFA, Međunarodne Udruge Animiranog Filma, a od 1994. do 2000. radio je kao njezin glavni tajnik. Animated Self-Portraits (1989) Exciting Love Story (1989) Learning to Walk (1978) Second Class Passenger (1973) Dillo con i fiori (1972) Krek (1968) Curiosity (1967) Professor Balthazar: Izumitelj cipela (1967) Script The Musical Pig (1966) - Script The Ceremony (1965) Case of a bad Mouse (1961) Romeo and Juliete (1958) Animirani autoportreti (1989) Uzbudljiva ljubavna priča (1989) Škola hodanja (1978) Putnik drugog razreda (1973) Dillo con i fiori (1972) Krek (1968) Znatiželja (1967) Profesor Baltazar: Izumitelj cipela(1967) scenarist Muzikalno prase (1966) - scenarist Ceremonija (1965) Slučaj opakog miša (1961) Romeo i Julija (1958) ŽIRI / JURI Retrospective presentations of his films were held in many cities and at a number of festivals, including Zagreb School retrospectives. In 1983, he published a book entitled "How to Make Cartoon" which was translated to French in 2000. He has been envolved in the organization of the world festival of animated films in Zagreb since its very beginning in 1972, first as a member of the festival council and the steering committee, and from 1979 as the chairman of the steering committee. From 1985 to 1991, he was the festival director, and at Zagreb 2000 he was the festival's artistic advisor. From 1977 to 1982 he was active as a member of the board of ASIFA, the International Association of Animated Films and from 1994 to 2000 he served as its secretary general. 15 ŽIRI / JURI THE CEREMONY Ceremonija 1965, 3'22'' Borivoj Dovniković Bordo (Zagreb Film) Script, Drawing, Animation/Scenarij, Crtež, Animacija: Borivoj Dovniković Music/Glazba: Tomislav Simović Scenography/Scenografija: Pavao Štalter CURIOSITY Znatiželja 1966, 8'48'' Borivoj Dovniković Bordo (Zagreb Film) Script/Scenarij: Dragutin Vunak, Borivoj Dovniković Drawing, Animation, Scenography/Crtež, Animacija, Scenografija: Borivoj Dovniković Music/Glazba: Tomislav Simović 16 ŽIRI / JURI KREK Krek 1967, 9'36'' Borivoj Dovniković Bordo (Zagreb Film) Script/Scenarij: Borivoj Dovniković, Zlatko Grgić Script, Animation/Scenarij, Animacija: Pavao Štalter Scenography/Scenografija: Rudolf Borošak Music/Glazba: Tomica Simović THE FLOWER LOVERS Ljubitelji cvijeća 1970, 9'07'' Borivoj Dovniković Bordo (Zagreb Film) Backgrounds/Scenografija: Nedeljko Dragić Music/Glazba: Ozren Depolo Script, Drawing, Animation/Scenarij, Crtež, Animacija: Borivoj Dovniković 17 ŽIRI / JURI SECOND CLASS PASSENGER Putnik drugog razreda 1973, 10'40'' Borivoj Dovniković Bordo (Zagreb Film) Script, Drawing/Scenarij, Crtež: Borivoj Dovniković Bordo Animation/Animacija: Borivoj Dovniković, Turido Pauš, Zvonimir Delač Backgrounds/Scenografija: Rudolf Borošak Music/Glazba: Ozren Depolo LEARNING TO WALK Škola hodanja 1978, 8'08'' Borivoj Dovniković Bordo (Zagreb Film) Script, Drawing, Animation/Scenarij, Crtež, Animacija: Borivoj Dovniković Bordo Music/Glazba: Igor Savin 18 ŽIRI / JURI ONE DAY OF LIFE Jedan dan života 1982, 9'42'' Borivoj Dovniković Bordo (Zagreb Film) Script, Drawing,Animation/Scenarij, Crtež, Animacija: Borivoj Dovniković Bordo Backrounds/Scenografija: Srđan Matić Editing/Montaža: Tea Brunšmid Music/Glazba: Igor Savin THE EXCITING LOVE STORY Uzbudljiva ljubavna priča 1989, 5'49'' Borivoj Dovniković Bordo (Zagreb Film) Script, Drawing, Animation/Scenarij, Crtež, Animacija: Borivoj Dovniković Bordo 19 ŽIRI / JURI 24 ALEXEY ALEKSEEV Alexey Alexeev was born in Moscow in 1965. After his graduation as a rocket engineer from Moscow High Technical University in 1988 he studied animation in famous Moscow animation studio Pilot, where later he was working as animator and director.In 1993 he graduated Moscow’s film University VGIK as film director. Alexey Alexeev je rođen u Moskvi 1965. Nakon stečene diplome raketnog inžinjera na moskovskom tehničkom sveučilištu 1998. studira animaciju na poznatom moskovskom animacijskom studiju Pilot, gdje se kasnije zapošljava kao animator i režiser. 1993. diplomira filmsku režiju na moskovskom filmskom sveučilištu. From 1996 until 2003 he was working at Varga Studio in Budapest on many TV series and pilots, including Mr.Bean animation episodes where he was Series Director . Od 1996. do 2003. radi u Varga Studios u Budimpešti na mnogim TV serijama i pilot epizodama, uključujući animirane epizode serije Mr. Bean na kojima je bio redatelj serijala. From 2004 he has been Creative Director of Studio Baestarts in Budapest. He also works as director, designer, scriptwriter, composer and editor. Od 2004. je kreativni direktor Studija Baestarts u Budimpešti, te također radi kao redatelj, dizajner, scenarist, kompozitor i montažer. Njegovi filmovi su osvojili više od 70 nagrada na prestižnim festivalima diljem svijeta, uključujići najprestižnije Annecy (Francuska) 2008. i 2009. Grand Prix za najbolji TV serijal, Animamundi (Brazil), Hiroshima (Japan), New York (SAD), AnimaMadrid (Španjolska), Anifest (Češka), CICDAF i XIAMEN (Kina), Seoul (Koreja), Monstra (Portugal) i mnoge druge. Na ruskim festivalima takoðer osvaja nagrade poput onih na Open Russian Animation Festival Suzdal 2009. (4 nagrade - za najbolju TV seriju, najbolju glazbu, nagradu Tatarsky i Professional Choice) te Suzdal 2010. - Grand Prix i mjesto predsjednika festivala, International animated film festival KROK 2009. (nagrada za najbolju seriju i nagrada publike). Nominiran je i za tzv. europskog Oscara BAFTA 2010. (UK). Alexey was working in selection commissions and was invited as Jury member in more then 25 International festivals including Annecy(France), Karlovy Vari (Czech), Utrecht (Holland), Hiroshima (Japan), KROK (Russia), Orlenok (Russia), Stuttgart (Germany), Zagreb (Croatia), Planete Doc (Poland), Anilogue (Hungary-Austria), Anifest (Czech), Cortoons (Italy) etc. Alexey is also invited as a lecturer to many events and European Film schools like Viborg (Denmark), Luzerne (Switzerland) and others.. Alexey je radio selekciju te bio u žirijima festivala na više od 25 međunarodnih festivala uključujući Annecy (Francuska), Karlovy Vary (Češka), Utrecht (Nizozemska), Hiroshima (Japan), KROK (Rusija), Orlenok (Rusija), Stuttgard (Njemačka), Zagreb (Hrvatska), Planete Doc (Poljska), Anilogue (Mađarska-Austrija), Anifest (Češka), Cortoons (Italija) itd. Također je pozvan kao predavač na mnoge događaje i europske filmske škole, poput Viborg (Danska), Lucern (Švicarska) i mnogi drugi. Based on his recent short 'KJFG No.5' Alexey produced the animation series 'Log Jam' (at Studio Baestarts in co-production with Nickelodeon UK) which has been sold to Nickelodeon International for worldwide and Canal Plus France. Alexey works with students, makes international master-classes, presentations and acts as creative consultant for different projects and studios around Europe. Bazirano na njegovom nedavnom kratkom filmu "KFJG No.5", Alexey je producirao animiranu seriju "Log Jam" (za Studio Baestarts u koprodukciji sa Nickelodeon UK), koja se prodala Nickelodeon International-u za distribuciju diljem svijeta te Canal Plus France. Alexey radi sa studentima, vodi međunarodne master-radionice, prezentacije te radi kao kretivni savjtnik za različite projekte i studija diljem Europe. ŽIRI / JURI His animated shorts have won more then 70 prizes and Grand Prix in festivals around the world including most prestigious Annecy (France) 2008 and 2009 Grand-Prix for best TV series, Animamundi (Brazil), Hiroshima (Japan), New York (USA), AnimaMardrid (Spain), Anifest (Czech), CICDAF and XIAMEN (China), Seoul (Korea), Monstra (Portugal) and others… and including Russian festivals like Open Russian Animation Festival Suzdal 2009 (4 prizes: for best TV series, Best sound track, Tatarsky prize and Professional choice) and Suzdal 2010 Grand Prix and position of President of the festival, International animated film festival KROK 2009 (prize for best series and audience award),was nominated for so-called European Oscar BAFTA 2010 (UK)… 24 ŽIRI / JURI 24 Short Filmography Kratka filmografija CN bumpers: 2010, animated series, 8x 40’’; Log Jam : 2008-10, animated series , 12 x 1’ KJFG No.5: 2007, animated film, 2’ HUHU - Pole Hole: animated film, 2’ Mondokak: animated series 26x2’ , 2006 Pro Vorona : 2004, animated film, 12’ Sesame street: animated films, 3 x 2’ ,2003 Aliens: 2003, animated film, 3’30’’ min Mr. Bean: 2001-3, animated series 52 x 10’ King's Moon: 2001, animated film (pilot), 5’ Colin Vs the World: 2000, 10 min Baby Blues: 1999, animated series, 2 x 22’ Kipper: 1998, animated series 13 x 10’ CN bumpers, 2010, animirana serija, 8 x 40’’; Log Jam: 2008-10, animirana serija , 12 x 1’ KJFG No.5: 2007, animated film, 2’ HUHU - Pole Hole: animirani film, 2’ Mondokak: animirana serija 26x2’ , 2006 Pro Vorona : 2004, animated film, 12’ Sesame street: animirani film, 3x2’ ,2003 Aliens: 2003, animirani film, 3’30’’ Mr. Bean: 2001-3, animirana serija 52x 10’ King's Moon: 2001, animirani film (pilot), 5’ Colin Vs the World: 2000, 10 min Baby Blues: 1999, animirana serija, 2x22’ Kipper: 1998, animirana serija 13 x 10’. ŽIRI / JURI ALIENS Vanzemaljci 2003, 3'30'' Alexey Alexeev BEAR&BIRD Medvjed i ptica Alexey Alexeev 23 ŽIRI / JURI HUHU - POLE DANCE Huhu - Ples na šipki 2' Alexey Alexeev LOG JAM (animated series) Svirka u lugu (animirana serija) 2008-2010, 12 x 1’ Alexey Alexeev 24 25 ŽIRI / JURI ŽIRI / JURI ANNA SOLANAS Anna Solanas has been working in the world of puppet animation for 9 years, shooting hand by hand with Marc Riba. They have made 6 short films which have been selected in more than 700 festivals around the world, winning 100 prizes. 26 Anna Solanas radi u svijetu animacije lutaka već 9 godina, snimajući rame uz rame sa Marcom Riba. Zajedno su napravili 6 kratkih filmova koji su izabrani na više od 700 festivala diljem svijeta, osvajajći preko 100 nagrada. U svojoj produkcijskoj kući, I+G Stop Motion pokrenutoj 2005., trenutno razvijaju novu TV seriju nazvanu Triton, mali čarobnjak, čija je pilot epizoda prikazana u zimu 2010. Također razvijaju i dugometražni film, Erronia. They have found, and with each production developed, their own inimitable style, portraying a world full of misfits and rebels. They pay special attention to the complex and contradictory universe inhabited by children, where innocence, imagination and ingenuity remain inextricably entwined with cruelty, selfishness and petty obsession. The powerful theme of sexuality also features in their work, ever present in our lives and certainly in that of children, from a very early age. Kroz produkciju svakog filma pronašli su vlastiti, jedinstven stil, portretirajući svijet pun otpadnika i buntovnika. Posebnu pažnju poklanjaju kompleksnom i proturječnom svemiru koji nastanjuju djeca, gdje su nevinost, mašta i inovativnost neodvojivo povezani sa okrutnošću, sebičnosti i opsesijom. Snažna tema seksualnosti, sveprisutne kako u načim životima, tako i u životima djece od najranije dobi se također prikazuje u njihovom radu. FILMOGRAPHY (films co-directed with Marc Riba) FILMOGRAFIJA (korežija Marc Riba) El negre és el color dels déus (Black is the colour of the gods) (10’, 2002) El negre és el color dels déus Crna je boja bogova” (10’, 2002) La Lupe i en Bruno (Lupe & Bruno) (5’, 2005) La Lupe i en Bruno Lupe & Bruno” (5’, 2005) Violeta, la pescadora del mar negro (Violeta) (9’, 2006) Violeta, la pescadora del mar negro Violeta (9’, 2006) Cabaret Kadne (5’, 2008) Cabaret Kadne Cabaret Kadne” (5’, 2008) Les Bessones del carrer de Ponent (The twin girls of Sunset Street) (13’, 2010) Les Bessones del carrer de Ponent Blizanke sa Sunset Street-a (13’, 2010) Grand Prix (8’, 2011) Grand Prix (8’, 2011) ŽIRI / JURI Through their production company, I+G Stop Motion, created in 2005, they are currently developing a new tv serie entitled, Triton, the Little Wizard, the pilot episode of which was aired in winter 2010. They are also developing a feature-lenght film, Errònia. 27 ŽIRI / JURI CABARET KADNE Kabaret Kadne 2008, 4'53'' Anna Solanas and Marc Riba BLACK IS THE COLOUR OF THE GODS El negre és el color dels déus Crna je boja bogova 2002, 10'35'' Anna Solanas and Marc Riba 28 Anna Solanas and Marc Riba ŽIRI / JURI GRAND PRIX 2011, 8'35'' LUPE & BRUNO La Lupe i en Bruno Lupe i Bruno 1970, 9'07'' Anna Solanas and Marc Riba 29 ŽIRI / JURI THE TWIN GIRLS OF SUNSET STREET Les Bessones del carrer de Ponent Blizanke iz Ulice zalaza sunca 2010, 13' Anna Solanas and Marc Riba VIOLETA Violeta, la pescadora del mar negro 2006, 9' Anna Solanas and Marc Riba 30 31 ŽIRI / JURI COMPETITION OF SHORT ANIMATED FILMS SELEKCIJA KRATKIH ANIMIRANIH FILMOVA NATJECANJE KRATKIH ANIMIRANIH FILMOVA - RASPORED FILMOVA 34 S1 S3 Vicenta Swimming Pool Miramare Blackface : the sacred legend The Incredible Adventures of the Old Raoul That's What You Get for Being Baroque Body Memory Missing Urs Thesis The Peacock Eye Teclopolis Heart Math Test Flower of Battle [R] Precise Peter Orsolya Imitator The Owl who had a Wish Tangled to Its Foot Rock Paper Scissors Akin to an Echo Smile S2 S4 Dove sei, amor mio Stones At the Opera A Lost and Found Box of Human Sensation Wolves Prayers for Peace Lumberjack The newbie Bus Stop Good-for-nothing King Journey#0008-0209 Barking Island A Morning Stroll The Not-So-Great Eugene Green Anna Blume The girl & the hunter Princess The Cameraman Tomato Story No Sleep Wont Kill You Wings and Oars Nakon što Alfredo umre ne otkrivši svojoj supruzi mjesto na koje je skrio basnoslovan dobitak dobiven na lutriji, Vincenta ga bezuspješno posvuda traži, no ne nalazi te odlučuje da je jedini način obratiti se svom mrtvom suprugu. Buđenje iz mrtvih nikada nije bilo lak zadatak, a pogotovo ne obudovljenoj domaćici, no uz pomoć njegova nećaka Vincenta, u ulozi jednog Igora, sve je moguće. Međutim, još je netko u potrazi za blagom. VICENTA Vicenta 2010, 22’12’’, Spain COMPETITION OF SHORT FILMS - SELECTION S1 When Alfredo dies without revealing to his wife the hiding place of the fabulous fortune he has won in a lottery, Vicenta searches high and low, but can't find it and decides that the only way to find it is to ask her late husband. Bringing the dead back to life has never been easy, let alone for a widowed housewife, but with the help of his nephew Vicente, acting as an Igor, anything is possible. However, she is not the only one trying to find the valuable fortune. Sam Orti (Sam / Conflictivos Productions) Scenario/Scenarij: Sam Orti Design/Dizajn: Sam Orti Animation/Animacija: David Caballer Music/Glazba: Sam Orti Sound/Zvuk: Remi Hueso 35 NATJECANJE KRATKIH ANIMIRANIH FILMOVA - SELEKCIJA S1 36 SWIMMING POOL Bazen 2010, 6’34’’,Czech Republic Alexandra Hetmerová (FAMU/ Vera Hoffmannova) Scenario/Scenarij: Alexandra Hetmerová Design/Dizajn:Alexandra Hetmerová Animation/Animacija:Alexandra Hetmerová Music/Glazba: J.Strauss j. Sound/Zvuk: Jan Sleska Night lovestory of two outsiders, who meet in a closed swimming pool in the middle of a big city. Noćna ljubavna priča o dvoje autsajdera koji se sastanu u zatvorenom bazenu usred velikog grada. Pogled na mediteransku granicu Europe gdje turisti dolaze u potrazi za opuštanjem, a 'ilegalni' se imigranti bore za bolji život. Izlazeći iz strogo određene turističke zone, dvoje švicarske djece ubrzo otkriva da se stvarnost izvan kampa uvelike razlikuje od do u detalja organiziranog života u kampu. Olujom koja se nadvije nad kampom nestaju skoro sve razlike između bogatih i siromašnih. MIRAMARE Miramare 2009, 8’8’’, Croatia COMPETITION OF SHORT FILMS - SELECTION S1 A look at life on the Mediterranean borders of Europe, where tourists try to relax while "illegal"" immigrants struggle to have a chance at a better life. Breaking out of a strictly confined tourist zone, two children of a Swiss family experience quickly that reality here has very little to do with the posh life in the camping site.Then a storm hits the shore and washes away almost all differences between the rich and the poor. Michaela Muller (Zagreb Film) 37 NATJECANJE KRATKIH ANIMIRANIH FILMOVA - SELEKCIJA S1 38 BLACKFACE: THE SACRED LEGEND Blackface: Sveta legenda 2009, 6’55’’, France Amine El faqir, Bertrand Carriere, Nicolas Salsedo & Clement Vitroly (ESMA) Music/Glazba: Studio des aviateurs Sound/Zvuk: Studio des aviateurs In the far corners of the Indian jungle, an English colonist decides to drive out monkeys. In spite of the sorcerer's words of warning, the history continues in a strange magic. U zabačenim predjelima indijske džungle, jedan engleski kolonist odlučuje istjerati majmune. Usprkos riječima upozorenja vrača, povijest se nastavlja neobičnom magijom. Stari Raoul svira bendžo sa svojim magarcem. Na ulazu u špilju, Raoul uzima kameru s namjerom da snimi velikog medvjeda kako spava. No, zbog nepažnje probude medvjeda koji se jako razbjesni. THE INCREDIBLES ADVENTURES OF THE OLD RAOUL Les rocambolesques aventures de papa Raoul Nevjerojatne avanture starog Raoula 2009, 7’15’’, France COMPETITION OF SHORT FILMS - SELECTION S1 The old Raoul plays the banjo with his donkey. Arriving at the entrance of a cavern, Raoul takes his camera. He is going to film a big bear sleeping. But Raoul and the donkey are not careful enough and the awakened bear gets very angry. Bianco-Levrin Nicolas (Prototypes Productions) Editing/Montaža: Julie Rembauville Music/Glazba: Nicolas Bianco-Levrin Sound/Zvuk: Julie Rembauville 39 NATJECANJE KRATKIH ANIMIRANIH FILMOVA - SELEKCIJA S1 THAT’S WHAT YOU GET FOR BEING BAROQUE Eso te pasa por Barroco Eto što dobiješ za svoju baroknost 2011, 4’10’’, Spain Pablo Serrano Rosillo (ECAM) Animacija: Pablo Serrano, Ángel José Fariña, Adrián Parra, Vicky G. Wilkings, Elsa Esteban Photography/Fotografija: Diego B. Yáñez Editing/Montaža: César Herradura Sound/Zvuk: Alberto Carlassare y Jorge Alarcón Music/Muzika: Las Perchas 40 A hungry guy prepares a nice romantic dinner for himself, and chooses the worst possible menu... Gladan čovjek si spravlja ukusnu romantičnu večeru i pritom odabire najgori mogući jelovnik... Naše tijelo pamti više no što možemo očekivati i zamisliti te tugu i bol naših predaka. Naše tijelo sadržava priče naših roditelja, baka i djedova, kao i njihovih predaka. No, koliko daleko seže ovo pamćenje? BODY MEMORY Keha mälu Pamćenje tijela 2011, 9’, Estonia COMPETITION OF SHORT FILMS - SELECTION S1 Our body remembers more than we can expect and imagine, our body remembers also the sorrow and pain of the predecessors. Our body sustains the stories of our parents and grandparents, as well as their ancestors. But, how far back is it possible to go in your bodily memory? Ülo Pikkov (Arvo Nuut / Nukufilm OÜ) Animation/Animacija: Märt Kivi Camera/Kamera: Raivo Möllits Music/Muzika: Mirjam Tally Sound/Zvuk : Tiina Andreas 41 NATJECANJE KRATKIH ANIMIRANIH FILMOVA - SELEKCIJA S1 42 MISSING Missing Izgubljen 2010, 3’, UK Tariq Rimawi (Tariq Rimawi) A window opens on a child who lives in a war torn area where he longs for his past peaceful life. Prozor se otvara i vidimo dijete koje živi na ratom pogođenom području žudeći za svojim mirnim životom u prošlosti. Već dugo godina Urs brine o svojoj staroj majci, a sad kreće na opasno putovanje na kojem nosi majku uz planinu kako bi za njih dvoje pronašao neko bolje mjesto. No, majka ne želi napustiti svoj dom... URS Urs 2009, 7’15’’, France COMPETITION OF SHORT FILMS - SELECTION S1 For many years Urs has looked after his aging mother. Now he sets out on a dangerous journey: He carries her up a mountain to find a better place for both of them. But his mother doesn’t want to leave her home… Moritz Mayerhofer (Stina McNicholas, Filmakademie Baden-Wuerttemberg) Animation/Animacija: Moritz Mayerhofer, Jan Locher, Jonas Jarvers Scenography/Scenografija: Moritz Mayerhofer, Julia Ocker, Leszek Plichta Music/Glazba: Peter Gromer Sound/Zvuk: Mike J. Diehl 43 NATJECANJE KRATKIH ANIMIRANIH FILMOVA - SELEKCIJA S1 44 THESIS Thesis Postavka 2010, 1’24’’, Poland Tomasz Cechowski (Tomasz Cechowski) Animation/Animacija: Tomasz Cechowski, Grzegorz Paluch Music/Glazba: Maciej Chomicz Sound/Zvuk: Maciej Chomicz Thesis is a short, independent, animated movie based on a popular joke. It is also hyperbolic digression, a comment on the kind of means scientists use in research. Ovo je kratak, neovisan, animirani film nastao na temelju popularne šale. Ujedno, to je i hiperbolična digresija, komentar na vrste postupaka kojima se znanestvenici koriste u istraživanju. Sibylle Huntress (Lovkinja), sakupljačica, a na koncu i umjetnica u potrazi za posljednjim potezom kista. THE PEACOCK EYE L'oeil du Paon Punovo oko 2009, 8’8’’, Belgium COMPETITION OF SHORT FILMS - SELECTION S1 Sibylle Huntress, collector, artist in the end, seeking the last stroke of a brush. Gerlando Infuso (Vincent Gilot/ Atelier de production de La Cambre ASBL) Music/Muzika: Philippe Tasquin Sound/Dizajn zvuka : Chocolat Noisette 45 NATJECANJE KRATKIH ANIMIRANIH FILMOVA - SELEKCIJA S2 46 DOVE SEI, AMOR MIO Dove sei, amor mio Gdje si, ljubavi moja 2011, 10’30’’, Croatia Veljko Popović (Vanja Andrijević / Bonobostudio) Animation/Animacija: Marin Kovačić, Ćiro Mihanović Music/Glazba: Willem Miličević, Ivan Arnold Sound/Zvuk: Natko Stipaničev Editing/Montaža: Iva Kraljević Is the comfort of routine and the happiness it provides enough to keep us its slaves forever? Following the daily routine of an old lady, we soon discover there is something strange about her. The power of denial and fear of change keep the old lady trapped in her worst nightmares until her secret is revealed. Jesu li ugoda rutine i sreća koju nam pruža dovoljne da zauvijek ostanemo njezini robovi? Slijedeći dnevnu rutinu jedne stare dame, primjećujemo kako je na neki način čudna. Moć poricanja i strah od promjene drže je zarobljenu u najgoroj noćnoj mori sve dok njena tajna ne bude otkrivena. Kamenje. Ovaj inovativan mjuzikl u kojem se koriste lutke spoj je emocionalno snažne glazbe, otvorenog prostora, strasti i straha. Kamenje je priča o kamenolomu u kojem rade desetorica muškaraca nalik stijenama koje svakodnevno pomiču u mehaničkom ritmu svoga rada. Jedne večeri ovaj se ritam narušava jer kamenolom posjeti nadzornikova supruga koja u ovaj surov okoliš unosi emociju i humanost... STONES Kamene Kamenje 2010, 26’, Slovakia COMPETITION OF SHORT FILMS - SELECTION S2 Stones. An innovative puppet musical, which combines emotionally strong music, unconfined space, passion and fear. Stones is a story about a quarry where ten men are working. They resemble the rocks which they move everyday in the mechanical rhythm of their work.One evening, this rhythm is disturbed. The quarry is visited by the foreman’s wife, bringing emotion and humanity into this rough environment… Katarína Kerekesová (Od Plotny) Screenplay/Scenarij: Katarína Kerekesová Animation/Animacija: Katarína Kerekesová, Slávka Bíliková, Leevi Lehtinen, Ivana Šebestová, Lenka Pajerová, Boris Šíma, Joanna Kozuch, Šimon Matrka Camera/Kamera: Peter Hudák Editing/Montaža: Marek Kráľovský Music/Glazba: Marek Piaček Sound/Zvuk: Peter Mojžiš, Hannes Plattmeier 47 NATJECANJE KRATKIH ANIMIRANIH FILMOVA - SELEKCIJA S2 48 AT THE OPERA En La Opera U Operi 2010, 1’, Argentina Juan Pablo Zaramella (Sol Rulloni) An original and particulary moving night at the opera. Originalna i osobito dirljiva noć u operi. Mladićev otac umre od tumora i dječak se mora nositi s gubitkom. Film počinje sprovodom i prati osjećaje koji se tijekom vremena mijenjaju, a završava pitanjem: Postoji li vremenski rok za žalovanje...? Film se dijeli na dva dijela: pjesmu koja stvara okvir priče, a recitira je Ian McKellen i čiju strukturu povremeno prekidaju razmišljanja i iskustva dječaka koja iznosi Joseph Fiennes. A LOST AND FOUND BOX OF HUMAN SENSATION Izgubljena i pronađena kutija ljudskih osjećaja 2010, 14’50’’, Germany COMPETITION OF SHORT FILMS - SELECTION S2 A young man’s father dies of cancer and the boy has to cope with the loss. The film begins with the funeral and shows how feelings change throughout the years. It ends with the question: Is there a due date for grief...? There are two parts in the movie: A poem builds the framework for the storyline, spoken by Ian McKellen. Additionally, from time to time this structure is interrupted by thoughts and experiences of the boy, spoken by Joseph Fiennes. Martin Wallner, Stefan Leuchtenberg (Nils Dånker / Lailaps Pictures) Screenplay/Scenarij: Martin Wallner Animation/Animacija: Onni Pohl, Travis Ramsdale, David Scharf, Sam Siahaija, Dancing Squirrel Drawing/Crtez: Krisztina Sárközi Editing/Montaza: Dancing Squirrel Music/Glazba: Lars Deutsch Sound/Zvuk: Heiko Måller 49 NATJECANJE KRATKIH ANIMIRANIH FILMOVA - SELEKCIJA S2 50 WOLVES Vukovi 2009, 5’56’’, UK/Switzerland Rafael Sommerhalder (Royal College of Art, London) Music/Glazba: Hansueli Tischhauser Sound/Zvuk : Zhe Wu A howling wolf, an embarrassing incident and a missed opportunity. Love is made of courage. Vuk koji zavija, neugodan incident i propuštena prilika. Ljubav je sazdana od hrabrosti. Molitve za mir pripovjedačka je stop-motion animacija koja se suočava sa sjećanjem na autorovog mlađeg brata poginulog u ratu u Iraku. U potpunosti je iscrtana pastelama na ploči, a materijali korišteni u animiranju postaju metafora nestalnosti života. PRAYERS FOR PEACE Molitve za mir 2009, 7’38’’, UK COMPETITION OF SHORT FILMS - SELECTION S2 Prayers for Peace is a narrative stop-motion animation confronting the memory of the artist's younger brother killed in the current conflict in Iraq. Drawn entirely with pastels on a slate chalkboard, the materials used to create the animation become a metaphor for the impermanence of life. Dustin Grella (Dusty Studio) Editing/Montaža: Chu Chi Lin Music/Glazba: Gary Michael Millus Sound/Zvuk : Gary Michael Millus 51 NATJECANJE KRATKIH ANIMIRANIH FILMOVA - SELEKCIJA S2 52 LUMBERJACK Drwal Drvosječa 2011, 14’57’’, Poland Pawel Debski (FUMI Studio) Animation/Animacija: Pawel Debski, Sonia Wisniewska, Artur Marcol, Mateusz Michalak Scenography/Scenografija: Pawel Debski, Konrad Bialkowski Music/Glazba: Tomasz Opalka Sound/Dizajn zvuka : Aleksandra Pniak On the shore of a great ocean, surrounded by colossal cliffs and a forest reaching almost past the horizon, lives a father and his son. The father is a lumberjack. The boy, on the other hand, is happily living the life of a boy who sees nothing past his father. Everything was as in a storybook, until one day the lumberjack came home a changed man... Na obali velikog oceana, okruženi kolosalnim liticama i šumom koja se prostire gotovo preko horizonta, žive otac i sin. Otac je drvosječa, a dječak živi sretan život s ocem kao jedinim uzorom. I sve bi bilo poput bajke, da se jednog dana drvosječa nije vratio kao drukčiji čovjek... Prvi radni dan jednog iscrpljenog čovjeka. THE NEWBIE Az új fiú Novak 2010, 2’45’’, Hungary COMPETITION OF SHORT FILMS - SELECTION S2 An exhausted man's first day in the firm. Attila Bardos & Csaba Gellar (FüLöP József / Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design) 53 NATJECANJE KRATKIH ANIMIRANIH FILMOVA - SELEKCIJA S2 54 BUS STOP Autobusna stanica 2010, 4’58’’, France Caserio Floriane (Benois Gilles / Esia 3d) Music/Glazba: Tuck Andress A young woman used to waiting her bus at the same place every day sees her life change from the moment a hobo settles down there. Mlada žena, navikla svaki dan čekati autobus na istom mjestu, promatra kako joj se život mijenja od trenutka kad na to mjesto doseli skitnica. Priča o prezrenom vladaru GOOD-FOR-NOTHING KING Paska kuningas Niš-koristi kralj 2009, 7’35’’, Finland COMPETITION OF SHORT FILMS - SELECTION S2 A tale of a detested ruler. Jenni Rahkonen & Heta Bilaletdin (Eija Saarinen / Turku Arts Academy) Animation/Animacija: Jenni Rahkonen, Anton Sundström & Heta Bilaletdin Camera/Kamera: Jenni Rahkonen, Anton Sundström & Heta Bilaletdin Music/Glazba: Jukra, Kanttoripoika 55 NATJECANJE KRATKIH ANIMIRANIH FILMOVA - SELEKCIJA S3 56 TECLOPOLIS Teclópolis 2009, 12’10’’, Cuba Javier Mrad (Javier Mrad, Diego Primero) Screenplay/Scenarij: Javier Mrad, Javier Salazar, Javier Swedsky Animation/Animacija: Becho Lo Bianco, Mariano Bergara Scenography/Scenografija: Sebastián Hojnadel Camera/Kamera: Juan Maglione Editing/Montaža: Hugo Primero, Diego Primero Music,Sound/Glazba, zvuk: Cesar Lernet Once upon a time. Old magazines gently dance in the wind. A super-8 camera crawls over a wooden table while an old carpet flows in and out. Suddenly, a mouse. Then, a whole civilization running towards its inevitable destiny. Plastic waste has reached the point where not even the most distant beaches are safe. Nekoć davno. Stare novine nježno plešu na vjetru. Super-8 kamera prelazi preko drvenog stola dok stari tepih teče poput mora. Odjednom, miš, a tada cijela civilizacija juri prema neizbježnoj sudbini. Plastičnog otpada ima toliko da ni najudaljenije plaže više nisu sigurne. Film "Srce" propituje nas same u ostvarivanju naše biti i smisla života putem apstraktnih metafora i simbola prikazanih poput srca. HEART Srce 2010, 8’30’’, USA COMPETITION OF SHORT FILMS - SELECTION S3 The film, 'Heart' questions ourselves in realizing our essence and the meaning of life through abstract metaphors and symbols illustrated as a heart. Erick Oh (Erick Oh / UCLA) Music/Glazba: Joseph Trapanese Sound/Dizajn zvuka: Piero Mura 57 NATJECANJE KRATKIH ANIMIRANIH FILMOVA - SELEKCIJA S3 58 MATH TEST Suhaksihum Test iz matematike 2011, 2’, Korea South Yumi Jung (Kihyun Kim) Editing/Montaza: Yumi Jung & Kihyun Kim Sound/Zvuk : Youngho Song Yujin is busy solving problems during a math test. Suddenly, a kid jumps out of her head, ruining her concentration. Yujin je zaokupljena rješavanjem matematičkog testa kad joj odjednom dijete iskoči iz glave i naruši koncentraciju. U arkadijskom ugođaju maglovitog podzemnog svijeta obitavaju neobični likovi: Opsjenar, Građanski entitet, Drveni lutak i šutljivi, ali opasni Mačevalac. Njihovi misteriozni i bizarni doživljaji alegorija su odnosa između izumrle tradicije europskog borbenog mačevanja i doktrine pragmatičnog političkog djelovanja. Je li kraj ove alegorije u isto vrijeme i početak jednog poučnog nesporazuma? FLOWER OF BATTLE Cvijet bitke 2011, 19’20’’, Croatia COMPETITION OF SHORT FILMS - SELECTION S3 The Arcadian atmosphere of a hazy underworld hosts unusual characters: an Illusionist, a Civil Entity, a Wooden Puppet and a silent, but dangerous Swordsman. Their mysterious and bizarre experiences are an allegory of the relationship between the now extinct tradition of European combat swordsmanship and the doctrine of pragmatic political action. Is the end of the allegory also a beginning of an instructive misunderstanding? Simon Bogojević Narath (Vanja Andrijević / Bonobostudio) Animacija: Nikola Radović, David Lovrić Music, Sound/Glazba, zvuk: Hrvoje Štefotić 59 NATJECANJE KRATKIH ANIMIRANIH FILMOVA - SELEKCIJA S3 60 [R] 2011, 12’34’’, France Nicolas Bianco-Levrin and Julie Rembauville (GREC) Music/Glazba: Maxence Camelin Sound/Zvuk: Pierre Naïm Fievet & Flavien Van Haezelvede In this city where everything is built around the letter R, you speak and think in an R way. At school, a child learns with difficulty to write. His deletions create strange new signs. U gradu u kojem se sve vrti oko slova R, govori se i razmišlja na način slova R. U školi jedno dijete ima poteškoća u svladavanju pisanja. Njegove kreacije odašilju neobične nove znakove. Pedantan Peter upoznaje svog malog sina s profinjenošću obiteljskog rituala. Riba je gotova, vrt uređen, a i sunce sja prema planu. Neka veličanstvena ceremonija objedovanja započne! PRECISE PETER Der präzise Peter Pedantan Peter 2010, 5’35’’, Germany COMPETITION OF SHORT FILMS - SELECTION S3 Precise Peter introduces his little son to the subtleties of the family ritual. The fish is ready, the garden prepared and the sun is shining as planned. May the great dinner ceremony begin! Martin Schmidt (Martin Schmidt) Music, sound/Glazba, zvuk: Roman Beilharz 61 NATJECANJE KRATKIH ANIMIRANIH FILMOVA - SELEKCIJA S3 62 ORSOLYA 2009, 7’48’’, Hungary Bella Szederkényi (Mome) Animation/Animacija: Attila Bardos, Istvan Lakatos, Eva Molnar, Bella Szederkényi Editing/Montaza: Judit Czakó Music, Sound/Glazba, Zvuk: Attila Pacsay One day Orsolya's body is suddenly shaken up making her see the world backwards. How will she adapt to this new situation? Jednog dana Orsolyno se tijelo iznenada protrese i ona počinje svijet promatrati unatrag. Kako li će se prilagoditi novonastaloj situaciji? Umjetnik započinje svoju karijeru oponašajući jednog velikog Umjetnika, no kako li je završava? IMITATOR 2009, 2’05’’, Bulgaria Danny Lazarov (New Bulgarian University) Drawing/Crtež: Ivan Sabev Editing/Montaža: Sevina Ivanova Music, Sound/Glazba, Zvuk: Ivan Drumev COMPETITION OF SHORT FILMS - SELECTION S3 An Artist begins his career imitating a great Artist. But how does he finish it? 63 NATJECANJE KRATKIH ANIMIRANIH FILMOVA - SELEKCIJA S3 64 THE OWL WHO HAD A WISH TANGLED TO ITS FOOT Sova koja je za nogu imala privezanu želju 2010, 1’55’’, USA Burak N. Kurt (Burak N. Kurt) Sound/Zvuk: Burak N. Kurt Music/Glazba: Alexis Marsh The story of an owl trying to find the owner of a lost wish. Priča o sovi koja pokušava pronaći vlasnika izgubljene želje. U svijetu predmeta koji govore i suprotstavljenih svjetonazora smještena je priča o političkim debatama i nasilnoj nesnošljivosti. Na zahtjev Papira za postizanjem primirja među njihovim vrstama, Kamen, Papir i Škare sastaju se na neutralnom području. No, njihov sastanak burno započne da bi kulminirao žestokom svađom! ROCK PAPER SCISSORS Kamen papir škare 2010, 9’14’’, New Zealand COMPETITION OF SHORT FILMS - SELECTION S3 In a world of talking objects and conflicting viewpoints lies a story of political talks and violent intolerance. Upon Paper’s request for a truce among their kinds, Rock, Paper and Scissors meet on neutral grounds. But their session gets off to a rocky start before it turns to a sharp argument! Mardo El-Noor (Mardo El-Noor) 65 NATJECANJE KRATKIH ANIMIRANIH FILMOVA - SELEKCIJA S3 66 AKIN TO AN ECHO U rodu s jekom 2010, 6’, USA Jesse Gregg Radnja ovog filma smještena je u cirkusu koji je u kasnim 1920-ima gostovao diljem Europe. Disfunkcionalna je to ljubavna priča između dvoje neprilagođenih osoba, akrobatkinje i klauna, zarobljenih u svojim karakternim ulogama i nesposobnih prenijeti svoju odigranu ljubavnu priču u stvarnost. SMILE Smiješak 2010, 4’34’’, UK COMPETITION OF SHORT FILMS - SELECTION S3 The film is set in the circus, touring Europe in the late 1920s; it is a dysfunctional love story between two misfits, an acrobat dancer and a clown, trapped in their character roles and unable to translate their performed romance into reality. Chloe Rodham (UCA) 67 NATJECANJE KRATKIH ANIMIRANIH FILMOVA - SELEKCIJA S4 68 JOURNEY#0008-0209 Percorso#0008-0209 Putovanje#0008-0209 2010, 4’23’’, Italy Igor Imhoff (Igor Imhoff) When all is wound by the fog and by the obscurity of the memory the game of the figures alternates in a world where signs and images are darkened by now. Only a little spark allows a child to undertake an unpredictable journey. Kad se sve obavije maglom i padne u zaborav, igra figura se izmjenjuje u svijetu u kojem su znakovi i slike dosad već zamračeni. Tek mali bljesak omogući djetetu da krene na nepredvidljivo putovanje. Istambul, 1910. Ulice su preplavljene psima lutalicama. Pod utjecajem zapadnog modela društva, nova Vlada želi riješiti problem 30.000 pasa deportacijom na napušteni otok uz obale grada te prije donošenja konačne odluke u pomoć zove europske stručnjake. Kroz viđenje jedne kuje i policajca koji je zatvara u kavez, pratimo prisilni egzil, napuštanje i smrtne muke 30.000 pasa koji većinom ugibaju od gladi i žeđi. BARKING ISLAND Chienne D'histoire Otok koji laje 2010, 15’, France COMPETITION OF SHORT FILMS - SELECTION S4 Constantinople, 1910. Too many stray dogs in the streets. The newly installed government, influenced by an occidental model of society, calls in European specialists to get rid of the dogs, before deciding, finally, to deport 30 000 of them on a desert island, off the coast of the city. Through both looks of a dog female and of the policeman who puts her in a cage, we follow the forced exile, the abandonment and death throes of 30 000 dogs who will mostly die of starvation and thirst. Avedikian Serge (Sacrebleu Productions) 69 NATJECANJE KRATKIH ANIMIRANIH FILMOVA - SELEKCIJA S4 70 A MORNING STROLL Jutarnja šetnja 2011, 6’47’’, UK Grant Orchard (Sue Goffe/Studio Aka) Music/Glazba: Nic Gill When a New Yorker walks past a chicken on his morning stroll, we’re left to wonder which one is the real city slicker…’Based loosely on a real life event recounted in Paul Aster’s brilliant book ‘True Tales or American Life‘, Grant Orchard’s ‘A Morning Stroll’ tells the story of one New Yorker’s early morning encounter with a chicken, an event that plays out over 100 years. Kad jedan Njujorčanin za jutarnje šetnje prođe pokraj pileta, pitamo se koji je od njih pravi gradski šminker…. „Donekle utemeljena na istinitom događaju potanko ispričanom u sjajnoj knjizi Paula Astera "Istinite priče ili američki život", "Jutarnja šetnja" Granta Orcharda priča priču o ranojutarnjem susretu Njujorčanina i pileta, događaju koji se zbio prije više od 100 godina. Eugen je čovjek s jednostavnim snom: zabavljati svoj svijet umjetnošću glasovnih efekata. Nevolja je u tom što posjeduje vrlo oskudan repertoar. Nakon što ga publika opetovano odbija, Eugene susretne Madeleine s kojom dijeli istim smisao za humor. Kad Madeleine nestane iz njegova života, Eugene postane svjestan svoje usamljenosti. U dubini svog otuđenja Eugene biva uključen u nezgodu koja promijeni njegov život... i repertoar. THE NOT-SO-GREAT EUGENE GREEN Ne-tako-sjajni Eugene Green 2009, 13’10’’, Australia COMPETITION OF SHORT FILMS - SELECTION S4 Eugene is a man with a simple dream: to entertain his world through the art of vocal sound effects. The trouble is that he only possesses a very small repertoire. Repeatedly rejected by the audience, Eugene meets Madeleine who shares his sense of humour. When Madeleine disappears from his life, Eugene realises just how alone he really is. At the depth of his alienation, Eugene is involved in an accident which changes his life… and his repertoire. Michael Hill (Melanie Brunt / Feather Films) Scenarij: Michael Hill, Jamie Messenger Animation/Animacija: Peter Lowey, Juan Serrano, Michael Hill Scenography/Scenografija: Hung Lin Montage/Montaža: Jeremy Parker Muzic/Glazba: Jamie Messenger Sound/Zvuk: Markus Kellow 71 NATJECANJE KRATKIH ANIMIRANIH FILMOVA - SELEKCIJA S4 72 ANNA BLUME 2009, 9’2’’, Bulgaria Vessela Dantcheva (Ebele Okoye) Screenplay/Scenarij: Vessela Dantcheva, Ebele Okoye Animation/Animacija: Ebele Okoye Design/Dizajn: Vessela Dantcheva Camera, Editing/Kamera, Montaža: Ivan Bogdanov Music/Glazba: Petar Dundakov Sound/Zvuk : Emil Iliev Anna Blume is a visual poetry about the lust of a man chasing a woman. The story takes on a surreal journey dictated by the mind of the poet. Lust and ingestion, disguised in love, drive the two characters to an end where love turns to be a very lonesome and strange place. The film is based on and inspired by the emblematic love poem from 1919 "An Anna Blume" by Kurt Schwitters. Anna Blume je vizualna poezija o požudi muškarca koji progoni ženu. Priča prerasta u nadnaravno putovanje koje oblikuje pjesnikov um. Požuda i gutanje, prerušeni u ljubav, gone ova dva lika do trenutka kad ljubav postane vrlo samotno i strano mjesto. Film je inspiriran simboličkom ljubavnom pjesmom Kurta Schwittersa "Za Annu Blume" iz 1919. Kiši. Malo je selo u velikoj nevolji. Kišne su kapi zapravo suze jedne mlade djevojke, a na lovcu je da situaciju dovede u red. THE GIRL & THE HUNTER La fille & le chasseur Djevojčica i lovac 2010, 5’23’’, Switzerland COMPETITION OF SHORT FILMS - SELECTION S4 It's raining. A small village is in big trouble. The raindrops are actually a young girl's tears. And it's up to the hunter to put things in order. Jadwiga Kowalska (Hélium Films, Jadwiga Kowalska, Radio Télévision Suisse) Design/Dizajn: Jadwiga Kowalska Animation/Animacija: Jadwiga Kowalska & Florian Grolig Camera/Kamera: Ralph Ralph Kühne & Jadwiga Kowalska Editing/Montaza: Marina Rosset Music/Glazba: Valerie Koloszar Sound/Zvuk : Denis Séchaud 73 NATJECANJE KRATKIH ANIMIRANIH FILMOVA - SELEKCIJA S4 74 PRINCESS Princesse Princeza 2010, 11’, Canada Frédérick Tremblay (Frédérick Tremblay & La Bande Vidéo) Music/Glazba: Maxime Velleux Sound/Zvuk: Frédérick Tremblay & Maxime Veilleux A man brings a second woman to his home... Muškarac u kuću dovodi drugu ženu... Čini se da je jedan jedini čovjek odgovoran za sigurnost gradskog parka, nažalost. THE CAMERAMAN Snimatelj 2010, 5’, UK COMPETITION OF SHORT FILMS - SELECTION S4 It seems that one man is solely responsible for the security of a city park, unfortunately. Phillip Warner (Donna M Spencer) Compositing,Effects/Kompoziting,Efekti: Donna M Spencer Sound/Zvuk : Mark Gilmore 75 NATJECANJE KRATKIH ANIMIRANIH FILMOVA - SELEKCIJA S4 76 TOMATO STORY Priča o rajčicama 2010, 3’50’’, Russia Olga & Tatiana Poliektovi (Galina Perveeva, TiO RDST) Muzic/Glazba: Jose Antonio Molero Sound/Zvuk: Vladimir Sukharev A film about two old women who enter into a quarrel because of tomatoes which they grew on their common balcony. Film o dvije stare žene koje se svađaju zbog rajčica uzgojenih na zajedničkom balkonu. Što se dogodi kad san preuzme kontrolu nad stvarnošću? NO SLEEP WONT KILL YOU Nespavanje Ne Ubija 2010, 9’, Croatia COMPETITION OF SHORT FILMS - SELECTION S4 What happens when the dream takes control over reality? Marko Meštrović (Zagreb Film) Music/Glazba: Jessica Lurie & Abraham Gomez - Delgrado 77 NATJECANJE KRATKIH ANIMIRANIH FILMOVA - SELEKCIJA S4 78 WINGS AND OARS Spārni un airi Krila i vesla 2009, 6’55’’, France Vladimir Leschiov (Vladimir Leschiov, Lunohod) Music/Glazba: Pierre-Yves Drapeau, Normand Roger Sound/Zvuk: Pierre-Yves Drapeau A former pilot looks back at his life - the Earth, the Sky, the Woman – everything that took place on the journey from an air strip to an abandoned boat house. Bivši se pilot prisjeća svog života - Zemlje, Neba, Žene - svega što se odigralo na putovanju od piste do napuštene kućice za čamce. 79 COMPETITION OF SHORT FILMS - SELECTION S4 COMPETITION OF FILMS FOR CHILDREN AND YOUTH SELEKCIJA FILMOVA ZA DJECU I MLADEŽ NATJECANJE FILMOVA ZA DJECU I OMLADINU - RASPORED FILMOVA 82 C1 C3 Yaku For a Fistful of Snow Prince Rat Darkness Wheels, band-aids, and lollipops Vigour Dino n Mino's mini Adventure - WhoEatsWho Acorn Boy Ballet of Unhatched Chicks Nicolas & Guillemette Ormie In A Nut Shell Taraxacum Tale of the wind Barry's ices Thumbelina Our land of wonders Murphy's Shorts Koyaa - The Extraordinary Mungge - Not again! Change In The Weather All that cats D is for danger C2 C4 Best Idea Ever Springtime in Crow Street Ronki prase u krevetu The silence beneath the bark Who´s there? Tiger Cookie Kid Holymonks Blew Dandelion Growing Angry man Ješka The Sasquatch and the Girl The little girl who only had one ear Mobile The Hardest Jigsaw Higherbid StrarSwept Yaku je poseban dječak. Jednoga dana netko mu ukrade varku. I upravo kad je pomislio da je sve izgubljeno, jedan ga stranac povede na čarobno putovanje. YAKU 2011, 8’, Spain Nacho Pesquera y Nacho Subirats (Emilio Luján / ESDIP Escuela de Arte) Screenplay/Scenarij: Nacho Pesquera, Nacho Subirats, y Fran Iglesias Animation, Drawings/Animacija, Crtež: Nacho Pesquera, Nacho Subirats, Miguel Ángel Gómez, Guillermo Álvarez, Antonio Isardo, Bárbara Santos Scenography/Scenografija: Miguel Regodón, Daniel Pérez, Juan Rubio, Verónica Álvarez, Beatriz Castro, Luján Fernández Camera, Editing/Kamera, Montaza: Eduardo Elosegi Sound/Dizajn zvuka : Raul Huelves COMPETITION OF FILMS FOR CHILDREN AND YOUTH - SELECTION C1 Yaku is a special boy. One day, somebody snatches his illusion. But just when he thinks he has lost it all, a stranger will take him on a magical trip. 83 NATJECANJE FILMOVA ZA DJECU I OMLADINU - SELEKCIJA C1 84 FOR A FISTFUL OF SNOW Za šaku snijega 2009, 5’42’’, Switzerland Julien Ezri (Julien Ezri) Music/Glazba: Jérémie Ezri Art Designer/Umjetničko oblikovanje: Cristina Sanchez A long time ago, terror, loathing and power reigned over the Wild Wild North. The foolishness of the inhabitants led them to battle for anything, even... For a Fistful of Snow! Prije mnogo godina na Divljem su sjeveru vladali strah, prijezir i moć. Glupost je stanovnike natjerala u borbu za sve, pa čak i za... šaku snijega! Bajka "Princ štakor" sadrži sve potrebne elemente jedne bajke: dvorac, princezu, princa, zmaja, tajnog obožavatelja i duboke emocije, a sve je obogaćeno neočekivanim krajem i neuobičajenom istinom o malim herojima i velikoj želji... PRINCE RAT Prinz Ratte Princ štakor 2011, 14’30’’, Germany Albert Radl (Albert Radl / Radl animation) Editing/Montaža: Andreas Fette Muzic/Glazba: Thorsten Schreiner Sound/Dizajn zvuka : Steffen Berlipp COMPETITION OF FILMS FOR CHILDREN AND YOUTH - SELECTION C1 "Prinz Ratte" is a fairy tale with everything that is needed for a fairy tale: A castle, a princess, a prince, a dragon, a secret admirer and deep emotions, but also with an unexpected ending and an uncommon truth about little heroes and big desire … 85 NATJECANJE FILMOVA ZA DJECU I OMLADINU - SELEKCIJA C1 86 DARKNESS Sötétség Tama 2010, 5’15’’, Hungary Csaba Gellár (MOME – Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design) Animation/Animacija: Gellár Csaba, Bárdos Attila Backgrounds/Pozadine: Gellár Csaba, Kelemen Judit, Bárdos Attila, Horváth-Molnár Panna, Bakos Barbara, Janoch Lívia Editing/Montaža: Gellár Csaba, Kelemen Judit Music/Glazba: Gellár Csaba „Once there was a darkness…” A children’s film based on Angi Máté’s tale. "Nekoć bješe tama..." dječji je film prema knjizi Angi Máté. Hugo je sretan igrajući se sa svojim triciklom dok ne sretne Carol. Nakon toga učinit će sve da ju impresionira. WHEELS, BAND-AIDS, AND LOLLIPOPS Ruedas, tiritas y piruletas Kotači, flasteri i lizaljke 2010, 8’20’’, Spain María Medel (ESDIP Escuela de Arte) Animation/Animacija: María Medel Rodríguez, Víctor Lorenzo Pinel, Amanda Gil, Carlos Molina, Nacho Subirats, Nacho Pesquera, Antonio Isardo, Pablo Jiménez. Backgrounds/Pozadine: María Medel, Carlos Molina, Oscar Catalán Editing/Montaža: Eduardo Elosegi, Gabriel Martínez Rodríguez Music/Glazba: Raúl Huelves Sound/Zvuk: Isolé, División Sonora COMPETITION OF FILMS FOR CHILDREN AND YOUTH - SELECTION C1 Hugo is happy playing with his tricycle. Until he meets Carol. Since then, he will do anything to impress her. 87 NATJECANJE FILMOVA ZA DJECU I OMLADINU - SELEKCIJA C1 88 VIGOUR Snaga 2011, 1’30’’, Canada Chang Dai (Chang Dai) Music/Glazba: Loyalty Free Through the eyes of the animal, everything is alive and connected. This is an experiment to try and imagine a world in which willpower and perseverance have physical manifestations. Gledano iz očiju životinje, sve je živo i međusobno povezano.Ovo je jedan eksperiment u kojem se pokušava zamisliti svijet u kojem se snaga volje i ustrajnost fizički očituju. O Dini i Mini koji žele pojesti dječaka iz džungle. Postavljaju zamke kako bi ga ulovili, no na kraju oni su ti koji su lovina. DINO N MINO'S MINI ADVENTURE WHOEATSWHO Mini avantura Dine i Mine tkokogajede 2010, 3’, UK Vincent Kea Kiang Chia (Vincent Kea Kiang Chia) Sound/Dizajn zvuka : Sony Pictures Sound Effects COMPETITION OF FILMS FOR CHILDREN AND YOUTH - SELECTION C1 About Dino and Mino who want to eat a jungle boy. They set traps to catch him, but in the end, they are being chased. 89 NATJECANJE FILMOVA ZA DJECU I OMLADINU - SELEKCIJA C1 90 ACORN BOY Ziluks Dječak Žir 2010, 10’, Latvia Dace Rīdūze (Māris Putniņš, Animācijas Brigāde) Cinematographer Ēvalds Lācis Character Designer/Dizajn likova: Ilze Kiršteina Computer Graphics/Računalna grafika: Andris Gailītis Animators/Animatori: Jānis Cimermanis, Māris Brinkmanis Original Music/Glazba: Uldis Marhilevičs Sound/Zvuk: Anrijs Krenbergs Editing/Montaža: Dace Rīdūze, Jānis Cimermanis, Ēvalds Lācis Have you ever made little creatures out of acorns? This is a story about a little Acorn Boy and his colourful adventures in the village of Stalks, where he meets Bee, Mr. Spider, the Ants, and all the other bugs… Jeste li ikada izrađivali mala bića od žirova? Ovo je priča o malom Dječaku Žiru i njegovim slikovitim avanturama u selu Stabljika u kojem susreće Pčelu, g. Pauka, Mrave i sve druge kukce... Pilići se liježu iz jaja i privlače zanimanje svijeta. Oni slave ovaj topao i sretan trenutak plešući balet. Originalnu je ideja došla od klasične glazbe. Naziv skladbe je "Balet neizlegnutih pilića". U samom nazivu je sadržan zanimljiv element piladi koja pleše. Jednom kad sam se uključio u projekt, glazba me inspirirala da zamislim živahan, ritmičan svijet. BALLET OF UNHATCHED CHICKS Balet neizleženih pilića 2011, 2’, USA Shaun Seong-young Kim (Shaun Seong-young Kim) Music:/Glazba: Mussorgsky's “Balllet of Unhatched Chicks” Recorded by New World Symphony COMPETITION OF FILMS FOR CHILDREN AND YOUTH - SELECTION C1 Chicks hatching out from eggs get a spotlight from the world. They celebrate this warm and happy moment by dancing ballet together. I originally start to coming up with a idea from a classic music. The music’s title was ‘Ballet of Unhatched Chicks’. The title, itself has an interesting element such as dancing chicks. Once I get involved in the project, the music really inspires me to imagine brisk and rhythmical world. 91 NATJECANJE FILMOVA ZA DJECU I OMLADINU - SELEKCIJA C1 92 NICOLAS & GUILLEMETTE 2009, 9’34’’, France Virginie Taravel (Jean-Jacques Benhamou / Haidouk Film) Animation, Editing/Animacija, Montaza: Elisabeth Patte Scenography/Scenografija: Marie Bourguet Camera/Kamera: Lucas Van Rossum Music/Glazba: Mami Chan & Norman Bambi Sound/Dizajn zvuka : Norman Bambi In a shop that sells small characters made from plastic cords, 'Nicolas the little musician' is the only fully finished one. He wakes up and builds 'Guillemette the little dancer'. But he fails to tie the cords properly and the dancer becomes entangled, turning into a thousand-headed monster. Then he creates a giant child from wires with long pianist's fingers in order to help untie the little dancer, freeing her from her tangled prison. U trgovini u kojoj se prodaju male lutke izrađene od plastičnih konopa, "Nicolas mali glazbenik" jedini je dovršen. On se budi se i gradi "Guillemette malu plesačicu", no kako ne uspijeva ispravno povezati konope, plesačica se zaplete i pretvori u čudovište s tisuću glava. Tada od žica stvara divovsko dijete dugačkih prstiju koje će mu pomoći odvezati malenu plesačicu i osloboditi je iz zapletenog zatvora. Ormie je svinja, u svakom značenju te riječi. Svinja vidi kolačić. Svinja želi kolačić. Ali kolačići su izvan dosega.... ili? ORMIE 2010, 3’57’’, Canada Rob Silvestri (Graham Moloy/Starz Animation) Layout/Layout: Kevin R. Adams, Andrew Hickson, Olga Stern, Andrew Woodhouse Animation/Animacija: Lawrence Choi, Joel Beaudet, Renee Brunton, Shibabrata Chakraborty, Luis de Campos, Graham Finley, Jesse Lickman, Christie Moore, Angad Singh, Ian Spriggs Editing/Montaža: Matt Ahrens Music/Glazba: Alex Khaskin Sound/Zvuk: Deluxe Post Production Toronto COMPETITION OF FILMS FOR CHILDREN AND YOUTH - SELECTION C1 Ormie is a pig, in every sense of the word. Pig see cookie. Pig want cookie. But cookies are out of reach... or are they? 93 94 NATJECANJE FILMOVA ZA DJECU I OMLADINU - SELEKCIJA C1 IN A NUT SHELL Ukratko 2010, 1’40’’, USA Ben Holm Djevojčica uživa u vrtu divljeg cvijeća dok ne dođe jedan odrasli čovjek i uništi sve maslačke. TARAXACUM 2011, 45’’, Canada Eileen Peng (Eileen Peng) Music/Glazba: Miika Mettiäinen COMPETITION OF FILMS FOR CHILDREN AND YOUTH - SELECTION C1 A little girl finds joy in a garden of wild flowers, until an adult comes along and destroys the dandelions. 95 NATJECANJE FILMOVA ZA DJECU I OMLADINU - SELEKCIJA C2 96 BEST IDEA EVER Najbolja ideja ikad 2011, 2’3’’, Canada Arpan Jolly (Arpan Jolly) Best Idea Ever is a funny take on the actual anecdote of Sir Newton and the apple. It tries to illustrate the events that might have taken place before Sir Newton learnt about the concept of gravity. Enjoy this short about the series of events that took place on that warm summer afternoon when the apple fell on Newton's head. Najbolja ideja ikad šaljiva je inačica stvarne anegdote o Newtonu i jabuci kojom se želi pojasniti događaje koji su se mogli dogoditi prije no što je Newton shvatio koncept sile teže. Uživajte u ovom kratkom filmu o nizu događaja koji su se odigrali tog toplog ljetnog popodneva kad je jabuka pala na Newtonovu glavu. Proljeće u Ulici vrana je glazbena priča o ljubavi, časti i oprostu. Janka, mladić iz predgrađa Rige, u svom snu uspijeva spasiti Zelmu čak i od vatre te dobiva medalju u obliku dugmeta spljoštenog na tramvajskim tračnicama. Hoće li biti dovoljno hrabar da obrani svoju ljubav u očima svih na dvorištu i u parku, otkud vrebaju Indijanci iz susjednih ulica? SPRINGTIME IN CROW STREET Pavasaris Varnu iela Proljeće u Ulici vrana 2009, 22’, Latvia Edmunds Jansons (Sabine Andersone / Atom Art) Script/Scenarij: – Inga Abele Design/Dizajn: Ilva KLavina Music/Glazba: Ingus Bauskenieks, Edgars Subrovskis COMPETITION OF FILMS FOR CHILDREN AND YOUTH - SELECTION C2 Springtime in Varnu street is a musical story about love, honour and forgiveness. Janka, a Riga suburbian lad in his dream manages to save Zelma even from a fire, and gets decorated with medal - a button that has been flattened on tram rails.Will he be courageous enough to stand up for his love in the eyes of everyone in the yard and park, where there the Indians from the neighboring street are lurking? 97 NATJECANJE FILMOVA ZA DJECU I OMLADINU - SELEKCIJA C2 98 RONKI - PIG IN THE BED Ronki - Prase u krevetu 2010, 4’53’’, Croatia Den Denix (Denin Serdarević) (Den Denix) Music/Glazba: Den Denix Sound/Dizajn zvuka : Goran Kuretić Ronki is a pig living on a farm. Everything is great during the day but the problems start at night. He snores so loud that nobody can get any sleep. That is why the cow does not give milk and the rooster is not singing when the dawn breaks. They try to solve the problem by giving Ronki a new sleeping place every night - besides horses, cows and sheep but it does not help. Then they decide to build him a bed. Everybody helps as they can... Ronki je prase koje živi na farmi. Po danu je sve sjajno, no noću počinju poteškoće. Ronki noću toliko jako hrče da nitko ne može oka sklopiti. Zbog toga krava više ne daje mlijeko, a pijetao ne kukuriče zorom. Problem pokušavaju riješiti tako što mu svake noći nađu novo prenoćište - uz konje, krave, ovce, no ni to ne pomaže. Tada mu odluče napraviti krevet. Svatko pomaže koliko može... U zabačenim dijelovima velike šume ogrnuta velikim bijelim ogrtačem, čudesna mala stvorenja otkrivaju koliko je snijeg krasan, čaroban i bijel... dok ih veselo kovitla na putu prema neobičnim susretima s čudesnim i divnim. Noćna priča ispunjena nježnošću. THE SILENCE BENEATH THE BARK Le silence sous l'écorce Tišina ispod kore drveta 2010, 11’8’’, France Joanna Lurie (Lardux films) Animation/Animacija: Joanna Lurie and Audrey Ferriere Editing/Montaza: Marc Boyer Music/Glazba: Michel Korb Sound/Dizajn zvuka: Adam Wolny COMPETITION OF FILMS FOR CHILDREN AND YOUTH - SELECTION C2 In the depths of a great forest clad in a great white mantle, curious little creatures discover how beautiful and fascinating and white snow is… as it whirls them giddily on their way to extraordinary encounters with the strange and wonderful. A nocturnal tale brimming with tenderness. 99 NATJECANJE FILMOVA ZA DJECU I OMLADINU - SELEKCIJA C2 100 WHO´S THERE? Kto je tam? Tko je tamo? 2010, 9’30’’, Slovak Republic Vanda Raýmanová (Vanda Raýmanová) Animation/Animacija: Gabriela Klaučová, Vanda Raýmanová, Michal Struss Camera/Kamera: Michal Struss Editing/Montaža: Marek Šulík Music/Glazba: Michal Novinski Sound/Dizajn zvuka: Tobiáš Potočný, Michal Pekárek, Matin Merc Two boys hatch out of eggs and have an imaginative adventure. Sometimes as friends, sometimes as rivals, they build a house to protect themselves from the wolf. Dvojica se dječaka izlegu iz jaja i dožive maštovitu avanturu. Katkad prijatelji, a katkad rivali, sagrade oni kuću kako bi se zaštitili od vuka. Mračna karavana noću stiže u grad. Sljedećeg jutra djeca na ulici pronalaze ostavljenu veliku kutiju. Iz kutije dopiru neobični zvukovi. Slavni je Tim za spašavanje pozvan u pomoć... TIGER Tigeris Tigar 2010, 7’46’’, Latvia Jānis Cimermanis (Māris Putniņš / Animācijas Brigāde) Script/Scenarij: Māris Putniņš Animation/Animacija: Māris Putniņš, Māris Brinkmanis, Jānis Cimermanis Camera/Kamera: Ēvalds Lācis Editing/Montaza: Ēvalds Lācis, Jānis Cimermanis Music/Glazba: Mārtiņš Brauns Sound/Dizajn zvuka: Anrijs Krenbergs COMPETITION OF FILMS FOR CHILDREN AND YOUTH - SELECTION C2 A dark caravan arrives in the city during the night. The next morning children find a big box left on the street. Strange sounds come from this box. The famous Rescue Team men have been called in to help… 101 NATJECANJE FILMOVA ZA DJECU I OMLADINU - SELEKCIJA C2 102 COOKIE KID Dječak čajni kolačić 2009, 1’27’’, Canada Emilie Goulet (Emilie Goulet) Scenography/Scenografija: Daniel Gaudreau Music/Glazba: Maxime Goulet Sound/Dizajn zvuka: Yan Doiron A mother takes out fresh homemade cookies out the oven. As she walks out of the kitchen, her son tries to grab some but something terrible happens. Majka iz pećnice izvadi svježe spravljene domaće čajne kolačiće. Dok ona izlazi iz kuhinje, sin pokuša ugrabiti nekoliko komada, no nešto se strašno dogodi. Šaolinski majstor ima zadatak pripremiti dva suparnička učenika za postizanje istog cilja – napraviti od njih dva dobra redovnika koji će uvijek biti spremni pomoći slabima. Sve se dogodovštine odvijaju u svijetu mašte: u samostanu u Kini i na obližnjim lokacija, okruženim visokim planinama. Ovaj je samostan i čuvena škola kung-fua u koju brojni izazivači dolaze kako bi porazili redovnike. HOLYMONKS Sveti redovnici 2009, 3’, Spain Luis Arizaga Rico (Marina Hu) Script/Scenarij: Enric Pagespetit Animation director: Camilo Duarte Franco Music/Glazba: Patrick Savage, Holeg Spies Sound/Zvuk: London audio labs COMPETITION OF FILMS FOR CHILDREN AND YOUTH - SELECTION C2 A Shaolin master has the task of preparing two antagonic disciples with the same goal: turn them into good monks who are always willing to help the weakest. All the adventures happen in a fantasy world: a monastery in China and places nearby to the monastery, which are sorrounded by high mountains. This monastery is also a famous Kung Fu school, where a lot of challengers come to defy the monks. 103 NATJECANJE FILMOVA ZA DJECU I OMLADINU - SELEKCIJA C2 104 BLEW DANDELION Otpuhani maslačak 2010, 1’20’’, USA Manny Heranandez Salva je imala dar osjećanja života prirode u svom tijelu. Živjela je u šumi s druge strane rijeke s majkom Abijom i bila sretna do dana kad joj se život promijenio. Seoski muškarci i žene prisilili su je da gleda spaljivanje svoje majke optužene za vračanje. Godinama kasnije, isti strah suseljana prema njezinoj majci sada se usmjerava na nju. TALE OF THE WIND Conto do Vento Priča o vjetru 2010, 12’, Portugal Claudio Jordão and Nelson Martins (Filmógrafo) Script/Scenarij: Nelson Martins Animation/Animacija: Cláudio Jordão, Nelson Martins Editing/Montaža: Claudio Jordão Music,Sound/Glazba,Zvuk: João Paulo Nunes COMPETITION OF FILMS FOR CHILDREN AND YOUTH - SELECTION C3 Salva had the gift of feeling the life of nature through her body. She lived in the forest across the river with her mother Ábia and she was happy until the day her life changed. Men and women of the village forced her to watch the burning of her mother accused of witchcraft. Years later the fear that the villagers had to her mother is the same that move them against her. 105 NATJECANJE FILMOVA ZA DJECU I OMLADINU - SELEKCIJA C3 106 BARRY'S ICES Barryjevi sladoledi 2010, 4’14’’, UK Dan Burgess (David Delany, The Arts University College At Bournemouth) Animation/Animacija: David Delany, Ibrahim Khan, Rachael Redfern, Jonathan Headon Sound design/Zvuk: Joe Thwaites Music/Glazba: Nick Hill Editing/Montaža: Peter Sammes Barry, an ice cream man for more than 40 years is one day confronted by an opponent of the ice cream business in the form of a larger corporation. Barry shocked and appalled by this obvious attempt to run him out of business, tries to take action and reclaim his ice cream round. Barry, sladoledar više od 40 godina, jednog se dana u svom poslu suočava s velikom korporacijom kao protivnikom. Šokiran i zgrožen ovim očitim pokušajem da ga se upropasti, Barry pokušava nešto poduzeti i spasiti svoj sladoledarski posao. Ova adaptacija bajke istog naziva H. C. Andersena opisuje minijaturnu heroinu u potrazi za zemljom ljudi malenih poput nje. Na svojim uzbudljivim putovanjima susreće se s Ružnim pačetom, Kositrenim vojnikom, Kineskim slavujem i Štakorom iz drugih Andersenovih priča. Svi postaju prijatelji, a Palčica uspijeva pronaći zemlju koju je tražila. THUMBELINA Palčica 2009, 15’, Slovenia Boris Dolenc (Eva Rhorman / Invida d.o.o.) Script/Scenarij: Boris Dolenc & Sandra Rzen Music/Glazba: Vid Ahacic COMPETITION OF FILMS FOR CHILDREN AND YOUTH - SELECTION C3 The adaptation of the fairy tale with the same title by Hans Christian Andersen depicts a miniature heroine searching for a land of little people like her. During her exciting journey she meets the Ugly Duckling, Tin Soldier, Chinese nightingale and Rat, coming from other fairy tales by Andersen. They become friends and Thumbelina succeeds in finding the land she has been looking for. 107 NATJECANJE FILMOVA ZA DJECU I OMLADINU - SELEKCIJA C3 108 OUR LAND OF WONDERS Notre pays des merveilles Naša zemlja čuda 2011, 8’55’’, France Non-profit association Cumulo Nimbus (association Cumulo Nimbus) A lonesome little boy makes an amazing encounter which changes once and for all his vision of the world surrounding him. An animated short-movie aiming to increase the public’s awareness on environmental issues, produced within the UNESCO’s Biodiversity International Year 2010. Made within the Maison de l'Environnement de Midi-Pyrénées, supported by Région Midi-Pyrénées. Osamljen dječačić nakon čudesnog susreta zauvijek mijenja svoju viziju svijeta koji ga okružuje. Animirani kratki film s namjerom jačanja svjesnosti javnosti po pitanju okoliša. U produkciji UNESCO-ve Međunarodne godine bioraznolikosti 2010., snimljen u Ekološkoj kući srednjih Pirineja, uz potporu Regije srednjih Pirineja. Uspomena iz djetinjstva dječaka vrlo impresioniranog samim sobom. MURPHY'S SHORTS Murphyjeve kupaće gaće 2009, 2’17’’, USA Todd Hemker (Soyeon Kim / YELLOWSHED) Scenography/Scenografija: Todd Hemker, Soyeon Kim Music/Glazba: Tim Samoff COMPETITION OF FILMS FOR CHILDREN AND YOUTH - SELECTION C3 A childhood memory of a boy who is very impressed with himself. 109 NATJECANJE FILMOVA ZA DJECU I OMLADINU - SELEKCIJA C3 110 KOYAA - THE EXTRAORDINARY Koyaa - Ljaf je Čist odbit Koyaa izvanredni 2011, 3’, Slovenia Kolja Saksida (ZVVIKS) Script/Scenarij: Jure Karas, Kolja Saksida Character design/Dizajn likova: Blaž Porenta Animation/Animacija: Piotr Ficner Music/Glazba: Miha Šajina Sound/Zvuk: Borja Močnik Editing/Montaža: Gorazd Krnel and Boris Dolenc Koyaa tackles everyday situations in his own wacky way. In the morning, he wants to tie his shoes but the naughty laces won't listen. Luckily, he's not alone on the remote mountain ledge: when things start getting crazy, his friend the wise Raven is always ready to help. Koyaa svakodnevnim situacijama pristupa na vlastit, šašavi način. Ujutro si želi vezicama zavezati cipele, no zločeste vezice ne slušaju. Srećom, nije sam na udaljenoj planinskoj izbočini: kad stvari izmaknu kontroli, njegov prijatelj, mudri Gavran, uvijek je spreman pomoći. Mjesečarenje može biti itekako opasno, osobito u slučaju kad dvoje svizaca i jež pokušavaju spasiti svog usnulog prijatelja. MUNGGE - NOT AGAIN! Mungge - Nid scho widr! Mungge - ne opet! 2010, 6’20’’, Switzerland Claudia Röthlin, Irmgard Walthert, Adrian Flückiger (Hochschule Luzern - Design & Kunst) Editing/Montaža: Marina Rosset Music/Glazba: Moe und seine Barden alias: Mario Schelbert, Andi Grenacher, Tom Tafel Sound/Zvuk: Solid Sound München, Philipp Sellier COMPETITION OF FILMS FOR CHILDREN AND YOUTH - SELECTION C3 Sleepwalking can be very dangerous, especially if two marmots and a hedgehog are trying to rescue their sleeping friend. 111 NATJECANJE FILMOVA ZA DJECU I OMLADINU - SELEKCIJA C3 112 CHANGE IN THE WEATHER Promjena vremena 2010., 2’40’’, USA Amelia Lorenz Kratka, šaljiva animirana epizoda o mačkama koje beatboxaju. ALL THAT CATS Sve te mačke 2009, 4’44’’, Hungary Mátyás Lanczinger (KEDD Animation Studio) Animation/Animacija: Mátyás Lanczinger, Zoltán Fritz, Levente Szűcs, Judit Erdélyi Music/Glazba: Márk Bartha, Mátyás Lanczinger, Dávid Lovas Sound/Zvuk: Dávid Lovas" COMPETITION OF FILMS FOR CHILDREN AND YOUTH - SELECTION C3 Mini-funny animated series about beatboxing cats. 113 NATJECANJE FILMOVA ZA DJECU I OMLADINU - SELEKCIJA C3 114 D IS FOR DANGER O je za opasnost 2010, 1’40’’, USA Ryan Shaw Čovjek se rađa na ovaj svijet, stavlja na sigurno mjesto, hrani, uči načinu na koji svijet funkcionira, oslobađa, zavodi, obmanjuje, radi i prepušta užicima. Živi moderan život. Odrasta slijedeći pravila, a da toga nije ni svjestan. GROWING¸ 2010, 3’15’’, Romania Roxana Andreea Bentu (Roxana Andreea Bentu) COMPETITION OF FILMS FOR CHILDREN AND YOUTH - SELECTION C4 One is born into this word, put in a safe place, fed, taught the ways of the world, set free, seduced, mislead, worked and gratified. Living the modern life. Growing big by following the rules and not knowing it. 115 NATJECANJE FILMOVA ZA DJECU I OMLADINU - SELEKCIJA C4 116 ANGRY MAN Sinna mann Ljutit čovjek 2010, 20’, Norway Anita Killi (Trollfilm) Screenplay and design based on the book "Angry Man" ("Sinna Mann") by the author Gro Dahle and illustrator: Svein Nyhus Animation/Animacija: Anita Killi, Triin Saarapik, Maral Charyeva Editing/Montaža: Simen Gengenbach, Drømmesuiten As Music/Glazba: Hege Rimestad Sound/Zvuk: Håkon Lammetun, Lydhodene As “Angry Man” is a film about secrets, that shouldn’t be secrets. “... cannot see anything from the outside...”, Boj ponders, and looks at the house. “I am so scared”, he tells his friend Dog. Soon he gets courage enough to pass it on... "Ljutit čovjek" je film o tajnama koje to ne bi trebale biti. "... izvana se ništa ne može vidjeti...", Boj promišlja i gleda kuću. " jako se bojim", govori svom prijatelju Psu. Uskoro sakupi hrabrost da progovori... More, čovjek, riba... Par čuda i ljudska slabost. LURE Ješka 2011, 3’19’’, Croatia Dinko Kumanović (ATER, Zagreb film) Sound design/Zvuk: Hrvoje Niković Music/Glazba: Igor Lepčin Editing/Montaža: Helena Avilov i Dinko Kumanović Computer grafics/Računalna obrada: Helena Avilov COMPETITION OF FILMS FOR CHILDREN AND YOUTH - SELECTION C4 Sea, man, fish... A couple of miracles and human weaknesses. 117 NATJECANJE FILMOVA ZA DJECU I OMLADINU - SELEKCIJA C4 118 THE SASQUATCH AND THE GIRL Sasquatch i djevojčica 2010, 2’44’’, USA Trevor Jones Through the use of shadow play and narration by the great Russell Means, we hear the legend of why the Sasquatch must hide. It is a story about an outsider looking for acceptance. Kroz igru sjena i naraciju velikog Russella Meansa, slušamo legendu o tome zašto se Sasquatch mora skrivati. Priča je to o autsajderu koji teži biti prihvaćen. Svako djete ima dva oka, nos, usta, dva uha i deset prstiju, ili? Allegra će otkriti da ima svakakve djece. THE LITTLE GIRL WHO ONLY HAD ONE EAR A nena que tina unha soa orella Djevojčica s jednim uhom 2009, 13’, Spain Alvaro León Rodríguez (Rubén Coca) Script/Scenarij: Pablo Fernández, Alvaro León Rodríguez Drawing/Crtež: Victor Coyote Camera/Kamera: Nacho López Fuentes Editing/Montaža: Alvaro León Rodríguez Music, Sound/Glazba, Dizajn zvuka : Daniel Calvo COMPETITION OF FILMS FOR CHILDREN AND YOUTH - SELECTION C4 All the children have two eyes, a nose, a mouth, two ears and ten fingers, or not? Allegra is going to discover that there are children of all kinds. 119 NATJECANJE FILMOVA ZA DJECU I OMLADINU - SELEKCIJA C4 MOBILE 2010, 6’24’’, Germany Verena Fels (Filmakademie BadenWårttemberg/Regian Welkr) Animation/Animacija: Wolfram Kampffmeyer, Johannes Schiehsl, Michael Schulz, Julia Ocker Jan Lachauer, Niklolai Neumetzler, Bin Han TO, Jacob Frey, Jonas Jarvers, Conrad Tambour, Pia Auteried, Regina Welker, Thomas Grumt, Nikolaos Saradopoulos, Verena Fels Music/Glazba: Stefan Hiss Sound/Dizajn zvuka: Christian Heck 120 At the edge of society, a cow tips the balance of destiny with quite some impact... Na rubu društva, jedna krava narušava ravnotežu sudbine s popriličnim posljedicama... Eric Anderson COMPETITION OF FILMS FOR CHILDREN AND YOUTH - SELECTION C4 THE HARDEST JIGSAW Najteži puzzle 2010, 3’20’’, USA 121 NATJECANJE FILMOVA ZA DJECU I OMLADINU - SELEKCIJA C4 122 HIGHERBID Viša ponuda 2010, 5’37’’, France Boucher Laurent (Benois Gilles / Esia 3d) Script/Scenarij: Boucher Laurent Music/Glazba: Bertrand Ple Higherbid is the story of two industrious competitors who try to outmatch eachother using whatever means necessary. Higherbid je priča o dva marljiva natjecatelja koji nastoje nadmašiti jedan drugoga, ne birajući sredstva. Domar zvjezdoznanac očisti nebo što uznemiri Mjesec. STRARSWEPT 2010, 1’37’’, USA Vitaliy Strokous Script, Animation, Sound Design/Scenarij, Animacija, Zvuk: Vitaliy Strokous Music/Glazba: Sean Wassermann V COMPETITION OF FILMS FOR CHILDREN AND YOUTH - SELECTION C4 A star-gazing Janitor cleans up the sky, to the Moon's dismay. 123 COMPETITION OF ANIMATED MUSIC VIDEOS SELEKCIJA ANIMIRANIH GLAZBENIH SPOTOVA NATJECANJE ANIMIRANIH GLAZBENIH SPOTOVA - RASPORED FILMOVA 126 M1 M2 U2 - I’ll Go Crazy If I Don’t Go Crazy Tonight Lyapis Trubetskoy - Capital Coldplay - Strawberry Swing Zero 7 - Everything Up (Zizou) Japanese popstars - Let go Siriusmo - Idiologie N.A.S.A. feat. Kool Keith & Tom Waits - Spacious Thoughts Benga - Baltimore Clap Eatliz - Lose This Child We Have Band - You Came Out My Secret Island - A Secret Party Jeremy Messersmith - Tatooine Great Lake Swimmers - River’s Edge Spoonbill - Feather Leather Emilíana Torrini - Sunny Road Leo Ferre - Monsieur William Gogol Bordello - Pala Tute Danger Beach - Apache Ana Dess - Elle Demeure TBF - God And Earthlings Lolly Jane Blue - White Swan Depeche Mode - Fragile Tension Dva - Harom Kerom Sam Prekop - The Silhouettes N.A.H.P.I. - Do They Know It’s Halloween? Ametsub - Repeatedly Lyapis Trubetskoy - Ogon'ki (Lights) Verderame - Rachele Cathy Davey - Little Red Pad Brapad - Ben Hora Tulsa Is Ok! - Skate The Raveonettes - Heart of Stone All India Radio - Rippled Olive Tree Dance - Airport Tunnel George Michael - December Song Haroula Rose - Free To Be Me Monday Monkey Riot - Rock the Beat Leut Magnetik - Arhitekt The Do - Aha People in the Box - The Old City Foolk - Bells Cold Mailman - Time is of the essence Ólafur Arnalds - Slowly, Comes the Light Team William - You Look Familiar Stina August - Concrete World Faithless - Not Going Home M4 Daft Punk - Derezzed Moray McLaren - We Got Time Noize MC & Lyapis Trubetskoy - Bolt All India radio - Lucky The White Stripes - Walking With A Ghost I Am un Chien!! - Don't shoot my little baby Antimatter - Conspire Gameshow Outpatient - D N A U X B The Album Leaf - On Your Way Happy Camper - Born with a Bothered Mind The Black and White Years - Cold Faithless - Tweak your Nipple Dikta - Goodbye Baskerville - Reloaded Villagers - The Meaning of the Ritual Flairs - Better than Prince Norman Jean - Deathbed Atheist Sick of Sarah - Paint Like That Hawa - My Little Green Box David Crowder*Band - SMS [Shine] Oceanship - Hotblack Joyz - Electropia Ólafur Arnalds - Light Sickboy - Silence In Conversation Dva - Nunovó tango The Who - Tattoo DeVotchKa - 100 Other Lovers Cesare Cremonini - Il pagliaccio Clinic - Bubblegum The Heavy Blinkers - Try Telling That To My Baby Ethav - Sleep Wax Tailor feat. Charlie Winston - I Own You The Lovely Sparrows - Take Care Elemental - Nema Ga Evelyn Evelyn - Evelyn Evelyn Crash Karma - Fight Brandt Brauer Frick - Caffeine Fracture & Neptune featuring Martin Fieber Customtone The Glitch Mob ft. Swan - Between Two Points Seymour Bits - Put It Back Down Papa vs Pretty - Heavy Harm Sleeping At Last music - Green Screens Glide & Swerve feat. Boy George - Pentonville Blues Orba Squara - Gravel Amongst Giants - Turn Boy Mandeville - Killing The Work COMPETITION OF ANIMATED MUSIC VIDEOS - SELECTION M1 M3 127 NATJECANJE ANIMIRANIH GLAZBENIH SPOTOVA - SELEKCIJA M1 128 U2 I’LL GO CRAZY IF I DON’T GO CRAZY TONIGHT 2009, 4’30’’ David OReilly (Colonel Blimp & Lumiere studios) Various stories about characters who decide to make a change in their lives. Različite priče o ljudima koji odluče promijeniti svoje živote. Nadrealistički pop-art s ciničnim pogledom na svijet politike napravljen za popularnoglazbene kanale u sličicama visoke energije. LYAPIS TRUBETSKOY CAPITAL Капитал 2009., 4’13’’ Alexey Terehoff (Eugene Kolmykov) Record Company/Izdavačka kuća: Deti Solnca COMPETITION OF ANIMATED MUSIC VIDEOS - SELECTION M1 Surrealistic pop-art with a cynical view on world politics created in high energy frames for pop music channels. Could the apocalypse be near? Tried and tested technologies with deadly composing and a pint of morphing for good measure. 129 NATJECANJE ANIMIRANIH GLAZBENIH SPOTOVA - SELEKCIJA M1 130 COLDPLAY STRAWBERRY SWING 2009, 4’15’’ Shynola We broke the video down into shots and tackled them chronologically, having a much needed rest between each. We would show Chris the animated version and then try to recreate it as precisely as possible. "Start here. Move 52 increments. Finish in this position. On frame 38, look behind you." He was unflappable, he memorised it all instantly. Just outside of shot we had a huge grid drawn out to help us find his position and we would yell at him "North east, one foot!". Razložili smo video na kronološke kadrove, osiguravši prijeko potrebne pauze između svakog. Pokazali bi smo Chrisu animiranu verziju i tada je pokušali rekreirati što je vjernije moguće. “Počni ovdje. Pomakni se za 52 pozicije. Završi u ovom položaju. Na frameu 38, pogledaj iza sebe.” Bio je nepogrešiv, upamtio bi to sve isti čas. Odmah izvan kadra imali smo iscrtanu veliku mrežu koja nam je pomagala pronaći njegovu poziciju pa bi mu vikali: “ Sjeveroistok, jednu stopu!” Jedini naputak skupine bila je stvoriti osjećaj „unutarnje borbe“… ZERO 7 EVERYTHING UP (ZIZOU) 2009, 2’29’’ MIE COMPETITION OF ANIMATED MUSIC VIDEOS - SELECTION M1 The band's sole brief was to recreate a sense of 'inner struggle'.. 131 NATJECANJE ANIMIRANIH GLAZBENIH SPOTOVA - SELEKCIJA M1 132 JAPANESE POPSTARS LET GO 2010., 3’33’’ David Wilson (Tamsin Glasson) Animation/Animacija: Michael Zauner, John Malcolm Moore, Ed Suckling, Toby Jackman, Elena Pomares, Andrew Clarke Drawing/Crtež: Malcolm Draper, Matt Lloyd, Ed Suckling, Toby Jackman, Elena Pomares, David Wilson, Jamie Page Created over an intensive 20 days by an animation wonder-team including illustrator Keaton Henson and a ten-strong crew of animators, Wilson also managed to track down animation legend Malcolm Draper, a key animator on iconic films such as Yellow Submarine, Pink Floyd’s The Wall, Where the Wind Blows, and The Smurfs. David lured Malcolm out of retirement to create the lusciously animated lipsync. Čudesan tim animatora s ilustratorom Keatonom Hensonom i desetoricom izvrsnih animatora stvarao ga je intenzivnih 20 dana, a Wilson je uspio ući u trag i legendi animacije Malcolmu Draperu, glavnom animatoru na ikonskim filmovima kao što je Žuta podmornica, Zid Pink Floyda, Gdje vjetar puše i Štrumpfovi. David je Malcolma namamio da se aktivira i stvori raskošno animirano „pjevanje“ na plejbek.. Eklektične slike i pokreti temelje se na idiotskom/ideološkom konceptu kao smjernici. Ostatak je čista zabava. SIRIUSMO IDIOLOGIE 2011, 2’55’’ Dent de Cuir Script/Scenarij: Dent de cuir Animation/Animacija: Dent de cuir/IWA films Drawing/Crtez: Dent de cuir Editing/Montaza: Dent de cuir COMPETITION OF ANIMATED MUSIC VIDEOS - SELECTION M1 Eclectic imagery and motion based on idiot/ideology concept as a guideline. The rest is just pure fun. 133 NATJECANJE ANIMIRANIH GLAZBENIH SPOTOVA - SELEKCIJA M1 134 N.A.S.A. FEAT. KOOL KEITH & TOM WAITS SPACIOUS THOUGHTS 2009, 4’32’’ Fluorescent Hill (Fluorescent Hill) Modeling, Rigging: Jacques Khouri Animation/Animacija: Mark Lomond, Johanne Ste-Marie Junkyard playground for the split personality inclined. From the phenomenal album Spirit of Apollo. Igralište na odlagalištu otpada za podvojenu ličnost. Sa fenomenalnog albuma Spirit of Apollo. Pratimo nesretnog čovječuljka na zastrašujućem putovanju kroz golemu tvornicu pljeska. BENGA BALTIMORE CLAP 2010., 3’40’’ Kristofer Ström (Bart Yates / Björn Wahlström) Script, Drawing/Scenarij, Crtež: Kristofer Ström Animation, Editing/Animacija, Montaža: Kristofer Ström, Erik Buchholtz COMPETITION OF ANIMATED MUSIC VIDEOS - SELECTION M1 Baltimore Clap follows a hapless little chap on a terrifying journey through a cavernous clap factory. A little wince-inducing „ you're guaranteed be feeling your fingers after a while“ but deserves a big round of applause. 135 NATJECANJE ANIMIRANIH GLAZBENIH SPOTOVA - SELEKCIJA M1 EATLIZ LOSE THIS CHILD 2010., 3’43’’ Yuval and Merav Nathan (Yuval and Merav Nathan) Script/Scenarij: Yuval Nathan, Merav Ben Simon, Nadav Ben Simon, Guy Ben Shetrit Animation/Animacija: Yuval Nathan, Guy Ben Shetrit, Moshe Zilbernagel, Talia Tzur Camera:/Kamera Yuval Nathan Editing/Montaža: Yuval Nathan, Merav Ben Simon 136 Sometimes a beach isn’t just a beach. And as night falls, that is the case in this animated video. As the sun goes the sand comes to life and takes on the forms of a mini eco-system of aquatic life. Sea turtles are born, eels emerge to pursue their prey and Mother Earth orchestrates it all. It focuses on a newly hatched sea turtle, during his trek back to the sea to find his mother. We see not only the beauty of his world, but also the terrifying reality of his journey through his innocent eyes. Katkad plaža nije samo plaža, kao što ćemo vidjeti u ovom animiranom uratku. Kako sunce zapada i spušta se mrak, pijesak oživljava i stvara oblike mini ekološkog sustava morskog života. Rađaju se morske kornjače, jegulje su u lovu na plijen, a Majka Zemlja svime koordinira. Film se usredotočuje na tek izleglu morsku kornjaču i njezin povratak u more u potrazi za majkom. Ne pratimo samo ljepotu ovog svijeta, već i zastrašujuću stvarnost putovanja prikazanu kroz nevine oči male kornjače. U režiji Davida Wilsona uz vrlo posebnu suradnju Fabiana Berglunda i Ide Gronblom iz Wieden + Kennedyja. U produkciji Blinkinka. Snimano 2 dana i obrađeno u stop frame animaciji od 4,816 sličica bez ijednog trenutka video snimke! Posjetite našu stranicu na Flickeru kako biste vidjeli svaki pojedini okvir uploadan u visokoj rezoluciji – http://www.flickr.com/pho tos/wehaveband. WE HAVE BAND YOU CAME OUT 2009, 3’14’’ David Wilson (James Bretton) Original Idea/Originalna ideja: Ida Gronblom & Fabian Berglund Creative Agency/Kreativna agencija: Wieden + Kennedy Photography/Fotografija: Matthew DayLighting Camera/Kamera: Geoff Robins Art Director/Umjetnički direktor: Hattie Newman Animation/Animacija: Joanna Harrison, Katie Harrison COMPETITION OF ANIMATED MUSIC VIDEOS - SELECTION M1 Directed by David Wilson in very special collaboration with Fabian Berglund and Ida Gronblom from Wieden + Kennedy. Produced by Blinkink. Shot over 2 days and stop frame animated from 4,816 still images without a single moment of video footage! Take a look at our Flickr page to see every single frame uploaded in high res http://www.flickr.com/pho tos/wehaveband. 137 NATJECANJE ANIMIRANIH GLAZBENIH SPOTOVA - SELEKCIJA M1 138 MY SECRET ISLAND A SECRET PARTY 2011., 2’44’’ Grete «Stitch» Laus Script/Scenarij:Grete «Stitch» Laus and Mark van Merm Animation, Camera/Animacija, KAmera: Ott Evestus Drawing/Crtež: Grete «Stitch» Laus and Maria Evestus Editing/Montaža:Grete «Stitch» Laus and Ott Evestus Secret island far-far away where dead celebrities go to have a party. They are only real to us because of the TV - even if we see them in real life, they’ll not be the same for us. The island is floating on clouds, a metaphor for heaven, but all the celebrity souls are in TV boxes, trapped there. They are "wearing" artificial robot bodies modeled after the ones they used to have. In the end, a child watching the whole "show" symbolizes again the immortality granted by TV. Tajanstveni otok na kraju svijeta na koji svi mrtvi celebovi odlaze partijati. Nama su oni stvarni samo zbog televizije - čak i da ih vidimo u stvarnom svijetu, ne bi nam izgledali jednako. Ovaj otok lebdi na oblacima, metafora raja, no sve su duše celebova zarobljene u tv kutijama. One "nose" umjetna tijela, robote, načinjena prema onima koje su imali nekad. Na kraju vidimo dijete koje promatra cijeli ovaj "šou" što iznova simbolizira besmrtnost koju TV daje. Izvorna trilogija ratova zvijezda ponovno je ispričana u animacijskoj tehnici kolaža prilagođenoj dražesnoj melodiji Jeremyja Messersmitha „Tatooine“. JEREMY MESSERSMITH TATOOINE 2010., 2’40’’ Eric Power COMPETITION OF ANIMATED MUSIC VIDEOS - SELECTION M1 The original star wars trilogy retold via paper cut out animation set to the lovely tune 'Tatooine' by Jeremy Messersmith. 139 NATJECANJE ANIMIRANIH GLAZBENIH SPOTOVA - SELEKCIJA M1 140 GREAT LAKE SWIMMERS RIVER’S EDGE 2010., 4’10 Nir Ben Jacob About a year ago I stumbled on these old wood-chip plate compositions my late grandfather made. They’re abeautiful example of early Israeli-Yemenite art. As soon as I saw them I knew I had to animate them. They hadbeen in storage for decades so it meant a great deal to bring them out and breathe life into them. This was an opportunity to not only contribute to his work, but also expose it to the audience it never had. Prije nekih godinu dana nabasao sam na ove kompozicije starih tanjura koje je moj pokojni djed napravio od drvenog iverja, a predstavljaju krasan primjer rane jemenske umjetnosti. Čim sam ih ugledao, znao sam da ih moram animirati. Kako su desetljećima bili uskladišteni, puno mi je značilo da ih izvučem na svjetlo dana i udahnem život. Ovim uratkom doprinosim njegovom radu i predstavljam ga publici koju nikad nije imao. Raskošna i mistična animirana priča o bijegu u slobodu kroz pustolovine tehnoloških antikviteta. SPOONBILL FEATHER LEATHER 2009, 4’45’’ Jonathan Chong COMPETITION OF ANIMATED MUSIC VIDEOS - SELECTION M1 A lush and mystical animated tale of a flight to freedom through technological antique adventures. 141 NATJECANJE ANIMIRANIH GLAZBENIH SPOTOVA - SELEKCIJA M1 142 EMILÍANA TORRINI SUNNY ROAD 2009., 3’08’’ Ali Taylor (Jonathan Bairstow) Animation/Animacija:Boris Kossmehl, Robin Shaw, Martin Oliver, Leo Murray, Paul Stone CGI build/Računalna grafika :Simon Goodchild Photography/Fotografija: Ali Taylor, Anna James Editing/Montaža:Tom Lindsay Emiliana lives alone in an isolated cabin with her eccentric cat. She thinks of her long lost love and puts a message in a bottle to him. On her journey to the river to post her bottle she is accompanied by a fox who protects her on her journey. She ultimately helps the fox find his love and we end the video with the bottle on its journey. Emiliana živi u osamljenoj kolibi s ekscentričnom mačkom. Prisjeća se svoje davno izgubljene ljubavi i šalje mu poruku u boci. Na putu do rijeke odakle će poslati svoju bocu prati ju i štiti lisac. Na koncu ona pomaže liscu pronaći ljubav i video završava putovanjem boce. Gospodin William je savršeni zaposlenik koji se ne obazire na svijet izvan ureda. Što je veće zlo doprinositi korporativnoj institucionalnoj korupciji ili živjeti prema zakonu ulice? G. William nam nudi jednostrani pogled na svijet kroz koji na humorističan i sarkastičan način propituje konvencionalne ideje morala, kriminala, dobra i zla. LEO FERRE MONSIEUR WILLIAM 2011., 4’04’’ Patricia Stroud COMPETITION OF ANIMATED MUSIC VIDEOS - SELECTION M1 Monsieur William is a perfect employee, but ignores the world outside his office. Which is the greater evil, to contribute to the corporate institutional corruption or to live by the street’s laws? Monsieur William offers us a singular vision of the world, and raises questions about the conventional notions of morality, crime, and good and evil with humour and sarcasm. 143 NATJECANJE ANIMIRANIH GLAZBENIH SPOTOVA - SELEKCIJA M1 144 GOGOL BORDELLO PALA TUTE 2010., 4’13’’ Alexey Terehoff (Bryan Younce) DOP: Nate Pommer Clay Animation/Animacija gline: Vitaliy Sidoruk 3D: Sergey Kolesnik Tarot Design/Dizajn tarot karti: Dmitriy Mitsuk The story of unfulfilled love is explained through three well-known fables: Adam and Eve, King Kong and Dracula. The endings of these plots are unanticipated which make them resonate with a sad love story in the song. Three Tarot cards add a new interpretative turn to it.This video is made for a famous gypsy punk band "Gogol Bordello". It combines different artistic and technical styles: 3D, clay, 2D animations. Priča o neuzvraćenoj ljubavi pojašnjena je kroz tri poznate priče: Adama i Evu, King Konga i Drakulu. Završetci ovih fabula su neočekivani zbog čega su u suglasju s tužnom ljubavnom pričom u pjesmi. Tri karte tarota dodaju novi preokret interpretaciji. Ovaj je video napravljen za poznati ciganski punk bend "Gogol Bordello". Kombinacija je to raznolikih umjetničkih i tehničkih stilovi: 3-D, glina, 2-D animacije. Jedan Apaš putuje retro Amerikom i na kraju ga proguta moderni grad. Glazbeni spot za bend Danger Beach. DANGER BEACH APACHE 2011, 2’30’’ Ned Wenlock Animation/Animacija: Rodney Selby, Ned Wenlock COMPETITION OF ANIMATED MUSIC VIDEOS - SELECTION M1 An Apache travels across retro America only to get consumed by the modern city. Music video for the band Danger Beach. 145 NATJECANJE ANIMIRANIH GLAZBENIH SPOTOVA - SELEKCIJA M1 146 ANA DESS ELLE DEMEURE 2011., 3’47’’ Hélène Ducrocq Adelie Prod / Citron Bien) Script, Editing:/Scenarij, Montaža: Hélène Ducrocq Animation:/Animacija: Hélène Ducrocq, Jean-Pierre Poirel Drawing (Cut Out)/Crtež (kolaž): Hélène Ducrocq, Jean-Pierre Poirel, Marie-Pierre Hauwell Camera/Kamera: David Basso The song is about an old lady living in a mansion. The house and she have lived many stories through History. When you cut a tree, you can see one circle a year. In the movie, the house is cut in order to see all the story 'she' lived. It is using the special technic "stratastencil" with around 1600 sheets of paper cut. Ovo je pjesma o jednoj staroj dami koja živi u palači. Kuća i ona proživjele su brojne zgode tijekom povijesti. Kad se posiječe drvo, svaka je godina predstavljena jednim krugom. U ovom filmu kuća je posiječena kako bi se vidjela njezina cijela povijest. Pritom je korištena posebna tehnika "stratastencil" s nekih 1600 listova izrezanih papira. Na Zemlju počinju padati jaja. Iz njih se se izliježu vanzemaljci nalik na reptile i počinju napadati ljude. U obrani general brzom i nepromišljenom odlukom šalje sve vojnike u borbu za opstanak. Reptili ih nadjačaju, ali sami ubrzo podlegnu njima prejakoj gravitaciji. Generalov potez bio je katastrofalno nepromišljen. TBF BOG I ZEMLJANI 2010., 4’ Siniša Mataić COMPETITION OF ANIMATED MUSIC VIDEOS - SELECTION M1 Eggs start falling on Earth. Reptile-like aliens hatch, and attack humans. Defending them, the general issues a brief and impetuous decision sending all the soldiers in a fight for survival.. 147 NATJECANJE ANIMIRANIH GLAZBENIH SPOTOVA - SELEKCIJA M1 148 LOLLY JANE BLUE WHITE SWAN 2009., 6’13’’ Sil van der Woerd (Sil van der Woerd) Script/Scenarij: Sil van der Woerd Animation/Animacija: Danny Wynne Camera/Kamera: Keidrych Wasley Editing/Montaža: Jorik Dozy An exhausted, shivering girl is captured in a dark machinery world. As she escapes in to her imagination, a mesmerizing world unfolds. Iscrpljena i u groznici, djevojka je uhvaćena u svijet tamnog mehanizma. Bijegom u svoju maštu, otkriva fantastično privlačan svijet. DNK, kvantna teorija, fraktalna geometrija (od neizmjerno malog do neizmjerno velikog) i borba čovječanstva za ispunjenjem svoje sudbine. DEPECHE MODE FRAGILE TENSION 2009, 3’34’’ Rob Chandler and Barney Steel (Sam Brown) DOP, green screen shoot: Sam Brown DOP, elements: www.thomasenglish.co.uk C++: MEMO Stock footage: Chris Parks http://www.chrisparksart.com/aboutus.htm After Effects: Esteban Diacono, Mike Shape COMPETITION OF ANIMATED MUSIC VIDEOS - SELECTION M2 DNA, the quantum, fractal-based geometry (from the infinitely small to the infinitely large) and the struggle of humanity to become what we are destined to be. 149 NATJECANJE ANIMIRANIH GLAZBENIH SPOTOVA - SELEKCIJA M2 150 DVA HAROM KEROM 2010, 2’37’’ Simona Cechova (Simona Cechova) Harom Kerom is a song by electro�acoustic duo DVA who describe their music as folklore of non existing nations as they sing in made up languages. This animation pictures strange creatures in their little world doing their everyday nonsense. Harom Kerom je pjesma elektroakustičnog dvojca DVA koji svoju glazbu opisuju kao folklor nepostojećih naroda jer pjevaju na izmišljenim jezicima. Ova animacija prikazuje čudna stvorenja u njihovom malo svijetu dok se bave svakodnevnim besmislicama. Svjetlo iz svemira posjećuje planet na kojem svjetla rastu na drveću te ih prikuplja kako bi u galaksiji stvorilo novu zvijezdu. SAM PREKOP THE SILHOUETTES 2010., 5’11’’ Jordan Kim Animation/Animacija: Cris Shapan, Michael Wingate, Patrick Armitage, Jordan Kim Drawing/Crtež: Jordan Kim COMPETITION OF ANIMATED MUSIC VIDEOS - SELECTION M2 A beacon from space visits a planet where lights grow on trees, collecting them to form a new star in the galaxy. 151 NATJECANJE ANIMIRANIH GLAZBENIH SPOTOVA - SELEKCIJA M2 152 N.A.H.P.I. DO THEY KNOW IT’S HALLOWEEN? 2009, 5’54’’ D.A.D.D.Y. (D.A.D.D.Y.) Animation/Animacija: D.A.D.D.Y., Johnny Kelly, Del 9, Brian Cheatle. "Do They Know It's Hallowe'en?" is a satire of the song "Do They Know It's Christmas?". It was released on Vice Records by a cast of rock artists and other performers under the name "North American Hallowe'en Prevention Initiative" (NAHPI). Like its inspiration, it is a charity song, with all proceeds being donated to UNICEF. We had 2 weeks to make the video, from start to finish! "Znaju li da je Noć vještica?! je parodija pjesme "Znaju li da je Božić?". Izdala ju je postava rock umjetnka i drugih izvođača pod nazivom "Sjevernoamerička inicijativa za prevenciju Noći vještica" (NAHPI) za Vice Records. Poput njezine inspiracije, ovo je humanitarna pjesma od koje zaradu dobiva UNICEF. Na raspolaganju smo imali 2 tjedna da napravimo video, od početka do kraja! Virtualne 3D garniture blokova i pretapajući geometrijski oblici predstavljaju kvarove, harmonijske i ritmičke glazbene strukture koje se šire ulicama i zgradama dok ne preuzmu cijelu vizuru grada. Film je realiziran uporabom eksperimentalne, „lažne“ tehnike stop motion dobivene iz standardne razrade snimljenog materijala korištenjem višestrukih tempa kako bi se održala vremenska usklađenost sa zvukom. Video je sniman u Milanu i Torinu. AMETSUB REPEATEDLY 2010, 4’8’’ Lucio Arese (Lucio Arese) COMPETITION OF ANIMATED MUSIC VIDEOS - SELECTION M2 Virtual 3d sets of blocks and morphing geometries representing glitches, harmonic and rhythmic structure of the music spread themselves through the streets and the buildings until they take over the entire cityscape. The film has been realized with an experimental, "faked" stop motion technique derived from standard footage elaboration, using multiple paces in order to mantain the synchronization with the soundtrack. The video has been shot in Milan and Turin. 153 NATJECANJE ANIMIRANIH GLAZBENIH SPOTOVA - SELEKCIJA M2 154 LYAPIS TRUBETSKOY LIGHTS Огоньки 2009., 4’13’’ Alexey Terehoff (Eugene Kolmykov) Styled as a soviet retro fantasy. Through the announcement on "Nashe radio" I managed to collect thousands of authentic old photos from the soviet period of my generation and select the most symbolic ones. Most of these photos were in black and white, but I decided to color them because childhood is always joyful and fun regardless of the political system. Stil filma je sovjetska retro fantazija. Putem objave na postaji „Nashe radio“ uspio sam iz sovjetskog perioda svoje generacije prikupiti na tisuće autentičnih starih fotografija i odabrati one najsimboličnije. Većina je fotografija crno-bijela, no odlučio sam ih obojati jer je djetinjstvo uvijek veselo i radosno, neovisno o političkom sustavu. Fantasično putovanje. VERDERAME RACHELE 2011, 3’ Virginia Mori (Umberto Javarone) COMPETITION OF ANIMATED MUSIC VIDEOS - SELECTION M2 A fantastic journey. 155 NATJECANJE ANIMIRANIH GLAZBENIH SPOTOVA - SELEKCIJA M2 156 CATHY DAVEY LITTLE RED 2010, 4’07’’ Lorcan Finnegan (Brunella Cocchiglia) Little Red: Cathy Davey Wolf: Lorcan Finnegan Design, Edit/Dizajn, Montaža: Lorcan Finnegan DOP: Ivan McCullough and Lorcan Finnegan Ben Hora je plan video uratka o animaciji u trajanju od 4:05. Film počinje dolaskom broda obitelji useljenika u novi svijet o kojem su maštali te prikazuje njihovo razočaranje s apsurdnim zakonima toga društva kojima se odbijaju pokoriti. PAD BRAPAD BEN HORA 2010., 4’5’’ Nicolas Bianco and Julie Rembauville (Sacrebleu Productions) COMPETITION OF ANIMATED MUSIC VIDEOS - SELECTION M2 Ben Hora is a plan of videoclip of animation of 4:05. The film opens with arrival by boat of migrants' family in the new fantasized world and stages its disappointment facing absurd laws of this society extremly normed. They cannot submit to these laws. 157 NATJECANJE ANIMIRANIH GLAZBENIH SPOTOVA - SELEKCIJA M2 158 TULSA IS OK! SKATE 2009, 3’18’’ Sonia Cucculelli (Tulsa is Ok!) Script/Scenarij: Soniaqq and Tulsa is ok! A surreal journet mimicking the indie-pop world and all its clichés. Nestvarno putovanje oponaša svijet indie-popa zajedno s njegovim klišejima. Priča o tragediji i slomljenom srcu smještena između odvažnog vanjskog i pustog i eteričnog unutarnjeg svijeta u obliku ogromne tvornice prepune poluga mjenjača brzine u kojoj promatramo kako srce heroja doslovno kolabira. Oba su ambijenta predstavljena ograničenim spektrom boja što doprinosi tmurnom raspoloženju i ukupnom nestvarnom prizvuku. THE RAVEONETTES HEART OF STONE 2010, 3’53’’ Chris Do (Blind Visual Propaganda) Design/Dizajn: Chris Do, Ivan Cruz, Lynn Cho, Chris Marcet, James Levy Animation/Animacija: Lawrence Wyatt, Jason Kim, Michael Relth, Chris Marcet, Alan Torres Illustration/Ilustracija: Michael Relth, Lauren Indovina, Jason Tsai, Jason Kim, Wendy Park, Kiwon Jung, Chris Do Editing/Montaža: Ivan Cruz, Chris Do COMPETITION OF ANIMATED MUSIC VIDEOS - SELECTION M2 A tale of tragedy and heartbreak set between a gritty exterior world and a stark and ethereal inner world in the form of a massive, gear-and-leverfilled factory, in which we see the hero’s heart literally collapse. Both settings feature a limited color palette, contributing to a somber mood and overall surreal tone. A first-class visual spectacle and winner of a 2010 Creative Arts Emmy. 159 NATJECANJE ANIMIRANIH GLAZBENIH SPOTOVA - SELEKCIJA M2 160 ALL INDIA RADIO RIPPLED 2011, 3’58‘’ Darcy Prendergast Animation/Animacija: Darcy Prendergast, Josh Thomas, Michael Greaney, Josh O'Keefe, Donna Yeatman, Seamus Spilsbury, Andrew Onorato In a dystopian landscape, a new creature evolves… U antiutopijskom krajobrazu nastaje novo stvorenje... Čarobno putovanje kroz zvuk OliveTreeDance podsjeća na ulicu kao slobodnu pozornicu svih umjetnika i čini naš svakodnevni život ljepšim. OLIVE TREE DANCE AIRPORT TUNNEL 2009, 4’38’’ Vitor Hugo (Antonio Valente / Cine-Clube de Avanca) Script/Scenarij: Renato Oliveira and Vitor Hugo Animation/Animacija: Vitor Hugo, Vitor Lopes and Joao Dias Drawing/Crtez: Vitor Hugo Editing/Montaza: Vitor Lopes COMPETITION OF ANIMATED MUSIC VIDEOS - SELECTION M2 A magical journey through the sound of the OliveTreeDance recalls the street as the free stage of all the artists that beautifies our everyday life. 161 NATJECANJE ANIMIRANIH GLAZBENIH SPOTOVA - SELEKCIJA M2 162 GEORGE MICHAEL DECEMBER SONG 2010, 3’48’’ MIE www.m-i-e.co.uk A young boy is preparing himself for an empty Christmas. He goes to his bedroom to watch TV. Suddenly the TV becomes a portal to a new world... Mladić se priprema za prazan Božić. Odlazi u sobu gledati televiziju, kadli se televizor odjednom pretvori u prolaz u novi svijet... Slušajte drveće i slijedite rakune! HAROULA ROSE FREE TO BE ME 2011, 4’6’’ Veronika Obertová, Michaela Čopíková (Ove Pictures) COMPETITION OF ANIMATED MUSIC VIDEOS - SELECTION M2 Listen trees and follow raccoons! 163 NATJECANJE ANIMIRANIH GLAZBENIH SPOTOVA - SELEKCIJA M2 164 MONDAY MONKEY RIOT ROCK THE BEAT 2010, 1’28’’ Daniele Manoli (Daniele Manoli) Follow us on a ride with Bobby Ape, the evil leader and brains behind Monday Monkey Riot. He's got an itch that no one can resist to scratch. Killer Robots, giant octopus & Freddy Krueger all make guest appearances scratching away in this fast paced fully animated, retro inspired, Hip-Hop romp. Will Bobby rule the world with his banana stuffed molotov cocktails or will it explode under the boiling pressure of it all? Slijedite nas u vožnji s Bobbyjem Apeom, zlim vođom i mozgom iza Nereda majmuna od ponedjeljka. On ima svrab kojem nitko ne može odoljeti da ga ne počeše. Roboti ubojice, divovska hobotnica i Freddy Krueger pojavljuju se u spotu i češu ga u ovom potpuno animiranom i retro inspirianom hip-hop brzom razuzdanom veselju. Hoće li Bobby vladati svijetom svojim bananama punjenim molotovljevim koktelima ili će ekspodirati pod teretom svega? Dvije su me teme zaintrigirale za stvaranje ovog videa. Jedna je socijalna kontrola kroz arhitekturu i njezin utjecaj na makro i mikro razinu. Druga tema su arhitektonske utopije iz šezdesetih i sedamdesetih godina 20. stoljeća. Većina je materijala korištenog za kolaž uzeta iz časopisa za arhitekturu tog vremena. LEUT MAGNETIK ARHITEKT 2011, 4’18’’ Branka Valjin (Kinoklub Zagreb) COMPETITION OF ANIMATED MUSIC VIDEOS - SELECTION M2 There are two themes that intrigued me in making this video. One is social control trough arhitecture and how it reflects on macro and micro level. Other theme is arhitecture utopias from the sixties and seventies of the 20 th century. Also most of the material used for collage work is from arhitecture magazines of that period. 165 NATJECANJE ANIMIRANIH GLAZBENIH SPOTOVA - SELEKCIJA M2 166 THE DO AHA 2010, 3’42’’ Wunna Winter, Linda Luitz, Nina Nårnberg, Christof Kohlhas (Georg-Simon-Ohm Hochschule) A young girl is on a journey through surrealistic and idyllic worlds. Without realizing that nothing is as it seems, she's tumbling from one temptation to the other -A story about the dangers of ingenuousness. She doesn't notice that there many traps waiting for her. Mlada djevojka putuje nadrealističnim i idiličnim svjetovima. Nesvjesna da ništa nije onakvo kakvim se čini, ona uporno upada u iskušenja. Priča je to o opasnostima prostodušnosti. Ona na svom putu ne primjećuje brojne zamke. Glazbeni spot za "Old City" japanskog rock sastava People in the Box. Protagonist se uspinje na kulu babilonsku i susreće samog sebe. PEOPLE IN THE BOX THE OLD CITY 2010, 6’19’’ Ryu Kato COMPETITION OF ANIMATED MUSIC VIDEOS - SELECTION M2 Music video for "Old City" by a Japanese rock band, People In The Box. The main character climbs the tower of Babel and meets himself. 167 NATJECANJE ANIMIRANIH GLAZBENIH SPOTOVA - SELEKCIJA M2 168 FOOLK (DUSAN VANCO) BELLS 2009, 3’36’’ Alica Gurinova (Alica Gurinova) Script/Scenarij: Adela Zvalova, Alica Gurinova This music videoclip is about people who are still going forward Ovo je glazbeni isječak o ljudima koji još uvijek idu naprijed Norveška indie skupina Cold Mailman preobražava stambene blokove Osla u divovske equalizere. COLD MAILMAN TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE 2011, 3’49’’ André Chocron COMPETITION OF ANIMATED MUSIC VIDEOS - SELECTION M2 Norwegian indie band Cold Mailman transform the housing blocks in Oslo into giant equalizers. 169 NATJECANJE ANIMIRANIH GLAZBENIH SPOTOVA - SELEKCIJA M2 170 ÓLAFUR ARNALDS SLOWLY, COMES THE LIGHT Hægt, kemur ljósið 2010, 4’33’’ Esteban Diácono Character Design/Dizajn likova: Diego Sartori and Marcos SanVitale Drawing, Concept art/Crtež, Layout: Toby Shepperd. This video marks the second collaboration with Olafur Arnalds and a departure from the abstract. By that time Ólafur was using on this live some custom built structures that resembled the mobile toys that people use to hang over cradles. That was used a the starting point of the story the video tells. The video uses a variety of techniques. Ovaj video označava drugu suradnju s Olafurom Arnaldsom i odmak od apstraktnog. Dotad je Olafur na svom liveu/nastupu uživo koristio po narudžbi napravljene strukture nalik mobilu koji su ljudi nekoć vješali iznad kolijevki. To je korišteno kao početna točka priče koju video pripovijeda. Korištene su razne tehnike. Spreman da napusti svoju obitelji, mladić odlazi u svijet i otkriva kako je njegova obitelj podjednako luda kao i bilo što drugo što se tamo nalazi! TEAM WILLIAM YOU LOOK FAMILIAR 2010, 2’45’’ Joris Bergmans and Michélé De Feudis Design/Dizajn: Joris Bergmans, Michélé De Feudis Animation/Animacija: Koen de Koninck, Lois van Baarle, Michèle Vanparys,Maxime Vanderputte COMPETITION OF ANIMATED MUSIC VIDEOS - SELECTION M2 Ready to break out of his family, a young boy ventures out in to the world, only to discover that his family is just as crazy as anything else out there! 171 NATJECANJE ANIMIRANIH GLAZBENIH SPOTOVA - SELEKCIJA M2 172 STINA AUGUST CONCRETE WORLD 2011, 4’01’’ Andrew Gene The video was created directly from the lyrics of Stina August's song, Concrete World. The words inspired a city where time is slowing down and eventually grinding to a halt at which point it is returned back to the wild. The vast majority of the video was created using small paper models and filmed on hd-dslr utilizing several custom camera rigs that were fabricated specifically to work within the confines of the set's scale. Ovaj je video napravljen izravno prema tekstu pjesme Stine August Concrete World. Riječi su bile inspiracija za grad u kojem se vrijeme usporava i na koncu neumoljivo zaustavi te u tom trenutku vrati nazad u divljinu. Velika većina videa nastala je korištenjem malih modela od papira i snimljena na hd-dslr uporabom nekoliko ovjesa po narudžbi izrađene kamere napravljenih upravo za rad u ovom mjerilu. Prvo poglavlje trilogije 'The Dance Never Ends', 'Not Going Home' prati Maxijevo putovanje iz napućenog noćnog kluba u kojem upoznaje djevojku do fantastičnog pejzaža senzualnog bilja, u potrazi za požudom... FAITHLESS NOT GOING HOME 2009, 3’14’’ MIE COMPETITION OF ANIMATED MUSIC VIDEOS - SELECTION M2 The first chapter in the 'The Dance Never Ends' trilogy, 'Not Going Home' follows Maxi's journey from a crowded nightclub where he meets a girl, to a fantastical landscape of sensual plants, in pursuit of lust... 173 NATJECANJE ANIMIRANIH GLAZBENIH SPOTOVA - SELEKCIJA M3 174 DAFT PUNK DEREZZED 2010., 3’ Warren Fu (Ross Girard/Partizan) Editing/Montaža: Ryan McKenna Sound Design/Zvuk: Gus Koven 'Derezzed' is Daft Punk's official video for the Tron Legacy Original Movie Soundtrack. Daft Punk enter the legendary Flynn's Arcade and partake in a medieval joust through a 1981 Encom game. The events that transpire in the game are a precursor to the events of the 1st Tron film in 1982. 'Derezzed' je službeni video skupine Daft Punk za originalnu glazbu u filmu the Tron Legacy. Daft Punkovci ulaze u legandarnu arkadnu igru Flynn's Arcade i kroz igru Encom iz 1981. sudjeluju u srednjovjekovnom viteškom turniru. Događaji iz igre nagovještaj su zbivanja u prvom filmu Tron iz 1982. Video se temelji na praksinoskopu, uređaju koji je prethodio kinu, a koji je koristio 14 vrtuljaka s ogledalima i 114 pojedinačno ilustriranih omota ploča postavljenih na skupinu običnih okretnih ploča na gramofonu. I ono što izgleda apsolutno nemogućim je zapravo istinito: sve je postignuto kamerom, većinom izmjenjujući brzine izmjena slika. MORAY MCLAREN WE GOT TIME 2009, 3’54’’ David Wilson (James Bretton) Drawing/Crtez: David Wilson Camera/Kamera: Tim Green Editing/Montaza: Aarons COMPETITION OF ANIMATED MUSIC VIDEOS - SELECTION M3 tā?Ts all based on the pre-cinematic device called the Praxinoscope, uses 14 mirrored carousels and 114 individually illustrated record labels placed on a group of ordinary record turntables. And what looks utterly impossible is actually true: it was all achieved in-camera ā?" largely by changing the frame-rates. 175 NATJECANJE ANIMIRANIH GLAZBENIH SPOTOVA - SELEKCIJA M3 176 NOIZE MC & LYAPIS TRUBETSKOY BOLT Болт 2010, 4’30’’ Alexey Terehoff (Eugene Kolmykov) Script/Scenarij: Alexey Terehoff Animation/Animacija: Vitaliy Sidoruk Camera/Kamera: Sasha Galushko It is an utopia and anarchic absurd. A military man comes home from work and falls asleep. He dreams about nymphs. The clay creatures portray demons that always stay with us with the aim of making us fit the society. They only leave us we go to sleep and are left alone. During the man's sleep they even try to interfere with his dreams and take possession of them. The video is about ideologies that blind us and rob our creative freedom. To je utopija i anarhijski/anarhičan apsurd. Vojnik dolazi kući s posla i zaspe. Sanja o nimfama. Glineni likovi prikazuju demone koji nas uvijek prate kako bismo se mogli uklopiti u društvo i napuštaju nas samo kad spavamo i kad smo sami. Tijekom sna oni se čak pokušavaju umiješati u snove i preuzeti ih. Ovo je video o ideologijama koje nas zasljepljuju i koje nas lišavaju naše kreativne slobode. Misteriozne se stvari događaju dok spavate... ALL INDIA RADIO LUCKY 2010, 3’20’’ Darcy Prendergast Animation/Animacija: Darcy Prendergast, Michael Hill, Lindsay Cox, Andrew Browne COMPETITION OF ANIMATED MUSIC VIDEOS - SELECTION M3 Mysterious things happen whilst you sleep... 177 NATJECANJE ANIMIRANIH GLAZBENIH SPOTOVA - SELEKCIJA M3 178 THE WHITE STRIPES WALKING WITH A GHOST 2006, 3’35’’ Joel Tellier (FUS Studio) Animation/Animacija: Joel Tellier, Michael Hollenbeck Drawing, Editing/Crtež, Montaža: Joel Tellier Walking With A Ghost, written by Tegan And Sara and performed by The White Stripes. The video was created using stop-motion, silhouette animation combined with CG elements. Almost all effects were done in-camera. Walking with a ghost (Hodajući s duhom) su napisali Tegan i Sara, a izveli The White Stripes. Video je nastao korištenjem stop-motiona, animacijom siluete u kombinaciji s CG elementima. Gotovo svi efekti su napravljeni samom kamerom. Les lapins de l'espace (Zečevi iz svemira) našli su se na putu I AM UN CHIEN!! (Ja sam pas) i stvorili ludi stop-motion glazbeni spot. Dva psa od grada naprave svoje igralište. Svoje prisustvo u gradu obilježe uništavanjem svega što im se nađe na putu. I AM UN CHIEN!! DON'T SHOOT MY LITTLE BABY 2010, 2’29’’ Robin Narèce & Romain Wagner (Les lapins de l'espace & It's Records) Animation/Animacija: Charlotte Kirzin, Robin Narèce & Romain Wagner Design/Dizajn: Charlotte Kirzin, Rojda Mohamed, Chloé Monguillon, Robin Narèce et Romain Wagner Camera, Editing/Kamera, Montaža: Romain Wagner COMPETITION OF ANIMATED MUSIC VIDEOS - SELECTION M3 Les lapins de l'espace have crossed the path of I AM UN CHIEN!! and made a crazy stop motion music video. Two dogs make a city their playground. They mark their stay in the city destroying everything on their way. 179 NATJECANJE ANIMIRANIH GLAZBENIH SPOTOVA - SELEKCIJA M3 180 ANTIMATTER CONSPIRE 2010, 4’36’’ Krzysztof Baran (Krzysztof Baran) Script/Scenarij: Krzysztof Baran, Damian Christidis, Kasper Grubba, Andrzej Szych Animation, Drawing/Animacija, Crtež: Krzysztof Baran, Kasper Grubba, Andrzej Szych Editing/Montaža: Andrzej Szych Camera/Kamera: Damian Christidis Sound/Zvuk:Grzegorz Baran Conspire - a video clip produced for the British band Antimatter. It is a hand-painted animation delineating the phenomenon of multidimensional disintegration, loneliness being a result of a series of entanglements of psychical naturebiopolarity among others, as well as resulting emotional states which hide deep in the abyss of the human psyche. Conspire (spletkariti) video isječak napravljen za britansku skupinu Antimatter. To je rukom crtana animacija koja ocrtava fenomen multidimenzionalnog raspadanja, samoće kao posljedice niza zapleta psihičke prirode - između ostalog bipolarnog poremećaja, kao i emocionalnih stanja koja iz njih proizlaze, a kriju se duboko u ponorima ljudske psihe. Dok njegov planet kuha u žaru prelijevajućeg Tesseracta, mladi femto-panda imenom David Xenon hrabro pokuša upozoriti galaksiju... Animirani glazbeni spot za pjesmu D N A U X B na EP-u Gameshow Outpatienta 'We Go Dream Team'. GAMESHOW OUTPATIENT DNAUXB 2011, 3’30’’ Tony Comley Animation/Animacija: Tony Comley, Eleanor Meredith COMPETITION OF ANIMATED MUSIC VIDEOS - SELECTION M3 As his planet boils in the glow of a cascading Tesseract a young femto-panda named David Xenon makes a brave attempt to warn the galaxy... An animated music video for the track D N A U X B on the EP 'We Go Dream Team' by Gameshow Outpatient. 181 NATJECANJE ANIMIRANIH GLAZBENIH SPOTOVA - SELEKCIJA M3 182 THE ALBUM LEAF ON YOUR WAY 2009, 3’17’’ Fluorescent Hill (Fluorescent Hill) Animation/Animacija: Mark Lomond, Darren Pasemko, Johanne Ste-Marie A colorful group of small, gnome like creatures performs amidst the placid trees and waterfalls of northern Quebec. Živopisna skupina malenih, patuljcima nalik stvorenja ima nastup usred spokojnog drveća i vodopada sjevernog Quebeca. Na Manfredovu se odmoru dogodi cijeli niz neugodnih trenutaka, no oni mu ne uspijevaju pokvariti zabavu jer je Manfred sretan kampist. Ovo je glazbeni spot za pjesmu “Born with a Bothered Mind” (Rođen s uznemirenim umom) skupine Happy Camper. HAPPY CAMPER BORN WITH A BOTHERED MIND 2010, 3:10 Job, Joris & Marieke COMPETITION OF ANIMATED MUSIC VIDEOS - SELECTION M3 Manfreds holiday leads to a series of awkward camping moments, but that doesn’t spoil the fun, because Manfred is a Happy Camper.This is a music video for “Born with a Bothered Mind” by Happy Camper. 183 NATJECANJE ANIMIRANIH GLAZBENIH SPOTOVA - SELEKCIJA M3 184 THE BLACK AND WHITE YEARS COLD 2011, 2’38’’ Eric Power Finding a perfect replacement body is a task every robot must face. Pronaći savršeno nadomjesno tijelo zadatak je s kojim se svaki robot mora suočiti. Maxi se budi okružen zapanjujućim pejzažem. Mir narušavaju zvijeri pljačkaši. On uspije odbiti napadače no biva suočen s opasnijim izazovom... FAITHLESS TWEAK YOUR NIPPLE 2010, 3’20’’ MIE Editing/Montaža: Gus Herdman @ TRIM COMPETITION OF ANIMATED MUSIC VIDEOS - SELECTION M3 Maxi awakes surrounded by an amazing landscape. Peace is broken by marauding beasts. He repels the invaders only to face a greater challenge... 185 NATJECANJE ANIMIRANIH GLAZBENIH SPOTOVA - SELEKCIJA M3 186 DIKTA GOODBYE 2010, 3’11’’ Björn Daníel Svavarsson and Hjalti Hjálmarsson (Miðstræti) Script, Layout/Scenarij, Dizajn: Björn Daníel Svavarsson Animation, Editing/Animacija, Montaža: Hjalti Hjálmarsson Camera: Björn Daníel Svavarsson, Hjalti Hjálmarsson The basic story and concept came from Björn Daníel Svavarsson who did all the design, modelling, texturing and after effects, while Hjalti Hjálmarsson did the animation and cinematography. We wanted the story to reflect the song but at the same time be open to interpretation, so every person viewing it would see something different. Our programs of choice were Blender 2.49, using FarmerJoe for renderfarm, and After Effects CS4 for all post production. Temeljna priča i koncept potječu od Björna Daníela Svavarssona koji je napravio cjelokupni dizajn, modeliranje, teksturu i after efekte, dok je Hjalti Hjálmarsson bio zadužen za animaciju i kinematografiju. Htjeli smo da priča odražava pjesmu no u isto vrijeme bude otvorena interpretaciji, tako da svaki gledatelj može vidjeti nešto drugo. Odlučili smo se za sljedeće programe Blender 2.49, kao render farmu smo koristili FarmerJoe te After Effects CS4 za svu postprodukciju. U ovom zaigranom glazbenom spotu napravljenom stop-motion animacijom čudovišta se kreću u skladu s glazbenim ritmovima i melodijom. Ovi likovi postaju stvarni nakon kvara u laboratoriju iz kojeg uspiju pobjeći i pronaći put do grada, ostavljajući za sobom trag uništenja. U ovom je glazbenom spotu korištena suvremena animatronica na daljinsko upravljanje, u kombinaciji s klasičnim tehnikama stop-motion animacije, kako bi se oživilo živopisne likove nalik onima iz crtića. BASKERVILLE RELOADED 2011, 3’42’’ Marieke Verbiesen (Marieke Motiondesign) Animation/Animacija: Marieke Verbiesen, Neeltje Sprengers, Demian Geerlings COMPETITION OF ANIMATED MUSIC VIDEOS - SELECTION M3 In this playful stopmotion animated musicvideo monsters move to the beats & melody of the music. The characters come into existance after a failure in a laboratory, from which they manage to escape and find their way into the city, leaving a path of desctruction behind. For this musicvideo modern day remotecontrolled animatronics were used in combination with classic stopmotion animation techniques in order to bring colorful cartoonlike characters to life. 187 NATJECANJE ANIMIRANIH GLAZBENIH SPOTOVA - SELEKCIJA M3 188 VILLAGERS THE MEANING OF THE RITUAL 2009, 3’45’’ Conor J. O'Brien 'The Meaning of the Ritual' is a visual representation of one song, created by the songwriter, over the course of one particularly hermitic month. Its aim is simple: to visualize the lyrical composition, via the medium of whiteboard animation, without suffocating the initial intentions of the song itself. Man writes song, man draws pictures. 'The Meaning of the Ritual' je vizualni prikaz jedne pjesme koju je kompozitor stvarao tijekom osobito pustinjačkog mjeseca. Njezin je cilj jednostavan: vizualizirati lirsku kompoziciju kroz animaciju na bijeloj ploči bez gušenja prvotnih namjera same pjesme. Čovjek piše pjesme, čovjek crta slike. Crtano rukom, 3000 listova papira, jednostavan trio pisača-računalaskanera, 7 crnih olovaka, katkad crtano u hotelskoj sobi u Tokiju, katkad u pariškom studiju ili na Madonninom video snimanju u Londonu, njegova crno-bijela jednostavnost pristaje ovoj pjesmi poput najboljeg mogućeg vjenčanja... FLAIRS BETTER THAN PRINCE 2009, 3’09’’ Jonas & François (Greg Panteix) Animation, Editing, Drawing, Design/Animacija, Montaža, Crtež, Dizajn: Jonas & Francois COMPETITION OF ANIMATED MUSIC VIDEOS - SELECTION M3 Handmade, 3000 paper sheets, a simple printer-computer & scanner trio, 7 black ink pencils, sometimes drawn in a Tokyo Hotel room, a Paris studio or on a Madonna video shoot in London, it's black & white simplicity suits the track like the best wedding possible... 189 NATJECANJE ANIMIRANIH GLAZBENIH SPOTOVA - SELEKCIJA M3 190 NORMAN JEAN DEATHBED ATHEIST 2010, 4’33’’ Linus Johansson (Popcore Film) Music video for ‘Norman Jean - Deathbed Atheist' which is featured on their album 'Meridional'. Glazbeni spot za ‘Norman Jean - Deathbed Atheist' koji se nalazi na njihovom albumu 'Meridional'. Animirani glazbeni spot. SICK OF SARAH PAINT LIKE THAT 2009, 2’43’’ Jodi Sandler (Jodi Sandler) COMPETITION OF ANIMATED MUSIC VIDEOS - SELECTION M3 Animated music video. 191 NATJECANJE ANIMIRANIH GLAZBENIH SPOTOVA - SELEKCIJA M3 192 HAWA MY LITTLE GREEN BOX 2011, 4’4’’ Robin Narèce (Favorite Recordings) Script, Camera, Editing:/Scenarij, Kamera, Montaža: Robin Narèce Animation/Animacija: Chloé Monguillon, Robin Narèce & Romain Wagner Design/Dizajn: Chloé Monguillon & Robin Narèce Hawa describes the marvels of her green box. She travels from one set to the other letting the public discover the wonders of the worlds popping out of the box. Hawa opisuje čuda svoje zelene kutije. Ona putuje od jednog do drugog društva dopuštajući publici da otkrije čuda svjetova koji iskaču iz kutije. Ovaj je video naš pokušaj kreiranja vizualnog dodatka pjesmi, sms (shine), koja se pojavljuje na našem posljednjem albumu “church music”. Tematski sadržaj pjesme je ovaj: bog sudjeluje u životnim patnjama i donosi iskupljenje za sve što je slomljeno, a ovo otkrivenje uzrokuje, ne, zahtijeva da se oni od nas koji su iskusili i sudjeluju u ovom velikom spašavanju pokažu takvo nešto onima koji žive nesvjesni melema, odgovora za sve ono što je iskrivljeno. DAVID CROWDER*BAND SMS [SHINE] 2010, 3’37’’ David Crowder*Band (David Crowder*Band) COMPETITION OF ANIMATED MUSIC VIDEOS - SELECTION M3 This video is our attempt at creating a visual supplement to the song, sms (shine), that appears on our latest album called, “church music”. the thematic content of the song is this: god shares in the suffering of life and brings redemption for everything that is broken, and this revelation causes, no, demands, that those of us who have experienced and participate in this great rescue, display such a thing to those who live unaware of a balm, a fix, an answer to and for all that is bent. 193 NATJECANJE ANIMIRANIH GLAZBENIH SPOTOVA - SELEKCIJA M3 194 OCEANSHIP HOTBLACK 2010, 4’06’’ Ofir Sasson (ofir sasson) The ups and downs of mr. wolf and ms. Sheep's relationship Dobra i loša razdoblja u odnosu g. Vuka i gđe. Ovce. Ovo je glazbeni spot za pjesmu pod nazivom "Electropia", japanske skupine "JOYZ". Riječ je o djevojci koja istražuje mjesto zvano Electropia, izmišljeni svijet koji se sastoji od riječi "Electro" i "Utopia". Putovanje je to djevojke koja ulazi u kaotičan svijet prepun glazbe i boja te jedinstvenih likova koji u njemu obitavaju. Ona prolazi ovim svijetom i pokušava pobjeći iz njega. JOYZ ELECTROPIA 2011, 4’39’’ Noriko Okaku (Joyz) COMPETITION OF ANIMATED MUSIC VIDEOS - SELECTION M3 This is a music video for a song called "Electropia", song by a Japanese band "JOYZ". There is a girl, who explores a space called Electropia. AElectropia is a made up word, which consists of "Electro" and "Utopia". This is a journey of a girl who steps into a chaotic world, where contains full of music and colours also there are some unique characters living there. She goes through this world and tries to escape from there 195 NATJECANJE ANIMIRANIH GLAZBENIH SPOTOVA - SELEKCIJA M3 196 ÓLAFUR ARNALDS THE LIGHT Ljosiđ 2009, 3’33’’ Esteban Diácono It started as an experimental take on an organic music visualizer, based on the principles of Synesthesia. I used two color palletes to differentiate the piano and the strings section; the blue tones representing the melancholic part of the song and the warmer colors representing the hope the strings evoke. The video became a huge vimeo hit, eventually found its way to Ólafur’s hands, and after some negotiations became the official video of the song. Ovo je krenulo kao eksperiment na organskom glazbenom visualizatoru koji se temelji na načelima sinestezije. Korištene su dvije palete s bojom kako bi se razlikovalo klavir i dio sa žicama; plavi tonovi predstavljaju melankoličan dio pjesme a toplije boje nadu koju žice bude. Video je postao velik hit na vimeu i na koncu pronašao put do Ólafurovih ruku te je nakon malo pregovaranja postao službenim spotom ove pjesme. Dvojica članova benda, Colm i Brian, identični su blizanci - poput duplikata, što me potaklo na ideju kopiranja i reproduciranja slika. I tako sam na fotokopirnom aparatu kopirao Colmovo lice i pomicao ga dok je svjetlo kopirke prolazilo stvarajući iskrivljenja. Tada sam ih snimio kako sviraju ispred bijele pozadine, fotokopirao okvire itd. te sve zajedno pospajao u ae i uskladio. SICKBOY SILENCE IN CONVERSATION 2009, 3’10’’ Lorcan Finnegan COMPETITION OF ANIMATED MUSIC VIDEOS - SELECTION M3 Two of the band members, Colm and Brian are identical twin brothers like carbon copies of each other, which got me interested in the idea of copying and reproduction of images. So I copied colm's face in a photocopier and moved it around as the light from the copier passed by to create distortions. Then I shot them playing on whitescreen, photocopied the frames etc, composited it all together in ae and synced it up. 197 NATJECANJE ANIMIRANIH GLAZBENIH SPOTOVA - SELEKCIJA M3 198 DVA NUNOVÓ TANGO 2009, 3’26’’ Jaromír Plachý Inhale the atmosphere of old smoky cabarets, clubs, cinemas... That is slightly horror clip for the song of music group DVA. Udahnite atmosferu starih zadimljenih kabarea, klubova, kina... Ovo je pomalo horor isječak za pjesmu glazbene skupine DVA. Ovaj je video naručen kako bi se proslavilo ponovno objavljivanje klasičnog albuma skupine Who Live At Leeds, a napravljen je uporabom mješavine 2-D, 3-D i rukom crtane animacije. THE WHO TATTOO 2010, 3’ Chris Boyle COMPETITION OF ANIMATED MUSIC VIDEOS - SELECTION M4 This video was commissioned to celebrate the re-release of the classic Who album Live At Leeds, and was created using a mix of 2D, 3D and hand drawn animation. 199 NATJECANJE ANIMIRANIH GLAZBENIH SPOTOVA - SELEKCIJA M4 200 DEVOTCHKA 100 OTHER LOVERS 2011, 4’11’’ Chloe Rodham (Rob Thomas and Chloe Rodham) A story of a bird-loving babushka and many luminescent wings. The faded grandeur of ornate birdcages create a darkly magical atmosphere and bright mixed media birds add an upbeat vibe and energy to the dream-like ambience. The birds allude to the notion of romance, looking as if they have been torn from a love letter. Despite these cheerful, romanticised visuals, the film hints at the bittersweet nature of love that prevails throughout the music. Priča o babuški ljubiteljici ptica i brojnim svjetlucavim krilima. Izblijedjela raskoš kićenih krletki za ptice stvara mračnu magičnu atmosferu, a jarke ptice miješanog medija dodaju pozitivnu vibraciju i energiju ovom sanjivom ambijentu. Ptice svojim izgledom kojim kao da su istrgnute iz ljubavnog pisma aludiraju na ideju romanse. Usprkos ovim veselim, romantiziranim vizualima, film aludira na gorko-slatku prirodu ljubavi koja prevladava u glazbi. Ovaj je video udubljivanje u tužnu životnu priču jednog klauna. Iako je u početku bio nadobudan, njegova vještina se počinje ponavljati i postane monotona, a kasnije gotovo guši. Nema kazališnih svjetala, ni publike koja plješče sa strahopoštovanjem. On skromno nastavlja zabavljati publiku iz nužde ili slijepe požrtvovnosti. Ovaj je video nastao u suradnji s cirkuskim izvođačima pod vodstvom slavnog ruskog klauna Nikolaya Terentyeva iz trupe 'Litsedei'. CESARE CREMONINI IL PAGLIACCIO 2009, 5:18 Alexey Terehoff (Walter Mameli) Camera/Kamera: Mikhail Petrenko Compositing: Alexei Romanov COMPETITION OF ANIMATED MUSIC VIDEOS - SELECTION M4 This video is an immersion in a sad story of a clown"s life. while hopeful at the beginning his craft has become repetitive and monotonous, almost suffocating afterwards. There are no theatrical lights, no public roaring in awe. he humbly keeps entertaining the public whether out of necessity or blind dedication. this video was created in collaboration with circus performers led by a famous russian clown Nikolay Terentyev from legendary troupe ‘Litsedei’. 201 NATJECANJE ANIMIRANIH GLAZBENIH SPOTOVA - SELEKCIJA M4 202 CLINIC BUBBLEGUM 2010, 2’59’’ Alasdair Brotherston & Jock Mooney (Richard Barnett) Animation/Animacija: Layla Atkinson, Ben Brown, Tom Bunker, Jon Clarke Taking shamelessly literal inspiration from the Clinic song title, our feline exlporer takes to the air by means of a huge balloon of bubblegum. Floating away through bizarre, beautiful and balmy environments she passes fields of exuberantly dancing popcorn, marching party poppers and giant knickerbocker glories, only pausing for a bit of retail therapy before reaching her ultimate climax in space. Besramno uzimajući doslovnu inspiraciju iz naslova pjesme, naš se mačji istraživač uz pomoć velikog balona žvakaće gume vine u zrak. Nošena zračnom strujom kroz bizarne, lijepe i miomirisne predjele, ona nadlijeće polja rasplesanih kokica, hodajuću grupu drukera i ogromnih pumperica, tek malo zastavši radi prikupljanja energije prije dosizanja krajnjeg vrhunca u svemiru. Jedan nevin Kolačić putuje kroz nadrealan mjuzikl prekriven šećerom. Razrađena dekoracija, estetika technicolora iz 1950-ih i glazbene konvencije Busbyja Berkeleya u konačnici daju sjajan užitak za osjetila. THE HEAVY BLINKERS TRY TELLING THAT TO MY BABY 2005, 3’17’’ Fluorescent Hill (Fluorescent Hill) Animation/Animacija: Mark Lomond, Darren Pasemko, Johanne Ste-Marie COMPETITION OF ANIMATED MUSIC VIDEOS - SELECTION M4 An innocent Cupcake journeys through a surreal Candy Coated musical. Elaborate decoration, 1950’s Technicolor aesthetics, and Busby Berkeley musical conventions mix together a delightful treat for the senses. 203 NATJECANJE ANIMIRANIH GLAZBENIH SPOTOVA - SELEKCIJA M4 204 ETHAV SLEEP 2009, 3’47’’ Sarolta Szabo and Tibor Banoczki aka DOMESTIC INFELICITY (Domestic Infelicity) Music video for the London based singersongwriter Ethav. A black and white surrealist vision focused on dream and relationship. Glazbeni spot za londonskog pjevača-tekstopisca Ethava. Crno-bijela nadrealna vizija usredotočena na san i odnos. Grad napadaju reklame, oglasi, superzvijezda Charlie Winston. On je posvuda - na televiziji, telefonu, računalu, posvuda... ‘Posjedujem te’. WAX TAILOR FEAT. CHARLIE WINSTON I OWN YOU 2010, 3’28’’ Romain Chassaing (SoLab) Script/Scenarij: Wax Tailor, Charlies Winston Animation, Drawing/Animacija, Crtež: Romain Chassaing Camera/Kamera: Thomas Letellier Editing, Montaža: Julien Demond COMPETITION OF ANIMATED MUSIC VIDEOS - SELECTION M4 "A city is invaded by commercials, by advertising, by Charlie Winston supertar.On the TV, on the phone, on the computer, he is everywhere... «I Own You»" 205 NATJECANJE ANIMIRANIH GLAZBENIH SPOTOVA - SELEKCIJA M4 206 THE LOVELY SPARROWS TAKE CARE 2009, 2’27’’ Eric Power A peek into the lives of the eye creatures and the emotions we have in common. Pogled u živote očnih stvorenja i emocije koje dijelimo. Nema ga je zbirka animiranih sekvenci koje obogaćuju i naglašavaju svaki stih zauzimajući nadnaravno gledište i dodajući skriveno značenje. Produkcija je trajala 60 dana i 3000 fotografija je razvijeno, izrezano i animirano rukom te pažljivo naknadno obrađeno. ELEMENTAL IT’S GONE Nema ga 2009, 4’35’’ Vojan Koceic & Sinisa Jakelic (Pilot studio) Script/Scenarij: Pilot studio COMPETITION OF ANIMATED MUSIC VIDEOS - SELECTION M4 Nema ga is a collection of animated sequences that enriches and highlights each line of lyrics by taking a surreal point of view and adding a hidden meaning.Production took over 60 days and 3000 photos were printed, cut and animated by hand and carefuly post-processed. 207 NATJECANJE ANIMIRANIH GLAZBENIH SPOTOVA - SELEKCIJA M4 208 EVELYN EVELYN EVELYN EVELYN 2010, 5’ Chiara Ambrosio (Chiara Ambrosio) Two sisters joined together from birth, loving and hating eachother at once, they can't be together and can't be apart. One day one of them makes a fatal decision that will threaten their lives. A tale of love, loss and redemption. Dvije su sestre od rođenja spojene. U isto se vrijeme vole i mrze. Ne mogu biti zajedno, a ne mogu biti ni odvojene. Jednog dana jedna od njih donese kobnu odluku koja će ugroziti njihove živote. Priča o ljubavi, gubitku i iskupljenju. Prilično utemeljeno na grafici konstruktivističkog dizajna, video kombinira stil grafičkog dizajna početka 20-tog stoljeća sa suvremenim teksturama. Video priča animiranu priču o članovima skupine koji se bore protiv ‘snaga tiranije i opozicije u obliku na-rock-ličećeg gnoma’ u njihovoj himničnoj pjesmi ‘Fight’. Kombinacija narativnih elemenata grafičkih novela i video igara sa vrlo originalnim vizualima. CRASH KARMA FIGHT 2010, 3’29’’ Joel Tellier and Yurie Rocha (Guru Studio) Animation/Animacija: Joel Tellier, Yurie Rocha, Frederic Djoenaedi Drawing/Crtež: Trevor Dahlmer Editing/Montaža: Joel Tellier, Yurie Rocha COMPETITION OF ANIMATED MUSIC VIDEOS - SELECTION M4 Strongly based in the constructivist graphic design style, the video combines the graphic design style of the early 20th century with a contemporary textured flair. The video tells the animated story of the band members fighting “the forces of tyranny and oppression in the form of a rock-like ogre” set to their anthemic song “Fight.” Combining narrative elements of graphic novels and video games with highly original visuals. 209 NATJECANJE ANIMIRANIH GLAZBENIH SPOTOVA - SELEKCIJA M4 210 BRANDT BRAUER FRICK CAFFEINE 2011, 5’2’’ Danae Diaz and Patricia Luna Script/Scenarij:Danae Diaz and Patricia Luna Animation/Animacija: Danae Diaz, Patricia Luna, Benjamin Karr Layout/Oblikovanje: Danae Diaz Editing/ Montaža: Patricia Luna Sound design/Zvuk: Lenard Gimpel Caffeine represents a visual metaphor for Brandt Brauer Frick's music: As acoustic sounds are put together electronically, hand drawn images are animated by traditional and computer media. In a mechanical world of men, a mass of identical people start their day with coffee. At a certain point of a typical working day, one of them wants a break from his routine, leading the story to a new beginning. Caffeine predstavlja vizualnu metaforu Brandt Brauer Frickove glazbe: Nakon što se akustični zvukovi elektronski pospajaju, rukom crtane slike se animiraju tradicionalnim i računalnim tehnikama. U mehaničkom svijetu ljudi, gomila identičnih ljudi započinju dan kavom. U određenom trenutku tipičnog radnog dana jedan od njih želi pobjeći od rutine, vodeći priču prema novom početku. Stvoren kako bi proslavio izdavanje albuma ‘Retrospect – a Decade of Fracture & Neptune’, UTILE vodi gledatelja na psihodelično putovanje u svemir Astrofonike. Ulaskom u crnu rupu gledatelj svjedoči rađanju svemira, a nakon toga biva provučen kroz seriju hipnotičkih evolucija, sve do svjetla na kraju tunela. Nadahnut filmovima Hansa Richtera i Marcela Duchampa sa ne toliko starim stripovima, grafičkim novelama Philippa Druilleta i M.C. Eshera. FRACTURE & NEPTUNE FEATURING MARTIN FIEBER CUSTOMTONE 2011, 4’29’’ UTILE - Emilski & Nick Duggins COMPETITION OF ANIMATED MUSIC VIDEOS - SELECTION M4 Created to celebrate the launch of the album ‘Retrospect – a Decade of Fracture & Neptune’, UTILE takes the viewer on a psychedelic journey into the Astrophonica cosmos. Entering a black hole, the viewer witnesses the birth of a universe, and is then propelled through a series of hypnotic evolutions, until the light at the end of the tunnel. Inspired by the films of Hans Richter and Marcel Duchamp with a not to old sci-fi comic book art, the graphic novels of Philippe Druillet and M.C. Esher. 211 NATJECANJE ANIMIRANIH GLAZBENIH SPOTOVA - SELEKCIJA M4 212 THE GLITCH MOB FT. SWAN BETWEEN TWO POINTS 2011, 2’15’’ Motiphe (Katja Flachberger, Florian Juri, Sven Skoczylas and Rafael Mayrhofer) Between Two Points is the official music video for the song 'The Glitch Mob ft. Swan - Between Two Points'. It is a tale about the weight of dependency. Between Two Points službeni je glazbeni spot za pjesmu 'The Glitch Mob ft. Swan - Between Two Points'. Priča je to o težini ovisnosti. Kada nas je Seymour Bits, poznat i kao Bas Bron, zamolio da napravimo spot za pjesmu Put It Back Down, upitali smo ga o čemu se radi. Odgovorio je: ‘Cuga, izlasci, mrdanje guzicama, plešućim guzovima i možda ponešto sisa.’ Rezultat je bizarno multišareno putovanje koje je oblikovalo pile okruglog lica zarobljeno u svijetu čuda zvanom delirij. Na ovom smo projektu radili sa četiri različita animatora, a svaki je živio u drugom gradu... SEYMOUR BITS PUT IT BACK DOWN 2010, 4’15’’ Michiel ten Horn & Maarten J. Berkers (Habbekrats) Script/Scenarij: Michiel ten Horn & Maarten Berkers Animation/Animacija: Dirk Verschure & Ramon Oranje Draving/Crtež: Michiel ten Horn Camera, Editing/Kamera, Montaža: Maarten Berkers COMPETITION OF ANIMATED MUSIC VIDEOS - SELECTION M4 When Seymour Bits a.k.a. Bas Bron asked us to make a video for his track Put It Back Down, we asked him what it was about. He replied; ‘Booze, clubbing, shaking asses, dancing buttocks and maybe some tits’. This resulted in a bizarre multicolour trip that formed a round faceless chicken trapped in a wonderland called delirium. We worked with four different animators on this project each living in another city.. 213 NATJECANJE ANIMIRANIH GLAZBENIH SPOTOVA - SELEKCIJA M4 214 PAPA VS PRETTY HEAVY HARM 2010, 2'40'' Glenn Thomas (We Are Synapse) Script/Scenarij: Glenn Thomas, Toby Fraser, David May One man is tasked with watching over a towns people who live in a shore-side town in a location that is not what it all first appears. Unknown to them they depend on fuel from the underground to power their town, and keep their lights running. We follow this man’s daily routine in keeping this town running. Jedan čovjek ima zadatak paziti na stanovnike koji žive u priobalnom gradu na lokaciji koja nije ono što se čini na prvi pogled. Ono što ne znaju je da ovise o podzemnoj nafti potrebnoj za osvjetljenje njihovog grada. Pratimo dnevnu rutinu tog čovjeka u pokušaju da očuva funkcioniranje grada. Kreativan proces stvaranja filma na način kako ga objašnjava malen čovjek napravljen od papira. SLEEPING AT LAST MUSIC GREEN SCREENS 2009, 3’34’’ Javan Ivey COMPETITION OF ANIMATED MUSIC VIDEOS - SELECTION M4 The creative process of filmmaking as explained by a tiny man made of paper. 215 NATJECANJE ANIMIRANIH GLAZBENIH SPOTOVA - SELEKCIJA M4 216 GLIDE & SWERVE FEAT. BOY GEORGE PENTONVILLE BLUES 2010., 4’13’’ Alexey Terehoff (Ivan Clarke) The video has symbolic connotation. I designed expressive characters to illustrate all sad feelings and emotional turmoil that a person may experience while in prison. There was even one violent scene of beheading execution that Boy George thought to be overwhelming, and I had to remove it. Unfortunately, modern world still has got all kinds of capital punishment. With this video I was trying to pay attention to that fact as well. Spot ima simboličku konotaciju. Dizajnirao sam ekspresivne likove kako bih ilustrirao sve tužne osjećaje i emocionalne obrate koje osoba može doživjeti za boravka u zatvoru. Postojala je čak i jedna nasilna scena obezglavljivanja za koju je Boy George mislio da je pretjerana pa sam je trebao izbaciti. Nažalost, moderni svijet i dalje je pun raznih kapitalističkih kazni. Ovim videom sam pokušao obratiti pažnju i na tu činjenicu. Nagrađivani glazbeni spot koji sam režirao za pjesmu ‘Gravel’ njujorške skupine Orba Squara. Video je sniman steadycamom i naknadno animiran/ ilustriran pomoću 3D tracking softvera. ORBA SQUARA GRAVEL 2009, 2'44'' Lorcan Finnegan (Brunella Cocchiglia) Camera/Kamera: Fiachra Judge 3D Animation/3D Animacija: Vadim Draempaehl Design, Layout/Dizajn, Layout: Lorcan Finnegan COMPETITION OF ANIMATED MUSIC VIDEOS - SELECTION M4 Award winning music video I directed for NYC band Orba Squara's single "Gravel". The video was all one steadicam shot with animated/illustrated elements added in using 3D tracking software. 217 NATJECANJE ANIMIRANIH GLAZBENIH SPOTOVA - SELEKCIJA M4 218 AMONGST GIANTS TURN 2011, 4’36’’ Markus Wagner Animation/Animacija: Markus Wagner, Martin Lorenz, Stefan Salcher 'Turn' is a music video for the same-titled track of the album Amongst Giants by Matthias Hacksteiner. The 2D computer animation, composed in a fairytale way, deals with the very wide and complex subject of nature becoming unbalanced. In the course of 3 minutes and 15 seconds, the viewer is carried away on an audio-visual journey through the probably most basic and fundamental conflict on earth. The main character of the story is a giant and can be described as earths gardener or natures keeper... ‘Turn’ je glazbeni spot istoimene pjesme sa albuma Amongst Giants Matthiasa Hacksteinera. 2D računalna animacija se, ispričana u obliku bajke, bavi svim oblicima širokog i kompleksnog pojma prirodne neravnoteže. U 3 minute i 15 sekundi gledatelj kreće na audio-vizualno putovanje kroz vjerojatno najosnovniji sukob na zemlji. Glavni lik priče je div koji može biti opisan kao vrtlar zemlje i čuvar prirode... Killing the work je glazbeni video temeljen na istoimenoj pjesmi skupine Boy Mandeville. Čovjek od krede razmišlja o svom teškom poslu i ne zna kako napraviti razliku između svojih snova i svakodnevice. BOY MANDEVILLE KILLING THE WORK 2011, 3’27’’ Juliette Hamon Damourette & Jao Eka M'Changama COMPETITION OF ANIMATED MUSIC VIDEOS - SELECTION M4 Killing the work, is a music video based on the music Killing the work by Boy Mandeville. A chalk man is thinking of his hard work and doesn't know how to make the difference between his dreams and his everdaylife. 219 WORLD PANORAMA SVJETSKA PANORAMA SVJETSKA PANORAMA - RASPORED FILMOVA 222 P The Man Who Still Believed In The Storck Silence Of The SeA The "Money Holding People" Show In chains The Grand Easter Egg Hunt Nine Lives Things You'd Better Not Mix Up To swallow a Toad The Room Revolution 613 I Was Crying out at Life. Or for it Amar The soul ornament ID Pension plan Hand of God WORLD PANORAMA - SELECTION P Once upon a time there was a very endearing, very likeable man, who lived on his own. Because he liked children so very much, he wished he could have a child himself. He therefore tried to find out where the children came from. And in the process he discovered many things. Including astonishment. Nekoć davno osamljeno je živio vrlo drag, simpatičan čovjek. Budući da je jako volio djecu, poželio je imati vlastito te se zbog toga trudio saznati otkuda dolaze djeca. Na tom je putovanju otkrio mnoge stvari. THE MAN WHO STILL BELIEVED IN THE STORCK Der Mann,der noch an den Klapperstorch glaubte Čovjek koji je još uvijek vjerovao u rode 2011., 8’, Germany Ralf Kukula (Grit Wisskirchen / Balance Film GmbH) Script/Scenarij: Thomas Rosenlöcher Animation/Animacija: Ina Findeisen, Olaf Ulbricht, Jörg Halsema Drawing/Crtež: Maja Bohn Editing/Montaza: Stefan Urlaß Music/Glazba: Frieder Zimmermann 223 SVJETSKA PANORAMA - SELEKCIJA P SILENCE OF THE SEA Tišina mora 2010., 13’04’’, Croatia Vjekoslav Živković (Vedran Suvar / Mitropa) Script/Scenarij: Vjekoslav Živković, Maro Market Animation/Animacija, Crtež: Vjekoslav Živković Scenography/Scenografija: Vjekoslav Živković, Miran Križanić Editing/Montaza: Vjeran Pavlinić Music/Glazba: Maro Market Sound/Zvuk : Dubravka Premar 224 Three fishermen and one boy are preparing for departure to sea from small Dalmatian village. After fruitless day of fishing, they are able to get huge catch of fish and they happily turn home. Then comes the storm… Trojica ribara i dječak spremaju se na more iz malog dalmatinskog sela. Nakon neuspješnog dana provedenog na ribanju, uspijevaju uloviti mnoštvo ribe i sretno se uputiti kući. Tada se diže oluja.... WORLD PANORAMA - SELECTION P This sarcastic performance, full of bizarre and silly characters, reveals the importance of money and its influence on human thinking, behavior and development. Ova sarkastična predstava prepuna bizarnim i luckastim likovima otkriva važnost novca i njegov utjecaj na ljudsko razmišljanje, ponašanje i razvoj. THE "MONEY HOLDING PEOPLE" SHOW Predstava “Ljudi koji drže novac” 2010., 4’36’’, Germany Mariya Hristova (Georg Simon Ohm University of Applied Sciences) Music, Sound/Glazba, Dizajn zvuka: Stefan J. Wuehr 225 SVJETSKA PANORAMA - SELEKCIJA P IN CHAINS U lancima 2011., 7’30’’, Croatia Daniel Šuljić (Kreativni sindikat, Igor Grubić) Drawing & Script: Daniel Šuljić Animation/Animacija: Daniel Šuljić, Ivana Pipal Sound/Zvuk: Stanislav Kovačić 226 ''In chains'’ consists of a couple of non-related episodes. Among other things we can see two monsters insult each other, auctions of royal weapon or passive participants in their own misery. "U lancima" sastoji se od nekoliko nepovezanih epizoda. Između ostalog, možemo promatrati dva čudovišta kako se međusobno vrijeđaju, dražbu plemenitog oružja ili pasivne sudionike vlastitog jada. WORLD PANORAMA - SELECTION P It is Easter at Small Birds Singing and the Unbelievable family are looking forward to their traditional Grand Egg Hunt. Every year Spandisman, Delphinium and Consommé hope to bag an Easter egg or two, but this year it all ends in tragedy. Uskrs je u selu Ptičice pjevaju i obitelj se Nevjerojatna veseli svom tradicionalnom Velikom uskršnjem lovu. Svake se godine Spandisman, Delphinium i Consommé nadaju uloviti jedno do dva jaja, no ove ih godine očekuje tragedija. THE GRAND EASTER EGG HUNT Veliki uskršnji lov na jaja 2010., 8’10’’, UK Linda McCarthy (Linda McCarthy) Script/Scenarij: Steven Appleby Music/Glazba: Verbal Vigilante Music 227 SVJETSKA PANORAMA - SELEKCIJA P 9 LIVES 9 Vies 9 života 2009., 3’30’’, France Romain Bourzeix 228 The story is based on an ancient Egyptian belief stating that cats have 9 lives due to their high ability to survive when they are in danger.Christmas night, somewhere in France. A young girl receives a kitten in gift. She is going to give it a hard time. Ova se priča temelji na starom egipatskom vjerovanju da mačke, zahvaljujući velikoj sposobnosti preživljavanja opasnosti, imaju devet života. Božić je negdje u Francuskoj. Djevojčica na dar dobiva mače koje čekaju mnogi teški trenuci. WORLD PANORAMA - SELECTION P A series of things you'd better not mix up. Niz stvari koje ne bi smio miješati. THINGS YOU'D BETTER NOT MIX UP Stvari koje ne bi smio miješati 2010., 2’10’’, Netherlands Joost Lieuwma (Jiek Weishut, The Drawing Room) Music/Glazba: Alexander Reumers & Jorrit Kleijnen Sound Design/Zvuk: Iwan van Wijk 229 SVJETSKA PANORAMA - SELEKCIJA P TO SWALLOW A TOAD Norit Krupi Progutati žabu 2010., 10’, Latvia Jurģis Krāsons (Rija Films) Script/Scenarij: Ivo Briedis Camera/Kamera: Mārtiņš Veļa Editing/Montaža: Jurģis Krāsons MMusic, Sound/Glazba, Zvuk: Andris Barons 230 Once some “round” intellectuals lived in a small town. They were smart, kind, farsighted and successful. The reason for their success – they could swallow toads. But some that were “square” also lived in the small town. They were pragmatic realists – good was repaid with good, evil with evil, and no toads were ever swallowed. They lived in peace until one day a “square” discovered that the “rounds” swallow toads… Nekoć davno u malom su gradu živjeli „okrugli“ intelektualci. Bili su pametni, ljubazni, pronicavi i uspješni. Uzrok njihova uspjeha bio je taj što su mogli progutati žabe. No u gradu su živjeli i oni koji su bili „četvrtasti“, pragmatični realisti kod kojih se dobro vraćalo dobrim, zlo zlim, a žabe se nikad nisu gutale. Živjahu oni u miru do dana kad su „četvrtasti“ otkrili da „okrugli“ gutaju žabe… WORLD PANORAMA - SELECTION P A hotel room. A woman doll is waiting for the call from her lover doll. His arrival and their sexual intercourse are like a ritual for her, which takes her into a floating, pleasing state of mind. She opens herself to the man through sex, while the man doll considers it all as relieving himself, after which he just vanishes into thin air. The doll remains alone in the empty room, disappointed and hurt. Hotelska soba. Ženska lutka očekuje svog ljubavnika. Njegov dolazak i njihovo seksualno općenje za nju su poput rituala koji ju nosi u lebdeće i ugodno stanje svijesti. Ona se kroz seks otvara muškarcu, dok muškoj lutki sam čin predstavlja pražnjenje nakon kojeg ispari u noć. Ženska lutka razočarana i povrijeđena ostaje sama u praznoj hotelskoj sobi. THE ROOM Soba 2011., 5’09’’, Croatia Ivana Jurić (Hrvoje Pervan, Ankica Jurić Tilić / Kinorama) Backgrounds/Scenografija: Fedor Fischer Music,Sound/Glazba, Dizajn zvuka : Nikola Kovač 231 SVJETSKA PANORAMA - SELEKCIJA P REVOLUTION 613 Revolucija 613 2011, 13’50’’, Germany Berter Orpak (Benjamin Haagen, Berter Orpak) Script/Scenarij: Berter Orpak Animation/Animacija: Benjamin Haagen, Berter Orpak, Tobias Manglkammer Drawing/Crtež: Anna Tluczykont Music/Glazba: Tommy Dietrich Sound/Dizajn zvuka : Stefan Wåhr 232 613 years have passed since the "Day of the Disaster". The inhabitants eventually destroyed the surface of the planet with their craving for power and have been forced to live underground ever since. In the course of time, they created the "Inner World" as a temporary habitat until the world outside has recovered again. The current monarch, King Tauros, now conceals from his people the fact that the "Outside World" is already habitable again. Prošlo je 613 godina od "Dana katastrofe". Stanovnici su svojom neobuzdanom željom za moći na koncu uništili površinu planeta te otad bili prisiljeni živjeti pod zemljom. Vremenom su stvorili privremeni "unutarnji svijet" u kojem će živjeti dok se svijet ne oporavi. Trenutni vladar, kralj Tauros, krije od svojih podanika činjenicu da je "vanjski svijet" ponovno pogodan za život. WORLD PANORAMA - SELECTION P In the forest, the herd of deer turns against the hound dogs that have been chasing them so far. From this unusual chase, new landscapes arise from the ground. This collage drama was made after an idea from a 19th century engraving. U šumi se krdo jelena okrene protiv pasa goniča koji su ih dotad progonili. Od ovog neuobičajenog lova iz zemlje se uzdižu novi krajobrazi. Ova je kolaž drama inspirirana gravurom iz 19. stoljeća I WAS CRYING OUT AT LIFE. OR FOR IT Je criais contre la vie. Ou pour elle Plakao sam prema životu. Ili za njega 2009., 9’10’’, France Vergine Keaton (Pascaline Saillant / 25 Films) Animation/Animacija: Anna Khmelevskaya Music/Glazba: Vale Poher 233 SVJETSKA PANORAMA - SELEKCIJA P ÁMÁR 2010, 8’10’’, Spain Isabel Herguera Script/Scenarij: Isabel Herguera Camera/Kamera: Eduardo Elosegi Editing/Montaža: Eduardo Elosegi Music/Glazba: Xabier Erkizia 234 Ines travels to India to visit her friend amar, who has been living in a mental institution for years. Ines remembers the last days they spent together and her promise to return. Ines putuje u Indiju u posjet prijatelju amaru koji već godinama živi u umobolnici. Ines se prisjeća posljednjih dana koje su proveli zajedno i obećanja da će se vratiti. WORLD PANORAMA - SELECTION P Film vizualizira često korištenu frazu figurativnog govora kojom se služimo kako bismo rekli da su neki događaji utkani u nas. Karakter i osobnost svakog pojedinca opisani su kao različiti pulsirajući ornamenti posredovani preko vidljive aure koja je gotovo identična fizičkoj pojavi osobe. The film visualizes the often used phrase of figurative speech that we use to say that some events became a part of us. Each individual's character and personality are portrayed as various pulsating ornaments emanating through a visible aura which is practically identical to a person's physical appearance. THE SOUL ORNAMENT Ornament duše 2010., 9’25’’, Croatia Irena Jukić Pranjić (Zagreb Film) Animation/Animacija: Zoran Mudronja Music/Glazba: Darko Rundek 235 SVJETSKA PANORAMA - SELEKCIJA P ID 2009., 7’, Srbija Miroslav Jović (Studio Vilenjak) Script, Editing/Scenarij, Montaža: Miroslav Jović Animation, Drawing/Animacija, Crtež: Aleksandar Roth Camera/Kamera: Miroslav Jović, Predrag Janjatović Music/Glazba: Vladimir Zutić Sound/Zvuk : Saša Milankov Mipla 236 The story follows up a man who wakes up without any of the senses.He does not have the eyes, ears, nose , skin... He has polluted everything around himself so much that he feels nothing any more. All at once, he gets a chance to return to the gone, but.... Priča prati čovjeka koji se budi bez ikakvih osjetila. Nedostaju mu oči, uši, nos, koža… Svoj je okoliš toliko zagadio da više ništa ne osjeća. Iznenada, pruži mi se prilika za povratak na staro, no… WORLD PANORAMA - SELECTION P A group of pensioners live a very quiet life in a coastal town.As events unfold they decide that now is the time to realise their dream of a life at sea... but how far will they go to get the money? Skupina umirovljenika živi mirnim životom u gradu na obali. Kako se radnja razvija odluče da je došlo vrijeme za ostvarenje sna o životu na moru.. no, koliko su daleko spremni ići kako bi nabavili novac? PENSION PLAN Mirovinski plan 2010., 2’43’’, UK Harjeet Bains, Sara Riding (Harjeet Bains, Sara Riding) Scenarij: Sara Riding Animation/Animacija: Harjeet Bains, Sara Riding, Michaela Shamley, Arisa Kawasaki, Quao Yu Dong, Esther Ajibade Drawing/Crtež: Betty Le Bon, Dan Rieley, Arisa Kawasaki Editing/Montaža: Harjeet Bains Music/Glazba: Janine Forrester Sound/Dizajn Zvuka: Ensieh Maleki 237 SVJETSKA PANORAMA - SELEKCIJA P HAND OF GOD Božja ruka 2010., 1’30’’, Norway Rune Eriksson (Rune Eriksson) Script, Animation, Drawings, Editing, Sound/ Scenarij, Animacija, Crtež, Montaza, Dizajn zvuka: Rune Eriksson and Erik Eriksson 238 Forget about The Seven Days Of Creation. This is Gods proudest moment ever.We have not included a dialogue list. The dialogues are in spanish. We haven`t got a clue what is being said. The spoken words are not important for the short. The commentators enthusiasm is more important. Zaboravite na Sedam dana stvaranja. Ovo je najponosniji trenutak koji je Bog ikad doživio. Nismo uključili listu dijaloga, a i na španjolskom je jeziku. Nemamo pojma što je rečeno. Izgovorene riječi nisu važne za ovaj kratki film. Daleko je važniji komentatorov ushit. 239 WORLD PANORAMA - SELECTION P SIDE PROGRAMME POPRATNI PROGRAM ZAGREB FILM RETROSPECTIVE OF ANIMATED COMMERCIALS RETROSPEKTIVA ANIMIRANIH REKLAMA ZAGREB FILMA Simon Bogojević Narath Art Director Zagreb Film 242 Viewed today, in spite of their technical roughness and imperfections, many still surprise us with their creative animation, directing solutions and playful cheekiness. Worldview of one Len Ly, Norman McLaren, Bourek, Vlado Kristl and others springs to mind. It is comforting to assert once again that the utilitarian approach to an assignment - whether a commercial or propaganda, still can carry artistic co-text which differs to a great extent from the majority of stuff harassing us from the TV screens today. Dva programa odabrana iz arhiva „Zagreb filma“ maleni su dio opsežne filmske građe za koju vjerujem da ni stručna publika nema prilike često vidjeti. Riječ je o animiranim reklamama, kombiniranim filmovima koji anticipiraju pojavu „video-spota“ te igranim propagandnim filmovima za nekadašnje industrijske gigante. Gledani danas, usprkos tehničkim grubostima i nesavršenostima, mnogi iznenađuju kreativnim animacijskim i režijskim rješenjima i zaigranom drskošću. Na pamet mi padaju autorski svjetonazori jednog Len Lya, Norman McLarena , Boureka, Vlade Kristla i ostalih. Utješno je iznova ustvrditi kako utilitaran pristup zadatku – reklami ili promidžbi ipak može nositi i umjetnički podtekst. Toliko različito od velike većine onoga što nas danas maltretira sa TV-ekrana. What can one assign this to? Čemu to pripisati? "Innocence" of the epoch in which the films were made? A client's openness towards "more risky" visuals? International domination of the"Zagreb School" within a certain time frame? “Naivnošću” epohe u kojoj su ti filmovi nastali? Otvorenošću naručitelja/klijenta prema “riskantnijim” vizualima? Internacionalnoj dominaciji “Zagrebačke škole” unutar određenog vremenskog raspona? I am not entirely sure that I found the answers to these questions, and would therefore like to invite the audience of the First Supertoon Festival to join me on the quest. POPRATNI PROGRAM / SIDE PROGRAMME Two programmes selected from the "Zagreb Film" archives represent but a part of a huge film material which I believe not even professionals have often been able to see. The animated commercials, a mix of films anticipating occurence of "video-clips" and industrial propaganda shorts. Nisam siguran da sam pronašao odgovore na navedena pitanja, pa pozivam publiku prvog Supertoon festivala da mi se pridruži u traganju. Enjoy the viewing! Uživajte u gledanju! Simon Bogojević Narath Art Director Zagreb Film Simon Bogojević Narath Umj. Direktor Zagreb film 243 244 POPRATNI PROGRAM / SIDE PROGRAMME 245 POPRATNI PROGRAM / SIDE PROGRAMME 246 POPRATNI PROGRAM / SIDE PROGRAMME 247 POPRATNI PROGRAM / SIDE PROGRAMME 248 POPRATNI PROGRAM / SIDE PROGRAMME 249 POPRATNI PROGRAM / SIDE PROGRAMME 250 POPRATNI PROGRAM / SIDE PROGRAMME 251 POPRATNI PROGRAM / SIDE PROGRAMME 252 POPRATNI PROGRAM / SIDE PROGRAMME 253 POPRATNI PROGRAM / SIDE PROGRAMME INSPEKTOR MASK Cartoon Series INSPEKTOR MASKA animirana serija 254 U prilog povijesti Zagrebačke škole crtanog filma želio bih upozoriti na podatke koje ne smatram nevažnima: 1 Nezaobilazna je uloga mirnog i samozatajnog Nikole Kostelca Nina koji je od prvih početaka pasionirano prikupljao sve što je bilo vezano za modernu grafiku tog vremena, te time otvarao prozore u svijet i bitno utjecao na stvaranje jezika “škole“. 2 Slikari Edo Kovačević, Ernest Tomašević i kipar Kosta Angeli Radovani, kao profesori Akademije za primijenjenu umjetnost (ranije Obrtne škole) dali su svojom europskom kulturom i znanjem temelje likovnom ukusu Zlatku Boureku, Pavlu Štalteru Paji, Zvonimiru Lončareviću Ribi i Mladenu Pejakoviću, što su oni obilno primijenili i dalje razvijali u crtanom filmu. POPRATNI PROGRAM / SIDE PROGRAMME In favour of the Zagreb School of Animated Film history I would like to draw your attention to the information I do not consider irrelevant: 1. Unavoidable is the role of a quiet and self-denying Nikola Kostelac Nino who, from the very beginning, passionately collected everything related to modern graphics of the time and with it opened windows onto the world and significantly influenced the creation of the ‘School’s’ language. 2. Painters Edo Kovačević, Ernest Tomašević and sculptor Kosta Angeli Radovani, as Professors at the Academy of Applied Arts (ex Craftman’s school), with their European culture and knowledge laid the groundwork for the artistic taste of Zlatko Bourek, Pavao Štalter Pajo, Zvonimir Lončarević Riba and Mladen Pejaković, which they generously applied and further developed in the animated film. 3. Vladimir Jutriša Jura, main animator, silent guy and shadow man developed, although self-taught, the art of animation in Zagreb’s school to the highest level, thanks to his talent and sense for motion. He was a role model for all other animators. Once a month he would be absent from work to get properly drunk. 4. Technician Magerl made the first camera and the table for frame by frame recording out of pieces found on the junkyard. We used to call him Nikola Tesla. 5. General director of Zagreb film, Jurica Peruzović, proved himself, despite significant conservative resistance, a true producer who strongly supported author’s artistic aspirations. Prior to entering the world of film, he worked at 3 Vladimir Jutriša Jura, glavni animator, šutljivac i čovjek u sjeni, razvio je, iako samouk, svojim talentom i osjećajem za pokret umijeće animacije u Zagrebačkoj školi do najvišeg nivoa. Bio je uzor svim ostalim animatorima. Jedanput mjesečno je izostajao s posla, da se pošteno napije. 4 Tehničar Magerl izradio je, od komada pronađenih na otpadu, prvu kameru i stol za snimanje kvadrat po kvardat. Zvali smo ga Nikola Tesla. 5 Generalni direktor Zagreb-filma Jurica Peruzović pokazao se je, usprkos ne malim konzervativnim otporima, kao istinski producent koji je čvrsto podržavao umjetnička htijenja autora. Prije dolaska na film bio je u 255 POPRATNI PROGRAM / SIDE PROGRAMME 256 the Zagreb police, in charge of the prostitution sector. zagrebačkoj policiji zadužen za sektor prostitucije. 6. Ivo Šozen, animated film studio director, was the organizational soul of the entire operation, passionate about knowing all the stages of the complicated production process and ready and willing to help if the occasion presented itself. Later on he moved to Israel where, the legend has it, got killed in some intelligence action. 6 Ivo Šozen, direktor studija crtanog filma, bio je organizaciona duša cijelog pogona, sve je strastveno pratio i pomogao u svakoj fazi kompliciranog proizvodnog procesa. Kasnije se odselio u Izrael gdje je, kako smo čuli, poginuo u nekoj obavještajnoj akciji. Vatroslav Mimica Vatroslav Mimica Based on an idea by/Prema ideji: Dragutin Vunak Scripts/Scenariji: Vatroslav Mimica, Vladimir Tadej,Dragutin Vunak Design, Animation/Dizajn, Animacija: Milan Blažeković, Borivoj Dovniković,Nedeljko Dragić, Zdenko Gašparević, Zlatko Grgić, Vjekoslav Kostanjšek, Branislav Nemet, Vlado Hrs and others Backgrounds/Pozadine:Rudolf Borošak, Bogdan Debenjak, Srđan Matić, Mladen Pejaković, Pavao Štalter, Ismet Voljevica Music/Glazba:Aleksandar Bubanović, Davor Kajfeš Directors/Režiseri:Borivoj Dovniković, Josip Duiella,Mladen Feman, Zlatko Grgić, Boris Kolar, Željko Kanceljak, Nikola Kostelac, Pavle Radimiri, Ivo Vrbanić, Dragutin Vunak Production/Produkcija: Zagreb-film POPRATNI PROGRAM / SIDE PROGRAMME INSPECTOR MASK Cartoon Series / INSPEKTOR MASKA animirani serijal 257 POPRATNI PROGRAM / SIDE PROGRAMME GHOST IN A SQUEEZE Duh u škripcu 1962, 7’29’’ Željko Kanceljak (Zagreb Film) Script/Scenarij: Vladimir Tadej Music/Glazba: Davor Kajfeš Animation/Animacija: Vladimir Hrs Scenography/Scenografija: Mladen Pejaković 258 The ancestral ghast of a gloomy mediaeval castle attracts throngs of visitors from all over the world. Money is pouring in for lucky castle's owner, and everything seems perfect... until one day Joe's gang kidnaps the ancient ghost. But, Inspector solves this case too - and in a ghost of a moment! Drevni duh u sumornom srednjovjekovnom dvorcu privlači gomilu/mnoštvo posjetitelja iz cijelog svijeta. Novac se slijeva u džep sretnog vlasnika dvorca i sve se čini savršenim… dok Joe i njegova banda jednog dana ne otmu duha. No, Inspektor rješava i ovaj slučaj – i to u duhu vremena! U rukama pravde Prehlađeni Joe očekuje smaknuće na električnoj stolici kadli prima posjetu svoju uplakanu buduću udovicu i djetešce (nitko drugi doli sjajno prerušena njegova dva zloglasna kompanjona - Podli/Opaki Fabijan i Nestrpljivi patuljak Jack). I dok su čuvari dirnuti tužnom scenom plakali, dva su se gangstera dala u bijeg sa stolicom! To je tren u kojem nastupa Inspektor – prerušen u električnu stolicu! Grozničava potjera koja je uslijedila završava sjajnim iznenađenjem na kraju priče. THE RUNAWAY ELECTRIC CHAIR Električna stolica je nestala 1963, 8’48’’ POPRATNI PROGRAM / SIDE PROGRAMME Fallen in the hands of Justice, Sneezy Joe is about to be electrocuted, when he receives a visit - his tearful widow-to-be and an infant child (none other than his two notorious companions - Foul Fabian and Fidgety Midgety Jack, smartly disguised). While the officers break in tears, touched by the mournful scene, two gangsters run off with the chair! This is where Inspector steps in masked as an electric chair! The frantic chase which ensues winds up in a delightful surprise-ending of the story. Dragutin Vunak (Zagreb Film) Script/Scenarij: Dragutin Vunak Music/Glazba: Miljenko Prohaska Animation/Animacija: Zdenko Gašparović Editing/Montaža: Tea Brunšmid Scenography/Scenografija: B.Debenjak 259 POPRATNI PROGRAM / SIDE PROGRAMME SKELETON SETS THE TRAP Kostur postavlja zamku 1962, 7’48’’ Ivo Vrbanić (Zagreb Film) Script/Scenarij: Vatroslav Mimica Music/Glazba: Davor Kajfeš Animation/Animacija: Zlatko Grgić Scenography/Scenografija: Ismet Voljevica 260 Sneezy Joe discovers a subterranean connection between a cemetery and a big bank's vault, which gives him a great idea: he organizes a funeral in which two of his gangsters are buried. They rob the bank and escape safely. Called to help, Inspector Mask attires himself as a skeleton and pursues the gangsters. Horrified, they fling themselves in the hands of the police rather than to face the terrible skeleton. Prehlađeni Joe otkriva podzemni prolaz između groblja i sefa velike banke, što mu da sjajnu ideju da organizira pogreb dvojice svojih gangstera. Banka je opljačkana, a gangsteri na sigurnom. Pozvan u pomoć, Inspektor Maska se prerušava u kostura i progoni gangstere koji se prestravljeni bacaju u ruke policije kako bi umakli strašnom kosturu. Na Dalekom zapadu jednom malom gradu prijeti skupina bandita. Kako bi šerifa naveli na krivi trag, svoje napade i pljačke uvijek izvode prerušeni u Indijance. Inspektor Maska odabire masku slavnog Buffalo Billa i, usprkos njihovim brojnim trikovima, očerupa lažne Indijance do posljednjeg perca. CALUMET Lula mira 1962, 7’19’’ POPRATNI PROGRAM / SIDE PROGRAMME Out in Far West, a small town is threatened by a group of bandits. To lead the sheriff off on a wrong trail, they always attack and raid the town disguised as Indians. IM chooses the mask of famous Buffalo Bill and plucks the phony Injuns down to the last feather, despite the multiple tricks they play against him. Zlatko Grgić (Zagreb Film) Script/Scenarij: Zlatko Grgić, Vladimir Tadej Music/Glazba: Aleksandar Bubanović Animation/Animacija: Zlatko Grgić Scenography/Scenografija: Srđan Matić 261 POPRATNI PROGRAM / SIDE PROGRAMME THE HEADSMAN OF WAX MUSEUM Obračun u muzeju voštanih figura 1963, 7’12’’ Josip Duiella (Zagreb Film) Script/Scenarij: Vatroslav Mimica Music/Glazba: Stipica Kalogjera Animation/Animacija: Milan Blažeković Scenography/Scenografija: Rudolf Borošak 262 After a successful big-style burglary, Joe's gang seeks refuge in a Wax Museum. Arrayed in a picturesque group depicting the execution of Foul Fabian, they fool the police... but not Inspector Mask! Keenly masked as a mediaeval executioner he steps in the waxworks and pins the villains down in a hair-raising episode. Nakon uspješne pljačke u velikom stilu, Joeova banda traži utočište u Muzeju voštanih figura. Poredani u živopisnu skupinu koja prikazuje smaknuće Podlog/Opakog Fabijana, uspijevaju prevariti policiju... no ne i Inspektora Masku! Sjajno prerušen u srednjovjekovnog krvnika on ulazi u muzej i sredi negativce u epizodi od koje se diže kosa na glavi. U blistavom sjaju svoje pustinjske palače, šeik Abdullah promatra ljepotu svog prekrasnog dijamanta, najvećeg na svijetu. Tri razbojnika, predvođena Prehlađenim Joeom, ušuljaju se prerušeni u haremske plesačice i pobjegnu s draguljem. Pozvan u pomoć, Inspektor Maska uzima masku noja te pljačkašima u žestokoj borbi prepunoj sjajnih gegova i neočekivanih obrata očita opaku lekciju. SHEIKH'S JEWEL Šeikov briljant 1962, 10’03’’ POPRATNI PROGRAM / SIDE PROGRAMME In the dazzling splendour of his palace, rising in the middle of the desert, Sheikh Abdullah contemplates the beauty of his gorgeous diamond, the biggest on earth. Three hoodlums, led by Sneezy Joe, sneak in disguised as harem dancers and run off with the jewel. Summoned to aid, IM takes the mask of an ostrich and gives the robbers a fierce lection in a furious battle, full of flashy gags and unsuspected turns. Pavle Radmiri (Zagreb Film) Script/Scenarij: Vladimir Tadej Music/Glazba: Miljenko Prohaska Animation/Animacija: Branislav Nemet Scenography/Scenografija: Bogdan Debenjak 263 PROFFESSOR BALTHAZAR SEASON 4 (1977) PROFESOR BALTAZAR SEZONA 4 (1977) 264 Priča o profesoru Baltazaru počinje davne 1967. godine filmom Izumitelj cipela po ideji Zlatka Grgića, koji je na scenariju radio s Borivojem Dovnikovićem. Priča je to o dobroćudnom znanstveniku, koji probleme svojih sugrađana rješava čudesnom tekućinom iz svoga neobičnog laboratorija, a koja je zapravo plod njegova razuma i mašte. Nakon velikog uspjeha prvog filma, krenulo se u realizaciju daljnjih nastavaka u ponešto izmijenjenom likovnom identitetu. Oformljena je i stalna postava autora: Zlatko Grgić, Boris Kolar i Ante Zaninović, uz prekrasnu scenografiju Zlatka Boureka i prepoznatljivu glazbu Tomice Simovića. Do 1977. godine ukupno je snimljeno 59 epizoda uz aktivno sudjelovanje brojnih predstavnika zagrebačke škole crtanog filma, poput Zdenka Gašparovića, Pavla Štaltera, Milana Blažekovića i drugih. Početkom 2007. godine, na inicijativu Predraga Radanovića iz tvrtke DVD lab i producentske kuće Zagreb film, uz tehničku superviziju Bajka Hromalića i Tomislava Gregla, organizirana je u digitalnom post-produkcijskom studiju LVR iz Rima, restauracija i digitalizacija slike. Tako je kompletnom serijalu Profesora Baltazara udahnuta nova svježina i vraćen sjaj obilju boja koje izviru iz tih toplih filmova za djecu (i odrasle). Restauriran je i zvuk, a materijali su zapisani u digitalnom obliku 2K rezolucije, čime je omogućen i daljnji (restaurirani) prijepis na filmsku vrpcu. Tomislav Gregl November, 2008 Tomislav Gregl Studeni, 2008. POPRATNI PROGRAM / SIDE PROGRAMME The story of Professor Balthazar begins in the remote 1967 with the Shoe inventor film based on the idea by Zlatko Grgić who worked on the scenario with Borivoj Dovniković. It is a story of a good-natured scientist who solves problems of his fellow citizens by means of a miraculous fluid from his peculiar laboratory, which is in fact a figment of his mind and imagination. After a great success of the first film, realization of further episodes ensued with somewhat modified visual art identity. A permanent team of authors was gathered: Zlatko Grgić, Boris Kolar and Ante Zaninović, alongside magnificent scenography by Zlatko Bourek and recognizable theme song composed by Tomica Simović. Up to 1977 a total of 59 episodes were created thanks to an active participation on the part of numerous representatives of the Zagreb School of Animated Film, such as Zdenko Gašparović, Pavle Štalter, Milan Blažeković just to name a few. In the beginning of 2007, on the initiative by Predrag Radanović from the DVD lab company and produced by Zagreb film, with technical supervision by Bajko Hromalić and Tomislav Gregl, the digital film restoring was organized in the LVR digital post-production studio in Rome. As a result, the entire Professor Balthazar series has been imbued with new freshness and the abundance of coulours emanating from these heartwarming films for children (and adults) has been restored to its former glory. Sound has also been restored with materials being recorded in digital form 2K resolution, enabling further (restored) copying onto the film tape. 265 POPRATNI PROGRAM / SIDE PROGRAMME HEART ON FIRE Baltazarova ljubav 1978, 5’28’’ Milan Blažeković (Zagreb Film) Script/Scenarij: D. Dimitrovski, Pavao Štalter, Zlatko Grgić, Zdenko Gašparović, Milan Blažeković Music/Glazba: Hermann Hausmann, Tomica Simović Animation/Animacija: Vladimir Jutriša Editing/Montaža: Tea Brunšmid Scenography/Scenografija: S. Matić, B. Varadin, R. Borošak THE SAD LITTLE GHOST Duhovita priča 1978, 5’28’’ Zlatko Grgić (Zagreb Film) Script/Scenarij: Zlatko Grgić, Zdenko Gašparović, Pavao Štalter, Milan Blažeković Music/Glazba: Hermann Hausmann, Tomica Simović Animation/Animacija: Turido Pauš Editing/Montaža: Tea Brunšmid Scenography/Scenografija: S. Matić, B. Varadin, R. Borošak 266 Pavao Štalter (Zagreb Film) Script/Scenarij: Zlatko Grgić, Zdenko Gašparović, Pavao Štalter, Milan Blažeković Music/Glazba: Heinz Funk, Tomica Simović Animation/Animacija: Janez Japl Editing/Montaža: Tea Brunšmid Scenography/Scenografija: S. Matić, B. Varadin, R. Borošak POPRATNI PROGRAM / SIDE PROGRAMME TWO TOP HATS Dva cilindra 1978, 5’28’’ PLAYING TAG Igrati se lovice 1978, 5’28’’ Zdenko Gašparović (Zagreb Film) Script/Scenarij: Zlatko Grgić, Pavao Štalter, Zdenko Gašparović, Milan Blažeković Music/Glazba: Heinz Funk, Tomica Simović Animation/Animacija: Vladimir Jutriša Editing/Montaža: Tea Brunšmid Scenography/Scenografija: S. Matić, B. Varadin, R. Borošak 267 POPRATNI PROGRAM / SIDE PROGRAMME THE LOST RABBIT Izgubljeni zec 1978, 5’28’’ Pavao Štalter (Zagreb Film) Script/Scenarij: Zdenko Gašparović, Zlatko Grgić, Milan Blažeković, Pavao Štalter Music/Glazba: Heinz Funk, Tomica Simović Animation/Animacija: Vladimir Jutriša Editing/Montaža: Tea Brunšmid Scenography/Scenografija: S. Matić, B. Varadin, R. Borošak CLOWN DANIEL Klaun Daniel 1978, 5’28’’ Pavao Štalter (Zagreb Film) Script/Scenarij: Zdenko Gašparović, Zlatko Grgić, Pavao Štalter, Milan Blažeković Music/Glazba: Heinz Funk, Tomica Simović Animation/Animacija: Pavao Štalter Editing/Montaža: Tea Brunšmid Scenography/Scenografija: S. Matić, B. Varadin, R. Borošak 268 Milan Blažeković (Zagreb Film) Script/Scenarij: Željan Palčok, Zdenko Gašparović, Milan Blažeković Music/Glazba: Hermann Hausmann, Tomica Simović Animation/Animacija: Leo Fabiani Editing/Montaža: Tea Brunšmid Scenography/Scenografija: S. Matić, B. Varadin, R. Borošak POPRATNI PROGRAM / SIDE PROGRAMME ABRAHAM THE BUSY SHOEMAKER Obućar Kroko 1978, 5’28’’ OPERA STAR Operna zvijezda 1978, 5’28’’ Milan Blažeković (Zagreb Film) Script/Scenarij: Pavao Štalter, Zlatko Grgić, Zdenko Gašparović, Milan Blažeković Music/Glazba: Heinz Funk, Tomica Simović Animation/Animacija: Leo Fabiani Editing/Montaža: Tea Brunšmid Scenography/Scenografija: S. Matić, B. Varadin, R. Borošak 269 POPRATNI PROGRAM / SIDE PROGRAMME 270 BUSINESS IS BUSINESS Posao je posao 1978, 5’28’’ Milan Blažeković (Zagreb Film) Script/Scenarij: Pavao Štalter, Zlatko Grgić, Zdenko Gašparović, Milan Blažeković Music/Glazba: Heinz Funk, Tomica Simović Animation/Animacija: Vladimir Jutriša Editing/Montaža: Tea Brunšmid Scenography/Scenografija: S. Matić, B. Varadin, R. Borošak 271 POPRATNI PROGRAM / SIDE PROGRAMME SURROGATE OF REALITY: HALF A CENTURY OF CROATIAN ANIMATION SUROGAT STVARNOSTI: POLA STOLJEĆA HRVATSKE ANIMACIJE Karla Pudar i Marta Kiš I PAINT YOU A STORY Slikam ti priču On Supertoon International Animation Festival we are presenting one of five Surogate Of Reality’s film chapters. Within the School, famous for its stylization and characteristic reduction, part of the authors stood out with their expressive artistic signature and very often innovative and interesting application of artistic techniques. Na festivalu animiranog filma Supertoon predstavljamo jednu od pet filmskih cjelina Surogata stvarnosti. Unutar Škole, koja je bila poznata po svojoj stilizaciji i karakterističnoj redukciji, dio autora izdvojio se izražajnim slikarskim rukopisom i vrlo često inovativnim i zanimljivim uporabama likovnih tehnika. 272 Zagrebačka škola animiranog filma započinje usporedno s osnivanjem Studija za crtani film u sklopu Zagreb filma 1956. godine, a prva velika međunarodna potvrda došla je 1958. na Cannesu kad je filmski kritičar Georges Sadoul upotrijebio taj naziv za zagrebački fenomen. Uz neosporan umjetnički talent i želju za eksperimentiranjem još su neke zajedničke karakteristike autore Zagreb filma izdvajale iz tadašnje „mainstream“ produkcije: stilizirani crtež, dvodimenzionalna plošna animacija, redukcijski prikaz likova i kretnji, upotreba glazbe i ozvučenje filma koje izbjegava tekst i govor te, vrlo često, teme ozbiljnog društvenog predznaka. Stvoren je svojstven jezik animacije, toliko različit od tada dominantnog Diznijevog izričaja, u kojem se ipak izdvajaju vrlo individualne karakteristike autora okupljenih oko Zagreb filma. Neposredni povod izložbe Surogat stvarnsti – pola stoljeća hrvatske animacije bio je 50. rođendan Oskarom nagrađenog Surogata. Animirani film, kao krajnji, završeni projekt, zbir je svih elemenata: od samog likovnog pečata, redateljskih odluka preko montaže i glazbe te brojnih drugih sastavnih dijelova koji čine jednu kompleksnu cjelinu. Na ovoj izložbi želja nam je bila staviti naglasak na neke od tih fascinantnih dijelova koji u odabranom „timingu“ prolete, koje ponekad niti školovano oko ne vrednuje primjereno, a prosječan gledatelj vrlo često nema priliku primijetiti ih. POPRATNI PROGRAM / SIDE PROGRAMME Zagreb School of Animated Films was founded at the same time as the Studio for Animated Film within Zagreb Film in 1956, and the first big international confirmation came in 1958 at Cannes when film critic Georges Sadoul devised the term Zagreb School of Animation for this Zagreb phenomenon. Besides unquestionable artistic talent and desire for experimenting, some other common characteristics differed Zagreb Film authors from the then mainstream production: stylized, flat two dimensional drawing, reductive portraits of characters and movement, the usage of music ad soundtrack that avoids text and speech, and very often topics with serious social concerns. A distinctive language of animation was created, very different from the then dominant Disney-like expression, in which individual characteristics of the authors gathered in Zagreb Film can be noticed. The direct motive for exhibition Surrogate of Reality - Half a Century of Croatian Animation was the 50th anniversary of the Oscar-winning Surogat. Animated film, as a final, finished project, is the sum of all elements: from artistic signature itself and director’s decisions to editing and music and many other components that together make up a complex unit. With this exhibition we wanted to emphasize some of those fascinating components that fly by in a specific timing, sometimes without getting appreciated enough by an educated eye, while an average viewer does not even have a chance to notice them. 273 POPRATNI PROGRAM / SIDE PROGRAMME THE HOUSE NO 42 Kuća br.42 1984, 08'09'' Pavao Štalter (Zagreb Film) Script, Animation, Scenography/Scenarij, Animacija, Scenografija: Pavao Štalter Music/Glazba: Tomica Simović 274 Stained, black and white photograph of a city square from the last century. Accompanied by the music from hurdy-gurdy, we approach a house and in this moment everything becomes alive: inhabitants of the house and passers by. Through a shop window we can see people sitting at the tables, women on the windows, bakery, passengers and people coming in and out of the house. Požutjela crno-bijela fotografija gradskog trga s kraja prošlog stoljeća. Uz zvuk vergla približavamo se kući i najdenom sve oživi: stanovnici kuće i prolaznici. Vidimo kroz stakleni izlog ljude za stolovima, žene na prozorima, pekara u vratima, prolaznike i ljude koji izlaze i ulaze u kuću. Kao u drevnoj Ezopovoj basni, mladi pjesnik samuje sa svojom umjetnošću sve dok mu boginja Venera ne pokloni društvo, pretvorivši njegovu mačku u prekrasnu djevojku. Međutim, zbog nove strasti mladić, da bi zadovoljio visoke prohtjeve djevojke, mora prodati sve, čak i krasti... sve dok se u priči ne pojavi miš. THE CAT Mačka 1971, 10'10'' POPRATNI PROGRAM / SIDE PROGRAMME As in the ancient Aesop’s fable; a young poet is lonesome until Venus provides him with company, turning his cat into a beautiful girl. However, his new passion brings the young man to sell all he has, and even more – he has to steal in order to provide his mistress with the gems and jewellery she likes so much…until a mouse shows up. Zlatko Bourek (Zagreb Film) Script, Scenography/Scenarij, Scenografija: Zlatko Bourek Music/Glazba: Franco Potenza Animation/Animacija: Pavao Štalter 275 POPRATNI PROGRAM / SIDE PROGRAMME EVERYDAY CHRONICLE Mala kronika 1962, 10'48'' Vatroslav Mimica (Zagreb Film) Scenarij/Screenwriters: Vatroslav Mimica, Zvonimir Berković Music/Glazba: M. Prebil, Ljiljana Jojić Animation/Animacija: Vladimir Jutriša Scenography/Scenografija: Mladen Pejaković 276 In the crowded big city the stream of pedestrians drags away the trained dog of a blind man. Then an advertisement appears in the newspaper searching for the dog, but in the throng of the city, where people automatically talk, walk, eat, dance and love who will notice a dog? U vrevi velegrada pokretna traka odvuče za sobom psa jednog slijepca. Slijepac objavi oglas, ali na pokretnoj traci velegrada, gdje ljudi automatizirano hodaju, rade, jedu, plešu i ljube se tko će primijetiti jednog psa? Jedan pas, obijestan u svijesti o svojoj snazi, terorizira ostale životinje, koje put slučajno nanese kraj njega: ptičicu, ježa, puža. On bahato uživa u strahu koji izaziva njegov neočekivani lavež iz zasjede... WOW - WOW Vau - Vau 1964, 09'15'' POPRATNI PROGRAM / SIDE PROGRAMME One dog, well aware of his physical strength, mischievously bullies other animals that run into him by accident. Arrogantly, he enjoys to frighten them and to bark at them from the ambush... Boris Kolar (Zagreb Film) Script, Animation/Scenarij, Animacija: Boris Kolar Music/Glazba: Anđelko Klobučar Scenography/Scenografija: Boris Kolar 277 POPRATNI PROGRAM / SIDE PROGRAMME THE PLAY Igra 1962, 12'42'' Dušan Vukotić (Zagreb Film) Script, Animation/Scenarij/Animacija: Dušan Vukotić Music/Glazba: Tomica Simović Scenography/Scenografija: Zvonimir Lončarić 278 Što se dogodi kad u san jedne djevojčice ulete čudni leptiri? Film govori o svjetlu koje prvlači i tami koje se bojimo. Teško je pronaći sebe u odrazu ogledala. Što se dogodi kad u san jedne djevojčice ulete čudni leptiri? Film govori o svjetlu koje prvlači i tami koje se bojimo. Teško je pronaći sebe u odrazu ogledala. U dječjoj igri dječak i djevojčica crtaju svaki svoje likove i nadmeću se u tome. Djevojčica nacrta cvijet, a dječak kravu koja ga pojede. Zatim nacrtani lav progoni nacrtanu djevojčicu, sve dok to na kraju ne postane ozbiljno, pretvorivši se u pravi suvremeni rat. BUTTERFLIES Leptiri 1988, 09'36'' POPRATNI PROGRAM / SIDE PROGRAMME In a child’s game a boy and a girl draw each their own characters and compete in doing that. The girl draws a world, and the boy draws a cow that eats it. Then the lion chases the girl on the paper, until things become serious in the end, turning into a real contemporary war. Krešimir Zimonić (Zagreb Film) Script/Scenarij: Krešimir Zimonić, Magda Dulčić Music/Glazba: Igor Savin Animation/Animacija: Krešimir Zimonić, Magda Dulčić Scenography/Scenografija: Magda Dulčić 279 POPRATNI PROGRAM / SIDE PROGRAMME PICTURES FROM THE MEMORY Slike iz sjećanja 1989, 11'54'' Nedeljko Dragić (Zagreb Film) Script, Animation, Scenography/Scenarij, Animacija, Scenografija: Nedeljko Dragić Music/Glazba: Tomica Simović 280 Maybe the most personal of all Dragic's films. Pictures from the childhood spent in Slavonija are just gushing one after another. It's a vortex of nostalgia and humour in search of the lost time… Možda najosobniji Dragićev film. Slike iz djetinjstva provedenog u Slavoniji samo nadolaze jedna za drugom. To je vrtlog nostalgije i humora u potrazi za izgubljenim vremenom… Eksperimentalni animirani film istražuje svijet Kafkinih metafora u kojima je društvo dovedeno do apsurda. Cirkusantica na konju san je prosječnog čovjeka o drukčijem životu, idiličnom životu s naslovnica časopisa. UP IN THE GALLERY Na galeriji 2009, 5' 00'' POPRATNI PROGRAM / SIDE PROGRAMME This experimental film, which relies on animation, in principle represents the same idea we meet in Kafka's world of melancholic metaphors. In it, the society is reduced to absurdity. The circus horsewoman is an average man’s dream of a different kind of life, one that’s idyllic and belongs to the cover of a magazine. Tomislav Gregl (Zagreb Film) Script/Scenarij: Maja Gregl Music/Glazba: Darko Hajsek Animation, Scenography/Animacija, Scenografija: Pavao Štalter 281 POPRATNI PROGRAM / SIDE PROGRAMME FRANCESCA 1980, 09'19'' Damjan Slijepčević (Zagreb Film) Script, Animation/ Scenarij, Animacija: Damjan Slijepčević Music/Glazba: Igor Pomykalo Scenography/Scenografija: S.Matić, A.Šamanić, D.Slijepčević 282 As he descends into the first part of the 9th circle of Inferno, among the debauchers carried by the infernal whirlwinds, Dante notices a pair of lovers, Francesca Polenta and her brother in law Paolo Malatesta. They tell him a story of their sinful behaviour. Dante, silazeći u prvi dio devetog kruga pakla, između razvratnika koji su nošeni paklenskim kovitlacima zraka, uočava zagrljene ljubavnike, Francescu Polenta i njezinog djevera Paola Malatestu. Oni mu pripovijedaju o načinu na koji su zgriješili. U malom ribarskom mjestu, generacije žive po ustaljenom ritmu. Život ljudi tek je malo iznad života krajolika u kome se nalaze. Sve što imaju i što ih identificira kao ljude dobivaju od mora. Ali jedne noći, sve se promijenilo ... jutro donosi sumnju. FISHEYE Riblje oko 1980, 09'06'' POPRATNI PROGRAM / SIDE PROGRAMME In a small fishing village, people have been living the same life for generations. The life of the people is only slightly above that of the countryside that surrounds them. All that they have and that identifies them as human beings comes from the sea. But one night, the normal order of things is disturbed... the morning brings doubt. Joško Marušić (Zagreb Film) Script/Scenarij: Goran Babić Music/Glazba: Tomica Simović Animation/Animacija: Joško Marušić 283 GORILLAZ - MUSIC VIDEOS RETROSPECTIVE GORILLAZ - RETROSPEKTIVA GLAZBENIH SPOTOVA 284 Prema Guinnessovoj knjizi rekorda, Gorillaz su najuspješniji virtualni glazbeni sastav. The Gorillaz was, in 1992, formed by Damon Alban from the rock band Blur, and Jamie Hewlet, co-author of the Tan Girl comic. Gorillaz su 1998. osnovali Damon Albarn iz rock sastava Blur, te Jamie Hewlett, ko-autor stripa Tank Girl. This project consists of the Gorillaz music itself and an extensive fictional universe depicting a "virtual band" of cartoon characters. This band is composed of four animated members: 2D (lead vocalist, keyboard, and melodica), Murdoc Niccals (bass guitar and drum machine), Noodle (guitar, keyboard, and occasional vocals) and Russel Hobbs (drums and percussion). Their fictional universe is explored through the band's website and music videos, as well as a number of other media, such as short cartoons. The music is a collaboration between various musicians, Albarn being the only permanent musical contributor. Their style is a composition of multiple musical genres, with a large number of influences including: dub, hip hop, alternative rock, electronic and pop music. The band's music videos (with the exception of "Rock It" and "Tomorrow Comes Today") are mostly co-directed by Jamie Hewlett and Pete Candeland, created by Passion Pictures. Ovaj se projekt sastoji od muzike Gorillaza, ali i širećeg fikcionalnog svemira koji prkazuje “vitualni bend” animiranih likova. Sastav čine četiri animirana člana: 2D (dlavni vokal, klavijature i melodika), Murdoc Niccals (bas gitara i ritam mašina), Noodle (gitara, klavijature i povremeno vokal) i Russel Hobbs (bubnjevi i udaraljke). Njihov izmišljeni svemir se istražuje putem internetske stranice i glazbenih spotova benda, kao i preko brojnih drugih medija, poput kratkih animiranih filmova. Njihova je muzika rezultat suradnje raznih glazbenika, a Albarn je jedini stalni glazbeni autor. Njihov stil je kompozicija više glazbenih žanrova, sa velikim brojem utjecaja koji uključuju: dub, hip hop, alternativni rock, elektronsku i pop glazbu. Glazbene spotove Gorillaza (uz iznimke "Rock It" i "Tomorrow Comes Today") uglavnom korežiraju Jamie Hewlett and Pete Candeland, u realizaciji i produkciji Passion Pictures. POPRATNI PROGRAM / SIDE PROGRAMME By the Guinness Book of World Records Gorillaz are the Most Successful Virtual Band. 285 POPRATNI PROGRAM / SIDE PROGRAMME 19-2000 2001, 4’00’’ Jamie Hewlett and Pete Candeland CLINT EASTWOOD 2001, 4’25’’ Jamie Hewlett and Pete Candeland 286 Pete Candeland & Jamie Hewlett POPRATNI PROGRAM / SIDE PROGRAMME DARE 2005, 4’43’’ DIRTY HARRY 2005, 4’52’’ Jamie Hewlett and Pete Candeland (Cara Speller for Gorillaz and Passion Pictures) 287 POPRATNI PROGRAM / SIDE PROGRAMME EL MAÑANA 2006, 3’50’’ Directed by Jamie Hewlett and Pete Candeland Produced by Cara Speller for Gorillaz Produced by Passion Pictures 2005, 3’41’’ FEEL GOOD INC Directed by Jamie Hewlett / Pete Candeland Produced by Passion Pictures Post production by Rushes Sound design by Sebastian Monk & Chu-Li Shewring 288 Directed by Jamie Hewlett Produced by Zombie Flesh Eaters Mastered by Harvey Weinberg at Masterdisc POPRATNI PROGRAM / SIDE PROGRAMME KIDS WITH GUNS 2005, 3’45’’ ON MELANCHOLY HILL 2010, 3’48’’ [ Preferred Version - Uncensored with Noodle intro ] Director: Jamie Hewlett Co-Director: Pete Candeland Producer: Cara Speller Animation Producer: Debbie Crosscup Production Companies: Zombie Flesh Eaters and Passion Pictures 289 POPRATNI PROGRAM / SIDE PROGRAMME ROCK THE HOUSE 2002, 3’46’’ Jamie Hewlett and Pete Candeland STYLO (FEAT. MOS DEF AND BOBBY WOMACK) 2010, 3’52’’ Jamie Hewlett and Pete Candeland Produced by Passion Pictures 290 Jamie Hewlett POPRATNI PROGRAM / SIDE PROGRAMME TOMORROW COMES TODAY 2002, 3’15’’ WELCOME TO THE WORLD OF THE PLASTIC BEACH (FEAT. SNOOP DOGG AND HYPNOTIC BRASS ENSEMBLE) 2010, 3’34’’ 291 ANIMATED FEATURES DUGOMETRAŽNI ANIMIRANI FILMOVI 292 293 ANIMIRANI DUGOMETRAŽNI FILMOVI / ANIMATED FEATURES ANIMIRANI DUGOMETRAŽNI FILMOVI / ANIMATED FEATURES 294 THE SECRET OF KELLS Tajna Kellsa 2009, 76’ Tomm Moore co-direction/Korežija: Nora Twomey Twelve hundred years ago an orphan named Brendan met Brother Aidan, the keeper of an extraordinary, but unfinished, book of illuminations. Aidan sets Brendan a great task, to complete the Book of Kells, which sees him called to a new life of creativity and imagination where adventure, danger and action await him. With the threat of invading Vikings all around and the help of Aisling, a mysterious young girl, Brendan faces his deepest fears to complete the task. Prije 1200 godina Brendan, siroče, upoznaje brata Aidana, čuvara iznimne ali nedovršene knjige iluminacija. Aidan Brendanu zadaje veliku zadaću – dovršiti Knjigu Kellsa, što ga vodi u nov život kreativnosti i mašte, gdje ga čekaju pustolovine, opasnost i akcija. Invazija Vikinga prijeti sa svih strana, a Brendan se, uz pomoć tajanstvene djevojčice Aisling, suočava s najdubljim strahovima kako bi ispunio zadaću. I animirane plastične igračke Kauboj, Indijanac i Konj imaju svoje probleme. Kaubojev i Indijančev plan da iznenade Konja s rođendanskim poklonom koji su sami izradili propadne kada mu unište kuću. Trojac zatim upada u nadrealne pustolovine na putu do središta Zemlje koje vodi preko zaleđene tundre, te otkrivaju paralelni podvodni svijet gdje žive stvorenja šiljatih glava (koja su vrlo nepoštena!). Hoće li Konj i njegova djevojka ikada biti nasamo? PANIC IN A VILLAGE Panique Au Village Panika u selu 2009, 76’ Stéphane Aubier and Vincent Patar ANIMIRANI DUGOMETRAŽNI FILMOVI / ANIMATED FEATURES Animated plastic toys like Cowboy, Indian and Horse have problems, too. Cowboy and Indian’s plan to surprise Horse with a homemade birthday gift backfires when they destroy his house instead. Surreal adventures take over as the trio travel to the center of the earth, trek across frozen tundra and discover a parallel underwater universe where pointy-headed (and dishonest!) creatures live. Will Horse and his girlfriend ever be alone? 295 ANIMIRANI DUGOMETRAŽNI FILMOVI / ANIMATED FEATURES 296 FEAR(S) OF THE DARK Peur(S) Du Noir Strah(ovi) od tame 2009, 85’ Blutch and Charles Burns Different black-and-white animation techniques tell several scary stories. There's a story of a teenage boy who meets the wrong girl. Another tale deals with a small community where people disappear and are never seen again. These stories are connected by the story about a man with a devilish smile and four enormous dogs from hell and by a woman's monologue about her fears. Različite tehnike crno bijele animacije pričaju nam nekoliko zastrašujućih priča. Priča o dječaku koji upoznaje pogrešnu djevojku, priča o malenoj zajednici u kojoj ljudi nestaju bez traga, priča o djevojčici iz Japana koja pati od noćnih mora, i priča o čovjeku koji u napuštenoj kući ne nalazi samo mjesto za odmor. Priče su povezane pričom o čovjeku s demonskim osmijehom i četiri velika psa, te monologom žene koja prepričava svoje najveće strahove. Marjane (Chiara Mastroianni) je bistra djevojčica koja živi u Iranu za vrijeme Šahovog apsolutizma i diktature. Njezina obitelj dijeli napredne nazore i bori se za promjene i demokraciju. Nakon Islamske revolucije, monarhističku diktaturu zamjenjuje islamistička vlast koja nažalost progoni i članove njene obitelji. Kada počne okrutni iransko-irački rat, roditelji šalju Marjane na studij u Beč, gdje se ispočetka kao strankinja ne može prilagoditi okolini... PERSEPOLIS 2007, 96’ Vincent Paronnaud and Marjane Satrapi ANIMIRANI DUGOMETRAŽNI FILMOVI / ANIMATED FEATURES In 1970s Iran, Marjane 'Marji' Statrapi watches events through her young eyes and her idealistic family of a long dream being fulfilled of the hated Shah's defeat in the Iranian Revolution of 1979. However as Marji grows up, she witnesses first hand how the new Iran, now ruled by Islamic fundamentalists, has become a repressive tyranny on its own. With Marji dangerously refusing to remain silent at this injustice, her parents send her abroad to Vienna to study for a better life. 297 FILMMAKERS AUTORI INDEKS AUTORA / INDEX OF FILMMAKERS A C E Adrian Flückiger, Irmgard Walthert Alasdair Brotherston Albert Radl Alexandra Hetmerova Alexey Terehoff Ali Taylor Alica Gurinova Alvaro León Rodríguez Amelia Lorenz Amine El faqir, Bertrand Carriere, Nicolas Salsedo & Clement Vitroly André Chocron Andrew Gene Anita Killi Arpan Jolly Attila Bardos & Csaba Gellar Avedikan Serge Caserio Floriane Chang Dai Chiara Ambrosio Chloe Rodham Chris Boyle Chris Do Claudia Röthlin Claudio Jordão and Nelson Martins Conor J. O'Brien Csaba Gellár Edmunds Jansons Eileen Peng Emilie Goulet Emilski Eric Anderson Eric Power Erick Oh Esteban Diácono B 300 Barney Steel Bella Szederkenyi Ben Holm Berter Orpak Bianco-Levrin Nicolas Björn Daníel og Hjalti Hjálmarsson Boris Dolenc Boucher Laurent Branka Valjin Burak N. Kurt D D.A.D.D.Y. Dace Riduze Dan Burgess Danae Diaz and Patricia Luna Daniel Šuljić Daniele Manoli Danny Lazarov Darcy Prendergast David Crowder Band David OReilly David Wilson David Wilson, Ida Gronblom & Fabian Berglund Den Denix Dent de Cuir & Iwafilms Dinko Kumanović Dustin Grella F Florian Juri Fluorescent Hill Frederick Tremblay G Gerlando Infuso Grant Orchard Grete "Stitch" Laus H Harjeet Bains, Sara Riding Hélène Ducrocq I Igor Imhoff Irena Jukić Pranjić Isabel Herguera Ivana Jurić L N Jadwiga Kowalska Janis Cimermanis Jaromír Plachý Javan Ivey Javier Mrad Jenni Rahkonen & Heta Bilaletdin Jesse Gregg Joanna Lurie Job, Joris & Marieke Jock Mooney (alasdair & Jock) Jodi Sandler Joel Tellier Jonas & François Jonathan Chong Joost Lieuwma Jordan Kim Juan Pablo Zaramella Julien Ezri Juliette Hamon Damourette & Jao Eka M'Changama Jurgis Krasons Linda McCarthy Lorcan Finnegan Lucio Arese Luis Arizaga Nicolas Bianco-Levrin Nir Ben Jacob Non-profit association Cumulo Nimbus Noriko Okaku K Katarina Kerekesova Katja Flachberger Kolja Saksida Kristofer Ström Krzysztof Baran M Manny Heranandez Mardo El-Noor María Medel Marieke Verbiesen Mariya Hristova Marko Meštrović Markus Wagner Martin Schmidt Martin Wallner, Stefan Leuchtenberg Matyas Lanczinger Michael Hill Michaela Muller Michélé De Feudis & Joris Bergmans Michiel ten Horn & Maarten J. Berkers MIE Miroslav Jovic Moritz Mayerhofer Motiphe Nacho Subirats Ned Wenlock Nick Duggins Nicolas Bianco ; Julie Rembauville O Ofir Sasson Olga & Tatiana Poliektovi P Pablo Serrano Rosillo Patricia Stroud Pawel Debski Phillip Warner Popcore INDEKS AUTORA / INDEX OF FILMMAKERS J R Rafael Mayrhofer Rafael Sommerhalder Ralf Kukula Rob Chandler Rob Silvestri Robin Narèce Robin Narèce & Romain Wagner Romain Bourzeix Romain Chassaing Roxana Andreea Bentu Rune Eriksson Ryan Shaw Ryu Kato 301 INDEKS AUTORA / INDEX OF FILMMAKERS S V Sam Orti Sarolta Szabo & Tibor Banoczki Shaun Seong-young Kim Shynola Sil van der Woerd Simon Bogojevic Narath Simona Cechova Siniša Mataić Sonia Cucculelli Sven Skoczylas Vanda Raýmanová Veljko Popović Verena Fels Vergine Keaton Veronika Obertova, Michaela Copikova Vessela Dantcheva Vincent Kea Kiang Chia Virginia Mori Virginie Taravel Vitaliy Strokous Vitor Hugo Vjekoslav Živković Vladimir Leschiov Vojan Koceić i Siniša Jakelić T Tariq Rimawi Todd Hemker Tomasz Cechowski Tony Comley Trevor Jones Utile Warren Fu We Are Synapse Wunna Winter, Linda Luitz, Nina Nårnberg, Christof Kohlhas Ü Y Ülo Pikkov Yumi Jung Yuval and Merav Nathan U 302 W 303 INDEKS AUTORA / INDEX OF FILMMAKERS AUTORI / FILMMAKERS ADRIAN FLÜCKIGER Born in1982 | 1998-2002 apprenticeship to polytechnician with BMS, Siemens Building Tech. AG, Zug | 2004-2005 Vorkurs | 2005-2008 Bachelor in Animation | 2008-2010 Master of Arts in design, major Animage, both at Hochschule Luzern, Design & Kunst. Filmography: 2007 Shit Happens | 2007 What’s Next? | 2008 Signalis Rođen 1982. | 1998.–2002. naukovanje na politehničkoj školi za BMS, Siemens Building Tech. AG, Zug | 2004.–2005. pripremni tečaj | 2005.–2008 diplomirao animaciju | 2008.–2010. magistrirao dizajn, major Animage, Hochschule Luzern, Design & Kunst. Filmografija: 2007. Shit Happens | 2007. What’s Next? | 2008. Signalis 304 ALASDAIR BROTHERSTON & JOCK MOONEY Alasdair Brotherston and Jock Mooney met whilst studying at Edinburgh College of Art. Since their first collaboration on Throw Me To The Rats in 2008 they have gone on to work on a variety of award winning projects in both animation and live action. In 2009 they signed to London based studio Trunk Animation. Alasdair Brotherston i Jock Mooney sreli su se tijekom studija na Edinburgh College of Art. Od prve suradnje 2008. na filmu Throw Me To The Rats, nastavljaju surađivati na raznim nagrađivanim animiranim i live action projektima. Godine 2009. potpisali su za studio Trunk Animation u Londonu. AUTORI / FILMMAKERS ALBERT RADL 1971 Düsseldorf / 2000-2001 Artistic and scientific assistant at the Film Academy Baden-Württemberg, Ludwigsburg / 2002-2004 Political Caricaturist for German newspaper Handelsblatt / since 1999 Lecturer at the Film Academy Baden-Württemberg, Ludwigsburg / 2004 - 2007 Lecturer for illustration/animation at the University of Applied Sciences, Mainz / 2010 working as an animator for the feature film “oapostolo” Rođen 1971. u Düsseldorfu / 2000.–2001. umjetnički i znanstveni asistent na Film Academy Baden-Württemberg, u Ludwigsburgu / 2002.–2004. politički karikaturist za njemačke novine Handelsblatt / od1999. predavač na Film Academy BadenWürttemberg, u Ludwigsburgu / 2004.–2007. predavač ilustracije/animacije na University of Applied Sciences, u Mainzu / 2010. radi kao animator na dugometražnom filmu “oapostolo” ALEXANDRA HETMEROVA 30.4. 1986 in Kroměříž in Czech Republic. 2001 – 2005 - Secondary Graphic Art School in Jihlava. 2005 – now - Film and TV School of The Academy of Performing Arts in Prague. 2009 - Intership in Estonian Academy Of Art in Tallinn Estonia, under Priit Pärn, Ülo Pikkov Filmography: Wolf And Little Red Riding Hood, When Deers Don’t Slep…, Wave of Care, Allergy, Walls Holes, Swimming Pool 30.4. 1986., Kroměříž, Republika Češka. 2001.–2005. - srednja škola Secondary Graphic Art School in Jihlava. 2005.– danas - Film and TV School of The Academy of Performing Arts in Prague. 2009 – pripravnik na Estonian Academy Of Art in Tallinn Estonia, pod vodstvom Priit Pärn, Ülo Pikkov Filmografija: Wolf And Little Red Riding Hood, When Deers Don’t Sleep…, Wave of Care, Allergy, Walls Holes, Swimming Pool 305 AUTORI / FILMMAKERS ALEXEY TEREHOFF (АЛЕКСЕЙ ТЕРЕХОВ) Alexey studied classic art in Minsk (Belarus) and further enhanced his artistic abilities at the painting department �of the Art Academy in Poznan (Poland). During his formal training he �studied contemporary art and was actively participated in international exhibitions and cutting edge art projects. The range of his work extends from commercials, music videos to big screen movie titles. Alexey je studirao klasičnu umjetnost u Minsku (Bjelorusija), a svoje je umjetničke sposobnosti dalje usavršavao na odsjeku za slikarstvo na Art Academy u Poznanu, u Poljskoj. Tijekom formalnog obrazovanja studirao je suvremenu umjetnost te je aktivno sudjelovao na međunarodnim izložbama i nekonvencionalnim/cutting edge umjetničkim projektima. Djelokrug njegova rada obuhvaća reklame, glazbene spotove i naslove s velikog platna. 306 ALI TAYLOR Ali Taylor has worked as an animator, illustrator and director on various film and design projects since graduating from The Surrey Institute of Art and Design (Animation BA Hons) with 1st class honours in 2001. She regularly exhibits as an illustrator in London and the North East of England. Ali gained the Channel 4 commission to make the film Puleng in 2003. It was inspired by her up bringing in The Kingdom of Lesotho. Ali Taylor je nakon diplome, 2001. iz animacije na Surrey Institute of Art and Design, radila na različitim filmskim i dizajnerskim projektima kao animatorica, ilustratorica i redateljica. Svoje ilustracije redovito izlaže u Londonu i na sjeveroistoku Engleske. Godine 2003. britanski Channel 4 naručio je od Ali da napravi film Puleng. Film je inspiriran njezinim djetinjstvom provedenim u Kraljevini Lesoto, Južnoj Africi. AUTORI / FILMMAKERS ALICA GURINOVA 2009-10 programme coordinator and competition coordinator at International Animation film festival Fest Anča; 2010 animation series for Triad Advertising; animations for Celkom Studio; animation video clip 'Bells'; 2009 animator in Plaftik Animation studio; animation film 'Welcome to Belgium'; 2008 animation film 'In a Can'; director and animator of animated advertising for gainless organization Dobry Anjel; ALVARO LEÓN RODRÍGUEZ (b. 1978) graduate from the school of visual communication and design PROdiseño (Venezuela). In 1999, he founded the audiovisual laboratory Keloide. His first job as director is "Miss Amnesia" (2004). In the past two years has directed several awarded music videos. Alvaro has developed main titles and credits for long and short films. He just finished the animated short film "A nena que tiña unha soa orella". 2009.–10. koordinatorica programa i natjecateljskog dijela International Animation film festivala Fest Anča; 2010. animirana serija za Triad Advertising; animacije za Celkom Studio; animirani video isječak 'Bells'; 2009. animatorica u studiju Plaftik Animation; animirani film 'Welcome to Belgium'; 2008. animirani film 'In a Can'; redateljica i animatorica animirane reklame za neprofitnu organizaciju Dobry Anjel; (r. 1978.) diplomant Škole za vizualne komunikacije i dizajn PROdiseño, Venezueli. Godine 1999. osniva audiovizualni laboratorij Keloide. "Miss Amnesia" (2004.) njegov je redateljski prvijenac. U posljednje je dvije godine režirao nekoliko nagrađenih glazbenih spotova. Alvaro razvija uvodne i odjavni špice za duge i kratke forme. Upravo je završio kratki animirani film A nena que tiña unha soa orella. 307 AUTORI / FILMMAKERS AMINE EL FAQIR ANDRÉ CHOCRON André Chocron graduated from the Norwegian Film School as a director in 2010. He is currently working with music videos and short films. Selected filmography: Memorat (graduation film, 2010), Siri Nilsen - De vil forstå (music video, 2010), Bars & Tones (short, 2009), Passenger (short, 2009) André Chocron je 2010. diplomirao režiju na Norwegian Film School. Trenutno radi na glazbenim spotovima i kratkim filmovima. Izbor iz filmografije: Memorat (diplomski film, 2010.), Siri Nilsen - De vil forstå (glazbeni spot, 2010.), Bars & Tones (kratki, 2009.), Passenger (kratki, 2009.). 308 AUTORI / FILMMAKERS ANDREW GENE Andrew Gene is a multidisciplinary artist, designer and animator. His work primarily involves the stop motion animation of small scale models mixed with 2D and 3D digital composites. He works out of his home studio in Montréal, Québec which has been equipped with a tabletop machine shop for building custom camera rigging and model equipment. http://www.andrewgene.com http://www.stinaaugust.com. ANITA KILLI When doing my practise in the advertising industry during the yuppie era (1985) I realized that face value and smirking alone couldn't make my dream about making animation film come true. That's why I decided to aim for a higher education, being safe and solid in what I wanted to do... be my own boss... so I could be able to produce what I want. I primarily want to work with film for children that also should inspire the adults. Andrew Gene je multimedijalni umjetnik (multidisciplinary), dizajner i animator. Njegov rad primarno obuhvaća stop-motion animaciju umanjenih modela u kombinaciji s 2-D i 3-D digitalnim kompozitima. Radi u kućnom studiju u Montréalu, Québec, opremljenom stolnim strojem za izradu okvira za neserijske kamere i potrebne opreme. http://www.andrewgene.com http://www.stinaaugust.com. Dok sam u doba japijevske ere (1985.) radila u oglašivačkoj industriji, shvatila sam da prividne vrijednosti i namješteno smješkanje neće ostvariti moje snove o stvaranju animiranog filma. Zbog toga sam odlučila ciljati na visoko obrazovanje, biti osigurana i odlučna u onom što želim raditi... biti sama svoj šef... da bih mogla raditi ono što želim. Prvenstveno želim raditi filmove za djecu koji bi trebali inspirirati i odrasle. 309 AUTORI / FILMMAKERS 310 ARPAN JOLLY Arpan moved to Canada from New Delhi in 2009 to study and work. He graduated from Sheridan College in 2009 and his graduating film "Best Idea Ever" was nominatied for Best Screenplay at the 5th Aniwow International Student Awards in Beijing. Since then Arpan has worked as an animator at Pipeline Studios and today he looks forward to animating and maybe directing an animated feature someday. ATTILA BARDOS Date of birth: 04.09.1985 Education: Moholy-Nagy Applied Arts University animation (2006); Eventus Artqualification School graphic art , Eger (2004 - 2006) Filmogaphy: Hangtransz - Sound Trans (2006), Manóka (2008), Renessaince 2008 (2008), Just be healthy! (2009), Candy Fairyes (2010), Chocolate Rabbits (2010), The newbie (2010) Arpan je 2009. preselio iz New Delhija u Kanadu kako bi studirao i radio. Diplomirao je 2009. na Sheridan Collegeu, a njegov je diplomski film Best Idea Ever na 5. Aniwow International Student Awardsu u Beijingu nominiran za najbolji scenarij. Otad Arpan radi kao animator u Pipeline Studios i veseli se animiranju i možda jednog dana režiranju dugometražnog animiranog filma. Datum rođenja: 04.09.1985. Obrazovanje: animacija na Moholy-Nagy Applied Arts University (2006.); Eventus Artqualification School – smjer grafika, Eger (2004.–2006.) Filmogafija: Hangtransz – Sound Trans (2006.), Manóka (2008.), Renessaince 2008 (2008.), Just be healthy! (2009.), Candy Fairyes (2010.), Chocolate Rabbits (2010.), The newbie (2010.). AUTORI / FILMMAKERS BARNEY STEEL Barney Steel is an animator, director, photographer and co-founder of the production and animation studioThe Found Collective with Mike Sharpe, who have worked alongside Pendulum, Ladytron and Sony. Barney Steel je animator, redatelj, fotograf i s Mikeom Sharpeom suosnivač studija za produkciju i animaciju The Found Collective. Radili su za Pendulum, Ladytron i Sony. BELLA SZEDERKÉNYI 2010 Mome Phd. Student - topic: online content developing; 2010-Joined the Animation Section of Hungarian Filmmakers; 2009 - BpAnim, art director; 2008-2009 ASF animation workshop (Filmakademie baden-Württem-berg, Mome Budapest, The Animation Workshop Vyborg, Gobelins Paris); 2007 Erasmus scholarship: Asfa - Academy of Fine Arts, Athens; 2003 - 2009 Moholy-Nagy University of Arts and Desing/Visual Communication, Animation department Doktorira 2010. na Mome s temom: razvoj mrežnog sadržaja na mreži; 2010. pristupa Animation Section of Hungarian Filmmakers; 2009. BpAnim, umjetnički direktor; 2008.–2009. radionica animacije ASF (Filmakademie baden-Württem-berg, Mome Budapest, The Animation Workshop Vyborg, Gobelins Paris); 2007. stipendija Erasmus: Asfa – Academy of Fine Arts, Atena; 2003.–2009. Moholy-Nagy University of Arts and Desing/Visual Communication, odsjek animacije. 311 AUTORI / FILMMAKERS BEN HOLM Calarts BFA 2. Just finished up an animation internship at Disney. BERTER ORPAK Berter Orpak, born in 1982; studied film and animation at the Georg-Simon-Ohm University Nuremberg(Germany). Since 2004 he worked on Diplomant na Calarts, Kalifornija. Upravo sam završio different projects as a 3D Generalist and wrote stažiranje animacije u Disneyu. different scripts, which he also realized successfully. Filmography: Cubic Love (2005), Nouvelle Vague – Waves (2006), Don Quichote (2007), ARRI Australia Trailer (2008), Das Protokoll (2009), Revolution613 (2011) Berter Orpak je rođen 1982. Studirao je film i animaciju na Georg-Simon-Ohm University u Nürnbergu, Njemačkoj. Od 2004. radio je na različitim projektima kao 3-D generalni producent, a i napisao je i uspješno realizirao nekoliko scenarija. Filmografija: Cubic Love (2005.), Nouvelle Vague – Waves (2006.), Don Quichote (2007.), ARRI Australia Trailer (2008.), Das Protokoll (2009.), Revolution613 (2011.) 312 AUTORI / FILMMAKERS BERTRAND CARRIERE BJÖRN DANÍEL Björn Daníel Svavarsson studied makeup and animatronics at Complections international in Toronto before moving fully into 3d and has worked in the film and advertising industry for the last four years. Björn Daníel Svavarsson studirao je šminku i animatroniku na Complections international u Torontu prije no što je u potpunosti prešao na 3-D, a posljednje četiri godine radi u filmskoj i oglašivačkoj industriji. 313 AUTORI / FILMMAKERS 314 BORIS DOLENC Born in 1982. He is currently finishing his studies of Film and TV direction at the Academy for Theatre, Radio, Film and Television in Ljubljana. Director of fiction, animated and documentary films. He directed his first feature The Last Hour in 2001, and is also the author of Better than an Orgasm (2003). For his film Embrio he received the Zlatolaska Award for the best student film (2007). Thumbelina received the Vesna Award for best animated short at the 12th Festival of Slovenian Film (2009). Rođen 1982. Trenutno završava studij na Odsjeku za filmsku i TV režiju na Academy for Theatre, Radio, Film and Television u Ljubljani. Redatelj animiranih, dokumentarnih i filmova fikcije. Svoj prvi dugometražni film The Last Hour režirao je 2001. Režirao je i film Better than an Orgasm (2003.). Za film Embrio dobio je nagradu Zlatolaska za najbolji studentski film (2007.). Thumbelina je na 12. Festivalu Slovenskog filma nagrađena nagradom Vesna za najbolji kratki animirani film. BRANKA VALJIN Born in Zadar. Currently lives in Zagreb and studies at Zagreb University. Works with film and video. Rođena u Zadru. Trenutno živi u Zagrebu gdje studira na Sveučilištu u Zagrebu. Radi s filmom i videom. AUTORI / FILMMAKERS BURAK N. KURT Based in Los Angeles, Burak is studying towards getting his MFA degree in Animation in USC – School of Cinematic Arts. He believes that the technique used should serve the story. He loves telling animated stories. CASERIO FLORIANE Bus Stop Podrijetlom iz Turske, trenutno polazi prvu godinu studija kako bi stekao titulu magistra animacije (MFA degree) na USC – School of Cinematic Arts. Već je napravio dva kratka filma koristeći tehniku stop-motion i CG kratki film te je uvjeren da je korištena tehnika u službi priče. Ovo predstavlja njegov prvi pokušaj korištenja rukom crtane animacije te prvijenac otkad je stekao odgovarajuće obrazovanje, za razliku od samoukih vještina koje je ranije ponosno koristio. Obožava pričati animirane priče. 315 AUTORI / FILMMAKERS CHANG DAI I'm a humble artisan who takes great pride in the inte- grity of my work. I believe in hard work and perseveran- ce. For years, copying other people, I tried to know my- self. This film “Vigour” is the result of cumulating every- one I’ve studied, meshed together to express a despera- te nostalgia for 2D animation, and a love for the joy of aliveness. Filmography & Awards: “Ain’t what it used to be” (2007), “Garra Rufa” (2010), “Vigour” (2011). 316 Ja sam ponizan majstor koji se jako ponosi integritetom svog rada. Vjerujem u marljivost i ustrajnost. Godinam sam, kopirajući druge, pokušavao spoznati sebe. Ovaj film “Vigour”/"Snaga" rezultat je prikupljenih i pomiješanih informacija o ljudima koje sam promatrao kako bi se izrazila jedna očajna nostalgija za 2D animacijom i ljubav prema radosti življenja. Filmografija i nagrade: “Ain’t what it used to be” (2007.), “Garra Rufa” (2010.), “Vigour” (2011.). CHIARA AMBROSIO Born in Rome, lives and works in London.Chiara works with film to create visual poems that rely on music and sound to engage with the emotional and subliminal side of the mind. Her work has included collaborations with performance artists, composers and musicians, and has been shown at national and international film festivals and in galleries. Selected Filmography: Evelyn Evelyn, Whale Sweet Chilli, The last Debutantes, Charon, Something New, Orlando. Rođena u Rimu, živi i radi u Londonu. Chiara radi s filmom kako bi stvorila vizualne pjesme koje se oslanjaju na glazbu i zvuk i koje zaokupljaju emocionalnu i subliminalnu stranu uma. Surađivala je s reproduktivnim umjetnicima, skladateljima i glazbenicima, a radovi su joj prikazani na domaćim i međunarodnim filmskim festivalima te u galerijama. Izbor iz filmografije: Evelyn Evelyn, Whale Sweet Chilli, The last Debutantes, Charon, Something New, Orlando. AUTORI / FILMMAKERS CHLOE RODHAM Chloe has recently completed her degree BA Hons Animation (first class) at the UCA in Farnham and is currently working as a freelance animator. Her filmography includes ‘The Moth Collector,’ ‘Smile,’ and ‘Sprinkles’ which recently won ‘Best Animation’ at London film festival Screentest. Chloe je nedavno završila studij animacije (izvrstan uspjeh) na UCA u Farnhamu i trenutno radi kao freelance animatorica. Njezina filmografija obuhvaća ‘The Moth Collector,’ ‘Smile,’ i ‘Sprinkles’ koji je na nedavnom filmskom festivalu Screentest u Londonu dobio nagradu za Najbolju animaciju. CHRIS BOYLE Chris Boyle is an award winning London based animator/director working working across music videos, commercials and video games. He is also the current Guinness World Record holder for 'Most Amount of Zombies captured on film'. Chris Boyle je nagrađivani animator/redatelj koji radi glazbeni video, reklame i video igrica. Živi i radi u Londonu. Također je i trenutni vlasnik Guinnessovog rekorda za 'Najveću količinu zombija uhvaćenih na filmu'. 317 AUTORI / FILMMAKERS CHRIS DO Chris Do is the founder/president/executive creative director of Blind, Inc., a multi-disciplinary motion graphics design studio with offices located in Santa Monica and New York City. Soon after he formed Blind, he was working on feature film titles such as Eraser, Celtic Pride and The Island of Dr. Moreau, as well as a variety of commercials and broadcast identities. In addition to running the company, Mr. Do is an adjunct instructor at the Art Center College of Design and Otis College of Design. 318 Chris Do je osnivač/predsjednik/izvršni kreativni direktor multidisciplinarnog studija za dizajn pokretnih slika Blind, Inc., s uredima u Santa Monici i New Yorku. Ubrzo nakon što je osnovao Blind, radi na dugometražnim filmovima/feature film titles Eraser, Celtic Pride i The Island of Dr. Moreau, kao i na raznim reklamama i broadcast identitetima. Uz vođenje tvrtke, g. Do je i asistent na Art Center College of Design i Otis College of Design. CLAUDIA RÖTHLIN b. 1985 2000-2001 Vorkurs | 2001-2004 Grafik BMS | 2005-2008 Bachelor in Animation | 2008-2010 Master of Arts in Design, major Animage, everything at Hochschule Luzern, Design & Kunst. Filmography: 2007 What’s Next?, puppet animation, Co-director, 3’51’’ 2008 Me and My Monster, puppet animation, 3’21’’ r. 1985. 2000.–2001. pripremni tečaj | 2001.–2004. grafika BMS | 2005.–2008. diplomirala animaciju | 2008. –2010. magistrirala dizajn, major Animage, na Hochschule Luzern, Design & Kunst. Filmografija: 2007. What’s Next?, animacija lutaka, korežiser, 3’51’’ 2008. Me and My Monster, animacija lutaka, 3’21’’. AUTORI / FILMMAKERS CLAUDIO JORDÃO Claudio Jordão was born in 1972, at Olhão, Portugal. He studded design by Algarve University. He gave classes there. In 1997, he created the multimedia enterprise PANTAPOIEIN. In 2003, initiate collaboration with the publicity agency FOOTE CONE & BELDING – Portugal, as motion-designer, where he directed some commercials. Filmography: 2004 - SuperCaricas / 2006 - Esperânsia / 2010 - Conto do Vento CLEMENT VITROLY Blackface : the sacred legend Claudio Jordão je rođen 1972. u Olhãou, Portugalu. Studirao je dizajn na Algarve University gdje je kasnije i predavao. Godine 1997. osniva poduzeće za multimediju PANTAPOIEIN, a 2003. započinje suradnju s reklamnom agencijom FOOTE CONE & BELDING – Portugal, kao motion dizajner, a i režira nekoliko reklama. Filmografija: 2004. – SuperCaricas / 2006. – Esperânsia / 2010. – Conto do Vento 319 AUTORI / FILMMAKERS 320 CONOR J. O'BRIEN Conor grew up in Dun Laoghaire, a south-east seaside suburb in Dublin, Ireland. Roald Dahl books, Jim Henson fantasy films and a passion for model painting fed his teen imagination and he wrote his first song when aged just 12. In 2010 he released the debut album “Becoming a Jackal” by Villagers, his current music project. O’Brien, who created the artwork and played all the instruments on Becoming a Jackal, also made the video for “The Meaning of the Ritual”. CSABA GELLÁR Date of birth: 25 October 1986. Nationality: Hungarian. Education: Moholy-Nagy University of Art And Design Budapest (2006); Tóparti Grammar School And Technical Collage of Art, Székesfehérvár (2001-2006) Filmography: Kamuleon (2006), Reveille (2006), Frog-party (2008), Renaissance 2008 (2008), Just be healthy! (2009), The newbie (2010), Darkness (2010). Conor je odrastao u Dun Laoghaireu, jugoistočnom predgrađu Dublina, u Irskoj. Knjige Roalda Dahla, filmovi fantastike Jima Hensona i strast prema slikanju hranili su njegovu tinejdžersku maštu tako da je svoju prvu pjesmu napisao još s 12 godina. Godine 2010. izdao je debi album “Becoming a Jackal” od Villagersa, svog trenutnog glazbenog projekta. O’Brien koji je osmislio umjetničko djelo i odsvirao sve instrumente na Becoming a Jackal, autor je i videa za “The Meaning of the Ritual”. Datum rođenja: 25. listopad 1986. Nacionalnost: Mađar. Obrazovanje: Moholy-Nagy University of Art And Design Budapest (2006.); Tóparti Grammar School And Technical Collage of Art, Székesfehérvár (2001.-2006.) Filmografija: Kamuleon (2006.), Reveille (2006.), Frog-party (2008.), Renaissance 2008 (2008.), Just be healthy! (2009.), The newbie (2010.), Darkness (2010.). AUTORI / FILMMAKERS D.A.D.D.Y. ‘Youngish’ men Mike Ahern & Enda Loughman direct together under the name D.A.D.D.Y. D.A.D.D.Y. started as a graphic design and animation collaboration, but they quickly moved on to direct both animated and live action short films, music videos, and TV commercials. Their music video work in particular has gathered a cult following both in Ireland and abroad. They are currently in postproduction on a new short film and in development on their first feature film. Mlađahni ljudi Mike Ahern i Enda Loughman zajedno režiraju pod imenom D.A.D.D.Y. D.A.D.D.Y. je u početku značio suradnju na području grafičkog dizajna i animacije, no ubrzo su oboje krenuli u režiranje animiranih i live action kratkih filmova, glazbenih spotova i reklama za televiziju. Osobito je njihov rad na glazbenim spotovima stekao kultnu sljedbu u Irskoj i u svijetu. Trenutno se bave postprodukcijom novog kratkog filma i razvojem svoj prvog dugometražnog filma. DACE RIDUZE Animation film director, animator. Born in 1973. Graduated from the Riga Teachers Training and Education Management Institute in 1996. Obtained a Master’s Degree in pedagogy from the University of Latvia in 2001. In 1997 she joined the puppet animation company Animācijas Brigāde. Filmography: Acorn Boy 2010, Pig’s Happiness 2009, Smile, My Friend! 2007, Dream Dwarfs 2006, Antlion 2004, Firefly 2002, Cats 2002, Up and Down 2000. Redateljica animiranih filmova, animatorica. Rođena 1973. Diplomirala 1996. na Riga Teachers Training and Education Management Institute. Magistrirala pedagogiju na University of Latvia 2001. Godine 1997. pridružila se kompaniji za animaciju lutaka Animācijas Brigāde. Filmografija: Acorn Boy 2010., Pig’s Happiness 2009., Smile, My Friend! 2007., Dream Dwarfs 2006., Antlion 2004., Firefly 2002., Cats 2002., Up and Down 2000. 321 AUTORI / FILMMAKERS DAN BURGESS Daniel was Born and raised in Manchester. He has always had a passion for creative story telling and visual design. From an early age he pursued all creative routes, studying graphics and Art at school. Studied Art and design at Pendleton College for 2 years. After this he went on to the Arts University College of Bournemouth to Study Animation for 3 years. Filmography: Barry’s Ices (2010), Human (2009). 322 DANAE DIAZ Danae Diaz was born in Barcelona, Spain, in 1981. She studied Fine Arts there, as well as in Manchester, UK, and in Berlin, Germany, where she finished her studies. She stayed in Berlin and is living there for more than 6 years now. After her studies, she started to work at an Rothkirch Cartoon Film. Today, she is working as a freelance animation artist and illustrator for very different projects and clients, exhibiting her artworks, publishing a book and always trying to make her own art and film projects. Daniel je rođen i odrastao u Manchesteru. Oduvijek Danae Diaz je rođena 1981. u Barceloni, Španjolskoj je pokazivao strast prema creativnom pričanju priča i gdje je studirala umjetnost, kao i u Manchesteru, vizualnom dizajnu. Od ranog je djetinjstva izrazito Velikoj Britaniji i u Berlinu, Njemačkoj gdje je i kreativan i u školi se bavi grafikom i umjetnošću. diplomirala. U Berlinu je i ostala i živi više od 6 Dvije je godine studirao umjetnost i dizajn na godina. Nakon studija, počela je raditi za Rothkirch Pendleton College, a nakon toga je tri godine Cartoon Film. Danas radi kao freelance umjetnica studirao animaciju na Arts University College of animacije i ilustratorica na najrazličitijim projektima Bournemouth. Filmografija: Barry’s Ices (2010.), i za razne klijente, izlaže umjetničke radove, Human (2009.). objavljuje knjigu i uvijek se trudi stvarati vlastitu umjetnost i filmske projekte. AUTORI / FILMMAKERS DANIEL ŠULJIĆ Daniel Šuljić rođen je 1968. u Zagrebu. Diplomirao je na Visokoj školi primijenjenih umjetnosti u Beču 1997. godine. Radi u specifičnoj animacijskoj tehnici crtanja bojom na staklu. Vanjski je suradnik na Odsjeku za animaciju i nove medije na Akademiji likovnih umjetnosti u Zagrebu. Filmografija: Evening Star (1993), Walz (1994), Leckdonalds (1995), Highway 59 (1996), Kolač (1997), Sunce, sol i more (1997), Film s djevojčicom (2000), Kratak život (2007), Mogu si to jako dobro zamisliti (2004). Daniel Šuljić was born in 1968 in Zagreb, and graduated in 1997 at Academy of aplied Arts in Vienna. Works in specific animation technique of drawing with paint on glass. External associate with department at Academy of Fine Arts in Zagreb. Filmography: Evening Star (1993), Walz (1994), Leckdonalds (1995), Highway 59 (1996), Cake (1997), Sun, Salt and Sea (1997), Film with girl (2000), Short Life (2007), I can imagine that very well (2004). DANIELE MANOLI Daniele Manoli is a self-taught director, designer, illustrator, photographer & animator raised in Sweden but currently living and working in Hong Kong. He officially started directing in 2010 after launching his annimated A-Z online, consisting of 26 short movies (one for each letter of the alphabet). He just accomplished a secret project for a new music act and is currently working on a series of fashion-films. Daniele Manoli je samouki režiser, dizajner, ilustrator, fotograf i animator odrastao u Švedskoj i živi u Hong Kongu. Režiranjem se službeno počeo baviti 2010. nakon pokretanja svog animiranog A-Z online, koji se sastojao od 26 kratkih filmova (po jedan za svako slovo abecede). Upravo je dovršio tajni projekt za novu glazbenu točku i trenutno radi na nizu filmova o modi. 323 AUTORI / FILMMAKERS 324 DANNY LAZAROV An animator and a short movies director, Danny Lazarov represents the youngest generation of Bulgarian filmmakers. As a student he creates his first movie “Imitator”, an animated short for student festival distribution, shown and awarded in Bulgaria and over the World. With the same film his work was presented at the 'Saatchi&Saatchi' New directors showcase at 'Cannes Film Festival'. He has recently graduated (Bachelor degree) in “Visual Arts and Animation” in New Bulgarian University. Kao animator i režiser kratkih filmova, Danny Lazarov pripada najmlađoj generaciji bugarskih filmaša. Još kao student napravio je svoj prvi film “Imitator”, animirani kratki film za distribuciju na studentskom festivalu koji je bio prikazan i nagrađen u Bugarskoj i u svijetu. Njegov je rad kroz isti film prikazan na Saatchi&Saatchi's New directors showcase na Kanskom filmskom festivalu. Nedavno je diplomirao Visual Arts and Animation na New Bulgarian University. DARCY PRENDERGAST Director Darcy Prendergast (b. circa 1985) has always had imagination. At the age of 4 he wanted to be a zookeeper and play with Tigers like his dad. At 6 he wanted to be a paleontologist like Sam Neil in Jurassic Park - he outsmarted a T-Rex. With a keen sense for the absurd and a taste for the tactile, he moved into the alluring world of film making at age 17, where he still lives to this day… Darcy would still like to outsmart a T-rex. Režiser Darcy Prendergast (r. oko 1985.) je oduvijek bio maštovit. U dobi od 4 godine htio je biti čuvar u zoo vrtu i igrati se s tigrovima poput svog oca. Sa 6 je želio biti paleontolog poput Sama Neila u Jurassic Parku - to je onaj koji je nadmudrio T-Rexa. Sa strašću za apsurdnim i ukusom za opipljivim, sa 17 je godina ušao u primamljiv svijet filma, u kojem i danas živi… Darcy bi i dalje volio nadmudriti T-Rexa. AUTORI / FILMMAKERS DAVID CROWDER BAND David Crowder*Band, the Dove Award-winning six-piece, crafts compelling, inimitably progressive electronic rock. Think Radiohead meets Linkin Park. Compare that description with the fact that some even call them a worship band. The interesting thing is that you wouldn’t know it at all by listening to the band’s ambient and ethereal forthcoming record Church Music but Crowder wants to be upfront about it. David Crowder*Band, šesteročlani dobitnik nagrade Dove Award, stvara neobično zanimljiv i nenadmašivo progresivni elektronski rock. Zamislite kako se Radiohead susreće s Linkin Parkom. Sad usporedite taj opis s činjenicom da ih neki čak nazivaju crkvenim bendom. Zanimljivo je što to uopće ne biste mogli znati slušajući ambijentalnu i eteričnu predstojeću snimku Church Music, no Crowder želi biti iskren oko toga. DAVID OREILLY David OReilly (21 June 1985, Kilkenny) is an Irish animator based in Berlin. At 15 he began working as an assistant at local animation studios, teaching himself 3d software in his spare time. He discovered cinema in 2005 when he was given the keys to an unused private theatre with an enormous film library. Since then he has created a wide variety of independent short films. Noted for his disregard of conventions his work is regarded as a groundbreaking force in contemporary 3d animation. David OReilly (21. lipanj 1985., Kilkenny) je irski animator koji živi i radi u Berlinu. S 15 godina počeo je raditi kao pomoćnik u lokalnim studijima za animaciju, a u slobodno je vrijeme samostalno učio 3-D software. Kinematografiju je otkrio 2005. kad je dobio ključeve jednog nekorištenog privatnog kazališta s enormnom filmskom bibliotekom. Otad je napravio širok spektar neovisnih kratkih filmova. Poznat po neobaziranju na konvencije, njegov je rad inovatorska sila u suvremenoj 3-D animaciji. 235 AUTORI / FILMMAKERS DAVID WILSON After graduating with first class honours in illustration from Brighton University David deftly moved into the world of directing and proved his mighty worth by producing both animation and live action content for Noah Harris' Ford Zeitgeist spot. Having made an impressive impact at the 2009 UK MVAs, with promo for Moray McLaren grabbing the Best Budget gong, and walking home with the much coveted Best New Director title.David Wilson is poised to disarm you all with his creative ninjitsu. 326 DEN DENIX Born in 1977, Zagreb. From 2006. till now he works in LIVADA PRODUKCIJA as producer. The major preoccupation of this studio is dubbing of animated films from Disney Pictures, Sony Entertainment, 20th Century Fox and Universal. In 2008 he published series of 4 children books “The lost screw” which received annual Croatian children’s choice award “Sheep in the box” for the best children book in 2009. In 2008 “Macaw books” acquired rights for these books world wide. Rođen 1977. u Zagrebu. Od 2006. radi kao Nakon diplome iz ilustracije s Brighton Universityja, producent u LIVADA PRODUKCIJI. Glavna djelatnost David je spretno preselio u svijet režije i dokazao ovog studija je sinkronizacija animiranih filmova svoju silnu vrijednost producirajući i animirani i live velikih studija poput Disney Pictures, Sony action sadržaj za spot Noaha Harrisa Ford Zeitgeist. Entertainment, 20th Century Fox i Universal. Godine 2009 UK MVAs označavaju imresivan početak sa the 2008. objavio je komplet od 4 dječje knjige “The Best Budget gong nagradom za promo za Moraya lost screw” koja je prema izboru djece nagrađena McLarena i nagradom za najboljeg novog režisera. godišnjom nagradom “Sheep in the box” za najbolju David Wilson će vas sve razoružati svojim kreativnim dječju knjigu 2009. Godine 2008. “Macaw books” je ninjitsu. dobio prava na ove knjige u svijetu. AUTORI / FILMMAKERS DENT DE CUIR & IWAFILMS Dent de cuir (Tooth Leather) is a collective of directors and friends based in Montreal born in march 2011. Like Minus and Cortex, we want to conquer the world and incidentally have fun in working together on short films, music videos and other artistic fields... http://www.dentdecuir.com/ contact : dentdecuir@gmail.com Dent de cuir (Tooth Leather) je kolektiv redatelja i prijatelja sa sjedištem u Montrealu, rođen u ožujku 2011. Poput Minusa i Cortexa, i mi želimo pokoriti svijet i usput se zabavljati radeći zajedno na kratkim filmovima, glazbenim spotovima i na drugim umjetničkim područjima... http://www.dentdecuir.com/ kontakt: dentdecuir@gmail.com DINKO KUMANOVIĆ Born in 1970. in Zagreb, Croatia. Works as an illustrator, animated film and comic book artist. Besides animated shorts, makes TV-commercials and music videos. Films: Bark, bark, bark..., All Ears, Shine, Thorn of trice Rođen 1970-te u Zagrebu, gdje radi kao ilustrator, animator i strip crtač. Član HZSU-a od 1998. godine. Osim filmova, autor i nekoliko animiranih reklama i glazbenih spotova. Filmovi: Lajavac, Prisluškivanje, Sjaji, Trn trena 327 AUTORI / FILMMAKERS 328 EDMUNDS JANSONS Edmunds (1972), has recently been accepted for MA studies of animation directing at Tallinn Academy of Arts (masterclass of Priit Parn). His animated documentary “Little Bird’s Diary” (2007) has been screened and awarded in many international film festivals. His next film Springtime in Crow Street (2009) earned five Lielais Kristaps nominations. “How the Shammies Bathed” (2010) is his newest film. Beside his initial work Edmunds is recognized and beloved children’s book illustrator. Edmunds (1972.) je nedavno primljen na magisterij za redatelja animacije na Tallinn Academy of Arts (pod vodstvom Priita Parna). Njegov animirani dokumentarac “Little Bird’s Diary” (2007.) prikazivan je i nagrađivan na brojnim međunarodnim filmskim festivalima. Naredni film “Springtime in Crow Street” (2009.) osvojio je pet nominacija Lielais Kristaps. “How the Shammies Bathed” (2010.) je njegov najnoviji film. Uz primarni posao, Edmunds je priznat i cijenjen ilustrator knjiga za djecu. EILEEN PENG I grew up in Vancouver, and am currently pursuing my Bachelor’s at Concordia University, majoring in Film Animation. As an aspiring illustrator and animator, I am currently (and passionately!) exploring the domains of digital art. Odrasla sam u Vancouveru i bavim se diplomom na Concordia Universityju, smjer filmska animacija. Kao nadobudna ilustratorica i animatorica, trenutačno strastvenog istražujem domene digitalne umjetnosti. AUTORI / FILMMAKERS EMILIE GOULET I graduated from Concordia University’s Mel Hoppenheim School of Cinema in 2001 while working in traditional animation for television in Montreal. I moved on to the gaming industry where I animated for several years. Feeling I had reached a plateau, I did the Animation Mentor program. I have been working in film since I graduated at the end of January 2010. Diplomirala sam na Mel Hoppenheim Filmskoj školi na Concordia Sveučilištu 2001 dok sam radila klasičnu animaciju za montrealsku televiziju. Prešla sam na industiju igara gdje sam animirala nekoliko godina. Osjećajući da sam dosegla plafon, upisala sam animatorsko mentorski program. Radim na filmu od kada sam diplomirala krajem siječnja 2010. UTILE UTILE is a recently formed collective of creatives, consisting of a variety of individuals each with their own skillsets. Emilski is from a fine art background and uses traditional approaches to design. His practice is mainly centred around painting and image making inspired by comics, hand painted signage and typography. Nick Duggins is a multidisciplinary graphic / motion / interactive designer with experience in a wide field of design including branding, advertising, print, video and websites. UTILE je nedavno oformljen kolektiv različitih kreativaca od kojih je svaki oboružan vlastitim vještinama. Emilski ima podlogu u likovnim umjetnostima i koristi tradicionalne pristupe dizajnu. Njegov se rad uglavnom vrti oko slikanja i crtanja inspiriranog stripovima, rukom crtanih reklama i tipografija. Nick Duggins je multidisciplinarni grafički/motion/interaktivni dizajner s iskustvom na širokom području dizajne, uključujući brendanje, oglašavanje, tisak, video i internetske stranice. 329 AUTORI / FILMMAKERS ERIC POWER Eric Power is an animator/filmmaker working in a variety of styles. He has, to date, created 30 animated music videos and several short films in styles ranging from digital animation, cut paper, claymation, and the blending of forms. He is currently planning his first animated feature film. Eric Power je animator/filmaš koji radi u različitim stilovima. Do danas je ostvario 30 animiranih glazbenih spotova i nekoliko kratkih filmova širokih raspona stilova. Od digitalne animacije, kolaža, animacije gline, i pretapanja fomi. Trenutno planira svoj prvi dugometražni animirani film. 330 ERICK OH Erick Oh is a korean animation artist based in California, USA. He spent most of his life in Korea where he started producing a variety of work, in which the boundaries were blurred between media and contents. Even though it is in animation where Erick feels most comfortable as his main tool to communicate and interact with the viewer, he would not consider himself only as a film maker but as an artist who continues trying to expand the definition of animation and art. Erick Oh je korejski umjetnik animacije koji živi i radi u Kaliforniji, SAD-u. Većinu života proveo je u Koreji gdje je i počeo stvarati raznolike uratke u kojima su se granice između medija i sadržaja gubile. Iako je animacija područje na kojem se Erick najugodnije osjeća kao njegovim glavnim alatom komunikacije i interakcije s gledateljem, on samog sebe ne smatra tek filmašem, nego i umjetnikom koji neprestano pokušava proširiti definiciju animacije i umjetnosti. AUTORI / FILMMAKERS ESTEBAN DIÁCONO Born in 1974 in Córdoba, Argentina. After years of making career in the worlds of graphic design, visual communication, entertainment videos, production, commercials, branding and network design and 3D animation and postproduction, Esteban Diacono decided to pursue freelance career and work for clients not only in Argentina, but also around the globe. Esteban currently lives and works in Buenos Aires. FLUORESCENT HILL Fluorescent Hill is an art duo comprised of Mark Lomond & Johanne Ste-Marie. They kick cinematic ass all over the world. They direct music videos, commercials, short films and traffic. When not making things move, they make comics, posters & design everything to your grandmother's apron to the deck she rides on the weekends. Fluorescent Hill je umjetnički dvojac koji čine Mark Lomond i Johanne Ste-Marie. Oni su nenadmašni u Rođen 1974. u Córdobi, Argentini. razbijanju kinematografskih guzica. Režiraju Nakon godina karijere u svijetu grafičkog dizajna, glazbene spotove, reklame, kratke filmove i promet. vizualnih komunikacija, zabavnih videa, produkcije, Kad nisu zaokupljeni animiranjem stvari, rade reklama, brendanja, mrežnog dizajna i 3-D animacije stripove, postere i dizajniraju sve, od bakine pregače i postprodukcije, Esteban Diacono odlučio je otisnuti do surf daske na kojoj jaše vikendima. se u slobodnjačke vode i raditi za klijente u Argentini i diljem kugle zemaljske. Esteban trenutačno živi i radi u Buenos Airesu. 331 AUTORI / FILMMAKERS FREDERICK TREMBLAY Frederick directs and produces his own independent animation films since 2001. In 2004 he directed Remote Paradise, produced by The National Film Board of Canada. Since 2008, back to independant production, he is realising a series of stop motion short films:The Little Abyss (2008), The Drawer and the Crow (2009), Princesse (2010) and Mièvre (in production). The Drawer and the Crow received 7 awards. Frederick od 2001. režira i producira vlastite neovisne animirane filmove. Godine 2004. režirao je Remote Paradise, u produkciji The National Film Board of Canada. Od 2008., opet u neovisnoj produkciji, realizira niz stop-motion kratkih filmova: The Little Abyss (2008.), The Drawer and the Crow (2009.), Princesse (2010.) i Mièvre (u produkciji). The Drawer and the Crow je dobio 7 nagrada. 332 GERLANDO INFUSO Born in 1986, Gerlando follows his studies at La Cambre in Brussel since 2005. His first short "Margot" won the junior price at the international festival of animation Annecy 2008. In 2009, "Milovan Circus" won several prices. In June, the french singer contacts him and ask him to direct her music video for ""Ange et Demon"", the soundtrack of the new parfume for Givenchy. Filmography: L'oeil du paon, 2010; Ange et Demon, 2009; Milovan Circus, 2008; Margot, 2007. Rođen 1986., Gerlando od 2005. prati predavanja na La Cambre u Bruxellesu. Njegov je kratki prvijenac "Margot" osvojio juniorsku nagradu na festivalu Annecy 2008. Godine 2009., "Milovan Circus" je osvojio nekoliko nagrada. U lipnju ga je jedna francuska pjevačica zamolila da joj režira glazbeni spot za pjesmu ""Ange et Demon", naslovne pjesme novog parfema za Givenchy. Filmografija: L'oeil du paon, 2010.; Ange et Demon, 2009.; Milovan Circus, 2008.; Margot, 2007. AUTORI / FILMMAKERS GRANT ORCHARD Director Grant Orchard joined Studio aka in 1997, and soon gained attention for his idiosyncratic design and his ability to approach projects from many different angles. He has created TV commercials for clients as diverse as Compaq, Skype, Barclays and Orange. Grant has won two prestigious D&AD awards and achieved recognition for his first independent short film WELCOME TO GLARINGLY. In 2007 he created 10 mini-films for QOOBtv. Režiser Grant Orchard 1997. je počeo raditi za Studio aka i ubrzo privukao pažnju svojim osebujnim dizajnom i sposobnošću pristupanja projektima iz mnogo različitih uglova. Radio je TV reklame za raznolike klijente, npr. Compaq, Skype, Barclays i Orange. Osvojio je dvije prestižne D&AD nagrade i priznanje za svoj prvi neovisni kratki film WELCOME TO GLARINGLY. Godine 2007. režirao je 10 mini-filmova za QOOBtv. GRETE "STITCH" LAUS Digital artist, director and designer Grete has studied fashion in Milano and graduted BA (Hons) Styling and Photography in the prestigious London College of Fashion in UK. Grete has been working closely with Estonian musician Evestus to whom she has produced all artwork and two music videos Sacrifice and Enemy. Her clients include UK premiere league footballers (Fulham, Everton), fetish events, theatres... Digitalna umjetnica, režiserka i dizajnerica Grete je studirala modu u Milanu i diplomirala Styling and Photography na prestižnom London College of Fashion u Velikoj Britaniji. Grete usko surađuje s estonskim glazbenikom Evestusom za kojeg je producirala cjelokupni umjetnički opus i dva glazbena videa Sacrifice i Enemy. Među njezinim su klijentima nogometaši iz britanske premiere league (Fulham, Everton), fetiš događanja, kazališta... 333 AUTORI / FILMMAKERS HARJEET BAINS Harjeet graduated from the BA (Hons) Animation course at the Arts University College at Bournemouth in 2010. He is currently working as a freelance animator/after effects artist in London. Filmography: Pension Plan (2010); Baile (2009). Harjeet je 2010. diplomirao animaciju na Arts University College u Bournemouthu. Trenutno radi kao freelance animator/umjetnik za after efekte u Londonu. Filmografija: Pension Plan (2010.); Baile (2009.). 334 HÉLÈNE DUCROCQ After running the french director animation school La Poudrière, Hélène Ducrocq works as an freelance film director. Since 4 years she directing commercials, videoclips and shorts. She is one of the four members of KaAM's director collective. www.kaam.fr and www.oeilbleu.com Nakon vođenja francuske škole za režiju u animaciji La Poudrière, Hélène Ducrocq radi kao freelance filmska redateljica. Posljednje 4 godine režira reklame, video isječke i kratke filmove. Jedna je od četvero članova udruženja režisera KaAM's. www.kaam.fr i www.oeilbleu.com AUTORI / FILMMAKERS HJALTI HJÁLMARSSON Hjalti Hjálmarsson studied Computer Science, Programming and Multimedia Design before thrusting his passion for animation into the fertile advertising industry where his bountiful abilities have bloomed for the last five years. Hjalti Hjálmarsson je studirao računalne znanosti, programiranje i dizajn multimedije prije no što je svoju strast za animiranjem posadio u plodnu ograšivačku industriju u kojoj njegove nevjerojatne sposobnosti cvatu već pet godina. IGOR IMHOFF Igor Imhoff was born in San Giovanni Rotondo in 10/02/1976. Graduated at the Institute of Fine arts of Foggia. Actually he works as graphician and illustrator for videogames and entertainment machines. The artistic activity, above all dedicated to the paint and video animation, includes many art-exhibitions in Italy and on the outside, and numerous prizes. Igor Imhoff je rođen u San Giovanni Rotondu 10/02/1976. Diplomirao je na Instituteu of Fine arts u Foggi. Radi kao grafički dizajner i ilustrator video igara i aparata za zabavu. Umjetničko je djelovanje iznad svega posvećeno animaciji slike i videa i obuhvaća brojne umjetničke izložbe u Italiji i izvan nje, te mnoge nagrade. 335 AUTORI / FILMMAKERS IRENA JUKIĆ PRANJIĆ Rođena je 1973. u Bjelovaru, gdje je završila osnovnu i srednju školu. Diplomirala je na Akademiji likovnih umjetnosti u Zagrebu, u klasi prof. Ivice Šiška, a na području grafike i slikarstva ostvarila je nekoliko samostalnih i niz grupnih izložbi u zemlji i inozemstvu.Stripom se kontinuirano bavi od 1997. Dobitnica je dviju nagrada: na Salonu stripa u Vinkovcima i Zagrebačkom festivalu stripa “Crtani romani show”. Rođena je 1973. u Bjelovaru, gdje je završila osnovnu i srednju školu. Diplomirala je na Akademiji likovnih umjetnosti u Zagrebu, u klasi prof. Ivice Šiška, a na području grafike i slikarstva ostvarila je nekoliko samostalnih i niz skupnih izložbi u zemlji i inozemstvu. Stripom se kontinuirano bavi od 1997. Dobitnica je dviju nagrada: na Salonu stripa u Vinkovcima i Zagrebačkom festivalu stripa “Crtani romani show”. 336 IRMGARD WALTHERT b. 1984 2003 Matura in Sursee | 2003-2004 Vorkurs | 2004-2008 Diploma in Animation | 2008-2010 Master of Arts in Design, major Animage, both at Hochschule Luzern, Design & Kunst. Filmography: 2006 Mahlzeit, 2007 Ströslbrösl, 2008 Grosse Pläne r. 1984. 2003. maturirala u Surseeu | 2003.–2004. pripremni tečaj | 2004.–2008. diploma iz animacije | 2008. –2010. magistar dizajna, major Animage, oboje na Hochschule Luzern, Design & Kunst. Filmografija: 2006. Mahlzeit, 2007. Ströslbrösl, 2008. Grosse Pläne AUTORI / FILMMAKERS ISABEL HERGUERA Isabel Herguera discovered animation thanks to a friend who showed her how to work a Bolex camera and gave her his animation equipment. Since then, she has been imagining stories that take place in different parts of the world, on stages that always fit in her luggage. For years she worked in different animation studios in Los Angeles, USA. Since 2003 she manages ANIMAC, the International Animation Film Festival of Catalonia in Lleida, and gives classes on animation in India. IVANA JURIĆ Ivana Jurić was born in Osijek in 1982. She graduated animation and new media at the Academy of Fine Arts in Zagreb. During her studies, she was awarded for her student work as a whole. She directed the short animated film JA / I, for which she was awarded the second award at ''ESSL AWARD CEE 2009''. Besides on film festivals, she presents her work at group and solo exhibitions in Croatia and abroad.She is a member of the Croatian Association of Visual Artists. Isabel Herguera je otkrila animaciju zahvaljujući prijatelju koji ju je naučio rukovati kamerom Bolex i koji joj je poklonio svoju opremu za animiranje. Otad ona zamišlja priče koje se odvijaju na raznim stranama svijeta, na pozornicama koje uvijek stanu u njezinu prtljagu. Godinama je radila u Los Angelesu u raznim studijima za animaciju, SAD-u. Od 2003. vodi ANIMAC, the International Animation Film Festival Katalonije u Lleidi i vodi tečajeve animacije u Indiji. Ivana Jurić je rođena u Osijeku 1982. Diplomirala je animaciju i nove medije na Akademiji likovnih umjetnosti u Zagrebu. Dobitnica je nagrade za izuzetan uspjeh tijekom studija. Režirala je kratki animirani film JA / I, za koji je dobila drugu nagradu na ESSL AWARD CEE 2009. Uz filmske festivala, Ivana svoj rad predstavlja na skupnim i solo izložbama u Hrvatskoj i inozemstvu. Članica je Hrvatskog udruženja vizualnih umjetnika. 337 AUTORI / FILMMAKERS 338 JADWIGA KOWALSKA Born in 1982 in Bern. Polish citizenship. 2003-07 Attends the HSLU (Hochschule Luzern, Design & Kunst, formerly HGKL), animation department. 2005 Internship at Hélium Films/Cinémagination. 2005-06 Exchange semester at the ASP (Akademia Sztuk Pieknych) in Krakow. 2006 Collaborates at Cinémagination. 2007 Receives degree from HSLU. 2007-09 Assistant in animation departement at HSLU. Swiss Film Prize «Quartz 2009», Best Animation Film for “Tôt ou tard”. Rođena je 1982. u Bernu. Poljakinja. 2003.–07. polazi HSLU (Hochschule Luzern, Design & Kunst, nekadašnja HGKL), odsjek za animaciju. 2005. pripravnica/stažira u Hélium Films/Cinémagination. 2005.–06. jedan semestar na razmjeni na ASP (Akademia Sztuk Pieknych) u Krakowu. 2006. suradnica u Cinémagination. 2007. diplomira na HSLU. 2007.–09. asistentica na odsjeku za animaciju na HSLU. Švicarska filmska nagrada Quartz 2009, za najbolji animirani film za “Tôt ou tard”. JANIS CIMERMANIS "Born in 09.12. 1950. in Latvia. In 1980. graduated from Leningrad Institute of Theater , Music and Cinematography and started working in Latvian Puppet Theater as director.Since 1983 works in Latvia Film studio as a puppet film animator and director .Since 1993 this puppet film Studio becomes an independent private company - Film Studio “ANIMACIJAS BRIGADE” (AB) ." Rođena je 09.12. 1950. u Latviji. Diplomirala je 1980. na Leningrad Institute of Theater , Music and Cinematography te se zaposlila kao redateljica u Latvian Puppet Theateru. Od 1983. radi u studiju Latvia Filma kao filmska animatorica lutaka i redateljica. Godine 1993. ovaj studio postaje neovisna, privatna tvrtka - Film Studio “ANIMACIJAS BRIGADE” (AB) AUTORI / FILMMAKERS JAROMÍR PLACHÝ Born 1986 in Czech Republic. He is engaged in creating animations, illustrations and computer games. Filmography (selection): Anifilm (2010), Nunovó tango (2009), On the branch (2009), Anifest (2008), The Clod (2007). Awards: Nunovó tango TOFF 2011 (First prize), Anifilm 2010 (Best film of festival), Anifilm 2010 (Best commercial animation). The Clod - Anifest 2008 (Best internet animation), Anifest 2008 (Audience Award). JAVAN IVEY Javan Ivey is a Stop Motion Animator in the U.S.A. His Microcosms and Implied Stories are conveyed primarily through small paper cut-outs and replacement animation. Javan Ivey je stop motion animator u SAD-u. Njegove Microcosms and Implied Stories prenose se primarno kroz malene isječke papira i zamjensku animaciju. Rođen je 1986. u Republici Češkoj. Bavi se animiranjem, ilustriranjem i računalnim igrama. Filmografija (izbor): Anifilm (2010.), Nunovó tango (2009.), On the branch (2009.), Anifest (2008.), The Clod (2007.). Nagrade: Nunovó tango - TOFF 2011 (prva nagrada), Anifilm 2010 (najbolji film festivala), Anifilm 2010 (najbolja komercijalna animacija). The Clod - Anifest 2008 (najbolja internet animacija), Anifest 2008 (nagrada publike). 339 AUTORI / FILMMAKERS JAVIER MRAD Javier Mrad is a Graphic design teacher and broadcast designer/motion graphics animator with 20 years professional experience. From 1986 to 1997 he directed on-air design for Channel 13/TN/ Grupo Clarin, and in 1997 he founded his own company www.medialuna.tv. In 2005 he founded www.banzaifilms.tv. After 20 years of broadcast experience, he retired from commercial work, to teach full time, and to create his own films. 340 Javier Mrad je predavač grafičkog dizajna i dizajner emitiranja/animator pokretne slike s dvadesetogodišnjim profesionalnim iskustvom. U razdoblju od 1986. do 1997. režirao je za Channel 13/TN/ Grupo Clarin, a 1997. osniva vlastitu kompaniju www.medialuna.tv. Godine 2005. osniva www.banzaifilms.tv. Nakon 20 godina iskustva u emitiranju, umirovio se od komercijalnog rada kako bi se posvetio predavanju i stvaranju vlastitih filmova. JENNI RAHKONEN AND HETA BILALETDIN Jenni Rahkonen (1986) and Heta Bilaletdin (1986) study in the animation department of Turku Arts Academy, Finland. Paska kuningas is their debut film. Both also work in the field of illustration. Filmography: Paska kuningas – Good-for-nothing King (2009). Awards: The Special Mention of the Jury (Sleepwalkers/ Black Nights Film Festival 2010) Jenni Rahkonen (1986.) i Heta Bilaletdin (1986.) studiraju na odsjeku za animaciju akademije Turku Arts, Finska. Paska kuningas njihov je prvijenac. Oboje se bave i ilustriranjem. Filmografija: Paska kuningas – Good-for-nothing King (2009.). Nagrade: posebno priznanje žirija (Sleepwalkers/ Black Nights Film Festival 2010). AUTORI / FILMMAKERS JOANNA LURIE After having graduated in Appllied Arts from high school at Blois, Joanna Lurie starts on the path of advertisement for a while and gets a Higher National Diploma in Visual Communication at the High School of Image and Sound in Angoulême. She then joins the EMCA of Angoulême in 2002 and ends her studies with the EMCI in 2005. She decides to alternate equally between her job in production and in the direction of short films. JOB, JORIS & MARIEKE Job Roggeveen (1979), Joris Oprins (1980) and Marieke Blaauw (1979) studied at the Design Academy in Eindhoven, The Netherlands. After their study they founded Job, Joris & Marieke, a studio for animation, illustration, character design and music which works on commissioned projects and independent animation films. Their animation techniques vary from stop-motion to 3d computer animation. Nakon što je završila srednju školu primijenjenih umjetnosti u Bloisu, Joanna Lurie neko je vrijeme radila u oglašivačkom području te dobila višu državnu diplomu iz vizualnih komunikacija na High School of Image and Sound u Angoulêmeu. Tada se pridružila EMCA of Angoulême 2002. i završila studij s EMCI 2005. Odlučila je podjednako se baviti poslom u produkciji i režiranjem kratkih filmova. Job Roggeveen (1979.), Joris Oprins (1980.) i Marieke Blaauw (1979.) studirali su na Design Academy u Eindhovenu, Kraljevini Nizozemskoj. Nakon studija osnivaju Job, Joris & Marieke, studio za animaciju, ilustraciju, dizajn likova koji radi po narudžbama i neovisne animirane filmove. Koriste se različitim tehnikama animacije, od stop-motiona do 3-D računalne animacije. 341 AUTORI / FILMMAKERS 342 JODI SANDLER Jodi Sandler is a graduate of Sheridan College's Bachelor of Applied Arts - Animation program. She has independantly produced animated music videos for Uh Huh Her, Sixpence None the Richer, Sick of Sarah, and the legendary band Heart. 2007 Shineland; 2008 Uh Huh Her – Explode, Sixpence None the Richer – Angels We Have Heard on High; 2009 Sick of Sarah – Paint Like That; 2010 Heart – Red Velvet Car, Connectsy JOEL TELLIER Joel Tellier’s work as an artist is driven by both his experience as a graphic designer and animation artist, as well as his natural inclination to play with and experiment with industrial materials and objects. Teaching himself a range of art techniques as he goes, Joel is able to imagine and recreate a feeling or story or image in a simple way, but in numerous forms. He combines the high style of his design with a hand-made aesthetic. Jodi Sandler je diplomantica Sheridan College's Bachelor of Applied Arts - program animacije. Neovisno je producirala animirane glazbene spotove za Uh Huh Her, Sixpence None the Richer, Sick of Sarah, i legendarnu skupinu Heart. 2007. Shineland; 2008. Uh Huh Her – Explode, Sixpence None the Richer – Angels We Have Heard on High; 2009. Sick of Sarah – Paint Like That; 2010. Heart – Red Velvet Car, Connectsy Umjetnički rad Joela Telliera vođen je je njegovim iskustvom grafičkog dizajnera i umjetnika animacije, kao i prirodnom naginjanju igri i eksperimentiranju s industrijskim materijalom i predmetima. Svladavajući usput niz umjetničkih tehnika, Joel je u stanju zamisliti i iznova stvoriti osjećaj, priču ili sliku na jedan jednostavan način, ali u brojnim oblicima. U radu kombinira istančan stil svoj dizajna i ručno izrađenu estetiku. AUTORI / FILMMAKERS JONAS & FRANÇOIS Jonas & François are two 29 years old young men. After their stay at the Ecole Supérieure de l’Image and their meeting at the Ecole des Arts Décoratifs of Paris, they start working together on video projects. Their works are feeded by their personal approches and sensibilities. Through the years they directed great music videos such as Justice, Kanye West, Madonna, Depeche Mode, Audiobullys, and the last The Whites Lies, bigger than us. Jonas i François su dvojica 29-godišnjih mladića. Nakon njihovog boravka na Ecole Supérieure de l’Image i susreta na Ecole des Arts Décoratifs u Parizu, zajedno su počeli raditi na video projektima. Njihovi su radovi ispunjeni osobnim pristupom i senzibilitetom. Tijekom godina režirali su sjajne glazbene spotove za Justice, Kanye Westa, Madonnu, Depeche Mode, Audiobullyse i posljednji The Whites Lies, bigger than us. JONATHAN CHONG Melbourne based artist Jonathan Chong (aka Dropbear) works in a variety of media including video, print, photography and installation. His background in graphic design is what initially led him to moving image. Jonathan is also an accomplished director and animator producing music videos for UK hip-hop producer/MC Lotek, Spoonbill and Opiuo. Melbournski umjetnik Jonathan Chong (aka Dropbear) radi u različitim medijima uključujući video, tisak, fotografiju i instalacije. Njegova podloga iz grafičkog dizajna ono je što ga je i dovelo do pokretnih slika. Jonathan je i vrstan redatelj i animator koji producira glazbene spotove za britanskog hip-hop producenta/MC Loteka, Spoonbill and Opiuo. 343 AUTORI / FILMMAKERS JOOST LIEUWMA Joost Lieuwma graduated in 2005 at the Utrecht School of Artswith with his animated short 'Once upon a time in my wife'. Since then he is working as a freelance animator in Utrecht.“Things You’d Better Not Mix Up’ is his first independent animation film. Joost Lieuwma je diplomirao 2005. na Utrecht School of Arts s kratkim animiranim filmom 'Once upon a time in my wife'. Otad radi kao freelance animator u Utrechtu. 'Things You’d Better Not Mix Up' njegov je prvi neovisni animirani film. 344 JORDAN KIM Jordan Kim is a writer and animator for the Nickelodeon children's show «Yo Gabba Gabba!» and has directed both animated and live-action music videos for artists such as Daedelus, Star Slinger, and Toro y Moi. He currently lives in Los Angeles, California. Jordan Kim je pisac i animator za Nickelodeonov dječji show «Yo Gabba Gabba!», a i režirao je animirane i live-action glazbene spotove za umjetike kao što je Daedelus, Star Slinger i Toro y Moi. Trenutno živi u Los Angelesu, Kaliforniji. AUTORI / FILMMAKERS JORIS BERGMANS Born in1985. Ever since Joris could hold a pencil, he has been drawing. He made his first flipbooks at age 7, and his passion for animation has never died since. In 2004 he traded the Netherlands for Belgium to study animation. That's where he learned to pronounce “croque monsieur” instead of “tosti”. Since his graduation in 2008 he works a lot together with Michélé De Feudis. JUAN PABLO ZARAMELLA Juan Pablo Zaramella (Buenos Aires, Argentina) is an independent director and animator. After his graduation at the Instituto de Arte Cinematografico de Avellaneda as Animation Director, he started directing and animating his own films. He works in animation for advertisements, directing commercials for renowned international brands. All his independent shorts have been awarded all around the world, receiving more than 100 prizes. Rođen je1985. Čim je naučio držati olovku, počeo je crtati. Svoje je prve flipbook-ove napravio u dobi od 7 godina, i otad traje njegova strast za animacijom. Godine 2004. zamijenio je Nizozemsku za Belgiju kako bi studirao animaciju. Tu je naučio izgovarati “croque monsieur” umjesto “tosti”. Nakn što je 2008. diplomirao, često surađuje s Michélé De Feudis. Juan Pablo Zaramella (Buenos Aires, Argentina) neovisni je redatelj i animator. Nakon što je diplomirao kao režiser iz animacije na Instituto de Arte Cinematografico de Avellaneda, krenuo je režirati i animirati vlastite filmove. Animacijom se bavi u oglašivačke svrhe, režirajući reklame za poznate međunarodne brendove. Svi njegovi neovisni kratki filmovi dobili su diljem svijeta više od 100 nagrada. 345 AUTORI / FILMMAKERS 346 JULIE REMBAUVILLE Born in Paris in 1982. Studied litterature and audiovisuals at La Sorbonne University. In 2003, she published her first book for childern, Je ne me laisserai pas faire ! (I won’t let them do it !) working with the drawer Nicolas Bianco-Levrin. Then, they realized films and books, working on adaptation principe. The Machino received the award of the best DVD-book for children in 2006, given by the CIELJ (International Center of Litterature for Children). Rođena u Parizu 1982. Studirala je književnost i audiovizuale na La Sorbonne University. Godine 2003. objavila je svoju prvu knjigu za djecu Je ne me laisserai pas faire ! (I won’t let them do it !) u suradnji s ilustratorom Nicolasom Bianco-Levrinom. Nakon toga realizirali su filmove i knjige, na principu adaptacije. The Machino je dobitnik nagrada za najbolju DVD-knjigu za djecu 2006. koju je dodijelio Međunarodni centar književnosti za djecu CIELJ (International Center of Litterature for Children). JULIEN EZRI I was born and raised in Lausanne, Switzerland, where I continue to live and create the stories I want to tell. Double Talk, my first film effort, was one of the best experiences in my life, and has propelled me to continue my passion.There aren't many jobs in this world where it is possible to make an impression on people that will live on. And, my audience’s reactions to my films are why I find it irresistible to craft the stories that are bouncing around in my head. Rođen sam i odrastao u Lausanni, Švicarskoj, gdje i dalje živim i stvaram priče koje želim ispričati. Double Talk, moj prvi filmski pokušaj, predstavlja jedno od najboljih iskustava koje sam doživio i koje me nagnalo da nastavim sa svojom strašću. Na svijetu ne postoji mnogo poslova kroz koje je moguće ostvariti trajni utisak na ljude, a reakcije publike na moje filmove razlog su zbog kojeg ispredanje priča koje se roje mojom glavom smatram neodoljivim. AUTORI / FILMMAKERS JULIETTE HAMON DAMOURETTE & JAO EKA M'CHANGAMA Juliette & Jao, met in their high school degree in Paris at the ENSAD. Since their first short 'La théorie des ensembles' in 2008, they used to work together on many different kind of projects and medias. From Motion graphics to traditionnal animation, they've done this music clip in two weeks only. Actually they're developping a tv and a web show based on chalkboard animation. Juliette i Jao upoznali su se na studiju u Parizu na ENSAD-u. Od njihovog prvog kratkog filma La théorie des ensembles iz 2008., surađuju na brojnim raznovrsnim projektima i medijima. Od pokretnih slika do tradicionalne animacije, oni su ovaj glazbeni isječak zgotovili u samo dva tjedna. Oni zapravo razvijaju televizijski i internetski šou koji će se temeljiti na animaciji na školskoj ploči. JURGIS KRASONS Cinema and art is Jurģis’ (14/02/1970, Tukums, Latvia) life. He is a one man orchestra: an artist by education, he works as an animation production designer and director, art director, exhibition designer, in his youth he was a singer in several anti-soviet underground music groups. Before turning to cinema Jurģis’ main occupation was exhibition design. Kino i umjetnost predstavljaju Jurģisov (14/02/1970., Tukums, Latvija) život. On je čovjek-orkestar: umjetnik po obrazovanju, radi kao dizajner/generalni producent i redatelj, umjetnički direktor, dizajner izložbi, a u mladosti je bio pjevač u nekoliko protusovjetskih alternativnih glazbenih skupina. Prije okretanja kinu Jurģisovo glavno zanimanje bilo je dizajner izložbi. 347 AUTORI / FILMMAKERS KATARÍNA KEREKESOVÁ BORN ON 21.4.1974 in Žilina, Slovakia HIGER EDUCATION: 1993 – 1999 Academy of music and dramatic arts, Faculty of film and Television, Bratislava – animation film department; 2001 2007 Postgradual studium on the same departmant FILMOGRAPHY: Milenci bez šiat (Lovers Without Clothes) (1997), Pôvod sveta (Origin Of The World) (2002) Rođena je 21.4.1974. u Žilini, Slovačkoj Visoko obrazovanje: 1993.–1999. Academy of music and dramatic arts, Faculty of film and Television, Bratislava – odsjek za animirani film; 2001.–2007. magisterij na istom odsjeku Filmografija: Milenci bez šiat (Ljubavnici bez odjeće) (1997.), Pôvod sveta (Podrijetlo svijeta) (2002.) 348 KOLJA SAKSIDA Slovenian, born 1981. Director, actor and producer. Up till now his most notable production was an animated series Koyaa that has been shown on the Slovenian national television. Saksida participated as an ‘’artist in residence’’ at CEC Arts Link (New York), Talent Campus (Berlin and Sarajevo), Animwork - Open Workshop (Denmark), Nipkow Programm (Berlin). Saksida is a co-founder and director of production house ZVVIKS, based in Ljubljana, Slovenia." Slovenac, rođen 1981. Redatelj, glumac i producent. Dosad, njegova je najznačajnija produkcija bila animirana serija Koyaa koja se prikazuje na slovenskoj nacionalnoj televiziji. Saksida je sudjelovao na rezidentnom programu za umjetnike CEC Arts Link (New York), Talent Campus (Berlin i Sarajevo), Animwork - Open Workshop (Denmark), Nipkow Programm (Berlin). Suosnivač je i direktor produkcijske kuće ZVVIKS, sa sjedištem u Ljubljani, Sloveniji. AUTORI / FILMMAKERS KRISTOFER STRÖM Kristofer has always loved to doodle and create strange little creatures. His multi-faceted life as an illustrator, animator, flash programmer and musician in Sweden was one day given another direction when, in Ikea, he saw a whiteboard for sale and made a video for minimalist Swedish techno duo Minilogue. Since joining Blinkink, Kristofer has had a busy year re-branding Carphone Warehouse, including the X-Factor idents, press and TV commercials through CHI. Kristofer je oduvijek volio risati i stvarati čudne likove. Njegov raznolik život ilustratora, animatora, programera u flashu i glazbenika u Švedskoj jednog je dana krenuo drugim smjerom jer je u ponudi Ikee vidio bijelu ploču i napravio video za minimalistički švedski techno duet. Minilog. Nakon pristupanja Blinkinku, Kristofer je godinu dana bio pretrpan poslom "ribrendanja" Carphone Warehousea, uključujući identitet X-Factora, tisak i TV reklame kroz CHI. KRZYSZTOF BARAN Born in 1984 in Lublin. Student at the Department of Graphic Design and Animation Department at the University of Fine Arts in Poznań. He is also engaged in many activities regarding painting and music. He has taken part in a great number of individual and group exhibitions. His films are shown at festivals in Poland and also worldwide in more than 90 countries already. Rođen 1984. u Lublinu. Studirao na Department of Graphic Design and Animation Department na University of Fine Arts u Poznańu. Bavi se i brojnim aktivnostima vezanim uz slikanje i glazbu. Sudjelovao je na brojnim solo i skupnim izložbama. Njegovi su filmovi dosad prikazivani na festivalima u Poljskoj i u više od 90 zemalja svijeta. 349 AUTORI / FILMMAKERS LINDA MCCARTHY Linda McCarthy is a film maker specialising in stop-motion animation. She has made and exhibited ceramics, written and performed marionette shows, and in November 2007 was awarded a First Class Honours Degree in Animation from Glyndŵr University in North Wales. After graduating, Linda set up the animation company, Tiny Elephants. Linda McCarthy je autorica filmova specijalizirana za stop-motion animaciju. Bavila se i izlagala radove u keramici i pisala i izvodila predstave s marionetama.U studenom 2007. diplomirala je animaciju s izvrsnim uspjehom na Glyndŵr University, Sjeverni Wales. Nakon fakulteta, Linda je osnovala kompaniju za animaciju Tiny Elephants. 350 LORCAN FINNEGAN After studying graphic design in Dublin Lorcan moved to London to work for Charlie Brooker's production company Zeppotron as a motion designer, editor and later as a director. In 2004 Lorcan moved back to Dublin to set up his own studio under the name Lovely Productions. Since then Lorcan has written and directed several award winning short films, TV commercials and music videos for clients as diverse as MTV, Universal Music, Motorola, The National Lottery, Sony Playstation... Nakon studija grafičkog dizajna u Dublinu, Lorcan je preselio u London kako bi u producentskoj kući Zeppotron Charliea Brookera radio kao dizajner pokreta, montažer, a kasnije i redatelj. Godine 2004. Lorcan se vratio u Dublin kako bi osnovao vlastiti studio pod nazivom Lovely Productions. Otad je Lorcan napisao i režirao nekoliko nagrađivanih kratkih filmova, televizijskih reklama i glazbenih spotova za cijeli niz klijenata MTV, Universal Music, Motorola, The National Lottery, Sony Playstation... AUTORI / FILMMAKERS LUCIO ARESE Architect, pianist, composer and graphic designer, Lucio Arese started a career as a videographer and independent filmmaker in 2008. In his works he explores the possibilities given by the union of images, motion and music in a thoughtful and personal way. He worked for artists, labels and brands such as Ametsub, Mille Plateaux and Onitsuka Tiger. Arhitekt, pijanist, skladatelj i grafički dizajner Lucio Arese karijeru je započeo 2008. kao autor spotova i neovisni filmaš. U svojim radovima na pažljiv i osoban način istražuje mogućnosti koje nastaju spajanjem slika, pokreta i glazbe. Radio je za umjetnike, izdavačke kuće i brendove Ametsub, Mille Plateaux i Onitsuka Tiger. LUIS ARIZAGA RICO Luis is the artistic director of “holymonks” who is specialized in design, illustration and creation of cg characters for animation. He was immerse in the artistic world at very young age and became a self-taught artist in digital arts. He masters either the tradicional illustration tecniques as well as the digital arts tecniques. Luis´s works and articles have been published in different influential cg websites, digital communities and professional magazines both printed and digital. Umjetnik specijalziran za dizajn, ilustracije i kreiranje cg likova za animiranje. Još u ranom djetinjstvu uronio je u svijet umjetnosti, a u digitalnim umjetnostima je samouk. Tradicionalne tehnike ilustracije svladava podjednako dobro kao i tehnike digitalne umjetnosti. Različiti stručni časopisi u tiskanim i digitalnim izdanjima objavljuju njegove radove i kolumne. Ballistic books je objavio njegove ilustracije. 351 AUTORI / FILMMAKERS MARDO EL-NOOR Mardo El-Noor was born in 1977. He developed an eclectic taste in art and music as he lived in many countries before settling in New Zealand in 2003. Although a qualified dentist, his passion is for film, music and illustration. His first animated short film In The Name of Art was screened at many film festivals including SITGES Film Festival; the biggest fantasy film festival in the world. Mardo also released four music albums with EMI. 352 Mardo El-Noor je rođen 1977. Budući da je živio u mnogim zemljama prije no što se 2003. skrasio na Novom Zelandu, razvio je eklektičan ukus u umjetnosti i glazbi. Iako je formalno doktor dentalne medicine, njegova su strast filmovi, glazba i ilustracije. Njegov prvi kratki animirani film In The Name of Art prikazan je na brojnim filmskim festivalima, pa i na najvećem festivalu filmova fantastike na svijetu SITGES. Objavio je i četiri glazbena albuma za EMI. MARÍA MEDEL Animation Studies in Escuela Superior de Dibujo Profesional (ESDIP) of Madrid. Wheels, Band-aids and Lollipops is her first film Studij animacije na Escuela Superior de Dibujo Profesional (ESDIP) u Madridu. Wheels, Band-aids and Lollipops njezin je prvijenac. AUTORI / FILMMAKERS MARIEKE VERBIESEN Marieke Verbiesen graduated with an MFA in Interactive Media Arts in 2003. She has worked with different projects in electronic arts, animation interactive design, involving creative work with music, film and interactive installations based on B-Movies, Computergames and Internet Fenonoma. She made short animated musicvideos and movies for MTV, Onedotzero and Urban Screens; Art in Public Space. http://www.marieke.nu Marieke Verbiesen magistrirala je interaktivne medijske umjetnosti 2003. Radila je na raznim projektima na području elektroničkih umjetnosti, animacije interaktivnog dizajna, a obuhvaćali su kreativni rad s glazbom, filmom i interaktivnim instalacijama i temeljili se na B-filmovima, računalnim igricama i Internet Fenonoma. Iza sebe ima kratke animirane glazbene spotove i filmove za MTV, Onedotzero i Urban Screens; Art in Public Space. http://www.marieke.nu MARIYA HRISTOVA Born on 24.01.1985 in Karlovo, Bulgaria. 2004 - high school „Vasil Levski“, Karlovo, Bulgaria 2005-2010 - studies of design at Georg-Simon-Ohm University of Applied Sciences, Nuremberg Filmography: 67° Nord (2009), Lalipuna - People I Know (2009), The “Money Holding People” Show (2010). Rođena je 24.01.1985. u Karlovom, Bugarska. 2004 – srednja škola „Vasil Levski“, Karlovo, Bulgaria 2005.–2010. – studira dizajn na Georg-Simon-Ohm University of Applied Sciences, Nuremberg Filmografija: 67° Nord (2009.), Lalipuna – People I Know (2009.), The “Money Holding People” Show (2010.). 353 AUTORI / FILMMAKERS MARKO MEŠTROVIĆ Marko Meštrovic was born in Stuttgart in 1972. He graduated from the Academy of fine arts in Zagreb in 1997. He has had a great number of group and one-man exhibitons. He started making animated films in 2000. Films: The gipsy song (2004), Silencium (2006), Note (2008), No sleep won't kill you (2010). Marko Meštrovic je rođen 1972. u Stuttgartu. Diplomirao je 1997. na Akademiji likovnih umjetnosti u Zagrebu. Izlagao je na velikom broju skupnih i solo izložbi. Animiranim se filmovima počeo baviti 2000. Filmografija: The gipsy song (2004.), Silencium (2006.), Note (2008.), No sleep won't kill you (2010.). 354 MARKUS WAGNER Markus Wagner is an austrian based illustrator and animator from Biberbach born in 1984. He graduated from the University of Applied Sciences in Salzburg Austria in 2009 in the field of Multimedia Art. Since that he has been working as a freelance designer and animator for various companies in Austria. He is a member of the vienna based LWZ collective - working on Live Visuals, commercial and non-commercial projects. Markus Wagner je austrijski ilustrator i animator iz Biberbacha, rođen 1984. Diplomirao je multimediju na University of Applied Sciences u Salzburgu, Austriji 2009. Otad radi kao freelance dizajner i animator za različite austrijske kompanije. Član je bečkog LWZ collective - rade na live vizualima, komercijalnim i nekomercijalnim projektima. AUTORI / FILMMAKERS MARTIN SCHMIDT Born in 1983 in Fritzlar, Germany. 2000 - 2001 High School Diploma, Wisconsin, USA; 2003 Abitur in Fritzlar; 2003 - 2010 Studies at the University of Art Kassel, Germany; Since 2010 Artistic Assistant at the University of Art Kassel, Germany. Short Films: Sucking Loop (2005), Noise (2006), George grows (2007), The Creation Trilogy (2009), Precise Peter (2010). Rođen 1983. u Fritzlaru, Njemačkoj. 2000.–2001. maturirao u Wisconsinu, SAD; 2003. matura u Fritzlaru; 2003.–2010. studira na University of Art Kassel, Njemačka; Od 2010. asistent iz umjetnosti na University of Art Kassel, Njemačka. Filmografija kratkih filmova: Sucking Loop (2005.), Noise (2006.), George grows (2007.), The Creation Trilogy (2009.), Precise Peter (2010.). MARTIN WALLNER AND STEFAN LEUCHTENBERG Lost and Found Box of Human Sensation was co-directed by Martin Wallner and Stefan Leuchtenberg. Both studied Graphic Design as well as Interactive Media at the University of Applied Sciences in Augsburg. Together they founded Dancing Squirrel, a studio for conceptional media development with main focus on animation. Being their debut film, A Lost and Found Box of Human Sensation won the First Steps Award as well as numerous prizes at international film festivals. Lost and Found Box of Human Sensation korežirali su Martin Wallner i Stefan Leuchtenberg. Obojica su studirali grafički dizajn i interaktivne medije na University of Applied Sciences u Augsburgu. Zajedno osnivaju Dancing Squirrel, studio za razvoj konceptualnih medija s naglaskom na animaciji. Njihov prvijenac A Lost and Found Box of Human Sensation osvojio je nagradu First Steps i brojne nagrade na međunarodnim filmskim festivalima. 355 AUTORI / FILMMAKERS MATYAS LANCZINGER Mátyás Lanczinger graduated on MOME Budapest visual communication/animation department in 2009. So far he made some competition winner comics (in Hungary) and worked in some animation and graphic design projects as an animator and designer. Some title of his short films: Hilda in da bath 2005 (1’31), kaff2007 ID, Csoffanat 2004 (1’08). Mátyás Lanczinger diplomirao je vizualne komunikacije/odjek animacije na MOME, Budimpešta. Do sada je realizirao nekoliko stripova pobjednika natječaja (u Mađarskoj) i radio kao animator i dizajner na nekoliko animiranih projekata i projekata grafičkog dizajna. Neki od naslova njegovih kratkih filmova: Hilda u kadi 2005 (1’31), kaff2007 ID, Csoffanat 2004 (1’08). 356 MICHAEL HILL Michael graduated with a Masters of Creative Media from the RMIT Animation and Interactive Multimedia course in 2007. His graduate film ‘Norbert’ screened on the International festival circuit. Michael works as a freelance animator for a number of established animation studios and has lectured at RMIT University. He has directed three episodes of an animated series 'Pollie Waffles', which was broadcast on the ABC and Network Ten. Michael je na tečaju RMIT Animation and Interactive Multimedia course 2007. stekao naziv magistra kreativnih medija. Njegov je diplomski film Norbert prikazan na raznim međunarodnim festivalima. Michael radi kao freelance animator za afirmirane studije za animaciju te predaje na sveučilištu RMIT. Režirao je tri epizode animirane serije 'Pollie Waffles', emitirane na kanalima ABC i Network Ten. AUTORI / FILMMAKERS MICHAELA ČOPÍKOVÁ born 27.8.1984, Slovakia. www.michaelacopikova.com Filmography: Amsterdam (2010), About Socks and Love (2008), Lisbon (2006), Fat Fatal (2005), U Vinca (2002), Harvest Time (2009), Celebration (2008), Butterfly (2008, dir. Veronika Obertová), Viliam (2009, dir. Veronika Obertová), Worms and Butterflies (2010, dir. Vasco Monteiro) MICHAELA MULLER Swiss-born director Michaela Müller received her diploma for fine arts teacher from the HSLU, University of Applied Sciences and Arts, in 1998.Her professional experience includes work as inbetweener, illustrator, painter, and in the props production of the Luzerner Theater. In 2005, she moved to Croatia. Miramare is her graduation film at the Department of Animation and New Media at the Academy of Fine Arts in Zagreb. Rođena 27.8.1984., Slovačka. www.michaelacopikova.com Filmografija: Amsterdam (2010.), About Socks and Love (2008.), Lisbon (2006.), Fat Fatal (2005.), U Vinca (2002.), Harvest Time (2009.), Celebration (2008.), Butterfly (2008., rež. Veronika Obertová), Viliam (2009., rež. Veronika Obertová), Worms and Butterflies (2010., rež. Vasco Monteiro) Švicarska redateljica Michaela Müller 1998. je stekla diplomu pedagoga likovnih umjetnosti na HSLU, University of Applied Sciences and Arts. Profesionalno je radila kao fazerka, ilustratorica, slikarica i rekviziterka kazališta Luzerner Theater. Godine 2005. preselila je u Hrvatsku. Miramare je njezin diplomski rad na Odsjeku na animirani film i nove medije Akademije likovnik umjetnosti u Zagrebu. 357 AUTORI / FILMMAKERS MICHÉLÉ DE FEUDIS Michélé De Feudis (1982) is a half Italian-half Belgian animator. Despite his studies tourism in highschool, he decided to persue a carreer in animation. After finishing his studies in 2006, he worked on many variated and fun filled projects. Since 2008, he works a lot together with Joris Bergmans... Mama Mia! Michélé De Feudis (1982.) je talijansko-belgijski animator. Iako je studirao turizam, odabrao je karijeru u animaciji. Nakon dovršetka studija 2006., radio je na raznolikim i zabavnim projektima. Od 2008. usko surađuje s Jorisom Bergmansom... Mama Mia! 358 MICHIEL TEN HORN & MAARTEN J. BERKERS Maarten Berkers (1982), founder of Marblart and Michiel ten Horn (1983). Marblart is a cross media creative production studio based in Utrecht, The Netherlands, and creates and produces still and moving image. Marblart is specialized in traditional and digital 2D animation, graphics for all media, compositing and video productions, and creates content from start till a complete production, all in one house. AUTORI / FILMMAKERS MIROSLAV JOVIC Miroslav Jovic (1973) was born in Novi Sad (Serbia) where he graduated direction of puppet theatre in the year of 1999. He is filming short movies, music videos and TV serials since 1996. Films: The Hills Have Eyes, The plains have soul (2011), Fauntom (2011), ID (2009), Rent Gen (2008), MIE je kreativni studio za animaciju osnovan 2009. He Who Laughs Last… (2007), Triumph of E-will Djelujemo kao kolektiv, dijeleći ideje i odgovornosti (2005), Symbiosis (2004), Hoola Hop (2001), To te podupirući se na svakom pojedinom projektu, bez much nothing about ado (2000), Downside up obzira koliko zahtjevan ili jednostavan bio. Dijelimo (1996). ljubav prema idejama, priči i odgovrajući način rada. Miroslav Jovic (1973.) rođen je u Novom Sadu, Srbiji, gdje je 1999. diplomirao režiju u kazalištu lutaka. Od 1996. snima kratke filmove, glazbene spotove i TV serije. Filmografija: The Hills Have Eyes, The plains have soul (2011.), Fauntom (2011.), ID (2009.), Rent Gen (2008.), He Who Laughs Last… (2007.), Triumph of E-will (2005)., Symbiosis (2004.), Hoola Hop (2001.), To much nothing about ado (2000.), Downside up (1996.) MIE MIE is a creative animation studio set up in 2009. We work as a collective, sharing ideas and responsibilities, supporting each other however big or small the project. We came together with a shared love of ideas, narrative and the right execution. 359 AUTORI / FILMMAKERS MORITZ MAYERHOFER Born 1981, Moritz studied Animation at the Filmakademie Baden-Wuerttemberg from 2003 to 2009. He was Jury member of Zlín and Roshd Int’l Filmfestival, and invited as a speaker at FMX 2006 & 2009 and Computerspace Forum 2007. After his graduation with ""Urs"", he's now working on the German-Croatian- Bulgarian animated documentary 'father' and the preparation for an animated feature based on the childrens book 'At the Ark at eight'. 360 Rođen 1981., Moritz je 2003.– 2009. studirao animaciju na Filmakademie Baden-Wuerttemberg. Bio je član žirija u Zlínu i Roshd Int’l Filmfestivalu, te je pozvan da održi govor na FMX 2006 & 2009 te Computerspace Forumu 2007. Diplomirao je filmom Urs, a trenutno radi na njemačko-hrvatsko-bugarskom animiranom dokumentarnom filmu Father te na pripremi dugometražnog animiranog filma prema dječjoj knjizi 'At the Ark at eight'. MOTIPHE Formed in 2010, motiphe is the four-headed collaboration of Katja Flachberger, Florian Juri, Sven Skoczylas and Rafael Mayrhofer, who came together each one throwing in some passion, talent or skill to create animations. Filmography: Between Two Points (2011), Zerebrale Dichotomie (2009), Drop Out (2009). http://www.motiphe.org Osnovan 2010., motiphe je četveroglava suradnja Katje Flachberger, Floriana Jurija, Svena Skoczylasa i Rafaela Mayrhofera, od kojih je svatko doprinio svojom strašću, talentom ili vještinom stvaranja animacija. Filmografija: Between Two Points (2011.), Zerebrale Dichotomie (2009.), Drop Out (2009.). http://www.motiphe.org AUTORI / FILMMAKERS NACHO PESQUERA Y NACHO SUBIRATS Animation Studies in Escuela Superior de Dibujo Profesional (ESDIP) of Madrid. Yaku is their first film. Studij animacije na Escuela Superior de Dibujo Profesional (ESDIP) u Madridu. Yaku je njihov prvi film. NED WENLOCK Ned is an animator and Illustrator based in Wellington, New Zealand. He uses Music Videos to explore and experiment with Illustration styles and animation techniques that further the filmic possibilities of working in 2D. Plus Music Videos are fun to make. Ned je animator i ilustrator sa sjedištem u Wellingtonu, Novom Zelandu. On koristi glazbene spotove za istraživanje i eksperimentiranje sa stilovima ilustracija i tehnikama animacije koje unapređuju filmske mogućnosti rada u 2-D animacijom. Osim toga, glazbene je spotove zabavno raditi. 361 AUTORI / FILMMAKERS 362 NELSON MARTINS Nelson Martins was born in 1973, in Angola. He has a degree in Design of Communication. As graphic designer, at his professional beginning he developed several projects of video and multimedia. Director of some animation spots and short films, he has been already awarded with five prizes. Filmography: 2004 - A cor do frio / 2010 - Bugging Drop / 2010 – Conto do Vento NICOLAS BIANCO-LEVRIN Born in 1979, studied at the Duperré Art school in Paris and published his first book for children "Simon without nights" in 2002 for which he won the Graphic Octogone price from the International Center of Litterature for Children. Nicolas BiancoLevrin published 18 books and directed many animation films. He is now working on a new short : Merci mon chien, produced by Folimage studio. Nelson Martins je rođen 1973. u Angoli. Diplomirao je dizajn i komunikacije. Kao grafički dizajner u svojim je profesionalnim počecima razvio nekoliko video i multimedijalnih projekata. Kao redatelj nekolicine animiranih spotova i kratkih filmova, dobio je pet nagrada. Filmografija: 2004. – A cor do frio / 2010. – Bugging Drop / 2010. – Conto do Vento Rođen je 1979., studirao na Duperré Art school u Parizu i 2002. objavio svoju prvu knjigu za djecu "Simon without nights" za koju je od Međunarodnog centra dječje književnosti dobio nagradu Graphic Octogone. Nicolas Bianco-Levrin objavio je 18 knjiga i režirao brojne animirane filmove. Trenutno radi na novom kratkom filmu Merci mon chien, u produkciji studija Folimage. AUTORI / FILMMAKERS NICOLAS SALSEDO Blackface : the sacred legend NIR BEN JACOB Director/animator Nir Ben Jacob tells stories through images, graphics, and art in motion. He visualizes the imagination to make surreal and magical worlds tangible. He has worked with some and would like to work with many among others. Redatelj/animator Nir Ben Jacob priča priče kroz slike, grafiku i umjetnost u pokretu. On vizualizira maštu kako bi nadnaravne i čarobne svjetove učinio opipljivima. Surađivao je s nekolicinom autora, a želja mu je surađivati s još mnogima. 363 AUTORI / FILMMAKERS NON-PROFIT ASSOCIATION CUMULO NIMBUS From 2001, the non-profit association Cumulo Nimbus seeks to develop the creativity and the imagination of the young audience by using image and sound techniques. Cumulo Nimbus main activity is the organization and direction of short animated film workshops where children meet, and create together a feature film going through the entire production process. Od 2001., neprofitno udruženje Cumulo Nimbus želi putem slikovnih i zvukovnih tehnika razvijati kreativnost i maštu mlade publike. Njihova je glavna djelatnost organizacija i režiranje radionica kratkog animiranog filma na kojima se djeca susreću i zajedno kroz cjelokupni proces produkcije stvaraju dugometražni film. 364 NORIKO OKAKU 2003-2005 Royal College of Art, Animation, MA 2000-2003 Chelsea College of Art and Design, Fine Art Media, BA Hons The Best Audio Visual performance, International Videofestival Bochum, Germany, 2010 Beck;s Futures Student Prize, UK, 2003 2003.–2005. Royal College of Art, magisterij iz animacije 2000.–2003. Chelsea College of Art and Design, Fine Art Media, diploma Najbolja audiovizualna izvedba, International Videofestival Bochum, Njemačka, 2010. Studentska nagrada Beck;s Futures, Velika Britanija, 2003. AUTORI / FILMMAKERS OFIR SASSON Graduate of Bezalel Academy of Art and Design 2007. Professional animator. Diplomant Bezalel Academy of Art and Design 2007. Profesionalni animator. OLGA AND TATIANA POLIEKTOVA Poliektova Olga and Tatiana were born 7 may 1985 in St-Petersburg, Russia. In 2002 finished Art School. In 2008 finished St-Petersburg State University of Films and Television (department of animation and computer graphic) Filmography:“O Sole mio!” (diplom work, 2008), “Tomato story” (debut work - 1st film after university, 2010) Poliektova Olga i Tatiana rođene su 7. svibnja 1985. u Petrogradu, Rusiji. Godine 2002. maturirale su na Art School, a 2008. diplomirale na St-Petersburg State University of Films and Television (odsjek za animirani film i računalnu grafiku). Filmografija: O Sole mio! (diplomski rad, 2008.), Tomato story (prvi rad nakon fakulteta, 2010.) 365 AUTORI / FILMMAKERS PABLO SERRANO ROSILLO (1986-06-21) He began his studies in Fine Art´s at Madrid´s Complutense University. He now courses Animation Cinema at the ECAM (Madrid´s Cinematography and Audiovisual School).This is his first short film as director. He is currently producing another short film, this time in traditional animation, that will have it´s premiere next year. (21.6.1986.) Studij je započeo na odsjeku za likovne umjetnosti madridskog sveučilišta Complutense. Polazi Animation Cinema na ECAM-u (Madrid Cinematography and Audiovisual School).Ovo je prvi kratki film koji režira. Trenutno producira drugi kratki film i to u tradicionalnoj animaciji, a premijera će biti iduće godine. 366 PATRICIA LUNA Patricia Luna was born in Moscow in 1977 and raised in Bogotá, Colombia. She lives in Barcelona since 2001. She started studying visual arts in Bogotá and finished her degree in Barcelona, where she also earned a degree in Anthropology and a MA in Motion Graphics. Her work has been exhibited around Spain and has been screened in local festivals. In year 2005, she won a DiBa Express Award for creativity with "Lluis", a video that had to be made in 48 hours. Patricia Luna je rođena 1977. u Moskvi, a odrasla u Bogoti, Kolumbiji. Od 2001. živi u Barceloni. Studij vizualnih umjetnosti započela je u Bogoti, a diplomirala u Barceloni, gdje je uz to diplomirala na antropologiji i magistrirala Motion Graphics. Njezini su radovi izlagani diljem Španjolske i prikazivani na lokalnim festivalima. Godine 2005. nagrađena je nagradom DiBa Express Award za kreativnost za film Lluis, video koji je morao biti napravljen za 48 sati. AUTORI / FILMMAKERS PATRICIA STROUD PAWEL DEBSKI Patricia (Patsy) Stroud, born in the United States in Lumberjack 1954 and living in Paris since 1977, studied painting and the fine arts in Chicago, San Francisco, and Paris before beginning to work in video and animation in 1985. Her video work has been shown in Paris at the Centre Georges Pompidou, the National Center for Fine Arts, The Vidéothèque of Paris, The Biennale of Paris at the Museum of Modern Art, Studio 43 in Paris, and broadcast on French television on Canal+. Patricia (Patsy) Stroud rođena je 1954. u Sjedinjenim Državama, a od 1977. živi u Parizu. Studirala je slikarstvo i likovne umjetnosti u Chicagu, San Franciscu i Parizu prije no što 1985. počela raditi s videom i animiranim filmom. Njezini video radovi prikazani su u Parizu u Centre Georges Pompidou, the National Center for Fine Arts, The Vidéothèque of Paris, The Biennale of Paris u Museum of Modern Art, Studio 43 u Parizu te emitirani na Francuskoj nacionalnoj televiziji Canal+. 367 AUTORI / FILMMAKERS PHILLIP WARNER Born: 1970. Since leaving Bournemouth Art College Phillip has become an accomplished animator and cartoonist. He has worked at many leading UK animation studios such as Klactoveesedstene Animations and Studio AKA. His cartoons have appeared in publications such as Private Eye, The Spectator, and The Oldie. In 2008 he published his first Graphic Novel, 89°. He has recently been working as a storyboard writer for a Cartoon Network series. 368 Rođen 1970. Nakon odlaska s Bournemouth Art College Phillip je postao vrstan animator i strip-crtač. Radio je za brojne vodeće britanske studije za animaciju, među inima za Klactoveesedstene Animations i Studio AKA. Njegovi se stripovi pojavljuju u publikacijama Private Eye, The Spectator, i The Oldie. Godine 2008. objavljuje svoju prvu grafičku novelu 89°. Nedavno je kao autor storyboarda surađivao na serijama Cartoon Networka. POPCORE Popcore is a mini-collective consisting of Anders Forsman and Linus Johansson, both born in Skellefteå, Sweden. Popcore has practiced and developed their filmic storytelling with magical and visually interesting videos that has a warm human touch. They love to do things in an analogue and hand-crafted manner as much as possible before using computer animation Popcore je mini kolektiv koji sačinjavaju Anders Forsman i Linus Johansson, obojica rođena u Skellefteåu, Švedskoj. Popcore su uvježbali i razvili svoje filmsko pripovijedanje priča magičnim i vizualno zanimljivim video uratcima koji imaju toplu, ljudsku dimenziju. Oni obožavaju raditi stvari na analogan i rukom obrađen način prije no što pribjegnu računalnoj animaciji. AUTORI / FILMMAKERS RAFAEL SOMMERHALDER 2009 Master of Arts in Animation, Royal College of Art, London | 2000 – 2007 Freelance director, animator | 2000 BA Hons in Film Direction, University of Art and Design Lausanne (ECAL), Switzerland | 1995 – 1996 Foundation Course at the Zurich University of the Arts (ZHdK) | 1974 Born in Zurich, Switzerland. Filmography: Wolves (2009), Nose (2008), Jolly & The Flytrap - Electric Polka (2008), Flowerpots (2008), Mr Wurfel (2004), Ely & Nepomuk (2000). 2009. magistrirao animirani film, Royal College of Art, London | 2000.–2007. freelance redatelj, animator | 2000. diplomirao filmsku režiju, University of Art and Design Lausanne (ECAL), Switzerland | 1995.–1996. osnovni tečaj na Zurich University of the Arts (ZHdK) | 1974. rođen u Zurichu, Švicarskoj. Filmografija: Wolves (2009.), Nose (2008.), Jolly & The Flytrap - Electric Polka (2008.), Flowerpots (2008.), Mr Wurfel (2004.), Ely & Nepomuk (2000.). RALF KUKULA 1962 Born in Dresden | 1979 – 1981 Evening school in the Academy of Arts Dresden - Painting and Art Design | 1981-1984 DEFA-Studio of Animation Films Dresden - coloring and Inbetweens | 1984 - 1987 Academy of Film and TV Babelsberg - Branch of study: Animation | 1987 - 1991 DEFA-Studio of Animation Films Dresden - Animation, direction and design | 1991 - 1993 Freelancer | 1993 Founder and Managing Director od Balance Film Rođen u Dresdenu 1962. | 1979.–1981. Večernja škola pri Academy of Arts Dresden - slikarstvo i umjetnički dizajn | 1981.–1984. DEFA-Studio of Animation Films Dresden – koloriranje i međufaze | 1984.–1987. Academy of Film and TV Babelsberg Odsjek animiranog filma | 1987.–1991. DEFA-Studio of Animation Films Dresden - animacija, režija i dizajn | 1991.–1993. Freelancer | 1993. Osnivač i direktor Balance Filma. 369 AUTORI / FILMMAKERS ROB CHANDLER Rob Chandler is an established music video director, editor and animator and over the last 8 years has made promos for the likes of Royksopp, Zero 7, Moby, Pendulum and Placebo. He has worked with video commissioner John Moule throughout his career and continues his passion for the audiovisual under the name RobisRob (www.robisrob.com). Rob Chandler je etablirani redatelj, montažer i animator glazbenih spotova koji je u posljednjih 8 godina napravio promotivne uratke za takve veličine kao što su Royksopp, Zero 7, Moby, Pendulum i Placebo. Tijekom cijele karijere surađuje s povjerenikom za video Johnom Mouleom te nastavlja osjećati strast prema audiovizualnim pod nazivom RobisRob (www.robisrob.com). 370 ROB SILVESTRI Silvestri has been a senior character animator at Starz Animation Toronto since early 2006, working on such high-profile CG animated features as the Gnomeo & Juliet, Focus Features’ hit 9, Universal Features and Big Idea’s The Pirates Who Don’t Do Anything: A Veggie Tales Movie and Aardman Animation’s TV series “Chop Socky Chooks”. Prior that, he worked on animation projects for Red Rover Animation, C.O.R.E. Digital Pictures and AAC Productions. Silvestri je glavni karakterni animator u Starz Animation Toronto od rane 2006., radeći na dugometražnim animiranim filmovima poput Gnomeo&Juliet, hitu 9 Focus Featuresa, Piratima koji ne rade ništa: Priča o povrću u produkciji Universal Features i Big Idea i animiranom Aardmanovom serijalu “Chop Socky Chooks”. Prije toga je radio na animiranim projektima za Red Rover Animation, C.O.R.E. Digital Pictures i AAC Productions. AUTORI / FILMMAKERS ROBIN NARÈCE Robin Narèce finished architectural studies and graduated from the National School of Architecture in Paris (Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture Paris Malaquais) in 2008. Filmography: My little green box, Hawa (2011), S.A.B., episodes 1 & 2, webseries (2010), Don’t shoot my little baby, I AM UN CHIEN!! (2010), My reality is a fiction, Comett* (2009). Robin Narèce je 2008. diplomirao arhitekturu na Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture Paris Malaquais. Filmografija: My little green box, Hawa (2011.), S.A.B., episodes 1 & 2, webseries (2010.), Don’t shoot my little baby, I AM UN CHIEN!! (2010.), My reality is a fiction, Comett* (2009.). ROMAIN BOURZEIX Born in the center of France, Romain grew up with the passion of his father, an amateur photographer. After he obtained a Bachelor of technology in arts, he went to graduate in 3D computer graphics in Lyon. After an internship at Each Other production to validate his degree, he moved to Vancouver in Canada, to improve his English. Back in France, he moved in Paris at 2010 to work for differents compagnies in visual effects for the cinema. He is currently working for BUF. Rođen u središtu Francuske, Romain je odrastao uz oca koji je bio strastveni fotograf amater. Nakon što je diplomirao tehnologiju u umjetnosti, završio je i 3-D računalnu grafiku u Lyonu. S odrađenim pripravničkim stažem u Each Other productionu, preselio je u Vancouver u Kandau kako bi poboljšao svoj engleski. Vratio se u Francusku 2010. i doselio u Pariz gdje je radio vizualne efekte za kino za razne kompanije. Trenutno radi u BUF-u. 371 AUTORI / FILMMAKERS ROMAIN CHASSAING Romain first started hanging out in the music industry, working as a photographer and graphic designer. He has done various record and magazine covers, as well as press photos. He has now moved on to directing. His work is known to be both very diverse and playful in a d.i.y. oriented style. ROMAIN WAGNER Romain Wagner has always been inspired by movies. He graduated from the Paris 8 University in Cinema in 2010. Filmography: My little green box, Hawa (2011), S.A.B., episodes 1 & 2, webseries (2010), Don’t shoot my little baby, I AM UN CHIEN!! (2010), My reality is a fiction, Comett* (2009). Romain Wagner and Robin Narèce created the company Les lapins de l’espace in 2010. Za Romaina Wagnera filmovi su vječna inspiracija. Diplomirao je 2010. na Paris 8 University, Odsjek za kinematografiju. Filmografija: My little green box, Hawa (2011.), S.A.B., episodes 1 & 2, webseries (2010.), Don’t shoot my little baby, I AM UN CHIEN!! (2010.), My reality is a fiction, Comett* (2009.). Romain Wagner je zajedno s Robin Narèce 2010. osnovao kompaniju Les lapins de l’espace. 372 AUTORI / FILMMAKERS ROXANA ANDREEA BENTU Birthplace: Iasi, Romania. Date: December 25, 1979. Education: B.A., Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi 2002 Experience: working as an animator since 2001 Filmography: Growing (2010), Bad Vacation Plan (2008) Awards: Filmul de Piatra 2011 - best animation Mjesto rođenja: Iasi, Rumunjska. Datum: 25. prosinca 1979. Obrazovanje: 2002. diploma iz humanističkih znanosti, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University, Iasi Iskustvo: od 2001. radi kao animatorica Filmografija: Growing (2010.), Bad Vacation Plan (2008.) Nagrade: 2011. Filmul de Piatra za najbolju animaciju RUNE AND ERIK ERIKSSON Rune Eriksson has a BA degree in animation from Edinburgh College of Art (1998-2001). After graduation Rune Eriksson teamed up with Erik Eriksson and started Tanjetsfilms. Erik Eriksson has gained his animation skills with Tanjetsfilms. Their shorts have been screened at several festivals around the world. Rune Eriksson je diplomirao animirani film na Edinburgh College of Art (1998.–2001.), t eje nakon toga udružila snage s Erikom Erikssonom i osnovan je Tanjetsfilms. Erik Eriksson je vještine animiranja stekao radeći za Tanjetsfilms. Njihovi su kratki filmovi prikazivani na svjetskim festivalima. 373 AUTORI / FILMMAKERS RYU KATO 1980 Born in Akita,Japan 2004 Graduated Tama Art University graphic design department 2007 Graduated Tokyo University of Fine Arts and Music design department master course 1980. rođen u Akiti, Japanu 2004. diplomirao na Tama Art Universityju, Odsjek grafičkog dizajna 2007. magistrirao na Tokyo Universityju, Odsjek za likovnu umjetnost i dizajn glazbe. 374 SAM ORTI Conflictivos Productions founder Sam, has spent the last decade where he has been working there a piece of clay to animate, from his modest beginnings to Aardman Factory, there have been many companies that this entertainer has left its mark, in parallel and if the budget permitted, Sam was being an independent filmmaker with shortfilms as Encarna, Hermetico, Kriters, The Werepig. His latest film Vicenta is his most ambitious project. He is currently preparing his first feature Osnivač Conflictivos Productions, Sam je posljednje desetljeće proveo animirajući komade gline. Od svojih skromnih početaka do Aardman Factory, ovaj je zabavljač u mnogim kompanijama ostavio svoj trag, paralelno i ako je budžet dozvoljavao. Sam je neovisni autor kratkih filmova Encarna, Hermetico, Kriters, The Werepig. Posljednji film Vicenta njegov je najambiciozniji projekt. Trenutno priprema svoj prvi dugometražni film AUTORI / FILMMAKERS SAROLTA SZABO AND TIBOR BANOCZKI Domestic Infelicity is a collaborative duo of animation director Tibor Banoczki and filmmaker and photographer Sarolta Szabo. In their work they connect art and commerce where intriguing ideas seep over from the ether into the practical world. They currently live and work in Paris, France. Domestic Infelicity je dvojac koji čine redatelj animacije Tibor Banoczki i autorica filmova i fotografkinja Sarolta Szabo. Oni u svom radu spajaju umjetnost i komercijalno što rađa intrigantnim idejama koje se krenu iz etera prelijevati u zbilju. Trenutno žive i rade u Parizu, Francuskoj. SERGE AVEDIKAN Serge Avédikian runs at the same time a career of actor, and of cinema and theatre director. Barking Island is his third animated film after Life line in 2003, and A beautiful morning in 2005. He also directed creative documentaries, many short and medium fiction films as well as cinematographic poems. He currently works on his first feature film. Serge Avédikian paralelno radi kao glumac i kao filmski i kazališni redatelj. Barking Island je njegov treći animirani film nakon filmova Life line iz 2003. i A beautiful morning iz 2005. He also directed creative documentaries, many short and medium fiction films as well as cinematographic poems. He currently works on his first feature film. 375 AUTORI / FILMMAKERS SHAUN SEONG-YOUNG KIM Shaun Kim is an award winning animation artist based in Los Angeles. His films are nominated and introduced at College Television Award(Emmy), Hirosima International Animation Festival, Cambridge International Film Festival, Korean Minister of Culture Award, Melbourne International Animation Festival, and a lot of other film festivals. Shaun also worked as an animator, layout artist, and director for animation, and game cinematic movie studios from 2005 to 2009. 376 Shaun Kim je nagrađivani umjetnik animacije sa sjedištem u Los Angelesu. Njegovi su filmovi nominirani i predstavljeni na Television Award (Emmy), Hirosima International Animation Festival, Cambridge International Film Festival, Korean Minister of Culture Award, Melbourne International Animation Festival te na mnogim drugim filmskim festivalima. Shaun je također radio kao animator, layout umjetnik, i redatelj animacije za game cinematic filmske studije 2005.–2009. SHYNOLA Shynola are Chris, Jason and Kenny - a collective who have been directing constantly distinctive, award-winning work for over a decade. They have worked with Beck, Blur, Coldplay, Queens of the Stone Age and Radiohead, created commercials for Honda, Nike, Orange and Sony Playstation, and produced animation for the IT Crowd, Chris Moris and Charlie Brooker's Nathan Barley and created the titular guide for The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy. Shynola su Chris, Jason i Kenny - kolektiv koji je kontinuirano kroz destljeće snimao posebne, nagrađivane radove. Radili su sa Beckom, Blurom, Coldplayem, Queens of the Stone Age, Radioheadom, radili reklame za Hondu, Nike, Orange i Sony Playstation te producirali animaciju za IT Crowd, Chrisa Morisa i Charlie Brookerovog Nathana Barleya. Kreirali su i naslovni vodič za Vodič za autostopere kroz galaksiju. AUTORI / FILMMAKERS SIL VAN DER WOERD In 2005, Sil van der Woerd, born in the Netherlands in 1982, finished his study Fine Arts (Cum Laud) at the Academy of Art and Design in Arnhem, the Netherlands. At the Academy, Sil started using film and mixed new media, live action and dominant soundtracks to express his fictitious, atmospheric worlds. SIMON BOGOJEVIC NARATH Simon (1968) graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts, Painting Department in Zagreb. He started with experimental films and video-installations and since 1993 is involved in 2D and 3D computer animation. His short animated and experimental films were awarded at numerous international festivals. Since 2004 he teaches animation at the Arts Academy in Split, Academy of Applied Arts in Rijeka and Godine 2005., Sil van der Woerd, rođen u Academy of Fine Arts in Zagreb (Animation Nizozemskoj 1982., diplomirao je likovne umjetnosti Department). na Academy of Art and Design u Arnhemu, Simon (1968.) je diplomirao na Akademiji likovnih Nizozemskoj. Sil je još na akademiji počeo koristiti umjetnosti u Zagrebu, smjer slikarstvo. Počeo je sa film s primjesama novih medija, live actiona i eksperimentalnim filmom i video instalacijama, a od dominantnih soundtrackova kako bi dočarao svoje 1993. se bavi 2-D i 3-D računalnom animacijom. zamišljene, atmosferične svjetove. Njegovi su kratki animirani i eksperimentalni filmovi nagrađivani na brojnim međunarodnim festivalima. Od 2004. predaje animaciju na Umjetničkoj akademiji u Splitu, Akademiji primijenjenih umjetnosti u Rijeci i Akademiji likovnih umjetnosti u Zagrebu (Odsjek za animirani film). 377 AUTORI / FILMMAKERS SIMONA CECHOVA Simona Cechova comes from Slovakia and is currently living and studying in Scotland. Last year she finished her undergraduate studies at University of Bedfordshire in England. Harom Kerom music video is her final major project for her bachelor degree. Simona Cechova dolazi iz Slovačke, a trenutno živi i studira u Škotskoj. Prošle je godine diplomirala na University of Bedfordshire u Engleskoj. Glazbeni spot Haroma Keroma njezin je posljednji veliki projekt za diplomu. 378 SINIŠA JAKELIĆ AND VOJAN KOCEIĆ Pilot studio (Vojan Koceic & Sinisa Jakelic) is a graphic and video production company from Split, Croatia. Since 2004. they produced over 30 music videos for Croatian established and alternative artists such as Djubrivo, Elemental, Luky, Hladno Pivo and many more. Pilots are expertized in a variety of techniques such as live action, stop motion, 2D & 3D animation and others. Pilot studio (Vojan Koceić i Siniša Jakelić) je kompanija za grafičku i video produkciju iz Splita, Hrvatske. Od 2004. producirali su više od 30 glazbenih spotova za etablirane i alternativne hrvatske glazbenike poput Djubriva, Elementala, Lukyja, Hladnog Piva i mnogih drugih. Stručno koriste raznolike tehnike kao što su live action, stop motion, 2-D i 3-D animacija... AUTORI / FILMMAKERS SINIŠA MATAIĆ Siniša Mataić rodio se u Zagrebu 1983. Godine. Apsolvent je Akademije likovnih umjetnosti u Zagrebu na odsjeku animacije i novih medija. Dobio priliku sudjelovati kao glavni animator na filmovima „Cristobal Colon“ i „Čudnovati Izum“. „Bog i Zemljani“ prvi je njegov autorski film, ujedno i završni rad na ALU. Filmografija: Glavni animator: 2009. Cristobal Colon, 2010. Čudnovati izum; Compositing: 2009. Duga SONIA CUCCULELLI Soniaqq is Sonia Cucculelli. Born in Rome in 1980, she graduates at the Accademia dell’Illustrazione e comunicazione visiva (Academy of illustration and visual communication)in 2002. Since then she’s been working as an illustrator in the advertising and publishing sectors. She has made numerous animated short-films, such as the videoclips ‘Il Cannone’ (The cannon) and ‘Skate’ that have been awarded in various animation festivals. Siniša Mataić rođen je u Zagrebu 1983. Apsolvent je Akademije likovnih umjetnosti u Zagrebu na Odsjeku za animirani film i nove medije. Dobio je priliku sudjelovati kao glavni animator na filmovima „Cristobal Colon“ i „Čudnovati izum“. „Bog i Zemljani“ njegov je prvi autorski film, ujedno i završni rad na ALU. Filmografija: Glavni animator: 2009. Cristobal Colon, 2010. Čudnovati izum; Compositing: 2009. Duga. Soniaqq je Sonia Cucculelli. Rođena u Rimu 1980., diplomirala je 2002. na Accademia dell’Illustrazione e comunicazione visiva. Otad radi kao ilustratorica u oglašivačkom i nakladničkom području. Napravila je brojne animirane kratke filmove kao što su Il Cannone i Skate, video isječci nagrađivani na raznim festivalima animacije. 379 AUTORI / FILMMAKERS TARIQ RIMAWI Tariq Alrimawi is a Jordanian animation filmmaker. His First degree was in Graphic Design which was obtained in 2006 in Jordan. In 2010, Tariq graduated with a Masters Degree in Animation from the international film school Wales, United Kingdom and made his first short animated film called 'MISSING' by using stop-motion animation techniques. Tariq Alrimawi je jordanski autor animiranih filmova. Diplomirao grafički dizajn 2006. u Jordanu, a 2010. magistrirao animirani film na Međunarodnoj školi filma u Walesu, Velikoj Britaniji. Svoj je prvi kratki animirani film pod nazivom MISSING napravio u tehnici stop-motion animacije. 380 TODD HEMKER Todd Hemker has a background in architecture, which he now uses to design and construct flat and graphic (yet spatial) styles of animation. When he is not busy working commercially in the animation industry, he is developing ideas for books and short films. He and his wife, Soyeon Kim, run a design & animationstudio ‘YELLOWSHED’ in southern California. Most recently, Todd and Soyeon co-directed the end title sequence for Sony’s feature animation, ‘Cloudy With AChance of Meatballs’. Todd Hemker ima podlogu u arhitekturi koji koristi za dizajniranje i stvaranje plošnih i grafičkih (a opet prostornih) stilova u animaciji. Kad nije zaokupljen radom u komercijalnoj industriji animacije, razvija ideje za knjige i kratke filmove. On i njegova supruga, Soyeon Kim, u Južnoj Kaliforniji vode studio za dizajn i animaciju ‘YELLOWSHED’. Njihov narecentniji rad je korežiranje odjavne špice za dugometražni animirani film Sonyja ‘Cloudy With A Chance of Meatballs’. AUTORI / FILMMAKERS TOMASZ CECHOWSKI Date of birth: 31.12.1977, Poland. Autodidact in the field of animation 3D and graphics design. From 2000 he created special effects for advertising, movie serials and cinema movies. He was worked in post-production studios such as Virtual Magic, Badi Badi and Platige Image. In 2009 he was debuted directing by the short movie "Thesis". Datum rođenja: 31.12.1977., Poljska. Samouk na području 3-D animacije i grafičkog dizajna. Od 2000. radi specijalne efekte za oglašivače, filmske serijale i kino filmove. Radio je u studijima za postprodukciju Virtual Magic, Badi Badi i Platige Image. Svoj redateljski prvijenac ostvario je 2009. kratkim filmom Thesis. TONY COMLEY Tony Comley is among other things an animator. He has made buildings gurgle for the Barbican, etchings cry for BBC2 and orange juice explode for Warp Records. He is a director with Sherbet through which he recently won a British Animation Award and is currently touring Britain in a transforming truck teaching animation to children on behalf of the Tate Gallery and Aardman. Tony Comley je između ostaloga animator. Učinio je da zgrade klokoću za the Barbican, bakrorezi plaču za BBC2 , a sok od naranče eksplodira za Warp Records. On je redatelj u Sherbetu kroz koji je nedavno nagrađen britanskom nagradom za animaciju i trenutno putuje Britanijom u kamionu podučavajući djecu umjetnosti animacije u ime Tate Gallery i Aardmana. 381 AUTORI / FILMMAKERS TREVOR JONES I am a New Mexico artist and now a BFA 3 Character Animation student at the California Institute of the Arts (Calarts)! I am kinda split in my interests right now. I love stop motion and doing things with my hands. I am starting to get into character design/ vis-dev. I do photography as a hobby and I'm a story fanatic. I am also a current instructor with the Community Arts Partnership (CAP) at the Inner City Arts Center. Ja sam umjetnik iz Novog Meksika i trenutno BFA 3 Character Animation student na California Institute of the Arts (Calarts)! Momentalno su moji interesi podijeljeni. Volim stop motion i rukama izrađivati stvari. Učim o dizajnu likova/razvoju vizuala. Fotografija mi je hobi i fanatik sam za priče. Također trenutno predajem na Community Arts Partnership (CAP) na Inner City Arts Center. 382 ÜLO PIKKOV Date of birth: June 15th 1976. Graduated from the Institute of Law, University of Tartu in 2005.Graduated from the Turku School of Art and Media (Finland) in 1998. Graduated from the Tallinn Secondary School No. 49 in 1994. Datum rođenja: 15. lipnja 1976. Diplomirao na Institute of Law, University of Tartu 2005. Diplomirao na Turku School of Art and Media (Finska) 1998. Maturirao na Tallinn Secondary School No. 49 1994. AUTORI / FILMMAKERS VANDA RAÝMANOVÁ Born on 27. 3. 1973 in Nová Baňa, Slovakia. She studied Animation film at the Academy of Musical and Dramatic Arts in Bratislava. In 1996 she made short student film „About Two People”, which participated in many festivals and was awarded several awards. She has two sons. Filmography: O dvoch ľuďoch / About two people (1996), Kto je tam? / Who’s There? (2010), Putovanie dejinami / Wandering through the history (2010). Rođena je 27. 3. 1973. u Novoj Baňi, Slovačkoj. Studirala je animirani film na Academy of Musical and Dramatic Arts in Bratislava. Godine 1996. napravila je kratki studentski film About Two People koji je sudjelovao na brojnim festivalima i za koji je primila nagrade. Majka je dvojice sinova. Filmografija: O dvoch ľuďoch / About two people (1996.), Kto je tam? / Who’s There? (2010.), Putovanie dejinami / Wandering through the history (2010.). VELJKO POPOVIC Born in 1979 in Split, Croatia. Graduated in 2003 from the Academy of Fine Arts in Zagreb, Department of Painting. In 1998 starts working professionally with computer graphics, since 2003 works with Lemonade Productions on development of computer games. Co-founder of Lemonade3D, studio for 2D and 3D graphics and animation; he also teaches at the Arts Academy in Split. Filmography: Dove sei, amor mio (2011); My Way (2010); She Who Measures (2008). Rođen je 1979. u Splitu, Hrvatskoj. Diplomirao je 2003. na Akademiji likovnih umjetnosti u Zagrebu, Odsjek slikarstvo. Godine 1998. počinje profesionalno raditi s računalnom grafikom, a od 2003. radi u Lemonade Productions na razvoju računalnih igara. Suosnivač je Lemonade3D, studija za 2-D i 3-D grafiku i animaciju. Također, predaje na Umjetničkoj akademiji u Splitu. Filmografija: Dove sei, amor mio (2011.); Moj put (2010.); Ona koja mjeri (2008.). 383 AUTORI / FILMMAKERS VERENA FELS Verena Fels was born 15.06.1980 in the south of Germany. After graduating 2004 in audiovisual media at the university of applied science "Hochschule der Medien",Stuttgart, Verena began her studies at the Filmakademie BadenWürttemberg in animation and filmmaking at the Institute of Animation, Visual Effects and digital Postproduction. To her former projects counts f.e. the moment (directed by Verena Fels u. Csaba Letay) a trailer for the festival of animated film Stuttgart, which made up the mascot horse Trixi. 384 Verena Fels je rođena 15.06.1980. na jugu Njemačke. Nakon što je 2004. diplomirala audiovizualne medije na fakultetu primijenjenih znanosti "Hochschule der Medien", Stuttgart, Verena je upisala Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg, animaciju i film na Institute of Animation, Visual Effects and digital Postproduction. Recentni projekt joj je trailer za Festival animiranog filma u Stuttgartu, koji je iznjedrio festivalsku maskotu – konjića Trixija. VERGINE KEATON Vergine Keaton (1981) studied graphic design and cinema and works today as a freelance illustrator and director. She draws for press, musical productions and theatre. In 2008, she joined 25 Films production and made her first short film “I was crying out at life. Or for it”. Vergine Keaton (1981.) studirala je grafički dizajn i kinematografiju, a danas radi kao freelance ilustratorica i redateljica. Ilustrira za novine, glazbene produkcije i kazalište. Godine 2008., pridružila se 25 Films production i napravila svoj prvi kratki film I was crying out at life. Or for it. AUTORI / FILMMAKERS VERONIKA OBERTOVA Born 18.6.1984, Slovakia. Filmography: Viliam (2009), Na povrazku - Zdenka Predna (2010), Where I Lie - Sarah Russell (2008), Like A Butterfly - Lavagance (2008), Accident - Home Made Mutant (2007), Theory Of Origin (2008), Personal Morning (2008), Byte Mytology (2006), Rumuntic Story (2006) www.veronikaobertova.com Vergine Keaton (1981.) studirala je grafički dizajn i kinematografiju, a danas radi kao freelance ilustratorica i redateljica. Ilustrira za novine, glazbene produkcije i kazalište. Godine 2008., pridružila se 25 Films production i napravila svoj prvi kratki film I was crying out at life. Or for it. VESSELA DANTCHEVA Vessela Dantcheva (1975) is working in the field of animation since 2001. She graduated Cum Laude in 2001 at the Rotterdam Art Academy "Willem de Kooning" with the film "Pull Over". In 2004 she sets up her own animation production studio FINFILM, together with the animation director Ivan Bogdanov in Sofia, Bulgaria. Vessela Dantcheva works as an independent film director & animator on her own animation films, as well as on commissioned projects. Vessela Dantcheva (1975.) radi na području animacije od 2001. Diplomirala je cum laude 2001. na Rotterdam Art Academy "Willem de Kooning" s filmom Pull Over. Godine 2004. zajedno s redateljem animacije Ivanom Bogdanovim osniva vlastiti produkcijski studio za animaciju FINFILM, u Sofiji, Bugarskoj. Vessela Dantcheva radi kao neovisna filmska redateljica i animatorica na vlastitim filmovima i naručenim projektima. 385 AUTORI / FILMMAKERS VINCENT KEA KIANG CHIA I graduated from Southampton Solent University this year May, major in 2D animation. 'Whoeatswho' is my debut animated short film. I am currently unemployed, self learning 3d softwares and producing more animations for my show reel. Diplomirao sam ove godine u svibnju na Southampton Solent Universityju, 2-D animaciju. 'Whoeatswho' je moj prvi animirani kratki film. Trenutno sam nezaposlen, samostalno učim 3-D software i radim više animacija za svoj show reel. 386 VIRGINIA MORI She was born in 1981 in Cattolica. After her diploma at scientific high school in Pesaro she attended the two years course of Animation and Illustration at the Art Instiute of Urbino. Now she produces her animated shortfilms, selected in many international film festival. Filmography: Pagina 16 (2003), Punto a capo (2006), Lullaby (2007), The play of silence (2009), Rachele (2011). Rođena je 1981. u Cattolici. Nakon diplome iz znanosti u Pesaru polazila je studij animacije i ilustracije u trajanju od dvije godine na Art Instiute u Urbinu. Sada producira svoje animirane kratke filmove koji su prošli selekciju na mnogim međunarodnim filmskim festivalima. Filmografija: Pagina 16 (2003.), Punto a capo (2006.), Lullaby (2007.), The play of silence (2009.), Rachele (2011.). AUTORI / FILMMAKERS VIRGINIE TARAVEL Virginie has always loved to create small characters made of different materials to stage and photography them. In 1996, she was very impressed with the Calder Circus shown at the Paris exhibition in the Palais de Tokyo. She started working with plastic cords, taking her inspiration from children drawings. In 2001, she graduated from the Ecole Nationale Superieure des Arts Decoratifs in Paris. She has been working for 6 years as a 3D graphic designer at Mac Guff Ligne, post-production company. Virginie je oduvijek voljela kreirati, namještati i fotografirati male likove od raznih materijala. Godine 1996. vrlo je se dojmio šou Caldera Circusa na pariškoj izložbi u Palais de Tokyo. U to je vrijeme počela raditi s plastičnim konopom, crpeći inspiraciju iz dječjih crteža. Godine 2001. diplomirala je na Ecole Nationale Superieure des Arts Decoratifs (ENSAD) u Parizu. Šest je godina radila kao 3-D grafička dizajnerica za Mac Guff Ligne, postprodukcijsku kuću. VITALIY STROKOUS Vitaliy Strokous is an Ukrainian-born artist currently a BFA3 at the California Institute of the Arts. Vitaliy Strokous je ukrajinski umjetnik trenutno BFA3 na California Institute of the Arts. 387 AUTORI / FILMMAKERS VITOR HUGO Born in Espinho, Portugal, 1972. Studied Drawing in the Porto Superior Art School. Member of the Animation Cinema Workplace at Cinanima from 1995 until 1999 where he developed a few animation works. Worked in Cine-Clube of Avanca studios making animation for the tv series estórias a passo de cágado and drawing backgrounds for Until the top of the world. In 2005 with Monica Baptista and Belmiro Marques he directed and animated the video for the theatre piece Claustro de Cronos. 388 VJEKOSLAV ŽIVKOVIĆ (1983) Graduated from Zagreb Fine Arts Academy, Department of Animation and New Media in 2006, with his graduation film Women on Board. In 2002, he co-founded the Cinema Club Karlovac where he still actively pursues film, especially animated film, and helping younger members of the club and the video group with their film projects. Since 2005, he teaches at the Dubrava School of Animated Film of Dubrava People’s University in Zagreb, working with primary and secondary school children. (1983.) Diplomirao 2006. na Akademiji likovnih Rođen u Espinhu, Portugalu, 1972. Studirao je umjetnosti u Zagrebu, Odsjek animiranog filma i slikanje na Porto Superior Art School. Bio je član novih medija, s diplomskim filmom Women on Animation Cinema Workplace u Cinanimi od 1995. do 1999. Tamo je razvio nekoliko animiranih radova. Board. Godine 2002. suosniva Kinoklub Karlovac gdje se i danas aktivno bavi filmom, osobito Radio je u Cine-Clube of Avanca studios na animiranim i pomaže na projektima mlađih članova animiranju televizijskih serija estórias a passo de kluba i video grupa. Od 2005. predaje animaciju cágado i crtao pozadine za Until the top of the djeci osnovnoškolskog i srednjoškolskog uzrasta, world. Godine 2005. s Monicom Baptistom i Belmirom Marques režira i animira video za kazališni polaznicima Škole crtanog filma Dubrava pri Pučkom otvorenom učilištu Dubrava u Zagrebu. komad Claustro de Cronos. AUTORI / FILMMAKERS VLADIMIR LESCHIOV Born in 1970, in Daugavpils, Latvia. Finished Art School in Riga in 1989. Since 1992 was working as illustrator, designer and director for video production companies in Latvia. Studied animation at Konstfack University College of Arts, Crafts and Design in Sweden. Since 2005 teacher of animation at Latvian Academy of Arts. In 2007 established animation studio Lunohod in Riga. Rođen 1970., u Daugavpilsu, Latviji. Završio Umjetničku školu u Rigi 1989. Od 1992. radi kao ilustrator, dizajner i redatelj za kompanije koje se u Latviji bave video produkcijom. Studirao je animaciju na Konstfack University College of Arts, Crafts and Design u Švedskoj. Od 2005. predaje animaciju na Latvian Academy of Arts. Godine 2007. u Rigi osniva studio za animaciju Lunohod. WARREN FU Warren Fu is a director with a keen sense of wideranging aesthetics and a meticulous attention to detail. Warren worked at George Lucas's Skywalker Ranch, which served as the ultimate film school and he picked up invaluable knowledge on visual effects, design, storytelling and shooting sets. He quickly rose from concept artist to art director, designing everything from General Grievous in Star Wars to the Moto-Terminators in Terminator Salvation. Warren Fu je redatelj s istančanim smislom za estetiku širokog raspona i iznimnim osjećajem za detalj. Warren je radio na Skywalker Ranchu Georgea Lucasa, koji je poslužio kao konačna filmska škola iz koje je ponio neprocjenjivo znanje o vizualnim efektima, dizajnu, pripovijedanju priče i filmskih setova. Ubrzo je od konceptualnog umjetnika napredovao do umjetničkog direktora dizajnirajući sve od Generala Grievousa u Ratovima zvijezda do Moto-Terminatora u Terminatoru 4. 389 AUTORI / FILMMAKERS WE ARE SYNAPSE we are a graphic design studio located in sunny/rainy Melbourne, Australia. We are a creative multi-disciplinary graphic design studio based in Melbourne. Specialising in Art Direction, Print, Packaging, Illustration, Web, Branding, ... WUNNA WINTER, LINDA LUITZ, NINA NÜRNBERG, CHRISTOF KOHLHAS The team includes Nina Nürnberg (1986), Wunna Winter (1989), Linda Luitz (1984) and Christoph Kohlhas (1983). We all are students at the Georg-Simon-Ohm-University of applied sciences in Nuremberg. This film was our 3rd semester project in our film and animation course. We did a music video for the band the Do and their song "Aha". Našu skupinu čine Nina Nürnberg (1986.), Wunna Winter (1989.), Linda Luitz (1984.) i Christoph Kohlhas (1983.). Svi studiramo na Georg-SimonOhm-University of applied sciences u Nürnbergu, Njemačkoj. Ovaj je film nastao kao projekt na 3. semestru kolegija filma i animacije. Napravili smo i glazbeni video za skupinu the Do i njihovu pjesmu Aha. 390 AUTORI / FILMMAKERS YUMI JUNG Born in Korea (1981); Studied Fine Arts at Kookmin University (2000-2004); Studied Animation Directing at the Korean Academy of Film Arts (2004-2006) Filmography: Math Test (2010, 2min, 35mm, Animation) writer, director; Dust Kid (2009, 10min, 35mm, Animation) YUVAL AND MERAV NATHAN Merav and Yuval joined forces in 2006. Since then they created music videos and commercials.Yuval started as a 3d animator in 1995. Merav owns a degree in art, and she was working as a TV designer since 1999. Between their works are: "Her Morning Elegance" - nominated for the Grammy 2009, chosen to Saatchi and Saatchi show case 2009. They hold an Annie Award for best commercial 2009. Rođena u Koreji (1981.); Studirala likovne umjetnosti Represented by AcmeFilmWorks and Independent. na sveučilištu Kookmin (2000.–2004.); Studirala režiju za animaciju na Korean Academy of Film Arts Merav i Yuval udružili su snage 2006. i otad kreiraju (2004.–2006.) glazbene spotove i reklame.Yuval je počeo kao 3-D Filmografija: Math Test (2010., 2min, 35mm, animator 1995. Merav ima diplomu iz humanističkih animacija) pisac, redatelj; Dust Kid (2009., 10min, znanosti i od 1999. je radila kao tv dizajnerica. 35mm, animacija) Njihovi radovi: Her Morning Elegance – nominiran za nagradu Grammy 2009., odabran za Saatchi and Saatchi show case 2009. Dobitnici su nagrade Annie za najbolju reklamu 2009. Predstavljaju ih AcmeFilmWorks i Independent. 391 THE FESTIVAL O FESTIVALU ORGANIZATORI ORGANIZERS Ivan Klepac Stjepan Mihaljević Slave Lukarov Zvonko Barišić Petar Trebotić savjetnici: Vanja Daskalović Igor Prassel Darko Bakliža O FESTIVALU / THE FESTIVAL IVAN KLEPAC Sl. 1975. Prije nego što sam postao klasična skulptura, predugo sam se tražio u područjima okultne arhitekture, spiralno umreženog dizajna i transcedetalne ilustracije te animacije. Prostornovremenska crvotočina u dvorištu lokalne tvornice žvakaćih guma omogućila mi je povratak u prvu ligu velemajstora samopromocijskog spina, mjesto koje mi je oduvijek pripadalo. Moja snaga proizlazi iz mog neskrivenog i ogromnog ega. STJEPAN MIHALJEVIĆ Born in 1972. Animator. Rođen 1972. Animator. Fig. 1975. Prior to becoming a classical sculpture, I spent too long a time searching for myself in the fields of the occult architecture, spirally networked design and transcendental illustration and animation. Space-time wormhole in the backyard of the local chewing gum factory made my return to the first league of self-promotion spin grand masters possible. The place has always belonged to me. My strength stems from an unabashed, enormous ego. 395 O FESTIVALU / THE FESTIVAL SLAVE LUKAROV Born in 1972. Graduated in 1996 at the University of Architecture in Zagreb. 1997-98 Architect's club, Zagreb - coordinator; since 1999. occasional film and theatre scenographer; 2003 co-founder of the non-profit organization Otompotom; 2003 exibiting in the 30th Zagreb Salon; 2004-07 comics art director and publisher, 2008 participator in the World One Minute Expo, Bejing. Founder and organizer of art and comic workshops, author of 17 short films. 396 Rođen 1972; diplomirao 1996. na Arhitektonskom fakultetu Sveučilišta u Zagrebu; voditelj kluba Arhitekata grada Zagreba 1997-98; Od 1999. povremeno autor scenografija za film i kazalište, 2000. suosnivač udruge Otompotom; 2003. izlaže na 30. Zagrebačkom salonu, 2004.-07. izdavač i grafički urednik strip albuma, 2008. sudjeluje na ¨World One Minute Expo¨ u Pekingu. Osnivač i organizator niza likovnih i strip radionica, autor 17 kratkih filmova. ZVONKO BARIŠIĆ Born in 1983. in Pakrac. Worked as operations management conference and seminar organizer within the Profuturo company since 2006. In 2007., transferring to Legartis d.o.o. he starts working as a startup and marketing consultant for small and medium companies. Since 2010. works in McCann Ericsson within the creative department, specializing in new media and the planning, organization and implementation of advertising campaigns. Rođen 1983. u Pakracu. Od 2006. zaposlen u tvrtci Profuturo kao ogranizator stručnih konferencija te obrazovnih seminara u području poslovnog upravljanja. 2007. prelazi u Legeartis d.o.o. pokrivajući područja startup savjetovanja te marketinga za mala i srednja poduzeća. Od 2010 radi u marketinškoj agenciji Mccann Ericsson kao kreativac u novim medijima, obuhvaćajući planiranja, osmišljavanja te realizacije kreativnih komunikacija marketinških kampanja. O FESTIVALU / THE FESTIVAL PETAR TREBOTIĆ Born in Split in 1982, raised in Supetar, island Brač. Graduated from the Dubrovnik school for management and technology in 2000. In the following years, alongside regular work, he joined several non-profit organizations, whose goal is improving cultural life on the island. In 2009, with a couple of friends, he started the Supetar Super Film Festival, in the role of festival director. Currently focused on maritime heritage preservation through the workings of the BračERA non profit organization. Rođen 1982. u Splitu. Odrastao u Supetru na otoku Braču. Godine 2000. završava management i tehnologiju u Dubrovniku te se zapošljava, a započinje i s angažmanom u neprofitnim udrugama doprineći razvoju kulturnog života na Braču. S nekolicinom prijatelja 2009 godine pokreće Supetar Super Film Festival, čiji je direktor. Trenutno zaokupljen očuvanjem maritimne baštine kroz projekte udruge BračERA. 397 AWARD NAGRADA Author/Autor: Vinko Pešorda O FESTIVALU / THE FESTIVAL First Supertoon trailer is introducing the Diver and bunch of dancing robots – DrTy 40Ty! The black Diver is mascot of the Supertoon festival. Prvi Supertoon trailer predstavlja Ronioca i gomilu plešućih robota 40 Prljavih! Crni Ronilac je maskota Supertoon festivala. SUPERTOON INTRO Supertoon špica 2011, 38’’ Stjepan Mihaljević and Zvonko Barišić Animation/Animacija: Stjepan Mihaljević, Zvonko Barišić Music/Glazba: Petar Dragičević (Bolje ne može!!) Voice(MTV version)/Glas(Mtv verzija): Emilio Delbelo Sound/Zvuk: Gordan Fučkar 399 FESTIVAL’S PARTNERS FESTIVALSKI PARTNERI Općina Bol CZK Bol - Bolsko ljeto Zagreb Film FESTIVAL’S SPONSORS FESTIVALSKI POKROVITELJI Moj Kvart Dukatino Nescafe TZ Bol Universal Music Croatia Restart MEDIA SPONSORS MEDIJSKI POKROVITELJI Slobodna Dalmacija Radio Brač Radio Dalmacija Splitski portal Filmski.net Dalje.com MTV Net.hr Teen385 400 IMPRESSUM: IMPRESUM: Organizers/Organizatori: Ivan Klepac, Stjepan Mihaljević, Slave Lukarov, Zvonko Barišić, Petar Trebotić Advisors/Savjetnici: Vanja Daskalović, Igor Prassel, Darko Bakliža Festival’s award (statue)/Festivalska nagrada (statua): Vinko Pešorda Interpreteur/Pevoditeljica: Katja Fiedler Klepac Festival’s Intro/Festivalska špica: Stjepan Mihaljević, Zvonko Barišić Catalogue/Katalog: Ivan Klepac (assistent/asistent: Tara Klepac) Festival’s Chef/Festivalski kuhar: Rene Bakalović Volunteers/Volonteri: Maša Kirin, Tea Piplović, Nena Kolak, Andreja, Sven Klobučar, Katarina Sučić, Boris Vuković, Nikola Tkalčević, Anita Tkalčević, Dubravka Kurobasa, Martina Biljan, Jelena Mustafa, Nina, Elena Prendžova, Courtney Sheehan THANK YOU: HVALA: Petar Dragičević, Obitelj Dragičević, Lana Borić, Sanjin Đukić, Aleksandra Adamović, Tara, Kristina Bangoura, Kristina Blašković, Martina Jelić, Darko Bakliža, Vinko Brešan, Tomislav Gregl, Bajko Hromalić, Tonka lujanac, Zvonimir Koretić, Dijana Magdić i Helije, Svagy i Maja Karačić, Ivana Kancir, Rene Bakalović, Alen Nužda, Faktum, Mate Vladislavić, Jelena Mustafa, Sken, Milana Martinović, Vinko Brešković, Tihomir Marinković, Ivana, Puko, Stjepan Terzić, Markito Marinković, Josip (Riva), Ljerka Santo, Miljević Jelka, Maja Sakač, Vinko Pešorda, Ninja, Vikor, Lajteri, Kristijan, Tin i Vedran, Advert Studio, Jasmin i Boris, Gordan Fučkar, Jeleni Marinković, Ribafish, Jasen Boko, Darko Bakliža, Vesna Dovniković, Damir Lucijanović, Darijo Puljiz, Dijo, Draško Ivezić, Božidar Trkulja, Ivan Rogoz, Mila Pešorda, Nebojša, Rasta, Vinko Krka, Zvjezdana i Udruga Budi Svoj, Simon Bogojević Narath, Drago Prokopec, Dragan Švaco, Dijana Dugandžija, Vjera Matković, DanaBudisavljević, Olinka Vištica, Sanja Borčić, Emilio Delbelo, McCann Ericsson odjel Digipark, Andreja Fazlić... 404 NOTES ZABILJEŠKE
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