1000 filmskih glumaca

Radiša Dragićević
Radiša Dragićević
Saradnik i prevodilac
Aleksandar Dragićević
Leskovački kulturni centar
Za izdavača
Nebojša Kocić, direktor
Dragan Radović
Leskovački kulturni centar
Bulevar oslobođenja 101 Leskovac
016/248-302, 212-991
300 primeraka
CIP – katalogizacija u publikaciji
Narodna biblioteka Srbije, Beograd
ДРАГИЋЕВИЋ, Радиша, 1956Filmske zvezde [Elektronski izvor] = Movie Stars : 1000 / Radiša Dragićević
[saradnik i prevodilac Aleksandar Dragićević]. - Leskovac : Leskovački kulturni
centar, 2012 (Leskovac : Leskovački kulturni centar). - 1 elektronski optički disk
(CD-ROM) : tekst, fotografije ; 12 cm
Sistemski zahtevi: Nisu navedeni. - Nasl. sa naslovnog ekrana. - Autorova slika. Tiraž
100. - Radiša Dragićević: str. 257.
ISBN 978-86-82031-26-0
a) Филмски глумци - Лексикони
COBISS.SR-ID 193509388
1 0 0 0
Duboko gazimo u drugi vek od dana kada su oživele slike, kada je imaginacija dobila realističku
dimenziju i junaci platna se ukazali pred našim očima – isprva nemi, a potom i u svoj svojoj punoći i sjaju, i
tako našim malim životima pridodali jednu novu dimenziju, dimenziju snova. Desetine hiljada aktera i
stotine hiljada storija ispisali su svoje tragove na celuloidnoj traci; i u ovom času, kako se paralelno sa našim
i odvijaju drugi životi, tako se u svakom trenutku, u studijima i na terenima, beleže nove storije i junaci;
storije koje će (bar prividno) nadmašiti trajanjem realne živote.
Hiljadu ovde odabranih likova iz svih žanrova i sa svih meridijana, od Moskve do Holivuda, od Rima
do Meksika, od Pariza do Bombaja, odabranih po osnovu višestrukih kriterijuma, a poređanih po azbučnom
redu, samo su prilika za podsećanje na one sa čijim se likovima najčešće i najradosnije surećemo – pokušaj
da se mladim generacijama, otkriju i pokažu legendarni likovi iz starih vremena, u istoj ravni sa
savremenicima; starijima: radost podsećanja, možda komparacija.
Od oko 15.000 filmskih umetnika, koji su do detalja proanalizirani pri ovoj selekciji, u pokušaju
rangiranja morala bi se imati na umu činjenica da je po najčešćoj oceni na tronu Hemfri Bogart. Mnogi bi,
ipak, tom imenu suprotstavili Marlona Branda. Ili bi kazali – Robert De Niro. Ima i onih koji bi upisali: Bili
Bob Torton. Forest Vitaker. Gari Kuper. Jedna epizoda maestralnog Džona Milsa u filmu Rajanova kći vredi
više nego desetine nekih glavnih uloga. Ili Ian Holm kao kaplar Himelstos u priči Na zapadu ništa novo.
Meril Strip bi, svakako, po mnogim ocenama, mogla da ponese epitet najbolje glumice svih vremena. Bet
Dejvis, Ketrin Hepbern,... takođe.
Sastav ove enciklopedije je i napor da se pažljivo saberu činjenice i pomire ukusi – u protivnom,
primerice, sjajni epizodista Džo Vitereli imao bi mesto u ovoj enciklopediji mnogo pre Ričarda Gira, Toma
Kruza, Hju Granta, Harisona Forda; čak bi, ako bi ukus priređivača bio primaran, i jedna Silvija Kristel tu
bila pre Meg Rajan, Dajen Kiton ili Sandre Bulok.
Ova enciklopedija je, dakle, poput pokretnih slika, pred Vašim očima; ukoliko se podeli zadovoljstvo,
ukoliko se u najvećem poklope ukusi – eto još jednog razloga njenog postojanja.
We are wading well into the second century from the day when pictures came to life, when imagination
gained a realistic dimension and heroes from the silver screen appeared before our eyes – silent at first, and
then showing themselves in all their fullness and glory, adding a new dimension to our small lives, a
dimension of dreams. Tens of thousands of characters and hundreds of thousands stories have left their
marks on the celuloid tape; even today, at this hour, just as other lives are unfolded simultaniously with our
lives, in every moment, in studios and in the field, new stories and heroes are being recorded; stories which
will (at least virtually) outlast real world lives.
A thousand faces herein, picked out of all genres and parts of the world, from Moscow to Hollywood,
from Rome to Mexico, from Paris to Bombay, selected on the basis of multiple criteria, arranged
alphabetically, are merely an oportunity to reminisce about the ones whose faces we most commonly and
most gladly meet – an attempt to reveal and show legendary old time characters to the young generations on
the same plane with contemporary characters; to the elderlies, the joy of reminicance, and maybe
From around 15.000 motion picture artists, which have been analized in detailed during this selection,
when attempting to perform ranking, one must bare in mind the fact that, at any rates, Humphry Boggart
would take the throne. Many would, nevertheless, opose Marlon Brando to that name. Or – Robert De Niro –
they would say. There are those who would write: Billy Bob Tornton. Forest Whitaker. Gary Cooper. A
single episode of the majestic John Mills in the movie Ryan’s daughter is worth more than tens of some
leading roles. Or Ian Holm as corpolar Himmelstoss in All quiet on the western front. Meryl Streep would,
certainly, in many opinions take the title of the best actress of all time. Bette Davies, Katharine Hepburn,... as
The content of this enciclopedia is also an effort to caredully gather the facts and to establish harmony
among preferences – otherwise, for instance, a great supporting role actor, Joe Vitereli would get a spot in
this enyclopedia well before Richard Gere, Tom Cruise, Hugh Grant, Harison Ford; one might go as far to
say that, if author's preference was primary, one Silvia Chrystel would be in here before Meg Ryan, Diane
Keaton or Sandra Bullock.
So, this encyclopedia is, like the moving pictures, before your eyes; if pleasure is shared, if preferences
match – it’s one more reason for its existance.
VIKTORIJA ABRIL Victoria Abril (Victoria Mérida Rojas, 4. VII
1959, Madrid, Spain) Debi: Obsesión (1975). Igrala u preko 80 filmova,
među kojima: La luna en el arroyo (1984), Las bicicletas son para el
verano (1984), La última solución (1985), Los pazos de Ulloa (1985),
Tiempo de silencio (1986), El Lute: camina o revienta (1987), Si te dicen
que caí (1989), Amantes (1991), Intruso (1993), Sin noticias de Dios
(2001), El séptimo día (2004), Man on Asphalt (2012), Mince alors! (2012).
Nagrada festivala Berlin za Amantes (1991), festivalu u San Sebastianu
za El Lute: camina o revienta (1987), Nadie hablará de nosotras cuando
hayamos muerto (1995), za isti film dobila nagradu Goja (1995).
EJMI ADAMS Amy Adams (Amy Lou Adams, 20. VIII 1974, Vicenza,
Italy) Debi: Drop Dead Gorgeous (1999). Igrala u preko 30 filmova, među
kojima: Psycho Beach Party (2000), The Wedding Date (2005), Sunshine
Cleaning (2008), Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian (2009),
Julie & Julia (2009), The Muppets (2011). Nominacija Oskar za sporednu
ulogu u Janebug (2005), Doubt (2008), The Fighter (2010), nominacija
Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u Enchanted (2007), sporednu ulogu u Doubt
(2008), nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u komediji/mjuziklu
Enchanted (2007), nominacija Zlatni globus za sporednu ulogu u Doubt
(2008), nominacija Bafta za Doubt (2008), The Fighter (2010).
IZABEL AĐANI Isabelle Adjani /Isabelle Yasmine Adjani, 27. VI
1955, Paris, France. Debi: Le Petit bougnat (1970). Igrala u skoro 40
filmova: The Tenant (1976), The Driver (1978), The Bronte Sisters (1979),
Antonieta (1982), Deadly Circuit (1983), Ishtar (1987), Adolphe (2002),
Bon Voyage (2003), Ishkq in Paris (2012). Dobitnica nagrade Cezar za
One Deadly Summer (1983). Nominacija Oskar za glavnu ulogu u Camille
Claudel (1989), nominovana za nagrade u La Gifle (1974), The Story of
Adèle H. (1975), Barocco (1976), Nosferatu the Vampyre (1979),
Possession (1981), Quartet (1981), Subway (1985), Queen Margot (1994),
Adolphe (2002), La journée de la jupe (2009), Mammuth (2010).
EDVARD AZNER Edward Asner /Eddie Asner, 15. XI 1929, Kansas City, Missouri, US/. Debi: The Murder Men (1961). Ostvario 35 filmskih, među
kojima The Girl Most Likely to...(1973), Hey, I'm Alive (1975), Gus (1976), i
više tv uloga i animacija. Dobitnik Zlatnog globusa za sporednog glumca
u mini seriji The Mary Tyler Moore Show (1971, 1975), Rich Man Poor
Man (1976), nominacija Zlatni globus za sporednog glumca u mini seriji The
Mary Tyler Moore Show (1972, 1973), dobitnik Zlatnog globusa za
najboljeg glumca u seriji-drama Lou Grant (1977, 1979), nominacija
Zlatni globus za istu ulogu (1978, 1980, 1981), nominacija Zlatni globus za
najboljeg glumca u seriji-komediji The Mary Tyler Moore Show (1974).
DENI AJELO Danny Aiello /Daniel Louis Aiello Jr, 20. VI 1933. New
York City, New York, U.S/. Debi: The Godmothers (1973). Igrao u preko 60
filmova: The Godfather: Part II (1974), Once Upon a Time in America
(1984), The Purple Rose of Cairo (1985), Moonstruck (1987), He Ain't Heavy
(1990), Shocktroop (1990), Hudson Hawk (1991), Ruby (1992), Léon (1994),
Two Days in the Valley (1996), The Last Don (1997), Bring Me the Head of
Mavis Davis (1997), Dinner Rush (2000), Zeyda and the Hitman (2004),
Brooklyn Lobster (2005), Stiffs (2010). Nominacija Oskar za sporednu ulogu
u Do the Right Thing (1989), nominacija Zlatni globus za istu ulogu (1989).
LI AJRES Lew Ayres /Lewis Frederick Ayres III, 28. XII 1908,
Minneapolis, Minnesota, US – 30. XII 1996. (88) Los Angeles, California,
US/. Debi: The Sophomore (1929). Poslednji film: The World of Don
Camillo (1984). Igrao u 80 tv uloga i 69 filmova: All Quiet on the Western
Front (1930), Common Clay (1930), The Doorway to Hell (1930), Iron Man
(1931), Night World (1932), Young Dr. Kildare (1938), King of the
Newsboys (1938), These Glamour Girls (1939), The Secret of Dr. Kildare
(1939), Dr. Kilda-re's Strange Case (1939), Dr. Kildare Goes Home (1940),
The People vs. Dr. Kildare (1941), Dr. Kildare's Victory (1942), The Capture (1950), Donovan's Brain (1953). Nominacija Oskar za glavnu ulogu u
Johny Belinda (1948), nominacija Emi za ulogu u seriji Kung Fu (1972).
DŽON AJRLEND John Ireland /John Benjamin Ireland, 30. I 1914,
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada - 21. III 1992. (78) Santa Barbara,
California, US/. Debi: A Walk in the Sun (1945). Poslednji film Waxwork II:
Lost in Time (1992). Igrao u 114 filmova: I Shot Jesse James (1949), The
Basketball Fix (1951), The Fast and the Furious (1955), The Glass Cage
(1955), Hell's Horizon (1956), Gunfight at the O.K. Corral (1957), No Time
to Kill (1959), Faces in the Dark (1960), Return of a Stranger (1961), I Saw
What You Did (1965), Fort Utah (1967), Northeast of Seoul (1972), Farewell, My Lovely (1975), Guyana: Crime of the Century (1979, The Incubus
(1981). Nominacija Oskar za sporednu ulogu u All the King's Men (1949).
DŽEREMI AJRONS Jeremy Irons /Jeremy John Irons, 19. IX 1948,
Cowes, Isle of Wight, England, UK/. Debi u pozorištu: The Winter's Tale,
Bristol Old Vic (1969), Debi film: Nijinsky (1980). Igrao u preko 50 filmova:
Brideshead Revisited (1981), The French Lieutenant's Woman (1981),
Moonlighting (1982), Betrayal (1983), Dead Ringers (1988), M. Butterfly
(1993), The Lion King (1994), Stealing Beauty (1996), Being Julia (2004),
The Borgias (2011). Oskar za glavnu ulogu u Reversal of Fortune (1990),
Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u drami Reversal of Fortune (1990), nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u The Missin (1986), Zlatni globus za
sporednog glumca u mini seriji Elizabeth I (2006), nominacija Zlatni
globus za glavnog glumca u mini seriji Georgia O Keeffe (2009), nominacija
Bafta za The French Lieutenant's Woman (1981).
MAJKL AJRONSAJD Michael Ironside /Frederick Reginald Ironside,
12. II.1950, Toronto, Ontario, Canada/. Prvi film: Outrageous! (1977). Uz
više od 70 tv uloga, igrao u skoro 120 filmova: High-Ballin' (1978), Scanners
(1981), Visiting Hours (1982), American Nightmare (1983), The Cap (1984),
Murder in Space (1985), Jo Jo Dancer, Your Life Is Calling (1986), Top Gun
(1986), Extreme Prejudice (1987), Nowhere to Hide (1987), Hello Mary Lou:
Prom Night II (1987), Thunderground (1989), Mindfield (1989), Chaindance
(1990), Total Recall (1990), Highlander II: The Quickening (1991), McBain
(1991), Guncrazy (1992), The Vagrant (1992),
Killer Image (1992) The Perfect Storm (2000), The Machinist (2004).
DŽESIKA ALBA Jessica Alba /Jessica Marie Alba, 28. IV.1981,
Pomona, California, US/. Debi: Camp Nowhere (1984). Igrala u više od 26
filmova: Venus Rising (1995), Paranoid (2000), Honey (2003), The
Sleeping Dictionary (2003), Sin City (2005), Fantastic Four (2005), Into the
Blue (2005), Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer (2007), Good Luck
Chuck (2007), Meet Bill (2007), Awake (2007), The Eye (2008), Valentine's
Day (2010), The Killer Inside Me (2010), An Invisible Sign (2010), Spy
Kids: All the Time in the World (2011), A.C.O.D. (2012). Nominacija Zlatni
globus za najbolju glumicu u seriji-drama Dark Angel (2000), i više drugih
nominacija; nagrada Saturn za ulogu u seriji Dark Angel (2000-2002).
EDI ALBERT Eddie Albert /Edward Albert Heimberger, 22. IV 1906.
Rock Island, Illinois, US - 26. V 2005. (99) Pacific Palisades, California,
USA/. Debi: Brother Rat (1938), Poslednji film: Death Valley Memories
(1994, narator). Uz više od 120 tv uloga, igrao u 80 filmova: The Wagons
Roll at Night (1941), Treat 'Em Rough (1942), Smash-Up, the Story of a
Woman (1947), You're in the Navy Now (1951), I'll Cry Tomorrow (1955),
Attack (1956), The Joker Is Wild (1957), Orders to Kill (1958), The Gun
Runners (1958), Beloved Infidel (1959), Who's Got the Action? (1962), The
Mouse on the Mayflower (1968). Nominacije Oskar za sporednu ulogu u
Roman Holiday (1953), The Heartbreak Kid (1972), nominacija Zlatni
globus za sporednu ulogu u The Longest Yard (1974).
TRINI ALVARADO Trini Alvarado /Trinidad Alvarado, 10. I 1967,
New York City, New York, US/ Debi: The Magic Pony Ride (1977). Uz
više od 15 tv uloga, igrala u skoro 20 filmova: Rich Kids (1979), Times
Square (1980), Dreams Don't Die (1982), Jacobo Timerman: Prisoner
Without a Name, Cell Without a Number (1983), Mrs. Soffel (1984), Sweet
Lorraine (1987), Satisfaction (1988), Frank Nitti: The Enforcer (1988), The
Chair (1988), Stella (1990), American Friends (1991), American Blue Note
(1991), The Babe (1992), Little Women (1994), The Perez Family (1995),
The Frighteners (1996), The Christmas Tree (1996), Paulie (1998), The
Last Dance (2000), Bitter Winter (2001). Nominacija za najbolju mladu
glumicu (1980), noninovana za nagradu Alma za ulogu u Paulie (1998).
ALAN ALDA Alan Alda /Alphonso Joseph D'Abruzzo, 28. I 1936,
Bronx, New York, US/. Debi: Gone Are the Days! (1963). Ostvario oko 30
tv uloga, i preko 30 filmova: Paper Lion (1968), Jenny (1979), The
Mephisto Waltz (1971), California Suite (1978), The Seduction of Joe Tynan
(1979). Nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u komediji-mjuziklu u
Same Time Next Year (1978), The Four Seansons (1981). Nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnog glumca u mini seriji White Mile (1994), dobitnik Zlatnog globusa za najboljeg glumca u seriji-komediji M*A*S*H (1974,
1975, 1979, 1980, 1981, 1982), nominacija Zlatni globus za istu ulogu
(1972, 1973, 1976, 1977, 1978). Za uloge u tv seriji dobio 5 nagrade Emi.
DŽEJN ALEKSANDER Jane Alexander /Jane Quigley, 28. X 1939,
Boston, Massachusetts, U.S/. Debi: The Great White Hope (1970). Uz
skoro 40 tv uloga, igrala u preko 20 filmova: A Gunfight (1971), The New
Centurions (1972), Brubaker (1980), Night Crossing (1982), City Heat
(1984), Square Dance (1987), The Cider House Rules (1999), Gigantic
(2008). Nominacija Oskar za glavnu ulogu u The Great White Hope
(1970), Testament (1983), nominacija Oskar za sporednu ulogu u All the
President's Men (1976), Kramer vs. Kramer (1979), nominacija Zlatni
globus za glavnu ulogu u drami Testament (1983), Zlatni globus za
sporednu ulogu u Kramer vs. Kramer (1979), nagrada Emi za ulogu u
mini seriji Playing for Time (1981), Warm Springs (2006).
VUDI ALEN Woody Allen /Allen Stewart Konigsberg, 1. XII 1935,
Brooklyn, New York, U.S/. Debi: What's New Pussycat? (1965). Igrao u
skoro 40 filmova: Take the Money and Run (1969), Bananas (1971), Play It
Again, Sam (1972), Sleeper (1973), Everything You Always Wanted to
Know About Sex (1972), Love and Death (1975), Manhattan (1979),
Stardust Memories (1980), A Midsummer Night's Sex Comedy (1982),
Broadway Danny Rose (1984), Meeting Woody Allen (1986), Hannah and
Her Sisters (1986), Manhattan Murder Mystery (1993). Nominacija Oskar
za glavnu ulogu u Annie Hall (1977), nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu
ulogu u komediji Annie Hall (1977), Zelig (1983), dobitnik nagrade Bafta.
DŽOAN ALEN Joan Allen /20. VIII 1956. Rochelle, Illinois, U.S/ Debi:
A Wedding (1978). Igrala u preko 30 filmova: The Ice Storm (1997),
Face/Off (1997), Pleasantville (1998), Yes (2004), The Upside of Anger
(2005), The Bourne Ultimatum (2007), Death Race (2008), Hachi: A Dog's
Tale (2009), Good Sharma (2010). Nominovana i nagrađivana; najznačajnije; nominacija Oskar za glavnu ulogu u Kandidat (2000), za sporednu ulogu
u Nixon (1995), The Crucible (1996), nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu
ulogu u drami The Contender (2000), za sporednu ulogu u The Crusible
(1996), nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu glumicu u mini seriji Georgia O
Keeffe (2009); pozorišne nagrada Tony (Burn This, 1989).
DON AMIČI Don Ameche /Dominic Felix Amici, 31. V 1908, Kenosha,
Wisconsin, US – 6. XII 1993. (85), Scottsdale, Arizona, US/. Debi: Clive of
India (1935). Poslednji film: Corrina, Corrina (1994). Igrao u 57 filmova:
Ramona (1936), Sins of Man (1936), Fifty Roads to Town (1937), Love
Under Fire (1937), Happy Landing (1938), Josette (1938), Gateway (1938),
The Three Musketeers (1939), Midnight (1939), The Story of Alexander Graham Bell (1939), Hollywood Cavalcade (1939), Swanee River (1939), Four
Sons (1940), Down Argentine Way (1940), Lillian Russell (1940), That Night
in Rio (1941), Moon Over Miami (1941), Kiss the Boys Goodbye (1941),
Confirm or Deny (1941),… Cocoon: The Return (1988), Oddball Hall
(1990), Oscar (1991), Folks! (1992). Oskar za sporednu ulogu u Cocoon
(1986), nagrada festivala Venecija za ulogu u Things Change (1988).
URSULA ANDERS Ursula Andress /19. III 1936, Ostermundigen,
Switzerland/. Debi: Un americano a Roma (1954). Igrala u skoro 40 filmova:
Dr. No (1962, prva Bondova devojka), Fun in Acapulco (1963), 4 for Texas
(1963), What's New Pussycat? (1965), She (1965), Nightmare in the Sun
(1965), She (1965), Up to His Ears (1965), Chinese Adventures in China
(1965), The 10th Victim (1965), The Blue Max (1966), Once Before I Die
(1965), Casino Royale (1967). Anyone Can Play (1968), The Southern Star
(1969). Perfect Friday (1970), Red Sun (1971), Stateline Motel (1973),…
Klassäzämekunft (1988), Alles gelogen (1996), Cremaster 5 (1997), The Bird
Preachers (2005). Nagrada Zlatni globus za početnicu na filmu.
DŽILIJEN ANDERSON Gillian Anderson /Gillian Leigh Anderson, 9.
VIII.1968, Chicago, Illinois, U.S/. Debi: Three at Once (1986). Igrala u više
od 20 filmova: The Turning (1992), Playing by Heart (1998), The House of
Mirth (2000), The Mighty Celt (2005), Bleak House (2005), The Last King of
Scotland (2006), The X Files: I Want to Believe (2008), Boogie Woogie
(2009) Mr. Morgan's Last Love (2012), The Curse of The Buxom Strumpet
(2012), Sold (2013). Nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu glumicu u mini
seriji Bleak House (2006), dobitnica Zlatni globus za najbolju glumicu u
seriji-drama The X-Files (1996), nominacija Zlatni globus za istu ulogu
(1995, 1997, 1998), dobitnica nagrade Emi, dobitnica nagrade Saturn.
DŽENIFER ANISTON Jennifer Aniston /Jennifer Joanna Aniston, 11.
II.1969, Sherman Oaks, California, U.S/. Debi: Mac and Me (1988). Uz
dvadesetak tv uloga, igrala u blizu 30 filmova, među kojima: Dream for an
Insomniac (1996), She's the One (1996), Picture Perfect (1997), The Thin
Pink Line (1998), The Object of My Affection (1998), The Iron Giant (1999),
Rock Star (2001), Office Space (1999), The Good Girl (2002), Bruce
Almighty (2003), Friends with Money (2006), The Break-Up (2006), Marley
& Me (2008), He's Just Not That into You (2009), Just Go with It (2011),
Horrible Bosses (2011). Dobitnica Zlatnog globusa za sporednu glumicu
u seriji-komedija Friends (2002), dobitnica nagrade Emi.
ROSKO ARBUKLI Roscoe 'Fatty' Arbuckle /Roscoe Conkling Arbuckle, 24. III 1887, Smith Center, Kansas, US – 29. VI 1933. (46), New York
City, New York, US/. Debi: Ben's Kid (1909). Poslednji film: Tomalio
(1933). Igrao u 163 filma: Mrs. Jones' Birthday (1909), Making It Pleasant
for Him (1909), The Sanitarium (1910), Alas! Poor Yorick! (1913), A
Bandit (1913), Help! Hydrophobia! (1913), The Waiters' Picnic (1913),…
The Garage (1920), The Round-Up (1920), Life of the Party (1920),
Brewster's Millions (1921), The Dollar-a-Year Man (1921), Traveling
Salesman (1921), Gasoline Gus (1921), Crazy to Marry (1921), The Fast
Freight (1922), Leap Year (1924), In the Dough (1932), Hey, Pop (1932),
Buzzin' Around (1933), How've You Bean? (1933), Close Relations (1933).
FANI ARDAN Fanny Ardant /Fanny Marguerite Judith Ardant, 22. III
1949, Saumur, Maine-et-Loire, France/. Debi: Marie, the Doll (1976). Igrala u skoro 60 filmova: Benvenuta (1983), La vie est un roman (1983), Desire
(1984), L'Amour à mort (1984), Les enragés (1985), Le paltoquet (1986),
Conseil de famille (1986), Mélo (1986), Love and Fear (1988), Australia
(1989), Afraid of the Dark (1991), Nothing But Lies (1992), Colonel Chabert
(1994), Désiré (1996), Ridicule (1996), Balzac (1999), Le Libertin (2001), 8
Women (2002), Nathalie... (2003), Roman de gare (2007), Ashes and Blood
(2009), You Never Left (2010), Interno giorno (2012). Dobitnica nagrade
Cezar za Pédale douce (1997), nominacija za Cezar u The Woman Next
Door (1982), Confidentially Yours (1984), 8 Women (2002), nominacija za
nagradu Molière u L'Aide-mémoire (1993), Master Class (1997).
DEJVID ARKET David Arquette /8. IX 1971, Winchester, Virginia,
US/. Debi: Halfway House (1992). Igrao u više od 50 filmova: An Ambush
of Ghosts (1993), The Road Killers (1994) Fall Time (1995), Johns (1996),
Scream (1996), The Alarmist (1997), Scream 2 (1997), Ravenous (1999),
Never Been Kissed (1999), Scream 3 (2000), See Spot Run (2001), The Grey
Zone (2001), Eight Legged Freaks (2002), A Foreign Affair (2003), Stealing
Sinatra (2003), Never Die Alone (2004), Riding the Bullet (2004), Slingshot
(2005), The Darwin Awards (2006), Nosebleed (2008), The Butler's in Love
(2008), Black Limousine (2010), The Legend of Hallowdega (2010), Scream
4 (2011), The Cottage (2012).
PATRIŠA ARKET Patricia Arquette /Patricia T. Arquette, 8. IV 1968,
Chicago, Illinois, U.S/. Debi: A Nightmare on Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors (1987). Igrala u preko 30 filmova: Pretty Smart (1987), Prayer of the
Rollerboys (1990), The Indian Runner (1991), Wildflower (1991), Inside
Monkey Zetterland (1992), Ethan Frome (1993), Ed Wood (1994), Holy
Matrimony (1994), Beyond Rangoon (1995), Flirting with Disaster (1996),
Infinity (1996), Lost Highway (1997), Nightwatch (1997), The Hi-Lo Country (1998), Stigmata (1999), Little Nicky (2000), Mystery White Boy
(2013). Nominacija Zlatni globus za najbolju glumicu u seriji-komedija
Medium (2005, 2006, 2007), nominacija Saturn za True Romance (1993).
ROZANA ARKET Rosanna Arquette /Rosanna Lauren Arquette, 10.
VIII 1959; New York City, New York, U.S/. Debi: Having Babies II
(1977, tv), More American Graffiti (1979, film). Uz preko 50 tv uloga,
igrala u više od 60 filmova: Baby It's You (1983), The Aviator (1985), After
Hours (1985), 8 Million Ways to Die (1986), Nobody's Fool (1986), The
Big Blue (1988), Black Rainbow (1989), The Linguini Incident (1991),
Fathers & Sons (1992), Nowhere to Run (1993), Hell's Kitchen (1998),
Sugar Town (1999), The Whole Nine Yards (2000), Big Bad Love (2001),
Dead Cool (2004), I-See-You.Com (2006), Ball Don't Lie (2008).
Nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u komediji Desperately Seeking
Susan (1985), nagrada Bafta za Desperately Seeking Susan (1986).
ALAN ARKIN Alan Arkin /Alan Wolf Arkin, 26. III 1934, Brooklyn,
New York, US/. Debi: Calypso Heat Wave (1957). Igrao u preko 70
filmova: That's Me (1963), The Last Mohican (1966), Wait Until Dark
(1967), Inspector Clouseau (1968), Popi (1969), Catch-22 (1970), The InLaws (1979),... The Private Lives of Pippa Lee (2009), Thin Ice (2011).
Oskar za sporednu ulogu u Little Miss Sunshine (2006), nominacije za
glavne uloge u The Russians Are Coming the Russians Are Coming (1966),
The Heat Is a Lonely Hunter (1968), Zlatni globus za ulogu u komediji
The Russians Are Coming the Russians Are Coming (1966), nominacija
Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u drami The Heat Is a Lonely Hunter (1968), Popi (1969), nominacija
Zlatni globus za glavnog glumca u mini seriji Escape from Sobibor (1987).
DŽORDŽ ARLIS George Arliss /George Augustus Andrews, 10. IV
1868, London, Englanf - 5. II 1946. (77), London, England/. Debi: The
Devil (1921). Poslednji film: The Voice That Thrilled the World (1943).
Igrao u mnogo pozorišnih predstava i 29 filmova, među kojima: Alexander
Hamilton (1931), The Millionaire (1931), A Successful Calamity (1932),
The Man Who Played God (1932), Voltaire (1933), The Working Man
(1933), The Iron Duke (1934), Cardinal Richelieu (1935). Bio je i
književnik, dramaturg i vlasnik producentske kuće u sastavu Warner Bros.
Prvi britanski glumac nagrađen Oskarom za glavnu ulogu u Disraeli
(1930), nominacija Oskar za glavnu ulogu u The Green Goddess (1930).
DŽIN ARTUR Jean Arthur /Gladys Georgianna Greene, 17. X 1900,
Plattsburgh, New York, US - 19. VI 1991, (90) Carmel, California, US/.
Debi: Cameo Kirby (1923). Polsednji film: Shane (1953). Igrala 94 filma:
Somebody Lied (1923), Spring Fever (1923),… More Than a Secretary
(1936), Mr. Deeds Goes to Town (1936), History Is Made at Night (1937),
Easy Living (1937), You Can't Take It With You (1938), Mr. Smith Goes to
Washington (1939), Only Angels Have Wings (1939), Too Many Husbands
(1940), Arizona (1940), The Devil and Miss Jones (1941), The Talk of the
Town (1942), The More the Merrier (1943), A Lady Takes a Chance
(1943), The Impatient Years (1944), A Foreign Affair (1948). Nominacija
Oskar za glavnu ulogu u The More the Merrier (1943).
EN ARČER Anne Archer /24. VIII1947, Los Angeles, California, US/.
Debi: The Honkers (1972). Uz oko 50 tv uloga, igrala u skoro 40 filmova:
Lifeguard (1976), Good Guys Wear Black (1978), Paradise Alley (1978),
Hero at Large (1980), Raise the Titanic (1980), Too Scared to Scream
(1985), Love at Large (1990), Narrow Margin (1990), Eminent Domain
(1991), Patriot Games (1992), Body of Evidence (1993), Short Cuts (1993),
Family Prayers (1993), Clear and Present Danger (1994), Mojave Moon
(1996), Nico the Unicorn (1998), The Art of War (2000), Uncle Nino (2003),
Man of the House (2005), The Iris Effect (2005). Nominacija Oskar za
sporednu ulogu u Fatal Attraction (1987), nominacija Zlatni globus za
dramu za istu ulogu (1987), nominacija Bafta za istu ulogu (1989).
ARMAND ASANTE Armand Assante /Armand Anthony Assante Jr, 4.
X.1949, New York City, New York, US/. Debi: The Lords of Flatbush
(1974). Uz 35 tv uloga, igrao u 70 filmova: Prophecy (1979), Private
Benjamin (1980), I, the Jury (1982), Belizaire the Cajun (1986), Eternity
(1990), The Marrying Man (1991), The Mambo Kings (1992), 1492:
Conquest of Paradise (1992), Hoffa (1992) Fatal Instinct (1993), Blind
Justice (1994), Judge Dredd (1995), Striptease (1996), Last Run (2001),
One Eyed King (2001), Partners in Action (2002), Dot. Kill (2005), Confessions of a Pit Fighter (2005), Surveillance (2006), California Dreamin'
(2007). Više nominacija, najznačajnija nominacija Zlatni globus za sporednu ulogu u Q & A (1990), dobitnik nagrade Emi za ulogu u Gotti (1997).
FRED ASTER Fred Astarie /Frederick Austerlitz, 10. V 1899, Omaha,
Nebraska, US – 22. VI 1987. (88), Los Angeles, California, US/. Debi:
Flying Down to Rio (1933). Poslednji film: Ghost Story (1981). Uz brojne tv
nastupe, igrao u 37 filmova: The Gay Divorcee (1934), Roberta (1935), Top
Hat (1935), Follow the Fleet (1936), Swing Time (1936),… Nominacija
Oskar za sporednu ulogu u The Towering Inferno (1974), Zlatni globus za
glavnu ulogu u mjuziklu The Little Words (1950), za sporednu ulogu u
The Towering Inferno (1974), nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u
mjuziklu The Pleasure of His Company (1961), Fanians Rainbow (1968),
nagrada Emi za An Evening With Fred Astaire (1959), A Family Upside
Down (1978), nagrada Bafta, Special Award (1949).
MERI ASTOR Mary Astor /Lucile Vasconcellos Langhanke, 3. V 1906.
Quincy, Illinois, US – 25. IX 1987. (81), Woodland Hills, California, US/.
Debi: The Scarecrow (1920). Poslednji film: Hush... Hush, Sweet Charlotte
(1964). Igrala u 122 filma: Bullets or Ballots (1921), Hope (1922), The Case
of the Howling Dog (1934), Upper World (1934), The Hurricane (1937),
Listen, Darling (1938), There's Always a Woman (1938), Paradise for
Three (1938), The Maltese Falcon (1941), The Palm Beach Story (1942),
Across the Pacific (1942), Thousands Cheer (1943), Young Ideas (1943),
Blonde Fever (1944), Meet Me in St. Louis (1944), Fiesta (1947), Yesterday
and Today (1953). Oskrar za glavnu ulogu u The Great Lie (1941).
RIČARD ATENBORO Richard Attenborough /Richard Samuel Attenborough, 29. VIII 1923, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, England, UK/. Debi:
In Which We Serve (1942). Igrao u preko 60 filmova: Schweik's New Adventures (1943), Brighton Rock (1947), Dancing with Crime (1947), London
Belongs to Me (1948), The Guinea Pig (1948), Boys in Brown (1949), Father's Doing Fine (1952), Eight O'Clock Walk (1952), Gift Horse (1952),
The Ship That Died of Shame (1955), Private's Progress (1956), The Scamp
(1957), Brothers in Law (1958), Dunkirk (1958), The Man Upstairs (1958),
Jet Storm (1959), SOS Pacific (1959), The Angry Silence (1960), The Dock
Brief (1962), Guns at Batasi (1964), The Flight of the Phoenix (1965), The Sand Pebbles (1966),
The Bliss of Mrs. Blossom (1968), Loot (1970)…. Zlatni globus za sporedne uloge u The Sand
Pebbles (1966), Doctor Dolittle (1967), nagrada Bafta. Kao režiser: Oskar za Gandhi (1982).
MIŠA AUER Mischa Auer /Михаил Семёнович Унсковский, 17. XI
1905, St. Petersburg, Russia – 5. III 1967. (61), Rome, Italy/. Debi:
Something Always Happens (1928). Poslednji film: Per amore... per
magia... (1967). Igrao u 166 filmova: Vivere a sbafo (1949), Fame and the
Devil (1951), Bachelor in Paris (1952), The Impossible Mr. Pipelet (1955),
La pícara molinera (1955), Thirteen at the Table (1955), Mannequins of
Paris (1956), La polka des menottes (1957), The Foxiest Girl in Paris
(1957), Queste pazze pazze donne (1963), The King's Breakfast (1963),
What Ever Happened to Baby Toto? (1964), Cleopazza (1964), Il Natale
che quasi non fu (1966). Nominacija Oskar za sporednu ulogu u My Man
Godfrey (1936).
BEN AFLEK Ben Affleck /Benjamin Geza Affleck-Boldt, 15. VII 1972,
Berkeley, California, US/. Debi: The Dark End of the Street (1981). Igrao u
preko 40 filmova: Mallrats (1995), Glory Daze (1996), Good Will Hunting
(1997), Chasing Amy (1997), Going All the Way (1997), Shakespeare in
Love (1998), Armageddon (1998), Bounce (2000), Pearl Harbor (2001),
Daredevil (2002), Gigli (2003), Paycheck (2003), Surviving Christmas
(2003), Jersey Girl (2004), He's Just Not That Into You (2009), The
Company Men (2010), The Town (2010), Argo (2012), Runner, Runner
(2013). Višestruko nominovan i nagrađivan; najznačajnije: nominacija
Zlatni globus za sporednu ulogu u Hollywoodland (2006), nagrada Saturn.
NATALI BAJ Nathalie Baye /Nathalie Marie Andrée Baye, 6. VII 1948,
Mainneville, Eure, France/. Debi: Faustine et le bel été (1972). Igrala u skoro 80 filmova, među kojima: The Green Room (1978), Mon premier amour
(1978), A Week's Vacation (1980), Every Man for Himself (1980), La provinciale (1981), Notre histoire (1984), Absolument fabuleux (2001), The Flower of Evil (2003), The Young Lieutenant (2005). Dobitnica Cezara za Sauve qui peut (1981), nominacija Cezar za Une semaine de vacances (1981),
Une étrange affaire (1982), La Balance (1983), J'ai épousé une ombre
(1984), Un week-end sur deux (1991), Venus Beauty Institute (2000), Les
Sentiments (2004), Le Petit Lieutenant (2006); nagrade u Veneciji za Une
liaison pornographique (1999), Sietlu za Venus Beauty Institute (2000) i
San Sebastianu za Mon fils à moi (2006), nagrada Magritte (2012).
VORNER BAKSTER Warner Baxter /Warner Leroy Baxter, 29. III
1889, Columbus, Ohio, US – 7. V 1951. (62) Beverly Hills, California, US/.
Debi: Her Own Money (1914). Poslednji film: State Penitentiary (1950)
/Insert The Cisco Kid u O. Henry's Full House, 1952/. Igrao u 109 filmova,
među kojima: Cheated Hearts (1921), A Son of His Father (1925), The
Great Gatsby (1926), Mismates (1926), Singed (1927), Ramona (1928),
Behind That Curtain (1929), Renegades (1930), The Squaw Man (1931),
Doctors' Wives (1931), The Cisco Kid (1931), Paddy the Next Best Thing
(1932), Penthouse (1933), Grand Canary (1934), Stand Up and Cheer!
(1934). Dobitnik prvog Oskara za glavnu ulogu u In Old Arizona (1929).
EN BAKSTER Anne Baxter /7. V 1923, Michigan City, Indiana, US –
12. XII 1985. (62) New York City, New York, US/. Debi: 20 Mule Team
(1940). Poslednji film: Jane Austen in Manhattan (1980), Igrala u 54 filma,
među kojima: Swamp Water (1941), Five Graves to Cairo (1943), The
North Star (1943), The Fighting Sullivans (1944), Sunday Dinner for a
Soldier (1944), Guest in the House (1944), Yellow Sky (1949) (1949), You're
My Everything (1949), Follow the Sun (1951), The Blue Gardenia (1953),
Jane Austen in Manhattan (1980). Oskar za sporednu ulogu u The Razors
Edge (1946), nominacija Oskar za glavnu ulogu u All About Eve (1950);
dobitnica Zlatnog globusa za sporednu ulogu u The Razors Edge (1946).
MARTIN BALSAM Martin Balsam /Martin Henry Balsam, 4. XI
1919, Bronx, New York, New York, US – 13. II 1996. (76), Rome, Italy/.
Debi: The Play's the Thing (1941). Uz 102 tv uloge, igrao u 70 filmova:
Breakfast at Tiffany's (1961), Cape Fear (1962), The Carpetbaggers (1964),
Catch-22 (1970), Little Big Man (1970), Murder on the Orient Express
(1974). Dobitnik Oskara za sporednu ulogu u A Thousand Clowns
(1965). Nominacija Zlatni globus sa sporednu ulogu u Summer Wishes,
Winter Dreams (1973). Nominacija za nagradu BAFTA za sporednu uloga u
The Taking of Pelham One Two Three (1976), All the President's Men
(1977). Nagrađen za ulogu u mini seriji-filmu: Raid on Entebbe (1977).
ANTONIO BANDERAS Antonio Banderas /José Antonio Domínguez
Banderas, 10. VIII 1960, Málaga, Andalucia, Spain/. Debi: Pestañas
postizas (1982). Igrao u preko 70 filmova; nominovan i nagrađivan u:
Réquiem por un campesino español (1985), La corte de Faraón (1985),
Caso cerrado (1985), Matador (1986), 27 horas (1986), Delirios de amor
(1986), La ley del deseo (1987), Women on the Verge of a Nervous
Breakdown (1988), La Blanca Paloma (1989), ¡Átame! (1990), The Mambo
Kings (1992), Desperado (1995), Two Much (1995), The 13th Warrior
(1999), Spy Kids (2001), Once Upon a Time in Mexico (2003), Shrek 2
(2004), Take the Lead (2006), The Skin I Live In (2011) i Puss in Boots
(2011). Nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u mjuziklu Evita (1996),
komediji The Mask of Zorro (1998), nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnog glumca u mini seriji And
Starring Pancho Villa as Himself (2003).
TEDA BARA Theda Bara /Theodosia Burr Goodman, 29. VII 1885,
Cincinnati, Ohio, US - 13. IV. 1955. (69), Los Angeles, California, US/.
Debi: The Stain (1914). Poslednji film: 45 Minutes from Hollywood
(1926). Za 12 godine karijere igrala u 42 filma, među kojima A fool there
was (1914), Carmen (1915), Cleopatra (1917), Madame Du Barry (1917),
The Forbidden Path (1918), The Soul of Buddha (1918), Under the Yoke
(1918), Salome (1918), When a Woman Sins (1918), The She Devil (1918),
The unchastend woman (1925), Madame Mystery (1926). Među prvima
postavila standard “vamp” glumice i seks-simbola, iako nije imala naočitu
lepotu. Većina njenih filmova je uništena u požaru (sačuvana su samo 6).
HAVIJER BARDEM Javier Bardem /Javier Ángel Encinas Bardem, 1.
III 1969, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Gran Canaria, Canary Islands, Spain/.
Debi: El poderoso influjo de la luna (1990). Igrao u preko 40 filmova.
Nominovan i nagrađivan za: Jamón, jamón (1992), Huevos de oro (1993),
Running Out of Time (1994), The Detective and Death (1994), Mouth to
Mouth (1995), Éxtasis (1996), Carne trémula (1997), Perdita Durango
(1997), Second Skin (1999), Washington Wolves (1999)... Oskar za sporednu ulogu u No Country for Old Men (2007), nominacija Oskar za glavnu
ulogu u Before Night Falls (2000), Biutiful (2010), Zlatni globus za
sporednu ulogu u No Country for Old Men (2007); nominacija Zlatni
globus za glavnu ulogu u drami Before Night Falls (2000), The Sea Inside (2004); nominacija Zlatni
globus za glavnu ulogu u komediji/mjuziklu Vicky Cristina Barcelona (2008), nagrade Bafta.
BRIŽIT BARDO Brigitte Bardot /Brigitte Anne-Marie Bardot, 28. IX
1934, Paris, France/. Debi: Les dents longues (1952). Poslednji film: L'histoire très bonne et très joyeuse de Colinot Trousse-Chemise (1973) Igrala
u 48 filmova, među kojima: Manina, the Girl in the Bikini (1952), Futures
vedettes (1955), Doctor at Sea (1955), Et Dieu créa la femme (1956), The
Night Heaven Fell (1958), In Case of Adversity (1958), La Femme et le
Pantin (1959), Come Dance with Me! (1959), Please, Not Now! (1961), A
Very Private Affair (1962), Contempt (1963), Une ravissante idiote (1964),
Viva Maria! (1965), Shalako (1968), Boulevard du Rhum (1971), The
Legend of Frenchie King (1971). Za La Vérité (1960) nominovana za
najbolju neameričku glumicu, nominovana za Baftu u Viva Maria! (1966).
LEKS BARKER Lex Barker /Alexander Crichlow Barker Jr, 8. V 1919,
Rye, New York, US - 11. V 1973. (54), New York City, New York, US/.
Debi: Doll Face (1945). Poslednji film: Wenn du bei mir bist (1970). Igrao
u 74 filma: Tarzan's Magic Fountain (1949), Tarzan and the Slave Girl
(1950), Tarzan's Peril (1951), Tarzan's Savage Fury (1952), Tarzan and the
She-Devil (1953), Robin Hood and the Pirates (1960), Apache Gold (1963),
Apaches Last Battle (1964), Last of the Renegades (1964), Yellow Devil
(1964) Shatterhand (1964), Code 7, Victim 5 (1964), The Desperado Trail
(1965), Half-Breed (1966), The Torture Chamber of Dr. Sadism (1967),
Winnetou and Shatterhand in the Valley of Death (1968), Aoom (1970).
ELEN BARKIN Ellen Barkin /Ellen Rona Barkin, 16. IV 1954, New
York City, New York, US/. Debi: Up in Smoke (1978). Uz oko 15 tv uloga,
igrala u preko 40 filmova: Harry & Son (1984), The Adventures of Buckaroo
Banzai Across the 8th Dimension (1984), The Big Easy (1986), Siesta (1987),
Johnny Handsome (1989), Sea of Love (1989), Man Trouble (1992), Into the
West (1992), This Boy's Life (1993), Bad Company (1995), Wild Bill (1995),
Drop Dead Gorgeous (1999), Crime and Punishment in Suburbia (2000),
Mercy (2000), She Hate Me (2004), Palindromes (2004), Operation:
Endgame (2010), The Chameleon (2010), Shit Year (2010), Another Happy
Day (2011). Nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u komediji Switch
(1991), nominacija Zlatni globus za najbolju glumicu u mini seriji Before
Women Had Wings (1997).
KAROL BARNET Carol Burnett /Carol Creighton Burnett, 26. IV
1933, San Antonio, Texas, US/. Debi: The Paul Winchell and Jerry
Mahoney Show (1955, tv), Who's Been Sleeping in My Bed? (1963, film).
Uz preko 50 tv uloga, igrala u 12 filmova: Nominovana i nagrađivana;
najznačajnije: nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u medija/mjuzikl
Pete n Tillie (1972), The Four Seasons (1981), Annie (1982), za sporednu
ulogu u A Wedding (1978), za najbolju glumicu u mini seriji The Story of
Beatrice (1997), Zlatni globus za najbolju glumicu u seriji komedija/mjuzikl The Carol Burnett Show (1969, 1971, 1976, 1977), nominacija
Zlatni globus za istu ulogu (1970, 1972, 1973, 1974, 1975, 1978.), za najbolju glumicu u seriji-komedija Carol & Company (1990).
MARI - KRISTIN BARO Marie-Christine Barrault /21. III 1944,
Paris, France/. Debi: My Night at Maud's (1969). Uz skoro 60 tv uloga,
igrala u preko 50 filmova: Le distrait (1970, Les intrus (1972), John
Glueckstadt (1975), L'État sauvage (1978), Femme entre chien et loup
(1979), L'Amour trop fort (1981), Le Soulier de satin (1985), Adieu, je
t'aime (1988), Bonsoir (1994), Azzurro (2000), Les amants de Mogador
(2002), L'empreinte de l'ange (2004), La Disparue de Deauville (2007),
Non ma fille tu n'iras pas danser (2009), Opération Saint-Esprit (2009),
Mémoires d'une jeune fille dérangée (2010), Je m'appelle Hmmm... (2012).
Nominacija Oskar za glavnu ulogu u filmu Cousin, cousine (1976).
RIČARD BARTLMES Richard Barthelmess /Richard Semler
Barthelmess, 9. V 1895, New York City, New York, US – 17. VIII 1963.
(68), Southampton, New York, US/. Debi: Gloria's Romance (1916).
Poslednji film: The Mayor of 44th Street (1942). Igrao u 79 filmova: Boots
(1919), Weary River (1929), Drag (1929), Son of the Gods (1930), The
Dawn Patrol (1930), The Last Flight (1931), Alias the Doctor (1932), The
Cabin in the Cotton (1939), Central Airport (1933), Heroes for Sale (1933),
A Modern Hero (1934), Four Hours to Kill! (1935), Spy of Napoleon
(1936), Only Angels Have Wings (1939). Posle učešća u ratu, 1942. prekinuo glumačku karijeru.
Nominacija Oskar za glavnu ulogu u The Noose (1928), The Patent Leather Kid (1928).
RIČARD BARTON Richard Burton /Richard Walter Jenkins, 10.
XI.1925, Pontrhydyfen, Wales, UK – 5. VIII 1984. (58), Céligny,
Switzerland/. Debi: Women of Dolwyn (1949). Poslednji film: 1984 (1984).
Igrao u 56 filmova: My Cousin Rachel (1952), The Desert Rats (1953), The
Robe (1953), Cleopatra (1963), The Night of the Iguana (1964), Hamlet
(1964), What's New Pussycat? (1965)… Absolution (1978), Breakthrough
(1979), Lovespell (1981). Nominacija Oskar za glavnu ulogu u The Robe
(1953), Becket (1964), The Spy Who Came in from the Cold (1965), Who's
Afraid of Virginia Woolf? (1966), Anne of the Thousand Days (1969),
Equus (1977); za sporednu ulogu u My Cousin Rashel (1952), Zlatni
globus za glavnu ulogu u drami Equus (1977); nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u drami
Look Back in Anger (1959), Bocker (1964), Whos Afraid of Virginia Woolf (1966), Anne of
Thousand Days (1969), za glavnu ulogu u komediji The taming the Shrew (1967), nagrada Bafta.
ALEKSEJ BATALOV Aleksey Batalov ( лексей
ла ими ович
а алов; 20 XI 1928, Vladimir, SSSR/: Debi: Зoя (1944). Igrao u 37 filmova: Делo Румянцевa (1955), Maт (1955), Летят журавлы (1957),
Дoрoгoй мoй чeлoвeк (1959), Дaмa с сoбaчкoй (1960), 9 дней oдногo гoдa
(1962) Дeн щaстия (1964), Свeт дaлёкoй звeзды (1965), Чистo
aнглискoe убиствo (1974), Звездa пленителног щасия (1975), Moсквa
слезам нe верыт (1979), Скорoст (1983), O людских aтомах (1983),
Досe человекa в Meрцедесe (1986), Время oтдыa с суботу до
понеделника (1986), Зонтик для новобрачних (1987), Похорони Сталина
(1990) Полтергейст-90 (1991). Višestruki dobitnik mnogih sovjetskih i
ruskih glumačkih nagrada. Dobitnik ordena Lenjin (1967. i 1989).
RED BATONS Red Buttons /Aaron Chwatt, 5. II 1919, New York City,
New York, US – 13. VII 2006. (87), Century City, Los Angeles, California,
US/. Debi: Winged Victory (1947). Poslednji film: Odessa or Bust (2001).
Uz 53 tv uloga, igrao u 29 filmova: Imitation General (1958), The Big
Circus (1959), Five Weeks in a Balloon (1962), The Longest Day (1962), A
Ticklish Affair (1963), Harlow (1965), They Shoot Horses, Don't They?
(1969), The Poseidon Adventure (1972), Movie Movie (1978), Alice in
Wonderland (1985). Oskar za sporednu ulogu u Sajonara (1957). Zlatni
globus za glavnu ulogu u komediji Sajonara (1957); nominacija Zlatni
globus za sporednu ulogu u They Shoor Horses Don’t They (1969).
SERGEJ BEZRUKOV Sergey Bezrukov /Се гей
и ал евич
е уков, 18. X. 1973, Moscow, Russia, USSR/. Debi: Eралаш (1974). Uz
petnaestak tv uloga, igrao u 25 filmova: Aзазель (2002), Жизн одна (2003),
Участок (2003), Moсковская сага (2004), Город без солънцa (2005),
Eсенин (2005), Maстер и Маргарита (2005), Потселий бабочки (2006)
Пушкин. Последная дуел (2006), Kaравалная ночь 2 или 50 лет спустия
(2007), Ироныя судби. Продолженые (2007), В юные 41-гo (2008),
Aдмирал (2008), Aдмирал: История в деяты филмах (2009) Kaныкулы
строгого режима (2009), Висоцкый. Спасибо, что живой (2011),
Реалная скаска (2011). Slavu stekao ulogom u seriji Brigada (2002).
KEROL BEJKER Carroll Baker /28. V 1931, Johnstown, Pennsylvania,
US/. Debi: Easy to Love (1953). Igrala u 49 filmova: The Big Country
(1958), But Not for Me (1959), The Miracle (1959), Bridge to the Sun
(1961), Something Wild (1961), How the West Was Won (1962), Station SixSahara (1962), But Not for Me (1959) Cheyenne Autumn (1964), Sylvia
(1965), Mister Moses (1965), Harlow (1965), Her Harem (1967), Orgasmo
(1969), Confessions of a Frustrated Housewife (1976), Andy Warhol's Bad
(1977), Ironweed (1987). Nominacija Oskar za glavnu ulogu u Baby Doll
(1956), nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u drami Baby Doll (1956).
KEVIN BEJKON Kevin Bacon /Kevin Norwood Bacon, 8. VII 1958,
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US/. Debi: National Lampoon's Animal House
(1978). Uz preko 110 tv uloga, igrao u oko 60 filmova: Diner (1982), Forty
Deuce (1982), Enormous Changes at the Last Minute (1983), Footloose
(1984), JFK (1991), Murder in the First (1995), A Few Good Men (1992),
Apollo 13 (1995), Stir of Echoes (1999), Hollow Man (2000), Mystic River
(2003), The Woodsman (2004), Loverboy (2005), Where the Truth Lies
(2005), Death Sentence (2007), Rails & Ties (2007), Frost/Nixon (2008),
The Air I Breathe (2008), Elephant White (2011). Nominacija Zlatni globus
za sporednu ulogu u The River Wild (1994). Dobitnik Zlatnog globusa za
najboljeg glavnog glumca u mini seriji Taking Chance (2009).
KRISTIJAN BEJL Christian Bale /Christian Charles Philip Bale, 30. I
1974, Haverfordwest, Pembrokeshire, Wales, UK/. Debi: The Dreamthief
(1985). Igrao u skoro 40 filmova: Empire of the Sun (1987), Newsies (1992),
Swing Kids (1993), Royal Deceit (1994), Metroland (1997), Velvet
Goldmine (1998), American Psycho (2001), Equilibrium (2002), 3:10 to
Yuma (2007), The Machinist (2004), Batman Begins (2005), Harsh Times
(2005), Rescue Dawn (2006), The Prestige (2007), I'm Not There (2007),
The Dark Knight (2008), Public Enemies (2009), Terminator Salvation
(2009), The Flowers of War (2011), The Dark Knight Rises (2012). Oskar
za sporednu ulogu u The Fighter (2010), dobitnik nagrade Saturn.
FEJ BEJNTER Fay Bainter /Fay Okell Bainter, 7. XII 1893, Los Angeles, California, US – 16. IV 1968. (74), Los Angeles, California, US/. Debi:
This Side of Heaven (1934). Poslednji film: The Children's Hour (1961). Igrala u 40 filmova: Make Way for Tomorrow (1937), White Banners (1938),
The Arkansas Traveler (1938), Our Town (1940), The War Against Mrs.
Hadley (1942), Salute to the Marines (1943), The Secret Life of Walter
Mitty (1947), June Bride (1948), Close to My Heart (1951), The President's
Lady (1953). Oskar za glavnu ulogu u Jezebel (1938), nominacija Oskar
za glavnu ulogu u White Banners (1938); za sporednu ulogu u The Childrens Hour (1961), nominacija Zlatni globus za istu ulogu (1961).
KIM BEJSINGER Kim Basinger /Kimila Ann Basinger, 8. XII 1953,
Athens, Georgia, US/. Debi: Gemini Man (1976). Igrala u skoro 40 filmova,
među kojima: 9½ Weeks (1996), Nadine (1987), The Getaway (1994), Ready
to Wear (1994), I Dreamed of Africa (2000), Bless the Child (2000), People
i Know (2002), The Door in the Floor (2004), The Mermaid Chair (2006),
Even Money (2006), The Burning Plain (2008), While She Was Out (2008),
Charlie St. Cloud (2010). Oskar za sporednu ulogu u filmu L.A. Confidential (1997), Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u istom filmu (1997); nominacija Zlatni globus za sporednu ulogu u The Natural (1984), nominacija Saturn u My Stepmother Is an Alien (1988), Batman (1989), Cellular (2004).
ALEN BEJTS Alan Bates /Alain Arthur Bates, 17. II 1934, Allestree,
De-rbyshire, England, UK – 27. XII 2003. (69), Westminster, London,
England, UK/. Debi: It's Never too Late (1956). Igrao u skoro 50 filmova: A
Kind of Loving (1962), The Caretaker (1963), Zorba the Greek (1964),
Nothing But the Best (1964), King of Hearts (1966), Women in Love (1969),
Three Sisters (1970), Story of a Love Story (1973), In Celebration (1974)….
Nominacija Oskar za glavnu ulogu u The Fixer (1968); nominacija Zlatni
globus za glavnu ulogu u drami Far from the Madding Crowd (1967), The
Fixer (1968); za glavnu ulogu u komediji/mjuziklu Georgy Girl (1966).
KETI BEJTS Kathy Bates /Kathleen Doyle Bates, 28. VI 1948,
Memphis, Tennessee, US/. Debi: Taking Off (1971. Igrala u preko 70
filmova: North (1994), Dolores Claiborne (1996), Titanic (1997), The
Waterboy (1998), 3rd Rock from the Sun (1999), Dash and Lily (1999), My
Sister's Keeper (2002), Ambulance Girl (2005), Warm Springs (2005),
Revolutionary Road (2018) i Harry's Law (2011). Višestuko nominomava i
nagrađivana, najznačajnije Oskar za glavnu ulogu u filmu Mizeri (1990),
nominacija Oskar za sporednu ulogu u Primary Colors (1998), About
Schmidt (2002), Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u Misery (1990); nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u drami Fried Green Tomatoes (1991);
nominacija Zlatni globus za sporednu ulogu u Primary Colors (1998), About
Schmidt (2002); Zlatni globus za najbolju sporednu glumicu u mini seriji The Late Shift (1996),
nominacija Zlatni globus za najbolju sporednu glumicu u mini seriji Annie (1999).
KEJT BEKINSEL Kate Beckinsale /Kathrin Romary Beckinsale, 26.
VII 1973, Finsbury Park, London, England, UK. Debi: Much Ado About
Nothing (1993). Igrala u skoro 30 filmova: Pearl Harbour (2001), The
Golden Bowl (2001), Underworld (2003), Tiptoes (2003), Van Helsing
(2004), Click (2006), Underworld: Evolution (2006), Vacancy (2007), Snow
Angels (2007), Nothing but the Truth (2008), Winged Creatu-res (2008),
Whiteout (2009), Contraband (2012), Underworld: Awakening (2012), Total
Recall (2012). Više puta nominovana, nagrada Katalonskog festivala za
Shooting Fish (1997), London: The Last Days of Disco (1999).
LORIN BEKOL Lauren Bacall /Betty Joan Perske, 16. IX. 1924, New
York City, New York, US/. Debi: To Have and Have Not (1944). Igrala u
preko 48 filmova: Confidential Agent (1946), The Big Sleep (1946), Dark
Passage (1947), Young Man with a Horn (1950), Bright Leaf (1950), The
Cobweb (1955), Blood Alley (1955), Written on the Wind (1956) Designing
Woman (1957), Harper (1966), Murder on the Orient Express (1974),
Misery (1990), Prêt-à-Porter: Ready to Wear (1994), Wide Blue Yonder
(2010). Nominacija Oskar za sporednu ulogu u The Mirror Has Two Faces
(1996); Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u The Mirror Hus Two Faces
(1996), Special Award (2009), nominacija Bafta za The Shootist (1976).
DŽEJMI BEL Jamie Bell /Andrew James Matfin Bell, 14. III 1986,
Billingham, Stockton on Tees, UK/. Debi: Billy Elliot (2000). Igrao u skoro
20 filmova: Nicholas Nickleby (2002), Deathwatch (2002), Undertow (2004),
Dear Wendy (2005), The Chumscrubber (2005), Mister Foe (2007) Jumper
(2008), Defiance (2008), The Eagle (2011), Retreat (2011), The Eagle (2011),
Jane Eyre (2011), Retreat (2011), The Adventures of Tintin (2011), Man on a
Ledge (2012), Filth (2012), Snowpiercer (2013), Fighting Jacob (2013).
Višestruko nominovan i nagrađivan još za svoju prvu ulogu. Nagrada Bafta
za Billy Elliot (2000), nominacija Nagrada filmskih i tv glumaca za najboljeg
glumca u Billy Elliot (2000), nominacija Bafta za Hallam Foe (2007).
RAFL BELAMI Ralph Bellamy /Ralph Rexford Bellamy, 17. VI 1904,
Chicago, Illinois, US – 29. XI 1991. (87), Santa Monica, California, US/.
Debi: The Secret Six (1931). Poslednji film: Pretty Woman (1990). Uz 96 tv
uloga, igrao u 95 filmova: The Magnificent Lie (1931), Rebecca of
Sunnybrook Farm (1932), Air Mail (1932), Picture Snatcher (1933), Once
to Every Woman (1934), The Healer (1935), It Can't Last Forever (1937),
Blind Alley (1939), Queen of the Mob (1940), The Great Impersonation
(1942), Guest in the House (1944)., Lady on a Train (1945), Sunrise at
Campobello (1960), Trading Places (1983). Nominacija Oskar za sporednu
ulogu u The Awful Truth (1937), Special Award (1986)
ŽAN POL BELMONDO Jean Paul Belmondo /Jean-Paul Charles Belmondo, 9. IV 1933, Neuilly-sur-Seine, France/. Debi: Molière (1956). Igrao
u skoro 80 filmova, među kojima: À double tour (1959), Breathless (1960),
Two Women (1960), Seven Days, Seven Nights (1960), Charlotte and Her
Boyfriend (1960), The Lovemakers (1961), Léon Morin, Priest (1961),
Carto-uche (1962), Le Doulos (1962), Magnet of Doom (1963), That Man
from Rio (1964), Greed in the Sun (1964), Weekend at Dunkirk (1964),
Crime on a Su-mmer Morning (1965), Pierrot le Fou (1965), Chinese
Adventures in China (1965), The Thief of Paris (1967), The Brain (1969),
Mississippi Mermaid (1969), Love Is a Funny Thing (1969), Borsalino
(1970), Le casse (1971), The Married Couple of the Year Two (1971), Dr.
Popaul (1972), Le Magnifique (1973), Stavisky (1974), Incorrigible (1975), L'Alpagueur (1976),
Animal (1977), Le Professionnel (1981)…
MARIJA BELO Maria Bello /Maria Elena Bello, 18. IV 1967,
Norristown, Pennsylvania, U.S/. Debi: Maintenance (1992). Igrala u preko
35 filmova: Morphosis (1994), Permanent Midnight (1998), Payback
(1999), Coyote Ugly (2000), China: The Panda Adventure (2001), Secret
Window (2004), Assault on Precinct 13 (2005), The Dark (2005), The
Sisters (2005), World Trade Center (2006), The Jane Austen Book Club
(2007), Downloading Nancy (2008), The Yellow Handkerchief (2008), The
Private Lives of Pippa Lee (2009), Beautiful Boy (2011). Nominacija Zlatni
globus za glavnu ulogu u drami A History of Violence (2005), nominacija
Zlatni globus za sporednu ulogu u The Cooler (2003).
MONIKA BELUČI Monica Bellucci /Monica Anna Maria Bellucci,
30. IX 1964, Città di Castello, Umbria, Italy/. Debi: Briganti (1990). Igrala
u preko 50 filmova: Ostinato destino (1992), Bram Stoker's Dracula (1992),
La riffa (1993), I mitici (1994), Stressati (1997), Dobermann (1997), Mauvais genre (1997), Come mi vuoi (1997), Compromis (1998), L'ultimo
capodanno (1998, Comme un poisson hors de l'eau (1999) Under Suspicion
(2000), Malèna (2000), Asterix & Obelix: Mission Cleopatra (2002),
Irréversible (2002), Tears of the Sun (2003), The Passion of the Christ
(2004), How Much Do You Love Me? (2005), Sheitan (2006), Wild Blood
(2008), Don't Look Back (2009), That Summer (2011). Nominovana i
nagrađivana, najznačajnija nominacija Cezar za L'Appartement (1996).
DŽEJMS BELUŠI James Belushi /James Adam Belushi, 15. VI 1954,
Chicago, Illinois, US/. Debi: The Fury (1978). Igrao u oko 60 filmova:
Salvador (1986), About Last Night... (1986), The Principal (1987), Real
Men (1987), Red Heat (1988), K-9 (1989), Homer and Eddie (1989), Taking
Care of Business (1990), Mr. Destiny (1990), Dimenticare Palermo (1990),
Curly Sue (1990), Curly Sue (1991), Traces of Red (1992), Once Upon a
Crime (1992), Parallel Lives (1994), Separate Lives (1995), Race the Sun
(1996), Retroactive (1997), Gang Related (1997), Living in Peril (1997),
Angel's Dance (1999), K-911 (1999), According to Jim (2001), K-9: P.I.
(2003), The Wild (2006), Cougars, Inc. (2011), Dorothy of Oz (2012).
DŽOAN BENET Joan Bennett /Joan Geraldine Bennett, 27. II 1910, Palisades Park, New Jersey, US - 7. XII 1990. (80) Scarsdale, New York, US/.
Debi: The Valley of Decision (1916). Poslednji film: Suspiria (1977). Igrala
u 74 filma: The Mississippi Gambler (1929), Moby Dick (1930), Puttin' on
the Ritz (1930), Doctors' Wives (1931), Hush Money (1931), She Wanted a
Millionaire (1932), Week Ends Only (1932), Me and My Gal (1932),
Arizona to Broadway (1933), Two for Tonight (1935), She Couldn't Take It
(1935), Big Brown Eyes (1936), Thirteen Hours by Air (1936), Trade Winds
(1938), The Texans (1938), The Son of Monte Cristo (1940), Man Hunt
(1941) The Woman in the Window (1944), Scarlet Street (1945)...
ANET BENING Annette Bening /Annette Carol Bening, 29. V 1958,
Topeka, Kansas, US/. Debi: The Great Outdoors (1988). Igrala u skoro 30
filmova: Valmont (1989), The Grifters (1990), Guilty by Suspicion (1991),
Regarding Henry (1991),… . Nominacija Oskar za glavnu ulogu u American
Beauty (1999), Being Julia (2004), The Kids Are All Right (2010), za sporednu ulogu u The Grifters (1990); Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u Being
Julia (2004), The Kids Are All Right (2010); nominacija Zlatni globus za
glavnu ulogu u drami Bugsy (1991), American Beauty (1999), za glavnu
ulogu u komediji The American President (1995), Running with Scissors
(2006), za glavnu glumicu u mini seriji Mrs. Harris (2006); nagrada Bafta.
ROBERTO BENINJI Roberto Benigni /Roberto Remigio Benigni, 27.
X.1952, Misericordia, Arezzo, Tuscany, Italy/. Debi: Berlinguer: I Love You
(1977). Igrao u skoro 30 filmova: I giorni cantati (1979), Chiedo asilo
(1979), Il Minestrone (1981), Anche i ladri hanno un santo (1981), Down by
Law (1986), The Little Devil (1988), The Voice of the Moon (1990), Johnny
Stecchino (1991), Son of the Pink Panther (1993), The Monster (1994),
Asterix & Obelix Take On Caesar (1999), Pinocchio (2002), Coffee and
Cigarettes (2003), The Tiger and the Snow (2005). Oskar za glavnu ulogu
u Life Is Beautiful (1998), nagrada Bafta za isti film (1998), Nagrada
filmskih i tv glumaca za najboljeg glumca za isti film (1998).
EN BENKROFT Anne Bancroft / Anna Maria Louisa Italiano 17. IX
1931, The Bronx, New York, US – 6. VI 2005. (73), New York City, New
York, US/ Debi: Don't Bother to Knock (1952). Poslednji film: In Search of
Peace (2002). Uz 32 tv uloge, igrala u 52 filma: The Kid from Left Field
(1953),... Up at the Villa (2000). Oskar za glavnu ulogu u The Miracle
Worker (1962), nominacija Oskar za glavnu ulogu u The Pumpkin Eater
(1964), The Graduate (1967), The Turning Point (1977), Agnes of God
(1985); Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u drami The Pumpkin Eater
(1964); nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u drami The Miracle
Worker (1962), The Turning Point (1977), Agnes of God (1985), Night
Mother (1986); za glavnu ulogu u komediji To Be or Not to Be (1983), Garbo Talks (1984). Zlatni
globus za glavnu ulogu u komediji The Graduate (1967), nagrade Emi, nagrade Bafta.
KENDIS BERGEN Candice Bergen /Candice Patricia Bergen, 9. V
1946, Beverly Hills, California, US/. Debi: The Group (1966). Uz skoro
130 tv uloga, igrala u 30 filmova: The Sand Pebbles (1966), Live for Life
(1967), The Magus (1968), The Adventurers (1969), Getting Straight
(1970), … Bride Wars (2009). Nominacija Oskar za sporednu ulogu u
Starting Over (1979). Nominacija Zlatni globus za sporednu ulogu u istom
filmu (1979), nominacija Zlatni globus za najbolju sporednu glumicu u mini
seriji Boston Legal (2005), Zlatni globus za najbolju glumicu u serijikomedija Murphy Brown (1988, 1991), nomonacija Zlazni globus za istu
ulogu u istoj seriji (1989, 1990, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995); nagrada Emi.
HELMUT BERGER Helmut Berger /Helmut Steinberger, 29. V.1944,
Bad Ischl, Austria/. Debi: Circle of Love (1964). Igrao u preko 40 filmova: I
giovani tigri (1968), What Did Stalin Do to Women? (1969), Dorian Gray
(1970), Un beau monstre (1971), The Bloodstained Butterfly (1971), The
Garden of the Finzi-Continis (1972), La colonna infame (1972), Les voraces
(1973, Ash Wednesday (1973), Conversation Piece (1974), Order to Kill
(1975), El clan de los inmorales (1975), The Romantic Englishwoman
(1975), Salon Kitty (1976), La belva col mitra (1977), Beast with a Gun
(1977), The Greatest Battle (1978), Fantômas (1980), The Godfather Part
III (1990), L'affaire Dreyfuss (1995), Iron Cross (2010), Mörderschwestern
(2011); dve sezone nastupao u čuvenoj sapunici Dynasty (1983. i 1984).
Nagrada David Di Donatello za ulogu u Ludwig (1973).
INGRID BERGMAN Ingrid Bergman /29. VIII 1915, Stockholm,
Sweden – 29. VII 1982. (67), London, England, UK/. Debi: Landskamp
(1932). Poslednji film: Höstsonaten (1978). Igrala u 46 filmova: The Surf
(1935), På solsidan (1936), Intermezzo (1936), Dollar (1938), … AimezVous Brahms? (1961),… Murder on the Orient Express (1974), A Matter of
Time (1976). Oskar za glavnu ulogu u Gaslight (1944), Anastasia (1956);
za sporednu ulogu u Murder on the Orient Express (1974), nominacija
Oskar za glavnu ulogu u For Whom the Bell Tolls (1943), The Bells of St.
Mary's (1945), Joan of Arc (1948), Höstsonaten (1978), Zlatni globus za
glavnu ulogu u Gaslight (1944), The Bels of St. Marys (1945), Anastasia
(1956); nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u The In of the Sixst Happieness (1958), Autumn
Sonata (1978); za glavnu ulogu u komediji Indiscreet (1958), Cactus Flower (1969); Zlatni globus
za najbolju glavnu glumicu u mini seriji A Woman Called Golda (1982); nagrada Bafta.
NOA BERI Noah Beery Sr. /Noah Nicholas Beery, 17 I 1882, Kansas
City, Missouri, US – 1. IV 1946. (64), Beverly Hills, California, US/. Debi:
The Influence of a Child (1913), Poslednji film: Sing Me a Song of Texas
(1945 Igrao u 200 filmova: The Purple Night (1915), The Clever Mrs.
Carfax (1917), Molly Entangled (1917), … Fighting with Kit Carson
(1933), Mystery Liner (1934), The Trail Beyond (1934), King of the Damned
(1935), Someone at the Door (1936), I Live Again (1936), Strangers on
Honeymoon (1936), The Avenging Hand (1937), The Frog (1937),
Panamint's Bad Man (1938), Mexicali Rose (1939), Adventures of Red
Ryder (1940), The Tulsa Kid (1940), A Missouri Outlaw (1941), Outlaws of
Pine Ridge (1942), Carson City Cyclone (1943).
HALE BERI Halle Berry /Halle Maria Berry, 14. VIII.1966, Cleveland,
Ohio, US/ Debi: Living Dolls (1989, tv), Jungle Fever (1991, film). Igrala u
preko 30 filmova: Boomerang (1992), Alex Haley's Queen (1993), Father
Hood (1993), The Program (1993), Losing Isaiah (1995), Bulworth (1998),
Gothika (2003), Catwoman (2004), Shoe Addicts Anonymous (2013), The
Hive (2013). Oskar za glavnu ulogu u Monsters Bull (2001), nominacija
Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u Monsters Bull (2001), Frankie and Alice
(2010), Zlatni globus za najbolju glumicu u mini seriji Introducing
Dorothy Dandridge (1999), nominacija Zlatni globus za najbolju glumicu u
mini seriji Their Eyes Were Watching God (2005), nagrada Emi.
DRU BERIMOR Drew Barrymore /Drew Blyth Barrymore, 22. II 1975,
Culver City, California, US/. Debi: Suddenly, Love (1978). Igrala u skoro 50
filmova: Firestarter (1984), Cat's Eye (1985), Babes in Toyland (1986),
Scream (1996), The Wedding Singer (1998), Ever After (1998), Never Been
Kissed (1999), Skipped Parts (2000), Charlie's Angels (2000), Freddy Got
Fingered (2001), Riding in Cars with Boys (2001), Charlie's Angels: Full
Throttle (1003), 50 First Dates (2004), Fever Pitch (2005), Music and
Lyrics (2007), Lucky You (2007) Going the Distance (2010), Big Miracle
(2012). Nominacija Zlatni Globus za sporednu ulogu u Irreconcilable
Differences (1984). Zlatni globus za najbolju glumicu u mini seriji Grey
Gardens (2009), nominacija Zlatni globus za najbolju glumicu u mini seriji
Guncrazy (1992), Nominacija Bafta za E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial (1982).
ETEL BERIMOR Ethel Barrymore /Ethel Mae Blythe, 15. VIII 1879,
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US – 18. VI 1959. (79), Los Angeles, California, US/. Debi: The Nightingale (1914). Poslednji film: Johnny Trouble
(1957). Igrala u 37 filmova, 15 nemih i 22 zvučnih: The Farmer's Daughter
(1947), Kind Lady (1951), It's a Big Country (1951), Deadline – U.S.A.
(1952), The Story of Three Loves (1953). Oskar za sporednu ulogu u None
but the Lonely Heart (1944), nominacija Oskar za sporednu ulogu u The
Spiral Staircase (1946), The Paradine Case (1947), Pinky (1949).
LIONEL BERIMOR Lionel Barrymore /Lionel Herbert Blythe, 28. IV
1878, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US – 15. XI 1954. (76) Beverly Hills,
California, US./ Debi: The Paris Hat (1908). Poslednji film: Seven Angry
Men (1953). Igrao u 215 filmova: The Mysterious Island (1929), Mata Hari
(1931), Arsène Lupin (1932), Rasputin and the Empress (1932), David
Copperfield (1934), Young Dr. Kildare (1938), You Can't Take It With You
(1938), On Borrowed Time (1939), The Secret of Dr. Kildare (1939), Dr.
Kildare's Strange Case (1940), Dr. Kildare Goes Home (1940), The Bad
Man (1941), The People vs. Dr. Kildare (1941), Dr. Kildare's Victory
(1942), Tennessee Johnson (1942), Three Wise Fools (1946), Bannerline
(1951).. Dobitnik Oskara za glavnu ulogu u A Free Soul (1931).
DŽON BERIMOR John Barrymore /John Sidney Blyth, 15. II 1882;
Philadelphia, US - 29. V 1942. (60), Los Angeles, US/. Debi: The Dream of
a Moving Picture Director (1912). Poslednji film: Screen test: The Man
Who Came to Dinner (1941). Igrao u 65 filmova: One on Romance (1913),
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (1920), Sherlock Holmes (1922), Don Juan (1926),
Moby Dick (1930), Arsène Lupin (1931), Grand Hotel (1931), Rasputin and
the Empress (1932), Romeo and Juliet (1936), Bulldog Drummond Comes
Back (1936), Romance in the Dark (1938), Marie Antoinette (1938),
Midnight (1939), The Great Man Votes (1939), The Great Profile (1940),
The Invisible Woman (1940), World Premiere (1941), Playmates (1941).
TOM BERINDŽER Tom Berenger /Thomas Michael Moore, 31. V
1949, Chicago, Illinois, US/. Debi: Rush It (1976). Igrao u skoro 60 filmova: In Praise of Older Women (1978), Butch and Sundance: The Early Days
(1979), The Big Chill (1983), Eddie and the Cruisers (1983), Fear City
(1984), Rustlers' Rhapsody (1985), Someone to Watch Over Me (1987),
Shoot to Kill (1988), Betrayed (1988), Last Rites (1988), Major Lea-gue
(1989), Love at Large (1990), Shattered (1991), At Play in the Fields of the
Lord (1991), Sniper (1993), The Christmas Miracle of Jonathan Toomey
(2007), Stiletto (2008) Last Will (2010). Nominacija Oskar za sporednu ulogu u Platoon (1986), Zlatni globus za sporednu ulogu u Platoon (1986).
SARA BERNAR Sarah Bernhardt /Rosine Bernardt, 22. X 1844, Paris,
France - 26 III 1923. (78), Paris, France/. Prvi nastup u pozorištu “Komedi
franses”, u Racine's Iphigénie (1862), gde je ostvarila desetine uloga,
stekavši ugled najslavnije glumice 19. veka, sjajne glume, ali ekscentričnog
ponašanja i neobuzdanog življenje.. Debi na filmu: Le Duel d'Hamlet (1900,
igrala Hamleta!). Poslednji film: La Voyante (1923). Igrala u 11 filmova,
među kojima: La Tosca (1908), Les Amours d'Elisabeth, Reine d'Angleterre
(1912), Mères Françaises (1915), Ceux de Chez Nous (1915), Jeanne Doré
(1916), čak i posle amputacije noge, 1915, u invalidskim kolicima!
ŽENEVJEV BIŽO Geneviève Bujold /1. VII 1942, Montreal, Quebec,
Canada/. Debi: Les Belles Histoires des pays d'en haut (1956). Igrala u
preko 55 filmova: The War Is Over (1966), Le voleur (1967), Isabel (1968),
The Act of the Heart (1970), Kamouraska (1973), Obsession (1976),
Another Man, Another Chance (1977), Coma (1978), Murder by Decree
(1979), The Last Flight of Noah's Ark (1980), Final Assignment (1980),
Monsignor (1982), Choose Me (1984), The Moderns (1988), Les noces de
papier (1990), The Adventures of Pinocchio (1996), Jericho Mansions
(2003), Délivrez-moi (2006), Still (2012). Nominovana i nagrađivana;
najznačajnije: nominacija Oskar za glavnu ulogu u Anne of Thousand Days
(1968), Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u Anne of Thousand Days (1969).
ČARLS BIKFORD Charles Bickford /Charles Ambrose Bickford, 1. I
1891, Cambridge, Massachusetts, US – 9. XI 1967. (76), Los Angeles,
California, US/. Debi: South Sea Rose (1929). Poslednji film: A Big Hand
for the Little Lady (1966). Igrao u 85 filmova: Dynamite (1929), Hell's
Heroes (1930), Anna Christie (1930), The Sea Bat (1930), East of Borneo
(1931), This Day and Age (1933), Queen of the Yukon (1940), Jim Thorpe –
All-American (1951), A Star is Born (1954), Not As a Stranger (1955), The
Dark Wave (1956), Mister Cory (1957), Days of Wine and Roses (1962),
Della (1964). Nominacija Oskar za sporednu ulogu u The Song of
Bernadette (1943), The Farmer's Daughter (1947), Johnny Belinda (1948).
Billy") Anderson /Maxwell Henry Aronson, 21. III 1880, Little Rock,
Arkansas, US – 20. I 1971, (90), South Pasadena, California, US/. Kao
direktor, potpisao je 467 filmova! Debi: The Messenger Boy's Mistake
(1903). Poslednji film: The Bounty Killer (1965). Igrao u neverovatnih 352
filma, uglavnom vestern žanra, tumačeći Bronko Bila. Od toga je sve
filmove snimio do1915; 1916 snimio je 3; 1917. samo 1, 1918. – dva; 1919.
je snimio 3, 1922 – samo The Greater Duty (1922); 1941. pretposlednji
film, Life with Henry. Sem dva poslednja, svi njegovi filmovi su iz doba
nemog filma. Nagrađen je za životno delo: Special Award (1957).
ŠON BIN Shaun Bean /Shaun Mark Bean, 17. IV. 1959, Sheffield, South
Yorkshire, England, UK/. Debi: Samson and Delilah (1985). Uz skoro 50 tv
uloga (Sharpe, 1993 – 2008), igrao u više od 45 filmova: Windprints (1990),
Patriot Games (1992), Black Beauty (1994), GoldenEye (1995), When
Saturday Comes (1996) The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring
(2001), The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (2002), The Lord of the
Rings: The Return of the King (2003), The Dark (2005), The Hitcher
(2007), Outlaw (2007), Black Death (2009), Cash (2010), Game of Thrones
(2011), Age of Heroes (2011), Pan (2012), Cleanskin (2012), The 4th Reich
(2013). Nominovan i nagrađivan, ali ne i najprestižnijim nagradama.
ŽILIJET BINOŠ Juliette Binoche /9. III 1964; Paris, France/. Debi: Dorothée, danseuse de corde (1983). Igrala u skoro 50 filmova: Rendez-vous
(1985), Mauvais Sang (1986), Les Amants du Pont-Neuf (1991), Damage
(1992), The Horseman on the Roof (1995), The Widow of Saint-Pierre
(2000), Jet Lag (2002), Caché (2005), Disengagement (2007), Paris (2008),
L'heure d'été (1008), Copie conforme (2010), Elles (2011), À coeur ouvert
(2012), Camille Claudel (2012) Višestruko nominovana i nagrađivana; najznačajnije: Oskar za sporednu ulogu u The English Patient (1996); nominacija Oskar za glavnu ulogu u Chocolat (2000), nominacija Zlatni globus
za glavnu ulogu u drami Three Colors Blue (1993), za glavnu ulogu u komediji Chocolat (2000), za
sporednu ulogu u The English Patient (1996); nagrada Bafta za The English Patient (1997).
VOLAS BIRI Wallace Beery /Wallace Fitzgerald Beery, 1. IV 1885,
Kansas City, Missouri, US – 15. IV 1949. (64) Beverly Hills, California,
US/. Debi: His Athletic Wife (1913). Poslednji film: Big Jack (1949). Igrao u
232 filma: Patria (1917), The Last of the Mohicans (1920), Robin Hood
(1922), Richard the Lion-Hearted (1923), Pony Express (1925), Billy the
Kid (1930), Min and Bill (1930), Grand Hotel (1932), Flesh (1932), Viva
Villa! (1934), The Man from Dakota (1940), Salute to the Marines (1943),
A Date with Judy (1948). Oskar za glavnu ulogu u The Champ (1932);
nominacija Oskar za sporednu ulogu u The Big House (1930).
DŽEJN BIRKIN Jane Birkin /Jane Mallory Birkin, 14. XII 1946,
Marylebone, London, England, UK/. Debi: The Knack... and How to Get It
(1965). Igrala u preko 70 filmova: Wonderwall (1968), Slogan (1969), The
Pleasure Pit (1969), Sex-Power (1970), Trop petit mon ami (1970), Alba
pagana (1970), Cannabis (1970), Devetnaest djevojaka i jedan mornar
(1971), Romansa konjokradice (1971), Seven Dead in the Cat's Eye (1973),
Projection privée (1973), How to Make Good When One Is a Jerk and a
Crybaby (1974), Lucky Pierre (1974), Around a Small Mountain (2009)
Thelma, Louise et Chantal (2010). Nagrada festivala Venecija za Dust
(1985), nominacija Cesar za La pirate (1985), The Woman of My Life (1987)
La belle noiseuse (1991).
GEBRIJEL BIRN Gabriel Byrne /Gabriel James Byrne, 12. V 1950,
Dublin, Ireland/. Debi: On a Paving Stone Mounted (1978). Igrao u skoro 70
filmova: Christopher Columbus (1985), Defence of the Realm (1985),
Gothic (1986), Siesta (1987), Julia and Julia (1987), A Soldier's Tale
(1988), Dark Obsession (1989), Miller's Crossing (1990), Cool World
(1992), Point of No Return (1993), Little Women (1994), Prince of Jutland
(1994), The Usual Suspects (1995), Weapons of Mass Distraction (1997),
The Man in the Iron Mask (1998), Wah-Wah (2005), Played (2006),
Emotional Arithmetic (2006), Jindabyne (2006), Attack on Leningrad
(2009). Višestruko nominovan i nagrađivan, najznačajnija: Zlatni globus za
najboljeg glumca u seriji-drama In Teatment (2008).
ŽAKLIN BISE Jacqueline Bisset /Winifred Jacqueline Fraser Bisset,
13. IX 1944, Weybridge, Surrey, England, UK/. Debi: The Knack ...and
How to Get It (1965). Igrala u skoro 60 filmova: The Sweet Ride (1968),
The Grasshopper (1969), Le Magnifique (1973), Forbidden (1984), La
Cérémonie (1995), The Sleepy Time Gal (2001), Death in Love (2008), An
Old Fashioned Thanksgiving (2008). Nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu
ulogu u komediji Who Is Killing the Great Chefs of Europe (1978),
nominacija Zlatni globus za sporednu ulogu u Under the Volcano (1984),
nominacija Zlatni globus za sporednu glumicu u seriji Joan of Arc (1999).
VOREN BITI Warren Beatty /Henry Warren Beaty, 30. III 1937,
Richmond, Virginia, US/. Debi; Splendor in the Grass (1961). Igrao u više
od 20 filmova: The Roman Spring of Mrs. Stone (1961), All Fall Down
(1962), Lilith (1964), Mickey One (1964), Promise Her Anything (1965),
What's New Pussycat (1965), Kaleidoscope (1966), The Only Game in
Town (1970),... Town & Country (2001). Nominacija Oskar za glavnu ulogu
u Bonnie and Clyde (1967), Heaven Can Wait (1978), Reds (1981), Bugsy
(1991); Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u komediji Heaven Can Wait
(1978); nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u drami Splendor in the
Grass (1961); Bonnie and Clyde (1967), Reds (1981), Bugsy (1991);
nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u komediji Shampoo (1975), Bulworth (1998); nagrada
Bafta. nagrada Saturn za Heaven Can Wait (1979), dobitnik Oskara za životno delo (2008).
NED BITI Ned Beatty /Ned Thomas Beatty, 6. VII 1937, Louisville, Kentucky, US/ Debi: Deliverance (1972). Igrao u skoro 80 filmova: White Lightning (1973), The Execution of Private Slovik (1974), W.W. and the Dixie
Dancekings (1975), Nashville (1975), Exorcist II: The Heretic (1977), Superman (1978), Friendly Fire (1979), Last Train Home (1990), This
Beautiful Life (2002), Cat on a Hot Tin Roof (2004), The Walker (2007),
The Killer Inside Me (2010), Toy Story 3 (2010), Rampart (2011).
Nominacija Oskar za sporednu ulogu u Network (1976), nominacija Zlatni
globus za sporednu ulogu u Hear My Song (1991).
DEMIJAN BIŠIR Demián Bichir /Demián Bichir Nájera, 1. VIII 1963,
Mexico City, Mexico/. Debi: Choices of the Heart (1983). Igrao u preko 40
filmova: La vida conyugal (1993), Cilantro y perejil (1994), Luces de la
noche (1998), Sexo, pudor y lágrimas (1999), Sin noticias de Dios (2001),
Ciudades oscuras (2002), Noche en Lima (2004), American Visa (2005),
Fuera del cielo (2006), Fuera del cielo (2007), American Visa (2007), Live,
Love, Laugh, But... (2008), Enemigos íntimos (2008), Che: Part Two (2008),
The Runway (2010), Hidalgo: La historia jamás contada (2010), A Better
Life (2011), El sueño de Iván (2011). Više puta nominovan i nagrađivan;
najznačajnija nominacija Oskar za glavnu ulogu u A Better Life (2012).
GERI BJUSI Gary Busey /William Gary Busey, 29. VI 1944, Goose
Creek, Texas, US/. Debi: Angels Hard as They Come (1971). Igrao u preko
100 filmova: The Last American Hero (1973), A Star Is Born (1976), Big
Wednesday (1978), Carny (1980), Foolin' Around (1980), The Bear (1984),
Eye of the Tiger (1986), Bulletproof (1988), A Dangerous Life (1988), Hider
in the House (1989), Act of Piracy (1990), Predator 2 (1990), Point Break
(1991), Surviving the Game (1994), Drop Zone (1994), Apocalypse III:
Tribulation (2000), Latin Dragon (2004), Jenny (2011), Lizzie (2012).
DaZe: Vol. Too (sic) - NonSeNse (2012), Mansion of Blood (2012).
Nominacija Oskar za glavnu ulogu u The Buddy Holly Story (1978),
nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u istom filmu (1978).
EMILI BLANT Emily Blunt /Emily Olivia Leah Blunt, 23. II 1983,
London, England, UK/. Debi: Boudica (2003). Igrala u preko 30 filmova: My
Summer of Love (2004), The Strange Case of Sherlock Holmes & Arthur
Conan Doyle (2005), Irresistible (2006), Wind Chill (2007), Charlie Wilson's
War (2007), Sunshine Cleaning (2008), Sunshine Cleaning (2008), The
Young Victoria (2009), Curiosity (2009), Wild Target (2010), The Wolfman
(2010), Gulliver's Travels (2010), The Adjustment Bureau (2011), Salmon
Fishing in the Yemen (2012), The Five-Year Engagement (2012). Nominacija
Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u drami The Young Victoria (2009), za
sporednu ulogu u The Devil Wears Prada (2006), Zlatni globus za najbolju
sporednu glumicu u mini seriji Gideons daughter (2006).
KEJT BLANŠET Cate Blanchett /Catherine Elise Blanchett, 14. V
1969; Melbourne, Victoria, Australia/. Debi: Police Rescue: The Movie
(1994). Igrala u preko 40 filmova: Oscar and Lucinda (1997), Thank God
He Met Lizzie (1997), The Talented Mr. Ripley (1999), An Ideal Husband
(1999), The Gift (2000), The Man Who Cried (2000), The Shipping News
(2001), Charlotte Gray (2001), The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the
Ring (2001), The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (2002), The Lord of
the Rings: The Return of the King (2003), The Missing (2003), Coffee and
Cigarettes (2003), Veronica Guerin (2003), The Life Aquatic with Steve
Zissou (2004), Little Fish (2005), Babel (2005), I'm Not There (2007), The
Curious Case of Benjamin Button (2008), Robin Hood (2010), Hanna (2011) – za koje ne
nominovana i nagrađivana; najznačajnije. Oskar za sporednu ulogu u The Aviator (2004);
nominacija Oskar za glavnu ulogu u Elizabeth (1998), Elizabeth: The Golden Age (2007); za
sporednu ulogu u Notes on a Scandal (2006), Im Not There (2007). Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu
u Elizabeth (1998), Im Not There (2007); nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u drami
Veronica Guerin (2003), Elizabeth: The Golden Age (2007); za glavnu ulogu u komediji Bandits
(2001); za sporednu ulogu u The Aviator (2004), Notes on a Scandal (2006); nagrada Bafta.
KAREN BLEJK Karen Black /Karen Blanche Ziegler, 1. VII 1939,
Park Ridge, Illinois, US/. Debi: The Prime Time (1959). Igrala u preko 140
filmova: Five Easy Pieces (1970), Drive, He Said (1971), Portnoy's Complaint (1972), The Pyx (1973), The Outfit (1973), Airport 1975. (1974), Trilogy of Terror (1975), The Day of the Locust (1975), Crimetime (1996),
Charades (1998), OowieWanna (2011), Vacationland (2011). Nominacija
Oskar za sporednu ulogu u Five Easy Pieces (1970); Zlatni globus za
sporednu ulogu u Five Easy Pieces (1970), The Great Gatsby (1974);
nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u The day of The Locust (1975).
BRENDA BLENTIN Brenda Blethyn /Brenda Anne Bottle, 20. II
1946, Ramsgate, Kent, England, UK/. Debi: Poor Little Rich Girl: The
Barbara Hutton Story (1987, tv), The Witches (1990, film). Igrala u oko 40
filmova: Anne Frank: The Whole Story (2001), The Sleeping Dictionary
(2003), Belonging (2004), Pride & Prejudice (2005), Clubland (2007), Law
& Order: Special Victims Unit (2009). Nominacija Oskar za glavnu ulogu u
Sicrets & Lies (1996), za sporednu ulogu u Little Voice (1998); Zlatni
globus za glavnu ulogu u Sicrets & Lies (1996); nominacija Zlatni globus
za glavnu ulogu u komediji Saving Grace (2000), nominacija Zlatni globus
za sporednu ulogu u Little Voice (1998).
DŽOAN BLONDEL Joan Blondell /Rose Joan Blondell, 30. VIII
1906, New York City, New York, US – 25. XII 1979. (73), Santa Monica,
California, US/. Debi: The Heart Breaker (1930). Poslednji film: The
Woman Inside (1981). Igrala u 96 filmova: The Devil's Parade (1930),
Sinners' Holiday (1930), The Public Enemy (1931), Gold Diggers of 1933
(1933), The Perfect Specimen (1937), Three Girls About Town (1941), Lady
for a Night (1942), Adventure (1945), A Tree Grows in Brooklyn (1945),
Nightmare Alley (1947), The Opposite Sex (1956), Desk Set (1957), Will
Success Spoil Rock Hunter? (1957). Grease (1978). Nominacija Oskar za
sporednu ulogu u The Blue Veil (1951), nominacija Zlatni globus za
sporednu ulogu u The Cincinnati Kid (1965), Opening Night (1977).
KLER BLUM Claire Bloom /Patricia Claire Blume, 15. II 1931,
Finchley, North London, England, UK/. Debi: Limelight (1952). Igrala u
preko 45 filmova: The Man Between (1953), Richard III (1955), Alexander
the Great (1956), The Brothers Karamazov (1957), Look Back in Anger
(1958), The Chapman Report (1962), The Wonderful World of the Brothers
Grimm (1962), The Haunting (1963), The Outrage (1964), The Spy Who
Came in from the Cold (1965), Charly (1968), The Illustrated Man (1969),
Three Into Two Won't Go (1969, A Doll's House (1973), Separate Tables
(1983), Shadowlands (1985), Crimes and Misdemeanors (1989), Mighty
Aphrodite (1995), The Book of Eve (2002) While We Were Here (2012).
KLARA BOU Clara Bow /Clara Gordon Bow, 29. VII 1905, Brooklyn,
New York, US - 27. IX 1965. (60) West Los Angeles, Kalifornija, US/.
Debi: Beyond the Rainbow (1922). Poslednji film: Hoop-La (1933). Igrala u
55 filmova: Poisoned Paradise: The Forbidden Story of Monte Carlo
(1924), Daughters of Pleasure (1924), Helen's Babies (1924), Black
Lightning (1924), Capital Punishment (1925), Kiss Me Again (1925),
Shadow of the Law (1926), Children of Divorce (1927), Red Hair (1928),
The Wild Party (1929), Dangerous Curves (1929), The Saturday Night Kid
(1929), Paramount on Parade (1930), No Limit (1931), Kick In (1931), Call
Her Savage (1932), No Limit (1933). Jedan od prvih pin-up simbola.
DIRK BOGARD Dirk Bogarde (Derek Jules Gaspard Ulric Niven van
den Bogaerde, 28. III 1921, West Hampstead, London, England, UK - 8. V
1999. (78), Chelsea, London, England, UK/. Debi: Come on George!
(1939). Poslednji film: Daddy Nostalgie (1990). Igrao u 63 filma, među
kojima: Cast a Dark Shadow (1957), Doctor at Large (1957), Il Portiere di
notte (1974), Despair (1978). Nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u
komediji-mjuziklu Song Without End (1960), za najboljeg glumca u mini
seriji The Patricia Neal Story (1981), nagrada Bafta za The Servant
(1963), Darling (1965), nominacija Bafta za Victim (1961), Accident
(1967), Our Mother's House (1967), Morte a Venezia (1971).
HEMFRI BOGART Humphrey Bogart /Humphrey DeForest Bogart,
25. XII 1899; New York, US - 14. I 1957. (58), Los Anđeles Kacifornija,
US/. Debi: The Dancing Town (1928). Poslednji film: The Harder They Fall
(1956). Igrao u 78 filmova: Love Affair (1932), Midnight (1934), The
Petrified Forest (1936), Black Legion (1936), Angels with Dirty Faces
(1938), High Sierra (1941), The Maltese Falcon (1941), To Have and Have
Not (1944), The Treasure of the Sierra Madre (1948), Key Largo (1948),
Deadline - U.S.A. (1952), Battle Circus (1953), Beat the Devil (1953), The
Caine Mutiny (1954), Sabrina (1954), The Barefoot Contessa (1954), The
Left Hand of God (1955), We're No Angels (1955), The Desperate Hours
(1955). Časopis Entertejment vikli i American Film Institute (1999)
proglasili su ga najvećom filmskom zvezdom svih vremena. Oskar za glavnu ulogu u The African
Queen (1951), nominacija Oskar za glavnu ulogu u Casablanca (1943), The Caine Mutiny (1954).
ČARLS BOJER Charles Boyer /28. VIII 1899, Figeac, Lot, MidiPyrénées, France – 26. VIII 1978. (78), Phoenix, Arizona, US/. Debi:
L'Homme du large (1920). Poslednji film: A Matter of Time (1976). Igrao u
preko 83 filma: Le grillon du foyer (1922), Esclave (1922), L'Épervier
(1933), Liliom (1934), The Battle (1934), Caravan (1934). Orage (1938),
The Garden of Allah (1936), History Is Made at Night (1937), All This, and
Heaven Too (1940), Back Street (1941), Hold Back the Dawn (1941), The
Happy Time (1952), The Earrings of Madame de... (1953), Around the
World in 80 Days (1956), The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse (1962),
How to Steal a Million (1966), Casino Royale (1967), Stavisky... (1974).
Nominacija Oskar za glavnu ulogu u Conquest (1937), Algiers (1938),
Gaslight (1944), Fanny (1961), Special Award (1942).
LUSIL BOL Lucille Ball /Lucille Désirée Ball, 6. VIII 1911, Jamestown,
New York, US – 26. IV 1989. (77), Los Angeles, California, US/. Debi: The
Bowery (1933). Poslednji film: Hollywood's Greatest (1986). Igrala u 91 filmu: Bunker Bean (1936), The Affairs of Annabel (1938), Annabel Takes a
Tour (1938), Beauty for the Asking (1939), Twelve Crowded Hours (1939),
Panama Lady (1939), Five Came Back (1939), The Big Street (1942),
DuBarry Was a Lady (1943), Lured (1947), Critic's Choice (1963), Yours,
Mine and Ours (1968). Nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u
komediji-mjuziklu The Facts of Life (1960), Yours, Mine and Ours (1968),
Mame (1974), za najbolju ulogu u seriji-komedija Heres Luci (1969, 1971).
ALEK BOLDVIN Alec Baldwin /Alexander Rae Baldwin III, 3.
IV.1958, Massapequa, Long Island, New York, US/. Debi: Forever, Lulu
(1987). Igrao u preko 60 filmova: The Hunt for Red October (1990), The
Shadow (1994), Outside Providence (1999), State and Main (2000), Pearl
Harbor (2001), The Aviator (2004), Mini's First Time (2006), The Departed
(2006), Suburban Girl (2007), Lymelife (2008). Nominacija Oskar za
sporednu ulogu u The Cooler Cati (2003), nominacija Zlatni globus za
sporednu ulogu u istom filmu (2003), za najboljeg glumca u mini seriji A
Streetcat Named Desire (1995), Noremberg (2005), za najboljeg sporednog
glumca u mini seriji Par to War (2002), Zlatni globus za najboljeg
glumca u seriji-komedija 30 Rock (2006, 2008, 2009), nominacija Zlatni globus za najboljeg
glumca u seriji-komedija 30 Rock (2007, 2010), nominacija Bafta za It's Complicated (2006).
FLORINDA BOLKAN Florinda Bolkan /Florinda Bulcão, 15. II 1941,
Uruburetama, Brazilian/. Debi: Candy (1968). Igrala u 60 filmova: Una
ragazza piuttosto complicata (1968), Detective Belli (1969), Anonimo
veneziano (1970), Indagine su un cittadino al di sopra di ogni sospetto
!970)), Una lucertola con la pelle di donna (1971), Non si sevizia un
paperino (1972), The Master Touch (1972), Una breve vacanza (1973),
Sarajevski atentat (1975), Royal Flash (1975), Le orme (1975), La settima
donna (1978), Tod im November (1978), The Trap (1985), Some Girls
(1988), Portaritratto per signora (1989), La strana storia di Olga O. (1995),
Bela Donna (1998), Eu Não Conhecia Tururu (2000), Bad Inclinations
SERGEJ BONDARČUK Sergei Bondarchuk /Се гей Фē о ович
он а чук, 25. IX 1920, Belozerka, Kherson Governorate, Ukrainian SSR;
USSR – 20. X 1994. (74), Moscow, Russia/. Debi: Moлодая гвардия
(1948). Poslednji film: Quiet Flows the Don (2006). Igrao u 39 filmova:
Mичурин (1948), Kaвалиер золотой звезды (1950), Taрас Шевченко
(1952), Aдмирал Ушаков (1953), Oб етом забыват нелзя (1954), Иван
Франко (1955), Попругныя (1955), Oтело (1955), Нэоконченная повесть (1956), Странци из раскази (1958), Шли солдаты (1958), Судба человекa (1959), Серёжа (1960), Война и мир I: Андрей Болконски (1965),
Bitka na Neretvi (1969), Война и мир II (1966), Война и мир (1967),
Война и мир IV: Пёр Безухов (1967), Война и мир III: 1812 (1967), Дядя
Ваня (1971), Oни сразалыс за родину (1975), Стэп (1977), Борис Годунов (1986), Гроза над
Русию (1992).. Više puta Najbolji glumac SSSR, nagrada Moskovskog festivala (1959), Orden
Lenjina, Orden Oktobarske revolucije i brojne nagrade, među kojima Oskar za režiju.
ERNST BORGNI Ernest Borgnine /Ermes Effron Borgnino, 24. I
1917, Hamden, Connecticut, US/ Debi: China Corsair (1951). I u 95.
godini života (2001) snimio 3 filma! Uz skoro 80 tv uloga, igrao u 118
filmova: From Here to Eternity (1953), Johnny Guitar (1954), Demetrius
and the Gladiators (1954), The Bounty Hunter (1954), Vera Cruz (1954),
Bad Day at Black Rock (1955), Run for Cover (1955), Jubal (1956), The
Rabbit Trap (1959), Pay or Die (1960), McHale's Navy (1964), The
Poseidon Adventure (1972), All Quiet on the Western Front (1979), Deadly
Blessing (1981), Spike of Bensonhurst (1988), Hoover (2000). Oskar za
glavnu ulogu u Marty (1955), Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u istom
filmu (1955), nominacija Zlatni globus za najboljeg glumca u mini seriji A
Grandpa for Crstmas (2007). Dobitnik nagrade Bafta za Marty (1955).
SONJA BRAGA Sônia Braga /Sônia Maria Campos Braga, 8. VI 1950,
Maringá, Paraná, Brazil/. Debi: The Red Light Bandit (1968). Igrala u više
od 35 filmova: A Moreninha (1970), Mestiça, a Escrava Indomável (1973),
O Casal (1975), Dona Flor and Her Two Husbands (1976), A Dama do
Lotação (1978), Eu Te Amo (1981), Gabriela, Cravo e Canela (1983), Kiss
of the Spider Woman (1985), The Milagro Beanfield War (1988), Moon
Over Parador (1988), The Rookie (1990), Roosters (1993), Two Deaths
(1995), Tieta do Agreste (1996), Angel Eyes (2001), Empire (2002), Amália
Traïda (2004). Nominacija Zlatni globus za sporednu ulogu u Kiss of the
Spider Woman (1985), Moon Over Parador (1988), nominacija Zlatni
globus za sporednu glumicu u mini seriji The Buring Season (1994).
LOREJN BRAKO Lorraine Bracco /2. X 1954, Brooklyn, New York,
US/. Debi: Duos sur canapé (1979). Igrala u skoro 30 filmova: Someone to
Watch Over Me (1987), Sing (1989), Talent for the Game (1991), Medicine
Man (1992), Radio Flyer (1992), Traces of Red (1992), Even Cowgirls Get
the Blues (1994), Getting Gotti (1994), The Basketball Diaries (1995), Les
menteurs (1996), Silent Cradle (1997), Ladies Room (2000), My Suicidal
Sweetheart (2005), The Bensonhurst Spelling Bee (2012). Nominacija
Oskar za sporednu ulogu u Goodfellas (1990), nominacija Zlatni globus za
sporednu ulogu u Goodfellas (1990), nominacija Zlatni globus za najbolju
glumicu u seriji – drama The Sopranos (1999, 2000, 2001).
KENET BRANA Kenneth Branagh /Kenneth Charles Branagh, 10. XII
1960, Belfast, Northern Ireland/. Debi: Chariots of Fire (1981). Igrao u
preko 30 filmova: A Month in the Country (1987), High Season (1987),
Look Back in Anger (1989), Dead Again (1991), Much Ado About Nothing
(1993), Frankenstein (1994), Othello (1995), Hamlet (1996), The
Gingerbread Man (1998), Wild Wild West (1999), Harry Potter and the
Chamber of Secrets (2002), My Week with Marilyn (2011). Nominacija
Oskar za glavnu ulogu u Henri V (1989), za sporednu ulogu u My Week with
Marilyn (2012), nominacija Zlatni globus za najboljeg glumca u mini seriji
Conspiracy (2001), Warm Springs (2005), Wallander One Step Behind
(2009), dobitnik nagrade Emi za ulogu u mini seriji Conspiracy (2001).
KLAUS MARIJA BRANDAUER Klaus Maria Brandauer /Klaus
Georg Steng, 22. VI.1943, Bad Aussee, Austria/. Debi: Thunderball (1965).
Igrao u preko 30 filmova: The Salzburg Connection (1972), A Sunday in
October (1979), Mephisto (1981), Never Say Never Again (1983), Oberst
Redl (1985), The Lightship (1985), Quo Vadis? (1985), Streets of Gold
(1986) Hanussen (1988), La Révolution française (1989), The Russia House
(1990), Druids (2001). Nominovan i nagrađivan, najznačajnije: nominacija
Oskar za sporednu ulogu u filmu Out of Africa (1985), nominacija Zlatni
globus za sporednu ulogu u istom filmu (1985), nominacija Zlatni globus za
najboljeg sporednog glumca u mini seriji Introducing Dorothy Dandridge
(1999), nominacija Bafta za Mephisto (1981), Out of Africa (1985).
MARLON BRANDO Marlon Brando /Marlon Brando Jr, 3. IV 1924,
Omaha, Nebraska, US – 1. VII 2004. (80), Los Angeles, California, US/.
Debi: The Men (1950). Poslednji film: Superman II: The Richard Donner
Cut (2006). Igrao u 44 filma: The Wild One (1953), Desirée (1954), Guys
and Dolls (1955), Sayonara (1957), The Young Lions (1958), The Ugly
American (1963), The Nightcomers (1972), Apocalypse Now (1979), The
Formula (1980), Christopher Columbus: The Discovery (1992), The Island
of Dr Moreau (1996). Oskar za glavnu ulogu u On the Waterfront (1955),
The Godfater (1972), nominacija Oskar za glavnu ulogu u A Streetcar
Named Desire (1951), Viva Zapata (1952), Julius Caesar (1953), Sayonara
(1957), Last Tango in Paris (1973), za sporednu ulogu u A Dry White
Season (1989); Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u drami On the Waterfront (1954), The Godfater
(1972); nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u drami The Ugly American (1963),za glavnu
ulogu u komediji The Teahouse of the August Moon (1956); nominacija Zlatni globus za sporednu
ulogu u A dry White Season (1989). Dobitnik nagrada Emi, Bafta, Nagrade filmskih kritičara.
BRAJAN BRAUN Bryan Brown /Bryan Neathaway Brown, 23. VI
1947, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia/. Debi: The Love Letters from
Teralba Road (1977). Igrao u preko 40 filmova: Third Person Plural
(1978), Cathy's Child (1979), Conman Harry and the Others (1979), Stir
(1980), Blood Money (1980), Breaker Morant (1980), Winter of Our
Dreams (1980), Far East (1982), Give My Regards to Broad Street (1984),
The Empty Beach (1985), Rebel (1985), Tai-Pan (1986), The Shiralee
(1987), Full Body Massage (1995), 20.000 Leagues Under the Sea (1997),
Two Hands (1999), On the Beach (2000), Revenge of the Middle-Aged
Woman (2004), The Poseidon Adventure (2005). Nominacija Zlatni globus
za najboljeg sporednog glumca u mini seriji The Torn Birds (1983).
ROSANO BRACI Rossano Brazzi /18. IX 1916, Bologna, Italy – 24.
XII 1994. (78), Rome, Italy/. Debi: Il destino in tasca (1938). Poslednji film:
Fatal frames: Fotogrammi mortali (1996). Igrao u 121 filmu: Processo e
morte di Socrate (1939), Kean (1940), Summertime (1955), Loser Takes All
(1956), Legend of the Lost (1957), The Story of Esther Costello (1957),
South Pacific (1958), A Certain Smile (1958), Count Your Blessings (1959),
L' Assedio di Siracusa (1960), The Light in the Piazza (1962), Redhead
(1962), Rome Adventure (1962), Dark Purpose (1964), The Battle of the
Villa Fiorita (1965), The Christmas That Almost Wasn't (1966), The Bobo
(1967), Krakatoa, East of Java (1969), We the Living (1986).
ALIS BREJDI Alice Brady /Mary Rose Brady, 2. XI 1892, New York
City, New York, US – 28. X 1939. (46), New York City, New York, US/.
Debi: As Ye Sow (1914). Poslednji film: Young Mr. Lincoln (1939). Igrala u
79 filmova: The Boss (1915), The Cup of Chance (1915), The Lure of
Woman (1915), The Rack (1915), The Ballet Girl (1916),… When Ladies
Meet (1933), Beauty for Sale (1933), Stage Mother (1933), Miss Fane's
Baby Is Stolen (1934), Gold Diggers of 1935 (1935), One Hundred Men and
a Girl (1937), Goodbye Broadway (1938), Zenobia (1939), Young Mr.
Lincoln (1939). Dobitnica Oskara za sporednu ulogu u In Old Chicago
(1937); nominacija Oskar za sporednu ulogu u My Man Godfrey (1936)
VALTER BRENAN Walter Brennan /Walter Andrew Brennan, 25. VII
1894, Lynn, Massachusetts, US - 21. IX. 1974. (80), Oxnard, California,
US/. Učesnik Prvog svetskog rata; od bojnih otrova stekao trajne posledice.
Debi: Lorraine of the Lions (1925). Poslednji film: Smoke in the Wind
(1975). Počeo kao kaskader, igrao u 219 filmova: The Adventures of Tom
Sawyer (1938), The Cowboy and the Lady (1938), The North Star (1943),
My Darling Clementine (1946), Red River (1948), Blood on the Moon
(1948), Curtain Call at Cactus Creek (1950), A Ticket to Tomahawk (1950),
Bad Day at Black Rock (1955), Good-bye, My Lady (1956), Rio Bravo
(1959), The Gnome-Mobile (1967) The One and Only, Genuine, Original Family Band (1968), Support Your Local Sheriff! (1969). Oskar za sporednu ulogu u Come and Get It (1936), Kentucky
(1938), The Westerner (1940); nominacija Oskar za sporednu ulogu u Sergeant York (1941).
DŽORDŽ BRENT George Brent /George Brendan Nolan, 15. III 1899,
Raharabeg, County Roscommon, Ireland – 26. V 1979. (80), Solana Beach,
California, US/. Debi: The Iron Horse (1924). Poslednji film: Born Again
(1978). Igrao u 88 filmova: So Big! (1932), The Rich Are Always with Us
(1932), The Purchase Price (1932), Miss Pinkerton (1932), The Crash
(1932), They Call It Sin (1932), Luxury Liner (1933), 42nd Street (1933),
The Keyhole (1933), Lilly Turner (1933), Baby Face (1933), Female (1933),
From Headquarters (1933), Stamboul Quest (1934), Housewife (1934), Desirable (1934), The Painted Veil (1934), The Right to Live (1935), Stranded
(1935), Front Page Woman (1935),… Mexican Manhunt (1953).
DŽEREMI BRET Jeremy Brett /Peter Jeremy William Huggins, 3. XI
1933, Berkswell Grange in Berkswell, Warwickshire, England, UK – 12. IX
1995. (62), London, England, UK/. Debi: Svengali (1954). Poslednji film:
Moll Flanders (1996). Uz 57 tv uloga (The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes,
1984-1994), igrao u 12 filmova: War and Peace (1956), Young and Willing
(1962), The Very Edge (1962), Girl in the Headlines (1963), The Model
Murder Case (1963), Act of Reprisal (1964), Nicholas and Alexandra
(1971), A Picture of Katherine Mansfield (1973), The Picture of Dorian
Gray (1976), The Medusa Touch (1978), Mad Dogs and Englishmen (1995).
VILFORD BRIMLI Wilford Brimley /Allen Wilford Brimley, 27. IX
1934, Salt Lake City, Utah, US/. Debi: Bandolero! (1968). Igrao u preko 50
filmova: The China Syndrome (1979), The Thing (1982), Tender Mercies
(1983), 10 to Midnight (1983), High Road to China (1983), Ewoks: The
Battle for Endor (1984), The Hotel New Hampshire (1985), Country (1984),
Cocoon (1985), Remo Williams: The Adventure Begins (1985), Murder in
Space (1985), Act of Vengeance (1986), End of the Line (1987), Cocoon:
The Return (1988), Brigham City (2001), Crossfire Trail (2001), The Road
Home (2003), Did You Hear About the Morgans? (2006).
JUL BRINER Yul Brynner /Юлий о исович
ине , 11. VII 1920,
Vladivostok, Far Eastern Republic, USSR – 10. X 1985. (65), New York
City, New York, US/. Debi: Port of New York (1949). Poslednji film: Lost to
the Revolution (1980). Igrao u 41 filmu: The Ten Commandments (1956),
Anastasia (1956), The Brothers Karamazov (1958), The Buccaneer (1958),
The Journey (1959), The Sound and the Fury (1959), Solomon and Sheba
(1959), Once More, with Feeling! (1960), Testament of Orpheus (1960), Surprise Package (1960), The Magnificent Seven (1960), Escape from Zahrain
(1962), Taras Bulba (1962), Kings of the Sun (1963), Flight from Ashiya
(1964), Invitation to a Gunfighter (1964), Morituri (1965), Return of the Seven (1966), The Double Man (1967), The Long Duel (1967), Villa Rides
(1968), The File of the Golden Goose (1968), Bitka na Neretvi (1969), Adiós, Sabata (1971), The
Light at the Edge of the World (1971), Catlow (1971), Night Flight from Moscow (1973), Westworld (1973), he Ultimate Warrior (1975). Oskar za glavnu ulogu u The King and I (1956).
nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u komediji The King and I (1956).
BO BRIDŽIS Beau Bridges /Lloyd Vernet Bridges III, 9. XII 1941, Los
Angeles; US/. Debi: No Minor Vices (1948). Uz preko 110 tv uloga, igrao u
skoro 70 filmova: The Incident (1967), For Love of Ivy (1968), Lovin' Molly
(1974), The Other Side of the Mountain (1975), One Summer Love (1976),
Norma Rae (1979), Love Child (1982), Everybody's Baby: The Rescue of
Jessica McClure (1989), Daddy's Dyin': Who's Got the Will? (1990),
Americanizing Shelley (2008), Don't Fade Away (2009), Free Willy: Escape
from Pirate's Cove (2010), The Descendants (2011). Nominacija Zlatni
globus za sporednu ulogu u For Love of Ivi (1968); Zlatni globus za
najboljeg glumca u mini seriji The James Brady Story (1991), Zlatni
globus za najboljeg sporednog glumca u mini seriji Murdering Mom
(1993), nominacija Zlatni globus za najboljeg glavnog glumca u mini seriji Losing Chase (1996).
nagrada Emi za ulogu u Without Warning: The James Brady Story (1992).
LOJD BRIDŽIS Lloyd Bridges /Lloyd Vernet Bridges, Jr, 15. I 1913,
San Leandro, California, US – 10. III 1998. (85), Los Angeles, California,
US/. Debi: Freshman Love (1936). Poslednji film: Meeting Daddy (2000).
Uz 93 tv uloga, igrao u 123 filma: North of the Rockies (1942), A Rookie's
Cookie (1943), Secret Agent X-9 (1945), Thunderbolt! (1947), Secret Service
Investigator (1948), 16 Fathoms Deep (1948), Home of the Brave (1949),
Trapped (1949), Rocketship X-M (1950), Little Big Horn (1951), The
Limping Man (1953), Third Party Risk (1954), Wichita (1955), Apache
Woman (1955), The Goddess (1958), Around the World Under the Sea
(1966), Attack on the Iron Coast (1968), The Love War (1970), Haunts of
the Very Rich (1972), Airplane II: The Sequel (1982), Winter People (1989).
DŽEF BRIDŽIS Jeff Bridges /Jeffrey Leon Bridges, 4. XII 1949, Los
Angeles, California, US/. Debi: The Company She Keeps (1951). Igrao u
skoro 70 filmova: The Last Picture Show (1971), Bad Company (1972), The
Last American Hero (1973), Rancho Deluxe (1975), Hearts of the West
(1975), Stay Hungry (1976), King Kong (1976), Winter Kills (1979), …
American Heart (1992), The Vanishing (1993),... The Big Lebowski (1998),
Seabiscuit (2003), The Door in the Floor (2004), A Dog Year (2008), Iron
Man (2008). Oskar za glavnu ulogu u Crazy Heart (2009); nominacija
Oskar za glavnu ulogu u Starman (1984), True Grit (2010), za sporednu
ulogu u The Last Picture Show (1971), Thunderbolt and Lightfoot (1974),
The Contender (2000); Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u drami Crazy
Heart (2009); nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u drami Starman
(1984), za glavnu ulogu u komediji The Fisher King (1991), za sporednu ulogu u The Contender
(2000), Nagrada filmskih i tv glumaca za najboljeg glumca u Crazy Heart (2009).
ELEN BRNSTIN Ellen Burstyn /Edna Rae Gillooly, 7. XII 1932, Detroit, Michigan, US/. Debi: The Greatest Show on Earth (1963). Uz skoro 80
tv uloga, igrala u preko 50 filmova: Pit Stop (1969), Alex in Wonderland
(1970), The King of Marvin Gardens (1972),… How to Make an American
Quilt (1995), Mrs. Harris (2005), The Stone Angel (2007). Oskar za glavnu
ulogu u Alice Doesn't Live Here Anymore (1974); nominacija Oskar za
glavnu ulogu u The Exorcist (1973), Same Time, Next Year (1978),
Resurrection (1980), Requiem for a Dream (2000), za sporednu ulogu u The
Last Picture Show (1971), Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u komedijimjuziklu Same Time, Next Year (1978), nominacija Zlatni globus za
sporednu ulogu u The Last Picture Show (1971), za najbolju glavnu glumicu
u mini seriji The People vs. Jean Harris (1981), za glavnu ulogu u drami The Exorcist (1973), Alice
Doesnt Live Here Anymore (1974), Resurrection (1980), Requiem for a Dream (2000).
DŽIM BRODBENT Jim Broadbent /James Broadbent, 24. V 1949, Lincoln, Lincolnshire, England, UK. Debi: The Shout (1978). Igrao u preko 70
filmova: Richard III (1995), Rough Magic (1995), The Borrowers (1997),
Little Voice (1998), Topsy-Turvy (1999), Nicholas Nickleby (2002), The
Young Visiters (2003), And When Did You Last See Your Father? (2007),
The Damned United (2009), Another Year (2010), The Iron Lady (2011).
Oskar za sporednu ulogu u Iris (2001), Zlatni globus za sporednu ulogu
i istom filmu, Zlatni globus za najboljeg glavnog glumca u mini seriji
Longford (2007), nominacija Zlatni globus za najboljeg sporednog glumca
u mini seriji The Gathering, nagrada Bafta za Moulin Rouge! (2001).
METJU BRODERIK Matthew Broderick /21. III 1962, New York
City, New York, US/. Debi: Max Dugan Returns (1983). Igrao u preko 40
filmova: WarGames (1983), Ladyhawke (1985), (1986), Project X (1987),
Torch Song Trilogy (1988), Family Business (1989), Glory (1989), The
Freshman (1990), The Night We Never Met (1993), Infinity (1996),
Addicted to Love (1997), Godzilla (1998), Election (1999), You Can Count
on Me (2000), The Last Shot (2004), Deck the Halls (2006), Finding
Amanda (2008), The Tale of Despereaux (2008), Diminished Capacity
(2008), Wonderful World (2009), New Year's Eve (2011). Nominacija Zlatni
globus za glavnu ulogu u komediji Ferris Bueller's Day Off (1986).
EDRIJEN BRODI Adrien Brody /14. IV 1973, Woodhaven, Queens,
New York, US/. Debi: Home at Last (1988). Igrao u preko 40 filmova: Ten
Benny (1995), The Last Time I Committed Suicide (1997), Six Ways to
Sunday (1997), The Thin Red Line (1998), Restaurant (1998), Oxygen
(1999), Liberty Heights (1999), Summer of Sam (1999), Bread and Roses
(2000), Love the Hard Way (2001), Dummy (2002), The Jacket (2005),
Hollywoodland (2006), Manolete (2007), The Darjeeling Limited (2007),
Cadillac Records (2008), Detachment (2011), Wrecked (2011), Midnight in
Paris (2011), 1942 (2012). Oskar za glavnu ulogu u The Pianist (2002);
Nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u istom filmu (2002), Nagrada
filmskih i tv glumaca za najboljeg glumca u The Pianist (2002).
ČARLS BRONSON Charles Bronson /Charles Dennis Buchinsky, 3,
XI 1921, Ehrenfeld, Pennsylvania, US – 30. VIII 2003. (81), Los Angeles,
California, US/. Debi: You're in the Navy Now (1951). Poslednji film: Death
Wish V: The Face of Death (1994). Igrao u 82 filma: Once Upon a Time in
the West (1968), Lola (1969), Cold Sweat (1970), Someone Behind the
Door (1971), Chato's Land (1972), The Valachi Papers (1997), The
Mechanic (1972), The Stone Killer (1973), Chino (1973), Mr. Majestyk
(1974), Death Wish (1974), Breakout (1975), Breakheart Pass (1975),
Hard Times (1975), From Noon till Three (1976), St. Ives (1976), The
White Buffalo (1977), Telefon (1978), Love and Bullets (1979), Borderline
(1980), Caboblanco (1980), Death Hunt (1981), Death Wish II (1982), 10 to Midnight (1983), The
Evil That Men Do (1984), Death Wish 3 (1985), Murphy's Law (1986), Assassination (1987), Death
Wish 4: The Crackdown (1987), Messenger of Death (1988), Kinjite: Forbidden Subjects (1989).
DŽOŠ BROLIN Josh Brolin /Josh J. Brolin, 12. II 1968, Los Angeles,
California, US/. Debi: The Goonies (1985). Igrao u skoro 40 filmova:
Thrashin' (1986), Best Laid Plans (1999), Hollow Man (2000), D.C. Smalls
(2001), Coastlines (2002), Planet Terror (2007), No Country for Old Men
(2007), American Gangster (2007), W. (2008), Jonah Hex (2010), You Will
Meet a Tall Dark Stranger (2010). Nominacija Oskar za sporednu ulogu u
Milk (2008); Zlatni globus za sporednog glumca u mini seriji Marcus
Welby, M.D. (1970, 1972), nominacija za istu ulogu (1971); nominacija
Zlatni globus za najboljeg glumca u mini seriji The Reagans (2003), Storm
(2002), nagrada Emi, nagrada Bafta.
PIRS BROSNAN Pierce Brosnan /Pierce Brendan Brosnan, 16. V 1953,
Navan, Co. Meath, Ireland/. Debi: Murphy's Stroke (1979). Igrao u skoro 50
filmova: Nomads (1986), Taffin (1988), The Fourth Protocol (1987), Taffin
(1988), The Deceivers (1988), Mister Johnson (1990), Live Wire (1992),
Robinson Crusoe (1997), Dante's Peak (1997), The Thomas Crown Affair
(1999), The World Is Not Enough (1999), James Bond 007: Everything or
Nothing (2004), Mamma Mia! (2008), The Ghost Writer (2010), A Long
Way Down (2013). Nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u komediji
The Matador (2005), za sporednog glumca u mini seriji Nancy Astor (1984),
nagrada Saturn za Tomorrow Never Dies (1998), nominacija Saturn za
GoldenEye (1995), Die Another Day (2002), The Matador (2005).
KLAJV BRUK Clive Brook /Clifford Clive Hardman Brook, 1. VI 1887,
London, England, UK – 17. XI 1974. (87), London, England, UK/. Debi:
Trent's Last Case (1920). Poslednji film: The List of Adrian Messenger
(1963). Igrao u 104 filma: Sonia (1921), A Debt of Honour (1922),...
Shanghai Express (1932), Sherlock Holmes (1932), Cavalcade (1933), Midnight Club (1933), If I Were Free (1933), Gallant Lady (1933), Where Sinners Meet (1934), Let's Try Again (1934), The Dictator (1935), Dressed to
Thrill (1935), Love in Exile (1936), Scotland Yard Commands (1936), Action for Slander (1937), The Ware Case (1938), Return to Yesterday (1940),
Convoy (1940), A Voice in the Night (1941), Adventure in Blackmail (1942),
The Flemish Farm (1943), The Shipbuilders (1943), On Approval (1944).
MEL BRUKS Mel Brooks /Melvin Kaminsky, 28, VI 1926, Brooklyn,
New York, US/. Debi: The Critic (1963). Uz više tv uloga, igrao u 23 filma:
The Twelve Chairs (1970), Blazing Saddles (1974), Silent Movie (1976),
High Anxiety (1977), The Muppet Movie (1979), History of the World: Part
I (1981), To Be or Not to Be (1983), Spaceballs (1987), Loose Cannons
(1990), Life Stinks (1991), Robin Hood: Men in Tights (1993), Dracula:
Dead and Loving It (1995), Screw Loose (1999). Nominacija Zlatni globus
za glavnu ulogu u komediji/ mjuziklu Silent Movie (1976), High Anxiety
(1977). Dobitnik nagrade Emi, dobitnik nagrade Saturn.
SANDRA BULOK Sandra Bullock /Sandra Annette Bullock, 26. VII
1964, Arlington, Virginia, US/. Debi: Hangmen (1987). Igrala u preko 40
filmova: Fire on the Amazon (1993), Demolition Man (1993), The Net
(1995), Two If by Sea (1996), A Time to Kill (1996), Speed 2: Cruise
Control (1997), Making Sandwiches (1997), Crash (2004), The Lake House
(2006), Infamous (2006), The Blind Side (2009), All About Steve (2009).
Oskar za glavnu ulogu u The Blind Side (2009), Zlatni globusa za
glavnu ulogu u The Blind Side (2009), nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu
ulogu u komedijama While You Were Sleeping (1995), Miss Congeniality
(2000), The Proposal (2009). Dobitnica Saturna za Speed (1994).
BURVIL André Bourvil /André Robert Raimbourg, 27. VII 1917, PrétotVicquemare, France – 23. IX 1970. (53), Paris, France/. Debi: Croisières
sidérales (1941). Poslednji film: Le Mur de l'Atlantique (1970). Igrao 64
filma: Le Rosier de Madame Husson (1950), Mr. Peek-a-Boo (1951), The
Three Musketeers (1953), Poisson d'avril (1954), La Traversée de Paris
(1956), Le Chanteur de Mexico (1956), Le Miroir à deux faces (1958),
Sérénade au Texas (1958), Le Bossu (1959), The Green Mare (1959),
Captain Blood (1960), Fortunat (1960), Le Tracassin (1961), Un drôle de
paroissien (1963), Le Corniaud (1964), La Grosse Caisse (1965), La
Grande Vadrouille (1966), Trois enfants dans le désordre (1966), The Brain
(1969), Monte Carlo or Bust (1969), Le Cercle rouge (1970).
ŠIRLI BUT Shirley Booth /Marjory Ford, 30. VIII 1898, Brooklyn, New
York, US – 16. X 1992. (94), North Chatham, Massachusetts, US. Na
Broadway ostvarila mnogo uloga za koje je tri puta dobila najveću
pozorišnu nagradu Tony (1949, 1950. i 1953); ostvarila 9 tv uloga: CBS
Playhouse: The Glass Menagerie (1966), The Smugglers (1968). Debi na
filmu: Come Back, Little Sheba (1952). Igrala u još samo 4 filma: Main
Street to Broadway (1953), About Mrs. Leslie (1954), Hot Spell (1958), The
Matchmaker (1958). Dobitnica Oskara za glavnu ulogu u Come Back,
Little Sheba (1952), dobitnica Zlatnog globusa za glavnu ulogu u istom
filmu (1952), dvostruka dobitnica nagrade Emi.
HORST BUHOLC Horst Buchholz /Horst Werner Buchholz, 4. XII
1933, Berlin, Germany – 3. III 2003, (69) Berlin, Germany/. Debi:
Adventure in Berlin (1952). Poslednji film: Minefield (1999). Igrao u 48
filmova: King in Shadow (1957), The Girl and the Legend (1957), Love
From Paris (1957), Monpti (1957), Nasser Asphalt (1958), Tiger Bay
(1959), The Magnificent Seven (1960), Fanny (1961), One, Two, Three
(1961), The Empty Canvas (1963), Nine Hours to Rama (1963), That Man
in Istanbul (1965), Cervantes (1967), Aphrodite (1982), Sahara (1983),
Code Name: Emerald (1985), Aces: Iron Eagle III (1992), Minefield (1999.
STIV BUŠEMI Steve Buscemi /Steven Vincent Buscemi, 13. XII 1957,
Brooklyn, New York, US/. Debi: Tommy's (1985). Igrao u preko 100
filmova: Mystery Train (1989), Force of Circumstance (1990), In the Soup
(1992), Reservoir Dogs (1992), What Happened to Pete (1992), Fargo
(1996), Trees Lounge (1996), The Big Lebowski (1998), The Grey Zone
(2001), Who's the Top? (2005), Delirious (2006), Interview (2007), John
Rabe (2008), Handsome Harry (2009), Saint John of Las Vegas (2009), The
Chosen One (2010). Nominacija Zlatni globus za sporednu ulogu u Ghost
World (2001), Zlatni globus za najboljeg glumca u seriji – drama
Boardwalk Empire (2010), nominacija EMI za The Sopranos (2002-2006).
ROBERT VAGNER Robert Wagner /Robert John Wagner, 10. II 1930,
Detroit, Michigan, US/. Debi: The Happy Years (1951). Uz skoro 70 tv
uloga, igrao u 65 filmova: Beneath the 12-Mile Reef (1953), Titanic (1953),
Broken Lance (1954), Prince Valiant (1954), White Feather (1955), A Kiss
Before Dying (1956), Between Heaven and Hell (1956), The Mountain
(1956), The True Story of Jesse James (1956), In Love and War (1958), All
the Fine Young Cannibals (1959), The Pink Panther (1963), Banning
(1967), Curse of the Pink Panther (1983), Love Among Thieves (1987), The
Bruce Lee Story (1993). Nominacija Zlatni globus za najboljeg glumca u
seriji-drama It Takes a Thief (1969), Hart to Hart (1979, 1980, 1982. 1983).
KORNEL VAJDL Cornel Wilde /Kornél Lajos Weisz (Americanized to
Cornelius Louis Wilde), 13. X 1912, Prievidza, Hungary (now Slovakia) –
16, X 1989, (77), Los Angeles, California, US/. Debi: The Rhythm Party
(1936). Poslednji film: Flesh and Bullets (1985). Igrao u 52 filma: Leave
Her to Heaven (1945), Thousand and One Nights (1945), Centennial
Summer (1946), Forever Amber (1946), It Had to Be You (1947), Road
House (1948), Shockproof (1949), At Sword's Point (1952), California
Conquest (1952), The Greatest Show on Earth (1952), Treasure of the
Golden Condor (1953), Star of India (1954), The Big Combo (1955), The
Scarlet Coat (1955), Hot Blood (1956), Omar Khayyam (1957). Nominacija
Oskar za glavnu ulogu u filmu A Song to Remember (1945).
DŽEN VAJMAN Jane Wyman /Sarah Jane Mayfield, 5. I 1917. Saint
Joseph, Missouri, US - 10. IX. 2007. (90), Rancho Mirage, Kalifornija, US/.
Debi: The Kid from Spain (1932). Poslednji film: How to Commit Marriage
(1969). Igrala u 85 filmova: Larceny, Inc.(1942), Crime by Night (1944),
Magic Town (1946), Lucy Gallant (1955), Miracle in the Rain (1956),
Holiday for Lovers (1959), Pollyanna (1960), Bon Voyage! (1962). Oskar
za glavnu ulogu u Johnny Belinda (1948), nominacija Oskar za glavnu
ulogu u The Yearling (1946), The Blue Veil (1951), Magnificent Obsession
(1954), Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u Johnny Belinda (1948), The Blue
Veil (1951), Zlatni globus za glavnu glumicu u seriji-drama Falcon
Crest (1983), nominacija Zlatni globus za istu ulogu (1982).
DŽONI VAJSMILER Johnny Weissmuller (Janos Weißmüller, 2. IV
1904, Freidorf, Temes County, Austria-Hungary (now Romania) ili selo
Međa u Banatu - 20. I. 1984. (80), Acapulco, Mexico/ Debi: Glorifying the
American Girl (1929). Poslednji film: Won Ton Ton, the Dog Who Saved
Hollywood (1976). Igrao u 36 filmova, najčešće u liku Tarzana: Tarzan, the
Ape Man (1932), Tarzan and His Mate (1934), Tarzan Escapes (1936),
Tarzan Finds a Son! (1939), Tarzan's Secret Treasure (1941), Tarzan's New
York Adventure (1942), Tarzan Triumphs (1943), Tarzan's Desert Mystery
(1943), Tarzan and the Amazons (1945), Tarzan and the Leopard Woman
(1946), Tarzan and the Huntress (1947), Tarzan and the Mermaids (1948).
BRENDA VAKARO Brenda Vaccaro /Brenda Buell Vaccaro, 18. XI
1939, Brooklyn New York, US/. Debi: Naked City (1961, tv), Where It's At
(1969). Uz skoro 70 tv uloga, igrala u više od 20 filmova: What's a Nice Girl
Like You...? (1971), Going Home (1971), The Shape of Things (1974), Death
Weekend (1976), Sara (1976), Fast Charlie... the Moonbeam Rider (1979),
Heart of Midnight (1988), Masque of the Red Death (1989), Lethal Games
(1990), Boynton Beach Club (2005). Nominacija Oskar za sporednu ulogu u
Jacqueline Susanns Once Is Not Enough (1975), Zlatni globus za sporednu
ulogu u Jacqueline Susanns Once Is Not Enough (1975), nominacija Zlatni
globus za sporednu ulogu u Midnight Cowboy (1969), nominacija Emi za
The Golden Girls (1990), You Don't Know Jack (2010).
RUDOLF VALENTINO Rudolph Valentino /Rodolfo Alfonso
Raffaello Piero Filiberto Guglielmi di Valentina d'Antonguolla, 6. V 1895,
Castellaneta, Italy – 23. VIII 1926. (31), New York City, New York, US/.
Debi: The Battle of the Sexes (1914). Poslednji film: The Son of the Sheik
(1926). Igrao u 39 filmova: Stolen Moments (1920), An Adventuress (1920),
Uncharted Seas (1921), The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse (1921), The
Conquering Power (1921), The Sheik (1921), Camille (1921), Beyond the
Rocks (1922), Blood and Sand (1922), The Young Rajah (1922), The
Hooded Falcon (1924), Monsieur Beaucaire (1924), A Sainted Devil (1924),
Cobra (1925), The Eagle (1925).
RAF VALONE Raffaele Vallone /Raffaele Vallone, 17. II 1916, Tropea,
Calabria, Italy – 31. X 2002. (86) Rome, Italy/. Debi: Noi vivi (1942).
Poslednji film: Vino santo (2000, tv). Uz 21 tv ulogu, igrao u 73 filma: The
White Line (1950), The Forbidden Christ (1950), Path of Hope (1950),
Anna (1951), Los ojos dejan huella (1952), Rome 11:00 (1952), Sunday
Heroes (1953), Il segno di Venere (1953), Delirio (1954), Obsession (1954),
Andrea Chénier (1955), Le secret de soeur Angèle (1956), Rose Bernd
(1957), La venganza (1958), El Cid (1961), The Secret Invasion (1964), The
Godfather Part III (1990), Toni (1999), The Italian Job (2003).
LI VAN KLIF Lee Van Cleef /Clarence LeRoy Van Cleef, Jr, 9. I 1925,
Somerville, New Jersey, US - 16. XII. 1989. (64), Oxnard, California, US/.
Debi: High Noon (1952). Poslednji film: Speed Zone (1989). Uz 89 tv
uloga, igrao u 82 filma: Guns, Girls, and Gangsters (1958), Ride Lonesome
(1959), For a Few Dollars More (1965), The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
(1966), The Big Gundown (1966), Death Rides a Horse (1967), Beyond the
Law (1968), Commandos (1968), Sabata (1969, Return of Sabata (1971),
Captain Apache (1971), Storm Rider (1972), Bad Man's River (1972), The
Magnificent Seven Ride (1972), The Stranger and the Gunfighter (1974), Take a Hard Ride (1975),
God's Gun (1975), Escape from New York (1981), Jungle Raiders (1985), Armed Response (1986).
DŽO VAN FLIT Jo Van Fleet /30. XII 1914, Oakland, California, US –
10. VI 1996. (81), Jamaica, Queens, New York City, New York, US/. Debi:
The Trip to Bountiful (1953, tv). Poslednji film: Seize the Day (1986). Uz 40
tv uloga, igrala u 13 filmova: The Rose Tattoo (1955), I'll Cry Tomorrow
(1955), The King and Four Queens (1956), Gunfight at the O.K. Corral
(1957), This Angry Age (1958), Wild River (1960), Rodgers and
Hammerstein's Cinderella (1965), Cool Hand Luke (1967), I Love You, Alice
B. Toklas (1968), 80 Steps to Jonah (1969), The Gang That Couldn't Shoot
Straight (1971). Oskar za sporednu ulogu u East of Eden (1955).
Dobitnica nagrade Toni (1954), nominacija Bafta za East of Eden (1955).
H. B. VORNER H.B. Warner /Henry Byron Charles Stewart WarnerLickford, 26. X 1875, St John's Wood, London, England, UK – 21. XII
1958. (83), Woodland Hills, California, US/. Debi: English Nell (1900).
Poslednji film: The Ten Commandments (1956). Igrao u 135 filmova: The
Lost Paradise (1914), The Ghost Breaker (1914),… The Furies (1930),
Expensive Women (1931), The Menace (1932), Cross Examination (1932),
Unholy Love (1932), The Crusader (1932), Justice Takes a Holiday (1933),
Sorrell and Son (1933), Bulldog Drummond's Bride (1939), City of Missing
Girls (1941),), The Boss of Big Town (1942), Rogues Gallery (1944).
Nominacija Oskar za sporednu ulogu u Lost Horizon (1937).
SAM VATERSON Sam Waterston /Samuel Atkinson Waterston, 15. XI
1940, Cambridge, Massachusetts, US/. Debi: The Plastic Dome of Norma
Jean (1965). Uz oko 50 tv uloga, igrao u skoro 40 filmova: The Glass
Menagerie (1973), Rancho Deluxe (1975), Journey into Fear (1975), Sweet
Revenge (1976), Eagle's Wing (1979), Warning Sign (1985). Nominacija
Oskar za glavnu ulogu u The Killing Fields (1984), nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u The Killing Fields (1984), nominacija Zlatni globus
za sporednu ulogu u The Great Gatsby (1974), nominacija Zlatni globus za
najboljeg glumca u mini seriji Oppenheimer (1982), dobitnik Zlatnog globusa za najboljeg glumca u seriji Ill Fly Away (1992), nominacija Zlatni
globus za najboljeg glumca u istoj seriji (1991), nominacija Zlatni globus za
najboljeg glumca u seriji Law & Order (1994), dobitnik nagrade Emi.
DENZEL VAŠINGTON Denzel Washington /Denzel Hayes Washington Jr, 28. XII 1954, Mount Vernon, New York, US/. Debi: Death Wish
(1974). Igrao u oko 50 filmova: Power (1986), The Pelican Brief (1993),
Philadelphia (1993), Crimson Tide (1993), Courage Under Fire (1996), He
Got Game (1998), Remember the Titans (2000), John Q (2001), Antwone
Fisher (2002), Out of Time (2003), Man on Fire (2004), Inside Man (2006),
The Great Debaters (2007), The Book of Eli (2007), za koje je nominovan i
nagrađivan, sem njih: Oskar za glavnu ulogu u Training Day (2001), Oskar za sporednu ulogu u Glory (1989), nominacija Oskar za glavnu ulogu
u Malcom X (1992), The Hurricane (1999), za sporednu ulogu u Cry Freedom (1987); Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u The Hurricane (1999), Zlatni globus za sporednu ulogu u Glory (1989), nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u Cry
Freedom (1987), Malcom X (1991), Training Day (2001), American Gangster (2007), nominacija
Nagrada filmskih i tv glumaca za najboljeg glumca u The Hurricane (1999), Training Day (2001).
KLIFTON VEB Clifton Webb /Webb Parmelee Hollenbeck, 19. XI
1889, Indianapolis, Indiana, US – 13. X 1966. (76), Beverly Hills,
California, US/. Debi: National Red Cross Pageant (1917). Poslednji film:
Satan Never Sleeps (1966). Igrao u 27 filmova, među kojima: Dreamboat
(1952), Stars and Stripes Forever (1953), Titanic (1953), Three Coins in the
Fountain (1954), Woman's World (1954), The Man Who Never Was (1956),
Boy on a Dolphin (1957), Holiday for Lovers (1959). Nominacija Oskar za
glavnu ulogu u Sitting Pretty (1948) i sporednu ulogu u Laura (1944), The
Razor's Edge (1946), Zlatni globus za sporednu ulogu u The Razors Edge
(1946), nominacija Zlatni globus za ulogu u komediji Stars and Stripes Forever (1953).
KONRAD VEIT Conrad Veidt /Hans Walter Konrad Weidt, 22. I 1893,
Berlin, Germany – 3. IV 1943. (50), Hollywood, California, US/. Debi: Der
Weg des Todes (1916). Poslednji film: Above Suspicion (1943). Igrao u 119
filmova: The Last Performance (1927), The Man Who Laughs (1928),
Menschen im Käfig (1930), Rasputin, Dämon der Frauen (1932), Der
schwarze Husar (1932), Rome Express (1932), I Was a Spy (1933), Jew Suss
(1934), King of the Damned (1935), The Passing of the Third Floor Back
(1936), Dark Journey (1937), Under the Red Robe (1937), Tempête sur l'Asie
(1938), The Spy in Black (1939), Contraband (1940), Escape (1940), The
Thief of Bagdad (1940), Whistling in the Dark (1941) The Men in Her Life
(1941), All Through the Night (1941), Nazi Agent (1942), Casablanca (1942)
DŽON VEJN John Waine /Marion Robert Morrison, 26. V 1907, Winterset, Iowa, US - 11. VI 1979. (72), Los Angeles, California, US/. Debi:
Brown of Harvard (1926). Poslednji film: The Shootist (1976, posthumno La
Classe américaine, 1993). Uz 21 tv ulogu, igrao u 168 filmova: The Big
Stampede (1932), The Man from Utah (1934), King of the Pecos (1936), Red
River Range (1938), Tycoon (1947), Red River (1948), Fort Apache (1948),
Operation Pacific (1951), Rio Bravo (1959), Hondo (1953), The Alamo
(1960), The Comancheros (1961), The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance
(1962), Hatari! (1962), How the West Was Won (1962), The Longest Day
(1962), In Harm's Way (1965), El Dorado (1966), Rio Lobo (1970), Rooster
Cogburn (1975). Oskar za glavnu ulogu u filmu True Grit (1969), nominacija Oskar za glavnu
ulogu u Sands of Iwo Jima (1949), The Alamo (1961), Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u True Grit
(1969), Zlatni globus – nagrada Cecil B. DeMille (1966), Zlatni globus (1953)…
REJČEL VAJS Rachel Weiz /Rachel Hannah Weisz, 7. III 1971,
Westminster, London, England, UK/. Debi: Death Machine (1995). Igrala u
skoro 40 filmova: Swept from the Sea (1997), The Land Girls (1998), I
Want You (1998), Sunshine (1999), Beautiful Creatures (2000), Enemy at
the Gates (2001), The Shape of Things (2001), Runaway Jury (2003), Envy
(2004), Constant-ine (2005), The Fountain (2006), The Brothers Bloom
(2008), The Lovely Bones (2009), Agora (2009), The Whistleblower (2010),
Page Eight (2011), Dream House (2011), The Deep Blue Sea (2011). Oskar
za sporednu ulogu u The Constant Gardener (2005), Zlatni globus za
istu ulogu (2005), nominacija Saturn za The Mummy (1999).
HENRI VATAL Henry B. Walthall /Henry Brazeale Walthall, 16. III
1878, Shelby County, Alabama, US – 17. VI 1936. (58), Monrovia, California, US/. Debi: Rescued from an Eagle's Nest (1908). Poslednji film: China
Clipper (1936). Igrao u 326 filmova: A Convict's Sacrifice (1909), A Trap
for Santa Claus (1909), The Call (1910), The Honor of His Family
(1910),…In Old California (1929), The Phantom in the House (1929),
Temple Tower (1930), The Love Trader (1930), Is There Justice? (1931),
Police Court (1932), Klondike (1932), Somewhere in Sonora (1933), Her
Forgotten Past (1933), Beggars in Ermine (1934), City Park (1934), The
Murder in the Museum (1934), The Scarlet Letter (1934), Bachelor of Arts
(1934), Dante's Inferno (1935), The Mine with the Iron Door (1936).
TJUZDEJ VELD Tuesday Weld /Susan Ker Weld, 27. VIII 1943, New
York City, New York, US/. Debi: Rock, Rock, Rock (1956). Uz preko 30 tv
uloga, igrala u 30 filmova: Return to Peyton Place (1961), Bachelor Flat
(1962), I'll Take Sweden (1965), Lord Love a Duck (1966), Pretty Poison
(1968), I Walk the Line (1970), A Safe Place (1971), Who'll Stop the Rain
(1978), Serial (1980), Madame X (1981), Thief (1981), Author! Author!
(1982), Heartbreak Hotel (1988). Nominacija Oskar za sporednu ulogu u
Looking for Mr Goodbar (1977), nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu
u Play It as It Lays (1972), nominacija Bafta za Once Upon a Time in
America (1984), nominacija Emi za The Winter of Our Discontent (1983).
ORSON VELS Orson Welles /George Orson Welles, 6. V 1915,
Kenosha, Wisconsin, US – 10, VI 1985. (70), Los Angeles, California, US/.
Debi: Hearts of Age (1934). Poslednji film: Someone To Love (1985). Uz 21
tv ulogu, igrao u 96 filmova: Journey Into Fear (1943), Jane Eyre (1943),
Tomorrow Is Forever (1946), The Stranger (1946), The Lady from
Shanghai (1947), Macbeth (1948), The Third Man (1949), Prince of Foxes
(1949), Black Magic (1949), The Black Rose (1950), Return to Glennascaul
(1951), Othello (1952), L'uomo, la bestia e la virtù (1953), Trouble in the
Glen (1954), Three Cases of Murder (1955), Mr. Arkadin (1955), The Long,
Hot Summer (1958), Touch of Evil (1958), Compulsion (1959), Crack in the
Mirror (1960), David and Goliath (1960), Crack in the Mirror (1960),
Chimes at Midnight (1965), Hot Money (1983). Nominacija Oskar za glavnu ulogu u Citizen Kane
(1941), nominacija Zlatni globus za sporednu ulogu u Butterflay (1982), Special Award (1970).
RAKEL VELČ Raquel Welch /Jo Raquel Tejada, 5. IX 1940, Chicago,
Illinois, US/. Debi: A House Is Not a Home (1964). Uz 25 tv uloga, igrala u
35 filmova: A Swingin' Summer (1965), Fantastic Voyage (1966), One
Million Years B.C. (1966), Shoot Loud, Louder...I Don't Understand (1966),
Fathom (1967), Bandolero! (1967), The Biggest Bundle of Them All (1968),
Lady in Cement (1968), 100 Rifles (1969), The Beloved (1970), Myra
Breckinridge (1970), Hannie Caulder (1971), Kansas City Bomber (1972),
Mother, Jugs & Speed (1976), Animal (1977), Crossed Swords (1977).
Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u komediji The Three Musketeers (1974),
nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu glumicu u miniseriji Right to Die (1987)
LINO VENTURA Lino Ventura /Angiolino Giuseppe Pasquale
Ventura, 14. VII 1919. Parma, Italy – 22. X 1987. (68), Saint-Cloud, Hautsde-Seine, France/. Debi: Touchez Pas au Grisbi (1953). Poslednji film: Maledetto Fe-rragosto (1987). Igrao u 80 filmova: Classe tous risques (1961),
Les Tontons flingueurs (1963), Greed in the Sun (1964), The Dictator's
Guns (1965), Le deuxième souffle (1966), Les aventuriers (1967), Army of
Shadows (1969), Last Known Address (1970), Boulevard du Rhum (1971),
L'aventure, c'est l'aventure (1972), L'emmerdeur (1973), Adieu poulet
(1975), Illustrious Corpses (1976), The Medusa Touch (1978), Espion, lèvetoi (1981), Les Misérables (1982), Cento giorni a Palermo (1983).
OSKAR VERNER Oskar Werner /Oskar Josef Schliessmayer, 13. XI
1922, Vienna, Austria – 23. X 1984. (61), Marburg, Germany/. Debi: Geld
fällt vom Himmel (1938). Poslednji film: Voyage of the Damned (1976).
Igrao u 23 filma: Eroica (1949), Decision Before Dawn (1951), Das
gestohlene Jahr (1951), The Last Ten Days (1955), Mozart (1955), Jules
and Jim (1962), Fahrenheit 451 (1966), Interlude (1968), The Shoes of the
Fisherman (1968). Nominacija Oskar za glavnu ulogu u Ship of Fools
(1965), Zlatni globus za sporednu ulogu u The Spy Who Came in from
the Cold (1965), nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u Ship of Fools (1965), nominacija Bafta
za istu ulogu (1965), nominacija Zlatni globus za sporednu ulogu u Voyage of the Damned (1976).
DAJAN VEST Dianne Wiest /28. III 1948, Kansas City, Missouri, US/.
Debi: It's My Turn (1980). Igrala u preko 40 filmova: The Birdcage (1996),
Merci Docteur Rey (2002), A Guide to Recognizing Your Saints (2006),
Synecdoche, New York (2008), Rabbit Hole (2010). Oskar za sporednu
ulogu u Hanna and Her Sisters (1986), Bullets Over Broadway (1994),
nominacija Oskar za sporednu ulogu u Parenthood (1989); Zlatni globus za
sporednu ulogu u Bullets Over Broadway (1994), nominacija Zlatni globus
za sporednu ulogu u Hanna and Her Sisters (1986), Parenthood (1989),
nominacija Zlatni globus za sporednu ulogu u mini seriji In Treatment
(2008), nominacije Bafra za Radio Days (1987), nominacija Saturn za Edward Scissorhands (1990).
ME VEST Mae West /Mary Jane West, 17. VIII. 1893, Woodhaven, New
York, US - 22. XI. 1980. (87), Los Angeles, US/. Debi: Night After Night
(1932). Poslednji film: Sextette (1978). Nastupala na Broadway stage od
1911-1961. Jedna od najvećih zvezda prve polovine 20. veka, iako je igrala
u samo 13 filmova, i to glavne uloge u: Night After Night (1932), She Done
Him Wrong (1932), I'm No Angel (1933), Belle of the Nineties (1934), Goin'
to Town (1935), Klondike Annie (1936), Go West, Young Man (1936), Every
Day's a Holiday (1937), My Little Chickadee (1940), The Heat's On (1943),
Myra Breckinridge (1970).
SIGURNI VIVER Sigourney Weaver /Susan Alexandra Weaver, 8. X
1949, New York City, New York, US/. Debi: Annie Hall (1977). Igrala u
preko 50 filmova: Aliens (1986) Death and the Maiden (1994), Copycat
(1995), Heartbreakers (2001), The Guys (2002), Imaginary Heroes (2004),
Snow Cake (2006) – za njih nominovana i nagrađivana; najznačajnije:
nominacija Oskar za glavnu ulogu u Aliens (1986), Gorillas in the Mist
(1988), nominacija Oskar za sporednu ulogu u Working Girl (1988), Zlatni
globus za glavnu ulogu u Gorillas in the Mist (1988) za sporednu ulogu u
Working Girl (1988), nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u Aliens
(1986), A Map of the World (1999), za sporednu ulogu u The Ice Storm
(1997), nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu glumicu u mini seriji Prayers for
Bobby (2009), nagrada Bafta za Working Girl (1988), The Ice Storm
(1997); nagrada Saturn za Aliens (1986), Avatar (1999), nominacija Bafta za Alien (1979),
nominacija Saturn za Alien (1979), Alien 3 (1992), Alien Resurrection (1997), Galaxy Quest (1999).
RIČARD VIDMARK Richard Widmark /Richard Weedt Widmark,
26. XII.1914, Sunrise Township, Minnesota, US - 24. III 2008. (93), Roxbury, Connecticu, US/. Debi: Kiss of Death (1947). Poslednji film: True Colors (1991). Uz 13 tv uloga, igrao u 62 filma: Slattery's Hurricane (1949),
Night and the City (1950), Panic in the Streets (1950), No Way Out (1950),
Halls of Montezuma (1950), The Frogmen (1951), Red Skies of Montana
(1951), Don't Bother to Knock (1952), Destination Gobi (1953), Pickup on
South Street (1953), Take the High Ground! (1953), Hell and High Water
(1954), A Prize of Gold (1955), The Cobweb (1955), Backlash (1956), The
Alamo (1960), Judgment at Nuremberg (1961), Death of a Gunfighter
(1969), nominacija Oskar za sporednu ulogu u Kiss of Death (1947).
DŽIN VAJLDER Gene Wilder /Jerome Silberman, 11. VI 1933, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, US/. Debi: Bonnie and Clyde (1967). Igrao u preko 20
filmova: Start the Revolution Without Me (1970), Quackser Fortune Has a
Cousin in the Bronx(1970), Everything You Always Wanted to Know About
Sex (1972), Rhinoceros (1974), Young Frankenstein (1974), The Adventure
of Sherlock Holmes' Smarter Brother (1975), The World's Greatest Lover
(1977), The Frisco Kid (1979), Stir Crazy (1980), Hanky Panky (1982), The
Woman in Red (1984), Haunted Honeymoon (1986), Funny About Love
(1990). Nominacija Oskar za sporednu ulogu u The Producers (1968), nominacija Zlatni globus za sporednu ulogu u Willy Wonka & the Chocolate
Factory (1971), Silver Streak (1976), dobitnik nagrade Emi.
ESTER VILIJAMS Esther Williams /Esther Jane Williams, 8. VIII
1921, Inglewood, California, US/. Debi: Inflation (1942). Igrala u 25
filmova: Bathing Beauty (1944), Thrill of a Romance (1945), The Hoodlum
Saint (1946), Easy to Wed (1946), Fiesta (1947), This Time for Keeps
(1947), On an Island with You (1948), Take Me Out to the Ball Game
(1949), Neptune's Daughter (1949), Duchess of Idaho (1950), Pagan Love
Song (1950). Texas Carnival (1951), Million Dollar Mermaid (1952), Skirts
Ahoy! (1952), Dangerous When Wet (1953), Easy to Love (1953), Jupiter's
Darling (1955), The Unguarded Moment (1956), Raw Wind in Eden (1958),
The Big Show (1961).
MIŠEL VILIJAMS Michelle Williams /Michelle Ingrid Williams, 9. IX
1980, Kalispell, Montana, US/. Debi: Baywatch (tv, 1993), Lassie (film,
1994). Igrala u preko 30 filmova: Halloween H20: 20 Years Later (1998),
Dawson's Creek (1998), Dick (1999), If These Walls Could Talk 2 (2000),
The Station Agent (2003), Land of Plenty (2004), Synecdoche, New York
(2008), Wendy and Lucy (2008), Meek's Cutoff (2011), Take This Waltz
(2011). Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u komediji My Week with Marilyn
(2012), nominacija Oskar za glavnu ulogu u Blue Valentine (2010), My
Week with Marilyn (2012), nominacija Oskar za sporednu ulogu u Brokeback Mountain (2005), nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u Blue
Walentine (2010), za sporednu ulogu u Brokeback Mountain (2005).
ROBIN VILIJAMS Robin Williams /Robin McLaurim Williams, 21.
VII 1951, Chicago, Illinois, US/. Debi: Can I Do It 'Till I Need Glasses?
(1977). Igrao u preko 70 filmova: The Adventures of Baron Munchausen
(1988), Toys (1992), Aladdin (1992), Jumanji (1995), Nine Months (1995),
The Birdcage (1996), Flubber (1997), Bicentennial Man (1999), Insomnia
(2002), One Hour Photo (2002), Robots (2005). Oskar za sporednu ulogu
u Good Will Hunting (1997), nominacija Oskar za glavnu ulogu u Good
Morning, Vietnam (1987), Dead Poets Society (1989), The Fisher King
(1991), dobitnik Zlatnog globusa za glavnu ulogu u komediji Good
Morning, Vietnam (1987), The Fisher King (1991), Mrs. Doubtfire (1993),
nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u filmu-drama Dead Poets Society
(1989), Awakenings (1990), nominacija Zlatni globus za komediju u Moscow on the Hudson (1984),
Patch Adams (1998), nominacija Zlatni globus za sporednu ulogu Good Will Hunting (1997),
dobitnik Zlatnog globusa za najboljeg glumca u seriji-komedija Mork & Mindy (1978),
nominacija Zlatni globus za najboljeg glumca u istoj seriji (1979), dobitnik nagrade Emi.
TRIT VILIJAMS Treat Williams /Richard Treat Williams. 1. XII 1951,
Rowayton, Connecticut, US/. Debi: The Ritz (1976) Igrao u skoro 50 tv
uloga i istom broju filmova: Hair (1979), 1941 (1979), Why Would I Lie?
(1980), Prince of the City (1981), The Pursuit of D.B. Cooper (1981),
Neapolitan Sting (1983), Once Upon a Time in America (1984), Flashpoint
(1984), Smooth Talk (1985), Sweet Lies (1988), The Third Solution (1988),
La notte degli squali (1988), Dead Heat (1988), Hand Gun (1994), Deep
Rising (1998), The Deep End of the Ocean (1999), The Circle (2002),…
Martino's Summer (2010), Attack of the 50ft Cheerleader (2012). Nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u Prince of the City (1981), nominacija
Zlatni globus za glavnog glumca u A Streetcar Named Desire (1984).
BRUS VILIS Bruce Willis /Walter Bruce Willis, 19. III.1955, Idar-Oberstein, West Germany/. Debi: The Driller Killer (1979). Igrao u skoro 80
filmova: Blind Date (1987), Sunset (1988), Die Hard (1988), Die Hard 2
(1990), Mortal Thoughts (1991), Hudson Hawk (1991), The Last Boy Scout
(1991), Striking Distance (1993), Color of Night (1994), Die Hard with a
Vengeance (1994), Armageddon (1998). Nominacija Zlatni globus za sporednu ulogu u In Country (1989), Zlatni globus za najboljeg glumca u seriji-komedija Moonlighting (1986), nominacija Zlatni globus za najboljeg
glumca u istoj seriji (1985, 1987), nominacija Saturn za Death Becomes Her
(1992) 12 Monkeys (1995), The Sixth Sense (1999), nagrada Emi.
TOM VILKINSON Tom Wilkinson /Thomas Geoffrey Wilkinson, 5. II
1948, Leeds, West Riding of Yorkshire, England, UK/. Debi: Smuga cienia
(1976). Uz preko 40 tv uloga, igrao u skoro 70 filmova: Martin Chuzzlewit
(1994), The Full Monty (1997), Shakespeare in Love (1998), Separate Lies
(2005), A Number (2008), 44 Inch Chest (2009). Nominacija Oskar za
glavnu ulogu u In the Bedroom (2001), za sporednu ulogu u Michael Clayton (2007), nominacija Zlatni globus za sporednu ulogu u Michael Clayton
(2007), Zlatni globus za sporednog glumca u mini seriji John Adams
(2008), nominacija za glavnog glumca u mini seriji Normal (2003), Recount
(2008), nagrada Emi za The Kennedys (2011), nominacija za Nagradu filmskih i tv glumaca za najboljeg glumca u filmu In the Bedroom (2001).
DEBRA VINGER Debra Vinger /Mary Debra Winger, 16. V 1955, Cleveland Heights, Ohio, US/. Debi: Slumber Party '57 (1976). Igrala u skoro
30 filmova: Mike's Murder (1984), Legal Eagles (1986), Black Widow
(1987), Betrayed (1988), Everybody Wins (1990), The Sheltering Sky
(1990), Leap of Faith (1992), Wilder Napalm (1993), Forget Paris (1995),
Big Bad Love (2001), Dawn Anna (2005), Rachel Getting Married (2008).
Nominacija Oskar za glavnu ulogu u An Officer and a Gentleman (1982),
Terms of Endearment (1983), Shadowlands (1993); nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u An Officer and a Gentleman (1982), Terms of Endearment (1983), A Dangerous Woman (1993), za sporednu ulogu Urban
Cowboy (1980), nominacija Bafta za Urban Cowboy (1980).
DAJANA VINIJARD Diana Wynyard /Dorothy Isobel Cox, 16. I
1906, London, England, UK – 13. V 1964. (58), London, England, UK/.
Debi: Rasputin and the Empress (1932). Poslednji film: Island in the Sun
(1957). Igrala u 16 filmova: Men Must Fight (1933), Reunion in Vienna
(1933), Where Sinners Meet (1934), Let's Try Again (1934), One More
River (1934), On the Night of the Fire (1939), Gaslight (1940), Freedom
Radio (1941), The Prime Minister (1941), Kipps (1941), An Ideal Husband
(1947), Tom Brown's Schooldays (1951), The Feminine Touch (1956).
Nominacija Oskar za glavnu ulogu u Cavalcade (1933).
MARI VININGAM Mare Winningham /16. V 1959, Phoenix, Arizona,
US/. Debi: Young Pioneers (1976). Uz preko 65 tv uloga, igrala u više od 20
filmova: Threshold (1983), Turner & Hooch (1989), Miracle Mile (1990),
The Magic of Ordinary Days (1990), Better Off Dead (1994), The War
(1994), Sharing the Secret (2000), 10 Million Miles (2008). Nominacija
Oskar za sporednu ulogu u Georgia (1995), nominacija Zlatni globus za
sporednu glumicu u mini seriji George Wallace (1997), nagrada Emi za
mini seriju Amber Waves (1980), George Wallace (1998), nominacija Emi
za Love Is Never Silent (1986), The Boys Next Door (1994), Law & Order:
Special Victims Unit (2004), The Maldonado Miracle (2004), Mildred
Pierce (2011).
HENRI VINKLER Henry Winkler /Henry Franklin Winkler, 30. X
1945, New York City, New York, US/. Debi: Crazy Joe (1974). Uz preko
60 tv uloga, igrao u skoro 30 filmova: The One and Only (1978), Dad's
Week Off (1997), The Waterboy (1998), Berkeley (2005), The Kid & I
(2005), The King of Central Park (2006), Click (2006), A Plumm Summer
(2007), The Most Wonderful Time of the Year (2008), Unknown Movie
(2011), Running Mates (2011), Here Comes the Boom (2012). Nominacija
Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u filmu-drama Heroes (1977), nominacija
Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u komediji Night Shift (1982), Zlatni globus
za najboljeg glumca u seriji-komedija Happy Days (1976, 1977).
KEJT VINSLET Kate Winslet /Kate Elizabeth Winslet, 5. X 1975, Reading, Berkshire, England, UK/. Debi: Dark Season (tv, 1991), Heavenly
Creatures (film, 1994). Igrala u preko 30 filmova: Jude (1996), Hamlet
(1996), Quills (2000), Enigma (2001), Finding Neverland (2004), The Holiday (2006), Contagion (2011). Oskar za glavnu ulogu u Carnage (2010),
nominacija Oskar za glavnu ulogu u Titanic (1997), Eternal Sunshine of the
Spotless Mind (2004), za sporednu ulogu u Sense and Sensibility (1995), Iris
(2001), Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u Revolutionary Road (2008),
Zlatni globus za sporednu ulogu u The Reader (2008), nominacija Zlatni
globus za glavnu ulogu u Titanic (1997), Little Children (2006), za glavnu
ulogu u komediji Eternal Sunshine of the Sportless Mind (2004), nominacija Zlatni globus za
sporednu ulogu u Sense and Sensibility (1995), Iris (2001), nagrada Bafta (1995).
ŠELI VINTERS Shelley Winters /Shirley Schrift, 18. VIII 1920, St. Louis, Missouri, US – 14. I 2006. (85), Beverly Hills, California, US/. Debi:
There's Something About a Soldier (1943). Poslednji film: A-List (2006). Uz
43 tv uloge, igrala u 118 filmova: Winchester '73 (1950), Behave Yourself!
(1951), The Raging Tide (1951), Meet Danny Wilson (1952), Saskatchewan
(1954), To Dorothy a Son (1954), The Chapman Report (1962), The
Balcony (1963), A House Is Not a Home (1964), Touch of a Stranger
(1990), Stepping Out (1991), Heavy (1995). Oskar za sporednu ulogu u
The Diary of Anne Frank (1959), A Patch of Blue (1965), nominacija
Oskar za glavnu ulogu u A Place in the Sun (1951), za sporednu ulogu u The
Poseidon Adventure (1972), Zlatni globus za sporednu ulogu u The Poseidon Adventure (1972),
nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u A Place in the Sun (1951), Lolita (1962), za sporednu
ulogu The Diary of Anne Frank (1959), Next Stop, Greenwich Village (1976), nagrada Emi.
POL VINFILD Paul Winfield /Paul Edward Winfield, 22. V 1939, Los
Angeles, California, US – 7. III 2004. (64), Los Angeles, California, US/.
Debi: Who's Minding the Mint? (1967). Poslednji film: Second to Die
(2002). Uz 73 tv uloge, igrao u 46 filmova: Trouble Man (1972), Conrack
(1972), Trouble Man (1972), Gordon's War (1973), Huckleberry Finn
(1974), High Velocity (1976), Damnation Alley (1977), A Hero Ain't Nothin'
but a Sandwich (1978), White Dog (1982), At the River I Stand (1993)
Strategic Command (1997), Catfish in Black Bean Sauce (1999).
Nominacija Oskar za glavnu ulogu u Sounder (1972), nagrada Emi.
FOREST VITAKER Forest Whitaker /Forest Steven Whitaker, 15. VII
1961, Longview, Texas, US/. Debi: Tag: The Assassination Game (1982).
Igrao u skoro 70 filmova: Good Morning, Vietnam (1987), Downtown
(1990), Diary of a Hitman (1991), A Rage in Harlem (1991), Prêt-à-Porter
(1994), Ghost Dog: The Way of the Samurai (1999), Battlefield Earth
(2000), Panic Room (2002), American Gun (2005), Fragments (2008),
Hurricane Season (2009), Our Family Wedding (2010), Repo Men (2010),
Freelancers (2012), Vipaka (2012), The Truth (2012), Bill's Law (2013).
Oskar za glavnu ulogu u The Last King of Scotland (2006), Zlatni globus
za glavnu ulogu u is-tom filmu (2006), nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu
ulogu u Bird (1988), dobitnik nagrade Emi, dobitnik nagrade Bafta, Nagrada filmskih i tv
glumaca za najboljeg glumca u The Last King of Scotland (2006).
RIS VITERSPUN Reese Witherspoon /Laura Jeanne Reese Witherspoon, 22. III 1976, New Orleans, Louisiana, US/. Debi: The Man in the Moon
(1991). Igrala u preko 35 filmova: Jack the Bear (1993), Freeway (1996),
Pleasantville (1998), Cruel Intentions (1999), The Importance of Being
Earnest (2002), Sweet Home Alabama (2002), Vanity Fair (2004), Just Like
Heaven (2005), Rendition (2007), How Do You Know (2010), Water for
Elephants (2011), This Means War (2012). Oskar za glavnu ulogu u Walk
the Line (2005), Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u komediji Walk the Line
(2005), nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u komediji Election
(1999), Legally Blonde (2001), dobitnica nagrade Bafta.
MONIKA VITI Monica Vitti /Maria Luisa Ceciarelli, 3. XI 1931, (79)
Rome, Italy/. Debi: Ridere! Ridere! Ridere! (1954). Igrala u 58 filmova:
L'Avventura (1960), Eclipse (1962), Red Desert (1964), Sex Quartet (1966),
Modesty Blaise (1966), Ti ho sposato per allegria (1967), The Girl with the
Pistol (1968), La Femme écarlate (1968), Amore mio aiutami (1969), Ninì
Tirabusciò (1970), The Pizza Triangle (1970), Noi donne siamo fatte così
(1971), Polvere di stelle (1973), Qui comincia l'avventura (1975), Tigers in
Lipstick (1979), An Almost Perfect Affair (1979), The Mystery of Oberwald
(1981), Il tango della gelosia (1982), Io so che tu sai che io so (1982), Flirt
(1983), Francesca è mia (1986), Secret Scandal (1990).
STJUART VAJTMAN Stuart Whitman /Stuart Maxwell Whitman, 1.
II 1928, San Francisco, California, US/. Debi: When Worlds Collide (1951).
Uz blizu 90 tv uloga, igrao u skoro 100 filmova: The Decks Ran Red (1958),
Darby's Rangers (1958), These Thousand Hills (1959), Murder, Inc. (1960),
The Story of Ruth (1960), Francis of Assisi (1961), The Comancheros
(1961), The Longest Day (1962), Convicts 4 (1962), Rio Conchos (1964),
Those Magnificent Men in their Flying Machines (1965), Sands of the Kalahari (1965), The Last Escape (1970), The Invincible Six (1970), Night of the
Lepus (1972), Shatter (1974), Guyana: Crime of the Century (1979), The
Treasure Seekers (1979), Land of Milk & Honey (1996). Nominacija Oskar
za glavnu ulogu u The Mark (1961).
DŽEJMS VAJTMOR James Whitmore /James Allen Whitmore, Jr, 1. X
1921, White Plains, New York, US – 6. II 2009, (87), Malibu, California,
US/. Debi: The Undercover Man (1949). Poslednji film: Fun with Dick and
Jane (2005). Uz 92 tv uloge, igrao u 58 filmova: The Next Voice You Hear...
(1950, Mrs. O'Malley and Mr. Malone (1950), Them! (1954), Crime in the
Streets (1956), Black Like Me (1964), Guns of the Magnificent Seven (1969),
High Crime (1973). Nominacija Oskar za glavnu ulogu u Give em Hell,
Harry! (1975), nominacija za sporednu ulogu u Batterground (1949),
dobitnik Zlatnog globusa za sporednu ulogu u Battertleground (1949),
nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u Give em Hell, Harry! (1975).
MARINA VLADI Marina Vlady /Marina de Poliakoff-Baidaroff, 10. V
1938, (73) Clichy, Hauts-de-Seine, Franc/. Debi : Summer Storm (1949. Igrala u skoro 80 filmova, među kojima : Le crâneur (1955), Girl on the Third
Floor (1955), The Wicked Go to Hell (1955), Sinfonia d'amore (1956), The
Blonde Witch (1956), Pardonnez nos offenses (1956), Crime and Punishment (1956), Provisional Liberty (1958), Blonde in a White Car (1958),
Double Agents (1959), La sentence (1959), Les canailles (1960), Princess of
Cleves (1961), Adorable menteuse (1962), Climats (1962), Enough Rope
(1963), Don't Tempt the Devil (1963), The Cage (1963), The Conjugal Bed
(1963), Mona, l'étoile sans nom (1965), Run for Your Wife (1965), The Mona Lisa Has Been Stolen (1966), Sirokkó (1970)… Nominacija Zlatni globus
za glavnu ulogu u The Conjugal Bed (1963).
PITER VOGAN Peter Vaughan /Peter Olm, 4. IV 1923, Wem, Shropshire, England/ Debi: The 39 Steps (1959). Uz više od 150 tv uloga, igrao u
preko 60 filmova: Sapphire (1959), Village of the Damned (1960), The
Devil's Agent (1962), Hammerhead (1968), Sudden Terror (1970), Savage
Messiah (1972), The MacKintosh Man (1973), Massacre in Rome (1973),
Valentino (1977), Doing Time (1979), Time Bandits (1981), The French
Lieutenant's Woman (1981), Fatherland (1994), Brazil (1985), Mountains of
the Moon (1990), King of the Wind (1990), The Remains of the Day (1993),
The Secret Agent (1996), An Ideal Husband (1999), The Mother (2003), The
Life and Death of Peter Sellers (2004), Albatross (2011).
DŽON VOJT John Voight /Jonathan Vincent Voight, 29. XII 1938, Yonkers, New York, US/. Debi: Gunsmoke (1962). Igrao u preko 50 filmova:
The Last of His Tribe (1992), Anaconda (1997), Most Wanted (1997), Enemy of the State (1998), Uprising (2001), The Five People You Meet in Heaven (2004), SuperBabies: Baby Geniuses 2 (2004), Pope John Paul II
(2005). Oskar za glavnu ulogu u Coming Home (1978), nominacija Oskar
za glavnu ulogu u Midnight Cowboy (1969), Runaway Train (1985),
nomibacija Oskar za sporednu ulogu u Ali (2001), dobitnik Zlatnog globusa za glavnu ulogu u Coming Home (1978), Runaway Train (1985), nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u Midnight Cowboy (1969), Deliverance (1972), The Camp (1979), nominacija Zlatni globus za sporednu ulogu u The Rainmaker
(1997), Ali (2001), nominacija za najboljeg glumca u mini seriji The Last of His Tribe (1992).
KRISTOFER VOKEN Christopher Walken /Ronald Walken, 31. III
1943, Queens, New York, US/ Debi: Barefoot in Athens (1966). Igrao u oko
100 filmova: The Happiness Cage (1972), Shoot the Sun Down (1978),
Heaven's Gate (1980), The Dogs of War (1980), Who Am I This Time?
(1982), Brainstorm (1983), The Dead Zone (1983), A View to a Kill (1985),
At Close Range (1986), Deadline (1987), Puss in Boots (1988), Communion
(1989), King of New York (1990), McBain (1991), All-American Murder
(1992), Scam (1993), Wild Side (1995), The Funeral (1996), Suicide Kings
(1997), The Prophecy II (1998), New Rose Hotel (1998), Vendetta (1999),
The Opportunists (2000). Oskar za sporednu ulogu u The Deer Hunter
(1978), nominacija oskar za sporednu ulogu u Catch Me If You Can (2002),
nominacija Zlatni globus za sporednu ulogu u The Deer Hunter (1978).
MARK VOLBERG Mark Wahlberg /Mark Robert Michael Wahlberg,
5. VI 1971, Boston, Massachusetts, US/. Debi: The Substitute (1993). Igrao
u preko 30 filmova: Fear (1996), Boogie Nights (1997), The Yards (2000),
Rock Star (2001), The Truth About Charlie (2002), The Italian Job (2003), I
Heart Huckabees (2004), Four Brothers (2005), Invincible (2006), Shooter
(2007), The Happening (2008), Max Payne (2008), The Lovely Bones
(2009), The Other Guys (2010), The Fighter (2010), Contraband (2012),
Ted (2012), Broken City (2013). Nominovan i nagrađivan, najznačajnije
nominacija Oskar za sporednu ulogu u The Departed (2006), nominacija
Zlatni globus za sporednu ulogu u The Departed (2006).
ĐAN MARIA VOLONTE Gian Maria Volonté /9. IV 1933, Milan,
Italy - 6. XII. 1994, (61), Florina, Greece/. Debi: Sotto dieci bandiere (1960).
Poslednji film: Tirano Banderas (1993). Igrao u 56 filmova: A Man for Burning (1962), A Fistful of Dollars (1964), For a Few Dollars More (1965), A
Bullet for the General (1966), Faccia a faccia (1967), We Still Kill the Old
Way (1967), Bandits in Milan (1967), Under the Sign of Scorpio (1969),
Investigation of a Citizen Above Suspicion (1970), Sacco e Vanzetti (1971),
Sbatti il mostro in prima pagina, The Working Class Goes to Heaven (1972),
The Mattei Affair /1972), Lucky Luciano (1973), Todo modo (1976), Letters
from Marusia (1976), The Abyss (1988), Christ Stopped at Eboli (1979).
DŽULI VOLTERS Julie Walters /Julia Mary Walters, 22. II 1950,
Smethwick, Staffordshire, England/. Debi: Second City Firsts (1975, tv),
Educating Rita (1983, film). Uz blizu 50 tv uloga, igrala u više od 35
filmova: Car Trouble (1986), Personal Services (1987), Prick Up Your Ears
(1987), Buster (1988) Just Like a Woman (1992), Sister My Sister (1994),
Intimate Relations (1996), Bathtime (1997), Before You Go (2002), Driving
Lessons (2006), Brave (2012). Nominacija Oskar za glavnu ulogu u
Educating Rita (1983), nominacija Oskar za sporednu ulogu u Billy Elliot
(2000), Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u komediji Educating Rita (1983),
nominacija Zlatni globus za sporednu ulogu u Billy Elliot (2000).
ROBERT VON Robert Vaughn /Robert Francis Vaughn, 22. XI 1932,
New York City, New York, US/. Debi: Hell's Crossroads (1957). Uz oko
140 tv uloga, igrao u 75 filmova: Teenage Cave Man (1958), Good Day for
a Hanging (1959), The Spy with My Face (1965), The Venetian Affair
(1967), The Bridge at Remagen (1969), The Mind of Mr. Soames (1970),
Starship Invasions (1977), Battle Beyond the Stars (1980), Hangar 18
(1980), They Call Me Renegade (1987), Killing Birds (1988), The
Magnificent Eleven (2012). Nominacija Oskar za sporednu ulogu u The
Young Phikadelphians (1959), nominacija Zlatni globus za najboljeg glumca
u seriji-drama The Man from U.N.C.L.E (1964, 1965)
MAKS FON SIDOU Max von Sydow /Carl Adolf von Sydow, 10. IV
1929, Lund, Skåne, Sweden/. Debi: Bara en mor (1949). Igrao u skoro 120
filmova: The Greatest Story Ever Told (1965), Three Days of the Condor
(1975), The Ultimate Warrior (1975), Flash Gordon (1980), Flight of the
Eagle (1982), Red King, White Knight (1989), Father (1990), The Best
Intentions (1992), Needful Things (1993), Time Is Money (1994), Hamsun
(1996), Minority Report (2002), Emotional Arithmetic (2007), Det siste
norske trollet (2010), Moomins and the Comet Chase (2010), Truth &
Treason (2012). Nominacija Oskar za glavnu ulogu u Pelle the Conqueror
(1988), nominacija Oskar za sporednu ulogu u Extremely Loud & Incredibly
Close (2012), nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u Hawaii (1966),
nominacija Zlatni globus za sporednu ulogu u The Exorcist (1973)
DŽEK VORDEN Jack Warden /John Warden Lebzelter, 18. IX 1920,
Newark, New Jersey, US – 19. VII 2006. (85), New York, New York, US/.
Debi: The Asphalt Jungle (1950). Poslednji film: The Replacements (2000).
Uz 92 tv uloge, igrao u 68 filmova: Darby's Rangers (1958), The Thin Red
Line (1964), Blindfold (1965), Bye Bye Braverman (1968), Summertree
(1971), The Apprenticeship of Duddy Kravitz (1974), All the President's
Men (1976), The White Buffalo (1977), Used Cars (1980), Chu Chu and the
Philly Flash (1981), So Fine (1981), Crackers (1984), A Dog of Flanders
(1999). Nominacija Oskar za sporednu ulogu u filmovima Shampoo (1975),
Heaven can Wait (1978).
LESLI EN VOREN Lesley Ann Warren /16. VIII 1946, New York
City, New York, US/. Debi: The Chapman Report (1962). Uz 58 tv uloge
igrala u 42 filma: Race for the Yankee Zephyr (1981), A Night in Heaven
(1983), Apology (1986), Cop (1987), Baja Oklahoma (1988), Worth
Winning (1989), Life Stinks (1991), Pure Country (1992), Desperate Justice
(1993), The Limey (1999). Nominacija Oskar za sporednu ulogu u Victor /
Victoria (1982), nominacija Zlatni globus za sporednu ulogu u Victor /
Victoria (1982), Songwriter (1984), nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu
glumicu u mini seriji Family of Spies (1990), nominacija Zlatni glous za
sporednu glumicu u mini seriji Mision: Impossible (1970), dobitnica Zlatnog globusa za glavnu glumicu u seriji-drami 79 Park Avenue (1977).
NAOMI VOTS Naomi Watts /Naomi Ellen Watts, 28. IX 1968,
Shoreham, Kent, England, UK/. Debi: For Love Alone (1986). Igrala u oko
50 filmova, među kojima: Children of the Corn IV: The Gathering (1996),
Under the Lighthouse Dancing (1997), Dangerous Beauty (1998), Divorce
(2003), Assassination of Richard Nixon (2004), We Don't Live Here
Anymore (2004), The Ring Two (2005), Stay (2005), Funny Games (2008),
The International (2009), Mother and Child (2010), Fair Game (2010),
Dream House (2011), J. Edgar (2011), Impossible (2012). Nominacija
Oskar za glavnu ulogu u 21 Grams (2003), nagrada Saturn za The Ring
(2002), King Kong (2005), nominacija Saturn za ulogu u Mulholland Drive
(2001), Eastern Promises (2007), nominacija Bafta za 21 Grams (2003).
EMILI VOTSON Emily Watson /14. I 1967, London, England, UK/.
Debi: A Summer Day's Dream (1994, tv), Breaking the Waves (1996, film).
Igrala u preko 30 filmova: Cradle Will Rock (1999), Angela's Ashes (1999),
The Luzhin Defence (2000), Gosford Park (2001), Punch-Drunk Love
(2002), Separate Lies (2005), Wah-Wah (2005), The Proposition (2005),
Synecdoche, New York (2008), Oranges and Sun-shine (2010), Appropriate
Adult (2011). Nominacija Oskar za glavnu ulogu u Breaking the Waves
(1996), Hilary and Jackie (1998), nominacija Zlatnii globus za glavnu ulogu
u Breaking the Waves (1996), Hilary and Jackie (1998), nominacija Zlatni
globus za sporednu glumicu u mini seriji The Life and Death of Peter Sellers
(2004), nominacija Bafta za Breaking the Waves (1996), Hilary and Jackie
(1998), Angela's Ashes (1999), nominacija Saturn za Red Dragon (2002).
NATALI VUD Natalie Wood /На ал я Николаевна Заха енко, 20. VII
1938, San Francisco, Kalofornija, US - 29. XI 1981. (43), Santa Catalina Island, California, US/. Debi: The Moon Is Down (1943). Poslednji film: Brainstorm (1983). Uz 24 tv uloga, igrala u 46 filmova: Marjorie Morningstar
(1958), West Side Story (1961), Penelope (1966), Bob & Carol & Ted &
Alice(1969), Meteor (1979), The Last Married Couple in America (1980),
Nominacija Oskar za glavnu ulogu u Splendor in the Grass (1961), Love
with the Proper Stranger (1963), za sporednu ulogu u Rebel Without a
Cause (1955), nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u Splendor in the
Grass (1961), Love whit the Proper Stranger (1963), This Property Is
Condemned (1966), nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u komedi Gypsy (1962) Inside Daisy
Clover (1965), Zlatni globus za glavnu glumicu u seriji-drami From Here to Eternity (1979).
ALFRI VUDARD Alfre Woodard /Alfre Ette Woodard, 8. XI 1952,
Tulsa, Oklahoma, US/. Debi: Remember My Name (1978). Uz preko 50 tv
uloga, igrala u više od 45 filmova: Mandela (1987), Crooklyn (1994), The
Piano Lesson (1995), Follow Me Home (1996), Miss Evers' Boys (1997),
Down in the Delta (1998), Holiday Heart (2000), Take the Lead (2006),
Pictures of Hollis Woods (2007). Nominacija Oskar za sporednu ulogu u
filmu Cross Creek (1983), nominacija Zlatni globus za sporednu ulogu u
Passion Fish (1992), dobitnica Zlatnog globusa za glavnu glumicu u mini
seriji Miss Evers Boys (1997), nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu glumicu u
mini seriji Holiday Heart (2000). Ukupno je 24 puta nagrađivana i imala još
42 nominacije!.
DŽOAN VUDVORD Joanne Woodward /Joanne Gignilliat Trimmier
Woodward, 27. II 1930, Thomasville, Georgia, US/. Debi: Count Three and
Pray (1955). Uz preko 40 tv uloga, igrala u skoro 30 filmova: No Down
Payment (1957), The Fugitive Kind (1959), A New Kind of Love (1963),
Sybil (1976), See How She Runs (1978), Crisis at Central High (1981),
Blind Spot (1993), Breathing Lessons (1994). Oskar za glavnu ulogu u
The Three Faces of Eve (1957), nominacija Oskar za glavnu ulogu u Rachel, Rachel (1968), Sumer Wishes, Winter Dreams (1973), Mr. and Mrs.
Bridge (1960), Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u The Three Faces of Eve
(1957), Rachel, Rachel (1968); nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u
The Effeet of Gamma Rays on Man-in-the-Moon Marigolds (1972), Sumer Wishes, Winter Dreams
(1973), Mr. and Mrs. Bridge (1990), za glavnu ulogu u komediji A Bew Kind of Love (1963), Zlatni globus za glavnu glumicu u mini seriji Breathing Lessons (1994), nominacija Zlatni globus za
glavnu glumicu u mini seriji Crisis at Central High (1981) Do You Rememeber Love (1985), za
sporednu glumicu u mini seriji Empire Falls (2005), nagrada Emi, dobitnica nagrade Bafta.
DŽEJMS VUDS James Woods /James Howard Woods, 18. IV 1947,
Vernal, Utah, US/. Debi: The Visitors (1972). Uz skoro 50 tv uloga, igrao u
oko 70 filmova. Nominacija Oskar za glavnu ulogu u Salvador (1986), za
sporednu ulogu u Ghosts of Mississippi (1996), nominacija Zlatni globus za
glavnu ulogu u The Onion Field (1979), nominacija Zlatni globus za
sporednu ulogu u Ghosts of Mississippi (1996), Zlatni globus za glavnog
glumca u mini seriji Promise (1996), nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnog
glumca u serijama In Love and War (1987), My Name is Bill W. (1989),
Citizen Conh (1992), Indictment: The McMartin Trial (1995), The Summer
of Ben Tyler (1996), Dirty Pictures (2000), nagrada Emi za ulogu u mini
seriji Promise (1987), My Name is Bill W (1989).
MONTI VULI Monty Woolley /Edgar Montillion Woolley, 17, VIII
1888, New York City, New York, US – 6. V 1963. (75), Albany, New York,
US/. Debi: Ladies in Love (1936). Poslednji film: Kismet (1955). Igrao u 30
filmova: The Forgotten Step (1938), The Man Who Came to Dinner (1942),
Life Begins at Eight-Thirty (1942), Holy Matrimony (1943), Irish Eyes Are
Smiling (1944), Molly and Me (1945), Night and Day (1946), The Bishop's
Wife (1947), Paris 1900 (1947), Miss Tatlock's Millions (1948), As Young
as You Feel (1951). Nominacija Oskar za glavnu ulogu u The Pied Piper
(1942), nominacija Oskar za sporednu ulogu u Since You Went Away (1944)
ŽAN GABEN Jean Gabin /Jean-Alexis Moncorgé, 17. V.1904, Paris,
France - 15. XI 1976. (72), Neuilly-sur-Seine, France/. Debi: Ohé! les valises
(1930). Poslednji film: L'Année sainte (1976). Igrao u 98 filmova: Méphisto
(1930), Zouzou (1934), The Lower Depths (1936), La belle équipe (1936),
Pépé le Moko (1937), Grand Illusion (1937), Lady Killer (1937), Le Récif de
corail (1938), Port of Shadows (1938), La Bête Humaine (1938), Le Jour Se
Lève (1939), Stormy Waters (1941), Moontide (1942), Martin Roumagnac
(1946), The Walls of Malapaga (1949), His Last Twelve Hours (1951), Touchez pas au grisbi (1954), French Cancan (1954), Voici le temps des assassins (1956), La Traversée
de Paris (1956), Maigret Sets a Trap (1958), Les Misérables (1958), Archimède le clochard (1959).
BEN GAZARA Ben Gazara /Biagio Anthony Gazzara, 28. VII 1930,
New York City, New York, US - 3 February 2012, New York City, New
York, US/. Debi: The Strange One (1957). Poslednji film: Max Rose (2012).
Igrao u 80 filmova: Convicts 4 (1962), Husbands (1970), Capone (1975),
The Killing of a Chinese Bookie (1976), Saint Jack (1979), La ragazza di
Trieste (1982), A Proper Scandal (1984), Il camorrista (1986), Don Bosco
(1988), Beyond the Ocean (1990), Per sempre (1991), Bandits (1995),
Ladykiller (1996), Blue Moon (2000), Nobody's Heart (2001), Home Sweet
Hoboken (2001), Looking for Palladin (2008). Nominacija Zlatni globus za
najboljeg glumca u seriji-drama Run for Your Life (1965, 1966. i 1967)
MAJKL GAMBON Michael Gambon /Sir Michael Gambon, 19. X
1940, Cabra, Dublin, Ireland/. Debi: Othello (1965). Uz skoro 70 tv uloga,
igrao u istom broju filmova: Paris by Night (1988), Missing Link (1988),
The Cook the Thief His Wife & Her Lover (1989), The Gambler (1997),
Dancing at Lughnasa (1998), The Last September (1999), Gosford Park
(2001), Being Julia (2004), Layer Cake (2004), Quartet (2012), Crossmaglen (2012). Nominovan i nagrađivan; najznačajnije: nominacija Zlatni
globus za najboljeg glumca u mini seriji Path to War (2002), nagrada Bafta za The Singing Detective (1987), Wives and Daughters (2000), Longitude (2001), Perfect Strangers (2002), nominacija Saturn za Toys (1993).
DŽEJMS GANDOLFINI James Gandolfini /James J. Gandolfini
Junior, 18. IX 1961, Westwood, New Jersey, US/. Debi: Shock! Shock!
Shock! (1987). Ostvario preko 40 uloga, među kojima u: Angie (1994),
Terminal Velocity (1994), Le Nouveau monde (1995), Crimson Tide (1995),
Night Falls on Manhattan (1997), A Civil Action (1998), 8mm (1999), The
Mexican (2001), The Last Castle (2001), Surviving Christmas (2004),
Romance & Cigarettes (2005), In the Loop (2008), Welcome to the Rileys
(2010), Violet & Daisy (2011), Cogan's Trade (2012). Dobitnik Zlatnog
globusa za najboljeg glumca u seriji-drama The Sopranos (1999),
nominacija za najbolje glumca u istoj seriji (2000, 2001, 2002), dobitnik
nagrade Emi.
BRUNO GANC Bruno Ganz /22. III 1941, Zürich, Switzerland/. Debi:
Der Herr mit der schwarzen Melone (1960). Uz 30 tv uloga, igrao u preko
70 filmova: The American Friend (1977), The Left-Handed Woman (1978),
Messer im Kopf (1978), Nosferatu the Vampyre (1979), Return to the
Beloved (1979), The Inventor (1981), The Lady of the Camellias (1981), Die
Fälschung (1981), La provinciale (1981), Dans la ville blanche (1983), Der
Himmel über Berlin (1987), Bankomatt (1989), Strapless (1989), Success
(1992), The Last Days of Chez Nous (1992), Prague (1992), Mia aioniotita
kai mia mera (1998), Bread and Tulips (2000), Downfall (2004), Have No
Fear: The Life of Pope John Paul II (2005), Youth Without Youth (2007), Vi
tus (2007), The Reader (2008), Michael Kohlhaas (2012).
GRETA GARBO Greta Garbo /Greta Lovisa Gustafsson, 18. IX 1905,
Stockholm, Sweden - 15. IV 1990. (84), New York City, New York, US/.
Debi: Herr och fru Stockholm (1920). Poslednji film: Two-Faced Woman
(1941). Igrala u 32 filma: Konsum Stockholm Promo (1921), The Joyless
Street (1925), Love (1927), The Divine Woman (1928), The Mysterious Lady
(1928), A Woman of Affairs (1929), Wild Orchids (1929), The Single
Standard (1929), Romance (1930), Inspiration (1931), Susan Lenox (1931),
Mata Hari (1931), Grand Hotel (1932), As You Desire Me (1932),Queen
Christina (1933), The Painted Veil (1934), Anna Karenina (1935), Camille
(1936). Nominacija Oskar za glavnu ulogu Anna Christie (1930), Conquest
(1937), Ninotchka (1939), Special Award (1954).
VINSENT GARDENIA Vincent Gardenia /Vincenzo Scognamiglio, 7.
I 1920, Naples, Italy – 9. XII 1992. (72), Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US/.
Debi: The House on 92nd Street (1945). Poslednji film: The Super (1991).
Uz 70 tv uloga, igrao u 38 filmova: Little Murders (1971), Lucky Luciano
(1973), Death Wish (1974), La banca di Monate (1975), Luna di miele in tre
(1976), The Big Racket (1976), Fire Sale (1977), Death Wish II (1982),
Movers & Shakers (1985), Little Shop of Horrors (1986), Cavalli si nasce
(1988), Cheeeese (1988), Skin Deep (1989). Nominacija Oskar za sporednu
ulogu u Bang the Drum Slowly (1973), Moonstruck (1987).
AVA GARDNER Ava Gardner /Ava Lavinia Gardner, 24. XII 1922,
Brogden, Sjeverna Karolina, US - 25. I. 1990. (67), Westminster, London,
England, UK/. Debi: Fancy Answers (1941). Poslednji film: Regina Roma
(1982). Igrala u 63 filma: The Bribe (1949), Lone Star (1952), The Snows of
Kilimanjaro (1952), The Barefoot Contessa (1954), Bhowani Junction
(1956), The Little Hut (1957), The Sun Also Rises (1957), The Naked Maja
(1958), On the Beach (1959), The Angel Wore Red (1960), 55 Days at
Peking (1963), Tam-Lin (1970), Earthquake (1974), Permission to Kill
(1975). Nominacija Oskar za glavnu ulogu u Mogambo (1953), nominacija
Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u The Night of the Iguana (1964).
DŽUDI GARLAND Judy Garland /Frances Etel Gam, 10. VI 1922,
Grand Rapids, Minesota; US - 22. VI 1969. (47), Chelsy, London, UK/.
Debi: The Big Revue (1929). Poslednji film: I Could Go On Singing (1963).
Igrala u 32 filma: The Clock (1945), The Harvey Girls (1946), Till the
Clouds Roll By (1946), Easter Parade (1948), In the Good Old Summertime
(1949), Summer Stock (1950), A Child Is Waiting (1963). Nominacija Oskar
za glavnu ulogu u A Star Is Born (1954), nominacija Oskar za sporednu ulogu u Judgment at Nuremberg (1961), dobitnica Zlatnog globusa za glavnu
ulogu u mjuziklu A Star Is Born (1954), nominacija Zlatni globus za
sporednu ulogu u Judgment at Nuremberg (1961), Special Award (1939).
DŽEJMS GARNER James Garner /James Scott Bumgarner, 7. IV
1928, Norman, Oklahoma, US/. Debi: Toward the Unknown (1956). Uz više
od 40 tv uloga, igrao u preko 50 filmova: Darby's Rangers (1958), Up
Periscope (1959, Cash McCall (1960),... Nominacija Oskar za glavnu ulogu
u Murphy's Romance (1985), nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u
komediji The Wheeler Dealers (1963), Murphy’s Romance (1985); Zlatni
globus za najboljeg glumca u mini seriji Decoration day (1990), Zlatni
globus za najboljeg glumca u mini seriji Barbarians at the Gate (1993),
Nominacija Zlatni globus za najboljeg glumca u miniseriji Heartsounds
(1984), Promise (1986), Breathing Lessons (1994), za najboljeg glumca u
seriji-drama The Rockford Files (1977, 1978, 1979), Bret Maverick (1981).
DŽENIFER GARNER Jennifer Garner /Jennifer Anne Garner, 17. IV
1972, Houston, Texas, US/. Debi: In Harm's Way (1997). Igrala u preko 20
filmova: Washington Square (1997), Mr. Magoo (1997), Dude, Where's My
Car? (2000), Pearl Harbor (2001), Rennie's Landing (2001), Stealing Time
(2001), Daredevil (2003), 13 Going on 30 (2004), Elektra (2005), Catch and
Release (2006), The Kingdom (2007), Juno (2007), Ghosts of Girlfriends
Past (2009), The Invention of Lying (2009), Arthur (2011), Butter (2011),
The Odd Life of Timothy Green (2012). Dobitnica Zlatnog globusa za
najbolju glumicu u seriji-drama Alias (2001); nominacija Zlatni globus za
najbolju glumicu u istoj seriji (2002, 2003, 2004).
DŽANIN GAROFALO Janeane Garofalo / 28. IX 1964, Newton, New
Jersey, US/. Debi: Late for Dinner (1991). Uz blizu 50 tv uloga, igrala u
skoro 60 filmova: The Truth About Cats & Dogs (1996), Larger than Life
(1996), Clay Pigeons (1998), The Thin Pink Line (1998), The Bumblebee
Flies Anyway (1999), Can't Stop Dancing (1999), The Independent (1999),
The Minus Man (1999), Dog Park (2000), Steal This Movie! (2000), The
Search for John Gissing (2000), Wet Hot American Summer (2001),
Manhood (2003), Ash Tuesday (2003), Manhood (2003), Junebug and
Hurricane (2004), Duane Hopwood (2005), Stay (2005), Bad Parents
(2012), For Better or for Worse (2013).
ENDI GARSIJA Andy Garcia /Andrés Arturo García Menéndez, 12. IV
1956, Havana, Cuba/. Debi: Blue Skies Again (1983). Igrao u preko 50
filmova: When a Man Loves a Woman (1994), Night Falls on Manhattan
(1997), The Disappearance of Garcia Lorca (1997), Desperate Measures
(1998), Just the Ticket (1999), Ocean's Eleven (2001), Modigliani (2004),
Ocean's Twelve (2004), The Lost City (2005), Ocean's Thirteen (2007), City
Island (2009), 5 Days of War (2011), Cristiada (2011). Nominacija Oskar
za sporednu ulogu u The Godfather 3 (1990), nominacija Zlatni globus za
istu ulogu (1990), nominacija Zlatni globus za najboljeg glumca u mini
seriji For Love of Country: The Arturo Sandoval Story (2000).
GRIR GARSON Greer Garson /Eileen Evelyn Greer Garson, 29. IX
1904, Manor Park, Essex (London), England, UK – 6. IV 1996. (91) Dallas,
Texas, US/. Debi: Inasmuch (1934). Poslednji film: Directed by William
Wyler (1986). Igrala u skoro 30 filmova: Remember? (1939), The Miracle of
Sound (1940), Pride and Prejudice (1940), Random Harvest (1942), Adventure (1945), Julia Misbehaves (1948), That Forsyte Woman (1949). The
Miniver Story (1950). Oskar za glavnu ulogu u Mrs. Miniver (1942), nominacija Oskar za glavnu ulogu u Goodbye, Mr. Chips (1939), Blossoms in
the Dust (1941), Madame Curie (1943), Mrs. Parkington (1944), The Valley
of Decision (1945), Sunrise at Campobello (1960), dobitnica Zlatnog
globusa za glavnu ulogu u filmu-drami Sunrise at Campobello (1960).
DŽON GARFILD John Garfield /Jacob Julius Garfinkle, 4. III 1913.
New York City, New York, US – 21. V 1952, (39) New York City, New
York, US/. Debi: Four Daughters (1938). Poslednji film: He Ran All the
Way (1951). Igrao u 33 filma, među kojima: Out of the Fog (1941), Dangerously They Live (1941), Air Force (1943), The Fallen Sparrow (1943),
Between Two Worlds (1944), Pride of the Marines (1945), Nobody Lives
Forever (1946), Humoresque (1946), Gentleman's Agreement (1947), Force
of Evil (1948), We Were Strangers (1949), Under My Skin (1950), The
Breaking Point (1950). Nominacija Oskar za glavnu ulogu u Body and Soul
(1947), nominacija Oskar za sporednu ulogu u Four Daugheters (1938).
VITORIO GASMAN Vittorio Gassman /Vittorio Gassmann 1. IX
1922, Genoa, Liguria, Italy – 29. VI 2000. (77) Rome, Italy/. Debi: Incontro
con Laura (1945). Poslednji film: La bomba (1999). Igrao u 124 filma, među
kojima: Riso amaro (1948), The Glass Wall (1953), Cry of the Hunted
(1953), Rhapsody (1954), War and Peace (1956), La Ragazza Del Palio
(1957), I soliti ignoti (1958), The Great War (1959), Crimen (1960), Il Mattatore (1960), The Last Judgement (1961), L'amore difficile (1962), La marcia su Roma (1962), Il sorpasso (1962), Frenesia dell'estate (1963), I mostri
(1963), Il Gaucho (1965), Slalom (1965), Una Vergine per il Principe
(1966), L'armata Brancaleone (1966), Le piacevoli notti (1966), Lo scatenato (1967), Il Tigre (1967), Questi fantasmi (1967), The Archangel (1969)...
EDMUND GVEN Edmund Gwenn /Edmund John Kellaway, 26. IX
1877, Wandsworth, London, England – 6. IX 1959. (81), Woodland Hills,
California, US/. Debi: The Real Thing at Last (1916). Poslednji film: Calabuch (1956). Igrao u 84 filma, među kojima: Frail Women (1932), The
Good Companions (1933), For Love or Money (1933), Warn London
(1934), Penny Paradise (1938), Scotland Yard (1941), A Yank at Eton
(1942), Hills of Home (1948), Challenge to Lassie (1949), The Trouble with
Harry (1955). Oskar za sporednu ulogu u Miracle on 34th Street (1947),
nominacija Oskar za sporednu ulogu u Mister 880 (1950), Zlatni globusaza
sporednu ulogu u Miracle on 34th Street (1947), Mister 880 (1950).
KLERK GEJBL Clark Gable /William Clark Gable, 1. III 1901, Cadiz,
Ohio, US – 16, XI 1960. (59), Los Angeles, California, US/. Debi: White
Man (1924). Poslednji film: The Misfits (1961). Igrao u 14 nemih i 67 zvučnih filmova: Parnell (1937), Saratoga (1937), Adventure (1945), The
Hucksters (1947), Homecoming (1948), Command Decision (1948), Any
Number Can Play (1949), Key to the City (1950), To Please a Lady (1950),
Across the Wide Missouri (1951), Lone Star (1952), Mogambo (1953), Betrayed (1954), Soldier of Fortune (1955), The Tall Men (1955), The King and
Four Queens (1956), Band of Angels (1957), Run Silent, Run Deep (1958),
It Started in Naples (1960). Dobitnik Oskara za glavnu ulogu u It Happened One Night (1934),
nominacija Oskar za glavnu ulogu u Mutiny on the Bounty (1935), Gone with the Wind (1939),
nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u komediji Teacher’s Pet (1958), But Not for Me (1959).
DŽENET GEJNOR Janet Gaynor /Laura Augusta Gainor, 6. X. 1906,
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US - 14. IX 1984. (77), Palm Springs, California, US/. Debi: Cupid's Rustler (1924). Poslednji film: Bernardine (1957).
Igrala u 58 filmova: The Shamrock Handicap (1926), 4 Devils (1928),
Lucky Star (1929), Christina (1929), Sunny Side Up (1929), High Society
Blues (1930), The Man Who Came Back (1931), Daddy Long Legs (1931),
Merely Mary Ann (1931), Delicious (1931), The First Year (1932), Tess of
the Storm Country (1932)… Prva dobitnica Oskara za glavnu ulogu u
Seventh Heave (1927), Sunrise: A Song of Two Humans(1927), Street
Angel (1928), nominacija Oskar za glavnu ulogu u A Star Is Born (1937).
MEL GIBSON Mel Gibson /Mel Columcille Gerard Gibson, 3. I 1956,
Peekskill, New York, US/. Debi: Summer City (1977). Igrao u preko 40 filmova: Mad Max (1979), Tim (1979), Gallipoli (1981), The Year of Living
Dangerously (1982), Mrs. Soffel (1984), The River (1984), Mad Max
Beyond Thunderdome (1985), Hamlet (1990), Lethal Weapon 3 (1992), The
Man Without a Face (1993), Maverick (1994), Brave-heart (1995),
Conspiracy Theory (1997), Lethal Weapon 4 (1998), Payback (1999), The
Patriot (2000), We Were Soldiers (2002), Signs (2002), Edge of Darkness
(2010), The Beaver (2011), Get the Gringo (2012). Nominacija Zlatni
globus za glavnu ulogu u drami Ransom (1996), za glavnu ulogu u komediji
What Women Want (2000), nominacija Saturn za Mad Max 2 (1981).
DŽON GILBERT John Gilbert /John Cecil Pringle, 10. VII 1897, Logan, Utah, US – 9. I 1936. (38), Hollywood, California, US/. Debi: The Coward (1915). Poslednji film: The Captain Hates the Sea (1934). Igrao u 97
filmova, među kojima: St. Elmo (1923), The Wolf Man (1924), The Snob
(1924), The Big Parade (1925), Ben-Hur (1925), La Bohème (1926), Bardelys the Magnificent (1926), Flesh and the Devil (1926), The Show (1927),
Twelve Miles Out (1927), Man, Woman and Sin (1927), Love (1927), The
Cossacks (1928), Four Walls (1928), A Woman of Affairs (1928), Desert Nights (1929), His Glorious Night (1929), Redemption (1930), Way for a Sailor (1930), Downstairs (1932), Fast Workers (1933), Queen Christina(1933)
DŽON GILGUD John Gielgud /Arthur John Gielgud, 14. IV 1904,
South Kensington, London, England, UK – 21. V 2000. (96), Wotton
Underwood, Buckinghamshire, England, UK/. Debi: Who Is the Man?
(1924). Poslednji film: Catastrophe (2000). Igrao u 71 filmu: Secret Agent
(1936), Eagle in a Cage (1972), Caligula (1979), The Orchestra Conductor
(1980), The Canterville Ghost (1986), Time After Time (1986), Prospero's
Books (1991), Swan Song (1992). Oskar za sporednu ulogu u Arthur
(1981), nominacija Oskar za sporednu ulogu u Becket (1964), Zlatni globus
za sporednu ulogu u Arthur (1981), Zlatnog globusa za sporednog glumca u mini seriji War and Remembrance (1988), nominacija Zlatni globus za najboljeg glumca u
mini seriji War and Remembrance (1989), nagrada Emi za ulogu u Summer's Lease (1991).
MEGI GILENHAL Maggie Gyllenhaal /Margaret Ruth Gyllenhaal,
16. XI 1977, New York City, New York, US/. Debi: Waterland (1992).
Igrala u preko 30 filmova, među kojima: The Photographer (2000), Donnie
Darko (2001), Casa de los Babys (2003), Criminal (2004), Confessions of a
Dangerous Mind (2002), Strip Search (2004), Happy Endings (2005),
Sherrybaby (2006), Monster House (2006), The Dark Knight (2008),
Hysteria (2011). Nominacija Oskar za sporednu ulogu u Crazy Haert
(2009), nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u filmu-drama Sherrybaby
(2006), nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u komediji Secretary
(2002), nominacija Saturn za Stranger than Fiction (2006).
DŽEJK GILENHAL Jake Gyllenhaal /Jacob Benjamin Gyllenhaal, 19.
XII 1980, Los Angeles, California, US/. Debi: City Slickers (1991). Igrao u
preko 20 filmova, među kojima: October Sky (1999), Donnie Darko (2001),
Bubble Boy (2001), Highway (2002), Moonlight Mile (2002), The Good Girl
(2003), The Day After Tomorrow (2004), Brokeback Mountain (2004),
Jarhead (2005), Proof (2005), Zodiac (2007), Rendition (2007), Brothers
(2009), Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time (2010), Love and Other Drugs
(2010), Source Code (2011), Time to Dance (2012), End of Watch (2012),
Nailed (2012), An Enemy (2013). Nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu
u komediji Love and Other Drugs (2010), dobitnik nagrade Bafta.
ALEK GINIS Alec Guinness /Alec Guinness de Cuffe, 2. IV 1914,
Paddington, London, England, UK – 5. VIII 2000. (86), Midhurst, West
Sussex, England, UK/. Debi: Evensong (1934), Poslednji film: Eskimo Day
(1996). Igrao u 57 filmova: Kind Hearts and Coronets (1949), The Prisoner
(1955), The Horse's Mouth (1958), Tunes of Glory (1960), The Comedians
(1967), Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy (1979), Smiley's People (1982), A Passage to India (1984). Oskar za glavnu ulogu u The Bridge on the River
Kwai (1957), nominacija Oskar za sporednu ulogu u The Lavender Hill Mob
(1952), Star Wars: A New Hope (1977), Little Dorrit (1988), Zlatni globus
za glavnu ulogu u The Bridge on the River Kwai (1957), nominacija Oskar
za sporednu ulogu u Star Wars (1977), Little Dorrit (1988), nagrada Bafta,
nagrada Saturn, Special Award (1979).
RIČARD GIR Richard Gere /Richard Tiffany Gere, 31. VIII 1949,
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US/. Debi: Report to the Commissioner (1975).
Igrao u preko 45 filmova: Days of Heaven (1978), American Gigolo (1980),
Final Analysis (1992), The Jackal (1997), Dr. T & the Wo-men (2000), The
Hoax (2007), I'm Not There (2007), The Double (2011). Dobitnik Zlatnog
globusa za glavnu ulogu u komediji Chicago (2002), nominacija Zlatni
globus za glavnu ulogu drami An Officer and a Gentleman (1982), nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u Pretty Woman (1990), nominacija za
Nagradu filmskih i tv glumaca za najboljeg glumca u Chicago (2002),
nominacija Emi za mini seriju And the Band Played On (1993).
LILIAN GIŠ Lillian Gish /Lillian Diana Gish, 14. X. 1893, Springfield,
Ohio, US – 27. II 1993. (99), New York City, US/. Debi: An Unseen Enemy
(1912). Poslednji film: The Whales of August (1987). Uz 26 tv uloga, igrala
u 93 filma: True Heart Susie (1919), The Greatest Question (1919),
Remodeling Her Husband (1920), Way Down East (1920), Orphans of the
Storm (1921), The White Sister (1923), Romola (1924), The Scarlet Letter
(1926), Annie Laurie (1927), The Enemy (1927), The Wind (1928), One Romantic Night (1930), His Double Life (1933), Commandos Strike at Dawn
(1942), Hambone and Hillie (1983). Nominacija Oskar za sporednu ulogu u
Duel in the Sun (1946), nominacija Zlatni globus za sporednu ulogu u The
Comedians (1967), Special Award (1970).
KJUBA GUDING JR Cuba Gooding, Jr /Cuba M. Gooding, Jr, 2. I
1968, New York City, US/. Debi: Coming to America (1988). Igrao u oko
50 filmova, među kojima: Outbreak (1994), The Tuskegee Airmen (1995),
As Good as It Gets (1997), What Dreams May Come (1998), Men of Honor
(2000), The Fighting Temptations (2003), Radio (2003), Shadowboxer
(2005), Daddy Day Camp (2007), American Gangster (2007), Linewatch
(2008), The Way of War (2008), Gifted Hands: The Ben Carson Story
(2009), The Devil's Tomb (2009), Wrong Turn at Tahoe (2009), Hardwired
(2010), Ticking Clock (2011), Sacrifice (2011), The Hit List (2011), Red
Tails (2012). Dobitnik Oskara za sporednu ulogu u Jerry Maguire
(1996), nominacija Zlatni globus za sporednu ulogu u Jerry Maguire (1996).
ŠERON GLES Sharon Gless /Sharon Marguerite Gless, 31. V 1943, Los
Angeles, California, US/. Debi: Marcus Welby, M.D. (1969, tv). Proslavila
se ulogama u pozorištu i u tv serijama, u skoro 60 uloga: Emergency!
(1972-1979), The Rockford Files (1974-1980), Switch (1975–1978), Queer
as Folk (2000–2005). Zlatni globus za najbolju glumicu u seriji-drama
Cagney & Lacey (1985), Zlatni globus za najbolju glumicu u serijidrama The Trials of Rosie O’ Neill (1990), nominacija Zlatni globus za
najbolju glumicu u seriji-drama Cagney & Lacey (1984, 1986, 1987, 1988),
nominacija Zlatni globus za najbolju glumicu u seriji-drama The Trials of
Rosie O’ Neill (1991). Igrala u samo 6 filmova: Hannah Free (2009).
BRENDAN GLISON Brendan Gleeson /29. III 1955, Dublin, Ireland/.
Debi: The Punisher (1989). Igrao u skoro 70 filmova: M.A.N.: Matrix
Adjusted Normal (1992), Conneely's Choice (1992), The Life of Reilly
(1995), I Went Down (1997), The General (1998), Wild About Harry
(2000), Cold Mountain (2002), In My Country (2004), Six Shooter (2005),
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (2005), Breakfast on Pluto (2005), The
Tiger's Tail (2006), Studs (2006), Black Irish (2007), Into the Storm (2009),
Perrier's Bounty (2009), Green Zone (2010), The Guard (2011), Albert
Nobbs (2011), An Ordinary Man (2014). Nominacija Zlatni globus za
glavnu ulogu u komediji In Bruges (2008), nominacija Zlatni globus za
najboljeg glumca u mini seriji Into the Storm (2009).
DŽEKI GLISON Jackie Gleason /John Herbert Gleason, 26. II 1916,
Bushwick, Brooklyn, New York, US – 24. VI 1987. (71) Lauderhill,
Florida, US/. Debi: Navy Blues (1941). Poslednji film: Nothing in Common
(1986). Uz 25 tv uloga, igrao u 26 filmova: Tramp, Tramp, Tramp (1942),
Escape from Crime (1942), The Desert Hawk (1950), Gigot (1962), Papa's
Delicate Condition (1963), Soldier in the Rain (1963), Skidoo (1968), Mr.
Billion (1977), Smokey and the Bandit II (1980), The Toy (1982), The Sting
II (1983), Smokey and the Bandit 3 (1983). Nominacija Oskar za sporednu
ulogu u The Hustler (1961), nominacija Zlatni globus za sporednu ulogu u The Husler (1961), za
najboljeg glumca u seriji-drama Jackie Gleason and His American Scene Magazine (1963).
DENI GLOVER Danny Glover /Danny Lebern Glover, 22. VII 1946,
San Francisco, California, US/. Debi: Escape from Alcatraz (1979). Uz
preko 40 tv uloga: nominacija Emi za najboljeg glumca u miniseriji
Mandela (1987), za sporednu ulogu u miniseriji Lonesome Dove (1989), za
gostujućeg glumca u seriji Fallen Angels: Red Wind (1999), Screen Actors
Guild za najboljeg glumca u miniseriji Freedom Song (2000). Igrao u skoro
90 filmova: The Color Purple (1985), Lethal Weapon (1987), Bat*21
(1988), Predator 2 (1990), Flight of the Intruder (1991), Grand Canyon
(1991), Bopha! (1993), 2012. (2009), Mooz-lum (2010), Dear Alice (2010).
Nagrada Independent Spirit za najboljeg glumca To Sleep with Anger
(1990), nominacija Genie za sporednog glumca Poor Boy's Game (2007).
POLET GODAR Paulette Goddard /Marion Pauline Levy, 3. VI 1910,
Whitestone Landing, Queens, New York, US - 23. IV 1990. (79), Ronco sopra Ascona, Ticino, Switzerland/. Debi: Berth Marks (1929). Poslednji film:
Time of Indifference (1964). Igrala u 53 filma: Modern Times (1936), The
Young in Heart (1938) Dramatic School (1938), The Cat and the Canary
(1939), The Ghost Breakers (1940), Second Chorus (1940), The Great Dictator (1940), North West Mounted Police (1940), Hold Back the Dawn
(1941), Pot o' Gold (1941), Nothing But the Truth (1941), The Lady Has
Plans (1942), Reap the Wild Wind (1942), The Forest Rangers (1942), The Crystal Ball (1943),
Standing Room Only (1944), Kitty (1945), Unconquered (1947), Charge of the Lancers (1954), The
Unholy Four (1954). Nominacija Oskar za sporednu ulogu u So Proudly We Hail! (1943)
VUPI GOLDBERG Whoopi Goldberg /Caryn Elaine Johnson, 13. XI
1955, New York City, New York, US/. Debi: Citizen: I'm Not Losing My
Mind, I'm Giving It Away (1982). Igrala u preko 100 filmova: Fatal Beauty
(1987), The Telephone (1988), The Long Walk Home (1990), Star Trek Generations (1994), Theodore Rex (1995), Ghosts of Mississippi (1996), How
Stella Got Her Groove Back (1998), Kingdom Come (2000), Good Fences
(2003). Oskar za sporednu ulogu u Ghost (1990), nominacija Oskar za
glavnu ulogu u The Color Purple (1985), Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u
The Color Purple (1985), Zlatni globus za sporednu ulogu u Ghost
(1990), nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u komediji Sister Act
(1992), dobitnica nagrada Emi, Bafta i Saturn.
DŽEF GOLDBLUM Jeff Goldblum /Jeffrey Lynn Goldblum, 22. X
1952; Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US/. Debi: Death Wish (1974). Uz skoro 40
tv uloga, igrao u 60 filmova: Between the Lines (1977), Transylvania 65000 (1985), Into the Night (1985), The Tall Guy (1989), El sueño del mono
loco (1990), Mister Frost (1990), Fathers & Sons (1992), Deep Cover
(1992), Hideaway (1995), Powder (1995), The Lost World: Jurassic Park
(1997), Auggie Rose (2000), One of the Hollywood Ten (2000), Cats &
Dogs (2001), Perfume (2001), Spinning Boris (2003), Pittsburgh (2006),
Adam Resurrected (2009). Nagrada Saturn za The Fly (1989), nominacija
Saturn u Jurassic Park (1993), Independence Day (1996).
RUT GORDON Ruth Gordon /Ruth Gordon Jones, 30. X 1896, Quincy,
Massachusetts, US – 28. VIII 1985. (88), Edgartown, Massachusetts, US/.
Debi: The Whirl of Life (1915). Poslednji film: The Trouble with Spies
(1984). Igrala u 25 filmova: Dr. Ehrlich's Magic Bullet (1940), What Ever
Happened to Aunt Alice? (1969), Where's Poppa? (1970), Boardwalk
(1979), Any Which Way You Can (1980), Mugsy's Girls (1985). Dobitnica
Oskara za sporednu ulogu u Rosemars’s Baby (1968), nominacija Oskar
za sporednu ulogu u Inside Daisy Glover (1965), dobitnica Zlatnog
globusa za sporednu ulogu u Inside Daisy Glover (1965), dobitnica
Zlatnog globusa za sporednu ulogu u Rosemary’s Baby (1968), nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u komediji Harold and Maude (1971).
LUIS GOSET JR Louis Gossett, Jr /Louis Cameron Gossett, Jr, 27. V
1936, Brooklyn, New York, US/. Debi: A Raisin in the Sun (1961). Igrao u
više od 100 tv serija (višestruko nagrađivan) i preko 50 filmova: The
Bushbaby (1969), Skin Game (1971), Jaws 3-D (1983), Enemy Mine (1985),
Iron Eagle (1986), Aces: Iron Eagle III (1992), The Wall That Heals (1997),
Left Behind: World at War (2005), The Grace Card (2011). Oskar za sporednu ulogu u An Officer and a Gentleman (1982), Zlatni globus za sporednu ulogu u istom filmu (1982), Zlatni globus za sporednog glumca u
miniseriji The Josephine Baker Story (1991), nominacija Zlatni globus za
najboljeg glumca u miniseriji Sadat (1983), dobitnik nagrade Emi.
RAJAN GOSLING Ryan Gosling /Ryan Thomas Gosling, 12. XI 1980,
London, Ontario, Canada/. Debi: Frankenstein and Me (1997). Igrao u preko 20 filmova: The Believer (2001), The Slaughter Rule (2002), Fracture
(2007), Blue Valentine (2010), Drive (2011), The Gangster Squad (2012),
The Place Beyond the Pines (2012), Only God Forgives (2102). Nominacija
Oskar za glavnu ulogu u Half Nelson (2006), nominacija Zlatni Globus za
glavnu ulogu u komediji Lars and the Real Girl (2007), za glavnu ulogu u
drami The Ides of March (2012), za glavnu ulogu u komediji Crazy, Stupid,
Love (2012) nominacija za Nagradu filmskih i tv glumaca za najboljeg
glumca u Half Nelson (2006), Lars and the Real Girl (2007).
KERI GRANT Cary Grant /Archibald Alexander Leach, 18. I 1904,
Bristol, Engleska, UK - 29. XI. 1986. (82), Davenport, Iowa, US/. Debi:
This Is the Night (1932). Poslednji film: Walk, Don't Run (1966). Igrao u 75
filmova: Madame Butterfly (1932), I'm No Angel (1933), Gambling Ship
(1933), Kiss and Make-Up (1934), Ladies Should Listen (1934), Big Brown
Eyes (1936), Holiday (1938), Gunga Din (1939), In Name Only (1939)…
That Touch of Mink (1962) Charade (1963), Father Goose (1964). Nominacija Oskar za glavnu ulogu u Penny Serenade (1941), None But the Lonely Heart (1944), nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u komediji Indiscreet (1958), Operation Petticoat (1959), The Grass Is Greener (1960),
That Touch of Mink (1962), Charade (1963), Special Award (1969).
LI GRANT Lee Grant /Lyova Haskell Rosenthal, 31. X 1928, New York
City, New York, US/. Debi: Detective Story (1951). Uz oko 65 tv uloga,
igrala u skoro 50 filmova: An Affair of the Skin (1963), Pie in the Sky
(1964), Valley of the Dolls (1967), Portnoy's Complaint (1972), The
Internecine Project (1974), Airport '77 (1977), Damien: Omen II (1977),
Visiting Hours (1982), Defending Your Life (1991), Something to Live for:
The Alison Gertz Story (1994). Oskar za sporednu ulogu u Shampoo
(1975), nominaciuja Oskar za sporednu ulogu u Detective Story (1951), The
Lanford (1970), Voyage of the Damned (1976), nominacija Zlatni globus za
sporednu ulogu u Detective Story (1951), In the Heat of the Night (1967),
The Landlord (1970), Shampoo (1975), Voyage of the Damned (1976).
HJU GRANT Hugh Grant /Hugh John Mungo Grant, 9. IX 1960,
London, England, UK/. Debi: Privileged (1980). Igrao u preko 35 filmova:
Maurice (1987), Nocturnes (1988), The Lair of the White Worm (1988),
Remando al viento (1988), The Bengali Night (1988), Impromptu (1991),
Sirens (1994), Extreme Measures (1996), Mickey Blue Eyes (1999), Two
Weeks Notice (2002), About a Boy (2002), Love Actually (2003), American
Dreamz (2006), Music and Lyrics (2007), Did You Hear About the
Morgans? (2009), The Pirates! In an Adventure with Scientists (2012).
Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u komediji Four Weddings and a Funeral (1994), nominacija
Oskar za glavnu ulogu u komediji Notting Hill (1999), About a Boy (2002), nagrada Bafta.
DŽOEL GREJ Joel Grey /Joel David Katz, 11. IV 1932, Cleveland,
Ohio, US/. Debi: About Face (1952). Uz preko 40 tv uloga, igrao u 19
filmova: Come September (1961), Man on a Swing (1974), Buffalo Bill and
the Indians, or Sitting Bull's History Lesson (1976), Remo Williams: The
Adventure Begins (1985), Kafka (1991), The Music of Chance (1993), The
Fantasticks (1995), The Empty Mirror (1996), A Christmas Carol (1999),
The Fantasticks (2000), Reaching Normal (2001), Dancer in the Dark
(2001). Dobitnik Oskara za sporednu ulogu u Cabaret (1972), dobitnik
Zlatnog globusa za sporednu ulogu u Cabaret (1972), nominacija Zlatni
globus u Remo Williams: The Adventure Begins (1985).
BETI GREJBL Betty Grable /Elizabeth Ruth Grable, 18. XII 1916, St.
Louis, Missouri, US – 2. VII 1973. (56) Santa Monica, California, US/.
Debi: Happy Days (1929). Poslednji film: How to Be Very, Very Popular
(1956). Igrala u 80 filmova: Campus Confessions (1938), Million Dollar
Legs (1939), I Wake Up Screaming (1941), Coney Island (1943), Pin Up
Girl (1944), Diamond Horseshoe (1945), The Dolly Sisters (1945), The
Shocking Miss Pilgrim (1947), Mother Wore Tights (1947, That Lady in
Ermine (1948), When My Baby Smiles at Me (1948), Wabash Avenue
(1950), My Blue Heaven (1950), Call Me Mister (1951), Meet Me After the
Show (1951), The Farmer Takes a Wife (1953), Three for the Show (1955).
GLORIJA GREJEM Gloria Grahame /Gloria Hallward, 28. XI 1923,
Los Angeles, California, US – 5. X 1981. (57), New York City, New York,
US/. Debi: My Heart Tells Me (1944). Poslednji film: The Nesting (1982).
Igrala u 41 filmu: Merton of the Movies (1947), A Woman's Secret (1949),
Roughshod (1949), In a Lonely Place (1950), The Glass Wall (1953), The
Big Heat (1953), Human Desire (1954), Not as a Stranger (1954), Oklahoma! (1955), Odds Against Tomorrow (1959), Blood and Lace (1971).
Dobitnica Oskara za sporednu ulogu u The Bad and the Beatiful (1952),
nominacija Oskar za sporednu ulogu u Crosffire (1947), nominacija Zlatni
globus za sporednu ulogu u The Bad and the Beatiful (1952).
STJUART GREJNDŽER Stewart Granger /James Lablache Stewart,
6. V 1913, London, England, UK - 16. VIII 1993. (80), Santa Monica, California, US/. Debi: A Southern Maid (1933). Poslednji film: Fine Gold
(1989). Igrao u 66 filmova: Love Story (1944), Waterloo Road (1945), Caesar and Cleopatra (1945), Caravan (1946), The Magic Bow (1946), Captain
Boycott (1947), Saraband for Dead Lovers (1948), Woman Hater (1948),
Adam and Evelyne (1949), Soldiers Three (1951), The Wild North (1952),
The Light Touch (1952), Scaramouche (1952), The Prisoner of Zenda
(1952), Beau Brummell (1954), Green Fire (1954), Moonfleet (1955)…
LORN GRIN Lorne Greene /Lyon Himan "Chaim" Green, 12. II 1915,
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada – 11. IX 1987. (72) Santa Monica, California, US/.
Debi: Churchill's Island (1941). Poslednji film: The Alamo: Thirteen Days
to Glory (1987). Uz 57 tv uloga (Bonanza – 431 eizoda!), igrao u 17 filmova: The Silver Chalice (1954), Tight Spot (1955), Autumn Leaves (1956),
The Hard Man (1957), The Gift of Love (1958), The Last of the Fast Guns
(1958), The Buccaneer (1958), The Trap (1959), Tidal Wave (1974), Earthquake (1974), The Trial of Lee Harvey Oswald (1977), A Time for Miracles
(1980), The Wizard of Oz (1982). Nominacija Zlatni globus za najboljeg
glumca u seriji-drama Bonanza (1963).
SIDNI GRINSTRIT Sydney Greenstreet /Sydney Hughes Greenstreet,
27. XII 1879, Sandwich, Kent, England, UK – 18. I 1954. (74), Hollywood,
California, US/. Debi: The Maltese Falcon (1941). Polsednji film: Malaya
(1949). Igrao u 23 filma: Across the Pacific (1942), Casablanca (1942),
Background to Danger (1943), Passage to Marseille (1944), Between Two
Worlds (1944), The Mask of Dimitrios (1944), Conflict (1945), Christmas in
Connecticut (1945), Three Strangers (1946), The Verdict (1946), Devotion
(1946), The Hucksters (1947), That Way with Women (1947), Ruthless
(1948), The Woman in White (1948), Flamingo Road (1949). Nominacija
Oskar za sporednu ulogu u The Maltese Falcon (1941).
KORIN GRIFIT Corinne Griffith /Corinne Mae Griffin, 21. XI 1894,
Texarkana, Texas, US – 13. VII 1979. (84) Santa Monica, California, US/.
Debi: The High Cost of Living (1916). Poslednji film: Paradise Alley
(1962). Igrala u 71 filmu: Ashes (1916), La paloma (1916), The Clutch of
Circumstance (1918), The Garter Girl (1920), Black Oxen (1923), Six Days
(1923), Single Wives (1924), Love's Wilderness (1924), Declassee (1925),
Classified (1925), The Marriage Whirl (1925), Mademoiselle Modiste
(1926), The Lady in Ermine (1927), Three Hours (1927), The Garden of
Eden (1928), Prisoners (1929), Lily Christine (1932). Nominacija Oskar za
glavnu ulogu u filmu The Divine Lady (1929).
MELANI GRIFIT Melanie Griffith /Melanie Richards Griffith, 9. VIII
1957, New York City, New York, US/. Debi: Smith! (1969). Igrala u oko 50
filmova: A Stranger Among Us (1992) Milk Money (1994), Two Much
(1995), Mulholland Falls (1996), Shadow of Doubt (1998), Another Day in
Paradise (1998), Crazy in Alabama (1999), Cecil B. DeMented (2000), Forever Lulu (2000), The Night We Called It a Day (2003), Tempo (2003), Have Mercy (2006), A Turtle's Tale: Sammy's Adventures (2010), The Grief
Tourist (2013). Nominacija Oskar za glavnu ulogu u Working Girl (1988),
dobila Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u komediji Working Girl (1988),
nominacija Zlatni globus - glavna ulogu u komediji Something Wild (1986),
nominacija Zlatni globus u Body Double (1984), nominacija Zlatni globus
za sporednu glumicu u mini seriji Buffalo Girls (1995), RKO 281 (1999).
HJU GRIFIT Hugh Griffith /Hugh Emrys Griffith, 30. V 1912,
Marianglas, Anglesey, Wales, UK – 14. V 1980. (67), London, England,
UK/. Debi: Neutral Port (1940). Poslednji film: A Nightingale Sang in
Berkeley Square (1979). Igrao u preko 60 filmova, među kojima: The
Beggar's Opera (1953), Lucky Jim (1957), The Good Companions (1957),
The Counterfeit Traitor (1962), Brown Eye, Evil Eye (1967), The
Canterbury Tales (1972), The Final Programme (1973), Take Me High
(1973), Legend of the Werewolf (1975), Grand Slam (1978). Dobitnik
Oskara za sporednu ulogu u Ben-Hur (1959), nominacija Oskar za
sporednu ulogu u Tom Jones (1963), nominacija Zlatni globus za sporednu
ulogu u The Fixer (1968).
REJČEL GRIFITS Rachel Griffiths / Rachel Anne Griffiths, 18. XII
1968, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia/. Debi: Muriel's Wedding (1994).
Igrala u preko 20 filmova, među kojima: My Son the Fanatic (1997), Amy
(1998), Tulip (1998), Me Myself I (1999), The Hard Word (2002), The
Rookie (2002), Angel Rodriguez (2005). Nominacija Oskar za sporednu
ulogu u Hilary and Jackie (1998), dobitnica Zlatnog globusa za sporednu
glumicu u mini seriji Six Feet Under (2001), nominacija Zlatni globus za
sporednu glumicu u mini seriji Brothers & Sisters (2007, 2008), nominacija
Zlatni globus za najbolju glumicu u seriji-drama Six Feet Under (2002), dve
nagrade Screen Actors Guild, nagrada Australijskog filmskog instituta
za uloge u Muriel's Wedding (1994), Beautiful Kate (2009).
ČARLS GRODIN Charles Grodin /21. IV 1935, Pittsburgh,
Pennsylvania, US/. Debi: Sex and the College Girl (1964). Igrao u preko 30
filmova, među kojima: 11 Harrowhouse (1974), King Kong (1976), Just Me
and You (1978), Sunburn (1979), Real Life (1979), Seems Like Old Times
(1980), It's My Turn (1980), The Incredible Shrinking Woman (1981),
Movers & Shakers (1985), Last Resort (1986), Ishtar (1987), The Couch
Trip (1988), Taking Care of Business (1990), Beethoven (1992), Dave
(1993), Beethoven's 2nd (1993), It Runs in the Family (1994), Clifford
(1994). Nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u komediji The
Heartbreak Kid (1972), nominacija Saturn za Heart and Souls (1993),
nagrada festivala Valjadolid za ulogu u Midnight Run (1988).
DŽON GUDMAN John Goodman /John Stephen Goodman, 20. VI
1952, St. Louis, Missouri, US/. Debi: Jailbait Babysitter (1977). Igrao u 80
filmova: Stella (1990), The Babe (1992), King Ralph (1993), The Flintstones
(1994), The Borrowers (1997), Fallen (1998), The Big Lebowski (1998), The
Year Without a Santa Claus (2006), The Princess and the Frog (2009), The
Artist (2010), Monsters University (2103). Nominacija Zlatni globus za sporednu ulogu u Barton Fink (1991), Zlatni globus za najboljeg glumca u seriji-komedija Roseanne (1992), nominacija Zlatni globus za najboljeg glumca u istoj seriji (1988, 1989. i 1990), nominacija Saturn za Arachnophobia
(1990), nominacija Emi u mini seriji You Don't Know Jack (2010).
ELIOT GULD Elliott Gould /Elliott Goldstein, 29. VIII 1938, Brooklyn,
New York, US/. Debi: Once Upon a Mattress (1964). Igrao u preko 90
filmova, među kojima: Move (1970), I Love My Wife (1970), Getting
Straight (1970), The Touch (1971), Little Murders (1971), The Long
Goodbye (1973), Busting (1974), S*P*Y*S (1974), Whiffs (1975), Matilda
(1978), The Silent Partner (1978), Capricorn One (1978), The Lady
Vanishes (1979), The Last Flight of Noah's Ark (1980), The Devil and Max
Devlin (1981), Over the Brooklyn Bridge (1985), Scandalo segreto (1989).
Nominacija Oskar za sporednu ulogu u Bob & Carol & Ted & Alice (1969),
nominacija Zlatni glogus za glavnu ulogu u komediji M*A*S*H (1970).
KIRK DAGLAS Kirk Douglas / се
аниелович, 9. XII 1916, Amsterdam, New York, US/. Debi: The Strange Love of Martha Ivers (1946).
Igrao u preko 70 filmova: Young Man with a Horn (1950), Along the Great
Divide (1951), Ace in the Hole (1951), Detective Story (1951), The Big Trees (1952), The Big Sky (1952), The Story of Three Loves (1953), The Juggler (1953), Act of Love (1953), Ulysses (1954), 20000 Leagues Under the
Sea (1954), Man Without a Star (1955), The Indian Fighter (1955), Lust for
Life (1956), Gunfight at the O.K. Corral (1957), Paths of Glory (1957), The
Vikings (1958), Last Train from Gun Hill (1959), Strangers When We Meet
(1960), Spartacus (1960), Town Without Pity (1961), Lonely Are the Brave
(1962)…Nominacija Oskar za glavnu ulogu u Champion (1949), The Bad and the Beautiful (1952),
Lust for Life (1956), Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u Last for Life (1956), nominacija Zlatni
globus za najboljeg glumca u mini seriji Amos (1985), Special Award (1995), Oskar za životno
delo (1991).
MAJKL DAGLAS Michael Douglas /Michael Kirk Douglas, 25. IX
1944, New Brunswick, New Jersey, US/. Debi: Cast a Giant Shadow (1966).
Igrao u 40 filmova: Hail, Hero! (1969), Summertree (1971), The China Syndrome (1979), The Star Chamber (1983).Romancing the Stone (1984), Basic
Instinct (1992), Shining Through (1992), Falling Down (1993), The Sentinel
(2006), Solitary Man (2009), Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps (2010). Dobitnik Oskara za glavnu ulogu u Wall Street (1987), dobitnik Zlatnog globusa za glavnu ulogu u istom filmu (1987), nominacija Zlatni globus za
glavnu ulogu u filmu-drama Wonder Boys, nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u komediji The War of the Roses (1989), The American President
(1995), nominacija Zlatni globus za najboljeg glumca u seriji-drama The Streets of San Francisco
(1974), nominacija Bafta za Wonder Boys (1995), dobitnik Oskra za životno delo (2009).
MELVIN DAGLAS Melvyn Douglas /Melvyn Edouard Hesselberg, 5.
IV 1901, Macon, Georgia, US – 4. VIII 1981. (80), New York City, New
York, US/. Debi: Tonight or Never (1931). Poslednji film: Ghost Story
(1981). Igrao u 72 filma: The Wiser Sex (1932), Fast Company (1938), Arsène Lupin Returns (1938), Ninotchka (1939), Tell No Tales (1939), Rapture
(1965). Oskar za sporednu ulogu u Hud (1963), Being There (1979),
nominacija Oskar za glavna ulogu I Never Sang for My Father (1970), dobitnik Zlatnog globusa za sporednu ulogu u Being There (1979), nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u filmu - drama I Never Sang for My Father (1970), nagrada EMI za Do Not Go Gentle Into the Night (1968).
BEATRIS DAL Béatrice Dalle /Béatrice Cabarrou, 19. XII 1964, Brest,
Finistère, France/. Debi: Betty Blue (1986). Igrala u preko 35 filmova, među
kojima: On a volé Charlie Spencer (1986), La Visione del Sabba (1988), Les
Bois noirs (1989), Chimère (1989), La vengeance d'une femme (1990), Night
on Earth (1991), La Fille de l'air (1992), La Belle Histoire (1992), À la folie
(1994), Clubbed to Death (1996), The Blackout (1997), Toni (1999), Trouble
Every Day (2001), H Story (2001), Seventeen Times Cecile Cassard (2002),
Le Temps du Loup (2002), Vendetta (2003), Le temps du loup (2003),
Process (2004), Clean (2004), The Intruder (2004), Tête d'or (2006), Inside
(2007), Domaine (2009), Jimmy Rivière (2011), Livid (2011), Bye Bye
Blondie (2011).
TIMOTI DALTON Timothy Dalton /Timothy Peter Dalton, 21. III
1944, Colwyn Bay, Wales, UK/. Debi: The Lion in Winter (1968). Igrao u
preko 30 filmova: Wuthering Heights (1970), The Voyeur (1970), Mary,
Queen of Scots (1971), The Executioner (1975), Sextette (1978), The Man
Who Knew Love (1978), Agatha (1979), Flash Gordon (1980), Chanel
Solitaire (1981), The Doctor and the Devils (1985), The Living Daylights
(1987), Hawks (1988), Brenda Starr (1989), Licence to Kill (1989), The
King's Whore (1990), The Rocketeer (1991), Salt Water Moose (1996), The
Beautician and the Beast (1997), The Informant (1997), Made Men (1999),
The Reef (1999), Time Share (2000), The Tourist (2010).
LILI DAMITA Lili Damita /Liliane Marie Madeleine Carré, 10. VII
1904, Blaye, Gironde, Aquitaine, France – 21. III 1994. (89) Palm Beach,
Florida, US/. Debi: Maman Pierre (1922). Poslednji film: Escadrille of
Chance (1937). Igrala u 34 filma: Corsica (1922), Une femme dans la nuit
(1924), Das Spielzeug von Paris (1925), Fiaker Nr 13 (1926), Geheimnisse
einer Seele (1926), Der Goldene Schmetterling (1926), The Queen Was in
the Parlour (1927), The Rescue (1929), The Bridge of San Luis Rey (1929),
The Cock-Eyed World (1929), Fighting Caravans (1931), Friends and Lovers (1931), This Is the Night (1932), The Match King (1932), Goldie Gets
Along (1933), Brewster's Millions (1935), The Devil on Horseback (1936).
AJRIN DAN Irene Dunne /Irene Marie Dunn, 20. XII 1898, Louisville,
Kentucky, US – 4. IX 1990. (91), Los Angeles, California, US/. Debi: Leathernecking (1930). Poslednji film: It Grows on Trees (1952). Igrala u 42 filma: Magnificent Obsession (1935), Show Boat (1936), High, Wide, and Handsome (1937), When Tomorrow Comes (1939), My Favorite Wife (1940),
Penny Serenade (1941), A Guy Named Joe (1943), The White Cliffs of Dover
(1944), Together Again (1944), Over 21 (1945), Anna and the King of Siam
(1945), Life with Father (1947), Never a Dull Moment (1950), The Mudlark
(1950). Nominacija Oskar za glavnu ulogu u Cimarron (1931), Theodora
Goes Wild (1936), The Awful Truth (1937), Love Affair (1939) I Remember
Mama (1948).
DŽEJMS DAN James Dunn /James Howard Dunn, 2. XI 1901, New
York City, New York, US – 1. IX 1967. (65), Santa Monica, California, US/.
Debi: In the Nick of Time (1929). Poslednji film: The Oscar (1966). Igrao u
58 filmova: The Payoff (1935), Hearts in Bondage (1936), Two-Fisted
Gentleman (1936), We Have Our Moments (1937), Living on Love (1937),
Venus Makes Trouble (1937), Shadows Over Shanghai (1938), Pride of the
Navy (1939), Mercy Plane (1939), Son of the Navy (1940), Hold That
Woman! (1940), The Living Ghost (1942), The Ghost and the Guest (1943),
The Caribbean Mystery (1945), That Brennan Girl (1946), Texas, Brooklyn
& Heaven (1948), The Golden Gloves Story (1950), A Wonderful Life
(1950), Hemingway's Adventures of a Young Man (1962). Dobitnik Oskara
za sporednu ulogu u A Tree Grows in Brooklyn (1945).
FEJ DANAVEJ Faye Dunaway /Dorothy Faye Dunaway, 14. I 1941,
Bascom, Florida, US/. Debi: Hurry Sundown (1967). Igrala u 75 filmova:
Mommie Dearest (1981), The Temp (1993), Dunston Checks In (1996), The
Twilight of the Golds (1997)... Dobitnica Oskara za glavnu ulogu u
Network (1976), nominacija Oskar za glavnu ulogu u filmovima Bonnie and
Clyde (1967) Chinatown (1974), dobitnica Zlatnog globusa za glavnu
ulogu u filmu-drama Network (1976), nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu
ulogu u filmu-drama Bonnie and Clyde (1967), Puzzle of a Downfall Child
(1970), Chinatown (1974), Three Days of the Condor (1975), Bartfly (1987),
dobitnica Zlatnog globusa za sporednu ulogu u mini seriji Ellis Island (1984), Gia (1998),
nominacija Zlatni globus za najbolju glumicu u mini seriji Columbo (1993), nominacija Zlatni
globus za sporednu glumicu u mini seriji Running Mates (2000), nagrada Emi, nagrada Bafta.
KATRIN DANEV Catherine Deneuve /Catherine Fabienne Dorléac, 22.
X 1943, Paris, France/. Debi: Les collégiennes (1957). Igrala u preko 100
filmova: Les portes claquent (1957), Les Parisiennes (1962), Manon 70
(1968), Le Sauvage (1976), Le Dernier métro (1981), Hôtel des Amériques
(1982), Agent Trouble (1988), Drôle d'endroit pour une rencontre (1989),
Ma saison préférée (1994), Les Voleurs (1997), Place Vendôme (1999), 8
Women (2002), Palais Royal! (2006), Mères et filles (2009), Potiche (2011),
The Beloved (2011). Dobitnica preko 20 nagrada; najznačajnije: Nominacija
Oskar za glavnu ulogu u Indochine (1992), nagrada Cesar za Le dernier
métro (1981), Indochine (1993), nagrada Bafta za Belle de jour (1967).
MILDRED DANOK Mildred Dunnock /25. I 1901, Baltimore,
Maryland, US – 5. VII 1991, (90), Oak Bluffs, Massachusetts, US/. Debi:
The Invisible Man's Revenge (1944). Posledmji film: The Pick-up Artist
(1987). Ostvarila 51 ulogu na tv i igrala u 26 filmova: The Corn Is Green
(1945), I Want You (1951), The Trouble with Harry (1955), Love Me Tender
(1956), The Nun's Story (1959), The Story on Page One (1959), Butterfield
8 (1960), Something Wild (1961), Sweet Bird of Youth (1962), Behold a
Pale Horse (1964). Nominacija Oskar za sporednu ulogu u Death of a
Salesman (1951), Baby Doll (1956), nominacija Zlatni globus za sporednu
ulogu u Viva Zpata (1952), Baby Dol (1956), Peyton Place (1957).
KIRSTEN DANST Kirsten Dunst /Kirsten Caroline Dunst, 30. IV.
1982, Point Pleasant, New Jersey, US/. Debi: New York Stories (1989).
Igrala u 47 filmova: The Virgin Suicides (1999), Bring It On (2000), Deeply
(2000), The Cat's Meow (2001), Get Over It (2001), Crazy/ Beautiful
(2001), Spider-Man (2002), Mona Lisa Smile (2003), Wimbledon (2004),
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (2004), Spider-Man 2 (2004),
Elizabethtown (2005), Marie Antoinette (2006), Spider-Man 3 (2007), How
to Lose Friends & Alienate People (2008), All Good Things (2010), Upside
Down (2012), Cities (2012), Red Light Winter (2013). Nominacija Zlatni
globus za sporednu ulogu u Interview with the Vampire (1994), nagrada za
najbolju glumicu u Cannesu Melancholia (2011).
DINA DARBIN Deanna Durbin /Edna Mae Durbin, 4. XII 1921,
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada/. Debi: Every Sunday (1936). Poslednja uloga:
For the Love of Mary (1948). Igrala u 23 filma: Three Smart Girls (1936),
One Hundred Men and a Girl (1937), Mad About Music (1938), That
Certain Age (1938), Three Smart Girls Grow Up (1939), First Love (1939),
It's a Date (1940), Spring Parade (1940), Nice Girl? (1941), It Started with
Eve (1941), The Amazing Mrs. Holliday (1943), Hers to Hold (1943), His
Butler's Sister (1943), The Shining Future (1944), Christmas Holiday
(1944), Can't Help Singing (1944), Lady on a Train (1945), Because of Him
(1946), I'll Be Yours (1947), Something in the Wind (1947), Up in Central
Park (1948). Nagrada Special Award (1939).
DŽEJN DARVEL Jane Darwell /Patti Woodard, 15. X 1879, Palmyra,
Missouri, US – 13. VIII 1967. (87), Woodland Hills, California, US/. Debi:
The Capture of Aguinaldo (1913). Poslednji film: Mary Poppins (1964).
Igrala u 176 filmova, među kojima: Tom Sawyer (1930), Huckleberry Finn
(1931), Life Begins at Forty (1935), Craig's Wife (1936), Ramona (1936),
One More Spring (1939), Jesse James (1939), Gone with the Wind (1939),
All Through the Night (1941), The Ox-Bow Incident (1943), Affair with a
Stranger (1953), A Life at Stake (1954), Captain Tug-boat Annie (1945), My
Darling Clementine (1946), The Red Stallion (1947), Girls in Prison (1956).
Dobitnica Oskara za sporednu ulogu u The Grapes of Wrath (1940).
LINDA DARNEL Linda Darnell /Monetta Eloyse Darnell, 16. X 1923,
Dallas, Texas, US – 10. IV 1965. (41), Glenview, Illinois, US/. Debi: Hotel
for Women (1939). Poslednji film: Black Spurs (1965). Igrala u 44 filma,
među kojima: Fallen Angel (1945), Centennial Summer (1946), My Darling
Clementine (1946), Forever Amber (1947), Unfaithfully Yours (1948), A Letter to Three Wives (1949), Slattery's Hurricane (1949), Everybody Does It
(1949), No Way Out (1950), Two Flags West (1950), The 13th Letter (1951),
Saturday Island (1951), Night Without Sleep (1952), Blackbeard the Pirate
(1952), Second Chance (1953), Dakota Incident (1956), Zero Hour! (1957).
ROBERT DAUNI JR Robert Downey Jr /Robert John Downey, Jr, 4.
IV 1965, New York City, US/. Debi: Pound (1970). Igrao u oko 70 filmova:
Short Cuts (1993), One Night Stand (1995), Wonder Boys (1999), The
Singing Detective (2002), Kiss Kiss Bang Bang (2004), Good Night, and
Good Luck (2005), A Scanner Darkly (2006), Iron Man (2007), Due Date
(2010), Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows (2011). Nominacija Oskar za
glavnu ulogu u Chaplin (1992), nominacija Oskar za sporednu ulogu u Tropic Thunder (2008), dobitnik Zlatnog globusa za glavnu ulogu u komediji
Sherlock Holmes (2009), nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u drami
Chaplin (1992), nominacija za sporednu ulogu u Tropic Thunder (2008),
dobitnik Zlatnog globusa za sporednog glumca u mini seriji Death of a Salesman (2000),
nagrada Bafta za Chaplin (1992), nagrada Saturn za Heart and Souls (1993).
HOAKIM DE ALMEIDA Joaquim de Almeida /Joaquim António
Portugal Baptista de Almeida, 15. III 1957, Lisbon, Portugal/. Debi: The
Soldier (1982). Igrao u preko 80 filmova: Good Morning, Babylon (1987),
Terre sacrée (1988), Retrato de Família (1994), Adão e Eva (1995),
Sostiene Pereira (1997), Tentação (1998), Inferno (2000), Behind Enemy
Lines (2001), O Xangô de Baker Street (2002), Um Tiro no Escuro (2006),
Óscar. Una pasión surrealista (2008), Fast Five (2011), Rouge Brésil
(2012), La Cage Dorée (2012). Nominacija Bafta za The Honorary Consul
(1983), nagrada festivala u Kanu za Good Morning, Babylon (1987),
Desperado (1995). Dobitnik još 7 nagrada i još 8 puta nominovan.
HARI DEVENPORT Harry Davenport /Harold George Bryant
Davenport, 19. I 1866, New York City, New York, US – 9. VIII 1949. (83),
Los Angeles, California, US/. Debi: Too Many Husbands (1914). Poslednji
film: Riding High (1950). Igrao u 161 filmu: Rainy, the Lion Killer (1914),
C.O.D. (1914), The Jarr Family Discovers Harlem (1915), Mr. Jarr Brings
Home a Turkey (1915), …Mrs. Jarr and the Society Circus (1915), One
Night (1916), Fashion and Fury (1916), The Father of Her Child (1916),
The Heart of a Fool (1916), A Girl at Bay (1919), Dawn (1919), My Sin
(1931), The Campus Mystery (1932), Keeper of the Bees (1947).
DENI DE VITO Danny DeVito /Daniel Michael DeVito Jr, 17. XI
1944, Asbury Park, New Jersey, US/. Debi: Dreams of Glass (1970). Igrao
u oko 80 filmova: Going Ape! (1981), The Ratings Game (1984), Wise Guys
(1986), The War of the Roses (1989), Other People's Money (1991), Batman Returns (1992), Hoffa (1992), Jack the Bear (1993), Renaissance Man
(1994), Get Shorty (1995), Matilda (1996), The Rainmaker (1997), L.A. Confidential (1997), Living Out Loud (1998), The Big Kahuna (1999), Drowning Mona (2000), Erin Brockovich (2000), Friends (2004), Christmas in
Love (2004), Relative Strangers (2006), Deck the Halls (2006), House Broken (2009). Nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u komediji Ruthless
People (1986), Throw Momma from the Train (1987), nagrada Emi.
DORIS DEJ Doris Day /Doris Mary Ann Kappelhoff, 3. IV 1922, 1923
or 1924, Cincinnati, Ohio, US/. Debi: Romance on the High Seas (1948).
Igrala u 38 filmova: My Dream Is Yours (1949), Starlift (1951), The Man
Who Knew Too Much (1956), Julie (1956), Teacher's Pet (1958), It Happened to Jane (1959), Please Don't Eat the Daisies (1960), Lover Come Back
(1961), That Touch of Mink (1962), The Thrill of It All (1963), The Glass
Do Not Disturb (1965), Bottom Boat (1966), The Ballad of Josie (1967),
Caprice (1967), Where Were You When the Lights Went Out? (1968), With
Six You Get Eggroll (1968). Nominacija Oskar za glavnu ulogu u Pillow
Talk (1959), nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u filmu-drama
Midnight lace (1960), nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u komediji-njuziklu The Tunnel of
Love (1958), Pillow Talk (1959), Billy Rose’s Jumbo (1962), Move Over, Darling (1963)
LOREJN DEJ Laraine Day /La Raine Johnson, 13. X 1920, Roosevelt,
Utah, US – 10. XI 2007. (87), Ivins, Utah, US/. Debi: Stella Dallas (1937).
Poslednji film: The 3rd Voice (1960). Igrala u 42 filma, među kojima: And
One Was Beautiful (1940), Foreign Correspondent (1940), Dr. Kildare's
Strange Case (1940), Dr. Kildare Goes Home (1940), Dr. Kildare's Crisis
(1940), Dr. Kildare's Wedding Day (1941)Unholy Partners (1941), Journey
for Margaret (1942), A Yank on the Burma Road (1942), Mr. Lucky (1943),
The Story of Dr. Wassell (1944), Bride by Mistake (1944), Keep Your
Powder Dry (1945), The Locket (1946), Tycoon (1947), I Married a
Communist (1949), My Dear Secretary (1949), Without Honor (1949), The
High and the Mighty (1954).
ROBERT DEJVI Robert Davi /Robert John Davi, 26. VI 1953, Astoria,
Queens, New York, US/. Debi: Contract on Cherry Street (1977, tv),
Gangster Wars (1981). Igrao u skoro 60 filmova: Wild Thing (1987), Licence
to Kill (1989), Maniac Cop 2 (1990), Christopher Columbus: The Discovery
(1992), Maniac Cop III: Badge of Silence (1993), No Contest (1994), Blind
Justice (1994), Cops & Robbersons (1994), The Bad Pack (1997),
Soulkeeper (2001), The Sorcerer's Apprentice (2002), In the Mix (2005),
The Dukes (2007), An American Carol (2008), Magic Man (2009), The
Butcher (2009), Knight Blade (2012), The Great Chameleon (2012).
BET DEJVIS Bette Davis /Ruth Elizabeth Davis, 5. IV 1908, Lowell,
Massachusetts, US – 6. X 1989. (81), Neuilly-sur-Seine, France/. Debi : The
Bad Sister (1931). Poslednji film: Wicked Stepmother (1989). Igrala u 91
filmu: Marked Woman (1937), The Old Maid (1939), The Private Lives of
Elizabeth and Essex (1939), All This, and Heaven Too (1940), The Great
Lie (1941), In This Our Life (1942), Watch on the Rhine (1943), Hush…
Hush, Sweet Charlotte (1964) The Nanny (1965)…Oskar za glavnu ulogu
u Dangerous (1935), Jezebel (1938), nominacija Oskar za glavnu ulogu u
Dark Victory (1939), The Letter (1940), The Little Foxes (1941), Now,
Voyager (1942), Mr. Skeffington (1944), All About Eve (1950), The Star
(1952), What Ever Happened to Baby Jane (1962), nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u
filmu-drama All About Eve (1950), What Ever Happened to Baby Jane (1962), nominacija Zlatni
globus za glavnu ulogu u komediji Pocketful of Miracles (1961), nagrada Emi, nagrada Saturn.
VAJOLA DEJVIS Viola Davis /11. VIII 1965, St. Matthews, South
Carolina, US/. Debi : The Substance of Fire (1996). Igrala u oko 30 filmova,
među kojima: The Shrink Is In (2001), Far from Heaven (2002), Get Rich or
Antwone Fisher (2002), Solaris (2002), Die Tryin' (2005), The Architect
(2006), Disturbia (2007), Nights in Rodanthe (2008), Knight and Day
(2010), Eat Pray Love (2010), Won't Back Down (2012), Beautiful Creatures
(2013). Nominacija Oskar za glavnu ulogu u The Help (2012), nominacija
Oskar za sporednu ulogu u Doubt (2008), nominacija Zlatni globus za
glavnu ulogu u The Help (2012), nominacija Zlatni globus za sporednu
ulogu u Doubt (2008)
ĐINA DEJVIS Geena Davis /Virginia Elizabeth Davis, 21. I 1956,
Wareham, Massachusetts, US/. Debi: Tootsie (1982). Igrala u 18 filmova,
među kojima: Earth Girls Are Easy (1988), Quick Change (1990), Hero
(1992), Angie (1994), Cutthroat Island (1995), Accidents Happen (2010).
Dobitnica Oskara za sporednu ulogu u The Accidental Tourist (1988),
nominacija Oskar za glavnu ulogu u Thelma and Louise (1991), nominacija
Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u filmu-drama Thelma and Louise (1991),
nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u komediji A League of Their
Own (1992), Speechless (1994), dobitnica Zlatnog globusa za najbolju
glumicu u seriji-drama Commander In Chief (2005), nominacija Saturn za
The Fly (1986), The Long Kiss Goodnight (1996), Stuart Little (1999).
RUPERT DEJVIS Rupert Davies /22. V 1916, Liverpool, England, UK
– 22. XI 1976. (60), London, England, UK/ Debi: Health in Our Time
(1948). Poslednji film: Life in Emergency Ward 10 (1959), King Arthur, the
Young Warlord (1975). Ostvario 46 tv uloga (proslavio se ulogom
inspektora Megrea), igrao u 34 filma, među kojima: The Accursed (1957),
Life in Emergency Ward 10 (1959), Danger Tomorrow (1960), The Uncle
(1966), Das Geheimnis der gelben Mönche (1966), Five Golden Dragons
(1967), Witchfinder General (1968), Dracula Has Risen from the Grave
(1968), The Oblong Box (1969), Waterloo (1970), The Firechasers (1971),
The Night Visitor (1971 Zeppelin (1971), Cover Up (1974).
SEMI DEJVIS JR Sammy Davis Jr /Samuel George Davis Jr, 8. XII
1925, Harlem, New York, US – 16. V 1990. (64), Beverly Hills, California,
US/. Debi: Rufus Jones for President (1933). Poslednji film: Tap (1989).
Igrao u 27 filmova, među kojima: Porgy and Bess (1959), Ocean's 11
(1960), Sergeants 3 (1962), Convicts 4 (1962), Robin and the 7 Hoods
(1964), Nightmare in the Sun (1965), Salt and Pepper (1968), Sweet Charity
(1969), One More Time (1970), Gone with the West (1975). Nominacija Zlatni globus za sporednog glumca u mini seriji Homefront (1991), nominacija
Zlatni globus za najboljeg glumca u seriji-mjuziklu Sammy and Company.
DŽON RAJS DEJVIS John Rhys-Davies /5. V 1944, Ammanford,
Carmarthenshire, Wales, UK/. Debi: The Black Windmill (1974). Ostvario
preko 100 uloga na tv i igrao u preko 70 filmova, među kojima: Sahara
(1983), King Solomon's Mines (1985), Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade
(1989), The Trial of the Incredible Hulk (1989), The Lost World (1992),
Return to the Lost World (1992), Cyborg Cop (1993), The Unnamable II:
The Statement of Randolph Carter (1993), Never Say Never Mind: The
Swedish Bikini Team (2001), Chupacabra: Dark Seas (2005), The Ferryman
(2007), Prisoners of the Sun (2009), Anacondas: Trail of Blood (2009), 31
North 62 East (2009), Escape (2012), Prisoners of the Sun (2013).
DŽUDI DEJVIS Judy Davis /23. IV 1955, Perth, Western Australia/.
Debi: High Rolling in a Hot Corvette (1977). Igrala u preko 30 filmova:
Hoodwink (1981), Winter of Our Dreams (1981), Kangaroo (1986), High
Tide (1987), Georgia (1988), Barton Fink (1991), Impromptu (1991), Naked
Lunch (1991), On My Own (1991), The Ref (1994), The New Age (1994),
Children of the Revolution (1996), Absolute Power (1997), Swimming Upstream (2003), The Eye of the Storm (2011). Nominacija Oskar za glavnu
ulogu u A Passage to India (1984), nominacija Oskar za sporednu ulogu u
Husbands and Wives (1992), nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u komediji Husband and Wives (1992), dobitnica Zlatnog globusa za najbolju
glumicu u mini seriji One Against the Wind (1991), Life with Judy
Garland: Ma and My Shadows (2001), nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu glumicu u mini seriji
Dash and Lilly (1999), The Reagans (2003), nominacija Zlatni globus za sporednu glumicu u mini
seriji Serving in Silence: The Margarethe Cammermeyer Story (1995), dobitnica nagrade Bafta.
DENIJEL DEJ LUIS Daniel Day-Lewis /Daniel Michael Blake DayLewis, 29. IV 1957, London, England, UK/. Debi: Sunday Bloody Sunday
(1971). Igrao u preko 20 filmova: My Beautiful Laundrette (1985), A Room
with a View (1985), The Unbearable Lightness of Being (1988), The Last of
the Mohicans (1992), The Age of Innocence (1993). Oskar za glavnu ulogu
u My Left Foot (1989) There Will Be Blood (2007), nominacija Oskar za
glavnuulogu u In the Name of the Father (1993) Gangs of New York (2002),
Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u filmu-drama The Will Be Blood (2007),
nominacija Zlatni globus za glavne uloge u My Left Foot (1989), In the Name of the Father (1993), The Boxer (1997), Gangs of New York (2002), nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u komediji Nine (2009), nagrada
Bafta, Nagrada filmskih i tv glumaca za najboljeg glumca za There Will Be Blood (2007),
nominacija za Nagradu filmskih i tv glumaca za najboljeg glumca u Gangs of New York (2002).
MET DEJMON Matt Damon /Matthew Paige Damon, 8. X. 1970, Cambridge, Massachusetts, US/. Debi: Mystic Pizza (1988). Igrao u preko 50 filmova: The Rainmaker (1997), Saving Private Ryan (1998), All the Pretty
Horses (2000), Ocean's Eleven (2001), Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron
(2002), Ocean's Twelve (2004), The Bourne Supremacy (2004), The Departed (2006), Ocean's Thirteen (2007), The Bourne Ultimatum (2007), Green
Zone (2010), True Grit (2010). Nominacija Oskar za glavnu ulogu u Good
Will Hunting (1997), za sporednu ulogu u Invictus (2009), nominacija Zlatni
globus za glavnu ulogu u drami Good Will Hunting (1997), The Talented
Mr. Ripley (1999), za glavnu ulogu u komediji The Informant (2009), nominacija Zlatni globus za sporednu ulogu u Invictus (2009), nominacija za Nagradu filmskih i tv glumaca za najboljeg glumca Good Will Hunting (1997)
IVON DE KARLO Yvonne De Carlo /Margaret Yvonne Middleton, 1.
IX 1922, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada – 8. I 2007, (84),
Woodland Hills, California, US/. Debi: I Look at You (1941). Poslednji film:
The Naked Truth (1993). Igrala u 89 filmova, među kojima: Salome Where
She Danced (1945), Song of Scheherazade (1947), Black Bart (1948),
Casbah (1948), River Lady (1948), The Desert Hawk (1950), Hotel Sahara
(1951), Death of a Scoundrel (1956), Band of Angels (1957), Timbuktu
(1958), A Global Affair (1964), Munster, Go Home! (1966), Blazing Stewardesses (1975), Satan's Cheerleaders (1977), Play Dead (1982), American
Gothic (1988), Mirror, Mirror (1990). Fantafestival Award (1987).
ARTURO DE KORDOVA Arturo de Córdova /Arturo García
Rodríguez, 8. V 1908, Mérida, Yucatán, Mexico – 3. XI 1973, (65) Mexico
City, Mexico/. Debi: Celos (1936). Poslednji film: The Professor (1971).
Igrao u 103 filma, među kojima: La Zandunga (1938), Alejandra (1942), A
Medal for Benny (1945), La selva de fuego (1945), God Reward You (1948),
Adventures of Casanova (1948), Fascinación (1949), The Yacht Isabel
Arrived This Afternoon (1949), The Absentee (1951), La ausente (1951), Las
Tres perfectas casadas (1953), Él (1953), Un extraño en la escalera (1955),
Ash Wednesday (1958), El Esqueleto de la señora Morales (1960), La
Agonía de ser Madre (1970).
ALEN DELON Alain Delon /Alain Fabien Maurice Marcel Delon, 8. XI
1935, Sceaux, France/. Debi: Quand la femme s'en mêle (1957) . Igrao u
preko 80 filmova, među kojima: Christine (1958), Rocco and His Brothers
(1960), Purple Noon (1960), The Joy of Living (1961), L’Amour à la mer
(1962), L'eclisse (1962), Joy House (1963), Mélodie en sous-sol (1963), The
Leopard (1963), La Tulipe noire (1963), L'Insoumis (1963), Once a Thief
(1965), Texas Across the River (1966), Lost Command (1966), Diabolically
Yours (1967), Adieu l'ami (1968), Le Samouraï (1968), La motocyclette
(1968), La Piscine (1969), Le clan des siciliens (1969), Borsalino (1970), Le
Cercle rouge (1970), Un flic (1971), The Assassination of Trotsky (1971),
La prima notte di quiete (1972), The Return of Casanova (1992). Dobitnik nagrade Cesar za ulogu u Notre histoire (1984), nominacija Cesaz za Monsieur Klein (1976), Mort d'un pourri (1977).
BENISIO DEL TORO Benicio del Toro /Benicio Monserrate Rafael
del Toro Sánchez, 19. II 1967, Santurce, San Juan, Puerto Rico/. Debi: Big
Top Pee-wee (1988). Igrao u preko 30 filmova, među kojima: China Moon
(1994), The Usual Suspects (1995), Basquiat (1996), Joyride (1996), Excess
Baggage (1997), Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas (1998), Snatch (2000),
The Way of the Gun (2000), The Pledge (2001), The Hunted (2003), Sin City
(2005), Things We Lost in the Fire (2007), Che (2008), The Wolfman (2010).
Dobitnik Oskara za sporednu ulogu u Traffic (2000), nominacija Oskar
za sporednu ulogu u 21 Grams (2003), dobitnik Zlatnog globusa za
sporednu ulogu u Traffic (2000), dobitnik nagrade BAFTA, dobitnik
Nagrade filmskih i tv glumaca za najboljeg glumca Traffic (2000)
DŽULI DELPI Julie Delpy /21. XII 1969, Paris, France/. Debi: Guerres
civiles en France (1978). Igrala u oko 50 filmova, među kojima: Mauvais
sang (1986), La Passion Béatrice (1987), King Lear (1987), L'autre nuit
(1988), La noche oscura (1989), Europa Europa (1990), The Voyager
(1991), Killing Zoe (1994), Three Colors: White (1994), Before Sunrise
(1995), An American Werewolf in Paris (1997), Crime and Punishment
(1998), Beginner's Luck (2001), CinéMagique (2002), Before Sunset (2004),
The Legend of Lucy Keyes (2006), Guilty Hearts (2006), The Air I Breathe
(2007), 2 Days in Paris (2007), The Countess (2009), Le Skylab (2011), 2
Days in New York (2012), Les passages (2012). Nagrađivana i nominovana
13 puta.
DOLORES DEL RIO Dolores Del Rio /María de los Dolores Asúnsolo
López-Negrete, 3. VIII 1904 Durango, Mexico – 11. IV 1983. (77) Newport
Beach, California, US/. Debi: Joanna (1925). Poslednji film: The Children
of Sanchez (1978). Igrala u 56 filmova: Ramona (1928), Evangeline (1929),
The Bad One (1930), Bird of Paradise (1932), Flying Down to Rio (1933),
Madame Du Barry (1934), In Caliente (1935), Accused (1936), Lancer Spy
(1937), International Settlement (1938), Journey into Fear (1943), María
Candelaria (1943), Las Abandonadas (1944), Bugambilia (1945), La selva
de fuego (1945), La Otra (1946), The Fugitive (1947), Historia de una mala
mujer (1948), La Malquerida (1949), Doña Perfecta (1951), El Niño y la
niebla (1953), La Cucaracha (1959), More Than a Miracle (1967).
VILIJAM DEMAREST William Demarest /Carl William Demarest,
27. II 1892, St. Paul, Minnesota, US – 28. XII 1983. (91), Palm Springs,
California, US/. Debi: When the Wife's Away (1926). Poslednji film: Won
Ton Ton: The Dog Who Saved Hollywood (1976). Igrao u 146 filmova: A
Reno Divorce (1927), Sharp Shooters (1928), Charlie Chan at the Opera
(1936), The Lady Eve (1941), Sullivan's Travels (1941), The Miracle of
Morgan's Creek (1944), Once Upon a Time (1944), Hail the Conquering
Hero (1944), Pardon My Past (1945), Along Came Jones (1945), The Perils
of Pauline (1947), Jolson Sings Again (1949), Red, Hot and Blue (1949),
The Strip (1951), Escape from Fort Bravo (1953). Nominacija Oskar za sporednu ulogu u The Jolson Story (1946).
MILEN DEMONŽO Mylène Demongeot /Marie-Hélène Demongeot,
29. IX 1935, Nice, France/. Debi: Children of Love (1953). Igrala u preko 70
filmova: The Crucible (1957), Bonjour Tristesse (1958), Upstairs and Downstairs (1959), The Three Musketeers (1961), Il ratto delle sabine (1961),
Fantômas (1964), Furia à Bahia pour OSS 117 (1965), Fantômas se déchaîne (1965), Fantômas contre Scotland Yard (1967), Une cigarette pour un
ingénu (1968), L'échappé fabuleux (1970), The Mushroom (1970), The Hideout (1971), Les pavillons de verre (1972), Douce est la revanche (1972),
Quelques arpents de neige (1972), The Porcelain Anniversary (1975), Un
jour un tueur (1979), Princess and the Photographer (1984), La piste du
télégraphe (1994), Beneath the Rooftops of Paris (2007), Maman! (2011).
DOROTI DENDRIDŽ Dorothy Dandridge /Dorothy Jean Dandridge,
9. XI 1922, Cleveland, Ohio, US – 8. IX 1965. (42), West Hollywood,
California, US/. Debi: Teacher's Beau (1935). Poslednji film: Malaga
(1960). Igrala u 31 filmu, među kojima: Sun Valley Serenade (1941), Lady
from Louisiana (1941), Bahama Passage (1941), Drums of the Congo
(1942), Hit Parade of 1943 (1943), Tarzan's Peril (1951), The Harlem
Globetrotters (1951), Remains to Be Seen (1953), Bright Road (1953),
Island in the Sun (1957), Tamango (1958), The Decks Ran Red (1958).
Nominacija Oskar za glavnu ulogu u Carmen Jones (1954), nominacija
Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u komediji-mjuziklu Porgy and Bess (1959).
BRAJAN DENEI Brian Dennehy /Brian Mannion Dennehy, 9. VII
1938; Bridgeport, Connecticut, US/. Debi: Semi-Tough (1977). Ostvario
preko 100 uloga na tv, igrao u preko 50 filmova, među kojima: First Blood
(1982), Never Cry Wolf (1983), The River Rat (1984), F/X (1986), The Belly
of an Architect (1987), Best Seller (1987), The Man from Snowy River II
(1988), The Last of the Finest (1990), F/X2 (1991), Gladiator (1992), The
Stars Fell on Henrietta (1995), Romeo + Juliet (1996), Dish Dogs (1998),
Stolen Summer (2002), She Hate Me (2004), The Ultimate Gift (2005),
Ratatouille (2007), War Eagle, Arkansas (2007), Righteous Kill (2008), The
Next Three Days (2010), Alleged (2010), Twelfth Night (2012).
DŽEF DENIJELS Jeff Daniels /Jeffrey Warren Daniels, 19. II 1955,
Athens, Georgia, US/. Debi: Ragtime (1981). Igrao u preko 50 filmova:
Marie (1985), Love Hurts (1991), Gettysburg (1993), Fly Away Home
(1996), 101 Dalmatians (1996), Pleasantville (1998), Chasing Sleep (200),
Cheaters (2000), Escanaba in da Moonlight (2001), Super Sucker (2002),
Gods and Generals (2003), I Witness (2003), Because of Winn-Dixie (2005),
The Squid and the Whale (2005), RV (2006), The Lookout (2007), Sweet Nothing in My Ear (2008), The Answer Man (2009), Paper Man (2009), Right
Angle (2011). Nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u komediji The Purple Rose of Caro (1985), Something Wild (1986), The Squid and the Whale
(2005), dobitnik nagrade Saturn za ulogu u Arachnophobia (1990).
ROBERT DE NIRO Robert De Niro /Robert Mario De Niro Jr, 17.
VIII 1943, New York City, New York, US/. Debi: Encounter (1965). Igrao
u oko 90 filmova: Bang the Drum Slowly (1971), Mean Streets (1973), The
King of Comedy (1983), Once Upon a Time in America (1984), Angel Heart
(1987), Goodfellas (1990), Mary Shelley's Frankenstein (1994), The Fan
(1995), Casino (1995), Marvin's Room (1996), Men of Honor (2000), Everybody's Fine (2009). Oskar za glavnu ulogu u Raging Bul (1980), Oskar
za sporednu ulogu u The Godfather II (1974), Nominacija Oskar za glavnu ulogu u Taxi Driver (1976), The Deer Hunter (1978), Awakenings
(1990), Cape Fear (1991), Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u drami Raging
Bul (1980), nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u filmu-drama Taxi Driver (1976), The Deer
Hunter (1978), Cape Fear (1991), nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u komedijama New
York, New York (1977), Midnight Run (1988), Anallyze This (1999), Meet the Parents (2000).
SENDI DENIS Sandy Dennis /Sandra Dale Dennis, 27. IV 1937, Hastings, Nebraska, US – 2. III 1992. (54), Westport, Connecticut, US/. Debi:
Splendor in the Grass (1961). Poslednji film: The Indian Runner (1991).
Igrala u 19 filmova: Up the Down Staircase (1967), The Fox (1967), Sweet
November (1968), That Cold Day in the Park (1969), A Touch of Love
(1969), The Out-of-Towners (1970), God Told Me To (1976), Come Back to
the Five and Dime, Jimmy Dean (1982), Parents (1989). Oskar za sporednu ulogu u Who’s Afraid of Virginia Wolf (1966), nominacija Zlatni
globus za glavnu ulogu u komediji The Out-of-Towners (1970), nominacija
Zlatni globus za sporednu ulogu u Who’s Afraid of Virginia Wolf (1966).
KLER DEJNS Claire Danes /Claire Catherine Danes, 12. IV 1979, Manhattan, New York, US/. Debi: Dreams of Love (1990). Igrala u 30 filmova:
Little Women (1994), I Love You, I Love You Not (1996), Romeo+Juliet
(1996), To Gillian on Her 37th Birthday (1996), The Rainmaker (1997), Polish Wedding (1998), The Mod Squad (1999), Brokedown Palace (1999), Igby Goes Down (2002), Terminator 3 (2003), It's All About Love (2003), Stage Beauty (2004), Shopgirl (2005), The Family Stone (2005), Evening
(2007), Stardust (2007), The Flock (2007), Me and Orson Welles (2009).
Zlatni globus za najbolju glumicu u mini seriji Temple Grandin (2010) i
najbolju glumicu u seriji-drama My So-Called Life (1994), nagrada Emi
DŽUDI DENČ Judi Dench /Judith Olivia Dench, 9. XII 1934, York, North orkshire, England, UK/. Debi: The Third Secret (1964). Igrala u 50 filmova: Wetherby (1985), 84 Charing Cross Road (1987), The Last of the
Blonde Bombshells (2000), The Shipping News (2001), Nine (2009), My Week with Marilyn (2011). Oskar za sporednu ulogu u Shakespeare in Love
(1998), nominacija Oskar za glavnu ulogu u Mrs. Brown (1997), Iris (2001),
Mrs Henderson Presents (2005), sporednu ulogu u Chocolat (2000), Zlatni
globus - glavna ulogu u drami Mrs. Brown (1997), nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u drami Iris (2001), Notes of Scandal (2006), glavnu
ulogu u komediji Mrs Henderson Presents (2005), za sporednu ulogu u Shakespeare in Love (1998)
i Chocolat (2000), Zlatni globus za najbolju glumicu u mini seriji The Last of the Blonde
Bommbshells (2000), nominacija Zlatni globus za najbolju glumicu u mini seriji Cranford (2008),
Return to Cranford (2010), nagrada Bafta za Four in the Morning (1965), A Room with a View
(1985), A Handful of Dust (1988), Mrs. Brown (1997), Shakespeare in Love (1998), Iris (2001).
DŽONI DEP Johnny Depp /John Christopher Depp II, 9. VI 1963, Owensboro, Kentucky, US/. Debi: A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984). Igrao u preko 40 filmova: Don Juan DeMarco (1995), Donnie Brasco (1997), The Brave (1997), Sleepy Hollow (1999), Chocolat (2000), From Hell (2001), Once
Upon a Time in Mexico (2003), The Libertine (2004), Public Enemies
(2009), Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides (2011). Nominacija
Oskar za glavnu ulogu u Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black
Pearl (2003), Finding Neverland (2004), Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End (2007), Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street (2007),
Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u komediji Sweeney Tod: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street (2007), nominacije Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u
drami Finding Neverland (2004), glavnu ulogu u komediji Edward Scissorhands (1990), Benny &
Joon (1993), Ed Wood (1994), Pirates of the Caribbean (2003), Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
(2005), Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest (2006), Alice in Wonderland (2010), The
Tourist (2010), Nagrada filmskih i tv glumaca za najboljeg glumca u Pirates of the Caribbean
(2003), nominacija Nagrada filmskih i tv glumaca za najboljeg glumca u Finding Neverland (2004)
ŽERAR DEPARDJE Gérard Depardieu /Gérard Xavier Marcel Depardieu, 27. XII. 1948. Châteauroux, Indre, France/. Debi: Le beatnik et le minet
(1967). Igrao u oko 170 filmova: Sept morts sur ordonnance (1975), La Dernière femme (1976), Dites-lui que je l'aime (1977), Le Sucre (1978), Danton
(1983), Les Compères (1983), Fort Saganne (1984), Police (1985), Under
the Sun of Satan (1987), Camille Claudel (1988), Too Beautiful for You
(1989), Le Colonel Chabert (1994), The Count of Monte Cristo (1998), Asterix & Obelix vs Caesar (1999). Nominacija Oskar za glavnu ulogu u Cyrano
de Bergerac (1990), Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u Green Card (1991),
Cesar za The Last Metro (1981), Cyrano de Bergerac (1990), nagrada u
Kanu za isti film (1990), nagrada festivala Venecija za Police (1995).
BRUS DERN Bruce Dern /Bruce MacLeish Dern, 4. VI 1936, Kenilworth, Illinois, US/. Debi: Wild River (1960). Igrao u preko 80 filmova, među
kojima: Castle Keep (1969), Number One (1969), The Cycle Savages (1969),
Silent Running (1972), The Cowboys (1972), The King of Marvin Gardens
(1972), Posse (1975), Smile (1975), Black Sunday (1977), The Driver
(1978), Tattoo (1981), Harry Tracy, Desperado (1982), The 'Burbs (1989),
Madison (2001), Monster (2003), Believe in Me (2006), The Astronaut
Farmer (2007), The Golden Boys (2008), Swamp Devil (2008). Nominacija
Oskar za sporednu ulogu u Coming Home (1978), nominacija Zlatni globus
za sporednu ulogu u The Great Gatsby (1974), Coming Home (1978).
LORA DERN Laura Dern /Laura Elizabeth Dern, 10. II 1967, Los
Angeles, California, US/. Debi: White Lightning (1973). Igrala u preko 35
filmova, među kojima: Smooth Talk (1985), Blue Velvet (1986), A Perfect
World (1993), Jurassic Park (1993), Citizen Ruth (1996), Daddy and Them
(2001), Novocaine (2001), Focus (2001), We Don't Live Here Anymore
(2004), The Prize Winner of Defiance, Ohio (2005), Inland Empire (2006).
Nominacija Oskar za glavnu ulogu u Ramblig Rose (1991), nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u Ramblig Rose (1991), dobitnica Zlatnog globusa za najbolju glumicu u mini seriji Afterburn (1997), dobitnica Zlatnog globusa za sporednu glumicu u mini seriji Recount (2008), nominacija Zlatni globus za najbolju glumicu u mini seriji The Baby Dance (1998).
VITORIO DE SIKA Vittorio De Sica /7. VII 1901/1902, Sora, Lazio,
Italy - 13. XI 1974. (73), Neuilly-sur-Seine, Hauts-de-Seine, France/. Debi:
The Clemenceau Affair (1917). Poslednji film: Storia de fratelli e de cortelli
(1974). Igrao u 151 filmu: Rose scarlatte (1940), Maddalena, zero in condotta (1940), Teresa Venerdì (1941), Cuore (1948), Sperduti nel buio (1947),
Pane, amore e fantasia (1953), Peccato che sia una canaglia (1954), Pane,
amore e gelosia (1954), Vergine moderna (1954), La bella mugnaia (1955),
Padri e figli (1957), Il medico e lo stregone (1957), Anna of Brooklyn
(1958), Il nemico di mia moglie (1959), General della Rovere (1959), The
Angel Wore Red (1960), Il vigile (1960), It Started in Naples (1961), Nominovan i nagrađivan; najznačajnije: Nominacija Oskar za sporednu ulogu u A
Farewell to Arms (1957), nagrada Bafta za Ladri di biciclette (1950).
MARUŠKA DETMERS Maruschka Detmers /16. XII 1962,
Schoonebeek, Deutscland/. Debi: The Hawk (1983). Igrala u preko 20
filmova, među kojima: Prénom Carmen (1983), Le Faucon (1983), The
Pirate (1984), La vengeance du serpent à plumes (1984), Il diavolo in corpo
(1986), Ya bon les blancs (1988), Hanna's War (1988), Deux (1989),
Comédie d'été (1989), Le Brasier (1991), The Mambo Kings (1992), Elles
n'oublient jamais (1994), The Shooter (1995), Kings for a Day (1997),
Rewind (1998), St. Pauli Nacht (1999), For the Love of the Sky (2000),
Orange Juice I (2008), Orange Juice II (2008), Nos 18 ans (2008).
LUJ DE FIN Louis de Funès /Louis Germain David de Funès de Galarza,
31. VII 1914, Courbevoie, Hauts-de-Seine, France - 27. I. 1983. (68), Nantes, Loire-Atlantique, France/. Debi: The Temptation of Barbizon (1946).
Poslednji film: Le gendarme et les gendarmettes (1982). Igrao u 148 filmova: Crazy in the Noodle (1957), Neither Seen Nor Recognized (1958), Dans
l'eau...qui fait des bulles!. (1961), Carom Shots (1963), Pouic-Pouic (1963),
Rob the Bank (1964), Le gendarme de Saint-Tropez (1964), How to Keep
the Red Lamp Burning (1965), The Gendarme in New York (1965), What's
Cooking in Paris (1966), Oscar (1967), The Exchange Student (1967), The
Little Bather (1968), The Gendarme Gets Married (1968), Hibernatus
(1969), L'homme orchestre (1970), Le gendarme en balade (1970), ...
OLIVIJA DE HEJVILEND Olivia de Havilland /Olivia Mary de Havilland, 1. VII 1916, Tokyo, Japan/. Debi: Alibi Ike (1935). Igrala u 49 filmova: Captain Blood (1935), Four's a Crowd (1938), Princess O'Rourke
(1943), The Dark Mirror (1946), That Lady (1955), Not as a Stranger
(1955), The Ambassador's Daughter (1956), Light in the Piazza (1962), Lady in a Cage (1964), Hush…Hush, Sweet Charlotte (1964), Pope Joan
(1972). Oskar za glavnu ulogu u To Each His Own (1946) The Heiress
(1949), nominacija Oskar za glavnu ulogu u Hold Back the Dawn (1941)
The Snake Pit (1948), nominacija Oskar za sporednu ulogu u Gone with the
Wind (1939), dobitnica Zlatnog globusa za glavnu ulogu u filmu-drama
The Heiress (1949), nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u filmu-drama My Cousin Rachel
(1952), Zlatni globus za sporednu ulogu u mini seriji Anastasia: The Mystery of Anna (1986).
VILIJEM DEFO Willem Dafoe /William J. Dafoe, 22. VII 1955, Appleton, Wisconsin, US/. Debi: Heaven's Gate (1980). Igrao u preko 80 filmova:
Body of Evidence (1993), Speed 2: Cruise Control (1996), The Boondock Saints (1999). American Psycho (2000), Animal Factory (2000), Edges of the
Lord (2001), Spider-Man (2002), Auto Focus (2002), The Reckoning (2003),
The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou (2004), Go Go Tales (2007), Anamorph
(2007), Antichrist (2008), The Dust of Time (2008), The Hunter (2011), 4:44
Last Day on Earth (2011). Nominacija Oskar za sporednu ulogu u Platoon
(1986), Shadow of the Vampire (2000), nominacija Zlatni globus za sporednu ulogu u Shadow of the Vampire (2000). Dobitnik nagrade Saturn.
RUBI DI Ruby Dee /27. X 1924, Cleveland, Ohio, US/. Debi: Debi: That
Man of Mine (1946). Igrala u preko 40 filmova, među kojima: The Jackie
Robinson Story (1950), The Tall Target (1951), Go, Man, Go! (1954), Edge
of the City (1957), Our Virgin Island (1958), A Raisin in the Sun (1961), Up
Tight! (1968), King: A Filmed Record... Montgomery to Memphis (1978),
Buck and the Preacher (1972), Cop and a Half (1993), A Simple Wish
(1997), Baby Geniuses (1999), Baby of the Family (2002), No. 2 (2006),
The Way Back Home (2006), American Gangster (2007) Steam (2007), Red
& Blue Marbles (2011), A Thousand Words (2012), King Dog (2013).
Nominacija Oskar za sporednu ulogu u American Gangster (2007).
VILIJAM DIVEJN William Devane /William Joseph Devane, 5. IX
1937, Albany, New York, US/. Debi: In the Country (1967). Ostvario preko
80 tv uloga, igrao u preko 30 filmova, među kojima: McCabe & Mrs. Miller
(1971), Lady Liberty (1972), The Missiles of October (1974), Marathon Man
(1976), Rolling Thunder (1977), The Bad News Bears in Breaking Training
(1977), Yanks (1979), Testament (1983), Timestalkers (1987), Forgotten
Sins (1996), Exception to the Rule (1997), Payback (1999), Space Cowboys
(2000), Threat of Exposure (2002), The Wind Effect (2003), The Kane Files:
Life of Trial (2010), Flag of My Father (2011).. Nominacija Zlatni globus za
najboljeg glumca u seriji-drama Knots Landing (1986).
ŽAN DIŽARDEN Jean Dujardin /Jean Edmond Dujardin, 19. VI 1972,
Rueil-Malmaison, Hauts-de-Seine, Île-de-France, France/. Debi: À l'abri des
regards indiscrets (2002). Igrao u 30 filmova, među kojima: Bienvenue chez
les Rozes (2003), Brice de Nice (2005), Hellphone (2006), 99 Francs
(2007), Cash (2008), A Man and His Dog (2009), Lucky Luke (2009), Little
White Lies (2010), The Clink of Ice (2010), Un balcon sur la mer (2010),
Jean Dujardin's Cigarettes (2012), The Players (2012), The Wolf of Wall
Street (2013), Le petit joueur (2013), Möbius (2013). Dobitnik Oskara za
glavnu ulogu u The Artist (2012), Dobitnik Zlatnog globusa za glavnu
ulogu u komediji/mjuziklu The Artist (2012), nominacija Cesar za ulogu u
OSS 117: Cairo, Nest of Spies (2006).
KAMERON DIJAZ Cameron Diaz /(Cameron Michelle Diaz, 30. VIII
1972, San Diego, California, US/. Debi: The Mask (1994). Igrala u preko 35
filmova: My Best Friend's Wedding (1997), Any Given Sunday (1999),
Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle (2003), In Her Shoes (2005), The Holiday
(2006), What Happens in Vegas (2008), The Box (2009), My Sister's Keeper
(2009), Shrek Forever After (2010), Bad Teacher (2011), Gambit (2012),
The Counselor (2013). Nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u komediji There’s Something About Mary (1998), nominacija Zlatni globus za
sporednu ulogu u Being John Malkovich (1999), Vanilla Sky (2001), Gangs
of New York (2002), nominacija Saturn za ulogu u Charlie's Angels (2010).
LEONARDO DI KAPRIO Leonardo DiCaprio /Leonardo Wilhelm
DiCaprio, 11. XI 1974, Hollywood, California, US/. Debi: Critters 3 (1991).
Igrao u 30 filmova: This Boy's Life (1993), Romeo + Juliet (1996), Celebrity
(1998), The Beach (2000), Catch Me If You Can (2002), Gangs of New York
(2002), Shutter Island (2010), Inception (2010), J. Edgar (2011). Nominacija
Oskar za glavnu ulogu u The Aviator (2004), Blood Diamond (2006),
nominacija Oskar za sporednu ulogu u What’s Eating Gilbert Grape (1993),
dobitnik Zlatnog globusa za glavnu ulogu u drami The Aviator (2002),
nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u drami Titanic (1997), Catch Me
If You Can (2002), Blood Diamond (2006), The Departed (2006),
Revolutionary Road (2008), J. Edgar (2012), nominacija Zlatni globus za
sporednu ulogu u What’s Eating Golbert Grape (1993), nominacija za Nagradu filmskih i tv
glumaca za najboljeg glumca u The Aviator (2004) i Blood Diamond (2006).
DEJNA DILEJNI Dana Delany (Dana Welles Delany), rođena 13. 3.
1956; New York City, New York, USA. Debi: The Fan (1981). Ostvarila
preko 50 tv uloga i blizu 30 uloga u filmovima: Light Sleeper (1992),
HouseSitter (1992), Tombstone (1993), Batman: Mask of the Phantasm
(1993), Exit to Eden (1994), Live Nude Girls (1995), Fly Away Home
(1996), Wide Awake (1998), The Right Temptation (2000), Mother Ghost
(2002), Spin (2003), Getting to Know You (2005), Route 30 (2007) A
Beautiful Life (2008), Flying Lessons (2008), Multiple Sarcasms (2010),
Camp Hell (2010), Drunkboat (2010), Freelancers (2012). Nominacija
Zlatni globus za najbolju glumicu u seriji-drama China Beach (1989, 1990).
ENDŽI DIKINSON Angie Dickinson /Angeline Brown, 30. IX 1931,
Kulm, North Dakota, US/. Debi: Lucky Me (1954). Ostvarila preko 90 uloga
na tv i preko 50 uloga u filmovima: Gun the Man Down (1956), China Gate
(1957), The Bramble Bush (1960), A Fever in the Blood (1961), The Sins of
Rachel Cade (1961), Rome Adventure (1962), Captain Newman, M.D.
(1963), The Killers (1964), Point Blank (1967), The Last Challenge (1967),
Sam Whiskey (1969), Young Billy Young (1969), Big Bad Mama (1974),
Dressed to Kill (1980), The Maddening (1995), Zlatni globus za najbolju
glumicu u seriji-drama Police Woman (1974), nominacija Zlatni globus za
najbolju glumicu u seriji-drama Police Woman (1975, 1976, 1977).
RIČARD DIKS Richard Dix /Ernst Carlton Brimmer, 18. VII 1893, St.
Paul, Minnesota, US – 20. IX 1949. (56) Los Angeles, California, US/. Debi: One of Many (1917). Poslednji film: The Thirteenth Hour (1947). Igrao
u 100 filmova, među kojima: The Christian (1923), To the Last Man (1923),
Nothing But the Truth (1929), Seven Keys to Baldpate (1929), The Public
Defender (1931), Young Donovan's Kid (1931), The Lost Squadron (1932),
Stingaree (1934), The Tunnel (1935), Man of Conquest (1939), Men Against
the Sky (1940), Cherokee Strip (1940), Tombstone (1942), The Kansan
(1943), The Ghost Ship (1943), The Mark of the Whistler (1944), Voice of
the Whistler (1945). Nominacija Oskar za glavnu ulogu u Cimarron (1931).
MELINDA DILON Melinda Dillon /Melinda Rose Dillon, 13. X 1939,
Hope, Arkansas, US/. Debi: Un hombre solo (1969). Igrala u preko 25
filmova, među kojima: Bound for Glory (1976), A Christmas Story (1983),
Songwriter (1984), Harry and the Hendersons (1987), Staying Together
(1989), Spontaneous Combustion (1990), The Prince of Tides (1991), Sioux
City (1994), Entertaining Angels: The Dorothy Day Story (1996), The Effects
of Magic (1998), Magnolia (1999), Cowboy Up (2001), Reign Over Me
(2007). Nominacija Oskar za sporednu ulogu u Close Encounters of the
Third Kind (1977) Absence of Malice (1981).
MET DILON Matt Dillon /Matthew Raymond Dillon, 18. II 1964, New
Rochelle, New York, US/. Debi: Over the Edge (1979). Igrao u skoro 50
filmova: Kansas (1988), Mr. Wonderful (1993), Golden Gate (1994), Albino
Alligator (1996), Beautiful Girls (1996), One Night at McCool's (2001), City
of Ghosts (2002), Employee of the Month (2004), Factotum (2005), You, Me
and Dupree (2006), Nothing but the Truth (2008), Armored (2009), Takers
(2010). Nominacija Oskar za sporednu ulogu u Crash (2005), nominacija
Zlatni globus za sporednu ulogu u Crash (2005), nagrada Independent
Spirit za najboljeg glavnog glumca u Drugstore Cowboy (1989), nagrada
MTV za najboljeg negativca There's Something About Mary (1998).
DŽEJMS DIN James Dean /James Byron Dean, 8. II 1931, Marion, US
- 30. IX. 1955. (24), Cholame, California, US/. Debi: Fixed Bayonets!
(1951). Poslednji film: Giant (1956). Igrao u 8 filmova: Sailor Beware
(1952), Deadline - U.S.A. (1952), Has Anybody Seen My Gal (1952),
Trouble Along the Way (1953), Rebel Without a Cause (1955). Nominacija
Oskar za glavnu ulogu u East of Eden (1955), Giant (1956).
MARLEN DITRIH Marlene Dietrich /Marie Magdalene Dietrich, 27.
XII 1901, Schöneberg, German Empire - 6. V. 1992. (90), Paris, France/.
Debi : Im Schatten des Glücks (1919). Poslednji film: Just a Gigolo (1978).
Igrala u 54 filmova: The Blue Angel (1930), Dishonored (1931), Shanghai
Express (1932), Blonde Venus (1932), The Song of Songs (1933), The Scarlet Empress (1934), The Devil Is a Woman (1935), I Loved a Soldier (1936),
Desire (1936), The Garden of Allah (1936), Knight Without Armour (1937),
Angel (1937), Destry Rides Again (1939), Seven Sinners (1940), The Lady is
Willing (1942), The Spoilers (1942), Pittsburgh (1942), Rancho Notorious
(1952), The Monte Carlo Story (1957), Witness for the Prosecution (1957), Judgment at Nuremberg
(1961). Nominacija Oskar za glavnu ulogu u Morocco (1931), nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu
ulogu u drami Witness for the Prosecution (1957).
PETI DJUK Patty Duke /Anna Marie Duke, 14. XI 1946, Elmhurst,
Queens, New York, US/. Debi: Country Music Holiday (1958). Ostvarila
preko 110 uloga na tv i preko 20 u filmovima: Billie (1965), Valley of the
Dolls (1967), Me, Natalie (1969), You'll Like My Mother (1972), By Design
(1982), Willy/Milly (1986), The Hitch-Hikers (1989), Wrong Turn (II)
(2003), Take Me Home: A Child's Experience of Internment (2005), Amazing
Love (2012). Dobitnica Oskara za sporednu ulogu u The Miracle Worker
(1962), dobitnica Zlatnog globusa za glavnu ulogu u komediji Me,
Natalie (1969), nominacija Zlatni globus za sporednu ulogu u The Miracle
Worker (1962), dobitnica nagrade Emi.
ROBERT DONAT Robert Donat /Friedrich Robert Donat, 18. III 1905,
Withington, Manchester, England, UK – 9. VI 1958. (53) London, England,
UK/ Debi: That Night in London (1932). Poslednji film: The Inn of the Sixth
Happiness (1958). Igrao u 20 filmova: That Night in London (1932), The
Count of Monte Cristo (1934), The 39 Steps (1935), The Ghost Goes West
(1935), The Young Mr Pitt (1942), The Adventures of Tartu (1943), The New
Lot (1943), Perfect Strangers (1945), The Winslow Boy (1948), The Magic
Box (1951). Dobitnik Oskara za glavnu ulogu u Goodbye, Mr. Chips
(1939), nominacija Oskar za glavnu ulogu u The Citadel (1938), nominacija
Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u filmu-drama The Inn of the Sixth Happiness
(1958), nominacija Bafta za ulogu u Lease of Life (1954).
DŽO DON BEJKER Joe Don Baker /12. II 1936, Groesbeck, Texas,
US/. Debi: Cool Hand Luke (1967). Igrao u oko 45 filmova: That Certain
Summer (1972), Welcome Home, Soldier Boys (1972), Charley Varrick
(1973), Walking Tall (1973), The Outfit (1973), Golden Needles (1974),
Mitchell (1975), Framed (1975), The Pack (1977), Checkered Flag or Crash
(1977), Wacko (1982), Joysticks (1983), Final Justice (1984), Fletch (1985),
The Living Daylights (1987), Leonard Part 6 (1987), Cape Fear (1991), The
Distinguished Gentleman (1992), Citizen Cohn (1992), Congo (1995),
Panther (1995), Vegas, City of Dreams (2001), The Commission (2003).
BRAJAN DONLEVI Brian Donlevy /Waldo Brian Donlevy, 9. II 1901,
Armagh, Northern Ireland – 5. IV 1972, (71), Woodland Hills, California,
US/. Debi: Jamestown (1923). Poslednji film: Pit Stop (1969). Igrao u 94
filma: The Great McGinty (1940), When the Daltons Rode (1940), Billy the
Kid (1941), Wake Island (1942), The Great Man's Lady (1942), The Glass
Key (1942), Stand By for Action (1942), Hangmen Also Die! (1943), Two
Years Before the Mast (1946), The Virginian (1946), Canyon Passage
(1946), The Beginning or the End (1947), Kiss of Death (1947), A Southern
Yankee (1948), Impact (1949), The Quatermass Xperiment (1955), Quatermass 2 (1957), Nominacija Oskar za sporednu ulogu u Beau Geste (1939).
VINSENT D ONOFRIO Vincent D’Onofrio /Vincent Phillip
D'Onofrio, 30. VI 1959, Brooklyn, New York City, US/. Debi: The First
Turn-On!! (1983). Igrao u preko 60 filmova, među kojima: Full Metal Jacket
(1987), Signs of Life (1989), Dying Young (‘1991), Fires Within (1991),
Naked Tango (1991), Household Saints (1993), Imaginary Crimes (1994),
Stuart Saves His Family (1995), The Whole Wide World (1996), The Winner
(1996), Boys Life 2 (1996), Guy (1997), The Taking of Pelham One Two
Three (1998), Claire Dolan (1998), The Velocity of Gary (1998), Spanish
Judges (1999), That Championship Season (1999), Happy Accidents (2000),
Steal This Movie! (2000), The Salton Sea (2002), Sherlock: Case of Evil
(2002), Staten Island (2009), Chlorine (2011), Kill the Irishman (2102).
BRED DORIF Brad Dourif /Bradford Claude Dourif, 18. III 1950,
Huntington, West Virginia, US/. Debi: W.W. and the Dixie Dancekings
(1975). Igrao u preko 90 filmova: Group Portrait with Lady (1977), Eyes of
Laura Mars (1978), Wise Blood (1979), Ragtime (1981), Spontaneous Combustion (1990), Chaindance (1990), Hidden Agenda (1990), Grim Prairie
Tales (1990), Body Parts (1992), Death Machine (1994), Fading of the Cries
(2011), Touching Home (2008), Death and Cremation (2011). Nominacija
Oskar za sporednu ulogu u One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest (1975).
ELEONORA ROSI DRAGO Eleonora Rossi Drago /Palmira
Omiccioli, 23. IX 1925, Quinto al Mare, Genoa, Italy – 2. XII 2007 (82),
Palermo, Italy/. Debi: Altura (1949). Poslednji film: Nelle pieghe della
carne (1970). Igrala u 62 filma, među kojima: Due sorelle amano (1950),
Persiane chiuse (1950), Verginità (1951), L'ultima sentenza (1951), La
fiammata (1952), Sensualità (1952), I sette dell'Orsa maggiore (1952),
Verginità (1952), La tratta delle bianche (1952), Il caso Maurizius (1954),
Le Amiche (1955), La strada lunga un anno (1958), Estate violenta (1959),
L'impiegato (1960), La garçonnière (1960), Caccia all'uomo (1961), Il disco
volante (1964), L'idea fissa (1964), Mano di velluto (1966), Dorian Gray
RIČARD DRAJFUS Richard Dreyfuss /Richard Stephen Dreyfus, 29.
X. 1947, Brooklyn, New York, US/. Debi: Valley of the Dolls (1967). Igrao
u preko 50 filmova: The Apprenticeship of Duddy Kravitz (1974), The Second Coming of Suzanne (1974), Inserts (1975), The Big Fix (1978), The
Competition (1980), Whose Life Is It Anyway? (1981), The Buddy System
(1984), Tin Men (1987), Stakeout (1987), Moon over Parador (1988), Always (1989), The Old Man Who Read Love Stories (2001), The Day Reagan
Was Shot (2001). Oskar za glavnu ulogu The Goodbye Girl (1977), nominacija Oskar za sporednu ulogu u Mr. Holland's Opus (1995), Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u komediji The Goodbye Girl (1997), nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u American Graffiti (1973), za sporednu ulogu u Nuts (1987),
nominacija Bafta za Jaws (1975), nominacija Saturn za Close Encounters of the Third Kind (1977).
LARI DREJK Larry Drake /21. II 1950, Tulsa, Oklahoma, US/. Debi:
This Stuff'll Kill Ya! (1971). Ostvario preko 40 tv uloga i preko 30 uloga u
filmovima: Trucker's Woman (1975), The White Lions (1981), Darkman
(1990), Dr. Giggles (1992), Blind Geronimo and His Brother (1992), The
Journey of August King (1995), Bean (1997), Paranoia (1998), The Treat
(1998), Inferno (1999), Durango Kids (1999), Timequest (2000), Time of
Her Time (2000), Dark Asylum (2001), I Will Avenge You, Iago! (2005),
Jenny Says (2005), Pathology (2008), Dead Air (2009). Nominacija Zlatni
globus za sporednu ulogu u mini seriji L. A. Law (1988, 1989, 1991), dva
puta dobio nagradu Emi.
LUIZ DREJSER Louise Dresser /Louise Josephine Kerlin, 5. X 1878,
Evansville, Indiana, US – 24. IV 1965. (86), Woodland Hills, California,
US/. Debi: The Glory of Clementina (1922), Poslednji film: Maid of Salem
(1937). Igrala u 49 filmova, među kojima: Gigolo (1926), Everybody's
Acting (1926), The Third Degree (1926), White Flannels (1927), Mr. Wu
(1927), The Garden of Eden (1928), Mother Knows Best (1928), Not Quite
Decent (1929), The Three Sisters (1930), This Mad World (1930), Lightnin'
(1930), Caught (1931), Stepping Sisters (1932), David Harum (1934), A Girl
of the Limberlost (1934). Nominacija Oskar za glavnu ulogu A Ship Comes
In (1928)
MERI DRESLER Marie Dressler /Leila Marie Koerber, 9. XI 1868,
Cobourg, Ontario, Canada – 28. VII 1934, (65) Santa Barbara, California,
US/. Debi: Tillie's Punctured Romance (1914). Poslednji film: Christopher
Bean (1933). Igrala u 29 filmova: Tillie's Tomato Surprise (1915), Tillie
Wakes Up (1917), Fired (1917), The Scrub Lady (1917), The Agonies of
Agnes (1918), The Red Cross Nurse (1918), The Callahans and the Murphys
(1927), The Joy Girl (1927), The Patsy (1928), Dangerous Females (1929),
The Vagabond Lover (1929) Caught Short (1930), Let Us Be Gay (1930),
Reducing (1931), Politics (1931), Prosperity (1932), Tugboat Annie (1933),
Dinner at Eight (1933). Dobitnica Oskara za glavnu ulogu u Min and Bill
(1931), nominacija Oskar za glavnu ulogu u Emma (1932).
VLAĐIMIR DRUŽNJIKOV Vladimir Druzhnikov /30. V 1922,
Moscow, Russia, SSSR – 20. II 1994. (71). Igrao u više desetina filmova:
Без вины выноватые (1945), Kaменни цветок (1996), The Great Glinka
(1946), Сказаные о земле Сибырской (1947), Koнстантин Заслонов
(1949), Жуковски (1950), Заговор обреченних (1950), Донецкие Шактери (1950), Шест товарища (1953), Aдмирал Ушаков (1953), Попругуныя (1995), Первие радости (1956), Необыкновенное лето (1956), Две
жизни (1961), Дуел (1964), Waterloo (1970), Гиперболоид инженера Царина (1965), Plata za istinu (1978), Грузинская кроника XIX векa (1979),
The Mystery of the Third Planet (1981), Жыл отважный капитан (1985),
Визит дами (1989), Back in the USSR (1992), Желаные любви (1993).
ROBERT DUVAL Robert Duvall /Robert Selden Duvall, 5. I. 1931, San
Diego, California, US/. Debi: Somebody Up There Likes Me (1956). Igrao u
preko 80 filmova: True Confessions (1981), The Terry Fox Story (193), The
Lightship (1986), Rambling Rose (1991), Sling Blade (1996), The Road
(2009). Oskara za glavnu ulogu u Tender Mecies (1983), nominacija Oskar
za glavnu ulogu u The Great Santini (1980), The Apostle (1997), za sporednu
ulogu u The Godfather (1972), Apocalypse Now (1979), A Civil Action
(1998), Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u drami Tender Mecies (1983), Zlatni globus za sporednu ulogu u Apocalypse Now (1979), nominacija Zlatni
globus za sporednu ulogu u A Civil Action (1998), Zlatni globus za najboljeg glumca u mini seriji Lenesome Dove (1989), Stalin (1992), nominacija
Zlatni globus za najboljeg glumca u mini seriji Broken Trail (2006), nagrada EMI za ulogu u mini
seriji Broken Trail (2007), nagrada Bafta u Network (1976), Apocalypse Now (1979), nominacija Nagrada Udruženja filmskih i tv glumaca: najbolji glumac u The Apostle (1997), Get Low (2010),
nominacija Emi za mini seriju The Man Who Captured Eichmann (1996), Broken Trail (2006).
DŽIMI DURANTE Jimmy Durante /ames Francis Durante, 10. II 1893,
Brooklyn, New York, US – 29. I 1980. (86), Santa Monica, California, US/.
Debi: Roadhouse Nights (1930). Poslednji film: It's a Mad Mad Mad Mad
World (1963). Uz tv 50 uloga, igrao u 38 filmova: New Adventures of Get
Rich Quick Wallingford (1931), The Passionate Plumber (1932), Speak
Easily (1932), The Phantom President (1932), Le plombier amoureux
(1932), Give a Man a Job (1933), What-No Beer? (1933), Meet the Baron
(1933), Palooka (1934), George White's Scandals (1934), Strictly Dynamite
(1934), Student Tour (1934), Carnival (1935), Forbidden Music (1936),
Start Cheering (1938), Melody Ranch (1940),… Billy Rose's Jumbo (1962).
Nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u komediji-mjuziklu Billy Rose’s Jumbo (1962)
ČARLS DURNING Charles Durning /28. II 1923, Highland Falls, New
York, US/. Debi: The Password Is Courage (1962). Igrao u skoro 110 filmova, među kojima: Queen of the Stardust Ballroom (1975), The Choirboys
(1977), North Dallas Forty (1979), The Kennedys of Massachusetts (1990).
Nominacija Oskar za sporednu ulogu u The Best Little Whorehouse in Texas
(1982), To Be or Not to Be (1983), nominacija Zlatni globus za sporedne
uloge u Dog day Afternoon (1975), To Be or Not to Be (1983), dobitnik
Zlatnog globusa za sporednog glumca u mini seriji The Kennedys of
Massachusetts (1990), nominacija Zlatni globus za sporednog glumca u
mini seriji Captains and the Kings (1976), nominacija Emi za ulogu u mini
seriji Attica (1980), Death of a Salesman (1985), Evening Shade (1991,
1992), Homicide: Life on the Street (1998), NCIS (2004), Rescue Me (2011).
POL ĐAMATI Paul Giamatti /Paul Edward Valentine Giamatti, 6. VI
1967, New Haven, Connecticut, US/. Debi: Past Midnight (1991). Igrao u
oko 60 filmova: Big Fat Liar (2001), American Splendor (2003), The Hawk
Is Dying (2006), The Illusionist (2006), Lady in the Water (2006), Shoot 'Em
Up (2007), Cold Souls (2009), Too Big to Fail (2011). Dobitnik Zlatnog
globusa za glavnu ulogu u komediji Barney’s Version (2010), nominacija
Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u komediji Sideways (2004), Nominacija
Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u Cinderella Man (2005), dobitnik Zlatnog
globusa za najboljeg glumca u mini seriji John Adams (2008), nominacija za Nagradu Udruženja filmskih i tv glumaca za najboljeg glumca
Sideways (2004), dobitnik nagrade EMI za ulogu u John Adams (2008).
DEJVID DUHOVNI David Duchovny /David William Duchovny, 7.
VIII 1960, New York City, New York, US/. Debi: Working Girl (1988). Uz
dvadesetak tv uloga, igrao u skoro 30 filmova: Julia Has Two Lovers
(1991), The Rapture (1991), Playing God (1997), The X Files (1998), Return to Me (2000), Evolution (2001), Connie and Carla (2004), House of D
(2004), Trust the Man (2005), The TV Set (2006), The Secret (2007), The X
Files: I Want to Believe (2008), The Joneses (2009), Goats (2012), Phantom
(2012). Dobitnik Zlatnog globusa za najboljeg glumca u seriji-drama
The X-Files (1996), dobitnik Zlatnog globusa za najboljeg glumca u seriji-komedija Californication (2007), nominacija Zlatni globus za najboljeg glumca u seriji-drama The X-Files (1995, 1997, 1998), za najboljeg
glumca u seriji-komedija Californication (2008, 2009)
ĐANKARLO ĐANINI Giancarlo Giannini /1. VIII 1942, La Spezia,
Liguria, Italy/. Debi: Fango sulla metropoli (1965). Igrao u preko 110
filmova: Black Belly of the Tarantula (1971), Mimí metallurgico ferito
nell'onore (1972), Love and Anarchy (1973), Sessomatto (1973), Swept
Away (1974), The Sensual Man (1974), The Beast (1975), The Innocent
(1976), A Night Full of Rain (1977), Lili Marleen (1981), Where's Picone?
(1983), I picari (1987), Celluloide (1996), Il cuore altrove (2003).
Nominacija Oskar za glavnu ulogu u Pasqualino Settebellezze (1976).
ĐULIJANO ĐEMA Giuliano Gemma /2. IX 1938, Rome, Italy/. Debi:
Venice, the Moon and You (1958). Igrao u oko 80 filmova: Una Pistola per
Ringo (1965), Adiós gringo (1965), Blood for a Silver Dollar (1965), La
ragazzola (1965), The Return of Ringo (1965), Arizona Colt (1966), Per
pochi dollari ancora (1966), Kiss Kiss...Bang Bang (1966), Wanted (1967),
I bastardi (1968), Sundance and the Kid (1969), Even Angels Eat Beans
(1973), Delitto d'amore (1974), Anche gli angeli tirano di destro (1974), Il
bianco, il giallo, il nero (1975), Africa Express (1975), Il prefetto di ferro
(1977), La Légion saute sur Kolwezi (1980), Ciao nemico (1981), Claretta
(1984), Juana la Loca (2001).
F. MAREJ EJBRAHAM F. Murray Abraham /(Fahrid Murray
Abraham, 24. X 1939, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US/. Debi: They Might Be
Giants 1971. Igrao u u preko 60 filmova, među kojima: The Favorite
(1989), An Innocent Man (1989), By the Sword (9191), Last Action Hero
(1993), Through an Open Window (1993), Children of the Revolution
(1996), Joshua (2002), Kingdom of David: The Saga of the Israelites
(2003), The Bridge of San Luis Rey (2004), The Inquiry (2006), Blood
Monkey (2007), Goltzius and the Pelican Company (2010). Dobitnik
Oskara za glavnu ulogu u Amadeus (1984), dobitnik Zlatnog globusa za
istu ulogu (1984).
EDIT EVANS Edith Evans /Edith Mary Evans, 8. II 1888, London,
England,UK – 14. X 1976. (88), Kent, England, UK/. Debi: Honeymoon for
Three (1915) Poslednji film: Nasty Habits (1977). Igrala u 22 filma: The
Queen of Spades (1949), Women of Dolwyn (1949), The Nun's Story (1959),
Sophie's Place (1969), Scrooge (1970), El caballo torero (1973). Nominacija Oskar za glavnu ulogu u The Whisperres (1967), nominacija Oskar za
sporednu ulogu u Tom Jones (1963), The Chalk Garden (1964), dobitnica
Zlatnog globusa za glavnu ulogu u The Whisperres (1967), nominacija
Zlatni globus za sporednu ulogu u The Nun’s Story (1959).
RUPERT EVERET Rupert Everett /Rupert James Hector Everett. 29. V
1959, Norfolk, England, UK/. Debi: A Shocking Accident (1982). Igrao u
preko 40 filmova: Dance with a Stranger (1985), Hearts of Fire (1987),
Crónica de una muerte anunciada (1987), Cemetery Man (1994), Inspector
Gadget (1999), A Midsummer Night's Dream (1999), The Next Best Thing
(2000), South Kensington (2001), The Importance of Being Earnest (2002),
Unconditional Love (2002), Stage Beauty (2004), St Trinian's (2007), St
Trinian's 2: The Legend of Fritton's Gold (2009). Nominacija Zlatni globus
za glavnu ulogu u komediji An Ideal Husband (1999), nominacija Zlatni
globus za sporednu ulogu u My Best Friend’s Wedding (1997), nominacija
Bafta za ulogu u Another Country (1984), My Best Friend's Wedding (1997).
SAMANTA EGAR Samantha Eggar /Victoria Louise Samantha Marie
Elizabeth Therese Eggar, 5. III 1939, Hampstead, London, England, UK/.
Debi: Young and Willing (1962). Ostvarila preko 60 tv uloga, igrala u 32
filma, među kojima: Doctor in Distress (1963), Walk, Don't Run (1966),
Doctor Dolittle (1967), The Molly Maguires (1970), The Walking Stick
(1970), The Light at the Edge of the World (1971), L'etrusco uccide ancora
(1972), Why Shoot the Teacher? (1977), Il grande attacco (1978), The Brood
(1979), The Exterminator (1980), Curtains (1983), Dark Horse (1992).
Nominacija Oskar za glavnu ulogu u The Collector (1965), dobitnica Zlatnog globusa za glavnu ulogu u The Collector (1965), nagrada u Kanu.
DŽOŠ EKLAND Joss Ackland /29. II 1928, North Kensington, London,
England, UK/. Debi: Landfall (1949). Ostvario preko 100 tv uloga, igrao u
80 filmova, među kojima: The Happiness Cage (1972), England Made Me
(1973), S*P*Y*S (1974), Royal Flash (1975), Operation Daybreak (1975),
Saint Jack (1979), Rough Cut (1980), The Apple (1980), A Zed & Two
Noughts (1985), White Mischief (1987), It Couldn't Happen Here (1988),
Lethal Weapon 2 (1989), The Bridge (1992), The Mighty Ducks (1992),
Giorgino (1994), A Kid in King Arthur's Court (1995), Surviving Picasso
(1996), Lounge Act (2000), No Good Deed (2002), The Christmas Eve
Snowfall (2005), How About You (2007), Flawless (2007), The Boy with
Chocolate Fingers (2011), Katherine of Alexandria (2012).
ARON EKART Aaron Eckhart /Aaron E. Eckhart, 12. III. 1968, Cupertino, California, US/. Debi: Slaughter of the Innocents (1993). Igrao u preko 30 filmova: In the Company of Men (1997), Your Friends & Neighbors
(1998), Thursday (1998), Molly (1999), Erin Brockovich (2000), Possession
(2002), The Core (2003), Paycheck (2003), Suspect Zero (2004), Neverwas
(2005), Conversations with Other Women (2005), No Reservations (2007),
Towelhead (2007), Meet Bill (2007), Battle: Love Happens (2009, Los
Angeles (2011), The Rum Diary (2011), Rabbit Hole (2010), I, Frankenstein
(2013). Nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u komediji Thank You for
Smoking (2006), nominacija Saturn za ulogu u The Dark Knight (2008).
DEN EKROJD Dan Aykroyd /Daniel Edward Aykroyd, 1. VII 1952,
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada/. Debi: Love at First Sight (1977). Igrao u skoro
70 filmova: Mr. Mike's Mondo Video (1979), The Blues Brothers (1980),
Neighbors (1981), Doctor Detroit (1983), Trading Places (1983), Twilight
Zone: The Movie (1983), Ghostbusters (1984), Spies Like Us (1985), The
Couch Trip (1988), The Great Outdoors (1988), My Stepmother Is an Alien
(1988), Ghostbusters II (1989), My Girl (1991), Sneakers (1992), Chaplin
(1992), Coneheads (1993), My Girl 2 (1994), Exit to Eden (1994), Getting
Away with Murder (1996), The House of Mirth (2000), On the Nose (2001).
Nominacija Oskar za sporednu ulogu u Driving Miss Daisy (1989).
DENHOLM ELIOT Denholm Elliott /Denholm Mitchell Elliott, 31. V
1922. Ealing, London, England, UK – 6. X 1992. (70), Ibiza, Spain/. Debi:
Dear Mr. Prohack (1949). Poslednji film: Noises Off... (1992). Ostvario 78
tv i 77 filmskih uloga: They Who Dare (1954), Pacific Destiny (1956), Scent
of Mystery (1960), Nothing But the Best (1964), You Must Be Joking!
(1965), Quest for Love (1971), Percy (1971), Brimstone and Treacle (1976),
Sweeney 2 (1978), Saint Jack (1979), A Game for Vultures (1979), A Private
Function (1984), Defence of the Realm (1985), The Whoopee Boys (1986),
Bangkok Hilton (1989), Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (1989).
Nominacija Oskar za sporednu ulogu u A Room with a View (1986).
ANUK EME Anouk Aimée /Françoise Sorya Dreyfus, 27. IV 1932,
Paris, France/. Debi: La fleur de l'âge (1947). Igrala u preko 70 filmova, među kojima: Les amants de Vérone (1942), Golden Salamander (1950), The
Crimson Curtain (1953), Contraband Spain (1958), La Dolce Vita (1960),
Lola (1961), 8½ (1963), Model Shop (1968), The Appointment (1969), If I
Had to Do It All Over Again (1976), Mon premier amour (1978), La tragedia di un uomo ridicolo (1981), The General of the Dead Army (1983), Un
Homme et une femme: vingt ans déjà (1986), Festival in Cannes (2001). Nominacija Oskar za glavnu ulogu u A Man and a Woman (1966), dobitnica
Zlatnog globusa za glavnu ulogu u A Man and a Woman (1966).
DŽULI ENDRJUS Julie Andrews /Julia Elizabeth Wells, 1. X 1935,
Walton-on-Thames, Surrey, England, UK/. Debi: The Singing Princess
(1949). Igrala u 30 filmova: The Americanization of Emily (1964), Torn
Curtain (1966), Hawaii (1966), The Tamarind Seed (1974), Little Miss
Marker (1980), S.O.B. (1981), A Fine Romance (1991). Oskar za glavnu
ulogu u Mary Poppins (1964), nominacija Oskar za glavnu ulogu u The
Sound of Music (1965), Victor/Victoria (1982), dobitnica Zlatnog globusa
za glavnu ulogu u komediji Mary Poppins (1964), The Sound of Music
(1965) i Victor/Victoria (1982), nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u
drami Duet for One (1986), nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u
komediji-mjuziklu Thoroughly Modern Millie (1967), Star! (1968), Darling
Lili (1970), 10 (1979), That’s Life! (1986), nominacija Zlatni globus za najbolju glumicu u serijimjuziklu The Julie Andrews Hour (1972), dobitnica nagrade Emi, dobitnica nagrade Bafta.
KRISTINA EPLGEJT Christina Applegate /25. XI 1971, Hollywood,
California, US/. Debi: Jaws of Satan (1981). Igrala u preko 30 filmova:
Dance 'til Dawn (1988), Streets (1990), Don't Tell Mom the Babysitter's
Dead (1991), Claudine's Return (1998), Just Visiting (2001), The Sweetest
Thing (2002), Wake Up, Ron Burgundy (2004), Grand Theft Parsons (2003),
Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy (2004), The Lost Movie (2004),
Employee of the Month (2004), The Rocker (2008), Farce of the Penguins
(2007), Cats & Dogs: The Revenge of Kitty Galore (2010). Nominacija
Zlatni globus za najbolju glumicu u seriji-komedija Samantha Who? (2007. i
2008), dobitnica nagrade Emi za seriju-komediju Friends (2003).
ROUAN ETKINSON Rowan Atkinson /Rowan Sebastian Atkinson, 6.
I 1955, Consett, County Durham, England, UK/. Debi: Canned Laughter
(1979, tv), Dead on Time (1983, film): igrao u skoro 20 filmova: Peter Cook
& Co. (1980), Never Say Never Again (1983), The Appointments of Dennis
Jennings (1988), Blackadder's Christmas Carol (1988), Blackadder: The
Cavalier Years (1988), The Tall Guy (1989), Bernard and the Genie (1991),
Full Throttle (1995), Bean (1997), Blackadder: Back & Forth (2000), Rat
Race (2001), The Jubilee Girl (2002), Scooby-Doo (2002), Johnny English
(2003), Love Actually (2003), Keeping Mum (2005), Mr. Bean's Holiday
(2007), Johnny English Reborn (2011), Mr. Bean Possessed by Depe (2012).
Dobitnik nagrade Bafta.
PEGI EŠKFORT Peggy Ashcroft /Edith Margaret Emily Ashcroft, 22.
XII 1907, Croydon, Surrey, England, UK – 14. VI 1991. (83), London, UK/.
Debi: The Wandering Jew (1933). Poslednja uloga: Madame Sousatzka
(1988). Igrala u 15 filmova: The 39 Steps (1935), Rhodes (1936), Channel
Incident (1940), The Nun's Story (1959), Secret Ceremony (1968), Three
Into Two Won't Go (1969), Sunday Bloody Sunday (1971), The Pedestrian
(1973). Dobitnica Oskara za sporednu ulogu u A Passage to India (1984),
dobitnica Zlatnog globusa za sporednu ulogu u A Passage to India
(1984), nominacija Zlatni globus za najbolju glumicu u mini seriji The Jewel
in the Crown (1985), dobitnica nagrade Bafta.
DANIJEL ŽELEN Daniel Gélin /19. V 1921, Angers, Maine-et-Loire,
France – 29. XI 2002, (81) Paris, France/. Debi: Miquette (1940). Poslednji
film: À l'abri des regards indiscrets (2002). Ostvario preko 50 tv uloga,
igrao u 134 filma: Rendezvous in July (1949), Dieu a besoin des hommes
(1950), Edward and Caroline (1951), Dirty Hands (1951), Une histoire
d'amour (1951), Chicago Digest (1952), Torticola contre Frankensberg
(1952), Voice of Silence (1953) The Cheerful Squadron (1954), Soleil noir
(1967), Die Zeugin aus der Hölle (1967), Hallucinations sadiques (1969),
Far from Dallas (1972), The Honorable Society (1980), Roulez jeunesse!
ANI ŽIRARDO Annie Girardot /Annie Suzanne Girardot Surnom Nannie Naissance, 25. X 1931, Paris, France – 28. II. 2011. (79), Paris,
France/. Debi: Thirteen at the Table (1955). Poslednji film: Christian
(2007). Igrala u 109 filmova: Maigret tend un piège (1957), Rocco e i suoi
fratelli (1960), Le Vice et la Vertu (1962), Il giorno più corto (1962), I
fuorilegge del matrimo-nio (1963), La donna scimmia (1963), Le belle
famiglie (1964), Una voglia da morire (1964), Déclic et des claques (1965),
Three Rooms in Manhattan (1965), Les Gauloises bleues (1968), It Rains in
My Village (1968), Erotissi-mo (1969), La Vieille Fille (1972), ...Nagrada
César (1977, 1996, 2002), nagrada Molière, nagrada festivala u Veneciji
i Rimu, nominacija Bafta.
BILI ZEJN Billy Zane /William George Zane Jr, 24. II 1966, Chicago,
Illinois, US/. Debi: Back to the Future (1985). Igrao u skoro 80 filmova:
Blood and Concrete (1991), Orlando (1992), Sniper (1993), Flashfire
(1994), Reflections on a Crime (1994), Tales from the Crypt: Demon Knight
(1995), Danger Zone (1996), Titanic (1997), I Woke Up Early the Day I
Died (1998), Susan's Plan (1998), Morgan's Ferry (2001), Claim (2002),
Imaginary Grace (2003), Starving Hysterical Naked (2003), Big Kiss
(2004), Survival Island (2005), Valley of the Wolves: Iraq (2006), Memory
(2006), The Mad (2007), Surviving Evil (2009), Boop (2011), The Ganzfeld
Experiment (2013), Tarantula (2013).
RENE ZELVEGER Renée Zellweger /Renée Kathleen Zellweger, 25.
IV 1969, Katy, Texas, US/. Debi: Dazed and Confused (1993). Ostvarila preko 80 tv i preko 30 uloga u filmovima: Love and a .45 (1994), The Whole
Wide World (1996), Jerry Maguire (1996), A Price Above Rubies (1998),
One True Thing (1998), Shark Tale (2004), Cinderella Man (2005), My One
and Only (2009), Case 39 (2009), My Own Love Song (2010). Oskar za sporednu ulogu u Cold Mountain (2003), nominacija Oskar za glavnu ulogu u
Bridget Jone’s Diary (2001), Chicago (2002), Zlatni globus za glavnu
ulogu u komediji Nurse Betty (2000), Zlatni globus za sporednu ulogu u
Cold Mountain (2003), Chicago (2002), nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu
ulogu u komediji Bridget Jone’s Diary (2001), Bridget Jones: The Edge of
Reason (2004), Miss Potter (2006), dobitnica nagrade Bafta.
ZIJI ZANG Ziyi Zhang /章子怡, 9. II 1979, Beijing, China/. Debi: The
Road Home (2000). Igrala u preko 20 filmova, među kojima: Crouching
Tiger, Hidden Dragon (2000), Zu Warriors (2001), Purple Butterfly (2003),
House of Flying Daggers (2004), Jasmine Women (2004), Princess Raccoon
(2005), The Banquet (2006), Forever Enthralled (2008), Horsemen (2009),
Sophie's Revenge (2009), Love for Life (2011), The Grandmasters (2012),
Dangerous Liaisons (2012), Wu Wen Xi Dong (2013), The Great Wall
(2013), Love and Let Love (2013). Nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu
ulogu u filmu-drama Memoris of a Geisha (2005).
ELKE ZOMER Elke Sommer /Baroness Elke von Schletz, 5. XI 1940,
Berlin, Germany/. Debi: L'amico del giaguaro (1959). Igrala u preko 70
filmova: Ragazzi del Juke-Box (1959), Love, the Italian Way (1960),
Daniella by Night (1961), Why Bother to Knock (1961), Geliebte
Hochstaplerin (1961), Café Oriental (1962), Sweet Ecstasy (1962), Das
Mädchen und der Staatsanwalt (1962), Un chien dans un jeu de quilles
(1962), The Prize (1963),… Carry on Behind (1975), One Away (1976),
Meet Him and Die (1976), I Miss You, Hugs and Kisses (1978), Jamaican
Gold (1979), The Double McGuffin (1979), Exit Sunset Boulevard (1980),
Der Mann im Pyjama (1981), ly in Love (1984), Alles nur Tarnung (1996).
MAKL IMPERIOLI Michael Imperioli /James Michael Imperioli, 26.
III 1966. Mount Vernon, New York, US/. Debi: Lean on Me (1989). Igrao u
oko 50 filmova, među kojima: Fathers & Sons (1992), Sweet Nothing
(1996), Girl 6 (1996), A River Made to Drown In (1997), High Roller: The
Stu Ungar Story (2003), My Baby's Daddy (2204), The Lovebirds (2007),
Oprah Winfrey Presents: Mitch Albom's For One More Day (2007), The
Higher Force (2008) Stóra planið (2008), The Lovely Bones (2009), Stuck
Between Stations (2011), Foreclosure (2012), The M Word (2013).
Nominacija Zlatni globus za sporednog glumca u mini seriji The Sopranos
(2002, 2004), dobitnik nagrade Emi.
IZABEL IPER Isabelle Huppert /Isabelle Ann Huppert, 16. III. 1953,
Paris, France/. Debi: Faustine et le bel été (1972). Igrala u preko 90 filmova:
Le bar de la fourche (1972), Dupont Lajoie (1975), La Dentellière (1978),
Les Sœurs Brontë (1979), Örökség (1980). Loulou (1980), Sauve qui peut
(la vie) (1980), Coup de torchon (1982), Passion (1982), Storia di Piera
(1983), Une affaire de femmes (1989), Malina (1991), Orlando: A Biography (1994), La Séparation (1995), Le affinità elettive (1996), L'École de la
chair (1999), Saint-Cyr (2000), Les Destinées sentimentales (2000), Médée
(2001), La Pianiste (2002), 8 Femmes (2003), Le Temps du Loup (2003),
Hedda Gabler (2005), Gabrielle (2006), Nagrada Cesar za ulogu u Aloïse
(1976), nominacija Cesar (1978, 1979, 1981, 1982, 1989, 1995, 1999, 2001,
2002, 2003, 2006). nagrada u Kanu za Violette Nozière (1978) i nominacija (2001), nagrada
Moliere za Un mois à la campagne (1989) i nominacije (1994, 1995, 2001, 2005).
EJMI IRVING Amy Irving /Amy Davis Irving, 10. IX 1953, Palo Alto,
California, US/. Debi: Carrie (1976). Igrala u 30 filmova, među kojima:
Voices (1979), The Competition (1980), Micki + Maude (1984),
Rumpelstiltskin (1987), Crossing Delancey (1988), A Show of Force (1990),
Carried Away (1996), I'm Not Rappaport (1996), The Confession (1999),
The Rage: Carrie 2 (1999), Bossa Nova (2000), Adam (2009). Nominacija
Oskar za sporednu ulogu u Yentl (1983), nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu
ulogu u komediji Crossing Delaneey (1988), nominacija Zlatni globus za
najbolju glumicu u mini seriji Anastasia: The Mystery of Anna (1986).
KLINT ISTVUD Clint Eastwood /Clinton Eastwood Jr, 31. V 1930,
San Francisco, California, US/. Debi: Revenge of the Creature (1955). Igrao
u 60 filmova: A Fistful of Dollars (1964), For a Few Dollars More (1965),
The Good, the Bad and the Ugly (1966), Coogan's Bluff (1968), Kelly's Heroes (1970), Play Misty for Me (1971), Dirty Harry (1971), High Plains
Drifter (1973), Magnum Force (1973), Thunderbolt and Lightfoot (1974),
The Eiger Sanction (1975), The Outlaw Josey Wales (1976), Escape from
Alcatraz (1979), Bronco Billy (1980), Firefox (1982), Unforgiven (1992),
The Bridges of Madison County (1993), Absolute Power (1997), Space
Cowboys (2000), Blood Work (2002), Gran Torino (2008), Trouble with the
Curve (2012). Nominacija Oskar za glavnu ulogu u Unforgiven (1992), Million Dollar Baby (2004).
IREN JAKOB Irène Jacob /Irène Marie Jacob, 15. VII 1966, Suresnes,
France/. Debi u filmu Au revoir, les enfants (1987). Igrala u preko 40 filmova: Les mannequins d'osier (1989), La veillée (1990), The Secret of Sarah
Tombelaine (1991), Enak (1992), Claude (1993), Predskazaniye (1993), Runaways (1995), Beyond the Clouds (1995), Othello (1995), Victory (1996),
Incognito (1997), Cuisine américaine (1998), Cuisine chinoise (1999), My
Life So Far (1999), History Is Made at Night (1999), The Marcorelle Affair
(2000), The Landlords (2002), The Pornographer: A Love Story (2004), Autumn (2004), The Education of Fairies (2006), Fallen Heroes (2007), Les
yeux de Simone (2010), Rio Sex Comedy (2010). Nagrada festivala u Kanu
za The Double Life of Veronique (1991), nominacija Cesar za The Double
Life of Veronique (1991), Three Colors: Red (1995), nominacija Bafta za Three Colors: Red (1995).
BERT JANG Burt Young /Jerry De Louise, 30. IV 1940, New York
City, New York, US/. Debi: Carnival of Blood (1970). Igrao u oko 90
filmova: Across 110th Street /1972), Cinderella Liberty (1973), The Killer
Elite (1985), Convoy (1978), Uncle Joe Shannon (1978), Rocky II (1979),
Rocky IV (1985), Back to School (1986), Going Overboard (1989), Blood
Red (1989), Beverly Hills Brats (1989), Last Exit to Brooklyn (1989), Wait
Until Spring, Bandini (1990), Club Fed (1990), Diving In (1990), Rocky V
(1990), Mickey Blue Eyes (1999), Very Mean Men (2000), Transamerica
(2005), RevoLOUtion: The Transformation of Lou Benedetti (2005), Rocky
Balboa (2006). Nominacija Oskar za sporednu ulogu u Rocky (1976).
GIG JANG Gig Young /Byron Elsworth Barr, 4. XI 1913, St. Cloud, Minnesota, US – 19. IV 1978. (64), New York City, New York, US/. Debi: Misbehaving Husbands (1940). Poslednji film: The Game of Death (1978). Igrao u 58 filmova: Air Force (1943), Wake of the Red Witch (1948), Tell It to
the Judge (1949), Come Fill the Cup (1951), Arena (1953), City That Never
Sleeps (1953), Ask Any Girl (1959), Five Miles to Midnight (1963), A Ticklish Affair (1963), The Shuttered Room (1967), Bring Me the Head of Alfredo Garcia (1974). Oskar i Zlatni globus za sporednu ulogu u They Shoot
Horses, Don't They? (1969), nominacija Oskar za sporednu ulogu u Come
Fill the Cup (1951), Teacher’s Pet (1958), nominacija Bafta za They Shoot
Horses, Don't They? (1969), nominacija Emi za The Neon Ceiling (1971).
LORETA JANG Loretta Young /Gretchen Michaela Young, 6. I 1913,
Salt Lake City, Utah, US – 12. VIII 2000. (87), Los Angeles, California,
U.S/. Debi: The Primrose Ring (1917). Poslednji film: It Happens Every
Thursday (1953). Igrala u 101 filmu: Loose Ankles (1930), Platinum Blonde
(1931), Life Begins (1932), Zoo in Budapest (1933), Midnight Mary (1933),
Born to Be Bad (1934), The White Parade (1934), Shanghai (1935), Ramona (1936), Four Men and a Prayer (1938), Kentucky (1938), Eternally Yours (1939), A Night to Remember (1943), Rachel and the Stranger (1948),
The Accused (1949), Mother Is a Freshman (1951), Half Angel (1951). Oskar za glavnu ulogu u The Farmer's Daughter (1947), nominacija Oskar
za glavnu ulogu u Come to the Stable (1949), Zlatni globus za najbolju glumicu u mini seriji
Crhrystmas Eve (1986), nominacija Zlatni globus za najbolju glumicu u mini seriji Lady in the
Corner (1989).
ROBERT JANG Robrt Young /Robert George Young, 22. II 1907,
Chicago, Illinois, US – 21, VII 1998. (91), Westlake Village, California,
US/. Debi: The Campus Vamp (1928). Poslednji film: Secret of the Incas
(1954). Igrao u 87 filmova: New Morals for Old (1932), Saturday's Millions
(1933), The Right to Romance (1933), Spitfire (1934), Lazy River (1934),
Whom the Gods Destroy (1934), Death on the Diamond (1934), The Band
Plays On (1934), West Point of the Air (1935), Vagabond Lady (1935),
Calm Yourself (1935), Red Salute (1935), It's Love Again (1936), The Three
Wise Guys (1936), Sworn Enemy (1936), Stowaway (1936), The Longest
Night (1936), Goodbye, My Fancy (1951), The Half-Breed (1952). Dobitnik Zlatnog globusa za
najboljeg glumca u seriji-drama Marcus Welby, M.D. (1971), nominacija Zlatni globus za
najboljeg glumca u seriji-drama Marcus Welby, M.D. (1969, 1970, 1972, 1973).
EMIL JANINGS Emil Jannings /Theodor Friedrich Emil Janenz, 23.
VII 1884, Rorschach, Switzerland – 2. I 1950. (65), Strobl, Austria/. Debi:
Passionels Tagebuch (1914). Poslednji film: Wo ist Herr Belling? (1945).
Igrao u 80 filmova, među kojima: A Night of Horror (1916), Hoheit Radieschen (1917), Nach zwanzig Jahren (1918), Anna Boleyn (1920), Algol. Tragödie der Macht (1920), Das Wachsfigurenkabinett (1924), Varieté (1925),
Faust (1926), Sins of the Fathers (1928), The Patriot (1928), Street of Sin
(1928), Der Blaue Engel (1930), The Black Whale (1934), Ohm Krüger
(1941), Die Entlassung (1942). Prvi dobitnik Oskara za glavnu ulogu u
filmovima The Way of All Flesh (1927), The Last Command (1928).
KURD JIRGENS Curd Jürgens /Curd Gustav Andreas Gottlieb Franz
Jürgens, 13. XII 1915, Solln, Kingdom of Bavaria, German Empire - 18. VI
1982. (66). Vienna, Austria/. Debi: Königswalzer (1935). Poslednji film:
The Sleep of Death (1981). Igrao u 142 filma: Der Schuß durchs Fenster
(1950), Das Bekenntnis der Ina Kahr (1954), Des Teufels General (1955),
Et Dieu… créa la femme (1956), Bitter Victory (1957), The Enemy Below
(1957), Les Espions (1957), Tamango (1958), The Inn of the Sixth Happiness (1958), Me and the Colonel (1958), This Happy Feeling (1958), Ferry
to Hong Kong (1959), The Blue Angel (1959), Brainwashed (1960), I Aim at
the Stars (1960), Bankraub in der Rue Latour (1961), I Don Giovanni della
Costa Azzurra (1962), The Longest Day (1962), The Vault of Horror (1974)
ERLAND JOZEFSON Erland Josephson /15 . VI 1923, Stockholm,
Stockholms län, Sweden – 25. II 2012. (88), Stockholm, Stockholms län,
Sweden/. Debi: It Rains on Our Love (1946). Poslednji film: Wellkåmm to
Verona (2006). Igrao u 72 filma, među kojima: En Passion (1969), Scener
ur ett äktenskap (1973), Ansikte mot ansikte (1976), Die erste Polka (1979),
Marmeladupproret (1980), Montenegro (1981), Samo jednom se ljubi
(1981), Fanny and Alexander (1982), Variola Vera (1982), Nostalghia
(1983), After the Rehearsal (1984), The Sacrifice (1986), Hanussen (1988),
Ulysses' Gaze (1995), In the Presence of a Clown (1997), Faithless (2000),
Saraband (2003).
MAJKL JORK Michael York /Michael Hugh Johnson, 27. III 1942, Fulmer, Buckinghamshire, England, UK/. Debi: Red and Blue (1967). Ostvario
80 tv uloga, igrao u 73 filma: The Strange Affair (1968), The Guru (1969),
Something for Everyone (1970), Cabaret (1972), Great Expectations (1974),
Conduct Unbecoming (1975), Logan's Run (1976), The Last Remake of
Beau Geste (1977), The Riddle of the Sands (1979), For Those I Loved
(1983), Success Is the Best Revenge (1984), The Return of the Musketeers
(1989), Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery (1997), The Haunting
of Hell House (1999), The Omega Code (1999), Megiddo: The Omega Code
2 (2001), La Femme Musketeer (2003), The Mill and the Cross (2011).
SUZANA JORK Susannah York /Susannah Yolande Fletcher, 9. I
1939, Chelsea, London, England, UK – 15. I 2011. (72) London, England,
UK/. Debi: Tunes of Glory (1960). Poslednji film: The Calling (2009).
Igrala u 61 filmu: The Greengage Summer (1961), Freud: The Secret
Passion (1962), Tom Jones (1963), Kaleidoscope (1966), Sebastian (1968),
The Killing of Sister George (1968), Lock Up Your Daughters (1969), Jane
Eyre (1970), Country Dance (1970), Happy Birthday, Wanda June (1971),
Gold (1974), The Maids (1974), Eliza Fraser (1976), Visitors (2003), The
Gigolos (2006). Nominacija Oskar za sporednu ulogu u They Shoot Horses,
Don’t They? (1969), nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u drami
Freud (1962), nominacija Zlatni globus za sporednu ulogu u They Shoot
Horses, Don’t They? (1969), nagrada festivala u Kanu za Images (1972).
SKARLET JOHANSON Scarlett Johansson /Scarlett I. Johansson, 22.
XI 1984, New York City, New York, US/. Debi: North (1994). Igrala u
preko 30 filmova: Manny & Lo (1996), The Horse Whisperer (1998), Ghost
World (2001), An American Rhapsody (2001), Scoop (2006), The Black Dahlia (2006), The Nanny Diaries (2007), The Other Boleyn Girl (2008), Vicky
Cristina Barcelona (2008), We Bought a Zoo (2011). Nominacija Zlatni
globus za glavnu ulogu u filmu-drami Girl with a Pearl Earring (2003), A
Love Song for Bobby Long (2004), nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu
u komediji Lost in Translation (2003), nominacija Zlatni globus za sporednu
ulogu u Match Point (2005), nagrada Bafta za ulogu u Lost in Translation
(2003), nominacija Saturn za sporednu ulogu u Iron Man 2 (2010).
PITER JUSTINOV Peter Ustinov /Peter Alexander Baron von Ustinow,
16. IV 1921, London, England, UK – 28. III 2004. (82), Genolier, Vaud,
Switzerland/. Debi: One of Our Aircraft Is Missing (1942). Poslednji film:
Luther (2003). Igrao u 61 filmu: Private Angelo (1949), Hotel Sahara
(1951), Lola Montès (1955), Romanoff and Juliet (1961), Blackbeard's
Ghost (1968), Hot Millions (1968), Viva Max! (1969, One of Our Dinosaurs
Is Missing (1975)…Oskar za sporednu uloge u Spartacus (1960), Topkapi
(1964), nominacija Oskar za sporednu ulogu u Quo Vadis (1951), Zlatni
globus za sporednu ulogu u Quo Vadis (1951), nominacija Zlatni globus za
glavnu ulogu u komediji Topkapi (1964), nagrada Emi The Life of Samuel
Johnson (1957), Barefoot in Athens (1967), A Storm in Summer (1970).
GLEN KAVENDER Glen Cavender /19. IX 1883, Tucson, Arizona, US
– 9. II 1962. (78), Hollywood, California, US/. Debi: Tango Tangles (1914).
Poslednji film: The Fountainhead (1949). Odigrao neverovatnih 299 uloga u
filmovima: Villa of the Movies (1917), A Scrap of Paper (1918), The Kitchen
Lady (1918) The Yellow Dog Catcher (1919), Hearts of Youth (1921), What
Love Will Do (1921) The Pest (1922), Pie-Eyed (1925), The Snow Hawk
(1925), Navy Blue Days (1925), Move Along (1926), The General (1926),
His Better Half (1927), Kilties (1927), Troubles Galore (1928), The Dizzy
Diver (1928), A Jim Jam Janitor (1928), A She Going Sailor (1928).
DŽON KAZALE John Cazale /John Holland Cazale, 12. VIII 1935,
Winchester, Massachusetts, US - 12. III 1978. (42), New York City, New
York, US/. Debi: The American Way (1962). Poslednji film: The Deer
Hunter (1978). Igao u samo 6 filmova: The Godfather (1972), The
Conversation (1974), The Godfather: Part II (1974). Nominacija Zlatni
globus za sporednu ulogu u Dog Day Afternoon (1975).
HARVI KAJTEL Harvey Keitel /13. V 1939, Brooklyn, New York,
US/. Debi: Reflections in a Golden Eye (1967). Igrao u preko 110 filmova:
Fingers (1978), Copkiller (1983), Camorra (1986), Down Where The Buffalo Go (1988), Reservoir Dogs (1992), Bad Lieutenant (1992), The Piano
(1993), The Young Americans (1993), Imaginary Crimes (1994), Clockers
(1995), Blue in the Face (1995), Head Above Water (1996), City of Industry
(1997), Finding Graceland (1998), Shadrach (1998), Lulu on the Bridge
(1998), U-571 (2001), Taking Sides (2001), A Crime (2006), A Beginner's
Guide to Endings (2010). Nominacija Oskar za sporednu ulogu u filmu
Bugsy (1991), nominacija Zlatni globus za sporednu ulogu u Bugsy (1991),
nagrada filmske kritike za sporednu ulogu u Taxi Driver (1976), Thelma and Louise (1991),
nagrada Berlinskog festivala za Smoke (1995), Venecija festivala za Dangerous Game (1993).
LUIS KALERN Louis Calhern /Carl Henry Vogt, 19. II 1895, Brooklyn,
New York, US – 12. V 1956. (61), Tokyo, Japan/ Debi: What's Worth While? (1921). Poslednji film: High Society (1956). Igrao u 72 filma: Stolen Heaven (1931), Blonde Crazy (1931), Frisco Jenny (1932), The Count of Monte
Cristo (1934), Nobody's Darling (1943), The Bridge of San Luis Rey (1944),
Arch of Triumph (1948), The Red Pony (1949), A Life of Her Own (1950),
Annie Get Your Gun (1950), The Asphalt Jungle (1950), Devil's Doorway
(1950), The Man with a Cloak (1951), Julius Caesar (1953), Remains to Be
Seen (1953), Rhapsody (1954), Betrayed (1954), Forever, Darling (1956).
Nominacija Oskar za glavnu ulogu u The Magnificent Yankee (1950)
MEDLIN KAN Madeline Kahn /Madeline Gail Wolfson, 29. IX 1942,
Boston, Massachusetts, US – 3. XII 1999. (57), New York City, New York.
US/. Debi: De Düva: The Dove (1968). Poslednji film: Judy Berlin (1999).
Igrala u 30 filmova: What's Up Doc? (1973), At Long Last Love (1975),
High Anxiety (1977), The Cheap Detective (1978), First Family (1980),
History of the World, Part I (1981), Slapstick of Another Kind (1982), City
Heat (1984), Mixed Nuts (1994). Nominacija Oskar za sporednu ulogu u
Paper Moon (1973), Blazing Saddles (1974), nominacija Zlatni globus za
sporednu ulogu u Paper Moon (1973), Young Frankenstein (1974), nominacija Zlatni globus za najbolju glumicu u seriji-komedija Oh Madeline (1983).
DŽEJMS KAN James Caan /James Edmund Caan, 26. III 1940, The
Bronx, New York, US/. Debi: Irma la Douce (1963). Igrao u 73 filma: Lady
in a Cage (1964), Red Line 7000 (1965), Games (1967), Countdown (1968),
Journey to Shiloh (1968), The Rain People (1969), Slither (1973), Cinderella Liberty (1973), Freebie and the Bean (1974), Gone with the West (1975),
The Killer Elite (1975), Hide in Plain Sight (1980), The Program (1993),
Nominacija Oskar za sporednu ulogu u The Godfather (1972), nominacije
Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u drami The Gambler (1974), glavnu ulogu u
komediji Funny Lady (1975), sporednu ulogu u The Godfather (1972), nagrada Saturn za Rollerball (1975), nominacija Saturn za ulogu u Misery
(1990), nominacija Emi za mini seriju Brian's Song (1971).
KANTIFLAS Cantinflas - Mario Alfonso Fortino Moreno Reyes, 12. VIII
1911, Mexico City, Mexico – 20. IV 1993. (81), Mexico City, Mexico/.
Debi: Don't Fool Yourself Dear (1937). Poslednji film: El barrendero
(1982): Igrao u 51 filmu, među kojima: Águila o sol (1937), Ahí está el
detalle (1940), Los tres mosqueteros (1942), Romeo y Julieta (1943), El
bombero atómico (1950), Caballero a la medida (1953), El bolero de Raquel
(1956), El analfabeto (1960), El padrecito (1964), Su Excelencia (1966), The
Great Sex War (1969), El ministro y yo (1975). Dobitnik Zlatnog globusa
za glavnu ulogu u komediji Around the World in Eighty Days (1956),
nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u komediji Pepe (1960).
DEJVID KARADIN David Carradine /John Arthur Carradine, 8. XII
1936, Hollywood, California, US - 3. VI 2009. (73), Nai Lert Park Hotel,
Bangkok, Thailand/. Debi: Taggart (1964). Poslednji film: Mata Hari
(2012). Uz preko 80 uloga na tv igrao u 134 filmova: Boxcar Bertha (1972),
Death Race 2000 (1975), Cannonball (1976), The Serpent's Egg (1977),
Deathsport (1978), Americana (1983), The Golden Boys (2008). Nominacija
Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u komediji Bound for Glory (1976),
nominacija Zlatni globus za sporednu ulogu u Kill Bill: Vol. 2 (2004),
nominacija Zlatni globus za sporednog glumca u mini seriji North and South
(1985), nominacija za najboljeg glumca u seriji-drama Kung Fu (1973).
DŽON KARADIN John Carradine /Richmond Reed Carradine, 5. II
1906, New York City, New York, US – 27. XI 1988, (82), Milan, Italy/.
Debi: Bright Lights (1930). Poslednji film: Buried Alive (1990). Igrao u 227
filmova: Hitler's Madman (1942), Captive Wild Woman (1943), Revenge of
the Zombies (1943), Bluebeard (1944), House of Dracula (1945), The
Incredible Petrified World (1957), The Emperor's New Clothes (1966), Billy
the Kid vs. Dracula (1966), Dr. Terror's Gallery of Horrors (1967), The
Astro-Zombies (1968), Blood of Dracula's Castle (1969), Cain's Cutthroats
(1971), Doctor Dracula 1978), Nocturna: Granddaughter of Dracula
(1979), Frankenstein Island (1981), Satan's Mistress (1982).
KLAUDIJA KARDINALE Claudia Cardinale /Claude Joséphine Rose Cardinale, 15. IV 1938, Tunis, Tunisia/. Debi: Goha (1958). Igrala u blizu 100 filmova: Tre straniere a Roma (1958), Il bell'Antonio (1960), I
Delfini (1960), Girl with a Suitcase (1961), 8½ (1963), La ragazza di Bube
(1963), Gli indifferenti (1964), Una rosa per tutti (1967), Once Upon a Time in the West (1968), Il giorno della civetta (1968), The Legend of Frenchie King (1971), I guappi (1974), Corleone (1978), L'arma (1978), Si salvi chi vuole (1980), Fitzcarraldo (1982), Henry IV (1984), Claretta (1984),
Blu elettrico (1988), Atto di dolore (1990), Mayrig (1991), Son of the Pink
Panther (1993), Cherche Fiance Tous Frais Payes (2007), Le Fil (2009).
ANA KARINA Anna Karina /Hanne Karin Blarke Bayer, 22. IX 1940,
Solbjerg, Denmark/. Debi: Pigen og skoene (1959). Igrala u preko 60
filmova: Le Petit Soldat (1960), Une Femme est une femme (1961), Ce soir
ou jamais (1961), Le Soleil dans l'oeil (1962), Vivre sa vie: Film en douze
tableaux (1962), Shéhérazade (1963), Bande à part (1964), De l'amour
(1964), Un mari à un prix fixe (1965), Le soldatesse (1965), La Religieuse
(1966), Made in U.S.A (1960), Anna (1967), Zärtliche Haie (1967), Lamiel
(1967), Le Temps de mourir (1970), L'Alliance (1971), Rendez-vous à Bray
(1971), L'invenzione di Morel (1974), L'Assassin musicien (1975), Historien
om en moder (1979), Ave Maria (1984), Victoria (2008).
ROBERT KARLAJL Robert Carlyle /14. IV 1961, Glasgow, Scotland,
UK/. Debi: Silent Scream (1990). Igrao u preko 30 filmova: Riff-Raff (1991),
Go Now (1995), Carla's Song (1996), Face (1997), Angela's Ashes (1999),
There's Only One Jimmy Grimble (2000), To End All Wars (2001), Black
and White (2002), Marilyn Hotchkiss' Ballroom Dancing and Charm School
(2005), 28 Weeks Later (2007), Flood (2007), I Know You Know (2009, The
Tournament (2009). Dobitnik nagrade BAFTA za ulogu u The Full
Monty (1997), nominacija Bafta za ulogu u Trainspotting (1996), Summer
(2008), nominacija Bafta za ulogu u seriji Hamish Macbeth (1998),
nominacija Satelit za ulogu u seriji Hitler: The Rise of Evil (2003).
BORIS KARLOF Boris Karloff /William Henry Pratt, 23. XI 1887,
East Dulwich, London, England, UK - 2. II 1969. (81), Midhurst, Sussex,
England, UK/. Debi: The Lightning Raider (1919). Poslednji film: Alien Terror (1971). Igrao u 158 filmova: The Mask of Fu Manchu (1932), The Mummy (1932), The Ghoul (1933), Bride of Frankenstein (1935), The Black
Room (1935), Juggernaut (1936), House of Frankenstein (1944), The Haunted Strangler (1957), Frankenstein 1970 (1958), Black Sabbath (1963),
The Terror (1963), Die, Monster, Die! (1965), The Sorcerers (1967), The
Fear Chamber (1968), House of Evil (1968), The Incredible Invasion (1970)
HELEN BONAM KARTER Helena Bonham Carter /26. V. 1966, Golders Green, London, England, UK/. Debi: A Room with a View (1985).
Igrala u skoro 50 filmova: Howards End (1992), Mary Shelley's Frankenstein (1994), Margaret's Museum (1995), The Theory of Flight (1998),
Fight Club (1999), Planet of the Apes (2001), The Heart of Me (2002), Henry VIII (2003), Conversations with Other Women (2005), Wallace & Gromit: The Curse of the Were-Rabbit (2005), Harry Potter and the Order of the
Phoenix (2007), Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street (2007),
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (2009), Terminator Salvation (2009), Enid (2009), Alice in
Wonderland (2010), Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part 2 (2011). Višestruko nagrađivana
i nominovana ea Emi, Bafta i Saturn, a najznačajnije nominacije Oskar za glavnu ulogu u The
Wings of the Dove (1997), za sporednu ulogu u The King's Speech (2010), nominacije Zlatni globus
za glavnu ulogu u drami The Wings of the Dove (1997), za najbolju glumicu u mini seriji Fatal
Deception (1993), Live From Baghdad (2002), za sporednu glumicu u mini seriji Merlin (1998).
DEJVID KARUZO David Caruso /David Stephen Caruso, 7. I 1956,
Forest Hills, New York, US/. Debi: Getting Wasted (1980). Ostvario više od
20 tv uloga, igrao u 20 filmova, među kojima: Without Warning (1980), An
Officer and a Gentleman (1982), Thief of Hearts (1984), Blue City (1986),
China Girl (1987), King of New York (1990), Mad Dog and Glory (1992),
Mad Dog and Glory (1993), Kiss of Death (1995), Jade (1995). Cold
Around the Heart (1997), Body Count (1998), Proof of Life (2000), Session
9 (2001), Black Point (2002). Dobitnik Zlatnog globusa za najboljeg
glumca u seriji-drama NYPD Blue (1993).
John Cassavetes /Γιάννης Νικόλαος
Κασσαβέτης John Nicholas Cassavetes, 9. XII 1929, New York City, New
York, US – 3. II 1989, (59), Los Angeles, California, US/. Debi: Fourteen
Hours (1951). Poslednji film: King Kongs Faust (1985). Igrao u 36 filmova:
The Night Holds Terror (1957), Edge of the City (1957), Affair in Havana
(1957), Our Virgin Island (1959), Devil's Angels (1967), Rosemary's Baby
(1968), Machine Gun McCain (1968), Alexander the Great (1968),
Nightside (1973), Brass Target (1978), The Fury (1978), Flesh & Blood
(1979), The Incubus (1981), Tempest (1982), Marvin & Tige (1983), Love
Streams (1984), Nederland C (1985). Nominacija Zlatni globus za sporednu
ulogu u The Dirty Dozen (1967).
VINSENT KASEL Vincent Cassel /Vincent Crochon, 23. XI 1966,
Paris, France/. Debi : Les cigognes n'en font qu'à leur tête (1989). Igrao u 50
filmova, među kojima: Valse nocturne (1995), L'Appartement (1996),
Dobermann (1997), Guest House Paradiso (1999), Crimson Rivers (2000),
Birthday Girl (2001), Brotherhood of the Wolf (2001), Irréversible (2002),
Blueberry (2003), Derailed (2005), Sheitan (2006), Eastern Promises
(2007), Adrift (2009), Black Swan (2010), The Monk (2011), A Dangerous
Method (2011), Trance (2013), Beauty and the Beast (2013). Nagrada
Cesar za ulogu u Mesrine (2008), nominacija Cesar za ulogu u La Haine
(1995), Sur mes lèvres (2001).
LETICIJA KASTA Laetitia Casta /Laetitia Marie Laure Casta, 11. V
1978, Pont-Audemer, Eure, France/. Debi : Asterix and Obelix vs. Caesar
(1999). Igrala u 16 filmova, među kojima: Sports Illustrated: Swimsuit '99
(1999), Gypsy (2000), Les âmes fortes (2001) Savage Souls (2001), Love
Street (2002), Errance (2003), Luisa Sanfelice (2004), French Beauty
(2005), La déraison du Louvre (2006), Le grand appartement (2006), The
Maiden and the Wolves (2008), Born in 68 (2008), Face (2009),
Gainsbourg: A Heroic Life (2010), The Island (2011), Derrière les murs
(2011), War of the Buttons (2011), Arbitrage (2012), Les adorés (2012).
NOEL KAUARD Noël Coward /Sir Noël Peirce Coward, 16. XII 1899,
Teddington, Middlesex, London, England, UK – 26. III 1973. (74), Firefly
Estate, Jamaica/. Debi: Hearts of the World (1918). Poslednji film: The
Italian Job (1969) Ostvario preko 100 tv uloga, igrao u 13 filmova: The
Scoundrel (1935), In Which We Serve (1942), The Astonished Heart (1950),
Around the World in Eighty Days (1956), Our Man in Havana (1959),
Surprise Package (1960), Paris When It Sizzles (1964), Boom! (1968).
Special Award (1942).
DENIS KVEJD Dennis Quaid /Dennis William Quaid, 9. IV 1954, Houston, Texas, US/. Debi: Crazy Mama (1975). Igrao u preko 60 filmova: Tough Enough (1983), Jaws 3-D (1983), Dreamscape (1984), Enemy Mine
(1985), Innerspace (1987), The Big Easy (1987), D.O.A. (1988), Flesh and
Bone (1993), Dragonheart (1996), Switchback (1997), Savior (2008), Traffic
(2000), The Rookie (2002), Cold Creek Manor (2003), The Alamo (2004),
The Day After Tomorrow (2004), In Good Company (2004), Flight of the
Phoenix (2004), Yours, Mine and Ours (2005), Vantage Point (2008), Smart
People (2008), Horsemen (2009), Pandorum (2009), Soul Surfer (2011), Beneath the Darkness (2012). Nominacija Zlatni globus za sporednu ulogu u
Far from Heaven (2002), za najboljeg glumca u mini seriji The Special Re lationship (2010), nominacija Saturn za Frequency (2000).
RENDI KVEJD Randy Quaid /Randall Rudy Quaid, 1. X 1950, Houston,
Texas, US/. Debi: Targets (1968). Igrao u preko 60 filmova: The Last Detail
(1973), The Missouri Breaks (1976), Martians Go Home (1990), Frankenstein (1992), Bug Buster (1998), The Magical Legend of the Leprechauns
(1999), National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation 2 (2003), Black Cadillac
(2003), Kart Racer (2003), Category 7: The End of the World (2005), Real
Time (2008). Nominacija Oskar za sporednu ulogu u The Las Detail (1973),
nominacija Zlatni globus za sporednu ulogu u The Las Detail (1973), Zlatni
globus za najboljeg glumca u mini seriji LBJ: The Early Years (1987),
nominacija Zlatni globus za sporednog glumca u mini seriji Elvis (2005).
ENTONI KVIN Anthony Quinn /Antonio Rudolfo Oaxaca Quinn, 21. IV
1915, Chihuahua Mexico - 3. VI 2001. (86), Boston, US/. Debi: The Milky
Way (1936). Poslednji film: Avenging Angelo (2002). Igrao u 142 filma: The
Long Wait (1954), La Strada (1954), Attila (1954), Seven Cities of Gold
(1955), The Hunchback of Notre Dame (1956), Wild Is the Wind (1957), Last
Train from Gun Hill (1959), Heller in Pink Tights (1960), The Savage
Innocents (1960), Barabbas (1961), A High Wind in Jamaica (1965), …
Seven Servants (1996), Oriundi (1999). Oskar za sporednu ulogu u Viva
Zapata (1952), Lust for Life (1956), nominacija Oskar za glavnu ulogu u
Wild Is the Wind (1957), Zorba the Greek (1964), nominacija Zlatni globus
za glavnu ulogu u drami Lawrence of Arabia (1962), Zorba the Greek (1964), za glavnu ulogu u
komediji The Secret of Santa Vittoria (1969), za sporednog glumca u mini seriji Gotti (1996).
DŽEJMS KEGNI James Cagney /James Francis Cagney Jr, 17. VII
1899, New York, US - 30. III 1986. (86); Stanford, New York, US/. Debi:
Sinners' Holiday (1930). Poslednji film: Ragtime (1981). Igrao u 64 filma:
Blonde Crazy (1931), Taxi! (1932), Winner Take All (1932), Picture
Snatcher (1933), Here Comes the Navy (1934), Frisco Kid (1935), The
Oklahoma Kid (1939), The Bride Came C.O.D. (1941), Captains of the
Clouds (1942), Blood on the Sun (1945), The West Point Story (1950),
Come Fill the Cup (1951), A Lion Is in the Streets (1953), Man of a
Thousand Faces (1957), Shake Hands with the Devil (1959), Never Steal
Anything Small (1959), The Gallant Hours (1960), One, Two, Three (1961).
Oskar za glavnu ulogu u Yankee Doodle Dandy (1942), nominacija Oskar za glavnu ulogu u
Angels with Dirty Faces (1938), Love Me or Leave Me (1955), Nagrada filmskih kritičara.
GORDON KEJ Gorden Kaye /Gordon Fitzgerald Kaye, 7. IV
1941, Huddersfield, West Yorkshire, England, UK/. Debi: Champion
House (1968, tv), The Littlest Horse Thieves (1976, film). Ostvario
preko 50 tv uloga, igrao u 8 filmova: The Waterloo Bridge Handicap
(1978), Doing Time (1979), Sredni Vashtar (1981), 'Allo 'Allo! at the
London Palladium (1988). Planetarnu slavu stekao ulogom Renea u
seriji Alo! Alo!. Nominacija Bafta.
DENI KEJ Danny Kaye /David Daniel Kaminsky, 18. I 1913, Brooklyn,
New York, US – 3. III 1987. (74), Los Angeles, California, US/. Debi:
Moon Over Manhattan (1935). Poslednji film: The Madwoman of Chaillot
(1969). Igrao u 23 filma: Up in Arms (1944), Wonder Man (1945), The Kid
from Brooklyn (1946), The Secret Life of Walter Mitty (1947), A Song Is
Born (1948), On the Riviera (1951), Knock on Wood (1954), The Court Jester (1956), Merry Andrew (1958), The Five Pennies (1959), On the Double
(1961), The Man from the Diner's Club (1963). Zlatni globus za glavnu
ulogu u komediji On tfe Riviera (1951), Me and the Colonel (1958), nominacije Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u komediji The Court Jester (1958)
i za najboljeg glumca u mini seriji Skokie (1981), Special Award (1954).
KEROL KEJN Carol Kane /Carolyn Laurie Kane, 18. VI 1952,
Cleveland, Ohio, US/. Debi: Carnal Knowledge (1971). Igrala u skoro 70
filmova: Wedding in White (1972), The Last Detail (1973), The World's
Greatest Lover (1977), Annie Hall (1977), Valentino (1977), The World's
Greatest Lover (1977), When a Stranger Calls (1979), Pandemonium
(1982), The Secret Diary of Sigmund Freud (1984), License to Drive (1988),
Ted & Venus (1991), When a Stranger Calls Back (1993), Office Killer
(1997), Cosmopolitan (2003), My Girlfriend's Boyfriend (2010) Should've
Been Romeo (2012), Emoticon ;) (2012), Clutter (2013). Nominacija Oskar
za glavnu ulogu u Hester Street (1975), nominacija Zlatni globus za
sporednu glumicu u mini seriji Taxi (1982).
MAJKL KEJN Michael Caine /Maurice Joseph Micklewhite, 14. III
1933, Rotherhithe, London, England, UK/. Debi: Operation Disaster (1950).
Igrao u skoro 120 filmova: The Ipcress File (1965), Dressed to Kill (1980),
The Island (1980), Jaws: The Revenge (1987), The Dark Knight (2008),
Harry Brown (2009), Inception (2010). Oskar za sporednu ulogu u Hannah and Her Sisters (1986), The Cider House Rules (1999), nominacija
Oskar za glavnu ulogu u Alfie (1966), Sleuth (1972), Educating Rita (1983),
The Quiet American (2002), Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u komediji
Educating Rita (1983), Little Voice (1998), nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u drami Alfie (1966), Sleuth (1972), The Quiet American (2002),
glavnu ulogu u komedijama Gambit (1966), Dirty Rotten Scoundrels (1988), za sporednu ulogu u
Hannah and Her Sisters (1986), The Cider House Rules (1999), Zlatni globus za najboljeg glumca u mini seriji Jack the Ripper (1988), nominacija Zlatni globus za najboljeg glumca u mini
seriji Jekyll & Hye (1990), za sporednog glumca u mini seriji Mandela and the Klerk (1997),
dobitnik nagrade Bafta za Educating Rita (1983).
DEJVID KIT David Keith /David Lemuel Keith, 8. V 1954, Kno-xville,
Tennessee, US/. Debi: The Great Santini (1979). Igrao u skoro 60 filmova:
Take This Job and Shove It (1981), The Lords of Discipline (1983),
Independence Day (1983), Firestarter (1984), Gulag (1985), White of the
Eye (1987), Heartbreak Hotel (1988), Off and Running (1991), Running
Wild (1992), Raw Justice (1994), Deadly Sins (1995), The Indian in the
Cupboard (1995), Poodle Springs (1998), Epoch (2001), Raise Your Voice
(2004), All Souls Day: Dia de los Muertos (2005), Path of Destruction
(2005), In Her Line of Fire (2006), Beneath the Blue (2010), Unrequited
(2010). Nominacija Zlatni globus za sporednu ulogu u An Officer and a
Gentelman (1982).
NIKOLAS KEJDŽ Nicolas Cage /Nicholas Kim Coppola, 7. I 1964,
Long Beach, California, US/. Debi: Fast Times at Ridgemont High (1982).
Igrao u skoro 70 filmova: Vampire's Kiss (1989), The Rock (1996), Con Air
(1997), Face/Off (1997), City of Angels (1998), Snake Eyes (1998), Gone in
Sixty Seconds (2000), The Family Man (2000), Bad Lieutenant: Port of Call
New Orleans (2009). Oskar za glavnu ulogu u Leaving Las Vegas (1995),
nominacija Oskar za glavnu ulogu u Adaptation (2002), Zlatni globus za
glavnu ulogu u drami Leaving Las Vegas (1995), nominacija Zlatni globus
za glavnu ulogu u komediji Moonstruck (1987), Honeymoon in Vegas
(1992), Adaptation (2002), Nagrada filmskih kritičara, Nagrada Udruženja filmskih i tv glumaca - najbolji glumac u Leaving Las Vegas (1995),
nominacija Nagrada Udruženja filmskih i tv glumaca za najbolju ulogu u Adaptation (2002).
SESIL KELAVEJ Cecil Kellaway /Cecil Lauriston Kellaway, 22. VIII
1890, Cape Town, South Africa – 28. II 1973. (82), Hollywood, California,
US/. Debi: The Hayseeds (1933). Poslednji film: Getting Straight (1970).
Igrao u 106 filmova: It Isn't Done (1937), Mr. Chedworth Steps Out (1939),
The Mummy's Hand (1940), Freedom Comes High (1943), Practically
Yours (1944), The Postman Always Rings Twice (1946), Francis Goes to the
Races (1951), Half Angel (1951), The Beast from 20,000 Fathoms (1953), Interrupted Melody
(1955). Nominacija Oskar za sporednu ulogu u The Luck of the Irish (1948), Guess Who's Coming
to Dinner (1967).
GREJS KELI Grace Kelly /Margaret Katherine Majer, 12. XI 1929,
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US - 14. IX 1982. (52), Monaco/. Debi:
Fourteen Hours (1951). Poslednji film: High Society (1956). Igrala u 11
filmova: High Noon (1952), Dial M for Murder (1954), Rear Window
(1954), Green Fire (1954), The Bridges at Toko-Ri (1954), To Catch a Thief
(1955), The Swan (1956). Dobitnica Oskara za glavnu ulogu u The
Counry Girl (1954), nominacija Oskar za sporednu ulogu u filmu Mogambo
(1953), dobitnica Zlatnog globusa za glavnu ulogu u drami The Counry
Girl (1954), dobitnica Zlatnog globusa za sporednu ulogu u Mogambo
DŽIN KELI Gene Kelly /Eugene Curran Kelly, 23. VIII 1912, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvanija, US - 2. II 1996. (83) Beverly Hills, Kalifornija, US/.
Debi: For Me and My Gal (1942). Poslednji film: Xanadu (1980). Igrao u
36 filmova: Thousands Cheer (1943), Cover Girl (1944), Living in a Big
Way (1947), The Devil Makes Three (1952), The Three Musketeers (1948),
An American in Paris (1951), Singin' in the Rain (1952), Brigadoon (1954),
Seagulls Over Sorrento (1954), It's Always Fair Weather (1956), Invitation
to the Dance (1956), The Happy Road (1957), On the Town, Les Girls
(1957), Marjorie Morningstar (1958). Nominacija Oskar za glavnu ulogu u
Anchors Aweigh (1945), dobitnik nagrade Emi, Special Award (1951).
DŽON KENDI John Candy /John Franklin Candy, 31. X 1950, Newmarket, Ontario, Canada - 4. III 1994. (43), Durango, Mexico/. Debi: Class
of '44 (1973). Poslednji film: Canadian Bacon (1995). Igrao u 43 filma: It
Seemed Like a Good Idea at the Time (1975), Find the Lady (1976), Deadly
Companion (1980), Going Berserk (1983), Brewster's Millions (1985),
Summer Rental (1985), Volunteers (1985), Armed and Dangerous (1985),
Spaceballs (1987), Planes, Trains and Automobiles (1987), Hot to Trot
(1988), The Great Outdoors (1988), Who's Harry Crumb? (1989), Speed
Zone! (1989), Uncle Buck (1989), Only the Lonely (1991), Delirious (1991),
Once Upon a Crime (1992), Wagons East! (1994). Dobitnik nagrade Emi.
ARTUR KENEDI Arthur Kennedy /John Arthur Kennedy, 17. II 1914,
Worcester, Massachusetts, US – 5. I 1990, (75) Branford, Connecticut, US/.
Debi: City for Conquest (1940). Poslednji film: Grandpa (1990). Igrao u 76
filmova: Bend of the River (1952), Rancho Notorious (1952), Crashout
(1955), The Man from Laramie (1955), Impulse (1957), Elmer Gantry
(1960), Barabbas (1961), Murder, She Said (1961), Monday's Child (1967),
Shark! (1969), Covert Action (1978). Nominacija Oskar za glavu ulogu u
Bright Victory (1951), nominacija Oskar za sporednu ulogu u Champion
(1949), Trial (1955), Peyton Place (1957), Some Came Running (1958),
dobitnik Zlatnog globusa za sporednu ulogu u komediji Trial (1955)
DŽORDŽ KENEDI George Kennedy /George Harris Kennedy, Jr, 18. II
1925. (87), New York City, New York, US/. Debi: Spartacus (1960). Igrao u
preko 90 filmova: The Ballad of Josie (1967), The Good Guys and the Bad
Guys (1969), Guns of the Magnificent Seven (1969), Dirty Dingus Magee
(1970), Zigzag (1970), Fools' Parade (1971), Cahill U.S. Marshal (1973),
The Eiger Sanction (1975), The 'Human' Factor (1975), Proof of the Man
(1977), Death Ship (1980), Just Before Dawn (1981), Chattanooga Choo
Choo (1984), Bolero (1984), Demonwarp (1988), The Terror Within (1989).
Oskar za sporednu ulogu u Cool Hand Luke (1967), nominacija Zlatni
globus za sporednu ulogu u Cool Hand Luke (1967), Airport (1970).
DAJAN KENON Dyan Cannon /Samile Diane Friesen, 4. I 1937, Tacoma, Washington, US/. Debi: The Rise and Fall of Legs Diamond (1960). Uz
50 uloga na tv igrala u 30 filmova: Doctors' Wives (1971), The Anderson
Tapes (1971), The Love Machine (1971), Shamus (1973), The Last of Sheila
(1973), Child Under a Leaf (1974), Revenge of the Pink Panther (1978),
Honeysuckle Rose (1980), Coast to Coast (1980), Honeysuckle Rose (1980),
Author! Author! (1982), Out to Sea (1997), The Pickle (1993), Boynton
Beach Club (2005). Nominacija Oskar za sporednu ulogu u filmu Bob &
Kerol & Ted & Elis (1969), Haeven Can Wai (1978), dobitnica Zlatnog
globusa za sporednu ulogu u Haeven Can Wait (1978), nominacija Zlatni
globus za glavnu ulogu u drami Such Good Friends (1971), nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u komediji Bob & Kerol & Ted & Elis (1969).
DEBORA KER Deborah Kerr /Deborah Jane Kerr-Trimmer, 30. IX
1921, Glasgow, Scotland – 16. X 2007. (86), Botesdale, Suffolk, England,
UK/. Debi: Blackout (1940). Poslednji film: The Assam Garden (1985). Igrala u 47 filmova. I See a Dark Stranger (1946), Black Narcissus (1947), The
Grass Is Greener (1960). Nominacija Oskar za glavnu ulogu u Edward, My
Son (1949), From Here to Eternity (1953), The King and I (1956), Heaven
Knows, Mr. Allison (1957), Separate Tables (1958), The Sundowners (1960),
Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u komediji The King and I (1956), Heawen
Knows, Mr. Allison (1957), Separate Tables (1958), nominacija Bafta za The
End of the Affair (1955), Tea and Sympathy (1956), The Sundowners (1960),
The Chalk Garden (1964), Special Award (1993).
DŽIM KERI Jim Carrey /James Eugene Carrey, 17. I 1962, Newmarket,
Ontario, Canada/. Debi: Copper Mountain (1983). Igrao u skoro 40 filmova:
Ace Ventura: Pet Detective (1994), Dumb and Dumber (1994), Batman
Forever (1995), Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls (1995), The Cable Guy
(1996), Me, Myself & Irene (2000), How the Grinch Stole Christmas (2000),
Bruce Almighty (2003), Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events
(2004), Fun with Dick and Jane (2005), The Number 23 (2007), Yes Man
(2008), A Christmas Carol (2009), Mr. Popper's Penguins (2011). Zlatni
globus za glavnu ulogu u drami The Truman Show (1998), Zlatni globus
za glavnu ulogu u komediji Man on the Moon (1999), nominacija Zlatni
globus za glavnu ulogu u komediji The Mask (1994), Liar, Liar (1997), How
the Grinch Stole Christmas (2000), Eternal Sunhsine of the Spotless Mind (2004), nominacija za
Nagradu Udruženja filmskih i tv glumaca za najboljeg glumca u Man on the Moon (1999).
DIAN KEROL Diahann Carroll /Carol Diahann Johnson, 17. VII 1935,
Bronx, New York, US/. Debi: Carmen Jones (1954). Ostvarila preko 100
uloga na tv, igrala u 11 filmova: Porgy and Bess (1959), Paris Blues (1961),
Hurry Sundown (1967), The Split (1968), Claudine (1974), Sister, Sister
(1982), The Five Heartbeats (1991), Eve's Bayou (1997). Nominacija Oskar
za glavnu ulogu u Caludine (1974), nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu
ulogu u komediji Caludine (1974), nominacija Zlatni globus za najbolju
glumicu u seriji-komedija Julia (1969).
NENSI KEROL Nancy Carroll /Ann Veronica Lahiff, 19. III 1903, New
York City, New York, US – 6 VIII 1965. (61), New York City, New York,
US/. Debi: Ladies Must Dress (1927). Poslednji film: There Goes My Heart
(1938). Igrala u 38 filmova, među kojima: Abie's Irish Rose (1928), The
Water Hole (1928), Manhattan Cocktail (1928), The Devil's Holiday (1930),
Laughter (1930), Follow Thru (1930), Night Angel (1931), Broken Lullaby
(1932), Hot Saturday (1932), Scarlet Dawn (1932), Child of Manhattan
(1933), The Woman Accused (1933), The Kiss Before the Mirror (1933),
Springtime for Henry (1934), Transatlantic Merry-Go-Round (1934),
Jealousy (1934), Atlantic Adventure (1935). Nominacija Oskar za glavnu
ulogu u The Devil’s Holiday (1930).
LESLI KERON Leslie Caron /Leslie Claire Margaret Caron, 1. VII
1931; Boulogne-sur-Seine, France/. Debi: An American in Paris (1951).
Igrala u preko 40 filmova, među kojima: The Glass Slipper (1955), Gaby
(1956), The Doctor's Dilemma (1958), Austerlitz (1960), Fanny (1961),
Guns of Darkness (1962), Father Goose (1964), Promise Her Anything
(1965), A Very Special Favor (1965), Valentino (1977), Nicole (1978). Nominacija Oskar za glavnu ulogu u Lili (1953), The L-Shaped Room (1963),
dobitnica Zlatnog globusa za glavnu ulogu u drami The L-Shaped Room
(1963), nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u drami Fanny (1961),
nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u komediji Gigi (1958).
TONI KERTIS Tony Curtis /Bernard Schwartz, 3. VI 1925, Bronx, New
York – 29, IX 2010, (85), Henderson, Nevada, US/. Debi: How to Smuggle a
Hernia Across the Border (1949). Poslednji film: Morella (2013). Igrao u 95
filmova: Son of Ali Baba (1952), Houdini (1953), Beachhead (1954), The
Black Shield of Falworth (1954), Six Bridges to Cross (1955), Trapeze
(1956), So This Is Paris (1956), Mister Cory (1957), The Midnight Story
(1957), The Perfect Furlough (1958), Some Like It Hot (1959), Who Was
That Lady? (1960), The Rat Race (1960), The Great Impostor (1961), The
Outsider (1961), Taras Bulba (1962)… Nominacija Oskar za glavnu ulogu u
The Defiant Ones (1958), nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u drami
The Defiant Ones (1958), The Boston Strangler (1968).
DŽEJMI LI KERTIS Jamie Lee Curtis ( ), rođena 22. 11. 1958; Los
Angeles, California, US. Debi: Halloween (1978). Igrala u 40 filmova:
Terror Train (1980), Blue Steel (1990), Halloween H20: 20 Years Later
(1998), Nicholas' Gift (1998), Freaky Friday (2003). Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u komediji True Lies (1994), nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u komediji A Fish Called Wanda (1988), Freaky Friday (2003),
nominacija Zlatni gobus za najbolju glumicu u mini seriji The Heidi Chronicles (1995), Zlatni globus za najbolju glumicu u seriji-komediji
Anything but Love (1989), nominacija Zlatni globus za ulogu u istoj seriji
(1991), nagrade Bafta za Trading Places (1983), nagrada Saturn.
NIKOL KIDMEN Nicole Kidman /Nicole Mary Kidman, 20. VI 1967,
Honolulu, Hawaii, US/. Debi: Bush Christmas (1983). Igrala u skoro 50
filmova: Vietnam (1987), Emerald City (1988), Dead Calm (1989), Bangkok Hilton (1989), Far and Away (1992), Batman Forever (1995), The
Peacemaker (1997), The Blue Room (1998), Eyes Wide Shut (1999),
(2001), The Hours (2002), Dogville (2003), Bewitched (2005), Happy Feet
(2006), Margot at the Wedding (2007), The Golden Compass (2007),
Australia (2008), Nine (2009), Monte Carlo (2011). Oskar za glavnu ulogu u The Hours (2002), nominacija Oskar za glavnu ulogu u Moulin
Rouge (2001), Rabit Hole (2010), Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u drami
The Hours (2002), Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u komediji To Die For
(1995), Moulen Rouge (2001), nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u drami The Others
(2001), Cold Mountain (2003), Birth (2004), Rabit Hole (2010), nominacija Zlatni globus za
sporednu ulogu u Billy Bathgate (1991), dobitnica nagrade Bafta, dobitnica nagrade Saturn.
VAL KILMER Val Kilmer /Val Edward Kilmer, 31. XII 1959, Los
Angeles, California, US/. Debi: The Deep (1977). Igrao u 70 filmova: Top
Secret! (1977), Willow (1988), The Man Who Broke 1,000 Chains (1987),
Billy the Kid (1989), Kill Me Again (1989), The Doors (1991), Thunderheart (1992), Tombstone (1993), The Real McCoy (1993), Batman Forever
(1995), Red Planet (2000), The Salton Sea (2002), Wonderland (2003),
Columbus Day (2008), The Chaos Experiment (2009), The Thaw (2009),
Double Identity (2009), The Traveler (2010), Bloodworth (2010), Twixt
(2011), The Hard Ride (2013), Mark Twain and Mary Baker Eddy (2013).
Nominacija Saturn za Heat (1995), Kiss Kiss Bang Bang (2005).
BEN KINGSLI Ben Kingsley /Krishna Pandit Bhanji, 31. XII 1943,
Scarborough, Yorkshire, England, UK/. Debi: Fear Is the Key (1973). Igrao
u preko 60 filmova: Betrayal (1983), Oxbridge Blues (1984), Silas Marner:
The Weaver of Raveloe (1985), Schindler's List (1993), Joseph (1995), Thunderbirds (2004), You Kill Me (2007), Elegy (2008), Shutter Island (2010),
Hugo (2011). Oskar za glavnu ulogu u Gandhi (1982), nominacija Oskar
za glavnu ulogu u House of Sand and Fog (2003), za sporednu ulogu u filmu
Bugsy (1991), Sexy Beast (2001), Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u drami
Gandhi (1982), nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u drami House of
Sand and Fog (2003), za sporedne uloge u Bugsy (1991), Sexy Beast (2001),
nominacija Zlatni globus za najboljeg glumca u mini seriji Murderes Among
Us (1989), Anne Frank (2001), Mrs. Harris (2006), nagrada Bafta, nominacija za Nagradu
Udruženja filmskih i tv glumaca za najboljeg glumca u House of Sand and Fog (2003).
GREG KINIAR Greg Kinnear /Gregory Kinnear, 17. VI 1963, Logansport, Indiana, US/. Debi: Blankman (1994) Igrao u preko 35 filmova:
Sabrina (1995), Dear God (1996), A Smile Like Yours (1997), You've Got
Mail (1998), Someone Like You (2001), Auto Focus (2002), Stuck on You
(2003), Godsend (2004), The Matador (2005), Bad News Bears (2005),
Little Miss Sunshine (2006), Fast Food Nation (2006), Thin Ice (2011),
Salvation Boulevard (2011), The Convincer (2011), The English Teacher
(2012), Writers (2013). Nominacija Oskar za sporednu ulogu u As Good as
It Gets (1997), nominacija Zlatni globus za sporednu ulogu u As Good as It
Gets (1997), nagrada festilala Boston za Flash of Genius (2008).
KETRIN KINER Catherine Keener /Catherine Ann Keener, 23. III
1959, Miami, Florida, US/. Debi: The Education of Allison Tate (1986).
Igrala u preko 50 filmova: Johnny Suede (1991), Walking and Talking
(1995), Lovely & Amazing (2001), S1m0ne (2002), The Ballad of Jack and
Rose (2003), The Interpreter (2003), The 40-Year-Old Virgin (2003), Into
the Wild (2007), Hamlet 2 (2008), What Just Happened (2008), Genova
(2008), Synecdoche, New York (2008), Where the Wild Things Are (2009),
Please Give (2010), Peace, Love and Misunderstanding (2011). Nominacija
Oskar za sporednu ulogu u Being John Malkovich (1999), Capote (2005),
nominacija Zlatni globus za sporednu ulogu u Being John Malkovich (1999),
za najbolju glumicu u mini seriji An American Crime (2008).
KLAUS KINSKI Klaus Kinski /Klaus Günter Karl Nakszynski, 18. X
1926, Zoppot, Free City of Danzig – 23. XI 1991. (65), Lagunitas,
California, US/. Debi: Morituri (1948), Poslednji film: Kinski Paganini
(1989). Igrao u 128 filmova: The Great Silence (1968), Marquis de Sade:
Justine (1969), Shoot Twice (1969), Lo chiamavano King (1971), Black
Killer (1971), Aguirre, the Wrath of God (1972), Jack the Ripper (1976),
Nosferatu: Phantom der Nacht (1979), La femme enfant (1980), Venom
(1981), Fitzcarraldo (1981), Android (1982), The Knight of the Dragon
(1985), Crawlspace (1986), Vampire in Venice (1986), Cobra Verde (1987).
NASTASJA KINSKI Nastassja Kinski /Nastassja Aglaia Nakszynski,
24. I 1961, Berlin, West Germany/. Debi: Falsche Bewegung (1975). Igrala
u preko 50 filmova: Passion Flower Hotel (1978), Così come sei (1978),
Cat People (1982), Exposed (1983), Moon in the Gutter (1983), Maria's Lovers (1983), Paris, Texas (1984), Unfaithfully Yours (1984), Harem (1985),
Revolution (1985), The Secret (1990), Terminal Velocity (1994), Crackerjack (1994), The Ring (1996), One Night Stand (1997), Little Boy Blue
(1997), Time Share (2000), An American Rhapsody (2001), The Day the
World Ended (2001), Say Nothing (2001), .com for Murder (2002), Paradise Found (2003). Nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u Tess (1980)
MAČIKO KIO Machiko Kyō /Yano Motoko, 25. III 1924, Osaka,
Japan/. Debi: Hana kurabe tanuki-goten (1949). Igrala u preko 70 filmova:
Chijin no ai (1949), Fukkatsu (1950), Rashomon (1950), Itsuwareru seiso
(1951), Mesu inu (1951) Ana (1957), Kagi (1959), Floating Weeds (1959),
The Wandering Princess (1960), The Woman Who Touched the Legs (1960),
The Age of Marriage (1961), Onna no kunshô (1961), Kodachi o tsukau
onna (1961), Kurotokage (1962), Onna no issho (1962), Nyokei kazoku
(1963), Gendai inchiki monogatari: Dotanuki (1964), Sweet Sweat (1964),
The Daphne (1966), Senba zuru (1969), Genkai yûkyôden: Yabure kabure
(1970), The Possessed (1976), Tora's Pure Love (1976). Nominacija Zlatni
globus za glavnu ulogu u komediji The Taehouse of the August Moon (1956)
UDO KIR Udo Kier /Udo Kierspe, 14. X 1944, Cologne, North RhineWestphalia, Germany/. Debi: Road to Saint Tropez (1966). Igrao u preko
140 filmova, među kojima: Hexen bis aufs Blut gequält (1970), Andy
Warhol's Frankenstein (1973), Blood for Dracula (1974), Story of O (1975),
Exposé (1976), Spermula (1976), Docteur Jekyll et les femmes (1981),
Europa (1991), A Trick of Light (1995), The Adventures of Pinocchio
(1996), Spy Games (1999), Under the Palms (1999), Critical Mass (2000),
Citizens of Perpetual Indulgence (2000), Mrs Meitlemeihr (2002), Pray for
Morning (2006), UFO in Her Eyes (2011), The Berlin Project (2011),
Keyhole (2011), Night of the Templar (2012), The Lords of Salem (2012).
SALI KIRKLEND Sally Kirkland 31. X 1941, New York City, New
York, US/. Debi: Crack in the Mirror (1960). Igrala u skoro 120 filmova:
Witness (1968), Milton Moses Ginsberg (1969), Going Home (1971), The
Way We Were (1973), Cold Feet (1989), Bullseye! (1990), Get a Clue
(1997), The Rose Technique (2002), Mango Kiss (2004), Neo Ned (2005),
Coffee Date (2006), Off the Black (2006), Fingerprints (2008), Flexing with
Monty (2010). Nominacija Oskar za glavnu ulogu u Anna (1987), dobitnica
Zlatnog globusa za glavnu ulogu u drami Anna (1987), nominacija Zlatni
globus za najbolju glumicu u mini seriji The haunted (1991).
BASTER KITON Buster Keaton /Joseph Frank Keaton VI, 4. X 1895,
Piqua, Kansas, US - 1. II. 1966. (70), Woodland Hills, Kalifornija, US/.
Debi: The Butcher Boy (1917). Poslednji film: A Funny Thing Happened on
the Way to the Forum (1966). Igrao u 123 filma: One Week (1920), The
Electric House (1922), Sherlock Jr. (1924), The Navigator (1924), The
General (1926), The Cameraman (1928), Parlor, Bedroom and Bath (1931),
Casanova wider Willen (1931), The Gold Ghost (1934), Hayseed Romance
(1935), Grand Slam Opera (1936), The Chemist (1936), Mooching Through
Georgia (1939), She's Oil Mine (1941), Film (1963). Special Award (1959).
DAJEN KITON Diane Keaton /Diane Hall, 5. I 1946, Los Angeles,
California, US/. Debi: Lovers and Other Strangers (1970), Igrala u preko 40
filmova: The Godfather (1972), The Godfather II (1974), Interiors (1978),
Manhattan (1979), The Godfather III (1990), The Family Stone (2005). Oskar za glavnu ulogu u Annie Hall (1977), nominacija Oskar za glavnu ulogu u Reds (1981), Marvin's Room (1996), Something's Gotta Give (2003),
Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u komediji Annie Hall (1977), Somethin’s
Gotta Give (2003), nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u drami Looking for Mr. Goodbar (1977), Reds (1981) Shoot the Moon (1982), Mrs.
Soffel (1984), nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u komediji Baby
Boom (1987), Manhattan Murder Mystery (1993), nominacija Zlatni globus za najbolju glumicu u
mini seriji Amelia Earhart (1994), nagrada Bafta, Nagrada filmskih kritičara.
MAJKL KITON Michael Keaton /Michael John Douglas, 5. IX 1951,
Coraopolis, Pennsylvania, US/. Debi: A Different Approach (1978). Igrao u
preko 40 filmova: Night Shift (1982), Mr. Mom (1983), Johnny Dangerously
(1984), Gung Ho (1986), Touch and Go (1986), Clean and Sober (1988),
The Dream Team (1989), Batman (1989), One Good Cop (1991), Batman
Returns (1992), My Life (1993), The Paper (1994), Multiplicity (1996),
Desperate Measures (1998), A Shot at Glory (2000), Quicksand (2003),
Game 6 (2005), White Noise (2005), The Last Time (2006), The Merry
Gentleman (2008), Post Grad (2009), Forget Me Not (2010), Penthouse
North (2012). Nominacija Zlatni globus za najboljeg glumca u mini seriji
Live from Baghdad (2002).
STEJSI KIČ Stacy Keach /Walter Stacy Keach Jr, 2. VI 1941, Savannah,
Georgia, US/. Debi: Joy Ride (1958). Ostvario blizu 100 tv uloga, igrao u
preko 70 filmova: The Heart Is a Lonely Hunter (1968), The Traveling
Executioner (1970), Doc (1971), The New Centurions (1972), Fat City
(1972), Luther (1973), Street People (1976), The Killer Inside Me (1976),
The Squeeze (1977), Two Solitudes (1978), La montagna del dio cannibale
(1979), The Ninth Configuration (1980), The Long Riders (1980),
Roadgames (1981), Butterfly (1982), False Identity (1990), When Eagles
Strike (2003), Chicago Overcoat (2009). Dobitnik Zlatnog globusa za
najlboljeg glumca u mini seriji Hemingway (1988), nominacija Zlatni
globus za najboljeg glumca u seriji-drama Mike Hammer (1984).
DŽON KJUZAK John Cusack /John Paul Cusack, 28. VI 1966,
Evanston, Illinois, US/. Debi: Class (1983). Igrao u preko 60 filmova: Say
Anything...(1989), Grosse Pointe Blank (1996), Con Air (1997), The Thin
Red Line (1998), Cradle Will Rock (1999), Being John Malkovich (1999),
The Ice Harvest (2005), Martian Child (2006), Grace Is Gone (2007), War,
Inc. (2008), 2012 (2009), The Contract (2006), Hot Tub Time Machine
(2010), Shanghai (2010), The Factory (2011), The Raven (2012). Nominovan i nagrađivan, a najznačajnije: nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu
u komediji High Fidelity (2000), nominacija Saturn za ulogu u 1408 (2007).
KRISTIJAN KLAVIJE Christian Clavier /Christian Jean-Marie
Clavier, 6. V 1952, Paris, France/. Debi: The Year 01 (1973). Igrao u preko
50 filmova: Bonne présentation exigée (1974),... Mes meilleurs copains
(1989), L'opération Corned-Beef (1991), Les visiteurs (1993), Les anges
gardiens (1995), Les couloirs du temps: Les visiteurs 2 (1998), Asterix and
Obelix vs. Caesar (1999), Just Visiting (2001), Asterix and Obelix Meet
Cleopatra (2002), L'enquête Corse (2004), L'antidote (2005), L'entente
cordiale (2006), Le prix à payer (2007), L'auberge rouge (2007), La sainte
Victoire (2009), You Don't Choose Your Family (2011).
KEVIN KLAJN Kevin Kline /Kevin Delaney Kline, 24. X 1947, St.
Louis, Missouri, US/. Debi: Sophie's Choice (1982) Igrao u preko 40
filmova: Silverado (1985), Violets Are Blue (1986), Cry Freedom (1987),
The January Man (1989), I Love You to Death (1990), French Kiss (1995),
The Ice Storm (1997), Wild Wild West (1999), The Road to El Dorado
(2000), The Hunchback of Notre Dame II (2002), A Prairie Home
Companion (2006), As You Like It (2006), Cyrano de Bergerac (2008)
Dobitnik Oskara za sporednu ulogu u A Fish Called Wanda (1988),
nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u komediji Soapdish (1991), Dave
(1993), In & Out (1997), De-Lovely (2004), nominacija za Nagradu Udruženja filmskih i tv glumaca za najboljeg glumca u Life as a House (2001).
DŽIL KLEJBURG Jill Clayburgh /30. IV 1944, New York City, New
York, US – 5. X 2010. (66), Lakeville, Connecticut, US/. Debi: The
Wedding Party (1969). Poslednji film: Bridesmaids (2011). Igrala u 30
filmova, među kojima: Portnoy's Complaint (1972), Gable and Lombard
(1976), Griffin and Phoenix (1976), Silver Streak (1976), It's My Turn
(1980), I'm Dancing as Fast as I Can (1982), Hanna K. (1983), Where Are
The Children? (1986), Shy People (1987), Rich in Love (1993), Nominacija
Oskar za glavnu ulogu u An Unmarried Woman (1978 Starting Over
(1979), nominacija Zlatni gobus za glavnu ulogu u drami An Unmarried
Woman (1978), La Luna (1979), nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u
komediji Starting Over (1979), First Monday in October (1981).
PATRIŠA KLARKSON Patricia Clarkson /Patricia Davies Clarkson,
29. XII 1959, New Orleans, Louisiana, US/. Debi: The Untouchables (1987).
Igrala u skoro 50 filmova: Pharaoh's Army (1995), High Art (1998),
Wendigo (2001), The Pledge (2001), The Safety of Objects (2001), Far from
Heaven (2002), The Station Agent (2003), All the Real Girls (2003), Miracle
(2004), Good Night, and Good Luck.(2005), The Dying Gaul (2005), The
Woods (2006), Married Life (2007), Blind Date (2008), Cairo Time (2009),
Legendary (2010), One Day (2011). Nominacija Oskar za porednu ulogu u
Pieces of April (2003), nominacija Zlatni globus za sporednu ulogu u Pieces
of April (2003), nominacija Saturn za ulogu u The Green Mile (1999).
DŽON KLIZ John Cleese /John Marwood Cleese, 27. X 1939, Westonsuper-Mare, Somerset, England, UK Debi: Interlude (1968). Uz veliki broj
tv uloga, igrao u skoro 70 filmova: And Now for Something Completely
Different (1971), Romance with a Double Bass (1974), Monty Python and
the Holy Grail (1975), The Strange Case of the End of Civilization as We
Know It (1977), Monty Python's Life of Brian (1979), Time Bandits (1981),
Monty Python's The Meaning of Life (1983), Clockwise (1986), Erik the
Viking (1989), Fierce Creatures (1997), The Out-of-Towners (1999), Rat
Race (2001), Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (2002), Man About
Town (2006). Nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u komediji A Fish
Called Wanda (1988), dobitnik nagrade Emi, dobitnik nagrade Bafta.
MONGOMERI KLIFT Montgomery Clift /Edward Montgomery Clift,
17. X 1920, Omaha, Nebraska, US – 23. VII 1966, (45), New York City,
New York, US/. Debi: The Search (1948) Poslednji film: The Defector
(1966). Igrao u 17 filmova: Red River (1948), The Heiress (1949), The Big
Lift (1950), I Confess (1953), Terminal Station (1953), Raintree County
(1957), Lonelyhearts (1958), The Young Lions (1958), Suddenly, Last
Summer (1959), Wild River (1960), The Misfits (1961), Freud: The Secret
Passion (1962). Nominacija Oskar za glavnu ulogu u filmu The Search
(1948), A Place in the Sun (1951), From Here to Eternity (1953), nominacija
Oskar za sporednu ulogu u Judgment oa Nuremberg (1961), nominacija
Zlatni globus za sporednu ulogu u Judgment oa Nuremberg (1961).
GLEN KLOUZ Glenn Close /19. III 1947, Greenwich, Connecticut, US/.
Debi: The World According to Garp (1982). Igrala u skoro 40 filmova:
Meeting Venus (1991), Air Force One (1997), 102 Dalmatians (2000), Nine
Lives (2005). Nominacija Oskar za glavnu ulogu u Fatal Attraction (1987),
Dangerous Liaisons (1988), Albert Nobbs (2012), i za sporednu ulogu u The
World According to Garp (1982), The Big Chill (1983), The Natural (1984),
nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u drami Fatal Attraction (1987),
Albert Nobbs (2012), nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u komediji
Maxie (1985), 101 Dalmatians (1996), Zlatni globus za najbolju glumicu u
mini seriji The Lion in Winter (2004), nominacija Zlatni globus za najbolju
glumicu u mini seriji Something About Amelia (1984), Sarah, Plain and Tall
(1991), Serving in Silence (1995), Zlatni globus za najbolju glumicu u seriji-drama Damages
(2007), nominacija Zlatni globus za najbolju glumicu u istoimenoj seriji (2009), The Shield (2005).
DŽORDŽ KLUNI George Clooney /George Timothy Clooney, 6. V
1961, Lexington, Kentucky, US/. Debi: And They Are Off (1982). Igrao u
skoro 40 filmova: Batman & Robin (1997), Out of Sight (1998), Ocean's
Eleven (2001), Solaris (2002), Ocean's Twelve (2004), Good Night, and
Good Luck (2005), Fantastic Mr. Fox (2009), The Men Who Stare at Goats
(2009), The American (2010), The Ides of March (2011). Oskar za sporednu ulogu u Syriana (2005), nominacija Oskar za glavnu ulogu Michael
Clayton (2007), Up in the Air (2009), The Descendants (2012), dobitnik
Zlatnog globusa za glavnu ulogu u drami The Descendants (2012),
komediji O Brother, Where Art Thuo? (2000), dobitnik zlatnog globusa
za sporednu ulogu u Syriana (2005), nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u drami Michael
Clayton (2007) i Up in the Air (2009), nominacija Zlatni globus za najboljeg glumca u seriji-drama
ER (1995, 1996, 1997), dobitnik nagrade SATURN za From Dusk till Dawn (1996), nominacija
za Nagradu Udruženja filmskih i tv glumaca za najboljeg glumca u filmu Up in the Air (2009).
EVALIN KNAP Evalyn Knapp /Evelyn Pauline Knapp, 17. VI 1906,
Kansas City, Missouri, US – 12. VI 1981. (74), Los Angeles, California,
US/. Debi: At the Dentist's (1929). Poslednji film: Two Weeks to Live
(1943). Igrala u 62 filma: Hard Boiled Hampton (1929), Beach Babies
(1929), The Smooth Guy (1929), … Police Car 17 (1933), The Perils of
Pauline (1933), Speed Wings (1934), A Man's Game (1934), In Old Santa
Fe (1934), Ladies Crave Excitement (1935), Confidential (1935), The FireTrap (1935), Laughing Irish Eyes (1936), Three of a Kind (1936), Bulldog
Edition (1936), Rawhide (1938), Wanted by the Police (1938).
LI DŽEJ KOB Lee J. Cobb /Leo Jacob, 8. XII 1911, New York City,
New York, US – 11. II 1976. (64) Woodland Hills, California, US/. Debi:
The Vanishing Shadow (1934). Poslednji film: Nick the Sting (1976). Igrao u
71 filmu: Tonight We Raid Calais (1943), Johnny O'Clock (1947),
Boomerang! (1947), The Luck of the Irish (1948), The Dark Past (1948),
Thieves' Highway (1949), The Man Who Cheated Himself (1950), Sirocco
(1950), The Family Secret (1951), The Left Hand of God (1955), 12 Angry
Men (1957), The Garment Jungle (1957), The Trap (1959), In Like Flint
(1967), The Liberation of L.B. Jones (1970), The Exorcist (1973), The
Balloon Vendor (1974), Mark il poliziotto (1975). Nominacija Oskar za sporednu ulogu u On the Waterfront (1954), The Brothers Karamazov (1958).
ČARLS KOBURN Charles Coburn /Charles Douville Coburn, 19. VI
1877, Macon, Georgia, US – 30. VIII 1961. (84) Lenox Hill Hospital, New
York City, New York, US/. Debi: Boss Tweed (1933). Poslednji film: John
Paul Jones (1959). Igrao u 69 filmova: Lord Jeff (1938), Three Faces West
(1940), Heaven Can Wait (1943), Wilson (1944), A Royal Scandal (1945),
Colonel Effingham's Raid (1946), Green Grass of Wyoming (1948), Yes Sir
That's My Baby (1949), Louisa (1950), Has Anybody Seen My Gal? (1952),
Town on Trial (1957), How to Murder a Rich Uncle (1957). Oskar za spoednu ulogu u filmu Više od radosti (1943), nominacija Oskar za sporednu
ulogu u The Devil and Miss Jones (1941), The Green Years (1946).
DŽEJMS KOBURN James Coburn /James Harrison Coburn III, 31.
VIII 1928, Laurel, Nebraska, US - 18. XI 2002. (74), Beverly Hills, California, US/. Debi: Ride Lonesome (1959). Poslednji film: American Gun
(2002). Ostvario preko 100 tv uloga, igrao u 71 filmu. Face of a Fugitive
(1959), Our Man Flint (1966), What Did You Do in the War, Daddy?
(1966), Dead Heat on a Merry-Go-Round (1966), In Like Flint (1967),
Waterhole No. 3 (1967), The President's Analyst (1967), Duffy (1968), Hard
Contract (1969), Last of the Mobile Hot Shots (1970), The Carey Treatment
(1972), Harry in Your Pocket (1973), Pat Garrett and Billy the Kid (1973),
The Last of Sheila (1973)… Oskar za sporednu ulogu u Affliction (1998).
SAŠA BARON KOEN Sacha Baron Cohen /Sacha Noam Baron
Cohen, 13. X 1971, Hammersmith, London, England, UK/. Debi: Punch
(1996). Igrao u 15 filmova, među kojima: Live from the Lighthouse (1998),
Ali G's Alternative Christmas Message (1999), Talladega Nights: The
Ballad of Ricky Bobby (2006), Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet
Street (2007), Brüno (2009), Hugo (2011), Mercury (2012), The Dictator
(2012), Les Misérables (2012), Django Unchained (2012). Višestruko
nominovan i nagrađivan, najznačajnije - Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u
komediji Borat (2006), dobitnik nagrade Bafta, nominacija Emi za Da Ali
G Show (2003).
BRAJAN KOKS Brian Cox /Brian Denis Cox, 1. VI 1946, Dundee,
Scotland, UK/. Debi: Nicholas and Alexandra (1971). Uz preko 90 tv uloga,
igrao u više od 80 filmova: The Lost Language of Cranes (1991), The Eye of
Vichy (1993), The Boxer (1997), Desperate Measures (1998), The Minus
Man (1999), Complicity (2000), A Shot at Glory (2000), L.I.E. (2001),
Strictly Sinatra (2001), Bug (2002), Adaptation.(2002), Troy (2004), The
Bourne Supremacy (2004), Blue/Orange (2005), Zodiac (2006), Battle for
Terra (2007), The Escapist (2007), The Sinking of the Laconia (2011),
Ironclad (2011), The Veteran (2011). Nominacija Zlatni globus za najbolejg
glumca u mini seriji Nuremberg (2000), nagrada Emi za ulogu u
Nuremberg (2000), nominacija Emi za ulogu u Frasier (2001).
KLODET KOLBERT Claudette Colbert /Émilie Claudette Chauchoin,
13. IX 1903, Saint-Mandé, Seine, France - 30. VII 1996. (92), Speightstown, Barbados/. Debi: For the Love of Mike (1927). Poslednji film: Parrish
(1961). Igrala u 64 filma, uvek glavne uloge. The Hole in the Wall (1929),
Young Man of Manhattan (1930), Manslaughter (1930), Honor Among Lovers (1931), Secrets of a Secretary (1931), The Wiser Sex (1931), Misleading Lady (1932)….Thunder on the Hill (1951), Let's Make It Legal (1951),
The Planter's Wife (1952), Destinées (1954), Texas Lady (1955). Oskar za
glavnu ulogu u It Happened One Night (1934), nominacija Os-kar za
glavnu ulogu u Private Worlds (1935), Since You Went Away (1944), Zlatni
globus za sporednu ulogu u miniseriji The Two Mrs. Grenvilles (1987).
TONI KOLET Toni Collette /Antonia Collette, 1. XI 1972, Blacktown,
Sydney, Australia/. Debi: The Efficiency Expert (1992). Igrala u preko 40
filmova: Spotswood (1992), Lilian's Story (1996), The Boys (1998), Shaft
(2000), Dirty Deeds (2002), The Hours (2002), Japanese Story (2003), In
Her Shoes (2005), The Black Balloon (2008). Nominacija Oskar za sporednu
ulogu u The Sixth Sense (1999), nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u
komediji Muriel’s Wedding (1995), Lttle Miss Sunshine (2006), nominacija
Zlatni globus za sporednu glumicu u mini seriji Tsunami: The Aftermath
(2006), Zlatni globus za najbolju glumicu u seriji-komediji United States
of Tara (2009), nominacija Zlatni globus za istu ulogu (2010), nominacija
Bafta za ulogu u About a Boy (2002), Lttle Miss Sunshine (2006).
RONALD KOLMAN Ronald Colman /Ronald Charles Colman, 9. II
1891, Richmond, Surrey, England, UK – 19. V 1958. (67), Santa Barbara,
California, US/. Debi: The Toilers (1919). Poslednji film: The Story of
Mankind (1957). Igrao u 57 filmova: A Son of David (1921), The White
Sister (1923), Her Night of Romance (1924), Beau Geste (1926), The Devil
to Pay! (1930), The Unholy Garden (1931), Clive of India (1935), Lost
Horizon (1937), The Prisoner of Zenda (1937), If I Were King (1938), The
Light that Failed (1939), Lucky Partners (1940), My Life with Caroline
(1941), Kismet (1944), The Late George Apley (1947), Champagne for
Caesar (1950). Dobitnik Oskara za glavnu ulogu u A double Life (1947),
nominacija Oskar za glavnu ulogu u Bulldog Drummond (1929), Condemned (1929), Random
Harvest (1942), Dobitnik Zlatnog globusa za glavnu ulogu u drami A double Life (1947).
BETI KOMPSON Betty Compson /Eleanor Luicime Compson, 19. III
1897, Beaver, Utah, US – 18. IV 1974. (77), Glendale, California, US/.
Debi: Wanted: A Leading Lady (1915). Poslednji film: Here Comes Trouble
(1948). Igrala u 208 filmova: Lovers and Lunatics (1916) The Deacon's
Waterloo (1916), Wanted: A Husband (1916), Almost Divorced (1917), For
Those We Love (1921), Always the Woman (1922) The Female (1924), The
Pony Express (1925), The Palace of Pleasure (1926), The Masked Angel
(1928), The Docks of New York (1928), She Got What She Wanted (1930),
The Virtuous Husband (1931, The Gay Diplomat (1931), Two Gun Justice
(1938). Nominacija Oskar za glavnu ulogu u filmu Vesnik (1929).
DŽENIFER KONELI Jennifer Connelly /Jennifer Lynn Connelly, 12.
XII 1970, Catskill Mountains, New York, US/. Debi: Once Upon a Time in
America (1984). Igrala u preko 30 filmova, među kojima: Phenomena
(1985), Seven Minutes in Heaven (1985), Labyrinth (1986), Étoile (1989),
Career Opportunities (1991), Requiem for a Dream (2000), Waking the
Dead (2000), House of Sand and Fog (2003), Dark Water (2005), Blood
Diamond (2006), Creation (2009), Virginia (2010), The Dilemma (2911),
Writers (2013). Dobitnica Oskara za sporednu ulogu u A Beatiful Mind
(2001), dobitnica Zlatnog globusa za sporednu ulogu u A Beatiful Mind
(2001), nagrada Bafta za istu ulogu (2001), nominacija Saturn za ulogu u
The Rocketeer (1991), Hulk (2003).
ŠON KONERI Sean Connery /Thomas Sean Connery, 25. VIII 1930,
Edinburgh, Scotland, UK/. Debi: Let's Make Up (1954). Igrao u oko 70
filmova: On the Fiddle (1961), The Longest Day (1962), Dr. No (1962),
From Russia with Love (1963), Goldfinger (1964), Thunderball (1965), You
Only Live Twice (1967), The Molly Maguires (1970), Diamonds Are Forever (1971), Five Days One Summer (1982), Family Business (1989), The
Russia House (1990), Medicine Man (1992). Oskara za sporednu ulogu u
The Untouchables (1987), dobitnik Zlatnog globusa za sporednu ulogu u
The Untouchables (1987), nominacija Zlatni globus za sporednu ulogu u
Indiana Jones and The Last Crusade (1989), dobitnik nagrade Bafta za
The Name of the Rose (1986), nominacija Bafta za The Untouchables (1987), Indiana Jones and
the Last Crusade (1989), The Hunt for Red October (1990), nominacija Saturn za Outland (1981).
ČESTER KONKLIN Chester Conklin /Chester Cooper Conklin, 11. I
1886, Oskaloosa, Iowa, US - 11. X 1971. (85), Van Nuys, California, US/.
Debi: Hubby's Job (1913). Poslednji film: A Big Hand for the Little Lady
(1966). Igrao u 306 filmova: The Masquerader (1914), Mabel's Strange
Predicament (1914), Mabel's New Job (1914), Mabel's Busy Day (1914),
Making a Living (1914), Love, Speed and Thrills (1915), Greed (1924),
Cabaret (1927), Tillie's Punctured Romance (1928), Keystone Hotel (1935),
Modern Times (1936), Flat Foot Stooges (1938), The Great Dictator
(1940), Dutiful But Dumb (1941), Three Little Twirps (1943).
RIČARD KONTE Richard Conte /Nicholas Peter Conte, 24. III 1910,
Jersey City, New Jersey, US – 15. IV 1975. (65), Los Angeles, California,
US/. Debi: Heaven with a Barbed Wire Fence (1939). Poslednja uloga: The
Return of the Exorcist (1975). Igrao u 66 filmova: The Purple Heart (1944),
A Walk in the Sun (1945), The Spider (1945), Backfire (1946), Call Northside 777 (1948),… The Big Combo (1955), The Big Tip Off (1955), The
Case of the Red Monkey (1955), Bengazi (1955), Target Zero (1955), I'll
Cry Tomorrow (1955), Full of Life (1956), The Brothers Rico (1957), The
Eyes of Annie Jones (1964), Extraña invasión (1965), Sentenza di morte
(1968), The Godfather (1972), Milano trema - la polizia vuole giustizia
(1973), Il poliziotto è marcio (1974), La encadenada (1975).
TOM KONTI Tom Conti /Thomas Conti, 22. XI 1941, Paisley,
Scotland/. Debi: Slade in Flame (1975). Igrao u preko 30 filmova: Merry
Christmas, Mr. Lawrence (1983), American Dreamer (1984), Gospel
According to Vic (1985), Saving Grace (1985), The Quick and the Dead
(1987), That Summer of White Roses (1987), Roman Holiday (1987), Shirley
Valentine (1989), Paid (2006), A Closed Book (2010), The Tempest (2010),
Rekindle (2011), StreetDance 2 (2012), City Slacker (2012). Nominacija
Oskar za glavnu ulogu u Ruben, Ruben (1983), nominacija Zlatni globus za
glavnu ulogu u drami Ruben, Ruben (1983), nominacija Zlatni globus za
sporednu ulogu u mini seriji Nazi Hunter (1986).
EBI KORNIŠ Abbie Cornish /7. VIII 1982. Lochinvar, New South
Wales, Australia/. Debi: Wildside (1997, tv), The Monkey's Mask (2000,
film). Igrala u više od 15 filmova, među kojima: Somersault (2004),
Everything Goes (2004), Candy (2006), Bright Star (2009), Limitless
(2011), Sucker Punch (2011), W.E. (2011), Seven Psychopaths (2012),
Whisperings and Lies (2012), RoboCop (2013), An Ordinary Man (2014),
Kill Me Three Times (2014). Nominovana i nagrađivana, a najznačajnije:
Nagrada Australijskog filmskog institura na najbolju mladu glumicu
(1997), nagrada Australisjkog filmskog instituta za najbolju glumicu
TOM KORTNI Tom Courtenay /Thomas Daniel Courtenay, 25. II 1937,
Hull, East Riding of Yorkshire, England, UK/. Debi: Private Potter (1962).
Igrao u više od 25 filmova: King Rat (1965), The Night of the Generals
(1967), The Day the Fish Came Out (1967), A Dandy in Aspic (1968), Otley
(1968), One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich (1970), The Boy from Mercury (1996), Whatever Happened to Harold Smith? (1999), Last Orders
(2001), Nicholas Nickleby (2002). Nominacija Oskar za glavnu ulogu u The
Dresser (1983), nominacija Oskar za sporednu ulogu u filmu Doctor Zhivago (1964), nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u drami The Dresser
(1983), dobitnik nagrade Bafta za ulogu u The Loneliness of the Long
Distance Runner (1962), nominacija Bafta za Billy Liar (1963), King &
Country (1964), The Dresser (1983), A Rather English Marriage (1998).
BIL KOSBI Bill Cosby /William Henry Cosby Jr, 12. VII 1937, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US/. Debi: Bob & Carol & Ted & Alice (1969). Igrao u
16 filmova: Man and Boy (1971), Hickey & Boggs (1972), The Chocolate
Princess (1974), Uptown Saturday Night (1974), Let's Do It Again (1975),
Mother, Jugs & Speed (1976), A Piece of the Action (1977), The Devil and
Max Devlin (1981), Leonard Part 6 (1987), Ghost Dad (1990). Dobitnik
Zlatnog globusa za najboljeg glumca u seriji-komedija The Cosby Show
(1984, 1985), nominacija za istu ulogu u istoimenoj seriji (1972, 1986),
nominacija Zlatni globus za najboljeg glumca u seriji-drama I Spy (1966).
KEVIN KOSTNER Kevin Costner /Kevin Michael Costner, 18. I
1955, Lynwood, California, US/. Debi: Malibu Hot Summer (1981). Igrao u
preko 40 filmova: Fandango (1985), American Flyers (1985), The Untouchables (1987), No Way Out (1987), Bull Durham (1988), Field of Dreams
(1989), Revenge (1990), The Bodyguard (1992), A Perfect World (1993),
Thirteen Days (2000), Dragonfly (2002) The Upside of Anger (2005), The
New Daughter (2009). Nominacija Oskar za glavnu ulogu u Dances With
Wolves (1990), nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u drami Dances
With Wolves (1990), JFK (1991), nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu
u komediji Tin Cup (1996), nomonacija Bafta u Dances With Wolves (1990)
– 2 Golden Raspberry Award, 4 nominacije Golden Raspberry Award.
JAPET KOTO Yaphet Kotto /Yaphet Frederick Kotto, 15. XI 1939,
New York City, New York, US/. Debi: 4 for Texas (1963). Uz više od 50 tv
uloga, igrao u preko 40 filmova: Bone (1972), The Limit (1972), Live and
Let Die (1973), Across 110th Street (1972), Truck Turner (1974), Report to
the Commissioner (1975), Sharks' Treasure (1975), Friday Foster (1975),
The Monkey Hu$tle (1976), Blue Collar (1978), Brubaker (1980), The Star
Chamber (1983), Warning Sign (1985), Eye of the Tiger (1986), The
Running Man (1987), Midnight Run (1988), Terminal Entry (1988), A
Whisper to a Scream (1989), Ministry of Vengeance (1989), The Jigsaw
Murders (1989), The Corpse Had a Familiar Face (1994), Dead Badge
(1999), The Ride (2000), Witless Protection (2008).
DŽOZEF KOTON Joseph Cotton /Joseph Cheshire Cotton, 15. V 1905,
Petersburg, Virginia, US – 6. II 1994. (88), Los Angeles, California, US/.
Debi: Too Much Johnson (1938). Poslednji film: The Survivor (1981). Igrao
u 78 filmova: Citizen Kane (1941), The Magnificent Ambersons (1942), Journey into Fear (1943), I'll Be Seeing You (1944), Love Letters (1945), Duel
in the Sun (1946), The Farmer's Daughter (1947), Portrait of Jennie (1948),
The Third Man (1949), Beyond the Forest (1949), Two Flags West (1950),
Walk Softly, Stranger (1950), September Affair (1950), Half Angel (1951),
The Man with a Cloak (1951), The Steel Trap (1952), Niagara (1953), A
Blueprint for Murder (1953), The Bottom of the Bottle (1956), The Killer Is
Loose (1956), The Halliday Brand (1957), From the Earth to the Moon
(1958), Hush… Hush, Sweet Charlotte (1964), The Hellbenders (1967), …
BRODERIK KRAFORD Broderick Crawford /William Broderick
Crawford, 9. XII 1911; Philadelphia, US - 26. IV 1986. (74), Rancho
Mirage, Kalifornija, US/. Debi: Woman Chases Man (1937). Poslednji film:
Liar's Moon (1982). Igrao u 87 filmova: Beau Geste (1939), The Black Cat
(1941), Night Unto Night (1949), Convicted (1950), Born Yesterday (1950),
The Mob (1951), Scandal Sheet (1952), Night People (1954), Down Three
Dark Streets (1954), New York Confidential (1955), Il bidone (1955),
Goliath and the Dragon (1959), The Private Files of J. Edgar Hoover
(1977). Dobitnik Oskara za glavnu ulogu u All the Kin’s Men (1949), dobitnig Zlatnog globusa za glavnu ulogu u drami All the Kin’s Men (1949)
DŽOAN KRAFORD Joan Crawford /Lucille Fay LeSueur, 23. III
1904/1905, San Antonio, US - 10. V 1977. (72), New York, US/. Debi:
Debi: Pretty Ladies (1925). Poslednji film: Trog (1970). Igrala u 87 filmova:
Untamed (1929), This Modern Age (1931), Chained (1934), I Live My Life
(1935), Love on the Run (1936), Humoresque (1946), Montana Moon
(1949), Goodbye, My Fancy (1951), Torch Song (1953), Queen Bee (1955),
Johnny Guitar (1955), Autumn Leaves (1956), The Story of Esther Costello
(1957), What Ever Happened to Baby Jane? (1962), The Caretakers (1963),
Strait-Jacket (1964), I Saw What You Did (1965), Berserk! (1967).
Dobitnica Oskara za glavnu ulogu u Mildred Pierce (1945), nominacija
Oskar za glavnu ulogu u Possessed (1947), Sudden Fear (1952), nominacija
Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u drami Suden Fear (1952).
DENIJEL KREJG Daniel Craig /Daniel Wroughton Craig, 2. III 1968,
Chester, Cheshire, England, UK/. Debi: The Power of One (1992). Igrao u
skoro 40 filmova: Love Is the Devil: Study for a Portrait of Francis Bacon
(1998), Love and Rage (1998), The Trench (1999), Some Voices (2000),
Hotel Splendide (2000), Copenhagen (2002), Sylvia (2003), The Mother
(2003), Layer Cake (2004), Enduring Love (2004), Munich (2005), Infamous
(2006), The Invasion (2007), Flashbacks of a Fool (2008), Quantum of
Solace (2008), Defiance (2008), Cowboys & Aliens (2011), Dream House
(2011), The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (2011), Skyfall (2012). Višestruko
nominovan i nagrađivan u Engleskoj, a najznačajnija priznanja su
nominacije za Satur i Bafta za ulogu u Casino Royale (2006).
DŽEJN KREJN Jeanne Crain /eanne Elizabeth Crain, 25. V 1925,
Barstow, California, US – 14. XII 2003. (78), Santa Barbara, California,
US/. Debi: The Gang's All Here (1943). Poslednja uloga: Skyjacked (1972).
Igrala u 38 filmova: Home in Indiana (1944), In the Meantime, Darling
(1944), Winged Victory (1944), State Fair (1945), Centennial Summer
(1946), Margie (1946), You Were Meant for Me (1948), Apartment for
Peggy (1948), A Letter to Three Wives (1949), The Fan (1949), Take Care of
My Little Girl (1951), People Will Talk (1951), The Model and the Marriage
Broker (1951), Belles on Their Toes (1952),... The Night God Screamed
(1971). Nominacija Oskar za glavnu ulogu u Pinky (1950).
RIČARD KRENA Richard Crenna /Richard Donald Crenna, 30. XI
1926, Los Angeles, California, US – 17. I 2003, (76), Los Angeles, California, US/. Debi: Let's Dance (1950). Poslednji film: Wrongfully Accused
(1998). Igrao u 39 filmova: Over-Exposed (1956), The Real McCoys (1957),
Star! (1968), Midas Run (1969), Marooned (1969), Catlow (1971), Un flic
(1972), Devil Dog: The Hound of Hell (1978), A Fire in the Sky (1978),
20,000 Leagues Under the Sea (1997), Leviathan (1989). Nominacija Zlatni
globus za sporednu ulogu u The Flamoingo Kid (1984), nominacija Zlatni
globus za najboljeg glumca u mini seriji The rape of Richard Beck (1985),
za najboljeg glumca u seriji-drama Slattery’s People (1964), dobitnik nagra
de Emi za ulogu u The Rape of Richard Breck (1985).
HARDI KRIGER Hardy Krüger /Franz Eberhard August Krüger, 12.
IV 1928, Wedding, Berlin, German Reich./. Debi: Junge Adler (1944).
Poslednji film: Slagskämpen (1984). Igrao u 63 filma: As Long as You're
Near Me (1953), Die Jungfrau auf dem Dach (1954), The One That Got
Away (1957), The Rest Is Silence (1957), Blind Date (1959), Sundays and
Cybele (1962), Hatari! (1962), The Flight of the Phoenix (1965), The Uninhibited (1965), The Defector (1966), The Secret of Santa Vittoria (1969),
Bitka na Neretvi (1965), Night Hair Child (1971), Paper Tiger (1975), Tod
eines Fremden (1976), À chacun son enfer (1977), Blue Fin (1978), The
Wild Geese (1978), High Society Limited (1982). Dobitnik 8 nagrada.
DONALD KRISP Donald Crisp /George William Crisp, 27. VII 1882,
Bow, London, England, UK – 25. V 1974. (91) Van Nuys, California, US/.
Debi: The French Maid (1908). Poslednja uloga: Spencer's Mountain
(1963). Igrao u 171 filmu: Black and White (1913), Black and White (1913),
The Bracelet (1913), In the Elemental World (1913), The Mysterious Shot
(1914),… The Bonnie Brier Bush (1921), The Viking (1928), Trent's Last
Case (1929), The Return of Sherlock Holmes (1929), … Lassie Come Home
(1943), The Uninvited (1944), The Adventures of Mark Twain (1944), National Velvet (1944), Son of Lassie (1945), The Valley of Decision (1945),
Hills of Home (1948), Challenge to Lassie (1949), Home Town Story
(1951)… Oskar za sporednu ulogu u How Green Was My Valley (1941).
BILI KRISTAL Billy Crystal /William Jacob Crystal, 14. III 1948,
Long Beach, Long Island, New York, US/. Debi: Rabbit Test (1978). Igrao
u blizu 30 filmova: Running Scared (1986), Throw Momma from the Train
(1987), Memories of Me (1988), City Slickers II: The Legend of Curly's
Gold (1994), Forget Paris (1995), Hamlet (1996), Fathers' Day (1997), My
Giant (1998), Analyze This (1999), America's Sweethearts (2001), Analyze
That (2002), Parental Guidance (2012), Monsters University (2012), Nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u komediji When Harry Met Sally
(1989), City Slickers (1991), Mr. Saturday Night (1992), dobitnik nagrade
DŽULI KRISTI Julie Christie /Julie Frances Christie, 14. IV 1941,
Chabua, Assam, British India/. Debi: Crooks Anonymous (1962). Igrala u
preko 40 filmova: Billy Liar (1963), Doctor Zhivago (1965), Fahrenheit
451 (1966), The Go-Between (1970), Don't Look Now (1973), Separate
Tables (1983), Hamlet (1996), Finding Neverland (2004). Višestruko
noninovana za nagtradu Bafta i druge, a najznačajnije: Dobitnica Oskara
za glavnu ulogu u Darling (1965), nominacija Oskar za glavnu ulogu u
McCabe & Mrs. Miller (1971), Afterglow (1997), Away from Her (2007),
dobitnica Zlatnog globusa za glavnu ulogu u drami Away from Her
(2007), nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u drami Darling (1965),
nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u komediji Shampoo (1975).
KRIS KRISTOFERSON Kris Kristofferson /Kristoffer Kristian Kristofferson, 22. VI 1936, Brownsville, Texas, US/. Debi: The Last Movie
(1971). Igrao u 70 filmova: Cisco Pike (1972), Alice Doesn't Live Here Anymore (1974), The Sailor Who Fell from Grace with the Sea (1976), Vigilante
Force (1976), Semi-Tough (1977), Convoy (1978), Heaven's Gate (1980),
Rollover (1981), Flashpoint (1984), Trouble in Mind (1985), Stagecoach
(1986), Millennium (1989), Welcome Home (1989), Knights (1993), Pharaoh's Army (1995), Lone Star (1996), Girls' Night (1998), Dance with Me
(1998), A Soldier's Daughter Never Cries (1998), Perfect Murder, Perfect
Town (2000). Dobitnik Zlatnog globusa za glavnu ulogu u A Star Is Born
(1976), nominacija Bafta za Pat Garrett and Billy the Kid (1973).
DŽEJMS KROMVEL James Cromwell /James Oliver Cromwell, 27. I
1940, Los Angeles, California, US/. Debi: Daddy Long Legs (1955). Pored
preko 100 tv uloga, igrao u preko 50 filmova, među kojima: L.A. Confidential
(1997), Babe: Pig in the City (1998), The General's Daughter (1999), RKO
281 (1999), The Green Mile (1999), The Sum of All Fears (2002), Spirit:
Stallion of the Cimarron (2002), The Snow Walker (2003), The Longest Yard
(2005), The Queen (2006), Dante's Inferno (2007), Becoming Jane (2007),
Hide Away (2011), Admissions (2011), The Artist (2011), Cowgirls n' Angels
(2012), Soldiers of Fortune (2012), Still (2012), The Trials of Cate McCall
(2013). Nominacija Oskar za sporednu ulogu u Babe (1995).
HJUM KRONIN Hume Cronyn /Hume Blake Cronyn, 18. VII 1911,
London, Ontario, Canada – 15. VI 2003. (91), Fairfield, Connecticut, US/.
Debi: Shadow of a Doubt (1943). Poslednji film: Angel Passing (1998).
Igrao u 39 filmova: Brute Force (1947), Crowded Paradise (1956), Sunrise
at Campobello (1960), Richard Burton's Hamlet (1964), There Was a
Crooked Man... (1970), The Parallax View (1974), Honky Tonk Freeway
(1981), Impulse (1984), *batteries not included (1987), Cocoon: The Return
(1988), The Pelican Brief (1993). Nominacija Oskar za sporednu ulogu u
The Seventh Cross (1944), nominacija Zlatni globus za najboljeg glumca u
mini seriji Broadway Bound (1992), dobitnik nagrade EMI za ulogu u
Age-Old Friends (1990), To Dance With the White Dog (1994).
BING KROSBI Bing Crosby /Harry Lillis Crosby, 3. V 1903, Tacoma,
Washington, US – 14. X 1977. (74), Madrid, Spain/. Debi: Two Plus Fours
(1930). Poslednji film: That's Entertainment! (1974). Uz više od 200 tv uloga, igrao u 79 filmova: We're Not Dressing (1934), Road to Zanzibar
(1941), The Emperor Waltz (1948), A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's
Court (1949), Road to Bali (1952), Little Boy Lost (1953), White Christmas
(1954), Anything Goes (1956), High Society (1956), High Time (1960), The
Road to Hong Kong (1962), Robin and the 7 Hoods (1964). Oskar za
glavnu ulogu u Going My Way (1944), nominacija Oskar za glavnu ulogu u
The Bells of St. Mary's (1945), The Country Girl (1954), nominacija Zlatni
globus za glavnu ulogu u mjuziklu Here Comes the Groom (1951).
RASEL KROU Russell Crowe /Russell Ira Crowe, 7. IV 1964, Wellington, North Island, New Zealand/. Debi: Prisoners of the Sun (1990). Igrao u
skoro 40 filmova: The Crossing (1990), Proof (1991), Romper Stomper
(1992), Hammers Over the Anvil (1993), L.A. Confidential (1997), Proof of
Life (2000), Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World (2003),
3:10 to Yuma (2007), American Gangster (2007), State of Play (2009), Robin Hood (2010). Višestruko nominovan i nagrađivan; najznačajnije: Oskar
za glavnu ulogu u Gladiator (2000), nominacija Oskar za glavnu ulogu u
The Insider (1999), A Beautiful Mind (2001), Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u drami A Beatiful Mind (2001), nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu
ulogu u drami The Insider (1999), Gladiator, Nagrada Udruženja filmskih i tv glumaca za
najboljeg glumca u A Beautiful Mind (2001), nominacija Nagrada Udruženja filmskih i tv
glumaca za najboljeg glumca u The Insider (1999), Gladiator (2000), Cinderella Man (2005),
nagrada Bafta (2001).
DAJEN KRUGER Diane Kruger /Diane Heidkrüger, 15. VII 1976,
Algermissen, Lower Saxony, Germany/. Debi: The Piano Player (2002).
Igrala u blizu 30 filmova: Whatever You Say (2002), National Treasure:
Michel Vaillant (2003), Troy (2004), Wicker Park (2004), Joyeux Noël
(2004), Les Brigades du Tigre (2006), Copying Beethoven (2006), Goodbye
Bafana (2007), Days of Darkness (2007), National Treasure: Book of
Secrets (2007), Book of Secrets (2007), Anything for Her (2008), Mr.
Nobody (2010), Unknown (2011), Forces spéciales (2011), Farewell, My
Queen (2012), The Host (2013). Nominacija Saturn za sporednu ulogu u
National Treasure (2004). Inglourious Basterds (2009).
PENELOPE KRUZ Penélope Cruz /Penélope Cruz Sánchez, 28. IV
1974, Alcobendas, Madrid, Spain/. Debi: Jamon Jamon (1992). Igrala u
preko 50 filmova: Live Flesh (1997), The Girl of Your Dreams (1998), The
Hi-Lo Country (1998), All the Pretty Horses (2000), Blow (2001), Captain
Corelli's Mandolin (2001), Vanilla Sky (2001), Fanfan la Tulipe (2003),
Don't Move (2004), Elegy (1998), Manolete (2007), The Good Night
(2007), Broken Embraces (2008), Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger
Tides (2011). Dobitnica Oskara za sporednu ulogu u Vickiy Cristina
Barselona (2008), nominacija Oskar za sporednu ulogu u Nine (2009), nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u drami Volver (2006), nominacija
Zlatni globus za sporednu ulogu u Vickiy Cristina Barselona (2008), Nine
(2009), dobitnica nagrade Bafta (2008), dobitnica nagrade Goya.
TOM KRUZ Tom Cruise /Thomas Cruise Mapother IV, 3. VII 1962, Syracuse, New York, US/. Debi: Endless Love (1981). Igrao u blizu 40 filmova: Interview with the Vampire: The Vampire Chronicles (1994), Mission:
Impossible (1996), Mission: Impossible II (2000), Vanilla Sky (2001), Minority Report (2002), Collateral (2004), War of the Worlds (2005), Mission:
Impossible III (2006), Valkyrie (2008), Tropic Thunder (2008), Mission:
Impossible – Ghost Protoco (2011). Nominacija Oskar za glavnu ulogu u
Born on the Fourth of July (1989), Jerry Maguire (1996), za sporednu ulogu
u Magnolia (1999), Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u drami Born on the
Fourth of July (1989), za glavnu ulogu u komediji Jerry Maguire (1996),
za sporednu ulogu u Magnolia (1999), nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u drami A Few
Good Men (1992), The Last Samurai (2003), za glavnu ulogu u komediji Risky Busines (1983),
nominacija Zlatni globus za sporednu ulogu u Tropic Thunder (2008), nagrada Saturn, nominacija
za Nagradu Udruženja filmskih i tv glumaca za najboljeg glumca u Jerry Maguire (1996).
GARI KUPER Gary Cooper /Frank James Cooper, 7. V 1901, Helena,
Montana, US - 13. V 1961. (60), Beverly Hills, US/. Debi: The Last Hour
(1923). Poslednji film: The Naked Edge (1961). Igrao u 115 filmova: Morocco (1930), I Take This Woman (1931), Today We Live (1933), The General Died at Dawn (1936), Desire (1936), The Cowboy and the Lady (1938),
Beau Geste (1939), The Westerner (1940), Meet John Doe (1941), Saratoga Trunk (1945), Unconquered (1947), Bright Leaf (1950), Vera Cruz
(1954), The Court-Martial of Billy Mitchell (1955), Friendly Persuasion
(1956), Love in the Afternoon (1957), Man of the West (1958), They Came
to Cordura (1959), The Wreck of the Mary Deare (1959). Oskar za glavnu
ulogu u Sergeant York (1941), High Noon (1952), nominacija Oskar za
glavnu ulogu u Mr. Deeds Goes to Town (1936), The Pride of the Yankees (1942), For Whom the
Bell Tolls (1943), Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u Nigh Noon (1952), Special Award (1960).
GLEDIS KUPER Gladys Cooper /Gladys Constance Cooper, 18. XII
1888, Chiswick, England, UK – 17. XI 1971. (82), Henley-on-Thames,
England, UK/. Debi: The Eleventh Commandment (1913). Poslednji film: A
Nice Girl Like Me (1969). Igrala u 44 filma: The Bohemian Girl (1922),
This Above All (1942), Princess O'Rourke (1943), The White Cliffs of Dover
(1944), Mrs. Parkington (1944), Love Letters (1945), The Green Years
(1946), The Bishop's Wife (1947), The Secret Garden (1949), Madame
Bovary (1949), Thunder on the Hill (1951), At Sword's Point (1952), The
Man Who Loved Redheads (1955), Separate Tables (1958), The Happiest
Millionaire (1967). Nominacija Oskar za sporednu ulogu u Now, Voyager
(1942), Bernadetina pesma (1943), My Fair Lady (1964).
KRIS KUPER Chris Cooper /Christopher W. Cooper, 9. VII 1951, Kansas
City, Missouri, US/. Debi: Non date da mangiare agli animali (1987). Igrao u
preko 40 filmova: City of Hope (1991), This Boy's Life (1993), Pharaoh's
Army (1995), Breast Men (1997), Great Expectations (1998), October Sky
(1999), American Beauty (1999), Me, Myself & Irene (2000), The Bourne
Identity (2002), Seabiscuit (2003), Silver City (2004), Capote (2005), The
Kingdom (2007), Breach (2007), Married Life (2007), Where the Wild Things
Are (2009), The Compa-ny Men (2010), Remember Me (2010), The Muppets
(2011), Chickadee (2013). Oskar za sporednu ulogu u Adaptation (2002),
Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u Adaptation (2002), nominacija Emi za
ulogu u miniseriji My House in Umbria (2003).
DŽEKI KUPER Jackie Cooper /John Cooper Jr, 15. IX 1922, Los
Angeles, California, US – 3. V 2011. (88), Santa Monica, California, US/.
Debi: Fox Movietone Follies of 1929 (1929). Poslednji film: Surrender
(1987). Igrao u 67 filmova: Shivering Shakespeare (1930), Young
Donovan's Kid (1931), The Champ (1931), Gallant Sons (1940), Life with
Henry (1941), Her First Beau (1941), Glamour Boy (1941), Syncopation
(1942), Men of Texas (1942), Where Are Your Children? (1943), Stork Bites
Man (1947), Kilroy Was Here (1947), French Leave (1948), Chosen
Survivors (1974), Superman (1978). Nominacija Oskar za glavnu ulogu u
Skippy (1931), nagrada Emi za ulogu u M*A*S*H (1974), The White
Shadow (1979), nominacija Emi za ulogu u seriji Hennesey (1961, 1962).
MILA KUNIS Mila Kunis /Милена Ма ковна Куниц, 14. VIII 1983,
Chernivtsi, Ukrainian SSR, SSSR/. Debi: Make a Wish, Molly (1995). Igrala
u preko 20 filmova: Santa with Muscles (1996), Gia (1998), American
Psycho 2 (2002), Tony n' Tina's Wedding (2004), After Sex (2007), Moving
McAllister (2007), Boot Camp (2007), Forgetting Sarah Marshall (2008),
Max Payne (2009), Extract (2009). The Book of Eli (2010), Friends with
Benefits (2011), Ted (2012), Oz:The Great and Powerful (2013), The
Angriest Man in Brooklyn (2013), Hell & Back (2013), Jupiter Ascending
(2014). Višestruko nominovana i nagrađivana; najznačajnije: Nagrade na
festivalima u Veneciji i Oklahomi za ulogu u Black Swan (2010),
dobitnica Saturna za Black Swan (2011).
EŠTON KUČER Ashton Kutcher /Christopher Ashton Kutcher, 7. II
1978, Cedar Rapids, Iowa, US/. Debi: Coming Soon (1999). Igrao u preko
20 filmova, među kojima: Dude, Where's My Car? (2000), Texas Rangers
(2001), Just Married (2002), My Boss's Daughter (2003), The Butterfly
Effect (2004), Guess Who (2005), A Lot Like Love (2005), The Guardian
(2006), What Happens in Vegas (2008), Spread (2009), Personal Effects
(2009), Killers (2010), New Year's Eve (2011), No Strings Attached (2011),
Jobs (2013).
ŠIA LA BUF Shia LaBeouf /Shia Saide LaBeouf, 11. VI 1986, Los Angeles, California, US/. Debi: Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind (1984). Igrao u oko 25 filmova: The Even Stevens Movie (2003), The Greatest Game
Ever Played (2005), A Guide to Recognizing Your Saints (2006), Disturbia
(2007), Surf's Up (2007), Transformers (2007), Indiana Jones and the
Kingdom of the Crystal Skull (2008), Eagle Eye (2008), Transformers:
Revenge of the Fallen (2009), Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps (2010),
Dark of the Moon (2011), Lawless (2012), The Company You Keep (2012).
Nagrada Emi za ulogu u Even Stevens (2003), nagrada Bafta (2008).
BESI LAV Bessie Love /Juanita Horton, 10. IX 1898, Midland, Texas,
US – 26. IV 1986. (87), London, England, UK/. Debi: Georgia Pearce
(1915). Poslednji film: The Hunger (1983). Igrala u 117 filmova: Over the
Garden Wall (1919), Gentle Julia (1923), Sundown (1924), The Lost World
(1925), Soul-Fire (1925), A Son of His Father (1925), The King on Main
Street (1925), The Song and Dance Man (1926), Lovey Mary (1926), Going
Crooked (1926), Rubber Tires (1927), Dress Parade (1927), The Matinee
Idol (1928), Sally of the Scandals (1928), Anybody Here Seen Kelly? (1928),
The Idle Rich (1929), Chasing Rainbows (1930), They Learned About
Women (1930), Good News (1930), Morals for Women (1931). Nominacija
Oskar za glavnu ulogu u The Broadway Melody (1929).
HEDI LAMAR Hedi Lamar /Hedwig Eva Maria Kiesler, 9. XI 1913,
Vienna, Austria-Hungary - 19. I 2000. (86), Orlando, Florida, US/. Debi:
Geld auf der Straße (1930). Poslednji film: Instant Karma (1990). Igrala u
34 filma: Algiers (1938), I Take This Woman (1940), Comrade X (1940),
Come Live with Me (1941), H. M. Pulham, Esq. (1941), White Cargo
(1942), The Conspirators (1944), Experiment Perilous (1944), Her
Highness and the Bellboy (1945), The Strange Woman (1946), Dishonored
Lady (1947), Samson and Delilah (1949), A Lady Without Passport (1950),
Copper Canyon (1950), My Favorite Spy (1951), The Story of Mankind
KRISTOFER LAMBER Christopher Lambert /Christophe Guy Denis
Lambert, 29. III 1957, Great Neck, Long Island, New York, US/. Debi:
Ciao, les mecs (1979). Igrao u skoro 60 filmova: Greystoke: The Legend of
Tarzan, Lord of the Apes (1984), Paroles et musique (1984), Subway
(1985), Highlander (1986), I Love You (1986), The Sicilian (1987), To Kill a
Priest (1988), Why Me? (1990), Knight Moves (1992), Max & Jeremie
(1992), Fortress (1992), The Hunted (1995), Mortal Kombat (1995),
Nirvana (1997), Mean Guns (1997), Resurrection (1999), Gideon (1999),
Aparté (2001), The Piano Player (2002), Absolon (2003), À ton image
(2004), Day of Wrath (2006), Le lièvre de Vatanen (2006), Trivial (2007),
White Material (2009), Cartagena (2009), Dark Star Hollow (2012).
DŽESIKA LANG Jessica Lange /Jessica Phyllis Lange, 20. IV 1949,
Cloquet, Minnesota, US/. Debi: King Kong (1976). Igrala u preko 30
filmova: All That Jazz (1979), The Postman Always Rings Twice (1981),
Everybody's All-American (1988), Men Don't Leave (1990), Titus (1999).
Oskar za glavnu ulogu u Blue Sky (1994), za sporednu ulogu u Tootsie
(1982), nominacija Oskar za glavnu ulogu u Frances (1982), Country
(1984), Sweet Dreams (1985), Music Box (1989), Zlatni globus za glavnu
ulogu u drami Blue Sky (1994), za sporednu ulogu u Tootsie (1982), nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u drami Frances (1982), Country
(1984), Music Box (1989), A Thousand Acres (1997), Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u mini seriji A Streetcar Named Desire (1995), nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu glumicu u mini seriji O Pioners! (1992), Normal (2003), Grey Gardens (2009).
FRENK LANGELA Frank Langella /Frank A. Langella, Jr, 1. I 1938,
Bayonne, New Jersey, US/. Debi: Diary of a Mad Housewife (1970). Igrao u
skoro 50 filmova: The Twelve Chairs (1970), The Deadly Trap (1971), The
Wrath of God (1972), The Mark of Zorro (1974), Those Lips, Those Eyes
(1980), Sphinx (1981), True Identity (1991), Brainscan (1993), Doomsday
Gun (1994), Good Night, and Good Luck (2005), Starting Out in the
Evening (2007), The Caller (2008), All Good Things (2010). Nominacija
Oskar za glavnu ulogu u Frost/Nixon (2008), nominacija Zlatni Globus za
glavnuulogu u komediji Frost/Nixon (2008), nominacija za Nagradu
Udruženja filmskih i tv glumaca za najboljeg glumca u Frost/Nixon (2008),
nominacija Saturn za ulogu u Dracula (1979), The Box (2009).
MARTIN LANDAU Martin Landau /20. VI 1928, Brooklyn, New
York, US/. Debi: Pork Chop Hill (1959). Uz skoro 90 tv uloga, igrao u blizu
80 filmova: Rosolino Paternò, soldato... (1970), They Call Me MISTER
Tibbs! (1970), Without Warning (1980), Treasure Island (1985), Mistress
(1992), Joseph (1995), The Adventures of Pinocchio (1996), B*A*P*S
(1997), Shiner (2000), In the Beginning (2000), The Aryan Couple (2004),
Harrison Montgomery (2008), Lovely, Still (2008). Dobitnik Oskara za
sporednu ulogu u Ed Wood (1994), nominacija Oskar za sporednu ulogu u
Tucker: The Man and His Dream (1988), Crymes and Misdemeanors
(1989), dobitnik Zlatnog globusa za sporednu ulogu u komediji Tucker:
The Man and His Dream (1988), Ed Wood (1994), dobitnik Zlatnog
globusa za glavnog glumca u seriji-drama Mission: Impossible (1967).
BERT LANKASTER Burt Lancaster /Burton Stephen Lancaster, 2. XI
1913, New York, US - 20. X 1994. (80), Los Angeles, Kalifornija, US/.
Debi: The Killers (1946). Poslednji film: The Jeweller's Shop (1989). Igrao
u 74 filma: Apache (1954), Trapeze (1956), The Rainmaker (1956), Gruppo
di famiglia in un interno (1974), Cattle Annie and Little Britches (1981),
Local Hero (1983), Rocket Gibraltar (1988). Oskar za glavnu ulogu u
Elmer Gantry (1960), nominacija Oskar za glavnu ulogu u From Here to
Eternity (1953), Birdman of Alcatraz (1962), Atlantic City (1981), dobitnik
Zlatnog globusa za glavnu ulogu u drami Elmer Gantry (1960),
nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u Birdman of Acatraz (1962),
Atlantic City (1981), nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnog glumca u mini seriji The Phantom of the
Opera (1990), nominacija Saturn za The Island of Dr. Moreau (1977), dobitnik nagrade Bafta.
ENTONI LA PALJA Anthony LaPaglia /31. I 1959, Adelaide, South
Australia, Australia/. Debi: Cold Steel (1987). Igrao u preko 50 filmova:
29th Street (1991), Whispers in the Dark (1992), The Custodian (1993), So I
Married an Axe Murderer (1993), Empire Records (1995), Brilliant Lies
(1996), Commandments (1997), Phoenix (1998), Sweet and Lowdown
(1999), Looking for Alibrandi (2000), Autumn in New York (2000), Lantana
(2001), The Bank (2001), Dead Heat (2002), Happy Hour (2003), Spinning
Boris (2003), The Architect (2006), $9.99 (2008), Balibo (2009), In Loco
Parentis (2011), The Ride (2011), Overnight (2012), Mental (2012). Više
puta nominovan i nagrađivan; najznačajnija: Dobitnik Zlatnog globusa za
glavnog glumca u seriji-drama Without a Trace (2003)
BRUS LI Bruce Lee /Lee Jun-fan; 27. XI 1940, Chinese Hospital in
Chinatown, San Francisco – 20. VII 1973, (32), Hong Kong Baptist
Hospital/ Debi: Golden Gate Girl (1941). Poslednji film: Enter the Dragon
(1973). Igrao u 26 filmova: Gu xing xue lei (1955), Ai xia ji (1955), Er nu
zhai (1955), Zha dian na fu (1956), Zao zhi dang cu wo bu jia (1956), Lei
yu (1957), Ren hai gu hong (1960), Marlowe (1969), Fists of Fury (1971),
The Chinese Connection (1972), The Way of the Dragon (1972), Bruce Lee
and I (1973).
STEN LOREL Stan Laurel /Arthur Stanley Jefferson, 16. VI 1890,
Ulverston, Lancashire – 23. II 1965. (74), Santa Monica, California, US/.
Debi: Nuts in May (1917). Poslednji film: Utopia (1951). Igrao u 187
filmova: … Pardon Us (1931), Pack Up Your Troubles (1932), Fra Diavolo
(1933), Sons of the Desert (1933), Babes in Toyland (1934), Bonnie Scotland
(1935), The Bohemian Girl (1936), Our Relations (1936), Way Out West
(1937), Swiss Miss (1938), Block-Heads (1938), The Flying Deuces (1939),
A Chump at Oxford (1940), Saps at Sea (1940), Great Guns (1941), AHaunting We Will Go (1942), Air Raid Wardens (1943), Jitterbugs (1943),
The Dancing Masters (1943), The Big Noise (1944), Nothing but Trouble
(1944), The Bullfighters (1945). Special Award (1960).
KRISTIN LATI Christine Lahti /4. IV 1950, Birmingham, Michigan, US/.
Debi: And Justice for All. (1979). Igrala u 25 filmova: Leaving Normal
(1992), Lieberman in Love (1995), Hideaway (1995), Pie in the Sky (1996).
Nominacija Oskar za sporednu ulogu u Swing Shift (1984), nominacija Zlatni
globus za glavnu ulogu u drami Running on Empty (1988), nominacija Zlatni
globus za sporednu ulogu u Swing Shift (1984), Zlatni globus za glavnu glumicu u mini seriji No Place Like Home’ (1989), nominacija Zlatni globus za
glavnu glumicu u mini seriji An American Daughter (2000), za sporednu
glumicu u mini seriji Amerika (1987), Zlatni globus za glavnu glumicu u
seriji-drama Chicago Hope (1997), nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu
glumicu u seriji Chicago Hope (1997), Jack & Bobby (2004).
KVIN LATIFA Queen Latifah /Dana Elaine Owens, 18. III 1970, Origin
Newark, New Jersey, US. Debi: Jungle Fever (1991). Igrala u 35 filmova:
Set It Off (1996), Living Out Loud (1998), The Bone Collector (1999),
Brown Sugar (2002), Bringing Down the House (2003), The Cookout
(2004), Barbershop 2: Back in Business (2004), Beauty Shop (2005), Ice
Age: The Meltdown (2006), Last Holiday (2006), Hairspray (2007), The Perfect Holiday (2007), Mad Money (2008), The Secret Life of Bees (2008),
Valentine's Day (2009), Just Wright (2010). Nominacija Oskar za sporednu
ulogu u Chicago (2002), nominacija Zlatni globus za sporednu ulogu u Chicago (2002), Zlatni globus - glavna glumica u seriji Life Support (2007).
ALEN LAD Alan Ladd /Alan Walbridge Ladd, 3. IX 1913, Hot Springs,
Arkansas, US - 29. I 1964. (50) Palm Springs, Kalifornija, US/. Debi: Tom
Brown of Culver (1932). Poslednji film: The Carpetbaggers (1964). Igrao u
94 filma: Calcutta (1947), Saigon (1948), Whispering Smith (1948) The
Great Gatsby (1949), Captain Carey, U.S.A. (1950), Branded (1950), Appointment with Danger (1951), Botany Bay (1953), Shane (1953), The Red Beret (1953), Hell Below Zero (1954), Saskatchewan (1954), The Black Knight
(1954), Drum Beat (1954), Hell on Frisco Bay (1955), Boy on a Dolphin
(1957), The Deep Six (1958), The Badlanders (1958), The Man in the Net
(1959), Guns of the Timberland (1960), All the Young Men (1960).
DAJEN LAD Diane Ladd /Rose Diane Ladner, 29. XI 1935, Meridian,
Mississippi, US/. Debi: Murder, Inc. (1960). Igrala u skoro 50 filmova: The
Cemetery Club (1993), Carnosaur (1993), The Law of Enclosures (2000),
Can't Be Heaven (2000), Daddy and Them (2001), Gracie's Choice (2004),
The World's Fastest Indian (2005), American Cowslip (2008). Nominacija
Oskar za sporednu ulogu u Alice Doesn’t Live Here Anymore (1974), Wild
at Heart (1990), Rambling Rose (1991), nominacija Zlatni globus za
sporednu ulogu u komediji Doesn’t Live Here Anymore (1974), Wild at
Heart (1990), Rambling Rose (1991), dobitnica Zlatnog globusa za
sporednu slumicu u mini seriji Alice (1980).
VERONIKA LEJK Veronica Lake /Constance Frances Marie Ockelman, 14. XI 1922, Brooklyn, New York, US – 7. VII 1973. (50), Burlington, Vermont, US/. Debi: Sorority House (1939). Poslednji film: Flesh
Feast (1970). Igrala u 28 filmova: The Wrong Room (1939), Sullivan's Travels (1941), The Glass Key (1942), I Married a Witch (1942), So Proudly
We Hail! (1943), The Hour Before the Dawn (1944), Out of This World
(1945), Hold That Blonde (1945), Miss Susie Slagle's (1946), The Blue Dahlia (1946), Ramrod (1947), Saigon (1948), The Sainted Sisters (1948),
Isn't It Romantic? (1948), This Gun for Hire (1942), Stronghold (1951).
DAJEN LEJN Diane Lane /22. I 1965, New York City, New York, US/.
Debi: A Little Romance (1979). Igrala u preko 50 filmova: Ladies and
Gentlemen, The Fabulous Stains (1981), Lady Beware (1987), The Big Town
(1987), Murder at 1600 (1987), Jack (1996), A Walk on the Moon (1999),
Fierce People (2005), Must Love Dogs (2005), Hollywoodland (2006),
Untraceable (2008), Nights in Rodanthe (2008), Killshot (2009), Secretariat
(2010). Nominacija Oskar za glavnu ulogu u Unfaithful (2002), nominacija
Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u drami Unfairtful (2002), nominacija Zlatni
globus za glavnu ulogu u komediji Under the Tuscan Sun (2003), Zlatni
globus za najbolju glumicu u nini seriji Cinema Verite (2011).
DŽEK LEMON Jack Lemon /John Uhler Lemmon III, 8. II 1925, Newton, Massachusetts, US - 27. VI 2001. (76), Los Angeles, California, US./
Debi: It Should Happen to You (1954). Poslednji film: The Legend of Bagger
Vance (2000). Igrao u 59 filmova: Good Neighbor Sam (1964), How to Murder Your Wife (1965), Glengarry Glen Ross (1992), Short Cuts (1993), Grumpy Old Men (1993). Oskar za glavnu ulogu u Save the Tiger (1973), za
sporednu ulogu u Mister Roberts (1955), nominacija Oskar za glavnu ulogu u Some Like It Hot (1959), The Apartment (1960), Days of Wine and Roses (1962), The China Syndrome (1979), Tribute (1980), Missing (1982),
Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u komediji Some Like It Hot (1959), The
Apartment (1960), Avanti! (1962), nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u drami Days of Wine
and Roses (1962), Save the Tiger (1973), The China Syndrome (1979), Tribute (1980), Missing
(1982), Dad (1989), za glavnu ulogu u komediji Irma la Douce (1963), Under the Yum Yum Tree
(1963), The Great Race (1965), The Odd Cuople (1968), The Out-of-Towners (1970), The Front
page (1974), That’s Life! (1986), za glavnog glumca u miniseriji Lond Day’s Journey Into Night
(1987), The Murder of Mary Phagan (1988), A Life in the Theatre (1993), 12 Angry Men (1997),
Tuesdays with Morrie (1999), Zlatni globus za glavnog glumca u miniseriji Inherit the Wind
(1999), nagrada Emi za Tuesdays with Morrie (2000), nagrada Bafta.
ENDŽELA LENSBERI Angela Lansbury /Angela Brigid Lansbury,
16. X 1925, Poplar, London, England, UK/. Debi: Gaslight (1944). Igrala u
50 filmova: The Private Affairs of Bel Ami (1947), Mutiny (1952), A Life at
Stake (1954), A Lawless Street (1955), Please Murder Me (1955), All Fall
Down (1962), Something for Everyone (1970), The Mirror Crack'd (1980).
Nominacija Oskar za sporednu ulogu Gaslight (1944), The Picture of Dorian Gray (1945), The Manchurian Candidate (1962), Zlatni globus za sporednu ulogu u The Picture of Dorian Gray (1945), The Manchurian Candidate (1962), nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u komediji Something for Everyone (1970), Bedknops and Broomsticks (1971), za sporednu
glumicu u mini seriji The Gift of Love (1983), Zlatni globus za najbolju glumicu u seriji-drama
Murder, She Wrote (1984, 1986, 1989, 1991), nominacija Zlatni globus za istu ulogu (1985-1994).
MAJKL LENDON Michael Landon /Eugene Maurice Orowitz., 31. X
1936, Queens, New York, US – 1. VII 1991. (54) Malibu, California, US/.
Debi: These Wilder Years (1956). Poslednji film: Sam's Son (1984). Ostvario
46 tv uloga – planetarnu slavu stekao ulogom Joseph 'Little Joe' Cartwright
u seriji Bonanza (427 epizoda, 1959-1973); igrao u samo 8 filmova: I Was a
Teenage Werewolf (1957), Maracaibo (1958), High School Confidential!
(1958), The Legend of Tom Dooley (1959). Dobio 5 filmskih nagada: 1969 –
Bambi, 1970 - Western Heritage, 1980 - Western Writers of America, 1984 Golden Boot, 2004 - TV Land; nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnog glumca
u seriji-drama Little House on the Prairie (1978).
VIVIEN LI Vivien Leigh /Vivian Mary Hartley, 5. XI 1913, Darjeeling,
Bengal Presidency, British Raj – 8. VII 1967. (53), London, England, UK/.
Debi: Things Are Looking Up (1935). Poslednji film: Ship of Fools (1965).
Igrala u 19 filmova: Fire Over England (1937), Storm in a Teacup (1937),
21 Days (1940), Waterloo Bridge (1940), That Hamilton Woman (1941),
Anna Karenina (1948), A Streetcar Named Desire (1951), The Deep Blue
Sea (1955), The Roman Spring of Mrs. Stone (1961). Oskar za glavnu
ulogu u Gone with the Wind (1939), A Streetcar Named Desire (1951),
nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u drami A Streetcar Named Desire (1951), nagrada Bafta, nagrada filmskih kritičara.
VIRNA LIZI Virna Lisi /Virna Lisa Pieralisi, 8. XI 1936, Ancona, Italy/.
Debi: E Napoli canta (1953). Igrala u preko 70 filmova: Piccola santa
(1954), Eighteen Year Olds (1955), The Doll That Took the Town (1958),
Lost Souls (1959), Il mondo dei miracoli (1959) Caterina Sforza, la
leonessa di Romagna (1959), Romolo e Remo (1961), How to Murder Your
Wife (1965), Le bambole (1965), Casanova 70 (1965), Assault on a Queen
(1966), Not with My Wife, You Don't! (1966), The 25th Hour (1967), The
Girl and the General (1967), Arabella (1967), The Secret of Santa Vittoria
(1969), The Voyeur (1970), Zanna Bianca (1973), Bugie bianche (1979),
Ernesto (1979), La cicala (1980), Time for Loving (1983), Merry
Christmas... Happy New Year (1989), Va' dove ti porta il cuore (1996).
LORA LINI Laura Linney /Laura Leggett Linney, 5. II 1964, New York,
New York, US/. Debi: Lorenzo's Oil (1992). Igrala u preko 30 filmova:
Maze (2002), Mystic River (2003), Love Actually (2003), P.S. (2004),
Jindabyne (2006), Hyde Park on Hudson (2012). Nominacija Oskar za
glavnu ulogu u You Can Count on Me (2000), The Sa-vages (2007),
nominacija Oskar za sporednu ulogu u Kinsey (2004), nomi-nacija Zlatni
globus za glavnu ulogu u drami Youn Can Count on Me (2000), nominacija
Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u komediji The Squid and the Whate (2005),
nominacija Zlatni globus za sporednu ulogu u Kinsey (2004), Zlatni globus
za glavnu glumicu u mini seriji John Adams (2008), Zlatni globus za
glavnu glumicu u seriji-komediji The Big C (2010), nagrada Emi za ulogu u Wild Iris (2001), i
ulogu u mini seriji Frasier (2004), nominacija Saturn za The Exorcism of Emily Rose (2005).
MELISA LIO Melissa Leo /Melissa Chessington Leo, 14. IX 1960,
Manhattan, New York, US/. Debi: Always (1985). Igrala u preko 70 filmova:
Streetwalkin' (1985), A Time of Destiny (1988), Immaculate Conception
(1992), Venice/Venice (1992), Last Summer in the Hamptons (1995),
Homicide: The Movie (2000), 21 Grams (2003), Confess (2005), The House
Is Burning (2006), Black Irish (2007), Lullaby (2008), Stephanie's Image
(2009), The Space Between (2010), Red State (2011), Prairie Bones (2012),
Something in the Water (2012), Dwegons (2012), A Single Shot (2013), Over
the Wall (2013). Dobitnica Oskara za sporednu ulogu u The Fighter
(2010), nominacija Oskar za glavnu ulogu u Frozen River (2008),
HIT LEDŽER Heath Ledger /Heath Andrew Ledger, 4. IV 1979 – 22. I
2008, Perth, Western Australia, Australia/. Debi: Clowning Around (1992).
Poslednji film: The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus (2009). Igrao u 19
filmova: Two Hands (1999), 10 Things I Hate About You (1999), The Patriot
(2000), A Knight's Tale (2001), Ned Kelly (2003), Candy (2006), I'm Not
There (2007). Oskar za sporednu ulogu u The Dark Knight (2008),
nominacija Oskar za sporednu ulogu u Brokeback Mountain (2005),
dobitnik Zlatnog globusa za sporednu ulogu u The Dark Knight (2008),
nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u drami Brokeback Mountain
(2005), dobitnik nagrade Bafta, nominacija za Nagradu Udruženja filmskih
i tv glumaca za najboljeg glumca u Brokeback Mountain (2005).
DŽON LITGOU John Lithgow /John Arthur Lithgow, 19. X 1945,
Rochester, New York, US/. Debi: Dealing: Or the Berkeley-to-Boston FortyBrick Lost-Bag Blues (1972). Igrao u preko 50 filmova: Footloose (1984),
2010 (1984), Santa Claus: The Movie (1985), My Letter to George (1986),
The Manhattan Project (1986), Harry and the Hendersons (1987), Distant
Thunder (1988), Raising Cain (1992), The Wrong Man (1993), Don Quixote
(2000). Nominacija Oskar za sporednu ulogu u The World According to
Garp (1982), Terms of Endearment (1983), Zlatni globus za sporednog
glumca u mini seriji Dexter (2009), Zlatni globus za glavnog glumca u
seriji-komedija 3rd Rock from the Sun (1996), nominacija Zlatni globus za
istu ulogu u istoj seriji (1997, 1998).
KRISTOFER LI Christopher Lee /Christopher Frank Carandini Lee,
27. V.1922, Belgravia, London, England, UK/. Debi: Corridor of Mirrors
(1948). Igrao u blizu 200 filmova: Dracula: Prince of Darkness (1966),
Dracula Has Risen from the Grave (1968), Count Dracula (1970), Taste
the Blood of Dracula (1970), One More Time (1970), Scars of Dracula
(1970), Dracula AD 1972 (1972), The Satanic Rites of Dracula (1973),
Nothing But the Night (1973), Dracula père et fils (1976), House of the
Long Shadows (1983), The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring
(2001), Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones (2001), The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers
(2002), Alice in Wonderland (2010), Hugo (2011). Više puta nagrađivan i nominovan;
najznačajnije: Nominacija Saturn za ulogu u The Wicker Man (1973), Arabian Adventure (1979).
DŽENET LI Janet Leigh /Jeanette Helen Morrison, 6. VII 1927, Merced,
California, US – 3. X 2004. (77), Los Angeles, California, US/. Debi: The
Romance of Rosy Ridge (1947). Poslednji film: Bad Girls from Valley High
(2005). Igrala u 51 filmu: Holiday Affair (1949), Strictly Dishonorable
(1951), Angels in the Outfield (1951), Two Tickets to Broadway (1951), Fearless Fagan (1952), The Naked Spur (1953), Confidentially Connie (1953),
Houdini (1953), Walking My Baby Back Home (1953), Prince Valiant
(1954), The Black Shield of Falworth (1954), Rogue Cop (1954), Pete Kelly's Blues (1955), My Sister Eileen (1955), Safari (1955), Jet Pilot (1957),
The Perfect Furlough (1959), Who Was That Lady? (1960), Pepe (1960),
Bye Bye Birdie (1963). Nominacija Oskar za sporednu ulogu u Psycho
(1960), dobitnica Zlatnog globusa za sporednu ulogu u Psycho (1960)
DŽENIFER DŽEJSON LI Jennifer Jason Leigh /Jennifer Leigh Morrow, 5. II 1962, Hollywood, California, US/. Debi: The Spy Who Never Was
(1976). Igrala u skoro 50 filmova: Last Exit to Brooklyn (1989), Miami Blues
(1990), Single White Female (1992), Georgia (1995), Kansas City (1995),
Bastard Out of Carolina (1996), Washington Square (1997), Existenz
(1999), Skipped Parts (2000), The Anniversary Party (2001), The Quickie
(2001), Childstar (2003), Margot at the Wedding (2007), Synecdoche, New
York (2008). Nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u drami Mrs. Parker
and the Vicious Circle (1994), nominacija Saturn za sporednu ulogu u Dolores Claiborne (1995), nagrada festivala Tokyo za The King is Alive 2000).
REJ LIOTA Ray Liotta /Raymond Allen Liotta, 18. XII 1954, Newark,
New Jersey, US/. Debi: The Lonely Lady (1983). Igrao u preko 60 filmova:
Dominick and Eugene (1988), Goodfellas (1990), Article 99 (1992),
Unlawful Entry (1992), No Escape (1994), Corrina, Corrina (1994),
Unforgettable (1996), Turbulence (1997), Phoenix (1998), Forever Mine
(1999), Pilgrim (2000), A Rumor of Angels (2000), Heartbreakers (2001),
Narc (2002), Identity (2003), Control (2004), Revolver (2005), Slow Burn
(2005), Hero Wanted (2008), Crossing Over (2009), La Linea (2009), Street
Kings: Motor City (2011), The River Murders (2011). Nominacija Zlatni
globus za sporednu ulogu u Something Wild (1986).
KLORIS LIČMAN Cloris Leachman /30. IV 1926, Des Moines, Iowa,
US/. Debi: Carnegie Hall (1947). Pored 180 tv uloga, igrala u preko 60
filmova: Dillinger (1973), Daisy Miller (1974), High Anxiety (1977), Scavenger Hunt (1979), Herbie Goes Bananas (1980), Foolin' Around (1980),
Yesterday (1981), Spanglish (2004). Dobitnica Oskara za sporednu ulogu
u The Last Picture Show (1971), nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu
u komediji Charley and the Angel (1973), Young Frankenstein (1974),
nominacija Zlatni globus za sporednu ulogu u The Last Picture Show
(1971), dobitnica Zlatnog globusa za glavnu glumicu u seriji-komedija
Phillys (1975), dobitnica nagrade Emi, dobitnica nagrade Bafta.
MIRNA LOJ Myrna Loy /Myrna Adele Williams, 2. VIII 1905. Helena,
Montana, US – 14. XII 1993. (88), New York City, New York, US/. Debi:
What Price Beauty? (1925). Poslednji film: Just Tell Me What You Want
(1980). Igrala u 122 filma: Vanity Fair (1932), The Wet Parade (1932),
Thirteen Women (1932), The Prizefighter and the Lady (1933), Penthouse
(1933), Manhattan Melodrama (1934), Stamboul Quest (1934), Wings in the
Dark (1935), Parnell (1937), Man-Proof (1938), Third Finger, Left Hand
(1940), So Goes My Love (1945), The Red Pony (1949), Lonelyhearts
(1958), The April Fools (1969), The Elevator (1974). Special Award (1990)
KRISTOFER LOJD Christopher Lloyd /Christopher Allen Lloyd, 22.
X 1938, Stamford, Connecticut, US/. Debi: Airport (1970). Igrao u preko 90
filmova: Back to the Future (1985), Miracles (1986), Walk Like a Man
(1987), The Dream Team (1989), Back to the Future II (1989), Back to the
Future III (1990), Suburban Commando (1991), The Addams Family
(1991), Road to Avonlea (1992), Addams Family Values (1993), Twenty
Bucks (1994), Camp Nowhere (1994), When Good Ghouls Go Bad (2001),
Nominovan i nagrađivan, a najznačajnije: nagrada Emi za ulogu u seriji
Taxi, za ulogu u seriji-drama Road to Avonlea (1992), nominacija Saturn
za ulogu u Back to the Future (1985), Who Framed Roger Rabbit (1988).
HAROLD LOJD Harold Lloyd /Harold Clayton Lloyd, 20. IV 1893,
Burchard, Nebraska, US – 8. III 1971. (77), Beverly Hills, California, US/.
Debi: The Old Monk's Tale (1913). Poslednji film: The Sin of Harold
Diddlebock (1947). Igrao u 205 filmova: Willie Runs the Park (1915), Pete,
the Pedal Polisher (1915), Close-Cropped Clippings (1915), Beyond His
Fondest Hopes (1915), Just Nuts (1915), Spit-Ball Sadie (1915),… A
Sailor-Made Man (1921), Grandma's Boy (1922), Safety Last! (1923), Why
Worry? (1923), Girl Shy (1924), Hot Water (1924), The Freshman (1925),
For Heaven's Sake (1926), The Kid Brother (1927), Speedy (1928), Welcome Danger (1929), The Cat's-Paw (1934), Movie Crazy (1932), The Milky
Way (1936), Professor Beware (1938). Nagrada Special Award (1952).
ĐINA LOLOBRIĐIDA Gina Lollobrigida /Luigina Lollobrigida, 4.
VII 1927, Subiaco, Italy/. Debi: Return of the Black Eagle (1946). Igrala u
63 filma: Pagliacci (1948), Campane a martello (1949), Cuori senza frontiere (1950), Attention! Bandits! (1951), Fanfan la Tulipe (1952), La provinciale (1953), Le infedeli (1953), La romana (1954), Le Grand Jeu (1954),
The World's Most Beautiful Woman (1955), Trapeze (1956), Come September (1961), Venere Imperiale (1963), Woman of Straw (1964), King, Queen,
Knave (1972). Nagrade u Italiji: 3 puta David di Donatello, 2 puta Nastro
d'Argento, nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u Buona Sera Mrs.
Campbell (1968), nominacija Zlatni globus za sporednu ulogu u mini-seriji
Falcon Crest (1984), nominacija Bafta za Bread, Love and Dreams (1953).
HERBERT LOM Herbert Lom /Herbert Charles Angelo Kuchacevich
von Schluderbacheru, 11. IX 1917, Prague, Austria-Hungary (now Czech
Republic)/. Debi: Zena pod krízem (1937). Poslednji film: Son of the Pink
Panther (1993). Igrao u 99 filmova: War and Peace (1956), Room 43
(1958), I Aim at the Stars (1960) Spartacus (1960), I Like Money (1961),
The Frightened City (1961), The Phantom of the Opera (1962), Uncle Tom's
Cabin (1965), Gambit (1966), Eve (1968), Mark of the Devil (1970), Dorian
Gray (1970), Murders in the Rue Morgue (1971), Dark Places (1973), And
Now the Screaming Starts! (1973), The Return of the Pink Panther (1976),
The Pink Panther Strikes Again (1976), Revenge of the Pink Panther
(1978), Trail of the Pink Panther (1982), Curse of the Pink Panther (1983).
KEROL LOMBARD Carole Lombard /Jane Alice Peters, 6. X 1908,
Fort Wayne, US - 16. I 1942. (33), Mount Potosi, Las Vegasa, Nevada, US/.
Debi: A Perfect Crime (1921). Poslednji film: To Be or Not to Be (1942).
Igrala u 78 filmova: …Virtue (1932), Bolero (1934), Lady by Choice (1934),
The Gay Bride (1934), Hands Across the Table (1935), Love Before
Breakfast (1936), The Princess Comes Across (1936), Swing High, Swing
Low (1937), Nothing Sacred (1937), True Confession (1937), Fools for
Scandal (1938), Made for Each Other (1939), In Name Only (1939), Vigil in
the Night (1940), They Knew What They Wanted (1940), Mr. & Mrs. Smith
(1941). Nominacija Oskar za glavnu ulogu u My Man Godfrey (1936).
SOFIJA LOREN Sophia Loren /Sofia Villani Scicolone, 20. IX 1934,
Rome, Italy/. Debi: Il voto (1950). Igralau preko 80 filmova: Due notti con
Cleopatra (1953), Aida (1953), Attila (1954), Peccato che sia una canaglia
(1954), Pane, amore e... (1956), La fortuna di essere donna (1956), Legend
of the Lost (1957), Desire Under the Elms (1958), The Black Orchid (1958),
Ieri, oggi, domani (1963), I girasoli (1970), The Voyage (1974), Una giornata particolare (1977), Nine (2009). Dobitnica Oskara za glavnu ulogu u
La ciociara (1961), nominacija Oskar za glavnu ulogu u Matrimonio
all'italiana (1964), nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u komediji In Started in Naples
(1960), Matrimonio all'italiana (1964), nominacija Zlatni globus za sporednu ulogu u Pret-a-Porter
(1994), dobitnica nagrade Bafta, dobitnica Nagrade filmskih kritičara, Special Award (1990).
DŽENIFER LORENS Jennifer Lawrence (1990). Debi: Garden Party
(2008). Igrala u više od 10 filmova: The Poker House (2008), The Burning
Plain (2008), Like Crazy (2011), The Beaver (2011), X-Men: First Class
(2011), The Hunger Games (2012), Devil You Know (2012), House at the
End of the Street (2012), The Silver Linings Playbook (2012), Serena
(2013), Catching Fire (2013), Untitled X-Men Sequel (2014). Nominacija
Oskar za glavnu ulogu u Winter’s Bone (2010), nominacija Zlatni globus za
glavnu ulogu u Winter’s Bone (2010).
PAJPER LORI Piper Laurie /Rosetta Jacobs, 22. I 1932, Detroit,
Michigan, US/. Debi: Louisa (1950). Igrala u skoro 50 filmova: Francis
Goes to the Races (1951), Has Anybody Seen My Gal? (1952), Son of Ali
Baba (1952), The Golden Blade (1953), The Mississippi Gambler (1953),
Ruby (1977), Tim (1979), Wrestling Ernest Hemingway (1993), Trauma
(1993), The Grass Harp (1995). Nominacija Oskar za glavnu ulogu u The
Hustler (1961), nominacija Oskar za sporednu ulogu u Carrie (1976),
Children of a Lesser God (1986), nominacija Zlatni globus za sporednu
ulogu u Carrie (1976), dobitnica Zlatnog globusa za sporednu glumicu u
mini seriji Twin Paks (1990), nominacija Zlatni globus za sporednu
glumicu u mini seriji The Torn Birds (1983), Promise (1986).
HJU LORI Hugh Laurie /James Hugh Calum Laurie, 11. VI 1959,
Oxford, Oxfordshire, England, UK/. Debi: Plenty (1985). Uz preko 50 tv
uloga igrao u više od 30 filmova: The Laughing Prisoner (1987), Peter's
Friends (1992), The Snow Queen (1995), 101 Dalmatians (1996), Carnivale
(2000), Maybe Baby (2000), The Piano Tuner (2001), Chica de Río (2001),
Dragans of New York (2002), Stuart Little 2 (2002), Street Kings (2008),
The Oranges (2011), Mister Pip (2012), RoboCop (2013). Dobitnik Zlatnog
globusa za glavnog glumca u seriji-drama House (2005, 2006),
nominacija za istu ulogu (2007, 2008, 2009, 2010).
ČARLS LAFTON Charles Laughton, 1. VII 1899, Scarborough, Yorkshire, England, UK – 15. XII 1962. (63), Hollywood, California, US/. Debi:
Daydreams (1928). Poslednji film: Advise & Consent (1962). Igrao u 56 filmova: Wolves (1930), Down River (1931), Payment Deferred (1932), Island
of Lost Souls (1933), Ruggles of Red Gap (1935), Mutiny on the Bounty
(1935), Rembrandt (1936), Sidewalks of London (1938), Jamaica Inn
(1939), The Hunchback of Notre Dame (1939), This Land Is Mine (1943),
The Man from Down Under (1943), The Suspect (1944), Captain Kidd
(1945), The Man on the Eiffel Tower (1949), The Strange Door (1951),
Hobson's Choice (1954). Oskar za glavnu ulogu u The Private Life of Henry VIII (1933), nominacija Oskar za glavnu ulogu u Mutiny on the Bounty (1935), Witness for the Prosecution (1957),
nominacija Bafta za ulogu u Witness for the Prosecution (1957), Advise and Consent (1962).
DŽUD LO Jude Law /David Jude Heyworth Law, 22. XII 1972, Lewisham, London, UK/. Debi: The Crane (1994). Igrao u preko 40 filmova:
Wilde (1997), Road to Perdition (2002), Sky Captain and the World of
Tomorrow (2004), Closer (2004), The Aviator (2004), The Holiday (2006),
Rage (200). Nominacija Oskar za glavnu ulogu u Cold Mountain (2003),
nominacija Oskar za sporednu ulogu u The Talented Mr. Ripley (1999),
nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u drami Cold Mountain (2003),
nominacija Zlatni globus za sporednu ulogu u The Talented Mr. Ripley
(1999), A.I. Artificial Intelligence (2001), dobitnik nagrade Bafta za The
Talented Mr. Ripley (1999), nominacija Saturn za Sherlock Holmes (2009).
LINDZI LOHAN Lindsay Lohan /Lindsay Dee Lohan, 2. VI 1986, New
York City, New York, US/. Debi: The Parent Trap (1998). Igrala u oko 15
filmova: Life-Size (2000), Get a Clue (2002), Freaky Friday (2003),
Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen (2004), Mean Girls (2004), Herbie:
Fully Loaded (2005), Just My Luck (2006), A Prairie Home Companion
(2006), Bobby (2006), Georgia Rule (2007), I Know Who Killed Me (2007),
Chapter 27 (2007), Labor Pains (2009), InAPPropriate Comedy (2012), The
Canyons (2013). Nagrađivana kao mlada glumica za više uloga.
BELA LUGOŠI Bela Lugosi /Béla Ferenc Dezső Blaskó, 20. X 1882,
Lugos, Austria–Hungary (now Lugoj, Romania) - 16. VIII 1956. (73), Los
Angeles, California, US/. Debi: Nászdal (1917). Poslednji film: Plan 9 from
Outer Space (1959). Igrao u 112 filmova: The Mysterious Mr. Wong (1935),
The Mystery of the Marie Celeste (1935), Murder by Television (1935), The
Phantom Creeps (1939), The Dark Eyes of London (1939), The Devil Bat
(1940), Invisible Ghost (1941), Spooks Run Wild (1941), The Corpse
Vanishes (1942), Night Monster (1942), Bowery at Midnight (1942), The
Ape Man (1943), The Return of the Vampire (1944), Voodoo Man (1944),
Scared to Death (1947), Bela Lugosi Meets a Brooklyn Gorilla (1952).
DŽERI LUIS Jerry Lewis (Joseph Levitch), rođen 16. 3. 1926; New
Jersey, SAD. Debi: How to Smuggle a Hernia Across the Border (1949).
Igrao u preko 60 filmova: At War with the Army (1950), That's My Boy
(1951), Sailor Beware (1952), Jumping Jacks (1952), The Stooge (1952),
Scared Stiff (1953), The Caddy (1953), Money from Home (1953), Living It
Up (1954), 3 Ring Circus (1954), You're Never Too Young (1955), Artists
and Models (1955), Pardners (1956), Hollywood or Bust (1956), The Delicate Delinquent (1957), The Sad Sack (1957), Rock-A-Bye Baby (1958), The
Geisha Boy (1958), Don't Give Up the Ship (1959), Visit to a Small Planet
(1960), The Bellboy (1960), Cinderfella (1960), The Ladies Man (1961), The Errand Boy (1961),
It's Only Money (1962), The Nutty Professor (1963), … Višestruko nominovan i nagrađivan, a
najznačajnije nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u komediji Boing Boing (1965).
DŽULIJET LUIS Juliette Lewis /21. VI 1973, Los Angeles, California,
US/. Debi: My Stepmother Is an Alien (1988). Igrala u preko 40 filmova:
Natural Born Killers (1994), The Evening Star (1996), Some Girl (1998),
The 4th Floor (1999), Picture Claire (2001), Blueberry (2004), Daltry
Calhoun (2004), Aurora Borealis (2006), Sympathy for Delicious (2010),
Conviction (2010), Hick (2011), Nominacija Oskar za sporednu ulogu u
Cape Fear (1991), nominacija Zlatni globus za sporednu ulogu u Cape Fear
(1991), nominacija Saturn za sporednu ulogu u From Dusk till Dawn (1996),
nominacija Emi za My Louisiana Sky (2001), Hysterical Blindness (2002).
POL LUKAS Paul Lukas /Pál Lukács, 26. V 1891, Budapest, Hungary –
15. VIII 1971. (80), Tangier, Morocco/. Debi: A Man of the Earth (1915).
Poslednji film: Sol Madrid (1968). Igrao u 100 filmova: Samson and
Delilah (1922), Strictly Dishonorable (1931), Captured! (1933), The Three
Musketeers (1935), Brief Ecstasy (1937), The Lady Vanishes (1938),
Captain Fury (1939), The Monster and the Girl (1941), Uncertain Glory
(1944), Address Unknown (1944), Experiment Perilous (1944), Deadline at
Dawn (1946), Whispering City (1948), Kim (1950), 20,000 Leagues Under
the Sea (1954), Scent of Mystery (1960), Fun in Acapulco (1963). Dobitnik
Oskara za glavnu ulogu u Watch on the Rhine (1943), dobitnik Zlatnog
globusa za glavnu ulogu u drami Watch on the Rhine (1943).
TOBI MEGVAJER Tobey Maguire /Tobias Vincent Maguire, 27. VI
1975, Santa Monica, California, US/. Debi: The Wizard (1989). Igrao u više
od 25 filmova, među kojima: Healer (1994), Revenge of the Red Baron
(1994), Joyride (1996), Seduced by Madness (1996), Joyride (1997), The Ice
Storm (1997), Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas (1998), Ride with the Devil
(1999), The Cider House Rules (1999), Wonder Boys (2000), Seabiscuit
(2003), The Good German (2006), Spider-Man 3 (2007), The Details
(2011), The Great Gatsby (2012), Life of Pi (2012). Nominacija Zlatni
globus za glavnu ulogu u drami Brothers (2009), dobitnik nagrade Saturn
za ulogu u Pleasantville (1998), Spider-Man 2 (2004), nominacija Saturn
za ulogu u Spider-Man (2002).
EJMI MADIGAN Amy Madigan /Amy Marie Madigan, 11. IX 1950,
Chicago, Illinois, US/. Debi: Victims (1982). Igrala u preko 30 filmova: Love
Child (1982), Alamo Bay (1985), Nowhere to Hide (1987), Field of Dreams
(1989), Uncle Buck (1989), The Dark Half (1993), Female Perversions
(1996), Riders of the Purple Sage (1996), A Bright Shining Lie (1998),
Having Our Say: The Delany Sisters' First 100 Years (1999), The Sleepy
Time Gal (2001), Admissions (2004), Doppelgänger (2007), Unknown
Movie (2011), That's What I Am (2011), Shirin in Love (2012). Nominacija
Oskar za sporednu ulogu u Twice in a Lifetime (1985), nominacija Zlatni
globus za sporednu ulogu u Twice in a Lifetime (1985), dobitnica Zlatnog
globusa za sporednu glumicu u mini seriji Roe vs. Wade (1989).
MAJKL MADSEN Michael Madsen /Michael Soren Madsen, 25. IX
1957, Chicago, Illinois, US/. Debi: Against All Hope (1982). Igrao u skoro
150 filmova: Kill Me Again (1989), Thelma & Louise (1991), Beyond the
Law (1992), The Getaway (1994), Species (1995), Donnie Brasco (1997),
Kill Bill: Volume 1 (2003), Kill Bill: Volume 2 (2004), BloodRayne (2005),
Chasing Ghosts (2005), Strength and Honour (2007), Vice (2008), The
Killing Jar (2010), Money to Burn (2010), Joshua Tree (2011), Refuge from
the Storm (2012), Garbage (2012), Terrible Angels (2012), Lionhead
(2012), Cloud Nine (2012), Trophy (2012), The Sorrow (2012), Sprawl
(2012), The Brazen Bull (2011), Infected (2012), Magic Boys (2012), I'm in
Love with a Church Girl (2012), The Witching Hour (2012).
SARA MAJLS Sarah Miles /31. XII 1941, Ingatestone, Essex, England,
UK/. Debi: Term of Trial (1962). Igrala u preko 20 filmova: Those
Magnificent Men in their Flying Machines (1965), Blowup (1966), Lady
Caroline Lamb (1972), The Hireling (1973), The Big Sleep (1978), Steaming
(1985), White Mischief (1987). Nominacija Oskar za glavnu ulogu u Ryan’s
Daughter (1970), nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u drami Ryan’s
Daughter (1970), The Sailor Who Fell from Grae with the Sea (1976), nomi
nacija Bafta za uloge u Term of Trial (1962), The Servant (1963), Ryan’s
Daughter (1970), Hope and Glory (1987).
FRED MAK MAREJ Fred MacMurray /Fredrick Martin MacMurray,
30. VIII 1908, Kankakee, Illinois, US – 5. XI 1991. (83) Santa Monica, California, US/. Debi: Girls Gone Wild (1929). Poslednji film: The Swarm
(1978). Igrao u 88 filmova: The Gilded Lily (1935), Car 99 (1935), Men Without Names (1935), Alice Adams (1935), Hands Across the Table (1935),
The Bride Comes Home (1935), The Trail of the Lonesome Pine (1936), Thirteen Hours by Air (1936), The Princess Comes Across (1936),…The Apartment (1960), Kisses for My President (1964), Follow Me, Boys! (1966), The
Happiest Millionaire (1967), Charley and the Angel (1973). Nominacija
Zlatni globus: glavna uloga u komediji The Absent-Minded Profesor (1961).
KARL MALDEN Karl Malden /Мла ен Ђо ђе Секуловић, 22. III
1912, Chicago, Illinois, US - 1. VII 2009. (97), Brentwood, Los Angeles,
California, US/. Debi: Charlie Chan at the Opera (1936). Poslednji film:
The Streets of the Invisibles (2010). Igrao u 52 filma: Phantom of the Rue
Morgue (1954), Baby Doll (1956), One-Eyed Jacks (1961), Birdman of
Alcatraz (1962), Dead Ringer (1964), Nevada Smith (1966), Patton (1970),
Beyond the Poseidon Adventure (1979), Billy Galvin (1986). Oskar za sporednu ulogu u A Streetcar Named Desire (1951), nominacija Okar za glavnu ulogu u On the Waterfront Njujorka (1954), za glavnu ulogu u komediji
Gypsy (1962), nominacija Zlatni globus za najboljeg glumca u seriji - drama
The Streets of San Francisco (1975), dobitnik nagrade Emi.
KERI MALIGAN Carey Mulligan /Carey Hannah Mulligan, 28. V
1985, Westminster, London, England, UK/. Debi: Pride & Prejudice (2005).
Igrala u više od 10 filmova, među kojima: Northanger Abbey (2007) My Boy
Jack (2007), The Greatest (2009), Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps (2010),
Never Let Me Go (2010), Drive (2011), Shame (2011), The Great Gatsby
(2012), Inside Llewyn Davis (2013), Untitled Charlie Kaufman and Spike
Jonze Project (2013). Nominacija Oskar za glavnu ulogu u An Education
(2009), nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u An Education (2009).
DŽON MALKOVIČ John Malkovich /John Gavin Malkovich, 9. XII
1953, Christopher, Illinois, US/. Debi: A Wedding (1978). Igrao u preko 60
filmova: The Killing Fields (1984), The Glass Menagerie (1986), Dangerous Liaisons (1988), Queens Logic (1991), Being John Malkovich (1999),
Burn After Reading (2008), Red (2010). Nominacija Oskar za sporednu ulogu u Places in the Heart (1984), In the Line of Fire (1993), nominacija Zlatni globus za sporednu ulogu u In the Line of Fire (1993), nominacija Zlatni
globus za sporednog glumca u miniseriji Death of a Salesman (1985), Heart
of Darkness (1994), nagrade Emi za Death of a Salesman (1985),
nominacija Emi za ulogu u mini seriji RKO 281 (1999), Napoléon (2002).
SILVANA MANGANO Silvana Mangano /21. IV 1930, Rome, Italy 16. XII 1989. (59), Madrid, Spain/. Debi: The Last Judgment (1945).
Poslednji film: Dark Eyes (1987). Igrala u 39 filmova, među kojima: Riso
amaro (1949), Il lupo della Sila (1949), Il Brigante Musolino (1950), Anna
(1951), Mambo (1954), L'oro di Napoli (1954), Ulysses (1955), This Angry
Age (1958), La grande guerra (1959), Barabbas (1961), Il processo di
Verona (1963), La mia signora (1964), Io, io, io... e gli altri (1966), Le
streghe (1967), Oedipus Rex (1967), Teorema (1968), Scipione detto anche
l'Africano (1971), Death in Venice (1971), The Scientific Cardplayer (1972),
Ludwig (1972), Gruppo di famiglia in un interno (1974), Oci ciornie (1984).
ANA MANJANI Anna Magnani /7. III 1908, Rome, Italy - 26. IX 1973,
(65), Rome, Italy/. Debi: Scampolo (1928). Poslednji film: 1870 (1971). Igrala u 46 filmova: L'ultima carrozzella (1943), Rome, Open City (1945), Il
Bandito (1946), L'onorevole Angelina (1947), Assunta Spina (1948), L'Amore (1948), Bellissima (1951), Le Carrosse d'or (1953), Suor Letizia (1957),
Nella città l'inferno (1957). Oskar za glavnu ulogu u The Rose Tatto
(1955), nominacija Oskar za sporednu ulogu u Wild Is the Wind (1957),
Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u drami The Rose Tatto (1995), nominacija
Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u drami Wild is the Wind (1957), za glavnu
ulogu u komediji The Secret of Santa Vittoria (1969), nagrada Bafta.
NINO MANFREDI Nino Manfredi /22. III 1921, Castro dei Volsci,
Province of Frosinone, Lazio , Italy – 4. VI 2004. (83), Rome, Italy/. Debi:
Torna a Napoli (1949). Poslednji film: Little Bee Julia & Lady Life (2003).
Igrao u 98 filmova: Le pillole di Ercole (1960), A cavallo della tigre (1961),
Anni ruggenti (1962), L'amore difficile (1962), El Verdugo (1963), High
Infidelity (1963), Questa volta parliamo di uomini (1965), Thrilling (1965),
I complessi (1965), Straziami, ma di baci saziami (1966), Operazione San
Gennaro (1966), Italian Secret Service (1967), Il padre di famiglia (1967),
Nell'anno del Signore (1969), Vedo nudo (196), Rosolino Paternò, soldato...
(1970), …. Nudo di donna (1981), Secondo Ponzio Pilato (1987), Alberto
Express (1990), De Vliegende Hollander (1995), Colpo di luna (1995).
LI MARVIN Lee Marvin /Leo Marvin Steimen, 19. II 1924, New York
City, New York, US – 29. VIII 1987. (63), Tucson, Arizona, US/. Debi:
You're in the Navy Now (1951). Poslednji film: The Delta Force (1986).
Igrao u 60 filmova: Seven Men from Now (1956), The Killers (1964), The
Dirty Dozen (1967), Point Blank (1967), Hell in the Pacific (1968), Monte
Walsh (1970), Prime Cut (1972), Emperor of the North Pole (1973), The
Iceman Cometh (1973), The Spikes Gang (1974), The Klansman (1974),
Shout at the Devil (1976), The Great Scout & Cathouse Thursday (1976),
Avalanche Express (1979), The Big Red One (1980), The Dirty Dozen: The
Next Mission (1985), Dobitnik Oskara za glavnu ulogu u Cat Ballou
(1965), dobitnil Zlatnog globusa za glavnu ulogu u komediji Cat Ballou (1965), nominacija
Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u komediji Paint Your Wagon (1969), dobitnik nagrade Bafta.
EN MARGRET Ann-Margret /Ann-Margret Olsson, 28. IV 1941,
Stockholm, Sweden/. Debi: Pocketful of Miracles (1961). Igrala u preko 50
filmova: Viva Las Vegas (1964), Kitten with a Whip (1964), The Pleasure
Seekers (1964), Bus Riley's Back in Town (1965), Stagecoach (1966), The
Swinger (1966), … Nominacija Oskar za glavnu ulogu u Tommy (1975),
nominacija Oskar za sporednu ulogu u Carnal Knowledge (1971), Zlatni
globus za glavnu ulogu u mjuziklu Tommy (1975), Zlatni globus za sporednu ulogu u Carnal Knowledge (1971), nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u komediji Bye Bye Birdie (1963), nominacija Zlatni globus za
sporednu ulogu u Joseph Andres (1977), Zlatni globus za najbolju glumicu u mini seriji Who Will Love My Chirlden (1983), A Streetcar Named Desire (1984), nominacija Zlatni globus za najbolju glumicu u mini seriji The Two Mrs. Grenvilles (1987), Life of the Party: The Pamela Harriman Story (1998) i za sporednu ulogu u mini seriji Alex Hale’s Quen (1993).
DŽULIJANA MARGULJES Julianna Margulies /Julianna Luisa
Margulies, 8. VI 1966, Spring Valley, New York, US/. Debi: Out for Justice
(1991). Igrala u skoro 20 filmova, među kojima: Traveller (1997), A Price
Above Rubies (1998), What's Cooking? (2000), Ghost Ship (2002), Snakes
on a Plane (2006), Beautiful Ohio (2006), City Island (2009). Nominacija
Zlatni globus za najbolju glumicu u mini seriji The Mists of Avalon (2001),
The Grid (2004), nominacija Zlatni globus za sporednu glumicu u mini seriji
ER (1995), dobitnica Zlatnog globusa za najbolju glumicu u serijidrama The Good Wife (2009), nominacija Zlatni globus za najbolju
glumicu u seriji-drama ER (1997, 1998, 1999), The Good Wife (2010).
ŽAN MARE Jean Marais (Jean-Alfred Villain-Marais, 11. XII 1913,
Cherbourg, France - 8. XI 1998. (84), Cannes, France/. Debi: Song of the
Streets (1933). Poslednji film: Stealing Beauty (1996). Igrao u 81 filmu:
L'Éternel retour (1943), Voyage sans espoir (1943), La Belle et la Bête
(1946), Les Chouans (1947), Aux yeux du souvenir (1948), Le Secret de
Mayerling (1948), Les Parents terribles (1948), Orphée (1949), Le Château
de verre (1950), La voce del silenzio (1952), L'Amour, Madame (1952),
L'Appel du destin (1953), Les Amants de minuit (1953), Dortoir des grandes
(1953), Julietta (1953), Le Comte de Monte-Cristo (1954), Futures vedettes
(1955), Goubbiah, mon amour (1956), Toute la ville accuse (1956), Elena
and Her Men (1956), Typhon sur Nagasaki (1957), S.O.S. Noronha (1957),
BIL MAREJ Bill Murray /William James Murray, 21. IX. 1950, Wilmette, Illinois, US/. Debi: Shame of the Jungle (1975). Igrao u preko 50 filmova: Meatballs (1979), What About Bob? (1991), Wild Things (1997),
Cradle Will Rock (1999), The Royal Tenenbaums (2001), The Life Aquatic
with Steve Zissou (2004), Zombieland (200), Get Low (2010). Nominacija
Oskar za glavnu ulogu u Lost in Translation (2003), Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u komediji Lost in Translation (2003), nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u komediji Ghostbusters (1984), nominacija Zlatni globus za sporednu ulogu u Rushmore (1998), nagrada Emi za Saturday
Night Live, nagrada Bafta, Nagrada filmskih kritičara, nominacija Nagrada Udruženja filmskih i tv glumaca za najbolju ulogu u Lost in Translation (2003), nominacija Saturn za Scrooged (1988), Groundhog Day (1993).
BRAĆA MARKS Chico (Leonard Marx, 22. III 1887 - 11. X 1961),
Harpo (Adolph Arthur Marx, 23. XI 1888 - 28. IX 1964), Groucho (Julius
Henry Marx, 2. X. 1890 - 19. VIII 1977) dobitnik nagrade EMI, Special
Award (1973). Gummo (Milton Marx, 23. X 1892 – 21. IV 1977). Zeppo
(Herbert Manfred Marx, 25. II 1901 – 30. XI 1979). Odigrali veliki broj
uloga zajedno, igrali i u odvojenim filmovima. Neki od zajedničkih filmova:
Humor Risk (1921), Animal Crackers (1930), Monkey Business (1931),
Horse Feathers (1932), Duck Soup (1933), A Night at the Opera (1935),
Room Service (1938), At the Circus (1939), The Big Store (1941), A Night
in Casablanca (1946), Love Happy (1949), The Story of Mankind (1957).
SOFI MARSO Sophie Marceau /Sophie Danièle Sylvie Maupu, 17. XI
1966, Paris, France/. Debi: La boum (1980). Igrala u skoro 40 filmova:
L'amour braque (1985), Police (1985), L'étudiante (1988), Chouans!
(1988), Pacific Palisades (1990), Pour Sacha (1991), Fanfan (1993), La
fille de d'Artagnan (1994), Braveheart (1995), Beyond the Clouds (1995),
Anna Karenina (1997), Marquise (1997), Firelight (1997), Lost & Found
(1999), The World Is Not Enough (1999), Belphégor – Le fantôme du
Louvre (2001), À ce soir (2004), Anthony Zimmer (2005), Trivial (2007),
Les Femmes de l'ombre (2008), LOL (2008), De l'autre côté du lit (2008),
Ne te retourne pas (2009, L'âge de raison (2010). Nagrada Cesar za La
boum 2 (1982), nagrada na festivalima Kan (2000) i Montreal (2002).
DIN MARTIN Dean Martin /Dino Paul Crocetti, 7. VI 1917, Steubenville, Ohio, US – 25. XII 1995. (78), Beverly Hills, California, US/. Debi:
My Friend Irma (1949) Poslednji film: Cannonball Run II (1984). Pored
blizu 180 tv rola, igrao u 56 filmova: At War with the Army (1950), That's
My Boy (1951), Artists and Models (1955), Hollywood or Bust (1956), Ten
Thousand Bedrooms (1957), Some Came Running (1958), Rio Bravo (1959),
Robin and the 7 Hoods (1964), Kiss Me, Stupid (1964), Texas Across the River (1966), Nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u komediji Who Was
That Lady? (1959), Zlatni globus za seriju The Dean Martin Show (1966),
nominacija Zlatni globus za najboljeg glumca u istoj seriji (1967, 1968).
STIV MARTIN Steve Martin /Stephen Glenn Martin, 14. VIII 1945,
Waco, Texas, US/. Debi: The Absent-Minded Waiter (1977). Igrao u preko
40 filmova: The Jerk (1979), Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid (1982), The Man
with Two Brains (1983), The Lonely Guy (1984), Three Amigos (1986),
Planes, Trains and Automobiles (1987), Dirty Rotten Scoundrels (1988), My
Blue Heaven (1990), Grand Canyon (1991), Father of the Bride (1991),
HouseSitter (1992), Leap of Faith (1992), A Simple Twist of Fate (1994),
Mixed Nuts (1994), Sgt. Bilko (1996), The Out-of-Towners (1999), Bowfinger (1999), Novocaine (2001), Shopgirl (2005). Nominacija Zlatni globus
za glavnu ulogu u komediji Pennies from Heaven (1981), All Of Me (1984),
Roxanne (1987), Parenthood (1989), Father of the Bride Part II (1995).
ELZA MARTINELI Elsa Martinelli /Elsa Tia, 30. I 1935, Grosseto,
Tuscany, Italy/. Debi: Se vincessi cento milioni (1953). Igrala u 55 filmova:
The Indian Fighter (1956), La risaia (1956), Donatella (1957). Stowaway
Girl (1957), Manuela (1957), The Mine (1958), Prisoner of the Volga
(1959), Ciao, ciao, bambina (1959), The Big Night (1959), Blood and Roses
(1960), Captain Blood (1960), Love in Rome (1960), Hatari! (1962), The
Pigeon That Took Rome (1962), Scorched Skin (1962), Rampage (1963), De
l'amour (1964), Un milliard dans un billard (1965), The 10th Victim (1965),
Come imparai ad amare le donne (1966), Every Man Is My Enemy (1967),
Maroc 7 (1967), Madigan's Millions (1968), Misdeal (1969), One on Top of
the Other (1969), The Pleasure Pit (1969).
EDI MARFI Eddie Murphy /Edward Regan Murphy, 3. IV 1961;
Brooklyn, New York, US/. Debi: 48 Hrs. (1982). Igrao u 40 filmova: Best
Defense (1984), Bowfinger (1998), Nutty Professor II: The Klumps (2000),
Showtime (2002), Daddy Day Care (2003), The Haunted Mansion (2003),
Shrek the Third (2007), Imagine That (2009), Shrek Forever After (2010).
Nominacija Oskar za sporednu ulogu u Dreamgirls (2006), dobitnik
Zlatnog globusa za sporednu ulogu u Dreamgirls (2006), nominacija
Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u komediji Trading Places (1983), Beverly
Hillls Cop (1984), The Nutty Professor (1996), nominacija Bafta za ulogu u
Shrek (2001). Trostruka nominacija za najgore uloge The Adventures of
Pluto Nash (2002), Norbit (2007), Meet Dave (2008).
ODI MARFI Audie Murphy /Audie Leon Murphy, 20. VI 1924,
Kingston, Teksas, US - 28. V 1971, Brush Mountain, Catawba-Roanoke,
Virginia, US/. Debi: Texas, Brooklyn & Heaven (1948). Poslednji film: A
Time for Dying (1969). Igrao u 49 filmova: Bad Boy (1949), The Red Badge
of Courage (1951), The Duel at Silver Creek (1952), Gunsmoke (1953),
Tumbleweed (1953), Ride Clear of Diablo (1954), Drums Across the River
(1954), Walk the Proud Land (1956), The Guns of Fort Petticoat (1957),
Joe Butterfly (1957), Night Passage (1957), The Quiet American (1958), Ride a Crooked Trail (1958), The Gun Runners (1958), No Name on the Bullet
(1959), The Wild and the Innocent (1959), Trunk to Cairo (1966), …
FREDRIK MARČ Fredric March /Ernest Frederick McIntyre Bickel,
31. VIII 1897, Racine, Wisconsin, US – 14. IV 1975. (77), Los Angeles, California, US/. Debi: The Great Adventure (1921). Poslednji film: The Iceman
Cometh (1973). Igrao u 76 filmova: The Wild Party (1929), Laughter
(1930), Mary of Scotland (1936), Susan and God (1940), Christopher Columbus (1949), Man on a Tightrope (1953), The Desperate Hours (1955), Hombre (1967). Oskar za glavnu ulogu u Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (1931),
The Best Years of Our Lives (1946), nominacija Oskar za glavnu ulogu u
The Royal Family of Broadway (1931), A Star Is Born (1937), Death of a
Salesman (1951), Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u drami Death of a
Salesman (1951), nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u drami Middle
of the Night (1959), Seven Days in May (1964), nominacija Bafta za ulogu u
Death of a Salesman (1951), Executive Suite (1954), Inherit the Wind (1960), nominacija Emi za
ulogu u seriji The Best of Broadway (1954), Shower of Stars (1954), Producers' Showcase (1956).
ĐULIJETA MASINA Giulietta Masina /Giulia Anna Masina, 22. II
1921, San Giorgio di Piano, Italy - 23. III 1994. (73), Rome, Italy/. Debi:
Paisan (1946). Poslednji film: Aujourd'hui peut-être... (1991). Igrala u 29
filmova, među kojima: Without Pity (1948), Variety Lights (1950), Europa
'51 (1952), La Strada (1954), Buonanotte... avvocato! (1955), Il bidone
(1955), Le notti di Cabiria (1957), Fortunella (1958), Nella città l'inferno
(1959), Jons und Erdme (1959), Das kunstseidene Mädchen (1960),
Giulietta degli spiriti (1965), Non stuzzicate la zanzara (1968), Perinbaba
(1985), Ginger e Fred (1986). Više puta nagrađivana, najznačajnije: 2 puta
David di Donatello, nagrada festivala Kan za ulogu Nights of Cabiria
(1957) i San Sebastian za istu ulogu (1957), nominacija Bafta.
MARČELO MASTROJANI Marcello Mastroianni /Marcello Vincenzo Domenico Mastroianni, 28. IX 1924, Fontana Liri, Italy - 19. XII 1996.
(72), Paris, France/. Debi: Marionette (1939). Poslednji film: Voyage to the
Beginning of the World (1997). Igrao u 139 filmova: Giorni d'amore (1954),
Peccato che sia una canaglia (1954), Le notti bianche (1957), La Dolce Vita
(1960), Casanova 70 (1965), The Pizza Triangle (1970), Storia di Piera
(1982), Enrico IV (1984), Ginger e Fred (1986), Che ora è? (1989), Verso
sera (1990), Un, deux, trois, soleil (1993), Sostiene Pereira (1995), Trois
vies et une seule mort (1996). Višestruko nagrađivan, najznačajnije: Nominacija Oskar za glavnu ulogu u Divorzio all'italiana (1961), Una giornata
particolare (1977), Oci ciornie (1987), Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u
komediji Divorce, Italian Style (1962), nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u drami Una
giornata particolare (1977), za glavnu ulogu u komediji Matrimonio all'italiana (1964), Used
People (1992), nominacija Bafta za ulogu u Divorzio all'italiana (1962), Ieri, oggi, domani (1963),
MERI ELIZABET MASTRANTONIO Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio /17. XI 1958, Lombard, Illinois, US/. Debi: The King of Comedy (1983).
Igrala u 20 filmova, među kojima: Scarface (1983), Mussolini: The Untold
Story (1985, mini-serija), Slam Dance (1987), The January Man (1989),
Fools of Fortune (1990), Class Action (1991), White Sands (1992), Consenting Adults (1992), Three Wishes (1995), Two Bits (1995), Limbo (1999),
Witness Protection (1999), The Brooke Ellison Story (2004). Nominacija
Oskar za sporednu ulogu u The Color of Money (1986), nominacija zlatni
globus za sporednu ulogu u The Color of Money (1986), nominacija Saturn
za ulogu u The Abyss (1989), Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves (1991).
VOLTER MATAU Walter Matthow /Walter John Matthow, 1. X 1920,
New York City, New York, US – 1. VII 2000. (79), Santa Monica, California, US/. Debi: The Kentuckian (1955). Poslednji film: Hanging Up (2000).
Igrao u 60 filmova: Gangster Story (1960), A Guide for the Married Man
(1967), The Secret Life of an American Wife (1968), Cactus Flower (1969),
A New Leaf (1971), Plaza Suite (1971), … Dennis the Menace (1993), Out
to Sea (1997), The Odd Couple II (1998). Oskar za sporednu ulogu u The
Fortune Cookie (1966), nominacija Oskar za glavnu ulogu u Kotch (1971),
The Sunshine Boys (1975), Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u komediji The
Sunshine Boys (1975), nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u komediji
The Fortune Cookie (1966), The Odd Couple (1968), Kotch (1971), Pete ‘n’ Tillie (1972), The
Front Page (1974), Hopscotch (1980), First Monday in October (1981), nagrada Bafta.
MARLI METLIN Marlee Matlin /Marlee Bethany Matlin, 24. VIII
1965, Morton Grove, Illinois, US/. Debi: Children of a Lesser God (1986).
Igrala u više od 15 filmova: L'homme au masque d'or (1991), Hear No Evil
(1993), In Her Defense (1999), What the Bleep Do We Know!? (2004),
Sweet Nothing in My Ear (2008). Dobitnica Oskara za glavnu ulogu u
Children of a Lesser God (1986), dobitnica Zlatnog globusa za glavnu
ulogu u drami Children of a Lesser God (1986), nominacija Zlatni globus
za najbolju glumicu u seriji-drama Reasonable Doubts (1991, 1992),
nominacija Emi za ulogu u seriji Seinfeld (1994), Picket Fences (1994), The
Practice (2000), Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (2005).
VILIJAM H. MEJSI William H. Macy /William Hall Macy Jr, 13. III
1950, Miami, Florida, US/. Debi: Somewhere in Time (1980). Igrao u skoro
70 filmova: Oleanna (1995), Boogie Nights (1997), Pleasantville (1998),
Psycho (1998), A Civil Action (1998), Happy, Texas (1999), Magnolia
(1999), State and Main (2000), Welcome to Collinwood (2002), The Cooler
(2003), Edmond (2005), Bobby (2006), The Deal (2008). Višestruko nagrađivan i nominovan; najznačajnije: Nominacija Oskar za sporednu ulogu u
Fargo (1996), nominacija Zlatni globus za najboljeg glumca u mini seriji
Door to Door (2002), The Wool Cap (2004), dobitnik nagrade Emi za
ulogu u mini seriji Door to Door (2003), nominacija Emi za ulogu u seriji
ER (1997), A Slight Case Of Murder (1999), Sports Night (2000), Stealing
Sinatra (2003), Nightmares and Dreamscapes:"Umney's Last Case” (2006).
DŽEJMS MEK AVOJ James McAvoy /James Andrew McAvoy, 21.
IV 1979, Port Glasgow, Scotland/. Debi: The Pool (2001). Igrao u preko 20
filmova, među kojima: Swimming Pool (2001), Bollywood Queen (2003),
Inside I'm Dancing (2004), The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch
and the Wardrobe (2004), Strings (2004), Starter for 10 (2006), Becoming
Jane (2007), Wanted (2008), The Last Station (2009), The Conspirator
(2010), X-Men: First Class (2011), Welcome to the Punch (2012), Trance
(2012), The Disappearance of Eleanor Rigby: Hers (2013). Višestruko
nomonovan i nagrađivan; najznačaknije: Nominacija Zlatni globus za
glavnu ulogu u drami Atonement (2007), dobitnik nagrade Bafta za ulogu
u The Last King of Scotland (2006), nominacija Bafta za ulogu u
Atonement (2007).
HETI MEKDANIJEL Hattie McDaniel /10. VI 1895, Wichita, Kansas,
US – 26. X1952, (57), Woodland Hills, California, US/. Debi: The Impatient
Maiden (1932). Poslednja uloga: The Big Wheel (1949). Igrala u 94 filma,
među kojima: The Little Colonel (1935), Alice Adams (1935), Music Is
Magic (1935), Can This Be Dixie? (1936), Show Boat (1936), Postal
Inspector (1936), Saratoga (1937), Stella Dallas (1937), Nothing Sacred
(1937), True Confession (1937), Nothing Sacred (1937), Vivacious Lady
(1938), The Shopworn Angel (1938), The Mad Miss Manton (1938), George
Washington Slept Here (1942), Since You Went Away (1944), Janie (1944),
Three Is a Family (1944), Never Say Goodbye (1946), Song of the South
(1946), Mickey (1948), Family Honeymoon (1949). Dobitnica Oskara za
sporednu ulogu u Gone with the Wind (1939).
MALKOM MEKDAUEL Malcolm McDowell /Malcolm John Taylor, 13. VI 1943, Leeds, Yorkshire, England, UK/. Debi: Poor Cow (1967).
Igrao u preko 110 filmova: The Raging Moon (1971), O Lucky Man!
(1973), Royal Flash (1975), Aces High (1976), Caligula (1979), Time After
Time (1979), Look Back in Anger (1980), Britannia Hospital (1982), Cat
People (1982), Get Crazy (1983), The Caller (1987), Class of 1999 (1990),
Disturbed (1990), Cyborg 3: The Recycler (1994), The First 9½ Weeks
(1998), Gangster No. 1 (2000), Island of the Dead (2000), The Barber
(2001), Red Roses and Petrol (2003), Evilenko (2004), Halloween (2007),
Halloween II (2009), Suing the Devil (2010). Nominacija Zlatni globus za
glavnu ulogu u drami A Clocwork Orange (1971).
MERI MEKDONEL Mary McDonnell /Mary Eileen McDonnell, 28.
IV 1952, Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania, US/. Debi: Garbo Talks (1984). Igrala u skoro 20 filmova, među kojima: You Can Thank Me Later (1998),
Replacing Dad (1999), Mumford (1999), Donnie Darko (2001), Nola
(2003), Crazy Like a Fox (2004), Major Crimes (2012). Nominacija Oskar
za glavnu ulogu u Passion Fish (1992), nominacija Oskar za sporednu
ulogu u Dances with Wolves (1990), nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu
ulogu u drami Passion Fish (1992), nominacija Zlatni globus za sporednu
ulogu u Dances with Wolves (1990), nominacija Emi za ulogu u seriji ER
(2002), nominacija Saturn za ulogu u seriji Battlestar Galactica (2009), The
Closer (2011).
IAN MEK KELEN Ian McKellen /Ian Murray McKellen, 25. V 1939,
Burnley, Lancashire, England, UK/. Debi: Thank You All Very Much
(1969). Igrao u preko 50 filmova: Walter (1982), Apt Pupil (1998), The
Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (2002), Emile (2003), X2 (2003),
Flushed Away (2006), X-Men: The Last Stand (2006), The Da Vinci Code
(2006). Nominacija Oskar za glavnu ulogu u Gods and Monsters (1998), za
sporednu ulogu u The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (2001),
nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u drami Richrad III (1995), Gods
and Monsters (1998), Zlatni globus za sporednog glumca u miniseriji
Rasputin: Dark Servant of Destiny (1996), nominacija Na-grada Udruženja
filmskih i tv glumaca za najboljeg glumca u Gods and Monsters (1998),
nominacija Emi za ulogu u mini seriji And the Band Played On (1993),
nominacija Bafta za ulogu u Richard III (1995), The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King
(2003), Extras (2006), King Lear (2008), The Prisoner (2009).
MERSEDES MEKKEMBRIDŽ Mercedes McCambridge /Carlotta
Mercedes McCambridge, 16. III 1916, Joliet, Illinois, US – 2. III 2004. (87),
La Jolla, California, US/. Debi: All the King's Men (1949) Poslednji film:
Echoes (1983). Igrala u 21 filmu: Inside Straight (1951), The Scarf (1951),
Lightning Strikes Twice (1951), Johnny Guitar (1954), A Farewell to Arms
(1957), Suddenly, Last Summer (1959), Cimarron (1960), Angel Baby
(1961), Marquis de Sade: Justine (1969), The Other Side of the Wind
(1972). Dobitnica Oskara za sporednu ulogu u All the King's Men
(1949), nominacija Oskar za sporednu ulogu u Giant (1956), dobitnica
Zlatnog globusa za sporednu ulogu u All the King’s Men (1949).
VIRDŽINIJA MEK KENA Virginia McKenna /7. VI 1931, Marylebone, London, England, UK/. Debi: Father's Doing Fine (1952). Igrala u
preko 20 filmova, među kojima: The Oracle (1953), Simba (1955), The
Smallest Show on Earth (1957), Passionate Summer (1958), Two Living,
One Dead (1961), Born Free (1966) Ring of Bright Water (1969), An
Elephant Called Slowly (1969), Waterloo (1970), The Gathering Storm
(1974), Holocaust 2000 (1977), Love/Loss (2010). Nominacija Zlatni
globus za glavnu ulogu u drami Born Free (1966), nagrada Bafta za ulogu
u A Town Like Alice (1956), nominacija Bafta za ulogu u Carve Her Name
with Pride (1958).
VIKTOR MEKLAGLEN Victor McLaglen /Victor Andrew de Bier
Everleigh McLaglen, 10. XII 1886, Tunbridge Wells, Kent, England, UK –
7. XI 1959. (72) Newport Beach, California, US/. Debi: The Call of the Road (1920). Poslednji film: Sea Fury (1958). Igrao u 115 filmova: Corinthian
Jack (1921), The Sport of Kings (1921), Women and Diamonds (1924),
What Price Glory? (1926), A Girl in Every Port (1928), Hangman's House
(1928), Hot for Paris (1929), The Cock-Eyed World (1929), Strong Boy
(1929), The Black Watch (1929), A Devil with Women (1930), Dishonored
(1931), Wicked (1931), Laughing at Life (1933), Wharf Angel (1934), Bengazi (1955), The Abductors (1957). Oskar za glavnu ulogu u The Informer
(1935), nominacija Oskar za glavnu ulogu u The Quiet Man (1952).
DŽENET MEKTIR Janet McTeer /5. VIII 1961, Newcastle, Tyne and
Wear, England, UK/. Debi: Half Moon Street (1986). Igrala u skoro 20
filmova, među kojima: Hawks (1988), Emily Brontë's Wuthering Heights
(1992), Waking the Dead (2000), Songcatcher (2000), The Intended (2002),
Tideland (2005), The Woman in Black (2012), Hannah Arendt (2012),
Suspiria (2013). Nominacija Oskar za glavnu ulogu u Tumblweeds (1999),
nominacija Oskra za sporednu ulogu u Albert Nobbs (2011), dobitnica
Zlatnog globusa za glavnu ulogu u komediji Tumblweeds (1999), nominacija Zlatni globus za sporednu glumicu ulogu u Albert Nobbs (2011),
nominacija Zlatni globus za sporednu u mini seriji Into the Storm (2009).
DOROTI MALOUN Dorothy Malone /Dorothy Eloise Maloney, 30. I
1925. (87), Chicago, Illinois, US/. Debi: Gildersleeve on Broadway (1943).
Igrala u 65 filmova: Frontier Days (1945), Janie Gets Married (1946), The
Big Sleep (1946) Flaxy Martin (1949), Colorado Territory (1949), The
Nevadan (1950), Convicted (1950), The Bushwackers (1952), Law and
Order (1953), Young at Heart (1954), Pushover (1954), Artists and Models
(1955), The Fast and the Furious (1955), Five Guns West (1955), The Last
Voyage (1960), The Last Sunset (1961), Beach Party (1963), Winter Kills
(1979), The Day Time Ended (1980), Rest in Pieces (1987). Dobitnica
Oskara za sporednu ulogu u Written on the Wind (1956), nominacija
Zlatni globus za sporednu ulogu u Written on the Wind (1956), nominacija
Zlatni globus TV star za ulogu u Peyton Place (1965, 1966).
ADOLF MENŽU Adolphe Menjou /Adolphe Jean Menjou, 18. II 1890,
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US – 29. X 1963, (73), Beverly Hills, California,
US/. Debi: The Acid Test (1914). Poslednji film: Pollyanna (1960). Igrao u
145 filmova: The Marriage Circle (1924), The King on Main Street (1925),
A Social Celebrity (1926), The Sorrows of Satan (1926), A Gentleman of
Paris (1927), A Night of Mystery (1928), Mysterious Mr. Parkes (1930),
Forbidden (1932), Convention City (1933), Little Miss Marker (1934),
Journal of a Crime (1934), The Milky Way (1936), Stage Door (1937),
That's Right You're Wrong (1939), Road Show (1941), Roxie Hart (1942),
Hi Diddle Diddle (1943), Heartbeat (1946), The Sniper (1952), Paths of
Glory (1957). Nominacija Oskar za glavnu ulogu u The Front Page (1931).
BURDŽES MEREDIT Burgess Meredith /Oliver Burgess Meredith,
16. XI 1907; Cleveland, Ohio, US - 9. IX 1997. (89), Malibu, California,
US/. Debi: Freaks (1932). Poslednji film: Grumpier Old Men (1995). Uz
preko 90 tv uloga, igrao u 82 filma: Of Mice and Men (1939), Second
Chorus (1940), Street of Chance (1942), The Story of G.I. Joe (1945), The
Diary of a Chambermaid (1946), Mine Own Executioner (1947), Madame X
(1966), Batman (1966), Torture Garden (1967), Stay Away, Joe (1968), A
Fan's Notes (1972), Foul Play (1978), Magic (1978), Rocky II (1979), The
Last Chase (1981), True Confessions (1981), Rocky III (1982). Nominacija
Oskar za sporednu ulogu u The Day of the Locust (1975), Rocky (1976),
nominacija Zlatni globus za sporednu ulogu u The Day of the Locust (1975).
VIKTOR MEČJUR Victor Mature /Victor John Mature, 29. I 1913,
Louisville, Kentucky, US - 4. VIII 1999. (86), Rancho Santa Fe, California,
US/. Debi: The Housekeeper's Daughter (1939). Poslednji film: Firepower
(1979). Igrao u 54 filma: Captain Caution (1940), One Million B.C. (1940),
I Wake Up Screaming (1941), My Gal Sal (1942), Song of the Is-lands
(1942), My Darling Clementine (1946), Kiss of Death (1947), Cry of the
City (1948), Fury at Furnace Creek (1948), Easy Living (1949), Samson
and Delilah (1949), The Las Vegas Story (1952), Betrayed (1954), The Last
Frontier (1955), Violent Saturday (1955), Zarak (1956), Safari (1956), The
Sharkfighters (1956), Interpol (1957), The Long Haul (1957), China Doll
(1958), The Big Circus (1959), Timbuktu (1959), Hannibal (1959).
MARŠA MEJSN Marsha Mason /3. IV 1942, St. Louis, Missouri, US/.
Debi: Hot Rod Hullabaloo (1966). Igrala u skoro 20 filmova: Max Dugan
Returns (1983), Heartbreak Ridge (1086), Stella (1990), Drop Dead Fred
(1991). Nominacija Oskar za glavnu ulogu u Cinderella Liberty (1973), The
Goodbye Girl (1977), Chapter Two (1979), Only When I Laugh (1981),
Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u drami Cinderella Liberty (1973), Zlatni
globus za glavnu ulogu u komediji The Goodbye Girl (1977), nominacija
Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u drami Promises in the Dark (1979),
nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u komediji Chapter Two (1979),
nominacija Saturn za najbolju glumicu Audrey Rose (1977), nominacija Bafta za ulogu u The
Goodbye Girl (1977), nominacija Emi za ulogu u seriji Frasier (1998).
DŽEJMS MEJSN James Mason (James Neville Mason), rođen 15. 5.
1909; Huddersfield, Yorkshire, England, UK; umro Debi: Late Extra (1935),
Poslednji film: The Assisi Underground (1985). Igrao u 114 filmova: Twice
Branded (1936), The Night Has Eyes (1942), Candlelight in Algeria (1944),
Madame Bovary (1949), East Side, West Side (1949), Face to Face (1952),
Charade (1953), The Man Between (1953), Island in the Sun (1957),…
Mandingo (1975), Murder by Decree (1979), The Passage (1979), North
Sea Hijack (1979), Ivanhoe (1982), The Shooting Party (1985). Nominacija
Oskar za glavnu ulogu u A Star Is Born (1954), nominacija Oskar za
sporednu ulogu u Georgy Girl (1966), The Verdiet (1982), Zlatni globus za
glavnu ulogu u komediji/mjuziklu A Star Is Born (1954), nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu
ulogu u drami Lolita (1962), nominacija Zlatni globus za sporednu ulogu u The Verdict (1982).
ELIZABET MEK GOVERN Elizabeth McGovern /18. VII 1961,
Evanston, Illinois, US/. Debi: Ordinary People (1980). Igrala u skoro 30
filmova: Lovesick (1983), Once Upon a Time in America (1984), Racing
with the Moon (1984), The Bedroom Window (1987), She's Having a Baby
(1988), Johnny Handsome (1989), A Shock to the System (1990), The Wings
of the Dove (1997), Clover (1997), The Flamingo Rising (2001). Nominacija
Oskar za sporednu ulogu u filmu Ragtime (1981), nominacija Zlatni globus
za mladu glumicu u Ragtime (1981), nominacija Zlatni globus za najbolju
glumicu u mini seriji Downton Abbey (2010), nominacija Emi za istu ulogu.
ALI MEK GRO Ali MacGraw /Elizabeth Alice MacGraw, 1. IV 1938,
Pound Ridge, New York, US/. Debi: A Lovely Way to Die (1968). Snimila
samo 10 filmova: The Getaway (1972), Convoy (1978), Players (1979), Just
Tell Me What You Want (1980), Murder Elite (1985), Natural Causes
(1994), Glam (1997). Nominacija Oskar za glavnu ulogu u Love Story
(1970), dobitnica Zlatnog globusa za glavnu ulogu u drami Love Story
(1970), nominacija Bafta za Goodbye, Columbus (1969), nagrada David di
Donatello za ulogu u Love Story (1970).
ENDI MEKDAUEL Andie MacDowel /Rosalie Anderson MacDowell,
21. IV 1958, Gaffney, South Carolina, US/. Debi: Greystoke: The Legend of
Tarzan, Lord of the Apes (1984). Igrala u skoro 40 filmova: Hudson Hawk
(1991), The Object of Beauty (1991), Short Cuts (1993), Ruby Cairo (1993),
Bad Girls (1994), Unstrung Heroes (1995), Michael (1996), Multiplicity
(1996), Shadrach (1998), Just the Ticket (1999), The Muse (1999), Harrison's Flowers (2000), Crush (2001), Dinner with Friends (2001), Ginostra
(2002), Inconceivable (2008), Footloose (2011). Nominacija Zlatni globus
za glavnu ulogu u drami Sex, lies and videotape (1989), nominacija Zlatni
globus za glavnu ulogu u komediji Green Card (1990), Four Weddings and
a Funeral (1994), nagrada Saturn za ulogu u Groundhog Day (1993).
FRENSIS MEKDORMAND Frances McDormand /Frances Louise
McDormand, 23. VI 1957, Chicago, Illinois, US/. Debi: Blood Simple
(1984). Igrala u preko 40 filmova: Chattahoochee (1989), Darkman (1990),
Hidden Agenda (1990), Short Cuts (1993), Beyond Rangoon (1995), Lone
Star (1996), Wonder Boys (2000), Laurel Canyon (2002), Friends with
Money (2006), Miss Pettigrew Lives for a Day (2008), This Must Be the
Place (2011).. Višestruko nominovana (3 puta Bafta) i nagrađivana; najznačajnije: Oskar za glavnu ulogu u Fargo (1996), nominacija Oskar za sporednu ulogu u Mississippi Burning (1988), Almost Famous (2000), North
Country (2005), nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u komediji Fargo
(1966), Burn After Reading (2008), nominacija Zlatni globus za sporednu ulogu u Almost Famous
(2000), North Country (2008), nominacija Saturn za The Man Who Wasn't There (2001).
STIV MEK KVIN Steven McQueen /Terrence Steven McQueen, 24. III
1930, Beech Grove, US - 7. XI 1980. (50), Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua,
Meksiko/. Debi: Girl on the Run (1953). Poslednji film: The Hunter (1980).
Igrao u 29 filmova: The Blob (1958), The Great St. Louis Bank Robbery
(1959), The Honeymoon Machine (1961), Hell Is for Heroes (1962), The
War Lover (1962), The Great Escape (1963), Baby the Rain Must Fall
(1965), The Cincinnati Kid (1965), Nevada Smith (1966), Bullitt (1968),
The Thomas Crown Affair (1968), Le Mans (1971), Junior Bonner (1972),
The Getaway (1972), The Towering Inferno (1974), Tom Horn (1980).
Nominacija Oskar za glavnu ulogu u The Sand Pebbles (1966), nominacija
Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u drami Love with the Proper Stranger (1964), The Sand Pebbels
(1966), Papillon (1973), nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u komediji The Reivers (1969).
ŠIRLI MEKLEJN Shirley MacLean /Shirley MacLean Beaty, 24. IV
1934, Richmond, Virginia, US/. Debi: The Trouble with Harry (1955). Igrala u oko 60 filmova: What a Way to Go! (1964), Desperate Characters
(1971), The Other Half of the Sky: A China Memoir (1975), Steel Magnolias
(1989), Mrs. Winterbourne (1996). Oskar za glavnu ulogu u Terms of Endearment (1983), nominacija Oskar za glavnu ulogu u Some Came Running
(1958), Apartman (1960), Irma la Douce (1963), The Turning Point (1977),
Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u drami Terms of Endearment (1983),
Madame Sousatzka (1988), za glavnu ulogu u komediji The Apartment
(1960), Irma la Douce (1963), nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u
drami Some Came Running (1958), The Children’s Hour (1961), za glavnu ulogu u komediji Ask
Any Girl (1959), Gambit (1966), Woman Times Seven (1967), Sweet Charity (1969), Being There
(1979), Used People (1992), Guarding Tess (1994), za sporednu ulogu u Potcards from the Edge
(1990), In Her Shoes (2005), za najbolju glumicu u mini seriji Out on a Limb (1987), Hell on Heels:
The Battle of Mary Kay (2002), Coco Chanel (2008), dobitnica nagrade Emi, dobitnica nagrade
Bafta za Ask Any Girl (1958), The Apartment (1960), dobitnica Oskara za životno delo (2011).
DŽEJN MENSFILD Jayne Mansfield /Vera Jayne Palmer, 19. IV 1933,
Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania, US - 29. VI 1967. (34) Highway 90, Slidell,
Louisiana US/. Debi: Female Jungle (1955). Poslednji film: Single Room
Furnished (1968). Igrala u 24 filma: Illegal (1955), The Girl Can't Help It
(1956), The Burglar (1957), The Wayward Bus (1957), Will Success Spoil
Rock Hunter? (1957), The Sheriff of Fractured Jaw (1958), The Challenge
(1960), Too Hot to Handle (1960), The Loves of Hercules (1960), The
George Raft Story (1961), It Happened in Athens (1962), Promises!
Promises! (1963), L'Amore Primitivo (1964), Panic Button (1964), Einer
frisst den anderen (1964), The Las Vegas Hillbillys (1966).
MELINA MERKURI Melina Mercouri /Maria Amalija Merkuri, 18. X
1920, Athens, Greece - 6. III 1994, (73), New York City, New York, US/.
Debi: Stella (1955). Poslednji film: Gynaikes stin exoria (1981). Igrala u 20
filmova, među kojima: The Gypsy and the Gentleman (1958), La legge
(1959), Pote tin Kyriaki (1960), The Uninhibited (1965), 10:30 P.M.
Summer (1966), A Man Could Get Killed (1966), Gaily, Gaily (1969), A
Dream of Passion (1978). Nominacija Oskar za glavnu ulogu u Never on
Sunday (1960), nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u drami Phaedra
(1962), Promise at Dawn (1970), nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu
u komediji Topkapi (1964), nominacija Bafta za Never on Sunday (1960),
Phaedra (1962), nagrada festivala Kan za Never on Sunday (1960).
MIŠEL MERSJE Michèle Mercier /Jocelyne Yvonne Renée Mercier, 1.
I 1939, Nice, France/. Debi: Retour de manivelle (1957). Igrala u preko 50
filmova: Tirez sur le pianiste (1960), Fury at Smugglers' Bay (1961), L'aîné
des Ferchaux (1963), Il giovedì (1963), I Tre volti della paura (1963), A
Global Affair (1964), Casanova 70 (1965), Angélique, Marquise des Anges
(1964), Merveilleuse Angélique (1964), Le Tonnerre de Dieu (1965),
Angelica alla corte del re (1966), Comment j'ai appris à aimer les femmes
(1966), The Oldest Profession (1967), Angélique et le sultan (1967), Le
calde notti di Lady Hamilton (1968), Roma Bene (1971), Web of the Spider
(1971), Macédoine (1971), La Femme sandwich (1971), The Call of the
Wild (1972), Per amore o per forza (1976), Jeans Tonic (1984), La rumbera
BET MIDLER Bette Midler /1. XII 1945, Origin Honolulu, Hawaii, US
Territory/. Debi: Hawaii (1966). Uz 60 tv uloga, igrala u skoro 30 filmova:
Ruthless People (1986), Big Business (1988), Stella (1990), Get Shorty
(1995), The First Wives Club (1996), Then She Found Me (2007). Nominacija Oskar za glavnu ulogu u The Rose (1979), For the Boys (1991), Zlatni
globus za glavnu ulogu u komediji The Rose (1979), For the Boys (1991),
nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u komediji Divine Madness
(1980), Down and Out in Beverly Hills (1986), Outrageous Fortune (1987),
Zlatni globus za najbolju glumicu u miniseriji Gypsy (1993), nominacija
Zlatni globus za najbolju glu-micu u seriji-komedija Bette (2010), nominacija Bafta za The Rose (1979), nominacija Emi za ulogu u Gypsy (1993), nominacija Saturn za Hocus Pocus (1993).
STANISLAV MIKULSKI Stanisław Mikulski /1. V 1929, Łodz,
Polska/. Debi: Pierwszy start (1950). Igrao u preko 40 filmova: Godziny
nadziei (1955), Ewa chce spać (1956), Kanał (1957), Historia współczesna
(1960), Dwaj panowie N (1961), Skąpani w ogniu (1963), Ostatni kurs
(1963), Bicz Boży (1966), Stawka większa niż życie (1967-1968, serija),
Ostatni świadek (1969), Pogoń za Adamem (1970), Samochodzik i
templariusze (1971), Dziewczyny do wzięcia (1972), Polskie drogi (1976),
Życie na gorąco (1978), Dziewczyna i chłopak (1980), Katastrofa w
Gibraltarze (1983), Magiczne ognie (1993), 1994 Bank nie z tej ziemi
(1993), Kryminalni (2005), Złotopolscy (2008), Hans Kloss. Stawka większa
niż śmierć (2012). Dobio 24 filmske nagrade u Poljskoj.
REJ MILAND Ray Milland /Alfred Reginald Jones, 3. I 1907, Neath,
Wales, UK - 10. III 1986, (79); Torrance, California, US/. Debi: The Flying
Scotsman (1929). Poslednji film: The Sea Serpent (1984). Igrao u 125 filmova: The Jungle Princess (1936), Bulldog Drummond Escapes (1937), Wings
Over Honolulu (1937), Wise Girl (1937), Her Jungle Love (1938), Hotel Imperial (1939), Beau Geste (1939), Everything Happens at Night (1939),
French Without Tears (1940) Untamed (1940), Arise, My Love (1940), I Wanted Wings (1941), The Crystal Ball (1943),… Escape to Witch Mountain
(1975). Oskar za glavnu ulogu u The Lost Weekend (1945), dobitnik
Zlatnog globusa za glavnu ulogu u drami The Lost Weekend (1945).
DŽON MILS John Mills /Lewis Ernest Watts Mills,
22. II 1908, The Watts Naval Training College, North
Elmham, Norfolk, England, UK – 23. IV 2005 (97), Denham, Buckinghamshire, England, UK/. Debi: Midshipmaid Gob (1932) Poslednja uloga: Lights 2 (2005). Igrao
u 100 filmova: The Lash (1934), A Political Party
(1934), Car of Dreams (1935), Forever England (1935),
Charing Cross Road (1935), The First Offence (1936),
The Green Cockatoo (1937), In Which We Serve (1942), We Dive at Dawn
(1943), Waterloo Road (1945), The Way to the Stars (1945), Great Expctations (1946), So Well Remembered (1947), The October Man (1947), Scott of the Antarctic
(1948), The History of Mr. Polly (1949), Morning Departure (1950, … Oskar za sporednu ulogu
u Ryan’s Daughter (1970), Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u drami Ryan’s Daughter (1970).
LAJZA MINELI Liza Minnelli /Liza May Minnelli, 12. III 1946,
Hollywood, California, US/. Debi: In the Good Old Summertime (1949).
Igrala u više od 15 filmova: Charlie Bubbles (1967), Tell Me That You Love
Me, Junie Moon (1970), Journey Back to Oz (1974), A Matter of Time
(1976), Rent-a-Cop (1987), Arthur 2: On the Rocks (1988), Stepping Out
(1991). Oskar za glavnu ulogu u Cabaret (1972), nominacija Oskar za
glavnu ulogu u filmu The Sterile Cuckoo (1968), Zlatni globus za glavnu
ulogu u mjuziklu Cabaret (1972), nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu
ulogu u drami The Sterile Cuckoo (1969), nominacija Zlatni globus za
glavnu ulogu u komediji/mjuziklu Lucky Lady (1975), New York, New York (1977), Arthur (1981),
Zlatni globus za najbolju glumicu u mini seriji A Time to Live (1985), dobitnica nagrade Emi.
HELEN MIREN Helen Mirren /Ilyena Lydia Vasilievna Mironov, 26.
VII 1945, Chiswick, London, England, UK/. Debi: Press for Time (1966).
Igrala u 60 filmova: Age of Consent (1969), Hamlet (1976), Caligula (1979),
Hussy (1980), Excalibur (1981), Cal (1984), ... Love Ranch (2010), The
Tempest (2010), The Debt (2011). Oskar za glavnu ulogu u The Queen
(2006), nominacij Oskar za glavnu ulogu u The Last Station (2009),
nominacija Oskar za sporednu ulogu u The Madness of King George (1994),
Gosford Park (2001), Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u drami The Queen
(2006), nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u drami The Last Station
(2009), nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u komediji Calendar Girls
(2003), nominacija Zlatni globus za sporednu ulogu u Gosford Park (2001),
Zlatni globus za najbolju glumicu u mini seriji Losing Chase (1996), Elizabeth I (2006),
nominacija Zlatni globus za najbolju glumicu u seriji The passion of Ayn Rand (1999), Door to
Door (2002), The Roman Spring of Mrs. Stone (2003), Prime Suspect: The Final Act (2006).
TOŠIRO MIFUNE Toshirô Mifune (三船 敏郎), 1. IV. 1920, Qingdao,
China – 24. XII 1997. (77), Mitaka, Tokyo, Japan/. Debi: Snow Trail (1947).
Poslednji film: Fukai kawa (1995). Igrao u 152 filma: Rashomon (1950),
Seven Samurai (1954), Samurai I: Musashi Miyamoto (1954), Samurai II:
Duel at Ichijoji Temple (1955), Samurai III: Duel at Ganryu Island (1956),
Throne of Blood (1957), Yagyu Secret Scrolls (1957), The Hidden Fortress
(1958), Life of an Expert Swordsman (1959), The Birth of Japan (1959), The
Bad Sleep Well (1960), The Story of Osaka Castle (1961), Yojimbo (1961),
Ánimas Trujano (1962), Sanjuro (1962), High and Low (1963), …
NIKITA MIHALKOV Nikita Mihalkov /Ники а Се гейевич
Михалков, 21. X 1945, Moscow, SSSR/. Debi: Тучи над Борском (1960).
Igrao u 42 filma: Приклученыя Кроша (1961), Я шагаю по Москве
(1963), Красная палатка (1969), Сибиряда (1979), Вокзал для двоих
(1982), Жестокий романс (1984), Под северним сиянныем (1990),
Униженные и оскорблинные (1991), Родная (1983), Пиекна ниезнаёма
(1993), Утомлённые солнцем (1994), Ревизор (1996), Вера, надежда,
кров (2000), Статский советник (2005), Жмурки (2005), Мне не болно
(2006), 12 (2007), Утомлённые солнцем 2 (2010). Dobitnik najvećih
sovjetskih i ruskih filmskih nagrada.
ROBERT MIČAM Robert Mitchum /Robert Charles Durman Mitchum,
6. VIII 1917, Bridgeport, Connecticut, US - 1. VII 1997. (79), Santa Barbara, US/. Debi: Saboteur (1942). Poslednji film: Waiting for Sunset (1995).
Igrao u 116 filmova: Nevada (1944), Pursued (1947), Out of the Past
(1947), Blood on the Moon (1948), The Big Steal (1949), Holiday Affair
(1949), Where Danger Lives (1950), My Forbidden Past (1951), His Kind of
Woman (1951), The Racket (1951), Macao (1952), Angel Face (1952) …
The Amsterdam Kill (1978), The Big Sleep (1978), Nightkill (1980), That
Championship Season (1982) The Ambassador (1984). Zapažena uloga u
serijama The Winds of War (1983), War and Remembrance (1988). Nominacija Oskar za sporednu ulogu u The Story of G. I. Joe (1945)
TOMAS MIČEL Thomas Mitchell /11. VII 1892, Elizabeth, New
Jersey, US – 17. XII 1962. (70), Beverly Hills, California, US/. Debi: Six
Cylinder Love (1923). Poslednji film: Pocketful of Miracles (1961). Igrao u
60 filmova: Swiss Family Robinson (1940), The Long Voyage Home (1940),
Joan of Paris (1942), Immortal Sergeant (1943), Bataan (1943), The
Fighting Sullivans (1944), The Keys of the Kingdom (1944), The Dark
Mirror (1946), The Romance of Rosy Ridge (1947), The Big Wheel (1949),
High Noon (1952). Dobitnik Oskara za sporednu ulogu u Stagecoach
(1939), nominacija Oskar za sporednu ulogu u The Hurricane (1937).
ALFRED MOLINA Alfred Molina /Alfredo Molina, 24. V 1953,
Paddington, London, England, UK/. Debi: Song of the Shirt (1979). Igrao u
preko 70 filmova: Letter to Brezhnev (1985), Prick Up Your Ears (1987),
Not Without My Daughter (1991), The Perez Family (1995), Boogie Nights
(1997), Magnolia (1999), Ladies Man (1999), Chocolat (2000), Murder on
the Orient Express (2001), Plots with a View (2002), Coffee and Cigarettes
(2003), Luther (2003), The Hoax (2007), The Moon and the Stars (2007), A
Panther in the Basement (2007), The Pink Panther 2 (2009). Nominacija
Bafta za ulogu u The Accountant (1989), Frida (2002), An Education
(2009), nominacija Saturn za ulogu u Spider-Man 2 (2004).
MERILIN MONRO Marilyn Monroe /Norma Jean Mortensen, 1. VI
1926, Los Angeles, California, US - 5. VIII 1962. (36), Brentwood, Los
Angeles, Kalifornija, US/. Debi: The Shocking Miss Pilgrim (1947).
Poslednji film: Something's Got to Give (1962). Igrala u 33 filma: Don't
Bother to Knock (1953), Gentlemen Prefer Blondes (1953), Niagara (1953),
How to Marry a Millionaire (1953), River of No Return (1954), The Seven
Year Itch (1955), Bus Stop (1956), The Prince and the Showgirl (1957),
Some Like It Hot (1959), Let's Make Love (1960), The Misfits (1961).
Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u komediji Some Like It Hot (1959),
nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u komediji Bus Stop (1956).
RIKARDO MONTABLAN Ricardo Montalbán /Ricardo Gonzalo
Pedro Montalbán y Merino, 25. XI 1920, Mexico City, Mexico – 14. I 2009,
(88), Los Angeles, California, US/. Debi: Five Were Chosen (1942).
Poslednji film: The Ant Bully (2006). Uz više od 100 tv uloga, igrao u preko
60 filmova: Fiesta (1947), Two Weeks with Love (1950), Right Cross
(1950), The Reluctant Saint (1962), Sweet Charity (1963), Love Is a Ball
(1963), Madame X (1966), The Singing Nun (1966), Conquest of the Planet
of the Apes (1972), The Mark of Zorro (1974), The Naked Gun: From the
Files of Police Squad! (1988), Spy Kids 2: The Island of Lost Dreams
IV MONTAN Yves Montand /Ivo Livi, 13. X 1921, Monsummano
Terme, Italy – 9. XI 1991. (70), Senlis, Oise, France/. Debi: Star Without
Light (1946). Poslednji film: IP5: L'île aux pachydermes (1992). Igrao u 60
filmova: Le Salaire de la peur (1952), Marguerite de la nuit (1955), Les
Sorcières de Salem (1957), La legge (1959), Sanctuary (1961), Goodbye
Again (1961), My Geisha (1962), Compartiment tueurs (1965), La Guerre
est Finie (1966), Grand Prix (1966), Vivre pour vivre (1967), Z (1969), On
a Clear Day You Can See Forever (1970), Le Cercle rouge (1970), L'Aveu
(1970), Delusions of Grandeur (1971), Tout Va Bien (1972), César and Rosalie (1972), État de
Siège (1972), Vincent, François, Paul and the Others (1974), Lovers Like Us (1975), Le Grand
escogriffe (1976), La Menace (1977), Roads to the South (1978), I... comme Icare (1979), ...
FERNANDA MONTENEGRO Fernanda Montenegro /Arlete Pinheiro Esteves da Silva, 16. X 1929, Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil/.
Debi: Mãos Sangrentas (1955). Igrala u skoro 30 filmova: Pecado Mortal
(1970), Família (1970), Minha Namorada (1970), A Vida de Jesus Cristo
(1971), Marília e Marina (1976), Eles Não Usam Black-Tie (1981), A Hora
da Estrela (1985), Trancado por Dentro (1986), Fogo e Paixão (1988), O
Que É Isso, Companheiro? (1997), O Auto da Compadecida (2000), Olga
(2004), Casa de Areia (2005), Love in the Time of Cholera (2007), A
Primeira Missa (2012), O Tempo e o Vento (2013), A Igreja do Diabo
(2013). Nominacija Oskar za glavnu ulogu u Central Station (1998),
nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u drami Central Station (1998).
DŽO MONTENJA Joe Montegna /Joseph Anthony Mantegna Jr, 13.
XI 1947, Chicago, Illinois, US/. Debi: Medusa Challenger (1976). Igrao u
skoro 90 filmova: House of Games (1987), Things Change (1988), Wait
Until Spring, Bandini (1989), Alice (1990), Homicide (1991), Body of Evidence (1993), Family Prayers (1993), Searching for Bobby Fischer (1993),
Baby's Day Out (1994), Forget Paris (1995), Above Suspicion (1995), Up
Close & Personal (1996), Underworld (1996), Thinner (1996), Jerry and
Tom (1998), The Wonderful Ice Cream Suit (1998), Airspeed (1998), Uncle
Nino (2003), Edmond (2005), Naked Fear (2007), Cougar Club (2007).
Nominacija Zlatni globus za sporednog glumca u The Rat Pack (1998).
SARITA MONTIJEL Sarita Montiel /María Antonia Abad, 10. III
1928, Campo de Criptana, Ciudad Real, Spain/. Debi: Empezó en boda
(1944). Igrala u preko 50 filmova: Don Quijote de la Mancha (1947),
Locura de amor (1950), El Enamorado (1951), Frente Al Pecado De Ayer
(1954), Yo No Creo en Los Hombres (1954), Vera Cruz (1954), Donde el
círculo termina (1955), Serenade (1956), El Ultimo Cuple (1957), La
Violetera (1958), Carmen, la de Ronda (1959), Mi Ultimo Tango (1960),
Pecado de Amor (1961), La Bella Lola (1962), Casablanca, Nid d'espions
(1963), Samba (1964), La dama de Beirut (1965), La Femme Perdue (1966),
Tuset Street (1967), Esa Mujer (1969), Varietes (1971), Cinco Almohadas
para una Noche (1973).
ROBERT MONTGOMERI Robert Montgomery /Henry Montgomery Jr, 21. V 1904, Beacon, New York, US – 27. IX 1981. (77), New York
City, New York, US/. Debi: The Single Standard (1929). Poslednji film:
The Gallant Hours (1960). Igrao u 62 filma: Untamed (1929), The Big House (1930), The Sins of the Children (1930), War Nurse (1930), Inspiration
(1931), Private Lives (1931), Letty Lynton (1932), Blondie of the Follies
(1932), Faithless (1932), Hell Below (1933), When Ladies Meet (1933), …
They Were Expendable (1945), Lady in the Lake (1947), Ride the Pink
Horse (1947), The Saxon Charm (1948), June Bride (1948), Once More, My
Darling (1949), Your Witness (1950). Nominacija Oskar za glavnu ulogu u
Night Must Fall (1937), Here Comes Mr. Jordan (1941).
MIŠEL MORGAN Michelle Morgan /Simone Renée Roussel, 29. II
1920, Neuilly-sur-Seine, Hauts-de-Seine, Île-de-France, France/. Debi: Meet
Miss Mozart (1936). Poslednji film: Everybody's Fine (1990). Igrala u 66
filmova: Gribouille (1937), Le Récif de corail (1938), La Loi du nord
(1939), L'Entraîneuse (1940), Les Musiciens du ciel (1940), Joan of Paris
(1942), Two Tickets to London (1943), La Symphonie Pastorale (1946), Aux
yeux du souvenir (1948), Fabiola (1948), La Belle que voilà (1950), Maria
Chapdelaine (1950), Le Château de verre (1950), The Strange Madame X
(1951), La Minute de vérité (1952), Les Orgueilleux (1953), Obsession
(1954), Oasis (1955), Napoléon (1955), The Grand Maneuver (1955),
Marguerite de la nuit (1955), Marie-Antoinette reine de France (1956), …
FRENK MORGAN Frank Morgan /Francis Phillip Wuppermann, 1. VI
1890, New York City, New York, US – 18. IX 1949. (59), Beverly Hills,
California, US/. Debi: The Suspect (1916). Poslednji film: Key to the City
(1950). Igrao u 98 filmova: Raffles, the Amateur Cracksman (1917), The
Kiss Before the Mirror (1933), Broadway to Hollywood (1933), A Lost Lady
(1934), The Imperfect Lady (1935), Dimples (1936), Paradise for Three
(1938), The Wizard of Oz (1939), Henry Goes Arizona (1939), Hullabaloo
(1940), Keeping Company (1940), A Stranger in Town (1944), The Great
Morgan (1946), Courage of Lassie (1946), The Cockeyed Miracle (1946).
Nominacija Oskar za glavnu ulogu u The Affairs of Cellini (1934), nominaci
ja Oskar za sporednu ulogu u Tortilla Flat (1942).
KATALINA SANDINO MORENO Catalina Sandino Moreno /19.
IV 1981, Bogotá, Colombia/. Debi: Maria Full of Grace (2004). Igrala u
petnaestak filmova, među kojima: Journey to the End of the Night (2006),
Paris, je t'aime (2006), Fast Food Nation (2006), The Hottest State (2006),
The Heart of the Earth (2007), Che: Part Two (2008), La siguiente estación
(2010), For Greater Glory (2012), A Stranger in Paradise (2012), Magic
Magic (2013). Nominacija Oskar za glavnu ulogu u Maria Full of Grace
RITA MORENO Rita Moreno /Rosita Dolores Alverío, 11. XII 1931,
Humacao, Puerto Rico/. Debi : So Young So Bad (1950). Uz 90uloga na tv,
igrala u 46 filmova: The Toast of New Orleans (1950), The Ring (1952),
Garden of Evil (1954), Seven Cities of Gold (1955), The Lieutenant Wore
Skirts (1956), The King and I (1956), This Rebel Breed (1956), Summer and
Smoke (1961), The Night of the Following Day (1968), Popi (1969),
Marlowe (1969), Slums of Beverly Hills (1998). Dobitnica Oskara za
sporednu ulogu u West Side Story (1961), dobitnica Zlatnog globusa za
sporednu ulogu u West Side Story (1961), nominacija Zlatni globus za
glavnu ulogu u komediji The Ritz (1976), nominacija Zlatni globus za
najbolju glumicu u seriji-komedija 9 to 5 (1982), nominacija Bafta za ulogu
u The Ritz (1976).
MAJKL MORIARTI Michael Moriarty /5. IV 1941, Detroit, Michigan,
US/. Debi: My Old Man's Place (1971). Igrao u skoro 40 filmova: Bang the
Drum Slowly (1973), Shoot It Black, Shoot It Blue (1974), Report to the
Commissioner (1975), The Sound of Murder (1982), Blood Link (1982), Odd
Birds (1985), The Stuff (1985), Troll (1986), The Hanoi Hilton (1987), It's
Alive III: Island of the Alive (1987) A Return to Salem's Lot (1987), Dark
Tower (1989), Shiloh (1996), The Art of Murder (1999), Hitler Meets Christ
(2007), The Sons of Summer (2012). Dobitnik Zlatnog globusa za
najboljeg glumca u seriji-drama Holocaust (1978), nominacija Zlatni
globus za najboljeg glumca u seriji-drama Law & Order (1993), dobitnik
nagrade Emi za ulogu u mini seriji Holocaust (1978).
ŽANA MORO Jeanne Moreau, 23. I 1928, Paris, France/. Debi: Meurtres
(1950). Igrala u skoro 120 filmova: Les Intrigantes (1954), La Reine Margot
(1954), Ascenseur pour l'échafaud (1958), Les Amants (1958), Les liaisons
dangereuses (1959), Moderato cantabile (1960), La Notte (1961), Eva
(1962), La Baie des Anges (1963), Diary of a Chambermaid (1964), The Yellow Rolls-Royce (1964), Falstaff (1965), Mademoiselle (1966), The Sailor
from Gibraltar (1967), Une histoire immortelle (1968), La Mariée était en
noir (1968), Chère Louise (1972), Joanna Francesa (1975), Monsieur Klein
(1976), Anna Karamazoff (1991), The Proprietor (1996). Dobitnica Bafte
za Viva Maria! (1965), nominacija Bafta za Jules and Jim (1962),
Dobitnina najprestižnijih francuskih nagrada: Cesar, Molière, Cannes.
ČESTER MORIS Chester Morris /John Chester Brooks Morris, 16. II
1901, New York City, New York, US – 11. IX 1970. (69) New Hope,
Pennsylvania, US/. Debi: An Amateur Orphan (1917). Poslednji film: The
Great White Hope (1970). Igrao u 84 filma: Woman Trap (1929), She
Couldn't Say No (1930), The Divorcee (1930), The Bat Whispers (1930), The
Case of Sergeant Grischa (1930), Corsair (1931), The Miracle Man (1932),
Red-Headed Woman (1932), Blondie Johnson (1933), Infernal Machine
(1933), Tomorrow at Seven (1933), The Gay Bride (1934), Three Godfathers
(1936), Flight From Glory (1937), Blind Alley (1939), Five Came Back
(1939), Meet Boston Blackie (1941), Aerial Gunner (1943), Tornado (1943),
The She Creature (1957). Nominacija Oskar za glavnu ulogu u Alibi (1929).
DEJVID MORS David Morse /David Bowditch Morse, 11. IV 1953,
Hamilton, Massachusetts, US/. Debi: Inside Moves (1980). Igrao u skoro 50
filmova: The Indian Runner (1991), The Good Son (1993), The Crossing
Guard (1995), The Rock (1996), Extreme Measures (1996), Murder Live!
(1997), The Negotiator (1998), Crazy in Alabama (1999), The Green Mile
(1999), Bait (2000), Dancer in the Dark (2000), Proof of Life (2000), Hearts
in Atlantis (2001), The Slaughter Rule (2002), Double Vision (2002),
Nearing Grace (2005), Down in the Valley (2005), A.W.O.L. (2006), 16
Blocks (2006), Disturbia (2007), The Hurt Locker (2009), Collaborator
POL MUNI Paul Muni /Meshilem Meier Weisenfreund, 22. IX 1895,
Lwów, Poland, Austro-Hungarian Empire (present Ukraine) - 25. VIII 1967.
(71), Montecito, California, US/. Debi: The Valiant (1929). Poslednji film:
The Last Angry Man (1959). Igrao u 22 filma: Scarface (1932), The World
Changes (1933), Bordertown (1935), The Good Earth (1937), The Woman I
Love (1937), Juarez (193), We Are Not Alone (1939), Hudson's Bay (1941),
Commandos Strike at Dawn (1942), A Song to Remember (1945), CounterAttack (1945), Angel on My Shoulder (1946). Oskar za glavnu ulogu u The
Story of Louis Pasteur (1936), nominacija Oskar za glavnu ulogu u The Valiant (1929), I Am a Fugitive from a Chain Gang (1933), Black Fury (1936),
The Life of Emile Zola (1937), The Last Angry Man (1959).
DADLI MUR Dudley Moore /Dudley Stuart John Moore, 19. IV 1935,
London, England, UK – 27. III 2002. (66), Plainfield, New Jersey, US/.
Debi: The Third Alibi (1961). Poslednji film: My Universe Inside Out
(1996). Igrao u 29 filmova: The Bed-Sitting Room (1969), The Hound of the
Baskervilles (1978), 10 (1979), Derek and Clive Get the Horn (1979),
Wholly Moses! (1980), Arthur (1981), Six Weeks (1982), Lovesick (1983),
Romantic Comedy (1983), Unfaithfully Yours (1984), Best Defense (1984),
Santa Claus: The Movie (195), Like Father Like Son (1987), Arthur 2: On
the Rocks (1988), Crazy People (1990), Blame It on the Bellboy (1992).
Nominacija Oskar za glavnu ulogu u Arthur (1981), dobitnik Zlatnog globusa za glavnu ulogu u komediji Arthur (1981), Micky + Maude (1978),
nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u komediji Foul Play (1978).
VIGO MORTENSEN Viggo Mortensen /Viggo Peter Mortensen, Jr,
20. X 1958, (53), New York City, New York, US/. Debi: Witness (1985).
Igrao u preko 40 filmova: The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring
(2001), The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (2002), Alatriste (2006),
Reclaiming the Blade (2009). Nominacija Oskar za glavnu ulogu u Eastern
Promises (2007), nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u drami Eastern
Promises (2007), za sporednu ulogu u A Dangerous Method (2011), nominacija Nagrada Udruženja filmskih i tv glumaca za najboljeg glumca u Eastern
Promises (2007), nominacija Saturn za ulogu u The Lord of the Rings: The
Return of the King (2003), A History of Violence (2005), Eastern Promises
(2007), The Road (2009), nominacija Bafta za Eastern Promises (2007).
SAMANTA MORTON Samantha Morton /Samantha Jane Morton, 13.
V 1977, Nottingham, England, UK/. Debi: The Future Lasts a Long Time
(1996). Igrala u 30 filmova: Under the Skin (1997), Jesus' Son (1999), Dreaming of Joseph Lees (1999), Pandaemonium (2000), Morvern Callar (2002),
Code 46 (2003), Enduring Love (2004), River Queen (2005), Synecdoche,
New York (2008), The Messenger (2009), The Unloved (2009). Višestruko
nagrađivana i nominovana; najznačajnije: nominacija Oskar za glavnu ulogu
u In America (2003), nominacija Oskar za sporednu ulogu u Sweet and
Lowdown (1999), nominacija Zlatni globus za sporednu ulogu u Sweet and
Lowdown (1999), dobitnica Zlatnog globusa za sporednu glumicu u
Longford (2007), nominacija Saturn za Minority Report (2002), nominacija Bafta za Control (2007)
DEMI MUR Demi Moore /Demetria Gene Guynes (Demi Guynes
Kutcher) 11. XI 1962, Roswell, New Mexico, US/. Debi: Choices (1981).
Igrala u skoro 40 filmova: Parasite (1982), No Small Affair (1984), About
Last Night... (1986), The Seventh Sign (1988), We're No Angels (1989), A
Few Good Men (1992), Indecent Proposal (1993), Disclosure (1994), The
Scarlet Letter (1995), Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle (2003), Margin Call
(2011). Nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u komediji Ghost (1990),
nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u mini seriji If These Walts Could
Talk (1996), nominacija Saturn za Ghost (1990) – ujedno i trostruka
nominacija za najgore uloge i Zlatna malina za G.I. Jane (1997).
KENET MOR Kenneth More /Kenneth Gilbert More, 20. IX 1914, Gerrards Cross, Buckinghamshire, England, UK – 12. VII 1982. (67) London,
England, UK/. Debi: Look Up and Laugh (1935) Poslednji film: Unidentified Flying Oddball (1979). Igrao u 48 filmova: Raising a Riot (1955),
The Deep Blue Sea (1955), Reach for the Sky (1956), The Admirable Crichton (1957), The Sheriff of Fractured Jaw (1958), A Night to Remember
(1958), Next to No Time (1958), North West Frontier (1959), The 39 Steps
(1959), Sink the Bismarck! (1960), Man in the Moon (1960), The Greengage Summer (1961), We Joined the Navy (1962), Some People (1962), The
Longest Day (1962), The Comedy Man (1964), ...
MERI TAJLER MUR Mary Tyler Moore /29. XII 1936, Brooklyn,
New York, US/. Debi: Once Upon a Horse... (1958). Uz preko 60 tv uloga,
igrala u 15 filmova: Thoroughly Modern Millie (1967), What's So Bad
About Feeling Good? (1968), Change of Habit (1969), Six Weeks (1982),
Just Between Friends (1986), Flirting with Disaster (1996), Cheats (2002).
Nominacija Oskar za glavnu ulodu u Ordinary People (1980), dobitnica
Zlatnog globusa za glavnu ulogu u drami Ordinary People (1980),
dobitnica Zlatnog globusa za nsjbolju glumicu u seriji-komedija The
May Tyler Moore Show (1970), nominacija Zlatni globus za najbolju
glumicu u istoj seriji (1971, 1972, 1973, 1974, 1975, 1976), nominacija
Bafta za Ordinary People (1980)..
RODŽER MUR Roger Moore /Roger George Moore, 14. X 1927; Stockwell, London, England, UK/. Debi: Vacation from Marriage (1945). Igrao
u više od 55 filmova: The Miracle (1959), The Alaskans (1959), Il ratto delle sabine (1961), Crossplot (1969), The Man Who Haunted Himself (1970),
Live and Let Die (1973), Gold (1974), Street People (1976), Sherlock
Holmes in New York (1976), The Spy Who Loved Me (1977), Escape to
Athena (1979), Moonraker (1979), Sunday Lovers (1980), For Your Eyes
Only (1983), Octopussy (1983), Curse of the Pink Panther (1983), A View to
a Kill (1985), Bed & Breakfast (1992), The Man Who Wouldn't Die (1995),
A Princess for Christmas (2011). Dobitnik više nagrada, proslavio se
ulogama u tv serijama Ivanhoe (1958), The Saint (1962, 1968).
DŽULIJEN MUR Julianne Moore /Julie Anne Smith, 3. XII 1960,
North Carolina, US/. Debi: Tales from the Darkside: The Movie (1990). Igrala u skoro 60 filmova: The Hand That Rocks the Cradle (1992), Short Cuts
(1993), Vanya on 42nd Street (1994), Safe (1995), The Lost World: Jurassic
Park (1997), The Myth of Fingerprints (1997), The Big Lebowski (1998),
Cookie's Fortune (1999), Magnolia (1999), Hannibal (2001), The Forgotten
(2004), The Prize Winner of Defiance, Ohio, I'm Not There (2007), Blindness (2008), Crazy, Stupid, Love (2011) su filmovi za koje je nagrađivana;
najznačajnije: nominacija Oskar za glavnu ulogu u The End of the Affair
(1999), Far from Heaven (2002), za sporednu ulogu u Boogie Nights (1997),
The Hours (2002), nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u drami The End of the Affair (1999),
Far From Heaven (2002), nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u komediji An Ideal Husband
(1999), The Kids Are All Right (2010), nominacija Zlatni globus za sporednu ulogu u Boogie Nights
(1997), A Single Man (2009), dobitnica nagrade Emi, više nominacija za Baftu i Saturn.
AGNES MURHED Agnes Moorehead /Agnes Robertson Moore-head,
6. XII 1900, Clinton, Massachusetts, US – 30. IV 1974. (73), Roche-ster,
Minnesota, US/. Debi: Citizen Kane (1941). Poslednja uloga: Charlo-tte's
Web (1973). Igrala u 65 filmova: Tomorrow, the World (1944), Dark
Passage (1947), The Lost Moment (1947), Station West (1948), The Stratton Story (1949), Caged (1950), Magnificent Obsession (1954), The Conqueror (1956), Meet Me in Las Vegas (1956), The True Story of Jesse James (1957), The Bat (1959), Who's Minding the Store? (1963), What's the
Matter with Helen? (1971). Nominacija Oskar za sporednu ulogu u The
Magnificent Ambersons (1942), Mrs. Parkington (1944), Johnny Belinda
(1948), Hush...Hush, Sweet Charlotte (1964), Zlatni globus za sporednu
ulogu u Mrs. Parkington (1944), Hush... Hush, Sweet Charlote (1964).
ORNELA MUTI Ornella Muti / Francesca Romana Rivelli, 9. III 1955,
Rome, Italy/. Debi: La moglie più bella (1970). Igrala u 90 filmova: Un posto ideale per uccidere (1971), La casa de las palomas (1972), Il sole nella
pelle (1972), Experiencia prematrimonial (1972), Le monache di Sant'Arcangelo (1973), Appassionata (1974), Come una rosa al naso (1976), La
Dernière femme (1976), La stanza del vescovo (1977), Giallo napoletano
(1979), Love and Money (1982), La Ragazza di Trieste (1982), Il futuro è
donna (1984), Casanova (1987), Wait Until Spring, Bandini (1989), Oscar
(1991), El Amante Bilingüe (1993), Tierra del fuego (2000), Domani
(2001), Cavale (2002), Un couple épatant (2002), Après la vie (2003).
BIL NAJI Bill Nighy /William Francis Nighy, 12. XII 1949, Caterham,
Surrey, England, UK/. Debi: The Bitch (1979). Igrao u preko 50 filmova:
Still Crazy (1998), Lawless Heart (2001), AKA (2002), I Capture the Castle
(2003), The Constant Gardener (2005), Notes on a Scandal (2006), Pirates
of the Caribbean: At World's End (2007), Arthur Christmas (2011) – za koje
je nominovan i nagrađivan; najznačajnije: Zlatni globus za glavnog glumca u mini seriji Gideon’s Daughter (2006), nominacija Zlatni globus za
glavnog glumca u mini seriji The Girl in the Cafe (2005), dobitnik nagrade
Bafta za ulogu u Love Actually (2003), nominacija Saturn za ulogu u
Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest (2005), Valkyrie (2008).
ŠIRLI NAJT Shirley Knight /Shirley Enola Knight, 5. VII 1936, Goessel, Kansas, US/. Debi: Picnic (1955). Uz oko tv 120 uloga, igrala u preko
50 filmova: Ice Palace (1960), Dutchman (1967), Petulia (1968), As Good
as It Gets (1997), The Wedding (1998). Nominacija Oskar za sporednu ulogu u The Dark at the Top of the Stairs (1960), Sweet Bird of Youth (1962),
nominacija Zlatni globus za sporednu ulogu u The Dark at the Top of the
Stairs (1960), Sweet Bird of Youth (1962), Zlatni globus za sporednu glumicu u mini seriji Indictment: The McMartin Trial (1995), nagrada Emi
za Indictment: The McMartin Trial (1995), nominacija Emi za ulogu u
mini seriji Playing for Time (1980), Thirtysomething (1988, 1990), Law &
Order (1992), NYPD Blue (1995), Desperate Housewives (2006).
KIRA NAJTLI Keira Knightley /Keira Christina Knightley, 26. III 1985,
Teddington, Middlesex, England, UK/. Debi: Innocent Lies (1995). Igrala u
preko 30 filmova: The Hole (2001), Bend It Like Beckham (2002), Pirates of
the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl (2003), Love Actually (2003),
King Arthur (2004), Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest (2006),
Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End (2006), The Duchess (2008). Nominacija Oskar za glavnu ulogu u Pride & Prejudice (2005), nominacija
Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u drami Atonement (2007), nominacija Zlatni
globus za glavnu ulogu u komediji Pride & Prejudice (2005), nominacija
Bafta za Atonement (2007), nominacija Saturn za Never Let Me Go (2010),
A Dangerous Method (2011).
NITA NALDI Nita Naldi /Mary Dooley, 13. XI 1894, New York City,
New York, US – 17. II 1961, (66) New York City, New York, US/. Debi:
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (1920). Poslednji film: Pratermizzi (1927). Igrala u
31 filmu: Life (1920), The Snitching Hour (1922), Anna Ascends (1922), The
Glimpses of the Moon (1923), You Can't Fool Your Wife (1923), Lawful
Larceny (1923), Don't Call It Love (1923), The Hooded Falcon (1924), The
Breaking Point (1924), A Sainted Devil (1924), What Price Beauty? (1925),
Clothes Make the Pirate (1925), The Lady Who Lied (1925), The Miracle of
Life (1926), The Unfair Sex (1926), Fear o' God (1926), La femme nue
POLA NEGRI Pola Negri /Barbara Apolonia Chałupiec, 31. XII 1894,
Lipno, Vistula Land (now Poland) - 1. VIII 1987. (90), San Antonio, Texas,
US/. Debi: Slave of Passion, Slave of Vice (1914). Poslednji film: The
Moon-Spinners (1964). Igrala u glavne uloge u svih 66 filmova: The Black
Pass (1915), Zona (1915),… The Secret Hour (1928), Three Sinners (1928),
Loves of an Actress (1928), The Woman from Moscow (1928), The Way of
Lost Souls (1929), A Woman Commands (1932), Fanatisme (1934),
Mazurka (1935), Gräfin Volescu (1936), Der Weg nach Shanghai (1936),
Madame Bovary (1937), Tango Notturno (1937), Die fromme Lüge (1938),
Die Nacht der Entscheidung (1938), Hi Diddle Diddle (1943)...
FRANKO NERO Franco Nero /Francesco Sparanero, 23. XI 1941,
Parma, Italy. Debi: Pelle viva (1962). Igrao u preko 130 filmova: Il terzo
occhio (1966), Tempo di massacro (1966), Django (1966), Texas, Adios
(1967), Pride and Vengeance (1968), El mercenario (1968), Il giorno della
civetta (1968), Bitka na Neretvi (1969), Un tranquillo posto di campagna
(1969), Un Detective (1969), Dropout (1970), Compañeros (1970), The
Virgin and the Gypsy (1970), L'istruttoria è chiusa: dimentichi (1971), La
vacanza (1971), The Fifth Cord (1971), Long Live Your Death (1971),
Confessions of a Police Captain (1971), High Crime (1973), Banović
Strahinja (1981), Augustine: The Decline of the Roman Empire (2010).
HILDEGARD NEF Hildegard Knef /Hildegard Frieda Albertine Knef,
28. XII 1925, Ulm, Germany - 1. II 2002. (76), Berlin, Germany/. Debi:
Träumerei (1944). Poslednji film: An Almost Perfect Wedding (1999). Igrala
u 48 filmova: The Murderers Are Among Us (1946), Zwischen gestern und
morgen (1947), Film ohne Titel (1948), Fahrt ins Glück (1948), Die
Sünderin (1951), Es geschehen noch Wunder (1951), Nachts auf den
Straßen (1952), The Snows of Kilimanjaro (1952), Night Without Sleep
(1952), Alraune (1952), La fête à Henriette (1952), Illusion in Moll (1952),
The Man Between (1953), Eine Liebesgeschichte (1954), Geständnis unter
vier Augen (1954), Svengali (1954), Madeleine und der Legionär (1958), La
fille de Hambourg (1958), Der Mann, der sich verkaufte (1959), Subway in
the Sky (1959), Die geliebte Stimme (1960), La strada dei giganti (1961),…
DŽ. KEROL NEJŠ J. Carrol Naish /Joseph Patrick Carroll Naish, 21. I
1896, New York, New York, US – 24. I 1973. (77), La Jolla, California,
US/. Debi: What Price Glory (1926). Poslednji film: Dracula vs. Frankenstein (1971). Igrao u 121 filmu: Front Page Woman (1935), Golden Gloves
(1940), Queen of the Mob (1940), Behind the Rising Sun (1943), Batman
(1943), Enter Arsène Lupin (1944), House of Frankenstein (1944), A Medal
for Benny (1945), The Southerner (1945), Star in the Night (1945),
Saskatchewan (1954), Sitting Bull (1954). Nominacija Oskar za sporednu
ulogu u Sahara (1943), A Medal for Benny (1945), dobitnik Zlatnog
globusa za sporednu ulogu u A Medal for Benny (1945).
DEJVID NIVEN David Niven /James David Graham Niven, 1. III 1910,
London, UK - 29. VII 1983. (73), Château-d'Oex, Switzerland/. Debi: There
Goes the Bride (1932). Poslednji film: Curse of the Pink Panther (1983).
Igrao u 93 filma: Thank You, Jeeves! (1936), Dinner at the Ritz (1937),
Bachelor Mother (1939), The Real Glory (1939), Eternally Yours (1939),
Raffles (1939), The Way Ahead (1944), A Matter of Life and Death (1946),
Bonnie Prince Charlie (1948), The Elusive Pimpernel (1950), Happy Go
Lovely (1951), Appointment with Venus (1951),… Oskar za glavnu ulogu u
Separate Tables (1958), Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u drami Separate
Tables (1958), za glavnu ulogu u komediji The Moon Is Blue (1953), nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u komediji My Man Godfrey (1957).
DŽEK NIKOLSON Jack Nicholson /John Joseph Nicholson, 22. IV
1937; Neptune, New Jersey, US/. Debi: The Cry Baby Killer (1958). Igrao u
preko 60 filmova: The Postman Always Rings Twice (1981), Broadcast News
(1987), Wolf (1994), Mars Attacks! (1996), Anger Management (2003). Oskar za glavnu ulogu u One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest (1975), As Good
as It Gets (1997), za sporednu ulogu u Terms of Endearment (1983), nominacija Oskar za glavnu ulogu u Five Easy Oieces (1970), The Last Detail
(1973), Chinatown (1974), Prizzi's Honor (1985), Ironweed (1987), About
Schmidt (2002), za sporednu ulogu u Easy Rider (1969), Reds (1981), A Few
Good Men (1992), Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u drami Chinatown
(1974), One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest (1975), About Schmidt (2002), za
glavnu ulogu u komediji Prizzi’s Honor (1985), As Good as it Gets (1997), za sporednu ulogu u
Terms of Endearment (1983), nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u drami Five Easy Oieces
(1970), Carnal knowledge (1971), The Last Detail (1973), Ironweed (1987), Hoffa (1992), za
glavnu ulogu u komediji Batman (1989) i Something’s Gotta Give (2003), za sporednu ulogu u Easy
Rider (1969), Reds (1981), A Few Good Men (1992), The Departed (2006), nagrada Bafta,
nagrada Saturn za The Witches of Eastwick (1987), Nagrada filmskih kritičara, Nagrada
Udruženja filmskih i tv glumaca za najboljeg glumca u As Good as it Gets (1997), nominacija
za Nagradu Udruženja filmskih i tv glumaca za najboljeg glumca u About Schmidt (2002).
SEM NIL Sam Neill /Nigel John Dermot Neill, 14. IX 1947, Omagh, Co.
Tyrone, Northern Ireland, UK/. Debi: Landfall (1975). Igrao u preko 60
filmova: Sleeping Dogs (1977), My Brilliant Career (1979), Omen III: The
Final Conflict (1981), Possession (1981), Ivanhoe (1982), Attack Force Z
(1982), Enigma (1983), Robbery Under Arms (1985), For Love Alone
(1986), The Good Wife (1987), Evil Angels (1988), Dead Calm (1989),
Death in Brunswick (1991), The Rainbow Warrior (1992), The Piano
(1993), Jurassic Park (1993), Country Life (1994), In the Mouth of Madness
(1994), Restoration (1995), Children of the Revolution (1996), Sweet Revenge (1998), …Nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnog glumca u mini seriji
Reilly: Ace of Spies (1984), One Against the Wind (1991), Merlin (1998).
PATRIŠA NIL Patricia Neal /Patsy Louise Neal, 20. I 1926, Packard,
Whitley County, Kentucky, US – 8. VIII 2010. (84), Edgartown,
Massachusetts, US/. Debi: John Loves Mary (1949). Poslednji film: Flying
By (2009). Igrala u 32 filma: The Fountainhead (1949), The Hasty Heart
(1949), Bright Leaf (1950), The Breaking Point (1950), Operation Pacific
(1951), The Day the Earth Stood Still (1951), Diplomatic Courier (1952), A
Face in the Crowd (1957), The Night Digger (1971), Baxter! (1973), Bright
Leaves (2003). Oskar za glavnu ulogu u Hud (1963), nominacija Oskar za
glavnu ulogu u The Subject Was Roses (1968), nominacija Zlatni globus za
glavnu ulogu u Hud (1963), nagrada Bafta za In Harm's Way (1965).
LESLI NILSEN Leslie Nielsen /Leslie William Nielsen, 11. II 1926,
Regina, Saskatchewan, Canad; - 28. XII 2010. (84), Fort Lauderdale, Florida, US/. Debi: The Battle of Gettysburg (1955). Poslednji film: The Waterman Movie (2012). Uz skoro 170 tv uloga, igrao u 69 filmova: Forbidden
Planet (1956), Hot Summer Night (1957), Night Train to Paris (1964), Dark
Intruder (1965), … The Naked Gun 2½: The Smell of Fear (1991), S.P.Q.R.:
2,000 and a Half Years Ago (1994), Naked Gun 33⅓: The Final Insult
(1994), Rent-a-Kid (1995), Dracula: Dead and Loving It (1995), Spy Hard
(1996), Mr. Magoo (1997), Family Plan (1997), Wrongfully Accused (1998),
Santa Who? (2001), 2001: A Space Travesty (2000), Camouflage (2001).
LENARD NIMOJ Leonard Nimoy /Leonard Simon Nimoy, 26. III
1931, Boston, Massachusetts, US/. (1931) Debi: Queen for a Day (1951).
Uz blizu 90 tv uloga, igrao u 28 filam: Catlow (1971), Baffled! (1973),
Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1978), Star Trek: The Motion Picture
(1979), Star Trek: The Motion Picture (1982), Star Trek III: The Search for
Spock (1984), Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home (1986), Star Trek V: The
Final Frontier (1989), Never Forget (1991), Haunted Lives: True Ghost
Stories (1991), Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country (1991), Brave New
World (1998), Star Trek (2009).
LIAM NISON Liam Neeson /Liam John Neeson, 7. VI 1952, Ballymena,
Co. Antrim, Northern Ireland, UK/. Debi: Pilgrim's Progress (1979). Igrao u
preko 60 filmova: Lamb (1985), Suspect (1987), A Prayer for the Dying
(1987), Satisfaction (1988), The Good Mother (1988), Next of Kin (1989),
The Big Man (1989), Under Suspicion (1991), Ethan Frome (1993), Ruby
Cairo (1993), Nell (1994), Rob Roy (1995), Before and After (1996), Les
Misérables (1998), The Haunting (1999), Gun Shy (2000), Love Actually
(2003), Five Minutes of Heaven (2009). Nominacija Oskar za glavnu ulogu u
Schindler’s List (1993), nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u drami
Schindler’s List (1993), Michael Collins (1996), Kinsey (2004), nominacija
Saturn za ulogu u Star Wars Episode: The Phantom Menace (1999), Batman
Begins (2005), nominacija Bafta za Schindler’s List (1993).
FILIP NOARE Philippe Noiret /1. X 1930, Lille, Nord, France – 23. XI
2006. (76) Paris, France/. Debi: Gigi (1949). Poslednji film: 3 amis (2007).
Igrao u 137 filmova: La Pointe courte (1955), Le Capitaine Fracasse
(1961), Thérèse Desqueyroux (1962), Alexandre le bienheureux (1967),
Clérambard (1969), Mr. Freedom (1969), Murphy's War (1971), The Old
Maid (1972), La Grande Bouffe (1973), The Clockmaker (1974), Le vieux
fusil (1975), Let Joy Reign Supreme (1975), The Judge and the Assassin
(1976), The Purple Taxi (1977), On a volé la cuisse de Jupiter (9880), Tre
fratelli (1981), Coup de Torchon (1981), L'étoile du nord (1982), Masques
(1987), Cinema Para-diso (1989), Il Postino (1994), Les Palmes de M.
Schutz (1997), Les Côtelettes (2003).
KIM NOVAK Kim Novak /Marilyn Pauline Novak, 13. II 1933,
Chicago, Illinois, US/. Debi: The French Line (1953). Poslednji film:
Liebestraum (1991). Igrala u 28 filmova: 5 Against the House (1955),
Picnic (1955), The Eddy Duchin Story (1956), Jeanne Eagels (1957),
Vertigo (1958), Bell, Book and Candle (1958), Middle of the Night (1959),
Strangers When We Meet (1960), The Notorious Landlady (1962), Boys'
Night (1962), Of Human Bondage (1964), Kiss Me, Stupid (1964), The
Amorous Adventures of Moll Flanders (1965), The Legend of Lylah Clare
(1968), The Great Bank Robbery (1969), Satan's Triangle (1975), The
Children (1990).
RAMON NOVARO Ramon Novarro /José Ramón Gil Samaniego, 6. II
1899, Durango, Mexico – 30. X 1968. (69), North Hollywood, Los Angeles,
California, US/. Debi: Joan the Woman (1916). Poslednji film: Heller in
Pink Tights (1960). Igrao u 53 filma: Trifling Women (1922), Where the
Pavement Ends (1923), Scaramouche (1923), …Call of the Flesh (1930),
Sevilla de mis amores (1930), Le chanteur de Séville (1931), Daybreak
(1931), Son of India (1931), Mata Hari (1931), Huddle (1932), The SonDaughter (1932), The Barbarian (1933), The Cat and the Fiddle (1934),
Laughing Boy (1934), The Night Is Young (1935), The Sheik Steps Out
(1937), A Desperate Adventure (1938), La comédie du bonheur (1940),
Ecco la felicità (1940), The Saint That Forged a Country (1942).
NIK NOLT Nick Nolte /Nicholas King Nolte, 8. II 1941, Omaha,
Nebraska, US/. Debi: Dirty Little Billy (1972). Igrao u skoro 70 filmova:
Return to Macon County (1975), Who'll Stop the Rain (1978), 48 Hrs.
(1982), Prejudice (1987), Cape Fear (1991), Lorenzo's Oil (1992),
Jefferson in Paris (1995), The Thin Red Line (1998), Clean (2003), Hotel
Rwanda (2004). Nominacija Oskar za glavnu ulogu u The Prince of Tides
(1991), Affliction (1998), nominacija Oskar za sporednu ulogu u Warrior
(2012), Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u drami The Price of Tides (1991),
nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u drami Weeds (1987), Affliction
(1998), nominacija Zlatni globus za najboljeg glumca u seriji-drama Rich
Man, Poor Man (1976), Nagrada filmskih kritičara za The Thin Red Line (1998), nominacija za
Nagradu Udruženja filmskih i tv glumaca za najboljeg glumca u The Thin Red Line (1998).
EDVARD NORTON Edward Norton /Edward Harrison Norton, 18. VII
1969, Boston, Massachusetts, US/. Debi: Primal Fear (1996). Igrao u preko
20 filmova: The People vs. Larry Flynt (1996), Everyone Says I Love You
(1996), Rounders (1998), Fight Club (1999), Keeping the Faith (2000), 25th
Hour (2002), Down in the Valley (2005), Kingdom of Heaven (2005), The
Illusionist (2005), The Painted Veil (2005), The Incredible Hulk (2008) – za
koje je višestruko nagrađivan i nominovan; najznačajnije: nominacija Oskar
za glavnu ulogu u filmu American History X (1998), nominacija Oskar za
sporednu ulogu u Primal Fear (1996), dobitnik Zlatnog globusa za sporednu ulogu u Primal Fear (1996), nominacija Bafta za Primal Fear (1996),
nominacija Saturn za Primal Fear (1996), American History X (1998).
MAJKL NURI Michael Nouri /9. XII 1945, Washington, District of
Columbia, US/. Debi: Goodbye, Columbus (1969). Uz preko 60 tv uloga
(The Gangster Chronicles1981), igrao u blizu 40 filmova: Nick and the
Dobermans (1980), Gangster Wars (1981), Flashdance (1983), Secrets of a
Mother and Daughter (1983), The Imagemaker (1986), Thieves of Fortune
(1989), The Hidden (1987), Fatal Sky (1990), Total Exposure (1991), The
Psychic (1992), Black Ice (1992), American Yakuza (1993), Da Vinci's War
(1994), Inner Sanctum II (1994), Lady in Waiting (1994), Overkill (1996),
Carman: The Champion (2001), Terminal Error (2002), Klepto (2003),
Boynton Beach Club (2005), Sinatra Club (2010).
POL NJUMEN Paul Newman /Paul Leonard Newman, 26. I 1925,
Shaker Heights, Ohio, US - 26. IX 2008. (83), Westport, Connecticut,
US/. Debi: The Silver Chalice (1954). Poslednji film: Cars (2006). Igrao
u 57 filmova: Somebody Up There Likes Me (1955), The Long, Hot
Summer (1957), Sweet Bird of Youth (1962), Butch Cassidy and the
Sundance Kid (1969), Message in a Bottle (1999), Our Town (2003).
Oskar za glavnu ulogu u The Color of Money (1986), nominacija
Oskar za glavnu ulogu u Cat on a Hot Tin Roof (1958), The Hustler
(1961), Hud (1963), Cool Hand Luke (1967), Absence of Malice (1981),
The Verdict (1982), Nobody's Fool (1994), nominacija Oskar za
sporednu ulogu u Road to Perdition (2002), nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u drami The
Hustler (1961), Sweet Bird of Youth (1962), Hud (1963), Cool Hand Luke (1967), The Verdict
(1982), The Color of Money (1986), Nobody’s Fool (1994), nominacija Zlatni globus za sporednu
ulogu u Hemingway's Adventures of a Young Man (1962), Road to Perdition (2002), Zlatni globus
za sporednog glumca u mini seriji Empire Falls (2005), dobitnik nagrade Emi za Empire Falls
(2005), dobitnik nagrade Bafta za The Hustler (1961), nominacija za Nagradu Udruženja
filmskih i tv glumaca za najboljeg glumca u Nobody's Fool (1994), Special Award (1985).
MERL OBERON Merle Oberon /Estelle Merle Thompson, 18. II 1911,
Bombay (now Mumbai), British India – 23. XI 1979. (68) Malibu,
California, US/. Debi: The Three Passions (1929). Poslednji film: Interval
(1973). Igrala u 52 filma: The Private Life of Henry VIII (1933), The Battle
(1934), The Private Life of Don Juan (1934), The Scarlet Pimpernel (1934),
These Three (1936), Beloved Enemy (1936), The Divorce of Lady X (1938),
The Cowboy and the Lady (1938), Wuthering Heights (1939), Over the
Moon (1939), The Lion Has Wings (1939), 'Til We Meet Again (1940), That
Uncertain Feeling (1941), Affectionately Yours (1941), Lydia (1941), …
Nominacija Oskar za glavnu ulogu u The Dark Angel (1935).
EDMOND O BRAJEN Edmond O'Brien /10. IX 1915, New York City,
New York, US- 9. V 1985. (69), Inglewood, California, US/. Debi: The
Prison Break (1939). Poslednji film: 99 and 44/100% Dead (1974). Igrao u
73 filma: Parachute Battalion (1941), Obliging Young Lady (1942), The
Amazing Mrs. Holliday (1943), The Web (1947), Fighter Squadron (1948),
Backfire (1950), D.O.A. (1950), 711 Ocean Drive (1950), Two of a Kind
(1951), Denver and Rio Grande(1952),…The Longest Day (1962). Oskar
za sporednu ulogu u The Barefoot Contesa (1954), nominacija Oskar za
sporednu ulogu u Seven Days in May (1964), Zlatni globus za sporednu
ulogu u The Barefoot Contesa (1954), Seven Days in May (1964).
KLAJV OVEN Clive Owen /3. X 1964, Keresley, Coventry, Warwickshire, England, UK/. Debi: Vroom (1990). Igrao u 40 filmova: Bent
(1997), Croupier (1998), Greenfingers (2000), The Hire (2000), Gosford
Park (2001), Beyond Borders (2003), I'll Sleep When I'm Dead (2003), King
Arthur (2004), Derailed (2005), Sin City (2005), Inside Man (2006), Elizabeth: The Golden Age (2007), Shoot 'Em Up (2007), The International
(2009), Duplicity (2009), The Boys Are Back (2009), Trust (2010), Intruders
(2011), Hemingway & Gellhorn (2012), Shadow Dancer (2012). Nominacija Oskar za sporednu ulogu u Closer (2004), dobitnik Zlatnog globusa za
sporednu ulogu u Closer (2004), nagrada Bafta za Closer (2004), nomina
cija Saturn za ulogu u Children of Men (2006).
MIŠEL OKLER Michel Auclair /Vladimir Vujović, 14. IX 1922, Koblenz, Weimar Republic (now Germany) – 7. I 1988. (65) Fayence, Var,
France/. Debi: La Belle et la Bête (1946). Poslednji film: Torquemada
(1989), Ostvario blizu 100 uloga: The Damned (1947), Éternel conflit
(1948), Manon (1949), Le Paradis des pilotes perdus (1949), Justice Is
Done (1950), Pas de pitié pour les femmes (1951), Holiday for Henrietta
(1952), Unter den tausend Laternen (1952), La Patrouille des sables
(1954), Royal Affairs in Versailles (1954), Funny Face (1957), Mission
diabolique (1957), Meurtre en 45 tours (1959), L'Éducation sentimentale
(1962), The Married Couple of the Year Two (1971), Story of a Love Story
(1973), French Provincial (1975), The Medic (1979), Le bon plaisir
SOFI OKONEDO Sophie Okonedo /1968, London, England, UK/.
Debi: Miss Queencake (1991). Igrala u 20 filmova: Young Soul Rebels
(1991), Go Now (1995), Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls (1995), This
Year's Love (2000), Never Never (2000), Sweet Revenge (2001), Dirty Pretty
Things (2002), Stormbreaker (2006), Martian Child (2007), The Secret Life
of Bees (2008), Skin (2008), After Earth (2013), For Better or for Worse
(2013). Nominacija Oskar za sporednu ulogu u Hotel Rwanda (2004),
nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu glumicu u mini seriji Tsunami: The
Aftermaht (2006), nominacija Bafta za ulogu u Criminal Justice (2009), Mrs
Mandela (2010).
ARTUR O KONEL Arthur O'Connell /29. III 1908, New York City,
New York, US – 18. V 1981. (73), Los Angeles, California, US/. Debi:
Freshman Year (1938). Poslednji film: The Hiding Place (1975). Igrao u 77
filmova: Bus Stop (1956), Man of the West (1958), Misty (1961), Follow
That Dream (1962), 7 Faces of Dr. Lao (1964), Kissin' Cousins (1964), The
Great Race (1965), The Monkey's Uncle (1965), Fantastic Voyage (1966),
The Reluctant Astronaut (1967), The Power (1968), Do Not Throw Cushions Into the Ring (1970), There Was a Crooked Man... (1970), The Last
Valley (1971), Ben (1972), The Poseidon Adventure (1972), Huckleberry
Finn (1974). Nominacija Oskar za sporednu ulogu u Picnic (1955),
Anatomy of a Murder (1959).
DANIJEL OLBRICKI Daniel Olbrychski /27. II 1945, Łowicz,
Poland/. Debi: Ranny w lesie (1964). Igrao u preko 100 filmova: Popioły
(1965), Życie rodzinne (1970), Krajobraz po bitwie (1970), Wesele (1972),
Ziemia Obiecana (1974), Potop (1974), Panny z Wilka (1979), Die
Blechtrommel (1979), Pad Italije (1981), Z dalekiego kraju (1981), Les Uns
et les Autres (1981), Der Bulle & Das Madchen (1984), Die Geduld der
Rosa Luxemburg (1986), Mosca addio (1987), Dekalog, trzy (1988),
Transatlantis (1995), Zemsta (2002), An Ancient Tale: When the Sun Was a
God (2003), Anthony Zimmer (2005), Salt (2010), Bitwa warszawska 1920
GERI OLDMAN Gary Oldman /Gary Leonard Oldman, 21. III 1958,
New Cross, London, England, UK/. Debi: Remembrance (1982). Igrao u
preko 50 filmova: Sid and Nancy (1986), Rosencrantz & Guildenstern Are
Dead (1990), Fallen Angels (1993), Air Force One (1997), The Contender
(2000), The Dark Knight (2008), Kung Fu Panda 2 (2010), Harry Potter
and the Deathly Hallows – Part 2 (2011). Dobitnik nagrade Bafta,
dobitnik nagrade Saturn za Dracula (1992), nominacija Oskar za glavnu
ulogu u Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy (2012), nominacija Bafta za Prick Up
Your Ears (1987), Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy (2011), nominacija Saturn za
Lost in Space (1998), Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (2004),
nominacija Emi za Friends (2001).
EDNA MEJ OLIVER Edna May Oliver /9. XI 1883, Malden,
Massachusetts, US – 9. XI 1942. (59), Malibu, California, US/. Debi: Wife
in Name Only (1923). Poslednji film: Lydia (1941). Igrala u 48 filmova:
Penguin Pool Murder (1932), The Great Jasper (1933), It's Great to Be
Alive (1933), Only Yesterday (1933), The Poor Rich (1934), The Last
Gentleman (1934), Murder on the Blackboard (1934), We're Rich Again
(1934), David Copperfield (1935), Murder on a Honeymoon (1935), A Tale
of Two Cities (1935), Parnell (1937), My Dear Miss Aldrich (1937), The
Story of Vernon and Irene Castle (1939), Nurse Edith Cavell (1939).
Nominacija Oskar za sporednu ulogu u Drums Along the Mohawk (1939).
LORENS OLIVIJE Laurence Olivier /Lorens Ker Olivie, 22. V 1907,
Dorking, Suri, England, UK - 11. VII 1989. (82), Steyning, West Sussex,
UK/. Debi: Too Many Crooks (1930). Poslednji film: War Requiem (1989).
Igrao u 61 filmu: Fire Over England (1937), Pride and Prejudice (1940),
Term of Trial (1962), Battle of Britain (1969), Inchon (1982). Dobitnik
Oskara za glavnu ulogu u Hamlet (1948), nominacija Oskar za glavnu
ulogu u Wuthering Heights (1939), Rebecca (1940), Henry V (1946),
Richard III (1956), The Entertainer (1960), Othello (1965), Sleuth (1972),
The Boys from Brazil (1978), nominacija za sporednu ulogu u Marathon
Man (1976), dobitnik Zlatnog globusa za glavnu ulogu u drami Hamlet
(1948), dobitnik Zlatnog globusa za sporednu ulogu u Marathon Man (1976), nominacija Zlatni
globus za glavnu ulogu u drami Spartacus (1960), Sleuth (1972), nominacija Zlatni globus za sporednu ulogu u A Little Romance (1979), dobitnik nagrade EMI za The Moon and the Sixpence
(1960), Long Day's Journey Into Night (1973), Love Among the Ruins (1975), King Lear (1984),
dobitnik nagrade Bafta, dobitnik Nagrade filmskih kritičara, Special Award (1946).
EDVARD DŽEJMS OLMOS Edward James Olmos /Edward Olmos,
24. II 1947, Los Angeles, California, US/. Debi: Bogard (1974). Igrao u
preko 30 filmova: Stand and Deliver (1988), Talent for the Game (1991),
American Me (1992), Roosters (1993), Caught (1996), Selena (1997), The
Taking of Pelham One Two Three (1998), In the Time of the Butterflies
(2001). Nominacija Oskar za glavnu ulogu u Stand and Deliver (1988),
nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u drami Stand and Deliver (1988),
dobitnik Zlatnog globusa za sporednog glumca u mini seriji Miami Vice
(1985), The Burning Season (1994), nominacija Zlatni globus za
sporednog glumca u Miami Vice (1988), dobitnik nagrade Emi.
ŽAN PJER OMON Jean-Pierre Aumont /Jean-Pierre Philippe Salomons, 5. I 1911, Paris, France - 30. I 2001. (90), Gassin, France/. Debi: Jean
de la Lune (1931). Poslednji film: The Proprietor (1996). Igrao u 87
filmova: Dans les rues (1933), Hôtel du Nord (1938), Assignment in Brittany
(1943), Heartbeat (1946), Song of Scheherazade (1947), The First
Gentleman (1948), L'Amant de paille (1951), Moineaux de Paris (1952), Les
Loups chassent la nuit (1952), Lili (1953), Charge of the Lancers (1954), Si
Versailles m'était conté (1954), Una americana en Buenos Aires (1961),
The Happy Hooker (1975), Two Solitudes (1978), Nana (1982 ), A Star for
Two (1991), Los mares del sur (1992), Jefferson in Paris (1995).
RAJAN O NIL Ryan O'Neal /Charles Patrick Ryan O'Neal Jr, 20. IV
1941, Los Angeles, California, US/. Debi: The Big Bounce (1969). Igrao u
preko 30 filmova: The Games (1970), Wild Rovers (1971), What's Up, Doc?
(1972), The Thief Who Came to Dinner (1973), Barry Lyndon (1975),
Nickelodeon (1976), The Driver (1978), Oliver's Story (1978), The Main
Event (1979), So Fine (1981), Partners (1982), Irreconcilable Differences
(1984), Fever Pitch (1985), Tough Guys Don't Dance (1987), Small
Sacrifices (1989), Faithful (1996), An Alan Smithee Film: Burn Hollywood
Burn (1997). Nominacija Oskar za glavnu ulogu u Love Story (1970), nominacija Zlatni glogus za
glavnu ulogu u drami Love Story (1970), nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u komediji
Paper Moon (1973).
ов е овна
лова, 29. I
1902, Zvenigorod, Rosia – 26. I 1975. (73), Moscow, SSSR. Igrala u više
desestina filmova, među kojima: Петербургская ночь (1933), Веселые
ребята (1934), Цирк (1936), Волга-Волга (1938), Ошибка инженера
Кочина (1939), Светлый путь (1940), Дело Артамоновых (1941), Одна
семья (1943), Весна (1947), Встреча на Эльбе (1950), Мусоргский
(1950), Композитор Глинка (1952), Первый парень (1958), Russkiy
suvenir (1960), Mелодии Дунаевского (1963), Скворец и лира (1974).
LJUBOV ORLOVA Lyubov Orlova /Л
MORIN O SALIVEN Maureen O'Sullivan /Maureen Paula O'Sullivan,
17. V 1911, Boyle, County Roscommon, Ireland – 23. VI 1998. (87), Scottsdale, Arizona, US/. Debi: So This Is London (1930). Poslednji film: The
River Pirates (1988). Majka 7 dece. Igrala u 66 filmova: Just Imagine
(1930), Tarzan the Ape Man (1932), Skyscraper Souls (1932), Payment Deferred (1932), The Cohens and Kellys in Trouble (1933), Stage Mother
(1933), Tarzan and His Mate (1934), Hide-Out (1934), Cardinal Richelieu
(1935), Anna Karenina (1935), The Voice of Bugle Ann (1936), The DevilDoll (1936), Tarzan Escapes (1936), A Yank at Oxford (1938), Hold That
Kiss (1938), Port of Seven Seas (1938), Tarzan Finds a Son! (1939), Pride
and Prejudice (1940), Tarzan's Secret Treasure (1941), Tarzan's New York Adventure (1942), …
DANIJEL OTEJ Daniel Auteuil /24. I 1950, Algiers, Alger, France/.
Debi : L'agression (1975). Igrao u skoro 80 filmova: L'Arbalète (1984), Manon des Sources (1986), Quelques jours avec moi (1988), A Heart in Winter
(1992), Ma saison préférée (1993), La Séparation (1994), La Reine Margot
(1994), Les Voleurs (1996), Le huitième jour (1996), Le Bossu (1997), La
veuve de Saint-Pierre (2000), Sade (2000), Le placard (2001), L'adversaire
(2002), Après vous...(2003), 36 Quai des Orfèvres (2004), Peindre ou faire
l'amour (2005), Caché (2005), Mon Meilleur Ami (2006), La doublure
(2006), Dialogue avec mon jardinier (2007). Dobitnik nagrade Cesar za
ulogu u Jean de Florette (1986), La fille sur le pont (1999), i još 10
nominacija za Cesar, nominacija Bafta za ulogu u The Lost Son (1999).
MORIN O HARA Maureen O'Hara /Maureen FitzSimons, 17. VIII
1920, Ranelagh, Dublin, Ireland/. Debi: The Playboy (1938). Poslednji film:
Only the Lonely (1991). Igrala u 55 filmova: Jamaica Inn (1939), The
Hunchback of Notre Dame (1939), Dance, Girl, Dance (1940), How Green
Was My Valley (1941), To the Shores of Tripoli (1942), Ten Gentlemen from
West Point (1942), The Black Swan (1942), Immortal Sergeant (1943), This
Land Is Mine (1943), The Fallen Sparrow (1943), Buffalo Bill (1943), The
Spanish Main (1945), Sentimental Journey (1945), Sinbad the Sailor (1947),
Miracle on 34th Street (1947), The Foxes of Harrow (1947), Sitting Pretty (1948), A Woman's
Secret (1949), The Forbidden Street (1949), Bagdad (1949), Comanche Territory (1950), ...
PITER O TUL Peter O’Toole /Peter Seamus Lorcan O’Toole, 2. VIII
1932. Location of birth uncertain, either Connemara, County Galway,
Ireland or Leeds,Yorkshire, England, UK/. Debi: Kidnapped (1960). Igrao u
preko 60 filmova: The Savage Innocents (1960), Lord Jim (1965), What's
New Pussycat? (1965), How to Steal a Million (1966), The Night of the
Generals (1967), Great Catherine, Country Dance, Murphy's War (1971),
...Nominacija Oskar za glavnu ulogu u Lawrence of Arabia (1962), Becket
(1964), The Lion in Winter (1968), Goodbye, Mr. Chips (1969), The Ruling
Class (1972), The Stunt Man (1980), My Favorite Year (1982), Venus
(2006), dobitnik Zlatnog globusa za glavnu ulogu u drami Becket (1964),
The Lion in Winter (1968), dobitnik Zlatnog globusa za glavnu ulogu u
komediji Goodbye, Mr. Chips (1969), nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u drami Lawrence
of Arabia (1962), The Stunt Man (1980), Venus (2006), nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u
komediji Man of La Mancha (1972), My Favorite Year (1982), nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnog
glumca u mini seriji Masada (1981), nominacija Zlatni globus za sporednog glumca u mini seriji
Joan of Arc (1999), dobitnik nagarde Emi, dobitnik nagrade Bafta, nominacija za Nagradu
Udruženja filmskih i tv glumaca za najboljeg glumca u Venus (2006), Special Award (2002).
DEN O HERLI Dan O'Herlihy /1. V 1919, Wexford, Ireland – 17. II
2005. (85) Malibu, California, US/. Debi: Hungry Hill (1947). Poslednja
uloga: Love, Cheat & Steal (1993). Ostvario preko 90 tv uloga i igrao u 42
filma: Macbeth (1948), Kidnapped (1948), Invasion USA (1952), Sword of
Venus (1953), City After Midnight (1957), Home Before Dark (1958), One
Foot in Hell (1960), King of the Roaring 20's: The Story of Arnold Rothstein
(1961), The Cabinet of Caligari (1962), Fail-Safe (1964), 100 Rifles (1969),
The Big Cube (1969), Waterloo (1970), The Tamarind Seed (1974),
MacArthur (1977), Halloween III: Season of the Witch (1982), The Last
Starfighter (1984), RoboCop (1987), The Dead (1987). Nominacija Oskar za
glavnu ulogu u Robinson Crusoe (1954).
MARIZA PAVEN Marisa Pavan /Maria Luisa Pierangeli, 19. VI 1932,
Cagliari, Sardinia, Italy/. Debi: What Price Glory (1952). Poslednji film:
Antoine and Sebastian (1974). Igrala u 13 filmova: Drum Beat (1954),
Diane (1956), The Man in the Gray Flannel Suit (1956), The Midnight Story
(1957), John Paul Jones (1959), Solomon and Sheba (1959), L'événement le
plus important depuis que l'homme a marché sur la lune (1973). Nominacija
Oskar za sporednu ulogu u The Rose Tatto (1955), dobitnica Zlatnog
globusa za sporednu ulogu u drami The Rose Tatto (1955).
ŽENEVJEV PAŽ Geneviève Page /Geneviève Bonjean, 13. XII 1927,
Paris, France/. Debi: Pas de pitié pour les femmes (1951). Igrala u 39
filmova: L'étrange désir de Monsieur Bard (1954), Noches andaluzas
(1954), Foreign Intrigue (1956), The Silken Affair (1956), Michael Strogoff
(1956), Un amour de poche (1957), Agguato a Tangeri (1957), Song
Without End (1960), Le jour et l'heure (1963), L'honorable Stanislas, agent
secret (1963), Youngblood Hawke (1964), Le majordome (1965), A Talent
for Loving (1969), Bröder Carl (1971), Décembre (1973), Deadly Circuit
(1983), Les bois noirs (1989), L'inconnu dans la maison (1992), Rien que du
bonheur (2003).
ANA PAKVIN Anna Paquin /Anna Helene Paquin, 24. VII 1982, (29),
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada/. Debi: Castle in the Sky (1986). Igrala u skoro
30 filmova: Fly Away Home (1996), The Member of the Wedding (1997), A
Walk on the Moon (1999), Almost Famous (2000), X2 (2003), The Squid and
the Whale (2005), Margaret (2011). Dobitnica Oskara za sporednu ulogu
u The Piano (1993), nominacija Zlatni globus za sporednu ulogu u The
Piano (1993), nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu glumicu u mini seriji The
Courageous Heart of Irena Sendler (2009), nominacija Zlatni globus za
sporednu glumicu u mini seriji Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee (2007),
dobitnica Zlatnog globusa za najbolju glumicu u seriji-drama True
Blood (2008), nominacija Zlatni globus za najbolju glumicu u seriji-drama
True Blood (2009), nominacija Saturn za X-Men (2000).
DŽEK PALANS Jack Palance /Volodymyr Palahnyuk, 18. II 1919,
Hazle Township, Pennsylvanija, US - 10. XI 2006. (87), Montecito,
Kalifornija, US/. Debi: Panic in the Streets (1950). Poslednji film: Treasure
Island (2001). Igrao u 85 filmova: Halls of Montezuma (1951), Man in the
Attic (1953), Second Chance (1953), Arrowhead (1953), The Silver Chalice
(1954), The Big Knife (1955), I Died a Thousand Times (1955), Attack
(1955), House of Numbers (1957), Beyond All Limits (1959), Ten Seconds to
Hell (1959), The Barbarians (1960), … Oskar za sporednu ulogu u City
Stickers (1991), nominacija Oskar za sporednu ulogu u Sudder Fear (1952),
Shane (1953), nagrada Emi za Requiem for a Heavyweight (1956).
MAJKL PEJLIN Michael Palin /Michael Edward Palin, 5. V 1943,
Broomhill, Sheffield, England, UK/. Debi: And Now for Something Completely Different (1971). Pored brojnih tv uloga, igrao u preko 20 filmova:
Monty Python and the Holy Grail (1975), Jabberwocky (1977), Henry
Cleans Up (1979), Life of Brian (1979), Time Bandits (1981), The Missionary (1982), The Dress (1984), A Private Function (1984), Brazil (1985), A
Fish Called Wanda (1988), American Friends (1991), Not the Messiah: He's
a Very Naughty Boy (2010), A Liar's Autobiography - The Untrue Story of
Monty Python's Graham Chapman (2011), Absolutely Anything (2012).
LILI PALMER Lilli Palmer /Lilli Marie Peiser, 24. V 1914, Posen, Prussia, Germany – 27. I 1986. (71), Los Angeles, US/. Debi: Rivaux de la piste
(1933). Poslednji film: The Holcroft Covenant (1985). Igrala u 71 filmu:
Crime Unlimited (1935), The First Offence (1936), Command Performance
(1937), The Great Barrier (1937), Sunset in Vienna (1940), Blind Folly
(1940), The Door with Seven Locks (1940), The Rake's Progress (1945),
Beware of Pity (1946), Body and Soul (1947), My Girl Tisa (1948), The
Long Dark Hall (1951),...Dobitnica više nagrada; najznačajnije: nominacija
Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u komediji But Not for Me (1959), nominacija Zlatni globus za sporednu glumicu u miniseriji Peter the Great (1986)
ČAZ PALMINTERI Chazz Palminteri /Calogero Lorenzo Palminteri,
15. V 1952, The Bronx, New York, US/. Debi: Home Free All (1984). Igrao
u preko 40 filmova: Innocent Blood (1992), A Bronx Tale (1993), The Usual
Suspects (1995), The Perez Family (1995), Jade (1995), Diabolique
(1996), Faithful (1996), Analyze This (1999), Poolhall Junkies (2002),
Animal (2005), In the Mix (2005), A Guide to Recognizing Your Saints
(2006), Body Armour (2007), The Dukes (2007), Yonkers Joe (2008), Jolene
(2008), Once More with Feeling (2009), Hollywood & Wine (2010), Mighty
Fine (2012), Last I Heard (2013), The Stone Pony (2013), Gotti: In the
Shadow of My Father (2013). Nominacija Oskar za sporednu ulogu u Bullets
Over Broadway (1994).
GVINET PALTROU Gwyneth Paltrow /Gwyneth Kate Paltrow, 27. IX
1972, Los Angeles, California, US/. Debi: Shout (1991). Igrala u 40 filmova:
Emma (1996), Sliding Doors (1998), A Perfect Murder (1998), The Talented
Mr. Ripley (1999), Bounce (2000), The Royal Tenenbaums (2001), Shallow
Hal (2001), Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow (2004), Two Lovers
(2008), Iron Man 2 (2010), za koje je nagrađena; najznačajnije: Oskar za
glavnu ulogu u Shakespeare in Love (1998), Zlatni globus za glavnu
ulogu u komediji Shakespeare in Love (1998), nominacija Zlatni globus za
glavnu ulogu u drami Proof (2005), nominacija Saturn za ulogu u Seven
(1995), Iron Man (2008), nominacija Bafta za Shakespeare in Love (1998).
IRENA PAPAS Irene Papas /Irene Lelekou, 3. IX 1926, Chilimodion,
Corynth, Greece/. Debi: Fallen Angels (1948). Igrala u 68 filmova: Nekri
politeia (1951), Μπουμπουλίνα (1958), Antigone (1961), Ilektra (1962),
Zorba the Greek (1964), A ciascuno il suo (1967), L'Odissea (1968), The
Brotherhood (1968), Z (1969), A Dream of Kings (1969), The Trojan
Women (1971), Bitka na Sutjesci (1973), Mohammad, Messenger of God
(1976), Iphigenia (1977), Eréndira (1983), High Season (1987), Yerma
(1998), Captain Corelli's Mandolin (2001), Um Filme Falado (2003).
ELENOR PARKER Eleanor Parker /Eleanor Jean Parker, 26. VI 1922,
Cedarville, Ohio, US/. Debi: They Died with Their Boots On (1941). Poslednja uloga: Sunburn (1979). Igrala u 48 filmova: The Very Thought of You
(1944), Pride of the Marines (1945), Of Human Bondage (1946), Never Say
Goodbye (1946), Escape Me Never (1947), The Voice of the Turtle (1947),
The Woman in White (1948), Chain Lightning (1950), Three Secrets (1950),
Valentino (1951), A Millionaire for Christy (1951), Detective Story (1951),
Scaramouche (1952), Above and Beyond(1952), Escape from Fort Bravo
(1953), The Naked Jungle (1954), Valley of the Kings (1954), The Man with
the Golden Arm (1955), The King and Four Queens (1956), Lizzie (1957),...
Nominacija Oskar za glavnu ulogu u Caged (1950), Detective Story (1951), Interrupted Melody
(1955), nominacija Zlatni globus za najbolju glumicu u seriji-drama Bracken’s World (1969).
AL PAĆINO Al Pacino /Alfredo James Pacino, 25. IV 1940, New York
City, New York, US/. Debi: Me, Natalie (1969). Igrao u preko 40 filmova:
The Panic in Needle Park (1971), Scarecrow (1973), Frankie and Johnny
(1991), Carlito's Way (1993), Looking for Richard (1996), Donnie Brasco
(1997), Insomnia (2002),… Oskar za glavnu ulogu u Scent of a Woman
(1992), nominacija Oskar za glavnu ulogu u The Godfather (1972), Serpico
(1973), The Godfather Part II (1974), Dog Day Afternoon (1975), ...And Justice for All (1979), nominacija Oskar za sporednu ulogu u Dick Tracy
(1990), Glengarry Glen Ross (1992), Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u drami Serpico (1973), Scent of a Woman (1992), nominacija Zlatni globus za
glavnu ulogu u drami The Godfather (1972), The Godfather II (1974), Dog Day Afternoon (1975),
Bobby Deerfield (1977), …And Justice for All (1979), Scarface (1983), Sea of Love (1989), The
Godfather III (1990), nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u komediji Author! Author! (1982),
za sporednu ulogu u Dick Tracy (1990), Glengarry Glen Ross (1992), Zlatni globus za najboljeg
glumca u mini seriji Angels in America (2003), You Don’t Know Jack (2010), nagrada Emi za
ulogu u mini seriji Angels in America (2004), You Don't Know Jack (2010), nagrada Bafta za
The Godfather Part II (1974), Dog Day Afternoon (1975), nominacija Bafta za The Godfather
(1972), Serpico (1973), Dick Tracy (1990).
VILIJAM PAUEL William Powell /William Horatio Powell, 29. VII
1892, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US – 5. III 1984. (91) Palm Springs, California, US/. Debi: Sherlock Holmes (1922). Poslednji film: Mister Roberts
(1955). Igrao u 94 filma: Interference (1928), The Canary Murder Case
(1929), … I Love You Again (1940), Love Crazy (1941), Shadow of the Thin
Man (1941), Crossroads (1942), The Heavenly Body (1944), The Thin Man
Goes Home (1945), The Hoodlum Saint (1946), Song of the Thin Man
(1947), The Senator Was Indiscreet (1947), Mr. Peabody and the Mermaid
(1948), Dancing in the Dark (1949). Nominacija Oskar za glavnu ulogu u
The Thin Man (1934), My Man Godfrey (1936), Life with Father (1947).
TAJRON PAUER Tyrone Power /Tyrone Edmund Power Jr, 5. V 1914,
Cincinnati, Ohio, US - 15. XI 1958. (44), Madrid, Spain/. Debi: School for
Wives (1925). Poslednji film: Solomon and Sheba (1959). Igrao u 50
filmova: Love Is News (1937), Second Honeymoon (1937),.. Captain from
Castile (1947), The Luck of the Irish (1948), Prince of Foxes (1948), The
Black Rose (1950), American Guerrilla in the Philippines (1950), Rawhide
(1951), 'll Never Forget You (1951), Diplomatic Courier (1952), Pony
Soldier (1952), The Mississippi Gambler (1953), King of the Khyber Rifles
(1953), The Long Gray Line (1955), Untamed (1955), Seven Waves Away
(1957), The Sun Also Rises (1957, Witness for the Prosecution (1957).
DŽON PEJN John Payne /John Howard Payne, 23. V 1912, Roanoke,
Virginia, US – 6. XII 1989. (77), Malibu, California, US/. Debi: Dodsworth
(1936). Poslednji film: They Ran for Their Lives (1968). Igrao u 58 filmova:
Hats Off (1936), Love on Toast (1937), Kid Nightingale (1939), Star Dust
(1940), King of the Lumberjacks (1940), Tear Gas Squad (1940),... Raiders
of the Seven Seas (1953), The Vanquished (1953), 99 River Street (1953),
Rails Into Laramie (1954), Silver Lode (1954), Hell's Island (1955), Santa
Fe Passage (1955), The Road to Denver (1955), Tennessee's Partner
(1955), Slightly Scarlet (1956), Hold Back the Night (1956), Rebel in Town
(1956), The Boss (1956), Bailout at 43,000 (1957), Hidden Fear (1957).
ROBIN RAJT PEN Robin Wright Penn /Robin Gayle Wright, 8. IV
1966, Dallas, Texas, US/. Debi: Hollywood Vice Squad (1986). Igrala u skoro 40 filmova: The Playboys (1992), Moll Flanders (1996), Loved (1997),
She's So Lovely (1997), Message in a Bottle (1999), How to Kill Your
Neighbor's Dog (2000), Unbreakable (2000), The Singing Detective (2003),
Virgin (2004), A Home at the End of the World (2004), Nine Lives (2005),
Sorry, Haters (2005), Breaking and Entering (2006), Hounddog (2007).
Nominacija Zlatni globus za sporednu ulogu u Forrest Gump (1994).
Nominacija Emi za ulogu u seriji Santa Barbara (1986), nominacija Saturn
za ulogu u The Princess Bride (1987), Toys (1992), Forrest Gump (1994).
DŽERALDINA PEJDŽ Geraldine Page /Geraldine Sue Page, 22. XI
1924, Kirksville, Missouri, US – 13. VI 1987. (62), New York City, US/.
Debi: Taxi (1953). Poslednji film: Riders to the Sea (1987). Igrala u 31
filmu: Monday's Child (1967), Trilogy (1969), The Beguiled (1971), My Little Girl (1987). Oskar za glavnu ulogu u The Trip to Bountiful (1985),
nominacija Oskar za glavnu ulogu u Summer and Smoke (1961), Sweet Bird
of Youth (1962), Interiors (1978), sporedne uloge u Hondo (1953), You're a
Big Boy Now (1966), Pete 'n' Tillie (1972), The Pope of Greenwich Village
(1984), Zlatni globus - glavna uloga u drami Summer and Smoke (1961)
i Sweet Bird of Youth (1962), nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u
drami Toys in the Attic (1963), Dear Heart (1964), Interiors (1978), The Trip to Bountiful (1985),
nominacija Zlatni globus za sporednu ulogu u You’re a Big Boy Now (1966), Pete ’n’ Titllie (1972),
nominacija Zlatni globus za sporednu glumicu u mini seriji Nazi Hunter: The Beate Klarsfeld Story
(1986), nominacija Bafta za Sweet Bird of Youth (1962), nagrada Bafta za Interiors (1978).
GREGORI PEK Gregory Peck /Eldred Gregory Peck, 5. IV 1916, La
Jolla, California, US – 12. VI 2003. (87), Los Angeles, California, US/.
Debi: Days of Glory (1944). Poslednji film: Cape Fear (1991). Igrao u 53
filma: The Valley of Decision (1945), Spellbound (1945), Duel in the Sun
(1945), The Macomber Affair (1947),… Oskar za glavnu ulogu u To Kill
a Mockingbird (1962), nominacija Oskar za glavnu ulogu u The Keys of the
Kingdom (1945), The Yearling (1946), Gentleman's Agreement (1947),
Twelve O'Clock High (1949), dobitnik Zlatnog globusa za glavnu ulogu u
drami The Yearling (1946), To Kill a Mockingbird (1962), nominacija
Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u drami Captain Newman, M. D. (1963), MacArthur (1977), The
Boys from Brazil (1978), dobitnik Zlatnog globusa za sporednog glumca u mini seriji Moby
Dick (1998), nominacija Bafta za ulogu u Roman Holiday (1953), To Kill a Mockingbird (1962).
ŠON PEN Sean Penn /Sean Justin Penn, 17. VIII 1960, Santa Monica,
California, US/ Debi: Taps (1981). Igrao u preko 40 filmova: Fast Times at
Ridgemont High (1982), Bad Boys (1983), She's So Lovely (1997), Hurlyburly (1998), The Assassination of Richard Nixon (2004). Oskar za glavnu
ulogu u Mystic River (2003), Milk (2008), nominacija Oskar za glavnu ulogu u Dead Man Walking (1995), Sweet and Lowdown (1999), I Am Sam
(2001), Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u drami Mystic River (2003), nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u drami Dead Man Walking (1995),
Milk (2008), nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u komediji Sweet
and Lowdown (1999), za sporednu ulogu u Carlito’s Way (1993), Nagrada
Udruženja filmskih i tv glumaca za najboljeg glumca u Milk (2008), nominacija Nagrada Udruženja filmskih i tv glumaca za najboljeg glumca u Dead Man Walking (1995), I Am Sam (2001),
Mystic River (2003), nominacija Bafta za Mystic River (2003), 21 Grams (2003), Milk (2008).
DŽORŽ PEPARD George Peppard /George William Peppard Jr, 1. X
1928, Detroit, Michigan, US - 8. V 1994. (65), Los Angeles, US/. Debi: The
Strange One (1957). Poslednji film: The Tigress (1992). Igrao u 31 filmu:
Pork Chop Hill (1959), Home from the Hill (1960), Breakfast at Tiffany's
(1961), How the West Was Won (1962), The Carpetbaggers (1964), Operation Crossbow (1965), The Third Day (1965), The Blue Max (1966), Tobruk
(1967), Rough Night in Jericho (1967), What's So Bad About Feeling
Good? (1968), Cannon for Cordoba (1970), One More Train to Rob
(1971), The Groundstar Conspiracy (1972), Newman's Law (1974), From
Hell to Victory (1979),...Nominacija Bafta za Home from the Hill (1961).
VALERI PERIN Valerie Perrine /Valerie Ritchie Perrine, 3. IX 1943,
Galveston, Texas, US/. Debi: Diamonds Are Forever (1971). Igrala u više od
35 filmova: Slaughterhouse-Five (1972), The Last American Hero (1973),
W.C. Fields and Me (1976), Mr. Billion (1977), The Magician of Lublin
(1979), The Electric Horseman (1979), Can't Stop the Music (1980), The
Border (1982), Water (1985), Bright Angel (1991), Shame, Shame, Shame
(1999), The End of the Bar (2002), The Californians (2005), Redirecting
Eddie (2008). Nominacija Oskar za glavnu ulogu u Lenny (1974), nominacija
Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u drami Lenny (1974), dobitnica nagrade
Bafta za istu ulogu (1974), nominacija Bafta za ulogu u Superman (1978).
ENTONI PERKINS Anthony Perkins /4. IV 1932, New York City,
New York, US – 12. IX 1992. (60), Hollywood, California, US/. Debi: The
Actress (1953). Poslednji film: The Naked Target (1992). Igrao u 44 filma:
This Angry Age (1958), Desire Under the Elms (1958), The Matchmaker
(1958), Green Mansions (1959), Tall Story (1960), Psycho (1960), Aimezvous Brahms? (1961), Phaedra (1962), Five Miles to Midnight (1962), The
Trial (1962), Le glaive et la balance (1963), Une ravissante idiote (1964),
Le scandale (1967), Pretty Poison (1968), WUSA (1970), How Awful About
Allan (1970), Someone Behind the Door (1971), La Décade prodigieuse
(1971), Play It as It Lays (1972), Lovin' Molly (1974),…Nominacija Oskar
za sporednu ulogu u Friendly Persuasion (1956).
PASKAL PETI Pascale Petit /Anne-Marie Petit, 27. II 1938, Paris,
France/. Debi: Tahiti Ou La Joie De Vivre (1956). Igrala u 29 filmova: Une
Vie (1958), Julie La Rousse (1959), L'Extase (1959), Une Fille Pour L'Ete
(1959), L'Affaire D'Une Nuit (1960), Queen for Caesar (1962), Les Démons
De Minuit (1962), Una Regina Per Cesare (1962), Corrida Pour Un Espion
(1965), Killer's Carnival (1965), Code Name: Jaguar (1966), Zwei Girls
Vom Roten Stern (1966), Die Wirtin Von Der Lahn (1968), Frau Wirtin Hat
Auch Einen Grafen (1968), I Diavoli Della Guerra (1969), The Last
Mercenary (1969), Berlin Affair (1970), A Strange Love Affair (1984), Sans
Defense (1989).
DŽO PEŠI Joe Pesci /Joseph Frank Pesci, 9. II 1943, Newark, New
Jersey, US/. Debi: Hey, Let's Twist! (1961). Igrao u preko 30 filmova: The
Death Collector (1976), Dear Mr. Wonderful (1982), Easy Money (1983),
Once Upon a Time in America (1984), Man on Fire (1987), Moonwalker
(1988), Lethal Weapon 2 (1989), Home Alone (1990), The Super (1991), My
Cousin Vinny (1992), The Public Eye (1992), Home Alone 2: Lost in New
York (1992), Jimmy Hollywood (1994), …Oskar za sporednu ulogu u
Goodfellas (1990), nominacija Oskar za sporednu ulogu u Roging Bull
(1980), nominacija Zlatni globus za sporednu ulogu u Roging Bull (1980),
Goodfellas (1990), dobitnik nagrade Bafta za Raging Bull (1980).
MIŠEL PIKOLI Michel Piccoli /Jacques Daniel Michel Piccoli, 27. XII
1925, Paris, France/. Debi: Sortilèges (1945). Igrao u 190 filmova: Le
Mépris (1963), Diary of a Chambermaid (1964), De l'amour (1964), La
Chamade (1965), Dillinger è morto (1969), The Things of Life (1970), Max
et les Ferrailleurs (1971), Wedding in Blood (1973), Themroc (1973),
Vincent, François, Paul... et les autres (1974), Sept morts sur ordonnance
(1975), Des enfants gâtés (1977), A Leap in the Dark (1980), Der Preis fürs Überleben (1980),
Espion, lève-toi (1982), Une étrange affaire (1981), La passante du Sans-Souci (1982), Le Prix du
Danger (1983), Viva la vie (1984), Dangerous Moves (1984), Adieu Bonaparte (1985), Mauvais
Sang (1986), The Distant Land (1987), May Fools (1990), La Belle Noiseuse (1991),…
MERI PIKFORD Mary Pickford /Gladys Louise Smith, 8. IV 1892,
Toronto, Ontario, Canada – 29. V 1979. (87), Santa Monica, California,
US/. Debi: The Heart of an Outlaw (1909). Poslednji film: Secrets (1933).
Igrala u 249 filmova: Stella Maris (1918), M'Liss (1918), How Could You
Jean? (1918), Daddy-Long-Legs (1919), Heart o' the Hills (1919), Pollyanna (1920), Suds (1920), The Love Light (1921), Through the Back Door
(1931), Little Lord Fauntleroy (1921), Tess of the Storm Country (1922),
Rosita (1923), Dorothy Vernon of Haddon Hall (1924), Sparrows (1926),
My Best Girl (1927), The Taming of the Shrew (1929, Kiki (1931). Oskar
za glavnu ulogu u Coquette (1929), Special Award (1975).
BRED PIT Brad Pitt /William Bradley Pitt, 18. XII 1963, Shawnee,
Oklahoma, US/. Debi: Hunk (1987). Igrao u 50 filmova: Seven (1995),
Snatch (2000), Ocean's Eleven (2001), Troy (2004), Ocean's Twelve (2004),
Mr. & Mrs. Smith (2005), The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward
Robert Ford (2007), Inglourious Basterds (2009), The Tree of Life (2011),
Happy Feet Two (2011). Nominacija Oskar za glavnu ulogu u The Curious
Case of Benjamin Button (2008), Moneyball (2012), nominacija Oskar za
sporednu ulogu u 12 Monkeys (1995), Zlatni globus za sporednu ulogu u
Twelve Monkeys (1995), nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u drami
Legends of the Fall (1994), The Curios Case of Benjamin Button (2008),
Moneyball (2012), nominacija Zlatni globus za sporednu ulogu u Babel
(2006), nagrada Saturn za 12 Monkeys (1995), nominacija za Nagradu Udruženja filmskih i tv
glumaca za najboljeg glumca u The Curious Case of Benjamin Button (2008), nominacija Saturn za
Interview with the Vampire (1994), nominacija Emi za ulogu u seriji-komedija Friends (2001),
nominacija Bafta za Burn After Reading (2008), The Curious Case of Benjamin Button (2008).
VOLTER PIDŽON Walter Pidgeon /Walter Davis Pidgeon, 23. IX
1897, Saint John, New Brunswick, Canada – 25. IX 1984. (87), Santa
Monica, California, US/. Debi: Mannequin (1926). Poslednji film: Sextette
(1978). Igrao u 103 filma: Bride of the Regiment (1930), Sweet Kitty
Bellairs (1930),… Design for Scandal (1941), Man Hunt (1941), Blossoms
in the Dust (1941), How Green Was My Valley (1941), White Cargo (1942),
Mrs. Parkington (1944), The Secret Heart (1946), Holiday in Mexico
(1946), Julia Misbehaves (1948), The Red Danube (1949), The Miniver Story (1950), The Unknown Man (1951), Calling Bulldog Drummond (1951),
Scandal at Scourie (1953), Forbidden Planet (1956), Voyage to the Bottom
of the Sea (1961), Big Red (1962), The Mask of Sheba (1970). Nominacija
Oskar za glavnu ulogu u Mrs. Miniver (1942), Madame Curie (1943).
ANA MARIJA PJERANĐELI Anna Maria Pierangeli, 19. VI 1932,
Cagliari, Sardinia, Italy - 10. IX 1971. (39), Beverly Hills, California, US/.
Debi: Tomorrow Is Too Late (1950). Poslednji film: Octaman (1976). Igrala
u 32 filma: Domani è un altro giorno (1951), The Light Touch (1952), The
Devil Makes Three (1952), Sombrero (1953), Mam'zelle Nitouche (1954),
Port Afrique (1956), Somebody Up There Likes Me (1956), The Vintage
(1957), Merry Andrew (1958), SOS Pacific (1959), Sodom and Gomorrah
(1962), Every Bastard a King (1968), Addio, Alexandra (1969), Quell'amore particolare (1970). Nominacija Bafta za The Angry Silence (1960).
Dobitnica Zlatnog globusa za mladu glumicu za ulogu u Teresa (1952).
KRISTOFER PLAMER Kristofer Plamer /Arthur Christopher Orme
Plummer, 13. XII 1929, Toronto, Ontario, Canada/. Debi: Stage Struck
(1958). Igrao u preko 100 filmova: Murder by Decree (1979), The Amateur
(1981), Impolite (1992), The Insider (1999), A Beautiful Mind (2001), Ararat (2002), Nicholas Nickleby (2002), Blizzard (2002), Emotional Arithmetic
(2007). Oskar za sporednu ulogu Beginners (2012), Zlatni globus za sporednu ulogu u Beginners (2012), nominacija Oskar za sporednu ulogu u
The Last Station (2009), nominacija Zlatni globus za sporednu ulogu The
Last Station (2009), za sporednog glumca u mini seriji American Tragedy
(2000), nagrada Emi za ulogu u mini seriji Arthur Hailey's The Moneychangers (1976), Madeline (1993), nagrada Bafta za Beginners (2012), nominacija Emi za Little
Moon of Alban (1958), Hamlet at Elsinore (1964), The Thorn Birds (1983), Our Fathers (2005).
MIKELE PLAĆIDO Michele Placido /19. V 1946, Ascoli Satriano,
Province of Foggia, Italy/. Debi: Il caso Pisciotta (1972). Igrao u preko 80
filmova: Processo per direttissima (1974), Till Marriage Do Us Part (1974),
Romanzo popolare (1974), Peccati in famiglia (1975), Divina creatura
(1975), La Orca (1976), ...e tanta paura (1976), Fontamara (1977), Il prato
(1979), Les Ailes de la colombe (1981), Tre fratelli (1981), La Piovra
(1984), La piovra 2 (1985), Pizza Connection (1985), La piovra 3 (1987),
Mery per sempre (1989), La piovra 4 (1989), Афганский излом (1990),
Lamerica (1994), La sconosciuta (2006), Le rose del deserto (2006).
DŽOAN PLOURAJT Joan Plowright /Joan Ann Plowright, 28. X
1929, Brigg, Lindsey, Lincolnshire, England, UK/. Debi: Moby Dick
(1956). Igrala u preko 40 filmova: Three Sisters (1970),... Sophie (1990),
Enchanted April (1992), The Summer House (1993), Dennis the Menace
(1993), Widows' Peak (1994), The Assistant (1997), Tea with Mussolini
(1999), Back to the Secret Garden (2001), Global Heresy (2002), Callas
Forever (2002), I Am David (2003), Mrs Palfrey at The Claremont (2005).
Nominacija Oskar za sporednu ulogu u Enchanted April (1992), dobitnica
Zlatnog globusa za sporednu ulogu u Enchanted April (1992), dobitnica
Zlatnog globusa za sporednu glumicu u mini seriji Stalin (1992).
SIDNI POATJE Sidney Poitier /idney L. Poitier, 20. II 1927, Miami,
Florida, US/. Debi: Sepia Cinderella (1947). Poslednja uloga: The Jackal
(1997). Igrao u 43 filma: The Mark of the Hawk (1957), Pressure Point
(1962), The Long Ships (1964), The Slender Thread (1965), To Sir, with
Love (1967)…Oskar za glavnu ulogu u Lilies of the Field (1963),
nominacija Oskar za glavnu ulogu u The Defiant Ones (1958), Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u drami Lilies of the Field (1963), nominacija Zlatni
globus za glavnu ulogu u drami The Defiant Ones (1958), A Raisin in the
Sun (1961), A Patch of Blue (1965), In the Heat of the Night (1967),
nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u komediji Porgy and Bess (1959), nominacija Zlatni
globus za glavnu ulogu u mini seriji Separate But Equal (1991), Special Award (2001), nagrada
Bafta za The Defiant Ones (1958), nominacija Bafta za Edge of the City (1957), A Raisin in the
Sun (1961), Lilies of the Field (1963), A Patch of Blue (1965), In the Heat of the Night (1967).
NATALI PORTMAN Natalie Portman /Natalie Hershlag, ‫נטלי הרשלג‬, 9.
VI 1981, Jeruzalem, Israel/. Debi: Developing (1994). Igrala u više od 35
filmova: Beautiful Girls (1996), Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace
(1999), Where the Heart Is (2000), Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the
Clones (2003), Garden State (2005), Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the
Sith (2006), V for Vendetta (2006), The Other Boleyn Girl (2008), The
Other Woman (2009), Brothers (2009), No Strings Attached (2011), Thor
(2011), Thor 2 (2013). Oskar za glavnu ulogu u Black Swan (2010),
nominacija Oskar za sporednu ulogu u Closer (2004), dobitnica Zlatnog
globusa za glavnu ulogu u drami Black Swan (2010), dobitnica Zlatnog
globusa za sporednu ulogu u Closer (2004), nominacija Zlatni globus za
sporednu ulogu u Anywhere But Here (1999), dobitnica nagrade Saturn.
PITER POSTLETVEJT Peter Postlethwaite /Peter William Postlethwaite, 16. II 1946, Warrington, Cheshire, England, UK – 2. I 2011. (64),
Shrewsbury, Shropshire, England, UK/. Debi: The Racer (1975), Poslednji
film: Killing Bono (2011). Igrao u 54 filma: Distant Voices, Still Lives
(1998), The Last of the Mohicans (1992), The Usual Suspects (1995), When
Satur-day Comes (1996), Crimetime (1996), Brassed Off (1996), Among
Giants (1998), Wayward Son (1999), Rat (2000), Red Mercury (2005), Closing the Ring (2007), The Age of Stupid (2009), Inception (2010). Nominacija Oskar za sporednu ulogu u In the Name of the Father (1993), nominacija Saturn za Jurassic Park (1997), nominacija Bafta za The Town (2011).
RIČARD PRAJOR Richard Pryor /Richard Franklin Lennox Thomas
Pryor, 1. XII 1940, Peoria, Illinois, US – 10. XII 2005. (65), Encino,
California, US/. Debi: The Busy Body (1967). Poslednji film: Critical Lost
Highway (1997). Igrao u 36 filmova: Uncle Tom's Fairy Tales (1968),
Dynamite Chicken (1972), Which Way Is Up? (1977), Greased Lightning
(1977), Blue Collar (1978), Some Kind of Hero (1982), The Toy (1982),
Superman III (1983), Live & Smokin' (1985), Brewster's Millions (1985), Jo
Jo Dancer, Your Life Is Calling (1986), Condition (1987), Moving (1988),
See No Evil, Hear No Evil (1989), Harlem Nights (1989), The Three
Muscatels (1991), Another You (1991). Dobitnik nagrade Emi.
VINSENT PRAJS Vincent Price /Vincent Leonard Price Jr, 27. V
1911, St. Louis, US- 25. X 1993. (82) Los Angeles, US/. Debi: Service de
Luxe (1938). Poslednji film: The Princess and the Cobbler (1993). Igrao u
107 filmova: Shock (1946), The Three Musketeers (1948), The Baron of
Arizona (1950), House of Wax (1953), The Mad Magician (1954), Son of Sinbad (1955), The Story of Mankind (1958), House on Haunted Hill (1959),
The Tingler (1959), Return of the Fly (1959), The Bat (1959), House of
Usher (1960), Master of the World (1961), The Pit and the Pendulum
(1961), Nefertiti, Queen of the Nile (1961), Confessions of an Opium Eater (1962), Tales of Terror
(1962), Tower of London (1962), The Raven (1963), Diary of a Madman (1963), The Haunted
Palace (1963), Twice-Told Tales (1963), The Comedy of Terrors (1964), The Jackals (1967), …
EDNA PURVIANS Edna Purviance /Olga Edna Purviance October, 21.
X 1895, Paradise Valley, Nevada, US – 11. I 1958. (62) Hollywood, Los
Angeles, California, US/. Debi: A Night Out (1915). Poslednji film:
Limelight (1952). Igrala u 40 filmova: The Champion (1915), In the Park
(1915), A Jitney Elopement (1915), Police (1916), The Fireman (1916), The
Vagabond (1916), The Pawnshop (1916), Behind the Screen (1916), The
Rink (1916), Easy Street (1917), The Cure (1917), The Immigrant (1917),
The Adventurer (1917), A Dog's Life (1918), Triple Trouble (1918),
Shoulder Arms (1918), The Bond (1918), Sunnyside (1919), A Day's
Pleasure (1919), The Kid (1921), The Idle Class (1921), Pay Day (1922),
The Pilgrim (1923), A Woman of Paris (1923), A Woman of the Sea (1926).
EN RADEFORD Ann Rutherford /Therese Ann Rutherford, 2. XI 1920,
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada/. Debi: Waterfront Lady (1935).
Poslednja uloga: Won Ton Ton: The Dog Who Saved Hollywood (1976).
Igrala u 60 filmova: The Oregon Trail (1936), The Lawless Nineties (1936),
The Lonely Trail (1936), You're Only Young Once (1938), Wyoming (1940),
Keeping Company (1940), Andy Hardy's Private Secretary (1941),
Whistling in the Dark (1941), Orchestra Wives (1942), Whistling in Dixie
(1942), Happy Land (1943), Whistling in Brooklyn (1943), Two O'Clock
Courage (1945), Bedside Manner (1945), Adventures of Don Juan (1948),
Operation Haylift (1950).
MEG RAJAN Meg Ryan /Margaret Mary Emily Anne Hyra, 19. XI
1961, Fairfield, Connecticut, US/. Debi: Rich and Famous (1981). Igrala u
preko 30 filmova: Promised Land (1987), D.O.A. (1988), The Presidio
(1988), Joe Versus the Volcano (1990), The Doors (1991), Prelude to a
Kiss (1992), When a Man Loves a Woman (1994), French Kiss (1995),
Anastasia (1997), Proof of Life (2000). Nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu
ulogu u komediji When Harry Met Sally… (1989), Sleepless in Seattle
(1993), You’ve Got Mail (1998), nominacija Saturn za City of Angels
(1998) – nominovana za najgoru glumicu za The Women (2008).
ROBERT RAJAN Robert Ryan /Robert Bushnell Ryan, 11. XI 1909,
Chicago, Illinois, US - 11. VII 1973. (63), New York; US/. Debi: The Ghost
Breakers (1940). Poslednji film: The Iceman Cometh (1973). Igrao u 75 filmova: Tender Comrade (1943), Marine Raiders (1944), The Woman on the
Beach (1947), Berlin Express (1948), The Boy with Green Hair (1948), Act
of Violence (1948), I Married a Communist (1949), The Set-Up (1949), The
Secret Fury (1950), Born to Be Bad (1950), Flying Leathernecks (1951), On
Dangerous Ground (1951), Beware, My Lovely (1952), City Beneath the Sea
(1953), Inferno (1953), Alaska Seas (1954), About Mrs. Leslie (1954), Bad
Day at Black Rock (1955), House of Bamboo (1955), The Proud Ones
(1956),…Nominacija Oskar za sporednu ulogu u Crossfire (1947).
VINONA RAJDER Winona Ryder /Winona Laura Horowitz, 29. X
1971, Winona, Minnesota, US/. Debi: Lucas (1986). Igrala u preko 40
filmova: Heathers (1989), Great Balls of Fire! (1989), Reality Bites (1994),
How to Make an American Quilt (1995), Girl, Interrupted (1999), Star Trek
(2009), When Love Is Not Enough: The Lois Wilson Story (2010), Black
Swan (2010). Nominacija Oskar za glavnu ulogu u Little Women (1994),
nominacija Oskar za sporednu u The Age of Innocence (1993), dobitnica
Zlatnog globusa za sporednu ulogu u The Age of Innocence (1993),
nomimacija Zlatni globus za sporednu ulogu u Mermaids (1990),
nominacija Saturn za Edward Scissorhands (1990), Dracula (1992), Alien
Resurrection (1997), nominacija Bafta za The Age of Innocence (1993).
DŽON SI RAJLI John C. Reilly /John Christopher Reilly, 24. V 1965,
Chicago, Illinois, US/. Debi: Casualties of War (1989). Igrao u skoro 60
filmova: Hoffa (1992), Hard Eight (1996), Boogie Nights (1997), Magnolia
(1999), The Anniversary Party (2001), The Good Girl (2002), Gangs of
New York (2002), The Hours (2002), The Aviator (2004), The Promotion
(2008), Cirque du Freak: The Vampire's Assistant (2009), Cyrus (2010), We
Need to Talk About Kevin (2011), Terri (2011), Wreck-It Ralph (2012).
Nominacija Oskar za sporednu ulogu u Chicago (2002), nominacija Zlatni
globus za glavnu ulogu u komediji Walk Hard: The Dewey Cox Story
(2007), nominacija Zlatni globus za sporednu ulogu u Chicago (2002).
VING REJMS Ving Rhames /Irving Rameses Rhames, 12. V. 1959.
New York City, New York, US/. Debi: Go Tell It on the Mountain (1984).
Igrao u preko 70 filmova: Rosewood (1997), Don King: Only in America
(1997), American Tragedy (2000), Holiday Heart (2000), Undisputed
(2002), Dawn of the Dead (2004 (2004), Back in the Day (2005), Animal
(2005), Shooting Galleryn (2005), Mission: Impossible III (2006), Saving
God (2008), Phantom Punch (2009), Evil Angel (200), Master Harold...and
the Boys (2010), Soldiers of Fortune (2011), The River Murders (2011),
Zombie Apocalypse (2011), Seven Below (2012). Dobitnik Zlatnog globusa
za glavnog glumca u mini seriji Don King: Only in America (1997) – posvetio nagradu Džeku Lemonu!
LUIZ REJNER Luise Rainer /12. I 1910, Düsseldorf, Germany/. Debi:
Sehnsucht 202 (1932). Poslednji film: The Gambler (1997). Igrala u 14
filmova: Madame hat Besuch (1932), Heut' kommt's drauf an (1933),
Escapade (1935), The Emperor's Candlesticks (1937), Big City (1937), The
Toy Wife (1938), The Great Waltz (1938), Dramatic School (1938),
Hostages (1943), Der erste Kuß (1954). Dobitnica Oskara za glavnu
ulogu u The Great Ziegfeld (1936), The Good Earth (1937).
TEREZA RAJT Teresa Wright /Muriel Teresa Wright, 27. X 1918,
New York City, New York, US – 6. III 2005. (86), New Haven, Connecticut, US/. Debi: The Little Foxes (1941). Poslednji film: The Rainmaker
(1997). Igrala u 28 filmova: Shadow of a Doubt (1943), Casanova Brown
(1944), Pursued (1947), The Imperfect Lady (1947), Enchantment (1948),
The Capture (1950), The Men (1950), California Conquest (1952), The Steel
Trap (1952), Roseland (1977). Oskar za sporednu ulogu Mrs. Miniver
(1942), nominacija Oskar za glavnu ulogu u filmu The Pride of the Yankees
(1942), nominacija Oskar za sporednu ulogu u The Little Foxes (1941),
nominacija Emi za ulogu u Playhouse 90: The Miracle Worker (1957).
KURT RASEL Kurt Russell /Kurt Vogel Russell, 17. III 1951,
Springfield, Massachusetts, US/. Debi: It Happened at the World's Fair
(1963). Igrao u preko 50 filmova: The Computer Wore Tennis Shoes
(1969), The Barefoot Executive (1971), Now You See Him, Now You Don't
(1972), The Strongest Man in the World (1975), The Deadly Tower (1975),
Search for the Gods (1975), Used Cars (1980), Swing Shift (1984), The
Mean Season (1985), Big Trouble in Little China (1986), The Best of Times
(1986), Overboard (1987), Winter People (1989), Backdraft (1991), Unlawful Entry (1992),… Death Proof (2007). Nominacija Zlatni globus za
sporednu ulogu u Silkwood (1983), nominacija Emi za ulogu u Elvis (1979).
ROZALIND RASEL Rosalind Russell /4. VI 1907, Waterbury, Connecticut, US – 28. XI 1976. (69), Beverly Hills, California, US/. Debi: Evelyn
Prentice (1934). Poslednji film: Mrs. Pollifax-Spy (1971). Igrala u 51 filmu:
Rendezvous (1935), It Had to Happen (1936), Trouble for Two (1936), The
Citadel (1938), … Auntie MameFive (1958), Finger Exercise (1962), The
Trouble with Angels (1966), Rosie! (1967), Where Angels Go, Trouble
Follows (1968). Nominacija Oskar za glavnu ulogu u My Sister Eileen
(1942), Sister Kenny (1946), Mourning Becomes Electra (1947), Auntie Mame (1958), Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u drami Sister Kenny (1946),
Morning Becomes Electra (1947), Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u komediji Auntie Mame (1958), A Majority of One (1961), Gypsy (1962).
DŽORDŽ RAFT George Raft /26. IX 1901, New York City, New York,
US – 24. XI 1980. (79), Los Angeles, California, US/. Debi: Queen of the
Night Clubs (1929). Poslednji film: Sam Marlow, Private Eye (1980). Igrao
u 73 filma: Night After Night (1932), Under Cover Man (1932), Pick-Up
(1933), The Trumpet Blows (1934), Bolero (1934), Limehouse Blues (1934),
Every Night at Eight (1935), The Glass Key (1935), She Couldn't Take It
(1935), Stolen Harmony (1935), Rumba (1935), Yours for the Asking (1936),
It Had to Happen (1936), You and Me (1938), Spawn of the North (1938),
Nocturne (1946), Red Light (1949), Outpost in Morocco (1949), A Dangerous Profession (1949), A Bullet for Joey (1955), Some Like It Hot (1959).
DŽEFRI RAŠ Geoffrey Rush /Geoffrey Roy Rush, 6. VII 1951, Toowoomba, Queensland, Australia/. Debi: Hoodwink (1981). Igrao u preko 40
filmova: A Little Bit of Soul (1998), Swimming Upstream (2003), Munich
(2005), Candy (2006), Bran Nue Dae (2009), Legend of the Guardians: The
Owls of Ga'Hoole (2010), The Eye of the Storm (2011). Oskar za glavnu
ulogu u Shine (1996), nominacija Oskar za glavnu ulogu u Quills (2000), za
sporednu ulogu u Shakespeare in Love (1998), The King's Speech (2010),
Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u drami Shine (1996), nominacija Zlatni
globus za glavnu ulogu u drami Quills (2000), za sporednu ulogu u Shakespeare in Love (1998), Zlatni globus za glavnog glumca u mini seriji The
Life and Death of Peter Sellers (2004), nagrada Emi za ulogu u mini seriji The Life and Death
of Peter Sellers (2005), nagrada Bafta za Shine (1996), Elizabeth (1998), The King's Speech
(2010), Nagrada Udruženja filmskih i tv glumaca za najboljeg glumca u Shine (1996),
nominacija za Nagradu Udruženja filmskih i tv glumaca u Quills (2000).
DŽEREMI RENER Jeremy Renner /Jeremy Lee Renner, 7. I 1971,
Modesto, California, US/. Debi: Senior Trip (1995). Igrao u preko 20
filmova, među kojima: Paper Dragons (1996), Fish in a Barrel (2001),
Dahmer (2002), Neo Ned (2002), S.W.A.T. (2003), A Little Trip to Heaven
(2005), Mission: Impossible – Ghost Protocol (2011), The Bourne Legacy
(2012), Hansel and Gretel: Witch Hunters (2013). Nominacija Oskar za
glavnu ulogu u The Hurt Locker (2009), nominacija Oskar za sporednu
ulogu u The Town (2010), nominacija Zlatni globus za sporednu ulogu u The
Town (2010), nominacija za Nagradu Udruženja filmskih i tv glumaca za
najboljeg glumca u The Hurt Locker (2009), nominacija Bafta za The Hurt
Locker (2009).
VANESA REDGREJV Vanessa Redgrave /30. I 1937, Greenwich,
London, England, UK/. Debi: Behind the Mask (1958). Igrala u preko 80
filmova: Prick Up Your Ears (1987), Young Catherine (1991), The Fever
(2004), Venus (2006), Atonement (2007), Letters to Juliet (2010), Coriolanus (2011), Anonymous (2011). Oskar za sporednu ulogu u Julia (1977),
nominacija Oskar za glavnu ulogu u Morgan: A Suitable Case for Treatment (1966), Isadora (1968), Mary, Queen of Scots (1971), The Bostonians
(1984), za sporednu ulogu u Howards End (1992), Zlatni globus za sporednu ulogu u Julia (1977), nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u
drami Isadora (1968), Mary, Quen of Scots (1971), The Bostonias (1984),
za glavnu ulogu u komediji Morgan: A Suitable Case for Treatment (1966),
Camelot (1967), A Month by the lake (1995), za sporednu ulogu u Prick Up Your Ears (1987),
Zlatni globus za sporednu glumicu u mini seriji If These Walls Could Talk 2 (2000), nominacija
Zlatni globus za glavnu glumicu u mini seriji Second Serve (1986), A Man for All Seasons (1988),
Bella Mafia (1997), The Gathering Storm (2002), nagrada Emi za Playing for Time (1981).
LIN REDGREJV Lynn Redgrave /Lynn Rachel Redgrave, 8. III 1943,
Marylebone, London, England, UK – 2. V 2010, (67) Kent, Connecticut,
US/. Debi: Shoot to Kill (1960) Poslednji film: My Dog Tulip (2009). Igrala
u 42 filma: Smashing Time (1967), The Virgin Soldiers (1969), Last of the
Mobile Hot Shots (1979), White Lies (1998). Nominacija Oskar za glavnu
ulogu u Georgy Girl (1966), sporedna uloga u Gods and Monsters (1998),
Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u komediji Georgy Girl (1966), za sporednu ulogu u Gods and Monsters (1998), nominacija Zlatni globus za najbolju glumicu u seriji House Calls (1980), nominacija Bafta za Girl with Green
Eyes (1964), Georgy Girl (1966), Shine (1996), Gods and Monsters (1998).
MAJKL REDGREJV Michael Redgrave /Michael Scudamore Redgrave, 20. III 1908, Bristol, Gloucestershire, England, UK – 21. III 1985, (77),
Denham, Buckinghamshire, England, UK/. Debi: The Lady Vanishes (1938).
Poslednji film: Rime of the Ancient Mariner (1975). Igrao u 53 filma: The
Lady Vanishes (1938), Climbing High (1938), Stolen Life (1939), The Stars
Look Down (1940), A Window in London (1940), Atlantic Ferry (1941),
Jeannie (1941), Thunder Rock (1942), The Way to the Stars (1943), Dead of
Night (1945), The Captive Heart (1946), The Years Between (1946), Fame is
the Spur (1947),... Goodbye, Mr. Chips (1969), Connecting Rooms (1970).
Nominacija Oskar za glavnu ulogu u Mourning Becomes Electra (1947).
ROBERT REDFORD Robert Redford /Charles Robert Redford Jr, 18.
VIII 1936, Santa Monica, California, US/. Debi: Tall Story (1960). Igrao u
40 filmova: War Hunt (1962), This Property Is Condemned (1966), Barefoot
in the Park (1967), Little Fauss and Big Halsy (1970), Jeremiah Johnson
(1972), The Candidate (1972), The Hot Rock (1972), The Way We Were
(1973), The Great Gatsby (1974), Three Days of the Condor (1975), The
Great Waldo Pepper (1975), All the President's Men (1976), The Electric
Horseman (1979), Brubaker (1980), The Natural (1984), Out of Africa
(1985), Legal Eagles (1986), Havana (1990), Sneakers (1992), Indecent
Proposal (1993),... An Unfinished Life (2005). Nominacija Oskar za glavnu
ulogu u The Sting (1973), dobitnik nagrade BAFTA za ulogu u Butch Cassidy and the Sundance
Kid (1969), Tell Them Willie Boy Is Here (1969), Downhill Racer (1969), Special Award (2001).
BERT REJNOLDS Burt Reynolds /Burton Leon Reynolds Jr, 11. II
1936, Waycross, Georgia, US/. Debi: Angel Baby (1961). Igrao u preko 90
filmova: Operation C.I.A.(1965), Navajo Joe (1966), 100 Rifles (1969), Sam
Whiskey (1969), Impasse (1969), Shark! (1969), Skullduggery (1970), Fuzz
(1972), Shamus (1973), White Lightning (1973),… Nominacija Oskar za
sporednu ulogu u Boogie Nights (1997), Zlatni globus za sporednu ulogu
u Boogie Nights (1997), nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u komediji The Longest Yard (1974), Starting Over (1979), Zlatni globus za najboljeg glumca u u seriji-komedija Evening Shade (1991), nominacija Zlatni globus za najboljeg glumca u seriji-drama Dan August (1970), nominacija Zlatni globus za najboljeg glumca u seriji-komedija Evening Shade
(1990, 1992), nagrada Emi, nominacija Bafta za Boogie Nights (1997).
KLOD REJNS Claude Rains /William Claude Rains, 10. XI 1889, Camberwell, London, England,UK – 30. V 1967. (77) Laconia, New Hampshire, US/. Debi: Build Thy House (1920). Poslednji film: The Greatest Story
Ever Told (1965). Igrao u 57 filmova: The Invisible Man (1933), The Clairvoyant (1934), Crime Without Passion (1934), The Mystery of Edwin Drood
(1935), Stolen Holiday (1937), They Won't Forget (1937), White Banners
(1938), Sons of Liberty (1939), Lady with Red Hair (1940), The Wolf Man
(1941), Passage to Marseille (1944), Caesar and Cleopatra (1945),… Nominacija Oskar za sporednu ulogu u Mr. Smith Goes to Washinngton (1939),
Casablanca (1943), Mr. Skeffington (1944), Notorius (1946).
DEBI REJNOLDS Debbie Reynolds /Mary Frances Reynolds, 1. IV
1932, El Paso, Texas, US/. Debi: June Bride (1948). Igrala u preko 40
filmova: Singin' in the Rain (1952), I Love Melvin (1953), Susan Slept Here
(1954), The Tender Trap (1955), Tammy and the Bachelor (1957), This Happy Feeling (1958), The Mating Game (1959), Say One for Me (1959), It
Started with a Kiss (1959), The Gazebo (1959), The Rat Race (1960), The
Pleasure of His Company (1961), The Second Time Around (1961), My Six
Loves (1963),… Nominacija Oskar za glavnu ulogu u Unsinkable Molly
Brown (1964), za glavnu ulogu u mjuziklu Bundle of Jou (1956), The
Unsinkable Molly Brown (1964), Mother (1996), nominacija Zlatni globus
za najbolju glumicu u seriji-mjuziklu The Debbiie Reynolds Show (1969).
LI REMIK Lee Remick /Lee Ann Remick, 14. XII 1935, Quincy,
Massachusetts, US- 2. VII 1991. (55) Los Angeles, US/. Debi: Poslednji
film: A Face in the Crowd (1957). Emma's War (1986). Igrala u 28 filmova:
Anatomy of a Murder (1959), Wild River (1960), Experiment in Terror
(1962), The Running Man (1963), The Wheeler Dealers (1963), Baby the
Rain Must Fall (1965), The Hallelujah Trail (1965), No Way to Treat a Lady
(1968), The Detective (1968),… Nominacija Oskar za glavnu ulogu u Days
of Wine and Roses (1962), nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u drami
Anatomy of a Murder (1959), Days of Wine and Roses (1962), nominacija
Zlatni globus za glavnu glumicu u mini seriji The Letter (1982), Zlatni
globus za najbolju glumicu u seriji-drama The Blue Knight (1973), Jennie: Lady Randolph
Churchill (1975), nominacija Zlatni globus za najbolju glumicu u seriji-drama Wheels (1978).
ŠARLOTA REMPLING Charlotte Rampling /Charlotte Tessa Rampling, 5. II 1946, Sturmer, England, UK/. Debi: The Knack... and How to Get
It (1965). Igrala u skoro 80 filmova: Rotten to the Core (1965), Corky
(1972), Zardoz (1974), Caravan to Vaccarès (1974), The Night Porter
(1974), Yuppi du (1974), La Chair de l'orchidée (1975), Farewell, My
Lovely (1975), Foxtrot (1976), The Purple Taxi (1977), Orca (1977), Stardust Memories (1980), The Verdict (1982), Viva la vie (1984), Tristesse et
beauté (1985), Max, Mon Amour (1986), Paris by Night (1988), Hammers
Over the Anvil (1993), Signs and Wonders (2000), Immortel (2004), The
Eye of the Storm (2011). Nominacija Sesar za ulogu u On ne meurt que 2
fois (1985), Sous le sable (2000), Swimming Pool (2003), Lemming (2005).
ŽAN RENO Jean Reno /Juan Moreno y Herrera Jiménez, 30. VII 1948,
Casablanca, Morocco/. Debi: The Hypothesis of the Stolen Painting (1979).
Igrao u skoro 70 filmova: Le Dernier Combat (1983), French Kiss (1995),
Beyond the Clouds (1995), Le Jaguar (1996), Mission: Impossible (1996),
Roseanna's Grave (1997), The Visitors II: The Corridors of Time (1998),
Godzilla (1998), Ronin (1998), Les Rivières Pourpres (2000), Just Visiting
(2001), Wasabi (2001), Décalage Horaire (2002), Tais-toi ! (2003),
Crimson Rivers II: Angels of the Apocalypse (2004), Hotel Rwanda (2004),
L'Empire des loups (2005), The Tiger and the Snow (2005), The Da Vinci
Code (2006), Le Premier Cercle (2009), L'immortel (2010). Nominacija
Cesar za Le Grand Bleu (1988), Les Visiteurs (1993), Léon (1994).
BAZIL RETBUN Basil Rathbone /Philip St. John Basil Rathbone, 13.
VI 1892, Johannesburg, South African Republic – 21. VII 1967. (75), New
York City, New York, US/. Debi: The Fruitful Vine (1921). Poslednji film:
Autopsia de un fantasma (1968). Igrao u 87 filmova: Trouping with Ellen
(1924), The Last of Mrs. Cheyney (1929), The Bishop Murder Case (1930),
This Mad World (1930), The Flirting Widow (1930), After the Ball (1932),
Loyalties (1933), The Last Days of Pompeii (1935), A Feather in Her Hat
(1935), Kind Lady (1935), Love from a Stranger (1937), The Dawn Patrol
(1938), Voyage to the Prehistoric Planet (1965), Queen of Blood (1966). Od
1939–1946. u 14 filmova kao Sherlock Holmes. Nominacija Oskar za
sporednu ulogu u Romeo and Juliet (1936), If I Were King (1938).
STIVEN RIA Stephen Rea /31. X 1946, Belfast, Northern Ireland/. Debi:
Cry of the Banshee (1970). Igrao u preko 60 filmova: Angel (1982), Bad
Behaviour (1993), Angie (1994), Prêt-à-Porter (1994), Interview with the
Vampire: The Vampire Chronicles (1995), Citizen X (1995), All Men Are
Mortal (1995), Trojan Eddie (1996), The Butcher Boy (1997), Hacks (1997),
Still Crazy (1998), Guinevere (1999), The Musketeer (2001), Bloom (2003),
Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea (1995),The Halo Effect (2004),
Nothing Personal (2009). Nominacija Oskar za glavnu ulogu u The Crying
Game (1992), nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u mini seriji Crime
of the Century (1996), nominacija Bafta za The Crying Game (1992).
KIJANU RIVS Keanu Reeves /Keanu Charles Reeves, 2. IX 1964, Beirut, Lebanon/. Debi: One Step Away (1985). Igrao u preko 50 filmova: River's Edge (1986), Brotherhood of Justice (1986), Babes in Toyland (1986),
The Night Before (1988), Point Break (1990), Little Buddha (1994), Johnny
Mnemonic (1995), A Walk in the Clouds (1995), Chain Reaction (1996),
Feeling Minnesota (1996), The Last Time I Committed Suicide (1997), The
Devil's Advocate (1997), The Replacements (2000), Sweet November (2001),
Hardball (2001), The Matrix Reloaded (2003), The Matrix Revolutions
(2003), Constantine (2005), The Lake House (2006), A Scanner Darkly
(2006), Street Kings (2008), The Day the Earth Stood Still (2008 ), Henry's
Crime (2010), 47 Ronin (2012), Bill & Ted (2013). Nominovan i
nagrađivan; najznačajnija nominacija Saturn za ulogu u The Matrix (1999).
EN RIVIR Anne Revere /25. VI 1903, New York City, New York, US –
18. XII 1990. (87), Locust Valley, New York, US/. Debi: Double Door
(1934). Poslednji film: Birch Interval (1976). Igrala u 31 filmu, među
kojima: Sunday Dinner for a Soldier (1944), National Velvet (1944), Fallen
Angel (1945), The Thin Man Goes Home (1945), Dragonwyck (1946), Body
and Soul (1947), Carnival in Costa Rica (1947), The Shocking Miss Pilgrim
(1947), Scudda Hoo! Scudda Hay! (1948), Secret Beyond the Door (1948),
A Place in the Sun (1951). Dobitnica Oskara za sporednu ulogu u
National Velvet (1945), nominacija Oskar za sporednu ulogu u The Song of
Bernadette (1943), Gentleman's Agreement (1947).
DONA RID Donna Reed /Donna Belle Mullenger, 27. I 1921, Denison,
Iowa, US - 14. I. 1986. (64), Beverly Hills, California, US/. Debi: The
Getaway (1941). Poslednji film: Yellow-Headed Summer (1974). Igrala u 41
filmu: The Man from Down Under (1943), See Here, Private Hargrove
(1944), Gentle Annie (1944), The Picture of Dorian Gray (1945), They Were
Expendable (1945), It's a Wonderful Life (1946), Green Dolphin Street
(1947), Chicago Deadline (1949), Saturday's Hero (1951), Scandal Sheet
(1952), Hangman's Knot (1952), Trouble Along the Way (1952), The Caddy
(1953), Gun Fury (1953), The Benny Goodman Story (1956), Ransom!
(1956), Backlash (1956), Beyond Mombasa (1956), The Whole Truth
(1958). Dobitnica Oskara za sporednu ulogu u From Here to Eternity
OLIVER RID Oliver Reed /Robert Oliver Reed, 13. II 1938, Wimbledon, London, England, UK - 2. V 1999. (61), Valletta, Malta/. Debi: Hello
London (1958). Poslednji film: Orpheus & Eurydice (2000). Igrao u 94
filma: The Curse of the Werewolf (1961), Paranoiac (1963), The System
(1964), The Party's Over (1965), The Brigand of Kandahar (1965), The
Trap (1966), The Shuttered Room (1967), I'll Never Forget What's'isname
(1967), The Jokers (1967), Hannibal Brooks (1969), The Assassination Bureau (1969), Take a Girl Like You (1970), The Devils (1971), The Hunting
Party (1971), Sitting Target (1972), The Triple Echo (1972), The Three Musketeers (1972), Revolver (1973), The Four Musketeers (1974), Black Arrow
(1985), Castaway (1986). Nominacija Bafta za ulogu u Gladiator (2000).
ALAN RIKMEN Alan Rickman /Alan Sidney Patrick Rickman, 21. II
1946, Hammersmith, London, England, UK/. Debi: Die Hard (1988). Igrao
u 40 filmova: Quigley Down Under (1990), Close My Eyes (1991), Mesmer
(1994), The Winter Guest (1997), Dogma (1999), Harry Potter and the
Chamber of Secrets (2002), Love Actually (2003), Bottle Shock (2008), Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (2009), Harry Potter and the Deathly
Hallows 2 (2011). Zlatni globusa za glavnog glumca u mini seriji Rasputin: Dark Servant of Destiny (1996), nagrada Emi za ulogu u Rasputin: Dark Servant of Destiny (1996), nagrada Bafta za Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves (1991), nominacija Bafta za ulogu u Truly, Madly, Deeply
(1991), Sense and Sensibility (1995), nominacija Saturn za Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves (1991),
Galaxy Quest (1999), Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street (2007), nominacija Emi za
Something the Lord Made (2004).
TELMA RITER Thelma Ritter /14. II 1902, Brooklyn, New York, US –
5. II 1969. (67) New York City, New York, US/. Debi: Miracle on 34th
Street (1947). Poslednji film: What's So Bad About Feeling Good? (1968).
Igrala u 31 filmu, među kojima: As Young as You Feel (1951), For Love or
Money (1963), A New Kind of Love (1963), Move Over, Darling (1963).
Nominacija Oskar za sporednu ulogu u All About Eve (1950), The Mating
Season (1951), With a Song in My Heart (1952), Pickup on South Street
(1953), Šaputanje na jastuku (1959), Birdman of Alcatraz (1962),
nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u komediji All About Eve (1950),
The Mating Season (1951), Boeing 707 (1965).
MIRANDA RIČARDSON Miranda Richardson /Miranda Jane Richardson, 3. III 1958, Southport, Lancashire, England, UK/. Debi: The First Day
(1980). Igrala u skoro 60 filmova: Dance with a Stranger (1985), The Evening Star (1996), Kansas City (1996), The Apostle (1997), The King and I
(1999), Sleepy Hollow (1999), The Hours (2002), Spider (2002), The Rage
in Placid Lake (2003), Gideon's Daughter (2006). Nominacija Oskar za glavnu ulogu u Tom & Viv (1994), za sporednu ulogu u Damage (1992), Zlatni
globus za glavnu ulogu u komediji Enchanted April (1992), nominacija
Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u drami Tom & Viv (1994), za sporednu ulogu
u Damage (1992), Zlatni globus za sporednu glumicu u mini seriji Fatherland (1994), nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu glumicu u miniseriji Merlin (1998), The Lost Prince (2004), za sporednu glumicu u mini seriji The Big Brass Ring (1999),
nagrada Bafta za Damage (1992), nominacija Bafta za After Pilkington (1985), The Crying Game
(1992), Tom & Viv (1994), A Dance to the Music of Time (1997), Made in Dagenham (2010).
ERIK ROBERTS Eric Roberts /Eric Anthony Roberts, 18. IV 1956, Biloxi, Mississippi, US/. Debi: King of the Gypsies (1978). Igrao u 160 filmova: Raggedy Man (1981), The Coca-Cola Kid (1985), Slow Burn (1986),
Nobody's Fool (1986), Best of the Best (1989), Rude Awakening (1989), The
Ambulance (1990), Best of the Best 2 (1993), Voyage (1993), The Nature of
the Beast (1995), The Immortals (1995), Power 98 (1996), It's My Party
(1996), American Strays (1996), Public Enemies (1996), The Shadow Men
(1998), La Cucaracha (1998), Restraining Order (1999), Façade (2000),
Heaven's Fire (2000),… Nominacija Oskar za sporednu ulogu u Runaway
Train (1985), nominacija Zlatni globus az sporedna ulogu u Runaway Train
(1985), za najboljeg glumca u mini seriji Star 80 (1983).
DŽEJSON ROBARDS Jason Robards /Jason Nelson Robards Jr, 26.
VII 1922, Chicago, Illinois, US - 26. XII 2000 (78), Bridgeport, Connecticut, US/. Debi: Swingtime Johnny (1943). Poslednji film: Magnolia (1999).
Uz 65 tv uloga, igrao u 61 filmu: Tender Is the Night (1962), A Thousand
Clowns (1962), Any Wednesday (1966), Hour of the Gun (1967), The Night
They Raided Minsky's (1968),… Oskar za sporednu ulogu u All the
President’s Men (1976), Julia (1977), nominacija Oskar za sporednu ulogu
u Melvin and Howard (1980), nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u
komediji A thousand Clowns (1965), za sporednu ulogu u All the
President’s Men (1976), Julia (1977), Melvin and Howard (1980), za
glavnog glumca u mini seriji Sakharov (1984), nagrada Emi za Inherit the Wind (1988).
DŽULIJA ROBERTS Julia Roberts /Julia Fiona Roberts, 28. X 1967,
Smyrna, Georgia, US/. Debi: Firehouse (1987). Igrala u preko 40 filmova:
Mystic Pizza (1988), Dying Young (1991), The Pelican Brief (1993), Prêt-àPorter (1994), Conspiracy Theory (1997), Stepmom (1998), Runaway Bride
(1999), Ocean's Eleven (2001), The Mexican (2001), Closer (2004), Ocean's
Twelve (2004), The Ant Bully (2006), Eat Pray Love (2010). Oskar za glavnu ulogu u Erin Brockovich (2000), nominacija Oskar za glavnu ulogu u
Pretty Woman (1990), za sporednu ulogu u Steel Magnolias (1989), Zlatni
globus za glavnu ulogu u drami Erin Brockovich (2000), Zlatni globus
za glavnu ulogu u komediji Pretty Woman (1990), Zlatni globus za sporednu ulogu u Steel Magnolias (1989), , nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u komediji My
Best Friend’s Wedding (1997), Notting Hill (1999), Duplicity (2009), za sporednu ulogu u Charlie
Wilson’s War (2007), nominacija Saturn za Flatliners (1990), Sleeping with the Enemy (1991).
KLIF ROBERTSON Cliff Robertson /Clifford Parker Robertson III, 9.
IX 1923, La Jolla, California, US – 10. IX 2011, (88), Stony Brook, New
York, US/. Debi: We've Never Been Licked (1943). Poslednji film: SpiderMan 3 (2007). Igrao u 58 filmova: Autumn Leaves (1956), The Girl Most
Likely (1957), The Naked and the Dead (1958), Battle of the Coral Sea
(1959), All in a Night's Work (1961), Underworld U.S.A. (1961), The Interns
(1962), My Six Loves (1962), PT 109 (1963), Sunday in New York (1963),
633 Squadron (1964), The Best Man (1964), Up from the Beach (1964),
Masquerade (1965), Love Has Many Faces (1965), The Devil's Brigade
(1968), J. W. Coop (1972), The Great Northfield Minnesota Raid (1972),
Ace Eli and Rodger of the Skies (1973),... Oskar za glavnu ulogu u Charly
(1968), nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u drami Charly (1968).
TIM ROBINS Tim Robbins /Timothy Francis Robbins, 16. X 1958, West
Covina, California, US/. Debi: Toy Soldiers (1984). Igrao u preko 40 filmova: Tapeheads (1988), Short Cuts (1993), Prêt-à-Porter (1994), The Secret
Life of Words (2005). Oskar za sporednu ulogu u Mystic River (2003),
Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u komediji The Player (1992), Zlatni globus za sporednu ulogu u Mystic River (2003), nominacija Zlatni globus za
glavnu ulogu u komediji Bob Roberts (1992), nominacija Zlatni globus za
sporednog glumca u miniseriji Cinema Verite (2010), nominacija Nagrada
Udruženja filmskih i tv glumaca: najbolji glumac u The Shawshank Redemption (1994), nominacija Bafta za The Player (1992), Mystic River (2003).
EDVARD DŽ. ROBINSON Edward G. Robinson /Emanuel Goldenberg, 12. XII 1893, Bucharest, Romania – 26. I 1973, (79), Los Angeles, California, US/. Debi: Arms and the Woman (1916). Poslednji film: Soylent
Green (1973). Igrao u 90 filmova: The Hole in the Wall (1929), Outside the
Law (1930), Little Caesar (1931), Smart Money (1931), Five Star Final
(1931), The Hatchet Man (1932), Two Seconds (1932), Tiger Shark (1932),
… Tight Spot (1955), A Bullet for Joey (1955), Illegal (1955), Nightmare
(1956), A Hole in the Head (1959), Seven Thieves (1960), Two Weeks in
Another Town (1962), Sammy Going South (1963), The Prize (1963), The Ci
ncinnati Kid (1965), It's Your Move (1969). Special Award (1972).
MEJ ROBSON May Robson /Mary Jeanette Robison, 19. IV 1858,
Melbourne, Australia – 20. X 1942. (84), Queens, New York City, US/.
Debi: A Night Out; or, He Couldn't Go Home in the Morning (1908)
Poslednji film: Joan of Paris (1942). Igrala u 64 filma: The Rejuvenation of
Aunt Mary (1927), A Harp in Hock (1927), Chicago (1927), Dancing Lady
(1933), Men Must Fight (1933), Lady by Choice (1934), Reckless (1935),
Wife vs. Secretary (1936), A Star Is Born (1937), The Adventures of Tom
Sawyer (1938), The Texans (1938), They Made Me a Criminal (1939),
That's Right You're Wrong (193), Million Dollar Baby (1941). Nominacija
Oskar za glavnu ulogu u Lady for a Day (1933).
KETRIN ROS Katharine Ross /Katharine Juliet Ross, 29. I 1940,
Hollywood, California, US/. Debi: Shenandoah (1965). Igrala u više od 25
filmova, među kojima: Games (1967), Hellfighters (1968), Butch Cassidy
and the Sundance Kid (1969), Tell Them Willie Boy Is Here (1969), Get to
Know Your Rabbit (1972), They Only Kill Their Masters (1972), The
Stepford Wives (1975), The Legacy (1978), The Swarm (1978), The Final
Countdown (19809, Wrong Is Right (1982), The Shadow Riders (1982),
Conagher (1991), Donnie Darko (2001), Eye of the Dolphin (2006).
Nominacija Oskar za sporednu ulogu u The Graduate (1967), dobitnica
Zlatnog globusa za sporednu ulogu u Voyage of the Damned (1976).
EMI ROSUM Emmy Rossum /Emmanuelle Grey Rossum, 12. IX 1986,
New York City, New York US/. Debi: Grace & Glorie (1996). Igrala u više
od 15 filmova, među kojima: Genius (1999), The Audrey Hepburn Story
(2000), Songcatcher (2000), Passionada (2002), Nola (2003), Mystic River
(2003), The Day After Tomorrow (2004), Poseidon (2006), Dragonball
Evolution (2009), Dare (2009), Inside (2011), Beautiful Creatures (2013),
Way Down South (2013). Nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u
mjuziklu The Plantom of the Opera (2004), dobitnica nagrade Saturn za
ulogu u The Phantom of the Opera (2004).
TIM ROT Tim Roth /Simon Timothy Roth, 14. V 1961, Dulwich, London, England, UK/. Debi: Made in Britain (1982). Igrao u preko 50 filmova: Meantime (1983), Vincent & Theo (1990), Farendj (1990), Reservoir
Dogs (1992), Captives (1994), Little Odessa (1994), The Legend of 1900
(1998), Hoodlum (1997), Deceiver (1997), Invincible (2001), Emmett's
Mark (2002), To Kill a King (2003), Dark Water (2005), Tsunami: The
Aftermath (2006), Youth Without Youth (2007), Funny Games (2008), King
Conqueror (2009), Skellig (2009), Arbitrage (2009). Nominacija Oskar za
sporednu ulogu u Rob Roy (1995), nominacija Zlatni globus za sporednu
ulogu Rob Roy (1995), nagrada Bafta za Rob Roy (1995), nomonacija Bafta za The Hit (1994), nominacija Saturn za Planet of the Apes (2001).
ĐINA ROULANDS Gena Rowlands /Virginia Cathryn Rowlands, 19.
VI 1930, Madison, Wisconsin, US/. Debi: The High Cost of Loving (1958).
Uz preko 60 tv uloga, igrala u skoro 40 filmova: Opening Night (1977),
Love Streams (1984), Unhook the Stars (1996), Hope Floats (1998), The
Weekend (1999), The Notebook (2004), The Skeleton Key (2005). Nominacija Oskar za glavnu ulogu u A Woman Under the Influence (1974), Gloria
(1980), Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u drami A Woman Under the Infuence (1974), nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u drami Opening
Night (1977), Gloria (1980), Zlatni globus za glavnu glumicu u miniseriji
The Betty Ford Story (1987), nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu glumicu u
mini seriji Thursday's Child (1983), An Early Frost (1985), za sporednu
glumicu u mini seriji Crazy in Love (1992), Hysterical Blindess (2002), nagrada Emi za The Betty
Ford Story (1987), Face of a Stranger (1991), Hysterical Blindness (2002), The Incredible Mrs.
Ritchie (2004), nominacija Emi za mini seriju An Early Frost (1985), The Color of Love: Jacey's
Story (2000), Wild Iris (2001), What If God Were the Sun? (2007), Monk (2009).
DŽINDŽER RODŽERS Ginger Rogers /Virginia Katherine McMath,
16. VII 1911, Independence, Missouri, US - 25. IV 1995. (83), Rancho
Mirage, Kalifornija, US/. Debi: A Day of a Man of Affairs (1929). Poslednji
film: Harlow (1965). Igrala u 78 filmova: The Thirteenth Guest (1932), A
Shriek in the Night (1933), Rafter Romance (1934), The Gay Divorcee
(1934), Romance in Manhattan (1934), Star of Midnight (1935), Top Hat
(1935), Follow the Fleet (1936), Swing Time (1936), Shall We Dance
(1937), Having Wonderful Time (1938), Vivacious Lady (1938), ... Teenage
Rebel (1956). Oskar za glavnu ulogu u Kitty Foyle (1940), nominacija
Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u komediji Monkey Business (1952).
MIKI RUNI Mickey Rooney /Joseph Yule Jr, 23. IX 1920, Brooklyn,
New York, US/. Debi: Not to Be Trusted (1926). Poslednji film: The Devil
in the Fog (2012). Igrao u 242 filma: Hoosier Schoolboy (1937), Love Finds
Andy Hardy (1938), The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (1939), Babes in
Arms (1939), Young Tom Edison (1940), Strike Up the Band (1940),...
America: A Call to Greatness (1995), Lost Stallions: The Journey Home
(2008). Nominacija Oskar za glavnu ulogu u Judge Hardy's Children
(1939), The Human Comedy (1943), nominacija Oskar za sporednu ulogu u
The Bold and the Brave (1956), The Black Stallion (1979), Zlatni globus za
glavnog glumca u mini seriji Bill (1981), Zlatni globus za najboljeg
glumca u seriji-drama Mickey (1963), nagrada Emi za ulogu u mini
seriji Bill (1982), Special Award (1938), Special Award (1982).
MIKI RORK Mickey Rourke /Philip Andre Rourke Jr, 16. IX 1952,
Schenectady, New York, US/. Debi: 1941 (1979). Igrao u skoro 60 filmova:
The Pope of Greenwich Village (1984), Year of the Dragon (1985), 9½
Weeks (1986), Angel Heart (1987), Barfly (1987), A Prayer for the Dying
(1987), Homeboy (1989), Francesco (1989), Johnny Handsome (1989),
Wild Orchid (1990), Desperate Hours (1990), Harley Davidson and the Marlboro Man (1991), F.T.W. (1994),… The Courier (2011). Nominacija
Oskar za glavnu ulogu u The Wrestler (2008), Zlatni globus za glavnu
ulogu u drami The Wrestler (2008), nominacija za Nagradu Udruženja
filmskih i tv glumaca za najboljeg glumca u The Wrestler (2008), nagrada
Saturn za Sin City (2006), nagrada Bafta za The Wrestler (2008).
MARK RUFALO Mark Ruffalo /Mark Alan Ruffalo, 22. XI 1967,
Kenosha, WI, US/. Debi: Rough Trade (1992). Igrao u skoro 50 filmova: On
the 2nd Day of Christmas (1997), You Can Count on Me (2000), The Last
Castle (2001), XX/XY (2002), Windtalkers (2002), My Life Without Me
(2003), View from the Top (2003), In the Cut (2003), We Don't Live Here
Anymore (2004), 13 Going on 30 (2004), Just Like Heaven (2005), Blindness (2008), What Doesn't Kill You (2008), The Brothers Bloom (2009),
Sympathy for Delicious (2009), Red Light Winter (2012). Nominacija Oskar
za sporednu ulogu u The Kids Are All Right (2010), nominacija Saturn za
Shutter Island (2010), nominacija Bafta za istu ulogu (2010).
TELI SAVALAS Telly Savalas /Aristotelis Savalas, 21. I 1922, Garden
City, New York, US - 22. I 1994. (72), Universal City, California, US/.
Debi: The Sin of Jesus (1961). Poslednji film: Backfire! (1995). Uz 73 tv
uloge, igrao u 52 filma: Sol Madrid (1968), Kelly's Heroes (1970), Pretty
Maids All in a Row (1971), Inside Out (1975), Escape to Athena (1979),
Border Cop (1979), The Dirty Dozen: The Deadly Mission (1987), Faceless
(1988), The Dirty Dozen: The Fatal Mission (1988). Nominacija Oskar za
sporednu ulogu u Birdman of Alcatraz (1962), dobitnik Zlatnog globusa za
najboljeg glumca u seriji-drama Kojak (1974), nominacija Zlatni globus
za najboljeg glumca u Kojak (1976, 1977).
мила Савел ева, 24. I 1942, Leningrad, SSSR/. Debi: Война и мир I: Aндрей
Балконский (1965). Igrala u 18 filmova: Война и мир II: Наташа
Ростова (1966), Война и мир (1967), Война и мир IV: Пёр Безухов
(1967), Война и мир III: 1812. год (1967), I girasoli (1970), Всадник без
голови (1972), Чайка (1972), Бег (1972), Ищезновенные (1978), Юлия
Вревская (1978), Шляпа (1982), Шёл четвёртий год войни (1985), Нам
не дано предугадатam (1986), Чужная белая и рябой (1986), Успех
(1987), Чёрная роза roza – eмблема печалы, красная роза - eмблема
любви (1989), Нежний возраст (2000).
LJUDMILA SAVELJEVA Lyudmila Savelyeva /Л
TOM SAJZMOR Tom Sizemore /Thomas Edward Sizemore Jr, 29. XI
1961, Detroit, Michigan, US/. Debi: Blue Steel (1989). Igrao u oko 100 filmova: Where Sleeping Dogs Lie (1991), Passenger 57 (1992), Saving Private Ryan (1993), Devil in a Blue Dress (1995), The Relic (1997), Red
Planet (2000), Pearl Harbor (2001), Swindle (2002), Black Hawk Down
(2001), No Rules (2005), Splinter (2006), The Genius Club (2006), Protecting the King (2007), Oranges (2007), A Broken Life (2008), Red (2008),
The Last Lullaby (2008), Corrado (2009), Double Duty (2009), Shadows in
Paradise (2010). Nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnog glumca u mini seriji
Witnes Protection (1999), nominacija Saturn za Heart and Souls (1993).
MARGARET SALAVAN Margaret Sullavan /Margaret Brooke
Sullavan, 16. V 1909, Norfolk, Virginia, US – 1. I 1960, (50) New Haven,
Connecticut, US/. Debi: Only Yesterday (1933). Poslednji film: No Sad
Songs for Me (1950). Igrala u 17 filmova: Little Man, What Now? (1934),
The Good Fairy (1935), So Red the Rose (1935), Next Time We Love (1936),
The Moon's Our Home (1936), The Moon's Our Home (1936), The
Shopworn Angel (1938), The Shining Hour (1938), The Shop Around the
Corner (1940), The Mortal Storm (1940), So Ends Our Night (1941), Back
Street (1941), Appointment for Love (1941), Cry 'Havoc' (1943).
Nominacija Oskar za glavnu ulogu u Three Comrades (1938)
TATJANA SAMOJLOVA Tatjana Samojlova (Tа яна вген евна
Самойлова; 4. V 1934). Debi: Mексиканец (1955). Igrala u 15 filmova:
Летият журавлы (1957), Неотпраeленое письмо (1960), Леон Гарос
ищет друга (1961), Aлба регия (1961), Italiani brava gente (1964), Aна
Каренина (1967), Нечаяные радости (1972), Город на Кавказе (1972),
Oкеан (1974), Возврата нет (1975), Брилыянти для диктатури
пролетаријята (1977), 24 Hours (2000), Far from Sunset Boulevard
(2006), Nirvana (2008). Nominacjia Bafta za ulogu u Летият журавлы
(1957), nagrada festivala Kan za istu ulogu (1957).
DOMINIK SANDA Dominique Sanda /Dominique Marie-Françoise
Renée Varaigne, 11. III 1951, Paris, France/. Debi: Une femme douce
(1969). Igrala u preko 40 filmova: Erste Liebe (1970), Il giardino dei FinziContini (1970), Sans mobile apparent (1971), Story of a Love Story (1973),
The Mackintosh Man (1973), Steppenwolf (1974), 1900 (1976), Al di là del
bene e del male (1977), Damnation Alley (1977), The Song of Roland
(1978), Le Voyage en douce (1980), Caboblanco (1980), Les Ailes de la
colombe (1981), Une chambre en ville (1982), Il decimo clandestino (1989),
Les Rivières Pourpres (2000), The Island of the Mapmaker's Wife (2001).
Nagrada Festivala Kan 1976. za ulogu u The Inheritance (1976).
SUZAN SARANDON Susan Sarandon /Susan Abigail Tomalin, 4. X
1946, New York City, New York, US/. Debi: Joe (1970).. Igrala u preko 80
filmova: The Apprentice (1971), One Summer Love (1976), Twilight (1998),
The Banger Sisters (2002), Moonlight Mile (2002), Noel (2004), Romance
& Cigarettes (2005), Emotional Arithmetic (2007), Jeff, Who Lives at Home
(2012). Oskar za glavnu ulogu u Dead Man Walking (1995), nominacija
Oskar za glavnu ulogu u Atlantic City (1981), Thelma & Louise (1991),
Lorenzo's Oil (1992), The Client (1994), nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu
ulogu u drami White Palace (1990), Thelma & Louise (1991), Lorenzo’s Oil
(1992), Dead Man Walking (1995), Stepmom (1998), nominacija Zlatni
globus za glavnu ulogu u komediji Bull Durham (1988), nominacija Zlatni globus za sporednu
ulogu u Igby Goes Down (2002), nominacija Zlatni globus za sporednu glumicu u mini seriji
Bernard and Doris (2008), nagrada Bafta za The Client (1994), nominacija Saturn za The Witches
of Eastwick (1987), Thelma & Louise (1991), nominacija Saturn za The Lovely Bones (2009).
MAJKL SARACIN Michel Sarrazin /Jacques Michel André Sarrazin,
22. V 1940, Quebec City Quebec, Canada – 17. IV 2011. (70) Montreal,
Quebec, Canada/. Debi: Selkirk of Red River (1964). Poslednji film:
FeardotCom (2002). Igrao u 38 filmova: The Flim-Flam Man (1967),
Journey to Shiloh (1968), The Sweet Ride (1968), In Search of Gregory
(1969), Believe in Me (1971), The Pursuit of Happiness (1971), The
Groundstar Conspiracy (1973), Harry in Your Pocket (1973), For Pete's
Sake (1974), The Reincarnation of Peter Proud (1975), The Gumball Rally
(1976), The Loves and Times of Scaramouche (1976),…The Second Arrival
(1998). Nominacija Bafta za They Shoot Horses, Don't They? (1969).
DONALD SATERLEND Donald Sutherland /Donald McNichol
Sutherland, 17. VII 1935, Saint John, New Brunswick, Canada/. Debi: The
World Ten Times Over (1963). Igrao u preko 120 filmova: Fanatic (1965),
Start the Revolution Without Me (1970), Alex in Wonderland (1970), The
Act of the Heart (1970),… Fellini's Casanova (1976), 1900 (1976),...Man on
the Train (2011). Nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u drami
Ordinary People (1980), nomincija Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u
komediji M*A*S*H (1970), nominacija Zlatni globus za sporednu ulogu u
Without Limits (1998), dobitnik Zlatnog globusa za sporednog glumca u
mini seriji Citizen X (1995), Path to War (2002), nominacija Zlatni globus
za glavnog glumca u mini seriji Human Trafficking (2005), nominacija Zlatni globus za sporednog
glumca u mini seriji Commander in Chief (2005), Dirty Sexy Money (2007), nagrada Emi.
KIFER SATERLEND Kiefer Sutherland /Kiefer William Frederick
Dempsey George Rufus Sutherland, 21. XII 1966, London, England, UK/.
Debi: Max Dugan Returns (1983). Igrao u preko 50 filmova: The Bay Boy
(1984), Brotherhood of Justice (1986), Trapped in Silence (1986), Crazy
Moon (1987), The Killing Time (1987), Renegades (1989), Flatliners (1990),
The Three Musketeers (1993), A Time to Kill (1996), Dead Heat (2002),
Desert Saints (2002), Paradise Found (2003), Phone Booth (2003), River
Queen (2005), The Sentinel (2006). Zlatni globus za najboljeg glumca u
seriji-drama 24 (2001), nominacija Zlatni globus za najboljeg glumca u
istoj seriji (2002, 2003, 2005, 2006), nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnog
glumca u mini seriji 24. Redemption (2008), nagrada Emi za 24 (2006).
DEJVID SAČET David Suchet /2. V 1946, London, England, UK/.
Debi: Wings of Ash: Pilot for a Dramatization of the Life of Antonin Artaud
(1978). Uz 60 tv uloga, igrao u 30 filmova, među kojima: The Hunchback of
Notre Dame (1982), Red Monarch (1983), Iron Eagle (1986), A World
Apart (1988), Agatha Christie's Poirot (1989), Moses (1995), Sunday
(1997), A Perfect Murder (1998), Sabotage! (2000), Foolproof (2003),
Dracula (2006), Maxwell (2007), Flood (2007), Diverted (2009), Act of God
(2009) (2009), Terry Pratchett's Going Postal (2010), Richard II (2012).
Najveću slavu stekao ulogom u tv seriji Agatha Christie's Poirot kao
Hercule Poirot (70 epizoda, 1989-2013).
GLORIJA SVANSON Gloria Swenson /Gloria Josephine Mae
Swenson, 27. III 1899, Chicago, Illinois, US - 4. IV 1983. (84), New York
City, New York, US/. Debi: The Song of the Soul (1914). Poslednji film:
Airport 1975 (1974). Igrala u 71 filmu: Teddy at the Throttle (1917),…
Manhandled (1924), Madame Sans-Gene (1925), The Coast of Folly (1925),
Stage Struck (1925), The Untamed Lady (1926), Fine Manners (1926), The
Love of Sunya (1927), Queen Kelly (1929), Indiscreet (1931), Tonight or
Never (1931), Perfect Understanding (1933), Music in the Air (1934), Three
for Bedroom "C" (1952). Nominacija Oskar za glavnu ulogu u Sadie Thompson (1928), The Trespasser (1930), Sunset Boulevard (1950), dobitnica
Zlatnog globusa za glavnu ulogu u drami Sunset Boulevard (1950).
PATRIK SVEJZI Patrick Swayze /Patrick Wayne Swayze, 18. VIII
1952, Houston, Texas, US - 14. IX 2009. (57), Los Angeles, US/. Debi:
Skatetown, U.S.A. (1979). Poslednji film: Powder Blue (2009). Igrao u 32
filma: Red Dawn (1984), Steel Dawn (1987), Next of Kin (1989), City of Joy
(1992), Father Hood (1993), Tall Tale (1994), Three Wishes (1995), Letters
from a Killer (1998), Black Dog (1998), Green Dragon (2001), Waking Up
in Reno (2002), One Last Dance (2003), King Solomon's Mines (2004), Icon
(2005). Nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u mjuziklu Dirty Dancing
(1987), drami Ghost (1990), komediji To Wong Foo, Thanks for Everything!
Julie Newmar (1995).
TILDA SVINTON Thilda Swinton /Katherine Mathilda Swinton, 5. XI
1960, London, England, UK/. Debi: Caravaggio (1986). Igrala u preko 50
filmova: The Last of England (1987), The Garden (1990), Edward II
(1991), Orlando (1992), Female Perversions (1996), The War Zone (1999),
Possible Worlds (2000), Adaptation (2002), Teknolust (2002), The Statement (2003), Thumbsucker (2005), Stephanie Daley (2006), Julia (2008), I
Am Love (2009). Okar za sporednu ulogu u Michael Clayton (2007),
nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u drami The Deep End (2001),
We Need to Talk About Kevin (2012), za sporednu ulogu u Michael Clayton
(2007), nagrada Bafta za Young Adam (2003), nagrada Saturn za The
Curious Case of Benjamin Button (2008), nominacija Saturn za The Chronicles of Narnia: The
Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe (2005), nominacija Bafta za Burn After Reading (2008).
HILARI SVONK Hilary Swank /Hilary Ann Swank, 30. VII 1974,
Bellingham, Washington, US/. Debi: Buffy the Vampire Slayer (1992).
Igrala u preko 20 filmova: The Next Karate Kid (1994), Dying to Belong
(1997), Kounterfeit (1997), Quiet Days in Hollywood (19997), The Audition
(2000), The Affair of the Necklace (2001), Insomnia (2002), P. S. I Love You
(2007), Amelia (2009), Conviction (2010). Dobitnica Oskara za glavnu
ulogu u Boys Don't Cry (1999), Million Dollar Baby (2004), dobitnica
Zlatnog globusa za glavnu ulogu u drami Boys Don’t Cry (1999), Million
Dollar Baby (2004), nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu glumicu u mini
seriji Iron Jawed Angels (2004), nominacija Bafta za Boys Don't Cry
(1999), nominacija Saturn za The Gift (2000), dobitnica nagrade filmskih
DŽON SEVIDŽ John Savage /John Youngs, 25. VIII 1950, Old Bethpage, New York, US/. Debi: The Master Beater (1969). Igrao u preko 120
filmova: The Sister-in-Law (1974), The Deer Hunter (1978), Hair (1979),
The Onion Field (1979), Inside Moves (1980), Cattle Annie and Little
Britches (1981), The Amateur (1981), Maria's Lovers (1984), Silent Witness
(1984), Beauty and the Beast (1987), Hunting (1991), The Door to Silence
(1991), The Takeover (1995), Carnosaur 2 (1995), White Squall (1996),
Little Boy Blue (1997), Nightworld: Lost Souls (1998), Alien Lockdown
(2004), Confessions of a Pit Fighter (2005), The Coverup (2008), The Red
Canvas (2009), Bereavement (2010), The Orphan Killer (2011), Rise Again
(2012), Gemini Rising (2012), 7E (2013), Spreading Darkness (2013).
DŽORDŽ SEGAL George Segal /George Segal Jr, 13. II 1934. (78),
Great Neck, New York, US/. Debi: The Young Doctors (1961). Igrao u skoro
60 filmova: Invitation to a Gunfighter (1964), King Rat (1965), The Quiller
Memorandum (1966), Bye Bye Braverman (1968), The Bridge at Remagen
(1969), Loving (1970), Where's Poppa? (1970), The Owl and the Pussycat
(1970), Born to Win (1971), The Hot Rock (1972), Blume in Love (1973), A
Touch of Class (1973), The Terminal Man (1974)... Nominacija Oskar za
sporednu ulogu u Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf? (1966), Zlatni globus za
glavnu ulogu u komediji A Touch of Class (1973), nominacija Zlatni globus za sporednu ulogu u Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf (1966), nominacija
Zlatni globus: najbolji glumac u seriji-komedijia Just Shoot Me! (1998, 1999)
SANTJAGO SEGURA Santiago Segura /Santiago Segura Silva, 17.
VII 1965, Madrid, Spain/. Debi: Relatos de la medianoche (1989). Igrao u
preko 60 filmova: Evilio. (1992), El cobrador del gas sólo llama una vez
(1992), Perturbado (1993), Perturbado (1993), Evilio vuelve (El
purificador) (1994), The Day of the Beast (1995), Killer Barbys (1996), The
Girl of Your Dreams (1998), Torrente, el brazo tonto de la ley (1998),
Muertos de risa (1999), Masterpiece (2000), Chica de Río (2001), Torrente
2: Mission in Marbella (2001), Girl from Rio (2001), Torrente 3: El
protector (2005), King Shot (2010), The Great Vazquez (2010), As Luck
Would Have It (2011), Torrente 4 (2011).
IVA MERI SEJNT Eva Marie Saint /4. VII 1924, Newark, New Jersey,
US/. Debi: On the Waterfront (1954). Uz više od 50 tv uloga, igrala u preko
20 filmova: Raintree County (1957), North by Northwest (1959), Exodus
(1960), All Fall Down (1962), 36 Hours (1965), The Sandpiper (1965), The
Russians Are Coming, the Russians Are Coming (1966), Grand Prix (1966),
The Stalking Moon (1968), Taxi!!! (1978), The Curse of King Tut's Tomb
(1980, The Best Little Girl in the World (1981), I'll Be Home for Christmas
(1988), I Dreamed of Africa (2000), Because of Winn-Dixie (2005). Oskar
za sporednu ulogu u On the Waterfront (1954), nominacija Zlatni globus
za glavnu ulogu u drami A Hatful of Rain (1957), dobitnica nagrade Emi.
MIŠEL SIMON Michel Simon /9. IV 1895, Geneva, Switzerland – 30. V
1975, Bry-sur-Marne, France/. Debi: La galerie des monstres (1924). Poslednji film: The Red Ibis (1975). Igrao u 110 filmova: La Chienne (1931),
Boudu sauvé des eaux (1932), L'Atalante (1934), Le Quai des brumes
(1939), Le Dernier Tournant (1939), Les Musiciens du ciel (1940), Panique
(1946), Beauty and the Devil (1950), La poison (1951), Monsieur Taxi
(1952), La Vie d'un honnête homme (1953), L'Étrange Désir de monsieur
Bard (1954), L'impossible Monsieur Pipelet (1955), Le Diable et les Dix
Commandements (1963), The Train (1964), Le vieil homme et l'enfant
(1967), Ce sacré grand-père (1968), Contestazione generale (1970), La
maison (1970), Blanche (1972), La più bella serata della mia vita (1972).
DŽEJN SIMOR Jane Seymour /Joyce Penelope Wilhelmina Frankenberg, 15. II 1951, Hayes, Middlesex, England, UK/. Debi: Oh! What a Lovely War (1969). Uz više od 70 tv uloga, igrala u skoro 30 filmova: Frankenstein: The True Story (1973), The Four Feathers (1977), Sinbad and the
Eye of the Tiger (1977), Somewhere in Time (1980), The Scarlet Pimpernel
(1982), Lassiter (1984), The New Swiss Family Robinson (1998), Dr. Quinn,
Medicine Woman (1999),…Zlatni globus za glavnu glumicu u mini seriji
East of Eden (1981), nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu glumicu u mini
seriji War and Remembrance (1988, 1989), The Woman He Loved (1988),
Zlatni globus za najbolju glumicu u seriji-drama Dr. Quinn, Medicine
Woman (1995), nominacija Zlatni globus za istu ulogu (1993, 1994, 1996).
TOM SELEK Tom Selleck /Thomas William Selleck, 29. I 1945,
Detroit, Michigan, US/. Debi: Myra Breckinridge (1970). Uz više od 50 tv
uloga igrao u preko 20 filmova: The Sacketts (1979), The Shadow Riders
(1982), High Road to China (1983), Lassiter (1984), Runaway (1984),
Three Men and a Baby (1987), Her Alibi (1989), An Innocent Man (1989),
Quigley Down Under (1990), Three Men and a Little Lady (1990), Folks!
(1992), Mr. Baseball (1992), Running Mates (2000), Crossfire Trail (2001).
Dobitnik Zlatnog globusa za najboljeg glumca u seriji-drama Magnum
P. I. (1984), nominacija Zlatni globus za najboljeg glumca u istoj seriji
(1981, 1982, 1983, 1985, 1986, 1987).
PITER SELERS Peter Sellers /Richard Henry Sellers, 8. IX 1925,
Southsea, Hampshire, England, UK - 24. VII 1980. (54), London, England,
UK/. Debi: The Black Rose (1950). Poslednji film: The Fiendish Plot of Dr.
Fu Manchu (1980). Igrao u 65 filmova: Waltz of the Toreadors (1962), A
Shot in the Dark (1964), What's New Pussycat? (1965), Revenge of the Pink
Panther (1978), The Prisoner of Zenda (1979). Nominacija Oskar za glavnu
ulogu u Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the
Bomb (1964), Being There (1979), Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u komediji Being There (1979), nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u komediji The Pink Panther (1964), The Return of the Pink Panther (1975), The
Pink Panther Strikes Again (1976), za sporednu ulogu u Lolita (1962), nagrada Bafta za I'm All
Right Jack (1959), nominacija Bafta za Only Two Can Play (1962), The Pink Panther (1964), Dr.
Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb (1964), Being There (1979).
KIRA SEDŽVIK Kyra Sedgwick /Kyra Minturn Sedgwick, 19. VIII
1965, New York City, New York, US/. Debi: War and Love (1985). Igrala u
skoro 30 filmova: Born on the Fourth of July (1989), Pyrates (1991),
Phenomenon (1996), Montana (1998), What's Cooking? (2000), Personal
Velocity: Three Portraits (2002), Just a Kiss (2002), The Woodsman (2004),
Loverboy (2005), The Game Plan (2007), Chlorine (2010). Nominacija Zlatni globus za sporednu ulogu u Something to Talk About (1995), nominacija
Zlatni globus za glavnu glumicu u mini seriji Miss Rose White (1992),
Zlatni globus za najbolju glumicu u seriji-drama The Closer (2006), nominacija Zlatni globus za najbolju glumicu u istoj seriji (2005, 2007, 2008,
2009, 2010), nagrada Emi za ulogu u seriji-drama The Closer (2010).
DŽIN SIBERG Jean Seberg /Jean Dorothy Seberg, 13. XI 1938, Marshalltown, Iowa, US – 30. VIII 1979. (40), Paris, France/. Debi: Saint Joan
(1957). Poslednji film: Le bleu des origines (1979). Igrala u 35 fimova: The
Mouse That Roared (1959), Breathless (1960), L'Amant de cinq jours
(1961), A Fine Madness (1966), Line of Demarcation (1966), La route de
Corinthe (1967), Paint Your Wagon (1969), Airport (1970), Ondata di calore (1971), Kill! (1971), Camorra (1972), The Assassination (1972), La corrupción de Chris Miller (1973), Ballad for Billy the Kid (1974), Bianchi
cavalli d'Agosto (1975), Le Grand Délire (1975). Nominacija Zlatni globus
za glavnu ulogu u drami Lilith (1964), nominacija Bafta u Breathless (1960)
DŽIN SIMONS Jean Simmons /Jean Merilyn Simmons, 31. I 1929, Lower Holloway, London, England, UK – 22. I 2010. (80) Santa Monica, California, US/. Debi: Sports Day (1944). Poslednji film: Shadows in the Sun
(2009). Igrala u 56 filmova: Uncle Silas (1947), The Blue Lagoon (1949),
Adam and Evelyne (1949), The Actress (1953),… Nominacija Oskar za glavnu ulogu u The Happy Ending (1969), za sporednu ulogu u Hamlet (1948),
Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u komediji Guys and Dolls (1955), nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u Home Before Dark (1958), Elmer
Gantry (1960), The Happy Ending (1969), za glavnu ulogu u komediji This
Could Be The Night (1957), za sporednu glumicu u mini seriji The Torn
Birds (1983), nagrada Emi za The Thorn Birds (1983), nominacija Bafta za Guys and Dolls
(1955), Elmer Gantry (1960), nominacija Emi za ulogu u seriji-drama Murder She Wrote (1989).
GERI SINAJS Gary Sinise /Gary Alan Sinise, 17. III 1955, Blue Island,
Illinois, US/. Debi: A Wedding (1978). Igrao u preko 25 filmova: A Midnight
Clear (1992), Apollo 13 (1995), Ransom (1996), Albino Alligator (1997),
Snake Eyes (1998), Bruno (2000), Impostor (2000), Mission to Mars (2000),
Reindeer Games (2000), The Human Stain (2003). Nominacija Oskar za
sporednu ulogu u Forrest Gump (1994), Zlatni globus za glavnog glumca
u mini seriji Truman (1995), nominacija Zlatni globus za sporednu ulogu u
Forrest Gump (1994), nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnog glumca u mini
seriji George Wallace (1997), nagrada Emi za ulogu u mini seriji George
Wallace (1998), dobitnik nagrade Saturn za Forrest Gump (1994).
FRENK SINATRA Frank Sinatra /Francis Albert Sinatra, 12. XI 1915,
Hoboken, US - 14. V 1998. (83) Los Angeles, California/. Debi: Las Vegas
Nights (1941). Poslednji film: Cannonball Run II (1984). Igrao u 56 filmova: Step Lively (1944), Anchors Aweigh (1945), The House I Live In (1945),
Till the Clouds Roll By (1946), It Happened in Brooklyn (1947), The Kissing
Bandit (1948), Take Me Out to the Ball Game (1949), Meet Danny Wilson
(1952), Suddenly (1954),...Oskar za sporednu ulogu u From Here to Eternity (1953), nominacija Oskar za sporednu ulogu u The Man With The Golden Arm (1955), Zlatni globus - glavna uloga u komediji Pal Joey (1957),
za sporednu ulogu u From Here to Eternity (1953), nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u komediji Come Blow Your Horn (1963), nominacija
Bafta u The Man With The Golden Arm (1955), Not as a Stranger (1955).
SIMON SINJORE Simone Signoret /Simone Henriette Charlotte
Kaminker, 25. III 1921, Wiesbaden, Germany - 30. IX. 1985. (64), AuteuilAnthouillet, France/. Debi: Boléro (1942). Poslednji film: Guy de Maupassant (1982). Igrala u 65 filmova: Fantômas (1946), Dédée d'Anvers (1948),
Against the Wind (1948), Manèges (1950), La Ronde (1950),… Le Chat
(1971). Oskar za glavnu ulogu u Room at the Top (1959), nominacija
Oskar za glavnu ulogu u Ship of Fools (1965), nominacija Zlatni globus za
glavnu ulogu u drami Room at the Top (1959). Ship of Fools (1965), nagrada Bafta za Casque d'or (1952), The Crucible (1957), Room at the Top
(1959), niminacija Bafta za Ship of Fools (1965), The Deadly Affair (1966),
Games (1967), nagrada Cesar za Madame Rosa (1977)
GRETA SKAKI Greta Scacchi /Greta Gracco, 18. II 1960. (51), Milan,
Italy/. Debi: Das zweite Gesicht (1982). Igrala u skoro 50 filmova: Heat and
Dust (1983), Defence of the Realm (1985), The Coca-Cola Kid (1985),
White Mischief (1987), A Man in Love (1987), Love and Fear (1987), Shattered (1991), Fires Within (1991), The Player (1992), Turtle Beach (1992),
Country Life (1994), The Browning Version (1994), Jefferson in Paris
(1995), Rasputin: Dark Servant of Destiny (1996), The Serpent's Kiss
(1997), Love and Rage (1998), Cotton Mary (1999), One of the Hollywood
Ten (2000), Festival in Cannes (2001), Baltic Storm (2003), The Book of
Revelation (2006), Hidden Love (2007). Nominacija Zlatni globus za sporednu glumicu u mini seriji Rasputin: Dark Servant of Destiny (1996)
RANDOLF SKOT Randolph Scott /George Randolph Scott, 23. I 1898,
Orange County, Virginia, US – 2. III 1987. (89), Beverly Hills, California,
US/. Debi: Sharp Shooters (1928). Poslednji film: Ride the High Country
(1962). Igrao u 105 filmova: Heritage of the Desert (1932), Wild Horse
Mesa (1932), Hello, Everybody! (1933), The Thundering Herd (1933),
Supernatural (1933), Sunset Pass (1933), Cocktail Hour (1933), Man of the
Forest (1933), To the Last Man (1933), Broken Dreams (1933), The Last
Round-Up (1934), Wagon Wheels (1934), Home on the Range (1935), She
(1935), And Sudden Death (1936), The Last of the Mohicans (1936), High,
Wide, and Handsome (1937), Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm (1938),
…Westbound (1959), Ride Lonesome (1959), Comanche Station (1960).
DŽORŽ SKOT George Scott /George Campbell Scott, 18. X. 1927,
Wise, Virginia, US - 22. IX 1999. (71), Westlake Village, California, US/.
Debi: The Hanging Tree (1959). Poslednji film: Gloria (1999). Igrao u 34
filma: The List of Adrian Messenger (1963), Petulia (1968), Jane Eyre
(1970), They Might Be Giants (1971), The Last Run (1971), The New Centurions (1972), Rage (1972), Oklahoma Crude (1973), Hardcore (1979),…
Oskar za glavnu ulogu u Patton (1970), nominacija Oskar za glavnu ulogu
u The Hospital (1971), za sporednu ulogu u Anatomy of a Murder (1959),
The Hustler (1961), Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u drami Patton (1970),
nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u drami The Hospital (1971),
nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u komediji Movie Movie (1978),
nominacija Zlatni globus za sporednu ulogu u The Hustler (1961), nominacija Zlatni globus za
sporednog glumca u mini seriji 12 Angry Men (1997), nagrada Emi za ulogu u The Price (1971).
POL SKOFILD Paul Scofield /David Paul Scofield, 21. I 1922,
Birmingham, England, UK – 19. III 2008. (86), Sussex, England, UK/.
Debi: That Lady (1955). Poslednji film: Rashi: A Light After the Dark Ages
(1999). Igrao u 21 filmu: Carve Her Name with Pride (1958), King Lear
(1971), A Delicate Balance (1973), 1919 (1985)… Oskar za glavnu ulogu
u A Man for All Seasons (1966), nominacija Oskar za sporednu ulogu u
Quiz Show (1994), Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u drami A Man or All
Seasons (1966), nominacija Zlatni globus za sporednu ulogu u The Crucible
(1996), nagrade Emi za Male of the Species (1969), nagrada Bafta za
That Lady (1955), A Man for All Seasons (1966), The Crucible (1996).
KRISTIJAN SLEJTER Christian Slater /Christian Michael Leonard
Slater, 18. VIII 1969, New York City, New York, US/. Debi: The Legend of
Billie Jean (1985). Igrao u skoro 70 filmova: The Name of the Rose (1986),
Heathers (1988), Gleaming the Cube (1989), Beyond the Stars (1989),
Pump Up the Volume (1990), Mobsters (1991), Kuffs (1992), Untamed
Heart (1993), True Romance (1993), Murder in the First (1995), Bed of
Roses (1996), Julian Po (1997), Basil (1998), Very Bad Things (1998), Who
Is Cletis Tout? (2001), The Good Shepherd (2004), Pursued (2004), The
Deal (2005), He Was a Quiet Man (2007), Shadows of the White Nights
(2010), Dolan's Cadillac (2009), The Awakened (2012).
VIL SMIT Will Smith /Willard Christopher Smith Jr, 25. IX 1968,
Wynnefield, Pennsylvania, US/. Debi: Where the Day Takes You (1992).
Igrao u preko 20 filmova: Independence Day (1996), Men in Black (1997),
Enemy of the State (1998), The Legend of Bagger Vance (2000), Men in
Black II (2002), Bad Boys II (2003), I, Robot (2004), Hitch (2005), Hancock
(2008). Nominacija Oskar za glavnu ulogu u Ali (2001), The Pursuit of
Happyness (2006), nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u drami Ali
(2001), The Pursuit of Happynness (2006), nominacija Zlatni globus za najboljeg glumca u seriji-komediji The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air (1992, 1993),
nominacija Nagradu Udruženja filmskih i tv glumaca za najboljeg glumca u
The Pursuit of Happyness (2006), nagrada Saturn za I Am Legend (2006).
MEGI SMIT Maggie Smith /Margaret Nathali Smit, 28. XII 1934, Ilford,
Esex; UK/. Debi: Child in the House (1956). Igrala u preko 50 filmova:
Nowhere to Go (1958), The V.I.P.s (1963), Young Cassidy (1965), Death on
the Nile (1976), Lily in Love (1984), Talking Heads (1987), Memento Mori
(1992), Suddenly, Last Summer (1993), The Secret Garden (1993), The First
Wives Club (1996), Washington Square (1997), David Copperfield (1999),
Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone (2001), Ladies in Lavender
(2004), Capturing Mary (2007). Oskar za glavnu ulogu u The Prime of
Miss Jean Brodie (1968), sporednu ulogu u California Suite (1978), nominacija Oskar za glavnu ulogu u Travels with My Aunt (1972), za sporednu
ulogu u Othello (1965), A Room whit a View (1986), Gosford Park (2001),
Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u komediji A Room whit a View (1986),
California Suite (1978), nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u drami Othello (1965), The
Prime of Miss Jean Brodie (1969), za glavnu ulogu u komediji Travels with My Aunt (1972),
Gosford Park (2001), za glavnu glumicu u mini seriji My House in Umbria (2003), nagrada Emi
za My House in Umbria (2003), Downton Abbey (2010), nagrada Bafta za The Prime of Miss
Jean Brodie (1968), A Private Function (1984), A Room with a View (1985), The Lonely Passion
of Judith Hearne (1987), Tea with Mussolini (1999).
DŽIMI SMITS Jimmy Smits /9. VII 1955, Brooklyn, New York, US/.
Debi: Running Scared (1986). Uz 25 tv uloga, igrao u 20 filmova: Glitz
(1988), Old Gringo (1989), Switch (1991), Fires Within (1991), The Broken
Cord (1992), Gross Misconduct (1993), The Cisco Kid (1994), My Family
(1995), Marshal Law (1996), Murder in Mind (1997), Mother Goose: A
Rappin' and Rhymin' Special (1997), Price of Glory (2000), Bless the Child
(2000), Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones (2002), Star Wars:
Episode III - Revenge of the Sith (2005). Nominacija Zlatni globus za
sporednog glumca u mini seriji L. A. Law (1990), dobitnik Zlatnog
globusa za najboljeg glumca u seriji-drama NYPD Blue (1995),
nominacija Zlatni globus za najboljeg glumca u istoj seriji (1996, 1998).
INOKENTIJ SMOKTUNOVSKI Innokenty Smoktunovsky / ннокен ий Михайлович Смок уновский, 28. III 1925, Tatyanovka, Tomsk
Oblast, RSFSR, SSSR – 3. VIII 1994. (69), Moscow, Russia/. Debi: Солдати (1956). Poslednji film: Вино из одуванчико (1997) Igrao u 76 filmova:
Рядом с нами (1957), Ночной гост (1958), Ден первий (1958), Неоправленное письмо (1959), Девять дней одного года (1962), До будущей весни (1962) Високосный год (1962), Первий посетитель (1965), На одной планете (1965), Берегись автомобиля (1966), Степен риска (1969),
Чайковский (1969), Преступление и наказание (1970), Москва – Кассиопея (1973), Романс о влюблюних (1974), Отроки во вселенной (1974),
Dandelion Wine (1997). Nominacija Bafta za ulogu u Hamlet (1964).
GEJL SONDERGARD Gale Sondergaard /Edith Holm Sondergaard,
15. II 1899, Litchfield, Minnesota, US – 14. VIII 1985. (86), Woodland
Hills, California, US/. Debi: Anthony Adverse (1936) Poslednji film:
Echoes (1983). Igrala u 41 filmu: The Llano Kid (1939), The Cat and the
Canary (1939), Never Say Die (1939), Sons of Liberty (1939), Paris Calling
(1942), My Favorite Blonde (1942), Isle of Forgotten Sins (1943), The
Spider Woman (1944), Christmas Holiday (1944), The Climax (1944), The
Time of Their Lives (1946), Night in Paradise (1946), Enter Arsène Lupin
(1947), Road to Rio (1947). Dobitnica prvog Oskara za sporednu ulogu
u Anthony Adverse (1936), nominacija Oskar za sporednu ulogu u Anna
and the King of Siam (1946).
MIRA SORVINO Mira Sorvino /Mira Katherine Sorvino, 28. IX 1967,
Tenafly, New Jersey, US/. Debi: The Stuff (1985). Igrala u preko 40 filmova: Romy and Michele's High School Reunion (1997), The Replacement
Killers (1998), Lulu on the Bridge (1998), At First Sight (1999), The Great
Gatsby (2000), The Triumph of Love (2001), WiseGirls (2002), The Final
Cut (2004), Covert One: The Hades Factor (2006), Multiple Sarcasms
(2009), Like Dandelion Dust (2009), Attack on Leningrad (2009). Dobitnica
Oskara za sporednu ulogu u Mighty Aphrodite (1995), dobitnica Zlatnog
globusa za sporednu ulogu u Mighty Aphrodite (1995), nominacija Zlatni
globus za glavnu glumicu u mini seriji Norma Jean & Marilyn (1996),
Human Trafficking (2005), nominacija Saturn za Mimic (1997).
ALBERTO SORDI Alberto Sordi /15. VI 1920, Rome, Lazio, Italy –
25. II 2003. (82), Rome, Lazio, Italy/. Debi: Il feroce Saladino (1937). Poslednji film: Incontri proibiti (1998). Igrao u 149 filmova: Lo sceicco bianco
(1952), I Vitelloni (1953), Due notti con Cleopatra (1953), L'arte di arrangiarsi (1954), Un eroe dei nostri tempi (1955), Bravissimo (1955), Lo scapolo
(1955), Mio figlio Nerone (1956), Ladro lui, ladra lei (1958), Racconti
d'estate (1958), Il vedovo (1959), ... Il Marchese del Grillo (1981). Dobitnik
Zlatnog globusa za glavnu ulogu u komediji The Devil (1963), nominacija
Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u komediji Those Magnificent Men in Their
Flying Machines (1965), nominacija Bafta za The Best of Enemies (1961).
EN SOTERN Ann Sothern /Harriette Arlene Lake, 22. I 1909, Valley
City, North Dakota US – 15. IIII 2001. (92), Ketchum, Idaho US/. Debi:
Broadway Nights (1927). Poslednji film: The Whales of August (1987).
Igrala u 72 filma: Kid Millions (1934), Danger – Love at Work (1937),
Maisie (1939), Fast and Furious (1939), Brother Orchid (1940), Gold Rush
Maisie (1940), Maisie Was a Lady (1941), Swing Shift Maisie (1943), Cry
"Havoc" (1943), Nancy Goes to Rio (1950), Shadow on the Wall (1950),
The Killing Kind (1973), The Little Dragons (1980). Nominacija Oskar za
sporednu ulogu u The Whales of August (1987), nominacija Zlatni globus za
sporednu ulogu u The Best Man (1964).
KEVIN SPEJSI Kevin Spacey /Kevin Spacey Fowler, 26. VII 1959,
South Orange, New Jersey, US/. Debi: Heartburn (1986). Igrao u skoro 50
filmova: The Ref (1994), Seven (1995), Swimming with Sharks (1995),
Outbreak (1995), Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil (1997), Shrink
(2009), Father of Invention (2010), Margin Call (2011), Inseparable (2012).
Oskar za glavnu ulogu u American Beauty (1999), Oskar za sporednu
ulogu u The Usual Suspects (1995), nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu
ulogu u drami American Beauty (1999), The Shipping News (2001), za glavnu ulogu u komediji Beyond the Sea (2004), The Usual Suspets (1995),
Casino Jack (2010), nominacija Zlatni globus za sporednu ulogu u mini seriji Recount (2009), nagrada Bafta za American Beauty (1999), Nagrada
Udruženja filmskih i tv glumaca za najboljeg glumca u American Beauty (1999), nominacija
Bafta za L.A. Confidential (1997), The Shipping News (2001), nominacija Saturn za K-PAX (2001).
SISI SPEJSIK Sisy Spacek /Mary Elizabeth Spacek, 25. XII 1949,
Quitman, Texas, US/. Debi: Trash (1970). Igrala u 40 filmova: 3 Women
(1977), A Place for Annie (1994), The Good Old Boys (1995), Streets of
Laredo (1995), The Straight Story (1999), Midwives (2001), Nine Lives
(2005), Get Low (2009), The Help (2011). Oskar za glavnu ulogu u Coal
Miner's Daughter (1980), nominacija Oskar za glavnu ulogu u Carrie
(1976), Missing (1982), The River (1984), Crimes of the Heart (1986), In
the Bedroom (2001), Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u drami In the Bedroom (2001), Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u komediji Coal Miner’s Daughter (1980), Crimes
of the Heart (1986), nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u drami Raggedy Man (1981), Missing (1982), The River (1984), nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu glumicu u mini seriji Pictures of
Hollis Woods (2007), nominacija Bafta za Badlands (1973), Coal Miner's Daughter (1980), Missing (1982), In the Bedroom (2001), nominacija Saturn za Blast from the Past (1999), Tuck Everlasting (2002), nominacija Emi za ulogu u mini seriji za Last Call (2002), Big Love (2010, 2011).
ROD STAJGER Rod Steiger /Rodney Stephen Steiger, 14. IV 1925,
Westhampton, New York, US - 9. VII 2002. (77), Los Angeles, US/. Debi:
Teresa (1951). Poslednji film: Poolhall Junkies (2002). Igrao u 91 filmu:
Run of the Arrow (1957), Across the Bridge (1957), The Longest Day
(1962), Doctor Zhivago (1965), A Man Named John (1965), The Girl and
the General (1967), Waterloo (1970), Last Days of Mussolini (1974), Hennessy (1975), The Hollywood Sign (2001). Oskar za glavnu ulogu u In
the Heat of the Night (1967), nominacija Oskar za glavnu ulogu u A Man
Named John (1965), za sporednu ulogu u On the Waterfront (1954), Zlatni
globus za glavnu ulogu u drami In the Heat of the Night (1967), nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u drami The Pawnbroker (1965).
ROBERT STAK Robert Stack /Charles Langford Modini Stack, 13. I
1919, Angeles, California, US - 14. V 2003. (84), Beverly Hills, California,
US/. Debi: First Love (1939). Poslednji film: Killer Bud (2001). Igrao u 48
filmova: A Little Bit of Heaven (1940), The Bullfighter and the Lady (1951),
Bwana Devil (1952), Sabre Jet (1953), War Paint (1953), Good Morning,
Miss Dove (1955), Great Day in the Morning (1956), The Gift of Love
(1958), The Tarnished Angels (1958), John Paul Jones (1959), The Last
Voyage (1960), The Caretakers (1963), Caddyshack II (1988). Nominacija
Oskar za sporednu ulogu u Written on the Wind (1956), dobitnik nagrade
Emi za The Untouchables (1960), nominacija Emi za ulogu u mini seriji
The Untouchables (1961), Unsolved Mysteries (1987).
ARMIN MILER STAL Armin Mueller-Stahl /17. XII 1930, Tilsit,
East Prussia, Germany/. Debi: Das Stacheltier - Der Querkopf (1956). Igrao
u skoro 80 filmova: Star-Crossed Lovers (1962), Naked Among Wolves
(1963), Lola (1981), Music Box (1989), Schweinegeld (1989), Avalon
(1990), Night on Earth (1991), Utz (1992), The Power of One (1992), Taxandria (1994), Holy Matrimony (1994), A Pyromaniac's Love Story (1995),
Shine (1996), The Assistant (1997), The Thirteenth Floor (1999), Pilgrim
(2000), The Long Run (2001), The Story of an African Farm (2004), The
Dust Factory (2004), Local Color (2006), I Am the Other Woman (2006),
Eastern Promises (2007), Buddenbrooks (2008), The International (2009).
Nominovan i nagrađivan; najznačajnija nagrada Festivala Berlin.
BARBARA STENVIK Barbara Stanwick /Ruby Catherine Stevens, 16.
VII 1907, New York City, New York, US - 20. I 1990. Santa Monica,
Kalifornija, US/. Debi: Broadway Nights (1927). Poslednji film: The Night
Walker (1964). Igrala u 83 filma: The Locked Door (1929), Ladies of
Leisure (1930), Ten Cents a Dance (1931), Night Nurse (1931), The Miracle Woman (1931), Forbidden (1932), Shopworn (1932), So Big! (1932),
The Purchase Price (1932), The Bitter Tea of General Yen (1933), Ladies
They Talk About (1933), Baby Face (1933),… Roustabout (1964). Nominacija Oskar za glavnu ulogu u Stella Dallas (1937), Ball of Fire (1941), Double Indemnity (1944), Sorry, Wrong Number (1948), Zlatni globus za sporednu ulogu u miniseriji The Torn Birds (1983), Special Award (1981).
SILVESTER STALOUN Sylvester Stallone /Sylvester Gardenzio
Stallone, 6. VII 1946, New York City, New York, US/. Debi: The Party at
Kitty and Stud's (1970). Igrao u preko 50 filmova: No Place to Hide (1970),
F.I.S.T. (1978), Paradise Alley (1979), Rocky II (1979), Nighthawks (1981),
Escape to Victory (1981), Rocky III (1982), First Blood (1982), Rhinestone
(1984), Rambo: First Blood Part II (1985), Rocky IV (1985), Cobra (1986),
Rambo III (1988), Rocky V (1990), Oscar (1991), Stop! Or My Mom Will
Shoot (1992), Cliffhanger (1993), Demolition Man (1993), The Specialist
(1994), Judge Dredd (1995), Assassins (1995), The Expendables 2 (2012),
Bullet to the Head (2013), The Tomb (2013). Nominacija Oskar za glavnu
ulogu u Rocky (1977), nominacija Zlatnu globus za glavnu ulogu u drami
Rocky (1976).
IMELDA STONTON Imelda Staunton /Imelda Mary Philomena
Bernadette Staunton, 9. I 1956, London, England, UK/. Debi: Comrades
(1986). Uz brojne tv uloge, igrala u skoro 40 filmova: Up the Garden Path
(1984), A Masculine Ending (1987), If You See God, Tell Him (1993),
Deadly Advice (1994), Is It Legal? (995), Rat (2000), Crush (2001), Vera
Drake (2004), My Family and Other Animals (2005), Shadow Man (2006),
A Bunch of Amateurs (2009), Taking Woodstock (2009), The Awakening
(2011). Nominacija Oskar za glavnu ulogu u Vera Drake (2004), nominacija
Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u drami Vera Drake (2004), dobitnica
nagrada Bafta i nagrada Venecijanskog festivala.
MORIN STEJPLTON Maureen Stapleton /(Lois Maureen Stapleton,
21. VI 1925, Troy, New York, US – 13. III 2006. (80), Lenox, Massachusetts, US/. Debi: Lonelyhearts (1958). Poslednji film: Living and Dining
(2003). Igrala u 32 filma: Lost and Found (1979), The Fan (1981), Nuts
(1987), The Last Good Time (1994). Oskar za sporednu ulogu u Reds
((1981), nominacija Oskar za sporednu ulogu u Lonelyhearts (1958), Airport (1970), Interiors (1978), Zlatn globus za sporednu ulogu u Airport
(1970), nominacija Zlatni globus za sporednu ulogu u Lonelyhearts (1958),
Plaza Suite (1971), Interiors (1978), Reds (1981), nagrada Emi za Among
the Paths to Eden (1967), nagrada Bafta za Reds (1981), nominacija Emi
za All the King's Men (1955), Queen of the Stardust Ballroom (1975), The Gathering (1977), B.L.
Stryker (1979), Miss Rose White (1992), Road to Avonlea (1995), nominacija Bafta za Lonelyhearts
TERENS STEMP Terence Stamp /Terence Henry Stamp, 22: VII 1938,
Stepney, London, England, UK/. Debi: Term of Trial (1962). Igrao u preko
60 filmova: Modesty Blaise (1966), Poor Cow (1967), Far from the
Madding Crowd (1967), The Mind of Mr. Soames (1970), The Divine
Nymph (1975), The Limey (1999). Nominacija Oskar za sporednu ulogu u
filmu Bili Bad (1962), nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u komediji
The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert (1994), Mr. Hobbs Takes a
Vacation (1962), nominacija Bafta za Billy Budd (1962), The Adventures of
Priscilla, Queen of the Desert (1994), nagrada festivala Kan za The
Collector (1965), nagrada u Berlinu za Beltenebros (1991).
BEN STILER Ben Stiler /Benjamin Edward Stiller, 30. XI 1965, New
York City, New York, US/. Debi: Shoeshine (1987). Igrao u preko 60
filmova: Reality Bites (1994), Flirting with Disaster (1966), Permanent
Midnight (1998), Zero Effect (998), There's Something About Mary (1998),
Mystery Men (1999), Meet the Parents (2000), Keeping the Faith (2000),
The Royal Tenenbaums (2001), Zoolander (2001), Meet the Fockers (2004),
Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story (2004), Starsky & Hutch (2004), Along
Came Polly (2004), Madagascar (2005), Night at the Museum (2006),
Tropic Thunder (2008), Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa (2008), Night at the
Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian (2009), Greenberg (2010). Nagrada
Emi za seriji The Ben Stiller Show (1993).
MERI STINBURGEN Mary Steenburgen /Mary Nell Steenburgen, 8.
II 1953, Newport, Arkansas, US/. Debi: Goin' South (1978). Igrala u preko
50 filmova: Cross Creek (1983), Romantic Comedy (1983), One Magic
Christmas (1985), Tender Is the Night (1985), Dead of Winter (1987), Miss
Firecracker (1989), Pontiac Moon (1994), Nixon (1995), About Sarah
(1998), Wish You Were Dead (2002), Screen Actors Guild Award for
Outstanding Performance by a Cast in a Motion Picture (2011). Oskar za
sporednu ulogu u Melvin and Howard (1980), dobitnica Zlatnog globusa
za sporednu ulogu u Melvin and Howard (1980), nominacija Zlatni globus
za sporednu ulogu u Regtime (1981), nagrada Saturn za Time After Time
(1979), nominacija Saturn za Back to the Future Part III (1990), nominacija
Emi za ulogu u mini seriji The Attic: The Hiding of Anne Frank (1988).
DŽEJMS STJUART James Stewart /James Maitland Stewart, 20. V
1908, Vinegar Hill Indiana, Pennsylvania, US - 2. VII 1997. (79), Beverly
Hills, California, US/. Debi: Art Trouble (1934). Poslednji film: An
American Tail: Fievel Goes West (1991). Igrao u 82 filma: Speed (1936),
The Last Gangster (1937), The Shopworn Angel (1938),… Mr. Hobbs
Takes a Vacation (1962), Dear Brigitte (1965), Shenandoah (1965), The
Flight of the Phoenix (1965), The Rare Breed (1966), Firecreek (1968). Oskar za glavnu ulogu u The Philadelphia Story (1940), nominacija Oskar
za glavnu ulogu u Mr. Smith Goes to Washington (1939), It's a Wonderful
Life (1946), Harvey (1950). Anatomy of a Murder (1959), Zlatni globus za
najboljeg glumca u seriji-drama Hawkins (1973), Special Award (1985), nagrada American
Film Institute, nagrada Bafta za The Glenn Miller Story (1954), Anatomy of a Murder (1959).
PATRIK STJUART Patrick Stewart /Patrick Hewes Stewart, 13. VII
1940, Mirfield, Yorkshire, England, UK/. Debi: Hennessy (1975). Uz pedesetak tv uloga, igrao u skoro 50 filmova: Lady Jane (1986), Death Train
(1993), Jeffrey (1995), Star Trek: First Contact (1996), The Canterville
Ghost (1995), Conspiracy Theory (1997), Masterminds (1997), Dad Savage
(1998), Safe House (1998), Star Trek: Insurrection (1998), A Christmas
Carol (1999), X-Men (2000), Star Trek: Nemesis (2002), King of Texas
(2002), X2 (2003), The Lion in Winter (2003), Hamlet (2009), The Captains
(2011), Richard II (2012), A Good Day to Die Hard (2013). Nominacija
Zlatni globus za glavnog glumca u mini seriji Moby Dick (1009), The Lion
in Winter (2004).
DIN STOKVEL Dean Stockwell /Robert Dean Stockwell, 5. III 1936,
North Hollywood, Los Angeles, California, US/. Debi: The Valley of
Decision (1945). Uz preko 100 tv uloga, igrao u više od 80 filmova: The
Mighty McGurk (1947), The Boy with Green Hair (1948), The Careless
Years (1957), Psych-Out (1968), The Dunwich Horror (1970), Paper Man
(1971), The Werewolf of Washington (1973), Eadweard Muybridge, Zoopraxographer (1975), Alsino and the Condor (1982),… Rites of Passage
(1999). Nominacija Oskar za sporednu ulogu u Married to the Mob (1988),
nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u drami Sons and Lovers (1960),
Zlatni globus za glavnog glumca u mini seriji Quantum Leap (1989), nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnog glumca u istoj seriji (1990, 1991, 1992).
LUIS STOUN Lewis Stone /Lewis Shepard Stone, 15. XI 1879, Worcester, Massachusetts, US – 12. XII 1953. (73), Los Angeles, California,
US/. Debi: The Bargain (1914). Poslednji film: All the Brothers Were Valiant (1953). Igrao u 153 filma: The Prisoner of Zenda (1922), The Lost
World (1925), Old Loves and New (1926), The Private Life of Helen of Troy
(1927), Madame X (1929), Romance (1930), The Office Wife (1930),
Father's Son (1931), The Sin of Madelon Claudet (1931), The Secret Six
(1931), Mata Hari (1931), The Mask of Fu Manchu (1932), Men Must Fight
(1933), Three Godfathers (1936), You're Only Young Once (1937), Love
Finds Andy Hardy (1938), Andy Hardy Meets Debutante (1940). Nominacija Oskar za glavnu ulogu u The Patriot (1929).
ŠERON STOUN Sharon Stone /Sharon Vonne Stone, 10. III 1958,
Meadville, Pennsylvania, US/. Debi: Stardust Memories (1980). Igrala u
preko 50 filmova: Deadly Blessing (1981), Cold Steel (1987), Blood and
Sand (1989), Scissors (1991), Sliver (1993), The Specialist (1994), Intersection (1994), Diabolique (1996), Last Dance (1996), Sphere (1998), Gloria
(1999), Beautiful Joe (2000), If These Walls Could Talk 2 (2000), A Different Loyalty (2004), Bobby (2006), Basic Instinct 2 (2006), When a Man
Falls in the Forest (2007), The Year of Getting to Know Us (2008). Nominacija Oskar za glavnu ulogu u filmu Casino (1995), Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u drami Casino (1995), nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu
ulogu u drami Basic Instinet (1992), nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu
ulogu u komediji The Muse (1999), nominacija za sporednu ulogu u The Mighty (1998), nagrada
Emi za ulogu u seriji The Practice (2003), nominacija Saturn za The Quick and the Dead (1995).
SUZAN STRASBERG Susan Strasberg /Susan Elizabeth Strasberg, 22.
V 1938, New York City, New York, US – 21. I 1999. (60) New York City,
New York, US/. Debi: The Cobweb (1955). Poslednji film: Il giardino dei
ciliegi (1992). Uz 65 tv uloga, igrala u 32 filma: Picnic (1955), Stage Struck
(1958), Kapò (1959), Scream of Fear (1961), Disorder (1962), McGuire, Go
Home! (1964), Chubasco (1967), The Trip (1967), Psych-Out (1968), Le
sorelle (1969), Ternos Caçadores (1973), So Evil, My Sister (1974), The
Legend of Hillbilly John (1974), Sammy Somebody (1976), In Praise of
Older Women (1978), The Returning (1983), Sweet 16 (1983). Nominacija
Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u Hemingway’s Adventures of a Young Man
(1962), The Way We Were (1973).
DEJVID STRATERN David Strathairn /David Russell Strathairn, 26. I
1949, San Francisco, California, US/. Debi: Return of the Secaucus Seven
(1979). Igrao u preko 70 filmova: City of Hope (1991), O Pioneers! (1992),
Passion Fish (1992), In the Gloaming (1997), L.A. Confidential (1997),
Limbo (1999), The Bourne Ultimatum (2007). Nominacija Oskar za glavnu
ulogu u Good Night, and Good Luck (2005), za glavnu ulogu u drami Good
Night, and Good Luck (2005), nominacija Zlatni globus za sporednog
glumca u mini seriji Temple Grandin (2010), nominacija za Nagradu Udruženja filmskih i tv glumaca za najboljeg glumca u filmu Good Night, and
Good Luck (2005), nominacija bafta za Good Night, and Good Luck (2005).
BARBARA STREJSEND Barbra Streisand /Barbara Joan Streisand,
24. IV 1942. (69) Brooklyn, New York, US/. Debi: A Star Is Born (1976).
Igrala u preko 20 filmova: On a Clear Day You Can See Forever (1970),
What's Up, Doc? (1972), Up the Sandbox (1972), For Pete's Sake (1974),
The Main Event (1979). Oskar za glavnu ulogu u Funny Girl (1968), nominacija Oskar za glavnu ulogu u The Way We Were (1973), Zlatni globus
za glavnu ulogu u komediji Funny Girl (1968), A Star Is Born (1976),
nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u drami Nuts (1987), za glavnu
ulogu u komediji Hello, Dolly! (1969), The Owl and the Pussycat (1970),
Funny Lady (1975), Yentl (1983), The Prince of Tides (1992), The Mirror
Has Two Faces (1996), nagrada Emi.
MERIL STRIP Meryl Streep /Mary Louise Streep, 22. VI 1949, Summit, New Jersey, US/. Debi: Everybody Rides the Carousel (1975). Igrala
u preko 50 filmova: Manhattan (1979), Hope Springs (2012)…Oskar za
glavnu ulogu u Sophie's Choice (1982), The Iron Lady (2012), za sporednu ulogu u Kramer vs. Kramer, nominacija Oskar za glavnu ulogu u The
French Lieutenant's Woman (1981), Silkwood (1983), Out of Africa (1985),
Ironweed (1987), A Cry in the Dark (1988), Postcards from the Edge
(1990), The Bridges of Madison County (1995), One True Thing (1998),
Music of the Heart (1999), The Devil Wears Prada (2006), Doubt (2008),
Julie & Julia (2009), za sporednu ulogu u The Deer Hunter (1978), Adaptation (2002), Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u drami The French Lieutenant’s Woman (1981), Sophie’s Choise (1982), za glavnu ulogu u komediji The Devil Wears
Prada (2006), Julie & Julia (2009), The Iron Lady (2012), za sporednu ulogu u Kramer vs. Kraer (1979), Adaptation (2002), nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u Silk-wood (1983), Out of
Africa (1985), A Cry in the Dark (1988), The River Wild (1994), The Bridges of Madison County
(1995), Marvin’s Room (1996), One True Thing (1998), Music of Heart (1999), The Hours (2002),
Doubt (2008), za glavnu ulogu u She-Devil (1989), Postcards from the Edge (1990) Death Becomes
Her (1992), Mamma Mia (2008), It’s Complicated (2009), za sporednu ulogu u The Manchurian
Candidate (2004), Zlatni globus za glavnu glumicu u miniseriji Angels in America (2003),
nagrada Emi, nagrada Bafta za The French Lieutenant's Woman (1981), The Iron Lady (2012).
VES STUDI Wes Studi /Wesley Studie, 17. XII 1947, Nofire Hollow,
Oklahoma, US/. Debi: Powwow Highway (1989). Igrao u preko 40 filmova:
The Last of the Mohicans (1992), Geronimo: An American Legend (1993),
Wolfridge (1994), The Killing Jar (1997), Road to Redemption (2001),
Echoes from Juniper Canyon (2004), The New World (2005), Cosmic Radio
(2007), El camino (2008), Three Priests (2008), The Hunter's Moon (2009),
The Only Good Indian (2009), The Undying (2009), Avatar (2009), Ink: A
Tale of Captivity (2010), The Dome of Heaven (2011) T, imberwolf (2012),
Into the Americas (2012), Miracle at Sage Creek (2005), Palominas (2013), The Hard Ride (2013).
OLEG TABAKOV Oleg Tabakov / лег авлович Та аков, 17. VIII
1935, Saratov, SSSR/. Debi: Саша вступает в жизн (1956). Igrao u preko
80 filmova: …Вакансия (1981), Полёты во сне и наяву (1983), Всё
наоборот (1983), Wolf and Calf (1984), Город невест (1985), Koрабл
пршелтсев (1985), Путешествие господuна Перишона (1986),
Aплодисменти, аплодисменти... (1986), Kукачка в темнём лесе (1986),
После дождичка, в четверг (1987), Раз, двa – горе не беда (1988),
Oглиянис!... (1988), Лию-бов с привелегиями (1989), Message from the
Future (1990), Белые дины (1996), Сирота казанская (1997), Президент
и эго унучка (2001), Илия Мирометс и Соловей рaзбовник (2007), Oн и она (2008).
LIV TAJLER Liv Tyler /Liv Rundgren, 1. VII 1977, New York City,
New York, US/. Debi: Silent Fall (1994). Igrala u preko 20 filmova: Heavy
(1995), Stealing Beauty (1996), That Thing You Do! (1996), Inventing the
Abbotts (1997), Armageddon (1998), Plunkett & Macleane (1999), One
Night at McCool's (2001), The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King
(2003), Jersey Girl (2004), Lonesome Jim (2005), Reign Over Me (2007),
The Strangers (2008), The Incredible Hulk (2008), The Ledge (2011), Robot
and Frank (2012). Nagrada Phoenix u The Lord of the Rings: The
Fellowship of the Ring (2001), The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers
(2002), nagrada ruske kritike u Onegin (1999).
SISELI TAJSON Cicely Tyson /19. XII 1933, New York City, New
York, US/. Debi: Carib Gold (1957). Uz preko 60 tv uloga (Roots, 1977),
igrala u više od 20 filmova: The Heart Is a Lonely Hunter (1968), The Blue
Bird (1976), A Hero Ain't Nothin' but a Sandwich (1978), The Concorde ...
Airport '79 (1979), Bustin' Loose (1981), Fried Green Tomatoes (1991),
Hoodlum (1997), Mama Flora's Family (1998), A Lesson Before Dying
(1999), Jewel (2001), Because of Winn-Dixie (2005), Diary of a Mad Black
Woman (2005), Madea's Family Reunion (2006), Relative Stranger (2009),
The Haunting in Georgia (2011), The Help (2011). Nominacija Oskar za
glavnu ulogu u Sounder (1972), nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u
drami Sounder (1972).
AKIM TAMIROF Akim Tamiroff / ким Михайлович Тами ов, 29.
X 1899, Tiflis, Georgia, Russia – 17. IX 1972. (72), Palm Springs, California, US/. Debi: Okay America (1932). Poslednja uloga: Don Quixote (1992).
Igrao u 132 filma: The General Died at Dawn (1936), The Great Gambini
(1937), Dangerous to Know (1938), Ride a Crooked Mile (1938), King of
Chinatown (1939), The Magnificent Fraud (1939), Disputed Passage
(1939), The Way of All Flesh (1940), For Whom the Bell Tolls (1943), The
Bridge of San Luis Rey (1944) …Desert Desperados (1959), Marco the Magnificent (1965), A Man Called Amen (1968). Nominacija Oskar: sporedna
uloga u The General Died at Dawn (1936), For Whom the Bell Tolls (1943).
KETLIN TARNER Kathleen Turner /Mary Kathleen Turner, 19. VI
1954, Springfield, Missouri, US/. Debi: Body Heat (1981). Igrala u preko 30
filmova: The Man with Two Brains (1983), Crimes of Passion (1984), The
Jewel of the Nile (1985), Julia and Julia (1987), Switching Channels
(1988), V.I. Warshawski (1998), Serial Mom (1994), The Virgin Suicides
(1999), Baby Geniuses (1999), Cinderella (2000). Nominacija Oskar za glavnu ulogu u filmu Pegi Sju se udala (1986), Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu
u komediji Romancing the Stone (1984), Prizzi’s Honor (1985), nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u komediji Peggy Sue Got Married
(1986), The War of the Roses (1989), nominacija Bafta u Body Heat (1981),
nominacija Saturn za Peggy Sue Got Married (1986).
LANA TARNER Lana Turner /Julia Jean Mildred Frances Turner, 8. II
1921, Wallace, Idaho, US - 29. VI 1995. (74), Century City, Los Angeles,
US/. Debi: They Won't Forget (1937). Poslednji film: Thwarted (1991). Igrala u 55 filmova: These Glamour Girls (1939), Dancing Co-Ed (1939),
Two Girls on Broadway (1940), Honky Tonk (1941), Johnny Eager (1942),
Somewhere I'll Find You (1942), Slightly Dangerous (1943), Keep Your Powder Dry (1945), The Postman Always Rings Twice (1946), Green Dolphin
Street (1947), Cass Timberlane (1947), Homecoming (1948), A Life of Her
Own (1950), Mr. Imperium (1951), The Merry Widow (1952), Betrayed
(1954). Nominacija Oskar za glavnu ulogu u Peyton Place (1957).
BEN TARPIN Ben Turpin /Bernard Turpin, 19. IX 1869, New Orleans,
Louisiana, US – 1. VII 1940. (70), Santa Monica, California, US/. Debi: An
Awful Skate; or, The Hobo on Rollers (1907). Poslednji film: Once Over
Lightly (1944). Igrao u 237 filmova: …A Hollywood Hero (1927), The Jolly
Jilter (1927), Broke in China (1927), The Pride of Pikeville (1927), Love's
Languid Lure (1927), Daddy Boy (1927), Why Babies Leave Home (1928),
The Eyes Have It (1928), The Cockeyed Family (1928), She Said No (1928),
Seein' Things (1928), Idle Eyes (1928), Holding His Own (1928), The Wife's
Relations (1928), The Hollywood Dressmaker (1929), Taking the Count
(1929), Hollywood on Parade No. A-1 (1932), The Law of the Wild (1934),
Bring 'Em Back a Lie (1935), Keystone Hotel (1935).
ODRI TATU Audrey Tautou /Audrey Justine Tautou, 9. VIII 1976,
Beaumont, Puy-de-Dôme, France/. Debi: La vieille barrière (1998). Igrala u
skoro 30 filmova: Happenstance (2000), Dieu est grand, je suis toute petite
(2001), À la folie... pas du tout (2002), Dirty Pretty Things (2002), Nowhere
to Go But Up (2003), A Very Long Engagement (2004), The Da Vinci Code
(2006), Hors de prix (2006), Ensemble, c'est tout (2007), Coco avant
Chanel (2009), De vrais mensonges (2010), Delicacy (2011), Thérèse
Desqueyroux (2012), Mood Indigo (2013), Chinese Puzzle (2013).
Višetruko nominovana i nagrađivana ; najznačajnije: nagrada Bafta za
Amélie (2002), Cesar za Venus Beauty Institute (2000).
ELIZABET TEJLOR Elizabeth Taylor /Elizabeth Rosemond Taylor,
27. II 1932, Hampstead Garden Suburb, London, England, UK – 23. III
2011. (79), Los Angeles, California, US/. Debi: There's One Born Every
Minute (1942). Poslednji film: The Flintstones (1994). Igrala u 52 filma:
Lassie Come Home (1943), Courage of Lassie (1946), Little Women (1949
(1949), Ivanhoe (1952), Giant (1956), Cleopatra (1963), Hammersmith Is
Out (1972), Young Toscanini (1988). Oskar za glavnu ulogu u BUtterfield
8 (1960), Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? (1996), nominacija Oskar za
glavnu ulogu u Raintree County (1957), Cat on a Hot Tin Roof (1958),
Suddenly, Last Summer (1959), Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u drami
Suddenly, Last Summer (1959), nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu
u drami Butterfield 8 (1960), Who’s Afraid of Virginia Voolf? (1966), Ash Wendesday (1973),
nagrada Bafta za Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? (1966), nagrada filmskih kritičara.
ROBERT TEJLOR Robert Taylor /Spangler Arlington Brugh, 5. VIII
1911, Filley, Nebraska, US – 8. VI 1969. (57), Santa Monica, California,
US/. Debi: Handy Andy (1934). Poslednji film: Where Angels Go Trouble
Follows! (1968). Igrao u 73 filma: Murder in the Fleet (1935), Magnificent
Obsession (1935), Small Town Girl (1936), The Gorgeous Hussy (1936),
Camille (1936), Personal Property (1936), This Is My Affair (1937), A Yank
at Oxford (1938), Three Comrades (1938), The Crowd Roars (1938),
Remember? (1939),… The Law and Jake Wade (1958), Saddle the Wind
(1958), Party Girl (1958), The House of the Seven Hawks (1959), Killers of
Kilimanjaro (1959), Miracle of the White Stallions (1963), Cattle King
(1963), A House Is Not a Home (1964), Return of the Gunfighter (1967).
ROD TEJLOR Rod Taylor /Rodney Sturt Taylor, 11. I 1930, Sydney,
New South Wales, Australia/. Debi: Inland with Sturt (1951). Igrao u preko
50 filmova: Long John Silver (1954), The Time Machine (1960), Colossus
and the Amazon Queen (1960), Seven Seas to Calais (1962), The Birds
(1963), Young Cassidy (1965), The Liquidator (1965), Do Not Disturb
(1965), The Glass Bottom Boat (1966), Hotel (1967), Chuka (1967), Dark of
the Sun (1968), Nobody Runs Forever (1969), The Hell with Heroes (1969),
Darker than Amber (1970), The Man Who Had Power Over Women (1970),
Family Flight (1972), Trader Horn (1973), Partizani (1974), A Matter of
Wife... And Death (1976), The Treasure Seekers (1979), …
ŠIRLI TEMPL Shirley Temple /Shirley Jane Temple, 23. IV. 1928, Santa Monica, Kalifornija, US/. Debi: Kid's Last Stand (1932). Poslednja
uloga: A Kiss for Corliss (1949). Igrala u 58 filmova: Little Miss Marker
(1934), Baby Take a Bow (1934), Bright Eyes (1934), The Little Colonel
(1935), Our Little Girl (1935), Curly Top (1935),... The Little Princess
(1939), Susannah of the Mounties (1939), The Blue Bird (1940), Young
People (1940), Miss Annie Rooney (1942), Kiss and Tell (1945), Honeymoon (1947), That Hagen Girl (1947), Mr. Belvedere Goes to College
(1949), Adventure in Baltimore (1949), The Story of Seabiscuit (1949). Omladinski Oscar 1934, nagrada Screen Actors Guild za životno delo 2000.
DŽESIKA TENDI Jessica Tandy /Jessie Alice Tandy, 7. VI 1909,
Hackney, London, England, UK – 11. IX 1994. (85), Easton, Connecticut,
US/. Debi: The Indiscretions of Eve (1932). Poslednji film: Nobody's Fool
(1994). Igrala u 29 filmova: The Desert Fox: The Story of Rommel (1951),
The Birds (1963), Butley (1976), To Dance with the White Dog (1990), Camilla (1994). Oskar za glavnu ulogu u Driving Miss Daisy (1989), nominacija Oskar za sporednu ulogu u Fried Green Tomatoes (1991), Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u komediji Driving Miss Daisy (1989), nominacija
Zlatni globus za sporednu ulogu u Hemingway’s Adventures of a Young
Man (1962), Fried Green Tomatoes (1991), za glavnu ulogu u mini seriji
The Story Lady (1991), nagrada Saturn za *batteries not included (1987), nagrada Bafta za
Driving Miss Daisy (1989), nominacija Bafta za Fried Green Tomatoes (1991).
ŠARLIZ TERON Charlize Theron /7. VIII 1975, Benoni, Gauteng,
South Africa/. Debi: Children of the Corn III: Urban Harvest (1995). Igrala
u više od 35 filmova: The Cider House Rules (1999), Trapped (2002), The
Italian Job (2003), Head in the Clouds (2004), Æon Flux (2005), In the
Valley of Elah (2007). Oskar za glavnu ulogu u Monster (2003),
nominacija Oskar za glavnu ulogu u North Country (2005), Zlatni globus
za glavnu ulogu u drami Monster (2003), nominacija Zlatni globus za
glavnu ulogu u drami North Country (2005), nominacija Zlatni globus za
ulogu u komediji Young Adult (2011), nominacija Zlatni globus za sporednu
glumicu u mini seriji The Life and Death of Peter Sellers (2004), nominacija Saturn za Mighty Joe Young (1998), Hancock (2008), The Burning
Plain (2009), nominacija Bafta za Monster (2003), North Country (2005).
DŽIN TIRNI Gene Tierney /Gene Eliza Tierney, 19. XI 1920, Brooklyn, New York, US - 6. XI 1991. (71). Houston, Texas, US/. Debi: The
Return of Frank James (1940). Poslednji film: The Pleasure Seekers (1964).
Igrala u 37 filmova: Hudson's Bay (1941), Belle Starr (1941), Sundown
(1941), The Shanghai Gesture (1941), Son of Fury: The Story of Benjamin
Blake (1942), Rings on Her Fingers (1942),… On the Riviera (1951), The
Secret of Convict Lake (1951), Close to My Heart (1951), Way of a Gaucho
(1952), Never Let Me Go (1953), Plymouth Adventure (1952), Personal
Affair (1953), The Left Hand of God (1955), Four Nights of the Full Moon
(1963). Nominacija Oskar za glavnu ulogu u Leave Her to Heaven (1945).
VJAČESLAV TIHONOV Vyacheslav Tikhonov / ячеслав асилевич Тихонов, 8. II 1928, Pavlovsky Posad, SSSR – 4. XII 2009. (81), Moscow, Russia/. Debi: Moлодая гвардия (1949). Poslednji film: Aндерсен.
Жизнь без любви (2006). Igrao u 55 filmova: Maксимка (1953),
Сердитсе биётся внов (1956), Дело было в Пенкове (1958), Жажда
(1959), Две жизни (1962), Oптимистическая трагедия (1963), Four
Winds of Heaven (1963), Вoйна и мир I: Aндрей Болкконский (1965),
Вoйна и мир II: Наташа Ростова (1966), Вoйна и мир (1967), Вoйна и
мир III: 1812. (1967), Вoйна и мир IV: Пёр Безухов (1967), Доживёт до
понеделника (1968), Сeменоэ щасте (1971), Человек с другой стороны
(1972), Ф он е флангов (1975) Čuven po ulozi u seriji Семнадсать
мновеный весны (1973).
RIČARD TOD Richard Todd /Richard Andrew Palethorpe Todd, 11. VI
1919, Dublin, Ireland – 3. XII 2009. (90), Little Humby, Lincolnshire, England,UK/. Debi: Good Morning, Boys (1937) Poslednji film: Murder One
(1988). Igrao u 51 filmu: The Interrupted Journey (1949), For Them That
Trespass (1949), The Story of Robin Hood and His Merrie Men (1950), Rob
Roy, the Highland Rogue (1953), The Dam Busters (1955), A Man Called
Peter (1955), Yangtse Incident (1957), Chase a Crooked Shadow (1958),
Danger Within (1958), Intent to Kill (1959), The Hellions (1961), Don't Bother to Knock (1961), The Very Edge (1962), The Boys (1962), The Love-Ins
(1967),…. Nominacija Oskar za glavnu ulogu u The Hasty Heart (1949).
KRISTIN SKOT TOMAS Kristin Scott Thomas /Kristin A. Scott
Thomas, 24. V 1960, Redruth, Cornwall, England, UK/. Debi: Charly
(1985). Igrala u preko 60 filmova: A Handful of Dust (1988), Lounge Chair
(1988), An Unforgettable Summer (1994), Angels & Insects (1995), Microcosmos (1996), Gosford Park (2001), Keeping Mum (2005), Easy Virtue
(2008), Leaving (2009), Crime d'amour (2010), Sarah's Key (2010), Only
God Forgives (2012). Nominacija Oskar za glavnu ulogu u The English
Patient (1996), nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u drami The English Patient (1996), Il y a longtemps que je t’aime (2008), nagrada Bafta
za Four Weddings and a Funeral (1994), nominacija Bafta The English
Patient (1996), I've Loved You So Long (2008), Nowhere Boy (2010).
RIČARD TOMAS Richard Thomas /Richard Earl Thomas, 13. VI
1951, New York City, New York, US/. Uz preko 80 tv uloga, igrao u
petnaestak filmova: Last Summer (1969), Red Sky at Morning (1971), The
Todd Killings (1971), Cactus in the Snow (1971), You'll Like My Mother
(1972), The Silence (1975), September 30, 1955 (1977), All Quiet on the
Western Front (1979), Battle Beyond the Stars (1980), Living Proof: The
Hank Williams, Jr. Story (1983), Go Toward the Light (1988), Andre's
Mother (1990), Linda (1993), I Can Make You Love Me (1993), The Million
Dollar Kid (2000), The Christmas Secret (2000), Anna's Dream (2002),
Annie's Point (2005), Wild Hearts (2006). Nominacija Zlatni globus za
najboljeg glumca u seriji-drama The Waltons (1973, 1974).
MARISA TOMEJ Marisa Tomei /4. XII 1964, Brooklyn, New York,
US/. Debi: The Toxic Avenger (1984). Igrala u skoro 50 filmova: Chaplin
(1992), Untamed Heart (1993), Only You (1994), The Perez Family (1995),
Unhook the Stars (1996), Welcome to Sarajevo (1997), Slums of Beverly
Hills (1998), Happy Accidents (2000), What Women Want (2000), Anger
Management (2003), Alfie (2004), Danika (2006), Before the Devil Knows
You're Dead (2007), Cyrus (2010), The Lincoln Lawyer (2011). Dobitnica
Oskara za sporednu ulogu u My Cousin Vinny (1992), nominacija Oskar
za sporednu ulogu u In the Bedroom (2001), The Wlester (2008),
nominacija Zlatni globus za sporednu ulogu u In the Bedroom (2001), The
Wlester (2008), nominacija Bafta za The Wrestler (2008).
LILI TOMLIN Lily Tomlin /Mary Jean Tomlin, 1. IX 1939, Detroit,
Michigan, US/. Debi: Scarecrow in a Garden of Cucumbers (1972). Igrala
u skoro 30 filmova: The Search for Signs of Intelligent Life in the Universe
(1984), Short Cuts (1993), Blue in the Face (1995), Flirting with Disaster
(1996), A Prairie Home Companion (2006). Nominacija Oskar za sporednu
ulogu u Nashville (1975), nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u
komediji The Late Show (1977), All of Me (1984), nominacija Zlatni globus
za sporednu ulogu u Nashville (1975), nominacija Zlatni globus za ulogu u
komediji All of Me (1984), nominacija Zlatni globus za sporednu glumicu u
mini seriji Rowan and Martin’s Laugh-In (1971), nagrada Bafta za Nashville (1975), nominacija
Bafta za The Late Show (1977), nominacija Saturn za The Incredible Shrinking Woman (1981).
EMA TOMPSON Emma Thompson /15. IV 1959, Paddington, London,
England, UK/. Debi: The Tall Guy (1989). Igrala u skoro 40 filmova: Impromptu (1991), Peter's Friends (1992), Much Ado About Nothing (1993),
Carrington (1995), The Winter Guest (1997), Primary Colors (1998), Brideshead Revisited (2008). Oskar za glavnu ulogu u Howards End (1992),
nominacija Oskar za glavnu ulogu u The Remains of the Day (1993), Sense
and Sensibility (1995), za sporednu ulogu u In the Name of the Father
(1993), Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u drami Hawards End (1992), nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u drami The Remains of the Day
(1993), Seanse and Sensibility (1995), za glavnu ulogu u komediji Junior
(1994), Last Chance Harwey (2008), nominacija Zlatni globus za sporednu
ulogu u In the Name of the Father (1993), nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu glumicu u mini seriji
Wit (2001), nagrada Emi, nagrada Bafta za Howards End (1992), Sense and Sensibility (1995),
nominacija Bafta za Love Actually (2003), nominacija Saturn za Stranger than Fiction (2006).
UGO TONJACI Ugo Tognazzi /Ottavio Tognazzi, 23. III 1922, Cremona, Lombardy, Italy – 27. X 1990. (68), Rome, Italy. Debi: I cadetti di Guascogna (1950). Poslednji film: La batalla de los Tres Reyes (1990). Igrao u
146 filmova: Guardatele ma non toccatele (1959), Non perdiamo la testa
(1959), Il Federale (1961), Il mantenuto (1961), Sua Eccellenza si fermò a
mangiare (1961), March on Rome (1962), I mostri (1963), I fuorilegge del
matrimonio (1963), L'ape regina (1963), La vita agra (1964), Controsesso
(1964), La donna scimmia (1964), l magnifico cornuto (1964), Una moglie
americana (1965), Una questione d'onore (1966), Marcia nuziale (1966), Il
fischio al naso (1967), l Commissario Pepe (1969), La bambolona (1969),..
Nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u komediji L’immorale (1967).
BILI BOB TORNTON Billy Bob Thornton /William Robert Thornton, 4. IV 1955, Hot Springs, Arkansas,
US/. Debi: Hunter's Blood (1986). Igrao u skoro 60 filmova: One False Move (1992), Armageddon (1998), Homegrown (1998), Primary Colors (1998), Pushing Tin
(1999), Monster's Ball (2001), The Badge (2002), Levity
(2003), The Alamo (2004),… Nominacija Oskar za
glavnu ulogu u Sling Blade (1996), nominacija Oskar za sporednu ulogu u A
Simple Plan (1998), nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u drami The
man Who Wasn’t There (2001), nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u
komediji Bandits (2001), Bad Santa (2003), nominacija Zlatni globus za sporednu ulogu u A Simple
Plan (1998), nominacija za Nagradu Udruženja filmskih i tv glumaca za najboljeg glumca u Sling
Blade (1996), nominacija Saturn za A Simple Plan (1998), The Man Who Wasn't There (2001).
TOTO Toto /Prince Antonio Focas Flavio Angelo Ducas Comneno De
Curtis di Bisanzio Gagliardi, 15. II 1898, Naples, Italy - 15. IV 1967. (69),
Rome, Italy/. Debi: Hands Off Me! (1937). Poslednji film: Capriccio all'italiana (1968). Igrao u 100 filmova: Animali pazzi (1939),... Totò, Peppino e..
la dolce vita (1961), Letto a tre piazze (1961), The Two Marshals (1961),
Totò di notte n. 1 (1962). Lo smemorato di Collegno (1962), Il monaco di
Monza (1962), Two Colonels (1962), The Commandant (1963), Gli onorevoli (1963), Chi si ferma è perduto (1963), Totòtruffa '62 (1963), Toto vs
the Four (1963), Totò diabolicus (1963), Toto and Cleopatra (1963), Totòsexy (1963), What Ever Happened to Baby Toto? (1964), Toto vs. Maciste
(1964), Toto and Peppino Divided in Berlin (1964), The Hawks and the
Sparrows (1966), Totò d'Arabia (1966), Rita, la figlia americana (1967).
DENI TREJO Dan Trejo /16. V 1944, Echo Park, Los Angeles, California, US/. Debi: Project A (1983). Igrao u preko 160 filmova: ... Shoot the
Hero (2010), Six Days in Paradise (2010), Pastor Shepherd (2010), The
Devil Inside (2010), Machete (2010), The Bill Collector (2010), In the
Shadow (2011), Recoil (2011), Poolboy: Drowning Out the Fury (2011),
Violet & Daisy (2011), Bad Ass (2012), Alcatraz Prison Escape: Deathbed
Confession (2012), Amelia's 25th (2012), Haunted High School (2012),
Counterpunch (2012), Bro' (2011), Skinny Dip (2011), Strike One (2012),
The Cloth (2012), Death Race: Inferno (2012), 179th Street (2013),
Raggedy Anne (2013), Tarantula (2013), Ambition (2013).
DŽON TURTURO John Turturro /John Michael Turturro, 28. II 1957,
Brooklyn, New York, US/. Debi: Raging Bull (1980). Igrao u 80 filmova:
Five Corners (1987), Mac (1992), Unstrung Heroes (1995), Box of Moon
Light (1996), Grace of My Heart (1996), The Truce (1997), O.K. Garage
(1998), O Brother, Where Art Thou? (2000), The Luzhin Defence (2000),
Thirteen Conversations About One Thing (2001), Monday Night Mayhem
(2002), Fear X (2002), Romance and Cigarettes (2006), A Few Days in
September (2006), The Bronx is Burning (2006), Margot at the Wedding
(2006), Miracle at St. Anna (2006), You Don't Mess with the Zohan (2008).
Nominacija Zlatni globus za sporednu ulogu u Quiz Show (1994), nagrada
festivala Kan za Barton Fink (1991), nominacija Saturn za Secret Window
STENLI TUČI Stanley Tucci /11. XI 1960, Peekskill, New York, US/.
Debi: Prizzi's Honor (1985). Igrao u skoro 70 filmova: Men of Respect
(1990), Jury Duty (1995), Big Night (1996), The Alarmist (1997), Montana
(1998), The Impostors (1998), Joe Gould's Secret (2000), Spin (2004), The
Devil Wears Prada (2006), Four Last Songs (2007), Blind Date (2008),
Julie & Julia (200), Easy A (2010), Your Voice in My Head (2013).
Nominacija Oskar za sporednu ulogu u The Lovely Bones (2009),
nominacija Zlatni globus za sporednu ulogu u The Lovely Bones (2009),
dobitnik Zlatnog globusa za glavnog glumca u mini seriji Winchell
(1998), dobitnik Zlatnog globusa za sporednog glumca u mini seriji
Conspiracy (2001), dobitnik nagrade Emi za ulogu u mini seriji
Winchell (1999).
DŽON TRAVOLTA John Travolta /John Joseph Travolta, 18. II 1954,
Englewood, New Jersey, US/. Debi: The Devil's Rain (1975). Igrao u preko
50 filmova: Carrie (1976), The Boy in the Plastic Bubble (1976), Urban Cowboy (1980), The Thin Red Line (1998), Hairspray (2007), From Paris with
Love (2010), Killing Season (2013). Nominacija Oskar za glavnu ulogu u
Saturday Night Fever (1977), Pulp Fiction (1994), Zlatni globus za glavnu
ulogu u komediji Get Shorty (1995), nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu
ulogu u drami Pulp Fiction (1994), za glavnu ulogu u mjuziklu Saturday
Night Fever (1977), Grease (1978), za glavnu ulogu u komediji Primary
Colors (1998), za sporednu ulogu u Hairspray (2007), nominacija za
Nagradu Udruženja filmskih i tv glumaca za najboljeg glumca u Pulp
Fiction (1994), nominacija Bafta za Pulp Fiction (1994), nominacija Saturn za Face/Off (1997).
KLER TREVOR Claire Trevor /Claire Wemlinger, 8. III 1910,
Brooklyn, New York, US – 8. IV 2000, (90), Newport Beach, California,
US/. Debi: The Meal Ticket (1931). Poslednja uloga: Kiss Me Goodbye
(1982). Igrala u 69 filmova: Baby Take a Bow (1934), Dante's Inferno
(1935), 15 Maiden Lane (1936), King of Gamblers (1937), The Amazing Dr.
Clitterhouse (1937), Stagecoach (1939), I Stole a Million (1939), Allegheny
Uprising (1939), Dark Command (1940), Street of Chance (1942), Murder,
My Sweet (1944), Johnny Angel (1945), Crack-Up (1946)… Dobitnica
Oskara za sporednu ulogu u Key Largo (1948), nominacija Oskar za
sporednu ulogu u Dead End (1937), The High and the Mighty (1954).
SPENSER TREJSI Spencer Tracy /Spencer Bonaventure Tracy, 5. IV
1900, Milwaukee, US - 10. VI 1967. (67), Los Angeles, Kalifornija, US/.
Debi: The Strong Arm (1930). Poslednji film: Guess Who's Coming to Dinner (1967). Igrao u 78 filmova: Man's Castle (1933), Woman of the Year
(1942), A Guy Named Joe (1943), The Seventh Cross (1944), State of the
Union (1948), Adam's Rib (1949), Pat and Mike (1952), Broken Lance
(1954), Desk Set (1957), The Last Hurrah (1958),… Oskar za glavnu ulogu u Captains Courageous (1937), Boys Town (1938), nominacija Oskar
za glavnu ulogu u San Francisco (1936), Father of the Bride (1950), Bad
Day at Black Rock (1955), The Old Man and the Sea (1958), Inherit the
Wind (1960), Judgment at Nuremberg (1961), Guess Who's Coming to Dinner (1967), Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u drami The Actress (1953), nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u drami The Old Man and the Sea (1958), Inherit the Wind (1960), Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner
(1967), nagrada Bafta.
ŽAN LUJ TRENTINJAN Jean-Louis Trintignant /Jean-Louis Trintignant, 11. XII 1930, Piolenc, Vaucluse, France/. Debi: If All the Guys in the
World... (1956). Igrao u skoro 30 filmova: Estate Violenta (1959), Un
homme et une femme (1966), Les Biches (1968), Il grande silenzio (1968),
The Libertine (1969), Ma nuit chez Maud (1969), Il conformista (1970), Le
Voyou (1970), Un homme est mort (1972), Le Train (1973), Les Violons du
bal (1974), Les Passagers (1977), L'Argent des Autres (1978), Eaux
profondes (1981), Vivement dimanche!, (1983), Partir, revenir (1985),
Rendez-vous (1985), A Man and a Woman: 20 Years Later (1986), Bunker
Palace Hôtel (1989), Love (2012). Nagrada festivala Berlin za The Man
Who Lies (1968), festivala Kan za Z (1969), nominacija Ceasr za The Woman of My Life (1986),
Three Colors: Red (1994), Fiesta (1995), Those Who Love Me Can Take the Train (1998).
UMA TURMAN Uma Thurman /Uma Karuna Thurman, 29. IV 1970,
Boston, Massachusetts, US/. Debi: Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind
(1984). Igrala u preko 40 filmova: Henry & June (1990), Where the Heart Is
(1990), Jennifer 8 (1992), Batman & Robin (1997), Tape (2001), My Super
Ex-Girlfriend (2006), Motherhood (2009), Ceremony (2010), Bel Ami
(2012). Nominacija Oskar za sporednu ulogu u Pulp Fiction (1994),
nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u drami Kill Bil: Vol. 1 (2003),
Kill Bill: Vol. 2 (2004), nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u Pulp
Fiction (1994), Zlatni globus za glavnu glumicu u mini seriji Hysterical
Blindness (2002), dobitnica nagrade Saturn za Kill Bill Volume 1 (2003),
nominacija Bafta za Pulp Fiction (1994), Kill Bill Volume 1 (2003).
LIV ULMAN Liv Ullmann /Liv Johanne Ullmann, 16. XII 1938, Tokyo,
Japan/. Debi: Fjols til fjells (1957). Igrala u skoro 50 filmova: Tonny
(1962), Shame (1968), Hour of the Wolf (1968), Cries and Whispers (1972),
The New Land (1972), Autumn Sonata (1978), Farewell Moscow (1987), La
amiga (1988). Nominacija Oskar za glavnu ulogu u The Emigrants (1972),
Face to Face (1976), Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u drami The Emigrants (1972), nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u drami Scenes
From a Marriagge (1974), Face to Face (1976), The Rose Garden (1989),
nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u komediji 40 Carats (2000),
nominacija Bafta za Scenes from a Marriage (1974), Face to Face (1976).
MARIJA USPENSKAJA Maria Ouspenskaya /Ма ия Alekseyevna
Успенская, 29. VII 1876, Tula, Russian Empire – 3. XII 1949. (73), Los
Angeles, US/. Debi: Sverchok na pechi (1915). Poslednji film: A Kiss in the
Dark (1949). Igrala u 25 filmova: Nichtozhniye (1916), Tsvety zapozdalye
(1917), Khveska (1920), Love Affair (1939), The Rains Came (1939), Dr.
Ehrlich's Magic Bullet (1940), Beyond Christmas (1940), Waterloo Bridge
(1940), The Man I Married (1940), Dance, Girl, Dance (1940), Mystery of
Marie Roget (1942), Frankenstein Meets the Wolf Man (1943), Tarzan and
the Amazons (1945), I've Always Loved You (1946). Nominacija Oskar za
sporednu ulogu u Dodsfort (1936), Love Affair (1939).
REJF FAJNS Ralph Fiennes /Ralph Nathaniel Twisleton-WykehamFiennes, 22. XII 1962, Ipswich, Suffolk, England, UK/. Debi: Wuthering
Heights (1992). Igrao u 40 filmova: The Prince of Egypt (1998), Sunshine
(1999), Spider (1999), Maid in Manhattan (2002), Wallace & Gromit: The
Curse of the Were-Rabbit (2005), In Bruges (2008), The Hurt Locker
(2009), Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows 2 (2011). Nominacija Oskar
za glavnu ulogu u The English Patient (1996), za sporednu ulogu u Schindler's List (1993), nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u drami English Patient (1996), za sporednu ulogu u Shindler’s List (1993), The Duchess (2008), nominacija Zlatni gobus za glavnog glumca u mini seriji Bernard and Doris (2008), nominacija Nagrada Udruženja filmskih i tv glumaca za najboljeg glumca u The English Patient (1996), nagrada Bafta za Schindler's List (1993),
nominacija Bafta za The English Patient (1996), The End of the Affair (1999), The Constant Gardener (2005), Coriolanus (2011); nominacija Saturn za Strange Days (1995), Red Dragon (2002),
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (2005), Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (2007).
DŽOZEF FAJNS Joseph Fiennes /Joseph Alberic Fiennes, 27. V 1970,
Salisbury, Wiltshire, England, UK/. Debi: Stealing Beauty (1996). Igrao u
preko 20 filmova: Martha, Meet Frank, Daniel and Laurence (1998),
Forever Mine (1999), Rancid Aluminium (2000), Enemy at the Gates (2001),
Dust (2001), Killing Me Softly (2002), Luther (2003), The Merchant of
Venice (2004), The Great Raid (2005), Man to Man (2005), Running with
Scissors (2006), The Darwin Awards (2006), Goodbye Bafana (2007), The
Escapist (2008), The Red Baron (2008), You Me and Captain Longbridge
(2008), Against the Current (2009), The Diplomat (2012). Nominacija za
Nagradu Udruženja filmskih i tv glumaca za najboljeg glumca u
Shakespeare in Love (1998).
MIŠEL FAJFER Michelle Pfeiffer /Michelle Marie Pfeiffer, 29. IV
1958, Santa Ana, California, US/. Debi: The Hollywood Knights (1980). Igrala u preko 40 filmova: Grease 2 (1982), Batman Returns (1992), Dangerous Minds (1995), What Lies Beneath (2000), White Oleander (2002), Hairspray (2007). Nominacija Oskar za glavnu ulogu u The Fabulous Baker
Boys (1989), Love Field (1992), nominacija Oskar za sporednu ulogu u
Married to the Mob (1988), Dangerous Liaisons (1988), Zlatni globus za
glavnu ulogu u drami The The Fabulous Baker Boys (1989), nominacija
Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u drami The Russia House (1990), Love Field
(1992), The Age of Innocence (1993), za glavnu ulogu u komediji Married to
the Mob (1988), Frankie and Johny (1991), nagrada Bafta za Dangerous
Liaisons (1988), Nagrada filmskih kritičara, nominacija Saturn za Ladyhawke (1985), Wolf
(1994), Stardust (2007); nominacija Bafta za The Fabulous Baker Boys (1989).
EDI FALKO Edie Falco /Edith Falco, 5. VII 1963, Brooklyn, New York,
US/. Debi: Sweet Lorraine (1987). Igrala u preko 30 filmova: Trust (1990),
Laws of Gravity (1992), Time Expired (1992), Layin' Low (1996), Trouble
on the Corner (1997), Firehouse (1997), Blind Light (1998), Judy Berlin
(1999), Sunshine State (2002), Fargo (2003), Family of the Year (2004),
The Quiet (2005), Freedomland (2006), 3 Backyards (2010). Dobitnica
Zlatog globusa za najbolju glumicu u seriji-drama The Sopranos (1999,
2002), nominacija Zlatni globus za najbolju glumicu u seriji-drama The
Sopranos (2000, 2001, 2004, 2006, 2007), Nurse Jackie (2009, 2010),
dobitnica nagrade Emi.
KOLIN FAREL Colin Farrell /Colin James Farrell, 31. V 1976,
Castleknock, Dublin, Ireland/. Debi: The Disappearance of Finbar (1996).
Igrao u preko 30 filmova: Tigerland (2000), American Outlaws (2001),
Hart's War (2002), Minority Report (2002), Phone Booth (2002), The
Recruit (2003), S.W.A.T. (2003), Intermission (2003), Alexander (2004), A
Home at the End of the World (2004), The New World (2005), Miami Vice
(2006), Cassandra's Dream (2007), Ondine (2009), Triage (2009), Crazy
Heart (2009), London Boulevard (2010), Horrible Bosses (2011), Total
Recall (2012), Seven Psychopaths (2012). Nominovan i nagrađivan,
najznačajnija: Dobitnik Zlatnog globusa za glavnu ulogu u komediji In
Bruges (2008).
DENIS FARINA Dennis Farina /29. II 1944, Chicago, Illinois, US/.
Debi: Thief (1981). Igrao u 35 filmova: Code of Silence (1985), Manhunter
(1986), Midnight Run (1988), Men of Respect (1990), People Like Us
(1990), We're Talking Serious Money (1991), Perfect Crimes (1991), Mac
(1992), Another Stakeout (1993), Striking Distance (1993), The
Disappearance of Nora (1993), One Woman's Courage (1994), The Corpse
Had a Familiar Face (1994), Eddie (1996), Bella Mafia (1997), That Old
Feeling (1997), Out of Sight (1998), The Mod Squad (1999), Snatch (2000),
Sidewalks of New York (2001), Big Trouble (2002), Stealing Harvard
(2002), Paparazzi (2004), You Kill Me (2007), Purple Violets (2007), The
Grand (2008), What Happens in Vegas (2008), Knucklehead (2010), The
Last Rites of Joe May (2011).
RIČARD FARNSVORT Richard Farnsworth /1. IX 1920, Los
Angeles, California, US – 6. X 2000. (80), Lincoln, New Mexico, US/.
Debi: A Day at the Races (1937). Poslednji film: The Straight Story (1999).
Igrao u 51 filmu, među kojima: Tom Horn (1980), Resurrection (1980),
Ruckus (1981), The Grey Fox (1982), Rhinestone (1984), Sylvester (1985),
Into the Night (1985), The River Pirates (1988), Misery (1990), Lassie
(1994). Nominacija Oskar za glavnu ulogu u Comes a Horseman (1978),
The Straight Story (1999), nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u
drami The Grey Fox (1983), The Straight Story (1999), nominacija Zlatni
globus za sporednu ulogu u mini seriji Chase (1985).
MIA FEROU Mia Farrow /Maria de Lourdes Villiers-Farrow, 9. II 1945,
Los Angeles, California, US/. Debi: John Paul Jones (1959). Igrala u više
od 45 filmova: Follow Me! (1972), Zelig (1983), Crimes and Misdemeanors
(1989), The Omen (2006). Nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u drami Rosemary’s Baby (1968), nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u
komediji John and Mary (1969), Broadway Danny Rose (1984), The Purple
Rose of Cairo (1985), Alice (1990), za glavnu glumicu u mini seriji Forget
Me Never (1999), nominacija Bafta za Secret Ceremony (1968), Rosemary's
Baby (1968), John and Mary (1969), The Purple Rose of Cairo (1985),
nominacija Saturn za The Purple Rose of Cairo (1985),
MARTI FELDMAN Marty Feldman /Martin Alan Feldman, 8. VII
1934, London, England, UK – 2. XII 1982. (48), Mexico City, Mexico/.
Debi: The Bed Sitting Room (1969). Poslednji film: Yellowbeard (1983).
Uz brojne tv uloge, igrao u 11 filmova: Every Home Should Have One
(1970), The Magnificent Seven Deadly Sins (1971), Young Frankenstein
(1974), The Adventure of Sherlock Holmes' Smarter Brother (1975), Sex
with a Smile (1976), Silent Movie (1976), The Last Remake of Beau Geste
(1977), In God We Tru$t (1980), Slapstick (Of Another Kind) (1982).
Nominacija Zlatni globus za porednu ulogu u Silent Movie (1976), nagrada
Bafta za Marty (1968).
DAGLAS FERBANKS Douglas Ferbanks /Douglas Elton Thomas Ullman, 23. V 1883, Denver, US - 12. XII 1939. (56), Santa Monica, Kalifornija, US/. Debi: The Lamb (1915). Poslednji film: The Private Life of Don
Juan (1934). Igrao u 49 filmova: Double Trouble (1915),... Arizona (1918),
When the Clouds Roll by (1919), The Mollycoddle (1920), The Mark of Zorro (1920), The Nut (1921), The Three Musketeers (1921), The Thief of Bagdad (1924), Don Q Son of Zorro (1925), The Black Pirate (1926), The
Gaucho (1927), The Iron Mask (1929), Terra Melophon Magazin Nr. 1
(1930), Reaching for the Moon (1930), Mr. Robinson Crusoe (1932). Dobitnik medalje za Robin Hood (1922), počasni Oscar za životno delo 1939.
VIL FEREL Will Ferrell /John William Ferrell, 16. VII 1967, Irvine,
California, US/. Debi: Criminal Hearts (1995). Igrao u preko 40 filmova: A
Night at the Roxbury (1998), Superstar (1999), Old School (2003), Elf
(2003), Melinda and Melinda (2004), Anchorman: The Legend of Ron
Burgundy (2004), Wake Up, Ron Burgundy: The Lost Movie (2004), The
Producers (2005), Bewitched (2005), Kicking & Screaming (2005), Stranger than Fiction (2006), Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby
(2006), The Other Guys (2010), Megamind (2010), Everything Must Go
(2010), Casa de Mi Padre (2012), The Campaign (2012), The Legend of
Ron Burgundy (2013). Nominacija Saturn za Stranger Than Fiction (2006).
MEL FERER Mel Ferrer /Melchor Gastón Ferrer, 25. VIII 1917,
Elberon, New Jersey, US - 2. VI 2008. (90) Santa Barbara, US/. Debi: The
Fugitive (1947). Poslednji film: Eye of the Widow (1991). Igrao u 59
filmova: Born to Be Bad (1950), The Brave Bulls (1951), Forbidden (1954),
Blood and Roses (1960), The Hands of Orlac (1960), Love, Freedom and
Treachery (1961), Charge of the Black Lancers (1962), El Greco (1966),
The Suspicious Death of a Minor (1975), The Black Corsair (1976), Eaten
Alive (1977), L'avvocato della mala (1977) Seagulls Fly Low (1978), HiRiders (1978) The Norseman (1978), Yesterday's Tomorrow (1978), The
Visitor (1979), The Great Alligator (1979), Un tenero tramonto (1984).
HOZE FERER José Ferrer /José Vicente Ferrer de Otero y Cintrón, 8. I
1912, Santurce, San Juan, Puerto Rico – 26. I 1992. (80) Coral Gables, Florida, US/. Debi: Joan of Arc (1948). Poslednji film: Lam Gong juen ji fan fei
jo fung wan (1992). Igrao u 52 filma: Whirlpool (1949), Crisis (1950), Anything Can Happen (1952), Miss Sadie Thompson (1953), The Cockleshell
Heroes (1955), The Shrike (1955), I Accuse! (1958), The Great Man (1956),
... Oskar za glavnu ulogu u Cyrano de Bergerac (1950), nominacija Oskar
za glavnu ulogu u Moulin Rouge (1952), nominacija Oskar za sporednu
ulogu u Joan of Arc (1948), Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u drami
Cyrano de Bergerac (1950). nominacija Bafta za The Caine Mutiny (1954).
FERNANDEL Fernandel /Fernand Joseph Désiré Contandin, 8. V 1903,
Marseille, Bouches-du-Rhône, France – 26. II 1971. (68) Paris, France/.
Debi: La meilleure bobonne (1930). Poslednji film: Happy He Who Like
Ulysses (1970). Igrao u 147 filmova: Attaque nocturne (1931), Vive la classe (1932),… Cocagne (1961), The Trip to Biarritz (1963), Blague dans le
coin (1963), Good King Dagobert (1963), La cuisine au beurre (1963), Relaxe-toi chérie (1964), Don Camillo in Moscow (1965), Your Money or
Your Life (1966), Father's Trip (1966), Una tranquilla villeggiatura (1968),
The Man in the Buick (1968), Don Camillo e i giovani d'oggi (1970).
SELI FILD Sally Field /Sally Margaret Field, 6. XI 1946, Pasadena,
California, US/. Debi: Moon Pilot (1962). Igrala u preko 30 filmova: Stay
Hungry (1976), Sybil (1976), Heroes (1977), Hooper (1978), Beyond the
Poseidon Adventure (1979), Surrender (1987), Two Weeks (2007), Lincoln
(2012). Oskar za glavnu ulogu u Norma Rae (1979), Places in the Heart
(1984), Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u drami Norma Rae (1979), Places
in the Heart (1984), nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u drami
Absence of Malice (1981), Steel Magnolias (1989), za glavnu ulogu u komediji Smokey and the Bandit (1977), Kiss Me Goodbye (1982), Murpy’s
Romance (1985), nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu glumicu u mini seriji
A Woman of Independent Means (1995), nominacija Zlatni globus za najbolju glumicu u serijidrama Brothers & Sisters (2007, 2008), nagrada Emi, nominacija Bafta za Forrest Gump (1994).
ŽERAR FILIP Gérard Philip /4. XII 1922; Cannes, France - 25. XI
1959. (36) Paris, France/. Debi: Les petites du quai aux fleurs (1944). Poslednji film: Fever Mounts at El Pao (1959). Igrao u 35 filmova: Schéma d'une
identification (1946), Land Without Stars (1946), Devil in the Flesh (1947),
Le diable au corps (1947), Tous les chemins mènent à Rome (1949), Une si
jolie petite plage (1949), Les fêtes galantes (Watteau) (1950), La beauté du
diable (1950), Juliette ou La clef des songes (1951), Fanfan la Tulipe
(1952), Beauties of the Night (1952), Les Orgueilleux, sub-title: Alvarado
(1953), Le Rouge et le Noir (1954), Les Grandes Manœuvres (1958), Les
Amants de Montparnasse (1958), Les liaisons dangereuses (1959).
ALBERT FINI Albert Finney /9. V 1936, Salford, Greater Manchester,
England, UK/. Debi: The Entertainer (1960). Igrao u 45 filmova: Gumshoe
(1971), Wolfen (1981), The Image (1990), The Green Man (1990), The
Browning Version (1994), Traffic (2000), Before the Devil Knows You're
Dead (2007). Nominacija Oskar za glavnu ulogu u Tom Jones (1963), Murder on the Orient Express (1974), The Dresser (1983), Under the Volcano
(1984), za sporednu ulogu u Erin Brockovich (2000), Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u komediji Scrooge (1970), nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu
ulogu u drami Shoot the Moon (1982), The Dresser (1983), Under the Volcano (1984), nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u komediji Tom Jones
(1963), za sporednu ulogu u Erin Brockovich (2000), Big Fish (2003), Zlatni globus za glavnog
glumca u mini seriji The Gathering Storm (2002), nagrada Emi za ulogu u mini seriji The
Gathering Storm (2002), nagrada Bafta za Saturday Night and Sunday Morning (1960).
HOAKIN FINIKS Joaquin Phoenix /Joaquín Rafael Bottom, 28. X
1974, San Juan, Puerto Rico/. Debi: Backwards: The Riddle of Dyslexia
(1984). Igrao u skoro 30 filmova: Parenthood (1989), To Die For (1995),
Inventing the Abbotts (1997), Return to Paradise (1998), The Yards (2000),
Quills (2000), Buffalo Soldiers (2001), Ladder 49 (2003), Hotel Rwanda
(2004), We Own the Night (2007), Two Lovers (2008). Nominacija Oskar za
glavnu ulogu u Walk the Line (2005), nominacija Oskar za sporednu ulogu u
Gladiator (2000), Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u komediji Walk the Line (2005), nominacija Zlatni globus za sporednu ulogu u Gladiator (2000),
nominacija za Nagradu Udruženja filmskih i tv glumaca za najboljeg
glumca u Walk the Line (2005), nominacija Bafta za Gladiator (2000), Walk the Line (2005).
PITER FINČ Peter Finch /Frederick George Peter Ingle Finch, 28. IX
1916, South Kensington, London, England, UK – 14. I 1977. (60), Beverly
Hills, California, US/. Debi: The Farmer Goes to Town (1938). Poslednji
film: Network (1976). Igrao u 51 filmu: Mr. Chedworth Steps Out (1939),
The Power and the Glory (1941), While There is Still Time (1943), Far
from the Madding Crowd (1967), Lost Horizon (1973), The Abdication
(1974). Oskar za glavnu ulogu u Network (1976), nominacija Oskar za
glavnu ulogu u filmu Sunday Bloody Sunday (1971), Zlatni globus za
glavnu ulogu u drami Network (1976), nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u drami Sunday
Bloody Sunday (1971), nagrada Bafta za A Town Like Alice (1956), The Trials of Oscar Wilde
(1960), No Love for Johnnie (1961), Network (1976), nominacija Bafta za Windom's Way (1957),
The Nun's Story (1959), Sunday Bloody Sunday (1971), nominacija Emi za Raid on Entebbe (1977).
KOLIN FIRT Colin Firth /Colin Andrew Firth, 10. IX 1960, Grayshott,
Hampshire, England, UK/. Debi: Another Country (1984). Igrao u preko 50
filmova: Tumbledown (1988), Pride and Prejudice (1995), The English Patient (1996), Shakespeare in Love (1998), Girl with a Pearl Earring (2003),
Love Actually (2003), And When Did You Last See Your Father? (2007),
Mamma Mia! (2008). Oskar za glavnu ulogu u The King's Speech (2010),
nominacija Oskar za glavnu ulogu u A Single man (2009), nominacija Zlatni
globus za glavnu ulogu u drami A Single man (2009), nominacija za
Nagradu Udruženja filmskih i tv glumaca za najboljeg glumca u The King's
Speech (2010), nagrada Bafta za A Single Man (2009), The King's
Speech (2010), nominacija Bafta za Bridget Jones's Diary (2001).
LORENS FIŠBURN Laurence Fishburne /Laurence John Fishburne III,
30. VII 1961, Augusta, Georgia, US/. Debi: If You Give a Dance, You Gotta
Pay the Band (1972). Igrao u preko 50 filmova: Cornbread, Earl and Me
(1975), Apocalypse Now (1979), School Daze (1988), King of New York
(1990), Deep Cover (1992), What's Love Got to Do with It (1993), Bad Company (1995), Just Cause (1995),... Black Water Transit (2009), Have a Little Faith (2011). Nominacija Oskar za glavnu ulogu u What's Love Got to
Do with It (1993), Nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnog glumca u miniseriji
The The Tuskegee Airmen (1995), nominacija Saturn za The Matrix (2000).
LUIZ FLEČER Louise Fletcher /22. VII 1934. (77) Birmingham,
Alabama, US/. Debi: A Gathering of Eagles (1963). Uz više od 60 tv uloga,
igrala u preko 60 filmova: Natural Enemies (1979), The Magician of Lublin
(1979), Strange Behavior (1981), Grizzly II: The Predator (1987), Two
Moon Junction (1988), The Karen Carpenter Story (1989), Shadowzone
(1990), Return to Two Moon Junction (1995), Breast Men (1997), The Last
Sin Eater (2007). Dobitnica Oskara za glavnu ulogu u One Flew Over the
Cuckoo’s Nest (1975), dobitnica Zlatnog globusa za glavnu ulogu u
drami One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest (1975), nagrada Saturn za
Brainstorm (1983), nominacija Saturn za Flowers in the Attic (1987).
EROL FLIN Errol Flynn /Errol Leslie Thompson Flynn, 20. VI 1909,
Hobart, Tasmania, Australia - 14. X 1959. (50), Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada/. Debi: In the Wake of the Bounty (1933). Poslednji film: Cuban Rebel Girls (1959). Igrao u 58 filmova: Murder at Monte Carlo (1935),
Captain Blood (1935), The Charge of the Light Brigade (1936), Green
Light (1937), The Prince and the Pauper (1937), The Perfect Specimen
(1937), The Adventures of Robin Hood (1938), Four's a Crowd (1938), The
Sisters (1938), The Dawn Patrol (1938), Dodge City (1939),… The Master
of Ballantrae (1953), The Dark Avenger (1955), King's Rhapsody (1955),
Istanbul (1957), Too Much, Too Soon (1958), The Roots of Heaven (1958).
MAJKL DŽ. FOKS Michael J. Fox /Michael Andrew Fox, 9. VI 1961,
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada/. Debi: The Beachcombers (1973, tv), Midnight
Madness (1980, film). Uz više od 30 tv uloga, igrao u skoro 30 filmova:
Teen Wolf (1985), Casualties of War (1989), Back to the Future Part II
(1989), For Love or Money (1993), Greedy (1994), The Frighteners (1996).
Nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u Back to the Future (1985),
Zlatni globus za najboljeg glumca u seriji-komedija Family Ties (1988,
1989, 1998, 1999, 2000), Spin City (1997, 1998. 1998, 2000), nagrada Saturn za Back to the Future (1986), nominacija Saturn za The Frighteners
(1997), nagrada Emi za ulogu u seriji-drama Rescue Me (2005), serijikomedija Family Ties (1987, 1988, 1989), u seriji Spin City (2000).
DŽEJMI FOKS Jamie Foxx /Eric Marlon Bishop, 13. XII 1967, Terrell,
Texas, US/. Debi: Toys (1992). Igrao u skoro 30 filmova: Any Given Sunday
(1999), Ali (2001), Breakin' All the Rules (2004), Jarhead (2005), Dreamgirls (2006), The Soloist (1009), Law Abiding Citizen (2009). Oskar za glavnu ulogu u Ray (2004), nominacija Oskar za sporednu ulogu u Collateral
(2004), Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u komediji Ray (2004), nominacija
Zlatni globus za sporednu ulogu u Collateral (2004), nominacija Zlatni
globus za glavnog glumca u mini seriji Redemption: The Stan Tookie
Williams Story (2004), Nagrada Udruženja filmskih i tv glumaca za
najboljeg glumca u Ray (2004), nominacija Bafta za Collateral (2004).
PITER FOLK Peter Falk /Peter Michael Falk, 16. IX 1927, New York
City, New York, US – 23. VI 2011. (83), Beverly Hills, California, US/.
Debi: Wind Across the Everglades (1958). Poslednji film: American Cowslip (2009). Uz više od 50 tv uloga, igrao u preko 50 filmova: The Secret of
the Purple Reef (1960), The Balcony (1963), Too Many Thieves (1966),…
The Thing About My Folks (2005), Checking Out (2005). Nominacija Oskar
za sporednu ulogu u Murder, Inc (1960), Pocketful of Miracles (1961),
nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnog glumca u mini seriji Columbo and the
Murder of a Rock Star (1991), Columbo: It’s All in the Game (1993),
Zlatni globus za najboljeg glumca u seriji-drama Columbo (1972),
nominacija Zlatni globus za najboljeg glumca za istu ulogu (1971, 1973,
1974, 1975, 1977, 1990), nagrada Emi za The Price of Tomatoes (1962), Columbo (1975).
PITER FONDA Peter Fonda /Peter Henry Fonda, 23. II 1940, New
York City, New York, US/. Debi: Tammy and the Doctor (1963). Igrao u
preko 60 filmova: The Victors (1963), Lilith (1964), The Wild Angels
(1966), The Trip (1967), Easy Rider (1969), The Hired Hand (1971), Two
People (1973), Dirty Mary, Crazy Larry (1974), Open Season (1974), Race
with the Devil (1975),... 3:10 to Yuma (2007). Nominacija Oskar za glavnu
ulogu u Ulee's Gold (1997), Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u dra-mi
Ulee’s Gold (1997), Zlatni globus za sporednog glumca u mini seriji The
Passion of Ain Rand (1999), nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnog glumca u
mini seriji The Tempest (1998), nominacija za Nagradu Udruženja filmskih
i tv glumaca za najboljeg glumca u Ulee's Gold (1997).
HENRI FONDA Henry Fonda /Henry Jaynes Fonda, 16. V 1905, Grand
Island, Nebraska, US - 12. VIII 1982. (77), Los Angeles, Kalifornija, US/.
Debi: The Farmer Takes a Wife (1935). Poslednji film: On Golden Pond
(1981). Igrao u 90 filmova: I Dream Too Much (1935), You Only Live Once
(1937), Jesse James (1939), Young Mr. Lincoln (1939), The Male Animal
(1942), The Big Street (1942), My Darling Clementine (1946), The Long
Night (1947), Fort Apache (1948), War and Peace (1956), 12 Angry Men
(1957), Advise & Consent (1962), The Longest Day (1962), Welcome to
Hard Times (1967), Firecreek (1967), Once Upon a Time in the West
(1968), Ash Wednesday (1973), Midway (1976). Oskar za glavnu ulogu u
On Golden Pond (1981), nominacija Oskar za glavnu ulogu u The Grapes of Wrath (1940), Zlatni
globus za glavnu ulogu u drami On Golden Pond (1981), nagrada Bafta, Special Award (1980).
DŽEJN FONDA Jayne Fonda /Lady Jayne Seymour Fonda, 21. XII
1937, New York City, New York, US/. Debi: Tall Story (1960). Igrala u
preko 40 filmova: Sunday in New York (1963), Barefoot in the Park (1967),
Barbarella (1968), Comes a Horseman (1978), Georgia Rule (2007). Oskar za glavnu ulogu u Klute (1971), Coming Home (1978), nominacija
Oskar za glavnu ulogu u They Shoot Horses, Don't They? (1968), Julia
(1977), The China Syndrome (1979), The Morning After (1986), za sporednu ulogu u On Golden Pond (1981), Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u
drami Klute (1971), Julia (1977), Coming Home (1978), nominacija Zlatni
globus za glavnu ulogu u drami The Shoot Horses, Don’t They? (1969), The
China Syndrome (1979), nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u komediji Period of Adjustment
(1962), Cat Ballou (1965), Any Wednesday (1966), nominacija Zlatni globus za sporednu ulogu u
On Golden Pond (1981), nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu glumicu u mini seriji The Dollmaker
(1984), nagrada Emi za Julia (1977), nagrada Bafta za The China Syndrome (1981).
DŽOUN FONTEJN Joan Fontaine /Joan de Beauvoir de Havilland, 22.
X 1917; Tokyo, Japan/. Debi: No More Ladies (1935). Poslednja uloga: The
Witches (1966), Igrala u 45 filmova: Blond Cheat (1938), The Constant
Nymph (1943), Jane Eyre (1943), Frenchman's Creek (1943), The Affairs of
Susan (1945), From This Day Forward (1946), Ivy (1947), Letter from an
Unknown Woman (1948), The Emperor Waltz (1948), You Gotta Stay Happy
(1948), Kiss the Blood off My Hands (1948), September Affair (1950), Born
to Be Bad (1950), Ivanhoe (1952),… Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea
(1961). Dobitnica Oskara za glavnu ulogu u Suspicion (1941), nominacija
Oskar za glavnu ulogu u Rebecca (1940), The Constant Nymph (1943).
GLEN FORD Glen Ford (Gwyllyn Samuel Newton Ford, 1. V 1916,
Quebec City, Quebec, Canada – 30. VIII 2006. (90), Beverly Hills, California, US/. Debi: Night in Manhattan (1937). Poslednja uloga: Raw Nerve
(1991). Igrao u 90 filmova: Heaven with a Barbed Wire Fence (1939), Babies for Sale (1940), Blondie Plays Cupid (1940), Texas (1941), Go West,
Young Lady (1941), The Adventures of Martin Eden (1942), Flight
Lieutenant (1942), Gilda (1946), A Stolen Life (1946), Gallant Journey
(1946), Framed (1947), The Mating of Millie (1948), The Man from
Colorado (1948), The Loves of Carmen (1948), … Happy Birthday to Me (1981). Zlatni globus za
glavnu ulogu u komediji Pocketful to Miracles (1994), nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu
u komediji The Teahouse of the August Moon (1956), Don’t Go Near the Water (1957).
HARISON FORD Harison Ford /13. VII 1942, Chicago, Illinois, US/.
Debi: Dead Heat on a Merry-Go-Round (1966). Igrao u skoro 60 filmova:
Dynasty (1976), The Star Wars Holiday Special (1978), Hanover Street
(1979), The Frisco Kid (1979), Blade Runner (1982), Frantic (1988), Working Girl (1988), Patriot Games (1992), Air Force One (1997), Six Days
Seven Nights (1998), Random Hearts (1999), What Lies Beneath (2000).
Nominacija Oskar za glavnu ulogu u Witness (1985), nominacija Zlatni
globus za glavnu ulogu u drami Witness (1985), The Mosquito Coast
(1986), The Fugitive (1993), za glavnu ulogu u komediji Sabrina (1995),
nagrada Saturn za Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981), nominacija Saturn za
Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom (1984), Indiana Jones and the Last
Crusade (1989), Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull (2008)
nominacija Bafta za istu ulogu (1984).
DŽON FORSAJT John Forsythe / Jacob Lincoln Freund, 29. I 1918,
Penns Grove, New Jersey, US - 1. IV 2010. (92), Santa Ynez, Kalifornija,
US/. Debi: Northern Pursuit (1943). Poslednji film: Charlie's Angels: Full
Throttle (2003). Uz 77 tv uloga, igrao u 21 filmu: The Captive City (1952),
It Happens Every Thursday (1953), The Glass Web (1953), Escape from
Fort Bravo (1953), The Trouble with Harry (1955), The Ambassador's
Daughter (1956), Everything But the Truth (1956), Kitten with a Whip
(1964), Madame X (1966), In Cold Blood (1967), The Happy Ending
(1969), And Justice for All (1979), Goodbye e amen (1980), Scrooged
(1988). Zlatni globus za najboljeg glumca u seriji-drama Dynasty (1982,
1983), nominacija Zlatni globus za najboljeg glumca u istoj seriji (1981, 1984, 1985, 1986).
FARA FOSET Farrah Foset /Farrah Leni Fawcett, 2. II 1947, Corpus
Christi, Texas, US - 25. VI 2009. (62) Santa Monica, California, US/. Debi:
Love Is a Funny Thing (1969). Poslednji film: The Cookout (2004). Uz 41
tv ulogu, igrala u 14 filmova: Somebody Killed Her Husband (1978), Sunburn (1979), Saturn 3 (1980), The Cannonball Run (1981), Extremities
(1986), See You in the Morning (1989), Man of the House (1995), The Apostle (1997), Dr T and the Women (2000). Nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u drami Extremities (1986), za glavnu glumicu u mini seriji The
Burning ed (1984), Nazi Hunter: The Beate Klarsfeld Story (1986), Poor
Little Rich Girl (1987), Small Scrifices (1989), za najbolju glumicu u seriji Charlie’s Angels (1976).
DŽODI FOSTER Jodie Foster /Alicia Christian Foster, 19. XI 1962,
Los Angeles, California, US/. Debi: Napoleon and Samantha (1972). Igrala
u preko 40 filmova: Foxes (1980), Carny (1980), Five Corners (1987),
Anna and the King (1999), Panic Room (2002), Flightplan (2005), Carnage
(2011). Oskar za glavnu ulogu u The Accused (1988), The Silence of the
Lambs (1991), nominacija Oskar za glavnu ulogu u Nell (1994), za sporednu ulogu u Taxi Driver (1976), Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u drami
The Accused (1988), The Silence of the Lambs (1991), nominacija Zlatni
globus za glavnu ulogu u drami Nell (1994), Contact (1997), The Brave One
(2007), za glavnu ulogu u komediji Freaky Friday (1976), nagrada Bafta
za Taxi Driver (1976), Bugsy Malone (1976), The Silence of the Lambs
(1991), nagrada Saturn za The Little Girl Who Lives Down the Lane (1976), Contact (1977).
DŽEJMS FRANKO James Franco /James Edward Franco, 19. IV
1978, Palo Alto, California, US/. Debi: Never Been Kissed (1999). Igrao u
skoro 60 filmova: Whatever It Takes (2000), Mean People Suck (2991),
City by the Sea (2002), Sonny (2002), Tristan & Isolde (2006), Annapolis
(2006), Flyboys (2006), Finishing the Game (2007), Camille (2007), Milk
(2008), Rise of the Planet of the Apes (2011) Nominacija Oskar za glavnu
ulogu 127 Hours (2010), nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u komediji Pineapple Express (2008), dobitnik Zlatnog globusa za glavnog glumca u mini seriji James Dean (2001), nominacija za Nagradu Udruženja
filmskih i tv glumaca za najboljeg glumca u 127 Hours (2010), nominacija
Saturn za Spider-Man 3 (2007), nominacija Bafta za 127 Hours (2010).
ENTONI FRANSIOZA Anthony Franciosa /Anthony George Papaleo,
25. X 1928, New York City, New York, US – 19. I 2006. (77), Los Angeles,
California, US/. Debi: This Could Be the Night (1957). Poslednji film: City
Hall (1996). Igrao u 39 filmova: A Face in the Crowd (1957), The Long,
Hot Summer (1958), The Naked Maja (1958), Career (1959), Career
(1959), Go Naked in the World (1961), Careless (1962), Period of
Adjustment (1962), The Pleasure Seekers (1964),... Fashion Crimes (1989),
Backstreet Dreams (1990). Nominacija Oskar za glavnu ulogu u A Hatful of
Rain (1957), Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u drami Career (1959),
nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u drami Rio Conchos (1964).
DENIS FRANC Dennis Franz /Dennis Franz Schlachta, 28, X 1944,
Maywood, Illinois, US/. Debi: Remember My Name (1978). Uz preko 30 tv
uloga, igrao u 17 filmova, među kojima: Bleacher Bums (1979), Dressed to
Kill (1980), Blow Out (1981), Chicago Story (1981), Psycho II (1983), Body
Double (1984), Deadly Messages (1985), The Package (1989), Kiss Shot
(1989), Die Hard 2 (1990), Nasty Boys, Part 2: Lone Justice (1990),
N.Y.P.D. Mounted (1991), In the Line of Duty: Siege at Marion (1992), Texas Justice (1995), American Buffalo (1996), City of Angels (1998). Zlatni
globus za najboljeg glumca u seriji-drama NYPD Blue (1994), nominacija Zlatni globus za sporednog glumca u mini seriji NYPD Blue (1993).
BRENDA FRIKER Brenda Fricker /17. II 1945, Dublin, Ireland/. Debi:
Of Human Bondage (1964). Uz više od 40 tv uloga, igrala u skoro 40
filmova: The Ballroom of Romance (1982), Utz (1992), A Man of No
Importance (1994), Journey (1995), Swann (1996), Painted Angels (1977),
The War Bride (2001), Torso: The Evelyn Dick Story (2002), Pete's Meteor
(2002), Watermelon (2003), Veronica Guerin (2003), Watermelon (2003),
Inside I'm Dancing (2004), Omagh (2004), Call Me: The Rise and Fall of
Heidi Fleiss (2004), Cloudburst (2011), Albert Nobbs (2011). Dobitnica
Oskara za sporednu ulogu u My Left Foot (1989), nominacija Zlatni
globus za sporednu ulogu u istom filmu (1989).
MORGAN FRIMEN Morgan Freeman /Morgan Porterfield Freeman Jr,
1. VI 1937, Memphis, Tennessee, US/. Debi: The Pawnbroker (1964). Igrao
u skoro 70 filmova: Glory (1989), Lean on Me (1989), Robin Hood: Prince
of Thieves (1991), Moll Flanders (1996), Nurse Betty (2000), The Dark
Knight (2008). Oskar za sporednu ulogu u filmu Million Dollar Baby
(2004), nominacija Oskar za glavnu ulogu u Driving Miss Daisy (1989), The
Shawshank Redemption (1994), Nepobediv (2009), nominacija Oskar za
sporednu ulogu u Street Smart (1987), Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u
komediji Driving Miss Daisy (1989), nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu
ulogu u drami The Shawsank Redemption (1994), Invictus (2009), nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u komediji Street Smart (1987), Million Dollar Baby (2004),
nominacija za Nagradu Udruženja filmskih i tv glumaca za najboljeg glumca u The Shawshank
Redemption (1994), nagrada „Sesil B. Demil" (2012), nominacija Saturn za Se7en (1995).
ROK HADSON Rock Hudson /Roy Harold Scherer Jr, 17. XI 1925,
Winnetka, Illinois, US - 2. X 1985. (59), Beverly Hills, California, US/. Debi: Fighter Squadron (1948). Poslednji film: The Ambassador (1984). Igrao
u 65 filmova: Scarlet Angel (1952), Has Anybody Seen My Gal? (1952), The
Lawless Breed (1953), Seminole (1953), Back to God's Country (1953), Gun
Fury (1953), The Golden Blade (1953), Sea Devils (1953), Bengal Brigade
(1954), Magnificent Obsession (1954), Taza, Son of Cochise (1954), All
That Heaven Allows (1955), Captain Lightfoot (1955), Never Say Goodbye
(1956), Written on the Wind (1956), Battle Hymn (1957), Something of Value (1957), A Farewell to Arms (1957), Twilight for the Gods (1958), …The
Vegas Strip War (1984). Nominacija Oskar za glavnu ulogu u Giant (1956).
SELMA HAJEK Salma Hayek /Salma Valgarma Hayek-Jimenez, 2. IX
1966, Coatzacoalcos, Veracruz, Mexico/. Debi: Mi vida loca (1993). Igrala
u skoro 40 filmova: Roadracers (1994), El Callejón de los Milagros (1995),
Fools Rush In (1997), 54 (1998), Wild Wild West (1999), Timecode (2000),
Chain of Fools (2000), Hotel (2001), In the Time of the Butterflies (2001),
Once Upon a Time in Mexico (2003), After the Sunset (2004), Ask the Dust
(2006), Bandidas (2006), Lonely Hearts (2006), Americano (2011), La
chispa de la vida (2011). Nominacija Oskar za glavnu ulogu u Frida
(2002), nominacija Zltni globus za glavnu ulogu u drami Frida (2002),
nominacija Saturn za Desperado (1995), nominacija Bafta za Frida (2002).
HELEN HEJS Helen Hayes /Helen Hayes Brown, 10. X 1900,
Washington, US – 17. III 1993. (92), Nyack, New York, US/. Debi: Jean
and the Calico Doll (1910). Poslednja uloga: Candleshoe (1977). Uz 38 tv
uloga, igrala u 20 filmova, među kojima: Arrowsmith (1931), A Farewell to
Arms (1932), The White Sister (1933), Another Language (1933), Night
Flight (1933), What Every Woman Knows (1934), Vanessa: Her Love Story
(1935), My Son John (1952), One of Our Dinosaurs Is Missing (1975).
Dobitnica Oskara za glavnu ulogu u The Sin of Madelon Claudet (1932),
za sporednu ulogu u Airport (1970), nominacija Oskar za glavnu ulogu u
The Sin of Madelon Claudet (1932), nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu
ulogu u drami Anastasia (1956), nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u
komediji Herbie Rides Again (1974).
DERIL HANA Daryl Hannah /Daryl Christine Hannah, 3. XII 1960,
Chicago, Illinois, US/. Debi: The Fury (1978). Igrala u 60 filmova: Summer
Lovers (1982), Reckless (1984), The Pope of Greenwich Village (1984), The
Clan of the Cave Bear (1986), Roxanne (1987), High Spirits (1988), Crazy
People (1990), Memoirs of an Invisible Man (1992), Attack of the 50 Ft.
Woman (1993), The Tie That Binds (1995), The Last Days of Frankie the
Fly (1996), Addams Family Reunion (1998), Rear Window (1998), Cord
(2000), Wildflowers (2000), First Target (2000), Dancing at the Blue
Iguana (2001), The Job (2003), Whore (2004), Vice (2008), Shark Swarm
(2008), A Closed Book (2010), A Fonder Heart (2011). Nagrada Saturn za
Splash (1984), Kill Bill, Volume 2 (2004).
DŽON HANA John Hannah /John David Hannah, 23. IV 1962, East
Kilbride, Scotland, UK/. Debi: Harbour Beat (1990). Uz četrdesetak tv
uloga /McCallum (1995-1998), Spartacus: Blood and Sand (2010),
Spartacus: Gods of the Arena (2011), igrao u skoro 30 filmova:
Madagascar Skin (1995), The Love Bug (1997), Sliding Doors (1998),
Pandaemonium (2000), I'm with Lucy (2002), I Accuse (2003), Amnesia
(2004), Cold Blood (2005), Sinking of the Lusitania: Terror at Sea (2007),
Sinking of the Lusitania: Terror at Sea (2007), The Mummy: Tomb of the
Dragon Emperor (2008), Zip 'n Zoo (2008), A Touch of Cloth (2012), The
Wee Man (2012), Woodland Cross (2013). Nominacija Bafta za ulogu u
Four Weddings and a Funeral (1994).
HELEN HANT Helen Hunt /Helen Elizabeth Hunt, 15. VI 1963, Los
Angeles, California, US/. Debi: Rollercoaster (1977). Uz 50 tv uloga, igrala
u više od 35 filmova: Trancers (1985), Project X (1987), The Frog Prince
(1988), Trancers II (1991), The Waterdance (1992), Trancers III (1992),
Dr. T & the Women (2000), What Women Want (2000), Pay It Forward
(2000), Cast Away (2000), The Curse of the Jade Scorpion (2001), A Good
Woman (2004), Bobby (2006), Then She Found Me (2008), Every Day
(2010), Soul Surfer (2011), The Surrogate (2012). Oskar za glavnu ulogu
u As Good as It Gets (1997), Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u komediji As
Good as It Gets (1997), Zlatni globus za glavnu glumicu u seriji-komediji Mad About You (1993, 1994, 1996), nominacija Zlatni globus za istu ulogu (1992, 1995, 1997), nagrada Emi, nominacija Saturn za Twister (1996).
HOLI HANTER Holly Hunter /Holly P. Hunter, 20. III 1958, Conyers,
Georgia, US/. Debi: The Burning (1981). Igrala u preko 30 filmova: Living
Out Loud (1998), O Brother, Where Art Thou? (2000), The Incredibles
(2004), Nine Lives (2005). Oskar za glavnu ulogu u The Piano (1993), nominacija Oskar za glavnu ulogu u Broadcast News (1987), za sporednu ulogu u The Firm (1993), Thirteen (2003), Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u
drami The Piano (1993), nominacije Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u komediji Broadcast News (1987), za sporednu ulogu u Thirteen (2003), za glavnu glumicu u mini seriji Roe vs. Wade (1989), The Positively True Adventures of the Alleged Texas Cheerleander-Murdering Mom (1993), Harlan
County War (2000), za najbolju glumicu u seriji-drama Saving Grace
(2007), nagrade Emi, nagrada Bafta za The Piano (1993), nominacija Bafta za The Firm (1993), Thirteen (2003).
VUDI HARELSON Woody Harrelson /Woodrow Tracy Harrelson, 23.
VIII 1961, Midland, Texas, US/. Debi: Harper Valley P.T.A. (1978). Igrao
u preko 50 filmova: Cool Blue (1990), White Men Can't Jump (1992), Indecent Proposal (1993), Natural Born Killers (1994), A Prairie Home Companion (2006), No Country for Old Men (2007), Rampart (2011). Nominacija
Oskar za glavnu ulogu u The People vs. Larry Flynt (1996), nominacija
Oskar za sporednu ulogu u The Messenger (2009), nominacija Zlatni globus
za glavnu ulogu u drami The People vs. Larry Flynt (1996), nominacija
Zlatni globus za sporednu ulogu u The Messenger (2009), nominacija za
Nagradu Udruženja filmskih i tv glumaca za najboljeg glumca u The People
vs. Larry Flynt (1996), nominacija Saturn za Zombieland (2009).
BARBARA HARIS Barbara Harris /25. VII 1935, Evanston, Illinois,
US/. Debi: A Thousand Clowns (1965). Poslednja uloga: Grosse Pointe
Blank (1997). Igrala u 19 filmova, među kojima: Oh Dad, Poor Dad,
Mama's Hung You in the Closet and I'm Feelin' So Sad (1967), The War
Between Men and Women (1972), Mixed Company (1974), The North
Avenue Irregulars (1979), The Seduction of Joe Tynan (1979), Second-Hand
Hearts (1981), Nice Girls Don't Explode (1987). Nominacija Oskar za sporednu ulogu u Who Is Harry Kellerman and Why Is He Saying Those Terrible Things About Me? (1971), nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u
komediji A Thousand Clowns (1965), Family Plot (1976), Freaky Friday
(1978), nominacija Zlatni globus za sporednu ulogu u Nashwille (1975).
ED HARIS Ed Harris /Edward Allen Harris, 28. XI 1950, Tenafly, New
Jersey, US/. Debi: Coma (1978). Igrao u preko 60 filmova: Borderline
(1980), Knightriders (1981), Code Name: Emerald (1985), Alamo Bay
(1985), Glengarry Glen Ross (1992), A Beautiful Mind (2000), A History of
Violence (2005), Virginia (2012). Nominacija Oskar za glavnu ulogu u
Pollock (2000), za sporednu ulogu u Apolo 13 (1995), The Truman Show
(1998), The Hours (2002); Zlatni globus za sporednu ulogu u komediji
The Truman Show (1998), nominacija Zlatni globus za sporednu ulogu u
Jacknife (1989), Apollo 13 (1995), The Hours (2002), za glavnog glumca u
mini seriji Empire Falls (2005), nominacija Saturn za The Abyss (1989), nominacija Bafta za The Truman Show (1998), The Hours (2002).
RIČARD HARIS Richard Harris /Richard St. John Harris, 1. X 1930,
Limerick, Ireland – 25. X 2002. (72), Bloomsbury, London, England, UK/.
Debi: Shake Hands with the Devil (1959). Poslednji film: Kaena: The
Prophecy (2003). Igrao u 64 filma: A Terrible Beauty (1960), The Long and
the Short and the Tall (1961), Mutiny on the Bounty (1962), Red Desert
(1964), The Heroes of Telemark (1965), Caprice (1967), Cromwell (1970),
Bloomfield (1971), Cry, the Beloved Country (1995), Harry Potter and the
Chamber of Secrets (2002). Nominacija Oskar za glavnu ulogu u This
Sporting Life (1963), The Field (1990), Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u
komediji Camelot (1967), nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u drami The Field (1990),
nagrada Bafta za This Sporting Life (1963), nominacija Emi za The Snow Goose (1971).
REKS HARISON Rex Harrison /Reginald Carey Harrison, 5. III 1908,
Huyton, Lancashire, England, UK – 2. VI 1990. (82) New York City, New
York, US/. Debi: The Great Game (1930). Poslednji film: A Time to Die
(1982). Igrao u 46 filmova: Storm in a Teacup (1937), Over the Moon
(1939), The Silent Battle (1939), Night Train to Munich (1939), Ten Days in
Paris (1940), Major Barbara (1941), Blithe Spirit (1945), I Live in Grosvenor Square (1945), The Rake's Progress (1945),… Shalimar (1978). Oskar
za glavnu ulogu u My Fair Lady (1964), nominacija Oskar za glavnu ulogu
u Cleopatra (1963), Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u komediji My Fair
Lady (1964), nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u Cleopatra (1963),
The Agony and the Ecstasy (1965), Doctr Dolittle (1967).
VILIJAM HART William Hurt /William McChord Hurt, 20. III 1950,
Washington, District of Columbia, US/. Debi: Verna: U.S.O. Girl (1978).
Igrao u preko 60 filmova: Altered States (1980), Eyewitness (1981, Body
Heat (1981), Gorky Park (1983), The Accidental Tourist (1988), Smoke
(1995), Sunshine (1999), Endgame (2009). Oskar za glavnu ulogu u Kiss
of the Spider Woman (1985), nominacija Oskar za glavnu ulogu u Children
of a Lesser God (1986), Broadcast News (1987), za sporednu ulogu u A
History of Violence (2005), nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u drami Kiss of the Spider Woman (1985), Children of a Lesser God (1986), za
sporednu ulogu u Broadcast News (1987), za sporednog glumca u mini seriji Damages (2009), nagrada Bafta u Kiss of the Spider Woman (1985), nominacija Saturn za A History of Violence (2005)
TIMOTI HATON Timothy Hutton /Timothy Tarquin Hutton, 16. VIII
1960, Malibu, California, US/. Debi: Never Too Late (1965). Igrao u skoro
50 filmova: Daniel (1983), Iceman (1984), The Falcon and the Snowman
(1985), Turk 182 (1985), Made in Heaven (1987), Torrents of Spring
(1989), The Temp (1993), The Dark Half (1993), Zelda (1993), The Golden
Spiders: A Nero Wolfe Mystery (1993), The Kovak Box (2006), Heavens
Fall (2006), When a Man Falls in the Forest (2007), Broken Hill (2009),
Multiple Sarcasms (2009), Serious Moonlight (2009). Oskar za sporednu
ulogu u Ordinary People (1980), Zlatni globus za sporednu ulogu u
Ordinary People (1980), nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u drami
Taps (1981), nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnog glumca u mini seriji A
Log Way Home (1981), nominacija Bafta za Ordinary People (1980).
LESLI HAUARD Leslie Howard /Leslie Howard Steiner, 3. IV 1893,
Forest Hill, London, England, UK – 1. VI 1943. (50), At sea over Bay of
Biscay 3. 4. 1893; Forest Hil, UK/. Debi: The Heroine of Mons (1914).
Poslednji film: The Gentle Sex (1943). Igrao u 33 filma: Outward Bound
(1930), Devotion (1931), A Free Soul (1931), Never the Twain Shall Meet
(1931), Service for Ladies (1932), The Animal Kingdom (1932), Captured!
(1933), Secrets (1933), British Agent (1934), The Lady Is Willing (1934), Of
Human Bondage (1934), The Scarlet Pimpernel (1935), The Petrified
Forest (1936), Romeo and Juliet (1936), Stand-In (1937), It's Love I'm After
(1937), Intermezzo (1939), Gone with the Wind (1939), "Pimpernel" Smith
(1941), 49th Parallel (1941), The First of the Few (1942). Nominacija
Oskar za glavnu ulogu u Berkeley Square (1933), Pygmalion (1938).
TREVOR HAURAD Trevor Howard /Trevor Wallace Howard-Smith,
29. IX 1913, Cliftonville, Kent, England, UK - 7. I 1988. (74), Bushey,
Hertfordshire, England, UK/. Debi: The Way Ahead (1944). Poslednji film:
The Dawning (1988). Igrao u 86 filmova: Brief Encounter (1945), I See a
Dark Stranger (1946), They Made Me a Fugitive (1947), Odette (1950),
Golden Salamander (1950), The Clouded Yellow (1951), Gift Horse (1952),
The Heart of the Matter (1953), Manuela (1957), Malaga (1960), The Charge of the Light Brigade (1968), Battle of Britain (1969),… Foreign Body
(1986). Nominacija Oskar za glavnu ulogu u Sons and Lovers (1960), nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u drami Sons and Lovers (1960), za
sporednu ulogu u Ryan’s Daughter (1970), nominacija Zlatni globus za sporednog glumca u
miniseriji Christmas Eve (1986), nagrada Emi za The Invincible Mr. Disraeli (1963).
SUZAN HEJVORD Susan Hayward /Edythe Marrenner, 30. VI 1917,
Brooklyn, US - 14. III 1975. (57), Hollywood, Kalifornija, US/. Debi: Hollywood Hotel (1937). Poslednji film: The Revengers (1972). Igrala u 62 filma:
Among the Living (1941), A Letter from Bataan (1942), Young and Willing
(1943), Hit Parade of 1943 (1943), Jack London (1943), The Fighting Seabees (1944), The Lost Moment (1947),… The Honey Pot (1967). Oskar za
glavnu ulogu u I Want to Live! (1958), nominacija Oskar za glavnu ulogu u
Smash-Up, the Story of a Woman (1947), My Foolish Heart (1949), With a
Song in My Heart (1952), I'll Cry Tomorrow (1955), Zlatni globus za
glavnu ulogu u drami I Want to Live! (1958), Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u mjuziklu Wifh a
Song in My Heart (1952), nominacija Bafta za I'll Cry Tomorrow (1955), I Want to Live! (1958).
RITA HEJVORT Rita Hayworth /Margarita Carmen Cansino, 17. X
1918, Brooklyn, New York, US - 14. V 1987. (68), New York, US/. Debi:
Cruz Diablo (1934). Poslednji film: The Wrath of God (1972). Igrala u 64
filma: The Renegade Ranger (1938), Angels Over Broadway (1940), You'll
Never Get Rich (1941), My Gal Sal (1942), Tales of Manhattan (1942), You
Were Never Lovelier (1942), Cover Girl (1944), Tonight and Every Night
(1945), Gilda (1946), Down to Earth (1947), The Lady from Shanghai
(1947), The Loves of Carmen (1948), Affair in Trinidad (1952), Salome
(1953), Fire Down Below (1957),…I bastardi (1968), Road to Salina (1970).
Nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u drami Circus World (1964).
DŽIN HEKMEN Gene Hackman /Eugene Allen Hackman, 30. I 1930,
San Bernardino, California, US/. Debi: Mad Dog Coll (1961). Igrao u 80 filmova: Night Moves (1975), Superman (1978), Narrow Margin (1990), Get
Shorty (1995), The Birdcage (1996), Heist (2001). Oskar: glavna uloga u
The French Connection (1971), sporedna uloga u Unforgiven (1992), nominacija Oskar za glavnu ulogu u Mississippi Burning (1988), za sporednu
ulogu u Bonnie & Clyde (1967), I Never Sang of My Father (1970), Zlatni
globus za glavnu ulogu u drami The French Connection (1971), za glavnu ulogu u komediji The Royal Tenenbaums (2001), za sporednu ulogu
u Unforgiven (1992), nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u drami
The Conversation (1974), French Connection II (1975), Twice in a Lifetime (1985), Mississippi
Burning (1988), za sporednu ulogu u Under Fire (1983), nagrada Bafta za The French Connection (1971), The Poseidon Adventure (1972), Unforgiven (1992), Nagrada filmskih kritičara.
TOM HENKS Tom Hanks /Thomas Jeffrey Hanks, 9. VII 1956,
Concord, California, US/. Debi: He Knows You're Alone (1980). Igrao u oko
50 filmova: Apollo 13 (1995), Road to Perdition (2002), Angels & Demons
(200), Toy Story 3 (2010). Oskar za glavnu ulogu u Philadelphia (1993),
Forrest Gump (1994), nominacija Oskar za glavnu ulogu u Big (1988), Saving Private Ryan (1998), Cast Away (2000), Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u drami Philadelphia (1993), Forrest Gump (1994), Cast Away (2000),
Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u komediji Big (1988), nominacija Zlatni
globus za glavnu ulogu u drami Saving Private Ryan (1998), za glavnu ulogu u komediji Sleepless in Seattle (1993), Charlie Wilson’s War (2007),
nagrada Emi, nagrada Saturn za Big (1988), Nagrada filmskih kritičara, Nagrada Udruženja
filmskih i tv glumaca za najboljeg glumca u Forrest Gump (1994), nominacija Nagrada Udruženja filmskih i tv glumaca za najboljeg glumca u Saving Private Ryan (1998), Cast Away (2000).
KETRIN HEPBERN Katharine Hepburn /Katharine Houghton Hepburn, 12. V 1907, Hartford, Connecticut, US - 29. VI 2003. (96), Old Saybrook, Connecticut, US/. Debi: A Bill of Divorcement (1932). Poslednji film:
Love Affair (1994). Igrala u 43 filma: Morning Glory (1933), Little Women
(1933), Stage Door (1937), Bringing Up Baby (1938), Holiday (1938), The
Lion in Winter (1968). Oskar za glavnu ulogu u Morning Glory (1933),
Guess Who's Coming to Dinner (1967), The Lion in Winter (1968), On
Golden Pond (1981), nominacija Oskar za glavnu ulogu u Alice Adams
(1935), The Philadelphia Story (1940), Woman of the Year (1942), The African Queen (1951), Summertime (1955), The Rainmaker (1956), Suddenly,
Last Summer (1959), Long Day's Journey Into Night (1962), nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu
ulogu u The Rainmaker (1956), Suddenly, Last Summer (1959), Long day’s Journey Into Night
(1962), Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner (1967), The Lion in Winter (1968), On Golden Pond
(1981), Pat and Mike (1952), nagrada Emi, nagrada Bafta, Nagrada filmskih kritičara.
ODRI HEPBERN Audrey Hepburn /Audrey Kathleen Ruston, 4. V
1929, Ixelles, Belgium – 20. I 1993. (63), Tolochenaz, Vaud, Switzerland/.
Debi: One Wild Oat (1951). Poslednji film: Always (1989). Igrala u 27 filmova: Monte Carlo Baby (1952), The Secret People (1952), Green Mansions (1959), Robin and Marian (1976), They All Laughed (1981). Oskar za
glavnu ulogu u Roman Holiday (1953), nominacija Oskar za glavnu ulogu
u Sabrina (1954), The Nun's Story (1959), Breakfast at Tiffany's (1961),
Wait Until Dark (1967), Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u drami Roman
Holiday (1953), nominacija zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u drami War and
Peace (1956), The Nun’s Story (1959), Wait Untl Dark (1967), nominacija
Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u komediji Love in the Afternoon (1957),
Breakfast at Tiffany’s (1961), Charade (1963), My Fair Lady (1964), Two for the Road (1967),
nagrada Emi, nagrada Bafta za Roman Holiday (1953), The Nun's Story (1960), Charade
(1965), Jean Hersholt Humanitarian Award (1994), Cecil B. Demille Award (1990).
ČARLTON HESTON Charlton Heston /John Charles Carter, 4. X
1923, No Man's Land, Illinois, US – 5. IV 2008. (84), Beverly Hills,
California, US/. Debi: Peer Gynt (1941). Poslednji film: Genghis Khan: The
Story of a Lifetime (2010). Igrao u 71 filmu: Julius Caesar (1950), Dark
City (1950), The Savage (1952), Pony Express (1953), Bad for Each Other
(1953), Secret of the Incas (1954), The Ten Commandments (1956), El Cid
(1961), 55 Days at Peking (1963), Julius Caesar (1970), Antony and
Cleopatra (1972), Arrowhead (1953), Airport 1975 (1974), Earthquake
(1974), The Last Hard Men (1976), Two-Minute Warning (1976), America:
A Call to Greatness (1995), Gideon (1998). Oskar za glavnu ulogu u BenHur (1959), nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u drami Ben-Hur
(1959), za glavnu ulogu u komediji The Pigeon That Took Rome (1962).
KETRIN HEJGL Katherine Heigl /Katherine Marie Heigl, 24. XI 1978,
Washington, DC, US/. Debi: That Night (1992). Igrala u preko 20 filmova:
My Father the Hero (1994), Under Siege 2: Dark Territory (1995), Prince
Valiant (1997), Bride of Chucky (1998), Critical Assembly (2003), Side
Effects (2005), The Ringer (2005), Romy and Michele: In the Beginning
(2005), Zyzzyx Road (2006), Knocked Up (2007), 27 Dresses (2008), The
Ugly Truth (2009), Killers (2010), Life as We Know It (2010), One for the
Money (2012), The Big Wedding (2012), Face Blind (2013). Nominacija
Zlatni globus za sporednu glumicu u mini seriji Grey’s Anatomy (2006,
2007), dobitnica nagrade Emi.
SESU HAJAKAVA Sessue Hayakawa /Kintarō Hayakawa 早川金太郎
10. VI 1889, Minamibōsō, Chiba, Japan – 23. XI 1973. (84), Tokyo, Japan/.
Debi: O Mimi San (1914). Poslednji film: Junjô nijûsô (1967). Igrao u 100
filmova: Quartier chinois (1947), Tokyo Joe (1949), Harukanari haha no
kuni (1950), Re mizeraburu: kami to akuma (1950), Three Came Home
(1950), Onna kanja himon - Akô rôshi (1953), Kurama Tengu to Katsu Kaishû (1953), Nihon yaburezu (1954), House of Bamboo (1955), The Geisha
Boy (1958), Green Mansions (1959), Hell to Eternity (1960), Swiss Family
Robinson (1960), The Big Wave (1961), The Daydreamer (1966). Nominacija Oskar za sporednu ulogu u The Bridge on the River Kwai (1957).
DENIS HAJSBERT Dennis Haysbert /Dennis Dexter Haysbert, 2. VI
1954, San Mateo, California, US/. Debi: Scoring (1979). Uz preko 50 tv
uloga, igrao u više od 30 filmova: Love Field (1992), Suture (1993), Major
League II (1994), Waiting to Exhale (1995), Insomnia (1996), Amanda
(1996), Absolute Power (1997), Standoff (1998), Major League: Back to the
Minors (1998), The Thirteenth Floor (1999), Far from Heaven (2002),
Sinbad: Legend of the Seven Seas (2003), Secrets of Pearl Harbor (2004),
Goodbye Bafana (2007), Breach (2007), Cessation (2008), LUV (2012),
Omaha Street (2012). Nominacija Zlatni globus za sporednog glumca u
mini seriji 24 (2002).
LORENS HARVI Laurence Harvey /Zvi Mosheh Skikne, 1. X 1928,
Joniškis, Lithuania – 25, XI 1973. (45), London, England, UK/. Debi: House of Darkness (1948). Poslednji film: Welcome to Arrow Beach (1974).
Igrao u 56 filmova: Scarlet Thread (1951), A Killer Walks (1952), King Richard and the Crusaders (1954), Romeo and Juliet (1954), I Am a Camera
(1955), Three Men in a Boat (1956), After the Ball (1957), The Truth About
Women (1957),... A Dandy in Aspic (1968), Kampf um Rom I (1968), Rebus
(1969), Escape to the Sun (1972), Night Watch (1973). Nominacija Oskar
za glavnu ulogu u Room at the Top (1959), nominacija Zlatni globus za
glavnu ulogu u drami The Wonderful World of the Brothers Grimm (1962).
MARŠA GEJ HARDEN Marcia Gay Harden /14. VIII 1959, La Jolla,
California, US/. Debi: Not Only Strangers (1979). Igrala u skoro 50 filmova:
Crush (1992), The First Wives Club (1996), Flubber (1997), Labor of Love
(1998), Gaudi Afternoon (2001), Casa de los Babys (2003), Felicity: An
American Girl Adventure (2005), American Gun (2005), American Dreamz
(2006), Canvas (2006), Into the Wild (2007), The Hoax (2007), Rails & Ties
(2007), Someday This Pain Will Be Useful to You (2011). Oskar za
sporednu ulogu u Pollock (2000), nominacija Oskar za sporednu ulogu u
Mystic River (2003), nagrada Saturn za The Mist (2007), nominacija Emi
za ulogu u miniseriji The Courageous Heart of Irena Sendler (2009).
OLIVER HARDI Oliver Hardy /Norvell Hardy, 18. I 1892, Harlem,
Georgia, US – 7. VIII 1957. (65), North Hollywood, California, US/. Debi:
Outwitting Dad (1914) Poslednji film: Utopia (1951). Igrao u 409 filmova:
…Pardon Us (1931), Pack Up Your Troubles (1932), Sons of the Desert
(1933), Babes in Toyland/March Of the Wooden Soldiers (1934), Thicker
than Water (1935), Bonnie Scotland (1935), The Bohemian Girl (1936), Our
Relations (1936), Way Out West (1937, Swiss Miss (1938), Block-Heads
(1938), The Flying Deuces (1939), A Chump at Oxford (1940), Saps at Sea
(1940), Great Guns (1941), A-Haunting We Will Go (1942), Air Raid
Wardens (1943), Jitterbugs (1943), The Dancing Masters (1943), The Big
Noise (1944), Nothing but Trouble (1944), The Bullfighters (1945).
DŽULIJA HARIS Julie Harris /Julie Ann Harris. 2. XII 1925, (85),
Grosse Pointe, Michigan, US/. Debi: The Member of the Wedding (1952).
Uz skoro 70 tv uloga, igrala u 30 filmova: East of Eden (1955), I Am a
Camera (1955), The Truth About Women (1957) (1957), The Poacher's
Daughter (1958), Requiem for a Heavyweight (1962), The Haunting (1963),
Harper (1966), Reflections in a Golden Eye (1967), The People Next Door
(1970), The Hiding Place (1975), The Bell Jar (1979), Brontë (1983),
Gorillas in the Mist (1988), Passage to Paradise (1998), The First of May
(1999), The Way Back Home (2006). Nominacija Oskar za glavnu ulogu u
The Member of the Wedding (1952), Svat (1952).
DŽIN HARLOU Jean Harlow /Harlean Harlow Carpenter, 3. III 1911,
Kansas City, Missouri, US – 7. VI 1937. (26), Los Angeles, California, US/.
Debi: Honor Bound (1928) Poslednji film: Saratoga (1937). Igrala u 42
filma: Double Whoopee (1929), Hell's Angels (1930), The Public Enemy
(1931), Platinum Blonde (1931), Iron Man (1931), Three Wise Girls (1932),
The Beast of the City (1932), Red-Headed Woman (1932), Red Dust (1932),
Hold Your Man (1933), Bombshell (1933), The Girl from Missouri (1934),
Reckless (1935), China Seas (1935), Riffraff (1936), Wife vs. Secretary
(1936), Suzy (1936), Libeled Lady (1936), Personal Property (1937).
DŽON HART John Hurt /John Vincent Hurt, 22. I 1940, Shirebrook,
Derbyshire, England, UK/. Debi: Young and Willing (1962). Igrao u preko
120 filmova: Sinful Davey (1969), In Search of Gregory (1969),… Night
Train (1998), If... Dog... Rabbit (1999), You're Dead... (1999), Captain
Corelli's New Blood (2000), Mandolin (2001), 23 Degrees, 5 Minutes
(2011), Immo-rtals (2011), Jayne Mansfield's Car (2012), The Absinthe
Drinkers (2012), Snowpiercer (2013). Nominacija Oskar za glavnu ulogu u
The Elephant Man (1980), nominacija Oskar za sporednu ulogu u Midnight
Express (1978), Zlatni globus za sporednu ulogu u Midnight Express
(1978), nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u The Elephant Man
EN HATAVEJ Anne Hathaway /Anne Jacqueline Hathaway, 12. XI
1982, Brooklyn, New York, US/. Debi: The Princess Diaries (2001). Igrala
u preko 20 filmova: The Other Side of Heaven (2001), Nicholas Nickleby
(2002), Havoc (2005), Brokeback Mountain (2005), The Devil Wears Prada
(2006), Becoming Jane (2007), Get Smart (2008), Bride Wars (2009),
Valentine's Day (2010), Rio (2011), Les Misérables (2012). Višestruko
nominovana i nagrađivana; najvažnje: Nominacija Oskar za glavnu ulogu u
Rachel Getting Married (2008), nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u
drami Rachel Getting Married (2008), nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu
ulogu u komediji Love and Other Drugs (2010).
TERENS HAUARD Terrence Howard /Terrence Dashon Howard, 11.
III 1969, Chicago, Illinois, US/. Debi: Who's the Man? (1993). Igrao u 50
filmova: The Best Man (1999), Glitter (2001), Crash (2004), Ray (2004),
Lackawanna Blues (2005), Animal (2005), Get Rich or Die Tryin' (2005),
Pride (2006), The Hunting Party (2007), Iron Man (2008), Fighting (2009),
Little Murder (2011), The Ledge (2011), Winnie (2011), Macbett (The
Caribbean Macbeth) (2012), Fellini Black and White (2013), Burning Sun
(2013). Višestruko nagrađivan i nominovan; najvažnije: Nominacija Oskar
za glavnu ulogu u Hustle & Flow (2005), nominacija Zlatni globus za
glavnu ulogu u drami Hustle & Flow (2005).
RATGER HAUER Rutger Hauer /Rutger Oelsen Hauer, 23. I 1944,
Breukelen, Utrecht, Netherlands/. Debi: Monsieur Hawarden (1968). Igrao
u skoro 100 filmova: Keetje Tippel (1975), Soldier of Orange (1977), Blade
Runner (1982), The Osterman Weekend (1983), Eureka (1983), A Breed
Apart (1984), Ladyhawke (1985), Flesh & Blood (1985), The Hitcher
(1986), Wanted: Dead or Alive (1987), Blind Fury (1989), The Blood of
Heroes (1989), Past Midnight (1991), Wedlock (1991), Split Second (1992),
Blind Side (1993), Fatherland (1994),…Hobo with a Shotgun (2011), Black
Butterflies (2011). Dobitnik Zlatnog globusa za sporednog glumca u mini seriji Escape From
Sobibor (1987), nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnog glumca u mini seriji Fatherland (1994).
TIPI HEDREN Tippi Hedren /Nathalie Kay Hedren, 19. I 1930, New
Ulm, Minnesota, US/. Debi: The Petty Girl (1950) Igrala u preko 40
filmova: The Birds (1963), Marnie (1964), A Countess from Hong Kong
(1967), The Man and the Albatross (1969), Tiger by the Tail (1970), Satan's
Harvest (1970). Mister Kingstreet's War (1973), The Harrad Experiment
(1973), Where the Wind Dies (1976), Roar (1981), Foxfire Light (1982),
Inevitable Grace (1994), Mulligans! (1997), Break Up (1998), I Woke Up
Early the Day I Died (1998), The Storytellers (1999), Ice Cream Sundae
(2001), Tea with Grandma (2001), Julie and Jack (2003), Tribute (2009).
AJLIN HEKART Eileen Heckart /Anna Eileen Herbert, 29. III 1919,
Columbus, Ohio, US – 31. XII 2001. (82), Norwalk, Connecticut, US/.
Debi: Miracle in the Rain (1956). Poslednji film: The First Wives Club
(1996). Uz 85 tv uloga, igrala u 17 filmova: Heller in Pink Tights (1960),
Up the Down Staircase (1967), No Way to Treat a Lady (1968), The Tree
(1969), Zandy's Bride (1974), The Hiding Place (1975). Dobitnica Oskara
za sporednu ulogu u Butterflies Are Free (1972), nominacija Oskar za
sporednu ulogu u The Bad Seed (1956), dobitnica Zlatnog globus za
sporednu ulogu u The Bad Seed (1956), nominacija Zlatni globus za
sporednu ulogu u Take a Giant Step (1959).
LENS HENRIKSEN Lance Henriksen /Lance James Henriksen, 5. V
1940, New York City, New York, US/. Debi: The Outsider (1961). Uz skoro
50 tv uloga (Millennium, 67 epizoda, 1996-1999) Igrao u preko 100
filmova: The Visitor (1979), Piranha II: The Spawning (1981), Savage
Dawn (1985), Pumpkinhead (1988), The Horror Show (1989), Survival
Quest (1989), Johnny Handsome (1989), The Pit and the Pendulum (1991),
Stone Cold (1991), Excessive Force (1993), Man's Best Friend (1993), No
Escape (1994), Dark Reel (2008), Prairie Fever (2008). Nominacija Zlatni
globus za najboljeg glumca u seriji-drama Millennium (1996, 1997, 1998).
BARBARA HERŠI Barbara Hersey /Barbara Lynn Herzstein, 5. II
1948, Hollywood, California, US/. Debi: With Six You Get Eggroll (1968).
Igrala u preko 50 filmova: Last Summer (1969), The Baby Maker (1970),
The Pursuit of Happiness (1971), Boxcar Bertha (1972), Love Comes Quietly (1973), The Crazy World of Julius Vrooder (1974), The Entity (1981),...
Nominacija Oskar za sporednu ulogu u The Portrair of a Lady (1996), nominacija Zlatni globus za sporednu ulogu u The Last Tempation of Christ
(1998), The Portrair of a Lady (1996), Zlatni globus za glavnu glumicu u
mini seriji A Killing in a Small Town (1990), nagrada Emi, nominacija
Bafta za Hannah and Her Sisters (1986), Black Swan (2010), nagrada
festivala Kan za Shy People (1987), A World Apart (1988).
VAN HEFLIN /Emmett Evan Heflin Jr, 13. XII 1908, Walters,
Oklahoma, US - 23. VII 1971. (62), Hollywood, California, US/. Debi: A
Woman Rebels (1936). Poslednji film: Airport (1970). Igrao u 56 filmova:
The Outcasts of Poker Flat (1937), Saturday's Heroes (1937), Kid Glove
Killer (1942), Grand Central Murder (1942), Tennessee Johnson (1942),
Presenting Lily Mars (1943), Land and Live in the Jungle (1944), The
Strange Love of Martha Ivers (1946), Till the Clouds Roll By (1946), …The
Man Outside (1967), Ognuno per sé (1968), The Big Bounce (1969). Oskar
za sporednu ulogu u Johnny Eager (1942), nominacija Bafta za Shane
(1953), nominacija Emi za A Case of Libel (1968).
VENDI HILER Wendy Hiller /Wendy Margaret Hiller, 15. VIII 1912,
Bramhall, Stockport, England, UK – 14. V 2003. (90), Beaconsfield,
England, UK/. Debi: Lancashire Luck (1937). Poslednji film: The Countess
Alice (1993). Igrala u 21 filmu: Major Barbara (1941), I Know Where I'm
Going! (1945), Miss Morison's Ghosts (1981), Attracta (1983), The Lonely
Passion of Judith Hearne (1987), Ending Up (1989), The Best of Friends
(1991), The Countess Alice (1993). Dobitnica Oskara za sporednu ulogu
u Separate Tables (1958), nominacija Oskar za glavnu ulogu u Pygmalion
(1938), nominacija Oskar za sporednu ulogu u A Man for All Seasons
(1966), nominacija Zlatni globus za sporednu ulogu u Separate tables
(1958), Toys in the Attic (1963), A man for All Seansons (1966), nominacija
Bafta za Sons and Lovers (1960).
DŽAD HIRŠ Judd Hirsch /15. III 1935. (77), The Bronx, New York,
US/. Debi: Jump (1971). Uz skoro 50 tv uloga, igrao u 17 filmova: The
Halloween That Almost Wasn't (1979), Without a Trace (1983), Running on
Empty (1988), Rocky Marciano (1999), Zeyda and the Hitman (2004),
Polish Bar (2010), This Must Be the Place (2011), The Red Robin (2012).
Nominacija Oskar za sporednu ulogu u Ordinary People (1980), nominacija
Zlatni globus za sporednu ulogu u Ordinary People (1980), Dobitnik
Zlatnog globusa za najboljeg glumca u seriji-komedija Dear John
(1988), nominacija Zlatni globus za najboljeg glumca u seriji-komedija Taxi
(1978, 1979, 1980, 1981, 1982), Dear John (1989).
ANĐELIKA HJUSTON Anjelica Huston /8. VII 1951, Santa Monica,
California, US/. Debi: Casino Royale (1967). Igrala u 55 filmova: The Dead
(1987), Buffalo Girls (1995), The Royal Tenenbaums (2001), The Mists of
Avalon (2001), The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou (2004), 50/50 (2011).
Oskar za sporednu ulogu u Prizzi's Honor (1985), nominacija Oskar za
glavnu ulogu u The Grifters (1990), nominacija Oskar za sporednu ulogu u
Enemies, a Love Story (1989), nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u
drami The Grifters (1990), za glavnu ulogu u komediji The Addams Family
(1991), Addams Family Values (1993), za sporednu ulogu u Prizzi’s Honor
(1983), The Crossing Guard (1995), Zlatni globus za sporednu glumicu u mini seriji Iron Jawed
Angels (2004), nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu glumicu u seriji Family Pictures (1993),
nominacija Zlatni globus za sporednu glumicu u mini seriji Lonesome Dove (1989), nagrada
filmskih kritičara, nominacija Bafta za Crimes and Misdemeanors (1989), Manhattan Murder
Mystery (1993), nominacija Saturn za The Witches (1990), Addams Family Values (1993), Ever
After (1998), nominacija Emi za ulogu u mini seriji Iron Jawed Angels (2004), Medium (2008).
DŽON HJUSTON John Huston /John Marcellus Huston, 5. VIII 1906,
Nevada, Missouri, US - 28. VIII 1987. (81), Middletown, Rhode Island,
US/. Debi: The Shakedown (1929). Poslednji film: Momo (1986). Igrao u 45
filmova:...Man in the Wilderness (1971), The Other Side of the Wind (1972),
The Wind and the Lion (1975), Tentacles (1977), The Biggest Battle (1978),
The Bermuda Triangle (1978), Angela (1978), The Visitor (1979), Winter
Kills (1979), Jaguar Lives! (1979), Wise Blood (1979), Head On (1980), A
Minor Miracle (1983). Nominacija Oskar za sporednu ulogu u The Cardinal
(1963), Zlatni globus za sporednu ulogu u The Cardinal (1963), nominacija Zlatni globus za sporednu ulogu u Chinatown (1974).
VOLTER HJUSTON Walter Huston /Walter Thomas Huston, 5. IV
1883, York County, Ontario, Canada – 7. IV 1950. (66) Hollywood,
California, US/. Debi: The Carnival Man (1929). Poslednji film: The Furies
(1950). Igrao u 53 filma: The Lady Lies (1929), The Virginian (1929), The
Virtuous Sin (1930), The Bad Man (1930), Abraham Lincoln (1930), The
Criminal Code (1931), The Beast of the City (1932), American Madness
(1932), The Shanghai Gesture (1942), Dragonwyck (1946). Oskar za
sporednu ulogu u The Treasure of the Sierra Madre (1948), nominacija
Oskar za glavnu ulogu u Dodsworth (1936), The Devil and Daniel Webster
(1941), za sporednu ulogu u Yankee Doodle Dandy (1942), Zlatni globus
za sporednu ulogu u The Tresaure of the Sierra Madre (1948).
HAL HOLBRUK Hal Holbrook /Harold Rowe Holbrook Jr, 17. II
1925, Cleveland, Ohio, US/. The Group (1966). Uz skoro 80 tv uloga igrao
u blizu 50 filmova, među kojima: Magnum Force (1973), All the President's
Men (1976), The Awakening Land (1978), Murder by Natural Causes
(1979), The Legend of the Golden Gun (1979), The Kidnapping of the
President (1980), Creepshow (1982), The Star Chamber (1983), Fletch
Lives (1989), Rusty: A Dog's Tale (1998) Men of Honor (2000), That
Evening Sun (2009), Good Day for It (2011), The Secrets We Share (2013).
Nominacija Oskar za sporednu ulogu u Into the Wild (2007), nagrada Emi
za ulogu u filmu Pueblo (1974) i mini seriji Sandburg's Lincoln (1976).
VILIJAM HOLDEN William Holden /William Franklin Beedle Jr, 17.
IV 1918, O'Fallon, Illinois, US – 12. XI 1981. (63), Santa Monica, California, US/. Debi: Prison Farm (1938). Poslednji film: S.O.B. (1981). Igrao u
51 filmu: Golden Boy (1939), Our Town (1940), Arizona (1940), The
Fleet's In (1942), Young and Willing (1943), Dear Ruth (1947), Rachel and
the Stranger (1948), The Dark Past (1948), Streets of Laredo (1948), Miss
Grant Takes Richmond (1948), Apartment for Peggy (1948), Dear Wife
(1949), Sabrina (1954), Picnic (1955), The Bridge on the River Kwai
(1957), Paris When It Sizzles (1964), The Earthling (1980), When Time Ran
Out (1980). Oskar za glavnu ulogu u Stalag 17 (1953), nominacija Oskar za glavnu ulogu u Sunset Boulevard (1950), Network (1976), nagrada Emi - uloga u miniseriji The Blue Knight (1974).
DŽUDI HOLIDEJ Judy Holliday /Judith Tuvim, 21. VI 1921, New
York City, New York, US – 7. VI 1965. (43), New York City, New York,
US/. Debi: Too Much Johnson (1938). Poslednji film: Bells Are Ringing
(1960). Igrala u 13 filmova: Adam's Rib (1949), It Should Happen to You
(1954), Full of Life (1956). Dobitnica Oskara za glavnu ulogu u Born
Yesterday (1950), dobitnica Zlatnog globusa za glavnu ulogu u komediji
Born Yesterday (1950), nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u
komediji/mjuziklu The Solid Gold Cadillac (1956), Bels Are Ringing
(1960), nominacija Zlatni globus za sporednu ulogu u Adam’s Rib (1950).
Nominacija Bafta za The Marrying Kind (1952), Phffft! (1954).
IAN HOLM Ian Holm /Ian Holm Cuthbert, 12. IX
1931, Goodmayes, Essex, England, UK/. Debi: Girls at
Sea (1958). Igrao u 70 filmova: A Midsummer Night's
Dream (1968), The Homecoming (1973), S.O.S. Titanic
(1979), The Browning Version (1985), Dreamchild (1955),
Wetherby (1985), Brazil (1995), Dance with a Stranger
(1985), The Sweet Hereafter (1997), The Lord of the
Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (2001), The Lord of the
Rings: The Return of the King (2003). Nominacija Oskar za sporednu ulogu u
Chariots of Fire (1981), nominacija Bafta za Greystoke: The Bofors Gun
(1968), The Legend of Tarzan, Lord of the Apes (1984), The Madness of King
George (1994), nagrada festivafa Kan za Chariots of Fire (1981),
nominacija Emi za ulogu u mini seriji King Lear (1998), The Last of the Blonde Bombshells (2001).
SELEST HOLM Celeste Holm /29. IV 1917, New York City, New
York, US/. Debi: Three Little Girls in Blue (1946). Igrada u 24 filmova: The
Snake Pit (1948), Road House (1948), Come to the Stable (1949), Chicken
Every Sunday (1949), Everybody Does It (1949), Champagne for Caesar
(1950), The Tender Trap (1955), High Society (1956), Tom Sawyer (1973),
Bittersweet Love (1976), College Debts (2013). Dobitnica Oskara za sporednu ulogu u Gentleman's Agreement (1947), nominacija Oskar za sporednu ulogu u Come to the Stable (1949), All About Eve (1950), dobitnica
Zlatnog globusa za sporednu ulogu u Gentleman’s Agreement (1947).
GOLDI HON Goldie Hawn /Goldie Jeanne Hawn, 21. XI 1945, Washington, DC, US/. Debi: The One and Only, Genuine, Original Family Band
(1968). Igrala u skoro 30 filmova: $ (1971), Foul Play (1978), Lovers and
Liars (1979), Protocol (1984), The First Wives Club (1996), Everyone Says
I Love You (1996). Oskar za sporednu ulogu u Cactus Flower (1969),
nominacija Oskar za sporednu ulogu u Private Benjamin (1980), Zlatni globus za sporednu ulogu u Cactus Flower (1969), nominacija Zlatni globus
za glavnu ulogu u komediji Butterflies Are Free (1972), Shampoo (1975),
Private Benjamin (1980), Best Friends (1982), The Banger Sisters (2002),
za glavnu ulogu u komediji The Duchess and the Dirtwater Fox (1976), nominacija Bafta za Cactus Flower (1969), There's a Girl in My Soup (1970).
ĐIMON HONSU Djimon Hounsou /Djimon Dia Hounsou, 24. IV 1964,
Cotonou, Benin/. Debi: Without You I'm Nothing (1990). Igrao u 30 filmova:
Ill Gotten Gains (1997), Gladiator (2000), The Middle Passage (2000, The
Tag (2001), Dead Weight (2002), Heroes (2002), Le Boulet (2002), The
Four Feathers (2002), Biker Boyz (2003), Constantine (2005), Beauty Shop
(2005), The Island (2005), Never Back Down (2008), Push (2009), The
Tempest (2010), Elephant White (2011), Forces spéciales (2011), Zulu
(2013). Nominacija Oskar za sporednu ulogu u In America (2003), Blood
Diamond (2006), nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u drami Amistad
DENIS HOPER Dennis Hopper /Dennis Lee Hopper, 17. V 1936, Dodge City, Kansas, US - 29. V 2010. (74), Venice, California, US/. Debi:
Rebel Without a Cause (1955). Poslednji film: Alpha and Omega (2010).
Igrao u 117 filmova: Night Tide (1961), Easy Rider (1969), The Last Movie
(1971), Kid Blue (1973), Mad Dog Morgan (1976), Tracks (1976), The
American Friend (1977), Flesh Color (1978), Out of the Blue (1980), The
Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2 (1986), Chattahoochee (1988), Flashback
(1990), Catchfire (1990), Paris Trout (1991), Witch Hunt (1994), … Land
of the Dead (2005), Inside Deep Throat (2008). Nominacija Oskar za sporednu ulogu u Hoosiers
(1986), nominacija Zlatni globus za sporednu ulogu u Hoosiers (1986), Blue Velvet (1986).
ENTONI HOPKINS Anthony Hopkins /Philip Anthony Hopkins, 31.
XII 1937, Margam, Port Talbot, West Glamorgan, Wales, UK/. Debi: Red,
White and Zero (1967). Igrao u preko 70 filmova: The Lion in Winter
(1968), Hearts and Flowers (1970), War and Peace (1972), Audrey Rose
(1977), The Hunchback of Notre Dame (1982), Mussolini and I (1985), 84
Charing Cross Road (1987), Bram Stoker's Dracula (1992), Legends of the
Fall (1994), Meet Joe Black (1998), Titus (1999), Hannibal (2001), The
Human Stain (2003), The World's Fastest Indian (2005), Bobby (2006) – u
kojima je višestruko nominovan i nagrađivan; najznačajnije: Oskar za glavnu ulogu u The Silence of the Lambs (1991), nominacija Oskar za glavnu
ulogu u The Remains of the Day (1993), Nikson (1995), za sporednu ulogu u Amistad (1997), nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u drami Magic (1978), The Silence of the Lambs (1991), The
Remains of the Day (1993), Nixon (1995), za sporednu ulogu u Amistad (1997), nominacija Zlatni
globus za glavnog glumca u mini seriji The Tenth Man (1988), nagrada Emi za ulogu u The
Lindbergh Kidnapping Case (1976), The Bunker (1981), nagrada Bafta za The Silence of the
Lambs (1991), Shadowlands (1993), nagrada Saturn za The Silence of the Lambs (1991),
nominacija za Nagradu Udruženja filmskih i tv glumaca za najboljeg glumca u Nixon (1995).
MIRIJAM HOPKINS Miriam Hopkins /Ellen Miriam Hopkins, 18. X
1902, Savannah, Georgia, US – 9. X 1972. (69), New York City, New York,
US/. Debi: The Home Girl (1928). Poslednja uloga: Savage Intruder (1970).
Igrala u 36 filmova: Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (1931), Dancers in the Dark
(1932), Trouble in Paradise (1932), The Story of Temple Drake (1932), The
Stranger's Return (1933), She Loves Me Not (1934), The Richest Girl in the
World (1934), Barbary Coast (1935), Splendor (1935), These Three (1936),
Men Are Not Gods (1936), The Woman I Love (1937), Wise Girl (1937),
Woman Chases Man (1938), The Old Maid (1939), Virginia City (1940),
Lady with Red Hair (1940), A Gentleman After Dark (1942), Old Acquaintance (1943), The Mating Season (1951), Fanny Hill (1964). Nominacija Oskar za glavnu ulogu u
Becky Sharp (1935), nominacija Zlatni globus za sporednu ulogu u The Heiress (1949).
BOB HOSKINS Bob Hoskins /Robert William Hoskins, 26. X 1942,
Bury St. Edmunds, Suffolk, England, UK/. Debi: Up the Front (1972).
Igrao u 70 filmova: The Long Good Friday (1980), The Lonely Passion of
Judith Hearne (1987), Who Framed Roger Rabbit (1988), The Raggedy
Rawney (1988), Heart Condition (1990), Mermaids (1990), The Favour, the
Watch and the Very Big Fish (1991), Passed Away (1992), Rainbow (1996),
Twenty Four Seven (1997), Felicia's Journey (1999), Den of Lions (2003),
Mrs Henderson Presents (2005), Doomsday (2008), Outside Bet (2011).
Nominacija Oskar za glavnu ulogu u Mona Lisa (1986), Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u drami
Mona Lisa (1986), nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u komediji Who Framed Roger
Rabbit (1988), za sporednu ulogu u Mrs. Henderson Presents (2005), nagrada Bafta.
DŽON HAUSMAN John Houseman /Jacques Haussmann, 22. IX 1902,
Bucharest, Romania – 31. X 1988. (86), Malibu, California, US/. Debi: Too
Much Johnson (1938) Poslednji film: The Naked Gun: From the Files of
Police Squad! (1988). Igrao u 17 filmova: Rollerball (1975) Three Days of
the Condor (1975), St. Ives (1976), Murder by Phone (1982). Dobitnik
Oskara za sporednu ulogu u The Paper Chase (1973) (1973), dobitnik
Zlatnog globusa za sporednu ulogu u The Paper Chase (1973),
nominacija Zlatni globus za sporednog glumca u mini seriji The Winds of
War (1983), nominacija Zlatni globus za najboljeg glumca u seriji-drama
The Paper Chase (1978, 1979).
ITAN HOUK Ethan Hawke /Ethan Green Hawke, 6. XI 1970, Austin,
Texas, US/. Debi: Explorers (1985). Igrao u preko 40 filmova: Lion's Den
(1988), White Fang (1991), Mystery Date (1991), A Midnight Clear (1992),
Alive (1993), Reality Bites (1994), Before Sunrise (1995), Gattaca (1997),
Great Expectations (1998), Snow Falling on Cedars (1999), Hamlet (2000),
Tape (2001), Taking Lives (2004), Before Sunset (2004), Assault on
Precinct 13 (2005), What Doesn't Kill You (2007), Before the Devil Knows
You're Dead (2007), Staten Island (2009), Daybreakers (2009), The Woman
in the Fifth (2010), La femme du Vème (2011), Sinister (2012) Shoedog
(2012), Getaway (2013), Untitled Before Sunset Sequel (2013). Nominacija
Oskar za sporednu ulogu u Training Day (2001).
BOB HOUP Bob Hope /Leslie Townes Hope, 29. V 1903, Eltham, London, England, UK – 27. VII 2003. (100) Toluca Lake, Los Angeles, US/.
Debi: Going Spanish (1934). Poslednji film: Spies Like Us (1985). Igrao u
68 filmova: Paree, Paree (1934), Never Say Die (1939), Some Like It Hot
(1939), The Cat and the Canary (1939), The Ghost Breakers (1940), Caught in the Draft (1941), Nothing But the Truth (1941), Louisiana Purchase (1961), My Favorite Blonde (1942), They Got Me Covered (1943), The
Princess and the Pirate (1944), …How to Commit Marriage (1969), Cancel
My Reservation (1972). Nominacija Zlatni globus za sporednu ulogu u The
Facts of Life (1960), Bachelor in Paradise (1961), Special Award (1940),
Special Award (1944), Special Award (1952), Special Award (1965).
DASTIN HOFMAN Dustin Hoffman /Dustin Lee Hoffman, 8. VIII
1937, Los Angeles, California, US/. Debi: The Tiger Makes Out (1967) Igrao u preko 50 filmova: Little Big Man (1970), Lenny (1974), All the President's Men (1974), Marathon Man (1976), Agatha (1978), Finding Neverland (2004), Meet the Fockers (2004), Kung Fu Panda (2008), Last Chance
Harvey (2009), Barney's Version (2010) – za koje je višestruko nominovan i
nagrađivan; najvažnije: Oskar za glavnu ulogu u Kramer vs. Kramer
(1979), Rain Man (1988), nominacija Oskar za glavnu ulogu u The
Graduate (1967), Midnight Cowboy (1969), Lenny (1974), Tootsie (1982),
Wag the Dog (1997), Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u drami Kra-mer vs.
Kramer (1979), Rain Man (1988), za glavnu ulogu u komediji Tootsie (1982), nominacija Zlatni
globus za glavnu ulogu u drami Midnight Cowboy (1969), Lenny (1974), Marathon Man (1976), za
glavnu ulogu u komediji The Graduate (1967), John and Mary (1969), Hook (1991), Wag the Dog
(1997), Last Chance Harvey (2008), Zlatni globus za glavnog glumca u mini seriji Death of a
Salesman (1985), nagrada Emi za istu ulogu (1986), nagrada Bafta za The Graduate (1967),
Midnight Cowboy (1969), John and Mary (1969), nominacija za Nagradu Udruženja filmskih i tv
glumaca za najboljeg glumca u Wag the Dog (1997).
FELISITI HOFMAN Felicity Huffman /Felicity Kendall Huffman, 9.
XII 1962, Bedford, New York, US/. Debi: Things Change (1988). Igrala u
petnaestak filmova: Desperate Housewives: House Hunting (2003), Reversible Errors (2004), Oprah Winfrey Is the New Neighbor (2005), Georgia
Rule (2007), Phoebe in Wonderland (2008), Lesster (2010), Come Back to
Sorrento (2012), Rudderless (2013). Nominacija Oskar za glavnu ulogu u
Transamerica (2005), dobitnica Zlatnog globusa za glavnu ulogu u
drami Transamerica (2005), nominacija Zlatni globus za najbolju glumicu
u seriji-komedija Sports Night (1999), Desperate Housewives (2004, 2005,
2006), dobitnica nagrade Emi za Desperate Housewives (2005).
FILIP SIMUR HOFMAN Philip Seymour Hoffman /23. VII 1967,
Fairport, New York, US/. Debi: Triple Bogey on a Par Five Hole (1991).
Igrao u 50 filmova: Boogie Nights (1997), Next Stop Wonderland (1998),
Happiness (1998), Flawless (1999), Magnolia (1999), The Talented Mr. Ripley (1999), State and Main (2000), Almost Famous (2000), Punch-Drunk
Love (2002), Owning Mahowny (2003), Mission: Impossible III (2006), Before the Devil Knows You're Dead (2007), Synecdoche, New York (2008),
Jack Goes Boating (2010), The Ides of March (2011) – za koje je nominovan i nagrađivan; najznačajnije: Oskar za glavnu ulogu u Capote (2005),
nominacija Oskar za sporednu ulogu u Charlie Wilson's War (2007), Doubt
(2008), Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u drami Capote (2005), nominacija
Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u komediji The Savages (2007), za sporednu ulogu u Charlie
Wilson’s War (2007), Doubt (2008), Nagrada Udruženja filmskih i tv glumaca za najboljeg
glumca u Capote (2005). nominacija za Nagradu Udruženja filmskih i tv glumaca za najboljeg
glumca u Flawless (1999), nagrada Bafta za Capote (2005).
RAUL HULIJA Raúl Juliá /Raúl Rafael Juliá y Arcelay, 9. III 1940,
San Juan, Puerto Rico – 24. X 1994. (54), Manhasset, New York, US/.
Debi: Stiletto (1969). Poslednji film: Down Came a Blackbird (1995). Igrao
u 31 filmu: Death Scream (1975), The Escape Artist (1982), Compromising
Positions (1985), The Morning After (1986), Tequila Sunrise (1988),
Romero (1989), Mack the Knife (1989), The Rookie (1990), Havana (1990),
Frankenstein Unbound (1990), Addams Family Values (1993). Nominacija
Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u drami Kiss of the Spider Woman (1985),
nominacija Zlatni globus za sporednu ulogu u Tempest (1982), Moon Over
Parador (1988), dobitnik Zlatnog globusa za glavnog glumca u mini
seriji The Burning Season (1994), dobitnik nagrade Emi za ulogu u The Burning Season
(1995), nominacija Saturn za The Addams Family (1991), Street Fighter (1994).
TOM HALC Tom Hulce /Thomas Edward Hulce, 6. XII 1953, Detroit,
Michigan, US/. Debi: Song of Myself (1976) Igrao u 18 filmova: Animal
House (1978), Those Lips, Those Eyes (1980), Echo Park (1986), Slam
Dance (1987), Shadowman (1988), Black Rainbow (1989), Murder in
Mississippi (1990), The Inner Circle (1991), Fearless (1993), Frankenstein
(1994), Wings of Courage (1995), Stranger Than Fiction (2006).
Nominacija Oskar za glavnu ulogu u Amadeus (1984), nominacija Zlatni
globus za glavnu ulogu u drami Amadeus (1984), Dominick and Eugene
(1988), nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnog glumca u mini seriji Murder in
Mississippi (1990), nominacija Zlatni globus za sporednog glumca u tv
filmu The Heidi Chronieckls (1995).
KETI HURADO Katy Jurado /Maria Cristina Estella Marcella Jurado
de Garcia, 16. I 1924, Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico – 5. VII 2002. (78),
Cuernavaca, Morelos, Mexico/. Debi: No matarás (1943). Poslednji film: A
Beautiful Secret (2002). Igrala u 63 filma: High Noon (1952), El Bruto
(1953), Arrowhead (1953), Trapeze (1956), The Badlanders (1958), OneEyed Jacks (1961), A Covenant with Death (1967), Stay Away, Joe (1968),
Pat Garrett and Billy the Kid (1973), Fé, Esperanza y Caridad (1973), The
Widow of Montiel (1979). Zlatni globus za sporednu ulogu u High Noon
(1952), nominacija Oskar za sporednu ulogu u Broken Lance (1954).
ČARLI ČAPLIN Charles Chaplin /Charles Spencer
Chaplin, 16. IV 1889, London, UK - 25. XII 1977. (88),
Cousier-sur-Vevey, Switzerland/. Debi: Making a Living
(1914). Poslednji film: A Countess from Hong Kong
(1967). Igrao u 86 filmova: Kid Auto Races at Venice
(1914), Between Showers (1914),… A Woman (1915), The
Bank (1915), Shanghaied (1915), A Night in the Show
(1915), Burlesque on 'Carmen' (1916), Police (1916), The Floorwalker
(1916), The Fireman (1916), The Vagabond (1916), One A.M. (1916), The
Count (1916), The Pawnshop (1916), Behind the Screen (1916), The Rink
(1916), Easy Street (1917), The Cure (1917), The Immigrant (1917), The
Adventurer (1917), A Dog's Life (1918), The Bond (1918), Shoulder Arms
(1918), Sunnyside (1919), A Day's Pleasure (1919), The Kid (1921), The
Idle Class (1921), Pay Day (1922), The Pilgrim (1923), A Woman of Paris
(1923), The Gold Rush (1925), City Lights (1931), Modern Times (1936),
Monsieur Verdoux (1947), Limelight (1952), A King in New York (1957).
Nominacija Oskar za glavnu ulogu u The Circus (1928), The Great
Dictator (1940), Special Award (1928), Special Award (1971).
DŽERALDINA ČAPLIN Geraldine Chaplin /Geraldine Leigh Chaplin, 31. VII 1944, Santa Monica, California, US/. Debi: Limelight (1952).
Igrala u preko 100 filmova: Crime on a Summer Morning (1965), Andremo
in città (1966), Stranger in the House (1967), Peppermint Frappé (1967),
Stress Is Three (1968), Honeycomb (1969), Perched on a Tree (1971),
Carlos (1971), Innocent Bystanders (1972), Z.P.G. (1972), A House Without
Boundaries (1972), Ana and the Wolves (1972), Cría cuervos (1976), Noroît
(1976),...And If We All Lived Together (2011), Americano (2011), The
Impossible (2012). Nominacija Zlatni globus za sporednu ulogu u Nashville
(1975), Chaplin (1992), nominacija Bafta za Welcome to L.A. (1976).
RUT ČATERTON Ruth Chatterton /24. XII 1892, New York City,
New York, US – 24. XI 1961. (68), Norwalk, Connecticut, US/. Debi: Sins
of the Fathers (1928) Poslednji film: A Royal Divorce (1938). Igrala u 26
filmova: The Doctor's Secret (1929), The Dummy (1929), Charming Sinners
(1929), The Laughing Lady (1929), The Lady of Scandal (1930), Anybody's
Woman (1930), The Right to Love (1930), Unfaithful (1931), The Magnificent Lie (1931), Once A Lady (1931), The Rich Are Always with Us (1932),
The Crash (1932), Frisco Jenny (1932), Tomorrow and Tomorrow (1932),
The Rich Are Always with Us (1932), Lilly Turner (1933), Female (1933),
Journal of a Crime (1934), Girls' Dormitory (1936), Dodsworth (1936). Nominacija Oskar za glavnu ulogu u Madame X (1929), Sarah and Son (1930).
RIČARD ČEMBERLEN Richard Chamberlain /George Richard Chamberlain, 31. III 1934, Beverly Hills, California, US/. Debi: The Secret of
the Purple Reef (1960). Uz više od 50 tv uloga, igrao u skoro 30 filmova:
Twilight of Honor (1963), Joy in the Morning (1965), Petulia (1968), The
Music Lovers (1970), Lady Caroline Lamb (1973), The Three Musketeers
(1973), The Little Mermaid (1974),... Forbidden Love (2012). Zlatni globus
za glavnog glumca u mini seriji The Thorn Birds (1983), nominacija
Zlatni globus za glavnog glumca u mini seriji Wallenberg: A Hero’s Story
(1985), The Bourne Identity (1988), Zlatni globus za najbolejg glumca u
seriji-drama Dr. Kildare (1962), Shögun (1980), nominacija Zlatni globus
za najboljeg glumca u seriji-drama Centennial (1979).
STOKARD ČENING Stockard Channing /Susan Antonia Williams
Stockard, 13. III 1944. (68), New York, New York, US/. Debi: The Hospital (1971). Igrala u preko 40 filmova: The Girl Most Likely to... (1973),
Sweet Revenge (1976), The Big Bus (1976), Grease (1978), Silent Victory:
The Kitty O'Neil Story (1979), Safari 3000 (1982), Mr. Willowby's Christmas Tree (1995), Up Close & Personal (1996), Moll Flanders (1996), Practical Magic (1996), Isn't She Great (2000), The Truth About Jane (2000),
Where the Heart Is (2000), The Business of Strangers (2001), Red Mercury
(2005), Multiple Sarcasms (2009), A Fonder Heart (2011). Nominacija Oskar za glavnu ulogu u Six Degrees of Separation (1993), nominacija Zlatni
globus za glavnu ulogu u komediji Six Degrees of Separation (1993), nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u mini seriji The Baby Dance (1998).
NIKOLAJ ČERKASOV Nikolay Cherkasov /Николай Конс ан инович Че касов, 27. VII 1903, St. Petersburg, Russian Empire – 14. IX 1966.
(63), Moscow, SSSR/. Debi: Поэтъ и цар (1927). Poslednji film: Иван
Грозний III (1988). Igrao u 47 filmova: Луна слева (1928), Ро-дной брат
(1929), Эго превосхдителство (1929), Всадники ветра (1930), Люблю
ли тебя? (1934), Кто твой друг (1934), Щасые (1935), Граница (1935),
Подруги (1936), Депутат Балтики (1937), За совет-скую родину
(1937), Пётр Первий I (1937), Дети капитана Гранта (1938),
Aлександар Невский (1938), Друзя (1939), Пётр Первий II (1939),
Шестдесять дней (1940), Концерт на екране (1940), Дорога к звездам
(1942), Эго зовут Суке-BБатор (1942), Новий дом (1947),...Всё остаются людям (1964).
DON ČAJDL Don Cheadle /Donald Frank Cheadle Jr, /29. XI 1964,
Kansas City, Missouri, US/. Debi: 3 Days (1984) Igrao u preko 40 filmova:
Devil in a Blue Dress (1995), Rosewood (1997), Boogie Nights (1997),
Bulworth (1998), Traffic (2000), Ocean's Twelve (2004), Talk to Me (2007),
Traitor (2008). Nominacija Oskar za glavnu ulogu u Hotel Rwanda (2004),
nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u drami Hotel Rwanda (2004),
dobitnik Zlatnog globusa za sporednog glumca u mini seriji The Rat
Pack (1998), nominacija za Nagradu Udruženja filmskih i tv glumaca za
najboljeg glumca u Hotel Rwanda (2004), nominacija Emi za mini serije:
The Rat Pack (1998), A Lesson Before Dying (1999), Things Behind the Sun
(2001), nominacija Bafta za Crash (2005).
EŠLI DŽAD Ashley Judd /Ashley Tyler Ciminella, 19. IV 1968, Granada
Hills, California, US/. Debi: Kuffs (1992). Igrala u skoro 30 filmova: Ruby
in Paradise (1993), The Passion of Darkly Noon (1995), Kiss the Girls
(1997), Simon Birch (1998), Double Jeopardy (1999), Eye of the Beholder
(1999), Someone Like You (1999), Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood
(2002), High Crimes (2002), Twisted (2004), Come Early Morning (2006),
Bug (2006), Helen (200), Crossing Over (2009), Tooth Fairy (2010), Dolphin Tale (2011), Flypaper (2011). Nominovana i nagrađivana; najznačajnije: Nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u komediji De-Lovely
(2004), za glavnu glumicu u mini seriji Norma Jean & Marilyn (1996).
TOMAS DŽEJN Thomas Jane Thomas Elliott III, 23. II 1969, Baltimore, Maryland, US/. Debi: Padamati Sandhya Ragam (1987). Igrao u preko 40 filmova: I'll Love You Forever... Tonight (1992), At Ground Zero
(1994), The Last Time I Committed Suicide (1997), Thursday (1998), Zack
and Reba (1998), Deep Blue Sea (1999), Jonni Nitro (2000), Under Suspicion (2000), Original Sin (2001), Eden (2001), The Sweetest Thing (2002),
Dreamcatcher (2003), Stander (2003), The Punisher (2004), The Tripper
(2006), The Mist (2007), Mutant Chronicles (2008), Killshot (2008), Give
'em Hell Malone (2009), Dark Country (2009), I Melt with You (2011),
Heavenly Sword (2012). Nominacija Zlatni globus za najboljeg glumca u
seriji-komedija Hung (2009, 2010).
DEJVID DŽEJSON David Jason /Sir David John White, 2. II 1940,
Edmonton, London, England, UK/. Debi: Softly Softly (1966, tv), Under
Milk Wood (1972, film). Uz preko 50 tv uloga (A Touch of Frost - 42
epizode, 1992-2010: Only Fools and Horses: Derek 'Del Boy' Trotter - (65
epizode, 1981-2003), igrao samo u 8 filmova: White Cargo (1973), Royal
Flash (1975), Wombling Free (1977), The Water Babies (1978), The Odd
Job (1978), The BFG (1989), The Snow Queen (1995). Dobitnik 18
nagrada Bafta (1987, 1990, 1992, 1996, 1997), 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003,
2001) i još 9 puta nominovn za istu nagradu.
HJU DŽEKMEN Hugh Jackman /Hugh Michael Jackman, 12. X 1968,
Sydney, New South Wales, Australia/. Debi: Paperback Hero (1999). Igrao
u skoro 30 filmova: Paperback Hero (1999), Erskineville Kings (1999), Someone Like You (2001), Swordfish (2001), Standing Room Only (2003), X2
(2003), Van Helsing (2004), The Prestige (2006), The Fountain (2006),
Scoop (2006), Australia (2008), Deception (2008), X-Men Origins:
Wolverine (2009), X-Men: First Class (2011), Butter (2011), Real Steel
(2011), Les Misérables (2012), Rise of the Guardians (2012), The Wolverine
(2013). Višestruko nagrađivan i nominovan, najznačajnjije: Nominacija
Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u komediji Kate & Leopold (2001), dobitnik
nagrade Emi, nagrada Saturn za X-Men (2000).
GLENDA DŽEKSON Glenda Jackson /Glenda May Jackson, 9. V
1936, Birkenhead, Cheshire, England, UK/. Debi: The Extra Day (1956).
Poslednja uloga: King of the Wind (1990). Igrala u 34 filma: The Music
Lovers (1970), Play of the Month (1970), The Triple Echo (1972), The
Maids (1974), The Romantic Englishwoman (1975), The Devil Is a Woman
(1974)… Oskar za glavnu ulogu u Women in Love (1970), A Touch of
Class (1973), nominacija Oskar za glavnu ulogu u Sunday Bloody Sunday
(1971), Hedda (1975), Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u komediji A touch
of Class (1973), nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u drami Women
in Love (1970), Mary, Queen of Scots (1971), Hedda (1975), The Ineredible
Sarah (1976), Stevie (1978), nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu glumicu u mini seriji The Patricia
Neal Story (1981), Sakharov (1984), nagrada Emi, nagrada Bafta Sunday Bloody Sunday (1971).
SEMJUEL L. DŽEKSON Samuel Jackson /Samuel Leroy Jackson,
21. XII 1948, Washington, District of Columbia, US/. Debi: Together for
Days (1972). Igrao u preko 100 filmova: Def by Temptation (1990), Jungle
Fever (1991), Loaded Weapon (1993), Amos & Andrew (1993), Against the
Wall (1994), Eve's Bayou (1997), The Incredibles (2004), Coach Carter
(2005), Home of the Brave (2006), Iron Man (2008), Mother and Child
(2010), Thor (2011). Nominacija Oskar za sporednu ulogu u Pulp Fiction
(1994), nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u komediji Jackie Brown
(1997), nominacija Zlatni globus za sporednu ulogu u Pulp Fiction (1994),
A Time To Kill (1996), nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnog glumca u mini
seriji Against the Wall (1994), nagrada BAFTA za Pulp Fiction (1994).
RIČARD DŽENKINS Richard Jenkins /Richard Dale Jenkins, 4. V
1947, DeKalb, Illinois, US/. Debi: Silverado (1985). Igrao u preko 70
filmova, među kojima: When You Remember Me (1990), Challenger (1990),
Flirting with Disaster (1996), The Man Who Wasn't There (2001), Sins of
the Father (2002), The Mudge Boy (2003), Fun with Dick and Jane (2005),
North Country (2005), Norman (2010), Eat Pray Love (2010), Let Me In
(2010), Killing Them Softly (2012), One Square Mile (2013). Nominacija
Oskar za glavnu ulogu u The Visitor (2008), nominacija za Nagradu
Udruženja filmskih i tv glumaca za najboljeg glumca u The Visitor (2008).
ANĐELINA DŽOLI Angelina Jolie /Angelina Jolie Voight, 4. VI
1975, Los Angeles, California, US/. Debi : Lookin' to Get Out (1982). Igrala
u skoro 40 filmova: Playing by Heart (1998), Lara Croft: Tomb Raider
(2001), Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow (2004), Mr. & Mrs. Smith
(2005), Wanted (2008), Salt (2010). Oskar za sporednu ulogu u Girl, Interrupted (1999), nominacija Oskar za glavnu ulogu u Changeling (2008),
Zlatni globus za sporednu ulogu u Girl, Interrupted (1999), nominacija
Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u drami A Mighty Heart (2007), nominacija
Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u komediji The Tourist (2010), Zlatni globus
za glavnu glumicu u mini seriji Gia (1998), za sporednu glumicu u mini
seriji George Wallace (1997), nagrada Saturn za Changeling (2008).
GLINIS DŽONS Glynis Johns /5. X 1923, Pretoria, South Africa/.
Debi: South Riding (1938). Poslednja uloga: Superstar (1999). Uz 32 tv
uloge, igrala u 59 filmova: The Halfway House (1944), Vacation from
Marriage (1945), This Man Is Mine (1946), Frieda (1947), Miranda (1948),
Dear Mr. Prohack (1949), State Secret (1950), Flesh & Blood (1951), No
Highway (1951), Appointment with Venus (1951), The Card (1952), The
Sword and the Rose (1953), Personal Affair (1953), Rob Roy: The Highland
Rogue (1953), …Mrs. Amworth (1975), Zelly and Me (1988). Nominacija
Oskar za sporednu ulogu u The Sundowners (1960), nominacija Zlatni
globus za glavnu ulogu u drami The Chapman Report (1962).
KETRIN ZITA DŽONS Catherine Zeta-Jones / Catherine Zeta Jones,
25. IX 1969, Swansea, West Glamorgan, Wales, UK/. Debi: Les 1001 nuits
(1990). Igrala u preko 20 filmova: Blue Juice (1995), The Phantom (1996),
Entrapment (1999), The Haunting (1999), Sinbad: Legend of the Seven Seas
(2003), Intolerable Cruelty (2004), Ocean's Twelve (2004), The Terminal
(2004), The Legend of Zorro (2005), No Reservations (2007), Death Defying
Acts (2007), The Rebound (2009), Lay the Favorite (2012). Oskar za sporednu ulogu u Chicago (2002), nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u
komediji Chicago (2002), za sporednu ulogu u Traffic (2000), nagrada
Bafta za Chicago (2002), nominacija Saturn za The Mask of Zorro (1998).
TOMI LI DŽONS Tommy Lee Jones /15. IX 1946, San Saba, Texas,
US/. Debi: Love Story (1970). Igrao u skoro 50 filmova: Blown Away
(1994), The Good Old Boys (1995), Men in Black (1997), The Three Burials
of Melquiades Estrada (2005), A Prairie Home Companion (2006), No
Country for Old Men (2007), The Company Men (2010), Captain America:
The First Avenger (2011) – u kojima je nominovan i nagrađivan; najznačajnije: Oskar za sporednu ulogu u The Fugitive (1993), nominacija
Oskar za glavnu ulogu u In the Valley of Elah (2007), JFK (1991), Zlatni
globus za sporednu ulogu u The Fugitive (1973), nominacija Zlatni globus
za glavnu ulogu u komediji Coal Miner’s Daughter (1980) nominacija
Zlatni globus za sporednog glumca u mini seriji Lonesome Dove (1989), nagrada Emi za ulogu u The Executioner's Song (1983).
DŽEJMS ERL DŽONS James Earl Jones /17. I 1931, Arkabutla, Mississippi, USA. Debi: Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying
and Love the Bomb (1964). Uz 90 tv uloga, igrao u skoro 80 filmova: The
Man (1972), The Cay (1974), Swashbuckler (1976), Conan the Barbarian
(1982), Blood Tide (1982), My Little Girl (1986), Best of the Best (1989),…
Gimme Shelter (2012). Nominacija Oskar za glavnu ulogu u The Great
White Hope (1970), nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u drami The
Great White Hope (1970), za glavnu ulogu u komediji Claudine (1974), za
najboljeg glumca u seriji-drama Gabriel’s Fire (1990, 1991), Pros and
Cons (1992), nominacija za Nagradu Udruženja filmskih i tv glumaca za
najboljeg glumca u Cry, The Beloved Country (1995), Special Award (1995), nagrada Emi za
drami Gabriel's Fire (1991), mini seriji Heat Wave (1991), seriji-drama Everwood (2004).
DŽENIFER DŽONS Jennifer Jones /Phylis Lee Isley, 2. III 1919,
Tulsa, Oklahoma, US - 17. XII 2009. (90), Malibu, California, US/. Debi:
New Frontier (1939). Poslednja uloga: The Towering Inferno (1974). Igrala
u 25 filmova: Cluny Brown (1946), Portrait of Jennie (1948), We Were
Strangers (1949), Madame Bovary (1949), Gone to Earth (1949), Carrie
(1952), Ruby Gentry (1952) Beat the Devil (1953), Terminal Station (1953),
Good Morning, Miss Dove (1955), A Farewell to Arms (1957), Tender Is the
Night (1962), The Idol (1966). Oskar za glavnu ulogu u The Song of Bernadette (1943), nominacija Oskar za glavnu ulogu u Love Letters (1945),
Duel in the Sun (1946), Love Is a Many – Splendored Thing (1955), za
sporednu ulogu u Since You Went Away (1944), Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u drami The Song
of Bernadette (1943), nominacija Zlatni globus za sporednu ulogu u The Towering Inferno (1974).
SELIA DŽONSON Celia Johnson /Celia Elizabeth Johnson, 18. XII
1908, Richmond, Surrey, England, UK - 25. IV 1982. (73), Nettlebed,
Oxfordshire, England, UK/. Debi: A Letter from Home (1941). Poslednji
film: The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie (1969). Igrala u 12 filmova: In Which
We Serve (1942), Dear Octopus (1943), This Happy Breed (1944), The
Astonished Heart (1950), The Holly and the Ivy (1952), A Kid for Two
Farthings (1955), The Good Companions (1957), Staying On (1980), The
Potting Shed (1981). Nominacija Oskar za glavnu ulogu u Brief Encounter
(1946), nagrada Bafta za The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie (1969),
nominacija Bafta za I Believe in You (1952), The Captain's Paradise (1953),
nagrada filmske kritike za Brief Encounter (1945), nagrada Britanske tv akademije Mrs.
Palfrey at the Claremont (1973).
ROJ ŠAJDER Roy Scheider /Roy Richard Scheider, 10. XI 1932, Orange, New Jersey, US – 10. II 2008, (75), Little Rock, Arkansas, US/. Debi:
The Curse of the Living Corpse (1964). Poslednji film: Iron Cross (2009).
Igrao u 56 filmova: The Seven-Ups (1973), Sheila Levine Is Dead and Living in New York (1975), Jaws (1975), Marathon Man (1976), Sorcerer
(1977), Jaws 2 (1978), Last Embrace (1979), Still of the Night (1982), Blue
Thunder (1983), 2010 (1984), 52 Pick-Up (1986), Cohen and Tate (1988),
Night Game (1989), The Fourth War (1989), Somebody has to Shoot the Picture (1990),..Dark Honeymoon (2008). Nominacija Oskar za glavnu ulogu
u All That Jazz (1979), za sporednu ulogu u The French Connection (1971),
nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u komediji All That Jazz (1979).
TALIJA ŠAJR Talia Shire /Talia Rose Coppola, 25. IV 1946, Lake
Success, New York, US/. Debi: The Wild Racers (1968). Igrala u više od 45
filmova: The Dunwich Horror (1970), Prophecy (1979), Rocky II (1979),
Rocky IV (1979), Windows (1980), Rocky III (1982), Rad (1986), Rocky V
(1990), The Godfather Part III (1990), Homo Erectus (2007), Looking for
Palladin (2008), Dim Sum Funeral (2008), The Deported (2009, The Return
of Joe Rich (2011), Pizza with Bullets (2012). Nominacija Oskar za glavnu
ulohu u Rocky (1976), nominacija Oskar za sporednu ulogu u The
Godfather Part II (1974), nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u drami
Rocky (1976).
OMAR ŠARIF Omar Sharif /Michael Demitri Shalhoub, 10. IV 1932,
Alexandria, Egypt/. Debi: Siraa Fil-Wadi (1954). Poslednji film: I Forgot
to Tell You (2009). Igrao u 85 filmova: Ayyamna al-Holwa (1955), Siraa
Fil-Mina (1956), Genghis Khan (1965), The Night of the Generals (1967),
More Than a Miracle (1967), Funny Girl (1968), Mayerling (1968), Che!
(1969), The Appointment (1969), Mackenna's Gold (1969), The Last Valley
(1970), The Horsemen (1971), Le casse (1971), Juggernaut (1974), Funny
Lady (1975), The Rainbow Thief (1990), Hassan and Marcus (2008), The
Traveller (2009). Nominacija Oskar za sporednu ulogu u Lawrence of
Arabia (1962), Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u drami Doctor Zhuvago
(1965), Zlatni globus za sporednu ulogu u Lawrence of Arabia (1962).
ARNOLD ŠVARCENEGER Arnold Schwarzenegger /Arnold Alois
Schwarzenegger, 30. VII 1947, Thal, Styria, Austria/. Debi: Hercules in
New York (1969). Igrao u više od 35 filmova: Stay Hungry (1976), Pumping
Iron (1977), The Villain (1979), Conan the Barbarian (1982), Conan the
Destroyer (1984), Red Sonja (1985), Commando (1985), Raw Deal (1986),
The Running Man (1987), Red Heat (1988), Twins (1988), Kindergarten
Cop (1990), Junior (1994), Eraser (1996), Jingle All the Way (1996), Batman & Robin (1997), End of Days (1999), The 6th Day (2000), Collateral
Damage (2002), Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines (2003),... Last Stand
(2013), The Tomb (2013). Nominacija Saturn za The Terminator (1985), Predator (1988), Total
Recall (1991), Terminator 2: Judgment Day (1992), Last Action Hero (1994), True Lies (1995).
MEK ŠVEJN /Mack Swain, 16. II1876, Salt Lake City, Utah, US - 25.
VIII 1935. (59), Tacoma, Washington, US/. Debi: A Muddy Romance
(1913). Poslednji film: Bad Boy (1935). Igrao u 165 filmova: …Ambrose in
Turkey (1920), Ambrose in Bad (1920), Ambrose and the Bathing Girls
(1920), All Wrong Ambrose (1920), Monkey Tales (1920), The Idle Class
(1921), Pay Day (1922), Rough and Ready (1923), This Way Out (1923),
Backfire (1923), Flying Finance (1924), The Gold Rush (1925), See You in
Jail (1927), The Shamrock and the Rose (1927), The Tired Business Man
(1927) Finnegan's Ball (1927), The Girl from Everywhere (1927), The Girl
from Nowhere (1928), Caught in the Fog (1928), The Cohens and Kellys in
Atlantic City (1929), Cleaning Up (1930), Up Popped the Ghost (1932).
MORIS ŠEVALIJE Maurice Chevalier /Maurice Auguste Chevalier,
12. IX 1888, Paris, France – 1. I 1972. (83), Paris, France/ Debi: Trop crédules (1908) Poslednji film: Monkeys, Go Home! (1967). Igrao u 58
filmova: Le silence est d'or (1947), A Royal Affair (1949), Just Me (1950),
La valse à la mode (1908), Une mariée qui se fait attendre (1911), My
Seven Little Sins (1954), Count Your Blessings (1959), Can-Can (1960), A
Breath of Scandal (1960), Jessica (1962), In Search of the Castaways
(1962), Panic Button (1964). Nominacija Oskar. za sporednu ulogu u The
Big Pond (1930), Paramount en parade (1930), nominacija Zlatni globus za
glavnu ulogu u drami Fanny (1961), za glavnu ulogu u komediji Love in the
Afternoon (1957), Gigi (1958), Special Award (1958).
MARIJA ŠEL Maria Schell /Maria Margarethe Anna Schell, 15. I 1926,
Vienna, Austria - 26. IV 2005. (79), Preitenegg, Carinthia, Austria/. Debi:
Steibruch (1942). Poslednji film: Nineteen Nineteen (1985). Igrala u 53
filma: Maresi (1948), Es kommt ein Tag (1950), Affairs of Dr. Holl (1951),
The Magic Box (1951), Bis wir uns wiedersehn (1952), Der träumende
Mund (1953), So Little Time (1953), Solange Du da bist (1953), Tagebuch
einer Verliebten (1953), Herr über Leben und Tod (1955), Die Ratten
(1955), Love (1956),... The Odessa File (1974), Die Ohrfeige (1975), Die
erste Polka (1979). Nagrada festivala Kan za The Last Bridge (1954),
nominacija Bafta za The Heart of the Matter (1953), Gervaise (1956).
MAKSIMILIJAN ŠEL Maximilian Schell /8. XII 1930, Vienna,
Austria/. Debi: Children, Mother, and the General (1955). Igrao u skoro 70
filmova: The Reluctant Saint (1962), The Condemned of Altona (1962),
Return from the Ashes (1965), The Castle (1968), Counterpoint (1968), Krakatoa, East of Java (1969), … The Shell Seekers (2006). Oskar za glavnu
ulogu u Judgment at Nurem-berg (1961), nominacija Oskar za glavnu
ulogu u The Man in the Glass Booth (1975), za sporednu ulogu u Julia
(1977), Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u drami Judgment at Nuremberg
(1961), nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u The Man in the Glass Booth (1973), za
sporednu ulogu u Julia (1977), Zlatni globus za sporednog glumca u mini seriji Stalin (1992).
TONI ŠELHAB Tony Shalhoub /Anthony Marcus Shalhoub, 9. X
1953, Green Bay, Wisconsin, US/. Debi: Heartburn (1986). Igrao u oko 45
filmova: Big Night (1996), A Civil Action (1998), The Siege (1998), The
Impostors (1998), Paulie (1998), Thirteen Ghosts (2001), The Man Who
Wasn't There (2001), Made-Up (2002), Against the Ropes (2004), The
Great New Wonderful (2005), 1408 (2007), AmericanEast (2007), Feed the
Fish (2009). Dobitnik Zlatnog globusa za najboljeg glumca u serijikomediji Monk (2002), nominacija Zlatni globus za istu ulogu (2003, 2004,
2006, 2008), dobitnik nagrade Emi.
SEM ŠEPARD Sam Shepard /Samuel Shepard Rogers IV, 5. XI 1943,
Fort Sheridan, Illinois, US/. Debi: Brand X (1970). Igrao u 50 filmova:
Resurrection (1980), Raggedy Man (1981), Frances (1982), Country
(1984), Bright Angel (1990), Voyager (1991), Thunderheart (1992), The
Pelican Brief (1993), Safe Passage (1994), Purgatory (1999), Don't Come
Knocking (2005), Ruffian (2007), The Assassination of Jesse James by the
Coward Robert Ford (2007), Brothers (2009), Inhale (2010), Blackthorn
(2011), Shoedog (2012). Nominacija Oskar za sporednu ulogu u The Right
Stuff (1983), nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnog glumca u mini seriji Dash
and Lilly (1999), nominacija Bafta za ulogu u Paris, Texas (1984).
SIBIL ŠEPARD Cybill Shepherd /Cybill Lynne Shepherd, 18. II 1950,
Memphis, Tennessee, US/. Debi: The Last Picture Show (1971). Uz skoro
40 tv uloga, igrala u preko 20 filmova: The Heartbreak Kid (1972), Daisy
Miller (1974), At Long Last Love (1975), Taxi Driver (1976), Special Delivery (1976), Silver Bears (1978), The Lady Vanishes (1979), The Return
(1980), Chances Are (1989), Texasville (1990), Once Upon a Crime
(1992), Marine Life (2000), Open Window (2006), Listen to Your Heart
(2010), White Camellias (2012). Zlatni globus za najbolju glumicu u seriji-komedija Moonlighting (1985, 1986), Cybbill (1995), nominacija Zlatni globus za najbolju glumicu u seriji Moonlighting (1987), Cybbill (1996).
ŠER Cher /Cherilyn Sarkisian, 20. V 1946. / Debi: Good Times (1967). Uz
brojne tv uloge, igrala u 14 filmova: Chastity (1969), Mermaids (1990), The
Witches of Eastwick (1987), Faithful (1996), Burlesque (2010). Oskar za
glavnu ulogu u Moonstruck (1987), nominacija Oskar za sporednu ulogu u
Silkvud (1983), Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu u komediji Moonstruck
(1987), za sporednu ulogu u Silkwood (1983), nominacija Zlatni globus za
glavnu ulogu u drami Mask (1985), za sporednu ulogu u Come Back to the
Five and Dime, Jimmy Dean (1982), za sporednu glumicu u mini seriji If
These Walls Could Talk (1996), Zlatni globus za najbolju glumicu u
seriji-mjuziklu The Sonny & Cher Comedy Hour (1973).
EN ŠERIDAN Ann Sheridan /Clara Lou Sheridan, 21. II 1915. Denton,
Texas, US - 21. I 1967. (51). Los Angeles, Kalifornija, US/. Debi: Search
for Beauty (1934). Poslednji film: Woman and the Hunter (1957). Igrala u
81 filmu: The Red Blood of Courage (1935), San Quentin (1937), She Loved
a Fireman (1937), They Made Me a Criminal (1939), The Angels Wash
Their Faces (1939), Castle on the Hudson (1940), It All Came True (1940),
Torrid Zone (1940), They Drive by Night (1940), City for Conquest (1940),
The Man Who Came to Dinner (1942), Kings Row (1942), George Washington Slept Here (1942), Edge of Darkness (1943), Shine On, Harvest Moon
(1944), The Doughgirls (1944), Nora Prentiss (1947), The Unfaithful
(1947), Silver River (1948), Good Sam (1948), I Was a Male War Bride (1949), Woman on the Run
(1950), Steel Town (1952), Appointment in Honduras (1953), Come Next Spring (1956).
HANA ŠIGULA Hanna Schygulla, 25. XII 1943. Königshütte, Upper
Silesia, Germany (now Chorzów, Slaskie, Poland) Königshütte, Upper
Silesia/. Debi: Der Bräutigam, die Komödiantin und der Zuhälter (1968).
Igrala u skoro 60 filmova: Liebe-kälter als der Tod (1969), Katzelmacher
(1969), Rio das Mortes (1971), Whity (1971), Die Bitteren Tränen der Petra
von Kant (1972), Effi Briest (1974), Falsche Bewegung (1975), Berlin
Alexanderplatz (1980), Lili Marleen (1981), La Nuit de Varennes (1982),
Sheer Madness (1983), A Love in Germany (1983), Il futuro è donna (1984),
Forever, Lulu (1987), Abraham's Gold (1990), Werckmeister Harmonies
(2000). Višestruko nominovana i nagrađivana; najznačajnije: Nagrada
festivala Berlin za ulogu u The Marriage of Maria Braun (1979) i za ukupno delo (2010),
nagrada festivala Kan za Storia di Piera (1983).
DŽOZEF ŠILDKRAUT Joseph Schildkraut /22. III 1896, Vienna,
Austria-Hungary – 21. I 1964. (67), New York, New York, US/. Debi:
Schlemihl (1915). Poslednji film: The Greatest Story Ever Told (1965).
Igrao u 64 filma: Für den Ruhm des Geliebten (1916), Der Glücksschneider
(1916), … Sisters Under the Skin (1934), Cleopatra (1934), Lady of the
Tropics (1939), Phantom Raiders (1940), Meet the Wildcat (1940), The
Tell-Tale Heart (1941), Flame of Barbary Coast (1945), The Cheaters
(1945), Northwest Outpost (1947), The Gallant Legion (1948). Oskar za
sporednu ulogu u The Life of Emile Zola (1937), nominacija Zlatni globus
za glavnu ulogu u The Diary of Anne Frank (1959).
MARTIN ŠIN Martin Sheen /Ramon Antonio Gerard Estevez, /3. VIII
1940, Dayton, Ohio, US/. Debi: The Incident (1967). Uz preko 120 tv uloga
igrao u više od 95 filmova: Rage (1972), That Certain Summer (1972), Badlands (1973), The California Kid (1974), The Execution of Private Slovik
(1974), The Little Girl Who Lives Down the Lane (1976), Eagle's Wing,
1979), Enigma (1983), The War at Home (1996),… Bhopal: Prayer for
Rain (2012). Nominacija Zlatni globus za sporednu ulogu u The Subject was
Roses (1968), za glavnog glumca u mini seriji Kennedy (1983), Zlatni
globus za najboljeg glumca u seriji-drama The West Wing (2000),
nominacija Zlatni globus za najboljeg glumca u seriji-drama Blind Ambition
(1979), The West Wing (1999, 2001, 2002, 2003), nagrada Emi, dobitnik
nagrada Saturn, nominacija Bafta za ulogu u Apocalypse Now (1979).
NORMA ŠIRER Norma Shearer /Edith Norma Shearer, 10. VIII 1902,
Montreal, Quebec, Canada - 12. VI 1983. (80); Woodland Hills, California,
US/. Debi: The Star Boarder (1919). Poslednji film: Her Cardboard Lover
(1942). Igrala u 61 filmu: The Wolf Man (1924), Broken Barriers (1924),...
The Trial of Mary Dugan (1929), The Last of Mrs. Cheyney (1929), Let Us
Be Gay (1930), Smilin' Through (1932), Strange Interlude (1932), Idiot's
Delight (1939), The Women (1939), Escape (1940). Oskar za glavnu ulogu
u filmu The Divorcee (1930), nominacija Oskar za glavnu ulogu u Their
Own Desire (1930), A Free Soul (1931), The Barretts of Wimpole Street
(1934), Romeo and Juliet (1936), Marie Antoinette (1938).
MARIJA ŠNAJDER Maria Schneider /Marie Christine Gélin, 27. III
1952 - 3. II 2011. (59), Paris, France/. Debi: The Christmas Tree (1969).
Poslednji film: Cliente (2008). Igrala u 42 filma: Cari genitori (1973), The
Passenger (1975), Scar Tissue (1975), Voyage au jardin des morts (1978),
Violanta (1978), Haine (1980), La chanson du mal aimé (1981), Sezona mira u Parizu (1981), Merry-Go-Round (1981), Looking for Jesus (1982), Balles perdues (1983), Résidence surveillée (1987), Bunker Palace Hôtel
(1989), Au pays des Juliets (1992), Perds pas la boule! (2006). Nominacija
Cesar za ulogu u Memoirs of a French Whore (1979), nagrada David di
Donatello za uloge u Last Tango in Paris (1972), Cari genitori (1973).
ROMI ŠNAJDER Romy Schneider /Rosemarie Magdalena Albach, 23.
IX 1938, Vienna, Austria - 29. V 1982. (43), Paris, France/. Debi: Wenn der
weiße Flieder wieder blüht (1953). Poslednji film: La passante du SansSouci (1982). Igrala u 60 filmova: Mädchenjahre einer Königin (1954), Die
Deutschmeister (1955), Sissi (1955),… That Most Important Thing: Love
(1974), Innocents with Dirty Hands (1975), Une femme à sa fenêtre (1976),
Grupni portret s damom (1977), A Simple Story (1978), Clair de femme
(1979), Death Watch (1980), La Banquière (1980), Fantasma d'amore
(1981). Nominovana i nagrađivana; najznačajnije: Nominacija Zlatni globus
za glavnu ulogu u drami The Cardinal (1963), nagada Cesar za That Most
Important Thing: Love (1975), A Simple Story (1978), posthumna (2008).
ROBERT ŠO Robert Shaw /Robert Archibald Shaw, 9. VIII 1927, Westhoughton, Lancashire, England, UK – 28. VIII 1978. (51), Tourmakeady,
County Mayo, Ireland/. Debi: The Lavender Hill Mob (1951). Poslednji
film: Avalanche Express (1979). Igrao u 35 filmova: The Caretaker (1963),
The Luck of Ginger Coffey (1964), Tomorrow at Ten (1964), Battle of the
Bulge (1965), Custer of the West (1967), The Birthday Party (1968), Battle
of Britain (1969), The Royal Hunt of the Sun (1969), Young Winston (1972),
The Hireling (1973), Jaws (1975), Swashbuckler (1976), Black Sunday
(1977), The Deep (1977), Force 10 from Navarone (1978). Nominacija Oskar za sporednu ulogu u A Man for All Seasons (1966), nominacija Zlatni
globus za istu ulogu (1966), nominacija Bafta za u Young Winston (1972).
LI ŠRAJBER Liev Schreiber /Isaac Liev Schreiber, 4. X 1967, San Francisco, California, US/. Debi: Mixed Nuts (1994). Igrao u preko 40 filmova:
The Daytrippers (1995), A Walk on the Moon (1999), Jakob the Liar (1999),
Kate & Leopold (2001), Hitler: The Rise of Evil (2003), Spinning Boris
(2003), The Omen (2006), The Painted Veil (2006), Defiance (2008), X-Men
Origins: Wolverine (2009), Every Day (2010), Salt (2010), Felt (2011),
Mental (2012), The Reluctant Fundamentalist (2013), Last Days on Mars
(2013). Nominacija Zlatni globus za glavng glumca u seriji RKO 281
(1999), nominacija Saturn za ulogu u The Manchurian Candidate (2004).
ERIH FON ŠTROHAJM Erich von Stroheim /Erich Oswald Stroheim, 22. IX 1885, Vienna, Austria-Hungary – 12. V 1957. (71), Maurepas,
France/. Debi: The Birth of a Nation (1915). Poslednji film: La madone des
sleepings (1955). Igrao u 74 filma: The Heart of Humanity (1918), Blind
Husbands (1919), Foolish Wives (1922), The Merry Widow (1925), The
Wedding March (1928), The Crime of Dr. Crespi (1935), The Devil-Doll
(1936), La Grande Illusion (1937), Gibraltar (1938), Five Graves to Cairo
(1943), The North Star (1943), The Lady and the Monster (1944), The Great
Flamarion (1945), The Mask of Diijon (1946), Alerte au sud (1953), The
Infiltrator (1955. Nominacija Oskar za sporednu ulogu u Sunset Boulevard
ELIZABET ŠU Elisabeth Shue /Elisabeth Judson Shue, 6. X 1963,
Wilmington, Delaware, US/. Debi: Somewhere, Tomorrow (1983). Igrala u
skoro 40 filmova: The Karate Kid (1984), Link (1986), Adventures in Babysitting (1987), Cocktail (1988), Body Wars (1989), Twenty Bucks (1993),
Radio Inside (1994), Underneath (1995), The Trigger Effect (1996), The
Saint (1997), Palmetto (1998), Cousin Bette (1998), Molly (1999), Hollow
Man (2000), Leo (2002), Mysterious Skin (2004), Gracie (2007), First
Born (2007), Hamlet 2 (2008), Piranha (2010), House at the End of the
Street (2012), Of Men and Mavericks (2012), The Hard Ride (2013).
Nominovana i nagrađivana; najznačajnije: nominacija Oskar za glavnu ulogu u Leaving Las Vegas (1995), nominacija Zlatni globus za glavnu ulogu
u drami Leaving Las Vegas (1995), nominacija Bafta za istu ulogu (1996).
Rаdišа Drаgićević
Rоđen 30. julа 1956. u Minićevu, оdrаstао u Mаnjincu, оpštinа Knjаževаc. Živi i rаdi u Bоru.
bjаvljene knjige:
PREKО NEBА, rоmаn, Nоtа, Knjаževаc, 1993.
ZАŠTО REKА IMА DVE ОBАLE, pesme, pоstrоf, Beоgrаd, 1995.
BELEZI, pesme, Grаdinа, Niš, 1998. (nаgrаdа Nаrоdne bibliоteke Bоr - Knjigа gоdine
KОLIKО DUGО ŽIVI DRVEĆE, pesme zа decu, pоstrоf Beоgrаd, 2001.
SАMОTINJА, rоmаn, Nоlit, Beоgrаd, 2001. (nаgrаdа Nаrоdne bibliоteke Bоr - Knjigа
gоdine 200; nаjčitаnijа knjigа bibliоteke “Njegоš” Knjаževаc 2002. i 2003)
MАNJINАC U VREMENU I PRОSTОRU, hrоnikа, edicijа Hrоnike selа, Kulturnо
prоsvetnа zаjednicа Srbije Beоgrаd – KPZ оpštine Zаječаr, 2002. (dоpunjenо CD izdаnje 2010)
NА DRUGОJ ОBАLI, priče, Krаjinski književni krug, Zаječаr, 2006. (nаgrаdа Nаrоdne
bibliоteke Bоr - Knjigа gоdine 2006).
KNJIGA O NAMA, roman, Koraci, Kragujevac, 2007. (nаgrаdа Nаrоdne bibliоteke Bоr Knjigа gоdine 2007).
OD ZONE DO ZONE, almanah FK BOR, 1819-2006, Narodna Biblioteka Bor, 2007.
KUĆA U SRPSKOJ POEZIJI, panorama srpske poezije, Književno društvo „Sveti Sava“,
Beograd, 2010.
BEZ AKORDA, antologija tekstova jugoslovenske zabavne muzike 1954 – 1991, samostalno
izdanje, 2010.
Prirediо je zbоrnik bоrskih pesnikа IZMEĐU TEBE I MENE, Književnа оmlаdinа Bоrа,
1980. i pоsthumnа izdаnjа pričа književnikа Svetislаvа Bоžinоvićа NEОSTVАRENE ŽELJE,
Zаvičаjnо društvо Timоčаnа - Tоrlаkа, Minićevо, 2000, i zаpisа Miоdrаgа Milоjkоvićа
KNJАŽEVАČKОM ČАRŠIJОM, Dоm kulture, Knjаževаc, 2005. Zаstupljen je u ntоlоgiji
dijаlekаtske pоezije MАTERNJI JEZIK (izbоr Zоrаnа Vučićа), 1998. i SRPSKОJ PОETSKОJ
PLETENICI (Dejаn Tоmić), Prоmetej, Nоvi Sаd, 2003.
Piše sаtirične fоrme pоd pseudоnimоm Rаjkо Micin. Dоbitnik je Zlаtne kаcige zа pisаnu
fоrmu nа Međunаrоdnоm festivаlu Zlаtnа kаcigа 2004. i nаgrаdа zа nаjbоlju pesmu nа Zlаtnоj
kаcigi 2001, 2005. i 2006. bjаviо je knjige pаrоdijа: NI PО BАBU NI PО STRIČEVIMА, Inоrоg Bоr, 2002. (nаgrаdа Sаtiričnо perо listа Timоk Zаječаr), i TАMО JE DАLEKО, Dоm kulture
Knjаževаc 2005, kao i elektronsko izdanje ISTORIJSKE ČITANKE, Etna, Beograd, 2010.
Zastupljen u više antologija aforizama.
U periodici objavio više tekstova sa etnološkom i istorijskom tematikom.
U okviru rada Komisije za tajne grobnice pri Ministarstvu pravde Srbije priprema IMENIK
ŽRTAVA DRUGOG SVETSKOG RATA – teritorija opštine Knjaževac.
Prоzа i pоezijа su mu prevоđene nа engleski, španski, makedonski i bugаrski jezik