Detaljnije savjete o izradi postera možete naći u članku

Detaljnije savjete o izradi postera možete naći u članku doc.dr. sc. Davorke Vrdoljak – Kako
izraditi poster na web stranici Društva nastavnika obiteljske medicine www. dnoom. org.
Strukturirani sažetak na hrvatskom i engleskom jeziku od oko 250 rijeci koji sadrž:i Naslov
postera - Autore s mjestom rada - Uvod - Ispitanici i metode - Rezultati - Zaključak, a ako se
radi o prikazu slucaja: Naslov postera - Autore s mjestom rada - Uvod - Prikaz slučaja Zaključak te u oba slučaja ključne rijeci; do 6 ključnih riječi (po MeSH-u) poslati do
20.01.2015. godine dr. Stanki Stojanovič-Špehar na e-mail adresu:
Posteri moraju biti postavljeni na za to točno ozančenim mjestima do 10 sati na dan poster
prezentacije. Molimo glavne autore ili jednog od autora da budu prisutni uz poster za vrijeme
poster prezentacija da bi ih se moglo kratko predstaviti i o njima međusobno popričati pred
tročlanim stručnim povjerentsvom. Najbolji posteri će biti nagrađeni vrijednim nagradama
tijekom gala večere. Studenti su oslobeđeni plaćanja kongresne kotizacije, ali posteri liječnika
moraju imati registriranog autora.
Posteri moraju imati dimenzije 120cm x 90cm, u okomitom položaju i trebali bi biti čitljivi s
udaljenosti od 1,5 metar.
For more information about posters, we recommend article 'How to prepare poster' - assistant
professor Davorka Vrdoljak ,PhD/ GP in our web site www. dnoom. org.
Abstracts should be in Croatian and English. The maximum length for the abstract body is
about 250 words. Abstract should consist : Title, authors and their affiliations-BackgroundSubjects and Methods- Results- Conclusion, and for case presentation : Title, authors and
their affiliations-Background- Case report- Conclusion. Please indicate till six keywords
(MeSH terms when available).
Abstract should be submitted to Stanka Stojanović-Špehar, PhD/GP, on mail adress : :
ssspehar@gmail and deadline is 20th January 2015.
Posters must be displayed on their assigned board no later than 10:00 on their assigned
presentation day. In order to enable discussion and interaction with other participants under
supervision of three members of jury, we request the main author or another member of the
group to be at the poster board at the times noted in final congress program me .The valuble
presents will be given to the best posters during gala dinner. Only students should not pay
congress fee but physician’s poster that is to be presented at the Conference, must be
accompanied by a registered author.
Poster presentation has to be done according to the exact dimension of 120cm x 90cm with
vertical orientation, and should be readable at the distance of 1 5 meters