Abstracts - CAB Direct

Abstracts - CAB Direct
CAB Direct Abstracts
Our experience in collecting tiger mosquitoes using BG Sentinel traps in PrimorjeGorski Kotar and Lika-Senj County. Benic´, N.; Klobučar, A.; Krajcar, D.; Lesnikar, V.; BačunIvček, L.; Pahor, Đ.; Šušnjic´, V.; Korunic´ d.o.o. Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia, Zbornik Radova 24. Znanstveno
Stručno Edukativni Seminar DDD i ZUPP 2011: Djelatnost dezinfekcije, dezinsekcije, deratizacije i zaštite
uskladištenih, Split, Republike Hrvatske, 20.do 23. ozuijak 2012, 2012, pp 135-144, 8 ref.
Collecting adults of Aedes (Stegomyia) albopictus (Skuse, 1894) (Diptera: Culicidae) mosquitoes was
carried out in September 2011 at 45 different sites in the area of Primorje-Gorski Kotar and Lika-Senj
County. The BG-Sentinel traps with a BG-lure as the attractant were used. The traps were exposed for 24
hours during a 7 days period at open space, near the vegetation that mosquitoes use as resting places,
not exposed to direct sunshine or wind. The collected mosquitoes were killed in the original capture net by
fast cooling on dry ice. The determination of species was performed using a binocular magnifier. A total of
415 mosquitoes were collected, of which 263 were female Aedes albopictus (63,37%), 115 were male
Aedes albopictus (27,71%) and 37 were mosquitoes of other species (8,92%). Based on the number of
mosquitoes collected and the lessons learned, the authors consider the BG-Sentinel traps as efficient,
specific, practical for field use and safe, and therefore suitable for sampling of tiger mosquitoes for the
purpose of virological investigations.
Publication type: Conference paper
Record Number: 20123273577
Author Affiliation: Zavod zajavno zdravstvo "Dr. Andrija Štampar", Mirogojska cesta 16,10000 Zagreb,
Author Email: nikola.benic@stampar.hr
ISBN: 978-953-7247-18-8
Language of publication: Croatian
Geographical Location: Croatia;
Subject Category (CABICODE): Public Health Pests, Vectors and Intermediate Hosts, (New March
2000) (VV230);
Organism Descriptors: Aedes albopictus;
Descriptors: females; insect traps; males; sampling;
Identifiers: Asian tiger mosquito; sampling techniques;
Broad Terms: Aedes; Culicidae; Diptera; insects; Hexapoda; arthropods; invertebrates; animals;
eukaryotes; Balkans; Southern Europe; Europe; Developed Countries; Mediterranean Region;
Catch of mosquitoes Aedes albopictus in Zadar as a part of the Project of risk
evaluation of Dengue and Chikunguya fever in 2011 in Croatia. Šarunic´-Gulan, J.;
Mumelaš, N.; Merdic´, E.; Korunic´ d.o.o. Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia, Zbornik Radova 24. Znanstveno
Stručno Edukativni Seminar DDD i ZUPP 2011: Djelatnost dezinfekcije, dezinsekcije, deratizacije i zaštite
uskladištenih, Split, Republike Hrvatske, 20.do 23. ozuijak 2012, 2012, pp 145-152, 9 ref.
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Abstracts - CAB Direct
As a part of the project "Risk evaluation of Dengue and Chikunguya fever" of the Croatian National
Institute of Public Health, during August 2011 on 11 locations in the city Zadar using BG Sentinel traps the
mosquitoes adults have been sampled. Traps were set up in the shade of the locations in the courtyards of
the private houses where the numbers of mosquitoes adults in the previous years had been higher. The
sampling has been implemented during the period from 16 to 20 August 2011. During this period of time,
697 adults of 2 species were caught (Aedes (Stegomyia) albopictus (Skuse, 1894) - 396 mosquitoes and
Culex pipiens (Linnaeus, 1758) - 301 mosquitoes). As the catch of mosquitoes at the same locations with
dry ice baited CDC traps from 2005 was about 30 adults of Aedes albopictus, we can possibly conclude
that BG Sentinel traps attract more adults of Aedes albopictus.
Publication type: Conference paper
Record Number: 20123273578
Author Affiliation: Zavod za javno zdravstvo Zadarske zupanije, Epidemiološka sluzba, Kolovare 2,
23000 Zadar, Croatia.
Author Email: odjel.ddd@zd.t-com.hr
ISBN: 978-953-7247-18-8
Language of publication: Croatian
Geographical Location: Croatia;
Subject Category (CABICODE): Prion, Viral, Bacterial and Fungal Pathogens of Humans, (New
March 2000) (VV210); Public Health Pests, Vectors and Intermediate Hosts, (New March 2000) (VV230);
Organism Descriptors: Aedes albopictus; Chikungunya virus; Culex pipiens; Dengue virus;
Descriptors: dengue; disease vectors; human diseases; insect traps; mosquito-borne diseases; viral
Identifiers: Asian tiger mosquito; viral infections;
Broad Terms: Aedes; Culicidae; Diptera; insects; Hexapoda; arthropods; invertebrates; animals;
eukaryotes; Alphavirus; Togaviridae; positive-sense ssRNA viruses; ssRNA viruses; RNA viruses; viruses;
Balkans; Southern Europe; Europe; Developed Countries; Mediterranean Region; Culex; Flavivirus;
Use of CDC traps in monitoring mosquito population in the town Osijek area during
2011. Bertic´, V.; Jeličic´, P.; Bajto, Z.; Salha, H.; Korunic´ d.o.o. Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia, Zbornik
Radova 24. Znanstveno Stručno Edukativni Seminar DDD i ZUPP 2011: Djelatnost dezinfekcije,
dezinsekcije, deratizacije i zaštite uskladištenih, Split, Republike Hrvatske, 20.do 23. ozuijak 2012, 2012,
pp 153-164, 9 ref.
In the area of town Osijek, based on the Croatian Act on the Protection of the population against
communicable diseases and fundamented on Program of measures enacted by the major of Osijek
mosquito control was conducted. The areas intended for the treatment were stretched onto 15.020 ha.
Mosquito larvae are treated on the area of 7.020 ha by larvicide biological agent, while adult mosquitoes
control was performed in an area of 8.000 ha. In order to control the mosquito control better, water level of
rivers Drava and Danube is monitored on a daily basis, potential breeding sites are visited where the
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Abstracts - CAB Direct
larvae are sampled and the presence of adult mosquitoes is determined by placing the CDC light traps and
using human-bite catches. In this paper we present the influence of water levels of these two rivers to the
emergence of mosquitoes in the city of Osijek, the role of CDC traps in estimating population abundance of
adult mosquitoes as a way to determine the need for the disinfestations measures. We used a total of 16
CDC traps during the period between 21st of June and 24th of August. At five sites adult mosquitoes
counts were conducted in a time of 15 minutes. It is also shown that water level of two rivers, the Drava
and Danube, affecting the number of mosquitoes occurring in the city of Osijek. Due to low water levels
recorded throughout the 2011, the city of Osijek has not been crossing the threshold of "15 mosquitoes
bites in 15 minutes".
Publication type: Conference paper
Record Number: 20123273579
Author Affiliation: Zavod zajavno zdravstvo Osječko - baranjske zupanije, F. Krezme 1, 31 000 Osijek,
Author Email: vedran.bertic@zzjzosijek.hr
ISBN: 978-953-7247-18-8
Language of publication: Croatian
Geographical Location: Croatia;
Subject Category (CABICODE): Other Control Measures (HH700); Public Health Pests, Vectors and
Intermediate Hosts, (New March 2000) (VV230);
Organism Descriptors: Culicidae;
Descriptors: CDC light traps; disease vectors; human diseases; insect control; insect traps; monitoring;
mosquito-borne diseases; river water; vector control;
Identifiers: CDC miniature light traps; CDC traps; mosquitoes; surveillance systems;
Broad Terms: Balkans; Southern Europe; Europe; Developed Countries; Mediterranean Region;
Diptera; insects; Hexapoda; arthropods; invertebrates; animals; eukaryotes;
First record of Supella longipalpa (Fabricius, 1798) (Blattellidae) indoors in Zagreb.
Klobučar, A.; Benic´, N.; Krajcar, D.; Korunic´ d.o.o. Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia, Zbornik Radova 24.
Znanstveno Stručno Edukativni Seminar DDD i ZUPP 2011: Djelatnost dezinfekcije, dezinsekcije,
deratizacije i zaštite uskladištenih, Split, Republike Hrvatske, 20.do 23. ozuijak 2012, 2012, pp 165-174,
17 ref.
The cockroaches species Supella longipalpa (Fabricius, 1798) (Blattellidae) was detected for the first time
in indoor areas in Zagreb in July 2011 in a multi-apartment complex. The Supella longipalpa belongs to
the four most frequent indoor cockroach species in Europe. This paper describes the species and its basic
biological characteristics. The species prefers dry and warm rooms of the heated building complexes and
can survive in environments with very low moisture content. The S. longipalpa spreading takes place
passively, frequently via furniture transportation. Following the finding, cockroaches check was carried out
in the whole apartment complex by using the pheromone traps. Two cockroach species were captured and
detected: Supella longipalpa, known as the Brown-banded Cockroach, and Blattella germanica (L.) or the
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German cockroach, known from earlier to be widespread in Croatia. Cockroaches were found in 8 out of
39 apartments (20,5%). The S. longipalpa species was detected in six apartments (15,4%), in two of this
apartments was found both S. longipalpa and B. germanica. Two other apartments were infested with B.
germanica. Surrounding apartment complexes were checked and no cockroaches were detected. It is
difficult to track down the exact origin and transport route of S. longipalpa found in Zagreb. Given the
movement dynamics of goods and people, it can be expected to find S. longipalpa over the Croatia ever
more often in the future.
Publication type: Conference paper
Record Number: 20123273580
Author Affiliation: Zavod za javno zdravstvo "Dr. Andrija Štampar", Mirogojska cesta 16, 10000
Zagreb, Croatia.
Author Email: ana.klobucar@stampar.hr
ISBN: 978-953-7247-18-8
Language of publication: Croatian
Geographical Location: Croatia;
Subject Category (CABICODE): Public Health Pests, Vectors and Intermediate Hosts, (New March
2000) (VV230);
Organism Descriptors: Blattella germanica; Supella longipalpa;
Descriptors: dwellings; geographical distribution; new geographic records;
Identifiers: Blattodea; German cockroach;
Broad Terms: Blattella; Blattellidae; Blattaria; Dictyoptera; insects; Hexapoda; arthropods; invertebrates;
animals; eukaryotes; Balkans; Southern Europe; Europe; Developed Countries; Mediterranean Region;
Our experience of control cockroaches with biocide based on deltamethrin and
pyriproxyfen. Zver, J.; Lovrec, M.; Korunic´ d.o.o. Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia, Zbornik Radova 24.
Znanstveno Stručno Edukativni Seminar DDD i ZUPP 2011: Djelatnost dezinfekcije, dezinsekcije,
deratizacije i zaštite uskladištenih, Split, Republike Hrvatske, 20.do 23. ozuijak 2012, 2012, pp 175-183, 4
In this paper we would like to show the possibility of using biocide products based on deltamethrin and
pyriproxyfen to kill cockroaches in various areas of our work, our experience, the results and data from the
literature. Specifically professional guidelines for the implementation of desinsection against cockroaches
have long been known in practice. Changes in the legislation affect the reduction of insecticide products
used for the cockroaches control in food as well as in the other buildings. In order to control cockroaches
in the areas of our work, we decided to test the effectiveness of the new biocide product which is
registered as an insecticide to control different species of insects. Based on the principle of the
implementation of one to three desinsection treatments we performed the application every 20 days in
different objects. Contractors were recording their observations and the results of desinsection. The
obtained results were compared with the literature data. We concluded that the implementation of
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Abstracts - CAB Direct
desinsection using biocide product based on deltamethrin and pyriproxyfen was successful. Although the
biocide product is very affective against tested insects, there is some limitation of its use in different
objects. The product has a very unpleasant irritating effect on skin and eyes and it is not recommended to
be used in environments where are people or animals present.
Publication type: Conference paper
Record Number: 20123273581
Author Affiliation: Zavod za zdravstveno varstvo Murska Sobota, Arhitekta Novaka 2b, 9000 Murska
Sobota, Slovenia.
Author Email: jasna.zver@zzv-ms.si
ISBN: 978-953-7247-18-8
Language of publication: Croatian
Geographical Location: Slovenia;
Subject Category (CABICODE): Pesticides and Drugs; Control, (New March 2000) (HH405);
Pesticide and Drug Residues and Ecotoxicology, (New March 2000) (HH430); Public Health Pests, Vectors
and Intermediate Hosts, (New March 2000) (VV230);
Organism Descriptors: Blattaria;
Descriptors: adverse effects; deltamethrin; efficacy; insect control; insecticides; pyriproxyfen;
Identifiers: adverse reactions; Blattodea;
Broad Terms: Blattaria; Dictyoptera; insects; Hexapoda; arthropods; invertebrates; animals; eukaryotes;
Balkans; Southern Europe; Europe; Central Europe; Developed Countries; European Union Countries;
Mediterranean Region;
Description of four different cases suspected on trombidiasis. Landeka, N.; Valic´, J.;
Korunic´ d.o.o. Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia, Zbornik Radova 24. Znanstveno Stručno Edukativni Seminar
DDD i ZUPP 2011: Djelatnost dezinfekcije, dezinsekcije, deratizacije i zaštite uskladištenih, Split,
Republike Hrvatske, 20.do 23. ozuijak 2012, 2012, pp 185-191, 6 ref.
Last few years Institute of the Public Health of Istra County, in period May-August, has increased number
of calls by citizens whose symptoms indicate on possible trombidiasis. Work describes the procedure of
epidemiological investigation but identification of potential pathogens has not been implemented.
Trombicula autumnalis (Shaw, 1790) is the most probable cause of described skin rushes. Work describes
its biology and control. Since there is no a simple method for the confirmation of diagnosis, the etiology
and control of described skin rushes often remains incomplete.
Publication type: Conference paper
Record Number: 20123273582
Author Affiliation: Zavod za javno zdravstvo Istarske zupanije, Nazorova 23, 52100 Pula, Croatia.
Author Email: ddd@zzjziz.hr
ISBN: 978-953-7247-18-8
Language of publication: Croatian
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Abstracts - CAB Direct
Geographical Location: Croatia;
Subject Category (CABICODE): Protozoan, Helminth and Arthropod Parasites of Humans, (New
March 2000) (VV220);
Organism Descriptors: man; Neotrombicula autumnalis;
Descriptors: case reports; clinical aspects; disease control; ectoparasitoses; human diseases;
Identifiers: clinical picture; harvest mite; trombidiasis;
Broad Terms: Balkans; Southern Europe; Europe; Developed Countries; Mediterranean Region; Homo;
Hominidae; Primates; mammals; vertebrates; Chordata; animals; eukaryotes; Neotrombicula;
Trombiculidae; Prostigmata; mites; Acari; Arachnida; arthropods; invertebrates;
Report of Sclerodermus domesticus (Klug, 1809) findings in Istria and Split area from
2007 to 2011. Zitko, T.; Landeka, N.; Korunic´ d.o.o. Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia, Zbornik Radova 24.
Znanstveno Stručno Edukativni Seminar DDD i ZUPP 2011: Djelatnost dezinfekcije, dezinsekcije,
deratizacije i zaštite uskladištenih, Split, Republike Hrvatske, 20.do 23. ozuijak 2012, 2012, pp 193-198,
12 ref.
Sclerodermus domesticus (Klug, 1809) is parasitoid wasp belonging to the family of Bethylidae that attack
larvae of xylophagous beetles. This wasp can sting a man who lives close to wooden structure infested
with woodworm and parasitoid wasp. Injected poison can cause health problems in humans. This paper
describes the cases in which residents in Split, Pula and Rovinj were stung by S. domesticus in the period
from 2007 to 2011. These cases were compared with published cases of S. domesticus stings in southern
Europe. The life cycle of S. domesticus was also described, while causes of sting cases were discussed
along with suggestions for prevention and control of this species.
Publication type: Conference paper
Record Number: 20123273583
Author Affiliation: Nastavni zavod za javno zdravstvo Splitsko - dalmatinske zupanije, Vukovarska 46,
21000 Split, Croatia.
Author Email: ddd@nzjz-split.hr
ISBN: 978-953-7247-18-8
Language of publication: Croatian
Geographical Location: Croatia;
Subject Category (CABICODE): Public Health Pests, Vectors and Intermediate Hosts, (New March
2000) (VV230); Toxinology, (New March 2000) (VV820); Reproduction, Development and Life Cycle (Wild
Animals), (New March 2000) (YY200);
Organism Descriptors: man; Vespidae;
Descriptors: disease control; disease prevention; human diseases; life cycle; stings;
Identifiers: Sclerodermus; Sclerodermus domesticus;
Broad Terms: Balkans; Southern Europe; Europe; Developed Countries; Mediterranean Region; Homo;
Hominidae; Primates; mammals; vertebrates; Chordata; animals; eukaryotes; Bethylidae; Hymenoptera;
insects; Hexapoda; arthropods; invertebrates;
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Abstracts - CAB Direct
Effect of massive tourism on appearance of a bed bug. Plenkovic´, J.; Sigler, M.; Dijan, M.;
Korunic´ d.o.o. Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia, Zbornik Radova 24. Znanstveno Stručno Edukativni Seminar
DDD i ZUPP 2011: Djelatnost dezinfekcije, dezinsekcije, deratizacije i zaštite uskladištenih, Split,
Republike Hrvatske, 20.do 23. ozuijak 2012, 2012, pp 199-208, 16 ref.
This work presents the personal annotations of occurrence of bed bug - Cimex lectularius L. in tourist
objects and boats in Zadar and the surrounding area. Recurrence of the bed bug has been recorded all
over the world and infestations are rising, not only in poor but in rich neighborhoods too, including luxury
apartments, hotels, department stores, schools and even hospitals. Significant increase of bed bug
appearance in Zadar County has been noticed since year 2010 as a result of enlarged number of overnight
stays and better transportation connections from all over the world. Tourists travel by cars, buses,
passenger ships and more often by planes. During their stay in hotels, hostels, ships, private apartments
and rooms, tourists often transfer bed bugs or their nymphs, with their personal belongings or in some
other way, which are then difficult to control and can survive a year without feeding. First signs of
infestation are red spots on the skin accompanied by itchiness or fecal stains, and after that it is usually
easy to notice adult bed bugs. In infested rooms bed bugs were found in mattresses, wooden bed frames,
upholstered headboards, walls, ceilings and in other places. The treatment of bed bugs has always
demanded a lot of time, knowledge and money. Each time tourist encounter with bed bugs in our
accommodations, can reflect negatively on reputation and promotion of tourism oriented areas.
Considering development of tourism, availability of travel, fast switching of destinations and much better air
traveling connections, we can expect further increase of infestations in the years to come.
Publication type: Conference paper
Record Number: 20123273584
Author Affiliation: Ciklon d.o.o. za sanitarnu zaštitu čovjekove okoline, Put Murvice 14, 23000 Zadar,
Author Email: ciklon@ciklon.hr
ISBN: 978-953-7247-18-8
Language of publication: Croatian
Geographical Location: Croatia;
Subject Category (CABICODE): Tourism and Travel (UU700); Public Health Pests, Vectors and
Intermediate Hosts, (New March 2000) (VV230);
Organism Descriptors: Cimex lectularius; man;
Descriptors: human diseases; infestation; insect bites; tourism; tourists;
Identifiers: bed bug;
Broad Terms: Cimex; Cimicidae; Heteroptera; Hemiptera; insects; Hexapoda; arthropods; invertebrates;
animals; eukaryotes; Balkans; Southern Europe; Europe; Developed Countries; Mediterranean Region;
Homo; Hominidae; Primates; mammals; vertebrates; Chordata;
Enforcement of professional supervision over the obligatory preventive Pest control in
Virovitica-Podravina County from 2007 to 2011. Vidic´, Š.; Venus, M.; Petrovčic´, D.; Marčeta,
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M.; Rašeta, B.; Wolf, J.; Korunic´ d.o.o. Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia, Zbornik Radova 24. Znanstveno Stručno
Edukativni Seminar DDD i ZUPP 2011: Djelatnost dezinfekcije, dezinsekcije, deratizacije i zaštite
uskladištenih, Split, Republike Hrvatske, 20.do 23. ozuijak 2012, 2012, pp 209-220, 4 ref.
The Act on the Protection of the Population against Communicable Diseases (Official Gazette 79/07,
113/08 and 43/09) and enforcement rules brought on the basis of this Act regulates authorization of
Counties' Institutes of Public Health in enforcement of professional supervision over the obligatory
preventive disinfection, disinsection and deratization as a special measure of the protection of the
population from communicable diseases in the local self-government units - districts and towns.
Enforcement of the obligatory preventive pest control is defined by the counties' Decision on which the
basis was brought by the obligatory preventive disinfection, disinsection and deratization Program, with
defined requirements for the Pest control operators, mode of finance and enforcement of professional
supervision. The article presents the frequency of preventive deratization and the mode of five-years
period of enforcement of professional supervision by the Institute of Public Health "Sveti Rok" of ViroviticaPodravina County in sixteen local self-government units of the County (three towns and thirteen districts),
coverage and different experiences in certain local self-government units.
Publication type: Conference paper
Record Number: 20123273585
Author Affiliation: Zavod za javno zdravstvo Sv. Rok Virovitičko-podravske zupanije, Gajeva 21,
33000 Virovitica, Croatia.
Author Email: ddd@zzjzvpz.hr
ISBN: 978-953-7247-18-8
Language of publication: Croatian
Geographical Location: Croatia;
Subject Category (CABICODE): Public Health Pests, Vectors and Intermediate Hosts, (New March
2000) (VV230);
Organism Descriptors: rats; rodents;
Descriptors: pests; public health; rodent control; supervision;
Broad Terms: Balkans; Southern Europe; Europe; Developed Countries; Mediterranean Region;
Muridae; rodents; mammals; vertebrates; Chordata; animals; eukaryotes;
Plan and Program of trichinellosis control in the eastern Croatia during the period
from 1999 until today. Vučemilo, M.; Matkovic´, K.; Blaz evic´, M.; Gašpar, A.; Benic´, M.; Korunic´
d.o.o. Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia, Zbornik Radova 24. Znanstveno Stručno Edukativni Seminar DDD i ZUPP
2011: Djelatnost dezinfekcije, dezinsekcije, deratizacije i zaštite uskladištenih, Split, Republike Hrvatske,
20.do 23. ozuijak 2012, 2012, pp 221-230, 19 ref.
This paper describes trichinellosis - a diseased public health significance, which must be controlled
according to the Croatian law and the Program for combating the disease, which defines all the necessary
measures: the systematic pest control in the affected area; serological survey of breeding pigs in endemic
areas; the separation of seropositive breeding pigs, their slaughter and compensation for the extricated
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positive pigs; necessary trichinelloskopic meat inspection; education and information of population;
carcasses disposal of wild and domestic animals, confiscates and animal waste matter; hygienic
measures; resolve the issue of illegal landfills and garbage dumps. The success of measures confirmed a
significant decrease in the appearance of infected pigs, as well and decreased of people suffering from the
early implementation of measures to date.
Publication type: Conference paper
Record Number: 20123273586
Author Affiliation: Veterinarski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, Heinzelova 55,10000 Zagreb, Croatia.
Author Email: vucemilo@vef.hr
ISBN: 978-953-7247-18-8
Language of publication: Croatian
Geographical Location: Croatia;
Subject Category (CABICODE): Meat Produce (QQ030); Food Contamination, Residues and
Toxicology (QQ200); Protozoan, Helminth and Arthropod Parasites of Humans, (New March 2000)
Organism Descriptors: man; pigs; Trichinella spiralis;
Descriptors: control programmes; disease control; disease prevention; food contamination; food safety;
foodborne diseases; health education; human diseases; pigmeat; trichinosis;
Identifiers: control programs; food contaminants; hogs; nematodes; pork; swine; trichinellosis;
Broad Terms: Balkans; Southern Europe; Europe; Developed Countries; Mediterranean Region; Homo;
Hominidae; Primates; mammals; vertebrates; Chordata; animals; eukaryotes; Sus scrofa; Sus; Suidae;
Suiformes; Artiodactyla; ungulates; Trichinella; Trichinellidae; Trichinellida; Dorylaimia; Enoplea;
Nematoda; invertebrates;
Proceedings, 24th Scientific and Educational Seminar, DDD and ZUPP 2012,
Disinfection, Disinsection, Deratization and Protection of Stored Agricultural
Products, Split, Croatia, 20-23 March, 2012. Korunic´ d.o.o. Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia, Zbornik
Radova 24. Znanstveno Stručno Edukativni Seminar DDD i ZUPP 2011: Djelatnost dezinfekcije,
dezinsekcije, deratizacije i zaštite uskladištenih, Split, Republike Hrvatske, 20.do 23. ozuijak 2012, 2012,
pp 325 pp., many ref.
This publication features papers presented in the proceedings of the 24th Scientific and Educational
Seminar, DDD and ZUPP, 2012, Disinfection, Deratization and Protection of Stored Agricultural Products,
held in Split, Croatia, during 20-23 March 2012. All the papers included discuss topics related to public
health sanitation and hygiene, including aspects of food safety, foodborne diseases, food poisoning, insect
vectors and their control, pests of stored foods and their control, and public health pests and their control.
Publication type: Conference proceedings
Record Number: 20123273587
ISBN: 978-953-7247-18-8
Language of publication: Croatian
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Subject Category (CABICODE): Pesticides and Drugs; Control, (New March 2000) (HH405); Storage
Problems and Pests of Food (QQ111); Food Contamination, Residues and Toxicology (QQ200); Prion,
Viral, Bacterial and Fungal Pathogens of Humans, (New March 2000) (VV210); Protozoan, Helminth and
Arthropod Parasites of Humans, (New March 2000) (VV220); Public Health Pests, Vectors and
Intermediate Hosts, (New March 2000) (VV230);
Organism Descriptors: Blattaria; insects; man; rats;
Descriptors: disease vectors; food contamination; food safety; foodborne diseases; human diseases;
hygiene; infectious diseases; insect control; insecticides; microbial contamination; pest control; sanitation;
vector control; vector-borne diseases;
Identifiers: Blattodea; communicable diseases; food contaminants;
Broad Terms: Blattaria; Dictyoptera; insects; Hexapoda; arthropods; invertebrates; animals; eukaryotes;
Homo; Hominidae; Primates; mammals; vertebrates; Chordata; Muridae; rodents;
Statutes of Adriatic coast towns: treasure for studying roots of medieval legal
regulations of hygienic, ecological and urban culture among Croats. Bakic´, J.; Korunic´
d.o.o. Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia, Zbornik Radova 24. Znanstveno Stručno Edukativni Seminar DDD i ZUPP
2011: Djelatnost dezinfekcije, dezinsekcije, deratizacije i zaštite uskladištenih, Split, Republike Hrvatske,
20.do 23. ozuijak 2012, 2012, pp 1-28, 22 ref.
Historical facts during the time of settlement of Croats on today's Adriatic area and the way of their noisy
cultural, religious, linguistic and habitual clash with indigenous inhabitants before assimilation is presented
in brief. In the time of social two-sided assimilation in towns that were then autonomous communities, the
statutes were enforced as medieval conception of municipal law. Statute of Croatian Adriatic coast towns
(from 13th to 14th century) are unique written monument of meeting of cultures, mutual permeation and
influence of Croatian and Roman population on each other originating from "reciprocity of contacts". Mostly
written in Latin language they were made on the basis of Roman Law supplemented by legal elements of
the peoples crossing in this area. That is why Byzantine, Frankish, Venetian and old Slavic legal influences
are found here. Three mutually dependent groups are shown in this paper: hygienical, ecological and
urbanistic communal provisions. Among hygienical provisions there are those indicating high level of
health knowledge: prohibition of accepting persons and things from infected areas - plague (1625);
prohibition of staying in mallaric areas from 5th to 9th month - mallaria; prohibition of pig growing in towns
(1305); the way of building cesspools (1272), early prohibition of dumping or leaving impurities in town
streets (1322), prohibition of skin tanning and stay of lepers (1272), prohibition of wool combing in bakery
and in the market (1322), prohibition of kissing dead persons due to epidemic diseases (1312), decision of
first quarantine in the world (1377) - "Venienis de locis pestiferis non intrat Ragüsium nel districtum"; care
of the water "puteus" - bedrock wells (drinking or technological water) (1272), complicated filtration
systems (1304-1389) with ending of this process through gravitational aqueduct 18 km long and built on
the principle of classical Roman aqueducts. High ecological awareness is expressed in many provisions of
the statute not only in forest or pine protection but also in sanction itself which beside fine regulates
dispossession of criminal deed means dispossession of boat or cart used for transport of wood with other
ship cargo (1265); limitation for preparation of bitumen and resin in summer months; complete protection of
pines in coastal areas; prohibition of horse tail cutting; water protection from pollution (1265); prohibition of
plant Spartium junceum exploitation; order for elimination of growth around ponds due to eutrofization
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Abstracts - CAB Direct
prevention (1402); prohibition of keeping the old boats on the land for preservation of environmental
values (1312); weed elimination (Cynodum sp. et. Digitaria sp.) (1426) from all fields on Korčula. It should
be proudly emphasized that criminal legal sanctions in protection of human environment appear among
first at Croats (1265). Finally urbanistic communal provisions are shown. Within urban ecosystem as
advanced degree of human environmental protection the project of building the public sewage system is
started. Draining of fecal masses to the sea by main collector (1436) was a fourth link in system in
Dubrovnik following toilets, toilet drainages and toilet pits. This long ago built system is still in use and is
regarded as a category "0" monument dating 107 years before Boleslawiec system. There were also
principles of house building in accordance with plans and predetermined measures (1272), rigorous
sanctions for usurpation of municipal lands (1338); provisions for ruins, stairsteps, stoves, roof inclinations,
porches and balconies over streets, wooden and stray houses, street plans, ballast dropping on maritime
demesne (1272); prohibition of stealing stones from ruinous houses or harbor devices (1265); prohibition
of throwing impurities through the windows (1312); decision of unique town granary (1224/1590).
Publication type: Conference paper
Record Number: 20123273588
Author Affiliation: Matije Gupca 11a, 21000 Split, Croatia.
ISBN: 978-953-7247-18-8
Language of publication: Croatian
Geographical Location: Croatia;
Subject Category (CABICODE): History and Biography (BB500); Laws and Regulations (DD500);
Human Health and Biology (General), (Revised June 2002) (VV000);
Descriptors: coastal areas; disease prevention; ecology; human diseases; hygiene; infectious diseases;
public health; public health legislation; regulations; sewerage; urbanization;
Identifiers: communicable diseases; rules; sewage systems;
Broad Terms: Balkans; Southern Europe; Europe; Developed Countries; Mediterranean Region;
European Guidelines for the surveillance of invasive mosquitoes. Merdic´, E.; Korunic´
d.o.o. Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia, Zbornik Radova 24. Znanstveno Stručno Edukativni Seminar DDD i ZUPP
2011: Djelatnost dezinfekcije, dezinsekcije, deratizacije i zaštite uskladištenih, Split, Republike Hrvatske,
20.do 23. ozuijak 2012, 2012, pp 109-113, 1 ref.
In this paper Guidelines for the surveillance of invasive mosquitoes is presented. This Guidelines is made
under ECDC organization.
Publication type: Conference paper
Record Number: 20123273589
Author Affiliation: Odjel za biologiju, Sveučilište J J. Strossmayera u Osijeku, Trg Lj. Gaja 6, 31000
Osijek, Croatia.
Author Email: enrih@biologija.unios.hr
ISBN: 978-953-7247-18-8
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Abstracts - CAB Direct
Language of publication: Croatian
Geographical Location: Europe;
Subject Category (CABICODE): Public Health Pests, Vectors and Intermediate Hosts, (New March
2000) (VV230);
Organism Descriptors: Culicidae;
Descriptors: guidelines; invasive species; surveillance;
Identifiers: invasive organisms; invasives; mosquitoes; recommendations;
Broad Terms: Diptera; insects; Hexapoda; arthropods; invertebrates; animals; eukaryotes;
Genetic control of mosquitoes. Vruc´ina, I.; Vignjevic´, G.; Merdic´, E.; Korunic´ d.o.o. Zagreb,
Zagreb, Croatia, Zbornik Radova 24. Znanstveno Stručno Edukativni Seminar DDD i ZUPP 2011:
Djelatnost dezinfekcije, dezinsekcije, deratizacije i zaštite uskladištenih, Split, Republike Hrvatske, 20.do
23. ozuijak 2012, 2012, pp 115-125, 29 ref.
Genetic control of mosquitoes is not a new idea. The first beginnings date back to the 50s of the last
century. The term "genetic control" actually means a whole range of technologies and strategies that are
based on two basic approaches, namely: the removal and replacement of the population. Removal of the
population is performed using the SIT method (Sterile Insect Techniques) which is based on the
introduction of genetically modified mosquitoes that give infertile offspring of the native population.
Replacement of the population based on the introduction of genes or genetic structure in native
populations that then they would not be able to transmit disease. Both approaches have their advantages,
but there are certain requirements that must be achieved for effective application of these methods in
practice. If all these requirements are fulfilled, the ability to control populations of disease vectors is large.
However, despite the great potential of these methods, due to the suspicion of the public toward genetic
technology, they have not occupied the greater part of the application compared to conventional methods
of vectors control.
Publication type: Conference paper
Record Number: 20123273590
Author Affiliation: Odjel za biologiju, Sveučilište J. J. Strossmayera u Osijeku, Trg Lj. Gaja 6, 31000
Osijek, Croatia.
Author Email: iboca@biologija.unios.hr
ISBN: 978-953-7247-18-8
Language of publication: Croatian
Subject Category (CABICODE): Other Control Measures (HH700); Public Health Pests, Vectors and
Intermediate Hosts, (New March 2000) (VV230);
Organism Descriptors: Culicidae;
Descriptors: disease vectors; genetic control; human diseases; insect control; mosquito-borne diseases;
sterile insect release; vector control;
Identifiers: mosquitoes;
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Abstracts - CAB Direct
Broad Terms: Diptera; insects; Hexapoda; arthropods; invertebrates; animals; eukaryotes;
Research of Aedes albopictus in Croatian Counties on Adriatic coast during 2011. Merdic
´, E.; Turic´, N.; Vignjevic´, G.; Zitko, T.; Benic´, N.; Klobučar, A.; Krajcar, D.; Šarunic´-Gulan, J.; Mumelaš,
N.; Landeka, N.; Šuperak, A.; Korunic´ d.o.o. Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia, Zbornik Radova 24. Znanstveno
Stručno Edukativni Seminar DDD i ZUPP 2011: Djelatnost dezinfekcije, dezinsekcije, deratizacije i zaštite
uskladištenih, Split, Republike Hrvatske, 20.do 23. ozuijak 2012, 2012, pp 127-134, 16 ref.
This paper presents results of the research of Aedes (Stegomyia) albopictus (Skuse, 1894) species in
Croatian Adriatic Counties. Mosquitoes were collected during August and September 2011, using BG
Sentinel traps baited with the standard BG lure attractant. Basic duration of trap working was 24 hours per
site, although in some sites traps remained several days. The research in the area of Adriatic coast was
conducted in 126 sites. We collected 3699 specimens and established the presence of 3 mosquito species.
The largest number of mosquitoes was noted in Split and Dalmatia County (1160) and smallest in LikaSenj County (100). Species in the traps were Aedes albopictus with 81.37%, Culex pipiens (Linnaeus,
1758) complex with 18.60% and Culiseta longiareolata (Macquart, 1838) with 0.03%. High number of male
tiger mosquitoes has been caught, ratio female: male was 2.5:1. The average number of mosquitoes per
trap was similar in all counties and ranged from 7.92 to 13.14, except Split and Dalmatia County where the
average was 47.43 mosquitoes.
Publication type: Conference paper
Record Number: 20123273591
Author Affiliation: Odjel za biologiju, Sveučilište J. J. Strossmayera u Osijeku, Trg Lj. Gaja 6, 31000
Osijek, Croatia.
Author Email: enrih@biologija.unios.hr
ISBN: 978-953-7247-18-8
Language of publication: Croatian
Geographical Location: Croatia;
Subject Category (CABICODE): Biological Resources (Animal) (PP710); Public Health Pests,
Vectors and Intermediate Hosts, (New March 2000) (VV230);
Organism Descriptors: Aedes albopictus; Culex pipiens; Culicidae; Culiseta longiareolata;
Descriptors: coastal areas; females; males; population structure;
Identifiers: Asian tiger mosquito; mosquitoes;
Broad Terms: Aedes; Culicidae; Diptera; insects; Hexapoda; arthropods; invertebrates; animals;
eukaryotes; Balkans; Southern Europe; Europe; Developed Countries; Mediterranean Region; Culex;
Implementing regulations from the field of protection of population from contagious
diseases in Bosnia and Herzegovina and proposals for faster and more
comprehensive regulation of disinfection, disinsectization and deratization activities
in by-laws. Pašic´, E.; Balta, S.; Zilic´, A.; Mrakovic´, E.; Korunic´ d.o.o. Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia,
Zbornik Radova 24. Znanstveno Stručno Edukativni Seminar DDD i ZUPP 2011: Djelatnost dezinfekcije,
dezinsekcije, deratizacije i zaštite uskladištenih, Split, Republike Hrvatske, 20.do 23. ozuijak 2012, 2012,
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Abstracts - CAB Direct
pp 315-320, 8 ref.
This paper presents valid legal regulations from the field of protection of population from contagious
diseases in Bosnia and Herzegovina, with an overview of regulations from the field of implementation of
disinfection, disinsectization and deratization measures. This paper also points out the slowness of
competent institutions in the adoption of by-laws and, through an analysis of adopted by-laws from the
field of disinfection, disinsectization and deratization activities, proposes stimulation of adoption of changes
and addenda to the valid regulations, which would more comprehensively regulate the disinfection,
disinsectization and deratization activities that contribute to the prevention of contagious and other
diseases caused by micro-organisms, harmful insects and rodents. The Law on Prevention of Population
from Contagious Diseases regulates the obligation of the BiH Federation Minister of health to adopt
implementing regulations, including those for implementation of disinfection, disinsectization and
deratization measures, within six months from the date of coming of the law into effect that is from May
27,2005. Up to date, some implementing regulations have not been adopted yet, and based on our longterm experience so far we maintain that some by-laws will never be adopted at all. In order that certain
provisions from the Law on Prevention of Population from Contagious Diseases are implemented, it is
necessary to adopt all implementing regulations that will regulate the rights and obligations, as well as the
manner of implementation of these measures, with full respecting the opinions of the profession,
inspection services and other stakeholders to which these implementation regulations refer, in order for
them to be applicable in practice.
Publication type: Conference paper
Record Number: 20123273592
Author Affiliation: Zavod za javno zdravstvo Kantona Sarajevo, Dr. Mustafe Pintola broj 1, 71000
Sarajevo, Bosnia-Hercegovina.
Author Email: enver_pasic@yahoo.com
ISBN: 978-953-7247-18-8
Language of publication: Croatian
Geographical Location: Bosnia-Hercegovina;
Subject Category (CABICODE): Laws and Regulations (DD500); Public Health Pests, Vectors and
Intermediate Hosts, (New March 2000) (VV230);
Organism Descriptors: rats;
Descriptors: disease prevention; disinfection; human diseases; infectious diseases; public health; public
health legislation; regulations;
Identifiers: communicable diseases; rules;
Broad Terms: Balkans; Southern Europe; Europe; Developed Countries; Mediterranean Region;
Muridae; rodents; mammals; vertebrates; Chordata; animals; eukaryotes;
Current status and guidelines for quality management of disinfection, disinfestation
and deratization in the Republic of Macedonia. Vučkov, R.; Korunic´ d.o.o. Zagreb, Zagreb,
Croatia, Zbornik Radova 24. Znanstveno Stručno Edukativni Seminar DDD i ZUPP 2011: Djelatnost
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Abstracts - CAB Direct
dezinfekcije, dezinsekcije, deratizacije i zaštite uskladištenih, Split, Republike Hrvatske, 20.do 23. ozuijak
2012, 2012, pp 321-325, 2 ref.
This article presents the current situation of the organization and professional implementation of
measures, required by the legal regulations on all grounds. From an organizational point of view, the
institutions that perform pest control, disinfection, disinfestation, deratisation (DDD) are not yet sufficiently
organized in the Republic of Macedonia. The lack of good organization, the unprofessional approach and
the poor work conducted, especially in the important facilities such as medical centres, hospitals,
kindergartens, schools and other state institutions, as well as many other commercial, agricultural and
veterinary facilities indicate that still much has to be done to improve the current hygiene situation. The
guidelines for successful, strong and well organized implementation of DDD services lead to the fulfilment
of established criteria. The main goal for the introduction of EU standards is to introduce preventive DDD
measures and reduce the use of chemicals that are harmful to humans and the environment.
Publication type: Conference paper
Record Number: 20123273593
Author Affiliation: "AGRORPROTEKT" DOOEL, ul. Leninova br. 134, 2400 Strumica, Republic of
Author Email: dr.vuckov@t-home.mk
ISBN: 978-953-7247-18-8
Language of publication: Croatian
Geographical Location: Republic of Macedonia;
Subject Category (CABICODE): Public Health Pests, Vectors and Intermediate Hosts, (New March
2000) (VV230);
Organism Descriptors: rats;
Descriptors: control programmes; disinfection; disinfestation; guidelines; hygiene; pest control; pests;
public health;
Identifiers: control programs; recommendations;
Broad Terms: Muridae; rodents; mammals; vertebrates; Chordata; animals; eukaryotes; Balkans;
Southern Europe; Europe; Mediterranean Region;
Practical implementation of prerequisite programs to ensure food safety in bakeries:
guidelines for use by sector guide for baking, "Guide to good hygiene practice for
bakeries and HACCP guide-practical implementation of the HACCP system for
bakeries". Pahor, Đ.; Podobnik, V. J.; Korunic´ d.o.o. Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia, Zbornik Radova 24.
Znanstveno Stručno Edukativni Seminar DDD i ZUPP 2011: Djelatnost dezinfekcije, dezinsekcije,
deratizacije i zaštite uskladištenih, Split, Republike Hrvatske, 20.do 23. ozuijak 2012, 2012, pp 47-59, 5
Companies in the food business (FBO) from the bakery sector are obliged to obey and enforce the valid
legal regulations concerning food safety. In daily work it involves the application of the principles of good
hygiene practices (GHP), Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) and self-control system on the principles of
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Abstracts - CAB Direct
HACCP. GHP and GMP, the structural requirements related to sanitary and technical conditions of
production facilities, storage and distribution of bakery products are called. Prerequisite programs to be
implemented and used as a basis for ensuring food safety. HACCP involves the upgrading process of
defining the control (critical control points - CCP and checkpoint - CP in the process, methods and tools for
monitoring and corrective measures and the application of the given documents which in practice makes
preventive self-control). Preventive measures of disinfection, disinfestation, rodent control to prevent the
presence and breeding of pests (pathogenic micro-organisms, insects and rodents of public health
importance for consumers and economic importance for food business operators) include: staff (personal
hygiene and health, working with food in a safe manner, education), space, supplies, equipment, facility
design and environmental (sanitary maintenance plans, standard operating procedures - SOP, standard
sanitation operating procedures - SSOP, biocide products, control the presence of pests and their control,
waste management). Guidelines for the implementation of these requirements are given in detail in the
sectoral guide for baking "Guide to good hygiene practice for bakeries and HACCP guide-practical
implementation of the HACCP system for bakeries," published by the Croatian Chamber of Trades and
Teaching Institute of the Public Health of Primorje-Gorski Kotar County. This paper elaborates the main
issue in the case of small and medium-sized companies in the food.
Publication type: Conference paper
Record Number: 20123273594
Author Affiliation: Nastavni zavod za javno zdravstvo Primorsko - goranske zupanije, Krešimirova 52
a, 51000 Rijeka, Croatia.
Author Email: epidemiologija@zzjzpgz.hr
ISBN: 978-953-7247-18-8
Language of publication: Croatian
Subject Category (CABICODE): Environmental Pest Management (HH200); Pesticides and Drugs;
Control, (New March 2000) (HH405); Storage Problems and Pests of Food (QQ111); Food Contamination,
Residues and Toxicology (QQ200);
Organism Descriptors: insects; rodents;
Descriptors: bakers; bakery industry; bakery products; baking; biocides; disinfection; disinfestation; food
handlers; food hygiene; food safety; food sanitation; guidelines; HACCP; insect pests; pest control; pests;
quality controls; rodent control; stored products pests; vertebrate pests; waste management; wastes;
Identifiers: baked goods; hazard analysis critical control points; pest insects; quality assurance;
recommendations; storage pests; stored-product pests;
Broad Terms: Hexapoda; arthropods; invertebrates; animals; eukaryotes; mammals; vertebrates;
Pyrethroid residues on food and objects of general use after implementation of
disinsection. Bosilj, M.; Jurak, G.; Korunic´ d.o.o. Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia, Zbornik Radova 24.
Znanstveno Stručno Edukativni Seminar DDD i ZUPP 2011: Djelatnost dezinfekcije, dezinsekcije,
deratizacije i zaštite uskladištenih, Split, Republike Hrvatske, 20.do 23. ozuijak 2012, 2012, pp 61-72, 11
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Abstracts - CAB Direct
It is frequently the case that disinsection is performed contrary to legal regulations, expert norms and
rulebooks. While treating space and surfaces with insecticide, its remains are left behind on objects and
food which is not adequately protected. The goal of this research is to establish whether there are any
residues of the insecticide pyrethroid on food, surfaces and objects of general use, as well as to raise
awareness of insufficient investigation of pesticide remains in public health and communal hygiene. We
analyzed 51 samples, including 32 samples of fruit and vegetables, 17 samples of objects of general use
and two vials that imitated work surfaces. From the 32 food samples that were analyzed only 3 samples
were free of pesticide, while 12 items of food had residues of cypermethrin above MDK. From 7 samples of
objects of general use which were taken one day after disinfestation, while they were already in use, only 1
had residues of cypermethrin. Objects which were exposed can be divided into two categories: objects
exposed on purpose and protected objects (e.g. covered with sheets). On the object that was protected
with sheets 0,139 ng/ul of cypermethrin was found, while 5,789 ng/ul of cypermethrin was found on the
object that was not protected. From 9 objects which were exposed on purpose only one was free of
cypermethrin residues. In the remaining 8 they were found in large quantities. The largest amounts of
cypermethrin were measured on vials which imitated work surfaces. Residues on those objects were a
hundred times larger than on the remaining samples. It is important to pay greater attention to the
education of people who execute measures of disinfection, disinsection and deratization (DDD), and raise
awareness of pesticide dangers, as well as the fact that the remaining residues can be found in large
Publication type: Conference paper
Record Number: 20123273595
Author Affiliation: Zavod za javno zdravstvo Varazdinske zupanije, Ivana Meštrovic´a bb, 42000
Varazdin, Croatia.
Author Email: marin.bosilj@gmail.com
ISBN: 978-953-7247-18-8
Language of publication: Croatian
Geographical Location: Croatia;
Subject Category (CABICODE): Pesticide and Drug Residues and Ecotoxicology, (New March 2000)
(HH430); Crop Produce (QQ050); Food Contamination, Residues and Toxicology (QQ200); Human
Toxicology and Poisoning, (New March 2000) (VV810);
Descriptors: cypermethrin; food contamination; food safety; foods; fruits; insecticide residues; pesticide
residues; pyrethroid insecticides; surfaces; vegetables;
Identifiers: food contaminants; vegetable crops;
Broad Terms: Balkans; Southern Europe; Europe; Developed Countries; Mediterranean Region;
Foodborne diseases in Canton Sarajevo. Obradovic´, Z.; Obradovic´, A.; Balta, S.; Zilic´, A.;
Korunic´ d.o.o. Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia, Zbornik Radova 24. Znanstveno Stručno Edukativni Seminar
DDD i ZUPP 2011: Djelatnost dezinfekcije, dezinsekcije, deratizacije i zaštite uskladištenih, Split,
Republike Hrvatske, 20.do 23. ozuijak 2012, 2012, pp 73-84, 14 ref.
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Abstracts - CAB Direct
Foodborne diseases are becoming more important infectious diseases. They are caused by different
microorganisms: bacteria, viruses, parasites. The number of infected people of these diseases is
constantly increasing. There are several reasons, and some of them are: changes in nutrition habits, the
more important industrial production of food, international trade with food and the more often travels, even
international. Also very important is the adaptation of the agent that causes the disease on the
environmental factors and the more often resistance on antimicrobial medicaments. On the area of
Federation of B&H and Canton Sarajevo, among the ten leading infectious diseases are Enterocolitis
acuta, Salmonellosis and Toxiinfectio alimentaris. The highest number of cases was registered in 2007.
The most often disease is Enterocolitis ac, with 74% of the total number of cases. The most often cases
are in the age group 25-49 years (42,9%). Alimentary toxiinfections and Enterocolitis acuta show a
significant seasonal distribution, which means they appear mostly in the "warm months" of the year. It is
very important to intensify the work on foodborne diseases education of persons who professionally work
with food production, food protection and also the consumers, which means the whole population.
Publication type: Conference paper
Record Number: 20123273596
Author Affiliation: Zavod za javno zdravstvo Kantona Sarajevo, Dr. Mustafe Pintola 1, 71000 Sarajevo,
Author Email: zobradovic9@gmail.com
ISBN: 978-953-7247-18-8
Language of publication: Croatian
Geographical Location: Bosnia-Hercegovina;
Subject Category (CABICODE): Food Contamination, Residues and Toxicology (QQ200); Prion,
Viral, Bacterial and Fungal Pathogens of Humans, (New March 2000) (VV210); Protozoan, Helminth and
Arthropod Parasites of Humans, (New March 2000) (VV220); Toxinology, (New March 2000) (VV820);
Organism Descriptors: man; Salmonella;
Descriptors: adults; aetiology; bacterial diseases; disease prevalence; enterocolitis; epidemiology; food
poisoning; foodborne diseases; foods; human diseases; infectious diseases; salmonellosis;
Identifiers: bacterial infections; bacterioses; bacterium; causal agents; communicable diseases;
etiology; Salmonella infections;
Broad Terms: Balkans; Southern Europe; Europe; Developed Countries; Mediterranean Region; Homo;
Hominidae; Primates; mammals; vertebrates; Chordata; animals; eukaryotes; Enterobacteriaceae;
Enterobacteriales; Gammaproteobacteria; Proteobacteria; Bacteria; bacterium; prokaryotes;
Characteristics of salmonella food poisoning outbreaks in Canton Sarajevo in period
from 2002 to 2011. Balta, S.; Obradovic´, Z.; Zilic´, A.; Mrakovic´, E.; Pašté, E.; Korunic´ d.o.o.
Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia, Zbornik Radova 24. Znanstveno Stručno Edukativni Seminar DDD i ZUPP 2011:
Djelatnost dezinfekcije, dezinsekcije, deratizacije i zaštite uskladištenih, Split, Republike Hrvatske, 20.do
23. ozuijak 2012, 2012, pp 85-94, 7 ref.
The goal of this study was the investigation of the occurrence and epidemiological features of the food
poisoning with salmonella in the past decade in Canton Sarajevo, with a special emphasis on the largest
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outbreak of food poisoning in the year 2007. Salmonellosis as a disease of humans has been increased
for many years, due to the industrialization of nutrition, intensive collective diet, use of canned food and
lifestyle of modern man bound for meals outside the home. Salmonellosis represents a significant public
health problem in terms of a veterinary and human medicine. The source and the reservoir of an infection
is considered by many domestic and wild animals, pets, fish, shellfish and crabs. The reservoir of the
infection may be humans (patients, convalescents, carriers, especially clinically unrecognized patients).
The greatest risk for spread of salmonella food poisoning outbreaks is humans who are chronic carriers. A
large number of reported food poisoning are due to inadequate storage and maintenance of raw, semifinished and finished food of animal origin, keeping food at room temperature between meals, often
reheating the same food, stew cooking of large pieces of meat, and insects and rodents as possible
salmonella mechanical transmitters. As a foundation for the preparation of this paper we used the reports
of infectious diseases, epidemiological surveys, the results of microbiological analysis and annual reports
of infectious diseases in the last ten years in the Sarajevo Canton. In the period since 2002 till November
2011, there were total of 2160 reported cases of food poisoning caused by salmonella. In the same period
there were 14 outbreaks of food poisoning caused by salmonella in collective food facilities and 20
household outbreaks. The largest outbreak of food poisoning was recorded in the year 2007, in which 695
persons were affected, of whom 201 persons were hospitalized with moderately severe clinical picture.
Based on epidemiological studies and surveys a common source and route of transmission was proven in
the collected food samples because in four samples Salmonella enteritidis was isolated. The same agent
was isolated from the stool of the patients with the symptoms of disease. Based on the results of the
analysis of the epidemic occurrences of food poisoning in the observed time period, it can be concluded
that in all epidemics immediate cause was the human factor. This conclusion is supported with the fact that
the three expected sources and routes of the transmission of the infection are represented in the highest
percentages: contaminated work surfaces in the kitchen block, thermally processed meat kept at room
temperature (chicken fillet and mayonnaise) and humans as a carrier of Salmonella.
Publication type: Conference paper
Record Number: 20123273597
Author Affiliation: Zavod za javno zdravstvo Kantona Sarajevo, Dr. Mustafe Pintola I/III Ilidza,
Sarajevo, Bosnia-Hercegovina.
Author Email: epidemiologija@zzjzks.ba
ISBN: 978-953-7247-18-8
Language of publication: Croatian
Geographical Location: Bosnia-Hercegovina;
Subject Category (CABICODE): Meat Produce (QQ030); Food Contamination, Residues and
Toxicology (QQ200); Prion, Viral, Bacterial and Fungal Pathogens of Humans, (New March 2000)
(VV210); Toxinology, (New March 2000) (VV820);
Organism Descriptors: fowls; man; Salmonella; Salmonella Enteritidis;
Descriptors: chicken meat; dining facilities; disease prevalence; epidemiology; food contamination; food
poisoning; foodborne diseases; foods; human diseases; kitchens; meat; microbial contamination;
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Abstracts - CAB Direct
outbreaks; poultry; salmonellosis; surfaces;
Identifiers: bacterium; chickens; domesticated birds; food contaminants; Salmonella infections;
Broad Terms: Balkans; Southern Europe; Europe; Developed Countries; Mediterranean Region; Homo;
Hominidae; Primates; mammals; vertebrates; Chordata; animals; eukaryotes; Enterobacteriaceae;
Enterobacteriales; Gammaproteobacteria; Proteobacteria; Bacteria; prokaryotes; Salmonella; Gallus
gallus; Gallus; Phasianidae; Galliformes; birds;
DDT - the important pesticide for the control and eradication of plague, spotted fever
and malaria (1944 to 1974). Vodopija, I.; Vodopija, R.; Krajcar, D.; Korunic´ d.o.o. Zagreb, Zagreb,
Croatia, Zbornik Radova 24. Znanstveno Stručno Edukativni Seminar DDD i ZUPP 2011: Djelatnost
dezinfekcije, dezinsekcije, deratizacije i zaštite uskladištenih, Split, Republike Hrvatske, 20.do 23. ozuijak
2012, 2012, pp 95-107, 11 ref.
Plague, spotted fever and malaria are serious infectious diseases whose etiologic agents are carried by
insects - fleas, body lice and mosquitoes. These diseases left a deep trace in the history of mankind.
Epidemics of plague rampaged through the world. Well known are the Plague of Athens in ancient Greece,
Justinian's Plague in the 6th century and the Black Death in the 14th century. Spotted fever is a disease
which was not recognized for a long time. It affected especially the soldiers in trenches in the 1st and 2nd
World War, refugees and displaced persons. In wintertime, people huddled together in order to warm up,
thus providing favourable conditions for body lice to pass from one to another and carry the disease.
Malaria (malaria; foul air) left a deep trace in tropical areas of China, India, Mediterranean countries, all
the way to America. The severity of threat posed by malaria was best illustrated in the lecture by professor
Eugen Nezic´ who said that at the beginning of the 20th century in the surroundings of Zadar there were
few children who knew their grandparents. Namely, they were dying from malaria at the age of around 35.
The basic problem in the control of diseases was the lack of an efficient insecticide. Pyrethrum
(Crhysanthemum cinerariefolium) was a well know insecticide, but it could not be used en masse against
these infectious diseases. Croatia's contributions in the control of plague are well known. These are: the
Dubrovnik quarantine from 1377, Lazareto in Split from 1592 and the Cordon sanitary which faced the
Ottoman Empire from 1728. The basic procedure in all these cases was the separation of the suspect or ill
persons from the healthy ones. There were no efficient antibiotics available and the only thing to do was to
wait for disease to run its course and fade. It was only with the invention of DDT that an adequate battle
against insects - carriers of agents of these diseases could be waged. The broad use of this insecticide
became possible after World War II. DDT could have been applied directly (by spraying the body and
clothes), impregnation of clothes, spraying in the environment, as well as spraying of aquatic surfaces
where mosquitoes, the carriers of malaria agents, multiplied. Unfortunately, due to massive and
uncontrolled use of DDT, resistance appeared, firstly in flies, and then at other insect species. This led to a
vigorous search for new and efficient insecticides. In 1962 DDT was labelled "the elixir of death" and
accused of reducing the populations of eagles and other birds. Due to proven toxicity and a high capability
of bioaccumulation in fat tissue, the use of DDT was banned in many European countries and the USA. No
other pesticide developed subsequently achieved results comparable to DDT. However, correlation has
been shown between exposure to DDT and an increased incidence of carcinoma, as well as blockade of
male hormones - infertility. Therefore, each new pesticide is carefully monitored, especially by
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toxicologists, and a "fit-to-use" assessment is delayed. Thanks to increased analytical capabilities residues
of pesticides in the environment and food are nowadays much more easily proven.
Publication type: Conference paper
Record Number: 20123273598
Author Affiliation: Zavod za javno zdravstvo "dr. Andrija Štampar", Mirogojska cesta 16, 10000
Zagreb, Croatia.
Author Email: radovan.vodopija@stampar.hr
ISBN: 978-953-7247-18-8
Language of publication: Croatian
Geographical Location: Croatia;
Subject Category (CABICODE): Pesticides and Drugs; Control, (New March 2000) (HH405);
Pesticide and Drug Residues and Ecotoxicology, (New March 2000) (HH430); Prion, Viral, Bacterial and
Fungal Pathogens of Humans, (New March 2000) (VV210); Protozoan, Helminth and Arthropod Parasites
of Humans, (New March 2000) (VV220); Public Health Pests, Vectors and Intermediate Hosts, (New
March 2000) (VV230);
Organism Descriptors: man; Plasmodium; Yersinia pestis;
Descriptors: adverse effects; DDT; disease control; disease vectors; human diseases; insecticides;
malaria; mosquito-borne diseases; plague; spotted fever; toxicity; vector control;
Identifiers: adverse reactions; bacterium; dicophane;
Broad Terms: Balkans; Southern Europe; Europe; Developed Countries; Mediterranean Region; Homo;
Hominidae; Primates; mammals; vertebrates; Chordata; animals; eukaryotes; Plasmodiidae;
Haemospororida; Apicomplexa; Protozoa; invertebrates; Yersinia (Bacteria); Enterobacteriaceae;
Enterobacteriales; Gammaproteobacteria; Proteobacteria; Bacteria; prokaryotes;
Lesser mealworm Alphitobius diaperinus (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae) population
dynamic in poultry farming facilities during the year. Mustač, S.; Merdic´, E.; Korunic´ d.o.o.
Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia, Zbornik Radova 24. Znanstveno Stručno Edukativni Seminar DDD i ZUPP 2011:
Djelatnost dezinfekcije, dezinsekcije, deratizacije i zaštite uskladištenih, Split, Republike Hrvatske, 20.do
23. ozuijak 2012, 2012, pp 231-242, 23 ref.
Knowledge on lesser mealworm (Alphitobius diaperinus Panzer) population dynamics throughout the
seasons as well as its distribution in poultry farming facilities is base for establishing control methods.
Results of monitoring of lesser mealworm population numbers in poultry farming facilities during the one
year are being presented in this paper. The survey has been carried out in period from August 2010 to
August 2011. Population of lesser mealworm has been monitored in three poultry breeding facilities on the
area of Međimurje County (Croatia) throughout six poultry breeding cycles. Lesser mealworm adults and
larvae were sampled weekly using Arends tubular traps (n=24). Temperature of straw wheat litter, air
temperature inside the facility and the outer air temperature have been measured. High positive statistical
correlation (p<0,05) between a number of adults and larvae in breeding cycles was noted. The smallest
number of adults and larvae has been established throughout January-February breeding cycle, while the
largest throughout August-September breeding cycle. High positive statistical correlation (p<0,05) between
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Abstracts - CAB Direct
temperature of wheat straw, temperature inside poultry facilities and outer air temperature in breeding
cycles was noted. It was also affirmed high positive statistical correlation (p<0,05) between temperature of
wheat straw in poultry facilities II and III in breeding cycles, and between temperature of poultry facilities I
and III, II and III. Medial positive statistical correlation (p<0,05) between a number of adults and larvae
(r=0,62) in breeding cycles was noted. Results of monitoring of the lesser mealworm population numbers
in three poultry farming facilities in the area of Medimurje County signifies that the lesser mealworm
population numbers are affected by different outer temperature between the breeding cycles, as well as
the way of poultry production management, which favors high reinfestation during the summer breeding
Publication type: Conference paper
Record Number: 20123273599
Author Affiliation: Bioinstitut d.o.o., R. Steinera 7, 40000 Čakovec, Croatia.
Author Email: slmustac@gmail.com
ISBN: 978-953-7247-18-8
Language of publication: Croatian
Geographical Location: Croatia;
Subject Category (CABICODE): Veterinary Pests, Vectors and Intermediate Hosts, (New March
2000) (LL823); Public Health Pests, Vectors and Intermediate Hosts, (New March 2000) (VV230);
Organism Descriptors: Alphitobius diaperinus;
Descriptors: adults; air temperature; larvae; population dynamics; poultry farming; seasonal variation;
Identifiers: seasonal changes; seasonal fluctuations;
Broad Terms: Alphitobius; Tenebrionidae; Coleoptera; insects; Hexapoda; arthropods; invertebrates;
animals; eukaryotes; Balkans; Southern Europe; Europe; Developed Countries; Mediterranean Region;
Incubation hygienic aspects after three different sanitary treatments of poultry
hatching eggs. Kustura, A.; Goletic´, T.; Hadziabdic´, S.; Gagic´, A.; Rešidbegovic´, E.; Gagic´, A.;
Pintarič, Š.; Korunic´ d.o.o. Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia, Zbornik Radova 24. Znanstveno Stručno Edukativni
Seminar DDD i ZUPP 2011: Djelatnost dezinfekcije, dezinsekcije, deratizacije i zaštite uskladištenih, Split,
Republike Hrvatske, 20.do 23. ozuijak 2012, 2012, pp 243-252, 14 ref.
Before being set in the incubators, the hatching egg shell surface must be physically whole and
microbiologically "clean"; therefore, for the relatively long period of time, such status of the eggshell, and
through it, of the hatching eggs' interior as well, is ensured by formaldehyde steam as the final part of the
sanitary treatment. Formaldehyde steam is overall efficient and easily applicable disinfectants for mass
use, with excellent germicidal efficiency. Main limit for the formaldehyde use is the proven carcinogenic
influence on the exposed humans. Numerous research are conducted worldwide aiming to discover new,
alternative means, that would maintain indisputable positive effects of formaldehyde but which would be
free of the above-mentioned negative characteristics and the use of which would not be detrimental to the
humans' health. In our research, three different sanitary treatments were used: the formaldehyde steam,
the ultraviolet light and the combination of the ultraviolet rays with the negative ions. Considering the aim
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and goals of our research results are represented through the monitoring of the hygienic status of the
incubator interior surfaces, surfaces of the hatching egg shell and incubator air quality. All three sanitary
treatments led to a good hygienic status of all controlled parameters. Reduction in the overall number of
the aerobic mesophylic bacteria (UBAMB) on the eggshell surface was recorded after 18 days of
incubation in all three treatments. The best hygienic status of the incubator surface and incubator air
quality was recorded after the combined sanitary treatment (ultraviolet rays+negative ions). Combined
treatment of the hatching eggs with the ultraviolet rays and the negative ions has the most favorable
expenditure structure for the price forming for the hatching eggs and one-day broiler chicken. Especially
encouraging is that the combined use of the ultraviolet rays and negative ions as a possible substitution for
formaldehyde fumigation proved to be economically and otherwise justified. The most important aspect is
the significant risk decrease for humans' health and indisputable hygienic and technological advantages.
Publication type: Conference paper
Record Number: 20123273600
Author Affiliation: Veterinarski fakultet Univerziteta u Sarajevu, Zmaja od Bosne br.90, 71000
Sarajevo, Bosnia-Hercegovina.
Author Email: a.kustura@vfs.unsa.ba
ISBN: 978-953-7247-18-8
Language of publication: Croatian
Subject Category (CABICODE): Pesticides and Drugs; Control, (New March 2000) (HH405); Other
Control Measures (HH700); Egg Producing Animals (LL130); Animal Reproduction and Embryology, (New
March 2000) (LL250); Prion, Viral, Bacterial and Fungal Pathogens of Animals, (New March 2000) (LL821);
Organism Descriptors: Bacteria;
Descriptors: aerobes; air; air quality; anions; disinfectants; disinfection; egg shell; eggs; formaldehyde;
hatching; hygiene; incubation; incubators; microbial contamination; surfaces; ultraviolet radiation;
Identifiers: aerobic micro-organisms; aerobic microorganisms; bacterium; egg eclosion;
Broad Terms: bacterium; prokaryotes;
Forest protection measures in the area of Hrvatska Dubica Forestry (Forest
administration Branch Office Sisak) in the period from 2005 to 2009. Margaletic´, J.;
Vucelja, M.; Bjedov, L.; Nogic´, I.; Korunic´ d.o.o. Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia, Zbornik Radova 24.
Znanstveno Stručno Edukativni Seminar DDD i ZUPP 2011: Djelatnost dezinfekcije, dezinsekcije,
deratizacije i zaštite uskladištenih, Split, Republike Hrvatske, 20.do 23. ozuijak 2012, 2012, pp 253-260, 7
Data for the analysis of forest protection measures undertaken in the area of forestry Hrvatska Dubica for
the period from 2005 to 2009 were collected from the annual reports of the Forest administration Branch
office Sisak. The reports were prepared by the Diagnostic-prognostic service. The list of pests against
which certain protection measures were undertaken, methods used in its performance, as well as the
surface areas where the treatment were performed (per years) are described in these annual reports. The
purpose of this paper was to get an insight into the actual problematic of forest management and the use
of adequate protection measures in the mentioned area and the time period, based on the present pests,
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plant diseases and data on protection measures that had been undertaken. The forest protection
measures in the area of the forestry Hrvatska Dubica in the period from 2005 to 2009 were undertaken
against insect pests (2.571,13 ha), oak mildew (Microsphaera alphitoides Griff.) (724,93 ha), small rodents
(236,46 ha) and weed vegetation (26,90 ha). Gypsy moth was the most present among insects (Limantria
dispar L.) which was controlled in 2006 in the area of 2200 ha. The control was performed by plane and
the use of chemical preparation King in the dosage of 0,2 l/ha.
Publication type: Conference paper
Record Number: 20123273601
Author Affiliation: Šumarski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, Zavod za zaštitu šuma i lovno
gospodarenje, p.p. 422, 10002 Zagreb, Croatia.
Author Email: josip.margaletic@sumfak.hr
ISBN: 978-953-7247-18-8
Language of publication: Croatian
Geographical Location: Croatia;
Subject Category (CABICODE): Viral, Bacterial and Fungal Diseases of Plants, (New March 2000)
(FF610); Plant Pests, (New March 2000) (FF620); Forests and Forest Trees (Biology and Ecology)
(KK100); Silviculture and Forest Management (KK110);
Organism Descriptors: insects;
Descriptors: forest management; forest pests; forestry; forests; insect pests; plant diseases; plant pests;
plant protection;
Identifiers: crop protection; pest insects;
Broad Terms: Balkans; Southern Europe; Europe; Developed Countries; Mediterranean Region;
Hexapoda; arthropods; invertebrates; animals; eukaryotes;
Overview of the International Conference on Integrated Protection of Stored Products
- "International Conference IOBC/WPRS (OILB/SROP) Working Group Integrated
Protection of Stored Products", July 4-7, 2011, University of Thessaly, Volos, Greece.
Rozman, V.; Korunic´, Z.; Korunic´ d.o.o. Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia, Zbornik Radova 24. Znanstveno
Stručno Edukativni Seminar DDD i ZUPP 2011: Djelatnost dezinfekcije, dezinsekcije, deratizacije i zaštite
uskladištenih, Split, Republike Hrvatske, 20.do 23. ozuijak 2012, 2012, pp 261-268, 1 ref.
"International Conference IOBC/WPRS (OILB/SROP) Working Group Integrated Protection of Stored
Products" was held from the 4th to the 7th of July 2011 at the University of Thessaly, Volos, Greece.
Throughout the 8 sections participants discussed current situation and new trends in stored products
protection, methods of detection, sampling and trapping stored pests, pheromones and other
semiochemicals, ecology and biology of storage pests, the phytochemicals, the biological control, the
fumigation, controlled and modified atmosphere and the application of extreme temperatures, the contact
insecticides, and the integrated approach to the management measures for the protection of stored
products and legislation. During the Conference the experts from 28 countries presented their
achievements through 25 oral and 35 poster presentations.
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Publication type: Conference paper
Record Number: 20123273602
Author Affiliation: Poljoprivredni fakultet u Osijeku, Kralja Petra Svačic´a ld, 31000 Osijek, Croatia.
Author Email: vrozman@pfos.hr
ISBN: 978-953-7247-18-8
Language of publication: Croatian
Geographical Location: Greece;
Subject Category (CABICODE): Laws and Regulations (DD500); Biological Control (HH100);
Environmental Pest Management (HH200); Integrated Pest Management (HH300); Pesticides and Drugs;
Control, (New March 2000) (HH405); Repellents and Attractants (HH500); Other Control Measures
(HH700); Crop Produce (QQ050); Storage Problems and Pests of Food (QQ111);
Descriptors: biological control; biological control agents; chemical control; controlled atmosphere
storage; fumigation; insecticides; integrated pest management; legislation; modified atmosphere storage;
natural enemies; pest control; pheromones; phytochemicals; semiochemicals; stored products; stored
products pests; trapping;
Identifiers: biocontrol; biocontrol agents; biological control organisms; IPM; storage pests; storedproduct pests;
Broad Terms: Balkans; Southern Europe; Europe; Developed Countries; European Union Countries;
Mediterranean Region; OECD Countries;
Botanical insecticides. Koranic´, Z.; Rozman, V.; Korunic´ d.o.o. Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia, Zbornik
Radova 24. Znanstveno Stručno Edukativni Seminar DDD i ZUPP 2011: Djelatnost dezinfekcije,
dezinsekcije, deratizacije i zaštite uskladištenih, Split, Republike Hrvatske, 20.do 23. ozuijak 2012, 2012,
pp 269-280, 18 ref.
During the past few decades application of synthetic pesticides to control agricultural pests has been a
standard practice. However, with the growing evidence regarding detrimental effects of many of the
conventional pesticides on health and environment, require for safer means of pest management has
become very crucial. Botanical insecticides possess a spectrum of properties including insecticidal activity,
repellence to pests, antifeedancy, insect growth regulation, toxicity to nematodes, mites, snail and slugs
and other pests of the agricultural importance. Also they possess antifungal, antiviral, and antibacterial
properties against pathogens. Toxicity to other organisms is variable, although as a group, they tend to be
less toxic to mammals (with the exception of nicotine and rotenone) than non-botanicals. The use of
botanical pesticides is now emerging as one of prime means to protect crops and their products and the
environment from pesticide pollution, which is a global problem. When extracted from plants, these
chemicals are referred to collectively as "botanicals". Generally, botanicals degrade more rapidly than
most conventional (synthetic) pesticides, and so are considered relatively environmentally benign and less
likely to kill beneficial insects and mites than insecticides with longer residual activity. Since most of them
generally degrade within a few days, and sometimes within a few hours, these insecticides must be applied
more often. More frequent application, plus higher costs of production usually makes botanicals more
expensive to use than synthetic insecticides. In spite of the wide recognition that many plants posses
insecticidal properties, only a handful of pest control products directly obtained from plants (pyrethrum,
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neem, rotenone, derris, quassia, tomato leaf extract, etc.) are in use because the commercialization of
new botanicals can be hindered by a number of issues.
Publication type: Conference paper
Record Number: 20123273603
Author Affiliation: Diatom Research and Consulting Inc., 14 Tidefall Dr. Toronto, ON, M1W 1J2,
Author Email: zkorunic@rogers.com
ISBN: 978-953-7247-18-8
Language of publication: Croatian
Subject Category (CABICODE): Input Utilization (Microeconomics) (EE145); Plant Pests, (New
March 2000) (FF620); Pesticides and Drugs; Control, (New March 2000) (HH405); Non-food/Non-feed
Plant Products (SS200);
Organism Descriptors: Azadirachta indica; Chrysanthemum; Derris; insects; Quassia; Solanum
Descriptors: botanical insecticides; cost benefit analysis; insect control; insect pests; insecticidal
properties; medicinal plants; pest control; plant extracts; plant pests; tomatoes;
Identifiers: drug plants; Lycopersicon esculentum; medicinal herbs; neem; officinal plants; pest insects;
Broad Terms: Azadirachta; Meliaceae; Sapindales; dicotyledons; angiosperms; Spermatophyta; plants;
eukaryotes; Asteraceae; Asterales; Papilionoideae; Fabaceae; Fabales; Simaroubaceae; Solanum;
Solanaceae; Solanales; Hexapoda; arthropods; invertebrates; animals;
Activity of 1,8-cineole, camphor and eugenol on red flour beetle Tribolium castaneum
(Herbst) progeny. Liška, A.; Rozman, V.; Kalinovic´, I.; Korunic´ d.o.o. Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia,
Zbornik Radova 24. Znanstveno Stručno Edukativni Seminar DDD i ZUPP 2011: Djelatnost dezinfekcije,
dezinsekcije, deratizacije i zaštite uskladištenih, Split, Republike Hrvatske, 20.do 23. ozuijak 2012, 2012,
pp 281-289, 10 ref.
Searching for the alternatives of the conventional insecticides, essential oils extracted from aromatic plants
are notably investigated. As investigations of the essential oils are intent on their efficacy for stored pests
control, there is a question if they are effective on eggs, and larvae equally as they are for the adults. The
aim of this study was to test bioactivity of 1,8-cineole, camphor and eugenol, compositions of essential oils
from aromatic plants, in term to mitigate progeny production in red flour beetle Tribolium castaneum
(Herbst), order Coleoptera, family Tenebrionidae. Progeny test was conducted by the method of Jbilou et
al. Thirty adults of red flour beetle 2-4 weeks old, mixed gender, were put into glass containers volume 350
ml filled with mixture of rough flour and dry yeast. Treatment was performed according to method of Huang
et al. Compounds 1,8-cineole, camphor and eugenol were applied in three concentrations (120, 300 and
600 µl 350 ml-1 vol.). After 50 days of rearing in controlled conditions, adults of F1 generation have been
counted. At the lowest concentration (120 µl 350 ml-1 vol.), number of progeny was in the range from
174.25 to 221.50 without statistic differences among tested compounds. At the higher concentration (300
µl 350 ml- vol.), 1,8-cineole significantly mitigated number of progeny with regard to camphor (227.25),
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while with eugenol, progeny number didn't differ significantly from the other two compounds. At the highest
concentration (600 µl 350 ml-1 vol.), the lowest impact on appearance of progeny of T. castaneum had
camphor (191.00) which was significantly lower related to 1,8-cineole (72,25) and eugenol (112,00). There
wasn't any statistical differences between 1,8-cineole and eugenol in the number of progeny. Compounds
1,8-cineole and eugenol affected on mitigation of number of F1 generation of red flour beetle T.
castaneum, while camphor had no impact in number of progeny.
Publication type: Conference paper
Record Number: 20123273604
Author Affiliation: Poljoprivredni fakultet u Osijeku, Sveučilište Josipa Jurja Strossmayera u Osijeku,
Kralja Petra Svačic´a ld, 31000 Osijek, Croatia.
Author Email: aliska@pfos.hr
ISBN: 978-953-7247-18-8
Language of publication: Croatian
Subject Category (CABICODE): Plant Composition (FF040); Pesticides and Drugs; Control, (New
March 2000) (HH405); Storage Problems and Pests of Food (QQ111); Non-food/Non-feed Plant Products
Organism Descriptors: insects; plants; Tribolium castaneum;
Descriptors: camphor; chemical composition; essential oil plants; essential oils; eugenol; insect pests;
insecticidal properties; plant composition; progeny; stored products pests;
Identifiers: chemical constituents of plants; essential oil crops; pest insects; rust-red flour beetle;
storage pests; stored-product pests;
Broad Terms: Tribolium; Tenebrionidae; Coleoptera; insects; Hexapoda; arthropods; invertebrates;
animals; eukaryotes;
Protection of soybean and soybean meal in storage. Hamel, D.; Korunic´ d.o.o. Zagreb,
Zagreb, Croatia, Zbornik Radova 24. Znanstveno Stručno Edukativni Seminar DDD i ZUPP 2011:
Djelatnost dezinfekcije, dezinsekcije, deratizacije i zaštite uskladištenih, Split, Republike Hrvatske, 20.do
23. ozuijak 2012, 2012, pp 291-298, 8 ref.
Soybean has been grown intensively in Croatia only since Second World War. Produced quantities even
now are not enough and therefore soybean and huge quantities of soybean meal are imported. In Croatia
extensive investigations with stored soybean and soybean meal were performed between 1982 and 1985.
High population and frequent appearance of Lasioderma serricorne (Fabricius, 1792), Tribolium spp. and
Ephestia spp. was found in soybean meal stored in flat storage and on ships, whereas the population of
the same insect species was rather small on soybean. Studies in the laboratory showed influence of
soybean on mortality of Acanthoscelides obtectus (Say, 1831) whereas mortality of Tribolium castaneum
(Herbst, 1797) was obtained slower but like at the other species there was no progeny. At the same time
when breakage was present almost all exhibited T. castaneum population survived and progeny was
obtained. Corcyra cephalonica (Stainton, 1866) population also better survived on soybean with breakage
and progeny of several moths was obtained.
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Abstracts - CAB Direct
Publication type: Conference paper
Record Number: 20123273605
Author Affiliation: Hrvatski centar za poljoprivredu, hranu i selo - Zavod za zaštitu bilja, Svetošimunska
25, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia.
Author Email: darka.hamel@hcphs.hr
ISBN: 978-953-7247-18-8
Language of publication: Croatian
Geographical Location: Croatia;
Subject Category (CABICODE): Field Crops, (New March 2000) (FF005); Crop Produce (QQ050);
Storage Problems and Pests of Food (QQ111); Reproduction, Development and Life Cycle (Wild Animals),
(New March 2000) (YY200);
Organism Descriptors: Acanthoscelides obtectus; Ephestia; Glycine (Fabaceae); Glycine max;
insects; Lasioderma serricorne; Tribolium castaneum;
Descriptors: insect pests; mortality; progeny; soyabeans; stored products pests; survival;
Identifiers: bean weevil; cigarette beetle; death rate; pest insects; rust-red flour beetle; soybeans;
storage pests; stored-product pests;
Broad Terms: Acanthoscelides; Bruchidae; Coleoptera; insects; Hexapoda; arthropods; invertebrates;
animals; eukaryotes; Balkans; Southern Europe; Europe; Developed Countries; Mediterranean Region;
Pyralidae; Lepidoptera; Glycine (Fabaceae); Papilionoideae; Fabaceae; Fabales; dicotyledons;
angiosperms; Spermatophyta; plants; Lasioderma; Anobiidae; Tribolium; Tenebrionidae;
Ten years of monitoring of stored product pests in storage facilities in Slavonija and
Baranja. Kalinovic´, I.; Ivezic´, M.; Rozman, V.; Liška, A.; Korunic´ d.o.o. Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia,
Zbornik Radova 24. Znanstveno Stručno Edukativni Seminar DDD i ZUPP 2011: Djelatnost dezinfekcije,
dezinsekcije, deratizacije i zaštite uskladištenih, Split, Republike Hrvatske, 20.do 23. ozuijak 2012, 2012,
pp 299-308, 3 ref.
During ten years (2001-2011) of the monitoring of the fauna of the stored wheat, corn, barley, soybean
and sunflower, many harmful insect and mite species have been found. In total, 685 samples of different
commodities were analysed: wheat (234), corn (167), barley (90), soybean (90) and sunflower (140),
sampled in silos and other storage facilities from the six places in Slavonija and Baranja. In barley
Liposcelis spp. (48.21%) and mites Acarina (39.83%) were the most numerous. From the order
Coleoptera, the most represented species in barley was rice weevil - Sitophilus oryzae (L.) (10.48%). In
wheat, the highest population was of Liposcelis spp. (37.92%) and from the order Coleoptera, rusty grain
beetle - Cryptolestes ferrugineus (Steph.) (23.11%). In corn the most abounded species was also rusty
grain beetle - Cryptolestes ferrugineus (Steph.) (25.8%) followed by maize weevil - Sitophilus zeamais
(Motsch.) (23.22%). The highest population in sunflower had red flour beetle - Tribolium castaneum
(Herbst) (29.51%) and saw-toothed grain beetle - Oryzaephilus surinamensis (L.) (22.43%). In soybean
the most often found was Indian meal moth - Plodia interpunctella (Hübn.) (44.44%) and rice weevil Sitophilus oryzae (L.) (33.33%).
Publication type: Conference paper
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Abstracts - CAB Direct
Record Number: 20123273606
Author Affiliation: Poljoprivredni fakultet u Osijeku, Sveučilište Josipa Jurja Strossmayera u Osijeku,
Zavod za zaštitu bilja, Kralja Petra Svačic´a 1d, 31000 Osijek, Croatia.
Author Email: kirma@pfos.hr
ISBN: 978-953-7247-18-8
Language of publication: Croatian
Geographical Location: Croatia;
Subject Category (CABICODE): Field Crops, (New March 2000) (FF005); Crop Produce (QQ050);
Storage Problems and Pests of Food (QQ111);
Organism Descriptors: Acari; Cryptolestes ferrugineus; Glycine (Fabaceae); Glycine max; Helianthus
annuus; Hordeum vulgare; Liposcelis; Oryzaephilus surinamensis; Plodia interpunctella; Sitophilus oryzae;
Sitophilus zeamais; Tribolium castaneum; Triticum; Triticum aestivum; Zea mays;
Descriptors: barley; maize; seeds; soyabeans; stored products pests; sunflowers; wheat;
Identifiers: corn; Indian meal moth; maize weevil; rice weevil; rust-red flour beetle; rusty grain beetle;
sawtoothed grain beetle; soybeans; storage pests; stored-product pests;
Broad Terms: Arachnida; arthropods; invertebrates; animals; eukaryotes; Balkans; Southern Europe;
Europe; Developed Countries; Mediterranean Region; Cryptolestes; Cucujidae; Coleoptera; insects;
Hexapoda; Glycine (Fabaceae); Papilionoideae; Fabaceae; Fabales; dicotyledons; angiosperms;
Spermatophyta; plants; Helianthus; Asteraceae; Asterales; Hordeum; Poaceae; Cyperales;
monocotyledons; Liposcelididae; Psocoptera; Oryzaephilus; Silvanidae; Plodia; Pyralidae; Lepidoptera;
Sitophilus; Dryophthoridae; Tribolium; Tenebrionidae; Triticum; Zea;
Material safety data sheets and labels according Ordinance based on EU Regulation
(EU) No 1272/2008 (CLP). Vidovic´, I. Z. J.; Lovric´, Z.; Korunic´ d.o.o. Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia,
Zbornik Radova 24. Znanstveno Stručno Edukativni Seminar DDD i ZUPP 2011: Djelatnost dezinfekcije,
dezinsekcije, deratizacije i zaštite uskladištenih, Split, Republike Hrvatske, 20.do 23. ozuijak 2012, 2012,
pp 309-314, 3 ref.
Ordinance based on Regulation (EU) No 1272/2008 entered into force in Croatia on 1st December 2011,
and brought with it new and different classification, labeling and packaging of chemicals. The reason why
this happened are new, and almost always stricter criteria for classification of chemicals in different hazard
classes and hazard categories on the bases of certain criteria for physical, health, and environmental
hazard. Hazard pictograms will, and already are replacing hazard symbols, signal words are in use, old
risk phrases "R" are being replaced with hazard statements "H", as well as old safety phrases "S" with
precautionary statements "P". Changes started to happen even before 1st December 2011, and will be
happening till 1st June 2017, depending if they are made in Safety Data Sheets or in labels and depending
if chemical is substance is placed on market as such or in a mixture. Final terms till which new and updated
documentations has to be prepared are subject of this text.
Publication type: Conference paper
Record Number: 20123273607
Author Affiliation: Hrvatski zavod za toksikologiju i antidoping, Borongajska 83g, 10000 Zagreb,
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Abstracts - CAB Direct
Author Email: hzt@hzt.hr
ISBN: 978-953-7247-18-8
Language of publication: Croatian
Geographical Location: Croatia;
Subject Category (CABICODE): Laws and Regulations (DD500); Human Toxicology and Poisoning,
(New March 2000) (VV810);
Descriptors: chemicals; labelling; packaging; regulations; safety; toxic substances;
Identifiers: labeling; labels; poisons; rules;
Broad Terms: Balkans; Southern Europe; Europe; Developed Countries; Mediterranean Region;
Modern guidelines and new tools for implementation of sanitation procedures as prerequisite programs in self-control system. Poljak, V.; Šimat, V.; Pavic´, E.; Tomasovic´, A.;
Capak, K.; Bošnjak, M. U.; Korunic´ d.o.o. Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia, Zbornik Radova 24. Znanstveno
Stručno Edukativni Seminar DDD i ZUPP 2011: Djelatnost dezinfekcije, dezinsekcije, deratizacije i zaštite
uskladištenih, Split, Republike Hrvatske, 20.do 23. ozuijak 2012, 2012, pp 31-46, 12 ref.
The self-control system (HACCP) in a food production facility operates successfully only with the
implementation of prerequisite programs. Fundamentals prerequisite for the successful implementation of
the system are self cleaning and disinfection, equipment maintenance, pest control, and education
personnel who directly or indirectly ensure food safety. Food in general, and particularly food of animal
origin, is subject to microbial contamination and sanitation measures in this regard are of great importance
in the food industry. Sanitation plan is implemented so that for each phase the medium (detergent,
disinfectant) in the prescribed concentration, adjuvant (accessories), time and temperature effects, and the
person responsible for implementation are defined. The system of marking space for cleaning a variety of
colors facilitates management of cleaning and sanitation. Prevention of pathogenic organisms with great
potential that was put into effect in the sector of health care is a method of applying antibacterial
microfiber, and antibacterial plastics for sanitation tools. Control of cleaning, washing and disinfection is
carried out by visual inspection, detection of ATP and laboratory control.
Publication type: Conference paper
Record Number: 20123273608
Author Affiliation: Hrvatski zavod zajavno zdravstvo, Rockefellerova 7, Zagreb, Croatia.
Author Email: vedran.poljak@hzjz.hr
ISBN: 978-953-7247-18-8
Language of publication: Croatian
Subject Category (CABICODE): Food Contamination, Residues and Toxicology (QQ200);
Descriptors: food contamination; food hygiene; food processing; food safety; food sanitation; HACCP;
microbial contamination; risk reduction;
Identifiers: food contaminants; hazard analysis critical control points;
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Abstracts - CAB Direct
Safety Data Sheet and the notification of biocidal products through the Committee for
biocidal products of the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare. Bastijančic´, B.; Korunic´
d.o.o. Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia, Zbornik Radova 23. Znanstveno Stručno Edukativni Seminar DDD i ZUPP
2011: Djelatnost dezinfekcije, dezinsekcije, deratizacije i zaštite uskladištenih, Pula, Croatia, 23. do 25.
Ozujak 2011, 2011, pp 361-369, 10 ref.
Harmonisation of the Croatian legislation on biocidal products, in line with the Directive 98/8EC, was
accomplished by adopting the Law on Biocidal Products (Official Gazette 63/07, 53/08, 56/10) and later by
following bylaws (Official Gazette 90/08, 28/09, 36/10). The Law on Biocidal Products, among other
provisions, has the provision that manufacturer or person responsible for placing of the biocidal products
on the market has to submit certain data to the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, to its Committee for
the placing of the biocidal products on the market: like Safety Data Sheet and data for entry to the register
according to the article 23 of the Law, so that particular biocidal product should be notified and put into the
register. Web site of the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare has detailed instructions of needed
documents, taxes and the way of entering data into register. Ordinance on SDS has been published in The
Official Gazette 39/09, and it is harmonised with the article 31. and 32. of the Regulation 1907/2006
(REACH Regulation) and with the Annex II of the same Regulation. In our Croatian legislation the legal
basis for the SDS is The Chemicals Act - Official Gazette 150/05, 53/08, and its article 29. The Ordinance
on Safety Data Sheet is now in force in the Republic of Croatia, unlike The Act on Implementation of the
Regulation 1907/2006 that will enter in force on the day of Croatias accession to the EU.
Publication type: Conference paper
Record Number: 20113201340
Author Affiliation: Ministry of Health and Social Welfare Republic of Croatia, Ksaver 200a, 10000
Zagreb, Croatia.
Author Email: Biserka.Bastijancic-Kokic@mzss.hr
ISBN: 978-953-7247-15-7
Language of publication: Croatian
Geographical Location: Croatia;
Subject Category (CABICODE): Agencies and Organizations (DD100); Laws and Regulations
(DD500); Health Economics, (New March 2000) (EE118); Marketing and Distribution (EE700); Pesticides
and Drugs (General) (HH400);
Descriptors: biocides; directives; law; legislation; marketing; public agencies; registration; regulations;
Identifiers: government agencies; legal aspects; legal principles; rules;
Broad Terms: Balkans; Southern Europe; Europe; Developed Countries; Mediterranean Region;
Law regulation on contagious disease protection with model of plan for epidemic
prevention in unexpected circumstances. Balta, S.; Pašic´, E.; Korunic´ d.o.o. Zagreb, Zagreb,
Croatia, Zbornik Radova 23. Znanstveno Stručno Edukativni Seminar DDD i ZUPP 2011: Djelatnost
dezinfekcije, dezinsekcije, deratizacije i zaštite uskladištenih, Pula, Croatia, 23. do 25. Ozujak 2011, 2011,
pp 371-384, 7 ref.
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Abstracts - CAB Direct
Unexpected natural disasters such as earthquakes and floods, as well as sudden pandemic of new
diseases in particular, such as pandemic of the H5N1 avian influenza, swine influenza with H1N1 virus, as
well as possibility of importing of quarantine diseases in each region include public health activities, as one
of the most important components in organization and control supervision on the risks that should be put
under surveillance soon as possible. These are emergency situations that suddenly disrupt the normal life
flow and threaten life, health and the environment. These are unexpected circumstances manifested with
lack of normal energy supply, lack of water or its pollution, and contamination of food ingredients and food
products. Utilities and health services, which are designed to work in normal circumstances, can not
respond to the new situation, which causes feeling of helplessness and panic among population. Therefore
the Institute for public health of Canton Sarajevo in all these natural disaster situations has a major role to
assess risks, identify guidelines for epidemiological-hygiene monitoring, to establish system of collecting
data in public health field, to determine the intervention program and evaluation in public health area.
Publication type: Conference paper
Record Number: 20113201341
Author Affiliation: Public Health Institute of Canton Sarajevo, Dr. Mustafe Pintola I, 71000 Sarajevo,
Author Email: epidemiologija@zzjzks.ba
ISBN: 978-953-7247-15-7
Language of publication: Croatian
Geographical Location: Bosnia-Hercegovina;
Subject Category (CABICODE): Agencies and Organizations (DD100); Laws and Regulations
(DD500); Natural Disasters (PP800); Health Services (UU350); Prion, Viral, Bacterial and Fungal
Pathogens of Humans, (New March 2000) (VV210); Human Health and the Environment (VV500);
Organism Descriptors: Influenza A virus; man;
Descriptors: data collection; disease prevention; earthquakes; emergencies; epidemics; epidemiology;
floods; guidelines; health services; human diseases; hygiene; infectious diseases; influenza A; law;
monitoring; natural disasters; public agencies; public health; regulations; risk assessment;
Identifiers: communicable diseases; data logging; earth tremors; government agencies; H1N1 subtype
influenza A virus; H5N1 subtype influenza A virus; legal aspects; legal principles; pandemics;
recommendations; rules; surveillance systems;
Broad Terms: Influenzavirus A; Orthomyxoviridae; negative-sense ssRNA viruses; ssRNA viruses; RNA
viruses; viruses; Homo; Hominidae; Primates; mammals; vertebrates; Chordata; animals; eukaryotes;
Balkans; Southern Europe; Europe; Developed Countries; Mediterranean Region;
Effect of the HACCP system on the implementation of the DDD activities in food
managing entities. Vidic´, Š.; Petrovčic´, D.; Venus, M.; Marčeta, M.; Rašeta, B.; Wolf, J.; Korunic´
d.o.o. Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia, Zbornik Radova 23. Znanstveno Stručno Edukativni Seminar DDD i ZUPP
2011: Djelatnost dezinfekcije, dezinsekcije, deratizacije i zaštite uskladištenih, Pula, Croatia, 23. do 25.
Ozujak 2011, 2011, pp 49-61, 10 ref.
The aim of this research was to establish the correlation between two systems - the HACCP (The Hazard
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Abstracts - CAB Direct
Analysis and Critical Control Points System) and the DDD (disinfection, desinsection and deratization) which are reciprocally connected according to the law regulations in the Republic of Croatia (execution of
the DDD activities in each of the food managing entities allows the implementation of one of the
preconditioned programs of the HACCP system with a final intention - hygienically safe food). The
epidemiological team of the Institute of Public Health "Sveti Rok" of Virovitica-podravina county has
executed research and monitoring in 10 food managing entities with the implementation of HACCP system
(2 restaurant kitchens, 2 institutional kitchens, 1 bakery plant, 1 pastry shop, 1 juice production plant, 1
coffee bar, 1 grocery business, 1 fast food object) and in 10 without it (3 restaurant kitchens, 3 bakery
plants, 2 coffee bars, 2 grocery businesses). Months-long fieldwork and researching throughout 2009. and
2010. year, executing the DDD activities, monitoring and parallel visiting specific number of food managing
entities with and without implemented HACCP system, employees from the epidemiology department have
obtained results, based on the analysis of the collected data and the photographic illustrations of
conditions in the food managing entities, which indicate positive correlation of the two mentioned systems.
Our positive results have been confirmed by the fact that the unquestionable interdependence of
mentioned systems have been regulated by the Croatian legislation. Namely, implementation of the DDD
activities in entities with established appropriate and acceptable terms of the production and unfavorable
terms of pests' penetration, are very simple and effective. Under such circumstances, a closed system is
created, in which all conditions and steps of food production are controlled, and all of the defects in objects
were consolidated as a precondition. Besides, these conditions of the closed system reduce the use of the
chemical agents (biocide products) against pests. The use of optimal amounts of the mentioned agents
accompanied by an equal price of services are not only ecologically, but also economically acceptable
jobs for all the contractors of obligatory DDD activities.
Publication type: Conference paper
Record Number: 20113201343
Author Affiliation: Institute of Public Health "Sveti Rok" Virovitica-podravina County, Gajeva 21, 33000
Virovitica, Croatia.
Author Email: ddd@zzjzvpz.hr
ISBN: 978-953-7247-15-7
Language of publication: Croatian
Geographical Location: Croatia;
Subject Category (CABICODE): Laws and Regulations (DD500); Storage Problems and Pests of
Food (QQ111); Food Contamination, Residues and Toxicology (QQ200); Food Service, (New June 2002)
Descriptors: cafes; catering industry; disinfection; disinfestation; fast food restaurants; food
contamination; food safety; food sanitation; HACCP; kitchens; legislation; monitoring; pests; restaurants;
rodent control;
Identifiers: food contaminants; food service industry; hazard analysis critical control points; surveillance
Broad Terms: Balkans; Southern Europe; Europe; Developed Countries; Mediterranean Region;
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Abstracts - CAB Direct
Tiger mosquito (Aedes albopictus) in Croatia - ineffectiveness of existing measures.
Jeličic´, P.; Capak, K.; Baklaic´, Z.; Ljubičic´, M.; Bakic´, J.; Smoljanovic´, M.; Gjenero-Margan, I.; Aleraj,
B.; Korunic´ d.o.o. Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia, Zbornik Radova 23. Znanstveno Stručno Edukativni Seminar
DDD i ZUPP 2011: Djelatnost dezinfekcije, dezinsekcije, deratizacije i zaštite uskladištenih, Pula, Croatia,
23. do 25. Ozujak 2011, 2011, pp 69-102, 24 ref.
Aedes albopictus (Stegomyia albopicta) (Skuse, 1894), or Asian tiger mosquito, thanks to its adaptive
biological nature with the ability to survive the winter and extraordinary aggressiveness toward new areas,
combined with climate change, has colonized the entire coastal and part of inland Croatia within a period of
six years. The importance of Aedes albopictus as a vector of infectious diseases has been confirmed
through the first record of autochthonous dengue fever in 2010 on the peninsula of Pelješac. Given similar
problems and geographic situation, Italy has adopted a legal document which elaborates in detail the
planning and systematic suppression of Aedes albopictus. Although Croatia has no such document, it has
very detailed legislation that provides the foundation for the development of local regulations to ensure a
systematic, comprehensive, planned and organized suppression of Aedes albopictus, if all parties involved
(local authorities, citizens, competent institutes of public health and inspection services) fully comply with
the relevant legislation. In this study, a situational analysis was made of the current situation regarding
Aedes albopictus in Croatia by evaluating questionnaires filled out by competent county public health
institutes. The results have showed that while Croatia has been conducting measures to combat the
Aedes albopictus mosquito, these have not been sufficiently systematic or comprehensive in affected
areas. This is believed to be one of the reasons for the mosquito's inexorable spreading all over the
Publication type: Conference paper
Record Number: 20113201345
Author Affiliation: Croatian Public Health Institute, Rockefellerova 7, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia.
Author Email: pavle.jelicic@hzjz.hr
ISBN: 978-953-7247-15-7
Language of publication: Croatian
Geographical Location: Croatia;
Subject Category (CABICODE): Pathogen, Pest, Parasite and Weed Management (General)
(HH000); Public Health Pests, Vectors and Intermediate Hosts, (New March 2000) (VV230);
Organism Descriptors: Aedes albopictus;
Descriptors: disease vectors; insect control; spread; vector control;
Identifiers: Asian tiger mosquito;
Broad Terms: Aedes; Culicidae; Diptera; insects; Hexapoda; arthropods; invertebrates; animals;
eukaryotes; Balkans; Southern Europe; Europe; Developed Countries; Mediterranean Region;
Hygienic-epidemiological department and DDD - the first line of defense against
infectious diseases. Pahor,Đ.; Šušnic´, V.; Stojanovic´, S.; Korunic´ d.o.o. Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia,
Zbornik Radova 23. Znanstveno Stručno Edukativni Seminar DDD i ZUPP 2011: Djelatnost dezinfekcije,
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Abstracts - CAB Direct
dezinsekcije, deratizacije i zaštite uskladištenih, Pula, Croatia, 23. do 25. Ozujak 2011, 2011, pp 147-158,
21 ref.
Hygienic-Epidemiological Department (HED) of the Institute of Public Health performs the activity of
protection of Croatian population from infectious diseases according to the Program of measures of
protection and based on the current legislation. Systematic measures for the reduction of presence of
harmful microorganisms, insects and rodents have contributed to prevention of infectious diseases.
Achieved results are a consequence of pro active activities of HED in continuous monitoring of infectious
disease distribution, early recognition of epidemiological indications and implementation of specific
measures; disinfection, desinfestation and deratization. Good cooperation between HED, pest control
(DDD) services and sanitary inspectors is key for realization of protection of population against infectious
diseases. Several practical cases from HED of Teaching Institute of Public Health of Primorsko - Goranska
County are presented in this paper.
Publication type: Conference paper
Record Number: 20113201346
Author Affiliation: Teaching Institute of Public Health of Primorsko - Goranska County, Krešimirova 52
a, 51000 Rijeka, Croatia.
Author Email: epidemiologija@zzjzpgz.hr
ISBN: 978-953-7247-15-7
Language of publication: Croatian
Geographical Location: Croatia;
Subject Category (CABICODE): Environmental Pest Management (HH200); Pesticides and Drugs;
Control, (New March 2000) (HH405); Prion, Viral, Bacterial and Fungal Pathogens of Humans, (New
March 2000) (VV210); Protozoan, Helminth and Arthropod Parasites of Humans, (New March 2000)
(VV220); Public Health Pests, Vectors and Intermediate Hosts, (New March 2000) (VV230);
Organism Descriptors: insects; man; rodents;
Descriptors: disease prevention; disinfection; disinfestation; epidemiology; human diseases; hygiene;
infection control; infectious diseases; microorganisms; monitoring; pest control; sanitation;
Identifiers: communicable diseases; micro-organisms; surveillance systems;
Broad Terms: Hexapoda; arthropods; invertebrates; animals; eukaryotes; Homo; Hominidae; Primates;
mammals; vertebrates; Chordata; Balkans; Southern Europe; Europe; Developed Countries;
Mediterranean Region;
Systematic deratization: why is it so important? Vodopija, I. J.; Vodopija, R.; Krajcar, D.;
Korunic´ d.o.o. Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia, Zbornik Radova 23. Znanstveno Stručno Edukativni Seminar
DDD i ZUPP 2011: Djelatnost dezinfekcije, dezinsekcije, deratizacije i zaštite uskladištenih, Pula, Croatia,
23. do 25. Ozujak 2011, 2011, pp 159-170, 13 ref.
Systematic deratization is a systematic procedure of rat control in urban environments and other human
settlements. Rat is a known stored food pest and it is also a carrier of agents of infectious diseases.
Systematic deratization consist of procedures of controlling rats houses, courtyards and cellars, public
spaces and parks as well and stream and rivers banks. The procedure is implemented twice a year
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Abstracts - CAB Direct
(spring-autumn). A significant part of systematic deratization is the control of rats in the city sewage.
Systematic deratization has a tradition in Zagreb that reaches before the Second World War. The metodes
were later improved by the staff at the Zagreb Institute of Public Health. We ought to particularly stress that
in this process the Institute collaborated with the workers of the City sewage system who were the only
ones allowed to enter the system and work there. The procedure of placement of toxic baits followed either
a system of concentric circles branching out from the City centre towards the periphery, or the system of
segments which spread like a fan. This system was at its peak in the 1970s when the systematic
deratization, on the proposal of the Institute, was carried out on three levels: houses and cellars, public
spaces and City sewage. In concluding, we must add that since household waste is not any more left in the
courtyards or in front of houses, but instead deposited into waste containers which are emptied regularly
several times a week, the number of rats in the urban environment has been reduced. Today, deratization
is done by private companies according to the plan and programme issued by the Institute.
Publication type: Conference paper
Record Number: 20113201347
Author Affiliation: "Dr Andrija Štampar" Institute of Public Health, Mirogojska cesta 16, 10000 Zagreb,
Author Email: radovan.vodopija@stampar.hr
ISBN: 978-953-7247-15-7
Language of publication: Croatian
Geographical Location: Croatia;
Subject Category (CABICODE): Pesticides and Drugs; Control, (New March 2000) (HH405); Storage
Problems and Pests of Food (QQ111); Public Health Pests, Vectors and Intermediate Hosts, (New March
2000) (VV230); Human Wastes and Refuse (XX300);
Organism Descriptors: rats;
Descriptors: baits; cellars; chemical control; disease vectors; dwellings; pest control; rodent control;
sewerage; stored products pests; urban environment; waste disposal; waste management; wastes;
Identifiers: sewage systems; storage pests; stored-product pests;
Broad Terms: Muridae; rodents; mammals; vertebrates; Chordata; animals; eukaryotes; Balkans;
Southern Europe; Europe; Developed Countries; Mediterranean Region;
Legionellosis in Bosnia and Herzegovina - beginning of disease surveillance. Obradovic
´, Z.; Balta, S.; Pašagic´, Š.; Korunic´ d.o.o. Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia, Zbornik Radova 23. Znanstveno
Stručno Edukativni Seminar DDD i ZUPP 2011: Djelatnost dezinfekcije, dezinsekcije, deratizacije i zaštite
uskladištenih, Pula, Croatia, 23. do 25. Ozujak 2011, 2011, pp 171-179, 13 ref.
Legionellosis is a worldwide spread disease caused by bacteria of the genus Legionella and the most often
is Legionella pneumophila. World Health Organization formed the International referent center for
legionellosis in London and implemented the International Health Regulation (2005) for an international
flow of information about the diseased people. If a person or persons with Legionellosis appear, connected
to the travelling the Center has to inform about it the country in which this person was during incubation
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time. The first information about people with legionellosis which were in a hotel in Bosnia and Herzegovina
during incubation time came from the Center in London in 2007. After this information, cleaning and
desinfection measures of the system for hot and cold water were taken. In 2010. the coordinator for
International Health Regulation (2005) got an information about a new person from France which stayed in
the same hotel in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The repeated appearance of the disease was taken very
seriously and the Public Health Istitut of Herzegovina-Neretva Canton has taken series of measures in
cooperation with the Sanitary inspector of the Canton. Sampling and microbiological testings of water were
made and the presence of Legionella was proven. Mechanical cleaning of the water supply system and the
cooling devices, pasteurization and desinfection was made. It is planned to intensify the surveillance
system in the following period and to introduce the necessary preventive measures for legionellosis in all
turistics objects, especially those which don't work during the whole year.
Publication type: Conference paper
Record Number: 20113201348
Author Affiliation: Public Health Institute of Canton Sarajevo, Dr. Mustafe Pintola 1, 71000 Sarajevo,
Author Email: zobradovic9@gmail.com
ISBN: 978-953-7247-15-7
Language of publication: Croatian
Geographical Location: Bosnia-Hercegovina; France; UK;
Subject Category (CABICODE): Pesticides and Drugs; Control, (New March 2000) (HH405); Other
Control Measures (HH700); Water Resources (PP200); Tourism and Travel (UU700); Prion, Viral, Bacterial
and Fungal Pathogens of Humans, (New March 2000) (VV210); Human Health and the Environment
Organism Descriptors: Legionella; Legionella pneumophila; man;
Descriptors: cleaning; disinfection; hotels; human diseases; imported infections; information;
international travel; Legionnaires' disease; microbial contamination; pasteurization; regulations;
surveillance; travel medicine; water supply;
Identifiers: bacterium; Britain; pasteurizing; rules; United Kingdom; water supplies;
Broad Terms: Legionellaceae; Legionellales; Gammaproteobacteria; Proteobacteria; Bacteria;
prokaryotes; Legionella; Homo; Hominidae; Primates; mammals; vertebrates; Chordata; animals;
eukaryotes; Balkans; Southern Europe; Europe; Developed Countries; Mediterranean Region; European
Union Countries; OECD Countries; Western Europe; British Isles; Commonwealth of Nations;
Bed bugs (Cimex lectularius) new-old problem in Europe. Bakic´, J.; Dakič, M.; Korunic´ d.o.o.
Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia, Zbornik Radova 23. Znanstveno Stručno Edukativni Seminar DDD i ZUPP 2011:
Djelatnost dezinfekcije, dezinsekcije, deratizacije i zaštite uskladištenih, Pula, Croatia, 23. do 25. Ozujak
2011, 2011, pp 213-225, 13 ref.
The authors present the fact of recurrence of bed bugs (Cimex lectularius L.) in Croatia, Europe, as well as
in the New World as a consequence of fast communication and global mass tourism. The main factors of
transmittance are travellers' luggage, transportation means and tourist destinations regardless of object
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Abstracts - CAB Direct
categories. Croatian infestations are mostly hotel/touristic (21) with regard to other locations (12) proving
the fact that we are still on the threshold of a significant bed bug problem. The highest number of biocide
interventions in Croatia was application of various pyrethroids (10) and herbal biocides (2). In the second
part of the paper European "Guidelines for House Bed Bugs Control" are presented as an example of the
importance given to the new-old problem of bed bug infestations (cimicidosis).
Publication type: Conference paper
Record Number: 20113201352
Author Affiliation: 1885 Split, Matije Gupca 11a, 21000 Split, Croatia.
Author Email: info@ddd-koper.si
ISBN: 978-953-7247-15-7
Language of publication: Croatian
Geographical Location: Croatia; Europe;
Subject Category (CABICODE): Pesticides and Drugs; Control, (New March 2000) (HH405); Nonfood/Non-feed Plant Products (SS200); Tourism and Travel (UU700); Public Health Pests, Vectors and
Intermediate Hosts, (New March 2000) (VV230);
Organism Descriptors: Cimex lectularius; plants;
Descriptors: biocides; guidelines; infestation; insect control; insecticidal plants; insecticides; pyrethroid
insecticides; tourism; tourist attractions; travel;
Identifiers: bed bug; recommendations;
Broad Terms: Cimex; Cimicidae; Heteroptera; Hemiptera; insects; Hexapoda; arthropods; invertebrates;
animals; eukaryotes; Balkans; Southern Europe; Europe; Developed Countries; Mediterranean Region;
Change of black widow habitat in Dalmatia caused by urbanization and transition to
new agricultural crops. Plenkovic´, J.; Bakic´, J.; Korunic´ d.o.o. Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia, Zbornik
Radova 23. Znanstveno Stručno Edukativni Seminar DDD i ZUPP 2011: Djelatnost dezinfekcije,
dezinsekcije, deratizacije i zaštite uskladištenih, Pula, Croatia, 23. do 25. Ozujak 2011, 2011, pp 227-235,
14 ref.
Continuing their research on habitat change of the black widow (Latrodectus mactans tredecimgutatus
Rossi), the authors register their observations in the area of Adriatic Croatia between 1987 and 2010,
regarding this period as rather relevant for drawing conclusions. By studying these changes the following
conclusions can be drawn: (1) Penetration of humans into the natural habitat of the species and its
adaptation for "useful purposes" can result in better conditions for survival and reproduction of black
widows; (2) The use of vehicles in such areas can help spread the species; (3) Spiders can be transported
by various items from batural habitats into houses or vehicles. Maretic´ (1988) suggested certain changes
in the ecology and epidemiology of latrodectism resulting from penetration of humans into natural habitats
of this species with hard-leaved evergreen vegetation, i. e. macchia, gariga and Mediterannean karst
pastures, and the species has sonce been found in other newly disturbed areas. A great number of
specimens have been found at locations such as an apartment settlement in Barbariga, Istria, military
shooting ranges, polygons and installations in Pula, Cres and Kukuzovac near Sinj, a power station in
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Konjsko near Split, at the edge of greenhouses in Kaštela, and at the bus station in Valtura, Istria; and to a
lesser extent on, in and around houses and gardens in Istria and the surroundings of Split and Zadar. The
second phenomenon of habitat change is based on changes in agricultural crops in Dalmatia. Traditionally
dry agricultural areas with cereals in karst fields mostly on red earth are turned into fields of fruits and
vegetables by irrigation. Black widows settled in these areas and survived due to plenty of humidity and
food. Spiders appear in plants of: onion, tomato, potato, beans, broad-bean and other legumes, carrot,
parsley, pepper, water-melon or clover. Taking newly introduced habitat changes of black widows into
account, the authors warn of the new phenomenon of the species spreading along with unwanted
encounters with this spider in completely unexpected urban, touristic and agricultural locations.
Publication type: Conference paper
Record Number: 20113201353
Author Affiliation: CIKLON d.o.o., Put Murvice 14, 23000 Zadar, Croatia.
Author Email: ciklon@zd.t-com.hr
ISBN: 978-953-7247-15-7
Language of publication: Croatian
Geographical Location: Croatia;
Subject Category (CABICODE): Public Health Pests, Vectors and Intermediate Hosts, (New March
2000) (VV230); Animal Ecology (ZZ332);
Organism Descriptors: Allium; Capsicum; Citrullus lanatus; Daucus carota; Fabaceae; Latrodectus
tredecimguttatus; Petroselinum crispum; Solanum lycopersicum; Solanum tuberosum; Vicia faba;
Descriptors: beans; biotopes; carrots; cereals; clovers; crops; dwellings; ecology; faba beans; fruits;
gardens; geographical distribution; greenhouses; habitats; land use; legumes; military areas; onions;
parsley; potatoes; power stations; reproduction; spread; survival; tomatoes; urbanization; vegetables;
vehicles; watermelons;
Identifiers: Araliales; broad beans; fava beans; field beans; glasshouses; horse beans; Lycopersicon
esculentum; power plants; tic beans; vegetable crops;
Broad Terms: Alliaceae; Liliaceae; Liliales; monocotyledons; angiosperms; Spermatophyta; plants;
eukaryotes; Solanaceae; Solanales; dicotyledons; Citrullus; Cucurbitaceae; Violales; Daucus; Apiaceae;
Apiales; Fabales; Latrodectus; Theridiidae; Araneae; Arachnida; arthropods; invertebrates; animals;
Petroselinum; Solanum; Vicia; Papilionoideae; Fabaceae; Balkans; Southern Europe; Europe; Developed
Countries; Mediterranean Region;
Problems of asanation (sanitation) and authorization for initiation of its procedures forgotten historical heritage. Bakic´, J.; Ljubičic´, M.; Korunic´ d.o.o. Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia,
Zbornik Radova 23. Znanstveno Stručno Edukativni Seminar DDD i ZUPP 2011: Djelatnost dezinfekcije,
dezinsekcije, deratizacije i zaštite uskladištenih, Pula, Croatia, 23. do 25. Ozujak 2011, 2011, pp 1-29, 84
Sanitation projects are discussed in the context of historical events in ancient Illyricum (part of present day
Croatia). The first planned draining of swamps was undertaken by Octavian (27-14 B C) in Pula using an
underground drainage system. After the barbarian invasion, sanitation projects ceased until 1423 when
Venice drained the mouth of the river Mirna. Subsequent work was interrupted by the First World War,
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after which preventive medical institutions were established in Adriatic and continental Croatia. Gambusia
holbrooki was first used for the biological control of malarial mosquitoes in 1923/24. Communal control
projects in 1930 in Zagreb and 1933 in Pula recommended covering of water receptacles or empting them
every 5 days, or alternatively using gambusia and larvicides. The permanent elimination of mosquitoes
was pioneered in 1932/40. The application of EU regulations for environmental protection in order to
conserve the greatest biological diversity in Europe will involve the continued use of water sanitation
procedures wherever they are justified.
Publication type: Conference paper
Record Number: 20113201356
Author Affiliation: 1885 Split, Matije Gupca 11a, 21000 Split, Croatia.
ISBN: 978-953-7247-15-7
Language of publication: Croatian
Geographical Location: Croatia; European Union;
Subject Category (CABICODE): History and Biography (BB500); Laws and Regulations (DD500);
Biological Control (HH100); Environmental Pest Management (HH200); Water Resources (PP200); Public
Health Pests, Vectors and Intermediate Hosts, (New March 2000) (VV230);
Organism Descriptors: Culicidae; Gambusia holbrooki;
Descriptors: biocides; biological control; disease vectors; drainage; history; insect control; insecticides;
natural enemies; preventive medicine; regulations; rivers; sanitation; swamps; vector control; water;
Identifiers: biocontrol; Common Market; EC; EEC; European Communities; European Economic
Communities; mosquitoes; rules;
Broad Terms: Diptera; insects; Hexapoda; arthropods; invertebrates; animals; eukaryotes; Gambusia;
Poeciliidae; Cyprinodontiformes; Osteichthyes; fishes; vertebrates; Chordata; aquatic animals; aquatic
organisms; Balkans; Southern Europe; Europe; Developed Countries; Mediterranean Region;
Specificities of tiger mosquito (Aedes albopictus) control in circumstances of dengue
fever appearance in Croatia. Benic´, N.; Klobučar, A.; Krajcar, D.; Korunic´ d.o.o. Zagreb, Zagreb,
Croatia, Zbornik Radova 23. Znanstveno Stručno Edukativni Seminar DDD i ZUPP 2011: Djelatnost
dezinfekcije, dezinsekcije, deratizacije i zaštite uskladištenih, Pula, Croatia, 23. do 25. Ozujak 2011, 2011,
pp 103-111, 23 ref.
The first report on presence of Asian tiger mosquito (Aedes albopictus) in Croatia came in 2004 from
Zagreb. Since 2005 till the present time the species is continuously spreading along the Croatian cost and
islands. Because Aedes albopictus species carries a huge potential as a vector of various viral diseases,
the Aedes albopictus populations were monitored during the past five years and various measures for
control were proposed and implemented. Unfortunately, all control efforts did not result with reduction of
the existing populations, and the spreading to new area continued. In late summer of 2010, three cases of
autochthonous dengue virus infections in the village Podobuc´e at the peninsula of Pelješac were
reported, accompanied with confirmation of Aedes albopictus in the area around the homes of the infected
persons. By this, Aedes albopictus was promoted from the potential vector to an actual vector of disease
and the control measures became even more important from the public health perspective. Previous
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attempts of stopping the Aedes albopictus spreading along the Croatian coast and islands were not
effective. Therefore, the authors analysed available information on Aedes albopictus control measures in
Europe and in Croatia, and propose evidence based on complete integrated preventive and anti-epidemic
vector control measures in order to provide appropriate reaction to the threat of emerging and spreading of
diseases transmitted by Aedes albopictus mosquitoes, having in mind the eco-biological characteristics of
the species, local circumstances and behaviour, as well as the proven examples of best practice.
Publication type: Conference paper
Record Number: 20113201357
Author Affiliation: Institute of Public Health "Dr. Andrija Štampar", Mirogojska cesta 16, 10000 Zagreb,
Author Email: nikola.benic@stampar.hr
ISBN: 978-953-7247-15-7
Language of publication: Croatian
Geographical Location: Croatia;
Subject Category (CABICODE): Pathogen, Pest, Parasite and Weed Management (General)
(HH000); Prion, Viral, Bacterial and Fungal Pathogens of Humans, (New March 2000) (VV210); Public
Health Pests, Vectors and Intermediate Hosts, (New March 2000) (VV230);
Organism Descriptors: Aedes albopictus; Dengue virus; man;
Descriptors: dengue; disease vectors; human diseases; insect control; monitoring; mosquito-borne
diseases; spread; vector control;
Identifiers: Asian tiger mosquito; surveillance systems;
Broad Terms: Aedes; Culicidae; Diptera; insects; Hexapoda; arthropods; invertebrates; animals;
eukaryotes; Flavivirus; Flaviviridae; positive-sense ssRNA viruses; ssRNA viruses; RNA viruses; viruses;
Homo; Hominidae; Primates; mammals; vertebrates; Chordata; Balkans; Southern Europe; Europe;
Developed Countries; Mediterranean Region;
Presence of Dengue viruses in mosquitoes of south Dalmatia? Merdic´, E.; Kurolt, I. C.;
Vignjevic´, G.; Zahirovic´, Z.; Markotic´, A.; Korunic´ d.o.o. Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia, Zbornik Radova 23.
Znanstveno Stručno Edukativni Seminar DDD i ZUPP 2011: Djelatnost dezinfekcije, dezinsekcije,
deratizacije i zaštite uskladištenih, Pula, Croatia, 23. do 25. Ozujak 2011, 2011, pp 113-119, 9 ref.
Dengue is an acute infectious disease characterized by fever headache, rash and myalgia caused by any
of four distinct viruses of the genus Flavivirus. As well as 5 imported cases in last 4 years, during autumn
2010, three autochthonous cases of Dengue were noted. Mosquitoes were sampled from south Dalmatia
during October 2010 with the aim to determine the presence of Dengue viruses in the mosquito population.
Out of 36 sampled mosquitoes 20 belonged to Aedes albopictus, which is noted as a vector. After standard
molecular analysis, no Dengue viruses were found in sampled mosquitoes. Dengue has become one of
the most important emerging disease problems among international travelers, and risk is increased by the
presence of a stable population of the vector in Croatia which requires significant awareness [?] of public
health and other medical professionals in Croatia.
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Publication type: Conference paper
Record Number: 20113201358
Author Affiliation: Department of biology, University of Osijek, Gajev trg 9, 31000 Osijek, Croatia.
Author Email: enrih@biologija.unios.hr
ISBN: 978-953-7247-15-7
Language of publication: Croatian
Geographical Location: Croatia;
Subject Category (CABICODE): Prion, Viral, Bacterial and Fungal Pathogens of Humans, (New
March 2000) (VV210); Public Health Pests, Vectors and Intermediate Hosts, (New March 2000) (VV230);
Organism Descriptors: Aedes albopictus; Dengue virus; man;
Descriptors: dengue; disease vectors; human diseases; imported infections; mosquito-borne diseases;
Identifiers: Asian tiger mosquito;
Broad Terms: Aedes; Culicidae; Diptera; insects; Hexapoda; arthropods; invertebrates; animals;
eukaryotes; Flavivirus; Flaviviridae; positive-sense ssRNA viruses; ssRNA viruses; RNA viruses; viruses;
Homo; Hominidae; Primates; mammals; vertebrates; Chordata; Balkans; Southern Europe; Europe;
Developed Countries; Mediterranean Region;
Innovative mosquito control: reducing human landing rates through new innovative
mosquito traps. Geier, M.; Engelbrecht, C.; Carey, B.; Horton, S.; Rose, A.; Korunic´ d.o.o. Zagreb,
Zagreb, Croatia, Zbornik Radova 23. Znanstveno Stručno Edukativni Seminar DDD i ZUPP 2011:
Djelatnost dezinfekcije, dezinsekcije, deratizacije i zaštite uskladištenih, Pula, Croatia, 23. do 25. Ozujak
2011, 2011, pp 121-133, 18 ref.
Conventional attempts to control Aedes albopictus include source reduction, larvicides and adulticides.
Although efficient traps for Ae. albopictus exist and are used for monitoring, their use as a control tool had
not yet been studied. We evaluated the use of Biogents mosquito traps, used with and without CO2 , as
control tools in northern Italy and Florida (USA). Selected sites were treated with traps and compared with
control sites that did not receive traps. Trap density was one trap for areas between ca. 200 m 2 and ca.
700 m 2 . Mosquito populations were monitored with human landing collection (HLC) and ovitraps, both in
the treatment areas and in control areas. Between 60 and 90% fewer mosquitoes were collected by HLC
in the treatment areas with mosquito traps, as compared to the untreated control zones. The maximum
reduction in the HLC was observed in Cesena/Italy and Florida, USA, where Aedes albopictus was the
prevalent mosquito species. These results indicate that the continued use of efficient mosquito traps can
significantly lower biting rates.
Publication type: Conference paper
Record Number: 20113201359
Author Affiliation: Biogents AG, Weissenburgstr. 22, 93055 Regensburg, Germany.
Author Email: martin.geier@biogents.com
ISBN: 978-953-7247-15-7
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Abstracts - CAB Direct
Language of publication: English
Geographical Location: Florida; Italy; USA;
Subject Category (CABICODE): Other Control Measures (HH700); Public Health Pests, Vectors and
Intermediate Hosts, (New March 2000) (VV230);
Organism Descriptors: Aedes albopictus;
Descriptors: biting rates; carbon dioxide; disease vectors; haematophagous insects; insect control;
insect traps; oviposition traps; vector control;
Identifiers: Asian tiger mosquito; bloodsucking insects; hematophagous insects; ovitraps; United States
of America;
Broad Terms: Aedes; Culicidae; Diptera; insects; Hexapoda; arthropods; invertebrates; animals;
eukaryotes; Gulf States of USA; Southern States of USA; USA; APEC countries; Developed Countries;
North America; America; OECD Countries; South Atlantic States of USA; Southeastern States of USA;
European Union Countries; Mediterranean Region; Southern Europe; Europe;
Larvae and pupae of the most widespread mosquito species in Croatia - biology and
ecology. Vruc´ina, I.; Turic´, N.; Merdic´, E.; Korunic´ d.o.o. Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia, Zbornik Radova
23. Znanstveno Stručno Edukativni Seminar DDD i ZUPP 2011: Djelatnost dezinfekcije, dezinsekcije,
deratizacije i zaštite uskladištenih, Pula, Croatia, 23. do 25. Ozujak 2011, 2011, pp 135-145, 4 ref.
It is known that until today 50 species of mosquitoes are discovered in Croatia. Not all species are equally
observed in every area in Croatia. Some species can be found in each habitat type, and some are present
only in certain habitats. Only a few species are widespread throughout the country and they are: Aedes
vexans, Aedes albopictus, Culex pipiens, Anopheles maculipennis, Ochlerotatus caspius, Coquillettidia
richiardii. To better understand the life cycle of these species and their behavior in the environment, we
briefly described the biology and ecology of larvae and pupae of mosquitoes.
Publication type: Conference paper
Record Number: 20113201360
Author Affiliation: Department of Biology, University of Josip Juraj Strossmayer in Osijek, Gajev trg 9,
31000 Osijek, Croatia.
Author Email: iboca@komarac.biologija.unios.hr
ISBN: 978-953-7247-15-7
Language of publication: Croatian
Geographical Location: Croatia;
Subject Category (CABICODE): Public Health Pests, Vectors and Intermediate Hosts, (New March
2000) (VV230); Reproduction, Development and Life Cycle (Wild Animals), (New March 2000) (YY200);
Animal Ecology (ZZ332);
Organism Descriptors: Aedes albopictus; Aedes caspius; Aedes vexans; Anopheles maculipennis;
Coquillettidia richiardii; Culex pipiens;
Descriptors: biology; developmental stages; disease vectors; ecology; larvae; life cycle; pupae;
Identifiers: Asian tiger mosquito; growth phase; Ochlerotatus caspius;
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Abstracts - CAB Direct
Broad Terms: Aedes; Culicidae; Diptera; insects; Hexapoda; arthropods; invertebrates; animals;
eukaryotes; Anopheles; Coquillettidia; Culex; Balkans; Southern Europe; Europe; Developed Countries;
Mediterranean Region;
An overview of the "10th International Working Conference on Stored Product
Protection - IWCSPP", 27 June-2 July 2010, Estoril, Portugal. Rozman, V.; Korunic´, Z.;
Kalinovic´, I.; Ivezic´, M.; Liška, A.; Korunic´ d.o.o. Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia, Zbornik Radova 23.
Znanstveno Stručno Edukativni Seminar DDD i ZUPP 2011: Djelatnost dezinfekcije, dezinsekcije,
deratizacije i zaštite uskladištenih, Pula, Croatia, 23. do 25. Ozujak 2011, 2011, pp 255-262, 1 ref.
The 10th International Working Conference on Stored Product Protection - IWCSPP was held from 27th
June to 2nd July 2010 in Estoril (Portugal). The aim of the Conference was to exchange new findings and
experiences in the protection of the wide range of stored agricultural products on the small- and largescale commercial farms worldwide, from tropical to continental climate regions. In total, 193 scientific
studies were presented in 14 plenary sessions, and 179 oral and poster presentations. Through the
following 9 sections participants discussed current situation and new world trends in stored products
protection: biology, behaviour and stored pest detection; engineering; fumigation, modified atmospheres
and hermetic storage; microbiology, mycotoxins and food safety; non-chemical control; residual
insecticides - synthetic and botanical; integrated pest management; quarantine and regulatory protection
measures. Seven (7) thematic workshops were held and display stands were provided for most
distinguished international companies in stored products protection. All presented papers were published
in the Proceedings of the Conference.
Publication type: Conference paper
Record Number: 20113201361
Author Affiliation: Faculty of Agriculture in Osijek, Department for Plant Protection, University of Josip
Juraj, Strossmayer in Osijek, 3 Trg Sv. Trojstva, 31100 Osijek, Croatia.
Author Email: vrozman@pfos.hr
ISBN: 978-953-7247-15-7
Language of publication: Croatian
Geographical Location: Portugal;
Subject Category (CABICODE): Integrated Pest Management (HH300); Pesticides and Drugs;
Control, (New March 2000) (HH405); Crop Produce (QQ050); Food Storage and Preservation (QQ110);
Storage Problems and Pests of Food (QQ111); Food Contamination, Residues and Toxicology (QQ200);
Food Composition and Quality (QQ500);
Descriptors: chemical control; food safety; fumigation; integrated pest management; modified
atmosphere storage; pest control; pesticides; stored products; stored products pests;
Identifiers: IPM; storage pests; stored-product pests;
Broad Terms: Developed Countries; European Union Countries; Mediterranean Region; OECD
Countries; Southern Europe; Europe;
Overview of research on stored-product and food-industry pests in Czech Republic.
Vaclav, S.; Radek, A.; Zuzana, K.; Korunic´ d.o.o. Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia, Zbornik Radova 23.
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Znanstveno Stručno Edukativni Seminar DDD i ZUPP 2011: Djelatnost dezinfekcije, dezinsekcije,
deratizacije i zaštite uskladištenih, Pula, Croatia, 23. do 25. Ozujak 2011, 2011, pp 263-271, 21 ref.
This work reviews the selected results that were recently produced by members of the Department of
Stored-Product Pests Control at Crop Research Institute Prague (Czech Republic). The mini-review
includes the following ten topics: (1) Efficacy of insecticide gel baits on cockroaches; (2) Efficacy of
encapsulated insecticides on cockroaches; (3) Efficacy of multi-component smoke-generators in
cockroaches; (4) European international project on control of stored-product pyralid moths by mating
disruption; (5) The importance of correct and unified methods for interpretation of filth detection and
population sampling and monitoring of stored product pests in Europe; (6) Mites that cause serious risk for
occupational allergy in grain stores; (7) Cockroach allergens Bla g 1 and Bla g 2 are stable enough to
persist in households for more than one year; (8) Keys for identification of eggs of storage pests; (9)
Odours may affect mice behavior and response to bait stations; (10) New method for house mouse
monitoring based on fluorescent non-toxic bait.
Publication type: Conference paper
Record Number: 20113201362
Author Affiliation: Crop Research Institute, Department of Stored-Product Pests Control, Drnovska
507, 16106 Prague 6, Czech Republic.
Author Email: stejskal@vurv.cz
ISBN: 978-953-7247-15-7
Language of publication: English
Geographical Location: Czech Republic; Europe;
Subject Category (CABICODE): Pesticides and Drugs; Control, (New March 2000) (HH405); Other
Control Measures (HH700); Storage Problems and Pests of Food (QQ111); Human Immunology and
Allergology, (New March 2000) (VV055); Public Health Pests, Vectors and Intermediate Hosts, (New
March 2000) (VV230); Occupational Health and Safety (VV900); Behaviour (Wild Animals), (New March
2000) (YY500); Taxonomy and Evolution (ZZ380);
Organism Descriptors: Blattaria; Blattella germanica; mice; mites; Pyralidae;
Descriptors: allergens; animal behaviour; arthropod allergies; baits; behaviour; detection; eggs;
fluorescence; grain stores; insect control; insecticides; keys; mating disruption; monitoring; occupational
hazards; odours; pest control; reviews; sampling; smoke; stored products pests; taxonomy;
Identifiers: animal behavior; behavior; Blattodea; German cockroach; odors; sampling techniques;
smells; storage pests; stored-product pests; surveillance systems; systematics;
Broad Terms: Blattaria; Dictyoptera; insects; Hexapoda; arthropods; invertebrates; animals; eukaryotes;
Blattella; Blattellidae; Muridae; rodents; mammals; vertebrates; Chordata; Acari; Arachnida; Lepidoptera;
Central Europe; Europe; Developed Countries; European Union Countries; OECD Countries;
Moth's mating disruption using pheromones. Mueller, D. K.; Korunic´ d.o.o. Zagreb, Zagreb,
Croatia, Zbornik Radova 23. Znanstveno Stručno Edukativni Seminar DDD i ZUPP 2011: Djelatnost
dezinfekcije, dezinsekcije, deratizacije i zaštite uskladištenih, Pula, Croatia, 23. do 25. Ozujak 2011, 2011,
pp 273-281, 1 ref.
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Mating disruption (MD) is part of a pest management program and should not be considered a single
source treatment. Inspections by a knowledgeable pest manager are important during a MD treatment to
determine if inbound ingredients are infested. Mating disruption can, however, reduce the need for
insecticide fogging. A three year case study of a nut processor in the U.S. showed that the MD treatment
reduced the number of foggings from five in one year with only pheromone traps vs. one fogging in two
years after the MD treatment. A cost savings of US$ 11.000 was seen over the fogging application
approach. This does not weigh the cost of shutting down the facilities during the insecticide application for
five days. Mating disruption shows promise in organic food storage where Plodia and Ephestia are the
target pests. The MD treatment was effective at reducing overall costs but did not control issues with
inbound infested materials. The advanced training it takes to establish, record and evaluate a MD program
is more than other types of pest control programs. Insect biology, reproductive anatomy, and insect habits
are important to know and understand.
Publication type: Conference paper
Record Number: 20113201363
Author Affiliation: Insects Limited, Inc., 16950 Westfield Park Road, Westfield, IN 46074, USA.
Author Email: D.Mueller@insectslimited.com
ISBN: 978-953-7247-15-7
Language of publication: English
Geographical Location: USA;
Subject Category (CABICODE): Other Control Measures (HH700); Storage Problems and Pests of
Food (QQ111);
Organism Descriptors: Ephestia kuehniella; Plodia interpunctella;
Descriptors: cost effectiveness analysis; costs; fogging; mating disruption; pest control; pheromones;
savings; stored products pests; traps;
Identifiers: costings; Indian meal moth; storage pests; stored-product pests; United States of America;
Broad Terms: Ephestia; Pyralidae; Lepidoptera; insects; Hexapoda; arthropods; invertebrates; animals;
eukaryotes; Plodia; APEC countries; Developed Countries; North America; America; OECD Countries;
Diagnosis of Liposcelis entomophila (Psocodea: Liposcelididae) - comparison of
morphological characters and sequences of 16S rDNA and COI. Yang QianQian; Li
ZhiHong; Kučerová, Z.; Kalinovic´, I.; Stejskal, V.; Korunic´ d.o.o. Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia, Zbornik
Radova 23. Znanstveno Stručno Edukativni Seminar DDD i ZUPP 2011: Djelatnost dezinfekcije,
dezinsekcije, deratizacije i zaštite uskladištenih, Pula, Croatia, 23. do 25. Ozujak 2011, 2011, pp 283-293,
21 ref.
Liposcelis entomophila (Enderlein) is one of the most important cosmopolite psocid species infesting
stored grain. Three different geographical populations (China, Croatia and Czech Republic) of this species
were compared using morphological (optical and scanning electron microscope) and molecular methods
(sequences of 16S rDNA and COI). Presented results showed that both morphological and molecular
methods were able to identify this species. The sequence similarities between geographical strains were
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more than 94% and 96% within 16S rDNA and COI genes respectively. The phylogenetic trees revealed
that the explored three populations were in the same subgroup.
Publication type: Conference paper
Record Number: 20113201364
Author Affiliation: Department of Entomology, College of Agronomy and Biotechnology, China
Agricultural University, Yuanmingyuan West Road 2, Beijing 100193, China.
Author Email: yangqian123i@163.com
ISBN: 978-953-7247-15-7
Language of publication: English
Geographical Location: China; Croatia; Czech Republic;
Subject Category (CABICODE): Storage Problems and Pests of Food (QQ111); Anatomy and
Morphology (Wild Animals), (New March 2000) (YY100); Genetics and Molecular Genetics (Wild Animals),
(New March 2000) (YY300); Molecular Biology and Molecular Genetics, (Discontinued March 2000,
Reinstated and Revised June 2002) (ZZ360);
Organism Descriptors: insects; Liposcelis;
Descriptors: genes; insect pests; morphology; nucleotide sequences; phylogenetics; ribosomal DNA;
stored products pests;
Identifiers: DNA sequences; Liposcelis entomophila; People's Republic of China; pest insects; storage
pests; stored-product pests;
Broad Terms: Hexapoda; arthropods; invertebrates; animals; eukaryotes; Liposcelididae; Psocoptera;
insects; Liposcelis; APEC countries; Developing Countries; East Asia; Asia; Balkans; Southern Europe;
Europe; Developed Countries; Mediterranean Region; Central Europe; European Union Countries; OECD
Initial effectiveness of several grain protectants on wheat against three stored grain
insect pests. Korunic´, Z.; Rozman, V.; Liška, A.; Korunic´ d.o.o. Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia, Zbornik
Radova 23. Znanstveno Stručno Edukativni Seminar DDD i ZUPP 2011: Djelatnost dezinfekcije,
dezinsekcije, deratizacije i zaštite uskladištenih, Pula, Croatia, 23. do 25. Ozujak 2011, 2011, pp 295-306,
42 ref.
This study was initiated in order to determine the initial effectiveness of the mixture of chlorpyrifos-methyl
and deltamethrin (Storicide II), pirimiphos methyl (Actellic 5E), spinosad (Spinosad Technical 92%) and
the mixture of diatomaceous earth and deltamethrin against the adults and the progeny of Sitophilus
oryzae (L.), the rice weevil, Rhyzopertha dominica (F.), the lesser grain borer and Tribolium castaneum
(Herbst), the red flour beetle when applied to Ontario soft white wheat. The mixture of diatomaceous earth
(DE) and deltamethrin (DM) contains very low quantities of DE and small amounts of insecticide DM
technical powder dissolved in natural solvent and soap. Clean Ontario soft white wheat with 13.6%
moisture content was used in the experiment. The insecticide concentrations were: 3 ppm (parts per
million) of chlorpyrifos methyl (CP) and 0.5 ppm of deltamethrin (DM) in Storicide II, 10 ppm of Actellic 5E,
1 ppm of spinosad, and 90 ppm of DE and 0.1 ppm of DM in the mixture of DEIDM. Storicide II applied at 3
ppm of CP and 0.5 ppm of DM was effective against all three insect species and caused 100% mortality of
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adults and reduced the progeny by 100%. Actellic 5E applied at 10 ppm caused very high mortality of rice
weevil and red flour beetle (100%) and the reduction of the progeny was almost 100% (higher than 99%).
However, this concentration wasn't high enough to control lesser grain borer. After the exposure time of 21
days the mortality was only 38% and the progeny reduction was 96.8%. Spinosad applied at 1 ppm was
highly effective against the adults and the progeny of lesser grain borer but the effectiveness against the
adults and the progeny of rice weevil and red flour beetle wasn't good enough. Spinosad controlled the
adults of rice weevil and red flour beetle after the exposure time of 21 days for 91% and 22%, respectively
and reduced the progeny of the same species for 23.6% and 39.6 only. The mixture DE/DM caused 100%
mortality of all three insect species after 14 days of the exposure to treated grain and reduced the progeny
by 100%. Immediately after the treatment Storicide II and the mixture DE/DM controlled rice weevil, lesser
grain borer and red flour beetle adults and the progeny successfully. However, 10 ppm of Actellic 5E didn't
control the adults and the progeny of lesser grain borer and 1 ppm of spinosad didn't control the adults and
the progeny of rice weevil and red flour beetle.
Publication type: Conference paper
Record Number: 20113201365
Author Affiliation: Diatom Research and Consulting Inc., 14 Tidefall Dr. Toronto, ON, M1W 1J2,
Author Email: zkorunic´@rogers.com
ISBN: 978-953-7247-15-7
Language of publication: English
Subject Category (CABICODE): Field Crops, (New March 2000) (FF005); Pesticides and Drugs;
Control, (New March 2000) (HH405); Crop Produce (QQ050); Storage Problems and Pests of Food
(QQ111); Toxicology and Poisoning (Wild Animals), (New March 2000) (YY900);
Organism Descriptors: insects; Rhyzopertha dominica; Sitophilus oryzae; Tribolium castaneum;
Triticum; Triticum aestivum;
Descriptors: chemical control; chlorpyrifos-methyl; deltamethrin; diatomite; insect control; insect pests;
insecticides; mortality; pest control; pesticide mixtures; pirimiphos-methyl; seeds; spinosad; stored
products pests; wheat;
Identifiers: death rate; diatomaceous earth; pest insects; rice weevil; storage pests; stored-product
Broad Terms: Hexapoda; arthropods; invertebrates; animals; eukaryotes; Rhyzopertha; Bostrichidae;
Coleoptera; insects; Sitophilus; Dryophthoridae; Tribolium; Tenebrionidae; Poaceae; Cyperales;
monocotyledons; angiosperms; Spermatophyta; plants; Triticum;
Global trends and local situation with diseases transmitted by food. Capak, K.; Poljak, V.;
Pavic´, E.; Petrovic´, G.; Brlek-Gorski, D.; Korunic´ d.o.o. Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia, Zbornik Radova 23.
Znanstveno Stručno Edukativni Seminar DDD i ZUPP 2011: Djelatnost dezinfekcije, dezinsekcije,
deratizacije i zaštite uskladištenih, Pula, Croatia, 23. do 25. Ozujak 2011, 2011, pp 31-47, 13 ref.
Food is any substance or product intended for human consumption and is expected to be consumed by
humans. Food hygiene means the measures and conditions necessary to control hazards to consumers
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Abstracts - CAB Direct
consumed healthful food that will not endanger the health of consumers. Alimentary food born diseases as
a result of contamination of food are continuously growing, both in developing and developed countries
and represent one of the most important public health problem worldwide. Reasons for this is lifestyle
changes, changes in the way of food production, globalization of supply, industrial pollution and increased
susceptibility of population subgroups. Despite many efforts and implementing measures for prevention
and control of Salmonella spp., this pathogen is still one of the main causes of diseases transmitted by
food with a decreasing trend in developed countries. According to EU figures salmonellosis remains a
significant public health problem even in 2005. However, the number of patients in outbreaks of
campylobacteriosis has exceeded salmonellosis. In the Republic of Croatia, salmonellosis, regardless of
the tendency of decreasing still continues to be the biggest public health problem, and the human factor is
the main cause of these epidemic disease outbreaks. This indicates a need to improve risk communication
with all participants in the food supply chain.
Publication type: Conference paper
Record Number: 20113201367
Author Affiliation: Croatian Public Health Institute, Rockefellerova 7, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia.
Author Email: krunoslav.capak@hzjz.hr
ISBN: 978-953-7247-15-7
Language of publication: Croatian
Geographical Location: Croatia; Developed Countries; Developing Countries; European Union;
Subject Category (CABICODE): Food Contamination, Residues and Toxicology (QQ200); Prion,
Viral, Bacterial and Fungal Pathogens of Humans, (New March 2000) (VV210);
Organism Descriptors: Campylobacter; man; Salmonella;
Descriptors: campylobacteriosis; epidemics; food contamination; food hygiene; food safety; foodborne
diseases; foods; globalization; human diseases; lifestyle; outbreaks; pollution; public health; salmonellosis;
susceptibility; trends; world;
Identifiers: bacterium; Common Market; EC; EEC; environmental pollution; European Communities;
European Economic Communities; food contaminants; internationalization; Salmonella infections; Third
World; Underdeveloped Countries; worldwide;
Broad Terms: Campylobacteraceae; Campylobacterales; Epsilonproteobacteria; Proteobacteria;
Bacteria; prokaryotes; Homo; Hominidae; Primates; mammals; vertebrates; Chordata; animals;
eukaryotes; Enterobacteriaceae; Enterobacteriales; Gammaproteobacteria; Balkans; Southern Europe;
Europe; Developed Countries; Mediterranean Region; countries;
New criteria for classification, labeling and packaging of dangerous chemicals.
Čoporda, A. W.; Dodig, D. Č.; Korunic´ d.o.o. Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia, Zbornik Radova 23. Znanstveno
Stručno Edukativni Seminar DDD i ZUPP 2011: Djelatnost dezinfekcije, dezinsekcije, deratizacije i zaštite
uskladištenih, Pula, Croatia, 23. do 25. Ozujak 2011, 2011, pp 315-327, 1 ref.
With a view to facilitating worldwide trade while protecting human and the environment, harmonized
criteria for classification and labelling have been carefully developed over a period of twelve years within
the United Nations structure, resulting in the Globally harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of
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Chemicals (GHS). This Regulation (No 1272/2008) follows various declarations whereby the Community
confirmed its intention to contribute to the global harmonization of criteria for classification and labelling,
not only at UN level, but also through the incorporation of the internationally agreed GHS criteria into
Community law. This regulation should replace Council Directive 67/548/EEC as well as Directive
1999/45/EC of the European Parliament and the Council relating to the classification, packaging and
labelling of dangerous substances and preparations. The new criteria used in this Regulation should be
consistent with those set out in Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 (REACH). New terms and definition for
chemical hazard are established: "hazard class", "hazard category", "hazard pictogram", "signal word",
"hazard statement", "precautionary statement" on the bases of different criteria for physical, health, as well
as environmental hazard. This Regulation entered into force on December 1st 2010. From the 1st of
December 2010, substances will be classified and labelled according to the Directive 67/548/EEC (DSD)
and this Regulation. From the 1st of June 2015, substances and mixtures have to be classified and
labelled only according to the Regulation No. 1272/2008.
Publication type: Conference paper
Record Number: 20113201368
Author Affiliation: Croatian Institute for Toxicology and Antidoping, Martic´eva 63a, 10000 Zagreb,
Author Email: alka@hzt.hr
ISBN: 978-953-7247-15-7
Language of publication: Croatian
Subject Category (CABICODE): Laws and Regulations (DD500); Human Health and the
Environment (VV500); Human Toxicology and Poisoning, (New March 2000) (VV810);
Descriptors: chemicals; classification; environment; hazards; health hazards; labelling; packaging;
regulations; toxic substances; world;
Identifiers: labeling; labels; poisons; rules; worldwide;
Biocidal products - existing legislation and new amendments. Krekovic´, D. M.; Korunic´
d.o.o. Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia, Zbornik Radova 23. Znanstveno Stručno Edukativni Seminar DDD i ZUPP
2011: Djelatnost dezinfekcije, dezinsekcije, deratizacije i zaštite uskladištenih, Pula, Croatia, 23. do 25.
Ozujak 2011, 2011, pp 341-345, 9 ref.
Harmonisation of the Croatian legislation on biocidal products, in line with the Directive 98/8/EC, was
accomplished by adopting the Law on Biocidal Products (Official Gazette 63/07, 53/08, 56/10) and later by
following bylaws. This law concerns the authorisation and placing on the market for use of biocidal
products, mutual recognition of authorisations within the EU and establishment of positive list of active
substances which may be used in biocidal products. There are 23 product types of biocidal products and
their definition by the Law is the following: they are active substances and products that consist of one or
several active substances prepared in the formulation for the end user. The Law on Biocidal products has
the provision that manufacturer or person responsible for placing of the biocidal products on the market
has to submit certain data to the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare. The register (list) of the biocidal
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Abstracts - CAB Direct
products is published once per year.
Publication type: Conference paper
Record Number: 20113201370
Author Affiliation: Ministry of Health and Social Welfare Republic of Croatia, Ksaver 200a, 10000
Zagreb, Croatia.
Author Email: dubravka.krekovic@mzss.hr
ISBN: 978-953-7247-15-7
Language of publication: Croatian
Geographical Location: Croatia; European Union;
Subject Category (CABICODE): Laws and Regulations (DD500); Health Economics, (New March
2000) (EE118); Marketing and Distribution (EE700); Pesticides and Drugs (General) (HH400);
Descriptors: biocides; directives; law; legislation; marketing;
Identifiers: Common Market; EC; EEC; European Communities; European Economic Communities;
legal aspects; legal principles;
Broad Terms: Balkans; Southern Europe; Europe; Developed Countries; Mediterranean Region;
Pesticides - bans and alternatives. Hamel, D.; Turk, R.; Korunic´ d.o.o. Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia,
Zbornik Radova 23. Znanstveno Stručno Edukativni Seminar DDD i ZUPP 2011: Djelatnost dezinfekcije,
dezinsekcije, deratizacije i zaštite uskladištenih, Pula, Croatia, 23. do 25. Ozujak 2011, 2011, pp 347-359,
10 ref.
Plant protection products are applied to protect plants in the field and plant products in the storehouses
against pests causing damages. Biocides are used for control of organisms damaging human health in the
area of public health and communal hygiene and veterinary hygiene. Both groups belong to pesticides.
Scientific studies help to discover new pesticides, their application, and bans as well. Discovery of DDT
and other chlorine carbohydrates is probably the biggest invention regarding pesticides, but unfortunately
very soon resistance of different organisms was found, and after that negative appearance in the
environment due to the usage and sedimentation. To protect humans of chemical danger, dangerous
pesticides are band little by little and now we have registered less persistent and less toxic and harmful
pesticides. In Croatia reregistration process of pesticides is according to national regulations harmonized
with European directives 91/414/EEC on plant protection products and 98/8/EC on biocides.
Publication type: Conference paper
Record Number: 20113201339
Author Affiliation: Croatian Centre for Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs - Institute for Plant
Protection, Svetošimunska 25, POBox. 206, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia.
Author Email: darka.hamel@hcphs.hr
ISBN: 978-953-7247-15-7
Language of publication: Croatian
Geographical Location: Croatia;
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Abstracts - CAB Direct
Subject Category (CABICODE): Laws and Regulations (DD500); Pesticide and Drug Residues and
Ecotoxicology, (New March 2000) (HH430); Pollution and Degradation (PP600); Human Health and the
Environment (VV500); Human Toxicology and Poisoning, (New March 2000) (VV810);
Organism Descriptors: man;
Descriptors: DDT; EU regulations; organochlorine insecticides; pesticide residues; pesticide resistance;
pesticides; public health; regulations;
Identifiers: dicophane; EC regulations; rules;
Broad Terms: Homo; Hominidae; Primates; mammals; vertebrates; Chordata; animals; eukaryotes;
Balkans; Southern Europe; Europe; Developed Countries; Mediterranean Region;
The organization of DDD services in Republic of Croatia in 2011. Korunic´, J.; Korunic´
d.o.o. Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia, Zbornik Radova 23. Znanstveno Stručno Edukativni Seminar DDD i ZUPP
2011: Djelatnost dezinfekcije, dezinsekcije, deratizacije i zaštite uskladištenih, Pula, Croatia, 23. do 25.
Ozujak 2011, 2011, pp 385-388
Publication type: Conference paper
Record Number: 20113201342
Author Affiliation: Korunic´ d.o.o. Zagreb, Medovic´eva 12, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia.
Author Email: korunic@zg.t-com.hr
ISBN: 978-953-7247-15-7
Language of publication: English
Geographical Location: Croatia;
Subject Category (CABICODE): Laws and Regulations (DD500); Viral, Bacterial and Fungal
Diseases of Plants, (New March 2000) (FF610); Plant Pests, (New March 2000) (FF620); Integrated Pest
Management (HH300); Pesticides and Drugs; Control, (New March 2000) (HH405); Prion, Viral, Bacterial
and Fungal Pathogens of Animals, (New March 2000) (LL821); Protozoan, Helminth, Mollusc and
Arthropod Parasites of Animals, (New March 2000) (LL822); Veterinary Pests, Vectors and Intermediate
Hosts, (New March 2000) (LL823); Prion, Viral, Bacterial and Fungal Pathogens of Humans, (New March
2000) (VV210); Protozoan, Helminth and Arthropod Parasites of Humans, (New March 2000) (VV220);
Public Health Pests, Vectors and Intermediate Hosts, (New March 2000) (VV230);
Organism Descriptors: arthropods; rodents;
Descriptors: disinfection; disinfestation; infection control; integrated pest management; law; legislation;
microorganisms; parasites; pest control; pests; rodent control; services;
Identifiers: IPM; legal aspects; legal principles; micro-organisms;
Broad Terms: invertebrates; animals; eukaryotes; mammals; vertebrates; Chordata; Balkans; Southern
Europe; Europe; Developed Countries; Mediterranean Region;
Epidemic food poisoning caused by toxins produced by bacterium Staphylococcus
aureus in the County of Zadar in 2009. Šarunic´-Gulan, J.; Sabalic´, R. Z.; Medic´, A.; Mumelaš,
N.; Korunic´ d.o.o. Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia, Zbornik Radova 23. Znanstveno Stručno Edukativni Seminar
DDD i ZUPP 2011: Djelatnost dezinfekcije, dezinsekcije, deratizacije i zaštite uskladištenih, Pula, Croatia,
23. do 25. Ozujak 2011, 2011, pp 63-68, 3 ref.
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Food toxicoinfections (food intoxications, food poisonings) is the name for diseases appeared after
consummation of contaminated food where biological causes of diseases multiplied or poisoned substance
accumulated in food and caused symptoms of disease to the consumers. Many laws and supporting
implemental regulations determine measures and procedures in order to make sure that from the health
point of view the food is right (eatable) (Law on protection of population against infectious diseases, Food
law and implemental regulations). One of very often diseases caused by biological cause is food poisoning
with bacteria from genus Staphylococcus. Bacterium of species S. aureus was a cause of food poisoning
in 2009 in Gračac after food consummation on one wedding. Several people were sick because of food
contaminated with toxins of that bacterium. Immediately after informing, experts of the Public health
institute of the County of Zadar (Epidemiology service) and authorized sanitary inspection did the
inspection (control). Upon examination it was found out that object had no certificate of occupancy and that
it wasn't preparing the food according to the valid legal provisions for the food (baking of meat in an illegal
barbecue restaurant); it was determined the cause of disease and focus or source of infection; medical
examination of the person who had Staphylococcal skin disease was done and advising the sick person
how to get well (person who was preparing the food); swab sampling of the working surfaces and
equipment in the area where the food was prepared, sampling of the food that remained after the
celebration (roast lamb, roast pork and two types of cakes). After founding out the cause and source
antiepidemic disinfection was ordered. Also the work in this illegal barbecue restaurant was forbidden. For
the purpose of preventing the appearances of infectious diseases at people caused by biological factors it
is important as a preventive measure to examine people that prepare food, surfaces and areas where the
food is prepared and respect legal provisions.
Publication type: Conference paper
Record Number: 20113201344
Author Affiliation: Public Health Institute County of Zadar, Epidemiology Service, Kolovare 1, 23000
Zadar, Croatia.
Author Email: odjel.ddd@zd.t-com.hr
ISBN: 978-953-7247-15-7
Language of publication: Croatian
Geographical Location: Croatia;
Subject Category (CABICODE): Pesticides and Drugs; Control, (New March 2000) (HH405); Meat
Produce (QQ030); Food Contamination, Residues and Toxicology (QQ200); Prion, Viral, Bacterial and
Fungal Pathogens of Humans, (New March 2000) (VV210); Toxinology, (New March 2000) (VV820);
Organism Descriptors: man; Staphylococcus aureus;
Descriptors: bacterial toxins; cakes; disinfection; epidemics; food contamination; food poisoning;
foodborne diseases; human diseases; lamb (meat); meat; microbial contamination; pigmeat; skin
Identifiers: bacterium; dermatoses; food contaminants; pork;
Broad Terms: Homo; Hominidae; Primates; mammals; vertebrates; Chordata; animals; eukaryotes;
Staphylococcus; Staphylococcaceae; Bacillales; Bacilli; Firmicutes; Bacteria; prokaryotes; Balkans;
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Abstracts - CAB Direct
Southern Europe; Europe; Developed Countries; Mediterranean Region;
Disinfection in animal protection from infectious diseases. Vučemilo, M.; Matkovic´, K.;
Vinkovic´, B.; Benic´, M.; Korunic´ d.o.o. Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia, Zbornik Radova 23. Znanstveno
Stručno Edukativni Seminar DDD i ZUPP 2011: Djelatnost dezinfekcije, dezinsekcije, deratizacije i zaštite
uskladištenih, Pula, Croatia, 23. do 25. Ozujak 2011, 2011, pp 181-193, 11 ref.
This paper describes disinfectants and parasitic diseases in Ordination on measures to protect animals
from infectious and parasitic diseases and their financing in 2011. year (N.N. 1 2011). In the intensive
livestock production, disinfection is conducted as a biosecurity measure, to ensure animal health, provides
conditions for high productivity of animals and getting proper food hygiene, human health and
environmental protection. The success of disinfection depends on many factors, of which the most
important are: environmental conditions, acceptability of antimicrobial agents, the type of object that is
processed, the type of surfaces, method of disinfectants application and staff trained to work. For better
effectiveness of disinfectant it is necessary to prepare the surface, respectively perform mechanical
cleaning and sanitary washing and drying. After the preparation of the surface, the biocide agents are
Publication type: Conference paper
Record Number: 20113201349
Author Affiliation: Veterinary faculty University in Zagreb, Heinzelova 55, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia.
Author Email: vucemilo@vef.hr
ISBN: 978-953-7247-15-7
Language of publication: Croatian
Subject Category (CABICODE): Veterinary Economics, (New March 2000) (EE117); Pesticides and
Drugs; Control, (New March 2000) (HH405); Prion, Viral, Bacterial and Fungal Pathogens of Animals,
(New March 2000) (LL821); Protozoan, Helminth, Mollusc and Arthropod Parasites of Animals, (New
March 2000) (LL822);
Descriptors: animal health; antiinfective agents; biocides; cleaning; disinfectants; disinfection; drying;
finance; infection control; infectious diseases; livestock; parasites; parasitoses; washing;
Identifiers: antimicrobials; communicable diseases; parasitic diseases; parasitic infestations;
Acute poisoning of animals with azinphos-methyl and their doctrinal treatment. Kobal,
S.; Tomašič, A.; Korunic´ d.o.o. Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia, Zbornik Radova 23. Znanstveno Stručno
Edukativni Seminar DDD i ZUPP 2011: Djelatnost dezinfekcije, dezinsekcije, deratizacije i zaštite
uskladištenih, Pula, Croatia, 23. do 25. Ozujak 2011, 2011, pp 195-202, 9 ref.
Azinphos-methyl is a contact insecticide from organophosphates group of pesticides. It is effective against
Carpocapsa spp., Aphididae, Hoplocampa spp., Cydia molesta, Phyllobus spp., Agromizidae and
Acarinae. Lethal per oral dosis (LD 50) of azinphos-methyl for rats (males) is 16.4 mg/kg of body weight
and per cutaneous LD 50 is >250 mg/kg of body weight. Typical symptoms of animals poisoning appear
when AChE activity is reduced by 70% of its physiological activity. Because of the inhibition of AChE in the
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Abstracts - CAB Direct
body, the amount of endogenous acetylcholine (ACh) is increase and this has resulted in highly expressed
muscarinic, nicotinic and central effects of ACh. For the treatment of poisoned animals with azinphosmethyl the antidote atropine is used, which acts as a competitive antagonist with ACh for the same
cholinergic receptors. Another antidot, pralidoksim or PAM is used, as well. Organophosphate pesticides
are still widely used in veterinary, plant protection and Pest Control/Public Health fields. Organophosphate
pesticides used in veterinary medicine as endo and ectoantiparasitics represent a significant problem in
veterinary toxicology. A particular problem in veterinary toxicology is the use of the preparations containing
organophosphate on the market in the form of a spray or aerosol. The use of this form of the formulations
is pharmaceutically very problematical from the standpoint of environmental protection capabilities and
possibilities of action on target animals. The paper presents some findings in the field of animal poisoning
with azinphos-methyl, its toxicology, the treatment of acute poisoning of animals and detection of
azinphos-methyl in the bodies of poisoned animals. For detection of azinphos-methyl in the extracts of
organs of killed animals, we used the method of thin-layer chromatography (TLC).
Publication type: Conference paper
Record Number: 20113201350
Author Affiliation: Institute of Physiology, Pharmacology and Toksicology, Veterinary Faculty,
University of Ljubljana, Gerbičeva 60, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia.
Author Email: Silvestra.Kobal@vf.uni-lj.si
ISBN: 978-953-7247-15-7
Language of publication: Croatian
Subject Category (CABICODE): Plant Pests, (New March 2000) (FF620); Pesticides and Drugs;
Control, (New March 2000) (HH405); Pesticide and Drug Residues and Ecotoxicology, (New March 2000)
(HH430); Toxicology and Poisoning of Animals, (New March 2000) (LL950); Toxicology and Poisoning
(Wild Animals), (New March 2000) (YY900);
Organism Descriptors: Acari; Agromyzidae; Aphididae; Cydia; Grapholita molesta; Hoplocampa;
insects; Phyllobius; rats;
Descriptors: acetylcholine; acetylcholinesterase; animal models; antidotes; atropine; azinphos-methyl;
enzymes; insect pests; insecticide residues; insecticides; plant pests; poisoning; pralidoxime; toxicity;
Identifiers: pest insects; toxicosis;
Broad Terms: Arachnida; arthropods; invertebrates; animals; eukaryotes; Diptera; insects; Hexapoda;
Aphidoidea; Sternorrhyncha; Homoptera; Hemiptera; Tortricidae; Lepidoptera; Grapholita; Tenthredinidae;
Hymenoptera; Curculionidae; Coleoptera; Muridae; rodents; mammals; vertebrates; Chordata;
A study on ticks in the territory of the City of Zagreb in 2008. Barišin, A.; Blazic´, T. N.;
Jeličic´, P.; Margan, I. G.; Capak, K.; Petrovic´, G.; Korunic´ d.o.o. Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia, Zbornik
Radova 23. Znanstveno Stručno Edukativni Seminar DDD i ZUPP 2011: Djelatnost dezinfekcije,
dezinsekcije, deratizacije i zaštite uskladištenih, Pula, Croatia, 23. do 25. Ozujak 2011, 2011, pp 203-211,
12 ref.
By virtue of cooperation between the Croatian National Institute of Public Health (CNIPH) and Croatian
Veterinary Institute (CVI), the population of ticks in the City of Zagreb was studied in 2008 at five locations
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Abstracts - CAB Direct
(Jarun, Šestine, Maksimir, Park mladenaca, Savski nasip) between April and October to establish the
number and activity of ticks, as well as identify the species and presence of tick pathogens causing
infectious diseases. Ticks were collected by drag flag sampling method. Microbiological testing was carried
out by the laboratories of the Molecular Diagnostic Unit in CNIPH and Parasitology Department in CVI,
while identification was made in the CVI Entomology Laboratory. It was discovered that from a total of 715
samples, 57% belonged to the Ixodes ricinus species, and 43% to Dermacentor reticulatus. In 55% of the
cases, Borrelia burgdorferi DNA was proven. Ninety per cent of the Ixodes ricinus population tested
positive for Borrelia. Increased tick activity was noticed in April and May, when most of the samples were
collected. Territorial distribution of samples was as follows: 43% originated from Jarun, 33% from Maksimir
and 24% Šestine. Obtained results, fortified by current findings, are indicative of the new directions public
health is taking, as they indicate the importance future prospective studies on a larger scale will have in the
protection of human and animal health from tick-borne diseases.
Publication type: Conference paper
Record Number: 20113201351
Author Affiliation: Croatian Public Health Institute, Rockefellerova 7, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia.
Author Email: andrea.barisin@hzjz.hr
ISBN: 978-953-7247-15-7
Language of publication: Croatian
Geographical Location: Croatia;
Subject Category (CABICODE): Prion, Viral, Bacterial and Fungal Pathogens of Animals, (New
March 2000) (LL821); Veterinary Pests, Vectors and Intermediate Hosts, (New March 2000) (LL823);
Biological Resources (Animal) (PP710); Prion, Viral, Bacterial and Fungal Pathogens of Humans, (New
March 2000) (VV210); Public Health Pests, Vectors and Intermediate Hosts, (New March 2000) (VV230);
Organism Descriptors: Borrelia burgdorferi; Dermacentor reticulatus; Ixodes ricinus;
Descriptors: disease vectors; geographical distribution; pathogens; seasonality;
Identifiers: bacterium;
Broad Terms: Borrelia; Spirochaetaceae; Spirochaetales; Spirochaetes; Bacteria; prokaryotes;
Dermacentor; Ixodidae; Metastigmata; Acari; Arachnida; arthropods; invertebrates; animals; eukaryotes;
Ixodes; Balkans; Southern Europe; Europe; Developed Countries; Mediterranean Region;
Lesser mealworm, Alphitobius diaperinus (Panzer) (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae) economically significant pest in poultry production. Mustač, S.; Rozman, V.; Liška, A.;
Korunic´ d.o.o. Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia, Zbornik Radova 23. Znanstveno Stručno Edukativni Seminar
DDD i ZUPP 2011: Djelatnost dezinfekcije, dezinsekcije, deratizacije i zaštite uskladištenih, Pula, Croatia,
23. do 25. Ozujak 2011, 2011, pp 237-247, 44 ref.
This review paper briefly describes the economically important pest Alphitobius diaperinus (Panzer) lesser mealworm. The lesser mealworm is most common pest in poultry production worldwide and is
widely distributed in an increasing number in the poultry facilities in Croatia. The development cycle,
distribution in poultry houses, damage (health and economic) and control methods are discussed in this
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Abstracts - CAB Direct
review study.
Publication type: Conference paper
Record Number: 20113201354
Author Affiliation: Bioinstitut d.o.o., Rudolfa Steinera 7, 40000 Čakovec, Croatia.
Author Email: slmustac@gmail.com
ISBN: 978-953-7247-15-7
Language of publication: Croatian
Geographical Location: Croatia;
Subject Category (CABICODE): Veterinary Economics, (New March 2000) (EE117); Pathogen, Pest,
Parasite and Weed Management (General) (HH000); Veterinary Pests, Vectors and Intermediate Hosts,
(New March 2000) (LL823); Reproduction, Development and Life Cycle (Wild Animals), (New March 2000)
Organism Descriptors: Alphitobius diaperinus;
Descriptors: animal health; biological development; economics; life cycle; pest control; pests; poultry;
poultry housing; reviews;
Identifiers: domesticated birds;
Broad Terms: Alphitobius; Tenebrionidae; Coleoptera; insects; Hexapoda; arthropods; invertebrates;
animals; eukaryotes; Balkans; Southern Europe; Europe; Developed Countries; Mediterranean Region;
Reducing customer complaints. Mueller, D. K.; Korunic´ d.o.o. Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia, Zbornik
Radova 23. Znanstveno Stručno Edukativni Seminar DDD i ZUPP 2011: Djelatnost dezinfekcije,
dezinsekcije, deratizacije i zaštite uskladištenih, Pula, Croatia, 23. do 25. Ozujak 2011, 2011, pp 249-253,
1 ref.
Insects live in a world of odors. These odors direct a new born Indianmeal meal moth larva to follow these
odors and find a way to penetrate a food product. Size, reproduction capacity, and that awesome ability to
survive is what insects possess is what makes them such a strong challenger. In order to stop insects from
becoming a problem, we need to take the time to understand what makes them do what they do so well...
survive. Insects compete with man every day for its food, shelter, and place. Eliminating pests and pest
damage is not an easy and always successful job. Customer complaints cost more than the money you
refund for a defective or infested product. We need to understand that the pest management is not a
product; it is a way of thinking through a problem. Americans have more pets than ever before. Many
insects adapted to live in the pet owners homes and eat pets' food. Many pets owners store their and pets
food in unsanitary conditions but in very good conditions for insects' life. Reducing the good conditions for
insects development in the pet owners homes has important implications for pest control and reducing
customer complaints.
Publication type: Conference paper
Record Number: 20113201355
Author Affiliation: INSECTS LIMITED, INC., 16950 Westfield Park Road, Westfield, IN 46074, USA.
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Abstracts - CAB Direct
Author Email: D.Mueller@insectslimited.com
ISBN: 978-953-7247-15-7
Language of publication: English
Subject Category (CABICODE): Pathogen, Pest, Parasite and Weed Management (General)
(HH000); Storage Problems and Pests of Food (QQ111); Feed Contamination, Residues and Toxicology
(RR200); Social Psychology and Social Anthropology, (New March 2000) (UU485);
Organism Descriptors: insects; Plodia interpunctella;
Descriptors: customer relations; food products; foods; insect control; pest control; pest management;
pet foods; stored products pests;
Identifiers: Indian meal moth; pet feeds; storage pests; stored-product pests;
Broad Terms: Hexapoda; arthropods; invertebrates; animals; eukaryotes; Plodia; Pyralidae;
Lepidoptera; insects;
Measure of forest protection in the area of Vinkovci and Strošinci forest offices
(Forest administration - Subsidiary Vinkovci) in 2007 and 2008. Margaletic´, J.; Vucelja, M.;
Bjedov, L.; Štengl, J.; Korunic´ d.o.o. Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia, Zbornik Radova 23. Znanstveno Stručno
Edukativni Seminar DDD i ZUPP 2011: Djelatnost dezinfekcije, dezinsekcije, deratizacije i zaštite
uskladištenih, Pula, Croatia, 23. do 25. Ozujak 2011, 2011, pp 307-314, 4 ref.
Protection of forests from diseases and pests id carried out in accordance with the current legal
frameworks and in accordance with the requirements stated by experts from "Croatian Forests Ltd.",
Diagnostic and Prognostic Service of the Forest Research Institute in Jastrebarsko and employees of the
Faculty of Forestry in Zagreb who jointly conducted the monitoring of pests and plant diseases. The aim of
this work is to gain an overview of the actual issues of forest management and application of appropriate
protection measures based on monitoring of pests and plant diseases as well as undertaken protection
measures in the period 2007-2008 in the area of Vinkovci and Strošinci forest offices. Calamities caused
by gypsy moth (Lymantria dispar L.) were detected on the area of 974 ha, by small forest rodents were
detected on the area of 485.78 ha, by Mottled Umber Moth (Erannis defoliaria Cl. and Operophtera
brumata L.) on 346 ha, as well as by oak mildew (Microsphaera alphitoides Griff.) on 305.77 ha during the
observed period. Chemical agents used to control the above mentioned pests were insecticides Foray 48B
and Match 050 EC, rodenticide Faciron forte and fungicide Rubigan EC. Knowing and considering complex
interrelations among plants, animals and habitat elements, as well as application of appropriate technology
and protection methods, represent the basis of effectiveness in preservation of forest eco-systems.
Measures implemented in the area of Vinkovci and Strošinci forest offices resulted in reduction of the
presence of observed biotic factors, which leads to preserve health status and quality of stands as key
elements of sustainable forest management in Croatia.
Publication type: Conference paper
Record Number: 20113201366
Author Affiliation: Faculty of Forestry, Zagreb University, Department of Forest Conservation and
Hunting Management, P.B. 422, 10002 Zagreb, Croatia.
Author Email: josip.margaletic@sumfak.hr
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Abstracts - CAB Direct
ISBN: 978-953-7247-15-7
Language of publication: Croatian
Geographical Location: Croatia;
Subject Category (CABICODE): Viral, Bacterial and Fungal Diseases of Plants, (New March 2000)
(FF610); Plant Pests, (New March 2000) (FF620); Biological Control (HH100); Pesticides and Drugs;
Control, (New March 2000) (HH405); Forests and Forest Trees (Biology and Ecology) (KK100); Silviculture
and Forest Management (KK110); Pathogens, Parasites and Infectious Diseases (Wild Animals), (New
March 2000) (YY700);
Organism Descriptors: Bacillus thuringiensis serovar. kurstaki; Erannis defoliaria; Erysiphe
alphitoides; fungi; insects; Lymantria dispar; Operophtera brumata; rodents;
Descriptors: bacterial insecticides; biological control agents; chemical control; difenzoquat;
entomopathogenic bacteria; entomopathogens; fenarimol; forest management; forest pests; forests; fungal
diseases; fungicides; insect control; insect pests; insecticides; monitoring; natural enemies; pathogens;
pest control; plant disease control; plant diseases; plant pathogenic fungi; plant pathogens; plant pests;
Identifiers: bacterium; biocontrol agents; biological control organisms; fungistats; fungus; gipsy moth;
pest insects; phytopathogenic fungi; phytopathogens; plant-pathogenic fungi; surveillance systems;
Broad Terms: Bacillus thuringiensis; Bacillus (Bacteria); Bacillaceae; Bacillales; Bacilli; Firmicutes;
Bacteria; prokaryotes; Erannis; Geometridae; Lepidoptera; insects; Hexapoda; arthropods; invertebrates;
animals; eukaryotes; Erysiphe; Erysiphaceae; Erysiphales; Leotiomycetes; Pezizomycotina; Ascomycota;
fungi; Lymantria; Lymantriidae; Operophtera; mammals; vertebrates; Chordata; Balkans; Southern Europe;
Europe; Developed Countries; Mediterranean Region;
Review of the Regulation on conditions and manner of disinfection, disinfestation and
deratisation in veterinary service. Mandek, S.; Korunic´ d.o.o. Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia, Zbornik
Radova 23. Znanstveno Stručno Edukativni Seminar DDD i ZUPP 2011: Djelatnost dezinfekcije,
dezinsekcije, deratizacije i zaštite uskladištenih, Pula, Croatia, 23. do 25. Ozujak 2011, 2011, pp 329-339,
3 ref.
The Regulation was made for the purposes of harmonization with new regulations and legislative
requirements of the veterinary profession. The Regulations prescribe the conditions of the veterinary
organizations and other legal and civil persons for carrying out disinfection, disinfestation and deratisation
(hereinafter referred to as DDD) in veterinary services, methods and equipment to perform DDD, as well
as a way of keeping records and making reports on their implementation. The emphasis is on conditions,
method of implementation, precautions, notification and disposal of animal by-products and waste. It also
regulates the training of employees, keeping records on the usage of agents for DDD, as well as records
that service users are required to keep. It prescribes procedures regarding fumigation and handling
chemicals labelled T+.
Publication type: Conference paper
Record Number: 20113201369
Author Affiliation: Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Rural Development Republic of Croatia,
Veterinary Directorate, Miramarska 24, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia.
Author Email: sinisa.mandek@mps.hr
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Abstracts - CAB Direct
ISBN: 978-953-7247-15-7
Language of publication: Croatian
Subject Category (CABICODE): Education and Training (CC100); Information and Documentation
(CC300); Laws and Regulations (DD500); Pesticides and Drugs; Control, (New March 2000) (HH405);
Animal Health and Hygiene (General) (LL800); Animal Wastes (XX100);
Descriptors: animal wastes; byproducts; chemicals; data collection; disinfection; disinfestation;
equipment; fumigation; handling; legislation; methodology; personnel; record keeping; regulations; training;
veterinary services; waste disposal;
Identifiers: data logging; employees; livestock wastes; methods; rules; staff;
Epidemiological threats during the last decade. Baklaic´, Z.; Jeličic´, P.; Capak, K.; Ljubičic´,
M.; Aleraj, B.; Korunic´ d.o.o. Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia, Zbornik Radova 22. Znanstveno Stručno
Edukativni Seminar DDD i ZUPP 2010: Djelatnost dezinfekcije, dezinsekcije, deratizacije i zaštite
uskladištenih, Pula, Croatia, 24-26 March, 2010, 2010, pp 15-18, 18 ref.
The last decade was determined by global climate changes which, from the public health point of view,
among others, had for a consequence the change of behavior and distribution of many animal species and
among them this change affected some vectors of infectious diseases as well. Except the global climate
changes and anthrax-terror threats, the last decade was also determined by the appearance of new
strains of the flu virus, strains H5N1 and H1N1 where the pandemic flu strain H1N1, also known as "swine
flu", had an outstanding role and which has meanwhile justified its pandemic name by spreading all over
the world. In this paper we are going to elaborate all available data about already mentioned
epidemiological threats in the last decade and the influences that affect them, and show organization of
the system and current status in Republic Croatia from the epidemiological point of view.
Publication type: Conference paper
Record Number: 20113192751
Author Affiliation: Croatian Public Health Institute, Zagreb, Croatia.
ISBN: 978-953-7247-12-6
Language of publication: Croatian
Geographical Location: Croatia;
Subject Category (CABICODE): Prion, Viral, Bacterial and Fungal Pathogens of Humans, (New
March 2000) (VV210); Public Health Pests, Vectors and Intermediate Hosts, (New March 2000) (VV230);
Organism Descriptors: Influenza A virus; man;
Descriptors: disease vectors; epidemiology; human diseases; influenza A;
Identifiers: H1N1 subtype Influenza A virus; H5N1 subtype Influenza A virus;
Broad Terms: Influenzavirus A; Orthomyxoviridae; negative-sense ssRNA viruses; ssRNA viruses; RNA
viruses; viruses; Homo; Hominidae; Primates; mammals; vertebrates; Chordata; animals; eukaryotes;
Balkans; Southern Europe; Europe; Developed Countries; Mediterranean Region;
Legionellosis - epidemiology, public health impact, measures of prevention and
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Abstracts - CAB Direct
suppression in Primorsko-Goranska County. Pahor,Đ.; Stojanovic´, S.; Margan, I. G.; Baretic´,
A.; Tic´ac, B.; Korunic´ d.o.o. Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia, Zbornik Radova 22. Znanstveno Stručno
Edukativni Seminar DDD i ZUPP 2010: Djelatnost dezinfekcije, dezinsekcije, deratizacije i zaštite
uskladištenih, Pula, Croatia, 24-26 March, 2010, 2010, pp 153-165, 20 ref.
Because of the severity of the clinical picture and the possible death outcomes of patients, and due to the
negative reputation of the newly affected facilities, legionary disease has important public health impact.
Due to the necessity for the implementation of permanent anti-epidemic measures, which often require
modifications of the constructions, there are also significant economic consequences. In Croatia, as well
as in the Primorsko-Goranska County, places with the highest incidence are hotels and tourist facilities
with seasonal type of work. Disease most frequently spreads from hot water systems and the transmission
factor of highest risk is inadequate water and hydrant system junction. In recent years, some cases of
disease appear related to the nautical tourism. Media exposed was the case of the epidemic in the newly
built sports arena during the World Handball Championship. Epidemiological Department of the Croatian
Institute for Public Health annually publishes guidelines for the minimum preventive measures in hotels,
camps, marinas and similar tourist facilities, public buildings and public facilities, ships and yachts.
Epidemiological Department of the Institute for Public Health of Primorsko-Goranska County, in the period
of the last ten years is regularly following the sanitary inspection decisions, and is caring out the
professional supervisions within the facility during the implementation of some measures of prevention
(pasteurization). Anti-epidemic measures are implemented to prevent the spread of infection (so-called
emergency anti-epidemic measures) and for the suppression of recurrences (the so-called permanent
anti-epidemic measures). Authorized contractors for the implementation of measures of super chlorination
are specialized companies with respect to the equipment and staff education, due to challenging nature of
the interventions.
Publication type: Conference paper
Record Number: 20113192752
Author Affiliation: Teaching Institute of Publich Health of Primorsko-goranska County, Rijeka, Croatia.
ISBN: 978-953-7247-12-6
Language of publication: Croatian
Geographical Location: Croatia;
Subject Category (CABICODE): Prion, Viral, Bacterial and Fungal Pathogens of Humans, (New
March 2000) (VV210);
Organism Descriptors: Legionella; man;
Descriptors: disease prevention; disease transmission; epidemiology; human diseases; Legionnaires'
disease; public health;
Identifiers: bacterium;
Broad Terms: Legionellaceae; Legionellales; Gammaproteobacteria; Proteobacteria; Bacteria;
prokaryotes; Homo; Hominidae; Primates; mammals; vertebrates; Chordata; animals; eukaryotes; Balkans;
Southern Europe; Europe; Developed Countries; Mediterranean Region;
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Abstracts - CAB Direct
Desinfection model of water supply indoor plumbing with mobile dissolvable
chlorinate device. Venus, M.; Petrovčic´, D.; Špehar, M.; Vidic´, Š.; Marčeta, M.; Nađ, D.; Korunic´
d.o.o. Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia, Zbornik Radova 22. Znanstveno Stručno Edukativni Seminar DDD i ZUPP
2010: Djelatnost dezinfekcije, dezinsekcije, deratizacije i zaštite uskladištenih, Pula, Croatia, 24-26 March,
2010, 2010, pp 167-178, 7 ref.
The aim of this article was to establish the efficiency of desinfection model of water supply indoor plumbing
with mobile dissolvable chlorinate device before technical admittance. Sanitary inspection demands proof
about validity of water supply indoor plumbing during the technical monitoring. In this case it was water
supply indoor plumbing made of the plastic mass. Model of desinfection must be implemented before
taking samples for the analysis to be correct. Model of desinfection with mobile dissolvable chlorinate
device was implemented with sustained injection of Izosan G solution until hyperchlorination. After 24
hours, procedure of washing out water supply indoor plumbing reduces concentration of chlorine in the
water on the level below 0.5 mg/l. After that, at several places, 13 samples of drinking water were taken for
analysis "A" (physico-chemical and bacteriological characteristics) and 6 samples for analysis of the
mineral oils in accordance to the instructions of Ministry of Health and Welfare. Samples were analyzed
towards a Rule book about health validity drinking water. Results shown that concentration of residual
chlorine in taken samples of drinking water were 0.27 mg/l after washing out. Lab reports of all taken
samples were normal towards the quoted Rule book. We can conclude that desinfection model of water
supply indoor plumbing with mobile dissolvable chlorinate device can achieve demanding results quoted
by the Rule book.
Publication type: Conference paper
Record Number: 20113192753
Author Affiliation: Institute for Public Health "Sveti Rok" County of Virovitičko-podravska, Virovitica,
ISBN: 978-953-7247-12-6
Language of publication: Croatian
Subject Category (CABICODE): Pesticides and Drugs; Control, (New March 2000) (HH405);
Pesticide and Drug Residues and Ecotoxicology, (New March 2000) (HH430); Water Resources (PP200);
Mathematics and Statistics (ZZ100);
Descriptors: chlorination; chlorine; disinfectant residuals; disinfection; drinking water; models; water
quality; water supply; water treatment;
Identifiers: water composition and quality; water supplies;
Aedes japonicus new threat to Europe and Croatia. Merdic´, E.; Vignjevic´, G.; Vruc´ina, I.;
Korunic´ d.o.o. Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia, Zbornik Radova 22. Znanstveno Stručno Edukativni Seminar
DDD i ZUPP 2010: Djelatnost dezinfekcije, dezinsekcije, deratizacije i zaštite uskladištenih, Pula, Croatia,
24-26 March, 2010, 2010, pp 179-185, 6 ref.
Aedes japonicus is another invasive mosquito species which disseminate throughout world. This species is
an Asian species of mosquito generally found in East Asia. In 1998, the species Aedes japonicus was first
detected in the United States in New York and New Jersey. Since that time, Aedes japonicus has been
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Abstracts - CAB Direct
found in 22 other states of the United States. After that species was noted in France, Belgium, and lately in
Switzerland. The success of an invasive species becoming established in a new region often depends on
its interactions with ecologically similar resident species. Characteristics such as eggs resistant against
desiccation and not sensitive behavior to larval densities enable invasive character. Host feeding behavior
and extent interactions with human host are important to evaluating the role and vector potential of
invasive species. In new areas species shows new antropofilic behavior. Aedes japonicus is competent
laboratory vector of several arboviruses including JE and WNV for which it is good bridge vector candidate.
In Switzerland main breeding site was vases in cemeteries, so in similar breeding sites it can be expected
along Europe.
Publication type: Conference paper
Record Number: 20113192754
Author Affiliation: Department of Biology, University of Osijek, Osijek, Croatia.
ISBN: 978-953-7247-12-6
Language of publication: Croatian
Geographical Location: Belgium; Croatia; Europe; France; Switzerland;
Subject Category (CABICODE): Biological Resources (Animal) (PP710); Public Health Pests,
Vectors and Intermediate Hosts, (New March 2000) (VV230); Behaviour (Wild Animals), (New March
2000) (YY500); Animal Ecology (ZZ332);
Organism Descriptors: Aedes japonicus; Japanese encephalitis virus; West Nile virus;
Descriptors: animal ecology; behaviour; breeding places; disease vectors; feeding behaviour;
geographical distribution; new geographic records;
Identifiers: behavior; breeding habitats; breeding sites; feeding behavior; Ochlerotatus japonicus;
Broad Terms: Aedes; Culicidae; Diptera; insects; Hexapoda; arthropods; invertebrates; animals;
eukaryotes; Flavivirus; Flaviviridae; positive-sense ssRNA viruses; ssRNA viruses; RNA viruses; viruses;
Benelux; Developed Countries; European Union Countries; OECD Countries; Western Europe; Europe;
Balkans; Southern Europe; Mediterranean Region; EFTA;
Issues on use of aerial spraying in mosquito control in the first decade of the new
century. Benic´, N.; Klobučar, A.; Korunic´ d.o.o. Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia, Zbornik Radova 22.
Znanstveno Stručno Edukativni Seminar DDD i ZUPP 2010: Djelatnost dezinfekcije, dezinsekcije,
deratizacije i zaštite uskladištenih, Pula, Croatia, 24-26 March, 2010, 2010, pp 187-194, 16 ref.
In the first ten years of the new century aerial spraying for mosquito control, both from the ground and from
the air, was frequently used as the response of health authorities to the role of mosquitoes as vectors of
the West Nile Virus encephalitis during the outbreak in New York in 1999. In spite of the initial reports on
successful reduction of the mosquito populations and reports of stopping the outbreaks in treated area, the
mosquito populations continued to grow each year, and the disease did not disappear. On the contrary,
over a ten years' period the virus remained permanently present in wild birds, and the wide area from
South Canada to the northern part of the South America became affected with the West Nile Virus,
causing occasional outbreaks. Mosquito population surveys in the areas exposed to aerial mosquito
spraying over the last ten years showed that the repeated adulticide treatments were ineffective both on
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the mosquito population reduction and on the control of the virus dissemination. Observations on the
environmental effects of the aerial spraying practice documented environmental damages including
harmful effects on aquatic life and wild animals, as well as the increased health risks for vulnerable groups
of the exposed human population. A critical review of the available scientific papers on benefits achieved
and damages caused by aerial spraying leads to the conclusion that the aerial treatments are the worst
possible choice in the mosquito control, even in the area where mosquitoes act as vectors of disease. In
the light of the results of the recent scientific research the legal framework in the Republic of Croatia that
prohibits aircraft spraying over inhabited areas, national parks and other protected area is justified and
evidence based. In some parts of the Republic of Croatia mosquitoes are considered annoying molestants
and potential vectors. In such area, the mosquito populations should be permanently monitored, and the
control measures should be based on elimination of mosquito breeding sites and larval control. The
adulticide treatments should be kept at minimum and well targeted.
Publication type: Conference paper
Record Number: 20113192755
Author Affiliation: Institute of Public Health "Dr. Andrija Štampar", Zagreb, Croatia.
ISBN: 978-953-7247-12-6
Language of publication: Croatian
Geographical Location: Canada; Croatia; New York; South America; USA;
Subject Category (CABICODE): Pesticides and Drugs; Control, (New March 2000) (HH405);
Pesticide and Drug Residues and Ecotoxicology, (New March 2000) (HH430); Other Control Measures
(HH700); Prion, Viral, Bacterial and Fungal Pathogens of Humans, (New March 2000) (VV210); Public
Health Pests, Vectors and Intermediate Hosts, (New March 2000) (VV230);
Organism Descriptors: man; West Nile virus;
Descriptors: aerial spraying; control methods; disease vectors; human diseases; insect control;
outbreaks; toxicity; West Nile fever;
Identifiers: United States of America;
Broad Terms: Homo; Hominidae; Primates; mammals; vertebrates; Chordata; animals; eukaryotes;
Flavivirus; Flaviviridae; positive-sense ssRNA viruses; ssRNA viruses; RNA viruses; viruses; APEC
countries; Commonwealth of Nations; Developed Countries; North America; America; OECD Countries;
Balkans; Southern Europe; Europe; Mediterranean Region; Middle Atlantic States of USA; Northeastern
States of USA; USA;
Understanding mosquito fauna and ecology as a starting point for the mosquito
control program in the City of Zagreb. Klobučar, A.; Benic´, N.; Krajcar, D.; Korunic´ d.o.o.
Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia, Zbornik Radova 22. Znanstveno Stručno Edukativni Seminar DDD i ZUPP 2010:
Djelatnost dezinfekcije, dezinsekcije, deratizacije i zaštite uskladištenih, Pula, Croatia, 24-26 March, 2010,
2010, pp 195-201, 7 ref.
Vector control department of the Public Health Institute "Dr. Andrija Štampar" is responsible for the
preparation of the mosquito control program in Zagreb as well as for supervision of carrying out the
program. Program updates are performed also upon the request of the city office responsible for the health
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issues. The mosquito control program is carried out continuously throughout the year with goals to protect
citizens from mosquitoes as potential disease vectors and a molestation. The core of the program is the
detection and elimination of the potential and permanent mosquito breeding sites as well as repression of
larvae at sites which appear difficult to be permanently eliminated. Control of adult mosquitoes is
performed partially at limited urban areas where their population is large. So far 28 mosquito species have
been detected in the city area. Understanding mosquito fauna and ecology appears to be the deciding
factor to a successful performance of the mosquito control program. Methods for the program application
are defined based on the classification of the mosquito species inhabiting the city area. Research has
shown that the dominant mosquito species present at closed breeding sites in the Zagreb area is Culex
pipiens biotype molestus. The control of this species is therefore carried out throughout the year. Mosquito
sites at open area are controlled between March and October depending on the mosquito species and the
site structure. In forested areas and areas exposed to flooding the active period is in early spring and the
dominant species are Ochlerotatus sticticus, Oc. cantans, Oc. geniculatus and Aedes vexans. The
mosquito species most frequently found on open area in artificial breeding sites within the city is Culex
pipiens complex.
Publication type: Conference paper
Record Number: 20113192756
Author Affiliation: Institute of Public Health "Dr. Andrija Štampar", Zagreb, Croatia.
ISBN: 978-953-7247-12-6
Language of publication: Croatian
Geographical Location: Croatia;
Subject Category (CABICODE): Pesticides and Drugs; Control, (New March 2000) (HH405);
Biological Resources (Animal) (PP710); Public Health Pests, Vectors and Intermediate Hosts, (New March
2000) (VV230);
Organism Descriptors: Aedes cantans; Aedes geniculatus; Aedes sticticus; Aedes vexans; Culex
pipiens form molestus;
Descriptors: animal ecology; breeding places; disease vectors; fauna; insect control; species
composition; vector control;
Identifiers: breeding habitats; breeding sites; Ochlerotatus cantans; Ochlerotatus geniculatus;
Ochlerotatus sticticus;
Broad Terms: Aedes; Culicidae; Diptera; insects; Hexapoda; arthropods; invertebrates; animals;
eukaryotes; Culex pipiens; Culex; Balkans; Southern Europe; Europe; Developed Countries;
Mediterranean Region;
Mosquito eggs - oviposition, hatching and sampling. Vruc´ina, I.; Jeličic´, Z.; Merdic´, E.;
Korunic´ d.o.o. Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia, Zbornik Radova 22. Znanstveno Stručno Edukativni Seminar
DDD i ZUPP 2010: Djelatnost dezinfekcije, dezinsekcije, deratizacije i zaštite uskladištenih, Pula, Croatia,
24-26 March, 2010, 2010, pp 203-217, 12 ref.
The ability of female mosquitoes to find the appropriate place to lay eggs is still not fully understood, but
factors such as water quality, the frequency of light, existing eggs, food availability and local vegetation are
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decisive in the choice of location. Embryonic development begins almost immediately after the eggs are
laid and fully depends on the temperature. Female mosquitoes can lay eggs on the surface of water, in
moist soil and on the edge of water or in artificial containers. Determining the density of eggs laid in natural
habitats allows a better understanding of the behavior of various species of mosquitoes during hatching of
eggs, and prediction of the development of the larval population in order to control it. The mosquito genera
Aedes and Ochlerotatus have developed a highly sophisticated mechanism that regulates the hatching of
eggs as a direct adjustment to the large oscillations of abiotic factors in the waters where mosquitoes
dwell, so the hatching of larvae coincides with the ideal environment conditions as a prerequisite for the
successful development of individuals in temporary waters. Due to the different behaviour of individuals
when hatching eggs and physical characteristics of eggs, different techniques to collect eggs are used.
Female mosquitoes of the genus Anopheles lay their eggs individually on the surface of the water, so
sampling is easily done by sampling with a small plastic container (dipper). The dish is modified so that the
bottom dipper is dyed with a different colour or the bottom is removed and replaced with dense fine wire
mesh. Species of the genus Culex, Uranotaenia, Coquillettidia and Culiseta lay their eggs in groups as a
raft on the surface of the water and the sampling is done by tweezers, pipette or a small net [?]. Females
of the genera Aedes and Ochlerotatus lay their tiny eggs in the moist surface of areas subject to flooding,
so they are sampled by taking soil samples. The determination of the density of eggs can be done using
the flooding method or the saltwater method. Knowledge of oviposition processes, embryonic development
and the hatching of eggs allows monitoring of different species of mosquitoes in order to control their
numbers in different areas. Different sampling techniques allow the collection of different species of
mosquitoes for the purpose of determination and laboratory research.
Publication type: Conference paper
Record Number: 20113192757
Author Affiliation: Department of Biology, University of Josip Juraj Strossmayer, Osijek, Croatia.
ISBN: 978-953-7247-12-6
Language of publication: Croatian
Geographical Location: Croatia;
Subject Category (CABICODE): Public Health Pests, Vectors and Intermediate Hosts, (New March
2000) (VV230); Reproduction, Development and Life Cycle (Wild Animals), (New March 2000) (YY200);
Techniques and Methodology (ZZ900);
Organism Descriptors: Aedes; Anopheles; Coquillettidia; Culex; Culiseta; Uranotaenia;
Descriptors: egg hatchability; embryonic development; ova; oviposition; sampling;
Identifiers: embryo development; embryo growth; hatchability; sampling techniques;
Broad Terms: Culicidae; Diptera; insects; Hexapoda; arthropods; invertebrates; animals; eukaryotes;
Balkans; Southern Europe; Europe; Developed Countries; Mediterranean Region;
Control of tiger mosquito in Split area from its introduction to present day. Zitko, T.;
Korunic´ d.o.o. Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia, Zbornik Radova 22. Znanstveno Stručno Edukativni Seminar
DDD i ZUPP 2010: Djelatnost dezinfekcije, dezinsekcije, deratizacije i zaštite uskladištenih, Pula, Croatia,
24-26 March, 2010, 2010, pp 219-225, 8 ref.
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Since it was first found 5 years ago, tiger mosquito has spread at coast and islands of Split area where it
causes strong nuisance of people. It has also reached significant vector potential. Until now the tiger
mosquito reached considerable population density level despite of implementation of mosquito control
measures. Both larvae and adult mosquito treatment and educative campaign were conducted in recent
years but its population exceeded tolerable level in spite of that. We considered possible reasons that
might have caused absence of expected control effects. We supposed that insufficient coverage of
conducted larval and adult mosquito treatment as well as insufficient seasonal extent were the most
important reasons for the failure of expected results. It is important to continue educative campaign for
tiger mosquito control which started in 2008 since it has reached certain success. It is also important to
continue with tiger mosquito monitoring which enables to undertake control action when needed. The cold
fog applications that use hand-carried or knapsack cold foggers should be directed towards localities
which are not reachable by the vehicle. In the same time it should be insisted on more intensive vehiclemounted cold fogger spraying treatment. New research should be taken for further improvement of tiger
mosquito control measures in this area.
Publication type: Conference paper
Record Number: 20113192758
Author Affiliation: Teaching Public Health Institute of Split and Dalmatia County, Split, Croatia.
ISBN: 978-953-7247-12-6
Language of publication: Croatian
Geographical Location: Croatia;
Subject Category (CABICODE): Pesticides and Drugs; Control, (New March 2000) (HH405); Public
Health Pests, Vectors and Intermediate Hosts, (New March 2000) (VV230);
Organism Descriptors: Aedes albopictus;
Descriptors: control methods; insect control; vector control;
Identifiers: Asian tiger mosquito;
Broad Terms: Aedes; Culicidae; Diptera; insects; Hexapoda; arthropods; invertebrates; animals;
eukaryotes; Balkans; Southern Europe; Europe; Developed Countries; Mediterranean Region;
Increasing abundance and spatial dynamics of tiger mosquito (Aedes albopictus)
spread in Šibenik-Knin County in 2009. Petkovic´, A.; Huljev, Z.; Merdic´, E.; Pazanin, S.; Zoričic
´, S.; Zahirovic´, Z.; Korunic´ d.o.o. Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia, Zbornik Radova 22. Znanstveno Stručno
Edukativni Seminar DDD i ZUPP 2010: Djelatnost dezinfekcije, dezinsekcije, deratizacije i zaštite
uskladištenih, Pula, Croatia, 24-26 March, 2010, 2010, pp 227-238, 15 ref.
Tiger mosquito, Aedes albopictus, was first recorded in the town of Šibenik in September 2006 and since
then it has expanded over the Šibenik-Knin County. Research of mosquitoes with the special reference to
the tiger mosquito was conducted June-November 2009 in the area of Šibenik-Knin County. Three
methods have been used during the survey: sampling of mosquito larvae in different breeding sites,
oviposition traps for Aedes albopictus mosquito species and the method of man-aspirator-15 min
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(Šibenik). The total of 186 breeding sites were controlled and over 3000 larvae of mosquito larvae were
sampled, 600 larvae were prepared, and the presence of 7 mosquito species was determined. Among the
determined species the dominant species were Culex pipiens, and Aedes albopictus (the total share of
6%). These two species can be found together in breeding sites in which there is a greater influence of
Aedes albopictus on the species of Culex pipiens. The usage of oviposition traps provided data on
seasonal dynamics of the population. Abundance of eggs in these traps increased from June to
September when the maximum of 24,302 eggs was recorded. The increase in abundance results in
mosquitoes spreading to new areas. Spatial dynamics of the spread is shown on maps. The research has
shown a significant influence of Aedes albopictus on the species of Culex pipens.
Publication type: Conference paper
Record Number: 20113192759
Author Affiliation: Institute of Publich Health of Šibensko - kninska County, Šibenik, Croatia.
ISBN: 978-953-7247-12-6
Language of publication: Croatian
Geographical Location: Croatia;
Subject Category (CABICODE): Other Control Measures (HH700); Biological Resources (Animal)
(PP710); Public Health Pests, Vectors and Intermediate Hosts, (New March 2000) (VV230);
Organism Descriptors: Aedes albopictus; Culex pipiens;
Descriptors: breeding places; oviposition traps; seasonal variation; spatial variation; species
Identifiers: Asian tiger mosquito; breeding habitats; breeding sites; ovitraps; seasonal changes;
seasonal fluctuations;
Broad Terms: Aedes; Culicidae; Diptera; insects; Hexapoda; arthropods; invertebrates; animals;
eukaryotes; Culex; Balkans; Southern Europe; Europe; Developed Countries; Mediterranean Region;
Rodent and insect pest control according to the requirements of IFS/BRC standards.
Ignatowicz, S.; Korunic´ d.o.o. Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia, Zbornik Radova 22. Znanstveno Stručno
Edukativni Seminar DDD i ZUPP 2010: Djelatnost dezinfekcije, dezinsekcije, deratizacije i zaštite
uskladištenih, Pula, Croatia, 24-26 March, 2010, 2010, pp 239-247, 8 ref.
The International Food Standards (IFS) are very similar to those of the British Retail Consortium for Food
Safety (BRC) in regard to the pest monitoring and pest control. According to the both standards, the food
processing company may employ the services of a qualified external provider and/or may use their own
trained staff. The first possibility seems to be better because of many constraints involving the storage of
biocidal products in premises of the food processing company. Responsibilities and activities of the
external pest control company should be laid down in a written contract. The contract should include the
agreement upon the frequency of inspections. In most cases one inspection and one service visit is
planned in each month. Pest Control Company should prepare the Pest Control Program considering the
factory environment and potential pests for this factory. All biocidal products that will be used in the food
processing company should be listed, and their MSDS and labels should be collected. A sample of the
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Pest Control Program will be presented. The inspection of all buildings and premises of the factory should
be performed during each service visit by the Pest Control Operators (PCOs). Any action undertaken by
PCOs and each recommendation for the corrective action to be performed by the factory staff should be
documented. The copy of such document will be presented. Monitoring of rodents, insects and other pests
in the food processing company is critical. Biocidal products are allowed to be used only when the pest
activity is recorded and proved. For monitoring purposes, the pest control company prepares the site plan
with indicated area for application of rodenticides. All actual bait stations are numbered and located on up
to date map. The similar maps.
Publication type: Conference paper
Record Number: 20113192760
Author Affiliation: "TROJSZYK" Entomological Consultancy, Warszawa, Poland.
Author Email: ignatowiczst@yahoo.com
ISBN: 978-953-7247-12-6
Language of publication: English
Geographical Location: Poland;
Subject Category (CABICODE): Pesticides and Drugs; Control, (New March 2000) (HH405); Food
Contamination, Residues and Toxicology (QQ200);
Organism Descriptors: rodents;
Descriptors: biocides; food inspection; food safety; insect control; monitoring; pest control; rodent
Identifiers: surveillance systems;
Broad Terms: mammals; vertebrates; Chordata; animals; eukaryotes; Central Europe; Europe;
Developed Countries; European Union Countries; OECD Countries;
Effectiveness of enhanced diatomaceous earth on stored cocoa beans grains against
five stored grain insect species. Korunic´, Z.; Korunic´ d.o.o. Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia, Zbornik
Radova 22. Znanstveno Stručno Edukativni Seminar DDD i ZUPP 2010: Djelatnost dezinfekcije,
dezinsekcije, deratizacije i zaštite uskladištenih, Pula, Croatia, 24-26 March, 2010, 2010, pp 347-353, 7
A wide range of insect pests attacks stored cocoa beans grains and the significant damage in grain weight
loss and negative impact on the nutritional values of cocoa beans are caused with the activities of these
pests. The insecticides used occasionally nowadays to prevent damage of cocoa beans grains during
storage period are not effective enough. One of the possible effective insecticide to protect stored cocoa
beans grains is a natural and safe diatomaceous earth (DE). The primary objectives of this study was
conducting the laboratory experiments with enhanced DE Protect-It on Tribolium castaneum (Herbst), Red
flour beetle, Lasioderma serricone (F.), Cigarette beetle, Cryptolestes ferrugineus (Steph.), Rusty grain
beetle, Oryzaephilus. Mercator (Fauv.), Merchant beetle and Ahasverus advena (Waltl.), Foreign grain
beetle in order to find out the effective concentrations at two different relative humidity, 55% and 90 to 95%
and one temperature; 24 to 26°C and exposure period of 5 days. In two experiments applied
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concentrations of enhanced DE Protect-It were (ppm): 0, 500, 750 and 1000. At lower relative humidity
(55%), 500 ppm of DE generated very high mortality of tests insects; from 94% for Red flour beetle to
100% for other test insects. The mortality of Cigarette beetle, Rusty grain beetle and Foreign grain beetle
at 90 to 95% r.h. was 100% at 500 ppm but mortality of Red flour beetle was only 60.6%. Higher
concentration of 750 ppm and 1000 ppm generated 81.6% and 100% mortality of Red flour beetle,
respectively. Enhanced DE Protect-It can protect stored cocoa beans grains and prevent the damage
caused with the most dangerous and worldwide distributed insect pests with the application of 750 ppm
even when stored at high air relative humidity.
Publication type: Conference paper
Record Number: 20113192763
Author Affiliation: Diatom Research and Consulting Inc., Toronto, Canada.
Author Email: zkorunic@rogers.com
ISBN: 978-953-7247-12-6
Language of publication: English
Subject Category (CABICODE): Horticultural Crops, (New March 2000) (FF003); Plant Pests, (New
March 2000) (FF620); Pesticides and Drugs; Control, (New March 2000) (HH405); Crop Produce (QQ050);
Food Storage and Preservation (QQ110); Storage Problems and Pests of Food (QQ111); Food
Composition and Quality (QQ500);
Organism Descriptors: Ahasverus advena; Cryptolestes ferrugineus; insects; Lasioderma serricorne;
Oryzaephilus; Theobroma cacao; Tribolium castaneum;
Descriptors: cocoa; diatomite; insect control; insect pests; nutritive value; pest control; plant pests;
relative humidity; storage; stored products; stored products pests;
Identifiers: diatomaceous earth; nutritional value; pest insects; quality for nutrition; storage pests;
stored-product pests;
Broad Terms: Ahasverus; Silvanidae; Coleoptera; insects; Hexapoda; arthropods; invertebrates;
animals; eukaryotes; Cryptolestes; Cucujidae; Lasioderma; Anobiidae; Theobroma; Sterculiaceae;
Malvales; dicotyledons; angiosperms; Spermatophyta; plants; Tribolium; Tenebrionidae;
Forest protection on the area of Remetinec and Velika Gorica forest offices in 2007
and 2008. Margaletic´, J.; Vucelja, M.; Vuksan, I.; Korunic´ d.o.o. Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia, Zbornik
Radova 22. Znanstveno Stručno Edukativni Seminar DDD i ZUPP 2010: Djelatnost dezinfekcije,
dezinsekcije, deratizacije i zaštite uskladištenih, Pula, Croatia, 24-26 March, 2010, 2010, pp 355-367, 13
Protection of forests from diseases and pests is carried out in accordance to the requirements stated by
experts from "Croatian Forests" ltd, Diagnostic and Prognostic Service of the Forest Research Institute in
Jastrebarsko and employees of the Faculty of Forestry in Zagreb, who jointly conducted the monitoring of
plant diseases and pests on the study area. Forest protection in the Republic of Croatia is regulated by
several laws. The aim of this work is to gain an overview of the actual issues of forest management and
application of adequate protection measures based on monitoring of plant diseases and pest as well as
undertaken protection measures in the period 2007-2008 on the area of Remetinec and Velika Gorica
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forest offices. No severe calamities caused by biotic factors were detected on the area of these two forest
offices during the observed period. The major problem in forest protection was caused by powdery mildew
(Microsphaera alphitoides Griff. Et Maubl.) against which stands were treated on the area of 699,99
hectares, while weed control was performed on the area of 143,66 hectares. Weed control was conducted
by Cidokor and Ouragan herbicide preparations. Stump coating was performed on the area of 92,84
hectares. Combating of small rodents was carried out by Faciron forte preparation on the area of 44,77
hectares. Implemented measures resulted in reduction of powdery mildew, removing of weeds and
decreased number of small rodents' populations, which all leads towards the more enhanced quality of
stands and sustainable management.
Publication type: Conference paper
Record Number: 20113192764
Author Affiliation: Department of Forest Protection and Wildlife management, Faculty of Forestry,
University of Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia.
ISBN: 978-953-7247-12-6
Language of publication: Croatian
Geographical Location: Croatia;
Subject Category (CABICODE): Viral, Bacterial and Fungal Diseases of Plants, (New March 2000)
(FF610); Plant Pests, (New March 2000) (FF620); Pesticides and Drugs; Control, (New March 2000)
(HH405); Forests and Forest Trees (Biology and Ecology) (KK100); Silviculture and Forest Management
Organism Descriptors: Erysiphaceae; Erysiphe alphitoides; fungi; rodents;
Descriptors: coating; forest management; forest pests; forests; fungal diseases; herbicides; monitoring;
plant diseases; plant pathogenic fungi; plant pathogens; plant pests; protection of forests; stumps;
sustainability; vertebrate pests; weed control; weeds;
Identifiers: fungus; phytopathogenic fungi; phytopathogens; plant-pathogenic fungi; stumpwood;
surveillance systems; weedicides; weedkillers;
Broad Terms: Erysiphales; Leotiomycetes; Pezizomycotina; Ascomycota; fungi; eukaryotes; Erysiphe;
Erysiphaceae; mammals; vertebrates; Chordata; animals; Balkans; Southern Europe; Europe; Developed
Countries; Mediterranean Region;
Gases, accidents and intervention plans. Jezic´, I. Z.; Lovric´, Z.; Dodig, D. Č.; Gretic´, D.;
Korunic´ d.o.o. Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia, Zbornik Radova 22. Znanstveno Stručno Edukativni Seminar
DDD i ZUPP 2010: Djelatnost dezinfekcije, dezinsekcije, deratizacije i zaštite uskladištenih, Pula, Croatia,
24-26 March, 2010, 2010, pp 369-375, 8 ref.
Gases which are very dangerous for human health are regulated with ordinance which is under jurisdiction
of Ministry of health and social welfare. Some of those ordinances are old and are based on laws which
are not on anymore. That's why new legislation is put in force, which is expected to satisfy all criteria of
existing laws and be compatible with legislation of European Union. Firms which use gaseous chemicals
or chemicals which form gasses by chemical reactions have additional obligations when handling those
substances. Under those additional obligations, are also aerosols and chemicals in powder form which are
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used near water sanitary areas. All of this is being done to decrease dangerous situations which could
happen when handling specific chemicals, especially those which could be formed in unexpected
accidents. Actual legislation about accidents with chemicals, which is in act at this moment, causes a lot of
problems to those who do fumigation or use gaseous chemicals for other purposes. Government has
ended obligation of having Environment protection intervention plans when Regulation came in force. New
terms are being used, terms like Preliminary hazard analysis, Internal emergency plan and External
emergency plan. In ordinance on methodology for risk assessment and protection and rescue intervention
plans National protection and rescue directorate prescribes how Plans of protection and rescue,
Operational plans of protection and rescue and Operational plans of civil protection should look like.
Comparing data which was in Environment protection intervention plans of and data which should be in
Operational plans of protection and rescue, we come to conclusion that those two documents are quite
similar. Even maybe we could say that "old" Environment protection intervention plan, with few
modifications, could become "new" emergency plan.
Publication type: Conference paper
Record Number: 20113192765
Author Affiliation: Croatian Institute for Toxicology, Zagreb, Croatia.
ISBN: 978-953-7247-12-6
Language of publication: Croatian
Geographical Location: Croatia;
Subject Category (CABICODE): Laws and Regulations (DD500); Non-communicable Human
Diseases and Injuries (VV600); Human Toxicology and Poisoning, (New March 2000) (VV810);
Descriptors: accidents; aerosols; chemicals; EU regulations; gases; health hazards; risk assessment;
Identifiers: EC regulations;
Broad Terms: Balkans; Southern Europe; Europe; Developed Countries; Mediterranean Region;
Plant protection products in the Republic of Croatia - situation after the
implementation of the new regulations. Vincekovic´, M.; Novakovic´, V.; Ljubetic´, V.; Zalac, Z.;
Bokulic´, A.; Korunic´ d.o.o. Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia, Zbornik Radova 22. Znanstveno Stručno Edukativni
Seminar DDD i ZUPP 2010: Djelatnost dezinfekcije, dezinsekcije, deratizacije i zaštite uskladištenih, Pula,
Croatia, 24-26 March, 2010, 2010, pp 385-405, 10 ref.
Regulations in the area of plant protection products and pesticide residues in the Republic of Croatia are
in line with the acquis communautaire and implemented in practice. During the transitional period prior to
the full membership of the Republic of Croatia in the European Union, a series of measures in the area of
plant protection products and pesticide residues have been planned and conducted in order to fully align
with the current system of authorization of plant protection products in the Republic of Croatia with those in
force in the European Union since 1993, i.e. since the application of the Council Directive 91/414/EEC of
15 July 1991. As a result of the implementation of new regulations and the measures taken, in the paper is
presented the current state of the registered plant protection products intended for disinfection,
disinfestation and deratization and protection of stored agricultural products, conditions and obligations of
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service providers, and what in this area brings the future.
Publication type: Conference paper
Record Number: 20113192767
ISBN: 978-953-7247-12-6
Language of publication: Croatian
Geographical Location: Croatia; European Union;
Subject Category (CABICODE): Laws and Regulations (DD500); Pesticide and Drug Residues and
Ecotoxicology, (New March 2000) (HH430);
Organism Descriptors: plants;
Descriptors: pesticide residues; regulations;
Identifiers: Common Market; EC; EEC; European Communities; European Economic Communities;
Broad Terms: eukaryotes; Balkans; Southern Europe; Europe; Developed Countries; Mediterranean
How to read safety-data sheet (SDS)? Plavšic´, F.; Gretic´, D.; Čepelak-Dodig, D.; Jezic´, I.;
Đuraševic´, S.; Korunic´ d.o.o. Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia, Zbornik Radova 22. Znanstveno Stručno
Edukativni Seminar DDD i ZUPP 2010: Djelatnost dezinfekcije, dezinsekcije, deratizacije i zaštite
uskladištenih, Pula, Croatia, 24-26 March, 2010, 2010, pp 407-421, 7 ref.
For every last user of some biocide SDS would have marked significance, especially regarding its reliance
in it and reading of the important data for the use and protection. Because of the better evidence of
chemicals Croatia has installed the obligation of delivering SDS-s to the Register of such documents. Also,
there is a praxis of obligatory checking of documents before their acceptance to the Register. This gives
the users additional assurance that they have a valuable document in hands. The Register has become
available to the whole community through www.hzt.hr. In this work it will be shown to which parts of the
document one should especially pay attention, from the proof that the data are in the Register, that the
data about the chemicals are true, that the dangerous effects are described together with the symptoms of
health damages, data about fire-prevention measures, actions during the accidents, personal protection,
transport etc. Because the SDS is important for working out the special directives for treating the biocides,
it should be important to every user. Such documents are constantly revised because of the changes in
regulations or because of the new facts about the dangers, so the users must be directed to the Register
to become aware on time of all the changes in the product they use.
Publication type: Conference paper
Record Number: 20113192768
Author Affiliation: Croatian Institute for Toxicology, Zagreb, Croatia.
ISBN: 978-953-7247-12-6
Language of publication: Croatian
Geographical Location: Croatia;
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Abstracts - CAB Direct
Subject Category (CABICODE): Consumer Economics (EE720); Human Toxicology and Poisoning,
(New March 2000) (VV810);
Descriptors: accidents; biocides; consumer information; health hazards; health protection;
Broad Terms: Balkans; Southern Europe; Europe; Developed Countries; Mediterranean Region;
The role of all subjects in the practical implementation of self-control by HACCP
principles in accordance with legal regulations in Croatia: national guidelines for
good hygienic practice and HACCP implementation. Pahor,Đ.; Korunic´ d.o.o. Zagreb,
Zagreb, Croatia, Zbornik Radova 22. Znanstveno Stručno Edukativni Seminar DDD i ZUPP 2010:
Djelatnost dezinfekcije, dezinsekcije, deratizacije i zaštite uskladištenih, Pula, Croatia, 24-26 March, 2010,
2010, pp 45-68, 24 ref.
In process of the harmonization and synchronization of the legislation of Republic of Croatia with the
European legal acts concerning the chapter on Food, in 2003 in Croatia was passed the first law of food,
and afterward followed with many other food legal acts. In the course of 2007th the new "Food Act"
(Official Gazette Nr 46/97), new "Veterinary Act" (Official Gazette Nr 41/07), set of Regulations governing
food hygiene and official controls described in "Hygiene legal set" (Official Gazette Nr 99/07) plus whole
set of new legal regulations were accepted. Lot of discussions, dilemmas and postponements were
involved in the process of requesting self-control role of subjects according to HACCP principles (analysis
of hazards and crirical control points). Consequently the same was prolonged and difinitely mandatory for
the implementation from the 1st January 2009. For easier implementation and in accordance with legal
acts, in the last two years large professional organizations and associations are creating so called "good
practice guides" and "HACCP implementation guides" specifically for the food manufacturing sectors.
Following describe legislation, roles and responsibilities of individual subjects and institutions in the
practical enforcement of "good practice guides" and "HACCP implementation guides", the legal regulations
were defined. The competent authority - Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Rural Development as the
organizer and the coordinator of the control service, is in constant communication with the European
commission. The same Ministry is the holder for the risk management and notifications and the holder of
the approval and regulatory compliance with Ministry of Health and Social Care. Department responsible
for the enforcements of sanitary inspections in the Ministry of Health and Social Care, cooperates with the
competent department in Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Rural Development. In its jurisdiction it
holds a creation of directives and official controls inside its activities and authorities. The legislation
regarding the food defines the role and responsibilities of each subject in the food business in accordance
with the scope of the sector or type of a food produced.
Publication type: Conference paper
Record Number: 20113192769
Author Affiliation: Teaching Institute of Publich Health of Primorsko, Goranska County, Croatia.
ISBN: 978-953-7247-12-6
Language of publication: Croatian
Geographical Location: Croatia;
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Abstracts - CAB Direct
Subject Category (CABICODE): Laws and Regulations (DD500); Food Contamination, Residues and
Toxicology (QQ200);
Descriptors: food hygiene; food safety; guidelines; HACCP; regulations;
Identifiers: hazard analysis critical control points; recommendations; rules;
Broad Terms: Balkans; Southern Europe; Europe; Developed Countries; Mediterranean Region;
Microbiological criteria of food safety and hygiene control in food production and
preparation processes. Capak, K.; Gorski, D. B.; Korunic´ d.o.o. Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia, Zbornik
Radova 22. Znanstveno Stručno Edukativni Seminar DDD i ZUPP 2010: Djelatnost dezinfekcije,
dezinsekcije, deratizacije i zaštite uskladištenih, Pula, Croatia, 24-26 March, 2010, 2010, pp 69-75, 16 ref.
Microbiological safety plays an important part in food safety assessment. By accepting the rules of EU
accession, Croatia has agreed to harmonize its legislation with the new acquis both in the areas of food
and food microbiology. The new EU legislation on food microbiology is based exclusively on risk
assessment. Food Act (OG No. 46/07 and 155/08) served as the basis for drafting the Ordinance on
Microbiological Criteria for Foodstuffs (OG No. 74/08 and 156/2008), which was harmonized with the
Commission Regulation (EC) No 2073/2005 of 15 November 2005 on microbiological criteria for
foodstuffs. Said Ordinance defines microbiological criteria for given microorganisms, as well as rules for
food business operators to abide by while implementing general and special requirements relating to food
hygiene. This new legal act introduces a completely new approach to microbiological safety of food. While
the previous Ordinance addressed the issue of microbiological safety through elaborate microbiological
parameters for each food type, hygienic requirements of production were covered by a separate ordinance
on microbiological criteria of purity. The entry into force of the new and harmonized Ordinance has
produced significant changes in the system of microbiological safety assurance in terms of obligations of
food business operators, as well as in the manner of carrying out supervision and microbiological control.
To mitigate this transition, a guide for the implementation of the Ordinance was, therefore, drafted, as was
the Ordinance on the standards of microbiological purity, as part of the system of control of infectious
diseases. Though this current coexistence of more than one ordinance and line of legislation may lead to
confusion, this paper is an attempt at systematization and comparison with the past system of food
microbiological safety assurance.
Publication type: Conference paper
Record Number: 20113192770
Author Affiliation: Croatian Public Health Institute, Zagreb, Croatia.
ISBN: 978-953-7247-12-6
Language of publication: Croatian
Geographical Location: Croatia;
Subject Category (CABICODE): Laws and Regulations (DD500); Food Contamination, Residues and
Toxicology (QQ200);
Descriptors: EU regulations; food contamination; food hygiene; food microbiology; food preparation;
food processing; food production; food safety; microbial contamination;
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Abstracts - CAB Direct
Identifiers: EC regulations; food contaminants;
Broad Terms: Balkans; Southern Europe; Europe; Developed Countries; Mediterranean Region;
Role of halal standard in food safety system. Dugonjic´, A.; Uršulin-Trstenjak, N.; Šušnic´, S.;
Korunic´ d.o.o. Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia, Zbornik Radova 22. Znanstveno Stručno Edukativni Seminar
DDD i ZUPP 2010: Djelatnost dezinfekcije, dezinsekcije, deratizacije i zaštite uskladištenih, Pula, Croatia,
24-26 March, 2010, 2010, pp 77-81, 3 ref.
As the food market has become a global, the special attention is given to the problem of the food safety. In
order to assure the food safety, based on different laws numerous standards which determine the
requirements for security management and quality of food are adopted. Standards sets of different
requirements are established such as: product quality, product safety, traceability of products etc. In the
area of production and trade of food the most commonly used are ISO standards and Codex Alimentarius
documents. The standards requirements for food industry are very demanding and strict. Among different
standards are Halal food standards. This is an Arabic term designating any object or any action which is
permissible to use or engage in, according to the Islamic law. It is estimated that 70% of Muslims
worldwide follow Halal food standards and the global market is currently increasing and the value is
estimated at 635 billion USD. The objective of this paper is to show the role of Halal standards in food
safety system.
Publication type: Conference paper
Record Number: 20113192771
Author Affiliation: Agency for Halal Quality Certification, Zagreb, Croatia.
ISBN: 978-953-7247-12-6
Language of publication: Croatian
Geographical Location: Croatia;
Subject Category (CABICODE): Food Contamination, Residues and Toxicology (QQ200); Social
Psychology and Social Anthropology, (New March 2000) (UU485);
Descriptors: food safety; religion; standards;
Broad Terms: Balkans; Southern Europe; Europe; Developed Countries; Mediterranean Region;
The presence of Ochratoxins A in coffee and nuts in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Mačkic´,
S.; Ahmetovic´, N.; Hajric´, D.; Korunic´ d.o.o. Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia, Zbornik Radova 22. Znanstveno
Stručno Edukativni Seminar DDD i ZUPP 2010: Djelatnost dezinfekcije, dezinsekcije, deratizacije i zaštite
uskladištenih, Pula, Croatia, 24-26 March, 2010, 2010, pp 83-89, 5 ref.
Ochratoxins are the products of metabolism from the mold genus Aspergillus and Penicillium. Ochratoxin
A and C are more toxic of Ochratoxin B, their primary function is nephrotoxic, and considered one of the
risk factors in the etiology of endemic nephropathy. Ochratoxins also show reproductive toxicity and
teratogenic. Today is a proven high level of exposure of the population in the world to these types of
mycotoxins. The paper presents research results of the presence of Ochratoxin A in samples of coffee and
nuts in monitoring of the food in Bosnia and Herzegovina in 2009. Sampling and laboratory analysis were
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done in accordance with the Regulations on the maximum level (MRL) of certain contaminants in food and
regulations on the methods of sampling and analysis for official control of the amount of mycotoxins in
food ("Official Gazette BiH" no. 37/09) that is compliant with EU legislation. In 44 samples (88% analyzed)
the presence of Ochratoxin A has been identified, from which 24 samples belong to coffee and 20 samples
to nuts. Concentrations of Ochratoxin A ranged from 0.11-1.52 µg/kg. The results indicate the presence of
Ochratoxin A in coffee and nuts in B&H. In coffee samples MRLs were lower than prescribed. MRL are not
established for nuts. In order to assess the exposure of people is necessary continuous monitoring of
mycotoxins in different foods.
Publication type: Conference paper
Record Number: 20113192772
Author Affiliation: Food Safety Agency of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Mostar, Bosnia-Hercegovina.
ISBN: 978-953-7247-12-6
Language of publication: Croatian
Geographical Location: Bosnia-Hercegovina;
Subject Category (CABICODE): Laws and Regulations (DD500); Crop Produce (QQ050); Food
Contamination, Residues and Toxicology (QQ200); Toxinology, (New March 2000) (VV820);
Organism Descriptors: Coffea;
Descriptors: coffee; EU regulations; food contamination; food safety; nuts; ochratoxin A;
Identifiers: EC regulations; food contaminants;
Broad Terms: Rubiaceae; Rubiales; Gentianales; dicotyledons; angiosperms; Spermatophyta; plants;
eukaryotes; Balkans; Southern Europe; Europe; Developed Countries; Mediterranean Region;
Experiences in German cockroaches elimination in health facilities. Balta, S.; Salihovic´,
H.; Pašic´, E.; Mrakovic´, E.; Korunic´ d.o.o. Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia, Zbornik Radova 22. Znanstveno
Stručno Edukativni Seminar DDD i ZUPP 2010: Djelatnost dezinfekcije, dezinsekcije, deratizacije i zaštite
uskladištenih, Pula, Croatia, 24-26 March, 2010, 2010, pp 249-254, 5 ref.
The German cockroach Blatella germanica (L) has been treated with various disinfectants in several health
facilities constructed in the same technical way. In treated health facilities, the infestation, before the
treatment, was estimated as very high. After the first treatment with a disinfestant from the group of
pyrethroid insecticides (alfa-cypermethrin 6%), the infestation within the health facilities was still significant,
and could be considered as 'median'. After the repeated treatment, the infestation was assessed as 'low'.
Within health facilities treated with disinfestants from the group of pyrethroid insecticides (alfacypermethrin 6%) in combination with the gel from the group of imidaclopride, for particularly susceptible
places, the infestation was assessed as 'low', and, after the repeated treatment, the place was assessed
as 'free of the German cockroaches'. Both treatments resulted with the improved situation related to the
level of the German cockroach infestation: in the first case, the reduction of infestation was about 50%, so
the effectiveness of the treatment was assessed as poor, while in the second case it was almost 100%.
The conclusion insists upon that all health and other facilities, which are infected by the German
cockroach, should be treated by efficient disinfestants whatever the price could be.
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Publication type: Conference paper
Record Number: 20113192773
Author Affiliation: Institute for Public Health of Kanton Sarajevo, Sarajevo, Bosnia-Hercegovina.
ISBN: 978-953-7247-12-6
Language of publication: Croatian
Geographical Location: Bosnia-Hercegovina;
Subject Category (CABICODE): Pesticides and Drugs; Control, (New March 2000) (HH405); Health
Services (UU350);
Organism Descriptors: Blattella germanica;
Descriptors: cypermethrin; disinfectants; health centres; hospitals; imidacloprid; infestation; insecticidal
properties; nitroguanidine insecticides; pyrethroid insecticides;
Identifiers: Blattodea; German cockroach; health centers;
Broad Terms: Blattella; Blattellidae; Blattaria; Dictyoptera; insects; Hexapoda; arthropods; invertebrates;
animals; eukaryotes; Balkans; Southern Europe; Europe; Developed Countries; Mediterranean Region;
Blattaria laboratory breeding along with methods for susceptibility examination on
pesticides. Bakic´, J.; Korunic´ d.o.o. Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia, Zbornik Radova 22. Znanstveno
Stručno Edukativni Seminar DDD i ZUPP 2010: Djelatnost dezinfekcije, dezinsekcije, deratizacije i zaštite
uskladištenih, Pula, Croatia, 24-26 March, 2010, 2010, pp 255-265, 5 ref.
Experiences with Blattaria breeding in laboratory conditions are presented. Since 1969 the breeding was
performed in biological laboratories including species of Blatta orientalis, Blattella germanica, Periplaneta
americana, Periplaneta australasiae and Supella longipalpa by using own methods. Bred species are from
laboratory of University of Düsseldorf and "Welcome" in Berkhamsted, Great Britain. Blattaria are bred in
10 litre glass bottles on the basis of fine sawdust (absorber) covered by styropore cubes (breeding basis)
at constant temperature of 30°C, with relative humidity of 80% and day/night switch (12+12). As a
nutriment the mixture of oath flakes 50%, corn flakes 20%, buckwheat flour 20%, high-fat milk 5% and
sugar powder 5% in slanted laboratory glasses is used, while the water is obtained from large wet cotton
balls. Food/water switch is done once a week. Since nutritional substrates can contain pest eggs
developed in large number during breeding, it is necessary to preserve the basis on the temperature of 8°C for four weeks due to cold disinsectization. The ways of handling these insects in preparation for
biological experiments, the way of nutrition during experimental observation as well as methods for
susceptibility examination (WHO) are described.
Publication type: Conference paper
Record Number: 20113192774
ISBN: 978-953-7247-12-6
Language of publication: Croatian
Geographical Location: Croatia; Great Britain; UK;
Subject Category (CABICODE): Pesticide and Drug Resistance (HH410); Public Health Pests,
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Vectors and Intermediate Hosts, (New March 2000) (VV230); Reproduction, Development and Life Cycle
(Wild Animals), (New March 2000) (YY200); Physiology and Biochemistry (Wild Animals), (New March
2000) (YY400);
Organism Descriptors: Blatta orientalis; Blattella germanica; Periplaneta americana; Periplaneta
australasiae; Supella longipalpa;
Descriptors: animal breeding; animal nutrition; laboratory rearing; pesticides; susceptibility;
Identifiers: American cockroach; Australian cockroach; Blattodea; Britain; GB; German cockroach;
Oriental cockroach; United Kingdom;
Broad Terms: Blatta; Blattidae; Blattaria; Dictyoptera; insects; Hexapoda; arthropods; invertebrates;
animals; eukaryotes; Blattella; Blattellidae; Periplaneta; Supella; Balkans; Southern Europe; Europe;
Developed Countries; Mediterranean Region; UK; British Isles; Western Europe; Commonwealth of
Nations; European Union Countries; OECD Countries;
Appearance of Metcalfa pruinosa (Say, 1830) as a new molester in Zadar County.
Plenkovic´, J.; Dijan, M.; Korunic´ d.o.o. Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia, Zbornik Radova 22. Znanstveno Stručno
Edukativni Seminar DDD i ZUPP 2010: Djelatnost dezinfekcije, dezinsekcije, deratizacije i zaštite
uskladištenih, Pula, Croatia, 24-26 March, 2010, 2010, pp 267-274, 14 ref.
This work presents the personal annotations of occurrence of the Citrus Flatid Planthopper, Metcalfa
pruinosa, in the village of Privlaka nearby Zadar. This distinct poliphagus is present in Croatia since 1993.
Except for the damages which it provokes on agricultural crops it also significantly reduces the quality of
living in the infected areas. Up to the present day it has invaded around 200 different cultures. We find it
also next to the inhabited buildings: they excrete abundant honey-dew which turns into a sticky mass and
covers leaves and fruits of the host-plants but also contaminates the terraces and houses' facades, which
makes impossible the abiding in the shade of grapevines or kiwis, or in the vicinity of fig-trees, citruses or
olives. In the evening hours it gathers in swarms upon the facades of the houses (probably attracted by
electric light) and they also get inside through the apertures. Their numerousness in and around the
objects and their molesting effects bring discomfort to the inhabitants. The excretion of honey-dew on the
agricultural crops, primarily grape-vine, olive-trees and citruses, attracts the sooty mould-fungus which
deforms the fruits making them look ugly and repugnant, which reduces their market-price. The Citrus
Flatid Planthopper, M. pruinosa, its invasion in the village of Privlaka and its abundant excretion of honeydew provokes damages also to the garden sets, terraces, vegetables, fruit and decorative plants. Except
for the honey-dew, on the contaminated plant-bulges present are also white piles of waxy substance which
disfigure the plants and mar the visual effect of the decorative trees, bushes and fruits, contributing to the
overall impression of reppelence and disgust of the local inhabitants.
Publication type: Conference paper
Record Number: 20113192775
Author Affiliation: CIKLON d.o.o. for the Sanitary Protection of the Human Environment, Zadar,
ISBN: 978-953-7247-12-6
Language of publication: Croatian
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Abstracts - CAB Direct
Geographical Location: Croatia;
Subject Category (CABICODE): Horticultural Crops, (New March 2000) (FF003); Viral, Bacterial and
Fungal Diseases of Plants, (New March 2000) (FF610); Plant Pests, (New March 2000) (FF620);
Organism Descriptors: Actinidia; Actinidia chinensis; Actinidia deliciosa; Citrus; Ficus; Ficus carica;
fungi; insects; Metcalfa pruinosa; Olea europaea; Vitidaceae; Vitis; Vitis vinifera;
Descriptors: figs; fruits; fungal diseases; grapes; insect pests; invasions; kiwifruits; leaves; occurrence;
olives; plant diseases; plant pathogenic fungi; plant pathogens; plant pests;
Identifiers: fungus; Oleales; pest insects; phytopathogenic fungi; phytopathogens; plant-pathogenic
fungi; Rutales; Vitaceae;
Broad Terms: Actinidiaceae; Theales; Ericales; dicotyledons; angiosperms; Spermatophyta; plants;
eukaryotes; Actinidia; Rutaceae; Sapindales; Moraceae; Urticales; Ficus; Hexapoda; arthropods;
invertebrates; animals; Metcalfa; Flatidae; Fulgoroidea; Auchenorrhyncha; Homoptera; Hemiptera; insects;
Olea; Oleaceae; Scrophulariales; Vitidaceae; Rhamnales; Vitis; Balkans; Southern Europe; Europe;
Developed Countries; Mediterranean Region;
Professional supervision of realization of deratization and disinfestation measures
from 2005 to 2009 in the City of Zadar. Šarunic´-Gulan, J.; Mumelaš, N.; Korunic´ d.o.o. Zagreb,
Zagreb, Croatia, Zbornik Radova 22. Znanstveno Stručno Edukativni Seminar DDD i ZUPP 2010:
Djelatnost dezinfekcije, dezinsekcije, deratizacije i zaštite uskladištenih, Pula, Croatia, 24-26 March, 2010,
2010, pp 275-287, 13 ref.
As part of its mission of protecting citizens from infectious diseases and other pests which disturb peace
and threaten the health of citizens and also as part of the monitoring contract signed by the City
government and the Public health institute Zadar (ZZJZ), Department for DDD (disinfection, disinfestation
and deratization) of the Service for epidemiology of the mentioned institute, in conformity with Infectious
disease law (Official gazette 79/07, 113/08, 43/09) monitor the realization of preventive and obligatory
preventive deratization and disinfestation as special measures throughout the Zadar area and based on
the programme of measures made by Institute. In the Zadar area the contractor of DDD measures
approved by Ministry of health and social welfare implemented the stipulated measures of obligatory
systematic deratization and disinfestation on all public and crowded areas and objects which are property
of the City government or under the City government, on all locations where there are garbage containers,
on sewage system of the city, on rubbish dump and all other locations which can be suitable territory for
development and multiplying infectious disease, in other words harmful rodents and Arthropoda
(cockroaches, flies and mosquitoes). This work presents summarized presentation of professional efforts
of the Institute over a period of five years based on the monitoring contract signed by the City government
and the Public health institute Zadar. Realization of measures of preventive and obligatory deratization and
disinfestation throughout the Zadar area was done in accordance with all rules of the profession and
accepted Operative programme delivered by the contractor. Having examined the whole Zadar area and
on the basis of carried out poll, it was concluded that the contractor has been implemented deratization
and disinfestation systematically according to the accepted program and the invitation to implement
necessary control measures. Systematic deratization was done from the centre to the outskirts of the city
at least twice a year in every local territory. All public and crowded areas that are properties of City
government, cellars of all block of flats, sewage system, grounds around rubbish dumps and all other
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Abstracts - CAB Direct
surfaces that are within the competence of the city were included in the systematic deratization. Summing
up findings of Aedes albopictus in the last five years we conclude that the number of mosquito hatches of
A. albopictus has been increased. Considering the fact that it is an aggressive tropical species, its active
and passive expansion occurred in almost all parts of the town. Exceptionally important is to inform and
advise inhabitants (residents) about problems concerning Aedes albopictus and also about preventive
actions which can reduce a lot number of the same species.
Publication type: Conference paper
Record Number: 20113192776
Author Affiliation: Public Health Institute the County of Zadar, Zadar, Croatia.
ISBN: 978-953-7247-12-6
Language of publication: Croatian
Geographical Location: Croatia;
Subject Category (CABICODE): Other Control Measures (HH700); Public Health Pests, Vectors and
Intermediate Hosts, (New March 2000) (VV230);
Organism Descriptors: Aedes albopictus; Blattaria; Culicidae; Diptera; rodents;
Descriptors: control methods; disinfection; disinfestation; health protection; public health;
Identifiers: Asian tiger mosquito; Blattodea; mosquitoes;
Broad Terms: Aedes; Culicidae; Diptera; insects; Hexapoda; arthropods; invertebrates; animals;
eukaryotes; Blattaria; Dictyoptera; mammals; vertebrates; Chordata; Balkans; Southern Europe; Europe;
Developed Countries; Mediterranean Region;
The comparison of methyl bromide, heat, sulfuryl fluoride and phosphine combined
with heat and carbon dioxide to control insects in Canadian flour mills. Fields, P.;
Korunic´ d.o.o. Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia, Zbornik Radova 22. Znanstveno Stručno Edukativni Seminar
DDD i ZUPP 2010: Djelatnost dezinfekcije, dezinsekcije, deratizacije i zaštite uskladištenih, Pula, Croatia,
24-26 March, 2010, 2010, pp 289-303, 21 ref.
Methyl bromide is a very effective broad spectrum fumigant. It has been used in flour mills since the
1930's, and it is the major tool to control insects in food processing facilities, such as flour mills, pasta
production plants and breakfast cereal plants. In 1992, methyl bromide was recognized as a significant
ozone depletor and its consumption was frozen in 1995 and phased-out in 2005. After this time, countries
must receive Critical Use Exemptions (CUE) to use methyl bromide in flour mills. These have been granted
for flour mills in Canada, USA, Europe and Australia. At the request of the Canadian National Millers
Association (CNMA), the Government of Canada has applied to the Ozone Secretariat of United Nations
Environment Programme for and received CUE for methyl bromide for some flour mills in Canada; 36.5 t in
2005, 34.8 t in 2006, 30.2 t in 2007, 28.7 t in 2008, 26.9 t in 2009 and 22.9 in 2010. Given the pressing
need to find alternatives to methyl bromide fumigation in flour mills in Canada, the CNMA, some of its
member companies and Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada tested alternatives.
Publication type: Conference paper
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Abstracts - CAB Direct
Record Number: 20113192777
Author Affiliation: Cereal Research Centre, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Winnipeg, Canada.
Author Email: paul.fields@agr.gc.ca
ISBN: 978-953-7247-12-6
Language of publication: English
Geographical Location: Canada;
Subject Category (CABICODE): Field Crops, (New March 2000) (FF005); Environmental Pest
Management (HH200); Pesticides and Drugs; Control, (New March 2000) (HH405); Crop Produce
(QQ050); Storage Problems and Pests of Food (QQ111);
Descriptors: carbon dioxide; cereals; chemical control; flour mills; heat treatment; insect control;
insecticides; methyl bromide; pest control; phosphine; stored products pests; sulfuryl fluoride;
Identifiers: bromomethane; heat processing; storage pests; stored-product pests; sulphuryl fluoride;
Broad Terms: APEC countries; Commonwealth of Nations; Developed Countries; North America;
America; OECD Countries;
Food, hazards in food and food safety risk communication. Poljak, V.; Pavic´, E.; Katalenic´,
M.; Antunovic´, B.; Korunic´ d.o.o. Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia, Zbornik Radova 22. Znanstveno Stručno
Edukativni Seminar DDD i ZUPP 2010: Djelatnost dezinfekcije, dezinsekcije, deratizacije i zaštite
uskladištenih, Pula, Croatia, 24-26 March, 2010, 2010, pp 29-43, 32 ref.
Mistakes in food safety risk communication are capable to ruin reputation and confidence in institutions
involved in food safety framework. The same thing, but in different way, can happen to food producers,
whose efforts and years of investments in consumers' confidence can drop down easily. Especially food
scare crisis situation can put food producers by night in situation when they are expected to give excuse,
explanation, estimate level of hazard etc. It is crucial in such situations, both for government institution and
food producers, to consider differences in perceptions of food hazards by consumers, as well as to predict
possible reactions. Involvement of all the stakeholders in dialog is facilitating better understanding of
process of evaluation, identification and correct attitude to different options to risk managers, as well as
implementation and evaluation of chosen measures. In the same time, food producers can correctly
identify defaults, approach problems in open way and reduce decrease of confidence by consumers. This
two-way system has been called interactive food safety risk communication. However, realistic situation
and relationship between safe and unsafe food and perception of unsafe food by consumers is often in
certain discrepancy due to perception filters which accumulate feeling of uncertainty in number of
Publication type: Conference paper
Record Number: 20113192778
Author Affiliation: Croatian Public Health Institute, Zagreb, Croatia.
ISBN: 978-953-7247-12-6
Language of publication: Croatian
Geographical Location: Croatia;
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Abstracts - CAB Direct
Subject Category (CABICODE): Consumer Economics (EE720); Food Contamination, Residues and
Toxicology (QQ200);
Organism Descriptors: man;
Descriptors: communication; consumer attitudes; consumers; food safety; health hazards;
Broad Terms: Homo; Hominidae; Primates; mammals; vertebrates; Chordata; animals; eukaryotes;
Balkans; Southern Europe; Europe; Developed Countries; Mediterranean Region;
Reduction of pesticides suitable for stored product protection and reaction of Polish
industry to a new situation. Ignatowicz, S.; Olejarski, P.; Korunic´ d.o.o. Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia,
Zbornik Radova 22. Znanstveno Stručno Edukativni Seminar DDD i ZUPP 2010: Djelatnost dezinfekcije,
dezinsekcije, deratizacije i zaštite uskladištenih, Pula, Croatia, 24-26 March, 2010, 2010, pp 305-314, 14
Methyl bromide (MB) had been widely used for fumigation of durable commodities, perishable products,
structures and transport vehicles. This good gaseous pesticide may not be replaced by one alternative, but
various methods and means have to be used. Contact insecticides may be used as MB alternatives on
stored grain and in storage structures and food production plants. These insecticides are applied directly to
grain during handling on grain conveyors and elevators, or sprayed onto the surface of bag stacks, walls
and floors of empty structures and transport vehicles. Spaces of structures are sometimes treated by
"fogging" to control of flying insects. However, the number of available contact insecticides was recently
limited by the Directive 91/414/EEC and the others will be restricted in the EU by a new Thematic Strategy
on Pesticides. As a result, the following measures are currently used in Poland: (a) phosphine, (b) a few
contact insecticides, (c) heat, (d) high pressure and CO2 , and (e) Integrated Pest Management (IPM). The
most important mean is phosphine (PH3 ) from solid phosphides. The following techniques for application
of solid phosphides were adopted: (a) Speedbox, (b) dispenser technique, (c) phosphine recirculation
system (J-System). Speedboxes seems to be popular in Poland as handling and maintenance of them is
simple, and the gas concentration required for killing the pests is reached in shorter time. J-System has
been installed in a silo of the ZZZ Company in Zamosc, Poland, and it is already used in fumigation
treatments of stored grain. The high pressure chambers that hold 20 bars of pressure and 100% carbon
dioxide are now being used in Bialystok and Lublin for medicinal herb treatments. Heat treatment is a new
method for the Polish pest control operators (PCOs). However, several practical demonstrations of this
method were performed so far, and all of them were completed with a full success. Using the ThermoNox
heaters it is possible for our PCO's to disinfest premises and/or machinery occupied by insect pests. The
principles of Integrated Pest Management (IPM) are known to the PCOs, and all fumigators are now
certain that IPM is the best alternative to the reduction of pesticides suitable for stored product protection.
Publication type: Conference paper
Record Number: 20113192779
Author Affiliation: "TROJSZYK" Entomological Consultancy, Warszawa, Poland.
Author Email: ignatowiczst@yahoo.com
ISBN: 978-953-7247-12-6
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Abstracts - CAB Direct
Language of publication: English
Geographical Location: Poland;
Subject Category (CABICODE): Integrated Pest Management (HH300); Pesticides and Drugs;
Control, (New March 2000) (HH405); Crop Produce (QQ050); Storage Problems and Pests of Food
(QQ111); Non-food/Non-feed Plant Products (SS200);
Descriptors: carbon dioxide; chemical control; crops; fumigation; heat treatment; insect control;
insecticides; integrated pest management; medicinal plants; methyl bromide; pest control; pesticides;
stored products; stored products pests;
Identifiers: bromomethane; drug plants; heat processing; IPM; medicinal herbs; officinal plants; storage
pests; stored-product pests;
Broad Terms: Central Europe; Europe; Developed Countries; European Union Countries; OECD
Novelty in integrated protection of stored products - overview of the international
conference on integrated protection of stored products - "International Conference
IOBC/WPRS (OILB/SROP) Working Group Integrated Protection of Stored Products", 29
June-2 July 2009, University of Mouse, Campobasso, Italy. Rozman, V.; Kalinovic´, I.;
Hamel, D.; Korunic´ d.o.o. Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia, Zbornik Radova 22. Znanstveno Stručno Edukativni
Seminar DDD i ZUPP 2010: Djelatnost dezinfekcije, dezinsekcije, deratizacije i zaštite uskladištenih, Pula,
Croatia, 24-26 March, 2010, 2010, pp 315-323, 1 ref.
"International Conference IOBC/WPRS (OILB/SROP) Working Group Integrated Protection of Stored
Products" was held from the 29th of June to the 2nd of July 2009 at the Faculty of Agriculture, University of
Molise, Campobasso, Italy. Through the 7 sections participants discussed current situation and new trends
in stored products protection; implementation of monitoring methods, sampling, and methods of stored
pests catching; application of semiochemicals, biological protection measures; phytochemicals, fumigation,
controlled and modified atmosphere; as well as application of extreme temperatures, chemical protection
and inert dusts; integrated protection measures, preventive measures; and new legislative measures. 226
distinguished world experts from 32 countries participated at the conference by presenting their studies in
48 oral and 49 poster presentations.
Publication type: Conference paper
Record Number: 20113192780
Author Affiliation: Faculty of Agriculture, Osijek, Croatia.
ISBN: 978-953-7247-12-6
Language of publication: Croatian
Geographical Location: Italy;
Subject Category (CABICODE): Integrated Pest Management (HH300); Pesticides and Drugs;
Control, (New March 2000) (HH405); Crop Produce (QQ050); Food Storage and Preservation (QQ110);
Storage Problems and Pests of Food (QQ111);
Descriptors: chemical control; conferences; controlled atmosphere storage; crops; fumigation;
insecticides; integrated pest management; modified atmosphere storage; phytochemicals; stored products;
stored products pests; temperature;
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Abstracts - CAB Direct
Identifiers: IPM; storage pests; stored-product pests;
Broad Terms: Developed Countries; European Union Countries; Mediterranean Region; OECD
Countries; Southern Europe; Europe;
The results of the research with diatomaceous earth and novelties in the use in the
protection of stored agricultural products. Korunic´, Z.; Korunic´ d.o.o. Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia,
Zbornik Radova 22. Znanstveno Stručno Edukativni Seminar DDD i ZUPP 2010: Djelatnost dezinfekcije,
dezinsekcije, deratizacije i zaštite uskladištenih, Pula, Croatia, 24-26 March, 2010, 2010, pp 325-340, 29
Diatomaceous earth (DE) has long been known as a potentially useful grain protectant because it is nontoxic to mammals, does not affect grain end-use quality (milling, baking, malting, or pasta production) and
has a long lasting effect against insects. Until recently, its use was limited because the necessary dose
rates severely affected grain bulk density and flow characteristics. Diatomaceous earth-based insecticide,
Protect-It®, with enhanced efficacy can be used at lower concentrations than those of some of others DE
formulations in current use. This paper summarizes the results of laboratory and field trials with enhanced
DE Protect-It. Insect species, commodity, grain moisture content, and method of application affected the
efficacy of Protect-I against insects. The LD 90 for Protect-It ranged from a low of less than 50 parts per
million (ppm) for Cryptolestes ferrugineus (Steph.) on wheat to a high of 1500 ppm for Rhyzoperta
dominica (F.) on milled brown rice. The concentrations required to achieve a 90% reduction of offspring
were often higher than the concentrations required reducing the parent population by 90% after 14 or 28
days of the exposure to treated grains. When Protect-It was applied as a structural treatment, there was
good control of Sitophilus oryzae (L.), R. dominica, Tribolium castaneum (Herbst.) and Plodia
interpunctella Hübner larvae after one week at 55% air relative humidity. At 75% relative humidity, dry
application killed about 50% of the population of all tested insect species, whereas spray application was
ineffective. In the structural treatments C. ferrugineus was controlled within 2 days. The dry application of
dusts was always more effective than the wet slurry application. In the field trials, in general, C. ferrugineus
populations were consistently controlled by all applied treatments (75, 100 ppm dust; 100 ppm spray).
However, T. castaneum populations were reduced but not controlled by the most effective treatment
against C. ferrugineus: 100 ppm dust application. In the another field test, the population of T. castaneum
was reduced by over 95% at a concentration of 300 ppm. Wheat bulk density (test weight) was reduced
from 1.2 to 4.6 kg/hL for wheat treated with Protect-It at 100 to 300 ppm. The grain grade in treated wheat
with concentrations up to 100 ppm in the field test was not reduced due to bulk density reduction.
Treatment of grain at 100 ppm did not cause any noticeable reduction in grain flow or any increase of dust
in the air when grain was moved. The results show that enhanced DE Protect-It, with the active ingredient
amorphous silicon dioxide (registered food additive), is an effective and environmentally safe grain
protectant. This DE formulation plays a significant role in "Integrated Pest Management" strategies helping
individual farmers, grain companies and food processors to overcome problems caused by insect
Publication type: Conference paper
Record Number: 20113192781
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Abstracts - CAB Direct
Author Affiliation: Diatom Research and Consulting Inc., Toronto, Canada.
Author Email: zkorunic@rogers.com
ISBN: 978-953-7247-12-6
Language of publication: Croatian
Geographical Location: Canada;
Subject Category (CABICODE): Field Crops, (New March 2000) (FF005); Plant Pests, (New March
2000) (FF620); Pesticides and Drugs; Control, (New March 2000) (HH405); Crop Produce (QQ050);
Storage Problems and Pests of Food (QQ111);
Organism Descriptors: Cryptolestes ferrugineus; insects; Oryza; Oryza sativa; Plodia interpunctella;
Rhyzopertha dominica; Sitophilus oryzae; Tribolium castaneum; Triticum; Triticum aestivum;
Descriptors: bulk density; chemical control; diatomite; insect control; insect pests; insecticides; moisture
content; pest control; plant pests; relative humidity; rice; stored products; stored products pests; wheat;
Identifiers: diatomaceous earth; Indian meal moth; paddy; pest insects; rice weevil; storage pests;
stored-product pests;
Broad Terms: Cryptolestes; Cucujidae; Coleoptera; insects; Hexapoda; arthropods; invertebrates;
animals; eukaryotes; Poaceae; Cyperales; monocotyledons; angiosperms; Spermatophyta; plants; Oryza;
Plodia; Pyralidae; Lepidoptera; Rhyzopertha; Bostrichidae; Sitophilus; Dryophthoridae; Tribolium;
Tenebrionidae; Triticum; APEC countries; Commonwealth of Nations; Developed Countries; North
America; America; OECD Countries;
Control of stored grain insect pests with spinosad. Kalinovic´, I.; Korunic´, Z.; Rozman, V.;
Hamel, D.; Liška, A.; Korunic´ d.o.o. Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia, Zbornik Radova 22. Znanstveno Stručno
Edukativni Seminar DDD i ZUPP 2010: Djelatnost dezinfekcije, dezinsekcije, deratizacije i zaštite
uskladištenih, Pula, Croatia, 24-26 March, 2010, 2010, pp 341-346, 15 ref.
Spinosad is an insecticidal toxin of two macro cyclic lactones derived from metabolites of the bacterium
Saccharopolyspora spinosa. It has low mammalian toxicity and degrades quickly on exposure to UV light. It
has been found to be effective against a range of storage insects using concentrations from 0.1 to higher
then 3 mg/kg (ppm). The USA Environmental Agency (EPA) registered spinosad as a grain insecticide to
be applied at 1 ppm. This active ingredient is not yet registered in Croatia in the field of stored product
protection. In order to find out if 1 ppm concentration is high enough to control different species of storage
insects, the insecticidal effect of spinosad against adults and the progeny of Sitophilus granarius (L.)
(Coleoptera: Curculionidae), Rhyzopertha dominica (F.) (Coleoptera: Bostrychidae), Cryptolestes
ferrugineus (Stephens) (Coleoptera: Silvanidae) and Tribolium castaneum (Herbst) (Coleoptera:
Tenebrionidae) on clean, uninfested wheat with 13% moisture content was examined. The dose rates used
were 0.0, 0.5, 1.0 and 1.5 ppm. The bioassay was carried out at 30°C and 70±5% air relative humidity. The
concentrations of 1.0 ppm and 1.5 ppm generated 100% mortality of the adults of S. granarius after 7 days
and the concentration of 0.5 ppm generated 100% mortality after exposure period of 26 days. However,
0.5 ppm is the concentration not high enough to control the progeny of S. granarius at acceptable level.
After the exposure time of 26 days spinosad concentration of 0.5 ppm generated 100% mortality of the
adults and the progeny of R. dominica and C. ferrugineus. After 26 days of the exposure the highest
spinosad concentration of 1.5 ppm caused only 86.1% mortality of T. castaneum. However, the
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Abstracts - CAB Direct
effectiveness against the progeny was significantly better. At 0.5 ppm and 1 ppm the progeny of T.
castaneum was reduced for 95.5% and >99%, respectively. The experiment indicates that S. granarius
adults and the progeny may be controlled with applying 1 ppm and 1.5 ppm of spinosad, respectively,
adults and the progeny of R. dominca and C. ferrugineus at 0.5 ppm and T. castaneum progeny at 1 ppm
and adults at concentration higher than 1.5 ppm. The registered concentration of 1 ppm of active
ingredient of spinosad is not high enough to control the mixed populations of stored grain insects pest in
stored wheat.
Publication type: Conference paper
Record Number: 20113192782
Author Affiliation: Faculty of Agriculture in Osijek, Josip Juraj Strossmayer University, Osijek, Croatia.
ISBN: 978-953-7247-12-6
Language of publication: Croatian
Geographical Location: Croatia;
Subject Category (CABICODE): Field Crops, (New March 2000) (FF005); Plant Pests, (New March
2000) (FF620); Pesticides and Drugs; Control, (New March 2000) (HH405); Crop Produce (QQ050);
Storage Problems and Pests of Food (QQ111);
Organism Descriptors: Cryptolestes ferrugineus; insects; Rhyzopertha dominica; Sitophilus granarius;
Tribolium castaneum; Triticum; Triticum aestivum;
Descriptors: chemical control; insect control; insect pests; insecticides; moisture content; pest control;
plant pests; progeny; relative humidity; spinosad; stored products pests; wheat;
Identifiers: granary weevil; pest insects; storage pests; stored-product pests;
Broad Terms: Cryptolestes; Cucujidae; Coleoptera; insects; Hexapoda; arthropods; invertebrates;
animals; eukaryotes; Rhyzopertha; Bostrichidae; Sitophilus; Dryophthoridae; Tribolium; Tenebrionidae;
Poaceae; Cyperales; monocotyledons; angiosperms; Spermatophyta; plants; Triticum; Balkans; Southern
Europe; Europe; Developed Countries; Mediterranean Region;
Proceedings 22nd Scientific and Educational Seminar DDD and ZUPP 2010:
Disinfection, disinfestation, deratization and protection of stored agricultural
products, Pula, Croatia, 24-26 March, 2010. Korunic´ d.o.o. Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia, Zbornik
Radova 22. Znanstveno Stručno Edukativni Seminar DDD i ZUPP 2010: Djelatnost dezinfekcije,
dezinsekcije, deratizacije i zaštite uskladištenih, Pula, Croatia, 24-26 March, 2010, 2010, pp 421 pp., many
This publication includes 37 papers presented in the 22nd Scientific and Education Seminar DDD and
ZUPP 2010 on the Disinfection, Disinfestation, Deratization and Protection of Stored Agricultural Products.
Majority of the papers describe novel methods for ensuring food safety against various food contaminants,
mainly pesticide residues, mycotoxins, and microbial pathogens, as well as innovative methods for insect
and other pest control.
Publication type: Conference proceedings
Record Number: 20113192783
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Abstracts - CAB Direct
ISBN: 978-953-7247-12-6
Language of publication: Croatian
Geographical Location: Bosnia-Hercegovina; Croatia;
Subject Category (CABICODE): Pesticides and Drugs; Control, (New March 2000) (HH405);
Pesticide and Drug Residues and Ecotoxicology, (New March 2000) (HH430); Crop Produce (QQ050);
Food Contamination, Residues and Toxicology (QQ200); Prion, Viral, Bacterial and Fungal Pathogens of
Humans, (New March 2000) (VV210); Public Health Pests, Vectors and Intermediate Hosts, (New March
2000) (VV230); Toxinology, (New March 2000) (VV820);
Organism Descriptors: Aedes japonicus; Blattaria; Blattella germanica; Coffea; Legionella; rodents;
Descriptors: agricultural products; animal housing; coffee; diatomite; disinfection; dusts; endotoxins;
feeds; food contamination; food hygiene; food safety; HACCP; health hazards; infant foods; insect control;
insecticides; microbial contamination; mycotoxins; nuts; ochratoxins; pathogens; pest control; pesticide
residues; vector-borne diseases; water supply;
Identifiers: baby foods; bacterium; Blattodea; diatomaceous earth; feeding stuffs; food contaminants;
fungal toxins; German cockroach; hazard analysis critical control points; legionellosis; Ochlerotatus
japonicus; water supplies;
Broad Terms: Aedes; Culicidae; Diptera; insects; Hexapoda; arthropods; invertebrates; animals;
eukaryotes; Blattaria; Dictyoptera; Blattella; Blattellidae; Rubiaceae; Rubiales; Gentianales; dicotyledons;
angiosperms; Spermatophyta; plants; Legionellaceae; Legionellales; Gammaproteobacteria;
Proteobacteria; Bacteria; prokaryotes; mammals; vertebrates; Chordata; Balkans; Southern Europe;
Europe; Developed Countries; Mediterranean Region;
Outbreaks in Istrian past as landmark for future. Bakic´, J.; Korunic´ d.o.o. Zagreb, Zagreb,
Croatia, Zbornik Radova 22. Znanstveno Stručno Edukativni Seminar DDD i ZUPP 2010: Djelatnost
dezinfekcije, dezinsekcije, deratizacije i zaštite uskladištenih, Pula, Croatia, 24-26 March, 2010, 2010, pp
1-14, 24 ref.
Preliminary data of peninsula location on the boundary between East and West which determined political
and economic spatial position through the past, but also conditioned the significant importation of exotic
infectious diseases, are given. Historical facts of frequent outbreaks of infectious diseases in Istria through
13 centuries are presented. Among these outbreaks the special accent is given to plague, malaria,
cholera, variola, typhoid fever and recently brucelosis. In that time maritime transportation of persons and
cargo from East to the West and, perhaps, even more from West to the East, had a significant role in
diseases importation to this area. Venice itself and its umbilical cord relation with the East through the
centuries had a fatal significance so that there were no outbreaks that affected Venice without affecting
Istria at the same time. Spreading of the outbreak occurred on the principle of connected vessels. The
moment of the passive malaria importation along with phenomenon of biological bridging for plasmodium
survival in this area is pointed out. Malaria plasmodium survival as an imported disease is explained by
overall fall of civilization level due to arrival of barbaric nations as well as systematic extinction of domestic
population from several centuries long plague. These facts led to the end of efficient Roman type of
agriculture, desertion of salt-pans and irrigation and water supply systems as well as uncontrolled cutting
of autochtonous woods along with cyclic burning of vegetated areas for obtaining pastures. All these
events and temperature rise in the environment due to changing of biological relations, created swamp
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conditions for undisturbed development of vector population of malaric plasmodia and their longer life.
Finally, establishing of rational relation between present introduction of Aedes albopictus as "pars pro toto"
model of changes and forthcoming sea level rising along with global temperature and relative humidity is
Publication type: Conference paper
Record Number: 20113192784
ISBN: 978-953-7247-12-6
Language of publication: Croatian
Geographical Location: Croatia;
Subject Category (CABICODE): History and Biography (BB500); Prion, Viral, Bacterial and Fungal
Pathogens of Humans, (New March 2000) (VV210); Protozoan, Helminth and Arthropod Parasites of
Humans, (New March 2000) (VV220); Public Health Pests, Vectors and Intermediate Hosts, (New March
2000) (VV230);
Organism Descriptors: Aedes albopictus; Brucella; man; Plasmodium; Salmonella Typhi; Variola
virus; Vibrio cholerae; Yersinia pestis;
Descriptors: cholera; history; human diseases; imported infections; infectious diseases; malaria;
outbreaks; plague; typhoid; viral diseases;
Identifiers: Asian tiger mosquito; bacterium; communicable diseases; viral infections;
Broad Terms: Aedes; Culicidae; Diptera; insects; Hexapoda; arthropods; invertebrates; animals;
eukaryotes; Brucellaceae; Rhizobiales; Alphaproteobacteria; Proteobacteria; Bacteria; prokaryotes; Homo;
Hominidae; Primates; mammals; vertebrates; Chordata; Plasmodiidae; Haemospororida; Apicomplexa;
Protozoa; Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica; Salmonella enterica; Salmonella; Enterobacteriaceae;
Enterobacteriales; Gammaproteobacteria; Orthopoxvirus; Chordopoxvirinae; Poxviridae; dsDNA viruses;
DNA viruses; viruses; Vibrio; Vibrionaceae; Vibrionales; Yersinia (Bacteria); Balkans; Southern Europe;
Europe; Developed Countries; Mediterranean Region;
Vector-borne diseases - risks in the world and in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Obradovic´,
Z.; Korunic´ d.o.o. Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia, Zbornik Radova 22. Znanstveno Stručno Edukativni Seminar
DDD i ZUPP 2010: Djelatnost dezinfekcije, dezinsekcije, deratizacije i zaštite uskladištenih, Pula, Croatia,
24-26 March, 2010, 2010, pp 129-139, 27 ref.
Different microorganisms are transmitted by vectors, which has resulted in the formation of various
diseases which are known from 17 century. Sources of illness can be people and animals, mostly
vertebrate. The most important diseases in this group are: malaria, yellow fever, dengue, leishmaniasis,
African tripanozomiasis, plague, etc. Occurring of these diseases is caused by the existence of sources of
infection, the vector-carrier and suitable hosts, which is associated with environmental factors, as well as
with different demographic and social factors. Diseases that are transmitted by vectors are the most
common in tropical and subtropical areas because there are favorable conditions of living for a large
number of vectors. In the 17th and 18th century in these areas, disease which are transmitted by vectors
occurred in epidemics and represented a major public health problem. The implementation of control and
preventive measures reduced the number of patients, and some diseases are completely eradicated. After
this period, necessary attention was not devoted to these diseases, implementation of preventive
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measures stopped and many socio-demographic and environmental factors were favorable for increasing
the number of vectors. Because of that at the end of the twentieth century there was a trend of re-growth
of these diseases, which is still ongoing. The risk of diseases that are transmitted by vectors is growing in
the whole world and also in Bosnia and Herzegovina. In this paper, we will talk about the most important
risk factors for the occurrence of diseases that are transmitted by vectors, some characteristics of the
most common diseases as well as real risk for the occurrence of these diseases in Bosnia and
Publication type: Conference paper
Record Number: 20113192787
Author Affiliation: Institute for Public Health of Kanton Sarajevo, Sarajevo, Bosnia-Hercegovina.
ISBN: 978-953-7247-12-6
Language of publication: Croatian
Geographical Location: Bosnia-Hercegovina;
Subject Category (CABICODE): Prion, Viral, Bacterial and Fungal Pathogens of Humans, (New
March 2000) (VV210); Protozoan, Helminth and Arthropod Parasites of Humans, (New March 2000)
(VV220); Public Health Pests, Vectors and Intermediate Hosts, (New March 2000) (VV230);
Organism Descriptors: Dengue virus; Leishmania; man; Plasmodium; Trypanosoma; Yellow fever
virus; Yersinia pestis;
Descriptors: African trypanosomiasis; dengue; disease vectors; human diseases; leishmaniasis;
malaria; plague; risk factors; vector-borne diseases; yellow fever;
Identifiers: bacterium; leishmaniosis; sleeping sickness;
Broad Terms: Flavivirus; Flaviviridae; positive-sense ssRNA viruses; ssRNA viruses; RNA viruses;
viruses; Trypanosomatidae; Kinetoplastida; Sarcomastigophora; Protozoa; invertebrates; animals;
eukaryotes; Homo; Hominidae; Primates; mammals; vertebrates; Chordata; Plasmodiidae;
Haemospororida; Apicomplexa; Yersinia (Bacteria); Enterobacteriaceae; Enterobacteriales;
Gammaproteobacteria; Proteobacteria; Bacteria; prokaryotes; Balkans; Southern Europe; Europe;
Developed Countries; Mediterranean Region;
Disinfection in daily use. Vodopija, I.; Krajcar, D.; Korunic´ d.o.o. Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia, Zbornik
Radova 22. Znanstveno Stručno Edukativni Seminar DDD i ZUPP 2010: Djelatnost dezinfekcije,
dezinsekcije, deratizacije i zaštite uskladištenih, Pula, Croatia, 24-26 March, 2010, 2010, pp 141-152, 11
Disinfection as a procedure of destroying and removal of harmful agents of contagious diseases and
spoiling of food has been known since antiquity. It is hard to define the most important achievement in
disinfection, but it is certain that the keeping and preservation of quality drinking water plays a highly
important role. This was known by the early Persians who kept water in copper pots. The care for drinking
water excels in Roman times by the construction of aqueducts (as the one in Split). Equally important, on
the other hand, is the drainage of waste water (such a system was built in medieval Dubrovnik). Today,
the chlorination of drinking water is a standard respected all over the developed world. The role and
contribution of disinfection is inestimable in the preparation of food and preservation of food stuffs, both
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from the medical as well as the economic points of view. Disinfection, however, still waits for answers to
numerous questions. This primarily relates to disinfection procedures in health, especially on surgical and
urologic wards. Summarizing all the relevant issues concerning disinfection we can freely say that it has
had, and has today an important impact on the quality of daily life and the prolongation of life expectancy.
Publication type: Conference paper
Record Number: 20113192788
Author Affiliation: Institute of Public Health "Dr. Andrija Štampar", Zagreb, Croatia.
ISBN: 978-953-7247-12-6
Language of publication: Croatian
Geographical Location: Croatia;
Subject Category (CABICODE): Pesticides and Drugs; Control, (New March 2000) (HH405); Food
Contamination, Residues and Toxicology (QQ200); Human Health and Biology (General), (Revised June
2002) (VV000); Non-drug Therapy and Prophylaxis of Humans, (New March 2000) (VV710);
Organism Descriptors: man;
Descriptors: disinfection; drinking water; food preservation; quality of life; surgery;
Broad Terms: Homo; Hominidae; Primates; mammals; vertebrates; Chordata; animals; eukaryotes;
Balkans; Southern Europe; Europe; Developed Countries; Mediterranean Region;
EU legislation in the field of special dietary needs with special emphasis on pesticide
residues in the food formula for infants. Mačkic´, S.; Ahmetovic´, N.; Korunic´ d.o.o. Zagreb,
Zagreb, Croatia, Zbornik Radova 22. Znanstveno Stručno Edukativni Seminar DDD i ZUPP 2010:
Djelatnost dezinfekcije, dezinsekcije, deratizacije i zaštite uskladištenih, Pula, Croatia, 24-26 March, 2010,
2010, pp 91-98, 10 ref.
Infant and follow-up formula for infants from the category of foods for special dietary needs are food
designed for specific use in feeding infants during the first months of life and which alone satisfies the
nutritional requirements of infants introduced to appropriate complementary foods. European legislation
has made a series of regulations and directives that regulate the area of food intended for special dietary
needs. The remains of pesticides (residues) in the infant and follow-up formulas are defined as residues of
plant protection products, including their metabolites or products that occur during their decomposition or
chemical reaction. The paper analyzes European legislation relating to pesticide residues in formulas for
infants. Legislation in the EU, which regulates this area is defined by Directive 141/2006/EC of infant
formulas and transition formulas, and recommendations of the CODEX STAN 72-1981, Amended 1983,
1985, 1987, Revision 2007th. According to these directives and standards, pesticides that can not be used
in agricultural products intended for the production of the infant formula and the follow-up formula are:
Disulfoton, Fensulfotion, Fentin, Haloksifop, Heptaklor i trans-heptaklor epoksid, Heksaklorbenzen,
Nitrofen, Ometoat, Terbufos, Aldrin i dieldrin i Endrin, that are believed to have not used if the level of their
rest no higher than 0.003 mg/kg. This level is considered a quantification limit of analytical methods, which
is regularly reviewed in line with technical progress, and in accordance with data on environmental
contamination. Maximum permissible levels of pesticide residues and their metabolites in the infant
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formulas and follow-up formulas are: Kadusafos (0,006 mg/kg), Demeton-S-metil/demeton-S-metil
sulfon/oksidemeton-metil (0.006 mg/kg), Etoprofos (0.008 mg/kg), Fipronil (0.004 mg/kg) i
Propineb/propilenetioureja (0.006 mg/kg). Food Safety Agency of BiH, in accordance with the provisions of
the food ("Official Gazette BiH" no. 50/04) harmonize legislation in the field of special dietary needs with
the EU, which achieves a high level of health protection of this category of people.
Publication type: Conference paper
Record Number: 20113192761
Author Affiliation: Food Safety Agency of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Mostar, Bosnia-Hercegovina.
ISBN: 978-953-7247-12-6
Language of publication: Croatian
Geographical Location: Bosnia-Hercegovina;
Subject Category (CABICODE): Laws and Regulations (DD500); Pesticide and Drug Residues and
Ecotoxicology, (New March 2000) (HH430); Milk and Dairy Produce (QQ010); Food Contamination,
Residues and Toxicology (QQ200);
Descriptors: aldrin; disulfoton; endrin; EU regulations; infant formulae; nitrofen; pesticide residues;
pesticides; terbufos;
Identifiers: EC regulations; infant formula; infant formulas;
Broad Terms: Balkans; Southern Europe; Europe; Developed Countries; Mediterranean Region;
Novelties in pest control in the last decade in Croatia. Hamel, D.; Korunic´ d.o.o. Zagreb,
Zagreb, Croatia, Zbornik Radova 22. Znanstveno Stručno Edukativni Seminar DDD i ZUPP 2010:
Djelatnost dezinfekcije, dezinsekcije, deratizacije i zaštite uskladištenih, Pula, Croatia, 24-26 March, 2010,
2010, pp 99-112, 6 ref.
In Croatia novelties in the last decade regarding disinsection and deratization are connected with the
organized education workshops to help PCO (pest control operator) to remember what they have learned
and to bring new information. Important are regulations of the European or the national origin. In this
period a special care was given to human health, animal welfare and environment protection during
performance of disinsection and deratization. It is not proper to place applicators at the bottom of the job
list because without them mites, insects, rodents and other organisms would endanger human and animal
health. The obstacle to introduction of new technologies is more the economic situation than the lack of
knowledge and experience.
Publication type: Conference paper
Record Number: 20113192762
Author Affiliation: Croatian Center for Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs - Institute for Plant
Protection, Zagreb, Croatia.
ISBN: 978-953-7247-12-6
Language of publication: Croatian
Geographical Location: Croatia;
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Subject Category (CABICODE): Laws and Regulations (DD500); Pesticides and Drugs; Control,
(New March 2000) (HH405); Animal Welfare (LL810); Human Health and Biology (General), (Revised June
2002) (VV000);
Organism Descriptors: man;
Descriptors: animal health; animal welfare; disinfestation; EU regulations; health hazards; pest control;
pest control operators;
Identifiers: animal rights; EC regulations;
Broad Terms: Homo; Hominidae; Primates; mammals; vertebrates; Chordata; animals; eukaryotes;
Balkans; Southern Europe; Europe; Developed Countries; Mediterranean Region;
Activity of the committee for the placing of the biocidal products on the market.
Filipovic´, I. V.; Bogdanovic´, Z.; Bastijančic´, B.; Korunic´ d.o.o. Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia, Zbornik Radova
22. Znanstveno Stručno Edukativni Seminar DDD i ZUPP 2010: Djelatnost dezinfekcije, dezinsekcije,
deratizacije i zaštite uskladištenih, Pula, Croatia, 24-26 March, 2010, 2010, pp 377-383, 6 ref.
Harmonisation of the Croatian legislation on biocidal products, in line with the Directive 98/8EC, was
accomplished by adopting the Law on Biocidal Products (Official Gazette 63/07, 53/08) and later by
following bylaws. There are 23 product types of biocidal products and their definition by the Law is the
following: they are active substances and products that consist of one or several active substances
prepared in the formulation for the end user. The use (purpose) of them is to destroy, to divert, make less
or not dangerous, or prevent the effect of any harmful organism by chemical or biological means. Harmful
organism is every organism whose presence has harmful effect on people, their products, animals, as well
as on the environment. The Law on Biocidal Products, among other provisions, has the provision that
manufacturer or person responsible for placing of the biocidal products on the market has to submit certain
data to the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, to its Committee for the placing of the biocidal products
on the market: like Safety Data Sheet and data for entry to the register according to the article 23 of the
Law, so that particular biocidal product should be notified and put into the register. Web site of the Ministry
of Health and Social Welfare has detailed instructions of needed documents, taxes and the way of entering
data into the required format for the biocidal product entering the register. There is an e-mail address as a
help desk for questions and submitting electronic applications. The Committee for the placing of the
biocidal products on the market has been established at the end of 2008, by the decision of the Minister of
Health and Social Welfare, according to the Law on Biocidal Products. Their members are high experts in
public health, toxicology, veterinary, plant protection, medicine, biology and the representatives of the
competent ministry. The Committee has held 19 meetings until now (one year work), at every meeting
approximately 15 to 20 biocidal products were discussed, and this summer the register (list) of the biocidal
products has been published, that were approved by the Committee and could be properly placed on the
Publication type: Conference paper
Record Number: 20113192766
ISBN: 978-953-7247-12-6
Language of publication: Croatian
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Abstracts - CAB Direct
Geographical Location: Croatia;
Subject Category (CABICODE): Laws and Regulations (DD500); Pesticides and Drugs; Control,
(New March 2000) (HH405); Pesticide and Drug Residues and Ecotoxicology, (New March 2000) (HH430);
Human Toxicology and Poisoning, (New March 2000) (VV810);
Organism Descriptors: man;
Descriptors: biocides; law; markets; nontarget effects; nontarget organisms; pesticide residues;
pesticides; public health; toxicology;
Identifiers: legal aspects; legal principles; non-target organisms; non-target species; nontarget species;
Broad Terms: Homo; Hominidae; Primates; mammals; vertebrates; Chordata; animals; eukaryotes;
Balkans; Southern Europe; Europe; Developed Countries; Mediterranean Region;
Challenges to veterinary hygiene and sanitation. Vinkovic´, B.; Matkovic´, K.; Vučemilo, M.;
Janje, R. R.; Auslender, V.; Korunic´ d.o.o. Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia, Zbornik Radova 22. Znanstveno
Stručno Edukativni Seminar DDD i ZUPP 2010: Djelatnost dezinfekcije, dezinsekcije, deratizacije i zaštite
uskladištenih, Pula, Croatia, 24-26 March, 2010, 2010, pp 113-119, 14 ref.
In the past ten years on seminars DDD ZUPP, the veterinary hygiene and sanitation were discussed
throughout the occurrence of bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) or avian flu, the diseases that
have an equal risk to human health and animal populations. Promoting the health and improving the
quality of life include a variety of socially useful partnership activities, including the long historical role of
veterinary medicine or veterinary hygiene and sanitation. Without consistent application of its procedures it
is almost impossible to organize a healthy way of animals breeding and to get safe products of animal
origin. However, their importance diminishes the general impression that the current sanitary standards
are understood by themselves. Of course, these impressions denied life, by the facts that the introduction
of new technology brings new dangers. The example represents a modern animal husbandry, in which
despite the impressive technology, beef spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) and avian influenza occurred
or the presence of residues of various pharmaceuticals. The crisis caused by these phenomena seriously
awoke disbelief in the safety of foods of animal origin. In addition, forced the request to, in order to
eliminate risk factors, hygienic measures must be strictly enforced. These almost binding standards are
derived from the concept of hygiene, the special part of the medicine and the veterinary medicine, which
deals with disease prevention and fight against their cause. Those primary preventive hygiene activities
are now embedded in a biosafety, a concept that is an integral approach to mastering the risks for human
health, animal health, in the pests control of agricultural crops and environmental safety. This new
approach, not only ensures the future of the veterinary hygiene, but including complementary activities, the
prevention puts in the wider position of the health protection.
Publication type: Conference paper
Record Number: 20113192785
Author Affiliation: Croatian Veterinary Institute, Zagreb, Croatia.
ISBN: 978-953-7247-12-6
Language of publication: Croatian
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Abstracts - CAB Direct
Subject Category (CABICODE): Pesticide and Drug Residues and Ecotoxicology, (New March 2000)
(HH430); Animal Husbandry and Production, (New March 2000) (LL180); Animal Health and Hygiene
(General) (LL800); Prion, Viral, Bacterial and Fungal Pathogens of Animals, (New March 2000) (LL821);
Veterinary Pharmacology and Anaesthesiology, (New March 2000) (LL882); Meat Produce (QQ030); Food
Contamination, Residues and Toxicology (QQ200);
Descriptors: animal health; animal husbandry; avian influenza; avian influenza viruses; beef; biosafety;
bovine spongiform encephalopathy; drug residues; food safety; health protection; hygiene; influenza
viruses; sanitation; veterinary medicine;
Identifiers: Avian influenzavirus; bird flu; bird grippe; bird influenza; bovine encephalopathy; BSE;
Influenzavirus; livestock husbandry; mad cow disease;
Broad Terms: Orthomyxoviridae; negative-sense ssRNA viruses; ssRNA viruses; RNA viruses; viruses;
Dust and endotoxins in animal housing. Matkovic´, K.; Vučemilo, M.; Vinkovic´, B.; Benic´, M.;
Frizon, E.; Korunic´ d.o.o. Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia, Zbornik Radova 22. Znanstveno Stručno Edukativni
Seminar DDD i ZUPP 2010: Djelatnost dezinfekcije, dezinsekcije, deratizacije i zaštite uskladištenih, Pula,
Croatia, 24-26 March, 2010, 2010, pp 121-128, 39 ref.
The paper describes the sources of dust and endotoxins as part of bioaerosol in dwellings for animals,
their concentration and the potentially harmful effects on health of animals and people who reside and
work in dwellings. According to data from the literature the greatest concentration of dust are in the air of
poultry and swine facilities. These concentration are in a wide range, from 0.5 to 11.0 mg/m3 of air.
Average concentrations of endotoxins, as an integral part of the gram-negative bacteria, range in the air of
pigs and poultry dwellings between 120 and 310 EU/m3 . There are recorded values more than 400 EU/m3 .
Because endotoxins affect the health of animals and humans, for example, it was found that 15% of all
workers in facilities for laying hens have either asthma, chronic bronchitis, or irritated mucous membranes
of the respiratory system, there are recommendations of endotoxins limit values of 50 EU/m3 .
Recommended concentration will not endanger the health of animals and humans and affect the
productivity and welfare.
Publication type: Conference paper
Record Number: 20113192786
Author Affiliation: Department of Animal Hygiene, Environment and Ethology, Veterinary Faculty,
University of Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia.
ISBN: 978-953-7247-12-6
Language of publication: Croatian
Geographical Location: Croatia;
Subject Category (CABICODE): Animal Husbandry and Production, (New March 2000) (LL180);
Animal Health and Hygiene (General) (LL800); Non-communicable Human Diseases and Injuries (VV600);
Occupational Health and Safety (VV900);
Organism Descriptors: man;
Descriptors: animal health; animal housing; asthma; bronchitis; dust; endotoxins; human diseases; pig
housing; poultry housing; workers;
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Abstracts - CAB Direct
Identifiers: piggeries; sties; swine housing;
Broad Terms: Homo; Hominidae; Primates; mammals; vertebrates; Chordata; animals; eukaryotes;
Balkans; Southern Europe; Europe; Developed Countries; Mediterranean Region;
Copyright CAB International 2010
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