Nebojša Šerić Šoba
apstrakcije | abstractions
Kada sam uzeo papirnu novčanicu od jednog dolara i stavio je pod mikroskop sve je
odjednom postalo apstraktno. Svaka scena je postala zasebna cjelina koja se mogla izdvojiti
iz “pejsaža” koji se pomjeranjem novčanice smjenjivao.
Različite magnifikacije mikroskopa su davale različite teksture i boje, mikrokosmos
nečega što je po svojoj prirodi apstraktno (novac) ali ipak realno u svojoj fizičkoj prisutnosti
i značenju.
Novac ima svoju estetsku vrijednost, različite novčanice prikazuju identitete država iz
kojih dolaze, na njima najčešće vidimo lica, gradove, biljke i životinje.
Svaka novčanica ima svoj pređeni put, prljavštinu, koroziju, i bez obzira na stanje u kojem
se nalazi i dalje zadržava svoju suštinu i upotrebnu vrijednost.
Novac, čija se apstrakna vrijednost (koja je inicijalno bila bazirana na protuvrijednosti u zlatu)
mijenja sa turbulencijama svjetskih berzi, je svakodnevna doza apstrakcije/realnosti u kojoj živimo.
Zagledajući dublje u njegovu strukturu pojavljuje se apsurd koji samo umjetnost može opravdati…
Nebojša Šerić Šoba
I placed a dollar bill under a microscope and, suddenly, saw this common object – this
flat piece of paper which is used every day, passing from hand to wallet in a continuous cycle
many hundreds of times each day before reaching my own pocket – turn into something
Every position under the lens creates a separate vision extracted from the object’s overall
landscape, constantly shifting with even the slightest movement, as if it were a living,
breathing thing. Different magnifications create different textures and colors, each view a
microcosm of the overall object; not only abstract and absurd (how can a small piece of paper
or metal represent such power and wealth) but also realistic in that it physically exists and
carries such significance and weight.
Arguably, money has its aesthetic appeal: banknotes and coins often show detailed
images, of their countries, faces of their leaders, native plants and animals. Yet every banknote
and coin has its own story, told by the dirt, corrosion, and bacteria it collects in its travels, at
the same time retaining its original value.
Money (which was originally based on the equivalent in gold) changes every day with the
turbulence of world stock markets. A deeper look into Money’s tangible properties appears
absurd in ways that only art can justify.
Nebojsa Seric Shoba
Nebojša Šerić - Šoba je rođen u Sarajevu 1968.
Pohađao Školu Primijenjenih Umjetnosti od 1983 do 1987.
Pohađao Akademiju Likovnih Umjetnosti u Sarajevu od 1989 do1992. Godine 1999 odlazi za Amsterdam
gdje je pohađao Rijksakademie od 2000 do 2002. Šoba je izlagao u mnogobrojnim muzejima i galerijama
širom svijeta, uključujući Muzej Moderne Umjetnosti u Parizu; Jeu de Paume, Pariz; Kunsthalle Bern,
Švicarska; Deutsches Hygiene Muzej, Drezden, Njemačka; De Appel, Amsterdam, Holandija; Muzej
moderne umjetnosti Štokholm, Švedska; Creative Time, Njujork; Exit Art, Njujork; Kunstmuseum,
Bohum, Njemačka; Nacionalna Galerija Viktorije, Melburn, Australija; 50-to Bijenale u Veneciji (2003),
Italija; MASS MoCA, North Adams, Masačusets, i P.S. 1/Muzej moderne umjetnosti Njujork.
Šoba trenutno živi i radi u Njujorku.
Born in1968, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina. Living and working in New York.
Selected exhibitions:
Memory Lane, Galerie du Jour Agnes B., Paris, France
Digital Naratives, Media Mediterranea Festival, Pula, Croatia
BONE - Festival für Aktionskunst/Performance Art Festival, Bern, Switzerland
Within the World the World Within, Konsthal, Landskrona, Sweden
From Out to Nowhere, Java Gallery, Sarajevo, Bosnia&Herzegovina
Sing-Sing, Musée d'Art Moderne de Saint-Etienne, France
Multimeridijan ‘12, Pula, Croatia
That Passes Between Us, Good Children Gallery, New Orleans, USA
52nd October Salon, Belgrade, Serbia
The Quadrilateral Biennial: Out of Left Field, Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Rijeka, Croatia
Blago Bung #6, Emily Harvey Foundation, New York, USA
Unexpected, Kunstmuseum, Bochum, Germany
Battlefields, Dumbo Arts Center, New York, USA
Broken down walls of Crimson Salon, SKUC, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Photo I, Photo you , Calvert 22, London, UK
10 Years of, Rotor, Graz, Austria
Arte, Visioni, Messaggi..., Spazio Gerra, Reggio Emilia, Italy
Transformations Fragiles, ‘Atelier de la gare, Locmine, France
2008 Warlord, Smith Stewart Gallery, New York, USA
Central Europe Revisited II, Schloss Esterházy, Eisenstadt, Hungary
Le revolver à cheveux blancs, Le Musée de l'Objet, Blois, France
Neo Constructivism: Art, Architecture & Activism, Rutger’s Paul Robeson Gallery and NJ School of
Architecture Gallery, Newark, USA
From here/From there, Webster University’s Cecile R. Hunt Gallery, St.Louis, USA
2007 Legal Aliens, Smacked Mellon, New York, USA
Now is the winter, Proekt_Fabrika, Moscow, Russia
Micro-narratives : tentation des petites réalités, Musée d’Art moderne de Saint-Etienne, Saint-Etienne,
2006 Ahistoric Occasion: Artists Making History, MASS MoCA, USA
Artist and weapon / Artysta i bro, LAZNIA - Centre for Contemporary Art, Gdansk
What War? - White Box, New York City, NY
Greater New York, P.S 1/MoMA, New York, USA
CONFLICT: Perspectives, Positions, Realities in Central European Art, Slough , Baltimore, USA
Another Expo - Beyond the nation state, White Box, New York, USA
Kidding, Ise Foundation Gallery, New York, USA
2004 Metropolis, National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne, Australia
10 Commandments, Deutsches Hygiene-Museum Dresden, Germany
Any Given Place, Miroslav Kraljevic Gallery, Zagreb, Croatia
Cosmopolis 1 Microcosmos X Macrocosmos,Thessaloniki Biennale of Contemporary Art, Thessaloniki,
2003 Strangers to ourselves, Canterbury Royal Museum & Art Gallery, U.K.
50th La Bienalle Di Venezia, Italia
Lines of Conduct, Raid Projects, L.A., USA
Boundless Border, National Museum of Contemporary Art (MNAC), Bucharest, Romania
Super! - Transformer, Washington, DC
2002 Basics, Kunsthalle Bern, Bern, Switzerland
Haunted House of Art, Outline, Amsterdam, Nederlands
2001 Tirana Biennal, Tirana , Albania
Conflict, De Parel, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Never stop the action, Rotor, Graz, Austria
Body and the East, Exit Art, New York, New York, USA
2000 Conversations, Museum of Contemporary Arts, Belgrade, Serbia
VOILA, le monde dans la tete, Musee d’Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris, Paris,France
L’Autre Moitie de L’Europe, Jeu de Paume, Paris, France
Unlimited - 3, De Appel, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Stayin’ alive, Kunsthalle, Bern, Switzerland
1999 Aspects - Positions, Museum Moderner Kunst Stiftung Ludwig, Vienna, Austria
Somewhere Else, A.C.C. Gallery, Weimar, Germany
After the Wall, Moderna Museet, Stockholm, Sweden
Faiseurs d’ Histoires, Casino, Luxembourg, Luxembourg
Tragedy, SKUC Gallery, Ljubljana, Slovenia
The Quest for Identity, Mors Mossa Gallery, Goteborg, Sweden
1998 Beyond The Mirror, SCCA, Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegovina
Manifesta 2, European Biennial of Contemporary Art, Luxembourg, Luxembourg
1997 Here and There, Obala Gallery, Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegovina
Solo exhibition, Zvono Gallery, Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegovina
Selected Bibliography | Catalogs
Neo Constructivism: Art, Architecture & Activism, catalog,
Greater New York, catalog, P.S.1/MoMA, New York, USA
Political Minimalism by Claus Biesenbach, Flash Art Magazine no.237
Passage Europe, catalog, Musee D’Art Moderne de Saint-Etienne, France
Strangers to Ourselves, UK
Dreams and Conflicts…, Venice Bienalle, Venice, Italy
Artistic statement, After Image Magazine, Vol.28, New York, USA
L’Autre Moitie de L’Europe, CD Rom catalog, Jeu de Paume, Paris, France
Aspects - Positions, catalog, Museum Moderner Kunst Stiftung Ludwig, Vienna, Austria
Unlimited - 3, catalog, De Appel, Amsterdam, Netherlands
After the Wall, catalog, Moderna Museet, Stockholm, Sweden
Kunstforum Magazine, view on Manifesta 2, Germany
Sarajevo 2000, catalog, Museum Moderner Kunst Stiftung Ludwig, Vienna, Austria
Interview with Lorand Hegyi by Catherine Millet, Art Press Magazine no.239, France
Body and the East, catalog, Modern Gallery Ljubljana, Slovenia
Manifesta 2, catalog, Luxembourg, Luxembourg
Meeting Point, catalog, SCCA Sarajevo, BiH
The Edge of Awareness, catalog, Geneva, Switzerland
Biennale of Young Artists, catalog, Modern Gallery Rijeka, Croatia
Text by Lars Bang Larsen, SIKSI Magazine, The New Europe Issue no. 4, Finland
Residencies | Scholarships
2000 - 2002 Rijksakademie, Amsterdam, Netherlands 1989 - 1992 The Academy of Fine Arts Sarajevo / Sculpture Department, Sarajevo, BiH
Kontakt | Contact
Izdavač: Narodni muzej Crne Gore | Za izdavača: Pavle Pejović | Kustos: Mirjana Dabović Pejović
Tekst i prevod: Nebojša Šerić Šoba | Dizajn: Branka Vujović | Štampa: DPC Podgorica | Tiraž: 300
Cetinje, avgust | septembar 2014.