2 UVODNIK / FOREWORD - 4 GLAVNI PROGRAM / DUGOMETRAŽNI IGRANI FILMOVI - MAIN PROGRAM / FEATURE FILMS - 6 GLAVNI PROGRAM / KRATKI IGRANI FILMOVI-MAIN PROGRAM / SHORT FILMS - 14 GLAVNI PROGRAM / DOKUMENTARNI FILMOVI / MAIN PROGRAM/ DOCUMENTARY FILMS - 22 POPRATNI PROGRAM / SVIJET / SIDE PROGRAM/ WORLD - 33 POPRATNI PROGRAM / MATINEJE / SIDE PROGRAM / MATINEES - 38 POPRATNI PROGRAM / PLANET PARTNER ZEMLJA / SIDE PROGRAM/ PLANET PARTNER - THE EARTH - 41 DUNAVSKA SCENARISTIČKA RADIONICA / DANUBIAN SCREENWRITTING WORKSHOP - 47 TV SAJAM / TV MARKET - 48 VUČEDOLSKI KALENDAR / VUČEDOL CALENDAR - 50 DODATNA DOGAĐANJA / SPECIAL EVENTS - 51 ŽIRI I NAGRADE / JURY AND AWARDS - 52 HVALA, IMPRESSUM / THANK YOU, IMPRESSUM - 54 INDEKS - 55 TKO JE TKO / WHO IS WHO - 56 SPONZORI, MEDIJSKI POKROVITELJI I PRIJATELJI / SPONSORS AND FRIENDS - 57 3 UVODNIK / FOREWORD IGOR RAKONIĆ, direktor VFF-a / Festival Director 4 Filmski festivali kao ništa slično, na najbolji mogući način približavaju nas udaljenim ljudima, kulturama, običajima i prostorima. Zapravo kada malo bolje pogledamo, uz male razlike u nijansama, danas velika većina ljudi živi prilično slične živote. Rečeno nam je da smo u globalnoj financijskoj krizi, isto tako će nam jednoga dana priopćiti da je kriza gotova. Odgovor na pitanje tko dobiva kada svi gube, možda se krije u nekom od filmova s ovogodišnjeg festivala. Film festivals unlike anything else, are the best way to connect us with remote people, cultures, traditions and venues. Actually, if you look closely, with minor differences, the vast majority of people live very similar lives today. We were told that we are in the global financial crisis, and also, one day will be announced that the crisis is over. The answer to the question who gets when everyone lose, may be hiding in one of the films from this year’s festival. Kako naš festival ne bi izgubio na momentumu, unatoč nepovoljnim okolnostima, uz bezrezervnu pomoć naše javne televizije HRT-a, uvodimo jednu veliku novinu TV sajam. Televizijska komponenta bit će presudna za dugovječnost i razvoj festivala. TV sajam privući će televizije, producente i druge profesionalce podunavske regije koji će u Vukovaru moći kupovati i prodavati programe te razmjenjivati iskustva. As our festival would not have lost momentum, despite adverse circumstances, with the unreserved support of our public television HRT, we introduce a major novelty - TV Market. The television component will be crucial for longevity and development of the festival. TV Market will appeal to television producers and other professionals of Danubian region who will be able to buy and sell programs, and share experiences in Vukovar. Na taj način stvorit ćemo uvjete da naraštaji koji će voditi festival nakon nas, imaju izvrsne temelje na kojima će moći zidati svoje kreativne ideje. So we will create conditions for the generations which will lead the festival after us, have a great foundation on which to build their creative ideas. U ime organizatora festivala, zahvaljujem svima koji su nam pomogli da nam i ove godine bude čast donijeti rijeku filmova u grad koji zaslužuje sve najbolje. On behalf of the organizers of the festival, I thank everyone who helped us bring the river of movies into the city who deserves the best. UVODNIK / FOREWORD ŽELJKO SABO, gradonačelnik Vukovara / Vukovar City Mayor Ove ćemo se godine četvrti put susresti na šlepu uz vukovarsku obalu Dunava. Opet će nas okupiti dobri filmovi i još bolje ozračje koje nosi naša velika gradska manifestacija, naš Vukovar Film Festival. This will be the fourth time to meet on the barge along the bank of the Danube in Vukovar. Again we are gathered by a good film and even better atmosphere that this great local event carries, our Vukovar Film Festival. Iz godine u godinu svjedočili smo programskom razvoju i sve boljoj organizaciji Festivala, a ovogodišnji se festival i prostorno širi, pa će se projekcije održavati, pored uobičajenih mjesta Ružičkine kuće i šlepa na Dunavu, i u Kino dvorani Borovo naselje. Time se Festival još približio Vukovarcima i utkao se u sve pore Grada. Tvrtka Discovery, suosnivač Festivala, i ove je godine posložila zanimljiv i kvalitetan program, od filmskoga stvaralaštva podunavskih zemalja, preko svjetskih hitova, dokumentarnih i crtanih filmova. Pa kad se tako bogatom programu dodaju ostala bogatstva i užici našega kraja, uz nezamjenjivo opuštajuće djelovanje Dunava uspjeh ne može izostati. Year after year we have seen festival programe quality and organisational professionalism rise, and this year the festival is gaining new locations. The screenings will be held, in addition to the usual places Ružička’s house and the barge on the Danube - in Cinema Borovo village. Festival is even more closer to Vukovar, and weaves in all aspects of the City. Discovery Company, co-founder of the Festival, has put together an interesting and high quality programe, ranging from Danubian countries’ films to international hits, documentaries and cartoons. And when the wealth and other pleasures of our region are added to the programe so rich, along with irreplaceable relaxing effect of the Danube - success is inevitable. Posebnost je ovogodišnjega Festivala što mu je pokrovitelj predsjednik Republike Hrvatske Ivo Josipović, a time je s najviše državne razine dano priznanje za vrijednost i važnost Vukovar Film Festivala na nacionalnoj razini. The particularity of this year’s festival is sponsorship by Croatian President, the highest state level award given for the value and importance of Vukovar Film Festival at the national level. Topla i pitoma Slavonija, Vukovar grad burne i bolne povijesti i Dunav velika europska poveznica, opet će svim gostima prirediti toplu dobrodošlicu i ugođaj pravoga filmskoga festivala. Warm and gentle Slavonia, Vukovar - a city with troubled and painful history, and Danube - European link, again will create all the warm and welcoming atmosphere of a true film festival. 5 GLAVNI PROGRAM (KONKURENCIJA) / MAIN PROGRAM (COMPETITION) Dugometražni igrani filmovi / Feature films AKO MI SE FUĆKA, FUĆKAM / EU CAND VREAU SA FLUIER, FLUIER / IF I WANT TO WHISTLE I WHISTLE, Rumunjska, Švedska / Romania, Sweden KONCERT / LE CONCERT / THE CONCERT, Francuska, Italija, Rumunjska, Belgija, Rusija / France, Italy, Romania, Belgium, Russia MED / BAL / HONEY, Turska, Njemačka / Turkey, Germany ODREDIŠTE NEPOZNATO / DESTINATION UNKNOWN, Hrvatska / Croatia PÁL ADRIENN, Mađarska, Nizozemska, Francuska, Austrija / Hungary, Netherlands, France, Austria ZAŠTITNIK / PROTEKTOR / PROTECTOR, Češka, Njemačka / Czech Republic, Germany ŽENA SA SLOMLJENIM NOSEM / THE WOMAN WITH THE BROKEN NOSE, Srbija, Njemačka / Serbia, Germany 6 AKO MI SE FUĆKA, FUĆKAM / EU CAND VREAU SA FLUIER, FLUIER / IF I WANT TO WHISTLE I WHISTLE Zemlja / Country: Rumunjska, Švedska / Romania, Sweden • Redatelj / Director: Florin Serban • Uloge / Cast: George Pistireanu, Ada Condeescu, Clara Voda, Mihai Constantin • Godina / Year: 2010. • Trajanje / Lenght: 94 min BERLIN INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL 2010. Srebrni medvjed - Velika nagrada žirija, Alfred Bauer nagrada / Silver Berlin Bear Jury Grand prix, Alfred Bauer Award Silviu za pet dana izlazi iz maloljetničkog popravnog doma. No tih će pet dana postati vječnost kad se nakon dugog odsustva pojavi njegova majka i kaže da odvodi njegova mlađeg brata. Brata kojeg je on odgojio kao sina. Vrijeme ističe, emocije se kovitlaju, Silviu zatvara oči... sloboda, vjetar, cesta, njegov prvi poljubac. Sve je moguće... Florin Serban je rumunjski redatelj (rođen 1975.) koji je, prije nego se proslavio uspješnim dugometražnim filmom Ako mi se fućka, fućkam, režirao nekoliko kratkih filmova. Njegovi su kratki filmovi: „preText“, „Mecano“, „Pola grada vodi ljubav s drugom polovicom“ te „Una y otra vez“. Silviu has only 5 days left before his release from the juvenile detention centre. But 5 days becomes an eternity when his mother returns from a long absence to take his younger brother away. A brother whom he raised like a son. With time running out and his emotions boiling over, Silviu closes his eyes... Freedom, the wind, the road, his first kiss. Anything can happen to him now... Florin Serban is Romanian director (born in 1975) who directed a few short films preeceding his succesfull long feature If I Want to whistle I whistle. His short films are: „preText“, „Half of the city makes love to the ther half“, „Mecano“ and „Una y otra vez“. http://vreausafluier.ro/ 29.8., NEDJELJA, 20.00, ŠLEP NA DUNAVU / 29.8., SUNDAY, 20.00, RIVER BARGE 7 KONCERT / LE CONCERT / THE CONCERT Zemlja / Country: Francuska, Italija, Rumunjska, Belgija, Rusija / France, Italy, Romania, Belgium, Russia • Redatelj / Director: Radu Mihaileanu • Uloge / Cast: Alexei Guskov, Mélanie Laurent, Dimitri Nazarov • Godina / Year: 2009. • Trajanje / Lenght: 122 min CÉSAR 2009. - Najbolja filmska glazba i zvuk / Best Music Written for Film, Best sound Andrei Filipov je bio čudo od djeteta - slavni dirigent Boljšoj Orkestra, najvećeg orkestra u Rusiji. Danas kao 50-godišnjak, on je još uvijek u Boljšoju, no kao čistač. Tijekom komunističke ere otpušten je jer se nije želio riješiti židovskih svirača. No jednog dana on primi faks. Poziv da vodi orkestar u Plevel, u Pariz, kao zamjena u posljednji čas. Andrei dobije ludu ideju: okupit će stare glazbene prijatelje, grupicu starih glazbenika koji sad žive po Moskvi kao taksisti, prodavači na buvljaku ili radnici na porno filmovima. Idu u Pariz, kao Boljšoj orkestar. Hoće li uspjeti? Radu Mihaileanu je rođen u Bukureštu 1958. godine u židovskoj obitelji. 1980. godine napušta zemlju koja je pod diktatorskom čizmom Ceaucescuea. Dolazi u Pariz gdje radi kao pomoćnik redatelja Marco Ferrerija. 1993. snima film “Izdaja” a 1998. svoj drugi dugometražni igrani film “Vlak života”, koji mu donosi međunarodnu slavu. http://www.europacorp.com/dossiers/leconcert/ 25.8., SRIJEDA, 23.00, ŠLEP NA DUNAVU / 25.8., WEDNESDAY, 23.00, RIVER BARGE 26.8., ČETVRTAK, 16.00, KINO BOROVO NASELJE / 26.8., THURSDAY, 16.00, CINEMA BOROVO NASELJE 8 Andrei Filipov was a prodigy - the celebrated conductor of the Bolshoi Orchestra, the greatest orchestra in Russia. Today, aged 50, he still works at the Bolshoi, but as a cleaner. During the communist era, he was fired at the height of his fame for refusing to get rid of all his Jewish players.Then Andrei finds a fax. An invitation for the orchestra to play at Pleyel, in Paris, in two weeks’ time, as a last minute replacement. Andrei conceives of a crazy notion: he’ll round up his old musician buddies, a motley bunch now scraping a living in Moscow as cab drivers, flea market traders, suppliers of porno film sound effects… They’ll go to Paris as the Bolshoi. Will they make it? Radu Mihaileanu was born in Bucharest, in 1958, into a Yiddish-speaking Jewish family. In 1980, Radu Mihaileana fled the country, then under the control of the dictator Ceaucescu. He came to Paris where he embarked on a career as assistant director to Marco Ferreri. Finishing off with the writing and production of “Betrayal” in 1993. In 1998, “Train of Life”, his second full-length feature-film, won him international renown. MED / BAL / HONEY Zemlja / Country: Njemačka, Turska / Germany, Turkey • Redatelj / Director: Semih Kaplanoglu • Uloge / Cast: Bora Altas, Erdal Besikçioglu, Tülin Özen • Godina / Year: 2010. • Trajanje / Lenght: 101 min BERLIN INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL 2010. Zlatni medvjed, Nagrada ekumenskog žirija / Golden Berlin Bear, Prize of the Ecumenical Jury Yusuf je jedinac koji s roditeljima živi u usamljenom planinskom kraju. Njegov otac Yakup je pčelar. Dječak se zainteresira za taj čarobni obrt kao i za šumu u kojoj na najvišim stablima njegov otac postavlja košnice. Da bi se skupio dragocjeni med, potrebno se popeti na najviše grane. Otac iznenada otputuje na riskantni zadatak u šumu. I kako se ne vraća, Yusuf će se uputiti u potragu, duboko u mračnu šumu.. Semih Kaplanoglu je rođen 1963. u Izmiru. Diplomirao je 1984. na odsjeku Kina i televizije, na Sveučilištu u Izmiru. Radio je kao asistent snimatelja na nagrađivanim dokumentarcima „Stare kuće - stari majstori: Kuće na zapadnom Mediteranu” te „Mimar Sinan” u režiji Sühe Arina. Yusuf is an only child who lives with his parents in an isolated mountain area. Yusuf watches in admiration as his beekeeper father Yakup hangs specially-made hives at the top of the tallest trees. With the skill of a tightrope acrobat, he must often suspend dangerously from the uppermost branches to gather honey. His father must travel to a faraway forest on a risky mission. Yakup still does not return. Yusuf summons all of his courage and goes deep into the forest to search for his father. Semih Kaplanoglu was born in 1963, in Izmir. He received BS in Cinema - Television from the Faculty of Fine Arts, Dokuz Eylül University, Izmir in 1984. Worked as an Assistant Cameraman for award winning documentaries “Old Houses - Old Masters: Houses of the Western Mediterranean” and “Mimar Sinan by Süha Arin”. 28.8., SUBOTA, 20.00, ŠLEP NA DUNAVU / 28.8., SATURDAY, 20.00, RIVER BARGE 29.8., NEDJELJA, 16.00, KINO BOROVO NASELJE / 29.8., SUNDAY, 16.00, CINEMA BOROVO NASELJE 9 ODREDIŠTE NEPOZNATO / DESTINATION UNKNOWN Zemlja / Country: Hrvatska / Croatia • Redatelj / Director: Vjeran Vukašinović, Ines Šulj • Uloge / Cast: Maksimilijan Ružinski, Dean Krivačić, Bojan Navojec • Godina / Year: 2010. • Trajanje / Lenght: 61 min Cigo i Max putuju na more u automobilu koji je Max naslijedio od pokojnog djeda. Put na more pretvara se u put u nepoznato. Vjeran Vukašinović rođen je 1979. u Zagrebu. S Ines Šulj je korežirao, snimio i montirao kratki igrani film “Kad se smrkne” (2003.), nagrađen na Festivalu kratkog filma u Mostaru. 2009. režirao je dva kratka filma, “Ubojstvo” i “Nina Karanjina”, a 2010. završio svoj prvi dugometražni film “Odredište nepoznato”. Ines Šulj rođena je 1977. u Zagrebu. Studirala njemački i španjolski jezik i književnost na Filozofskom fakultetu u Zagrebu. Potpisuje režiju nekoliko glazbenih spotova te igranih filmova “Ubili su ga ciglama” (2001.), “Kad se smrkne” (2003.) i Odredište nepoznato” (2010.). Two friends, Cigo and Max, are traveling to the seaside in an old car that Max inherited from his late grandpa. What begins as a trip to the seaside takes some weird and unforeseen turns. Vjeran Vukašinović was born in Zagreb, Croatia in 1979. Together with Ines Šulj he co-directed, shot and edited the short film “Kad se smrkne / When It Gets Dark” (2003) that later won an award at the Short Film Festival in Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina. In 2009 he directed two shorts, “Ubojstvo” and “Nina Karenjina” and 2010 he finished the production of his first feature film “Odredište nepoznato / Destination Unknown”. Ines Šulj was born in Zagreb, Croatia in 1977. She attended the University of Zagreb and majored in German and Spanish Language and Literature. Ines Šulj went on to direct a number of music videos, and feature films “Ubili su ga ciglama” (2001), “Kad se smrkne / When It Gets Dark” (2003) and “Odredište nepoznato / Destination Unknown” (2010). http://www.odrediste-nepoznato.com/ 25.8., SRIJEDA, 20.00, ŠLEP NA DUNAVU / 25.8., WEDNESDAY, 20.00, RIVER BARGE 10 PÁL ADRIENN Zemlja / Country: Mađarska, Nizozemska, Francuska, Austrija / Hungary, Netherlands, France, Austria • Redatelj / Director: Ágnes Kocsis • Uloge / Cast: Éva Gábor, István Znamenák, Ákos Horváth • Godina / Year: 2010. • Trajanje / Lenght: 136 min Piroška je debela i osamljena medicinska sestra koja ne može odoljeti kremastim kolačima. Radi u odjelu za terminalne pacijente, njezin je život okružen smrću. Jednog dana uputi se u potragu za davno izgubljenom prijateljicom iz djetinjstva. Dok se prisjeća djetinjstva, nailazi na paradoks putovanje ispunjeno svojim vlastitim i sjećanjima onih koje susreće. Piroska is an overweight, alienated nurse who can’t resist creamfilled pastries. She works in the terminal ward of a hospital; her life is surrounded by death. One day she sets off to find her long-lost childhood friend. While tracing her recollections, she embarks on a paradox-filled voyage within her own memory and the memory of those she encounters. Ágnes Kocsis je rođena u Budimpešti 1971. Diplomirala je na Eötvös Loránd Univerzitetu, Fakultetu za umjetnost u Budimpešti. Završila je poljski jezik i književnost, estetiku te filmsku teoriju. 2005. diplomirala je filmsku režiju na filmskoj i kazališnoj akademiji u Budimpešti. Njezin kratki film „Virus” osvojio je treću nagradu u programu Cinéfondation na 59. canneskom filmskom festivalu a „Svježi zrak”, njen prvi dugi film je predstavljen na istom. Ágnes Kocsis was born in Budapest, in 1971. She received her diploma from Eötvös Loránd University, Faculty of Arts, Budapest. She majored in Polish language and literature, Aesthetics, and Film-theory. In 2005 she graduated as a film director from the Hungarian Academy of Theatre and Film Art Budapest. Her short film, “The Virus” won the third prize of the Cinéfondation at the 59th Cannes Film Festival, and “Fresh Air”, her first feature film was presented at the International Critics’ Week section of the same edition of the Cannes festival. http://www.paladrienn.com/ 26.8., ČETVRTAK, 20.00, ŠLEP NA DUNAVU / 26.8., THURSDAY, 20.00, RIVER BARGE 11 ZAŠTITNIK / PROTEKTOR / PROTECTOR Zemlja / Country: Češka, Njemačka / Czech Republic, Germany • Redatelj / Director: Marek Najbrt • Uloge / Cast: Marek Daniel, Jana Plodková, Tomás Mechácek • Godina / Year: 2009. • Trajanje / Lenght: 98 min ČEŠKI LAV 2010. / CZECH LION 2010. - Najbolji film, režija, glumica, scenarij, montaža i glazba / Best picture, director, actress, screenplay, editing and original score DENVER INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL 2009. - Krzysztof Kieslowski nagrada za najbolji film / Krzysztof Kieslowski award for best film 2. svjetski rat. Radijski reporter Emil je oženjen glumicom Hannom, priznatom zvijezdom nesvjesnom nacističke prijetnje. Hanini židovski korijeni sprečavaju zalet njezine karijere te ona pada na dno društvene ljestvice. Ne bi li je zaštitio, Emil se kompromitira, surađujući s nacističkom radio-stanicom. Ubojstvo protektora oblasti Trećeg Reicha i slučajni susret na biciklu dovest će njihov brak u opasnu krizu. Radio reporter Emil is married to actress Hana, a famous film star who is initially oblivious to the Nazi threat. Hana’s Jewish heritage precipitates her fall from the height of her career to the bottom of the social ladder. In order to protect her, Emil compromises himself, collaborating with the new Nazi-controlled state radio station. The assassination of the Third Reich Deputy Protector and a chance encounter on a bicycle bring their malingering marriage to a crisis. Marek Najbrt je diplomirao sociologiju na Charles Univerzitetu. Diplomirao je i na Praškoj filmskoj školi FAMU, u odjelu za dokumentarni film. Od 1991. do 1998. napisao je i režirao brojne amaterske i profesionalne audiovizualne projekte. Među najpoznatijim su multimedijalni performansi „Balkoni” i „Sedam ostvarenih snova”. U posljednje vrijeme posvetio se režiji filmova. Živi i radi u Pragu. Marek Najbrt graduated from Charles University with a degree in social sciences. He also graduated from the Prague film school FAMU, documentary film department. From 1991 to 1998, he wrote and directed a number of amateur and professional audiovisual projects. Among the most important are the multimedia performances “Balconies” and “Seven Dreams Realized”. In recent years, he has devoted his efforts towards directing films. He lives and works in Prague. http://www.negativ.cz/en/films/protektor/ 28.8., SUBOTA, 23.00, ŠLEP NA DUNAVU / 28.8., SATURDAY, 23.00, RIVER BARGE 12 ŽENA SA SLOMLJENIM NOSEM / THE WOMAN WITH THE BROKEN NOSE Zemlja / Country: Srbija, Njemačka / Serbia, Germany • Redatelj / Director: Srđan Koljević • Uloge / Cast: Anica Dobra, Nebojša Glogovac, Branka Katić • Godina / Year: 2010. • Trajanje / Lenght: 104 min Mlada žena sa slomljenim nosem izađe iz taksija u prometnoj gužvi na mostu i baci se u rijeku. U taksiju ostaje beba. To izazove naizgled nemoguće ljubavi kod troje očevidaca, koje će na različite načine spasiti njihove živote. Taksist mizantrop, ostavljen s bebom, počinje se boriti za život Žene sa slomljenim nosem; mlada profesorica suočena sa zaljubljenošću tinejdžera uspijeva nadzići životnu traumu, a neobična apotekarica napušta zaručnika otkrivajući kako je brat njene prve ljubavi možda onaj pravi. Srdjan Koljević je rođen je 1966. Redatelj i scenarist. Diplomirao je dramaturgiju na FDU u Beogradu. Radio je kao scenarist ili koscenarist na sedam filmova, koji su nagrađivani na internacionalnim festivalima. Kao scenarist potpisuje: “Stršljena”, “Normalne ljude”, “Klopku”, “Ljubav i druge zločine”. Režirao je: “Sivi kamion crvene boje” te “Ženu sa slomljenim nosem”. A young Woman with a baby and a freshly broken nose steps out of a taxi in a traffic jam on the bridge and, leaving the baby, throws herself from the bridge. This suicide attempt connects three destinies. Taxi driver is stuck with the baby; highschool teacher evokes the trauma of her run-over son; and unusual pharmacist realizes that she doesn’t want to marry her well-off fiancé, discovers that the brother of her first love was ‘the right one’. Srdjan Koljević was born 1966. He is a director and screenwriter. He has graduated in screenwriting and play writing at the Academy of Dramatic Arts, Belgrade. He wrote or co-wrote seven feature films, all of them internationally awarded and national box office hits. As scriptwriter he worked at films: “Stršljen”, “Normal People”, “The Trap” and “Love and other Crimes”. He directed “Red Coloured Grey Truck” and “The Woman with the broken nose”. 27.8., PETAK, 20.00, ŠLEP NA DUNAVU / 27.8., FRIDAY, 20.00, RIVER BARGE 13 GLAVNI PROGRAM (KONKURENCIJA) / MAIN PROGRAM (COMPETITION) Kratkometražni igrani filmovi / Short Films ANONIMNO / ANONYM, Češka / Czech Republic INTERIJER, STAN, NOĆ / INTERIOR, APARTMENT, NIGHT, Hrvatska / Croatia JA VEĆ JESAM SVE ONO ŠTO ŽELIM DA IMAM / I ALREADY AM EVERYTHING I WANT TO HAVE, Srbija / Serbia LIBERTANGO, Hrvatska / Croatia LINIJE DLANA / PALMELE / THE PALM LINES, Rumunjska / Romania ŽIC-E / WAGs, Njemačka / Germany ŽUTI MJESEC / YELLOW MOON, Hrvatska / Croatia 14 ANONIMNO / ANONYM Zemlja / Country: Češka / Czech Republic • Redatelj / Director: Tomasz Mielnik • Uloge / Cast: Vaclav Hrziná, Vladimíra Striežencová, Lukas Príkasky • Godina / Year: 2009. • Trajanje / Lenght: 27 min Voljeti nekoga znači pokušati naći nepoznato u njima. Zato se tako lako zaljubiti u ženu koja je apsolutno krivi izbor za vas. Tomasz Mielnik je rođen u Poljskoj gdje je i diplomirao povijest umjetnosti na Sveučilištu u Wroclawu. Sada studira filmsku režiju na FAMU, Filmskoj i televizijskoj školi pri Akademiji izvedbenih umjetnosti u Pragu, Češka. Loving somebody means trying to find unknown landscapes hidden inside them. That why it is so easy to fall in love with a woman who is absolutely a wrong match for you. Tomasz Mielnik was born in Poland and graduated from the History of Art at the Wroclaw University. Now, he is studying Film Directing at FAMU, the Film and TV School of the Academy of Performing Arts in Prague, the Czech Republic. 28.8., SUBOTA, 23.00, ŠLEP NA DUNAVU / 28.8., SATURDAY, 23.00, RIVER BARGE 15 INTERIJER, STAN, NOĆ / INTERIOR, APARTMENT, NIGHT Zemlja / Country: Hrvatska / Croatia • Redatelj / Director: Saša Ban • Uloge / Cast: Marija Škaričić, Bojan Navojec • Godina / Year: 2009. • Trajanje / Lenght: 21 min FRKA 2009. Najbolja glumica i najbolji scenarij / Best actress and best screenplay 18. DANI HRVATSKOG FILMA / 18th DAYS OF CROATIAN FILM - Nagrada salona odbijenih / Award of the Saloon of rejected COTTBUS FILM FESTIVAL 2009. - Posebna nagrada za kratki film / Special prize short feature competiton Marija i Bojan se nakon izlaska vraćaju kući. Bili su na vjenčanju njegovog najboljeg prijatelja. Ona je opet malo previše popila, on se malo uvaljivao kumi. Pred njima je duga noć. Saša Ban je apsolvent na Akademiji dramske umjetnosti u Zagrebu. Radi dokumentarne emisije za Hrvatsku televiziju (Mijenjam svijet, Direkt), te kratke igrane i dokumentarne filmove. Marija and Bojan came back home after a night out. They were at the wedding of his best friend. Again, she had a little bit too much to drink and again, he was flirting with the bride’s maid. A long night is ahead of them. Saša Ban is in his final year of film studies at the Academy of Drama arts in Zagreb. He directs documentary series for Croatian television (Mijenjam svijet, Direkt) as well as short films and documentaries. 27.8., PETAK, 20.00, ŠLEP NA DUNAVU / 27.8., FRIDAY, 20.00, RIVER BARGE 16 JA VEĆ JESAM SVE ONO ŠTO ŽELIM DA IMAM / I ALREADY AM EVERYTHING I WANT TO HAVE Zemlja / Country: Srbija / Serbia • Redatelj / Director: Dane Komljen • Uloge / Cast: Ivan Đorđević, Bojana Zečević, Dragana Milošević • Godina / Year: 2010. • Trajanje / Lenght: 35 min CANNES FILM FESTIVAL 2010.- Cinefondation- 3 nagrada/ 3rd Award CINEMA CITY NOVI SAD 2010. - Specijalno priznanje za režiju, do 10 000$ / Special award- best direction , Up to 10 000 Bucks SOUNDS AND VISIONS MAJDANPEK, 2010 - Specijalno priznanje / Special award Dječak je novi u gradu. Danijel ne zna što sa sobom. Posjećuje sestru, posjećuje prijatelje. Buka se pojavljuje: kako reći ne samom sebi? A boy is new to the city. Daniel doesn’t know what to do with himself. He visits his sister, he visits friends. Noise begins to emerge: how to say no to yourself? Dane Komljen, rođen u Banjoj Luci, Bosna i Hercegovina, 1986. Student filmske i TV režije na Fakultetu dramskih umjetnosti, Beograd, Srbija. Dane Komljen, born in Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina in 1986. Student of film and TV directing at Faculty of Dramatic Arts, Belgrade, Serbia. 29.8., NEDJELJA, 20.00, ŠLEP NA DUNAVU / 29.8., SUNDAY, 20.00, RIVER BARGE 17 LIBERTANGO Zemlja / Country: Hrvatska / Croatia • Redatelj / Director: Sara Hribar • Uloge / Cast: Jadranka Đokić, Nataša Janjić, Frano Mašković • Godina / Year: 2009. • Trajanje / Lenght: 45 min SAO PAOLO FILM FESTIVAL 2010. Nagrada za režiju i montažu / Best direction, best editing LOS ANGELES FILM FESTIVAL 2010. Specijalno priznanje žirija / Special Jury Award Libertango opisuje probleme tankih granica prijateljstva i ljubavi, odnosno pogrešno protumačena prijateljstva i pogrešno protumačene ljubavi. Tamara i Julija mlade su profesorice klavira i cimerice na rubu patološkog odnosa. Tamara, iscrpljena Julijinom posesivnošću, iznenada odluči prihvatiti poslovnu ponudu, otputovati u Pariz te prekinuti tu ljubavnu nelogičnost u svojem životu, iako još ni sama nije sasvim sigurna u to što točno želi. Na rubu očaja, odluči povrijediti Juliju i riješiti je se na najbolniji ali i najjednostavniji način. Dovodi kući muškarca. No, ljubav je nezgodna stvar, i njezin se plan izjalovljuje. Tango za troje, uz malo klasike. Sara Hribar rođena je 1986. u Zagrebu. Završila je glazbenu školu Blagoja, glasovir, te Klasičnu gimnaziju. Studira filmsku i TV režiju na Akademiji dramske umjetnosti u Zagrebu. Redateljica je, scenaristica i producentica nekoliko nezavisnih igranih filmova od kojih je jedan (“Pusti me da spavam”, 2007.) višestruko nagrađivan i prikazan na više od 20 festivala diljem svijeta. Od ostalih filmova izdvajaju se: “Pričaj mi o ljubavi”, “Ta tvoja ruka mala” i “Jenny te voli”. 25.8., SRIJEDA, 20.00, ŠLEP NA DUNAVU / 25.8., WEDNESDAY, 20.00, RIVER BARGE 18 Libertango depicts the thin line of friendship and love, or rather misinterpreted friendship and love. Tamara and Julija are young piano teachers and room mates on the verge of a pathological relation. Tamara, exhausted by Julija’s possessiveness, suddenly decides to take a business offer and leave for Paris and thus break up this illogical love, even though she is still not sure what exactly she wants. She is desperate and finally decides to hurt Julija and get rid of her in the most painful but simplest way. She brings home a man. However, love is a tricky business and her plan fails. Tango for three with a bit of classic. Sara Hribar was born in Zagreb in 1986. She graduated the piano from the Music School Blagoja Bersa as well as Classic gymnasium in Zagreb. In 2005 Hribar enrolled at the department of film and TV directing at Academy of Drama Art in Zagreb. She is a director, writer and producer of several independent feature films among which is “Let Me Sleep” (2007) winning many awards as well as screening at more than 20 festivals worldwide. Other films: “Tell me about love”, “That little hand of yours”, “Jenny loves you”. LINIJE DLANA / PALMELE / THE PALM LINES Zemlja / Country: Rumunjska / Romania • Redatelj / Director: George Chiper • Uloge / Cast: Coca Bloos • Godina / Year: 2009. • Trajanje / Lenght: 17 min COTTBUS FILM FESTIVAL 2009. - Posebno priznanje u kategoriji kratkog filma / Special mention in the Best Short Category Strašna je nesreća u tren oka oduzela jednoj ženi njezinu obitelj. Godinama kasnije, izložena video kamerama, ona se pokušava sjetiti događaja koji su njezin život pretvorili u bezosjećajnu rutinu. A terrible accident takes away her family in a blink of an eye. Years later, exposed to video cameras, she tries to remember the events that would change her life to a sensless routine. George Chiper je rođen u rumunjskoj Foscani 1979. godine. Počeo je studirati filozofiju u Bukureštu a onda je prešao na studij filma kojeg je diplomirao 2008. na Nacionalnom sveučilištu drame i filma u Bukureštu. Radio je kao direktor fotografije na preko 15 kratkiša. George Chiper was born in Focsani, Romania in 1979. He started Philosophy studies in Bucharest, then switched to film studies and graduated in 2008 the cinematography department at the National University of Drama and Film Bucharest. Worked as a director of cinematography in over 15 shorts. 25.8., SRIJEDA, 23.00, ŠLEP NA DUNAVU / 25.8., WEDNESDAY, 23.00, RIVER BARGE 19 ŽIC-e / WAGs Zemlja / Country: Njemačka / Germany • Redatelj / Director: Joachim Dollhopf, Evi Goldbrunner • Uloge / Cast: Vesela Kazakova, Sonja Gerhardt • Godina / Year: 2009. • Trajanje / Lenght: 39 min Judith, djevojka nogometaša u usponu i Dina, čiji muž, bugarski nogometaš, počinje igrati za njemačku Herthu, odnedavno žive u Berlinu. Subotama gledaju utakmice svojih muževa no, osim toga, ne rade ništa. Dina je naviknuta na takav život a Judith je još u početnom uzbuđenju. Dina prepoznaje sebe u naivnoj i mladoj Judith te je odluči spasiti od takva života. Joachim Dollhopf je studirao humanističke znanosti na Ludwig Maximilians Univerzitetu u Munchenu a filmsku dramu i dokumentarizam u Potsdam-Babelsbergu. Evi Goldbrunner je studirala razrednu nastavu na Ludwig Maximilians Univerzitetu u Munchenu. Radila je kao freelance novinar a završila je i studij scenarija i dramaturgije (2002-2009). Judith, the girlfriend of up-and-coming young professional footballer Ronny, and Dina, who has followed a top Bulgarian player to Hertha BSC, are both new to Berlin. On Saturdays they watch their men playing football, but apart from that, they’ve nothing to do. Dina is used to life as a footballer’s girl but Judith finds her new existence exciting. Dina can see a lot of herself in the naïve young girl from the sticks. And so she decides to save Judith. Joachim Dollhopf studied the humanities at Ludwig Maximilians University in Munich, and film drama and documentary in Potsdam-Babelsberg. Evi Goldbrunner studied teaching at Ludwig Maximilians University in Munich. She worked as a freelance journalist and studied screenwriting/dramaturgy from 2002 to 2009. 28.8., SUBOTA, 20.00, ŠLEP NA DUNAVU / 28.8., SATURDAY, 20.00, RIVER BARGE 20 ŽUTI MJESEC / YELLOW MOON Zemlja / Country: Hrvatska / Croatia • Redatelj / Director: Zvonimir Jurić • Uloge / Cast: Marija Škaričić, Lana Barić • Godina / Year: 2009. • Trajanje / Lenght: 17 min SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL 2010.- Srce Sarajeva za najbolji kratki film / Heart of Sarajevo -Best short film Zvono na vratima najavljuje posjet. Lana, mlada trudnica, otvara vrata svojoj novoj susjedi Mariji. Marija se predstavlja. Nakon čavrljanja uz kavicu, Marija želi otići, no Lana je preklinje da ostane… The door bell announces a visit. Lana, a young pregnant woman, opens the door to new neighbour Marija. Marija introduces herself. She is about to leave after some small talk over a coffee, when Lana implores her to stay… Zvonimir Jurić je rođen u Osijeku 1971. Diplomirao je filmsku i tv režiju na ADU u Zagrebu. 2003. debitira sa cjelovečernjim igranim filmom “Onaj koji će ostati neprimijećen” a 2004. režira jednu od priča omnibusa “Sex, piće i krvoproliće”. Njegov posljednji dugometražni film “Crnci” osvojio je brojne domaće i strane nagrade. Zvonimir Jurić was born in Osijek in 1971. He studied film and TV direction at the Academy of Dramatic Arts in Zagreb. In 2003. he made his debut feature “The One Who Will Stay Unnoticed” and in 2004. he co directed “Sex, Booze and Short Fuse”. His last feature film “The Blacks”, won numerous awards at domestic and international film festivals. 26.8., ČETVRTAK, 20.00, ŠLEP NA DUNAVU / 26.8., THURSDAY, 20.00, RIVER BARGE 21 GLAVNI PROGRAM (KONKURENCIJA) / MAIN PROGRAM (COMPETITION) Dokumentarni Filmovi / Documentary films 100 DANA / 100 DNI / 100 DAYS, Češka / Czech Republic DAVID ŽELI LETJETI / DAVID WANTS TO FLY, Njemačka, Austrija, Švicarska / Germany, Austria, Switzerland DJECA IZ KOMUNE / DIE KINDER VOM FRIEDRICHSHOF/ THE CHILDREN OF THE COMMUNE, Njemačka / Germany GRANICA / HRANICA / THE BORDER, Slovačka / Slovakia IZMEĐU DVA SVIJETA / ZWISCHEN WELTEN / IN-BETWEEN WORLDS, Njemačka / Germany KINSHASA SIMFONIJA / KINSHASA SYMPHONY, Kongo, Njemačka / Congo, Germany LJUDI S MLIJEČNOG PUTA / PEOPLE FROM THE MILKY WAY, Hrvatska / Croatia PRIČE S GRANICE / THE BORDER STORIES, Hrvatska / Croatia PUSKÁS / PUSKÁS HUNGARY / THE REAL PUSKÁS, Mađarska / Hungary VRIJEME ISTJEČE / TIME’ S UP, Njemačka / Germany 22 100 DANA / 100 DNI / 100 DAYS Zemlja / Country: Češka / Czech Republic • Redatelj / Director: Viera Cakanyova • Godina / Year: 2009. • Trajanje / Lenght: 22 min Béla, umirovljeni mađarski biomolekularni znanstvenik čeka smrt. U međuvremenu progovara o brojnim stvarima… Béla, a retaired Hungarian biomolecular scientist is waiting for death. In the meantime, he has some things to say. Viera Cakanyova je rođena 1980. u Bratislavi. Završila je studij scenarija na Akademiji glazbe i dramskih umjetnosti u Bratislavi. Također je završila dokumentarni film na Filmskoj akademiji izvedbenih umjetnosti u Pragu. „100 dana“ je njezin četvrti film. Viera Cakanyova was born in 1980 in Bratislava. She graduated scriptwriting from Academy of Music and Dramatic Arts in Bratislava. She also graduated documentary filmmaking from Film and TV shool of the Academy of performing arts in Prague. “100 days” is her fourth film. 28.8., SUBOTA, 16.00, RUŽIČKINA KUĆA / 28.8., SATURDAY, 16.00, RUŽIČKA’S HOUSE 23 DAVID ŽELI LETJETI / DAVID WANTS TO FLY Zemlja / Country: Njemačka, Austrija, Švicarska / Germany, Austria, Switzerland • Redatelj / Director: David Sieveking • Godina / Year: 2010. • Trajanje / Lenght: 96 min U ovom očaravajućem dokumentarcu, David Sieveking, u potrazi za inspiracijom, odluči uzeti savjet svog idola Davida Lyncha te počinje istraživati transcendentalnu meditaciju TM. Utemeljitelj TM-a, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, 1950-ih stiže u Hollywood gdje stječe brojne sljedbenike, uključujući Beatlese te Miu Farrow. No uskoro se stvari zakompliciraju. Organizacija indijskog gurua postaje vrijedna bilijune dolara. Kada Maharshi umire, slijede svađe nasljednika a Lynch postaje jedan od međunarodnih ambasadora organizacije. Sieveking želi razotkriti pravu istinu. David Sieveking je rođen u Hesseu 1977. godine. Studirao je režiju od 2000. do 2007. na Njemačkoj filmskoj i televizijskoj akademiji, te radio kao montažer, asistent redatelja i glumac. 2003. sudjeluje u Talent kampu na Berlinaleu. Na svom redateljskom debiju “David želi letjeti” radio je od 2006. godine. In this riveting doc, Sieveking, looking for artistic inspiration, decides to take the advice of his filmmaking idol David Lynch and enter the world of transcendental meditation (TM). TM’s founder, the Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, came to Hollywood in the late 1950s, securing a great many prominent followers that included the Beatles and Mia Farrow. But before long, an increasing number of inconsistencies emerge. The Indian guru’s organization is now an empire worth billions. When the Maharishi dies, a quarrel breaks out over his successor, and Lynch becomes one of the organization’s international ambassadors. Sieveking becomes determined to uncover the truth about TM. David Sieveking was born in Friedberg in Hesse 1977. He studied directing at the German Film and Television Academy in Berlin (dffb) from 2000-07, also working as an editor, assistant director and actor in film and TV productions. He took part in Berlinale’s Talent Campus in 2003. He’s been working on his cinema debut film “David Wants to Fly”since 2006. http://www.davidwantstofly.de/ 28.8., SUBOTA, 16.00, RUŽIČKINA KUĆA / 28.8., SATURDAY, 16.00, RUŽIČKA’S HOUSE 24 DJECA IZ KOMUNE / DIE KINDER VOM FRIEDRICHSHOF/ THE CHILDREN OF THE COMMUNE Zemlja / Country: Njemačka / Germany • Redatelj / Director: Juliane Großheim • Godina / Year: 2010. • Trajanje / Lenght: 83 min FILMFEST KASSEL - Specijalno priznanje / Honorable mention DIAGONALE GRAZ, AUSTRIA Najbolji dokumentarac / Best documentary 1972. godine umjetnik Otto Mühl osnovao je Friedrichshof, komunu za umjetnike istomišljenike, nedaleko od Beča. Tu se nadao odgajati djecu koja bi neiskvarena „nuklearnom obitelji“ bila nova ljudska vrsta. Taj socijalni eksperiment uskoro se pretvorio u totalitarni režim s Mühlom na čelu. Dvadeset godina kasnije on je uhićen i osuđen... In 1972 the artist Otto Mühl founded the Friedrichshof, a comune for like-minded artists and friends, outside of Vienna. Here he hoped to raise children that were “unspoilt from the nuclear family”, a new human breed. Setting out as a free collective, the social experiment soon turned into a totalitarian system with Otto Mühl at its head. Twenty years later Mühl was arrested and sentenced to prison. Juliane Großheim je rođena u Berlinu 1982. godine. Od 2001. do 2003. studira povijest umjetnosti, književnost i muzikologiju na Freie Universität u Berlinu. Od 2002. do 2003. studira fotografiju na Novoj školi fotografije u Berlinu. Od 2003. do 2009. studira film na Akademiji medijskih umjetnosti u Kolnu, a njezin je diplomski rad film „Djeca iz komune“. Živi i radi u Berlinu. Juliane Großheim was born in Berlin, Germany in 1982. From 2001 2003 arthistory, literature and musicology studies at the Freie Universität Berlin. 2002 2003 studies of photography at the New School for Photography, Berlin. From 2003 2009 studies in film at the Academy of Media Arts in Cologne, graduating with „The Children Of The Commune“. She lives and works in Berlin. 26.8., ČETVRTAK, 16.00, RUŽIČKINA KUĆA / 26.8., THURSDAY, 16.00, RUŽIČKA’S HOUSE 25 GRANICA / HRANICA / THE BORDER Zemlja / Country: Slovačka / Slovakia • Redatelj / Director: Jaroslav Vojtek • Godina / Year: 2009. • Trajanje / Lenght: 72 min 13 MEĐUNARDNI FESTIVAL DOKUMENTARNOG FILMA JIHLAVA 2009. / 13TH INTERNATIONAL FESTIVAL OF DOCUMENTARY FILMS IN JIHLAVA 2009 - Najbolji istočnoeuropski dokumentarni film / The best East European documentary film Politički akt iz Drugog svjetskog rata postao je pravi užas za stanovnike Velke Slemence. U noći 30. kolovoza 1946., selo je sovjetska Crvena armija podijelila na dva dijela. Jedan je dio ostao u Čehoslovačkoj; drugi je dio postao dijelom Ukrajine (tadašnje Sovjetske Unije) i dobio novo ime: Male Slemence. Bodljikava žica - nemilosrdno razvučena između kuća - podijelila je groblje i zemlju, baš kao i brojne obitelji u vremenu od nekoliko dekada. Jaroslav Vojtek je rođen 1968. u Žilini. Diplomirao je režiju dokumentarnog filma na Filmskoj i televizijskoj akademiji izvedbenih umjetnosti u Bratislavi. Njegov kratki film „Rojkovia / Sanjari“ (1999.) dio je omnibusa od 6 priča „Šest statočnych / Veličanstvenih 6“ koji je predstavljen na festivalu u Karlovyim Varyima. Political act from Second World War was a real disaster for the citizens of Velke Slemence. During the night of August 30, 1946, the village was divided by the Red Army into two parts. One part remained in the former Czechoslovakia; the other one became a part of Ukraine (former Soviet Union) and got a new name: Male Slemence. Barbed wire mercilessly stretched between houses has divided cemetery and land, as well as families for several decades. Jaroslav Vojtek was born in 1968 in Žilina. He is a graduate of Film and TV Faculty of University of Performing Arts in Bratislava, department of documentary film direction. His short feature film „Rojkovia / Dreamers“ (1999) is a part of a full-length project of short stories „Šest statočnych / The Magnificent Six “, presented in 2000 at the International Film Festival in Karlovy Vary. www.border.sk 29.8., NEDJELJA, 16.00, RUŽIČKINA KUĆA / 29.8., SUNDAY, 16.00, RUŽIČKA’S HOUSE 26 IZMEĐU DVA SVIJETA / ZWISCHEN WELTEN / IN-BETWEEN WORLDS Zemlja / Country: Njemačka / Germany • Redatelj / Director: Dorothea Carl • Godina / Year: 2009. • Trajanje / Lenght: 17 min GRENZLANDFILMTAGE SELB 2010. Nagrada publike za dokumentarac / Audience award for documentary 20MIN|MAX Nagrada za najbolji dokumenatarac / Prize for the best documentary Žene različitih etničkih zaleđa pružaju intimistički uvid u svoje živote u današnjoj Njemačkoj. “Između svjetova” se fokusira na svakodnevne konflikte i balansirajuće odrednice kroz koje ove žene prolaze u jednom multikulturnom svijetu. Ovaj film temeljito istražuje samu ideju multikulturalnosti. Women of various ethnic backgrounds give intimate insights into their lives in present day Germany. “In-between worlds” focuses on the daily conflicts and balancing acts these women face within a multicultural society. In doing so, the film scrutinises the very idea of it. Dorothea Carl završila je Akademiju lijepih umjetnosti u Hamburgu. Uz filmove snima i video-instalacije. Radi i živi u Hamburgu. Dorothea Carl studied at the Academy of Fine Arts Hamburg; in addition to films, makes videoinstallations. She lives and works in Hamburg. 27.8., PETAK, 16.00, RUŽIČKINA KUĆA / 27.8., PETAK, 16.00, RUŽIČKA’S HOUSE 27 KINSHASA SIMFONIJA / KINSHASA SYMPHONY Zemlja / Country: Njemačka, Kongo / Germany, Congo • Redatelj / Director: Martin Baer, Claus Wischmann • Godina / Year: 2010. • Trajanje / Lenght: 98 min Dvije stotine glazbenika svira Orffovu Carminu Buranu u potpunoj tami. Nestalo je struje u Kinshasi netom prije kraja svečanosti. Kinshasa je, sa svojih 8 milijuna stanovnika, treći najveći grad u Africi a strujom se ne može opskrbiti svo stanovništvo. Još jednom nestaje struje, u otvorenoj garaži gdje orkestar vježba. No to ne znači kraj probe. Većina glazbenika napamet zna svoje dijelove. Male praznine u memoriji nadomještaju se talentom improvizacije i milošću božjom. Claus Wischmann je pisac i redatelj. Nakon što je studirao klavir, napisao je i režirao preko 40 dokumentaraca i TV filmova. Također je snimao koncerte. Njegovi su filmovi uglavnom o glazbi i prikazani su na brojnim međunarodnim festivalima. Martin Baer je snimatelj, pisac i redatelj. Snimio je brojne TV filmove i dokumentarce a također je snimio brojne operne produkcije, koncerte te kazališne predstave. Njegovi dokumentarci često tematiziraju povijesne teme te Afriku. http://www.kinshasa-symphony.com/ 27.8., PETAK, 16.00, RUŽIČKINA KUĆA / 27.8., FRIDAY, 16.00, RUŽIČKA’S HOUSE 28 Two hundred orchestral musicians playing Orff’s “Carmina Burana” in total darkness. A power cut has hit Kinshasa, only a few bars before the last section of the work. Kinshasa’s power stations and main networks are insufficient to supply electricity to all the 8 million inhabitants of what is Africa’s third-largest city. Once again the lights have gone out in the “Salle des fêtes”, a kind of open garage where the orchestra practises. But for its members this is no reason to stop rehearsing. Most of them know their parts by heart. Small lapses of memory are compensated for by a talent for improvisation and the grace of God. Claus Wischmann is an author and director. After studying the piano he wrote and directed over forty documentaries and television features; he has also recorded concerts. His films, many of them are about music, have been shown at many prestigious international festivals. Martin Baer is a cinematographer, author and director. He has made numerous television features and documentaries and has also filmed many opera productions, concerts and stage plays. As an author, director and cinematographer his documentaries mainly focus on historical topics and on Africa. LJUDI S MLIJEČNOG PUTA / PEOPLE FROM THE MILKY WAY Zemlja / Country: Hrvatska / Croatia • Redatelj / Director: Miroslav Mikuljan • • Godina / Year: 2009. • Trajanje / Lenght: 60 min 6. ZAGREBDOX - Nagrada publike / Audience award 19. DANI HRVATSKOG FILMA / 19TH DAYS OF CROATIAN FILM - OKTAVIJAN za najbolji dokumentarac / Best documentary Svijet u kojemu živimo ubrzano se mijenja. Hrvatska je u svom tranzicijskom hodu prema članstvu u EU suočena s brojnim dvojbama i teškim odlukama, a pojedinci tjeskobno pokušavaju iščitati svoju sudbinu. Ovaj dokumentarac bilježi napornu svakodnevicu popularnih mljekarica sa zagrebačkih tržnica, koje prodaju nešto što može postati hrvatski brand, ali na vjetrometini novih pravila i propisa može i nestati među građanima Zagreba omiljeni sir i vrhnje. Kako se svjetska politika prelama u životu ovih ljudi i njihovih obitelji, imaju li oni i njihovi sirevi budućnost? Miroslav Mikuljan je rođen 1943. godine u Križevcima. Diplomirao filmsku i TV montažu na ADU u Zagrebu. Od 1970. do 1990. režirao mnoštvo filmova. Od 1990. godine proizvodi brojne dokumentarce i serije za Hrvatsku televiziju, čiji urednik postaje 1995. Sa HTV-a odlazi 2002. godine, te se okreće režiji dokumentarnih filmova naglašenog socijalnog angažmana. The world we live in is changing dramatically. Being a transition country on the way to the EU, Croatia is facing dilemmas and hard decisions. Individuals are anxiously trying to read off their destiny. This is a story about arduous everyday life of popular dairywomen from Zagreb’s green markets. The popular cottage cheese with cream they are selling could either become a Croatian brand or could disappear due to new rules and regulations. How does the world politics affect the lives of these people and their families? Do they and their cheese have future? Miroslav Mikuljan was born in 1943 in Krizevci, Croatia. Graduated from the Film and TV Editing department at the Academy of Dramatic Arts in Zagreb. From 1970 to 1990 he made numerous films. As of 1990, he produces numerous documentary films and serials with Croatian Television and becomes its editor in cheaf in 1995. In 2002, he ceases work at Croatian Television and resumes directing socially relevant documentary films. 26.8., ČETVRTAK, 16.00, RUŽIČKINA KUĆA / 26.8., THURSDAY, 16.00, RUŽIČKA’S HOUSE 29 PRIČE S GRANICE / THE BORDER STORIES Zemlja / Country: Hrvatska / Croatia • Redatelj / Director: Željko Sarić • Godina / Year: 2009. • Trajanje / Lenght: 41 min Mnogobrojni mostovi koji premošćuju, i koji su godinama povezivali ljude s jedne i druge strane slovensko-hrvatske granice, preko noći su postali međudržavni kontrolni punktovi. To je prilično zakompliciralo svakodnevicu žitelja pograničnog područja. Mnogi od njih imaju i s jedne i s druge strane, ne samo posjede, već i rodbinu, prijatelje, poslove... pa i uspomene. Na koji se način granična (i svaka druga) međudržavna sporenja prelamaju „preko leđa“ ljudi koji tamo žive, odgovor nudi ovaj film. Željko Sarić je rođen u Zagrebu, 1951. u “filmskoj” obitelji, tako da se relativno rano uključio u profesionalnu filmsku produkciju, u svojstvu asistenta snimatelja. Godine 1983. diplomirao je na Odsjeku filmskog snimanja zagrebačke Akademije dramske umjetnosti. Snimio je brojne igrane i dokumentarne filmove. Many bridges that span, and which had been connecting people on both sides of the Slovenian-Croatian border, overnight became the interstate checkpoints. It has quite complicated the everyday life of inhabitants of the border area. Many of them have not only possessions, but also relatives, friends, jobs... and the memories on both sides. In what way interstate disputes affect on people who live there, the answer is offered in this film. Zeljko Saric was born in Zagreb in 1951, in the film family, so he relatively early engaged in professional film production, as an assistant cameraman. 1983 he graduated from the Department of Film Recording of the Zagreb Academy of Dramatic Arts. He has made numerous features and documentary films. 29.8., NEDJELJA, 16.00, RUŽIČKINA KUĆA / 29.8., SUNDAY, 16.00, RUŽIČKA’S HOUSE 30 PUSKÁS / PUSKÁS HUNGARY / THE REAL PUSKÁS Zemlja / Country: Mađarska / Hungary • Redatelj / Director: Tamás Almási • Godina / Year: 2009. • Trajanje / Lenght: 118 min Priča o legendarnom nogometašu Ferencu Puskásu, koji je iz budimpeštanskih predgrađa stigao do zvijezda, živjevši svoj život van politike i ratova kao i konvencija društva, baveći se onim što je najbolje znao: nogometom. Kapetan legendarne Magične mađarske reprezentacije iz 1950-ih, koji je nadvladao siromaštvo, 2. svjetski rat, mađarsku revoluciju iz 1956. i koji se nakon fizičkog i psihičkog sloma vratio na vrh u svojim 30-ima kad je zaigrao za Real Madrid. Tamás Almási je jedan od najpoznatijih mađarskih dokumentarista. Diplomirao je na Filmskoj i kazališnoj akademiji u Budimpešti 1979. Karijeru je započeo kao redatelj igranih filmova, što se kasnije odrazilo na njegove dokumentarce. Snimio je preko 20 dokumentaraca, koji su prikazani na brojnim festivalima filma. Story of legendary soccer player Ferenc Puskás, who started from the Budapest slums and became an international star, living his life irrespective of politics, war and conventions of society, doing the one thing he loved and knew best: pay soccer. The captain of the legendary Magical Magyars Team of the 1950s, who overcame poverty, calamities such as World War II, and the Hungarian Revolution of 1956, and who, after a physical and mental breakdown, returned to the top with an amazing effort once again in his 30’s, and became a world- renowned forward for the Real Madrid. Tamás Almási is one of the most well known Hungarian documentary film makers. He graduated from the Academy of Film and Theatre of Budapest in 1979. He started his career as a feature film director, which has had a very important impact on his documentaries. So far, he has made more than twenty full-length documentaries, which have been screened at a number of highly reputed festivals. http://www.puskashungary.hu/ 25.8., SRIJEDA, 16.00, RUŽIČKINA KUĆA / 25.8., WEDNESDAY, 16.00, RUŽIČKA’S HOUSE 31 VRIJEME ISTJEČE / TIME’S UP Zemlja / Country: Njemačka / Germany • Redatelj / Director: Marie-Catherine Theiler, Jan Peters • Godina / Year: 2009. • Trajanje / Lenght: 15 min Filmaši Marie-Catherine Theiler i Jan Peters dožive automobilsku nesreću koja je opasnija samim time što je Marie trudna. To ih dovodi do spoznaje da je život zaista prolazan a njihova svakodnevnica prekaotična. Odluče sve promijeniti i živjeti sporije. No kako? Tijekom smiješne odiseje oni si postavljaju pitanja na koja bismo svi mi htjeli znati odgovor. Jan Peters je rođen u Hanoveru, Njemačka, 1966. godine. Studirao je na Hamburg Art Institutu. Uz to što je režirao nagrađivane filmove kao što su “Kako sam postao špiljski slikar” i “ Kako sam postao samostalni turistički vodič” on piše radio drame i organizira umjetničke izložbe. Marie Catherine Theiler je rođena 1976. u Luzernu. Studirala je kazalište i novinarstvo na Univerzitetu u Bernu i Fribourgu a također i film na Univerzitetu lijepih umjetnosti u Genevi. Radila je kao lektorica, glumica, asistentica redatelja u kazalištu te kao filmska redateljica. Being confronted with the finiteness of life in a car accident while carrying their unborn baby, the filmmakers Marie-Catherine Theiler and Jan Peters suddenly realize that their lives have become way too hectic. They decide to change their lives and slow down. But how? During a humorous odyssey from one timeexpert to the next, Marie-Catherine and Jan ask the questions most of us would like to know the answers to… Jan Peters was born in Hanover, Germany, in 1966. Studied at Hamburg Art Institut HfbK. Besides award-winning short and feature films such as “How I Became A Cave-Painter” or “How I Became A Freelance Tour Guide” Jan Peters also creates radiophonic plays and participates in art exhibitions. Marie-Catherine Theiler was born in1976 in Luzern. Studied Theater and Journalism at University of Bern and Fribourg, as well as film at ESBA University of Fine Arts, Geneva. Worked as assistant lecturer, actor and assistant director in theatres and as film director. 27.8., PETAK, 16.00, RUŽIČKINA KUĆA / 27.8., FRIDAY, 16.00, RUŽIČKA’S HOUSE 32 POPRATNI PROGRAM (IZVAN KONKURENCIJE) / SIDE PROGRAM (OUT OF COMPETITION) Svijet / World Matineje / Matinees Planet partner Zemlja / Planet Partner - The Earth 33 POPRATNI PROGRAM (IZVAN KONKURENCIJE) / SIDE PROGRAM (OUT OF COMPETITION) Svijet / World BIUTIFUL, Španjolska, Meksiko / Spain, Mexico CHE: DIO PRVI / CHE: PART ONE, Francuska, Španjolska, SAD / France, Spain, USA CHE: DIO DRUGI / CHE: PART TWO, Francuska, Španjolska, SAD / France, Spain, USA 34 BIUTIFUL Zemlja / Country: Španjolska, Mexico / Spain, Mexico • Redatelj / Director: Alejandro González Iñárritu • Uloge / Cast: Javier Bardem, Maricel Álvarez, Hanaa Bouchaib • Godina / Year: 2010. • Trajanje / Lenght: 138 min CANNES FILM FESTIVAL 2010. - Najbolji glumac (Bardem) / Best actor (Bardem) Priča o Uxbalu. Predani otac. Izmučeni ljubavnik. Mistificirani sin. Biznismen iz podzemlja. Prijatelj impulzivnih. Tragač za duhovima. Spiritualni senzitivac. Preživljava u nevidljivoj perifieriji današnje Barcelone. Uxbal, predosjećajući opasnost smrti, pokušava se pomiriti s ljubavlju i spasiti svoju djecu i samoga sebe. Story of Uxbal. Devoted father. Tormented lover. Mystified son. Underground businessman. Friend of the disposed. Ghost seeker. Spiritual sensitive. A survivor at the invisible margins in today’s Barcelona. Uxbal, sensing the danger of death, tries to reconcile with love and save his children, as he tries to save himself. Alejandro González Iñárritu je rođen 1963. u Mexico Cityju. Proslavio se 2000. godine trilerom „Pasja ljubav“ kojeg je snimio po scenariju Guillerma Arriage. Skupa će snimiti i još dva hita „21 gram“ iz 2003. te „Babel“ iz 2006. Alejandro González Iñárritu was born in 1963. in Mexico City. He became famous in 2000. for his triller film „Love dogs“, based on script by Gullermo Arriaga. Together they will shoot another two hit films: „21 grams“ from 2003 and „Babel“ from 2006. 29.8., NEDJELJA, 23.00, ŠLEP NA DUNAVU / 29.8., SUNDAY, 23.00, RIVER BARGE 35 CHE: DIO PRVI / CHE: PART ONE Zemlja / Country: Francuska, Španjolska, SAD / France, Spain, USA • Redatelj / Director: Steven Soderbergh • Uloge / Cast: Benicio Del Toro, Julia Ormond, Catalina Sandino Moreno • Godina / Year: 2008. • Trajanje / Lenght: 134 min CANNES FILM FESTIVAL 2008. - Najbolji glumac (Del Toro) / Best actor (Del Toro) GOYA AWARDS 2009. - Najbolji glumac (Del Toro) / Best actor (Del Toro) Che i grupa kubanskih egzilanata (predvođenih Fidelom Castrom) domogla se kubanske obale sa meksičke strane 1956. godine. U roku od dvije godine mobilizirali su cijelu vojsku te zbacili proamerički orijentiranog diktatora Fulgencia Batistutu. Che and a band of Cuban exiles (led by Fidel Castro) reach the Cuban shore from Mexico in 1956. Within two years, they mobilized popular support and an army and toppled the U.S.friendly regime of dictator Fulgencio Batista. Steven Soderbergh je rođen 1963. u Atlanti, SAD. 1987. snima „Winstona“, kratki film koji će se kasnije proširiti u dugometražni „Sex, laži i videovrpce“ i koji će mu donijeti cannesku Zlatnu palmu te oscarovsku nominaciju za najbolji originalni scenarij. Njegovi su kasniji filmovi „Kafka“, „Daleko od oka“, „Erin Brokovich“ te „Traffic“ (Oscar za najbolju režiju, 2001.) Steven Soderbergh was born on January 14, 1963, in Atlanta, USA. In 1987 Soderbergh filmed „Winston“, the short-subject film that he would later expand into „Sex, Lies, and Videotape“, a film that earned him the Cannes Film Festival’s Palme d’Or Award and an Oscar nomination for Best Original Screenplay. His later films are: „Kafka“, „Out of sight“, „Erin Brokovich“ and „Traffic“ (Oscar for Best Director in 2001). 26.8., ČETVRTAK, 23.00, ŠLEP NA DUNAVU / 26.8., THURSDAY, 23.00, RIVER BARGE 27.8., PETAK, 16.00, KINO BOROVO NASELJE / 27.8., FRIDAY, 16.00, CINEMA BOROVO NASELJE 36 CHE: DIO DRUGI / CHE: PART TWO Zemlja / Country: Francuska, Španjolska, SAD / France, Spain, USA • Redatelj / Director: Steven Soderbergh • Uloge / Cast: Benicio Del Toro, Franka Potente, Catalina Sandino Moreno • Godina / Year: 2008. • Trajanje / Lenght: 135 min CANNES FILM FESTIVAL 2008. - Najbolji glumac (Del Toro) / Best actor (Del Toro) 1965. godine Ernesto Che Guevera povlači se iz kubanske vlade i potajno pokušava raširiti revoluciju u Boliviji. Nakon što stiže u La Paz kasne 1966., s grupicom kubanskih dobrovoljaca već iduće godine okuplja malu vojsku ne bi li srušio postojeću bolivijsku vladu. No Che će se morati suočiti s nedostatkom ljudi i namirnica, svojim lošim zdravljem te lokalnim stanovništvom koje ne dijeli njegove idealističke zanose. Steven Soderbergh je rođen 1963. u Atlanti, SAD. 1987. snima „Winstona“, kratki film koji će se kasnije proširiti u dugometražni „Sex, laži i videovrpce“ i koji će mu donijeti cannesku Zlatnu palmu te oscarovsku nominaciju za najbolji originalni scenarij. Njegovi su kasniji filmovi „Kafka“, „Daleko od oka“, „Erin Brokovich“ te „Traffic“ (Oscar za najbolju režiju, 2001.) In 1965, Ernesto ‘Che’ Guevara resigns from his Cuban government posts to secretly make his latest attempt to spread the revolution in Bolivia. After arriving in La Paz, Bolivia late in 1966, by 1967, Che with several Cuban volunteers, have raised a small guerrilla army to take on the militarist Bolivian movement. However, Che must face grim realities about his few troops and supplies, his failing health, and a local population who largely does not share his idealistic aspirations. Steven Soderbergh was born on January 14, 1963, in Atlanta, USA. In 1987 Soderbergh filmed „Winston“, the short-subject film that he would later expand into „Sex, Lies, and Videotape“, a film that earned him the Cannes Film Festival’s Palme d’Or Award and an Oscar nomination for Best Original Screenplay. His later films are: „Kafka“, „Out of sight“, „Erin Brokovich“ and „Traffic“ (Oscar for Best Director in 2001). 27.8., PETAK, 23.00, ŠLEP NA DUNAVU / 27.8., FRIDAY, 23.00, RIVER BARGE 28.8., SUBOTA, 16.00, KINO BOROVO NASELJE / 28.8., SATURDAY, 16.00, CINEMA BOROVO NASELJE 37 POPRATNI PROGRAM (IZVAN KONKURENCIJE) / SIDE PROGRAM (OUT OF COMPETITION) ARTHUR I MALTAZARDOVA OSVETA / ARTHUR ET LA VENGEANCE DE MALTAZARD / ARTHUR AND THE REVENGE OF MALTAZARD, Francuska / France ASTRO BOY, SAD, Hong Kong, Japan / USA, Hong Kong, Japan ČUDOVIŠTA PROTIV VANZEMALJACA / MONSTERS VS. ALIENS, SAD / USA KAKO IZDRESIRATI ZMAJA / HOW TO TRAIN YOUR DRAGON, SAD / USA ŠPIJUN IZ SUSJEDSTVA / THE SPY NEXTDOOR, SAD / USA ARTHUR I MALTAZARDOVA OSVETA / ARTHUR ET LA VENGEANCE DE MALTAZARD / ARTHUR AND THE REVENGE OF MALTAZARD Zemlja / Country: Francuska / France • Redatelj / Director: Luc Besson • Godina / Year: 2009. • Trajanje / Lenght: 95 min Arthur je ushićen jer se konačno može vratiti u zemlju Minimoya i susresti sa Selenijom. No uskoro je njegova draga u opasnosti... Arthur je pohita spasiti... Luc Besson je poznati francuski redatelj rođen 1959. u Parizu. Njegovi su najpoznatiji filmovi: „Veliko plavetnilo“, „Nikita“, „Leon“ i „Peti element“. Arthur is thrilled because at last he is able to return to the land of Minomoys and reunite with Selenia. But soon Selenia is in danger... Arthur is flying to rescue her.... Luc Besson is celebrated French director born 1959 in Paris. His hit films are: „Big Blue“, „Nikita“, „Leon“ and „Fifth Element“. http://www.arthuretlesminimoys.com/arthur2/ 38 29.8., NEDJELJA, 10.00, RUŽIČKINA KUĆA / 29.8., SUNDAY, 10.00, RUŽIČKA’S HOUSE 27.8., PETAK, 10.00, KINO BOROVO NASELJE / 27.8., FRIDAY, 10.00, CINEMA BOROVO NASELJE ASTRO BOY Zemlja / Country: SAD, Hong Kong, Japan / USA, Hong Kong, Japan • Redatelj / Director: David Bowers • Godina / Year: 2009. • Trajanje / Lenght: 94 min Kad sin poznatog znanstvenika umre, on potajno stvori dječaka robota ne bi li zaliječio tugu. No, robot će iskoristiti svoje moći i postati svjetski poznati super-heroj te se suočiti s najvećim izazovom kada Zemlji zaprijete izvanzemaljci. David Bowers je engleski redatelj i scenarist u čijem su redateljskom animiranom prvijencu „Flushed away“ glasove posudili Hugh Jackman i Kate Winslet. When a scientist’s young son dies, he secretly creates a powerful robot child to replace him, however, the robot uses its’ incredible powers to become a world famous super-hero, and faces his biggest challenge when an alien race threatens. David Bowers is British director and scriptwriter in whose directorial animated debut “Flushed Away” Hugh Jackman and Kate Winslet were main cast. http://www.astroboy-themovie.com/ 26.8., ČETVRTAK, 10.00, RUŽIČKINA KUĆA / 26.8., THURSDAY, 10.00, RUŽIČKA’S HOUSE 25.8., SRIJEDA, 10.00, KINO BOROVO NASELJE / 25.8., WEDNESDAY, 10.00, CINEMA BOROVO NASELJE ČUDOVIŠTA PROTIV VANZEMALJACA / MONSTERS VS. ALIENS Zemlja / Country: SAD / USA • Redatelj / Director: Rob Letterman, Conrad Vernon • Godina / Year: 2009. • Trajanje / Lenght: 94 min Kada meteorit iz dalekog svemira pogodi mladu ženu i pretvori je u ogromno čudovište, odvode je u tajno vladino skrovište gdje je smještaju sa drugim čudovištima koja su tamo skupljana godinama... Rob Letterman je američki redatelj koji je 2004. režirao animirani hit „Shark Tale“ s Angelinom Jolie u naslovnoj ulozi. Conrad Vernon je američki glumac, redatelj i scenarist. Pisao je dijaloge za prvi dio „Shreka“, a drugi dio je i režirao. When a meteorite from outer space hits a young woman and turns her into a giant monster, she is taken to a secret government compound where she meets a ragtag group of monsters also rounded up over the years. Rob Letterman is American director who directed animated hit film “Shark Tale”, casting Angelina Jolie, in 2004. Conrad Vernon is American actor, director and scriptwritter. He wrote dialogs for “Shrek 1” and he directed “Shrek 2”. http://www.monstersvsaliens.com/ 25.8., SRIJEDA, 10.00, RUŽIČKA’S HOUSE / 25.8., WEDNESDAY, 10.00, RUŽIČKINA KUĆA 26.8., ČETVRTAK, 10.00, KINO BOROVO NASELJE / 26.8., THURSDAY, 10.00, CINEMA BOROVO NASELJE 39 ŠPIJUN IZ SUSJEDSTVA KAKO IZDRESIRATI ZMAJA / HOW TO TRAIN / THE SPY NEXTDOOR YOUR DRAGON Zemlja / Country: SAD / USA • Redatelj / Director: Brian Levant • Godina / Year: 2010. • Trajanje / Lenght: 94 min Zemlja / Country: SAD / USA • Redatelj / Director: Dean DeBlois Chris Sanders • Godina / Year: 2010. • Trajanje / Lenght: 98 min Mladi Viking silno želi loviti zmajeve no uskoro će se sprijateljiti s jednom mladim zmajom i shvatiti kako su ta bića ipak puno više od onog što je on pretpostavljao… Dean Deblois je rođen u Kanadi 1970. godine. Pisao je scenarij za „Mulan”, a napisao i režirao Lilo & Stitch. Chris Sanders je američki glumac, scenarist i redatelj. Radio je na crtićima “Kralj lavova”, “Mulan” i “Lilo & Stitch”. A young Viking who aspires to hunt dragons becomes the unlikely friend of a young dragon himself, and learns there may be more to the creatures than he assumed. Dean Deblois is native Canadian, born in 1970. He is scriptwritter for celebrated animated „Mulan“ and writter and director of „Lilo& Stitch“. Chris Sanders is an American born actor, scripwritter and director. He worked at celebrated „Mulan“, „Lion King“ and „Lilo & Stitch“. http://www.howtotrainyourdragon.com/ 28.8., SUBOTA, 10.00, RUŽIČKINA KUĆA / 28.8.,SATURDAY, 10.00, RUŽIČKA’S HOUSE 29.8., NEDJELJA, 10.00, KINO BOROVO NASELJE / 29.8., SUNDAY, 10.00, CINEMA BOROVO NASELJE 40 Bivši špijun CIA-e, Bob Ho, preuzima svoj najteži zadatak do sada: mora se brinuti za troje djece svoje djevojke koja baš i nisu oduševljena majčinim dečkom… Brian Levant je američki producent, scenarist i redatelj. Režirao je dječije hit-filmove “Beethoven” i “Kremenko”. Former CIA spy Bob Ho takes on his toughest assignment to date: looking after his girlfriend’s three kids, who haven’t exactly warmed to their mom’s boyfriend. Brian Levant is American producer, scriptwriter and director. He directed hit films fot children: “Beethoven” and “The Flinstones”. 27.8., PETAK, 10.00, RUŽIČKINA KUĆA / 27.8., FRIDAY, 10.00, RUŽIČKA’S HOUSE 28.8., SUBOTA, 10.00, KINO BOROVO NASELJE 28.8., SATURDAY, 10.00, CINEMA BOROVO NASELJE POPRATNI PROGRAM (IZVAN KONKURENCIJE) / SIDE PROGRAM (OUT OF COMPETITION) Planet partner Zemlja / Planet Partner - The Earth DOKTRINA ŠOKA / THE SHOCK DOCTRINE, VB / UK DRAQUILLA - ITALIJA DRHTI / DRAQUILA - L’ITALIA CHE TREMA / DRAQUILA - ITALY TREMBLES, Italija / Italy HRANA D.D. / FOOD, INC., SAD / USA PROSVIJETLJENI / LIVING LUMINARIES, SAD / USA RAZOTKRIVANJE TAJNE PIRAMIDA / THE REVELATION OF THE PYRAMIDS, Francuska / France Do sada smo u sklopu festivala svake godine imali program Zemlja partner festivala. Budući da nam je Njemačka bila zemlja partner na prošlogodišnjem festivalu, u suradnji s Goethe Institutom prikazali smo Retrospektivu suvremenog njemačkog filma. Ove godine umjesto zemlje partnera uvodimo program pod nazivom Planet partner Zemlja. Majci Zemlji dugujemo sve i zaslužila je da joj posvetimo barem dio programa. Filmovi iz ove kategorije, bez obzira na temu koju obrađuju, govore o stanju svijesti naše civilizacije, iz čega proizlazi i naš odnos prema planetu na kojemu živimo. Every year till now, as part of the Festival, we had a Partner Country program. Since Germany was our partner country at last year’s Festival, in cooperation with the Goethe Institute, we presented a Retrospective of contemporary German cinema. This year, instead of a partner country, we introduce a partner program called Planet Partner The Earth. To Mother Earth, we owe everything, and She deserved at least part of the program devoted. Films in this category, regardless of the topic they cover, speak on condition of consciousness of our civilization, which means our relationship with the planet on which we live. 41 DOKTRINA ŠOKA / THE SHOCK DOCTRINE Zemlja / Country: VB / UK • Redatelj / Director: Mat Whitecross, Michael Winterbottom • Godina / Year: 2009. • Trajanje / Lenght: 79 min Priča o “razarajućem” kapitalizmu današnjice, bazirana na knjizi slavne Naomi Klein u kojoj ona provlači tvrdnju da se neoliberalni kapitalizam hrani na prirodnim katastrofama, ratu i teroru koji mu pomažu da se održi. Michael Winterbottom je britanski redatelj rođen 1961. godine. Režirao je niz filmova od kojih su istaknutiji sljedeći naslovi: „Jude“, „Dobrodošli u Sarajevo“, „Wonderland“ i „Put u Guantanamo“. Mat Whitecross je česti suradnik Michaela Winterbottoma s kojim je korežirao dokumentarac „Put u Guantanamo“ iz 2006. Prije toga radio je kao montažer na Winterbottomovom filmu „9 orgazama“. An investigation of „disaster capitalism”, based on Naomi Klein’s proposition that neo-liberal capitalism feeds on natural disasters, war and terror to establish its dominance. Michael Winterbottom is British director born in 1961. He directed numerous films such as “Jude”, “Welcome to Sarajevo”, “Wonderland” and “Road to Gunatanamo”. Mat Whitecross is an often associate of Michael Winterbottom with whom he co-directed documentary „Road to Gunatanamo“. (2006). He also edited Winterbottom’s film „9 songs“. 26.8., ČETVRTAK, 13.00, RUŽIČKINA KUĆA / 26.8., THURSDAY, 13.00, RUŽIČKA’S HOUSE 42 DRAQUILA - L’ITALIA CHE TREMA / DRAQUILA - ITALY TREMBLES Zemlja / Country: Italija/ Italy • Redatelj / Director: Sabina Guzzanti • Godina / Year: 2010. • Trajanje / Lenght: 93 min Zašto Talijani glasuju za Berlusconija? Nasilna propaganda, građanska impotencija, pitanje ekonomije, bezakonje moćnika... I jedna katastrofa: grad L’Aquila uništen u zemljotresu u travnju 2009. godine. Sve to isprepleteno u odgovor na pitanje zašto je ugušena talijanska demokracija... Why do Italians vote Berlusconi? The violence of propaganda, the impotence of citizens, questions of the economy, illicit power relationships... And a catastrophe: the city of L’Aquila devastated by an earthquake in April 2009. All these combine to show how the young Italian democracy has been subdued. Sabina Guzzanti je oduvijek aktivna na mnogim poljima: film, TV, književnost, glazba, politički aktivizam i kazalište. “Draquilla, Italija drhti”, njezin je četvrti dugometražni filmizvještaj o događajima koji su povezani s potresom u L’Aquilli, uznemirujuća priča o posljedicama autokracije. Sabina Guzzanti has always been active on many fronts: film, television, literature, music, political activism and theatre. “Draquilla - Italy trembless” - Sabina Guzzanti’s fourth feature film - is a penetrating report of the events tied to the earthquake in L’Aquila, and an intense and disturbing story about the effects of autocracy. http://www.draquila-ilfilm.it/ 27.8., PETAK, 13.00, RUŽIČKINA KUĆA / 27.8., FRIDAY, 13.00, RUŽIČKA’S HOUSE 43 HRANA D.D. / FOOD, INC. Zemlja / Country: SAD / USA • Redatelj / Director: Robert Kenner • Godina / Year: 2008. • Trajanje / Lenght: 94 min GOTHAM AWARDS 2009. - Najbolji dokumentarac / Best documentary Koliko zbilja znamo o hrani koju kupujemo u lokalnim supermarketima i koju u konačnici konzumiramo? Robert Kenner razotkriva prehrambenu industriju, izlažući podatke sakrivene od prosječnog konzumenta, a sve uz pristanak vlade. Razotkriva šokatnu istinu o tome kako se proizvodi naša hrana, koja je cijena zdravlja, i baca novo svjetlo na globalnu prehrambenu industriju... Nagrađivani filmaš Robert Kenner je preko šest godina radio na dokumentarcu “Hrana d.d.”. Njegovi su prijašnji filmovi prikazivani u kinu te na televiziji. 2006. je višestruko nagrađen za dokumentarac “Dva dana u listopadu” koji govori o ratnom Vijetnamu 1967. godine. Također je producirao i igrane filmove, glazbene spotove te reklame. How much do we really know about the food we buy at our local supermarkets and serve to our families? Robert Kenner lifts the veil on the food industry, exposing the highly mechanized underbelly that’s been hidden from the consumer with the consent of the government. The documentary reveals surprising and schoking truths - about what we eat and how is it produced, what the cost of our health is and how this wave of change is sweeping across the global food industry. Award winning filmmaker Robert Kenner worked for over six years to bring “Food, Inc.” to the screen. His previous films have played theatricaly and on TV. In 2006 he was multiawarded for “Two days in October”, a documentary about a devastating ambush in Vietnam 1967. He has also produced feature films, rock videos and commercials. http://www.foodincmovie.com/ 29.8., NEDJELJA, 13.00, RUŽIČKINA KUĆA / 29.8., SUNDAY, 13.00, RUŽIČKA’S HOUSE 44 PROSVIJETLJENI / LIVING LUMINARIES Zemlja / Country: SAD / USA • Redatelj / Director: Larry Kurnarsky • Godina / Year: 2007. • Trajanje / Lenght: 100 min Sreća. Ako poslušate današnje vijesti, nećete je naći. Prirodne katastrofe, teroristički napadi i slomovi vlada. Ljudi žude za svjetlom na kraju tunela: traže nadu koja će im vratiti utjehu i mir. Podaren nam je život, sloboda i potraga za srećom. No što je sreća zaista i kako je postići? Danas je teško ne primijetiti negativnosti svijeta. No u ljudskoj je prirodi misliti pozitivno usprkos svemu. Larry Kurnarsky je prije dokumentarca “Prosvijetljeni” napisao scenarij i režirao sljedeće naslove: “The Boy Who Turned Off”, “The Lake” i “An Aesthetic Indulgence”. Happiness. If you turn on the news today you don’t see much of it. In the wake of natural disasters, terrorist attacks and government let-downs, people are striving for a light at the end of the tunnel; a glimmer of hope that will bring solace and peace back into their lives. We were given life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. But what is happiness and how is it achieved? With life in these times, it is hard not to focus on the negative. However, people by nature want to stay positive. Before “Living Luminaries” Larry Kurnarsky directed and wrote three films: “The Boy Who Turned Off”, “The Lake” i “An Aesthetic Indulgence”. http://www.livingluminaries.tv/living-luminaries-movie/ 25.8., SRIJEDA, 13.00, RUŽIČKINA KUĆA / 25.8., WEDNESDAY, 13.00, RUŽIČKA’S HOUSE 45 THE REVELATION OF THE PYRAMIDS Zemlja / Country: Francuska / France • Redatelj / Director: Patrice Pooyard • Godina / Year: 2009. • Trajanje / Lenght: 100 min Velike su piramide kroz stoljeća fascinirale ljude. Ovaj film razotkriva jednu od najvećih misterija: poruku od velike važnosti za čovječanstvo. Vođen enigmom piramida, redatelj je proveo šest godina razgovarajući sa znanstvenicima i skupljajući dokaze. Rezultat istrage prodrmat će povijesna učenja do temelja i potpuno revolucionarizirati egiptologiju. For centuries, the Great Pyramids have fascinated Mankind. This film reveals what lies behind the greatest of archaeological mysteries: a message of paramount importance for humanity. Through the world’s most enigmatic sites, the director has spent six years meeting eminent scientific specialists and verifying his discoveries. The result will shake the teaching of history to its very core, and revolutionize Egyptology entirely. Patrice Pooyard je redatelj već 12 godina. Snimao je reklame, video spotove ali i dugi igrani film „ Tko želi biti zvijezda’“ (2001.) Napisao je i nekoliko scenarija te roman. “Razotkrivanje tajne piramida” je njegov prvi dokumentarac. Patrice Pooyard is director for twelve years, he did commercials, video clips and a feature film “Who wants to be a star?” (2001). He also wrote few scripts and a novel. “The Revelation of the pyramids” is its first documentary. 28.8., SUBOTA, 13.00, RUŽIČKINA KUĆA / 28.8., SATURDAY, 13.00, RUŽIČKA’S HOUSE 46 DUNAVSKA SCENARISTIČKA RADIONICA / DANUBIAN SCREENWRITING WORKSHOP I ove godine Vukovar film festival ima filmsku školu. Nastavlja se tradicija Dunavske scenarističke radionice. Održavat će se u vrijeme trajanja festivala od 25. do 29. kolovoza. As previous years, Vukovar Film Festival again organises a movierelated workshop. Again, we offer screenwriting workshop. It will be held in Festival’s days, from 25th to 29th August. Za polaznike radionice raspisan je natječaj te će pet najboljih pisaca kratke priče u 24 riječi imati osiguran smještaj za vrijeme trajanja festivala. O najboljih pet odlučit će hrvatski redatelj i scenarist Ognjen Sviličić, autor naslova, “Armin” i “Oprosti za kung-fu”. A special contest for joining the workshop was held: best shortoutline writers will have their accomodation sponsored for five Festival days. From numerous competitors, five of the best will be chosen by Croatian screenwriter and director, Ognjen Sviličić, author of “Armin”, “Sorry for Kung-fu”. Ove godine radionicu vodi dramaturginja / scenaristica Irena Krčelić koja za svoj posao kaže: “Ponekad mi vele da sam ‘babica za priče’. I doista, često se osjećam kao primalja. Strpljivo čekam, osluškujem, ohrabrujem i potičem ljude da ‘porode’ svoju priču”. Irena je inače autorica dijaloga za serijale “Bitange i princeze” i “Dobre namjere”. Trenutno radi na scenarijima za dva dugometražna filma: “Duh babe Ilonke” i “Krv i mlijeko”. This year the workshop is held by dramaturgist/screenwriter Irena Krčelić, who says about her job: „Sometimes I say that I am midwife for stories. Indeed, I often feel like a midwife. Patiently waiting, listening, encouraging and exhorting people to ‘give birth’ to their own story.“ Irene is dialog writer in series „Bitange i princeze“ and „Dobre namjere“. She is currently working on screenplays for two feature films: „Duh babe Ilonke“ and „Krv i mlijeko“. 47 48 Malo je događaja i izuma koji su toliko jako i nepovratno utjecali na promjene u svim područjima života kao što su to učinili film i televizija. Utjecaj ova dva medija, posebice televizije, na stvarnost je toliki da se govori: ako nešto nije bilo na televiziji, nije se ni dogodilo. Few events and inventions so strongly and irreversibly affect the changes in all areas of life such as film and television. The influence of these two media, especially television, on the reality is so powerfull that is often said: if something was not on television, it didn’t happen. IDEJA THE IDEA Cilj TV-sajma, kao poslovnog aspekta Vukovarskog filmskog festivala jest osigurati njegovu dugovječnost po uzoru na festivale u Berlinu i Cannesu. Povećan broj profesionalaca koji će sudjelovati na našem festivalu, gospodarski gledano, dodatno će doprinjeti prihodima lokalne zajednice, dakle grada Vukovara i šire regije Istočne Slavonije. The goal of TV-show, as business aspect of Vukovar Film Festival is to ensure its longevity, modeled on the Berlin and Cannes festival. Increased number of professionals who will participate in our festival, economically speaking, will further contribute to the incomes of local communities, thus the city of Vukovar and the wider region of Eastern Slavonia. ZAŠTO REGIONALNI TV-SAJAM? WHY THE TV-MARKET? Televizijski sajam u sklopu Vukovarskog filmskog festivala, prvi sajam regionalnih javnih televizija, služit će kao mjesto susreta javnih televizija podunavskih zemalja, točka prodaje, kupovine ili razmjene programskih sadržaja te mjesto razgovora o zajedničkim problemima, mogućoj suradnji i razvojnim planovima. Procjena je da regionalne javne televizije raspolažu ozbiljnim količinama vlastitog programa - dokumentaraca, dugih i kratkih igranih filmova, serija i drugih formata, ali do sada nisu imale konkretno mjesto/događaj na kojemu bi svoj program mogle ponuditi drugim zainteresiranim televizijama podunavske regije. Osim televizija, sasvim je sigurno da će svoj interes u sudjelovanju na TV-sajmu pronaći i nezavisne producentske kuće, koje će na jednom mjestu svoje sadržaje moći ponuditi televizijama iz regije. The TV market at Vukovar Film Festival, the first regional public television show, will serve as a meeting of public television houses of Danubian countries, point of sale, purchase or exchange program content as well as the gathering for discussions about common problems, possible co-operations and development plans. It is estimated that regional public television houses have serious amounts of their own programs - documentaries, long and short feature films, series and other formats, but so far had no particular place / event where their program would be offered to other interested broadcasters in Danubian region. In addition to TV houses, it is quite certain that independent production companies would also find their interest in participating on the TV Market, through which they can offer their productions to broadcasters from the region. KORIST TELEVIZIJA BENEFITS od lokalno-regionalnog TV-sajma je višestruka: • prodaja vlastitog programa, što televiziji donosi dodatne prihode; • povoljna kupovina atraktivnog i komercijalnog programa iz regije; • kupovinom programa susjednih zemalja ispunjavaju i europske propise o količini emitiranja europskog programa; • većina zemalja Podunavlja posljednja dva desetljeća bori se s promjenama koje su bitno utjecale na funkcioniranje televizija tako da tema za razgovor ima napretek, da navedemo samo neke: produkcija, budžetiranje, financiranje, koprodukcije, autorska prava, zakoni, novi mediji, tržišna utakmica… from local TV Market of regional TV houses is manifold: • sales of its own program, which brings additional revenues; • favorable purchase of commercial and attractive regional programe • purchase of programs in neighboring countries results in meeting the European regulations on the broadcasting amount of European-produced programs; • most Danube countries for last two decades have been struggling with the changes that have significantly affected the functioning of the television. So, there are plenty issues to talk about, to name just a few: the production, budgeting, financing, co-productions, copyright law, new media, market competition... HRT PARTNER TV-SAJMA HRT TV MARKET PARTNER Nekadašnja Televizija Zagreb započela je s radom 15. svibnja 1956. godine. Danas je Hrvatska radio televizija (HRT) jedna od vodećih javnih televizija u regiji. Kao takva namjerava aktivno sudjelovati u mijenjanju uloga javnih televizija u medijskom krajoliku, poticati bolju i sustavniju razmjenu televizijskih sadržaja, trajni dijalog javnih i privatnih medijskih kuća u regiji, a time i pozitivne promjene u djelovanju javnih televizija. Dosadašnja uspješna suradnja Vukovarskog filmskog festivala i HRT-a započela je prije četiri godine kada je HRT podržala festival, te je do danas njegov glavni medijski partner. Ova povezanost logično se proširila na organizaciju TV-sajma u sklopu Vukovarskog filmskog festivala. Former Zagreb Television began working on May 15th year 1956th. Today, the Croatian Radio Television (HRT) is one of the leading public television in the region. As such, it intends to participate actively in changing the role of public television in the media landscape, encourage better and more systematic exchange of television content, ongoing dialogue of public and private media outlets in the region, and thus the positive changes in the functioning of public television. The collaboration of Vukovar Film Festival and the HRT began four years ago when HRT supported the festival, and is still its main media partner. This relationship is logically extended to the organization of TV Market in the Vukovar Film Festival. 49 ORION - Vučedolski kalendar / ORION - Vučedol calendar Vučedol - arheološki lokalitet iz eneolitika. Nalazi se 5 km nizvodno od Vukovara a otkriven je u 19. st. Vučedolsko poimanje svijeta trećeg tisućljeća pr.Kr. vidljivo je na keramičkom posuđu posebice na terinama koje na sebi, prema otkriću i tumačenju arheologa prof. dr. sc. Aleksandra Durmana, najznačajnijeg istraživača Vučedola nose znakove: horizonta, vode kojom je okružena Zemlja, trenutka rađanja Sunca, planeta Venere i Marsa, te zviježđa Orion, Labud, Pegaz i Ribe, Kasiopeja, Blizanci i Plejade. Na jednoj posudi prikazan je cjeloviti kalendar s naznačena četiri godišnja doba, te tjednima koji prikazuju zviježđa vidljiva u tome periodu na noćnome nebu. Uz posudu je pronađena kadionica s motivima Venere i Zemlje u određenom omjeru, čime se svakih osam godina korigira broj dana na posudi kalendaru, tvoreći 365 dana. Najvažnije zviježđe u Vučedolskom kalendaru je zviježđe Orion zimsko sunce. Rađa se na zimskom nebu krajem prosinca i ostaje na njemu do kraja ožujka. U vrijeme vučedolske kulture tri zvijezde u pojasu Oriona zapadale su ispod horizonta na 21. ožujka i nije ih više bilo moguće vidjeti čitavo ljeto. Dan kada nestaje Orion prvi je dan vučedolske nove godine. Od toga se trena dan produžuje, rađa se novi život i novi životni ciklus kreće ispočetka. Orion je glavni junak prikaza kojega nam donosi najljepša vučedolska terina pronađena na Vučedolu u grobu muškarca i sedam žena. Položaji tijela osam pokojnika koji svjedoče o ljudskoj žrtvi na Vučedolu, kao i situacija koja se odigrala na vučedolskom nebu, zabilježeni su na toj prekrasnoj posudi, a i sam Homer ih u svojim djelima dvije tisuće godina kasnije donosi kao jednu od najljepših ljubavnih priča. Priča govori kako se Helios Sunce diže iznad horizonta i u postelji zatiče Afroditu - Veneru božicu ljubavi, najljepšu od svih božica na Olimpu u preljubu s Aresom - Marsom bogom rata, najljepšim grčkim bogom. Kada Hefest - Orion sazna za prijevaru brata i žene, u srdžbi iskuje mrežu od 6 zvjezdica i baci je na njih kako bi ih razotkrio. Živeći s prirodom, Vučedolci su zaista izvrsno poznavali svijet koji ih okružuje, a prema tome i znali odrediti svoje mjesto u njemu. Mirela Hutinec, dipl. arheolog 50 Vučedol - an archaeological site from Eneolithic. It is located 5 km downstream from Vukovar and was discovered in the 19th century. The Vučedol culture’s view of the world of the third millennium BC is present on the ceramic plates - especially on the decorative pattern. According to the discovery and interpretation of archeology professor Aleksandar Durman, phd. - the most significant researcher of Vučedol culture, patterns bear signs of the horizon, the water surrounded by land, of a moment when the Sun was born, the planets Venus and Mars, the constellations Orion, Cygnus, Pegasus and Pisces, Cassiopeia, Gemini and the Pleiades. The complete calendar is shown on one vessel: four seasons with weeks that show the constellations visible on night sky in those periods. With the vessel, a censer was found, with Venus and the Earth at a certain ratio, which corrects nuber of days on the vessel a calendar, creating 365 days. The most important constellations in the Vučedol is Orion - the winter Sun. It rises to the winter sky in late December and remains until end of March. At the time of culture Vučedol three stars in the belt of Orion fell below the horizon at the 21st March and were not visible for the whole summer. The day when Orion disappears is the first day of Vučedol’s New year. From that moment, the day is extended, new life and new life-cycle starts all over again. Orion is also the main character in the ornament on beautiful Vučedol bowl found in the tomb of one man and seven women. The locations of eight dead bodies as human sacrifice at Vučedol, as well as the situation which occurred on Vučedol sky are shown at this wonderful bowl. In his works two thousand years later, Homer brings us this narative as one of the most beautiful love story. The story tells how Helios, Sun, rising over the horizon and sees Aphrodite, Venus, goddess of love, the fairest of all goddesses - on Mount Olympus in adultery with Ares. Ares is Mars, god of war, the most beautiful Greek god. When Hephaestus - Orion hears of his wife and brother adultery, he forges a net of six stars and threws it on them in order to get them exposed. Living with nature, Vučedol people had very clear knowledge of the world surrounding them, and were able to define their place in that world. Mirela Hutinec, arheologist DODATNA DOGAĐANJA / SPECIAL EVENTS Okrugli stolovi / Round tables Zabava / Entertainment SRIJEDA / WEDNESDAY, 25.8., 22h - terasa hotela Lav / terrace of Hotel Lav - dj program Bućkanje ČETVRTAK / THURSDAY, 26.8., 22h - D2 - dj program Bućkanje PETAK / FRIDAY, 27.8., 22h - Phillip Morris, Borovo - dj program Bućkanje SUBOTA / SATURDAY , 28.8., 22h - Brod na Dunavu / Danubian Boat - Tribute to Studentski klub NEDJELJA / SUNDAY, 29.8., 22h - gradska kavana „Navis“ / city caffe “ Navis “ - dj program Bućkanje NEDJELJA / SUNDAY, 29.8. koncert splitske grupe TBF na Trgu Republike Hrvatske, početak 21.30h / Concert of a Split band TBF at Republic of Croatia Square, begins at 21.30h OKRUGLI STOLOVI Održavaju se na temu stereotipizacije filmova u odnosu na zemlju podrijetla te na temu iz filma Ljudi s mliječnog puta koji progovara o stanju hrvatskih mljekara s obzirom na skori ulazak u EU ( praktična primjena festivala). U sklopu TV sajma organiziramo dva stručna okrugla stola s temama produkcije i koje su emisije najgledanije u pojedinim podunavskim zemljama. Vezano za dokumentarac Razotkrivanje tajne piramida, autor i istraživač Semir Osmanagić održat će prigodno predavanje. ROUND TABLES One, on the subject of stereotyping movies according to the country of origin and other, inspired by the theme of „People from the Milky Way“ competing documentary, about the state of Croatian dairy industry due to the soon entry into the EU (the practical side of the Festival). As part of the TV Market, we organize two expert roundtables with issues on production and on TV ratings in Danube countries. Regarding the documentary „Revalation of the pyramids“, author and researcher Semir Osmanagic will give lectures. TRIBUTE TO STUDENTSKI glazbeni je dio programa festivala, kojim želimo odati priznanje studentima koji su u Vukovaru 1978. godine osnovali Studentski klub. Odmah po otvaranju, Studentski je postao nezaobilazna diskoteka za sve koji su bili gladni dobre glazbe i plesa (onako usput, glasoviti njujorški Studio 54 otvoren je 1977. godine). Uvijek pun kao šipak, s neodoljivim šarmom podrumske „rupe“ sa svodom od stare cigle, bio je mjesto gdje su mnogi upoznali prve ljubavi i sklopili brojna prijateljstva. Dobra energija koja ga je krasila, postala je trn u oku, gle čuda kome političarima - koji su 1981. godine uspjeli otjerati studente entuzijaste koji su ga osnovali. Ovo je ujedno i tribute urbanoj kulturi u Vukovaru koja je 70-tih i 80-tih godina prošlog stoljeća bila itekako živa i progresivna. TRIBUTE TO STUDENT CLUB Is a music part of the Festival, with which we want to give credit to students who founded the Student Club in Vukovar 1978th. Immediately after opening, Student Club became the one and only disco-club for those who have been starved of good music and dance (by the way, famed Studio 54 in New York opened in 1977). Always full, with the irresistible charm of the basement “hole” with the old brick vault, it was a place where youth met their first love and made many friendships. The positive energy which it emanated had become a thorn in the eye of the politicians - who in 1981. managed to repel enthusiasts who have formed the Club. This is also a tribute to urban culture in Vukovar the 70’s and 80’s, which was very much alive and progressive. 51 ŽIRI / JURY 52 IVAN SALAJ - Rođen 1969., diplomirao filmsku i TV režiju na ADU u Zagrebu 1995. Za dokumentarne filmove “Drugi kat podrum” i “Hotel Sunja”, i TV dramu “Vidimo se” dobio više nagrada na domaćim i međunarodnim festivalima. Za HTV i RTL Hrvatska, kao redatelj i scenarist, snimio četrdesetak kratkih i srednjih dokumentarnih filmova. Radio tri godine u dramskom programu HTV-a, kao kreativni direktor na dva animirana filma, te redatelj na većem broju reklamnih filmova.Živi i radi u Zagrebu. IVAN SALAJ - Born in Zagreb, 1969, graduated film and TV direction at Academy of Dramatic Arts in Zagreb 1995. For his documentaries “Drugi kat podrum”, “Hotel Sunja” and TV drama “See You” he received numerous awards at domestic and foreign festivals. As director and scriptwriter he has made about 40 short and long features, in production of Croatian radio-television and RTL Croatia. For three years he has worked at Drama section of Croatian radio television, as creative director at two animated films and as director of numerous commercials. Lives and workes in Zagreb. ŽELJKO LUKETIĆ - Filmski kritičar, rođen u Zagrebu 1972. godine. Studirao novinarstvo na Fakultetu političkih znanosti i društvenohumanističku informatiku na Filozofskom fakultetu, diplomirao marketing na Ekonomskom fakultetu u Zagrebu. Od 1993. godine piše i objavljuje filmske kritike i eseje za Kinoteku, Heroinu, Hrvatski filmski ljetopis, Hollywood... Suradnik filmskog programa Hrvatske televizije na emisijama Fatamorgana i Zvjezdana prašina od 1998. do 2001. Potpredsjednik Društva filmskih kritičara od 2001. do 2003. Od 1995. do 2010. stalni filmski kritičar i urednik u redakciji kulture na Radiju 101. Glavna područja interesa: avangardni, europski, nezavisni i žanrovski film. ŽELJKO LUKETIĆ - Film critic, born in Zagreb 1972. He studied journalism at the Faculty of Political Science and socio-humanistic informatics at the Faculty of Humanities, graduated in marketing from the Faculty of Economics. Since 1993. has written and published film reviews and essays for Kinoteka, Heroina, Croatian Film Chronicles, Hollywood... Worked as an associate of Croatian National Television on the Fatamorgana and Zvjezdana prasina since 1998 to 2001. Vice President of Society of Film Critics since 2001. until 2003. Since 1995 to 2010 has worked as regular film critic and editor in the culture desk on Radio 101. His main areas of interest are avant-garde, European, and independent genre films. FILIP ŠOVAGOVIĆ - Rođen 1966. godine u Zagrebu od oca Fabijana i majke Marije. U Gavelli sam ostvario nekoliko dobrih i nekoliko loših uloga u predstavama “Sokol ga nije volio”, “Dundo Maroje”, “Ludi dani”, “Zlatno tele”, “Kultura u predgrađu”, “Zima jedna lava” itd. Glumio i u ITD-u: Tita Andronika, Estragona ili Vladimira (ne sjećam se više) u “ Očekivanju Godota”... Za splitsko me kazalište vežu inače lijepe uspomene jer su mi praizveli dva teksta čiji sam autor, a zovu se “Cigla” i “Ptičice”. Glumio sam u tridesetak filmova od koji spominjem “Sokol ga nije volio” i “Polagana predaja”. FILIP ŠOVAGOVIĆ - Born in 1966. in Zagreb from father Fabian and mother Marija. In Gavella I hit some good and some bad roles in “Sokol did not like him, “Uncle Maroje “,”Crazy Days “, “The Golden Calf “, “Culture in the suburb “, “ Winter of a lion” and also acted in ITD: Titus Andronicus, Estragon or Vladimir (I can not remember who anymore) in “Waiting for Godot “... I have fond memories of Split theatre because it premiered two of my texts which are called “The Brick” and “The Bird.” I played in about thirty films, among which I’ll mention “Sokol did not like him” and “Slow Surrender”. NAGRADE / AWARDS NAGRADA ZA NAJBOLJI DUGOMETRAŽNI IGRANI FILM Najbolji dugometražni igrani film 4. Vukovar Film Festivala bit će otkupljen za distribuciju. Sedmodnevno ljetovanje za dvije osobe na otoku Hvaru. BEST FEATURE FILM Best Feature Film of the 4th Vukovar Film Festival will be bought out for distribution. 7-day vacation for two at island of Hvar. NAGRADA ZA NAJBOLJI KRATKI IGRANI FILM Najbolji kratkometražni igrani film 4. Vukovar Film Festivala bit će nagrađen iznosom od 500 EUR. BEST SHORT FILM Best short film of the 4th Vukovar Film Festival will be awarded with 500 EUR. NAGRADA ZA NAJBOLJI DOKUMENTRANI FILM Najbolji dokumentarni film 4. Vukovar Film Festivala bit će bit će nagrađen iznosom od 1.000 EUR. BEST DOCUMENTARY FILM Best documentary film of the 4th Vukovar Film Festival will be awarded with 1.000 EUR. 53 Boris Bajrak Goran Bajrak Olivera Bajrak Damir Barišić Damir Barna Ivan Barović Agan Begić Maja Beinrauh Miroslav Beinrauh Mirko Benaković Hrvoje Boljkovac Lavoslav Bosanac Marijan Bošnir Davor Bruketa Mladenko Cikoja Ivan Čačić Dragan Ćuća Josip Dufek Goran Đuroković Tomislav Đuroković Josip Gora Sandra Grejza Goran Grgić Stipo Hrgović Mirela Hutinec Miroslav Ištuk Dario Jakumetović Ines Juričić Zvonimir Jurić Mario Kamenjaš Krešimir Kasalo Banić Ivan Kovačev Stjepan Kovačić Ivan Krezo Hrvoje Krstulović Siniša Kukić Mile Kunac Ruža Marić Tomislav Mihaljević Dino Milić Alenka Mirković-Nađ Igor Nađ Žarko Pavletić Krešimir Šlafhauzer Miroslav Šlafhauzer Mario Šlipogor Ivan Šmidt Marija Šmidt Siniša Telarović Željko Troha Miroslav Vidović Petar Vidović Vilma Vidović Vinko Vidović Berislav Vrančić Nikola Žinić IMPRESSUM Urednica kataloga / Catalogue editor: Ivana Perić Autori tekstova / Authora: Ivana Perić, Igor Rakonić, Alenka Mirković-Nađ, Darija Benaković, Mirela Hutinec; Kristina Barbir Suradnici / Associates: Ivana Filip Prevoditeljice / Translators: Ivana Perić, Kristina Barbir Lektorica (hrvatski i engleski) / Proofreader (Croatian and English): Kristina Barbir 54 Prijelom kataloga / Layout: Mario Pavlović Vizualni identitet / Visual identity: Bruketa & Žinić Za izdavača / Publisher: Igor Rakonić (Discovery d.o.o.) Tisak / Print: Kersch offset Naklada / Circulation: 1000 INDEX 100 DANA / 100 DNI / 100 DAYS, Vera Cakanyova - 23 AKO MI SE FUĆKA, FUĆKAM / EU CAND VREAU SA FLUIER, FLUIER / IF I WANT TO WHISTLE I WHISTLE , Florin Serban - 7 ANONIMNO / ANONYM, Tomasz Mielnik - 15 ARTHUR I MALTAZARDOVA OSVETA / ARTHUR ET LA VENGEANCE DE MALTAZARD / ARTHUR AND THE REVENGE OF MALTAZARD, Luc Besson - 38 ASTRO BOY, David Bowers - 39 BIUTIFUL, Alejandro González Iñárritu - 35 CHE: DIO PRVI / CHE: PART ONE, Steven Soderbergh - 36 CHE: DIO DRUGI / CHE: PART TWO, Steven Soderbergh - 37 ČUDOVIŠTA PROTIV VANZEMALJACA / MONSTERS VS. ALIENS, Rob Letterman, Conrad Vernon - 39 DAVID ŽELI LETJETI / DAVID WANTS TO FLY, David Sieveking - 24 DJECA IZ KOMUNE / DIE KINDER VOM FRIEDRICHSHOF/ THE CHILDREN OF THE COMMUNE, Juliane Grossheim - 25 DOKTRINA ŠOKA / THE SHOCK DOCTRINE, Michael Winterbottom, Mat Whitecross - 42 DRAQUILLA - ITALIJA DRHTI / DRAQUILA - L’ITALIA CHE TREMA / DRAQUILA - ITALY TREMBLES, Sabina Guzzanti - 43 GRANICA / HRANICA / THE BORDER, Jaroslav Vojtek - 26 HRANA D.D. / FOOD, INC., Robert Kenner - 44 INTERIJER, STAN, NOĆ / INTERIOR, APARTMENT, NIGHT, Saša Ban - 16 IZMEĐU DVA SVIJETA / ZWISCHEN WELTEN / IN-BETWEEN WORLDS , Dorothea Carl - 27 JA VEĆ JESAM SVE ONO ŠTO ŽELIM DA IMAM / I ALREADY AM EVERYTHING I WANT TO HAVE , Dane Komljen - 17 KAKO IZDRESIRATI ZMAJA / HOW TO TRAIN YOUR DRAGON, Dean DeBlois, Chris Sanders - 40 KINSHASA SIMFONIJA / KINSHASA SYMPHONY, Martin Baer, Claus Wischman - 28 KONCERT / LE CONCERT / THE CONCERT , Radu Mihaileanu - 8 LIBERTANGO, Sara Hribar - 18 LINIJE DLANA / PALMELE / THE PALM LINES, George Chiper - 19 LJUDI S MLIJEČNOG PUTA / PEOPLE FROM THE MILKY WAY, Miroslav Mikuljan - 29 MED / BAL / HONEY , Semih Kaplanoglu - 9 ODREDIŠTE NEPOZNATO / DESTINATION UNKNOWN, Vjeran Vukašinović, Ines Šulj - 10 PÁL ADRIENN, Agnes Kocsis - 11 PRIČE S GRANICE / THE BORDER STORIES, Željko Sarić - 30 PROSVIJETLJENI / LIVING LUMINARIES, Larry Kurnarsky - 45 PUSKÁS / PUSKÁS HUNGARY / THE REAL PUSKÁS, Tamás Almási - 31 RAZOTKRIVANJE TAJNE PIRAMIDA / THE REVELATION OF THE PYRAMIDS, Patrice Pooyard - 46 ŠPIJUN IZ SUSJEDSTVA / THE SPY NEXTDOOR, Brian Levant - 40 VRIJEME ISTJEČE / TIME’ S UP, Marie- Catherine Theiler, Jan Peters - 32 ZAŠTITNIK / PROTEKTOR, Marek Najbrt - 12 ŽIC-e / WAGs, Joachim Dollhopf, Evi Goldbrunner - 20 ŽENA SA SLOMLJENIM NOSEM / THE WOMAN WITH A BROKEN NOSE, Srđan Koljević - 13 ŽUTI MJESEC / YELLOW MOON, Zvonimir Jurić - 21 55 TKO JE TKO / WHO IS WHO? Igor Rakonić - Direktor / Festival Director Damir Rupčić - Producent, koordinator volontera / Producer, Coordinator of Volunteers Ivana Perić - Odnosi s javnošću, urednica kataloga, press služba / PR, Catalogue Editor, Press Service Alenka Mirković-Nađ - Odnosi s javnošću, Press služba / PR, Press Service Kristina Barbir - Marketing i promocija, lektura, protokol / Marketing and Promotion, Proofreading, Protocol Ivana Filip - Ured za goste, print koordinatorica / Hospitality, Print Coordinator Mario Pavlović - DTP Isabella Rakonić - Press služba / Press Service Andrea Tomljenović - Koordinatorica projekcija / Screening Coordinator Maja Jakumetović - Koordinatorica blagajne, financije / Box office cooridinator, Finances Ljiljana Rakonić - Financije / Finances Damir Mažar - Logistička podrška / Logistic Support Igor Škorić - Logistička podrška / Logistic Support Tomislav Barac - Logistička podrška / Logistic Support Prevoditeljska zadruga TransTitl - Prijevod i titlanje / Film Translation and Subtitles Škola stranih jezika Troha - Prijevod / Translation Drago Prahin - Projekcije / Screening Elatus IT - Dizajn internetskih sadržaja / Web Design Studio Luminus - festivalska A/V špica / Festival A/V Trailer Boris Bajrak - Fotograf / Photographer Ivana Perić - Prijevod tekstova / Text Translations Kristina Barbir - Prijevod tekstova i lektura engleskog / Text Translations and Proofreading Bruketa& Žinić - Vizualni identitet / Visual Identity SELEKCIJA FILMOVA / FILM SELECTOR - Igor Rakonić VOLONTERI / VOLUNTEERS Aleksandra Vincetić Ana Balić Ana Bučko Anamarija Bačić Anamarija Hortvatić Anamarija Sivrić Biljana Gaća Danijela Dodlek Darija Štrobilius Dejana Macura Dina Lalić Goran Sučević Ilan Rakonić Isabella Rakonić Ivona Bijelonjić Katja Petrović Lara Kuterovac Marijela Stjepanović Marina Kichbauer Matea Prša Mateja Međeši Matilda Kasalo Nenad Trivunović Nikica Pinter Ranka Kojčinović Tijana Lalić Tin Vukas Vanja Nedić ORGANIZACIJSKI ODBOR / ORGANIZATION BOARD 56 Danijela Stanković Ivanka Miličić Vjekoslav Karaula Jasna Babić Branko Borković Alenka Mirković-Nađ Damir Rupčić Zvonko Milas 57 58 59
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