Development perspectives of Goražde Razvojne perspektive Goražda

Development perspectives of Goražde
Razvojne perspektive Goražda
Development perspectives of Goražde
Razvojne perspektive Goražda
Winter semester 2013/2014
Bosnian-Podrinje Canton Goražde
1. Slavne višegradske brigade 2a
73000 Goražde, Bosna and Herzegowina
tel: +387 38 221 212
fax: +387 38 224 161
Tarik Begović
Department of Spatial Development,
Infrastructure and Environmental Planning
Vienna University of Technology
Operngasse 11
1040 Vienna, Austria
tel: +43 1 58801 280700
fax: +43 1 58801 28098
The student master project “Development perspectives of Goražde” is organized in frame
of cooperation between Bosnaian-Podrinje Canton Goražde and Vienna University of
Editor: Vienna University of Technology
Technology. Developing concepts of Goražde and its region are the result of an interna-
Department for Spatial Planning
tional cooperation between the Vienna University of Technology, Department of Spatial
February 2014
Development, Infrastructure and Environmental Planning and the Faculty of architecture
ISBN 978-3-902707-13-0
in Sarajevo. All copyrights remain property of the Vienna University of Technology.
© 2014
Place based Regional Development Planning: students of two countries in Cooperation10
About the region Goražde
AMI - Group 2
UNIQUE - Group 4
GROWING - Group 5
The cooperation between the Department of
Regional Development, Infrastructure and Environmental Planning of the Vienna University of Technology and Bosnian-Podrinje Canton
Goražde is now several years long. The initial
contact has been established in 2011 and since
then the representatives of the University
and the Canton have met several times, both
in Vienna and Goražde. Gradually, through
these meetings, the details of the project “Development perspectives of Goražde” have been
formed. The students and professors from
University visited Goražde as part of student
excursion in April 2013 and during their stay,
they inspected the area, got information about
situation, problems and potentials in spatial
planning of the Canton.
In October 2013 the students and professors
of the Department of Regional Development,
Infrastructure and Environmental Planning of
the Vienna University of Technology, together
with the students and professors of Sarajevo
University, from Faculty of Architecture visited Goražde again. Within the project “Development perspectives of Goražde” a workshop,
consisting of the visit to all three Cantons and
Saradnja između Departmenta za prostorni
razvoj, infrastrukturu i okolinsko planiranje
Tehničkog Univerziteta u Beču i Bosanskopodrinjskog kantona Goražde traje već nekoliko godina. Inicijalni kontakti uspostavljeni
su još 2011. godine, a tokom proteklog perioda
predstavnici Univerziteta i Kantona sastali su
se više puta, kako u Beču, tako i u Goraždu, a
kroz ove susrete postepeno su formulisani detalji projekta „Razvojne perspektive Goražda“.
Studenti i profesori Univerziteta su posjetili
Goražde u okviru studentske ekskurzije u aprilu 2013. godine i tokom svog boravka obišli
teren i kroz prezentacije se upoznali sa stanjem, problematikom i potencijalima iz oblasti
prostornog planiranja.
U oktobru 2013. godine studenti i profesori
Odsjeka za prostorno planiranje Tehničkog
Univerziteta u Beču, zajedno sa studentima
i profesorima Arhitektonskog fakulteta u Sarajevu su ponovo posjetili Goražde. Ovom prilikom održana je radionica u okviru projekta
„Razvojne perspektive Goražda“, tokom koje
su učesnici obišli teren i posjetili sve tri općine
Kantona, te prisustvovali na nekoliko prezentacija, na kojima su upoznati sa stanjem u
municipalities and presentations about current situation and future development plans,
had been done. The work groups have been formed and areas of focus have been chosen, first
steps have been made. The students continued
their work on the project after the workshop
in Goražde was finished and it lasted through
winter semester 2013/2014.
Finally, it is time to show the results of this
long work and cooperation. At the end of February 2014 we are organizing an exhibition in
Goražde where the work, the results of activities within the Project “Development perspectives of Goražde”, will be presented.
I believe that projects like this can give us an
opportunity to look at the space of our Canton from different angle. We all live here, we
know the area and local problems well, but we
are not fully aware of the potential we have
here, so the opportunity to work together with
guests, unburdened with our problems and
with ability to recognize undeveloped potential
is very useful. We expect that this combination
of knowledge, experience and creativity of students and professors from Austria and Sarajevo will bring good, interesting and executable
results. We hope that this exhibition
Kantonu i planovima za budući razvoj. Formirane su radne grupe, koje su odabrale tematske oblasti na koje će se fokusirati, napravljeni
prvi koraci za rad na projektu, koji su studenti
nastavili i po završetku radionice u Goraždu u
periodu zimskog semestra 2013/2014. godine.
Konačno, došlo je vrijeme da se pokažu i rezultati ovog višegodišnjeg rada i saradnje. Krajem
februara 2014. godine organizujemo u Goraždu
izložbu, na kojoj će biti prezentirani radovi,
koji su plod dosadašnjih aktivnosti u okviru
projekta „Razvojne perspektive Goražda“.
Smatram da nam jedan ovakav projekat može
dati priliku da prostor našeg Kantona i njegovo uređenje sagledamo iz drugačijeg ugla. Mi
koji živimo u ovom okruženju dobro poznajemo teren i lokalnu problematiku, ali nismo
u potpunosti svjesni koji potencijal imamo i
zbog toga je prilika da radimo zajedno sa gostima, neopterećenim našim problemima i sa
sposobnošću za prepoznavanje neiskorištenih
mogućnosti veoma korisna. Očekujemo da će
ovo kombinovanje znanja, iskustva i kreativnosti studenata i profesora iz Austrije i Sarajeva donijeti dobra, interesantna i primjenljiva rješenja. Nadamo se da će izložba, koja
će prezentirati rezultate projekta također uka-
presented project work will also show that spatial planning is an important instrument in
creating better quality of life and draw attention to this area, which is unfortunately often
neglected in our society.
zati na to da je prostorno planiranje važnan
instrument u stvaranju boljeg i kvalitetnijeg
zajedničkog života, kao i skrenuti pažnju javnosti na ovu bitnu oblast, koja se, nažalost,
suviše često zanemaruje na našim prostorima.
It has been a pleasure to be a host and participant in this Project. On behalf of the Ministry
for Urbanism, Spatial Planning and Environment of Bosnian-Podrinje Canton Goražde I
want to thank all who, with their ideas, work
and efforts, helped successful realization of the
project “Development perspectives of Goražde”
and its final valuable result. I hope that the
cooperation with our friends from Vienna and
Sarajevo will be continued in the future.
Bilo nam je zadovoljstvo biti domaćin i
učestvovati u Projektu. U ime Ministarstva za
urbanizam, prostorno uređenje i zaštitu okoline Bosansko-podrinjskog kantona Goražde, i
svoje lično ime, želim se zahvaliti svima koji su
svojim idejama, radom i zalaganjem pomogli
da se projekat „Razvojne perspektive Goražda“
uspješno realizuje i ponudi nam vrijedna
rješenja. Nadam se da će saradnja sa našim
prijateljima iz Beča i Sarajeva biti nastavljena
i u budućnosti.
Biljana Simić
Minister for urbanism, spatial planning and
Bosnian-Podrinje Canton Goražde
Biljana Simić
Ministrica za urbanizam, prostorno uređenje i
zaštitu okoline
Bosansko-podrinjski kanton Goražde
Place based Regional Development
Planning: students of two countries in
Prostorno regionalno-razvojno planiranje: studenti dvije zemlje u kooperaciji
One of the main challenges for effective regional planning is a good place based evidence of
local trends and problems. Besides, the historical, socio-economic and political context should
be as familiar as possible in order to develop
sound planning strategies.
Jedan od glavnih izazova za efektivno regionalno planiranje je dobro placiranje i uočavanje
lokalnih trendova i problema. Pored toga, historijski, socijalno-ekonomski i politički konteksti bi trebali biti što je moguće poznatiji, da bi
se razvile zvučne planerske strategije.
Facing these challenges a group of master students from Vienna University of Technology
(VUT) started a project focussing on regional
planning strategies strengthening local development. An important learning process on
local conditions and most important actors as
well as on existing assets and new potentials
for regional development was initiated in the
run of a study visit for one week in late October 2013. During this week different experiences on local development could be gained
through meetings with politicians, planers
and other important actors of regional development. Intensive discussions about effective
strategies with collaborating students from
Sarajevo University started. In a second workshop in December in Vienna, in cooperation
with the Sarajevo students specific strategies
Suočavajući se sa izazovima, grupa master
studenata sa Tehničkog Univerziteta u Beču
(TUB) je otpočela projekat, fokusirajući se na
regionalno-planerske strategije jačanja lokalnog razvoja. Vrlo bitan proces upoznavanja lokalnih uslova i najvažnijih aktera, kao i
postojeće strukture i novih potencijala za regionalni razvoj je ostvaren za vrijeme studentske posjete, u trajanju od sedam dana, u oktobru mjesecu 2013. godine. Tokom ove sedmice
smo bili u prilici steći dojam o lokalnom razvoju kroz susrete sa političarima, planerima i
ostalim važnim akterima regionalnog razvoja.
To je označilo i početak intenzivnih diskusija
sa kooperirajućim studentima sa Sarajevskog
Univerziteta. Tokom druge workshop-sedmice
u decembru, u Beču, u saradnji sa sarajevskim
studentima smo elaborirali, diskutovali i, u
had been elaborated, discussed and, finally,
finalized until end of January 2014. Hence,
an important learning process was realised:
experiencing the importance and problems of
cooperation of students from VUT and University of Sarajevo, recognizing the different challenges of regional development planning in a
non-familiar context and discussing specific
ideas of regional development.
However, it was very important that this project was strongly supported by politicians of
the Canton Goražde and by the expertise provided by Edin Kadrić, D.I. Arch., the regional
planner of the Canton. Last but not least, the
organisation and realisation of this project
would have been impossible without the energy and competent input of Edib Uruči, a student at VUT with his roots in Goražde. Many
thanks to all of them! They offered to us the
chance for realizing a student project in such
an interesting and wonderful region.
Prof. Mag. Dr. Rudolf Giffinger
Ass. Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Thomas Dillinger
Department of Spatial Planning, VUT
konačnici, finalizirali specifične strategije do
kraja januara 2014. godine. Time je bio realizovan i bitan proces učenja: iskustvo važnosti
i problema kooperacije studenata sa TUB
i Sarajevskog Univerziteta, prepoznavanje
različitih izazova regionalno-planerskog razvoja u različitom kontekstu i diskutiranje o
specifičnim idejama regionalnog razvoja.
U svemu tome je veoma bitno, da je ovaj projekat bio čvrsto podržan od strane političara
BPK-a Goražde i kroz ekspertize, koje nam
je omogućio Edin Kadrić, D.I. Arh., regionalni planer BPK-a Goražde. Kao posljednje, ali
ne najmanje važno, organizacija i realizacija
ovog projekta bi bila nemoguća bez energije i
kompetentnog inputa od strane Ediba Uruči,
studenta na TUB, sa goraždanskim korijenima. Veliko hvala svima njima! Ponudili su
nam šansu da realizujemo studentski projekat
u jednoj tako interesantnoj i predivnoj regiji.
Prof. Mag. Dr. Rudolf Giffinger
Ass. Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Thomas Dillinger
Department-u za prostorno planiranje, TUB
In the Master curriculum of study “Urban and
Regional Planning” at the Vienna University
of Technology students are to graduate a master project, where they have the opportunity
to plan interesting, attractive, sustainable and
promising areas in the national and international field. In one word - future.
U sklopu redovne nastave na Tehničkom Univerzitetu u Beču, smjer Prostorno planiranje,
svake godine se održava master projekat, pri
kojem studenti imaju priliku planirati zanimljiva, atraktivna, održiva i perspektivna
područja na nacionalnom i internacionalnom
polju. Jednom rječju - budućnost.
Considering geographical location, political
and administrative arrangements and its very
own past, Goražde and its surroundings represent one important link in the chain of UpperDrina region. Precisely because of these aspects is such region extremely challenging, but
also very complex for a spatial planning. As
a spatial planner and a person who was born
in Goražde, who was always aware of its advantages and deficits, which actually give this
region its unique character, I’ve recognized a
multitude of development potential.
S obzirom na geografski položaj, političkoadministrativno uređenje i samu prošlost,
Goražde i njegova okolina predstavljaju jednu
bitnu kariku u lancu naseljenih prostora Gornje-drinske regije. Sa aspekta prostornog planiranja upravo je jedna takva regija izazovna, a
ujedno i veoma kompleksna. Kao prostornom
planeru i rođenom Goraždaku, kojem su aduti
i deficiti ove regije oduvijek bili poznati, koji
joj i daju tako jedinstven karakter, prepoznao
sam mnoštvo razvojnog potencijala.
Idea (Initiative)
On occasion of developing of the Federal spatial plan 2008-2028 and its current importance
in Bosnia and Herzegovina, we have recognized the opportunity to put the thematic focus
Ideja (Inicijativa)
Povodom izrade Federalnog prostornog plana
2008-2028 i njegove aktuelne važnosti u Bosni
i Hercegovini, uvidjeli smo priliku da 2013. godine postavimo tematsko težište studentskog
of the student master project 2013 at the Vienna University of Technology, on the BosnianPodrinje Canton Goražde. Through their work,
students would develop for Canton and all
three of its municipalities, conceptual designs,
creative concepts and give a realistic guidance
for the development of the project area.
master projekta na Tehničkom Univerzitetu u
Beču upravo u Bosansko-podrinjskom kantonu
Goražde. Kroz svoj rad, studenti bi za Kanton i
sve tri njegove općine, te bližu okolinu, razvili
idejna rješenja, kreativno-konceptnog karaktera i dali realistične smjernice za razvoj samog projektnog prostora.
I presented this idea to the representatives of
BPC Goražde at the initial meeting back in
July 2011.
Ideju sam predstavio čelnicima Bosanskopodrinjskog kantona Goražde na inicijalnom
sastanku još u julu 2011. godine.
Cooperation development
With the conclusion of BPC Government in
March 2012, the initiative of cooperation with
the Vienna University of Technology was accepted and followed by meetings to formalize
the Project.
International cooperation is planned in two
First step was the student excursion in April
2013, which served as introduction into the terrain and space of the BPC Goražde. During the
excursion we have also visited Sarajevo and
Mostar, where were organized presentations
and discussions in the Department of Planning
of Canton Sarajevo, at the Faculty of Architecture in Sarajevo and Urban-Planning Institute
Razvoj saradnje
Zaključkom Vlade BPK-a Goražde iz marta
mjeseca 2012. godine, prihvaćena je inicijativa o saradnji sa Tehničkim Univerzitetom u
Beču, nakon čega slijede sastanci, u cilju formalizacije Projekta.
Internacionalna saradnja je planirana u dva
Prvi korak činila je realizacija studentske ekskurzije u aprilu 2013. godine, koja je služila
prvobitnom upoznavanju terena i prostora
BPK-a Goražde. U okviru ekskurzije obavljene su također posjete Sarajevu i Mostaru,
prilikom kojih su organizovana prezentacije i
diskusije u Zavodu za planiranje Kantona Sa-
Mostar, in order to offer the participants clear
image of complex regulations, laws and principles of spatial planning in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Second step of cooperation envisaged
the implementation of the project entitled "Development perspectives of Goražde" in the winter semester of the academic year 2013/2014.
Pursuant to the Letter of intent, project themes are based on three areas that are directly
related to each other:
concepts of urban and regional development of the Canton,
urban development strategy supporting
economic and urban growth,
strategic recommendations for city centre
In order to improve implementation of the Project, Vienna University of Technology cooperated with the Faculty of Architecture in Sarajevo. Students from Sarajevo were supervised
by Dr.Nasiha Pozder, D.I.Arch and Prof.Dr.
Denis Zvizdić,D.I.Arch. Mixed student teams
from Vienna and Sarajevo were exchanging
experiences and complementing each other
with their linguistic and cultural skills, as well
as their knowledge.
rajevo, na Arhitektonskom fakultetu u Sarajevu i Urbanističkom zavodu grada Mostara, sa
ciljem da se učesnicima jasnije prikaže kompleksna slika regulativa, zakona i principa
prostornog planiranja u Bosni i Hercegovini.
Drugi korak saradnje predviđao je realizaciju
Projekta pod nazivom „Razvojne perspektive
Goražda“ u zimskom semestru akademske
2013./2014. godine.
Shodno Pismu namjere tematika Projekta
bazirana je na tri oblasti, koje su svakako
međusobno povezane, a to su:
koncepti urbano-regionalnog razvoja BPK
strategija urbanog razvoja, uz ekonomski
i urbani rast,
strateške preporuke za razvoj gradskog
na osnovu kojih su, uz prostornu analizu na
licu mjesta, kreirani kocepti i vizije razvoja
BPK-a Goražde.
U cilju što bolje realizacije Projekta, Tehnički
Univerzitet u Beču kooperirao je sa Arhitektonskim fakultetom u Sarajevu. Studente
iz Sarajeva predvodilo je nastavno osoblje
Because of its complexity, the work on the project is planned through workshops in Goražde
and Vienna. Workshop in Goražde, which was
held in October 2013, was preceded by a lecture in Sarajevo by the Federal Ministry of
Spatial Planning, on a complete territorial-administrative structure of the Federation, with
a focus on the BPC Goražde and the importance and necessity of spatial and development
plans. Stay in BPC Goražde was used to visit
all its municipalities and the region of Canton,
to inspect and detect potential locations or
routes suitable for the project of every group.
The result of the first workshop was an overall SWOT analysis of the BPC Goražde and its
region, as well as the first concepts of ideas.
On workshop in Vienna, held in December
2013, students intensified realization of their
concepts and preliminary designs as a part of
their teamwork. Organized visits to Viennas
biggest developing urban projects, Seestadt
Aspern and the Central railway station, gave
students a practical overview on the process of
spatial planning, use of planning instruments
and its realization.
Between workshops, students worked individually on developing their visions and ideas,
with the full support of the university teaching
Dr.Nasiha Pozder, D.I.Arh i Prof.Dr. Denis
Zvizdić,D.I.Arh. Formirani su mješoviti timovi studenata iz Beča i Sarajeva, koji su se,
razmjenjujući iskustva međusobno nadopunjavali, kako sa jezičkim i kulturološkim, tako i sa
stručnim znanjem.
Zbog njegove kompleksnosti, rad na Projektu
je planiran kroz radionice u Goraždu i Beču.
Radionici u Goraždu, koja je održana u oktobru
2013. godine, prethodilo je stručno predavanje
u Sarajevu od strane Federalnog ministarstva za prostorno planiranje, koje je sadržavalo
pregled kompletne prostorno-administrativne
strukture Federacije, sa težištem na BPK-u
Goražde, te sam značaj i neophodnost prostornih planova. Boravak u BPK-u Goražde je
protekao u posjetama svih općina i regije Kantona, kao i u detaljnom inspiciranju terena i otkrivanju potencijalnih lokacija, odnosno relacija i ruta pogodnih za realizaciju projekta svake
grupe. Rezultat prve radionice bila je sveukupna SWOT analiza BPK-a Goražde i njegove
regije, kao i prvi konstrukti idjenih rješenja.
Tokom radionice u Beču, održane u decembru 2013. godine, studenti su svojim timskim
radom intenzivirali realizaciju svojih koncepta i idejnih rješenja. Organizovane posjete
najvećim urbanističkim projektima u Beču,
staff. Technical achievements, such as Skype
and Dropbox, enabled mutual communication,
with continuous and effective exchange of
ideas and information.
At the end of January of 2014, groups completed their work. All of these projects, with their
concepts and solutions, are unique in their own
way, but yet their ultimate goal is the same, to
raise living standards in the area of BosnianPodrinje Canton Goražde and its surrounding
On this occasion I would like to thank all colleagues and institutions in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Austria for their generous support during this cooperation, especially to my
professors, Univ. Prof. Mag. Dr. Rudolf Giffinger and Ass. Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Thomas
Dillinger, as well as Bosnian-Podrinje Canton
Edib Uruči
Seestadt Aspern i Centralnoj željezničkoj stanici, studentima su pružile praktičan uvid u
proces planiranja jednog prostora, instrumente planiranja i njegovu realizaciju.
U periodu između radionica, studenti su individualno radili na razvoju svojih vizija i ideja, uz punu podršku nastavnog osoblja, kroz
univerzitetsku nastavu. Međusobnu komunikaciju olakšala su tehnička dostignuća, poput
Skypea i Dropboxa, koja su omogućila kontinuiranu i efikasnu razmjenu ideja i informacija.
Krajem janura 2014. godine, grupe su okončale
svoj rad. Zanimljivo je da su svi radovi, njihovi
koncepti i rješenja, na svoj način jedinstveni, a
da im je krajnji cilj ipak isti, podizanje životnog
standarda na prostoru Bosansko-podrinjskog
kantona Goražde i njegovoj regiji.
Ovom prilikom bih se želio zahvaliti svim kolegama i institucijama u Bosni i Hercegovini i Austriji na nesebičnoj podršci tokom ove
saradnje, pogotovo svojim profesorima, Univ.
Prof. Mag. Dr. Rudolf Giffinger i Ass. Prof.
Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Thomas Dillinger, kao i Bosansko-podrinjskom kantonu Goražde.
Edib Uruči
Goražde i regija
km², u istočnom dijelu Bosne i Hercegovine i nalazi
se na nadmorskoj visini od 345 metara. Prema aktuelnimpodacimaFederalnogzavodazastatistiku,
broj stanovnika Kantona iznosi 32.675. Administrativno, političko, prosvjetno i kulturno središte
kantona je u gradu Goraždu. U sastavu Bosanskopodrinjskog kantona nalaze se općine: Goražde,
Foča-Ustikolina i Pale-Prača.
About the region Goražde
Bosnian-PodrinjeCantonGoražde,thesmallestcanton in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina,
covers an area of 504.6 km2, in the eastern part of
Bosnia and Herzegovina and is situated on an altitude of 345 meters. According to current data of
the Federal institute for statistics, the population
One of the main characteristics of Canton is
the Drina river, the largest river in Bosnia and
Jedna od glavnih karakteristika kantona je rijeka Drina, najveća rijeka u Bosni i Hercegovini. Još za vrijeme rimskog carstva, ona je bila
granica između istoka i zapada. Ova ljepotica
pokazala je i u novijoj historiji svoj strateški
S obzirom na administrativno-političko
uređenje Bosne i Hercegovine, Kanton se nalazi u veoma specifičnoj poziciji, jer okolni gradovi i općine pripadaju drugom bosanskom entitetu i urbano-aglomeraciono područje Sarajeva
je samo preko niskorangiranih putnih komunikacija dostupno. Uprkos tome, ovaj Kanton je
zadržao status i karakter centralnog urbanog
Herzegovina. Even during the Roman imperia,
it was the border between East and West. This
beauty has only confirmed its strategic importance in the recent history.
Considering the administrative and political
structure of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Canton
is located in a very specific position. It is surrounded with cities and municipalities of the
other Bosnian entity and urban-agglomeration area of Sarajevo is only reachable by local
roads. Nevertheless, this Canton kept the status and character of the central urban area.
Bosnian-Podrinje Canton Goražde has plenty
of natural resources, such as water potential,
sources of drinking water, healthy food, rich
forests and hunting grounds. Still, Goražde
and its region have the character of the agricultural and industrial region. Therefore, the
concept of post-war development was the reconstruction of industrial capacity, which has
prospect for strengthening and improvement
of the area.
Bosansko-podrinjski kanton Goražde ima
dosta prirodnih resursa, kao što su: vodeni
potencijal, izvori pitke vode, proizvodnju zdrave hrane, bogatstvo šuma i lovišta. Pored prirodnih ljepota, Goražde i njegova regija ipak
imaju karakter poljoprivrednog i industrijskog
regiona. Stoga je koncept poslijeratnog razvoja
činila obnova privrednih kapaciteta, koji imaju perspektive za jačanje i unapređenje ovog
Proces povratka na prijeratni nivo još uvijek
je u toku.
The process of getting back on the pre-war level still lasts.
Tourism Strategy of Bosnian-Podrinje Canton Goražde
Strategija turizma Bosansko-podrinjskog kantona Goražde
The first Poster gives an overview about the
groups approach how to develop the canton of
Gorazde. The general idea is to create a touristic concept from which the canton can profit
within short time.
Initially there was the question why tourism
was chosen as an instrument to develop the
canton. The European Commission stated in
a paper that tourism is an ecenomic activity
capable of generating growth and employment
in the EU, while contributing to development
(…) particularly of rural and mountain areas1.
This characterization correlates with the vision of local persons in power wanting to become
the canton a tourist destination.
But Goražde has to start from the beginning,
which has several reasons. Without a doubt
there is an awareness of beauty of landscape
and its opportunities for tourism. But to use
this potentials you have to find a way how to
activate them. Otherwise it’s just an unused
capability. Nowadays you have to see tourism
as a global industry. Especially with the background of globalization different target groups
have different needs. As a consequence tourism must be characterized as an industry of
Prvi poster daje opće informacije o pristupu
grupe kako razviti Kanton Goražde. Generalna ideja je bila stvoriti turistički koncept
iz koje kanton može profitirati u relativno
kratkom vremenu. Početno pitanje je zašto je
turizam bio izabran kao instrument za razvoj kantona. Europska komisija je napisala u
članku da je ‚‘ turizam ekonomska djelatnost
koja omogućuje rast i zapošljavanje u EU, dok
su doprinijeli razvoju (...) osobito seoskog i planinskog područja.1“
Ova karakterizacija korelira s vizijom lokalnih
ljudi na vlasti koji žele da BPK Goražde postane turističko odredište .
Ali Goražde mora početi od početka. Bez
sumnje, postoji svijest o ljepoti krajolika i
to je mogućnost za razvoj turizma. Ali za
iskorištavanje ovoj potencijala mora se pronaći
način kako da ih aktivirati. Inače, to je samo
neiskorištena mogućnost. Danas je turizam
globalna industrija. Pogotovo s pozadinom
globalizacije, različite ciljne skupine imaju
različite potrebe. Kao posljedica, turizam mora
biti okarakteriziran kao industrija trendova.
Federacija Bosne i Hercegovine preporučuje
da fokus Goražda bude primarno sport i rekreacija, kao i aktivan odmor u prirodi i eko-tu-
Europe, the worlds No.
1 tourist destination – a
new political framework
for tourism in Europe
Communication from the
Commission tot he European Parliament
Europa, svjetska broj
1 turistička destinacija
– novi politički okvir za
turizam u Europskom komunikacijskom centru iz
Komisije europskog parlamenta
The Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina recommend Goražde focusing primary on sports
and recreation as well as on active holidays in
nature and eco tourism. As a secondary product the canton could offer cultural and event
tourism. According to these suggestions and
considering the local and global circumstances
the group came up with three different touristic perspectives. All of them are reaching different target groups but the canton should focus
becoming a destination for outdoor and adventure lovers as this seems the most suitable way
to develeop a sustainable touristic perspective.
rizam. Kao sekundarnu ponudu kanton može
ponuditi kulturni i događajni turizam.
Prema tim prijedlozima, osvrčući se na lokalne i globalne okolnosti, grupa je smislila tri
različite turističke perspektive. Sve tri imaju
različitu ciljnu skupinu, ali se kanton treba
usredotočiti na postajanje odredišta za ljubitelje avanture i prirode, jer je to najodgovarajući
način da se razvije turistička perspektiva.
Adventure and Outdoor lovers
We recommend focusing the tourism strategy
on people who come to BPK for outdoor sports
and recreation. A realistic catchment area is
reachable in 3 hours drive and includes Bosnian cities and towns, especially Sarajevo, but
also areas in Croatia, Montenegro and Serbia.
Most of the tourists will probably stay just for
one day or a weekend in the canton. To keep
capacity utilization on a reasonable level, pupils on school camps and youth organisations
could be an additional target group.
Examples for touristic offers which can be established with low financial input but fit for
the target groups are hiking opportunities, a
mountain bike network on existing trails and
roads (so only signs and maps have to be made)
or a tree-top adventure course. An important
issue is that some additional offers are needed.
We recommend that Goražde tries to revitalize
the festival culture it had years ago and makes use of the cultural heritage, which should
represent a non-chauvinistic canton which is
open for new. There were also burdens identified e. g. the danger caused by mines, which
make access for hikers too dangerous in some
parts. Recommendations for the development
of tourism are shown in the map on the pos-
Zaljubljenici u avanturu i
Preporučujemo turističku strategiju za ljude koji dolaze u BPK Goražde zbog sportova
na otvorenom i rekreacije. Slivno područje
je dostupno u 3 sata vožnje, a uključuje
bosanskohercegovačke gradove, a posebno
Sarajevo, ali i bliža područja Hrvatske, Crne
Gore i Srbije. Većina turista će vjerojatno ostati samo jedan dan ili vikend u kantonu. Da bi
iskorištenost kapaciteta bila na razumnoj razini, dodatna ciljna grupa su učenici na školskim
logorima i organizacije mladih.
Primjeri za turističku ponudu koja može biti
osnovana s niskim financijskim budžetom, za
ciljne skupine su: mogućnosti planinarenja,
mreža planinarskih puteva za biciklizam na
postojećim stazama i cestama (samo bi se znakovi i karte morali izraditi) ili avanturistički
prirodni kurs. Važno pitanje je da su potrebne i neke dodatne ponude. Preporučujemo
da Goražde pokuša revitalizirati festivalsku kulturu koju je imao prije zadnjeg rata, a
omogućuje korištenje kulturne baštine, koji
bi trebao predstavljati kanton koji je otvoren
za nova dešavanja. Uočene su i poteškoće, kao
opasnost uzrokovane minama, koje čine pris-
ter. If the development of tourism is successful also more cost-intensive attractions can be
In order to let as many people as possible profit from tourism private room rental should be
enforced along with new possibilities for camping. This kind of accommodation would also
allow people with restricted budget to go on
holidays. To keep the money in the region local
materials (e. g. wood) should be used wherever
Another important issue for the success of
tourism in BKP are marketing and information for potential visitors. Focussing on target
groups is important. Possible media for advertising would be outdoor magazines (e.g. those which are issued by alpine clubs) or guide
books. Brochures for schools and youth organization could promote special offers for young
people. For the efficiency and effectiveness a
common marketing and information strategy for the canton is very important. To make
the booking process as convenient as possible
the tourist office in Goražde and the different
accommodations should be connected with an
electronic reservation system.
tup planini preopasnim u nekim dijelovima.
Preporuke za razvoj turizma su prikazani na
karti na plakatu. Ako se pokaže da je turizam
uspješan, mogu biti realizirane i skupocijenije
Da bi što više ljudi moglo profitirati od turizma,
potrebno je poticatio privatno iznajmljivanje
soba uz nove mogućnosti za kampiranje. Ova
vrsta smještaja će također omogućiti ljudima
povećanje prihoda i mogućnost odlaska na
ljetovalište. Da bi novac ostao u regiji treba koristiti materijale područja (npr. drvo) gdje god
je to moguće.
Drugo važno pitanje za uspjeh turizma u BPKu Goražde su marketing i informacije za potencijalne posjetitelje. Fokusiranje na ciljne skupine je važno. Mogući su mediji za oglašavanje
u časopisima (npr. one koje su izdane od strane
alpskih klubova ) ili vodiče. Brošure za škole i
organizacije mladih mogu promovirati posebne
ponude za mlade ljude. Za učinkovitost i djelotvornost zajedničkog marketinga i informacijske strategije za kanton je vrlo važna. Da bi
proces rezervacija bio prikladan, kao i postojanost mogućih turističkih ureda u Goraždu i
različitih smještajnih kapaciteta, potrebna je
povezanost s elektroničkim sistemom rezervacije.
Process design
Dizajn procesa
The ideas presented on the second poster need
a strategy for implementation. The process
design sketches the way of BPK towards becoming a tourism region. Besides the development of a vision, goals and tasks it brings
stakeholders together which enables new alliances for the implementation of projects. Also
stakeholders from adjacent regions should be
invited to share their ideas because everyone
will profit from a balanced interregional touristic offer. So without the commitment of all
actors in tourism is of essential importance.
This is also why it wouldn’t make sense to conduct this task development process just with
public actors.
When planning single tasks it is important to
define responsibilities and timeframes for the
implementation. In addition also the priority
of the projects for the fulfilment of the goals
should be stated. Regular meetings of the stakeholders and reports about the progress are
necessary to keep the development in a steady
flow. So the success of this strategy depends
mostly on the commitment and the cooperation of stakeholders but also of the people in the
To raise the awareness about tourism and re-
Za ideje predstavljene na drugom plakatu potrebna je strategija za provedbu . Dizajn procesa ilustrira put BPK-a Goražde od početka do
konačnog cilja – BPK Goražde kao turistička
regija. Osim razvoja vizije, ciljeva i zadataka,
strategija okuplja sudionike koji omogućuju
nova udruženja za provedbu projekata.
Također, sudionici iz susjednih regija trebaju biti pozvani da podijele svoje ideje, jer svi
profitiraju od uravnotežene međuregionalne
turističke ponude. Dakle, uključenost svih sudionika u turizmu je od suštinskog značaja. To
je također razlog zašto ne bi imalo smisla da se
ovaj proces razvoja zadataka provede samo s
javnim akterima.
Prilikom planiranja pojedinačnih zadataka
važno je definirati odgovornosti i rokove za
provedbu. Osim toga treba navesti prioritete
projekta za ispunjenje ciljeva. Redovni sastanci sudionika i izvještaji o napretku su potrebni
za razvoj. Dakle,uspjeh ove strategije najviše
ovisi od predanosti i suradnji sudionika, ali i
od stanovnika kantona.
Za podizanje svijesti o turizmu i srodnim pitanjima ( npr. zaštita krajolika, lokalni proizvodi), također je važno da se u strategiju
povežu i građani kantona da bi se pokrenula
lated issues (e. g. landscape protection, local
products) it is also important to get in contact
with the citizens of the canton and start a
broad public discussion about this topic. Different information and discussion events organized together with media serve as impetuses
for this debate. It is also important to show
possibilities for interested locals how they can
earn money in tourism and encourage them to
get active.
javna rasprava. Razni događaji organizirani u
suradnji s medijima poslužiti će kao pokretač
za ovu raspravu . Također je važno pokazati mogućnosti zarade novca zainteresiranim
mještanima u sektoru turizma i potaknuti ih
da se aktiviraju.
Defining vision and goals
Tourist Board BPK
Community representatives
Cantonal government
Touristic enterprises
(accomodation, restaurants,
tour operators...)
Tool: Future conference
Defining visions and goals
for tourism development in
BPK in
3 steps:
Reflecting the past >
analysing the current
situation > developing vision
and goals
Presentation of vision
Tourist Board BPK
Community representatives
Cantonal government
Touristic enterprises
Interested and caring locals
Kick-off working groups
Tourist Board BPK
Community representatives
Cantonal government
Members of all working
Constitution of working
Describing structure, tasks
and topics of working groups
First come-together of
working group members
Presentation of vision and
goals to the public
Discussion with
Working groups
Regular meetings of different
working groups
to develop tasks for the strategy
Meetings of heads of the working groups to
consistent strategy
Best-Practice excursions
Working group 1 Accomodation & Gastronomy
Tourist Board BPK
Community representatives
Cantonal government
Accommodation and
gastronomy operators
Tourist Board BPK
Community represenatatives
Cantonal government
Touristic enterprises
Tourism Association of FB&H
Defining target groups and
role of BPK in BiH-tourism
Developing a common
marketing strategy
Destination management
Media strategy
Working group 4 Network & Communication
Working group 3 - Touristic offers
Developing projects
for touristic offers in
accordance to existing offers
in BPK and around
Defining responsibilities
for constructing and
Working group 2 Positioning & Marketing
Strategy for the development
of gastronomy and
Defining minimum quality
Developing a centralized
information system about
offers and booking of rooms
Tourist Board BPK
Community represenatatives
Cantonal government
Touristic enterprises
Cultural organisations
Ministry of culture and sports
of )
neighbour regions
Tourist Board BPK
Community representatives
Cantonal government
Touristic enterprises
Tourism Association of FB&H
Planning information flow:
Touristic Enterprises < >
Tourist Board BPK
< > Tourism Association of
Defining clear roles and
representatives for different
touristic functions
Activation campaign - Opportunities in
tourism for people and economy
Tourist Board BPK
Ministry of Environment and
Interested and caring
Local economy
- Private room rental regulatory framework and
- Tour guide training
- Job opportunities in tourism
- Benefits for the local
- ...
Awareness raising campaign
and discussion
Road Show
Tourist Board BPK
Ministry of Environment and
Interested and caring locals
Tourist Board BPK
Interested and caring
- The need for an intact
- Benefit from tourism through
local supply chains
- Tourism and industry - mutual
disturbance and profit
Presentation of
strategy and
Tourist Board BPK
Cantonal government
New and old touristic
Interested and caring locals
Information events
Strategy development and
Implementing tasks defined in
the working groups
Tourist Board BPK as
coordinating institution
Regular meetings of
Design of CAFN Camp2
Idejno rješenje kampa CAFN2
The first three posters contain explanations of
the tourism opportunities in BPK, while the
fourth poster presents the conceptual design
for the implementation of the tourist facility
– CAFN Camp.
The camp is located on the urban fringe of
Goražde near Drina river, allowing visitors to
enjoy the landscape and activities on the river,
but offering short access to the city centre. The
development of the camp can be divided into
three phases. In the first phase it consists only
of the camp administration building, sanitary
and free space for tents. In the second phase
bungalows are built as an addition to the tent
site. These are prefabricated wooden houses
made in this region, that include a bedroom,
living room / extra bed and a toilet. The third
stage is the final stage. Offer expands to hospitality and culture - building a restaurant with
view on river, a multimedia facility for holding
conferences, presentations, films. There are
areas of sports: tennis courts, football, basketball and volleyball. Along with the additional
offer the number of bungalows increases. In
order to develop the camp economic independence is necessary. One of the aspects of sustainability that has been implemented in the
Prva tri plakata sadrže objašnjenja mogućnosti
turizma u BPK-u Goražde, dok četvrti plakat
predstavlja idejno rješenje implementacije
turističkog objekta – kampa. Idejno rješenje
se nalazi na samoj urbanoj granici Goražda,
blizu rijeke Drine, omogućavajući turistima da
uživaju u prirodi i aktivnostima na rijeci, ali
s mogućnosti šetnje do centra grada i posjete
kulturnim dešavanjima.
Razvojni tok kampa se može podijeliti u tri
faze. U prvoj fazi kamp sadrži samo objekat
administracije, sanitarije i slobodan prostor za
postavljanje šatora. Druga faza pored šatora
nudi i bungalove. To su montažne drvene
kućice napravljene u ovoj regiji, koje sadrže
spavaću sobu, dnevni boravak/dodatni ležaj i
toalet. Treća faza je završna faza. Širi se ponuda na ugostiteljstvo i kulturu – gradi se
restoran sa pogledom na rijeku, multimedijski
objekat za držanje konferencija, prezentacija, filmova. Grade se prostori za sport : tereni
za tenis, fudbal, košarku i odbojku. Uporedo sa dodatnom ponudom broj bungalova se
povećava. Da bi se kamp mogao razviti potrebna je ekonomska neovisnost. Jedan od implementiranih vidova samoodrživosti su solarni
paneli postavljeni na krovove bungalova i ad-
CAFN is the welsh
name for riverbed, and
also the abbreviation of
the first names in Group 1
CAFN je welška riječ
koja znači korito rijeke,
ali također predstavlja skraćenicu od imena
članova Grupe 1
project are solar panels installed on the roofs
of bungalows and administration. In the final
phase of the camp contains 63 units with a total land area of 12 acres.
ministracije. Također je i sam kamp izgrađen
od ekoloških materijala.U završnoj fazi broj
jedinica je 63, sa ukupnom površinom kampa
12 hektara.
first idea: use undeveloping infrastructure and build concept on existing ressources
AMI - Activate Motivate AMI-AktiviratiMotivirati
From Findings To Goals
Od otkrića do ciljeva
Our vision and main goal is to re-establish Gorazde as regional centre. The special location
and history of Gorazde predestines the city to
become the centre of the region. Through our
key findings, we defined 3 goals to reach our
Naša vizija i glavni cilj je da se ponovo uspostavi Goražde kao regionalni centar. Specifična
lokacija i historija Goražda predodređuju da
grad ponovo postane centar regiona. Kroz naše
analize, definisali smo 3 cilja do ostvarenja
naše vizije.
To stop the consequent migration of human ressources we think it’s important to strengthen
already existing structures in economical and
social terms. We have to optimize the living
conditions (job offerings, social and cultural
life, future perspectives for inhabitants) to
avoid the migration to other cities or abroad.
Next to improving the living conditions, we
will work on building a regional identity which
allows the people of Gorazde to be satisfied and
proud of their hometown again. Since we have
a bottom-up strategy, it is important to activate participatory processes in the region. People
of Gorazde should get the possibility to have a
say in planning activities that affect their living circumstances. Also, the acceptance of actions of spatial planning is higher when people
of the region are involved in the process.
Da bi zaustavili konstantno iseljavanje ljudi, mislimo da je važno jačati već postojeće
strukture u ekonomskom i socialjnom smislu.
Moramo optimizirati uvjete života (ponude za
posao, društveni i kulturni život, perspektivnu budućnost za stanonvnike) da bi se izbjeglo
iseljavanje stanovnika u druge gradove ili inostranstvo. Uz poboljšanje životnih uvjeta, radit
ćemo na izgradnji regionalnog identiteta, koji
omogućava ljudima Goražda da budu zadovoljni i ponosni na svoj rodni grad. Budući da imamo strategiju „odozdo prema gore“, važno je
da se aktiviraju participatorni procesi u regiji. Ljudi Goražda trebaju dobiti mogućnost da
imaju pravo glasa u planiranju aktivnosti, koje
utječu na njihove životne okolnosti. Također,
prihvatanje akcije prostornog planiranja je
veće kada su ljudi u regionu uključeni u proces.
vision: Goražde as regional centre of the canton
Vision and Actors
Vizija i sudionici
Main focus of our concept for Goražde is the
improvement of living circumstances for the
people in Goražde. Through conversations
with local people, we discovered that there is
a lack of trust in the government and a slight
resignation in the hearts of the inhabitants.
Osnovni fokus našeg koncepta u razvoju grada
Goražda je u poboljšanju životnih uslova za ljude. Kroz razgovore sa lokalnim stanovnicima,
otkrili smo da postoji nedostatak povjerenja u
vladu i pesimističnost u srcima stanovnika.
We want to change that by giving the people of
Goražde a voice and the possibility to participate in the development of their own homeplace. We will activate, motivate and inspire the
people of Goražde.
We emphasised all existing associations and
initiatives in our actor-graphic. We want to
reach all community members, but to begin
participation we will start with existing structures which are the mentioned associations.
There we can find our first base of interested
and motivated actors. Administrative and economical actors must be involved in the process
of realising our goals. Successful development
can only take place if these 3 groups of actors
work together.
Želimo to promijeniti tako što ćemo dati ljudima Goražda glas i mogućnost sudjelovanja u
razvoju vlastitog grada. Želimo aktivirati, motivirati i inspirisati ljude Goražda.
U našem grafikonu učesnika naglašavamo
sva postojeća udruženja i inicijative građana.
Želimo doći do svih člavnova zajednice, ali da
započnemo učešće, počet ćemo s postojećim
strukturama, koja čine pomenuta udruženja.
Tu možemo naći našu prvu bazu zainteresovanih i motivisanih učesnika. Administrativni i ekonomski učesnici moraju biti uključeni
u proces ostvarenja naših ciljeva. Uspješan
razvoj se može odvijati samo ako ove 3 grupe
učesnika rade zajedno.
concentration and extension of urban settlements
• modification of settlement borders and usage of existing structures
• reactivation of unused buildings and spaces ac-
cording to possible usages
provide incentive to new industrial relocation
• enforce cooperation between companies and educational facilities
• impulse through benificial taxes and properties
• reactivate brownfields for industrial usage
protect high qualified soil for agriculture and forestry
provide social infrastructure in rural settlements
interlinking the municipalities of the canton through joint
• improve connecting roads
facilitate cooperation between the municipalities
implement a marketable brand for regional products
• strengthen the farmers market and expand to Sarajevo
provide usable space
• create access to the island in the river Drina
• design of historical trail through the city of Gorazde
• AMI-design for different usage
implementation of AMI
create intercommunicative platform for exchange/brainstorming
periodical information events
strengthen local initiatives and associations
Goals and Measures
Ciljevi i mjere
We define our key findings as fields of action
on one hand and as potential for regional development on the other hand. Based on our key
findings, we defined goals and measures. The
measures are the way to implement our goals
step by step.
S jedne strane definišemo rezultate naših analiza kao polja djelovanja, a s druge strane potencijal za regionalni razvoj. Na osnovu analiza smo definisali ciljeve i mjere. Mjere su način
da se naši ciljevi postepeno sprovedu.
Goal 1 concerns itself with the strengthening
of already existing structures to achieve an
economic and demographic growth. Goal 2 is
based on Goal 1 and takes the regional growing
to the next level - the building and strengthening of a regional identity. Goal 3 contains
the main focus of our concept - participatory
processes. To sucessfully activate, motivate
and inspire all actors we will implement a new
institution called AMI which will be the basis
of all bottom-up planning activities.
Cilj 1 se odnosi na jačanje već postojećih struktura, da bi se postigao ekonomski i demografski rast. Cilj 2 je baziran na Cilju 1 i podiže regionalni rast na drugi nivo - građenje i jačanje
regionalnog identiteta. Cilj 3 sadrži glavni
fokus našeg koncepta - procese učešća. Da bi
uspješno aktivirali, motivisali i inspirisali sve
učesnike, implementirat ćemo novu instituciju
pod nazivom AMI koja će biti osnova svih aktivnosti planiranja „odozdo prema gore“.
Map of Measures
Mapa mjera
Not all measures can be located in one exact
point (e.g. the implementation of a regional
brand) therefore the map locates some but not
all of the measures in a large scale. Since our
main focus is Gorazde city we show a smaller
scale map of the city itself.
Na karti su locirane neke, ali ne sve mjere u
širem omjeru, jer se ne mogu sve nalaziti na
jednom mjestu (npr. implementacija regionalog brenda). Pošto je naš glavni fokus grad
Goražde, pokazujemo mapu užeg omjera samog grada.
The measuremaps show the main focus of our
concept - the reactivation of existing structure
and spaces for the inhabitants. But for a regional benefit we also located important measures like the offer of infrastructure in rural
settlements, which is again very important for
the inhabitants, as well as the protection of the
environment and the location of industrial areas for economic growth.
Mapa mjera pokazuje glavni fokus našeg
koncepta - reaktivaciju postojećih struktura
i prostora za stanovnike. Za regionalni napredak, također smo locirali bitne mjere, kao
infrastrukturalne ponude u ruralnim naseljima, koja su veoma bitna za stanovnike,
kao i zaštitu prirodnog okoliša i industrijska
područja za ekonomski rast.
AMI - The Institution
Institucija AMI
The institution AMI will work as a temporary
container “bureau” at first and can be transferred to an administrative location in a later
phase. By now we located AMI activities in
Gorazde only, but it will expand to the other
municipalities. The regional development progress which will come from AMI will not only
benefit the people but the economy as well.
Furthermore, the prestige of a well developed
region is also beneficial to all political players
in the region. AMI improves the cooperation of
all actors resulting in an increase of positive
outcome in all sectors.
Prema projektu, organizacija AMI bi trebala da privremeno radi kao mobilni ured, a u
kasnijim fazama da bude locirana na neko upravno mjesto. Aktivnosti ove organizacije u samom početku bit će ograničene samo na općinu
Goražde. U kasnijim aktivnostima planirano
je širenje djelovanja i na ostale općine. Organizacija AMI će uticati na regionalni razvoj,
te njeno djelovanje nije predviđeno samo za
privremeno pomaganje ljudima, nego sveobuhuvatnom ekonomskom razvoju zajednice. Na
ovaj način, uspješan razvoj zajednice koristiti će i boljem političkom stanju u cijeloj regiji.
Bolja povezanost različitih sektora, dovest će
do pozitivnog napretka na svim poljima, što je
ujedno glavna uloga AMI-a.
Financing Possibilites
IPA - Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance
(European Union)
Financial Assistance for non-EU-countries
Field of Funding: Transition Assistance and
Institution Building
PPP - Public/Public, Public/Private, Private/
Private - Partnerships
SERDA - Sarajevo Economic Regional Development Agency - Specialised Contact Agency
for finding funding
Mogućnosti finansiranja
IPA - Pomoć za pred-pristupanje (Evropska
Finansijska pomoć za zemlje van Evropske
Područja finansiranja: pomoć u tranziciji i formiranje institucija
PPP - Javna/Javna, Javna/Privatna, Privatna/Privatna - partnerstva
SERDA - Agencija za regionalni ekonomski
razvoj Sarajevo - specijalizirana kontakt agencija za traženje finansijskih sredstava
S - M - L - Open Spaces
S - M - L - Otvoreni prostor
All AMI spaces serve as platforms for interaction and communication with different usages
of the different scales (S, M, L).
Svi AMI prostori služe kao platforma za interakciju i komunikaciju sa različitim upotrebama različitih skala (S, M, L).
S - Small
Small structures are helpful and useful, they
represent AMI’s intention to find solutions for
everyday problems in a small scale. Those are
• structures that protect people from rain,
snow etc.
• plane surfaces that can be placed on stairs
(so disabled people can use it) and
• structures for safe bicycle parking.
M - Medium
• small pavilions that can be shelter from the
sun; equipped with wifi for everybody to use.
• bicycle storages
• small ramps for skating and cycling
L - Large
The large structures and spaces are used as
main AMI meeting points and structures for
AMI bureau. Also, mega structures like the cinema will be an AMI-space; usage can be theater plays, movies or concerts. L spaces also
• street art pavilions
• market space and
• large ramps for extreme sports
S - Mali
Male strukture su od pomoći i koristi, one
predstavljaju namjeru AMI-a da pronađe
rješenja za slijedeće probleme svakodnevnice
u malim skalama:
• strukture koje štite ljude od problema nastalih prirodnim nepogodama
• ravne površine na stepenicama i uzvišenjima
(da bi ljudi sa poteškoćama u kretanju imali
lakši pristup) i
• strukture za sigurno parkiranje bicikala.
M - Srednji
• mali paviljoni, koji mogu pružiti zaštitu od
sunca; opremljeni sa wifi, za slobodnu upotrebu
• lageri za bicikla
• male rampe za rolanje i skejting
L - Veliki
Velike strukture i prostori se koriste kao glavni AMI meeting points i strukture za AMI biroe. Također, mega strukture kao kino spadaju
u AMI prostor; upotreba za teatarske nastupe, projekciju filmova ili koncerte. L-prostor
također uključuje:
• ulične umjetničke paviljone
• prostor za trgove i
• velike rampe i uređenja za ekstremne sportove
Open Spaces - Detail Plan
Otvoreni prostor - detaljni plan
As we already mentioned, our main focus is
city of Gorazde, so we decided to make small
interventions by size and similar by shape,
that will encourage people to stay in their
We made the urban plan to present the exact
positions of these structures, which are are located throughout the whole city.
Large structures are at large open spaces (L)
in the central part of the city and next to existing cultural and educational objects. Medium
AMI structures are located in more intimate
open spaces, for example between residential
There are also positions of the small-sized
structures (S), that are helpful and usable in
everyday situations. Since S structures can be
found almost everywhere, we did not locate
them by now. S structures can be found in the
center but also in residental areas.
Kao što smo ranije spomenuli, naš glavni fokus
je na gradu Goraždu, tako da smo odlučili napraviti manje intervencije različite po veličini,
ali slične po obliku, koje će potaći ljude da ostanu u svom rodnom gradu.
Na urbanističkom planu koji smo napravili,
predstavili smo tačne pozicije struktura, koje
su locirane kroz cijeli grad.
Velike strukture su na velikim otvorenim
prostorima u centralnom dijelu grada, pored
postojećih objekata za kulturu i obrazovanje.
Srednje AMI strukture su postavljene na intimnijim otvorenim prostorima, između zgrada za stanovanje.
Označene su i pozicije S struktura, koje su korisne u svadoknevnim situacijama, tako da nemamo tačan opis lokacije na kojoj se S nalazi,
jer S može biti postavljena bilo gdje u gradu, u
centru, ali i u stambenom dijelu grada.
In order to present our idea even better, we
decided to make 3D visualisation with S and
L areas. This part of the city is located by the
river and next to the public buildings such as
school, cultural center and open cinema. L
structures tend to be a continuos strip whose
shape makes pavilions, scene, market place
etc. This yellow strip also connects open space
of žanj island with the coastal area. S structures are placed on stairs in form of movable
furniture that can be used as a bench.
Da bismo bolje objasnili našu ideju, napravili smo 3D vizualizaciju S i L struktura. Ovaj
dio grada je lociran uz rijeku, pored javnih
zgrada, kao što su škola, kulturni centar, otvoreno kino. L strukture imaju tendenciju ka
horizontalnom koninuitetu, tako da žuta traka
pravi pavilijone, scene, itd. Žuta traka također
povezuje otvoreni prostor otoka Žanj sa obalnim područjem. S strukture su postavljene na
stepenice u formi pokretnog mobilijara koji se
može koristiti kao klupa.
Building Bridges
Gradimo mostove
The concept focuses on the linking role of the
river. Sport and leisure are very important for
the locals as well as for visitors of the region.
The aim is to connect all existing Sporting
clubs and leisure activities in the valley of Drina by programs.
The programs for sport and recreational facilities, supporting the idea to place public spaces
in the areas, that are available for all residents
of canton BPC Goražde and Republica Srpska,
for the purpose of unites people trough common sport activites.
Renewal public space along with river Drina,
is achived by different actions, with their focus
on sports and recreational zones. Exploring coverage canton BPK, along the river Drina, four
points were selected by its disposition and physical availability, that corresponding for designing public spaces and activities such as like:
organisation rafting, festivals, fishing, cycling,
skate park and sports facilities, also including
zones for pedestrian.
The association „Drina Studio“ should be a
meeting point for all stakeholders of the region to provide cooperation and coordination
between public and private stakeholders of the
Drina valley.
Koncept se fokusira na uvezujuću ulogu rijeke Drinom. Sport i rekreacija su veoma važni,
kako za lokalno stanovništvo, tako i za posjetioce regije. Cilj je povezati postojeće sportske
klubove i aktivnosti u slobodnom vremenu u
dolini rijeke Drine i stvoriti nove ponude.
Programi za sportske i rekreativne objekte, sa
svrhom ujedinjenja ljudi kroz obične sportske
aktivnosti podržavaju ideju lociranja javnih
površina na područja, koje je dostupno stanovnicima BPK-a Goražde i RSe.
Obnova javnog prostora uz duž rijeke Drine
postignut je raznim sadržajima sa težištem na
sportske i rekreativne aktivnosti. Istražujući
obuhvat kantona BPK-a Goražde uz duž rijeke Drine, izabrane su četiri tačke, koje svojom dispozicijom i prostornom dostupnosću
odgovaraju kriterijima za projektovanje javnih
prostora za organizaciju raftinga, festivala, ribolova, biciklizma, trčanje, skate park, sportskih terena, i sadržaje za pješake.
Asocijacija „Drina Studio“ bi trebala biti mjesto susreta za sve dionice regije, da bi se time
obezbijedila suradnja i koordinacija između
javnih i privatnih dionica doline Drine.
Drina Studio
Drina Studio
The Studio is the association for Drina Region.
Member will be on different kind and levels of
actors like stakeholders or municipalities. Aim
of the studio is to define rules and to initiate
all following depending actions like the Drina
Card, the Drina Festival, D‘Raft, D‘Run and
the Drina Parada. The Studio Serves as a nongovernmental governing body and administers
the Drina Sport Programme and the temporary reutilization at a regional level.
Program (Drina Studio) je asocijacija za regiju Drine. Članovi će biti na različitim nivoima
učesnika, kao dionice ili opštine. Cilj programa
je da definira pravila i pokrene sve prateće zavisne događaje, kao što su Drina Karta, Festival Drine, D‘Raft, D‘Run i Drina Parada. The
Studio služi kao nevladino upravljačko tijelo i
upravlja Drina sportskim programom, te privremeno „oživljava“ na regionalnom nivou.
Drina Sport Program
Drina sportski program
Offers Regional Sport and competitive sport
programs for participants in the Drina Region.
The programme provides motivation and perspective for people participating in sport clubs
to get access to a higher regional and national league of sport. It is promoting the sport
to prospective spectators and fans, developing
prospective players, and organzing regional
or national events and championships by demand and supply.
Ponude regionalnog i natjecateljskog sportskog programa za učesnike regiju Drine. Program obezbjeđuje motivaciju i perspektivu
za sportiste, članove sportskih klubova i
udruženja kako bi lakše pristupili višem nivou
regionalne i nacionalne lige. Sportski program
promoviše sport gledaocima i ljubiteljima sporta, starajući se o tome da stvori perspektivne
igrače, i organizirajući regionalne i nacionalne
događaje, te prvenstva po ponudi i potražnji.
Drina Card
Drina Card
Participating municipalities of the Drina Studio are affected by several new events. To be
holder of the Drina-Card is being attractive for
residents as well as for tourists who brings additional money and fiscal revenue by discounts
on actions from the Drina Studio.
Drine ponuđeno jenekoliko novih kulturnodruđtvenih događaja. Biti vlasnik Drina Card
je atraktivno kako za domaće stanovništvo,
tako i za goste, koji donose dodatni finansijski
kapital kroz ponuđene akcije Studio Drine.
During the Events of Drina Festival, Drina
Parada, D’Run and D’Raft will be a need of
some refreshment and meeting points. Old industrial zones will be used for the temporary
Tokom manifestacija Drina festivala, Drina parada, D‘Run i D‘Raft bit će potrebno osvježenje
i meeting points. Stara industrijska zona će
biti korištena za privremenu reutilizaciju.
Drina Festival
Drina Festival
The Festival of Drina is a regional festival that
reflects the faces of the region. With a free and
open programm, it celebrates regions diversity. The public space turns into a stage for self
presentation and play with cultural identities.
Several actors will participate. Amateurs as
well as professionells can participate like music groups, dance groups. Children and adults
are welcome. An atmosphere characterized by
heterogeneity, hybrid identities and plurality.
Festival Drina je regionalni festival, koji reflektira lica regije. S slobodnim i otvorenim
programom, Drina festival slavi različitosti
regije. Javne površine se pretvaraju u binu
za samo-prezentaciju i igru sa kulturološkim
identitetima. Očekuje se participacija nekolicine učesnika. Amateri, kao i profesionalci mogu
učestvovati u vidu muzičkih ili plesnih grupa.
Djeca i odrasli su dobrodošli. Atmosfera je okarakterisana kao heterogena i pluralna.
Drina Parada
Drina Parada
The colourful annual spring parade with the
aim of representing the unique social cohesion of the Drina Region takes place nearby
the Drina River on the streets passing Ustikolina, Gorazde and other participating municipalities in the Drina Studio. Once a year it
highlights the spring period with awakening
of a common ground of culture, traditions and
identities of the region.
Živopisna godišnja proljetna parada sa ciljem
reprezentacije unikatne socijalne koherencije regije Drina se održava blizu rijeke Drina na ulicama Ustikoline, Goražde i ostale
participirajuće općine Studija Drina. Jednom
godišnje u proljetnom periodu ukrašava sa
porukama buđenja zajedničke kulture, tradicije i identitteta regije.
D‘Raft - Drina Rafting and Canoeing
D‘Raft - Drina rafting i kajak
The rafting and canoeing event on the Drina is
a periodical event through the region. Rafting
is already one of the sport clubs, but with the
D‘Raft it becomes more popular and a common
ground activity. The event will be sponsored by
the local companies.
Rafting i vožnja kajakom na Drini je redovan
događaj u regiji. Rafting je već jedan od sportskih klubova, ali sa D‘Raft postaje popularniji i
zajednička aktivnost. Ove manifestacije sponzoriraju lokalni privrednici.
D‘Run - Drina Orientation Run
D‘Run - Drina orientacioni trk
This sport facility is the perfect possibility for
people of every age to participate at a regional
orientation run through different municipalities and locations to get to know the region’s
potential. Last but not least is the point of
creation of awareness about the region.
Ova sportska aktivnost je perfektna mogućnost
za ljude svake starosne dobi da učestvuju u regionalnom orientacionom trku, kroz različite
općine i lokacije, da bi upoznali regionalni potencijal. Posljednje, ali ne najmanje bitno, jeste tačka podizanja svijesti o regije.
Coverage A
Obuhvat A
The first point is located in Ustikolina on the
border between the Canton and Republika
Srpska, having in mind to connect these two
entities trough common activities, we located
the start point for rafting toursin a short term
as an symbolical journey trough our concept.
The rafting start point contains an aranged
beach resort, storage places for equipment and
rafting services, pedestrian piers and paths
above the Drina river. The facilities intended
for equipment storage are 6m² big and can also
be used as preperation stations for rafting and
kayak tours.
Detalj A se nalazi u Ustikolini na samoj granici Kantona i Republike Srpske. Lokacija je
pored pogodnog prostora za planiranje, izabrana i sa namjerom povezivanja ta dva entiteta
kroz zajedničke aktivnosti. Na ovom mjestu se
nalazi uređena plaža za kreiranje polaska na
rafting rutu, sa mogućnosti kampiranja, ostavljanjem opreme, molovima za šetanje, koji
izlaze na rijeku. Objekti koji služe za ostavu
opreme su dimenzija 6m² i mogu poslužiti u
organizaciji priprema za rafting, splavarenje i
Coverage B
Obuhvat B
In the immediate vicinity of our first point in
Ustikolina, we located a settlement in Njuhe,
which offers a large, unused surface for creating recreational contents for people of all age
groups. With that in mind we planned bicycle
and pedestrian paths, maraton routes, skate
and bicycle parks, piers and cascades. Along
the coast of the river stretches a complex with
skateboard and bicycle rinks, with pedestrian
paths, piers and cascades, interwoven with
lush greenary. On the other side of the pedestrian path we planned a maraton route trough
the densely arranged vegetation.
Lokacija naselja Njuhe, u neposrednoj blizini Ustikoline, nudi veliku površinu pogodnu
za kreiranje rekreativnih sadržaja, za sve
uzraste. Uzimajući to u obzir, projektovane
su biciklističke staze, šetnice, maratonske
rute, skate i bicikl parkovi, molovi i kaskade.
Duž obale prostire se kompleks, kroz koji se
prožimaju skate i biciklističke staze, sa kaskadama za sjedenje, molovima, koji izlaze na rijeku, isprepleteno bujnim zelenilom, zateknutim na prostoru, dok se iznad pješačke staze
proteže maratonska ruta kroz zatečenu gustu
Coverage C
Obuhvat C
This location at Dzindici, offers enough area
capacity on its beach resort to organize manifestations such as festivals, concerts and so
on. With that in mind we planned one main
stage and two secondary stages on each side,
connected with walkways, in a way that allows
gathering people in front of the stages. Forums
on the wes t s ide of the locat ion are designed
to natural ly imbed the existing slope.
Ova Lokacija na mjestu Džindići, nudi dovoljan
kapacitet prostora za organizaciju manifestacija, poput festivala, koncerata na otvorenom
i sl. Zatečena plaža nudi potencijal za izgradnju jedne glavne i dvije sporedne bine, koje se
protežu od plaže iznad rijeke. Ove tri bine su
međusobno povezane stazama, na način da ostavljaju dovoljno prostora za okupljanje ljudi
ispred istih. Tribine sa zapadne strane su tako
osmišljene da se spuštaju u odnosu na izohipse
u prirodnom padu, ispunjene vegetacijom.
Coverage D
Obuhvat D
The last symbollic act is located on the border
between Ustikolina and Gorazde, and serves
as the rafting finish point, with focus on sport.
With that in mind, we located the rafting finish point on an island that connects both
coasts with pedestrian bridges, and placed seven sport courts on the west coast in the area
of Gorazde. We began our tour with sport and
finished it with sport activities, because sports
are about those incredible moments where
sheer human will and desire overcomes the
odds, encourage, lift and strengthen one another. For the positive energy spread during
freetime sport activities, one will overcome the
social and political tensions of everyday life.
Ova lokacija na granici između Ustikoline
i Goražda nudi veliku količinu neobrađene
površine pogodne za smještaj sportskih terena,
uređenih pješačkih zona, i sa obzirom na malu
dubinu korita rijeke na ovom mjestu, planirano je rafting odmaralište na ostrvu sa kojeg se može pješačkim mostovima pristupiti i
jednoj i drugoj obali. Ostrvo u ovom kontekstu
predstavlja mjesto spajanja dva entiteta na samoj granici, što je jako povoljno za postizanje
zajedničkih interesa između stanovnika regije
i samim tim stvaranje ugodnijeg suživota.
Vision of an industrial-technology park
- Explorations and
exkursion were
made during the
stay in Gorazde
- Interviews with
local people,
- After that all
students discussed
for hours the
threats and the
most important
thing, the
- According to the
analysis we made,
we came quickly to
a conclusion what
the canton needs
employment &
In the time of our stay abroad in Goražde, we
had a bit of time to collect the first impressions
and do some research there.
- We made explorations and exkursion through the
whole Canton
where made
- A SWOT analysis, focussed on the strengths, weaknesses,threatsandthepotentials/opportunitiesin
the region was worked out
were made for the Canton, for example: for economy, nature, settlement structure etc.
- According to the analysis we made, we came
destroyed and many people moved to foreign countries, has not changed much. The biggest problems
are the currently high unemployment, the lack of
jobs, the aging population and the migrant academics. Another point relates to the poor education of
the people there, respectively of the non-existing,
missing trained staff for the industry .
Therefore we decided for an industrial park, combinedwithaculturalandeducationaldevelopment
in the canton, especially in Goražde city.
U vrijeme našeg boravka u Goraždu, imali smo
malo vremena za prikupljanje prvi dojmova i
prva istraživanja.
- Napravili smo istraživanja i ekskursije kroz cijeli
-Razgovaralismosalokalnimstanovnicima,fotodokumentirali i skicirali prve ideje
-SWOT analiza, je razrađena i usredoćena na snagama, slabostima, prijetnjama i potencijalima/
mogućnostima u regiji
- Natrag u Beču i Sarajevu su napravljene različite
strukturu naselja itd.
zakljucka što Kanton treba i nedostaje: više radnih
mjesta, školovanog osoblja i bolje obrazovne strukture.
Od rata, kada je većina tvornica uništena i mnogi
se mnogo promijenila. Najveći problemi su trenutnovisokanezaposlenost,nedostatakradnihmjesta,
starenjestanovništvaimigriracijastanonvnikaiakademika. Druga stvar se odnosi na loše obrazovanje
ljudi, odnosno u postojeći nedostatak školovane
radne snage u industriji. Stoga smo naš koncept
fokusiralina„Industrijskipark“,kojijeukombinaciji sa sadržajima kulture i obrazovanja Kantona, sa
Strategy of an industrial-technology park
- this former industrial zone was destroyed in the
‘90s during the war and still exists with all its destroyed factories
- it is centrally located and offers enough space for a
new industrial site for the city
-we will return the city its old image of the past, becauseithasbeen previously referred to as an industrial city
What is planned?
- an industrial-technology park, who includes new
companies, a research center, a museum and possibly a new training facility
- a cooperation between the industrial-technology
park and the existing companies and industries
- a branch of industry, who builds on the existing
business(textileindustry,metalindustry, production of ammunition etc.)
-cooperation with lokal and regional partners
What conditions must be met?
- companies benet from the advantages of location
- many collaborations between companies can be
produced because the companies of an industrial
park are mostly working within the same branch
težištem na gradu Goraždu.
- ova bivša industrijska zona je bila uništena u 90
godinama tokom rata, ali i dalje postoji sa svim svojim uništenim postrojenjima
- centralna lokacija ove industrijske zone nudi dovoljno prostora za njenu revitalizaciju
- time bi se vratila gradu, njegova stara slika
Šta se planira?
- industrijsko-tehnološki park, koji uključuje nova
stručne obuke
postoječih preduzeća i industrije
- saradnja s lokalnim i regionalnim partnerima
- mogu se proizvesti mnoge saradnje između
preduzeća, jer članovi industrijskog parka uglavnom rade u istoj branši, na to utiče i blizina između
Strategy of an industrial-technology park
o er
imagea s
loca on
a tude
ins tu
communica ons
subven on
ins tucije
educa onal
ins tu ons
Raw materials & Labour
The factory needs to be close to raw materials.
A large cheap labour force is required for industries.
Energy supply
This is needed to work the machines in a factory. Early industries were near to coalfields.
This is the money that is invested to start the
business. The amount of capital will determine
the size and location of the factory.
Cost of land
Greenfield sites in rural areas are usually cheaper than brownfield sites in the city.
A good infrastructure reduces costs and makes
the movement of materials easier.
An accessible place to sell the products is essential for many industries.
Government policies
Industries that locate in depressed (‚Development‘) areas may receive financial incentives
Sirovine i ponuda rada
Tvornice trebaju biti blizu sirovina.
Industriji je potrebna i jeftina radna snaga.
Energetsko napajanje
Ovaj faktor je potreban je za rad na postrojenjima
u tvornici.
To je novac koji će se uložiti na početku poslovanja.
Pašnjaci u ruralnim područjima su obično jeftinij
nego neobrađena zemlja u gradu.
Dobra prometna mreža smanjuje troškove i čini
lakše kretanje ljudi i dobara.
Dostupno mjesto za prodaju proizvoda je bitno za
mnoge industrije.
Industrijekojesenalazeudepresivnim,lošijerazvijenim područjima mogu dobiti financijske poticaje
od države i pomoći od EU-a.
Implementation of an industrial-technology park
Networks &
and land use
Fields of
Social &
cultural life
In relation of our catalog of measures and our
target tree we chose 4 of 7 fields of action, because it would have been too bright so we had
to set limits for our project.
As already mentioned, education is a central
component of our strategy! The most important contents are to develop new training
schools respectively industry specied training
centers and colleges, to provide the industry
enough skilled workers and to attract people
to come back to Goražde.
Actors would be the cantonal politics and the
Social and cultural life
When you hear the word industrial city, you
always have a dirty, gray city before eyes. To
avoid that it‘s imperative to develop the cultural and social life in the city, like cinemas,
theaters, exhibition halls, museums, shopping
centers, parks or public space/public meeting
Actors are: inhabitants, municipality and the
Zbog lakše preglednosti, u odnosu na naš katalog
mjerainašeciljeve,izabralismo4od7područjadjelovanja „Indusrijskog parka“.
Kao što je već spomenuto, obrazovanje je središnji
dio naše strategije! Najvažniji sadržaji su razvijati
nove škole za obuku, odnosno industrijske škole za
obukuikoledže,pružitiindustrijidovoljnokvalifikovanih radnika i privući ljude nazad u Goražde.
Akteri su: kanton i industrija.
Kultura i drutšveni život
Kad čujete naziv „Industrijski grad“, uvijek imate
prljavi, sivi, magloviti grad pred očima. Da bi se to
život u gradu, kao što su kina, kazališta, izložbene
dvorane, muzeji, paviljoni, šoping centri, parkovi i
javne površine / sastajališta.
Akteri su: stanovnici, općina i kanton.
Networks &
Coopera on
Educa on
Social &
cultural life
Improvement of the education
system and establishment of
new training schools respectively specified colleges
Development of cooperations between the industrial
Creating cultural institutions
Establishment of a sustainable, new image concept
Establishment of a historical
Collective elaboration of an
- Accompanying communication
design center/museum for exhi-
adapted image concept with
- Analysis to identify the necessary
- Agreement for a specific in-
bitions, fairs, workshops, cour-
city, region and community
priorities per sector
ses or art colonies
Development and implementation of industry-specific training centers together with the
participating companies and
local education centers
Construction of an industrial association
Establishment of entertainment institutions
Increase the attractiveness
of the employer
-Unite existing industrial com-
panies and new companies
sport centers and leisure faci-
- Analysis of the existing supply
and demand balance with the si-
Setting of policies and programs to support start-ups
-Elaboration and sponsorship of
financial plans for start-up com-
Provision of public spaces
for inhabitants
panies from canton, municipali-
Construction of playgrounds,
responsibility of industry and
ty and federation (and existing
parks, and meeting points
producing economy
Increasing the competitiveness of companies by needbased training and higher
qualification of the staff
- Derivation and development of
specific training programs and
content, taking into account existing and required offers
lities for the community mem-
Open day of industry companies and schools for
children and teenagers
Strengthening of the regional
Networks and cooperations
Umrežavanje i saradnje
The most decisive field of action is maybe the
networking and socialising, because that‘s the
main idea of the whole project. Through cooperations with factories from the diaspora or
other european countries, the industrial-technology park could attract new companies who
would like to work in the same branch.
Actors are: the municipality, the canton and
the companies from abroad
Najodlučnije područje djelovanja je možda
park bi mogao privući nove firme koje bi željele raditi u datoj branši.
Akteri su: općina, kanton i firme iz inozemstva
Last but not least the image of the city, which
plays also a big role in the strategy. Nobody
wants to live in a smoky city, surrounded by
mountains. Particularly for young people, the
city image is very important, because they
claim for a hip urban city, where they have lots
of freetime possibilities and of course continuing education and work opportunities.
Actors are: the municipality, the canton
Posljednje, ali ne i najmanje važno, je imidž grada,
koji u strategiji ima također veliku ulogu. Nitko ne
želi živjeti u zadimljenom gradu, okružen planinama. Posebno za mlade ljude, imidž grada je vrlo
važan, jer oni vole moderne, urbane gradove, gdje
imaju veliku ponudu za upražnjavanje slobodnog
vriemenainaravnomogućnostizakontinuiranoobrazovanje i rad.
Akteri su: općina, kanton
Description of location
Tekstualno obraloženje
The selected area is located in southern part
of town Gorazde. The area is sourronded by
streets Ibrahima Popovića on the north, street
Dr. Safeta Mujića on the east, and with the river Drina on the west side. This area just to
be head qarters of “EMKA” company, today
respresent very importatnt site, in the town
of Goražde, as large potential for the developmend and use.
On the site, were found facilities of industry,
and administrative building of “EMKA” company. During the analyses was determent that
objects on the site do not have any historical
or ambiental values, and they don’t give any
quality to the area. So it is suggested their demolition. This tretman do not includes administrative building of “EMKA”, it is suggested
to be adaptated and expanded.
Odabrana lokacija nalazi se u gradu Goraždu
- južni dio grada. Obuhvat koji je zahvaćen lokacijom uključuje sa sjevera ulicu Ibrahima
Popovića, dok je sa istoka omeđena ulicom Dr.
Safeta Mujića, a sa zapadne strane obuhvaćena
je rijekom Drinom. Lokaltet nekada poslovno
sjedište firme „EMKA“ Bosna, danas predstavlja prazan lokalitet, koji se nalazi u samome
gradu Goraždu. Kao takav posjeduje veliki potencijal za dalji ravoj i upotrebu.
U okviru lokacije postojeće strukture su: hale,
ostaci proizvodnih pogona, kao i administrativna zgrada firme “EMKA” Bosna. Analizom
je utvrđeno da objekti na lokaciji ne sadrže
ambijentalne, niti historijske vrijednosti,
kao i administratvno-poslovna zgradna firme
“EMKA”, za koju je predložena adaptacija i nadogradnja.
Kroz sveobuhvatne analize grada Goražda,
uočeno je da gradu Goraždu nedostaje visoko
obrazovanje u tehnološkom segmentu, zatim
kvalifikovana radna snaga, kao i prostori javnih sadržaja, kakvi su muzeji, parkovi, uređeni
prostori za mlade, prostori odmora i rekreacije.
S obzirom na položaj lokacije, unutar gradskog obuhvata, ova lokacija mora posjedovati
zančajan doprinos društvenom životu kao i
During the analyses it was noticed that in
town Goražde is missing highly educated people in the of area of technological siences, qualified labor force, public spaces, such as museums, parks, spaces for young, spaces for rest
and recreation.
In consideration of the location , within a town
coverage , this location must possess fundament contribution for social life, quality of living for citizens of Goražde . It is necessary to
take into consideration, the proximity distance
of the location, which is provided a campus for
students. Consequently, it was concluded that
the site should consist public areas, facilities,
primarily intended for young people, with the
possibility of using partly by other social categories. Also, during the analysis it is showned
that the necessary facilities on the location are
facilities for science research, public institutions, cultural contents, such as museums or
galleries , as well as spaces for rest and leisure,
which shall be equally accessible and good quality for all age categories residents of Goražde .
As the area of the project location include Ada
( the island on the river ) , which is in summer
period used as a space for sunbathing, sports
and leisure, it is definitely need to integrate
this space, and lead it to better quality, on that
way contributing to the community, to the life
of residents in the city .
Urban transformation in first line treated creation
of new public space, dual purpose, physical unique,
but diferent in a symbolical way. “First part” of the
public space should reflect emotion of the town in
a symbolic way, while at the same time “the other
kvalitetu stanovanja svih građana Goražda.
Potrebno je uzeti u obzir i neposrednu blizinu
lokacije na kojoj je predviđen kampus za studente. Shodno tome, zaključeno je da lokacija
treba da sadrži otvorene javne površine, prostore, namjenjene prvenstveno mladima, sa
djelimičnom mogućnošću korištenja i od strane
ostalih socijalnih grupa. Također, analizama
je utvrđeno da su neophodni sadržaji lokacije, prostori, prostorije za naučno-istraživački
rad, javne ustanove kulturnog sadržaja, kakav je muzej ili galerija, kao i prostori za odmor i razonodu, koji će biti jednako dostupni
i kvaliteni za sve starosne kategorije stanovnika Goražda. Kako obuhvat lokacije zahvata
prostor Ade (riječnog ostrva), koji se u ljetnom
periodu koristi kao prostor za sunčanje, sport
i razonodu, svakako je potrebno i ovaj prostor
uključiti, i dovesti do poboljšanja njegovog kvaliteta, čime se doprinosi javnom, društvenom,
životu stanovnika ovoga grada.
Urbana transformacija tretirane lokacije u prvom redu podrazumijeva kreiranje javnog otvorenog prostora, dvojake namjene, fizički jedinstvenog, ali simbolički različitog. “Prvi dio”
javnog otvorenog prostora simbolički treba da
reflektira emocije grada u prošlosti, dok istovremeno “drugi dio” treba da reflektira emocije
grada u budućnosti. Prostor je najprije tretiran
part” should reflect emotions of the town inthe future. The space is treated in pavement. In a central
part of the public space, there is trough with water,
depth of 40 cm, with instalted system for water processing.Thetroughiscutwithgravel,highof30cm,
and pavement high of 10 cm. On that way the walking area on the water are defined, which will give
special experience of space. On the space where the
space on symbolic way divided, there are small
throughs of water, also depth of 40 cm, and with
instalted system for water processing. The space is
completely covered by stone tiles, and on that way
gives feeling of biger open space, in front of museum, which is conected with the recreation space.
On the area predicted for the skate park, situated
wooden ramps with different slopes, with steel
construction. The quality of this space is completed
of 45 cm, and smaller stage with the high of 20 cm.
The space is isolated from noice with green area,
which gives visitors calmer atmosphere, with good
atmosphere for reading and studing. As a part of
composition are trees, with defined growth, which
takes strong message of this space, and at the same
time they are ecological acceptable and give extra
In southern part of location there is monument
high of 180 cm, partly in the ground for 60 cm.
u popločanju. U centralnom dijelu javnog prostora, postavljeno je korito sa vodom, dubine 40
cm, pri čemu je unutar njega ugrađen sistem
za prerađivanje vode. Korito je presječeno nasipima šljunka visine 30 cm, i popločanjem,
kamenim pločama, visine 10 cm. Na taj način
su obrazovane šetnice na površini vode, koje će
davati poseban doživljaj prostora. Prostor je u
potpunosti popločan kamenim pločama, i tako
pruža doživljaj većeg otvorenog trga, ispred
muzeja, koji se spaja sa prostorom za rekreaciju, skate parkom. Na prostoru predviđenom
za skate park, postavljene su rampe, različitih
nagiba, čelične podkonstrukcije i drvene obloge. Kvalitet ovog prostora je upotpunjen
manjim amfitetarom, visine sjedista 45 cm, i
manjom binom, visine 20cm. Prostor je zvučno
izolovan zelenim pojasom, kako bi omogućio
korisnicima mirnu atmosferu, pogodnu za
čitanje i učenje.
Na južnoj strani lokacije postavljena je spomen ploča, visine 180 cm, djelimično ukopana,
za 60 cm. Ispred spomen ploče nalazi se korito sa vodom, dubine 20 cm. Što se tiče fizičke
strukture zadanog obuhvata, nakon izvršenih
valorizacija postojećeg stanja odlučeno je da će
se zadržati dijelovi poslovno-administrativne
zgrade “EMKA”. Predlaže se konzervacija zidova stare zgrade, stare zidine treba da ostanu
In front of monument there is a trough with
water depth of 20 cm, which contains massage
of water as source of life. When we are talking
of physical structure of this area, after valorization of existing condition it is decided that
some parts of building “EMKA” will be caped.
It is recommended to conserve some walls.
New structure, should take a spirit of the time
in which was built. It is recommended that façade of museum and institute have the same
materialization, so they would on the visual
way make a one whole. In front of institute it
is also urban furniture for the students and
users of the institute.
In ground floor there are situated objects with
diferent functions, such as caffe, changing
rooms, caffe-gallery space. Urban transformation of the part of the drina river, considers
new platforms for sunbathing which will take
new quality during the summer, and it will
take a name : “ City beach “.New quality would
be accomplished by lowering platform 2m,
and other part to the level of river Drina. The
part ofplatform will be connected with river
ada. On the north side location is defined with
the street Ibrahim Popovic. The street ended
on the place which our location is, but urban
transformation predict lowering of the street
and ending in the public garage.
samo kao plašt preko, a sva nova gradnja se
ne smije oslanjati na staru konstrukciju. Nova
struktura mora da predstavlja duh vremena u
kome je građena. Predlaže se da materijalizacija fasade objekta muzeja i zgrade tehničkotehnološkog instituta bude jednaka, kako bi
vizuelno činili jedinstvenu cjelinu, i tako dali
novi kvalitet izgrađenom prostoru. Preko trga,
muzej je povezan sa tehničko tehnološkim institutom, čije su funkcije analizom utvrđene
kao neminovne za ovaj grad.
Parteri javne namjene smješteni su u objektu
koji se nalazi u neposrednoj blizini obale, mosta, te kao takvi posjeduju različite, prilagođene
funkcije prolaznicima, studentima i kupačima.
Urbana transformacija dijela korita rijeke Drine, podrazumijeva stvaranje novog kvaliteta
za korisnike, u vidu artificirane plaže, koja bi
nosila naziv “Gradska plaža”. Novi kvalitet bi
se postigao spuštanjem platoa za sunčanje najprije 2m od kote partera, te nadalje do samog
nivoa rijeke Drine. Dio plato-a za sunčanje
spušten do nivoa rijeke, povezan je kamenim
pločama sa riječnom adom, koja zadržava svoju dugogodišnju funkciju, prostora za sport i
sunčanje u ljetnom periodu. Urbana transformacija predvidja spuštanje nivoa ulice, i prelazak u podzemnu garažu.
Growing Goražde Region
Razvojna Regija Goražda
The concept
This poster shows the basic concept of the “growing Goražde region” project. First of all there
are the key findings. The Canton Goražde is
altogether a rural area in the urban hinterland
of Sarajevo. The structure of the settlements
is often shaped from the industry, which gives
the region an industrial image. The region is
also steeped of an eventful history and thus
there is no common identity as “Goražde region”.
Ovaj plakat pokazuje osnovni koncept projekta. Prvo su prikazani najvažniji zaključci analiza. Bosansko-podrinjski kanton je prije svega
ruralno područje, u blizini urbanog područja
Sarajeva. Strukturu naseljenih dijelova Kantona je prvenstveno oblikovala industrija, koja
je stvorila industrijsku sliku regije. Regija
takođe obiluje i bogatom historijom, ali i dalje
nema izgrađen identitet ‘’Regije Goražde’’.
These findings led to the idea that this region
needs an endogenous approach for the further
development. So we picked the agriculture and
forestry sector as the vital element for the regional development because of its in large parts
unused potential and its interaction to other
The basic idea is to use the natural conditions
as good as possible for an endogenous and resilient future development of the region. This
includes social and technical innovation on
the one hand and smart land use on the other
hand. The concept focuses on the agriculture
Ovi zaključci su naveli na ideju stvaranja autohtonog pristupa u budućem razvoju regije.
Odabrali smo poljoprivredu i šumarstvo ,kao
ključne elemente u regionalnom razvoju, prije
svega zbog velikog neiskorištenog potencijala
ovih privrednih grana.
Ideja vodilja je koristiti prirodne datosti i resurse na najboji mogući način, za kvalitetan i
stabilan razvoj regije. To uključuje društvene i
tehnološke inovacije sa jedne strane i pametnu upotrebu zemljišta sa druge. Koncept se
fokusira na razvoj poljoprivrede i šumarstva,
te ostalih srodnih grana privrede, kao vitalnih
elemenata regionalnog razvoja.
and forestry sector as the vital element for the
regional development with all its interaction to
other sectors.
Out of the findings the vision was formulated
and goals were defined. The most important
aspect is to use the natural and human resources that already exist within the region and
develop them by forcing (inter-)regional cooperation and participation of the people.
Important for the implementation is the network of stakeholders working in the field. They
have the power to make the development possible.
Najvažniji aspekt koncepta je korištenje
već postojećih prirodnih i ljudskih resursa i
kapaciteta iz regije, te njihov dalji razvoj i
unaprijeđenje. Metoda za postizanje navedenog cilja je promovisanje u sklopu regionalne
suradnje svih učesnika proizvodnog procesa.
Bitan faktor u implementaciji projekta je definisanje mreže učesnika u projektu. Oni imaju
moć da učine razvoj mogućim.
Process and activities
Proces i aktivnosti
This poster explains the process of our concept.
There are 4 phases and all phases have their
own measures. The full concept has 4 goals
and 20 measures. The phases show the moment when the measures should be completed.
The bullet of the different measures shows the
associated goal.
Ovaj poster objašnjava procese u našem konceptu. Razvoj je podijeljen u 4 faze, od kojih
svaka ima svoje korake. Cijeli koncept se sastoji od 4 faze i 20 koraka. Faze označavaju
vremenski okvir u kojem se određeni koraci
trebaju izvršiti.
Our concept is to be illustrated with a growing
plant. The first phase starts in the year 2014
and points the implant of a seed. This is the
starting point of the growing Gorazde region.
In the second phase the plant ingrains in the
earth and gets bigger. The first steps of our
concept have been completed and these are the
measure with a short term. In the third phase
the plant increases and enroots in the earth.
There are the measures with a medium term.
In the last phase there is a flourish tree and all
measures are completed.
Prva faza počinje 2014. godine. Ovo je početak
razvoja regije Goražde. U drugoj fazi se sjeme
posijano u prvoj fazi razvija. U trećoj fazi već
vidimo prve plodove rada, dok se u četvrtoj fazi
izvršavaju svi koraci i ostvaruje planirani razvoj.
The 6 best practices show opportunities for
carrying out the activities. The exponents of
the measures are linked with the best practice.
U prilogu je prikazano i 6 referentnih primjera
za provođenje predviđenih aktivnosti. Svaki
od predviđenih koraka je povezan sa jednim od
referentnih primjera.
Development map
Karta razvoja
The development map on this poster shows
the spatial development of the region. Most of
the measures shown could be seen as possible
visible long-term products of the regional development.
Na karti je predstavljen prostorni plan razvoja
regije. Većina predviđenih aktivnosti se može
naći na karti, u vidu dugoročnog proizvoda regionalnog razvoja.
The central element on this poster is – as the
title says – the map. It shows the location and
the dimension of the measures. It also shows
the different focal points of the three cities in
the Canton. Goražde should be established as
the center for education, r&d (research and development) and the service sector. Ustikolina
is the center for production and processing of
the raw material and also location of the East
Bosnia Corporative an important stakeholder.
Prača, because of its position most suitable to
the potential market Sarajevo should be established as the logistic center for the region.
Centralni element ovog plakata je upravo
karta. Na njoj su prikazani lokacija i obuhvat
svake predviđene aktivnosti. Ona istovremeno
pokazuje i tri fokalne tačke, odnosno tri centra regije. Goražde bi se trebalo učiniti centrom
obrazovanja, razvoja i naučno-istraživačkih
aktivnosti. Ustikolna je centar proizvodnje i
prerade sirovih proizvoda, kao i sjedište nekih
od najvažnijih učesnika projekta. Prača, zbog
svoje geografske pozicije, je najpogodnija za
plasiranje proizvoda na potencijalna tržišta,
prvenstveno Sarajevo, kao i centar za logistiku.
Besides the located measures the map also
shows two important road infrastructure
projects. The connection between UstikolinaPrača on the one hand and Goražde-Prača on
the other hand are basic requirements to reach
the set goals.
All suggested measures and activities have to
be seen as food for thought for a discrete regional development.
Na mapi su također prikazana i dva bitna infrastrukturna projekta. Putna komunikacija na
relaciji Ustikolina-Prača, s jedne strane, te relacija Goražde-Prača, s druge strane su ključni
faktori u ostvarenju planiranog razvoja.
Sve predložene mjere i aktivnosti se trebaju
posmatrati kao aperitiv za misao diskretnog
regionalnog razvoja.
Agro-forestry campus
Naučni centar poljoprivrede i šumarstva
Proper use of existing and gaining new knowledge about agriculture and forestry are of importance to everyone. That is where the idea of
building new scientific center came.
Vrlo je važno pravilno upotrebljavati postojeća
i sticati nova znanja iz oblasti poljoprivrede i
šumarstva. Odatle je i potekla ideja o izgradnji
novog naučno-istraživačkog centra.
The campus is located in Vinaricko field, between two residential areas, in order to create
new content for the residence of this area. It
is located between two bridges, next to a planned pedestrian bridge. This new bridge would
connect the campus with the recreation area
across the river.
Centar je planiran na lokaciji Vinaričko polje,
između dvije stambene zone, sa ciljem da tom
prostoru pruži dodatnu funkciju i aktivira cijelo područje. Lociran je i između dva mosta,
odmah do planiranog pješačkog mosta. Novi
most bi povezao kampus sa rekreativnim dijelom sa druge strane rijeke.
Campus is divided in four zones, based on their
function. It consists of agriculture and forestry
faculties, high school, library, reaserch center,
restaurant, café, student dormitory and public
tokovekretanjastanovništvaidijelekampusna4dijela, koja se razlikuju i po svojim funkcijama.
Idea behind the center is to educate farmers
and other agriculture workers, to improve
their work skills, as well as to do further reaserch in the field of agriculture.
As a result, we will achive cooperation between the students, farmers and agronomic
experts. They will have a chance to exchange
knowledge and experience, and improve their
professional skills.
Naučni centar sadrži srednju školu i fakultet
za poljoprivredu i šumarstvo, biblioteku, edukacijski i istraživačko-razvojni centar, restoran, café-bar, studentske domove ali i javne
prostore koje mogu koristiti svi stanovnici grada.
Cilj kampusa je edukacija farmera i ostalih
radnika u procesu proizvodnje, kao i dalja
istraživanja na polju šumarstva i poljoprivrede. Naučni centar pruža mogućnost edukacije, unaprijeđenja znanja i vještina, radnog
osposobljavanja, ali i brendiranja regionalnih
ISBN 978-3-902707-13-0