Organizational unit /subsidiary/ agency/ code of organizational unit: Organizaciona jedinica / filijala/agencija/šifra organizacionog dijela:_______________________ ______________________________________________________________________ Inquiry for the opening of a non-resident account ZAHTJEV ZA OTVARANJE NEREZIDENTNOG RAČUNA Please open an account (fill-in the name and the address of the company specified in the Resolution of the registration assigned by the competent authority) Molimo da otvorite račun (upisati naziv i adresu firme iz Rješenja o registraciji kod nadležnog organa) Canton : City: Municipality: Kanton:_____________________ Grad__________________ Opština: __________________ The persons below quoted are authorized to individually / joined / differently access to the funds: Dole navedene osobe ovlaštene su da individualno / zajednički / drugačije raspolažu sredstvima: 1. ____________________________ ________________________ ____________ 2. ____________________________ ________________________ ____________ 3. ____________________________ ________________________ ____________ 4. ____________________________ ________________________ ____________ /full name and surname / passport or identity card number / signature /puno ime i prezime /broj LK ili pasoša /potpis Organizational structure: Organizaciona struktura: _____________________________________________________________________________ (Limited Company, Joint-Stock Company, Sole Proprietorship (Independent Trading Shop, Independent Crafts Shop, Independent Catering Shop), etc.) (DOO; DD; STR; SZR; SUR; itd.) Type of business: Vrsta djelatnosti: _____________________________________________________________________________ ( trade, tourism and catering, agriculture, public services, civil engineering, energetic, etc.) (trgovina, turizam i ugostiteljstvo, poljoprivreda, javne službe, građevinarstvo, energetika i sl.) Description of funds sources: Opis izvora sredstava: _____________________________________________________________________________ (selling of securities, consulting services, intermediation services, catering services, etc.) (prodaja vrijednosnih papira, pružanje konsalting usluga, posredovanjem,ugostiteljstvo, i sl.) Privredna banka Sarajevo d.d. Sarajevo, Alipašina 6, 71000 Sarajevo, BiH, Tel.:+387 33 27 77 00, Fax:+387 33 1 66 41 75,Račun br.: 101-000-00000016-87; SWIFT: PBSCBA22; IBAN BA 391010000000001687, 1-1079; ID br: 4200499280002; PDV br: 200499280002,, e-mail: Expected monthly turnover: Očekivani mjesečni obim prometa: Up to BAM 50.000 do 50.000 KM □ Up to BAM 250.000 do 250.000 KM □ Up to BAM 1.000.000 do 1.000.000 KM □ Over BAM 1.000.000 preko 1.000.000 KM □ Number of employees: Broj uposlenih :__________________________ Work Permit: Licenca za rad: __________________________ Internet banking appliance: Upotreba elektronskog bankarstva: yes da □ □ Other bank accounts: Računi otvoreni kod drugih banaka: yes da □ □ no ne no ne □ □ □ □ Account No: Bank: Type: br računa : _______________________ banka: ___________________ tip:_______________ br računa : _______________________ banka: ___________________ tip:_______________ br računa : _______________________ banka: ___________________ tip:_______________ br računa : _______________________ banka: ___________________ tip:_______________ Business partners / purchasers: Poslovni partneri / kupci: Identification No: Name: ______________________________ Naziv:_________________________________ ______________________________ Naziv:_________________________________ ______________________________ Naziv:_________________________________ ______________________________ Naziv:_________________________________ Business partners / suppliers: Poslovni partneri / dobavljači: Identification No: ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ Name: Naziv:__________________________________ Naziv:__________________________________ Naziv:__________________________________ Naziv:__________________________________ Privredna banka Sarajevo d.d. Sarajevo, Alipašina 6, 71000 Sarajevo, BiH, Tel.:+387 33 27 77 00, Fax:+387 33 66 41 75,Račun br.: 101-000-00000016-87; SWIFT: PBSCBA22; IBAN BA 391010000000001687, 1-1079; ID br: 4200499280002; PDV br: 200499280002,, e-mail: 2 Statements and other documentation that refer to the account: Izvodi i ostala dokumentacija koja se odnosi na račun: no □ without statement: yes □ bez izvoda: da □ ne □ To take the statement in the bank (define the person authorized to take statements or other documentation and the place of administration): podizat će se u banci (definisati osobu za podizanje izvoda ili ostale dokumentacije i mjesto vodjenja): _____________________________________________________________________________ To send by mail to the following address: slat će se poštom na sljedeću adresu: _____________________________________________________________________________ To send by fax to the following fax number: slat će se na fax broj: _____________________________________________________________________________ To send by email to the following address: slat će se na sljedeću e-mail adresu: _____________________________________________________________________________ Transmission period: 1 day 10 days 15 days 30 days 15 dana □ 30 dana □ period slanja: 1 dan □ 10 dana □ We confirm that we are familiar with the business terms regarding the non-resident account. Potvrdjujemo da smo upoznati sa uslovima poslovanja po nerezidentnom računu. Beside the Inquiry for the opening of a non-resident account we also enclose the Resolution of the registration assigned by the competent authority and other mandatory documentation as well, and we confirm that the person who signed the Inquiry is the authorised representative of the company. Uz zahtjev za otvaranje nerezidentnog računa, prilažemo vam Rješenje o registraciji kod nadležnog organa i ostalu obaveznu dokumentaciju, te da je dole potpisani ovlašten za zastupanje firme. _______________________ /Date and time /mjesto i datum ______________________ / Stamp and signature /pečat i potpis Privredna banka Sarajevo d.d. Sarajevo, Alipašina 6, 71000 Sarajevo, BiH, Tel.:+387 33 27 77 00, Fax:+387 33 66 41 75,Račun br.: 101-000-00000016-87; SWIFT: PBSCBA22; IBAN BA 391010000000001687, 1-1079; ID br: 4200499280002; PDV br: 200499280002,, e-mail: 3
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