OPĆI UVJETI NAJMA VOZILA GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THE VEHICLE LEASE 1. UVODNE ODREDBE 1.1. Ovim Općim uvjetima koji se prilažu i čine sastavni dio Ugovora o najmu sklopljenog između Auto Benussi d.o.o. kao Najmodavca i pravne ili fizičke osobe kao Najmoprimca (u daljnjem tekstu: Ugovor), utvrđuju se ovlaštenje i upravljanje unajmljenim vozilom, preuzimanje i vraćanje vozila, održavanje vozila, kvarovi na vozilu, plaćanje najma, osiguranje, prometna nezgoda te druga prava i obveze koje potpisom Ugovora obje ugovorne strane u cijelosti prihvaćaju. 1.2. Potpisom Ugovora Najmoprimac potvrđuje da je upoznat sa cjenikom, tarifom i pravilima osiguranja koji su priloženi Ugovoru i čine njegov sastavni dio. 1.3. Izrazi definirani u Ugovoru o najmu, ako što drugo nije izričito određeno imaju isto značenje i u ovim Općim uvjetima. 1. INTRODUCTORY PROVISIONS 1.1. These General Terms and Conditions, which accompany and constitute an integral part of the Lease Agreement between Auto Benussi d.o.o. as the Lessor and a legal or natural person as the Lessee (hereinafter: Agreement), set out authorization and management of the leased vehicle, its collection and return, maintenance, damage repairs, lease payment, insurance, road accident and other rights and obligations which are binding in their entirety both parties at the signature of this Agreement. 1.2. By signing the Agreement the Lessee confirms that he is acquainted with the price list, tariff and rules of insurance which accompany the Agreement and constitute an integral part thereof. 1.3. Terms defined in the Lease Agreement, unless stated otherwise, bear the same meaning in these General Terms and Conditions. 2. OVLAŠTENJE I UPRAVLJANJE UNAJMLJENIM VOZILOM 2.1. Vozilo se daje u najam vozačima koji ispunjavaju zakonom propisane uvjete glede minimuma godina starosti i minimuma godina posjedovanja vozače dozvole (stariji od 21 godine uz posjedovanje vozače dozvole najmanje 24 mjeseca). 2.2. Ugovorom o najmu vozilo se iznajmljuje na najduži rok od mjesec dana. Za najam duži od jednog mjeseca ili drugu vrstu najma vozila sačinit će se aneks Ugovora. 2.3. Vozilom danim u najam smije upravljati samo Najmoprimac osobno ili osoba upisana od strane Najmodavca u Ugovoru kao dodatni vozač, pridržavajući se odredaba ovih Općih uvjeta i svih važećih zakona. 2.4. Najmoprimac se obvezuje da će vozilo koristiti za osobne potrebe, te da ga neće koristiti po utjecajem alkohola, droga ili drugih lijekova, u protuzakonite svrhe, za obuku vozača, za prijevoz putnika ili robe uz naknadu, za pogon ili vuču bilo kakvog vozila ili predmeta, za sportske priredbe (trke ili brzinske probe) te da ga neće dati u podnajam. 2.5. Najmoprimac se obvezuje vozilom koristiti unutar granica Republike Hrvatske te neće prelaziti državnu granicu Republike Hrvatske bez prethodnog odobrenja Najmodavca, u suprotnome obvezan je u potpunosti podmiriti eventualno nastalu štetu (uključivo gubitak vozila). 2.6. Za korištenje vozilom izvan teritorija Republike Hrvatske, Najmoprimac mora tražiti prethodno odobrenje Najmodavca uz nadoplatu dodatnog osiguranja vozila. 2.7. Najmoprimcu se zabranjuje korištenje vozila u slijedećim državama: Slovačka, Srbija, Crna Gora, Bosna i Hercegovina, Kosovo, Rumunjska, Bugarska, Albanija, bivše države USSR, Grčka i Turska. 3. PREUZIMANJE VOZILA 3.1. Najmoprimac je prilikom preuzimanja vozila dužan potpisati Izjavu o stanju vozila (u daljnjem tekstu: Izjava) koja čini sastavni dio Ugovora o najmu. 3.2. Prije potpisivanja Izjave Najmoprimac je dužan provjeriti stanje vozila te dodatne opreme. Ukoliko bilo koji dio navedene opreme nedostaje ili postoje neki drugi nedostaci, Najmoprimac je dužan odmah u Izjavi naznačiti u čemu se ti nedostaci sastoje i u kojem smislu postoje primjedbe na stanje vozila. 3.3. Potpisom Izjave Najmoprimac potvrđuje da je provjerio stanje vozila, da je preuzeo mehanički ispravno vozilo sa svim pripadajućim priborom i dokumentima te da nema drugih primjedbi koje se odnose na stanje i opremu vozila. 3.4. Najmoprimac vozilo preuzima sa punim spremnikom goriva, a u slučaju vraćanja vozila sa manje goriva, naplaćuje mu se razlika uvećana za uslugu punjenja. 4. VRAĆANJE VOZILA 4.1. Najmoprimac se obvezuje vratiti vozilo u roku (sat,dan, mjesec i godina) i mjestu naznačenom u Ugovoru i to u stanju u kojem ga je i preuzeo, sa svim pripadajućim priborom i dokumentima. 4.2. Najmodavac zadržava pravo zahtjeva za prijevremeni povrat vozila. 4.3. Prilikom vraćanja vozila Najmoprimac je dužan dati na uvid ovlaštenom djelatniku Najmodavca Ugovor o najmu i Izjavu o stanju vozila. Ovlašteni djelatnik će u prisutnosti Najmoprimca izvršiti pregled vozila te će u Izjavu unijeti podatke o uočenim nedostacima s obzirom na stanje u kojem je Najmoprimac preuzeo vozilo. 4.4. Najmoprimac može produžiti najam najkasnije 24 sata prije isteka najma uz odobrenje Najmodavca. U suprotnome smatrat će se da je Najmoprimac protupravno prisvojio vozilo. Ukoliko Najmoprimac ne vrati vozilo 6 sati nakon isteka Ugovora o najmu, a prethodno ne kontaktira Najmodavca, prijavljuje se otuđenje vozila policiji s podacima Najmoprimca. 4.5. Vraćanje vozila moguće je unutar gradskih središta za vrijeme radnog vremena, a van radnog vremena i izvan grada, moguća je uz dodatnu nadoplatu i uz prethodnu suglasnost i potvrdu Najmodavca. 4.6. Ukoliko vozilo nije vraćeno u poslovnici preuzimanja vozila nego u nekoj drugoj poslovnici Najmodavca, konačni obračun je onaj koji je izvršila ta druga poslovnica. Poslovnica koja je izdala vozilo dužna je potvrditi taj konačni obračun i zadržava pravo poslati Najmoprimcu ispravljeni račun u skladu sa uvjetima najma u vrijeme preuzimanja vozila. 4.7. Ukoliko vozilo ne bude vraćeno u poslovnicu Najmodavca već bude ostavljeno na nekoj drugoj lokaciji (ispred hotela uz predaju ključeva recepciji, na aerodromu i sl.) ili bude vraćeno u poslovnicu izvan njenog radnog vremena, a takav način vraćanja vozila nije radnije bio dogovoren sa Najmodavcem, Najmoprimac je dužan platiti ugovornu kaznu u iznosu od 3.500,00 Eura uvećano za PDV, i to u protuvrijednosti u kunama prema prodajnom tečaju Hrvatske narodne banke na dan plaćanja. 4.8. Ako Najmoprimac vrati vozilo poslije datuma navedenog u Ugovoru o najmu, a u međuvremenu je došlo do promjene cijena, od dana predviđenog vraćanja vozila Najmodavac je ovlašten zaračunati nove cijene. 4.9. Radnici Najmodavca imaju pravo u bilo koje vrijeme kontrolirati vozilo. U slučaju da ustanove na Najmoprimac ne poštuje uvjete Ugovora o najmu, radnici Najmodavca ovlašteni su Najmoprimcu oduzeti vozilo. 5. ODRŽAVANJE VOZILA 5.1. Najmoprimac se obvezuje vozilo savjesno koristiti, održavati, čuvati i opterećivati, sukladno uputstvu proizvođača te da neće vršiti nikakve izmjene dijelova, sklopova ili agregata na vozilu, bez dozvole Najmodavca. U slučaju utanovljenja oštećenja ili kvara na vozilu, Najmoprimac se obvezuje da će prestati koristiti vozilo i obavijestiti Najmodavca o istim. 5.2. Najmodavac će Najmoprimcu, uz predočenje valjanog računa i dokaza da je isti plaćen, nadoknaditi troškove redovnogservisnog održavanja i odobrenih popravaka na vozilu. 5.3. Najmoprimac se obvezuje da za vrijeme najma isprave vozila neće ostavljati u vozilu. U slučaju krađe vozila zajedno s ispravama vozila, utvrđuje se da je Najmoprimac grubo prekršio odredbe Ugovora i da tada odgovara Najmodavcu za punu visinu nastale štete i ne može se pozivati na oslobođenje od naknade štete. 5.4. Najmoprimac se obvezuje snositi troškove pranja vozila, popravaka guma, prometnih prekršaja (i nakon prestanka Ugovora), te ostalih troškova nastalih tijekom korištenja iznajmljenog vozila, izuzev troškova koji terete Najmodavca, odnosno osiguravatelja. 6. KVAROVI NA VOZILU 6.1. Najmodavac nije odgovoran za naknadu, kao niti za zakašnjenje nastalo uslijed kvara ili neispravnosti vozila. 6.2. U slučaju kvara ili oštećenja na vozilu tijekom najma, Najmodavac se obvezuje izvršiti zamjenu vozila Najmoprimcu u roku od 24 sata, od momenta kada je nastali kvar ili štetu Najmoprimac prijavio Najmodavcu. 6.3. Nužni hitni popravci poduzeti od strane Najmoprimca ili zamjena dijelova vozila mogu se izvršiti samo u ovlaštenim servisima po prethodnom odobrenju Najmodavca. Najmoprimac ima pravo na povrat troškova, ali samo uz predočene račune ovlaštenog servisa koji je popravak izvršio i uz obvezno vraćanje promijenjenih dijelova. U suprotnome, troškovi se ne priznaju! 6.4. U slučaju kvara vozila izvan teritorija Republike Hrvatske, Najmoprimac je obvezan kontaktirati Najmodavca u Hrvatskoj radi dogovora oko popravka vozila. Najmodavac će refundirati trošak popravka po predočenju originalnog računa ovlaštenog servisa i dijela koji je zamijenjen zbog kvara. Pri prelasku državne granice Najmoprimac je u obvezi predočiti carinskom službeniku račun na ovjeru. 6.5. Ako se kod vraćanja vozila ustanovi, da je bilo koji dio vozila ili opreme bio promijenjen bez odobrenja Najmodavca odnosno izgubljen, Najmoprimcu će se naplatiti šteta u visini trostruke tržišne cijene, promijenjenog ili izgubljenog dijela opreme, važeće na dan vraćanja vozila. 7. PLAĆANJE NAJMA 7.1. Najmoprimac se obvezuje da će Najmodavcu, na njegov pismeni poziv, odmah platiti iznos za dnevni najam po ugovorenoj tarifi, dnevne dodatke kao i nastale troškove koji se obračunavaju. 7.2. Ukoliko Najmoprimac podmiruje svoje obveze za najam vozila kreditnom karticom, isti daje potpisanim Ugovorom o najmu, ovlaštenje Najmodavcu da zaračuna troškove najma direktno izdavatelju kreditne kartice i bez slip-obrasca. U slučaju da Najmoprimac nije uplatio dodatno osiguranje (SCDW), potpisom Ugovora o najmu Najmoprimac daje ovlaštenje Najmodavcu da izdavatelju kreditne kartice naplati troškove štete na vozilu u visini franšize. 7.3. Ukoliko Najmoprimac podmiruje svoje obveze najma vozila na temelju ispostavljenog predračuna, isti je dužan podmiriti naznačeni iznos u roku i pod uvjetima naznačenim na računu. 7.4. U slučaju kašnjenja u plaćanju, Najmoprimac se obvezuje platiti Najmodavcu za iznose u kunama zakonske zatezne kamate čija je visina utvrđena Uredbom o visini stope zatezne kamate. 8. OSIGURANJE 8.1. Tijekom najma, vozilo je osigurano protiv odgovornost za štetu prouzročenu trećim osobama, prema zakonskim propisima i pravilima osiguranja Osiguravajuće kuće, te će se sva prava i obveze glede nastale štete rješvati na temelju tih pravila, odnosno zaključene police osiguranja za predmetno vozilo, te ugovorenih dodataka. 8.2. Najmoprimac se obvezuje podmiriti svaku štetu, do visine pune vrijednosti vozila (oštećenje, krađa, gubitak vozila), nastalu u vrijeme trajanja najma kao i nastalu štetu za izmaklu dobit radi popravka vozila do max. 30 dana, ukoliko je ista nastala krivnjom Najmoprimca. Šteta za izmaklu dobit određuje se temeljem cjenika za dnevni najam priloženom Ugovoru i koji čini njegov sastavni dio. 8.3. Najmoprimac može pri sklapanju Ugovora o najmu uplatiti dnevni dodatak, u iznosu određenom prema važećem cjeniku priloženom Ugovoru koji čini njegov sastavni dio, za «Otkup odgovornosti za štetu na vozilu» (CDW). Time otklanja svoju odgovornost za štete iz točke 7.2., osim osobnog učešća u toj šteti (franšiza), te u slučaju gubitka i krađe vozila ili dijelova. 8.4. Najmoprimac može pri sklapanju Ugovora uplatiti dnevni dodatak u iznosu određenom prema važećem cjeniku priloženom Ugovoru koji čini njegov sastavni dio, za «Otkup odgovornosti za gubitak, krađu vozila ili dijelova» (TP). Time otklanja svoju odgovornost za slučaj gubitka, krađe vozila ili dijelova, osim osobnog učešća u toj šteti (franšiza). 8.5. Najmoprimac može pri sklapanju Ugovora posebno osigurati, u iznosu određenom prema važećem cjeniku priloženom Ugovoru koji čini njegov sastavni dio, vozača i putnike, do visine police osiguranja za štetu uslijed smrti ili tjelesnih povreda, koje zadobiju u vozilu (PAI). 8.6. Najmoprimac se može ugovaranjem i plaćanjem dodatnog dnevnog osiguranja (SCDW), u iznosu određenom prema važećem cjeniku priloženom Ugovoru koji čini njegov sastavni dio, dodatno osigurati od osobnog učešća u šteti - franšizi za vrijeme najma vozila. To osiguranje (SCDW) vrijedi samo za prvu štetu na vozilu, a u slučaju druge i svake iduće štete na vozilu, franšiza se naplaćuje u punom iznosu navedenom u Ugovoru o najmu, bez obzira na procijenjenu visinu štete. 8.7. Najmoprimac je obvezan podmiriti svaku štetu (oštećenja, gubitak, krađa vozila ili dijelova, izmakla dobit), bez obzira na uplaćene dodatke iz toč 7.3., 7.4., 7.5. i 7.6., ukoliko je do štete došlo korištenjem vozila suprotno odredbama Ugovora i Općih uvjeta, te uslijed grube nepažnje ili namjere. 8.8. Osobno učešće u šteti - franšiza ovisi o grupi vozila, određeno je važećom tarifom po odluci Najmodavca, koja je priložena Ugovoru i čini njegov sastavni dio. 8.9. Osiguranje ni u kojem slučaju ne pokriva štetu na gumama, štetu na donjem postroju vozila, unutrašnjosti vozila i vjetrobranu uzrokovanu nemarom vozača, štetu na motoru uzrokovanu nedostatkom ulja, ulijevanjem krive vrste goriva, štetu koju je napravio vozač pod utjecajem alkohola, droga ili drugih opojnih sredstava, štetu koju je napravio neovlašteni vozač, bilo koje oštećenje na vozilu koje nije prijavljeno nadležnoj policijskoj postaji. Ta oštećenja unajmljivač snosi sam. 9. PROMETNA NEZGODA 9.1. U slučaju prometne nezgode, Najmoprimac se obvezuje odmah pozvati policiju na mjesto štetnog događaja ili prijaviti štetni događaj nadležoj Policijskoj upravi. U suprotnom, Najmoprimac se može teretiti za nastalu štetu. 9.2. Najmoprimac se obvezuje da će osigurati vozilo od daljnjih šteta, te čekati uputstva Najmodavca o daljnjem korištenju vozila i postupiti u dogovoru s Najmodavcem, te mu podnijeti pismeno izvješće o štetnom događaju. 9.3. Najmoprimac se obvezuje, u slučaju novo nastale štete, vratiti vozilo u najbližu poslovnicu Najmodavca, u radno vrijeme poslovnice i pod uvjetima koje je odredio Najmodavac. 9.4. Najmoprimac se obvezuje da će sudjelovati u svim postupcima radi naplate štete prema trećoj osobi, u suprotnome dužan je troškove prouzročene nesreće snositi sam. 10. OSTALO 10.1. U slučaju povrede Ugovorenih obveza i Općih uvjeta, učinjenih od strane Najmoprimca, Ugovor se raskida, a Najmoprimac se obvezuje nadoknaditi Najmodavcu svu proizašlu štetu, sadržaja i obima kojeg odredi Najmodavac. 10.2. Najmoprimac svojim potpisom bezuvjetno prihvaća sve gore navedene uvjete, jamči točnost svih navedenih podataka iz isprava (osobna iskaznica, putovnica, vozačka dozvola) i prihvaća nadležnost suda u sjedištu Najmodavca u slučaju sudskog spora. 2. AUTHORIZATION AND MANAGEMENT OF THE LEASED VEHICLE 2.1. The vehicle is leased to drivers who fulfil legally required conditions as regards the minimum age and years of driving licence possession (over 21 years of age with the minimum of driving licence possession of 24 months). 2.2. The vehicle lease of one month is the longest possible deadline set out by this Lease Agreement. An annex of the Agreement shall be drawn up for the lease of more than one month or other type od vehicle lease. 2.3. Only the Lessee in person or the person authorized by the Lessee in the Agreement as an additional driver may drive the leased vehicle, abiding by all provisions of these General Terms and Conditions and all valid laws. 2.4. The Lesse undertakes to use the vehicle for personal purposes and not to use it under the influence of alchocol, drugs or other medications, for illegal purposes, trainig drivers, passenger or goods transport with remuneration, for driving or hauling any kind of vehicel or item, for sports manifestations (races or speed trials) and not to sublease it. 2.5. The Lessee undertakes to use the vehicle within borders of the Republic of Croatia and not to pass the state border of the Republic of Croatia without the prior approval of the Lessor, otherwise he undertakes to settle in its entirety any possible damage cost (including the loss of vehicle). 2.6. The Lessee must ask for prior approval of the Lessor for the use of vehicle outside the territory of the Republic of Croatia with an additional vehicle insurance payment. 2.7. The Lessee is not allowed to use the vehicle in the following states: Slovakia, Serbia, Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Romania, Bulgaria, Albania, former SSSR, Greece and Turkey. 3. VEHICLE TAKEOVER 3.1. The Lessee is obligated to sign, on the vehicle takeover, the Vehicle Status Report (hereinafter: the Report) that is integral part of the Rental Agreement. 3.2. Prior to signing the Report the Lessee is obligated to check the status of the vehicle and additional equipment. If any part of the said equipment is missing or ther are other defects, the Lessee is obligated to specify immediately the defects and to give remarks as to the vehicle status. 3.3. By signing the Report the Lessee confirms that he/she has checked the vehicle status and confirms his/her takeover of the mechanically operational vehicle with all accompanying accessories and documents and that there are no other remarks as to the status of the vehicle and equipment. 3.4. The Lessee collects the vehicle with full fuel tank, and in case of returning the vehicle with less fuel he shall be charged a difference increased by the fuel filling service. 4. VEHICLE RETURNING PROCEDURE 4.1. The Lessee undertakes to return the vehicle within the deadline (hour, day, month and year) and to the location as laid down in the Agreement in the condition in wich it was collected, with all pertaining equipment and documents. 4.2. The Lessor withholds the right to request an early return of the vehicle. 4.3. On returning the vehicle the Lessee is obligated to provide for review of the Lessor`s authorized employee the rental Agreement and Vehicle Status Report. The authorized employee will inspect the vehicle in the presence of the Lessee and fill out, in the Report, the details of the found defects compared to the status of the vehicle on takeover by the Lessee. 4.4. The Lessee may extend the lease at the latest 24 hours prior the expiry of the lease with the Lessor`s approval. Otherwise, the vehicle shall be deemed appropriated illegally by the Lessee. If 6 hours after the expiry of the Rental Agreement the Lessee, without prior communication to the Lessor, does not return the vehicle, the vehicle alienation and the Lessee details will be reported to the police. 4.5. The return of vehicle shall be done within city centres during working hours whereas the return outside working hours and city centres is possible with additional payment and prior approval of the Lessor. 4.6. If the vehicle has not been returned to the branch office, in wich the vehicle was taken over, but to another branch office of the Lessor, the final calculation will be the one completed by such other branch office. The branch office that has performed the vehicle hand-over is obligated to confirm such final calculation and withholds the right to send to the Lessee the invoice corrected in accordance with the Rental Terms and Conditions vlid at the tim of the vehicle takeover. 4.7. If the vehicle is not returned to the Lessor branch office but is left at another location or returned to the branch office after its working hours, and such manner of vehicle return has not been agreed previously with the Lessor, the Lessee is obligated to pay contractual penalty in the amount of Euro 3.500,00 plus VAT, in HRK equivalent value, against the selling rate of the Croatian National Bank on the payment date. 4.8. If the Lessee has returned the vehicle after the date indicated in the Rental Agreement and the prices, meanwhile, have been changed, the Lessor is authorized to charge the new prices from the anticipated vehicle return date. 4.9. The Lessor employees have the right to perform vehicle check-up at any time. In the event of their establishing that the Lessee has not complied with the Rental Agreement terms and conditions, the Lessor employees are authorized to dispossess the vehicle from the Lessee. 5. VEHICLE MAINTENANCE 5.1 The Lessee undertakes to use the vehicle in a knowing manner, to maintain, keep and cumber it as appropriate in accordance with the producer`s instructions and not to execute any changes of parts, units or assemblies on the vehicle and inform the Lessor thereof. 5.2. With a valid proof of invoice and its settlement, the Lessor shall compensate for all the costs of regular vehicle servicing maintenance and approved vehicle repairs. 5.3. The Lessee undertakes not to leave vehicle documents unattended inside the vehicle during the lease period. In case of a vehicle theft along with vehicle documents, it is understood that the Lessee has violated the provisions of this Agreement and is responsible to the Lessor for the full amount of the incurred damage and cannot call upon the exemption of compensation for the incurred damage. 5.4. The Lessee undertakes to bear all the costs of vehicle washig, tyre repairs, traffic violations (after the termination of Agreement as well), as well as all other costs incurred during the use of the leased vehicle, except from the costs borne by the Lessor, that is, the insurer. 6. VEHICLE MALFUNCTION 6.1. The Lessor shall not be held responsible neither for the compenstion nor for the delay caused by vehicle malfunction or breakdown. 6.2. In case of malfunction or damage during the lease period the Lessor undertakes to provide a replacement vehicle to the Lessee within 24 hour deadline following the report of the malfunction or damage by the Lessee to the Lessor. 6.3. All the necessary repairs undertaken by the Lessee or vehicle parts replacements may be done only at authorized servicing centres with prior approval of the Lessor. The Lessee has the right of cost refund but only upon submission of invoices from the authorized service centre where the repair was done and with compulsory return of changed parts. Otherwise, the costs shall not be deemed valid! 6.4. In case of malfunction of the vehicle outside the territory of the Republic of Croatia, the Lessee undertakes to contact the Lessor in Croatia for the purpose of arranging vehicle repair. The Lessor shall refund the cost of repair upon submission of the original invoice from the authorized servicing centre and the part that was replaced due to the malfunction. Upon crossing the state border, the Lessee undertakes to present to the customs officer the invoice for certification. 6.5. Upon the vehicle rturn, if any part of the vehicle or its equipment is deemed shanged without prior approval by the Lessor or even lost, the Lessee shall be charged a fee in the amount of thre times the market price of the changed or lost piece of equipment, valid od the day of the vehicle return. 7. LEASE PAYMENT 7.1. The Lessee undertakes to pay to the Lessor, at his written request, the amount for daily lease at the agreed tariff as well as daily additions and the incurred costs which are added to the overall amount. 7.2. In case the Lessee settles vehicle lease obligations with credit card, he shall give authorization to the Lessor, by signing the Lease Agreement, to charge directly the credit card issuer, with no slip form, with all the costs of lease. In event the Lessee has not paid the additional insurance (SCDW), by signing the Rental Agreement the Lessee authorizes the Lessor to collect vehicle damage costs in the amount of the deductibles from the credit card issuer. 7.3. If the Lessee settles vehicle lease obligations on the basis of an issued quote, he undertakes to pay the agreed amount within deadline and under the conditions laid down in the invoice. 7.4. In case of a delay in payment, the Lessee undertakes to pay to the Lessor the legal default interests on the amount in kunas, whose amount is set out in the Regulation on the Amount of Legal Default Interests. 8. INSURANCE 8.1. During the lease period the vehicle is insured against resposibility for the damage cause to third persons, in accordance with legal regulations and rules of insurance of the Insurance Company, and all rights and obligations as regards the incurred damage shall be dealt with on the basis of those regulations, that is, the agreed insurance policy for the vehicle in question as well as on the basis of the agred additions. 8.2. The Lessee undertakes to settle all damages up to the full amount of the vehicle (damage, theft, loss of vehicle), incurred during the lease period as well as the incurred damage for the lost profit due to the vehicle repair of a duration of up to maximum 30 days if the same was incurred due to the Lessee`s fault. The damage for the lost profit is established on the basis of a price list for daily lease, which accompanies the Agreement and constitutes an integral part thereof. 8.3. At the conclusion of the Lease Agreement, the Lessee may pay a daily addition in the amount agreed on the basis of a valid price list which accompanies the Agreement and constitutes an integral part thereof, for Colision Damage Waiver (CDW). Thus he is free from any responsibility for damage from the paragaph 7.2., apart from the personal participation in that damage (franchise), and in case of a loss or a theft of the vehicle or any of its parts. 8.4. Upon conclusion of this Agreement, the Lessee may pay a daily addition in the amount agreed on the basis of a valid price list which accompanies the Agreement and constitutes an integral part thereof, fot Theft Protection (TP). Thus he is free from any responsibility for cases of loss or theft of the vehicle or any of its parts, apart from the personal participation in that damage (franchise). 8.5. Upon conclusion of this Agreement, the Lessee may especially insure, in the amount agreed on the basis of a valid price list which accompanies the Agreement and constitutes an integral part thereof, driver and passengers up to the amount of insurance policy for the damage in cases of death or body injuries, Personal Accident Insurance (PAI). 8.6. Upon conclusion of this Agreement and by paying the Super Colision Damage Waiwer (SCDW) in the amount agreed on the basis of a valid price list which accompanies the Agreement and constitutes an integral part thereof, the Lessee may additionally be insured from a personal participation in the damage - franchise during the lease period. Such insurance (SCDW) is valid only for the first damage incurred on the vehicle and in the case of the second and any following damage on the vehicle, the deductible will be payable in the full amount specifies in the Rental Agreement, regardless of the assessed value of the damage. 8.7. The Lessee undertakes to settle all damages (defects, loss, theft of the vehicle or its parts, lost profit), regardless of paid additions from paragraphs 7.3., 7.4., 7.5. and 7.6., if there was a damage incurred by using the vehicle contrary to the provisions of the Agreement and General Terms and Conditions or upon gross inattention or premeditation. 8.8. Personal participation in the damage - franchise depends on the group of vehicles, it is established by a valid tariff on the basis of the Lessor`s decision, which accompanies the Agreement and is constitutes an integral part thereof. 8.9. The insurance does not in any case cover the damage on tyres, damage on the underside, the inside of the vehicle and on the windshield due to driver`s carelessness, damage to the engine due to a lack of oil or filling a wrong type of fuel, damage caused by a driver under the influence of alcohol, drugs or other intoxicating substances, damage incurred by an unauthorized driver, any damage of the vehicle not reported to the competent police station. These damages are borne by the Lessee. 9. ROAD ACCIDENT 9.1. In case of a road accident, the Lessee undertakes to summon the police at the site of the accident or to report the accident to the competent Police Station. Otherwise, the Lessee may be held resposible for the incurred damage. 9.2. The Lessee undertakes to insure the vehicle from further damages, and wait for the instructions by the Lessor on further use of the vehicle and act in accordance with the Lessor as well as submit a written report on the accident. 9.3. In case of an incurred damage, the Lessee undertakes to return the vehicle to the nearest office of the Lessor, during working hours of the office and under the conditions established by the Lessor. 9.4. The Lessee undertakes to participate in all the procedures with the purpose of charging the damage towards a third person, otherwise he must bear personally all the costs caused by the accident. 10. OTHER 10.1. In case of a violation of the Agreed Obligations and General Terms and Conditions by the Lessee, the Agreement shall be terminated and the Lessee undertakes to compensate to the Lessor for all the incurred damage in the amount and content established by the Lessor. 10.2. By signing the Agreement, the Lessee accepts unconditionally all the above mentioned conditions, guarantees the accuracy of given identification details (ID card, passport, driving licence), and accepts the authority of the court in the Lessor`s place of residence in case of a dispute.
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