εδώ - ELT News

6 Foreign
Ταχ. Γραφείο
Αριθμός Αδείας
& Book Exhibition
8 Μαρτίου 2015
Grand Hotel Palace
(Μοναστηρίου 305)
Book Exhibition @
Patoulidou Hall
Gold Sponsor
Coffee Break Sponsor
organised by
ELT NEWS | www.eltnews.gr | Fb.com/eltnews.gr | Tel: 2106712991
Sunday 8 March 2015
Room: Olympia A
10:30-11:25 - Panel Discussion
do not
miss it
Problems EFL Teachers face
EFL Teachers face a multitude of problems and challenges. Is there any way to avoid
them? Not likely. Is there any way to prepare for them? Absolutely!
Our panel of experts will discuss the following most common EFL problems and suggest
ways to deal with them.
Students speak more in their native language than English.
One student in particular dominates the lesson.
Students are too dependent.
Students are bored or unmotivated.
Students arrive late or disrupt the class.
Students don’t do homework.
Students take control of the lesson.
Students don’t talk enough. They just sit there and say nothing.
Maria Sachpazian, Teacher Trainer
Gino Ponzo, Teacher, Apostolos Pavlos Private School
Dr Yiannis Papargyris, English Language Teaching & Assessment Consultant 11:30-12:20 - MM Publications
Young Stars, the ideal Coursebook for young learners
Teachers often spend a lot of time creating their own materials in order to meet specific
instructional needs not covered in the coursebook they are using, or to make their lessons
more exciting and appealing to students. What would a coursebook be like if it actually
incorporated all these creative ideas and materials (hands-on activities, interactive whiteboard material, etc.) ?
12:30-13:20 - Burlington Books
Christina Bakopoulou, Managing Director, Greece & Cyprus
Burlington Webkids
Prepare your students to meet the challenges of the 21st century with Burlington Webkids,
our brand new coursebook series for A-D classes! This engaging course will challenge your
students to think, and actively develop their language skills. It is accompanied by a state-ofthe-art interactive digital feature with extra vocabulary and grammar practice. Start now with
Burlington Webkids 1 and 2.
13:30-14:20 - Express Publishing
New Thinking, New Opportunities
Embrace challenges and new opportunities to move forward, turning education into an empowering process that allows and guides students to develop their talents, critical thinking,
creativity, confidence and orientation towards knowledge.
New courses and supplementary material will be presented.
14:30-14:55 - Burlington Books
Natasha Polysaki, Marketing Manager, Northern Greece
Top Team
Take your junior students to the top! Top Team, Burlington Books’ brand new coursebook series
for junior classes, is filled with action-packed adventures and fun activities.
with YOU
and coffee,
TO 10:30
compliments of
FROM 9:00
Υπάρχουν πολλοί κλασικοί ή λιγότερο κλασικοί
τρόποι να μάθεις αγγλικά.
Ένας όμως είναι ο ιδ
να το πιστοποιήσεις!
Τρεις Εξεταστικές έµειναν µέχρι το τέλος της ακαδηµαϊκής χρονιάς...
Επιλέξτε τη δική σας!
Εξεταστική Μαρτίου 28-29/3/2015
Εξεταστική Μαΐου 23-24/5/2015
Εξεταστική Ιουλίου 4-5/7/2015
City & Guilds
Το έγκυρο και φιλικό Βρετανικό Πιστοποιητικό Αγγλικών με τις περισσότερες επιλογές
Ανεξάρτητες γραπτές και προφορικές εξετάσεις, 6 φορές το χρόνο
Χρήση μονόγλωσσου λεξικού
Δυνατότητα εγγραφής έως και 20 ημέρες πριν
Δυνατότητα computer based εξετάσεων, που εξασφαλίζουν άριστες συνθήκες
εξέτασης σε Η/Υ
Αναγνωρισμένο από το ΑΣΕΠ και τα Πανεπιστήμια σε όλον τον κόσμο.
Και για ακόμη μία χρονιά,
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Εγγραφείτε ΔΩΡΕΑΝ στο
City & Guilds Teachers’ Club
ή γίνετε Εξουσιοδοτημένο Εξεταστικό
Κέντρο City & Guilds.
Teachers’ Club
Member Name
Πληροφορίες: τηλ.: 210 3729 150, e-mail: info@cityandguilds.gr, www.cityandguilds.gr
15:00-15:25 - Burlington Books
Katerina Yacoumatou, ELT Consultant
Real English B2
Bring real energy and enjoyment into your exam preparation classes! Real English B2 completes
Burlington Books’ exciting new coursebook series developed exclusively for students in Greece. All
three books in the series include the 2015 FCE specifications.
15:30-15:55 - Super Course Publishing
Choose the Junior Book Series Best Suited To Your Students’ Ages
I LIKE JUNIOR A & I LIKE JUNIOR B comprise a brand new two-years course for very young
beginners of English (A ή Β Δημοτικού). It is a simple to understand and very entertaining series,
with impressive animated episodes for every lesson and educational video clips accompanying the
Free Sample Copies Will Be Distributed.
Μαρία –Αραξή Σαχπαζιάν, BA edu/RSA dip/TEFL
Πωλήσεις και Προώθηση Σχολείων Ξένης Γλώσσας: Αλλαγή πορείας ή αλλαγή
Σε καιρούς οικονομικής δυσπραγίας και στενότητας οι επιχειρηματίες τους χώρου της εκπαίδευσης δεν
μπορούν να μην αισθάνονται ως υπηρέτες δύο αφεντάδων: από τη μια θέλουν
do not
να προσφέρουν ποιότητα, από την άλλη θέλουν να διατηρήσουν το οικονομικό
miss it
κέρδος της επιχείρησής τους, γεγονός που σημαίνει ότι θα πρέπει να ρίξουν
τις δαπάνες με συνέπεια την απώλεια της ποιότητας. Το διπολικό αυτό αίνιγμα
έχει τη δύναμη να αποπροσανατολίσει ολόκληρη την επιχείρηση. Η ομιλία αυτή
στοχεύει να αναλύσει το φαινόμενο και να δώσει κάποια χρηστικά εργαλεία που
θα βοηθήσουν τους ιδιοκτήτες ΚΞΓ να δουν με άλλο μάτι τα θέματα της οπτικής
και της προώθησης .
16:30-17:30 - Η Διαδοχή στις Οικογενειακές Επιχειρήσεις
Δρ Κων/νος Γεωργάκας, Σύμβουλος Επιχειρήσεων GECON CONSULTING
Δεν υπάρχει περίπτωση να επιβιώσει ΚΑΜΜΙΑ οικογενειακή επιχείρηση στο
ταχύτατα μεταβαλλόμενο Ελληνικό περιβάλλον, εάν δεν ακολουθήσει μια συγκεκριμένη αναπτυξιακή (ή άλλη …) στρατηγική ΔΙΑΔΟΧΗΣ. Πώς διαμορφώνεται όμως
μια στρατηγική; Η ανάλυση του εσωτερικού και του εξωτερικού περιβάλλοντος του
συγκεκριμένου φροντιστηρίου ξένων γλωσσών, Η ΑΝΑΛΥΣΗ ΤΩΝ 5 ΠΥΛΩΝΩΝ
ΣΤΗΡΙΞΗΣ του, τα κριτήρια επιλογής των διαδόχων, το πρόγραμμα που πρέπει να
ακολουθήσει ΧΡΟΝΙΚΑ Η ΔΙΑΔΟΧΗ, είναι μερικά από τα θέματα που θα παρουσιαστούν στην διάρκεια της σύντομης παρουσίασης.
do not
miss it
ΣΚΟΠΟΣ της ομιλίας είναι να μεταφέρει στους συμμετέχοντες επιχειρηματίες των
φροντιστηρίων ξένων γλωσσών, τον προβληματισμό που πρέπει να έχουν για την διαδοχή στην επιχείρησή τους, ο οποίος θα πρέπει ΕΓΚΑΙΡΑ να ξεκινήσει και να υλοποιείται σταδιακά.
Room: Olympia B
11:30-12:20 - Andrew Betsis ELT
Maria Windsor
Writing skills
How can we help students be more WILLING to write and actually hand in their assigned
homework? Special reference to common errors.
12:30-13:20 - Andrew Betsis ELT
Andrew Betsis & Lawrence Mamas
Exams Update
1. Changes in the format of some of the most popular exams in Greece in 2015.
2. EΠΑΡΚΕΙΑ: the latest news
3. What counts more in MARKING? The Objective or the Subjective parts/sections?
How can we help candidates prepare more effectively?
13:30-14:20- Andrew Betsis ELT
Maria Windsor
Speak out!
Teachers should help students make the most of reading and listening materials, in order to
PRODUCE language orally. Special reference to exam interviews.
14:30-14:55 - Anatolia College
Rodney A Coules, Director, Testing Office Anatolia College
Taking stock of the MSU examinations
The presentation will identify what all the demands of the MSU exams are and suggest what
experience has shown are ways to ensure that candidates are fully prepared to meet them.
15:00-15:50 - Studytours
Matthew Hird, Global Sales Director, British English Olympics, Oxford
International Education Group
British English Olympics (BEO) in debates and performances
The British English Olympics (BEO) is a high profile, prestigious academic and cultural international event in which students are required to perform in front of a panel of judges, as they
participate in debates, presentations, drama and musical performances that all relate to a
contemporary global theme over 2 weeks at some of the most famous British boarding schools
in the suburb of London, for 12 -16 year olds.
Get a study loan and pay when you get a job
Oxford International Group UK & StudyTours Greece announce their cooperation in offering
pathways to international students for guaranteed entry to De Montfort University.Two undergraduate and one postgraduate programme are offered to Greek students, covering a range of
16:00-17:00 - International Faculty of the University of
Sheffield, CITY College, Thessaloniki
“Problems? What problems?” Tips, Tricks and Traps in Managing Foreign Language Classes of Adult Learners
Speakers: George Dimitriadis, Lecturer
Thomas Mantzaris, Lecturer
Vicky Papachristou, Lecturer
Paschalia Patsala, Head of Department
It usually takes foreign language tutors years to educate themselves as ‘teachers,’ and
only a few minutes upon entering a class to realise that they now need to become
successful ‘managers’! Foreign language teachers are constantly faced with a dilemma
about their profile as managers. Does classroom management merely involve ‘taming’
their audience via strict regulations, penalties, and delimiting tasks in order to ensure
the smooth and unobstructed lesson delivery, or does it entail ‘engaging’ them in a truly
innovative, thought-provoking and appealing manner? And how feasible or realistic is
that, given that each class has its own distinctive mixture of educational, ethnic, and
cultural backgrounds?
During this presentation, a number of realistic classroom scenarios will be presented
and discussed, focusing mainly -although not exclusively- on foreign language classes
comprising of young adult learners. Drawing from specific practices which have been
implemented with significant results in the English Language Support Unit of the International Faculty of the University of Sheffield, the presenters will suggest and exemplify
a wide range of strategies and initiatives through which foreign language teachers can
gain and maintain absolute control of their audience, as well as maximize the latter’s
active engagement and performance.
In response to the increasingly growing need for efficient and professional classroom
management, the main topics to be addressed in this presentation are how to:
stimulate learners’ motivation and academic engagement,
gain and maintain control of lesson flow,
cultivate the autonomous learner’s profile,
encourage and increase in-class interaction,
ensure a balance between student and teacher talking time,
improve students’ time management skills,
utilize classroom arrangements,
enhance learners’ objectives and performance,
as well as communicate clearly your academic and behavioural expectations.